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  1. Been lurking here for a long time. I finally got the courage to take that next step. Im gonna change a couple of details so that this is fictional now. The truth is much stranger than fiction, sometimes. I had a crush on my neighbor, Eric for months. And I was so sad when I found out from another friend that he was poz. Somehow, he seemed even more attractive since he was "off limits." I would never have thought I might pursue a poz guy. I guess you could say that I kinda got obsessed with him. I'd see him in the community pool. I'd see him go out for a run. I couldn't help but to notice that huge bulge and that tight body. Well, let's move things along. Eric was in his third year of law school. I was going to school part time and working part-time. I started saying hi to him as he would set out for his run. Before I knew it, we were chatting all the time. And I was probably obvious that I liked him; and I could tell by the way he looked at me that he wanted me too. Fast forward a few more months; and we are best of friends and the sexual tension is building. I fantasize about him throughout the day. I cum thinking about him before bed every night; and jack off to him in the morning. I want him. Then, I found this web site when I was searching about sex options with a poz guy. And maybe that didn't help .. or did it? One night, we are drinking and talking and I finally got the courage to tell him I wanted him to fuck me. His response wasn't at all what I expected. In short, he told me that he would prepare a contract for me to sign to make sure that I would not hold him responsible if I got pozzed. That same night, he told me that his health insurance had lapsed because he was too old to be on his parents policy. And because of a paperwork screw up, he has 90 days without coverage. In other words .. not on meds right now. And likely "very detectable" as he put it. Damn .. I was upset but also turned on. I just sorta assumed he would be undetectable. A few days later, I found the contract under my apartment door in a simple brown envelope. I opened it up and saw one of those plastic "sign here" things pointing to the signature line. As I read it, my nervousness unexpectedly began to turn from fear into anticipation. Here's how it read: I, _______________________, affirm to be of sound mind and judgement and do solemnly swear that I will not hold Eric X (last name removed for privacy), hereafter known as "the top", responsible civilly or criminally for the contraction of HIV, or any other disease or ailments that result from my consensual sex with said person. I understand that the top is currently un-medicated and has a high viral load; and that my consensual unprotected anal sex may result in the contraction of HIV. I further agree that the following activities are permissible, as described in the following vernacular language to clarify the terms of this contract: I may get fucked in the ass by the top's big cock. I will let the top shoot poz cum deep inside me. I will not ask the top to stop once my ass is penetrated with his big dick. The top can pound my ass as deep and hard as he desires. I will not try to pull away or prevent his poz cum from filling my ass. I further agree to hold an empty bottle of HIV medication in my mouth as a reminder that an un-medicated poz load will be fucked into my ass. I can not release the bottle of medication from my mouth until the top instructs me to do so. After the top cums in my ass, the bottle of said meds will be placed in my asshole to prevent poz cum from leaking out. Furthermore, the top has my explicit permission to electronically record the aforementioned sexual activities and use for his own purposes. Prior to sexual activities, I will declare, on video, that "I am a whore for poz cock. I want HIV-filled cum fucked into me." I concede that the sexual activities described above may result in personal serious illness or possibly death. By signing below, I am literally signing my life away. I fully consent to being fucked to death by big poz cock. I trembled as I read the contract. And as I read through the contract the second time, my cock became as hard as it ever had. Should I sign the contract?
    7 points
  2. Part 2 Unable to disengage my eyes from Tom’s cock while we showered, I was grateful that he’d chosen to start by shampooing his full head of rusty hair, the grey around his temples disappearing as soon as the soap mixed in. Watching him soap up his chest, ass, pits and pubes, I only glanced up to his eyes occassionally to ensure they were still glued shut to keep out any suds. His meat had plumped to semi-hardness, but was still only about 6 inches long, leading me to imagine just how much bigger it would get fully hard. My cock would have been rock hard if not for the tina I’d been smoking, but tina-dick left me flaccid. “All do good in here?” the heavily accented voice came from the shower entrance and, turning to look, I realized it was the handsome young korean man with the movie star looks. “Great thanks, Matt.” My redheaded shower companion responded, rinsing his face to see who had asked. “Alright Missah Tom,” The handsome boy called Matt responded before turning to leave. “you ask fo me if you need rub latah, okay?” “Okay,” Tom called to him before turning off his shower head and stepping closer to me while toweling off. “You gonna ask?” “Hmm? Ask what?” I said, whipping back to him and trying my hardest not to drop to my knees and suck him hard. “Ask why I called him Matt,” Tom laughed. “His real name is ‘Tickle Jar’ or “Tiki Jam” or something, but all the massage boys go by an american name for the clients.” “Aha,” I laughed too and turned off my shower head, reaching for my towel. “and do they know all the customers by name as well?” “Probably not,” Tom said, holding the door open for me and leading me back to the locker room area. “But I am a good customer. I am the one who insisted they train some of the young men here to do massage. Last year they only had females and none of them could do it…hard enough to really relax me, ya know what I mean?” “I think so,” My eyes returned to his towel-covered crotch which did little to cover the fact that his dick was almost fully hard now, and tenting the towel impressively. “You ready Missah Tom?” Matt popped his head around the corner. “Sure Matty,” Tom gropped himself once then sauntered over to the boy, putting an arm around him, before they disappeared down the hall with the massage rooms. I’m no slouch at 6’1”, but watching this older man who stood 6’3” or 4” with his arm around the slight figure of the 5’7” tall boy next to him made my dick hard again. I scurried to my locker and grabbed my glasses case and a small bottle of lube and wrapped them in a wash cloth. Hurrying back to the door, I strained to see if I could hear them while I reached down to stroke but jumped when another young man rounded the corner and asked if I ‘want him rub me.’ Turning to say no, I was shocked to see it was the older of the two brothers, in nothing more than a tight pair of speedos. His cock was still almost fully hard inside them and pulsed with each step towards me. Swallowing hard and nodding, he took my hand and led me through the door and down the hall, just past the door where Tom and ‘Matt’ were getting started, which was standing open about a foot. Moving too fast to see anything more than Tom’s nude figure on the massage table, I tried to come up with some excuse about needing to go back to my locker for something, when the younger brother appeared and said something in Korean to his older bro. “So sorry Missah…?” he stood waiting for me to tell him my name is Dan. “Sorry Missah Dan. I gotta get uhspecial oil for rub you. You wait here and I back in 5 minute, yes?” I smiled and nodded. “Good, me,” he pointed to himself. “Eddie. No you let othah boy rub in you, yes Missah Dan? Only Eddie rub in you, right?” “Right only Eddie,” I said as he smiled, turned and left. Once he was back in the main part of the locker room, I fished out my pipe and took a big hit before sneaking back into the dark hallway and tip-toeing to the next door to spy on Tom and Matt. Sadly nothing was happening as far as I could see. Tom was now on his stomach with a towel over his big meaty ass, and Matt was on the far side of the table, using his small hands and elbows to dig as hard into Tom’s back as possible. Maybe he was only interested in a real rub down, I thought before turning to go back to my room. “You want puff on glass Missah Tom?” Matt’s voice brought me back to the open door. Peering in, my dick began to stiffen again as Matt stepped from behind the table, revealing that he was nude with a ribbon tied around his hard cock and balls. Bending over almost a foot from my hiding place in the hall, he fished through a bag of goodies and pulled out a glass pipe similar to the one in my hands and loaded it with more crystal than I had ever seen. Tom meanwhile reached out and pulled the boy’s dick into his mouth while the boy melted the shards and took a big hit from the pipe. I quietly lit my own pipe as Matt made Tom take a big hit, before turning the man over, stripping away the towel to reveal almost 9 inches of hard manly dick rising from the red pubes. I exhaled as Matt climbed up on the table and lowered his (probably pre-lubed) hole down onto the older man’s dick. Unable to take more than a few inches, he slapped Tom’s hands away when they tried to pull him on further, instead pointing them to the pipe on the side table and telling him to “make smoke more.” My ass was itching to show the korean boy what it was missing as I saw him ride just the first 4 or 5 inches up and down, over and over. Tom kept taking hits from the pipe, occassionally pulling the boy’s chest down to him so they could shotgun hits. I was so caught up watching half the ginger cock slide in and out of the tiny hairless hole that I almost screamed when I glanced back at Tom and saw his eyes locked with mine, a huge grin across his face. Realizing he could see me standing there, holding my own pipe, I copied his movements when he next lifted the pipe to his own mouth, and the two of us took identical hits. “Yous make sperm for Matt Missah Tom?” Matt asked while bouncing away on the dick inside his ass. “No matt,” Tom responded, keeping his eyes locked on mine. “I think I’ll wait to find an ass that I can fuck all the way before I make sperm inside it.” At that moment I was about ready to push my way in, shove the korean kid to the floor and hop on the dick myself, but the sound of a key turning in the lock to the door at the end of the hall made me shoot back into my own room and hide my pipe in my washcloth. Just barely getting it concealed before the door opened, I was relieved it was “Eddie” carrying a small bag just like the one “matt” had next door. Eddie asked me why I was still in my towel and urged me to get naked and get on the table. Blushing I tried to scoot past him and slide onto the table with my towel still on, but Eddie grabbed it and pulled it off, tossing it in with the dirty laundry. My hard on sprung up, hitting my abs and leaving a heavy dollop of precum smeared in with my treasure trail. “Dontcha worry none Missah Dan,” Eddie laughed. “My stickah stiff too.” Pulling his speedos away from his tight muscular waist, his own uncut 8 inches jumped out and throbbed at the cool air in the room. Pushing me back down on the table, he walked around in front of my face and oiled up his hands and my back. I tried to ignore his dripping cock in my face by closing my eyes, but he leaned in close enough that it kep brushing across my lips and cheeks until I took it in my mouth and began to suck it as deep and hard as I could. “Ahh, yes Missah Dan,” He said while taking my head in his hands. “Thatah so nice feel. I make more nice feel for you too.” He reached down beside us and lifted up the bag, pulling out something I couldn’t see with his hips against my face. Hearing a familiar clicking, I saw a glow from behind my head, and watched in surprise when he pulled away from me just as he exhaled from the pipe in his hand. “You like some crystal fun too yes Missah Dan?” Not waiting for my response, he lowered the pipe to my lips and had me hit it. Once I had a huge hit in my lungs, he leaned over and sucked it back into his mouth, before exchanging spit with me. He stopped kissing me and handed me the pipe, motioning for me to keep taking hits while disappearing behind me. My body stiffened then relaxed once I realized he was mounting me from behind and continuing the massage while his stiff dick slid tantalizingly from the top of my ass crack down to where my cheeks hid my hole. Each time it reached the bottom, another drop of oil would hit the cheeks, allowing his cock to further split my bubble butt before sliding back to where it met the small of my back. Five hits and 7 slides later I was moaning and arching my back to meet his dick, almost catching the head in my hole. “Missah Dan want Eddie to make ass fuck?” Eddie whispered, leaning down and pressing his chest against my back. My moans made him laugh softly and press his cock harder against my hole. “Missah dan know it cost much money more? 25 dollah for massage. 40 dollah for eddie make ass fuck, yes missah dan?” “Yes Eddie, please.” I said. Eddie laughed again, leaned back to an upright position, handed me the pipe to hit again, and began spreading my cheeks. Inhaling from the pipe as deep as I could, my body screamed when I exhaled and Eddie rammed all eight inches into me all at once. Reaching around, he shoved a towel into my mouth before whispering “no scream or Eddie stop.” Clenching my fists and trying to breathe, I slammed my eyes shut as Eddie began fucking me like a mad man. No doubt Tom and Matt had heard us if they were still next door, but I didn’t want anyone else to come investigating and find me, pipe in hand, cock in ass, high and skewered like a pig. No such luck though, since just as I got used to Eddie’s massive cock and he began spewing some Korean gibberish which sounded to me like he was getting ready to cum, our room door swung open and the guy who showed me around stepped in, a shocked look on his face. I tried to pull back to get off the table but eddie pushed me back down and continued fucking me while he and the other guy chatted in Korean. Embarassed I buried my head in the pillow in front of me just in time to hear Eddie moan and what felt like a gallon of jizz unload into my hole. Almost too quickly, he’d hopped off of me and was pulling up his speedos as I felt another body mounting me. Turning over my shoulder, I caught the smile of the first teen I’d met as he hit the pipe and slid his thick 6 and a half inch cock in where Eddie’s had just finished. Even with less length, his girth was impressive, and I found myself pushing back onto his cock with each thrust until I heard some familiar expletives before the teen added his own load. My own cock was begging for release but I held off as the teen dismounted me and pulled his shorts back on. “Sorry for that,” He said, using my towel to wipe the sweat and oil off his chest and my back and ass. “Just couldn’t resist adding my cum to Eddie’s when I caught him pounding your sweet ass. It’s no charge of course. I’m Jing by the way, but you can call me Jerry if that’s easier.” “Dan.” My mind was still reeling as I sat up and willed my cock to stop throbbing. “You guys provide that service for all your customers? How did he know I wouldn’t freak when he pulled out the pipe? Why can you speak english so well? What is this place?!?!” “Slow down Dan, just take a hit, drink this,” He said handing me a water bottle from the side table. “and I’ll explain.” As we sat and smoked, Jing explained that his family owned the place and he was actually a US citizen, being born here, going to school and everything. The other guys (and girls) were all here illegally, having been snuck in to work in places like this for a few months while they got some false papers for them and they worked off the cost of the trip over. Jing could tell I was not too happy to hear they were indentured, so he explained that each and every one of them knew exactly what they were getting into when they signed on, and none of the boys or girl who worked this side of the spa had any objections to fucking around with guys. If they were only into women, they only worked the other side. Many of them were excited to be working here since it was safe and paid well. Some of them would even end up being hired by men and women who patronized the spa to become their house boys or maids, leading to a career and perhaps even a real chance at becoming a citizen. They even had the choice not to smoke or play with the tina if they didn’t want to, but most of them were already addicted when they arrived and Jing’s father was helping them to break the habit slowly so they didn’t end up arrested once they were out on their own. “Okay but how did you know I was okay with smoking?” I asked while watching Jing mindlessly play with his cock while staring at my ass. He rolled me back onto my back and lifted my legs while he explained. “We have a few cameras hidden around the place and I spotted you smoking in the lockerroom earlier before I gave you the tour. Hope you don’t NNNNHMMMP mind.” He grunted as he reinserted his dick into my hole, hard again and ready for load number two. We fucked for another twenty minutes or so while he told me about their underground reputation for closeted men as a place for inexpensive hot sex and privacy to get high. Most of their clients seemed to want to fuck young guys, but Eddie figured I was more bottom after finding out I was spying on Tom and Matt. “You saw that on camera too?” I asked between moans. My head was floating while he told me that Tom actually ratted me out to Eddie when he came back to do the massage. I didn’t even really care, which told me something was up. “Guess that ghb is taking effect huh?” Jing asked, taking the now-empty water bottle from me and tossing it in the trash. “Don’t worry, it was a small dose. Just enough for you to relax and let some of our clients use your cum-lubed hole. Speaking of cum lube, here….I …cum!” Jing added a second load and I smiled, my muscles loose and my asshole warm and sloppy. He helped me to my feet and wrapped a clean towel around my waist. I went for my pipe and he told me he’d put it back in my locker, that all I needed to worry about was getting myself into the showers to clean off the oil and then take a dip. Once I was under the shower head I could feel part of the fog lifting. Somehow I had failed to notice the new customers now filling up the locker room, showers, steam room and pool area. Probably only 5 guys total, but it felt crowded now that I wasn’t sure if they were all okay with what had just happened to me. Leaving my towel on a beach chair I made my way to the jacuzzi pool instead of drying off, and sunk down in next to Tom. “Looks like Jerry was right,” He said, sliding closer and slipping his hand between my legs, fingering my hole. “A massage was exactly what was called for to loosen you up.” Another guy joined us in the jacuzzi, but Tom seemed to know him as they shared a head nod before the new guy moved to my other side and fondled my dick. Looking at this handsome man in his mid-twenties, it took me a moment to recognize him as a proathlete from one of the local ball teams. My eyes grew wide when it dawned on me who it was, but I didn’t say anything, remembering what Jing, or Jerry as Tom called him, had said about this being a place for discrete and closeted guys to fuck and party in private. “Hey guys, why don’t we head over to the small steam room for a minute?” The proathlete who I’ll call “Les,” said to Tom and me. “We can enjoy ourselves more there I think.” When he hopped out to head across the tiled pool deck to a door marked “sauna #2,” doing nothing to hide his 9 or ten inches of massive circumsized meat, surrounded by well-groomed black hair. Tom took my arm and lifted me out of the pool and stood me beside him, before grabbing a small toiletries kit from the deck chair next to us and dragging me into the room where Les had just entered. It was dark here and my eyes took awhile to adjust as the only light in the room was a red blub in the furthest corner. Suddenly a lighter came alive next to me and I saw Les and Tom passing a pipe back and forth, each pulling me to their lips to shotgun every time they exhaled. Feeling Les’ massive cock against my hip on each kiss, I turned to leave but was caught unaware as Les picked me up and carried me back to a wooden bench. Before I could say no, Tom was using some oil from the bag to lube up his cock while Les made his way to the door to keep a lookout. Now closer to the red bulb, I watched helpless as Tom withdrew his small bag of crystal, took the biggest chunk and fingered it as deep into me as he could get it. Thrusting his finger in and out for a few minutes to be sure the booty bump was melted, he only stopped when Les encouraged him to hurry before anyone came over. “I knew I was right to save my load for your ass boy,” Tom whispered before pressing his towel to my mouth and shoving 7 inches of his huge cock in without any warning. I struggled and tried to get away but was caught between his red haired crotch and the wall as he slowly pounded in and out until he had managed to get balls deep. Two minutes of fully in and out pumping and Tom lost control, adding his load to the three I had already taken since arriving, not to mention anything left from the previous night. “My turn,” les said, quickly taking tom’s place so I didn’t get a chance to escape. My eyes almost burst from my head as Les repeated tom’s actions and also shoved most of his dick into me all at once. With a fresh load from Tom’s big dick, it took only two thrusts before the muscular v-shape of Les’ groin was pressed against me, which elicited moans from both of us. It might have been only five minutes of fucking, but it felt like forever as Les tenderly kissed and caressed me, all while destroying my ass with his giant cock. “Are you ready for some cum from a real man?” Les whispered in my ear. I nodded. “Then beg for it boy.” “Please sir, give me your hot cum.” My mouth spewed pleas for his load, while my brain tried to remind me to keep it down in case anyone could hear us in the pool area. “Fill me with every last drop of your steaming load. I need your creamy jizz deep inside me.” “Then take it bitch!” Les suddenly yelled. Tom tried to signal us to be quiet, but Les was lost in the moment and grunted and growled at full volume while he shot dozens of cum volleys into my tight hole. When I looked down at his dick as he pulled it out, I couldn’t tell if it wa my drugged up mind or if his cock had really grown another inch in my ass, until tom noticed it too. “Damn ball-boy,” Tom remarked, grasping Les’ dripping dong and shaking it. “This thing does get bigger when you bred a bitch, you weren’t lying!” “Told ya!” Les bragged between ragged breaths. Once he had slowed his heart beat, he helped me stand up, making sure to check out the locker key number on my wrist. With a kiss and a pat on the back, he disappeared out of the room. Tom and I waited a few minutes for him to get a head start, each taking a couple hits off the pipe. As we went to leave, Tom turned on the steam on a switch next to the door, explaining why it had been off while we played. “I figured we’d get hot enough without it,” And damn, was he right! Part 3 Skipping the showers in favor of a dip in the pool, I separated from Tom and dove into the 10 ft deep end of the crystal blue waters. Coming up for air, I noticed a few new faces, mostly men around Tom’s age, with one or two closer to Les and I. When my eyes weren’t too busy taking in the sights of the many uncovered crotches, I was able to scan the faces of the men, discovering that I recognized quite a few. Just coming into the pool area from the locker room was a local weather man who was probably 40ish, with well-coiffed brown hair adding an inch to his 5’9” frame, surprising me since he looked taller on TV. He held his towel in front of his dick while walking to the showers, but I admired his firm butt and tight almost hairless body. Then there was the son of our former Governor. Late 30’s, maybe 5’11” with sandy blonde hair, his chest and arms were as attractive as I had imagined them whenever I’d seen him at fundraisers or rallies for his Dad. He had married the heiress to a local cattle fortune last year, shocking me and derailing my feeling that he was gay, but I felt vindicated seeing him grope his dick while chatting up one of the small asian worker boys near the door to the bigger steam room. Across the pool from me was a handsome man in his late 40’s with grey temples accenting his dark black hair, broad shoulders and creamy white skin. It took me a moment to realize that this sexy daddy is our current state senate leader. I’d never looked at him as more than a public servant until seeing him naked, his feet dangling in the water, and tattoos running around his upper thighs and waist area. The most prominent ink being an eagle across his lower stomach, with its talons reaching down around the base of his cock which was soft, but steadily growing. Looking back up at his eyes, he was obviously showing off for me, until another asian boy (Eddie’s brother) came over and told him it was time for his massage. He hopped out of the pool, and winked at me while taking special time to “dry” off his groin, before following Eddie’s bro out into the locker room area. Intrigued by the senator’s sexy ink, and not sure if I had a shot with the weather man, governor’s son, or either of the other two gents in the pool area, I hopped out of the pool and went to the locker room. Sadly, the Senator was already down the massage hallway, but there was some fresh blood here for me to enjoy. Sauntering down the main hallway past the rows of lockers, I was happy to see some sexy men getting undressed and checking each other out. Once at the end of the hall, I ducked into a room I’d previously ignored called the “relax room.” Pitch black, it took my eyes a moment to adjust to the tiny amount of light coming only from the window in the door to the room. From speakers in the corners, a relaxation cd played sounds of a rainforest. The large room consisted of five black pleather recliners on one wall, with a long bench on the opposite wall. Stretched out in the furthest recliner was Tom, who I thought was alone until his towel started moving. We shared a smile as some hidden guy lay between Tom’s legs and sucked his big cock. Another man came in behind me and crossed over to the recliner next to Tom’s, dropping his towel and working his soft 3 inch uncut cock. Not feeling the vibe, I nodded to Tom and backed out of the room, almost running over another guest. “Scuse me man!” I said, grabbing his back and arm to keep him from falling over. “No, pardon me!” he said, gripping my shoulder and gaining his balance before looking up at me. As soon as our eyes met I realized he was a local lawyer, famous for his commercials about how much money you missed out on if you didn’t hire him. His commercials had been playing since I was 8 or 9 and almost 15 years later I still found him sexy as fuck. Back then he was the junior partner, fresh outta law school with the curly brown hair and green eyes that they used due to his good looks. These days he was a named partner, the face of the company, and just as handsome as ever. A few years back some photos were hacked from his phone, showing him posing in the mirror and stroking a good sized bulge in some ftl briefs, resulting in a nasty divorce for he and his rich wife. I had probably shot 100 loads to those photos, imagining he was sending them to me, even after he remarried. My mind raced to remember his nickname in the commercials while our hands slid down each other’s bodies until his came to rest on my ass and mine were at his waist. “I need to watch where I’m going.” I blushed and felt my head rushing. My hole twitched as his firm fingers and palm slid under my towel and stroked my soft round ass cheek. “I’m glad you weren’t,” he said quietly, stepping forward until his towel-clad cock pressed against my own. Unable to break the stare we were sharing, I had to gage his size based on what I could feel, and it felt big. I shuddered, causing him to smile, step back and motion for me to follow him into a room marked “Medatation Steam.” Inside it was dimly lit, with some benches at the far end and a long troff of lava rocks along the wall. He loosened his towel, exposing the ass I’d dreamt of for years, and ladled some water over the stones until steam filled the air so thick I could barely see him. Walking towards the far end, I noticed mats on the floor, not as thin as yoga mats, but not thick enough to be called cushions. Suddenly a hand undid the towel at my waist and I could feel a thick meaty penis against the crack of my ass. “Do you know who I am?” the lawyer said quietly, while walking us forward until my feet hit the end of the closest mat. I considered lying in case he was afraid of being discovered but decided to be honest since his cock was getting hard between my thighs. “Yes I do,” I said quietly, reaching between my legs and stroking his cock while pressing my thighs together. “Good,” He said, moving us both forward until we were on our knees. His hands began pressing against my shoulders until I was bent all the way down. Turning my head so I could breathe, I could now look out the window beside the door we had entered through, and realized with the steam and low light we were totally hidden but could see anyone coming towards the room. My ears perked at an odd sound that I quickly discovered to be him spitting onto my ass crack and working it down around my hole. “Do you know what I want from you?” “I think so,” My back arched, and I reached back to spread my cheeks to give him better access. “Good.” He smacked what felt like a massive cock against my sphincter, causing me to jump. “Do you agree to take what I’m offering you with no stipulations or objections until such time as all parties are satisfied?” “Yes.” My dick was hard now, hearing him speak in legalese like he did in his commercials. “And do you willingly and openly accept any property transferred to your person during such acts, including but not limited to, my cum?” His cock head was now pressed against my hole and firmly pushing. “Willingly, openly and desperately sir.” I said pulling my cheeks further apart. “Good, then we may proceed.” Suddenly his head slipped in. Slowly a few more inches joined, then a few more, and more, until I was as full as when the athlete had fucked me, maybe more. Quietly and agonizingly slowly he raw fucked my hole all the way in and all the way out. From my view on the mat I could see the clock on the wall as 5, 10, 20 minutes passed, with him almost cumming many times during our fuck, but stopping short each time and holding still until he’d calmed down again. At 25 minutes I felt him building speed but once again hold back at the last second. “What are you waiting for?” I whimpered that time, squeezing my ass in hopes that he might lose control and breed me. “You’ll see.” Another five minutes and I was starting to itch for him to cum, when suddenly I heard the door opening and looked over to see the shadow of another man enter the room. Unsure if we could be seen, I tried to get the lawyer’s attention so we could get decent before we got caught but he began fucking harder. As the man in the mist got closer, I started to make out his features and realized he was another famous face. Not just another famous face, this was another famous lawyer, the man coming closer was the leading competition for the lawyer who was fucking me. “Good you’ve arrived,” My lawyer told his competition. “Lets see you beat this.” With that, the slow fucking was over, suddenly the lawyer was pulling me onto my side and fucking the hell out of me. I tried to scream but his hand was over my mouth before I could. Over the next ten minutes he’d fucked me in every known position and a few new ones until finally he shouted: “Here’s my closing arguments.” There on the floor with my knees over his muscular for arms and his groin pressed to my ass, he bred me so hard I blacked out for a moment. When I regained consciousness, my lawyer was seated a few feet away on the bench and his competition was taking his place. Looking down, I could see that I was in for a dick of lesser size but a much bigger head, which suddenly plunged in and tore me apart. My first fucking lawyer sat and watched as this guy went to town on me, using my ass in every position the first guy had, even lifting me up and fucking me against the wall before finally bending me over the bench and shouting : “so, to sum up…take that jizz boy!” I blacked out again, this time a little longer, waking to find my fuckers leaving the room, while Jing stroked my ass and helped me to sit on the bench. He had me down some more water and told me to take it slow before another couple of guys came in and sat next to us on the bench. These two seemed genuinely interested in a steam, so Jing whispered for me to “take a break,” and left to get back to work. Soon one of the men in the room with me added more water to the rocks while the other went off to shower. Two more men entered as he left, and now it felt like a real steam, as we each sweated out our toxins and ignored each other. My head spun when I tried to stand, and I realized I must have gotten some more ghb-laced water from Jing, so I sat down and relaxed as he said. Glancing to my right, I realized my steam-mates were all wearing their towels around their shoulders and the two on the far end were subtly stroking themselves. Worn out and afraid of too much more fun, I scooted to my left and almost on top of the first guy who came in. Turning to say I’m sorry, I found it was the Governor’s son stroking an 8 inch uncut dick similar to my own. I knew then and there I needed to get up and leave, but as his hand pushed my head into his lap, and I felt someone else fondle my ass, I gave in and decided I’d have to find out what it would take to become a permanent member of this spa… END
    5 points
  3. I was laying on my bed, wearing nothing but a jockstrap, my ass wet with lube. I could hear moaning and yelping from another room in the house. I knew I was next. It was my Daddy’s idea. Ever since he knew I was gay, he told me that my sole purpose in life was to take the seed of proper men. Mom and Dad were divorced, so it was easy for him to introduce me to the world of gay sex. From the age where he decided I was old enough to fuck, Daddy regularly pounded my tight little ass until he dumped a huge load into me, a load that inevitably spilled out out of my sore hole onto the bed sheets. Daddy is generally a nice guy, but he set a special rule when we first started fucking: while I would basically have perfect freedom when out of the house, when we were together, he would treat my ass however he wanted. Daddy is a rough fucker, and never cared if it hurt or not, but eventually I grew to like the warm sensation I felt when he came in me. He never wore a condom. He never talked about it. I never asked. He had a smooth muscular body and thick dick and to say 'no' to him would be stupid. Soon, he started to whore me out to his friends. Some of them were fit and hot, and I loved taking their loads, but others were older or looked drug-addled, and I was terrified they were going to hurt me at first. Daddy had one guy forgo lube as Daddy wanted the guy to fuck me dry until I bled. Eventually, when school finished, Daddy was self employed as a carpenter, so I wasn't surprised when he told me I wouldn't go to go to college, but I was somewhat surprised when he said my full-time job would be to be his fuck toy. So, when Daddy came from work we would usually have a light dinner, then I would get ready, we’d spend three to four hours fucking, then chill the rest of the night; often we would end up sleeping together, and sometimes we’d fuck again in the morning on the weekend or before he left for work. Usually it was just him, but there were often one or two visitors during the weekdays, usually his friends. He said he mapped out my future for me, and that I was going to become a proper cum-slut. I grew addicted to the sensation of somebody’s cum filling my ass, and it became my favourite part of being fucked. It wasn’t enough though for him. Though I accepted my Daddy fucking me unprotected, I knew about HIV and poz guys. I didn’t want that at all, and I would always ask him if the next guy he was setting me up with was clean - he always gave me an unconvincing nod or ‘yeah’.. One day, he told me upfront he was fed up of it and said he was going to get me to stop worrying. So he arranged a party over the internet somehow. Anybody under 50, but they had to be poz. He kept me updated on the details of who was coming, what they looked like and if I liked the look of them or not. To keep me horny, he didn’t fuck me for three days before and order me not to jack off. I was terrified, and I didn’t think we would actually go through with it. I quietly protested, telling him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it, until the night before, when Daddy told me to shut up or they were going to fuck me without lube. I did as I was told. He invited a few other 20 year old bottoms to come earlier and placed us in separate rooms. I never saw them, they were quickly brought upstairs to the spare room and study. When the party arrived they would fuck and seed each boy in turn. I was ordered up to my room, as I could hear the guys laughing and talking downstairs as they grouped up in the living room. It eventually died down as they went into the first room with the first boy. I prepped myself, almost automatically, and I heard the first boy cry out, followed by a cheer. It was two hours later, and I was getting really nervous. I could hear the second boy moaning loudly in the room next door. A load grunt and a few cheers told me he had just taken another load. I snorted some poppers and tried to forget that my Dad had gotten these guys here to basically shorten my life. As I heard muffled conversation, I lay on the bed, face down, trying to relax. Suddenly the door opened, and they filed in, talking excitedly amongst themselves. I didn’t look at them; I got on all fours and pressed my face against the sheets, my ass wide open. Two big hands took hold of my slim waist, rubbing the band of my jocks and I felt a wet cock slap into my ass crack. The mumbling died down to murmurs of approval as the unseen top slowly ushered his rapidly hardening dick into my ass. Suddenly, he gripped my waist hard and plunged his cock into my soft hole. It hurt - even through the poppers, it felt like it was tearing me in half. I yelled. The tops around me cheered and goaded the top to fuck me harder. All I could do was gasp with pain. Even my Daddy had never fucked me this hard. I spent the next five minutes trying to tell myself I was loving it, but it just hurt so much. Soon, he slowed down, and pressed his body to mine. I could feel hair and muscle, and smelt sweat. My ass just started to twinge with pleasure. “You want my load, faggot?” he grunted. “Yes, sir.” I whimpered. “I got a little present for you. You know what it is, fucker?” “Yes sir.” “You want it?” “Yeah…” I felt a cold flush as I said the words. He picked up the pace. The pain and pleasure I felt was unbelievable. I commended my soul as he roared and I felt a huge rush of warm liquid inside my ruined hole. I gasped and groaned in ecstasy as I felt his cock pump it directly into my intestines. It was worth all ten minutes of pain. He pumped a few more times and pulled out and exhaled, drenched in sweat. The guys around me cheered, and one guy with a deep voice said “You know you liked it, boy!”. The fuckfest lasted two more hours. Every time they fucked my hole hard and every time it got a little easier to take thanks to the huge amount of poz cum in my hole. I didn’t care anymore. I never looked directly at any of the tops, I just did what I was born to do. A couple of them whispered that they were going to pose me up, and I just whimpered. Daddy got in front of me on the bed and made me suck his cock while I was plowed from behind. Every time I took a load, he told me to let it run out my ass, until the sheet under me was soaked. Eventually Daddy was the last person fucking me. He clapped my shoulders and rammed me into the bed, spilling his seed into my already flooded ass. I didn’t retrain myself - I yelled and screamed like a little bitch. He whispered "I fuckin’ love you” before he pulled out and the guys started to leave the room, some of them complementing me as they walked out. I was nothing but a hole to my own Dad. I felt so ashamed. I also felt horny. I jacked off, fingering my wet hole as I heard the guys leave. Daddy didn’t even come back. He simply turned the lights off and yelled ‘“goodnight”. I slept on the drenched bed. We didn’t talk about it. The next day, I washed myself carefully. A tiny bit of red came out of my ass. I told myself it wasn’t blood. The next day, it was back to business as usual - Dad came home, we would spend the evening screwing. My ass was tender, but I said nothing. I noticed one difference though - Dad didn’t invite anybody to share me over the next few days. A few weeks later, I came down with a fever. I had muscle pains and a headache and wanted to stay in bed. Daddy was, however, very excited. He told me I had the ‘fuck flu’ and went on the internet. An hour later he told me to go downstairs, lube up and wait on the couch. I staggered downstairs and did as I was told. I knew what he meant, I was just to sick to care anymore. After fifteen minutes, I nearly fell asleep on the couch, when the door opened. The guy standing in the doorway was solidly built, with a mass of body hair and a short black beard. Daddy greeted him and pointed to me. Dazed, I turned over as he undressed. Daddy was getting people to fuck me while I was sero-converting! I got rock hard despite my headache. The hairy top started to gently fuck me and while my ass felt great, I felt like I was going to vomit. He took his time, fucking me in every position until, while I lay flat on the couch, begging deliriously for him to cum. Sure enough, he dumped a load. He thanked me with a kiss, dressed and left. With cum dripping out my hole, I looked up at Daddy, who was undressing. “I don’t think I can take another…” I felt pathetic. “Yeah, you will. Got another dozen lined up over the afternoon. Gotta keep that bug charged up.” “Couldn’t we wait until tomorrow?” I pleaded. He came over and kissed me. “I’m gonna guess you got maybe ten years left in you. I’m not wasting money on meds for your hole, babe. Every moment you’re not fucking is a moment wasted.” The door opened again, and kept opening the entire afternoon, as more and more tops walked in, each man dumping his load into my ass as I sucked my Daddy’s cock. At one point there were four guys waiting in line to fill me up. I nearly passed out, but eventually, in the early evening, Daddy told me to take a shower and get ready for dinner. I left a trail of poz cum on the floor to the bathroom on the second floor. As I clambered up, he told me he was going to dump another load in me tonight, before we went to bed, and there would be more of the same tomorrow. Daddy and I are still together. He threw away most of my clothing, except for my underwear and jockstraps, and yes, he still fucks me in every day. Sometime he takes me out to restaurants to eat, but otherwise we never leave the house except to go to mostly sleazy clubs and occasionally to the house of one friend or another, where I am always filled up with cum. Sometimes Dad is too lazy to cook dinner, so on those days I am usually fed nothing more than the cum from whatever top is around. Daddy loves to remind me I have only so many years left, and I don’t deserve anything but more loads. I get dozens of different tops every week now, and they talk shit, telling me they’re fucking me to death. I’m absolutely nothing to them. It’s soon going to be winter, and Daddy says I’ll freeze if I don’t get enough hot cum loads inside my ass. I'm going to do my best to stay warm.
    3 points
  4. When I was eighteen I came down to Glasgow to go to university. I loved living in the city and during my first year I discovered some very active public toilets. I started off hovering nervously on the fringes, watching the action but not daring to join in and then slowly but surely moved to getting sucked then on to sucking, to fucking and finally to being fucked. I first took a cock up my arse in a park toilet in the north of Glasgow and after that there was no stopping me. I loved it and would regularly bend over in toilets and parks and let guys fuck me and come up my arse. I remember one afternoon I was fucked by four guys one after the other and as I walked back through Kelvingrove Park I was unable to stop the spunk sliding out into my underpants. I didn't care - I pushed harder and let the whole lot slide out my hole. When I got back to my halls of residence the back of my pants and trousers were sopping wet with spunk. I had a great wank, fingering my spunky hole and reliving what had just happened. I also discovered a glory hole in the toilets of one of the top floors of the university library and lost count of the number of cocks I sucked there. One time towards the end of my first year a blond lad was sucking me through the glory hole when he stopped, dropped his pants and backed up to the hole. I pushed my cock up him and fucked him through the glory hole until I shot my load up him, I had discovered yet another pleasure. I sucked and fucked my way through university and loved every minute of it. I had been brought up very strictly and I often wondered what my family would say if they could see me with my pants down being fucked by strangers in public toilets. But then came AIDS and I got frightened. I took to using condoms religiously and so began the safe sex years. After university I moved down to London. It took a while for me to get established there and things didn't work very well for me at first. By 1989 I was 25. I had just been dumped by someone I really cared about and I was stuck in a job I hated. Truth to tell, I started drinking too much. One morning I woke up hung over but feeling very horny as I remembered what had happened the night before. It had been a very hot summer night and I had been drinking in a cabaret bar in North London. I had been pretty drunk when I left the bar and got on the last underground train. I had noticed two guys sitting opposite me in the carriage looking at me. I had noticed them looking at me several times in the bar during the evening - they were probably a few years older than me - one was dark haired and stocky and the other guy was mixed race, tall and slim. I didn't remember getting off the train with them - the next thing I remembered I was behind a disused office block. My pants and trousers were down and I was bent over sucking the mixed race guy as the dark haired guy fucked me up the arse. Then I remembered being fucked by the mixed race guy and remembered how much I enjoyed his big cock up me and his balls slapping off my arse as he fucked me hard and fast. My cock got really hard as I remembered this and I began to play with myself. It was only when I began to finger my arse that I suddenly noticed something. I was still lubed up from the night before but I knew that what I was feeling up my arse was more than just lube. I pushed and felt the familiar sensation of spunk sliding out my arse hole. I pushed some more and my worst fears were confirmed. They had both fucked me without a condom and I had taken two loads of cum up my unprotected arse. I was devastated. I had practiced safe sex carefully for four years, but now, while drunk and horny, I had let not just one but two strangers come inside my ass. I decided to get tested. I was negative and so I decided to take more care. I stopped drinking and started to get my life back on track. Of course I also went back to using condoms on every occasion, determined never to make the same mistake again. By 1996 I was 32. I now had a job I liked and I was starting to build a career. One afternoon I was in central London for a training course. The course finished about 4:00 PM and I found myself wandering about through central London. I was enjoying life now, but I was also bored and feeling a bit rebellious. I was tired of always doing the right thing. I was also feeling very horny. It was in this frame of mind that I went in to the public toilets in Marble Arch.... Part 2 to follow
    3 points
  5. Skate Park Pick Up - part 1 I love going to one of the local skate parks not far from a big name university on the Cali coastline. I don't skate- I spectate. During the hott summers most of the boys end up shirtless working their bodies into a sweat on the ramps and bowls. With their baggy pants that sag well passed their boxerclad butts, they all try to work themselves into sunkissed, toned Adonises wile trying to 'outman' the next. It's like watching a documentary on the posturing practices of hormonal apes- well, i guess it's the same thing,.. Either way, when I have a free afternoon, its nice to blow a couple of clouds before going to watch as young college meat (sometimes some of the local high schoolers show up but they are few and far between and easy to discern from the college boys) glisten on display in the hott Cali sun. I even sometimes take pictures (discretely!) -- or even video -- with my phone if a boy(s) is exceptional, which often happens... A Note About Me: I am in my early 30's (but could pass for mid 20's) and am a highly paid advertising/sales exec for a company you have heard of, which gives me a fair amount of spendable money and time. I have my vices for young meat and good party supplies- both of which have led to several great interactions with the local student population. College boys are so willing to trust and open up to me for some reason, and I'm not complaining. Most of them just see a friendly guy in me willing to provide. I have many stories about my own conquests of young flesh and many that other hunters like myself have told me over the years... This, 'Part 1' is the story of Jordan- one stupid, hurt soul who's life I forever changed--- It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in August. I knew the freshman were starting to fill the city in droves, bringing waves upon waves of fresh, horny meat from all over the country. Any hunter like myself knows this is the best time to pick off the easy prey- first time from home with the smallest feeling of freedom and rebellion against their former lives. I had smoked a small bowl heavily laced with T before going to the skate park that day, and was decisively horny and hunting. Upon my arrival it seemed like the usual lazy day with really nothing more than the promise of some good shirtless pics to show for my efforts. After an hour or so there was suddenly some commotion on one side of the park. One kid was literally baseballing a parking pole with his board screaming, "Fucking Bitch! Fucking Bitch! Who needs her sorry cunt?! I'll get plenty of pussy out here and then she'll see who the real COCK is!" He was a stunning piece of young man. The taut muscles of his arms and back flexed and glistened with sweat as he swung his wood against the pole ( ) He was maybe 5'8" 120lbs of lean boy, with long dark hair which covered most of his face. His skin was so white that it could almost glow in the dark. He had no piercings or tattoos which made me unsure of his age, but his rage certainly showed he was man enough to be prey. He continued to beat his board against the steel pole (making quite the scene) while a couple of other guys tried to calm him down, but this kid was not having it. He lashed out at them, telling everyone within eyesight to 'Fuck Off', throwing his board into the air and walking off towards to busstop. Anticipating a fight or something from when the commotion started, I had already turned my phone onto video and was recording as he made his way to the street. Suddenly, he spotted me- "Dude, are you recording me?!" I quickly turned my phone off and got into my car as he approached me shouting "Dude, What the Fuck?!" I tried to assure him that I had not been recording him but was watching him as I was simply texting. .... If there is interest in the story: A lot more to cum....
    2 points
  6. This happened to me a couple of years ago. I was staying in an Old Town Alexandria hotel for business, and decided to see if there was anyone interested in playing. This was when I was fairly consistent with condom usage. Grindr often seems to be skewed to the younger crowd, but that afternoon a 40-50-something guy contacted me and I asked him over to my room. When he arrived he turned out to be a stocky eastern European man with a modestly sized uncut cock. After making out and sucking each other's cocks for a while, I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He rolled on a condom and I lubed myself up, and we got down to fucking. After about 5 minutes he pulled out and asked me for a new condom as the one we were using had broken. He rolled me over and began to fuck me from behind. In a little while he pulled out, pulled off the condom and started to hump me between my ass cheeks. I actually really enjoy this lubed butt cheek frottage alot. I could hear him getting close to cumming and was expecting to have him cum all over my ass and back, but then without any warning he pinned me down with one hand between my shoulders, plunged his cock into my hole and blew a huge load into my ass, grunting his pleasure. He put on his clothes and left without much discussion. To this day if I need a fantasy to get over the edge, I just remember this surprise breeding and I'm cumming in no time.
    2 points
  7. Driving home from the home of a hung black top early this morning, I happened to take a road I rarely use and stumble upon an Asian style spa, containing seperate facilities for men and women, each complete with indoor pool, large hot tub, three dry steam rooms, one large sauna, open showers, a hallway with private massage booths, and a few dark cozy rooms for relaxation. I had heard from a few people that this spa was somewhat cruisey, and having nothing better to do after an hour of partying and riding his nine inch uncut cock, I pulled off and parked. It wasn't yet 7AM when I arrived, but luckily it opened at 6 on Sundays. From the outside it had little curb appeal, occupying the middle store front of a red brick mini-mall featuring entirely Korean businesses, and hiding behind deeply tinted windows. Once inside, I was surprised at how nice and modern the design was, with a marble desk, marble tile floors, and plenty of nice furniture and greenery in the lobby. The man working the front desk was Korean, about 5'3" tall and barely spoke a word of English. He explained in broken sentences while pointing to signs and photos in the brochure. I found it hard to believe the tiny store front could hold even a fraction of the things it promised, and my instinct was to forget about it, untill he pointed out it was only men on my side and all visitors were required to be naked in the pool and only wear a towel outside the locker room. So $15 bucks and I took the locker key, towel and disposable flip-flops and walked into the locker room. While I stripped off my clothing I marveled at how big the locker area was considering the apparent limitations on size, until I made my way into the spa area and discovered this place was tremendously more than meets the eye. Getting a feel for the place while wondering from room to room, it dawned on me that the spa actually filled most of the mini-mall, running the entire length of it behind the other shops. There were no other guests at this early hour, so I tossed my towel over my shoulder and lazily stroked my cock, only pausing to ensure there were no employees beyond each doorway. I already loved how clean everything was, and smirked when I realized most of the rooms had a tinted window out into the main hallway so guys inside could see if someone was coming. The only doors I found to be locked were the port to the women's side, the hallway with the massage booths, and a door evoking some laughter: marked "Wearhouse - Employs Only Pleese." With no one to interrupt my stroking and exploring, I took advantage of the steam room, sauna, showers, pool and jacuzzi, filling up most of an hour before realizing I had thoroughly soaked my towel and couldn't see any replacements. Serendipity stepped in, taking the form of a young korean boy/man entering from the lockerroom, pushing a mop-bucket. I asked him where the replacement towels were, and he motioned for me to follow him back into the locker area, pointing out an unmarked cabinet full of them. He surprised me by retreiving one, handing it to me, and pulling the one from around my waist, revealing my semi-hard cock. Showing no sign of noticing, he simply tossed the used one in the hamper and stood watching me dry off (which didn't help my hardening cock). "First time here?" he pondered. I nodded the affirmative, wondering if he was circumspect due to poor language skills or just a teen of few words. "Want a tour?" Taking him up on it, I finished drying, as he moved to a locker towards the back corner, unlocked it and began stripping. Once he was naked I had to try my hardest not to stare at his smooth, thin, tan body, especially his bubble butt and soft 4 inches of uncut asian meat. He slipped on a very baggy pair of shorts with the spa logo emblazened across the rear, which hung low enough to show me the v-shape from his flat abs to his small patch of black wispy pubes. I knew by law he had to be 18, but he could easily have passed for 13 or 14 if it weren't for his man sized cock, which was practically the only reason his shorts didn't fall off as he pointed out the different facilities. I barely heard what he said with all my concentration working to keep my dick from getting hard. He even showed me the empty women's side, and the massage hallway, proudly pointing out a sign featuring "New! Male Masseurs! $25 for 30 mins, $40 for deep tissue." When he admitted that he was the sign maker, I knew he could speak and read english just fine, and we sharred a laugh over the poor wording on the "wearhouse" sign. I asked what was beyond that door, which halted his laughter, and returned him to short statements "just storage." Thanking him for the tour, I noticed he didn't lock the massage hallway when the left, so I snuck back in to get a better look. The hall had three 8x10 booths with massage tables and some small shelves in the center, with a black light, stereo and overhead light completeing it. The doors were saloon style, but full length with hook and eye locks for privacy. I was tempted to ask the teen if he was one of the guys I could have massage me, hoping deep tissue meant balls deep, but thought better of it since he might be the owner's son. While the boy mopped, I felt the urge for some partying, so I snuck my glasses case holding the pipe, favors and lighter, out of my locker and back into the massage hallway. I locked myself in one of the booths and took hit after hit with little time between, just in case someone came into the massage hall. Unable to smoke with no distraction, I snooped through some drawers and came up with nothing more than some cds, a few candles, some rope to fasten onto the over head bars for "walking massage," and a drawer filled with towels. Since the towels were much softer here, I tossed the one the boy gave me into a basket under the table and reached in for one that looked similar, so he wouldn't notice. Lifting out I felt something inside it, unrolled it and discovered a tan vibrating dildo with a dark pink head, much like I imagined the mop boy's cock to look like hard. I couldn't resist the temptation, lubed it up with some massage oil and sank down onto it. My dick went fully erect and began leaking as I rode the dildo, imagining the teenager breeding me. Only seconds from cumming, I heard the locker room door open into the main hallway, and scampered to rehide the dildo, tuck my 7.5 inch uncut cock up against my hairy abs, and tie my towel around it so it would be less obvious. Listening for a sign that I could head back into the main hall, I could hear the desk worker, who I figured to be the owner, speaking Korean to the cleaning boy. They sounded close enough that I worried they might find me, but instead I heard them head into the wearhouse, prompting me to scamper out of hiding and across to a semi-private alcove. More Korean wafted to where I sat eaves dropping, now eliciting responses from 2 or 3 more young men. While the language was foreign, the tone was not. The boss was pissed they weren't working and was yelling at them to get out on the floor of the spa. It made no sense to me why he was angry since I was his only customer, unless all of them were supposed to be cleaning. I peered around the half wall when I heard the boss exit back through the locker room, and got excited by the wearhouse door standing wide open. Getting as close as I dared, I could make out some storage shelves, maintainence equipment, laundry machines, tons of towels and a couch and flat screen, where three dark haired heads faced away from me. None of the heads were my tour guides, so I glanced around to see where he'd gone. On the very back wall was a door marked private, and a minute later he emerged from it, towing a 20ish korean girl, nude, with a pipe in her hand. Behind the door were three or four bunk beds, a few holding sleeping korean men and women. So the "wearhouse" was where the help lived, possibly working in exchange for passage to the U.S. Ducking back into the alcove, I could just see one corner of what was happening as the girl took a big hit off the pipe and shotgunned with my teen. He took the pipe and she sank to the floor, pulled down his shorts and started sucking like a hoover, while he encouraged the other guys from the couch to stand up and join in. I couldn't really see the couch, but one guy appeared from it, and boy did he make me happy I'd stopped in. He was the tallest of the Koreans so far, probably standing 5'8", but he was buff and ripped, with no body fat, covered in caramel smooth skin, including his shaved pubes and underarms, allowing his nice 7 to 8 inch cut cock to stand out proudly. The new guy took the pipe from the tour teen and took a big hit as well, while the girl took turns sucking their cocks. Admittedly I was disappointed that they were into girls, but the show made up for it in spades. Quietly I took a hit in my alcove as the teen pushed the girl down onto the floor, took her legs over his shoulders, and slid his hard 6 and a half inch, very thick uncut cock balls deep into her pussy. She wailed out something in Korean, which made the the buff guy speak up. "Shut up! Ujim hear you and come here." His voice was higher than most muscly guys, but seemed to fit his form when you considered that he was shorter than me by a good 6 inches, and probably only 19 or 20. His english wasn't great, but he seemed to be practicing it, since the teen helped correct his grammer before leaning over and sucking on the muscle dude's cock. I moaned softly while the boy busied his cock in the girl and his mouth by deep throating the muscle cock. Another figure appeared from the unseen couch, a shorter, younger looking version of the muscle boy. They must have been brothers since the younger looking one was identical down to the ass dimples, just slightly less defined and 2 inches shorter. His cock however was exactly the same as his brothers, which made it hotter as they stood there shotgunning hits back and forth while the teen tour guide sucked them off. Once the muscle boy had taken enough hits, he pushed the teen off the girl and rammed his own cock into her, sucking down his bro. Finally the last guy appeared, 5'7", slimmer than the muscle bros, but well defined and topped with the most handsome face and wavy black hair imaginable. His cock was around 7, thinner than the other three guys, but perfectly curved. I stood there watching them gang bang the girl for five more minutes, working my fingers into my hole, until the locker room door banged open, signaling someone's enterance. When the boys realized the warehouse door was open, the movie star looking guy dashed over and pulled it shut, ending my fun. Expecting the boss, I sunk back into the alcove and made myself presentable, and consealed my pipe case before stepping out to return it to my locker. Happily the boss was still in the lobby, and the door had been opened by a 45-50 yr old man with red hair, thick muscular ginger dusted chest, a small belly, tapering off at the tiniest towel ever made, precariously dangling from the man's hand, covering only his genitals. I admired his muscular legs and arms in the mirror while pretending to wash my hands, and blushed when I looked up and he was watching me watch him. He walked towards the pool doors at the end of the hall, but stopped beside me first to say hi. I stammered hello when he tossed the towel over one shoulder, so he could shake my hand. I didn't mean to stare but his cock was, in my mind, perfect. Thick trimmed meat, about 4 inches long, over heavy big balls, surrounded by short trimmed ginger pubes. As we shook hands, it began to twitch and grow, making my own meat follow the example. "Tom" He said, casually rubbing his big meaty, calloused paw down his pec, over his small gut and scratching dangerously close to his dick, making it swell even larger. "Dan. Nice meat to you," I said before I realized my mistake. Tom just chuckled and stepped into the shower and pool area. Like a drooling puppy dog I followed him, taking a shower across from his. Part two soon
    2 points
  8. Part 6 After the two days of partying the two grabbed a bite to eat before crashing. Logan woke up not feeling very well. 'The gifter' knew he had done his job knowing that this was most likely the fuck flu. Logan had no clue thinking that he needed a slam to feel better and being one not to disappoint he fixed a slam for his sick boy and administered the slam. The drugs did make Logan feel a little better as he quickly asked to be fucked. 'The gifter' knew he didn't have much time since he had a client to see for 'the boss', but he couldn't resist. He fucked Logan right up until he had to leave. 'The boss' seeing Logan high told 'the gifter' to take Logan with him on his job. For the first time in over a week was dressed and left the house to start working. They reached the party, made their delivery and joined the party. Logan was still a little high as he got on his knees and began sucking random cocks as the party goers began to get high. Slams were fixed for Logan and The gifter'. Before Logan knew what was going on he was higher than before and on all fours getting fucked at burg end and loving it. 'The gifter' was doing his job servicing his clients. Compared to what Logan had been through to this point the night he spent working (if they called it work getting high and fucked) was mild and only lasted one night. In the morning they returned to the house, where Logan tried to eat some food with no luck. Logan had the full blown fuck flu! After Logan recovered from the fuck flu he was properly tagged with a tattoo as property of 'the boss'. He was completely hooked on Tina and had become good at not only preparing a point but at administering as well administering his own slam. On top of everything Logan and The gifter' became very close and spent all their free time together. One night when they were all alone they decided to slam each other at the same time. The only difference was that The gifter' was to get the stronger slam and Logan a milder slam do that he will be able to top. 'The gifter' sucked Logan's cock to it's full harness, threw his legs back and guided Logan's cock inside his hole. They then administered slams to each other right before Logan began fucking him right before the tourniquets were pulled off. 'The gifter' coughed out hard as Logan pounded away. Logan was so used to Tina and slamming the he didn't cough but surly felt a mild rush as he worked to his first orgasm in weeks. With the Tina I his body as he began to feel his balls beginning to boil he knew he wouldn't last that long. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until he couldn't hold back any longer. Logan began to moan as he reached the point of no return and screamed out as he shot a huge load inside 'the gifter's' ass. 'The gifter' leaned up and kissed Logan thanking him for the recharge. 'The boss' and his followers came into the bedroom. They quickly gave both teens fresh slams sending 'the gifter' into a high he never had experienced before and sending Logan into orbit to join 'the gifter'. They then spent the next few days using the boys.
    2 points
  9. Part 5 After being drugged & fucked Logan slept for 2 days. When he finally woke up he was hungrier then anything. The young stud known as 'the gifter' made after that Logan had plenty to eat as the two were all alone I the house. After Logan had digested his food 'the gifter' took Logan back to the bedroom where he prepared a large slam for Logan and a small one for himself. As Logan sat there watching the points being prepared he felt so run down from being awake and high for over 3 days. 'The gifter' talked him through the process of preparing the points letting Logan know that he's going to want to be able to prepare his own fix when he needed one. Logan listened as best as he could focus in his tired state. He watched as a tourniquet was placed on his arm. Logan was told how to find a his vein, swab it off with alcohol, stick the needle in, register a flash of blood and then push the plunger down. After the needle was pulled out if Logan's arm he didn't have to be told to pull off his own tourniquet. Logan coughed out hard as the drugs flowed through his body and into his brain. He laid back on the bed as 'the gifter' did his own slam. The two snuggled up with each other as they enjoyed their respective rushes they began to kiss. Soon enough they were kissing. Without any guidance Logan was tongue dueling with 'the gift'. With the drugs again fueling his actions Logan was enjoying the action. Soon enough Logan eagerly moved into position to suck the cock that not only took his virginity, but probably gave him HIV, only time would tell. Logan was enjoying the cock in his throat as his ass was not just getting a good rimming, but a few rocks added for a booty bump. This had Logan being to be fucked. Once 'the gifter' was sure that Logan had enough Tina in his as he put Logan on his back, kissed Logan and slowly slid his cock inside Logan's hungry hole. As Logan was pinned to the bed by 'the gifter' he pulled out another point he had prepped, worked a tourniquet on his arm and quickly slipped the point in his vein. Before Logan knew what was going on the point was empty and the tourniquet was pulled off. Logan coughed out hard as he began to hear ringing I his ears and he could focus his eyes. 'The gifter' began to pound away at Logan's ass. Logan was so high and fucked up he could only lay their and moan. 'The gifter' didn't hold back as he flooded Logan's ass with more poz seed then he did the first time he fucked Logan. The two studs spent the next 2 days fucking, sucking and kissing as Logan was not only hooked on Tina, but was also hooked on cock.
    2 points
  10. That may be the hottest thing I've seen in a very long time.
    2 points
  11. Daddy Fucks College Guy Bareback http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=l67aq-G600-#.VS4irWK9KSM
    2 points
  12. Who here likes piss up the ass? Nothing hotter than the feel of a hard cock in your ass and the warm fill of his piss.
    1 point
  13. It sounded like a great 30th birthday present from my partner Bill—a professional massage followed by some hot love making. I was down with that! Bill and I ate an early supper out at our favorite neighborhood dive and I had time for a relaxing shower before the masseuse arrived at 8. I took the liberty of getting clean and ready for some deep dicking by Bill after I was all relaxed from my massage. Jon advertized in the local GLBT rag with at least a few dozen competitors. Bill chose him because he listed his qualifications and training and didn’t feature a scantily dressed photo. I laughed at this and said what if I wanted a DEEP massage and Bill promised he would take care of that afterwards. I’ll admit it—I was horny! Jon showed up on time and set up his table in the back study of our house. Bill said he was going to watch some TV upstairs and he kissed me and told me to enjoy my birthday present. Jon said he could massage me naked or with underwear on—what ever my comfort level was. I hadn’t had a professional massage and told him I wanted the works. He smirked and winked while he said, “but, of course!” As my upper thighs were sore from working out at the gym, I asked if I could start on my back. Certainly he said as he turned on a CD with soft music on his little boom box and adjusted the lights low so I could be totally relaxed. Jon was good! He covered my naughty bits with a towel when he was working elsewhere and he quickly had me relaxed and very pliable. I guess massage can be hard work because I noticed he slipped out of his sweat pants to gym shorts and took off his short sleeve shirt to reveal a wife beater and an amazing chest—heck, the whole package was mighty nice! I tried to not pay attention to him as I turned over to my stomach. He worked my back over very well and I got so relaxed my right arm slide off the table. He changed position and stood on my right side—my arm was lightly in contact with his sizzling body. My head was within the opening in the table so it could remain lined up and not turned one way or the other. All I could see was the floor but my awareness seemed to spike. There was something in that simple connection between his body and my arm and his strong hands kneading me that made me feel very alive. He started working the small of my back and pressed against my arm a little closer. I was aware that my dick was reacting to this and a sigh slipped out. He reached down to grab my hand and place it back on the table. I missed the contact immediately, but his hands started working my ass and that caught my attention. I love my ass massaged by Bill, but Jon was like a bread maker working stiff dough. Whether it was right or not, I spread the legs to give him easier access. I was so in tune with this feeling of bliss. I could hear Jon’s steady breathing over the soft music. My own breathing was deep and I was in heaven. A soft moan slipped out of my mouth as he made me more pliant than I had ever been. He worked one leg and then the other—my ass still exposed and legs spread. When he worked the point where my legs connected with my ass, I could feel precum dripping out of me and I sighed and spread my legs a bit more. Jon’s slick oiled hands worked me like no one had before. It wasn’t exactly sexual, but I was harder than a rock and was started to pant a bit. He poured a bit more oil in his hands and was now working between my cheeks. When his fingers finally strayed against my hole I gasped out loud. Was this a massage or a seduction? I was monogamous with Bill, but I was so fucking turned on and relaxed that I couldn’t make a move to stop whatever Jon wanted. It was pretty obvious that I was enjoying this special attention. My ass clenched and relaxed in time with Jon’s ministrations. Jon said he was getting rather warm and I could hear him pulling off his shirt and perhaps slipping his shorts off. I wasn’t sure. All I knew is that I was so turned on! Jon’s next move surprised me. I felt his 5 o’clock scruff against my right ass cheek. He was just rubbing up and down my cheeks and I instinctively flexed my free hand against him. He was naked! He grabbed my hand and led it to what felt like a log between his legs. I groaned as I squeezed it and he now started licking my crack. I thrust against him and started milking his mighty tool as he started eating my hole. I was now moaning and was disappointed when he broke the connection. That disappointment quickly faded as I felt him climb on the table and he grabbed my ass cheeks hard and started tongue fucking and finger fucking me. My ass was as spread as it could be and I was scooting up a bit with my ass to give him better access. He moved up further and I could feel his dick against my ass. I was a bit nervous now. I hadn’t cheated on Bill before and taking an unknown man’s dick bare was not safe! As he slid his drooling shaft up and down my crack, he reached under and pinched my nipples. I moaned anew and he started nibbling and talking in my ear. He told me that he wanted to give me the ultimate birthday present. I didn’t say a word, just felt him pressing against my slightly open hole. He kept talking and said that Bill thought a deep massage would spice up his and my sex life. I finally told him I didn’t want to get caught and this wasn’t very safe. He laughed and said he wouldn’t fall off the table and hurt himself. He then said he only topped and I had nothing to worry about. He asked if I was poz and I said no pretty sharply. He said “perfect” and started pulling me up into the doggy position. I was shaking my head no even as he was lining up to penetrate me. I moaned no as he started pressing in earnest. It felt SO good to feel that thick head pop through my first ring. He stopped and continued to tweak my nipples and talk dirty to me. He told me he knew I wanted this and he was going to take me and give me what I really needed for my birthday. I groan and pushed back against him—together we worked to achieve total penetration. I liked hearing Jon’s gruff voice as he quietly spoke and got my even more turned on by his dirty talk. He asked me who was bigger—him or Bill. “You are.” I admitted. Who did I want fucking me? “You, Jon” “When we are done, I want you to shower and then fuck Bill with your hot hole—make sure he eats your ass first. I am going to make your hole really slick for Bill to enjoy—that will spice up your sex life and make me really happy that you shared this fuck with your partner.” Jon instructed. “Your ass is going to be so open and slippery from my fuck and my seed deep in you, boy! You want that, don’t you? You want to be a hole for me to breed? A receptacle for sperm? I moaned and admitted that I did. The pounding started going in overdrive! He was quietly cursing and tell me that he was going to own my ass and mark it as his own. I hadn’t read anything about pozzing talk at this point in my life so it was just a super turn on to hear that he wanted me so bad. I didn’t know what I was asking for when he started telling me what he wanted to hear from me. I was so hard as he pounded me that I begged for his seed, for him to breed my ass and make it his. “This is so hot, boy! Your partner paid to have you massaged but you are getting bred as well! 2 for 1, boy! All, right, fag boy, here comes your birthday gift—I am breeding you…now!!!” Jon rammed in as deep as he could and I could feel him jerking and spurting within me. The feeling made me shoot then and there. “Nothing finer than a boy shooting his load when he is finally bred right!” Jon sighed. He stayed in me sliding in and out as he worked his load into my receptive hole. Jon told me to keep his load in my ass so it would feel amazing for Bill later. I complied. Bill and I had great sex that night. He ate my ass and told me how relaxed and silky it was after my massage. I was hard from thinking about what he was doing and whose load he was tasting. Jon was right, Bill liked fucking my hole after Jon had bred it. A few months later I got sicker than a dog. A sense of dread filled me and later I tested poz. I couldn't find Jon's ad anymore and I had no way to contact him. I knew exactly what Jon had meant by his words! I had been bred for my birthday!
    1 point
  14. This is my write up for the men's club at Berghain , called Lab.oratory. This club Berghain is a very popular dance/Rave club in the Friedrichshain area of Berlin- its at the end of the UBahn Train #1 and a 15 min from station which is pretty safe I found but any cab driver will know Berghain dance club so just ask them to take you to there to Berghain. Its about 20 Euro from center of Berlin, Schoneburg. And, the cab leaves you at the Cab line up entrance. When you get out-- just walk through the muddy path directly to the huge warehouse building. you will see some metal barriers for lining up - just go through and then cut directly to the LEFT and you'll a short bit another short right -walk through the enclosed pathway and at the end on the right at end is the entrance. A big burly German will be at door to let you in. Check the local listings or Disco Damage for the theme night. Its only open Thurs, Friday, Sat and Sun. Usually Thurs is Naked night, and Friday is just open - but my advice just check your clothes (more on that later). Sat/ Sunday is usually some Fetish night - some more popular than others... the place is a huge warehouse- pictures don't do it justice- its out of a dystopian novel -scary but its just all lends to the mystique of the place.... I went on Thurs- Naked Night and Friday- Night -2 4 1 special drinks and Sunday afternoon- which was Masked night. Thursday Naked Night- FIRST and MOST -do not show up late!!!! There was a line up at 9pm opening and you will regret every sec if you show up at 10 - the door is only open for 2hours - after that 2hours it closes door- and I mean show up at 8:30 and line up it was 8:45 with 5 guys lined up and I turned around and 15 guys were behind me in just a matter of seconds. The door opens - the doorman are pretty gruffy but nice so just don't be an ahole. You pay your 6 euro and they give you a bag- Naked means naked- no jock etc- keep you your shoes , knee pads whatever- and you place your valuables in the bag and they give you a number on a plastic card-(DO NOT LOSE) the card is how they track your drinks that you buy at the bar and its all very high tech -(god NYC could learn something from it) so wear socks or some wrist bad or something to hold card. The number is written on your bag and your arm. Important when you leave at night -you have to dress and take that card with your number on it at the bar to check out -even if you didn't have anything to get receipt from bartender -in order to leave and not upset the doorman- you give the number card and receipt back to doorman to leave so they know you settled your tab. I stress again do not lose it !!!! they get very upset so follow protocol. NAked night- OMG- it was about 400 guys - 400 of the most hottest men I've seen ever-all shapes, sizes age groups- just naked - some of the biggest dicks I ve seen and then alot of regular etc. Caligula must have left blueprints for this place-its huge- and why I say get there early on time- not only will you miss the action but you'll want to as a first timer - explore the place-there so many nooks and crannies it feels endless and you definitely want to explore the place - and like me you'll want to clone yourself so you can place your self in every possible area- there was so much fucking, sucking etc once it started and when it starts its flash quick -it goes on on on -it s like wildfire and you move from one stop -another set of bodies are just fucking away. --- When you walk in the little booths on the right are for more privacy but then on the left of that is a leather curtain with a sling in between the rooms- go through that and there is the main darkroom- it has a full size bed platform where the Berlin Bottoms line up and take their positions-its also another small leather platforms and a sling in the dark corner and some various tables, fuck horses- but let me tell you -once the first bttm is getting plowed- its like a zombie apocalypse - I wish those tops would come to NYC - there is nothing as wildly fun as I ever I have seen in all my years- the closest was the old El Mirage Black party nights.. I'm truly dating myself. The other areas is the bar- with the nicest bar staff ever! and then begins the Yellow brick road- a hall way with slings on both sides and then a back hallway with crannies and leads to anther small bar and then to the right is a crackout dark hallway with what I would call -waiting stations- for more intimate action - i'm winking there because the men will just jump on whatever you're doing--- and then it opens to a grand room where there are various platforms and directly on the left in the back is the gloryhole section- i found this on the 3rd go around and boy that was jumping all night long on both ends... -the right is where the bathroom is at and a small tub for piss addicts. The toilets for the piss/shit fetish smells like it and two rooms with hoses for cleaning out- apparently that happens tho I can't imagine doing that there but it must happen- the smell is something I won't forget- it was disgusting and gives you a tremendous hardon at the same -go figure! One mention by the gloryhole area is a booth area with metal floor grating and right below it is a tiled room with stairs leading down to it- I couldn't figure it out but this for piss lovers just to lie on metal grating and let them just piss on you- god I love the Germans! I didn't see it much used on my visit. There is an upstairs area with a sling and some leather fuck beds that was during various times very popular so not to be missed. The main action centered in the main dark room with the platform beds with the bottoms lined up bentover -the tops will go from hole to hole to hole- god it was sensational on the receiving end and to watch it go down as well.... a tops dream and a bottoms final resting place-LOL- i would pay rent to live there! The action was non-stop until about 12midnight and this is where the crowd starts to go - because of work and real life of course so that's why I stress- go early!!!!!! One thing bout the bottoms-they are extremely aggressive -they will knock you out to get that cock and will pull it out your ass and right into their mouth and back to their hole- -this for newcomers was like for me WTF and you have to learn -bitch -that's my cock- pull it out there ass- eat it and put it back in yours. Friday night- was the regular night - I at first went to gay village to check out the CDL bar lounge that was having Berlin Gangbang -15 euro - OMG what a fucking waste of time- it was horrible! all wrapped and quite pathetic - i left ran into two Danes visiting from Copenhagen and i saved them the waste of time and we went to LAB- it was about 11ish close to the doors closing at 12 midnight and OMG it was packed i mean 400 guys - not all naked but trust me when I say - just check your shit and don't bother -if u want to wear a jock -go ahead but don't with the clothes -you came to fuck so come to fuck! It was so crazy - insane- a must visit. Sat -I didnt attend it was gummie night- rubber night Sun -mask night- bring your own or they sell you a hooded mask- bring your own -the one they supply look like terrorist hoods- and so HOT! I mean stifling not the erotic kind- but when in rome--- it wasn't nearly as crowded about 50 if that so wasn't that popular My recommendation is Thus/Frid nights- not to be missed!!!! one other recommendation - the sauna BOILER- is so amazing-it puts any other bathhouse to shame which includes Steamworks in Chicago, Toronto, - it is an achievement that's got to be seen- and Sunday at 5pm is high tide for some of the most beautiful men I've seen gathered - it does skew younger Berliner's - there wasn't a lot of out of shape guys - i did feel like the fattest person there -i did see a few beefy like myself just so you know but fuck it -go just to see the steamroom and the maze of rooms. I didn't care i did feel intimidated but got in one of the rooms with the sling- put on my mask and blinded myself - i took 3 loads - woof! so if you attend church you will get your communion! A must see!!! LAB- out of this world - sorry for the long post but nobody ever shares what its really like and this just gives a beginner a glimpse of what you'll find but the experience is on another level and what you make of it- and its for all ages unlike some places where older guys like myself will feel left out- I didn't see anyone left out. Also, yes, a lot of the fucking is raw but there was condom use more than i would prefer but it is quite mixed but its definitely more raw. I hope this helps any newcomers..... I know I want to go back.
    1 point
  15. I'd been wanting to get spit roasted for some time, but I live in a small city which makes for slim pickings. We have some porn theaters in town, but they can be touch and go. So as you can guess, I spend a fuck load of time on the internet. So one day on the internet I saw an add for a couple of guys visiting from out of town. After exchanging very few emails, I knew these two guys were my type: shorter than 6', football builds, Hispanic and dark hairy chests. They were both tops and that suited this bottom fine. They mentioned they would have condoms and lube and wanted to do this semi-public. They also said I was their type: a 6' tall otter, slim build and good looks with a beard...college boy type. I suggested on the theaters that had both glory holes and a large theatre. That way, if they were flakes, I could try my luck at the gloryholes. The two liked the idea and asked if I liked poppers. My answer was straightforward: poppers are the extent of my current drug use with sex and as far as I would go. They replied, "Same here." We decided on 11pm that evening. I did my douching around 9pm and left an hour later. My joint glowed in the wind of the rolled down windows as my tunes blasted into the night. I got to the theatre pretty blazed and noted there were a good amount of cars in the lot. So I decided to check out the glory holes first since I had arrived a bit early. I set up in a booth with glory holes on either end. There were a couple of tall rugged guys there and I was hoping I would get a taste of cum since I assumed the two tops I was meeting would be cumming in the condoms up my ass. I heard this guy enter the booth to my right. I kept my eyes on the porn. Usually guys try and sneak a peak at their potential cocksucker slut, but this guy just stuck a 7" dick through, uncut. I fucking love uncut dicks. I went to town on the hairy shaft. "Shit...", I thought, "this has got to be truck driver or a country guy." This was only because his dick was rough and hairy, no primping with this guy. My cottonmouth was coming on hard and I could tell it was affecting the blowjob. The guy pulled off and wagged his dick through the glory-hole. He was hairy from head to toe. God, if those two dudes show up I am gonna be one happy cock slut. Just then I heard someone enter the booth to my left. I couldn't take my eyes off this trucker though. His hand came down with a drink and a straw in a large styrofoam cup. "Drink this, wet that mouth for me." I did. I swallowed large gulps and kept a bit in my mouth on the last sip to slosh around and keep it wet. He stuck his dick back through and I stood up a bit to give my knees a rest and was just bent over, unknowingly showing off my ripe cherry to the glory-hole behind me. As I sucked on the trucker an odd head-rush came to me. I kept sucking on the guy's cock, but felt really . . . well, higher. Almost like I was on X or G! That guy had G in the cup. It had been awhile, but since I knew what I was in for, I did not complain and just kept going. I felt the dude in the other booth moving around and blowing air on my pucker. I decided, "Let's get some good ass play if the other dude is up for it." I inched backwards and felt my ass hit the wall behind me, my back arched and I could feel fingers spread my cheeks. Then a wet, lubed finger penetrated my hole and started loosening it up. I felt the guy tap my ass with a small bottle. I reached back and took the poppers. I took a sniff and then the trucker pulled his dick out of my mouth. He bent down and his eyes met mine. "Give me those poppers." . . . I did. His hand stretched up to my nose. His index finger held one nare closed and the others pressed the open poppers to my open nostril. "Sniff you slut!" . . . I did. He kept it there for about 3 breath cycles in both nares. My head spun and I felt something larger at my well lubed and now welcoming shit hole. I turned around. There was a good 8" hispanic dick right there. I went to town on it. I did not want a bare dick up my ass. And then I felt the truckers hands on my crotch as he positioned my hole for his access. I felt fingers massage my pucker as I deep throated a hot brown cock. Then I felt the trucker's 7-incher penetrate my hole. "I don't want bare cock!, my mind screamed. But what really came out of my mouth was, "Give me your bare cock sir!" I was in deep and I knew it. I did not know the status of these two guys, but I didn't care. I could feel my hole open up. He went slowly at first and then started full speed. He did not last long. I felt his hot cum pulse into my ass and then he pulled out. I heard him say: "Here is something for you, I bet you got a long night ahead of you." I felt two fingers in my hole quickly enter and go. He then capped my hole with his fingers and said: "Keep it in there for a bit." It? What could it be? Then a rush came, a familiar rush . . . a booty bump. Wow people were generous with their drugs tonight. I got off the hot cock, turned around and spread my cheeks wide. I took three hits off the poppers and let the man fuck me bare. I could feel him enter and just thrust. He thrusted for a bit and my head just whirled. My dick was a raging hard on and I could feel the guy start going deep. He was about to cum. "Fuck, take this load you fucking whore!", he screamed. . . . I did. When he pulled out, a cloud lifted. Shit! The time, right? It was 11:07pm. I would be fashionably late. I picked up with slutty dignity I had left the booths and entered the theatre. It was not full at all. The two guys were dressed like they said and they saw me as I leaned up the back wall. They moved in closer and I saw two hot dark Hispanics with two football builds, huge chests, hairy and baseball caps. They both took them off and put them on backwards. This was going to be hot. I must have looked a bit sweaty and one said: "Shit bro, was that you getting rammed?" "Yeah, I got here early." "Then why did we even bring lube?!? Let's get your undressed!" They stripped me down bare. It was a theatre in a porn store and I was the night's dish. I started sucking their cocks together and both were beyond 7", but not 9" each. I didn't care. I wanted dick. They both got hard quickly and got me in spit roasted position. Top #1 looked a bit older and got my ass first while I sucked the younger guy's, Top #2, rod. I could here #1 take his bare dick and slap it against my wet and gushing hole. I heard a condom come out of its package and #1!slap it on. He entered with a moan, "Ooooohhhh, fuck, what a nice wet pussy. Dude, you are gonna cum so quickly!", he joked with his friend. "Naw, with the condom on it takes me longer." "Right! Awesome, well I just gotta keep my rhythm with this ass. What do you have up there? A whole bottle of lube?" I had no idea how much the other two had cum in my ass, but it must have been a lot. #1 just kept a nice pace, moaning the whole time. I could hear the doors opening and closing and see about 3-4 other dudes watching and stroking. One guy came up and I recognized his pants as the hispanic dick, the guy who had the poppers. He took them out and made me take a couple sniffs. I did, one . . . two . . . three sniffs. I felt the top speed up and then I heard, "Shit, bro, hand me another condom. This one broke." The other top started searching and gave him another. He opened it and put it on. One thrust, two thrusts, three thrusts, ".... SHIT! This one broke too." The two tops looked at each other while I kept sucking Top #2's dick. I heard whispering. I felt Top #1 caress my hairy chest and bring me upright with his dick still in. He whispered, "You like bare dick man?" "Yeah, I do." "You neg?" "Yeah, neg." "My bro and I here are both poz and we just found out. That's why we wanted to fuck you safely." I gave him a smile and said, "We tried." I bent over and started going over Top #2's long brown shaft. Top #1 just started pounding... "You want my poz cum you whore? You want my babies up in you and infecting you?" "Yes sir!" He screamed and shot a huge load up in me. He paused and kept his dick in. "Bro, get over here. If I take my dick out that cum is not going to stay in. You have to pound it in." Top #2 kept me upright as he switched positions with Top #1. I felt some cum leak out and a guy lick it off my legs. I was upright again and someone had pulled out a rig. I could feel the tightening of my arm, the insertion of a needle and then a rush of heat accompanied by a cough. I got bent over and a new cock was in my mouth. Top #2 started slamming me and I moaned, and moaned and moaned. I did not care. The chemicals were spinning me beyond sex and into a new world. Top #2 did not last long bare. He came within a couple of minutes. I am truly unsure what happened after that. I know I went over to a bench and put my legs up. I know the hispanic dude repeated and a couple other dudes munched on my hole for sloppy seconds, thirds, whatever . . . . I'm poz now and I have a steady boyfriend. We both got pozzed in similar ways, so we sometimes try and repeat those scenarios between us and our poz friends. I'm sure my conversion will never be surpassed.
    1 point
  16. How it started It started innocently enough. Well, a recon date to meet for fisting may not be everyone's idea of innocence, but it was really a quite not-very-kinky date. I was 39, quite normal guy called Simon. Out of the closet at work, but not out as a guy that liked to get fist deep into his ass quite regularly. Anyway, the guy seemed very nice: A couple years older than me, recently out of a relationship and keen on trying out fisting. He had only tried it once before, but was determined to try it again. He was a safe sex guy only which I also insisted on. I hadn't really been bare backed since years and recently tested this was how I preferred it. After a quite lengthy period of chatting, we agreed to meet at my place. I cleaned out well and was ready when he entered. He introduced himself as David. He had a great smile and soon also introduced me to a nice 15 cm uncut cock. David urged me to suck him. He made me suck it deep and holding the back of my head ensuring I understood my task was to please him. I did my best and loved feeling his nice cock deep in my mouth. I was rock hard. After a while he seemed satisfied and withdrew. While I recovered he wrapped up and proceeded to fuck me. First he wanted me on my back, looking me deep in the eyes while adding just a bit of lube before entering me. It hurt but soon I enjoyed it. He increased the speed and turned me around. Twisting my nipples while fucking me, he ensured I was very horny and wanted him deeper. It wasn't a merciless fuck, but very determined. He was pounding me intense and hard and was clearly more focused on his own pleasure than mine. Well, suited me well, I took a sniff of my poppers and wanked slowly. He withdrew, grabbed a black glove and fist lube and I lay down on my back with poppers within reach. The first time with a new guy I am always anxious. How is he? Soon I felt his first finger in my hole, and he soon stretched open with two and three finger. I relaxed and knew I could take more with a little help of poppers. He added another finger, and soon tried to push he entire fist. It felt huge, but I loved the feeling and soon he was inside me. And my anxiousness was replaced by pleasure. I knew this one was a good fister. Sure, he was as determined as a fister as a fucker, but he had a certain way of doing it that I immediately loved. I got super horny and as always I my inner slut is released as soon as I got a fist inside me. I really only wanting to feel it deep, feel the fist fuck me and to cum. David didn't allow me to shoot, and after a while he took out his hand and kissed me. Suddenly he showed tenderness that I knew was sincere and from then one I not only liked, but also trusted him. The reason for withdrawing was that he wanted to fuck me again. David made sure I was kneeling doggy in front of him and fucked me again. Can you feel my dick he teased? I ensured him I could. He smacked my buttocks a couple of times and I felt him increase his phase. Hard and deep he fucked me and soon I knew he was close and he came with a small cry that soon changed to a big smile. He turned me around again, handed me the poppers and I felt his fist against my hole. Soon I was urging him to fist me harder as I wanked myself to a big and intense orgasm. We were both happy. Over the next weeks we chatted more, but never managed to meet up and one day his Recon profile was gone. I was disappointed, but what could I do? It was never less a nice memory. Two years later Two years later I suddenly got a message on Recon from David again. Back after another relationship and breakup, he was ready for new adventures. We started to chat regularly again. His profile was still safe sex only, but now noted that he was chems friendly. I had never tried chems and told him that I was not interested. He said he thought I would enjoy it, but that it as of course up to me. We discovered was that we both really liked cuddling. That surprised him. He had thought I was a just sex only guy, preferring only rather rough fist dates. It proved difficult to find time to meet, but eventually we had a new date. Pretty much like the first one, I was once again enjoying sucking his nice cock before he fucked me just as rough as I like it and fisted me with determination and surprising skill. I teased him he was a natural talent as he claimed he hadn't fisted anyone since he first met me. After we had both shot our loads, we chatted, cuddled and had a nice time. From then on we started to chat online even more often. He called me his little slut and told me how much he loved to fuck and fist me. Like me he was very much the boy next door guy, but revealed his interest in leather. He was very happy then I told him that although not much into the leather scene I still owned leather boots and pants. Having sex with me in that outfit was definitely something he wanted. David told me he wanted to try out new things with me and again said we should try chems together. It made me horny to ask him to specify his fantasies. He told me he would love to try to pee in my ass or on my face, cum on my face and bareback me. I made me extremely horny to hear all of this. I said I would like to try most things, but no bare backing. Condoms only when fucking and no cum even in my mouth. However, I started to wonder how it would be to be fucked and fisted while on chems. I read some stories on breedingzone about guy being chemmed up and I realised it was a big turn on to imagine myself as slightly dizzy fucktoy. A chemmed up date I finally agreed to try e with him on our next date. He was very careful to underline this was up to me, and that he didn't want to force me. Anyway, I decided, I am more than 40 now and I should try it at least once. We agreed to meet on evening. As usual I cleaned out thoroughly and on his request I dressed up in my leather stuff and was ready when he knocked on my door. He kissed me passionately before handing me the e and some water and I swallow dutifully. He took one himself. Continuing to kiss me, he lifted my black t-shirt, found my nipples and pulled them just as I like it. I was instantly horny and soon I also felt a sudden rush. I understood the e was hitting. I loved the feeling immediately. We kissed while he was feeling my hard dick through the leather pants. My head was spinning for horniness and soon all I wanted was to suck him and make him happy. I urged him to give me his cock. He pushed me down on my knees, opened his jeans and pushed my head against his underwear. They had a slight smell of piss that made me even hornier. He continued to pull my nipples and I released his cock. I took his 15 cm in my mouth. I couldn't get it deep enough and he said I was a good slut. After a while he lead me to my bed, pushed me down with my ass pointing towards him and gave me some spanks. David opened my leather pants, and pushed them down and exposed my ass. He spanked it again and wanked himself back to a full erection. Putting on a condom and lubing my hole with an experienced move, he didn’t take the time to open me with a finger. He simply pushed in. Not extremely brutal, but not very concerned about me either. I cried out, more of surprise than pain although it was a bit painful. I was still a bit dizzy from the e and enjoyed the feeling of him entering me, fucking me and controlling me and using me. “I will take care of you” he said. “I love you. Just relax”. I did. After being satisfied by his initial fuck, he turned to fisting. He opened me quite gently while I added poppers to my chemmed-up state to ensure I could take his fist. David pushed in, I screamed in pain and pleasure and he said: just scream out, it turns me on. It wasn't a cruel statement, just an observation. He continued to fist me, kissing me, spanking me and then fucking me again. I was in heaven. “Do you still feel the e?” he asked. I realized it had subdued and I said "not so much". “Take some water and I will give you one more” he said. He did, and after a while I felt the intense feeling returning. He sensed I was ready for more and he fisted me again, soon punching me. Alternating between his left and right arm, my hole was punched again and again. It was so intense and so good. I didn't have the usual urge to shoot a load, it was more that I just wanted it to continue. He took some breaks and we cuddled, before he fisted me more. My as was more open than ever before and it felt amazing. We cuddled and I was in a very dreamy state. We were spooning up and I felt his hardening cock against my back. I played with it until it was again fully erect. The condom had fallen off when he had been soft so he was not wrapped up. Suddenly I felt him pushing himself against my open hole. I was still dizzy and not able to resist. He pushed in and said "can you feel my cock? I am barebacking you baby. Doesn’t it feel great? Don't you love it slut?" And I realised I really enjoyed it. Not only did it feel much closer and intimate but it was also the feeling of doing something very naughty. He started to fuck me more intensely and soon I knew he would shoot. I didn't try to avoid it. I just enjoyed feeling him shooting his load in my ass. It was so great and we kissed and cuddled as his cock softened. Still being very horny, I felt his cock slip out and suddenly I just knew I had to suck him. I took his beautiful cock in my mouth again, it tasted lube, assjuice and cum and I sucked it while wanking myself. I shot a big load and was totally exhausted, but very happy. I felt his cum dribble out of my ass and I smiled at him while fingering myself and licking his cum of my fingers. I knew I would be willing to far with this guy.
    1 point
  17. My boyfriend and I are very loving, but our sex life has gotten somewhat stale. We both just work too many long hours and that kills things especially when our schedules don't overlap very much. We still fuck, and when we do it is very good as he has an amazing cock. At about seven inches it's not all that long, but it's very, very thick, almost as if a beer can was sliding in my ass, and when he's going at it, he readily hits those spots that drive me wild. However, even if I love him very deeply, we just don't fuck as often as we did in the past, sometimes with a long time between sessions. As my ass needs much more attention than he is able to provide, I have several dildos and vibrators to help me out when we aren't fucking but they're definitely not as good as the real thing, so I went on-line and signed up for several sites, if only to look at some fresh cock that I could pretend were in my ass, instead of the dildo which I was actually using. The visual stimulation worked well, really getting me going, so I also signed up with several sites which over IM, just so I could cam and talk to other guys. Sometimes I would get to see the guys jacking themselves, while they got to see me ramming my ass with my dildo, ramming it in and out of my hole, all the while leading the guy du jour on by telling him how great his cock feels in my hole. It might not have been perfect, but the arrangement kept me sane, if only as I absolutely loved seeing the variety of cocks out in the market. Not to mention some of the fantasies in which we indulged were also rather good. Occasionally our sex play would get very wild and sometimes pretty vanilla but always good enough to get me through to the next time with my boyfriend and then our sex would soar. After about a year of this arrangement I found myself on-line, looking to find some cyber gratification as, once again, my boyfriend and I hadn't had sex in a month or so. When on-line I connected with a guy I hadn't seen before. His profile definitely caught my eye, he was 30, 6', 170, brown hair and blue eyes, and listed his cock as eleven inches, thick and cut. His advertisement also said he was Top only. He hadn't uploaded any photographs of his cock, but there were several of his torso, and it looked like a ripped god. Well muscled and a pic of his ass which was very nicely rounded. His face picture was also enticing. I felt I had to see this cock somehow and hit on him for an IM webcam session. At first there was no answer, even though it showed him online, but just as I was getting ready to check for someone else he answered back. A couple of click later our cams were synced and ready. I was already nude but was somewhat disappointed that he seemed to be fully clothed. He opened the conversation first by asking to see my ass and when I showed I to him, I got a nice whistle and he said that is sure looked great to him. He went on to tell me that it looked like I could handle him ok and he would love to be the one in me all the time. I asked to see his cock, but he kind of sidestepped it by continuing to talk about my ass. He was kind of turning me on with his talk so I grabbed a dildo and started to run it around my hole and then got my lube and started lubing my hole and the dildo. Then he started telling me what to do. Had me fingering my hole first and then two and then three fingers in me and ramming them in and out of my ass and he wanted me to do it hard. It felt good and I was really getting into him telling me what to do. His voice was very compelling. Then he had me inserting the dildo a little at a time. Then he asked me if I had a bigger one. I told him I did and he wanted me to get it. I wasted no time getting it for sure. Seldom used this one because of its size but he wanted it and I obeyed for some reason. I started to get more lube and he told me to not use anymore, as he wanted to see if I could take it without anymore. I was a little apprehensive but did it anyway. I started to rub it around and around my hole but he told me to get on with it and start getting it in. I complied quickly and soon had about half of it in me. He got a little impatient and growled at me to ram that fucker in. I did it too. Damn it hurt but felt so good at the same time. My dildo was about as big around as my boy but about as long as the one this guy had posted, so it was much more than my usual. I held still for a bit but he again growled to get busy and ram than thing now. I jumped but could not help but do what he wanted. I started to pull it out and then back in and he said not near fast nor hard enough go to it. I started going faster and faster and harder and harder. It hurt but soon the rubbing against my prostate was fantastic and I wanted more and hard as I could ram it in me. About 15 minutes later and I was groaning back at him that I was cumming and without touching my own cock it started to spurt and spurt and spurt. More cum than I think I had ever had come out of me before. As I was starting to settle down, I noticed that he had seemed to be jacking and his camera was now showing a huge puddle of cum on his table. I thought I had cum a lot but he had shot about five times as much as had I, and had definately shot more than my boyfriend's normal load. I hadn't, however, gotten even a glimpse of his huge cock. I asked to see it but he had signed off before I sent clicked 'send'. WOW What an experience! It had been much, much hotter than I had expected.
    1 point
  18. I love going to Palm Springs. You see, once a year some friends - anywhere between 5 and 7 of us - rent a house with a pool for a long weekend. It’s never the same group of people and usually there's at least one person I don’t know at the start of the 4 days. This time I did know everyone, just not very well…. yet. The reason these Palm Springs weekends are so great is because there’s inevitably going to be sex involved. In years past there was lots of drugs as well. But it seems that, as we ‘mature’ that party aspect has gradually knocked down to alcohol and coke. Man, I miss Tina! And sex too, for that matter. I’ve been celibate for about a year with no boyfriend or regular hook-ups. At just 5’6” I had put on an extra 15lbs from drinking. Now 15lbs probably doesn’t sound like much, but to a late 30-something living in gay West Hollywood, CA — an extra 15lbs that’s not muscle might as well classify you as obese. But over the last few months I’ve been taking care of myself, doing the P90X, and gotten into shape. Which was needed for such a naked weekend…. where I was determined to take some loads. Lots of loads! My best friend's BF (Jake) had organized the weekend. Jake and Chad (my friend of 20 years) have a very open and adventurous relationship. I don’t know many of the details but when your friend of a couple decades starts wearing a chain and padlock around his neck out in public, you get an idea that something new and different is happening at home. The other couple was Ryan and Ken. Ryan and I use to be best buds, wing-men, and trouble-makers. Ryan is an ass hole, but I was always able to deal with his snide remarks. He first introduced me to all sorts of fun drugs, including tina. Thank you, Ryan!!! His bf, Ken, is also an ass hole - which is why I stopped hanging around with them. One asshole I could handle, two was too much. (I’ve been known to hold a grudge). But this weekend I was determined to let the past stay in the past and make nice. Because, actually, I knew that Ken had been good for Ryan. When they first started dating, I heard from a reliable source who said of Ken, “Once a nasty BB cum-pig, always a nasty BB cum-pig.” Which should have made me like him a lot! (he’s a bottom, though). Ryan and I had fooled around every now and again back when we hung out more. Even having smoked crystal together, Ryan would always insist on using condoms… which I hated. But his cock was amazing so I took it. I’d never seen a half-cut dick before. Ryan joked that he was circumcised as a baby, but his Mom was too lazy to take care of him so some foreskin grew back. It was long, smooth, and thick - with the little skin covering the head. And dark(ish). Ryan is Italian by decent and has a few of the features. A darker dick was one of them which turned me on so much just because it was different. Now on PrEP, I knew that Ken's piggy tendencies had rubbed off on my former friend and he was playing raw. Make no mistake, I was hoping to hop a ride on his bare fuck stick finally. Anyway the first day was fine. We all swam naked in the pool and hung out. David and Nathan are the last two I haven’t told you about yet. Not a couple but a couple of hot twinks! Nathan is very thin and tall with a huge dick — because all tall skinny white guys have monster cocks, apparently. All I knew of Nathan, really, was that he was shocked one time when he found out that a friend of ours did tina. You know, shocked in the way a young and naive “good boy” would be. Being so young and naive I just made some assumptions about his sexual tendencies -- and they bored me. David was the person I knew the least about but wanted the most. A chiseled frame on a cocky boy’s body, David had been flirtatious and slutty all day. David was a GoGo boy by night and a flight attendant by day. I know he’s hooked up in the past with Jake (our host) and Chad (my friend of 20 years). Chad said that the entire time they were all fucking around, David kept asking to take pictures. A hot, sexy exhibitionist. Nice! As night fell — remember, there are no hard core drugs anywhere just alcohol and coke — talk turns to harder stuff. Thankfully, the crew wants more. I’m relieved. Being a flight attendant must have it’s perks because David happens to know someone in town who may be able to hook us up. Talk then turns to what to order. The two couples are only really interested in E. David turns to me and whispers, “I’d rather get Tina and really fuck around.” (did I mention that we were all casually naked hanging out by the pool and that sorta talk makes me instantly hard?) “OMG, I haven’t done that in so long,” I replied but sounding incredibly anxious. “Wanna go in with me?” he asked to which I devilishly replied “you’re gonna turn me into a cum pig. Are you ready for that?” He was. For a change of scenery, the two couples left to go to Hunters, the local bar. David and I stayed back to call his dealer friend and wait for the package. Since everyone except us were going to roll, we said we’d also get the house cleaned up and ready for a fun night. To my surprise, Nathan stayed back with us but scampered off to shower. Finally alone and away from the condescending judgment of the others, David and I begin to have a more frank and open discussion about our devilish plot. “I love doing Tina so much better - it makes me an insatiable sex machine,” David admits to which I agreed. “How do you do it? Smoke, rail or slam?” “Well I haven’t done anything in years,” I confess. “But I’ve mostly only smoked before.” “Never slammed,” David asked me curiously? “Well once,” I admitted. "But it was years ago!” “Well, hopefully my guy will bring a pipe for you, otherwise you’re in for a trip with me,” he smirked. I was really starting to like this stud. “You need Leather!” he exclaimed and grabbed my arm pulling me to his room. I knew David was into some leather accessories from his GoGo pics. For me, eh - take it, leave it, whatever. Inside his room, David tosses an Atlantis Events duffle bag up on the bed. I didn’t know he’d been on an Atlantis cruise before. Guess there’s lots I don’t know about him. Inside the duffle was all sorts of fun leather treats. I’m fitted with one of his harness and a leather jock. The harness is awesome! Since I’ve been getting myself back in-shape, this new accessory really accentuates my body. “So I’m really into nasty pig sex when I slam,” David blurts out. “I do it all the time around the country where people don’t really know me and I can let loose. But in LA, around my friends, I keep it to myself. You know.” And I did know. I understood all too well how cliquish and judgmental WeHo fags could be. Especially couples. So I reassured David that my inner slut whore would be released right along side of his. We pop a couple of Cialis to stay hard. “So what exactly do you get into when you party?” I had to know. “Everything!” he said. My ripped little GoGo boy was trying on different harnesses himself while standing there in a tiny little jockstrap that was strained to contain his meat. “Fucking and taking photos and videos are hot. I’m also turned on by watersports!” This intrigued me to no end as I wanted to dabble in piss play, but never really found someone into it. My fantasy is to have someone piss in my hole. Amazing! “I just hope my mouth doesn’t get me into trouble with the others because I’m very verbal as well,” David continued. “There’s something about POZ talk, especially to someone who’s neg, that turns me on when I play.” *Ding Dong* We opened the front door to David’s friend, Steve. A well-build guy in his mid 40’s - which is young for Palm Springs. Steve had salt & pepper hair and broad shoulders - the kind you want to swing from. He was extremely nice. As a businessman, I’m sure he WOULD be nice with the amount we were buying from him that night. Standing around the kitchen island, we chit-chat about the weekend as Steve begins to lay out his wears. This guy came prepared! Not only did he have everything in-stock that we wanted, he also came with all the necessary tools one would need; including a pipe and torch and a couple of fresh needles. Wasting no time, and anxious for us to sample his inventory, Steve began filling the pipe without needing any guidance from us. And then enters Nathan. Fresh from his shower, the skinny twink walks out naked. What few pubes he had before the shower are now gone and he is smooth as a baby from the face down. His cock sways between his legs as he walks and looks even larger now - even though it’s soft. “Yea! Goodies! What do we have?” Nathan asked with a boyish excitement. “All the exctacy and tina you boys can play with,” chimed Steve very happy with his business offering. “Yea, so here's the deal - Sam and I are going to PNP and be a couple of slutty boys tonight,” explained David who was teasing young Nathan’s nipples. “Well I want to be a slutty boy too!” Nathan exclaimed in protest like a young boy telling his older brother that he can do anything the older boys can do. My jaw nearly hit the floor. Steve had already lit up the pipe and had taken a hit. I guess it was technically still his drugs even though a wad of cash was still sitting on the table. But here’s where my night started to change…. Because Nathan - the innocent, naive boy - grabbed the pipe and drew out a huge puff of the magical white smoke. And with a confidence of youth and knowing he’s cute, he then shot-gunned David who was now completely fingering little Nathan’s hole. “This is going to be fun,” said David exhaling a massive white cloud. We dimmed the lights and moved over to the couches. I threw on some porn as the boys all did another hit off the pipe. Finally it was my turn. “We’re going to do some very bad things with you tonight, Nathan.” “Oh good!” the boy exclaimed as he grabbed hold of David’s harness to hoist his little boy body on top of the GoGo muscle stud to grind up against his jock. Steve motioned to have me join him back in the kitchen. “Now I brought needles, saline, and a booty syringe - it’s all here and it’s all yours. Do you have any questions?” Excited and thrilled at what I knew was happening - and the euphoria of having a couple of great hits of tina in me after all these years, I did have a concern for Steve. “David and I - for sure - are going to slam but I’ve only done it once and I don’t know about him. Can you stay to help us with our first?” I asked thinking Steve was looking to leave. He was not - just still proud of the various level of prepared he was — which we were not. Collecting the required supplies and moving back to the couch, Nathan is now sucking on David’s cock. A long 7 to 8’ shaft with a huge mushroom head. I couldn’t wait to feel it deep inside me. Nathan is fascinated with the tools of our trade and is gazing at the two needles. This boy is much more forward than I expected him to be. “Do you want to slam with us?” David asks Nathan. “Do you want me to fuck you deep while you’re flying so high? You want to be a nasty cum pig like Sam and me?” David is fingering Nathan’s hairless and perfect boy hole whispering this to him like a seductive temptress. The boy’s eyes are so big and wanting but all he can do is smile a huge grin and nod yes as he stares at the needles being prepared. “You want to take all of our loads up your kunt like a good little bitch? Take our POZ cum deep inside of you?” “Fuck Yea” the boy exclaimed, now riding on David’s finger and dry-humping his muscular chest with a rock-hard cock that I wanted as well. “Infect me!” he exclaimed with joy. I nearly fell over. “Oh you want our POZ cum in you, is that it? You like the idea of taking toxic seed you little slut?” David said after licking two fingers and pressing them in Nathan’s ass. He really did like POZ talk. “Oh Fuck Yea!” said Nathan. “Give me all of it! Fill me with your loaded cum!” “Open your mouth,” David ordered before spitting in Nathan’s mouth which he then closed with a devilish grin and a happy moan. Now I may not know what I’m doing when it comes to injecting - but David looked to be a pro. He tightened a strap around his arm and found a good vein to poke with the fresh needle Steve and I had prepared. Drawing back the blood into the syringe, he was focussed for a guy who was already high from smoking. And the look on Nathan’s face was of a boy in heat. “Do it! Put that crystal in your arm,” whispered Nathan. I had seriously underestimated this boy! A couple of good coughs and David stood up whipped off his jockstrap and began playing with his very hard cock thanks to the boner pills we’d taken. “Now you guys,” he said pointing to us. Because we only had the two needles (we didn’t expect needing more than that) and because David and I are both poz, I grabbed his dirty needle and passed it to Steve to refill for me. Pointing to the unused one I said, “there, that one is ready to go, Nathan, but let Steve here help you with it.” “No,” he said with a calmness and a certainty. “You first and then I want to use the same needle.” This got David, who was now obviously high, unbelievably excited. He grabbed the boy’s head, “you want my toxic seed and toxic blood?” This was said with such excitement and glee but also with a perverted and sadistic tone. David immediately kissed Nathan deep before the boy could answer his question. But after a deep lip lock Nathan shot him that boyish grin that tells you ‘I’m cute and I always get what I want’. “Fuck Yes!” “Charge me up and fuck me up! All of you!” “Fuck! You nasty cum dump, bug chasing slut!” David exclaimed with excitement. He really did get off on this talk. I did too. This was the night I needed! I watched in amazement and excitement as the needle was poked into my arm. Steve was very precise and careful. Nathan had plopped next to me standing on his knees on the couch to watch the show. His massive dick pressed against my shoulder so he could lean over closer to watch as the blood was pulled from my arm to mix with the crystal solution. It entered my mostly slam-virgin body and Steve released the strap to let the drugs rush through my body. The sensation was warm and exciting. I coughed and stood up to touch David’s perfect pecs. I then turned to kiss Nathan. “You ARE going to fuck me with your massive cock tonight,” I said to him with a playful confidence. Now my inner cum-slut personality was emerging! Yea! “As long as you promise to fuck me with your poz cock,” he replied. As Steve began to prepare the last slam in the same needle, David had the brilliant idea to go grab the booty bump syringe. Nathan’s attention was now fully on Steve as he worked. “And I want you to mix some of Sam and David’s charged blood in with my injection,” he ordered. “Are you certain, boy?” Steve asked. Perfect -- the friendly neighborhood drug dealer was now the moral center of this horny group. “Yea, Nathan - that may be too much,” I was able to say trying to also be a little good. “It’s fine. I’m on PrEP anyway. Aren’t you and David undetectable?” he asked. We both were and Nathan assured us that it would be fine. “I’m a bug chaser but I’ve got a huge start and am not completely stupid. I take precautions so I can play hard and slutty like I like. But the idea of chasing is a HUGE turn on for me.” Steve took the needle and pulled out some blood from David’s arm. To stop the trickle of blood from his vein, David licked it from himself. Hot, I thought. My blood was next. Steve then shook the continues of this now pink needle and asked one more time to be sure. The boy was sure. With the same preseason and care, Steve drew back some of Nathan’s blood to mix with ours and began sliding it in. After the strap was released from his arm, the boy’s head thrust back and he squealed with excitement. “Somebody fuck me!” he said. And of course, David obliged. Steve had removed his shirt by now and he returned to his glass pipe to blow more smoke. As Nathan and David were now fucking on the couch, my ass needed some major attention. Getting Steve out of the rest of his clothes was easy. He wasn’t wearing underwear. His dick was also huge and uncut. There's nothing better than the feel of an uncut cock sliding raw inside your ass. I can feel the foreskin sliding back and forth in my hole. Remembering the sensation get's me over the moon so I lay back on the other side of the couch and raise my legs, silently ordering this hot, solid man to come and abuse me. He walked over, bent down and spit a huge glob of spit onto my hole and then slid his 8” shaft into my very hungry hole. “Oh Fuck Yea Man!” I grunted at him. "Fuck me good! Pound me with that cock. I need to feel it in me." “Oh - so there’s more than one slutty cum whore in the house is that it?” he asked me. “Oh fuck yea! I'm the original cum dump. That little trashy fuck, Nathan, isn’t going to get ALL the raw loads tonight!” I protested in a very deep and slutty voice that's half serious but half joking. I then open my mouth wide and Steve happily spits down my throat as he’s pounding my ass next to my tall slutty counterpart. After a few minutes, the two tops swap and my chiseled and hot GoGo boy has his fat mushroom head in my ass. "You like that, you little fuck pig?" "Fuck yea I do!" David's sex talk is turning me on so hard. "We're going to charge up that hot little boy hole good tonight," he says as he's in me. "Yea!" I exclaim. "And piss in my hole!" I couldn't believe the words escaped my lips so easily. "You wanna take my piss? You want to be my urinal? Want me to fill up your hole so it's soaking wet?" he asked. All I could do was grunt my Yes and excitement. "Turn me into a piss pig tonight," I begged. With that, David pulled down my chin and spit in my mouth before dismounting me. Tapping Steve on the shoulder he was all, "come on - we're moving this show." He grabbed the un-used booty bump (we hadn't gotten to it yet) and we all walked outside. "Sam wants to be a piss pig - who besides me can help with that?" David asked looking squarely at Nathan. "Yea, I could piss on him," he replied. "No... IN him. We're gong to fill up his guts and turn him in a wet, tripping toilet," said David. "And if you do a good job, you'll get a prize," he said to the boy waving a full booty bump in his face. On a blanket in the grass I laid down excited for the new experience. Nathan came down and hovered over me with his rock-hard cock at the entrance of my ass. "You want my piss in your ass don't you slut?" Nathan had now taken up a very dominant position as the commanding top. And I did. I did want his huge tool to douce me with his piss. It was over 8" and really thick. Maybe even thicker than Steve's. And I couldn’t wait to feel it. Nathan raised up and grabbed his cock. He stood still for a moment concentrating. Then I felt a couple of light splashes against my ass. Another moment and then the stream came. He maneuvered his cock to spray piss on my hard dick and stomach before guiding it into my hole. The sensation was incredible! The warmth was filling my gut really fast - which I hadn’t anticipated. He still wasn’t all the way in me - just the head of his cock. But the fluid was filling me up. “Yes! Fuck your piss up in me!” I said. “Take my piss you filthy slut.” Nathan had really done a 180 and was now commanding my obedience.
    1 point
  19. So my quest to get pozzed by my Black Daddy continues. We were supposed to hook up yesterday, but when I got to his place he need some parTy supplies. Unfortunately, his dealers were not to be found. While we waited for them to call us back, I douched and put on my new jock strap for my breeding. He was dressed hoping to get a call so we could smoke a bit and he could shove his big, black poz cock up my still negative, but very hungry and willing hole. While I sat naked on his couch except for the jock strap we watched porn - he had a little of the T left so we smoked it which just made me super horny for his big, fat poz cock. He only likes to fuck while high, and I'm becoming a big T whore, so since we couldn't get any I went home without getting fucked. We made plans for Thursday when his normal supplier would be back. I texted him before going to bed to make sure we were still on for Thursday and to let me know if the T didn't come through. Much to my surprise this morning I awoke to a responsive text saying he had gotten some T and to come over and get his cock. Since I hadn't made plans at work, I went in early, did what I had to do, made an excuse and went to his house - craving getting his fat cock and poz load in my ass. He opened the door wearing nothing but a jockstrap, his sexy black bear body making me horny. I jumped in the shower and cleaned out, put on my new jock strap and went into the living room where we fuck. He lit a bowl and we chatted, after several hits, I couldn't resist sucking on his big cock to get it ready for my ass. As I sucked it I rubbed his belly and he started telling me how he truly wanted to be the one to poz my ass - he wants me to just let him fuck me until I convert. He's on meds but has converted a couple of guys with his "virulent swimmers." The T, his now hard dick and all the poz talk had my hole craving his beautiful fat poz cock in my ass. I mounted the fuck chair, he mounted me and we fucked all afternoon - After the first poz load and we honestly discussed him knocking me up and how ithas alays been my fantasy to get pozzed by a black daddy bear with a fat cock. He even suggested that I bring a toothbrush next time. After another round of smoking and the dirty talk, my hole was again twitching for his cock and cum. After about another hour he shot his second toxic load in my ass with me begging him to poz my ass. I still have his cum in me - but think I have found the guy that will finally give me what I want. Can't wait to have his Black DNA in me forever!
    1 point
  20. A Word of Warning A word of warning to you bottoms. Don't let a guy fuck you raw and then cum in your ass. The feeling of a guy's cock spasming in your ass, that cum filling up the area around his shaft and making a warm glove that massages his cock as he shoots his load deep, is an intense orgasm that he will want to repeat. And once you've experienced that stiff cock pulsing and the hot cum shooting into you, you will want to feel it over and over again. When he pulls out, you're gonna want to suck his cock clean, tasting that great cum as well as your clean ass juices, and you're gonna want to suck him up stiff again, so that as soon as possible, you can have that rod inside you again. And when he slides home on that carpet of warm cum, and you feel how great it is to have a guy fuck you in cum, you're not gonna want him to stop. You're gonna do everything in your power to keep that cock in your ass. You'll end up with your heels in his ass forcing him to fuck you deep and hard. And if he gets worn out and says he can't fuck you any longer, you're gonna go looking for more. If you're at a party, you're gonna lay there in the sling with cum dripping out of your ass and down your ass crack, and holler for another top to take his place as quickly as possible. Raw anal sex is addictive. Once you've had a man shoot his load in you, you will do anything you can to get him to do it again and again, or to find as many tops as you can to load you up, till the cum runs down your legs. So don't get started on this unless you think you can have sex as often as possible, because that's what you will constantly want. ........... A word of warning to you tops. Don't let a guy talk you into shooting your load into his ass. The feel of your cum around your shaft as you fuck is very erotic and stimulating. It is an orgasm you won't forget. After you shoot you'll keep fucking as long as you can, to get the feel of that cum all over your cockshaft, till the cum forms a white ring around the base of your shaft. After you go soft, you'll pull out and ask him to suck you up stiff again. And then you'll want to fuck him again. And when you slide home on that carpet of warm cum and experience how great it feels to fuck an ass that's been lubricated with your own seed, you'll want to do it over and over again. That warm ass will feel like a mouth sucking you till you want to spurt your cum. It's very addictive. After you seed him as much as you can, and he's laying there in a pool of your jizz, you'll go off looking for another willing bottom to take your loads. This becomes an endless search for raw bottoms to fuck. You will go to a party and go from ass to ass, planting your seed and feeling how great it is to fuck a guy in another man's cum. You'll try to find the man that has the most loads in him, so you can plant another on top. When you slide into an ass and feel the cum ooze out on your balls, and you can both hear and feel it squishing on your cock, you will want to pound your load into him even more. The feel of cum on your cock will turn you into a fuckin' machine. So don't get started on this, unless you want to have raw sex as often as possible and with as many men as possible. Raw anal sex is the most addictive type of sex. Once you start, you can't stop. You'll want to fuck all the time. Jerry Prince RawTopDad@AOL.com October, 1999
    1 point
  21. Berlin is the pig capital of the world and is always busy. For pride it will be extremely busy so be even earlier whereever you want to go. But trust me, you are going to have heaps of fun!!! Let me know if you need a tour guide
    1 point
  22. Was wading in a lake with a fellow classmate. He came up behind me, pulled my trunks down and pressed his hard cock against my hole. Placing his hands around my waist, he pulled me tighter against him and his cock slid in. Shortly thereafter, he shot his load in me. That was 1964. The next day at school, he told several classmates he had fucked me in the ass.
    1 point
  23. Well last night was a bit embarrassing. I was super horny (come to think of it, I always am) and decided I needed to play. So I messaged a fb that lives about 2 hours away, and he agreed to drive down to hookup (apparently I'm the only guy so far that can take him balls deep). He finally gets here at about 11 PM and he's quick to start things. We started making out even before my front door was closed. I led him to my room ... once in he pushed me on the bed face down and tore off my mesh shorts,leaving me only in a jock. He says, "Damn" and starts rimming me with his long tongue. I'm moaning like a slut, begging him to keep going and eventually, for him to fuck me. His dick should be classified as a weapon ... just under 10" and exceptionally thick (I can barely get it in my mouth, and I can open real wide xD). He spits on my hole, and thankfully he lubed his dick. He takes his time sliding in,but I know what's coming. I hit poppers hard ... he's now halfway in, and he then slams the rest of his dick in my ass. I tried rolling away, but he grabbed my hips and simply fucked me rough and fast. I then ... fell asleep. I woke up a few seconds before he came, and he said I was out like a rock for about 15-20 minutes ... and he kept fucking me. He was pissed, so when he came he pulled all the way out, then slammed balls deep to unload. Omg I love his dick ... gets even more monstrously thick, and I feel each spurt/spasm. I tried again to get him off of me, but he grabbed my arms and used a belt I have to tie them to my headboard. He then laid on top of me and resumed raping my ass. Mmm hell yeah. I wound up with 5 loads in my ass before he pulled out and had me suck his dick clean. He then slid under me and sucked my dick until I shot quite a massive load shown his throat. He choked but I couldn't care less ... I slammed hard on his face and put as much weight as could on it until he swallowed it all. We wound up cuddling until we both fell asleep. Odd.
    1 point
  24. If i found out a guy had secretly filmed me and put it online, it would turn me on more than anything. Like yeah im afraid of who will see it but once its done its done then its just kinda hot. especially if it was multiple guys. Does anyone know of good hidden cam vids? like good stuff not just lame fucking, like exposing sluts hidden cams lol or dom tops
    1 point
  25. OMG What Did I Do? Part IV My ass is still tingling from the abuse I gave it last night while online with a guy that is supposed to have a huge cock. I have not seen it yet, but last night I finally got a glimpse of the head of it. Seemed to be much bigger around than my boys and his is as big around as my wrist. I just want to see it once and I am sure I will cum on the spot. The guy has an extremely sexy muscled body and face and his voice has just the right inflection to make his every word my command. I am basically his to command when he talks and find myself just obeying him and losing concentration on trying to get a look at his cock. He had me so worked up last night that my own cock spurted like a cannon clear over my head, but some landed on my face and into my eyes. When I was blinking and trying to clear my sight is when he apparently lowered his camera to his cock but by the time I could see he raised it back up and I only caught the glimmer of it. My boyfriend has a large cock but this guy claims to have one 11" and from the quick look I got it has to be bigger around than by boys too. I want to see it badly. My ass just tingles thinking about it as it may be bigger yet than my dildo I have which is bigger than normal also. I sent him a message this morning before work telling him I really want to see his cock. I told him it is about all I think about now and especially when playing with my ass with that dildo. I am hoping he will let me see it next time online. Well, work finally over for the day. I have not had a productive day as I could not stop thinking about that little peek I got of my online guy's cock last night. I am hoping he is online again tonight and will let me see it this time. I get home and there is a message from him. My fingers are shaking as I click into my site to read it. He says, "Hi, got your message and am glad I am driving you nuts with want. LOL I love to tease guys wanting to see my cock. I guarantee you it is every bit as large as I say it is. I love stroking it as I tell you what to do to yourself in my name and pretending it is my cock pounding your hole like you want it. What you don't know, because I don't post it, is that I only live about a mile from you. Know that little park on the south side of town, The Lion Park. I live right by it and go walking in it almost every day when it is nice out. When I get to some of the back trails in there I also strip naked and walk in the fresh air. You should try it sometime. You need a little more fresh air and some sun. Oh, I know exactly where you live too. LOL Your boyfriend looks hot too and can see why you are together. Make a great looking couple. " That was all there was and he was not online now. Would he come on later? I sure hoped so. Now I had a bunch of questions to ask. Seems he knows us and I cannot for the life of me remember seeing him before until online. I knew the park he was talking about too, kind of mostly used by guys only to meet up. Maybe I should get over there and find a hiding place and hope he walks by nude to get a look at his cock. I will have to think about that. My boy just texted that he is off early again finally and I am going to rape the hell out of him when he gets here for sure. I am just all excited about a big cock pounding my hole and need my boy quick.
    1 point
  26. Six Load Special http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=k6hPz-G200-#.VTBhnfmjP0s Our guest cam round again and we proceeded to fill his hole with six of our hottest, stickiest loads
    1 point
  27. Lucky you I work in construction n he sounds like the type of Stud that I get breeded by a lot sum days I feel like I spend half me day @ work with a big cock poundin me cum n piss hungry hole but I sure aint complainin most the studs I work with know I luv cock n they know that if they want to dump a load me hole is allways loaded n ready (_0_)
    1 point
  28. Put an ad on craigslist as an ass up face down anon bottom. One guy who responded was mid-20s, white, tall, muscular construction worker with a huge dick. He is a construction worker who was looking to blow a load since he got off early. He came over and I looked out the window as he came up to my building. The dude was driving a beat up truck and was covered in tattoos. I assumed the position and got ass up face down in the living room. He came up the stairs, spit on my hole, got his dick hard and just pounded until he bred me. He smelled RIPE after working all morning. Fucking loved it
    1 point
  29. So this 19 year old hits me up on Scruff this morning. Says that he is into Daddies and that he only fucks raw. We meet up and flip fuck. He tells me that he was a bugchaser, and that he has been POZ for four years (do the math). I find that to be super hot that he got pozzed as young as he did. I am happy to have his toxic load in me and proud to have mine in him.
    1 point
  30. OMG What Did I Do? Part III My boy and I fucked like demons for about 4 days straight and I was loving it. Fantastic sex, but every time I saw my huge dildo, I would think of that guy's 11" cock I had not seen. I wanted to see one that big. But, I was getting laid good, so I really didn't try to hard to think about it except when I saw my dildo only. Then like it started, our sex stopped again as our schedules got mixed again and basically only saw each other about the time to fall asleep. Both of us too tired to do anything with our long hours again. It only took a few days for my ass to start wanting again. I basically have always wanted it filled every day and a lot every day. LOL A few days without and I was grabbing my dildoes again and ramming my own ass. Most of the time now though, I was grabbing my huge one and using it while thinking about getting a real 11" cock in my hole. Very intense feelings for a few days but the feeling dropped off then. A week had gone by without my boyfriend in me and my hole needed to be satisfied more, so I turned to my sites again to get some feedback from some guys. Loved the camming and play acting with other guys and having them tell me what they would like to do to my hole with their fists or cocks or a dildo along with their cocks. It got me off again for another few days but still thought a lot about the big one I wanted to see. I had not found him online at all and was hoping he would get back on but didn't seem to be. I then got a little bit desperate and sent a message to him asking if he would like a replay? Another couple of days went by with some other guys and some nice hot sessions and some had some big cocks too, but none in the size I wanted to see. Then finally I got a message from him. WOW He told me he would be on at a certain time and I should be naked and ready when he came on and I had better have my biggest dildo ready to plow with. I told him I would be ready and he signed off again. I didn't even get a chance to ask about his cock. The appointed time came and I was naked and lubed and had my huge dildo ready. I was tingling in my ass from the anticipation and sure hoped I got to see that huge cock too. Sure enough he came on right on the button. I was a little disappointed again though, as he seemed to be fully dressed again. He immediately, in that hot voice of his, told me to get comfortable. I laid down on my back and waited to see what was going to happen. He took his shirt off and I about dropped my load watching him do that as muscle after muscle popped out. Not your huge behemoth kind like some weight lifters but just nice big hard muscle of a guy who works hard and works out a little to help. Very hot looking, but I already knew it from his pics. I wanted that cock out. He then told me to get that dildo wet in my mouth as he wanted to see how good I could suck a cock. I immediately buried as much of it in my mouth and throat as I could. His cam was aimed at about the top of his stomach but it looked like he was taking his pants off. I was sucking like mad and hoping the cam would droop somehow and let me see. He did not move the cam down, but told me he liked good cocksuckers and I tried desperately to get the entire dildo in my mouth and down my throat. I about choked myself good but got all but about an inch or a little more finally in me and down my throat. I could see his arm moving and it looked to me like he was stroking his cock just out of sight of the camera. Was driving me nuts. He then told me to start moving the dildo slowly downward towards my hole. I began by slobbering all over it and then very slowly slid it out of my mouth and down my chin to my neck and then down to my chest. Then around one nipple and then across to the other nipple, oh so slowly running it around in circles and making my nips stand up good and hard. Then down across my stomach and stopping at my belly button to push it in there like it was a hole too. Down to my cock and around it and I was hard as a rock and then further down pushing in on and rubbing my balls. Finally to my crack and then to my hole. All the while I could tell he was stroking but still out of sight. As I got to my hole he told me to get to it and just ram it home. I complied and groaned as I rammed the entire length of it in me in one stroke. It hurt like hell but also felt so damn good as it rubbed across my prostate and my cock jumped and nearly shot it's load right then. I started to pull it out and ram it back in hard and fast. I was beyond turned on now as I watched closely as his arm seemed to be getting faster too. My cock was jumping every which way and my ass was on fire but I pounded my hole for all I was worth and kept hoping he would drop the camera down. I wanted to see his cock so bad it was driving me nuts and turning me on at the same time. After only about 10 minutes of pounding the heck out of my hole I could feel the cum starting to boil in my balls and knew that soon it would be coming out of my cock in huge spurts. He seemed to be grimacing some so I was sure he was close too. Then it was there and I let out a low moan and my cock erupted and cum blew out so hard some went clear over my head. Some hit me in the eyes even and I blinked a couple of times and when I looked at the screen again the camera was just coming back up. I caught just a glimpse of the head of his cock and then his cam went off again. I almost screamed. The small glimpse I got of the head of his cock looked gigantic and still was spurting cum that looked like by the gallon. I had not seen his cock again and I could barely move either from pounding my hole so hard and cumming so hard too.
    1 point
  31. He should take a short med free vacation and get serious about infecting you! There is nothing hotter
    1 point
  32. OMG What Did I Do? Part II A couple of days went by since my session with the guy with the big cock. I was still turned on terribly by his gruff voice and the thought of an 11" cock like my dildo. That had been one of my most intense climaxes ever. My boyfriend was home for the evening and after supper I basically raped him. LOL Told him I had missed his cock so much and had to have it. We barely made it to the bed and got our clothes off when I had his cock buried in my throat sucking for all I was worth. I needed that cock hard and in me badly. In a short time it was nice and hard and let it go and laid down on my back. My boy tipped me almost upside down and rammed his cock home in my hole. The only lube, my saliva from sucking him. I let out a scream of pain as I had thought he was going to get some lube first. He held still for all of, maybe, 2 or 3 seconds and then started to pound my hole good. I love being upended like that. Basically being pile driven and my own cock just a couple of inches from my lips. He felt like he was trying to drive me through the mattress to the floor. Harder and faster and as deep as he could go. He kept it up and kept it up, driving me wild. Then after a good 20 minutes I felt my own cock start to tingle and I opened my mouth and caught my own load as I erupted. It was fantastic and then with my ass quivering my boy yelled here it comes and he let loose his cum deep in me and ground it into me making my cock keep spurting more also. It took us another good 5 minutes to finally start to settle down. What a fantastic fuck. It then dawned on me that right at the end I had thought of an 11" cock spurting into me just as my boyfriend was doing it. Fucking hot for sure and my own cock did another couple of twitches from that thought. We laid there in each others arms for quite a while after that and then my boy's cock started getting hard again, so we did it again. It was another intense fuck and we both were about as drained as you can get by the time we finished this time. We then laid in each other's arms and called it a night.
    1 point
  33. Where I live almost everyone is uncut. Except those who are cut for religious reasons. Had my first cut cock when I was staying in the US for a while and loved it. Easier to suck when in a spitroast and it also seemed like they could fuck longer. Not sure if it is true that is because uncut guys are said to be more sensitive and cum sooner. But anyway, love it when a meet a guy who is cut. As said, doesn't happen that often. Makes me think of the Turkish bull who rammed my ass a while ago in my neighbours apartment or the young Moroccan guy visiting his relatives in my building :-)
    1 point
  34. Thanks everyone for the helpful advice. I know it was a stupid question now. I appreciate the help as I checked out this community and I am thankful for the realignment of my expectations and pointing out just what I was really asking. Also sorry, not April fools joke, I am just an idiot. .
    1 point
  35. I have one to the right of my cock. I just went to the tattoo artist that had done my other tattoos and showed him a drawing I had done of what I wanted. mine is the biohazard symbol with a vampire skull overlaping the center. He did it, I paid him. one of the other artists at the shop, as it was being done, commented that it was a cool design. not too sure that those not chasing/giofting would really get why I have it and why there.
    1 point
  36. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 12 While Ian was thinking devious thoughts over Sunday brunch, Zak and I showered and were discussing plans for lunch when my phone rang. “Hi mom.” “Oh, Isaac, you’re home.” “Actually, I am home…..remember this is a cell phone so I can be anywhere and get the phone call?” “I was going to leave a message on your answering machine, but I’m glad you’re home.” “Mom…..” I was going to try to explain again that my phone is portable, but I decided it was a losing battle. “Yes, Isaac?” “Nothing….How are you mom?” “I’m fine…..Your father is fine too. Anything new Isaac?” (Thinking to myself) Let’s see…..I have gono. I just had the fuck flu after taking my boyfriend’s poz seed repeatedly. I have a new biohazard tattoo. I have a hot poz boyfriend that I just infected with gono. I just tested poz at the free clinic. I’m fucking Betty’s son’s boyfriend to poz him so he can poz Betty’s son. I was just a total slut at the baths and got fucked by Zak’s daddy. I have a waiter friend that Zak and I are trying to gift. I’m doing every taboo thing except fucking the dog across the street from me. “Nope, nothing much, mom….Enjoying my weekend.” “If you’re not doing anything, we haven’t seen you for dinner in a few weeks. Why don’t you come over tonight. Your father would love to see you.” “I have company this weekend, mom.” “Oh, anyone I should know about?” “Just my boyfriend, that’s all.” Zak gave me a funny grin and whispered, “JUST your boyfriend.” I chuckled and motioned to Zak, “Shhhh.” (Here it comes……) “Oh, Brian is there with you? I knew you two would be good together.” “No, mom, Brian is not my boyfriend. I told you I already have a boyfriend.” “Oh, well, boy you switch boyfriends fast. What happened to Brian?” “Mom, Brian was never my boyfriend.” “Well why did you let me set you up on a date with him if you already have a boyfriend?” I wanted to scream…… “Like I had a choice in the matter, and I did tell you I have a boyfriend.” “Well, what was so wrong with Brian?” “Nothing was wrong with Brian. He’s a nice guy.” “So you went on a date with him?” “Kind of…..we had drinks and caught up…..” “Well, I hope your boyfriend doesn’t find out you snuck around on a date with someone else.” “Mom!!..... You need to stop playing matchmaker….that’s all.” “Why?” “Because, now you set me up on a date when I already have a boyfriend, and you set me up with a guy who already has a boyfriend too.” Sounding depressed, “Well, I just want you to be happy, Isaac.” “Mom, I told you…… I am happy. I’m happy with Zak.” “Who is Zak?” “Zak is my boyfriend.” “Oh, so Zak is there now? Well, why don’t you bring him to dinner tonight? Your father would love to meet him.” I whispered to Zak, “Mom wants us to come over for dinner tonight.” Zak glanced at his tattoos, rubbed his long beard, smirked and quickly nodded and mouthed, “YES.” With an uncertain quirky look toward Zak, I replied, “Ok, mom…..he’d love to meet you both.” With excitement in her voice, “Oh that’s great, Isaac!! Now don’t be late, you know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” (Thinking to myself) Am I ever late for dinner, mom? “Don’t worry we’ll be there on time, mom.” Ian took another bite of Amaretto French toast and thought to himself…..Why do I find chasing poz cum so hot? My ass is loaded with charged seed, and all I can think about is taking more. I can’t get enough of it. I want to poz so badly. This is so fucking erotic….. it feels so right being a cum pig. (He uncrossed his legs and shifted in his chair before crossing his legs once again. The sensations in his cum filled hole made his cunt pucker around the butt plug and caused his cock to twitch several times in his pants). Brian took another sip of his Mimosa and interrupted, “Earth to Ian…..” Ian’s glazed-over look vanished, and he reached for another sip of his bloody mary. “You were miles away. Are you alright?” He smiled and sighed, “Yeah, couldn’t be better.” Brian chowed down his Smoked Salmon Benedict, “MMMM, this is so good…… So, last night was pretty wild, huh?” Thinking he may have somehow been caught cheating Ian asked, “What do you mean?” “Well, all those tattooed, leather men at Kruz.” “Oh….. that, yeah….. some awesome eye candy.” “And I hear before I got there they had a flogging demo…..bet that was interesting.” “I’m sure it was…..uh….. quite stimulating.” (Ian’s cock again stiffened a bit more). “Did you get there in time to see it?” “I was quite close to the action, yes.” “So, is that something you could get into?” Ian was a little surprised at his question. “Oh, I think I’d shock you.” “Oooh,” Brian teased, “I’ll take that as a yes.” “You seem excited by that.” “Well, maybe I would shock you a bit myself.” “Oooh, frisky…….Bring it on, but be careful…..you may get a whole lot more than you bargained for.” “I can’t wait to find out.” Ian thought to himself…..Maybe Brian’s a bit more of a pig than I originally thought….this could be fun. Zak and I pulled up in front of my parent’s house. This would be interesting. Not only was this my first time bringing a guy home, but also a guy with a long beard and full of tattoos. “So this is it, huh, babe? The place where you grew up.” “Yeah, this is it…..nothing special, but it was home. Just remember, take my mom with a grain of salt. She can be opinionated and kind of set in her ways.” “I know. She’s a character. I’ll go easy on her. It’ll be fine, babe.” I put my arm around Zak and walked toward the front door. He wore jeans and a cut off t-shirt. We stopped on the front porch, and while kissing Zak the door opened. Startled, I said, “Oh……Hi mom…… Mom, this is Zak.” Zak was on his best behavior. “Hi, Mrs. Alberts.” “Call me Edith.” “Ok, Edith.” “Well, don’t just stand there on the porch…..come on in. Dinner is ready.” Zak walked into the house and was immediately greeted by my dad. As I walked past my mom, she whispered, “You didn’t tell me he was like that.” “Like what, mom? Gay? That’s why I was kissing him.” My mom hit me on the shoulder with the dish towel in her hand and followed me into the house. Zak sat across from me at the dinner table. My mom emerged from kitchen with mashed potatoes and gravy and set them on the table. She turned to go back into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. She stood behind Zak and reluctantly placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “So, Zak, um…..” I looked at my mom corner-eyed and thought to myself here we go….. She continued, “You may want to tuck your beard away……it may dangle in your gravy.” She pulled Zak’s beard over his shoulder. “There you go,” and she disappeared into the kitchen only to reappear with a dead bird on a serving platter. Zak looked surprised, but just sat and grinned at me. My dad added, “You know, I remember Winky Schmalling had a beard like yours back in ‘58 or ‘59. He got it caught in some farm equipment. Then he had one eye. His name was Joe, but we always called him Winky after that.” Zak chuckled a little, “Well, I hear farm equipment is more beard-friendly these days, but I’m not a farmer.” My mom chimed in, “So, do you have a job, Zak?” “Mom!! Of course he has a job.” My mom finished adding, “....I only asked because I hear old Mr. Harper down at the garage is looking for help tinkering with those cars like he does. He hires your kind down there,” pointing to his beard and tattoos. “Oh….. I don’t mean the gay thing. I don’t think the guys down there would go for that.” “What’s that supposed to mean, mom?” “Nothing….I’m just making conversation, Isaac.” “It’s ok, Zeek. No, Edith, I’m not looking for a job.” Sitting down at the table my mom tucked her napkin neatly onto her lap. “So, what DO you do, Zak?” “I’m a tattoo artist.” “Oh, you’re not at that shop on Forest Home are you? You know the one on the news that had the dirty needles?” My dad butted in, “Edith, that shop closed down over 6 years ago.” My mom said, “It’s just like those dirty Chinese restaurants. They get shut down and then the same people reopen the restaurant three blocks away and change the name from Ching’s to Chang’s.” “Mom that’s ridiculous, and you know it!!! And stop sounding so prejudiced.” “No, I have my own shop in Chicago, Edith, and it’s very clean.” “Zak did all my tattoos,” I said. (Thinking to myself) Including my biohazard tattoo. My dad added, “Oh, so you did Isaac’s tattoos. Nice work.” My mom said, “Nice work? It looks like the inside of a demon’s church.” Looking at Zak, she added, “No offense, I’m just not crazy about the desecration of your temple thing.” “Well, thanks anyway, Walter,” Zak replied. “I think Isaac’s sleeve turned out quite nice.” My mom said, “I don’t understand people wanting to mutilate their bodies that way.” “That’s your perspective, mom. Just because you don’t like them, doesn’t make it wrong.” Zak said, “Tattoos can be very therapeutic, Edith.” “So can taking a stiff shot of Brandy, but you don’t see me doing that,” she replied. “Edith, I give some people tattoos that have meaning behind them. It could be in memory of someone or resolution to a tragic event in their life or something, and it’s very healing.” “That’s sweet, but just because I love something doesn’t mean I want it on my flesh or my temple so it were.” My dad added, “Well, you love our mailman, Herb. Maybe he’ll pose for you.” “Yeah, I bet you would like to wake up seeing his face next to you every morning.” “Well, you do have a point there,” my dad mumbled. “Edith, see this tattoo.” Zak was pointing to a tattoo on his arm of a girl with a halo. “This is a tattoo for my sister who died in a car accident when she was 7.” “How sweet,” my mom said. “Please pass the chicken, Isaac.” My dad interjected, “Oh, Zak, do you have other brothers and sisters?” “I have a brother.” “Oh, is he normal,” my mom inquired? “Mom!! You mean we’re abnormal?” “You know what I mean, Issac. Is he regular?” “So now we’re irregular?” “No, you know what I mean.” “It’s gay or straight, mom. Not normal or abnormal and regular or irregular.” “Yes, I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t mean anything by that.” “Mom, the more you say, the worse it gets.” “Well, anyway, your dinner is good, Edith. And my brother is straight. He’s married with kids.” “Thank you, Zak. And there’s nothing wrong with being gay. You just miss out on having children is all.” “Well, gay people can still have children, Edith.” “And some of us don’t want to have children….whether straight or gay, mom.” “I know, Isaac. I just wish I would have some grandkids……that’s all.” My mom sipped her coffee then continued eating her chicken dinner. As we were getting ready to leave my dad shook Zak’s hand and pulled him into a hug. He whispered something to Zak then said, “I’m glad we met the man in my son’s life.” He then hugged me as well. Zak said, “Edith, thank you again for dinner. Zeek, I’ll be outside by the car.” My mom turned to me and gave me a hug. “Well, that went pretty well, huh?” “Pretty well? After that I’ll be lucky to still have a boyfriend tomorrow. Thanks, mom.” “Oh don’t be ridiculous. He loved my chicken.” We left my parent’s home in silence. After a few blocks driving I said, “I’m sorry for all that, Zak. Now you know my mother. She can be a little much.” “Don’t worry about it. I have thick skin, babe.” “So what did my dad say to you when he gave you a hug?” “Oh…..just that your mom has some quirky ideas at times, and that her bark is worse than her bite.” “Well, she does mean well, but her mouth is going to get her in trouble one of these days. She comes across as prejudice, but I know she isn’t. Her thinking is a bit……. old fashioned at times.” “I actually kind of like her, babe. She is set in her ways, but she just wants what’s best for you.” He chuckled and added, “Like my poz cock shoved deep in your ass.” I laughed as I glanced over at Zak and rubbed my hand on his thigh. He locked his hand into mine and held on. While we “enjoyed” our dinner with my parents, Ian was ready to find out a little bit more about Brian’s pig side. They arrived at Ian’s apartment. Ian led Brian to his bedroom. Brian was always into safe sex when they played, but that was about to change. Ian decided he wasn’t going to give Brian a choice. It was time to push the boundaries a bit. Ian was always more on the submissive side, but his new found taste for poz cum fueled his desire to dominate Brian. He pulled his shirt off over his head. His cock throbbed rock hard while his ass puckered tightly around the butt plug holding the toxic babies in his cunt. Ian made out with Brian and rubbed Brian’s throbbing cock through his jeans. He pulled his tongue from Brian’s mouth. “Time to see just how far you’re willing to go.” Ian stripped Brian of his shirt, and dropped Brian’s jeans to the floor. The head of Brian’s hard cock protruded from the edge of his jockstrap. “I see last night’s event inspired you. Nice jock, pig. Now kneel on the edge of the bed.” Ian fumbled around in his walk-in closet and returned with lube and his favorite suit tie. He approached Brian from behind and secured the tie around his head to blindfold him. Ian then unzipped his own jeans, dropped them to his ankles, and kicked them aside. He pushed Brian onto his hands and knees on the bed and lubed up his cunt with a squirt of J-lube. Ian worked his fingers into Brian’s hole, scraping the edges of Brian’s cunt, priming him for the impending assault. Brian groaned and his cock throbbed. He thrust his ass onto Ian’s fingers, and helped work them inside. “Are you ready to open that hole up?” “Fuck, yes,” Brian replied. Ian reached behind and pulled the butt plug from his cum filled ass. Poisonous seed dripped from his cunt and the cum-slick toy. He slipped two fingers into his sloppy cunt and removed them drenched in poz semen. He first smeared the virus-laced slime on Brian’s hole. He then worked the head of the wet plug into Brian’s cunt, sharing some of the toxic seed he carried in him all afternoon. He shoved the plug deeper into Brian, pushing the DNA into his hole as it opened him up. His cunt engulfed the plug and puckered around the base. The sight made Ian’s cock stiffen and throb. His boyfriend just got a small taste of the virus he longed to infect him with. Ian repeatedly pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt and shoved it back in, smearing the poz cum across his tightly stretched cunt lips. With the butt plug removed from Brian’s gaping hole, Ian squat down behind Brian and buried his tongue into Brian’s cunt. He cupped his hand below his own hole and squirt more poz seed into it. He grabbed the lube bottle, and instead of lube, dripped poz seed onto Brian’s open cunt, then worked it in with his fingers and pushed the plug back in. Brian’s cunt sealed tightly around the plug, unknowingly working the toxic seed into his gut. Ian reached under Brian and stroked Brian’s cock with his cum-slick fingers. Brian’s cock throbbed against Ian’s grip. “You like that, don’t you, pig,” Ian asked? “Fuck, yes. That feels so good.” Brian worked his hips, feeling the sensations of the plug buried in his ass. Ian bit Brian’s ass lightly, then cracked him on the ass with a cupped hand. “Time to fuck you, pig, and you’re going to take it all.” “Fuck, yes….I want your cock in me.” Ian reached for a condom and tore the package open so Brian would hear. He then dropped the condom to the bedroom floor. He pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt. “Ready for my cock, pig?” “Fuck I want to feel you inside me.” “Are you sure?” Brian buried his face into the bed, “Yes, please fuck me.” Ian rubbed the head of his shaft across Brian’s slick cunt lips then applied pressure. The head of his cock opened Brian’s used hole and quickly slid in. With one quick thrust of his hips Ian plowed all the way into Brian’s hole. Brian gasped in agony as Ian tore across his intestinal walls. Ian pictured the virus working into the lining of Brian’s intestines with each plunge of his cock inside. Brian began to meet Ian’s thrusts as the pain turned to pure pleasure. “You like that dick buried in your cunt, don’t you, pig?” “Feels so fucking good.” Ian already felt a stir in his balls. “Fuck, I’m getting close. You like that bare cock in your hole?” Brian was shocked, “Bare cock?” Ian gave him no chance to back out. “Take my cum, pig.” He slammed his cock deep into Brian’s gut and fired off his seed, hoping he was already poz himself. Brian’s cock reacted to those words as a huge load of semen shot from his shaft onto the bed. Ian pulled his cock from Brian’s cunt and slammed the butt plug back inside. “Keep that seed in your hole all night, pig.” Ian pulled Brian to his feet, keeping him blindfolded, and led him to the bathroom. He shoved him onto the toilet. “I’m not finished with you yet, pig.” Ian stood a few feet from Brian and pissed all over his face before drenching his body in urine. Brian licked his lips as piss dripped from his face….tasting Ian’s urine. Ian lapped up the piss from Brian’s chin and slid his tongue up to Brian’s lips then buried it in Brian’s throat. After a long, passionate kiss he lined up his meat to Brian’s face. “Open your mouth and clean off my cock.” Brian obliged and sucked Ian’s dick clean before Ian removed Brian’s blindfold. Brian said, “Holy Fuck….what got into you?” “You wanted to see my pig side. You got a taste of it.” (Thinking to himself) And a bit of toxic seed in the mix. “Damn, that was hot. So you like fucking raw?” “I love it….the only way to play for me.” “Ok, I want more of that,” Brian added. “Oh, you’ll get more…..believe me, you will.” Zak returned home to Chicago, and I started my antibiotics. He waited until later in the week to start his meds after he experienced symptoms of his gono for a few days. Work kept me busy in an otherwise uneventful week until Thursday. My test results were in. My HIV viral load was 500,000 and my CD4 count was in the middle 400 range. My gonorrhea test results were not in yet, but we already pretty much knew I had it, and the antibiotics seemed to be doing the trick. Then Thursday evening I received an interesting text………
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  37. I have been barebacking for years. And not sure if i have taken a poz load or not. Well last night i took my first known poz load. Thank you again. The guy and his partner came to my room at a hotel and the three of us played together. i sucked there cocks while the other fisted my ass. After they had both fisted the poz guy fucked me and then gave me my first poz anal load, what a feeling.
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  38. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 11 I woke in the morning to a text from Zak. He would be arriving around 9:00 am. I looked at my clock. It was already 8:30. I couldn’t believe I slept this late. I text Zak, “See you in a bit…..I over slept.” I crawled out of bed and jumped in the shower. My morning wood fought against my strong urge to piss. Burning pain crept its way down my piss hole. A few drops of discharge oozed from my urethra before a full stream of piss let go in the shower. I aimed my cock toward my chest, drenching myself with my infected urine, and scratched my itching balls before breaking into chorus with “Sugar” blaring on my ipod. I turned off my shower and flung open the shower curtain. Zak chuckled, “Good morning, Sugar. You’re in a good mood.” “Oh, you heard that, huh?” I said with a smirk on my face. I stepped out of the shower dripping wet, grabbed Zak in my arms and planted a kiss on his lips. “Ooh….you’re all wet….sweet.” Zak dragged me to the bedroom and pushed me onto the bed on the cum stained sheets from last night’s seeding. He quickly stripped naked standing before me. Our cocks both boned up in anticipation. “It’s your turn to infect me, babe.” Zak crawled on top of me. He spit on my dick before straddling me on his knees. “Just lay back and enjoy the ride, babe.” Zak spit in his hand, lubed up his hole, then grasped the base of my shaft and lined it up with his cunt. He lowered himself onto my infected cock, and slowly impaled himself on my meat. We both groaned together. I put my hands on his hips and thrust into his cunt as Zak began to slowly ride my pole like a cowboy on an enraged bull. Zak’s cunt clamped down on my shaft. My toes curled, eyes clenched shut, and my shaft burned with pleasure. My ass tightened and cock throbbed. My piss hole oozed it’s infected goo from my inflamed testicles. “You just gave me some of your gono, didn’t you babe?” “Fuck yeah…..It’s so hot sharing my diseases with you.” Zak’s cock throbbed as he stroked his shaft. He continued to milk my pole, working me to the edge. “Oh fuck….I’m getting close, Zak. Keep that up and you’re getting all my cum.” His ass hungrily clenched around my shaft as he slammed himself onto my cock a few more times. “Fuck….you’re getting it right now, Zak.” “Fuck yes….give it to me. Infect me, babe. I want your gono. Recharge me with your poz seed.” My toes again curled. I thrust my hips forward and tightened my grip on Zak’s waist, burying my cock deep in his cunt. I let out a long moan as my cock fired off into Zak’s hole, coating his guts with my infected jizz. “FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK,” I growled, “Take my seed. I’m filling you with my babies.” “Fuck yes…..” Zak moaned with one more stroke of his hard shaft. His meat throbbed repeatedly showering my chest and face with his poz cum. Zak stayed sitting on my lap, impaled on my hard cock. “Fuck that was hot, babe.” He leaned over and kissed me passionately, “I love you, you hot pig.” “Ditto, Zak.” My cock slipped was his sloppy hole, and Zak rolled onto the bed next to me. I curled up in his arms, and he kissed my forehead. We were sharing everything. It was so intimate and erotic. Our HIV and now gono had gone full circle. I let out a small, “Oooohh,” as more discharge oozed from my piss slit against Zak’s leg. “So babe, I told you I want details. How was your date?” I rolled over onto my stomach. With a grin on my face I said, “It was an unexpected turn of events.” “You fucked, Brian?” “No……..even hotter than that.” “Well, that would be pretty hot, so I’m not sure what could be hotter.” “It turns out that Brian also has a boyfriend, and he invited him out for drinks with us so I could meet him.” “And he showed up?” “Oh yes….and when I swung my stool around from the bar to meet him, guess who was standing there?” “I take it I’ve met him.” “You’ve done more than meet him…..you shot your poz seed into him. Remember our blonde twink, Ian?” “Oh fuck!!,” Zak exclaimed laughing…. “His boyfriend is Ian?” “Uh huh……and it gets better.” “Did you out him to Brian as a chaser?” “Nope, but you should have seen his face when he saw it was me. He was a bit nervous.” “He probably nearly shit his pants,” Zak said laughing. “Yeah, his jaw dropped open, and he stuttered a bit saying hello. He was stunned. “He must have been pretty uncomfortable.” “I wanted to blow his cover so bad, but I didn’t. I played dumb and introduced myself to him. I spent the night throwing out suggestive hints and giving him evil grins.” “Brian didn’t pick up on any of it?” “No….I think he just took it as flirtatious play.” “Boy, I wish I could have been there to see it all.” “Well, there’s more. After I dropped off Brian, as soon as I got home my phone lit up with a text from guess who?” “Our blonde twink.” “Ding, ding, ding……and……Hold on.” I rolled over and grabbed my phone. “Here, I saved our conversation for you to read.” As Zak read the texts his cock boned up. “Oh my God, so you fucked him last night?” “Yep, right here on these cum stained sheets, and he wanted my gono along with my poz cum.” “Fuck….so he’s turned on by other STDs too?” “Bingo….the verbal talk was hot while fucking his ass too, and he wanted everything I could give him. He’s a little scared by it yet, but he’s all out chasing to poz now.” “And we helped to kick his chase off…..and he probably has your gono too.” “Oh, I’m pretty sure he does. And before I fucked him I asked him if he wants to poz Brian after he charges up.” “And?” (Zak was like a kid in a candy store). “He said he doesn’t know about that, but the thought turns him on……so this could be interesting.” “I think we need to stay in touch with them, babe……how about you?” “Brian and I already swapped numbers……he also told me he had a crush on me when we were kids.” “Hmmm…...” The corners of Zak’s mouth curled up with a sly grin. “What’s that look for,” I asked? “Just that maybe he’s still crushing on you……which could also be interesting.” “Well, he knows I have a boyfriend, and he seems really into Ian, so…..” Zak replied, “Well, this is awesome!!!” Over a cup of morning Jo we searched the net for the not so free, free clinic hours for STD testing. I called and made an appointment for early afternoon. We arrived at the clinic and were immediately greeted by an old, goofy, queen that if you slapped a purple gown, purple wig and makeup on her, she would be the spitting image of Dame Edna. I half expected her to address us as possums as she checked us in. She tipped her eyeglasses, peering at us from above the frames; checking us out better. A faint, “Mmmm, mmm,” came from behind the desk as we walked to the waiting room and took a seat. Upon sitting down I glanced back at “Dame Edna” to find her eyeing me up and down. She gave a wink then pushed her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose and spun around to continue whatever it was she was doing. I found myself boned up sitting in the waiting room, certainly not over “Dame Edna,” but rather at the anticipation of confirming my poz status. “I can see you’re as turned on as I am by this, babe,” Zak said. He nodded toward his crotch and crossed his legs hiding the bulge in his jeans. Seeing his boned up cock made me want to sneak off to the bathroom and fuck like rabbits at the free clinic. That would be a hoot…..swapping charged loads at the STD clinic. Our names were called a short time later. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. First Dame Edna, now this. We met with the “Nurse Ratched” look alike who after realizing we have an open, bareback, relationship, and that Zak is already poz, broke into her lecture on the importance of practicing safe sex. (Thinking to myself) Sure “Nurse Ratched” we’ll get right on that……. right after we spread a little poz seed. I think “Nurse Ratched” sensed a lack of concern on our part and frustratingly said, “Yeah…..ok……then we’ll get started on your tests.” We both supplied a urine sample for our gono test. “Nurse Ratched” then poked my finger and obtained a drop of my blood to perform my HIV test. “Ok……you guys can take a seat in the waiting room. It’ll be about 20 minutes for your HIV test to process.” While sitting in the waiting room I whispered to Zak, “This is the last 20 minutes before my poz result from ‘Nurse Ratched’.” “Nurse Ratched,” he asked chuckling? “She certainly reminds me of her,” I said. He took my hand and squeezed it in his grip and smiled. “I think it’s fucking hot, babe,” then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I again found my cock half erect. “Nurse Ratched” finally called my name, and Zak and I followed her to the back room. “Well,” she said coldly, “Your test is reactive…..meaning you’re HIV positive.” (Thinking to myself) Well duh…..I’ve been taking poz loads like crazy. I was smiling inside but my face remained emotionless. “Based on your other symptoms we are starting you both on an antibiotic. We are most certain you have gonorrhea as well. You need to follow up with your doctor for your HIV, and I highly suggest you take my advice and use protection. If you decide not to you should have no sex during your treatment period or you will just continue to reinfect each other with gonorrhea. It’s also important that you use protection when having sex with others so you don’t spread your HIV virus to anyone else.” (Thinking to myself) Oh, you’re no fun “Nurse Ratched.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see her shaking her head in frustration as we got up. We left “Nurse Ratched” and I couldn’t wait any longer. I nudged Zak and snuck into the bathroom down the hall from “Dame Edna.” We locked the door, and I grabbed Zak by his jeans at the front of his waistline and dragged him into the bathroom stall. I dropped his jeans to the floor and did the same with mine. Then I spun Zak around, bent him over the toilet, and spit on his cunt before plowing in bare. “Guess…. ‘Nurse Ratched’…. would be…. Disappointed…. with me,” I said between thrusts pounding my cock into Zak’s hole. “I’m…. a…. bad…. boy…. pumping…. my…. poz…. seed…. into…. you.” “Give me that dirty cum you bad boy,” Zak added. I fucked Zak hard and deep. My shaft again burned as my infected discharge drooled from my piss hole. I groaned in pain and moaned with pleasure, trying to contain my voice with “Dame Edna” right outside the door. I was so excited over the poz HIV test result it didn’t take long for me to fire off my dirty seed into Zak. I slipped my cock from his hole and pulled my jeans up. A fast fuck in the clinic bathroom was just what I needed. Zak was still bent over the toilet with his pants at his ankles as I zipped up and headed for the door. Zak followed, and one step into the hallway and “Dame Edna’s” eyes were glued on us. She was grinning from ear to ear. That bitch didn’t miss much did she? As we walked toward the front entrance we had to walk right past her. I glanced at her with a smirk on my face. She fanned herself with her papers as we walked by, “Seems to be a little hot in here,” she said….. “I suddenly have a craving for a cigarette too.” Zak glanced over his shoulder at her while chuckling. “I think she rather enjoyed the entertainment, don’t you, babe,” Zak asked as we walked out? Saturday night was clubbing night at Kruz Bar. We arrived just as the Saturday night event was starting; a beer bust from 9 to midnight. The event was put on by the local leather group with a flogging demonstration to kick it all off. The bar was full of hot, bearded, inked, leather men. A spot light lit up a small stage area where a blonde-haired twink stood strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross. He was a sexy little number with nothing on but a yellow jock, and one nice, round ass with slightly reddened butt cheeks. A hairy-chested, muscled, leather, daddy stood behind the twink. He was wearing leather chaps, a jock, and black boots. As he demonstrated his expert flogging technique, the whip struck the blonde across his buttocks. The leather daddy turned back toward the bar crowd, revealing a bold, biohazard tattoo protruding from his jock just below his belly button. The twink arched his back, stuck his ass out, and turned his head, glancing at the hot daddy dominating his ass. “Oh my God,” I said. “Do you see who that is tied to the cross? It’s Ian,” I exclaimed!! “Holy shit it is him, babe. That kid is full of surprises, isn’t he?” “And he looks pretty damn hot strapped to that cross in that jock,” I added. “Do you see Brian anywhere?” I scanned the bar. “I don’t see him, but let’s get a bit closer to the stage.” There was one bar table open to the side of the stage. What I was hoping for finally happened. We caught Ian’s eye. I tipped my glass in the air to him. Ian’s eyes stayed fixed on us. I could see the lust in his eyes. With each strike of the whip from the leather daddy Ian’s cock grew harder. I wasn’t sure if his arousal came from the attention of the hot daddy flogging his ass or if the sight of Zak and I boned him up. After the demonstration a rock hard Ian proudly walked past our table and winked at us then made his way through the crowd wearing just his yellow jock. Guys grasped his ass and massaged his boned up cock. He wandered into the men’s room, and Zak followed. Ian was pissing into the trough urinal when Zak approached him from behind. Zak ground his hard cock into Ian’s reddened ass cheeks. The assault startled Ian enough to momentarily stop his piss stream. Zak grasped Ian’s cock and pressed it to Ian’s abdomen. Ian reached behind and grabbed Zak’s ass, pressing Zak’s cock firmly between his ass cheeks. He leaned back into Zak’s chest and let loose with his piss stream onto his chest. Piss ran down his body soaking his cock along with his jockstrap and Zak’s hand. A cascade of piss poured across his balls, puddling on the floor and splashing Zak’s boots and pant legs. “I hear you’re all out chasing now pig,” Zak whispered into his ear. “We brought that desire deep inside you to life.” “Fuck…..I can’t resist it anymore. It’s all I think about. I want it.” “I also hear the thought of your cheating ass infecting your boyfriend bones you too.” “Fuck, yes. I’d love to poz him too.” Ian’s cock throbbed with desire. “I’m going to give you what you want and need, pig.” Zak unzipped his jeans and bent Ian over the urinal trough. His meat flopped against Ian’s back just above his ass crack. Zak let go a full stream of urine, soaking Ian’s head and back. He slid his cock head down to Ian’s hole marking his territory with his piss scent. He grasped his own shaft and soaked his cock in urine as the last few drops dripped from his piss hole. Zak rubbed the head of his cock against Ian’s piss drenched hole and cupped his wet hand over Ian’s mouth. “Smell the scent of my piss on my hand,” Zak asked? “It’s the smell of your future daddy, cause I’m about to charge your ass, pig.” Zak thrust into Ian’s cunt using only piss for lube. Ian yelped in pain, muffled by Zak’s grip across his mouth. “Feel my shaft buried deep in your hole, boy? It’s already dripping toxic precum in your twink cunt.” Ian licked piss from Zak’s fingers as Zak began to pump his poisonous meat into Ian’s hole. Zak grasped Ian’s shoulders and pounded his ass hard. Ian braced his hands against the wall at the edge of the trough and arched his back to meet each thrust of Ian’s cock. He tipped his head into the trough urinal, smelling an erotic, strong stench of man piss. Zak continued to drill his hole, and Ian clenched onto Zak’s shaft with his hungry cunt. “Oh, you want that toxic seed, don’t you? Want my DNA in your blood?.....don’t you, pig?” “Yes, give it to me.” “I’m going to change you forever, pig. Going to breed you with my demon seed.” Zak pressed Ian’s head farther into the trough. “Smell that man scent, pig? Lick it up. Taste it, pig.” Ian hung onto the edge of the urinal and lapped up piss from the bottom of the trough with his tongue. “Love it, don’t you, pig? Just like you love my toxic cock.” “Fuck, yes!!” “Here you go, fucker. Feel my cock in your cunt? I’m giving you my poison……right…..fucking…..now!!” Zak groaned, grasped Ian’s hips, and thrust deep inside. His shaft stiffened and fired off its dirty cum. “Take my AIDS babies, you pig. I know you want my DNA.” “Fuck yes!! Poz me!!” Ian’s cock erupted in the heat of the moment, spewing its thick spooge onto the front of the trough. While Zak’s meat still throbbed, he pulled out of Ian’s cunt. With Ian’s head still deep in the urinal he spit on Ian’s ass. “We’re meant to breed. Your cunt is mine now forever, pig.” Zak zipped up his jeans and walked out. Ian stood upright slowly. He was drenched and stunk of piss. His ass was red, sore, and loaded with toxic juices. His cock muscles again contracted and a drop of cum dripped from his piss hole. He whispered to himself, “Wow…..fucking hot!!” He wanted more and more…….. Over a beer, Zak and I agreed I would start my antibiotics Monday morning….one more day to swap our dirty cum. He wouldn’t start his antibiotics until his gono symptoms presented for a few days. Ian returned from the men’s room to our table. He stood beside us soaked with piss and still half erect. The bartender showed up with a round of beer for us all on Ian. “On your tab,” the bartender asked? Ian obviously had no cash on him. He barely had anything on, and man did he look hot. He put an arm over each of our shoulders and kissed us both before tipping his beer with us. “Here’s to both of you. Thank you for helping me express my true self. This feels so right.” We all took a swig from our beer. Ian was evolving into a totally, uninhibited pig. I knew Zak and I would be unloading our poz babies in his cunt again…..and soon. Pozzing was no longer a question of IF it would happen, but rather WHEN it would happen. I was certain it wouldn’t be long after taking our unmedicated poz seed. The thought of him joining the club and possibly infecting Brian made my cock rock hard. Ian slammed the last of his beer. “Time for me to get some clothes on. Brian will be here shortly, and he has no clue just how much of a pig I’m becoming.” Hearing those words only stiffened my cock even more. “Be right back guys.” Ian disappeared into the men’s room. The faint smell of piss lingered in the air. “Wow…..a lot has happened in the past 24 hours,” I said to Zak. Ian returned shortly, now fully dressed. His halo in place….. a bit tarnished, but in place. “Brian just walked in,” I said as I nodded my head toward the door. Ian waved him over to our table and kissed him on the lips. “Look who I found,” Ian said. “Hey Zeek,” he said. “Good to see you again.” (Thinking to myself) Boy are you in for a surprise, Brian. “Hi Brian. This is my boyfriend, Zak.” Shaking each other’s hand, “Hi Brian.” “Great to meet you, Zak.” As Brian stood there shaking Zak’s hand I couldn’t help but think…… little do you know that moments earlier my boyfriend’s toxic cock was buried deep in your boyfriend’s ass bare, and now Ian’s sitting in your arms with a cunt full of Zak’s poz babies. I wanted Ian to poz and then infect Brian as well. The thought made my cock twitch. I half expected to see horns sprouting from my forehead thinking these erotic, taboo thoughts. Ian excused himself to the bar and ordered another round of beer for all of us. While waiting for the bartender I watched Ian playing with his phone. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to find a text message. “Hey Zak. I’m standing the bar with an ass full of your boyfriend’s poz cum, and it’s turning me on so much. I want you both to fuck me right here and right now. I need your seed. Poz my fucking ass.” I replied, “You got it, pig. Come home with us tonight. We’ll fill you up with our demon seed.” My phone again lit up with one word. “Yes!!!!!!!!” We ended up staying with Brian and Ian until bar close. On our way home I received a text from Ian. “Are we still on or tonight? I’ll sneak away from Brian for a bit.” Zak took my phone and replied, “This is Zak!! Come on over, pig. Walk right in….we’ll be waiting upstairs naked.” 15 minutes later I heard my front door open and close. Zak was on my bed lying on his back, legs spread with hard cock down my throat. I heard footsteps on the stairs and the bedroom door creaked open. “Get your twink ass in here and get those clothes off, pig,” Zak said. Ian stripped naked. His cock already boned. We led him to the bathroom and pushed him to his knees. Ian stroked his hard shaft while Zak and I stood over him a few feet away. We aimed our cocks and urine flew from our piss holes, soaking Ian from head to toe. He opened his mouth. We aimed our stream into his mouth and he drank our piss while caressing his drenched chest and abdomen. He began to piss on himself hitting his face, and lapping it up with his tongue. We all emptied our bladders, leaving Ian kneeling in a puddle, completely soaked and dripping piss. “That’s it, pig,” Zak said. “Mark our territory first then fuck the hell out of you with our poz meat.” We pulled Ian to his feet wet and stinking of piss and pushed him onto the bed. “You’re going to have one wrecked cunt dripping blood and toxic seed tonight, pig.” We tied Ian to the bed on his belly with one hand free and tossed him a bottle of poppers. “Take a whiff pig…..you’re going to need it,” Zak commanded. Ian obeyed and was soon flying high. Zak buried his fingers into Ian’s cunt and worked his ass raw. Ian squirmed on the bed, rubbing his boned up cock on the mattress. When Zak pulled his fingers from Ian’s hole he buried his tongue in Ian’s cunt. “That’s it, pig, the faint taste of blood. You’re primed for our demon seed.” I mounted Ian’s cunt, thrusting in balls deep with only spit for lube. I withdrew then buried deep into his gut again. The gono was flowing, and that familiar sensation of discharge burned down my shaft into Ian’s cunt. I continued to thrust into Ian with the full length of my cock each time. “Fuckin pig, your bleeding cunt is open to take all our dirty seed,” I said. “Give it to him. Infect his ass,” Zak added. When the sun came up Zak and I had pumped 3 loads each into Ian’s cunt. As promised a mix of blood and cum oozed from Ian’s fully loaded hole as Zak pulled out of him for the last time. Ian had shot two loads of jizz himself during the night. The three of us collapsed on the bed naked and exhausted and drifted off to sleep in a tangle of flesh. I woke several hours later with a piss hard on and Ian curled up in my arms. I tried to slip out of bed without waking Ian or Zak so I could relieve the pressure from my full bladder, but I startled Ian and he woke up. “Where are you going,” he mumbled half awake? “I have to piss like a race horse.” “Come back here,” he said. I stood at the edge of the bed, and Ian gently grasped my cock at the base. He held the head of my dick in his mouth, and I let go with a full stream of piss. It was difficult, but I managed to pause every little bit while Ian gulped down my strong, morning dew. He drank every last drop like a good pig. “Now get back in bed,” he whispered. I curled up with Ian, and he spooned me with his hard cock pressed between my ass cheeks. Zak rolled over and spooned Ian with his meat buried into Ian’s ass crack. We all drifted off to sleep with Ian between us. This felt so good, the three of us in bed together. A few hours later I woke to Zak pounding his hard meat into Ian’s hungry cunt. My cock quickly boned up. Ian was begging for our poz loads, and we were all too happy to oblige. Zak was already close to firing off another load into Ian. “Oh Fuck!!!....you horny pig. Here comes my poz cum. Take my DNA. FFFUUUCCCKKK!!” Ian arched his back into Zak’s meat. Zak’s body jerked as his cock erupted shooting another load of toxic cum in Ian’s cunt. Zak pulled out and I immediately mounted Ian. I fucked his hole with deep, slow plunges with the full length of my shaft. “Fuck, your hole is so fucking sweet. You’re so full of our poz cum. It feels like velvet on my shaft. I’m going to unload more toxic cum in you, you hot pig. Feel my shaft stretching your hole open. Feel our demon seed in your body…..taking over….infecting you……fuck yyyeeesss!!” Ian slowly squirmed on the bed, working his hard shaft against the sheets and pumping my cock with his ass. “Fuck…..make love to my ass….fucking poz me up.” I worked our seed into his guts in a passionate exchange before firing off my dirty cum deep in his hole. Ian could hardly contain all the venom in his ass. It already was leaking from his tender hole. We slipped a butt plug into his cunt to keep our poison where it belonged and let it do its job. Ian showered up then rushed out the door. He was meeting Brian for Sunday brunch. Ian sat at the restaurant looking across the table at Brian. His hole puckered around the butt plug buried deep in his hole, and the thought of all our dirty cum in his cunt boned his cock. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations as his cock throbbed. He again glanced at Brian with a slight grin on his face……maybe he would be planting some of his own seed into his boyfriend later today……. More to cum, guys………
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  39. I finished my Saturday at Liquid at Ybor City. I wasn't planning on anything happening since I was with a friend, but as I went to buy a few more drinks I accidentally bounced into a hot black guy, about 5'10", toned, and hung. He was shirtless and not wearing much. Can't recall what else happened but next thing I find myself back against a corner wall making out and stroking his thick dick (I think it was 8"). I remember telling him I want to taste his dick, so we went to his car (ugh what a trek ... busy busy in the area). We get in the back seat of his car, and then he takes his hard dick out which I swallow to the pubes. I wanted to tate his load, but he flipped me on my stomach before busting his load. He rimmed me for a few minutes which made my hole nice and loose. He spat on my hole and slowly pushed his raw dick in my hole. Once he got it all in, he fucked me hard and rough for only about five minutes and then unloaded a huge load deep in my ass. I don't do ATM often, and wasn't in the mood for it, but he flipped me on my back and ordered me to suck his dick clean. So I did. After a few minutes of oral he pulled out, put his little amount of clothes back on, and kicked me out of his car. Omg I wanted more! So I only got 1 load.
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  40. Was out in Seattle for a few days, got on BBRT and there was a guy 800ft from where I was staying. Sent him a message, he wanted to fuck, so we met up at the street corner. Neither of us could use our places so we went off into the woods and i leaned against a tree. He ate my ass a bit, pushed in his cock, fucked me til he blew, and we parted ways. No idea what his status was.
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  41. Flight attendant which gives me the opportunity to be a slut all over the globe. I luv to travel together with my bf and organize sex partys...I luv seeing him get bred by other guys.... Unfortunately he is less and less into it. So I occasionally whore out other guys or have 1-1 hookups. I always feel kind of strange about it.... But as we have open relationship he is ok with it.
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  42. I love when a guy pisses up my asshole after he fucks me it pushes his sweet seed deeper into my body and I'll keep it in my asshole till it dissolves into my body
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  43. love to give a load of piss as much as i love taking it when i'm getting fucked .... especially a chem piss load
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  45. I wish I get whore out to a very large number of guys to drop a load on me.
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  46. Part 3.1: Where it Began - Induction as a Slampig and Cumdump Part 1 I remember Ricky in his tight jeans and giant, sculpted body towering over me in his living room. In his ripe forties, he was tan with a few wrinkles, spiky gelled hair, and a goatee. He didn’t smile much. He licked his lips a lot, and I wasn’t sure at the time if it was just a habit or if he was hungry for pussy. I would realize soon it was the latter. For me, he was the human embodiment of sex. Ricky’s living room was truly gigantic, with a plasma screen TV and couches arranged in a maze in between with little glass coffee tables in each alcove. A crew of middle-aged men sat in the living room couch maze. All of them were wearing jeans, boots, and tight black T-shirts, like they were members of a cult. Some of them wore ski masks, which I later discovered was a sign they were Ricky’s employees. Human traffickers, if you will, but it doesn’t carry the connotation of kidnapping. These men found slutty boys who live alone and brought them back here and promise a good piggy time but instead, we were made into “house boys.” In other words, we were pampered sex slaves. All of the men were looking at me and talking about me. I was confused, having just left the baths to this place. It wasn’t even midnight yet. Naïve and young, I had no clue what was about to happen. I was told I wasn’t allowed to wear clothes. I had to change out of my jeans and boxer briefs into a dirty white jockstrap. Then, a masked man brought out a line of four other boys wearing nothing but white jockstraps. None of them were older than 21 or 22. They weren’t restrained, but they made no effort to resist. One of them was extremely tall, perhaps 6’2”, muscular, and a total jock named Adam. He was almost as tall as the intimidating men sitting around. He had a boyish face and was celebrity handsome. He carried a metal lockbox. Second tallest was about 5’9”, a tan, blond surfer boy with a swimmer’s body named Joey. He had a perfect six pack. The last two were small, slim boys who didn’t look a day over 15 even though they were actually 18 . One was latino with a Mohawk named Julio. The last one was Benny, a fair-skinned boy with curly brown hair and a giant bubble butt. All of them looked stern and professional, with the exception of Benny. The boys’ eyes lingered on me for a second, but their attention was fixated on the box in Adam’s hands. “These are your new brothers, boy. Meet Adam, Joey, Julio, and Benny. Boys, meet Kevin, the newest member of our family,” Ricky said, gesturing at me. The men cheered. For the first time, I was realizing that this was no game. This was no “night of fun”, it was a new life, and I had no choice. “No, no, no,” I begged. “I can’t – I have work on Monday, I-I..” The men roared with laughter. “No,” Ricky said. “From now on, you will work everyday. At your new job.” The older men started getting festive, laughing and sharing beers. Ricky beckoned Adam over, and the boy placed the box carefully on one of the coffee tables. Shooting me a quick, lustful glance, Ricky proceeded to flick the lid open. He pulled out bags of crushed white crystals on his coffee table, a cut straw, a neat rack of syringes, a coffee straw, a glass pipe, a brown bottle, and a blue bottle. As much as I was scared, my eyes were instantly attracted to the items on the table. “You don’t know you want it yet, boy. But you’re gonna love being my whore. Boys! I have an announcement!” Ricky boomed, and the room fell silent. “In honor of our new boy, we will follow the traditions of this house and initiate our new lil’ chempig. Now... Kevin, if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to make the most of what’s on that table right now.” I looked up into Ricky’s eyes. He ran his rough palm down my face. I worshipped him. “Babe, I want you to have a good time, alright? You have a beautiful pink little pussy, and all these handsome hunks wanna be the baby daddy.” My eyes grew in fear. “Don’t worry – none of them are poz. I know that’s too much for you to handle all in one day, but once they’re done with you, you’ll think of your flesh in a new way. This fuckhole?” A finger slides across the opening of my ass. “This fuckhole’s what you’re worth as a human being. No... you’re less than a human being. That’s something your new brothers will teach you. This fuckhole is what you ARE.” Ricky looked at me affectionately, and then he suddenly spat harshly on my face. The initiation began with crystal meth. The other houseboys served hors d’oeuvres, poppers, packed pizzo pipes, and scotch to the men. These boys knew their place, and the men were familiar with them, saying degrading things to the boys and addressing them by their names as they groped them. I didn’t have to serve the men yet. My job was to get fucked up and get fucked. We started with the booty bump. A masked man, clearly used to this by now, dipped his middle finger into a can of lube and one of the bags of crystals. It resurfaced with shiny shards stuck to it. Then, he slowly, intimately worked his fingers into my hole. Rough, thick fingers usually hurt enough by themselves, but this time I felt a burn in my rectum. It felt inflamed and torn. “Ahh! It hurts! I gasped. The other men paid no heed to my complaints and wasted no time. I was already their prey. Crystal meth was in my system and it was a matter of seconds before the rush hit me. One each grabbed my legs and spread them apart as the masked man booty bumped my hole with small doses continuously. Another masked man (this one giantly muscular with tattoos all over his forearms) gently placed the glass pipe against my lips. This was an especially large pizzo pipe; it was the width of a cock, and the bowl was huge. “Put your mouth on it like it’s a dick, bitch!” And I obeyed. They twisted the pipe so that the hole faced upwards, and crystals poured from the straw into the bowl. It sounded like sand being poured into a jar. I was helpless with two men pulling my legs apart by the ankles as far as they could and one drilling T into my hole. The large masked man clutched my throat and chin as I held up the pipe with my lips. My body was spread like a deer ready to be eaten by wolves. The fingering stopped. The man booty bumping me was now preparing a needleless syringe with more crystals and water. The drugs had hit me a little. I felt a faint ringing in my ears and a wild COCK HUNGER like I have never felt in my life. Suddenly, staying here and being a houseboy wasn’t a bad idea. Ricky would later show me how I would achieve enlightenment every time I got fucked up to get fucked, but this was my first time I thought: I’m a fucking chempig, a slut lower and trashier than any kind of slut, and it took me so long to realize my calling! How arrogant I was to ever think I was anything more than just an object for sex! Now only three men were playing with me, and there were many, many more at the party. Clearly, today was a day Ricky expected to initiate a new whore. Adam, the jock, was drinking a beer in his glorious nudity while the men around them sipped their scotches, smoked their cigars, and felt his body. One of the plumper and well-endowed men was licking Julio’s nipples while fingering him in the ass. The men seemed to have an inevitable soft spot for Benny, and they were casually flirting with him as he sat in Ricky’s lap. No matter what, he was the youngest. Who knew if he was even legal? Ricky would kiss him passionately, slurp his mouth with his tongue. One of the men rolled a joint just for Benny to enjoy. Houseboys weren’t allowed any attachments, but the men sure made love to Benny. But Joey... Joey the surfer is what I aspired to be. The oldest man at the party, a grey fox in his fifties, had licked Joey’s sweet clean pussy until it juiced. Meanwhile, Joey had three blunts in his mouth at a time. If he tried to breathe, one man held a brown bottle under one of his nostrils and clamped the other while another kept his head down to take all the smoke. Joey’s silky blond hair bounced up and down, framing his blissful angelic face. His eyes were closed, focusing on taking the heavy smoke and the poppers at once. All three blunts were on fire, so he wasn’t going easy on himself. This experience was difficult for the Caliboy jock without crystal, but during initiation, only the new boy is allowed the crystal. This is to ensure that the new slut gets completely hooked and dependent, becoming a 100% uninhibited, no-holes-barred chem slave. That’s why he had to be as high as possible and practically half-brain dead from poppers before the grey daddy and a 30-year-old sadistic stripper simultaneously squeezed their thick cocks into his ass. Did Joey scream? Hell yeah he did. Not once did he loosen his grip on the blunts but a guttural yelp echoed across the living room as the two dirty men mercilessly began fucking the living daylights out of the 19-year-old boy. Why did the men treat him differently from the others? Because he was a resilient, unbreakable slut, one who never held back and took anything anyone gave him with pleasure. When Joey spread his legs, he detached himself from reality in that moment and lived for the cock. If it hurt him, he blamed himself and took it anyway, because he’d sooner die before he ruined the pleasure of the men fucking his body in half. The man readied the booty bump, inserting the tip of the needleless syringe into my hole. Meanwhile, a large lighter was lit beneath the bowl of the pipe. He tilted the pipe back and forth a little until potent clouds started swirling around in the bowl. “Suck. Slowly,” he instructed. I obeyed, feeling the ice fill my lungs as a warm liquid filled my ass. He pulled the pipe away and took a hit myself while I held the smoke in my lungs. Little did I realize the other men were smoking as well and before I could exhale, one of the masked men put his mouth to mine and flooded me with more T. Another shot of hot water in my ass. I could feel it start to burn, with the inflammation spreading through my veins. As I felt the head spread over my body from my chest and my ass, I was filled with a wild, insatiable cock hunger. “OHHH! FUCK I’M GONNA CUM IN YOUR ASS!” the grey fox across the couch hollered as he filled Joey’s baby-maker. This turned on the muscular stripper beneath him so much he came with a series of grunts too. “TAKE MY VIRUS, SLUT!” As he pulled out, Joey cum-farted a thick bubbly white stream right out of his ass. I envied him. I wanted the men around me to fuck me like that, but I wasn’t done. While the men continued blowing clouds above me, Ricky walked over, a filled syringe in hand. Inhibitions completely down, I spread my arms, knowing what was about to happen to me. I had surrendered my fate as Ricky’s boy. Ricky would make sure I was flying in pig heaven before I was even allowed to touch a cock. That way I’ll be so outrageously horny I won’t be able to complain when the big strong daddies around me laid siege on my pussy and throat. Six big men held me spread eagle on the couch. One man each held one of my ankles, pulling my legs far apart to expose my pighole. Another was holding the pipe to my mouth and torching it repeatedly, instructing me on when to suck. A fourth held another booty bump to my pretty pink hole, and two men held down my arms. One of them tied a tourniquet around my bicep, making the blood rush to my arm. I had completely surrendered my freedom, unable to even breathe a complaint with the pipe firmly planted between my lips. Ricky swabbed my arm with alcohol, revealing the plump vein on my elbow. With ease, he pinpointed the vein and carefully slid the needle in like a doctor. The entire time, his cold black eyes looked into mine. “Yeah, get this little cumdump ready for use,” one of the masked men said. Ricky pulled back a little, releasing a tinge of red into the point. As he inserted the remaining contents slowly, injecting my throbbing vein with the devil’s drug, the man operating my drugged up hole squirted the booty bump into my ass, and the man holding the pipe to my mouth instructed me to suck. A chill coursed through my body as goosebumps flared all over my arms. Inside, though, fire was coming from all directions: my mouth, my ass, my chest, and my arm. An unreal rush flushed through my entire being, and I felt a strange taste in my throat. One of the men released the tourniquet, and all of it bubbled and erupted into an insane coughing fit. Smoke billowed out of me in puffs. I thought I would die there, unable to breathe and overwhelmed my coughs. I felt the need to get up and tried to squirm my way into a standing position, but my captors got rough and forced me down. “Hey, where do you think you’re going, bitch?” one of them yelled, pulling my hair. “Give him some GHB to wash down the cough,” another one sneered, and they offered me a bottle of coke. I gulped it down hungrily. It tasted terrible, but my body felt warm and soft. By now, I was floating. I had entered a new dimension, where the whole world became a sex dungeon. These men were gods, and the other boys and I were lower than slaves for their entertainment. This was the true order of things. My pupils dilated and my ears started ringing. I reveled in the feeling of being on top of the world, like I could do anything and take cock nonstop for eternity, but I must have fainted or blacked out instantly after that. When I phased in, I felt an unbelievable pleasure ripping through me between my legs and a thick pole in my mouth that made it hard to breathe. I opened my eyes and just saw two eyes through a ski mask looking down on me. Still fully clothed, only with his 9” babymaker out of his jeans, he rammed my slampig hole like he was trying to fuck me in half.
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  47. At this point of the day, all three of us were bred with poz cum, and all was right with the world. I finally was bred by my hot boyfriend, by his poz support group buddy, and by another charged guy in the bathhouse. We left the dark room and headed downstairs for a shower and a Jacuzzi. It was good to take a break with Brad and Justin for a couple minutes. Brad said, "Rik, you still have all those poz loads in you?" "Yeah," I replied, "Gonna try and hold them in for a while." Brad asked, "Are you gonna be OK if you convert to being poz?" Justin joked, "I know of a good support group, if you need it!" I laughed, "We might need to call them up and have them stop by to breed me!" Brad and Justin looked at each other and smiled. Justin said with a wink, "We need to convert your boy. I'll start calling the support group guys and get them over here!" With that, they high-fived each other. Brad leaned over and gave me a kiss and said, "I want to help you get pozzed so we can cum in each other from now on. We'll get some newly converted guys to breed you." I said, "Yeah, I want that. I want two boyfriends so we can breed each other all the time." Justin said, "I need you guys too. We need to swap strains forever!" Brad and Justin looked behind me and both smiled. Brad said quietly, "Here we go..." My back was towards the Jacuzzi steps, so I didn't see who was getting in with us, but I caught his backside as he passed by to take a seat. He was tall like Brad, probably 6'5", lean, dark hairy legs and not much of a butt (which is fine with me). He sat across from me and took my breath away. He had a sexy hairy chest and had some scruff on his face. He looked me in the eyes and said, "I hear you're neg and want to get pozzed, is that right?" He didn't make any attempt to keep it quiet, and in fact said it loud enough for the other guys in the area to hear. My face went three shades of red. This was another defining moment for me. Either I'm in or I'm out. "Yeah" I said softly. Tall, dark and handsome said, "I didn't hear what you said, say it again." "Yes." "Yes, what?" It was time to own what I want. "I'm neg and I'm taking poz cum today. I want to be pozzed." I said it loud enough for him and most of the first floor to hear. My heart was pounding like a motherfucker. Tall, dark and handsome just smiled back at me. "I like that. Have you taken any loads yet?" "A couple," I said. "I pointed to Brad and Justin.”They bred me a couple hours ago." Tall, dark and handsome said, "That's hot. I have a high viral load, so if you want some of this, I'm in 215." The then stood up and showed me his rock hard uncut 9" cock that was pointing up to one of the sexiest biohazard tattoos I've never seen. He reached over to tweak my nipples and I grabbed his poz cock and felt his low-hangers. All I could say was "Oh yeah, I need that!" With that, he walked out of the Jacuzzi, dried off and left. Justin said "Well, that was hot!" "Oh my god," said Brad. "He's smokin' hot ... And it sounds like he'll help get the job done." I said, "Let's dry off and take a walk." We dried off and got new towels again. Well, Brad and Justin got towels. They said I needed to be naked for the rest of the day. And I was OK with that. At the front desk, I noticed a magic marker laying on a clipboard. I had an idea. I asked the attendant, "Can I write something down real quick? I'll give it right back." He handed it under the window and went back to checking in people. Both Brad and Justin looked at me wondering what the fuck I was up to. I grabbed Justin and gave him a big sloppy kiss, and did the same to Justin. I presented the marker and said, "Write on me. Let guys see what we're doing." It was like instant Viagra. All three of us were rock hard at the idea. Brad turned me around and drew an arrow from my mid-back pointing down to my asshole. He handed the marker to Justin. "That's all you got? That's lame" said Justin. I felt Justin writing stuff all over my backside. I had no idea what he was doing, but my precum was oozing all over. "There, that's how you do it." Justin said, handing it back to Brad. Brad said, "Turn around" and started writing on me. They both had big smiles and were really getting into this. He wrote on my pecs, abs, down to my pubes and cock. He stood up to admire his work and Justin nodded his head in approval. They high-fived each other and then Justin gave the marker back to the attendant. Justin said, "Let's go back upstairs, we can get other guys to write oh him more if we need to." My balls were aching at this point, I really needed to blow my load, but it wasn't time yet. I don't think there was anyone in the building that didn't know my story earlier, but they sure do now. As we walked the halls, guys would give me a look and then give me a nod. There were two black guys in the hallway talking as we walked up. One of them looked at me and said, "Rik - the Neg bugchaser?" Brad answered for me and said, "Yeah, we're filling him up with charged loads ... Rik, bend over and show him your hole!" Right there in front of anyone walking by, I bent over and spread my asscheeks. Both black guys rubbed their hands over my ass. One of them slid a finger inside my hole and said to his friend, "he's loose already." He went from one finger to two fingers to four fingers very quickly. I moaned, "OH fuck yeah, that feels great! Feel my cunt!" My cock was drooling precum at both the humiliation and how slutty I was becoming. Justin said, "We're in 213 if you want more of this slut." The guy slowly pulled his fingers out of my ass, and I felt cum ooze out and run down my legs. We continued our walk, making sure guys saw us walking around with hard-ons and my freshly inked advertising written on me. When Brad saw someone in a room, or when we would pass someone in the hallway, he said "213," making sure guys knew our room number. We turned the corner and coming our direction was Dave and Bruce, two guys from 24 Hour Fitness. Brad and I have known them from the gym for a long time. I didn't plan on seeing anyone I know here today. They both stopped and stared at me, while reading what was written on my body. Dave said, "What's up with this? What are you guys doing?" Justin said, "Isn't it apparent? We're pozzing him up!" Brad reached behind me and slipped a couple fingers up my hole. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and how hot it was. I looked at them and said, "I need a charged load up my hole." Dave and Bruce just replied, "Oh!" and kept on walking. I'm not sure whose world was rocked more, theirs or mine. I suppose those gossip queens will be talking this up on Monday at the gym, since they know everyone in town. We got back to the room and I finally got a look at what my poz boyfriends wrote on me. Reading backwards I could read "poz me" "cumslut" "neg4poz" and I had no idea what Justin did on my backside. Didn't care - just glad that the two most important guys in my life are getting me gifted. I laid on the mattress on my back as we got settled. Brad left the door open and then turned to me. "Let's get you some poisoned cum" he said. Justin straddled my head and lowered his cock into my mouth. Brad raised my legs up and handed them to Justin. Brad then slid his poz cock up my cummy hole. He worked in and out slowly, not trying to cum, but trying to attract breeders. I heard Justin say, "You want to breed our boyfriend? Leave the door open and fuck him." I felt some hands feeling up my body, tweaking my nipples, feeling my abs and my cock and balls. Brad said, "He needs poz cum. Can you help him out?" "Yeah, I can charge him up" was all I heard before I felt a huge cock slam up my hole. Justin pulled out of my mouth so I could see my new breeder. He was one of the black guys we saw in the hallway, and clearly I missed seeing his huge cock when me met earlier. My new breeder said, "My buddy won't let me fuck him ... and the way your hole felt, I knew I had to poz you." Just then his buddy walked in and asked, "Can I watch?" Justin asked, "Do you want to fuck his face while your buddy breeds this cumdump?" With no hesitation, he climbed up and fed me his uncut cock. Justin took this opportunity to feel up the guy in my mouth, as I knew Brad was feeling up the guy who was in my asshole. I could hear the other guys in the room jacking their lubed cocks as they watched me get bred. It was hot knowing everyone there knew what I'm chasing. I heard the guy fucking my mouth say to Justin, "Yeah, rub your cock on my asshole ... I'm close." Justin said, "If you don't blow your load down his throat, I'm going to breed you!" Brad took Justin's cue and said to the guy fucking me, "Feel my cock against your hole? My precum is getting you all wet. I might have to breed you too!" "Breed him, Justin" "Yeah, you breed yours "Brad" Neither of my poz boyfriends had a chance to slide inside, because the nasty poz chat had the black guys all worked up. The guy fucking me yelled, "Here I go, bitch! I'm cumming up your hole!" The guy in my mouth said "Fuck! Here I go too!" Simultaneously, I got huge loads that must have been saved up for days. The guy still in my ass said, "I haven't fucked a neg guy since I converted. I love that." These hot guys creamed both of my holes. I swallowed up as much as I could, but some escaped onto my face. My asshole was leaking like crazy, but it felt amazing. Both guys pulled out and gave me a couple pats on my ass, and then they walked out. Brad and Justin sat on the bed next to me and said, "That was hot, but he needs more poz cum." They both bent down to give me a three-way kiss so the three of us could make out. I couldn't love these two more than I did right then. While we were making out, I felt a new hand rub my ass. I moaned softly and opened my legs to our new guest without looking. Brad and Justin silently checked the guy out and then returned to making out. The guy playing with my ass had three fingers up my hole and was working up to four. "Fuck that feels good" I said to Justin and Brad. "He's making my hole feel great." The boys whispered words of encouragement to relax my hole, that I need to open it up. I felt his fingers work in and out of my hole, and felt him tuck his thumb in with his other four fingers. "Yeah, open up for me," our new guest said. "I’m here to give you the fuck-flu!" It was Tall, Dark and Handsome.
    1 point
  48. Yes, another visit !
    1 point
  49. Another part of the story. NOT MINE. Enjoy. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 3) “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey. “We need to get you ready for the party tomorrow night. Your ass will bring a nice price with you being fresh meat.” Tyler came up stairs after giving the working boys their assignments for the night. They then took Kyle into one of the bedroom that they used as their party room. This room was well equipped with a couple slings and a fuck bench. Along one wall were a number of dildos of various shapes and sizes and an assortment of butt plugs. The opposite wall had ropes, chains and other restraints some of which Kyle had never seen before. There were a couple of flat panel TV’s hanging in two of the corner’s of the room playing bareback porn. They put Kyle in the sling and placed his wrists and ankles in restraints. He had a perfect view of the TV’s from where he lay. Rickey told him, “You’ll spend the rest of the night here watching porn. The hunger to be fucked will grow in side you all night until you beg to be fucked. Then you will be left here long after that point to think about your purpose here and how you will serve us.” Kyle was given a small slam. Kyle felt a hunger and a need to be fucked at any end. All he knew was that he needed cock in side him as he watches the porn on the screen. He noticed that the guys getting fucked in the porn looked familiar. Then he recognized them as Jim, Bob and David. Every hour either Rickey or Tyler came into the room and gave Kyle some G laced water to drink and a small slam to keep the hunger of being fucked within him. After almost 6 hours of mini-slams and G Kyle was begging to be fucked. When the roommates came in to give Kyle his next “dose” they knew he was almost theirs. They ignored him as he drank down the water and took his slam without protest. After the roommates left the teen Rickey commented, “It won’t be long until he is hooked on meth.” Tyler added, “Yeah, and raw cock and cum.” The roommate continued to give Kyle the same doses over the entire night and as daylight began to fill the apartment they entered the room to find a docile boy ready to submit. Kyle pleaded, “Please, I need to be fucked. I can’t take it any more. I need cock in me. I need to suck cock.” Rickey asked, “Kyle are you ready to go to work for us?” Kyle didn’t even hesitate, “Yes sir, I will work for you as long as I get fucked right now.” Tyler said, “Very well then.” Rickey pulled a very large dildo off the wall, “If you can take this down to the base we will let you out of the sling to rest up for tonight’s festivities.” The dildo was a horse cock dildo, 13” long and 8” around. “Please give it to me.” Rickey and Tyler began to apply generous amounts of Crisco to the dildo and Kyle’s ass. Tyler commented on how loose Kyle’s hole felt and that this might not be much of a challenge. The tip slipped in easily, but then they had some resistance as the dildo began to slide in side Kyle’s hole. Rickey and Tyler were experienced enough to manage this resistance and put a bottle of poppers beneath Kyle’s nose telling him to breath in deep. As the poppers took effect the resistance faded and before they knew it, half of it was in side the teen. Now they had the internal ring to negotiate. Again they gave Kyle the poppers as the dildo was turned and wiggled past the internal ring. It took some doing but it finally “popped” through and after a good 45 minutes of work the dildo was down to the base. The roommates fucked the teen with this dildo for a good 10 minutes insuring that his in sides were opening up. Rickey praised his new working boy, “Very good Kyle. Now you’re ready for a fist.” In his drugged up hazed he was a little perplexed. He thought to himself, ‘A fist? Why the hell would anyone want a fist put into their ass?’ Before he knew what was happening the dildo was quickly pulled from his hole. He felt so empty, still having a need to be filled. Tyler began to finger Kyle’s loose and sloppy hole. And before Kyle knew what was going on, he had Tyler’s fist inside his rectum. He felt full again, but he had no clue as to how full he’d get as Tyler began to work his fist deeper in side his hole. Kyle had no view to see what was going on until he realized that the activities were on the TV screen above them. He watched with disbelief as Tyler’s forearm sunk into him down to the elbow. Rickey let Kyle know, “We’ve always needed a special boy for some of our special clients. I think you will work out well.” Kyle leaned his head back and enjoyed the fisting he was getting. Then Tyler pulled his fist from Kyle’s hole and his restraints were untied from the chains. They took Kyle to an open space on the floor and attached his ankles and wrists together. His ankles were attached to the floor and his wrists were attached to a rope suspended from a beam over head. His arms were stretched up over his head. What Kyle didn’t know was that as Tyler fisted him he also administered a generous booty bump that would make his ass even more hungry for cock. Rickey then asked, “How badly do you want to be fucked?” “Please, I need to be fucked.” “What will you do to get cock in you boy?” “I’ll do any thing you want me to do, please fuck me!” “Gag him Ty.” Tyler placed a ball gag in Kyle’s mouth as Rickey pulled a paddle off the wall. He then began to smack Kyle in the ass over and over again as he hung there. “Remember boy, you said you would do anything, and this is what we need a boy who we can pimp out to out leather clientele.” Kyle took a good smacking for nearly 15 minutes. He wasn’t able to stand up as he was hanging by his wrists. After a few more minute of smacking his ass, they knew Kyle had had enough. They lowered him down and moved him over to the fuck bench where they each fucked another load into his well stretched ass. Tyler said, “Let’s go boy, we need to get you cleaned up and let you rest up before tonight’s events” as they led Kyle to the shower up stairs. It wasn’t a regular tub style shower. It looked more like the kind you’d find in a looker room with a couple shower heads along one wall. Rickey told Kyle to get on his knees and open his mouth. He then placed his soft dick in Kyle’s mouth. Kyle thought he was going to suck Rickey’s cock when Rickey told him, “Don’t think about sucking my cock. I am going to give you something to drink.” Rickey then began to piss into Kyle’s open mouth, “Do the best you can to swallow as much of my piss. It is an honor to get to drink a guy’s piss.” Kyle did his best, although some spilled out of his mouth, he drank most of it down. Then Tyler stepped up and placed his soft cock in Kyle’s mouth and gave him his piss. Kyle did better with Tyler’s piss then he did with Rickey’s. “Hey Rick, he’s a fast learner.” “He sure is. Now let’s get him cleaned up and fed so he can rest up for tonight.” They then had Kyle shower off and helped him with a shower shot to douche out his stretched out hole. They then gave escorted him down stairs and fed him. Kyle was still horny, but as least he as fed and cleaned up. They all sat down in the living room to watch some TV. As the T and G in Kyle system wore off he fell asleep and slept all afternoon. When he woke it was starting to get dark out. The working boy’s were back and they nudged Kyle to get up and ready for the guests. The 4 hustlers headed up stairs. They all stripped down and went into the play room where Rickey and Tyler were waiting. Each one was given a couple pills, one was am ecstasy and there were a couple Cialis to keep the boys rock hard and horny for the guests. Then each boy was given his slam to start the night off. Jim, Bob and David wondered off to different parts of the room to wait. After Kyle got his slam he was helped into the sling and given some extra Cialis. The roommates told the boys that Kyle was to be in the sling all night. Anyone one wanting to seed his ass had to pay extra since he was new to the crew. As the night went on Kyle took loads from all the gusts. He was fucked by old, fat trolls, young hotties, big dick black guys, harry Latinos. All in all he took at least a load from every customer there. It’s know known how many of the guys there were poz or neg all he knew was that he was getting what he wanted, cock and cum in his ass. In his drugged up haze Kyle knew he found his place as a male prostitute.
    1 point
  50. At home. I made one of my regular cumdumps come over tonight and I shot 4 loads in his ass. Boring, I know, but if you want to shoot multiple loads it's easier when you dont have to worry about being interrupted. I think I'm going to go give him #5...
    1 point
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