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  1. II. Forgiveness? I walked away from the treadmill, not even looking back at Justin, the bully from my high school days, not even letting him know I saw or recognized him there. I settled down on a weight bench which gave me a clear view of him so I could possibly avoid him when he left the treadmill. I couldn’t keep the thoughts that he still looked damn good and had such a fuckable looking ass, and his bulge up front was promising as well. As I was curling some weights, working on my arms I could hear my music pause a moment and feel my phone buzz, I set down the dumb bell and glanced at my phone. It was a message from Justin “Dave, I know you are most likely trying to avoid me but dude I really need to talk to you face to face… I know I really needed to start this with I’m sorry for all the hell I put you through back in school, and I am truly sorry, but let me explain the agony it caused me as well” I thought what a self-serving asshole thinking that his torment of me caused him some secret grief, but it also intrigued me as well, and what is he doing here, I know I said I was going to the gym, but how did he know I’d be at this one, there are at least half a dozen gyms near my place, he must be stalking me. “Dude, lets pause a moment in our workouts and get a power smoothie and I’ll explain why I want to talk to you, please forgive me and accept my apology” I wasn’t really in the mood for a smoothie, yet but I had a different idea, I texted him back “Thanks for the offer of the smoothie, but no thanks right now, tell you what, meet me at the basketball court in five minutes and we can have a friendly game of horse” I had a plan and I knew I could mop the floor with him in basketball, it wasn’t one of the sports he excelled at, or at least not in high school. I arrived at the court after checking out the ball at the front desk, it was Sunday so the bulk of the crowd had yet to arrive, Justin came in with his usual air of cockiness, same old Justin I thought “So ready to have the floor mopped with your sorry ass” I asked sarcastically “Bring it on Sissy boy” Not a usual taunt by Justin, in school it was usually wimp, nerd, Brainiac or some other quip directed at my physical size, lack of development, even after when I kicked the winning field goal to clinch the football championship. I was intrigued by this almost homophobic slur on Justin’s part “Doesn’t sound like you’re so sorry after all, Justin, sounds more of the same from ten years ago” “Woo, chill out just a little trash talk, if nothing else I thought we could be jock buds” “We haven’t been buds in a long time, Justin, you made sure of that” I tossed the basketball at him hard “I’ll give you a fighting chance I’ll let you go first” “Oh you think you’ve gotten that good do you?” he sniped back “Yeah I do and I’m ready to make you really sorry you ever looked me up” He set up a shot at the top of the key and sank his bucket, I retrieved the ball and took my shot, Swoosh, and it went in without even touching the rim “Nice Rim job, but you’ll have to better than that” He took an outside shot and just made it, I stepped up and once again I made the shot with ease, he set up another shot and missed, I took his position and made it with ease “H” I gloated “want to try again” “Sure, you know you’ve improved since High School” I laughed, then set up another shot that was slightly more difficult and sank the shot “You going to redo your shot so you can move on or should I just call H.O?’ He moved into position and took the shoot, swoosh through the hoop, then moved to my last position and missed ‘H.O., you’ve let your game go since school” “A little but you’ve defiantly have found yours” I set up another layup and made it with little difficulty, he tried again on the last shot and missed again “H.O.R., over halfway there, stud, you letting me win? “ I made another layup and he made the next two shots, drenched in sweat his scent was beginning to arouse me, to distract me a bit “tell you what, I really don’t think you’re as bad as you are playing, lets up the ante… either your game is off or your letting me win thinking I’ll break down and listen to you, let’s find out, you win and I kick back and listen to whatever you have to say, but if I win you stop texting me and stalking me and let us get on with our lives, go our own separate ways and never have to deal with the hurt you put me through again, that okay with you?” Justin looked wounded by my comments, then his face took on a determined look “Not sure if I like the ante, but to get a chance to talk to you I’ll take the bet, even if my game isn’t up to par with yours I’m a gambling man sometimes when the prize is good” He started playing with more determination and soon we were both at H.O.R.S the next one to miss a shot loses and the reward would be claimed. I lined up my shot from almost midcourt and shot the ball towards the hoop and after a bounce off the backboard and a ringing of the hoop it dropped through. Justin, then took aim and fired off his shot lifting himself of the ground on the takeoff and propelling the ball towards the hoop, it hit the backboard as he came back down, twisting his ankle upon hitting the floor, the ball circled around the hoop and fell off to the side as Justin hit the court in agony and pain crumpling into a ball while holding his ankle “H.O.R.S.E., guess you lose, but let’s get you back to the locker-room and get some Ice on that ankle” I helped Justin up and helped him walk back to the locker room and sat him on a bench in front of my locker, grabbed a plastic bag from the roll hanging near the showers, and rushed out to the front desk where I returned the basketball I still had under my arm “Can I get some ice in this bag my friend just twisted his ankle on the court” “Oh no, where is he now” “In the locker room near my locker” The attendant went and got the ice and followed me back to the locker room calling on his walkie talkie for a trainer to meet him there. Upon seeing Justin he applied the ice and soon, Mark one of the trainers showed up and checked on Justin’s twisted ankle. I sat next to him while Mark examined the area which had begun swelling a little, although the ice seemed to be helping it out. “You’re a guest today I assume, and as such we are required by our insurance to have you taken to urgent care, you have anyone that can gather your stuff and meet you there?” Justin looked over at me with pleading eyes and mouthed Please. “I can meet him there, and see that he gets home afterwards” I did it mostly not for Justin but because my mom and his would never let me live it down if I didn’t as they had remained friends through the years, since I never actually mentioned my tormentor to her or my dad all those years ago. The trainer and the Gym manager told me where they were sending Justin to be checked over and I went over to his locker and collected his belongings, taking his gym bag to my car and heading over to the Med Clinic which was a couple miles away, the ambulance already transporting Justin while I collected his things. I arrived at the Urgent care center and was asked to wait in the waiting room. After about half an hour I was led back to a cubical where Justin was laying back on a bed looking like he was no longer in pain, the X-rays had already been taken and a doctor was reviewing them. I sat in the chair next to Justin in silence “Dave, I’m really so sorry for being suck a dick to you for all those years, but I was a asshole and caved to peer pressure, and yes there is peer pressure even in 4th grade, when you’re a popular active kid like I was, it just wasn’t cool to hang with the dweeb, the freak, the best friend I ever had” I thought about his apology but wasn’t buying the whole thing, I was still angry at him after ten years of being without him, then I thought, our parents were friends but he never was around when I came home from school on holidays and breaks, what was he doing that kept him from his family “So is this whole apology, seeking retribution/forgiveness some part of some program or what, and where have you been the last 10 years” “Um, would you believe I’ve been traveling the world with the Peace Corps?” “Not really your mom would have been bragging if that was the case” “Well, my mom and dad most likely don’t talk about me much anymore, they have my younger brother to boast about, although he’s not as athletic as I am, and hasn’t done as much. I thought about his brother, who had followed me to university a couple years behind me, his brother who I run into every now and then at clubs, usually surrounded by young men fawning over his good looks and athleticism “I’m seen your brother, usually at clubs he’s looking pretty good, he looks happy, but what made you drop out of all you had going for you after high school, graduating with honors and set up with scholarships? You just disappeared from town” “That’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about, because I doubt my parents told you everything, about how I spent my last two weeks before graduation at Seth’s house because they tossed me out, and disowned me” I thought about his brother again, he did seem more reserved and secretive than Justin, not sure what deed got him kicked out, but as both boys were similar in demeanor and knowing Jack had gay tendencies, I began to wonder “Dave, my dad caught me cuddling with Jack on my bed and freaked out just two weeks before graduation” I still held my silence “Although, staying with Seth was an adventure it was him who convinced me that if what I supposedly had done leaked out I could kiss the scholarships goodbye and I didn’t want to go in the military” “Why not, you would have fit in with all the other jock types, all the jar heads and assholes” “but that wasn’t who I was, I wanted to help people, to stop being a dick, my brother taught me that being nice and kind brings you a lot more reward” I figured the pain killers were kicking in as he was getting soft spoken and a little melancholy, almost entering a dreamlike state. I let him rest a bit then looked over at the poor jock almost feeling sorry for him. I had won the game of HORSE, but I wondered if I had lost the chance to get to know the real Justin, other than what little jibberish he was spewing, I wondered if any of it was true A little later the doctor came in and gave us the news “Well the good news is it isn’t broken, but you did tear a ligament and I suggest you try to stay off it for a couple days, we’ll be putting you in a boot to help support until it heals completely and you’ll have to use crutches for the next week or two until the pain of putting weight on it dissipates.” With the news he sent in the nurse to prepare Justin for discharge. After a quick trip to the car in a wheel chair we loaded him into my car. I had tried calling first his parents then his brother but they were both out of town for the weekend. I pulled out my phone and started dialing his parents and he stopped me Call Jack not my parents, they don’t care about what happens to me but Jack is my savior, my brother. I knew Jack was his brother but I suspected Jack was out on an excursion with one of his admirers, and Justin was for the most part out of it. I did get out of him that he had been staying with his brother during the reunion and was visiting for a week after but was due back to work thereafter. I couldn’t contact his brother so I just took him home with me. He was still wearing his gym gear and neither of us had showered so the aroma in the car was causing my equipment to stir, that coupled with a half unconscious hunk sitting in my passenger seat. I pulled the car into the garage and pressed the button to close the garage door. I circled around the car and helped Justin out of the vehicle and up the short stairs to the door and into the down stairs bedroom, heaving him onto the queen bed. He was barely aware of his surroundings but alert enough to realize he was not in his brother’s apartment “Whose place is this? Nice digs” “It is my house and thanks I tried to make it nice” I propped some pillows behind his back and tried to make him comfortable. He thanked me and drifted off to sleep I sat there for a while admiring his masculine beauty, it was like we were In third grade again and best buds all over, but I knew that could never last, I was still very angry with him and wanted to make him pay for his cruelty towards me all those years ago I left him to slumber and headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Opening the refrigerator then the freezer trying to decide what I wanted. I pulled out the berry blend and the fruit juice, and filled the blender with ice and some plain yogurt, added the frozen fruit and juice, added in some protein powder and hit the pulse button creating the smoothie I had turned down just hours before, as I drank it down I thought of might have been if Justin hadn’t been such a jerk all those years ago, If we had remained friends. I finished my smoothie and placed the remaining contents back in the freezer thinking I could add some juice and re-blend it for when Justin awoke. I kicked back on the couch and kicked on a baseball game and snaked on vegetables before drifting to sleep myself. I was awoken a short time later by the sound of crutches on the hard wood floor, I opened my eyes to Justin standing before me, still in his workout shorts and muscle shirt “Dave can you help me, I need to take a wicked piss, but I don’t want to chance falling or making a mess of your bathroom, if you can just steady me I’ll be in your debt forever” What could I do? I got up and helped him into the bathroom, I held him up placing his arm around my naked shoulders, he let go of the crutches and allowed me to take his weight on me, he reached up the leg of his shorts and pulled out his cock through the opening, he aimed his semi flaccid penis towards the bowl and soon his stream began to flow, a little erratic to the point out of habit I reached down and took it in my hand to help his aim. He finished peeing, but made no effort to remove my hand from his growing phallus, within seconds he was at full mast, all 8.5 inches pointing towards his belly button. I looked over and he was blushing embarrassed that I excited him. “Um, what do we have here?” I twisted my hand around on his shaft and gave it a small yank, making sure he not only felt my grip but made it hurt just a little bit. He blushed harder and precum began to leak from the slit “I’m sorry, Dave you just do that to me, always have” Between the two of us, the smell of a good workout was ripe and was getting me hard as well, I removed my hand from his engorged cock and lead him over to the shower, had him grab the Handicap rails in the enclosure so he could support himself, grabbing a trash bag from under the sink I had him lift his wrapped and booted foot and I slipped the bag over the boot and tied it around his upper calf making sure it was as watertight as I could make it. I slipped his shorts down and removed his muscle shirt. There he stood propped up in the shower in just his jock strap his cock poking out the front from when he pulled it down to piss. I began to caress his firm pectorals and chest rubbing down to just above his cock, I reached up and grabbed the conditioner and squirted some on his pucker then on my engorged 10.5 inches then took his hole as mine sliding in roughly and with just a couple long strokes. Justin was filled up with my cock and not sure if he was enjoying it, I certainly was as I raped his hole and he began to ride me on every in stroke he backed up into me and even as I withdrew he would start pushing back to get it back into him. I think I rode his ass for a good 10 minutes before feeling that tickle in my balls as my semen began its long climb up into my cock before being expelled into his colon deep, I kept pounding his ass even after the flow ended, as my cock didn’t deflate so I fucked him for a second round leisurely working my cock and cum deeper into his rectal cavity, he reached over and started the water flow as I began spewing another load past his second ring driving my cum deep in his guts. Now the feel of warm water cascading on me and the sound typically triggers my bladder and even though I was balls deep in Justin’s hole this time was no different, only I remembered I hadn’t actually relieved myself since drinking nearly a liter of water at the gym and drinking my smoothie, Justin was about to get the mother of piss enemas as my stream began to flow into his rectum, filling him beyond comfort, I slid my cock out admonishing him to clamp down as I exited so as not to spill a drop. I moved him over to the shower seat and shoved my cock into his mouth and continued my humiliation of him as he drank down my piss and afterward thanked me for using him like the toilet he was. I finished showering then helped him clean up then abruptly left the bath leaving him to finish rinsing and drying off.
    8 points
  2. When you first meet Mitch, chances are you'd see just another white teenager trying to be cool by imitating the dress, mannerisms and swagger of his black friends. Like most people you'd probably just shake your head and wonder where his parents were when they should have been teaching him to stand up straight, look people in the eye, get good grades, make something of himself, etc. Maybe you're the exception, maybe you're the guy who sees through his macho act and realizes how insecure the kid really is, maybe you're like Terrell. From the moment Terrell spotted Mitch, he saw right through his false exterior. Even with only a moment's interaction, when T's sister introduced Mitch as the newest employee at the restaurant where she works, Terrell was sure that this kid was a poser, desperately trying to keep something secret from his family, or friends at school. Usually white boys acting like "wiggers" was nothing new, but T felt certain this kid was trying a little harder and worried a little more than he should be about keeping up appearances. "Sup Mitch? Nice to meet ya." Terrell said, sizing up the teen while moving in to shake his hand. Before he could clasp his palm with the boy's, Mitch slid his fingers back, slapped them with T's and fist bumped him. "Fo Sho' Terrell, Aisha been illin to bounce fo' hours son," T had a hard time not laughing at the over-exaggerated ebonics the boy used. "Good thing you showed on time or she'da put a hit on yo' ass!" "Best be leavin' then, peace out kid." After one more ridiculous slide/swipe/bump combo, Aisha and Terrell went to leave, as Mitch returned to work, putting away some packs of napkins on a lower shelf. T's dick swelled as the teen's jeans dropped dangerously low on his hips, almost taking his boxers with them, stopping just far enough for Terrell to catch a glimpse of his lily white ass crack and the soft blonde hairs glowing in the reflected light. Embarassed, the high schooler tugged them higher and turned to see if he'd been caught, accidentally allowing him to take in the view as T adjusted his monster snake through his jeans and boxer briefs. Usually straight boys are oblivious to such gestures (or they'll act like it is sick and wrong and possibly attack), but Mitch froze and his eyes widened a little, leading to he and T sharing a look before Mitch's cheeks went red and he whipped back to the napkins. "So that's what he's hiding," Terrell thought to himself, making a mental note to squeeze Aisha for more info on Mitch later that night. Pics that inspired Mitch and Terrell: Terrell was no stranger to closeted gay guys, especially in his line of work: dealing Tina, Coke, Gina and Molly to a large selection of users, ranging from teens to seniors, in every color imaginable. Often he'd helped a hot young gay dude come out by getting high with him and providing an opportunity for them to be alone, naked and surrounded by drugs. For the most part, T was accustomed to practicing these skills on guys who came to him to buy, so it hadn't really crossed his mind what he'd need to do to work his magic on a sober stud. Aisha was as helpful as she could be, without any knowledge of what her bro had in mind for the teen. Under the guise of small talk while they ate dinner, she divulged Mitch's age, family situation (two sisters in college, dad in another state, mom working 60-80 hour shifts as hospital administrator), area where he lived (about two miles away in a nicer part of town), personal history (moved here last year, only a few friends, saving up to buy a car), and so on. When she was finally finished and her boyfriend had showed up to drive her home, she unwittingly given T a plan of attack. Once the door clicked shut, Terrell hopped on his laptop and found Mitch on Facebook. His assumption that the teen was hungry for friends proved true when the friend request was accepted within moments of being sent. Now that he was in, it was time to do some research and make sure this boy was a homo. Photos and status updates confirmed that the only women in his life were his family and some close friends from his old town. Dating seemed to be the only thing excluded from his detailed, copious posts; a good sign for T. As more photos and posts loaded, T's jaw dropped as a photo of Mitch with some of his former school's fellow swim team members popped up. Terrell massive uncut cock pulsed at the sight of bare teen flesh like normal, but what made it surge to half-hard was the boy in the middle. Buff but trim, cut abs, pecs, thighs and calves, capped by wide shoulders and firm biceps, leading to a familiar smile and blonde mass of wet hair: it was Mitch, and he was hot as fuck. T pulled his jeans and undies to the floor, grabbed his bubbler, loaded a fat crystal and hit it while scrolling through more and more shots of Mitch's body, butt and bulge. From an initial inspection, he probably had average size dick and balls, but his butt was the definition of bubbly and his body was flawless. Stroking his foreskin over and down the head and shaft of his chocolate penis was causing his balls to tighten and droplets of precum to appear at his dickslit. The doorbell rang, eliciting some curses from T, but he smiled when the webcam on his porch revealed it was one of his regular clients, a law school student who bought Tina when he needed to pull an all-nighter… and also enjoyed getting Terrell's cock down his throat. "Come in and lock u[ behind you," Terrell commanded upon opening the door, not bothering to put his pants back on. Law boy did as requested then sat on the couch opposite Terrell's layzboy, and licked his lips while counting out his cash. T weighed a fat sack for the boy, admiring his easy handsome face and slim body, noticing for the first time how much he looked like a young Rob Lowe. "Get naked and I'll smoke you out." "Rob" seemed hesitant, since none of his previous visits required he get undressed. Still the sight of the shard T chose for the pipe changed his mind, and in a flash he was naked and stroking a respectable 7 inch cut penis. As they each took a hit from the pipe, T went back to looking at pics of Mitch, now on his phone, and lazily worked his own cock until the bowl was finished and "Rob" fell to his knees and started nibbling the foreskin and lapping at the balls, shaft and head. "I bet lil' mitchy would have a fucking aneurism if he walked in on this!" T thought, chuckling under his breath while pushing his cock deeper into Rob's mouth and gullet. Like a lightening bolt, it struck T that a little unexpected exposure to gay sex was exactly what Mitch needed in order for Terrell to plant a seed in the kid's brain. Pushing his cock in Rob's mouth until his balls rested on the 22 yr old's chin, T found Mitch's number and dialed him. Rob: "Sup, who dis?" Mitch answered, catching T off guard for a second. "This is T, ya know, Terrell, Aisha's bro." T tried his best to make the boy feel like he was convincingly ghetto, but he was slightly distracted by the fag tonguing his shaft. " Just wondering if you got plans for Saturday night after you get off work. Me and some buds are gonna play ball at the park then head back to my place for some smoke and cocktails." "Sounds awesome bro," for a moment Mitch almost forgot to speak poorly, then calmed himself enough to return to his previous pattern. "Can't smoke cuz' the shit job does random UA's man, but I'd be down to play ball and hang. Lemme run and check with my moms real quick to see if it's coo." As Mitch put the phone down, T could still hear him talk to his mother, suddenly becoming the perfect little preppy boy, saying all the right shit that moms love and promising he won't drink, smoke or be out past 11. The sound of this little boy begging his mommy to come get corrupted was too much for T, who grabbed Rob from the floor, shoved his discarded undies in his mouth, turned him around and bent him over the couch. Rob was obviously freaked, so Terrell shoved some poppers under his nose while reaching into his discarded jeans for a small container of boy butter. Still as he pressed his cock head against the law student's sphincter, he heard some mumbles about a condom, which just made him laugh. Instead he shoved the poppers back under Rob's nose, then pressed his weight into the boy, forcing him up against the back of the couch, including his face, muting his cries as T's fat head burst into Rob's hole. He had every reason to cry since Terrell's cock was now somewhere in the range of 10-11 inches and as thick as a 40. Mitch came back on the line and told Terrell he was in, asking who all would be there. Pumping deeper and deeper into Rob's cunt, T tried to sound normal as he explained it would be some friends and maybe a guy or two from grindr. Silence was all that came back over the phone line for a minute until Mitch expressed wonder at what grindr was. The pause meant Mitch knew exactly what it was, and he probably had a profile on there. Terrell explained in g-rated terminology what grindr was used for, and Mitch finally, reluctantly agreed to be there after his shift Saturday. As soon as the call ended, T flipped Rob on his back and slammed back inside the law bitch, making his scream and try desperately to get away. T had an obvious advantage when it came to making Rob stay put, since he was almost a foot taller than his victim bottom at nearly 6'7" and worked out for three hours everyday, building his body into a fuck machine! Pinning Rob with one hand, he resumed raping his ass while his free hand did a search on grindr. With some minor modifications to the age, location parameters and interests, T had no trouble coming up with Mitch's profile. As he suspected, Mitch had taken a pic from his swim team collection and blurred his face and the background. Still Terrell was confident it was him. Clicking on his other photos, he moaned when the next photo was one of Mitch grasping his hard 6 inch cock on a twin bed that T guessed to be in Mitch's room. Posters featuring the X-men and pink floyd hung behind him on the wall. Again the face was blurred, but that didn't stop T. Clicking for the last photo, he felt his balls tighten at the sight of Mitch doggy style on that same bed, with a magic marker shoved up his hole. Plowing as deep as he could caused his cum to explode far up Rob's hole, as well as making the poor boy scream and pass out. Pulse after pulse of jizz coated the unconscious boy's innards until T felt woozy too and collapsed onto the inert body of the law boy he'd just made into a law man. --- Rob's rape: When Rob came to, T was wearing some bball shorts while a tall thin white dude covered in tattoos worked his 8 and 1/2 inch cock in and out of Rob's hole. Terrell had been calling bros to see who he could get for Saturday and when Yuri told him he needed to stop by to re-stock on tina, it only seemed polite to offer Rob's ass as a bonus. Tears ran down the student's cheeks as he resigned himself to being a cumdump for the two men that night, hitting the pipe again as much as he could in hopes of forgetting what happened when he left three hours later, sloshing around with 4 loads inside his butt. Yuri: Next time...
    6 points
  3. The first 16 Chapters of this story can be found here: https://breeding.zone/topic/34088-codys-return/page-1 Hey guys... I'm so fucking horny right now writing this.. I need poz cock bad. Hope you like it. CHAPTER 17: Cod: “Oohhhh fuck… ohhhhhh fuck,…” "Fuck yeah, you love that poz cock huh?” Adam really knew how to hit all the right spots deep, deep inside my tight ass with that steel girder of a cock. HIV+ or not, I love being a total slut to cock and I really love feeling his bare cock fucking me. “Fuck me Adam!” “Gonna breed you so deep Cody. You ready to take another big load from me?” “FUCK yea I am.” Adam was deep-dicking me so well, prodding his bare cock against my boy button, and I knew at any moment he would pump another big load of his poz sperm inside my body. I was beyond caring: my head should have been screaming 'WTF?', but my cock didn't lie – it was hard as granite. I felt the need to tease him though, push him over the edge, and get that big load of boy batter. “Fuck you’re so hot Cod," “You too! You like my wet ass?” "Yeah, I do. Love it. Who's cum is in there?” “That’s my Dad’s." “Yeah?” “Yeah. He breeds me every day... well, nearly every day.” “He poz? Too?” “No. I mean.. I don’t know, I don’t think so, although he did say we need to get tested at some point, but…. Ohhhhhh fuck… right there… oh fuck Adam!” “Yeah, you like my big cock hitting that spot." [Grunting] "Take it boy!“ With this Adam picked-up the pace and was seriously banging my ass. I could actually hear and feel his sweaty nut sac smacking against my cheeks. I wanted his cock and cum so bad. I must have been in heat for it. “Give it to me Adam! FUCKING BREED ME!” “Yeah ... boy, I’m real close.. I’m gonna fill that ass with another big load of my POZ cum.” "Fuckin' hot!" "Haven’t had anyone tell me I’m pozzed him," Adam remarked. Somehow I found his admission oddly satisfying. 'Who knows', I thought in a flash, 'maybe this will be a first'. Then it happened. “FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Cuuuuuu…. Ohhhh fuck… oh fuckk Co’… cummmmmmmming”, and I knew he was pumping his big load of poz funk into my hole. Adam finally relaxed, thoroughly out of breath and equally sweaty. He lay down on top of me, kissing me, and asked simply “Good?” “Oh hell yeah... Always good!”. I kissed him with renewed energy, just to demonstrate how much I enjoyed his cock, but I gently added “Hey, I'm not sure when my Dad will be back.” "Oh, okay. Yeah. I'll go." "Let's do this again soon, okay?" “Yeah man... Anytime, you know I love that ass. Oh, and go get tested.” “Should I worry?” “Nahhh ... not really. Just good to do. So you know. Plus you’re letting a poz dude bareback and breed that hole so you never know.” After Adam left I cleaned-up and waited for Dad to get home. I wanted him to breed me but he seemed somewhat exhausted, so we kissed, cuddled and promptly fell asleep, but as I drifted off I thought 'Daddy likes breeding his baby boy in the mornings anyways'. Thursday Dad fucked me and then went out for a run. He was super sweaty when he got home. I inwardly smiled, wondering briefly if he actually went for a run this time. When Friday finally arrived I was trying to to think of a way to tell Dad I was going to be a whore at Sam’s place and he’s going to fuck and breed me, when my phone buzzed: Sam: “We still on?” Me: “You know it ... what time?” Sam: “Come over at 7… I’m inviting a few friends” Me: “Uhm… ok that’s cool, any other bottoms?” Sam: “No, just you. >=)” Sam: “Ever party?” Me: “Smoked pot a few times” Sam: “Want to?… it’ll be way more intense when you’re taking our bare cocks” Me: “Willing to try I guess” Sam: “Done it a few times ... nothing crazy, I’ll take good care of you” Me: “Deal” Five minutes later my Dad popped into the room, giving me a kiss. "Mmmm, love my boy.” "Love you too Dad.” “I’m gonna go out with friends tonight, think can you manage a Friday night without me?” “That’s incredibly convenient”, I thought, wondering casually if he was one of Sam’s 'friends'. “Yeah I’ll be okay. I want some of that cock when you get home, though.” “Deal, boy," as he gave me another kiss. "I’m in love with you Cod.” I looked up at him, “I’m in love with you too Dad.” Around 6:00 PM Dad found me watching TV, “Headed out baby boy, hopefully won’t be too late.” “It’s cool Dad, you deserve a night out – Love you.” “Love you too Cod,” briefly french kissing me before heading out. Realizing I didn't have a lot of time before I had to leave for Sam's, I thought “I’d better get it together.” Sam: As the day progressed I took a few minutes here and there to set everything in motion for Mark’s boy Cody. Tonight was the night that it was going to happen for Cody, there was no question (at least in my mind). I knew, of course, that Mark was regularly breeding him, but I also knew Mark still hadn’t been tested, so he didn't know if in fact he’s poz. “When Cody leaves my house tonight I want there to be no question that he’s HIV+”, I thought to myself as I texted Jake and Sergei: Sam: “You up for breeding a neg hole with that newly + cock?” Jake: “Haha… yep, already bred a college dude, horned as fuck” Sam: “Come over at 6:30, got something very special I need you to do ... don’t be late” Jake: “Sounds hot” Sam: “Got another young one to tag ... you up for it?” Sergei: “Always” Sam: “Come over at 730 ... back door, undress, be quiet … got it?” Sergei: “k” Finally text Mark, I want him in on Cod’s conversion but I can’t let him know what’s going on until it’s done: Sam: “Still coming over for fun tonight?” Mark: “Fuck yea… found another Jake?” Sam: “LOL… yep, might say that, pretty sure he’s neg” Mark: “Not after we get done” Sam: “Come over at 8, back door, undress and be VERY quiet, got it?” Mark: “Got it sexy” With the guys all setup I got to work finishing things for the night's session. I setup the sling, grab some lube, towels and put my GoPro in the best position to capture Cod’s conversion party. I take two unused syringes from my party supplies, add a small does of T to one of them, and put them in the living room for easy access later. Just as my clock hit 6:30, right on time, Jake appeared at my front door. “Hey sexy.” “Hey Sam," I replied, giving him a kiss as he felt-up my cock even before I had closed the door. “Get rid of these clothes, I want you naked.” “Mmmmmm… Is this the cock that pozzed me?" “Nope, but Sergei will be here soon and you can show him how much you appreciate it, now get naked.” Jake stripped, and his cock came into view I enjoyed his hot body, and I complemented him remarking “That’s a hot poz cock you got there boy.” “Thanks,” he beamed as we resumed making out. Both of us were instantly hard. “So what ... err who’s getting pozzed tonight?” “We’re waiting on Mark and Sergei to get here.. and our vic.. err bottom boy. His name is Cody, when he gets here I need you in the kitchen, and very quiet, … wait for me to get you ... he doesn’t know who’s coming and except for me his breeders will be anonymous to him.” “Sounds kinda hot.” “Very. I’ve got my GoPro hooked up and streaming, after I take Cody to my bedroom you can turn on my laptop and watch us until I come get you.” “Cool." “Mmmm, now … I need some of that brand new poz cock bad,” and with that I squatted down, sucking on Jake’s cock to get him worked up before Cody arrived. “Uhhhh… ohhhhh … fuck … oh fuck that feels good." I sucked Jake for a few minutes, paying particular attention to the head and piss slit. When I start to taste Jake’s poz precum I immediately stop sucking him. “I just need you horny and worked up, sexy.” “Haha ... I’m pozzing hole tonight, I’m already horny and worked up.” Right on time, at 7:00 PM, I heard someone at the door. It was Cod. I gestured for silence, whispered "Go," and pointed Jake toward the kitchen, enjoying the sight of his cute little ass as he left the room, under my breathe murmuring “I wanna put my tongue in that so bad." I let Cod in and greet him with a big, wet kiss. He checked me out, up and down, focusing particularly on my cock. “Like what you see?” I asked. Perhaps just a bit nervous, he answered with a smile, “Yeah." I gave him several more kisses, just to loosen him up, and as his body relaxed I gestured for him to follow me into the bedroom, “Come with me sexy boy.” Once there I handed him a beverage I had prepared in advance of his arrival, saying only “Drink this.” Cod looks at the glass. It appeared to hold a shot glass worth of water, and he downed it, asking afterwards “Water?” “Yeah … and something extra to help you relax, nothing bad, just a little G to loosen things up.” I kissed him again, murmuring into his ear “Strip. Now.” “Anyone else here?” “Soon.” Cod looks at me with a silly grin and strips off his shirt. His chest was very nice and smooth, and his build was beautifully toned. Two seconds later his pants, socks and underwear were gone. “Good boy,” I praised him, giving him another kiss. This time my cock nudged him as he folded into my embrace. “Like that poz cock huh?” Looking up at me, he softly replied "Oh, yeah." “I’m poz, Cod. You sure you want more of this cock and cum inside you?” Again he replied "Oh, yeah." Exchanging smiles, we made-out very seriously. My cock is already leaking a river of poz precum, “Lay on the bed Cod.” He complied. Climbing onto the bed, I stroked his legs and back, and rubbed my cock head in the crack of his ass. He raised his legs, his legs .immediately go up, and I tease and his hole using my precum to get it wet. I think, “I want to fuck and breed this boy so bad right now.” We kissed a bit more. A few minutes of foreplay went by and Cod relaxed in my arms. The G was taking effect. Between kisses, “Cod baby.. “, more kisses, “I gotta get you ready for your party.” “Oh yeah… I’m ready… mmmm, so relaxed… I’m soooo good, I’m sooooo fucking horny Sam.” “I know sexy… but I need you ready to go when the other guys get here.” “Oh yeah… cool, tell me what to do.” but he just lay there. The G was doing its trick on him. “I’m going to blind fold you, don’t worry I’ll be right here.” “Uhhh… okay.” I placed the blind fold over his eyes, asking “Too tight?” “No.. no, it's good. Can’t see a thing now though.” “Just relax ... it’ll be fun.” It was time to bring Sergei in so I prepared Cod, saying, "Stay here Baby. I'm gonna go see if any of the guys are here. I’m just going in the living room, so just relax." He replied with a very calm "Okay." I walked through the living room, picking-up the syringe with T, and made my way to the kitchen; Sergei was naked and Jake was already sucking his cock, the laptop on and showing the feed from my cam. “That’s hot guys, but don’t cum yet we’re taking care of Cody tonight and I want him full of poz cum.” Jake stood-up, giving Sergei a quick kiss. Jake knews Sergei’s cum knocked him up. The strong bond between them was inescapable. I imagine most bug chasers hope for their kind of connection. Or so I liked to think. “Jake, I'm gonna need your arm for a bit.” “Wha… ok.. what are we doing?” “Just need some of that newly HIV+ blood flowing through your veins … need to soften this Tina up for Cody. “Fuck,” Sergei grunted. A huge smile cames over Jake’s face as he realized what’s going to happen, “Fuck ... okay,” extending his arm without hesitation. Sergei piped-up, “Fuck yeah, Jake, give him our bug.” “Sergei, would you squeeze his bicep?” Looking at Jake, “Make a fist.” Having done this more than once, I slowly insert the stabby part of the needle into one of Jake’s veins and carefully draw out just enough blood to cover the T, tapping the syringe a few times to help it dissolve in the blood. “Good," I remarked as I withdrew the needle adding “He doesn’t know you’re here, so stay quiet and come with me.” With that the three of us headed back to my bedroom.
    6 points
  4. I was 20 when I married, my wife was 18. I think I have always tried to conform and although I was attracted by women's bodies, I secretly fantasized more about sex with men than with women. I thought of myself as hetero with bisexual leanings. When I surfed the internet, I particularly loved oral and anal - those beautiful hard cocks with their white loads glistening on lips or slowly oozing from a well drilled ass. I felt like I was two people, the visible married guy and the hidden real one. My wife didn't want children and I had a vasectomy at 25. I always felt like I needed more sexual excitement and had sex with a few 'other' women, always unprotected, and I counted myself lucky not to have been caught by my wife or to have picked up any diseases - I was careful only to start anything if the women were married. I used it as a release from my gay urges; I thought it was safer that way. For 20 years I continued to suppress my lust for men, but the last 5 years or so it had been getting harder and I was exclusively watching gay porn and reading gay stories. I loved wanking on webcam chat rooms with other guys but I wanted to do more, wanted to be really there, naked, amongst and touching other naked men. I looked at website adverts for gay escorts, but I decided it was too risky, I might go too far if I was paying to get exactly what I wanted and needed. Then I found that there was a gay sauna club in the city about 30 miles away. I planned a visit; I would be able to get naked there and watch other guys, I would be able to stand in front of them with my hard cock in my hands, stroking it. After edging for hours I would cum for them. I would be safe doing that. I would use a condom and maybe if I felt it was safe would frot with someone. Nothing to expose me to any risky real contact. One of the reasons I had avoided gay sex for such a long time was that I know I am reckless when really turned on, but I figured that now I was older I was more able to control myself. I made up my mind to visit the club, and the opportunity arose when my wife said she was going to stay with her mother for a week. We rarely had sex and I actually preferred wanking looking at gay porn, but I abstained from that for five days beforehand, so that I would be really horny and wouldn't change my mind. The day after she went, I parked my car at the city centre mall and took the bus to the stop nearest the club so that nobody would see my car in the area and ask questions later. I had planned it all, I knew if I had to stop to think I might chicken out, so when I stepped from the bus I walked quickly to the door and pressed the buzzer. It took a while and I almost panicked and turned away, but luckily just in time the door opened and moments later I was inside. The guy took my money, saw that I was a little nervous, gave me a key and towel and pointed me to the locker room. I quickly stripped and locked away my things. I wasn't sure whether to wrap it around me or not, but I was already feeling really excited and my cock hardened as I walked to the bar, so I just held the towel casually, partly in front. I passed through a lounge where a few guys were chatting, one had a towel draped on his lap, the other was completely naked, another couple sat on a sofa kissing. Seeing men openly kissing was an instant turn on and I was as hard as rock by the time I sat on a bar stool and ordered a bottle of water. I had taken a couple of mouthfuls when a guy came up, he'd followed me from the lounge. "Hi I'm Steve." "Pete." I had decided to use my real first name. I expected some more banter, but Steve slipped his hand under the towel I had draped on my leg and touched my knee, slowly caresing my thigh until his fingers wrapped round my cock. I was suddenly on fire, my heart pounded and my cock felt harder than ever. I tentatively reached over and stroked his chest, he smiled and flicked the towel off me onto the floor. My mouth was dry again and I took another swig of my water. Glancing round the room and seeing the others watching my instant seduction turned me on even more. As I tipped my head back to drink, Steve bent forward and engulfed my cock, his tongue licking the shaft, his head tilted up and his eyes locked onto my startled stare as he slowly and gently licked all the way up my shaft. This was all going much too fast, too far, too good, too risky. I was out of control already and I knew it. I glanced round the room, wondering if I really wanted to stop, realising suddenly that I needed to be here, today, to experience it all; now or never. An older guy on the other side of the room was watching, his fist round his cock, working it hard and fast. I was thrilled that he was watching me and it urged me on, my mouth open as I gasped at the sensations raging through me. Steve paused. "Do you want me to stop?" "No. Don't." I caressed his cheek and he circled the tip of my cock with his tongue, then licked his lips. I wanted to kiss him, wanted the others to see me kiss him. "Go on. Please. Just use..." I reached for the container of condoms on the bar, pulled it towards us, nodded towards it. I couldn't say it. Steve stood up, slowly moved closer, parting his lips slightly, his hand massaging saliva into my cock. I looked into his burning eyes as he kissed me on the lips, then I kissed him back, voraciously, our tongues deep into each other, frantic. I felt his other hand over mine, he slowly pushed the container away. I let him do it. He guided my hand until it cupped his balls, then pressed against his firm thick shaft. "Suck it." The thrill of him telling me what to do was electric and although I glanced at the condoms on the bar, I stepped down from the stool and bent forward. Steve steered my shoulders so that my ass pointed into the room as I took my first cock into my mouth, tasting the tip, licking up and down the shaft, bobbing my head. I was like a man possessed, every fantasy I had ever had about being made to suck cock was exceeded in that moment. I licked it, stroked it, made an 'O' with my mouth and took just the tip, worked the shaft with my hand, stroked a finger in my mouth as well, wetting it before rubbing it into his crack, trying as hard as I could to do everything I ever wanted done to me. He parted his legs wide to reveal two small tattoos, one on the inside of each thigh, close to his balls, a small scorpion on the left and a biohazard symbol on the right. Neither of them could be seen unless you were sucking his cock. When I saw them I paused momentarily, my tongue circling his cockhead, tasting his pre-cum. My cock was in his hand and he must have felt it twich, hardening more. I clenched and made it twitch again, I wanted him to know I would go all the way, do anything he wanted. I couldn't believe how it made me feel. I loved fetish porn where the girl is unprotected and the guy pumps his sperm into her womb, knocking her up, and I suddenly experienced the same surge it always gave me when I watched those movies. I wanted that, taking the risk, I pictured myself on a sling, legs spread and tied to the chains. I wanted to give him everything I had. I was sucking him for all I was worth, cupping his balls, gripping the base of his shaft, licking and stroking him, tasting. I knew it wasn't impossible to catch it just from oral sex but I wanted him to cum in my mouth, to taste his load, to swallow it all. I circled the tattoos with a finger as I tongued a small drop of pre-cum from the slit, and looked up at his face. He held up his own fingers, covered in lube. My jaw dropped open, my eyes wide as a surge of lust overwhelmed my rational senses. "Oh god, oh yes, I want it." The others gathered around and Steve led me to a chair, bending me over so my shoulder blades rested firmly on the cool black leather. Hands positioned my feet on the floor, easing them apart. "Will you use a condom?" I heard myself say, the pitch of my voice giving away the answer I already knew would come. "No." I knew I should get up, should go, but sex raged through my body and I was panting as Steve started feeding lube inside me. I lifted my ass higher, parting my legs more. Steve's fingers worked the lube in to me; I was in heaven and he knew it, he stroked my cock and sac, pressing against my perineum. I felt him move behind me, the tip of his bare cock at my puckered hole, slight pressure holding me ready. "Yes?" he asked. I pushed back against him, he held still and firm. I pushed again, felt myself opening, as I had done many times with my butt plug or the realistic cock vibrator I had bought, supposedly for my wife. I moved and pushed until I felt his head pop past the resistance, a real cock was finally inside me. There had been a stab of pain but now I just felt filled, just like when the fat part of my butt plug or the large tip of the vibe had passed the sphincter. I wanted more, wanted to feel him move in me, feel him against my prostate, the strange but erotic feeling the butt plug always gave me as I moved it across that spot. I knew that this was no silicone cock in me, knew that it would spurt its potent laden seed into me. Steve held my hips with a gentle pressure. I reached back with my hands and placed my fingers where I thought his tattoos were. "Oh god, I know, I know," I whispered as I pressed back further, taking the full length of his thick cock deeper. I pictured the scene, I had seen it a thousand times in porn, the girl bent over and the stud injecting his life-giving seed into her fertile body, "cum in me," she would say; the guy bent over, the tattered condom hanging down as the stud injected his dangerous seed into a willing ass as the recipient looked between his legs at the bare flesh pulling out, cum dripping from him. I knew my life would be different and I had wanted it to change for so many years. A brief thought flashed through my head, maybe it's not quite too late for safer sex. But all my desire was focussed on the moment, impaled balls deep on the thick, gorgeous, hazardous, wonderful, throbbing, hot cock buggering me into ecstatic oblivion and there was no way I would stop now. I couldn't believe how quickly my naive plans for carefully controlled touching had vaporised under Steve's hot touch. I was soaked in lube already, but I felt more cool liquid squirted on my crack and Steve began to stroke in and out, angling every now and then so he was rubbing my spot inside, making me cry out in passion every time. My own cock was dripping pre-cum, I coated my fingers and licked it off as I had done so many times when masturbating on webcam, looking wantonly round at the audience as my tongue traced the wet streak on my finger. My cheeks were hot and I panted as he fucked me; the others were fisting their cocks, moving nearer. The older guy knelt the other side of the chair, stroking hard and arching his back, lifting the tip to my lips. I saw his small plus-shaped tattoo on his shoulder; I opened my mouth to envelop him as he held onto my head. Unseen lips enfolded my own cock in their luscious wet embrace. Steve was speeding up, his strokes hard and deep, I could hear his breathing getting shorter and voices in the room encouraging him to "fuck him, fuck him, cum in his ass," the noise of his thighs slapping against my backside only heightened my lust. "Yes, yes, fuck me, harder, fuck me, cum, cum...," I tried to say with my mouth full of cock, "oh fuck, oh god, I'm so close...." "Now?" he asked, urgently, pausing briefly, his voice hoarse and breathless. "mmm, mmm," was all I could reply, but I pushed back hard on his stilled pole, almost losing my cock out of the mouth working it, then almost gagging him as Steve thrust back hard into me. I couldn't keep still as he worked us both to a frenzy. Everything happened in slow motion. My mouth filled with warm semen, the salty fluid spurting to the back of my throat and leaking from my lips as I struggled to maintain contact and swallow until I had it all. He pulled away, leaving me gasping for breath. Moments later Steve's thrusts went ballistic and the feeling welled up inside me faster than ever before, an intense pulse of pleasure followed by another and another and another and another, as I spurted into the mouth sucking on me, my ass contracting and writhing on Steve's cock as he worked it faster and faster in my body. "Yes! Fuck! Yes!" Steve grabbing my hips, pulling me onto him harder, breeding me deep. My cock sucker had moved away; I dripped on the floor as Steve continued to pump cum inside me until his orgasm subsided. Somehow I ended up on my back on a couch, Steve's head on my belly, my softening cock in his mouth. I felt panic rising in me and I stiffened, suddenly wanting to get dressed and go. "Don't run, embrace it" was all he said, quietly, and he started to lick me from root to tip, his finger gently pushing his seed back into my body. I was tense, but started to relax as he licked me again and again, pausing to kiss my nipples and nuzzle down my belly. Amazed by how soon I felt my cock stirring again, I felt liberated as arousal flared in me again. Later, after he had fucked me again, filling me with his second potent load, I explored the club with him, we showered together and he finally came in my mouth as I knelt with the water running over my hair, his hands on my head. Steve left shortly afterwards and I spent the rest of the day kissing, fondling, sucking and fucking. I came four times, in one day, for the first time in my life. I spent every day that week at the club and by the end of it I was thoroghly converted; closet bisexual to full blown gay. I couldn't believe how I had lived like I had. When my wife got back from her trip, I told her I was gay and that I had been with a man when she was away. A little thrill ran through me, despite the stress of telling her. I spared the details. "I thought you would realise, eventually, that you're gay with some bisexual tendencies. Your a natural submissive," she said, "and you haven't shown much interest in me for a long while. I found your web history years ago, you never hid that." "I'm sorry, I have let you down, but...." "Don't." She seemed relieved, almost content. "We'll get a divorce, I have something to tell you." She turned away, embarassed, speaking quietly, almost to herself, "Well, I've been sleeping with Dillon Patterson, you remember him from the works summer barbecue, for the last few months." She swallowed. "I.... I wasn't at mothers, I was with him. You'd have found out soon anyway, I'm probably pregnant." My cock hardened, partly at the thought of her breeding with Dillon but more at remembering the long fat black cock inseminating my body as I lay with my feet tied to the sling chair at the club a few days earlier. That was quite an experience in itself. I wondered if Dillon's cock was as long or as black, and if she'd taken as much bareback cock as I had. Seven months later, I pressed my body against Steve again, our hard cocks clasped together as I stroked against him until he spurted his thick white cum in long ropes over his perfectly hairy belly. I licked at it and sat back up, my legs wide across his, and he traced the outline of two newly healed tattoos on the inside of my thighs, mirror images of his own. My boyfiend Alex climbed onto Steve and kissed him, dipping his erect cock into the creamy pool on Steve's belly; he knew I was close to the point of cumming and his ass glistened with freshly applied lube. He tossed away the unopened condom he had been holding and wiggled his inviting hole deep onto my hard, bare, cock.
    6 points
  5. I found this gem at spermpig.tumblr.com. It sure got my dick leaking. How about yours? Happy World AIDS Day, Faggot! I had a “play date” a couple weekends ago on Sunday– as it so happens it was world AIDS day. And it was a very naughty play session indeed. The fuckbuddy that hit me up has a particular kink. He really gets off on dirty talk. Not just run of the mill dirty talk either– he gets off on poz talk. You know, talk about knocking up a bottom with his toxic jizz. That sort of thing. And let’s just say that I don’t mind this talk– mainly because he has a beercan fat 7 inch dick on him. I can “get into” a lot of things if it’s attached to a cock like that! He hit me up on a non-hookup oriented social media site and was looking to get his dick wet. I was horny as hell so I said, “Sure, cum on over!” He was very particular about what he wanted during our session. I was to be pre-lubed and waiting on all fours, blindfolded. And wearing a jock or something suitable to display my ass. He would walk in and have his way with me and leave. And he was gonna “talk” during our session. I got ready and put on a pair of assless shorts for him. I also had my blindfold at the ready (as well as the poppers and lube). He called from downstairs and I buzzed him up, donned the blindfold and assumed the position. I heard him enter and lock the door. “So, faggot. Your ass ready to take my deathbabies?” he asked. “I really want to feel that big raw cock in me, but please pull out before you cum? I don’t wanna get sick,” I tell him, just like he wants to hear. “Dude, you know the drill. I fuck and I don’t like to pull out. If you want this dick, you’re gonna take it til I’m done with your hole.” “Please pull out? You can shoot in my mouth instead… if you want,” I suggest. “I’ll think about it. Now suck my cock and get me ready!” So, I opened my mouth and let him feed me his dick. His thickness stretches my jaw and I know it’s going to do the same to my ass when the time comes. He had one hand on the back of my head while he’s thrusting into me. I can taste his precum already as he’s obviously been thinking about our impending fuck. “Turn around, faggot. I’m gonna use that ass now.” I do as I’m told, and I hear him lubing up his thick fuckstick. I fish around for the poppers on the bed and take a good hit. “Oh yeah, baby show me that hole! You ready for my poison penis? You want it?” All I can do is nod in my popper induced haze. He pops his thick mushroom head inside me, and pushes in to the hilt in one swift motion. There is a stab of pain as he bottoms out inside me. But also pleasure. He doesn’t wait to let me get used to his dick- he just immediately starts fucking me with it at a medium pace. I’m on all fours and he’s drilling into me from behind, hands roughly gripping my hips. “Fuck yeah, bitch! Take my toxic cock. You like taking poz dick, don’t you? You get off on having AIDS just one squirt away!” “No!” I tell him. “I just like feeling your fat cock in me without a condom. Please pull out before you cum! Don’t make me HIV+!” “What’s the point of pulling out, you stupid cunt? I’m already leaking my sickness inside you! Can’t you feel all my dirty precum slicking up your insides? Every thrust I’m massaging my tainted DNA deeper and deeper into your guts. And you’re taking it, you bug chanson’ bitch!” He reaches around to stroke my rock hard cock while continuing to thrust his dick inside me. “See? You get off on this, you sick fucker! Your cock is rock hard! And I bet you’ll blow your last neg load as soon as I start knocking you up!” He speeds up his thrusting and really started ramming my hole. He was doing a full pull out and ram back in and I had to do poppers like mad just to be able to take it. The whole time he keeps up his litany of poz talk– talking about his dirty DNA and getting me to “join the club”. He wants to be my gifter and be the one to convert me. His dirty talk just pours out of him like his precum. Eventually he is ready to do the deed. “Oh fuck, faggot! I’m getting close! It isn’t gonna be long now and your neg days will be over!” “Just pull out! Please pull out! Cum in my mouth– I’ll swallow! I promise!” I beg. “You fucking filthy cum pig bottom! I’m gonna give you EXACTLY what you want… and deserve!” He thrusts hard a few more times, then parks his cock deep while holding onto my hips with an iron grip. Then I feel it. His cock spasming deep inside me– spitting out jet after jet of his semen. His big mushroom head throbs and swells with each spurt. My own orgasm is seconds behind, and I’m shooting my load in thick streams all over my sheets; my asshole involuntarily milking every drop from his dick. After his orgasm subsides, he slow pumps me a few times, then RAMS his dick home to the bottom causing me to cry out in pain. While slowly pulling out of me, he leaned in close to my ear and whispered “Happy AIDS Day, faggot.”
    5 points
  6. After a shitty week of working long hours and crap from bosses all i wanted was the biggest cock i could find. I messages an older muscle daddy type who i know with a very thick 9inch cock. I got a message back to saying he has a BF now and will have to check if its ok and if i minded a 3some. I said yeah a 3some is fine. 30min later i got a message saying come over at 9pm. I arrived about 9:30 and as they said i walked right in and found them in the bedroom both naked playing with there fat cocks. His new bf was just as hot and had a similar sized cock. i stripped and joined them sucking one then the other my buddy soon got behind me and ate my arse while i sucked his bf. After a while i felt that amazing cock push its way in and stretch me to my limit. He didn't give me much chance to get use to the size before he started hammering my arse forcing me into his bf cock. Luckily my gag reflex is almost gone after spending years on my knees in dark rooms. They kept switching positions for over and hour and at one point they tried to double fuck me but i didn't stand a chance. My buddy loaded me first then his bf after very little effort i got my buddy hard and he shot a 3rd load in my wrecked arse. I should be seeing them again next week but this time all 3 of us are working on a fit young chaser they know.
    5 points
  7. I was in Washington DC last week for a work trip. I always try to get loaded up (and dump a few loads) when traveling for business, and this trip was no exception. My hotel had a partnership with a nearby gym so I decided to take advantage of it to blow off some steam after work. I douched a couple times just to be prepared and headed out. There was quite a bit of hot eye candy of all kinds at this gym, including some stunningly sexy black men. It's a mostly mixed gym so it wasn't easy to determine if the hot guy with the big bulge you're drooling over was gay or straight, even so, I couldn't keep my eyes off of this one particular gentleman - 40ish, 6'2', 240 pounds of rock solid, black muscle. His bulge was definitely promising and I caught him returning a stare a couple times. That definitely got my hole twitching. I made sure to end my workout at the exact time the stud was headed to the locker room. We both collected our belongings and began changing out of our workout gear. I could tell he liked what he saw - and my God, did I like what I saw! His dick was pretty huge and getting plumper by the second. I was now on a mission. I finished my business and headed out near the gym lobby. He was 10 seconds or so behind me. As I walked out of the gym I held the door open for him and gave him a devilish smirk and noticed he had placed a wedding band on his ring finger. He smiled and shook my hand with a very firm grip, introducing himself as Walter. As luck would have it, the parking garage and my hotel were in the same general vicinity, and when I mentioned I was in DC for work and staying at the Marriott, Walter was definitely intrigued and the conversation lingered a bit so I took the bull by the horns, so to speak, and asked him if he wanted to grab a drink in the lobby. He agreed and said he'd put his gym bag in the car and meet me inside. My hole was not only twitching, it was beginning to sweat a little and get wet back there. It's got a mind of its own. Walter and I drank a couple beers and he told me he'd been married for 10 years. He could have easily walked away but it was obvious that we both wanted to fuck. When I suggested we go up to my room, Walter said his wife would be expecting him home within the hour so we didn't have a lot of time. So I suggested we hurry. We went upstairs as quickly as we were able, and I dropped to my knees even before my hotel room door had closed. His rock hard cock was out within seconds. It truly was a beautifully thick, veiny, throbbing piece of meat, easily ten inches and oozing pre-cum. I immediately went to work on it, sucking away. His crotch smelled incredibly hot and my senses were in overdrive. My efforts were rewarded often with more oozing pre-cum, which makes me moan just about every time. Before long, one of his strong hands was squeezing my ass. My hole was puckering like crazy. Since he was married I dreaded the condom question - but it was never mentioned. We both knew where his nut was going. Since we were short on time I stood, turned around and offered him my thick bubble butt. I slobbered his piece up pretty well and he spit on my hole several times before fingering me to open me a bit before placing the head of his massive dick against my hole. Fuck, this was going to feel incredible. He slowly entered my body, stretching my hole open inch by inch. The pain was intense but it hurt so fucking good. Once deep inside me, he started some dirty interracial talk (which I also love) about muscled white boys and how hot it is to see a big, black cock splitting a hot white hole open. And shooting inside. He picked up the pace a bit and the base of his pole grew even thicker. His moaning and heavy breathing let me know that he wouldn't last much longer. Sweat began to pour from both of us. I begged him for his load. And I got it. Three huge spurts of spunk back to back as I squeezed the fuck out of his cock. He stayed inside me for a bit and I wiggled my ass against him. Why did it have to end? He reluctantly plopped out of me and I spun around to lick him clean, which he loved. Sweet, sweet nut....in both of my holes. We exchanged information and I jokingly (or not) made a comment about getting him a room key. I wanted as much of that man as I could get for the remainder of my three-day work trip. "Fuck yeah" was his response. My swollen, beautifully sore hole - twitch, twitch, twitch. I could feel his cum dripping down my leg as we rode the elevator down to the front desk to get his key.
    4 points
  8. Met a friend today that I've seen a few times. Not the guy with the roommate, this one lives alone. He's got a meaty 7.5" BBC that's nice and thick, and it curves to the right so when I blow him from the side, it slips right down my throat. Unfortunately he only fucks with a condom (I've told him that when he's ready, he can bareback me). I was pinned to his bed as he was going to town on my hole today, when he made a grunt and slowed down, then slipped out of my ass. I figured he had cum and decided that, since last time he fucked me he threw the rubber away, I'd peel it off his cock and eat his cum out of it before it went into the trash. He was still on his knees behind me so I reached back, rolled the rubber up his shaft, and pulled it off over the head. I aimed his cock back at my hole to see if he would slip inside, and boy, did he! Before I knew it he was pounding my hole again with reckless abandon, and that's when I realized the condom was empty! It felt so much better to have him bare inside me, and he was sweating and grunting his pleasure more than usual so I knew he was enjoying it too. Before long the real orgasm came, and it was the most intense I've ever seen him experience. He collapsed beside me on the bed as I lay there wishing for round two. No suck luck, so as we got up to dress I felt his cum running down my leg. No matter, I dressed anyway and off I went towards home. Some of his DNA is still inside me. Love it!
    4 points
  9. So I sat in the front row of the theater for almost an hour watching the porn on screen. There were some hot scenes but they were all covered. Actually, what I had had done to me earlier was hotter. I leaned back in the seat, still naked, and thought about getting fucked earlier. I fingered my wet hole. The smell of semen filled the air. I started getting hard again and thought I would get dressed and go over to the arcade. I reached down to get my clothes from under the seat when a guy came down the aisle and sat a couple of seats away from me. He was a tall black guy in his early forties with a close cropped goatee. I figured I would wait to see what he would do before I went to the arcade. From the corner of my eye I could tell he was watching me. He started rubbing the front of his pants so I began to stroke my now hard cock. It wasn't long before I heard him unzip and out came his cock. He was watching me intently now while he stroked his dick. I looked over at him directly and smiled, letting him know I was interested. He got up and moved to the seat next to mine so we could touch each other's cocks. I couldn't believe how thick he was. I couldn't get my entire grip around him. He was at least seven inches, maybe more, but it was the girth that had me wanting him. I had to have a taste. I slipped on to the floor in front of him, lowering my mouth over his massive dick, first swirling my tongue over the piss slit to get the precum, then licking up and down the shaft before taking him all the way to the back of my throat. I nearly gagged because he was so huge but I was intent on making sure he was satisfied so I just kept going, bouncing my head on his lap. As I did this he unbuttoned his pants. It seemed like his cock got even bigger as he raised his hips slightly so he could pull his pants down. I rubbed his belly and chest underneath his shirt while I gave him head. He had a rock hard torso. I had to get a better look so as I sucked I found the buttons on his shirt and one by one I worked my way up his shirt until his entire torso was revealed. I licked his abs and navel. I licked up his stomach to his nipples, never taking my hand from his boner. I stroked him while I nibbled at his nipples, then moved up to his neck, kissing it and licking it. I blew gently in to one ear and then the other as he slid down his seat a little. I took the sign and stood over him, then I lowered my ass slowly on to his cock. I rode him for a short while but I could tell the position wasn't comfortable for him. I got off him then got in to the seat next to us, facing the back of the theater. My naked butt was lit by the movie screen. He got up behind me and climbed on top of me, pressing his cock against my hole. He grabbed me around my waist and burrowed his face in to my neck. I reached under me and found his cock. I guided him back in to me and he began pumping my cunt. He put his hands on my shoulders and really began to fuck me hard. I looked up and I could see guys in the theater stroking their cocks, not at what was going on up on the screen but what was going on in the front row. He was now piston fucking me, balls slapping against my ass, the sound drowning out the bad porn music. He pumped and pumped and finally rewarded me with a big load shot deep inside me. He held his cock in me for a little bit then pulled his semi hard cock out of me. He fell in to the seat next to me and started to button his shirt back up, then pulled his pants back up, zipping up, buttoning up. I just shut up as he got up and walked out the theater door. He never said a word. His cum was dripping down my leg. I was so fucking horny I needed at least one more load before calling it a night. The guys in the theater didn't appear to be interested so I knew it was time for some arcade action. I slipped back in to my clothes so I could make the move to the arcade with my ass so cummed up I was making a mess in my pants. I didn't care as I moved up the aisle, feeling the wetness in my ass. The old guy was still at the front. I know I smelled like cum as I walked past him towards the arcade but I didn't care. I showed him the tokens I had purchased earlier and he waved me in. I went right to the booths with the glory holes but they were occupied. There were five guys walking around or standing around. I was ready to take on anyone so I went to an empty booth and left the door wide open, feeding tokens in to the slot to get the movies going. Guys were walking by checking me out so I took off my shirt. I unzipped my pants and began to stroke my cock to the bareback channel I had found. My pants were slowly dropping down over my ass as I stroked. "I saw you in the theater." I looked over my shoulder and there stood a guy in his late twenties with long brown hair. He was smooth shaved but had a gorgeous face. "Did you? How was it?" "Hot." His hand began to caress my ass, rubbing me gently, then more firmly. "Can I come in?" "Of course." He started to shut the door. "No, leave it open. Hope you're not shy." "Take off your fucking pants and show me that used hole." I kicked my pants off and bent over for him. "Spread your cheeks." I did as I was told and he dropped to his knees and he began to lap at my hole. His tongue was soon digging deep, getting a taste of the cum I had inside me. Guys were now gathering around the door watching us. I put my hands against the wall and pushed my ass out, spreading my legs to give him better access to my hole. "Come on baby, fuck me. I need you to replace that cum you've sucked out of me." "Fuck yeah. Fuck his ass." I heard the guys urging him on. He stood up and began rubbing his cock head on my hole. "Is this what you want?" he asked. Another guy came in the booth with us, a tall hairy guy who had already pulled his cock out. "Stick your dick in him," said the long haired guy. The hairy guy came up right behind me and slid in with one motion. It was a good thing I had a loose hole from being fucked so many times earlier. "You can breed him," said the long haired guy. The hairy guy began pumping me hard and fast. I knew he wasn't going to last too long. The long haired guy was now taking off all his clothes. I knew he was going to give me a night to remember. "Fuck, I'm cumming!" The guys watching urged him on. He pulled out and shot his load all over my hole, cum dripping down my ass and legs. The long haired guy was now naked. He sat in the one chair in the booth, his hard cock pointing straight up. "Get that wet pussy over here." I went over to him and straddled his legs. I rubbed myself over his cock, cum from the hairy guy still all over my hole. He took his cock in one hand and found my hole. As I lowered myself on to his hard cock he took his other hand and pulled my face down to his. I thought he wanted to kiss but he hissed, "Now show these guys what a fucking slut you are." I began to ride his cock, sliding up and down, gyrating my hips over it. I knew I was putting on a show and I wanted to give these guys something they could jerk off to for months to come. "You guys are welcome to use this whore any way you want," said the long haired guy. Soon I felt hands on my ass, a few fingers sliding in to my ass as I got fucked and then a few hot splashes on my back. Guys were cumming on me and they're cum was dripping down my back, down my ass crack as the long haired guy fucked me. "Turn around so they can see my cock going in from a different angle." I slowly turned on his cock, never letting it fall out of me and was now riding him while I faced a group of guys at the door and in the room. Two guys got on either side of me and each on lifted my legs. I was spread eagle in the air as the long hair guy filled my hole. I leaned back to kiss him while he fucked me but he said, "I don't kiss whores." I gyrated my hips as I got fucked and cried out, "Fuck your whore. Fuck him. Give me cum!" A couple guys came in the booth and stroked their cocks, ejaculating huge loads on my cock. I used it as lube and stroked harder. I had one guy shoot all over my hole as it was getting fucked, giving the long haired guy some fresh lube. Finally the two guys holding up my legs let them down and as I rode the long haired guys cock they both came on my back, their loads dripping down my ass crack, making a mess on the long haired Guy's pubes. He covered his fingers with their cum and made me suck it from him, all the while fucking me. "Get up," he said. I stood up and he pushed me in to the hall past the guys in the doorway. He pushed me down to my knees and made me suck his cock, cum from the day and my ass juices filling my mouth. "You really are a fucking whore. Get up and take my load. I have to get going." I stood up and turned around, taking his hard cock in my hand, impaling myself on it. I pumped hard now, oblivious to all of the guys around me, oblivious to the hands and cocks that were using me. I worked hard but he was working hard too and soon I knew he was ready to fill my ass with fresh cum. "That's it. Take it. Take my cock while these guys watch your slutty hole get filled again. I'm cumming! I'm shooting inside you! Take these babies you bitch." Then he was pulling out of me. No thank you. No see you again sometime. He went back to the booth and breezed past me fully dressed. Guys were still pawing at me when suddenly the lights came on. "Jesus! We gotta close up! You been letting everybody use you? What kind of fucking perv are you?" It was the old guy from the front desk. I stood there naked, covered with cum, inside and out. "Just having some fun, sir." I went to the booth and rapidly found my clothes, putting them on without cleaning up. The old man let me out of the store with a disgusted look on his face but I had a smile on mine.
    4 points
  10. First Dirty Fuck from a Nasty Cowboy Top: (True story but CAUTION – part way through includes scene with forced dirty/grimey/SCAT fuck and CAUTION CAUTION is noted in the text to alert any readers who do not wish to see that part of the story) I was in Houston for a few weeks doing some work and staying at a motel just off the freeway and south of downtown on the 59 Freeway. There was an adult video store in a strip mall near the intersection of Bellaire and Hillcrest that had some booths in the back. No glory holes, but the doors locked and I had heard it might be a good place to find some action. My first night in town I had some beer and was feeling good and buzzed and horny as hell and decided to go see what trouble I could get into at the video store. I had only recently started barebacking and a buddy of mine had told me that the video stores were a good place to find guys who would fuck raw. It was fairly quiet, not much was going on, and I was about ready to go when I saw this older guy who was in his 40s from what I could tell, who had on jeans, cowboy boots, a big buckled belt, cowboy hat, medium cropped beard and mustache, and a thick wad of tobacco under his lip – total country redneck look. He was about 6’1 and over 200, and as I liked tops bigger than me I started to follow him around. The cowboy did not seem all that interested in me or anything else going on for that matter, so I went back to a booth and watched some movies. I had decided to give up and leave when the door opened and the cowboy guy looked in, looked around the hall, then stepped in my booth and locked the door. He didn’t say anything, just stood there watching the video and started rubbing his crotch. I went over, kneeled in front of him, and started licking his dick through his jeans and soon had a nice wet spot going. He took off his belt, laid it on the bench, opened up his jeans and slid them down. He was not wearing underwear and out popped this big old, uncut dick, which was not even fully hard yet. My head was full of the odor of unwashed dick, piss, and sweat, mixed in with the smell of cigarettes, weed, and beer that was coming off him. He just kept staring at the video so I rolled the skin back on his dick and started to lick around the head. The head was HUGE! Most guys their head is smaller and their dick tapers and gats fatter closer to the shaft. Not him, it was big and blunt at the end and just as fat as the rest of his dick and I could barely get my mouth around it. When I tried sucking I gagged a little, which turned him on as he grabbed my head and started pumping my throat, making me gag even more as he got fully hard, about 9 inches and wicked thick. Spit was running out of my mouth, my throat hurt as he hit the back with every thrust, my eyes were burning, and me knees were sore. I managed to pull of his hard dick and stood up to catch my breath and wipe my face off. The cowboy just kept watching the video, but then after a minute turned me to face the screen, reached around and unbuttoned my denim shorts, pushed my shorts down, and pushed me to bend over. I wiggled the bottle of poppers out of my pocket and started to hit them thinking he was just going to jerk off on my back as that seemed to be all he was doing. But, then I heard him spit, felt of a wad of juice in my ass crack, and he slid his fingers up and down my ass then shoved two in my hole. I jumped a little, but pushed back and then realized he meant to fuck and did not think there was anyway I could take that huge head. I stood up to turn around to tell him so and he just pushed me back over with his right hand as his left kept working his fingers in my ass, all the while I could feel his hard dick against my hips and right ass cheek. That went on for a while and I figured that was all he was planning to do. The cowboy spit a few more times and I realized it must be tobacco spit as I remembered the wad he had in his mouth. He then yanked his fingers out, pushed me forward a little more, lined his raw dick head up with my ass and started to push – hard. I started to pull away because it hurt and he grabbed my hips and kept pushing. My hole could not take his head, it was just too big, but he did not say a word, just kept pushing, so I did a big hit of poppers. Suddenly his head popped through my asshole and fuck – the shock took my breath away! Once it was in he started to fuck balls deep at a steady rhythm and would spit his tobacco juice on my ass crack every few strokes until it got nice and wet and started making slopping noises. Being bent over all I could see was his cowboy boots and jeans around his ankle, so I braced myself, hit the poppers, and grunted as he fucked me raw with his nasty tobacco spit. Being new to barebacking I was still somewhat surprised he never even brought up condoms and the sub-pig in me loved the fact that he didn’t and just took raw like he wanted. The cowboy bareback fucked me at a steady pace for what seemed like forever and my ass was getting more and more sore and my legs were cramping. I tried to stand up, but he just stepped forward a few steps pushing me ahead of him so my head was now at the wall right under the video screen. He did not stop fucking and barely made a sound. I was breathing hard trying to take it and thinking I was going to pass out when he started to fuck me faster and grabbed the sides of my ass hard, his fingers digging into my flesh. I felt his cock swell and twitch as he unloaded his cum in my ass. Fuck that felt good!! He yanked his dick out of me with a PLOP, turned me around and stuck his dick in my face. I tried to shy away, but he held the side of my head and pushed his dick into my mouth. I could taste cum, ass juice, and tobacco spit and started to really gag. He just stuck his cock back in my mouth, worked it around a little, then pulled it out and hauled up his jeans. “Got a pen?” Those were the first words he had said the entire and I said, “Yeah”, reached in my backpack, took out a pen and paper and handed it to him. He wrote the name down of a motel out by the highway just up from where I was staying and a room number and the name Chris. “I’ll be there about 8:00 PM, drive a blue truck, bring some Corona.” He then put his belt back on and walked out of the booth and left me standing there with his hot load in my ass. I sat in the booth for a while recovering and no one else seemed to be around, still too early I guess, and I wiped off and went back to my motel. I was still debating what to do as my ass was fucking sore, but also aching to be filled, so I went to the store, bought a case of corona and some lime juice and drove to the motel he had written down. I got there about 10 minutes to 8:00 and there were a few cars on that side of the motel, and the only trucks were a couple big ones they use for roadwork off to the back of the lot. He had said about 8:00, so I sat in the car, opened a beer, and waited. I had just finished my second beer when a blue pickup pulled in beside me. It was pretty beat up, had tool boxes and stuff in the back, and I could not tell if he was driving or not as it was so close to my driver’s door. I heard someone get out, then saw him as he walked around the front. He just looked at me, unlocked the door to his room and stepped in leaving the door a little open. I figured that was my invite, so got out, grabbed the beer, went in, and closed the door behind me. It had been only a few hours since the fuck in the video booth and I still had his load in my ass and as soon as the door was closed he grabbed me and started kissing me hard like he could smell his own DNA on me. He reeked even more of beer and cigarettes and must be drunk I thought. The cowboy threw his hat onto the bed closest to the door, sat down, and said, “Pull these off.” I knelt and pulled his cowboy boots off, and worked his jeans off as he laid back on the bed. I tried to take his socks off and he pulled his foot away. Once his jeans were off he stood up, took his shirt off and just had a wife-beater t-shirt on. He smelled thick of sweat and as there was no air conditioning on in the room, could see him starting to sweat even more. My cowboy breeder turned the TV on, switched to a channel playing porn, grabbed one of the beers and slammed it. He grabbed another and sat on the edge of the other bed. I was still standing by the other bed with his boots and jeans and not sure what to do or what was going on, so I grabbed a beer too and sat down on the edge of the bed closest to the door. I was nervous and drinking as fast as I could and had to piss, so asked if I could use the bathroom. He pointed to his left. I was just finishing up when the door to the toilet opened and he was there. I was between him and the tub with nowhere to go and tried to back up. The cowboy pushed on my shoulder making me go my knees and stuck his limp dick in my mouth. I started to lick it and he said, “No, hold still.” I had recently experienced my first time with water sports (see story), so had an idea what was coming. His dick lay on my tongue sort of quivering and then I felt the hot piss. Fuck that tasted horrible! I wanted to gag, but kept swallowing as some of it started to spill out the sides of my mouth and down my chin onto my shirt. He pulled out of my mouth, shook his dick a little, then went back out into the room. After a couple more beers and not a word said, he stood up between the beds just in front of the nightstand that was between them. He set his beer on the nightstand and lit a cigarette, looked at the TV and started stroking his dick, which was now getting hard again. I knelt in front of him and started sucking it and this time he let me. However, it was the same as before and as I sucked him he did not say anything, just would pick the beer up occasionally with one hand, his cigarette with the other, and watched the porn. I was getting tired and my teeth scraped his dick. My cheek stung from the slap he gave me with his right hand for that transgression, but still he did not say anything. My jaw ached and I switched up and started to lick him – damn he was hard and throbbing! I finally couldn’t take it anymore and stood up, sat down on the bed, and grabbed my beer so I could catch my breath. He just stood where he was watching the video with his hard dick sticking out while I slammed a beer. I finished my beer and set the empty bottle on the floor. He spit on his dick a couple times and looked at me, I stood in front of him facing the TV, hit the poppers, and bent over. I heard him squirt out some lotion from a bottle that was sitting by the bed, felt some squirt on my ass, then felt his cock push against my hole. While it did not go right in, it was easier then the first time, but still made me gasp a little when that giant head popped through. He fucked steady and methodical without saying a word, but he would slap my ass with his right hand every few thrusts, each one getting a little harder. I just grunted and tried to take it. I soon started to feel like I had to piss or shit or something, and tried to stand up. He pushed me back down so I asked, “Can we stop a second?” as I thought I had to use the bathroom. This was a surprise for me as my buddy used to laugh about how I had the cleanest hole and could get fucked anytime, anywhere, and never worry. CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION “What do you need to do?” the cowboy asked, while keeping his dick buried balls deep in my raw ass. I blushed in shame and sort of whispered, “I think I have to shit.” His response was not what I expected as he said, “Really? Hmmm – get on your back.” I tried to object, but he pushed me onto my back onto the bed by the door, lifted my legs and slammed his cock in. I cried out and tried to push away with no luck. “OH YEAH, HOT PUSSY, HOT PUSSY,” he exclaimed. He had my legs pushed back and all his weight thrusting in my ass. I was trying to squirm, but he pinned me with his arms on my shoulder and my legs wrapped inside his arms, making sure I had no leverage. He then leaned all the way over, kissing me hard, and kept saying “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy.” Back and forth - he would kiss me hard for a while, then put his head to the side of mine whispering, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy,” over and over. The heat of the room and his body caused his sweat to dripp into my face, burning my eyes. Every thrust he went balls deeps and with the pain I pretty much kept my eyes closed, but soon I was mumbling, “PLEASE FUCK ME, PLEASE FUCK ME.” I was not used to taking long fucks and before long the pain started to become unbearable. I then started to smell something – fuck – my ass WAS messy! What do I do? What can I do? Will he be mad? He must smell it too, why isn’t he stopping? I tried pushing against him, but was so cramped from having my legs back by my shoulders that I had could barely move. I could now feel it running down my ass and the smell was much worse, but the cowboy just kept thrusting and saying, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy,” and kissing me like a fucking broken record. After a while he started fucking faster with big, long, slamming strokes. His kisses became even rougher with his tongue going down my throat and his spit running out the sides of my mouth. He was pulling all the way out now and slamming back in while he kissed me and I could barely breathe with him on top and the pain in my guts. Finally, he tensed and started grunting and moved his arms around my neck pulling him up to his chest while shoving deeper as he unloaded in my dirty ass. He was breathing hard now, but with one movement he pushed off me and yanked his cock out with a big squishing sound. I still had my eyes closed, but suddenly felt his hand on my head, he turned it to the side and pushed his cock against my mouth and into my throat. I gagged from the horrible taste and realized he had stuck his shitty dick in my mouth! He was fucking my mouth and I was gagging and trying to pull away and sit up. I finally managed to wiggle off it just as I felt everything coming up and leaned over the bed to the side by the door and puked. Oh fuck! I then rolled back over, my my hand trying to wipe the tears from eyes and the mess from my face and he told me, “Sit up.” I sat up and he said, “Now you’re cleared out, clean it off good.” The nasty cowboy stuck his dick back in my mouth and I could barely lick it still feeling sick from what just happened. He pulled his cock out, grabbed some towels, threw them at me, so I cleaned up the puke and went to the sink to wash off. He came up behind me and said, “No”, as he stopped me from washing my ass off, told me to sit back down on the bed and drink this, as he handed me a beer and a towel to sit on. I guzzled that one and grabbed another. I had never had a dirty fuck like that and only played when I knew I was clean. I was queasy, but my dick was still hard, so I did not know what was going on. He just sat on the other bed drinking his beer and watching the TV. After a few minutes I tried to apologize and said, “I’m sorry” and tried to explain that nothing like that had ever happened and he just got up and walked into the bathroom. “Come here,” was his response. I went in and he was standing by the toilet. I knelt in front of him and took his piss and this time he pulled out before he was done and wet a good part of my shirt and then he want back into the room. I went and sat back down on the bed smelling like his piss, tasting his piss, the smell of his sweat and cigarettes and kisses still filled my nose, feeling my dirty ass ache. We sat like that for a while without him saying a word again and so I figured I better go. I got up and grabbed my shorts and he said, “No, stay here, I’ll be right back.” He got dressed and left the room and about 5 minutes later he came back, got undressed again, and pulled out a joint. “Guys upstairs had it. Smoked all of mine up. They’re part of my road crew working on the freeway project. Smoke with me?” I told him, “Thanks, but no, I don’t smoke and should go.” He said, “No, just drink some more beer, weed makes me fucking horny and I still want to cum some more.” Fuck – if he was not horny before, I did not think I could take it again and felt sick and told him so. He had lit up the joint and just looked at me and smiled and took another hit knowing I would not be able to resists his raw dick. I spent the next several hours alternately drinking his piss, and him pinning me on my back to fuck my grimey ass. Each time as soon as he got inside he started saying, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy,” and kissing me rough and hard. My lips felt raw. Each time it was messier, smellier, and took him longer to cum. By the time we were done I was totally drunk and could barely stand from all the fucking. He told me he was in town for a couple of months and wanted my number. I told him I was just in town for a few weeks, but gave him my motel info. Two days later he called about 6:00 p.m. and ordered, “Bring some beer.” I swing by the store, slammed two beers in the car and another just after I parked, and when I got into his room he was naked and watching a video and was rock hard, so I got undressed and just bent over the other bed waiting for him to ram fuck my hole. The cowboy moved around so he was facing the TV, grabbed the lotion and slammed me. Once again, his dick busting my ass ring open hurt like hell as I was still sore from the last time and the huge, thick dick head just tore through my tender hole. He didn’t care about me in the last and fucked to get his nutt, which blew pretty quickly that time. After a quick rest he asked, “You got hot pussy for me?” It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about – or at least what I thought he was talking about – and I asked, “Do you mean dirty?” He did not say anything, just rubbed his dick, and I said, “No, sorry, didn’t think so.” Once had been enough for me, thank you very much. I started to get dressed and he said, “Call me when you do, bring the beer, and I’ll leave that ass sore for days.” Fuck he knew how to push my buttons! I told him usually early morning was best for ‘that’ if that’s what he wanted, and he said he would call me as he would be up early and out with the road crew. The next morning the phone rang about 5:30 am, it was him asking if I had some hot pussy for him. I confirmed I thought I did and he said, “I’ll be there in a few minutes, so leave the door ajar to your room and lay on the bed on your back with the lights off.” I was not sure about leaving the door ajar, but was able to unlatch it and open it just past the catch so it was ajar, but not really open and lay on my back and waited. Soon the door opened. I heard him get out of his pants, he climbed onto the bed, lifted my legs up, spit in his hand a few times, and pushed his head in raw, rough, and deep. Thankfully I had hit the poppers before he got there and put lube up my ass as every stroke burned. Even this early in the morning he reeked of sweat, cigarettes, beer, and weed and I loved that foul mix of smells! He started kissing me and saying, “Oh yeah, hot pussy, hot pussy.” Like usual it took him a while to cum and once he did he just got up without saying a word, got dressed and left. We repeated this routine every morning for the next few weeks. The dirty cowboy would call and then come by between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m.. A few times he would feed me his piss first while he smoked his joint, but usually just got down to fucking me – as is – no questions asked. He called me almost every night when he got off work from the road crew too with his standard order of, "Bring some beer." I would show up, beer in hand, and he would then fill my ass and guts with raw dick, cum, and piss topped off by his tobacco and weed spit. I had to go back home to San Antonio, but made it back to Houston for a couple more weekends before he left town. He never talked about himself or said more then he did those first few times, and each time that he fucked and it was not totally clean I was disgusted, sick to my stomach, but left with a hard and drooling dick and my ass ached for his big headed dick to fuck me more.
    3 points
  11. When you first meet Mitch, chances are you'd see just another white teenager trying to be cool by imitating the dress, mannerisms and swagger of his black friends. Like most people you'd probably just shake your head and wonder where his parents were when they should have been teaching him to stand up straight, look people in the eye, get good grades, make something of himself, etc. Maybe you're the exception, maybe you're the guy who sees through his macho act and realizes how insecure the kid really is, maybe you're like Terrell. From the moment Terrell spotted Mitch, he saw right through his false exterior. Even with only a moment's interaction, when T's sister introduced Mitch as the newest employee at the restaurant where she works, Terrell was sure that this kid was a poser, desperately trying to keep something secret from his family, or friends at school. Usually white boys acting like "wiggers" was nothing new, but T felt certain this kid was trying a little harder and worried a little more than he should be about keeping up appearances. "Sup Mitch? Nice to meet ya." Terrell said, sizing up the teen while moving in to shake his hand. Before he could clasp his palm with the boy's, Mitch slid his fingers back, slapped them with T's and fist bumped him. "Fo Sho' Terrell, Aisha been illin to bounce fo' hours son," T had a hard time not laughing at the over-exaggerated ebonics the boy used. "Good thing you showed on time or she'da put a hit on yo' ass!" "Best be leavin' then, peace out kid." After one more ridiculous slide/swipe/bump combo, Aisha and Terrell went to leave, as Mitch returned to work, putting away some packs of napkins on a lower shelf. T's dick swelled as the teen's jeans dropped dangerously low on his hips, almost taking his boxers with them, stopping just far enough for Terrell to catch a glimpse of his lily white ass crack and the soft blonde hairs glowing in the reflected light. Embarassed, the high schooler tugged them higher and turned to see if he'd been caught, accidentally allowing him to take in the view as T adjusted his monster snake through his jeans and boxer briefs. Usually straight boys are oblivious to such gestures (or they'll act like it is sick and wrong and possibly attack), but Mitch froze and his eyes widened a little, leading to he and T sharing a look before Mitch's cheeks went red and he whipped back to the napkins. "So that's what he's hiding," Terrell thought to himself, making a mental note to squeeze Aisha for more info on Mitch later that night. Pics that inspired Mitch and Terrell: Terrell was no stranger to closeted gay guys, especially in his line of work: dealing Tina, Coke, Gina and Molly to a large selection of users, ranging from teens to seniors, in every color imaginable. Often he'd helped a hot young gay dude come out by getting high with him and providing an opportunity for them to be alone, naked and surrounded by drugs. For the most part, T was accustomed to practicing these skills on guys who came to him to buy, so it hadn't really crossed his mind what he'd need to do to work his magic on a sober stud. Aisha was as helpful as she could be, without any knowledge of what her bro had in mind for the teen. Under the guise of small talk while they ate dinner, she divulged Mitch's age, family situation (two sisters in college, dad in another state, mom working 60-80 hour shifts as hospital administrator), area where he lived (about two miles away in a nicer part of town), personal history (moved here last year, only a few friends, saving up to buy a car), and so on. When she was finally finished and her boyfriend had showed up to drive her home, she unwittingly given T a plan of attack. Once the door clicked shut, Terrell hopped on his laptop and found Mitch on Facebook. His assumption that the teen was hungry for friends proved true when the friend request was accepted within moments of being sent. Now that he was in, it was time to do some research and make sure this boy was a homo. Photos and status updates confirmed that the only women in his life were his family and some close friends from his old town. Dating seemed to be the only thing excluded from his detailed, copious posts; a good sign for T. As more photos and posts loaded, T's jaw dropped as a photo of Mitch with some of his former school's fellow swim team members popped up. Terrell massive uncut cock pulsed at the sight of bare teen flesh like normal, but what made it surge to half-hard was the boy in the middle. Buff but trim, cut abs, pecs, thighs and calves, capped by wide shoulders and firm biceps, leading to a familiar smile and blonde mass of wet hair: it was Mitch, and he was hot as fuck. T pulled his jeans and undies to the floor, grabbed his bubbler, loaded a fat crystal and hit it while scrolling through more and more shots of Mitch's body, butt and bulge. From an initial inspection, he probably had average size dick and balls, but his butt was the definition of bubbly and his body was flawless. Stroking his foreskin over and down the head and shaft of his chocolate penis was causing his balls to tighten and droplets of precum to appear at his dickslit. The doorbell rang, eliciting some curses from T, but he smiled when the webcam on his porch revealed it was one of his regular clients, a law school student who bought Tina when he needed to pull an all-nighter… and also enjoyed getting Terrell's cock down his throat. "Come in and lock u[ behind you," Terrell commanded upon opening the door, not bothering to put his pants back on. Law boy did as requested then sat on the couch opposite Terrell's layzboy, and licked his lips while counting out his cash. T weighed a fat sack for the boy, admiring his easy handsome face and slim body, noticing for the first time how much he looked like a young Rob Lowe. "Get naked and I'll smoke you out." "Rob" seemed hesitant, since none of his previous visits required he get undressed. Still the sight of the shard T chose for the pipe changed his mind, and in a flash he was naked and stroking a respectable 7 inch cut penis. As they each took a hit from the pipe, T went back to looking at pics of Mitch, now on his phone, and lazily worked his own cock until the bowl was finished and "Rob" fell to his knees and started nibbling the foreskin and lapping at the balls, shaft and head. "I bet lil' mitchy would have a fucking aneurism if he walked in on this!" T thought, chuckling under his breath while pushing his cock deeper into Rob's mouth and gullet. Like a lightening bolt, it struck T that a little unexpected exposure to gay sex was exactly what Mitch needed in order for Terrell to plant a seed in the kid's brain. Pushing his cock in Rob's mouth until his balls rested on the 22 yr old's chin, T found Mitch's number and dialed him. Rob: "Sup, who dis?" Mitch answered, catching T off guard for a second. "This is T, ya know, Terrell, Aisha's bro." T tried his best to make the boy feel like he was convincingly ghetto, but he was slightly distracted by the fag tonguing his shaft. " Just wondering if you got plans for Saturday night after you get off work. Me and some buds are gonna play ball at the park then head back to my place for some smoke and cocktails." "Sounds awesome bro," for a moment Mitch almost forgot to speak poorly, then calmed himself enough to return to his previous pattern. "Can't smoke cuz' the shit job does random UA's man, but I'd be down to play ball and hang. Lemme run and check with my moms real quick to see if it's coo." As Mitch put the phone down, T could still hear him talk to his mother, suddenly becoming the perfect little preppy boy, saying all the right shit that moms love and promising he won't drink, smoke or be out past 11. The sound of this little boy begging his mommy to come get corrupted was too much for T, who grabbed Rob from the floor, shoved his discarded undies in his mouth, turned him around and bent him over the couch. Rob was obviously freaked, so Terrell shoved some poppers under his nose while reaching into his discarded jeans for a small container of boy butter. Still as he pressed his cock head against the law student's sphincter, he heard some mumbles about a condom, which just made him laugh. Instead he shoved the poppers back under Rob's nose, then pressed his weight into the boy, forcing him up against the back of the couch, including his face, muting his cries as T's fat head burst into Rob's hole. He had every reason to cry since Terrell's cock was now somewhere in the range of 10-11 inches and as thick as a 40. Mitch came back on the line and told Terrell he was in, asking who all would be there. Pumping deeper and deeper into Rob's cunt, T tried to sound normal as he explained it would be some friends and maybe a guy or two from grindr. Silence was all that came back over the phone line for a minute until Mitch expressed wonder at what grindr was. The pause meant Mitch knew exactly what it was, and he probably had a profile on there. Terrell explained in g-rated terminology what grindr was used for, and Mitch finally, reluctantly agreed to be there after his shift Saturday. As soon as the call ended, T flipped Rob on his back and slammed back inside the law bitch, making his scream and try desperately to get away. T had an obvious advantage when it came to making Rob stay put, since he was almost a foot taller than his victim bottom at nearly 6'7" and worked out for three hours everyday, building his body into a fuck machine! Pinning Rob with one hand, he resumed raping his ass while his free hand did a search on grindr. With some minor modifications to the age, location parameters and interests, T had no trouble coming up with Mitch's profile. As he suspected, Mitch had taken a pic from his swim team collection and blurred his face and the background. Still Terrell was confident it was him. Clicking on his other photos, he moaned when the next photo was one of Mitch grasping his hard 6 inch cock on a twin bed that T guessed to be in Mitch's room. Posters featuring the X-men and pink floyd hung behind him on the wall. Again the face was blurred, but that didn't stop T. Clicking for the last photo, he felt his balls tighten at the sight of Mitch doggy style on that same bed, with a magic marker shoved up his hole. Plowing as deep as he could caused his cum to explode far up Rob's hole, as well as making the poor boy scream and pass out. Pulse after pulse of jizz coated the unconscious boy's innards until T felt woozy too and collapsed onto the inert body of the law boy he'd just made into a law man. --- Rob's rape: When Rob came to, T was wearing some bball shorts while a tall thin white dude covered in tattoos worked his 8 and 1/2 inch cock in and out of Rob's hole. Terrell had been calling bros to see who he could get for Saturday and when Yuri told him he needed to stop by to re-stock on tina, it only seemed polite to offer Rob's ass as a bonus. Tears ran down the student's cheeks as he resigned himself to being a cumdump for the two men that night, hitting the pipe again as much as he could in hopes of forgetting what happened when he left three hours later, sloshing around with 4 loads inside his butt. Yuri: Next time...
    3 points
  12. I had a rare weekday off and decided to drive a little farther to a combo theater/arcade to see what trouble I could get in to. I hadn't been to any booths in a while and was really horny to take as many cocks as were willing in to my holes. I made sure I was cleaned out real good, slipped in to some cargo shorts and a tee, grabbed my lube and hopped in my car. On the way I tried to decide how I wanted to proceed once I got there. This place had an arcade on one side and a full sized theater on the other. I knew there would be action in the booths but there were only two with gloryholes, which I love. The booths were large, easily accommodating 4 or 5 guys so I thought some group action would be fun. The theater only showed straight porn, which was a bummer, but it was also a place I could walk around naked, which is a big turn on for me. There was a stage in front of the screen and I had always thought it would be hot to get fucked there. What to do? I walked in around 11 in the morning and decided to buy admission to both the theater and the arcade. The cashier was a real cute guy, no more than 20, who took my money and told me to have fun. I thought, I would definitely have fun if YOU were to come in with me. I smiled and said, "Here's to fun!" I went in to the theater first since it was still early in the day, before the lunch crowd. I walked in and it was so dark except for the movie on the screen that I couldn't see. I stood in the doorway for a minute and then nudged my way along the back wall, slowly letting my eyes adjust. I unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and they fell to my ankles. I started stroking my cock as my eyes adjusted. I stepped out of my shorts and tweaked one of my nipples when I felt a hand on my ass. It had been too dark to see the guy standing there but he could see the show I had started. I reached over and felt his cock, already hard and dripping precum. I pulled my tee off so I was naked except for my shoes. I thought, what the hell, and kicked them off too. I dropped to my knees in front of the guy and smelled his musky cock, licking the precum, then taking him in my mouth, savoring the full length. He took my head in his hands and face fucked me. I still didn't know what he looked like or if there was anyone else in the theater. Finally, I stood up and my eyes had adjusted. I took his cock in my hand and jerked him alongside my cock. He was a white guy in his late 30's, average build, pretty hairy but with a shaved face. His cock was average, about six inches but had a nice mushroom head on it. I dropped back down on his cock and as I sucked him I found my pants and my bottle of lube. I greased my hole, first with one finger, then with two, easing them in and opening myself up. He finally unbuckled his pants and I pulled them down to his knees. I stood back up and started making out with him, sticking my tongue in his mouth, licking his neck, stroking his cock. He was now grabbing my ass and massaging it, taking a finger and playing with my hole. "I want you to fuck me," I said. "Do you have a condom?" "No. Do you?" I turned around and decided to let him take control. If he wanted a tight hole to drop his load in I was there. If he didn't want to fuck without a condom at least I might end up with his load on my ass. I grabbed his cock and stroked him, rubbing it on my ass. Soon, he slid his cock along my butt crack, getting it wet with lube. I put my hands on the theater seat in front of me and bent over for him. He rubbed his cock head on my hole. Almost there, I thought. He took his cock in his hand and pushed his mushroom head ever so slowly in to me. It felt awesome as he pushed past my sphincter. "Oh, fuck. We shouldn't be doing this," he said as he started sliding in and out of me. "Don't stop. You have a great cock for fucking." He grabbed my hips and pounded my hole, thrusting deep inside me. We were making that delicious slapping sound when an ass is really getting a good fuck. Then the door to the theater opened and another guy came in. I was worried my top was going to stop so I cried out, "Please keep fucking me. I need that bare dick in me. I want your load in my guts." Well, he kept going and the guy who had just arrived went to the back row of seats and stood in front of me. He pulled out a huge eight inch cock. "Suck him," said the guy who was fucking me. How could I say no? I looked up at him and saw a handsome Latino guy in his mid twenties. I didn't look long though because his cock was invading my mouth. Nice and long, not too thick. As I was getting spit roasted a couple more guys came in to the theater. I knew they couldn't see much yet but the top was pounding away and grunting so they must have known what was happening. The Latin kid took his shirt off as I sucked him and his pants were past his knees. I caressed his fine ass as I blew him and slipped a finger in his hole. The top cried out,"Fuck, I'm cumming." "Shoot it in me," I said. "Fuck yeah, breed his hole," said the Latin kid. I felt another hand on my ass as the top pushed deep inside me. Both his hands were now on my shoulders so I knew someone else had joined in. He grunted and held his cock in me as I felt hands on my butt. I sucked the Latin kid some more, then came up to see him looking at me. He bent over and kissed me. "Are you loaded up,?" he asked. "Yes." I said as I tried to catch my breath. The top pulled out of me and I felt fingers in my hole. A guy reached around and fed me cum from my ass. The Latin kid pulled his pants off so he was naked too and told me to follow him. "I think I have to go with him," I said to the top. He was buckling up anyway so he had gotten what he came for. I found my clothes on the floor and gave the top a kiss. "I hope you're clean," he said. "Clean as a whistle, honey." Then I laughed as I walked naked down the center aisle to the front of the theater where the Latin kid had gone. He was sitting in a chair in the front row, completely naked, stroking his cock. As I went down to the front three other guys followed and sat in the front row alongside the Latin kid. One was a black guy around forty and the other two were older white guys, probably in their mid fifties. I knelt in front of the Latin kid and went down on him, taking that full eight inches deep in my throat. I bobbed up and down and he slowly slid in his seat so I could suck on his balls too. They were a perfect match for his eight incher. They filled my mouth as I pulled on them. Then he slid down in his chair a little more and his legs went over the arm rests. He obviously wanted to get rimmed and when his perfectly puckered asshole was looking so pretty in the movie screen light I couldn't resist. I flicked my tongue on it and went to town, licking and sucking and listening to his moans. He was making out with the black guy as I rimmed him and had reached over to stroke his cock. I could see that he had a nice thick cock, probably seven inches. I decided I wanted that black cock in my mouth so I switched from the Latin kids ass to the black guys cock. It tasted so good. As I sucked the black guys cock the Latin kid came up behind me and whispered, "I know that ass is loaded with cum. It makes great lube and I want to fuck you." I lifted up off the black guys cock and said, "Go ahead." "Not on the floor, up here." Then he grabbed my hand, pulled me up and had me lay on the stage. It was only about three feet high so I laid on my back and my ass hung over the edge of the stage. "Show us that pussy," he said as the other three guys gathered around. I raised my ass in the air so they could all see my cummy hole. The Latin kid reached his arms under my legs and slid his cock along my ass crack. "I could use some help here guys," he said and I could feel someone's hand reach down and guide his cock head to my hole. He played with my hole for only a few seconds then pushed all the way in. Even though I had been fucked in the back of the theater his cock was much longer than the first guy's so it hurt a little as he thrust in. Thank god he wasn't all that thick. He had me on the edge of the stage piston fucking me, stretching my hole, getting me ready for any cock that might come my way. "You want a turn too?" he asked the black guy. "I think we all do." he said. The Latin kid pulled out and I flipped on to my stomach with my ass hanging over the stage. I knew the black guy went first because it was a thick cock. He pounded away, then pulled out, soon to be replaced by another cock. The Latin kid got on the stage in front of me and had me suck his cock while the three other guys tag teamed me. One after another they filled my hungry hole with their cocks. It became apparent that more guys had joined in as they used my pussy for their pleasure. The Latin kid turned around and had me eat his ass again and this turned on a couple of the guys because they soon shot their loads in my ass. The Latin kid somehow noticed I had been bred again and said, "I want to see that hole. Come up here and show me." I got on the stage and showed him my used pussy, dripping with sweat and cum. He slid his finger in to my hole, fucking me with one, then two and then three fingers. "You're such a cumwhore. Sit on my cock." He had laid on the stage with his boner pointing straight up and I stood up right in front of the screen and squatted on to his pole. I fucked myself with this huge cock as a crowd of guys watched. I looked over and saw a number of phones taping the action. I bent down and kissed the Latin kid, fucking myself with his cock the whole time. "I think we're being taped," I said. He just grunted and began fucking me hard and looking in to the crowd of guys. He made a thumbs up motion and a few guys laughed. "If anyone wants some of this action you're welcome to join," he said. "I'm sure this cumslut can take more cocks." With that one of the guys came on to the stage and shoved his cock in my mouth. "Not his mouth, dude. Put it in his ass next to mine." Holy shit, the guy pushed me down on the Latin kid then put his cock against my exposed cunt. He worked his cock in to my hole, working with the Latin kid to get them both in me at the same time. Pop! In he went. He held it for a minute then started pumping. The guys watching were cheering him on and the Latin kid began pumping in sync with him. They both were fucking me hard on the stage, filling my hole to the max. "Fuck, I'm cumming," He pumped hard and then the Latin kid cried out, "Fuck, me too!" They both came in me and held their cocks in me as they softened, not falling out until they couldn't stay in. The guy got off my back and the Latin kid told me to get up and lean over the stage, showing everyone my cummed up cunt. Guys kept taping as my gaping hole oozed cum from it. A couple guys fingered me and made me lick their fingers and a couple actually put their dicks in me and gave me a quick fuck but I was so opened up I could barely feel it. I really needed to give it a rest for a while and the Latin kid sensed it. "Okay boys. That's all my cumslut can take for now. But I'm sure he has enough cum in him to keep him lubed for a couple more hours. Check the arcade later if you're still here. I'll be whoring him out some more." He pulled me off the stage, grabbed our clothes and went to the back of the theater. "I'm going to keep your clothes until I take you to the arcade later," he said. "You got the lunch crowd now. You'll get the after work guys later." I smiled and sat there naked with my ass leaking cum on to the seat. "I can't wait."
    3 points
  13. Bringing Work Home Part I. My boy and I used to like to go to the booths and swap loads with guys whenever we got the chance, and we’d been getting fewer and chances lately. I’d been recently given a promotion that came with a lot more responsibility, and an assistant. I of course hired a cute guy a few years younger than me, not only because he was more than qualified for the job, but also because I recognized him from the halls at the bathhouse. I knew he had a huge cock, and I knew he had a tight hole. My boy and I had both fucked him raw, given and taken his load. He was surprised when he showed up for the interview and I told him that our paths had crossed. He blushed and told me that he didn’t recognize me with my clothes on. There was a little sexual tension at the office, and I knew he fucked around, so I invited him over to have dinner with me and my boy after work the next Friday. He asked if he could bring a date, and I told him sure. They arrived right on time, and made for a cute couple. My assistant’s date was a skinny twink with floppy bangs and a tight little ass. My boy raised his eyebrows and licked his lips when he met them at the door. My boy impressed with a very fancy several course dinner and several bottles of nice wine. After relaxing a bit, my assistant’s date announced that he was up for some action, and we could all fuck at our place or follow him to the bathhouse. I’d never seen the assistant’s date in action and was looking forward to it. He suggested we warm up at our place and maybe swap loads so we’d be ready for fun when we got to the sex club. My assistant started making out with my boy, and his twink date tore my clothes off. He flipped me over and started eating my ass. My assistant slowly undressed my boy and peeled his clothes off with relish. He laid my boy down and swallowed his cock to the root. As my ass loosened up, the twink started working me open with his fingers. I’m sure he must have had three in me before his cock pierced my hole. He was still mostly dressed, with his pants bunched just below his balls. He unbuttoned his shirt as he started fucking me in earnest. My boy leaned over and kissed me, gasping as my assistant started plowing his ass. On his back, my boy had a better view of the twink than I did, with my face in the sofa cushions. He muttered, ‘Glad your company offers good insurance…’ I craned my neck around to see that the twink had a biohazard tattoo on his left pec. My assistant pulled his glistening cock out of my boy and tapped his date’s shoulder. The twink pulled out, slid over, and jammed his raw cock into my boy’s hole. My boy started grunting, knowing he was taking a POZ cock that had just been up my ass. My assistant didn’t last long and started creaming my hole. I loved feeling his weight on me as he leaned forward and nibbled on my ear. I heard the twink getting closer as he started chanting, ‘You fucking love that cock, don’t you,’ to which my boy cried out, ‘Fuck yeah! Breed me!’ And he did. With my face in the pillows, I could only hear my boy whimper as his guts were filled with toxic seed. My assistant pulled out and hoisted me up to my feet. He kissed me for the first time since I’d hired him, and laid down on his back, his eyes pleaded me to fuck him. Before I stuck my cock in his ass, I leaned down and sucked his cummy cock clean. I searched his chest for any markings of his status but didn’t see anything, not that it mattered. My boy and I had both taken his seed before and had never asked his status then. Why start now? My boy leaned forward forcing the twink to pull out of his ass, and swallowed his dick to the root as soon as it popped free. When he was satisfied that he’d sucked off our mixed ass juices and the twink’s POZ seed, he shoved him down next to his date on the sofa and jabbed his cock into his guts. ‘Fuck me, man, fuck me dry!’ the twink said, gasping for air. I realized that my boy’s precum was the only lube greasing his passage. My boy’s eyes rolled back in his head from the friction, and he had to slow down. He looked over at me, and curled his arm around my shoulders. ‘Fuck, this slut is tight,’ he gulped into my mouth. ‘You gotta try his hole!’ I nodded and pulled out of my assistant, swapping places with my boy. I noticed that his cock was pink, with the twink’s blood all over his cock. My assistant noticed too, knowing there was something extra about to go into his hole along with my boy’s load. He just grunted approval. I sunk my cock into the twink and found it too dry. I pulled my cock out and smeared it with some of the seed dripping out of my ass before plunging it back into the greedy hole in front of me. My boy held my assistant’s hips and jack-hammered away. I watched as he drove forward and held his cock deep inside my assistant, his ass cheeks flexing as he fired off his load. That pushed me over the edge, and I released deep into the twink’s toxic guts. When I pulled out, my cock was covered with pink ass juice. My boy dropped to his knees and slobbered it all up. When he stood up, he started working the mixture into his gums with his fingers, smiling wide the whole time. I was kind of surprised my boy’s zeal for toxic cum and blood. Sure, I had a toxic load simmering inside me, and I was sure it wasn’t the first one, but we’d never purposefully taken POZ loads together, and in the past had only done oral with the few guys who we new had confirmed POZ status, not that that was actually ‘safe’ either. I got clean towels and tossed one to our company to clean up a bit, and tossed the other to my boy. With a fresh load in each of our asses, we got dressed and piled into my assistant’s car, headed out for a night of debauchery. To be continued….
    3 points
  14. Was in Chicago for work last week, then stayed thru the weekend. Had to work quite a bit, but still managed to get fucked by 5 guys, but only got loaded twice. First one was from this guy that I first fucked with in 2005. Back then w a condom, until it broke. So we ended up fucking bare for like 5 mins. He put another condom and came. We talked about him being neg (at the time) and how hot it felt when the condom wasn't there. Since he had already been inside me bare, we started a second round bare. Fucked me so hard, my chest was covered in cum he had squeezed out of me. He pulled out and blew a big load all over my chest. Think it was the first time I fucked bare w someone other than my BF (broke up in 2006) We kept in touch, he told me he converted after he fucked a guy that had just converted as well. Then we fucked again summer 2014 when I was in Chicago for Market Days. By then I had gotten to love getting fucked raw. I had just started taking PreP, so I wasn't ready mentally so I asked him to pull out, which he did. He still got an awesome fuck and I felt him pumping precum in me. I got an hot video of his cock fucking my hole. I can send it if you give me your email address. He also gave me some G which made for a super hot fuck. And turned me into a whore later when I ended up at Steamworks. After a year of being on PreP, and reading more on its research findings, I started feeling more comfortable letting guys breed me. Or maybe I got breed and love it so much that I wanted more. So he came by hotel room Thursday night and fucked me as good as usual. Except that this time at the end he flipped me on my stomach, he pinned my chest down, I stuck my ass up. He proceed to pound my ass so hard, every thrust poped thru the second hole. I have no words to describe the ectassy I felt. Even more as shoved it as deep as he could and blasted a load that I could actually feel pumping into me. He pumped and pumped for a long time. We both screaming in agony every time his cock throbbed and spurted more cum. He collapsed on top of me and stayed there until he could move again. I turned around and my jockstrap was totally wet with my cum, and a big spot was left in the bed below me. He said 'that ass is worth waiting 10 years!!' LOL. What can I say...
    3 points
  15. the following story is of revenge and lust and love. the back story is a bit long but necessary for you to understand the Rage that Dave felt. I was a late bloomer, at least physically, as puberty didn’t hit me until I was almost 15. That being said it should also mentioned that my genetics gave me a large penis, even before puberty, so when it hit I was exceptionally built, even if my body didn’t really start developing until many of my peers had already had their growth spurts, began developing hairy crotches and arm pits, a few even had the beginnings of peach fuzz on their cheeks and upper lips. Upon entering high school, however, I looked like a ten year old, I was 4’6” and still maintained a good amount of baby fat, I was toned and athletic but the fat on top of my muscles made me look pudgy. My name is Dave by the way and although I have just described what would result in a not so pleasant high school experience, the real story began in kindergarten. I was the small slightly klutzy kid who, while active, found that my hand eye coordination was off just a tad and accidents found me. Fortunately Justin, a bright athletic toddler, decided he liked this calamity-waiting-to-happen kind of kid and befriended me, bringing me into the popular kid circle. We became bosom buddies up until the third grade, when Justin’s athletic abilities started steering him towards the more coordinated jock crowd. He played pop warner football in the fall and little league baseball in the spring, while I gradually turned into a bookworm, all the while looking like a first grade student. More than one of my teachers went so far as to discretely (or not) ask if something was wrong with me since. They always prefaced their comments by noting that while I was clearly quite smart, my body wasn’t developing at the same rate as my peers, and more than one teacher recommended my parents to seek out professional help for me. Midway through the fourth grade after many test the doctors simply said I was normal, and that my body would catch up as soon as I hit puberty. They did discover my motor skills problems were related to a sight problem, where objects coming towards me at a rapid pace were perceived as approaching at a slower speed, affecting my reaction speed and often resulting in an accident or mishap. I was prescribed glasses to help with my eye problem which just made me look geekier. While Justin and I had drifted apart into different circles of friends he had been cordial up to this point, but after I started wearing glasses, he started taunting me, putting me down and occasionally shoving me. He was becoming the typical jock bully. By 6th grade he was starting to make my life miserable at school and in the neighborhood, since he lived just a block away. In seventh grade when all the boys it seemed were starting to develop I still looked like a third grader, small, clear skin, pudgy and with a little kid voice. Justin just used my stature as another means of tormenting me, what he didn’t realize though is I had constructed a fairly decent home gym for myself to work out in, so while he was out playing ball and terrorizing the neighborhood with his jock pranks throughout middle school and freshmen and sophomore years I was developing my muscle mass, improving my eye hand coordination and under my layer of baby fat was becoming a hot jock myself, I had developed quite the throwing arm with a football, as well as a kicker. I also was starting to get pretty good with a basketball, winning almost all of my games of HORSE with my friends. Justin continued to be my number one bully however, never realizing or noticing the changes my small framed body had gone through. He made my life a living hell at school. Then about half way through my sophomore year when I was fourteen almost fifteen things really began to change for me as my body finally started changing, my voice broke and I started a growth spurt, I went from being just under 5 feet to 5’7 in six months my baby fat started giving way to the musculature below and my man parts which had already been large for a boy my age began to fill out more, by the time I turned 16 my cock hung limp at 8 inches and filled out when hard to just over ten. Upon entering my junior year I was nearly 6’ tall and had a 28 inch waist, with a 38 inch chest and 17 inch biceps, I was a classic hunk, but Justin didn’t seem to notice, even when I tried out for football (QB and punter) for junior varsity he didn’t take notice. I won the spot as third string QB and 1st string punter and was actually starting to become a jock type myself, but Justin just kept taunting me and manhandling me, not in a good way, being the bully he had become since fourth grade to me. I finished high school and went on to college, gaining a bachelor’s degree, then opening a business of my own. It had been now 5 years since college and I considered myself successful and happy, I owned my own home had two beautiful dogs to keep me entertained and happy, had a circle of friends I could rely on and socialize with. Now you may wonder where this is going, I know you are wondering “ok he’s writing and posting this on a sex story forum, where’s the hot steamy sex? “ Fear not dear reader for that’s just the backstory, the real story begins now. Two weeks ago I got a message on a social media site requesting my presence at the 10 year reunion of my graduating class of high school, from a dear friend of mine asking if I’d be her date, since neither of us had chosen a love interest to co-habitat with, I knew she was a lesbian and she knew I was a gay guy. I accepted her invite hoping some of the guys, Justin, had grown up and changed. The night of the reunion had arrived and I went to pick up Molly, she was as beautiful as ever, we proceeded to the event hall of our alma mater and proceeded to have a pleasant time, only once did I spy my nemesis across the room still being a jock, still looking hunkier than ever. I noticed many of the jocks had lost their luster and were looking a little pudgy after just 10 years, but a few of my classmate were looking pretty dam good, Justin included, I knew several of the ones who were once gangly teens and know came off as hunk were gay like me and would run across them at the gym on occasion. The night went off without incident and I returned home to my loving dogs, only to find a message on my machine, it was from Justin “dude caught sight of you at reunion, got you numbers from the roster at the event, would really like to get together and talk, we have a lot of catching up to do, and lots to discuss, please call me back ***-***-****” I was shocked he even had the audacity to call let alone look me up after all the bullshit he put me through in junior high and high school, I hit erase and headed off to bed. My dreams suddenly were filled with images of Justin standing before me naked, jerking off then pissing on me, taunting me “Yeah you like that you dirty faggot, take my waste, I bet you’d like if I raped your ass” I woke in a cold sweat and a raging bone, thinking about Justin abusing me, although he never taunted me with homophobic slurs in our shared youth. I rolled over and fell back to sleep, only to awoken by my dogs nuzzling me to let them out. It was Saturday and after letting the animals back in packed my gym bag and was out the door to the gym. I checked my phone and there was a text from an unknown number, I cautiously opened it, it was from Justin “Dave, its Justin, I know I was mean to you back when but I really would like a chance to see and talk to you, please bud give me another chance” Who the hell did he think he was asking for a second chance after making my school experience less than pleasant? “Dude you made my high school years a living hell, if you only realized what you put me through you’d stop taunting me and just forget I ever existed… I’m off to the gym so I don’t have time for your bullshit” I really didn’t know why I had added that last part, maybe to prove to him I was as manly as he was and dig back at him that I had turned into one hell of a hunk myself. Didn’t really matter as I exited the locker room and headed to the tread mill. I started off slow after stretching then sped it up to a healthy 5mph pace for a nice jog for ten minutes or so, I was dripping sweat when I noticed someone had climbed on the treadmill next to mine, I slowed it down to a fast walk to start my cool down, then to a slower pace to bring my heart rate back to normal, I glanced over to see Justin beginning to break a sweat at a healthy jog I slowed down some more, the shut down the machine, leaving without so much as an acknowledgement of my nemesis
    2 points
  16. Been reading and thinking about getting fucked raw and loaded when horsing around for so long. Finally happened. Started PrEP a few months ago just in case got the nerve. Partner and I were down in DC for MAL and got hit on by this young sexy otter. Took him back to the room and soon as we start undressing he is like I am on PrEP and good with condoms or without. So we Hirse around a bit and then I see my partner line up dick to the guys ass and slides in bare. I was so turned on watching how much fun they were having. I start making out with guy while he is getting fucked. Also start to wonder how far this going and realize my partner is picking up steam and then pushes in deep and explodes in the guy. We all fall asleep spooning each other. I wake up this morning to a hard dick up against my hole. This is my chance I thought and by this sexy young buck. So I spit ito my hand and reached back to finger it into my hole. I then hear the otter spit as well and soon he is pushing onto me. He is fucking me slowly when my partner wakes up and realizes what is going on. He watches me gets fucked for a bit and then decides he wants to join in. He lubes up and slides into the otter. Gives the guy a short hard fuck while he is still fucking of me and dumps his second load into the guy. My young stud gets so turned on that he really starts to pound and nail me. We are both moanin and grunting as he starts to pick up steam. His dick is getting even harder and I am like this is going to happen. I am going to take a load from someone just meet basically. I am so turned on I cum into the bed. The otter really starts fucking me and suddenly pushes in deep and floods me with his spunk. Done, took my first load during a hook up and not from the BF. Loved it.
    2 points
  17. Went to a small party last night with 7 other guys there.. all fairly well endowed but one guy had a big thick piece of meat that I wanted in my mouth badly. He was laying on his back so i crawled over on all 4's and started sucking, his dick got real hard and he was moaning. Of course my ass was now in the air and the guy I was sucking said i think your about to get fucked, i said I like getting fucked and just kept sucking and enjoying his cock and then I felt a cock slide in my hole, it felt so good.. I started sucking a little harder and I could help but moan. My hole was wide open now and I was getting pounded until I heard the guy fucking me say he was so close. I stopped long enough to say, Please cum in my hole!, and then continued to slurp and deepthroat the big dick. I could feel his dick pulse as he came, I love that... He pulled out and I felt another cock slide in my hole, I was having the best time. I was spit roasted until 6 guys used my hole and dumped a load.... Today, heading to the bathhouse for more.
    2 points
  18. Met a young twink last week - mid 20s' hung, lean cute, really hairy legs, light dusting of chest hair. Long head-hair held in a @top-knott" - he's latin/european mix, so looks dark skinned. Lovely 8" cock. He asked me on grindr if he could fuck me and then if I'd buy him some weed. I agreed - not realising he wouldn't even discuss condoms. He turned up, stripped off and I started licking his lovely little ass, before he lubed his dick up and started to edge inside me. I was gob-smacked - this kid wanted to dump a load! And he did :-) I had another guy over later - and my ass was still dripping the kid's fresh cum. I gripped his very-very-hairy legs as he fucked me deep and hard, whilst we watched bare-back porn and snorted some meow. I enjoyed it so much I had him back a few days later - the last load, about 6 hours ago, and w erepeated it, with him driving his young, raw, very hard cock, deep into me to cum, and he drove it in. I licked my fingers covered in cum while he showered. So fucking cute, hung, and loves to fuk raw at about 24, 25.
    2 points
  19. I agree with many of you guys. Tops, you are fucking an asshole which primary function goes the other way. I don't like shit, but I have stopped spending hours in the bathroom so you have a clean dick after 10 minutes of fucking. 99% of the time it is fine, but there are accidents and they do happen. No bottom likes to shit all over the place. And to those who expect a clean hole just because they announced themselves 24 hours in advance, keep in mind that bottoms have a life too. Your ten minutes of fucking are not going to dominate 5 hours of my day. I am yet to meet a top who is that good.
    2 points
  20. By: boymatt23 http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=PJiac-G209- 20 yo Asian College Cumdump- Used! Me and Eviltwin20 got together to load up a smooth asian bottom twink. I don't think he knew what was gonna get himself into . He took our big cocks like a champ, whimpering like a little bitch the whole time, until we busted out nuts in his smooth hole. Eviltwin20 busts a thick load first. I then churn the butter and add my nut. See our seed drip down his nut sack and useless tiny dick.
    2 points
  21. The Invitation The weekend at home was a short respite and I headed out first thing on Monday morning for the where day conference. So far Ben had been fucked bareback by at least five guys in the last couple of months, with very strong indications that Sam was one of them, probably the first one. Based on how badly he wanted us to get together with Matt and Josh he had probably been fucked by them as well. Then there was the flu he got about a month after meeting up with Sam again, followed by me getting it. Since I was now most probably poz, and the only person who had fucked me raw before Jeremy was Ben, I had to assume he was also poz. There was no way to undo that but now I was going to play some mind games with Ben. When I tired of that we would just accept our new found freedom and fuck around bareback with whoever we felt like. Just for the fun of it I searched the profiles again and found one that sounded just like Jeremy. He was not shy and showed his face. Yes, as I suspected, Jeremy was BBSam4Fun’s “J2”, and his profile picture showed him in his latex outfit with the biohazard logo. He listed his status as “Ask Me.” I had a hunch that it was highly unlikely that the test result had been a false positive and so there was no point in me playing safe anymore. It was time to take up Zach on his offer as we were both going to be at the conference. We finished at around 5:30 that evening and as we walked out of the conference room I asked Zach to join me for a drink in the bar. We chose two comfortable chairs in preference to a hard stool at the bar counter. The chairs and accompanying side table were chosen to give a good view of the bar and its occupants. I scanned the room. Only one guy caught my eye. He was one of the conference attendees, and he had caught me looking at his package earlier in the day but had said nothing. Dark hair and complexion and a slim build. He looked Mediterranean or Latino. It was not important what he was other than he had smoldering hot looks. I kept looking at him as Zach and I discussed this and that and drank a few beers. After about twenty minutes I could contain myself no longer and brought up the subject of sex. “Zach, I thought about what you said to me last week. The answer is yes. I’d love to fuck your butt. Tonight, if possible.” Zach just laughed. “No way. I already made plans for tonight and it does not include you fucking me with a condom-strangled cock.” “Who said anything about condoms? I want to ram your ass with my juicy raw cock until I dump a massive load deep in your colon.” Zach looked stunned for a moment. “FUCK yeah! I want that. My plans have not changed but you are now invited. Are you going to get fucked bare as well?” “What do you think? What goes around cums around. Of course I am. The more loads the better.” “Well then, another convert to our cause. I have some fun in the gym planned for tonight. Access to the gym is usually restricted after 9 pm but Chris gave me an access key. The nice thing is unlike many hotel gyms there are no big windows where a casual observer can look in. So we can do whatever we want as long as we clean up when we are finished.” “Great, so I guess that the party starts at nine?” “Ten actually, we need to wait for Chris and Ricky his boyfriend to get off work.” “So it will be the four of us?” “Actually no. I was not expect you to join us to play, so I arranged a little orgy with some of my friends who are in town. Quite a few of them are poz and the TeamBB rules apply to all of my parties so you cannot ask. But you are most welcome to join us if you agree to that. The more the merrier. I’ve been dying to get your dick in my hole ever since I first met you. And if you can round up another bareback top or two between now and ten that would be great too.” I looked at him with amusement. I had not picked up anyone, bareback or not since I had met Ben. So it really was not likely that I would be bringing someone new to the party. “Zach, you going to join me for dinner?” “Nope, got other plans and a breeding and seeding party to get together.” I grinned at him. He was not shy, that’s for sure. As he left he turned and commented “See you at ten at the gym. The password to get in is Team BB. And since we are playing by the rules see if you can find something appropriate to wear.” I sat by myself drinking my beer but that was not for long. The hot guy had been sitting across the bar watching us all the time. I did not mind as it gave me an opportunity to look him over. Seeing that Zach was not coming back, he sauntered over and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Dino. Mind if I sit? Those bar stools are hard on an ass.” “Hi, I’m Brandon. Sure, go ahead. I like a little company.” (Fuck, he was even hotter up close and I could see he was packing some serious meat in his tight khaki pants.) He looked at me closely as if to decide his next move. “You organize these conferences and are here often. Where can one go to get a bit of action?” I was taken aback and took a moment to reply. A hot guy like him setting off all the gay alarms wanting to get some action. So I stalled and played dumb. “Action? What do you mean? Gentlemen’s clubs?” He burst out laughing. “Dumb ass. What do you take me for? You are obviously gay and you have been cruising me all evening! Nope, I want the gentlemen, not their clubs.” I smiled “Oh, that’s a relief. I thought you may be asking me to find something know nothing about.” He grabbed his ample crotch. “There is something else that is hard on a man’s ass. Or should I say in an ass.” Great, maybe I had found a top for Zach after all. But we did not know if he played safe or not. “Why don’t you join me for dinner and let’s see what we can come up with for tonight.” We spent some talking about this and that and we discovered to our surprise that we lived only about 20 minutes from each other. After some time the inevitable topic of whether we were single or not came up. “So you have a boyfriend” I said. “Does he know you fuck around on the side?” “No, I’ve never told him and I don’t think he suspects. When we first met we used to fuck a lot, always with condoms. Then after about a year we got tested and started barebacking. He insisted on monogamy and at first the excitement of raw sex was enough. Then it sort of got boring and now we only have sex about once a month. I need more so I suggested we open our relationship up a little but he was having none of it. He said he did not want to go back to condoms. I even suggested we find another neg couple for regular hookups but he did not like that idea either. So we started some fetish stuff to get the excitement up but really I think what we need is more cock from strangers.” “My husband I have an agreement. Sort of a don’t-ask-don’t-tell arrangement. The rule is we use condoms when we play with others, but I know he doesn’t so I don’t either.” “Fuck, that’s hot. Since I travel a lot I fuck around a lot that he doesn’t know about, always bare. I could never go back to wearing rubber.” I realized that I may have come up with a top for Zach so I asked him the question. “You up for a bareback sex party tonight?” I did not have to encourage him, he was raring to go. So I told him the Team BB rules. He chuckled. “Well, that’s convenient, I went past the local fetish wear store yesterday evening as soon as I got in and bought myself something sexy in neoprene.” I could not resisted the temptation. “I though you could not go back to wearing rubber.” “No you fucking idiot, on my body, not my dick. With rapid access to where it’s needed. You’ll see tonight.” I told him where to meet up and the password and we parted. I looked in my bags. I couldn’t find anything particularly sexy to wear to the party and the fetish wear store had already closed. I grabbed a pair of scissors and my favorite white swimsuit and removed the front lining. It would have to do for now. I knew how well the single lined rear showed off my crack when wet so I was hoping the same would be true for the front. I could not wait for the time to pass…the anticipation for the nights activities was too great. Exactly and ten pm I found myself in front of the gym door with the large closed sign. I knocked. “Password?” “Team BB," I answered. Zach opened the door and let me in, commenting "You're the first to arrive. The entire facility is available. Enjoy." He was wearing tight leather shorts and a half-harness and construction boots. His tight little body looked even hotter in that outfit than I remembered from the gym, but since I had a few minutes before the main activity began, I stripped down to my swimsuit, jumped into the pool and took a quick swim to cool down a bit. Looking down, I was amazed how see my speedo was all but transparent. I lounged in the water for a few minutes before the next guys knocked on the door and Zach let them in. They were two hunky boys, both in their late twenties, both dressed in tight jeans and dark t-shirts. They disappeared into the locker room to undress. Zach stepped over to me, identifying the guys as the Baker twins, Brent and Brad. The twins emerged from the locker room and walked straight towards where I was in the pool. They were both wearing translucent latex outfits like shorty surfer wetsuits with zippers all the way from the neck to the small of their backs. Brent was wearing yellow and Brad was wearing red. The rubber was transparent enough to see each had a biohazard tattoo on the left side of his crotch. They had obviously been wearing the rubber for a while because their muscular bodies were already slick and slippery with sweat. Seeing that and their fat uncut cocks I knew immediately that I wanted both of them to breed me. I climbed out of the pool in front of them noticing their looks of approval as the wet see through spandex clung to my crotch outlining my cock and balls. I turned around to show them my ass as I bent down to pick up my towel. They were only a few feet away. Brad looked at me with a grin. “I like your swimsuit. Low cut. Real low cut like a competition swimmer’s so that it doesn’t even cover the top of your crack. My brother and I like that. We were on the swim team at college and got to look at a lot of hot guys in a tiny speedos.” Brent chipped in. “And fuck a lot of them. We like what you are packing in front as well. If one of us fucks you we both are, and we’re going to fuck you and give you our loads. Then you are going to fuck us. We come pre-lubed with cum.” My dick had started to chub at the sight of these two muscular dudes and suddenly got very hard at the thought of their charged cum in my hole. It would be the first time that I knowingly took a load from a poz guy. (Or two.) “Yeah.” Brad continued. “We always fuck each other before a party. Gets our asses ready and slows us down so we don’t cum too quickly.” As he spoke their dicks were starting to expand and fill out in the tight latex. They both unzipped their crotch zippers and released their swelling uncut cocks. “Let’s see how you suck,” Brad suggested. I went down on my knees and swallowed Brad’s drooling meat. Brent did not waste a moment and went down on all fours behind me and pulling down my swimsuit he thrust his tongue deep into my ass crack. I relaxed my sphincter to allow him access and he wormed his tongue into my hole. That lasted all of a second before he withdrew his head. “Damn, no cum there. That’s not right. We’ll have to fix that.” He dived back in and started getting my anus nice and wet for the coming fuck. Brad looked down on me furiously working his dick with my mouth. “Yeah, you need to know what a good hole tastes like.” He slid out of my mouth and turned around, unzipping the back zipper of his suit revealing his well fucked hole. Soon we were all on the floor, Brent loosening up my hole with is mouth and me tasting the sex juices in Brad’s ass. Without asking me, Brent stopped rimming me and I felt him place the head of his leaking dick at my back door. It was so slick with pre-cum that he did not need any lube and he slowly slid all the way in. Brad knew what Brent was doing without looking. “I want you to fuck me while he is fucking you.” He moved away from my mouth and backed onto my cock. “Don’t need lube.” He took my cock balls deep in one swift move. It was a new experience to be sandwiched between two slippery latex sheathed guys getting barebacked and barebacking without skin on skin body contact. In spite of having fucked his brother earlier Brent did not last long and I could feel his pace pick up seconds before I felt his cock swell and twitch as he started spewing his toxic cum in my guts. It took me over the edge as well and I dumped a massive load in Brad. As he came Brent whispered in my ear. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but I’m poz and not on meds. Same for Brad.” I did not really need him to tell me he was poz as I had noticed their tattoos. As for meds, I had not even been to see a doctor yet. As I came down from my orgasm I noticed a few more guys had entered the room and they had been stroking their cocks as they watched us fuck. I heard Zach say “Treat him nice guys. It’s his first bareback sex party, so make sure he gets plenty of loads.”
    2 points
  22. PART 3 How had I gotten in this position? Impaled on a poz stranger's raw dick as I was being brutally face fucked by my boyfriend? I thought I heard a knock on the front door. My boyfriend withdrew himself from my mouth muttering "I've gotta get the door, but if you know what is good for you, you won't even TRY to get off that big dick you're riding." Two minutes later my boyfriend walked back into the room with a six foot tall, somewhat young Latino muscle boy. "This Sam's boyfriend Carlos, and he is the FUN I told you was coming. Keep riding Sam's dick and we'll start with a little show." I wasn't ready for what happened next. My boyfriend slowing undressed the new hunk licking and caressing every inch of his hard muscled body. Carlos's thick 9" dick was already swelling when my man got down on his knees and swallowed it it one swift move. Carlos groaned and moaned with pleasure as he grabbed the back of my man's head and throat fucked him slow and deep. Then I hear Carlos say "I've missed that mouth and you give the best head ever." What was I hearing? My boyfriend knew both Sam and Carlos, and had sucked Carlos' dick before? What else didn't I know about my boyfriend's activities?. With that my man stopped sucking and pushed Carlos back on the bed so both Carlos and Sam were laying next to each other. Then, without missing a beat, my man impaled himself on Carlos' dick. So there we were, side by side each bouncing up and down on the two muscle boyfriend's dicks. This was definitely FUN, even if also frightening. Sam was POZ. Did that mean Carlos was also? In addition,why did my lover know them, and why had he played around with (at least) Carlos? Meanwhile Sam slowed-down, and looking over to Carlos said "It's time to switch. You need to try this hot little muscle ass for a while." With that my boyfriend climbed-off Carlos' cock, ordering me to switch places, adding "Before you slide down on Carlos, get down on him, clean up his dick, and then ride it until you squeeze a load out of him." I did as ordered, and watched as my man did the same for Sam, sitting down on that huge cock without hesitation. His head thrown back with obvious pleasure he groaned "It's so good to have that big fuckin' dick in me again. It's been too long and I need a recharge " With that I passed out and rolled onto the floor. To be continued
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  23. I don't want to come across as harsh, but there's still a point I want to drive home, so forgive me my bluntness. Frankly I pity the fool who thinks that he needs HIV (or any other chronic disease) to live the life he wants to live. That's like longing to get cancer so you can become that amazing, saint-like, strong person you always wanted to be. It's bullshit. It's either in you or it isn't. Whether you self-actualize is up to you alone. Freedom is a state of mind, not a medical condition. That's not saying that there aren't many poz guys who live long, fulfilled lives and have great sex on the way. It's just that you don't need HIV for that. Also it's not the number of sexual encounters per se or the piggishness of the act that matters. It's the ability to enjoy yourself in the moment and to remember each fuck fondly afterwards what really makes for a great sex life. I don't want to brag, but the kind of sex I'm having on a regular basis would probably make some of you guys want to cry (also one of the reasons why I haven't contributed as much lately). If I showed you pictures of some of the guys I've seeded you'd probably call me a liar. That's because I don't see my neg status as a disability, but as something that leaves all options open to me, so I can just enjoy myself like a kid in a candy store. You're poz and on meds? Great. Let's fuck! You're neg? Bend over and take it. Some of my sexual adventures are like scenes from Treasure Island media. Half a dozen guys in a hotel room breeding and seeding for hours. Well, that's what I call a friday. I've fucked muscle gods while others pissed on each other in front of a crowd of 50 cheering guys. And two days later I can hook up with a student from the local college who wants to try barebacking for the first time because his boyfriend insists on condoms (or wants to take a load himself because his BF is a total bottom). I can be a safe-only guy's dirty little secret. Or a "straight" (yeah, right ) guy's experimental phase. Because I'm not hung up on anything or defined by something. Instead I just go with flow and see where my horniness takes me. That probably wouldn't change at all if I were poz. But only because being poz wouldn't really matter: I already am sexually liberated. If you have the option to go on prep, this should be a no-brainer. Just get over your psychological issues. Just let go of all of that bad karma like feelings of envy and start enjoying yourself.
    2 points
  24. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
    1 point
  25. This is a different story line from my others in this section, with different, although similar, characters. Hence the different thread. There is queer sex and het sex in this installment. The next installment will also have het sex and queer sex. Further installments in this tale will be in this thread below here. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was finishing up at work one day when I realized I was really horny. This wasn't that unusual. I was a guy with a higher then normal sex drive and a really hot girlfriend that loved to do just about everything. She even got off on sucking and watching me suck other guy's cocks and both of us getting fucked when we did occasional threesomes. We, of course, always used condoms when the other guys fucked me or her. I wondered if she knew how much I wanted to lose the rubbers and glory in getting loads in my ass and eating other guy's semen out of her. Thinking about our fucking this morning only made it worse. She was really verbal and talked about a guy we'd done a threesome with the week before. She said we should text him this evening for a repeat. She wanted me to fuck her while I sucked his cock, rolled a rubber on him and got my ass fucked. She wanted for me to cum in her pussy while he humped me and for him to blow his load in her mouth so I could kiss her after and we could all three snowball. She talked in detail about how it really turned her on watching me make out with a guy knowing his semen was in our mouths. That day I was thinking about the time before I met her when I did slip, now and then, and have really risky sex with men. I'd go to adult theaters and fuck other guys and get fucked raw, no words spoken. I'd do anon hookups in parks and backrooms in gay bars, taking loads from guys who's faces I never saw. I remembered how hot that was. I sighed; I loved my girlfriend and didn't want to endanger her health or our relationship. I was also fully aware that I was having more and better sex than the vast majority of guys on the planet. I tried but the forbidden thoughts wouldn't go away. Ok, I thought, a compromise. Surely it couldn't hurt if I just sucked a dick or two. I'd stop by the adult store on the way to my bus stop and see if I could get some action. I left work and headed down to Taboo video on 1st ave. There are three arcade booths there that are connected with glory holes. I lucked out and found the middle one empty. I fed a ten in the machine, pushed my pants down around my ankles and waited. On my right was a small hole, just big enough for a not too thick cock. To my left was a very large hole, large enough to put both arms through. Soon the door banged on my left and a man stood stroking his cock. I put my hand on the bottom of the hole and moved my mouth up in position. He stuck his smallish dick in my mouth and I obliged with a gentle suck. Before long the cock twitched a bit and I tasted my favorite sauce, semen. Predictably enough, a lull followed and I sat alone surrounded by empty booths. That was ok, there was some decent fag porn on the screen and I sat idly stroking my dick and watching some hot bareback action. Maybe ten minutes went by when, first the left door, then the right banged. The left was an older guy with a small dick. The right a good-looking middle-age man with a nice size cock that appeared to have problems getting hard. Feed that softy through the hole, buddy. I'll wake it up, post-haste. He didn't through, just sat stroking and flipping through straight porn. Phooey, a waste of space. Why sit in a gloryhole booth if you're not a sucker or suckee? I looked hopefully over to the old guy, but he just sat there watching yet more straight porn. I'd put my finger through both holes, so the guys presumably knew I was a hungry cock-sucker. No action, though. Both guys were watching me though, so I had some hope. But both just sat and stroked. Rats! A last right cock was finally hard, and a very nice cock it was. Average thickness and a bit longer than average. I'd just about given up when right cock stood up and faced the hole. I quickly fed another ten in the money slot and fingered the hole. That lovely dick immediately slid through and I was happy. After a few minutes he was losing his hard and pulled out. I looked and saw straight porn on his screen. Hey buddy, maybe that's your problem. You like getting sucked by a guy, but you don't want to admit it, so you watch porn goddesses sucking dick. Put some fag porn on the screen and admit you're a closet case who likes guys. I'll bet money against your load that that dick stays hard and I get fed my favorite fluid. Time went by and the old guy just sat and stroked, as did closet case. Doors banged on other booths as horny guys looking to feed my mouth were frustrated by the useless two. Then closet fed his dick to me again and again I was happy. This time he stayed hard. I nursed him for a while, then he pulled out, still hard, still facing the hole and stroking. I looked and saw fag porn on his screen. Alright, progress was being made! I looked again and saw that he was watching the same bareback vid I was watching. Fuck it, enough being a good boy. I stood up and backed my butt against the hole. Immediately that lovely prick nuzzled my ass. I bent over and spread my cheeks. He centered on my asshole and shoved in to the hilt in one smooth stroke. My stomach flipped over; I had a wonderful girlfriend that I loved and here I was getting fucked bareback my a guy whose face I'd never seen. Was I insane? No, I was more turned on than I'd been in ages. Fuck it, I braced myself against the left wall of the booth and moaned as closet raped my ass. My face was close to the big hole and the old guy looked at me with what I imagined was hunger. Two men fucking through a wall with no words spoken, with my ass about to be filled with anonymous cum of unknown status. Be nice and I'll let you fuck my ass next. You'd really love the feeling as your ancient cock slid in my wet pussy, wet with another man's semen. You'd be having sex with two men at once. My ass juices seeping into your pisshole along with closet's cum. I realized I'd reverted to being a complete slut in just a few minutes. He didn't last long. I guess his stroking and my sucking had done the job. I felt his cock stab into me, jerk and twitch and that lovely wet feeling as my pussy filled with another man's juice. He stayed in me a while, then I felt him soften and shrink and slip out. I turned around and saw him reaching for the paper towel dispenser. I rapped on the wall and beckoned with my finger. The lovely tool slipped through the hole again and I took him in my mouth and carefully cleaned him, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. He pulled out again and zipped up and left. The old guy did the same. I sat and enjoyed the soreness that follows a good, hard fucking and the faint taste of cum in my mouth. Maybe ten minutes later I stood up, wiped my ass with my hand and licked cum off it. Then I bent over and licked the chair seat clean of the cum puddle that had formed under my cunt. It was 6:30 by then and no one replaced closet and old guy. I sat and watched porn until the money ran out, then cleaned up and left. On the bus home I savored the soreness in my ass and the taste in my mouth, wincing slightly as the bus hit a hole or a bump and my ass reminded me that it'd gotten fucked. I thought about an incident that's happened almost a year before I'd met my girlfriend. I'd answered an online ad and gone to a guy's house and gotten fucked by him and a friend of his. He was poz, undetectable, but his friend was poz and not on meds. They both fucked me twice, raw of course. That scared the shit out of me and I stopped doing risky shit and almost stopped having sex with guys. Then I'd met my girlfriend and settled down. However, they had given me a dvd that showed them fucking me and me begging for poz cum. That dvd was, from then to now, my favorite jerk off material. When I got home I found my girlfriend sitting with a grim look on her face. She'd obviously been crying. "What's wrong sweetie?" I tried to hug her but she pushed me away and slapped me. "Get away from me! Don't ever touch me or come close to me again!" I was stunned; she'd never been like this. She was the least drama-prone woman I'd ever been involved with. She picked up the dvd remote and hit resume. There I was on the 40-inch screen on my knees with a cock in my mouth and another, a black one, up my ass. It was obvious that no condoms were being used. "Fuck me and infect me with HIV! Knock me up! Poz me!" My image screamed. She turned it off. "My keys are on the coffee table. I'm leaving. I won't spend another night in this fucking place; you can have it. If you break the lease it's all on you. You'll never get a penny out of me. When I come get my shit there'll be four guys I know with me, and I don't want you here at that time, so make yourself scarce. I'll text you directions. I'm keeping that fucking DVD. I've also made a copy. If I get infected I'll have you arrested and I'll sue you for everything you'll ever have. You're goddam lucky I don't have the key to your gunsafe!" She turned and stalked into the bedroom and slammed the door, sobbing. Oh well, one of the things I'd liked about her was the passion she brought to everything. Now I was seeing the negative side of that passion. I decided I should make myself scarce immediately, and work out the details later, so I quickly filled a suitcase with enough to get me through a few days and then sat down and wrote a short note. It said, "It only happened once and it was over 2 years ago. I've tested HIV negative four times since and clean for everything else. The last test was two weeks ago. We didn't stop using condoms until I was sure I was clean. I'm sorry. Goodbye." I got a hotel room and sat thinking about what to do. It never crossed my mind to try to get her to forgive me; that was hopeless. I realized that it was Saturday night. Fuck it, I might as well admit it; I was bugchaser. Give up and admit it and admit I'd get infected - sooner or later. Might as well be sooner. I took a cab to a leather bar that I knew that had a backroom that was totally dark and encouraged anonymous sex. I poured a double whisky down my throat and opened the door to the backroom. It took only a few minutes until I had a man's arms wrapped around me and was getting his bare dick slammed in and out of my ass. Two minutes of grunting and thrusting and I felt a warm feeling in my guts. I'd just taken my second load since the night the dvd was made. It felt great. Pulling my pants up, I went back to the bar and got another drink. This time it was a single, rocks and I took my time. While doing this I talked to a guy and made out with him. This turned me on and I nodded towards the black room. "How many loads do you have in you?" "Just the one." "Wait until just before closing time, then I'll breed you. I like sloppy, cummy holes." "It's a deal." I was excited when he said "breed you," wondering if he was poz. Maybe, maybe not. A lot of guys in Seattle used the word "breed" to mean having bareback sex with no other implication. I really didn't care. No, that's not right; I wanted him to be poz, and I wanted him to fill me with poz cum. He was really hot; big, muscular and handsome. He'd pulled his cock out and had me fondle it. It was big, at least nine inches, and uncut. Best of all it was black. "See you in a few." The next guy lasted longer and I was nice and sore by the time he filled my ass with semen. Back in the bar the black guy was at the same spot. I got another single and went over to him. Soon both we were making out, our pants were unbuttoned and I had his lovely, hard cock in my hand and 3 of his fingers up my ass. "You're really nice and tight after two loads. I'm going to really enjoy breeding your cute butt." I moaned into his mouth. I was in faggot heaven. I couldn't wait for him to fuck a load into me. Back to the backroom. This went on until last call. I had six more drinks and took six more loads until finally I was back in the packed backroom with my sore, sloppy asshole getting reamed by my big dicked top. "Oh, yeah! I'm going to cum in your ass faggot! You ready for my charged load? Ready to get pozzed?" My cock squirted and I filled the mouth that nursed it with semen. God, was I ready! "Do it, poz me, knock me up, infect me with HIV!" The cock shuddered in me and I felt cum spurt into my guts. He held it in until he lost his hard-on and it slipped out. Out on the sidewalk he motioned to the place across the street. "Club Z is across the street. I've got a room reserved and want to see how many loads you can get fucked into your ass by dawn. While you were in the back getting your butt filled I texted some friends. I also put a couple of ads up saying a bugchaser will be at the club. You're my bitch now and will take any cock offered." Within 15 minutes I was strapped in a sling, blindfolded, and getting fucked. I was in heaven! I had no clue who was fucking me. I'd been to the place before and remembered seeing the kind of men there. They were every variety imaginable. Gorgeous, ripped leather gods to ugly trolls, toothless and obviously wasted with AIDS. Now and then my man would whisper in my ear about who was using me. It especially turned me on when he said things like "Shit, I thought he'd died last year. He's really wasted; how about it, boy, you ready for his AIDS cum?" He really did keep me in that sling until dawn. When I needed to piss he told me to piss all over myself, unless some queer wanted to drink it. Periodically someone would eat my ass out, suck the cum out, kiss me and feed it to me. When he finally unstrapped me and helped me out of the sling I had trouble standing for a little while. He told me to lay on the floor and lick the pool of semen up that'd run out of my ass. We cabbed back to the hotel and picked up my stuff, then he took me back to his place. He kept me there until my ex texted me Monday that I could return. During that time I stayed naked and serviced him and any man he let use me. Monday I went back to my place. By the first of the month I was moved into a small apartment in an old building on Capital Hill, the queerest part of Seattle. I was near enough to my man that I could be on my knees at his place getting fucked in a few minutes. He also instructed me to take any cock offered, any time. I did. When I came down with the fuck flu a couple of weeks later he had me stay at his place and nursed me. He also fucked me and had other's use me and had me fuck my newly toxic cum into two neg guys. Next installment: A Surprising Development
    1 point
  26. This story is an oldy but goody from the old bugshare site. ................. I visited my old college roommate and his wife. We’d always been close. I had gone to their wedding. They gave birth to their Son the same year we graduated—named the Kid after me. We've stayed in touch over the years. The Kid grew into a strapping young man, a fine looking youth, 5’10”, 160, ever so slightly effeminate. Great tan—but that was to be expected—they lived in Tucson. To resolve your prurient interests—NO, I DID NOT FUCK HIM IN FRONT OF HIS PARENTS—it got better than that. I ran into the Kid at the Gay bar I frequent when I’m in town. To say that we were surprised to see each other was an understatement. I looked away—giving him the option to flee undetected; but, instead, he came over to talk to his “Uncle”. “Surprised to see you here, Uncle Ken.” “The feeling is mutual, Joey.” “Come here often?” "Almost daily since I turned 21. Does my Dad know you're Gay?" "Ever since College. How about you?" “Both Mom and Dad know.” What I never told anyone was my Status. That was for me to know and the World to find out. “Did you guys ever Play?" "A little, but I liked your Mom, so I let him date her; and look what happened….” I stared down at his crotch.” He blushed. “Joey, are you Bi or Gay?” "Gay. Actually I prefer older guys like yourself. I don't go for the college crowd or married dudes.” I got to thinking how hot it would be to Fuck my Namesake, the Son of my Old College Buddy. Serve him right for marrying that stupid Bitch. POZ HIM, if I really got lucky. Joey finished his drink, swirling his glass so the ice cubes collided and tinkled. My move. "Like to stop over my hotel?" "Why not?” "AIDS was why not. Though I wasn’t about to admit it. No sooner did we get in the door, than he stripped off his clothes. I did the same. We scooted onto the bed and kissed and embraced. He had a lovely tight ass that begged to be fucked. And I was just the guy to accommodate him. He went down on my dick, sucking and swallowing. All I had to do was lean back and enjoy it. When he came up for a kiss, I couldn't help wonder if he’d ever think of me as just “Uncle” again. And me? What was I thinking? Dammed if I wasn’t determined to give him the Death Fuck. It’d be so hot—screwing this little Faggot I’d known since Diapers. He kissed me, working my nips. I gave him the Judas kiss. He was already rock hard, no doubt fantasizing about my Death Stick. He lavished spit on my shaft, mouthing my balls, tonguing my hole, till I couldn’t take anymore. "I wanna suck you, Joey.” "I’d rather get fucked, Uncle Ken. I've only been screwed by young kids and strangers. Now I wanna get fucked by my own flesh and blood.” Though I wasn’t related, he’d cum regard me as Family, and was begging for it. That absolved me of guilt for what might be forthcuming. I’d been seduced. So I gave him the cushiest Rimming of his whole Fuckin’ Life. It drove him Bananas. He was so up for his Daddy-Fuck, that he moaned and begged me to Screw him. So I lifted his legs and plunged in. It was CRAZY—WONDERFUL—ECSTATIC—POZZING THE SON OF MY EX-LOVER—infecting his AssCunt, his Blood, with my Venomous Precum, contaminating his Gonads with Death and Disease. I fucked him without mercy. The little Shit didn't even ask about Condoms. He just let me Fuck him, with nary a whimper! His younger boy lovers must have thrown him off guard. Maybe he was even a Chaser! I didn't go there. I pounded away for 10 minutes and asked him how he was doing, though I could tell from his moans and the way I assaulted his Prostrate, he was doing just fine. "Shoot your Load in me, Uncle Ken. Make me your Slut!" “My pleasure, Joey.” I was getting hornier by the second. Had not the little Fucker begged me to do him? Was it not my obligation and duty to screw up his Puny Existence? Suddenly I was back in College where I’d given four of my cohorts the Syph. None of them figured out it was me. I smiled as I watched them traipse back from the Clinic, humiliated, declining my solicitations for sex. I'd done that for the Hell of It—like I was doing it now. Only Syph wasn’t fatal. This would be, I vowed. About that time I exploded in his gut with what must have been my Biggest Load ever. I could tell from his Tightness that he hadn’t Fucked much—which improved my chances of Bruising him up—which enhanced the odds for Infection—which caused me to spasm long after I’d shot. Besides, he’d been violently bucking back on my Shaft, which could only help matters. And when I exploded, he spewed his own fucking Load all over our stomachs and chests. "Sorry I couldn't hold back, Uncle Ken." "That's all right, Joey,” I gasped, as I lapped up what I could and sucked the rest off my fingers. The last Neg load of this poor Motherfucker was important to my Bug-ravaged psyche. I made no effort to pull out, and let my diseased cum incubate in the dark, fertile warmth of his AssCunt. He, likewise, made no attempt to withdraw. He just kept his Ass plastered back on my Cock, clenching his Sphincter, milking every last venomous drop from my Shaft. "Can you cum again?" "Want me to?" "Yeah. I love being fucked—by my Uncle.” I hadn't lost the Erection that had seeded him—the most significant Fuck of his Life. He rocked back and forth on my Dick. It wasn't long till I spasmed again; and spewed forth a second, less generous, but equally toxic Load. He was working his own Shaft by then, beating it hard, his breath cumming in gasps, so I slipped my lips over his piss-slit as his Cream gushed down my throat. After a lingering, passionate kiss, a thick rope of Cum tethered his lips to mine. Joey was full of surprises. "You’re POZ, aren’t you, Uncle Ken?" "How’d you know?” "Just a guess, really. You’re older; been Fuckin’ longer than me; had plenty of time to get POZZED. Did you give me the Bug?" "You know it. Whether I’ve POZZED you or not is a different story, but I've bred others on the First Fuck." "I'm not exactly a Chaser. But I'm glad it was you. I like keeping the Shit in the Family." There again was a reference to that flesh-and-blood stuff. Even I might begin to believe it. After all, they say POZZED BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER. "If you take good care of yourself, you’ll last 20 years. You’ll cycle through Meds, until they all stop working. You’ll lose weight, grow weak, get hospitalized; and that’s it. Then all you can do is rely on the others you’ve POZZED to carry on the Tradition. That’s why GIFTING is so important.“ "Mom and Dad will assume it was one of my ANONYMOUS TRICKS. But I don’t look at it your way. I figure, in 20 years, there’ll be a CURE. I got no worries.” "Yeah, maybe so," I affirmed, not terribly convinced. The Kid struck me as one who might never take Meds, in which case he didn’t have 20 years. Meanwhile, I was like floating on Cloud Nine—I’D JUST BUGGED MY EX-LOVER’S OFFSPRING. Served him right for fuckin’ that Bitch. I wondered how many of my other ex’s had Scions that needed attention. I was hard again by the time he walked out the door. We had lunch the next afternoon, and I sat adjacent to Joey who tried to play Footsy under the table. On the way out, he whispered he’d stop by that evening. The rest of the day I basked in the glow of AIDS FUCKS—PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. I had a Client to prepare for, but let it slide, alternately dozing and watching TV, till there came a knock at the door. http://fuckworker.blogspot.com/2012/04/help-my-bareback-blog-get-noticed-click.html
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  27. It's been about a year since we both started taking POZ loads, and neither of us have been tested. The thrill we both get from toxic loads is such a great high, better than any drug. Sharing it with my boy is the best part of all. My boy has been working hard lately, lots and lots of late nights at the office. Last Monday, he told me he would be working late on account of a high-ranking client visiting for important meetings. My boy said he would be schmoozing and wining and dining this client, taking him out to fancy restaurants, etc. etc. I almost believed him. I got a text message about 10PM saying that I shouldn't wait up for him and that his evening plans were just getting started at his office. Knowing how my boy likes to whore out his raw hole for all sorts of dick, I got suspicious. It's not that I mind him sharing his cummy drippy hole with strangers, it's that it gets me off and I like to be there, holding his cheeks apart, helping steer bare cock up his chute. I decided to see if my boy was doing more than wining and dining. I want to be sure I was ready to fuck in case there was any action when I got there. I showered, douched, put on a cock ring, my jockstrap, suit and tie, and drove over to my boy's office park. The parking lots was nearly deserted when I got there. I saw my boy's car, a Lexus, and a BMW rental. I figured the meetings must still be going on. As I approached the door, I saw my boy's boss, Charles, headed out. His tie was undone around his neck, shirt untucked, hair tousled. He gave me a big smile. I extended my paw to shake his hands, and he surprised me, leaning forward and giving me a deep intense tongue kiss, quite surprising coming from this married man with two kids. He grinned, saying, “Didn't know he called you to join in the fun. I think they're still at it upstairs.” He slapped my ass, buzzed me in and headed out. My cock was straining in its jock, and I knew as much precum as I squirt, there would be a wet spot by the time I got upstairs. The elevator doors opened on the dark office, with light streaming out of one open door, my boy's office at the end of the hall. I heard grunts and moaning and knew someone must be having a good time. I took of my shoes and snuck down the hallway, peering into the office. There, on his desk, was the client laying down on his back, with my boy riding his HUGE raw shiny wet dick. By boy's back was to me, but I could see he had a necktie made into a blindfold, knotted around his head. The door creaked open, and I stepped inside, ripping off my suit coat, pulling my tie over my head and unbuttoning my shirt as quickly as possible. I got a look at the client and he was smoking hot, buzz cut salt-and-pepper gray hair, goatee, sunken cheeks that I could swear looked POZ, big furry chest with hard pierced nipples the size of silver dollars, and muscular hairy legs dangling over the edge of the desk. He grunted with each thrust, then opened his eyes. He was about to say something, and I put my finger to my mouth, sshing him. I grinned and pointed to the framed photo of my boy and I on vacation. The client smiled and resumed his normal pace. Now just in my straining jockstrap, I lowered myself to my boy's hole, and pulled out the slick bare cock he was impaling himself on. I swallowed it, licking off a ring of foamy cum pooled at the base of his dick. “Back for more, Charley? What's your wifey gonna say if you can't perform tonight?,” my boy chuckled as he moaned. I stuck up two fingers and out poured a good healthy, or perhaps not, load. I lapped it up, and spitting some of it back onto the client's dick. I shoved the rock-hard tool back in my boy's hole, pulled the sticky crotch of my jock aside, and lubed up my dick with the leftover cum. The only thing I love more than fucking raw is fucking raw with cum for lube, and the only thing I love more than that is double-dicking raw hole with cum for lube. After a few thrusts, we got into a good rhythm, I would pull out to the tip just as the client would shove his all the way in. It felt damn good, and I knew if I kept it up, I would shoot soon. I didn't want to cum instantly, so I pulled out and rearranged my self so I could feed my foamy cock to the client. He deep-throated me a few times as I tweaked his nipples. He was a real pro and he got me closer quickly. I pulled my cock out of his velvety throat and went back to my boy's ass, now red, loose, and sloppy. I roughly shoved in two fingers as knelt down tonguing the client's sweaty hole and massive hairy balls. I could sense them tensing up, so I stood up quickly and shoved my cock back in my boy's ass beside his. He came almost instantly thrusting his beer-can thick rod as deeply as it would go. Feeling the sudden rush of wetness and warmth sent me over the edge and we filled up my boy's hole until it was leaking out, streaming down both of our cocks, and all over his desk. My boy's hole winked a few times as he reached for his blindfold. I grabbed his hands to stop him, and the client said, “Oh no, boy, you're not done yet. Daddy's got at least one more toxic load for you. Keep that thing on until I tell you to take it off.” “Whatever you say. The customer is always right,” my boy meekly replied. I gathered up my things in my arms quickly and headed out of the office. As I approached the elevator I heard the client saying, “Yeah boy. Clean up Daddy's dick real good. You got it all sloppy.” I got dressed in the lobby, headed out, and drove home. About an hour later, my boy stumbled in. I pretended to be asleep. I saw the light in the bathroom, and heard the shower running. I saw him through the shower curtain, fingering his cummy hole. “Anything I can do to help?,” I asked. He opened the curtain smiling at me and pulled me into the shower. He leaned forward against the tile, presenting his abused hole to me. That was his way of telling me he had a few loads up there. I knelt down under the spraying water and fingered out what seemed like several loads, lubed up my dick with them, and fucked him again, filling him up with my own questionable seed for the second time that night. To my knowledge, he never found out that I had already given him a load that night.
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  28. This is a semi true story When I was 26 I was chatting on Gay.com when a very hot guy messaged me asking me how my day was we got to chatting eventually exchanging pics. After he signed off I didn't think much of it and we didn't chat again for a while. One night he messaged me again and I had told him I was going to be going to this event. I invited him not expecting him to show up. So there I am at this event and I have had a few drinks and he showed up. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him walk up 6'4" about 240 lbs with a goatee. Just my type of man. He gave me a big hug and we got to talking I had a few more drinks. We got into his car and drove down the road and we made out in the car. Was very obvious to both of us that we had sexual chemistry. Very much obvious that we wanted to fuck our brains out right then and there. But we both agreed that we would see each other on Saturday and that he would pick me up from work. So I spent the next three days trying my best and failing to keep myself from thinking too hard about him as every time I did I got incredibly turned on. Now the part you have to understand is that I was a late bloomer in the sex department as I had just lost my cherry at 24. So Saturday afternoon he picked me up from work and took me to my place so that I could shower and change. He chatted with my room mate while I took care of what I was doing upstairs. My cock got a very good cleaning as it was standing at total attention. So after my shower and changing we drove to his place in down town Toronto. As he had planned a night out for us I felt that it was prudent that I had a nap. So I told him to wake me up in a few hours and I got naked and climbed in his bed. So when I woke up he asked if I wanted anything and I said do you have coffee? So he went and made me a pot of coffee and I walked out to the kitchen and fixed it. Going back to his bedroom he sat me down as he wanted to talk to me. "I need you to know something and I will not be offended if you freak out" "What are you married?" came my sarcastic reply "No" he paused "What is it?" I asked "I am HIV positive" Now I sat there in silence for a moment. He had a look of please be cool with this "That is not a problem" and I kissed him So we discussed safer sex practices and decided to use condoms etc. So a few weeks go by and I am having the best sex of my life. Up until him I had never experienced rimming or having my armpits licked, My sexual education was being given to me by a very hot bearish type guy. I was just in my glory. I was loving every minute of it and so was he. Until one night that we decided to get some pot as I had a migraine. Now with me one of the by products of me smoking pot is that I get really horny. I just wanted him and me together and just to fuck. We go to his room and we are ripping our clothes off, he kisses me deeply and I can feel his 7.5 inch thick cock, against my stomach and my 7 cut cock his rubbing his large nut sack. He lays down on the bed we keep kissing and getting the pitch of our sexual desire higher and higher. "I want to eat your ass" You don't have to ask me twice, I sit my little ass on his face and he goes to work at eating my hole, while I go down and deep throat his cock. This goes on for a while until I pulled off his cock and begging him to fuck me. He goes to the drawer and looks the condom box is empty. He said to me "Shit were out of rubbers" I didn't care, I was high I wanted to be fucked and I wanted him in me "I don't care, I want you in me" was my reply He climbed on the bed and pushed my legs up and looked down at me, and asked me "Are you sure? I will pull out and cum on you and not inside you" "OK" I replied Up until this moment I had always used condoms, it was drilled into me by high school, the gay community with posters, advertising, bowls of condoms in bar bathrooms. Here I was going against everything I was taught. Laying with my legs up my HIV+ boyfriend is going to put his cock in me without a condom. This was going to be the first bare cock I was going to take. The back of my mind was freaking out, but my hole wanted to be fed and my cock was overriding my train of thought. I felt the tip of his cock against my hole, He took a moment to savour what was about to happen between us. He kissed me and asked one more time "Are you sure?", I reached down and guided the head of his cock into my hole. He moaned and so did I. I felt an immediate difference between when we used a condom and this fuck. His cock was harder and thicker stretching my hole. He noticed the discomfort on my face He pulled out for a minute and went to the dresser drawer and pulled out a small brown bottle, and opened it. "Sniff these" he commanded I did, I felt my head swim and took another hit. Instantly I felt more relaxed, I took another hit. He said "Good Boy, take that hit of poppers it will help" he capped the bottle and left them on the bed. He pulled me down and pushed my legs up, teased my hole with the head of his cock, smearing his pre cum on my hole for just that extra lube and gave me a look and I nodded. He slowly pushed his cock through my boy ring, taking time to savour and for me to experience how it felt raw. he pushes all 7.5 inches of his cock into me and grinded deep, I could feel his ball sack rub against my ass crack. He kissed me and said. "This is as close as we can get," he pulled back pushed back in again " This boy, is how men should fuck" pulling back again "Raw, uncovered, your ass is making my cock feel like it is wrapped in velvet" I couldn't believe how good it felt. It was like nothing I had ever felt. With condoms you always had that pulling effect but with skin on skin it was the first time that I wasn't feeling that burn. I felt my hole respond better to his raw cock. I felt myself getting wetter, enjoying the feeling of skin on skin. In those moments I knew it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible to go back to condoms. He started pounding my hole and I was moaning when he pulled out and laid down and wanted me to ride him so to be a bit of a prick I slowly sat down on his cock, half way, savouring every inch of his raw cock. I leaned down and kissed him deeply, after I broke the kiss he said "You're enjoying this aren't you" I pushed down and took his whole cock and replied "What do you think?" "I would say you are boy" he replied, I smiled. I started bouncing on his cock and tightening my hole while riding him, his eyes rolled back in his head. I could tell that he was holding back from blowing his load. When he rolled me off his cock and onto my back. He grabbed the bottle of poppers and said "Sniff Boy" I took a hit and he threw my legs up again and sunk into me as deep as he could go. He started just pounding my hole and I could feel his cock getting bigger, his breathing quickened he took three hard stabs at my hole. I could tell he was wrestling with the decision to breed me or not. He pulled out and shot his load all over my stomach. I couldn't believe how much he shot. I then felt two thick fingers go into my battered hole and hit my prostate and I shot my load mixing my neg load with his. after we both caught our breaths he turned to me and said "That is not how I wanted our first raw time to go" I replied "What do you mean" Thinking he was mad that he didn't get to plant his seed in me "I wanted it to be more special........ As I am in love with you" "Babe it was special, and honestly I think it was better this way.... I wasn't thinking I just did what came naturally to me" after a brief pause I said "I am in love with you too" With that he pulled me closer to him, our cum was now between us I could feel his cock drooling the last remnants of his load against my leg as his cock slowly deflated. We fell asleep in each others arms Stay tuned for part two
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  29. StevenZip code 21144 (Maryland, USA)Text ONLY: 262 219 8255Age: 43Ethnicity: white, not hispanicHeight: 6'2"Weight: 230No loads refused. Anything from pump n dump to extended fuck sessions to groups to gangbangs. StevenZip code 21144 (Maryland, USA)Text ONLY: 262 219 8255Age: 43Ethnicity: white, not hispanicHeight: 6'2"Weight: 230No loads refused. Anything from pump n dump to extended fuck sessions to groups to gangbangs.
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  30. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=j7xFE-G309- Over 30 minutes of bareback gangbang fun with hot guys.
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  31. Hey guys. 32 year bi white discreet jock got confirmation Monday. I was not surprised. I've accepted it and learning to live my life pretty much the same way I have. Luckily I have a great support group who is helping me. Met with a great doctor who is starting me on meds in Feb after blood work is reviewed. #1 So there's two sides to me. I love anonymous sex. I love sleazy sleazy sex. I love all sex. I will have to make some changes to the way I went about it. I have to limit myself now as far as just hooking up with anyone because I can't have sex with them without them knowing. If I'm at a sex club that's different. It's to be expected unprotected sex is a risk there. #2 Then there's another side of me... Romantic that wants to be in a relationship. It's going to be tough to find someone that would be interested in dating me... Yes/no? I'm a good looking, nice, fun, career orientated man. Does anyone have any suggestions or input on what I can do from here? So help me... #1 Apps or websites where I can find good hookups with guys like myself. #2 Dating websites that I can use to help find guys like myself. Thank you. XXX
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  32. I kept calling to see if James was working. I finally got in touch with him on a Saturday afternoon but he said he was leaving soon and wouldn't be back until the following Wednesday. I told him how much fun I had had with him and that I wanted his cock again. "Sorry, man, can't do it today. But if you want I could arrange something for Wednesday." Fuck, my pussy was itching for cock now, not four days from now. I told him I would try to make it Wednesday but I would probably make the drive today anyway. I cleaned my ass out and hopped in to the shower. I was squeaky clean inside and out. I slipped in to a pair of jeans and a form fitting tshirt that showed off my pecs. I put the lube in my pocket and started out the door but then I thought, why not be ready for dick when I get there, so I pulled my jeans down over my ass and took a big glob of lube and worked a couple fingers up my ass. Now I was ready. When I got to the theater there was an older guy taking money. I wasn't sure how long I would be there so I bought admission to both the main theater and the arcade. I could feel the older clerk's eyes on my ass as I went in to the theater. As before, it was so dark in the theater I could hardly see. I inched my way along the back wall and realized that they actually had gay porn showing, not the straight porn like the last time I was there. As I watched two impossibly hot guys fuck on screen my eyes adjusted to the theater light. "Hot scene, huh?" said a guy next to me. I should have known there would be someone on the back wall. Actually, I could see quite a few guys were in the theater. A few of them had hooked up in the seats, heads bobbing on laps. "Yeah," I said. "Very hot." I moved right next to him to get a better look and he wasn't bad looking. He was about 40, with dark hair and a close cropped beard. He had a medium build from what I could see. He looked like a married guy out for some dl fun. I figured I would check out the package so I reached over and rubbed the outside of his pants. He was already hard and I could tell he wasn't wearing underwear. I found his zipper and slowly pulled it down. I reached inside his pants, releasing a solid 6 incher. I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. I was so fucking horny for cock! I unbuttoned his pants and slowly pulled them down over his hips. His cock head hit the back of my throat and I held it there so I could feel his pubes against my lips and smell his mustiness. I bounced up and down on him, giving him the best head I knew how. "Fuck! You can really suck!" I looked up at him as I sucked but I doubt he could see me as it was dark behind the seats. I felt a hand on my back and realized there was a guy in front of us, sitting in the back row seats. He massaged my back and then got more bold and pulled my shirt out of my pants. His hands were rubbing my bare back, pushing my shirt up almost to my shoulders. I couldn't take it anymore so I pulled my shirt off, just missing one stroke on the cock I was sucking. "Suck that cock, boy." said the guy behind me. I did as I was told but I was ready for cock up my ass. I stood up and tried to kiss the guy I had been sucking but he wasn't up for it. Yep, must be married. I reached under his shirt and rubbed his hairy chest and reached down and released the button on my pants. He definitely wanted that and unzipped me, reaching in and taking my precum covered cock in his hand. I pulled my pants down over my hips and the guy behind me massaged my ass, slipping a finger in my lubed ass. "This guy is ready, dude," said the guy in the seat. "Turn around and show him." I turned around and the guy whose mouth had been in my mouth caressed my chest with one hand and my ass with the other. The guy in the seat turned around so he was completely facing me. I moved forward a little so he could suck my cock. He took my cock and started giving me a great bj. The guy behind me moved with me and I felt his hard six inches against my butt. We were now drawing attention from other guys in the theater. Two more came up and sat next to the guy in the back row. Then I had one more on either side of me so there were three in front of me in the seats and three in the back against the wall. The guy right behind me reached in his pocket and I could tell he was getting a condom out. Fuck, I wanted a load so I was disappointed. Definitely married. He rolled the rubber on and as he did so I reached in my pocket for my lube. I needed more if he was going to fuck me. I lubed up some more, putting the extra on his cock, guiding his pole to my puckered hole. He pushed in and slowly fucked me, letting my cunt get used to him. Then he grabbed my hips and really started pumping. "Fuck me baby. Fuck me like a slut." "Oh, you're a slut alright. You're a whore and you're going to get fucked by every guy in here." He grabbed my shoulders and piston fucked me while the other five guys watched and stroked their dicks. "I'm cumming," he cried. "Pull out and take the rubber off. I want you to,cum on my hole." "Oh, fuck!" He pulled out, pulled the condom off and I felt a big load drip down the crack of my ass. I reached back and rubbed it on my hole then tasted the cum on my fingers. He rubbed his cum on my hole with his cock head, inching just a bit inside me. Once he softened a little I turned around, bending over to take his cock in my mouth, cleaning cum off his dick. I didn't get a load deep but I did get a cummy hole. One of the guys next to me pulled my ass cheeks apart and another guy fingered my hole. The guy who had fucked me zipped up and left so it was now two against the wall and three in the seats. One of those guys must have been the one fingering me as it felt like he was reaching. I put both hands against the wall and said, "Somebody needs to put their dick in me." One of the guys next to me took a position behind and soon I had a dick in me. I reached under my balls to feel him going in and as he pulled all the way out I knew he had not rubbered up. I finally had a bare cock fucking my cunt and he was doing a great job. He pumped hard and I could tell he was getting close. "Go ahead." I said, letting him take that for how he wanted. "Breed his ass," said one of the guys behind me. He was soon grunting and fucked fast and hard, finally releasing a load of cum in my gut. He pulled out but I clenched my hole so nothing leaked out. I wanted that natural lube in me. Now there was just one guy with me in the back. I took a good look at him and was surprised to see a young guy, barely old enough to be in an adult theater. He had blonde hair, was about six feet tall and had his shorts down over his hips, revealing at least eight inches of hard meat. "Take off your pants," he said, in a tone that belied his age. He was going to be a dominant daddy some day. I was the lucky one to get him young and full of cum. I kicked my shoes off then peeled my pants off, letting them drop to the cum covered floor. I was now naked, one load up my ass and one load on my hole. "Okay, I did what you told me," I said. "What do I get?" "Get down on the floor and you'll see." I wasn't excited about getting on the floor but I was so horny. I got on my hands and knees, feeling the sticky floor. I turned my head and saw the blonde guy taking his pants off. He didn't seem to mind the dirty floor as he got behind me and pushed his full staff deep inside with one stroke. Fuck, it hurt! "Take that big dick bitch! You're going to get whored out when I'm done with you." He pulled all the way out and drove all the way back deep inside. He was rough, but it felt so fucking good. He started pumping faster so I figured he was going to cum soon but then he pulled out and told me to get up. I got off the floor and there were now five guys in the seats watching us. He pulled his shirt off so we were both naked. He came behind me standing and slipped his huge boner back in to my hole. "I think these guys all want a taste of your ass," he said as he kept pumping. "I'll do anything you want as long as I get your cum in me." "We'll see about that. Boys, you want him?" There were lots of yeses so he told me to go sit on a lap. I walked to the row of seats and saw five old men with dicks out. I wasn't excited but I had to do what I was told. I went to the first guy with a big belly and a tiny penis. I rubbed my wet hole on him, barely getting him inside me. I rode him for a little while, stroking the cock in the next seat which was much bigger. I got off Number One and went to Number Two, lowering myself on him. He felt pretty good as I bounced my hole over his cock. "Cum in him," said the kid. The guy was pumping me so I held still over him as his rod pumped and released a load up my ass. I laughed as I pulled off him and cum plopped out of my hole on to his lap. I just went right over to Number Three, pushing down my cummed up hole on to his stiff dick. I was loose and he wasn't huge so it glided easily in and out. I looked over to the next cock and was surprised to see a monster. I needed that one right away. I let Number Three fuck me but I soon pulled off him and filled my hole with Number Four. He really felt good as I rode him. I knew cum was leaking out of me now but I didn't care. I pumped up and down and he started getting in to it. He had me stand up and lean over the seat in front of me. He pushed back in and really fucked me hard. He then pushed all the way in, held me against the seat and I felt his cock throb against my hole, filling my gut with cum. "Fuck. That was incredible," he said. But I still had one more to go before I was going to get another crack at the kid, who was standing against the wall watching me take load after load. Number Five was sitting in his seat so I went over and lowered my used cunt on his cock. His wasn't small but seemed like it after the monster. "Come on baby. Give me that load," I said as I bounced up and down on his cock. I worked it hard and then the kid came around to the seats. "My turn bitch. Get over here." I pulled off Number Five and took my used hole over to the end of the row. "Get back on the floor." I thought he meant in the back again but when I went there he said,"No bitch. Right here. On your back." He wanted me in the main aisle on my back. Anyone coming in would have to walk over us. I did as I was told, getting on my back. He reached under me and lifted my legs, raising them up in the air. Then his cock started rubbing on my hole, slipping slowly inside. His eight inches were deep inside me as he pumped slowly, then quicker. I was getting close to cumming and told him I was close. "Are you now?" He said. "Well, then you better get up." He pulled me up and he sat on the armrest of the seat on the end. He stroked his cock as I stroked mine. "Cum on my cock," he said. I stroked faster with one hand and reached down and put a finger in my ass with the other. I was so fucking close and had a three day load saved up which gushed out on to the kid's cock, covering all eight inches. "Sit on my cock," he said. I lowered my hole on to his eight inches, fucking my own cum in to me. "You nasty slut." he said. I rode him for a minute then he stood me up and pumped my cunt hard and fast. "That's it. Take your cum on my cock." "Breed me baby. I need your cum inside me." He fucked me very fast, his cock sliding against my prostate. Soon he was filling my pussy with his white load. He pulled out and made me get on my knees in the aisle and clean his cock and balls as they were also covered with his cum, my cum and the cum from the other guys who had shot their loads in me. "Wow. That was ridiculous," he said. Guys patted my ass as they walked past me and thanked me for the show. The kid went to the back wall and came back with an armful of clothes, some his, some mine. "Sorry, I don't have anything for you to clean up with," he said. "That's okay. I'm going to the arcade in a while anyway. Might as well stay covered in cum," l laughed. I took my pants and shirt and headed to the front row naked to rest up for round two.
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  33. Part 2: Sarasota Load 2: Semi Public Breezeway The morning after I arrived at the beach house (I could literally roll out my bedroom window and hit the white sand beach), I was hit up on Grindr & BBRT by a guy who wanted public, risky sex. I'm totally in for that as some of my other encounters this trip will bear out, but I was tired from the drive and wanted to spend time with my kin so I put him off till later. A couple days later, after he kept pestering me somewhat desperately, I had the opportunity to steal away for a few minutes. The set up he wanted to enact was for me to drive to his apartment naked, walk up into the breezeway, naked, bend over and take his load. A couple of problems with that: A: I had no desire to be arrested 3 states away (or anywhere for that matter) for indecent exposure; 2: NO WAY was I going to drive around Sarasota nude; and Thirdall: No cock or load was worth all that aggravation. So, after some Grindr negotiations, I did drive over to his place, more Grindr negotiations, I walked into the public breezeway wearing nothing but mesh athletic shorts, flip flops, and a tank top. A mid-20's white furry otter came out of the ground floor apartment naked stroking a rock hard 7" uncut cock. I immediately squatted down underneath the stairs and took his unwashed, funkily lovely tasting prick in my mouth and got him lubed up using only my spit. Within 3 minutes he ordered me to bend over and rammed in to the hilt. I barely had time to take a whiff of the Amsterdam poppers I'd brought with me. I'm not even kidding that 2 minutes after mounting me he fired 6 six volleys (I counted) of his 4 day load, painting the insides of my fuck chute. After the sixth throb, some guy opened a door upstairs, I literally got pushed off of my breeder's cock as he disappeared back into his apartment, I hiked up my shorts, and walked quickly to the car. Turns out the guy upstairs had come down to smoke and was a young redneck hottie that made me wonder what would have happened if we had been caught. Load 3: The Beyond After collecting myself I decided I needed a soda, so I stopped at a nearby convenience store for a Diet Pepsi. While I savored my sweet treat and the questionable spunk swimming its way inside my body, I noticed a guy on Grindr mere feet away, who's handle implied he was always looking. No pic, scant information, but always looking. So being the good slut I am, I hit him up. He was at a nearby shopping center at a store that specializes in home decor, kitchen, bed, and bath products. After trading a few messages in which he told me he was a Poz top and wanted to fuck me in the john. I headed over. I walked into the bathroom directly to the handicapped stall with the other stall being occupied by someone using the bathroom for its actual intended purpose. This guy was right behind me and walked in practically with me. Late 40's, white, about 5'9" with a thin, almost wasted build. I immediately and quietly started sucking his semi-hard 8" cut thick cock. After a few people came and went, and the guy in the next stall finished his constitutional, I assumed the position and spread my ass cheeks apart to give his now solid dripping dick unfettered access. Another quick one, this time a known Poz one bred my hole deep inside. I was definitely in the great Beyond of pig heaven. Load 4: Latin Porn Contributor After I returned home from my public adventures, I decided to hang out and enjoy the house and pool. My kin usually heads to bed around 10, so I turned in at the same time and fired up A4A. Just sort of leisurely cruising, I came across a profile that sparked my interest and made my still cummy ass quiver. I smiled at him never dreaming he'd be into me, but, nothing ventured nothing gained, right? RIGHT! He WAS interested. Since I had a private bedroom I was able to sneak out. I'd had the foresight to leave my car in the driveway so the garage door didn't wake the dead if I wanted to get out late at night. Chance favors the prepared. I got to his place very late at night which was in an interesting neighborhood of chic townhouses on one side of the street and sort of, let's say "un-renovated" older apartment houses on the other. I walked up to the ground floor of one of the un-renovated buildings and was greeted at the door by one of the most beautiful Latin young men I've ever seen. Mid 20's, 6'2", lean, really hairy body, long shaggy hair style, beard, piercing black eyes, just really beautiful. He was only clothed in a pair of joggers so it was easy to take in all of his magnificence. I was completely gob smacked with this guy and TOTALLY flattered to be standing there. We fell into a passionate kiss as soon as I got inside the small, comfortable, but run down apartment. Fuck this boy could kiss. I felt an immediate connection. Not an "I want to get married and have your babies" connection, but a connection of two guys really into one another. He led me back to his bedroom where we quickly shed our clothes and continued our deep kissing. I couldn't wait to taste every flavor of his 7.5" torpedo shaped uncut (tight foreskin) cock. I sat on his bed and there it was in my face. I love to smell a cock before I suck it, usually hoping to smell the sum total of its day. I was only slightly disappointed to discover he had showered at some point earlier leaving only a faint trace of man scent. Ah well. Not everything can be perfect, lol. Let me tell you guys, I could cut glass with this cock he was so hard. I actually wondered if it might be hurting him. A nibble on the foreskin, gliding my tongue under it, finally engulfing his whole cock in my wet mouth. He gasped in pleasure as I made love to it. Pretty sure I gave him some of my best head ever. At some point (I'd lost track of time) he got me up on my knees at the edge of the bed and choked on my ass like he was starved. This kid loved ass. Spitting, nibbling, and some light fingering were making me squirm. Finally he stood up and lined that perfect missile at my entry, hocked a big wad of spit where they met, and sank balls deep in one thrust. Ugh. Bliss. I arched my back to meet his invasion and gripped that cock on every out stroke like it was my last lifeline. I wanted him to feel the same amount of pleasure I was and the noises he was making assured me I was. After some time, he needed to slow down intermittently to prevent his orgasm. Finally, he was ready. He flipped me onto my back, pinned my legs back while throwing his weight on me and plunged in. He was fucking to breed at this point. Kissing me, I inhaled his hot 420 scented breath as he panted his way closer to eruption. He stopped breathing and groaned like he was being strangled. I simultaneously felt his cock swell even bigger as he banged against my prostate and released wave after wave of molten spunk in my butt. It felt like someone had released a fire hose of super heated cum in there. And. He. Just. Kept. Cumming. So much I could barely contain it and swore I could taste it in the back of my throat. We cooled off for a few and chatted for short time. Man what a nice guy. I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen him before. Not in person, but perhaps on a highly favorited amateur porn site. Hmmm. I'd have to think about that for a minute. THIS one, I wanted again. We're at 4 loads out of 20 fellas. I hope this is as entertaining for you to read as it was for me to live and recall. Stay tuned if you like.
    1 point
  34. I'm not too picky with holes, if I have a hungry, willing hole to breed, I am always ready! I love fucking a sweet tight hole, leaving it destroyed, but I also appreciate a loose hole presentment. Love using cum as lube, cum is the best lube! If I had to choose, I like a sweet tight hole, especially on a cumhungry college boy mmmm. Love to deep plow them & leave their pink holes dripping & well used!
    1 point
  35. Holy fuck...I so want to seed and feed on your hairy ass, man.
    1 point
  36. What test result papers show (lab reports) is the status of an individual at the time of the blood being drawn. My understanding is that the blood taken reflects the status of an individual at some point in the past 90 days since it takes a number of days for sufficient antibodies to develop. So, all that said, the time between when the lab work is processed and the time that someone shows the lab work as "proof" enters into the equation if someone is negative or not. With all that said, every fucker and fuckee must make a decision as to whether or not he considers every cum load a toxic one. I for one consider every load positive and don't refuse any. 2 cents
    1 point
  37. I love the honor to taking a mans cum. Nothing better than walking after and feeling that load start to moisten my hairy ass.gets me hard just thing of it.
    1 point
  38. Book II Matt It had been just over a month since I got the message from Jeremy, and we had coffee, a lot had happened in that time, my little family had grown some, Jeremy, Steve and Sam had grown closer, They all but lived at my apartment and then Jeremy and Steve moved in with me, thus saving them some rent money. Although money was the least of our concerns as I had won the multi-state lotto and was now well set for the rest of my life, even after setting up a trust funds for Jeremy, Thom, Hank and Mario, my son and my nephews. Jeremy and Steve shared the guest room when they weren’t sharing my bed, Steve’s queen size bed made it a tight fit with the day bed in there but they somehow made it work. Sam loved to come and spend the night on weekends mostly because it was closer to his job and Steve was almost always willing to pick him up and bring him back to cuddle with us. Even after my tryst with Eli and Jess, I had remained healthy, no fuck flu, and although I still had a bag of cum ice cubes hidden in the freezer, I still had a fantasy about chasing. As Sam was showing more and more interest in Steve who would only fuck him safe, he so wanted to feel his cum inside his hole, so on Monday of the week before Spring break I rounded up the boys and we all went down to the clinic, and got tested for HIV, it was no surprise that Steve came up Poz, but we asked them to test his VL and his CD4 counts Jeremy, Sam and I came back negative and the doctor recommended PReP for all of us. I got the prescriptions and we took them to the pharmacy along with all the prescriptions for Steve to start on his meds, his test had shown a viral load of just under a million and his CD4 counts just above 300, it was time to keep our Norse god healthy. That night I asked the boys to take their PReP and started Steve on his drug cocktail. I sat Sam down and had a serious heart to heart with him, explaining that he was to take the pills every morning faithfully and then he could have as much sex with us as he desired, even take Steve raw if that is what he wished. He was overjoyed, and promised he would stay true to his PreP regimen and we would be proud of him. The boys had asked for the time off from their jobs and I had promised them a journey during spring break so after sending them to bed I started doing research of what things we could do. After making an itinerary I started booking flights to take us to our destinations. The next morning the boys were up and getting ready for school and work, Steve would drop Sam off at his high school then go to his own classes before reporting to his job, I would drop Jeremy off at school where he would attend his three classes before catching the shuttle to the mall and doing a 4 hour shift at A&F. I came home and had a meeting with Sean scheduled mid-morning out in the foothills, he had already shown me a dozen properties but none of them had fit exactly what I was looking for. I drove out to meet Sean, it was a gated estate so had to wait till he arrived where as he entered the entry code and we drove in his car up to the house on the property. It had a high fence surrounding the entire property and the drive was curved and had enough trees that shielded the house from the view of the gate, I was beginning to like this house. “Let’s take a quick stroll around the property, before we go in” He began his Real estate spiel and I followed around the side of the house it was a grand mansion built in the mid-fifties for some bank big wig who wanted his privacy so it was already 60 years old but showed potential. The back yard housed a couple grottos and a large swimming pool which needed repair but was nicely landscaped. I could picture having parties for the boys out here, Sean escorted me into a grotto and suddenly he no longer was the professional real estate agent but a starving boy in need of sexual gratification, the grotto was adorned with an old sofa and chairs, what appeared as a counter that could be used as a bar and a fire pit for those chillier nights. Sean loosened his tie “So you know all those times we chatted about hooking up at a vacant property and having sex, well now’s your chance” “Oh so you want to sway my opinion of the place but luring me into a sexual situation” “Yeah you have a problem with that” I answered by taking his face in my hands and passionately kissing him, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding his sport coat down over his shoulders and onto the sofa, removing his belt and unbuttoning his fly, sliding his pants down to his ankles he then dropped to his knees and pulled my cock from my pants, he sucked my cock for about 5 minutes to get me hard then spun me around and started eating my hole, I always love a good rim job and he was doing a really good job of getting my hole wet. He stood up and placed his dripping penis in my crack and started rubbing it up and down my hole while playing with my nipples and whispering in my ear “You want this big dick in your mancunt don’t you, you want to feel me deep inside you” About this time the head of his cock found my pucker and was pushing in slowly impaling me using just his spit and his pre-jizz to lube my hole it hurt just a little then he was inside and my hole was beginning to accommodate him “You like that big cock in your hole don’t you, you like being bred with a hard toxic Poz cock with a fresh batch of the virus don’t you” I stiffened up , tightening my hole around his cock then started riding him harder, making sure he got his pre cum in all my cracks and crevasses, he had said he was chasing in our various chats over the past couple of years and now he was giving me his bug or at least attempting to knock me up, he pounded me standing, doggie on the sofa then flipped me over on my back so I could see his face as he was shooting his Poz cum up my ass. He shot what seemed like buckets into my guts then pulled out and had me clean his cock off. “You get to cum when you are in the brotherhood” He pulled up his pants, buttoned his shirt, tightened his tie and adorned his sport coat, walking out of the grotto he looked over his shoulder “You coming for the rest of the tour?” I pulled my pants up and tucked in my shirt, I could feel cum seeping out of my hole staining my new pants with spooge and ass juice. I soon caught up with Sean and he proceeded to show me the acre or so around the exterior of the home then showed me the inside. He house had some good bones but had seen better days, a lot of patching and painting would be required. The rooms though were of perfect size and it was a 8 bedroom 5 bathroom house with a large kitchen and open concept family room it even had a separate playroom and den I was impressed but I was non-committal to Sean at the time, I wanted to bring Steve and Jeremy here to get their opinion, I arranged for an evening showing for the boys to view our next home, I especially wanted Steve’s input since he was studying construction design and interior space designs this semester. He wanted to become a architect and interior design space specialist. On our way out I kissed Sean and thanked him for his gift. It was already getting to be late afternoon and I had a cocktail date with Sam’s dad at 4:30 in the valley not far from their home. John and I had met up several times since my first session with Sam, not sure if his dad had let him in on our encounters but I knew I enjoyed having drinks with John and discussing Sam. John was about 6 years younger than me and was a prime specimen of a man, he had kept himself in top form, even though he did so much traveling, he must have an international gym membership. In all the times we had meet up I still couldn’t tell what team he played on, he would talk about seeing this girl or that then his attention would be drawn away for a second when a hot guy entered the bar or restaurant we were meeting in. Today I was going to discuss taking Sam with us on our Spring break get away. He greeted me as usual then he got a serious look on his face “I know you wanted to talk to me about taking Sam with you and Jeremy on spring break but I wanted to ask you something” “Ok go ahead” Almost under his breath “Have you been fucking my Sam? I found a bottle of travada on his bathroom counter this morning, and I wanted to know if you and Jeremy been fucking my boy” I was stunned that he asked, but I figured he was a smart man and was able to put two and two together, that and he didn’t seem angry “Um, yes we have, I hope you are all right with that” “Thank you for helping protect my son, think I might be able to come to dinner sometime with him I’d like to get to know Jeremy better if they are going to be Boyfriends, fuckbuddies or whatever” With that he started confessing to me on how he was sorry he couldn’t have been there more for Sam, but he felt if he was around his son as much as he wanted to be than something might have happened to make their relationship become strained, he didn’t come out and say it but I had the feeling he was trying to say he would like a opportunity to explore his sons sexuality more “so is Sam expected home soon?” “Actually Steve is picking him up from swim practice to take him to the mall” “Want to go back to your place for a night cap” I knew it was still Happy hour but I wanted to get back to Johns and test a theory, and John seemed interested in the idea. When we got to John and Sam’s apartment, I had barely made it in the door when John turned around out of the public’s view and kissed me rubbing his hands on my chest and groin, then he began undressing me as I fumbled with his clothing as well, we were soon naked in the living room making out and caressing each other. John dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth and began sucking, soon we were in a 69 position and we each had the others cocks buried in our throats, I was getting close when he rolled over and asked me to fuck him like I fucked his son. I worked my way around John then lifted his legs and positioned my penis at his back door, spitting on my palm I applied some to his sphincter then pushed my mushroom head into his ass, John moaned then I pushed my whole shaft into him, he looked up at me and smiled. I proceeded to slow fuck John slowly increasing my speed till I was jack hammering into him then I thrust one last time and exploded in his intestines coating them with my dick slime, he was moaning and talking dirty to me the whole time. I left Johns a little after 7:30 and headed home, a busy day indeed
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  39. Matt Well to say I sparked an old flame might be an understatement, finding out that Tony had a secret crush on me when I was seeing Amy was a revelation I hadn’t expected, Sure we fooled around together, giving each other hand jobs, sucking each other of and such but I always thought it was innocent fun. This morning though I think I fulfilled his fantasy, then had to send him home to the wife, interesting turn of events, actually to tell the truth he was one of the reasons I kept seeing Amy was so I could see him. Jeremy texted me just after 1 asking if he and Steven could come over and have dinner again. I went to the store and got a nice roast some salad mix, Yukon Potatoes, Fresh broccoli and some frozen Pepper strips. Just as I was getting home from the store he texted back “can Sam Come too?” I texted back that there would be plenty of food for everyone. They arrived just after four as the food was finishing cooking, by quarter of five I had carved the roast and placed out the mash potatoes, salad and vegetables on the counter and instructed them to dig in. once again Jeremy sat close to me only now he was much more enamored with pawing and stroking me as we ate, I think he was scared his uncle would have disapproved of us having intimate relations, Sam seemed interested in Steven and was fondling him throughout dinner. After we all finished we all cleared our plates and Jeremy helped me rinse them off and put them in the dishwasher. When we emerged from the kitchen Sam was straddling Stevens lap and had his tongue buried in his mouth. His hands caressing his chest and Stevens hands fondling Sam’s cute butt cheeks. Jeremy reached over and slipped his hands beneath my tee shirt and pulled it off over my head, then unbuttoned my chinos and let them drop to the floor, as I had gone commando I now stood in the living room naked, as Jeremy led me to the love seat he undressed himself on the way. We were wrestling on the love seat and caressing and fondling when I looked over Sam and Steven were bare ass naked as well and Steven had his tongue buried in Sam’s hot ass. Alternating between his tongue and his manicured fingers he slowly opened the boy up I tossed him the lube and he slicked up his pole then out of nowhere pulled out a condom and slipped it on just moments before Sam’s hole slid down it, I grabbed the lube and wet my cock and Jeremy followed suit and sat on my engorged phallus, Steven and I started fucking our respective boys. I was the first to blast my cum deep in Jeremy then Steven lifted Sam off his lap tore off the condom and Stood up and blasted on Sam’s face and chest a huge load of cum then proceeded to lick it off the boy. Jeremy ran to the Kitchen retrieved each of us a beer then we sat and shot the bull as we downed our refreshment When we had finished Jeremy grabbed Sam and started making out with him so I wandered over to Steven and round two was under way Sam began blowing Jeremy before they worked their way into a 69, not easy for two athletic guys close to six feet tall on my loveseat I let Steven suck my cock before I started eating out his ass then he turned me around and was slipping on another condom and lubing up my ass. As if in anticipation of my “What the Fuck” look on my face he leaned in and Whispered “It’s for your protection, I just tested Poz a few weeks back and I’m not on meds” I had a wrapped Poz cock up my ass and I was suddenly excited and frightened at the same time butt started bucking back on his big cock to get as much of him inside me, hoping the condom didn’t break and at the same time wishing it would. I was in pig heaven, conflicted but enjoying every thrust and retreat of Stevens’s large tool in my ass. I heard Jeremy start grunting, his breathing became rough and I knew he was breeding Sam’s tight hole, the sound an smell of man sex permeated the room and soon Steven was shooting deep in my as his toxic seed into the reservoir of the condom. He finished his nut, and slowly pulled out, I spun around before h could remove the condom and slid it off him myself then sucked in his cum streaked cock, putting the condom to the side, I cleaned off his cock then went over to clean up Jeremy and rim, feltch out Sam’s hole. When no-one was looking I went in the kitchen and deposited Stevens Used condom in the freezer. It was getting close to 9 when I sent the boys home, Sam was going to spend the night with Jeremy and Steven was going to drive them to their respective schools and work in the morning. Sam was about the size of Jeremy so he asked to borrow an outfit for school, Jeremy was only too happy to oblige. I hit the bedroom and watched a movie on-demand then drifted off to sleep, waking around six in the morning to the alarm clock. I got up and fed the cat then went in and brewed a coffee in my one cup coffee maker climbed on the bed and opened the laptop, scrolled through the various job hunting e-mails and then was disappointed I hadn’t heard back from either lawyer, but then again it was still early on a Monday, I grabbed my phone and pulled up growlr looking for a special person, a contact I had made about 2 years prior, who happened to own a real estate office, I also looked for him on A4A and BBRT. I had lost touch with him a bit and he hadn’t been very active on any of the sites recently. I finally found him and sent a message “hey stud contact me I have a Challenge for you, this is a professional request” I left it at that knowing when he got the message his interest would be piqued. I pulled up my bank info and saw that my account was getting close to being overdrawn, noting the contact information for later that day, set the alarm on my phone for 9:30 so I could call the bank and let them know that the lottery deposit would be made sometime in the next 7-10 days and they wouldn’t think it was an error. I also checked all my credit cards to see how close I was to maxing them out as I might have to start living on them until the lotto deposit cleared. I scheduled each of them to pay the full balance on the Friday after next giving time once again for the lotto moneys to clear. I paid my Electric and cable bill along with a couple other payments that were due. Then headed out to the gym. Having a good workout I noticed several of the younger guys actually paying attention to me, was it my new attitude had they been, cruising me all these months and I never knew it, were my senses just heightened since meeting Jeremy, or had they seen my picture on the news as the winner of the multi-state lottery. It was hard to tell and I didn’t have the courage to ask, not really wanting the answer especially if it was my new celebrity status which attracted them to me, I hadn’t changed I was still the same guy I was last week at this time. I finished my workout and headed back to the locker room a nice soak in the Jacuzzi and a sit in the steam room was what I needed to soothe my muscle pain and to relax all the tension from my body. I was sitting in the steam room enjoying the warm vapors swirling around me, most likely with my eyes closed, when I heard the door open then close, I felt a body sit down close to me but couldn’t make out much through the steam suddenly a hand brushed against my leg and I opened my eyes and saw the silhouette of a guy just off to my right stretching “Sorry dude, how’s it going? By the way the names Miguel” “It’s alright Miguel, no harm done” Miguel started caressing my leg and working closer and closer to the hem of my gym shorts, now this was a family gym but we were the only two in the steam room and the place was close to deserted in the pool area, so I let him massage my legs. The steam had cleared enough I could see Miguel was a young Latino with a really cute face and a couple tats across his upper chest. He turned around a bit and ran his hand up into my shorts, being commando my hard cock was soon tenting the flimsy fabric, Miguel reached up and pulled it out the leg hole then engulfed it into his mouth. Oh my god I was getting blown in the steam room and loving it, the anxiety of getting caught and that I hadn’t gotten off since last night soon had me shooting a load down Miguel’s throat. After leaving a load in Miguel’s throat I went back to the locker room and got changed after showering. I left the gym and headed over to the bank, figuring it was better to talk to the branch manager in person and I also wanted to open a savings account and a secondary Checking as well as set up accounts for Jeremy. I arrived at the bank and asked to see the manager then described my situation to him, he helped me set up the auxiliary accounts and we arraigned for them to be funded shortly after the big funds arrived. Having got those details out of the way I headed over to the University to see if I could catch Jeremy between classes for a quick lunch, he had given me his schedule so I knew he had about 45 minutes between his classes, I texted him asking if we could meet up in the union for lunch. I arrived on campus, paid for a 2 hour parking pass and headed over to the student union, by then Jeremy had texted back and asked if I could pick him up a chicken sandwich from one of the venders and he would be there shortly. I got his food and some for me and found a table, Jeremy joined me about five minutes later, and started eating like it as his last meal, I slipped the documents from the bank envelope and asked him to sign “What’s this? I told you I didn’t expect you to support me” “Well I have come into some money lately and I want to share some with you, after all you are partly responsible” “I’m confused but alright” I explained to him that we would be receiving the debit card in the mail about 10 days after the accounts were opened and we enjoyed pleasant conversation during the rest of our lunch together, Jeremy telling me about his morning class and what had transpired with one of his cute classmates. I sent him off to his afternoon class and headed out to the car, I had a few more errands to run before returning home. I arrived home around 3 and went in and stripped off my clothes then opened my laptop and checked my e-mails, both lawyers wanted to schedule a meeting so I arraigned to meet one on Wednesday and another on Thursday, I’d check both out and see which one offered the best deal for retainer services. I then checked out my BBRT and BZ accounts I had a new message on BZ, it was from a new user and it said “ Hi this is Steven would love to get together with you, also left message on BBRT” I went over to BBRT and checked my messages and there it was a message from Steven “ Hey dude can I come over before Jeremy gets home, Need to talk with you” I messaged him back that I was home, come on over, a few moments later I heard a knock on the door, it was Steve, he was almost in tears, when asked what was wrong he indicated his sugar daddy had dumped him for a younger guy he wanted to convert, and use as bait to get guys to sleep with. I consoled Steve and after we talked for a bit convinced him he had been used by the sugar daddy, after all it was the Sugar daddy who tricked him into the Conversion party and got him pozzed up then used him to lure negative boys back to get loaded with toxic seed, he even was used to lure the newest twink into a conversion party so he could be trained to be a lure. Steve then told me he loved Jeremy like a brother and was worried that his tales of erotic exploits twisted his mind and made him a bug chaser. I told him that I knew that he and Jeremy were both on BZ and that I thought maybe Jeremy’s reading of bug chasing stories were more to blame. He say there and wept a bit saying he always thought Jeremy was a hot little number and he had hoped that someday to be able to have the kind of relationship with him that we were beginning to have, that he fantasized about breeding him M: so you want to be able to Breed him S: yeah I’ve wanted to be his first as I was really starting to fall for him then I got lured into that party where I got used as a cumdump M: so then you were afraid he would hate you if you knocked him up S: yeah I didn’t want him to be upset with me if he really did Poz up M: would you breed us both if we asked you too? S: if you guys were sure, it would be my honor to knock you up I went over to Steve and sat next to him, I told him about my encounter in the complex’s laundry room and gym and what Eli and Jess said to me, rubbing his thighs getting him turned on. He said it sounded as if they might have tried to knock me up, but it was still too early to tell, that I didn’t know their status or how toxic they were, if at all. I told him that we would have to wait and see then he kissed me and said he was going to keep on fucking me like he did last night for the next two to three weeks then the condom was coming off and he was going to do me bare if that’s what I wanted. I told him I knew he was a slut with a big heart and I wanted all of his used condoms and asked he would like to cum over daily to help me make cumcicles. He said now that he was a free man he would love to jerk off for me daily, and would collect his toxic semen for me. I felt so evil and dirty but it felt great having someone else in my twisted plan. I sent Steve home and made myself dinner finished up some cruising on the internet and watched a sappy movie. Over the next couple weeks I worked around Jeremy’s and Steve’s schedules and had them over several time even managed to have Sam over quite a few times as well and I soon found that we had corrupted little Sam and he was turning into a cum pig like the rest of us, Steve kept his promise to us and always played safe with us and I think Jeremy was talking to Sam and even taking loads from him although he now said he was a 75% bottom he seemed to enjoy it when we had him top us. I got word that the lotto deposit had been made and I was enjoying not having to worry about what I was going to do next. My friend Sean finally contacted me and inquired what Professional task I had for him, since we only chatted on a sex site he thought it was something down and dirty, when in reality I needed him to find me a home, a house for me and my boys to live comfortably in to have fun, maybe open it up to young college guys. And he suggested we could meet up and see a few he had in mind, I made a date with him and told him that we would have to get together and discuss my needs and wants. It had been just over a month since we met and Jeremy was still very much infatuated with me, our circle of friends was tightening and we were happy, I still hadn’t fully disclosed to him or any of our friends just how much I had received from my lotto winnings but he knew we were fixed for a time, summer was fast approaching and we started to make plans to travel and have some good times, Sean had found us a 8 bedroom fixer upper mansion in the foothills and I was in the process to having it remodeled. Jeremy and Steve moved in with me to save on rent for now and I enjoyed frequent visits from Tony. Of course this was just the beginning , but that’s a different story altogether
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  40. Matt: Damn, all these thought running through my head, my chest hurts, even after going to the gym and working out, shit I’m all keyed up, not sure if it’s the realization that I’m now very rich and can do pretty much what I want to, or the fact that in just about an hour I’ll be picking up my son from work to tell him I’m his dad. I need to get these panic attacks under control, the anxiety is making my heart race. I was all nervous and jittery when I drove over to the Lotto offices earlier in the afternoon and turned in my claim form. The receptionist was all congratulations and very consoling as she most likely was used to dealing with excited winners and bringing the back down to earth. She even had a packet of information she thought might be useful to people like me I said thank you to her and then she gave me a big hug and told me everything will turn out just fine, we both laughed, I wasn’t used to getting hugs from strangers, but I figured that was just her way of helping grounding me in reality. I left the office feeling a little less anxious and nervous. I went on a quick shopping spree, wanting to look my best for Jeremy at dinner I bout a teal dress shirt and a pair of classy black slacks to go with it. I hit the gym and did a nice workout my tension was slowly subsiding, and the eye candy looked even more appetizing today but that’s will be a story for another day, after going home and relaxing to some smooth jazz I started making plans for dinner, reciting how I was going to break the news to Jeremy that his search was over, I knew he’d have questions for me, as I certainly had lots for him. I jotted some of mine down on a note pad so I would forget them in the moment, a moment that I knew would be filled with a lot of emotion, and possibly guilt. I ironed my new nice dress shirt and checked my slacks for wrinkles, I went in and took a long steamy shower to help calm my nerves and to soothe away some of the muscle aches that were beginning to surface, due to the stress of everything, not to mention going a little overboard at the gym. I checked my watch it was 6:45 I looked in the mirror, damn I was a hot looking daddy I straightened my tie and walked out the front door, hopped in my car and drove to the mall. After parking I went inside, I knew I was looking good when I notice even some of the Twinkie boys who usually didn’t pay attention to me while strolling the mall were checking me out, I hope my bulge wasn’t too noticeable, as I had a semi from the time I exited the car. I reached A&F about a couple minutes past 7 and Jeremy was gathering his backpack and stuff as I browsed the store, he had not seen or recognized me all dressed up but had begun walking out of the store when he froze and did a double take, turning around to look at me, a big grin formed on his face and I could tell he was fighting the urge to run up to me and kiss me. I walked forward and he smiled even bigger if that was at all possible. We walked to the car I took in his beauty as we walked, this really the first time I had seen him dressed for business, retail that is. He was dressed in a form fitting A&F dress shirt and Low-rise skinny jeans which hugged his ass and package very nicely but still looked dressy, I could tell this night might get a little uncomfortable for him as his semi was already beginning to strain the fabric, it was good they were of a darker color or the wet spot might have become more evident. As we reached the car I took him in my arms and hugged him, realizing that if things went badly tonight this may be my last chance to do so, he leaned in and kissed me, there in the middle of the parking structure. I really no longer cared if anyone saw, this was my Jeremy and I was his Matt for now. We arrived at the restaurant I let the valet park the car, Jeremy thought that was cool but pretentious, but what the hell we got inside and were soon seated at a table near the back. Before exiting the car and turning it over to the valet I had reached in back and retrieved the manila envelope and had brought it to the table. I ordered a bottle of wine to celebrate us finding each other, if Jeremy only knew the implications of that statement at the time, I also ordered appetizers to start the meal J: who what did your unemployment check arrive today, you seem to be throwing money around M: well sort of, I just want this dinner to be special for you and me, it might be our last after what we have to talk about With that I slid the envelope towards Jeremy, he looked at me with a puzzled look then opened it up and took out the document with the wallet sized photo attached at the top J: um what is this, how did you get this picture, what does this all mean? He looked back and forth between the picture, the paternity document and me several times M: let me first say I never knew, I honestly never knew, secondly I never suspected until I saw that photo on your bookcase and put two and two together, as for the test, I have a friend who does that sort of thing in the lab he owns, I got yours from the strand of hair that got pulled out by the headrest. J: oh my god, I don’t know what to do I let him sit there pondering, I didn’t know what I should do either, I didn’t want to alienate him anymore in his confusion J: so what this tells me, you, you are my father M: it appears so, just take your time and let it sink in He sat there with a look of puzzlement and confusion written all over his face, then he began to smile then smirk looking over the document again looking at the picture the back at me then back to the document, he moved the picture aside revealing what was underneath, he looked back up to me and grinned J: so when did you receive this document, did you already know last night when we slept together, before you bred me in the shower Oh god, he had put It together that I knew he was my son when we had sex last night, this could be the turning point of the evening, luck be with me the hot wait staff had chosen this time to bring the appetizer breaking the tension and stalling the inevitable confession on my part M: yes I knew but I only loved you more because of it Oh my god I just said the “L” word he was going to freak out on me for sure now J: so you knew that you were holding your son in your arms and pressing your…. You knew that I was of your loin, of your flesh, and you still held me that way you still did what you did to me, with me I could tell he was upset, I think, I almost seemed like he was struggling to keep his voice down almost whispering to me his hands shaking, this night might turn into an epic disaster and I had no idea how I was going to stop it from doing so M: Jeremy I’m sorry, I guess I let lust rule me, please don’t hate me, we just found each other , please don’t let US end because I was an ass and let my emotions and my lust rule me He sat there then started picking at the fried polenta dipping it into the marinara J: Matt, I have so many questions and I’m sure your answers are only going to raise more but let me stew for a while and let’s just enjoy this really expensive meal you have ordered for us, it’s the least I can do for you right now I could feel his leg pressing harder on mine under the table as we sat and ate, the pressure getting stronger then backing off then increasing again, my cock was straining in my slacks and I was too frightened to reach down to see if Jeremy’s was doing the same. J: so dad, where do we go from here, do we go on like nothing’s changed or do we start anew and go our separate ways and send birthday cards once a year Oh fuck, I couldn’t read Jeremy, was he upset, turned on, exhilarated, then he reached below the table and squeezed my throbbing hard cock, oh shit he knew I had a hard on for him M: um that’s sort of up to you, son He went back to picking at the plate of appetizers, grinning and looking down at the photo and the document, then sliding both back in the envelope our entrees and the wine arrived, the cute waiter pouring the beverage into the glass and offering a taste before completing his service. He looked back and forth between us and smiled, I noted a hint of a tent behind his apron as he turned to leave. J: you know it’s interesting, he never stopped to card me M: he figured you were my date and that you’d be old enough given my respectable age We both laughed the started in on our meals J: so how long did you and mom date? M: what? J: mom would never talk about you, and Uncle Tony only made innuendo about your dating practices M: your uncle tony should talk, bet he never told you about the time I came to pick your mom up for dinner and she had just stepped into the shower, she always was running late and always took long showers, but there I was sitting in the kitchen and shooting the shit with tony, I’ll admit one of the reasons I kept seeing you mom was your uncle he was a hot high school jock just turned 18, well were shooting the shit and he’s rubbing his crotch right there in front of me, he always had me pegged for a gay boy you see, so he’s trying hard to prove it, we can both hear the water running upstairs and he walks over to me and whips out his cock “you like this don’t you Matt you want to suck it deep in your mouth and feel me cum on your tongue” I sucked him for a couple minutes and he shoot quickly and a huge load too boot, with his cum still on my lips and in my mouth he leaned down and kissed me tasting himself on my lips and sucking some of his cum out of my mouth ”I taste pretty good don’t I?” he returned to shooting the shit like nothing had happened offering me a soda to mask the taste and smell of his sweet cum in my mouth, bet he never told you about that Jeremy was intrigued and I could tell turned on a lot J: so answer my question how long, why’d you break it off? M: well we met in a fitness training class in the spring semester, we started going out and saw each other throughout the summer then when a member of my family was getting married I took her to the wedding in august, were we both got plastered and ended up in bed together, I never knew anything had happened just that we woke up together the next day in her bed in the hotel both doubles were messed up so I figured I had gotten cold and climbed in to get warm, your mom was always like a hot water bottle. In September she started to get too clingy and questioning about what I’d do if I got someone pregnant, with hints of marriage it sort of freaked me out so I finally came out to her and she got upset, her reaction prompted me to break it off saying we shouldn’t see or talk till she could accept me for who/what I am J: oh my god, uncle tony was right. I asked him about you when I was like ten and he blew me off by saying something like “he’s the faggot that knocked her up then split” when I asked about the guy in the photo, mom wouldn’t talk about it and when asked why she kept it she’d just say it was the best picture she had of herself as a young woman M: don’t take offence. But she was kind of homely looking most of the time, and if I remembered right she kissed like an old dog all slobbery and always had bad breath, I know I should talk about her that way, just want to know why she didn’t work out as my beard at the time J: beard? What you mean M: you know some homely girl you bring to family gatherings that keeps the relatives from asking too many question, especially if you’re still in the closet to your family J: oh I see M: so since were on the subject, you did bring it up, how is your mom, and why do you have the picture doesn’t she miss it Jeremy suddenly went sullen and tears began welling in his eyes J: mom died a little over a year ago from breast cancer, and I have the photo because I always wanted to remember her as beautiful, not sick and wasted He started crying right there in the restaurant, I reached down and squeezed his knee to let him know I was there for him, he used his napkin to wipe away the tears, J: thanks for being here, it’s been hard for me to cope with her passing. M: I’ll always be there for you till I take my final breath, now that I have begun to know you, that would be true even if you weren’t my son, we have become friends We finished our entrees before they got cold and the cute waiter came back asking about dessert J: the molten lava cake looks good, although not as good as you Did I just hear that wrong or did my son just hit on the waiter and set up for a possible proposition of out cute waiter. CW: well I’ll just bring you some molten lava cake and your check M: you didn’t J: I did, don’t know if you just been to tied up in our conversation to notice but the restaurant is pretty empty now and he has been staring at us off and on since he brought the entrees and the large puddle of precum on the front of my pants is pretty evident and has been since you told me about uncle Tony, and he has noticed and has had to readjust quite a few times under that apron The waiter brought the dessert and two spoons the fumbled around and sheepishly put the check on the table. I’ll get that for you when you’re ready, he had a big smile on his face as he turned and walked away. We dug into the molten lava cake actually feeding each other on occasion like two love struck teenagers. I picked up the check and smiled. He had given us his employee discount and had written on the top “you two are so cute together, the name is Sam, and I’m off at 10” I looked down at my watch and it was already after 10 but as I glanced over he was waiting in the wings for us. I quickly pulled out my credit card and placed it with the bill, upon setting it on the table he came over and picked it up for processing, then hurried off M: he seems a little nervous J: he seems a lot nervous, hope we didn’t scare him away M: I doubt that, you should have seen what he wrote on the check Sam came back with the charge slip for me to sign M: Sam, sorry we kept you past your shift, why don’t you take care of this and come back and join us S: I’d love too but I have to clock out and go catch my bus, it’s the last one and if I miss it I’ll have to wait till 11 for the manager to drive me home M: We’ll take you home I promise just take care of this and we’ll take care of you Sam hurried off with the charge slip, not looking at it when he left then we both heard him exclaim “holy Jesus, mother of god” I guess he just noticed the tip I left him, he hurried back to the table after handing the manager the charge slip to process S: was that a mistake? Did you intend to leave that tip? I nodded yes and he turned and gave the manager a thumbs up S: I want to thank you, and you’ll really give me a ride home I nodded yes as we began to collect out things, the front placard of my slacks was soaked through with pre-jizz as were Jeremy’s jeans, without the apron it also appeared had a sizable wet spot on the front of his slacks as well, we hurried out to the car strutting through the restaurant with an air of devil don’t care. We got to the car and piled in, belted up then took off, I didn’t bother asking Sam where he lived I just took him back to Jeremy’s J: so Sam how old are you S: just turned 18, now I can serve alcohol at the restaurant, make better pay and tips M: so you live at home? Won’t your parents wonder where you are? S: yeah I live with my Dad, my parent divorced when I was younger Sam pulled out his phone and texted something to someone then reached around Jeremy’s seat and began rubbing my son’s chest from the rear seat M: I take it this isn’t your first time being with another guy S: actually I’ve been out to my dad since I was 14 but other than the normal horsing around with my friends, noting sexual mind you I’m still rather virgin, I just saw you guys pawing each other in the restaurant and thought you wouldn’t mind J: I’m not minding one bit We laughed and exchanged small talk all the way back to Jeremy’s finding out more about Sam, turned out Sam and Jeremy went to the same junior high and high school, obviously not at the same time however Jeremy was a senior when Sam was a freshmen. S: I hope you don’t get freaked out but I have a confession, Jeremy I remember seeing you in high school and having a really hot crush on the captain of the lacrosse team that was you wasn’t it? J: oh my god yes it was, I think I remember you too the little red head that kept coming to the games and cheering us on then lurking around the locker room spying on us as we showered S: oh fuck you saw me? J: not only saw you but went home and jacked off over the possibilities of someday meeting up with you when you were older We all laughed at the situation then realizing it was a fantasy come true for both, laughed some more. I parked the car and we retreated to Jeremy’s apartment
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  41. Jeremey’s perspective: Oh my god it happened so fast, it was incredible, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m just so stoked after meeting the most wonderful man yesterday. His name is Matt and believe it or not, he lives just a building over from me. I guess it was a instance of being at the right place at the right time. Let me back up a little though to tell you how it came to be. I’m Jeremy and I just turned 22 last May. Now, here it is September again and I’m back at the university studying business with a minor in liberal arts. Yeah, I figured if nothing else I could get a teaching credential if I couldn’t find a job in the business world. I grew up in the bay area, the only child of a single Mom. She never discussed my father and it was a taboo subject around her. I have a cool Uncle Tony who is about five years younger than Mom. He is only 18 years older than my age, and has been a good friend and a surrogate dad over the years, especially since he is only 18 years older than me. As far back as I can remember Mom always had health problems and after beating breast cancer twice she succumbed to it a couple years ago. It still makes me sad. I keep a picture of her on my bookshelf, she was so pretty back then, I suspect the dude in the photo was her boyfriend and possibly my father. Uncle Tony is always teasing me how I wanted to have the photo off the credenza, when when I asked my mother why she kept it there she replied that it was the best photograph taken of her in her when she was in her twenties, but I figured she was still in love with the guy. Uncle Tony said the guy had broken her heart, and added he didn’t see why she kept it in such prominent view. Enough about my Mom. I guess I always knew I was different and when I was in junior high. I finally figured I was queer. Yeah, I was clearly gay, after all I found myself lusting after the other guys at school and on the school ball teams. I was a smart cookie and had the good looks to go with it, so you might say I was a hunky geek, which is one reason I got along with my Uncle as he was also handsome and clever. We loved our video games, be it console or computer, but we also loved going out and tossing the ball around. Uncle Tony pegged me as gay long before I wanted to admit my attraction to guys, but he was cool with it and even took me out to a gay 18+ club on my 18th birthday, not telling mom where he was taking me and just telling her to a ball game. It was a night where I received my first kiss from a boy. I was so turned on by the kiss that I creamed my jeans, and ended-up excusing myself and slipping into the men’s room to clean myself up. When I returned to find Tony making out with the stud who had caused my ejaculation. Sure, the stud 20 and really hot, but I started wondering about Uncle Tony. Being an athlete is why I was at University on a partial scholarship, being a gay athlete on scholarship kept me in the closet freshmen year although it didn’t take long for me to figure out my roommate in the dorms was a big old queer, after catching him snuggling and who knows what in our room one night when I returned from the Frat party we had gone too together, I recognized the frat boy as one of the alumni or senior from the frat house we had gone too. I just shed my clothes and climbed in bed, turning towards the wall and tried to go to sleep. “Think he might want to join in the fun” I heard the frat boy said “Nah he’s straight “I heard my roommate say Steve and I became close as brothers and he soon realized that I too was queer and like him seemed to get along better with older guys. I however was still a virgin in all things gay, yeah I lusted after seniors and older students and maybe even had a crush or two on this professor or that staff member but I was too shy/scared to make a move. Steve set me up on a couple of dates with guys in their 20’s a couple times but it generally ended in a hand job and maybe the occasional blowjob. By the time we both moved in together sophomore year, off campus Steve was hooking up 3-4 times a week and I was still a virgin, but he would tell me of his exploits over breakfast or dinner, always leaving me hard, he’d give me a hand job through my jeans or inside my gym shorts kissing me the whole time teaching me techniques to use on guys he had learned from his various dates, then it happened Steve Mr. Safe sex always Top man, slipped up, he had gotten invited to a party with this really hot 30 year old guy and they convinced Steve to kick back in the sling before he knew it guys were caressing his ass and fingering him, he loved being fingered, then some guy had slipped his raw cock in Steve’s ass, I’m guessing he wasn’t that big but just large enough to really gets Steve revved up and moaning, by the time he realized his safe only policy had gone down the toilet the guy had unloaded in Steve’s hole and the next guy slid in using the cum for lube. 3 hours later they helped Steve from the sling and welcomed him into the brotherhood. Steve was confused and when he questioned his date, the answer was that it was a conversion party and that at least a third of the loads he received were POZ. Steve panicked but was totally turned on by it at the same time, his hole dripping with their loads, someone slid a plug into his still gaping ass and indicated it be best to keep the loads from seeping out during the rest of the party. Steve then started fucking whoever’s holes he could side his large cock into, blasting the last vestiges of his negative loads. He came home early in the morning and crawled into bed with me drunk from sex and alcohol, it wasn’t all that unusual to wake up after one of his lengthier dates to find him cuddled up behind me, but he never tried to my knowledge to fuck me, he always said that was for someone special, because you always remember your first. I would ask him about his and he said he remembered but he rather not talk about it. About three weeks after the party I was nursing him during spring break, where he finally broke down and started talking about the party, he had already given me sketchy tidbits of how things went down but left out the juicy ones about him getting bred, now he spilled the beans and told me everything about his date removing his clothes and easing him back into the sling to the guys talking turns filling his hole with spunk, then he dropped the bomb, that he had done it bareback and several of the loads were charged, toxic loads, and that is why he now had the flu. I cried with him but we were both sporting hard-on’s his story had gotten both of us rock hard, I let him suck me off as I jerked his cock to an explosive ending. Between then (spring break) and now he continued to tell me the tales of his exploits getting us both hard and he had helped sign me up for BBRT saying if nothing I’d be able to meet some hot daddies and chat about my fantasies. During the summer we got with Uncle Tony’s help our current apartment, although I was seeing less and less of Steve as he found himself a hot sugar daddy and guess you’d call it fellow gifter I had gone to work and school Monday when I decided to post some pictures that Steve had taken of me on BBRT just to see if it increased my hits. I was worn out Tuesday morning after finishing my morning shift and my first class, I had come home for lunch before heading off to A&F at the mall to work a five hour shift that evening. On the bus ride home I had logged into BBRT to see if any hot guys were on, mainly looking at late 20’s early 30’s when I got an “OINK”, not wanting to use all my data on the bus I waited to check him out till I got home. At first I saw his age and was about to delete the message when I decide to check out the full profile, wow I was glad I did. He was 6’2” 195 short brown hair with a dusting of white at the temples, dazzling smile, average build although it looked athletic to me, his pics were hot I would have never pegged him as being 46 if I passed him on the streets. I decided to be polite and message him saying thanks for the oink, and see what he was up too. We seemed to hit it off good and distance said 0miles so he was at least somewhat close. Then he invited me to coffee, I told him I couldn’t make it tonight but maybe tomorrow morning might work and we set up a time at the coffee shop across from my apartment complex. The next morning I got up early and showered the evenings sweat and funk off of me and threw on a “A” shirt, my favorite lucky jock strap, Black basketball shorts, the kind that show off the bulge if you stand just right and a pair of shorty socks (almost wore my Sk8trs “fuck my socks off” pair but decided they weren’t good for going out in public in mixed crowd) and my favorite sneakers. Grabbing a hoody off the couch I jogged over to the coffees shop raising a slight sweat, god I hoped he liked a little boy musk on his men, I entered the shop recognizing him right off the bat, and I dawned on me I never got his name. I got a regular coffee, not wanting to seem pretentious or not thrifty, I realized he had a latte when I went to sit down. I said hi and inquired what his name was, we talked for what seemed like just minutes but soon our beverages were gone, though I don’t remember drinking mine. We had so much in common and we got along so good, finally realizing we were hogging the table he asked if he could drive me home, I asked if he wanted to come in and chat some more. He agreed and when I directed him where to park he just said he’d park in his space, just on the other side of my building, I was so stoked. We never got to chatting some more or at least not then, we were all over each other as we entered my apartment, not even had the door closed before I attacked him and began macking on his face, he or I led the other to the couch and we were soon naked in each other’s arms, damn he smelled so good, I thought I smelled a bit ripe after jogging to the coffee shop but he ate it up bathing my body with his tongue lapping at my pits to get my essence, we must have made out for at least 10 minutes grinding our engorged cocks into each other then I said it “Fuck Me Daddy” I had never been fucked but I knew, just knew this was the man I wanted to be my first. I presented my ass to him and he slowly lubed it up seeming to have problems with my tight hole. “You ever been fucked before” he asked me “no” I replied then he went into overdrive on my hole licking and fingering it making it open up to his advances it felt like I was entering heaven then Hell as he pressed his mushroom capped head into my hole, my ass was on fire but he held it there allowing me to adjust to the invasion, the pain subsided and he pushed in a little more my hole was beginning to open up for him, then wave after wave of pleasure began to engulf me my ass was pulsating around his hot cock as it worked in and out of my hole, it was the same feeling I got went I stroked my cock past blasting my whole body shuddered my ass was cumming, but my cock wasn’t, the pressure building in my nuts was intense, I wanted to cum but I wanted it to last forever then I felt his cock swell and he asked where I wanted his cum “give me your Toxic load Daddy, Give me your POZ seed” he froze then pumped harder I could feel his cock pulse at its base as blast after blast flowed up his tool and flooded my insides. After he came down off his orgasm he asked why I assumed he was Poz since we never discussed status. I told him I just assumed and he just grinned at me with this evil grin. Then he surprised me by quickly mounting me sliding my aching cock in his hole, “but I’m a bottom only” “you’re a top today, now just fuck daddy” he rode my cock and for the first time in my short sexual life I thought of myself as versatile as I blasted my load deep in this hunk of a man. Then I realized my fucking him cause another eruption from him coating us with spooge. I took his hand and led him to the bathroom where I turned on the shower and directed him to stand under the warm stream, I washed him off, and then he washed cum from me as well. I handed him a fresh towel and told him I’d have to cut our adventure short as my bus would arrive shortly. He took me in his arms and kissed me, then offered to drive me to school. I got dressed for school as he went out and gathered his clothes which were strewn all over the living room then yelled back to me he’d met me at the car. When I got out to the car he was exiting his apartment in an escaping motion like he was trying not to let something out. He opened the door and I hopped in catching my hair on the head rest “ouch” as it pulled a strand out, we drove for a short distance in silence then he started asking me about the picture of Mom on the Bookshelf, I found it weird and just answered the best I could. He dropped me off at the bus stop on campus then indicated he’d call me. I hoped he would, other than his strange questions about the photo I was getting a positive vibe from him, he was stirring feelings I just couldn’t put my finger on, could I be falling for him and he for me. It was happening all too fast, I didn’t hear from him the rest of that day so I messaged him a thanks for the good time then headed to bed as I had a early day again tomorrow, Thursdays were always busy. When came home for lunch there was a message slid in the doorframe I had an invite to dinner I was exhausted as I got off work but checked my messages and there was the invite again, He was on line at the time so we started exchanging messages and I invited him over again but I was running out of messages so he sent his phone number to text him at. I texted him when I got home, damn I was ripe from a day working both jobs and attending classes, my boy funk was strong, I had stripped down to just my low slung jeans, which with me thinking about him all day were quite moist where my cock head lay, He was at my door almost instantly as I set down my phone and opened the door I pulled him inside, he was in just a tee shirt and loose gym shorts his hard cock tenting the fabric, I damn near ripped his clothes off him as he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down off my hips, we barely made it to the couch before we were sword fighting, he lead me past the couch and into the bedroom throwing me onto Steve’s bed and planting massive kisses all over my body lapping at my skin giving me goose flesh it was just after 9 and as tired as I was he invigorated me we made out and caressed for at least an hour before drifting off to sleep. I woke about 2 and slinked out from under his grasp to take a piss I sniffed my body and pits while letting the stream flow, my ripe boy musk had been replaced by the smell of sex, of Matt’s spittle, of Matt in general I smelled him on me masking my funk. I slid back in bed next to him smelling Steve on his pillow and Matt on me I wiggled my ass next to Matt's hardening cock nestling it between my Twinkie butt cheeks and fell back to sleep content to being the little spoon.
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  42. I can see being envious of the freedom to be the biggest cum pig you can be, that's understandable. Unfortunately, that is the only freedom or glamorous aspect of being Poz in my opinion. After 25 years with this "gift", I would trade places with you in a heartbeat. Taking meds everyday, the countless other ailments, hospitalizations, and continuous monitoring to make sure you're health is not degrading. Then the Psychological drain of dealing with all that. Not that all that will be what you have to go through, but after 25 years there are more reasons not to have it if you ask me. I guess you really need to ask yourself if the freedom to be the cumpig you desire to be is worth all that. If it happens, then deal with it, I wouldn't seek it out.
    1 point
  43. I live in Kingston Ontario, not much to do here , I was in a relationship with a girl for years and Knew it wasn't going anywhere so I broke it off. Every night I was on gay chatlines and websites, at 30 years old I'm not Bad looking at all, and avg shape with a nice cock. I met a few guys through squirt and it was fun, but I started watching porn and Not the typical shit, I was into bb porn and dad son play. Anyways one night I was online and this older guy msg me. He was 56 And was close by, we started talking and he told me he hasn't had sex in a long time. Same with me I said, he asked my name which is Zach and told me his was Josh All of the sudden he came right to the point. Zach. If we Fuck tonight , I want it to be raw , is that ok I froze a second then before I gave my brain a chance to think I said. Yes An hour later we met at a motel. He was chubby but so sexy and in the elevator Josh started Grabbing and kissing me I didn't think twice walking in the room I just striped down naked as did he We spent half hour sucking each others cocks and trimming. He layed me down on the bed and slowly slid his 6" cut cock inside me. I was in pain for a few but it went away. He then asked if it was ok to cum quick so he could go again I told him I never felt cum inside me before so would love more then one load Zach. I'm poz. So you might not want it I was so horny and couldn't think straight I just thrusted my ass back against his cock Untill he filled me with his dirty juice More to come
    1 point
  44. Sunday afternoons always seem to work for me
    1 point
  45. Part 2... I rose early, before my boy got up, and packed a small bag with our bathing suits, our toothbrushes, and not much else, and stuffed it into my briefcase, hoping to make a discreet exit mid-day. I got to work and made sure all of the loose ends were tied up so we could leave when Jack was ready, and head home to pick up my boy. To my surprise, just before noon, my boy walked through my door. He was wearing short tight jeans and a net t-shirt, completely out of place in a buttoned-up business office. “Jack picked me up on his way into the office this morning. I've been, erm, entertaining the stud in the mailroom for a while. Hope we weren't too noisy...” He reached his hand into the cuff of his shorts, and I knew he was fingering his hole, no doubt wet with yet another man's cum. “Ready to go?” So much for a discreet exit... I picked up my briefcase and followed my cumslut boy out of the office. All of the prudish secretaries looked at us both. I was embarrassed but turned on knowing they all knew my dirty little secret now... Jack was waiting by his fancy SUV, still in suit and tie. “Mind if your boy rides in front?” “Front or back, I'm sure he'll be happy to ride anywhere.” I threw my briefcase in the back as my boy climbed in the front. I sat in the back, watching as my boss rested his man-paw in my boy's crotch as he started the care and drove us on our way. I dozed on and off as we made our way out of the city. I awoke an hour later, not surprised to see my boy leaning across the truck and gulping down my boss's cock. I'll never know how Jack managed to keep us on the road. Jack's breathing became more and more shallow and I knew he was close. My boy's head kept bouncing up and down, faster and faster until Jack's hand forced it all the way down onto his cock, grunting and filling my boy's mouth with his seed. “We're off to a good start,” he chuckled as my boy sat back up, licking the slime off his face. A short while later, we arrived at Jack's sprawling oceanfront house. Chet and Sam must have already arrived as there were two tiny sports cars in the driveway. We parked the truck as Jack's buddies both came outside to meet us, both wearing slim tight square-cut bathing suits that left little to the imagination. Chet and Sam were both Jack's age, late 40s or early 50s, and both in peak condition. Chet was shorter that Sam, and in great shape. He looked slightly asian, tan with dark hair and brown eyes. Sam was taller and beefier with a wide brown mustache. He could have been the Marlboro man. I couldn't help but notice that both had red plus signs tattooed beneath their navels. I sprung wood realizing that they both must be POZ. “Nice tatts,” I remarked. My boy was so high on lust that he couldn't even speak. “So what have you brought us this time,” Chet asked as he drunk my boy's body in with his eyes. Sam liked what he saw, licked his lips, and started pulling my boy's t-shirt over his head. Jack smiled, and introduced us to each other and led us inside. As soon as the door was closed, the guys were all over my boy, and I sprung a hard-on simply watching. It was almost as if I was invisible. Chet and Jack pulled my boys shorts down. There in the foyer, Chet swallowed my boy's cock as Sam started tonguing and fingering his hole. “Are you still neg?” Sam asked as he stood up and aimed his cock at my boy's quivering pucker. “Not if you can help it.” Chet led my boy over to the wall and helped his buddy line up his cock, ready to fuck my boy. Jack put his paws on my shoulders and slid up behind me. “You okay with this, man?” At that point, what could I say? I knew what we were getting ourselves into before getting in the car. I nodded. I could feel my mouth going dry as I watch Sam spit on his cock and slide it forcefully into my boy's bare hole. I shared my boy's hole with friends before, some bare, and I'm sure some of them were POZ. I thought that the blond hunk in the truck last night was POZ from the way he described his HOT load, but didn't know if my boy knew that when he was breeding him. Until now, I'd never witnessed him knowingly taking POZ cock. And he was loving it, bucking around. I saw Jack pull off his shirt and saw for the first time that he had a tattoo too. His was a red minus. He saw me looking. “We all had these done in college together. Chet and Sam have had theirs... altered, shall we say, since then...” He grabbed my hand and led it tracing down his pecs and abs and over below his navel, circling it around his tattoo and then down to his cock. I jerked him a bit before lowering myself to my knees and swallowing his manhood, a cock that had seeded my boy's hole the night before. I've always been proud of my oral abilities and swallowed Jack down without a gag. “Ummm. Nice. You're almost as talented as your boy here. Sure am glad you're here.” Jack ran his fingers through my hair before lifting me up. “That's nice, but you're missing the show. You gotta watch this.” He turned me around to see Sam hammering his cock away at my boy's bare hole. He pulled away and Chet took his place, slamming in deeply and driving away. Chet fucked my boy as Sam and Jack jerked each other. Chet was leaning forward, kissing my boy's ear and neck as my boy did all he could to keep upright against the wall. “Deeper. I need it deeper. I need your POZ cock DEEPER!” Chet pulled out and took my boy's hand, leading him into the living room. Chet waved his hand over the sofa. It was nice white leather, conveniently already covered with a beach towel. “We're prepared. Wouldn't want to stain the upholstery. Sit down guys. We're going to play PASS THE CUMSLUT.” The sofa easily fit Chet, Sam, Jack, and me, our thighs pressing against each other. My boy climbed onto Chet's lap and sat right down on his cock. He bounced up and down a few times before pulling off and sitting on Sam's dick. My boy's cock was boucing all over, drooling clear sap. Jack leaned over and took his cock in his mouth, sucking all of his sweet juices into his mouth and then spitting it onto his fingers and then working them up his own ass. My boy pulled up off of Sam and sat right down on Jack's cock. Jack had his hands all over my boy's tight body and then his bouncing cock. As my boy fucked up and down, his dick was fucking Jack's hand, bringing him close to orgasm. “Fuck yeah, boy, give me that load!” My boy came in spurts all over his chest and Jack's hand. My boy pulled off and Jack spun him around and licked up what might be one of my boy's last NEG loads. Jack fingering my boy's load into his own hole as he watched the sex happening around him. My boy moved down the line, and finally showed me some attention. Facing me, he rode my cock for a minute or so, before whispering in my ear. “Sorry, but I need their loads. They've got something you can't give me... yet...” My boy kissed me hard as he pulled up and went back to the front of the line, sitting on Chet's lap again. Jack continued to jerk off, working his ass with his cummy fingers. Chet was close, and it was only a few thrusts before he was shooting his toxic load into my boy's ass. Dutifully, my boy pulled off and cleaned off Chet's dick, licking and slobbering all over his crotch, tracing the red plus sign with one hand as he fingered his puffy used hole with the other. He then moved onto Sam, facing him as he mounted his monster cock. Sam lasted longer than Chet had before adding his own dirty load to my boy's hole. Like Chet, my boy cleaned and worshipped his POZ cock, paying special attention to his tattoo before climbing onto Jack's dick. “Help a boy out,” Jack grunted at me. I stood up not knowing how to help. “He's already too loose for me. Fuck him with me!” I squatted between Jack's thighs and aimed my drooling dick at my boy's hole. I clumsily worked my dick inside next to Jack's. I could feel the guy's POZ cumloads dripping down my cock and onto my balls. The thought of my boy willingly taking all of that toxic cum sent shockwaves through my body, and I came alongside Jack's cock. The added lube sent Jack over the edge as well and he sent a bucketload of spooge deep inside my boy's hole. Four loads in my boy, half of them POZ, and it wasn't even dinner time. We cleaned up, saw the rest of the house, and headed upstairs for a brief nap. When I woke up, the clock read 6:00. The mattress beside me was cold and my boy was gone. I stumbled downstairs and out onto the deck, appreciating the ocean view before hearing grunting and splashing. I found everyone in the hot tub, my boy's ass full of Chet's POZ cock and his mouth full of Sam's. I knew it was going to be a long night. To be continued...
    1 point
  46. Real nice. I hate pull outs in videos, but that's all you get most of the time , even on TIM vids.... at least some of the tops get their cocks back in fast, like Lito Cruz, but it's a shame to waste any poz DNA
    1 point
  47. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=6J6sQ-G454-
    1 point
  48. Paying to Poz the Boyfriend Pt. 2 Tommy thought for a moment and then said, "are you crazy? i'm not gonna pay you $200 again to see if my bf will fuck you." "No worries," Alex replied, "I can make more money fucking a trick than trying to persuade your bf to take my cock anyways." Tommy still couldn't let go of the idea of having his bf get fucked by a poz dude, though, and reconsidered, "do you really think he'd go for it this time?" "I'm 90 percent sure he'd be a cum whore for my cock next time he sees me," Alex answered trying not to reveal that he had secretly fucked him on their first meeting. "If he doesn't go for it, I'll go ahead and fuck you so at least you get something for your money." "Um yeah .. that's not gonna happen. No offense or anything, but you're poz, and I won't hookup with poz guys," Tommy said. "Oh, it's cool. You prolly couldn't handle my cock drilling your ass anyways. Don't worry about it. It's all good," Alex replied, knowing that he was planting the seed of an idea into Tommy's head. "Besides, I don't usually bottom," Tommy added. "Not yet," Alex said winking, and revealing his irresistible charming grin. "By the way, I may be poz, but I'm undetectable, the odds of you catching hiv are almost impossible if I were to fuck you," Alex elaborated, knowing he was only telling half-truths. Tommy didn't expect this offer. And he tried to focus on his goal: getting his suspected cheating boyfriend fucked by a poz dude. "Well, just tell me how it goes. I'll give you the money. Go see him tonight, and then call me tomorrow and tell me if he takes the bait this time." "Okay," Alex agreed. Tommy didn't get a phone call for nearly two weeks. And, during this time, Alex fucked Eric close to 20 times, in every position imaginable. Eric even begged Alex to piss on him AND in him. Eric never asked about Alex's status; and was beyond excited every time Alex would see him. Tommy finally got a phone call. "We need to talk," Alex explained. "Can I come over?" Tommy answered, "dude, it's been two weeks. what the fuck?! i thought you stole my money." Alex replied, "I'll explain when I see you." Tommy had reluctantly agreed to let Alex visit. Upon arriving, Alex explained that he was in jail for solicitation of prostitution after trying to pick up a client. Tommy seemed oddly relieved and bought the entire story. Alex went on to explain that he saw Eric again, but that he wasn't able to persuade Eric again this time. Tommy seemed distressed. "Fuck man, I'm sure he's cheating on me. We haven't had sex in like two weeks; and he's always tired, and doesn't let me touch him or anything anymore." Alex tried not show any emotion, and instead made his offer, "Well, like I said, if Eric didn't go for it, I'd fuck you." Tommy had nearly forgotten that offer. Perhaps he should hook up with Alex, he reasoned, he wasn't getting any anyways now from his boyfriend and was so horny. He also recalled Alex's insistence he was not likely to catch anything. Moments later ... Tommy was on his back; and Alex held a leg in each hand while he piston fucked Tommy. Tommy moaned louder than anything Alex had ever heard. "Oh yeah, you like getting fucked raw, don't you?" Alex asked. "Unh .. Unhnn .." was all Tommy could say as his ass gladly accepted the cock that was punishing his hole. "I only wish your cock was as thick as Eric's. I love his thickness. But I still enjoy fucking your ass," Alex said as he continued his work. Tommy became lucid for a moment as he processed what was said, "wait, " he grunted in between thrusts, " how do you know about Eric's .. mmm .. fuck .... mmm .. Eric's cock?!" he could barely ask the sentence as he enjoyed the brutal fuck he was taking. Alex didn't answer directly, "And I love the way Eric's eyes rolled up into the back of his head as he gets fucked. He loves to take a cock." Tommy found himself confused, upset and very aroused at the same time. Alex picked up his pace and drilled Tommy even faster. "Uhh .. ughh.. " Tommy tried to reply, " fuck .. you mean you fucked Eric?! " Tommy smiled and slowed down his pace, sliding his cock nearly all the way out, and then back in again, "yeah, just like I'm fucking you. Well, almost. Eric loves ass to mouth. So, I'd alternate fucking his face, and then fucking his hole." "oh my god," Tommy said in both disbelief and intense arousal. Alex picked up his pace again. Tommy felt his climax building. All he could picture was Eric on his back getting fucked by Alex; and the jealousy accentuated the intense arousal he was already feeling. "I'm going to cum!" Tommy announced as he stroked his small and thin cock. "Me too!" Alex answered. "Take the cock that fucked your boyfriend. Take the cum that I put in your boyfriend's ass!!!" Alex shot his load deep inside Tommy as Tommy jetted out little drops of cum onto his belly. Tommy was slowly trying to catch his breath. Alex quickly dressed while Tommy was coming to his senses. "So.. why didn't you tell me. Hey, hang on a minute, I need to talk to you." Tommy urged as he saw Alex collect his things. "Sorry, I'm done working now. Gotta go see favorite little cum slut now. I'll tell Eric you say hi," Alex said as he made his exit.
    1 point
  49. It took me a LONG time to get comfortable with barebacking. The first time I tried it, the top had to pretty much beg me (still remember what he said: "I want to help you experience something new," as if he cared, ha!). Eventually I let him go in bare, and it felt AWESOME, but he had agreed to pull out to cum (and he did, although he was obviously hoping I would change my mind, and I almost did). Pretty much from that point I bb'd regularly, although I would freak out most of the time afterwards and then not fuck for a couple of months. And I almost always asked the top to pull out and nutt in my mouth (big-time ATM fetish here, so that wasn't all bad). Every once in a while a top would refuse, or I wouldn't say anything, hoping but not hoping that he wouldn't pull out. But from the first time I tried it I pretty much stopped fucking safe. I'd either fuck raw, or not at all. It took me until my next boyfriend to start taking loads regularly. He and I split up, but by that point I was addicted to taking loads. So for me, it's less about wishing I had started barebacking earlier, and more about wishing I had started taking loads earlier. Much earlier. Now I understand that my place is to serve the top, which includes providing a warm place for him to unload.
    1 point
  50. Tonight I traveled to the tops' apartments - Got fucked by 5 guys in about 3 hours and got 4 loads... By the last two fucks there was a puddle of cum under where we fucked I had so much in my ass...
    1 point
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