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  1. Sorry it took so long...I had trouble figuring out where to go. Enjoy! ____________________________ Chapter 21) “Your parents are so great,” Aaron told me as he finished a slice of pepperoni pizza. We were gathered in the living room around the battered coffee table in front of the worn couch; I was on the floor with Mike to my left and Carlos to my right; Ike, Aaron and Aiden were on the couch. The rest of the frat was scattered around the house, but everyone was chowing down on pizza and salad wherever they were. “Mom is big on making sure everyone is well fed. Just be thankful it’s the end of a holiday weekend,” I said after I’d swallowed a mouthful of Caesar salad. “Why?” Ike asked. “Because I wouldn’t put it past her to have ordered enough steamed tofu and bok choy with brown rice for the house. She’s big on healthy eating, but loosens up a little on holidays.” “This explains the five whole-wheat crust veggie pizzas,” Aiden remarked. “Yep,” I said, packing the single syllable with enough resignation to earn a few snickers. “I’ll have them for lunch and dinner for the next couple days.” “If there’s any left,” Ike said. “I wouldn’t bet on that,” Carlos said. “It’s like a bunch of fucking locusts in there,” he added, nodding at the dining room where the majority of our frat brothers were still congregated. “Carlos, I just remembered, my dad told me you ID’ed the guys on the security disc,” I said. “Oh, yeah,” he answered. I let a minute of silence elapse. “Well?” I prompted. Why did I have the feeling he didn’t want to talk about it? “Don’t worry baby, we got it covered,” Carlos said. Looked like my feeling was more than just an emotional state. “Don’t give me that,” I said. “What?” Carlos said, the picture of wounded innocence. “The ‘don’t bother your pretty little head’ rap,” I snapped. “Darren needs to know,” Ike said emphatically. Carlos sighed heavily. “Was it anyone I might have met?” I asked sarcastically. “Yeah,” Carlos said. “Vest, Aston and Barnes were there along with a couple of their other buddies.” “Who?” “The three assholes who cornered you before Rod was on the job,” Aiden said. “I thought you’d already, uh, talked to them,” I said, employing a euphemism for Mike, Aiden and Carlos telling the three guys he’d named – all members of the football team – to stay the fuck away from me. Or else. “It didn’t take, but we’ll say it again. A little more loudly this time,” Mike said with unmistakable menace. “Loudly?” I echoed. “You don’t want to know, Darren,” Ike said. “This way if word gets back to our lawyer, you won’t know anything.” I decided I’d better resign myself to their doing whatever they were going to do. “Fine. Whatever. I’m going to go unpack,” I said as I got to my feet. “Weren’t you going to do that about an hour ago?” Aaron inquired with an impossibly innocent smile. “Yeah, I was. But I decided I’d rather fuck with Mike,” I said with the sweetest smile I could muster. Silence. “What, no snappy comeback for the truth?” “Why don’t I help you, sweetheart?” Mike said. “I’ll bet that suitcase is still packed tomorrow morning,” Ike said, and everyone laughed. I ignored them. Hours later, Mike and I were in bed, just having finished fucking for the third time that day. We were spooned together; Mike’s left arm was draped over my torso. “You still haven’t unpacked,” Mike said. “I know,” I sighed, and snuggled closer to him. We were quiet for a moment. “The nights were the worst,” I said, twining my fingers with his; he murmured his assent. “I had awful dreams.” “Me, too.” “Really?” I said twisting around to face him. “Yeah. That’s why I was in such a lousy mood when we spoke, I was totally exhausted.” “What did you dream?” I asked him. He stroked my cheek, and said “That you were in trouble but I couldn’t get to you. What about you?” “Mine were all about hostile crowds coming after me, and I had no place to hide.” “So I was right,” he said, holding me close. “I’m sorry…” “Please, don’t apologize again. I said I understood and I do.” We were quiet for a minute. “I really should unpack,” I said, reluctantly disengaging and hauling myself upright, “or I’ll never hear the end of it. And then it’s time for bed.” I busied myself stowing clothing, took my shower caddy with all my toiletries to the bathroom and did my pre-bedtime ablutions, then Mike took his turn. Once we were in bed with the lights out, cuddled together, I finally asked the question that had been nagging me: “How are we going to get through Winter break and intersession?” He kissed my shoulder. “I don’t know, sweetheart,” he answered. “I leave as soon as my finals are over, and then I get back a couple days before classes start. When are you scheduled to go? Maybe we could change our reservations and spend New Year’s…” “Uh, honey, I don’t visit home for Winter break,” Mike interrupted gently. “What?” It was dark, so he couldn’t see my face but I’m sure he heard my confusion loud and clear. “My family doesn’t celebrate Christmas.” I sat up and turned on the bedside lamp at its dimmest setting. “I thought your family was seriously religious. You said born again Christian on both sides, right?” “Yeah, well, we don’t celebrate Christmas because there’s nothing in the Bible that says Jesus was born in December. It’s pretty clear it was originally a pagan holiday that the early Catholic Church took over.” “So what are you doing for the holiday?” I asked. He shrugged. “Same as every year. I’ll stay here, rest, workout, read…” “But you can’t stay in the frat house by yourself this year, it’s not safe. Not to mention it’s terrible that your parents let you spend the holidays alone,” I interrupted. “I’m used to it,” he said dismissively. “My mom and dad go out of their way to act like it’s nothing special, so they don’t want to buy an airline ticket or even let me buy my own.” “Have they always been like this?” I asked, thinking of what it must have been like for him when he was a little boy. It made my heart ache to think of him watching as the rest of the world celebrated; ads for toys and gifts would have been everywhere. “As long as I can remember,” Mike said. I was furious with his family, even though I’d never met them and likely wouldn’t. My family didn’t celebrate Christmas, but it was unthinkable that Mom and Dad would ignore a school holiday and tell me to stay here. And that’s when I made the decision. “Then it’s simple: you’re coming to New York with me,” I stated flatly, rather than extending an invitation. “Issuing an order” would be the most accurate description. “I can’t stand the idea of you here on your own while everyone else is with friends and family.” “But…” Mike began. “Don’t worry, we don’t celebrate Christmas either. You can join us for our traditional Jewish Christmas Eve feast of Chinese food.” He gulped. “I don’t think I can afford a ticket.” “Then I’ll take care of it,” I answered, which meant Mom and Dad would. “I can’t ask your parents to pay for me to travel to New York,” he translated accurately. “You won’t have to ask them, I will. It won’t be a problem.” He opened his mouth, and I said, “Quit arguing with me. You know you’re not going to win.” He pursed his lips and gave me an exasperated look. “Just say, ‘Thanks Darr, honey. It sounds like fun.’” He heaved a sigh. “Okay I give up. Otherwise I’m not going to have a minute’s peace for the rest of the year.” “Substitute ‘my life’ in place of ‘the year’,” I fired back. “Actually, I’ll hound you in death, too.” Mike started laughing. “You would,” he said, then quickly sobered. “Thanks, sweetheart. It does sound like fun,” he said with a reluctant grin. I smiled, hoping it didn’t read as smug in victory. But I couldn’t hide that I was elated we’d be together for the holidays. “Thank you Michaelicious.” ————————— Later that week I got a call from Uncle Jeffy; I was in my room finishing up research for one of my final papers (thank heaven for a good internet connection), but I answered immediately. “Darren, how are you?” he asked. “I’m fine, semester’s winding up. How are you?” We had to go through the banalities of courtesy prior to his delivering whatever news he had. “I’m very good. There’ve been more…developments, I’ll call them, in the case. I hired an investigator to do deep research on the five guys that Carlos identified and came up with some very interesting information.” “Really?” “Yes. It seems that Sergeant Martin Hitt, who was on duty that night, is the maternal uncle of one of the attackers,” I heard papers rustle as he looked for the information “Jim Barnes.” “What?” I said, horrified. “I can’t even trust the cops in this town?” “In addition my investigator was able to trace the movements of our five young men and the police sergeant that night, and she found out that immediately after their attack on the house, they went out drinking with Mr. Zetcher. In interviews the bar keeper and wait staff were able to help construct a fairly persuasive case that Sergeant Hitt and Mr. Zetcher were completely aware of their plans.” “So now what? Are we going to have to hire a private police force?” I demanded. “No, Darren, not at all. I’ll be there to conduct depositions next week. I’ve notified opposing counsel, and have faxed and FEDEXed a letter to the state attorney general with a copy to the state senator and representative demanding a special prosecutor and protection for you from state police, since it looks like the local authorities are part of the problem. I’ve also notified the FBI.” He sounded pleased, very much in control of the situation. “This case is going to blow wide open,” Uncle Jeffy continued, “and I’ve got these bastards by the short hairs. Your mother will be writing a piece for her column and her blog, plus she’s contacted an acquaintance who is a producer of 60 Minutes. The university and the defendants will beg to settle and I will make them pay. But you must be on guard, Darr, and that means being security-conscious. The alarm on the house has to be set every night without fail, and I’ve spoken to Carlos about creating a back-up video system in case someone tries to disable the cameras. The security company has been instructed to alert the state police along with the local police department if there are any other incidents.” “Okay,” I said. “I promise to be extra careful.” “Good, but Rod is going to meet with the entire fraternity to impress on them the importance of saying nothing at all about your schedule or theirs, and especially about Winter break plans. It seems our hooligans had a good idea you’d be alone in the house when they hit, and had figured that out from casual conversations about the Thanksgiving holiday. You’ll have to take some roundabout routes and vary how you get to and from your classes every day so no one can peg you to a routine…” “Isn’t that a little over the top?” I interrupted. “Darren Matthew Leibowitz, do I have to remind you that you were nearly strangled to death only a few months ago? We need to take every precaution as long as you’re still a student at the University. So from now on you’ll have two bodyguards with you whenever you’re out on campus.” I sighed. Wonderful. Maybe they’ll want to fuck me, too? I thought sourly. Moving back to New York looked pretty good right now. But I wouldn’t – couldn't – leave Mike. Oy. ————————— “Okay…are you ready for this?” I called to the assembled members of the frat, and signaled to Carlos to start the track, which started with sirens and a repeated shout of “oh shit.” I rapped, like Fergie, having drafted Aiden and Aaron (impassive in sun glasses) as back up: It’s me Darren The PIMP Aiden, Aaron! (Hey, Darren) (What’s up baby?!?) Come on When I come to the clubs, step aside (Oh, shit) Part the seas, don’t be having me on line (Oh, shit) V.I.P ‘cause you know I gotta shine (Oh, shit) I’m Darren Dare And me love you long time (Oh shit) This was the opening of the Alpha Iota Delta Sigma holiday party the Friday night before finals week. First was a meeting to update everyone on developments in the civil and criminal cases; since everyone was in one place, it was the perfect time to have a party. This time the whole thing had to be completely under wraps, no one but current frat members. If opposing counsel heard anything they’d make the most of it – after leaking it to the media – and use it to bolster the idea that I was an out of control cum slut. Of course that was true, but it was nobody’s business but mine. I’d tried to get someone else interested in doing an ice-breaker, but everyone I asked moaned that finals week was in two days, and who had time to think about putting together anything. I went with Fergie’s London Bridge and changed a few words: for one thing, I was “Darren Dare,” not “Fergie-Ferg.” When we hit “Every time I climb up on a dude/paparazzi put my business in the news” everyone responded with hoots and laughter. For the…choreography was a little too grand, steps was more like it, Aiden Aaron and I did the “London Bridge is falling down” game that kids play, with me skipping between them, stopping when their arms came down on either side of me. There was a buffet of party food, my holiday gift to the frat (chips, salsa, pizza, chicken wings and assorted cookies) that was, unbelievably, being ignored. Everyone was moving to the music; Mike was standing up front. Like the official video, I pushed up against him, grinding my hips into his crotch, licking the front of his shirt, and grazing his lips with mine. Unlike the video, he wasn’t dressed as a sentry to the British royal family and sure didn’t stand there impassively. I faltered on the last verse of the rap, and gave up all together once we started kissing. Fortunately, the playlist that Carlos had assembled segued directly to the original version. The room took on the feel of a sex-fueled rave, a latter-day bacchanal. All around us, guys were stripping off their clothes; Mike and I stripped in record time. His hands were everywhere on my body: long strokes on my torso and down my back, fondling my butt, teasing my ass crack with his fingers. I was panting, rubbing against him, my dick hard and drooling. I pulled his head down and whisper/shouted in his ear “Breed me now.” “Drink this,” he said, handing me a glass of what looked like lemonade, but had a salty taste. Ah – “Communion libation.” I didn’t know what was in it, but I suspected there was a dose of “G” carefully calibrated to make me relax without putting me totally under. He pushed me onto one of the arm chairs, spread with the black silk sheet that I’d been covered with for my initiation, now serving its rightful purpose as a fuck sheet. My ass was towards him; I could feel his lips on the back of my neck and shoulders. Next, I felt him slipping a cum cube inside of me, the cold both a shock and a turn on, and then he was rubbing his engorged shaft against my butthole. “Fuck me,” I shouted, now frustrated. I wanted his dick inside me, massaging the cum out of my prostate and wanted to feel him shooting inside of me, flooding my ass with his hot, toxic load. We hadn’t had sex in a couple days, partly to save up for tonight, partly because we were both overwhelmed with preparing for finals and finishing off classes for the semester. So impatient,” he said into my ear as he pushed his hard dick into my asshole. He entered slowly, agonizingly so. I tried to push back, to hurry him up, but he grabbed my hips and held them in place. “We’re going to take this at my speed for a change,” he said. I groaned in frustration, and started to reach back between us to stroke Mike’s balls, but the position I was in made it hard. Then Carlos joined us, and after scoping out the situation offered, “I’ll hold his hands in place, man. You concentrate on fucking him.” “This isn’t fair,” I said, starting to laugh even though I was frustrated and horny. “You’re such a greedy little pig, you never let any of us fuck you nice and deep and slow,” Mike whispered in my ear. “It’ll make cumming twice as intense.” “If I don’t die of old age first,” I snapped. “Damn it, fuck me harder.” “Not yet, Darr. I want you to feel every inch of my raw dick slip inside of you,” he said pushing forward a fraction more. Mike kissed and licked my ears and the back of my neck as he gradually, torturously entered me. It was…well, awesome, but he was going to drive me crazy. I tried a different tack: begging. “Please, Mike, please,” I pleaded as I tried to twist my hips out of his hard grasp. “I need it.” I kept whining out variations of the same thing, but it didn’t have any effect. After a minute of that, Carlos shut me up with an intense, open-mouthed kiss. Now even more sensation crowded in on me: Carlos’ warm lips and thrusting tongue combined with the slow, steady building of pressure as Mike advanced his dick a nanometer at a time. Finally, after what felt like hours but was only minutes, I felt Mike’s pubic hair press against my butt. He pulled back a bit faster but still too slowly as far as I was concerned, and then gently pressed forward. I moaned into Carlos’ mouth as Mike fell into a measured tempo, fast enough that my prostate was getting a thorough massage, but not hard enough to put me over the edge. It was maddening and incredible. I was experiencing the benefits of going slowly, but my body was crying out for release, my dick twitching. Mike whispered into my ear, “Your ass is so sweet. Love fucking all that poz cum into your butt.” His thrusts sped up a little, but he eased off and started long-dicking me to prolong the exquisite torture he was putting me through, slowing to probe my prostate with his dickhead. After a few minutes of that, he couldn’t hold back and his thrusts started to gain speed and force, and I could feel my own release starting to build. “Harder,” I managed to gasp between kisses with Carlos. “This is what you want, honey, isn’t it?” Mike panted into my ear. “Being fucked good and hard by a man’s cock inside that tight little hole of yours. Push your ass out, open up and take my dick and all my….CUM!” he finished, roaring out the last word as his hips went into over drive. He froze in place, and could feel his cocking flexing inside of me right on top of my prostate. That was it for me, and I joined him in a super-intense orgasm that I could feel from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. It left me gasping and limp; Mike’s arms were wrapped around me and I became aware that he was kissing the back of my neck and shoulders. How long had that had been going on? “My turn,” said Carlos, and he walked around to the other side of the chair and turned me to face him. I was as limp as spaghetti when he wrapped the sheet around me, lifted me and carried me to the sofa. Carlos set me down between Ike’s legs, who arranged the sheet underneath my hips, then wrapped his muscular arms around me to hold me in place. Carlos took my legs over his shoulders and began to enter me, pushing in slowly and steadily. It was a continuation of the erotic torture that Mike had begun: every nerve ending felt super-sensitive in the wake of the release I’d just experienced, and Carlos’ dick was stretching me to the max. But I was completely limp as Carlos began thrusting in and out. “Oh, man, Mike got you all ready for me. Your ass is so slick I don’t need lube, and you’re so relaxed my dick slipped inside really easy.” “Maybe easy on your end,” I murmured. “I swear I can feel your cock in the back of my throat.” “That’s how it’s supposed to feel, buen chico, when I put my big, fat pinga up inside you…you like that, baby?” I moaned inarticulately in response. “We’re all gonna fuck you” Ike said, “end the semester the way we started it – with a gang-bang of your hot hole. Only this time everyone will dick you – 21 charged loads, plus the cum cube.” It was then I noticed that everyone was standing in a circle around the sofa, all naked, sporting dicks of varying levels of size and arousal. I felt a flash of lust at the thought that all of them were just waiting to fuck me, one after the other. My breathing quickened, and my not-so-inner cum slut was ready and raring to go. “I want it,” I groaned. “Every last drop from all of you.” Carlos began to fuck me harder, as if the idea of the gang bang was too exciting for him to hold back. Then he groaned and held himself in place, buried in me. “Did you come?” I asked. “Almost,” he panted. “Hard to resist…but this is good for you baby. You think too much about the destination…you gotta learn to enjoy the trip.” “Couldn’t we do that on the way to the Italian restaurant instead?” I said plaintively, making everyone in hearing distance laugh, then spread it on to those who missed it creating successive waves of laughter. “Just lie back, let me take care of you,” Carlos leaned forward and whispered, kissing me and brushing my hair back where it had fallen over my eyes. Then he sat up and began the slow, torturous build again, only to stop short once more…and again. Each time I leaked more precum, and was all but desperate for release when finally Carlos began really banging hard against me. I could feel he’d reached the point of no stopping, no return. “Here it comes, baby, a big load of toxic Latin leche, gonna knock you up good,” he said as he ruthlessly hammered my butt. Ike was kissing my neck and playing with my nipples as Carlos went into overdrive, fucking another load out of me that spattered over my chest. “Muchos caliente, baby,” he moaned while he kept pumping in and out to prolong the orgasm, finally covering my mouth with his before pulling out. “I’m next,” said Ike. “The bitch is in heat, no one needs to hold him in place,” he announced as he spread me and pushed himself inside. Next, he pulled my legs over his shoulders so he was totally buried in my ass and slowly moved in and out. “Take that big, black raw cock in your white butt. You like having a big black stallion fill you with charged cum?” “Yes,” I panted. “Do it, fuck me.” “Like this?” Ike said, and started long-dicking me, ramming against me as hard as he could. It hurt a little, but was a huge turn on: a big, muscular black guy taking control, using my ass however he wanted. “Breed me, fill me up now!” “Man, haven’t you learned the benefits of going slow yet?” he asked as he changed over to soft, slow strokes. My back arched; I swore I could feel my eyes rolling back in my head; perspiration beaded all over my body. I couldn’t move even though I badly want to. I had no will, no choice but to go at the pace whoever was fucking me set. It was wonderful. And terrible. The rest of the night seemed to melt away as the drink Mike had given me did its work. I was aware of every touch and caress, but the guys kind of melted one into another, as did my orgasms. The one standout was the acolyte who was nominally with McCloskey. He was a smooth, petite little Puerto Rican boy, Noel who I’d fucked once. The surprise was that for all his diminutive stature he not only had a luscious ass but was hung. Huge. “I never fucked anybody before this,” he said apologetically as he carefully slid inside me. I sighed as I felt his cock head opening me up. “You’re doing fine,” I murmured hoarsely. “Just think of everything you like a top to do when he fucks you…” I trailed off. With that advice, Noel pulled my legs over his shoulders and sheathed himself completely inside my ass. “Take it, cunt,” he snarled. “Take that Rican dick.” Ah…Noel liked to be called names and given orders I thought dreamily. “It’s all yours,” I breathed. “Take it, use me…I love getting fucked.” I was able to get my arm under and between us to stroke his balls and ass. Due to his inexperience, he couldn’t hold back, and in short order he was pounding against me, gave a sharp cry in Spanish as he released his load inside of me. Everyone in the room literally cheered as they watched him shoot his first load inside an ass; he was breathing as heavily as if he’d just finished a decathlon. “That was really hot,” he said. “We’ll have to do it again sometime.” “How about right now, since you came so quickly?” I said, and squeezed his half-hard dick with my sphincter. “Oh, yeah, baby,” Noel said. “Keep doing that and I’ll come again in about 30 seconds.” I massaged his dick with my ass, and – the miracle of youthful sex drive – he was fucking me again and shot another load inside me. “Okay, move your sweet ass,” Ruhiu said. “My turn.” By the time everyone had finished fucking me it was closing in on midnight, and everyone descended on the buffet. “Can I get something to eat?” I asked Mike sleepily. “I've got plenty of dick,” he teased. “Seriously – I’m hungry after all that,” I complained. “I got you a plate,” Aiden said, handing me a dish piled with chips and salsa, a slice of pizza, chicken wings and a couple of chocolate chip cookies, along with a large glass of sparkling water with ice. “Sorry, no wine for you – not safe after that dose of G,” said Aiden, proving my suspicions to be correct. “It’s perfect,” I said as I gulped half of it down and then went to work on the food. Mike got his own plate and sat next to me; we took turns feeding each other. “Another great party. You’re the perfect Social Director,” Mike said. “Speaking of which,” I said as I attempted to stand, “I’d better organize the clean-up.” “No, no, sweetheart. Aaron is coordinating that. You’ve done enough for one night.” I settled against him and closed my eyes, relieved that I didn’t have to try to move or even think. “Time for bed, honey,” Mike said. “I don’t think I can manage the stairs,” I murmured sleepily. “No worries,” he said. Setting our plates aside, he lifted me and carried me upstairs to our room. I insisted on flossing and brushing after the late-night snack, and then was ready to go to bed; we got in and snuggled together. “It was really hot watching you get banged by all those guys,” he whispered. I could feel his dick hardening against me. “Pervert,” I said teasingly. “100%...you bring it out,” he said, and kissed my lips, then my chin, my neck, my shoulders. Even though I was half asleep, I felt my own desire began to build and grow. I rolled over on my back and Mike parted my legs with his knee in one smooth motion. Then he was lifting my hips, my right leg around his waist, my left leg over his shoulder. That made it easy for me to reach around and caress his sensitive ball sack as he pushed inside me and began to pump in and out of my ass again. “Not too fast,” I said in a low seductive voice. “You’ve won me over…” He smiled down and proceeded to give me the ride of my life up to that point. After about the fifth or sixth guy – I’d lost count – I stopped cumming, exhausted but happy. But Mike knew just the right angle, the right pressure, the right speed to not only get me excited but to bring me off every time. What else were boyfriends for? Besides, I’d kept one little thing a secret from everyone that had made me extra horny for their spunk. I’d come to a decision on my own: I hadn’t taken a dose of Truvada in a week. So this time the breeding would take.
    6 points
  2. Author's note: Sincere apologies for the long delay. Dealing with some writers block and a few very busy months at work. The story has also become a little longer than expected (oops) but I do have the next chapter almost done so that should be posted in a day or two (and the final chapter is an epilogue of sorts to wrap up loose ends and, hopefully, won't take too long either). If you read and enjoy this or my other stories, thank you for your patience. :-) Part 3: Changed Circumstances Calvin slumped low in his seat, his eyes drooping. He was not having a good day. He wanted to listen — he really did — and he knew he should be able to. But the professor was rambling on about… well, something. Calvin wasn’t even sure what the hell the old guy was talking about. He just felt trapped in this stuffy old classroom. He had arrived over fifteen minutes late to class… and he was lucky he had made it all all. He had taken a bus to campus but ended up going two miles in the wrong direction before he realised something was wrong. When had bus schedules gotten so complicated? He kept thinking about the things that Seb had said. But that wasn’t real. It couldn’t be… you can’t suck someone’s brains out through their dick. He was smart! He had always been the smartest kid in the room. Always. So why did he feel like his brain was so fucking slow? There was, of course, just one topic he couldn’t stop thinking about. Thoughts of sex - of cocks and asses, of armpits and feet, of cum and piss — were always on his mind. At home, or walking down the street, or even here in class. He could barely look at a guy without imagining the scent of his sweaty ballsack, the taste of his cum, or how good it would feel to get the stranger’s cock in his ass. He was getting hard just thinking about it. He hadn’t fucked around with anyone since Tommy a couple days ago… but he had watched a lot of porn over the weekend. Once he had remembered his laptop password anyway. That had taken awhile. He had watched porn before, of course, but never gay porn. And now he had all sort of things he wanted to try — ideas gleaned from the videos, “Mr. Watts? Earth to Mr. Watts?” “Huh?” Calvin looked up realising someone was calling his name. Fuck! The professor stood at the aisle a few feet from his seat. “Am I boring you, Mr. Watts?” Calvin felt sweat begin to bead on his forehead. “Um… no?” That seemed like the safest answer. “Really? So tell me then, what type of response is the limbic system associated with?” “Lem-bick?” The word sounded familiar but Calvin wasn’t sure what it was. Why couldn’t this guy just talk english? “Come on now, its a simple question. Or have you somehow shuffled into the wrong classroom? Arriving late, I might add.” The other students all laughed and Calvin’s face felt red. They all thought he was an idiot. No. No. No. This couldn’t be happening. He was smarter than them… … He was supposed to be anyway. But he wasn’t so sure anymore. “I don’t know.” His voice cracked, almost a croak, and his eyes were burning. No. He wouldn’t cry. He wouldn’t… A sob escaped from somewhere in his chest. The professor paused, frowning. “The correct answer is emotional responses. If you are going to succeed in this class, you are going to need to start reading the assigned text.” Calvin was grateful when the professor turned away without further comment. but it felt like everyone in the class was still laughing at him. He slumped further down in his seat. When class was dismissed he grabbed his bag and ran from the room. He didn’t even bother packing his textbook, leaving it behind on the desk. Once he was away from the classroom he felt a little better. It was so good to get out of that stuffy old room. How had he ever found that stuff so interesting? It was so fucking complicated. He hated it. “Fuck classes today.” He muttered. “I need to clear my head of all that bullshit. I can figure this out. Just have to focus….” He didn’t even realise that he was thinking out loud. It was just easier to stay focused when he talked through his thoughts. Calvin watched people as he walked. Well…he watched the men anyway. He couldn’t help but look at the crotches as he walked across campus. His cock was hard and throbbing and his hole was flexing as if demanding to be fed. What the hell was happening to him? He tried to be subtle about it but he was sure at least a few guys noticed. The middle of campus was the Quad. A large open space where students tended to congregate His eyes immediately were drawn to two guys throwing a frisbee on the lawn. Both bare chested, lean, and muscular. Wet dreams come to life. Calvin stopped absently and enjoyed the view. Bet they’re in a frat, he thought. The blond was wearing a baseball cap set backwards to cover his uncombed hair. He had a firm chest, small brown nipples and a sexy six pack. Black trackies sagged slightly on his hips. Calvin loved the white stripe running up the side. That was cool. The second man was similar, handsome and sexy but with dark hair and an unshaven face. No beard, like he had skipped shaving that morning. Nice fit body. His jeans seemed to hang effortlessly, just covering his crotch, despite not wearing a belt. No pubic hair was visible. This guy must shave down there, Calvin thought absently. “What are you looking at, fag?” It was the blond. “I… I’m…” Calvin’s mind went blank. Panic. “I asked you a question. What are you stupid or something?” He took a step towards Calvin. “Lay off, Kirk.” The dark haired guy rolled his eyes. “Nothing wrong with looking. Plus he’s kind of cute.” “Yeah.” The blond’s angry expression vanished and he started laughing. “But it was hysterical. I bet he almost pissed himself.” Calvin’s mind was just starting to put the pieces together. “Your just… teasing?” “Yeah, dude. You’re good.” The blond - Kirk - said. “More than good in my opinion.” The dark haired guy came forward. His eyes drifted down Calvin’s body like a caress. “I’m Evan.” “Nice to meet you, I”m Calvin.” “As in the underwear?” Kirk laughed as if it were the most witty thing ever said. But Calvin didn’t really understand. “Don’t worry about him.” Evan said as he moved close to Calvin. He smelled so good. Masculine and a hint of sweat. Calvin licked his lips. His eyes moved, of their own accord, to Evan’s crotch. It looked pleasantly full. Calvin’s own cock began to plump up in response. Evan noticed. “You like what you see?” “Oh for fuck sake.” Kirk sighed. “Enough with the song and dance. Lets just get back home and you two can fuck already.” “Well, ignoring my boorish friend, I would love for you to come over.” “Cool.” Calvin smiled. His cock was fully hard now. “I’m game.” Evan put his arm around Calvin’s shoulder. “Come on. We don’t live far. Just a couple blocks off campus.” “I assume this is going to be a freebie?” Kirk asked Evan as he fell in alongside them. Evan only scowled a silent ‘shut up’ look at his friend. Calvin didn’t understand what the hell the were talking about but it didn’t really matter. All he knew is that he was about to get fucked again. And THAT was all that really mattered. As they walked, Evan’s hand slipped from Calvin’s shoulder, down the back, finally resting with his hand cupping Calvin’s butt. Calvin wondered if he should be embarrassed… anyone could see!… but it felt so good he couldn’t bring himself to care. True to Evan’s statement, the trio arrived at an apartment just a few minutes away. They had talked during the walk and Kirk had said they liked having their privacy away from the dorms. He said something about having found a way to make some extra college money, but again Evan shut him up with a glare. Kirk laughed again but Calvin couldn’t figure out why… so he just ignored it. He had a feeling he might be doing that a lot from now on. The apartment wasn’t terribly fancy or anything, just simple yet solid construction. Calvin didn’t really have time to look, however, as Evan pulled him in close before the door was even shut. Their lips met and Calvin forgot all about the apartment. Evan’s hands roamed freely around Calvin’s body and Calvin returned the attention. Face. Nipples. Arms. Abs. Ass. Crotch. Everything received a little attention. Both men were hard and aching in their jeans. Calvin absently noticed Kirk had got himself a beer and sat nearby in a chair. Watching them. Smirking. His hand rubbing his own crotch. Calvin licked his lips absently at the bulge he could see there… but then Evan’s hands on his shoulders, pushing him gently down to his knees, brought his attention back. He glanced up at Evan for permission and, once he received a nod, eagerly unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans between his and what he wanted. He could smell the other man’s musk…. sweat, cum, maybe a slight smell of piss. It was captivating. His fingers reached in and wrapped around the cock waiting for him. It wasn’t as big as Tommy’s cock had been but it was bigger than Calvin’s own cock. Calvin wondered if he would ever see a cock as big as Tommy’s again. But the thought drifted away as he focused on the very real and very present cock in front of him. It reminded Calvin of a banana with its very curved shaft. It was about as big as a good size banana as well. The groin was shaved smooth. Other than a moment to gaze at the cock and to savour the aroma, he didn’t hesitate. His lips kissed their way down the shaft, then back up. His tongue swirled around the pleasantly thick head, getting just a hint of the taste of pre-cum. It only made him hornier. Finally he opened wide and let the cock slip into his warm and waiting mouth. Evan’s hands wrapped around Calvin’s head and — gently but determinedly — pressed deeper into the warm and waiting mouth. “Yeah. That’s it cocksucker.” Kirk said from his chair. “Get him good and wet.” Calvin could see from the corner of his eyes that Kirk had his cock out now and was stroking himself in time with Evan’s thrusting cock. He knew he was horny, he knew he craved it, but he had’t know how much he NEEDED cock until this moment. Evan slipped his jeans down further and Calvin saw that he had a tattoo on his groin. He wondered, briefly, if it hurt to get a tattoo… especially there. The design seemed familiar with three incomplete circles — they looked a bit like claws or pincers or something, vaguely threatening, radiating out from a central circle. One pincer pointing up, one facing left, and one facing right. It looked very familiar to Calvin. He had seen it on chemical bottles and such. But he couldn’t think of what it meant… and he didn’t really care. It looked cool. He let his fingers stroke it absently as he sucked the cock. “You like that?” Evan asked, smiling down. “Do you know what it means?” Calvin just shrugged. He didn’t want to look stupid… and his mouth was full anyway. “I’ve got one just like it.” Kirk said. “Maybe we can get you one just like it soon.” He was chuckling again. He liked to laugh a lot, Calvin decided. Evan’s cock was deep inside his mouth, the curved shaft sliding across his tongue, and demanding entry into his throat. Just like with Seb, his body just seemed to know what to do. He tilted his head back to open his throat, swallowed, and let the cock slide balls deep. “Oh, fuck yeah. That feels so good.” “It looks hot from here too.” Kirk said. Calvin couldn’t talk, but he moaned his happy reply. Evan pulled his cock all the way back to Calvin’s lips. Then pulled all the way back in with one determined thrust. Then out again. Then in. Quickly building up speed until he was face fucking the willing cocksucker. Calvin could taste the precum coating his tongue and it was driving him wild. Evan’s ballsack started to lift, the thrusting becoming more erratic, the fingers gripping his head just a little tighter… And then Evan stopped. Suddenly. Pulling his cock out of Calvin’s mouth. Calvin dove forward. Trying to get it back in his mouth. “Not yet, babe.” Evan gently held Calvin back from his cock. He was breathing hard and his cock looked like it could cum with just a touch. “I’m not ready yet.” “Why don’t you come over here.” Kirk said. He waved his very hard cock. “You can suck on this. I’m sure Evan will find something to entertain himself.” With just the briefest of pauses to look to Evan for permission, Calvin scrambled over to kneel between Kirk’s thighs. This cock was so different from Evan’s. It was uncut, like Seb’s had been over the weekend, and about an inch shorter than the curved dick he had just been sucking. But it was thick. Damn thick and unbent. A patch of blond hair surrounded Kirk’s cock…. trimmed perhaps, but not shaved. Calvin happily opened his mouth and swallowed the big cock. Despite his strangely acquired new skills, he gagged when he tried to sink the cock into his throat. He felt like he was trying to fit a 7 inch pipe into a 5 inch hole. But he kept working the cock in his mouth and trying to coax his throat to open a little wider. He felt hands at his hips. Evan. Unbuckling his belt. Unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. Pulling them down. Exposing his ass. He knew what was coming. His hole started quivering in anticipation. He lifted his knees so Evan could slide the pants off. Evan gave his butt a playful slap. “Damn. That’s a nice ass. Got to get a taste.” He knelt down and his tongue found it’s way to Calvin’s puckered hole. Calvin moaned. His whole body was spasming. Like electricity was surging through him… but in a good way. And as he moaned, his throat opened and Kirk’s cock finally slipped deep. Calvin gagged around the thick invader but Kirk was merciless. The blond man’s hands were tight on his head. Not letting him up. “Fuck yeah! Deep throat my cock, bitch. Your throat feels awesome!” Panic rising. Face red. Body struggling. Finally the hands loosened and Calvin’s slipped back, letting the cock slide out of his throat. Out of his mouth. He gasped desperately for breath. It took a couple minutes before his breathing calmed down. Evan’s tongue continued on his ass. Licking. Sucking. Teasing. Tormenting. “Come on, boy.” Kirk frowned when the red finally started to drain from Calvin’s face. “You would think you’ve never sucked cock before.” ‘Only… only two before today.” Evan pulled off his ass. “Hot damn. A newbie then. Been fucked before?” “Just once.” “Shit. I would have loved to claim your cherry. Still…. you have a great ass and I’m still going to fuck you.” “Yes… please.” Calvin’s ass swayed slightly. Evan paused. Then sighed. “Do you want me to wear a condom?” The memory of Tommy trying on the condom flashed through Calvin’s mind. “No… they don’t feel good.” “Are you sure. You do know that we’re both…” “Shut the fuck up, dude.” Kirk hissed. “He doesn’t want a condom. And you don’t want to wear one anyway.” Evan glared at Kirk but, after a moment, just shrugged and let the subject drop. Calvin tried to figure out what the two guys were arguing about. He felt like he were missing something obvious but he had no idea what. Calvin forgot all about it, however, as Evan shifted forward so his cock, achingly hard, slid up and down the crack. Calvin cooed. “Please. I need it. I need it so bad. Please put it in me.” “As you wish.” And Evan’s shifted his dick, pointed it straight into Calvin’s anal ring. And pushed. The hole hesitantly opened for him. “Fuuuuuuuuuck! Damn you are tight… you feel so good.” I’m making him feel good. I’m making him happy! The thought made Calvin feel proud. He didn’t even hesitate when Kirk’s dick prodded his lips. He opened his mouth and let it inside. The two cocks moved almost in sync. In and out of his ass. His mouth. Evan’s hands gripping his hips, pulling him back into the fuck. Kirk’s hands holding his head still so he could thrust his cock into Calvin’s mouth and into his throat. Calvin gagged but that only seemed to make Kirk laugh and thrust all the harder. “Yeah, bitch. Choke on that big dick. You keep doing that and you are going to get me off real quick. Do you want that? Do you want my dirty cum floating in your belly?” A moan, from somewhere deep inside, was the only reply that Calvin could offer. A low sound of pure lust. His eyes were red, tears flowed down his cheeks, his nose was running, his chin covered with the slime his gagging throat was kicking up… but he had never felt so sexual. Never felt so alive. “Here it comes, cocksucker! Take it! Take my load.” Kirk’s hands tightened on the back of Calvin’s head, pulling him all the way down the shaft, balls deep, and held him there. Then the shaft started to heave and flex … and Calvin knew Kirk’s load was firing directly down his throat. Evan’s thrusts had also sped up, become frantic. His fingernails were digging into Calvin’s hips. “Shit… that’s pushing me over the Edge. I’m gonna cum!” And he did. His thrusts didn’t stop as he unloaded deep inside Calvin’s hole. Evan leaned forward, his weight guiding Calvin to sink to lay flat on his belly. “Yeah… you’ve got a bit of me inside. Part of me is always gonna be in you now. We’re always going to be connected.” “And, don’t worry, slut.” Kirk patted him on the head. “We aren’t done yet. You’re gonna take a least one of my loads up your ass … and I’m sure loverboy here has more for you as well.” “Yes, please.” Calvin smiled. It was dark by the time Calvin left the apartment. His ass was so sore it hurt a bit to walk. But he loved it. He loved the way his lips felt a little swollen from sucking cock. He loved the ache on his (perhaps not quite as tight as it had been) hole. He loved the feeling of the creamy cum dripping out and sliding down his leg. He and Evan had traded phone numbers. And at one point, while Evan was out of the room, Kirk had bookmarked a few websites on Calvin’s phone. They were hook up apps, Kirk had told him, to help him find guys who wanted to fuck his throat and fuck his ass. He assured Calvin there was no need to talk to Evan about them as he laughed yet again. Damn, this guy seemed to find everything he said funny. Calvin couldn’t wait to take a look at the apps. Yeah.. his ass and lips hurt… but he was still horny. Still wanted more. He hadn’t even made it home when he opened one of the webpages and scrolled through profiles and pictures. The only thing that seemed strange was that some of the profiles had that same symbol that both Evan and Kirk had as tattoos. Calvin wished he could remember what it meant.
    5 points
  3. Scared Virgin Wants Pozzing Mike just turned 18, but he knew what he wanted. He wanted bare raw sex with men. He wanted a man's hot semen in his ass, even a man's hot piss. He didn't care if it was poz or neg, but right now he wanted poz, he wanted to end the fear and free himself. The only trouble is he wanted it to be given to him while making love, not just be fucked. He wanted some passion in it. Mike got on to a match site posting his desires. He got a response from a mid thirties guy named Cole, who was active and didn't have a problem being a gifter. In fact he said its been a fantasy of his to poz a young guy and help him to transition to a poz brother. The idea of it being a more passionate type of gifting actually turned Cole on even more. They set a Friday night to get together, and Mike told his parents he was staying at a friend's house, that way they could make a night and day of it. Every time Mike thought about the Friday coming up he'd start leaking precum, but he didn't allow himself to jack off. Mike was going to let his cum build up so his orgasm while being pozzed would be that much more special and strong. Friday finally came, and Mike almost did in the middle of class just thinking what was going to happen in a few hours. He was leaking so much precum he was developing a little spot in his jeans, both in front and dripping down between his balls. He couldn't wait to feel a cock in him, filling him, shooting in him. Mike got out of school, and jumped in his car to head to Cole's. His cock hard as a nail. While he was driving he had to keep adjusting his cock in his pants, which squeezed more precum up out of his cock, and through his underwear against his jeans. By the time he got to Cole's he had a rather large wet spot in the front of jeans, and his balls felt damp. Mike got up to the door, and Cole greeted him at the door. Cole was pleased with what he saw, a hot teen, with an even hotter wet bulging package. Mike loved that Cole was exactly as his picture looked. Cole grabbed Mike into a deep kiss, pushing his tongue into Mike's mouth. This made Mike moan, and he couldn't help but jet out a glob of precum, well actually it was a little cum too. "Come on in stud. I think I have surprise you'll love." Cole pulled Mike in, and shut the door behind him. Once he pulled Mike in, he reached down and pulled Mike's shirt off in quick sweep. Once his shirt was off, he attached Mike's neck, tickling it with his tongue and little bites. Not enough to leave a hicky mark, but enough to make Mike moan and leak more into his pants. When Mike looked up, he saw other guy his age in a jockstrap filming them. Mike inhaled a little more and squirmed a little. "This is Billy. He's a virgin too, more scared than you about breeding, but wanted to watch and film this for you. Is it okay?" "Yes! I'd love to be able to see my cherry pop later." Billy obviously had as big a hard on as Mike, clearly obvious in his jock. Billy picked up the camera to start his filming. He couldn't wait to watch Mike take a cock for the first time, and take a breeding. He only wished he had the courage to do the same. Cole leaned over and shoved his tongue into Mike's mouth, feeling down his bare back to edge of his pants. He carefully moved his hands between the pants band and underwear, down Mike's bare butt cheeks. Oh so smooth and tight. Mike moaned into Cole's mouth, and with hands moved down to the bottom of Cole's shirt and started lifting it. They broke their kiss, and Mike lifted Cole's shirt off. Cole was relatively hairy, compared to Mike's lack of hair, except for Mike's very dense inch wide treasure trail that lead down to a trimmed bush. Cole had a dense amount of hair all across his chest and stomach, with just slightly longer treasure trail. Mike leaned down and licked one of Cole's erect nipples. This caused Cole to moan out loud and pull Mike's head into his pec. Cole picked up Mike in his arms, bare chest to bare chest. "Come on Billy, time to film a cherry pop." Cole carried Mike back to the bedroom and Billy followed filming them. Once in the bedroom Cole put Mike on the bed and undid his jeans, and pulled everything off in one feel swoop. Mike's pubes were soaked in precum, and it was still pouring out of his hard cut cock. Cole bent down and licked across Mike's dick head. Mike moaned and spurted a little precum. Billy got a close up as Cole took Mike's head in his mouth. Cole loved the taste of Mike's sweet nectar. Cole then stood up and took off his pants, exposing his hard uncut cock for the boys to see. Billy gasped a little, so Mike looked over his body and moaned oh fuck. A little precum was glistening on the lips of Cole's foreskin. Cole got on the bed and knee walked up Mike's body until his cock was just touching Mike's lips. Mike stuck out his tongue and touched the lips of Cole's foreskin, pushing his tongue lightly into Cole's foreskin. Mike loved his first taste of a man's cock, the feel of the skin, the precum. Billy was busy filming closeup of Mike licking Cole's cock. His cock was feeling very cramped in his jock, and he pushed it off as he was filming. His cut cock standing straight out from his body. Billy unlike the other two was almost completely hairless, he kept his pubes shaved. He only had hair under his arms, and a little around his butt hole. "Right on buddy, get naked with us." Cole moaned. Cole began licking down Mike's body, again taking Mike's cock back in his mouth. Cole swirled his tongue around the head, getting all the precum of his cock as possible. He then licked down to Mike's balls, and tickled his balls with his tongue. Mike's moaning went up a little bit. Cole started lift up Mike's legs bringing Mike's hole into view. Cole then licked right down to the exposed hole. There was some hair around the hole, and spreading a little up the valley, which Cole loved. As soon as Cole's tongue touched Mike's hole, Mike almost screamed out. Mike didn't know this could feel so good. Cole ran his tongue all over the outside of Mike's hole, slowly teasing it with quick stabs with the tip of his tongue. Each time he stabbed a little deeper. All the while Billy was filming the on going, being sure to get a little bit of Mike's face to show what he was feeling, but not missing the hard core action below. Suddenly Mike's ass blossomed open, and Cole's tongue sank in to the depths of Mike's ass. Mike moaned and shot out a little cum as this happened. Cole just wagged his tongue inside Mike for a minute. Cole looked up to see Mike's little spurt of cum on his stomach. He dipped his finger in it and brought it to his mouth. Oh so nutty sweet. Cole saw Billy's hungry eyes on what he did, and took the last finger full of cum off of Mike, "Here buddy, try his cum, you know you want to. He's a Neg virgin like you, its not going to hurt you. Try it." And Cole moved his finger to Billy's mouth, and Billy just opened his mouth and accepted the finger full of cum. He couldn't believe how good it was. Cole looked and the lust filled Mike, "So do you just want me to take your cherry now, or would you like a little prep work that will help the breeding maybe take this first time?" "Lets go all the way, so I don't lose my nerve later. I want to be bred good." "You got it. Hey little buddy, you looked like you liked the taste of cum. Why don't you come down and try a little ass while I go get my prep tool. Come on, you know you want to try it. This is your chance to try a clean ass. But the camera down for minute, come try this sweet ass." Billy's lust was up, and he couldn't say no. He set the camera down on the bed, and got down between Mike's legs, and saw the hair hole winking at him. He bent down and touched his tongue directly to the winking hole. He heard Mike moan. "That's it buddy, shove your tongue in there. Get him ready for his prepping." Cole then pushed Billy's face into Mike's ass just as he started to stick his tongue in the hole, this caused Billy's tongue to really go in. Billy love the feel and taste of Mike's ass, and really started licking and tongue fucking him. Cole went into the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush he'd been using. He'll just replace. As he came back to the bed, he grabbed lube out of the drawer as well. Billy stood up and grabbed the camera again. Cole took his place at Mike's ass. "Ok my little virgin chaser, this is to help prep you up. I'm just going to brush your insides up. I won't kid you, its going to smart a little." "Do it, I want it." Billy got ready to film this. He couldn't believe Mike agreed to having a toothbrush stuck up his ass. At the same time he thought it was hotter than hell. It made him leak little precum. Looking through the camera lens, he watched Cole lube up the toothbrush and then lube up Mike's hole. Then he watched as Cole put the brush against the winking hole. Then he saw the brush slowing sinking into that hole and Mike moaning. Billy than panned up to Mike's face, and he captured Mike's lust filled and a little pain look. Mike opened his mouth to breath and moan. Cole started to spin the brush around a little as well as slowly in and out. He pulled it all the way out to see how it looked it, and it was just ever so slightly pink, so not quite ready. So Cole slowly pushed the brush back in, and made light sawing motions. While he did this, he looked at Billy, and how he was sort of panting, and his cock was throbbing. "Hey film this when I pull the brush out. See how its coming out of his ass. Look at that color on there, that's much pinker, that means just a little more brushing and he'll be ready for the breeding. Say, you want to brush him a little? Come on down here, why don't you do a little." Billy set the camera down and came down where Cole was. "Here take the brush. Now slowly insert it in to his ass. That's it nice and slow. Move it all around inside him. That's it. You like getting him all prepped for a breeding?" All Billy could do was nod. He couldn't believe he was moving this around in Mike's ass. Watching it up close going in and out. "Okay, let me take it back, and you can film it coming it. I bet it'll be nice a red now. Pick up the camera and film it coming out." Billy picked up the camera and looking through the lens, he saw the brush slowly being pulled out. When the brush head came all the way out, it was noticeably red. "Yeah, your ready for breeding now. Look at the red color. That means your ass is all ready to be get bred and accept all that my cum has to give you." Cole set the brush down, and grabbed the lube. He started lubing up his cock real good, and put some more lube on and in Mike's hole. "Okay my worried virgin, its time. You ready to lose that cherry?" "Yes, god, yes. I want your dick in me now, please." Billy watched through the lens of the camera as Cole pulled is foreskin back and rubbed his head against Mike's hole. Carefully dipping in just a little and rubbing again. Then Cole slowly and carefully started pushing his cock in. When it was a little more that half way in, he panned up to Mike's face. He was breathing heavily from his mouth and his eyes were rolled back and he was moaning. Mike began heavily leaking precum out of his cock, you would think someone turned on a faucet. "I'm all the way in now. Feel my hard cock in you. Your cherry is all mine. Now to breed you. I'm not going to last long, your so nice and tight, and your ass keeps gripping my dick." Billy got up on the bed and straddled Mike so he could get a nice clear shot of Cole's dick sliding in and out. What a sight, Cole was so carefully moving his dick, nice and slow in and out. Mike looked up and saw Billy's tight little ass and balls hanging there in front of his face. Mike could help himself, he stuck his tongue out and licked Billy's balls. Doing this caused them to jump around in their sack. Billy almost dropped the camera went he felt his balls being licked. His cock started bouncing and splattering Mike's upper abs with his precum. As he was watching through the camera, he saw Mike's balls starting to really pull up to his body, and Mike's dick kept throbbing up with each thrust from Cole. "Okay bud, I'm getting really close, you ready for my cum, you ready to bred?" Mike stopped licking Billy's balls, "Yes, fuck yes. Give my your seed. Fuck it into me." Cole picked up his speed just a little. Suddenly he pushed in a little hard and did some quick jabs, and began groaning loudly. "Oh fuck, here it cums, I'm going to breed you now." Billy watched through the lens as Cole shoved hard and was shaking, and suddenly Mike's cock erupted with cum, and sprayed everywhere, including the camera lens. Billy got up off of Mike and set the camera down on the side bed table and then saw as Cole leaned into Mike and kissed him deeply, while we was still humping his spent dick into him. Billy's cock was throbbing to cum. Cole saw this and grabbed Billy's hard cock and started stroking it. "You need to cum to bud, lay down on the bed, lets let the prior virgin suck you off." Mike only smiled and moved over so Billy could lay down. Mike immediately attacked his hard cock, he loved Billy's sweet precum. Cole leaned in and whispered something into Mike's ear. Mike then licked down to Billy's balls, and Cole lifted Billy's leg, and Mike attacked the exposed hole. Billy couldn't believe the feeling, he loved the tongue on his ass. Mike then went back to Billy's cock just in time to catch the load as it fired out. The three then layed on the bed Mike pressed up against Billy, and Cole pressed up to Mike.
    4 points
  4. Such a beautiful hole. I love Berlin boys!
    4 points
  5. To me, going on PrEP feels like a sign of irreverence: if a guy was kind enough to flood my neg boyhole with his AIDS cum, it would seem downright insulting to turn down this generous GIFT...
    4 points
  6. Rawladz, Welcome to my next post! After my 7 days hiatus away from sex, I really wanted to go out to Steamworks Toronto and fuck younger men. I got there about 9 PM… A few things were happening yesterday. First, about 10 minutes later, a guy I don't really like socially showed up. I didn't think he liked bathhouses. But there he was in all his naked glory. I managed not to connect with him all night. I don't think he even saw me. I get along with most guys, but him I don't… Ever have that? The back darkroom is where I spent most of my time. Guys, you know I love darkrooms. Who doesn't? I started to fuck a younger man's ass which was so welcoming and warm. This one felt really good. Well as I soon I have fucking him, 3 other guys started to take turn fucking the same ass. More guys were coming into the darkroom. A lot of good moaning was happening. Another younger bottom came in to see us fucking this beautiful ass. This guy took a lubed condom package and used to lube in it to prepare his hole. While I was busy fucking the first bottom's ass, he guided my daddy dick into his ass several times. He was generously lubed. I loved fucking his ass but his ass muscles weren't grabbing my hard cock. Ever get guys like this? I don't think I could have chummed in him. It's as if I was opening up his ass by entering it many times but he went out of the darkroom for other raw encounters. Getting back to the first guy. He is 46 and from Kenya, dark-skinned (I have a preference here -- South American, South Asia, Mediteranean) and thin. Wow, did I ever keep fucking him in the darkroom!! So many times my raw dick enjoyed his willing ass. We went to my room and continued kissing, rimming and fucking. We left about 3:30 AM. He walked me to my car. We exchanged phone numbers. I might have a new fuckbud on a regular basis. He covered all my bases -- raw-sexual, emotional, intellectual, etc. Is how fuckbuds develop? Read1
    3 points
  7. I was in Las Vegas last week and thought I would share the bareback adventures I had there. Grindr was buzzing away for most of the week; it seemed to be about a 50:50 mix of locals and visitors. Unfortunately it also seemed to be mostly flakes -- I had a number of guys suddenly go silent when it came time to actually set up a meeting. Anyway, I did manage to catch a few, and they all wanted it raw. Actually one wanted me to start with a condom and then pull it off before finishing in his ass There was: - a cute 24yo boy who came to my hotel late Monday night. He was pretty shy after cumming and I didn't finish. - On Tuesday, a 22yo Asian dude staying at the same hotel who wanted to practice giving head -- I fed him a monster load - On Wednesday I got pretty drunk at happy hour and was pretty much useless for the rest of the night - On Thursday night, I picked up a 22yo Latino raver boy at Garage bar and took him back to my hotel. He came handsfree, but too quickly as I fucked him - Despite my best efforts I didn't get laid on Friday - On Saturday, I picked up a blonde 20-something via Grindr. It was a bit of a bait & switch; he said he weighed 220 (which is already huskier than I prefer) but in reality was probably at least 30 pounds heavier than that. But once he was bent over the bed, I enjoyed plowing his plump ass and filled it with a pretty big load. - and finally, late Saturday night I fucked a handsome, strapping leather title holder from the Midwest in the playroom at a fetish event. I didn't cum, and neither did he but we both enjoyed it. So I guess what happens in Vegas doesn't entirely stay in Vegas. I can't wait to go back!
    3 points
  8. Sorry for the long delay, it's been a crazy bit here. But I have some time and inspiration, so here comes the next installment. Kyle was in an absolutely perfect and euphoric state, he had never felt this great while getting fucked in his life. Matt could sense his partners pleasure. and was feeling quite wonderful himself. Matt was certainly aware of the fact that he had a much thicker cock than most, as well as being fortunate enough to be blessed with length, though he exhibited outwardly or felt internally boastful feelings of it. He certainly enjoyed his size, and the multitude of hot sexy boys it got him. What he really got off on though about his cock was two fold: partially, his girth allowed him to feel a tight hole on virgin and used holes; mostly though, his cock got rigid as steel and he would fill with passion and energy on how much his bottoms love his cock. This is not to say Matt only cared about his bottoms feelings, he certainly had a dominate side Kyle was only yet to see. As Matt continued to rail his willing partner, who was so thoroughly enjoying his new found activity and showing his satisfaction with his moaning (the likes of which he only believed to occur in staged porn, until now when he realized WHY the guys in porn moaned) Matt began to think of more ways to encourage moaning in Kyle and pleasure for himself. In the next moment, three activities happened all but simultaneously. Matt in a sudden revelation knew what was next in line for Kyle, that came so suddenly and so hard, and was so hot his cock began to erupt in Kyle who was in that instant unable to speak from having his first anal orgasm that was so intense he barely noticed he didn't cum. Kyles semi plump dick though, was dripping precum in copious amounts it never had before. Matt was still pumping away in that supple and inviting ass that was feeling more and more perfect with each stroke, and quickly realized Kyle was unaware of the sizable warm fresh load residing deep in his insides, for this moment Matt decided to keep it that way. Matt slowly retreated from his cums new home, and gracefully maneuvered himself and Kyle back into a more traditional porn viewing arrangement on the bed, and asked if he could put on a video form his collection. Kyle, in his lingering euphoria, and after shocks of orgasm was quite agreeable to that idea, as Matt would soon find out Kyle was quite agreeable to a number of things in this head space. Matt swiftly obtained the mouse and keyboard so he could pull up his Plex account. He set up this sever for instances just such as this one, instances where he wanted to manipulate the mood, and preferably the activity to his choosing. The reason that Matt came so hard and so suddenly was remembering that he had recently hooked up with a guy from BBRT that he had really clicked with. He had wanted to meet up again, and surmised this would be a splendid opportunity. Matt was almost as sure as he could be that Kyle would be down and willing for anything at this point, but just to be safe (the only time you'll hear that in this story) he fed the glass cock more candy, took 3 full hits from it himself, shotgunning the clouds to Kyle, then offering the pipe over. Without hesitation or need for instruction Kyle readily began to roll the boll and inhale the puffs of sexual pleasure deep and with purpose. Matt took this time of distraction to contact Josue, his friend from BBRT. Since Matt is a top, Josue did not get to act on his versatility in their last meet. They still managed to have a fuck of a lifetime, and Matt wanted to have an even better one tonight. Several hits later, Kyle set the pipe back on the table next to the bed, and simply began to stroke his cock and admire his current fuck mate. The glaze in his eyes and the dilation of his pupils told Matt he was ready for his proposal. Matt started this by caressing and sensually rubbing his tweaked out bud. He asked Kyle how he was feeling, and if he had been enjoying his day/evening so far. Although able to, Kyle chose not to answer with words, he simply groped Matt while sliding over to him for a kiss, in which he proceeded to moan in that special way bottoms can to drive a top crazy. This was when Matt informed Kyle of Josue, his 9" UNcut cock, and superior ability to achieve and maintain a hard-on even when smoked out of his mind. He of course couldn't neglect to mention Josue's seemingly infinite ability to cum, and with consistently generous volumes. Kyle, a lover of latin, uncut, hard, and huge cocks couldn't agree fast enough. This was also when Matt was informed of Kyles LOVE for cum. Matt was extremely pleased with both responses, and quickly informed Josue he was welcome, and where to show up. Josue sent 2 pictures with his "On my way!" text.
    3 points
  9. American Mangina Ashford Crenshaw, son of Dr. and Mrs., is buttfucking Conrad Wilson III, who's on all fours. They both have on leather harnesses. Ash, as he prefers to be called, wears scuffed leather boots, Conrad wears a leather cap and collar. No shoes. They are both watching a doctor fucking a nurse on Ash's big ass television. The doctor is hot—Brazilian, with a huge, hairy chest, arm and shoulders as big as cannons. The only thing he wears is a stethoscope dangling around his neck. The boys mimic the couple on TV doing it doggy-style. The nurse is naked except for her starched white nurse’s cap. Her huge boobs swing in circles and bangs against the operating table while she's getting fuck. Both the boys are impressed by how the man is slapping the shit out of her ass. There's dialogue going on between the couple but it’s in Portuguese and the boys are not really listening anyway. Ash tries a couple of slaps on Conrad ass. Conrad yelps. Ash likes hearing Conrad yelp and slaps him and rides him harder, feels powerful smacking his old chum. He's about to nut, pulls out, quickly pulls off his condom, and spurts all over Conrad's fuzzy back. Conrad immediately cries, "I haven't cum yet." "You're the slave, so you don't count." Conrad is just about to get up in protest and lecture Ash about the rules, so Ash shuts him up by putting two fingers back in Conrad's fuckhole. He rocks them in and out a few times to stimulate Conrad. He's not heartless. Conrad starts beating off rapidly and cums quickly on the towel Ash earlier provided. Nothing gets on the white shag carpet. That's rule number 4. The Brazilian hunk spurts all over the woman's back around the same time. Ash sits on his couch towel he also put down earlier. "Okay, slave. Channel seven." Conrad crawls over, switches the channel and plops down on his towel, then lays back to wipe of Ash's cum off. Dick Clark announces the final countdown of 1995, the Times Square ball drops, the numbers 1996 flash on the screen, and confetti falls all over Times Square. Debra Harry sings Auld Lang Syne and the thousands in Times Square, in funny hats and glasses, sway. The song ends and she breaks into one of her old hits, Call Me, and the hoards start jumping up and down. Ash looks at his glass coffee table. He leans over, scrapes a long trail of coke for himself from a large pile on the table. He inhales half in one nostril, half in the other. His cell rings. "Yo," he says, listens for a while. "No, bro, I'm out.” He’s eye Conrad, motioning him to turn down the volume. “Last teener went to Harvey and Jasper at Tahoe. No, sorry dude. Resupplies come in next week.” Conrad’s not responding so he throws a Time magazine at him. Conrad complies but is miffed Ash is talking to someone else. “No can't, have a family thing tonight. Petey, gotta go. Have a friend here. Yeah. Later." The stash is piled high, the contents of one of his five remaining eightballs. He's chewing his lip. Next to the stash, the Daily Californian, the college’s paper, is folded to the back section listing several parties in the bay area. He looks at Conrad. Even though Conrad's cute with all his freckles and twenty year old furry chest, he wants to get rid of him. He and Conrad go way back to before they can remember. Their families were friends; both father's practice pediatric medicine, both monthers date back to Wellesley as sorority sisters. At six and five, respectively, Ash and Conrad played a game called King and slave, a game that Conrad made up. Ash was always the King, Conrad the slave. In junior high they parted ways—actually Ash ditched Conrad. Something had changed in puberty, actually Ash changed in puberty. He grew, not just grew taller, but grew gorgeous. He took note of how girls, boys, even adults looked at what he was becoming—a very handsome teenager. Compared to rock stars and GQ models he was passing them in strides. He liked what he saw. Strong jaw, straight hairline, dark brows over blue eyes that were almost fluorescent, a long straight nose, sensuous Cupid’s bow lips, a chin with a small cleft, deep dimples he exhibited sparingly; all together a striking face framed by golden hair that fell in fine wisps like blowing wheat. Throughout high school his body filled out even better. He played soccer and water polo. Each sport, supplemented with weight training, gave him a V-shaped torso, broad shoulders made wider by wing-like lats from swimming, strong legs, and a perfect bubble butt. With friends, he surfed weekends at home and spent winters perfecting his snowboarding skills at his parent’s chalet in Tahoe. He was fearless and agile, impressive, at times intimidating, in the half-pipe. Throughout his teens, slight modifications, the right haircut, the right clothes, the right attitude, he was sculpting himself into a modern day Adonis. He and Conrad still saw each other at annual events like Christmas and Fourth of July family picnics, but Ash remained aloof. But something again happened toward the end of their high school years. Even though Conrad was small he was hairy. Ash spotted him at the beach the summer he graduated. Conrad, who was then going into his senior year, was strolling down the beach with his little sister. Ash stopped him and they talked for a while. Once Conrad got his own apartment in Berkeley he called and invited Conrad over. They reminisced, Ash guiding the conversation, until one thing led to another, and King and slave resurrected with a much more adult rule book. Throughout puberty life changed Ash. However, during his senior year, right after his birthday, an encounter in a Golden Gate Park toilet changed him altogether. Yes, that happened, but in his first year at Berkeley he radically changed even more. He not only did he plunge head first into drugs, he became a dealer. This brought about so many changes in him, even he couldn't keep up with who he was. He liked pussy, but he also liked the subversive elements of fucking boys his age and especially younger ones. He would never admit this, but privately, if you pointed a gun to his head, Conrad was his favorite. His old chum always kept him amused, always creative, altered the themes of their King-slave game on a dime. Sometimes it was ship captain and cabin boy, sometime is was Scout Master and Cub Scout. But aside from the leather caps and navy hats and merit badges, it always boiled down to Ash buttfucking Conrad in front of the TV watching straight porn. Conrad was the only full-on fuck boy of Ash's, but there were starting to become other one-offs. Even his frat buddies weren't immune. It was the thrill of getting busted, the high of pushing the envelope. He and a frat buddy shared a girl one drunken Tahoe weekend at his parent's chalet. They gave he G. By the end of the night the girl was passed out and they started double dicking her. It wasn't gay because of the girl lying there comatose. Didn't matter that it felt awesome rubbing his hot frat buddy's cock against his own big stick. Just a few weeks later he was involved with two girls—couldn't remember their names—and Kyle, one of his surf bros. They were all on ecstacy. Several times, first time accidentally, the remaining times not, the boys crossed swords changing partners. It got to be more fun than fucking the girls. The last round of jousting hanging over the girls, the prettier of the two girls said why didn’t they just get a room. The boys went back to fucking the girls but the fun was gone. Net-net, he was always the instigator of the scene. He produced the drugs, the nights got wild, everyone denied anything weird happened the day after. They always were just so out of it, stoned, tweaked, blacked out. He liked the power play, the "accidents," and "man, was I" blank, which led to further encounters where he was leading "straight boys" into not very straight behavior. Being a dealer was changing him. Now a college junior, drinks with cute underage freshman, usually naive working class boys, would lead to offers of free samples of his wares, and to him giving them head or he getting it. He'd been cutting into his stash for the free samples, but also stepping on the product to hide the overhead costs. He'd been craving more thrills lately. Also he starting getting reckless with his late dead drop of cash. He was letting his id get him into the seedier venues, bathroom stalls at school, and twice now, filming tied up freshman twinks and blackmailing them for further encounters. While Conrad wiggled on the towel, Ash watch the Times Square crowd dance to Heart of Glass. Getting rid of Conrad was never really hard. "Slave. Come here, slave. Lick my boot." Conrad looks at him. "Those boots. They're disgusting." He jumps up and runs to the front door. "But I did bring you a Christmas present I couldn't just give you at Christmas in front of our families." He brings back a large Macy's shopping back. "I thought I'd give it to you now. I hope you like it, Your Majesty." It's wrapped in black paper, odd for a Christmas present, thinks Ash. "Sorry, bro, I only have that snow globe I already gave you." He rips open the package and finds a large shoe box. He opens it and see two new shiny leather boots. "Pix!" he shouts, "These are awesome!" He admires them, then give Conrad a quick kiss on the mouth. Conrad bristled at be called Pix, Ash's nickname for him—Pixie—since he was six. But also thrilled that his hero from forever, kissed him for the first time. Not passionate tongue kissing, but he'll always remember the feel of Ash's lips peck his. Ash smells the boots. It kick-starts something in his groin, reminds him where he wants to be this evening. He holds them out to Conrad. "Go on. Give them a lick. You know you want to," he teases. Conrad holds out the tip of his tongue and gives it a quick lick. They both laugh. "Good slave. Wait!" Ash finds his socks on the pile with the rest of his clothes, puts them on and slips on the boots. "Size eleven, right?" asks Conrad, concerned, while Ash struggles with his second boot hopping on one leg. "You got it, bro. They need to be broken in, just, like, you!" And the second boot pops into place. He steps in front of Conrad and lifts his foot. "Now lick it, slave," he orders. He's thinking tonight he might find someone for real to play this role. Conrad considers it. Raises one finger, says, "Just this time because they haven't left the building." He takes his tongue and licks the soul of the boot from arch to tip. Ash very much likes what he sees. He parades around his apartment only in boots, letting his dick slap back and forth, stopping at his full-length mirror, growing even more impatient for Conrad to leave. "Hey Pix, how about this once, just for New Year's, you do your first line of coke with me?" Conrad turn sad and serious. Ash knows Conrad is on so many pharmaceuticals prescribed by his father—for anxiety, for depression, for his ADHD, for the Star Wars battles that are constantly going on in his brain (his words)—that Ash knows he's frightened of actual getting led into a maze of drugs and never find his way out. And just like clockwork, as soon as drugs are brought into the picture, Conrad starts gathering his things, making excuses, saying he should get home before the holiday traffic, before his whiny mother starts worrying and calling him every fifteen seconds. Ash thanks him again, gives him a big bear hug, which Conrad pretends to hate, takes the little guy's coat out of the hall closet, thanks him for coming out to Berkeley. "Drive home safe. Later, Pix," he says, and closes the door. He travels back to the mirror. He really does like the boots. He struggles to get them off but does. Slips on his leather pants, enjoys the feel of leather against his skin, debates whether to put a shirt on over the leather harness, decides against it. Puts on his leather biker jacket, pockets a brown vial of coke, goes downstairs, gets in his Bimmer and drives over the bridge to Bar X. *** He's standing at the corner wondering why he's hesitant to go in. He looks the part, but he's not sure how much of this is costume pageantry and how much of this is real. Certainly some of the men passing him on their way to the bar are swishy queens so it's in drag to them, but most of the men passing by are serious, oozing sex like his rugby pals ooze sweat in August. He catches one or two in the eye. They cruise him back. Totally in it as contact sport. He sees most of them hold passes. He's not sure if that means he'll have trouble getting in. The line’s thick and growing down the block. He takes out his brown vial and scoops a bump. Snorts. Wipes his nose. Of course he'll get in! He's come this far, and shit man, fuck you! he's Ashford Crenshaw; hot, buff, twenty-one, five-eleven, Caribbean eyes you could easily dive into and never come up for air; on a scale of ten he's a motherfucking twelve. He cuts his way up the line. He's in his full regalia. He unzips his jacket displaying his smooth, cut chest, perfect six-pack abs, a treasure trail skanks and faggots have paid to lick, his new Scorpio tattoo over his heart beats with all the pride of a November-born Scorpion: sex, secretiveness, intelligence, power—did he mention sex? He brushes his blond chair back, parted perfectly down the center. They should all lick his boots, he believes. There's a tall Latino guy that he tries to cut in front of at the door. The guy blocks his way. "You in a hurry?" the guy says. There is small threat in his voice. "Nah, bro, you go ahead." "Muchas gracias." "De nada," Ash shoots right back. "Your invite?" says the security man—bald, very big, very threatening. The Latino guy looks back, sees Ash stymied, says, "Oak. S'okay, He's with me." Ash waits while Oak opens the black rope. Ash takes off his jacket and checks it in at the door. There's a tall, skinny black guy at the coat check, naked in a harness whose center strap leads straight down to a cock ring sporting a very long cock. The coat checker hands Ash a token, says, "Don't lose that. Try finding a black leather jacket in this crowd at the end of the night." The man reaches out and grabs one of Ash's tits. Ash smiles his crooked smile, kind of friendly, but not that friendly. Puts a dollar in the coat check's tip cup. He wants to find the guy who let him in, maybe buy him a drink, try to make friendly-like. Better always to be talking to someone than standing alone. He thinks he sees the guy. Black hat and leather jacket he remembers at the door. He's as tall as he thought the guy was, six foot, six one. He catches up to the man, reaches out and puts an arm on the man's shoulder. The guy bolts around, ready to defend himself. Ash gives him a second to remember him, then leans in, yells, "Hey, thanks for back there," over the loud din of the bar. The guy flattens his lip, a non-committal You're welcome. The guy is pretty good looking, Ash judges, as his eyes adjust to the bar’s dim lights. Dark hair also parted in the middle, a thin mustache that he shouldn't like, but it looks good on him. Probably about thirty. The man's eyes squint while he evaluates Ash. His brows are full, wary, his chest and stomach smooth and ripped beneath the jacket. He has a long sideburns that accentuate his thin face, dark brown hair just over his ears. "Can I buy you a drink?" Ash shouts. The guy considers taking the offer, and nods once, yes. "What can I get you?" Ash asks. "Scotch." His voice is deep, serious, with just the touch of an accent. "Any kind in particular?" Ash is wondering now if this was a good idea. The guy keep emitting extremely intense vibes, not attentive to Ash's friendliness. He won't smile, this guy, so Ash denies his. Figures he's looking weak. For some reason he now wants to impress him. He's definitely not some muscle head but there is something about him that reeks strength. The guy still hasn't answered. Ash weaponizes his good looks, runs his hands through his sun-bleached hair, knows how it will fall back evenly over his ears, showing dark roots and sun-dappled tips. Ash shouts a little louder with a cupped hand above the noise, "What kind of scotch do you want?" "Expensive." Ash smiles just a little, no teeth. He makes his way to the bar. It's packed. It's getting so congested there's soon going to be no more room to move. There's several bartenders busy behind the bar. Televisions on both ends of the bar show a fisting video that looks particularly cruel. The biggest, meanest looking bartender, wearing a very old leather vest, sprouting huge drooping tits with what's has to be 00 gauge tit jewelry, says not loudly but so deep Ash can feel the bass of his voice in his balls, "What will you have?" It's all Ash can do to not take a step back in intimidation. He runs his fingers through his hair. "You have Lagavulin?" "Eight or sixteen year?" "Sixteen," Ash replies, then holds up two fingers, "—two of them." "The magic word," says the man. Ash is taken aback. Thinks. "Uh, please?" He’s never been talked to by a bartender like this. "Not the word." Ash then considers where he is." "Two Lagavulins, Sir." "Much better." The barkeep goes up to the top shelf, pours two good size glasses. The barkeep sets them down and inches the glasses in Ash's direction. "Thank you. Sir." The man nods. Ash puts down a hundred. A large hand covered by a snake tattoo lays over the bill. Ash sees that the snake tattoo's forked tongue ends where the fingernail should be. The barkeep crumples the bill. Ash shivers slightly as the man walks away with it. "Hi!" A middle-aged man saddles up next to him, sets his drink on the bar. Ash wonders if he’ll get any change from his hundred, but this middle-aged guy’s suddenly in his face. He can't see where the barkeep went. "First time here? You're a new face. I'm Terry. Terry Brennan. But my friends call me Terr, like Holy Terr." He lets out a loud laugh. Ash looks around for the guy he wants to get back to. The bar is wall-to-wall men now. Lot of skin, lot of sweat. A clammy guy rubs up in back of him. Ash's half-annoyed, half-aroused, looks in back of him. The guy is cute. He looks at him not unfriendly. Wonders if the guy’s collar means he's owned. The middle-aged guy, Terr was it? isn't taking a hint. He's asking what his name is. "Ash. Ash Phoenix." The man rings pearls of laughter into the room. "Like the Phoenix that rises from—. Love it! And what do you do, Mr. Phoenix?" "Berkeley. Student." He's opting for the one word answer route. He also looking around the bar, paying as little attention to the man as possible. "Oooh, a frat boy. Love it." Ash examines the man coolly. Leather jacket, leather pants, yellow kerchief tied around his neck, boots, cap. Boy did this place run the gamut. The man has a goatee, black. A little bit of black hair peeks from his cap. Ash suspected it's all died, it's too solid, makes him look like a cheap Halloween devil. His eyes are a little scary though. He suspects coke, maybe X. They're fairly bulging out his head admiring Ash. "So, frat boy, what are you studying?" the man peaks over his cocktail, like that’s supposed to be cute. He looks at Ash sideways with curiosity. Maybe also he's trying to focus. "Economics, English minor." The man downs the rest of his drink. He grabs across the bar, clutches one of the younger bartenders. "Another one, sweetheart." Definitely drunk and on something. He's too energetic just to be drunk. "Assemblyman Terrence Brenner at your service. Graduated many, many centuries ago from Cal Poly. Animal Husbandry." For some reason he finds this hysterical and slaps the bar multiple times. He tips back his leather cap. "Ever get down to Salinas, Mr. Phoenix? I'd love to host you." "Not really," Ash responds, now searching the room more vehemently. The Assemblyman continues, undaunted by Ash's cold shoulder. "I have a tremendous farm. Very private. Asparagus, lettuce, cauliflower. Lots of migrant workers who are charming but...but what I mostly love is my livestock. Love, love, love. Pigs, goats, cows, dogs of course, and some very, very special horses. Do you ride, Mr. Phoenix?" "Uh, ye-ah." Like it should be obvious. "I bet you do," the Assemblyman says, groping Ash's chest tattoo. "Ever let a horse ride you?" He thinks the man is serious the way he’s eyeing him, but the politician immediately sends out another peal of laughter. "Scorpion. I so envy boys like you. So young, so proud of your status. How long have you had it? The tattoo." "What?" Ash is this close to shoving this pervert away. He opts, instead, for disinterest, giving his full attention to scanning the room. "I got this last month on my birthday." "Oh, dear. The horoscope. Hah. My bad. So you're not—? You should be careful. Not give people the wrong impression." The young bartender's back and set Brenner's drink down. His barkeep's right behind him and slams down two quarters as change for the drinks. Under the coins is a pass with a St. Andrews Cross—Bar X's logo—stamped on it. He eyes Ash and leaves. The politician sets down a ten. He also notices the invite. "Oooh, VIP lounge. I would agree that you're pretty special too. Mr. X never gives first timers VIP treatment." Brenner turns to look out into the crowd almost hurt, pouts. "I heard they made the meatrack room into a disco just for tonight. I bet it's pretty." He closes his eyes. "Lights, slings, fuck benches, racks, crosses. Looks like you're one lucky boy.” He’s back to groping Ash with his blurry gaze. “Don't know who you have to fuck to get one of these but I bet you'll find out." There is a strong, forceful slap on Ash's shoulder. The man Ash has been searching for finds him. There is something possessive in the hand that stays on Ash's shoulder that he likes. He leans over Ash and says to Brenner, "Why don't you go fuck a dog." Brenner stares at Ash, says, "Now that's a knot I'd advise you to take." He takes his drinks, spins around and melds into the crowd. "Besa mi culo, puto! Stay away from him, hear me?" Ash turns around to look at him. He's more handsome than he remembered. His piercing brown eyes still squint suspiciously at him and then around the room. The guy lights an unfiltered cigarette and pinches it hard between his slim fingers. He takes a long drag and exhales it at the ceiling. He offers Ash one. Ash never smokes but takes one anyway. The man lights it. Their faces are close. Ash smell strong body odor coming off him. Anyone else he'd be repelled by, but it's the opposite. Ash pulls up a little closer to him, ostensibly from the crushing crowd, but they both know that's not it. Ash takes a tiny toke so he doesn't choke and blow his coolness. The cigarette is mellower than he imagined, and he takes another draw. He reaches back and hands over one of the drinks, then reaches back and gets his. "Sketchy guy," says Ash. "I'll stay away.” He salutes him. “Yes, sir!" Ash thinks he being ironic, but quickly realizes this is a man who takes words like that seriously. Ash brings down his salutes and takes a sip. The scotch burns going down. He breaks into his winning smile, the one that slays. "To 1996," Ash salutes the man again, more or less to change the mood. "Cheers," the man salutes him back and downs the glass in a single gulp. His Latin accent seems to have a slightly British tinge to it. Funny. "Cheers," returns Ash and, feeling challenged by the one gulp maneuver, finishes the rest of his in one gulp. Both slam down their glasses at the same time. Mr. X is suddenly there with two more full glasses. "You’ve met Mr. X?" asks the man. "Not officially. A pleasure," says Ash, then remembering his protocol, "Sir," and reaches out a hand. Mr. X swallows his hand with a meaty paw. Ash tries to avoid looking at his missing teeth. The grip is close to painful. Mr. X examines the boy while he's in his grip. Ash straighten up like he’s back in boarding school. "Ashford, Ash Crenshaw," he says as he’s been conditioned to say, forcefully, confidence dialed up to eleven. Mr. X lets go of his hand. Ash falls back to running his fingers through his hair. "Allow me to present," says Mr. X, "Senior Sebastian Romero." Sebastian tips his head slightly. "Ash Crenshaw," says Ash Crenshaw in full peacock mode. His burning belly is getting him to relax. They shake hands. Sebastian's hands are rough, callused. Ash feels like a kid suddenly thrown into a room of adults. These two men both feel intimidating, worldly. As the drink burns in his belly, he's feeling how he kind of likes how his feeling, triangulated by these dominating men. There is an awkward pause as Ash thinks of something interesting to say. He puffs on his cigarette, and puffs up his armor, saying, "I just got back from Peru. Mancora. Ever been there, Sebastian?" Mr. X kicks his head back a little, says, "I thought I hear you say you were Ash Phoenix?" Ash is surprised. He thought it was just him and the Assemblyman at the bar. "You heard that? I didn't think—." Sebastian interjects, "Mr. X hears everything, don't you Mr. X?" Mr. X considers for a second, "Better is Ash Phoenix, the bird that rises from the ashes of death. We should all be so lucky." Sebastian and Mr. X nod. Mr. X pours himself a glass, clinks the other two. The three of them drink. Sebastian and Mr. X finish theirs, Ash has a little left. "Yes, I know Mancora. Hermosa. I travel a lot around South America." Mr. X looks at Sebastian with caution. Ash tries to maintain coolness, but his passions for his recent trip betrays him. "Muy hermosa! My buddies and I were in Arica, Chile, surfing on winter break, then Mancora, then Nuqui. You know Columbia?" "I am Colombian. We kidnap boys like you there for ransom." Ash keeps his face neutral scanning Sebastian's face to see if he's serious. Mr. X breaks into a deep, rolling laugh, then Sebastian smiles for the first time since they've met. His teeth are uneven, tobacco stained. He displays a gold canine tooth. Ash laughs to catch up with the men. Suddenly becoming aware of the situation, Ash asks, "What brings you up north?" He looks intently at Sebastian, then follow’s Sebastian’s eyes scanning the room. Ash is beginning to think how he might gently extricate himself from this scene. "Import and export," says Sebastian. It's as much as if he's rubbing Ash's nose in the obvious. "Interesting," says Ash. He's carefully considering his next words. "At Berkeley, I have a course right now in the macro-economics. It's about trading partnerships.” “Oh, yes?” Sebastian has stopped scanning the room and is focused only on Ash. ”What goes in, must come out, right? If a country gets behind, for example, certain levies must be laid. If a country gets too far behind there are most likely penalties. Right? If there is a relationship built on trust, consignment can be leveraged on the defaulting party, giving them the opportunity to deliver on what was previously agreed to." "I deeply take to heart economics," says Sebastian. Mr. X breaks in, cutting to the chase: "How much time is needed for a restitution, this being the third occurrence, and as the principal lender must now get involved?" Mr. X looks at Sebastian. "Banks open Tuesday, day after tomorrow," Ash says, feeling the scotch and heat of the room. "I'm sure payment could be easily be arranged to get up-to-date." Ash sees the two men staring at him in dead earnest. He continues, now becoming frightened even though the room is full of bystanders, "twenty thousand with perhaps a ten percent," he pauses, searches their faces, "twenty percent penalty attached." There is a long pause. Sebastian finally breaks it. "I'm afraid examples must be made or the system, the vast network, breaks down." His eyes are now barely closed slits as he looks into Ash's eyes. “Do you like poetry, Ashford? Of course, you do,” says Sebastian. "It is your minor at Berkeley. I'm sure you know this one.” Sebastian places his hand on Ash's hand, resting on the bar, holding Ash captive. "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mera anarquía--mere anarchy is loosed upon the world." Sebastian turns his body against Ash, trapping him to the bar rail. Sebastian's other hand is now scaling over Ash's shoulder, clutching him, sex mixed with menace. "The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere--La ceremonia de la inocencia es ahogada;--the ceremony of innocence is drowned;" Sebastian runs his fingers through Ash's fine blond hair. The hair falls back, as it always does, perfectly in place. "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of--apasionada intensidad--passionate intensity." Ash is to the point of fight or flee. He opts for neither. His heart races. He’s feeling so many confusing things at once. Fear? Liquor? Something in the liquor? A hardon? They have slipped him something. If it’s G he might be headed to the hospital. He simmers down a bit identifying what the feeling is. He's never passed out on G, he know how aggressive it makes him. He feels he's got a handle on it now and gets more of his confidence back. He plants himself on familiar ground, reciting back to Sebastian, "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" While he’s reciting the familiar verse, his mind spins. He’s plotting wildly, though he knows his brain will be slowing down to a crawl soon. "Yeats," he says. "Does he fuck with your mind like he does mine? Right now I’m feeling pretty fucked. It always seems Yeats could be talking about today, this second. Would you like—?" He takes out his vial of coke, offers some to Sebastian who accepts. Mr. X declines. Sebastian snorts a bump, then Ash does his. That’ll keep him from passing out. He’s played chemistry set with his body before, knows what counterbalances he needs. What he doesn't know is what their endgame, so he's looking for options. He eye the front door as a means of escape and sees Daryl taking passes. As the cocaine hits, his brain has a vivid flash of Daryl, his first connection to the drug trade. Teenage Ash sucking off his first black cock in Golden Gate Park during his last year in high school. Daryl who gave him his first taste of blow; who soon arranged blind drops between drugs and money, and money and drugs. Suddenly the strings of father’s money cut him loose in independence. Daryl smoking at the door, opening up the black rope with a bandaged hand, his little finger missing. Sebastian places a cold hand on Ash's shoulder. "You signed on to help things fall apart. You are a very smart young man. I ask you, if you falter, what does mere anarchy have to fall back on?" He's fucked. Ash knows the G that makes him lose focus is battling with the blow, which makes him focus. The combo is also making him aroused. If he's fucked, he might as well get fucked—that’s G talking, he realizes. His mind’s fracturing, clouding up with a sexual fog. Sebastian might be the perfect partner in this state. Delaying tactics—yes, delay. Two hours tops and then he'll come down; dance, make out, a hand job, suck him off. Whatever it takes. He;s got about a gram in his vial. The rational side of his brain, the one he'll lose in a couple of minutes, tells him to stall, wait as the G fully kicks in and then tapers off. He can barter, trade his way out of this. G tells him what he already knows, he would love to get fucked by this Colombian stud staring into him. Sebastian is reading his mind—now it’s the nose candy's paranoia talking. Did he remember condemns? His mind is kicking thoughts around like a pill ball machine. He was hoping something like this, well, not exactly this, might happened. Yes, he has condoms in his pocket. His brain is a hundred disparate jumbotrons flashing over Times Square. The west coast countdown has begun on the televisions. This could all be cleared up, he assures himself, if he can make it through the next couple of hours. The drugs are short-term. He's got the money, and he can get more. He needs to get the plan going— He speaks over his shoulder. "Mr. X, Sir. Thank you for your invitation. Would I have your permission to take Sebastian with me as my plus one?" He hears Mr. X's deep voice behind him, "Sebastian is welcome anytime. No reason this can't be pleasant." Sebastian cracks the smallest of smiles, a gold tooth glinting. Ash speaks to Sebasian. "Should we slouch then toward Bethlehem, my friend?" It's not acting anymore. He really wants to get fucked by Sebastian, the first man he's ever met that he'd consider it. Sebastian smiles genuinely. "Sí, mi amigo hermoso." "Enjoy," says Mr. X, "I join you later." He takes his and Sebastian’s glasses to the sink. Ash is about to finish the last of his scotch, when the Colombian puts his finger on Ash's lips, shows him a white pill on his tongue. He pulls Ash to his mouth. Against all better judgment, knowing this will fuck up everything, knowing too late that this is not the plan, he’s overruled by desire. Ash meets him open-mouthed like he's wanted to all night. Their tongues interweave, and the pill is taken into Ash's mouth. He will never forget this kiss at midnight, when leather men all around him cheer and exchange their own kisses. All the sirens and horns screech around him, warning Ash Don’t! Ash parts from the most tender and deadliest kiss he's ever had, downs his scotch and slugs backs the pill. ***
    3 points
  10. Once they climbed back onto the bed, things didn't die down a bit. Kyle put on some porn, bareback of course. Matt grabbed his iPad, he was tweaking a bit at this point. Kyle took this opportunity to explore Matt's body more. Kyle caressed Matt's biceps, chest, back, muscle ass, and strong legs. Matt was not a hairless or shaved guy, but he was definitely not hairy. Kyle had a bit of a fetish for body hair. Matt's was perfect. The hair was soft, and evenly spread on Matt's legs and arms. Matt also sported one of the sexiest treasure trails Kyle had ever seen. Though Matt made it no secret that he did not bottom, but Kyle soon discovered that he did enjoy his hole being licked, rubbed, massaged, & teased with a nice spit sloppy cock. In between Matt showing off pictures of prior playmates, guys messaging him on Grindr, and video's prominently featuring his gorgeous cock raw fucking various twinks, Kyle made a personal game out of seeing how hot and heavy he could make Matt so he could penetrate ever so much more and more into Matt's tight and fur covered hole. Matt could not hide the pleasure he felt from the teasing cock on his puckered hole. When Matt knew he was nearly going to succumb to the incessant dick, he decided to switch things up. He reached for the almost forgotten pipe and lit it up. After taking in a few clouds, he passed the pipe to his bed mate. Matt advised Kyle that it would be in his best interest to kill the pipe, or at least smoke all he could handle. As a result of the combination of the iPad content, and the body worshiping/hole teasing Matt was seriously horny, and ready to plunge his dick in Kyle's bare hole again, this time though with much more energy, and force. Matt was dying to pound that hole. Kyle was diligently and happily making the clouds he was told to make. Kyle had not realized how much the effects of their original smoke session had worn off, until he began to feel the familiar effects of the pleasurable smoke. Kyle became so wrapped up in his enjoyment of the second wave of PNPing, that he didn't keep track or realize just how much was in the pipe that was was instructed to kill. Kyle was flying, high, higher than he initially was when this hookup started. It didn't take long for Matt to see how much his playmate was affected by that magic girl Tina. He could see that Kyle was now craving for his hole to be filled just as much as he wanted to fill it. Matt recovered the nearly spent pipe from Kyle and took one last long puff of the remaining ice in preparation of his plan to own that willing hole. Matt began by pulling Kyle down on the bed, so he could throat fuck his wiling new friend. Once Matt's cock was so hard he felt like almost anything could make him cum, he pulled his cock out of Kyle's mouth, flipped him over on his stomach, and lined his wet throbbing cock up to Kyle's pulsing pucker. With a single and powerful thrust, he was pushing through the second O ring. He knew that this was the point of no return for Kyle, and he had a bottom that was up for anything he wanted to do to it. Kyle, unable to concentrate on much else other than the extreme waves of pleasure radiating through his body, was unaware of the thoughts the man that was pounding his hole was having.
    3 points
  11. A young guy who looked familiar showed up on my Facebook feed in "People You May Know." I scrolled through the Facebook entry for a while and finally figured out I had messed around with him a few years ago. The first time we met was when he replied to my posting on Craigslist. We agreed to meet in the secluded, locking, basement restroom of the university science building. The guy was hot, maybe 22 or 23 years old, 5' 8", dark brown hair, and a thick muscular build. I also remember his legs were muscular and very firm. After we entered the restroom, he locked the door, immediately unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down, and sucked my painfully erect seven inch cock, taking the entire length until I could feel the stubble of his light beard rub against my balls. As he continued to deep throat my cock, pushing me ever closer to on edge, he lowered his pants and stroked his cock. The girth of his seven inches was impressive. After a couple minutes he abruptly stopped sucking, stood-up and with no further segue, forcibly shoved his tongue in my mouth. Talk about a passionate random hookup. Then he again abruptly stopped, grabbed me by the shoulders, spun me around, and positioned me bent over the toilet. I felt his hands on my ass, pulling my cheeks apart, followed by his tongue, which, without any subtlety, wormed its way into my hole, rimming me vigorously. He also slid two fingers in my hole so his tongue could get even deeper into my hole. As his tongue flittered deep in my hole, he reached between my legs and stroked my cock, which, by this point, was heavily drooling pre-cum. I found myself involuntarily (and loudly) moaning, even as I struggled not to cum. After a good ten minutes of intense rimming, he stopped, retrieved a bottle of poppers from his pocket, saying "Take a couple of deep hits." As I complied, he spit-lubed his cock, also spreading spit onto my hole. My head was spinning from the poppers as I felt his cock head rub against my hole. "Take another hit of poppers," he insisted. Again I complied, and just as I finished screwing on the lid, he pushed the full length of his cock in my ass, and, without pause, began churning his dick in my ass. I could actually feel his balls hit my cheeks. The initial pain was intense but quickly turned to pleasure. He suddenly pulled all the way out, dropped to his knees, and rimmed me again, and again, after a minute or so, he stood and again shoved his cock into my hole. Then he began hard-fucking me. Five minutes of ferocious ramming ensued, followed by a lengthy pause when he held still, his cock lodged deep in my ass. I could tell his cock was throbbing, but I wasn't quite sure, and asked "Did you cum?" "Not yet," he replied, as he again handed me the poppers, again recommending "You'd better take some more hits and get ready for a real pounding." I took very deep hits, and no sooner had finished when, true to his word, he slammed all the way in, furiously pounding me for a good ten minutes. He was so forceful it was hard to remain standing. Then he slowed his pace a bit as I heard the bottle of poppers open, and he took a long deep hit, after which he thrust his cock into my hole hard, three or four times, before announcing, "Yes, yes, I'm going breed you!" I could feel his cock pulse in my hole. As he slowly pulled out, he told me to tighten my ass so his cum wouldn't leak out. He lifted me up and kissed me deeply. Then he bent over and ordered me to rim him. His muscular ass was smooth, and his hole was beautifully perfect--like he had never even been fucked before. He told me to stroke my cock as my tongue explored his ass. After only a couple of minutes of probing his amazing ass, I needed to cum. He sensed I was getting close and dropped to his knees, deep throating my cock. The cum burst out of my cock into his mouth. He swallowed my entire load. I assumed our play date in the basement restroom was over, but he turned me around and shoved his tongue up my hole. It soon became clear he wanted to eat his load out of my hole. He told me to push out the load. As I pushed, I felt the globs of cum run out, and he licked up every drop. This was seriously one of the hottest scenes I ever experienced. I remember standing there in the restroom, startled, breathless, and amazed at what happened. I also remember that after he had felched all his cum out of my hole, he stood-up, and again slid his still hard cock into my ass. I think we both wincing from the lack of lube, so after he took another hit, he pushed the poppers under my nose, and as my hole relaxed, he fucked me again, this time, however, somewhat more slowly, sliding gently all the way out and pushing back in until I could feel his balls smack my ass. After about five minutes, he pushed his cock all the way and held it there, filling my hole with his second load. We both washed up at the sink, and he gave me a kiss before we departed ways. About a week later he emailed me and said we should meet at his apartment. He wanted me to fuck him this time, but he had one request: his front door would be unlocked, I would let myself in, and I would find him in position on his bed, blindfolded. He also asked that I be as quiet as possible so he wouldn't know I had even entered. When I arrived at his place, I removed my shoes and clothing at the foot of the private staircase that gave entrance to his apartment, and then very, very quietly climbed the staircase where I found him completely naked on the bed with his beautiful ass presented for my pleasure. I licked his hole, my tongue exploring his entire butt. He shuddered, clearly not expecting my sudden presence in the room. He took a hit of poppers and his hole immediately relaxed, allowing my tongue deeper entrance. I could taste another load of warm cum, which let me know had been recently fucked. Still his hole was so tight there wasn't any other apparent evidence another cock has just been in his ass, so I asked "How recently were you fucked?" Unprepared for my question, he replied "I took three loads in the past two hours." I positioned my tongue over his hole and told him to push out the loads. On the initial push a huge glob of cum hit my tongue, which I did not hesitate to swallow. Then I felt several more streams of cum on my tongue. I spit that cum on my hand and lubed up my cock. Knowing he was about to get fucked, he took a few hits of poppers. With one push, my entire cock slid up his hole. He let out a loud whimper and begged me to fuck him. I fucked him hard for ten minutes, repeatedly pulling my cock all the way out, pausing, and shoving it back in to the hilt. The final time I pulled out I told him to take a good long hit of poppers. As he did, I shoved two fingers up his tight hole and slid my cock in at the same time. He yelped in pain so I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Shut the fuck up, slut, and take my cock." I put my hand over his mouth and rammed my cock even harder. Then I pulled my hand away and demanded he beg for my cum. He did as he was told. "Please, please cum in me. Breed me. I want your load." After a few minutes of his begging, I couldn't hold back: that handsome young slut got my load deep in his ass, the fourth load he had taken that day. This scenario was repeated every week for about three months, but then his e-mails abruptly stopped, and he didn't respond to my messages for months. When he finally did respond, it was to explain he had moved to another city for a job and had not had time to hook up with anyone. To this day I can remember his beautiful muscular ass and the awesome taste of the multiple loads of cums I ate from his ass.
    2 points
  12. Part 4: Unexpected Visit Calvin groaned as his eyes reluctantly opened and looked at the alarm clock. 7AM. Who in the fuck was knocking on his door at 7AM? No. Not knocking. Pounding. He disentangled himself from Tommy’s arms. They had bumped into each other in the hall while Tommy was visiting his sister. Calvin had practically dragged Tommy to his apartment. Not that Tommy was reluctant… he had fucked Calvin for half the night. He had commented about how Calvin’s ass wasn’t quite as tight any more. But that probably was to be expected. In the week since Kirk had shown him the hookup sites, he had hooked up with at least 2 to 3 guys a day. Some had been college students or other guys his age but others had been older. He was sure one guy was iat least well into his 50’s … but he hadn’t thought to ask. He was distracted by the big cock the guy was packing. Calvin slipped on some underwear and rushed to the door. “I’m coming. Fuck. Hold your horses.” He yelled. He opened the door and his father pushed past him into the apartment. Calvin was so startled he didn’t even shut the door. Richard Watts, as always, radiated control. Calvin had always been in awe of his father for that. The way his father could walk into any situation and just assert himself and others would defer to him. “I hope that is not the same mouth you eat with.” His father scowled as his eyes surveyed the apartment. “Is that kind of language that you are learning now that you are away from home? From what the dean is telling me, you haven’t been to classes in a week… so you certainly aren’t learning anything there.” For a moment, Calvin said nothing. He felt old emotions raising up: Shame and fear. Shame that he had failed his father and afraid that his father would discover Tommy laying in his bed. He started to stammer out an apology. But then… … something snapped. Shame and fear gave way… to anger. “Fuck you.” The words slipped out before he could stop them. “I beg your pardon? What did you say to me?” Calvin took a deep breath. When he continued, his voice was calm. “I said: Fuck you. Fuck you and your attitude. I’ve put up with your bullshit for my entire life. Well, I don’t live under your roof no more so I’m not gonna put up with it now. Its 7 fucking o’clock in the god damn morning and you are pounding on my door like a lunatic.” “How dare you speak to me that way? I am your father and I here because I’m worried about you. And I’m paying for this apartment… so, yes, you are still living under my roof. And, since we have established that, you can tell me why haven’t you been going to your classes?” “I’m not going because I don’t feel like it, ok? I can’t understand what they are talking about and it just makes me feel stupid.” The sound of someone clearing their throat made them both turn to the bedroom doorway. Tommy was slipping his jeans on as he walked into the room. “I… um… guess I should be going. That was fun last night… but your alarm clock is hell.” He gave Calvin a pat on the ass as he walked by and muttered something about ‘drama’. Richard’s eyes were wide. He watched the slim young man leave the apartment before turning slowly back to his son. “Tell me that wasn’t what it looked like.” “What did it look like?” Calvin tried to laugh… but it caught in his throat. If his father’s anger was red hot before, it was cold as ice now. “Tell me that my son is not a god-forsaken faggot.” “I’m gay if that’s what you mean.” “Then you are dead to me.” His father’s face was hard as steel and there was no emotion in his voice. “You are dead to me and I never want to see you again as long as I live. And you will never get another cent from me.” Richard Watts turned and walked out, brushing past the neighbours who had come out of their own apartments to see what all the noise was about. Calvin’s own anger, which had seemed so righteous moments before, was nothing but ash now. He sank to the floor. What had he done? Why had he said any of that to his father? He hadn’t thought it through. Just reacted. A tear slid down his cheek. He was fucked. Completely and utterly fucked. And definitely not in a good way.
    2 points
  13. Been so fucking horny today so was looking around bbrts and CL while at work. Hit a guy up on CL and headed to his hotel room just off times square at 1.15pm. No foreplay, no talking, just dropped my pants and he worked his way in dry and about 10 mins later he shot his load in me. Just before he pulled out he whispered in my ear "i hope u enjoy those toxic babes in you". I zipped up and went back to work a happy slut ;-)
    2 points
  14. Stopped in to see my FB/chaser. He has the ff much worse than I did....and it seems to be unrelenting. I think the reality of him being knocked up is fucking with his head a bit. But, he seemed happy to take my two day build up of POZ cum without hesitation.
    2 points
  15. Luckily I'm in an open relationship so I can just share blame but I know its me who's brought home at least one STI but we never pass on the blame. In the past when I've cheated I've just gotten lucky and not caught anything but no guarantees with that. All part of the thrill of getting away with it if you cheat I guess.
    2 points
  16. Seven loads this wk three today hung dl top with eight inches of hard dick fucked me raw when he came I took his still hard dick and put it back in my ass until he came again Monday dl blk m 26 eight inch dick came over and I blew him twice wed 7am dl blk guy eight inch dick came over an unloaded in my. Mouth now dl blk guy just let me fuck him raw and gen he came in my ass hung white guy hit me up while fucking dl blk guy just swallow his load have to work at six !!!!
    2 points
  17. In Berlin for the next few weeks. I love how sleazy the fuckers are here - Breeding Barelin Bastards. Nobody has heard of a condom. Great FFun in Schöneberg last night - bars, clubs and bedrooms all in staggering distance. After a few hours sleep, getting ready to do it all again - next stop Monday morning! Can't wait to breed those pre-lubed fuckholes and add my strain to their sticky collection.
    2 points
  18. Eventually I had enough, and headed downstairs on shaking legs, sweating and with cum dribbling down my legs. I hit the showers and cleaned up and felt better afterwards.There was a small coffee area through a door to one side. I went up to the counter and asked for a coffee from the guy who'd buzzed me in. He grinned at me "Having fun?" I grinned back and nodded. "I need a break." He laughed "That's if you can sit down by now?" I reflected on my puffy, gaping hole and knew what he meant. There were two armchairs already taken, and a sofa on which sat two men, one of whom I recognised as the tattooed, short guy who'd first fucked me. In the brighter light, I could see he was older than I'd thought and his riot of tattoos covered his sagging flesh. The other guy was thin, with lank, greasy hair and a large pot belly protruding over his pale thighs. They moved up and I sat between them. "Hi," said the tattooed guy. Then he leaned in and whispered "Nice arse by the way. Enjoyed breeding you." I blushed and sipped my coffee. "I'm Pete, by the way, and this is my partner James." James just nodded, and I noted how his towel had carelessly opened to reveal a thick, sem-hard cock and heavy balls below his belly. "Not seen you here before." Continued Pete. "No, first time. Didn't know it was a specials night." Pete raised an eyebrow. "The guys here tend to be regulars. You mean you didn't know until you got here?" I shook my head and shrugged ruefully. "Guess it's a bit late to worry about it now." James guffawed and stroked his cock. "I'll say! After your performance upstairs I think you'll soon be joining the club!" The guy behind the counter leered at us and called over. "And if not, you two have got just the ticket, eh?" "What did he mean?" I asked Pete as the counter guy went off to let someone in. Pete reached over and began to caress my nipples as James put his hand on my thigh. "We're both poz, as you can guess, but we 'ain't on meds and never will. Viral loads are through the roof." His towel had come open and I saw his erect cock with a drool of precum in the slit. This was the cock which had been in me already, spurting its poisoned seed deep in my guts. I felt my heart lurch in excitement, terror and shame as I faced the reality that I had almost certainly been pozzed by this man. But my cock was making a tent of my towel and he squeezed it tight as he saw the shock briefly in my eyes. "Bloody hell!" Said James. "He wants it bad, don't he Pete?" Pete kissed me, his hand still on my erection through the towel. "Why don't we go upstairs and find a room?" He whispered. " Let's make sure you leave here pregnant tonight, eh?" They stood up and he held out his hand. "Well? Are you coming?" I looked up into their faces, flushed with excitement and pure lust and took his hand. "Oh god, yes...I think I really want this."
    2 points
  19. I fully intended to stop barebacking and not take loads up my ass and I saved my fantasies of taking poz cum in my ass for jerking off. I posted ads on Craigslist and got the usual ratio of about 8 losers to 1 keeper. Finally a guy who sounded really hot came over: black, tall, built, 9 inches and uncut. Like most queers I adore big black uncut cock. A total top he said; I was going to be his bitch for the evening. I was really excited, I hadn't gotten fucked in 8 months and needed it bad, so I said I'd love to be your bitch gurl. "Do you mind if I turn a couple of video cameras on and record you fucking me?" "Go ahead, just give me a copy. One thing I should tell you, I'm poz. I'll been a little erratic with my meds, so my viral load is kind of high." Shit. I'd forgotten to ask him his status online. I didn't play with poz guys, fantasies notwithstanding. But, I was so fucking horny, and he was hot and he was here. "Well, ok, but use a condom to fuck me; I'll suck you raw, but I won't eat your load." "That's fine" He took me in his arms and kissed me deep, I was oozing precum and my asshole was lubing up, getting ready for his cock. "Take my cock out and suck it you hot bitch. Call me Daddy.". "Yes Daddy." I dropped to my knees, unfastened his belt, unbuttoned his 501s and pulled his soft cock out. It was lovely, pitch black with a long foreskin extending well beyond the head. I took the skin in both hands, pried it apart and began licking the head and inside of the skin. He was flowing precum, I was in heaven lapping up his juice; then I remembered, I was eating poz precum. I was getting virus in my mouth. My stomach flipped over, I was scared but my dick was hard as a rock and my hole was sloppy, ready for anything. I sucked him till he was rock hard, which didn't take long. He was indeed 9 inches, but he'd neglected to mention how thick he was; thick as a beer can. I'd gotten pounded by a couple of nine inchers, but none as thick. This was going to be a fuck to remember. His balls were huge and hung low, I dove down and started licking and sucking on them. I could barely get one at a time in my mouth. He moaned, pulled me up to his face and kissed me. "Let's get into bed." I whimpered. I really wanted that big black prick in my pussy. "Get a rubber and put it on" I always kept a selection of condoms and lube by the bed. I dug through the pile and got the biggest one. Holding the thick shaft in my hand I licked and mouthed the head, lubing it for the rubber. My hands wouldn't go completely around his cock, and I have big hands with long fingers. He'd opened the condom package and handed the rubber to me. I positioned it over the head and slid it down over the head and the shaft with my mouth. Except I didn't, it wouldn't fit. I was trembling with need for for his cock, struggling with the rubber. I struggled with the slippery condom and the hard cock oozing precum for what seemd like an eternity, But I just couldn't do it; his cock was too big and the rubber too small Finally he growled, grabbed me by the neck and pulled me off his cock. He picked up the rubber and threw it across the room. "Fuck it. I'm gonna fuck your ass raw, you faggot bitch!" I turned away and tried to swing my legs over the side of the bed, but his two big hands grabbed me and pulled me to the center of the bed. He pinned me face down, climbed on top and kicked my legs apart. "No, don't. I don't want to get pozzed!" " Take a deep breath bitch, you're going to get fucked now!" I felt the head of his cock against my asshole. He rubbed it around, drooling virus laden precum on my hole and rubbing it in. I was terrified, moaning and crying, tears pouring down. I was getting pozzed. "Please use lube, please!" "Fuck you, you little whore; you're getting it now!" He shoved his huge prick deep into my asshole with one stroke. I screamed, I could feel my ass tear. I'd never felt so much pain. I struggled, but didn't have a chance. Like most men that liked cock I'd fantasized about getting raped, about how hot it would be. Now I really was getting raped. It wasn't fun at all. The pain was incredible. I had no control over the situation, he could use me however he wanted, for as long as he wanted. He could do anything he wanted, he could kill me. My dick was hard as it had ever been, I was terrified, about to throw up from fear. I shot a load into the bed. He felt me twitch and ran his hand under my cock. It was smeared with my cum. He laughed, "How's it feel having your darkest fantasies come true, boy? You're getting raped by a big, coal black nigger and you love it. You're getting pozzed and you love it." He smeared his hand across my mouth, "Eat your cum, you little queer. I'm going to make all your deepest desires come true tonight." I eagerly licked my cum off his hand, sobbing, tears flowing. And my ass hurt. God, did it hurt. My cock was still hard. His cock started stroking in and out, lubed by precum, and no doubt, my blood. He pulled all the way out. My asshole ached and stung, the pain was intense. I wanted his prick back in my hole and pushed my butt up trying the capture what I wanted. He laughed. "Want more, bitch? Don't worry, you're going to get it. But first, lick my dick clean." He rolled me over on my back and shoved his cock in my mouth. It was smeared with precum and streaks of blood. He shoved my head down on it, I licked, tasting precum, assjuice and blood. It was wonderful. I whimpered, but from pleasure this time. I loved worshipping my daddy's dick. He chuckled. "Looks like I've got a brand new convert. A faggot whore for poz nigger cock. Your ass is torn up, my babies are already in your blood. You're just another infected dicksucker now. But I'm still going to fill you with poison seed, make sure I do the job. What do you say to that, faggot?" "Thank you, sir. Thank you for your cock and your gift. Please fuck me, please?" I wasn't pretending, I was in pain, but I really was glad. I was on the road to where I wanted to be. I no longer had to worry about getting infected. It was done. He pulled me to him and kissed me. "You're Daddy's little whore now, aren't you? You'll do anything I say, won't you?" "Yes Daddy, I'm yours now. I want to please you." And I did, this man owned me now, I had his babies, his dna, in my blood. And I really wanted that lovely prick in my pussy again. "You took your fucking like good little whore, I'm going to reward you" He reached over to the end table and got a bottle of lube and smeared it over his cock. "I don't care how much I tore you up; I'm lubing you so it feels better for me. I don't give a shit whether you like it or not; you're just my punk ass faggot bitch. Stick your ass in the air, queer." I did and Daddy stuck the bottle's nozzle in my pussyhole. He squeezed and I felt a cold invasion flow into me. I whimpered, I wanted Daddy's hot cock in me. "On your back, bitch." I rolled over, Daddy grabbed my legs, pulled them apart, put my heels on his shoulders, nuzzled his cock against my hole and slid in. He bottomed out and held it, put one hand on the back of my head and pulled my mouth to his. Daddy's tongue slid past my lips and raped my mouth, like his cock raped my asshole. I played with my owner's tongue with mine, loving it that Daddy liked kissing me. My Daddy rode me long and hard, his wonderful prick stretching my hole, getting it accustomed to being used for his pleasure. I loved it, I'd never been fucked like that. He kissed me again and I shot a load all over my belly and chest. Daddy laughed, licked it up and kissed me, pushing my cum in my mouth. Then he picked up the pace and banged me hard for 10 or 15 minutes, finally shoving his prick deeper that it'd ever been and groaned. A warm flood filled my pussy as Daddy's cock twitched and shot spurt after spurt of poison jizz into my guts. "Pozzing your cunt, bitch!" He humped his cock into me 4 or 5 times really hard, tearing my pussy more, I screamed with pain. Daddy collapsed on me, kissed me again and looked into my eyes. I was moaning and whimpering with pain and pleasure. "Welcome to the club, you poz fuckhole." I kissed Daddy back, "Thank you Daddy". Daddy slid his cock out of me and held it in front of my face. It was lovely, softening slightly, dripping cum heavily streaked with my blood. I eagerly raised my head and took it in my mouth and sucked it clean. It was even better than the first time he had me clean him; his cum delicious, especially spiced with my pussy juice and the coppery taste of my blood. "Don't let anybody use your pussy till you get the fuck flu and test positive. I want you infected with my babies first." "Daddy, I don't want any cock but yours. I hope I please you and that you will fuck me anytime you want" Three weeks later I was down with the flu for 10 days. I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed except to crawl to the toilet. Daddy took pity on me and had his girls drop by and bring me food and gatorade. When I got better I went to the clinic and got tested. It worked; I was poz!
    2 points
  20. I love all the threads in the cocksucking section. I'm a total top and been barebacking recently. What gets me ready to fuck really hard is a long session of ass-eating and getting sucked, then ram it in. I love to fuck raw and take a break to eat the hole and fill it with saliva for some more pounding; that makes me crazy horny and well, when I take a break, pull my dick out to get sucked that's heaven. I can keep on going until I shoot liters of milk in that ass. OK when all of this happens I'm talking about a -clean- bottom who I can fuck raw and then eat his ass and I imagine the bottom likes a shit-free dick when sucking off. Would love to read more top stories. I really enjoy reading all you nasty fuckers' stories but I'd like more TOP stuff discussed and told. Love.
    1 point
  21. I was feeling extra horny today and working from home. I fired up the gaydar.co.uk website to see if anything interesting happening, but intending to continue working. I soon got a chat message pop up from a local top boy. Aged 28 and between jobs, his was called Steve. His profile said slim 6ft 2in tall and large cut cock and only safe sex. I didn’t think much would happen with my age in the mid 50’s and a bit of a bear build, but chatted for a while. In the convo I told him I sometimes used GBL to relax during sex. He asked what it was so I told him. He was curious to try it, but was worried about the date rape reputation. I suggested if he wanted to try using the G in a safe place, why not pay me a visit? To my surprise he said yes. I gave him my address and arranged to meet an hour later, giving myself time to prepare. When he arrived his body and good looks exceeded my expectations. He was not slow in making out with me as soon as I closed the front door. We were in the bedroom stripping off clothes within twenty seconds and soon laying naked on the bed kissing deeply. His cock was gorgeous and a good thick eight inches. We snogged and 69’d for a while before I reminded him about the GBL. I’d made up a 2ml dose in a glass of water. It stood by the bedside. “Al I’m really nervous about this stuff. Do you mind taking it and showing me how it works on you?” “Yeh that’s fine by me Steve. If you like what you see I can set you up with a fresh dose. It takes about 15 minutes to kick in.” I quickly swallowed the G tainted water and returned to the bed with him. As we made out for a while longer I saw a bio-hazard tattoo on his shoulder. “Steve, are you poz?” “Yeh, is that a problem? I’m into safe except with my boyfriend. Are you poz?” “Nah I’m neg, if we fuck wear a rubber ok?” “No problem.” “We made out some more exchanging blow jobs and generally both getting more excited. Soon Steve was fingering my ass. I reached over to the bedside table, retrieved the lube and passed it to him. Pretty soon he was fingering me deeply and working the lube deep into me. I was getting well relaxed under the influence of the G. Soon his knob was pressing against my ring as he spooned against my back in the comfort of the sheets. I was pushing back against it. He suddenly moved away. “Hang on Al, I’ll just get rubbered up.” The unmistakable sound of the packet being torn open and a condom rolling down his shaft followed. “Steve, Don’t hang around, just fuck me.” He spooned into my back and gently eased his cock into me. It felt fantastic. He started to tenderly fuck me as I drifted off to sleep under the influence of the G. When I awoke Steve had gone and his side of the bed was cold. I reached down and felt my ass pucker. It was wet and slippery. I smelled my fingers. It was cum. As I sat up in the bed more cum oozed out from me. Looking around the floor I saw an unrolled, but unused condom laying on the floor.
    1 point
  22. ... if and when it actually happens. Thoughts?
    1 point
  23. It has taken a (very) long time, but finally made some progress on a follow up to https://breeding.zone/topic/33786-the-decline-and-fall-of-michael-christian/Apologies again for the very long delay... and I hope you enjoy. Anyway, here is Part 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey man, sorry. I didn’t realise it was occupied.” A stranger stood at the toilet but looked over his shoulder at Calvin… was he smirking? Calvin needed to pee but it could wait. The real reason he was in the bathroom was to get away from the guy who had been (all but) clinging to him since he arrived at the party. The clingy guy had introduced himself as Tommy. He was tall, thin, and very flamboyantly gay. Not that Calvin had a problem with that, but Tommy had clearly had a few drinks too many. He refused to listen when Calvin said he was straight, so Calvin escaped to the bathroom. And now he had walked in on someone else in the toilet. Could this night get any more awkward? He started to back out of the bathroom and close the door. STOP. The stranger’s lips did not move but the word seemed to reverberate inside Calvin’s head. Like someone shouting, loudly, in a tunnel. There was an odd sensation just behind his eyes. A tingling. Calvin stopped. He stood in the door as if waiting for something. He wasn’t sure what that was, or even what it could be. “There’s room enough for two.” The stranger smiled but that smile never touched his eyes. Come in and close the door. The voice in his head was not as loud, just a normal speaking voice. But the tingling persisted. If anything, stronger than before. You are relaxed. There is nothing strange about what is happening. The voice was just a whisper now. But that sensation, the tingling behind his eyes, continued. It felt buried now, however, as if had burrowed somewhere deep inside his head. As Calvin stepped back in the bathroom and closed the door, he thought he should be worried. Like there was something terribly wrong. But he couldn’t think of what that might be. There was something odd about the stranger yet Calvin couldn’t quite put a finger on it. There was something almost… vague…or nondescript… about him. He was neither short not tall. Average build. Calvin couldn’t even tell how old he was. He could be 22 or 42. It just seemed impossible to tell. “I’m… Sebastian.” The stranger said. His extended his hand that had been holding his dick a moment ago. “You can call me Seb.” “Calvin. Calvin Watts.” Calvin shook Seb’s hand, trying not to think about where the hand had just been. “Nice to meet you. So do you know Mark and Mary?” “Not really, I just moved into the building and they invited me to the party.” “Can’t say I know them very well either.” Seb replied without more detail. “So how old are you, Calvin?” “I’m 18. You?” “I’m… a little bit older than that. Are you in college?” “Yes. I’m attending State, and studying Pre-Med and Chemistry. I want to get into medical research when I graduate.” Calvin wondered why he was kept speaking, answering questions that had never even been asked. He should be freaked out, of at least annoyed, but he felt eager to offer information. It made no sense. “You must have a high IQ.” “Well, when my Dad had me tested, my IQ was rated at 152.” “Very impressive. I bet you are doing very well in your classes, aren’t you? “ Calvin wanted to say that he was expecting to be on the Dean’s list this quarter and that he (and his father) would be very disappointed if he didn’t graduate summa cum laude in a few years. But Seb didn’t give him time to respond and the thought just slipped away. “Isn’t it unusual for a first year student to live off campus?” “My parents didn’t want me to live in the dorm. Too much partying going on. Or so my Dad says. So they rented an apartment for me.” “Do you have a girlfriend?” Seb paused a raised an eyebrow. “Or a boyfriend?” “Um… I don’t have a girlfriend, and I’m not gay.” Calvin wondered if he should be offended that the stranger had even asked… but somehow just couldn’t work up the energy. “You need to pee, don’t you Calvin?” “Um. Yeah.” “You should pull your dick out then, shouldn’t you?” That tingling again. And the perception of a voice inside his head but so quiet now he couldn’t even hear it. His hands moved before he even realised what they were doing, unzipping his fly, pulling out his dick, and aiming it at the toilet. His bladder, however, refused to pee, so he just stood there with this stranger. Both of the men standing there with his cock out. For a minute Calvin wondered if someone had put something in his drink and this was a surreal hallucination. But, no. This was real. Somehow he knew. “Good boy, Calvin.” A sense of happiness swept across Calvin at the words. His heart beat slightly faster in excitement. He wondered why he would feel this way. But, again, the thought slipped away. “It’s rather amusing. Your father thought he was preparing you for life. But his overprotective and controlling nature has sheltered you. You never even developed those defences that most humans have.” The words seemed to bypass Calvin as if his mind was shut down while Seb spoke. After a moment he blinked to see Seb looking at his crotch. “You have a nice cock.” Calvin blushed, unsure how to reply. “Do you like my cock, Calvin?” Calvin had never really looked at another guy’s cock before. Well, maybe in the locker room. But that was really just to see how it compared to his own. Now he found his eyes pulled down to Seb’s crotch. And he stared, suddenly fascinated by it. The other man’s cock was long and thick. The foreskin wrapped around the bulbous cock head and the whole things seemed so… perfect. Calvin was circumcised and his own cock suddenly felt awkward and clunky. “It’s…. It’s... beautiful.” Calvin finally managed. He licked his lips as he stared. “Why don’t you touch it?” Calvin’s hand reached out, tentatively. “That’s right, wrap your fingers around it. Stroke it. Gently. That’s my good boy.” Calvin felt his own dick starting to swell and rise. He was getting hard. But he was straight. Wasn’t he? It felt so fuzzy now. “I’m going to put my hand on your dick now. Is that ok, Calvin?” “Yes, sir.” Seb’s fingers caressed Calvin’s dick. The fingers moved softly. Gently. But Calvin’s whole body convulsed in pleasure. “You like that, don’t you?” “Yeah.” “I’m going to suck you now, Calvin.” “Ok…. I’ve never had a blow job before.” “A blow job? What a quaint way to describe it.” Seb shifted to his knees and Calvin could feel the warm breath rippling across the sensitive skin of his dick. The shaft flexed in anticipation. Some part of his mind tried to scream out. To put a stop to this. He wasn’t gay. But Calvin just couldn’t concentrate and the thought faded away. But Seb paused. “I could stop now, Calvin. I could stop, walk out, and you would be yourself again in a few minutes. Do you want me to stop? To step away now, without sucking your cock?” “No… please don’t stop.” Calvin felt desperate. It suddenly didn’t matter if he was gay or straight. He just wanted the other man’s mouth around his cock. “Are you sure? If I continue, there is a price. There is always a price. And you will never be the same.” “Please… please suck me. I want it so bad. I need it.” Calvin whimpered. Why was he so desperate? “As you wish.” The stranger smiled again. It was a smile that sent a chill down Calvin’s spine. The kind of smile that a cat wears when playing with a mouse. Then Seb’s lips enveloped Calvin’s cock. Calvin’s moaned as the sensation of the warm mouth enveloped his cock and spread quickly throughout his body. His hands wrapped around Seb’s head in a desperate attempt to maintain some control. Seb’s lips were locked on Calvin’s shaft. His mouth slid up and down the length, maintaining a tight suction. Calvin imagined he could feel the suction all the way from his skull to his toes. As if the pressure Seb was exerting would swallow him whole. It was almost painful… but somehow incredibly erotic. “Oh fuck,” Calvin groaned. He was getting his dick sucked for the first time… by a guy. This was so bizarre. But good. Oh so very good. “That is so amazing.” Calvin’s hips started moving, thrusting his cock further into Seb’s mouth. His dick was slowly swelling. His balls were slowly starting their rise. But… something else. A strange sensation throughout his body. Pulling. Stretching. As if the suction on his cock was siphoning something out of him. His head felt fuzzy. Unfocused. He had a slight headache and his vision seemed to be blurring. His body felt weak. ‘Oh fuck’, Calvin thought, asking himself ‘Am I having an aneur… and an….’. Strange. He couldn’t think of the word. He should know that word. A brain… thingy. A problem in the brain. He should know the word. Why couldn’t he think of it? Don’t worry. Relax. Let it flow away. The voice was back. And the tingling, which had never gone away, seemed stronger again now. At that information, that knowledge. It’s all such a burden. Surrender it. Life will be so much easier if you just don’t have to think so much anymore. Lay down your burden. Calvin was afraid. Terrified. Something was being taken from him. But he couldn’t figure out what it was. He had to resist. But his head was so fuzzy. Why couldn’t he think? Do you feel it? Your intelligence dropping lower. And lower. Doesn’t it feel good to let it go? Now you can enjoy other things. More important things. More immediate things. Think about how good your cock feels. Doesn’t your cock feel so good now? His cock did feel amazing. Seb’s expert lips, tongue, and mouth were bringing him closer and closer to cumming. This was fucking amazing. He had never felt this good sitting in a classroom. The suction was so strong. Especially in his head. Everything was being pulled into his dick. His dick that was buried deep in Seb’s throat now. Fuck that felt good. Yes. He could let go. It would feel so good to just let go. No! He shouldn’t. God help him, he knew he shouldn’t. He was losing something. Something important. If only he could understand what it was.… But his cock felt amazing. He needed to cum. To unload. To release. He wanted his body to tense up in anticipation — like it was doing now. He wanted to feel his dick throb —like it was doing now. He wanted to feel his nuts pull up — like they were doing now. He wanted this more than anything! Yes… Calvin succumbed to the voice in his head. He surrendered to the pressure. Stopped fighting it. And he came. It seemed to last forever. His eyes rolled back into his head and blast after blast fired into Seb’s throat. And Seb swallowed it all. But eventually the 18 year old’s muscles relaxed. His pecker grew soft and slipped from Seb’s mouth. Seb stood and gently pushed the young man down on the toilet seat. He peered into Calvin’s eyes and into his mind and soul. The mind was so quiet. So dull. So stupid. Lazy, unfocused, undisciplined. “Ah, my poor boy. You had such a high opinion of yourself and your mind. But you were just a tasty morsel. A delicious treat for a summer evening.” “Huh?” Calvin just looked up at the man above him. “Whatcha talking bout?” “I don’t think you need to worry about a high IQ anymore.” Seb laughed. “I’m afraid that I may have gotten carried away. You are well below ‘normal’ now. Well below.” “You ain’t making sense, man.” Seb frowned and looked down at Calvin. He really hadn’t intended to consume so much of the young man. “You know, since I took so much from you, it seems only fair that I give you something back. Would you like that?” “Your gonna give me somethin?” Calvin couldn’t really understand that this guy was babblin’ about… but fuck it. If he wanted to give him something, he sure as fuck wouldn’t refuse. Seb’s put his hand on Calvin’s head and pulled him towards his own hard cock. “What the fuck?” Calvin protested. “I aint no fag…” But his protest was cut off as Seb’s cock slipped into his mouth. Calvin tried to get it out. But no matter what he did, the prick was pushing into his mouth. And then he noticed the taste. ‘Fuck, that tasted good,’ he thought, his tongue swirling around the sliding shaft. He wanted that taste. More! Seb, however, was impatient. He had more important matters to attend and this distraction had already wasted too much time. Within moments, his hips were pressed against Calvin’s face. The entire shaft inserted. That was good enough. He let his orgasm flow. His seed erupting into the wretch before him. Calvin slurping it down like a man who had found an oasis in a barren desert. It wasn’t really semen, of course. Semen was such a mortal concept. But Calvin perceived the fluids as such. Seb slipped his cock from Calvin’s mouth and looked into his eyes a final time. Yes. There it was: the craving. A ravenous hunger for something Calvin couldn’t even put words to yet. And he had even given a bit of the young man’s intelligence back. Not much, of course. Just enough so he could function in society. And just enough so he could understand what he had lost, what had been taken away, it was so much more fun when they understood the price. Calvin sat on the toilet in shock. It was still so hard to think. For a moment there, he had been lost completely. He felt better now but he knew something was still missing. He could feel a cavity where something had been pulled away. And there was something else. Some other sensation he was just barely aware of. But he couldn’t put words to it. What the hell had Seb done to him? “Yes. That will do.” Seb mused. “You feel it missing now, don’t you? All that information, your mind racing miles ahead of everyone around you, all that potential? Gone. You will have to spend the rest of your life wondering what you would have accomplished. Cure cancer? Find new treatments to better the lives of our fellow ‘humans’? You will never know but it will haunt you. All of that given up just to get your dick sucked. Your dreams, your plans for a career? Dead now. But don’t worry, I very much suspect you will find a new career soon enough. I wish I could stay to watch, but I think not. It's time to move on." Calvin wanted to scream To yell. To cry. What the fuck had he done? But it was so hard to think now. He felt hollow. Empty. Incomplete. It took him a moment to realise he was alone in the bathroom. Seb was simply not there anymore. He was alone… for about a minute. And then the door opened. “Oh there you are, handsome.” It was Tommy, the gay guy from earlier. “I thought you got lost.” Tommy’s eyes swept over Calvin’s disheveled face and hair, and at the cum splatters on the floor. And Calvin’s dick still hanging out of his jeans. “Well, you have been busy, haven’t you? You dirty slut.” The word ‘slut’ sounded like a compliment from Tommy’s lips. Calvin was sure he could smell Tommy. His sweat. His musk. And it made his lust even stronger. His thoughts even weaker. Calvin’s eyes trailed down Tommy’s tall, lean, beautiful body. To the sizeable bulge in his crotch. He could see the outline of other man’s cock quite clearly. Tommy’s tight pants made sure of that. And that cock was quite big. He was so horny. No. Horny didn’t describe it. He was fucking ravenous. He wanted what was in the other man’s trousers. He wanted to explore that budge. He wanted to feel Tommy in his throat and, god help him, in his ass. He wanted Tommy’s cum inside him. He needed it. “Oh fuck.” Calvin didn’t even realise he was speaking out loud. “I’m gay.” “Yeah, I kind of guessed that.” Tommy slurred. Calvin’s dick was straining in his jeans. What Seb had taken, his intelligence or whatever, didn’t seem as important right now. He needed to sate his hunger. “I wanna taste you. I want to suck you. And I want you to fuck me. I’ve never been fucked. Please.” Tommy raised an eyebrow. “Well, lucky for you, someone convinced me to explore my top side recently. But are you sure about this? It’s going to hurt a bit… especially if it’s your first time.” < To Be Continued… > >
    1 point
  24. This was salvaged from Bugshare.net, the 'Strictly Stories' section. ************************************************************ The sex-nazis have closed the gloryholes in my city's bookstores but, before they did, I was quite the hot slut. I started going to bookstores as soon as I was old enough to be allowed inside them. I loved the thrill of going into the arcade areas knowing that I was going to give my ass to anyone who wanted to cum. I would go several times a week, and I never went home without getting fucked by at least 3 different men. On slow nights, I get my minimum of 3 loads in the ass, on average nights I'd usually get 6 loads, and busy nights I'd get up to 16 loads in my slutty asshole. I had a collection of assless spandex shorts that I'd made and loved going to the bookstores wearing only slip-on shoes with socks (to hold lube & money for the booths) a pair of my assless shorts, and a t-shirt that was just long enough to conceal my exposed buttcheeks from the clerk. As soon as I'd get back into the video arcade area I would tie the t-shirt up around my waist so my asscheeks was fully exposed to any men who were checking out my butt. I wanted them to all know that I was a slut and that I was there for their pleasure. I loved cruisiing the dimly lit hallways of the arcades with my ass hanging out an letting men feel me up as I walked by them. When I'd generated enough interest, I'd make my way to a booth with a couple of gloryholes in it and make sure enough of the men noticed I was going in. Then, as soon as the door was closed, I'd strip naked, make sure my asshole was properly lubed, feed the video machine and find a gay vid, then wait for the sound of the doors closing from the neighboring booths. It never took long for guys to get in the booths next to mine, and I'd always make sure to display my naked body for them when I saw them looking through the gloryholes before spreading my asscheeks for them and offering my fuckhole to them. Most would scramble to drop their pants and feed their cock through the gloryhole opening, and I'd quickly back my ass onto their drooling cockheads, feeling their cocks getting harder as I positioned the head at the opening of my well-lubed mancunt. When I'd feel their cockhead centered on my asshole, I'd push back and feel their meat slide inside me. God how I love feeling anonymous cocks slipping inside my ass! Some guys would have my fuck their cocks with my ass while others would just start slamming my ass through the gloryhole right away. Only 2 or 3 out of 10 would use a condom and I always made sure to get their cum-filled rubbers from them when they were done so I could shove it into my ass and squeeze all their cum inside my ass. There were always small peepholes in the doors of the videobooths and, wehen I knew someone was peeking in, I'd just unlock the door and let them open it wide so all could watch me getting my ass fucked. As soon as the door was open, and guys started noticing the action, a crowd would always gather. I loved it when the guy who was fucking me was doing it hard enough to make lots of noise, slamming his pelvis against the thin wall that seperated us, causing it to creak and strain as it bowed in while he fucked me like a bitch. The guys watching would urge me on as and some of them would position themselves near the door of the booth next to mine so they could be the next stud to fuck me. Sometimes I never even made it into the booth before the action would start. Some guys would see my naked ass as I cruised the hallways, come up behind me and rub my naked ass. I'd arch my back and push my ass back to them and, the next thing I knew, I would hear their zipper being whipped down and feel their hot cockhead being poked between my asscheeks. From there, I'd help them find my asshole by shifting my hips until their cockhead was positioned correctly, then I'd push my ass back hard and make my hole swallow their cock in one steady push. They'd grab my hips and fuck me like a rabbit as other men watched the fun and gathered around us. As soon as one man was finished fucking me, another would take his place. Then another would take his place, and so on through the night. God I LOVED it!! If they ever open the gloryholes up again in this city, I know I'll be back to my slutty ways in a heartbeat! I love being a cockslut and cumpig, and LOVE taking multiple anonymous loads! Nothing is finer than feeling a stranger's cock twitching & pulsing while buried deep in my asshole as it pumps a hot load of cum into me! I figure (conservatively) I've taken about 900 loads into my asspussy, from about 600 different men. I had some "regulars" who'd make sure to fuck me whenever I was there, but I know there was were a lot of guys from out of town (Anchorage gets a lot of visitors in the summer, and gets lots of short-term workers who have to come up here for business), and guys who just needed to get off in a random hole. My only regret is not getting fucked even more before the bastards-that-be forced the bookstores to close up the gloryholes. But, if they ever open them up again, my ass will be plastered against the nearest gloryhole and I'll be taking on all cummers again!
    1 point
  25. Shameless I dated Scott for several years way back when. Looking back now I can see he was an absolute train wreck but he was good at sex and for awhile that was enough. His lips also felt amazing when he swallowed my cock. His usual practice was to popper up and suck and lick my cock as he fingered my hole, segueing to eating my ass, then to use toys on my hole to open me up, and when he determined I was ready, he would align his cock with my hole and sink in balls deep in one long push. He never lasted long but tended to stay hard after shooting, and would go back and forth in using toys and fucking my hole. It was absolutely amazing. Scott was also poz, and the first time I sat down on his bare cock and watched his face as he pumped up into me and eventually flooded my ass with his poz load, well what can I say? I was hooked. His was the first knowingly poz load I ever took. Back then, as now, I was 100% vers but he would only top me, so we would get into three-ways and groups if only so I could at least occasionally get to fuck some ass. Of course he always fucked the other guys, usually fucking them first, loading up several of the asses, so I could slide in afterwards, Scott's poz load the only lube. Without exception, I found the sight of Scott fucking another guy to be an incredible turn-on, and even if he wasn't supportive of the idea that I should be allowed to get fucked by the other guys, and he actively tried to distract me when I tried to get another guy to slip his cock into my ass. Naturally this led to more than some hard feelings. In the final review, we worked our way through quite a few tops and bottoms, but seldom did I get fucked. One Halloween we went to a bar and met another couple. One was dressed like Superman and soon we all headed back to their place. They were a poz/neg couple like we were but they wouldn’t say which was which. We got naked and sat in the hot tub kissing and sucking and then took it inside. The older member of the other couple was kissing Scott and I was playing with the one who had been dressed as Superman. He fingered my hole and felt the load my guy had put in me before we left home and he whispered in my ear that he wanted to fuck me and I was all for it. I glanced over at Scott who was deep in a 69 with the other guy. Before I knew it my legs were on Superman's shoulders and was sliding into my ass. We had all been drinking and partying and his fuck was not exactly gentle. He pounded into my hole with deep long strokes which quickly got the attention of the other two. I expected my guy to be upset but he actually encouraged them to both fuck me. And fuck me they did. All three of them took turns keeping my holes full of cock. It was one of the best nights of fucking I have ever had. All three fucked loads deep into me. Afterwards we talked for a bit and then Scott and Superman fell asleep. The older of the other couple and I went out to the hot tub and he sank his average length but extremely thick cock back into my well fucked hole and kissed me as he took his time this go round. He told he was the poz one as he fucked another load into me. He fingered my hole and feed me part of the loads that had been fucked into me and kissed me again and again. We left not long after and Scott told me how he had wanted to fuck Superman and even though he didn’t how turned on he had gotten sharing me with that other couple. When we got home he fucked me again—hard, rough, and quick. My mouth and ass sore but extremely satisfied.
    1 point
  26. I love nothing more than getting str8, married dudes off. I've learned at the Adult Sex Shops here in Vegas that the best times for str8 dick is sometimes early in the morning, when guys will make a quick stop at the ABS booths for a super quick bj on their way to work. But, mostly I try to be at the ABS's during the noontime lunch breaks. And from about 3:30p-5:30p when guys are on their way back home, after work, to the wife and kids. I hit up one of my favorite ABS's here in Vegas this afternoon about 4pm and I definitely hit the jackpot today. I stopped at Peepland and the parking lot was full. So, I knew I was in for a treat. Sure enough, half of the dozen booths had their little red lights on. I tried the door knobs of the occupied booths. Most were locked. But I found one unlocked. I stepped inside and found a rather plain looking guy sitting on the chair, his hard cock in his hand, jacking off to str8 porn. He didn't even look up at me, which for a str8 guy, is an invitation to come in. As his eyes stayed glued to the porn on the large screen, I locked the door behind me, took off my glasses and put them in my pocket and knelt down in front of him, between his legs. He never even looked at me as I bent forward and took his cock in my mouth. I sucked on his cock as I fondled his balls. He cock stiffened even more as I serviced him. About 5 or 6 minutes of steady cocksucking brought me the first load of the afternoon. He quickly pulled his dick out of my mouth. Stood and zipped up and was out of the booth before I could wipe his overflow cum from my goatee. I grabbed a paper town from the dispenser and wiped off as I headed out to check the doorknobs again. I quickly found another unlocked door. As I stepped in, I found a very, very tall, slender black guy sitting in the booth. His sweatpants were down around his ankles and a 9" slender bbc was in his hands. He was watching a str8 porn with a white chick taking a bbc in her ass. He gave me a quick glance as I stepped into the booth and locked the door. But didn't pay much attention to me as I knelt between his long legs and began to worship the huge piece of meat he had standing straight up from his crotch. I took as much as I could of his beautiful cock into my mouth. But it didn't feel like I was getting much in there. But, I did all I could to give him the best bj that I could provide. I would take occasional breaks to suck on his balls. He loved that. I don't like to use my hands very much when I'm sucking dick. But since his dick was so long and I couldn't get it as far down my throat as I would have liked, I did stroke his cock as an extension of my lips. He seemed to be enjoying it. Soon, I was sucking on both his big, heavy balls and he began to stroke his own cock. He seemed to really be enjoying my attention to his balls. Soon, I could hear the familiar sounds that signaled that he was getting close to coming. I wrapped my lips around his cockhead just as his hot ejaculate filled my mouth. I swallowed as much of it as I could. I got up, again wiped my mouth and left his booth, as he cleaned off his cock. There are two booths at the far end that have a large glory hole cut out between them. They charge $5 for those booths. And truthfully, they don't get much action. But I could see that one of the booth doors was closed and the red light was on above it. So, I stuck my head into the adjoining booth and looked through the g/h. An rough looking, scruffy guy in his mid 50's, with a white/gray overgrown beard and mustache, very scruffy looking, with a sun and wind weathered face, had his zipper open and was stroking a hard 6" cut cock. Ahhh....He had to be the owner of the Harley Davidson that was parked out front. I stepped into the adjoining booth, locked the door and slipped a $5 bill into the machine. I did the "finger thing" at the g/h. He noticed, but didn't respond. SHIT! Had I wasted five bucks? But, I kept glancing back through the g/h. He continued to stroke his cock. Finally, I thought, "fuck it". I'm just going to put my face up to the hole. I did, and he soon stood and put his cock to my lips. I quickly engulfed his hardon and began to suck. He would only put just his cockhead through far enough for me to suck on it. I couldn't take his full cock into my mouth. It was frustrating, but I realized that was all he was going to feed me. So, it ended up that he stroked his cock as I did the best to suck on his cockhead. Finally, when I could feel his cockhead swelling and getting even harder, I knew he was getting ready to blow. I wrapped my lips tightly around his cockhead as he shot a rather large load into my mouth. His load just seemed to cum and cum and cum and cum. I swallowed every drop, then as I licked his piss slit, he pulled his cock back into his jeans, zipped and left the booth. I still had a couple of bucks credit on my machine, so I just sat back and relaxed for a few minutes till the time ran out. Now, I was back into the hallway to find more dick. I saw an older guy leaving one of the booths. The red light above the door was still illuminated. I stepped into that booth and found a very attractive guy in his mid '40's with a rock hard 6.5" cock in his hands, stroking to the str8 porn on the screen. I locked the door and once again assumed my position on my knees, between his legs. He let out a sigh as my lips wrapped around his cock. It was still wet from the saliva from the older guy that had just left his booth. His cock was just the perfect length and width for me to be able to completely deepthroat. I did some of my best cocksuckin of the afternoon on his cock. I would continually change speeds, angles, depths. I wanted this str8 guy to have the best damn blow job he had had. I wanted to not only shame the cocksucking skills of his wife, but of the guy that had just left his booth. I think I did a pretty, damn good job on it. About 5 minutes of cocksucking found him filling my mouth with his sweet load. As I was getting up and wiping my mouth of his cum, I got the first really good look at his face. DAMN! He was one handsome, masculine fucker! I had been so focused on his beautiful cock, that I had completely missed how handsome he was. He was very, very masculine. His strong chin was covered in a heavy day's growth of stubble. And he had beautiful blue eyes. He gave me a nice smile and said, "Thanks! That was awesome". "Anytime", I said as I smiled at him while cleaning off my goatee of some of his cum. I left his booth in search of more dick. I spent about 15 minutes of either being turned down or finding locked doors. I guess I needed to give my knees a break, anyway. But I was getting frustrated. I was considering calling it a day and heading home, when I made another swing down the hall of booths. The gorgeous guy I had just blown was still in his booth. I stepped in and what would you know??? He was hard as a rock again. And stroking his dick. He smiled at me and asked, "You want another go at it?" "Fuck, yeah!" I locked the door and assumed my position between his legs. This time, he undid his belt and pants. He pulled his pants to the floor, pulled off his shoes and pulled his pants completely off. Giving me full access to his cock AND balls. I sucked for a few moments, then went to work on his beautiful, low hanging balls. BINGO! He was loving it. He was moaning in approval as I sucked first one, then the other of his giant orbs into my mouth. Then I licked under his balls. Oh, boy! He was loving that. The moaning was getting louder. My tongue continued lower and he lifted his knees to his now bare, hairy chest. He had a gorgeous, thin, muscular, very hairy body. I let my tongue slip down until I found his puckered rosebud. He let out a loud gasp as my tongue flicked across it. I spread his ass and slipped my tongue up into him. I was in heaven. Nothing makes me happier, than making a str8, married guy moan, groan and squirm in pleasure. Soon he had both his hands on his ass cheeks, spreading them for me, to allow my tongue to go deeper in him. Then he swung his leg over my head and pulled himself up from the chair. He quickly turned and bent over the chair. His ass was in my face. I spread his asscheeks and dove my tongue back into his hole. I ate him out, kissed his hole and made love to it for about 5 minutes. I may be an OK, even a pretty damn good cocksucker at times. But one thing that I KNOW I excel at, is eating a hot ass. When it's a tight, clean hole like his, I can't get myself deeply enough inside it. I licked, kissed, slid my tongue deep inside till I could taste and feel the soft, pink insides of his hole. I truly made love to his beautiful ass. Soon, he stood up, turned around and slipped his rock hard cock back into my mouth. He held my face and facefucked me as hard as he could. I was taking his cock as far back in my throat as I was able. Soon he was groaning as he filled me with another of his sweet loads. Fuck! This guy is one horny fucker. As we both put ourselves back together, I asked, "Do you come here often?" "Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity, very often", he said. "Well, I hope to run into you again. You're fun!" "Anytime, bud", he said. As I left his booth, left the store and headed back home. Completely satisfied with some of the funnest cocksucking I've had in a long time.
    1 point
  27. So this is it. I've admitted to myself that I am a bareback cheater. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, but I need more sex then he can give me. And I'm getting it. It all started about four years ago when I downloaded Grindr and other apps looking for random hook ups. I met a few guys on one or another of those sites and all of the guys fucked me safe and I enjoyed it. Then I met another guy who has the biggest cock I've ever had. We were fucking for about two years behind my partner's back. It was amazing. After creating a dirty twitter account and joining BBRT and even going to saunas I decided that I wanted this guy's raw cock in my ass. The first time I took it raw from him I had him come to my home, where he fucked me in the bed I share with my partner. Just before he blew, he asked "Are you sure you want my cum deep in your hole?" Yeah, I did. For another two years or so he was my regular fuck buddy and I always took his load raw deep in my hole, but sadly, he broke the news that he was moving to Scotland. So of course we hooked up one last time. He fucked me like mad. Then, even though he was a professed 'Total Top', he announced he wanted my load in his ass. So I wanked my cock, and just before I blew, I slid my cock into his extremely tight hole, flooding him with my load. When I pulled my cock out there was a trace of blood but nothing to worry about. Sadly he's gone now and I don't have a regular fuck buddy, but there is a guy I get together with on average about once every six months, and I let him breed me. He doesn't know I'm married and he breeds me where ever we are: public toilets, his house, fields and once even in the changing room for a public swimming pool. But for now I just enjoy taking loads from guys, although I hope my partner doesn't find out. He knows I have a dirty twitter account but has never said anything to me. Still, I know were I was single I'd be taking every raw cock offered to me.
    1 point
  28. When my ex Scott and I would go out we would often end up at the bath house to sober up a bit before heading home. We would get a room and Scott would party up and I would roam around looking for cock and hole. We had been a few times and one of the attendants was a nice looking black guy named Heath. We flirted with him but never thought anything would come of it. One night we got him into our room and took turns sucking his long cut cock. It was only for a minute or two and he said he had to get back to work and we thought that was that. Later Scott and I were taking turns fucking a guy who was flying on something and begging for cock in one of the public play areas. We fucked his holes for awhile and he was begging for cum. I was throat fucking him while Scott was plowing his ass and I pulled out and asked if he wanted my boyfriends’ poz load and he just moaned. I got behind Scott telling him I wanted to see him poz that hole for me. I played with his nipples, which always did it for him, and soon he was pumping his poz load into the tweeked out guy. He kept fucking for a bit then pulled out and I slid right in that hot, wet, loaded hole. It felt amazing and the guy was begging to be fucked harder, saying he could take it and to really give it to him. I grabbed his hips and soon the sounds of his moans and my hips smacking his ass were getting louder and louder. I was not ready to cum yet and pulled out to let someone else have a turn at the guy. Scott and I took a shower and headed back to our room and saw Heath walking by and motioned him in. Scott said he wanted to see him fuck me and Heath looked at me and I just nodded and leaned in for a kiss. Scott shut the door and had me on my hands and knees licking my cock as I sucked Heath’s cock getting him nice and wet. Scott stood up and kissed Heath as he guided his bare cock to my hole. His cock was long and thin but had a really big flared head and it took some work to get it in. I was on my hands and knees, Heath behind me, and Scott scooted underneath me getting into a 69 position. I bent down and sucked his cock as he licked my balls and said how hot it was to watch me take that black cock. Heath had been a bit hesitant up until then working his cock in me but Scott encouraged him to ram into me which he did taking my breath away. He waiting a second but soon was fucking the whole length of that long black cock into me and pulling almost all the way out only to sink in balls deep again. It was quick and rough, with him forcing my hips back onto his cock over and over. Scott kept saying how hot it was to watch me get fucked like that and soon Heath buried his cock in me and I could feel it spasm as he loaded my hole. He slowly pulled out and then Scott and I were licking him clean. He headed back to work and Scott slid his cock into me and fucked me for few minutes but then said he wanted to rest for a bit and sent me out to look for more fun. I walked around and saw a guy we knew from a bar we went to. Average body but damn at the cock on him. That thing was a good 6 inches hanging soft. He asked where Scott was and I said resting but I wanted some more cock and would he let me play with his. In reply he leaned back on his elbows and spread his legs for me. I fell to my knees and licked and sucked him hard. I told him I had no idea he had such a nice big cock and he sorta laughed and guided my mouth up to his and kissed me. We lay on the bed rubbing against each other and his fingers found their way to my hole and he asked how many loads I had in me. I told him two so far, one poz and one neg. He asked if he could fuck another poz load into me. Hell yeah! He had me on my back in no time with my legs on his shoulders and was sinking that big cock into me. His was the biggest of the night and really stretched me. He was a solid eight inches and it felt so good as he sank into my loaded hole. He alternated between short quick thrusts and long slow ones and I loved it. I was running my hands all over him and encouraging him to give me that poz cock. He was hitting all the right spots inside me and had me moaning and begging for his poz load. He looked me in the eyes as he fucked faster and then he buried himself all the way in me and told me “I own a piece of you forever now” as he pozzed my hole. It was one of the hottest things I had ever experienced. Walking back to the room to find Scott I was thinking I never expected that guy to not only have a cock like that but to know how to use it so well. I could tell Scott was a bit jealous as I told him about it on the drive home. As soon as we got home he had me pushed up against the wall of the garage and ripped my pants down and sank his cock into me again. He always did this to show me that I was still his. It was hot I have to admit but as he pumped another poz load into me I remembered that guy saying how he owned a piece of me forever and shot my load all down the wall.
    1 point
  29. I guess Calvin will need to figure out some way to make some money.
    1 point
  30. Ash stumbles on the last step going down. Sebastian catches him. He's in Sebastian's arms now in more ways than one. They go through a wide, dark tunnel. Slings on both side. The slings are full of men getting fucked and fisted. It's hard to focus on any single couple. Some slings have multiple men surrounding them, some men get sucked, some fisted and groped. It's hard to tell where one couple begins and the next quartet ends. One thin Filipino man is hyperactively climbing all over a portly middle aged man like a spider monkey, fucking him at times, fisting him, sometimes fisting and fucking at the same time. An older man sits on a stool toward the end of the corridor and methodically punchfucks a very young man. There isn't passion passing between them, just a steady rhythm of fist after fist. Periodically, and asymmetric to the punching, the younger man wales out a mournful yowl, half regret, half acceptance and desire. The grease is turning from pink to red. The old man asks if he should stop. The young man says harder. Sebastian leads Ash into the main area. The Assemblyman is right. Slings, fuck benches and St. Andres crosses line the walls filled with willing performers. Sex surrounds the dance floor. Lights of blue and green switch back and forth with red and yellow. The scotch and pill already has an impact on Ash. The colors are more vibrant than ordinary disco lights. They have a sheen on the edges. He can stare into them without going blind. He and Sebastian take to the dance floor, but instead of dancing, Sebastian stand on the sidelines. Ash waits on the shore of the sea of men. He undulates, encouraging Sebastian to join him. He rocks his pelvis, strokes his arms in front of him like he's churning butter, circles an arm above his head, movements that have, in the past, enticed men and women to him. Sebastian stands unmoved, squinting, watching, waiting. The dance floor absorbs Ash. Many men are naked. They rub their bodies against Ash, encourage him to gyrate to them. He is sandwiched by a couple, one auburn haired, one jet black. They writhe and grease Ash with their sweat. Ash is rippling between the two men's bodies. Then the tide passes him through deeper into the crowd. At one point, inside the heavy electronic beat, his body is passed into the air. Hands feel his torso, his crotch, his face, swirling around, point this direction then that, turned so that anonymous men can feel every inch of him. He feels a boot pulling off. He says hey to the ceiling amused. Another boot, socks comes off. He sees he's not the only body floating above the crowd. He reaches out to one but is being floated the other direction. He's turned over and someone is at his zipper pulling it down. His pants inch down and expose him. They're off and the men below now stroke and pamper him. He's loving it. Another body in the air right beside him floating naked too above the crowd. He extends a hand as does the other, and they feel their arms locked together, seeking mooring, but pulled apart, each carried on a tide that billows them together, then parts them to separate ends of the dance floor. Hands and fingers probe his ass, lube him, caress him. Clenched fists grope his cock. His flesh is licked, tits sucked, balls fondled, all the while the flares of green and blue to yellow and red wash over him and the hands beneath. His body is passed down to an empty sling in the opposite corner from where he came in. And who is there waiting by its side, naked, erect? Sebastian is there. Of course he is. Maybe he orchestrated it, spellbound the audience and encouraged them to deliver Ash to him. Settling in the sling, Ash reaches up to touch Sebastian's skin. It is rippled, sculpted in a way a man should be sculpted. Every edge is firm, every curve and angle hairless. He feels the ripples of Sebastian's stomach, sculpted like an artist would sculpt a man, like Michelangelo would. They move their hands slowly over each other's body. The surrounding crowd shrouds them, gives them their world, leaves a private sphere around Ash and Sebastian—though every move they make is watched. Sebastian leans down to speaks to Ash. His face so close, yelling to be heard over the electronic beat, Ash can feel his spittle. "You are so white, so wanting to be corrupted." Sebastian examines Ash's cock, squeezing his shaft to get him hard. He snarls, "You corrupt me with your wanting." "Corrupt me," pleads Ash, slipping his cock up and down in Sebastian's calloused paw. "I'm all imperfections, it just doesn't show." Their tongues come together enticing more passion, rich in possibilities. Sebastian leads Ash deeper into the maze of passion. He stands naked before Ash, his body smooth except for the eagle's wings of dark hair above his long, succulent cock. The hairs are perfectly straight, look soft. Ash brushes the eagle wings ready to take flight. He brushes one side to the left, the mirrored side to the right He takes the beautifully sculpted crown into his mouth and excites the cock, first on the head, then draws down the shaft until its disappears down his throat. The soft hair brush against his lips. His groin smells of man. It tastes of man. Ash's arm is being squeezed and lightly touched. Sebastian ties off his arm at the bicep. Ash is spiked and then, before he knows what happening, there is a chemical being flooded into his body. *** You feel an orgasm coming. It takes over you body, the enormous rush of eroticism climaxes. But this particular climax stays in your body. Peaks like a high tide but does not recede. It keep you peaking on a wave of euphoric buoyancy. It does not stop. Wave after wave of orgasmic ebullience you ride like the unending surf, the longest wave stretching out before you, no end in sight. You leap in the air, taking off, spinning off the lip of the half-pipe, spinning past a 540, a 720. You flip, you curl. You're running along the beach, you jump a puddle, your soar never touches the ground until you decide to touch ground. You glide, you fly; gravity is a word made up by Newton but has nothing to do with you. Newton is dead and you are alive more than you've ever been. You are above the law of nature. You fly and soar above the clouds, above rules of nature herself. You are Zeus that commands all things. You fly and soar, straddle between heaven and earth. You ride an orgasm, ten times, a hundred times, more powerful than you've ever felt, like the waves you ride in Africa, a wave that takes you past several countries, continents, there are no borders here, there are only rich colors, blue-greens of earth that you stare into. The colors become you: It extends past watching, past anything you've ever known. The rush of heroin is ten times more than words, opens you to meaninglessness, words only hold you down. You body is indebted to Sebastian who owns you, who freed you from your body. He is out there somewhere in the blue-green, now red-yellow. Has pushed you through mirror. You are on the other side, looking at him through a barrier of glass. How can he not be you? You have tripped, tweaked, but never have you soared in flight like this. You never want to experience anything but this again. You will take anything, do anything, sacrifice anything to sustain this elevation, this mountain peak. Stars and comets surround you. You'll kill, maim, sell your soul to maintain this high. Sebastian watches you, evaluates you. You want him inside you. He takes the meaning as you lift a leg to capture him. You're saying meaningless words, it's the motions, the urgency of getting fucked that make you understood. You take his ass and pull him into you, feel the perfection of his body as it slides where no man has been. Why have you waited this long? Nothing has ever felt as good, no food eaten nor wine drunk has ever satisfied a hunger you now feel. You are gods among men. Men watch envious of the passion you shower onto Sebastian. You show the mortals what a fuck is. You bellow out your passion over a drum beat that makes the men around you pulse, writhe, slither, mimic a tenth of what your feeling. Sebastian is stirring the organs inside you with his mammoth cockhead. Sebastian is the phallus you body prays to and preys on. Your body blazes, every nerve ending fires simultaneously, you feel each strand of pubic hair rub against your ass, you feel Sebastian's heavy balls slapping against you. He's grabbing your cock and guiding you to the same end as his. His skin glistens orange like a devil, now aqua like Neptune. You are underwater drowning in desire for him. You reach up and bring him to you. You merge with him, you become him, sees you as you see you, flawed, imperfect, and still fucks you anyway. Who could desires you as you are? He should destroy you, and he will. You're flooded with his cum as you discharge white lava over his chest. And still the orgasm doesn't end nor does the line of men emerging from the sea of men. Familiar but disconnected from context. A beautiful black man with a bandaged hand missing a finger is next in line, a man holding a horse dildo, a young black man in a harness with a strap that connects to his cockring, an old man with sagging tits holding yet another needle. At that point, with that point, because of that point, you, who you remember, will no longer exist. *** "How are you feeling?" Sebastian asks. They are in a white tiled room, brightly lit. Ash still hears the dull thump of music beyond the door. "You stopped breathing." Mr. X has his back to him taking instruments out of a metal pan, placing them on blue paper. Ash has similar blue paper draped over his body, except for a cutout around his crotch. His right arm has an ivy drip going into a vein. Sebastian wears a surgical gown and has a surgical mask that's held on by one ear. A stethoscope dangles from his neck. Mr. X also wear a surgical gown. Ash tells his body to move but it can't. It's not struggling, it just can't move. He attempts to raise a finger but the impulses that runs out of his brain are severed by something dripping into him. Even his eyes find it hard to move. It takes all his effort to move from Sebastian's face to look at his cock. He see Sebastian holding it with a blue latex glove. Ash doesn't feel it very much, just a warm throb. "We were concerned," he tells Ash, "but I think you are going to pull through magnificently." Ash commands his eyes to look up. He sees he's in an operating theater, men behind the glass watching entranced, sees in the glass himself reflected, laid out on a metal table. Mr. X pulls over a tray with instruments on it. Sebastian takes up a scalpel. Mr. X says muffled behind his mask, "You will mostly not feel this, but we felt it important that you observe. Think of it not as punishment—" "But a chance to be reborn," says Sebastian, pulling up his mask and putting the scalpel to the tip of his penis. "To rise again from the flames, como un fénix—like a phoenix."
    1 point
  31. Another great chapter NYBBGUY.
    1 point
  32. Here is one: http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Raw-Ass-Fuckin-in-an-NYC-Hotel-24282891
    1 point
  33. I slurped my asshole off of Silver's fingers, and he went to the door. Looked through the peephole, and then opened it. In came three guys and a cute little trans girl dressed like a japanese schoolgirl. Silver shook hands with the tallest guy, then gave the other two the once over. I leaned down to Mr Black, 'I should pull out now,' I said, 'And let these guys get a chance at her before we totally wear her out.' Black looked up at me and grinned, 'You ain't my boy today dude, you're a fellow top. You even supplied a set of holes for us. You don't need to ask permission for shit.' I smiled back, 'Thank's man, wasn't sure how to handle that part. And believe me, next time I bottom for you, I won't get above my station!' I pulled out of my wife's cummy hole, and moved to her face. guiding her mouth onto it, I waited while she blindly cleaned my head, then shaft, and finally balls of her slippery mix of cum, lube, and ass. What a good girl! I leaned down and gave Mr Black a quick kiss. It was weird to be his equal. I walked over and shook hands with the new arrivals. Two well built middle eastern guys, an older black man, and the subby little trans schoolgirl. The girl shyly asked 'May I go and rim your wife, sir?' 'Certainly, there's some cum you can suck out of her ass, as well.' I grabbed her by the hair (real hair, not a wig, this one was committed to her transition) and she moaned as I marched her over and stuffed her face into the big round dripping ass of my wife. Mr Black was still grinding that cock into her as well. It had been nearly a straight 30 minutes of pounding, and his meat was showing strings of cum. He must have filled her again during the DP. 'Jesus, Black,' I exclaim, 'How much cum you GOT in those balls?!' He grunted, 'shot some caverject for the occasion, dude...I can go for 4 hours straight. And I plan to.' The two Arabic guys walked over to the bed, and started talking dirty to her, testing to see if she was truly deaf and blind. Satisfied, they stripped down, and began stroking their oddly identical cocks. Both uncut, and the exact size and shape of red bull tallboy cans. Both shaved smooth, with black silicone cockrings... I idly wondered if they were brothers. I went over the safe words, reminded them not to drug her with anything, as we already had plans for that. No marks, no blood, no choking, she loves anal, loves gagging, drinks piss. I told them things we want to see: Piss in her asshole, anal and vaginal cream pies, piss drinking... Their eyes grew a little wild. The older black guy joined us, and unlimbered a cock even larger than Mr Blacks. I goggled at it. 'I know,' he said shyly, 'I'm here because girls that can actually see it run the fuck away!'. The thing didn't even look real. I shook my head, 'We need to video you using her, man, she won't believe it when even when she see's it'. My wife groaned, we looked over to see Mr Black rolling her off him. He dangled his cock in her face for cleaning, and she obediently devoted her mouth to it until he pulled away. She sprawled back on the bed, panting. Her cunt is red and swollen and gaping, she lies in a puddle of lube and cunt squirt and cum. I'm so glad I thought to bring the rubber sheet. The trans girl began to kiss her, and stroke her. She shrugged off her shirt and revealed real hormone enhanced breasts. My wife cupped them 'Tit's? I didn't know there were girls coming.' The trans girl laughed and kissed her hard, pushing her back on the bed. Silver came over with his video camera, and the older Black guy joined them on the bed. The trans girl grabbed my wife's hands and put them on that huge cock. My wife literally froze for a moment and then 'Holy fucking shit! What the fuck! How fucking big is this guy??' She wrapped both hands around it, 'Honey, you have to video this, please? Fuck I don't even know if I can take it'. She got up on her knees. She began to fellate him, and all of us fell silent, watching her.
    1 point
  34. Enjoyed the "experience" again tonight. Seven days, 9 exposures......6 via anal receptive sex and 3 via a point. Week two starts tomorrow and I have some exciting opportunities.
    1 point
  35. I led my buddies in a bathhouse pozzing of a little college junior who stumbled onto our little group. He was about to graduate big time, but didn’t know it yet. His sweet virgin ass didn't have a chance. We sucked and licked and finger-fucked him into submission, and then injected him with six poz loads. Let me tell you how it’s done. It all started a year ago as three of us Gift Givers bemoaned our lack of new meat. We watched the young colts on the dance floor and tried to pick out the guys who hadn't barebacked yet but were ready for it. A couple of us would approach them and make a date to meat them later at the baths. Few asked our status, and we told those who did there’d be some poz guys around, so be sure to look for us. We never said we were neg. They just assumed as much. We typically approached five or six guys in a night, and usually two or three would show up. So far we have a perfect record. Not one has ever escaped poz injections. Things didn't work out so well that night, 'though. We wound up with six guys, all poz. We left the door to our room open to draw in passers-by, and a little college stud, who just happened to be at the baths that night, paused outside our door to watch. I invited him in, figuring he was poz 'cause he had this cross tattooed on his bicep that we mistook for a “PLUS (+).” He turned out to be a fairly apt sucker and a decent top, but got kind of skittish when we tried to mount him. While he was off at the can I suggested that maybe he was neg, and with the cooperation of my poz buddies, upon the return of the guy, I casually turned the conversation to his status, and he confirmed my suspicion. He was neg. Within seconds we had him surrounded and teased and tousled him. Six lips, six tongues, and sixty fingers went to work him over. No man could resist what we did to him. He got to thinking with his dick and not his head. He didn’t even consider leaving or telling us to ease off, he was enjoying it so much. Two guys knelt on either side of him, holding him up. Two worked his tits while another kissed him, and a fourth sucked his dick. I hoisted his hips up to my face with his sweet thighs slung over my shoulders. I lubed his hole with my spit as I alternately rimmed and finger-fucked him. He started moaning, and I coaxed him for permission, saying things like “Like that? You are one hot stud, you know. Like my fingers in your hole? Feel good? [and] I’d Like to put my dick in there.” We probed and licked and sucked him into acquiescence. He got to the point where he couldn’t take it any more. Two of our guys cradled him, while the others continued to kiss, nuzzle, and lick him to death. I hooked his legs around my waist and rode into him with a long deep thrust. I’ve done some kickboxing and have fairly powerful legs and a muscled ass. So I can get real forceful if I want. Resistance is not an option. I was so hot I came pretty quickly. I looked him in the eye so he’d remember the exact moment he’d taken his first poz load. I bent forward and kissed him and whispered I was cumming. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this, 'cause he averted his gaze and closed his eyes as I shot my poz seed into him. Once he had my load in him, he took the others a lot easier. With my second buddy he didn’t turn his head, and when the last three guys seeded him, he maintained eye contact with his fuckers. I joined the others in keeping him aroused as each my buddies shot his virus into the guy. The third and fourth guys pulled out with traces of pink on their poles, which they pointed out to us. On last two the pink had turned to brown and red. It was really quite a game. Like hunting season. After we all had our crack at him, I buried my tongue deep in his nuts and coaxed his eruption down my throat. Off he went to the showers one satisfied, sore, and hopefully pozzed little fuck. Mission accomplished, the rest of us dressed. We’ve been back to the Club several times since then, and I haven’t seen him around. I think I will though, sooner or later. After he adjusts to his condition. Then I’ll ask him to join us. He’ll be a great drawing card. He’s so cute.
    1 point
  36. perfect just like my pozzing
    1 point
  37. Jesus Christ. Talk about an emotional mind fuck. I'm speaking of Jeremy. My God, this poor kid has been through hell...both in his past and in the last 48hrs. Then, just as he was falling for Vinnie and trusting him again, the two of them exploring each other's desires... I just have one question. Vinnie does not seem like a naive man. How is it he couldn't see something like this coming? Why didn't the two of them get out of there BEFORE they were found? Fuck!!! Well I'm pissed. However, another well written chapter. Dark and fucked up, but also filled with visuals and emotions.
    1 point
  38. Back in college I was 18 and walking around downtown one evening when I noticed two guys in a Jeep driving around. One was student aged, around 20, and the other a bit older, maybe 30s. They circled the block a few times and eventually stopped and, as I passed their jeep, we struck up a conversation. I jumped at the chance when they asked me back to their place. Arriving there, we immediately headed to their bedroom which was completely filled with a huge waterbed. The older guy, Jim, leaned in and kissed me while the younger guy, Rick, started undressing me. Soon all three of us were naked and sprawled on the bed. Now, until this occasion I had never before been on a waterbed, and it took some getting used to, but each of us soon was sucking on a cock. Jim was hung with a nice long and thick cock and I couldn’t get enough of it. Both of the guys turn sucking my rock hard cock. Both guys were great cock suckers, so the sensation was amazing and I became increasingly vocal, letting them know how much I was enjoying the treatment. As he moved-up, intent on kissing me, Jim commented "The shy guy we picked up was gone and I like this new confident guy." And kiss and kiss we did indeed, all the while Rick sucked away, alternating between the two of us. Of course Rick had had ample practicing on Jim’s huge cock, so he could swallow me balls deep, which I absolutely loved. At some point Jim paused in kissing me to instruct Rick to lick his hole so I could fuck him. Rick complied, and when Jim’s hole was ready, Jim lay on his back, placing his legs on my shoulders. Rick lubed cock and guided it into his boyfriend. I was young and so horned up there was no real finesse, I just went straight to fucking with deep long strokes, my hips slamming his ass on each down stroke. I remember finding the sight of my cock sliding into Jim to be fucking hot, and when Rick leaned in and kissed me, urging me to fuck his boyfriend harder and harder, soon my eyes were rolling back in my head as I shot my load into Jim as, over and over he grunted "Fuckin' breed my hole." I pulled out and Rick flipped me on my stomach and spit on my hole and then rammed his cock into me. Fuck, it hurt but quickly started to feel good as in the background I heard Jim telling Rick to fuck me hard, to use my hole and stretch it open so he could fuck me next. Rick strokes alternated between rough and hard, and softer and more shallow. My hole was gripped his cock in a vice as Jim fed me his cock. I was particularly excited by the amount of pre-cum that was flowing out of his slit. After Rick had been fucking me for several minutes, Jim announced he wanted my hole, so he and Rick switched places. Rick grabbed my face and grunted "Look at me," as simultaneously I felt Jim’s huge cock head at my hole, only to find he rammed himself into me. Although Rick had opened me up, Jim’s cock stretched my hole ever further. And, as Jim kept pushing and forcing his cock into me, eventually his balls where flat against my ass. Then he paused for a few minutes while Rick kissed me, which afforded me the chance to acclimate myself to the girth of Jim's cock. When Jim sensed I was ready he started a slow slide in and out of me and Rick continued to kiss me. With each down stroke Jim would all but completely withdraw, only to slide all the way back in, balls deep, again and again. I was on a sex high like no other, kissing Rick as his big-dicked boyfriend used my ass. They took turns fucking me until each shot a load inside me. This was the mid 80’s and I knew about safe sex but no one mentioned condoms and it felt to good bareback. It seemed as if I was doing something bad but it felt so good I didn’t care. Jim and I took turns fucking Rick after that and I ended up shooting my second load of the day into him while Jim was behind me teasing my hole with the head of his big cock. As soon as I shot into Rick, Jim slid back into me and fucked me again pushing my still hard cock into his boyfriend on each stroke. Rick wrapped his arms and legs around me and held me tight while his boyfriend deposited another load into me. My hole was sloppy and full of cum and I was in that moment completely happy. We fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. Rick, realizing he was going to be late for work, jumped in the shower as Jim slid his cock back into my ass which was, of course, still full of their loads. He kissed and fucked me, building up to blowing yet another load into my ass, just as Rick stepped back into the bedroom from the shower. We fucked several more times over the next couple of years and I always felt a connection to both of them. Each time we fooled around I went back home utterly exhausted, my ass loaded with cum.
    1 point
  39. A few years ago I got a message from a guy staying at a local hotel who said he needed to get fucked. Less than an hour later I pushed open the door he had left propped open, and stepped into the darkened room. The light from the hall showed me the guy naked on his hands and knees waiting for me. As the door swung shut I started undressing and made my way over to him. I got on my knees, spread his cheeks and buried my face in his ass. One hand went down to his cock which was nice and hard. I pulled it back between his legs and licked it from base to tip and back again. I pulled on his balls and sucked the head of his cock in my mouth and his moans let me know he was enjoying it. I alternated sucking his cock and eating his ass his moan letting me know he was enjoying it as much as I was. My cock was hard and needed some attention so I climbed on the bed in front of him and fed him my cock. He started by licking around the head but my hand on the back of his head encouraged him to take me deeper. When he got his lips around the base of my cock I held him there and pumped deeper into his throat. This seemed to turn him on ever more and he worked my cock like only a true cocksucker can. Everyone thinks he can suck cock, but when you find a guy who fucking loves it, you know immediately and the only thing to do sit back and enjoy. I pulled him up and into a kiss tasting a bit of alcohol on his breath. We rubbed against each other and while the slide of his cock against mine felt good, I wanted his ass. So I stood up, pulled him to the edge of the bed, we both took a hit of poppers, I lined up my cock and rammed into him until he had every inch of me deep inside his ass. I didn’t wait for his ass to adjust to the girth of my cock, no, I just piston fucked into him over and over grabbing his hips and pulling him onto me. We were both lost in the moment, moaning and encouraging each other. After several minutes I pulled out and flipped him over and slid right back in, spreading his legs wide and deep dicking him again. The fuck was good but it was not about finesse it was about two guys who needed to get off. I pumped his ass until he shot over his stomach and then I let myself flood his ass with my load. Afterwards I let his legs fall around my waist, scooped his load off of his stomach and fed it to him, then leaned down and kissed him. I never learned his name, and he never learned mine. In fact, we scarcely exchanged a word. It was an example of anonymous sex at its best.
    1 point
  40. I got a text the other day from a couple I used to fool around with a few years ago. They are a black couple, one in his late 60’s and the other just turned 40 who had moved out of town but were now back visiting family. The older guy has what can only be described as a HUGE cock. He has a penile implant and when he activates it his cock gets rock hard and stays that way even after he shoots. They were staying at a local hotel and wanted to know if I would be interested in getting together. Of course! We made plans and a few hours later I was knocking on their door. The younger of the couple opened the door and as he closed it he pushed me up against it and started kissing and rubbing against me. No hello, just right to it. I completely approve. He told me his partner was not back yet but would be there anytime. I asked if we should wait for him and he said no and dropped to his knees and unbuckled my pants and pulled them down freeing my cock which he started licking and sucking. I love a guy who really enjoys sucking and this guy absolutely knew what he was doing. I pulled my shirt off and kicked out of my pants and got on the bed all the while he never let go of my cock. We got into a 69 position and were really getting into it when he partner came back. He quickly got undressed and sat on the side of the bed telling us what he wanted us to do for him. He got between us and told us he wanted us both to suck him. His cock is huge and both of us got to work on it. Soon he told me he wanted to watch me fuck his boy. He had him get on his back and place his legs around my waist and then he lined my cock up to his boys hole and guided me into him. I leaned forward kissing as I was fucking my cock into him and then felt the older guy licking my ass. He pulled my cheeks apart and really worked his tongue in me then would lick my cock as it fucked in and out of his boy. He stood up rubbing his cock against my hole and without another word slid the fat head into me. It was that good stretch. Hurts some but you just know it is going to be worth it. He teased my hole with the head of his cock for a bit then slid further and further in until I had all of his cock in me. I was balls deep in one guy and had his partner buried all the way in me at the same time and it felt amazing. It took a bit to get the rhythm worked out but soon he was fucking my cock deeper into his partner every time he pushed into me. We switched places a few times. The older guy only topped but the younger guy and I are vers, so we took turns fucking each other and each of us took the older guy's big cock. Eventually the younger guy shot his load as I fucked mine into his ass. Then his partner got behind me and rammed his cock into me. Not gentle at all and fucked hard and fast until he blasted his load in me. Because of the penile implant he stayed hard and slowly fucked me as I kissed his partner. I felt that cock and those fucks for a few days afterwards and loved it.
    1 point
  41. Such a hot story. I hope Kyle's roommate comes home and joins. And maybe they'll go to a party or bathhouse. Maybe the could also poz Kyle's (ex)boyfriend
    1 point
  42. Brandon bursts into the room and says "holy fuck guys she is pregnant" to which we all burst out laughing........."she said she has been sick and done a pregnancy test and im a daddy" Brandon declared............Jesus Christ i thought to myself - what do i do now - so i blurted out "congratulations on being a daddy"........."she thought i had her female friend here that she left us with in the club and when she saw spunk and blood on the sofa cushion from Adams arse then she freaked out crying and said i had been fucking her friend on the sofa" - we all burst out laughing again......."thank fuck she is away home i said" followed by "Paul made me pregnant when you were through in the living-room with her" - "i want a baby too" - and they laughed........well - that was a kinda shock to say the least but the feeling didnt last as i was high and really honestly didnt care - i wanted my hungry arse used and i wasn't finished yet so i turned to look at Paul and asked him outright to "please stretch my hole as i want it widened" and his eyes lit up. Now we had each other all to ourselves and guaranteed not to be disturbed..........Brandon switched a bedside lamp on and closes the door then picks up a small tub from the bedside table and lightly throws it to Paul to catch - i can see it says FIST LUBE written on its label .......Brandon picks up his glass pipe and adds some powder into the bowl then passes the baggie to Paul who starts fishing about inside it with his finger......"how wide" he says through the cutest smile ever......all i could get out my lips was "please fist me"......Brandon by now is lighting his pipe and blowing clouds and Paul has coated his finger with lots of tina - looks like loads of the stuff and he says "this will make you very very wide like a fucking slut" as his finger found itself all the way inside my arse and the burning started allover again - oh fuck !.........Paul opens the small tub up and scoops out some lube and feeds it into my hole then repeats it another 2 times.........he then coats all of one hand with some.......im really flying as the tina hits me hard on top of what is already in my system - i feel really good - on top of the world - i pull my legs back to my chest to get a better view and my hole has opened right up and Paul is now pushing fingers into me and im begging for more as Brandon is enjoying the show watching us. "please push your fist in me" i cried out not caring who hears and Paul is now working 4 fingers into me gently stretching me as he goes inside then withdrawing and pushing forward again i feel my hole stretch as he is upto his knuckles and trying to go beyond that - i feel alot of pressure and Pail keeps it up not pulling back now so i push my hole down onto his hand trying to force it all inside my greedy ass with urgency - there is no pain - it feels beautiful - i want and need more............"deeper baby" i cried out as i keep the pressure up against his hand and suddenly my hole just gave in and opened right up immediately swallowing his whole hand to the wrist.......i cried "oh fuck - that feels amazing baby" followed by "please fuck me" and he did..........Paul is gently fucking his hand in and out of me and my arse is dancing inside wanting more "harder please" i blurted out so he started to speed up in and out and im absolutely loving it all.........Paul doesnt let up for 1 second and i know its making him happy as he loves huge holes - he is loving playing with my hole as i can see the satisfaction on his face - im absolutely stinking of spunk as he is fisting it all into me using his hand like it was a giant cock......"can i have a turn" Brandon asks and Paul withdraws his hand allowing Brandon to get at my exposed hole - he has HUGE hands but i will manage i say to myself as he starts working fingers into my opened slutty hole "dude your arse is soaking wet with spunk and looks beautiful when its opened like that" and he is pushing 4 fingers into me now and then tries 5 with his big hand but my hole feels tight and im a greedy determined fucker - the tina is making me into a whore but i tell him to "push harder" and he is pushing and i feel my hole stretch and he keeps pushing and im pushing back down onto it and his knuckles are inside me "harder baby" - "fuck me harder" and i open and hes now pushing inside me - "oh fuck" i cry out as the feeling is intense and i dont want it to stop......my hole is now wrapped around his hand and he is wrist deep inside me........Paul is loving watching and cant take his eyes of my hole..........Brandon is now fucking me in and out quite fast and im bucking my hips to match his speed begging for more and more as my mind is flying and im sweating allover "please fist me hard" i blurt out so Brandon fists me faster - i feel like i want to piss but my cock is shrunk like a tiny purple grape - my hole is stinking of spunk and its definitely making joyous noises that i love as Brandon keeps pumping into me then it changes......he makes his hand into a closed fist and is trying to stuff it inside me and the stretch is out of this world but my hole is resisting.......Paul grabs the pipe and lights it passing it towards my lips and im used to it by now so i inhale deeply - Brandon is pushing into me and im opening up - Fuck ........im given a 2nd hit with the pipe then Paul starts taking hits to himself.......my hole has now opened more and like an over stretched elastic band it gives way allowing the knuckles inside me and i start working my hole by pushing down hard as i want that big fucker inside all the way - the stretch is immense but the feeling is out of this world "push it all inside" i cry out so Brandon pushes more and firmer and he keeps pushing gently as i feel my stretched hole slowly start to swallow the closed hand a centimeter at a time - oh my goodness me - fucking heaven "fist me baby" i cry out and Brandon has now reached his wrist - im totally opened up by his HUGE beautiful fist........Brandons now holding it still inside me to let my arse get accustomed to it but im wanting to ride myself on it in extacy like some possessed slut.........Brandons now withdrawing his fist slowly and i feel every bit of it - this Tina has made my hole so fucking sensitive - then Brandon pulls out and my hole pushes out at the same time as i let out the most beautiful moan ive ever had in my life - "oh baby - please fuck me again" i cried out and "please put your fist back inside me".........Brandon starts pushing back into my hole and im trying to let out some moans but Pauls pushing the pipe to my lips so i inhale and im flying like fuck and i keep holding it and Brandons now wrist deep and hes starting to gently fuck me - and i exhale at the same time as his fist withdraws and my arse muscles are trying to push it out and my holes pushing out and Brandons fist is now out and it feels like heaven but he pushes it right back into me fully closed........."you fucking slut - you are a fist slut now" Paul says as he leans into me to shotgun me his smoke - it was so nice to taste his lips again.........Brandons now punch fisting me gently and my hole has given in as its offering itself to every thrust.......i exhale Pauls smoke and my hole is wanting it harder so i blurted out "Fist me harder"......im being punch fisted now and its hard and fast and i let out a huge loud moan as i bounce my hole down allover it "oh fuck" and "dont stop" i cry then i let them both know "im a fist slut and i love it "....then i start to piss as my hole is being punched - im squirting piss every time Brandons hand is withdrawn..........Paul quickly finds a plastic jug and its placed to catch anymore piss and Brandon doesn't let up - my hole sounds very loose and is making cum fart sounds as its getting stuffed - sweat is pouring out every pore and im soaking,im sure my eyes are rolling - my arse is loving every second as i arch my back pushing down to meet each thrust........"you had enough or want more" im asked after at least 10 minutes of fisting..........Brandons arm is getting sore........"i want more" i blurt out "i want more" but Brandon stops and Paul quickly takes his place but then in told "turn over and go on your knees" .......i swear Paul has got Tina on his finger as i feel slight burning and i ask "more tina"? as i feel my hole burning with desire - "do you want more" paul asks and im flying and say "yes more" so he is passed the baggie and puts more onto his finger - Brandon laughs and passes Paul the tub of lube so his fingers go in that too then his hand is going inside me rubbing around and coating my insides with tina lube - its burning "fuck me" i cry and my hole feels like it can take anything so i cry out "fist me" and paul is all inside and i feel him gently push deeper and i instinctively push back "oh fuck"......Paul is gently fisting me and it feels deeper than his wrist and my holes wanting to eat his arm and chew down on it "baby fuck me deeper" i cried and my holes opening up inside - i can feel it relax - its wanting fucked deep........Pauls keeping a steady pace and i feel like im riding his arm now and he is now punching me and my hole just opens right up for him - im begging for more now with my arse in the air but Paul knows not to overdo it but keeps in and out "you fucking slut" he said and Brandon butts in "yeah dude Adam is just a fucking fist slut" and they both laughed............i dont even know how long id been getting punch fisted but my knees eventually packed in..........felt good to get on my back again - my mind is flying and pauls hand is back at my hole pushing into me not letting up and im pushing back and hes right inside me now and holds it still - this feels like bliss - im gently rocking to try coax him deeper - my hole is burning and hungry "please fuck me Paul" and "deeper please" - im pushing it deeper - fuck i feel it opening me up and Pauls pulling out and straight back in and im swallowing what must be 10 inches now and Pauls fucking me harder and im begging and he makes a closed fist and without any resistance i sallow it all and he is making love to me with his fist "fuck me baby" i cried as im in heaven,im pissing again as Pauls punch fisting my hole "oooooh fuck" "fuck" "fuck" and i suddenly squirt the biggest load of my own spunk allover my belly and Paul doesnt let up but my arse starts forcing his hand out and eventualy needed to rest as it started resisting...........Both Brandon and Paul are sitting either side of me on the bed - 3 in a row........one has just licked the cum from my belly and we are sharing kisses between all 3 of us...........my hole is pulsating and im flying and i reach down to feel my hole and they join in and start feeling it too.
    1 point
  43. "Here's the deal... I'm poz, and toxic as all fuck. With so many guys on meds these days, what is a fella to do, you hire me, that's what, I wont fuck you gently, and none of that overnight bullshit, you show me your recent test, you take my poz load in your neg cunt, you pay me, and I bail. Not here for poz men, only here for gay men willing to cut the crap, and pay for the venom that they crave." That;s my escort ad. It actually gets me a lot of business. Guys willing to pay money to take an unmedicated load of poz sperm in their cunt, sometimes, doing it opens the floodgates for them to be full on chasers, sometimes they get scared and run off to medicated undetectable men, and the blanks they shoot,(all fertilizer and not enough seed in their loads), every now and then, I get real lucky, and some wealthy chaser pays me weekly for poz sperm until they convert. Like the ad says, once you're poz, I'm done with you. You never get my dick again. My regular clients have to get tested about once every 3 months, but I'll tell you, my dick knows the feeling of neg pussy. And it knows poz pussy... anytime I've cancelled a session mid fuck, and told them to get tested, they come back poz... I've been doing this since I converted, and you know what, it's pretty fucking amazing. Guys of all sorts, jocks, twinks, muscle daddies, bears, all sorts of backround. My kind is a dying breed, and I am cashing in on how rare potent poz sperm has become. If I want to fuck off the clock, I have my boyfriend for that. He knows what I do and he gets a major kick out of knowing that men are paying for what he gets for free. On each of my deltoids is a biohazard tat. My dick has a scorpion tattoo, and yes, dumbass, it hurt like hell. I have DANGER written in Old English font on my abs, and a bullet tattooed on my dickhead. I am a fantasy, I am a rare breed, and they can as much as they can. Being poz is who I am and how I pay the bills, and I fucking love it.
    1 point
  44. any objections to the story continuing?
    1 point
  45. I climbed off John, threw on some basketball shorts and slowly walked to the door. The knocking varied, but suggested a diligence and dedication that could only mean one thing. I opened the door and there stood the boyfriend. He stood at 5' 7", 170 to 180 pounds, well fed, and he'd grown a good beard since I had last seen him. He looked like a hot cub and I noticed his eyes quickly checked me out, up and down. No words were spoken as I let him in, and equally wordlessly I led him to the basement where we found John, his boyfriend of six years laying naked on the king sized mattress, covered in cum and hickeys, his asshole winking and muscles twitching from the stress of the onslaught of fuck session through which he had just gone. The boyfriend walked slowly over to John, placed his hand on his knee, body and face. John's eyes fluttered, and uttered a sound which was almost like a name and then sighed back to sleep. The boyfriend smiled meekly and kissed John on the forehead, murmuring almost sweetly "You fucking slut" as he caressed John's face. Then he leaned down and pulled an eight inch blade from his side of his shoe. I wondered briefly what he did for a living that made him have to carry a knife on his person, but I simply crossed my arms and remarked "He loved every second of it." "I have no doubt he did." The boyfriend said matter of factly "There's always been a little slut buried inside him. You don't love someone for six years and not know the cravings inside." I couldn't help but smile. Did he actually accept this part of his boyfriends identity? With that I cautiously remarked "One cock will never be enough for him." "You'd think I should buy him a new dildo each Christmas and birthday, in addition to his regular gift. I know my boyfriend. I know what he craves and I know what he's like" pausing to wipe the tears off John's face, and then adding "And I also know when he's done." "Deciding to test the boyfriend, I asked "What makes you think I'll let you walk out of here with him?" Now it was his turn to smile. "Because you and I aren't that different, Mark." I couldn't help it, my eyes widened slightly. If not for the dark, he would have known that he'd taken me off guard. "We both get bored after we're done and kick the boy out when we're satisfied, and given the fact that you took the time to answer the door, I'd say you were done. After all you really called me over here to pick him up since he obviously won't be walking." With that the boyfriend took off his shirt revealing a large well defined and slightly hairy chest and a surprisingly flat stomach. He covered John with the shirt and pulled some gym briefs from his pocket and lifted John up in both arms. I couldn't help but get the feeling he was showing off as he carried his now-destroyed boy up the staircase. I watched him stuff his boyfriend in his car, kiss him lightly on the cheek before getting in and driving off. I also couldn't help get the feeling John was still going to get fucked to his boyfriend's satisfaction when he got home. I smiled to myself, thinking of his boyfriend who would probably gently clean him off before throwing his body back onto a bed and fucking John's brains out, as he probably had planned to do all along that night. I thought the boyfriend to be cold and uncaring, while at the same time remarkably passionate. I began to get hard at the very thought of the scene that would be unfolding at John's place, but his boyfriend had been right. For now at least, I was done with John. I flipped on Grinder, and began the hunt, but I was distracted as I thought of John's fine body and ass, and how little my next conquest would compare too it, but finally a profile caught my eye: Tony was on-line. Tony, the slim athletic boy who had fucked John in my first encounter. A plan began to unfold in my mind and I knew tonight would not be wasted, so I initiated this conversation: yo hey whats up he replied you remember me yeah... john's coming back tonight he wants more really? yeah, I told him It would just be u and me fucking him. and he seemed really excited fuck ur kidding me I'm boned nah come on over we'll fuck himtogether Tony showed up almost instantly. As he walked in, he stripped off his shirt and walked straight into the living room, and promptly froze with his hand on his pant button when he saw the empty room. "He's not here yet," I explained, adding "he's trying to sneak away from his boy." "They're still together?" asked Tony in a somewhat shocked voice. "Yeah, I guess so" as I smiled and handed Tony a drink into which I had thrown an Ambien. Within ten minutes Tony was yawning, "You want some Redbull bro?" I asked. "You're looking sleepy." "Yeah, totally man." I passed him a Redbull into which I had loaded with G. He chugged it, no doubt wanting to be ready for John, who's boyfriend was probably balls-deep in fucking him. Tony was slim fit with nice abs n a good round booty. John had maybe ten pounds more muscle, but Tony was taller, and his face was easier on the eyes. I began to rub Tony's shoulders lightly, testing how awake he was. Tony was clearly fighting to stay awake, but his muscles were becoming limp. "Let's get this party started." "Wha--" Tony began, but I had my tongue in his mouth and began to pull down the slim top's jeans. He moaned against my tongue as the confusion of Ambien, Redbull and G impaired his judgement. Soon enough he fell to the floor. "I'm a t-tt-top" he moaned as I sucked on his neck and my hands started to spread and squeeze his ass cheeks. "No you're not" and I began to work my well lubed finger into his hole. It was super tight and small. I held his 28 inch waist and pressed my spiked lube into his hole. He moaned and shook and then began to back his ass up onto my hand as the lube took its toll. Two fingers, then three began to vigorously open-up his hole. Finally, when I gauged he was ready, I began to push my dick in. He resisted to some degree, but his body was craving it, so I pushed my cock head into his ass steadily, thinking I was ploughing a hole that was practically virginal. Finally he arched his back and accepted my assault until my balls were resting on his hole. I began to move inside of him, and not surprisingly he shook, groaned, and yelled, grabbing my arms then letting them drop above his head, again and again. I could feel his ass open for me, so I picked-up speed and fucked him vigorously. His eyes were open and glazed and his mouth open, yet silent, as I unloaded my final load of the day into him. I pulled out, tossed his clothing at him , then pushed him out the door. I watched him stumble in the direction of the bus stop, all the while still trying to slip into his clothing - and yet avoid falling on the pavement. I stood in the window for a long time thinking: for the first time in as long as I could recall, I felt oddly unsatisfied from sex. I wanted the open Filipino hole I'd been fucking so vigorously. I wanted to rape and whore out the hot, masculine, tiny bottom slut with a hot cub boyfriend. The boy was in my head, and I would have him again. Soon. More to cum
    1 point
  46. A bit about me: I started having gay sex at 19. I had a bad experience with anal the first time so for a few years I stuck to giving blowjobs and swallowing as much cum as I could get. I love swallowing. I'm such a cum dumpster that way. Love it. I'm a total bottom...I can't even get hard if I'm not at least sucking a dick. Now I only get fully hard with a dick in my ass. Anyway, over time I found I preferred older men. Specifically, older black men if I had my way. I had moved from my liberal yet conservative southern city to New Jersey by now and had gotten the itch to try anal again. At 22, I met an older gentleman through yahoo chat and he was so gentle and dominant and fucked me so well that second yet...first time if that makes sense. I had debated on condoms...he was willing but in the heat of the moment, he just stuck it in after lubing. He did pull out, but i was hooked on bare. I spent the next few years of school, fucking many older men bareback and swallowing cum. Soon, school was over and I found a job at the old city i lived in. I moved south. I found that men here didn't approve of barebacking. I spent time getting ridiculed and lectured online. Finally, I met a regular bud that didn't want bare but I sorta pushed it and once he got in me, that's all it took. After swallowing his cum, we chatted and he mentioned that there was a bookstore with glory holes in town that was pretty much bareback only, but that I should stay away. Yeah, what do you think I did? I only cum when getting fucked usually and I hadn't cum. I needed MORE. Soon as he left, I got dressed and hopped in my car and put my 5 bucks in for entrance. I scoped it out. Mostly the trolling types but a few nice guys. I'm indiscriminate as long as the dick is hard. I go in a back booth. I rub my finger through the hole and in comes a cock. A black cock. I immediately get hard and drop my pants to jerk while i suck his cock like a cumstarved slut. He's steel hard and tasted wonderful, but he pulls back after a few minutes to my disappointment. He drops down and whispers "let me fuck you." I'm so cockdrunk I manage to shake my head yes but never verbally answer. I stand and turn putting my asshole to the gloryhole. I'm already beyond lubed and I feel his 8-9inch cock slide in and push as deep as he can. I push back hard and he fucks me solidly for 10 minutes. Its amazing...my cock is dripping precum. Suddenly he pulls out. Disappointed, I turn around to see if he's still there. He's looking right at me and says "lets get a booth." I manage a "yes" this time and pull my pants up. We move into a non-gloryholed booth next door. As soon as he locks the door behind us, I drop and take out his dick and proceed to suck my ass juice from it to get it back to ebony steel. after a few minutes, he pulls me up and whispers he's "gonna pound your little white ass" and bends me over the chair and pushes back in fully in one thrust. He fucks me deep and hard...hitting my prostate and second sphincter repeatedly. I'm totally dick drunk at this point and he keeps saying how tight my boy ass is and how i need to love his cock. Finally, i feel him tensing. He's fucking very fast and short strokes. I know what's coming. I turn and tell him I want to swallow it. He just ignores me and looks me in the eyes over my shoulder. He reaches up and grabs my shoulders and pulls me back on his dick. It feels too good and I can feel his cock start jerking in my second sphincter. I'm both scared and totally turned on...he finishes cumming and pulls back. He whispers thanks then zips and leaves me there. I stand back up straight and lock the door again. I touch my own cock. Its ready to explode. I reach back to my ass that's soaking wet. I bring my finger back and a small drop of cum is on it. I lick it up from my finger. MMMM. I put my boxers and pants on. I want to keep his load in me. From that night, I took a "what the hell" attitude when it came to cock and cum. I finally went the whole way to being a cumdumpster.
    1 point
  47. Had this happen in the cinema art in Troy NY , was playing with older guys and down in front when the next thing I know they tied my cock and balls tight with leather laces to the chair and I kneel on it facing back sucking a huge cock and another guy eating my ass. Feeling that first cock going in and hitting bottom was it for me, all I could feel was cocks in my hands and face and my ass being spanked over and over again. I think there hand prints were embedded in my hips that night. No young guys all older guys and full size cocks, suck a cock and it would move to my ass and dump his load deep inside me, replaced by another and another, went on for what seemed hours till they flashed the lights and then I was untied and let go. Was pushed against my car hood and pants pulled down in the parking lot overlooking the river and fucked by a couple of daddies and forced to suck there cocks clean, I dumped a huge load from my ass and sat there eating it all , those were the days, now a days you cant find this in the Albany or surrounding area.
    1 point
  48. I had partied before when it came to tina, but mostly smoked and the first time I did slam it didn’t really do anything for me. I don’t know if it was the amount or the quality, but I’m willing to bank that it was the quality since I did a quarter without any noticeable effects. One day I was just checking out profiles on-line for out of state people when I received a message from someone about 6 hours away that was really into my profile. His name was Sam and we chatted for a bit and he said that he had been partying for a little bit that day (mostly smoking) and that he would really love it if we could slam together. While the idea of it turned me on, realistically I was thinking that he is just too far for me to do it anytime too soon. Eventually I stopped thinking with the head on my shoulders and started to think with the one between my legs, and after an hour long phone conversation I found myself saying that I would see him later on that day. The next thing I knew, I was buying myself the next available greyhound ticket to see him. I cleaned myself off and out and hopped on the bus eagerly anticipating hooking up with him. The only thing I had on me had been the clothes I was wearing, and the money I was bringing down to contribute to the festivities. When I arrived I tried to get a hold of him, but the phone went to voice mail so I left him a message letting him know that I had arrived. I also figured that since I was all horned up that I might as well stop by a video store and see if there was any action there. The place only had a couple of people, but apparently that was all that I needed. One guy invited me into one of the booths where I proceeded to blow him. After a while he said that he wanted to fuck me and asked if I had a condom. I said no and started to get dressed in disappointment, but he didn’t seem to mind and told me to bend over. With a nice hit of poppers I was able to take his fat uncut cock into me in no time. It didn’t take long for him to blow his load in me, and damn did he get it in there good. As I was pulling up my pants, I noticed that I had a text. It was Sam telling me that he was in the shower and that he was ready to pick me up. I gave him a call and he told me that he could meet me in 10mins. When he arrived he told me that I looked even better than my picture, which I found funny because I was just thinking the same about him. 6’ tall, nice athletic build, mid 40’s. Conversation in the car was a little silent until I started playing with his cock (which was still in his jeans) while he was driving. He seemed to like it and I was enjoying how it felt before it was released. We stopped by a drug store and picked up a few orange points and Gatorade and then continued onto his place. When we finally arrived at his place be showed me around and offered me a drink. I reminded him of the Gatorade that we picked up prior and he showed me to his room. We both took off our shirts and pants but kept our underwear on. He didn’t mention the size of his cock but when I finally took it out from his boxers I was pleasantly surprised to say the least. He had to be a good 8” and definitely thick. He was just as pleased with mine. He asked me what was the most that I had ever slammed and I told him 1/3, but I wanted to do the same amount as him so that we would be on the same level. He was pleased with that answer, while a small part of me was hoping that he didn’t do a gram normally or I would have been fucked (and not necessarily in the good way). He offered to slam be before he did himself which I was more than happy for because something about seeing someone else slam me really gets my cock hard. I saw him prepare the points, but I wasn’t paying attention to the amount that he put in. He tied off my arm with my belt and then wiped the crux of my arm with an alcohol pad. He was a little surprised how easy my veins were to spot. I simply replied “this body was made for this”. When he put that needle in my arm, I could feel my body become excited at the anticipation of what was to come. When he pulled back on the plunger to register and I saw that flash of red swirl in with that clear liquid, I could feel my mouth begin to water a little. He slowly but steadily pushed the plunger in and the red and clear liquid began to disappear. In my fascination with what was going on, it occurred to me that I forgot to loosen the belt around my arm. I reached for it but he grabbed onto it first and loosened it for me. Then it all hit me at once. The next thing I knew I had this low ringing in my ears and I felt wet all over. I looked at my boxer briefs and saw that there was a wet spot I was leaking precum like crazy. I also noticed my speech was a bit faster than normal. I asked him how much he gave me and he said “.66, my special number”. Needless to say the nastiest thoughts were entering my mind and a speed I couldn’t begin to fathom. He shortly did his hit and I noticed that he coughed. The only reason I remember is because I was thinking to myself that I didn’t have that cough myself. I didn’t mind though, my entire body was in ecstasy at the time. I crawled on top of him and started to kiss him, but that didn’t last long because I wanted to get those nipples of his in my mouth. As sucking on those nips of his, he was going wild with excitement himself and proceeded to finger my hole. When he pulled his finger out of my ass, he found some of the cum that I forgot was in there and sucked it off of his finger. I sat up and rubbed the tip of my cock (still wet with my precum) against the tip of his and that started to make the both of us get hard. He then proceeded to put me on my stomach while he rimmed my ass and stuck his finger in there trying to get as much of the cum I had in there earlier out as he could. I told him it was only fair to share and proceeded to stick my tongue in his mouth to get some of that cum back. We went back and forth doing this for a bit before he decided to ram his cock into my more than willing hole. Needless to say it wasn’t a problem, partially because of the slam, and partially because of the job his tongue did on my hole. He kept fucking me in different positions, but when he had me on my back and my cock was between my ass and his pelvis, I started to get hard all over again. That was when I decided to turn the tables and proceeded to fuck him. We went back and forth for a while until he got a call. His friend had called (from one of the saunas around town) asking what was up and he told him he was playing with an out of town guest. He then told the guy that he was going to be on speaker phone and I said hi to the guy and told him I was fucking his friend. He asked if he could come over and join us. Neither of us had a problem with that (hell, the more the merrier) and he said he would be over in a few minutes. I proceeded to deep throat him for a while and his eyes were practically in the back of his head. It didn’t take long for his friend to show up. His said name was Mark and I introduced myself to him as he undressed in front of us. He was a couple inches shorter than Sam and had a slim build, but his cock was just as long as Sam’s but not as thick (not like that was a problem for me). Mark prepared a hit for himself and Sam asked me if I wanted to do another myself. Since I don’t know the meaning of the word “no” (at least when it comes to cock) I said sure. Since Mark was the only one not in orbit, he slammed both Sam and myself. I swear I could feel my ass begin to get wet once he slammed me. Once the three of us were all rigged up, I being the nice guest that I am proceeded to get on my knees and take turns deep throating them. That didn’t last long because soon I found myself on the bed with Mark eating my ass and Sam eating his. I told Mark that if he was there earlier that he would have been able to get some of the load that I had in there before. That got him rilled up as he decided to put his semi hard cock in my hole. Apparently his cock liked the feel of my hole because it didn’t take him long to get hard while in there. Sam attempted to shove his cock in my hole at the same time and was able to, but couldn’t stay hard long enough while in there so he decided to such my cock while I was getting fucked. The sensation of a big cock in my ass while getting sucked was just what my cock needed to get hard again easily. Sam took advantage of that and tried to put all of me down his throat. Of course with a hard cock I just had the urge to fuck someone, but I didn’t know who. So I decided to do the best thing and fuck them both. Taking my cock from ass to ass back and forth. Needless to say that was a fun evening that continued well into the next day. It was the best random trip I had ever taken.
    1 point
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