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  1. Meth Lab Fuck Down: My phone buzzed. This was the text I had been waiting for. Tonight would be my big break. Had I crossed a few lines to get here? Yeah, sure, but once I made the takedown of the biggest meth cooker in the Mid-Atlantic region, no one would give a shit about that - if they even ever found out. I was careful, wicked careful, and knew how to cover my tracks. Fuck I learned from the best. My dad, one of my uncles and the guy next door were all Drug Enforcement Agents (DEA) and growing up that’s all I ever wanted to be. It was my destiny. Tonight was destiny too and in addition to making my career it would give me the way to get Chris out of the cluster fuck of a life he had made for himself. Chris was the son of the DEA agent who lived next door to us when I was a kid, and my best friend. All my childhood memories involved Chris and because his dad and mine were often gone, Chris was at my house more than he was at his. We were inseparable and when we became teens we learned the ins and outs of life together - always together - that is until he got caught up in drugs. Finding Chris on the back porch lying on his side, drooling, doped out, and a fucking mess broke my heart and no matter what I did or said, Chris would never stay clean for long. After graduation, for our 18th birthdays, we went camping and the tent had barely been set up before Chris had shot up, or snorted up, and was high as shit. Well that just pissed me off so when it came time to crash and time for us to fuck I was not gentle. I fucked him as hard as I could and let out all my anger, frustration, and disappointment into his ass - along with two huge loads of cum. Chris took it all and begged for more and that’s how we spent our camping trip, with him high and me fucking the hell out of him over and over. Not much has changed the past several years. I went to college, got my degree, and followed my dad into the DEA. Chris continued to get deeper and deeper into drugs; his dad kicked him out; but I still looked out for him. I always made sure he had a spot at my place to crash, food, a little cash and in return I fucked him. Hard and rough and raw. I didn’t know if Chris fucked with other guys or not. I didn’t. Never even considered it, but with Chris it was the way things were. Did I ever feel guilty about it when he was fucked up? No. I had dealt with that stupid shit that first night. It just was. We both enjoyed it and in the midst of all the crazy shit it felt normal. Of course Chris was always grateful for the food and place to crash and kept promising he would pay me back, but until then, his ass was mine. My phone buzzed again. It was Chris. “DEAL’S GOING DOWN TONIGHT BY THE OLD PIER. MEET ME THERE AT 11:00.” My heart raced. Chris was my CI - my Confidential Informant. He had admitted one night he had gotten mixed up with a guy named Hawk, who I knew from my DEA briefings was reportedly the biggest meth cooker in the entire region. Every time I had Chris on his stomach and was fucking the shit out of him, I pumped him for info too. What was Hawk’s real name? Where did he hang? Who were his guys? Who did he sell to? And more. Chris seemed to be willing to talk, and even more willing when I would hand over a baggy of powder or a few needles filled with dope. I cared about Chris sure, but knew he was going to get fucked up no matter what, so why not help him out and help me too? He was always chatty when he was high and plus I loved feeling his ass open up for me and milk my cum out. There was nothing better than fucking his ass when he was high out of his God damned mind. His hole was wet, silky, and just sucked my dick and cum. Maybe it was seeing what drugs had done to Chris and his family is why I had never tried them. Yeah I was around the shit all the time, but had never been tempted, not even when Chris would leave shit laying around. Just wasn’t me. At 8:45 p.m. I was down at the old pier, peering between a rusted dumpster and the chimney of an old factory. Chris had told me before that he often did pickups for Hawk where he would deliver Hawk’s meth to someone and then meet Hawk at some out of the way place to give him the cash. During one night when Chris was super high and I had already pumped a load into him, he confessed that he had lied and that he always met Hawk at the place where he cooked the meth. I couldn’t fucking believe it! Instead of being angry I gave Chris a reward - another nut sack full of cum in his punk hole and that’s when he agreed to text me when the next deal went down. A light rain had begun to fall, but that was OK. I had on my DEA windbreaker; my gun was still in my holster, and my phone in my hand so I could quickly call in backup. Chris said it was only ever him and Hawk and no one else. Yet, just in case, I wanted to be prepared. However my plan was take Hawk myself. I needed this. Over the past few hours I had seen only one person go in the door - the man I assumed was Hawk - my prey. My watch showed 11:01. I heard a cough and saw Chris ambling down the alley towards a dimly lit door. He had on the same white shirt he was wearing two days ago when I last fucked him. I had tried to get him to spend the night after I bred him, but he was too wired and bolted as soon as I was done. Chris had flipped up the collar on his shirt I guess in an effort to try to stay dry. Little good that did. It just made him look like some cartoon character - all skin, bones, a head too big for his long limbs. He stopped at the door, knocked, waited, the door opened, Chris said something, then started to walk inside the old factory. My breath caught in my throat. Chris stopped, quickly glanced side to side and behind himself, then bent down like he was tying his shoe. That’s when he was supposed to stuff a wad of paper towel into the door latch hole so that the door would not click shut behind him. I waited until my watch said 11:09. I scanned the alley and confirmed no one was around. My cold, wet fingers found the snap on my holster and with a small click, I released it and eased my gun out. One more check to confirm I was alone and I quickly slid along the brick wall to the factory door Chris had gone in. At the door I paused, waited, listened. I never questioned that Chris would not have done what I had asked. I never even considered the idea that he might have betrayed me. I should have. The factory door eased open on well-oiled hinges. I quickly stepped inside out of the casting of the light. I let my eyes adjust to the darker interior as I tried to calm my breathing and steady my hand. This was it. I replayed in my mind the various scenarios I expected and in each and every one I knew I would have Hawk in handcuffs very soon. I eased my way to the right, following the rough outline of the exterior wall. I heard no voices, saw no movement, but wanted to be sure. The darkness embraced me as I moved, silent, and sure. I continued to edge my way around the outer wall until I came to a cut in - a long, dark hallway with a faint light at the end and the distant echo of voices. I checked around me once more - all was still and silent. I crept down the hall, the light grew brighter. A door was open, an angry voice was saying, “YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU TRY TO STEAL FROM ME?” I quickly peered through the crack and saw Chris on his knees and a big man - Hawk - standing over him. Compared to Chris, Hawk was a fucking monster. A good foot taller, a good 100 pounds heavier, and all the Aryan tattoos on his forehead and arms only added to the sinister monster look. Yeah this asshole was going down and Chris would be forever grateful. I eased my boot onto the edge of the door and gently pulled my foot back, slowly, to give myself enough space to slip into the room and take Hawk by surprise. BAM! MY WORLD WENT DARK. I winced trying to decide which was worse: the splitting pain at the back of my skull or the slicing pain in my wrists. I moaned. I eased my eyes open and turned my head, which caused a new round of nausea and pain. My wrists were handcuffed and a large chain was threaded between them and connected to a pulley that dangled from the ceiling. I had been stripped naked and was hanging from the chain with my feet barely touching the floor. I assumed from the hot wetness still trickling down my neck that I had been hit and hit hard in the back of the head and that’s what had knocked me out. God damn it! My ears then picked up the moans and groans and sounds of carnal pleasure. I leaned back a little and looked to my right. There was a man - Hawk - naked and fucking Chris who was bent over facing my way. Chris raised his head, closed his eyes and smiled in total fucking ecstasy like he would smile when I had my dick up his ass. He opened his eyes, smirked, closed his eyes again as Hawk hit just the right spot up in his ass, and Chris started bouncing his hips up and down like his hole was in full orgasm. My mouth dropped open. Shit! “GET THE FUCK OFF MY DICK!” Hawk spat as he shoved Chris off his still hard dick. Chris tumbled onto his knees and looked up at Hawk with awe, admiration, and adoration - disgusting! Hawk kicked him in the ribs, “WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAITING FOR? YOU GOT DELIVERIES TO MAKE AND DON’T FUCKING SHOW BACK UP HERE UNTIL I TEXT YOU. NOW GET!” A low growl rumbled in my chest. For Hawk or Chris I don’t know. Clearly I had been set up and clearly Chris was Hawk’s lover or whatever too, but it was the way he treated him. I loved Chris - in my own way - and always did right by him so seeing someone treat him like that just fucking pissed me off. I promised myself right then I would kill Hawk. Fuck the take down! Hawk picked up a plate of crystal meth – bright white lines of powder - that was sitting on the couch and sniffed a few lines using a tattered bill. He wiped his nose, licked his lips, casually sauntered over to me with his monster dick swinging back and forth and when he stopped he said, “WELL, WELL, WELL, AGENT. WE FINALLY MEET AT LAST.” This man - this drug dealer - this filth of humanity that stood before me curled my stomach. I wanted to lash out, but held my tongue as my brain worked to figure a way to escape. Hawk smiled, licked his right index finger, rubbed it around in the plate of white then slid it between the flesh of his gums and lips and hummed as the burning kicked in. His blue eyes flashed open, the pupils distant pricks of black as he eyed me up and down, “YES, I CAN SEE WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE IS SO PROTECTIVE OF YOU - ENAMORED IF YOU WILL. BUT TRULY NOW. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW IT IS NOT REAL. EVEN THE GRATITUDE IS FALSE. YOUR LITTLE ONE IS ONLY A BITCH KIPPE - FAG - FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A MEANS TO AN END. I ON THE OTHER HAND AM THE MASTER. THE SUPERIOR SPECIMEN OF MANHOOD. JUST LOOK AT EVEN HOW MY DICK - STILL SOFT - IS FAR BIGGER THAN YOURS. DO YOU WANT TO FEEL IT? I THINK YOU DO - I THINK YOU MUST!” I twisted and jerked as Hawk stepped behind me. The heat from his body like a hot furnace on a cold winter’s afternoon. I heard the wet slurp of his mouth, then the piercing press of a pointed finger and nail at my sphincter. I tried to adjust my footing but the give of the chain snapped back, sending me onto his coated dart, “YES, SEE? YOU WILL LEARN WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE BEGS FOR MY DICK - BEGS FOR THE FEEL OF MY FORESKIN SLIDING BACK AS I POUND HIS ASS - BEGS FOR ME TO POZ HIS HOLE AND FILL HIM UP WITH MY AIDS. FRANKLY I AM SURPRISED YOU HAVE NOT TESTED POZ YET, BUT MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE ON PREP? OR JUST MAYBE BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A TOP? WELL, WE SHALL TAKE CARE OF THAT.” The clear toll of porcelain on concrete, and the pause of his finger assault on my ass, let me know he had set the plate of drugs on the floor. I wanted to beg and plead for him to stop. To tell him I never did drugs. To scream that I was not a bottom and didn’t get fucked. To tell him I was there only for Chris. All plans for trying to talk my way out of it quickly vanished though. My body arched, my veins pumped my blood faster and faster as my heart raced, my skin was scored bloody as Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    9 points
  2. Part 2: Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” My plan to take down the biggest meth cook in the region had failed miserably. My career in the DEA was over! Not only was I chained, naked, in some warehouse but my best friend and fuck buddy Chris had betrayed me and set me up. All future regret and assessment of what had gone wrong were pushed aside as a fresh wave of drug high crashed over me and a new round of searing pain tore through me as Hawk pushed his raw, Aryan dick inside my previously unfucked hole. “YOUR LITTLE ONE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING AGENT,” Hawk said, “HE SAID YOU NEVER GOT FUCKED. OF COURSE I DIDN’T BELIEVE HIM, BUT LOOK - HERE IS THE PROOF - I HAVE POPPED YOUR CHERRY GOOD. PERFECT! I LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN CONVERTING A NEG BOTTOM AND FILLING THEM WITH MY MUTANT AIDS CUM. YOU KNOW METH DOES THAT RIGHT? IT MUTATES THE VIRUS AND METH AND LIQUOR ARE MY TWO MAIN FOOD GROUPS - ALONG WITH RAW ASS - OK SO THREE FOOD GROUPS. MY POINT AGENT IS THAT IT IS OK TO SCREAM, TO EMBRACE THE PAIN AND FRUSTRATION YOU ARE FEELING, TO FIGHT BACK. IT WON’T DO YOU ANY GOOD OF COURSE. IT’S FAR TOO LATE AGENT - OH YES FAR TOO LATE. YOU FEEL THAT AGENT? THAT’S MY DICK PUMPING YOUR ASS FULL OF MY SPERM. PUSHING IT INTO EVERY RIP IN YOUR ANAL WALL - CREATING MY OWN 4TH REICH OF CUM DUMP FAGGOTS WHO I BRAND WITH MY SUPERIOR DNA. YES - TAKE IT AGENT - TAKE IT ALL!!” I looked down to see Hawk’s fingernails embedded deep into the flesh around my waist, small trickles of red creating meandering streams down my thighs as he dug as hard as he could while cumming inside me. I had to bite my tongue in order not to scream from the burning pain in my ass as he fucked me and bred my hole. I would not give this filth the satisfaction. The brutal pummeling paused like the final throes of battle before an armistice and I heaved a sigh of relief. The meth lord just laughed, “WHAT? YOU THINK I AM DONE? FUCK NO! WE HAVE JUST GOTTEN STARTED. I’M A POZ FUCK BREEDER AND CAN SEED THAT ASS OVER AND OVER. THERE IS NO END AGENT. NO SOLUTION TO YOUR CURRENT PREDICAMENT EXCEPT DOING WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY, HOW I SAY. RIGHT NOW, WHAT I SAY IS THAT I AM PACKING THAT SHIT CHUTE LIKE A COLOMBIAN MULE THEN RIDING YOU HARD AND PUTTING YOU AWAY WET. YOU READY TO GET SO FUCKING HIGH YOU CANNOT SAY YOUR A,B,Cs? I MIGHT CONSIDER STOPPING IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO OFFER ME AGENT? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER? MAYBE THE LIFE OF YOUR LITTLE ONE? YOUR FRIEND? YOUR LOVER? OH YOU WANT TO SAVE HIM? REALLY? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID AGENT? YOU KNOW THIS WAS ALL HIS DOING. HE HAD A SIMPLE CHOICE. I’D CUT HIS HANDS OFF FOR STEALING FROM ME OR HE COULD OFFER ME SOMETHING BETTER. SO HERE WE ARE AGENT - YOU ARE THE SOMETHING BETTER AND HE GETS TO KEEP HIS LITTLE FAG HANDS ATTACHED - FOR NOW.” My body shook as Hawk finger fucked me rough, hard, and burrowed trails of meth into my anal lining. I was gasping and drooling like some tweaked out idiot and wanted to just grab my head to try to slow down my thoughts. The handcuffs and chain made that impossible and when the meth cooker shoved his raw dick back up my dry, scabbed hole I barely flinched. Another Aryan load up my ass later and the chain was loosened from the ceiling and I crumpled to the floor. My legs burned, my body was on fire. Was that his AIDs virus of the drugs? The skin on my knees was ripped off entirely as Hawk looped the long chain around his forearm and dragged me behind him like a Sultan’s concubine. I managed to get my feet under me enough to stumble along after him. The hallway swayed back and forth with every step. Hawk stopped, my head was hit hard, I crumpled to the old factory floor as toxic rain poured from the heavens. “FEEL THAT? SMELL THAT? THAT IS GOOD CHEM PISS RIGHT THERE. THAT’S HOW WORTHLESS YOU ARE AGENT - JUST A FUCK PUPPET FOR MY DICK, POZ LOAD, AND A URINAL FOR MY BODILY WASTE. OPEN THAT MOUTH - I SAID FUCKING OPEN IT! GAG ON THAT PISS AGENT - SWALLOW MY SALTY FLUID. YOU ARE MINE NOW - BODY, SOUL, LIFE. ALL MINE. DON’T WORRY. I BOTTLE MY PISS. CHEM MICRO-BREW. EVERY OUNCE I PISS OUT WILL GO INSIDE YOU FROM NOW ON ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.” The pores on my skin opened to allow his Periodic Table of bodily fluids to seep inside me. Hawk was still naked as he dragged me onward. We approached a large, steel door that was guarded by two men in ski masks both dressed in black and holding automatic weapons. Fuck! What had I been thinking? There was no way I could have taken these guys on alone. The door was pulled back, bright fluorescent lights burned my retinas as Hawk dragged me inside, pushed me face first against a steel column, and casually wound the chain between wrists and around the steel. The meth cooker walked over to a large, plexiglass clean room that took up most of the interior of the warehouse space we were in. He hit the intercom, the light turned orange, and as he casually began to put on latex gloves he addressed the dozen or so workers inside - all of whom were men, and all of whom were naked except for their white underwear and face masks. “LISTEN UP FOLKS!” Hawk yelled, “THIS HERE IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND. MR. DEA AGENT. NOW YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHY I BROUGHT HIM IN HERE - RIGHT IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY COOK - RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FUCKING PACKING AND SHIPPING LINE. WELL, MR. DEA AGENT HERE NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND JUST HOW FUCKING TINY AND HELPLESS HE IS. NOW SOME OF YOU KNOW I HAVE A DICK THAT CAN BUST YOUR ASS WIDE OPEN. WELL I JUST PLANTED TWO HOT LOADS - HEAR ME - TWO FUCKING LOADS UP THIS DEA AGENT’S ASS. I POPPED HIS CHERRY GOOD. NOW AS A TOKEN OF MY APPRECIATION I WILL LEAVE HIM HERE FOR A WHILE. LET HIM STEW IN MY JUICES AND OF COURSE, LET HIM TAKE WHATEVER DICK ANY OF YOU FUCKERS WANT TO STICK UP HIS ASS. YOU HEAR ME? WHEN I COME BACK I EXPECT TO SEE HIS CHEEKS COVERED WITH SO MUCH POWDER I’LL THINK WE’RE IN THE ALPS AND I ALSO EXPECT - NOW PAY FUCKING CLOSE ATTENTION - I WILL ALSO EXPECT TO SEE PROOF THAT HIS ASS HAS BEEN FUCKED AND BRED BY YOUR RAW DICKS.” I watched as Hawk walked past me towards another door that was guarded by two more men with guns. He paused, pulled an industrial apron off a wall hook, slipped it over his head, then gave me wave and said, “KEEP THAT ASS FILLED AND WET FOR ME MR. DEA AGENT. I’LL BE BACK AS SOON AS I COMPLETE THIS COOK AND THEN YOU AND I SHALL DISCUSS OUR FUTURE.” Stay Tuned for Part 3 (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    8 points
  3. On my first night in Berlin was a Friday, and I was very excited to be heading to Lab.Oratory. I had heard a lot of good things about it including some of what I had read here on Bareback. Figuring it would be a fuck fest, I made sure my hole was clean deep and well and headed over. I got my bag to put my clothing in and I was surprised to see that most men were wearing some article of clothing: underwear, or a jock strap, or athletic shorts. In fact very few men were naked. I decided to keep my jockstrap on even though I honestly preferred being totally naked. Sometimes I feel like jock straps get in the way. I checked out the lay of the land, walking from room to room where there was a variety of equipment: fuck benches, slings, cubbies, glory holes, and more. The place was vast with lots of play areas. After walking around, I helped myself to a sling where it seem like there was some action happening nearby. Sometimes proximity helps. Sure enough, within a couple of minutes a hand was on my ass as a finger explored my hole. After having inserted one and then two fingers in my hole, the top, who was stocky and rugged, slid his dick into my ass. I was more than ready for his thick seven inches with the result he had no trouble sliding into my lubed hole quite smoothly. After a nice 15 minutes of fucking, he decided to move on and another top took his place. I didn't get a load out of either of them, but that's typically what happens at the sex parties, particularly early in the evening. Having been fucked by the two men was, however, quite satisfying. I also moved on and quickly learned that there seem to be two areas of the club where most of the raw fucking seem to happen: the first was a dark room area with fuck benches, and the second was a cargo bin in the outside area. I spent most of the evening in these two areas, getting loaded up by several guys and fucked by at least 20. I had several trains in a row where tops continuously pounded my ass. After leaving Lab.Oratory, I just had to check out The Bull before heading back to the hotel. I don't know about you other bottoms, but sometimes I just feel like I just want to get fucked forever and ever. I just want to take dick continuously and the Bull is one of my favorite bars in Berlin because I have known good things happen in The Bull's dark room, and the bar didn't disappoint. After stripping down to my jockstrap, within five minutes of being in the darkroom a husky German voice was whispering in my hair about how loose my hole was and how he wanted to pump another load in there. Of course this was in German at first but then he switch to English when I told him I didn't speak German. He proceeded to bang me with his thick German cock, stretching my hole even wider until he started grunted and holding me even harder and tighter until he pounded his load into me. The crowd at The Bull was not a pretty boy crowd but rather consisted largely of middle aged German men who saw to it that my hole remained in use and loaded. In fact I spent the next hour and a half gripping the bench while another eight guys used my hole. By the end of the night I felt so well used and loved it.
    6 points
  4. Sorry to be a nuisance but can anybody please look after my cousin, Ryan, over the weekend for me? Ryan's very adaptable and will easily satisfy anything you ask of him. Thanks guys
    6 points
  5. after going on the road with my dad, an otr trucker, and getting fucked from new jersey to Washington state, I have finally returned home... I lost track of all the loads I took from every type of man across the country. my dad is a real good pimp..lol Well now that i'm home, my son said he wanted a little time with dear old dad, and I'm all for some father son bonding/fucking. he however had more in mind. he knows that I have always had a fantasy.. to be gang raped by a bunch of muscular/daddy type black men...it always makes me hard thinking about it. well, marc my son, set it up. We were supposed to drop by a friends place...(a converted factory warehouse with living space above a shop where my friend fixes cars) when we got there my buddy asked for a quick fuck before his next appointment. I said sure, so my son and I stripped and started to play.(that always gets my buddy hard) frank...(my buddy) jumped in and rammed my pussy ass hard, pile driving me for a few ... I was slightly aware of the door bell going off and off and off... it seems we had some company 3 other big black hard men....next I knew I was face down and ass up being held down while three strangers raped my ass. it was great... I got their loads, franks and my sons... then he feltched me and he got them all...lol I love my son! we are gonna set up something bigger with their friends and a sling and a blindfold...and I hope a video camera so I can watch the hard muscled asses as they pump into me...
    4 points
  6. I couldn't understand at the time how it happened, I was unpacking with my mom not fifteen minutes ago and now I was frozen in between two strong men. The guy in front of me was fully undressed and started to walk back towards me. "You're a golden little pretty boy, on your hands and knees like that. Mmm baby get those fucking clothes off." My jeans were already torn open so he just ripped off my shirt exposing my chest now too. "Oh baby boy, you're so fucking smooth. And the way your back glows when it arches like that. How's your view over there? "It's fucking perfect. His back has that perfect line right down the middle of it." He hadn't started taking off his clothes yet but he did now, started with his belt. He pulled it right off from around his waist and smacked it across my back once. I winced out and arched my back more in pain, dropping to my elbows instead of my hands. "Good faggot presenting that hole." He welted it across my back again. And then once against my ass. Thankfully it was only the three hits cuz the sting stuck around after each of them. "Give him something to choke down little cuz, I'm gonna get his pussy soaking." He bent over and let a glob of spit fall from his mouth to my ass. "Please don't do this..." I was able to softly groan out. "I can't handle this.." "Baby boy you're gonna learn you can handle a lot." He pressed two of his fingers in and let them rest. "Feel how you're already adjusting to those." I wasn't though, the intrusion felt wrong and unnatural. He started to pull them in and out, spitting a lot more and stretching me open. I was groaning out and trying to run away. "Cuz I said give him something to choke down!" I looked up and apparently his cousin was just mesmerized by my helplessness. But he jumped right back into it, smacking my face and bending down with his cock pointing directly at my mouth. "Bitch, open your faggot mouth!" And instead of waiting for me to comply he stuck his fingers down my throat and prepared me to take down his monster dick. He was so thick he could only stick the tip in, "bitch gonna have to do a lot better." The man who answered the door was still getting my ass all wet. He was really going to town down there. Despite what was happening to me, that part felt really good so I tried to focus on my first rimjob while his cousin was forcing his shaft past my lips. "Yeah stretch those pretty lips around me boy. Work them up and down, see you're getting the hang of this." The man rimming me had me by three fingers, "Awh yeah boy you keep up the good work and you'll be compensated nicely for this." He pulled them out and spit one more time onto my hole, "let's get to the main event."
    3 points
  7. ... and now the 8 rear view pics ...
    3 points
  8. So I have been a long time fan of this site and read many stories. Felt like it was my time to start sharing. This is the story of how I was introduced and became addicted to bb. I went to high school in Florida and vowed that I would move away for college. And that I did. One summer visiting my parents was the summer that changed my life. I decided to spend a good 3 weeks with my parents and after a couple of days I was finding every excuse to get out of the house. One particularly horny say I was on grindr and this older muscle daddy hit me. He wanted to know if I wanted to come over for some fun. Mind you I was pretty inexperienced to the whole gay/sex thing and also normally (no longer the case) not attracted to older guys. However my parents were being particularly annoying, and I was pretty horny so I took him up on the offer. I lied to my parents about how I was meeting some friends from high school borrowed my mom's car and drove to this guys house. Along the way I was super nervous and asked him if he had condoms and lube since I didn't have any. He told me not to worry. Upon reaching his house I walk up to the door and before I even knock this muscular shirtless daddy opens the door in nothing but gym shorts where are very noticeable bulge is showing. Stammering and getting all shy I don't know really what to do and I'm pretty sure he could tell how new I was to everything. This daddy changed my entire perspective of older guys. Salt and pepper hair, white and muscular body. A good 6 inches taller than me (I'm 5'8 average build) is looming over me and I can smell his musk. He grabs my shoulders and brings me in closing the door behind him. Never taking his hands off my shoulders he leads me deeper into his house and guides me to his bedroom. He then proceds to tell me not to worry. Asking me at the same time how old I was (at the time I was very discreet on grindr and has barely anything on it) I proceed to tell him I'm 19 in which he laughs and says his son is close to my age. This amazing specimen of a man was 55 and had a body of a 30 year old. The entire time he is talking to me he keeps his hands on my shoulders almost like he is preventing me from running away. He then asks me how experienced I am in which I told him honestly I've only had sex once and a couple or bjs. He got a twinkle in his eye and asked me if I had ever been rimmed before. My clueless self actually responded with what is rimming in which he laughed and said that he would show. Pushing me onto his bed he proceds to start to make out with me. I feel his tongue lightly push into my mouth and I get a hint of mouth wash. His expert hands are caressing my body and working their way to my ass. He proceds to lay on top of me and I feel my breath leaving me. Somehow he has worked my pants off me and my raging 7 inch cock was straining my boxers. He proceds to pull my boxers down giving my boner its freedom. He starts kissing my neck, then chest working his way down. Licking my nibbles and involuntary moan leaves my mouth. Looking up at me he says oh sensitive nipples I see and proceeds to suck and lick both my nipples causing me to gasp and moan. He wedges his legs between mine spreading my ass wide and I feel something hard pressing against it. This entire time he had kept his shorts in and I had not gotten to see his dick. I reach down to try to grab it in which he grabs his hands and says "no boy not yet" he then spreads my legs with his hands exposing my pink hole and I hear a growl from him. "Mmmm nice boy let me show you what rimming is" In which he puts his head down to my ass and starts to lick my hole. I gasp never before having felt something like it before. One word to describe it, pure ecstasy. He licks and tongue fucks me as I moan and wiggle under his expert skills. "yes boy you like it don't you. You want my dick next" Being in a euphoric haze I just nod at him and finally his gym shorts come off. Out comes a 8 inch dick that had a very noticeable curve to the left. He process to hold my legs and bring his dick to my hole. This snaps me our of my haze and ask him to put on a condom and get lube. He tells me to not to worry he will as he rubs his dick on my wet hole. I moan in which he smiles and asks me if I like it. Nodding my head he continues to rub his dick on my hole. I feel him gently push his dick on my hole in which I stop him again and he said he just wants to rub on it some more and he will get a condom. My naive self said OK and let him keep rubbing it. He does this circular motion on my hole with his dick head that just feels so amazing. Pushing ever so lightly on my hole just continuing the circle motion. Ever time though he pushs just a little more and I'm whimpering under him. What he is doing just feels so amazing. Without any warning he suddenly pushs just a little more and I feel his dick enter me with a small pop. Pain floods my brain and I try to push him off me. "stay still boy, just relax" he told me "breathe" He doesn't move even though I'm pushing on his chest to get off me. His grip on my legs tighten and I feel him push in deeper. Causing me to cry out some more. "please stop, it hurts and you don't have a condom" He just smiles this devilish smile at me and push a deeper and then I feel it. His dick pressing against my prostate causing precum to gush out of my dick. Seeing this he starts a slow rhythmic thrust aiming for that spot. My arms weaken and I longer try to push him off me. Pure ecstasy has taken over and I start to see stars. My body shakes and my ass clenches on his dick. I can no longer resist his dick feels so good, like something I had never felt from the sex with a condom I had before. It is so smooth and I can feel every bit of his cock no friction which surprised me since we didn't use lube. He continues to fuck me going faster and faster "yeah boy. Your hole is mine now. You want my daddy load don't you." "please daddy. Fuck me. Please give it to me" I can't even believe the things coming out of my mouth but I say all of it to him. I just don't want it to stop Suddenly he push a in right on my spot and gives a low growl. I can feel his dick expanding in me and this weird sensation. "its all yours boy fuck yeah" he says as he shoots deep in me more and more. Unloading into me I start to jerk off and cum all over myself. He finally pulls out and throws me a towel just laughing. I end up driving home in a daze but something in me has changed. I wanted it again and that is all I knew
    3 points
  9. Just another wasted youth (Part 2) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** “How old are you bitch?” I asked him, while pulling his nipples through his t-shirt. “18” he moaned. “I turned 18 two days ago” “Aaawwww… and now we seem to be your gift” I smiled. The boy smiles back at me. “Keep yourself dizzy bitch” I encouraged to sniff at the poppers bottle as often as he could. “Enjoy your ride to hell” I stated and my buddies and I laughed loudly while we held this twats body up. “Wouldn’t you enjoy to get fucked by everyone in this darkroom?” I whispered. “Imagine all the cocks getting hard, just because of your cute butt” “They sure would enjoy pounding your sweet loyal cunt” my mate grunted. “I don’t know” the youth replied. “You guys got big dicks…. I am horny for big dicks tonight” he replied. “A true bottom should never refuse a hard cock – not on a night like this” I tried to persuade him. “I love my boyfriend… I don’t want to cheat on him” said the twink who just got his ass fucked by totally strangers. “You are not… tonight your boyfriend isn’t here. You miss him so much, that is why you allowed us to plow your ass….” I talked to him soothingly. “It is your boyfriends fault. He should have been here with you at your birthday party. But don’t worry about it, no one needs to know, that you are a greedy little ass cunt.” The guy behind the twink had his hands on the youths shoulders and fucked him high speed. “Yeah…. it is all *grunts* his fault. He should have been here with me, instead of working for his company…..oooooh - I got needs” he moaned. “Yeah and let the guys here fulfill your needs just for tonight. Tomorrow your boyfriend will get to love you anyway and you love him, but tonight we are here to please your cunt” “Doesn’t it feel good to have a big cock up your ass, jamming your tight entrance…. give us the chance to make you feel good. Let’s make you the star of this night… let all the guys here fuck your ass…. just so, because you can do it…. and you do it so good baby.” I whispered those words into his ear. “Don’t reject anyone… see every cock as a present for you to set a new world record in getting charged up in one night – don’t be a fool to let this chance pass you by….” I continued to talk him into. “You don’t even have to look at the guys. Just stay here, look at the wall and imagine your ass a deposit for cum. Take another whiff….. Yeah….. imagine you are just a hole to us. Help us to get off…. into your sweet little body.” “Oooooh fuck…. your cock feels so good…..and maybe I should let you all fuck my pussy – but only tonight” the lad agreed. “Yeah – only for tonight slut” I answered satisfied. “And only with condoms….” he insisted. This was ridiculous. There he was – a totally drunk teen and buzzed up with poppers and still he had the audacity to demand safe fucks? I sighed deeply and looked at our third mate, who would have been the next to fuck this toad. “Sorry man… then you can’t fuck him with your 12 incher” I winked at him. “Man…. what the fuck….?” he complained. “You know his dick is so huge and thick… he has really problems finding condoms which would fit him.” I explained to our target. He peered at the next cock and seemed to be mesmerized. “Ooooooh *sighs* your cock is fucking beautiful. I have never seen a real dick being so thick and long” he moaned. “And do you see how much he looked forward to demolish your hole? Look at the streams of precum, dripping to the floor already.” I brought his attention to my pals Gono infection. But he was so swept away, that he really didn’t draw the conclusion or maybe it was simply too dark. He asked instead if he could lick his ‘precum’ away. “Of course” my friend said and while still getting fucked up the ass, the lad bent a little to the side and started sucking his fag beater. After only two minutes he got up again and asked my mate ‘Are you okay?’ “I feel great….” my pal replied. “No I mean, are you healthy……?” he mumbled under the influence of the alcohol. “Yeah faggot. Don’t worry I am clean” he lied stealthily. In the meanwhile the second fucker reached his orgasm and ejaculated the second high POZ load flooded the boys’ sewer. “Okay…. then fuck my ass raw.” he whispered. “What?” my mate answered as he was hard of hearing. “FUCK ME RAW” the twink shouted. “Gentlemen…..this twink just turned 18 two days ago and he is willing to accept the gift…. Please…..make sure you make room to those who are willing to share…..” I exclaimed. “You want to get charged up, right?” I asked him loudly. “Yeah man, charge me up with your dicks” he moaned. “I didn’t hear you?” I teased him. “OH FUCK….. GIVE ME YOUR COCKS….. *moans* CHARGE ME UP PLEASE!” he almost cried out. In no time we had a nice crowd of guys gathering around to take part at this spectacle. While our last friend started penetrating the boys’ hole, the twink moaned in pleasure and pain. 12 inch of hard cock meat worked his way up the lads’ ass cunt. “Ooooooh yeah…. this is it….. fuck me…. FUCK….. batter me with your huge dick” he begged. “Don’t worry pups…. I will fuck you hard and give you all I got…..” he snickered.
    3 points
  10. ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** ************************************************************************************************************************* He was seated at the bar, drinking with a couple of guys. From his loud laughter, and the silly things he was blurting out, as well as his overall behavior, it was clear to me he was quite drunk. But on the other hand, he was quite sexy. He was, of course, young, no doubt just over 18. The guys recognized him being intoxicated and touched him inappropriately all the time. They grabbed his ass or rubbed his junk while passing him by. He never complained about it. He just grinned like a fool, feeling probably flattered to be the center of the attention. So I tried my luck and ordered a drink at the bar and while standing close to the drunk twink I let my hand slip into his low hip jeans on his backside and my middle finger moved downwards between his ass cheeks, just to find his hole. I pressed my finger against his hole and he relaxed it and let me pass his sphincter. What a slut, I thought to myself. I gave him a cheeky grin and then went back to the two fellows I was with that night. We were all biohazard stallions and we were, let’s put it this way, interested in the youthful guy. He blinked at me and then moved to the back area, where the darkroom was. My mates fist bumped me and cheered, while I got up from my chair I told them to be nearby, in case…. Getting into the backroom my eyes had to adjust to the dimmed light. I saw him wandering about, but I doubted he would actually be notice all the guys lurking about. The risk was too high, that another dick would grab him first and so I hurried up and greeted him with my low voice. He tried to focus me and then showed a foolish smile asking me, if I was the guy fingering outside. I laughed and nodded to that. “You know… I think I had a drink too much and all the jocks look the same to me. Just a big bulge…..” he claimed. “Oh that’s okay…. you are nothing more than a hole to me.” I replied and although my answer was quite reducing him he flashed another smile. “How about three big cocks?” I asked him referring to my two friends. “I guess it would be okay, but we have to play safe. Okay? My boyfriend is out of town and we are faithful to each other. FAITHFUL (in a loud voice). That’s why you can’t fuck me, but it is okay to fuck me now….” he babbled. Such a wasted guy… I signaled my friends to attend me and so they appeared out of the darkness and greeted the teen. “Hey guys – can I touch your bulges to see if you are well endowed?” he asked us. He massaged each of our bulges and seemed to be satisfied to feel 9+ inches of hard cock meat. We looked for a dark corner and there we turned him around, so that he faced the wall. I opened his jeans and lowered them. They fell to the ground and revealed a beautiful round ass. “Don’t forget the condom” he whispered. “Of course not, but let me first finger you. Get you ready for my fat dick.” I suggested and used a bit lube on my fingers and entered his hole with three fingers at once. I crouched behind him, to get a good angle to finger fuck him roughly. He was moaning and enjoyed it obviously. After a while I used only my index finger and my middle finger to actually scratch him from the inside, while pulling my fingers out. I repeated it over and over again and he complained about the growing pain. I told him that I had to prepare him for the hard fuck, but that I would soon been done. I had to rely on my handy work and so I got up and started lubing up my dick. “Sorry guys… but I can’t get hard. Too much alcohol I guess” he giggled. “Never mind, just let us charge your cunt up and we are gone anyway” I replied. “Give him some poppers” I told one of my friends. He handed the boy the brown bottle and told him to use it. “How?” he asked seriously. “I don’t do drugs” he added. “That’s not a drug baby, it is something to inhale to make you feel horny for cocks” I explained. You can keep the bottle afterwards, in case you want to enjoy some other gentlemen dicks in here. “The condom on your cock already?” he asked while he opened the bottle with a ‘plop’ and then sniffed at the bottle opening, while a pal pressed against his other nose opening. ‘Whoooosh’ “Oh my…. oh fuck…. what is this…..” he stuttered. My friends helped him stay on his feet. I parted his ass cheeks in the meanwhile and entered his soft asshole raw. “Oh fuck, this is it…. oh it feels so good. man…. fuck me hard…. fuck me hard into my pussy” he moaned. We made him inhale more of the poppers and every time he was almost freaking out and begging me to fuck deeper into his body. Of course I rammed my whole cock hard into him. This wasn’t supposed to be a romantic affair. This was hardcore POZ fucking. I fucked my dick hard into his hole, trying to inflict even more damage with every thrust I could muster. “You want to get your slut ass charged?” I whispered into his ears, while he experienced one rush after another. He nodded only “Tell me loud, that I can charge your cunt up” I advised him with my low and calm voice. “Fuck me hard into my ass…. (and then louder) Charge my slut ass up” he exclaimed. I grunted and held him by the shoulders, while I was speed-fucking him now. This put me over the edge and my toxic semen erupted inside his ass. My cock gushed five times and I kept on fucking him, to make sure my seed would infiltrate his body soon. After I pulled my cock out, I pretended I would get rid of the condom and stuffed my dick back into my jeans. My pal was next and I told him, while taking his place, to think about the condom. “Yes…. safety first please…. I don’t want to get sick by these…. sick…. bastards….” he repeated himself and took another good whiff. “I think there is enough lube left in there” my friend said with a smirking face. Without hesitance he entered the twink’s ass, who had one POZ load already inside his body…
    2 points
  11. This started just over 3 weeks ago. While walking my dog after work one afternoon in my usual outfit of denim shorts and a white wife-beater...met Mauro, maybe 50, Blatino, 6", a little heavier than me, maybe 195, dressed in snug blue jeans and ratty pullover, friendly guy, says he lives a few blocks from me. Mauro walks up to me and asks about my dog. Says he's seen me several times and wants to know if I'm married. Married? Hell no. I have enough trouble with the dog. We head back toward my place and he asks about my apt and the bldg. 96 yrs old and needs some work. He asks to see my apt. We go in, talk a while when he finally gets to the point ... he asks if I'm gay, says its hard to tell, Yes. Asks if I party .. Sometimes. More questions then I send him on his way, I get up at 4a for work and have too much to do. He says he'll drop-by sometime ... Just after 9:00 that night, someone is knocking at the back door. Late eve uninvited guests are rare and I would usually know when someone was dropping by anyway. I answer and it's Mauro from earlier. He's still in jeans but now also wearing a white wife-beater. He says he has some supplies. Okay, come on in for a minute... He drops his backpack on the living room floor. Pulls out a water bottle and a small towel. In the towel he has a loaded pipe and a small red torch. Have a seat. He says he borrowed some shit (his words!) from his friend and wanted to see if I liked it. We talk for a few minutes then he gives me the pipe and torch. Yeah, I'll try one hit then I'll try to direct him out. I light up and see that the pipe bowl has a couple large rocks in it. The torch melts the T in just seconds, massive clouds form. I take my hit and get filled very quick... massive cloud ... massive head rush ... gawd ... I try to hand it back to Manny but he asks if it's good and says to do one more hit. Damn T is very good, my head is already filling and I feel it really well ... I take another big hit ..., he sits in front of me rubbing his crotch .. is it good? Hell yeah. He just sits back and I take two more deep hits ... he asks if I have any plans tonight .. I pull off my shirt, shoes, then my shorts, no underwear ... he says to stand up. I stand.. he asks where the bedroom is. I say to stand up and drop the futon ... seem to be moving very slow ... he opens his jeans and his 7"dick flops out ... long thick uncut meat ... a lot of foreskin ... I drop and slowly take his dick full down my throat ... he grabs my head .. I bury my face in his pubes and swallow his meat.. still getting harder .... the damn thing reaches full size down my throat ... he groans and grinds into my face .... He pulls out, strips, gets on the bed and lies back. I lean over him and suck on his hard dick ... full sized and hard as a damn steel rod .. close to 1.5" of foreskin still hanging off the end. He reaches back behind me and begins to tease my ass ... just light probing and rubbing my hole ... I deep throat his meat as he humps up into me ... he's groaning and slowly getting more aggressive on my hole ... licking his fingers and working one deeper into me. Half hour of this .. sucking and ass tease .. He says to straddle his face ....I climb over him, he reaches up and he pulls me down to his face .. eats my ass slow .. just light tongue at first while I bury my face back into his crotch .. he slowly gets deeper into it and me ... tongue fucking my hole .. working a finger in then deep tongue again ... I sit up and move down onto his face .. he begins to feast on my ass... chewing and sucking on my now soggy hole .. he'spulling my hips down to get in deeper . I lean back down and get his rod full buried down my throat .. at least 8" of dark uncut meat .. sucking and chewing on his foreskin ... sucking on and licking his massive hairy balls and sack ... he's got a rubber cockring around his balls .. damn things must hang a good 6-7 inches from his crotch ... Another half hour ... he says he needs to get up .. I move off and stay down on my knees .. try to get my head clear a bit ... he moves behind me, pulls my ass up a little higher and drives his tongue back in ... he's grinding my ass ... chewing on my ass lips ... shoving his tongue in deep, running around my hole ... he spits on my asshole then drives his tongue back in several times .... I'm moaning like a fucking pig ... giving him as much access as I can... He pulls away, pulls my hips back and then I feel his foreskin at my now very wet sloppy hole. I reach under and push his foreskin back off the head, line up his dick on my asslips and back my ass onto his meat.... Pull my legs forward to get him as deep as I can ... I can feel every inch .. FUCK .... He gets into a rhythm and fucks me steady ... I grind back on his pubes ... his big balls swinging and slapping my balls and now T-dick. ... he gets me on my side, leg up .. deeper fuck ... I feel him hitting and the head passing through my 2nd ring .. he's groaning loud .... we're both are soaked with sweat ... his fucking feels so damn good .... he gets the pipe .. two more hits ... not me, buried in his fucking ... he pulls out, says leg cramp ... I roll on my back, he pushes my legs back ... he lines up and slides/slams in ... hard deep fuck now ... slamming into my ass .. I reach back and grab his ass, pulling him in deeper with each thrust ... he's groaning loud enough for the neighbors to hear outside ... I'm telling him to fuck me .... he groans "FUCK" once and slows down .. I feel his dick throbbing, pumping his load into me ... 7-8-9-10... shots... fuck ... Both soaked in sweat, he's raining sweat on me ... he leans down and bites my nipples hard .. he saw that I had been twisting and pulling on my tits ... ... long pause ... he pulls out slow ... I reach back and feel his dick and my hole soaked with cum .... I finger myself ... damn... filled with his seed ... he asks if I want to shit it out .. hell no .. no way in hell .. I'm keeping in me all damn night I ask, he says he's okay ... wiped out but feeling good. We get up, I walk him to the bathroom to shower. I go back to the living room, drop back on the floor and work my cum soaked hole, his massive cum load.. damn ... get up and grab a butt plug from the toy box. .. drop back onto the floor and work the plug in ..... don't want to lose any of the load ... I lie there with the plug in, notice he's come back from the bathroom, watching me ... says he'd fuck me again if he could ... likes the plug, says he has a couple toys I might like .. He dresses .. I get us some water ... he says that if I want, he can get a ball of the shit for me .. just text him ... says he wants to fuck my ass again .... says he'll be waiting for my text... says he can get anything I want ... I'm barely tuned-in .... loaded with T and cum ... flying... he lights again, hands pipe and torch to me, can barely hold steady, he holds and lights for me .. another big hit .... fucking good ..... Mauro gets his pack, I very slowly get to my feet and follow him out .. still naked ... too dark for anyone to notice though ... Very slowly managed to calm down ... breathing very rough and heart-rate very high but did get better. Damn potent stuff . Damn good shit!! Plug stayed in all night and most of the next day.... felt damn good ....
    2 points
  12. A few days earlier I turned 18, and this was the first night when I didn't have anything planned, so I did a quick Google search for porn and starting watching a few good videos online. I saw quite a variety: black on white, college dudes raw, older on younger, etc. Then an ad popped up claiming I could hook up with people in the area, so I clicked on it and read of a newly-opened bathhouse which was all of a twenty minute drive from my house. I debated with myself for a second before I gained the courage to stand up, thinking 'Fuck it', grabbed my keys and walked downstairs, only to cross paths with my Mom, who asked "Hey Jacob, where you going so late?" Of course I lied, explaining "Oh just. Nate said he needed someone to study with for his big exam tomorrow so I'm gonna go help him." "All right," Mom replied, adding "just be home before 1:00." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and sent me off. I couldn't believe I was actually gonna drive to a bathhouse and see if there was anyone there willing to fuck me. Of course I had been fucked by guys before, but mostly just guys in my high school who were around the same age as me, but now I was 18 was determined to check-out the bathhouse. Holy fuck I was excited. On the drive over I played some sex songs on my phone, and when I arrived at the place I parked, and sat for a minute in the parking lot, gathering my nerves. But after a minute or so I thought 'Well, it's now or never', and into the bathhouse I went. Walking through the door, I immediately confronted a cashier who took one look at me and said "All right. I need to see your ID, kid. There's no way you're older than 16." "Hey, I just turned 18," I retorted, handing him my driver's license. "Oh, so it seems," the cashier replied. "Okay, $20.00, please." "Wait, I didn't see on the site that there was a fee." "Well, there is, but I'll waive it just this time. Happy birthday bud," as he handed me a pouch containing condoms, lube and a key to a room and then buzzed me in. A smile crossed his face as he called-out after me, "Have fun kid." I waved at him and smiled awkwardly as I entered a dimly lit room and took a few laps in their maze. I walked by a few older men, some young ones and even a couple that had around the same build as me. Most of them looked my way, but I was fully dressed so they resumed their respective conversations. I walked until I found my room. I unlocked it and saw a nice big bed, with a locker close by and a TV on which some porn was playing. There was also a little bowl full of condoms and lube, which was nice. I undressed down to my briefs and wrapped a towel around my waist. I sat on the bed and watched some porn until I had a good bulge going. Rubbing my cock I started thinking about the night. I had a nice, average seven inch dick with neatly groomed pubic hair and what some have called a lean swimmer's build. I also looked pretty young since I am pretty young. I didn't think it was gonna be so hard to find some guys who would want to play. I knew I wanted to bottom for at least one guy, and if I felt adventurous, maybe try it with two. I also thought it might be fun to try role playing, and so I came up with a story that I thought would be hot to act out. When I leaked a little bit of precum I figured it was time to walk out. I figured since I didn't take off my briefs I didn't have to take the towel out so I through it on the bed and grabbed my keys. I walked out in the hall and started doing some laps around again. I turned a couple corners and saw at least nine guys in the hall. Most were somewhat older than my age, some out of shape, some in excellent shape. They turned my way and one even spanked my ass when I walked by them. I heard them talk about how my ass bounced off his hand when I turning the corner and how that would make for a sweet little fuck. I blushed but kept walking until I found a bench near a porn movie and took a seat. I was massaging my cock when a gentleman approached, his towel wrapped around his waist. Looking him over, my eyes were immediately drawn to his chest - his hard, furry pecs and his big arms. He was so masculine I could just melt. Then he spoke. Hunk: "Hey there bud, just starting your night?" Jacob (stammering): "Yeah I just got here a few minutes ago." Hunk (smiling): "Well hey, are you here for what I think you're here for?" Jacob: "Uh-I dunno." Hunk: "Well what are you here for?" Jacob: "I dunno, I was curious about experimenting but I was too scared to try anything with anyone at school so I came here." Hunk: "School? How old are you?" Jacob: "I just turned 18 a couple days ago." Hunk (smiling): "Really?" Jacob: "Yeah." Hunk: "And you want to experiment tonight?" Jacob: "Well, yeah." Eddie: "Well hey, I'm Eddie. Is there any way I can help you out?" He offered me his hand, which I took. He placed it on his cock, which grew out of his towel. I wrapped my hand around his girth and stared at it. He was probably around the same length as I was, but much fatter. Jacob: "Oh gosh, I don't know. I don't know what's too big and that looks too big." Eddie (laughing): "Well I think you just dropped a hint at which part of gay sex you're curious about. You want a cock in you tonight boy?" Jacob: "Oh wow, I didn't mean, I mean, I guess, that is kinda what I want." Eddie: "I see you have a room. You wanna head to it?" Jacob: "Yeah." As I rose to my feet he gave my ass a squeeze remarking "Damn that's a firm ass. You're a hot little fuck man." We walked to my dorm, but on the way another guy stopped us commenting "Hey you two look like you're about to have fun. Mind if a third tagged along?" Eddie looked to me and replied "It's this little guy's first time, I don't know if he'd be up to take two tonight." "Well, let's ask him then. What do you say little guy? Wanna take some more cock?" I looked down at his bulge, which generally looked bigger than Eddie's, even if it wasn't absolutely clear it was as thick. It was, however, clear it was longer. I shrugged. Eddie looked disappointed but the new guy was satisfied and he introduced himself as 'Colin' also asking "So what do you mean by first time?" The three of us walked together. I explained my lie to them; that I was a straight boy, but I stumbled on a gay porn a couple weeks ago and got interested in trying it out. "How do you know you wanna try bottoming?" Colin asked. My replied "I guess because I don't know if I could get it up for topping," appeared to satisfy him as he nodded, just as the three of us approached my room, which I promptly unlocked, ushering the two men into the tiny cubicle. We walked in and closed the door behind us. I could hear some grunting from the room next to us, which definitely fueled the lust inside ours. Eddie took his towel off and officially revealed his thick dick. Colin took his shirt and towel off too and I got a good look at his body for the first time. Another nice body, but not as hard as Eddie's was. They asked how I wanted to start and I just knelt down. I hovered over Eddie's cock for a second pretending I was still unsure I wanted to do this. I eventually wrapped my lips around his cock head, which caused a moan to come from him. I went down farther and pretended to choke before trying it again. I switched to Colin and did the same thing. He grabbed my head and helped me ease it on his cock; he didn't go too fast and he wasn't too rough, but he did make me go down farther. I kept switching from Colin to Eddie for a few more minutes. They moved me into a new position, where I was 69ing on top of Eddie and Colin was behind me spreading my cheeks to rim my hole. I was still pretending like this was my first time, but my moans were not fake. I loved every second that Colin was munching on my ass while Eddie and I were inhaling each other's cock. Colin asked "How does this feel?" "It's fuckin' amazing," I involuntarily exclaimed. "Mind if I try putting in a finger?" "Hell, no, yeah try it." Spitting on my hole a couple of times, Colin pressed one of his fingers inside my ass. Even with Eddie's cock in my mouth, I managed a low moan of approval, which prompted Colin's remark "Oh fuck, what a tight ass." Eddie reminded Colin "This is his first time, so take it gently." "And happily," Colin agreed as he spat a bit more onto my hole, now inserting two fingers, which naturally elicited some additional moans on my part, especially when he began cork-screwing his fingers inside my chute. "I know I know there's some pain, but we have to do this so it'll feel better," explained Colin for my benefit as he kissed my ass and bit my cheeks between his kisses, which sent tingles throughout my entire body. "Fuck, damn," Colin burst, "Damn, this is perfect. I think I'm ready to start if you are." Without fully understanding what he had in mind I replied without hesitation "Oh gosh yeah let's try it." Eddie took my dick out of his mouth while Colin re-positioned me so I was still on my knees, just up more so he could aim his dick at my ass. Eddie resumed with the 69ing as Colin inched his cock towards my hole, taking a few seconds to remark "There's no going back straight boy. Once this enters you, your world will change." I accepted his challenge replying "I still wanna try it. Just please." I heard some rustling and I looked back to see him pulling on a condom, followed by lubing my hole with some sort of gel, which was followed by his cock head. _________________________________________________________ Note from Mister23: This got longer than I expected and I'm really tired. It was supposed to be a one-shot but I'll finish it another time.
    2 points
  13. Virgin POZ Night (Part 1) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** I was strolling around my favorite bath house, when a booth awakened my attention. A note was pinned at the door: ‘Virgin POZ night’ was written in bright red letters. ‘Don’t wake the sleeping beauty’ was added. I heard there was some heavy breathing going on in the booth, but I had the feeling, that only one guy was in it, jacking off. There was no moaning from another party or so. So after a couple of minutes the door was unlocked and a guy I knew so well left the both, with his pants still open and a hard cock sticking out of it. Next to the door was a little blackboard and he drew a line and then left without even noticing me. I could see five marks already. ‘Nice’ I thought and entered the little booth. A blonde twink was laying with the front of his body downwards a short bench. I guess he must have been 18 or 19 the most. He was body was fixed with a strap tightly around his chest and around his lower back. He wouldn’t able to make a move – not an inch, but he was obviously asleep or knocked out more likely. His head was hanging down on one side of the bench. On the other side his cunt was leaking some cum. He had been used for quite a while it seemed. I was drawing a line on his sweat covered back. He shivered….. His hands had been tied to his back. He wouldn’t be able to defend himself, if he would be awake. His body was flawless. Not a single hair could be seen between his ass cheeks. “Beautiful…” I mumbled. I closed the door and locked it behind me. *Click* “Hmmmm… hm…..” he moaned and shook his head a little bit. “What…. where…. am I” he whispered. I was standing right behind him looking down at this young guy who seemed to regain consciousness. “Hello…. is there…. *sigh* is there someone….?” his voice was so soft. “Hey there” I said with my low voice, not getting myself into his view yet. “Sir… my head is spinning. I can’t move…. where am I” he asked slowly. It seemed like the thoughts he had formed slowly the sentences I heard. I didn’t know what to reply. I was sure he wasn’t suppose to know in which town he was or even that this was a biohazard bath house. “Could you…. please…. help me to get up? he stammered. While hearing the twinks soft voice I started massaging the lump in my jeans. “Uuuuugh…. I don’t feel good….. *sighs again softly* … my head is spinning” he sniffed. “Well how did you get here?” I asked with a worried tone. “Uuuuhm….I…. hmmmm….. I don’t know” he mumbled. “I just came around by accident and heard you moan – I came to see if everything was alright” I lied to him. “Are my hands tied Sir? I can’t move them…. could you please untie me?” “Someone handcuffed you behind your back….” I described to him. “Hmmmm…. ooooh…. hrmpf….. my ass is hurting so much. What is happening here? Please… can you open the handcuffs, please Sir” he begged. His head was still hanging down. He didn’t have the strength to raise it by himself. I walked around him and stroked him softly his hair. “Well… I can’t see the keys….” I made some noises like I was looking for a key. Then I grabbed his head and yanked it up violently. I pressed my groin area against his face. *Oooomph* His head had no chance to escape. I pressed my bulge against his him and he wailed a bit. “Can’t…. breathe….” he moaned in panic. “Open your mouth wide then – I am trying to help you here young man!” I exclaimed. The silly twink did just that and opened his mouth widely only to get more of my bulge into his stupid mouth. He tried to yank himself away, but that way he would just sprain his neck and I knew his pain, especially in the back of his neck would be extreme by now. He expelled his hot breath against my crotch. I could feel him fighting for breath, while I almost dry humped his face through my jeans. Then I moved away from the helpless boy. “No keys here…. no nothing….” I hissed. “Then….*gasps for air* please… do you got a mobile phone?” he asked me. “Please… call my parents. Tell them to pick me up.” he almost cried by now. “Calm down lad. Everything will be fine.” I tried to reassure him, that everything was alight. I crouched in front of him and he whispered his mom’s mobile phone number. I couldn’t almost understand every digit, but after I repeated I made sure I would safe this number. In expectation that I would call his mother immediately he gathered all his strength and lifted his head up again. He could only see my body up to my waist and didn’t understand what I was doing. I unbuttoned my jeans slowly and enjoyed to see the terror in his eyes rising. “You really don’t know why you are here, eh” I cackled gleefully. “You are the hole…. A hole for toxic dicks” I explained his fate to him. “Five guys have already fucked you up and now you will get the sixth viral load up your tight asshole” I smiled. “Wait – let me make a picture for your mom… one before…. and one after I POZ fucked you” I said coldly. “Smile for your parents…. smile for your mom” I grinned…
    2 points
  14. Did you read the tags? I wrote this several years ago. It's... different but I think some of you will get a kick out of it. --- Medical Examiner's report # 8815506-3481136 (Summary) Name: Holland, Martin Age: 92 Height: 191 cm Mass: 78 kg Race: caucasian Intake notes: Subject was discovered at or about 6:15 am Monday in Riverbank Park by a jogger. The jogger thought it odd that someone would be sitting on a park bench at that time dressed in a three piece suit. Jogger approached and noticed subject was not breathing and called 911. Subject was declared dead at the scene. Core temperature and lack of rigor put the time of death between 3:30 and 4:30am that day. External Examination: Head: Subject lacks teeth. Dentures are in and remarkably clean. Odors of urea and feces emanate from the oral and nasal cavities, but not from the dentures themselves. Neck: Signs of strangulation with a belt. Chest: Subject has both nipples pierced with holes large enough to accept 6.5mm rings. Rings are not present. Abdomen: Slightly distended. The stomach and large intestine can both be easily palpitated and are likely quite full. Genitals: Subject still maintains an erection several hours after death. Penis is 19cm long, uncircumcised with a 9.25mm “Prince Albert” piercing. However the scrotum and testicles are absent. In their place is a freshly, and crudely, cauterized wound. Additionally the anus is stretched to an alarming degree, with 3cm of rectum prolapsed out. No sign of tearing. Extremities: Slightly reddened ligature marks approximately 4cm wide can be found at both wrists and both ankles. Recent injection sites observed at the interior of both elbows, Scraping taken of matter under the fingernails and sent to lab for further analysis. Internal exam: Heart: Signs of over exertion. Lungs: Show evidence of mild smoking. Pancreas: Cancerous, stage 2. Stomach: Full to nearly bursting. (Initial incision left quite a mess.) Contents: urine, fecal matter, semen (too much to be from a single source), one Ensure® meal replacement strawberry flavor, and one testicle. Colon: The rectum, sigmoid, and descending colon are all stretched far beyond normal. They could accept objects with a circumference of 25cm without a problem. Stretching can be seen as far as 10 cm into the transverse colon. Additionally a black silicone object was discovered in the colon, 3cm diameter and 115 cm long. One end of it was nearly touching the scar from a years old appendectomy. Additional exam notes: It is unlikely the subject died at the point of discovery. Close examination of the joints, and observation of the skin under UV light points to the body being washed, dressed and moved postmortem. Lab results: Fingernails: Tests show the matter under the fingernails to be fecal with high levels of epithelial cells of the type found in the rectum and colon. DNA: DNA samples were taken from the subject, the cells under the fingernails, the semen in the stomach and the testicle. The DNA of the subject and the testicle are a match. The semen matches the subject, the owner of the epithelial cells, and at least 11 other individuals, two of whom are brothers. Database search provided no identification, but the semen of the subject and John Does 3, 7, and 10 all turn up in case #8951685-4258763 “Tox screen”: Subject had elevated blood levels of acetylsalicylic acid, diltiazem, pantoprazole, trimeterene, nitroglycerin, caffeine, nicotine, ethanol (.215 BAC), methamphetamine and its metabolized byproducts (estimated 2.25 grams over 3 days), and oxycodone. Tissue samples from around the genitals also show the presence of Caverject, lidocaine, and epinephrine. Conclusion: The cause of death is cardiac arrhythmia due to a combination of drugs and over exertion. Professionally I must label this suspicious, but personally it looks like Mr. Holland decided to go out with a bang rather than a whimper.
    2 points
  15. I definitely prefer slow, deep, firm fucking. I love to feel every contour and ridge of the cock that's using my hole and going to be pumping me full of its precious cum. I find that hard and fast fucking makes most guys cum quicker, slow and deep fucking helps most guys last longer which also lets them work up a bigger load to inject into me
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  16. After the black guys used me at the bookstore last night they must have given my number out or posted it someplace because as i got close to home i started getting texts from guys that wanted to fuck me. One was a guy that was only a few miles away from the house so i gave him directions and then, when i drove up to my place, i got out of the car still naked and walked a coupke houses down to the corner and then to the corner of the main street so he could see me naked. He pulled up, his headlights shining on me, and i stroked my cock a bit. Then he pulled forward and told me to walk naked back to my place. I ran back, dick flopping in the open, and he got out of his car with his shorts pulled down enough so his huge black cock was out. Right there in the road by the car i knelt down to worship it and he began telling me how he was going to ruin my white faggot ass. We moved to the sideyard, still in view of the street, where i knelt so i could suck him. He asked how many black men had fucked my white pussy ... 6 ... and became very verbal telling me what a fucking slut and whore i was. He slammed me up against the side of the house and his hard cock found my hole and he pushed in hard. He pounded me so that i was pressed hard up against the brick. I told him i was a slut hole for him to use as he bred me there in the darkness.
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  18. i agree with sftallguy, i look daily to see if you have a new chapter. I LOVE LOVE your mind and creativity. you have no idea how many loads you have helped me squirt....but it is literally dozens.... and given me great material for some real life role plays. thanks!
    2 points
  19. Went to a pretty sleazy bookstore tonight. It's not in the bedt part of town but you can always count on there being guys there that just want to get off in a hole and tonight didn't disappoint. Tjere was a group of guys just standing in the entrance to the video rooms and i looked at a few of them directly and then chose an open room just a few doors down leaving the door open as i started to strip down. As i stepped out of my underwear I heard a slight shuffle behind me as 2 guys entered the room. They didn't say anything as i bent over naked to expose my ass to them. One guy went to put coins in the video slot while the other felt my ass. "This fucker is already lubed" he told the other. "So fuck him and add your lube". Seconds later his pants were down and he was lining his cock up with my hole and then pushing into me. The other guy grabbed my head and started to face fuck me. It was only 2 or 3 minutes and the first guy was grunting loudly and emptying his balls deep inside me. They switched places and the second guy literally rammed his cock into my wet cunt and began pounding hard. By now there were a couple other guys in the room and they soon had their cocks out, stroking and i knew they would be in me next. After he bred me a third guy rubbed his cockhead up and down my crack and wondered why the cum was leaking out of me. "Because he's a whore bottom and not pushing it out. Fuck him. He wants your cock like a good whore." They got verbal but i just moaned with pleasure since another cock was in my mouth by then. As soon as he unloaded in me a fourth guy got behind me and started fucking me. I decided i was going to accommodate all the cocks that i could get tonight .... like that was not what i intended coming here anyway. I was cock hungry and cum hungry and wanted more. After the 4th guy bred me there was one more guy who had stripped down so he fucked me naked and thats when some cum.leaked out down the inside of my right leg. After that there was a lull but i stayed naked watching a video of a hung black guy fucking a white twink. Round 2 started with a tall black guy coming inthe room and asking if i liked the video. When i said yes he said he was going to fuck a white boy too and stepped up behind me. He was long and pretty thick and i could feel my ass being stretched more. He knew how to use that monster cock and spent a long time fucking me and talking on the phone too, even telling the person on the other end that he was fucking a white boy. Someone called out a name from the hall and he called back that he was in the room here. Afew other black guys piled in the room and started talking shit about fucking a white boy. One after the other they bred my ass and used me for the hole i am. When they were done they told me i was going to service them again and i gave them all my cell number. By the time the last guy fucked me there was a puddle of cum on the floor as it leaked out of me and they made me lick it up. Then i gathered up my clothes as they paraded me naked through the bookstore telling everyone they had fucked me. Still naked i went out to the car followed by a couple other guys who bred me over the hood of the car. I'm home now and still horny for more cock.
    2 points
  20. He pulled me and twisted me around till my hole was presented to him. Eddie: “Sweet hole bud, still looking so tight.” Jacob: “Please take it easy on me still.” Eddie: “Why the fuck? You just took him all in.” Jacob: “Just please, and don’t forget to wear the condom.” Eddie: “Whatever little shit, I’m closing the door and showing your ass what you came for.” He got up behind me and I reminded him about the condom and made sure he actually put it on. He grabbed one shoulder and one of my asscheeks and spread it for him. Eddie: “Damn little boy, your ass wasn’t made to be straight.” I could feel the tip poking at my hole and he spread it a little bit more for him. I heard and felt him spit down onto my hole too before he pressed into me. Eddie: “No fucking way kid, not a chance you’re here for the first time.” He was holding me in place by my shoulder and going into me on my knees. I was breathing him in as he was thankfully easing himself. Jacob: “It’s really my” -heavy grunt “my first time sir.” He dug in a little faster when I said Sir. Eddie: “Fuck I believe with how tight your pussy is.” I feigned embarrassment. Jacob: “Please don’t say that, it makes me feel weird.” Eddie: “Oh too straight to hear your hole called a puss.” Jacob: “Yeah just stop please.” He grabbed my shoulder a little tighter and dug himself home. Eddie: “Oh but not too straight for balls deep are you fag?” Jacob: “Don’t say that either.” Eddie: “You’re not letting me have any fun, now are you? Fine, I’ll just give you your fucking and be on my way too.” He released my shoulder and let my face drop to the bed. Eddie: “Perfect fucking view Straight boy.” He was able to pump his meat into me more and he was increasing to a faster rate. Eddie: “Fuck - this - sweet - hole!” He was using both of his hands and spreading my ass for him to grind in me deep. I was making all kind of heavy moaning sounds. Eddie: “You ever make a girl sound like this boy? You realize you’re begging me now don’t you.” Jacob: “Fuck, I Uhhh haven’t, no. But please, Fuck! harder.” Eddie: “Harder, what?” Jacob: “Fuck me harder Sir!” He pressed in deep. Eddie: “Fuck you where Son?” He ground in deep and held it there.” Eddie: Fuck you where Son?” Jacob: “Fuck my hole Sir!” Eddie: “Awh come on baby can’t I call it my puss yet?” He pulled it out and pushed in, and pulled out. Then he bent it over and kissed it. Eddie: “I feel like I’m treating it right.” He kissed it tenderly some more and it sent chills through me. Eddie: “And it’s already stretched to fit me perfectly. Just let me fuck my puss.” He convinced me. Jacob: “Okay fine please, yes.” Eddie: “Great, turn onto your back Son.” I did as he told and he grabbed my ankles and held my knees above me. I looked down and noticed that the condom had broken. Jacob: “What the Fuck Sir, the condom is broken.” Eddie: “Oh don’t worry it didn’t break till I was jerking with it while kissing your sweet hole. I’m grabbing another one.” He returned to grabbing my ankles after putting it on and spit down onto my hole again. Jacob: “Just please make sure it doesn’t break while your fucking me.” Eddie: “Of course not kid.” ___________ Wow been a long while, sorry about that. I hope this fits with the beginning.
    2 points
  21. They're tearing down my old high school. I refer to it as "my high school" even though I only went there two years. I switched schools because I was bullied so bad. Bullied for being girlish, acting weird and finally --for being short. This was in the mid 80's when bullying was just a part of growing up and nobody reported anything and teachers looked the other way. I was called a 'fag' so many times that last year and shoved into lockers so often, it's amazing I didn't kill myself. I considered it often back then. At the center of it all was this guy I'll call 'Matt'. The fact that I'm changing his name to protect him is the ultimate in irony. His parents and my parents were old friends so I'd know him since preschool days. We lived in a farming area and were technically neighbors despite living nearly two mies apart. He was year older than me. My mom always hated him. He was trouble -- even as a little kid. He constantly picked on me and wanted to do tough boy stuff while I wanted to just have imaginary adventures where were explorers or astronauts or something. He liked to initiate fights of any kind and I just went along with it. He'd want us to throw dirt clods at dirt clods at each other or those little white driveway rocks. He was sometimes nice but mostlty mean. But he was like a magnet and I was drawn to him even though he was a cruel, cruel boy. None of this changed over the years. When we were in junior high, he showed me a dirty magazine and told me how to beat off. The year adfter that he taught me how to smoke and then eventually he got me drunk for the first time. And all along, he still wanted to fight. He'd get me in headlocks or twist my arm behind my back. He was also a bragger. His dad more money than mine, his house was nicer than mine, he was taller and stronger and on and on. Then highshcool happened and, Dear God, what a nightmare. Everybody changed. They all turned into adults and I still looked like I was nine years old. Plus. I had to get glasses which made me even more of an oddball. Even though it was a small school, Matt managed to disappear into his own crowd of tough guys who smoked and had learner's permits. I, of course,had flunked Driver's Ed. Driving terrified me -- which meant I was further isolated from kids my age. And like every rural town back then, all the kids were smoking weed which I'd never even seen or smelled in person. During all this, people started noticing my girlish tendencies and my high voice. Boom, I was a target. "Sissy", "Queer", "Queer Bait", "Homo", "Faggot" were among the things I was called. You'd think Matt would feel some tiny bit of kinship or shared history and stick up for me once in a while, but no. Most of my abusers were his pals. The very last time we ever talked he told me not to sit near him during pep rallies or assemblies. High school was going great for him and didn't want my association with him to spoil it. And then I dropped out. I did well at my new school and graduated near the top. I made a few great friends and then went off to college where I was exceptional in every class. I moved to a big city and landed a terrific job. My voice had deepened and my body filled out. Ny height maxed out at only 5'8", but that really doesn't count as "short" to the general poulation. Everything was going swell. Adding to my genral happiness was the reports from hometown I'd get during weekly phone chats with the parents. Mike S. had died in a car crash, Luke B. had killed himself, Mack J. was in prison. Each tidbit of news like that fed my soul. I won! On top of that. the whole town had gone to shit thanks to the sudden appearance of hard drugs. My folks are pretty square so they didn't know which drugs exactly except that5 they could be used with a pipe or a needle. That could have been a few different subtances, but as long is it laid waste to that rotten place I was glad it had arrived. When I asked about Matt my mom was all too eager to repeat rumors she'd heard from her friends. He was unemployed and still living at home. He was also fat and grubby-looking and, according to her, would hang out in a trailer with fellow druggies shooting up the drugs they bought. Ha! He stumbled and went down while I was completely happy and successful. I won! I hit my early 30's and the state had swarmed in and cleaned up that whole county. Lots of people were arrested and drug houses were demolished. The town tried to come back with new sidewalks and landscapes. And then they decided to tear down my old high school and build a new one. Oh how I wanted to witness the demolition in person! I went down that Summer to stay with my parents for a week of vacation. On a sunny, warm Saturday they were having a "walk through" of the school before they started auctioning off the light fixtures, toilets, bricks etc. My dad was excited about it because he loved auctions of any kinf and I was excited because I wanted to piss on the walls or vandalize a classroom or something like that. Yeah, it may seem emtionally unhealthy but that was the place that made me this way. So we went to town that morning. I expected to feel happy to see the boarded-up building, but just thw shape of it caused my chest to tighten up. I didn't breathe the whole time it took Dad to find a parking space. My legs were shaking. I had to man up. I was still a fag, but I was a winning fag. I was also pretty much unrecognizable from the kid I used to be, but that didn't stop me from petting my sunglasses on. I didn't want them to see me coming. We saw a bunch of older guys in overalls and my dad needed to talk to each one of them. The walk through had been going on for half an hour by the time we got to the entrance. It hit me the second we got in. It smelled exactly the same and even though there was no electricity, I could tell the walls were exactly the same stupid pale blue they'd been for decades. I had to take my sunglasses off because there were no lights and more than halfthe windows were boarded up. It was dark but you could still navigate down the halls. Everybody had moved to the second floor already. I guess that's where most of the valuable stuff was (computers, copiers, library books). My dad was in the middle of a bunch of other farmers he knewheading up the stairs and they were busy with their chatter. I found myself alone in the first floor hallway, right in front of the princepal's office. I wanted to go in there and piss on the desk of the man who did nothing to protect me. I would have done just that, but stragglers kept wandering in. I let myself into the gym instead. This had been a place of torture as well. I walked across the basketball court and wished I had to take shit. A couple of turds right on top of the achool logo would hace been a perfect farewell. I went all the way back to where the locker rooms were. It still smelled like dirty balls even though no students had been through there for six or seven months. It's that moment that I realized the structure itself wasn't my tormenter. The stupid kids were, and they had long since gone. The hate and the need for revenge drained out of my body. I just felt tired and bored. Oh well...maybe I'd just pee and go wait outside for Dad. Where the urinals always that small? That's when I heard "Looking for something special?" from somewhere in the shadows behind me. Emerging into a sliver of light was Matt himself. I barely recognized him. He was wearing dirty denim overalls that accentuated his huge gut and had a full, bushy red beard like a bootlegger from "Coal Miner's Daughter" or something. He wa a few inches taller, but didn't exactly tower over me like he used to. He looked completely different but not like how I imagined a drug user to look. Weren't they all skeletal? He sure wasn't. Just dirty and generally unhealthy. "I wouldn't have known who you were if I hadn't saw you walk in with your dad." I could tell from how he talked that he was missing a few teeth. I didn't feel all that scared like you'd think I would. I really didn't feel anything that could be named accurately. He moved closer. "Got nothin' to say to say to yer old buddy?" No. I didn't. I wanted to leave. He stepped even closer and I could smell his B.O. and a hint of alcohol. Then he was just a few inches away. God, his face looked like shit. The drugs hadn't made him thin but they had sure done their damage to his skin. I was searching for something to say when the last thing I ever expected happened. He was hugging me. Huh?! No. I was wrong. He was trying to get me involved in a wrestling match. Seriously? I was bigger and stronger and could fight back now. I pushed him off of me only to have him tackle me again. I landed ghard on the concrete floor and the wind was compltely knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe as he got me in a bear hug again, then lifted me up and carried me back to the shower area. Another fall on my back and this time the back of my head was slammed as well. I saw the edges of my vision blur as the pain overwhelmed me. He stood back a little and leaned against the wall next to the shower nozzles. I collected myself as quick as I could and started to stand up, but I stumbled and Matt actually reached with one of his fat hands to help me up. I was busy trying to fill my lungs with air while he pulled a pint of rum or something from his back pocket and took a swig. He offered me a sip and I shook my head. No. I stood up straight and tall and steeled myself for this. What in the world did I have to be scared of? This fat mess? "You got stronger. Been workin' out?" he said while thumping my chest with his bottle-free hand. "No", I said in a voice that was way deeper than he would have ever imagined,"but that was the very last time you'll ever touch me. Got it?" "No, but I got this," he drawled as he pulled a fat prick head out of the fly of his grimey overalls. I didn't move. I was frozen, and he must have taken my inaction as fascination because he pushed the whole organ out for me to see. A flood of weird memories back to me. His dick looked like a lightbulb. The shaft was short and skinny and the head was perfectly round and oversized. I knew that dick. I remembered right then that he hadn't told me how to beat off...he'd shown me. In flashes I saw us walking alongside a creek in his dad's pasture where he started wrestling me again. He'd sat on my chest and quickly stroked his little member up and down for a few seconds before squirting some stinky cream all over my neck and shirt collar. I also remember him guiding that thing into my underage mouth nearly a dozen times that year. I'd blocked it all out. I felt the hate and anger coming back in waves as he stroked his gross meat. I snatched the bottle out of his free hand and took a long swig of what I guessed to be whiskey, not rum. "Here's what you don't get, asshole. You lost and I won! I got out of this shit town and you didn't move an inch. Still living with ma and pa, are you? I have a career, a sweet car and my own home. What do YOU have?! Nothing! YOU LOST! I WON!" I was yelling with a force that was dug up from somewhere deep down inside me. "My, my, my." he said in a slightly slurred voice as he moved a little ways away before adding "I got something you don't." "What?? A drug habit? DUIs? Needle marks?". I barked. I grew bold and grabbed his left arm to inspect for tracks. There weren't any. Huh? That's when he swung his fist around and caught me squarely in the cheek. I didn't hit the floor this time. Rage was keeping me upright like a steel structure, but it sure fucking hurt. "I never shot in my arm. Cops look for that. Me and my girls always used the veins in our feet. Look..." he stepped out of his size 13 sneakers, peeled off the filthy socks and showed me his gross feet. A couple of toes were swollen and scabby. Infection lived down there for sure. As I gazed at them, he made quick work of unstrapping his overalls and lifting off his shirt. Then he stepped out of the smelly denim and was completely nude. His big fat stomach just bobbed there unashamedly. What the hell?? It would have been a good time to run, but he was still a magnet, keeping me close. It was with a bizarre sense of loyalty or intimacy that I knelt to the floor and wrapped my mouth around the fat head of his dick. I was just noticing how clean it seemed compared to the rest of him when he grabbed the back of my head and started a slow thrusting. It was all so familiar. He groaned and said a few things that I barely heard above the sound of my heartbeat. "Strip", he commanded as he stood there with his shiny, wet dick bobbing beneath his gut. I did so without thinking too much of anything. He sized me up and handed me the bottle. "I..." "Don't talk. Just drain that fucker cuz you're gonna need it in a second." I swallowed it all down and let the bottle fall from my numb hand. It didn't break, just bounced noisily into a corner. And then we had one last wrestling match for old time's sake. He had me pinned after he knew all my fight was gone. Then I was kneeling on the floor and he was on my back with his wet prick aimed exactly where I wanted him to aim it. It hurt like hell when he tried to get that fat head in my hole, but i didn't even have the strength to yell. The worst of the pain didn't last all that long anyway. After a minute, it was just me with my forehead down on the floor, feeling his blubber squooshing around on my spine and his little torpedo pivoting in and out of my guts. He was talking again. "You didn't win nothin' that I'm not taking from you now." Then he roared as he blasted his nasty cum deep inside me. He collapsed on top of me and lied there for about half a minute. He got up. I could hear him shuffling around and thought he was getting dressed. That's when a stream of hot, smelly liquid hit my back. He was pissing on me. Of course. He'd won and deserved his victory, I guess. I lost everything.
    2 points
  22. Possibly, there is some true stuff in this story. Possibly, there is not. Winter of 1991, somewhere in the Midwest I had just finshed my first semester at an unremarkable state college where I'd made grades that were anything but great. I've always been called "smart", but never really did well in achool. Is there a name for nerds who suck at academics? I really had no pride left. I mean, I'm just slightly below average in every way with barely any social skills and maybe two people on the planet I could call "friends". Look at my avatar and subtract 25 years and add some glasses along with some unsexy facial scruff. That was me in this story. The opposite of hot. I was due to go home for Christmas with my parents. It was a three hour trip due South on the turnpike. My mom had called the night before and told me to keep an eye on the weather because a possible blizzard could hit. Is it bad that I secretly hoped it would? No offence to my family, but they are as boring and deflated as I was. Staying at school would only mean I'd have to temporarily bunk in the dorm for international students. How bad could that be? Well I payed the price for my wishes because the sky was only a tad gray when I woke up on the morning I was due to leave. Of course. It was a short drive to the turnpike where I got my ticket to enter this joyride through a boring, flat landscape that was dead for the Winter. Radio reception was iffy in this region. Even FM. I fiddled around with the dial and eventually found some odd sort of talk show where two old guys were talking about how the moon landing was all fake, and the government always lied to us about everything. Is it bad that I really didn't care? I mean, one way or the other, there was nothing I could do about it. I barely noticed that I didn't see any other travelers on the road. As the radio crackpots blathered on, it started to snow. It wasn't too bad -- it was just cemetary snow. Well, "Cemetary Snow" is what I called it because they were just tiny flakes. They looked like the kind of snow you'd see in a dramatic movie where there's a Winter burial and the snow is just there for a melancholy effect. Does that make sense? Well, anyway -- it was minor and didn't even seem to accumulate on the ground. After about 70 miles, I was nearly convinced that no man had ever actually set foot on the lunar surface...and the snow had gotten heavier. The flakes were still small but they were coming faster. I just kept my eyes on the road and felt a rod of alertness move straight up my spine. After 100 miles, I couldn't get the station anymore and the snow was getting worse in every way. The flakes were so big and so fast that they were alost a blur...a sideways-moving blur. I could also feel the wind picking up, moving my crappy little tin can car at its will. Uh oh. I was feeling a little panic, and thought briefly of trying to tune in some Christmas music to calm myself. But I didn't dare touch the radio so I could fully concentrate on the disappearing road. The speakers sputtered out static white noise as the storm got worse. Right up ahead I saw a blue Rest Area sign on the right. Good timing. I pulled into the small parking lot where there were no other cars or even any big semi trucks you always see in these places. Well, sure. They all have access to weather reports we tin can car drivers do not. I parked and considered the situation. I hadn't smoked at all that day because my mom hated the smell, but now seemed like the perfect time for a cigarette. I cracked the window a bit and let that steel rod up my back soften ever so slightly. I used my mostly-empty can of Mountain Dew as an ashtray and tried using my mind to soften the storm, but that of course didn't work. Thinking I just needed some extra time for my will over the weather to work, I opened the car door and made my way toward the restrooms. After a piss and maybe another smoke, surely this would all but be over with. I trudged up the mostly obscured sidewalk and noticed drifts had piled up the concrete box of toilets that had probably been here since Eisonhower was alive. It was obvious I should have worn heavier clothes because the freezing air went through me like an x-ray. Once I got inside the men's room on the left of the building, I felt a little less vulnerable. It was ugly, smelly and lit only by bare lightbulbs in ancient fixtures on the ceiling -- but it was about fifteen degrees warmer than the outside. I thought I'd probably take a nice long pee and smoke break, sitting on one of the toilets but two of the stalls were 'out of order' and the third one was clogged with massive turds. Never mind. I went to one of the urinals which were not seperated by any kind of partition. Even though I had the whole place to myself, I still hesitated about which urinal to pick. I finally chose the one furthest down the line away from the door and unzipped. I tried to pee, but my whole body was shivering and I was severely stressed out by the weather. My dick shrunk up like snai; and wouldn't let me vacate the contents of my bladder. Without zipping back up, I backed away a little and put a cigarette in my mouth. If I just kept standing and relaxed a bit, the pee would find its way out eventually. So I tried again. As the wind roared outside, I aimed at the drain and was almost there when I heard a loud creak as the door opened. Shit! I had no idea what to do. NO idea. Maybe it would be a capable state trooper who'd escort me safely home in his warm patrol SUV that had a plow attached to the front bumper. No. It was just a very regular-looking guy, not much older than me wearing sweats under a bright orange ski jacket. And flip-flops...in this kind of weather. I wasn't shocked or anything because I went to college with dudes who would wear shorts and sandals on the coldest days because they wanted to seem eccentric or else they just didn't have the money to do laundry ona regular basis. He didn't seem very collegiate. He looked like a guy who would repair combines or something. Whatever the case, I was determined to empty my water no matter what. I'd go back to my car and sit there with the heater on and maybe pray, Of course he lined up at he urinal next to me...which meant no pissing would happen soon. Goddamn him. I was going to pee despite this idiot. I let the cig tumble put of my mouth intp the drain below me. The guy pulled his sweats down and unleashed his dick right there where I could see. For Christ's sake! I stared straight ahead at the concrete tiles and focused on my own business. I didn't hear any flow on his side either. Nothing. I ventured a look and saw him holding his fat pink penis in his left hand. I wasn't too impressed with his member, but I noticed his hand for sure. It was a rural hand. A working hand. I'm so stupid. What if he saw me staring and why was I staring? Whatever. The world was ending out there and I wanted to look. I couldn't help but notice his nails. They were jagged - as if he cut them with a dull handsaw. And they were so black. Most people think that dirty nails are caused by actual dirt, soil. But it's mostly dead skin cells, body oil and food. There's a word for this, but I don't know it. I'm a lousy student, remember? As I'm mesmerized by the dude's dirty nails, I noticed his dick was getting erect. It went from 'average' to 'above average' to 'very above average' in ten seconds. I had to make myself look up at him, and of course he was watching me watch his stuff. Oh fuck it! I was so far beyond embarrassment eight then that I just said "Hi.". We turned toward each other with our dicks hanging out od our flies, He was taller and cuter than I'd noticed at first. What to say next? "Nice hands", I said stupidly. "Huh?", he really sounded confused -- I guess because he thought I was going to compliment his dick. "Well. I mean. Nice ... big hands. And the. The dick is really nice too, I'm sorry," He laughed and I looked at the floor. I'm so dumb. He'd probably beat the hell out of me now. This stranger. I waited for it. "what he hell are you doing here, kid?" My words were still formless, but I tried to say that I was going home. All that came out were sudden loud sobs and a few words like "Christmas" and "Mom". And then I collapsed under the weight of my own panic and hit the floor. "Stay here", he said and bolied for the exit, his flip-flops clicking urgently as he scurried away. I was all alone. In a bathroom. In a blizzard. I've never had a passion for life, but never thought it'd end like this. Seconds later, the guy came back with his arms overloaded with army-green blankets and two orange sleeping bags. He busied himself making a little green and orange nest in the back of the cement room where there was once a stall that had been removed. "Come get warm", he said with chattering teeth. I was confused. "Here??" "What? You want to camp outside?" I felt like I was nine years old. "What if somebody comes in? What if help comes?" He looked at me like I was a total idiot. "The whole turnpike is shut down. Get it? There's no going North and no going South". "Meaning?" His face softened and his eyes were figuring out how to now see me. "Meaning...we've got the whole middle of the state to ourselves". And then he smiled and came over to help me up off the floor. He led me back to our makeshift suite of blankets and sleeping bags and layed me down like my mom would. The fluffy sleeping bags were our mattress and the blankets made a comforter. It was amazingly nice and cozy. We were both laying on our backs and having our own thoughts without talking. I didn't figure we'd talk anymore the whole night. I was alost relaxed until he spoke up. "What did you say about my hands again?" Oh man. I guess there was no being shy at this point. "I just noticed how nice your hands were...and your fingers...and your fingernails". I didn't stumble on a single word. SILENCE Then he kaughed a little and held his left arm out straight above our heads to catch what little light we had. "Jeezus, dude. My fingernails are filthy as fuck! You didn't notice that?" I reached out of the warm blanket and pulled his hand down to my face, I licked the palm and made it a point o suck each fingertip. I guess I'd made my point. "Wow. Thanks, man. Did you notice anything else?" I scanned my useless brain for something I'd forgotten to mention. "Check it out", he whispered as he twisted his arm to show me the underside of his thick wrist. There I saw a biohazard tattoo. I knew what it was from visits to the doctor's office and seeing that red trash can with the same symbol on it. That's where gloves, needles and bandages went. It was a hospital thing. "Are you a doctor?", I ventured. "Yes. That's it. I'm here to cure you of yourself. Get it?" I didn't. But as I wondered what he meant, he was on top of me. OK. I was thinking I was ready for this step. He pulled my jeans off and ripped my underwear . He was kissing me and I tasted him. As I searched for a description of his flavor, he stuck one of his dirty, nasty fingers in my asshole. He was scratching in there on purpose. Then there were two dirty fingers inside. Shit. I was going to get an infection of some sort. I needed to put a stop to this shit, but as I pre-formed my protest my hero was suddenly higher on top of me and the head of his dick was inside my hole. GOD! How can anything hurt that much? I'd broken my arm when I was ten and it didn't hurt like this. But it was sex. Right? Man Sex is supposed to be like this? I had so much to think about and so much pain to process, but I was forced to deal with Hero Man's rapid thrusting and animal grunts. I wanted him to look at me, but his eyes were shut tight as he made one last thrust and growled. I sure wanted to talk about all this, but he just tunbled into sleep. I wasn't tired at all until suddenly I was. I wormed my way down into the pile of blankets and felt sleep attack me like a grizzly bear. Merry Christmas, I guess.
    2 points
  23. Oxballs better give you royalties for all the pig holes you're helping sell
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  24. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 5) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** Davis was on the floor, trying to avoid the beating. I stood above him, with two of my pals and we were swinging our belts and hit his body in every possible spot. He trashed around, but had no chance to escape the whipping. The scene was filmed by the 4th guy and he switched between close ups of the welts appearing all over Davis’ body and the scenery from afar. So we could enjoy those minutes again and again later on. We showed no mercy. It was like the warming up before the main event. Our cocks stood out proud and hard, just wishing the rape would start right now. Davis was not screaming at the moment. It was more or less just grunting. He clenched his teeth and almost seemed out of this world. And again the lad tried to flee from the pain and the violence. He simply fainted on us. We were so in motion, that we didn’t notice it at first. Out of breath we stopped our attack. “You brought us a nice piece of meat” someone said. “Wake him up” I said coldly. Another bucket of cold water was splashed over his head. He gasped for air and looked around disorientated. “No more…” were his first words. “No more…” he repeated again. “No more… beating” I said. “No more…” I stressed my words and crouched next to him. “Move your body to the bed” I whispered to Davis. “Move your fucking body to the bed and spread your fucking legs so we can start ripping your ass open.” with that I got up again and gave the lad a little nudge with my boots to make him more cooperative. Slowly he crawled to one of the beds, accompanied by our booted feet, showing him the right way. Every muscle in his body was tensed. It was such a great moment, hearing his soft sobbing, realizing he wanted to crawl away from us, but we gave him little kicks, so it would be easier for him to find our love nest. We grinned at each other and jerked our cocks slowly. “Good boy” I teased him Davis looked around scared, when he got onto the bed. “On your back cunt and spread those damn legs” I growled. Davis assumed position, but didn’t look all too happy about it. “Now… Davis… wouldn’t it be nice, if you would repeat the words you used, when you contacted me?” I asked soothingly. “About getting fucked?” he asked timidly. “About everything…” I answered loudly. “Tell us how you wanted to be raped and your cunt busted.” The 18 year old boy shook his head. “You better tell us…” I warned him. “I… I wanted to be raped. I… I wanted my cunt destroyed *sniffs* I needed hard cock….” Davis mumbled. “Exactly and now a little bit louder and say it in a way, that we believe it.” I ordered him to tell us the things a second time. Before that, I told my pals to assemble on the bed, next to our little rape toy and let him stroke our cocks and lick two cockheads, while the 5th fellow would film this great scene. Davis looked around, not knowing how to react. While Davis got a zoom up, jacking us off or lick our dickheads we gave him the opportunity to look straight into the cam and tell us his deepest desires. “I…. *sob* I… want to be raped.” “I am a useless cunt and need to be destroyed” Tears ran down his face while he praised his hole to be torn apart and to be fucked bloodily. “Good cunt…. we will give you, what you were looking for.” and we fist bumped each other, while using insults on the lad. “So let’s get started. You must be delirious already” I laughed cruelly. I went between the guys legs and arranged his legs to be on my shoulder. Davis tried to push me away, but I was a lot stronger than this helpless little twink. “Someone hand me the lube….” I demanded. It was a lot commotion going on now. Davis felt my cock nestling against his tiny hole, already probing to gain entrance. He wasn’t happy about it and tried to push me away. “Lube….” I shouted and tried to get the boy under control. “Erm… nobody brought lube with him apparently.” “We need lube…. oh well, spit and blood will do it also I guess….” I mused. “This will hurt lad, but it will hurt you more, that it will hurt me” I cackled gleefully. “As soon as you bleed, my cock will glide more easily into your twat. Don’t worry….” I added. “Maybe this will help?” someone said. A guy came out of the bathroom, holding a used toothbrush in his hand. He looked at the men… They looked at me… I looked at Davis… “We need to get your hole bloody…” I told him truthfully. Suddenly Davis understood the concept and started wailing…
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  25. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 4) “Come here… stroke my cock while you dance you horny fuck” I ordered Davis. He hesitated at first and looked at me worried. Then he moved slowly towards me and lowered his head. I could see him crying. He took my hard cock in both of his hands and started stroking it gently. We could all hear him sob. I handed the cam to a mate, then put my arms around Davis and pulled him closer to me. “Continue stroking me, pup” I told him in a normal tone. His head rested against my right shoulder. I could feel his tears on my skin. My hands started massaging his ass cheeks through his white pair of jeans. My black leather gloves made a nice contrast to the white fabric. Davis’ sobbing increased slightly. He was shaking like a leaf. He guessed obviously, that I would tear his jeans down from him and rape myself into his body. “What’s wrong baby? Don’t you want to welcome us with your sweet innocent hole?” I asked him softly. He shook his head slowly, without looking at my ski mask, revealing only my eyes and my mouth. “Open your jeans and keep on moving your body to the music” I said. Another friend moved closer and pressed himself against the youth’s backside, twisting Davis’ nipples again. Davis heard a loud squeak - just to learn it was himself making those noises. My buddy pressed his hard dick against the boys’ jeans and Davis felt an enormous erection pushing against his ass. The guy moved slowly with Davis rocking body. There was danger in the air. “Start to unbutton your jeans now” I repeated myself squeezing his ass cheeks even more. Davis shook almost violently while sobbing and started to follow my order. It took an eternity for him, to unbutton his pants, but as soon as he accomplished the task, my friend and I pulled Davis’ tight jeans down to his upper thighs. His movements were now more restricted, because he couldn’t get rid of the whole pants at once. I looked down and realized the slut was wearing a jock strap. “Oh you cheap whore…. you dressed up for us? Huh?” I looked at him with my masked face and lifted his chin up, so he could see my cold eyes through the slit. “I bought it for today” he sniffed. “You bought this for our date? You hear that guys? This slick cum bucket bought this whore pants for us” I sneered. I pulled his ass cheeks apart and my mate immediately attacked the boys’ hole. He tried to push his glans penis into Davis, who wailed in distress. It was fun to keep the boy in place, while my mate tried again and again to push his cock into this narrow pink hole. It seemed impossible to fuck him dry. I mean… of course with enough brutality it would fit sooner or later, but we had another plan. “Let a real man open up this cunt” another guy leered. We dragged Davis to a couch and positioned him over one of the couch arms. Someone spread the boys’ ass cheeks apart and with a little bit of spit the second guy actually entered the boy two inches. Davis screamed like a maniac. I pushed his face into a cushion, to muffle his screams. “How does it feel, getting ripped up without lube. Do you like his cock boy? Do you want more of his tube in your cunt?” I shouted out. “Man… he is tight…” the lucky bastard moaned. He withdrew his cock and we let go of Davis. The little punk tried to get up and run for the door, but fell over his own two feet. He tumbled down and crawled away, only to end up hiding in a corner of a room. There he tried to be invisible. Davis blinked and saw three pair of legs walking into his direction. The guys walked slowly and removed their belts slowly. He didn’t dare to examine the whole situation. All he could see were several legs, three hard cock and some dangling belts. Then he felt the first blow….
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  26. 6: CLARK POV Joey: "I have one." Clark -smiling-: "Oh yeah? What is it?" He stood up and did a body spin. Damn his body is sexy, and that ass. Clark: "I think I know what you're getting at." I stood up and I grabbed his arm. I kissed him hard on the lips, and he happily reciprocated. I pulled him away from our kiss and threw him to his knees on the couch. Clark: "Fuck yeah, this is what's next. This what you have in mind Joey?" I spit on my dick and pressed it against his ass, not hard enough to penetrate. He moaned for it. Joey: "Oh fuck." I pressed it against him again, and grinded against him. He just kept letting out moans. I spit on my fingers and fingered him for a second longer before I spit on my dick. All I did was insert the cock head and pull out and his moan hit a peak. Joey: "Oh Uncle Clark, just fuck me please." Clark: "Oh yeah boy? Is that what my little nephew wants?" Joey: "Oh god fuck me please!" I inserted my dick in just passed the head and pulled out again. Clark: "Some of that?" Joey: "Oh fuck! Yes! Please!" I slammed my entire penis in, held his hips tight against my pelvis while his cute little ass caught up with the change. He squealed a little bit, took his breaths, but it fit comfortably in almost no time. Clark: "Damn boy, already a natural." I took my dick out and slammed it in again. I got some more squeal moans and some grunts as I continued to do that. Clark: "Mmm you like your Uncle's cock son?" Joey: "Oh yes--uhh- I do." Clark: "Come on say it." Joey -grunting-: "Uhh- I like my Uncle's cock." Clark: "Mmm yeah. Damn I knew you were wasting time with that girl." Joey: "Fuck, uhhh." Clark: "Yeah, now you're getting fucked like the girl. Maybe you're my niece. I slammed into him again. Clark: "No I prefer you being my nephew. Much rather fuck a cute young boy." I smacked his ass, he responded with a surprised moan. Clark: "Damn that ass bounces so good." Joey: "Oh god, I want you to keep fucking me,.. uhh- just like that." I had to grab his shoulders to keep with that pace, but that made his back arch lower and his moans louder. Joey: "Oh no, I'm about to bust." Clark: "Oh fuck yeah, hands free baby boy!" When I felt his body start to tense up, I grabbed his neck and pulled him back towards me so that I could whisper into his ear. Clark: "You're my little whore now." He was pushed over the edge and started spasming. I held him in place as the buildup in me was coming to a climax. Clark: "Fuck- you--." I pressed myself hard against him as I came into his ass. I fucked him a few more times before I pulled out, a little droplet of cum following it. There was his cum on my couch but that'll be cleaned later. Clark: "Damn boy, that hols is so fucking perfect." Joey: "Mm as long as you're filling it. I already want another load." Clark -laughing-: "Give me a minute." __________________________ Note from Mister23: Lol I don't know what to say here, I just like leaving notes.
    2 points
  27. "Oh, man, please, keep going," I exclaimed when his cockhead breached my ass. "Don't worry, guy, you'll get it. I'm just easing it in," replied Colin as he slowly filled my ass. Eddie, meanwhile, had shifted position so the two of us were face to face. When he took me into his manly arms I thought I would melt with pleasure. "I'm gonna make sure your first time is special," Eddie whispered, just as Colin's cock was balls-deep in my hole. Easing his cock in and out, Colin repeated the movement with increasing vigor, a bit harder with each thrust. Eddie crawled out and was now in front of me. He grabbed my face, knelt down and kissed me, then went back up and pushed his dick into my mouth. He grabbed my head and started to fuck my throat. I didn't want Colin to think Eddie was being too rough for me, so I let out some moans. "Damn Colin, just started and I think he's decided," Eddie remarked. "Yeah, decided what?" Colin asked. "You know, which team he's catching for," Eddie replied, which earned a chuckle from Colin, as they exchanged a high-5 in self congratulation, I supposed. I let out some uncomfortable moans just to change pace, but they understood that I was enjoying it on some level. Colin was fucking me at a pretty steady rate, each thrust pushed into me. I couldn't even speak because Eddie wasn't giving my mouth a break. He must really like the straight boy thing. He released my head and told me we were switching positions. They moved me onto my back and Colin pushed his cock into me. Eddie tried to put his down my throat, but was having a hard time fitting it in. Since this wasn't my favorite position anyway, I went with the role play asking "Hey I don't really like this position. Mind if we swit...." Suddenly Eddie was able to figure out how to stop me from finishing that sentence when he slid his beautiful cock into my mouth. True, the position in which I found myself was clumsy, and in some degree it worked, but I reasoned the two guys were enjoying themselves and I was more than pleased they elected to play with me. It also occurred to me I knew how they would react to any resistance on my part, so I groaned a bit, whereupon to my surprise Colin withdrew, even if Eddie held my face for a few seconds longer, deep-throat fucking me before letting me up for air. Grabbing the back of my head Eddie commented "Listen, we've already seen you handle it. You can definitely handle it," adding "Let's keep this up Colin." He still had my head in his hands and held it in front of my face. I wouldn't open my mouth for him which earned the sharp question "Are you gonna make me ask?" 'Not yet', I thought. I looked up at him for a second, then opened my mouth to his cock. Eddie immediately slid his cock all the way down to the base, commenting "That's-mother-fucking-right. Come on Colin, let's show this bitch what he likes." Colin moved slowly, but he did press his cock back into my ass. Not so long after he grabbed my ankles and started to fuck me harder. Eddie released his hold and made me look up at Colin who exclaimed "Oh, fuck, I'm about to bust." Even at that moment I managed to blurt the question "Wait! Do you have a condom on?" "Yeah, of course," Colin replied, following with "Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, I'm about...ughhhh...." Clearly pleased, Eddie smiled at both Colin and me, saying "There you go, shit," although the mood was a bit spoiled when he added "What's your name, kid?" Oh fuck, how dumb, I felt as I answered "Jacob." "Sexy. There you go Jacob. That's how to take a it. How'd it feel?" he asked. I contemplated what to say, and settled on "I-uh-I, that was incredible." Colin smiled broadly saying "Glad I could help kid, enjoy yourself," as he abruptly walked out the door, leaving just me and Eddie in the room. I looked at him with a question in my eyes. "Good, now that that fuck is gone, I can really have you," Eddie announced. _________________________________________________ Note from Mister23: Damn, sorry it took so long. Class and what not.
    2 points
  28. PART 2... A couple of nights each week, every week since we first connected, sometime between 10p and midnight, Mauro will show-up. Uninvited, unannounced. I will hear knocking at my apt's rear security door. Mauro would be standing there, asking if he can come in and use the bathroom. I'd let him in and he'd wander off and do his thing. After a few minutes he'd come back out and we would talk for a little while. That late, I'm normally asleep. I also don't bother getting dressed, I'm usually naked at home and always when I sleep, so now nude and not exactly awake. We talk about nothing and then he asks if I want to buy some good shit (his words). Up until yesterday, he had dropped by 8 times so far. A bit annoying but he never stays for more than a half hour or so. Last night he pops-up again, just after 11p. Uses the restroom then comes back in and sits on the futon. I'm sitting on my table across from him. He pulls out his pipe and torch then lights-up. Blows two massive clouds. I don't turn any lights on so the lighter and clouds look kinda cool. He offers the pipe to me. I came really really close to saying no, I gotta be to work at 5a but took it from him anyway. I take the 1st deep hit. Been a while and feel it fill my head fast. The T he's got is damn good. I'm not dressed, so he can see my dick hit full attention very quick. He reached over and grabbed my dick, asks if I like the shit. I say that I'm feeling better. He gets up, pulls out his phone and texts with someone. He says for me to use it all up, that he'll be right back. He heads out the backdoor. I take three deep draws then drop onto the futon and semi-tune out. Feeling damn good. A little while, knock at the door again. I say come in. Mauro is back and has someone with him. This is a surprise but it's my home so I stay down on the futon. Mauro introduces the guy, I instantly forget. The guy looks a bit older, maybe 60, shaved head, tat's cover his arms and around neck, bit of a thug effect. The guy says he has some better shit. Mauro takes his pipe from me and hands it to the guy. He goes back into the kitchen to fill it. I don't have the sense to ask who the guy is and why is he here.... The friend comes back over to us and hands me the pipe. "Try this shit". I take it, light up and one deep hit. Oh fuck..... Mauro says to do another. I raise the pipe and torch but am shaking, having a hard time keeping the lighter under the bulb. Crap. Mauro takes them from me and lights it, holding it for me to get the hit. I remember taking two more deep hits with little encouragement. The stuff was laced with something, I have no idea. I was down fast. I didn't loose connection, just badly faded, badly fogged, unfocused, eye-sight shot, semi-brain-dead. I somehow landed on the floor, on my back, holding my legs while Mauro is hard fucking me, telling me to open my eyes and look at him. Telling his friend the bitch wants it. He drags me onto the futon. I'm kneeling with my chest on the back rail, Mauto's trading off finger fucking and cock fucking my ass. His friend is sitting next to me, cock out, watching Mauro use my ass. The futon gets pulled out flat. My head is jammed into the side armrest while Mauro's cock is pounding into me. He gets me on my back again and jackhammers my ass, raining sweat on me. I'm soaked. All I feel is his cock. Mauro says something in Spanish to his friend when he starts to cum. He slows and stops with his dick fully buried in me, dick throbbing in my hole. When he pulls out, I roll over, turn face-down on the futon. Mauro and his friend both get up and talk. I reach back and finger my very wet hole. Someone grabs my hand, working my fingers for me. He releases my hand then pulls my ass up, more fingers, very rough fingers twisting in my hole, working my soggy cum ass. The friend pulls me up to my knees, head down on the pad. He hands me the pipe and says to take another hit. I can barely see it. Mauro holds and lights it again for me. The friend says take another deep hit, show him a fucking cloud. Do another....... On my 2nd draw, he shoves his dick into my ass. Mauro's to my right. The friend is slamming into me hard, his fucking dick is damn thicker than Mauro. He puts his hands on my back and holds me down. He fucks very hard. Talks with Mauro. Street Spanish, I catch nothing except "fucking bitch" He cums, groans loud, still holding me down, slamming my ass. Pulls out, pushes me away, I drop. I know they left. No idea what time. No idea what anyone said. Very very badly trashed in the morning. Exhausted. Feeling damn good but not right. Moving very slowly. Called in dead. Could not focus, could barely walk or think straight. Mouth had terrible taste. Ass was gummy from all the cum. Ass was damn sore, somehow thinking he got his fist into me. Later found out from Mauro, the friend worked most of my hand in, then worked his own hand in to the wrist. I was tuned out. Very debilitating high. Remember what happened but do not remember what happened. Mauro texted me later, to let him know if I want a ball. Filled in missing details.
    2 points
  29. Every once in a while I get extra-horny and post for anonymous tops on Craigslist with the subject, "No condom, no pulling out." It rarely gets any interest, maybe one guy who might be serious or might not - I find guys are more inclined to fuck bareback if it hasn't been discussed or mentioned as an expectation up front. Somehow amid the clouds and sun of a Saturday afternoon, I got not one but three responses. The first guy who answered informed me that he had a top friend and they were looking for a bottom to use together. Needless to say, I sent my info, he told me when they could arrive, and went in the bathroom to prep myself while they were en route. As I was getting ready, I continued to check email and got the other two responses. I wrote back to each guy with my address, telling them that I had two others coming over, so they should just show up and I'd leave the front door open so they could just walk in. One wrote back "OK" but the other was silent, something I usually take to mean that he's going to flake and not show (I hate when they do that after you give them your address!). After about 20 minutes, the first pair arrived, and they didn't disappoint! I let them in, made sure the front door was unlocked, and led them into the living room where I stripped and got down on all fours on the floor and took some huge hits from my brown bottle. They wasted no time in peeling off their clothes and almost immediately I had a thick 8-inch shaft plunging down my throat. I couldn't breathe, I was gagging and drooling all over the place, but I was in heaven! I didn't know where the other guy was until I felt his hands roaming over my ass, fingering my already-lubed hole, and giving me the occasional smack as his friend fucked my throat. The cock in my throat got noticeably harder before its owner withdrew it and moved behind me. I had only a moment to take another hit of poppers before it was replaced by an even bigger shaft, this one at least 9 inches but not quite as thick. This second guy slid into my mouth and down my willing throat in one smooth motion, continuing where his friend had left off. While he did that, I felt the head of the first guy's cock pushing at my hole, and I pushed back a little in order to accommodate him. His cock was slick with my deep throat juices, and he groaned as he slid in balls-deep and began thrusting. As I was stuffed with cock from both ends, I heard the front door open. In walked not one but both of the other guys I had heard from! Talk about timing, they had pulled into my place at the same time. They quickly stripped, being careful not to mix clothes, shoes and phones with the other guys. On seeing these two newcomers, the guy in my throat stood up, and I knelt upright being careful not to dislodge his friend's thick cock, which continued to pound my hole mercilessly. He did this, I saw, to free up both of my hands so that in no time, I was stroking the two new guys, one with each hand, while the first guys continued their assaults on my throat and ass. I have had trains of more guys over the course of a few hours, but never in my life have I had four cocks using me at the exact same time! The guy in my ass finally grabbed my hips and gave a mighty thrust and held it, planting his seed deep inside me. I was disappointed when he slid out, but his friend pulled out of my throat and took his place behind me. His cock in turn was replaced in my throat by one of the newcomers, both of whom I was happy to see had nice seven-inchers. The one entering my throat was thick and uncut, and drooling precum before it even hit my poppered-up lips. And that's how it went for almost an hour this afternoon as I served each cock in turn with my mouth and then my ass. True to my post, each guy fucked my throat and then my ass with no condom, and all added their loads to my stretched out (and now dripping!) hole. I'm siting here with their brew running out of me, typing this and thinking that maybe I'll post again tonight, and maybe add a BBRT ad to the mix to see what additional trouble I can get into!
    1 point
  30. 1: THE SETUP I've always been really close to most of my family, particularly my Uncle Clark. He used to take me out all the time to wherever we felt like going that day. So naturally, on one of the most heartbreaking days of my life, I went over to his apartment for consolation. *KNOCKS* Joey: "Hey Uncle Clark, it's me Joey!" Clark: "Hey Joey, it's unlocked, just come on in!" I walked into his apartment and took my outerwear off, grabbed a glass of water and just sat on the couch next to him. Joey: "Amy broke up with me today." Clark: "Oh no! What happened?" Joey: "It's kind of embarrassing.." Clark: "But you know you're able to talk to me about whatever." Joey: "Yeah I know... She told me that.. She told me that I wasn't good in bed and she needed to be with someone who had more passion.." Clark: "Oh wow that's rough." Joey: "That's the problem! It's not rough! She told me I'm a nice guy and everything, but that in bed she wanted to be with a man and that when I fuck her, she just feels like she's sleeping with a little boy and it's not enough for her." Clark: "That's kind of a harsh thing to say to someone.." Joey: "Yeah it was awful to hear! I just.. I really liked her. I wish I knew how to get her back, but I guess I'm just too timid for her." Clark: "It seems like what you need is to learn how to please a woman properly." Joey: "And how do you suppose I do that? It's not like I can just go out and fuck a random girl right now. My heart wouldn't be in it." Clark: "Well I can only think of a couple ways, but I'm not sure you'd be up for it." Joey: "Then I guess just tell me what you think I should do." Clark: "It's not really something I could just tell you. She wants you to be real rough with her, right? So what you gotta learn is how to give her a good rough time and I can't just tell you how to do that." Joey: "Well how do you propose I learn then?" Clark: "You could try watching porn, but I don't know if that'll do a good job showing you what you need to do. Here, I have an idea." He stood up. Clark: "I think I'd do a much better job just showing you what I think she might be looking for." Joey: "What do you mean?" He grabbed his crotch. Clark: "I mean exactly what I said, I think I'd do a much better job showing you what your girlfriend might be looking for." He grabbed his crotch again, this time with a bulge forming through his shorts. Joey: "Uncle Clark, what do you mean?!" Clark: "I want to show you how to get your girlfriend back, but that might involve getting a bit dirty." Joey -nervous-: "I don't think I want to know what you mean." Clark: "You might not at first, but that's the point you're gonna have to go past." Joey: "What is it you want me to do?" Clark: "I'm sure you've figured that out by now." Joey -gulps-: "I-uh-I don't really feel comfortable with this at all." Clark: "Like I said. It doesn't matter." I stand up to leave, but Uncle Clark grabs my arm. Clark: "It doesn't matter at all." He pushes me down to my knees.
    1 point
  31. Don't mess around with the occult. Seriously. I know. I know... It's all nonsense and unscientific. I am with you on that for the most part. I was an athiest who laughed when members of my family tried to get me to ACCEPT JESUS and REPENT. I was also amused by those chubby women who called themselves "wiccans" and would burn candles at midnight or whatever the fuck they did. I also rolled my eyes at devil-worshipping dudes who wore black eyeliner and had had stupid pentagram tattoos and listened to crappy metal bands. Those people just had boring lives and wanted some daily drama. I didn't actively mock them because most folks need a hobby and I was of the "live and let live" school of thought. It's great fodder for horror movies but ultimately harmless. That's what I used to think back I had the luxury to be above everything. Now that I'm too sick too hold down a job, I'm quite a bit more humble. I did something 'supernatural' that ruined me forever. First, a little background: I graduated college in 1993. During my last year, I lived in what most people called "the student slums". I had a two room basement apartment in a big red house on a street right off campus. It was affordable and fairly nice except for an abundance of spiders. Spiders give me nightmares even though they're mostly harmless. Right across from my door was the other basement apartment. The only thing I knew about its tenant was it was a guy my age and that he listened to old ragtime music. I'd glimpse him from time to time at the mailboxes or in the hallway, but I was (and still am) cursed with a crippling shyness that prevented me from saying "hi" or even looking at his face. He was tall, pale, bony and had black curly hair that went down to the middle of his neck in the back. Imagine a blurry, young Jeff Goldblum and that's the image I had in my head. I kind of deduced that he was gay as well. He had a lot of effeminate male friends over to visit, and he just gave off a 'vibe' that I picked up on because I was gay as well. I was gay in name only though because I could never imagine doing anything with another man. But it was more the social interraction that terrified me. I've never been able to initiate conversation or even eye contact. Small talk with a stranger scared me more than any spider. His name was David H --------. I only knew that from reading the plastic lable on his mailbox. Looking back, it's amazing that I even managed to graduate (with very good grades) and soon find the job of my dreams. Working as an adult, around other adults slowly gave me some basic social skills. Hell, I even had a few 'friends'. I didn't go out much. I'd come home, play Nintendo, and go to bed watching gay porn videos from Falcon. Those were the days! I was young, healthy and slowly becoming a normal person. After a year or two, I discovered the internet. I got a computer from Best Buy and had a dial-up connection. Back then, it was so basic. You mainly had to go to "bulletin boards" to interact with people. Not surprisingly. I was able to "talk" with people with a keyboard much better than I could in person. I didn't go to my little city's only gay board out of pure embarrassment, but I went to a couple of hetero places that were "naughty". I found out their names from the stripper/hooker who kived in my building. One place was for swingers and one dealt exclusively with orgies. There's where I met Lacy Beth. She had a wonderfully foul mouth and a huge personality. She sometimes chatted with me when the room was dead or she was just bored. Because of my age and general naivete, she referred to me as her son. We talked about everything under the sun -- including her deep involvement in the occult. When I told her I was a confirmed skeptic, she was almost offended. It's like she thought I didn't believe in her as a person. As I stumbled to explain she told me she could prove it to me. Proof is an excellent concept for people like me. That's when she told me a certain ritual she did to contact her dead grandmother and it worked the very first time. She had stopped cussing now, so I knew she was being serious. I asked a bunch of questions...here are the main ones: "Is it scary?" No. We talk all the time and she's the same as I remember her. "Does it only work on the dead or can you contact living people too?" It works with the living, but in a very different way. It's much better with the deceased...as long as you know where they're buried. Well I was definitely intrigued. It took a bit of pleading, but she eventually told me how to do it. The skepticism crept back into me because it was so simple. She sensed this abd told me to try it that night if I didn't believe it. I promised I would. And then she warned me to be very careful. She had a few specific warnings though: "Don't use it to contact someone you don't know or if you don't know where their final resting place is." and "Don't use it while high on anything or with bad intent." I asked what would happen if I did either of those two things and her response was simply "You'll be fucked". After a bit more chat we said our goodnights and I logged off. I didn't try it that night, First of all, I couldn't think of a dead person I'd known. I'd never even been to a single funeral. All of my grandparents had died before I knew them. I figured I'd have to use it to reach a living person. But who? It ocurred to me to find one of those hung Falcon stars, but I didn't "know" them so that'd be breaking a rule. Hmmmm. I woke up the next morning knowing exactly who I wanted to find. You guessed it -- my former college neighbor, David. Despite not really knowing him, we'd practically shared a living space and I certainly wouldn't consider him a stranger. I mean...you know?.... My computer at work was way faster than my own. I used it to find David. The internet had grown fast since I first started poking around online. You could go to this place called "Yahoo" and search for people. David's last name was pretty unusual and I even knew his middle name thanks to a screw up with the mail. There was a letter for him in my mailbox. It was from his bank in a little town near my own. I could take it to him and finally get a look at his face, but instead I just opened it. He'd bounced a check. Anyway, it took 20 seconds of searching this Yahoo thing to find him. The first link went to an obituary. No! He had died the year before at the age of 27 and was buried in the same dinky town his tight-ass bank was in. I'd been there as a kid. Maybe a county fair or some tractor pull my dad was always dragging me to. I think we'd even been by the cemetary. According to the obit, he'd moved to Germany nad worked for a bank there for about a year. And then moved back home for awhile before dying. They played Scott Joplin music at the funeral. Ragtime. The next link led me to a photo of his grave stone. It was one of those flat.gray granite boxes with a grand piano illustration carved on the top surface. There was an option to leave a virtual flower there or write a message, but I did neither. How did he die? Well, of course I had a pretty good guess. The virus had spread all over the country by then and even the straight "sexy swingers" in the chatrooms were afraid of it. Maybe it was a car accident, though. I had no way of knowing even though I knew. I just knew. The rest of the day was a blur as I was lost in my thoughts. I decided to get drunk that night. I played Nintendo all evening while drinking beer after beer after beer. My stereo was tuned to public radio because that seemed like the only station that might possibly play Scott Joplin. It didn't. I popped a few Xanax before bed. My doctor had prescribed them for anxiety and I could take one every eight hours "as needed", but I usually saved them up for night when I would take two and fall right to sleep. That night I took three on top of all the beer. It was Friday anyway and I could sleep until noon the next day if I wanted to. I wanted to. Well, sleep didn't come as swiftly as I expected. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling. I was as awake as if I'd downed a triple espresso instead of a controlled substance. Well...I could try the ritual now. I felt shadowing fingers across my brain trying to massage that thought to life. OK. It was a short, simple thing that might even help me to sleep. So I did it. I tried it to contact David in his piano grave way down in the Southern part of my home state. I had a brief mental flash of Lacy Beth's horrified face begging me to stop. But I wasn't breaking any of the rules. Not really. Bending them maybe, but not breaking. And then I was done. I'll share the ritual with you at the very end of this story, There will be some plenty of blank space and words of caution before you see it. Just read my tale and decide for yourself if it's what you want to do. Don't pass it along please. That night was strange in more than one way. First off, I lived in a pretty crummy neighborhood with Section 8 apartments on both sides. There was usually a lot of yelling and loud music with lots of glass-shaking bass. Not then. And no honking or sirens either. My bedroom was quiet as a tomb. Well, it was quiet except for what sounded like little drummers near the floor. I slid out of bed to turn on the bathroom light so the room wouldn't be totally dark. I felt my eyes close involuntarily. I started to half-dream about piano music until I heard the little drummers again. Seriously? What the fuck WAS that? I woke up a little and saw a small band of spiders in the sliver of light from my bathroom. They were the same arachnids from my old apartment building in college expept a little bigger and fuzzier. And when they walked, they made little marching noises. Like drums. I'd call the landlord to spray tomorrow. I rolled over and let the beer and tranquilizers pull me into sleep. No dreams. The next morning I hopped out of bed at 6 am. Why so early? Well, I'd forgotten to turn off my alarm clock for the weekend, and there was a lot of sun creeping in from the next room where I'd also forgotten to close the blinds. I was wide awake. I guess I could go do laundry. This was the best time for that chore because the laundry room in the basement was always deserted. I looked around for spiders but didn't see any. I grabbed my pill bottle full of quarters, detergent, my full laundry basket and took the elevator down. Ding. Again, it was empty. I loaded two machines with just socks, unders and t-shirts. My work clothes had to be drycleaned, and the jeans I'd worry about some other time. Usually I'd stay there until the cycle was over, but I hadn't brought a book or a magazine or my portable CD player. I just decided to say "fuck it' and go back upstairs for a quick nap. I was suddenly exhausted. ..almost as if a tranquilizer dart had been fired into the back of my head. I barely made it to the bed. I lied on my back in just a pair of shorts and a holey t-shirt. I settled into my too-soft mattress and drifted off just as it started to rain. I was snoozing for a bit when I heard two things: thunder and the little drummers. Oh God. I still had my eyes closed when I decided I'd go down to the landlord's apartment and request an exterminator in person. I opened my eyes and saw David. THE David. He was standing at the foot of my bed in a black suit that didn't seem to fit his tall, too thin frame. His tie was red and there was a flower in his lapel that looked fresh if not slightly "alien". I couldn't make out his face because he was standing in front of the illuminated windows. "David?", I asked in my waking-up voice. "Yesss." He answered. "I remember yoooo". His voice was strained as if he wasn't getting enough air. The rain picked up and made the natural light in the room shift and yet I atill could not see his face. It couldn't be a dream. Any time I'd had a dream where I knew it was a dream I'd try to start flying or something and wake up immediately. I got off the bed. I was aware of gravity, temperature and everything mortal. I was for sure not dreaming. I inched towards the light switch. "Can I look at you...in the light?", I asked. "Yess", he answered. I flipped the switch and there he was. I'll try to describe what I saw there. I was looking at a slender young man who could have just come from a Shakespeare audition. He was bizarrely handsome even though his skin was extra, extra white with tinges of green and blue around his neck and forehead. There was a small red slit in his neck and he was barefoot. His feet were long and bony and the nails were too long. "I never got a chance to look at you before", I admitted. "You were too afraid to let anyone love you." He swallowed some air and I watched his blue-ish adam's apple slide up and down. A loud clap of thunder. "Can I hug you? I always wanted to." "Do it." I walked over and wrapped my arms around him tight. He smelled like chemicals, like a science lab. But I didn't care once his long arms embraced me too. It was so perfect for a few seconds until his suit started to slide off. It was cut all the way up the back thanks to the mortician who dressed him. I wanted to feel embarrassed for him, but I was too busy looking at his naked body. They didn't even try to put underwear on him I guess. I couldn't help but notice his penis. It was long, skinny and the same weird color as the rest of him. I dared to touch it. It wasn't as cold as I would have guessed. Just as I looked up to see the expression on his face and his eyes, but never saw them becuase he used the strength he had to throw me back on the bed. More thunder. David's breathing sounded even more strained than before, but he managed to squat on my chest. He pushed the pointy head of his long dick past my lips and let it sit on my tongue. I didn't figure a dead man's penis could get hard but I was wrong. It grew heavier and bigger in my mouth. How? I tried so hard to please him with my untested skills. I reached and grabbed his skinny ass to pull him forward and farther down my throat. He was breathing hard and gulping for more air. I let him set the pace, but I kind of wanted to stop sucking because of the chemical taste of his dickhead. He didn't have mind-reading abilities because he continued face-fucking me...for a really long time. Finally he pulled away and waved his arrow-shaped wet dick over my face. He lowered himself down and put his whole weight on top of me. We kissed with what felt like passion to me. I was in love...and didn't mind the rotting taste of his mouth. My dreams were coming true and didn't want to spoil anything. Lightning. Louder thunder. He stayed on top of me and pushed his naked hips down harder to part my legs. Then that pointy dick found my anus. I helped things along by adjusting myself so that my legs were practically in the air. He guided himself into me. I'd always heard that sex hurts for a gay bottom, but it didn't feel too bad at first. It was nice and intimate but grew increasingly uncomfortable -- especially when he went in deeper and bucked harder. I wanted to slow things but didn't have any options available to me. I had to take it. He thrusted and thrusted as he gasped for air, and I felt completely violated. He suddenly stopped mid-thrust and sucked in all the air from the room. There was no oxygen left for me as he orgasmed inside my body. I needed a break from this supernatural fuck scene so I nudely hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen for a smoke. I felt a tiny rivulet of fluid leaking down the back of my left leg. Blood? Dead Man's Cum? I didn't check -- just wiped it away with a paper towel and threw it in the trash without looking. I went back into the bedroom and David was gone. I'd forgotten all about my wet laundry downstairs, and just went to sleep. David came back and the scene was repeated every night for a week. The last night he wanted me to eat his ass and I did. It was by far nastier than you're imagining. It was then and there that I told him to leave and never come back. That was the end...or so I thought. I got super sick later that month. After that cleared up, I got sores on the inside of my mouth and had pretty severe night sweats. The doctor confirmed that I had the HIV virus and outlined some treatment options. I have mostly tried to not think about it and pretend I'm fine. Now I'm sick all the time and can't work. I'm fucked. And now I'll share the ritual even though it led to my destruction. Please don't try it. WARNING! GO BACK! DANGEROUS INSTRUCTIONS: Do this at night...as close to 3 am as possible. Don't be under the influence of anything. Lie in bed or on the floor or anywhere you can fully stretch out. If you're lying North to South. it's even better. Close your eyes. Now think about the person you're trying to reach. Imagine their face and mentally picture where they are buried. Move your eyeballs back and forth, left to right under closed eyelids. Do it hard enough to hurt. Once your eye sockets are fatigued, stop. Go to sleep and picture your contact. It usually works within hours.
    1 point
  32. The thing I like when fucking in public, is exposing the bottom to other men around, showing them what a slut he is, and that he's only here to take dicks and loads. I usually pound him hard and talk dirty so others know what to expect. Bottoms who get used in public love this kind of attention
    1 point
  33. Wow nice emotional twist at the end
    1 point
  34. Usually I am not into twinks but I make an exception for Sketchy Sex. Maybe it's because it's a house full of horny youngsters with some very meaty dicks. Anyway here's a hot compilation. It says it's a sponsored video so it should be OK to post it here. Oral and anal. Watch the oral at 4:35.... https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph58f37164f06c0
    1 point
  35. I will go for that for sure! Also going to kinkeys in Antwerp
    1 point
  36. Soon i will go to these bars as well. Just like to get fucked by anon guys and get loaded up. It gives me the real slut feeling i like
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. EPILOGUE: 6 YEARS LATER He never left. I’ve fucked a lot of kids that have always just come around once or twice, some men too but only a few had ever stuck around for longer. My little nephew though has been faithful to me for six years now. I showed his ass what it was going to mean to be a bottom and he never wanted to stop. And he never wanted anyone else. Sure he’s fucked around with a few other guys but they were all at my suggestion. Not tonight though. Tonight we were celebrating our sixth year. Clark: “How is that slut? You feel me pumping in you deep?” Joe: “Yes please Uncle!” Clark: “I told you tonight I’m gonna be your Daddy boy.” Joe: “Fuck, sorry Daddy. Just please don’t stop.” I was giving him full strokes. Joe: “Open me up Daddy.” Clark: “Before what Son.” Joe: “Before everyone else gets here.” We had put a public ad up and responded to about 200 emails over the last two weeks, but we ended up giving about 56 guys the address tonight and the door was unlocked. We were expecting a lot of flakes, but we were hoping some would show up. Clark: “I can’t wait to see your walls stretched all night Son! How many loads do you wanna take?” Joe: “Just yours Daddy!” Clark: “Fuck, how many loads are you going to take though Son?” Joe: “Daddy, any load you wanna give me.” He’s become very submissive for me in the time. Clark: “I’m gonna give you my load soon Baby, do you want that? Joe: “Fuck yes Daddy!’ He responded by bouncing his still very sweet hole against me with each of my strokes. Joe: “Fill me up Daddy!” He took my cum with an ass wide open. And we heard someone at the entranceway. BBRT Hookup: Glad to see lube is provided. _______________ So this is the end of this story. I felt it needed closure kind of and I love that he turned straight up pussy boy.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Just had a really good fucking after bweing fisted
    1 point
  41. By: Ldnbttm1 9 Inch Daddy Returns... with friend Pt.1 & 2 Had a great time with these two. The hot Daddy from my last video stopped by to make another vid. He brought along a hot friend of his. https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/9-Inch-Daddy-Returns-with-friend-Pt-1-31238282 https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/9-Inch-Daddy-Returns-with-friend-Pt-2-31238302 (white guy barebacks and breeds, black guy doesn't)
    1 point
  42. I generally don't care about the bottom's cock and whether it's hard or not. If the guy is really my type and we have a special kind of chemistry, I may want his load down my throat after I fuck mine into him, but during the fuck I don't care.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Love reading this thread! It reinforces what a huge slut I am and so proud of it. Partner count is up to 195 guys since Jan 1 and y load count is up to 202 thanks to all my fuck buds and repeat matings. Nearly half way through the year and almost half way to my goal of 500 partners and at least 500 loads in a single year. Looks like another sex club/resort trip is in order.
    1 point
  45. IML Chicago was fun. MAL in DC is still king though. Next up: Dore Alley in SF!
    1 point
  46. Not only was that sweet, but it was hot as fuck. hope you continue this one.
    1 point
  47. this is by far my fav story, thanks man!
    1 point
  48. It started while I was asleep. No one was home since it was my parent’s date night and I was an only child. I was just laying there peacefully until I felt two strong grips on both of my wrists. I woke up jerking but I could’t flip over to my back. I had to look around the room but it was dark. All I could see were two figures looming over my bed, each grabbing me. I didn’t even realize there was a third guy behind me until I felt a sharp slap on my ass. Even then it didn’t completely register until he started to talk. Stranger 1: Mmm boys, look at this precious gem we’ve found. I was squirming but petrified. I was a small guy and these men were all very strong. The two had my wrists down and I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t even get out any words. Stranger 2: Yeah we’ve certainly noticed. This boy is definitely better than all that jewelry we’ve found. So they were burglars. Stranger 3: And to think we almost left after we hit up the master bedroom. So glad we came to this room. Stranger 1: Yeah he’s gonna be fun. Isn’t that right boy? He was talking to me. I was still petrified. Me: — uh I felt another sharp pain on my ass. Stranger 1: Come on speak! Gonna be making a whole lot of noises tonight anyway! What’s your name kid. Me: D-Derek. Stranger 1: Mmm I’ve met some good Dereks before but don’t you just look the sweetest. Do you realize what we’re here for Derek? Derek: —uh - you’re stealing. Stranger 2: In a way baby. We’ve already done that part. Stranger 3: Yeah we’ve come across something better since that. It hadn’t even clicked yet what they were talking about, I still just couldn’t move. My night started off so peacefully that this twist was shaking me to my core. My parents left maybe 20 minutes ago and I just fell asleep since I had some early days coming up. Stranger 1: Oh yeah, definitely come across something better. We might not even take anything else with us when we go. Derek: G-go where? Wha-what is this? Stranger 1: Oh you don’t know yet? That’s fun. Maybe we can keep it a mystery. Stranger 3: Oh come on, he’s gonna find out in minutes anyway. Stranger 2: Even sooner. When the guys holding my wrist said that, I heard a zip behind me and a slap on my ass. Stranger 1: Tell me something kid, it’s only 9o’clock, what are you doing in bed already? Derek: I- uh - have to be up early. Stranger 1: Mmm, for what? He was rubbing my ass over the boxers I had on. Derek: I have training in the morning. Stranger 1: Oh yeah? What kind? Derek: I-I I was stuttering. Stranger 2: Come on, what kind? Derek: I’m training to be a pastor. Stranger 1: Oh yeah? That’s hot kid. How old are you? Derek: I’m -uh - 19. Stranger 3: Perfect for us, not that your age matters to us anyway. The guy behind me was still rubbing on my ass. I had an idea about what they were thinking but I was in denial about everything, still petrified. Stranger 1: Mmm that sounds hot boy. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you get to your training. Do me a favor and get on your knees. I listened. The two were still holding my wrists in place, but my ass was up. I was sinking out of denial. And then I felt my briefs being taken down slowly. Stranger 1: Mmmm look at that. You boys need to see this. Stranger 2: We gotta hold him down still. Stranger 3: I’m not so sure that this punk will move. Stranger 1: Try it, let’s see. This view is worth it. And they released my hands but I couldn’t move. Not with three big guys surrounding me. The guy originally behind me was rubbing on my bare ass with his fingers. Stranger 3: Mmm you were right, this is something to salivate over. Stranger 1: That’s the plan. He put both his hands on my ass cheeks and spread them. I felt him get closer and lean in and then I heard and felt his spit hit me. He used his fingers to rub it in. I tried to move a little, obviously scared. But the two quickly grabbed me again while the one put his face onto me. Licking my ass with his tongue. Stranger 1: Oh boy that’s sweet. He dove in again and it felt good, but so wrong. He kept spitting and licking and I even felt him bite my ass. Derek: St-stop this please. I began to whine but that wasn’t gonna do anything. Stranger 1: Shut him up please. Stranger 2: Of course. They were quick to unzip themselves and I saw the dicks in their pants spring out, rock hard. I was no longer in denial but I was still petrified enough not to speak. Stranger 3: I think you know what’s next. I wasn’t sure who he was talking to, but I did know what he was doing. Derek: Please.. no. Stranger 2: Open. He pushed the head of his dick against my lips. I didn’t wanna open it up but he kept adding pressure until the tip slipped in between. Stranger 2: Ooh boy that feels good. Ready for more. I looked up at him with desperation in my eyes. But he just gave me a devilish smile. Stranger 2: Come on. Stranger 3: Might as well give in now. He pushed his dick in deeper. Stranger 2: Oh god yeah. I hated that he said that. Stranger 3: I can’t fucking wait. Stranger 1: I think it might be even sweeter on this end. The man behind me was getting more aggressive with the way he ate my ass. He was spitting and rubbing and licking and spanking. He kept squeezing my cheeks, pulling them apart and going in as deep as his tongue would go. I kept squirming and making discomforting noises. But it didn’t matter what I did. These men were intent on violating me. The man with his dick in my mouth was rocking it in and out. Getting it closer and closer to the end. Stranger 2: Aw his tongue is so warm. Stranger 3: Come on, give me a turn. Stranger 2: Hold on, just wait till it’s all in. Trust me, you’re gonna love it. Stranger 1: We’re all gonna love it. He smacked my ass. Stranger 1: All of us. It was clear he meant me as well, but I couldn’t imagine ever loving it. I was a man of faith, and this was all wrong. His fingers began to explore more. Stranger 1: You ready for me to open it up? And he inserted one of his fingers. He took turns after that between his fingers and tongue. Stranger 1: I wanna make sure you’re all ready for the real fun. By now the dick in my mouth was in, his balls touching my chin. He just herd it in there for a moment before pumping again. Stranger 2: Fuck this is good. Stranger 3: Come on now. Stranger 2: Hold on, he can hold it now. He started pumping a little faster. Stranger 2: Oh this is too sweet. I’m getting close. What do you all think? Stranger 3: I say go for it so I can get some. Stranger 1: Yeah go for it, there’s still time for more. What do you think Derek? He pulled his dick out for me to answer. And the one behind me put in a second finger. Derek: Ahh! No, don’t do. Stranger 2: Don’t want some of my cum? Derek: Ahh ! No, I’ve never even- Stranger 1: What? No way kid. Derek: No, noo.. Stranger 1: Well now we gotta show him. The second guy put the tip in again and began to stroke the rest while fingers and tongue were still all over my ass. Stranger 2: Oh man, fuck this is gonna be good. He slapped his dick against my face. Derek: No I don’t want this. Stranger 2: Maybe I should just stop then. Derek: Please. He started stroking faster. Stranger 2: Open back up. He pressed his dick into my mouth again and put it all in, stroking his dick with my mouth. Stranger 2: Uhh fuck I’m ready? A third finger entered my ass and the man was going as deep as his hand would let him. I started to grunt with the guy fucking my face. Stranger 2: Oh man here you go. He put his dick all in and I felt a warmth enter my throat. He kept pumping then pulled out, still leaking his warmth onto my tongue. Stranger 2: Mmm make sure you got to taste some. He slapped it against my tongue and let the last drops leak out. Then he pumped some more in, spreading it around my mouth. I was horrified, it was tangy and he was leaving me no choice. I was staring in disbelief that this was all happening. The guy behind me slapped my ass. Stranger 1: Good fucking boy. Stranger 3: My turn now. He switched spots with the second guy and smacked my face with his dick. Stranger 3: You all ready for me to get rougher? You’re throat all open and lubed for me now. My phone went off. Stranger 2: Fuck what’s that? Derek: Th-that’s my text. He grabbed my phone and it was from my parents. He brought it to me and had me open it. They were finally leaving the restaurant, on their way home. Stranger 3: Fuck man, I didn’t even get to. Stranger 1: Don’t worry. Leave all their belongings, we’ll just take the kid. He slapped my ass while the second guy emptied the bag they brought and put it around my head.
    1 point
  49. I'd come to town to see my favorite white trash band. I love attending their concerts, though I stand out from the crowd and often get taken for a drug dealer—or worse—a cop! I'm not tall, but stocky and well built. And, I suppose, being black with a killer smirk, materially contributes to my straight white world formidability. Gay-wise, I'm just the opposite. I'd fuck myself if that were possible. So there I was in town to see this garbage band, when I got the sorry news—concert cancelled—their tour bus broken down 200 miles north. Actually the city wasn't new to me. I'd been there before and had a few acquaintances—but nothing serious—no Fuck Buds or anything. I tried to make the best of a bad scene and called up a trick from the last time I was in town. But Rob was preoccupied—with a mutual acquaintance of ours—actually a good friend of mine from my neck of the woods. Todd was a sweet guy and a father figure to me. He had a thing for Blacks, but had never put the make on me for fear of POZZING me. Tsk! Tsk! So, after exchanging pleasantries, I hung up the phone and, likewise, hung up the concert duds I wouldn't get to wear that night. After a nap, I planned on heading out to the Baths. I felt deprived and in need of an ego boost. When I awoke, I showered and preened for an evening on the town. The phone rang, and it was Rob and Todd downstairs. Todd pulled out a joint and passed it to me, while Rob massaged my chest, and his fingertips felt like electric prods as they danced across my tits. They invited me to go bar-hopping with them; but that seemed too hit-or-miss. So Rob suggested I check out The Cellar, a bathhouse catering to a more diverse, if older, crowd. He even had a discount pass for me. After a couple beers, Todd handed me another joint and told me to save it for the next guy who really turned me on. Horny as I was, I knew Mr. Perfect would shortly cum along. I took a wrong turn and drove for what seemed like hours up and down the dark, deserted downtown streets. So it was past 10 when I arrived. Since I had Rob's coupon in my pocket, I splurged and got a room. Having gotten lost, I felt a little out of sorts; and the other joint Todd had given me looked SOOOOH ENTICING. I caved, and leaned back on the bunk. Finally, at peace with the world, gripping my ever present Poppers bottle, I headed out to cruise the world. AN OPEN DOOR! INSIDE A BEAR BEATING HIS MEAT! On the third approach, I inched into the archway and caressed my privates through my towel. He waved me in and promptly rammed his funky Uncut down my throat. Attracted by his moans and groans, a group of perverts gathered outside his door. He was a vociferous one, he was! Another hit of Poppers, and all hell broke loose. The beers, the joint, and Poppers all hit me at once. It was seconds before it dawned on me he was cuming down my throat; and, much more to my liking, someone else was fingering my Cunt. I swallowed and excused myself from the Bear's room, and the gawkers started to disperse. I stumbled down the hall; and, as I hoped, Magic Fingers caught up with me and rammed his finger up my Butt. My basic instincts tend toward passivity, so I stood there in the center of the hall, buck naked, my towel crumpled about my feet, as he slid another digit in beside the first. Like vultures circling easy prey, guys surrounded us again, and a real mean Dude with an even meaner Dick approached and tweaked my Nips. "OUCH! GODAMMIT! HURTS!" But he ignored my anguished pleas and twisted them unmercifully till I was up on tippy toes moaning like a Slut. Mainly to shut me up, I suppose, he rammed his putrid, halitosistic lingua down my throat. At last he relaxed his death-grip on my titties; and I slumped down on my heels, only to be greeted by two more digits up my Cunt--shy by a thumb of a Full Fist. My Pussy felt distended like it'd never been before—a gaping Vulva begging penetration by all the Faggot Bastards ogling me. Up till then I'd never taken more than a three fingers up my Cunt—and was half inclined to bolt—when some kleptomaniacal Punker yanked my Poppers from my palm and practically rammed the whole damn vial up my schonz. First whiff, and I wished Magic Fingers would probe deeper. Second whiff, and I leaned backwards, forcing Magic Fingers deeper up my Cunt. "YOU FUCK?" he asked, as I bent down to blow Rough Trade. Not waiting for an answer, Magic Fingers rammed his whole 8-Inches up my Butt! Bucked forward by this penile penetration, Rough Trade's entire 7-Incher slid with no resistance down my throat. Startled as I was by the turn events had taken, it was, nonetheless, Nirvana as they ground away at my Holes from both ends. From all angles and directions, guys emerged out of the woodwork, and one concupiscent protagonist crawled beneath us to suck my Cock. Cum, Sweat, and Piss puddled everywhere, and the Thief who'd swiped my Poppers kept them pressed tight against my nostrils so the Orgy could proceed ad nauseum. Finally, when Magic Fingers withdrew his Deathstick, I wilted like a wet noodle, sinking to my knees. Rivulets of creamy skank oozed forth from my Pussy like putrid exudation from an industrial canal. Guys everywhere beat their Meat, awaiting a chance to bury their Hatchets up my Ass, until, finally, one concerned observer asked if I needed help. Meekly I glanced up into the smirking countenance of Rob. He commended me for taking on all Cumers. "And I did enjoy the Piece of Ass, thank you. But there's another who craves your Mancunt even more than I did." I followed the direction of his nod, and there, behind a couple Old Trolls, stood Todd. Petty me bemoaned my stolen Poppers bottle. A tall, skinny Dude with a Biohazard Tat on his 'cep came to my rescue. He was the second to compliment me on being a "Great Fuck." "Here," he offered, handing me his nearly empty vial. "You need 'em more than I do." Suddenly it dawned on me. While I'd been bent over, halfway to LaLa Land, MR. POZ TAT and his cohorts had had their way with me. I surveyed the sticky tile floor beneath me—befouled with drying Cum—not a discarded Condom anywhere. Todd smiled. "Now, are you ready for my Load?" The question, if it was one, was largely rhetorical. We hightailed it to his room. Steady streams of spoogey, creamy rivulets trickled down my thighs; and with each step a telltale "Squish, Squish, Squish" emanated from my Cunt.
    1 point
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