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  1. About three years ago, my nephew confided to my husband and I that he thought he was gay. He was 15 at the time, not exactly the family genius, but decent looking. We gave him our best advice, him living in the deep South, that keeping quiet about it would work well, and maybe explore more in college. A bit about us, we are both very conservative acting, straight laced guys. He is a college professor and I am an attorney. Both of us in our early 40s and been together for damn near 15 years. Both of us have been off and on stacks of anabolics since we were in our early 30s and we are built like brick shithouses. That said, we love our pig sex and slamming from time to time. Both of us have seen guys go down the rabbit hole with Ms. Tina, and we want nothing to do with that. So it stays a rare thing for us. We gave him the best advice that we could based on our own life experiences, but sometimes my nephew can be an idiot and not do as advised. It took some time, but holy shit, that boy could fuck up an anvil with a god damn banana. When he turned 18, right after Thanksgiving to be precise, he got caught sexting with another dude. My brother, his Dad, was livid and demanded that Derek move out of his house. This boy adored his father, but his Dad rejected him completely. I have always been at a loss as to why, since he has no issue with me being gay at all. Maybe its that I am his older brother, or maybe that I am just plain bigger than he is to this day... Who knows? I had planned a trip home to see my aging parents at Christmas, as I always do. On Christmas Day, Jake and I (Cheyenne) piled into my truck and headed south. It took about 13 hours, but we arrived and crashed at my folks' place. It was the first time they had seen me in a year, so the usual celebrations ensued, and finally Jake and I had pounded some Jack Daniels and were off to bed. The next day, Derek pulled us aside, explained what he did, and what happened. We were both pissed, but not much that we could do about it. I agreed to talk to my brother. I knew that wasn't going anywhere, so finally we agreed that Derek could head back with us to Chicago, where we would enroll him in the local public high school so that he could at least finish school. He returned with us, and our houseboy Mark very quickly became friends with him. Now, with a six figure house hold income, neither of us had planned on raising a kid, but now damnit, we apparently had one. It became tighter than we had planned. The food bill for a teen, plus the hidden Copenhagen habit of mine really added up. Pretty soon, my husband was asking about receipts and what was happening to our money. "What the fuck is going on? We are spending way too much?" Jake screamed... " We have a hungry teen boy and a 20 something houseboy" I replied... Then one Friday night we planned a slam session. I was tottally cleaned out as usual, but Dereck required some training. It finally worked out and he got it all taken care of. He was clearly quite nervous. Downstairs to the basement we went. He crawled up in our sling without command, as if he knew what awaited him. It was obvious that Derrk knew what a sling was. Painfully obvious. Crawling right in, he laid back and relaxed. "'Baby boy, you know what is gonna happen to ya?" Jake aked No Sir, but its gonna be good Sir." he responded stay tuned for more?..
    13 points
  2. Cheers! By the time I returned upstairs, everything had changed. It was like I’d walked into a completely different club. The music was no longer anything I could identify, having been replaced by a heavy thumping beat, and I noticed that the DJ from earlier was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a topless skinhead white guy who was clearly having the time of his life in the booth. The room was darker, and what lights there were were being used more for effect than for illumination, making the room flash red. Somewhere, a smoke machine was hissing, and the room was getting misty. Any pretence of this place not being a sex club had clearly been thrown out the window now. Several people had completely discarded what little outfits they had been wearing, while others were happily letting their cocks get pulled out of whatever they were wearing. A lot of people were still just dancing, but even that had become a lot more physical than what it had been before midnight. I didn’t know where to start. The vibrations of the music shot through my body, and I wanted to throw myself right into the dance floor, just to see what happened. ‘You. Need. Water.’ The voice in my head told me. What little of it was left was apparently trying to use reason to get me to stop doing the things it didn’t want me to. But it wasn’t wrong, my mouth did feel a bit dry, so I made my way to the bar. Apparently 90% of the people in the club had all decided to do the same thing. It was heaving there, with so many rows of people waiting to be served, it was a wonder how the people already at the bar itself would be able to get away once they got their drinks. I stood at the back of the queue, and wondered how long it would be before I actually got served. I felt like the negative voice knew this would happen and caught me in a trap. The night had other plans, though. I had been standing there less than a minute when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, expecting to see Geo, or one of the four guys I’d already messed about with this evening, but it was another new guy. He was older than any of the others, maybe one of the oldest guys in the building, but holy fuck was he a DILF. A black guy, maybe in his 50s, wearing nothing but a pair of loose boxers. His body was covered in salt-and-pepper hair, and he had dreadlocks tied loosely behind his head. In his hand, he held two bottles of beer, he offered one to me, and nodded over towards a corner of the room. I took the bottle and followed him. For a minute, I had to wonder if I actually had found my way into a different club. I was certain that the place had more seating earlier. Now it was like the chairs and tables had melted away in order to allow the dancefloor to expand. But the guy I followed seemed to know exactly where to go, and led me to a little alcove, that had some stools in it, pressed up against the wall under a wooden shelf that was littered with empty bottles and glasses. He pulled out two stools and perched on one, learning on the shelf. I hopped up onto the other one, vividly aware about how much less casual I looked and felt wandering through a public place in my underwear. We clinked the necks of our bottles together, and took deep swigs. Somewhere inside my head, alarm bells were going off. There could be anything in this bottle! I hadn’t seen it opened, and although it was still cold and tasted like standard cheap beer, I had no way of knowing how long this guy had been holding onto it. In my attempt to not let the guy see how uncomfortable I was, I ended up half emptying the bottle in one go, which was the opposite of what the voice in my head wanted, but it was too late now. I set the bottle down on the side, and thanked him for the drink. “No problem!” He took another sip, and set his drink down. “I was queuing so long that I lost the guy I was buying for, and you looked like you needed some help. It’s your first time in a place like this, I’m guessing?” I asked him how he knew that. “Kid. You’re walking around the place looking as confused and as cute as a deer caught in the headlights. It’s a miracle that you haven’t been hit by the truck yet.” With that, he reached out to my stall and easily dragged me closer to him. “But don’t worry. The truck is still coming.” He hooked one of his thumbs in his underwear and yanked them down. In his loose boxers and in the darkness of the room, I hadn’t really been able to see just how massive his cock was, but when it flopped out at me, swinging like a truncheon, it caught me by such surprise that I almost wanted to run away. That was never an option though, since the guy reached forward to the back of my neck and and pulled me into him. His tongue filled my mouth, and instinctively my hands took hold of his dick and started pumping it. It was so big that both my hands could easily hold it with room to spare. His hands came round me and roughly grabbed my ass, roughly squeezing and pulling at them as we kissed. After a minute, he stopped, and pushed me off him at the shoulders. He was so forceful that I felt like a rag doll, as he pushed me down to my knees so that my head was level with his dick. He was leaking precum, and I didn’t hesitate in taking the head in my mouth to suck it all up. His cock was at least four inches bigger than the biggest I’d ever sucked before, and even that one I hadn’t been able to deepthroat very well. I struggled to handle the beast in my mouth, and the hands that grabbed my head didn’t seem to care that much for my struggles. I gagged and spluttered all over his dick, and drool started pouring down my chin. There was movement behind me, and I felt someone else’s body against my back. He was crouched in the same position as me, so that all our body parts lined up perfectly, and I heard his voice in my ear. “Here, let me show you how it’s done.” I could tell that it was the guy I had met in the toilets earlier, and the guy I was sucking clearly didn’t have any issues letting me slide off his dick, so the new guy could slide straight on, swallowing half of it in one smooth movement while leaning over my shoulder. I was pinned between them, and the older guy only moved one of his hands from my head to the young guys head. The other kept firm hold of me, and held me in place, pulling me down into the nook between his dick and his leg. I inhaled deeply, and smelled the raw scent of his sweat. It was intoxicating, and my dick sprang to attention as the young guys arm wrapped around me and took hold of it through my shorts. I could feel the young guys dick pressing into my butt. It was hard, and not very big, but then I guessed that this current position was as close to topping as a guy like this got, so I guessed it didn’t matter. The diminishing sober part of my brain imagined how this would have looked from a distance. A writhing mass of flesh and limbs grinding together like some weird beast, letting out guttural moans every now and then. The thumping of the music meant that most of the noises were drowned out, but I could still hear the guy moaning as we worked on his dick. My new friend was definitely doing most of the work, but I tried my best to help out, licking at the base of the huge cock, and at the massive black balls that hung heavily underneath. It tasted incredible, like nothing I’d ever had in my mouth before. I could have stayed there lapping at it forever, but the other two seemed to have other plans. The big guy was getting close, and his moans were getting louder and more intense. Suddenly, the guy behind me shifted, moving backwards slightly, and the hand on my head curled its fingers in my hair, yanking me me back and putting my mouth over the head of the dick again, just in time for it to explode like a gun, filling my mouth. It was like a fire hose blasting into my mouth, shooting blast after blast of thick, salty cum. It came so fast that I didn’t even have time to gag, and instantly started swallowing what I could, letting the rest fill my mouth and run over my lips. Even if I thought to count how many shots pumped into my mouth, I’m sure I would have lost count. When it finally finished, his hand left my head, but another took its place, as the guy behind me pulled me back into his shoulder so that he could put his mouth over mine, licking the cum off my chin before kissing me. Our tongues mixed together with the huge load, and his other hand slipped into my shorts, taking hold of my dick. The part of my mind that was disgusted by all this was silent, and it was the hottest thing I had ever experienced. I’m surprised I didn’t blow my own load right there, but I was glad I didn’t. Any nerve I’d built up since swallowing that pill needed me to stay pent up and ready to go, I knew, and I had no intentions of letting this night end so soon. By the time we finally pulled apart, having swallowed every trace of cum we could find on each other, the guy who had given us it had already disappeared.
    5 points
  3. Starting the Year Off Right ‘What did you just take?! What the fuck are you doing?! This is stupid!’ The voice in my head kept looping, but it got quieter with each loop, especially once I began interacting with other people. The guy who gave me the pill must have broken a seal on me or something - either that or the stroke of midnight was the que for people to stop caring about talking to each other first. Almost as soon as he had disappeared, there were hands and lips on me, as two different guys suddenly took an interest in me. Someone grabbed me from behind by the hips, pulling me back into him, my ass against his crotch, his rock hard dick pressing against my ass. His hand grabbed my dick through my shorts while the other arm wrapped around my stomach and held me against him, and he began kissing and sucking my neck. I could tell from his arms that he was white, and I could see ginger hair out the corner of my eye, but that was pretty much all the details I could work out about him, as a second person came and dominated my attention. A black guy with a shaved head, wearing a white wife beater and boxer briefs, with tattoos in black ink all over his arms - various pieces of text I didn’t have time to read - stepped forward towards us. No words were said before his mouth closed over mine, and his tongue shoved into my mouth, almost as forcefully as the guy who had slipped me the pill a moment ago. His hands crawled up my chest, pushing my hoodie open and slipping inside, where his fingers took hold of them, pinching them sharply. I gasped as well as I could with his mouth in the way. For a few seconds, the pain allowed the negative voice to retake control, and I tried to pull away, but the arms of the man behind me kept me there, pinned between the two of them, and I soon stopped resisting. I grinded against the cock pressing into my ass, and did my best to give as good as I got to the guy practically fucking my mouth with his tongue. The hand of the white guy that had been holding me against him moved, finding one of my hands, and guiding it to the crotch of the guy in front of me, where I instinctively grabbed the massive, fabric-bound cock there. A shudder went through me when I realised just how big it was, and I felt his lips curl into a smile as we kissed. All the while, he kept twisting and tweaking my nipples which had gone from feeling painful to feeling just as good as the hand playing with my bulge. Between the two of them, they pulled my hoodie completely off me, and it disappeared somewhere into the club, never to be worn by me again. I barely even noticed. I did notice the white guys hand slipping into my shorts though, groping one of my ass cheeks, which were left bare by my jockstrap. I moaned into the other guys mouth as fingers found my hole and probed over it, briefly. Far too briefly. Then the hand was withdrawn, and suddenly, the feeling of the two guys against me disappeared. I had no idea why they were both suddenly ditching me - neither of them seemed annoyed, and the white guy winked at me as he disappeared into the crowd, just as the last guy had. He couldn’t have found something ‘unpleasant’ down there - as rubbish as I was at actually getting laid, I could do the pre-sex clean out like some sort of God of douching. What the hell was going on? My body was hot. Too hot. At first I thought it was being caused by being wedged between two hot guys, but the heat didn’t go away after they left. My heart was thumping in my chest, and I put my fingers to my neck and felt my pulse pounding away. I could feel the music thumping through my body. I realised that the pill I’d swallowed must have been kicking in. As I looked around the room, the lights blurred slightly, and seemed to shine more intensely than I remembered them doing before midnight. My cock ached, stretching against the ridiculously tight jock. Why had I worn a jock? That was stupid, and I decided that I needed to fix the mistake. I made my way to the toilets. They were located downstairs, below the main room of the club, and getting to them was a battle. A grope-y, fondly, suggestive glance-y, very distracting battle, but I made it there in one piece. There were three cubicles, and two people were clearly fucking in the first. A man was pissing with the door open in the second, and I slipped into the third, locking it behind me. Immediately, I dropped my shorts and my jock, pulling them straight over my trainers. My cock sprung out of my jock as I took them off, leaking precum, begging for release. It was a decent enough size - nothing to write home about, and Geo could swallow it without flinching, but less slutty guys found it impressive, at least. The door of the cubicle hit me in the back, and I turned around in horror. Apparently the lock on the door was just for show, and didn’t actually latch into anything. The guy pushing the door open was cute, and young. Younger than me, I guessed. He had a mop of brown hair on his head, and he was slim, but with no hint of muscle or anything like that. He just looked like eating was a foreign concept to him. He wore normal shorts and t-shirt, both of which were probably designed to be tight-fitting, but were practically baggy on him. He seemed genuinely surprised to have found me in the cubicle, but apparently he didn’t have the same problem of youthful nerves that I did. He joined me in the cubicle, turning us around so that my back was against the door, holding it closed, then dropped to his knees. A half-word of protest managed to get out of me - the full sentence would have been an explanation that I was only here to readjust my underwear - before the feeling of his hot mouth around my dick cut me off. He definitely didn’t have any problems with nerves, as he swallowed my dick with almost as little struggle as Geo could. He laid his hands on my thighs, then pushed them upwards. One came up to the base of my dick and balls, his finger and thumb curling around it like a cockring. The other went round to my ass and squeezed my cheeks. With that, he went to work, sucking my dick like a pro. All I could do was curl my fingers into his hair and enjoy the ride. Receiving a blowjob was never the biggest thrill for me. I much preferred giving them - as the sexual act that I had the most practice with, I felt that I was pretty damn good at giving them, too. But this guy had skills that put me to shame. His lips sucked and his tongue curled in fashions that blew my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to visualise just what was going on inside his mouth, but it was like he was some inhuman creature with a tongue that defied belief. That formed a twisted mental image in my head, which only grew more distorted as he kept it up. For a few seconds, I genuinely thought I was going to blow my load right down his throat - it would have been the first time I’d ever been made to cum purely from a blow job. But as quickly as he started, he stopped. I whimpered out a noise of protest, but that just made him laugh as he got back to his feet. He pushed himself against me, and we kissed, with him making damn sure I could taste myself in his mouth before he let us pull away from each other. “Don’t worry, babe.” He said. Even his voice was young - absolutely nothing about the way this kid looked would tell you he could probably suck a bowling ball through a hose pipe. “The night is only just beginning.” With that, he twisted us around again, so that he could open the door, and become the fourth man of the evening to randomly abandon me, though at least he gave a vague explanation, unlike the last two. Only after he left, did I realise that there was still a sensation that I thought he had been causing. I looked down and nearly jumped, as I found a black strap of leather, covered in popper buttons, had been wrapped around the base of my cock and balls, where his fingers and thumbs had been. When the hell had he put that on me? Did he just go around the building, sucking dicks and handing out cockstraps? Where could I find a job like that? I picked up my shorts from the floor and pulled them back on, forcing my dick into them against its will. The bulge was very noticeable, but that wasn’t going to bother me at this point. I didn’t even think to find and save my jockstrap, and left it there abandoned on the toilet floor. When I did remember it later in the evening, it was far too late to try and go back for it, so I just had to hope that whoever found it was very happy about it.
    5 points
  4. My hole is twitching in anticipation of what’s coming. All our friends and all the poeple they told about my hole taking loads are coming back today from holiday, and they are all horny cause they saved their loads for me! Cant wait to see the torrent of cum flowing out from my pussy when they’re done using it!
    4 points
  5. The Intern Part 9 It was 9:32 p.m. and Kellen stood naked in front of his mirror. He had spent the better part of the last two hours making sure he was ready for his evening with James Thomas. Despite the borderline abuse he had received in his boss’ office, he kept going back to two moments that made him forgive the physicality: Their first kiss and the way James ran his finger along his naked body, with him eventually gently holding his chin. He felt wanted, desired, something he had never felt with any other sexual partner before. Yeah, James was a little rough with him, but it felt more right than wrong. And here he was, styling his hair for the 9thtime after changing outfits for the 8th. Kellen had no idea what to expect of the evening, but he wanted it, needed it. From the minute he left the Landis Institute it was as if a sexual awakening had occurred and he yearned for more, whatever that meant. Over the next hour Kellen checked and re-checked the estimated time it would take his Lyft to get from his place to DuPont Circle: 14 minutes. So at 10:40 Kellen requested his ride and at just after 10:56 p.m. Kellen stood in front James’ home and waited until it was exactly 11:00 p.m. He debated on whether he should knock or ring the bell and decided on the bell. *Ding - dong* He waited. And waited. And waited. It was now 11:06 p.m. Kellen leaned to his left and tried seeing through the window shades. And although the lights were on, he observed no movement. “Should I ring it again?” he thought. But after considering it for just a moment, he decided against it. Although he didn’t really know too much about James Thomas, he knew he was a man who did things his own way, and not wanting to possibly annoy or bother him, Kellen took a seat on the front steps and waited. Kellen checked his phone. It was 11:12 p.m. He sighed a heavy sigh and thought that maybe this was all too good to be true (a tiny voice in the back of his mind told him this was a good thing; he didn’t need to be here in the first place, especially after being expertly back-handed earlier in the day.) Though it was still hot and slightly humid, Kellen decided he’d walk back to his place and get to know the neighborhood. No sooner than he stood did the front door swing open. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” James barked at the boy. Kellen turned, surprised. “Umm, nowhere, Sir. I was just stretching my legs.” James stood in the door frame, backlit from the foyer lighting wearing only a pair of dark green gym shorts. He was somewhere between wiry and muscly. Every muscle seemed defined, but just so. He had a very light coat of dark hair that tapered down from this chest to a treasure trail. Kellen couldn’t take his eyes of this perfect looking specimen. James observed the effect he was having on Kellen and considered the kid’s answer to his question. “Get up here.” Kellen bounded up the steps and stood directly in front of James, proud of how quick and obedient he had been. James smiled, disarming the kid and went in as if to reward him with a kiss, a kiss the kid so desperately wanted. Kellen was more than pleased and wanted nothing more than to kiss this man in front of him. But instead of kissing him, James leaned into his left ear and at the same time grabbed a handful of the kid’s cock through his pants and squeezed hard and whispered, “If you ever fucking lie to me again, it will be the last thing you ever do.” He squeezed harder. Kellen yelped and tried backing away, but James held tight and continued the menacing whisper, “You’re nothing. You suck dick like a goddamned amateur and then you have the balls to lie to my face all while running up my steps like a fucking retarded puppy. Who. The. Fuck. Do. You. Think. You. Are?” James released the boy and walked into his house, leaving Kellen on the front porch, front door wide open. It was like déjà vu. Kellen felt as if he was reliving his first interaction with James. But although he had felt just and dejected and more worthless than before, he followed James into his house and quietly closed the door behind him. James’ home was nothing like James himself. The inside was bright, warm and welcoming. Hardwood floors colored of deep brown contrasted by bright walls decorated with subtle, yet inviting art. Trying to absorb as much detail as possible. Past the foyer and deeper into the house, Kellen noticed the deep brown of the banister that complimented the stairs that matched the hardwood floors. He took a few steps forward to see where the stairs ended but was brought back to reality. “In here, boy.” Kellen turned to his left and walked into what must have been the living room and quickly became self-conscious. Sitting on the large couch was James, flanked by two other impressive looking men. On the right was a man who looked tall, even when sitting down. Like James, this man was wearing only a pair of shorts. Kellen noticed the brown hair on his arms and legs, not too much, not too little, just right, but his chest and abdomen were completely hairless. Does this dude have an 8-pack, Kellen thought? This man was an Adonis. Where James was lithe, this man was all power and muscle. Kellen looked him over and he could have sworn the Adonis winked at him. On the left was an equally as imposing man, but he was definitely of Latin decent. He was in shorts and tank top, but the only visible hair, other than the shaggy black mop on his head was a neatly trimmed black goatee. While not as solid and built as the Adonis, this Latin God was no slouch and his various tattoos only complimented his physique. The Latin God flicked a torch and brought a long glass pipe, with rounded end up to his sensuous lips and held the flame just below the rounded end of the pipe and gently rolled it back and forth. “This,” James motioning to the Latin God, “is Roland.” Roland released a large plume of white smoke. It seemed quite impossible that such a large cloud was held in a single pair of lungs. “You party, faggot?” Roland asked. James answered for him. “He does. Don’t you, faggot?” Kellen wasn’t sure what to say, but decided it was best to agree with James. “Yes, Sir.” James flashed a smile that made Kellen melt just a little bit more. But despite what he had just said, Kellen had not so much as smoked a cigarette in his entire life. He drank booze, yes, but that was the extent of what he partook in. He’d seen his classmates smoke pot and do lines of coke, but this odd pipe was new to him. “Atta boy. I’m glad we are on the same page,” James said, taking the pipe from Roland, repeating the same motions and producing a cloud as equally as large. “I heard you were late today, boy. Is that true?” the words coming from the Adonis, who had taken the pipe from James and followed suit. Click. Hiss. Inhale. Exhale. With a combination of the three large clouds dissipating in front of him, Kellen considered the question. “Did James tell these guys I was late? What the hell?” he thought to himself, but knew he had to answer, both quickly and truthfully. “Yes, Sir. I was late.” Kellen glanced at James, then at Roland. Both men were staring right back at him. “Come here. Come stand right in front of me. Let me see if what James said was correct.” Kellen took a half-dozen steps forward and stood before the Adonis. Kellen was close enough to him that he was practically between his well-defined legs. He reached forward and ran his hands up the kid’s thighs, over his hands then up the forearms to his slight biceps before he stood up, causing Kellen to step back just a bit. This Adonis was a giant. 6’4” and all muscle, Kellen couldn’t help but inhale deeply. This was a man’s man. The towering figure then held Kellen’s chin with his fingertips. But with James, who was gentle, this man was assertive and firm as he tipped the kid’s head back to make sure their eyes were locked. “Being late is unacceptable,” He stepped closer, running one hand through Kellen’s hair, coming to rest on his shoulder. “But nothing on this earth makes me happier than punishing faggots like you the best way I know how.” Kellen physically shuddered. His touch. His words. His smell. His presence. All this built on the sensations he experienced with James in his office only hours before. But this man, this Man was more than anything Kellen had ever experienced. He knew, then and there, he was heading down a path that would change him forever. “Pipe.” The Adonis demanded. Without looking he extended his hand left, waiting for the pipe to be placed in it. “Open up.” Kellen obliged as the thin, odd pipe was placed to his lips. Inwardly, he began to panic. I can’t be doing this, he said to himself. But yet, the man had a power over him that he was more than happy to submit to, even if that meant ingesting drugs for the first time in his young life. Kellen reached up to hold the pipe but was cut short. “You just stay still, boy. I’ll do most of the work for now. You just do as your told and enjoy it, okay?” Arms to his side, pipe held to his lips, Kellen made eye contact and gave a slight nod. “Good boy. When I say so, you just act like you’re sipping your favorite drink through a new kind of straw,” the Adonis’ voice lowered. “And don’t you fucking dare stop or exhale until I say so.” The kid understood that this man and James were cut from the same cloth, and Roland too, probably. Click. Hiss. Kellen felt the man twist the pipe slightly left, then right. Left, then right. The faintest wisp of smoke began to escape an opening at the rounded end of the pipe. Left, then right. “Go. Slow and easy,” he commanded. Kellen followed this man’s orders as best as he could. He inhaled and inhaled and inhaled until he felt like he was running out of breath. The Adonis studied the boy as he inhaled. He knew he couldn’t push him too hard. Pain and pleasure were inexplicably linked, and no other substance like Tina helped bridge the two in the most perfect way possible. This kid was going to experience the pain, but the pleasure would be his reward. “Stop.” He withdrew the pipe. “Hold it in.” He brought the pipe to his own lips and expertly hit it, exhaling directly in Kellen’s face, which was turning red, eyes slightly bulging. “Exhale, faggot.” Kellen’s plume was nowhere as large as those of the three men he saw before, but he was proud that he was able to follow directions. He looked up at the Man expectantly, but it was Roland who chimed in. “Fucking weak. I hear you can’t even suck dick, and now I see you can’t even hit a pipe. James was right, you’re useless.” Roland stood and removed his tank top, revealing a sculpted body, covered in tattoos, eyes wild. He stepped up to Kellen, and moved behind him, sandwhiching the kid. One hand snaked its way under the front of his shirt and found his left nipple and pinched it. Anticipating some sort of noise from the kid, his left hand covered his mouth, muffling the objection. “Look at him,” Roland said, pinching harder. “You know who that is, right?” Kellen shook his head as best as he could, feeling Roland’s hand release his nipple and move over to the right, repeating the same painful action. James, still on the couch, stood and grabbed Kellen’s right hand, and lifted it toward the Adonis. “Say hello to Montgomery Landis, faggot.” Montgomery met Kellen’s hand with his own and shook his hand. But what started out as a normal handshake, turned into a vice-grip that seemed intent on crushing every bone in his hand. Kellen fell to his knees, hand still being crushed by Montgomery, when it finally clicked. Landis. The Landis Institute. The Adonis before him was THE Montgomery Landis. Both James and Roland laughed as Kellen struggled through the pain, “Argg,” was all the boy could muster before Montgomery finally let go, Twice in one day his hands were the target of intense pain. These Men were definitely cut from the same, sadistic cloth. “Look at me,” Montgomery said. Kellen, left hand massaging the right, looked up and was rewarded with a wad of spit that landed in the crook of his right eye. “Pain and pleasure, faggot,” he squatted down and reached for Kellen’s right hand, “are one in the same.” Even squatting, he towered over Kellen. Although the pain was less than before, it was still very much present as Montgomery gently pulled it forward and kissed the aching palm, kissing down the middle three fingers until he reached the tips. With his lips on the tips, Montgomery looked Kellen in the eye and began to open his mouth and gently sucked and licked them, watching Kellen’s eyes experience the sensation of pain turning to pleasure. There was a slight *clink to Kellen’s right as Montgomery released his hand and all three men made their way back to the couch. “Light up, faggot. You’re going to hit that fucking pipe until you blow a cloud we are all satisfied with." It was James who said this, while tweaking his nipples, wicked grin on display. Kellen fumbled with the lighter due to his aching hand and brought the pipe to his lips as he saw the three men begin to stroke their cocks through the shorts. He was theirs, and he knew it.
    4 points
  6. 11. After their threesome, Tony was led by Duke and Sam into the showers. After their shower, they went back to the bar and ordered an another round. After a few minutes, Danny and Rick came back, all sweaty from the dance floor. The rest of the evening, they all switched between dancing and grinding against all the hot guys on the floor and talking at the bar table over their beers. It was around midnight and they decided to take the party back to Danny and Rick's house, so they took a taxi home where Tony and Sam switched from beer to some whiskey. Tony wasn't drinking that much, but the alcohol was starting to make him dizzy. Sam on the other hand was clearly a bit drunk already. Tony stood up and reached for the bottle, when suddenly Sam slapped his ass hard and loudly exclaim with an approving laugh "Ricky, I have to say, your nephew is one hot fuck!" Rick was visibly a bit surprised. "Hold up! You fucked him too?!" "Yup. And he fucking delivered." "Wait! Is there not one person in this room who didn't fuck my nephew without me knowing about it?" "There is, in fact. You!" laughed Duke. "Fuck me!" said Rick and shook his head. "Wait! Did ya'll tell him about... well your statuses?" "Yup, we did!" said Sam and added: " he couldn't wait to get his ass full of my toxic cum and then pump his hot neg load into Duke!" "And then piss all over us!" added Duke with a grin. Rick looked at Tony. Tony couldn't help it, he spread his legs, bit his lips, grabbed his cock through the jeans and gave his uncle a look full of rebellion, satisfaction and lust all at the same time - the horny, cocky look of a real pig in making. "You... you really want it?" asked Rick and pointed to his cock. "You really want to... get the bug?" asked Rick. "At this point, I think there's no turning back. I don't think I could really enjoy sex with a condom. And the thought of fucking with poz guys - or even converting just makes me so horny!" Rick was so horny at this point he couldn't hold anything back. "Fuck! Okay. Let's do it." he said, massaging his cock through his jeans, adding "Brace yourselves! As of tomorrow morning, real hell breaks loose in this house!" Rick said with an evil grin and a voice full of lust. "And by the end of the month, you won't just look at that hot cock between your legs and be amazed how big it is, but also how dangerous!" added Danny. Tony's cock almost tore his jeans apart. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to hear your thoughts and comments about this story. Don't be shy and cum around. More cumming soon.
    4 points
  7. This is my first story. Let me know what you think! 1. Rick had been standing in the crowded airport hall for the last 20 minutes and was getting pretty bored when he finally saw him. "Tony!" he called. "Hi, Uncle Rick!" "Come give your uncle a hug!" Rick said happily as his nephew gave him a warm hug. "So... how was the flight?" "It was fine. Although the food wasn't exactly great," Tony replied as he and Rick made their way home. Although of necessity Rick was focused on the road, he did his best to casually check-out his nephew who had turned 18 that Spring. Rick concluded Tony was growing into a fine looking young man. And Rick wasn't wrong. Tony was about 6' 1" feet tall, his youthful face with big brown eyes and becoming brown hair was really quite handsome. As for his build, Rick concluded Tony was neither muscular, nor skinny, but somewhere nicely in between. Unbeknownst to Rick, Tony was observing his Uncle with similar attention. Rick was 41 years old, about 6' 2" feet tall, had short brown hair and wore a stubble on his face. Unlike Tony, Rick was very muscular, and his deltoids, which were decorated by several tattos, were almost three times the size of Tony's. Rick's legs were bulging out in his jeans and his pecs were ready to rip his tight shirt apart. Tony couldn't help but conclude his Uncle was one hot hunk! Finally, they arrived at Rick's house. Tony got out of the car and took all of his stuff out of the trunk. Rick took some of it and together they stepped inside. "Hey Tony!" Tony heard a voice. "Hi Dan!" Tony and Rick simultaneously said as, wearing only a tank top and black briefs, Dan came out of the living room to help with the bags, giving Tony a close look at Rick's 38 year old boyfriend. Again Tony couldn't help but conclude Dan was exceptionally handsome and stunningly well built: he was abut six feet tall, his carmel-colored arms were fully inked, and his face was as handsome as Rick's. The rest of the night was kind of a blur for Tony. They had dinner and his uncle even offered him a drink, but Tony was too tired. That night, he slept like a log. 2. Rick had just come back, sweaty from his morning run. Entering the house, he stripped-off his shirt and was ready to go to the bathroom when Dan stopped him explaining "Wait! Your nephew is in there." "Oh, okay. I'll wait then," replied Rick. "Well, while you're waiting, check out what I've found in his room!" Dan grinned and waved around with a DVD. "You went through his stuff? What the fuck?" Just then Rick understood what Dan was bringing to his attention. Dan was holding a porn DVD. A gay porn DVD! Tony was gay? Rick couldn't wrap his head around the idea. Everyone from his family was automatically straight in his mind, because he had always been the only gay person within the family. Just then the shower faucet cut out. Tony was about to step out of the bathroom. "Quick! Put it back!" For the rest of the morning, Rick often found himself looking at his nephew, trying to wrap his head around the idea Tony was gay. After the three had lunch Rick and Dan were heading to the gym, so Dan asked "You wanna come with us?" "Yeah, sure. I was going to start looking for a gym anyway," Tony replied. Once at the gym Rick asked the girl on the reception desk to give Tony a complementary month-free-trial-card, and once the paperwork was done the three men moved into the locker room, changed into their work-out clothing. Now it was Dan's turn to notice Tony looked particularly good in his tank top and shorts. Dan also noticed Tony's shorts nicely showed-off his bulge, but that didn't interfere with the vigorous two-hour workout which the three men commenced. Rick did notice, however, that several times during the long workout Dan seemed to checking-out Tony, and his assistance to Tony was perhaps a bit more touchy than might have been strictly necessary. "Phew," gasped Tony, who was quite winded, asking of Dan "You work out hard! How often do you come here?" "Well, we usually work out five times a week, every day except Fridays and Sundays, but it's not always a two-hour workout." "Wow, I'll get really buff in no time if I'm gonna be working out with you," laughed Tony. "I hope so," Dan thought to himself as he and Tony moved towards the showers just as a group of men, including Rick, exited the showers. "It's all cleared out in there now," commented Rick as he passed Tony and Dan as the later two entered the showers.
    3 points
  8. Just dumped my load in some cute little high school faggot's(18-year-old) cumhole in an apartment stairwell just outside his parents apartment. tall,skinny, queeny little girly faggot that i have used a bunch of times. usually fuck him in his apartment when his parents are out but when they are home i use him in the stairwell,half a floor above his apt that's right beside the stairwell.i could actually hear the sluts parents talking to each other in the kitchen while i bred their little faggot cumdump son.i had him wear tearaway trackpants and a baggy sweater so i could quickly strip him naked n fuck him bent over on all 4s on the second stair. the slut is fearless lol
    3 points
  9. The Countdown There were only a few minutes left till midnight, and the start of the New Year. I was running out of time, but I was determined to start the year the way I intended to continue it - with some hot guys tongue down my throat. ‘New Year, new me, New Year, new me’. That was the mantra I kept repeating to myself in my head. I was determined not to spend another year jacking off behind my laptop while never actually having any fun. This year I turned 22, and although I wasn’t a virgin, that was pretty much the most exciting thing I could say about my sex life. I’d spent my whole life this way, being too wimpy to follow through on all the stuff I wanted to do. 95% of the guys I made plans with on Grindr, I’d never follow through on, and the 5% of guys I did find the spine to meet, I’d always bail out half way through. I could only think of one Grindr encounter where one of us managed to cum before I lost my nerves, and I think that was more due to a problem the other guy had more than my own skill or endurance, if I’m honest. But tonight was different. 2019 would be different. I was sure it. I’d kiss a guy at midnight. I’d suck his dick. I’d let him fuck me so hard I that I wouldn’t be walking right till mid-January. I had to! If not, then I knew I’d be resigning myself to another year of shameful wanks and missed opportunities. I would be finishing university in July, and judging by the way things were going, I’d be moving to a small town for work, which meant no more thriving gay scene like there was in this city. If I didn’t get what I wanted now, who the hell could say when I’d next get the chance? It had to be tonight. It shouldn’t be that difficult, really. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I’m not going to fake modesty about my looks. My university campuses were spread all over the city, and I’d spent the last three years cycling from one to another on a pretty much daily basis. That had done wonders for trimming away my ‘puppy fat’, and now I had a slim, lean figure that I was more than a little proud of. I liked my sandy blonde hair, which I kept short and vaguely styled into a spiky mess. I was still cursed with my ‘baby face’ though, and I couldn’t even grow decent facial hair to make myself look older. At this rate, I’d be getting IDed till I was in my 40s. Nothing about the way I was dressed could have been criticised as being misleading, either. I was wearing a sleeveless blue hoodie, and I’d left the front open so that it was clear I had nothing else on underneath it, and ridiculously short shorts which emphasised my butt. I even made it very clear that I was wearing a jockstrap, by making sure that the waist strap was visible above the shorts. Everything about me screamed ‘DTF’. Of course, so did pretty much everyone else’s outfits too. There weren’t exactly a lot of jeans and long sleeves on display throughout the building. The whole purpose of the club I was in was for gay guys to find someone to fuck the New Year in with. I’d lied to my parents, telling them I wanted to go back to my uni city for New Year to spend it with my friends, then I’d lied to my friends, saying that I was too sick to go to their New Years parties, so that I could come here. The only person who knew I was here was my friend George - Geo for short - because he was here with me. Geo was the closest thing I’d had to a decent sexual experience, before we had accepted the plain fact that we were both ravenous bottoms. We’d still mess about occasionally while watching porn, but 69ing got boring after a while. I hadn’t seen him in a while now, but I could take an easy guess at where he was. Geo was everything I wanted to be, and I had no doubt that he hadn’t needed to wait till the midnight kiss to find what he wanted and fuck off. The only real question was had they made it to one of their homes, or had Geo been so horny that he just pulled his conquest into an alley and have it off right there. Hell, they might not have even left the venue - Geo was no stranger to fucking in toilet cubicles. When we first started playing, he’d find such joy in jacking me off while telling me stories of his exploits. The best sexual encounter I had ever had was like this, with Geo telling me about a four-way he had a couple of nights previous. Just him and three tops. I came hard right into Geo’s mouth, and he made me kiss him afterwards, getting me to swallow my own cum, then suck him off. Geo was definitely a bottom, but he could get assertive sometimes, and those nights were the best. “One minute to Midnight!” The DJ announced. The DJ was a fit guy of Chinese (I think. I’m no good at guessing those things) decent, though he spoke with a strong Londoner accent. He was pretty well known on the scene in this city, and I’d seen him play at a lot of bars. I’d never seen him like this, though. When I arrived at the club, he’d been fully dressed, but he seemed to lose his clothes as the night went on. Last time I saw him, he was still wearing a muscle vest, but now even that was gone, and he was left in just a pair of dark red briefs, though I couldn’t get a good enough view to see how much of a package it contained. “You’ve got one minute to find a mouth to start the year with!” That prompted a cheer for most people, but it gave me a sudden sense of dread. I was out of time, and I had no one around me that seemed interested. What was wrong with me? The few guys I had noticed checking me out throughout the night, I’d run away from. Now they were probably about to get with someone else, and I was going to be by myself for another night, another year, and that would be it. The countdown began, with the DJ and a few people shouting out ‘ten!’, then most of the room joining in at ‘nine’. I made my way to the side of the room, feeling absolutely crushed. I was such a waste. Eight, seven, and six all went by as I leaned against the wall. I honestly felt like crying. What a pathetic image that would have been, me standing in what was pretty much about to become an orgy pit, crying, as the clocks stroke midnight on New Years Eve. The room called out ‘five’, and I looked up, in one last vague hope of at least finding Geo. He knew what I was like, and maybe he had hung around to give me a pity snog. Geo was nowhere to be seen, but I did spot someone else, as the room yelled ‘four’. He was singularly stunning. My jaw almost fell open as our eyes met. He was tall, muscular, and for a moment I thought he was only wearing a jock. He was making his way towards me, and not breaking eye contact at all. ‘Three’ went past, and I realised he actually had a fair amount of clothes on, he just may as well have been naked. He was wearing a tight vest that was covered in thousands of tiny holes, and when the flashing lights hit him in the right way, the vest practically disappeared, showing the full shape of his torso, and more noticeably, the piercings going through each of his nipples. There was a shout of ‘two’ as he came all the way up to me. “Uh, h-hi?!” I said, but he made no response, other than to lift his left arm up - there was a black ribbon tattoo going around his arm - and shove it into my chest, pinning me to the wall as the room yelled ‘one!’ I think I let out a little yelp, and then a louder one as this hulk of a man used his free hand to grab my cock and balls in a vice-like grip. As the room yelled zero, he rammed his mouth against mine, and forced his tongue in. I went rigid, but put up no other resistance - I don’t think it would have mattered if I had. This guy radiated power, and feeling his body against mine, I could only have compared him to a brick wall. His tongue felt as huge as the rest of him, and it dominated my mouth. My eyes shot open wide as I felt something on his tongue. At first I thought it was a tongue piercing - Geo had one, and I was pretty used to them. What I wasn’t used to was the piercing leaving his tongue and staying on mine. I quickly realised that it wasn’t a piercing, but what I guessed was some sort of pill. His tongue pulled out of my mouth, and he broke the kiss. The arm on my chest pulled off, and his hand clamped over my mouth. He twisted my head to one side and began kissing, biting and licking at my neck. I moaned and whimpered, and made a feeble attempt to push against him, part of my mind yelling to get whatever was in my mouth out, but I couldn’t. More importantly, a growing part of my mind - growing in proportion to my dick in the guys tight grasp - didn’t want to. I’d smoked weed plenty of times, but otherwise, my experience with drugs was non-existent. I didn’t even drink that much, though I’d had a few tonight to try and steady my nerves. But if this utter fantasy of a man wanted me to swallow whatever it was, then fine. This was why I was here - to be brave, take risks, and stop being such a coward. I swallowed the pill. The man must have felt me swallow, because he let go of my mouth, kissed me on the neck, then the lips, then put his mouth by my ear. “Good fucking boy.” His voice was deep, and it made me shiver. “But you’re so rigid! You need to chill out. Relax a bit. And I’ll come find you when you’ve… Loosened up, yeah?” With that, his hand left my now rock hard cock, and he moved away from me. I tried to follow him, but despite his size, he somehow managed to disappear into the crowds of people making out and shedding clothes. “Happy New Year!” The shout went out from the DJ, and was echoed by people all around the room. And just like that, in the space of ten seconds, my life had gone through a dramatic change. I was partially aware of the change even then, but I had absolutely no idea just how much it would change by the end of the night. Right then, all I knew was that I’d been picked by the hottest guy in the whole building, and now there was a whole room full of people looking to fuck.
    3 points
  10. Disgusting young bug bucket looking for anyone to deposit rancid riddled fluids in my guts for absorption and infection
    3 points
  11. December 25, 2018 #1 Midnight on Grindr and Santa dropped me my mixed 28yo neighbor up my ass. He was high and wanted an ass to breed. He’s fucken hot! 5’9” 145, I think he has 8 abs and a tight ass to die for. I suck his nice fuck tool of a solid 7 inches and he fucks my pussy deep and hard. I tell him fuck me with no lube, use spit and be rough as possible. He spits on his dick and makes sure to push it in my hole. He fucks it hard and rubbing the skin of his dick against my ass lips and hole. He Breeds it and leave it dripping with cum and spit. I’m in heaven and even entertain the thought of no lube from now on... I ask him when he will bring his buddy and he thinks, “yeah I know a guy who’d love your pussy.” I am in heat and hunger and ask if he would DP me and he grins yeah that would be fun, he’s bigger than me. A man can only dream right..... #2 I’m trolling around Grindr again the next morning. Merry Christmas everyone, especially all the young collage boys home for the Christmas. Yep going to try and get me some young nasty dick up my twat. Blank profile Guy on Grindr 24yp white 5’11” 165. Athletic type visiting. Popper top on his profile name. Laid it clear Bb btm looking to popper when taking raw dick. He answers fuck yeah where are you. Give him my address, he is litterly 3 miles away. He comes over and produce a nice thick white dick. I suck him hard and turn around for his raw poll and he fucks me like his balls haven’t been emptied in weeks. He fucks nice and hard and litterly climbs on top of me and jabs his dick like a spear into a fish. He cums and I can feel his squirt.. damn massive one. But he’s still lodge in me so I start massaging his dick with my ass and milk him for more. I reverse molest the boy and make him cum 2 more times until he’s spent and used. Each time screaming he’s coming again and again. He barely able to walk and leaves with a wide smile on his face. I never had a guy cum three times in me! #3 20 yo boy who fucked me over the summer, he’s back home and wants my ass but gives me 5 minutes. I’ve been napping all afternoon after my morning fuck and had to make sure I was clean.... I must absolute have this kids spunk in me! He’s 5’9” 130 and at least 7 on the thick side and solid as a rock. He cums over and my ass is filled with various mix of lube, cum and spit. I decide not to use lube, go for spit only so I can feel it more. I suck on it till it’s hard. And he sits on my bed enjoying face fucking me. Some time later he pulls up and say,”give me that fuck hole.” Slips in easy and starts pumping and banging me and I can hear the sound of cum lube in my gut swishing away and lubing his raw young cock in my hole. He presses further and quietly cums in my second hole. Pulls out, I suck him clean, says he’ll stop by for my easy hole before he returns to NYC. I’m spent and tired. No more tops on Grindr. Thank you Santa for the ?s, I’ve been a very naughty boy..... not sure I can beat that one in 2019.
    3 points
  12. pt 1 I'm 34 young and horny as fuck. I get fucked up on drugs and do stupid things. This is the story of one of those nights. I was in Atlanta for a random trip. I went to a club with a friend. While I was at the club, I logged onto BBRT to check out the scene. I found a really sleazy looking guy with lots of tatts all over his body. He was wearing white underwear in his profile pic and sounded like a complete slut. my type 100%. We started chatting it up and he sounded lots of fun. Unfortunately, I never got to meet him but he played a big part in my night. He told me about this sex club in Atlanta that would be lots of fun and where I would be able to take lots of loads. I told him my personal max was 15 and he said if I get Twisted I'd be able to beat that easily. I ditched my friend and grabbed a taxi to the sex joint. I arrived and the parking lot was filled. People were lined up to get in and I was so stoked. When I got in there was a dark hallway that twisted around. Once I actually entered the club I saw dozens of guys walking around the first floor which was set up with a bunch of video booths. I was a little shy at first so I decided to check the place out. I walked upstairs and walked into different rooms with people fucking. The lighting was red and everyone bodies looked hot and I was getting hard. There was a dance floor, mazes, sex racks, slings, the place was 4 floors of sleaze. I found a dude who offered to smoke me out. We went into his room and I sat down and while the dude got his pipe out - I thought to myself "FUCK. what the FUCK am I doing here." He gave me a puff of the tina and I held it in as long as I could. knowing I wanted to be as fucked up as I possibly could. I asked the dude if he could stick some crystals up my butt and he said sure. I turned around and pulled my pants down. He got into his bag of shards and put some on his finger. I pulled my cheeks apart. first, he licked my ass to get it wet and warm. his tongue felt amazing. He licked my ass and held his finger at my opening waiting for his tongue to finish. He inserted his finger and I swear I could feel my ass burn. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling, knowing that I was going to make bad decisions for the rest of the night. Little did I know I would end up staying at the club for almost 2 days taking over 30 known loads. After hitting the pipe a couple more times. 2 more dudes came in the room to smoke. one was a tranny and the other was a really hot druggy. You could tell the kid was from the street - but like i said really hot. great body. i wanted to take his load. while everyone was smoking the dude who's room it was started messing with the tranny - so i asked the kid if he wanted to leave the room. he said yes. we went downstairs to the booths. we went in and i went in for the kill. I started making out with him and grabbed his cock. It was huge. Our bodies were so hot and we were both sweating - probably from all the drugs we just did. I asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He said yes, and i already knew he wanted to. I layed down on the seat where dudes are supposed to sit and jack off. My back was on the sticky bench and he came between my legs and spit on his dick. Im normally tight, but he had no trouble entering me. It was probably the drugs and the sweat. he fucked me and only lasted a couple of minutes before he came. he quickly pulled up his pants and left. i layed there for a couple minutes thinking that that did absolutely nothing for me - and that I needed more cum.
    3 points
  13. 17. "So... How was your 'date'? asked Rick after Tony got home. "Good! I took him into the bar and after a few beers, and blew my poz cum into his hot cunt." "Woof! I got something to jerk off to again tonight." said Rick with pride. "How did he take it when you told him?" "Well... he freaked out at first, but then shot his load hands-free! And then, when we talked and danced some after, his dick was rock-hard the whole time!" "Fuck! I corrupted you good, stud.!" Rick shook his head as he started playing with his hard nipples through his tight shirt. "I see you like the story!" "Fuck, yeah. Got some of that toxic cum left for me?" "For you? Always," Tony replied with a grin as he stepped closer to his uncle, massaging the latter's cock through his pants. They kissed passionately and then took their shirts off. Rick played with his nephew's silver nipple rings, gently tugging and twisting them as the two continued making out. Tony, of course, continued massaging his Uncle's dick, but after several minutes of tongue-play, Rick broke-off the kiss and kissed his way down his nephew's body until he reached the prize, Tony's crotch. Kissing and tonguing the denim, Rick unbuttoned Tony's jeans, extracted his nephew's big cock from his jockstrap, expertly kissing, licking and sucking on the pierced ten inch cock. Tony directed Rick's activities by taking his head in his hands, and pushing him further down on the cock. Rick skillfully sucked and worshiped his nephew's monster cock and balls, following Tony's lead so eventually Tony's cock was lodged full depth in Rick's throat, leaving Rick to choke, now fully impaled on the big cock. Showing no mercy, and by no means taking it slowly, Tony face-fucked his uncle with abandon, his pleasure being the only consideration. The scene was unbelievably hot. Rick's face was red, wet and sticky with a variety of juices, and the cock in his throat left him feeling as if he was trying to swallow an anaconda. The the vision above Rick made it worthwhile: the young man above him was the consummate pig - handsome, muscular, hung, dangerous and cocky. One hell of a pig! Unbuttoning his fly, Rick extracted his rock hard cock and edged himself for several minutes, without pausing in servicing Tony. Fortunately Rick's services paid off, for after some time of hard and hot skull-fucking, Tony announced "FUCK YEAH! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!" With this announcement Tony withdrew most of his cock from Rick's throat, leaving only about three inches inside and started cumming. And cumming. And cumming. But, as with all good things, eventually the ropes of cum ended, and Tony pulled his uncle up and started making out with him, tasting and swallowing his own highly viral, charged up cum. After that, he dropped to his knees, took his uncle's cock into his mouth, rammed three fingers into his uncle's man cunt, massaging the elder man's prostate. With that, Rick roared and fired his own load into Tony's mouth. Tony stood up and kissed his uncle again, letting him taste his own tainted cum. With that, Tony had realised what a monster they had created. His own cock bounced with that thought. Made you hard? Share your thoughts!☣???
    3 points
  14. 14. Tony finally got out of bed after eight days and the first thing his Uncle did was recharge his now hopefully poz cunt. The second thing Rick did was to draw a sample of his nephews blood and cum, sending both to an old friend who worked in a HIV clinic. Apart from school, all Tony did was jerking off, thinking that maybe, the cum he was producing was now toxic, and working out almost everyday - which was definitely showing after a month or so. All his muscles were bigger, stronger, sexier. His once thinner arms now sported nice biceps, his pecs bulged out and his six pack had developed, although his muscles weren't nowhere close to those of his Uncle, or those of Danny or Sam. In addition, Ray had been adding to Tony's tattoos, expanding the shoulder tattoo all the way to Tony's elbow. On an otherwise boring Thursday, Rick's friend at the HIV clinic dropped off an envelope at the house, addressed to Tony. He was clearly very nervous, and postponed opening it. Sam tried to assuage Tony's concerns saying "Don't worry stud, if it has come back positive, you'll earn your tattoo and then become the pig you're meant to be!" "But what if it's still neg?" "Then I'll fuck your hot man cunt until it's poz." Tony finally found the courage to open it. "So...?" "I'm officially poz." said Tony, reveling in his status. "Welcome to the club!" laughed Rick and hugged him. "Danny, call Duke - tomorrow, we're going to celebrate." First thing on Friday, after school and gym, Rick took Tony back to Ray's for his biohazard tat. When Tony stepped out of the backroom and showed him his new earned tattoo, his dick got harder than ever before. The tattoo was centered around his left nipple, covering his left pec. It was black, with the center ring of blood red color. It was extremely hot! They drove home and so the celebration began. Again, they fucked through the night, all taking turns to recharge Tony, and then themselves getting fucked by Tony's big cock. And Tony went wild that night. Fucking, cumming, pissing furiously. Rick stood by the wall, looking at his nephew just as he was fucking Duke with no mercy, considering two months earlier Tony was a teenager with an exceptionally big cock ready for his first year of college, and now he was one hot poz pig, with multiple tattoos and piercings, nice growing muscles and a highly viral load. His own dick got hard again and he felt his nephew's hot charged up load dripping from his cunt. He couldn't believe his luck! Again, let me know if it made you hard or even cum. Trust me, I wanna know. More chapters cumming soon
    3 points
  15. 12. Tony woke up in the morning, arose, and dressed only in his underwear, walked down to the kitchen. Everyone was already there, and all were wearing only jockstraps. "Look who's up!" grinned Sam. "Are you ready for it?" laughed Danny, tossing Tony a jockstrap. "Fuck yeah!" exclaimed Tony as he pulled-on the jockstrap. They all led him to one of the guestrooms and threw him on the big bed with fresh sheets and surrounded him. Tony looked-up at the men, each of whom had dropped his jock, and each of whom was now stroking his cock. Uncle Rick, stroking his hard, veiny, eight inch cock, was first to approach Tony. A thick dollop of pre-cum was caught-up in the thick, black prince albert which pierced the head of Rick's cock. This was the first time Tony actually saw his uncle fully naked. He found himself overwhelmed by Rick's hot, muscular, fuckin' manliness. Oh, and the bar piercings in each of Rick's tits was an additional enticement, but the biohazard tattoo centered on Rick's left nipple finished the picture. Just as Tony started sucking his uncle's cock, he felt Sam's tongue on his hole. Somehow Tony managed to focus on servicing his uncle, sucking the tip, licking the entire length, fondling his balls, and eventually swallowing the entire cock, expertly working the cock. Tony was definitely distracted when Sam's cock, also pierced by a prince albert, began sliding into this ass. Soon enough Tony was whimpering, both is mouth and ass filled by two magnificent cocks, all the while his own rock hard cock was straining against his jockstrap as it leaked pre-cum. Sam was wildly fucking him and after a while, he started fucking more furiously. Tony reached back beneath him and grabbed him by the balls. That was it. Sam roared and blew a massive load of his highly viral cum into Tony's neg teen hole, even as Tony's cock bounced in his jockstrap. Tony's adventure wasn't, however, over as suddenly, he felt an another cock at his hole. This time the top was Duke. His six inch cock slid into Tony's ass quite readily as, admittedly, it was somewhat smaller than Sam's. Duke was fucking fast and he was sending Tony to overdrive, while he was sucking his uncle's thick, pierced cock. Duke took his cock out suddenly, only to slam it inside really fast and hard. Although Duke was mostly a bottom, he knew some tricks and decided to use some for this occasion. He didn't last long either: after a few minutes, he whimpered and moaned, feeling his cock shoot gallons of hot toxic cum inside Tony, adding to the mix of cum and blood inside. Next it was Danny's turn. He slammed his cock in right away, fast and furiously. Tony panted, still choking on his uncle's thick cock. Danny had no mercy. The fact, that just two weeks ago, Tony was rather a skinny teen with little experience when it came to sex and now, his boyfriends nephew was on his way to become a hot poz pig just turned him on so fucking much. "Fuck yeah! I'm getting close piggy boy. You want it? You really want my toxic cum?" To reply to Danny's question Tony had to release his uncle's cock, but his reply took the form of an imperative: "Fuck yeah! Fucking give it to me!" "Here it cums! HERE CUMS MY POZ LOAD!" Danny roared as, once again, he pumped Tony's ass full of poz cum. Tony's jock was soaked by precum by now. Danny, Sam and Duke stepped forward, each alternately presenting himself to Tony's tongue. Tony, of course, was eager to lick the cum off of each cock - cum which had coated each cock as it had torn-apart Tony's ass. As Tony did so, he felt his uncle's pierced cock at his hole and involuntarily moaned in bliss as his uncle slowly pushed himself inside him and started fucking his nephew's neg hole. The three men encouraged Rick to make his mark muttering "Oh fuck yeah, poz him up!" and another "Fuck him with that poz cock!" Tony also encouraged his uncle, saying "Fuck yeah, Uncle Rick. Poz me up finally!" "HERE. IT. FUCKING. COMES. Enjoy my poz load," roared Rick as his poz load exploded into his nephew's ass. Fittingly, at that exact moment Tony's big cock exploded inside his jockstrap, leaving it all wet and sticky. Afterwards Rick withdrew his cock from Tony's hole, replacing it with a butt plug, preventing the poz cum from leaking out. Seeing a trace of blood in the cum Rick grinned with perverse pride announcing "Looks like you'll get the flu by next week! Not next month!" That whole weekend, Duke and Sam stayed at Rick and Danny's house, each taking turns on Tony until their balls were completely drained of toxic cum. In addition, on Sunday they all went out again, got absolutely shitfaced and fucked all the way through the night. Tony skipped classes that Monday. The others had other plans with him that day anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So what are you thinking? Was it good? I'm really curious to hear your comments.
    3 points
  16. Here comes chapter 10! - the hottest one (in my opinion) yet!? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Behind the black door was a long corridor off of which were six doors on each side and one more door at the far end. Holding Tony's huge cock in hand, Sam led him to the fourth door to the left, behind which was a room, seemingly painted entirely in black, and in which there was an odd, somwhat dim, warm lighting, and in which there was also a bed and a big box next to it. Tony examined everything closely, as Sam opened the box and was searching for something. The box had lube, condoms, dildos and many other things Sam had to go through before he found what he wanted. He pulled out a measuring tape, came closer to Tony and started kissing him, while stroking Tony's cock to make it as hard as possible. Tony's cock was again rock hard. Sam knelt down and measured it, and involuntarily whistled when he had the measurement. "Wow! I was right. You are definitely bigger than me. It's a full ten inches, not nine. Damn, you are one hung stud!" Sam stood up again and they kissed again. "Loose the shirt, stud." Tony took off his shirt, letting Sam see his developing chest hair and pink nipples. Sam took his shirt off too. Tony was in heaven! Sam was so fucking hot! His muscles were amazing! His arms were at least three times as big as his thinner teen arms his pecs were amazing and covered with dark chest hair and below them a rock hard eight pack. And the piercings and tattoos! Sam had both his nipples pierced with silver bars and his left pec was sporting his biggest tattoo. A biohazard symbol. "Damn! You're poz too?" "You mind?" "Actually...no!" Sam smiled and explained "Danny told me all about how he fucked you and how you loved taking his poz load." "Oh yeah? And did it get you hard?" asked Tony seductively, squeezing Sam's cock through his jeans. "Hard as a rock, stud." Danny unbottoned his pants, took them off along with his underwear and revealed a gorgeous, thick nine inch cock with a big silver prince albert piercing. "Damn, that's hot!" said Tony pointing at the piercing. Tony smiled and took off his pants and underwear, sat on the bed and started sucking Sam's cock for a few minutes, swallowing it whole, licking the balls, some times only sucking the tip with the piercing, and then sometimes licking the whole length, "Fuck yeah! Suck my poz cock!" muttered Sam. Tony only moaned with his mouth full of cock. "Fuck! Turn around." Tony complied, and Sam dropped to his knees, burying his face into Tony's ass, sucking, licking, penetrating it with his tongue. "Oh, fuck, yeah, man, eat my ass! Ohfuckfuckfuckfuck," Tony moaned. "I'm gonna give you something much better, stud." Tony felt Sam's PA and the tip of his cock rubbing against his crack. "Ready?" "FUCK YEAH!" Sam pushed his cock inside full speed. Tony roared. They started fucking. FURIOUSLY FUCKING. Sam's balls were slamming on Tony's and Tony's huge dick was hard as rock. "Oh....Fuck yeah!" exclaimed Tony and Sam moaned simultaneously, "Your ass is so good!" So is your cock!" "Yeah? Cause I'm getting close." "Oh fuck yeah I want you to poz me up!" "You do?" "Yeah, I fucking want your toxic load! Give it to me!" That was it. Sam roared loudly, slamming his nine inches of thick cock into Tony's ass, announcing "I'm cumming!" "Yeah, fuck! Poz me up!" Tony roared as Sam was shooting thick ropes of toxic cum into Tony's ass. At that moment, Tony came all over the place as well. Just then the door opened and a voice asked "Well, well, well. What do we have here!" Both Danny and Tony turned to the door to discover Duke standing in the door way, grinning broadly, his arms crossed, and his jeans straining against his engorged cock. "You left me out! I wanted to join the party too!" Sam looked at Tony and suggested with a grin "Well... I guess we could go for round two." Closing the door, Duke removed his tank top, displaying his nice muscles, chest hair and tatts. In fact he was rather heavily tattooed, and when he turned around to drop his pants and underwear, Tony saw his huge biohazard tat across his shoulder blades. Duke climbed onto the bed in between Sam and Tony. Naturally Tony's cock was again at full length as Duke commented "What the fuck, Sam! He's even bigger than you," sucking the ten inches before his face as if his life depended on it. Tony was moaning and grabbing onto Duke's head and pushing him deeper on his cock. Meanwhile Sam started eating Duke's ass out. Tony reached over and gave Duke's ass a hard slap. Duke moaned in approval. "Wanna fuck him? I got it all nice and wet for you," Sam seductively asked of Tony. "FUCK YEAH I DO," answered Tony. They switched places. Duke started sucking Sam's cock and Tony placed his reddish cockhead on Duke's asshole, pushing his way in. First just the head, then the full cock. Duke whimpered with Sam's cock in his mouth. Tony started fucking, pulling the cock completely out of Duke's ass and pushing it inside at a fast pace at first, then regularly fucking Duke with his pipe of a cock. He was fucking fast, but this time lasted a bit longer. He was going really fast now, even slapping Duke's ass ocasionally. Then, as he was getting close to his orgasm, he took Duke by his shoulders from behind, lifted his torso up and bit into his neck as his hot neg load erupted inside Duke's ass. He pulled his cock out, panting and whimpering. He realised, he hadn't taken the time to empty his bladder which was ready to explode. He couldn't hold any longer. He let out a thick stream of piss, raining on Duke's tatted back and making it all the way up to his head and even past that, all the way up to the head of the bed and raining down on Sam's chest, eight-pack and pierced cock. Once done pissing, he rammed his cock all the way to the root inside Duke's ass, which was awarded by Duke's surprised, but glorious roar. After Duke turned around, Tony realised, after he rammed his cock inside him for the last time, he made Duke's six inch cock shoot his hot poz load. He felt like the biggest, baddest and hottest fucker in town!
    3 points
  17. 6. "You what!?" shouted Rick in disbelief. "Fuck yeah, I'm telling you, he is hung, nine inches or more! He fucks like a pro and gives good head too! And I think I just helped him discover he's into piss! Plus you should have heard him begging for my toxic load!" Fuck! Rick couldn't believe it. Just yesterday, he found out his nephew was gay and if that wasn't enough of a shock, today his boyfriend was reporting he had fucked Rick's nephew, filling his ass with toxic cum, which apparently, Tony had enjoyed. Rick should have been so angry, but he couldn't find find any: he was too much of a pig for that. In fact at that moment his cock was rock hard, a point which Danny apparently notice. "Oooh, I see you like the idea baby." said Danny as he stepped closer and grabbed Rick's hard dick through his jeans adding "I have a few ideas! We should give it a few days and then...." That night they ended up fucking so hard, they almost broke the bed. They did it as loud as they could, with a lot of loud dirty talk. They made sure Tony heard them in the other room. 7. Tony had just finished his first two weeks at college, and thanks to his daily trips to the gym with Uncle Rick and Danny, could already see evidence of actual progress. In the past he had only worked-out two or three times a week and only at home, so his progress had been minimal. His new regime, however, meant his biceps were already bigger, as were his leg muscles and pecs. His abs were now more defined and even his shoulers and back seemed a little broader! Other than that, however, nothing very exciting was happening. So far he found his school fun, and had attended a few parties with new found friends. On the other hand he hadn't had sex since the shower with Danny, but his Uncle and Danny have been getting it on almost every single night! He could swear it! And holy shit were they loud! His dick always got hard as rock whenever his Uncle or Danny talked about recharging the other's poz hole with his toxic cum. He has also done a bit of research, and had watched a lot of bareback, hardcore and piss porn, he also visited a lot of sites with the themes of HIV, read a lot of poz erotic fiction and was jerking off to it nonstop! After several weeks Tony concluded Danny hadn't pozzed him, as Tony hadn't experienced the fuck flu about which he had learned from the sites he was visiting. But Tony definitely found the idea of being pozzed so damn hot! He wasn't sure what to do. It was Friday and Tony, who had just walked through the door having come home from school, was approached by his Uncle who asked "Hey Tony, Danny and I are gonna go out with our friends tonight. I was wondering if you'd like to come along." "You know, we could show you one of our favorite places and get some of our friends to meet you." added Danny. "Uhmmm....sure. I'd love that!" said Tony and hurried to his room to get dressed. 8. As soon as they entered the bar, Tony noticed something unusual about the bar. He didn't see any women! The bar was full of men! Even the strippers dressed only in jockstraps or speedos were guys. Another thing he noticed was, that while some men in the bar were dressed casually, some wore more...revealing clothes, for example: he just spotted a guy on his left that was wearing big leather boots and leather pants with what seemed like a removeable crotch! And on top he was only wearing a harness! Tony looked at Danny all confused, but he just winked at him. Rick and Danny finally spotted their friends, who were waving at them, sitting at the bar table on stools. The two men stood up and hugged Tony's uncle and Danny. "Guys, this is my nephew Tony that I told you about." said uncle Rick, nodding his head towards Tony. "Hi, It's so nice to meet you!" said one of the men and the other one nodded. " Tony, these are our friends. This is Sam, and this is Duke!" Tony shook both of their hands and they sat at the bar table. Tony was checking those two men out. The younger one, Sam, who (as he later found out) was 26 years old. He seemed very tall, around 6.3 and was very good looking with dark hair, hazel eyes and a physique to die for! He was wearing casual jeans, but with leather boots and a tight black shirt showing off his muscles. The older one, Duke was 39, was about 6 feet tall, was Latin, with darker skin than Danny's was, also muscular and was wearing more casual clothes, although his tanktop was showing off his muscles as well. "What will you have?" asked Sam. "Nothing for me." said Rick and added: "but get Tony a drink." "We're off dancing anyway, so we'll leave you guys to it ." said Danny with a smile and left with Rick towards the dancefloor and the strippers. "So what will you have stud?" asked Sam with a grin. "I don't know to be honest, I'm kind of surprised that uncle Rick wants me to get a drink." laughed Tony. "Why is that?" asked Duke. "Well, I'm not 21 yet." "Oh fuck that, the bartenders here don't give a shit. Plus I've always considered that law bullshit." "Ok then. What are you guys drinking?" asked Tony nervously. "I'm drinking scotch and here Sammy is having some good beer." replied Duke. "I think I'll have the beer!" Sam waved at the bartender and ordered two beers. The beer came and they started sipping and talking a bit. "So, how's college Tony?" asked Sam "It's nice, I've made a few friends and went to a few parties. I like it so far!" "Any boyfriend?" "Oh, I'm not out, but I guess my uncle already knows, since he took me a gay bar." he laughed. "But no, I don't have one." "Really? I would guess guys would tear each other apart for a chance with you." laughed Duke. Tony chuckled and went a little red. After the third beer, Tony's bladder started calling. "Listen guys, I have to go take a piss, does anyone know where the bathroom is?" "Yeah, sure. I'll go with you. I might have to let it out as well." smiled Sam and led him to the bathroom. 9. The bathroom was very simple. Plain white everything. Tony noticed a black door in the back of the bathroom, but didn't really think about where it leads. He stood up to the nearest urinal and Sam took the one next to him. Tony pulled his pants down and tried to let out his stream. He couldn't let the piss out, because his dick had started to go hard! "Aahh, shit!" he cursed. "What's wrong?" asked Sam sounding entertained. "Uhmmm...nothing." said Tony embarassed. At that moment Sam looked over at Tony's crotch. "Fuck!" he said. Tony looked at him confused. "Someone is packing!" "Uhmmm...thanks." said Tony, but he couldn't even finish. Sam reached over and grabbed his dick. Tony looked at Sam with a question in his eyes. "Don't worry, not here." Sam laughed. "Wow, how big are you? It must be bigger than mine! And I'm usually the big one." he continued completely mesmerized by Tony's long, fat cock. "It's 9 inches." said Tony confidently. "No! It must be bigger. Mine's 9 inches and this seems bigger." said Sam, while stroking Tony. "Well....I don't really measure it. Last time I did, was when I turned 17." "It can be bigger by now for sure." said Sam with a grin. "Come with me!" said Sam with a grin and led Tony to the black door.
    3 points
  18. 4. The rest of the afternoon wasn't that interesting for Dan, although his dick was constantly getting hard from thinking about the gym showers and Tony. That boy was horse-hung, good looking, nice AND wild! Damn was he a knockout. Rick had some sort of meeting in the evening, although it was Saturday, so at around 7, he left and said he wasn't gonna be home until 10. Tony and Dan were sitting in the living room and talking a little. Talking about how it works in the city, what places should Tony check out and so on. Naturally, before long they found themselves talking about what happened earlier in the gym showers. "Uhm.... Dan, where... and why did you get those tattoos and piercings?" "Please Tony, call me Danny like everyone does." laughed Danny. "Well I know a guy, who runs a tattoo and piercing parlor, who I can hook you up with by the way, if you want. And well, I just thought most of them looked really hot, but some have a special meaning. "How about that biohazard symbol?" "Oh, well that one means...that I... have HIV," said Danny carefully. Tony looked confused. "Tony, I'm poz. "Oh, I..." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." "It's... okay," said Tony. "Wait! You don't mind? You aren't freaked out?" asked Danny surprised. "Actually It...it actually made the shower scene so much hotter" confessed Tony. "Really? Well that's nothing to be ashamed of. Many guys think it's hot to be poz, they even try to get HIV! Before we got it, me and your uncle were chasing as well." said Danny. "Uhmm...oh." said Tony confused, not sure how to process this information. "Anyway, I'm off to the shower. If you wanna talk about it some more, I'll be happy to help Tony." said Danny with a wink and left for the bathroom. 5. Danny was in the shower, his dick hard from all the thoughts of Tony and his big cock, that were overflowing him. Suddenly, he heard the bathroom door open and soon the shower door did as well. He turned around to find Tony was standing in front of the shower. Naked. His full nine inches hard and dripping precum. "Come on in!" said Danny with a grin. Tony stepped into the shower and started kissing Danny all over. 'Damn, this is getting interesting', thought Danny as they made out, kissing other necks and Tony started to go down down on Danny, licking and kissing every inch of his body, stopping at the nipple rings and twisting them, which made Danny go crazy. He got to Danny's cock, started sucking it furiously and even licked his balls a few times! He was good. Real good for an 18 year old. After a few minutes, he popped out the cock from his mouth and slapped it on his tongue again. "You want some piss baby?" asked Danny. "What? I've never done that before." "We can try if you want." "Uhm...ok I guess." "Well open up then!" Tony opened his mouth wide. "Here it comes!" said Danny as he released the pressure and started pissing in Tony's mouth. Tony was barely fast enough to swallow. He was gulping down the piss and then decided to let it pour all over his body. Danny finished pissing and asked: "You like it?" "Fuck yeah!" said Tony. "Let's switch." Danny got on his knees and Tony stood up and leaned against the wall. Danny sucked him off. And then after a few minutes, Tony asked: "Can I piss on you?" "Hell yeah you can!" said Danny. With that Tony let out a thick stream of piss from his huge dick. Danny drank a bit and let the rest of it rain all over him. "Fuck me Danny!" said Tony all of a sudden. "Really? Are you sure? I only fuck bare and I am poz, remember?" "I don't fucking care!" moaned Tony. "Fuck, you're turning into one wild pig!" exclaimed Danny. Tony bent over against the wall, just like Danny in the gym earlier. Danny got on his knees and started eating out Tony's tight ass, sticking his tongue in and out, while Tony's cock was throbbing and he was moaning. Then he did the same with his fingers. One at first, then two and then three. Then he stood up and was so horny he didn't think anymore really. He rammed his 7.5 inches into Tony's tight ass. Tony roared "FUCK!" With that Danny started fucking him like a rabbit, his hard cock furiously plowing the teen boy's ass, thinking to himself 'I'm gonna fill this boy's ass with my poz load soon'. As Danny was getting close, and he wanted to delay his orgasm, he and Tony changed positions: Danny picked Tony up and turned him belly up, fucking him as he was holding him in the air, ramming Tony into the wall. They were going at it for a few minutes and Danny was getting real close so he announced "I'm there!" "Oh fuck!" was Tony's response. "I'm about to fill your hot ass with my toxic load!" "Fuck yeah, dump it inside me!" "Yeah? You want me to poz you up?" "Fuck yeah, poz me!" "HERE IT CUMS, BOY!" roared Danny and started shooting gallons of his highly viral load inside Tony's hole just as Tony shot his hot neg load all over his chest and face.
    3 points
  19. I'm a bartender so I work nights but I can host weekdays during the day at my place in Santa Clarita, CA. Unfortunately, the main disadvantage of being a bartender is that I'm free when everyone else is working and vice versa. I have however, thanks to a DoubleList Ad, found a fuck buddy who is able to come over and fuck me a couple of times a week. Like myself, he is married and states that condoms are a must. He's handsome, well built and well hung so even with a condom on he's a great fuck and I always cum at least a couple of times when he fucks me. He's got great stamina and loves to fuck so he's my kinda guy. But this last week, things seemed to change. He came over on Monday morning and asked that I wait for him face down, ass up but not lubed because he wanted to eat my ass. I love getting rimmed and so I waited for him on all fours. Sure enough, he came in, started caressing my ass and began to rim me like only he can. As he ate my ass, I could hear the crackling of the condom wrapper and looked back to see his shoulders moving, indicating that he was putting the condom on. "There's lube on the nightstand" I offered. "Ok" he responded, but resumed rimming me. He got up and I immediately felt his huge mushroom head pushing against my tight hole. I knew that there wasn't enough lube on my ass and the pressure hurt. I was about to complain when 2 things happened simultaneously; his cock head pushed past my hole's resistance and I felt the sharp snap of the condom breaking from the lack of lubrication and the tightness of my ass. He froze when the condom snapped but didn't say a word. I didn't want to call attention to the rubber because I've been wanting to feel his bare cock for a while now. Instead I said, "Thanks for giving me a moment to adjust, you forget how big you are ha ha." "Oh yeah, no worries. Are you ok with this?" He asked. And in agreement, I said, "Oh yeah, definitely, but please go easy, your cock can do some damage ha ha". He kissed the back of my neck and slid more of his cock in me. Once he was balls deep in my ass, he pulled all the way out and drizzled lube on his cock. I wish he'd done that before but I think that, all along, his plan had been to cause the condom to break. Soon, we were both in a comfortable rhythm and his thick 8" hole wrecker was pounding my prostate and getting me close to orgasm. By this time, I could clearly feel the ragged ends of the split condom which was now a sort of cock ring rolled at the base of his cock. His thick bare shaft felt amazing and I was loving every stroke. I told him that I was getting close and he said that so was he. A few more strokes and I couldn't hold back and I started cumming really hard and my ass tightened on his cock and essentially milked the cum out of him. I could feel volleys of hot cum spraying against my inner walls and I knew that his unprotected cock had just shot his cum straight into me. He collapsed on my back and just held me for a few minutes while his cock plugged me and eventually deflated and slipped out. He jumped up, ran to the bathroom and flushed the condom. I could tell that we were not going to discuss the fact that he had just stealth bred me. I was tempted to shove a couple of fingers in my ass and dig out his cum and show him but I knew that could potentially ruin a good thing so I just smiled as he got dressed in front of me. His chiseled torso shining with a light cover of sweat and his thick cock hanging down with a bead of post-cum on the top made me kneel before him and suck his cock head in and savored my ass juices and his cum commingled on his cock. He placed his hand on my cheek and caressed me as I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. "Thanks, I really needed that. Can we do that again on Wednesday?" He asked. "Of course," I replied enthusiastically, "you know you're welcome anytime you want to come over and use my ass to get off in." "Fuck yeah, I like knowing that that's my ass now. I'll see you Wednesday morning, wait for me on all fours but go ahead and lube up this time. I feel bad that I think I hurt you but I just needed to get in you. I'll treat your ass better next time, I promise." I walked him to the door, he squeezed my ass and said, "This ass is mine now, but I'll treat it really good." After he'd left, I shoved a couple of fingers in my ass and sure enough, there was a huge load of cum inside me. I won't say a word, but I'm definitely letting him stealth me from now on ha ha.
    2 points
  20. I was heading home from getting fucked by a guy on Grindr. I decided to log back on, and noticed a message from a big bear-type top asking if I was free to come get bred. Since I had a fresh load of cum in my hole, I let him know that he'd be getting seconds. He said "good, I love a slutty man whore" and told me to come over anyway. So I brought my freshly cum-filled ass over to the address provided. He opened the door, and I was pleasantly surprised to see his 6'5" frame, and a handsome bearded face looking down at me. He smiled and said "come on in". My mind immediately started imagining what his weight would feel like pressing fown on me. "The bedroom is back this way." I followed him back through his small apartment to his bedroom where he told me to strip down. I did what I was told, and he pulled his clothes off too. "Suck my dick" he said and I dropped to my knees. In a few moments his cock was rock hard and he pulled me upwards and pushed me onto the bed. He laid down on the bed next to me and rolled me onto my side, his chest against my back, as he stroked my hair. He was so cuddly. Then I felt his cock nuzzle up against my ass, the thick head finding its way toward my hole. "You like getting bred, boy?" he asked. "Fuck yeah." He thusted his hips forward and plunged his dick into my waiting hole. After a few strokes, the cum was all over his cock, and I feel the pressure of him up against my prostate. A few minutes later, he pushed me onto my stomach as he rolled with me, his cock still inside me. I was in heaven now, loving the feel of this big cuddly bear on top of me, his dick slowly moving in and out of me. He whispered in my ear.. "you want this cum? You like cum? I love fucking a wet cummy hole." I wanted his cum so bad. Just then I felt his cock swell and he forced his cock all the way inside as he let out a moan of pleasure. He rolled off of me and I lay there enjoying the moment. After cleaning up I left. We fucked around a few more times... Then one day I was browsing through some porn online and saw his face on the cover art for a bb bear flick. "What?! That can NOT be him.." I thought to myself. So I watched it to see him in action. Sure enough, there was the man the left his loads in me breeding a guy on film. I felt so proud.. one of those "hey I know that guy!" moments. I still haven't told him I saw him in a porno or called him by his porn name, but it's enough for me to know I've been fucked by a porn star.
    2 points
  21. Normally im not too into the sex party atmosphere that often happens at hotel rooms here in orlando. As a heavyset guy I get passed over for the ridiculous number of bottoms here. I tended to prefer places like the bathhouses and the bars. But on this particular night I had lube, fresh poppers, and really didnt feel like driving halfway across town and dropping 20 bucks for the baths. I logged onto all the sites. I looked at the same profiles I had a thousand times, and swapped over to local event listings. Sure enough the area was lit up with events, perhaps due to the holiday season. Most were way away by the attractions, and not really my thing, but at a hotel near ucf it seemed a visitor had something set up to go in only about 3 hours. My invitation request was answered immediately. The host was a swiss top, (though he sucked cock), shorter than my 6 feet at only 5ft 8, with pale skin and a powerful build. I admit I expected to be shot down by a man with a defined figure but he was more than happy to invite me. His cock was uncut, thick, about 7 inches, and looked incredible. I looked through the lists of guys attending, and saw two other bottoms, one a chub like myself and the other a twinky guy in his early 20s. besides us only 3 others were listed as going, all "versatile bottoms". I expressed to the host I wanted to make sure I had fun, and he promised that he would fuck me, and that there would be other tops to play. I figured he alone would be worth the trip, and that if nothing else others watching would turn me on. With 20 minutes to go I finished my prep, cleaning myself out. Checking the listing and double checking with the host I saw that the event now had many more attendees listed, including a ton of tops. Figuring maybe I would be in for excitement I messaged the host and he confirmed that at least 1 bottom was safe only and would bring condoms in case, which soothed my worries. I prelubed my hole, grabbed my poppers and headed out. I was a bit nervous walking through the halls of the hotel, but the room was not hard to find. A knock at the door and I was quickly being ushered into a dimly lit hotel room by the gentleman who had invited me. He introduced himself as luca, and briefly walked me to the otherside of the room, where three guys were witting on a bed looking at their phones. I was introduced with the pronouncement that "the first bottom boy is here". there was a tall black man seated at the end of the bed, who barely looked up at me before returning to his phone. A hispanic guy, a bit shorter than me but heftier, pretty big dude, stood up and put his phone in his pocket. the last was a white guy, tall, slim older guy in his late 40s which I always find hot. he had a gruff complexion and a sort of country attire to him. he started undoing his belt before I was even introduced. Being announced like a prize at the fair kinda stunned me, and I stood and stared blankly at the 4 men in the room while the oldest took his pants completely off. He looked at me like I was an idiot and gestured to his cock "well?.....suck it faggot" For some reason getting called that fires up a part of my brain, and I walked right over, dropped to my knees, and swallowed his half hard cock to the base. I heard the others laugh and talk as I sucked him harder. His cock was clean and shaved, sliding effortlessly through my lips. I felt the hispanic guy reach down and I let him take my shirt off, taking a big drag of poppers after. As the cock in my mouth grew to at least 8 inches those poppers helped it slip down my throat. I felt chubby walk next to me and turned to find his stubby fat cock in my face. a heavyset guy with a really fat knob can be a challenge, and my jaw ached immediately. This guy was already hard as steel, and was just over 6 inches of really thick cock, his knob and shaft were obscenely thick, which was hot as fuck for me, but realistically really hard to suck. Each time my jaw needed a break I switched to deep throating the long white cock next to me. I heard our host start some music and let 2 more guys in, though I did not hear or see any action, mostly talk. Out of nowhere the big knobby cock blew its load in my mouth. I gagged loudly and his cock blasted big ropes of cum all over my face as I couldnt keep it in my mouth. All talk in the room stopped, and the tall guy grabbed my face, slowly using his cockhead to push all the cum across my face into my mouth. He wasnt quick about it, pinning my head. I was impossibly turned on, I could see every face in the room glued to me as he disgustingly dragged his drool covered cock across my cummy face, filling my mouth with cum. Several voices in the room said "swallow it!" and when I gulped it down I heard praise from every corner. I was pulled up, my pants were pulled off, and I was put on the bed on all fours. The host laid down in front of me, stroking his already hard cock. it looked bigger in person, and between the lust I had from the depravity of the scene and the poppers I swallowed it to the root like it was nothing. as I did, someone I coudlnt see roughly shoved a finger in my asshole. I was already cleaned and lubed so while it stung I wasnt exactly crying out, and I felt hands on my ass, my chest, the back of my head. everywhere. The finger withdrew and a different one entered, again and again, as guys started taking turns playing with my ass. I asked our host if he had the condoms. He gave me a shrug "condom guys a no show" and pushed me back down on his cock. Soon I had 2, then 3, then 4 fingers at a time in my ass. And as I squirmed I felt the bearded face of the previously uninterested black man as he proceeded to eat my hole. I moaned in ecstasy, noting that the more whorish I squirmed and moaned, the more earnestly the hands and mouths came. My tiny cock ached as it was swollen beyond belief, I was leaking cum out the tip like a faucet. The parties host wiggled his way out from under me, to be replaced by a newcomer, some guy in his early 20s with a small 6 inch cock. I moaned in complaint as the mouth eating me left, and felt the weight of a man behind me as our host slid his cock along my asscrack. The tall older guy grabbed my throat, which surprised me and turned me on, lifting my head up and putting poppers under my nose. I took huge drags, mostly because I was panting, and the buzz washed over me as the host started pushing his cock into my ass. Thick uncut cock is the best, and I came violently and painfully, each burst almost stung I was so hard, as he bottomed his dick out in my ass. I was returned to the cock in front of me as I was fucked in slow piston strokes. Young guy told the host he needed to blow and started wiggling out. Tall guy grabbed me saying "dont move faggot" making my cock twitch. Young guy got behind me, awkwardly stuffed his cock into my ass, and fucked me off rythym while tall guy slowly fed me his long cock. I felt my fucker twitch and jerk and withdraw. the telltale runny warm drip from his withdrawal letting me know he was done. In a rush, chubby hispanic guy climbed up on the bed and rammed his dick in my ass, which hurt like fuck. He shoved its whole length in and came immediately. His withdrawal hurt more than his entrance and I nearly cried into the cock in my mouth. I collapsed a bit onto the bed, the effort had really worn me out and the unexpected thick entry had me reeling. The older gent grabbed my legs and pulled me around towards him on my back. He had smeared lube on his cockhead. and the cold lube and thin cock making its way into me was almost soothing after my rough assault. As he bottomed out I felt him enter the deepest depths of me yet hit and it was so fucking good. He held his dick bottomed out in me, and I felt it deep inside when he loaded the depth of my ass with cum. As he withdrew I whimpered, and he held my legs open, presenting my asshole to some guy who I think had just walked in. The dude wasnt able to get it up right away, but the host was still up and slowly sunk his way back into me. A guy got to the side of my head, the black man from earlier, which is a position that sucks to take dick from. but his cock was the biggest so far, easily 9 inches and cut. I slurped and licked but couldnt take much from the angle, another white guy took position on the other side, and it was fun alternating between them, if hard on my neck. The host slowly fucked me to a steady rythym the whole time, sending shivers down my whole body. The black man staring down at me asked if I deepthroat big dick, I just nodded nervously, and he motioned for the guys to flip me over again. I now was on my stomach, with my legs to the floor. Someone I couldnt see but im pretty sure hadnt fucked me yet slid into my asshole. The black cock in front of me smacked me in the face while I tried to take drags of poppers. My breathing was so ragged the hits I took had me flying a bit. Thats when the cock entered my mouth. He wasnt all that thick, not slim but not hard to open for thankfuly. I was horny, flying high on poppers, and more than little used at this point, so his first thrust buried every single inch in my throat without so much as a gag. he worked his cock into me slow, all the way out, all the way back in, almost like the cock fucking my ass at the same time. The guy fuckign me came, and was replaced by the host, who also came after less than 5 pumps. My hole was no longer tight, but gaping and leaking. The black cock left my throat and he shifted to take position in my ass. another newcomer, I think an arab guy, took position at my throat with a nice big uncut cock. It was very big, but sweaty and musky. It had a big fat knob much thicker than the shaft, which with his foreskin looked like some sort of alien appendage. I felt the stretching of my insides as the cock behind me entered deeper than the others had. The cock in front of me made it past my lips, and I felt an odd and slightly hot fullness and strain as it opened my throat. His pubic hair was even muskier as it hit my face. and with both big cocks buried in me to the hilt I came. I shook with the orgasm, causing my throat to seize up on the cock in my mouth with withdrew while I gasped. In my disorientation my fucker dialed up his fuck and pounded me for his nut. The arab guy pulled me around as the load dripped and gathered all the cum around my ass on his cockhead before fucking me. Nobody took position at my mouth and I noticed another bottom had arrived and was surrounded. My fucker blew pretty quick, and I stood up and got my bearings for the first time since my arrival. Of the original guys only the host and the larger black gent, who was leaving, remained. There was a young twink bottom handling the attention of about 5 tops. I took it as a sign to get a drink, then maybe be on my way. The cum leaking down my legs was ridiculous, but I felt hot and whorish so I made my screwdriver naked, without wiping a bit off. Some of the guys around the twink came over to make drinks, and the host let 2 more guys into the room as I mixed. Some of the guys told me it was hot to watch me, and I thanked them. One of the newcomers literally walked into the room and stripped, which was a bit odd. he was thin, athletic, and very dark with a big uncut cock. It wasnt quite as long as the guy who had left, but still impressive, I could see why he was proud to be naked. He strode to the crowd with the twink, but it was clear he was busy. The guy came to the drinks, saw my wet ass, and walked up to me. I was talking to the other tops, but he interuppted us, pointed to the counter and said "give me your ass". Both guys scoffed, but they and I were shocked as I went ahead and braced myself on the counter, letting him get behind me as I huffed poppers. He fucked me hard and deep immediately, and it was an amazing fuck. he had me against that counter for a good 15 minutes, not letting anyone else till he busted a huge nut. Other guys were nearby jerking off, and when he finished he spanked me and pointed at some guy, telling him to "fuck this pussy". Him and the two my new friend demanded fuck me after were all average white guys, and all came fairly fast inside me. I was incredibly tired. and my legs were really not up to keeping me in position. As the last two fucked me I heard talk that the other bottom wasnt taking loads, and that several had cum in him anyway. The host asked me if I needed a break and I told him my legs werent up to the counter fucking anymore. He was happy to help, walking to the bed next to the twink, and laying me back on my back. He announced to the room that this one (pointing to the twink) wasnt taking loads, so to just use this one (pointing to me) to dump your nut when your finished. I had a cock in me in less than a minute, spurting seconds after entering. Id been drinking, and keeping track of who was doing what was not really an option. I was getting fucked for more than just a quick nut, but guys who needed to nut would have my fucker pull out so they could quickly load my hole. A guy with a marker made a hash mark on my ass each time I took a nut, though he started after plenty had taken their turn. I lost the ability to gauge size beyond small and big I was so stretched, at least 3 different times I heard the host explain to newcomers that these two (apparently another bottom had arrived) arent taking loads so dump your nut in that one (me). I loved the feeling of cocks sinking into my ruined hole, and I came when one of them managed to be big enough to stretch me a bit before it dumped a load in me. I was too worn out to continue. and managed to communicate that to the host who helped me to the bathroom. he sat me on the toilet which disgustingly plopped as cum dribbled into the water. He asked me if I wanted water, which he offered. as I gulped it down he asked me if I drank piss. I will admit this stunned me, I had literally never even come close to considering it, and had even considered the entire thing disgusting. but I could not answer his question, just stare blankly. He took my water, grabbed my chin like the taller man had earlier, and rested his cock against my lips. I sucked his half limp cock into my mouth and he let loose a light stream into my mouth. It filled instantly and I gulped it down. The speed with which he filled my mouth panicked me, and I began gulping down his piss like the water as the stream continued. the taste was not unpleasant like I had thought, it wasnt giving me pleasure, but I felt slutty and he was clearly into it. as he pissed guys came in to wash hands and watch and the like. when he was done he asked if I swallowed cum. I nodded my head, no debate on that. He left and one of the watchers looked at me and said he needed to piss. He had a floppy but meaty looking cock in his hands and I looked at him with wide eyes and opened my mouth. It occurred to me his motion was more of a "get off the seat" variety, but he didnt hesitate to put his cock in my mouth and start filling it. His tasted much saltier, and while not gross having to gulp it down like this was making me queasy, and I didnt want another after. When he finished I stood up, got my bearings and made my way back into the main room to find my clothes. I got to my belongings and gathered them together, I was still naked when the host found me. "Hey man! drink this while I fuck you!" he said handing me a solo cup. He pulled me towards the bed without waiting for my reply, and bent me over. I saw the cup was about half full with loads of cum, and though it made me gag when I first brought it to my nose. I arched my back and drank the entire cup down my throat while he fucked a quick nut into my ass. It was honestly pretty terrible, too many smokers and red meat guys I guess. But i was really turned on. I got a quick glass of water, and for the first time that evenign started saying no. The drive home was torture, my pants were soaked, and I may have ruined the carseats. The next few days I could barely even sit down. But I loved the night I had. First thing I did getting home was check the mirror and see the 14 hash marks on my ass cheeks.
    2 points
  22. My first cum dump experience: I visited Denver in April 2018, got a cheap hotel room, and started looking for fun. First guy was really hot, looking for some dom sub fun. Love that kind of play. He force fed me his cock, and fucked me, going back and forth on this. Tied me up a little as he fucked me too. After playing for a couple hours we sat and shared a smoke and chatted in between me sucking his cock. After he left I started looking for more. Found a little bit older guy that came over. We shared a quick smoke, and then I sucked his cock for a little while. Then he fucked me hard until cumming in my slutty hole. The third guy I found was a hot black guy, not much for conversation, but had a big cock. I sucked his cock to get him hard, then he bent me over the bed and fucked me hard. It was so hot, and my hole was really open at that point. As he got close to cumming he asked if I wanted it in me, or on me. I was so high and horny I moaned to cum in me. He picked up the pass saying he was going to breed me. It was so hot feeling his cum fill my hole. At this point it was about 4am, and I was getting tired. I did find a pair of guys that wanted to play in their hotel room. One a hot thin black guy, and the other a older white guy. We played for a little while with me sucking their cocks and them playing some with my hole. I finally decided to head back to my room and get some sleep. That was the end of my first cum dump experience, but it made me so hungry for more.
    2 points
  23. Part 49   It seemed to take forever to find my flashlight, having forgotten to put it away, and finally finding it under the sink in the bathroom where I had used it to check for a leak a while back. I checked it to make sure it worked and headed back to the kitchen. Getting down on my knees I turned the light on and looked under the fridge. There was the coin, almost clear to the back against the wall. Can nothing be easy lately?   I had to get up to get the broom to see if I could drag it out. I knelt again and gently swept the broom in and over the coin and started to drag it out. As I got it from underneath, the broom was over it and I felt a moment of, what, fear, anxiety, excitement? I lifted the broom carefully and looked at the coin and my decision was made for me. I could not decide whether it was relief or more indecision as I looked again to see that the side showing was tails. I was to go get the PEP and then decide afterward whether to continue with guys or not. I was so nervous, I was almost in tears.   Now, to just stay in and try to rest until tomorrow morning when I would call the clinic and tell them I needed in as quickly as possible. I returned to bed, trying to get some rest, but my mind was still in turmoil and I just laid there staring at the ceiling. My mind was all over the place about what had been happening and it took a long time before I finally dozed off.   The next morning I awoke feeling rested for the first time in several days. I got up, made coffee and got dressed. Then I called the clinic. It was a little hard to tell them what I needed, but I finally got it out and was told they could fit me in in about an hour from now. I found myself shaking as I hung up the phone.   I soon left and went to the clinic where they did a quick test and I was somewhat shocked and relieved to find it came out neg still. They then took blood and told me they still had to check it that way but would start me on the PEP regimen immediately anyway just to be as safe as possible since my time limit to get it was almost over by now.   I picked up my prescription and headed home feeling less worried and much more relieved than I had been for a while. I got home just in time to see about 6 guys leaving Hank's place. I recognized them all and every one of them had fucked me over the weekend.   Hank was on his porch seeing them off and waved to me as I pulled in. I waved back and by the time I had gotten out of my car and headed to my porch, Hank had already went back inside his place. I went into the kitchen to turn my coffee back on and it was almost ready when there was a knock on my door. It was Hank.   I let him in and as he entered, he grabbed me and planted a kiss on me. I could not help myself and returned it. He drove his tongue into my mouth deep and we sucked on each others tongue back and forth for several minutes. Then we broke apart and I got out cups and poured us both coffee.   As we sat and drank our coffee, I was kind of nervous, but finally was able to blurt out what I had done. Hank, again, surprised me by being very supportive of me getting the PEP. He told me not to worry, as he just thought I needed some time to think about it. After all, until about a week ago, I had never even thought about having gay sex and then had let him turn me around about it.   He had started with just bjs and then just over this past weekend had given me my first ever fuck and took my ass cherry and told me he had HIV. I had then, for reasons I still didn't understand, had taken more and more and a lot of his friends fuck me too. He told me to just think it over and he was sure I would make the right decision, which to him was to let go and get pozzed and to enjoy sex then with whoever I felt like without having to worry about it. I had a lot more to think about by the time we got done talking and he had headed back to his place. I sat and started to think about it. I had some time now to decide what I was and what I would do about it.
    2 points
  24. In Chicago for another whore weekend. :-)
    2 points
  25. I thought it would hurt my escort business showing locked up in chastity, but I was so wrong as they like have me being lock up submissive boy. I'm spending a lot of time working on the farm upstate working with Tom & Jerry fixing what we can do and getting contractors to do some significant work. Heat in the barn. Fix the pool so it will be heated. Hot tub near the pool. A bubble cover for the pool & hot tub area so it can be used all during the winter. In the barn, we install a few crosses to bound men to so they be flogged, canned or whip. Six hardpoints, for suspension with wrenches to lift people so they can be played with while they are in the air. The sling area has a sloping floor of concrete with a drain in the middle for easy cleaning. There is also a place to do piss play. They ask us to build a lacing table using boat cleats in the shape of a man that will have a hole for your face and the other one for your dick or ass. I was on the table and rope goes from cleat to cleat just like was done in Gulliver"s Travels so you can not move. I was face up, and underneath the fuck-machine was in place and with a dildo in my ass as they put a sound bar in my dick suction cups on my nipples and tortured me for a few hours. There is also a medical area for people getting pierced or being branded to show you are now a full member. I'm asked by the owners to be a server for an upcoming party they are holding. They want me to dress as a female maid, and I'm to wear 6 inches high heels a latex dress. As I have been doing Yoga since I moved here, I'm very flexible, balancing my self should not be hard as I found out the first time I put them on they are not bad but after 4 hours my feet were killing me. I get to the party a few hours as they have a makeup artist to make me look a female bitch. The latex is tight dress is short as it just covers my chastity device. The people attending are well dressed in business suits as I walk around serving drinks after I serve I stand still and some grab my dick in its cage or put their fingers in my ass. They say no words to me, but the motion me to squat as they pull out their dicks and I know they want me to service their dick till they explode in my mouth and I'm expected to swallow it all and leave their dick perfectly clean. Some want to fuck me, so I grab my ankles, and they fuck me hard no lube as I'm just a sissy maid faggot who holes are made for fucking, sucking and giving others pleasure.
    2 points
  26. My condom to bareback story.. Years ago my wife and I went to a swingers event that had a sex swing, it was before I really learned I was bi-sexual, she convinced me to get into it and she proceeded to fuck me with one of her dildos. I enjoyed it a lot but alas we never went back to that club. Fast forward to yesterday.. I was on Grindr and a guy named John started chatting with me by sending a few nice naked photos to me. One of John’s photos was him in a sling and it brought back old fond memories of that one time I used one. I asked John about the swing and he told me that he had it setup in his garage and was willing to “show me the ropes.” We decided to meet the next day. I went over to his place and he invited me in. We went to the garage and he showed me how to get into it. I was so turned on that as he was showing me, I began to undress. By the time he had pulled out the ankle cuffs and secured them to the swing, I was naked and hard as a rock. He guided me into the webbing and gently lowered me into it. First he secured one ankle to one side and worked his hand down my leg to linger at my ball sack. His cock was rigid, and I could actually see pre-cum dribbling down his cock shaft. Gently raking his nails over my balls, he then proceeded up my other leg. Once he connected the second ankle his face twitched an smile and he said “Now you're mine.” John proceeded to undress himself and once in awhile reach out and tease me by rubbing his fingers over my balls and rubbing my taint. His fingers felt like electricity as they made their way up to my chest. Then he worked some lube into my man pussy. I could feel his fingers as they slowly penetrated my hole. At first, just a finger could slide into my tight pussy but as he worked his magic he was able to get two fingers inside of me. With the two fingers inside, I started to twitch and thrash as waves of pleasure started to come from inside of me. I could feel him rubbing my prostrate and when he hit it just right, my cock jumped and got even harder. Feeling it was about time to have his cock in me, I took some of the lube and smeared it on his cock. As I rubbed it, I could feel his girth and mentally knew I was about to have a good time. I teased his cock against my pussy, slowly rubbing it the hair around my ass. I told John it was time and he needed to get a condom, I could feel how hard it was pressed against me. He slipped on the condom and I spread more lube over it and pulled him closer to me. I then guided his cock to my waiting hole and felt it begin to enter my tight pussy. John began to work slowly in and out with just the tip of his cock in me and I could feel my pussy opening up more every time. Finally he was able to fully mount my pussy and we began match rhythms of our bodies against the sling. At one point I felt him go a little soft and I tried to pick up the pace so he would not lose his erection. But he did. I tried to use my hand to get him hard but with the condom on, he was having trouble achieving an erection. So I looked into his eyes and slowly pulled the condom off. I again started to tease his cock against my ass and he started to harden. I tried slipping hte condom on but by the time I did he would become soft. So I took it off again, and whispered, just till you get hard again... I slide his cock to my waiting hole and felt his half hard cock pop into me. I just waited a sec to make sure he was in and then I started to thrust against him. After a couple of minutes I had him hard again and I felt my orgasm approaching. He said hold on while i slip a condom on and I grabbed him by hte waist. I said “DON’T Stop!” He then smiled and then began to thrust harder as a wave of pleasure rushed over me and I felt he cock twitch and explode in me. He held me against the swing as his body twitched and I felt his warmth spread in my pussy. We stayed locked for about a minute and then his cock started to recede. I felt an emptiness with his cock falling out of me. With my ass high up in the air, I did not feel his cum dribble out until he unhooked my legs and had me sit up.. Luckily he had placed a towel underneath me because his cum then ran out my enlarged pussy and onto the floor. I went to the shower and cleaned up knowing I had taken my 2nd bareback load in just a month..
    2 points
  27. Yup I understand but that bare cock cumming in your ass just feels so good!!! Let it happen.
    2 points
  28. You are better off without HIV. It’s not the end of the world if you get it but it is the full time job nobody needs
    2 points
  29. THE MORNING AFTER: The next morning we were awakened by the father promptly at 6am. Father Joseph quickly rolled us both on our stomachs, to count that marks upon our asses. He was quite pleased that my ass would already have several loads in it before The “Sonrise Service” as he called it began. We both woke with morning wood, and the father took full advantage of it. He instructed us to get on our knees on the bed, facing each other so that our rock hard cocks would be touching each others. Father Joseph then spread us a bit further apart, and started sucking our raging cocks. Brother Zack had already started to leak massive amounts of pre cum, and father Joseph began to suck his cock first. As he did, Zack embraced me, and stuck his tongue down my throat, and reached around to slip two of his fingers up my aching cunt. His nails were doing a good job of cutting the inside of my cunt to prepare it for father Josephs seed. As the father switched to my cock, he looked up at Zach and smiled, thanking him for properly preparing my alter for what it was about to receive. The father sucked me for a brief period, and I was about to bust my nut in his mouth. He could sense this, and instructed me to hold off, and plant my seed inside Zack once he had planted his in me. Father Joseph then instructed me to assume the proper position on all fours, with my ass high in the air. It wasn’t long before the father mounted me, and fucked me hard and deep. His balls were slapping my ass for 15-20 minutes, before I could feel his cock starting to pulse deep inside of my cunt, and marking my ass with the marker. Zack asked father Joseph if he could now breed me, to which the father said that was the expectation. Father Joseph then put his cum and blood covered cock in my mouth, while Zack mounted me. After cleaning father Josephs cock, he just laid back, and watched as Zack worked my ass. His cock was once again starting to become rock hard. I wanted him deep in me again, but knew if he did, it would likely be considered the last load for the day. The father then got off of the bed, and walked around towards my ass. He instructed Zack to pull out, and lay on his back on the bed. Father Joseph then placed several sharp chards up my ass, saying that I would need then for what was about to happen. That now familiar feeling once again rushed through my body. He the instructed me to get on top of Zack and ride him. After a few minutes, I felt father Josephs cock against my hole. My ass was quivering, as I have never had 2 cock up my ass at the same time before. Father Joseph then placed a bottle of poppers in front of my nose, to which I was grateful for. I could feel my ass straining to accommodate both rather large cocks. It was painful, yet in a good way. My cunt felt wet deep inside. Perhaps it was the toxic pre cum in me, or the blood from my wrecked cunt. After about 10 minutes, the father explained that he and Zack would now change positions, as he wanted Zack to be the one doing the trusting, and dropping his seed in me first. As both cocks were removed, I felt relief, but a certain void. It wasn’t long before that would change. I promptly rode the fathers cock, as Zack began to thrust with wild abandon. It was only 10 minutes before I felt Zack releasing his poison into my ass. He then moved his bloody cummy cock to my mouth and said suck it clean you fucking pig. The father pumped away for another 10 minutes before flooding me. Once he finished, he inserted a plug up my ass and instructed that the remainder of the day would be for reflection, and that his load was the final load of the day. With that, he retrieved 2 cock cages, and placed then upon our cocks assuring that we would have to abide by the rules, until tomorrow morning. Both Zack and I were disappointed that the remainder of the day would not include any more sex, unless father Joseph cam back for another breeding. Father Joseph did come back later that day. It did not start off by having sex, but the father gave us both new red Jock straps, and instructed us to put them on, and head downstairs to the confessional. Zacks jock strap had a white biohazard sign stitched into it, which I admired. He told me that this is a church tradition, and that once I converted, mine would have the same on it. He also explained that once I had converted my first person, a scorpion would be added to the jock. Zack then grabbed my hand, rubbing it against his caged and jocked cock. I did the same to him. It probably wasn’t the best thing to do, as our caged cocks were already straining. We both had hoped that father Joseph would release us from our cages while in the confessional. We didn’t rub each other long, as we figured it would be best not to keep father Joseph waiting.
    2 points
  30. i just fucked this bitch in his parents room on his mommy and daddys bed. i made him wear his moms bra and panties and wrapped a belt around his neck to choke him while fucking his pussy doggystyle
    2 points
  31. Absolutely! Nothing like taking a huge hit when taking a big dick (or two) in my hole to help me loosen up and put me in slut mode
    2 points
  32. Had a buddy I knew...I'll call him Reece. Reece had a Carhartt clothing fetish. Any guy in that particular brand of work clothes would automatically get Reece's hole twitching...any guy. And he would totally go legs up for him. We kept a Carhartt jacket on hand to pass around...and we would find some really scurvy dudes to wear it just so we could watch Reece throw himself at these guys and go off for a fuck someplace. That jacket got passed around A LOT.
    2 points
  33. 15. About four months passed and the New Year rolled around. Life was good for Tony. There was a great deal of partying, and even more sex with other guys, as well as a great deal of time at the gym, time which was definitely paying off. Tony's physique was catching up with those of the other men. His arms were now almost the size of Sam's, his pecs would left most other men envious, and Tony's six pack was fucking hot! In addition, Ray was still working on his tats. That on Tony's left arm was now full-sleeve, which means the tats extended from Tony's shoulder blade all the way down to his knuckles. Sitting in the classroom, Tony felt multiple eyes on him, but he was used to the attention. There was always someone checking him out - whether he wore regular clothes or tight shirts, showing off his muscles. He looked over the crowd. Most of the boys and girls looking at him looked away, hoping to avoid him noticing. One guy, however, a blonde twink in unremarkable clothing, was clearly infatuated with Tony. When he realized Tony was returning the gaze. the twink blushed and looked away. Tony observed him carefully, noting the twink was about five foot nine inches, and while quite cute, was also quite shy. Tony made his plans, and awaited the end of class. With the dismissal, Tony made it a point to keep his eyes on the twink, and to position himself in front of the twink as the latter was walking in the corridor, approaching the twink from the side, and patting him on the shoulder. The twink was caught blindsided, and all but jumped in the air when he realized Tony had sought him out. "Hi! I saw you eyeing me back in class. What was that all about?" Tony asked with a smile. "Oh... Uhmmm.... I...," "Don't worry. Just say it. I won't get mad. I promise," Tony re-assured the man. "Uhmmm... You know... I just... just think you're really... really...." "Hot?" asked Tony with a charming smile. "Uhmmm... Yeah, pretty much." "That I hoped to hear," said Tony with a wide smile, adding "Listen, Do you have time tonight? I was thinking we could get to know each other better, for instance, you could tell me your name." "Josh, name's Josh. And I definitely do!" "I'm glad to hear that." They exchanged telephone numbers, and Tony texted Josh the address of the club explaining "Wait for me at this club at 9:00 tonight." However, as Tony then saw his buddy Aaron wave at him he and Josh parted with Tony explaining. "Oh sorry, my friend's waiting for me," but adding "Make sure you're there tonight!" "Yeah! Definitely," Josh said as Tony was leaving. Tony was walking home with his pal Aaron. They were talking and laughing all along the way. Aaron was a nice guy, about six feet tall, 19 years old, Asian, fashionable and outgoing with messy hair and quite a nice physique with nice biceps, pecs and a cut six pack. They were talking about his parents. Aaron didn't have the greatest relationship with them and they were constantly in an argument, because they were trying to control his life completely and Aaron wasn't a little kid anymore and wasn't going to let that pass. He wanted to leave, but didn't have the courage or money. Tony and Aaron walked all the way to Uncle Rick's house., exchanged farewells, and Tony entered the house calling out ""Hi, Uncle Rick." "Hey Stud, how was your day?" "Great! I have a 'date' this evening." "You do? And does he know?" "No, I don't think he knows much about sex at all. He seems kinda shy." "Well anyway, enjoy your date. Fuck the shit outta him. Oh, and I just hope your date likes to receive certain gifts," Rick commented with a grin. 16. Tony just arrived in front of the club, finding Josh at the door, awaiting for him. "Hi!" said Tony and gave Josh a hug. "Uhm... Hi" "What? Something wrong?" "No... I just never thought you would be so approachable." "Well... looks like I am." laughed Tony. Stepping inside the bar, Tony took out his fake ID, which Sam had given him, and ordered two beers. Josh carefully asked "So, is this a date?" "Uhmmm... I hope so!" grinned Tony. Josh couldn't believe his ears. "What? Why else would I invite you here?" "I don't know. It's just that... I don't go on many dates." "You gotta start believing in yourself. You're a cute guy. Maybe dress less like you want to hide yourself. And when you like someone, you know - just approach him." Josh went red. Recognizing Josh's discomfort, Tony diverted asking "You like the place?" "Uhmm... Yeah, It's nice. All the shirtless guys are definitely a bonus." Josh smiling, as they began to casually chat and flirt with each other. They drank a few more and talked and laughed. After the forth beer or so Josh announced he needed to take a leak. "I'll go too. Nature's calling as well," laughed Tony and followed Josh into the bathroom. Josh immediately noticed the black door at the far end. "What's there? Behind that door." "Where dirty things are done." answered Tony with a smirk. "Really?" "Yup. Would you like it if I showed you?" "Uhmm... I guess." "Come with me then!" Tony grabbed Josh's hand and led him to the black door and once inside, into the first room to the right. Inside there was a box with all kinds of stuff again and a sex sling instead of a bed. Josh stepped closer to Tony. Tony kissed Josh, and, having removed his shirt, assisted Josh in doing the same. "Nice tats and piercings," said Josh and started playing with Tony's pierced nipples. "Oh... That's it!" said Tony. He picked josh up and threw him into the sling and strapped his arms and legs up. He then took all Josh's clothes off, revealing a thin, but tight body and a hard seven inch cock. He started sucking it as Josh was strapped on the sling, arms and legs up. Tony took Josh's cock out of his mouth. "You want mine inside your ass?" "Yeah. Fuck yeah! You're so hot!" "Okay, but I'm warning you. It's big. And dangerous." He took off his pants and jockstrap to show Josh his thick ten inch pierced monster. "Still want it?" "Yeah, but be gentle." "Not a chance. I don't play nice, or safe." he said as he started pushing it inside. "Wait it's too big! It won't go in dry." "Oh.... You want it wet?" asked Tony with a mischievous grin, as he pushed a finger inside Josh and let out a thick stream of piss, pissing all over Josh's ass and cock. "Open your mouth, pig!" he said. Josh opened his mouth. Tony moved his cock and suddenly all of his piss was raining into Josh's mouth, who had trouble swallowing it in time. The stream ended. "You liked the taste?" "Mhmm... Yeah." "You want me to fuck your cunt?" Josh nodded. Tony pushed his cock in. Josh groaned. Tony started fucking him. No mercy. No slowing down. Like a rabbit. Damn he felt like a man! When he looked down on himself, he saw his bulged out, gorgeous pecs and abs covered in droplets of sweat, his veiny biceps holding onto the sling, his piercings jumping in his hard nipples, his biohazard tattoo shining in the dim light, and his monstrous cock plunging in and out of the young neg twink's ass. This was the first time he had fucked a neg guy as a poz guy. And it felt fucking great! "I ain't gonna last long! You want my cum inside your man cunt?" "Fuck yeah!" "Are you sure?" "Oh fuck! Yeah! Breed me!" Tony felt his orgasm approaching. Slamming in cock into the twink's ass balls-deep, Tony's cock shot what seemed to be a gallon of hot poz cum inside the blonde's hole, grunting as he did so, "Fuck yeah, take my hot poz toxic load! Fuck yeah," remaining full depth until the last drop of cum had oozed into the twink's ass. "What? You're... You're POZ? Why the fuck didn't you tell me? What... What am I going to do now?" "Maybe you'll convert, maybe not. Don't worry. It's gonna be fine. You may sound pissed off and reluctant, but your cock says otherwise babe!" said Tony, pointing at his pulsating cock. And, as if on Tony's command, Josh's cock started shooting a generous load of neg cum. Let me know if you also want pics of what I think Josh and Aaron look like. And tell me what you think of the story? Did it make you hard? Or make you cum? A poz load or a neg load? Let me know for sure.
    2 points
  34. 13. "Where are we going?" asked Tony. "You'll see," replied Rick. After a while they stopped and got out of the car. They stood in front of a shop which was identified simply as 'RAY'S'. Stepping inside, they were immediately greeted by an absolute hunk of a man. He was black, around six foot two inches, very muscular and heavily pierced and tattooed. He was wearing hot leather chaps and boots and a tight black tank top. The tank top was tight enough his nipples, both of which were pierced, sported a large tit ring. "Tony, this is Ray. He owns the place," Rick explained. Ray and Tony shook hands. "So... you know what you're here for?" asked Ray. "In fact. They kept me in the dark." Tony nodded in the other's direction. "Well... come with me then." said Ray with a grin. He led him into the first room, which was filled with leather items. Ray asked Tony a series of questions, and based on Tony's replies, placed a number of items on the counter for Tony's inspection. Tony selected two leather harnesses, some really hot chaps, two leather jackets, leather underwear and two pairs of hot leather boots. Then Ray led Tony to the second room, where everyone else was waiting for them. The second room was a tattoo parlor! "It's time for your first tat, stud," said Duke. "Uhmm... that's amazing! But... I don't know what to get!" "Well I have a catalog with some really good designs," responded Ray, presenting Tony a thick book containing an extensive selection of tattoo designs, many of which Tony found quite cool. After an thorough review of the designs, where all the men felt free to offer his advice, Tony made his selection, but before he could make the announcement, Ray took Tony aside into an another room saying "Remember, whatever you wanna get - you get. Your uncle's an old friend. Everything is free for you today." "Really? Thanks! That's great. I just wanted to ask about how much can I get." "So what have you picked?" "Well I was thinking about starting on my shoulder and then eventually adding over time down my left arm and then maybe something on my back." "That's a great idea - if you want to get tattooed heavily overtime," said Ray with a smile. "I... I also wanted to ask if you are doing piercing as well." asked Tony and went a little red. "Of course!" After about two hours, Tony came out of the piercing parlor and joined the others, the tattoo covered with gauze. Pulling on his shirt, Tony and Rick drove home. When Rick inquired about the tattoo, Tony deflected, so Rick took the hint and changed the subject. Arriving home, however, Sam was not so accommodating, demanding "So... what are you hiding?" "Brace yourselves fuckers, because your jaws are about to drop all the way to the fucking ground!" laughed Tony as he pulled his shirt over his head revealing his new tattoo. It was a combination of waves, flames and tribal designs on his entire left shoulder, and when he turned around, he reveal a beautiful wolf profile with a skull in it's mouth on his shoulder blade. "Wow! That's fucking cool!" "Wait til you see these!" said Tony, removing his shirt completely, revealing his nipples, freshly pierced with silver rings and then, followed by whistles, he dropped his pants and showed of his brand new silver prince albert. "Fuck that's hot," remarked Sam. Tony felt great! It was Wednesday of the next week. Rick, Tony and Danny had just came back from the gym, when suddenly, Tony ran ahead of the other men, ducking into the bathroom. The sounds of Tony vomiting into the basin were unmistakable. After a few minutes he came back and, in a shaky voice explained "Uncle Rick... I think I'm coming down with a FLU or something."
    2 points
  35. As that and I walk around off in a corner, we see this boy hiding in the grass of the pool area. We go up to him, and I say to my self WOW what a find as he is gorgeous looking with a skinny swimmer built. I go up to him and ask him what is wrong. I think I'm in the wrong place as all I have ever done is kiss and suck a few dicks. I say it OK as I ask Thad to get some drinks and he is thirsty. I know what kind of drink Thad is going to get him and will be bringing back some party supplies. I ask him if he has ever smoked marijuana and he said SURE. While we are waiting for Thad to come back, the boy tells me he has never been fuck in the ass. I say to my self JACKPOT a virgin, and we are going to get back as I know one of the drinks will have GHB in it and 15-20 minutes later he will be all ours. We get him to drink the spiked drink, and he is thirsty, as in one swig, it all gone as Thad lights some weed that has Tina in it. In a few minutes, I'm kissing him, and Thad is sucking his dick, and he is a good kisser as I twist his nipples he is so responsive to our advances as I turn him over so I'm on the bottom and he is on top of me. I wrap my legs around his legs, so Thad has access to his virgin hole, That has his face buried and knowing him he has some numbing lube so we can get into his virgin hole. I see Thad is ready and will be going slow as he is moaning like a bitch in heat as his cock is hard as it is rubbing against mine as I hold him tight as Thad is fucking him as a lover would. As Thad climbs off, I whisper to him to show respect to Thad and to clean his dick off as it's my turn to get into your hole now. As he is cleaning the cum and anal juices off Thad dick, I see a little blood. I grab a piece of Tina and put in his hole as Thad gave him a nice slow fuck, but I'm not going to be nice, as the head of my dick is just in. I feel all the cum Thad deposited in his hole as I drive in balls deep, his grunting is forcing me to fuck him harder. This hole is tight and feels so great as he is sucking Thad dick and is taking my dick in his former virgin hole. When I pull out, he turns around and cleans the cum and some blood off my dick. Three years later I saw him at a conversion party he looks like hell with POZ, Scorpion and Bio Hazard tattoos on his body. Later when it was his turn as the cum dump he took it like a champ and if anyone here was POZ or not on meds he would get knocked up here. I spent my 8 hours as the cum dump all parTies up and had a fantastic time as later my body like piss from all the chem piss I had ingested and maybe the 15 loads in my hole. The time we spent here was a lot of fun and hope we get invited back again. Back home I get a message that the owners of the farm want to speak to me about joining their group. They ask me a lot of questions to make sure I know what I'm getting my self into as I will be like a slave and they're and members property till I become a full member. They fit me for a chastity cage that I will be in for the next nine months and the chain to go around my neck that I will wear all the time as I'm a bottom. Any member can come up to me anywhere say the password; they can take me and have their way with me. The cage took a few weeks to get used to, and they kept putting smaller and smaller chastity cages on me till my dick was shriveled up. Under my left elbow when I become a member, I will be given a brand. It was raining hard so instead of riding my bike to work I took the subway home. This older man came up to me look at the chain around my neck, said the password then said follow him. We went to his apartment building no words spoken, as I know what to do when I enter to take my clothes off getting into the slave position, he puts his dick in my mouth, and when he is hard, he motions me to get on all fours. No lube or spit and he drives right in and fucks me as rough and as hard as he can. I feel him cum and then he pulls out and I know I have to clean his dick off and when done I get dress and leave.
    2 points
  36. 3. The showers were empty. Daniel and Tony entered and stepped under two showers next to each other, they dropped their towels, hung them on the wall and started showering. Daniel was looking over at Tony's naked body, thinking he wasn't too muscular, but he definitely had started showing some abs on his belly and his biceps and pecs were starting to fill out a little bit. Daniel's gaze continued down and stopped at Tony's butt and crotch. Then Daniel focused on Tony's body hair: his pecs were sporting a little hair already and so were his arms, while his legs were actually quite hairy. His pubes were trimmed to the same length as was his treasure trail. Beneath awaited a surprise. An unexpectedly large soft cock, thick, with a big vein, and nice, relatively big balls. Then It started to get hard slowly. Daniel reasoned it was a consequence of his own slowly hardening cock, big muscles and tattoos. As it continued to grow, the vein was sticking out even more. It never seemed to stop growing! It was really big and thick as a beer can! Daniel was impressed, and wildly turned on. Daniel's dick grew to it's own thick 7.5 inches. "That's quite a boner you have there." said Daniel in awe. "Uhmm... thanks?" said Tony, all confused. "Can say the same about you." he added. "Not as big as yours though. Damn, how big is that pipe?" "9 inches, last time i checked." said Tony, flattered and confused at the same. "Wow, that's really big, but definitely looks bigger than that to me! It's fucking big!" "Can I touch it?" Daniel didn't wait for a clear answer. He came closer and took Tony's cock into both his hands. He started stroking it and a soft moan escaped Tony's mouth. "Like it?" "Yeah." said Tony, breathing heavily. Daniel moved closer and stopped a few inches away from Tony's mouth. Daniel pushed Tony against the cold wall, their dicks squished together, Their hands on each other's asses as they passionately kissed - until Tony broke off the kiss asking "But what about uncle Rick!?" "Oh trust me, he wouldn't mind I promise you, but we don't have to tell him if you don't want to." "Uhm.... ok." said Tony slowly. They started making out again. Daniel going down on Tony, kissing his neck, then moved to his nipples, he kissed them, bit them and then further down, kissing and licking Tony's abdomen. Tony was going crazy, moaning and panting. Was he really about to fuck his uncle's boyfriend? It felt kind of wrong, but it was really exciting at the same time. Plus Daniel was super hot! His bulging muscles and handsome face made his dick throb. And the tattoos! Daniel's arm's were covered in flames and tribal designs. There was a scorpion with a skull for a head on his left shoulder and his nipples were pierced with big gold rings. And the most interesting one was a big red and black biohazard symbol which was centered on Daniel's belly button. Daniel finally got to Tony's cock. He kissed the head, licked the whole length of the monster and then started sucking it, slowly at first, but the pace quickened. Daniel tried to swallow the whole dick, but always ended up choking, which was strange, because it was rare for him to ever choke on a cock. Daniel was giving Tony one of, if not the best blowjob he ever had. He was a real pro, Tony was moaning like crazy and thought, if Daniel will continue like this, he won't last long. Then Daniel stopped, stood up and passionately kissed Tony again. "I want your cock in my ass." Daniel whispered. Tony just moaned and shook his head yes. Daniel turned around, stroking his cock and bent over against the wall. "Daniel? I don't have a condom." "Fuck it. I don't use them. It's so much better raw, you'll see." chuckled Daniel. Slowly, Tony slid his dick in. Daniel moaned as the monster dick slid up his ass. "Fuck me!" ordered Daniel. Tony started fucking. He went slow for a few seconds, but then he started going faster and faster, until he was fucking like crazy. 'Damn, this boy is a beast!' thought Daniel. Tony didn't last long as he hadn't jerked-off since he left home and he was already all horned up from Daniel's blowjob. "I'm gonna, I'm....gonna.....CUM!" Tony moaned, as he rammed his cock balls deep into Daniel's ass and started cumming inside, roaring like an animal as his cock was throbbing and getting milked by Daniel's ass as Tony remarked "That was so hot," again kissing Daniel. "It was so fucking hot" agreed Daniel.
    2 points
  37. Ongoing Stealthy Fuck Buddy (Continued) Tuesday night I got an email from Adam, my illicit fuck buddy ha ha. "Can't wait to see you tomorrow, I'll make your hole feel really good." I sent off my reply letting him know that I'd email him as soon as I was on my way home, which I did. My partner leaves for work at 4:30am every day and as he was leaving, he winked knowingly and told me to have fun. At 6am, Adam emailed me to let me know that he was on his way. I don't know why but I felt so nervous that I smoked some weed to relax. I unlocked the front door, went to my bedroom and waited for him face down, ass up and lubed while I read the latest posts here on BreedingZone. At 6:20, as I was laying there pleasantly stoned, I heard the door open and close followed by the sounds of his footsteps in the hall. He walked in, grabbed my right ass cheek and started making small circles on my hole with his thumb. Then suddenly, I felt a playful slap on my ass and soon I heard the clinking of his belt as he unbuckled it and dropped his pants. "Fuck! I've been thinking about your ass non-stop." He said. He got on top of me and started kissing my neck and slid his tongue down my back until he got to my ass and he started biting and nibbling on my ass. The stimulation was driving me crazy so I turned around and told him I needed to taste him. I took his cock into my mouth and did my best to suck him the best way I know how. Within a minute he was rock hard and halfway down my throat. He started grunting and I could taste his sweet/salty pre-cum as it continuously flowed from his impressive manhood. After some time, he grabbed me under the armpits and lifted me up so he could kiss me. After we had made out for a few minutes while he kneaded my ass cheeks, he said, "I need to be inside you right now, turn around and bend over for me. Let me see that tight hole I'm about to fuck, baby". Ok, so he's not exactly Cyrano de Bergerac but his words still made me melt for him ha ha. I turned around, and placed my head and chest down while my ass lifted up in the air for him. I heard him open the drawer where I keep the condoms followed by the telltale sound of the condom wrapper and wondered why he would even bother. If he had just said he wanted to fuck me bareback, I would have let him. I felt the mattress shift as he climbed up on the bed and started massaging my buns. He used his left hand to spread my buns and guided his cock to my hole with his right hand. Then I felt it, his huge cock head touching my tight hole and beginning to apply pressure. But it wasn't just his cock head; No, it was his bare cock head. I felt the heat of his cock as he used his index finger to guide his cock into me. I was feeling his cock against my hole but no condom at all. I was a little confused because I clearly heard him put the condom on. He slid into me slowly, letting me adjust to his size at my own pace. It wasn't until he was about halfway in that I felt the shredded ends of the condom and deduced that he'd probably torn the tip of the condom, put it on, and slid it down his shaft; allowing his cock head to penetrate right through it. "Are you Ok?" He asked, once he was balls deep in my ass. "Oh my God, Yes. You feel so good!" I answered. Once I was used to him, he started pumping in and out of me. True to his word, he fucked me using a variety of strokes. From slow and gentle to a steady pounding with an occasional jab that would make me shudder as he banged my prostate. His relentless pounding soon had me on the verge of cumming and I whispered that I was close. "Fuck! I love your hole gripping my dick like that. It feels so hot!" "Oh baby, I can feel you bouncing against my prostate and you're giving me shivers." "Wow, you can really feel that?" He asked amazed. "Absolutely! It's why I come so quickly when you fuck me. Your big dick makes my ass and hole very sensitive. And one thing I really like is the way your cock twitches and throbs when you cum. I love feeling you cum inside me." And there it was, I'd said it out loud. "Fuck, stop talking or I'm going to cum!" "Go ahead and cum baby, I've got plenty of more condoms for you to use". "Oh God! You want it?" "Yeah, baby, I do! Give it to me!" I yelled as he started to buck against me. Suddenly, he slammed as deep into me as nature and the laws of physics allowed and started shooting his hot sticky seed into me. I shuddered and yelled out as my own orgasm overtook me and I shot all over my sheets. He collapsed on top of me with his dick still embedded inside me and I could feel his heart pounding wildly against my back. As we came down from our orgasm, he stayed inside me and kissed my cheek and neck. Eventually, he pulled out and rushed to the bathroom. He flushed the condom down the toilet and came back into the bedroom and lay back down next to me. Spooning me as I felt his wet cock head settle between my buns. I/ had already thought about it and decided that I wouldn't bring up his tampering with the condoms unless he did first. The way I see it, I did tell him that I'm on PrEP so he knows that I am open to barebacking. I really like the way he fucks and I don't want to ruin that by scaring him off. And maybe it turns him on to do something taboo like that, and I don't want to take that from him. "Is everything ok? You're kinda quiet." He said. "Oh definitely", I replied. "I'm just enjoying the afterglow ha ha". "Oh okay, so I didn't do anything to upset you?" "No, not at all. In fact, I loved every second of it and when you came; I imagined your sperm shooting inside me instead of in the condom. But, I know that we agreed that we'd always use condoms so I'll just stick with the fantasy ha ha." "Ha ha, yeah, you're right. But I know that your ass is so hot and sexy and fits my cock so perfectly that I imagine that it feels just like heaven bareback but I shouldn't do that, it's exciting but so wrong." "Yeah, it is exciting though". "Fuck! Look at that, you got me hard again. I'm going to have to give you my cock again. Teach you to tease me, get me all horny and hard, thinking about fucking you and filling you with my cum. Turn around!" He barked sexily as he reached for the condoms in the drawer...
    2 points
  38. i don't typically self administer poppers butt love it when a Top puts a bottle under my nose. Nothing pushes my horny buttons like a Top who does things to try and make me more receptive, more bottom, to Him.
    2 points
  39. I dont see it as that weird but i know some do but the big one for me is the puppy play. im also ABDL (Adult baby, diaper lover) thought more the DL part. uh, LOVE musky unwashed foreskins and smeg which some find gross.
    2 points
  40. NOTICE: The first chapter has some part about straight sex. This is not explicit and is only used to set up the story. Chapter 1 - Sun, sea & sex After a long flight the plane landed at around 10am at Miami International Airport. “I hope we don’t have to wait too long getting our luggage”, said Christian. Sven nodded and said “First to our hotel and then straight to the beach”. Christian Smiled. Nearly 2 hours later they stepped out of the airport and in to the burning sun. They quickly got a taxi to their hotel. When they arrived at their room they opened their suitcases. Both boys started to strip. “I will rub sunscreen on you if you do me” Sven said. Christian didn’t answer and started to rub sunscreen on his brothers athletic body. When they where both glistening Sven gave his brother a big hugh and said “Missed doing stuff together, bro”. “Me too!” replied Christian. “When you broke up with your girlfriend you had more time to party again!” he continued. Sven smiled and said “Don’t worry i’ll keep in mind that you can’t party as much as a single dude like me!”. “NO! we’ll go party hard” Christian said. Sven looked confused and said “But you girlfriend?”. “…is no longer my girlfriend. I dumped her a yesterday!” Christian added. Sven didn’t know what to say. “I decide it last month but waited until our vacation so she can’t bother me!”. Both started laughing. They put on their shorts, packed a bag and put on their sunglasses. “Let the party begin!” said Sven while walking out the door. Walking side by side you would swear that you’re seeing double. These two young blond gods made lots of heads turn on their way to the beach. After they arrived on the beach they laid down on their beach towels. After 40 minutes they heard some girls laughing. “You are so damn hot!” a girl said. The boys removed their sunglasses and see 6 hot girls standing besides them. “We can say the same about you” Sven replies with a smile. “We are you from?” another girl asks while sitting down beside Christian. “Sweden” both boys reply. The other girls also sit down around the boys. “Are they all this hot in sweden?” one of the girls ask. Before they can reply another girl says “How do you like my new bikini?”. Both boys take a good look. “No need to answer… you can see the answer in their shorts!”. The boys are completely overwhelmed by the girls. “Can i feel” a girl says while slipping her hand up Sven’s leg. Another girl slips her hand up the Christian’s leg. “WOW” says one girl “We found what we are looking for!”. “Looking for what?!” Sven asks. “We are porn actresses and we have our own website. Every week we go out looking for one or two guys at the beach. Ask them to come with us to party and fuck us. We record it and and put it on our website” a girl explains. “Thank you but NO!” says Sven. Christian gives Sven a nudge and says “BRO! Look at them. We came here to party so let’s do it! I don’t mind being filmed. I already have some homemade movies of me and my ex on XTUBE! And because we look-a-like you could say you’re on there too!”. Sven looks around and asks “We get to fuck you all?”. All girls nod while one says “as long and as often you like”. “We’ll do it!” Christian says enthusiastic. “Follow us” a girl says while standing up. The boys grab their stuff together and follow the girls. Chapter 2 - The party starts They arrive at a big villa and follow the girls in. In the living room there are 4 boys busy setting up everything. “These are the guys that help us with sound and light” says a girl. “Sit down, relax” adds another one. They are handed a bottle with Gatorade not knowing that it is laced with G. After 20 minutes Sven and Christian begin to feel woozy. One of the girls sees this and walks towards one of the boys busy setting up. She walks back to the twins and starts explaining that they want give them something to be sure that they stay hard during filming. Also she tells them that they have to take some blood to do a quick hiv test. When the twins nod two girls remove their shorts and start rubbing the boys chests. Two boys come over with a syringe and while the girls keep them busy both boys slowly enter the needle in the cocks and slowly push the content of the syringe inside. “Now you can stay hard for the rest of the night” a girl says laughing. “Now to get some blood” the girl says. Two boys add a strap around the twins arms. The twins can’t see whats happing because the two girls are keeping them focus on something else. Instead of sliding a empty syringe in to pull blood a syringe with red liquid is slowly injected in the arm. Just before the strap is released the girls whisper in the twins ears “Your fucked!”. Before the boys realize whats happening the strap is released. Both start coughing as their bodies are taken over by an almighty high! They can vaguely see the girls leaving while saying “that there job is done!”. The four boys in the room pick up the boys and drag them into the shower to be cleaned out before bringing them to another room. The room is a bit darker and there are two slings in the middle. They put the twins in the sling and restrain the hands and feet. Then 3 guys enter the room. One of the guys is a tall muscular black guy. He begins to speak “Welcome to my house… To be clear: there’s no pussy fucking in my crib. EXCEPT boy pussy, YOUR PUSSY!”. The twins are to high to completely understand the situation. The big black dude continues “I already converted 16 boys like you that star on my exclusive pornsite and you two will become the big stars”. He gives a sign to one of the boys that presses a button on a keyboard. The guy concludes by saying “in 30 seconds we get broadcasted live to more than 7000 people worldwide that payed 5000 dollar to see you two straight boys get transformed into meth addicted sluts that begs us for our ‘special’ cum loads”. The big black guy drops his pants followed by the two guys (both latinos) behind him. Three massive cocks are revealed. The black cock is nearly 14inches and as thick as a wrist. The other two guys are with 11.2 inches a bit smaller. The four other boys in the room are also naked now and two of them carry a camera. Chapter 3 - Live conversion “WELCOME EVERYBODY THATS WATCHING! You are part of something special. Not just to boys, but brothers: Twin brothers!” says the black man. “The coming days you will see how we turn these two into our willing slaves. You can decide what we going to do with them. And for 50000 dollars you can join us here and for the right price i will sell them to you!” he concludes. The twins feel how a hose is stuffed in there ass. Then they feel a thick fluid filling their ass. Both latinos walk up to them and both jam two fingers up the twins asses. both scream. While the two guys work more fingers up their asses the thick fluid leaks out and is lubricating their hands. When they both have 4 fingers inside they pull them out leaving a gaping and leaking hole. “Shard” yells the black dude. The two boys place a large shard inside the open hole. Both guys place their big dicks against the hole. They lean forward and tell the boys to relax. The pressure is building on the sphincter. Sven begins to resist. “Yeah boy fight it. I love seeing your pain!” the latino guy says. The cock begins working his way inside. Sven starts to scream. The top grabs his throat and starts chocking. Sven has panic in his eyes and his body begins to shake. The top releases his throat and Sven gasps for are relaxing enough to let the dick completly disappear inside. Also Christian’s ass gives way and the big cock shoots forward deep inside. Christian screams in pain. But after few minutes the shards get absorbed by the body and the pain changes in to pleasure. Both tops see the boys changing and pull out completely leaving a open hole. Both boys feel relieved, but after a few seconds the feeling of emptiness kicks in. Both begin to move their asses around moaning. “If you want to get your ass filled… ask… no better yet! BEG!” says the black guy. Sven is the first to break and begins begging “Please.. i want it… give me please… i can’t take it!”. Following his brother Christian also start to beg. For both tops is this the moment they waited for and both ram their cocks deep inside and begin to piston fuck both boys asses. “Beg for their cum… Beg them to breed you… If you don’t they will stop fucking you!”. Both boys start to beg them to give them their load. The guy fucking Christian unties his hands and orders him to start pinching and twisting his nipples. Christian start to play with his nipples harder and harder. “I want you to beg me to covert your ass… to impregnate you with my devil cum!”. Christian now understands what he means. He wants to fight it but the feeling is bigger, he gives in and yells “Give me your devil seed and convert me… please!”. The top starts to roar and plants his dick deep inside before unloading a massive load deep in Christian. Christian get so turned on that his dick explodes with cum. One of the boys runs to him and start sucking on the still exploding dick swallowing it all. “Yes! you get it… Do you want us to spare your brother or let him experience to be a total slut” says the top. Christian knows that he wants never wants to be without his brother share and everything. So he says to his brother “I love you. i want to be with you forever as one”. Sven replies “i want that too”. Hearing that answer he starts to cry and yells “Breed my brothers ass. Spread your DNA. Let him become one with me!”. The tops starts pumping harder and faster. Christian is helped out of the sling and manoeuvred to the other sling. “SUCK YOUR BROTHERS COCK UNTIL HE UNLOADS IN YOUR MOUTH” yells the top. He starts sucking his brothers cock. This makes Sven tighten his muscles milking the big dick until it explodes deep in his ass. Shivers go up Sven spine forcing him to cum inside his brothers mouth. Christian start swallowing his brother’s cum. “I want to taste some too” says Sven. So with a mouth full of cum Christian moves over to Sven and start kissing him deep and intense while feeding him cum. NEXT CHAPTER IS CUMMING SOON!!!
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  41. I've always dreamed of being passed around to random strangers. I met a long-distance trucker over bbrt and had some time off due so we decided on a "load-trip." He picked me up on a Tuesday afternoon and went through the bag I packed. I had followed his instructions and only packed mesh workout shorts, a pair of snap-off warm-up pants like basketball players wear, a few t-shirts and all of my sex toys. After he checked the bag, he tied me to the bed and bred me twice. When he was done, I cleaned his cock and he fed me his loads from my pussy. He left for a while and returned with a small, metal chastity device and a bowl of ice. He soaked my cock and balls in the ice until I was completely soft and whimpering at which time he locked my tiny dick up. After that, we left in his truck. As soon as we were in the truck, he took my jeans and said I'd get them back at the end of the trip. He pushed a huge plug up my ass and I sat naked in his truck leaving home. We stopped at a truck stop that evening and he made me put on the warm-up pants without a shirt or shoes and sent me to another truck in the lot. The driver was a huge black man and as soon as I got in his truck he turned me around, yanked the back of my pants, causing all of the snaps to come undone and expose my plugged hole. He pulled the plug out without any warning and shoved it in my mouth. He shoved his massive cock in my hole and started fucking me hard and fast until he dumped his load in my hole. Again, I cleaned his dick and he told me to go to a different truck in the lot. When I went to snap my pants back up, he said don't bother and made me walk across the lot to another truck with the plug in my mouth and my ass hanging out, dripping cum. I ran to the other truck where the driver tied me up in the back. He fucked me and dumped a load in me too before sending me back to my master. I got used to the routine but after a few days and even got used to the cum stains in my shorts and the locked cock had me horny 24/7. My master said he had a special treat planned for the end of the week before I had to head home. We went to a friends house, where I was tied up over a sawhorse in a barn. I was gagged and had a hood placed over my head so I couldn't see or say anything. He whispered that the good news was I wouldn't have to clean the dicks after they fucked me but he'd "make up for it." He apparently invited every trucker and anonymous top he could find. I could hear people talking and laughing in the background but couldn't tell what anyone was saying. I felt someone rubbing my hole with a liquid which I at first thought was lube. However, I soon realized it was much worse and as the first cock shoved into me, he whispered that it was GOJO lava soap. By the time he was done, I was crying hard and had my first load. His cock was quickly replaced with another and another. I'm not sure how many loads I took that night. I blacked out a few times to be woken up by a cock shoving deep into my pussy. When they were done fucking me, I was untied and fell to the floor. The gag was removed and I was told to lick the cum I spilled off the floor. It felt like I drank gallons of cum. After I cleaned up my mess, I was told my work wasn't quite done yet. I was told to get on all fours, face-down ass-up on the floor in the middle of the room. When I did, I saw my master bring out an aluminum baseball bat. I knew I was in for it now. He worked the bat into my hole slowly and then fucked me with it. Everyone was laughing at my pain and when he pulled the bat out, guys lined up and took turns pissing in my gaping hole. When it was over, a massive plug was shoved in my ass and I was told I was saving snacks for later. After all this, I thought my day was over, but I had to serve everyone there beers and snacks while they hung out and joked about what a cumdump faggot I am. Eventually, someone grabbed a large dog food bowl and made me squat over it. As I was squatting, the plug fell out and all of the piss and cum flooded out of my hole into the dog bowl. I was made to eat and lick the bowl clean. We rode back toward my town after that night. It took three days and he continued to pimp me out the entire way. I served as a glory hole cumdump at a dirty bookstore off the interstate. When we got close to town, he said he didn't have a load in town so I would be catching a ride with a friend of his the rest of the way. He pumped his last load in me on the side of a back highway where I switched trucks. The new guy seemed nice at first. However, that night he forced his cock in me and fucked me like the piece of shit faggot he called me. When he was done, and we were back in town, he dropped me off on the other side of town and took the last cash I had, "for the lift" so I'd have to walk all the way home. I asked if he had my jeans or the key to my lock, which he made me call my "clit cage." He laughed and said I was stupid for forgetting when I switched trucks. I've been caged now for over a year. My truck-driving master comes to town every once in a while and almost all my vacations are spent over-the-road now and I wouldn't trade anything.
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  42. woof this story is so hot wish I had a buddy to stealth fuck role play with
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  43. jeesus people take so long to respond on bbrt. i'll blow my load before these people get back to me
    1 point
  44. I think the biggest single cock I had was 11” and thick! Also recently been DP’d by two 11” & 10” thick dicks splitting me open and ruining me for the next guys in line the trick is lots of poppers
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  45. regular fuck bud has a 10.5” uncut cock, luckily he knows how to open you up slowly, takes his time. He is a master of dirty talk too so he has you begging for it once he gets you going
    1 point
  46. Absolutely! Since PrEP, I’ve become a total cumslut. I figure the STD’s are just par for the course and kinda like knowing my slutty pussy occasionally gets some slut bugs... ???
    1 point
  47. I live in a fairly new community in the suburbs of Las Vegas. The neighbor directly across the street from me is a black couple. She's a beautiful, petite woman. And he's a tall, muscular guy of about 6'5", built like a brick shithouse. Muscles for days. While his wife is very friendly and always will stop to chat when I run into her. Her husband, DeWayne, never seems to want to have much to do with me. He's friendly to wave back as we see each other across the street. But that's the extent of my involvement. I've never been sure if he was just homophobic? Or what? But the other day I was outside, taking down the Christmas lights from around my front porch. DeWayne saw me out there and walked across the street to my house, asking "How was your Christmas?" "Good, thanks. Did you and Carol enjoy yourselves?" I replied. "Yeah, it was fine, thanks. Hey, could I ask you to help me for just a second? I need to get up in the attic to change the filter on my furnace. Can I borrow your ladder when you're finished with it?" DeWayne asked. "Actually, I'm done with it, but it's a bit wobbly. Let me hold it for you," I replied. "Thanks, Dave." I folded the ladder and followed DeWayne across the street. He has the same floor plan as I do, only flipped. So I knew the attic access was in the master bedroom closet. I followed DeWayne into the bedroom, then into the large walk-in closet. I opened the ladder and moved to the side to hold it steady, as DeWayne climbed up it and up into the attic opening. DeWayne was just wearing a wifebeater teeshirt and basketball shorts. The sight of his bulging muscles and muscled thighs as he climbed the ladder in front of me got the blood stirring in my cock. I could feel my cock swell in my gym shorts as he passed my face on the ladder. He removed the filter and handed it down to me, commenting "The clean filter is on the bed, Dave. Could you hand it up to me?" I retrieved the filter from the bedroom, then came back and handed it up to DeWayne. He quickly replaced the filter, closed up the furnace and started back down the ladder. As he climbed back down the ladder, he paused o lift the attic cover back over the opening, which gave me a direct view up the leg of his basketball shorts. Damn! He was going commando! I could see his beautiful black cock and balls hanging down the pant leg directly in front of my face. My cock now sprang to full hardness in my gym shorts. In fact my hard cock was all but bulging out from my shorts. It was undeniably noticeable. DeWayne continued down the ladder. As he reached around the ladder, to fold it up, his hand brushed across my hard cock. He folded the ladder and brought his hand back, so that it again brushed against my rock hard cock. He just turned his face to me and smiled. My face was flushed with excitement and embarrassment. "Dave, can I repay you with a beer or a cocktail?" DeWayne asked. "Got some scotch?" I asked. "Got it", he said as he smiled again at me and left the closet. I took the ladder and followed him into the great room area. "I'll just put this outside", I said as I opened the front door and placed my ladder on his front porch. I came back into the room to find DeWayne sitting on the sofa, with our two drinks and the bottle of scotch on the coffee table in front of us. I crossed to him, sat on the sofa next to him and grabbed my drink. "Cheers!", he said. We chinked glasses and each took a swig of scotch. "Thanks again, Dave", he said as he adjusted his crotch. "Carol's in Los Angeles for a few weeks. Helping our daughter. We have our first Grandchild", he said with a grin. "Oh, Wow..!!! Congratulations", I said. We chinked glasses again and took another swig of scotch. DeWayne reached for the bottle and poured more into both our glasses. He put the bottle back onto the table, then adjusted his crotch again. I couldn't help, but to look down at his crotch. He had a noticeable bulge growing in his shorts. He gave me a "knowing smile" and rubbed his crotch again. I was frozen, staring at him rubbing and adjusting his cock as it swelled in his shorts. Almost without thinking, I reached over and felt his cock. Yes, it was indeed hard. I felt it throbbing under the fabric. With no words exchanged, he lifted up his ass from the sofa and pulled his basketball shorts down. Exposing a half hard beautiful bbc. Looked about 9"s cut and thick. My fingers wrapped around it as it continued to swell. I leaned over and took the head into my mouth. Then licked all around his cockhead. I licked up and down his shaft, then as he reached full hardness, I swallowed as much of his cock down my throat as I could. As I was servicing his bbc, he reached around to my ass and began to finger my crack. Oh, fuck! He wants to fuck me. As I continued to suck his cock, I was struggling to pull my own shorts off to expose my bare ass. I finally got my shorts and underwear off and he began to massage my asshole. He spit on his fingers a few times and then pushed the saliva up in my hole. I came up off his cock. "Fuck me", I said. He got up and walked into his bedroom. I got up and followed him. I climbed up on his bed and knelt on the edge of the bed. He spit a few more times onto my asshole. Then put his rock hard cock up to my hole. He began to press into me. Oh, Fuck..!!! It was hurting. But I wanted it. I wasn't going to stop him. He pushed further into me. I took deep breaths. Finally, I felt him slide all the way up into me. I asked him to hold it there for a few minutes, until my ass could adjust to his size. After a few moments, I had relaxed into it and began to press back against him. He then began to pump. He'd pull his cock nearly all the way out, then slam it back into me. Making me grunt as his bbc slammed balls deep into me. Now, he was really pounding. He was showing no mercy as he grabbed me around the waist and pounded in and out of my white pussy. He fucked me hard and deep for about 10 minutes, then he slammed deep into me and grunted as he filled my ass with his hot load. I milked his dick as best I could. Then he pulled out, walked into the bathroom. He tossed a hand towel out to me as he washed off his cock. When he walked back into the bedroom, he just said "Carol will be gone till the 30th. I'll probably need to get my rocks off again before then. Can I call you", he asked? "Sure. Anytime", I said. You can be sure that I'll be trying to get a few more loads from him before his wife comes home at the end of the month. I'll be happy to let him seed my pussy anytime he desires it.
    1 point
  48. I haven't written in a while but the other day, something happened which I just had to share with you all. My husband is a shopaholic and orders orders stuff online all the time. Because of our work schedules are at odds, I often find his purchases are delivered when I am at home. This past week, I was in the shower and I heard the doorbell ring. He had mentioned a package would arrive that day, and it would require a signature, so I quickly pulled on a towel and ran downstairs. The UPS delivery guy that stood there when I opened the door was a handsome 40 something year old Middle Eastern looking wolf. Dark beard with extremely hairy arms and legs. He was bout 6'2" and maybe about 300lbs. Seemed muscular and was almost too big for his uniform. He addressed me, asking me to confirm my name. As it turned-out the package was for me. He handed me a small box and asked me to sign his clipboard. I fumbled with the box and clip board, particularly as my towel was working loose, and I had visions of it falling to the floor. Still, I successfully juggled the package, the clipboard and my towel, and everything satisfactorily handled, we exchanged the proper niceties I stepped back into the house. I had barely gotten inside and placed the box on the kitchen counter when I received this text message: "Hey, this is Sander. I just delivered your package. I was wondering if I could bother you for a glass of water?" I was slightly surprised, but still I replied by text "Of course, no problem." Upon opening the front door I found Sander standing on my threshold. "Thank you so much. You know how hot it is out there," he remarked. "No worries, come in," I said, motioning him inside. As he entered the house and walked past me, I got a whiff of that distinct odor that was unmistakably man musk. He was obviously sweating in the heat outside. His arm air glistening in the sunlight that entered the house through the front door. I could see the pit stains over his UPS uniform. My ass involuntarily twitched, but I checked myself, shut the door, leading him into the kitchen where I pulled out a water bottle from the fridge and handed it to him. He looked around the living room and kitchen and said, "Wow. This place is really dark. All the windows and blinds down." "Oh yeah. We have neighbors and I don't want them to see me naked in the house," I honestly replied. He took a big gulp of the water bottle I had handed him and downed it in one go. He then turned to me and stared at me with his dark beady eyes. I looked right back. He moved closer to me until he was towering over my small 5'6" 135lb frame. Neither of us said a word. His face was tense, almost angry. My heart started to race and I could feel it thumping loudly in my chest. He was right in front of me, less than a foot from me. I could smell his rank body odor. His presence was overwhelming. I realized that neither of us had spoken or looked away from each other for a good minute or so. I took a deep breath in. He moved his hand and placed it over my head pushing me down. I knew what I was supposed to do. In the next few seconds I was on my knees fumbling with his belt and shorts trying to get access to his baby maker. I unbuckled him and opened his shorts to see his black Jockey briefs. Now normally I would take my time but somehow I knew I had to be fast. I pulled down his shorts and briefs to his size thirteen shoes and saw the most gorgeous thickest black bush of pubes with a nice thick 7" semi uncut cock. His crotch smelled pungent and his cock was cheesy and leaking precum. His hairy balls hung low and were wet with sweat. I quickly lapped up some of the sweat on his balls before starting to suckle on his ripe dirty cheesy cock which was increasing in length and girth every second. The smegma made his dick taste salty. I suckled on his cock as if it was my last moment on earth. By this point his dick was a full nine inches, and was as thick as a coke bottle. I started to choke as I swallowed it whole my nose and lips buried deep into his sweaty pubes. He started to moan. I felt his hands on my head forcing my face to remain buried there with his whole member inside my mouth and deep in my throat. As I started to gag he pulled my head back and said, "Its too big for your mouth." He guided me back up to my feet. My towel by this time was on the kitchen floor. He looked at my body and smiled. He then quickly turned me over and bent me over the counter. I spread my feet apart as I took a deep breath preparing for what I knew was going to be painful. He spit on his fingers and roughly manhandled my ass. I hadn't been fucked in weeks and I was tight. And then just like that, he placed one hand on my mouth and in one forceful and excruciating stroke pushed his thick donkey dick inside of my tight ass. I let out a loud squeal and tried to move away from him, but he knew what would happen and was prepared for it. With his large hand on my mouth and his other one wrapped tightly around my waist, there was no escaping. As tears of pain rolled down my eyes I knew he was inside me and he had full control over my body. He owned me in that moment. He started to thrust deep into me. With every stroke I gasped. He was rearranging my insides with his huge cock. As he kept going I waited for the pain to get better but it didn't. It seemed like this beast was going to get rougher and rougher with every stroke. Suddenly I felt his pace quicken. His thrusts became more forceful. More painful. Deeper. I knew what was happening. He started to grunt in the most animalistic, feral snorts I could imagine and, with stroke after stroke, volley after volley, the thick seed from his sweaty balls emptied into my ass. I looked at our reflection in the stainless steel refrigerator. Here was a giant BULL over twice my size towering over me with his donkey dick inside my small ass pumping me full of his superior seed. After about fourteen volleys, he was finished breeding me. He had emptied all the DNA in his balls completely into me. I was his sow. Just like that he pulled out of my hole leaving it gaping and full of his sperm. I turned around and turned my attention to his dick. It was damp and sticky with a mixture of his seed and blood from when he ruined my asshole. I cleaned him up with my mouth and he quickly pulled up his shorts and said, "Thanks. I really needed a slut to empty into. I'm so glad you opened the door." I smiled back. My ass still hurting from the assault it had undergone, but I was proud of myself. He returned my smile, gave me a light swat on the ass, and quickly left to get back to his route. As I gathered my towel up from the kitchen floor I saw the box on the counter. It was a gift to me from my husband. The package an exquisitely beautiful watch. The card which accompanied the watch read "To my beautiful husband. This watch is to celebrate the last five years of love, loyalty and commitment to each other. I love you more every day." I smiled, not feeling the least bit guilty I had cheated on him yet again....
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  49. I was 7 or 8 when I sucked my first cocks...started with a couple neighborhood boys my age, just playing around and experimenting...but I loved doing it. Then it progressed up to me sucking off a couple older boys who were like 13-14 which was amazing because I thought that they had such big cocks and they could cum (I didn't swallow yet). After moving when I was 9, I had to start over and get a new group of guys to play with, but that didn't take long...a couple camp-outs and games of truth-or-dare and I had 7 guys in my neighborhood that would play around...and while I loved doing other things, I was a natural born cocksucker. At 12 one of my friends older brothers caught us (he was 16) and ask me to suck his cock, which I gladly did, followed by swallowing my first load of boy cum. He shared the news with a couple of his friends and I soon had 3 16yo cocks to service! Around 13, when we all started being able to cum, one of my suck buddies asked to fuck me, so I got my first load of cum up my ass! That was followed by many more for the next year until we moved again and I had to start over...
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  50. 3. “Please sir I can’t lick the floor, I can’t ill take your punishment” “Glad you said that boy now follow me… and don’t even think about putting those clothes back on” I followed Boss back out into the main store and he flipped the sign to open and unlocked the door. “Get behind the counter boy and kneel on the floor ” I went behind the counter and kneel on the floor, my body shivering with what was coming and wondering what punishment he would think up for not cleaning up the mess in the back room. I didn’t have long to wonder because he came back shortly with a medium sized but plug form the rack and nipple clamps. He attached the clamps to my furry tits making me moan in pleasure. Then order me to bend over the counter. He spread some lube on my ass and started to push the plug in. “Please may I have some popper sir , it hurts” “No that would make this pleasure and you need to be punished and learn that when I tell you to do something you fucking do it and say thank you” “Yes sir” I said through gritted teeth as the plug popped in an I yelped in pain. He then order me back to my kneel position under the counter and pulled out his cock, ordering me to suck and lick it clean while he worked. About fifteen minutes later I heard the door chime and heard someone walking up to the counter. I try to move and sir just grabbed the back of my head an held me there. “Hey Mark glad to see you” sir said as the guy stepped to the counter. I was in clear view, my furry well muscled back and plugged ass on display for anyone standing at the counter. I felt myself blush and feel pathetic and weak as Mark got smaller bills for the video booth. “That boy for everyone or just for you?” he asked the voice sounded oddly familiar to me and I panicked that it might be someone I knew. “Needs to be trained up a bit, should be ready on Friday for the party though….actually would you mind helping me with him a bit. He needs to learn how to suck cock better.” “Sure always glad to help” With that Boss grabbed the chain connecting my nipples and pulled up making me get to my feet. There I stood naked, plugged, caged with my nipples chained together and my stomach dropped. There stood my old wrestling coach from high school. He was 6 ft, 225 with only the slightest bit of padding, goateed and salt and pepper hair. He looked me over and smiled with an evil glint in his eye. His hand reached out and grabbed the chain and pulled me around from behind the counter. Just as we reached the door to the vid booths Boss called out “No fucking him but anything else if free game, and if ya need him to do something just give him a couple popper hits and he turns into a fuckin slut” I lowered my head at the comment and was lead to the first booth in the middle. “Well Justin….didn’t think you would turn out to be a faggot bitch but I can’t say I am unhappy about it. What you thought since I didn’t use you name when I saw you I didn’t know who you were. Hell I shot so many loads watching you in the shower and now I get to shoot one down your throat. I am shocked that you hooked up with Boss but hey, it’s your funeral. “ Mark reached down and pulled his shirt over his head revealing a chest covered in grey fur and muscles. He grabbed the back of my head with one hand and shoved my face into his pits. Instinctively I started to lick the sweat mass of fur, lapping up his scent and swallowing it down. “Oh fuck yeah lick those pits jock boy make me feel good for teasing me all those years. Fuck you are a damn pig aren’t ya. Now lick the other side, make me nice and clean….unf yeah feels so damn good. While I was licking his pits he undid his jeans and let them fall to the floor revealing a 9 inch uncut cock about 3 fingers thick and dripping precum down his furred thigh. He pulled my face out of his pit and look me in the eyes. Grabbing a bottle of poppers he unscrewed the cap and held it to my left nostril, than my right, than my left, than back again. The warmth and dizziness spread over me and my knees went weak. I sank to the floor and shoved his perfect cock in my mouth. SLAP “Did I tell you to suck my cock yet bitch” Tears sprang up in my eyes as I looked up from my kneeling position, I was dizzy form the poppers and the slap and had no idea what he wanted. He turned around and spread his cheek. “Eat my hole slut , I wanna feel that tongue deep in there. And don’t worry I took a shower….this morning.” I hesitated for 5 second and he turned around and forced another 4 hits of poppers on me. This time when he turned I dove right into his ass. It smelled amazing, musky and maly. I could taste his sweat form the day and my tongue rand from his balls to his hole and back again. A sound came out of my chest like a growl and I used my hands ot spread his ass cheeks so I could get deeper in hi hole. My tongue lapping at it like a cat with cream. Then darting in and out like a small cock. His moands let me know I was doing an good job. “Fuck yeah that feels great, damn you are good at this for being a beginner. I should have had you in my office every day eating my ass.” The small room began to heat up and we both started to sweat. Mark’s as was slick with my spit when he turned around and presented his dripping cock to my mouth and said “Now you can suck it”. I dove down on the cock like my life depending on it , taking it to the root and burying my nose in the thick bush at the base. My tongue darting out and licking the underside of his cock. The bottle was at my nose again and I took two giant deep hits and snuck a finger around to play with Mark’s hole. It must have startled him because he dropped the bottle and it spilled on the floor. The small space filled with the scent of poppers and sweat. Mark pushed me agains the far wall with his back to the door and started to face fuck me for all he was worth. The continuous scent of poppers making me hungry for cock. Lost in the haze and pleasure of my blow job Mark didn’t hear the door t the booth open, but I saw Boss’s boots enter and wonder if he had come to check on how is friend as using me. Suddenly Mark stiffened and let out a moan of pain and pleasure as Boss’s big arms wrapped around his throat and a bottle was placed against his nose. Mark tried to escape forward and just drove his cock deep in my mouth as Boss plunge raw into his ass. “Please, don’t fuck me. I can’t , I don’t want to be like you “ “Fucked if I care , I have been wanting to dirty this cunt of yours for years and my little slut boy gave me a great opening I could not resist.” Mark was sandwiched and couldn’t escape and Boss’s thrust deep into his ass. Every time Boss thrust forward precum would gush into my mouth from Mark. As his passed picked up Mark just kept pleading oer and over to for Boss to pull out begging him not to cum in him. “Fucking to late so close gonna drop this big charged load in your hole and make you the cum slut you should have always been” With that Boss have a big growl and drove balls deep in Mark’s just as Mark hit the point of no return and flooded my mouth with his cum. “Make sure not to spill a drop boy, a man’s last neg load is special and should always bee eaten” Just then the reality of what they were saying hit me…I had his poz load plugged in my ass….his poison working into my system for the last hour, trapped there, soaking into me. Infecting me…..my cock strained against its confinement and I groaned around the slowly shrinking cock in my mouth. “Good job boy….but we are not done with you yet” Moderator's Note: Mark's story continues here https://breeding.zone/topic/33395-subverted-cum-whore-marks-tale/
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