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  1. The new place is up and going and has been for 6 months. We have converted the third floor of the building into an apartment with three nice big bedrooms. One for Alex and I, one for Can and Max and the third a play room. We installed a floor drain in the center that drains to the bathroom and a big shower in the corner. We hung a sling in the corner, added a fuck bench and a Saint Andrews Cross. Whips, chains, ball stretchers, you name it we had it or had it ordered. We all could invite people to play with us if we found someone we thought would fit in with our group. Max turned out to be a bigger cock whore than any of us, for obvious reasons. His favorite thing to do was have something shoved in his ass. I loved watching the boys fuck. One night after work Can said he had invited someone over. Turned out to be his 20 year old cousin who was a hot sexy Italian stud nice hairy chest, not normally my type but something about him was hot. He was a fire fighter and had big beefy arms and more abs than I thought you could have. Dude was the fire. Turns out he heard that Can was gay and hit him up saying he had questions. Can invited him over and so the night started slow., but before long we had in in the party room as we called it showing him everything. He looked at Can and said doesn't it hurt. Can said yes the first couple time it hurt. But then it feel great and you cant get enough. We heard a muffled grunt and looked over to see Alex shoving his dick in Max's ass. Can cousin Leo said, I should go but can grabbed his arm and said wait. Watch, they don't mind. My boyfriend Max's loves to be watched just as much as he loves to get fucked. Your the top? Sort of. I love to get fucked too but Max has a small dick and so Chef and Alex lend a helping hand. Looks like more than a helping hand. At this point I reached out and messaged Leo's shoulders, saying relax stud you wont know till you try. Can unzipped my pants and took Leo's hand and placed in on my dick as I stood behind him. He tried to pull away but Can held it in place leaned in and kissed his cousin on the lips then whispered you know you want to fuck my ass. You wanted to for a long time. But its not right. I heard Can say why because we are related? Fuck that, if that is all that is stopping you I was disowned so that fixes that. That makes me just another whole for you big hard dick. At some point Can had pulled out Leo's dick and it was a nice one. Big around as a can of Coke and at least 8 or 9 inches and hard as a rock. Can dropped to his knees and started sucking his cousin and I started kissing him as I moved to his side. At some point I broke the kiss an pulled him over to the sling. Can climbed in and with a little guidance from my hand on his cock his cousin shoved his cock in Can's ass. His head went back as he moaned FUCK!!!!. I looked at Can who looked like he was in bliss with his eyes rolled back in his head and fluttering. Fuck me goddammit, fuck my ass. Fuck!! Leo looked down and said fuck me..... I walked around behind him and gently started playing with his ass with some lube and my middle finger. He didn't stop me and as he cam his first time in Can's ass I pushed in my finger. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!!!!
    10 points
  2. Part 2 I woke up the next morning with the visions of last night still burned into my mind. I really didn't know what to think. So......Colt was gay. THAT part really didn't bother me much. I mean, it IS Texas. It's really conservative, and queers are not totally accepted.....BUT....not everyone is so closed minded. And we had been so close for so long that I couldn't just turn my back on him. I loved the dude. But the rest of it? The rough, brutal sex, the drugs, broadcasting it on the internet? That's what I had trouble accepting. If Colt wanted to have a nice boyfriend, that was one thing, but everything else he was doing? I didn't know how I felt about it. It was pretty fucked up. But as I layed in bed and absentmindedly stroked my cock, I kept seeing Colt taking that big, black cock up his ass. I didn't want to, I was trying to think of pussy, but Colt kept creeping back in. And I didn't understand why thinking about it got my cock so hard. I wasn't gay! Other than jerking off with my best friend, I never thought about cock. But for some reason, I kept seeing it going up Colt's ass. I quickly jerked myself off so I could get on with my day, but I still thought about it all day long. And all the next day too. Monday at school, I was the one avoiding Colt. I just couldn't face him yet. Not after all I had seen. It was Thursday before Colt approached me. "Hey Austin." He said, coming up to my locker after last period. And yes, my name is Austin, Austin Allen Collins, and I live in Texas. You might think I was named after the city, but you would be wrong. I was actually named after Stone Cold Steve Austin, my dad's favourite wrestler. But any way, Colt approached my locker. "Austin," he said again, "I know I've been kind of an asshole lately." "You don't say." I replied. If he was about to apologize, I wasn't going to make it easy for him. "Yea, look dude, I'm sorry, I really am. I've been going through some shit and I guess I just needed some space." "So, you just push me aside? Is that what best friends do? We've always told each other everything, so what's changed, dickhead?" I prodded him. I didn't expect him to fess up to anything, especially not here at school, and frankly, I didn't know if he would ever fess up. But over the last couple of days I had done a lot of thinking, and had decided I would try to be here for him, if he wanted it. "Look man, I'm sorry. I really am and I want to make it up to you. I got some killer weed and I'm free all weekend. Come on, we had a great time on your birthday." "Yea, then you turned back into an asshole. What's up with that?" "Come on bro.....I'm sorry! I have been a total dick and I know it. But we're brothers! Please forgive me. Come on, we'll get some beer and have a great weekend. My parents will be gone again!" I looked at his face and he really did seem to be sorry. But knowing what I knew about him, and that he was obviously really struggling with some heavy shit, I gave in. "All right asshole." I said. "Just me and you, all weekend. And you better get some good beer, not some piss water shit!" "I promise!" He smiled. "It's going to be a great best bro weekend!" I just shook my head as he walked away. Maybe he was planning to come clean this weekend. I actually hoped for his sake he would. That's a big fucking secret he's hiding. Friday night found us at his house as promised. He had a case of beer and a fat sack of weed. We hit the bong, then hit the video games. After a couple hours, several beers, and a lot of weed, things started to feel back to normal again. We were both just sitting there in our boxers and feeling good. Colt's fly gaped open and I could see his big, soft cock nestled against his large balls. It made me think of him shooting off as his ass got plowed. I tried not to think about it, but I couldn't stop. Throughout the night, Colt kept getting text messages. He would quickly respond to them, then pretend nothing had happened. He also got a couple of phone calls. "Aren't you going to answer that?" I asked him as his ringtone played the Toby Keith classic 'Beer for my horses.' "Naw. Voicemail can get it. This weekend is all about me and you, bro." He said as he grabbed my knee and gave it a squeeze. We kept on playing video games for a while, and I knew he wasn't going to bring it up, so I tried. "So what's been going on dude?" I asked. "What's this shit you've been going through?" Colt looked uncomfortable. "I'm not ready to talk about it yet." "Why not?" I asked. "Remember we tell each other everything. We've been jerking off together for years, what do we have to hide?" Colt just chugged on his beer. "I can't just yet. But I will, I promise." I let it drop. I figured he would tell me soon enough, so we continued with drinking, smoking, and gaming. Pretty soon it was 2 am and we were drunk and high and decided to hit the hay. As we lay on his bed, we both just stared at the ceiling. Now that we didn't have video games in front of us, the images of last weekend filled up my head. It was tearing me up inside and I couldn't control myself any longer. I ended up blurting out, "I know." Colt was silent for a moment before asking, "You know what?" "I know your secret dude!" I could hear Colt taking deep breaths in the dead silence. Finally he asked, "What secret is that?" God damn him! I was over the games and the lies and was determined to drag the truth out of him. I rolled over on my side and faced him. "I saw you. Last weekend." Colt rolled on his side with his back toward me. I continued, "I was tired of your bullshit so I went over to your house, and I saw, through the window." More tense silence followed as Colt processed what I had said. Finally he whispered, "You don't hate me?" My heart hurt that Colt actually thought I could hate him. "No dude, I don't hate you. I'm here right now, aren't I?" Colt rolled to face me. "I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't know how to bring it up. The thought of losing you scared me more than anything." "Dude," I said, looking him right in his eyes, "We're family. And you don't turn your back on family. No matter what." Colt just smiled at me, a look of relief on his face. "I mean, if you want to be gay, be gay. I don't give a fuck. I got your back bro. But all that other shit? What's that about? Do you really like that?" Colt was silent for a moment, averting his eyes from me before he replied, "Yea Austin, I do. I mean, I really, really do. I kind of always have. I used to check out all kinds of crazy shit online, and I always thought it was hot. Then I started chatting with Dante and Carlos, and when I turned 18, I met up with them and things just progressed. You think I'm a sick fuck, don't you?" I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling again. "I don't know what to think, man. I'm trying to be cool with all this. So what was up with the camera? Why did they say people had paid to see this?" "Well," he began, "Dante and Carlos have this internet business, and people from all over the world pay to watch these shows. 50 bucks a pop. And they're good guys. They split the money with me. Last weekend I made a thousand bucks." "A thousand bucks?" I asked incredulously as I turned back to him. "Yea, I'm their most popular guy right now. I bring in a HUGE audience." I was still trying to wrap my head around everything. "But, doesn't that kind of make you a whore?" I asked. "I don't really think about it like that." He replied. "I mean, I'm going to be having sex anyway, so why not make some money from it?" I remained silent as I pondered this. Colt just continued to look at me while he waited for the next question. "So, what about the drugs, dude?" I continued. "What was that shit you were smoking? And what was that brown bottle?" "Well, that brown bottle was poppers. They help you to relax. And the other stuff was Tina, or meth." I shot up on my elbows and looked down on him. "Meth? Are you fucking crazy?" "Relax man." He said. "It's not as bad as you think. Once in a while it's ok. You just have to control yourself. Look at me, I've been doing it for a couple of months now, do I look like I'm addicted?" I had to admit, he did look perfectly normal. "But, you were so fucked up that night." I said. "Yea I was." He laughed. "And I felt great! T is amazing shit! It's like a hundred times better than weed. It makes you feel so good, and it makes sex incredible!" He opened up his nightstand and pulled out a pipe and a baggie. "You wanna try some?" "What the fuck?" I asked, shocked. "You got that shit right here?" "Yea, come on. Give it a little try. It'll make you feel so good." I stared at the pipe in his hand before shaking my head. "I don't know man...." "Come on. It won't hurt you, I promise! You're my brother and I love ya, would I steer you wrong? Just give it a little try. It's awesome!" "Fine." I conceded. "I'll try it just this once to shut you up!" Colt's face lit up and his eyes sparkled as he started loading the pipe with the crystals. "Fuckin A dude! You're gonna love this!" He handed me the pipe and lit the small torch, melting the shards as he rolled the pipe. "Now," he said, "Put the pipe up to your lips and when the bowl fills with white smoke, inhale and hold it." I did as instructed, inhaling deep. It had kind of a weird taste to it, but wasn't too bad. Then I exhaled, and a large white cloud filled the air. "Now, take another one." Instructed Colt as he looked at me with a big smile on his face. I inhaled another big hit, and I started to feel warm and tingly as a rush went through my body. Colt took the pipe and inhaled a couple of big hits himself before asking me, "How do you feel?" "Warm and tingly." I replied, giggling a bit. "Good, now take a couple more." I took 2 more hits and my body started to feel like it was on fire. It was like I could feel every nerve in my body, and every nerve was telling me I was super horny. Colt took 2 more hits and handed me back the pipe. I took one more hit and the pipe was empty, which made me feel sad. Colt could see the disappointment on my face. "Don't worry buddy, I got plenty more." He said as he reloaded. "We're gonna get you feeling REAL good." I giggled a little more as he handed me the pipe, and I took 2 more hits. By now, I felt like I was floating and was kinda dizzy, but felt more alive than I ever had before. And hornier. "I got an idea. Instead of wasting smoke when we exhale, let's do a shotgun." He suggested. "What's that?" I asked. "When I take a hit, instead of just exhaling it, I put my mouth over yours and you breath in the smoke as I let it out. That way, we both benefit from the hit." I looked at him through my high state and giggled some more. "Sure, why not? I've done this much. Bring it on bro!" Colt hit the pipe and then slowly moved his face toward mine. My heart was pounding in my chest as he gently placed his lips against mine. I thought it would gross me out having another dudes lips on mine, but it didn't. Colt's lips were soft like a girls. I opened my mouth a little bit, and Cole started exhaling into me. I inhaled and felt his hot breath as it filled up my lungs, causing my cock to stir. He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes as I exhaled the smoke that had been in his body. "Your turn." He said, putting the pipe up to my lips. I took a big hit and leaned into him. When our lips touched again I felt a bolt of electricity jolt through my body. We opened our mouths and as I started exhaling, I felt his tongue enter my mouth. Instead of freaking out, I found myself responding to him. My own tongue inched forward until it was touching his. Gently, at first, our tongues rubbed over each others, but soon, I had melted into him and our kissing became stronger and more passionate. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into him as our mouths tried to devour each other. It was weird at first, his hands on my body. These weren't soft, small girl hands. These were large, strong, rough man hands that were pulling my body against his, our bare chests rubbing against each other. He rolled me on my back and placed his larger body on top of me, our hard cocks pressing into each others rock hard stomachs. His rough hands explored my body, feeling like fire everywhere he touched me as his tongue raped my mouth. I ran my hands over his back, his strong, muscular back, relishing in the feeling of touching another man for the first time. I felt his powerful arms and grabbed his rock hard bubble butt as I moaned like a whore. After furiously making out for what seemed like an eternity, Colt pulled off me and looked down at my face, brushing my sweaty hair off my forehead. "You're so beautiful." He said. Now the straight guy in me should have been bothered by that, I suppose, but I think he was gone at this point. "So are you." I replied, looking deep into his eyes. Colt just started kissing my neck and chest before he planted one of his sexy lips on my nipple. He started sucking and nibbling on it, causing my cock to twitch as I gasped and moaned. He worked his magic on my nips before kissing his way down my stomach. He grabbed my 9 1/2 inch cock in his big hand and I gasped again at this new sensation. It felt so different than when a girl grabbed it. So much better. He licked the precum off the head before placing it in his mouth. He sucked on the knob as I squirmed before he slowly sank down on it, taking the entire thing down his throat. Holy shit! No bitch had EVER taken more than half my cock, and my best friend swallowed it with no problem! I groaned as I felt his throat muscles massage my shaft. Colt slid up and down my cock taking it to the root each and every time. He pulled off and grabbed some lube from the nightstand. Lubing up his finger, he started to insert into my ass. Now, I really should have stopped him at this point, but I was so high and so horned up, and everything up to now felt so amazing that I didn't even try to stop him. Colt slid his finger into me until I felt a jolt go through my body and my cock jumped. "Feel that baby?" He asked. "That's your prostate, and it makes you feel super good! Now just relax and let your bro show you how good it feels!" Colt stuck a second finger into me and started really rubbing it. I involuntarily spread my legs apart to give him better access. My cock felt like it was having one long, slow orgasm. "Oh yea baby." He moaned. "Look at all that precum! Your cock is like a river!" I looked down, and my stomach was covered with a big pool of it. Colt just leaned over and lapped it up like a puppy. Then he went back to sucking my cock. He added a third finger into my hole, and buried them as he worked my prostate. Soon, my whole body was shaking and I cried out as I exploded into the most intense orgasm I had ever had! Colt buried my cock in his throat as the first couple of jets shot off. Then he pulled back and took the rest of my cum into his mouth. After I stopped shaking and had given him the last of my load, he crawled up to my head and placed his mouth on mine. As I opened my mouth, Colt released the cum he was holding. We kissed as we rubbed my cum over each others tongue. Colt pulled off and loaded another pipe. "This one is all for you baby." He said, handing it to me. I didn't question him as I hit the pipe. He licked his finger and stuck it in the baggie, giving it a light covering of powder. "Now, this is going to burn a little bit." He said. "Just trust me baby, it'll pass." He stuck his finger in me as I took the fourth hit on the pipe, emptying it. I hissed as my ass burned while Colt finger fucked me. But he was right, it passed and was replaced by a new hunger. Colt made out with me as he lubed up his huge cock. "I want to take your virginity baby." He cooed in my ear. "Would you like that? Would you like your brother to take it? To be the first man inside you? Come on. Tell me you want it." "I do Colt!" I moaned. "I want it so bad! I want to feel you inside me!" "Good boy. That's what I want hear. Now, hit this." He said, handing me a brown bottle. "You're gonna need this!" I hit the bottle like I had seen him do before, and a new warmth rushed through my body, relaxing me. Colt climbed between my legs and lifted them up. "Now, when I start pushing in, you push out like you're taking a shit, got it?" I nodded. Then Colt started. He pushed against my butthole and I pushed back. I could feel my hole stretching and burning until it got to be too much. "Stop, please!" I begged him. "It's too big!" "Shhhh, I have faith in you." He said as he handed me the bottle again. "Take a few more hits." I hit the bottle a few more times as Colt kissed my neck. I could feel my asshole relax a bit as Colt started pushing again. I pushed back and Colt gave a sharp jab with his hips. His head popped past my anal ring and I let out a scream. Colt just covered my mouth. "Shhhhh baby. You did it. I'm inside of you. I'm so proud of you! Just relax and hit this some more." I hit the bottle a few more times and the pain subsided a bit. "Ok baby, ready?" He asked. "Cause here it comes. Now look at me. I want to see your eyes as I take you!" I looked at him through my tear stained eyes as he slowly started pushing into me. My insides felt like they were being ripped in two as his massive log sank into me inch by inch. I whimpered as he went deeper and deeper until eventually he had all 10 inches buried in me. "Oh baby, oh yeah! You did it!" He congratulated me as he kissed my neck. "You took all of me! I'm so proud of you. You got all of your brothers big fat cock buried in you!" He held it still for a while as my body adjusted to it. Then, he started to slowly fuck me. Just a little bit at first. Then gradually more and more. "Oh yea. Open up that pussy for me! Give me that hole! Give up that hole to your brother! Oh yea, you're loosening up baby, I can feel it. I'm gonna start really fucking you now!" And he did. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on tight as he started pounding me. The pain had passed and all I felt was immense pleasure. "Oh god Colt. Oh yea, fuck me man! Oh God you feel so good inside me!" "Oh baby, I've wanted this for so long. I love you so much Austin!" We started kissing again as he pounded my no longer virgin hole. He rode me hard for a solid 5 minutes before he started panting. "Oh god I'm gonna cum baby. Are you ready? Are you ready for your first big load of man cum in your pussy?" "Fuck yea bro, do it! Give it to me! Cum in me Colt! I love you too!" Colt squeezed me tight into his big, muscular body as he let out a roar and pumped me full of his seed. My cock shot off again between our rock hard stomachs as I was filled up with his cum.
    9 points
  3. All I had to do now was wait. My name is Charlie and I've been chasing now for years ...just an itch I have to scratch... my wife has no idea. I'd had my flashes where men would make plans to meet me, but never show up. Perhaps it was being let down once to many, but for whatever reason I decided to take some drastic measures. I vowed that this month was going to be *the* month I got pozzed. It took some time but I dug deep into the dark web. One site led to another, led to another, led to a link and endless emails but I was assured that these people were real - and that once steps had been taken, there was no backing out. That was fine with me as, to be honest, I didn't care what the personal cost - this was happening. I was sick of not being HIV+. I took 2 weeks vacation from work and said I was going to Chicago. I told my wife I was going to New York. I even bought new cell phones and mailed them to P.O. Boxes in those cities so I'd show up on cell phone towers as being there. The people to whom I had been speaking called themselves, "Poz Incorporated". They insisted that all instructions be followed to the letter. As commanded, I flew to New Orleans and found a run down dive motel that had been condemned years ago.."The Moonlight". I opened the door to room #8, with only the clothes on my back. No cell phone. No money. They even insisted that I walk the 3 miles from the airport to the hotel. The room itself was lit by a single blue light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Continuing to follow instructions, on the nightstand next to the bed was a syringe with a little something in it. I injected it without question as it was part of the deal. Whatever happens, I was now in someone else's hands. That was the point. Within a few minutes I felt so groggy that I laid down on the bed, face up. The room was spinning as a blindfold was placed over my eyes. "You've followed all the instructions so far - and you're the first that has.." I heard a deep voice say as I felt my legs being opened and a firm hand grabbing my cock, stroking me slowly. "It's a nice cock, we're going to enjoy owning it..." He chuckled. "Here's how this works...." Another voice began. I felt a cock sliding into my ass smoothly. There was no pain at all. Without thought I pushed down on it and moaned loudly in pleasure. "There are 3 of us here - and tonight you're going to take all of us in both holes - and when we're done, we're blood slamming you. In the morning, you WILL be pozzed - that we promise." Another man slipped his hard cock into my mouth slowly as he stroked my now rock hard cock. "The price is your life. There is no going home for you. We're wiping you from everything electronic. You'll never see your wife and kids again." He slowly explained. The man in my ass picked up speed a little fucking me. "You're a worthless cock sucking faggot, and soon you'll have AIDS. You're going to fuck anyone we tell you to fuck - in any way we tell you. You'll take cock....you'll give cock. You're going to spread HIV for us, mostly to people that don't know you're poz." Someone stroked me faster. And hard. VERY hard. It may be the same man that was now sliding his cock into one of my hands. "You don't have a choice in all this...you gave that up by coming here." I nodded in response as the man in my mouth and throat fucked me hard. I felt my legs being spread wider as I was being fucked harder. Deeper. "You're going to go viral and stay that way - no meds." The man in my hand started using it hard and fast. "You have about 5 years to live - but every day you're going to either fuck or get fucked about 5 times. It's going to be a short ride, but you'll enjoy every second of it." He was throbbing...I could feel it. I'd never had a man cum inside of my ass before now...the man stroking me had me equally as close. I moaned loudly as I was seconds away from cumming hard. Harder than I ever have in my life. My cock was rock hard now...harder than I'd ever been for a woman. I slide up and down the shaft in my ass, fucking him aggressively as someone stroked my cock tightly. My body convulsed as I started to cum. With my hands I gripped the sheets tightly. I felt the man in my ass shove hard - all the way in. His cock was throbbing and I knew he was pumping me full of his delicious seed. "Take it, Bitch!" He screamed. "Take this poz load!" He remained there for a few more moments, before pulling out....I could feel my cum on my chest and even my cheek. I'd cum the hardest I ever had. The man in my hand pulled out and slide his cock into my asshole. I was properly lubed and took him with ease. I felt a pin prick on my free arm. "This is my blood, bitch. It's high viral. For every cum shot in you, you're going to get slammed." Whomever was stroking me didn't stop after I came. "There it is, bitch...the proof that you're a fucking AIDS chasing whore. That was a nice shot - but we're not stopping. Cum all you want, this is an all nighter." I felt the man in my ass lean forward, and he put his hands around my throat. I didn't try to stop him. On the contrary, I wrapped my legs around his body and locked my ankles. He used long, steady strokes to fuck me, even holding it at the top of the push. "Your asshole is nice and tight, bitch....but don't worry, we'll change that." The man in my throat grabbed my head with both hands and started to fuck my mouth and throat harder. Faster. Deeper. He was throbbing and I felt it...I was in tune with his cock. It was only a few more seconds before he shoved his cock into my throat and held it there. "FUUUUCK!" He screamed as he came. Hard. I felt my neck being squeezed tighter by two big, strong hands. "You're going to pass out now, but don't worry....we're not stopping just because of that. We'll keep using your holes till dawn." As I started to pass out, my cock started to get hard again and I felt two more men grabbing my wrists. He fucked me full stroke, but began to speed up. "I envy you, bitch. As of now you've got no wife. No kids. All your needs will be met. All you have to do is get fucked all day, every day until you die. This is what true freedom feels like." Were the last words I heard before blacking out.
    8 points
  4. Chapter Thirteen Logan woke up to a hand over his mouth. His eyes got wide and he started to scream when Jack held a finger up, “Shut. Up.” He instantly calmed down as he realized hit was his brother. “You're going to stand up, quietly. And march into my room. You got that?” He nodded. “One peep and you're going to wake your friends up, and if you do that you're going to be the only one who regrets it.” He slowly lifted his hand and Logan whispered, “What's going on?” Jack just pointed to the door. The young jock knew better than to argue with his older brother, he just got up and walked out into the hall. Once Jack had closed the door behind him he asked, “What's going on?” Jack pushed him into his bedroom as way of an answer. I was sitting on Jack's bed, waiting. “You owe someone an apology,” Jack said. Logan looked at him for a moment and then to me, “Sorry Ev.” “Not even close to good enough,” Jack insisted. “What do you want me to say?” he asked his older brother. Jack pushed him towards me, “Make it up to him.” Logan stumbled closer to me, his eyes wide with apprehension. “Get down on your knees,” Jack ordered. I would have felt sorry for the guy if his cock wasn't fucking rock hard in his soccer shorts. He knelt down in front of me, looking up at me with those wide eyes. “Now try it again,” Jack said. “I'm sorry Everett,” his voice was low and had a little pout in it, “Please forgive me.” “How are you going to make it up to him?” Logan looked down at my cock, it was still soft but chubbing up some. He gulped and asked “Can I please suck your cock?” The way his voice cracked turned me on and I just nodded as my cock began to lengthen. He leaned in and took hold of it, his eyes glued to it as he licked up the shaft and to the head. He closed his eyes like he was french kissing it for a moment before shoving it into his mouth. I felt his tongue swirl around me and I left out a small moan in appreciation. The sound must have been a cue because he stopped just playing with it and started to service me seriously. I fell back onto Jack's bed as his little brother traced his tongue over the entire length of my cock. I looked up and say Jack looking down smiling at me, and I felt my mind start to fuzz up. I was getting turned on. Logan was good at this, I mean surprisingly good. I wondered how many cocks he had sucked before and who they had belonged to. Once my member was slathered in his spit he moved to my balls and under them. He sucked one into his mouth and rolled it around, making me call out in pleasure. Again my noises seemed to egg him on as he took the other one in his mouth and made me start to really lose it. He moved down to my taint and I spread my legs willingly, I was too far gone to care what was happening anymore. Which was when his tongue stopped and I heard Logan gasp. I sat up and saw his shorts were off now and Jack was behind him, rimming his ass. I sat there stunned as I watched Jack tongue his little brother's jock ass for all it was worth. Logan's eyes were closed and he was pressing back even as he said, “Come on Jack...please don't....” But I knew better than most, when Jack wanted something he got it. Instead of answering he smacked his brother's ass and spread his legs father apart, making Logan's face fall into my groin. This was fucking weird and super erotic at the same time. I lifted his head up and pulled it towards my meat, his mouth opened and accepted it willingly as he went back to serving me. I could tell when Jack hit his spot because he would gasp around my dick and shudder a little every time. When Jack came up for air he shoved a finger up the spit soaked hole and leaned in close to his little brother's ear. “Come on Logan, work that cock. Show me how much you are obsessed with Ev's cock.” Logan groaned as he worked up and down my cock faster, Jack looked up at me and winked as he shoved a second finger into him. Again he groaned around my cock which made me call out as the vibrations felt amazing. This went on for a few minutes, Logan blowing me, Jack finger fucking him, both of us in a state of horniness that was building faster and faster. Finally Jack had three fingers into his little jock brother and Logan was slapping his ass back as hard as he could, riding those fingers. Finally Jack pulled his hand out and slapped his brother's pert ass, “Ok, get up.” My cock popped out of Logan's mouth, his cheeks were red and his cock was leaking as he stood up. Jack grabbed a little brown bottle off his nightstand and shoved it under his little brother's nose, “Breathe in.” Logan looked like he was going to struggle but Jack grabbed the back his his head and held him to the bottle. “Jack no...” his brother protested but Jack held the bottle to his nose and kept his mouth closed this his thumb. Logan had no choice than to take a deep hit in one nostril. He continued to fight with Jack until it took hold and he slumped into his brother's arms. “Take another hit,” he said and this time Logan willingly inhaled. Jack put the bottle down and them moved his brother over towards me. “What are we doing?” Jack moved his brother over my lap, “Teaching him a lesson, grab your cock.” I took hold of my cock and it wasn't until Logan's ass touched the head did I realize what he was doing. “Wait are you...” I began to say. Then Jack pushed Logan down onto my cock. The younger jock was so out of it he just mumbled something as my head forced it's way into his tight hole. He seemed confused for a moment until my cock breached his ass and he let out a loud moan and slowly began to sink down my shaft. He was like a ragdoll, I held him upright as I felt inch after inch shove it's way into the high schooler's tight hole. He was babbling something but as I impaled him, his head thrashed from side to side and I heard, “noo.....” as the walls of his ass fluttered around my cock. Jack spread his legs over mine and he sank even further, a whimper escaped his mouth as he took the last two inches of my cock. His ass was so tight, hours and hours of soccer practice, squats, and probably being straight had made him so fucking tight it was amazing. His ass spasmed as he sat there, trying to accommodate my cock, which was as thick a a fucking beer can. He laid back against my chest as he slowly started to come to, his ass had not stopped quivering for a second. Jack slapped his little brother's cheek lightly, “Wakey wakey.” Logan's head dipped as he slowly started to come back to reality. “Wha...nononono...” he called out as his ass tightened up, “FUCK....” he screamed as he felt nearly ten inches of cock throb in his hole. “You like getting people high and fucking them?” Jack mocked. “Jack please....please....oh god...please...” “You think it's funny to just shove your cock into people?” “He liked it!” Logan cried, as he tried to pull himself off of my dick and failed, sliding back down it, “SSHIIITTT!!” “Well when we're done,” Jack said grabbing the bottle again, “So will you.” He held his little brother's mouth shut and plugged a nostril and watched as Logan inhaled empty once and then again. “Oh...please...of...” and then his voice trailed off to mumbles. Jack looked me in the eyes. “Fuck this cunt.” I pulled Logan up a few inches and again he half moaned and protested and then pushed him back down causing him to moan deeply. I waited a second and then repeated it, this time with less complaining. “Jesus Christ you're such a pussy,” Jack said taking my hands off of his brother's hips and taking hold of them himself. He pulled Logan halfway off my cock and then slammed him down hard. Logan's eyes flew open and his mouth opened for a silent scream that didn't come. His ass rippled around my dick as his ass muscles screamed. Jack didn't wait to give him any time to adjust, he pulled him back up and did it again and again and again. Each time Logan made a squeaking noise and his ass went nuts trying to clamp down on my dick. It felt amazing and at the speed Jack was shoving him down on me I wasn't going to last long. “S-slow down...” I warned and Jack let Logan go. The high school jock sank down my cock slowly, Logan moaning the whole time. “Dude maybe..” I began to say and then felt something... Logan trying to pull himself up off my cock. Jack just smiled at me as he watched his little brother try to fuck himself on my cock. His ass wasn't clenching any more and I had to assume my cock had just destroyed it completely. Logan was too out of it at the moment but he was moving his ass back and forth, trying to fuck himself as best he could. I grabbed his hips again and whispered in his ear, “You like this Logan?” and thrust my cock up. He grunted and then whimpered as I went up and down. “Come on Logan, you want more?” I pumped him again and another whimper and then a low, “ffuuuccc.....” “You want this Logan?” I did it again and again and again. Jack held his hand for me to stop after the fifth one so I did, and saw Logan move his legs around mine and shove himself back onto my dick. Jack leaned in, “You want that cock?” Logan nodded but refused to say anything. “Come on Logan...you want Ev to fuck you?” No comment, but his ass was still grinding against me. “Ok Everett, pull out. Guess he is straight.” I started to pull him off and his hands gripped mine, “Wait...” “Say it,” Jack ordered. Logan said nothing. Jack slammed him back down onto mu dick, “Say it!” Logan hissed a mournful, “Yeess.....” Jack grabbed his chin and forced him to look at him, “Admit it.” “Yes...please...” “Please what?” Jack asked. “Please fuck me...” I got right next to the cocky jock's ear and whispered, “Hold on.” I shoved my hips up, driving all ten inches of thick, fucking cock into him and he cried out in ecstasy. His hands braced themselves on my thighs as he steadied himself from my anal assault over and over again. His head was thrown back and he was crying out, “Fuck me, fuck me....fuck Everett.....fuck me....” I told you my cock had that effect on people. He was pushing back onto me, trying to drive even more of my horse cock into his stomach at this point. His meaty cock was flapping free, precum flying everywhere as he rode his first cock to an orgasm. I grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled his head back, “You like that? You like that cock?” “Fuck Ev, fuck...you're so....fuckkkk.....” “Feel that? That's a real cock, doesn't matter who fucks you now, all you'll crave is my cock. My fucking bull cock splitting you apart.” “Fuck..fuck....please Ev....wreck me...” “You got a pussy Logan? You got a little high school pussy?” “Fuck me, fuck my pussy...please Ev...please...” “You gonna crave this dick, dream about it. You're gonna be in the showering fingering your hole crying for this cock. Aren't you?” “Fuck yeah, fuck me...oh god Ev...your cock....” “You gonna have my babies Logan? You want me to shoot into you jock pussy?” “Breed me Ev...please....I need to be bred....” He could have been begging me to stop and I wouldn't have cared, I was too far gone and I need to blow a load into his little soccer jock so he would walk with a limp for the next week. I wanted this kid to get a doctor's note from school because I fucked him so hard. I wanted this brat to call me up in the middle of the night, and beg me to come over to fuck him, to breed him, to destroy his little hole with all the force my cock can bring. I grabbed his arms and pulled them back, and shoved into him as hard as I could, jackhammering up into him, trying to rearrange his guts. He was just squealing now, a sound I knew well from when I made it and knew he was about to blow. “Take my fucking load,” I roared and began to shoot into him. “oh, oh, oh...I can feel it I can feeel your cock....oh god it's warmm.....” His cock began to shoot everywhere, his ass clamping down on my dick as he came. Cum flew all over the place, on Jack, in the carpet on his two friends standing in the doorway jerking off to him getting fucked. He started to cum harder realizing they had been watching, a moan of shame escaped his lips as he fell of my cock and onto the floor. Jack and them huddled around them, “Look up,” Jack ordered as he stroked his cock, “Look up at us.” Logan looked up and saw the three cocks being stroked above his head. “Close,” one of the guys said. “Same...” another cried out. “Here it comes...” Jack said, his hand a blur. Logan, on his knees, my cum dripping out his ass, opened his mouth and closed his eyes as his friend and older brother shot their loads all over him. He moaned as the warm splashes fell onto his face, his tongue, everywhere. We had just witnessed the birth of a jock pussy in all it's glory.
    8 points
  5. Chapter 4: Share your toys After finally finishing up in the shower and washing off the mix of sweat, spit, piss, cum, and lube off of each of us, We agreed to move back to my room. Jason was able to walk on his own, but after all of the crystal my boys had fucked into me, and getting fully gaped my Matt's monster cock (as well as both boy's hands), my legs were like rubber and I was stumbling, so Matt wrapped his arm around me to pull me close to his heavily tattoo'ed, tall muscular frame; helping me walk to my bed. As Jason walked in first, he flopped onto my bed and Matt taunted him playfully, “UMMMM, you aren't supposed to be naked in daddy's bed, you are gonna get in trouble!” Jason replied, “I Hope I get a spanking” as the both let out naughty chuckles. Matt released his grip around me and helped me crawl into bed, climbing up Jason's ripped body, kissing and licking my way across his muscular thighs first towards his rapidly hardening cock. I worked my way towards the tip, and pulled back his foreskin to allow my tongue to run around his pricing and tease his piss slit while I used one of my hands to massage his balls. Not content to be left out, Matt had positioned himself beside me hand pulled me ass cheeks open before diving face first into my crevice and began to lick and suck at my battered hole. He reached a hand forward to grab my balls, grasping both nuts firmly in his large hands before frightening his grip and giving a quick firm tug. The sensation of this causing my hole to twitch, trying futilely to close, but making it much easier to reward his continued oral attentions with the full rosebud he was after. As I pushed my prolapse out into his hungrily sucking mouth, he began moaning lustfully and pushing his face into my ass with enough force that I let Jason's cock slip from my mouth as Matt continued to push my loudly moaning self up his sweaty older brother's frame. By the time I was face to face with Jason, he wrapped his arms around me to keep me from moving further as he began kissing me deeply. His rock hard cock grinding between our sweaty bodies as Matt continued to lick and suck the folds of the prolapse he had created. Jason's moaning soon picked up as well when Matt slid his hand back into his older brothers hole. The attention on his fuckhole caused Jason's grip to loosen enough that Matt was able to push me forward enough to position his older brother's poz cock against my hole. Realizing his intentions, I pushed back and my ass eagerly swallowed his cock as Matt brother continued to Jason's his hole. Matt's tongue dancing along his older brother's shaft as it slid in and out of my mancunt. Soon Jason began to try to buck his hips against his brothers wrist while his toxic cock began to thrust harder into my stretched hole. Within a few thrusts we are all in a good rhythm and it isn't long before the pounding on his prostate causes Jason to yell out, “FUCK YEAH! Take my load Dad! TAKE... MY... VENOM!” he yelled, punctuating each volley of cum into my ass with another obscenity before his body stopped shaking under me and he breathed heavily in post orgasmic relief. During Jason's last orgasm, Matt had removed his hand from his brothers stretched out ass and stood up to enjoy the view. As Jason and I laid there, limbs fully entwined and slowly kissing, he let out a short cough and said “Let's re-up Bro” before stepping out into the hall to get his supplies. He returned shortly later holding his black hand bag in one hand, and the largest of my double headed dildos in the other. The toy in his hands was given to me as a “gag gift” and I had never used it. 22 inches long and 8.5 around... Not sure what kind of cock it was designed to imitate, but it definitely wasn't human shaped. “Damn Jason! Look at the kinds of Toys Dad has been holding out on us... and after always making us share our toys...” he said with a sadistic tone before SLAP He brought his open hand down against my ass cheek and I let out a little moan, pushing my ass back slightly in approval, but not moving enough to cause his older brothers cock to slide from my hole. SLAP, SLAP the sound echoed in the room as he took more swings, these two much more forcefully, clearly leaving hand prints with each strike “And here you are riding your sons cock like a faggot whore!” SLAP “Taking your boys dirty loads!” SLAP “and taking our chempiss” SLAP “and being a junkie slut just (SLAP) LIKE (SLAP) US!!!” SLAP My ass was on fire. The last swing had been right against where his brother's cock was still anchored in me by his heavy piercing, but the force of Matt's blow caused Jason's dick to pop out, leaving a stream of his poz cum trickling from my ass. Jason yelled out at his brother, “Fuck dude!” before Matt replied, “Now that I have your attention, Ski Time” he said as he began producing loaded rigs from his bag. Jason slid out from under me an joined his brother as they proceeded to tie off and slam each other. Each coughing as their waves hit them. They turned and looked at my hungrily. Jason was the first climbing back to bed next to me, grabbing and holding my head in one hand to resume tongue dueling me while holding my leg up to give his little brother better access to my hole. I soon felt Matt's hand against my slick, gaping hole, his fingers entering with little resistance, but I still felt scratching, only to realize he was fingering more shards against the lining of my hole as my vision blurred and I began breathing very heavily, fighting the urge, but still letting out the occasional cough as he worked more and more into my hole before slipping out his hand. I could only let out a few grunts of protest as I pushed my ass back towards nothing, all I could think of was the empty feeling he had left, before I felt his attentions return to my hungry rosebud This time though, instead of his mouth, hands, or dick, Matt began to press the monster double header against my stretched hole. The cold rubber causing me to pull back slightly, but he patiently slid it in while carefully lubing it to ease it's entry. By the time it was about halfway in, I was feeling amazing, By now I was again on my back and fighting off continuing waves of near orgasm causing me to helplessly quiver between my two naked sons. I felt the pushing on the double header resume slightly, but when I looked down, I saw that now Matt was on his back like me, legs in the air as he pushed himself down on the other side of the monstrous rubber cock Between the slam he had just done and the amount he and his brother spent with their hands in each other, he was taking his half easier than I did, and in very little time he had pushed himself towards me to the point that our torn up ass lips were brushing against each other as we straddled the giant double header. Matt was clearly loving having his hole filled as his mammoth cock stood rock hard, pouring his diseased precum like a faucet. As Matt and I locked hands to continue pulling against each other, Jason stepped over us pointed his dick down before he began to let lose a stream of piss over both of us. His hot nectar splashing us both as he moved his aim back and forth across us before finishing his stream aiming at where our chemwhore holes were dueling over the double header before positioning himself over his brothers monster schlong and slowly lowering himself down, impaling himself on Matt's tree trunk. As Jason's ass reached the base of Matt's cock, Matt began using his ass muscles to push the double header out of his hole and deeper into mine. After a few inches though, he relaxes and allows me to push it back into him. We continue slowly pushing the 22 inches of rubber back and forth as Jason continues to grind down against his stretched ass pussy around his brothers toxic fuck stick, all while seductively gyrating his muscular body in front of me. I run my hands across he sweaty, perfectly defined pecs and begin to play with his nipples. They stand up eagerly as I gently pinch them and he moans in delight. The pressure in my hole too much though, and I soon find my shriveled party dick is unleashing a few sprays of my hot acrid piss, which Jason aimed at his dick which he was now jerking furiously. Apparently it was having similar effects on Matt, as he soon exclaimed, “Take my chempiss you dirty whore” before unloading his bladder in his older brothers stretched out hole.
    7 points
  6. 1. Halloween Preparations I had met Seth at the gym. He was a senior, and I think he noticed me checking him out. He was beautiful: about 5'11", muscular, but not too muscular, brown hair and eyes. He had a rugby player's build, stout and muscular, with a muscular ass. I was far to shy to say anything, especially after he caught me checking him out. But he just smiled at me, and despite my blushing, I smiled back. Luckily, we both moved on to different parts of the gym, and then he disappeared. I resolved to never work out at that time again. Unfortunately, he was waiting for me outside the locker rooms. He smiled again, and my ass twitched. "Like what you saw?" he asked me. Even though I was a freshman, I was hardly a virgin. In high school, I had a steady boyfriend, and we had done a lot of exploring. I had learned what I liked, and that was a thick cock up my hole. Safely, of course. But, also, of course, when I was watching porn, I only watched bareback porn. It was so hot to see a twink boy take a load of sperm from a hot man. I had to answer him. "Y-Yeah," I said. The chance of him beating me up here was almost zero. But I was still terrified. "Nice. Me too." He smiled, and licked his lips. "I'm Seth," he said. "Kenta," I replied. "I gotta run. Here's my number. Let's get a smoothie soon," he said. But Seth's social schedule was packed. I was reasonably popular, but I was still just a freshman. We actually ran into each other more at the gym. We checked each other out, and talked a bit. Once, I saw him in the shower. His dick was thick, even when he was soft. I tried not to stare too much. We finally did the smoothie, but we did it by skipping a class. He had a fresh joint, and we smoked it out in the park, sitting in the sun. He had told me about his home life. He was living in a complex relationship with three other guys, two older men, and then one a few years older than him. He passed the joint to me, and motioned me closer, as he pulled out his phone. He started showing me pictures of his family. I was now sitting right next to him on the bench. We were both in tank tops, and his skin was warm, and still a bit damp from the workout. His "husbands and brother," as he called them were just as hot as he was. I must have said something when he showed me Jon's picture. Jon was the first of the two husbands, and he was balding, bearded, hairy, and hung. He was totally my type, and my asshole was twitching. "Yeah," Seth said. "You'd like him." He continued to show me the other husband and the brother. JP, the husband, was almost better than Jon. I even liked Cal, the tall, lean gymnast brother, although he was far too similar to me in build. "You should meet them. They're great people." He swiped again, and it was another picture of Jon. This time shirtless, wearing a leather harness and jeans. "Wow," I said. "Yeah?" Seth asked. "Are you interested in that?" "It's hot," I said. "Really hot. But I haven't done anything like that before." "You should come over. We've got a lot of gear. You can see what it's like." He leaned in and kissed me. When he told me about his family, I thought he was off-limits. "This is totally fine," he said, almost reading my mind. This time, I kissed him back. The weed was hitting me, and I was horny. "I'd like that." All I could think about was the picture of Jon in the harness. He had been wearing gloves, and I imagined the feel of the warm leather against my skin. "And maybe you'd play with us," Seth said. I had seen videos like that. I had fantasized about it. But I had no idea where to find them. I think I was also scared of it. I had jerked off to the porn. But actually doing it was another thing. Health class had made the consequences so clear, and very scary. "Uh..." I started, utterly unsure what I was going to say. "It's cool," he said, and kissed me again. "Whatever you want." "No," I finally said. "I'd like that. It's just.." "You're a virgin?" he asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "No, no, not hardly. Just never done it with more than one guy." "Oh," he smiled. He kissed me again. "That's easy. We're good at this. Lots of practice." He paused. "By the way, what's your safer sex practice?" "Uh. Usually condoms." I don't know why I said "usually," since I always used condoms. "Cool. We're almost all on Prep or meds," Seth said. "So, we're safe that way." I had seen signs about Prep, and I hadn't really thought about it. But then, with my dick already hard and the weed kicking in, my mind wandered. I could take a raw cock. It was just a pill, and I had heard how easy it was to get at the campus health center. I could take Jon's raw cock. It was definitely the weed's fault, but I couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities. "I'll have to see about it," I said. "Yeah! That's great. You want to come over next Friday?" he asked. "We're doing a little Halloween post-party." "Sure," I said. "What kind of Halloween party? Costumes?" "Yeah. Don't worry about it. We'll get you into some proper leather beforehand. You'll fit right in." He smiled at me and gave me another kiss. We made out for a few more minutes, enjoying the freedom to do this out in public and the warmth of the late fall sun. But, finally, he had to be somewhere, and I had a lab section. Later, he texted me the details. He wanted me to have some time with his family first, before the rest of the party started. "Don't worry. JP and Cal get started on these things hours beforehand." My cock was stiff. By Japanese standards, I was hung. But I remembered the cock Seth had. He had made some comment that he was just average for his family, and I wondered how big Jon and JP must be. More than just my dick, my ass was itching. It had been a while since I had gotten fucked. I wanted to feel all of Jon, and didn't want him to miss any part of me. I looked up PrEP at the health center. It was easy and I had an appointment the next day. A day after that I had a bottle of pills. The doctor said I'd be protected just a few days later.
    6 points
  7. Hey guys, this is my first go at a story. If it works out then might do more. And if anyone wants to help any of it come true then message! It is hard to describe how much I love my master. He is tall, hairy chested and well built. As a skinny geek I know I am not worthy of his attention. No matter how much I beg him he never fucks me raw though- it's his decision and he will know when the time is right. One day I arrived at his to find BBRT open on the computer. I know he fucks around as is an alpha's right so I didn't think much of it. He told me to look at the computer and see what I thought. It was the tinky town bike, Dan, that always gets the bears. It didn't surprise me that my master was interested in him - all the real men are. I also wasn't too surprised to see he was poz. I was astounded though to see he'd added "gives loads" to his account. Brad, my master, said "yeh - he converted a few weeks ago, still highly toxic and he wants to make the most of it". When he saw my trackies bulging he said - "I'm glad that's your reaction because your the cumdump he's gonna earn his top stripes on". Just then the doorbell rang and in walked Dan - the slutty little twink wasn't even wearing a top when he arrived. Brad took his top off to reveal his furry chest and said "down boys" . I pulled down his shorts and his hard 8 incher sprang out solid. We both hungrily sucked on it in turns jostling for position the way Brad likes it. Then Brad said - "you've wanted me to bareback you - now is your chance to prove yourself worthy - take Dan's poz cock - that way I'll know your ready for my potent seed". Dan and I got on the bed and kissed for a bit before he nuzzeled his cock on my hole. After a bit it slid in and felt so good raw. I was nervous but Brad said "don't worry I'll look after you". Dan fucked me passionately for a bit before saying "where do you want my cum". To my surprise I replied "in my ass - breed it". He shot cumload and cumload in me and said "fuck I see why tops do it!". I looked round to Brad and his raw cock was throbbing...
    4 points
  8. Over the years I have cycled through many toys but dildos and butt plugs are my most used. I like to have a plug in most of the time when not being bred. It’s like a pacifier for my pussy.
    4 points
  9. Part Seventeen I fell asleep downstairs after awhile, there was only so many times you could watch the three of them have sex before you had to take a break. After Sammy had fucked John silly they had brought Eli in and it started all over again finishing with Eli riding John's cock while Sammy fucked John. Then Sammy fucked Eli while he blew John and me and then I fucked Eli while Sammy went at John again. After the fourth round I tapped out and came downstairs. I was awoken by Sammy sitting down next to me, opening a beer and downing it pretty quickly. “Thirsty?” I asked. He looked over at me, sweat matted hair on his forehead, fresh cum on his pecs and a smile as wide as all outdoors on his face, “Gave them alone time,” he explained handing me a beer of my own “They're still at it?” I asked sitting up and taking a drink. “You have any idea how long Eli has lusted after John's cock? Trust me, those two will be fucking until something falls off.” “And you? How was fucking John?” He leaned back with a contented smile, “Perfect. The way he looks at me now, the reverence he has, the way he waits on my words...it's fucking perfect. No one will ever know I own those two completely.” “We own them,” I reminded him, finishing my beer. He nodded, “Of course, you made it happen. I mean I wouldn't have even thought about raping my brothers without you.” “There's that word again...no one really gets raped.” He raised an eyebrow, “You think?” “Not if you do it right,” I explained, “I mean people do get raped don't get me wrong, but what we did to your brothers, what I did to you, was just unlocking what you were too afraid to find.” “So then it isn't rape, it's what? A gift?” I nodded, “Exactly, I gave you all a gift,” I giggled at the thought. “Cool, I am so glad to hear that,” he said taking the empty beer can from my hand. “Uh-huh...” man I was still tried, “You'll thank me eventually...” “Oh I'll thank you now,” he said pushing me back on the couch.” I looked up and saw him hovering over me, “God you're beautiful.” Did I say that out loud?” “You think I'm hot?” he asked, his eyes staring down into mine. I nodded, “For sure...hottest guy I've ever met...” He leaned down and kissed me, “How hot?” I kissed him back, my entire body reacting to his presence, “So hot, your fucking body, your fucking smile...and that cock...” He sat up and straddled my chest, “This cock?” he said, waving his half hard member in my face. “So fucking hot...” I said looking up at it. “Open your mouth,” he said. I opened it wide. “Stick out your tongue.” I thrust my tongue out, mere inches from my prize. “How bad you want my cock?” “So bad...please...” My words shocked me for a moment. And then he pressed the head of his cock onto my tongue and it was forgotten. The head of his cock filled my entire mouth as he pushed it in. “More tongue,” he barked and I complied as fast as I could. Again there was something not right but when I looked up and saw him over me, pressing that fucking monster deeper down my throat, my mind went fuzzy and I did my best to swallow it. “Open your throat,” he said as his head hit the back of my throat, “Don't gag...swallow...” he smacked me upside my head when I choked and I doubled down on trying to keep my breathing steady. I felt the head of cock slip down my throat and I did my best to accomdiate the length of his shaft as he pressed it there and started to skullfuck me. He held the sides of my head and I felt my eyes water as he forced hs lngth down my throat. I'd never deepthroated someone before so my first instinct was to panic, but his voice kept me level. “Breathe through your nose...come on...don't pussy out...you can take...yeah there you go...that's it...god I can see your throat bugle...” He put his hand over my throat as he pushed in and out of my mouth. “So good....you're making me feel so good...” I felt a rush of warmth as he praised me and I did my best to take even more of his dick. He slowly slid his cock out and I panicked, thinking I had done something wrong... What the fuck? “Lick my balls,” he said moving his shaven balls over my mouth. I started to lick them automatically but this felt weird...my thoughts wouldn't focus and I was missing something...” He forced himself own on mu mouth, “More, come on get those balls in your mouth.” I tried but they were so fucking big I could only manage one at a time. He had grabbed the top of my head and was maneuvering me to where he wanted my mouth to be, when he found a spot he liked he would coo and say, “Right there...more....come on lap at them.” And I did, but why was this happening? “Other one,” he ordered and I spit out one and took the other into my mouth before he snapped at me. Again he moved me where he wanted until I hit whatever spot he was looking for. “That's it, come on baby...work that tongue...harder...you make me feel so good...” His words turned me on and I doubled my efforts, even as I felt something in my mind screaming at me. He moved up and I licked his taint lower and lower, He spread those perfect, muscular asscheeks apart and positioned his tight little hole over my mouth. “Come on...show me how much you want this...” Part of me wanted to push him off of me but the urge to give him pleasure was too much and I shoved my tongue into his ass, trying to make him feel as good as possible. “Oh fuck yeah...that's it...come on...harder....harder!” I was desperate to get more of my tongue in there, I grabbed his cheeks and spread them myself. I pulled him down on my face as I pleasured him, his oohhhssss and ahhhhsss were turning me the fuck on. My own untouched cock was hard as a rock but for some reason I didn't touch it, all I could think about was serving Sammy. “You got them?” he asked. I nodded, as I tried my hardest to get him off. “Yeah, these?” a voice asked and I realized two things. One, we weren't alone and two, he wasn't talking to me. “Yep,” Sammy said, “Hand me the mask.” I paused for a moment and he got off of me, I saw Eli and John looking down at me, naked as the day they were born. “What's up?” I asked, embarrassed they had caught me with their little brother shoving his ass on my face. “Here,” Sammy said all of a sudden and out a mask over my mouth. “Breathe in.” I complied automatically, until I saw what it was. “NOOOO!!!” I cried as I tried to knock the popper mask system I had made off my mouth. But Sammy forced it down harder, pushing my back into the couch. “You can only hold your breath for so long...” he warned me as I tried to fight, but my limbs felt like I was underwater. It was only then I realized he had dosed my beer and I was already fucked up. I struggled as long as I could but my lungs began to burn and I had to take a huge gasp of air...which was mostly poppers. He took the mask off and I tried to sit up as quickly as I could, maybe I could run and get... And my whole world tilted sideways as I fell back onto the couch. “Ok hand me the rubber band,” Sammy said. I felt something tie off around my bicep and though I was completely out of it, I knew what was coming. “Please...” I moaned, unable to actually talk. “Shh...” Sammy said as he pressed my syringe to a vein, “I'm giving you a gift....” I felt the last of the liquid MDMA enter my system and my whole brain just fuzzed out. My panic vanished and I felt a sense of just euphoria come over me. I looked up and saw Sammy looking down at me, “How you feeling?” I could only laugh. “Get him upstairs, and cuff him up.” John nodded and picked me up, it felt like I was flying. “Why?” Eli asked, his voice sounding a million miles away, “He's already out of it.” “Because he deserves the whole treatment,” Sammy said getting in my face, “And I want to make sure he holds still when he finds out what it feels like to get fucked by the Parker brothers.” His words just made me giggle and I heard him order John, “Get him upstairs.” I was flying again up the stairs...and then blackness...
    4 points
  10. Will call this fiction. I can't post it on your last load section. Back at the park and ride. Checked in bareback RT for hookups and watching porn. Guy visiting from LA hits me up and asks if there's a place to hook up. I tell him to come to the park and ride. He's a hot Hispanic guy middle-aged. Slim smooth brown skinned nice narrow 7-in cock. hot as fuck. we go back into the woods. We start out he's fingering my ass. I'm hitting the poppers. Then this daddy shows up. Masculine Butch. bald head. Nice looking guy. He and the Hispanic dude play for a while and I watch. I kind of thought I was going to lose out. But the daddy dude did his business and left. He thanked me on the way out for letting him interrupt. Was fucking hot. The hispanic guy sucked his dick and ate his ass. After the daddy left. The hispanic guy and I started playing again. I sucked his cock and he told me to get it wet so he could fuck me. I got it really wet and then bent over. hit the poppers. He worked that 7-in cock up into me and started pounding my hole. He pulled out and asked if I wanted to fuck him. I did but for some reason I couldn't get it up. The thing about this guy is that his profile said he was undetectable. I asked him if he really was undetectable he didn't answer the question. we went back to fucking. His cock sliding in and out of my hole. It was amazing. Loved feeling his cock banging on my prostate. Then he started talking dirty. ask me if I wanted his poz load. I asked if he was undetectable. He kind of sort of answered. But I just decided to take it. I told him to breed me. Cum in me. Poz my hole. And he did. He shoved his cock deep in me and just unloaded his jizz deep in my body. After a minute he pulled out and I clenched up to keep his cum. He was a happy camper I was a happy camper. I stuck two fingers into my hole and pulled out some cum and licked it. told him I like the taste of ass cum He agreed. He went his way and I went mine. Now I have a poz load in my neg hole.
    3 points
  11. Got to raw fuck a fellow party goer last night😃 He was friend of friend, ended up in spare bedroom. He waited until his buddy left him alone before he got slutty, and I took full advantage. Used some spit as lube and slid in rough, fucked him for like 4 minutes, and nutted hard. He grunted and seemed uncomfortable, but I didn't care much. I didn't even give him a reach around. Lol We were back down at party before anyone missed us. Hoping he enjoys my Halloween gift the rest of his life.
    3 points
  12. The toilet seat is a rim chair - I have one of my own and used it with my last playmate. There is NO better way to get deeper up a hole with your tongue than having a guy sit on the seat while you're laying below, This one even has handles (which I now want) so the guy getting eaten out and pull himself DOWN. It's a little risky to be the ass eater with someone new in this position since you're pretty well trapped. But I LOVE eating hole with someone I KNOW is clean in this position. The bottom can seriously push his hole out and I can get deep inside. LOVE having a bottom ride my face, then ride my cock going back and forth!!
    3 points
  13. I may have already replied to this topic but I was in a long term relationship with my step dad until I was 18. I credit everything am today from him.
    3 points
  14. We're starting to see the true colors of Trump supporters on full display - not that anyone with an IQ above room temperature couldn't see it already. In Texas, a group of Trumpanzees driving pickup trucks with Trump flags tried to force a campaign bus from the Biden Campaign off the road between San Antonio and Austin, in order to disrupt a rally in Austin. Clearly there's a contingent of Trump Twits who are scared to death of actual democracy, of people getting to vote for the candidate of their choice, and they're willing to use violence to disrupt their opponents' candidacies, just like you'd see in one of those countries Trump calls a "shithole" - the kind of place he's trying to turn the US into. And what does the candidate himself think of this? He retweeted images from the incident with the caption "I LOVE TEXAS". Categorically unfit to be president.
    3 points
  15. Carl, my sexy otter who I forgot to mention is a gorgeous strawberry has invited 2 top guy over to join us & breed 2 or 3 loads each in me before taking turns in us both. I’ve had 6 of his load up me and just enjoyed a very horny piss fuck in the shower! I love feeing his big uncut dick thrusting up me making me howl with ecstasy! The lads coming to join us are both strong dark haired, blue eyed, stocky hairy east London lads both about 9” uncut & heavy cummers. Can’t wait to have my cunthole squelching & cum farting as is gets used by 3 big uncut dicks! Would love a big group on guy using me as their cum dump right now! 🤤🍆💦💦 Pic is my cum sloppy cunthole 🤤
    3 points
  16. Chapter 3: You're still mine Saying I was surprised to look up to see my boy towering above me and I was kneeling between his older brothers legs is an understatement... I coughed and spit out the last of his piss from my mouth. As the chempiss and spit trickled down my belly, I tried to stand but the chempiss was kicking in fast and I fell back against Jason, who managed to catch and steady me with his massive muscular arms. “Easy there dad”, Matt said as he stepped forward and slightly leaned down to plant a deep passionate kiss on his older brother Jason. I sat down and leaned against the wall of the shower and looked up to fully take in the sight before me. My oldest, Jason, seemed fairly short at 6'1” compared to his younger brother's towering 6'6” frame; but what Jason lacked in height, he more than made up for in muscle mass. Matt clearly spent a lot of the time at the gym, and had a 6 pack and v-cut to prove it, but Jason could dominate body building competitions... And while Jason had a light “Dusting” of dark black fur from head to toe, with his natural blond hair and trimmed bush, Matt's body looked relatively hairless. Which made him quite the canvas for the assortment of tattoos covering him from collar to toe, including full sleeves on each arm. The last difference that really surprised me was the difference in their dicks. Jason was sporting 8.5 inches, about 7 inches around, and uncut with what I would learn was a 2 gauge PA (Glad he inherited Barb's Dad's dick... which I knew was as long but a little thinner, thanks to a time when we got drunk and blew each other) But Matt on the other hand... HOLY SHIT. Matt's cock was HUGE... “Damn boy, how big is that thing” I asked as it swung before me Matt looked down at me, then at his hardening cock and beaming with pride, replied “13 inches long, and just under 9 around” As he spoke, he took it in his hand and waved it back and forth in front of my face. His long foreskin completely covering the head and hanging lose off the end. My boys then joined me on the floor of the shower, the hot water still raining down as the positioned themselves on both sides of me, As Jason began tweaking my nipples, Matt put a hand behind my head and pulled me in for his first deep kiss. As he dug his way into my mouth, I found out he had his tongue pierced as his barbell lightly clinked against my teeth. As I was once again getting lost in the sensations, he broke off our kiss and looked to his brother, “So, did you ask him?” “Oh, shit, no, not yet” Matt replied. “Ask me what?” I said, trying to assert some of my old “fatherly tone” (but completely failing) as I looked back and forth at my two sexy sons. “Well, a couple things... when I saw your post and your profile online and saw it was you and” Jason began to stutter as Matt coughed loud and punched him in the shoulder before blurting out “about me dumbass, we are here like this so he is obviously down to get charged up like us” he snapped at his brother. Jason punched his brother back before snapping back, “we just started, and I have been warming him up to ask him that and the other things and” Just then Matt reached his hand down, grabbed his brothers balls and gave them a quick tug and twist, but before he could continue arguing with his brother, Jason reached down, grabbed Matts nuts and began twisting and pulling them just as aggressively. I looked down and saw both of my boys hands on the others balls, each pulling and stretching hard enough that they both turning red but each of them refusing to back down to the other. The familiar feeling of my boys doing their brotherly fighting with me in the middle brought back enough instinct that I grabbed each of them by the ears and pulled them back apart until they eased their grips on each other and looked at me. “BOYS, I like the kinky tone your squabbling has taken on over the years you have been away, but nither of you is torturing my nutts, and Matt, Clearly you have something you want to ask that can't wait, So we are going to go around and each ask our most pressing question... Total honesty” I said as released their grips. Both of them looking up at me with puppy dog eyes as they tilted their heads, just like all the times I had to punish them when they were little. I reached over and brushed Jason's hands off of Matt's balls before replacing his grip with mine. I looked him in the eyes, licked my lips, and said, “Matt, you go first” Matt raised his face to look directly at mine; at the same time, he released his grip on his brother, before wrapping his large muscular hand around my dick and balls and giving them a HARD tug. Then he asked, “I have always wanted to know, I don't look anything like you or Jason, and I know Mom is my Mom, but we know she and mike are swingers, so I have always wondered...” he sheepishly trailed off, afraid to ask the question that always bothered him. “Spit it out” I scolded as I gave his huge nuts a stern tug and twist “Are you really my dad?” he blurted before looking down, just like when he was little and afraid of something on TV. “Matty” I said as I released his balls and pulled his chin up till we were both looking each other eye to eye. “You are now, and have always been my son, and while you are probably not as sweet, you are still my baby boy... but yes...no... I mean, biologically, I am pretty sure the guy who knocked up your mom that night was the Scandinavian sailor, pretty sure he tried knocking me up too with all the loads he left in me...but it was a swingers party, we didn't know anyone there. And we were never able to track him down... but that didn't change the fact that I raised you as my own, and when your Mom took you and Jason away, it hurt just as much; but I thought it was what would be best for you two” I said as I gave him a soft loving kiss to re-assure him, and gave him a look that let him know that that no matter what, as far as I was concerned, he was mine. At this point, Jason calmly placed his hand on his brother's forehead and gently pushed him back, “OK, My Turn” he said eagerly, however as Matt still had my nuts in much less aggressive, but still firm grip, he instead reached under my leg, and rolled me sidways to face his brother as he pulled the huge plug from my hole with a loud wet plop before sliding his fat 8” effortlessly into my gaping hole, balls deep. As he slowly moved it back and forth, he reached around and pulled his brother closer, sandwiching me between their ripped muscular bodies. “Well” Jason said, “I guess the first thing I want to know right now...our lease is up at the end of the month, and we were in the area because we were looking for a new place to live where we could be... “us” without having to worry...sooo, could we move back home here with you?” he said as he slowly long dicked my hole (trying to butter the old man up I see) I pushed back my hole and without hesitation replied, “fuck yeah boys; we will have to get another fake bed to put somewhere in case we ever have to keep up appearances, But I have a big bid, and I want to go to bed every night in between my two beautiful sons” I said in a haze between the chems in my system and the monster cock massaging my prostate now it was my turn, as I pushed back to meet Jason's thrusts. I let out a struggled, “I have always thought it was kinda hot, but was always too scared to go through with it... do you two really want to knock me up? Breed your old man and make him a toxic slut like you are? I blurted in my t and sex filled haze. “Fuck yeah daddy” Jason said eagerly as he picked up the pace. “Poz and then some...we both recently tested poz for siph but haven't started meds yet, and this morning Matty found a sore by his piss slit that we need to go back to the doc for. At this point I had crossed so many lines, I didn't hesitate to reply, “Fuck yeah Jason, breed my fag pussy, and make me just like you two” I said as I continued to push back to meet my oldest son as he thrust his toxic cock into my now wet and sloppy hole and I leaned forward to lock lips with his bigger little brother. “FUCK. YES. TAKE. IT.SLUT” Jason yelled, each word punctuated with an even harder thrust, his PA clearly tearing up my ass up further with his PA as he began shooting another load into my stretched out hole. As his body convulsed, he pulled me against him with all his strength, and to my confusion, Matt broke away from our triple embrace to stand up as he said, “Gotta grab something, back in a sec...Jay, help dad get on his back on the fuck bench and turn the water off for a sec. He said before striding out of the room like he already lived here (again). Jason reluctantly pulled out and helped me up. We turned off the showers and as I was climbing onto the bench, Matt re-entered and walked over to me. With me on the fuck bench, his massive cock was once again at eye level. He walked over until his horse cock was only a few feet from my face. “If we're doing this, we're doing it right” he said before he used his left hand to peel the foreskin back and reveal his massive cockhead. Jason was right, there were some angry looking sores forming around his piss slit, and a few smaller bumps along the ridge of his head. A small amount of cock cheese was also making his cockhead look more infected. He took his other hand and revealed another shard of T. He ran the shard across the ridges on his dickhead and then across the red sores near his slit before pushing it all the way into his dick hole. He also had a metal sounding rod which he then used to push the shard several inches deeper into his cock before slowly sliding the rod out. I briefly saw some red streaks along the length of it as he walked over and placed the rod on the sink. “Hold his legs up bro, help me knock up our dad, we are gonna be bound by DNA one way or another!” he said as we walked forward and placed the head of his massive cock against my hungry gaping hole. “Breed me son” I said as I looked into his eyes... It was all the motivation he heeded as in one brutal thrust, he shoved his cock over halfway into my hole. Even with all the chems and stretching from Jason, Taking Matt's cock for the first time still hurt like hell. “Don't worry Dad, this will help” Matt said as his body tensed up and he shoved another quarter of his dick into my beyond stretched hole as his big brother helped pull my cheeks apart. The feeling of fullness then began to greatly intensify, along with a new level of burn, “OH FUCK YES” Matt exclaimed, “I have had to piss since I got here” he said as he unloaded his bladder into my already full hole. The thickness of his cock being the only think keeping it from spraying back out as he continued to unload. My vision blurred and I began coughing heavily...”FUCK” I thought...Matt's slampig chempiss was MUCH stronger than Jasons. It was like I read in the stories about people getting slammed. I tried to say something, but all that I could get out was “please.... fuck... me...”between coughs as I pawed at Jason's torso to try to pull him towards my mouth as I wrapped my legs around Matt and tried pull him in closer to me, not realizing he had already pushed in balls deep and had begun slowly fucking me with the baseball bat he called a cock. All I can remember is a primal need to keep nursing the cock in front of , as the man with a horse cock was literally tearing my hole to shreds. The next few hours were a total blur as both of my son's took turns fucking me, as well as each other, with an abundance of wet sloppy fisting mixed in. --------- That's it for now, but if yall want more, I would like to see this story go further too.
    3 points
  17. There was no question I was a slut when I really lost my virginity. But until that night I always got fucked with a condom, no if, ands, or buts about it. I was dancing at a club with friends when I noticed this guy staring at me. He was tall, lean, and blonde. We couldn’t stop staring at each other, and before I knew it he had pulled me from the guy I had been dancing with and we were grinding on each other to the music. Needless to say we ended up back at my place. As soon as he closed the front door we ripped each other’s clothes off, grabbing and sucking as much skin as we could. Ending up on my bed I went crazy when he started fingering my hole. In anticipation I reached into my drawer to grab lube and a condom. “I just need the lube,” he said. That freaked me out. “I only get fucked with a condom,” I said pushing him off. “No glove, no love.” We were both rock hard, so I wasn’t surprised when he took the condom and put it on. He slowly pushed into me, filling me up with what I loved most in the world. Cock. We kissed as he thrust into me, going faster with each pump. Before I realized what was happening he pulled out, flipped me onto my stomach, and rammed back into me. The only thing I loved more than cock was being dominated, so at this point I was in heaven. He kept pulling all the way out and shoving his big dick back in, until suddenly the fuck was just better. I started moaning louder than I ever had before, feeling more sensation than I swore I usually did. Something in me changed then. I became more aggressive, thrusting back, needing to feel his dick rubbing against my hole. We must’ve cum together because we both started howling at the same time. For some reason the inside of my ass felt hot. It was such a turn on! “Thanks for the fuck. Gotta go,” he said pulling out. Before I knew it he was gathering clothes and bolting out my room. I tried following him to the door, wanting to ask if we could hook up again. How could I not after the best fuck of my life? But I got to the living room in time to see the front door slam shut. Sad I’d never get to feel that dick in me again I rubbed my sore ass trying to soothe it. That’s when I felt something wet against my crack. I dug in, trying to figure out what it was when it dawned on me. Taking a look at my finger my biggest fear was confirmed. The jerk had cum in my ass! To say I was pissed off would be an understatement. I noticed the used condom on the floor, and it was empty. I looked at my finger slick with cum when an odd thought came to me. I wanted to lick it. So I did, and I couldn’t believe how good it tasted. I dug my finger into my ass again, feeling just how squishy it really was. Pulling it out I knew I was being dumb, but for some reason I couldn’t help myself. I needed to taste my stealther’s cum leaking out of my ass! After a minute of dipping and licking, I realized exactly what I was doing. Horrified I ran to the shower and scrubbed myself all over, taking extra care to clean my ass. The next day I started taking PrEP to try to mitigate the risk of getting HIV. For a week I was a mess until I got tested, racked with guilt and terror. Terror that I had savored eating cum from a stranger out of my ass and terror that I had been infected with an STD. My tests came back clean, but I knew it would be months until I really knew if I was still NEG. I stayed celibate for a few weeks trying to be extra cautious. But with how much I loved sex I couldn’t resisted a good fucking for too long, so I was extra careful to make sure all my partners were clean and played safe. Unfortunately something was lacking. The first few times I just couldn’t cum. The friction I had always enjoyed while my ass was getting plowed just wasn’t enough anymore. By my fifth hook up I tried something I had been reluctant to do but was sure would work. I imagined myself getting bred, and sure enough I came buckets. After that encounter I was freaked again because I admitted something to myself I hadn’t wanted to. Being fucked raw was soooo much better than being fucked with a condom. It was no contest. But it was also dangerous. I went online looking up the dangers of fucking without condoms to remind myself why I had to forget about the best fuck of my life. That led to me finding the site that would change my worldview forever. Breeding Zone. At first I couldn’t believe what I was reading. People got off on chasing HIV? How could people actually want to be POZ? And stealthing. That was just fucked up. I knew from experience people did that and I was pissed people found it hot. I wasn’t amused when I noticed my own dick was hard reading stories about it. Before long I was obsessed. This whole time I kept hooking up, still vigilant about condoms. But every time I read posts or stories from Breeding Zone, the more frustrated I became. I did not want to use condoms anymore. They sucked. All they did was keep me from feeling the euphoria I had felt when I was stealthed. One day I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I did something I thought I’d never do. I made a profile on a site all about bareback hook-ups, BBRT. I was nervous making my profile. Taking a picture of my exposed ass was awkward, but also the most erotic thing I had ever done. My profile said: New to bareback. Trying to see if I really want it. It wasn’t long before I got responses. Some of the guys were really hot! Unfortunately they were also POZ. I still wasn’t ready to risk getting HIV, so I only responded to guys who were NEG. That first time was like an awakening. I went over to his place, still not sure about what I was doing. I brought condoms over, both out of habit but also hoping that maybe I could talk him into using one. When I got there I couldn’t believe how ripped he was. As soon as we were naked I was worshipping every inch of him, paying extra attention to his dripping dick. I started having doubts about the encounter when he put me against a counter so my ass was facing him. Then he rimmed me, dipping a finger in from time to time opening my hole up, making me forget the hesitation that had been building. But when he pressed his dick to my pulsing hole the need to tell him to stop, put on a condom, came over me. Then he pushed in, and I was officially a bareback bitch. He fucked me hard, making me moan louder than I had since the night I was introduced to the joys of getting bred. “Yea! Come on, harder!” I shouted. “Bred my ass!” “Yea bitch! I’m gonna fill your fucking cunt full of jizz! You want that? Don’t you faggot?” No one had ever spoken to me like that during sex, and to my surprise I loved it. “Hell yea! Cum in my ass!” I couldn’t believe I was begging for his load. Only months before I had been all about safe sex, and here I was screaming for him to breed me. I swore to myself I would never ask for a condom again. I was now a condom free zone, and I couldn’t have been happier. He filled me three times that night, and the next night I was getting loaded by another guy. I changed my profile to make what I wanted clear: My hole is meant to be loaded! Fill me with cum. NEG only. After a few weeks I realized something. I had become twice the slut I was before. While I had been fucked two, maybe three times a week before, I was now getting bred at least four or five nights a week. It wasn’t long before I’d hook up with several guys a night. One thing I was still careful about though was making sure the guys I hooked up with were NEG. Of course with how many hot POZ guys there were on BBRT, the temptation to break my rule was ever present. One night a guy messaged me who had the most beautiful body and dick I had ever seen. I knew I needed to have him fuck me, but before I could tell him to come over I noticed something. He was POZ. True, he was undetectable, but he was still POZ. I started messaging him back, telling him we wouldn’t be able to meet, when I remembered something I had read on Breeding Zone. Guys who were undetectable weren’t nearly as contagious as guys with high viral loads. The truth was guys who claimed to be NEG could be riskier cause if they didn’t realize they were infected their viral loads could be really high. That thought played through my mind as I debated over what my answer should be. Finally I decided. Fuck it. He was worth the risk. So that night I had my first POZ load. Once again I changed my profile: Breed me! There’s nothing I love more than sucking on a hot dick before its shoved up my ass to fill me with hot jizz! NEG preferred. Undetectable guys cool too. With the pool of guys open to me wider, I was soon getting fucked everyday. I started trying new things too. I was hooking up with one guy when he had to stop for a minute to take a piss. I said it without thinking. “Wanna piss in my mouth?” I blushed harder than I ever had before. I was about to say never mind when he grabbed my head, shoved his dick in my mouth and let loose. Gulping his piss down I thought it would never end, and it wasn’t long before I hoped it never did. Not long after discovering a love for piss I discovered another favorite pastime. Glory hole breeding. I had gone to a sex shop looking for some new toys when I realized there were video booths in the back. Curious I tried one out, turned on by the fact that I was watching porn and jacking off in what was essentially a public place. Soon I noticed a hole. Looking at it I wondered what it was for when a huge dick pushed through. I couldn’t believe it. I had found a glory hole! The need to go down on my knees and suck that dick was overwhelming. But I knew better than to hook up with someone whose face I hadn’t even seen. At least I thought I did until I found myself bobbing up and down on it, getting off on the fact that it was the most anonymous sex I had ever had. I whined when the guy pulled away, his dick going back to the other side. I started to get up to leave when I heard him. “Turn around. I want to fuck you.” At first I was alarmed. What kind of guy did he think I was? But my pants were already down and I was horny. For a moment I hesitated. I didn’t even know what this guy’s status was. With how much dick I was getting some were bound to be POZ with high viral loads just accounting for liars, but this was random sex on a whole different level. Bending down to pull up my pants I froze when he stuck his dick through again. That did it. Quickly I stepped out of my pants, turned around, grabbed his lubed up dick and pressed it to my now always lubed hole. Pushing onto him I felt like the biggest slut in the world. I loved it! Matching each thrust I focused on the feeling of his raw dick, basking in the euphoria it always gave me. When he came I came harder than I had ever done so before. It occurred to me my orgasms become stronger each time I did something more taboo. That realization was the nail in the coffin for my transition. Within a week I started to frequent bathhouses, getting as many loads as I could. I put out notices on BBRT and Craig’s List to make sure I’d get as much anonymous dick as possible. Between work and breeding sessions I barely slept. Status no longer became a concern of mine. All that mattered was that a guy had a dick and bred my hole. My BBRT profile now read: I take all cummers! No load refused! Bred me! Piss in me! Share me with your friends and strangers!!!!! Like I said status no longer mattered to me. Before long though POZ guys started to become an obession. One reason was because despite my year of high risk fucking I was still NEG. All the sluttiest guys I had come to know and hang out with were all POZ. I wondered how come I wasn’t too. Whenever I’d meet another NEG slut I’d be amazed I had found someone else like me. Then he’d convert. One night a hot, regular fuck buddy who was also POZ was ramming me deep when he became verbal. “You like that POZ dick, don’t ya you NEG bitch!” I had encountered POZ talk from time to time, but usually it did nothing for me. That night was different. “Fuck yea! POZ me up! Gimme dirty seed. I want to have your POZ babies!!!!” Once again I came harder than I ever had before. POZ talk became a huge turn on for me, and before I knew it I was getting fucked exclusively by POZ guys. The idea of converting was so hot it was all I started to think about. I started begging guys to POZ me, and without realizing it, I had become a chaser. One night I even went to the baths, paid for a room and put a notice on a board saying : NEG Cumdump. All loads welcome but POZ preferred. Help a chaser reach his dreams! My profile on BBRT changed again too, letting the world know exactly what I needed and wanted: Cumdump for POZ loads. NEG whore looking to convert. Bred me with toxic jizz, blindfold me, and let strangers use my hole! Just make sure they’re POZ and with HIGH VIRAL LOADS! I consider my POZ birthday to be the day I was video tapped in a gangbang with all POZ tops. I was in a sling with a mirror above me. I had requested it so I could see every second of my pozzing before I got to watch it on tape. I also wanted to stare at the message I had written on my chest in permanent marker that I planned to have tattooed: POZ PUBLIC CUMDUMP. At least twenty POZ tops were there, each brushing my hole with a toothbrush before they fucked me hard, leaving me their dirty deposit. Throughout the gangbang I thought about my decent and how far I had come. Once I was a normal guy, horny guy, who always practiced safe sex. Now I letting a group of POZ men, most of whom I had never met before being placed in the sling, abuse and rape my hole. As load after load of POZ jizz filled and overflowed out of me, I could only thing of one thing. I was home.
    2 points
  18. When I was in college, I was still mostly closeted and only hooking up with guys from a few discreet websites like a4a. I had one top guy convince me to get fucked, despite my "total top" attitude and desires. Pictured: me and Phil, the top The first few times we fucked the condom broke and he flooded my ass with cum, always making sure to point out how much better it felt for both of us. That is probably why I didn't give it much thought when he stopped using the condoms after that. He also helped me get into drugs and sex as a perfect pairing, and with his help I slowly worked from poppers to lines of coke and even some tina booby bumps that he called "butt blasts" and told me they were totally safe and organic suppliments meant to make my butt have (and receive) a blast! He even convinced me to bring in other guys on our play sessions, despite my fear that someone I knew might end up at the door. It never dawned on me that anyone who showed up would have also agreed to take part in gay sex with a relative stranger. To put me at ease he often sent me the photos and stats of other guys before inviting them to join us and that kept me from freaking out when I recognized a few from around campus. Usually I automatically told him no way when it was someone I knew, but after seeing the conversations some of the guys had with him online, I often found myself agreeing to meet and play. I knew there was a risk of being outed but the reward seemed far more tempting when he got them to describe their wildest fantasies, especially when they sent photos of themselves with fingers or dildos up their asses and even the occassional shot of their faces covered in cum or with some dude fucking them. This made me feel bolder about my own ability to get away with illicit sex behind my girlfriend's back, so I joined a few more sites my top friend had recommended to me, and one in particular that I had been too freaked out by before that time, a site known as bareback real time sex or bbrts.com. Most of you probably know that site to be a more perverted hook up site than a4a or the others of the time, which is precisely what excited me but also what kept me from joining until then. Once I was on there, I often saw a profile for a self described straight but curious jock guy who, like me, was a sophomore at my school and, according to the site, he lived close enough to me to have his location show up within 300 ft of my dorm room. I checked out the guy's photos every chance I could and got hard enough that I used his profile to jerk off nightly or whenever possible. It turned me on to read about his experiences which were limited to one night of anal play with a married older couple that started with the wife eating his ass while her husband sucked his dick and ended with the wife fucking him with a strap on while he sucked the husband to orgasm. He had no other frame of reference for sex with men but wanted desperately to try anal play again, only this time he hoped to get to fuck a guy's ass. The most surprising part of his profile was his insistance that he use a condom when playing since he had a girlfriend, and I am guessing that was what had kept most guys from contacting him since he was on a site with bareback in the name. I had tried contacting him a dozen times, but he always disappeared right when I messaged him, and I figured he was either all talk or a straight guy and his friends who were using the profile to look for queers in the dorms, so I gave up. Imagine my delight and surprise when my top buddy sent me the profile info and chat transcript for a guy he was trying to hook up with and it was the same straight guy! Their emails revealed that the kid was terrified of being outed due to his gf as he had mentioned but also due to fear he might lose his baseball scholarship. The more they corresponded the more I came to see that it was his status on campus as a jock stud that he was desperate to maintain and why he only talked with guys who didn't have anything to do with the university. In some of the emails they exchanged, my top friend Phil told him about his "nephew" (aka me) who he described as a straight guy who dropped out of college and was curious too. He made the guy horny with details of how I came over regularly, slowly progressing from jerking off and smoking pot to recent sessions where I had sex with a few bottoms, then getting fucked by him and another hot top. He had then sent the guy pictures of me fucking a few guys but my face was cropped out or blurred in all of them. School guy responded with pics of himself from the neck down in his jockstrap or jerking off. Then Phil sent photos of me taking his cock, again with no face, and school guy sent a video of himself jerking off onto his computer screen, specifically my photos. The guy from my school, who told Phil his name was "Dick Butz" lol, was really interested in meeting and fucking me, especially when Phil offered him some drugs to help get us in the mood and promised "Dick" I would even be too out of it to remember his face. Dick thought that was the best plan ever and was practically begging to do it after hearing that. Phil said he would set it up but only if he could be sure "Dick" was for real, so even as reluctant as he was, he finally sent some photos of his face in their most recent chats. I was filled with shock and desire when the photos revealed him to be my good friend and poker buddy Tyler, star of our school baseball team and notorious pussy hound. I'd had a crush on him since the first time we met freshman year and my crush had grown everytime we saw each other, making it almost an obsession. When he hosted poker nights, I always found an excuse to use the bathroom at the same time as someone else which meant I would have to use the one off his bedroom, allowing me to grab his underwear or cup and jerk a load into them. As I looked at photos of his nude form that he'd taken using his cheap ass phone and cheaper webcam, I was drooling and amazed that he still looked awesome in each pic. I went back and zoomed in on every shot featuring his rock hard ass, cut abs, hefty circumsized hard on, massive balls, and then stopped to drool more over his face with his dimples and goofy jock grin. Just as he always did in life, he wore a cheap watch in each photo and a cubs cap that was so worn we used to say it would disintegrate if he ever removed it, and I kicked myself for not seeing the watch before. Phil was still reluctant to get the guy to join us because no matter how much Phil objected and tried to talk "Dick" aka Tyler into going raw, Tyler was dead set against it and finished their last correspondence with a sentence detailing how desperately he wanted to spend a night brutalizing phil's nephew's butthole, even offering to pay for the opportunity, but his only firm rule was if he had to go without protection then he wasn't interested and they might as well stop talking about it altogether. I was not about to let that happen, and immediately told Phil that I knew the guy and begged him to get Tyler to join us. Once he knew about Tyler's sports skills and reputation as a ladies man he told me he would overlook Tyler's obsession with condoms and went to work to set it all up. Since Tyler was still nervous about meeting a guy his age, Phil suggested that all three of us could wear hats and sunglasses to keep our identities secret. Still Tyler was wishy washy about setting up a date to do it until after a poker game one night that we had at a mutual friend's house the day before halloween. When the host came out wearing a cheesy brown Mullett wig with a bandana attached that he planned to wear to a costume party the next night, Tyler seemed to have a sudden need to cash out and go home. Phil texted me on halloween and told me Tyler had emailed him and agreed to meet up the following weekend with an attached photo of himself that he took that night in a similar mullet wig (this one blondish yellow), wife beater and sweats. Apparently he bought his costume that day, and thought he would be unrecognizable enough that he even sent a photo in the get up but left his obscenely large stiff cock pulled out to make the image complete. Originally Phil and I had thought we would have to use the surprise tactic and some of Tyler's photos to coerce/blackmail him into going through with fucking me once he saw me at Phil's house, but now that Ty planned to wear the mullet and a pair of sunglasses, I decided to follow suit, pulling out a wig I wore when I was Superman at a costume party years earlier, and a mardy gras mask that covered from the top of my forehead to the tip of my nose, leaving my nostrils and the mouth fully uncovered. Even the eyes had a see through mesh fabric covering them, so I felt sure I would be completely unrecognizable too. Phil told Tyler to come around 10pm that Friday night and asked me to show up around 9, while he told Ty I wasn't going to be there until 1030 since I wasn't off work til ten, that way Tyler could meet Phil and the two of them could get high and drink before I arrived, which sounded good to Tyler. He also told Tyler that I was really shy and wouldn't talk much because of my self consciousness about a stutter that I suffered from. I couldn't have him recognizing my voice and ruining the plan. The night before we planned to meet Tyler, Phil had me come over and wear the wig and mask and made some vids on his phone of he and I fucking around, taking a lot of photos too, especially of his bare cock inside my tight hole. Thank goodness he had because, just as phil expected from a straight scared newbie, Tyler tried to text and cancel about two hours before he was scheduled to show. Phil acted like it was no biggie but told Tyler that "Mark" (my fake name) would be disappointed and sent Tyler some photos of me sucking Phil's 8.5 inch dick and when Tyler still waivered he sent a couple of Phil fucking me, and finally he sent a video of his big dick sliding out of my bubble butt and spewing jizz all over my naked body. By the time I got to Phil's house, Tyler was back on board and was hoping to have me there even sooner so we could fuck ASAP! Phil and I spent 45 mins hiding two cameras of his plus my camcorder in the bedroom, then we set up his webcam to record in the living room in case we played in there. Just as Ty texted he was on his way we did some lines of coke and I moved my car around the corner from the house so Tyler wouldn't see and possibly recognize the green Buick that wad famous with my friends due to the metalic gold trim that included gold hubcaps bumpers and door handles (you take what you can get when buying a used car). When Tyler arrived, I went into Phil's office and donned my wig and mask and watched the webcam feed on his laptop. Phil invited him in, took his coat and made him a drink while they chatted and watched some bisexual porn on phil's huge tv, all before Tyler even thought to put on the wig or sunglasses I couldn't help jerking as Tyler admitted to Phil that he was watching gay porn occasionally since they'd begun chatting online and I almost shot my wad when Ty stripped to his bball shorts and fondled himself while they shared stories of guys they wanted to screw. He even mentioned a friend he played poker with who lived in the same dorm as him but he was pretty sure would never do stuff with another guy, and despite the possibility that he meant one of our mutual poker friends, I was 99% sure he meant me. Phil told Tyler he might be surprised and said he should try to get the poker friend alone some night and feel him out but Tyler assured him that the guy was totally straight and was seriously involved with my girlfriend, but finished with adding he wished Phil was right because he lusted over the guy's "juicy bubble ass." I knew it was me when he described my rear and my girl since the other guy from our poker games was skinny as fuck and had no ass and no girlfriend. He teased me more by adding "I've lost some hands after seeing him bent over in front of me. lucky for me that gives me a chance to go jerk one out in the bathroom before going on." That admission made my ass quiver and I decided to "arrive" despite there being 8 mins early. I warned Phil by texting him that I was just parking and would be inside shortly, which was a code we decided on in advance, giving Tyler time to put on the wig and shades before I snuck out onto the back deck, went down the steps, came around in front, checked my wig and mask were on straight and rang the bell. As I expected, Phil answered the door in just a pair of tight briefs and talked to me about how work went. I kept my answers to one or two words and he went on and told me he had a friend joining us so I should put on my mask in the entry and take off my work clothes while he got me a drink. I practically ripped my coat, shirt and pants off, leaving me in a white tee shirt and tighty whiteys with my white crew socks to finish my innocent shy boy get up. Taking a deep breath, I steadied myself and went around the corner. Phil handed me my drink, then turned around and introduced "Mark" aka me to "Dick" aka Tyler, who stood up and shook my hand enthusiastically while the semi in his shorts got longer and harder. "Dick" motioned for me to sit next to him on the loveseat and made sure his leg and mine were in full contact, then he put his arm around my shoulders when we were seated. As he asked me questions about what I did for work and how I'd come to try sex with my uncle, etc. I replied with mumbled one word responses that were somewhat due to my need to stay unrecognized but we're also caused by my real nerves, which now had me shaking. When Tyler began running his other hand up and down my thigh, my cock was hard as steel and I found my eyes sinking into my lap. Maybe it was because I wanted it so badly or perhaps I was unprepared for how much he turned me on, sitting there plying me with his million watt smile and his well practiced moves. It was easy to see what it was about him that had convinced hundreds of busty young co-eds to let their gaurd down and allow Tyler to plow them. Whatever it was he was asking, I was glad that Phil took most questions and answered for me, thus Tyler seemed none the wiser about my real identity. To help us relax Phil suggested some weed, cialis and coke, & 20 minutes later we were all high, hard and horny. I was barely able to pull my mind off Tyler's hands, which were working up my shirt and down my briefs now. But I realized Phil was waving to me from the kitchen, which was code for me to ask if I could use the bathroom while Phil and Tyler moved to the bedroom. Listening from the hallway I could hear Tyler thanking Phil for this, commenting on how how I was and how nice an ass I had. I almost laughed when Phil asked if it was as nice as his poker buddy's and Tyler responded that it wasn't quite as nice but added that he might have been biased since he'd been coveting his buddy's ass for nearly two years. Phil showed Tyler all the supplies and Ty wasted no time, making sure they had plenty of lube and condoms so he could fuck me as many times as Phil thought I could handle. I quickly peed and double checked that my hole was cleaned out and well lubed before returning to the two tops, my shirt and socks remaining in the bathroom. Tyler was now nude except for the mullet wig with his hard dick in Phil's mouth. he smiled and motioned for me to join him on the edge of the bed, and I licked my lips. As I went to sit next to him, I felt my briefs fly down my hips and Tyler's warm inexperienced mouth begin awkwardly slurping on my 6.5 inch meat. It hadn't occured to me he would want to suck my cock, but boy did he seem eager. Phil stood up and removed his own underwear and pulled me back on the bed while Tyler continued to suck me, now adding his dry fingers to the mix, working their way past my peach fuzz covered cheeks, beginning to force themselves unceremoniously up my hole. When he felt it was moist, he whipped back and investigated, probably afraid he was feeling something gross, but when he realized it was lube, he smiled and returned to his fingering, figuring I must be wanting this as bad as he did. Minutes seemed to stretch longer as I ached for him to fuck me, remembering countless nights hearing him brag during poker tournaments that lasted til dawn. My body vibrated at the promises he'd hinted at, telling us he was known far and wide for his huge loads of cum and his superhuman ability to get hard over and over. A few girls i knew confirmed his bravado and told me how he could cum and minutes later be right back fucking, with load after load and fuck after fuck, all night long. His hands and mouth were not satisfying my need to verify this myself tho. Finally I couldn't take the bad head anymore and pulled him up on top of me, whispering to him that I wanted him to fuck me, probably more words than he heard from me yet that night. "Not so shy now, huh marky?" He said as he rolled me onto my side and reached over to grab a condom from the night stand. Iwas usually a safe sex guy myself but not when I played with Phil, and now I was disappointed that he still seemed to insist on the rubber. Phil, who lay next to me, as if reading my mind, leaned in and whispered in my ear "not to worry." He had doctored the condoms so they would all break as soon as Tyler tried to fuck me. I realized for the first time that it was his doctoring that made us have such bad luck the first few times we had screwed around, and I decided I would be angry at him later. In the moment, I was happy to hear that I was going to be fucked raw by Tyler, my Poker playboy crush, one way or another. I looked back towards Tyler as he rolled the rubber down his dick and applied a generous amount of lube, before squirting some onto his hand and rubbing it into my ass crack. Phil rolled over and knelt on the edge of the bed when Tyler moved in to mount me, and it hit me that he was doing it so he could take Tyler's cock and insert it for him, while he instructed Tyler to lift my leg with one arm and brace himself on the headboard with the other. My thigh wasn't used to such a massive stretch right off the bat but it didn't break me so I just tried to relax as Tyler precariously pushed forward and began entering my ass with Phil driving his joystick. Tyler was not balancing well so it was no surprise to Phil or I that his first few thrusts missed my asshole and required a wiggle or scoot before the next. Finally he managed to push the first inch through my ring and the sharp pain and rough material coating his rod made me yelp which Tyler responded to with some enthusiasm, as if my displeasure was because of his massive cock. In a way, I guess it was, but I didn't like the fact that he was eager to hurt me so I said in my most convincing fake voice "go slow man. I need time to adjust before u rip me up." Tyler's brow broke out in sweat and he tried to pull back slightly, which resulted in his dick popping out altogether. As he pushed back in, the condom broke, and to my shagrin, Tyler immediately pulled his cock out and applied another from the pile. Phil seemed obviously disappointed at the young man's quick response so before Tyler could try again he had us each do a line of something that I assumed to be coke but burned more, and once Tyler let the stuff get to his brain, he asked if he could so some more, and Phil happily agreed, letting him do two more lines while telling me to try hitting the poppers. I took a few long hits and felt my body sinking away from the tension my ass had been feeling, and just as I released the second hit, Tyler rolled me onto my back and threw both my legs over his biceps and began pressing into my hole again. This time he got most of the way in before we felt the rubber break, and even kept pumping for a moment until he was almost completely inside of me, but his cock was not in charge yet. He removed his dick once more and reapplied a condom, but this time he did a much more haphazard job, not taking the time to squeeze the tip or apply more lube. Still the condom lasted while he slowly worked his way back in, inch by inch creeping up my ass, but the moment he was about to thrust for real, I felt something that may have been his cockhead opening the end of the condom and sliding further in than his previous attempts. My ass jumped as I pictured his bare boner engorged to such a thickness that it refused to stay encased in latex and with its jump, it also tightened and pulled him further in. Up until that moment my ass had yet to feel his dick anywhere near the second sphincter, but with the forward motion and the added benefit of his bare skin pushing beyond the torn latex, it popped firmly past my inner grip. With simultaneous moans of pleasure, we seemed to work our bodies around each other, as his hips drove his meat balls deep in me and my ass vacuumed his cock until it was sealed in the heat of my raw tunnel. "F-f-fuck, I think the condom broke, " Tyler said, reaching back to feel around the shaft while he slowly began fucking my hole. Phil insisted he could see the condom was still intact around the shaft, and pressed his cock to Tyler's lips, grabbing hold of his head, tearing the mullet wig off before brutally punching his hard cock down Tyler's receptive throat. Without any other way to keep his balance, Tyler had to return his hand to where it had been, and hooked my leg back over his shoulder, and for the first time since we began, he forgot about replacing the destroyed prophilactic and focused on destroying my ass instead. I worked my hands over Tyler's muscular shoulders and chest before reaching back and fondeling his balls as they swung against my cheeks with a rapidly increasing rhythm. Taking another hit from the poppers, I handed them up to Phil who took one himself before instructing Tyler to do a hit on either side of his nose. Once the second nostril was filled with the scent, Phil pinched Tyler's nose shut and shouted "Hold your breath in til I say so boy!" Tyler gagged a little around Phil's cock while he tried to hold his breath. His humping decreased in power for a minute until Phil released his nose and said "exhale!" Tyler let out a huge breath as Phil pulled his hard on from Tyler's mouth and moved to wear it was fucking my mouth instead, and to my delight, Tyler began really pounding my ass. True it was as much pain as it was pleasure but I didn't say a word or try to push Tyler off. My mind was made up that I was gonna take his cock no matter what. Tyler began saying dirty stuff like "yeah suck his cock" and "fucking take my monster meat you hot mother fucker" and I just moaned and grunted in agreement. Phil produced some kind of pipe that I couldn't really make out through the mask, and took a few hits before instructing Tyler to do the same. Tyler seemed reticent at first but Phil just told him it was a little late to be asking now, and Tyler must have decided he was right because he took the hits when Phil lit the pipe and then shot gunned each of them to me. The taste was acrid and nasty although not nearly as polluted feeling as smoking weed or tobacco. I figured it was something akin to coke and let myself go along for the ride, and by the fifth shotgun, I was exhaling huge clouds of white smoke. My brain was aware on a whole new level suddenly and without any warning Tyler turned the final shot gun into a make out session which I was happy to go along with. While Phil watched he also manuevered us until finally he gave up and told Tyler to pull out and move me to the edge of the bed. I freaked when Tyler did as Phil said, only to pull out, see he was inside me bare and ask for another condom. Phil told him he would get it in just a second, but first "I want you to put that wig and sunglasses back on so I can take a couple pics and a video of u fucking my nephew's ass bareback." You would think Tyler would be against such an idea but he just smiled and said fuck thats hot, grabbed the wig and glasses from Phil and slapped them on, topped them with his trade mark ball cap and told me to hang on. While he was distracted Phil produced his camera from behind a pile of clothes in the corner and acted like he was just turning it on. I could tell he got a really good shot of Tyler before he was masked in his disguise, but Tyler just asked if he looked good, and without much thought I said "you are the hottest fuck I've ever seen." This seemed to be the same as saying action, and suddenly without any pretense, Tyler pulled my ass to the side of the bed and entered me in one quick motion. For the next few minutes he humped and talked dirty, making sure to turn so he could show off his muscles to where ever Phil was at with the camera. I could barely see straight as he banged and rammed me. Soon Phil told Tyler how the "audience" wanted to see Tyler shoot his baby batter up my butthole and Tyler turned right to me and said "Well let's give the people what they want" and began taking me faster and deeper than before, only now he was screaming for me to jerk off as he did. While my cock throbbed in my hand and his cock throbbed harder up my hole, I began to see stars and told them I was getting close. Tyler told me how hot that was and how much he wanted me and then leaned into kiss me before putting his arms under my shoulders and lifting me off the bed and bouncing me on his cock for a minute while we both screamed. Dropping me as his arms began to shake he pumped me deep and hard a few times then rippped his cock from my ass and began spraying cum from my hole up over my cock and stomach, across my chest and neck and into the black wig and all over my mask. He then shoved it back inside me and told me it was my turn. I didn't need a second invitation, instead I began blasting my cum over the both of us, shooting 4 or 5 times before Tyler doubled over and managed to catch my cock head in his mouth for the remaining shots while keeping most of his dick buried inside me. Once my last cumshot subsided, he popped up and began french kissing me, letting me taste my own cum. Phil was hard as a rock and told Tyler to move, which he did reluctantly, before whipping me onto my belly, pulling me up to my knees and stuffing his own raw cock into my ass. It must have been lubed like mad because, as he handed the camera to Tyler to continue filming, he asked how it could be so hot and wet inside at which point Tyler admitted that the load Phil filmed was his third load of the night. He apologized to me as Phil began going to town on my hole, and admitted he had cum once right after he thought he felt the condom break and once more right as Phil started filming us but he didn't want to break his rhythm and figured the condom might not have been broken after all. I just moaned and gritted my teeth while phil worked his cock into my cum filled ass, and Tyler climbed up and stood over me, feeding his still stiff cock to Phil while Phil raped me. Phil took the camera from Tyler while they switched off taking hits from the pipe that I still couldn't see, and Tyler bent down to make me take a few hits just as Phil announced his first load up my ass. Unlike Tyler, Phil needed a few minutes to regain his strength so he disappeared into the bathroom at which point Tyler got me to bend over back to doggy style and began fucking me again, telling me within the first minute that he was adding another load to my ass. Now I knew Tyler had taken a strap on and from his emails and photos it looked like he used a variety of objects on his own hole, but it surprised the hell out of me when Tyler pulled his cock from my ass after another load and scooted up to my face as I rolled over and asked me to eat his hole. Everything Tyler had said about my ass earlier in the evening was exactly how I felt about his, so I had no trouble doing as he requested, using my tongue and fingers to play with his sweet clean butt while Tyler spun around and sucked on my rehardening cock. My whole body was on another plain of existance known as bliss when he rose off my dick and said "You're clean right?" Too which I moaned yes while tonguing his tight smooth baseball butt. For those of you who have never seen a baseball player squating to catch the ball or pushing off the ground to the jump for a pop fly, you are missing the ass and thighs of the gods doing their most holy work, which is why having him squating over my mouth was as much as I could have hoped to have experienced, until the moment he lifted off, turned around and squated down over my waist, and with one hand holding my cock up into the air, plunged his bare athletic hole over the tip. His eyes slammed shut and he sucked air in through gritted teeth, while pushing his butt til about 4 inches of my 6.5 were inside him. Then he began confiding in me that he had kept a cock with a suction cup on it that he stole from an ex-girlfriend's collection the year before, and had spent hours in the time since riding that dick on the floor of his dorm room or suctioned to the seat of his desk chair while watching porn featuring trannies and guys getting pegged. He even said he had done it in the showers at the university rec center and in the steam room at the athletic center with the hope he might get caught but had chickened out after taking it inside him and shooting his load right away each time. He stopped his tale just long enough to tell me I had better not to cum inside him or he would beat my ass. Ironic since he had shot at least 4 loads in me since we "met" that night. This was too much for me to resist, and without his permission, I reached up and grabbed his hips and thrust myself fully inside him, which caused him to yelp and call me a son of a bitch and pound his fist into the bed while he tried to push off me, but I just told him to jerk his cock and kept rising up and down into him as my load got closer and closer to exploding. He began jerking his cock but immediately told me he was too close not to cum at which point I said "then cum goddammit" and he did. Once his first shot blasted into my mask, my own balls began emptying up his hole, but I made sure to be as still and quiet as possible as I shot, choosing to hold myself as deep in his hole as I could get without my balls being sucked in too. Lucky for me, I was also pretty good at being able to stay hard after I shot my load, and with the cialis and the knowledge I had just bred him secretly, it was no problem. When his balls finally finished spewing he asked me if I could keep from shooting long enough to let him keep riding me for awhile and I said yes and watched as he worked himself back to full staff. To my surprise, I found my own balls were also ready to shoot again, but this time I warned him. "Good, then you'll like this," He said, grinning. He began bouncing on my meat while repeatedly telling me to warn him when I was getting close, and in about 2 minutes I did just that. With a smirk on his face he handed me the camera and told me to record then bounced a few times more on my dick before leaning forward, pushing his hands into the bed beside me and suddenly flipping backwards, landing with his feet next to the bed. He then spread my legs and slid inside me raw balls deep which was too much for me to take. I shot my biggest load of the night, all over both of us, while trying not to pass out. He applauded my immense load and told me I was the only guy he'd ever seen who could shoot as much as he could, before pulling his own cock from my ass and adding an even bigger load to our bodies. I wondered how it was possible til I realized Phil had been standing at the door when he saw the flip and snuck over and shoved half of his cock into Tyler's cum lubed ass just in time to make him shoot. Phil was not allowed to add his own babies to the butt though, and had to settle for taking video of Tyler and I on our knees eating his thick white cream as it oozed from his red pipe. After that Tyler made sure the camera was off (without knowing the other two were rolling) and stripped the wig and sunglasses off again, and went to take a shower. Phil gave me a hit from the weird pipe as he went and turned off the other two cameras, and quietly got me to admit I had shot a load in Tyler's butt. He turned the camera back on for a minute while he asked me if I enjoyed getting bred by straight stud "Dick." Somehow my character had become the same as what Phil had told Tyler it was, and I began stammering and quietly admitting I had enjoyed it a lot. Phil found this very very hot and told me to stay put while he checked on Tyler. I did another line of coke and drank some water before Tyler peeked his head back in and said he had to run because he was supposed to be at a workout at 7am and it was nearly 4. He reached over to the desk and wrote down his email address before telling me we should get together just the two of us sometime, then came over and did a line of coke, planted a kiss on me and disappeared. Phil returned a second later as I was trying to get up and get dressed, but he was having none of it and pushed me back onto the bed and turned the camera on and told me to tell him what had just happened. I thought I was out of gas for the night, but he had me take some more hits from the weird pipe while he loaded the videos from the cameras onto his tv in his bedroom. We watched the video while he fucked me and I decided to stay the rest of the night since he had handcuffed me to the bed and was cumming in me again already. stay tuned for chapter 2
    2 points
  19. Prelude There are two Americas in the world. Now settle down, I'm not about to get political on you, this isn't that kind of tale. I'm speaking of the two Americas that exist side by side with little to no interaction. There is the America everyone sees, you know the one on TV. With the cities and the lights and the cars going fast. With the Ubers and the Instagram and the swiping left on things that you're gonna have delivered by an Amazon drone. Everyone knows that America. That America is the one where a group of seven white people sit in a coffee shop that charges five bucks for a cup and talk about a lot of nothing for 22 minutes and then smile as names scroll past them at a speed that is far too fast for normal people to read. We all know this America and for most people, it is their reality. But there is another America. An America where time seems to have stood still. An America where people walk slower, they smile more and they know each other's name in a way city folk don't quite understand. It is an America of picking apples and fallen leaves, stealing a kiss in the back seat of a car and going to sleep knowing that even if you didn't lock your door, it's gonna be ok. It's an America where people are judged by the work they do not the clothes they wear or the car they drive. An America where you own a truck cause you haul things, not cause you saw a celebrity drive one. Sure there are problems with this America as well as the first one but you ask the people who choose to live there and they'll tell you it's ok. It's a shrinking America to be sure but it's still there, alive and well. This is the America in which Everett Palmer lives. Now you don't know Everett, good, wholesome boy. Only son to Benjamin and Kathy Palmer over on Palm Street, he grew up tall, handsome and...well just about everything you'd think about if I said an all-American boy. A sophomore at Mercy Wells College on a scholarship to play baseball and he is about to come climbing out the second-story window of that peach-colored house over on the left. You see Everett has been dating Cheryl Miller since he started college and things have been heating up lately. No, that's not right. Things haven't been heating up lately, Cheryl has. You see Cheryl, third daughter to Paul Miller, dean of Mercy Wells, had set her sites on Everett and thought she had bagged herself a good one. He was handsome, polite, kind, an athlete's body and then there was the other thing God had graced the boy with that she was taken with. She had thought he was going to be like every other jock that had passed through her father's school, cocky, brash and sex-starved. But if anything, the boy didn't make one move towards Cheryl in the bedroom department. At first, Cheryl was taken by Everett's manners and patience, which was then replaced with admiration on how the boy could control himself so well when they spent so much time alone to frustration wondering if this boy was ever going to make a move. So Cheryl, being a young, independent woman of the millennium, made her own move on Everett. The boy took to sex like a fish to water and the two had been getting along swimmingly ever since. Cheryl would wait until her parents were asleep and then call for Everett to climb the lattice wall up to her window so he could sneak in and they could get down to business. This had been going on for a few months now and not one hiccup had occurred. That's the thing about hiccups, they can come right out of nowhere. You see coach Moore had the boys running drills past nine last night in preparation for next month's playoffs. The team, including Everett, had run miles and miles in the backfield until they could barely stand anymore. Moore had said their performance was pitiful but secretly he was proud of the boys, Everett especially. The boy was being scouted by a couple of major league teams quietly and if he didn't screw things up he was a shoo-in for a chance to play big-league baseball someday. Everett had screwed things up by telling Cheryl he would be over after practice. Still in his baseball pants and cleats, Everett had climbed the lattice quietly to her bedroom, his girlfriend waiting for him in a nightgown that covered very little. His legs burned with exertion from the wind sprints the coach had piled in him but the call of sex was too powerful for the nineteen-year-old and into her window he climbed. It turns out after climbing in, Everett didn't need to do much more than lie there and enjoy it. Cheryl had pleasured herself on the boy for well over an hour, brought him to climax twice with little effort all with almost machine-like efficiency. Now normally Everett was quick to dress and exit her room, one, because he was pretty sure her father would kill him if he found the baseball player in a state of undress with his daughter but more because whenever he was done having sex with her he had this desire to want to shower as quickly as possible. It was a confusing impulse but normally it was all Everett could do to not jump out her window and run to his house to rinse all evidence of his carnal behavior off his lean body. But not last night. You see last night Everett was just too tired to care and Cheryl was too happy that her boyfriend decided to stay and cuddle for once. The two of them passed out on the floor, Everett in just his high baseball socks and nothing else, Cheryl in less than that. So it is here we meet Everett, minutes after Cheryl's older sister barged in and told the two to wake up quickly, not before stealing a glance at what her sister had been coveting this whole time, that her father was awake and wondering where she was. A minute after Cheryl shook the sleeping athlete awake and told him he had to go. And seconds before the sound of Cheryl's father's footsteps could be heard climbing the staircase to her room. And there as promised is our boy, Everett Palmer, climbing down the side of the house, buck naked, save his socks, with his uniform in hand as he avoided the more prickly pieces of ivy from grabbing his junk as he descended. As luck would have it Ms. Lamar was walking her dog in front of the Millers and turned just in time to see the young athlete's nude form drop to the driveway. He was 6'2” without an ounce of extra fat on him. Days and days of baseball had tanned his face and arms but left the rest of his toned, muscular body pale as the day he was born. But the most impressive part of Everett wasn't his height or frame or his toned, athletic body. It was what God had gifted him below that made Ms. Lamar pause. You see when the lord almighty puts bodies together he does so in a judicious way. He tries to keep things as even as possible, brains, looks, body, no one gets too much of everything to keep things fair. So pretty people rarely had much in the way of common sense, athletic folks weren't all that known for being rocket scientists and the smartest and kindest of people were so, usually at the expense of outward looks and physical grace. Not in Everett's case. You see when Everett was being dreamed up it was clear from the get go the boy lacked the basic common sense that God had given a squirrel. He was timid, trusting, kind to a fault and loathed to fight in any capacity whatsoever. A creature like this would be nearly helpless in the world, a victim to whoever stumbled across the poor boy to just run ramshod over him and take advantage of him. So when Everett was born he was given the looks of an angel, the body of a devil and the cock of a demi-god. It was a sight to see and see it Ms. Lamar did as it swung heavy between Everett's legs as he slipped his baseball pants on. How he stuffed the whole thing down the front of his pants and not got it caught in the zippers no one will know, but within seconds, wearing only pants and socks he ran as fast as he could towards his car, hoping no one was looking out Cheryl's window. As he slipped inside his '67 Bel Air, a Christmas gift given to him by his dad, his large feet dwarfed the pedals as he tossed the rest of his uniform aside and turned the beast over as fast as he could. He looked over and saw the stunned face of Ms. Lamar, who was just staring at the boy like she had seen the Lord risen again. He smiled and gave her a small wave as the car turned over and he drove off as fast as he could. And this is where our story starts.
    2 points
  20. 2. Toasts I didn't see Seth at the gym again before the Friday of the party. We messaged a bit on line, but he had been busy with school, plus all the regular parties around Halloween, so we didn't message that often. I went to a few parties, and made out with a few guys. But even when I was making out with some cute freshman, all I could think about was Seth's partners. I wanted to feel their hairy chests against my body. I wanted to feel their beards brush against my lips. Most of all, I wanted to feel their thick cocks stretch my hole open. Other than Seth, I hadn't seen any of them naked. But I just knew that Jon and JP were hung with fat daddy dicks, and heavy, low-hanging balls filled with cum. I wanted to taste their cum, and I really wanted to feel what it was like for a man like Jon to breed my hole. It felt like it took forever to get to Friday, and then that morning went by at a snail's pace. I hadn't cum in several days, and I hadn't even tried to get fucked, despite being on prep. I wanted my first time to be with Seth and his family. A little after noon, my last class let out. I quickly found something to eat, and rushed back to my dorm. Seth had told me not to worry about a costume, that they would find something. I just took a shower, making sure I was clean inside and out. I found a cute pair of underwear to put on, and a pair of jeans that highlighted my ass. I was your standard skinny Asian twink, but my ass were two perfect melons. In the right jeans, I might have even fucked myself. As I finished dressing, my phone buzzed. It was Seth. I was excited and scared when I read the message. "Come whenever. But looking forward to seeing you, so the sooner the better." I was relieved that he hadn't cancelled. But I was still a bit scared. I was going over to the home of several strange, unknown men, and they were going to fuck me all night long, if not more. I was also hard as a rock. The blue briefs I was wearing hid nothing, and there was already a wet spot where my dickhead pressed against the shiny fabric. "On my way," I said, as I ordered an Lyft. Less than five minutes later, I was on my way. I shared my location with Seth. "See you soon. Simon, the door man knows you're coming." It was a twenty minute ride downtown, but with the traffic, it took thirty minutes. They seemed to drag by; I was fidgeting a bit, trying to will the traffic to open up. Finally, we pulled up to a tall condo building in downtown. I had seen it on the skyline; I knew it was expensive. "Nice place," the Lyft driver said as he dropped me off at the front door. It opened onto a large, and expensive-looking lobby. I stepped out and looked into the lobby. I had a marijuana vape pen with me, just in case I got nervous. I ducked off to one side, out of view of the lobby, and inhaled deeply. I held it, then did another hit. I was about to go to a sex party with four other guys. My dick cock was hard and my ass was twitching just thinking about it. Think about being sandwiched between Jon and JP, their hairy bodies pressed against me. I took another hit, just enough to help calm my nerves. Besides, it always made me horny, which couldn't hurt. I held it for thirty seconds, then stepped into the lobby. By the elevators, there was a tall, muscular black man, in an immaculately tailored suit. I tired not to stare; he was an ebony god. Just one of his arms was as big as I was. I read his discreet name badge. "Eli," it said. He caught me staring, and I blushed. "You must be Kenta," he said. Letting my eyes drop didn't help. There was little the tailor could do to hide the thick snake pressed against one of his legs. "Yeah," I said. "The guys are on Floor 48," he continued, directing me towards the elevator. "Have fun." I walked in the elevator; it was elegant, with dark mirrors and careful lighting. It took me a moment to find 48; I wondered how I would know which apartment it was. But the elevator was fast, and it was only a few seconds before it was slowing down, and the doors opened. Seth was standing there, wearing a white tank-top, black sweat pants, and a surprisingly realistic pair of goat horns coming out of his hair. Standing next to him was Jon, also in the tank top and sweats. He had a small pair of devil horns emerging from the cropped hair. His beard was also shaped into a proper devil's point. "Welcome," Seth said. "This is Jon." "I'm Kenta," I said. "Pleased to meet you," Jon said. He reached out and pulled me close to him. "You're a cute one," he said, then pushed me into Seth's waiting arms. "Isn't he?" Seth said, before kissing me. "I know we're going to have fun. I know just the costume for you." He kissed me again, then pushed me back to Jon. Jon kissed me this time. I wasn't expecting it, but I welcomed it, letting him explore my mouth with his tongue. He pushed me back for a second, and looked over my body. Even at maybe 5'10", he looked big against my 5'4" frame. "Let's get you into a proper costume," he said. Seth led the way out of the left. "Jon doesn't like to talk about it, but he made a lot of money with a start-up. So we live here. And have things like this for a closet." He stepped into a room about the size of my bedroom growing up. Around the edges were hooks and shelves holding various pieces of leather and toys. It was almost like being in the leather store downtown, except in one corner was a small bar, complete with a sink and small fridge. I had watched enough leather porn on XTube to recognize the other things in the room, a sling, a fuck bench, and a sturdy metal cage. I took a deep breath. My lungs filled with the scent of leather and sweat, and my head swam a bit. The marijuana was starting to hit, and now, this dirty porno jerk-off fantasy was starting to come true. My asshole twitched. I wanted another hit from the pipe. "You smoke weed?" Jon asked, almost reading my mind. "Yeah," I said. "You ever try G?" Seth asked me. "I've heard of it," I said. I had read stories about drug-fueled parties. "But not sure about it. What does it do?" "It's a bit like weed," Jon said. "It makes everything very mellow and chill. Great for making out and cuddling." He was standing behind me, close enough that I could feel the warmth from his body. I wanted it closer. "Have you been drinking?" he asked. "No," I said. I wanted to trust these two men. They made me feel like I could trust them. "Just vaped some weed." "Oh perfect," Seth said. "Just do a little, you can see how it feels. Then decide if you like it." He turned to Jon. "Maybe an ml?" "Him?" Jon said. He smiled at me. "Let's start him at .6. He's like half of you." He turned back tome. "Seth just wants to get you naked. I'll take care of you." He turned back to Seth. "But. Yes. Let's get Kenta naked and into his costume." "You get Kenta and us some G," Seth said. He stepped over to me, and wrapped his arms around me. He gave me a big kiss. "And I'll get Kenta naked." He peeled off my shirt with practiced ease, and tossed it into a corner. At the bar, Jon mixed something up. "This one is for you, Kenta," he said, reappearing with three glasses of orange juice. He handed me a glass, then handed one to Seth. "Cheers, boys," he said, as he toasted. "Do it quickly," he said, and then we clinked glasses. I swallowed it quickly, just like the others. But I could taste something bitter.
    2 points
  21. SeeBefore I knew it a year had gone by. We buried my wife settled her estate. It turned out to be more sizable than I knew. Turns out she was a trust fund baby which I knew. But what I didn't know was how big the trust fund was. I was left with the ability to live modestly without ever having to work again. My younger son never came back home. He couldn't stand to be around family, his brother and i, without getting really depressed. He stayed with my in-laws. We had a good relationship but he wouldn't live with me anymore. He decided to go to England to private school and the grandparents foot the bill. My older son went off to college. The last couple of weeks my older son and I spent together before he went off to college we slept in the same bed every night. We made love most every night. I came to really enjoy my own son's beautiful body. Leaving my seed in him. Taking his seed into me. His first night in his dorm room his roommate hadn't showed up, so I stayed that night and christened his dorm room. I fucked him in his bed then we flipped and he fucked me in his roommate's bed. The next day his roommate showed up. He was a hot Hispanic boy. Nice brown skin, jet black hair. Totally white smile. Awesome personality. And fit as fuck. The two of them hit off right away. I was glad to see that. I was hoping they would get to have the kind of roommate relationship where they would satisfy each other. I took them both to dinner that night and as we were getting ready to go the roommate stripped off his shirt to put on a clean one. There over his left peck was a nice simple black, jet black biohazard tattoo. My cock immediately got hard and my son gave me a side long look. The roommate's name was Mario. when Mario stepped out to hit the john before we left my son and I talked about how hot he was and how hot it is that he has to biohazard tat. We were both hard and dripping by this time . We both wanted a piece of Mario. Mario came back and we headed out the door. I would swear he was checking out our crotches as we left. We had a great dinner together. Mario is a great guy and he and my son got along really well. As a matter of fact there seem to be quite a spark there. I couldn't stay another night so I dropped them off at the dorm. when I left them in front of the building I had little doubt that they would be sucking and fucking before the night was done. My son had gone back on prep so that meant there would be some bareback fun happening in the dorm tonight. I got back home and fell into a routine. I had built a new house out on the lake. It was a sleek modern house with a deck that went out into the water. I loved sitting out on the deck at night sometimes sleeping under the stars. I hadn't thought again about bug chasing. Life had been too strange. But now alone in the house the thought of it popped back up. I thought about my son and Mario fucking. I thought about Mario's poz seed filling up my son's body. I fantasized about my son throwing away his prep and letting Mario infect his hole. Letting Mario give him his virus. I had, oddly enough returned to church work. It's what I knew. it was familiar. And I was good at it. My sex life stayed pretty much in the closet for a while. I wasn't going to the porno stores very much. Even then I was just mostly sucking dick. I had not been back to the park where I first got poz fucked. But that desire started growing in me again. Mario and my son came home for Thanksgiving. By then it was obvious they were a couple. The last morning they were there, when they were scheduled to leave, I came down to make breakfast early. Mario was in the kitchen already making coffee. He was wearing some tight shorts and no shirt. His ass was perfectly round and looked hard and utterly edible. I the stood in the doorway and watched him. The way he moved was graceful and masculine. He said good morning and I good morninged back. He turn around to face me and we chatted for a couple of minutes as we chatted he came closer to me. I reached up and touched the biohazard tattoo. I told him it was hot. That I found poz guys to be a total turn on. I asked him how long he had been HIV positive. He told me his story. He was 16 and had just started experimenting. He went to a local cruise spot and started sucking cock. Soon things got out of hand and three guys dragged him off into the woods. By the time they were done he had three loads of his ass and two down his throat. He got sick a couple weeks later and about a year later had tested; he was positive. He said for a while he was really angry and would go around to the cruise spots and fuck unsuspecting guys. He got off on giving them the virus. Especially the married guys. He would seduce other boys and make them positive. He had a boyfriend for a while and that calmed him down. He was only slutty when he was single. He also told me he really loved my son and was committed to him. That he wasn't fucking around anymore. I asked Mario if he was planning on converting my son. If he planned on giving my son HIV and aids. Mario blushed and said that my son had been begging him to go off his meds. My son had thrown away his prep. He wanted to be fully connected to Mario that included carrying his virus. By now my cock was full hard. It was obvious. Mario was hard too. I reached down and grabbed the outline of his cock. And told him it was too bad he wasn't fucking around. Because I would love to leave my seed in his ass. I'd love to have him leave his seed in my ass. Mario glanced back down the hallway where my son's room was. Without a word he spun me around and pushed me up against the counter. With one hand he pushed my head down and bent me over. With the other hand he started stripping down my shorts. The next thing I knew his tongue was buried up in my hole. I was moaning like a whore. I couldn't believe this hot guy was about to fuck me. This hot poz guy was about to load my hole. My son' s boyfriend was gonna breed me. "Wait," I said to him."I thought you weren't going to fuck around on my son. I thought you were monogamous." He stopped tonguing my hole long enough to tell me that it was all in the family. That my son had told him all about our sexual adventures. That he thought it was so hot that my son and I fucked each other. And that he wanted to be a part of that. He went right back to eating my ass. I couldn't believe how good his tongue felt flicking around my hole. Pushing up into my body. Getting me wet and slick with this spit. I pushed back onto him. Grinding my ass against his face. I reached back and held his head in place, helping him push his tongue further up into me. Prepping my hole. Loosening it for his cock. I started moaning and begging for him to fuck me. "Fuck me mario. Fuck me now. Slide that cock up into me. Give me that seed. Give me that seed that's been in my son. Make us all a family. Give me your AIDS babies." Mario kissed his way up my back and as he reached my neck I felt the tip of his cock slide up between my ass cheeks. His aim was perfect. His cock hit my hole and started pushing in. I pushed out against him. That cock parted my hole so smoothly. I moaned loud and he clamped his hand over my mouth. "Shut up" he whispered,"this one is just between you and me. Keep quiet." I pushed back against him harder. The length of his cock slid up in me. I felt his balls against my ass cheeks. I started moving my hips in rhythm. Moaning. Begging him to breed me. He started pulling all the way out pushing back in, all the way out pushing back in. Pounding my hole really hard. His breathing got ragged. We both knew he wouldn't last long. My cock was rock hard and every time he pounded his cock deep into my hole my cock throbbed. Pre cum was gushing out of the tip. Mario was moaning. "fuck. fuck. Fuck. Feels so good. Just like your son." He picked up the pace. He was pounding my ass hard with long strokes. Fast strokes. It didn't take long before my gut knotted up. I started having that beautiful internal orgasm that guys have when they're getting fucked. My prostate spasmed, my cock spasmed. I began shooting rope after rope of cum onto the front of the counter. Moaning loud like a whore. Mario put his hand over my mouth again and told me to shut up. And as he did he pushed deep into my hole and held it there panting moaning to himself. I felt his cock expanding pulsing. I felt him shooting his cum deep into my body. I felt him unloading his toxic seed deep into my body. We stayed locked like that for a couple of minutes. Then his cock softened and slid out of my hole. I clinched up really fast to hold all his seed inside me. I turned around went to my knees. Cleaned up his dick. His cum was sweet. I stood back up and we kissed. A Long deep kiss. Nothing more was said between us. He pulled up his shorts and grabbed a couple of cups of coffee for he and my son. I just stood there and slowly reached down pulled my shorts back up. I turned around and licked my own come from the front of the counters. I stood and took a deep breath. My whole felt slick. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I grabbed my own cup of coffee and went back to my bedroom. I was still horny as fuck. I laid back on my bed and fingered my hole. I licked his cum off my fingers. And jerked myself slowly. I climaxed again. Shooting a ton of jizz all over my abdomen. I had not come like that in years. I dozed off for a few minutes. Next thing I knew my son was knocking on my bedroom door. "Hey Dad," he said "it's late. We've got to head out to get back to campus on time." I jumped out of bed threw on my shorts and t-shirt. I hugged my son. I apologized for not having breakfast for them. My son smiled at me a weird kind of knowing smile. "I understand dad" he said. "We'll get breakfast on the way." We walked out to the car together. Mario was there waiting. I hugged my son and gave him a kiss. A real kiss. Since Mario knew about us I didn't figure it would be a problem. My son got into the car. I walked around and gave Mario a hug and told him I look forward to christmas. Mario hugged me back. He leaned in and whispered, "I went off my meds two weeks ago. I could be toxic now." He stepped back and winked at me, "Christmas will definitely be a lot of fun." He smiled and jumped in the car. They drove off. And I went in the house, put on some running clothes, and headed off to the cruise park.
    2 points
  22. Get another bottom to rim you deep and wet.
    2 points
  23. I presume you’re using poppers? If not, use them. And prelube your ass. A lot of tops tend to underestimate the amount of lube required. Plus it tends to really get a top going when his fingers wander to your hole and find it nice and sloppy already.
    2 points
  24. Been shaving since college, the key is consistency. Shave in the shower every morning, balls shaved, pubes trimmed to small patch. Whether you shave or not, trim up men... nothing worse IMHO than a full on bush... 😉
    2 points
  25. Out here in the rural area I live in, it's really difficult. It's almost always the same few faces, and either we've met or we've given one another the brush-off, so if I haven't made any longer term FBs, I'm SOL. I suspect it's better in cities, but haven't lived in one for six years, so I'm not sure. In general, I have not seen one single hookup app that does anything like a good job of solving the problem of time and space - in order for a hookup to happen, the people need to be in the same place at the same time, and none of the apps are optimized for doing that. It's even worse for guys who are traveling, and trying to put together a hook-up on the road. Which is a bummer, because IMO that's one of the best times to have a hook-up. If I'm driving 2-4 hours (or more) to get to another place in the region, stopping for half hour to have a play date is totally convenient. If you're interested in some assistance with coming up with some potential solutions for these problems, I'd be interested in putting some effort into it, so PM me.
    2 points
  26. Went trick or treating at the park. Pretty busy with a bunch of parties winding down at 9pm, but the dark spots had a pretty steady flow of guys looking to get off or buy drugs. Ran into a latino guy I've sucked off a hundred times and swallowed his load while a troll watched. Another latino guy with an enormous dick (7 inches, but thick as a soda can) tried to convince me to get fucked, but there's no way I can take that without some serious help, so told him I'd suck him off in a dark corner. Started walking and we got separated, ended up watching him suck and get fucked by some white twink jock dick. Was starting to get cold and the other guys around were being coy, so started to walk out when this older black guy with an awesome dick I haven't sucked in a few years showed up. We met up and walked into some bushes and I dropped to my knees. Was sucking him furiously while people were drinking and partying 20 feet away. Finally he told me to show him my ass, so dropped my pants and spread my hole while he started jacking it. I begged him to cum on my hole, which he did. We promised to fuck next time. Happy halloween!
    2 points
  27. Slammed a .7 I have never needed cock in me than right now
    2 points
  28. Another great example of how stupid Trump supporters are: In Omaha, the Trump campaign set up a rally at the airport (because thanks to the Trump virus, he can't have enough people indoors to make him feel adequate about his tiny hands and "other" issues). Airport rallies are great because he can fly in, rant and rave and bitch and moan, and then hop in Air Force One and just fly off. But that doesn't take care of the peons on the ground. Obviously, you can't park your car anywhere near the runway where the president is going to land and talk, so people had to park in remote lots 3 miles away and get bussed in. Thanks to piss-poor communication between the airport and the campaign, people got bounced back and forth between two parking lots, with the result that hundreds were still in the security lines when the president got up to talk. He delivered his usual spiel of bullshit and then left. Meanwhile, the bus companies had been promised payment when they showed up at the airport for running the shuttles. This is Trump, remember - who's notorious for stiffing every vendor who's ever done work for him, with the possible exception of Stormy Daniels - and true to form, the campaign wasn't prepared to actually pay for the buses. I've worked with a lot of campaigns over the years, and the number one rule is "NEVER offer a campaign credit - they have to pay at the delivery of your service or product, or you'll never see the money. Most campaigns end in debt and the vendors who offer credit are the ones who get stiffed, along with all the lower-level paid workers. So nobody paid the buses, and the buses left, leaving all the rally-goers stranded on the tarmac, including lots of the elderly people Trump has conned into donating parts of their social security checks to him. In near-freezing temperatures. The airport and rally people had to call the Omaha transit agency and borrow dozens of buses from them to transport people to their cars. Or, in some cases, to the hospital for frostbite and other cold-related illnesses. And the campaign didn't do squat about it. That's what Trump thinks of the forgotten "little people" who pushed him over the top four years ago. Have you figured out yet you were conned? Suckers.
    2 points
  29. My first DP was successful....my partner has a huge ginger dick...it slid right in...the Greek guy, we were playing with,, had a slightly smaller dick but width was nice....they both fucked me like porn pros...of course my ass had been fisted for hours...so it was like the Holland Tunnel.
    2 points
  30. Well, despite I am versatile/bottom, this time I had to be a top to a guy who really wanted my load. Well my 7” cock was very happy to give a enormous load inside him, at least 6 big squirts, as I was so horny. my very first bottom that I made very wet in 2020
    2 points
  31. Hmm. Honestly, yes. I really enjoy sucking dick, but it’s foreplay and a lead up to me taking dick, and everything else, in my ass. But like so many other things with me, it’s about what the top wants, not what I want. Tops who like having their dicks sucked have used this to torment me, making me suck them all night and never going near my hole. Thankfully I enjoy being mindfucked as well as assfucked!
    2 points
  32. This might be a little too much info, but I do the manscaping while I'm taking a shower, using shaving gel and a BIC razor. Use a pair of scissors or a beard trimmer to first trim your bush down, then use shaving gel and a BIC razor. Two things to remember: don't rush and don't reuse the razor. If you rush, you're likely to cut yourself, and pubic hair dulls a razor pretty fast.
    2 points
  33. The short and sweet is my bf breeds me regularly, but I'm missing my pre-covid habits. I was taking on average a load or two a day. I had fuck buddies, regular dudes, and I loved inviting randoms over to bred me. On good days I could take 8 cocks & as many loads before my bf got home. Then he would slide his cock into my well used, sloppy, and cunted asshole.
    2 points
  34. So Alex and I have been fucking Can three or four times a week for about three weeks now. The kid is a stud, he takes loads like a champ and he picked up really quick how to use his 8 inch cock like a pro. He came to me Friday night at work and ask if he could bring a friend over on Saturday. He still hadn't told his mom he was gay and I could understand why, his mom was a tornado on a normal day, cant imagine when she was pissed. I said yes so after work on Saturday I came home about 9:30 (I got off early) and Can and his new friend had let themselves in and were in the guest bedroom. Alex and I slept together in my room. I could hear the boys making all kids of noise and knew they where having fun. I started preparing supper and about the time I finished Can came walking in naked as the day he was born and said smells good, he got a glass of water and I ask if he and his friend would like something to eat, I had plenty. Before he could answer his friend popped around the corner also naked. When I turned to look at him I realized he also worked at the restaurant, he was a buss boy. He his name was Max and he was a shy kid about 5'5" and maybe a 100 pounds soaking wet, bright orange shaggy hair and freckles from head to toe. He never looked anyone in the eye and was a very quite boy. He quickly ducked back around the corner and Can took off after him. A few minutes later they came out and ate. The conversation around the table was nonexistent as the boys more or less couldn't keep from touching each other. It was cute. As they were leaving I told Can he looked a little flush and asked how he felt. He said a little run down and he had a headache but said he was okay. I smiled and as I kissed him goodby and said tell your mom before she finds out your getting sick because if its what I think it is she will find out you are poz and gay at the same time. The next day Can's stepdad told me Can was sick and would not be in. I knew the hammer would drop at home and then at work soon once him mom found out I probably pozed her son. Can ended up in the hospital and was very sick for a few days. We had not gone to see him not knowing if his mom knew but Alex had sent him text messages and he said he was better and would be home soon. We kept Max informed as he for some reason did not have a cell phone and the kid started to warm up a little to us and talk some. A week went by and Can called me before work on Monday and said she knows and is on her way to the restaurant. I'm sorry for what ever she says and does. I love you guys and as soon as I can I will be over. I told him it was okay and went to work ready for the storm to blow in. She was waiting in my office when I walked in and told me not to take my coat off I was fired. She then read me the riot act about how I infected her son and ruined his life and on and on. During the 20 minutes or so of lecture I packed up my knives and removed my thumb drive that had all my recipes and event bookings. I never stored anything on the computer and then cleared the computer. As I walked out she screamed for me to tell my boy toy he was fired as well and that she would not have faggots working for her. I laughed and said bitch not counting us you have 5 others, I tuned and walked out. I got home told Alex what had happened. We knew it was coming so had already planed to leave and open our own place. Just across the street. I had received an inheritance a few years back and had put it in the bank to make money till I was ready to open my own place. I called the realtor for the old Greek place and with in 2 weeks we were getting ready to open. I had been making plans for years so everything was ready. The last few items of equipment came in and we started looking for a staff. During all of this Can had moved in with us because his mom wanted to send him to a camp that would "fix him and make him straight again". We all got a good laugh at that. And Max who was raised in the foster system and was living in a transitional house with other and a lot of rules had moved in as well. He and Can sharing a room. The boys fucked every waking minute of the day when they were not helping us get the new place ready. One week the boys had been having some arguments and had a lot of tension between them. The Saturday before the soft opening on Monday Alex and I had sat down to eat and about half way through the meal Max came out and asked if one of us would fuck Can. We both where shocked and before we could answer Can came out and said don't both boys were on the verge of tiers. I asked what was wrong and Can said nothing everything is okay but Max said I can't fuck my boyfriend! I asked why and Can said they don't need to know. Max just lowered his pants and said because of this. I saw his neatly trimmed pubes and the smallest dick I had ever seen. It was maybe and inch long if that. With tears rolling he said his mom had used drugs while pregnant with him and had an overdose the night he was born. He had been told by the Dr's that was the reason he had a small dick and because of the small dick his foster bother and foster father had abused and used him and had pozed him. Can said when he comes its amazing he shoots a gallon and it goes about 6 feet. He smiled and said and his dick gets hard as steel I fucking love it. Max said but you want fucked and I can't do that for you. I didn't know what to say, frankly I was still looking at the tiny dick and envisioning it shooting cum 6 feet. Finally I said we could buy a strap on and Max said I want you two to fuck him while he fucks me. He looked up and looked me in the eyes and said please! I walked up and reached out and took a hold of the smallest dick I had ever seen and I felt it get hard as steel I leaned in and kissed him as I reached over and pulled in Can. I told both boys I loved them and as Alex joined us I said lets go to the bedroom. Alex climbed on the bed and and with his head over the side started sucking my dick while I started eating Max's ass. Can was working between Alex and Max"s dicks sucking each one like he hadn't eaten in days. After about five minutes Can stood over Alex and lowered his ass on to Can dick with Max guiding it in. Can moaned out a very loud fuck me, as Max said fuck that god damn ass like the fucking whore he is. I slipped in behind Max and started eating his ass while he watched his boyfriend get fucked by my boyfriend. It was hot so fucking hot. Max looked back at me and said I need a god damn cock in my ass fuck me Jay fuck me. So I slid up and slowly pushed my dick in his hungry hole. While he whispered in to Can's ear "god damn he's got a big cock" Can turned his head around and started kissing Max after a few seconds he broke the kiss and said Jay fuck the hell out of his ass fuck that ass like your life depended on it. About that time Alex pushed up hard in to Can I he gasped as he and Max started kissing again. We fucked like this for about 20 minutes or so then Can moved around and asked if he could fuck Max I pulled out and Can bent down and sucked my dick clean then tuned spit on Maxes ass and shoved in hard. Max screamed FUCK!! and Can said shut the fuck up bitch Can then looked at me and said fuck my as god damn it I need your fucking dick in me. I saw Alex crawl up under Max and start sucking his small dick and Max started sucking Alex. It didn't take long before I shot my first load of the nigh deep in Can's ass. As I pulled out Alex came out from under Max with cum dripping from his chin. He looked at me and said it was the best cum he had ever eaten then he climbed in behind Can and started eating his ass. I stood over Max and allowed Can to clan my dick again. Then I moved down to Max and shoved my dick in his mouth and told him to suck. I could tell Can came once with me in his ass and now just after a few minutes with Alex in his ass he was shooting his second load in to Max I moved so I was under Max and started licking the cum dripping from his ass and the base of Can's dick as it went in and out. Can was hard as a rock and still fucking his man and my man was getting close, I could tell my his breathing. Alex moaned out that he was cumming and physically shook as he shoot his load in Can's ass. He pulled out and I said let Max clean you off and he did. Can pulled out of Max and I cleaned his dick for him. We were all exhausted and after resting a few I said damn I gotta piss. Max jumped up and asked if I would piss on him? I looked at Can and he shrugged his shoulders and said I do it all the time. He loves to drink piss. All four of us ended up in the shower pissing and on Max and at one point Alex dropped down and took so piss as well. We cleaned up and I took the boys to dinner. What a fucking night.
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  35. Chapter Three My next period was a blur, all I could think about was what I had just done. Twice. With Jack it was one thing, I mean we've been best friends since forever and we've jerked off the moment we knew we could cum. Him jerking me off and taking my load...it just seemed like the next step I guess. What the step after that was, that was troubling. But Mr. Blackthorn, what the fuck man? It was like he knew every button to push with me. Rubbing my cock, getting me all hard. It was like he knew once I started getting horny my mind got fuzzy and I just went with whatever felt good. Everything he did felt fucking good. But I wasn't gay, no way man. I had a girlfriend, who I fuck regularly, she likes it. But Blackthorn made me fucking shoot like I hadn't jerked off in a month. Plenty of girls have felt me up at away games, all through high school chicks wanted to suck my dick and I let them. But why did his finger feel so...right? The bell rang and I rushed off to the lunchroom. I needed...well I needed a lot but food would help. I tossed like three of whatever they were serving on my plate and found a table with the rest of the guys in the corner. They were going on about whatever and laughing it up like they didn't have a care in the world. When I sat down I tried to be like them. “What's up Mighty Joe?” one of the guys asked. Another nickname based on my dick. “Chillin, you guys?” “We're just making plans for the after game party this weekend. Phillips's parents are gonna be gone and we were thinking of some party favors.” “Oh cool, like balloons?” I asked. They all laughed their ass off. “Yeah like balloons, you coming right Palmer?” Jack sat down next to me, “MY man here miss a party? Never!” The guys cheered again and went back to talking. “I was looking everywhere for you since when do you come straight to lunch?” I shrugged, “I was hungry.” He stared at me for a long second, “What did you get up to?” “What?” I asked looking up quickly. A smile came across his face, “What did you get into in two fucking periods? You jerk off in class?” “No! I said trying to sound offended, though that was exactly what I was doing before Blackthorn stopped me He narrowed his eyes in suspicion and I was about to break when a pair of arms draped around my shoulders, “Hey sweetie!:” Cheryl kissed my cheek and I suddenly felt super guilty. “Hey babe,” I said giving her a quick peck. “Coming over after practice again?” she asked with a wink. “I can't!” I said suddenly, “I have tutoring after practice this week.” “You do?” she asked. “You do?” Jack asked as well. “Yeah, Mr. Blackthorn says I am failing and is willing to give me private lessons to catch up.” “You're going over to Blackthorn's house after practice?” Jack asked. I nodded and looked at Cheryl, “Sorry, I have no idea how late it will be the I have to be up early for class...” She gave me a fake pout but I could see the disappointment in her eyes, “You better make it up to me,” she leaned in and gave my dick a squeeze through my jeans. I was surprised my dick did not respond. “I promise,” I said kissing her back. She bopped off and left me with a questioning Jack. “So really?” he asked. I went back to my food. “What did you and Blackthorn talk about?” “School stuff,” I mumbled. “Uh-huh,” he said leaning in close, “Did you guys...you know?” I nodded once. “Holy shit!” Jack said loudly, drawing the attention of everyone at the table. “He was telling me about the shit he does with his girl,” Jack explained and the guys nodded and went back to their conversations. “What did you do?” he asked in a whisper. I shook my head, letting him know I didn't want to talk about it. “You have to tell me Ev,” he pleaded. I looked around and then at him, “Same thing we did...like almost the same thing except it was all him.” He processed all this, “So he jerked you off and then....like...swallowed?” “The whole thing,” I said, not hungry anymore. “Dude...and you're going over there tonight?” “To study!”I insisted. “I'm behind in the class too, I should come as well.” I gave Jack a panicked look. “What? And to be there as moral support man. I'm your bro, you know that.” That was true, if Jack came with me it would be less likely that I would get all fucking horny again and...well let all of that happen again. “Ok, but you can't tell anyone!” Jack smiled, “Dude, I always keep your secrets. He was right, he always had. After classes, I got into the locker room began to put my uniform off when I realized I still didn't have my jock. “Shit,” I said to myself. “What's up, man?” Jack asked, getting dressed next to me. “I still don't have my jock, I lost it last night.” He reached into his locker and pulled a spare one out, “I am going to get that back.” he said. Sure,” I assured him, slipping my jeans off. “I get to choose how I get it back,” he said and I just nodded, “Promise me.” I glanced over at him, “Whatever you say, dude.” Pushing my dick down I made sure everything was held and started slipping my uniform on. Jack seemed overly amused for some reason. We got out onto the field and it was pretty clear from the start I was not up to snuff. I hadn't gotten enough rest last night and I was kinda sore from the double workout. I tried to keep up as much as I could but the third rounds of sprints I had to pause because I was getting a stitch in my side. “Palmer!” Coach Moore yelled, “Get off my field, Billy, see if he's hurt.” I cursed as I walked off the field, Billy waiting for me at the locker room door, “Anything hurt?” he asked. I shook my head as I walked into the locker room. “Come into my office,” he said, opening the door to the massage room. “I'm fine,” I said, “I just needed to catch my breath.” “You were holding your side, strip and get on the table.” “Coach” I whined. “Strip! Now!” he barked. I shut up and started shedding my clothes. The table was closed as I laid down on it in only Jack's jock. Billy closed the door and I heard it lock loudly. “” Ok, let's get down to business,” he said grabbing some oil and rubbing his hands together to warm it up. His hand touched my back and started to knead the knots out of my back. “Oh yeah...” I sighed as he began to work. We were silent for a few minutes, I felt myself dozing off I was so relaxed. “So do I want to ask why you're wearing Jack's underwear?” “Lost my jock,” I murmured, just on the edge of falling asleep. “It's a little tight,” he said slipping his hands under the back straps. “His dick is smaller...” the words just fell out of my mouth. He chuckled, “I bet that's true for a lot of people.” His hands went down to my legs and I began to doze off again. “How are your glutes?” he asked, waking me up. “Sore from running but ok,” I answered truthfully. He moved up to my ass and I felt his fingers start to kneed the sore muscles. Like I normally do, I started getting hard, which was painful in Jack's jock. “Shit!” I yelped jerking up. My dick was practically bent in half in the pouch and I reached in and freed it. It slapped up to my abs and I felt my face redden, “Sorry, it was stuck.” Willia smiled and nodded, “No problem, lay back down.” My dick was pressed between the table and my flesh and he went back to my ass. As he worked on it what happened with Blackthorn came up and I was curious. “Can I ask you something?” I asked. “Always man.” “So...why does playing with your ass turn you on?” “My ass?” “Nonono, I meant in general. Why does someone playing with your ass turn people on so much?” “Ah, did your girlfriend slip a finger somewhere?” I wasn't going to tell him it wasn't Cheryl but I nodded nonetheless. “Ok, well the long answer is the buttocks is a serious erogenous zone and super sensitive because people usually don't think about it.” “Um, the short answer?” I asked, not sure what he had just said. “There's something in there that is like a sex button.” I glanced over at him, “You're joking.” He shook his head, “Nope, not even a little.” I said nothing for a long time, just thinking about it. “You know in physicals when they test your prostate?” “Um, my what?” “When they put a finger up your butt.” “Oh yeah, that.” “Well, what they are checking is it.” Why do they check it then?” “Because it swells or is abnormal it could mean serious medical conditions. When was the last time yours was checked?” This morning? I didn't say that. “Um, I dunno.” “Ok, well let's show you what I mean and check you at the same time.” I was anxious but my stomach was in knots, like when I first kiss a girl. “Turn over,” he said. “But you're checking my butt,” I said, turning over. My dick pointing skyward. “Trust me, I know what I'm doing,” he said grabbing the lotion again, “Bend one leg and keep it up.” I bend my knee and his hand went between my legs. The cold lotion made me flinch but he put a hand on my chest to hold me in place, “Shhh...stay still and relax.” His finger traced around my hole like it was mapping it my touch. It was weird but nothing that felt like a sex button. “Ok, here we go,” he said, pushing a finger into me. My ass left the table and if he hadn't been holding me down I would have fallen off. “Stop!” he commanded, his voice making me freeze, “Relax.” His finger pushed in again, this time I forced myself to stay still. “Relax!” he said again. “I'm trying!” “Push out...” He saw my confusion. “Like you're taking a shit, push out.” Oh, ok. I relaxed and his finger went into the first knuckle. “Whaaa....” I gasped as my dick twitched all on its own. “Is that it?” He laughed, “We aren't even close, now relax again.” I focused and his finger went deeper, there was a small amount of discomfort but it was also super exciting, which made me ignore it. “Spread your legs,” he said and I bent both knees and widened them. His finger went even deeper and it was starting to feel...weird. Not good, just weird. “I don't think...” I began to say and then something exploded inside of my ass. “Holy fuck!” I roared as I clamped down on his finger. “Relax, relax,” he said in a soothing voice, “We're getting close.” “W-what was...” “Relax,” he snapped and I felt my ass go loose. His finger pushed in again and I could feel something just go nuts inside of me. My dick started leaking like crazy and I felt my ass push down. “I can't find it...” he said, moving his finger around, causing fireworks to go off in me. My eyes rolled back as my dick just jerked with every thrust, pre-cum fell all over my abs as he kept looking. “Ok hold on...” he pulled his finger out and I felt so empty. My ass had tried to follow his finger and my dick was ready to blow. “What, what happened?” “Can't find it, going to have to try to,” he said holding up two fingers and putting oil on them, “Relax and push out.” Two fingers kind of burned, I don't remember any doctor using two fingers to do this but I didn't care because as he hooked his fingers in me it touched whatever it was and I moaned out loud. “Ok, I think it's around here...” He began thrusting his fingers harder and my entire body reacted. Whatever he was hitting was like nothing I had before, every time he pushed in it was like fucking sex in that second. He did it a couple more times and then he pulled out, leaving me panting. “Dude, I'm worried. I can't find it and I should have by now.” My abs were slick with cock snot and my hole was still twitching, “What you mean?” “You might have a problem man, it might be too small.” That worried the fuck out of me, “What's that mean?” “I dunno yet, here...” He pulled me to the edge of the table, my long legs hanging down. “Ok, when I say so grab your knees and hold them apart, and I am going to try on more time. I might have to call a doctor in.” “Whatever it is, find it!” I pleaded. “Ok, grab em.” I grabbed my legs and pulled them back, leaving my ass cheeks open. “Ok, relax and push, ready?” I nodded. This time I could tell it was three fingers, it hurt as he pushed in and I grunted as he made his way deeper and deeper. “Shit coach!” I said as the pain increased. “Hang in there Everett...hold on.” He finally hit bottom or whatever and stopped. My ass spasmed around his fingers is it tried to adjust to the invader. “Take a breath, let me know when you want more.” I took a few breathes and then nodded, “Do it.” He pushed in and hit that thing again. Instantly the pain was forgotten as I threw my head back and whimpered. “Wait, I think that's it,” he said. He thrust again and again and each time my dick twitched harder and harder, dangerously close to cumming. “Come on Everett, hang on...” His fingers jammed again and again...and I was crying out in fucking ecstasy. “Push back, push back hard.” I began to slam my ass down on his hand, stars flashing in front of my eyes as the pleasure multiplied. Again and again, I pulled myself up and then shoved my ass down on the digits. “Yeah, that's it...harder.” “Oh yeah,” I said panting, “How close coach?” “Almost, just on the edge.” “Harder...” I said more to myself than to him. “Harder...” I was really going to town on his hand, I could feel the base of it touching the edge of my hole as I forced those fingers deeper and deeper inside me. “That's it Everett, you're almost there..” I was lost in sex. I didn't care what I was doing, who I was doing it with, all I knew was the sensations coming from my ass and the want, the need for more. “Fuck me, fuck me...” I began to chant, not even sure what I was saying. “Yeah, fuck yourself Everett, fuck yourself harder.” I was lost and just pushed again and again and again... And my cock erupted. Cum went flying over my head twice, my forehead, my cheek and a big ol glob on my mouth. I was so lost in the moment my tongue came out and just licked it away. I could feel warm splashes all over my chest and abs, and all from never having touched my dick. As I got my breath back I realized I was still rocking back on his hand, trying to milk the last moments of my orgasm from him. Slowly he pulled his fingers out, making me wince. When he was free, I felt so empty, so...I don't know. Like I wanted more “Ok, yeah, you definitely have an underdeveloped prostate, but I don't think we need to worry.” I wiped the sweat and cum from my forehead, “Why?” “Well it responded to what we were doing, so I think if we set up a regiment of training it, you know like any muscle, we can get it back to where it should.” “More? Like this again?” He smiled, “Unless you want to go to a doctor, there is a shot they can...” “No, sir! We can do this, that's fine. He nodded and went over to wash his hands, “Thursday after practice, just say you want a massage, that way the guys don't have to know what's wrong with you.” “Thank you, coach! You're amazing!” “Don't thank me yet, we have to work that muscle and beef it up. Just like in the gym. We start small,” he held up his fingers, “But if we want results, we need something bigger.” I just nodded and agreed, anything to get me better. “Ok you're good,” he tossed me a towel, “Wipe yourself off and take a shower man.” “Thanks so much, coach!” He nodded, “Thank you Everett.” I swear man, we have the best people working here.
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  36. Chapter Two Everett barely made it to class on time, a fact that was not lost on Mr. Blackthorn. Mr. Blackthorn was one of those teachers that should have been a coach. He was wide and muscular, built like a linebacker with arms that looked like they had been sculpted out of stone. The slacks he wore gripped the man's thighs like a second skin, a fact Everett had been paying more and more attention to lately. “Mr. Palmer, if your prowess on the field was comparable to your academic scores, you coming in late wouldn't be an issue.” Everett paused on his way to an empty seat, “Um, what?” The whole class laughed, “If you were as smart as you were athletic then coming in late would be fine. But since you aren't, see me after class.” “Awww shit,” he said, louder than expected and once again the was surrounded by laughter. He found a seat in the back and slid down, hoping not to be noticed. Once Blackthorn had gone back to lecturing his mind wandered to other things. Normally Everett's thoughts were of three different camps. There was baseball, a topic he loved to go around and around in his head about. Everett knew the stats of nearly every major league player in the past five years, with some he could tell you what they hit on a particular night. But it wasn't baseball he was thinking about. There was also food, easily top three. Thought Everett had a body that looked like it had never gone near actual food, the boy ate like it was always his last meal and he wanted to taste everything before he went. His metabolism was famous with his friends, most who were on a low carb, high protein kick to shed the last few pounds to make them truly a beast on the field. On a dare, Everett had wolfed down five double cheeseburgers from Sliders in less than five minutes. Not only had he won that bet but finished his and two orders of fries the guys hadn't touched. He got a ribbon from the owner and everything. But though Everett was starving, food was not on his mind. As his hand snaked under the desk and gave his dick a squeeze, the only thing on his mind was Jack's mouth on his cock. Just thinking about it made his blood rush, quickly followed by a bucket of cold water composed of everything he had been taught growing up. He had been taught that guy on guy stuff was against Jesus and that God was ALWAYS watching so he better make sure when he had sex it was with someone God would approve of. Growing up nearly all of his friends fooled around with him. One look at his dick and even the straightest of guys would bring up jerking off together just to see Everett stroke it. His dad had caught him and a friend in junior high and he had set Everett down and told him, being curious about boys was natural. Growing up he had a group of friends that would get in on circle jerks, a term Everett had his dad explain, and that was fine. What was wrong, again according to his dad, was having actual feelings towards guys. That was a sin and Everett desperately didn't want to sin. Though he had been wondering why sex with a guy is bad but sneaking into a girl's room and fucking her silly was ok. It was too confusing for him so he just focused on erection and the taste of Jack that was still in his mouth. “Everett?” The boy looked up and found the class empty and Mr. Blackthorn looking at him, “Can you pack your stuff up and come down here?” Everett shoved his books and folders into his backpack, noting that he had not touched them the whole class. As he walked towards Mr. Blackthorne glanced down and raised his eyebrow. Everett looked down and the outline of his cock was clear through his jeans. “Shit,” Everett thought, “I knew I should have found a jock to wear!” “Yes, Mr. Blackthorne?” The beefy teacher sat on the edge of his desk, “I'll give you twenty bucks right now if you tell me what today's class was about.” Everett's face reddened in embarrassment. “You can't can you? Can you tell me what we have been covering this week?” “No sir,” the jock mumbled. Sighing the teacher got up, “Look, Mr. Palmer, I accept the fact you are an athlete so your main focus is on the game and keeping in shape but you do know your scholarship depends on you keeping a 2.5 GPA?” Everett nodded. “Do you know what grade you have in this class so far?” Shake of his head. “An F, a complete zero. You turn in assignments late, when you show up to class you are unfocused and if this is any indication I can tell what you're focused on.” Mr. Blackthorn tapped Everett's dick as he spoke. “I-I'm sorry sir,” Everett stammered as he felt his dick start to chub up again. Blackthorn just stood there watching the length of the boy's member slide down the inside of his jeans. Just the fact the older man was watching made it even harder. “If you thought with this head you'd be a genius,” Blackthorn said, again tapping the stiff cock. Everett jerked at the contact and a small stain of precum stained his jeans. “You're going to need to put more into the class and to do that you need a tutor to make up for what you've skipped.” Everett nodded, wishing his dick would go down. “I'll make you a deal, you get out of practice when around 6-7?” “Mostly sir.” “Ok, on the days we don't have class you show up at my house and I'll try to get you up to speed and when you're in class, no playing with this.” Blackthorn now cupped his hand over the width of the swollen cock and Everett's eyes closed and he instinctively leaned into the contact. “You have class right now?” Everett shook his head. “Come into my office,” he said to the boy, still cupping the monster dick. Everett was led into the older man's office, door closed and locked behind him. “You can't walk around like this,” Blackthorn said, popping open the first button on Everett's jeans. “Sir I...” the athlete began to protest when the teacher's hand pressed harder against him. “Shhh...”, another button gone, “Just go with it, you need this.” Everett bit his bottom lip as another button was undone. The boy's cock sprang up, it's thick head smacking his stomach with a solid thud. “Such a healthy boy,” Blackthorn said, slowly stroking the jock's dick. “S-sir...” he said tried to protest again. “Pull up your shirt.” Everett paused, not sure if he should or not. “I said pull it up, boy!” His cock leaked some more as he reacted to the stern tone of voice. Slowly, Everett raised his t-shirt, exposing his tight abs, the definition clearly showing every deep cut. Blackthorn let the donkey dick go and the sound of it slapping against his abs filled the small office. Blackthorn pulled the dick again, leaving a small smear of precum on the hardened ridges of his abs. “Play with your nipples,” the man commanded. Everett looked down in confusion. The teacher let go of the boy's cock, another wet slap against his stomach and pinched the boy's quarter-sized nipples lightly. Everett moaned out loud as a direct line of sex from his nipples to his cock. Not even aware of it Everett fisted his cock and began to slowly stroke it. “Yeah that's it,” Blackthorn said, twisting harder. The pain was one of the most erotic things Everett had felt and he could feel his dick throb in his hand, another glob of precum forming at his tip. Blackthorn saw the drop and leaned forward to lick it off. Everett jumped as he felt the tongue move across his sensitive tip, “S-sir?” he asked The teacher let go of the nipples and said, “Keep playing with your nipples.” Everett released his dick and began to twist his own nipples as the older man put his middle finger in his mouth and slicked it up with spit. Then, leaning forward, Blackthorn engulfed the jock's dick with his mouth, as he moved his finger under the huge, swaying balls. Slowly the teacher spread the boy's legs, opening up his tight, muscular ass. It was the second time his dick was being sucked by a guy today and it was just as exciting as when Jack did it. His mind was flooded with new sensations, his nipples, the mouth and then the finger. Blackthorn slipped his oversized finger into the virgin ass and suddenly Everett was cumming. Load after load spilled out into the teacher's mouth, the overflow of the massive load dripped out of the corner of his mouth. Everett's ass clenched around the finger, as the cum just kept flowing. Part of him wanted to push the digit out, another part wanted it to go deeper. Finally, the spurts slowed and Everett felt his legs go weak from the orgasm. Blackthorn had never swallowed such a load before, but then again he'd never seen a cock on someone so young before. Removing the finger he let Everett step back, jeans around his ankles, swollen, red cock defeating inch by inch. Blackthorn wiped his mouth and smiled as the teen tried to gain focus again. “Better?” he asked. Everett had a dopey grin on his face as he nodded. “Ok then, get out of here, and remember, private tutoring two nights a week.” The athlete nodded again as he pulled his jeans up, tucking his now, soft cock to the side. “T-thank you, sir...” Everett said, not sure if this was something you thanked someone for. “I was young, I remember what it's like to have a dick with a mind of its own.” Everett could understand that. “See you tomorrow night,” the boy said, walking out of the office. He picked up his backpack and wobbled out of the room. Did that just happen? More importantly, did he want it to happen again?
    2 points
  37. Chapter One Everett didn't even bother to try to go back to his dorm room. He didn't have time to run back, change, shower and drop his uniform off to be cleaned before his first-class started and if his uniform was dirty for practice there would be questions that Everett didn't want to answer. He could swing by the locker room, grab a shower, drop the uniform off and see how much of what he wore yesterday could survive another day before he started to stink up the place. He passed Sliders, the local diner and hang out for students as he drove down Main Street. He was hungry but he didn't think Mrs. Jones would welcome a shirtless teenager into her diner for a meal so he kept driving. The parking lot was empty this early save for a few custodians and the few office staff that opened the school each day. Grabbing the rest of his uniform from the back seat he found his way into the locker room without being caught. What he had worn to school yesterday was still in his locker and Everett took each piece of clothing out and smelled it to see if it could last another day without stinking. Tossing the socks and underwear back into his locker he laid out his t-shirt and jeans on the bench while he looked for a fresh towel. It was weird walking into the large shower room alone, usually, it held at least half a dozen rowdy jocks lathering themselves up while talking up what exactly they had done out on the field. Empty it was like a cave, every sound echoed in ahead of him and the place was colder than a witch's tit. Now that saying always made Everett smile since he wasn't' quite sure why witch's had cold tits but he had heard it as a kid and it stuck with him, bringing him joy every time he thought it. He found a towel and shed what little he was wearing and headed into the showers. Normally this room generated a smorgasbord of emotions in the boy's mind. There was the enjoyment of a hot shower, the relief the water brought after a hard practice and the pent up energy that always seemed to follow the boys into the shower every time they entered. Walking into a group shower was always a little like playing a game of truth or dare where you picked the dare. A group of you entered, naked as the day you were born, and then proceeded to rub yourself down with soap not two feet away from another naked guy. It was awkward, exciting and more than a little erotic to most since everyone looked. The only thing that could make it worse was talking. And there was a lot of talking. In fact, there was a lot of talking with pointing and laughing thrown in for good measure as well. When Everett was young, well younger than now, he got more than a few looks and laughs in the shower. All through junior high, he had earned a couple of nicknames that drove the boy crazy with anger, Elephant Boy. Trunks. One-eyed willy. It wasn't easy growing up with a part of your body that was out of proportion with the rest of you. Because of this, he had learned to hate his member since all it seemed to bring him was shame and embarrassment. That all changed in high school. He had been fifteen the first time he showered with the rest of the team. It had been a grueling two-hour practice under a sun that only southerners know. To most, the sun was a bright, glowing ball of fun and heat that proclaimed the day as starting, in the south the sun was an unbearable master that took great pride in reminding everyone beneath it exactly who was whose slave. So when Everett stumbled into the showers after his first actual baseball practice he didn't notice or care about anyone else or their reactions. Exhaustion had a funny way of erasing little things like embarrassment or modesty in a young man and it was in this mindset he walked into the showers and stood under the nearest empty shower head. The water began to fall down him and he felt their rejuvenate powers begin to work on his tired form. It took a second to realize the shower room was silent save for the falling water. He opened one eye to find the team just staring at him. Well not him but more like part of him. Sighing he turned around and waited for the eventual teasing that would come from exposing himself like that. Instead, a couple of seconds of nothing and then someone yelled to someone outside the shower. “Holy shit Long, I think that freshman has a bigger dick than you!” He had been a sophomore at the time but Everett wisely said nothing. “Bullshit.” someone, but gonna assume it was Long, called back. “Come look, this kid is a beast!” Everett looked back in shock and there were a couple of the older kids whispering to each other, nudging the other one as they talked. Sure enough a tall boy, easily a senior walked into the shower, hair damp so he had already been in and out and looked around. “Who?” he asked outraged. The older boys pointed at him. “Lemme see it.” Long demanded more than asked. Everett looked at him with eyes so wide they were about to fall out of their sockets. “Come on kid, I ain't got all day.” Everett looked around for help and he found his friend Jack looking at him. “Show him.” Jack mouthed. Everett shook his head. “See?” Long said looking back at his friends. “You're full of shit if this kid was swinging he'd show it off.” One of the older boys moved over to Everett. “Come on kid, don't be shy. Show him what you got.” Everett looked at Jack again who nodded. And slowly, he turned around and dropped his hands to his side. Long looked at his junk like it was a loaded weapon while a couple of the other guys started to giggle. “How old are you?” Long asked, still not looking away. “Fifteen,” Everett said in a quiet voice. “And a half.” Long threw his hands up in the air and stomped out. “Fuck this shit.” Followed by his friends clapping and cheering Everett on and that was how the boy found out a big dick can be a good thing. Everett smiled as he remembered the way the team rallied around him, making joke after joke about his size, but all in good fun. That was three years ago and in that time what had been a source of ridicule had become a point of pride and gossip around school. Boys and girls. In the back of his head, he knew he should care that guys looked at him more than they should in the locker room but for some reason, it didn't. If anything it was exciting to him in a way that he refused to go into because if he was being honest, it scared the boy. It was easier to have a girlfriend that was using him as a sex toy than to look at that box of feelings he kept stashed away in his head. As he finished washing he realized the shower room was a lot less fun without the other guys. He missed the laughing and the staring, alone it was just a big room. He was about to wrap things when a hand slapped his bare ass causing him to yelp in surprise. “Come on Palmer, just jerk off at home like everyone else.” The hand and the voice belonged to the coach's aide William, Billy to his friends. He was studying physical therapy over at the junior college and had been hired as a work-study to help Coach Moore with the team this year. Though barely twenty he was considered another teacher by the team and treated accordingly. “Hey, coach,” Everett said turning the water off. “You scared the living shit out of me.” He chuckled as he glanced down. “Watch where you swing that thing bud, you could take someone's eye out with it.” The eighteen-year-old blushed and grabbed the towel hanging outside of the shower. “Sorry coach, it has a mind of its own.” William laughed. “Hey I just got out of my teens, trust me I know the struggle man.” Everett continued to dry himself as the older man began unlocking the gym. “So what brings you in so early? Don't tell me you already worked out?” “Nah, I just didn't have time this morning to grab a shower.” Billy looked up at him “What were you busy doing this early?” Everett blushed and that told the whole story. “You're gonna get caught sneaking out of that girl's house one day and there will be hell to pay.” Everett tossed the wet towel into the hamper and began to get dressed. “What am I supposed to do? Turn down sex? Come on coach you know how it is.” “I do,” Billy said sneaking another glance. “But there are safer ways to get laid than sneaking out of a two-story house.” “Like?” Everett asked, honestly curious. Billy paused and then shook his head. “You know what, ignore that. I don't know what I'm talking about. You just do what you think you need to do.” and walked away. Everett stood there confused, what did he mean by a safer way? And why practically run away when asked how? He shook his head and pulled his shirt on. “People are weird,” he muttered as he got ready for school. He grabbed his backpack, the same one that he had shoved in there yesterday. All of his books would be in there, with all of the homework he hadn't done yet in it as well. “God damn,” he muttered to himself as he thought of all the work he had skipped by falling asleep last night. He slid the backpack over one shoulder and walked out into the hall. “Now I know I've seen everything,” a voice said from behind him, “You got to school early?” He turned around and saw his best friend Jack standing there. He'd known Jack his whole life, they had grown up next door to each other and had become lifelong friends in just one look. Jack's mom used to laugh that they literally learned to walk at the same time. Jack had gotten up and wobbled over to his mother and Everett saw his friend walk, then he just got up and followed suit. “I could say the same 'bout you,” Everett said with a slow grin. Jack looked like he was out of breath and though he was in normal clothes, looked like he had just gotten done running or something. “Nah, just had to see Billy before class.” “I just saw him in the locker room...” Everett turned back to see if the man was there. “I know, he said you were hiding in there. That girl is going to fuck your dick off,” he said nudging his friend's shoulder. “Awww come on, he told you 'bout that?” “Like you wouldn't of, so what happened? Tell me everything.” They started to walk down the hall, only a few people here and there were around so Everett didn't mind sharing. “So I get up there, and I am dead tired man, like ready to puke tired.” Jack nodded, intently listening. So I'm like give me a sec and she's all laying down and shucks my pants off faster than you can say boo.” “And you guys did it?” “Not yet, then she took my jock off and almost killed me cause she didn't know I had my cup in. So I almost yell out but cover my mouth and she's all, ohhh did I hurt it?” “Oh, shit...” Jack said, more excited than ever. “Yeah, so she starts going down in me and...” “Get in here,” Jack said pushing him into one of the broom closets. “What the hell?” Everett asked. “Go on with your story, don't want anyone hearing.” Everett thought about it for a moment, "Good thinking, so she's going down on me and I just lie back cause it was...” “You horny now?” he asked, cutting his friend off. “I'm always horny, why?” “Let's do our thing before class.” “Here?” Everett asked, looking around the small closet. “Come on man, you never minded before,” “It wasn't at school!” “Was that one time in your car...” Everett felt his dick growing hard and knew it was a lost cause. “Fine but lean up against the door with me, so no one can come in.” Jack nodded and they both leaned against the door and opened their jeans. “You're commando?” Jack asked, almost choking. “I think my jock is in my uniform pants, can't remember,” he said pulling his half-hard dick out.” “God damn...” Jack said with pure envy, looking at his friend's tool. “Ok let's do this before...” Jack yanked his dick out and started to stroke it, all the time looking at Everett. “Damn you're worked up, Everett said as he lazily began to fist his cock. Jack just nodded and licked his lips. “You ok?” Jack looked up into his friend's eyes and then smiled, “I have an idea that can make this better.” Better? They'd been jerking off together since they knew how to shoot. Jack had taught Everett how to jerk off and the two of them had been doing it in the same room ever since then. There was a thrill having his best friend watch him. But something better? “How?” Everett asked Jack reached over and took hold of Everett's cock and began to stroke. Everett's eyes got huge as he felt his friend's hand touch his dick for the first time and then he relaxed as he just went with it. “God I wish I had this dick man,” Jack said, pulling up and down on the massive dick as if his own. “Oh jeez Jack, this ain't right....” “You like it right?” Everett nodded. “We're best friends right?” Another nod. “Then how can it be not right?” Everett tried to think of why but the sensations coming from his dick was too much. “Faster,” was all he said. Jack did just that and Everett closed his eyes and sighed. Why was it that his best friend with just a hand could turn him on more than his girlfriend could with actual sex? Jack's other hand cupped his low hanging balls and a moan escaped his lips. “Oh shit Jack...” he said lost in ecstasy. “Yeah, you like that don't you big guy?” Everett nodded, his friend's low voice turning him on even more. “How close?” “Close...” Everett moaned. A moist warmth engulfed the head of his dick and Everett looked down to see Jack going down on him and he exploded. From the force of the orgasm, you'd have guess Everett hadn't shot in weeks and weeks instead of last night. His hands grabbed Jack's head by reflex and held it there as he pumped more and more cum down his friend's throat. Everett shuddered as Jack pulled off his dick, there was a glob of cum at the corner of his mouth. “Why did...” Everett was about to ask when Jack moved forward and kissed him. At first, Everett was too confused to do anything but stand there, but as Jack's tongue began to touch his he could taste himself on his friend and started to kiss back savagely. There was a hunger in Everett that the boy had never felt before and he found himself pushing Jack up against the back wall, ravishing the young man's mouth. Jack pulled back from the kiss and declared, “Oh shit, oh shit...” Everett looked down and saw his friend stroking his own, decent sized dick. Without thought, Everett grabbed his friend's member and began to stroke him. “Faster, harder...” Jack gasped as he felt himself get close. Everett watched as Jack's cock gushed cum everywhere, seven, hot spurts, one after another after another. “Jesus...” Jack cried, trying to catch his breath. Everett smiled, “Well that was new.” His friend returned the smile, “How'd you like it?” Being the honest boy he was Everett was forced to admit he liked it a lot. “I mean, I don't know if I could do that, I mean putting it in my mouth. But you doing it was hot.” Jack smiled and leaned forward and kissed Everett slowly. Again Everett was confused, but he enjoyed the feeling so started kissing him back. They remained that way until the first bell rang and they both knew they were going to be late got class. “Shit,” Jack exclaimed pulling up his pants, “Hey see you at lunch?” Everett nodded pulling his up as well, “I am fucking starving” Jack gave his friend an evil grin, “Well you're the one not sure if you could put it in your mouth.” Everett felt himself blush as his friend slipped out of the closet. “What in the hell just happened?” he asked himself, before heading to class.
    2 points
  38. I would hang you with a noose while a lineup of the most poz men I could find take turns breeding your hole full of various hiv strains and STDs. I would fistfuck your unconscious fuckhole so deep that my entire forearm went up your ass .I would make you get full-blown AIDS with at least a few med resistant strains of HIV and a pile of STDs in your destroyed loose sloppy fuckhole. I would get you hooked on meth and then have you get your cock and balls removed in exchange for drugs.
    2 points
  39. After Hurricane Zeta blew through I had a yard full of pinecombs, broken limbs, and tons of leaves. When it was looking safe I went outside to survey the damage and then saw that the neighbor had a tree land of their house and the tree split down the middle on either side of the house. I went back inside to have a cup of coffee and when I went back outside there were two truckloads of guys in cherry pickers ready to take down the tree. As it was warm but breezy I was just wearing a hoodie and track shorts. Watching the guys work made me horny so everytime I saw a guy looking in my direction, I bent over to pick something up. By lunchtime most of the guys who were interested knew what I was offering and one by one they came to my garage to either get sucked off or fuck me in my jockstrap over the hood of my car. 3 loads down my throat and 2 loads in my ass. Not bad for yard cleanup.
    1 point
  40. We have a sex sling, fuck bench, tens unite, chastity devices, whips, floggers, canes, dildos, butt plugs, Anal chastity lock, rope, cuffs, chain, nipple suckers & toys,
    1 point
  41. I don't think that toy would stop ANYONE from fucking you - it definitely wouldn't deter me! Some guys might tell you to push the ball out while they fuck you, then pop it back in when they're done (like a butt plug) OR they would do what I'd do and slide in next to that thin stem - rubbing their cock against the ball and giving you an extra full feeling. I love playing with toys and sluts with loose holes, and you wouldn't lose that thing at a party since it's attached to your cock and balls :)
    1 point
  42. In my opinion the part seventeen is the new chapter one of the sequel and I know I will love it...
    1 point
  43. Before we start, no this is not the end, no this is not the tone the rest of the story will go, and yes, there is a lot more Chem induced sex coming up, most notably with Jack's little brother and payback for DPing Ev. So before I get any comments saying this doesn't belong here, it does and will, just give it a few chapters. And if you don't want to wait, might I suggest one of the many incredible other stories on this site. Chapter Twelve I woke up to angry yelling. “...cking kidding me! Why would you do that!” “Why do you get to play with him and we don't?” “Because he's not a fucking toy you little asshole! How about I get you stoned and me and your friends run a train on you?” “I'd be up for that.” “Shut up Rick!” “If you hurt him I am coming back and kicking your ass all over this room.” It felt like I was flying as I was picked up and carried somewhere. I heard a door open and I was set down on something comfy. It was so quiet I almost drifted off again when something wet was pressed against my forehead. “Feels good,” I mumbled. “Ev? You ok?' Jack asked. I nodded, “Thirsty.” Something touched my lips and I drank down the whole glass. “How you feeling?” I opened my eyes and he was hovering over me, a look of real concern on his face. I smiled, “You're cute.” He smiled back, “Are you hurt?” Shaking my head I handed him the glass back. He put it down on the nightstand and placed the washcloth on my forehead again, “My brother is an asshole.” I didn't understand what he was talking about for a second and then the memory of the soccer guys going at me flashed in my mind. I felt my cock twitch at the thought. Jack glanced down, “Of course you liked it,” he teased. I nodded again and reached up to touch his face, I was still stoned as fuck and was feeling nothing but good thoughts. He leaned into my hand and I pulled him down into a kiss. Normally my mind would have been screaming at me that this was gay as shit but for some reason all I felt was affection. Jack moved on top of me as we started making out. “I'm sorry that happened,” he said between kisses. “I'm sorry you weren't there,” I whispered back before gnawing on his neck. “Oh fuck Ev...I've always wanted this.” The words, “Me too,” slipped out of my mouth before I knew what they were. “I mean it,” he said grinding his crotch against mine, “I've wanted to be with you since junior high.” I was wearing a pair of nylon shorts, which Jack had to have put on me while I was out cold. The thought that he cared enough to cover me up made my chest glow with warmth. I pulled him into a savage kiss and flipped him on his back. I was looking down at him and he was looking up at my breathless. “You should have told me,” I said, my hands pressing down on his. “I was afraid you'd freak.” I rubbed my dick against his own, “Do I look like I'm freaking?” He looked like he was stricken for a moment and then he wrapped his legs around my waist and flipped me over on my back. “Is this really you?” he asked, his ass resting against my swollen cock, “Is this because you're high or whatever? Are you going to feel differently in the morning?” I could see the fear in his face and realized how serious he had been. He really had wanted this, and even now he was worried I'd change my mind. I couldn't blame him, last week I might have freaked out, hell a couple of days I might of, but right now, with him straddling my waist, looking like he was close to crying, I realized something that I could never put into words before. I had always loved Jack, I just never knew how much. “This is all me,” I said placing my hands on his hips, “And I am going to feel the same way tomorrow morning, and every morning after that.” He just stared at me, not able to say anything back. I sat up and stripped his shirt off him, “Is that what you wanted to hear?” I asked, our faces next to each other. He just nodded. “Well you heard it,” I said going back to his neck, “So get naked already.” He moaned as I but down on the side of his neck, both of knowing I was going to leave a mark. His hands fumbled with his jeans as he felt my mouth marking him as mine. He got off me and shucked his jeans off, revealing he was commando. I slid the shorts off me, “Where you want me?” I asked. “Right there,” he said opening the nightstand and pulling out a bottle of lube, “Just lay right there.” “You wanna fuck me on my back?” I asked. He shook his head as he straddled my waist again. His hand was slick with lube as he stroked my cock, “I told you, I've been dreaming about this.” His words seemed far away as he his hand danced up and down against my length, covering my whole tool in lube. I felt him shift and his face was over mine, “Don't do anything ok?” I nodded, not sure what he was talking about. “Just let me do all the work,” he said leaning in for a kiss. I kissed him back, trusting him completely. Still kissing me I felt him sit back, the head of my cock slipping between his ass cheeks. My eyes popped open as I felt him slide up and down my cock until my head found his hole. His hands were flat against my chest as he looked down at me. “Don't thrust up, don't do anything until I say so.” I nodded, not sure if I said anything it would break the spell. He pushed down and I felt my cock head press against on impossibly tight hole. He didn't stop as my head crowned past his opening, inch by inch pushing against the ring of muscle. His face was a mask of concentration as he forced himself further down, trying to push the plum sized head of my cock into his little jock ass. It slipped in and we both gasped as one. His ass was like a furnace, and I could feel it spamming around my cock head as it tried to force it out. “Wait, wait...” he panted, trying to catch his breath. I laid perfectly still, waiting for him to take the next step. “Jesus...you're so fucking big...” he moaned. “Shhh...” I said quietly, “Shhh....push back, just relax for a moment.” He shook his head as he hissed in pain, “It's tooo.....big....” I felt him start to sit up and I grabbed his hips. His eyes flew open and looked down at me. “You can do this...” I said firmly, “This cock was made for you Jack...” I slowly pushed him downwards, “I was made for you.” He hissed and his eyes clenched in pain as another inch of me entered him. “Breathe....relax....” I said stopping. “Oh god, oh god....” he sighed as his ass flexed around my girth. “You ready?” I asked and he nodded. I pushed him down another inch and he gasped as he felt me enter him. “Breathe...” I reminded him, “Breathe in....and out.” He followed my words and I felt his ass open just a little. “Breath in...”I said and when he did I thrust upwards, forcing another two inched into him. “Fuckkk!!” he screamed and tried to pull off of me. “You got this...you got this...” I said holding him still. His head fell down, “I can't Ev, it's too big....you're too big...” I leaned up and kissed him, he weakly kissed me back. I moved to his cheek and then probed his ear with my long tongue. I heard him groan and his ass relaxed instinctively. I attacked his ear relentlessly as I slowly pushed another couple of inches into him. When he flinched in pain I moved to his neck and then to his nipples. Doing anything I could to distract him from the pain. He had about six inches in him and there were another three and half left. His entire ass was spasming around my thickness, doing it's level best to fit me in such a tight space. He started to kiss me back and I felt him push back, lowering himself down quarter of an inch at a time. “Oh god...Ev...Ev!!” he panted as we hit the eight inch mark. “Almost there, you almost got it,” I assured him. He stayed there, making out with me as he let himself get used to me. After a few minutes I grabbed his hips and locked eyes with him. “Push out,” I said, “Push out like you're taking a shit.” He was sitting up and nodded as I pulled him slowly off a couple of inches and then thrust upwards. His eyes bugged out as he realized I had pushed another inch into him. I pulled him out again and thrust up harder, and felt his ass hit my pubes. “Oh...oh...” he whined as he sat there, all nine and half inches in him. “There you go...you got it...you got it Jack.” He nodded, drops of sweat falling off his forehead. “How you feel?” He looked down at me, “You're fucking HUGE!” he said and I smiled. “This is what you wanted?” I said thrusting up, making his eyes close, “Is this what you dreamed off?” I thrust again and he leaned forward, trying to ready himself from the movement. I kept him steady with my hands and started to piston into him faster. “This is it right?” I growled, “You wanted to ride this donkey cock?” He just nodded as I picked up the pace. “You feel that Jack? You feel that fucking cock in you? That what you jerked off too? That what you whined about when you got horny?” “Yes!” he squealed as he held on for dear life. “That's your cock Jack, that's your tool. All yours...” “Fuck me Everett....fuck me...” he began to chant and I realized it had happened. I was used to this to be honest. When I first fucked someone they were always so hesitant and scared, each inch an ordeal into itself. But once I was in, once I had invaded them they didn't just like it, they lost it. It was like my cock just unleashed something in them and they were no longer themselves. They were addicted to the biggest cock they had ever seen. Within a minute he was pushing back into me, taking every single inch he could and more. He whined, he whimpered as I fucked his guts like a madman. He just started panting more and I knew he was past stage one. Time for stage two. I pulled him off my cock and there was an audible plop as my cock left his ass. There was a little confusion and a little fear in his eyes as I threw him on his back and pulled his muscular legs apart. I'd always had to be careful with girls at this point, not wanting to hurt them from hitting something up in there with my tool, but I knew Jack could take it. He could take it all. Before he could say a word I thrust into him and his eyes widened in shock as his mouth opened in a silent scream. Once people got used to my size they thought that they could take it, that what they were feeling was the most they could feel. It wasn't until I could really tear their pussy up did they lose their shit. I held his legs out like a wishbone and started to slide my beercan thick, nine and a half inches into him like a machine, smashing his prostate like it was only made for me to kill it. His cock was hard as fuck and his eightpack was already covered with cock snot as I hit into him again and again and again. He could barely breathe I was fucking him so hard, his hands were over his head as he lost all grip on the situation. His entire life was my cock now. No thought, no reason, nothing. All he knew was that he existed to get fucked and there was nothing else in the world other than my dick. His ass gave up the ghost and stopped fighting me as I was able to shove myself to pubes and back in one slick movement. Once I knew he was gone, it was time for the last stage. I circled my arms around his back and pulled him up into a sitting position. As he came down on my thickness his eyes bulged again as he realized with his weight and gravity, I could get even further into him. I didn't move and he began to panic. “Fuck me, fuck me!” he commanded as he pulled his ass up and shoved it back down on me. Both of our bodies were slick with sweat as he rode me, wanting every single inch of my horse cock he could. Once he had a good rhythm going I grabbed his shoulder and thrust up as he pushed down. He let out a squeak for a moment as he eyes rolled back into his head and I began to piston fuck him harder than ever. By the fourth push he was matching me thrust for thrust, desperate for every massive inch I possessed. This was the last stage because no one lasted long this way. They had no identity, no thought, all they knew was they needed to worship the cock in them and nothing else. “You like that Jack? You like that cock?” “Oh god Everett....you're so big....fuck me....fuck me....” he chanted, not sure what he was saying any more. “This what you wanted? This what you wanted to feel?” “Please fuck me Ev...please...” he whined, begging for more. “This is your cock Jack, only yours...” I said as I moved him to the right slightly. His mouth hung open as he made gibberish sounds as I hit his joybutton again and again and again. I had been able to do this with girls, know exactly where to hit them to make them cum by instinct. It was a feeling of where I needed to hit to get them to explode instantly. From the way Jack was whimpering my skill was just as good with guys. “I'm....I'm....unf....unf....oh god...Ev....Ev!” he panted as his cock began to pulse. Without ever touching it his cock erupted warm cum over both of our washboard abs. His ass tightening from his orgasm set me off and I sprayed his guts with what must have been gallons of cum from my swollen dick. I kept pushing him down on my cock as I made sure every last drop of my cum was forced into him. “”Ev...Ev....” he said, holding on to my shoulders. Once I was done I lowered him back onto his bed. My cock was still lodged in him as he laid back and sighed. “Is that what you needed?” I asked. He looked up at me and smiled, “I love you.” Before I could answer he kissed me, and I laid down on him, my half hard cock sliding out of his wrecked ass. “I love you too....” I whispered as a stream of my cum leaked from his ass. He nuzzled his sweaty body next to mine and he drifted off to sleep, both of us covered in cum.
    1 point
  44. Last week....hooked up with an interracial couple. Started with suckin the black guy while the whiye guy ate my ass and fucked me. They switched places so got the black guys load 1st then the white guy went back in and added his. Fantestic!
    1 point
  45. I took my first loads on a visit to NYC in the 70's, when I was staying at the West Side YMCA. There were 2 or 3 floors with rooms for men only with traffic between the floors. In those days there was no such thing as "bareback". Then AIDS appeared and guys started to wear a condoms, which I found weird. I then learned to enjoy bottoming with condoms and at the park I would collect condoms filled with man juice. I started to take loads again when most guys were still requesting to wear condom. It was fun because at the parks or bathhouses there were not too many BB bottoms so my raw hole was in demand when I used to go to the local bathhouse or park.
    1 point
  46. I LOVE these types of breeding videos: Here's my first contribution: TWO DESPERATE HORNY ANON TOPS BREEDING CUMDUMP BOTTOM [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/butt-5396746
    1 point
  47. I kiss but only when it's torrid. Passionate/romantic kissing kills the sleazy and dirty feel of cruising.
    1 point
  48. I went off PrEP for 8 weeks over lockdown but am back on daily prep for over 2 months now. My sex drive has remained constant throughout although it may not be a great experiment as I had no access to bareback sex during lockdown, only with myself. Actually the other liberating effect of PrEP is my willingness to fuck with POZ guys. Previously I had notionally to treat everyone as a risk and use condoms or decline to fuck. I never asked people or knew what their HIV status was but suspect I’d have avoided sex if I knew someone was positive. Now I still don’t ask guys their status but sometimes I see it on a profile especially on BBRTS and I willingly fuck with them raw. In terms of sex drive this increases the opportunities for sex and reduces the stress. But it is also liberating in an emotion political sense somehow, one never wanted to shun people consciously but the risk of infection caused an almost instinctual drawing back, it seems that PrEP more than condoms helps restore solidarity and casual intimacy between gay men, or at least in my case. Prior to PrEP I never knowingly allowed an HIV+ guy to fuck me (they may well have done so, statistically it’s likely) subsequently it’s an unremarked common occurrence.
    1 point
  49. Everything was set up for my monthly parTy, a few friends were helping me setting everything up. After setting the sling my friend Thomas walk towards me and said: “i have a feeling that it’s going to be a very hot party”. I only replied with an evil grin. Everybody took off the little clothes they were still wearing. I watched Thomas undress, a saw his hot tanned athletic body and when he stretched out you could see his defined abs; a rock hard eight-pack. He was only 21 but an expert at nearly everything that has to do with sexual pleasure. His fat cock was dangling between his legs; a d donkey dick. My other two friends already started and lay down on the mattresses, both were 29 and very cute. The bell rang and i opened the door 3 friends entered. As soon as the door closed they stripped and joined the rest. After a few hours i needed something to drink so i went to the kitchen when the bell rang, so i thought ‘maybe it’s that hot guy from Grindr, he had to work late so he didn’t know if he could make it.’. I saw that Thomas was standing closer by so i asked him: “Could you open the door… it’s a surprise!”. And a suprise it was, because when i came out of the kitchen i saw my 19 year old nephew standing in the living room. “Brian, what are you doing here?” i asked him. He started telling us that he and his girlfriend had a fight and that she dumped me in the club and left with the car. Then he asked if he could crash here tonight and i said “sure you can sleep upstairs… and as long as you don’t complain about our party!”. “I won’t!” he said smiling. “Why she dumped you bro?!” Thomas asked out of the blue. I told Brian he did have to tell us, but he started to tell Thomas that he started doubting if he was really straight. “When i was at the gym i started to notice that i was also looking at other guys and that always gave me a hard on.” he told us. “So in the club there was a very hot bartender and i couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. After a while i saw him coming towards me and without saying anything he grabbed my head and kissed me deep and intensive… i was shocked for a second but then the feeling took over. I kissed him back and it felt so damn good. My girlfriend saw the whole thing and he started yelling that i was a sick freak and left” he continued. The hot guy asked him if i wanted to go back to his place, but that was too fast for Brian so he left. “Everything’s going to be alright” said Thomas and i asked “If he wanted to go upstairs and if i should go with him”. “Can i also stay down here? i will sit on the couch and won’t get in the way!” he said. “That’s okay, but you have to take off your clothes, but you can leave your boxers on. Otherwise it’s awkward for the rest.” i told Brian. He look a bit surprised but nodded and said “Okay!”. Because i saw photo’s from his last holiday i know that my nephew has a very hot body; an athletic Twink. Thomas and me joint the rest and after half an hours an other friend nudged me, so i looked over towards Brian and saw that he took of his boxer and was stroking his hard cock; i guessed it was around about 8 inches. I went over to Brian and said “Guys turn you on, you can’t hide the facts… sooner or later you must act upon it… this is your chance… they can learn you a lot about sex with a man... i saw you checking out Thomas earlier, i’m sure he can teach you a lot”. “i know but my mind is conflicted… i want to but something is holding me back!” he replied. I tell him that i know something that can help him with that “…but i need you to trust me… no questions! Okay?”. I see the conflict in his eyes but he starts to smile and says “if it helps i’ll try anything!”. I leave the room and come back with a syringe and a strap. I tell him “Lay back and relax, close your eyes and don’t move”. He stutters “but… what…”. “You trusted me so no questions” i said. He lays back and tries to relax. I tie off his upper arm and tell him “If you don’t want this tell me now… You can still go to bed upstairs instead of having a life changing night with us”. He shakes his head. I then stick the needle slowly in his vein and starts injecting him with a substance that will take over his mind and turn him into the slut he really wants to be. After pulling out i say “No way back now! Enjoy!” while removing the strap. Brian sits upright and begins to cough, and i raise his arm above his head. After a 20 seconds the Tina starts to take control and he falls back in the couch. His cock is hard as a rock and standing straight up and is oozing pre-cum. Thomas see this and move towards Brian and begins to suck his hard cock whilst slowly massaging his asshole. Brian starts moaning when Thomas takes the whole length of the oozing dick in his throat. In the meantime he also begins to work a finger up the unexperienced Twink. Brians moaning becomes louder and louder. When a second finger is worked deep inside the virgin hole Thomas other hand moves up and starts slowly pinching Brians nipple. The boys slutty instincts take over as he begins twisting and turning his ass around the two fingers. Thomas feels the ass opening up so he pulls back before ramming in three fingers. This is too much for the boy and his body begins to shake. Thomas feels the dick growing in his throat and shoves it in balls deep and squeezes and twist Brians nipple. The former straight boy explodes and thick streams of cum begin to fill Thomas throat. Thomas tries to swallow everything but when de cum starts pouring out his nose he pull back. He also pulls back the fingers out of the boys ass. Brian begins moaning and pleading to put them back. I tell my slutty nephew that we have to clean out his ass first before we can fill it again. Thomas helps the poor boy on his feet and leads him to the bathroom. After 20 minutes they return. Thomas tells me that he tried to fuck Brians ass in the shower but that it’s too tight. Fortunately we have something that helps us with the stretching. So we lead Brian to a bench and tie him down. Thomas then takes out my fuck machine while i load up my nephews ass with lube mixed with a high dose Tina. After a few minutes Brian begins to moan that his ass is burning. We ignore him and see that several minutes later his ass begins to open up while the tina is taking over again. We love sloppy holes so we mounted a big dildo onto the machine and position right against his asshole. Thomas takes the controls and slowly begins to force the dildo forward. The asshole tries to resist the pressure of the dildo. Brian asks us to please stop. But slowly and surely the dildo advances further until the ass opens up. Brian cries out while the dildo goes deeper and deeper before slowly begin extracted. Our new slut gives a sigh of relieve, but that was short lived because the dildo begins to advance back in. With every stroke the machine picks up the speed a bit. After a few minutes the boys ass gives up and is standing wide open. In order to dampen the moans we take turns fucking his mouth with our dicks. When the machine reaches his top speed we shut it off and after shoving a few shards up the open ass we fuck it in turns and shooting load after load deep inside. Nothing beats fucking a cumfilled sloppy ass. After this weekend Thomas and i asked my nephew to moved in. And together with our friends we still like to parTy!!!
    1 point
  50. PART FIVE I jolted a bit when Sam's fingers first went inside me. "Oh, sorry mate" said Sam and pulled me a bit closer towards his lap. I felt his fingers move deeper inside me and I felt pain in my ass, "It's because we didn't use too much lube babe, I'll use proper stuff next time round". As I reached back to steady myself I couldn't help but stroke his cock more. I needed it again. "Did you enjoy that babe?" He asked as I squirmed on his fingers. Although I'd initially found it painful, I was really starting to enjoy having his fingers inside me & was starting to wish I had more in there. "I loved it, was I OK?" I asked as I stroked his face. He was so masculine and sexy. "You were incredible babe, in all honesty one of the best guys I've ever been with. I've never felt so much passion with a guy, especially on my first time with him" "You're too sweet" I replied before kissing him deeply again. "I can't wait to have you inside me again, and I LOVE when you call me babe" My ass started feeling so empty even though I had two fingers inside me. I thought I'd felt horny before when the E had really taken hold but somehow I was even worse now. Even though I'd been stroking Sam's cock while we were kissing, he wouldn't be ready as he'd only cum about 10 minutes before. Taking matters into my own hands I managed to fit another of Sam's fingers inside me as I smiled cheekily at him. "How long til you're ready to go again my man? I need your cock & cum inside me again" Sam gave me a smile, I was that far gone I didn't realise that it held an ulterior motive. "You've become quite the slut now haven't you?" "Maybe I have" I giggled spacily. "We're gonna have a hell of a time while your wife is away" "Oh God, fuck her, for the next few days I'm your wife" I replied "Mmmm I like the sound of that" and I jumped off his hand and went back to sucking his cock. My ass hadn't been completely clean when we fucked (I obviously wasn't expecting it that night) but I didn't care what condition it was in or how dirty Sam's cock was. My ass was on fire & the only thing that could put it out was my sexy man's dick. "Take your shirt off, I wanna see that sexy chest of yours" I demanded between deep breaths as I sucked him as deep as I could. "I still haven't seen all of my man yet" As Sam pulled his shirt off, he wiped his fingers on his shirt. I could see a little blood on them but it didn't register, I just assumed it was from him taking my cherry. What did register was that he had tatts on his upper arm, they looked familiar, some form of tribal design. looking up at him with this incredible aching in my ass & desire through my whole body, I knew that I'd made the right choice in sleeping with this sexy older man. I could sense that he was just about hard enough to fuck me soo I worked his cock with one hand and my mouth. My ass was desperate to have something inside me so I started fingerfucking myself with my free hand. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I could only fit three of my fingers inside, I needed so much more. "I'm just about ready babe, let's go to my bedroom where the lube is." He lifted me to my feet and pointed me towards the bedroom. "You go first, I wanna watch you walk there." I walked to the bedroom swaying my ass seductively as I'd seen my wife do so sexily before as I looked over my shoulder. "You're such a great little slut babe". Him saying that made me feel so good inside, like I'd never felt. I couldn't wait to pleasure him again. He reached into his bedside table, pulled out a jar & started lathering his cock with the contents and rubbing my needy hole. "You don't have a bottle of lube?" "Nah, it broke open one time so I put the contents into this jar" "Sexy, funny & clever. No wonder I love you so much" I whispered huskily. Even though I was professing my love for Sam, all I was fixated on was his cock and how much I needed him inside my ass. I was a complete whore & it didn't worry me one bit. As I lay on my back Sam pulled me to the edge of the bed and I squealed in delight. He spread my legs and I'd never felt so vulnerable but also never wanted something so much in my life. I tried my hardest to concentrate but all I could do was gaze dreamily up at Sam with my legs wrapped round him. He pressed the bulging head of his cock inside me and I was so happy. "Mmmm, your cock feels different this time around" I moaned as I stroked his muscly arms. "I've got lube on my cock this time babe, I didn't last time remember?" he said with a gleam in his eye. "Oh yeah, I never knew that dicks could feel differently inside you" "You'll learn plenty over the next few days," Sam replied as he pushed his cock balls deep inside me. "It'll definitely change your life" I gasped as I took him all the way inside and bit my lip as he pressed himself totally down on me. "I can't wait", I whispered in his ear END OF PART FIVE
    1 point
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