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  1. I play quarterback on my university's football team. Im tall with a large frame, but I’m not fat (6’2, 230 lbs). Gym and practice are what I focus on most. It was only my freshman year, but I had played all throughout high school too, so I was well on my way. During spring break, I went home to visit my dad. We lived in a rougher part of town, so it had its fair share of shady types, but it was still home to me. Dad and I got along well. Typical guys. We talked about sports, girls, work, argued about politics. It never went anywhere too seriously, so we just ended up shooting the shit like we usually do. What I did look forward to was my dad’s new hot tub. Well, sort of new. He took it off the hands of someone who wasn’t using it anymore. It was later in the evening that we were going to try it out together. Neither of us owned swim trunks, but that didn’t matter. We’d just skinny dip since it was in the backyard and there was plenty of privacy. We set out a case of beers and were getting the tub ready. Just as we were stripped down and about to go in, there was a knock on the front door. "Ah shit, just a moment, Ryan. I’ll go see who that is." Dad threw on some shorts and went to answer the door. I was sitting on the edge of the tub, naked in the night air. I was dipping my fingers in the hot water and casually playing with my dick. I wasn’t trying to get it hard or anything. I just tend to play with it when I get bored or space out. Eventually, dad came back with company. "Hey Ryan. This is Mr. Wilson. The guy who gave me the tub. He wanted to take it for another spin." I looked over and saw an older man in his late 60s or early 70s. He was terribly thin and pale. He was bald on top with a gaunt face. He definitely fit the profile of one of the shady types. "Oh hey. Thanks for hooking my dad up." He walked on over and started getting undressed. I was used to showering with the other guys after practice, so being around other naked men didn’t bother me. "Nice to meet you, Ryan. Hope you two have been enjoying the tub." "Not yet, we were just about to jump in." I looked toward my dad. But he didn’t get undressed. "I can’t this time. I need to take care of a few things I forgot about. Plus, the tub would overflow with all three of us in there. You two have fun." And with that, dad left me alone with Mr. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was down to his underwear and leaning up against the hot tub on the opposite side of me. I figured I’d step in since I wasn’t waiting for dad anymore. I sat up on the edge with my legs dipped in. The water was hot but felt good. Mr. Wilson did the same. As he swung his leg around, I saw his dick. Damn, it was big. I thought he might have had an erection at first, but it was actually flaccid. I wasn’t interested in imagining what it looked like, but damn if I wasn't a little envious. We both sat down in the water at the same time. Sinking into the hot water up to our chests. It felt good. "It’s nice to dip in after a long day. Johny tells me you play sports?" He talked pretty fem. I could tell he was one of those flamboyant gays back in his day. "Yeah, quarterback at university." I grab a couple beers and crack them open. I offer one to Mr. Wilson, but he just waves it away, not interested. So I sip mine down and keep the extra near by. "I can tell. You’re a large young bull from what I can see." "I gotta keep the muscle mass up; it's good for tackles." "I’m sure you’re great at tackling. For me, it’s difficult to keep my weight up. I'm quite ravaged away, as you can notice." "Do you diet? Do a lot of cardio?" "I get my cardio in other ways, but I’m not thin from dieting. It’s standard wasting from advanced AIDS." That last sentence made me feel uncomfortable. The guy was sick with something pretty bad, but I tried to play it cool and not let it get to me. There was a large gay community near by, so I shouldn’t be too surprised. "Sorry to hear that man." "It’s fine. I’ve been on home hospice care, and it’s hard for me to get around. Which is why the hot tub is very relaxing for me. I hated giving it up, but the maintenance was getting too much for me. Too many wild parties kept clogging up the filter. But it’s nice to come by and take a dip every now and then. I can at least make the trip next door here." "That’s good, I suppose." "And my viral load is in the millions." "That’s pretty cool." I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded impressive. Mr. Wilson raised an eyebrow, like I said something interesting. I finished my first beer and was burning through my second. Mr. Wilson and I chatted about random stuff. Small talk. It went on for quite a while, with a bit more beer. As he trailed on about something, I was trying to act interested, but the beer was getting to me, and in my obliviousness, I ended up playing with my dick out of boredom. Mr. Wilson must have noticed because he started playing with his. It started to get semi hard in the water, and I couldn’t help but notice it getting bigger. "Hey Wilson, don’t take this the wrong way, but how fucking big does that thing get?" The alcohol was definitely making me less tactful. "Oh, this old thing? It can get up to 11.5 inches." "Woah really? Bullshit. You’re such a small framed dude. It can’t really get that big." "My condition doesn’t shrink my cock. If anything, the lack of body mass only accentuates my length more." "Oh sure, whatever, I call bullshit." "I can prove it." "Fine dude. Prove it." A ridiculous challenge. Now Mr. Wilson was standing up and playing with his cock in front of me, stroking it. I was chugging more beer, waiting to see if this guy was all talk or if he could really get his dick large. "Oh, I’m getting a little winded. I need to hold on to something." Mr. Wilson let go of his cock and put his hands on my shoulders. "You okay, man?" "Yeah, I just need a little extra support. Would you mind giving my meat down there a hand?" "I’m not gonna jack you, dude." "You’re not jacking it. Just getting it hard. It was your idea." He had a point. I did want him to prove it that he had an 11.5-inch dick. "Fuck it." I put my hand on his cock and started stroking it. "Yeah, just like that young man." His thing was getting bigger in my hand. It quickly grew to full length, with thick veins and his cock head poking out from his forskin. The tip was looking at me. "Yeah, that’s nice. What do you think? big hu?" His cock was definitely large. I could feel it throb in my hands as his hips rocked back and forth. The tip of his cock started oozing, and it was dripping down into the water. "He he he, shit man you were right. It’s definitely huge." I was laughing it off. My curiosity satisfied. I let go of his cock and it slapped down between my pecs like a hotdog in a bun. He slid it up and down like he was trying to slowly titty fuck me. "Now that it’s hard, what do we do with it from here?" I looked down at it between my pecs. He twitched it up towards my face, pointing it just below my nose. I thought this was just to prove he had a big one. I wasn’t expecting it to go any further. "Uh, I’m not gay. I’ve never sucked cock before." As I opened my mouth, Mr. Wilson let his tip rest on my bottom lip. "I never said anything about sucking it. But that sounds like fun." I pulled away and got up, changing the subject. "This thing has jets, right? How do I get those on?" I was drinking more beer as I was bent over fooling with the control panel on the side. Then I felt something warm poke my asshole. "It’s this button over here." Mr. Wilson was leaning over on top of me. Reaching around to the proper button. "Uh, is that your dick?" "Oh this? Yeah, couldn’t help myself. Your large, muscular ass was too tempting not to give it a poke. Hope that’s okay." "That’s alright. Guys in the locker rooms dick slap every now and then, so a little poke doesn’t bother me. It’s not like you’d be able to get into me anyway. I do legs twice a week, so my ass muscles would be too strong for ya." "Is that so? I could push in and you’d keep me out?" "Go ahead, try it." The beer was definitely affecting my judgment. Mr. Wilson grabbed his dick and started pushing towards me. I felt my ass getting pushed in, but his tip wasn’t making any progress. I was clenching tight. "You are tight. What a big mountain of meat you are." He started stroking his cock as he pressed up against me. "Let’s get some natural lube on that ass." I felt my ass getting slippery from his pre. He was digging around, getting me greased up, and pressing harder. "Push that hole out. Open up for me." "I’m not trying to let you in. If it can’t go in, it can’t go in." "But I’m an old man; I need a little help to penetrate your strong young ass. What if I do get it in?" His pushing persisted. "It won’t." "I think it will." "Ha ha. If you can get it in, then you can do whatever you want to." "Is that a promise?" I was still drinking beer. My buzz a full on drunk by this point. "Heh, I’ll do whatever you say if you can manage to jam that big thing in me." "Oh, I plan on holding you up to that. This old queen is going to pop that neg cherry." "Then do it, man." I rocked my ass back into his dick as he kept trying to push it in. His movements got more enthusiastic as he was stroking his cock. His tip trying to dig into me, oozing out more pre on my hole. I thought it was pretty funny, this skinny old fem grandpa attempting to fuck me. I would die of embarrassment if any of the guys from the team saw me like this. Bent over with some random wrinkly old gay dude digging into my ass. But we were well secluded in the backyard in the dead of night. So I figured it was harmless to let him have his fun. The beer was getting me cocky, and I decided to tease him. "Come on grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch." "Oh? You want this poz cock to fuck a load in you?" He kept humping away at me. I knew the guy had a dangerous cock, but I was confident in myself. I was rocking back into his humping. Mr. Wilson not making any progress on penetration. "It's not going in man. You’re gonna have to call it." Mr. Wilson stopped his efforts but reached over to the hot tub filter. "True, guess I’ll have to use something to smooth it along." He pulled out the filter and reached in the container, pulling out a handful of a globby yellow-beige substance. "What’s that?" I asked, a little disturbed by the sight of it. "You know, I’ve had many parties in this thing. The filter always gets clogged with cum and sex juices. I’m glad to know there’s still some left over." Mr. Wilson slapped a handful of the slime on my ass and stroked his cock with it. It felt sticky and gross, but I had serious doubts over how well that would work. "He he, gross dude. But hey, if you think that will help, you’re welcome to try again." "Spread your ass for me." I grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled them apart. "Good, now push that hole out." I puckered out my asshole. Wilson smeared more goo on my hole. Then I felt a jab as he stuck a finger in me. "Oh shit, your finger is in me, dude!" His finger went in while pushing the tub cum goo in me. "Yeah we need to get your ass used to things going inside it. My finger is much thinner than my cock, so it went in no problem. How does it feel?" Wilson was finger-fucking me. It felt strange, but not bad. "It’s kinda weird." "Then let’s get more in." He then pushed another finger in. My ass felt like it was getting stretched a bit. The goo helped the process along. Then came a third finger. "Ouch, that’s getting tight. Think you can ease up?" He didn’t stop. His fingers kept digging into me and twirling around. "Just a moment. You’re definitely a virgin down there. But it’s starting to feel like you’ve been prepped enough." He pulled his fingers out and slapped more goo in my ass. He then repositioned his cock at my hole. It was coated in the cum goo. "Now push your hole open for me and spread your legs more." I did as instructed. He didn’t have any luck getting into me before so I didn’t think he’d be able to do it this time even with the fingering. He started to push. It felt like my ring was hugging his tip. Not fully keeping him out. But then I started to open up more with his pushing. "Oh shit. That’s really slippery." Wilson leaned down. Grabbed my pecs and whispered in my ear. "Such impressive muscles you have. I can’t wait to see how this disease of mine devours them all away." "What?" Wilson gave a hard thrust, and to my shock, his cock slammed all the way up my ass. My cheeks slapping his pelvis. "OUH! FUCK!" He actually got it in! I didn’t think he could, but it was definitely all the way up in me. He wasted no time getting to fucking. His massive meat drilling away at my insides. "What’s wrong, jock boy? Can’t handle this old man’s dick?" His assault was rough and hard. My guts were hurting, and I wanted him out. I was moving around. Trying to get out of the tub. I ended up stumbling out on the ground. Wilson’s cock popping out of me. "Wow, that was wild. I didn’t think you’d be able to get it in." I got to my feet rubbing my ass. Wilson got out of the tub and got behind me, rubbing my shoulders. His hard on poking my ass. "I recall you saying I could do whatever I wanted if I could get it in you." He rocked his hips around, sinking the tip of his cock between my cheeks and meeting up with my hole again. "Well yeah, but wasn’t that just a joke? You can’t expect me to let you fuck me." "Now now, you need to be a man of your word." He gave another thrust and popped his dick back up inside my ass as we were standing up. "Oh shit! I told you man, I’m not gay." The intoxication was making me feel wobbly. Wilson was happily fucking me where we stood. He then started walking forward, herding me back towards the house. "Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or gay; my cock still fits nicely inside you. Damn, you are tight as hell. Let’s go in the house and have some proper fun." Each thrust made me walk forward, going further and further into the house. "Wait, dude, we can’t. My dad is in there. He can’t see me like this." I whispered. But it didn’t stop Wilson. "Then we will just have to be quiet. Where is your bedroom?" He was whispering to. As we quietly walked through the house, I was trying to lead him to my bedroom so we didn’t alert dad to what we were doing. That’s when I saw him on the couch in the living room. He was facedown on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey next to his laptop. He was totally passed out. Wilson stopped us where we stood, his cock still inside me the entire time. "Oh, look at this. Instead of your bedroom, let’s go over there. We should spend some quality time with your daddy." He turned us around and was now ushering me towards my past out father on the couch. He was still only in his shorts and nothing else, snoring away. "No! I don’t want to wake him." "Then don’t wake him up." My dad was now just a few inches away from us. "How about you get down and pull those shorts off of him?" "Why? We can’t do anything like that." "You have to do anything I say, remember? If not, I could just cum inside you now. Do you want to get infected with my AIDS because of your insubordination?" "Fuck no." We both got down to our knees. Wilson never let go of me. Never taking his cock out. I reached over to my dad and put my hands on his hips, grabbing his shorts and slowly working them off of him, revealing his hairy ass. Dad also played football a long time ago. He had quite an impressive build from what I had seen in his old photos. But now he had gained weight on top of that. He was a mixture of muscle and chub. So his ass was quite large. "That’s a good boy. Now spread your dad‘s ass open and get your tongue in there." I couldn’t eat out my own dad‘s ass. That's sick and wrong. I had my hands on his large round ass; I didn’t want to spread it apart to find out what its greasy hole would look like. Wilson, picking up my hesitation, gave a sharp thrust inside of me, jabbing his cocktip deep into my guts, causing a jolt of pain. He put a hand on my back and pushed me down. My face plapping against my dad‘s ass cheeks. He hadn’t showered today yet. He was musky and sweaty, with a hint of BO on him. I didn’t want to do it, but the painful cock in my ass wouldn’t relent unless I did what this old troll said. I spread my ass cheeks apart, revealing a juicy, dark pucker looking up at me. God, it looked so masculine and grimy. That's where his shit comes from. I’m supposed to lick that? "Lick it or don’t. I’ll just have my fun back here." Wilson started going to town on my ass. Fucking me in front of my sleeping dad. His cock reached deep, sliding in and out of me. It hurt, but it was also strangely good at the same time. His pace was faster than before. He was really getting into it. "Oh God your muscular ass feels so good. You’re squeezing me so tight, oof, I’m not going to last at this rate. Fuck boy you must really want me to blast my poz cum in you." Wilson emphasized ‘poz cum’ reminding me that I was getting fucked by something that could absolutely destroy my life. I looked down at dad‘s ass, considering what I should do. Wilson fucking me hard. His hips slamming into my ass. "Oh shit boy. It’s coming. Either eat that ass or swallow up my AIDS… I'm good for either one. Oh my… oh my." Wilson was grunting and moaning. My ass felt wet and sloppy as he pulled all the way out and slammed all the way back in. His angry cock was definitely doing a number on my insides. Sliding throughout my tunnels, working its way up to spew its toxic poison. I could imagine his cock head inside me. His piss slit opening on the plunge forward and closing on the pull out. I was staring at my dad’s asshole. One question in my mind. Get AIDS or commit incest?’ Out of desperation, I dove my face into my dad‘s ass and licked his hole. It was salty and bitter, but juicy and moist. I dug my tongue inside while his ass cheeks hugged my face. "That’s a good boy; enjoy the taste of your father's ass juice." Wilson’s fucking slowed down. He was no longer working up to orgasm but just giving me slow, gradual thrusts. I had an old queenie gay dude fucking me raw while I had my tongue deep up in my dad‘s asshole. It was like something out of a dark, sick, twisted porno. Wilson’s slow fucking was stimulating me in all the right places. I felt my cock getting hard. I was even getting used to the taste of my dad‘s ass. I think I was even enjoying the taste of it. I grabbed my dick and started stroking it while I was getting fucked. Damn, I really didn’t want to enjoy what was happening, but I couldn’t deny the old fuckers technique. "Nice, looks like you’re starting to enjoy yourself there. Let's aim you up a little further." Wilson pushed against my hips, dislodging my face from my dad‘s ass. We repositioned further up, and now my cock was resting on my dad's ass cheeks. "Now how about you dig that young, virile meat stick into your dad's slobbered up hole?" "I can’t do that. I can’t rape my dad in his sleep." Both of us were still whispering to one another, although it probably wasn’t necessary. My dad was out cold. He’s usually a rock-hard sleeper, especially after he's been drinking. I’m sure he could get slapped in the face a few times without waking up, but I didn’t want to take my chances on him possibly waking up to see his own son‘s cock directed towards his ass. "Let me help you." Wilson reached around, grabbed my cock, and pointed it down between his cheeks. I felt my tip hit his hole. Fuck, it was so wet and hot. I felt myself leaking. Wilson fucked my ass harder and drove my hips into my dad. Each thrust plunged my hips forward more and my cock deeper into dad. His ass was so tight and hot. I could tell I was taking his anal virginity. Dad didn’t respond at all. He was still sleeping, unfazed. Gently snoring as the two of us were above him doing unspeakable acts. I didn’t need the assistance anymore. I was all the way inside him and figured I might as well start fucking. I drove my cock in and out of dad while Wilson fucked me. The cock up my ass and the hot, tight ass gripping my dick were driving me insane. Dad's ass felt so good. I’ve fucked plenty of pussy in the past, but nothing was like this. Holy shit, dad's ass was better than anything I’ve fucked before. I didn’t know if it was from my ass getting drilled or my first time fucking a guy's ass, but I was getting close to cuming. I could feel myself building up, and I was ready to blow. I looked down at my dad. His face in the couch pillow. I felt a little guilty over what I was doing, but I was overcome with the carnal desire to shoot my wad. I buried myself deep into his ass and my dick exploded. "Ah fuck.." I grunted and came deep inside my dad. My balls squeezed out a massive load. Several ribbons shot out my cock, working it’s way up inside him. "Beautiful. Such a naughty boy, molesting his vulnerable father." Wilson was still inside me, slowly fucking. His hard on never ceasing to calm down. The post-nut clarity was making me feel shitty but I was still drunk. I wanted a break. "Wilson I need to take a moment." I pulled my cock out of dad, and a small bead of cum dripped down his ass, the evidence of my evil deed. I got up off the couch and got Wilson out of me. He sat on the couch next to my father, stroking his cock. He was so skinny and frail in comparison to dad; it's hard to believe this guy orchestrated such a fucked up night. He picked up one of dad's legs and brought a foot up to his mouth. He looked me in the eye as he started sucking on my dad's meaty toes. Wilson's cock stroking sped up as his tongue laced between the toes, his moans euphoric. "I need to go to the bathroom." I hurried to the bathroom and locked myself in. I was dizzy and couldn’t think straight. What the hell was I doing? I let some old gay dude fuck me, and then I fucked my own dad? This night is so fucked up. This isn’t what I planned on when I came home. I felt nauseous, so I did what everyone does when they drink too much. I took care of my business in the toilet and rinsed my mouth out, brushed my teeth, and gargled a lot. I felt a lot better, but I was still heavily boozed up. I inspected my ass, and it was sore and sloppy. Ugh, no more cock going in me tonight. I need to send Mr. Wilson on his way. I staggered out of the bathroom to rejoin Wilson in the living room. But when I got there, Wilson was on top of my dad. He was violently slamming his hips down into him, fucking him. His cock going in and out of his freshly creamed ass. I saw my dad's cheeks ripple with each balls deep thrust. "Dude, what the fuck!?" My whispering voice getting a little louder. "Don’t mind me, Ryan. I’m just finishing up here." Dad was still out cold but seemed to be moaning like he was having a bad dream. Wilson had an evil look on his face as he raped my dad's ass. I stumbled to my knees and crawled over to them, putting a hand on dad's ass. "Mr. Wilson, pull your dick out! You can’t fuck my dad!" I watched his cock go up and down. His meat pole was glistening from all the juices inside, partially from my load I contributed. It was a horrifying sight to see such a long dick pulverize his defenseless, hairy, round ass. "I still need to cum. It needs to shoot in something. You didn’t let me shoot it in yours, so now I’m going to knock up dear old daddy here." "Please stop. Get your old AIDS dick out of him. You can’t give that shit to him!" "Then make a choice, Ryan. Either you sit there and watch me poz up your dad or you surrender up your ass to me and take my load." Is he serious? I have to choose? Mr. Wilson looked like he was getting close. I had to do something. I was too drunk to stand up straight. All I could do in the moment was watch this diseased creep plow away at my dad. I had to make a choice: save myself or save my dad. "Fine, fuck me." I reluctantly gave in. "Nope, not good enough. I’m too close to stop now, oh fuck, oh yes." I got on the floor with my ass up in the air, spreading my cheeks apart. "Fuck my ass Mr. Wilson. Come on, grandpa. Jam that cock in my jock ass. Fuck me senseless. Make me your bottom bitch." "If you insist. But first, before I fuck your ass, your dad has a dirty foot I didn't lick. Clean it with your mouth." I crawled over to my dad's leg and grabbed his large foot. It was dirty and smelly, but I didn't hesitate to get my tongue on it. I'm doing this for him. As soon as I started licking, the taste and smell brought back memories from when I was really little and would play with dad's feet as a kid. I felt nostalgic and warm. Dad's feet were making me feel good. "Oh, that's a hot sight, Ryan. Keep licking that man foot. Savor the taste. Fall in love with it, oh fuck!" I sucked dad's toes and ran my tongue up and down his sole. They were dirty but soft and smooth. I was surprised to find out how much I was enjoying it. My mind blanked out for a moment. "Yeah... lick that foot... suck those toes...oh! Shit! Here it comes, fuck! FUCK! AAAAHH....... .........ahhh ...... ohhh..." I snapped out of it and noticed I was no longer licking my dad's foot but Wilson's. His toes were in my mouth. Somehow he managed to swap out dad's foot for his. I looked up at them. Wilson stopped thrusting. He was still, his back arched, his boney ass pressing hard into my dad and making a contorted face. Then his clenched ass relaxed. "Ah fuck... fuck that was big...." I took Wilson's foot from my mouth and hurriedly repositioned myself, ass open towards him. "Fuck me dude!" Wilson pulled out and got off my dad. He quickly hurried over to me and immediately slammed his cock in me to the hilt. His fucking was as aggressive as it was with dad. He was grunting and breathing heavily. Taking the full length of his cock felt unbearable, but unfortunately, it wasn't quick. He took a long time to work up his shot. "Oh shit, here it comes. My toxic poz cum deep in your ass!" He slammed hard several times. "Oh fuck, fuck! Oooooooh yeah!" I felt his cock spasm deep in me. He was cuming inside me. Plow after plow, he shot his sick cum deeper and deeper in my no longer virgin ass. After several ribbons Wilson calmed down to catch his breath. "Ahhhhh. That was good. See? Things are so much better when you do as you're told." He slowly pulled his cock out. His tip still dripping cum on my hole and balls. I was scared. I took poz cum from this old creep. Fuck, will I need to see a doctor or something? I didn’t know what to do in this situation. "Fuck… my ass hurts." I rubbed my ass. My hand coated in cum and sweat. Wilson sat next to dad on the couch again. "Heh. This life is going to be pretty rough for you. I have a rarely aggressive strain. Most guys I fuck turn into me within a year or two. Guess your football career is done, he he he." He was rubbing dad's ass, casually fingering it, and sucking the juices off his fingers. I was only paying attention to every other word he was saying. My head was spinning. "Whatever dude. Just not my dad." Mr. Wilson chuckled. He reached between the cushions and pulled out a 300-ml marinade injector. The one dad used for marinading large briskets. He must have gotten it while I was in the bathroom. It was loaded all the way up with a murky, pale yellowish-brown jello substance. He stuck the tip in dad's ass and put his hand on the plunger. "What the hell is that?" "It’s the remaining cum sludge from the hot tub filter. Your father needs a good basting." "You can’t put that crap in him!" "He has far worse in him than this." "What?" "Oh, my dear boy. You were in the bathroom for a long time. I've already shot a load of cum in him. You walked in on me working my way up to a second load. And of course, while you sucked my toes, I shot a second load off." And with that, he pushed the plunger down and filled dads's ass with the rest of that foul stuff. "I think it’s time I called it a night. The two of you will have plenty to discuss in the morning." Wilson gathered his clothes and left us for the night. I was sitting there with a sore ass, looking at my passed out dad. His sweaty ass sticking up in the air filled with all sorts of cum from who knows how many guys. Mine included. I was scared for my dad. I didn’t want him to suffer for my mistake. I crawled over to him and spread his ass. It was sloppy, mucky, and beautiful. I didn’t think this would work, but the only idea I had was to suck on his ass like venom out of a snake bite. I planted my mouth on his hole and sucked. I used my tongue to loosen him up. I tried my best to drink as much cum out of him as possible. "Ryan?…. Is that…you?" Dad was walking up. I kept his ass firmly attached to my face, holding him tight. I kept eating him out. Dad was only partially awake and still drunk, like me. He was noticeably rejecting my efforts, but I wasn’t letting him up. "Just push it out, dad. Let your ass shoot it out in me." I continued sucking his ass. ‘Stay still, dad’ I thought to myself. ‘Let your son do what’s best for you, and let him eat the cum out of you.’ Dad was too out of it to stop me. But he did what I instructed. He pushed and filled my mouth with cum. I ate his ass all night. I had to be thorough.
    12 points
  2. I breathed out deeply once I had closed the car door. It was done. My strapping younger son was safely delivered to the halls of residence, his first year at university about to begin, and I was done. Sure, fatherhood was lifelong, but this stage of it was over. Justin was starting out on his road to independence, his brother Jacob had already done so two years earlier, and I was now something of a free man. The boys were my pride and joy. Smart, athletic, good looking, popular, a perennial hit with the ladies - they were everything the right wing nut jobs would tell you they that never could have been with a single gay dad. But those things they were, and I was damn proud of it. Since their mother had thrown in the towel on parenting and marriage six months after Justin was born, they had been my entire focus. I had done a good job all things considered. My wife’s departure was obviously difficult, but it at least made me vow to never go down that road again. I have no regrets given the amazing two sons I have out of the whole debacle, but I knew I was gay before I even got married and it was tougher with each day to keep that side of me bottled up. I never made that mistake again, instead choosing to be honest with myself and those around me. Jacob and Justin grew up only knowing me as a gay man. Raising two sons by yourself does not leave much time for other pursuits, and I was basically celibate for fifteen years. Sure, I had many offers from my sister and parents for babysitting, but to be honest whenever I took them up on it and got out of the house, all I wanted to do was check into a hotel and sleep. However, once the boys were old enough that they could be left at home for a few hours with Jacob in charge, I finally started to re-explore the world of men, something that I had only done a little at university before meeting Simone. Well, it turned out that there was something of a pig in me who was finally being let out of the pen. At first I tried just generic - almost vanilla - hookups, but after I’d had my first visit to a gay sauna I realised my true nature lay on the sleazier side of things. I was initially versatile, and went on PrEP so I could safely engage in bareback sex with any man who fancied a session. In time I found I was really more of a bottom, although perfectly willing to top when the moment called for it. My preference, however, was to just be bred over and over, and I cared not by whom. But then I got bored. Maybe it was that age old problem of the excitement of something eventually wearing off, to the point that you start to look for the next thing to tickle you. I didn’t want that to be chems or other drugs, so I guess I started looking for it in the sex. Despite being on PrEP, I found there to be something exciting in hooking up with poz guys and having them shoot their toxic seed in me. I actively started seeking it out, engaging in a growing fantasy of being pozzed, and not always being honest with the tops that I was in fact on PrEP. I guess it was something of an epiphany that led to me realising that I didn’t just want the fantasy anymore. I wanted the real thing. I mentally flip-flopped on it for a long time, convincing myself in the comedown from a sex high that it was just a fantasy that I used to get turned on, but eventually it became impossible to convince myself that this was the case. It was obvious: I wanted to convert. However, I wanted to have some control over it, rather than just going off PrEP and randomly finding out some day that I had been pozzed. It was a turn-on for me, but also a transition to a new stage of life, and I wanted to choose when it was going to happen and be ‘in the moment’ with it all. As such, I joined the ranks of chasers online, seeking an actual unmedicated (and willing) top through the sea of undetectables. Many a hope was dashed along the way, finding myself being repeatedly ghosted once whichever guy I was talking to had presumably got his rocks off wanking about the fantasy. It was all quite disheartening, but then I seemed to strike gold. The guy - who went by the username PozMids - was a little older than me, and lived in a former mining town in the north Midlands. He ran what he described as a ‘social club’ for older poz guys, utilising the premises of his old family business in a warehouse on an industrial estate. He told me it was a relatively closed circle, but members were allowed to bring in some entertainment every now and then with the agreement of everyone else. He was proposing that I be that entertainment, after what he said had been a ‘stealthy vetting process’. It eventually transpired that some of the guys who had flaked out on me had actually been testing me to make sure I fit whatever they considered to be the requirements. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Justin had been accepted to the University of Nottingham, meaning I was going to be driving him up to the Midlands. It wasn’t too far to get to where this club was going to be meeting, and PozMids had told me that that I was welcome to stay for a long weekend as he had built a couple of bedrooms with basic facilities into the former offices of the warehouse. I just had to bring what food and drink I might want for any downtime I had, and otherwise my needs would be catered for by the group. This all sounded too good to be true, and I fully expected another flake-out. However, after dropping Justin off at his halls of residence, I messaged PozMids again and got an immediate reply containing the full address that I needed to go to. It was going to happen! I set off in the car, but had to pull over after a few minutes and compose myself. I was seriously excited, but I think I also needed to check that my racing heart was not a sign of impending doubt. Was this taking a fantasy too far? Did I really want to deliberately convert? I got out of the car and lit a cigarette. Bad habit, not one I really had in my day-to-day life, but was a good nerve calmer when I was letting my inner pig out. It did the trick. Yes, this is what I wanted, and I was just pumped up as I was excited about it, with a possible mild tinge of wondering if I was unwittingly going round to a serial killer’s place of business. I chuckled to myself when I realised that was exactly what I was doing, from a certain point of view. Cigarette smoked, I got myself together and then set off again, putting on some music to accompany the drive. When I eventually found my way through the industrial estate to where my satnav was sending me, I parked up and got out of the car. There were a few warehouses around and it was far from obvious which one I was actually supposed to be heading for, so I got my phone out and messaged that I had arrived. While waiting for a response I then got my bags out of the car, dumped them on the pavement and lit another cigarette. Bags. Yes, plural. You see, aside from wanting the normal provisions you need for a weekend away, I had also brought my stash of kinks. Various bits of leather, some toys, a blindfold, a marker pen, and of course my douching equipment, lube and poppers. I was well ready for whatever these guys might be into, or of course for what I was into myself if I was given that choice. I had a vision of how I wanted at least part of this weekend to go, so thought I better come prepared. As I was approaching the end of my cigarette, I heard a door open behind me. Upon turning around, I saw a man emerge and immediately recognised him as PozMids. “Glad you could make it” he said, smiling as he walked towards me. “It’s always fifty-fifty.” “The odds are worse than that from my experience” I replied, also smiling. “True, true” he replied, reaching out to shake my hand as he got to me. “Anyway, I’m Peter, and welcome to my little place.” “Not so little” I said, looking back at the warehouse. “But I’m very pleased to be here. I’m Brad” “Good to meet you Brad” he said. “Now let’s get you inside and settled before everyone else arrives.” I picked up my bags and followed him inside, going up some stairs as soon as we walked through the door to reach a set of rooms. He directed me into one of them, where I found a single bed with a small set of drawers beside them, and then he showed me where the admittedly clean bathroom and kitchen were. I had honestly expected it to be a bit of a state, but he seemed to keep the place in good order. He also showed me the small balcony area at the side of the building, I guess having realised I might want somewhere to go and smoke. He left me to get unpacked, showered and cleaned out, and suggested I get dressed in whatever I was most comfortable in for the evening before coming back downstairs for a drink. I thus got on with all that, having a shower and then a bit of a douche to finish off a job I had quietly started before dawn at home while Justin was still sleeping. Once cleaned and dried, and with lube and a plug inserted in my rear end, I stepped outside wrapped in a towel to have a cigarette. I had another straight after, such were my nerves. Finally I felt ready to go all in on my outfit. First up a leather jockstrap, then some nice sturdy chaps and my Fuck Me Boots. I then got myself into a harness, my big thick padded wrist cuffs, and my muir cap. I then fished out and put on my 1.5 kilo silver chain, something I had bought on a whim and occasionally regretted given I was a bit too meek to wear it in my daily life, but which just seemed perfect for tonight. Finally, and with a bit of slow and careful effort, I used the marker and the convenient full-length mirror in the bathroom to write “POZ ME” on my buttcheeks. I had another cigarette outside to help me gather my nerves, and then went downstairs. There did not seem to be any other obvious rooms downstairs, so I went through the door into the main warehouse space. It was huge and thus looked pretty empty, but as I glanced around I saw there was actually quite a lot in there. Various mattresses, couches and chairs were dotted around, as were an array of big wooden boxes, upturned oil drums, a couple of slings, a St Andrew’s cross, and a padded leather fuck bench in the centre of the room. It was quite clear what this room was for, and I got an immediate hard-on. Over to the side was a bar area, and that’s where I saw Peter (aka PozMids) sitting on a stool with his back to me, looking at his phone. I coughed to make it clear I was in the room, and he swivelled round. “Well, you don’t beat about the bush” he said, smiling at me as I walked over. “Dressed like that, I think you’re not going to get much of a warm-up this evening. The guys will be all over you the minute they walk in.” “That’s what I was hoping” I said, smiling back at him. He offered me a drink, and I gladly took a large whisky. He also fished out an ashtray and slid it across the bar at me, letting me know I was fine to smoke in the warehouse. I happily lit up a cigarette as we sat on the stools having a drink. “So, you’re here to get pozzed” he said. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely” I replied. “Been wanting it for ages now.” “Fair enough” he said. “There’s a couple of guys coming tonight who are on meds, but most aren’t. One guy you won’t be able to miss has full-on AIDS.” “Great” I said, “hopefully tonight will be the night.” “I’m sure it will” he said. “I can get an old toothbrush out and make sure if you want.” “Actually” I replied, after hesitating, “I kind of want it to be natural.” “OK” he said, “although I have a big PA as do some of the other guys, so you’re going to get pretty worn out back there anyway.” “Cool” I said, smiling. “I like the sound of that.” “Any other limits?” he asked. “No” I replied, “I don’t think so.” “Well OK then. If you need a break just say, we’re not here to hold you hostage or force you to do things you don’t want to.” “Great” I said. “I’ve got quite a bit of stamina so hopefully I’ll be fine.” He necked the last of his drink, and then put the empty glass down on the bar. “Shall we get started?” [to be continued]
    11 points
  3. "Scoot up the mattress". He said. I moved back and stretched out my legs. He clambered over me, straddled my hips and reached back for my rigid cock. "One good turn deserves another." He grinned and sank onto me. Suddenley my cock was sliding deliciously into a hot, wet tunnel until his buttocks were squashed against my belly and trapping me in his rectum. He began to move up and down, sliding himself over my cock which began to feel sooo good and I knew I would come soon. "I'm gonna cum!" I gasped . He moved faster and leaned to kiss me. "Give it to me!" He growled . "Spunk up me!" My cock swelled and my balls tightened and then I spurted gloriously up inside him. He pushed down to trap me and capture every spurt until I sagged in release. "Well done," he said. After a few moments, he lifted off me. I felt hot spunk drip over my balls. He scrambled round, straddled me again, but now his arse was over my face. Before I could react, he sat on my face, holding his cheeks apart so that my mouth was buried int the hot, sweaty, spunk covered crease between. I squealed with shock and disgust, but then I gave into the depravity of it. I tentatively poked out my tongue and slid it into his hole. I heard him laugh and felt his arsehole flex. Spunk drooled out of his straining arsehole and slid into my mouth, and I knew I was lost for ever. I was deep into depravity. After a few moments, he got off and lay beside me. "Welcome to the gutter." He breathed. Then he kissed me, and we swapped my spunk which had drooled from his arse into my mouth in our kisses.
    8 points
  4. My last hall pass was two Saturdays ago, July 15th. I live in a close suburb outside Chicago, it’s basically in the city. As I usually do on my hall passes, I was planning on traveling around for the morning and then posting up at Steamworks or Banana Video in the afternoon. Maybe stopping by Te-Jay’s to get some gloryhole dick as a treat, who knows? I started planning things out on Sniffies and BBRT in advance. I weeded out the usual dozens of other guys who seemed like pic collectors, curious but flaky guys, or guys who were eager-but-way-too-far-out. By Friday night, I had 8 guys lined up in my area who had told me they were solid, all of whom confirmed “Saturday morning for sure” when I asked. Saturday morning rolls around and every single one of those guys flaked. 🤬 Oh well. I get back on Sniffies and start driving down to the Loop. I’m not ready to head to Steamworks yet—I want to get some variety before I make that investment. So I put my Sniffies location next to Te-Jay’s and figure if Sniffies is a bust I can at least stop in to the bookstore over lunchtime to fill up on penis and semen from the tourist crowd. *Ding* *Ding* Two guys message me right away. The first guy is closest to where I can find parking, so I tell him I’ll be to his apartment shortly. Black guy, nice looking thick cock, about average length. I walk in and drop my bag at the same time I drop to my knees. I immediately take his soft spongy head in my mouth, lapping at and massaging it with my tongue. This is the first cock I’ve had in months, and I waste no time getting him hard and pounding the back of my mouth. I take time to suck his balls into my mouth while I jerk his now rock hard cock on my face. I drop my shorts around my ankles and bend over his couch, and line the tip of his cock with my pre-lubed asshole. He’s eager as well, thrusting to the hilt and pumping four times before he starts shooting his hot load of cum deep in my hole. He pulls out, and I feel his seed drip out of my hole and run down my leg as I kneel back down and gently put his cock back in my mouth. We both stand up to pull up our pants, and I see that his cum has splattered all over the inside and outside of my shorts. I point it out and laugh, and he lets me clean up a bit with a dishrag. One load down. I message the other guy that I’m on my way. He’s in town for a conference, so I walk over to his hotel. I do the walk of shame past people brunching on patios that I walked by 15 minutes beforehand, when I didn’t have a giant wet spot on the front of my shorts (and probably another one in the back around my asshole). I finally get to the new guy’s hotel room after navigating the lobby elevator and dodging the concierge. He’s in bed stroking his super thick cock, with nothing but his hat and socks on. He lets me drop my bag and take my clothes off, asking me questions about the other guy who just fucked me—he’s gotta be careful because he has a girlfriend. That’s cool, I don’t judge. I grab my poppers and lube and crawl up his bed until I’m planted between his legs. I start licking his balls as I replace his hand with my own, stroking his meaty dick. I roll each of his balls around in my mouth before licking up his shaft and taking his cock past my lips. Savoring the flavor of his precum. I pause to hit my poppers, and he hits them as well while I go back to trying to fit him in my throat. It’s too big unfortunately. He gets up and brings me around to the couch at the foot of his bed, where I kneel and bend over. He starts rimming me. It feels fucking amazing, his tongue slobbering at my cummy hole. He reaches for my cock and I tell him that I usually have trouble getting hard with guys, so he gets the message. Eventually I need his cock inside me, so I reach back and grab for him to come up and fuck me. I lube his shaft and then take a hit of poppers as I feel his cockhead enter my cunt. He slowly presses inside, stretching me open. It’s the perfect cock for my hole. About 7.5 inches long, thick and tapering out to the base, about 2.25 inches in diameter, maybe 7.0 inches in circumference. I love being stretched out. Despite what I said earlier I start getting hard while he begins to move in and out of my loose pussy. He keeps pulling all the way out of my hole, the cool air a pleasant contrast to his throbbing cock. He says that he’s never felt a hole as hot and wet as mine, even his girlfriend’s, and he needs to slow down or he’s going to cum too soon. I tell him I don’t mind, and as he grabs my hips and thrusts back inside me I beg him to pump me full of his hot semen. He buries his cock balls deep in my hole, his whole body going into spasms on my back as he shoots cum into my guts. I’m flying high from poppers and the feeling that there is nothing I would rather be doing right at that moment than taking loads of sticky cum from random strangers. After his cock withdraws from my hole, I get back on my knees to clean him off, just like the last guy. I love going ass-to-mouth, tasting the penis that was just in my asshole and the semen that he just bred me with. He seems to be extremely sensitive, even my very gentle, very slow ministrations with my tongue seem to be too much for him. Either that or he gets a strong case of post-nut clarity, and appears to be in a hurry for me to leave. I take his cue and get dressed, making small talk before grabbing the rest of my things. I give him a fist bump before I walk out the door. I go down the stairwell this time so I don’t need to worry about the slow elevators. To my surprise I have good cell reception in the stairwell, so I post up there for a minute to figure out my next move. I send a message to the hotel guy to thank him for the great fuck and for giving me his load, then consider my options. It’s getting close to noon. I’m about a 30 minute walk from my car, and then probably 20 minutes to get up to Boystown. I had previously planned to meet up with another guy in Boystown around 1-2pm. This guy had said he could host at his apartment with his buddy who was visiting. He said they could spitroast me… umm, yes please! I check in with him again—we had chatted earlier that morning to confirm how many other guys I had lined up before them—and let him know that I was able to get a couple loads despite my earlier bad luck. I wait a few minutes but still don’t get any response. Another couple guys have messaged me around the Loop asking if I’d like to get fucked. After some back and forth I find that neither one of them can host either. They want to fuck me in a bathroom somewhere. Sounds a little too risky for my blood. I’m a cumdump, but I don’t want to be a cumdump with a rap sheet. I’m beginning to think it’s time to just head back to the car when Hotel Guy messages me back. “Dude I want a second round haha.” 🤔 I reply, “Right now…?” -to be continued-
    7 points
  5. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    6 points
  6. Age is a number not a prison sentence. I don't even think about my age because I don't feel, look at it or act it. That being said, I'm an active outdoors type of guy with a great sense of humor. Looking for someone who's adventurous, and outgoing like myself, so like-minded guys who can move twice in the same second say "Hi" and let the games begin! No time for couch potatoes, slugs or homebodies. Anyone?
    4 points
  7. Stripped to just a jock and a harness I gripped the branch in front of me tightly and kept my eyes forward. I felt hands grab my hips and a heavy set body press against me from behind. I had put myself in this position for this very situation and I was making sure I stayed true to my self-made promise. The woods around here have always had a reputation, and just walking through them you could tell it was well deserved. Various hollows and gaps in the trees that veered from the main pathways were strewn with discarded condom wrappers, lube sachets and even the occassional piece of torn underwear. It felt sordid to just stand in a spot like this and that was exactly what I wanted. During the daytime there was always a steady passing trade. Work types on a lunch break, guys just taking a "stroll." Drivers who knew all the best places for quick relief and didn't care where it came from. Days could be fun. Nights, oh nights were quite different. The dark brings out all kinds to a place like this. You could guarantee that, while they might be responsible for the pieces of torn clothing found in the bushes, they certainly weren't leaving behind used rubbers or the wrappers. They never used them. The shades who drifted through these woodlands at night were the kind who indulged in every vice. If you've ever thought, "I don't think I'd like that." Whatever it was you didn't like, someone was doing it here under cover of darkness. That is exactly what I needed. I wanted to feel unrestrained by any social decency. I had to give myself over to the lusts that kept threatening to surface during daylight hours when I have to wear the mask of a good, responsible and civilised man. So I made myself ready, dressed accordingly and made my way to my nocturnal destination. Having parked up and walked a little way into the darkened woodland I found a likely hollow and stripped quickly. Having done so I waited. Facing into the hollow, bent over and back arched presenting myself fully for use. Anyone finding me like this would know exactly what I am and in this place at this time I am a fuckhole. I don't know exactly what it is about being mostly naked in a vulnerable position, but the mixture of fear, anticipation and need heighten every response. The little voice asking, "What the fuck are you doing?" Well that is easily drowned out by the other voice. The one that is begging to be caught, the one that says, "Whatever happens now, you deserve it!" I hear the crack of a branch as someone negotiates the darkness but its not enough to gauge their direction of travel. I try to concentrate, to pick up on any sound to indicate whether I am in a good location tonight. Then I feel it. How he is behind me without a sound I don't know but my whole body tenses and immediately relaxes as the hot calloused hand runs over my arse and up my back. Fingers run under the straps of my harness and jock as if he is mentally mapping every inch of my exposed skin. Nothing has been said so far but I can hear his breathing deepen as he slides a hand between my cheeks and runs his fingers over my hole. I gasp at the feeling and push back instinctively and he doesn't dissappoint as, finding me already wet with lube, he shoves two fingers right up me. Holding my harness with one hand and pulling me onto his questing digits he grunts approvingly and hoarsly whispers, "You really are ready for it aren't you?" I just grunt as he pushes as deep as he can and nod at the night. I squeeze my hole on his fingers and hope that is affirmation enough. He slides his hands from me and I hear the unmistakable sound of rustling fabric, of clothes being shed. Hands grab my head and a bottle of poppers are pressed to my nose with a simple command. "Breathe." I let it happen, let myself inhale the fumes deeply and repeat as he switches sides. Fuck they are strong and I feel the warmth and slight sensation of dizziness as he pulls the bottle away. "Going to take my bare cock aren't you boy?" I just groan knowing that no answer I can give will make any difference but knowing that that is exactly what I need. Stripped to just a jock and a harness I gripped the branch in front of me tightly and keep my eyes forward. I felt his hands grab my hips and a heavy set body press against me from behind. I had put myself in this position for this very situation and I wasn't about to give up now. The sudden pressure of a thick cockhead finds my arsehole easily and just as easily slides in. I groan at the intrusion glad of the lube because I get the feeling he would have shoved into me with or without it. "Nice fucking hole," the hissed words match the time it takes him to bottom out in me. His hands tighten on my hips and he begins to rock in and out with my hole squeezing down around that rigid flesh pole. He grips me tightly, his fingers pressing into my skin as his cock pumps steadily in and out of me. We are both panting at the exertion, each one enjoying the sensations running through our bodies. I am pushing back onto his dick telling him through my movements and animal grunts just how much I want him, want his cock, his fucking, his cum. He slides a hand up my body and grips my neck as he leans into my body and I feel his panting breath on my ear. "You fucking want it don't you?" I grunt a "Yes." "Yeah you do. You want me to ruin this slutty fucking hole!" As he grinds himself all the way inside me. Holding his hips right up against me he begins a short jabbing rhythm that stabs his cock into my hole rapidly and has me groaning in need. "Fucking taking it bare like a dirty fucking whore. Tell me you want my load." I can tell by his movements and his ragged breath he is getting close and I love it. "Fucking ask for my cum you slut." He rasps as his pace quickens even more. "Please," I manage to pant out. "Fuck your cum into me. I need it!" The desperation is clear in my voice, this is what I came for. "Yeah! Take my dirty cock you cunt. Gonna knock you up like you want!" "Do it!" I cry out. "Fucking load my hole!" It is clearly what he needs to hear as he jams his cock right up my hole, holds me tight and his cock pulses inside me unleashing the pent up sperm to paint my insides. "Fuuuck!" The exhalation is drawn out and I feel him relax even as he holds on to me. "That was fucking great. I needed that. I think you did too." He chuckles as he slides himself from me. I remain in position. The cool night air chills the sweat on my skin and I can feel my hole, wet and used pulse from the recent abuse. "Thank you." I whisper to my unseen fucker genuinely glad for the essence he has left in me. I feel a hand glide over my skin and a playful swat at my arse cheek. "Dirty fucker taking dirty loads in the dark. You looking to get knocked up?" For the first time I glance over my shoulder with a half smile on my still flushed face. "You're too late for that, but I really needed the recharge." "Fuck! You dirty cunt! I wish I'd known I'd have really wrecked your hole but if you're staying for more and I see anyone else I'll point them this way. Hope I see you up here again." With that he's gone. My ears are still ringing from the poppers and the exertion and I don't hear him walk away I just wait and hope for more.
    4 points
  8. And it’s done folks! Just got back home from the salon now. The process was literally 100% less painful than for my nips and I don’t even feel it now, 30 minutes after having it done. The piercer talked me through the process very professionally (I admit, I was very nervous) and everything went. Now it’s nicely wrapped, I’ll show it when I’m able to!
    4 points
  9. It was a quiet Monday and out of the blue I get a text message from a guy saying he knows my fuck bud Caleb and was I interested in hooking up. I asked for his stats and a pic and he sent me his dick pic and body/face. Nice sized uncut dick, thicker at the base taping to the head, and he's blonde, nice defined body, OK face. He says he can host and he wants to get off. I say I'm down and if he knows Caleb they've probably played and he almost certainly does raw like Caleb does. I say I can come over now and get his address. I don't ask his status and if he's looking to top, bottom, or flip as honestly I don't really care. I'd take his load anyhow and hope he's the same way, but I know guys his age and Caleb's don't ask a lot of questions and just go raw. I get to his home and he introduces himself as Chris and I'm struck by how tall his is and how deep is voice is. He has to be over 6 feet and meets me wearing just nylon shorts. He asks me if I want some water or anything and I say I'm good and follow him back to his bedroom. He closes and locks the door and I can see he's got the sheets on his bed pulled down and towel laid out and I kind of want to chuckle as white guys are all the same like that. He pulls his shorts down and I drop to my knees to suck his cock. He's shaved his pubes which is kind of weird but I know some guys do that and I'm loving the taste of his dick. I pull off my t-shirt and am eagerly sucking him and he tells me to slow down and then after a bit asks me if I want to suck him off or get fucked. I'm not lying when I say I want him to fuck me and he laughs lightly and says "right answer". I stand up and move over to the bed laying on my bed and he fumbles in the night stand and pulls out some lube and says he doesn't have any condoms and is it OK if we don't use them. I said it was cool and his face was pretty nonchalant like he expected the answer. He lifted my ankles up to his shoulders and started lubing up my ass and cock and sliding in me. Or trying to at least. I kind hate hooking up with younger guys as their technique isn't the greatest and his cock kept sliding out even though he had about 7 or so inches. As tall as he is he's kind of gangly and all legs and arms whereas I'm not. I finally asked if it would be easier if I was facedown and he laughed and said probably and so I flipped facedown even though I wanted to see his face and eyes and he came inside me. Now that I am facedown he's inside of me more easily and I'm struggling with how much it hurts when he shoves his cock balls deep in me as his girth at the base is straining my ass, but I'm also loving it. He's pounding away saying little, just groans and moans coming from him. He breathing is getting more labored and he says he's getting close. I tell him to cum inside me and not to pull out. I can hear him laugh saying he hoped I'd say that. Not long after I heard a loud groan and "oh fuck, oh fuck yeah" and could feel him unload inside me. His strokes faltered and got uneven and again I told him not to pull out. But his dick softened and I could feel it sliding out of me. He gasped when it finally slid out and he rolled on his back next to me saying it was his turn. I'd just assumed he was top looking for release but apparently he wanted to get fucked too. I rolled on my side and started jerking my cock hoping he wanted it the same way I just took it and wasn't going to ask questions. I already knew he didn't have condoms so wrapping wasn't going to happen. He's reaching down stroking my cock now looking in my eyes looking serious and tells me I can't tell Caleb that I fucked him. I tell him that's cool and that I won't, but inside I wonder what the story is. I'm getting seriously hard thinking of fantasies and dying to know. Clearly he doesn't want Caleb to know he bottomed so maybe he doesn't bottom for Caleb either. Or maybe he has a BF or BF. I'm ready to fuck now and ask him how he wants it and he admits he wants to be face down. Fine, not like I care, I'm putting my load in him. Chris is now face down and I'm lubing up his ass and my cock and soon enough sliding in him and finding his ass gives almost no resistance. Clearly he's either been fucked recently or a lot, maybe both, but he's moaning with delight telling me how good my dick feels inside him. Someone hesitant to get fucked would never say that. I tell tease him saying I bet he wants me dick and wants me to cum inside him. He's telling me what I like, how bad he wants to get fucked, how bad he wants it and wants my cum inside him. I'm making him beg for my load and he is and that I don't know his story is driving me crazy but makes me want to cum inside him all the more and soon I blast an intense load in him letting out a loud groan and he's in heaven telling me not to pull out, to pump my load deep inside him, and how hot my load feels. I'm still stroking and determined to pump another load inside him, telling him there's more where that came from asking him if he wants that second load. He's frantic now saying not to pull out and how bad he wants more of my cum. I'm wondering if he begs for Caleb's loads like this or if he takes loads from other random guys this way. Hell, he really hardly knows me, hasn't asked my status, all he knows is that I know Caleb. And he's keeping secrets about wanting to get fucked raw from someone, so it must be a BF or GF. Looking around his bedroom he's clearly athletic and into sports so I'm guessing a GF who can't know. A GF who won't put out and let him rawdog her, so he finds guys like Caleb and I he CAN rawdog, who want his loads. But she also can't give him what he wants, which is a cock up the ass and hot load of jizz as well. Cause he likes to take it the way he gives it: raw. I've worked myself up so much I blast another load inside Chris with a satisfied groan. I slide out and can see his ass is a cummy gaping mess. I roll on my back panting to catch my breath and Chris looks over at me and says "Damn dude, that was hot! I needed that!" He rolls on his back and I can see he's rock hard and I start stroking his cock which brings a smile to his face. He's throwing off a lot of precum and get up to straddle his cock and lower my ass down on it facing him and can see him smiling up at me as I start riding his cock. I'm not stopping until he pumps another load in me and I'm able to take him easier now even at the thick base. He's saying nothing as I do all the work, but can see as he's getting closer to cumming and can see his breathing changing. I've been jerking my cock trying to time me cumming right as he does and him cumming and feeling his load flood my ass gives me just what I need and I spray my load on his chest and face. He seems startled I've shot so much and so hard. I'm spend and lay down on his chest as he laughs and says what a mess I've made and that I should clean it up. I roll on my side and start wiping it off his chest and fingering it into his mouth. I finger quite a bit in and he eagerly eats it and eventually asks me if I need to shower. I say I do and he leads me into the bathroom and grabs some towels before getting in the shower with me. On the way there I see a few photos of him with the same girl and it strikes me maybe that's his GF. As we shower we're playing with each others dicks with both of us getting hard. He slides back in me teasing me more. He admitted he was glad I wanted to fuck him and he was hoping I would as he really wanted to get fucked. I laughed and said I'd thought he was all top and was surprised he wanted to get fucked. He laughed and said "Yeah, most guys do" and it was a slip up as now I knew he does have other guys fuck him and apparently quite a few if he would say that. I didn't know what to say so I gave an enthusiastic "hot" as a response and was tempted to ask more before quickly adding that any time he wanted to get fucked I was glad to do it. But I still wondered why I couldn't tell Caleb I fucked him and truly I had no ideas, but its hot that Caleb is sending guys his way. I asked if he and Caleb hook up with some of the same guys and he admitted "Oh yeah" a little more enthusiastically than I expected adding "quite a few". Caleb had admitted he fucked around a lot and it was hot knowing they probably did three ways or more, sending guys each other's way. I said that was cool. He asked if I hook up much and I jokingly said "not as much as I'd like" and left it at that. He laughed and said he guessed I did pretty good but didn't push further. Chris cut off the water and we toweled off and got out of the shower and I dressed. He thanked me for the fun and said now that I had his number to text me if I wanted to hook up. I said I would and that he should text me whenever he wanted it. He smirked and said he would and I have no doubts he will.
    4 points
  10. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** CHAPTER XII: HEADING TO THE RETIREMENT POZZING PARTY Clay walked in a tossed his backpack down on the couch and plopped himself down as well, with a relieved sigh: “I’m sorry for just showing up like this, Uncle Randy, but my Dad didn’t know where else I should go.” I’m a little pissed that this sudden family crisis has interrupted my plans for today, which was lunch with Eric and Keith… “Don’t you have a boyfriend, Clay,? “ I asked, trying not to sound too irritated, and hoping I can drop him off at his BFs. “Nah, I just said that to piss off my Mom,” he laughed “she deserved it for being such a bitch about it.” He was not going to get any argument from me about his Mom. I couldn’t stand her 23 years ago and my opinion of the judgmental hypocrite has only declined over the years. “Anyway,” Clay continued, “ I’m just as likely to have a girlfriend as a boyfriend, I don’t do labels. I fucked plenty of guys and girls in college, sometimes at the same time.” “OK,” I responded with a laugh, and thinking to myself that my hot nephew has not the pure innocent his mother thought he was for some time now. “You got a lot of tats now, Uncle Randy.” It was then that I realized I hadn’t put on a shirt after Richie left. “Does that one,” he pointed at my biohazard symbol, “mean anything special?” “What do you think it means, Clay?” “Looks to me like you’re HIV+ which is cool you got a tat to commemorate it, if that’s the right word,” “Absolutely the right word, Clay – commemorate! I like the sound of that.” To this, he just kind of shrugs. He’s impressively unimpressed by my poz status and doesn’t bother to ask about the two “X”s next to the biotat. “Hey Uncle Randy, mind if I get some sleep now?” he asked, and I showed him to the guest room, clearing aside several pieces of leather and sex-stuff I had stored in there, including a leather harness with biohaz designs on the shoulder straps. “Let me get this stuff out of the way,” I said, making room on the dresser for him. “I’m going to a…convention…in a couple of weeks and this is just some stuff for that.” “Cool, OK,” he replied, as laid back and unbothered by POZ merch as I could have hoped him to be. Maybe he was tired from lack of sleep and it hadn’t registered fully with him or maybe he just didn’t care. I got him some sheets and towels and shut the door and let him rest for awhile. I had some work meeting to deal with and before I knew it, it was past 3:00 PM, when Clay emerged from his room, he had on his underwear and a T-shirt and his sandy hair was a mess, but damn my nephew looked fine. We exchanged pleasantries and I made him something to eat, and as he ate, he asked me “So what is this ‘convention’ you’re going to? Now, I had told him it was a “convention,” but what was really planned was a “conversion.” Eric,, Keith and I were each going to a well-appointed 6-bedroom rental house in the mountains near Lake Tahoe, and we were each gonna bring along a poz-toxic friend – Benny had already accepted my invitation as my “POZ PLUS ONE” , and we were encouraged to bring as many neg chasers as we can get to poz up. So there’d be 6 gifters all together, hopefully a bunch of neg holes to poz up with HIV. It was something we’d been planning for months now – a whole week of poz fucking lucky neg bottoms right into the HIV brotherhood and a whole lot more Xs to get tatted on ourselves indicating the spreading of precious HIV seed. The following day, Clay already had a temp job lined up, so I had my lunch with the boys. It was at the postponed lunch I had the next day with Eric and my pozzer Keith that Eric told me more of the long weekend plans. “It’s also my retirement party,” he said. “I’m retiring from gifting. It’s time to go on meds. I had a great run, pozzed over 50 guys, including that waiter,” he said, pointing over to the tall hot waiter with the ebony skin and beautiful butt in his tight pants. “But the doctor told me I’m on the next level now, so I hope I can get a few more conversions with my AIDS-seed and then go on meds. “At some point, it happens to us all, Randy,” Keith added. I’m watching my VL as well and I still definitely want to make 50 converts but I’ll probably hang it up then as well. 50 is a nice round number to have infected into the brotherhood. I can retire proudly knowing I upgraded 50 with my strain. And our doc has finally figured that so few of his patients respond to the meds cuz so few actually take them.” “Was he angry with you?” I asked Keith, the Idealistic Young Gay Doctor’s hot serial-pozzing nurse. “Nah, he figured something was happening,” Keith answered “’You had your fun, now take care of yourself,’” he said. “I told him I wasn’t quite ready to curtail my fun but I would at some point.” And what fun infecting all these guys it was! Eric had just gotten his 5th X, signifying 50 known pozzings. He also was a regular at the local sex club sticking his poz cock through many a glory hole and breeding bottoms at will, as well as attending the infamous Biohazard Party in Spain a few times, so how many he’s truly knocked up will never really be known. As for Keith, he just got inked with his 4th, infiltrating his viral seed into 40 once-neg, now-enhanced poz holes. And as for me, I was nearing my 30th known conversion – Richie from the other night and a couple others already in the poz pipeline would get me there, just waiting on the beautiful results when some hole I bred a few weeks prior texts me a pic of his test with the two lines – it’s such a power rush to the head, filling me with pride at my accomplishment and a bolt of electricity through me, straight down to my poz pole and re-filling my balls with potent viral babies for the next conversion. The rest of the lunch was us prolific pozzers swapping breeding stories and planning our poz retreat in the woods overlooking Lake Tahoe. At one point, Eric headed off to the mens room to meet the waiter, Bryce…They returned a few minutes later. “Recharged him,” he announced to us; we just nodded in understanding. For the next two weeks, I hadn’t seen much of Clay – his temp job was in an office someplace and he would go out after work, finally coming in around midnight every night, then he’d get up early and be out the door in the morning. He was saving up for an apartment of his own and I told him it was fine to stay at my place awhile longer. One Saturday afternoon when he was home, he looked up from his phone and remarked “I hear around the neighborhood you and your buds are pretty notorious.” “How so,” I asked him, trying not to give too much away. I had no idea how he felt about bugchasing or gifting. “You and your friends Eric and Keith are fucking a lot of guys who are chasing that,” he said, pointing to my biotat and X’s inked across my abdomen. “That’s true,” I admitted to my nephew. In fact, the little trip I’m taking next week to Tahoe is a party just for that purpose.” “I’ve never been to Tahoe – can I come?” “To do what, Clay?, I quizzically asked him, “you know the point is for Eric and Keith and me to poz up some neg holes. Eric will be going on his meds after the Tahoe trip so it’s kind of a *retirement party* for him.” “I’d be down with getting pozzed up by him,” he stated matter-of-factly, barely looking up from his phone, “I figure PrEP is one pill a day and so is HIV for most guys – one pill a day. Might as well get it over with.” “Just so you know,” I cautioned, “it’s not exactly that for everyone. Your mileage may var, maybe talk to this doctor I know.” Unbothered by my warning, he turned his phone around to show me he was looking at Eric’s BZ profile. “Plus, he’s hot as fuck. Imagine having that strain inside me! I like your bud Keith as well. I put it together from your BZ pages that it was Keith who turned you poz, is that right?” “Yep,” I replied to my nephew, a bit sheepishly. I’m not sure why I was hesitant to discuss this with him, we have barely seen each other over the last 15 years and I certainly don’t care what his parents think. “So, let me come with you to Tahoe,” Clay continued. If I can get tagged by Eric and Keith, I’d be happy and with my track record, it’s just a matter of time ‘til I get pozzed so might as well be by a couple of hot guys I want to hook up with.” And that’s how I found myself driving up to Lake Tahoe with Benny, the formerly shy bear who was one of my first I infected with my HIV, riding shotgun, and in the back seat was my nephew Clay. When they greeted each other at my front door this morning, Benny just arriving from the airport, they embraced and kissed deeply and I had to remind them we had a 6-hour drive ahead of us. As we drove, I regaled them with the info on the two bottoms from the Tahoe area that I had been chatting with were also making their way to the mountain house: Aaron, 30, shoulder-length brown hair, a hot slim bod from being a marathon runner and from what I could tell from his pics, an almost-hair free torso and butt. Benny the bear would like him a lot. Byron, 23, a hot mixed-race casino worker from Reno. We had been trying to arrange a pozzing session but our schedules never lined up – but when I told him about the conversion week in Tahoe and sent pics of Eric, Keith and Benny, he quickly cleared his work schedule and said he’d be there. Byron already had a tattoo on his lower back reading “CUM DUMP,” so he was a pro at taking loads but hadn’t yet been able to level-up to poz. Somewhere north of Bakersfield, Benny suggests a pit stop at a convenience store and he and Clay go inside while I fill up the tank. They are in there for over 10 minutes as I wait. Finally, they emerge with drinks and snacks from the store, into the desert heat,, Benny strips off his shirt in to reveal his biohaz and scorpion tats and 2 black X’s, meaning he’s got 20 known pozzings under his belt. Clay turns to look at touches the tats and as they make their way to the car, they both pile in the back seat, pawing at each other like the animals they are. “Guys, can you wait ‘til we get there,” I say, sounding like a prude and instantly ashamed of my tone. But we are in a very public place so I put the car in drive and pull out of the parking lot and back onto the highway. “We already fucked a couple of minutes in the bathroom back there,” Benny relayed, “but someone was knocking on the door, so we got snacks instead.” As I’m driving, the two of them are getting back to where they were interrupted in the truck stop mens room. Benny has Clay’s pants pulled down and is tonguing his hole, getting it ready for Benny’s poz cock to invade and spray its venom inside him. “Getting poz fucked in the back of this car,” Clay breathlessly says, “Haven’t even made it to Tahoe yet and I might be going in pozzed up.” “It’s your uncle’s strain I’m passing on to you, Clay, so good chance it’s happening right here, right now,” Benny says, spitting on his cock and sliding it up my nephew’s manhole, right there in back of me, and at 70mph. “Poz me up, Sir,” Clay calls out. After a couple of minutes, he and Benny have changed position…for a big bear of a man, Benny is surprisingly adept at the intricacies of car sex as he and Clay flip over and Clay is now riding on Benny’s poz weapon. This continues for a few minutes, my nephew’s head rising and falling as he rides my poz progeny’s cock straight into the brotherhood. Suddenly, he dismounts off Benny and turns him around and announces his intentions: “I’m gonna fuck my last neg load into your hole, man!” And with that, he is plunging his substantial cock up Benny’s ass, thrusting it deep inside the hairy poz bear and blowing his neg load deep inside him. “Fucking take my load,” as he gyrates his body 7 or 8 times into Benny. My poz son takes the gift and with one motion, raises Clay off him and lowers him down onto Benny’s pozzing stick which I can see from the rearview mirror, looks ready to blow. Benny is shuddering and shaking as his toxic seed fills my nephew with the viral gift he was looking for. “Welcome to the beautiful world of HIV, kid,” Benny asserts, flexing up into Clay’s insides to get every last drop of the poison into the young man. I have to admit I was initially reluctant to think about my brother’s son that way, but this scene playing out in the car’s back seat has got my poz dick out and rock hard and leaking pre-cum. I’m still concentrating on my driving when Benny pops up behind me and offers to drive. “You wanna give him some original strain, Randy? I’ll take the wheel, you take his hole.” With that Clay lays flat on the back seat and opens up his legs, his beautiful nearly hairless hole shimmering with the remnants of Benny’s poz load, and I quickly pull over and join him in the back. My poz cock is streaming a rope of viral precum and I don’t bother to wait for Clay to get comfortable, I just drive it in to the open hole. Having had the scene of Benny and Clay in my mind already, I know this will be only a few strokes up my nephew’s butt before I christen his insides with the AIDS-load I’m packing, I quickly thrust it like a jackrabbit and then blow about 9 spurts of loaded-up jizz up his hole. “Boy is pozzed now for sure,” Benny calls out from the drivers’ seat, and as I push the last bits of my bug into Clay’s pozzed-up hole, Benny announces “Only 200 miles to go to Tahoe and non-stop poz on neg fucking!” Man, this is gonna be a good trip.
    4 points
  11. Part 21 I lay there on the picnic table (still) with my eyes closed. Ryan had pulled his dick out of my mouth and told me what a good job I had done cleaning it off after he had fucked me. I felt more satisfied than I ever had in my life, experiencing so many things today that I would never have been able to imagine just a week ago before I met Drew. The three hunky sexy studs I had spent the last number of hours with had shown me the pleasures of hot man-to-man raw sex, something I had never thought about my whole life. I couldn't believe this kind of wild unrestrained sex was so readily available and I'd never had a clue. But now everything had changed because of what had happened today and with Drew last week. I had had a kind of intense sexual experience unlike anything I'd ever had with my wife. And I knew I couldn't ever give it up. Especially with the tina fuck smoke magnifying everything, I was going to be seeking out more naked, sleazy, man-sex every chance I could. I knew I should feel totally exhausted and wiped out after the long non-stop physical afternoon but instead I was feeling horny, my mind racing, my naked body tingling. I heard my sex mentors talking close by but didn't bother to open my eyes, instead letting their voices elicit memories of what all we had done today. Thinking of all the erotic nasty fun we'd had I felt my dick begin to stiffen and reached down and began slowly stroking it with a fist. With my other hand I was playing with my hard nips. I moaned lustily as my hands turned my body on and my hunger began growing again. Suddenly I felt a pair of wet lips pressing against mine and I opened my mouth at the same I opened my eyes and saw it was Drew. I moved my hands from my dick and nips and used them to pull him on top of me as we started making out passionately. Our need-filled muffled moans became louder as we both sucked on each other's tongue with more eagerness. I could feel his hard throbbing cock rubbing against mine, leaking his precum onto my shaft and into my pubes. I remembered how great that cock had felt in my hole when he used it to take my virgin ass (after the initial pain had faded it felt great for sure!) That memory caused me to pull him tighter against me and growl into our kiss. I was looking forward to having this young stud fuck me again and was also looking forward to burying my own cock deep in his tight jock hole. He was the only one of the three that I had not fucked today.....at least not yet. Drew pulled back from our kiss and gave me what was almost a leer, but it was sexy as hell! “You're hooked, aren't you Daddy Justin?” he asked softly. “You're not the uptight 'I'm not into guys' hesitant guy I met last week.” It was a statement, not a question. We both knew he was 100% right. “No, no, I'm not that man, you're right. You...you and Kevin and Ryan, along with Tina, have made that man disappear. You all have shown me things I didn't know existed and yes, I'm hooked. I like who you've helped me become and I want to be who I am now all the time.” Drew smiled at me and said, “You mean a fucking dirty piggy cheating married daddy who can't get enough cock and cum and drugs? Being a cock and cum slut pig behind your wife's back and wanting more and more? The kind of horny sexy fucker who gets turned on by cheating? Who even gets turned on by some hot fantasy roleplay daddy/son incest fucking?” Drew spoke this last part in a low sex-filled almost hypnotic voice and I groaned in undisguised lust. “Oh fuck yeah! That's what I mean. It's who I've become and I fucking love it!” I cried out to him. Drew raised himself up from my chest and sat on my thighs, stroking his hard cock in one hand and using his other hand to stroke my rigid flesh. “Am I your son Daddy Justin? Do you want to be my dirty daddy?” I didn't need to think before I answered, my body and mind now once more fully aroused. “Hell yeah, I am. I'm your daddy and you are my hot-as-fuck nasty son!”, I said, running my hands over his thighs, across his abs and resting on his toned smooth pecs. “Do you want to fuck me Daddy? Do you want to fuck your own son with the cock that made him until you shoot your cum inside my guts?” This devious young man was pushing all of my buttons. “Oh gawd yes, baby boy! I want to fuck you son. I want to bury your own father's dick inside you and cum in you!” I almost panted. I watched as Drew moved himself until his hairless tight hole was situated just above my aching boner. Then, like he had done last week when I first fucked him, he pushed down slowly and steadily, my cockhead slipping effortlessly between his asslips and deeper into him as he continued his sensuous descent. We both moaned as our bodies connected once more and we locked eyes. “Oh fuck Daddy. Your cock is so big and hard. It feels so good inside me. Fuck me Daddy! Please fuck me and give me your cum!” he shouted out. “Ah hell yeah son. Your hole feels so warm and tight on daddy's dick. Ride me son! Fuck yourself on your daddy's cock and make me cum inside you!” I cried out. And that's what he did – he began fucking himself up and down on my raw dick, moaning in heated pleasure every time my cockhead rubbed across his prostate. Our cries and shouts had of course drawn Kevin's and Ryan's attention and they were now standing beside the table watching us fuck and egging us on with their sexy verbal talk. Then without a word Kevin was sliding the pipe stem between my lips again as I saw Ryan doing the same to Drew. We both inhaled deeply, ready for the fuck smoke to make our fucking more intense. Blowing out a thick cloud I grabbed Drew's hips and looked into his eyes. “Oh fuck yeah son! Ride daddy's dick. Fucking fuck yourself on it boy!” Drew blew out his cloud and looked back at me. “Mmmmm yeah Daddy! Fuck me deep and hard. I want you to cum in me and breed me. Please Daddy do it!” I thrust harder up into him meeting his downward slide and answered, “I will son. Yeah Drew, take daddy's dick baby!” Drew slammed his ass down hard to the base of my cock and said, “Not Drew, Daddy. I'm Jeremy. Your son. You're fucking your son Jeremy, right?” I felt my dick get even harder in Drew's ass hearing him say this and I felt myself fall deeper into the debauchery and depr*vity of this entire day. “Oh fuck Jeremy! Daddy's fucking you son! I'm about to cum baby! Do you want it Jeremy?!” I said hoarsely. Drew grabbed my nips and twisted them and spoke in a demanding voice. “Hell yes Daddy! Give your cum to me. Fill me up with your incest cum Daddy. Your own son Jeremy!” With that I had no choice but to give in and I began shooting bullets of hot cum deep inside the ass wrapped tight around my dick. My son Jeremy's perfect ass! (more to cum)
    4 points
  12. Chapter 1: My name is Dennis I'm a young black male of 18 years old, 5'10", 150lbs. with a runner's built, athletic legs very shapely with a firm tight but, I'm out for my morning jog like I do every morning before school but this time was different no school I graduated a week ago so had the summer free. I made my regular hour jog around the neighborhood it's now about 6:23 in the morning, I'm about to pass Mr. Stevenson's house that lives next door to my parents house a fenced yard separates us, he just stepped out his door to pick up the newspaper. He looks up at me and wave me over I stop my jog and head over to his porch. Good morning Mr. Stevenson Hey Dennis how's your run going? Quite well Sir thanks for asking Hey Dennis I know you had a birthday a some months ago so I got you a present Ahh, Mr. Stevenson you didn't have to do that No problem at all son you're a good kid and I wanted to do something nice for you Thanks you again Sir Come on in so I can give it to you, you got time don't you? Yes Sir since I'm finish with school That's good it won't take that long son As l was walking pass Mr. Stevenson he was looking across the street up and down I didn't think anything of it and just walked into his house. Mr. Stevenson closed and locked his door, came up behind me place his right hand on my shoulder. Your gift is upstairs I wanted it to be a surprise go on up I'm right behind you. I reached the top of the stairs looking a little puzzle Your gift in the backroom Mr. Stevenson said and pointed the way. I walked into the room the door slammed Mr. Stevenson put a hand over my mouth grabbed me up from behind and carried me over to the bed, I was yelling into his hand kicking my legs but it did nothing Mr. Stevenson was way taller, bigger and stronger. He got to the bed and fell forward both of us hitting the bed hard, his heavy weight on me was making it hard for me to breathe but I was still trying to free myself. With his body on top of me he took his arm from around mybody reached up to grab my neck and started squeezing Shut The Fuck Up, Keep Still He was squeezing my neck hard I stop yelling and struggling to focus on air. Now do what I say and behave yourself and I won't have to hurt you, Do you hear me boy? Say It, Say It, Yes Sir! SAY IT!!! Yes Sir, his hand was still over my mouth. Good son, now reach under the pillow and get some of your birthday gifts out. I put my right hand under the pillow pulled out a pair of metal handcuffs, I started to sobbing That's not all boy, reach Again. "more sobbing" That's right a nice huge ballgag to keep your mouth shut. Now put that cuff around your wrist and squeeze it tight, tighter, Put the other cuff around the rod and close it around your other wrist, tighter Tighter! Now listen up I'm going to remove my hand from your month if I hear one sound I'm going to beat the shit out of you, Got It? and he started to squeeze my neck again harder that I was yelling yes into his hand. Good boy... He released the grip on my neck and took his other hand off my month picking up the ballgag, it was coming towards my mouth so I automatically open my mouth because I didn't wanted to get hurt. Good, you're leaning... I was making noises from my mouth as he was forcing that huge ball in, my jaws was hurting I yelled out some. Take It, It's going in one way or another, Open Wider, I Said Wider, I was shaking my head side to side yelling that I can't. Yes you can! He slapped my head then pushed it in Told you could take it He started pulling on the straps really hard they was cutting into the corners of mouth once it was buckle he got off me and the bed. I turned around and balled up my legs I just wanted to get away from him, "He was smiling" You ain't going nowhere so stop making it harder on yourself I'm still not finish getting you ready the most important birthday gift is still coming yet.
    3 points
  13. I want to document my experience when I was a single gay man. I’ve noticed that few people here discuss the health risks associated with gay sex, or perhaps I haven’t done enough research. There’s a lot of talk about the joy of unprotected sex, something I’ve indulged in during what some might call “my slut years.” I won’t claim to be a saint. In the past, I cheated multiple times out of curiosity for what unprotected sex felt like, but I was too afraid to try it. When my last relationship ended, I began taking PREP, frequented a local sauna (Wet on Wellington in Melbourne, Australia), and spent many hours there having sex with anonymous men. This two-year period also involved hookups from Grindr and outdoor cruising. For a while, it felt great; then, it didn’t. About six months into this lifestyle, I started experiencing constant diarrhea, and my bottom was quite itchy. I visited the Melbourne Health Clinic and was treated for gonorrhea and chlamydia. A few weeks later, I experienced similar symptoms and learned I had contracted gonorrhea again, along with hemorrhoids. At this point, I became hesitant about unprotected sex; I didn’t want to contract any more STDs. Nevertheless, a couple of months later, after recurring diarrhea, I tested positive for Mgen and was prescribed three different antibiotics. The increased potency of the medication led to more side effects, including diarrhea. I spent a good amount of time in the restroom, and I’m glad my job allowed for frequent breaks. It was around this time that I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It’s hard to say if my actions and the subsequent medication led to IBS, but I’ve read that it can be caused by changes in gut bacteria. The last straw in my journey with STDs came when I tested positive for genital herpes. This disease has a negative stigma, and as you may know, it’s a lifelong condition. I’m currently on a two-year suppression medication plan, and I’m fortunate that I haven’t had an outbreak yet. I’m now in a loving relationship with a wonderful partner, who understands my past and the journey I’ve taken to get here. I sometimes wonder if I made the right decisions during those years, and despite the health issues, I believe it was the right path for me. It made me appreciate my health more and freed me from the nagging “what ifs.” My partner is open to the prospect of me having sex with others, but given the past STDs and us having to use condoms, the logistics of testing and treatment are not sexy at all. If you’ve stuck around to the end, thank you for reading. Just know that while gay sex can be a lot of fun, it comes with many health risks that I don’t think are discussed enough these days. Different people react differently to the symptoms associated with STDs. In my case, I got the short straw.
    3 points
  14. "You wanna get gangbanged?" I had barely logged into the app when the message flashed onto my screen. My hole was hungry, itching to be stretched and filled. So naturally, I responded. "Fuck yes." "Cool," came the reply, followed by three different dick pics. None appeared to be shorter than seven or eight inches. Two were big black cocks, one cut and one uncut with just the right amount of foreskin. The third was white, cut and smooth and girthy. My saliva glands instantly went into overdrive. I sent back a couple of pics of my ass, including my favorite - the one taken by a guy after he and his friend bred me one night in a hotel room in NYC. It captured the moment that both of their loads started leaking out of my gaped hole. I used it as a signal that I was into bottoming bare. "Where and when?" I asked. It turned out that the guy who contacted me had a room at a hotel just around the corner from my place. Talk about kismet! He told me his friends were on their way, and would be there within the half hour. Perfect - just enough time for me to shower and get ready. Before I did, though, I had to ask. "You guys fuck raw or covered?" "Raw is law," he replied, a grinning devil face emoji punctuating his response. I set my phone down and headed to the bathroom to prep, hoping that when I picked it up again the message would not have disappeared. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded. Not only had he messaged again to let me know his friends had arrived, he had included the room number and told me to knock when I arrived. I quickly dressed and responded to him. "Give me 5-10 minutes." Not waiting for his reply, I slipped my feet into some shoes, grabbed my poppers and a small tube of lube and headed out the door. The light at the end of my street seemed to take for-fucking-ever to turn green, but at last I swung my car out onto the main road, and after less than a half-mile I turned into the hotel parking lot. I found a spot and cut the motor. My stomach was in knots with nervous anticipation. I took a hit from my brown bottle to calm them. I felt my heart rate tick up as a warm glow spread across my body and my head got a little fuzzy. Taking out my phone, I sent him a message. "Parked. Coming up." I walked purposefully through the hotel lobby, throwing a polite nod at the desk staff as I passed. It had been years since I had been to this particular hotel to hook up with anyone, but my feet knew their way and in no time I was in the elevator, on my way to what I hoped would be an amazing afternoon. I took another hit from my brown bottle as I stepped off the elevator, momentarily steadying myself against the corridor wall as they took effect. The room turned out to be a suite at the far end of the hall. With my heart in my throat, I knocked as instructed. The door opened, but whoever was behind it remained hidden. The room was dark; the blackout curtains had been drawn. The only light came from the TV, to which someone was casting bareback porn from their phone or laptop. "Strip and get on the bed," a disembodied voice instructed from the corner of the room. "We want you ass up." As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could make out the silhouette of a set of double French doors leading to the bedroom. Stepping inside, I took off my clothes, grabbed my poppers and lube and climbed on the bed, my ass in the air pointed toward the door. "Turn around," said the voice. "We wanna watch the TV while we breed you." An odd request, but I was so fucking horny that I readily complied. I spun around so that my ass was now pointed toward the headboard. Anyone pounding my hole would be able to clearly see what was on the TV on the opposite wall. So I was to be a cock sleeve they used to get off in while they watched porn. That didn't hurt my feelings one little bit. I took a huff from my brown bottle as a shadow approached my face. My mouth was at the perfect height and the cock slid right in, working its way to the back of my throat. This was the uncircumsized one and it was delicious! As he worked past my gag reflex I stuck out my tongue and tasted the saltiness of his balls. The bed moved and I felt someone getting behind me. I heard the click of a bottle - so they wouldn't need my lube - and then the familiar pressure of a cock head pressing on my sphincter. I had no way of knowing which of the other guys it was, but as my hole opened willingly to let him in, I felt the walls of my rectum stretch wide. He did not stop until his lower abdomen met my ass cheeks. He was balls deep. The two friends matched their rhythms as they spit-roasted me. The cock in my mouth slid out of my throat as the one in my ass slid deep, then as the one in my ass pulled out the one in my mouth slid back in. In my mind I pictured the old weather vane on my grandfather's garage, the one with two sawyers holding a huge saw that went back and forth in time with the wind. "Fuck, I'm gonna nut already," said the one in my mouth. "let me in there." His friend obliged, slipping out of my ass and moving over to allow his friend to take over. "Ready to get knocked up?" he asked. "Fuck yeah," I replied breathlessly. I took the opportunity to huff from my brown bottle again since my face was unencumbered. As my head swam, I felt that big uncut cock slide balls deep. he gripped my hips like he was afraid he might fall off, and after a couple of big thrusts I felt his cock spasm. He was filling my guts with his cum. At last the spasms subsided and I felt him slide out. "Let me clean you off," I said to him. Without a word, he got off the bed and positioned his now-deflating cock at my mouth again. I sucked in the entire length, savoring the taste of cum and ass and working my tongue under his foreskin to make sure I got every last drop. As I was administering to him, his friend once again got behind me and slid his cock into my now cum-slick hole. "Oh, fuck that feels good," he moaned. "What an ass. My turn to knock it up." My poppers-addled brain suddenly keyed on the phrase he used. He didn't say he was going to breed my hole. He said 'knock it up'. Between the moans escaping my lips I managed to ask, "Are you guys poz?" "Yeah," he affirned. "But you're on PrEP, so it's cool." Except I wasn't on PrEP. That was a bald-faced lie that I included on every one of my online profiles. There was a reason I always ask if guys fuck raw. And there's a reason I don't ask about diseases or HIV status before I fuck someone. Because I wanted it. I had been desperate to join the poz brotherhood for nearly a decade. I wanted the virus with every fiber of my being. I had been used by hundreds of men, most of them bareback, and willingly taken their loads in my pursuit. But it had all been in vain. Until today. Disguising my excitement, I said as deadpan as I could,, "Yeah, that's cool. It's not for me to refuse a load." "Damn right," said the voice from the living room. "Cum dumps don't get a say." The guy behind me quickened his pace and I knew another breeding was imminent. I was about to take my second toxic load of the day. I could barely contain myself! The grip on my hips tightened and the telltale spasms told me he was now adding his load to the first. I squeezed tight, partly to milk every last drop from his balls and partly to make sure none spilled when he pulled out. He began to go soft and began sliding out. I bore down on my sphincter muscles. "Fuck, that's some grip!" he uttered. "Amazing." Before I had a chance to tell him I wanted to clean him off, his cock was in my face. I greedily took it in my mouth to the root, working my tongue all around to clean him thoroughly. At last he pulled away, spent. I had never felt so wantonly slutty in my entire life. I had to have more cock - and there was still one to be had. "Ready for me?" asked the third man, who I could now see had been watching from a chair in the corner of the other room. I took another hit from my brown bottle and replied, "Yessss, please." It was more of a plea than an answer. I wanted his load, and I was prepared to shamelessly beg for it. "Even if my viral load is over seven hundred thousand?" He asked teasingly. "Yessss, God yessss!" I responded. "I need your poz load in my guts with the others!" "You gotta suck me to get me hard first," he said, getting up from the chair. I could just make out his cock, swaying as he walked toward me. It was the white guy. His cock was as long soft as it appeared to be hard. He approached, and for the third time that day I opened my mouth for a poz cock. Suddenly I felt something hard bump against my teeth. As I took him further into my mouth I could taste metal. I felt around with my tongue - a PA! It had been years since I had been fucked by a pierced cock. My first experience had been one of pleasure, then pain, then intensely pleasurable pain. That guy, too, had bred me, and I had hoped at the time that he might be injecting a toxic load when he came, but alas if he was it never took. Here was another chance. I worked his cock like a pro, using my lips and tongue to get him rock hard. It swelled in my mouth until I could barely wrap my lips around the shaft. I couldn't wait to see what he did to my ass once he got inside! His PA was a thick gauge, a three-quarter loop with round balls on each end. I didn't have to wait long. "Hey guys, come hold him," he instructed the others. He got on the bed and pushed me down so I was laying on my stomach. The other two got on the bed, one on each side of me, outstretched my arms and pinned them so I couldn't move. He pushed my legs together and then straddled me, holding my legs closed with his calves. I felt that huge cock slapping my ass cheeks as he got himself ready. I felt him slide between my cheeks and connect with my cum-drooling hole. Then he pushed his way in. It felt as though he was penetrating me with a hot curling iron. I cried and bucked as he split me open and the big metal ring tore at my insides. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, and I found myself wishing that I had quit while I was ahead. "Hold him!" he barked as my arms flailed beneath his companions. "He wants this virus, he's gonna fuckin' get it!" He worked his shaft deeper and deeper into my rectum as it spasmed in protest. I shudder to think about how it might have felt had I not already had two loads inside me to ease his entry. But at last, he was fully inside. He paused a moment, holding still as I willed myself to relax. "My poppers!" I cried. One of the other guys found them on the bed and uncapped them, holding the bottle under each nostril while pressing the other closed. I took two mighty breaths, huffing as much as I could into my lungs and into my blood stream. Only then did I feel my muscles begin to relax around his huge shaft. "There you go," he said. "Now you're ready." He began to thrust, slowly at first and then more and more quickly. The pain died away as my mind went numb from the combination of poppers and his assault. "Gonna make sure you get knocked up!" he said, his breath coming more quickly. "This hole is fucking great. You're gonna make me shoot in no time!" 'No time' took considerably longer than I hoped. I cried and whimpered as he hammered my hole time and again, working that high viral load out of his balls. I grit my teeth and resolved to take it; I had been chasing this dream for far too long for me to back away now. The pain, I reassured myself, would be worth the reward. "Oh fuck, here it comes!" he bellowed. My sphincter was stretched as wide as it would go and my muscles were all numb, so this time there was no squeezing his shaft. When he came he rammed his cock balls-deep into me and froze, moaning in pleasure as he added to the toxic brew already inside me. He collapsed on top of me for a moment before finally climbing off me. His friends released my arms and as he pulled out, I swear I felt the cool room air rush inside my massive gape. Like the others, he brought his cock to my lips so I could clean it off. This time I tasted cum and ass mixed with blood. His piercing had done what it was supposed to do. "Now, before you get up, I have a present for you," he said. He turned and caught something thrown to him by one of the other guys. "A souvenir, if you will." He held it in such a way that I could see what it was in the dim light: a large butt plug, the base of which was inscribed with the biohazard symbol. He slid it into my ass until it was firmly lodged in place. "Don't take that out for twelve to twenty-four hours," he said. "When you do, you'll be a new man." With that I got up off the bed, pulling my clothes back on. I wondered for a moment if anyone in the lobby would be able to see the shape of the plug's base through my shorts, but decided I really didn't care. I had three poz loads brewing inside me. It was time to go home and do as I had been instructed - leave them in there as long as possible to allow the virus to take hold. The short drive home was an uncomfortable one, but I managed to get into the house and up to my bedroom. Kicking off my shoes, I fell face-first on the bed, exhausted from the poppers and all the abuse I had taken - the wonderful, amazing abuse that I hoped was about to start a new chapter for me. My daily routine went on as it always had - eat, sleep, work, repeat. I never saw my gifter or his friends on the app again, despite checking every blank profile that appeared. Then about three and a half weeks after my encounter, I came down with a cold. Hoping that it meant the gift had taken, I waited a few more weeks - an impossibly long time given my level of excitement - and got tested. After a decade of trying everything, my dream had finally come true. I was a member of the brotherhood at last.
    3 points
  15. Well done mate. I'm glad you enjoyed your first breeding. It is the first of many - now you've had a cock up your arse and you've been seeded you're gunna need more cocks and loads. How long did the top last in your hole before he pumped his seed in you?
    3 points
  16. I did the Horse Market at CLAW this year and it was a total high being blindfolded, in a sling or bent over a piece of furniture and guys taking turns railing me, many of them breeding me. Getting to be a service mare at the Berlin one is a bucket list goal of mine.
    3 points
  17. I've got a 0g PA but I like to go with a shorter interior diameter so it "hugs" the head of my cock a bit more closely than PAs with a larger interior diameter. I wear a tribal ring PA, so unless I have my screwdriver, it's not coming out 😈. I've been lucky and haven't had any UTIs, but I've had a few times where my PA did come out dirtier than desired.
    3 points
  18. Damn, this story keeps me perpetually horny and craving hard raw cock!! I absolutely love your writing!!
    3 points
  19. I used to let this Latino guy, Alberto, fuck my bubble ass. He was older than me and I suspected he was HIV positive. Every time he put his huge dick inside me, it was bareback, and I had to insist that he wore a condom. Fast forward a couple of years, after I got pozzed during Pride 2004. I ran into Alberto at the bathhouse, where I was face down and ass up in a room. Alberto came in and put the tip of his bare dick inside me. I reached around to feel if he was wearing a condom and of course he wasn't. I took a deep hit of poppers and then slowly backed my raw hole all the way down to the root of his cock. We started to fuck intensely. My hole was devouring his poz cock. We took a break during which he said "I wish I could piss in your ass. I wish I could cum in your ass." I leapt onto the bed doggy style ass up and open to let him know that he could pump my ass with whatever he wanted. In the end, he blew a load inside me, walked out of the room without me realizing it. He had left the door wide open, so everyone passing by could see my doggy style ass dripping with his cum.
    3 points
  20. (Dont' worry guys, I haven't forgotten the hotel bellman. He's making an appearance soon!) PART 3 We both laid on the bed for a while, soaked in sweat. I was vibrating because I was so high but I desperately wanted more cock in my hole. But I had to ask the obvious question, knowing that Justin might not tell me. “So who is this Jake person?” I asked him. He laughed nervously, then paused for a minute and said “well, ummmmm…….he’s……. ummmmmmm……my son.” OOOOOH. I should’ve gotten it before but I somehow in my lust and horniness, I missed this, and Mike hadn’t let me in on the secret. Justin explained “He’s also a student here in Chicago, a year ahead of you, I think. I’ve had the hots for him for a long time, but I didn’t want to upset him by making a pass at my own son. And you look a LOT like him. He’s short and very furry for his age, like you. With a nice big butt. He wrestled in high school and now in college, too.” I just smiled. This was getting really good. “The other thing I should tell you is that Mike is my brother.” I suddenly realized I had died and gone to heaven. The whole story quickly tumbled out of Justin while he laid next to me, playing with my nipples. “Mike’s younger and came out when we were teenagers, but I thought I should get married and have kids, so I did. Dumb move. My wife eventually discovered me in bed fucking another guy and divorced my ass. We’re on good terms now, but it was hard on her and on Jake. He was only 8 when we split up. That was 10 years ago. I’ve been really involved in his life, but he doesn’t know I like men.” Justin reached over for his phone and showed me a picture of himself with a boy of about 20, who did look a lot like me. He was shorter than Justin, with a thick mop of curly dark hair and chest hair coming out of the top of his tank top. In the picture they were standing by a lake, holding up fish for the camera. I immediately had a jolt of recognition. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and told him to hold on a second. He looked confused, and then I found it. A series of Grindr messages with THE SAME KID. We had never hooked up but we were both students at the same university and had flirted online, but never met IRL. I remembered joking with him that we were the hairiest guys under 20 in Chicago. His profile said he was gay and he’d joked with me about being kind of slutty. Isn’t every 20 year old gay guy slutty? I handed the phone to Justin, smirked and said “well Daddy man, maybe you look at this.” His jaw hit the floor as he scrolled through the messages between me and his son Jake. Then he opened the kid’s unlocked pictures, whistling loudly. “FUUUUUUUCK. I knew it. He has a big furry ass just like yours.” In the ass pic, Jake was looking at the camera, smirking like he knew how fine his ass was. He was right, it was a helluva nice ass. He was just waiting for men to admire it, and I’m sure they did, in abundance. “And he’s gay? OMG.” Justin laid back on the bed breathing hard, and handed my phone back to me. I had just blown a hole in his world in a way that he absolutely did not expect. “We’ve never met in person,” I said. “We just flirted a few times on Grindr because we both live on campus. Since I’m new there I was trying to meet gay friends, both for sex and just to hang out with. But because of his wrestling practice and meet schedule we’ve never managed to figure out a time to hang out.” I grinned at Justin. “Are you OK? I know this has to be freaking you out a little bit, especially considering how you just fucked me.” He laughed and said “Oh yeah, it’s just going to take me a little time to sort this through in my head.” As soon as he said that, the door clicked and in walked Mike. I set the phone back on the nightstand. “Well if it isn’t two of my favorite pigs.” He walked in the door, set his gym bag down and proceeded to start stripping off his shorts and tank top. He’d clearly just come from the gym and was dripping sweat. “I see you two got acquainted,” Mike said walking over to the bed and tapping on the buttplug that was securely shoved up my ass. I shook my ass at him and moaned loudly again, realizing that my hole was feeling very empty, despite the thick plug. I knew just who to ask to fill it. Mike was only wearing a jockstrap and I grinned at him and begged him “Please, can I suck your cock, mister?” Playing the innocent boy, looking up at him with my sexy green eyes that I knew he loved. “Why the fuck aren’t you sucking it already, faggot?” We all laughed and I scooted over and started playing with Mike’s cock through his jock. Then I pulled the sexy pouch aside and his big, meaty uncut dick flopped out, half hard already. I slid it in my mouth where it belonged and grabbed onto his ass to pull it all the way into my throat. Mike moaned and I could see that he and Justin were making out and I heard a click and a lighter go on. I looked up and Justin was holding a glass bong and sucking white smoke out of it which he then blew into Mike’s lungs. Justin tapped on my shoulder, and I came up off Mike’s fat cock and he passed another shotgun to me. I immediately went back down on Mike’s cock, taking it all the way into my throat, just like he taught me. He kept moaning while making out with Justin. Finally Mike came up for air, and said “come on Jakey, you want Uncle Mike’s cock in your pretty little hairy cunt?” I relinquished his delicious cock from my mouth and immediately turned around and put my ass in the air, arching my back like a good fuck toy. “Yes, Uncle Mike! Please use my pussy!” Mike laughed and hawked a loogie into my hole, then I saw Justin tuck something under Mike’s foreskin. Mike quickly slid his entire fat cock into my hole and I was in heaven again. After a few thrusts, I could feel something warm in my hole and said “what the…..?” They both laughed and said “don’t worry Jake, you’re gonna love it.” I could feel the warmth spreading through my ass and realized they had given me more drugs up my butt hole. All I could do was moan and beg Mike to fuck me hard. He slapped my ass and proceeded to start pounding me good. I was in cumdump faggot heaven. Justin moved on top of me and spread his ass cheeks wide and sat his furry hole down on my face. I ate him ravenously, smelling his deliciously sweaty butt and running my tongue up and down his crack, then shoving it as far up his hole as I could. I grabbed onto his hips and pulled him down as far as I could onto my tongue, while I ate his hole like I hadn’t had a meal in a week. It was fucking amazing. Smelling his manly hole while my cunt was getting fucked hard made me one happy spun little fag boy. While I was eating Justin’s ass, he would occasionally lift up and then turn around so he could make out with me, tasting his hole on my face and in my goatee. Then he would turn around and plant his big Daddy hole on my tongue again and I continued my meal. Meantime, Mike kept fucking me hard, and after about 15 minutes, he started to pound my hole really hard and pushed my legs back as far as he could, Justin held them in place for him. Spewing a never ending stream of dirty talk, calling me every name he could think of, faggot, whore, pig, slut, cumdump, he finally shot an enormous load in my boy pussy. While he was calling me every filthy name in the book all I could do was mumble because my mouth was full of daddy hole. Justin cheered him onI could feel his cock pulsate and the shots fire into my hole, pushing his brother’s load further into my ass.I was so high I couldn’t really speak, all I could do was hang on for dear life while my tongue fucked Justin’s hole and Mike raped my cunt. Finally, we all disentangled from each other and spread out on Justin’s king sized hotel bed, catching our breath. I was completely spent, but my hole was telling my brain MORE MORE MORE. I was vibrating and my hole was on fire. Mike grabbed the buttplug from the mess of sheets on the bed and shoved it back in my cunt. “There. You need that plug to keep those loads in. We’re not done with you. Not by a long shot.” He grinned and grabbed the back of my head, kissing me deeply and with great affection. I melted. These hot Daddies were not only paying attention to me, they were lavishing me with some of the greatest feelings I’d ever had. When we’d all come back to earth a bit, Justin smiled at me and said “Well, should we tell him?” Mike got a puzzled look on his face, and said “tell me what?” I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone and showed him the Grindr conversations I’d had with the REAL Jake. Mike burst out laughing and said “well that makes things more interesting, doesn’t it? Why don’t you just invite him over, Adam? What’s the worst that can happen? He says no?” I smirked and looked at Justin. This was his call. He was paying for my ass and he had a few more hours on the clock. All night if he wanted. I just looked at Justin and said “Well?” He’s your kid. What do you wanna do?” Justin was high and horny and his cock was rock hard again with the head just peeking out of his thick foreskin. He just looked at us and said “fuck it. Sure. Why not. He’s probably busy anyway.” So I messaged Jake. Grindr said he was online and it was Friday night so he might very well be looking for some dick. He replied right away and I asked him what he was doing. He told me he was just horny and looking for some fun and asked me if I wanted to “hang out.” I said sure, but explained that I was at a buddy’s hotel room downtown and did he want to join us for a group thing. I thought the phone was going to explode he answered so quickly. “FUCK YES” was the answer. At Justin’s prompting, I told him to take a cab or Uber and my friend would pay for it since he could make it a business expense. He responded that he would be there in 20 minutes. I was giving Justin and Mike a play by play as this was happening and I was laying between them with them idly playing with my tits and cock. The trap was set. Wait until Jake found out what the surprise was.
    3 points
  21. The Birthday Gift 🎉 The crisp spring night air holds a touch of excitement that night as two young lovers walk hand in hand down a bustling sidewalk, but they hardly notice, they only have eyes for each other. To a passer-by they make a fetching couple of opposites, one is tall, the other is shorter, one has dark hair and the other strawberry blond, with the only obvious similarity being the blinding smiles plastered on their faces. “Where are we going?” asks the young man with strawberry blond hair. The young man with dark curls chuckles, his brilliant blue eyes twinkling with mischief at the question. “I told you, Seven, it’s a surprise for your birthday.” Seven pouts, his pink lower lip looking particularly kissable in the moment, so his lover leans over and quickly gives him a peck. “Don’t pout, babe, I promise, you’ll love it.” “I better, Liam, or you’ll be going without tonight,” Seven teases, which makes Liam’s lips disappear in a tight line. “Now who’s pouting?” “You are so lucky we’re in public,” Liam says with a touch of a dark seductive edge to his voice, “otherwise I’d thoroughly remind you what you’d be missing out on if you made good on that threat.” Seven gulps and almost instantly his cock jumps at the mere mention of their bedroom activities; his reaction only gets worse when his now half-hard cock rubs against his tight blue shorts in the process. He wants to be upset over his predicament and blame his loving boyfriend but there’s something almost palpable in the anticipation and he wants to ride this feeling out for as long as possible. Then he wants to ride Liam’s cock even longer. They cross over two more streets and cut through an alley before arriving at a nondescript building that could’ve otherwise gone unnoticed had it not been for the line of people outside and two large men standing by the entrance. Seven grips onto Liam’s hand as his boyfriend confidently walking past the entire line up to the two men by the door. He reaches into his pocket and produces two cards, which he hands to one of the men, who then opens the door. Seven can’t help but giggle at the loud groans that follow them as they head into the building. The door closes and the pair are instantly swallowed by loud, pulsating music, strobe lighting, and— “Foam!” Seven shrieks but it’s drowned out by the music and energy around them. Indeed, there is multi-coloured foam flooding the room, about knee-deep on most patrons but some areas it’s up to thighs and waists. Seven reaches down and scoops some up in his hands, smelling the light scent that reminds him of a specific soap brand before reaching over to throw it in Liam’s face. Liam sputters and spits out what got on his mouth while Seven laughs hysterically, only to be met by a face-full of foam not a second later. They look at each other for a moment before breaking down in giggles and tears at the sheer ridiculousness of the moment. Seven wipes the foam off his mouth before reaching up to kiss Liam. “Thank you,” he says when he pulls away, “I can’t believe you found a club that does foam parties!” “It took some research, but I found this place thanks to some online tips,” Liam says as he takes Seven’s hand and goes to the bar. He orders their usual – two rum and colas – and they take up two stools while they wait. “I know you’ve always wanted to go to one.” Seven nods. “Ever since I heard about them! Thank you so much for this, baby! Best birthday present ever! I love you!” “I love you, too,” says Liam with a soft smile. He can hardly believe that this amazing person is his boyfriend, his for the past several years. There’s another gift he has for Seven, it’s currently resting in his pocket, but he has a plan for that too and it’s for after their night out at the club. They get their drinks along with a small plate of appetizers, enjoying the moment as they watch others dance in the foam, looking completely free and happy. Seven can’t wait to join them, to be part of that feeling. His skin tingles in anticipation and he bounces in his seat to the beat of the music, hardly able to keep himself from jumping straight into the throng of people writhing and moving on the dancefloor. The second they finish their food, Seven grabs Liam’s hand and drags him right into the centre of the dancers, then proceeds to press his back against Liam’s chest and grind his ass into his cock with the music. Liam’s hands grip his waist, and his face sits in the crook of his neck where he peppers soft kisses into Seven’s pale skin, nipping him every few kisses until a red mark blooms. Then he licks the mark and relishes in the way Seven squirms in his grip. He doesn’t think he could get any happier than standing here with this wonderful man in his arms. Three songs pass with Seven firmly planted against Liam, not even a breath of space between them as they dance in the foam. Seven occasionally reaches down to get a handful of foam to play with, either smearing it on Liam’s face or his own or even their bare torsos – they lost their shirts at some point during song two, not that they care, they were cheap white t-shirts Liam bought anticipating this exact situation. Seven is definitely enjoying his birthday surprise, pleased beyond words that his boyfriend took the time to find a place that does events like these, and even happier he paid the money to get them in the club. Seven’s euphoric bubble is burst when Liam squeezes his hips and says, “Hey, I need to use the washroom, come with me.” Seven glares at him over his shoulder. “No, I’m staying right here.” “Babe, I don’t want to have to try and find you,” Liam insists. “Please come with me.” “No, this is my night and I’m not leaving this dancefloor until security has to drag me out,” Seven replies petulantly and he shoves Liam’s hands off before he disappears into the crowd of dancers. It’s a petty move but he doesn’t care right now, he’s annoyed and slightly tipsy and high off the energy in the room. He’ll deal with the consequences later, right now he’s focused on enjoying himself. He finds himself a free spot close to the wall and one of the speakers with a small mountain of foam completely untouched, so he claims it in his name and starts dancing like nobody’s watching. Unknown to Seven, someone’s watching him closely. The song ends and Seven takes a breath as he waits for the next one to start; Liam still hasn’t joined him, so he figures he’s either lost, still in the washroom, or ignoring him until one of them – mostly Seven – apologizes for their argument. Seven has no intentions of apologizing until the club closes so Liam will have to pout for a few more hours. He’s content with this plan, at least for now. A new song starts and Seven prepares to start dancing when something warm and large settles on his hips, he startles and looks down. There’s a pair of sun-kissed hands that are definitely not his or Liam’s touching him. He looks behind him and sees a bright pair of green eyes staring at him. “Hi,” says the man, his voice sounds like caramel over gravel and Seven shivers. The man leans closer and puts his mouth by Seven’s ear. He’s a few inches taller than him – probably taller than Liam – so it almost feels like he’s hunching over. “Mind if I dance with you?” Seven considers pushing the man away and going back to his own private party but the thought of this gorgeous creature dancing with him is too tempting to resist so he shakes his head. “It’s fine!” his voice barely carries over the music. The man pulls back and flashes him a dazzling white smile before pulling Seven flush against his clothed torso. The grey tank top brushes against Seven’s back deliciously and he groans softly, sure the other man can’t hear him over the sounds of the music and thumping base. They grind in time with the beat, new guy’s hands stay firmly on Seven’s hips even when Seven decides to be bold and rest his head on the man’s shoulder. It feels so nice to be so close to him, even if he doesn’t know who the hell this guy is, and he’ll take whatever he can get for as long as he can. Liam is Seven’s first and only boyfriend, they met shortly after Seven came out openly and have been inseparable ever since; and while he loves Liam, Seven laments the lost time of exploring himself and his sexuality more. Liam has been his only lover, which sounds romantic, but Seven has found himself craving something else of late. This man behind him seems to be enough to scratch that itch. When the music ends, Seven fully expects the man to leave and move on to another dance partner, so imagine his surprise when not only does the man not leave but his grip gets tighter and more possessive. Seven looks over and sees the man already looking at him from under his mess of beach hair – if he never learns his name, Seven will call him Beach God or BG for short. “You’re so fucking hot,” Beach God says in Seven’s ear, and he shivers again hearing BG’s voice, especially so close. “Are you here alone?” Seven shrugs. “I came with someone, but we had a fight so now I’m on my own.” “His loss,” BG says and Seven can hear the smile in his voice. His fingers trail up to brush at the top of Seven’s shorts, dipping beneath the waistband just enough for the callouses on his fingers to find soft skin. “Hey, I know we just shared a dance but wanna have some real fun?” “Maybe,” Seven says as his skin flushes from BG’s touch. In the back of his mind, he knows he should say no, say the person he’s with is his boyfriend and not some random date, but when BG’s fingers go lower and start rubbing the soft skin near his cock, his mind blanks and he moans. That’s all the encouragement BG seems to need. BG’s large hand moves from the shaved skin surrounding Seven’s soft cock, to directly over his cock, cupping it easily. He fondles Seven with gentle but determined movements as his other hand travels up Seven’s torso, stopping on his chest to tease and pinch his rosy nipples. Without the support of BG’s firm chest behind him, Seven is sure he would’ve collapsed by now, his knees are already buckling under the overwhelming sensations of BG’s hand on his cock, the delicious way he’s teasing his nipples, and the knowledge that what he’s doing with this guy is so bad but feels so good at the same time. He wonders if Liam is looking for him, but that thought is quickly chased out of his mind when BG speaks again. “Look at me and open your mouth.” Seven complies easily, turning leisurely towards BG’s face and opening his mouth as requested. BG leans in and shoves his tongue straight into Seven’s mouth, his mouth creates a tight seal around Seven’s as his tongue licks around. Seven is helpless to stop or even keep up with him, content on letting him explore his mouth like a starving man while he loses himself in the feeling of BG’s touches. He nearly jumps out of his skin when BG’s long middle finger brushes firmly against his entrance, which breaks their lip lock, but BG hardly seems concerned. Instead he’s far more focused on shoving his hand further into Seven’s shorts to get to his hole. Seven reaches down and tries to stop the wandering hand as it goes another inch deeper. “Hey, stop, you’re going to rip my shorts.” BG snorts as he rubs the tip of his finger against Seven’s entrance, watching with amusement as Seven’s eyes roll back in his head. He curls his fingertip just enough that it catches on the rim and pushes in slightly; Seven presses down further, hoping to get more of the thick finger inside but is disappointed when nothing more happens. “What a dirty slut,” BG whispers to Seven as he pulls his finger away just enough to tease the outside rim. “Thinking you can fuck yourself on my finger. You want that pretty hole filled, don’t you, baby boy?” “Yes,” Seven whines as he moves his hips in search of the finger that felt divine inside him. “Please give it to me, sir. Please.” “Such a good boy, asking so nicely,” BG says, licking a long strip from Seven’s collarbone to his lips, dipping his tongue inside Seven’s hot mouth for a brief moment before pulling away. “Fuck you taste good, baby boy.” “So do you,” Seven says, barely able to hold himself up at this point as he nearly leans his full weight against BG, who is now leaning against a wall. BG smirks at Seven’s blissed out expression with half-lidded eyes and swollen lips still wet with their spit. BG pulls both hands back and before Seven has a chance to complain, he hears a ripping sound. His eyes fly open, and he looks down to see BG ripping the side of his shorts. He reaches down to stop him from completing the tear. “Stop!” he says somewhat desperately. “I told you before not to do that!” “They’re in the way.” “I can take them off, just give me a chance—” BG overpowers Seven’s grip and finishes ripping the fabric from the top to the bottom along the seam. Seven is appalled. BG rips the other side just as easily as the first and tosses the fabric into the foam. “Fucker! Now how am I supposed to go home? I have nothing to wear!” BG shrugs. “I’ll fix that later.” Seven goes to protest again but he’s silenced by BG’s tongue sliding into his mouth as his hands resume their original positions, only this time his finger is able to move more freely than when trapped in Seven’s shorts and BG easily slides up to his second knuckle into Seven’s hot entrance. He pulls away and gives him a knowing look. “Little slut prepped himself already.” “Always prepared,” Seven replies with a dopey grin. It quickly disappears when BG starts moving his finger, making him moan almost loud enough to be heard over the music. He’s vaguely aware that there are people around them, and that he can feel eyes on him, but he can’t find it in him to care. If anything, it turns him on more. It isn’t long before BG adds a second finger to distract him from the gaze of the crowd around him, which stretches him wider than he’s ever felt before, and he winces slightly when BG starts to scissor. “Just relax, baby boy,” BG says kindly. “You’ll never take my cock if you can’t take my fingers.” Hearing that makes something in Seven snap and he becomes determined to take whatever BG has to give him. He forces his body to relax and soon the burn from being stretched subsides and he starts moaning shamelessly as BG teases his fingertips over his prostate, never giving enough pressure to get him off but just enough to send jolts of pleasure through his body. He’s fairly certain at this point the only reason he’s still standing is because of the fingers in his ass and BG’s solid body. When BG puts a third finger inside, the stretch hardly hurts, and he finds himself grinding down shamelessly on all of the fingers filling him to the brim. His legs give out completely when all three fingers rub on and around his prostate, hitting him from all possible angles. He vaguely feels fabric moving against his bare ass and wonders if BG is taking off his shirt. Then the fingers are removed from his hole in one swift movement, leaving him empty and clenching around nothing. “Patience, baby boy,” BG says as he manhandles Seven more securely into his hold. He turns him around, so they are chest to chest then lifts him by the thighs, spreading his legs as he hoists him up, before pushing him against a wall. The wall is covered in sound dampening panels, so it isn’t cold when Seven’s hot skin touches it, but it is rough. He groans slightly. With Seven’s legs still spread as wide as they can, BG situates himself between them, his cock now out of his own shorts. He moves Seven a bit until his hole is lined up with the tip of his leaking cock then he presses it inside. Seven moves enough to break away from the intruding cock and shakes his head. “No, no, this isn’t right.” He tries to move away, to free himself but BG’s hold is too tight, and escape becomes almost impossible when he pushes more weight against Seven to pin him to the wall. “You were so eager for my cock, baby boy, what happened?” “I have a boyfriend!” BG can’t help but chuckle. “So, you have no problem with me stripping you naked and shoving my fingers and tongue in you, but when I go to put my cock in, that’s the line? You’re such a cute idiot.” “Then please don’t go in raw!” BG pays him no mind and he moves one of Seven’s legs over his shoulder, then uses his free hand to guide his cock back to Seven’s hole and wastes no time in pushing inside, groaning slightly at the tightness and heat that envelope him. Seven is shaking in his grip as he struggles with taking the entire cock, feeling every inch as it fills him more than BG’s fingers could ever dream. He feels like he’s being split in half. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, BG is completely inside, and he lets out an airy sigh while Seven continues to shake as tears roll down his cheeks. BG leans down and pecks his lips softly. “Such a good boy, you took every inch,” he praises and Seven whimpers, whether from pain or the praise, BG doesn’t really care. “You feel so good, so nice and tight even after I prepped you. Such a good little slut.” Seven isn’t sure how or if he should respond, so he just nods. “Don’t worry, you’ll feel good soon,” BG whispers in his ear. “You’ll feel good and forget your boyfriend’s name.” He then licks some of the tears on Seven’s cheek and puts Seven’s other leg over his shoulder, folding him practically in half while his hands grip tightly to Seven’s hips. BG rolls his a few times before pulling out until just the tip is still inside then thrusting roughly back into Seven’s hole. He repeats the actions of grinding before pulling out and slamming in until he sets a steady rhythm of thrusting and grinding that works best for the position. He looks down and watches in mild fascination as his cock disappears into Seven and then back out. He loses himself in watching, focused on his thick ruddy cock pulling and pushing on Seven’s rosy rim, when he thrusts in, he pauses for a moment to appreciate the contrast of their skin tones, his so tan compared to Seven’s pale complexion. Then he adjusts his grip so his hands are holding onto the soft globes of Seven’s perky ass, and he spreads them as wide as he can before resuming his rough pace. He looks at Seven – who is clearly lost in the pleasure despite his protests – with eyes closed and mouth open as moans and gasps are punched out of him in time with BG’s movements. BG leans in and slips his tongue into Seven’s open mouth, not even bothering to try and seal their mouths together – Seven seems to be breathing exclusively through his mouth at the moment – and lets his tongue play with Seven’s almost lazily compared to how hard and fast his hips are moving. The contrast amuses him, with his tongue making love to Seven’s mouth while his cock fucks him ruthlessly; what catches him off-guard is when Seven reaches behind him and presses his head, so their mouths are together just as he lets out a high-pitched moan. BG feels hot spend trickle down Seven’s hips and onto his hands and he groans into Seven’s mouth. He pulls his mouth away and doubles down on his efforts to reach his own release, chasing the high as heat pools in his groin. Seven moans wantonly, his entire body buzzing from overstimulation as BG pounds harder into his hole until finally he feels something hot fill him to the brim and it’s enough to push him over the edge a second time. “Oh fuck!” he screams as his cock releases more ropes of thick spend, “I’m coming!” “Fuck,” BG gasps, giving a few weak thrusts to ride out the aftershocks from Seven’s ass constricting with his second orgasm. Neither man can move afterwards, their bodies still connected, both covered in fluids. “So perfect,” BG says before pecking Seven’s lips again. “So good.” Seven manages a lazy smile. He winces sharply when BG pulls his cock out. “It’s okay, baby boy,” BG reassures as he moves to keep Seven pinned against the wall while he takes his tank top off, which he then puts on Seven as best he can in their current position; he’s sure by the limp way Seven feels in his grip, if he put him on the ground, he’d collapse. Then he gently moves Seven’s legs down back to the ground, one hand always wrapped around his back, and finishes pulling down the tank top so everything to midthigh is covered. BG then scoops Seven up in his arms and kisses him softly again. “I’m taking you back to my place,” he says as he starts walking through the crowd of people still dancing, it’s somewhat less than before but still enough to keep BG from rushing out of the building. Despite how heavy his eyes feel, Seven is still awake enough to see people are indeed staring at them, some with jealousy, others with their cocks in hand or in someone else’s hand. He tries to smirk, but his body is too exhausted to comply. In the back of his mind, he does find it odd that some people are gaping at BG’s back, like there’s something of interest there, and maybe there is, Seven hasn’t seen it yet. Maybe it looks just as chiselled as his front and those people haven’t seen muscles sculpted by the gods before. “Sleepy,” Seven replies followed by a kitten like yawn. BG chuckles. “You sleep, baby boy, because that ass is mine when we get home.” Seven nods as he drifts off to sleep while BG pushes through to the exit. Once he’s free of the dance floor, BG notices a sulky young man at the bar who suddenly jumps up when he sees BG and immediately, he realizes this is the boyfriend. Boyfriend comes striding over with a murderous look in his eye but one quick gesture from BG to a nearby bouncer and he’s stopped before he can reach BG and his sleeping beauty. “But that’s my boyfriend!” Liam protests, looking helplessly between the bouncer and the man carrying his boyfriend. He then sees that Seven is asleep and wearing a grey tank top he knows he didn’t arrive in and by the size, he guesses it belongs to the man carrying him. When the man shifts Seven, he catches a glimpse under the shirt and sees Seven, is completely nude! Now staring at his boyfriend, Liam then sees pinkish and thick fluid leaking from Seven’s ass. Liam’s heart shatters. “Should I throw him out, boss?” the bouncer asks, and BG shakes his head. “Nah, just hold him until I leave,” he replies with a smirk. BG then turns so Liam can properly see both men. “By the way, he did mention you, once.” Liam tries to glare at him through the tears. “Fuck you!” “Pretty boy already did,” BG smugly says. “Have a good night, Boyfriend.” BG then heads for the door, Liam is still being held back by the bouncer, and just as he readies some insult or curse, the words die in his throat when he sees BG’s back. Tattooed between BG’s shoulder blades is a massive, Black Scorpion. 🦂
    2 points
  22. If I know I'm fucking a guy for the first time and especially if he pushes all my buttons - young hairy cub - then I won't cum for days before I breed him. Yeah I'll masturbate and keep myself close or I'll fuck my live-in boy, Drew or make him suck my cock. Either way I won't cum. I wanna ride the new boy's ass when I'm super horny and have full balls. I want give him an ass full of my cum on his first time on my cock.
    2 points
  23. Bi, actually much more gay than straight, married guy. Wife doesn't know. Due to testing at work, I could never use anything other than alcohol and poppers to party with, but I LOVE poppers. I usually play safe, but if I party my inhibitions drop and I have sometimes taken raw cock. I LOVE raw cock. I have a great life. I recently retired early, financially secure, travelling with my wife, enjoying life. If my wife knew I am basically gay, I like to party, and love risky sex, she would divorce me immediately and I would lose it all. This HOT story has fuelled fantasies I have JOed to for years. I don't want to repress my true inner slut anymore. I am ready to give it all up and parTy, take raw cock and dirty seed. I am ready to join the brotherhood.
    2 points
  24. Only the first few times I did guy on guy fun. Both topping and bottoming. Things changed once I got raw cock and a load in me. Like my true self was released the minute that strangers DNA was absorbed in my colon I was a raw cock cumslut. After that it was usually me agreeing to let the top use a condom before meeting but then doing all I could to convince them to go bare once we were naked. Usually did not take much effort once I worked my raw slutty hole on their pole they would dive in until they seeded me proper.
    2 points
  25. Tell the story as you want to. Don’t be influenced by pressure to deliver from others. If you rush, you may look back afterwards and regret it because it wasn’t what you wanted to say.
    2 points
  26. Absolutely amazing, I can not wait for them to get to Tahoe, also I love the fact the idealistic doctor found out, I wish I could have seen that conversation. So great to see them getting up in tats! Can't wait for more!
    2 points
  27. Absolutely 💯 I don't know a top or have met one that does not like a massively inviting loose open slippery sloppy CUM filled hole!!
    2 points
  28. I was chatting to a guy on grindr this morning and he kept messaging his doubts. 'Oh I'm probably too old for you' 'I didn't like older guys at your age' 'You won't wanna meet' I hadn't said anything about his age, he had a couple decades on me but he wasn't even 50 ffs. The lack of confidence is what put me off, nothing else.
    2 points
  29. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I was feeling horny after work, so I decided to go to the nearby cruising park. First guy was lean and tall 30s, jerking while sitting on a stump on a side trail. As I approached, he let go of his dick and I saw it was nicely hung. I got down and started sucking him. I proceeded to pull out my dick and jerk while still sucking him. Then I pulled the back of my shorts down so he knew he could play with my hole if he wanted. At that, he stood up and turned me around. He spit on his dick and began pushing into my hole. He continued pushing steadily until he was all the way in. He kept me bent over and gave a nice pounding for a 10 minutes until he started grunting. At that, he pulled my hips in and bred me deep. It felt great getting his multi day load (according to what he said after). I thanked him and continued to cruise, as I now couldn’t leave without another breeding. A short while later, I found this hot 29 year old cruising the park. The type of guy that many wouldn’t think he’d be into the cruising scene. I followed him off the trail, and he pulled out his dick for me to suck. He didn’t take long to have me turn around so he could fuck me. He slid is raw dick in fairly easily from the last load in me and moaned at my wet hole. He just wanted to fuck and go quickly, because after a short bit, he pulled my shoulders back and bred his load into me. As I went home, I felt great and earning two massive loads. No names, no questions.
    2 points
  30. Chapter 29: Papa Bear We had created a poz cum seeking pig! We headed back to our cabin and he begged us to breed him again. We told him we needed to eat first, as we still had a long night to go. He then pleaded with us to at least brush his hole again. We of course agreed. Marc said, no let's wait until after dinner so both of us could fill his torn ass with our toxic cum. We assured him he'd be getting plenty more later tonight, and that by waiting until after dinner, our balls would have some time to build up more toxic sperm! We met up with my friend and his dad for dinner. My friend dad said he couldn't wait until Marc converted, so he could add his mixed strains in him. Marc told him he wanted him and his son to be the first to breed him after he converted. Marc added that he wanted his son to breed him first, to open his ass for his massive cock. Marc encouraged us to finish our meals quickly, as he needed seeded again. My step dad and I had a plan for when we returned and agreed we should hurry and finish our meal. Marc started taking his clothes off even as we were walking back to the cabin he was so ready! By the time we got to the porch of the cabin he was already completely naked. My stepdad told him to stay on the porch, and bend over the rail. We went inside, stripped and got some rope. When we returned. Marc was bent over the rail, begging us to breed him. We tied his wrists to the lower rail, and my step dad thrust his cock deep in him. It wasn't long before we had a small audience as our cabin was the direct path to the trails. Guys not only watched, but started fucking each other. It had become a small orgy in itself. Marc begged my stepdad to give him his toxic seed, and several guys said they would love to give Marc their toxic seed. My stepdad said sorry he's off limits, as he and I were going to be the ones to poz him. He did offer up my ass though. A big bearish guy took him up on his offer to breed me. He wasn't really my type, but toxic seed us toxic seed. He did have a six inch beer can thick cock, with a huge PA in it though. He did have an interesting tat on his back. It was hard to completely make out because his back was so hairy, but it was a bio symbol, inside an outline of Cuba. It also said CFR 19 There were a number of hash marks around it, but his hair obscured many of them. I bent over the rail next to Marc and he said are you ready for my Cuban strain boy. I was excited, yet afraid knowing that the Cuban strain usually developed into AIDS within three years, rather than the typical eight to ten years. Becoming full blown is something that my stepdad and I had discussed and came to the mutual conclusion that wouldn't be the best for either of us. I thought what the fuck. I was pretty sure I was creating my first son that weekend. With any luck, i would have at least one more before I started antivirals. Papa Bear as I called him, shoved his cock in my ass and started pumping me hard. It was a bit unusual as he would grunt on every thrust, and his big bear belly would slap against me. One thing I knew for sure is that his PA was definitely damaging the inside of my ass. My stepdad finished inside of Marc, leaving his hands tied to the porch, and went inside to get the marker to put the fifth hash mark on his ass. Marc begged me to breed him, and I said can't you see im busy. The bear grunted and said he loved sandwiches. He picked me up with him still inside me, and set me down directly in line with Marc's ass. I quickly entered Marc's cum filled hole. Papa Bear pretty much just stood there as I thrusted my cock in Marc and back to take his cock. Papa Bear busted his Cuban strain in me, and my step dad went into the cabin to retrieve a plug. My stepdad then cleaned Papa Bears blodied cock. Papa Bear headed back to the trail.
    2 points
  31. Part 20 I lay there on the picnic table with my eyes closed, trying to catch my breath and waiting for my heartbeat to slow down. I could feel Ryan's hard shaft still buried in my cum-filled hole. And I could feel Kevin's tight slick ass wrapped around my own still-hard dick. Then I became aware of another feeling. I suddenly needed to piss and I needed to do it bad and soon! “Man,” I whispered, “you gotta get off my cock. I have to piss really bad and I don't think I can hold it in much longer.” I felt Kevin squeeze his hole around my dick and felt his fingers on my nips, making me moan involuntarily. “Go ahead buddy,” I heard him say and opened my eyes. He was looking hard at me and had a sexy grin on his sweaty face. “I will as soon as you get off my dick man,” I said. “I mean go ahead and piss while your dick is in my ass. Give me your hot tina piss in my ass so it can mix with your cum.” I looked at him in disbelief, not sure I had heard him correctly. Piss in his ass? For real??!! Sure that I had misunderstood him and feeling the need to empty my bladder increasing I said, “I'm serious man. I have to piss like crazy! You need to get off my dick.” Kevin rubbed his hands across my hairy chest and said, “I'm serious too, buddy. I love piss up my ass especially chem piss right after it's been filled with cum. Give me your piss Justin! Do it man!” I didn't know whether to be freaked out or turned on but I didn't have time to decide one way or the other. My full bladder was not going to wait and I felt my piss begin emptying inside Kevin's hole. “Mmmmm, yeah dude,” Kevin moaned eagerly. “That's it stud. Give me your piss. Fuck yeah!” I moaned too as I felt the warmth of my piss covering and surrounding my cock as the stream grew stronger. I felt something click in my mind and started getting turned on at the nastiness of it all. It was feeling more and more pleasurable around my cock and Kevin's moans of lust and hunger was making it more pleasurable in my mind. These three nasty fuckers were introducing me to more and more dark erotic experiences and I was loving all of it! I grabbed onto Kevin's hips and thrust my cock deeper up into him. “You wanted my piss man and now you're getting it!” I growled. “I'm not done yet.” Kevin wiggled his ass against my meat and groaned darkly. “Oh fuck yeah buddy! That's it. Give it all to me. Fill my ass up with your hot piss!” As my stream of urine continued flowing into Kevin's guts I heard Ryan say, “You want my piss in your ass too fucker? You wanna feel what Kevin's feeling?” I'm not sure why but without thinking I answered and said, “Oh hell yeah dude! Give me your piss! I wanna know what it feels like!” I heard Drew softly say, “You are such a hot dirty pig Daddy Justin!” just as I heard Ryan saying, “Here it comes slut! Take my piss in your fucking daddy hole! Aw yeahhhhh!!” Then I felt a warmth in my hole and felt a fullness totally unlike the fulness their cocks had given me. The warmth grew and spread and I didn't want it to stop. “Oh fuck yeah! Your piss feels so fucking good man! So warm! So dirty. I love it!” I exclaimed even as my own flow of piss in Kevin's ass was coming to an end. As soon as I stopped pissing Kevin climbed off my dick and quickly offered his own cock to me. I took it in at once even as Ryan was still pissing in my hole. “Oh damn Justin!” Kevin moaned. “I'm gonna cum man. I'm gonna cum down your throat! Hell yeah pig take it! Swallow my fucking cum!” Immediately I felt the first spurt of his thick cum shooting into my mouth followed by more and more. I began swallowing, tasting his salty jizz on my tongue before it went down my throat. It tasted different than Drew's cum I had eaten last week but it still tasted so good and I was eager for every drop of this hung stud's load. I heard Ryan telling me I had all his piss while Kevin continued to feed me the rest of his load. I kept sucking the cock in my mouth determined to get all the cum he had to give me, at the same time aware of Ryan's thick cock exiting my well-fucked ass. At the same time I felt a wet warmth engulf my cock and begin sucking and licking it. I was on sensory overload!! Kevin withdrew his man-cock from my mouth and I looked down to see Drew with his full sexy lips wrapped around my meat. “Oh yeah, baby,” I moaned, “suck daddy's dick. Oh yeah you're making it feel so good.” Drew pulled his mouth off of my cock and started stroking it in his fist. He turned his face to me and smiled. “I had to taste it Daddy Justin. When Kevin got off of it I saw it was covered with cum and piss and his ass juices and I had to clean it all off. Fucking delicious!” Ryan had walked up to where my head was and placed his glistening cock an inch or less in front of my mouth. “Here daddy. Taste what Drew tasted. My cock is covered in cum and piss too....and your ass juices. C'mon you hot sexy pig, clean off my dick just like Drew did yours.” I parted my lips readily and accepted Ryan's slick slimy cock into my mouth. I tasted all three essences and eagerly began sucking and licking and slurping on his cock, the cock I knew had just been in my ass a few moments earlier. But instead of being disgusted by that thought I was turned on by it. (to be continued)
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  32. Lately I've been watching a lot of Joel Someone videos. I like when a guy is verbal, and Joel gets VERY verbal. I wouldn't care if I fucked him or he fucked me. Or both. Ray Harley was one of the first guys I saw when I first found gay porn, and I fell in love with him. I love his mustache, and there's nothing hotter than watching him blow a guy with his innocent eyes staring up with longing. Morgan Black looks so much like Bradley Cooper (though hotter) that he'd be incredible. Plus, he always wears watches when he fucks, and it is such a turn-on for some reason. Griffin Barrows could do whatever he wanted to me. And I'd like to see how I'd be able to take Tim Kruger's HUGE cock. I think it would kill me, but what a way to go.
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  33. Chapter 22: Hone Sweet Home I arrived home, and dad met me at the car. He grabbed my hand pulling it to his crotch saying did you miss me? I grabbed his hand and led it to my ass saying did you miss me? Dad smiled and said what do you think? We brought my things in, and mom greeted me. She said she was headed to the mall, and asked if I wanted to join them. I declined saying I was going to take a shower and then head to bed as I was exhausted. I heard a car pull up, and headed to the shower, knowing dad would be there shortly. I lathered myself up, and when I heard dad coming in, I bent over with my ass up and the water hitting my back. As I expected dad was rock hard and shoved his cock deep into my ass. He was pumping me quite hard and I said well I guess you didn't get any pussy from mom this weekend. I then coyly said that even I had some pussy. My dad said I'd pay for that. He began to pump my ass even harder and faster, pulling his cock from my hole on every stroke, until he flooded my ass. We toweled off and headed to my bed and cuddled some. It felt so great being in my dad's arms again. He asked me to tell him all about my weekend, including the part about fucking a pussy. He was amazed when I told him it was a jock pussy. He said even he had never done that. I said I'd show him a picture later. Dad then asked if I thought I'd infected Marc. I said that I hoped I did. I told him I ripped the insides of his ass several times, and dad asked if I brushed him. I said no, but Marc was planning on visiting during my spring break, and if he hadn't converted by then, we had planned to spend the weekend at the campground and try again, including brushing. My dad just smiled and said that's my son! My dad's cock started getting hard again, and I told him I had something else to tell him. I knew when I did, he'd breed me again. I told him that Marc was open to having him join us. I said Marc said he wanted me to infect him, but I reminded him it was the same DNA. Dad immediately rolled me on my back, putting my legs on his shoulder and kissing me before he started to make love to me. After unloading in me, dad said let me see your pictures. I retrieved my phone, and found one of Dean, fully clothed. My dad said he's hot and asked if he was a good fuck. I said yes. Then he asked if he had a big cock. I said it was the smallest I've ever seen. I thumbed through my photos to find the picture of Dean laying spread eagle on the bed, with his pussy glistening from his juices. Dad was completely shocked. I then showed him a picture of me eating his pussy and explained that he considered his clit a cock. Dad asked if I had fucked him, and I said several of us did. We all felt it was safe as he was on Prep and also on the pill. Dad started jacking his cock, and I said there's more. I showed him a picture of Jimmy's huge cock with his PA in. Dad just said wow, and asked if I had taken it. I smiled and said what do you think? I thumbed through my pictures and found the video of Jimmy fucking me with his PA in. Dad immediately noticed his scorpion tattoo and asked if he was toxic. I told dad he just came off meds, and I doubted it. Dad just sighed and said too bad. Dad wanted to breed me again, but was worried mom would be home soon. I simply said let's stop talking and fuck then. Dad said we could do both together. As dad was breeding me, he told me how proud he was of me, and he was suprised that Marc agreed to be gifted by me. Dad said he didn't tell me before , but had figured it was going to be a wasted weekend for me. He then asked how we could make the Spring Break campout work. I explained it was simple. He suggest to mom that we go camping that weekend as Marc was visiting. Dad knew mom hated camping, and would think it would be fun for the three of us to get away, giving her some time alone. Dad asked if we should invite Jimmy and or Dean, and I said no, I wanted that weekend to be ours, hopefully infecting Marc if I hadn't already. I told dad if I had already infected him, we would show him what a true pig is! Dad just snorted like a pig as he dumped his third load in me. He was just in time as mom got back home. Dad quickly put his pants on, and I got under the covers pretending to sleep, just before mom entered my bedroom. Dad said he was checking on me, and about to take a shower. Mom said that was a good idea as I was always so sweaty. She simply didn't know that's what M2M sex was!
    2 points
  34. **This is a work of fantasy and fiction. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should be construed as medical advice in any way** CHAPTER IX: Upgrade to POZ I had over 3 hours still before the Chicago flight was boarding…I guess I’m one of those “get to the airport early” people. In fact, that was one of the things my ex and I used to argue about; of course now I look back on that time and chuckle, it was all so innocent. I was totally afraid of catching something and was a complete condom-nazi, even in my monogamous relationship with my ex. How times have changed! Just a couple of years ago I would have no idea that today I’d be happily single, POZ and loving it and gleefully breeding and infecting any chaser who wants my loaded seed. And there have been a few oblivious bottoms-up bottoms at the bathhouse or under a stall in a men’s room who have gotten my gift as well…So I really may be well over 10 pozzings for all I know, but the X only counts with confirmed hits. Hence the flight to Chicago to meet up with my poz son Benny and hopefully his boss InstaKyle. Still content from my security room pozzing of the hot TSA agent Reggie, I made my way for a quick shower and nap in the private lounge area they have here. I paid for entry to the lounge and was ready for some restorative time. I showered at the little personal booth here in the lounge area, my hands rubbing over the biotat that Eric did for me, now pending its first accompanying X now that I just pozzed up Reggie the TSA agent not 1 hour previously…Just rubbing my hands over my poz tat makes my dick stir again, even though I’m dog-tired and my cock has shot three big loads in a few hours. Again, I just know deep down that the pozzing happened, but of course I have to wait for the official confirmation from Reggie and from Harry from the night before…Eric is a stickler for known pozzings before applying an X to signify membership in “The Ten.” As I’m toweling off, my phone buzzed and I had another confirmation, this one from Mitch, the 75-year old neighbor of mine who outsourced the pozzing of his young BF Clark to me. “Thank you Randy! Clark had a bad fuck flu and a poz result this morning on the home test! He is so happy and you’ve made me a happy Daddy as well! You’ll always he his biological Dad ! See you around the neighborhood!” I’m so excited I got another confirmation and Clark is Officially Son #5, even though Mitch is his Daddy. After the shower, and now this good news, I settle into the little bed in the small chamber, hopefully for a couple of hours’ rest before the boarding process. Between the late-night pozzing of Harry and then the early morning dash to LAX, then meeting up with and breeding Reggie, I am pretty exhausted and off to sleep I go right away. Some of the way through the nap, I lapse into a dream, a lucid dream which I have sometimes…in the dream, my pierced POZ cock is getting sucked off expertly but I can’t see who is doing the deed…I just sense a uniform on the guy and a pin with wings and a logo and a name, but I can’t read the name. He speaks in a hazy voice or in my hazy dreamlike state “Can I do this? Is this OK?” But this is a sweet dream nonetheless and my cock rises from its slumber and I feel it throbbing and pulsing. It’s so true that the more poz sex you have, the more you want! Only now in this dream I feel like the mouth on my cock has been replaced by a warm hole, moving up and down on me, I’m moaning and groaning in my sleep and before I know it, I dream another toxic load of my poz seed is impregnating this mancunt into the poz brotherhood. Happily satisfied once again, I drift off into a deeper sleep and in an hour or so, my phone alarm buzzes and I get dressed again, hoping to grab some coffee on the way out of the lounge. Among my clothes which I had thrown on the little chair next to the bed, I see a strange object…It’s a nametag. “Calvin” Was it always here, left by someone before me? Or was my lucid dream of fucking and seeding some manhole really *not* a dream? I have no time to ponder this, and I finish dressing, grab some coffee and head out of the lounge for the gate. The flight is boarding in 15 minutes and I sit myself down waiting for my group to be called. The gate attendants are busy with papers and answering questions: “We board shortly, ma’am” “Yes, I can switch your seat, sir” – that kind of thing. Just then, the female gate attendant looks up and greets the approaching flight crew: ‘Hey, Judy,” “Hi Bill,” “Good morning, Theresa,” and “Oh, hey Calvin.” I shot up in my seat to see who Calvin is – and was not disappointed; his hot body straining against his tight uniform, his brown hair and three-day stubble framing his face, setting off his green eyes. He’s about 25 if he’s a day. ‘Can’t be, I think to myself, could it? Calvin greets the desk attendant “Hi, Marie, I needed that nap in the lounge – just what the doctor ordered! Only I can’t find my nametag now!” I look down in my hand, which is still holding the “Calvin” name tag and walk over to him at the desk where he’s chatting with his co-worker. “You looking for this,? I ask, holding out the gold nametag. His beautiful, smiling face suddenly went all sorts of pale, and he leaned into me and said “am I in trouble now with you?” “Why would you assume that,” I responded. He sheepishly looked at me, saying ‘I did ask you if it was OK but I think you were maybe still a little sleepy and I wondered if you had heard me. I don’t want you to think I would do that if you hadn’t consented.” “Well, did I consent?” I asked, playing with him a bit. “I’m sorry,” was all he could say. “My friend Reggie described you to me and told me what you did for him. He was so happy about it, I had to see for myself. I saw you in the lounge and you hadn’t locked your cubicle door.” “You wanted this,” I asked, pointing to the lower part of my T-shirt but really pointing to the poz biotat below it. “Desperately…been trying for years.” “I’m glad to be of service,” I whispered. “Now, you can’t get loaded up by anyone else until you get the fuck flu…and with my strain, you’ll get it. Rest assured, I *have* just pozzed you, I’ve got a 100% conversion rate, even after just 1 fuck.” Here’s my phone number, handing a slip of paper to him. Text me when you get your results with a pic of the test.” “Thank you, Sir,” Calvin said, a couple of tears streaming down his face. “I have to get onboard now, but I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me.” With that, he turned and walked past the gate attendant, saying something quickly to her, and then he was gone up the jetway. A couple of moments later, I hear my name called to the desk. Calvin got me upgraded to 1st class! ~90 minutes later~ I’m ensconced in my lie-back 1st class seat, the very helpful and friendly Calvin, my poz load already at work on his bloodstream, changing his DNA and bringing him into the poz brotherhood, has been supplying me with champagne the whole time. Calvin texts me an address of a hotel with the message “Shame we can’t do an encore here on the plane when I’m working, but this is where I’ll be tonight, a few of us flight attendants who want the same thing will be there as well.” Immediately, I text my poz son #2 Benny, who I’m going to meet at O’Hare… “You up for some toxic gift-giving with me tonight, boy?”
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  35. It was somewhere around 2009, I was done with film school and working gig to gig. Mostly working paycheck to paycheck at this shit job in an equipment rental house/studio in the city. Still struggling with my sexuality to an extent, certainly deep in the closet at this point. I was still telling myself that sex with guys was only when I was really horny and masturbation wasn’t cutting it. I always played safe, well not always, but I tried to. This was before PrEP. So as far as I was concerned, as long as I had sex with guys infrequently and with protection, no one would ever know and one day I would just quit altogether and go about my life as a straight guy. Most of my hookups with other guys would happen at this point through Craigslist. It was the Grindr of the time. You could put what you were looking for, with pics, all the responses would come straight to your email where they would live until you wanted to respond, it was great. One drunk night I had post an ad and then passed out. A few days later I checked that email, which was a burner email, I had way more responses than I normally got. I looked at my ad to see what I wrote to get so many hits. “22, straight, kinda tipsy. Mostly like a quick fuck,” was all it said, with a torso pic of me in my white CK briefs, my head obviously not in the picture. Half of the responses were from guys I would never sleep with. I wouldn’t say my standards were higher in those days, I just had a mental block that only allowed me to sleep with guys who were “model attractive” because…somehow that made it less gay? Filtering most of them out, deleting the ones that were just old man dick pics and guys who wanted me to call them “daddy”. I responded to a few, most of them never got back to me because. I found that most of them were burner accounts and if you didn’t respond within an hour, you usually never got a response. One guy hit me up the next day. “Hey, sorry I missed this, you look hot. I was only in town that night, had some work in the city. I’ll be back in a couple weeks though. 26/m/DC here.” He attached a similar torso pic, clearly he worked out, he was maybe 5’10”, and looked like a frat bro-leaning Abercrombie model. He even wore Abercrombie white briefs in the photo. That prompted me to ask if he was a model or if he was catfishing me. He responded saying he was neither a model nor catfishing me. Apparently, he did something in finance/banking, but neither of us got into specifics. He asked what I was into. I explained that I’m not gay, just get horny sometimes and need sex. “Oh, so do you like to fuck or get fucked?” He asked. At this time I was pretty versatile, “I usually like to fuck, but that night I was pretty tipsy and was trying to get fucked.” I told him. “Damn, I wish I had caught you at the right time. Did you get fucked that night?” “No, honestly I basically post that ad and then passed out after. Was incredibly hungover and horny the next day. I certainly wished I had got your message though.” I teased. “Yeah, would you have let me fuck you?” He asked straight up. “Maybe, depends on how big you are, I’m not a pro.” I joked. “It’s not that big, like 7.5 inches, cut.” He attached a photo, it sure looked bigger, and thicker than mine. “Damn, it looks big, I would’ve let you try though, as long as you’re gentle,” I told him. “I’m always gentle, love to feel a tight straight boy open up for my dick.” He told me. “You ever been rimmed?” “No, I don’t think so anyway.” I was at work when I got that email so I didn’t look it up. “You’ll love it, it’s when I use my tongue to tease your hole, get it lubed up and ready for my dick. Makes it easier to slide in when your outer ring is primed and ready, almost begging to get fucked.” This one made me horny as hell. Good thing I’m a briefs guy, I was able to hide it while at work. When I got home I stripped down to my underwear, my 22-year-old dick was hard before my pants came off and I was ready for some porn. I did take a quick pic with my flip phone and emailed it to him, “Damn, that sounds hot, look what you did to me.” I captioned. “Look at all those spread legs, love to fuck you in that position, that way I can watch your face as you feel me push balls deep into your tight hole. Do you like to kiss?” He asked. “Not really, I’m not really into guys like that,” I told him, which was true, at the time I felt like somehow that was a bridge too far, like kissing would make you gay, whereas getting fucked by a guy was just some form of extreme masturbation between friends. “That’s cool, I get it, but would you stop me if I tried?” he ased in a single sentence response. Now, I’m jerking off at this point and felt like he would stop responding if I didn’t give him the answer he wanted. “I wouldn’t stop you, in the heat of the moment…what ever happens, happens.” “Good, when you are balls deep in a guy, a deep kiss unlocks the hoe in him, then I can really fuck him like he needs to be fucked.” He fired back. Something about this wording got me going. Up to this point, I had had good sex with some guys, I had had bad sex with some guys, but I knew the best was yet to come and this guy seemed to know what he was doing. “Damn man, I really need to get fucked now.” “Yeah? With condoms or bareback?” he asked. “I try to make condoms a rule,” I told him. “Yeah, raw feels so good, but it’s important to play safe,” he fired back. “Have you ever let a guy fuck you raw?” I knew where this conversation was going, if he was in the city and trying to get in me tonight I would’ve lied and shut it down, but I figured there was no harm in feeding that flame. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve been caught up in the moment and things happen,” I was vague. “Oh yeah, I know about that. I’m STD-free and want to stay that way, so I use condoms all the time. I have had the occasional ‘heat of the moment’ fuck, but that’s rare. Were you hoping to get fucked raw, that night I mean?” He asked. I had to think about this. “I was pretty drunk, I wasn’t even thinking about that. If we had met up, I probably would’ve just gone with the flow. Good thing you prefer condoms.” I told him. A few minutes went by, and I refreshed a few times, still slowly jerking myself off. “I probably would’ve pushed in raw, got a few strokes in just to feel it, then I would’ve wrapped it up.” He finally responded. This made my balls tighten. My hormone-filled brain thought, “yeah that makes sense.” So I quickly typed back, “Mmm, that’s hot, I wouldn’t have stopped you.” I told him. Before he could respond I felt my balls tighten and instantly hot cum was erupting onto my abs and pooling in my belly button. I went to clean up and never checked for another email from him before going to sleep. ****** Two weeks later I was at work on a Friday night. They had me at the front desk because one of our studios was being used to film a music video. So I spent most of my night online. While the studio technically was closed at 11 pm, we had an unwritten policy to let productions stay until 1 am as a courtesy. By 10 pm my friends were all out having drinks without me, I had a few dozen texts telling me to “just lock up” and stuff like that. A producer came over to me and asked me if it would be possible to stay a little later than the 11 pm “hard out”. I acted like I was doing him a huge favor, even though this kind of thing happened often, but I told him as long as they wrapped by 11 and were out the door by midnight I would turn a blind eye. He thanked me and went back into the studio. About fifteen minutes later a production assistant came over to me with a six-pack of Magic Hat #9 and told me it was a gift from the producer, as a “thank you.” I wasn’t going to say no, I took it and cracked one open. Then a second in what felt like no time at all. By 11 pm the music was still thumping so I knew they were not packing up yet. I looked around to make sure no one was near me, then I opened Craigslist on my laptop. I looked at a few posts, but I never responded. Honestly just being on the website made me feel like I was going to get “caught” so I just quickly posted an ad, really just hoping to get a few responses and chat, but not actually hook up. I looked into my burner email and saw a bunch of junk and an unread message from the guy from DC. There were a few unread messages actually. This made my dick jump to attention. “That’s so hot, man, how many strokes can I get in before I should wrap up?” the first message said. “Did I take it too far?” The second read, a day later. “Hey, not sure if you’re still interested, but I’m going to be in the city again this weekend. I’ll be at the Rennasaince in Times Square if you want to meet. No pressure.” This one was time-stamped yesterday. I cracked open a third beer, I’m a bit of a lightweight so I shouldn’t be on a third beer in an hour. I started to respond to his email a few times, then deleted. I kept reading and rereading what we said, looking at his body and dick pics, I was hard to the point of frequently checking to make sure my precum wasn’t visible in my jeans. “Hey, sorry I didn’t respond. I was jerking off and as soon as I blow my load I’m not really into guys anymore, if that makes sense. I’m having a few drinks right now, but I’m not going to be free until at the earliest 1 am.” I told him, not even expecting a response. I went to the bathroom to make sure I was “fresh”, and tried to dry the precum already leaked into my red briefs. Back at my laptop, I had a bunch of new responses from guys to my recent ad. The only one I read was from DC guy. “I’ll be up. I just got checked in a little while ago. I was going to hit up the sex shop and get some lube and stuff, you want to come by the hotel when you’re done? Or I could meet you out?” I quickly replied that I would meet him at his hotel and he fired back with the room number. I logged out and did my best to rush the load out in the studio. Finished a fourth beer and headed uptown to meet the guy from DC. ***** Even after four beers, I was a nervous wreck by the time I was riding up the elevator. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I had to really focus to keep my body from shivering from the adrenaline rushing through me. Thankfully he looked exactly as he described, and his pictures were not old. He was wearing a robe, having just showered but it was loose on top so I could see his toned body. This didn’t settle my nerves, only made the anticipation worse. Him being in his robe meant he was naked underneath and I felt this meant I couldn’t back out, or at the very least I needed to make sure he got his nut. He recognized my nervousness and offered me another drink. I accepted and we just chat for a few minutes while I sipped my drink. It helped me get comfortable. Turns out his name is Bryce. The second I put my empty drink down, Bryce’s hand was on my upper thigh. My dick is instantly hard in my briefs. I’ve done this “hookup” with strangers before and it never gets less awkward for me, I don’t know what he’s into, I don’t know if I should be more aggressive or passive, I don’t know what’s a turn off for him, so I try to just follow his lead. His hand slides up my pants and cups my balls from the outside, I let out a soft moan. He smiles, and his dark blue eyes twinkle. “Let’s go to the bed,” he calmly says. I nod. Kicking my shoes off, he grabs a black grocery bag and pulls out a few items, setting them on the nightstand. He slides his robe off, his muscular back facing me, his ass is meaty and firm. I quickly start to undo my pants and push them down. The drinks hit me hard in this moment and I nearly fell over trying to get them off, twisted around my ankles, I fell-sat on the end of the bed, clumsily pulling the pants inside-out to unshackle my ankles. He turns to me, ripping the plastic safety color off a new little brown bottle with his teeth, spitting it to the ground as he walks over to me. His dick quickly grew to full attention, I swear it was bigger than he said it was, or maybe mine was smaller than I thought either way, it was big, like a baby’s arm holding an apple, now inches from my face as he stands in front of me. He leans down and pulls my shirt off over my head, leaving me in just a pair of red Armani briefs and black ankle socks. I could smell his scent and soap from his shower wafting off his crotch as it was dangling in front of me. I looked up and he was smiling down at me, giving me the look of a man expecting me to put his hard dick in my mouth. I’m not very experienced in oral sex. To be honest, I was always a bit of a germaphobe growing up, so it took me into my late teens to even enjoy kissing (girl or guy), the idea of putting someone's privates in my mouth made me too uncomfortable, didn’t matter the sex. But, I knew I couldn’t expect to receive without giving, so I would do it, but my heart was never in it and I knew they could tell. Thankfully Bryce had just showered and I knew it was as clean as it would get, so I grabbed it with my hand and pulled him into my mouth. With my eyes closed I did my best to suck his dick, I felt my eyes water when he tried to thrust into my throat, I would gag, but thankfully no more than that. After a couple of minutes and one really forceful thrust, I had a panic moment and pulled off his dick, jerking it slowly, covered in my saliva. I wiped the wetness from my eyes and mouth as I jerked him. His hand massaged my head, gently nudging me to continue. So I did. I heard him shaking the little brown bottle as I tried to suck his monster. He opened it and put it under my nose and I had no choice but to breathe it in since his dick was in my mouth. The smell was intense, my head started to spin and my heart started beating faster, suddenly I felt relaxed. He did it to the other nostril, telling me to take a deep breath this time and I did. Holy shit, the rush was amazing. I suddenly felt so slutty, like I really could suck his dick into my throat and I tried. I heard him taking a hit from the bottle as I bobbed on his dick, the subtle moan from him as I got deeper on him, and my saliva really started to flow. He capped the bottle and dropped it on the bed, grabbing the back of my head he started to control the rhythm of my blow job, slower and slower, deeper and deeper with every thrust. Suddenly my nose was buried in his nicely trimmed pubes, his balls hit my chin and I realized I had his entire dick in my mouth and throat and I wasn’t gagging. It excited me, I just let him start to slowly fuck my throat, when I heard him whisper, “I’m close.” I kept going, I had never gotten a guy close before just from oral sex, I let him keep fucking my throat and he said it again, “Fuck, I’m close,” and he pushed a few more thrusts and I felt his body tense, his balls tighten and his cock expand and twitch in my mouth as he shot a hot load of cum into my throat. My eyes went wide, and he let loose at least two volleys in my throat and slowly pulled out, another spurt filling the back of my mouth and another on my tongue until his orgasm stopped. I didn’t know what to do, I had never had a guy cum in my mouth before, I felt myself swallow what was in my throat instinctively as he nut, the rest that was in my mouth I wanted to spit out, so I jumped up and ran to the bathroom sink to spit it out. Coughing cum out of my throat, but there was no getting around it, I swallowed a good amount of Bryce’s cum. I could certainly taste it in my mouth as I swallowed and spit, then rinsed my mouth. Turns out cum doesn’t just rinse out, I had little choice but to let the flavor linger in my mouth. I heard him laugh, “Sorry man, I tried to warn you, when you didn’t pull off I thought you wanted me to cum in your mouth.” He confessed. I wasn’t mad, just a little grossed out, “it’s fine,” I said, wiping my face off, and walking back to where he was on the bed. “Fuck that felt good though,” he smiled a very sexy smile, dimples and all. Still wrapping my mind around what just happened I just agreed with him and picked up my underwear. "Are you leaving?" He asked. Again, I'm not a pro at random hookups, but in my experience, once the top blows his load…it's kinda over. Especially if I'm not already close to blowing my load. He could see the confusion on my face and snatched my briefs from my hand, tossing them across the room to the couch. He pushed me back into the bed, pushing me up so he could climb on the bed between my legs. My dick went from limp to rock hard in 2 seconds flat. He spread my legs wide so he could get a better look at the entire area, then dove into my dick getting it sloppy wet. He didn't struggle at all to take me into his throat, it was impressive and intimidating, but man did it feel good. I could help but moan softly while squirming from the pleasure. He then went down to my balls, sucking each one hard enough that it triggered my pain sensor before he would drop it from his mouth. Licking further down, and instantly blowing my mind, he started to rim my hole. I let out a moan that sounded like "Oh my God" but none of the consonants came out. He took that as a sign to continue lifting my legs to expose my hole for him some more, placing a pillow under my ass. Then diving back in, his tongue pushing into my tight pucker two or three times before he came up for air. "Damn that's a tight hole, you don't get fucked often do you?" I sat up on my elbows, "no, I'm mostly with women," o felt the need to remind him. Though that comment seemed to not register at all. He came up, wiping the wetness off his face his dick now rock hard again next to mine and his soft balls dangling on my hole. Like magic, he had the little brown bottle and was uncapping it for me. I understood the drill now and inhaled deep twice for him. My head started to spin, that rush came over me again. He capped the bottle and headed it to me. He reached for the lube on the nightstand and was pouring a generous amount into his hand. He smeared most of it onto my hole, gently he pushed in a finger, then a second with ease thanks to the poppers and lube. I was just enjoying all the pleasure he was offering up. He started slowly stroking himself, adding lube to his dick and then a little more to the fingers playing with my hole. "Take another hit," he suggested. I wanted that rush, though the last one hasn't worn off yet, but I did as he told me. A quick hit on each side. As he did his cock up and down my crack. "No, you have really inhale," he smiled grabbing the bottle and showing me how he did it. Then he passed it back, giving me a, "go ahead" nod. I took two really big hits this time, I thought I would pass out this time, but man everything felt so good, every little touch was tingling through my body. "There you go," said, rubbing his dick up and down my crack some more. Adding some lube as he paused right at my hole, his tip adding just enough pressure to feel where it opens but not pushing in. He let out a soft moan, "Man I want to fuck this tight ass," he continued to gently hump me so his cock slid up and along my balls. Leaning over me, he felt huge, over me, he leans in and gives me a peck on the lips. Then another and this time I instinctively kissed him back. Wow, he's a really good kisser. His tongue invaded my mouth the way it had my hole only moments ago. His hips were thrusting his cock up and down my crack, I couldn't help but wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his back as we made out with a passion I've never experienced with a man. I swear my hole slightly opened from the amazing pleasure I was getting from all the ways his body was touching mine, especially his hard dick sliding across my hole. "Mmm, can I stick in you?" He asked then started kissing my neck. "Ummmhmmm," I managed to moan. "Raw?" He whispered into my ear. My horny brain had nearly flatlined, but still had enough sense to say, "mmm, condom." He kept kissing my neck as he reached over to the nightstand, pulling one from the open box and then knocking the box to the floor. He returned to my mouth, and humped me some more, "Let me open you up before I put it on." He broke our kiss and sat on his heels, putting one of my ankles on his muscular shoulders as he maneuvered his dick head to the center of my hole and started to push before I could object. It stung, but my hole gave in quicker than it has in the past. I took in a sharp breath, "Ah, fuck man…just, just a few strokes ok?" I said through grit teeth, trying to relax. "Yeah, like a hundred," he grinned, slowly pushing into me. "Oh, mmmm, no, ugh, like ten," I managed to say. "Twenty and I'll wrap up," he negotiated as he slowly bottomed out inside me. "Ungh…fine, be gentle, I'm not a porn star," I reminded him. "Take another hit, it will help you relax and adjust." He held his dick at the hilt waiting for me. I slid my hands around the bed until I felt the little brown bottle I quickly to two big hits, then he did the same and then held it under my nose for two more. My head spinning, I felt my body give in to his iron-hot dick inside me. He slowly started to pull out, then push back in. "That's it, open up for me," he whispered. I tried to relax, the pain and pleasure of his dick was intense, but the pleasure was so good it almost didn’t matter that it came with the pain. His first few strokes were slow enough it was easy for me to keep count, I wasn’t at first but I was able to pick up at around stroke 6 because that one went a little deeper and brought back that twinge and a little bit of a yelp from me, “ungh, shit, easy, easy,” I whispered. “It’s ok, feel my dick inside you, fuck doesn’t that feel so good,” he gave me another three deep strokes in quick succession. “Mmm, yeah, fuck dude,” my hand stopped pushing on his abs to prevent him from going deeper and I started rubbing my fingers through my hair. He leaned in to kiss me, I didn’t hesitate to accept it this time, moaning on the deepest and hardest stroke yet, somewhere around 14 or 15 I guessed. His tongue deep in my mouth as he moaned into me and I moaned back, wrapping my legs around him as my hands explored his strong back. It felt so good. A few more strokes and I knew we were beyond 20, just to be sure I counted 5 more before I broke our kiss, “ungh, condom, oh fuck,” I felt my hips rocking up into him on his next downstroke. He thrust balls deep and sat up, “fuck, I wasn’t counting,” he laughed, “was that already 20?” He started reaching around the bed looking for the unopened condom, still balls deep in me. “You’re so tight, I would’ve guessed you were a virgin,” he joked, tearing the condom open with his mouth. I was in a fog of pleasure, “nah, just don’t get fucked often,” I said out of breath. He slowly pulled out of me, then tapped his cock on my hole, “felt so good in you raw,” he smiled at me, pulling the condom from it’s wrapper. “Yeah, for me too,” was all I could think to say. He rolled the condom down his shaft, adding a little more lube, then quickly lined back up with my hole and started pushing in slowly. “Unnnnh, fuck,” I moaned. “Fuck, so tight,” he pushed my knees up by my head and bottomed out. He started slow but quickly got up to a fucking pace. Alternating between hard and fast and then slow and sensual. His dick was hitting me in all the right spots, so I started jerking myself off best I could with my legs pinned to my chest. It was all too much, he was so sexy and his sex felt so good, I wasn’t going to last too long. After a few minutes he pulled out, “roll over,” he said, helping me onto my stomach. He climbed on top of me and sank his dick in one hard thrust. “Ah, fuck, easy man,” I moaned. His arms slipped under mine, gripping my shoulders from underneath so he could pull himself into me with every thrust, “mmm, fuck,” I murmerd. “Yeah, you like this dick in you don’t you?” he whispered in my ear and then kissed my neck. “Mmm, yeah, fuck it feels so good,” I could barely speak. He kept fucking me like this for a few more minutes and then pulled out, catching his breath, “fuck I got close,” he laughed, “not ready to cum again yet.” I rolled back onto my back, propping a pillow under my head as he put one under my ass again. I watched him pull the condom off his dick slowly and toss it on the night stand. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Need another one, this one’s done,” he said. Which I didn’t really understand. “It broke?” I asked, slowly stroking my dick. “Yeah, you’re tight,” he said, reaching for the lube again, adding some to his dick. Then using his slick hand to stroke my dick. I let him jerk me off a little and I reached for the poppers. He kept jerking me with one hand and used his other hand to jerk himself with his cock head rubbing my hole. It felt so good. I took a deep hit on one side, then the other. The rush came over me again, fuck everything feels so good. I took over jerking myself, I was determined to cum. He continuted jerking himself off on my hole, adding a little more pressure, then a little more until the head was back in me and my hole clamped onto his dick. Using both hands to spread my legs while he pushed just the tip in and out of my hole. “Mmmm, fuck that feels good,” I moaned. “Yeah?” he asked. “Yeah,” I breathlessly and furiously jerked my dick and flexed my hole. “Want me to give you a few more raw strokes?” he asked. I opened my eyes, still stroking my dick, “I don’t know man.” “Just like, ten more, I’ll count them out and then I’ll put on another condom to finish,” he promised. I didn’t say anything and he slowly pushed his dick all the way in and we both moaned at the pleasure of the raw sex. He bottomed out and then slowly pulled out. Pushing back in he counted, “mmm, one.” I moaned, spreading my legs and beating my dick as his cock slide across my prostate, “mmm.” “Two…ungh,” he pushed deep and my ass clenched as he hit that button inside me. “Ungh, fuck, I’m getting close man,” I warned him. “Three,” he went in harder and faster. I felt myself start to boil over, every thrust bringing me closer to liftoff, “oh fuck.” “Four,” he thrust. I clenched my ass on his thrust and he hit my prostate hard, “Fuck I’m gonna cum,” I warned. “Do it,” he thrust, harder and deeper. “Oh fuck,” my toes curled as he spread my legs and thrust harder and deeper into me, hitting that spot again. “Fuck, I’m cumming,” I nearly shouted as my body convulsed and my ass clenched on his cock as it thrust into me again, “ungh,” I moaned and my balls tightened. He thrust harder into me again, “uhhh,” I groaned as the first blast shot out onto my chest, he thrust and the second shot out even harder, then another thrust and I felt the rest of my cum spurt out and pool in my belly button. “Oh fuck,” I groaned. He held there, deep in me as I caught my breath. “Fuck that felt good,” I said out of breath as my orgasm subsided and I became keenly aware that his huge dick was still balls deep in me. Like a switch flipped and what was the most amazing feeling in the world was now trending towards painful. He slowly started to pull out and then thrust back into me, “ow, fuck,” I groaned. “That’s five,” he grinned. “Are you close?” I asked, pushing on his abs again He thrust again, “Six.” He held there, “getting there, going to take longer when I put the condom back though.” He thrust hard, “Seven.” I clenched my teeth, “ungh, fuck dude.” “Eight,” he thrust a little deeper, my ass clenching on his dick. “I’m not sure I can take much more,” I was struggling and it seemed like his dick was only getting bigger. He thrust a little more gently, “ungh, Nine…do you want me to pull out and put a condom on?” He thrust again, “Ten.” “Ungh, fuck,” I pushed on his abs, “I don’t know dude, I think you need to pull out.” He handed me the poppers, “try these.” I quickly took two deep hits and that rush came back over me, it definitely helped. He saw it hit me and started to thrust again, one, two more, then a third. I was pushing on his abs still, “wait, a condom.” “Ok, yeah, but you’ll still let me finish right? I’m close now but I won’t be with the condom on, you know how it is,” he thrust into me again. “How close?” I asked as he kept thrusting with a slow rhythm. “Mmm, fuck dude, it feels so good like this, I’ll cum quick if you let me,” He leaned down, smearing my cum between us as he kissed me and thrust hard into me. “Fuck, ok, just hurry, and don’t cum in me,” I mumbled. He kissed my neck and held my hips, I wrapped my arms around me as he started to fuck me faster and faster. It still hurt but I didn’t want to punk out and make him jerk off, so I just held on and let him use my hole. “Fuck you feel so good,” he whispered in my ear. Curling his body into me with every thrust. “Are you, ungh, are you close?” I asked again. Trying not to ruin his concentration and delay his orgasm. “Mmm, yeah, getting there,” he kept his steady rhythm, thrusting hard into me. “Fuck man,” I groaned, “I need you to hurry.” I clenched and tried to relax, though thankfully his precum was adding lube to my hole with every thrust, but it wasn't enough to make it feel good. “Ok, mmm, but you gotta let me nut in you,” he moaned in my ear. “What?” I asked. “I’m gonna hurry, but please let me cum in you, it feels so good,” he thrust harder and deeper, a little off rhythm. “Fuck man,” I groaned, “fine, just hurry, ungh,” his thrusting was really digging deep. Another minute of fucking me sensually, “I’m close, oh fuck, I’m so close,” he kissed me. I moaned, I felt his dick starting to swell, his thrust getting shorter but deeper. “I’m about to cum,” he said then continued to kiss me. A few more erratic thrusts, he broke our kiss and looked me in the eyes, “Oh shit, I’m cumming,” one hard deep thrust and I felt his dick twitch and the warmth of his hot load erupting inside me, a second thrust smearing it around and unloading more boiling cum as lube for another and another thrust. “Oh fuuuuck,” he groaned. His orgasm felt so good I couldn’t help but moan with him, “Oh fuck, mmm,” I held on tight to him without thinking, my legs warped around him, pulling him into me as his dick continued to spasm inside me and his body clenched and unclenched a few more times. “Oh my God,” he breathlessly lay on top of me. We both caught our breath, just laying there in orgasmic bliss. His cum lubed my hole so nicely that the pain I was feeling instantly disappeared and his last few thrust felt so good, it blew my mind. Not two minutes ago I wanted nothing more than for him to pull out, but now I wanted him to stay inside me. His cock deflated though and slowly the tightness of my ass pushed him out. He rolled off of me, both of us covered in my cum, his cum dripping out of my ass. “I need a quick shower before I go,” I told him. “Yeah, no problem,” he pointed to the closed bathroom door. I slowly and awkwardly got up, as though my body was broken and nothing quite worked the way it had before he fucked me. I took a quick shower, rinsing the cum off of me. He lay naked on the bed, watching me as I got dressed quickly but trying not to look like I was getting dressed as quickly as possible. “I’m going to be here all weekend if you want to go again,” he broke the silence. “Yeah, maybe, I don’t really do this often,” I tried to be noncommittal. Truth is I had no intention of doing this again, it was hot, but now that it was over I had no interest in sex with any guy. Which was an issue I had to work out over the next couple of years on my own. My subway ride home was long and uncomfortable. I was sure everyone on the train knew I just let a guy I just met, a stranger fuck me and shoot his load into me, a load that was still slowly leaking into my underwear. I got home around 5 am and passed out pretty quickly. The next morning I checked my email, there were dozens of new responses to the listing that I forgot I had posted, one email from Bryce. “He, last night was awesome. I’m so glad we got to meet up, really glad that you let me get those first few strokes in raw, though the last few raw strokes were even better! I hope we can do it again before I leave, if not I’ll hit you up the next time I’m in the city. I can tell you felt weird about letting me nut in you but don’t worry, I got a check-up before coming to town and everything came back negative. I’ll email you the results for your own piece of mind when I get back. Let me know if you’re in the mood to get fucked again, I’ll obviously wear a condom the entire time if that gets me back inside you. Hope to see you again, Bryce.”
    1 point
  36. Some years ago, not long after I left Uni, I was in Brighton for a conference with some senior colleagues. It was pretty boring and I'd heard about a sauna not far from the conference centre. So I slipped away one afternoon and decided to go and find the place. I can't remember what it was called, but it was down a side street behind an anonymous blue door. Inside, it was small with a ground floor with a sauna cabin and seating area beside the reception. Upstairs were a couple of playrooms, each with a mattress on a low platform. I changed, wrapped a towel around my waist and checked the place out. It wasn't busy at that stage. In the sauna cabin, I got talking to a middle-aged guy with an average, fleshy body but a nice looking cock with a mushroom head which poked out from his towel. He saw me looking and uncovered it and stroked it to erection. A heavy drool of precum slid onto the bench. I was very excited, but also a bit shy and didn't know what to do. But he just smiled and said "Let's go upstairs." I followed him up the narrow stairs to one of the playrooms. He unwrapped my towel and let it drop and I shivered with excitement as he grasped my cock and stroked it hard. He dropped his towel and got me to hold his heavy cock and soon my hand was slippery with precum. We kissed and the feel of his tongue in my mouth made me feel faint with pleasure. Before I knew it, he pushed me back onto the bench and lifted my legs to my chest. "Nice arse." He said, picking up a sachet of lube from the mattress. He tore it open and smeared it on my arsehole. sliding his finger in a little and making me gasp. He started pushing his cock into me. The big head stretched me open, then popped in and I moaned as the heavy shaft slid in and his balls flattened against my cheeks. "Oh very nice!" He sighed happily. I couldn't believe he'd gone in bare and I was about to ask about a condom when he said " I take it you're poz like me?" My blood froze but his cock felt so good sliding in and out. What should I do? "N..n..no,. I'm not " I finally said, but I didn't move. He raised and eyebrow and said " I suppose we should stop, then?" But he kept fucking me and it felt unbelievable, especially knowing it was a poz cock and it had already leaked toxic pre-cum in me. I gasped and raised my legs further, thrusting my arse out so his cock could go deeper. I had made my decision. I couldn't stop. If I was to get pregnant, so be it. In fact, I wanted his poz seed to impregnate me. He smiled as he felt me draw him in. "So, " He said. " You want my poz babies after all?" I nodded and surrendered myself to him. "Good lad!" He leaned forward, looked me in the eye and said "Here it comes! Poz seed in you!" With that he leaned and kissed me. Our tongues intertwined and then I felt his cock swell and throb, swell and throb as he came in me. I groaned with lust. I had nver felt so excited knowing his dirty cum was probably infecting me. When he'd finished we lay for a while as his cock softened in me "When it slips out, close your hole and keep the cum inside. We want it to take, don't we?" As his cock slipped out with a wet hiss, I closed my arsehole as he had told me. He got up and showed me his glistening cock, wet with sperm. My cock was rigid and twitching with excitement as my chest heaved and gasped with lust
    1 point
  37. Many women, especially when older/mature, become asexual or "neutered like" in not wanting any genital sexual activities at all. Maybe they want intimate contact like hugging and cuddling with another person but not getting after having orgasms for whatever reasons- lack of libido, hormone changes, body changes, medical reasons (especially different types of hysterectomy).
    1 point
  38. During the summer between under & grad, I went to a bar in Chicago (didn't live there yet), went to the john to take a piss, and found a young man on his knees begging for piss. The porcelain fixtures were going hungry, but that kid sure wasn't !!!
    1 point
  39. No, it's not. States do not have a responsibility to "uphold" a federal law. They have a responsibility to not VIOLATE a federal law which binds the state. The fact that you don't seem to understand this basic principle of US government - hint: see "federalism" - makes it difficult for anyone who DOES understand this concept to take you seriously on this matter. You can, of course, call it corruption if you choose. You can call anything corruption, because "corruption" doesn't have a legal definition in either federal or state law - it's a descriptive term used by lay people to express an opinion about something. There's a huge difference between "I think X is corrupt" and "The state of X has a responsibility to uphold federal law Y" - the latter of which is almost always not true on its face.
    1 point
  40. Chapter 4: Who have I become? “Sup Fag? You want some of this?” “Yeh? You want to play with it? Tell me about you” — I typically follow instructions well. I rarely color outside the lines in life. Boundaries and rules have kept me on a pretty consistent path. So I guess it isn’t a surprise that I followed these instructions like my life depended on them. The next part of the journey isn’t always clear in my memory. I know I reached out. I know I consented to be drugged and to get used. I don’t know much else. I also know that I hit a sort of rock bottom after this. I opened up to friends and family about what was happening, not going into explicit detail, but letting them know that the breakup was really hard on me and that I was struggling. I knew there was a risk that the photos, videos, or other information could end up being used against me, but I did what I could to prevent that. I changed phone numbers, scrubbed my online presence, and started trying to take care of myself. The photos and videos of me never surfaced, my family and friends were never contacted, and in general, the only person who knew what happened was me and whoever else I came into contact with, or rather, who came into contact with me and then shot their loads in me. This new direction was helpful, for a time, but deep down I knew that I was always going to stumble and fall back into depravity. But, there were lessons from this experience that helped in other areas. I became less rigid, more flexible in terms of boundaries and rules. However, this also meant that it wasn’t always so straight forward or certain what steps I should take. I was used to living in black & white, and suddenly I was forced to live with a lot more complexity than that. I pumped the brakes on sexual activity and I went completely sober. Following this experience, it took time to get over Trev and to put the wheels back on my general existence after falling off the tracks so spectacularly. I deleted the online hook up apps, I stopped watching porn, and I went an entire year without even making out with a guy. I think I wanted a hard reset. It was useful. However, after a year of trying my best to be what I thought was a better version of me, I was finding myself bored, alone, and horny. Over this time I had switched jobs, still in comms/marketing, but with another organization and a different type of role. In my new role, I was going to be traveling a lot more which I was excited for, but also nervous about. I knew traveling could get me into trouble. I got a new phone at work, the same number and phone as a previous employee from another department, but otherwise new to me. First on my agenda in my new role was to head to the national office for training and onboarding. I was going to be flown to a much larger city in the middle of the country for a week to meet directors and VPs and get a sense for the new landscape I was in. I was excited, but all I could think about was, “will I behave?” I wasn’t so sure. I headed up early on a Monday morning. I hadn’t even booted up the phone yet, waiting till I was on the plane out before even looking at the thing. It was completely reset. Funny how I was trying to do a complete reset on my life too. I booted up the phone, set it up with my info, and then looked to see what was happening. Right away I got a text message. I assumed it was from the corporate head office. I was wrong. “Sup Fag? You want some of this?” It was from an unknown number, with a picture of a hard uncut dick, wet, with a bottle of poppers next to the dick. I was shocked. I had also opened this on the plane, but thankfully no one was sitting next to me. Was the previous owner of this phone a slut? What was happening? The text message and the picture was so shocking to me. I didnt notice that I was instantly harder than I have been in months. I had to cover my lap with my bag to hide my hard on. “Sir, you need to put your bag under your seat for take off”. I smiled at the flight attendant and nodded and replaced my bag with my jacket. My dick was throbbing. I wasn’t sure what I should do about the text message? I was going to delete and block the number, but I was so curious. Curious and horny. Things were a bit different for me now. I was on prep, feeling a bit more secure in my own sexual desires, but it had been so long since I tried anything with anyone. I had assumed I would start dating, not jump into the apps. But this message from a complete stranger, it almost didnt seem real. I texted back. “Hey, this message must be for the previous owner of the phone. I got this number and phone through work. Sorry, you got a different guy here.” Thinking this would be it, I turned off the phone, tried to recenter myself, and tucked in for the flight. But my hard on wouldn’t leave. I just kept thinking about that dick and the poppers, about the wild times I had a year ago. As the plane took off and we started the climb into the sky, all I could think about was getting off. As soon as the plane climbed high enough for seat belts to be taken off, I grabbed the phone and rushed to the bathroom. I need to jerk it, and the least I could do was use this unsolicited image as my bate material. I booted up the phone and saw another message. Fuck, I forgot to turn the phone onto airplane mode before turning it off so it was still sending/receiving messages. The message was from the same number. “Do you like what you see?” Of course I did. My rock hard cock was leaking through my pants as I was standing in the airplane bathroom about to jerk it to this random guy's photo. I had to ignore the messages and just jerk off. Ignore the messages. Just ignore it. I turned the phone on airplane mode and started jerking to the photo. I could feel myself shaking, I was so horny and worked up. Just receiving a message like this after such a long period without porn and action was enough to send my body into overdrive. I was jerking, with the intention of getting off as quickly as possible. I didn’t last long. I jerked and shot a huge load into the sink and streaking up into the mirror of the plane bathroom. Hopefully I didnt make too much noise. I cleaned up, headed back to the seat, and forgot all about it. A few hours later I landed and I headed to the hotel. I wasn’t on official work duties at all today. I was just required to get to the hotel, check in, and relax. It was summer and hot. I thought about maybe checking out the local queer scene, or going for a walk. I wasn’t really sure what I was going to get up to. Shortly after getting to my room, visions of my hookups a year ago came back to me. The text message and the photo were front and center in my mind. I was in trouble. Even though I jerked, I could tell I was still excited and felt a sense of ravenous desire that I have not experienced sober before in my life. I opened up my phone, looked at the last message from this mystery popper dick guy and wrote him back. “Yes.” Short, simple, uncomplicated. I fell into bed and started playing with my dick. I had not used porn in almost a year. I deleted most of my accounts and I didnt have any saved content anywhere, not even on my computer. But I was craving porn. Really bad. But I wanted to stick to my principles. I felt the phone vibrate. It was him. “Yeh? You want to play with it? Tell me about you” I knew this wasn’t going to end well. I needed to delete and block the number. I needed to stick to what was working for me. But, if I was so serious about these new rules and boundaries in my life, why was I so bored? So alone? So fucking horny all the time? I wrote back and sent him a selfie with a message. “Bored, away for work in another city, and horny”. Well, I knew exactly where this was going to go. I told him where I was, which hotel, the room number, how long I was staying, he asked more questions, never really offering up details about himself. But I think I needed and wanted an outlet. He became the place for my sexual confessions. As much as I tried to improve my life and reconcile all these different parts of myself, I hadn’t truly opened up about what had happened a year ago. “So, you are a submissive gooner fag? Wanting to get fucked anonymously while also being fucked up? Is that correct?” I was rock hard and jerking while texting with him. He was triggering all the parts of me that have been wanting to be triggered. I was completely unhinged and unlocked. “Yes sir. That is what I want. It has been so long.” Even though I had gotten off earlier I was rock hard, leaking, and bating hard. “Good boy. You are little fag. I will have more instructions for you, but for now, stop touching your dick and wait by the phone. And go check the package that is outside of your door”. Oh fuck. Things were escalating. I tucked my dick in my shorts and opened the hotel door to find a small brown bag. I quickly grabbed it and went inside. Another text. “Enjoy… be in touch soon”. Inside the bag were two bottles of unopened poppers, a brand I had never used before, and some treats, a couple baggies of white powder, a couple baggies of brown powder, and a few pills. I should have just thrown it all out. I should have gone to the hotel and asked for a new room. I should have blocked the number. But all I could think was, fuck it. Who was I becoming? (to be continued)
    1 point
  41. That is so awesome. Looks so hot.
    1 point
  42. I too have long admired the aesthetic of a PA, but didn’t believe that it was “right for me”. A few months ago I walked into a tattoo parlor with an appointment to have my nipples pierced. While I was being shown the selection of hardware, I casually asked the artist if PA’s were in his skill set, and my thought of it not suiting my personality. He replied that he was experienced in all forms of genital piercings, and to consider that body modification of any kind is a reflection of the personality of the person wearing it. I walked out of the appointment with un-pierced nipples, but a nice piece dangling off the tip of my dick. One of the best gifts that I ever gave myself in so many ways. At that moment PigDickNYC was born, brimming with newly found confidence which has extended beyond the bedroom. I hope that your experience proves to be as meaningful to you as it’s been to me. Oh, just a quick pinch… not too painful. You’ll be showing it off in a few weeks. Best of luck!!! 🐷
    1 point
  43. Definitely one of the hottest stories on here in quite awhile.
    1 point
  44. *please excuse any rough grammar in this one. Haven't gotten as much time to edit as I usually take, but I wanted to get this chapter out* "Curiosity is going to get you into trouble, Brock," Dale said. In person, Dale was even more striking than he had been on the screen. He was a bit over 6' tall and he was very fit. Not exaggerated like a body builder. More like a man who worked a very physical job or a natural athlete. His beard was still immaculately trimmed. He wore a white shirt that was nearly skin tight and contrasted nicely with his tan. His dark wash jeans were just tight enough for his bulge to be unmistakable. Brock started from his fixation on Dale's bulge, "Wait, how do you know my name?" "You really do look like your mom. Well, more like your grandpa Glen," Dale continued as though he hadn't heard the question. Dale had closed the distance between them. His eyes drifted down to Brock's dick and the substantial amount of precum dripping from it. He slicked his fingers through the precum. "Except that. That you get from my side of the family." He licked the precum off his fingertips. Brock was confused. "Your...side of the fam..what...?" Dale's laugh was a low, masculine rumble. "Before you ask, no I'm not your dad. My brother Rodney is." Brock was trying to process this information when the realization that his uncle had just swallowed his precum crashed over him. His dick throbbed. "So what are you doing here, Brock? This isn't exactly a place for preppy high school boys," he chided. "Online chat rooms said the bookstores were an easy place to get off," Brock replied sheepishly. "So I thought I'd check it out." "You decided to come to the Block for your first porn store experience?" Dale asked, somewhat incredulously. "What does your search history look like?" Brock looked down sheepishly and chuckled. He was still painfully hard and leaking precum. "They definitely left some things out." Dale chuckled again, "I'm sure they did. The preview booths can be pretty popular if you want some glory hole action." Brock could see his uncle's bulge was a bit more defined. "That's what I had heard. What was that video playing downstairs?" Brock was careful not to let on that he had seen the second part. "I do some amateur porn stuff. We sell...actually, just follow me." Dale swiped up some more of Brock's precum and walked toward the heavy curtain as he casually licked it off his fingers again. Brock stuffed his still hard dick back in his boxer briefs and buttoned his jeans before turning to follow. Behind the curtain was, as far as Brock had seen, the cleanest room in the building. He immediately recognized the futon. There was some very low tech camera equipment set up in front of the futon. "Welcome to my studio," Dale said sarcastically with an exaggerated gesture around him. "I opened the store back in the 80s fresh out of high school. Decided to try and cut some overhead by putting some home made products on the shelves." "And what about the fuck club the guy was talking about?" Brock was still trying to hide how much he knew. "Ah. That..." Dale turned to a small table and picked up a small orange flyer. He handed it to Brock. It advertised a monthly sex party and had the store's info. "Every second Saturday. All day. Usually rent out some space in a park or hotel depending on the weather. The video is part of the application process." "I want to apply," Brock blurted out immediately. Dale smirked a little, "You've seen what that process entails. Are you sure?" "Yes." Brock had already begun stripping his clothes off. Dale checked the camera and adjusted some lights. When Brock was down to just his boxer briefs, he sat down on the futon. Dale didn't start the camera rolling. He stripped his shirt off, baring his furry chest and abdomen and sauntered over to stand over Brock. Brock wasted no time unbuttoning the fly of Dale's jeans and getting the head of his uncle's dick in his mouth. It was covered in a layer of precum. Brock cleaned off every drop, savoring the taste and the feel of his uncle's slick, syrupy fluid on his tongue. Then he began to work his way down the shaft. "As you probably saw in the video, I am poz and not on meds," Dale said. "I'm sure you have learned about HIV in school." Brock mumbled something in the affirmative around Dale's massive dick. Dale pulled Brock off his dick roughly, "and you are aware that you will, in all likelihood, be infected?" Brock had been terrified of HIV when they learned about it in sex Ed. His bible-thumping health teacher and the abstinence only curriculum she taught had made it out to be a modern biblical plague sent down to cull the homosexual and exterminate the sexually immoral from the earth. Brock had written all of that off as hyperbole and researched it for himself online. He had a better idea of the risks and how it was transmitted, but he was still a little terrified. And that terror was like steroids for his libido. "Yes, sir," Brock looked up at Dale, a lustful hunger simmering to the surface, "I want you to poz me, uncle Dale." Dale growled something unintelligible in response and let Brock return to his dick. Brock enthusiastically devoured Dale's cock, pushing himself further down the shaft, letting Dale's cock stretch his throat. Before long, Brock's nose was buried in Dale's pubes. Brock was quietly impressed with himself and came up for air, working Dale's head with his tongue. Dale wrapped his hand around the back of Brock's skull and pushed. His dick rocketed back down the young man's throat and dale roughly and held him there until he felt Brock's throat spasm and saw the panic on Brock's face. Dale withdrew his dick and a mixture of saliva and Dale's precum dripped from Brock's chin. As he coughed and sputtered, trying to recover from being choked, Brock looked up at his uncle. The light and joking demeanor that had run under Dale's teasing only minutes before was rapidly being replaced by lust and a primal desire to infect his own kin. Before Brock could fully recover, his uncle's 8" member was sliding back into his throat. Brock was impressed with his ability to keep up, considering he'd only ever casually experimented with deep throating food. He suspected it was because his uncle' dick was thick enough that it left little room for gagging - it was like trying to squeeze a hot dog into a straw. When it was apparent that Brock was comfortable with the size of his dick, Dale pulled out and let his nephew clean the fluids off his dick. "Stand up. We need to get some interview material," Dale said. He stepped out of frame of the camera. The red light on top of the camera blinked on. "State your name and age for the camera." "Brock. 18." "And why do you want to join this sex club." Brock pondered this question for a minute. "I always thought I was destined to change lives," Brock said, grabbing his steel-hard dick and emphasizing the outline of his bulge against his compression boxer briefs. "I figure my best chance to fulfill that destiny is with this." Brock had often felt like an outcast among his peers. He had been the tallest in his class since the 6th grade. A couple guys on the basketball team had finally caught up to him this year, but otherwise he stood a good 3" over everyone else at his school. The nicknames about his height were corny, but liveable. The introduction of the locker room and having to change in front of his classmates had been fresh hell. He never could quite figure out why he was being made fun of for having a dick that bulged regular underwear to obscenity. He got really good at hiding his erections and wore athletic compression shorts to reduce his bulge, but still most of his peers had a rough idea of his size and decided it was something of ridicule. He tried to find new ways to hide what should have been one of his best traits. Standing there on camera, painfully erect, there was no hiding his dick anymore. "Take those off, let's get a look at you, Brock." Brock quickly shucked his boxer briefs. Dale picked up the camera and took the audience on a tour of his nephew's body. Starting from the top, he pointed out brock's chin-length auburn hair and full beard. The camera lingered on Brock's muscular arms and shoulders, toned pecs and abs generously pelted in dark red hair. And then the camera found its way to Brock's uncut, 9" cock nested in a thicket untrimmed public hair. "That is an impressive piece for someone so young," Dale commented. Brock shrugged. "Good genes, I guess," Brock smirked and saw a trace of amusement return to Dale's eyes before lust snuffed it out again. Dale circled Brock like a lion playing with its meal. After some good shots of Brock's meaty, muscular ass, Dale returned the camera to the tripod and stepped back into frame. "On your back, legs up," Dale commanded. Brock obeyed. Dale positioned his dick, dripping precum, just outside Brock's hole. From this angle, Brock had a great view of his uncle's scorpion tattoo. He reached out and caressed the tattoo gently with an air of longing. He thought about all the precum he'd already swallowed and trembled with excitement as he became consciously aware he'd already consumed a substantial amount of his Dale's virus-laden venom. His uncle's infectious DNA was dripping onto Brock's hole. Brock knew he was ready for the sting of inevitable death. To be reborn among those who would not only appreciate him, but celebrate the things about him that he had been bullied for. The things he resented. He wanted what his uncle was talking about in the private video he's seen in the office. The Scorpion Society. That was where he belonged. With the unexpected, gentle gesture, Dale seemed to have a sudden change of heart and instead of plunging his stinger into Brock for the kill, he nealt down and engulfed Brock's dick in his mouth. He took Brock to the root in one swift movement. Brock could feel his uncle's throat working around his soda can thickness with ease. "Holy fuck..." Brock managed before he devolved into gutteral moans of pleasure. Brock's eyes rolled back in his head. Brock's orgasm had been building from the moment before he got out of his car. Brock had been through a roller coaster of emotions. Anxiety. Curiosity. Lust. Terror. Lust again. More lust. Brock felt like all of those emotions were being loaded directly into his vas deferens and if his uncle kept going, they were going to explode. Spectacularly. Dale seemed to realize this and released his nephew's cock, trailed his tongue past his balls, and buried it in Brock's furry hole. Dale was showing his brother's bastard son much more compassion than he had shown for Zeke in the video downstairs, which did not go unnoticed by Brock. Dale alternated swirling his tongue around Brock's hole with probing deeper with his tongue. Before long, Dale was working a finger deep inside his nephew. It seemed effortless. Brock was vibrating with excitement when he realized his uncle had slicked up his finger with the deadly slime oozing from his dick. Brock knew that his uncle's virus was already going to work against the vulnerable mucosa that were the only barrier between him and his coming conversion. Dale worked his way up to three fingers. Brock noticed a feeling of burning while his uncle worked his hole open the last bit. Dale returned to his original position, dick positioned just outside his cognate's now slightly agape hole. Brock spotted the blood under his uncle's fingernails. He knew his T cells had already lost the war that was on the verge of raging in his blood. The blood he shared with the man commanding the assault. The man whose viral dna was dripping into his hole as he waited for the perfect moment to strike.
    1 point
  45. 11. “Damn it. You told him,” Danny said as soon as he saw Jack and I walk into the front office. Danny was seated behind the check in desk. He was wearing a loose fitting linen button down shirt, something he really only did when he had to work the desk or leave the property. He must not have been expecting anyone new to come check in however, as he’d only done one button just across his stomach. Despite his harsh tone he had a massive smile across his face. His eyes were twinkling and there was nothing but joy in his expression. Danny got up from behind the desk and came around to where I was standing with Jack just behind me. Jack had one hand resting on my shoulder. Danny brought a paw up to my face and rested it on my cheek tenderly, “Well, what did you say?” He looked directly into my eyes, he looks happy and concerned at the same time. He was almost silently pleading with me to say yes. “I said of course I want to say! It’s all I’ve wanted for months. I want to stay with the two of you forever.” “Good.” His hand moved to the back of my head and pulled me into a deep kiss. With this many guest on the property we were normally a little more circumspect but that was all out the window right now. We were celebrating something amazing. I wrapped my arms around Danny’s middle and pulled myself into his warm body. Jack rubbed my back as I kissed his husband deeply. We were a little trio now, I was no longer an outsider welcomed in temporarily. This was my place. Danny broke our kiss and with one hand pulled Jack’s face to him. They kissed around me, my body smashed between them. I could feel both of their erections pressing into me. “Look, I’ve had a chance to celebrate with the boy,” said Jack, “and he was full of that twink and his uncle’s loads when I found him. Danny why don’t you take advantage of how amazing our David’s hole is going to feel right now and take him round back. I’ll watch the desk.” Danny tipped my head up to look him in the eye, “Would you like that? Think you can take another dick today?” “If that dick is yours… I’ll take it any day.” Danny took me by the hand and led me behind the counter and through the Employees only door at the back. “I’ve got an idea,” Danny said and opened another door that I’d never been through before. On the other side was a room partly full of boxes. The wall directly across from us looked like it was almost entirely made of windows, but vertical blinds were closed across the entire thing. As we walked further into the room I saw that there was a high counter top island sticking out, and a little but serviceable kitchen on the other side. We turned a corner and found ourselves in a mostly empty bedroom. Boxes were piled up along two walls, but the bed was made. I looked around, and then back and Danny who nodded. “Welcome to your new place. Well get the boxes moved, but…” “Its perfect.” I tossed my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He scooped me up and lifted me into the air. His strong arms supported me as he walked towards the bed. I fell lightly onto the mattress and Danny dropped himself into me. We locked our mouths together again and my hands tore at his clothes. I found the single done up button on his shirt and flung the two haves apart. Quickly I wriggled it up and off of each of his arms. His now naked torso pressed into me. I had only put on a pair of short shorts and a jock when I’d left my apartment with Jack, and now our naked upper halves rubbed together. Danny broke our kiss and pulled back. He grabbed my shorts and ripped them off me, tossing them into a corner. He growled at the sight of my jock, and moved to take off his own shorts. He hadn’t been wearing any underwear, and his cock sprung free almost immediately. That big beautiful cock. The long vein along the top pulsed and that wide mushroom head shone with precum. I jumped up, my animal instinct controlling me, and gobbled his cock down in one swift motion. Danny moaned and put his hand gently on the back of my head. Hungrily I bobbed up and down. This was my fourth cock today but that didn’t matter. This cock belonged to one of my two men. One of my daddies. That made it special, and important. I swallowed him to the root and nestled my nose into his thick pubes. Danny’s balls bounced against my chin lightly as I bobbed back and forth. My man groaned as I worked his throbbing meat. I grabbed his ass cheeks and propelled his hips forward into my own mouth. I made him fuck my throat. “Oh fuck! Fuck boy! Remember how timid you were that first time, never having been with an older man… fuck… not knowing how much you loved the scent of a man or the feel of his touch… Jesus! Now look at you… damn! Fuck yeah, suck my… fuck. Look at you our hungry little pig. Our boy! Forcing my daddy dick down your own throat. Fuck! Oh shit… Fuck! Turn around, show me that ass! I need to eat your hole.” I dropped his cock out of my mouth and spun around. I flipped onto all fours and stuck my ass up into the air with my chest flat against the mattress. Danny growled like a hungry animal, and spread my cheeks with his rough hands. “Fuck! Your hole looks fucking wrecked today. Damn. There’s even…” he flicked his tongue up my crack, “there’s even cum dripping out of it your so full. Damn that bear and his nephew really filled you up didn’t they.” “Yes daddy!” “You liked that [banned word] didn’t you?” “Of them being related?” “Yeah! Yeah I did.” “Good boy… what else turned you on about it.” He flicked his tongue over my hole as I started to answer making my voice catch in my throat. “That I… fuck… that I was only fucking the nephew because he wanted to fuck me and he had a big dick. He was cute but he didn’t… fuck oh, yes… he didn’t turn me on like his uncle did, or any of the other guys…” “Why was that,” Danny dove back into my hole as soon as he’d finished speaking. “He’s a twink.” I replied somewhat matter-of-factly. “That’s not turns me on.” “What turns you on boy. Tell daddy exactly what turns you on.” I was hard to speak with his tongue darting in and out of my hole. I felt him lapping the cum up from inside of me and could hear him swallowing it down. “Men like you daddy, guys bigger than me, and older than me. Bears, chest hair most of all. Seeing it poke out of a guy’s shirt makes me weak. There’s no way I can resist a guy with a furry chest and a hard dick.” “But it’s not just older guys is it?” “No daddy, its any guy covered in hair was a thick dick. Like Alex. He’s my ages but he’s so… fuck… oh fuck… eat my hole daddy! Fuck! Alex… he’s my ages but he’s so hairy. When I first saw his chest hair and bushy pits I knew I needed him to fuck me.” “And the same was true of Daniel.” “Yes! Oh fuck, that feels so good. Fuck!” “But there’s something else isn’t there? Something you felt when Alex told you he wanted Daniel to fuck you and you’d never seen him, something you felt when this twink asked to fuck you. What is it?” “I like being a slut daddy!” “That’s it… keep going.” “I like getting used. I like being a sex object. I like having… of my god! I like having my power taken away.” “Good boy. And that’s something you want to do more of isn’t it.” “Yes daddy!” He got up and I felt the head of his cock on my hole. I pushed back onto him and felt the head pop in. “Fuck boy!” Danny roared. “You’re so fucking desperate for my dick aren’t you?!” “Yes daddy!” “That first time I fucked you, you had to work so hard to get me inside you and now… I just slid right in.” He pressed forward and his entire shaft disappeared into my guts. We both let out a sigh as his crotch pressed into my ass. “That’s because you’re a slut now. You’re our slut.” “Fuck me daddy!” “Im going to boy don’t worry.” “Please! Breed me daddy. Use my slutty hole.” “I’m going to pump a big load into your hole. Then I’ve got another treat for you boy.” “Fuck! Yes daddy!” He pulled back from my hole and then with a grunt punched his cock back into me with his full body weight. It was impossible not to scream. The sound was shot out of me like a cannon ball with the force of his thrust. My eyes rolled back, and my torso went slack. If Danny hadn’t been holding onto my hips I would have fallen forward and collapsed under his assault. He held tightly to my hips, pulling me back against him as he brutalized my ass. As tender as Jack’s last breeding of my hole had been this was aggressive. Danny was like a rutting beast. He was intent on using me, marking his territory now that I had agreed to be theirs. It was a primal fuck. I felt like a rag doll as Danny tossed me around. He flipped me onto my back without his cock ever leaving my hole, and continued to bash his cock into me now from above. He spread my legs around his body and held me open for him. His face was contorted with effort and lust and sweat beaded up on his forehead. “You remember this boy… when you’re out there taking loads like the good slut you are… no one fucks and breeds you like your daddies.” “Fuck! Yes! Fuck daddy! How could it… oh fuck, how could I forget!” “Good boy! Take me load you fucking slut!” Danny reared back, and holding my legs wide apart rammed his dick as deep as it would go. I yelled as he began to fill me up. His eyes were closed tight, his lips pulled back in a snarl. He looked like he’d become possessed. He wasn’t just a man but a sex beast, a sex demon intent on destroying me. He yelled, and his cock throbbed. Another big load was pumped into my hole. Danny stayed like that for a long time. He held my legs with shaking hands, his eyes still closed tight, his chest heaving. His breath was ragged, and irregular. His dick was still pulsing. “Fuck,” he panted, blinking his eyes slowly. He was like a man coming out of a dream or a trance for a minute. The brutish headspace he had just fucked me in slowly dissipating. When he looked down at me again his eyes were full of the same love they had been when Jack and I had walked into the front office. The sex demon was gone, and my beloved, extraordinary Danny was back. He grinned at me, his dick still buried in my ass. “Fuck, knowing that you were ours… that you were going to stay here after the summer… that you’d be here, in this bed… fuck, it just…” his voice trailed off and he bent down to kiss me again. “That was amazing.” I said, brushing my lips against his and flexing my hole around his semi hard cock. “God, your hole just feels so good. So full of cum.” “I can’t believe I’m that I get to stay with you and Jack. Its all I’ve wanted. I want to do this forever.” “We will.” He kissed me again, “we will.” He pulled his slowly softening cock from my hole and flopped onto the bed beside me. I nestled into his body breathing in his scent. My cock gave a throb in my jock. Despite having had the cum fucked out of me less than an hour ago I was hard as a rock and had leaked so much while Danny pounded me that the whole pouch of my jock was soaked.
    1 point
  46. I'm pretty sure there are some members who actually believe they were infected pre-1980 (and kudos to them for their tenacity in making it through those many years when meds were not what they are today!). I'll let them comment here themselves if they see fit.
    1 point
  47. I agree. The US version, Horse Market SF, held two at CLAW this April. I went to the first one and there were truly men of every description as both Stallions and Mares. We had one white hood of the 55 to 60 Mares. I made sure to suit up twice during the three hours or so to help him feel like he had a good time. The fact that I can fuck for a very long time helped me sample more than my share of Mares.
    1 point
  48. TAKE ONE: Barely 21, had JUST GOTTEN MARRIED and I met this big burly bouncer who worked the front door of a Minneapolis gay bar. Much older than me, no idea how old he was, in hindsight maybe 40's. He took me to a gym to get me 'into working out'. I basked in his presence and that of his hunky, built friends. Shockingly, lol, all gay! But anything to stay his buddy. Well, he took me to his place one day, gave me gay magazines to look at and see if I would get excited. I must have 'passed the test' (then borderline gay). He got me naked and unceremoniously (like a jaded tramp) pushed his king-sized super-cock right up my ass... basically busted my cherry. Bareback of course! I suspect he must have fucked HUNDREDS of dudes before me, jaded as he was! Wasn't too good as far as my 'participation' goes, me flinching and disengaging prematurely and me stupidly announcing I'm going back to 'being straight'! If the 'cherry-popping' had been a movie the director would have screamed: "CUT! That was no good!" Fast forward two years, still 22 I was fortunate to meet two major CHAMPS, total breeders with REPUTATIONS for big cocks! One mostly straight, the other a gay porn guy (only saw the covers, never the actual movies) So, here goes the RE-DO! TAKE TWO: Both were more than double my age. One was a closet Hollywood producer (legit, CBS mini-series etc) originally from New York (where he now lives with his WIFE) and I took his huge cock and loads, BAREBACK every time... like a champ! But the real INITIATOR was Bruce, a porn-star top with a slightly curved cock, BIG of course, by then I took it like a champ! The poppers unleashed the demon in me! After that I settled with a small-dicked twink so I 'wouldn't become a bottom'... stayed with the little cheater for years! Annoying dick for fucking...
    1 point
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