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  1. It’s Christmas morning, I’m too excited and can’t sleep so I'm the first out of bed. I am super excited this year. Usually, I get shipped off to Mom’s place for the holidays. But this year I finally get to spend Christmas with the guys. It is the stipulation of their divorce. Mom got me until I turned 18 and that’s when I could decide where I want to spend the holidays. I bury my nose in my Lucky Charms, searching for the various hidden marshmallow shapes on the box as I scoop spoonfuls of sugary goodness into my mouth. We opened gifts last night. My Christmas fleece robe feels so comfortable, snuggling my body as I eat. Every now and then I glance out the panoramic windows lining the north side of the log cabin we’re vacationing in. Another snowstorm is moving in, adding even more snow to what already blanketed everything last night. I look up and see Dad walk down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walks over and starts up the coffee machine. It’s one of my favorite smells – the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the crisp, pungent aroma of the Christmas tree next to the fireplace. I swirl my cereal, chasing bits of milk-drenched cereal with my spoon when Dad walks over. “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy,” he says as he tousles my hair. “I’m not a baby anymore!” I pull my head away from Dad’s hand. “Well, you sure couldn’t tell by the lack of hair on your chest,” Robbie ribs, reaching into my robe to rub the smooth skin of my chest before opening the top of his robe and puffing out his pelt of chest hair. “You’ll always be my Baby Boy.” Before I can protest, Dad pulls my head back and gives me a kiss above both of my eyebrows then heads to the refrigerator to pull out the container of half and half. “I’m so glad to have you with us this year!” “Me too, Dad.” Coffee-to-cream-to-white-mocha-syrup perfected, Dad leans against the kitchen counter and grabs his phone to start the day’s Wordle. I turn my head, drawn by the motion of Dad mindlessly scratching his crotch. Dad has a habit of letting his robe’s belt go loose, so I’m not unfamiliar with seeing the fur that covers him. However, this morning it went really slack, providing more than a peek. I could see Dad in all of his glory and I must say – it was mesmerizing. But what was gleaming amongst his fur? Dad looks up from his phone, the side of his face raising in a smirk and a wink of the eye. I dart my eyes back to my bowl and busy myself scooping up the last bits of cereal in my bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a giant grin on Robbie’s face as I upend the sugary milk into my mouth. Outside, the wind begins to pick up, howling. The blizzard conditions makes it nearly impossible to see the evergreens across the way. Dad walks over to the window and pauses to appreciate the beauty of such extreme weather conditions. He then turns his attention to the glowing embers in the fireplace. Some newspaper and a handful of kindling bring the fire back to life, flickering against the newly added logs with red and orange flames. I hear clanging as Dad pulls out a long, black duffel bag and places it in front of the growing fire. From inside of the bag, he starts pulling out a series of silver-grey pipes; connecting pieces to erect a frame. “Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas!!” We all turn to the voice at the top of the stairs. It’s Santa! Well…Grandpa in his Father Christmas garb: burgundy, full-length overcoat trimmed in brown faux fur, black pants, olive green vest, and of course, his black pair of brightly polished harness boots. I’ve seen him work gigs over the holiday season. He is a sight to behold. Grandpa much prefers the folklore version of the holiday gift-giver over the commercial red and white Coca-Cola Santa. It’s fun watching grown-ups turn into giant kids at the authenticity of his look. I must admit, with that trimmed white beard, rounded belly, and jovial smile, he always captures my attention. Dad greets him at the bottom of the stairs. Lifting a twig of mistletoe over his head, he cheers “Merry Christmas, Pops!” He lifts his hand under Father Christmas’ beard, cradling his chin to lean in and give him a deep, sultry kiss. My head twitches and I blink hard. My eyes dart over at Robbie who has made his way over to Grandpa for his own passionate kiss. “What the fuck is going on here?!” “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy.” Grandpa leans over me, gloved fingertips flicking my nipples as he reaches inside my robe for a hug and kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and I shudder. “Ummm…uhhh....Merry Christmas, Grandpa.” I feel my cheeks ignite as my face reddens. Yeah, sure…who hasn’t fantasized about sitting on Santa’s lap. But Grandpa?!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box wrapped in metallic red paper with sparkling, silver glitter. “I have a very special gift for you this Christmas morning that will make your holidays merry and bright.” “I know what you’re getting! I know what you’re getting!” Robbie gleefully rubs his hands together before helping Dad hang a sheet of thick leather from the corners of the poles. Grandpa takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the door. When he turns in my direction, I notice that he isn't wearing his usual black, oversized shirt. White tufts of fur spill over the top of his vest and escape around the laces tying it together. I have always wanted to rub my face in that beard as white as the snow blustering against the windows. Again – Santa fantasy. *shrug* Even if my own grandpa. “Come, sit on Santa’s lap.” I feel a bit silly, thinking I have outgrown such a silly tradition but I play along. It’s Christmas after all. Tis the season and all. It is only when the head of my dick pokes through my robe that I became aware of how aroused I am. I quickly cover myself hoping no one saw. Scanning their faces – they saw. “Your dad tells me what an extra special little boy you’ve been this year, Billy Boy, and that you hit a milestone birthday last week.” Grandpa hands me the glittery package. “He may now be 18, but he will always be my Baby Boy.” Dad tousles my hair again before I swat it away and turn my attention to the gift. I open the small, white box to find an orange-capped syringe nestled in white tissue paper.
    8 points
  2. Chapter 6 EV I’m starting to come back to myself. I know I’m high as fuck, and this isn’t just some molly like I’ve done in the past. I don’t know what that guy…these men…has given me but I’m barely aware of what’s going on. My ass hurts; it’s feeling needy…like a cat in heat. I’m plugged with something huge. It’s not comfortable, but when I rock my hips and my hole clinches around it, pain and pleasure shoot up my spine, and I’m not sure which one is stronger. It’s both the worst thing ever and the hottest thing ever. I let a out little groan with my next clinch around the plug, and I hear chuckles from somewhere. I try to move and look over and it only jostles the plug more and I whimper and moan more. “Well, gentlemen, looks like someone’s starting to come back to themselves.” I hear more laughs. I want to say something but my throat hurts, badly. I vaguely remember having someone’s cock (or is it cocks) in my mouth, and not gently. I’m trying to piece together the events of the last few hours…or is it a nights. I don’t know. “Hey darlin, I got you.” The bed or mattress I’m on sinks a bit on my left and I move toward the voice. A hand comes to rest on my face and I lean into it. “Shhhh. You’re safe. Can you open your pretty eyes and look at me?” I moan as I’m drawn up against a hard chest. I struggle to open my eyes, and when I get them open and somewhat focused, I see the handsome man I met in the bar….what’s his name…Brian? Bran?....no, Ben! So Ben did this to me….but I feel so good and so worn out. “There you are beautiful, starting to float down from the sky we had you in.” I feel the bed shake again and move and I close my eyes. Too much struggle to keep them open. “Now ain’t that a pretty sight, gents.” It’s another voice from somewhere else. “So subby and clinging to Ben. They’ll come to do that with all of us, eventually.” I must have a look of confusion on my face because Ben, I’m sure it’s him, cradles me against him and humms. A deeper, gruffer voice from somewhere just off my side pipes up “So, is this it now? This cunt goes clingy and we all just sap the fuck up?” “Fuck you, Horse! Claims don’t happen immediately and sure as shit not from as little as what we’ve done.” I don’t know this voice but it’s close…right almost….I jerk in Ben’s arms as more calloused hands start to rub me. I can’t make out all the noises around me, but my head is guided away from Ben’s shoulder and I feel rough lips against mine, demanding a kiss. I give in, and feel smoke enter my lungs. In my ear, Ben says “just inhale it, baby….let Axel make you feel good.” Axel’s kiss go on and on, it seems. He pulls back and let loose the breath he filled my lungs with. The bed moves again, and more lips come to mine, but different. “Such a good Hole for us, baby…..take Bull’s breathe, too. All of it will make you feel so good again.” That kiss ends, and there’s another….then another. I’m honestly not sure how many kisses like that I get from ever how many of these men there are. I’m floating again. I catch myself groaning and whimpering in Ben’s arms. He cradles me like I’m something special, and I hear “just let go and soar, baby. Your our Hole now.” BULL This kid is so fucking high, and so fucking beautiful, too. They’re limp against Ben’s body and just swiveling their hips from time to time, feeling that plug in their cunt. I reach over and tap it a few times and get a hearty groan for it. I fucking love it. “Ben, position him against your chest and throw his legs over yours.” Ben does as I ask and our Hole’s head just falls back against his shoulder. I’m in awe of this beautiful thing spread out before us and knowing it’s ours to do with as we please. My mind races with ideas and depraved ideas. I’m sure the grin that crosses my face isn’t a nice one. “Needles….I want a spreader and 4 cuffs, a massager, your sounding set…and the poppers, yeah.” We position our Hole flat on the mattress. I ask Horse and Needles to stay with me and tell Axel and Ben to enjoy the show. Needles comes back with what I’ve asked for and I start to work: cuff the ankles and attach them to the spreader, spread WIIIIIDE; cuff his wrists together and up over his head. I give the massage gun to Needles and notice as he catches onto my plan with that. I know I have tastes that maybe not all my other guys have, but I think Horse is enough of a mean and dirty fucker to be into this. I pull him off to the side some. “So…I want you to strip out your jeans and straddle our toy’s face and make him eat your ass. And hold the spreader up so his ass is open for Needles.” “Um, Bull, probably not a good idea….you know I haven’t been home to shower in a coupla days.” “Yeah I know that” I grin at him. “That’s exactly why it’s gonna happen. Look, this is new to you, I get it, but when this Hole moves to the clubhouse….let’s just say it’s gonna be easier to start the training now than later, if’n ya follow.” Horse’s brows pops up and he shakes his head side to side, “This just gets more twisted by the minute.” “Oh, and you’ll have the poppers with you….give him a good 4 or 5 deep inhales of that before you straddle his face. Pull his arms up and pin them between between your legs and then you’ll just be able to sit back and enjoy.” We step back over and Needles has the sounding set all ready to go. Everyone gets into positions and Horse starts feeding our Hole the poppers. Needles turns on the massage gun and puts it up against the plug and I watch our toy buck under the sensations, even as the poppers relax them even further. I pick up this soft tina-dicked little cock and squirt some lube into the tip and let it start to slide inside. Horse throws his leg over Ev’s face and sits back, completely smothering him with, what I’m absolutely sure, is probably a very ripe and rank hole. Our Hole starts bucking against everything. They aren’t at all happy with what’s his on face or with what’s going on in his cunt. They’re protesting more than I expected. Maybe Horse was even dirtier than I thought. “Fuckin lick it, you cunt!” Horse is growling and holding the spreader bar up with one hand and pinching the hell out of their nipple. “Clean my fucking nasty hole, bitch. You know you like it and deserve it”. He dismounted their face, held the poppers over it a few more times and slapped them hard and spit in their face. Leaning down he whispered in their ear where only I could hear, “you’ll lick my nasty hole clean and eventually you’ll be trained to love it. If you don’t I’ll beat the training into you and you’ll have to do it anyways.” With that, Horse straddled our Hole’s face and grinded back down on him. I’m guessing Ev was scared into it or was too out of it to protest because they just let it happen and Horse grinned as I’m sure that sweet tongue was licking him up. Needles turned the massage gun even higher, and I grabbed a twisted metal rod and started to let it slip down this little cock I held.
    5 points
  3. I've been to cumunion quite a lot, and I have never seen a condom in use. It's promoted by BBRT (barebackrt), and might have been originated by them although I'm not sure about that. I think you will experience a lot of rejection at that particular event if you try to make guys wear condoms for you. I can't speak for cities other than Atlanta, but I'd say that RAW is expected at cumunion. If it's at a bathhouse, I would suggest going on a "regular" busy night. It sounds like you're not a stranger to barebacking, so maybe you just want to tell yourself you're gonna be safe the first time. You don't have to do anything you don't want to there, so maybe just go, walk around watching the raw sex, let the shyness wear off and the hormones start pumping - then bend over for the bare cock you know you want and need 🙂
    4 points
  4. Like so many things in life, I do not believe there is an absolute answer here. I’m a strong advocate for privacy. I don’t care what people do behind closed doors. It’s none of my business. But as others have said, when there is someone who is fighting against our community, but is proven to be one of us, the right to privacy dissolves. IMHO.
    4 points
  5. Taking in the news that Jack, my son, has gotten into the party scene… It feels like I just slammed again for the very first time. Hearing the rentman in the next room got lit with my boy and fucked him in LA last spring was jolting, like the whoosh of that first point, the sudden drop in your chest and feeling of whoa. Then realizing all the different avenues this opened up for the sex between us... that was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of ecstasy. And now, like any slam rush, I am about to fuck the rentman senseless. But unlike topping after I have slammed, where I shove my cock up the nearest available and consenting hole without even bothering to lube it up, I am approaching rentman’s ass a little more thoughtfully. “Tell me.” I’m standing in the doorway of the bathroom, erection jutting forward. It takes rentman a few seconds to notice, transfixed as he was by the video of my boy getting spitroasted by two gorgeous black daddies he told me he found online, and who had become more than fuck buddies. And this video is transfixing. I almost lose my train of thought recalling the day Anthony told me about these guys. They were his west coast dads. I hadn’t met them yet - and with what rentman just told me, I understand why, these guys definitely like to party. They may have been the ones who got Jack lit the first time. But Jack had told me a lot about them. He had been vague on how they met. But he had been very detailed in other areas. The home cooked meals, and once a month, a trip to Roscoe’s in Hollywood for Chicken and Waffles. When he bought his car - an 84 El Camino he was determined to restore, they helped him find a good mechanic and a better body shop. The older one, Dave, even taught him how to do laundry the proper way, a lesson I had failed to impart despite repeated efforts over 18 years. And of course, they took him to the bathhouses and circuit parties. Judging by the dilated pupils I’m just now noticing Jack has in this, and probably other videos, they took him to plenty of other parties as well. I stare at these two beautiful Black men, each of them drilling my boy’s cunt, my boy screaming out in absolute perverted ecstasy, and my cock is painfully hard. I’m leaking so much precum it looks like I’m low key pissing. Feeling playful, and wanting to get rentman’s attention, I start helicoptering my dick, dousing him, myself, the bed and everything else in the immediate vicinity. He’s surprised at first, but I picked a good little pig to fuck tonight, and he’s on his knees licking it off his arms and my legs. He’s got that lustful look in his eye that you can only get when you’re high, a look that says ‘I’m using you to use me.’ It’s the kind of look I’ve given plenty of men, and plenty more have given me. It’s a look that makes my painfully erect cock bounce uncontrollably. Rentman sees my dick jerking on it’s own accord, and he actually whimpers. Like a puppy. There is nothing in the universe he wants, needs, more right now than to get pounded long and hard. Not oxygen. Not water. Not food or validation or respect. Just my cock. And more crystal. He crawls over on all fours, mirroring the video playing where Jack is crawling to the second Daddy - Derek - after being bred by Dave. Rentman starts sniffing and licking my cock, my balls, my taint, my hole. But I stop him “Tell me,” I repeat. And he’s puzzled for a second. I can see it click in his head. “Oh, you mean the kid in the video? He was so much fun. Insatiable little cum slut. I met him at a bathhouse called Flex. “ Oh I know Flex. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that my boy would like it there; the first time I went I said “this is my kinda trashy.” “Anyway, I was with a client, this doctor I fuck once a month. Dude flies me out there, loves getting fucked by me. Terrible lay though. Doesn’t know how to bottom and since he’s a doctor you can’t tell him anything. So I’m finishing with the Doctor, and I go outside to smoke a cigarette. I see this cute blond twink sucking a bunch of cocks around the hot tub. I sit and watch the show for a minute, but it gets broken up when the staff comes around - you’re not supposed to fuck in the water, apparently. Well, I swoop in immediately and invite him back to my room. One of the big ones with a big bed.” He takes a long hit off the bong, slowly exhales, blows a couple of smoke rings on my dick. “He laid down on the bed and turned the porn on, and then he looked at my reflection in the mirror - I don’t know why but I found that so hot - and asks me where the party’s at. I didn’t think anything of it, everyone gets high there, so I pulled out my bong and torch, told the kid to help himself. I had smoked plenty with the Doctor. The kid took 3 or 4 big rips and was flying. He got on all fours and started shaking his ass, wiggling it and licking his lips, still keeping eye contact through the reflection in the mirror.” He pauses for another rip off the bong. “I’ve never had someone ask me to eat their ass that way but it was such a fuckin turn on. So I fucked him for an hour or two, and then I had to leave to get to my next client. Gave him a couple of rocks and some G tho so I’m sure he stayed turnt that whole night. Where’d you find this video by the way? I love homemade porn, and I bet a bunch of my clients will as well.” Instead of answering his question, I said “show me.” I can hear the slightest trace of annoyance in his voice when he says “show you what? Mind if I take another hit?” The second question he asks as he’s in the process of taking a hit, he’s reached that point of being spun where he cannot begin to care about anything but his own dick and hole. I love a good rentman. “Show me how you fucked the boy in that video. Pretend I’m him. Fuck me just like you fucked him.” Rentman is amused but also turned on, I can see he’s going to comply. “Well, first thing then you’ll have to take a bunch of rips off the bong.” One, two, three, four major clouds later, I’m shaking with anticipation and the drugs. My heart is racing, my dick is bouncing, my asshole puckering, eager to be opened up by this stud and then fucked senseless. Just like I fuck Jack. Rentman stands up, puts his hand on my chest, and pushes me onto the bed. Wordlessly, he grabs my calves and pulls them up, getting me flat on my back. He sees the precum flowing freely from my cock, and dabs a finger on my dick head, drawing back a long strand he takes in his mouth and hungrily devours. He drops to his knees, and I know what’s coming next. I feel his hot breath in my crack, the scruff of his beard causing a little bit of friction that I find pleasurable, and leaving the musk of my asshole all over his face, which is a major turn on for both of us. And then I feel his tongue slowly licking my asshole. Lapping at it, the way a dog laps up some water. The way I lap at Jack’s hole. This goes on for 10 minutes or so, as he keeps feeding me shotguns, trying to get me as spun as humanly possible. After spitting on my hole one last time, He stands up, and repositions me so that the porn is behind him, “so you can watch” and he gestures to his phone. I make a quick decision. “Hold up a second.” I get up, and go to the bathroom. “Let’s do this right.” I open my toiletries case and pull out two syringes that I had preloaded, .5 each. I don’t party that often, and I slam even less, but after giving a great speech at a very lucrative conference and finding out that my boy is just as much of a meth craved cock whore as I am… Well, I knew this would be one of the nights where I go balls to the wall. I walk back out and rentman is taking more hits off the bong. He looks up, sees the syringes, and licks his lips, subconsciously echoing Jack’s invitation to lick his ass. “Can you admin yourself?” Rentman nods. I hand him the syringe, and he starts prepping his forearm with an alcohol wipe. I do the same. We pull the cap off the points simultaneously, but rentman quickly puts his back on, stands up and grabs his jockstrap, jeans and shirt. For a second I think he’s about to leave, but then he sets the phone down to record. Ah, he’s one of those guys I think to myself, and I decide to follow suit, as it were, putting my clothes back on too. Whenever I stumble across a slamming video, I think its so hot the way the guys take all their clothes off and start playing with their dicks almost immediately, no matter whether they are top bottom or side. Clearly rentman enjoys it too, and is one of the guys who gets dressed just so he can slam and get naked again. Thanks to rentman’s roided out body, his veins are huge and easy to hit. Mine are too, although that’s more from a lifetime of clearing the brush on the 2 acre lot my house sits on. Both of us insert our needles at the same time, his registers just a fraction of a second before mine does. We both push the plunger down, and I’m feeling the rush even before I pull the needle out. “Holy shit,” is all rentman says, as he starts coughing and taking off his clothes. “Fuck yeah” is all I say, through an even stronger cough. The warmth of the rush is almost overwhelming, as I rip my clothing off, literally ripping the shirt I had just put back on. “Come here.” Rentman’s voice has changed, lost all it’s playfulness and charm. Only lust and domination remain. I get on all fours and crawl to him, the same way he crawled to me, the same way Jack’s gonna be crawling to the both of us (I’ve already decided). “On your back. Spread those cheeks apart. Let me see that cunt.” I follow his instructions with enthusiasm. My asshole is puckering uncontrollably, begging for his cock, which is hard as steel and thicker than anything I’ve taken in a long, long time. “You want it like that kid? Well here you go.” He shoves his whole dick up my ass in one sudden thrust, and even though it’s painful, I take it in stride. I even look up at him and, feeling my playful side return, say “is it in?” Rentman gets a wicked smile across his face, right before lightly slapping me across the cheek. “Is it in? You tell me.” He starts thrusting wildly, slamming his dick into me over and over. I notice he’s matched the pace of the video, where Dave is once again fucking Jack. I’m in the same position as my boy is in the video, and I’m loving it almost as much as he is. My cock is rock hard and I start jacking it furiously while rentman continues his unrelenting assault on my ass. “Fuck oh yeah fuck me fuck that cunt give it to me fuck yes oh my god fuck me.” I can’t tell if it’s me saying this, Jack saying it in the video, or if I’m even saying it outloud, I’m that fucked up on the crystal. But except for the first night with Jack, this is the most intense sex I’ve had in years. Maybe because I’m pretending to be Jack. I don’t bottom very often, and Jack hasn’t even mentioned the possibility of me topping him - something I’ve been meaning to ask him because he clearly knows how to top, and from the videos and webcams I’ve watched, he enjoys it. “Yeah you like that big fat dick slamming in you? Dirty meth whore. You should fly us out to LA and we can take turn on that kid. I bet he’d love to get DP’d by the two of us.” Sweat is pouring off his forehead and chest, it feels like rain washing over me, and I’m just as thoroughly sweaty. Both of us are close to cumming. Rentman quickens his pace, I can feel his cock somehow get harder and harder in my hole. My own dick is covered in precum, and I’m jerking it in pace with rentmant’s powerful thrusts. “We don’t need to go to LA. He’s only an hour away,” I say, keeping eye contact with rentman as his orgasm continues to build. “Oh yeah, how do you know that?” “Because he’s my son, and you and I are going back to my house to get him high and fuck him senseless.” It’s enough to send rentman over the edge, as he busts a huge nut in my hole, I can feel 10, 12 spurts of his cum hitting inside me. That, in turn, sends me over the edge, and I shoot an equally large load all over his chest, my stomach, my face, a few arcs even hitting the TV, where Jack has just shot his own load all over himself. The two Black daddies in the video are panting just as hard as rentman and me. I point to the screen, ask rentman if he knows either guy - there’s a tiny snippet at the very end where they both show their faces. “Oh shit that’s Derek and Dave. Yeah I know them. They used to be porn actors before starting their own studio. I’ve actually done a couple of scenes for them.” My face breaks out into a smile of unrestrained deviance. “Get them on the phone.”
    4 points
  6. Last Friday Night Massage: Was a shitty week at work and pay week, so I decided to spoil myself with a massage. These are hit and miss and I love a massage that ends in me getting bred, but it is hard to broach the subject when the massage is somewhat a legitimate add. Found a guy that does Lomi Lomi massage walking distance from my house, and he is very reasonably priced. Interestingly he charges an extra $50 for kissing and touching on top of the low price which I liked. So, I opt for this and we share a few pic on text along with address. Seems like a nice guy and I hint at my expectations by sharing my arse pic which shows my pig tattoos on my arse and add “I will leave myself in your hands – do anything you like”. And I get a response, “I think I get the idea”. I am looking forward to this massage. I get there and he is a muscly smooth guy with a gorgeous smile. Cut to the massage which is both of us naked and I have never had a massage that uses so much oil. It is amazing. On my stomach my cock is going up and down all the time. He flips me over and starts on my front occasionally wanking me and asks if I have cum already because a leak lots of pre-cum lol. Probably about 40mins in the massage has been mostly legit with the occasional touch. He has done the usual teasing of his mouth right over mine but not actually kissing. Then he jumps on the table on top of me and starts sliding against me and he is rock hard. We are both covered on warm oil. And then he leans in and passionately kisses me. Let me tell you, it is so good it is worth the money lol. He then jumps off the table, swings me around on my back and lifts my legs over his shoulders and pushes his cock against my hole and says, “this is what you wanted isn’t it”. And before I can answer, he slides in balls deep with ease with all the oil. There is no more discussion. He fucks me deep and hard and repeatedly leans in and kisses me as he fucks me. I start to play with his nipples and he lets out a loud growl and starts to shudder. Pump after pump after pump of his seed floods my insides. He stands there for a minute and continues to slowly fuck me as he stays still and then leans in and passionately kisses me while still inside me after cumming in me. He does that for almost 5 minutes before slowly falling out. After a lot mere kissing and shower I leave totally satisfied and full of his seed. Really happened!
    3 points
  7. A top on Grindr hit me up on Monday of this past week. We exchanged photos and then proceeded to engage in hot breeding talk. I'm sure he shot a load while chatting with me. The exchange was so hot that we exchanged numbers. He wrote me yesterday, super horny and ready to fuck. I prepared my hole and drove a half hour over to his house. I walked in and got undressed. When I turned around, his 8 inch dick was already at full mast and up against my butt cheeks. I exclaimed, "Oh! You're ready!". He ate me out, made me suck his dick, and then he throat fucked my thrussy until I started to gag. He then folded me up in a number of very specific positions and fucked me senseless. We were both high off the poppers when he mounted me missionary. I could tell from the sounds he was making that he was close. He slammed into me, grunted and let loose. He went wild when I used my ass muscles to milk his cock. He stayed hard enough to keep right on fucking until he dropped a second load. As I lay on my stomach recovering from all the action, I saw that he kept playing with himself. He suddenly climbed on top of me and piston-fucked me until I got loads three and four. I've never had a top who could huff poppers like that and still be hard enough to fuck. I for sure thought he was done after that. We lay there chatting a bit. Because he has such a pretty dick, I began to massage his balls and suck him. Well, that got him going and he fucked load #5 into me. I got dressed, thinking his balls HAD TO BE empty at this point. I asked for a quick tour of his apartment. As I stood near the door, I thanked him for all the loads. He pulled his dick out again and asked me to suck it. I did and right there in front of the door, he pulled my jogging pants down and fucked me yet again. What the fuck?!? I got SIX loads in 90 minutes, so I know he wasn't lying earlier when he told me that he needs to cum 4 times a day. After I arrived back home, he texted me, "Come back soon to get my loads. Loved how you sucked me. I felt like there was no hurry. You just enjoyed sucking it and when I turned you over and used your ass, you just took it. Really nice." Nice indeed. I don't know what I did to deserve this big-dicked, multi-cumming top, but I'm hella thankful 🙏 .
    3 points
  8. After a year long dryspell when I moved to a smaller community I have been getting lucky a lot. Don't get me wrong during the last year I had plenty of hookups but they were all bottoms my cock was getting regular service but my hole was going without In theast month have had numerous hookups with 4 different tops I met on grindr and it has been fun if nothing to special that was until a couple days ago I was chatting with a guy I had hooked up with a few times he is older but has a nice cock and a decent fuck for a man in his fifties when he pointed out a profile on grindr he thought I might want to check out he had chatted with the guy but hadn't been able to hook up with him I admit I was curious my friend had pointed out other guys in the past but they were all sub bottom types he wanted to tag team this was first time he pointed out a guy who mostly topped. Then he told me why the guy claimed to have a ten inch cock My friend of course knew that in the past I had been a complete slut and definitely a size queen and figured I would love to have the chance at a cock like that When I saw the guy was on grindr later that day I didn't hesitate to hit him up and didn't take long for us to decide that we really needed to get together unfortunately because of my partner wasn't able to that day but we continued chatting The next day I had my chance my partner was working so I had the time she of course knows I'm with men on the side but has rules one of which me being with them can't take time away from me being with her but I had hours while she was working Even though was excited was also a little cautious despite telling me my friend was right and that he did have 10 inches he wouldn't send me a pic of it and his profile pic wasn't very attractive he was very skinny with long kinda greasy looking hair he also didn't have a car which is unusual in this area but I agreed to meet up with him There were more signs something was odd when he sent me the location to pic him up at it was at a business I knew wasn't open that day and not in great part of town many homeless stay in that area at night When I got there my fears were proved right he came out from a stand of bushes with his backpack and a blanket and I told myself thus wasn't going to happen I didn't want to be rude so I got out of my truck and introduced myself and even though I had decided I wasn't going to fuck him I went ahead and had him get in the truck since I had said I would take him to Walmart so he could get some money a friend had wired to him As we drove we talked a little and he started asking where we would go after Walmart he knew I couldn't host and obviously he didn't have a place I know several good cruising spots of course but hemmed and hawwed a little since at that point I was planning on backing out all I could think of is possible risks of letting a homeless man fuck me He could tell I wasn't likely to go through with it and I'm sure he knew why but he also knew what to do to change a man's mind As we git closer to Walmart he began rubbing his crotch as we talked his pants were thin and pretty loose so it was very obvious when his cock began growing with his attention and the bulge was impressive When we were just pulling into the parking lot he pulled the waist of his pants down and let it all slip out The guy hadn't been lying though not even fully hard yet it was at least ten inches and about as thick as a redbull cN maybe a bit more it was by far the biggest cock I have seen on a white guy outside of porn and only a few black men I had been with in Arizona could match him Once I was parked he pulled his pants up and got out of the truck to go into the store. I had been telling myself that once I got him there I would come up with an excuse for why I had to leave but I couldn't get that cock out of my head so a waited for him I told myself I was just going to be a nice guy and give him a ride back over to the side of town he had been staying in he was a homeless guy after all and not attractive no way was I having sex with him After about 15 minutes he came back to the truck and got in he even said he was surprised I had waited since he had noticed I hadn't seemed that into it We hadn't even left the parking lot when he was again rubbing his crotch and in less than a block he had his cock out again this time rubbing his hand slowly up and down this time I got a very good look though still not fully hard it was everything he had promised and a little more not only was it big it was uncircumcised I admit at that point I lost all my willpower and found myself Taking a turn that would take us to one of my favorite places to park with guys And as I drove he moved closer to me and took my hand and placed it on his cock As I rubbed his cock while driving and felt it get fully hard another concern came to me for a little over a year I hadn't had anything bigger that a finger in my ass until the last few weeks and of the guys I had been with the biggest was only average for a white guy it had been a very long time since had a monster cock like his Again I almost backed out this time because of his cock size but as I ran my hand up and down his shaft I knew I wouldn't be able to say It was a few miles to the parking area a little used parking lot for some hiking trails with a convenient little corner nobody can see you in unless they drive super close and the only people I had seen there were other guys like me Most of the time when park there just lay the seats all the way back and play I. The cab he of course had other ideas I had backed my truck into the parking spot to be able to be sure nobody snuck up on us but he hoped out and walked around the back of the truck At first I thought he had to pee or something first but I felt him put the tailgate down and he started motioning me to co e back there I was a little nervous but grabbed the bag I keep for hookups out if the back seat and joined him behind the truck and opened the bag getting out some lube and condoms Now I almost always bottom raw in fact had been almost five years since a man fucked me wearing a condom but always keep some on my truck because many of the guys I top insist I use them I really wanted to feel him fuck me bare but wasn't willing to risk it I knew he was homeless and he told me he would have sex with men just for a place to stay a night or 2 and didn't know if he was I to drugs so wasn't a risk I was willing to take The guy wasted no time with foreplay he simply spun me so I was facing the truck and pulled my gym shorts down then with one hand lightly pushed meso I was bent over the tailgate while his other hand began lubing my ass The guy was obviously very used to having to get guys ready for his giant cock because he took his time I felt first one than two finally three of his fingers lossening me up for him when he finally removed his hand I heard him open a condom package and looked back to see him putting it on that's when I noticed a problem The condoms I had were of course meant for me to use and were sized for my cock which is only six inches on him it was very tight and only covered two thirds of it He didn't let that bother him he git in behind me and put the tip against my hole then after asking if I was ready he began pushing it in Even after his prep work he had to push hard to get it into me after the first few inches I wondered if I had .are a mistake it felt like he was going to rip me open In the past when I had been with well hung guys they usually got a few inches in then began to fuck me their cocks getting deeper as the sex went on but he had a different idea he just kept pushing it slowly and steadily deeper I could tell he planned on bottoming out before the sex really As he pushed it in it was all I could do to just take it it had been a long time since felt that stretched and even stopped breathing a few times in discomfort But finally he had all ten inches in me and he stopped just stood there behind me for a minute I thought so I could have time to get used to it though later learned it was because he was filming then without a word he started moving again At first was going pretty slow alternating from long strokes to shirt ones but he slowly began picking up his pace and the short strokes were less frequent then the condom broke Cursing little he pulled out and peeled off the broken condom and I watched impatiently as he put a new one on Once rewrapped he got back behind and was able to re-enter no problem this time though he went right to it he held nothing pulling it almost all the way and shoving it all the way back he also started talking telling me how tight my pushy was what a dirty little fag I was a cum slut that loved his cock By then I was accustomed enough to his cock I still felt stretched but also felt like heaven my own smaller cock was rock hard The I felt it the second condom broke and I felt him get ready to pull out but this time I stopped him I was so very close to Cumming just from the feel of his cock so I reached back grabbed his arm and told himto keep going That must have really turned him on because he started fucking me harder and faster and talking more asking if I liked his dirty homeless cock asking if I wanted him to breed my dirty faggot pushy the said aren't you even going to ask if I'm clean than told me hadn't bee. Tested in over year All I could do is answer back yes I a dirty little fag I. His little batch I wanted his homeless seed After about five minutes of that I felt his strokes get shorter and his cock get Harder than he asked if I wanted him to cum in me. Without hesitating I just said one word yes Almost as soon as the word left my mouth hw grabbed my hips pushed all the way in and I felt his cock start to pulse as he came deep inside me for about 10 seconds at almost the same time my own cock shot my load all over the ground For almost a minute we both stayed in that position me bent over my tailgate him behind his cock slowly getting softer in my ass Finally I had to stand up straight I had lost track of time but had been bent over like that for half an hour and back was starting to get sore he pulled out and let me up I look over at him he was still breathing a bit hard and his cock was still out even mostly soft bigger than mine I also noticed a little blood on it even prepping me the way he had he had ripped me some We didn't really say much just cleaned ourselves up a little and got ready to head back when an idea struck me after I found out he did have a license I had him drive while I got into the passenger seat Giving guys road head has always been a turn on for me and there is no way I wasn't going to try it on a cock that big So as we drove a pulled his still limp cock out and lowered my mouth over it I had never been with a uncircumcised guy before so sucking him was a unique situation for me Honestly that soo. After sex I didn't really expect him to get hard again figured I would suck it a little it would feel good for him but that would be about it I was wrong by the time we git back to where he had slept the night he was fully hard I was going to have him drive to another place I knew but he said not to worry he parked my truck and lead me to the bushes he had co.e out of earlier once back inside the brush saw he had a well hidden. Spot and he also didn't have it to himself another homeless guy was asleep on a blanket in no time I was on my hands and knees with him one again balls deep in me this time I had no problem taking him as we fucked the other guy woke up and began watching taking his own cock out and rubbing it In other situations the other man's cock would have gotten .e instantly excited it was about eight inches and fairly thick but compared to the one that once again stretching my ass it was nothing the two homeless men began talking as the first one fuck with him telling his friend what a cumslut I was and again calling me a dirty whore and a fag At a certain point he told me his friend wasn't gay but would love a blow job so I found myself on my hands and knees in some bushes with a ten inch homeless cock in my ass and an eight inch in my mouth The second guy didn't last long I had only sucked him for maybe two minutes when he held my head hard against him as his cum went down. My throat It was almost an hour before they first guy was ready to cum again and I admit I was starting to get more than a little sore the whole second time he had been fucking me hard fast and deep though my own cock was hard again as well When he was about ready to cum he told me to start stroking my cock he wanted us to cum together so I did but he hadn't given me enough warning and I wasn't there yet when I felt him Cumming in me for the second time This time he came even harder and I was able to count him spurt 12 times into me that was almost enough to make me cum right then but not quite but I kept stroking as he just knelt on his knees behind me trying to catch his breath Then out of the blue he tells me he has to piss this time his cock had gotten softer faster it was still in my ass but seemed half the size it had been but seemed to stiffen a little as he just let his bladder go and I felt hi. Filling my already cum filled ass I was a little shocked but not bad I actually enjoy piss play but had never said anything his friend however laughed and asked if he had really just pisses up my he admitted he had as he pulled out of me and I felt his piss and cum run down my leg I was still stoking my cock wanting to cum before I left when his friend said he wanted to try I looked over in time to see him with his cock in his hand aiming it at my face . Before I could say anything I felt his wam piss hi my forehead and I just went with it moving me head so he showered the whole thing even taking some in my mouth That was as much as I could take as he finished emptying his blather my own cock finally shot its second load We really didn't talk after I pulled my clothes back on got I'm my truck and left as I drove home my face smelling like piss my ass leaking piss and cum part of my mind was asking myself what I had done I had let a homeless man probably a drug addict fuck me raw not once but twice the piss in me the list of what diseases he could have given were running though my head but another part of my was wondering if I could get a third from that beautiful ten in monster
    2 points
  9. Had just finished gymming and I was horny for some gloryhole action. The thrill of the chase, putting my ass against the wall and waiting until I feel the poke of a hard cock, drives me wild. Every time I go in, I always get multiple loads and I wonder how many today will score me. I walk in, go to the back past the wall lurkers and am in my booth with just enough time to take off my shorts when I hear the door close on the other side. Without having to even touch it, in pops this hung white daddy dick ready to fuck and I lube up and in he goes. I start riding it and within two minutes my hole is dripping his seed. As soon as he zips up and is out, the process begins and I ended up with 14 cocks unloading in me during that hour. I think the best fuck was when I walked in and this older and kind of pudgy straight guy saw me walk in. I love that I’ll take all loads as long as the tops cock is hard. He seemed hesitant at first but wanted to load me and was rock hard in the hall. Once I saw his shoes on the other side, after I had him buried inside my ass for a couple minutes I hit the buddy booth and let him watch through the now frosted glass as his cock slid in my hole, leaking loads all over his dick. He loved it and gave me one of the biggest loads. Can’t wait to take some anon cum again today.
    2 points
  10. Vintage - Brothers should do it. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/vintage-full-movie-3-1981-xhNTGqn
    2 points
  11. So you wanted more about Troy. I'll call this what's wrong with Troy. I know you pigs out there would like to think that Troy was over every night slamming me and breeding me. Sorry buddies but that was not the case. However, he was at my house all the time, we'd smoke and look for our separate fucks. He'd find his and take off and I'd do my thing. We became close enough that he had a key to my place. He needed it to bring his fuck toys to use in my guest room. I only had one rule, clean up your fucking mess. I have no idea what time it was, I was beat tired from a 16-hour shoot, up for at least 24. Passed out in my bed and sleeping like a baby, dreaming that someone was playing with my hole. It was definitely a hot sex dream. The touch was so real, the wetness of the thick finger pushing into me. Then there was a burning sensation, I knew it, the same as a booty bump. I remember thinking to myself, please don't wake up this dream is too hot. Then a push and oh fuck my hole was being opened and I hear, open up little cuz. Fucking Troy you're rapping me in my sleep. He pushed me down flat on my stomach as his cock goes balls deep. He tells me that little fuck got to spun so he dumped him. When he saw my ass his cock made a decision. He said and I quote "I'm high, horny, and need to cum. Just lay there and take it". Now let's think about this. This mother fucker came into my room, lubed my ass, and gave me a booty bump while I was asleep and you want me to just lay here? Hell no, now I'm horny from that bump he gave me. So I'm going to play his game and I say, stop or I'm going to tell my dad. He says, no one is home but us so take it. You know you want this cock, you always want it slut boy. Tell me you want it. I say I don't get off me. His trust gets harder, deeper. Tell me you want it. NO, get off. He kept telling me to tell him I wanted it, but I kept saying no, playing the game. He pulls out and flips me over, spreads my legs, and slams back into me, Tell me you want it. Ok, ok I want it. Now the two of us are at our high peak, the booty bump has taken full control over me and I want his cum. Were sweaty messy kissing, talking dirty about his thick 9 1/2 cut cock and my boy pussy. I remember him telling me to tell him to rape my pussy while mom and dad are gone. That I want him to get me pregnant. I tell him no I won't say that. That fires him up and he insists that I say it. NO! He becomes more forceful. My little 5'5 135 lb body is no match to his 6 foot 185 lbs. I'm being tossed around like jello. My hole starts to spasm, I lose it and start to beg Troy to bread me. Nothing is more important than cousin Troy's cum in me. Then he says it, Tell me to get you fucking pregnant. Get me fucking pregnant. Please Troy get pregnant. The next minute is haven as we both come down from the massive load he just pumped into me. We lay there and I ask him what the fucks wrong with you? He told me to shut up, I loved it.
    2 points
  12. This question is posed as a decision whether to interfere with an individual’s private sexual life, and under what circumstances it would be acceptable, but I don’t think that’s the actual value judgment faced in many of these scenarios. When a man in a position of leadership or influence speaks out or takes action against any group or practice which he then clandestinely participates in himself, he creates an imperative for right-minded persons to expose his hypocrisy, double-dealing and deceit. That the exposure may out his participation and cause him embarrassment because it reveals information about him that would otherwise enjoy an expectation of privacy is collateral damage, and a self-inflicted wound. He has no one to blame but himself. Privacy is only absolute when one cannot be observed. In any other case, privacy becomes a matter of social contract between individuals who either agree not to observe one another, agree not to acknowledge what they observe, or agree to hold what they observe in confidence, at which point it becomes a matter of discretion. Once a man begins acting in the way described above, he has already become indiscrete toward himself by drawing attention to his opinions on sexuality, which will cause others to scrutinize his own sexual practice more closely.
    2 points
  13. Went to Austin 6 here in Austin tx with the intent of getting bred. As soon as I got there some guy was desperate for my cock, but I was intent of getting fucked. He offered to eat my hole, and I accepted the offer. He did a good job, and most likely lapped up the lube from my hole. Tried to fuck me, but he couldn't get hard. Eventually went into the theater, and saw a lot of action going on. A young looking guy sucking off a daddy that I played with before. I whipped my cock out, and enjoyed the show at a distance since I understand not everyone wants people joining in. Well I was totally wrong, and both of them wanted me. Soon the young guy was going back and forth between both our cocks, the older guy and I are making out & eventually the younger guy got up and all of use made out together. Tongues clashing everywhere. The young guy eventually went behind me, and shoved his raw cock up my ass. While bending over and sucking the 3rd guy I couldn't help but moan loadly. Felt so good to feel raw cock inside me. After a few minutes he pulled out, and force me on my knees to suck both of them, and eventually he came in my mouth. I wasn't bred, but his cum tasted so fucking good. After that I walked around a bit, got my dick sucked through the gloryhole......wasn't the best head & wasn't the worst. He wanted me to fuck him, but I didn't want to cum yet. So I went back in the theater and in comes this sexy daddy with huge pecs. Both of us checking each other out in the darkness for a minute before he left the theater for the arcade. I waited a moment & followed behind him. Seeing him in the light was even better. Both of us hit the jackpot. As soon as we were in a booth together both of us were naked. It was a frenzy of passion. A lot of kissing, sucking, he spit in my mouth.....which I strangely liked. He even fucked me for a while. While sucking his cock I wanted to make daddy proud and worked my tongue to his hole. He shook with excitement as I ate his hole. As much as I was willing to fuck him, he admit that he was still new to bottoming, and I said his first time should probably be in a bed.....preferably with me. Eventually daddy rewarded me with his cum for working his cock and hole so well. He even helped me get off afterwards. That was a good way to end a Sunday. Sure I didn't get bred, but my hole was played with, played with some fun guys & swallowed some amazing loads.
    2 points
  14. Dude. For god's sake chill. Thoughtful people disagree with you, including me, but this is not the way to have this conversation. Any Republican politician who is gay deserves to be outed, in my opinion. They want to fuck us, but they don't want anyone to know. Fuck that damage. They're not some 18 year old kid in small town Alabama who has a rational fear of being out., they're adults (like CPAC's Matt Schlapp, who's been accused of sexually assaulting several young men). They made their bed, now they have to lie in it. I am a firm believer in "DO NOT fuck any Republican under any circumstances. They want us dead." I (and perhaps you too) am old enough to remember when the first question about AIDS was asked in the Reagan White House briefing room. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in that room laughed. Press and staff. They all laughed because we were dying. I was 21 and will never forget it.
    2 points
  15. NO, NO, NO, NO! This is a privacy issue. Jesus May, and Joseph shut your mouths. It is no one's business if a person comes out of the closet. It is NOT your business to tell the world because you sucked his prick or he fucked you. SO WHAT? Shut your rancid little mouths..... This "holler then though"attitude needs to stop. Your PERSONAL beliefs can DESTROY someone's life. Just shut your mouth and your ass and keep his business PRIVATE.
    2 points
  16. My response to Signorile at the time - which remains the same today - is that there is a difference between harming and failing to aid. There is a streak of activism that wants to dictate for everyone else what level of engagement is not only appropriate, but demanded - and I reject that entirely. Signorile's approach was basically "Fuck your life and your marriage and your kids and anything else you think is important; *I* think you need to be out in order to advance the goals I want on my timeline, and it's your job to shut up and fall in line." To be fair to him: he wrote QIA at a time when the number of HIV/AIDS diagnoses was still rising almost exponentially, and concern for the very survival of gay men as a population was real. I'm not sure whether he'd argue the same today (he might well, or he might have moderated his stance somewhat).
    2 points
  17. I think there's an important feature to successful spitroasting - the tops have to work together to use the bottom, and not act independently. Spit roasting is usually less than ideal, and you have to choose whether to focus on the blowjob or the fucking, because once you're getting fucked, Top #2 shoves your face into his crotch without moving or adjusting, syncing up with the rhythm and movement, and just going straight for the deepthroat on the first plunge and holds it there too long. That said, when the tops are good together, and not just separately simultaneously, the oral component helps deepen the piggery. It's cognizant of breathing differently when getting pounded from behind, it's rhythmic, and it syncs well, then I am just in heaven.
    2 points
  18. The purist approach, of course, is that everyone gets to decide for himself or herself when and if to come out. So if the question is framed in terms of, say, a right to privacy, it's really hard to say that X has that right but Y does not. After all, one of our most telling arguments for recognizing same-sex marriage was that if a man had a right to have his marriage to a woman recognized, he should have the same right to have his marriage to a man recognized. Ethics, though, isn't about rights; it's about doing what's right. So, for instance, a person may have a right to kill himself, but it may be ethically right to pull a person back from a ledge from which she's about to leap, especially if one suspects she's not completely capable of making an informed decision at the moment. And sometimes the situation is like the classic trolley switch problem: if a trolley is hurtling down the tracks toward five people who can't get off the tracks, and you can throw a switch to shift the trolley to a different track, but it will kill one person who can't get off that track, do you throw the switch? On the one hand, not acting means more people die. On the other hand, acting means that one person dies but it's because of something YOU did. What to do? I think outing a married person who goes to bathhouses or bookstores for sex (but who otherwise is not a public figure) is like flipping that switch when there aren't five people stuck on the track to start with. You aren't saving anyone, and you're inflicting harm not only on the person who's cheating on his wife, but on the wife and their families, too - for no gain other than adding to the sum of brutal honesty in the world. Outing someone in a leadership position - a religious figure who preaches against gay sex, a politician who votes against gay rights - is more like the classic trolley problem - outing is throwing that switch to save the larger group - with the addition that the five people stuck on the track are there in the first place because of the actions of the person on the other track. He's put them in harm's way, and you're not only saving them from harm, but you're helping normalize the fact of being gay for other closeted people. But again, that calculus only comes into play, in my view, when the person being outed has actively, not passively, worked to harm the LGBT community.
    2 points
  19. I'm with @PozTalkAuthor in feeling conflicted on this one. If the person in question is taking actions in their life that harm gay people (e.g. conservative politicians and religious figures), I do think it can be justified. To be harming a group of people of which you are a member and not sharing in that harm yourself is malfeasance of the worst sort. But I am also mindful that judging and hurting other people is seldom, possibly never, constructive, and that no one should be entitled to do so. Justice and mercy are altogether too often in conflict.
    2 points
  20. I can add more to here, hooray!! My "Daddy" messaged me out the blue today asking if I was about, and I said I'd be home about 1.15pm. Exactly 1.15, doorbell rang and I let him in, me wearing nothing but tiny little booty shorts (his request) so he could grope me all the way to my sofa. He sat down, slowly removing his shirt and undoing his jeans while I took some deep hits of poppers. As soon as I saw his unwashed cheesy cock, I needed it. Sucking it clean over and over til Daddy was nice and hard. I bent over, knowing Daddy wanted to use my hole first, and my god it was amazing. His first load shot deep into my ass, just how I like it. But Daddy wasn't finished, he turned me around, pushed me to my knees and started fucking my mouth, letting my tongue clean his cock from my hole. A few more moments, and a second load, the sweet saltiness shooting straight down my throat. Then, he simply got up and left as always...... I now wait for the next message where I know I'll please him.
    2 points
  21. I think most of us bottom whores can understand what you are saying. We have all been put into situations where we thought….. how did I let myself get to this place. My last situation was with two very burnt out looking poz guys in Hawaii. They had been partying all night and both had to use trimax to stay hard. They both bred me and I got an uneasy feeling and decided to bolt. I have learned that you need to go with your gut. If it doesn’t feel right change your situation. Most bottoms are pleasers by nature so they put the top first. It’s ok to put your feelings first. There will be other tops and he will find another bottom. Life will move on.
    2 points
  22. CHAPTER 4: BULL Fuck this felt like a virgin throat. This kid was still coughing from Needle’s slam and I had my cock buried to the hilt. Their throat spasmed over and over around my cockhead and I loved it. I pulled out and started fucking. I didn’t care if they puked or not, but I sure as fuck didn’t care about a Hole’s gag reflex. I was gonna feed it my first load tonight. I could hear the sobs but couldn’t tell what was tears or spit or whatever else on this Hole’s face. I craved the struggle and got even rougher since Axel had it’s hands pinned up overhead. I could see Needles jacking off and playing with his PA. I knew he loved watching his piercings ruin a hole, and I could almost see in his mind. I kept fucking the throat and started to feel my balls draw up – my load was about to get fed. I shoved my cock all the way deep and held it, trying to will myself a bit more time. I closed my eyes, but as soon as I felt the kid go limp, I opened them and growled, “Fuck yeah, cunt, choke on it!” I didn’t care, though, I’d repeat this a few times, I guessed. I pulled out and backhanded them across the face, “Wake the fuck up! I ain’t finished!”. I heard Horse make a noise and looked over to catch his eye. He looked entranced and I knew he wasn’t backing out. I could see his monster cock in his jeans and was surprised he wasn’t jacking it yet. I shoved back in once I knew the Hole was at least aware enough that it was getting skull fucked. Over and over, out and balls deep….out and balls deep. I’d feel myself getting close and I’d bury myself again and hold it while mentally steeling myself. That and I just wanted to choke them out a couple of more times before I had to stop. Nothing made me feel more powerful than using my cock to almost end someone. The Hole blacked out again, and I pulled out. I watched their head loll forward in my loose grip and looked around, “This is a good look on it, Ben. You cool if I keep going?” He looked up at me, “so long as they’re still breathing when you pull out, I don’t care how many times you do it. I want this Hole to be scared.” “Fear makes a hole and throat tighter. Makes it easier to ruin, too.” I backhanded the Hole again, getting it awake. I saw blood oozing from their split lip, but I didn’t care. It just made me all the harder. I pushed back in and went back to fucking like a madman. Ben called out, “Horse, check the sling…specifically the cuffs and locks. We’ll move the Hole over there once Bull is finished. Oh, and make sure the head is the right height; we aren’t ignoring either end while we’re over there.” Horse strolled over and got to fiddling around with that, and I focused again on these busted lips around my cock. Ben was giving me time, but I could tell he was ready to have this beauty spread wide for us. Just because I could, I went harder; this time I didn’t want to hold off blowing my load. As I busted, I shoved balls deep again and held it. I wanted two things: one to fill this cunt’s stomach with my load and to choke it out one more time. I grinned as I held it there and got my wish, feeling it go limp in my hold and I pulled out. Axel eased them down to the floor. AXEL: I picked up the limp body from the floor and carried them over the sling. I got this pretty angel settled in and got a really good look at them. Ben had definitely chosen a gorgeous one, even with a split lip from Bull and all the tears. They had a beautiful blush all over their neck and chest from the T and exertion. They suffered so beautifully. I nodded to Horse to get their hands cuffed while I positioned their ankles. Opening up the most beautiful ass and hole I think I’d ever seen. They were stuffed with a plug, and I knew Ben had already done a little work on softening it up for us. When we were done, we all stepped back and looked over at Ben. “Gentleman,” Ben started, “look at this beautiful thing laid out before us. There’s 5 of us and 2 holes, and I know y’all want to enjoy both. Let’s have it.” He looked directly at Horse, “you still with us, or you ready to leave?” “Oh I’m fucking staying. My cock is into it”. We all chuckled. Needles passed around a pipe while we sort of took it all in and started to undress. The Hole was moaning and wiggling in the sling. I knew it wanted more than that plug…I could feel the neediness. “Well, now I know why you’re called Horse” Ben smiled. “How do you feel about breaking it in for us and dumping the first load in that Hole?” Horse moved over and came between their legs. Glancing around, he asked “so, anything special you expect of me or what?” Needles piped up, “whatever you do, don’t give ‘em a booty bump. I gave ‘em a .5 and for a newbie we want to hold for another couple of hours on that again.” I heard the grunt of assent and we all got a little closer. We wanted to watch this with a good vantage point. Needles started feeding poppers to our Hole, and I watched Horse slick up his meat. And yes, we called him Horse for a reason – if he was less than 10” I’d eat my Harley. And easily as big as a beer can. Very few women even went after him. He was slick and stepped up. He nodded to Needles and he held the popper cloth over the Hole’s mouth and nose, making him take big, deep breaths. After a few of those, he removed it and nodded back to Horse. Horse stepped forward and lined up. “Hold their shoulders, Needles”. And then with one hand he held his cock and with the other gripped their thigh and shoved in with a powerful thrust. Our Hole yelled in pain. Horse yelled at Needle’s to push him down while he Horse forced even deeper. Our captive trashed as much as they could in the sling but there wasn’t anything they could do to stop getting impaled. Horse grunted again and pulled out. Needles had draped the popper cloth over the Hole’s face again and use his body to prevent the sling from moving backwards. Horse lined up and rammed balls deep in one thrust this time. And pulled out. Lined up again and repeated this….a third…a fourth….a fifth time. After the fifth time, he looked over at Ben “well, this hole aint resisting nothing now.” Horse gripped the chains at the Hole’s hips and started up a pace that was as hot as it was brutal. NEEDLES: Horse was power fucking the Hole and I looked down at this sweet, innocent face crying and yowling and finally they started to beg us to stop, complaining about the pain. They even said please. I held the popper cloth over their mouth and nose again and got right next to their ear. “Oh sweet thing, begging ain’t gonna stop us. You got claimed by the Big Bad Wolf, and he’s sharing you with the pack.” They weren’t listening to me, so I held the cloth even tighter and stopped their head from thrashing. “Stop it now. Just inhale and let go. We’ll keep you floating enough that you don’t have to be here for this. Just let us have our fun and you can float away.” I stood up and removed the cloth. I slid the blindfold away and looked down into their eyes. Through the tear and fear I could see a sweetness. No wonder Ben chose this one. Even though their pupils were blown wide from the T, I could see a pretty little ring of green. I knew I’d love looking into them when they weren’t saucer-eyed, but right now, it made my cock jump. I backed up and grabbed my cock, bringing it to their lips. “Open up, sweetness, and let me in. You don’t want to make me ask again”. Their lips parted, and the moment I could I slid down into their throat. I didn’t have to move much – Horse’s fucking was swinging our Hole back and forth enough that Horse basically fucked them onto my cock for me. I let go of the chains and pulled the pipe out for another couple of hits. I blew large clouds down on my cock and the Hole’s face. Not enough to make them higher, just really for show. I passed the pipe and torch off to Axel and reached forward to pinch both nipples laid out before me. HORSE: I’d never fucked a guy before, but goddammit this hole gripped my cock like a warm glove. Just knowing I didn’t have to worry about being “too big” or being “too rough” gave me a freedom I’d never had before when fucking. I didn’t care. I looked down and slowed my fucking a big. I could see some pink slick showing on my cock. I looked around for Ben, finding him sitting in a chair and hitting Needles’ pipe. “I think I tore something; I see blood in the lube.” “A lot? Like is it bright read or just a bit of pink?” “More a bit of pink than bright red.” “Nothing to care about it.” He waved me off, and then said “You look like you’re enjoying yourself.” I had started fucking deep, long and hard strokes at this point. I knew I was fucking this whore’s throat onto Needles’ cock, too. “Oh fuck yeah I am. I’ve never been able to fuck a Hole like this.” “This claim belongs to you, too, now that Axel brought you in. No reason this will have to be the only time.” My rhythm stuttered a bit when I looked back over at him, “what? Seriously? This ain’t a one time thing?” Axel laughed from the other side of me, “No brother…a claim means we keep it, and since the 5 of us are breaking it in, it means we also get free use of it.” I was surprised, and looked back down watching this swollen pink ring stretched around my monster. “Mmmmm. I’m going to get used to this, boys.” I sped up again and wanted to breed this Hole. As turned on as I was, I wanted to blow my load, hit the pipe and watch whatever else was in store. I had an idea of what to expect from Axel and Bull, but Needles was a sick fucker, and I didn’t have any idea of Ben’s tastes. Whatever I could imagine, I knew it’d fall short of what we were doing. I let go of the though and focused on this Hole squeezing my cock. It was rippling around me as it swallowed me deep. Another couple of strokes and I was there, blowing the biggest load I think I’d ever shot. It kept going….and going. Fuck me…if that’s what fucking a dude was like, I needed to rethink things. This was better than breeding a cunt any day. After my last shudder, I heard Needles and looked up to see him blow his wad all over that pretty face. I pulled out and watch my own load start to leak out of that swollen gape. Axel shoved me out of the way and rammed a plug in. I looked up at him. “This is our Hole. Our cumdump. Don’t waste your cum by letting it drip out.”
    2 points
  23. I shoot huge high pressure loads.
    2 points
  24. My hands are trembling as I pack the pipe. Despite months, years of preparation, knowing I’m about to cross a line almost no one has the balls to cross has me shaking with anticipation. And lust. Pure, unbridled lust, flowing as freely as the precum slicking up my cock head. I know I told him I’d wait, but I can’t help it. I take a few hits off the pipe. My cock responds instantly, getting half-hard at the quality of the crystal, and the debauchery it will lead to. Debauchery. That’s a term of art if ever there was one. This is straight up depravity. I’m sprawled out on my bed, familydick video playing on the 90 inch high def television hanging on the opposite wall, Derek Allen is showing his “step”son how to fuck his gorgeous blond boyfriend proper. I’m taking a few casual hits, eyes darting between the porn and watching myself in the mirrors that flank either side of the bed, an infinite regress of daddy stud stroking his daddy stud cock. 9 inches reflecting back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. As turned on as I’m getting from the crystal, the porn, watching myself jack off, it’s nothing compared to what I know is coming just as soon as he emerges from the shower where he’s eagerly and methodically cleaning out his asshole. My son. My pride and joy. Varsity athlete. Honors scholar. Future Senator. Meth-crazed cumslut. Daddy’s little boy. I “officially” found out my boy was gay a few weeks after his 16th birthday, when I walked into the living room finding him holding his best friend’s hand, shaking, with tears streaming down his face. “Dad, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m gay.” I was so proud of him for choking out those words despite the existential dread gripping every fiber of his being. Fully anticipating the worst of all reactions from his upstanding, God fearing, patriotic Texan father, he readied himself for the end of his family, his home, every foundation of his existence. “Shit boy, I’ve known that since you were 13. How long did it take you to figure out you could use an incognito browser?” Relief, then astonishment washed over his face, only to be replaced by a sheepish grin as his best friend convulsed in loving, heartfelt laughter. “Have you figured out your old man sucks cock too?” The laughter stopped immediately, and after a second or two of silence, it resumed in the form of a few nervous chuckles. Is the old man fucking with me? I could read it on my boy’s face. Little did he know, I would be fucking with him, something I had decided shortly after he turned 15 and for which I spent the last 3 grueling years planning in meticulous detail. Camping trips with communal showers, increasingly explicit movies on saturday afternoons, shorter shorts exposing my hefty cock. Lighting his first joint. Cracking his first beer. Frank and franker conversations about the kinds of lube he used to jack off. “Accidentally” leaving the bedroom door open a crack when I’m fucking a trick, leaving the bathroom door open when I’m taking a piss, dropping my towel a little too soon after getting out of the shower. Every step brought him closer and closer to the moment two years ago when he pulled my shorts down, gasped at the heft and fucking beauty of my cock, lowered himself to his knees, and with a wonton lust he can’t possibly conceal, closes his eyes, opens his mouth and accepts, with a gratitude bordering on reverence, his daddy’s dick for the very first time. He turned 18 on November 08, 2022, and by 12:05 am, he was shaking from the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever experienced, as I shot rope after rope after rope of cum all over his beautiful face. I knew my boy wanted my dick, wanted my load. I didn’t realize how badly he craved it until the first volley of my nut landed on his face and triggered a hands-free geyser erupting from his equally ample, equally beautiful dick. I came a second time moments later when, as I stood there panting and sweating, he began scooping up our combined loads, and - never breaking eye contact with me - swallowed it all while humming “happy birthday” to himself. I hadn’t planned on fucking him just yet, I wanted this to be a marathon, not a sprint, but I was so turned on by my son embracing, reveling, wallowing in my daddy lust that I started getting hard again. Almost telepathically, my boy knew what was coming. He got on all fours, climbed onto my bed and pulled apart his ass cheeks. I’ve eaten a lot of ass, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Licking, caressing, making out with the bottom’s hole… I consider it one of the only ways a man can truly pleasure and be pleased by another man. (That and sucking his cock with the unbridled enthusiasm my son had just shown on mine). So when my son wordlessly pulled apart his ass cheeks, his hole already puckering, I knew I had to take my time and savor it, no matter how painful my erection was getting. My technique rarely fails to leave my bottom quivering and begging for my cock. My son was shaking, begging, crying for his daddy to give him all 9 inches. I get harder and harder remembering his whimpering, ‘please dad, please I can take it, I need your cock in me, I need your cum, I don’t care if it hurts, I WANT it to hurt, I just need your dick in me. Please daddy. PLEASE!’ They were the first words either of us had spoken since the clock struck midnight, my boy legally became a man, and his mouth and hole and entire body became devoted to my servicing my dick, slaking my lust, slurping my cum. I never could deny my boy something when he pleaded with me like that. So I lined up my cockhead with his hole, and I didn’t even have to push. He pulled me in him. He shuddered, came again when I bottomed out, my balls resting against his taint. I leaned forward, gave him a kiss on the head, and whispered in his ear “get ready.” And then I fucked him, hard, for the next three hours. Every single position, every single variation, from good old doggy style on my bed to pile driving him on the kitchen table, his back and ass being mashed into the birthday cake - Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - until my legs literally buckled out from under me, and I collapsed from the exertion of devoting every ounce of my energy to fucking my son. Even then, he couldn’t leave my cock alone, and I both passed out and woke up to him worshiping it with his mouth. We fucked almost every day for the next eight months, until his acceptance to UCLA. When he applied as a junior, all he could think about was getting out of Texas, getting to LA, sucking surfer dick and fucking stoner ass. Those fantasies almost completely evaporated after that first night, and the nights after. By Christmas vacation, when he spent the entire two weeks completely naked, and covered in cum - his, mine, a few discrete friends I brought over on Christmas eve for my boy’s very first gangbang - thoughts of California were a memory so distant they could have been mistook for a dream. But I insisted. My boy is no slouch, and as much as I knew he wanted to devote his entire existence to pervy, incestuous escapades, I refused to let him waste his God given potential… Both in the classroom, and in the dorm room. As much as he hated the thought of leaving home, daddy cock, daddy cum and lots of it, I knew he’d be okay. And that faith in my boy was born out his very first night in Westwood, when I got a video of him flip fucking with a gorgeous stud who turned out to be the starting quarterback of the the Bruins football team. It was a performance I’d see repeated many, many times that first year, courtesy of the live webcam he set up for me to watch, in realtime, as he sucked and fucked his way across campus. I, of course, returned the favor, putting up cameras all over our house so he could follow my action as well. We developed this beautiful tradition - every friday night, we would time it so that we were both fucking at the same time. I always nutted just a little bit faster when I could see my boy, and by the end of his first year, we were cumming simultaneously almost every session. When he flew back after his first year, he wore the thinnest shorts he could possibly find, and his erection was painfully obvious as he walked right up to me and kissed me, hard, on the mouth. Normally, I’m pretty cautious, but I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I got him back to my truck, I bent him over the front seat and fucked him like his asshole owed me money. Three cars drove by while I was making my boy whimper and moan like the cheap whore I raised him to be. One of them was a sheriff trooper. My son has never made me prouder than when he looked the sheriff dead in the eye, and in between gasps from the relentless pounding I was giving his hole, said “your cock ain’t gonna suck itself mister, get that fucker over here before my daddy needs me to clean his dick off.” Most men would panic. Most men would be desperately trying to zip up their pants and fumble their way through a wildly unbelievable attempt to convince the deputy not to believe his lyin eyes. I just kept thrusting. My son just kept moaning. It was a siren song to the cop, who briefly wrestled with his conscience before doing a quick double take to check and see if anyone was looking before opening his door and revealing a beautiful, already hard and leaking 9 inch dick. He didn’t say a single word as he sauntered up to the other side of the truck, opened the door, and fed his cock to my son. I was alreay close to cumming, but I decided to edge myself in my boy’s hole until the Sheriff was close so that my boy could get loads on his face and in his ass at the same time - something he had grown particularly fond of, courtesy of all the frat boys he’d bring home after last call. The Sheriff, still somewhat disbelieving what was happening, nonetheless came within 3 minutes, blasting a huge load all over my boys face and hair, licking some of it off, and smearing the rest with his not-at-all deflating cock. My son, cocky little fucker that he is, just looked up and said “how about you escort us back to our house and we keep this party going.” That phrasing was the first indication that my boy was getting up to a little more than he was letting on. But I didn’t have time to question him further as the Sheriff leaned into his walkie-talkie and said “Dispatch, providing an escort to a soldier back from deployment, disregard the sirens.” We lived a nominal 60 minutes from the airport, but with the Sheriff’s kindness to a “returning soldier” we were home in 35 minutes. The Sheriff pulled into our garage so as not to disturb the neighbors, and somehow had completely disrobed en route, everything but the boot and the cowboy hat. He wordlessly bent my boy over the squad car as I sat on the nearby work bench and took in the sight of my boy’s hole being plowed, slowly and steadily, the Sheriff’s thick and veiny cock glistening with the cum I had already shot up my boy’s ass. The Sheriff fucked him for 2 hours before having to respond to a call of “shots fired.” "Shots fired all right, all over my fuckin face," was all my boy said. I love, love, LOVE how cocky my boy had become, how fucking brazen he could be. He was a big dicked cum slut stud, he knew it, and he knew everyone within his line of sight new it too. We spent that entire first summer sucking, fucking, eating ass, even fisting him once. I’d fall asleep with my cock in his ass every night, with him half-whispering, half-sighing “I love you daddy.” I’d usually be woken up a few hours later, as deep in a REM cycle, he was dream fucking himself, not even waking. And of course, as the sun broke over the horizon and shone clearly through east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, I’d be roused by the sensations of him licking, kissing, and sucking my first load of the day. It was towards the end of the summer, as he was preparing to head back to California, when I found out Daddy’s perfect cum dumpster had set his sights… higher… I had to travel to San Antonio for a conference, and as much as I wanted to have him with me, I was giving the keynote speech and my sense of professionalism overrode the untrammeled lust that had consumed me ever since the first time I saw his web history and the tiny bit of boy cum crusted on the table all those years ago. He understood, although his disappointment was palpable. But I always encouraged him to have fun whenever, wherever and with whoever he wanted, and like a good father, I never once brought up the word condom. And from the videos I saw, he never gave it a thought. My boy only fucked raw. One of the many, many reasons I was so fuckin proud of him. The speech went off without a hitch, I received a couple of dozen new orders for the tech I was pitching, with enough of a profit margin to ensure that my boy could spend the rest of his life fucking his boy without ever worrying or wanting for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of having fun in a different city. And since I was feeling pretty bold, I decided this would be the rare night I’d get lit and fuck all night. I pulled up rent.men, found a stud whose page telegraphed meth whore, and booked him for the whole night. He had a perfect ass, a 10 inch dick and a smile that could light up Dallas. His soft blond hair contrasted perfectly with the hard, clearly roided out pecs, abs and biceps he not-so-subtly wanted me to worship. I asked if we could film, a keepsake for the boy. Rentman insisted. I got him on his side, with his knees pulled up like he was being fucked doggy style. It’s my favorite position, gives me perfect access to his prostate with the upward and slightly left leaning curve of my dick. I never broke eye contact as I pushed in, not even as I lit the bong and the torch and gave him several shotguns. He was flying, I was flying higher, and after 40 minutes, he had to tap out. I went to take a piss while he rested, absent-mindedly watching the porn and stroking his cock to the amateur videos my son had so thoughtfully provided on an external harddrive he slipped in my satchel bag right as I was heading out the door. I was watching myself take a hands-free piss in the mirror, getting hard watching my cock and debating on whether or not I should ask him if he pointed. I was just about to flush when rentman made my dreams come true, saying “oh hey wait I know this kid, I got lit and fucked him when I was in LA last spring.” I love my boy.
    1 point
  25. Love this! Pre-AIDs daze when porn had a "storyline"... LOL! Hot men had moustaches instead of over tatted bodies. And of course, disco music in the background! We need Jack Wrangler back again.
    1 point
  26. I remember reading this thread a while ago and have never had this done to me until last week. I was blowing one of my regular fuck buds and he always loves for me to deepthroat him. I had his cock in my throat and I was licking his balls. I could tell he was close so I was trying to stay down so he could cum. I was running out of air so I came up right as he was about to blow. As soon as his cock came out of my mouth he started to cum and tried to shove my head back down. He missed and the first spurt was shot right up my nose. He pushed again and the second one hit the back of my throat making me gag I pulled back and the rest went on my face and head as I coughed and choked. We had a good laugh and once he was ready I gave him a proper throatpie like he wanted.
    1 point
  27. i was very heavily influenced by the Batman tv series. not just the gay camp aesthetic and the fun celebrity villain drag chewing up the scenery but also it was tv's first real gay couple: a daddy/boy relationship as solid as any st8 marriage. but the imagined sex! i imagined that after so many cliffhanger close calls w death, the dynamic duo went home and fucked like animals just to celebrate being alive. def my first tent pole "what's happening in my pants" moment as a kid.
    1 point
  28. Let's be clear, active consent is consent, a lot of things that are not consent can be feigned to look like consent. You can also, in some ways, enjoy things to which you didn't consent (i.e. a turn-on doesn't mean consent). That said, in this instance, it appears that you seem to be into the outcome whether or not consent was given, and you wanna move your goalposts or you know your dom wants to but you're a bit freaked, that's what a conversation's for. Sounds like you two just need to get back on the same page, the far dirtier far piggier one
    1 point
  29. Had a couple sessions like that with a masseur in my city within the last year or two. Found him when I used to be at A4A. Still have his number, but haven’t used it.
    1 point
  30. You are your best sexual advocate. When the thrill of risk is overcome be anxiety or fear, carefully extricate yourself from the environment, as quickly and safely as you can.
    1 point
  31. Yeah, then the wives walk in and the gangsters take them and load them up with poz cum in front of their husband's 👄
    1 point
  32. My fave cock has to be an old school friend. He had no idea I was Bi. We were at another friends birthday, probably 20 years ago, drinks were flowing, someone was smoking weed, it was all very relaxed. I walked into the bathroom to see him zipping up to walk out, I couldn't help but look at his cock. Not the biggest, but nice. He caught my glance, we stood for a moment waiting before I knelt and began sucking. Honestly, sweetest cum I ever had. Shame it was only a one off, but definitely the best cock / cumload I ever had.
    1 point
  33. I locked up my fuckboy’s Drew’s cock 4 days ago. During that time I’ve been teasing the fuck outta him. Gently stroking his balls and fingering and eating his asshole and fucking his mouth. It’s been hot watching his cock straining against the steel cage unable to get a hardon. Drew (23) has got a high sex drive and he needs to be fucked at least daily - he luvs to cum with my cock buried deep in his ass. Last nigh he was begging me to unlock him and breed his ass. I put him down doggy, rubbed my hard cock on his hole while he’s moaning “aw yeah Daddy, fuck my ass” I almost did but instead I said - "no you gotta wait until tomorrow". and I made him lick my balls instead. This morning I put him down doggy again, pressed my cock on his hole and shoved it deep up his chute. I reached round and freed his cock which sprang up hard immediately. He was bucking hard and moaning real loud as I pumped his arse as hard as I could. My boy was on heat like never before grunting "breed me daddy". I felt his arse contract and grip me tight as he shot his load which made me pump my sperm deep inside him. It was an awesome fuck and worth waiting for. I'm so lucky to have him.
    1 point
  34. Double Ass Up 2 So it's Thursday and I just got a text message from the other bottom guy I played with in the previous installment. We're planning on meeting up again tomorrow to both go ass up and take loads again but he just suggested we meet tonight for something different. I told him I was intrigued and he texted me a hotel name and room number and told me to meet him outside in 1/2 hour. When I got there he told me he's getting the urge to top again for the first time in years. I realized that actually sounded pretty good to me too. I also have not topped in an awfully long time. The room number he sent me was not one he had reserved, but some other anonymous guy who wold be ass up and ready in a dark room just like we were. He told me he had been messaging with this guy and it was his first time doing anything and that he was very inexperienced at being a bottom but excited to try this, just like we both had been our first time doing it. And the best part was this guy was neg, not on PrEP and pretty clueless. Hearing that made my little cock spring to attention. Knowing that both my new friend and I were recently pozzed and toxic as hell with that high VL of the recently converted. As we knew it would be the door was kept open by the little metal thing and we both went in. After taking a few seconds for our eyes to adjust to the darkness we spotted the guy in the middle of the bed, ass up just like he is supposed to be. We both wasted no time in dropping trou and with dicks already hard we climbed onto the bed, my friend started feeling up the bottoms ass while I reached under and started to stroke his dick. My friend lubed up from the bottle on the nightstand and inserted a lubed finger into the guy's hole causing him to moan out and then he pulled it out and pushed two fingers in, causing a louder moan. He then got into position and started to slide his dick head up and down in the guys crack until it found the guy's pucker and he started to push in. It took a second but his dick opened the guy's hole up and slid all the way inside until his pubes were brushing the guy's ass and his balls were nestled against his taint. He groaned out in pleasure as the bottom moaned again with pain and pleasure. He sat there for a second and I started slowly stroking the bottom's dick having acquired some lube from the bottle myself. I also held a fresh bottle of poppers under the bottom's nose which he inhaled greedily. As soon as the bottom was ready he pulled back out and then slammed back in. Then he started a jackrabbit rhythm, the air filled with the smell of lube, sweat and man sex and the sounds of skin slapping and moans and groans of pleasure. It wasn't long until I noticed my friend's pumping becoming more erratic and I saw his balls start to pull up so I knew he would be filling the bottom guy's ass with charged cum soon. My friend roared out and then as he pulled his dick out with a pop he whispered in the bottom's ear "you just took my poz load". I could see the bottom all of a sudden tense up, but I was already there and as my friend moved off I mounted the raised ass and shoved my cock into the now well fucked ass before he could escape. I was so excited that I was pounding away as fast as my friend had and also found that unlike normal, I was quickly close to cumming myself. I felt my friend massaging my balls as I was pumping and that pushed me over the edge and my cock started throbbing and I could feel the hot jets of my cum spraying as deep into the guy's ass as I could possibly get. I also realized I had be practically shouting "fuck fuck fuck" as I came. Ooops... hope the motel doesn't get pissed. Then again, this place is seedy as hell so probably not. Like my friend I also whispered in the guy's ear that I just gifted him a high VL poz load. Almost before I could finish I was pulled off by a big black guy who told me that he was next and to get out of the way. By this time the bottom guy was not fighting to get away at all and almost sobbing as he realized what was happening. I watched as the black guy slammed his dick in one stroke causing the bottom to squeal out. This guy's dick was at least twice as big as either my friend or I, not that in my case was saying much, but the black guy had to be at least 9" and thick as a Red Bull can. He quickly started long stroking the bottom and my eyes now well accustomed to the light I noticed a biohazard tattoo on his ass. Yep... 3rd poz load on it's way. It was then I noticed there were at least 7 or 8 other guys stroking their dicks and waiting their turn. My friend was on his knees sucking one guy who just got there to get him hard. I decided to do the same with the next guy through the door. Looking at the guys waiting I noticed that several of them also sported tattoos noting their status. My friend and I stayed until all the guys left and it seemed like nobody else was going to show up. We both took a second turn on the bottom. As we got ready to leave my friend told the guy that he had called all his "regulars" which is why so many had come. And I knew, why so many of them were poz and not on meds. The guy seemed a little shell shocked but my friend told him he'd be OK and to get tested in a week or so and then get back to him. So later that night my friend texted me again about tomorrow night. He told me it would be "Triple Ass Up", because the other bottom guy would be joining us. He figured since it was already guaranteed he was pozzed up he might as well jump in all the way. I like the way he thinks! Continue?
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  35. Thanks. Be sure to check out my new story, living positively!
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  36. I like to top, but I love the feeling of a throbbing cock in my hole.
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  37. After my somewhat unsatisfying hook up this morning I was back on Grindr and got a message from a hot light skinned black kid who wanted to hook up. He was 18 and honestly, hot as fuck with a thick uncut dick. He was clear about being a top and I asked about bare and he was down for it with no questions. Best of all he could host. I got his address, freshened up and headed to his place. I got there and he looked just like his pictures. He was kind of embarassed as he admitted he had another guy there and wondered if I was cool for a three way. I said I was and could already see this cute as fuck blonde kid hanging out. I asked if he the kid was 18 or not and he assured me he was. I was kind of pissed as I thought the black kid was gonna drill me but knew I had to roll with the punches here. The blonde kid was a little chubby with a cute face, blonde hair, and a shocking masculine voice. He also had the look of desperation in his eyes that so many young guys have where they just desperately want to get fucked but can't say it. The black kid (Dre) told me that he was still going to fuck me, but wanted me to fuck the blonde kid (Cody). Dre admitted he and Cody are a regular thing and that Cody likes him lining up guys to join. I said I was cool. It was clear both of them had been smoking weed and Dre led me to the bedroom, kissing me, and taking off both our clothes with Cody in tow. As Cody stripped a nice sized uncut cock popped out with a big gob on precum leaking off it. I dropped to my knees and eagerly started sucking Cody's cock, loving the sweet taste of his precum. Dre was behind him sliding his cock inside him asking him if he liked me sucking his cock and he said he did. He moved on asking him if he wanted to cum in my mouth or cum in my ass and he admitted he really wanted to cum in my ass. I'd thought I was gonna breed the kid but was down for him breeding me. Dre was clearly in charge and told Cody to let him know when he was ready to fuck me and kept stroking inside Cody who was moaning with delight. I was starting to get worried Dre was going to cum in Cody's ass but he'd back off and I guess he knew he was close and wanted to edge instead. Cody finally said he was close and I backed off his dick and got on the bed on my back, spreading my legs so he could enter me. Cody lubed up my hole and his cock and thrust inside me roughly and soon Dre was behind him drilling him into me. Dre was telling Cody to fuck me like the dirty bitch I am and to use my hole, calling both Cody and me dirty sluts. I loved that Dre was verbally abusing both of us and both Dre and Cody got into a steady rhythm and I knew that I was going to take Cody's load. Dre reassured me his load was going in my ass next and that Cody gets more than enough of his loads. As all this was happening I was staring at Cody's pretty face, and loving the look of intensity as he was fucking me. I was telling him how hot his cock felt and how bad I wanted his loads, begging him to stay inside me. I could see from his facial expression he was cumming and could feel him throbbing inside me as he let loose a massive blast and loud groan. Dre slid out of him leading him to gasp loudly. Cody's dick softened and slid out of me as he panted, trying to catch his breath. I could hear Dre order Cody to get on the bed calling him a slut and that he needed to take my load like the bitch he is. I got up and Cody obediently took my place, laying on his back as I got in place to enter him. I didn't even lube up as his ass was already loaded with lube and Dre's precum. Cody's face was a mix of pleasure and pain as I entered him and started pounding him pretty hard as Dre egged me on calling him a dirty slut, a whore, and a pig and to start begging for my cock and cum, which Cody enthusiastically did as Dre watched. I love how Dre treats Cody so nasty and Cody eats it up and more importantly that Cody is an obediant slut who loves random guys breeding him raw and that Dre gets into random guys breeding his boy raw. "You getting close pig" Dre asked me and I said I was. He got behind and entered me roughly and I gasped loudly and started telling him how good his cock felt in me. "Yeah I know, you want my load don't you pig?" he demanded and I played along telling him how bad I wanted his load. He told me to focus on breeding his boy and that he wanted me to drain my balls inside him and he was gonna drain his in me. As if to emphasize the point he wrapped one arm around my neck choking me slightly as he pulled my head back to whisper in my ear that I was going to take his load, using the n-word, which got me super-aroused. I was close to cumming and told him that and to keep choking me. Dre started pounding me even harder saying he was close too and we both orgasmed at roughly the same time, me lost in wanting his load so bad I wasn't even paying attention to Cody as be loudly begged for my load and for me to stay inside him. I could barely hear him over the loud noises Dre was making as he came and clearly he'd build up a huge load he was now blasting inside me, churning his load and Cody's deep inside my guts. I wasn't about to pull out of Cody and wanted Dre to cum in me again and said as much. Dre reassured me he wasn't done with my "bitch ass" yet and was continuing to pound me, using the n-word to describe his cum as he did. The first orgasm I was really more focused on what Dre was doing to me, but now was focused on Cody and enjoying the look of pleasure on his face having taken my load. I was asking how much he enjoyed it and he was vocal about how much he'd wanted my load and how hot it was taking even as Dre was furiously pounding me and lost in his own satisfaction of drilling me hard. And while I loved the pounding he was giving me I'd expected that. What really turned me on was the unexpected joy in breeding his boy raw and pumping my loads in him, and I loved the look on his face as he begged for my second load as I blasted it inside him. I didn't break eye contact with Cody as Dre egged me on saying "Fuck yeah boy, breed his ass, fucking load him up". Knowing that I'd cum Dre now was pounding me mercilessly, pulling all the way out and slamming balls deep back inside telling me my ass was his, that he owned me, and so on. He was driving his load and Cody's deep inside my guts as I begged for his load and now I was using the n-word. I could feel him slow to short hard deep thrusts as he groaned mightily and blasted his load inside me. He collapsed on me, forcing me down on Cody as my cock slid out of him and I could feel Dre panting hard as he was on top of me, his cock slowly sliding out. We lay there for a bit, pretty much spent, but also pleasured. I'd gotten what I wanted and then some. I'm sure Cody got what he wanted and Dre too. I loved how pervy they both were, picking up random guys to fuck with, no guilt, no shame. If I had a BF I'd want them to be like Cody or Dre and I'm not sure which. They're a perfect match for each other. And as hot as Dre is I'd love to drill his ass raw and load it. Part of me wants to flip tops and make them bottom. I guess its that unobtainable desire. And I love that while Cody was supposed to be a bottom he also tops and is actually a pretty hot top. Clearly Dre has to find outlets for him to top or maybe Cody just finds guys. Honestly I know nothing of etiher one. Maybe they both fuck around like crazy. But seeing how Dre has Cody on a short leash I don't guess thats the case. Dre finally gets up off of me and heads to the bathroom to grab a towel and comes back wiping himself off and then tosses the used towel at me to use, which is kind of gross, but kind of hot. I get up and wipe myself down as well and I'm guessing I don't get to use the shower to clean up proper, not that I care, I kind of want to carry both there loads with me and smelling like them. I'm done with the towel and toss it to Cody who halfheartedly wipes himself clean and I start dressing to leave. Dre sees me to the door and thanks me for coming over and says I was pretty hot and that they both enjoyed playing with me. I said I had too and that any time they wanted me to join to text me. The walk back to my truck was a weird mix of WTF just happened and hopes that it would happen again soon, mixed with the desire to be with a guy like either one of them. I don't really want a BF unless they're chill and open to being a bit wild like those two.
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  38. After hitting 30, the covid lock down hit hard and I gained a bit of weight. At the end of 2021, and coincidentally the end of Covid restrictions, I decided to eat healthier. Especially since my colleagues, who are in their 20's, are all buff and work out regularly. This comparison was even more glaring once we all went back to the office. I didn't rush though, I lost about 40 lbs in those two years by portion control for meals and occasional stationary biking. I'm back to my old weight of 120lbs. I'm a short thing and I've always been attracted to men who are taller, and usually older. My college days were spent hooking up with older tall men into tiny Asian boys. It was always safe though. I have been in a relationship with the man I love for several years now, but very soon into the start of it I realized I can't get everything sexually I wanted from him. For example, he is a total bottom. And while I love fucking him, sometimes I crave the days of being manhandled by someone and going balls deep in me. My boyfriend and I fuck bareback, so over the years, if I hook up with someone else it was always with a condom. And these hook ups were very few and far between and usually someone who I've hooked up with before. I don't have much trust in dating apps. About a several months ago, I hooked up with someone who kept insisting to fuck me raw. While I find the idea super hot, I declined. He tried to fuck me with a condom but he kept going limp. I can't blame him. I can't remember topping with a condom and I'm almost certain I'd go soft too. I started looking into PrEP as a just in case. I talked to my doctor about it and he agreed that while condoms are still the best choice, it won't hurt to add PrEP into my daily prescription/vitamin regimen. I've been taking it ever since but honestly haven't thought much about it. I haven't really had the urge to get fucked recently. Now at the present, I'm finally confident enough to go to a gym and get my body toned. I signed up for a membership close by, with my only intention being getting healthier. I checked in on a weekend at around 3pm and the place was relatively dead, which I like because I'm a total introvert and still a bit self-conscious. I did my thing for about two hours, very proud of myself and headed for the locker room. There was only one other person in there who I didn't pay much mind to. As I was getting undressed, I noticed from my peripheral vision that this person kept glancing at me. I wrapped my towel around my waist so I can pull off my shorts and boxer-briefs without going full monty. I gave him a quick glance and we made eye contact for a couple of seconds. He was this tall black guy about 6'4" with short hair, a set of wireless headphones around his head. He was probably early to mid 40's, I can't be sure. He was wearing a shirt with the sleeves and sides ripped to his torso. I can see his enormous pecs and I felt a slight tingle in my pants. As I was pulling off my underwear I lowered my gaze to his grey sweats and saw that something massive was bulging. I felt my hole twitch. I quickly turned around nervous cause I didn't want to get in trouble in case I was misunderstanding the situation. I tried to clear my head of all these thoughts and grabbed my toiletry bag and shoved my duffel in the locker and locked it. I kept my eyes down with one hand on the towel around my waist as I walked towards the shower. When I was about to get into the small hall with the showers and dressing room, I heard movement behind me and a deep voice says "Hey..." I turned and put on an indifferent expression and replied "Hey." He looked me in the eye and said "Do you go black?" My mind was racing now. Did I hear him correctly? Does he mean what I think he means? I asked "I'm sorry?" Pretending I didn't hear so he'd repeat it. My heart felt like it was gonna jump up my throat. "Do you go black?" he said again. I heard myself say "I'm not sure what you mean." I think I wanted him to tell me exactly what he meant so there was no room for misinterpretation. He gave a small smile and shook his head and said "It's ok. Nevermind." He turned and started to walk back to the lockers. I guess my acting dumb made him think he misread me and that I wasn't gay or something, cause if I was, how would I not know what he meant? I kinda started to panic cause his sexy body and that bulge in his pants made me crave getting pounded. I blurted "I do... I do, though" He smiled and walked closer towards me and glanced at the entrance, then his eyes swept the bottom of the stall doors to make sure there was no one else there. When he was satisfied that we were in fact alone he turned to me and whispered "Show me." I tentatively grabbed the ends of my towel with both hands then slowly peeled it off. I was embarrassed cause my dick was already precumming. But it seems he wasn't at all interested in my dick anyway cause he whispered "Turn around..." So I turned and show him my ass and I heard him take a breath. He glanced at the entrance again and said "Go into that one at the end" then walked back towards the locker rooms. I turned and knew he meant the big dressing room with the handle bars for the disabled. The shower stall doors are translucent frosted glass while the dressing rooms have solid black ones. And even though they have gaps between the door and the floor, the big dressing room has its wall with the bench obscured so even if people glance at the bottom of the door, they wont see legs as unless they actually stick their heads in and look to the side. I slowly walked towards it, my hands shaking. I put my toiletry bag on the bench, wondering if he wanted me to wait long, but as I turned around he was already entering the room with his duffel bag and locking the door behind him. I was so nervous I couldn't think. He bent down and placed his duffel on the floor then turned to face me. Being this close to him just drove home how much bigger he was than me and I thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. This man can split me in half. Especially after seeing his bulge this close. He put his hands on my shoulders and had me sit on the bench. His crotch is almost to my eye level as he pulled down his sweatpants. It fell out and I heard myself audibly gasp. It was huge. Lengthwise it was probably around 8-8.5 but it was the girth that scared me. I swear it was thicker than my wrist. He pulled my head towards it and I began to lick. I was afraid it wouldn't fit in my mouth. After some licking of the head, I certainly tried. It was a challenge to just get even half in my mouth cause of the thickness... but I knew I was loving it. I couldn't throat it but I did my best to give him please anyway I could. I looked up at him as I was vigorously sucking the head. He smiled down at me and whispered "Too big?" I nodded but kept on sucking. He motioned for me to stand up and turn around. Now I obviously wanted this but I started having second thoughts... not only because of his size but also because I didn't prep my ass for this as I was not expecting anything like this to happen on the first day I went to the gym. I honestly didn't really think this type of thing happen except in porn or movies. I stood up and whispered "I'm not really prepared for this down there... should I go prep first?" He had bent down to get a magnum from his duffel and whispered "It's ok, I just wanna feel it." He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around, then put it on my back to lower it so I'm bent over the bench. I didn't see him get lube from his bag so I got even more worried I'd be taking that dick dry. I spat on my hand and rubbed it around my hole. I looked back and he had his condomed dick in his hand and spat a large amount of spit on it and spread it on his dick. He rubbed the head on my hole for a few seconds then slowly pushed it in. The pressure was intense. It felt like I was getting stretched to the limit and the spit didn't help at all. He felt me trying to run away so he held my hips tight with both hands. I wanted to scream. I can hear him whispering "Relax, you can take it, Relax." There was something about his girth and the plastic feel of the condom that was just creating friction, making the pain unbearable. He got about half way in and I jerked my ass away cause I couldn't take the pain anymore. I gasped and was breathing heavily. I quickly turned and plopped my ass down on the bench, afraid he'd try to stick it again. He looked down at me stroking his cock. "Too big?" he whispered. "Might be..." I said a little guiltily. He gave a sad smile and removed the condom and threw it on the ground. I was afraid he was too disappointed that he'd leave so before he could pull his pants up, if that was his intention, I grabbed his dick and started sucking on it again. We did this for a few minutes until he broke the silence. "Do you want this dick?" he whispered. I took his dick out of my mouth and said "Yes, sir" then went back to sucking it. "Stand up. You can take it. This is what you wanted." It really is. So I gave his prick one final suck, took a deep breath then stood up and bent over the bench again. He reached down for another condom and put it on. Then I realized I have conditioner in my toiletry bag. I pulled it out and squirt some in my hand and rubbed it around and in my hole. I felt the tip of his dick press against my hole. He put his right hand on my hip and put his left arm around my chest, probably to keep me from pulling away. I felt him slowly enter and gradually got most of it in. The conditioner definitely helped but there was still that plastic feeling friction but I endured through it. He nibbled my left earlobe as he works the last inches inside and then whispered "Does it hurt?" I nodded with a pained moan. He was all the way in now but barely moving. He pulled a couple of inches out then shoved it back in. I let out a hiss of pain and my body instinctively tried to pull away. But with how he was holding me there was no escaping. He licked the back of my neck then whispered "Are you clean?" as he gave another thrust. Breathing heavily I replied "Yes... I'm on prep. My doctor tested me for everything a couple of months ago before I can be on it..." "I see..." He said as he pulled out half way then gave me a hard thrust. I can feel my eyes start to water, and then I suddenly felt empty. He had pulled out. And I heard a snapping sound then saw him throw the condom next to me on the bench. I felt him spat on my hole and then heard him spat again, assuming to lube up his dick. I felt the warm head as he placed it against my hole and started rubbing it. It felt so fucking good. He then stuck the head in. No friction this time.., I just felt my hole widening to accept him. He shoved it all the way in and as it hit my prostate I let out a moan. He covered my mouth with his left hand as he slowly starts a rhythm. "Is this what you wanted?" he whispered in my ear. "Mmhmm" I mumbled through his hand on my mouth. He started to pick up the pace. "Are you sure you're clean?" he asked again as he moved his left hand to my hips and now using both hands to pull me into him with every thrust. "Yes" I replied. I was in a fog of pleasure. Every time he hit my prostate my legs wanted to buckle. "You wanna do a threesome? Get fucked by two guys?" he whispered. My eyes widened and pulled me out of my stupor for a moment. "Now?!" I whispered in shock. He gave a deep scoff and said "No... maybe next time we meet here again and I'm with my buddy." Before I can even answer he started to go even faster and I was lost to pleasure again. I could hear him starting to breathe faster and heavier. "You just wanted this dick raw didn't you?" he whispered. I couldn't really answer. I know in my head I wanted it raw. But everything that happened after I entered the locker room was totally unexpected. "You wanted to feel me raw didn't you?" he asked again when I didn't reply. "...yes, sir" I replied quietly, almost ashamed. He kept pounding me and asked for the third time "You're sure you're clean right?" "Yes." He nibbled on my neck and whispered "I'm gonna nut in you." My head went into overdrive of pleasure and panic. I wanted to push him off, or rather I knew I probably should've pushed him off., but I was in total ecstasy and just let him pound me even harder. He moved his hands from my hips and wrapped his arms around my chest. "Tell me you want it" he whispered short of breath. I was quiet for several seconds as he fucked me fast and hard and finally said "Please, come inside me" I heard him say "Yeah, beg for my nut." Then I felt him tense and felt his dick inside me uncontrollably throbbing. His dick felt so hot in my ass. It was the best feeling I have ever felt. I could hear his stifled grunts and I loved it. He gave me a few more deliberate thrusts, emptying everything in his balls inside me. He slowly pulled out flinching here and there cause of how sensitive his cock currently is. When he was all the way out I felt a drop of cum rolling from my hole down to my taint and balls. He was breathing heavily as he bent down and pulled a shirt out of his bag and carefully wiped his dick, grunting. I slowly turned and sat on the edge of the bench on my tailbone. I didn't want to plop my cum smeared hole on the bench. He threw the make shift rag back into his bag and pulled up his sweatpants. He looked down at me and smiled as he picked up his bag and said "I'm usually here weekends." Then opened the door, peeked down the hall for a second, and walked out closing the door behind him. I was stunned. I didn't cum but I felt fully satisfied. It's never happened before... I put the conditioner back in my toiletry bag and re-wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked out of the dressing room and into one of the shower stalls. I turned on the water and stood in the corner away from the stream. I then gave my hole a small push and his cum started to leak out and roll down my legs in earnest. It was a lot. And as I watched, I got hard again and jerked myself to completion. It seems my first gym trip was a total success. I'm definitely gonna be going every weekend now, and I'll be sure to clean my ass before leaving the house.
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  39. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. Been traveling for work and just haven't had the time. In any event, I got the next installment ready. Chapter 5 BEN: I loved seeing my Hole laid up in the sling. A watching Horse’s rip into it was a thing of beauty. Our Hole wasn’t completely in Heaven right now – it was feeling horny and wanting but it was still a little too resistant, even after Bull and Needles took it’s throat and Horse tore up that Hole. Axel had him plugged at the moment, and we all stood around, watching this beautiful body laid out before us. Needles was passing around the pipe, cock still out, and I could see throat slobber hanging off his huge PA. And this gave me an idea. “Axel, how much struggle was there on that plug you put in?” “Not much at all. Horse broke it in right.” I smirked, “find something about 3 sizes larger than what you put him it. And grab some of that powdered T”. Before he could speak up, I looked to Needles “I heard you…and I’m making this call. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Needles nodded and kept his mouth shut. “Get a popper rag ready…our Hole will need it here in a few min”. I saw Horse make the move; I got a big swell of feeling knowing that he was enjoying this far more than he expected. I rolled a little stool over between these split legs, and tugged on the plug. Ev moaned as I jiggled it and spun it inside his hole. I pulled it in and out, toying with the ring, making sure it wasn’t going to giving resistances to the widest part. I pulled it out and rolled the tip around in a good amount of crushed T and then shoved it back in. I was toying with it; I wanted to let that fresh T get my Hole is a place of utter and complete need. I was fucking in and out of our Hole with this plug and looked over to see what Axel has brought me. “Ben, does this one work for what you had in mind?” Axel knew exactly it was, and I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I was too far gone. Axel lubed it up and glanced at the crushed T. I nodded. I knew I was playing risky here, but frankly wasn’t in a mood to care about it right now. Lubed and T’d, I grabbed the flare with my right hand and toyed with the one in our Hole for a few, then yanked it out and immediately pushed the larger one in. It got about 2-3 inches in before I felt resistance and I heard a noise from Ev that told me they were on the same page yet. “Horse…poppers. Do it like a chloroform rag. Count to 5, remove it….count to 5….repeat. 3 times please.” Horse grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Ev’s face up and covered his mouth and nose with the rag and his huge hand. The look on Horse’s face was pure feral. I held the plug where it was and waited for Horse to remove the rag, and then I pulled back some and started to push in again. Our Hole was fighting it, still tight and resisting, and then watched Horse repeat it for the second time. While he was counting to 5, I got another inch or so in….we had about another inch before the widest part….a fat 5 inches across. Horse went in for the 3rd and final time and I knew this was it. I wasn’t taking “no” from this Hole. As soon as the poppers were removed, I pulled it back and shoved forward again. There was still resistance, but I wasn’t stopped until I got what I wanted: this giant plug in our Hole. Ev was whining and definitely was not enjoying this piece, which I was A-OK with. I heard a “I can’t stand that whining” from Needles as he stepped over and buried his cock down Ev’s throat. “At least this will keep it quiet until you’re finished”. With one final push I felt the Hole give up against my pressure and it stretched beautifully around the plug before sucking it in. Ev was shaking and struggling in the sling, between their ass hurting from the stretch and their throat full of Needles. I grabbed the plug and tugged on it some. Pulling hard enough to where it was almost slipping back out past the thickest part, before letting it slip back inside. I picked up a bit more lube and pulled the plug back, until the thickest part popped back outside. I didn’t pull it all the way out, no, just enough and I drizzled more lube on the thickest part and pushed again. Pushed it back inside against the resistance, but didn’t let it settle in….as soon as the thickest part breached, I pulled it back out. Over and over. I wanted to teach this Hole that it didn’t resist what I put inside it. After about 5 or 6 times, I let it settle in, Ev’s ass gripping the smaller part of the plug and keeping it firmly seated and stuffed. They were still whimpering around Needles’ cock, but I didn’t care. I was rock hard. I got off the stool and walked around to Ev’s head. Needles pulled out and I leaned over looking into Ev’s eyes. Their pupils were saucers; I could barely tell their color. I knelt down and cradled their head, whispering in their ears, “I know beautiful, I know you don’t know which was it up or down; I know your hurting and scared and higher than a fucking kite. And you’re so beautiful for me. So fucking beautiful, and I can’t wait to take you to new places.” “Axel, take the stool. I want to play my favorite game.” “Ben, are you sure that’s where you want to go? This is supposed to be a claim.” “Fuck yes, Axel. Do you not trust me to know where that fine line is?” “Sure, man….sure. This is your find, anyways.” Axel took a seat and reached up to jiggle the plug in Ev’s ass. I undid my pants and finally let my hard 9” out. I lined up and pushed against Ev’s lips, feeling them part as I slid inside their mouth. I wasn’t going to deep, just deep enough to get them used to my cock. I could see Axel playing with the plug. I started fucking Ev’s throat deeper and deeper, forcing past his gag reflex and resting my balls on his nose. I could see my cockhead stretching his throat as it pushed deep and dammit if that wasn’t the hottest thing. Once I could get a rhythm of fucking in and out and going deep, I pushed all the way in and held it. I grabbed Ev’s shoulders and steadied them. I held it in. Ev struggled. And then….Ev went limp and I immediately pulled out. I could see Axel moving. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew what it was: pulling the plug out of Ev’s relaxed hole and pushing it right back in. I slapped Ev to bring him back to me and leaned over “So beautiful for me, Ev….you’re so beautiful, and this will help you be compliant.” I looked into glazed over eyes, and saw that flicker I saw in the bar…one of need. I grinned. I shoved my cock back in their throat and went back to fucking in and out, long steady strokes. Another few min, I went in and held. Ev struggled some before they went limp again. I watched Axel as he repeated his job down between their legs. I got Ev back with me, and whispered, “just once more, baby, and then we’ll let you rest for a few….can you do that for me? Just give me one more?” I pushed in again. This time, I wasn’t going to just lazily fuck it. I went with more force. Holding it down longer and making Ev wonder if this time was when I’d pull back or not. Over and over, teasing them; fucking with their mind, before I slipped balls deep and braced myself. This time there was very little struggle before they went limp, and I saw Axel do his thing one more time. I got Ev’s awake again and gave them a deep, passionate kiss. “Such a good Hole for me. So compliant and brave.” “Ok guys, let’s get them out of the sling and on the mattress. I think our Hole needs to rest for a few before we keep going. Bull, get some water for them and for us.” Horse and Axel maneuvered Ev to the mattress and got them laid out and looking as comfortable as can be with that huge plug in their ass. I sat next to them and helped them drink some water, since I knew they needed it. “Ok, pretty baby…lay right here and rest for a few. We aren’t going anywhere and you’re perfectly safe right here.” The guys were all sitting around on the sofa and chatting, and I joined them with a big grin. “You men having fun, yet?”. A round of chuckles went around the room. I screwed the top off the water and kicked back where I could keep an eye on Ev on the mattress. They were squirming some, rocking their hips, and wincing when I knew they’d squeezed down on the plug. The T was doing it’s thing and make their hole so fucking hungry. I was doing my thing and breaking down their mental barriers. Slowly the conversations turned back to where the rest of the night/day was going, and the different things they’d like to see or maybe try. I didn’t really veto anything, but also didn’t want to have any set plans. Things would go exactly as they should, regardless of what we planned.
    1 point
  40. Are you in Tijuana or Juarez Mexico by chance? Maybe you could start by providing some kind of assistance to some of the migrants.
    1 point
  41. PART ONE "Just so you know it's hardcore porn right? We can't say it on the ads that we put up of course coz the cops'd be onto us." "Yeah, sure" I'd figured as much when I saw the "Young men wanted for modelling work" signs stuck up around campus. I was at a loose end as I needed some extra petrol money for Katie & my drive across country to meet her family. "OK you'll get $500 cash, now you know of things called blowbang scenes?" Shit, OK doesn't get more hardcore than that. The idea of being around a bunch of guys while a hot girl sucked me off was a little weird but the money was too good to refuse and I likely wouldn't be on screen much. "Yeah definitely" "Great, well you send a pic to this mobile & if you get the A-OK from our talent, I'll let you know when & where for the scene!" That was fair enough, it made sense that the girls'd want some idea about the guys involved. I hung up & sent a pic to the mobile number & they replied that they'd let me know ASAP. I was pretty shocked when they rang back within the hour. "Really happy at our end so if you could be at the address I'll text you 2:15 Wednesday afternoon that'll be great!" The timing couldn't have been better as Katie and myself were intending to take off on the Friday. I had to admit that I was a little nervous when Wednesday came around, it's not every day you're in a porno after all! I couldn't eat breakfast or lunch and I drove to the house which ended up being a pretty big place on the other side of town. There were plenty of cars parked which I took as being all of the other guys and I was welcomed at the door. "Cody right? I recognise you from the photo, I'm Cade, I'm the make-up artist." He shook my hand, pretty limply. I figured he must be gay, I can't imagine there's too many straight make-up artists! "Follow me, we'll just get you ready." I walked into what must've been like an ensuite bathroom, "Sorry it's a bit cramped but we do what we can! Just leave your clothes on the bed there & sit on this seat." He said it so matter of fact it threw me a bit but obviously he was a bit numb to it all. I could it tell he was sizing me up as I made my way over to the chair which didn't help my nerves. "First time, am I right? Don't worry, they'll have stuff if nerves get the better of you. And don't worry, I won't be femming you up or anything here, it's just to make sure you look OK on camera." I could hear a lot of excited male chatter from the other rooms and I had to admit I was getting a bit excited myself thinking who the girl might be. "Looks like you're getting a bit more comfortable about it all!" Cade laughed. "I'll let Seth know you're ready." "Did I hear my name?" I recognised the voice from the phone call as an older guy, around 50, stuck his head round the corner. "Wow Cody, you're a real looker aren't you? We're all set up & ready." He said looking me up & down which I guess was something he just did being in the porn industry. He put his arm round my shoulder & we started walking to the voices. "Now it's $500 cash as I said but you don't get any of it until the end of the shoot which I'm sure you understand because we don't want any funny business, now do we..." "No Seth......not at all...." "There's a good guy, and here's where the magic happens" we entered the room with a couple of cameramen, a sound guy and what looked to be about 10 or 15 guys of various shapes & sizes including some with tatts and some in hoods for anonymity (why hadn't I thought of that?). "Guys, please welcome Cody here to Cum Guzzlers 8!" The guys turned round to me, cheering & clapping, well the guys that weren't stroking their cocks anyway. Still no girl though, I guess she must've been running late or something. "Just make your way to the centre there Cody & I'll explain the ground rules for everyone before we start." I looked at him quizzically. "They're all gonna take advantage of you Cody, I just don't want things to get too out of hand." Wait.....I was the one to suck all of these guys off? END OF PART ONE
    1 point
  42. FUCK! Once upon a time Drakes also had a guesthouse a couple doors away and I stayed there. Included with the room rental was a pass to the Drake bookstore, but with all the action in the back rooms of the bars I , stupidly, never went to the Drake and checked it out. And since then, the Drake Guesthouse has ceased being. I only wish I had read your report back then, and parked myself in one of the booths after the bars closed. Hmm, maybe a return to AMS is in order..
    1 point
  43. My hairy hole after taking a hot load from a black stud
    1 point
  44. Part 15 Bam Bam took Robbie back to his dorm room where he continued to fuck Robbie while they recovered from the past few days. Robbie was appreciative for what was done to him since it allowed him to discover his true self, a bottom boy ho needed to learn to surrender his hole to any man who wanted to use it for his pleasure. The two were also discussing plans for when Robbie will be starting to attend college next semester as the two drifted off to sleep Sunday night. As the day slowly approached noon on Monday morning, as if fate was calling, Matt knocked on the door to Bam Bam's room. As the two naked man stirred in bed, Bam Bam asked who was at the door to which a simple replay "It's Matt". Bam Bam told Robbie to answer the door and has the naked 18 year old grabbed for something to cover his body with Bam Bam simply said to him, "Naked!" A naked Robbie moved to the door and quickly welcomed their visitor. Matt explained that he was there with a proposal for the two of them. Matt went on to tell the two a little about the business, the old hotel Steve owned and the boys that Steve like to rent out. Robbie listened intently as Matt spoke and after all the Tina he had that weekend, was starting to get hard. Matt knew that Bam Bam wanted to move out of the dorms next semester so that he could get a place with Robbie. If the two of them were to go to work for Steve not only could they have Matt's apartment, but a nice pay check. Matt was going to take one of Steve's bedrooms. Matt had spoken to Steve on Sunday and figured the way Robbie liked to be fucked, he could be transformed into a high price boy. Bam Bam seemed to transform into a power, pozzing top who would be paid well to poz those that wanted it and those that other would pay to be force. Matt watched as Bam Bam was now rubbing his had up and down Robbie's back as the implications started to sink in, especially on Robbie who was coming to realize that not only did he receive his first fuck, but was probably now HIV+, a thought that, for some strange reason to him, made him incredibly horny. Bam Bam wasted no time and pulled Robbie close as the two kissed. Robbie quickly mounted Bam Bam, who was lying on his back with his hard cock pointing straight up. Robbie impaled himself on the full length of his friends cock as the two kissed and, seemingly, forgot Matt was in the room. As Robbie road his friend's cock the two suddenly felt the presence of some one joining them on the bed. Bam Bam pulled Robbie in close as Matt quickly lined his cock up with Robbie's already full hole and pushed in along side. Robbie moaned out as the second cock invaded his hole and he began to get his first, of many, DPs.
    1 point
  45. Part 14 Matt further explained what to expect with the cough, fast breathing and quickening heart beat as he slid the needle into a fat vein, registered the familiar red swirl and pushed the plunger down. As Robbie's coughing fit began to subside he had to blink his eyes as he saw his naked friend emerge from the shadows and quickly shove his rock hard cock balls deep inside him. Bam Bam was the first to deliver a charged load deep inside Robbie's neg ass, but he wouldn' be the last as the crowd from out by the pool began to filter into the basement play room. Most of the local dealers, a number of the campus gay boys and a few friends from not too far away were invited to join in on Robbies' pozzing. It was very apparent by Robbie's reaction that he was thoroughly enjoying himself as Bam Bam worked his cock in and out his formerly virgin hole. The G and T were rewiring Robbie's brain to accept (not only what was happening to him, but) his true self that was drawn out for all to see and him to feel. Bam Bam leaned in to kiss his totally spun friend as he delivered his first load. Bam Bam continued to work his cock in Robbie's freshly seeded hole trying to work his toxic load into the bruised walls of his ass. Bam Bam moved to Robbie's head to get his cock cleaned as Matt quickly moved in between Robbie's leg slamming his own hard cock balls deep inside Robbie's hole preventing any of the load already inside to leak out. Robbie simply moaned in pleasure as his hole became the center of his world. One by one each man there deposited a load (some deposited more) inside Robbie's hole to the point where cum began to 'squish' out as Robbie was getting fucked. Matt made sure to keep Robbie well spun as he was used as a cum dump from Thursday night through Sunday morning. Bam Bam wanted Robbie to himself for the last two nights. Mat, along with help from James kept Robbie higher than GOD with slams of various amounts and different intervals. Matt began to notice a definite change in Robbie that got him thinking. Typically Steve had to trick the boys they turned into Tina whores so that they could make money off their high asses. Matt had asked Steve if he'd ever employ a willing boy to which he quickly answered, "Abso-fucking-lutely!!!!" Matt was starting to wonder if he had found that boy in Robbie. Sunday was fast upon them with Robbie still a little spun there was only Matt, Bam Bam and James left when Andre checked in with Matt in order to collect his fee for the security service before he was going to head out when he saw a now naked Robbie. As he was chatting with Matt he kept his eyes locked on the slim, petite cum dump as he instinctively rubbed his hardening cock, Matt observed Andre's reaction to the sight before him and knew exactly what it was going to take to get Andre to breed Robbie. Matt asked Andre to wait while he retrieved his fee for the evening as Bam Bam and James helped Robbie out of the sling and over the couch to allow him to rest a bit before leaving. Matt retrieved some a few articles of clothing from its storage location, walked over to Robbie and slipped a skirt, gril's training bra and a tank top on the tired youth before rejoining Andre. Matt knew that although Andre liked to fuck a nice piece of white ass, he knew if that Andre was more likely to fuck that piece of white ass if it was dressed as Robbie was now. Matt whispered to James to have a nice slam prepared before rejoining Andre handing him a nice wad of cash. Andre suffed the cash in his pocket as his other hand began to unfasten his belt. Matt got Robbie on all fours as James approached with the slam to administer to Robbie. By this point Andre's pants were on the floor as he approached Robbie whole stroking his dripping, BBC (which Matt knew to be over 10" and thick). As Robbie began to ride his latest rush, Andre came in behind him, positioned his dripping cock against Robbie well abused hole and grabbed Robbie's slim waist. With one brute thrust he had 3/4's of it buried inside Robbie's ass. What surprised everyone including Andre is the noise that came from Robbie. It was well known that any guy who has taken Andre's cock as Robbie had just done typically screamed in pain no mater how high. Robbie seemed to moan in pleasure as Andre began to work the remaining length of his cock inside Robbie high ass. The three friends watched as Andre pushed his cock deeper inside and surely pushing the remaining poz seed deeper into Robbie's body. Andre fucked like a porn star on Caverject, he easily could cum, remain hard, keep fucking and cum again. Andre fucked Robbie for a good 2 1/2 hours and depositing at least 6 loads before pulling his softening cock from Robbie's ass.
    1 point
  46. Part 13 Brandon (a.k.a. Bam Bam) and Robbie grew up as next door neighbors and best friends. There was only one year difference in age between them, but they were opposite when is came to looks. Robbie was a lot shorter then his fiend. At 5'6" he only weighed about 120 pounds. He arrived on campus late Wednesday night to spend the next 5 days exploring the campus he would soon be attanding. He was graduating early from high school and planned on starting college right after the new year. This got Matt thinking as they began to set their plan into motion to fully bring Robbie out of his sexual shell. He and Brandon had only 'fooled around' a few times jerking off together and only once did they try sucking cock. Brandon recalled that Robbie was a natural at it when they exchanged blow jobs after graduation. But as summer dragged on and Brandon began to get redy to leave for college the two didn't do anything more. They used the coeds from Matt's building to assist in the plan. They would pose as Brandon's and James's girlfriends. The plan Thursday night was to go to a local party where they would meet up with Matt. While at the party they made sure Robbie would get 'mixed drinks' as they suposedly chose to drink rum and cokes. The only thing Robbie was getting in his coke was GHB. When they met up with Matt he offered them some weed to smoke and before Robbie knew it he was G'ed up and high on pot. All of a sudden the girl that was wih Brandon complained that she was really sick and the two couples were going to take the girls home in James's small car. With the one girl not feeling well they didn't want to crowd her in the back seat. Matt immediately offered to give Robbie a lift back to campus as the two couples headed for the door. Roobie was none the wiser as the two got into Matt's Mustang and drove off. Robbie was starting to doze off as Matt started the engine. Matt said to the unsuspecting 18 year old, "Looks like you need a little pick me up" as he pulled out a pipe a little baggie. Robbie answered him stating "More weed was going to put him to sleep". Matt let his new young friend know that it wasn't weed, "No bro, this is T, it's a stimulant. It will wake you right up" as he lit his torch and sucked in a nice small hit before blowing out a cloud in the car uttering "Damn that's good!" He urged Robbie to give it a try holding the pipe towards him. Robbie put his lips on the pipe as Matt lit the torch and heated the bowl instructing Robbie to suck in the smoke as it began to swirl around. Matt let Robbie knwo he should take a couple more hits since it takes a few to really feel the effets. After four good hits Matt could see the effect it was already having on Robbie asking how he felt. Robbie's answer, "I feel more awake". was no surprise. Matt quickly removed his t-shirt and threw it in the back seat exposing his muscular upper body commenting "That stuff always makes me feel very warm. Don't you feel a lot warmer Robbie?" Robbie nodded in agreement as he admired Matt's well defined chest and arms. Matt then suggested for Robbie to remove his shirt. Matt caught Robbie staring as he then showed off his biceps and triceps Matt invited Robbie to feel his arms and chest as he was flexing while letting his rider know that he used to wrestle until he decided to focus on his education. But knew how to stroke the little guys ego. He told Robbie he liked the lean compact body he had as he reached over to touch Robbie's ars, chest and abs. At first this advancement from Matt made Robbie feel a little uncomfortable, but then he had just felt Matt's muscles a few seconds earlier. Besides, the physical contact they made with each other kind of excited him since it had been months since he had any physical contact with another person. Just as they were about to start to drive Matt's phone went off letting him know that he had a text message. Matt looked at the phone then told Robbie that Matt and James were at the girl's place, that there was a pool party going on and that we should join them. Robbie was quick to say "Let's go" to which Matt added "Right on!" adding that they could smoke some more T when latter if Robbie wanted to , and Robbie wanted to. When Matt pulled into his parking space Robbie reached for his shirt only to be stopped. Matt informed him "It's a pool party, I doubt we'll be needing our shirts bro" as they climbed out of the car and headed in the gate. The usual suspects were there some still wearig swim suits, a few bare ass naked. Matt immediately shook hands and gave a hug to Andre who was there to keep order. Steve was out of town for the weekend since he had to take Luke on his first 'working' trip. The kids boyish looks had already brough in a nice sum for Steve that when Matt asked him about having the pool party Steve agreed as long as Andre ws there to keep things from getting out of hand. Andre was a former football player who worked security on campus and was in Steve's back pocket. Although he was very straight, he liked on occasion to fuck a nice piece of white ass. I had a feeling he might tap Robbie before the weekend was through. They quickly found Matt and James in the pool with the girls sitting near them on the deck. As Matt hit the pipe before offering it to his friends in the water. After they each took a couple hits Robbie wasted no time in making some clouds of his own before noticing that both Brandon and James were naked. Bam Bam kooked up at the half naked Matt and Robbie asking "Are you guys here to swim or what?" Matt dropped his shorts, said swimm and jumped into the pool as Robbie watch before following his example. Once in the water Matt worked to get Robbie in the corner alone where he began to make his move first by kissing him then letting his hands roam over his small frame. Robbie was liking the attention he was getting has he allowed Matt to continue his exploration of his mouth with his tongue and his slim body with his more powerful hands. Robbie was a little worried that his close friend might see what was going on, but Matt let him know that Bam Bam's attention was on the girls sitting by the pools edge. The attention Matt was giving Robbie was, along wth the G & T in his system, was making it easy for Matt to manipulate the smaller (and more submissive) Robbie that when he made the suggestion, "Why don't we move this inside to my apartment?" Robbie was quick to agree with a simple nod of his head. Robbie quickly grabbed their shorts and shoes as he followed Matt inside like a puppy dog. Once inside Matt's apartment and before they resumed kissing, Robbie took a brief moment to tell Matt, "I've only done thi a couple times with a friend, I'm." Matt put a finger on Robbie lips to stop him from continuing and said "Their is a first time for everyone, don't worry, we'll take it slow and you can say stop any time you want" knowing full well that the T & G would keep him going. After some more kissing Matt fixed them some drinks and Robbie hit the pipe a few more times. Matt put a larger dose a GHB in Robbie's drink this time and shortly after he finished it had Robbie bent over his couch as he gave him his first rim job. Robbie couldn't help but moan as he felt Matt's tongue circle, lick and penerate his virgin hole as Matt urged him to hit the pipe freely. After Matt was satisfied that he was priming the pump he then had Robbie get on his knees and sucking only the second cock in his young life. Matt was thinking how right Bam Bam was, Robbie was a natural at sucking cock. Maybe he could get Robbie to do a little work on the side for him after he started school. As Robbie held Matt's cock in his throat he felt like he could bust a nut at any moment. He pulled Robbie off him and brought him in for a kiss before leading him to his beroom where he manuvered Robbie on his back allowing him to climb on top after grabbing the lube, poppers and some Tina. As the two kissed Matt began to lube up Robbie's virgin hole. First one finger then as he added more lube and a second finger he made sure to slip a nice shard of Tina inside as well. Through the kissin Robbie attempted to say something about the burn he felt from the Tina only to be quieted by the now more dominant Matt. More lube soon followed along with another shard of Tina as Robbies as was now being stretched and prepared for Matt's cock. When Matt easily had four fingers inside Robbie's hole he broke off the kiss only instruck Robbie to hit the pipe a few more times before he was going to finally get fucked. Robbied ass was so hungry and in need of being filled by Matt's (ot any man's) cock he took five massive hits off the pipe Matt had in the bedroom before turning to Matt and letting himknow he was ready. There was no discussion of status, or condoms as Matt lined his cock up with Robbie's hole. With all the work Matt had doen on opening up Robbie his cock popped in easily and he slowly slid it all the way inside. Matt knew his job was to get Robbie craving to be fucked since Bam Bam wanted the honors of being the first to breed his friend. So aftera good 30 minutes of fucking where Matt had to really concentrate on not cumming they took a break. Matt asked Robbie if he'd like to see the rest of the place. Mat had access to the basement play room and when they got down there Robbie imnediately saw the sling and wanted to jump in. As he laid there Matt asked "You want to try the sling out?" Robbie shook his head and answered "Yes I would." Matt kndw it was time to take thing up a notch and told Robbie "There is only one way you are getting fucked in the sling, you have to let me restrain you and you have to take a slam." Robbie agreed to getting slammed without even knowng what a slam was as Matt secure the straps on his ankles and wrists. Robbie began to panick a little when he applied the tourniquett and had the loaded point in hand, but Robbie seemed to relax a bit after Matt kissed him and told him "The stuff in this point is the same stuff you've been smoking all night, T, and I know you like smoking T, right?" Robbie nodded in agreement before Matt when on, "I know you're going to enjoy slamming, just sit back and enjoy the ride." Matt further explained what to expect with the cough, fast breathing and quickening heart beat as he slid the needle into a fat vein, registered the familiar red swirl and pushed the plunger down. As Robbie's coughing fit began to subside he had to blink his eyes as he saw his naked friend emerge from the shadows and quickly shove his rock hard cock balls deep inside him.
    1 point
  47. Part 9 Back at Matt's apartment he and James were getting ready for their own private party. James knew Matt wanted to play bottom for him so as they prepared their slams he made sure that Matt;s was strong enough to turn him into a cock hungry bottom. The agreed to simultaneously administer their slams and let the chems dictate the events between the two.. As they each slip their needle home and administered its payload they reached to remove the tourniquet on the count of three. WAM BAM! Both guy began to cough although Matt's coughing seemed to last a bit longer then James'. Before Matt knew it James had him sucking his hard cock as he began to produce copious amounts of precum. Just as James had hoped, the slam left Matt with a small case of T-dick (which he knew could be cured by Viagra). As Matt sucked James to the root James reached over to lube and finger Matt's hungry hole. He made sure to add a couple shards of Tina to help increase that hunger and suddenly had Matt begging to be fucked. James made sure the first time he fucked Matt was one to remember as he position Matt on his back and went to work pounding away. He was able to get Matt into taking his cock and knew it was a matter of time before he'd be depositing his load deep inside. It could have been the slam, it could have been the fuck he was receiving or it could have been both, but something had Matt moaning and begging for James to fuck him harder. As James pace quickened he asked Matt if he was ready for his load to which Matt shouted "YES! YES! GIVE IT TO ME!!" Only to have James back off and slow down. It wasn't until Matt was truly begging James to cum inside him did he grace the stud with his load. James gave Matt loads to batch the 3 he got from Matt the night that eventually changed Matt's life. The two dozed off after the third load only to be woken up when Steve called to let Matt know that Luke had earned the money needed and to get everything in place at the hotel in 1 hour.
    1 point
  48. Part 8 Matt knew that Steve was going to handle the next step in Luke's corruption on his own. That allowed him to take James back to his apartment for some 'quality' time. Steve was finally alone with Luke still secured in the sling. Steve wanted his new boy to understand the need for a 'fix' teaching him to ask for the needle in his arm. As Steve toyed with the bound and helpless Luke he knew the boy was going to need another slam soon and wouldn't give him the needle until he asked for it. Luke felt the hunger inside him as he was crashing, knowing he needed something to perk him up. Steve kept asking him if he was needing something before he was allowed to get out of the sling. Sure enough after 'pointing' him in the right direction Luke asked about the shots he had been given throughout the night (little did he realize he had received those 'shots over a couple of days). Sure enough Luke asked for another and Steve made sure it was one he'd never forget as he tied off the boy's arm, slid the prepared point home and slammed his new whore. After Luke's coughing fit ended Steve asked him how he felt. Luke simply moaned and asked to be fucked some more. Steve knew he was ready for the rest stop and had already posted Luke's availability on line with pictures of him in the sling getting fucked. Helping him out Luke out of the sling and dressing him only in a pair of skimpy shorts he grabbed Luke by the back of the neck and guided him out to his car. Once in the car he kept Luke on edge by not allowing him to touch himself or his new owner. They reached the rest stop just as it was getting dark allowing Steve to give Luke some G and a nice booty bump. Steve told Luke to follow him out to the picnic area and it didn't take long for him to get busy. The first guy was an old troll truck driver, maybe in his 60's who Steve knew wouldn't be able to resist the young looking boy. Steve assured the man of Luke's legal status as he took $20 from him reminding him that he had 20 minutes and was only allowed to fuck the boy. Luke was led over to the man's RV trailer where the man didn't waste any time. Once inside he pushed Luke against a table yanked his shorts down while pulling his own hard cock out and rammed his entire cock inside with only what cum was still inside Luke's ass to lube his entry. This fuck was by far the roughest the new whore had ever experience, and with how turned on the guy was, ended in 5 minute. The next guy was a young trucker on how way though town. He had stopped to rest for the night before moving on and was very horny. He gave Steve $40 asking for double the time advertised and took Luke into the woods behind the restroom. Once there he told Luke to get on his hands and knees before as he pulled out a nice size cock. As he pushed into Luke's ass he felt the load left by the troll who had fucked him earlier. This fucked lasted longer, but was still rough since this guy not only was turned on by Luke boyish looks, but the fact that he was neg. Since this guy was one who could cum and cum and cum he left enough poz jizz in the boys ass he was not going to need any more lube the rest of the night. Luke brought in over $300 in the short time they were at the rest stop. It was just enough money which Steve needed to make changes to Luke's body to insure his earning potential.
    1 point
  49. Here's what I think you were asking for with the Red Devil and continuing into 2 additional parts: Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 1: When I was 18 I went to a Halloween party with a bunch of other gay freshmen. The Halloween party was hosted by an older man who got off on all us college kids. There were other older guys all aroud too. I went as a lifeguard in red trunks and flipflops. I was real tan then and I've always had washboard abs and real nice body. I could feel the eyes of everyone burning into me when we wlaked through the door. I looked at the other hot guys around the party. There was a Roman gladiator. There was a priest. But the best was this older muscle guy who was some kind of demon or devil. He had huge pecs and was completely painted red. He had a shaved head and long horns. All he was wearing was a leather thong and heavy leather boots. I noticed him following me with his eyes. They were bright blue. My dick stirred, but then a drink was in my hand and my friends distracted me. I danced with my friends for a long time. We drank a lot and started getting horny. The whole room was getting horny. My friends and I did some tequila shots and soon enough began feeling it. Then some of them started making out, which got the room started, and many people started disappearing into other parts of the house. I went to piss and in the hallway found the first fucking session going on. A kid from my Econ class was dressed like a lifeguard like me and some hot dark haired guy from a different school was fucking him. He was dressed up as a mechanic with his overalls open down the front to expose his dick. I stopped and looked. The guy wasn't wearing a condom. I was shocked but started to get hard. I went on to the bathroom door. Someone was in the bathroom so I got stuck waiting. The kid from Econ was moaning loudly. The top was fucking him so hard you could hear his hips slapping against my buddy's ass. My buddy reached out and jerked me off through my shorts and we looked at each other, both of us completely amazed at what was going on. The mechanic guy fucking my buddy started grunting and said "I'm fucking cumming!" My buddy tried to pull off but the mechanic dude held his shoulders in place and unloaded inside him. My buddy looked panicked. The top, on the other hand, pulled out, smiled and walked out to piss out the side door. I was about to follow when the bathroom door opened. "Can I push it out?" my buddy asked. I told him sure. I was jealous yet was also glad I wasn't in his position. We went in the bathroom together to discover another kid from our school getting barebacked in the shower. I knew what bareback was but hadn't done it before. I was too hard to piss so I left my buddy to push out the cum and deal with everything by himself. Walking through the house I saw it had evolved into a full on orgy. The 'priest' was getting fucked by a 'doctor' in the kitchen by the vodka. A fairy with a real great ass was barebacking the shit out of a construction worker on the floor by the 'fridge. In the dining room, Peter Pan from my college was on his back on the table with the Roman gladiator's huge bare dick up in him. I watched as a quiet guy from my school who was dressed up like a ghost was coaxed to his knees by a slightly older dude dressed like a cop. I was starting to feel kind of left out and went back to the living room. People were still dancing there, even though it was definitely more sexual than before. The hot red demon dude was still there, and he followed me with his eyes. I could tell he was claiming me. He walked confidently to me and we exchanged greetings. His red skin looked so real I asked if I could touch it. "Sure" he said. His chest was hard. His abs were firm. His arms were big and muscular. Next I knew he was kissing me. His lips were powerful. His tongue took control. His strong hand enclosed mine and pulled me behind him away from the living room. There was no point in resisting, and for that matter, I didn't want to. In the dining room, the Roman gladiator bellowed and came powerfully in Peter Pan's ass and my shy ghost buddy was taking the bare dick of the cop like a champ. The scene in the kitchen revealed a new set of men fucking each other. The bathroom door was half open and my buddy from Econ class was bent over taking more bare cock. I heard him ask for a load from the 'sailor' who was barebacking him. The sailor grunted and seemed to be unloading as my demon-hunk shoved me against a wall and started making out with me again. Soon my dick was in his mouth and I glanced over to see my buddy getting yet another bare dick up his hole. While the beautiful demon man ate my dick, I saw him release his dick from the leather thong he was wearing. He unbuttoned it and fell to the ground. His dick was probably eight inches, uncut and was also painted red. He had gone all out. I leaned against the wall and moaned - the blow job felt so good. Then before long I felt his manly fingers probing my ass. I knew where this was going. I was going to be his boy. He was going to fuck me. I opened my ass to his fingers. He turned me around and pulled my red shorts the rest of the way off. I was completely naked. He ate out my hole while another kid from our school unloaded in my buddy's ass. I didn't feel bad for him anymore. I wanted to be him. I wanted to feel the demon's cock in my hole. My wish was soon satisfied as the demon man stood-up, picked me up in his arms and laid me on the center island in the kitchen. I looked into his blue eyes. He positioned my feet on his shoulders. I thought of asking for a condom, but I already knew there were no condoms here. And I didn't want him to put one on me. I wanted his seed. He spat on the palm of his hand and lubed up his cock. I felt the head pressing in. It hurt. I relaxed and coaxed him in. He kept pushing until he bottomed out. "Fuck yeah" he said. "You like my demon cock, kid?" "Fuck yeah" I said. "Give it to me." "Oh I will" he said with a deep laugh. He started fucking me. His dick felt hot, his muscles straining to get it all in me. My buddy took a break from the orgy to come watch me get barebacked for the first time. "Fuck that's hot" I heard him say as the eight inches ramrodded in and out of my ass. I just threw my head back and let the demon stud take over. His raw dick plowed me and his hands held me down, pulling at my flesh. He was owning me. "You're mine" he hissed. "Fuck yeah" I said. "Take me." He picked up the pace and started grunting. I thought that meant he was going to cum and I started squirming. I wasn't really ready. "Cum in his ass!" someone said. It was my buddy. I looked at him. He was jerking off and the mechanic from earlier was behind him about to enter him again. "Fuck yeah" the muscular red demon man said. "Here it cums." I panicked but was really turned on and started panting "yes" over and over. The beautiful muscular demon man growled and then let out an animal roar as he bucked into me. I could feel his cock growing and pulsing as he shot inside me. He shot for a long time like he hadn't cum in a long time. "Fuck yeah" he said. "Take my demon seed faggot! You like that? Ung!" He slowly pulled out and I saw the red make up had all come off his dick and it was coated in cum. I hadn't cum yet and stood erect leaking precum. "Hot" said the man dressed like a demon. "No turning back now, cumslut. Go get some more." And then he disappeared. Egged on by my buddy I took the mechanic's third load of the night right there on the kitchen floor, and then my buddy unloaded in me. Finally, I found the shy kid in the dining room again. The demonic stud was finishing up inside him. "No, don't cum in-" he didn't get it out when that animal roar happened again. I quickly took my place there and didn't last three strokes before I dumped a white hot load deep in his panicked guts. When it was starting to wind down and my friends were pairing off or calling taxis, the demon stud found me again. "You're mine tonight" he said. I looked into those piercng blue eyes. "You're getting more" he said. I willingly held out my hand and felt his strong hand wrap around mine again. That was how it started. **************************************************************** Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 2: We got in the car and started driving away. I was scared. My friends had left together or with other guys we knew. Here I was with a demon man who's name I didn't even know. I had cum in my ass. It was still up there. It felt amazing. I asked his name. "Tonight you call me 'master' and I call you whatever the fuck I want" he said. "Breakfast tomorrow we can do names and favorite tv shows." My cock roared back to life. "Ok" I said. "Ok MASTER" he corrected me. "Ok master." I looked over at his body, which glistened red as we passed under the streetlights. His dick out in the open since he didn't bother to rebuckle the leather thong he was wearing. He was hard too. I was dizzy as we drove. I was totally shitfaced. Thank god the demon guy was driving. He handed me a tube of something. "Rub that on my cock" he ordered. "Yes, master" my dick leaked precum through my lifeguard shorts. The tube contained red make up. I took a glob and massaged it into the head and up and down the shaft. He moaned his approval. "Good boy" he said. "Now let it dry." A large glob of precum bubbled up from his nuts through the slit and stayed there. "Lick that off but don't fuck up the make up" he ordered. I unbuckled my seat belt and leaned over I carefully extended my tongue, tasted just the precum and felt it transfer itself to my mouth. I pulled away and swallowed it. "Good job" he said. I let my hand rest on my hard cock and stroked some. "You have a choice" he said. "Either one-on-one with me or one more party. You're getting fucked either way." "Another party" I said. "As long as you still fuck me again." He laughed a deep dark laugh. "Oh I will" he growled. My dick jerked. He made a turn and soon we were going off onto a country road I'd never before seen. Two more turns and we went down a long dirt road. At the end was a country farm house decorated for Halloween, a number of cars parked around the yard. We got out and walked up onto the porch. From inside you could hear a throbbing dance club style beat and a lot of moaning and grunting. A stunningly gorgeous guy slightly older than my age stood on the porch dressed like a Greek god. He smiled and held out his hand. "Keys please" he chirped and winked at the older guy. "Good to see you" my demon master said. He felt behind the Greek god's ears. "Whoa" he said. "Did you get the fuck flu?" The god beamed. "Yep. I'm acute right now." He looked down at me. "Freshman?" "Yes" said the red muscle dude standing beside me. The gorgeous key taker leaned down and kissed me. "I'll see you later for sure." That whole exchange was way over my head especially since I was drunk, but when I asked a question, my master just kissed me and we did a shot together in the kitchen. People were fucking all over the place. Fat guys, thin guys, young guys, old guys, all over the place, there was a mass of fucking flesh. My dick and ass were hungry to get in on the action. "Master, fuck me please" I asked. He looked at me in his demon red makeup with those piercing blue eyes and horns and said "The real fun is out back." He led me by the hand outside to a bonfire, surrounded by six or seven guys. All were dressed like the guy who broght me - demons of different shades. All were huge, muscular guys at least five or ten years older than me. I longed to have all of them inside me but didn't think I'd get that lucky. I was introduced as "the new recruit" and felt myself massaged on all sides by muscular hands. I threw back my head and looked at the moon as I was lifted up and stripped of my shorts. My legs were spread and hands probed my ass, my hole. My dick stood straight up towards the sky and the warmth of the fire made me sweat. I was placed on a picnic table and given another shot. My head was swimming. I thought I might pass out. "Am I his first poz load?" someone asked. I had no idea what he meant. "No" said my master. "I loaded him earler." "Hot" came the reply. I looked up to see a hot dude maybe 27 years old with bulging muscles, ripped abs and piercing blue eyes. He had horns on too, was also dressed like a demon, but all painted white. "You ready?" he asked. "Totally" I panted. I felt his slick cock pressing against my hole. He took his time on the outside, massaging all around. It took too long so I worked myself down onto his dick, getting splinters in my back and not caring. Grunts of approval went up from the crowd as he pierced me and I cried out in pleasure. I felt all pf him up inside me as he started fucking me hard. He threw back his head. Silhouetted by the moon I could see his form as he strained and bucked and thrusted. He leaned close and whispered in my ear. "Fuck I'm gonna cum! You want it?" "Yes" I replied. "Unnnngh!" he grunted, and came inside me. A cheer of approval went up. "Yeah! Convert him! Load him up! Charge him!" I felt complete and still wanted more... and I looked around at the men I hoped would give me more. So naturally I begged for it there on that table. ******************************************************* Halloween Party Out Of Hand - Part 3: While still inside me, the white demon man was handed a tube of make-up and he smeared red all over my chest. He set it down, pulled out, and used his dick to push his cum back into me. I felt flushed from all the alcohol and was in a frenzy to get fucked more. When a blue-painted demon man lined up against my hole I put my feet around him and pulled him in. In ten seconds his balls were slapping against the lean muscles of my ass. I could see the veins in his arms as he held me down, controlling my responses to his violent assault on my ass. His face was painted blue but I could see a beard, a strong jaw line, a muscular neck. He leaned down and kissed my adams apple with a lot more tenderness than I'd expect. I smiled at him and stroked his cheek and his beard. All of a sudden his expression became very gentle as he sighed a gentle "Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhhhh!" He collapsed on top of me and I could feel his balls pulsing as he finished unloading deep in my gut. I heard my "master" laugh and say "Keep the scene going, you fuckin' softy!" The blue demon kissed me gently and then applied more of the red make-up to my neck and shoulders. He carefully pulled out, making sure not to spill any cum, and made way for another man. This guy was Italian-looking, was not painted any color but had a great furry chest and leather as well as horns. His dick was uncut and I wanted to taste it. I got off the table and sucked him. He grabbed my hair and took control of my rhythm, burying his huge fuckstick in my throat and blocking my windpipe. As I struggled for air, he held me in place. I could taste his precum filling my mouth and throat, but as I couldn't fill my lungs, I started to get scared and tried to pull away. He forced me down harder, then yanked me to my feet by my hair. He kissed me passionately, feeling my body while his tongue went as deep as his precum faucet had a minute ago. He looked me deeply in the eyes. "Can I hit you?" he asked. "Not hard enough to hurt much at all." I was so drunk and horny my dick pulsed its permission so I said 'yes'. He backhanded me, sending me sideways onto my knees. It didn't hurt badly but I was drunk so my balance was off. My "master" lauged again and said, "Easy Tony!" "I didn't hurt him" Tony said, yanking me to my feet. "Did I, slut?" he asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Good" he said. "Now time to get fucked." He roughly bent me over the picnic table and slammed into me. A cheer went up from the crowd. He pummeled my ass so hard my face was hitting the table. I was so turned on I liked it and I reached back to spread my ass cheeks apart for him. He grunted loudly, ramming me. "You like it, don't you slut?" he roared. Under his onslaught I couldn't even respond. He grunted loudly on every deep violent stroke into my ass, then he started shouting on every stroke, timing his exclamation for each down stroke: "Fuck! Fuckin' whore! Take that! Cock! All the! Fuckin! Way! Up! In! There!" "YEAH!" I managed to yell. This was so fucking intense. "YEAH!" he screamed back. He went back to gunting and groaning on each stroke with increasing intensity, then went verbal again, "Yeah! Yeah! Yuh! Yuh! I'm ready! Get ready! Here it cums!" By now the crowd was roaring. "Ready? Ready? YOU READY? READY? AAAAGH!! AGGHHH! AGGHHH!" With the last thrust he collapsed silently on top of me and lay there breathing heavily for a minute or two. I was really close to cumming. He smeared some of the red paint on my ass, then he was replaced by one after another. Each fucked me and bred me and filled me and painted me red. My buzz was starting to wear off and I was getting tired in the blaze of the bonfire. Finally it was my master's turn. I looked deep in those blue eyes and welcomed him as he brought me one last shot of alcohol for the night. I gulped it down and set it to the side. He entered me gently, owning me. "You've done very well" he said. "Thank you master." "I can't hold out long because I've been jerking off, watching all these men fuck you and breed you, but I want you to ask me to cum in you." "Cum in me please sir" I asked. "Like you mean it" he demanded. "Please, sir, cum in my ass!" I pleaded. "Fuckin' say it like a man!" he growled. "Fuck me sir! Cum in my ass!" I yelled. "LOUDER! Want my fuckin seed bitch?" he roared angrily, pouding the fucking shit out of me. "FUCK YEAH SIR! GIVE ME THAT FUCKING LOAD YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! FUCK!" "OH, FUCK YEAH! THAT'S MY MAN!" he growled and he threw his head back and roared like a lion as he emptied himself into me. I reached for my cock to finish myself off but hands grabbed my arm and restrained me. My demon master looked down at me, panting, and smiled. He placed a pair of costume horns on my head, took my hand and helped me stand. Cum ran down my leg. I felt dirty and complete at the same time. In the firelight my shadow was 40 feet long. My horns pointed into the distance towards the field and my shadow dick was long and erect, pointing maybe five feet towards the porch. A cheer went up. Someone handed me a large hand mirror: I was totally red except for my dick. I looked like a younger version of my "master." He hugged me, wet with sweat that started to smear some of our makeup. "Do I get to cum?" I asked. "In a second" he said. "Now you've made some fuckin' stupid choices tonight. You didn't ask the HIV status of a single man who barebacked you tonight. You took all those fuckin' loads and you begged for them." I was really scared all of a sudden, but my dick didn't go down. "All the guys are negative, aren't they?" "Every last load you begged for was poz" he said. "FUCK!" I screamed. "What the fuck were you thinking?" "What were YOU thinking?" he asked. "If you had asked any one of us we would have told you." He put his arm around me. "Now if you want, I can get you showered and get you to the hospital for a single shot of an antiviral that will block your conversion, but you can never come to this party again and you can never see us again." My dick still was hard. "Or, we can finish the job and make sure it takes. And you'll be welcome here anytime." The other men looked on. I was still fucking horny as hell. I don't know why, but I reached up and kissed him and let my weight slump into his arms. He kissed me deeply and lifted my legs. A cheer went up from the crowd. "I'm scared" I said as I felt his dick enter me. "It's okay" he whispered and kissed me. He fucked me there in the dirt, gently and sweetly. We breathed heavily and panted, but not a word was said. His breathing got jagged and I knew he was depositing his bugged-up seed inside me. I reached for my dick but he held my hand away. "That was poz load number 14, little man." "Wow" I said. "We're mostly on medicines and don't have a lot of The Bug in our cum because that's what happens over time. The door guy, though. He's freshly converted. He's got a HUGE viral load and he's your final top for the night. You WILL be positive after this. You ready?" I nodded. The stunning gorgeous guy who took the keys came towards me. He smiled and kissed me. "You'll be so glad you set yourself free from ever worrying about this shit again" he assured me. I was soon on all fours as he slid his nine inch fuckstick into my cum-lubed hole. He fucked me hard for a good five minutes. "Oh yeah! You like it?" he asked encouragingly, almost with a chipper edge in his voice. I couldn't lie. "Yeah" I grunted in reply. "Me too! Oh, fuck your hole feels so good." "Fuck yeah!" I breathed. I gave over to it, and soon he was holding onto me by the shoulders to keep from knocking me over from the force of his fucking. "Oh fuck yeah! I'm gettin' close! Want me to convert you?" "FUCK YEAH!" I roared. "OH FUCK! I'M GONNA BLOW! I'M GONNA FUCKIN' BLOW! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! I'M FUCKIN' INFECTING YOU! FUCK YEAH! FUCK! FUCK!" I found myself screaming, "Fuck yeah! Fuckin infect me! Fuckin infect me! Fuckin infect me!" along with him as the Greek god unloaded in me. Simultaneously I felt my master's mouth enclose my dick and I started shooting, squirt after squirt after squirt filling his throat. The gorgeous guy collapsed onto me and we fell into the dirt. He left his dick in me. As we lay there he told me what to expect. How I didn't need to be afraid. How there would be hard days during the acute phase. Some bad reactions to medicine at first, but he told me about hot fuck sessions he'd had post-conversion, and I felt him get hard again inside me. He fucked me in the dirt for another few minutes and unloaded in me again. And again a few minutes later for a total of eighteen poz loads. I didn't think I had any more energy that Halloween night, but then my demon master told me about one more surprise he had in store for me. Finally, as dawn began to creep across the Pennsylvania sky, I began to grow tired, ready for sleep, and terrified of what I had just done: I, a college freshman, painted in red demon paint, surrounded by men in various states of demon attire, most of whom had intentionally fucking infected me with HIV. And by the end of it all I had willingly accepted it. As my head began to clear, my demon master took me into his arms and kissed me. He held me as my brain took in the enormity of what had just happened. I had WILLINGLY given up my HIV- status. Yes, they had first just worked on my naivety, but at the end of it they had told me. Bluntly. Directly. FUCK! I lay in the dirt, cum oozing from my superfucked ass. And I grew hard again for reasons I couldn't understand. My master then revealed his surprise. He led me to the shower in the basement of the adjoining house. One by one, the men who had pozzed me washed themselves, clearing away the makeup that had obscured their features. Some were pasty. Some were tan. Some were hot. Some were not, aside from their bodies. One by one, I saw the demons in their undecorated, masculine glory. Finally it was my turn. The red make up was washed off, and I was just as I had been. I kneeled there, dripping, before my master, who had showered with me. He stood over me, and I recognized him as the professor of martial arts at my school. I had registered for one of his classes. He swore me to 'fucking secrecy you fucking bitchcunt slutwhore.' I easily swore. Then, there in the leaky, rough shower in the basement of this old farmhouse, I got down on my knees and worshiped the man who had owned me. I licked his veiny cock, his shaved, muscled chest. Finally, the reality of my new life set in as he bent me over, instructed me to brace my arms against the rough stone walls of the basement, and lined up at my hole. He wasn't gentle. Frankly, he was vicious. He rammed into me. He tore me. He fucked me so hard, I almost cried, but I wanted it. I felt him tearing the flesh in my hole and my cock got hard again, bobbing jaggedly between my tired legs as I looked down. Precum dripped from my fully erect cock. Finally, makeup free, costume free, just real poz-on-neg, he warned me: "I'm ready. You want my load?" I just kept my mouth shut. I knew what a bottom was for. Without an answer from me, he just kept it up, and finally he just stiffened there in the shower, silently depositing his infectious load in me. No disguises, no pretending - just raw, man on man sex in the most base animal way. "FUCK YEAH!" I cried. "INFECT ME!" He did. After that, it took a while 'till I was ready to go see what had happened to me. I kept finding myself avoiding all the guys I had met on Halloween night, but I kept finding myself on sites like rawtop.com, thebreedingzone.com, barebackbastards.com, bugshare.net.... reading stories, fantasizing about being pozzed. All the sites were great, but thebreedingzone.com was (and still is) my favorite. The total experience was new, scary, yet exciting. What kind of fucking LUNATIC fantasized about being pozzed?!?!?!?! I tried to understand. Finally, I chatted with a guy who helped me understand. It was about FREEDOM. The freedom to FINALLY fuck without fear, because the worst fears happened and could be managed with medicine when the time came. Life wouldn't end, sex wouldn't stop... it just would get better from a lack of worry. So finally I got tested, and of course was poz. And I got myself onto the email list for the hottest fucking poz party in Pennsylvania. And you want to know the hottest fucking secret of all? Aside from the location and the specific costumes and such... a whole lot of this story is true. I got pozzed, and I loved it and I knew it was happening, and it was the last fucking thing I ever expected as it went down. Fuck yeah.
    1 point
  50. Yeah I remember a story on the old Bugshare site...It was a bunch of college boys who went to a halloween party...the teller of the story was a freshman and was dressed as a lifesave if I remember...it starts off with him seeing a classmate getting fucked raw and the classmate freaking out when the top comes in him...he later sees the same classmate getting fucked and loaded up again...I think the lifesaver gets fucked on the kitchen table by an older guy dressed as a red devil...it was a multi part story...it was one of my favorite stories...if anyone knows where this story can found let me know. thanks.
    1 point
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