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  1. It’s Christmas morning, I’m too excited and can’t sleep so I'm the first out of bed. I am super excited this year. Usually, I get shipped off to Mom’s place for the holidays. But this year I finally get to spend Christmas with the guys. It is the stipulation of their divorce. Mom got me until I turned 18 and that’s when I could decide where I want to spend the holidays. I bury my nose in my Lucky Charms, searching for the various hidden marshmallow shapes on the box as I scoop spoonfuls of sugary goodness into my mouth. We opened gifts last night. My Christmas fleece robe feels so comfortable, snuggling my body as I eat. Every now and then I glance out the panoramic windows lining the north side of the log cabin we’re vacationing in. Another snowstorm is moving in, adding even more snow to what already blanketed everything last night. I look up and see Dad walk down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walks over and starts up the coffee machine. It’s one of my favorite smells – the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the crisp, pungent aroma of the Christmas tree next to the fireplace. I swirl my cereal, chasing bits of milk-drenched cereal with my spoon when Dad walks over. “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy,” he says as he tousles my hair. “I’m not a baby anymore!” I pull my head away from Dad’s hand. “Well, you sure couldn’t tell by the lack of hair on your chest,” Robbie ribs, reaching into my robe to rub the smooth skin of my chest before opening the top of his robe and puffing out his pelt of chest hair. “You’ll always be my Baby Boy.” Before I can protest, Dad pulls my head back and gives me a kiss above both of my eyebrows then heads to the refrigerator to pull out the container of half and half. “I’m so glad to have you with us this year!” “Me too, Dad.” Coffee-to-cream-to-white-mocha-syrup perfected, Dad leans against the kitchen counter and grabs his phone to start the day’s Wordle. I turn my head, drawn by the motion of Dad mindlessly scratching his crotch. Dad has a habit of letting his robe’s belt go loose, so I’m not unfamiliar with seeing the fur that covers him. However, this morning it went really slack, providing more than a peek. I could see Dad in all of his glory and I must say – it was mesmerizing. But what was gleaming amongst his fur? Dad looks up from his phone, the side of his face raising in a smirk and a wink of the eye. I dart my eyes back to my bowl and busy myself scooping up the last bits of cereal in my bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a giant grin on Robbie’s face as I upend the sugary milk into my mouth. Outside, the wind begins to pick up, howling. The blizzard conditions makes it nearly impossible to see the evergreens across the way. Dad walks over to the window and pauses to appreciate the beauty of such extreme weather conditions. He then turns his attention to the glowing embers in the fireplace. Some newspaper and a handful of kindling bring the fire back to life, flickering against the newly added logs with red and orange flames. I hear clanging as Dad pulls out a long, black duffel bag and places it in front of the growing fire. From inside of the bag, he starts pulling out a series of silver-grey pipes; connecting pieces to erect a frame. “Ho Ho Ho – Merry Christmas!!” We all turn to the voice at the top of the stairs. It’s Santa! Well…Grandpa in his Father Christmas garb: burgundy, full-length overcoat trimmed in brown faux fur, black pants, olive green vest, and of course, his black pair of brightly polished harness boots. I’ve seen him work gigs over the holiday season. He is a sight to behold. Grandpa much prefers the folklore version of the holiday gift-giver over the commercial red and white Coca-Cola Santa. It’s fun watching grown-ups turn into giant kids at the authenticity of his look. I must admit, with that trimmed white beard, rounded belly, and jovial smile, he always captures my attention. Dad greets him at the bottom of the stairs. Lifting a twig of mistletoe over his head, he cheers “Merry Christmas, Pops!” He lifts his hand under Father Christmas’ beard, cradling his chin to lean in and give him a deep, sultry kiss. My head twitches and I blink hard. My eyes dart over at Robbie who has made his way over to Grandpa for his own passionate kiss. “What the fuck is going on here?!” “Merry Christmas, Baby Boy.” Grandpa leans over me, gloved fingertips flicking my nipples as he reaches inside my robe for a hug and kiss on the forehead. My eyes close and I shudder. “Ummm…uhhh....Merry Christmas, Grandpa.” I feel my cheeks ignite as my face reddens. Yeah, sure…who hasn’t fantasized about sitting on Santa’s lap. But Grandpa?!? He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box wrapped in metallic red paper with sparkling, silver glitter. “I have a very special gift for you this Christmas morning that will make your holidays merry and bright.” “I know what you’re getting! I know what you’re getting!” Robbie gleefully rubs his hands together before helping Dad hang a sheet of thick leather from the corners of the poles. Grandpa takes off his jacket and hangs it on the coat rack near the door. When he turns in my direction, I notice that he isn't wearing his usual black, oversized shirt. White tufts of fur spill over the top of his vest and escape around the laces tying it together. I have always wanted to rub my face in that beard as white as the snow blustering against the windows. Again – Santa fantasy. *shrug* Even if my own grandpa. “Come, sit on Santa’s lap.” I feel a bit silly, thinking I have outgrown such a silly tradition but I play along. It’s Christmas after all. Tis the season and all. It is only when the head of my dick pokes through my robe that I became aware of how aroused I am. I quickly cover myself hoping no one saw. Scanning their faces – they saw. “Your dad tells me what an extra special little boy you’ve been this year, Billy Boy, and that you hit a milestone birthday last week.” Grandpa hands me the glittery package. “He may now be 18, but he will always be my Baby Boy.” Dad tousles my hair again before I swat it away and turn my attention to the gift. I open the small, white box to find an orange-capped syringe nestled in white tissue paper.
    7 points
  2. Triple Poz Tops So my two friends and I have been getting a room at a seedy motel along IH35 on Friday nights for a couple weeks now and going "triple ass up". I just got a text from the other bottom guy that he came down with the flu this week and got tested and verified that he is now also poz and has the highest VL of any of us. Like with my first friend he's wanting to share the gift with another unsuspecting bottom guy that is like he was, not on PrEP and fertile for the bug. He's been checking out posts on one of the sites, you probably know which one. It isn't as good as Craigslist was, but it is what we have these days. Anyway, he found another bottom who wants to do ass up anon in a motel. He said, the guy's ad is almost the same as his first one, and after talking to the guy he says he's just as much a n newb and naive. Perfect! My first friend chimed in on the text thread that he was pinging all his contacts. We filled the new guy in on the motel we've been using and he is going to book a room for Friday night. I can't wait, my little cock is already stirring and I think I'm going to have to stroke out a load soon. Yeah, I know, a waste of poz seed, but I'll have plenty of time to brew up some highly toxic seed over the next two days. Come around 6pm on Friday our next conquest texts us the room number. He's all checked in and ready to get started. I drive over there and take a parking spot in the back in a spot that is well lit because I know how shady this neighborhood is. The "three amigos" all meet outside and notice that he's got the blinds all closed and taken our advice and is using the little metal thing to keep the door unlatched. Slipping inside once our eyes adjust we see him there on the bed ass up and ready to take dick... and though he doesn't know, be bred by many virile charged loads. We had agreed that the new friend would be the first to deposit his seed. The other two of us got on the bed beside him and each pull a cheek open so he could slide his already hard dick inside. "Wow, he's tight" he says. I grab some lube I had brought and as he pulls back a bit I slather his dick and slide a finger into the neg bottom's ass, then another. As I remove my finger my second friend replaces his dick head back on the neg bottom's pucker and starts to push again. Suddenly he head popped in and I heard him groan out and the bottom moan a bit too. Slowly he pushes in until his pubes are touching ass cheek and his balls resting against taint. Then he pulls back a couple inches and then back in and soon starts stroking in and out. I reach under the bottom and start stroking his cock with my lubed hand, causing him to moan even more. My other friend has gotten off the bed and is now fluffing guys that are showing up, getting them ready to contribute their mostly also charged loads. It doesn't take long from my manual ministrations on his cock before the bottom cries out "I'm coming" and I can feel the contractions. My second friend can feel it too and it quickly pushes him over the edge as well, pumping his high VL poz load deep inside. I wipe the rest of the lube and some of this guy's last neg load onto my own cock and as my friend pulls out and moves off, I mount up and start pumping for all I am worth. I was so excited it only took maybe 5 minutes before I was pumping my load in as well. I got off and was going to help my friend with the fluffing but before I could I was grabbed and pushed down so I was ass up next to the neg bottom who already had another guy pounding away at his now opened up hole. I wasn't going to fight it of course, so I did my best job to milk the load out of the dick in my ass. When he finished he said "I couldn't wait my turn on the new guy, but I'll have another load for him in a bit". With that I put my head down and started to suck him back to hardness so he would be ready soon. As I was sucking I felt someone feeling up my ass and it wasn't long until I'd taken my second load of the night. The guy I had been sucking and had loaded me first was by then already taking his turn on the neg bottom. Not neg for long, because this guy had a rainbow colored scorpion on his left buttock. Not that there was any doubt he'd probably convert just from my second friend's load. Looking around there had to be 10 or 15 guys there, some stroking their dicks, some strokng others or sucking dicks. Super hot scene. I recognized one guy with a big biohazard tattoo around his belly button. It wasn't the tattoo I recognized, it was the face. I was pleasantly surprised... it was the cop from a few weeks ago! I knew I got a certain vibe from him! My friend must have recognized him too, because he was on his knees sucking the cop's big sausage. I knew this time we wouldn't be getting any surprise visits from the 5-0. I moved over to help my friend but the cop pulled out of my friend's mouth and grabbed me and turned me around and told me to get down right there on the carpet. I didn't hesitate to comply and was rewarded by a fat dick up my hole that had been well wet by my first friend's spit. The cop bit my earlobe as he was roughly fucking me and grunted that he was going to have to charge me up on charges of sodomy. I moaned out "Yes, Sir, I plead guilty". " I hereby sentence you to death" he whispered in my ear as I felt his dick throb and spurt after spurt of hot poisoned jizz filled me. He flipped me over and slid his still hard dick back into me. "I want to see the look in your eyes as I give you another med resistant load". I am not sure whether it was a look of fear or of acceptance or a little of both but he seemed well pleased as he pounded me longer this time with my legs stretched up and my ankles around his neck. He started straight into my eyes as he came again. When he was done he pushed me away and then move over to the bed to take his turn there with the neg bottom. The turnout seems like it just keeps getting better and better. It was a total fuck fest orgy of man-sex with the air filled with the sounds and smells of raw fucking. Guys kept coming and going. I was in heaven. But all too soon it was getting late and guys started leaving. The neg bottom was now laying in a pool of cum. His own and that of many other men. Puddles and trails of it were drying on him in various places. He was well and truly fucked out. He had taken at least one if not two loads from each of the three of us and probably at least two dozen other loads including the cop's and all my first friend's regulars. I was surprised that unlike other times, I don't recall anyone telling him he was getting poz loads. I guess it would be a surprise for him when he got the fuck flu. We left as the last guys were leaving and he locked the door behind us, telling us "Thanks for cumming!" as drops of pink frothy cum ran down his legs. I am hoping we'll hear from him when he figures it out.
    7 points
  3. I snuck out of my bedroom and out of the house arriving at Ahmed’s nondescript house just before 9pm. I knocked on the door and heard him call out ‘doors open slut, come on in’. As I pushed the door open and walked down the hallway I could hear two voices coming from the living room. As I rounded the corner an incredible sight greeted me. Ahmed massive muscular body was sprawled naked on the couch, a barely legal looking teen was between his legs wearing only a pair of bikini briefs. His tongue cautiously licking at Ahmed’s massive balls with a grimace on his face. ‘Come in Ben, this homeless fuck is just earning his dinner’ Ahmed called out. I looked at the 18 year old teen closer. He appeared to be a typical tatted skater boy who was down on his luck. The teen looked at me and tried to avoid my eyes. “If you’re busy, I can come back later” I stammered. “Don’t be stupid fag, we can talk whilst he services me” he replied. Ahmed turned to face the skater boy. “Make sure you get it covered in spit, you aren’t getting any lube when this goes up your arse”. “Please don’t make me do this in front of him” the skater pleaded. “Shut the fuck up and get on my cock”. I watched transfixed as the skater lowered his briefs, shyly trying to hide his growing cock. He went to straddle the muscular Arab on the couch. “FACE HIM!” Ahmed bellowed. The skater whimpered but did as he was told and turned to face me. “Lift your balls and give him a show” Ahmed ordered. I watched as the skater lifted his cock and balls to show me the thick brown Arab cobra line up with his tight teen hole. “Fuck yourself on it” Ahmed ordered. The teen took a deep breath and started to slide down the thick baseball bat sized cock. Tears started to stream down his face, from the pain or the humiliation I will never know. It took him about 3 mins to work his tight hole down to Ahmed’s balls. The teens stomach was distended showing the mammoth 11”cock deep inside him. After another minute of so he started to lift and lower himself on the baton, fucking himself on the thick Arab pole. Ahmed for all this display sat calmly on the couch, whilst the red faced teen did all the work trying to get Ahmed to climax so he could be done and get out of there. Ahmed turned back to me “I want to speak to you about your brother, I have seen him around school and want to get to know him better”. “My brother?” “Yes, I want to fuck him and you’re going to help me” he replied. I couldn’t believe Ahmed was interested in Jake. Jake was my younger brother, having only just turned 18. But Jake had been born deaf and mute. Despite these handicaps he had excelled at school and was on the swim team. This had given him an incredible body and a perky ass. “Please leave him out of this” I pleaded. “If you don’t help me, I’ll out you as the Poz slut you are too the whole school” I slumped, knowing that I didn’t have a way out of this. At this moment, Ahmed grabbed the hips of the teen riding his cock and slammed him all the way down to his balls. I watched as Ahmed’s balls tensed up and began to pump load of hot Arab cum into the obscenely stretched skater boys ass. “Noooo!!” The teen shouted when he realised that thick loads of cum were being pumped into his fertile body “You promised you wouldn’t cum in me!”. “I lied” Ahmed replied as he shoved the still shocked teen off his cock and on the floor. The shell shocked teen was still shaking on the floor when Ahmed got up, threw $20 at him and a bunch of tissues. “Get yourself something to eat slut, and wipe up your bleeding hole before you stain my carpet. Now get the fuck out of my house”. The sniffling teen tried to plug his ruined hole with the tissues and mop up the torrent of thick cum dripping down his leg. As he shuffled to the door Ahmed went to show him out. “I hope you are on PrEP bitch, otherwise my Poz babies are going to be with you for life” Ahmed gloated. I saw the teens eyes go wide, as the door slammed in his face. Ahmed turned to me. “This time next week, I’m going to be balls deep in your brother”.
    7 points
  4. Ahmed clearly had a thing for newly legal teen boys. Our schools cleaner has caught me jerking off in the locker room sniffing a teammates swimmers. He had threatened to tell my parents unless I did exactly what he asked. To be honest I was more than happy to do whatever the early 40’s Middle Eastern cleaner wanted. I could tell he had a muscular hairy body under his uniform, and it turned out he had a massive 11” Arabic cock that could hit all the right places. That’s how I had ended up Poz at age 18. Ahmed has taken me into an empty toilet cubicle, stuffed dirty underwear into my mouth, bent me over the toilet and forced the thick blunt headed anaconda up my virginity hole. He took my virginity whilst I could hear my teammates going about their business in the locker room. Thank god for his sweaty underwear in my mouth or I’m sure the whole team would have seen me giving my virgin ass to the schools cleaner. He had enjoyed pounding my hole in such a risky setting, and after 10 minutes of ripping up my ring I felt him go stiff and collapse on my back as he filled me with his hot Arab jizz. He silently pulled out of me, wiped his dick on my track shirt and got dressed. As he went to open the door to leave the cubicle he whispered ‘Thanks for the hole slut, you’re now pregnant with my Poz babies.’ I waited until he had left, scooped some of his hot jizz that was running down my leg and jerked the last neg load of my life all over the floor. Sure enough, 4 weeks later I came down with the worst flu. I took myself to the clinic and they confirmed I had been knocked up by the thick Arab anaconda. Since then Ahmed had continued to use my holes whenever it suited him, but it soon became apparent he was getting bored with me. I received a short text from him ‘come to my house, tonight at 9pm’ followed by an address…
    5 points
  5. Part 1. First, some background information. Me and my husband Max have been together for 8 years, 6 of which have been married. We are both around 30 years old. I am 30 and Max is a year younger. Our life is really good and we have fun together. We have a lot of friends and we travel a lot during the holidays. We spend a lot of time together and do a lot of different things together. But... There is one thing that is not perfect. My sperm hunger. For the first 4 years I was able to keep it quiet, but the need for strangers' sperm only got stronger. It grew inside me. I realized that I always looked first at the man's crotch. Ohh, what a big bulge that man has. I realized that I was jealous of every bottom boy in a porn movie who got a raw cock and loads of cum in his ass. I had tried to subtly talk to Max about it, but he didn't want to hear me. He was definitely of the opinion that marriage is only an agreement between two people and does not include other people. My cheating started unintentionally 4 years ago. I was at an optometrist and a 50-year-old male optician gave me vision tests. Every now and then my eyes strayed to the man's crotch, which seemed to be bulging out nicely. After the tests, the optician rested his own hand on his bulge and rubbed it lightly, looking me straight in the eye. Finally he asked if I liked what I saw. I nodded shyly, and admitted that I liked it. The optician said that if I want, I can also examine in more detail. Timidly, I reached out and felt the optician's hot bulge. "Open the buttons," the optician commanded. I obeyed. I opened the buttons and the big pouch of the optician's underwear was sticking out of the pants. "Lick it," was the command. I obeyed again. I greedily licked the pouch of the optician's underwear and bit through the fabric with my teeth on his hardening cock. "Take it out," ordered the optician. I did so and immediately took the man's hot cock straight into my mouth. I started sucking cock like there was no tomorrow. "Oooh, you greedy slut," said the optician. The man fucked my mouth hard. The cock wasn't terribly long or thick, but the man's testicles were big and juicy. I held the bags and caressed the testicles as the cock moved in and out of my mouth. "Get up and turn around," the optician commanded me again. I obeyed like a sheep. When I turned around, the man would pull my sweatpants and underwear down to my knees with one jerk. Immediately he placed his raw cock on my hole. Without asking anything, he pushed inside me. The man's raw cock was inside me. He hadn't asked if I wanted a condom. He just thrust into me with his bare cock. I screamed in pain, but the man growled at me "shut up bitch". "We don't want the whole house to find out what a whore you are". After a while, the man picked up the pace and squirted his sperm into my hole. I felt several injections in my gut. After emptying himself, the optician pulled away from my hole and buttoned his pants. "Well, now lift those sweatpants up and you can leave so I can continue my work," the optician said coldly. I pulled up my pants and left the optician's booth with my ass full of sperm. It was the first time I cheated on my husband.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. I take a moment to truly capture the sight before me. My son. My boy. My pride and joy. Toughest fucking quarterback his high school team had ever seen. Smartest honors student in probably the entre state of Texas - and not just book smarts, like Pearl Harbor happened on December 7 and the Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell kinda shit, my boy is brilliant. Deductive, insightful, and possessed of an emotional intelligence virtually unknown to someone as young in years as he is. He can assess a room instantly, read every person with uncanny, almost chilling precision, and know instantly what they need and how he can help them. It’s made every girl he’s ever met fall in love with him, and you can practically hear their panties get soaked just from his very presence. And more than a few boys have to adjust their suddenly throbbing dicks after a fleeting glance. I get more than a glance though. He stares at me intently, his piercing green eyes - almost a shade of emerald, locked onto mine with love and lust and hunger and a rapturous joy. His perfectly symmetrical face is still, with his powerful jawline silhouetted against the bright lights of the bathroom he just exited, having showered, prepared himself, and the points that will take our relationship beyond father and son, beyond fuck buddies, just.. Beyond. There is a stillness in the air that matches the stillness of his body. He is smiling, the playful, mischievous smile I’ve come to know so well over these last months we’ve been fucking. It’s a smile that reflects the pride I feel in him, and the pride he feels in himself, in his form, from the long sinewey stretches of his neck, the powerful broad shoulders, sweeping down to his biceps the size of bricks, pecs the size of dinner plates, a perfectly outline core of eight perfect abs. His adonis girdle, which I know he considers the sexiest part of himself (only because he can’t see his eyes the way I do) and which he calls his cum gutters… a term we’ve verified as accurae countless times over, when I’ve fucked the cum out of him or pulled out and doused him with the geyser of semen he brings out in me every. Single. Time. And then there’s that dick. Uncut - I wanted my boy to have a choice, even though I tend to prefer cut. He should get to decide what the essence, the root, the wellspring of his manhood says about himself. HIs magnificent cock is jutting, and like mine, long and curving slightly up and to the left. From my vantage on the bed, and the reflections in the mirror, it looks like a cobra, and it can charm and entrance anyone who sees it just like the real life cobras charmed by a flute played by a ballsy son of bitch with nerves of steel. I can see the deluge of precum - a trait he inherited from me - has already started flowing. He’s literally dripping on the floor, long thing strands flowing down his balls - he’s stopped trimming them, I’ve noticed, probably because he’s seen how the musk of his ball sweat drives me crazy, makes me into little more than a feral animal. That’s what I feel like right now. I want to ravish him, I want to pin him to the bed, lick his neck, suck his nipples, work my way down till that gorgeous dick is the only thing I can see, taste, smell. I want to rub it all over my face, get every last inch of my head covered with the cum and spit and essense of his masculinity, manhood, sex, all over me. I want his dick to claim me, mark me as his territory, as I’ve done to him countless times. I sit up a little straighter in the bed, my dick brushing against my thigh, and that simple touch is nearly enough to make me cum again, so powerful is the sexual tension in the room, so intense the lust between father and son, Anthony and Jack. I notice he’s shaking, trembling with the same anticipation and desire and hunger as I am. But before we can attack each other, sate our meth fueled hunger for each other, he and I have to talk. “Come sit with me a minute. We need to really talk about what’s about to happen, if you want it to happen.” He gives me this amused, though slightly puzzled look, a look that says “what idiot wouldn’t want this?”. Nevertheless, he saunters to my bed and sits next to me after putting the points and tourniquet on the dresser where they will be directly in my line of sight, a passive reminder that with two simple injections, he and I can cross into virtually uncharted territory of debauchery, depravity, of shooting more cum into, onto, around each other, of orgasms so powerful they’d sink California into the depths of the pacific. “I know you’ve heard me say this many, many times. And I want you to hear me, really hear me, again when I say it now. I love you, I wouldn’t trade what we have for all the riches of solomon. You know you are the most important man in my life, you are the foundation of my existence. And if you ever get even the most fleeting notion that this isn’t good or healthy or satisfying, then all you have to do is say the word and it’s done. Because you deserve to be loved by a man who will be as devoted to you as I am, but who can also share in the great experiences you have ahead of you, someone you can grow with.” At this, he cuts me off. “Daddy, I’ve fucked around a lot. I’ve dated several boys, and even one girl.” At this, I cock an eyebrow, a bemused expression creeping into my smile, which he matches. “I don’t see what those straight boys get about pussy. But that’s neither here nor there. I don’t ever want this to change. I’ve found the man who makes me happy, makes me fulfilled, makes me get out of bed so I can do the things that make me proud of myself, and makes him prouder still of me.” “It’s you. It’s always been you. When I was 13, 14, 15, I had so many dreams about you. You fucking me. You kissing me. You cumming on me over and over and over, and when I turned 18, all those dreams became a reality. Every night when I go to bed… well, on those nights when I actually do go to bed, I say a prayer of thanks to God for giving me a wonderful father, and the sexiest fucking man I could ever hope to find, would ever want to find.” He leaves the rest unspoken, and so do I. I can feel he heat returning, the tension reigniting. He feels it too. Both of our cocks are at full mast, the precum leaking out of us, as each word he speaks brings us closer and closer to what we know is coming, what we both want more than anything in the world. He stands up, making sure his cock sweeps within inches of my face, watching my eyes follow it. And smirking because he knows how much I’m under his spell, and how much he’s under mine. My dick jerks, once, twice, and a huge spurt of precum jumps out as he turns to grab the points and I see his ass in all it’s worked out, worked on, teenaged perfection, the deep tanline of his torso and legs abruptly ending and the soft, slightly olive hugh of his skin making for a natural highlight, focal point of the room, my gaze, and at this point, my very existence. I want to touch it, lick it, make out with it, rub my face all over his crack and wear his musk like the finest cologne. He turns back, striding to the bed with purpose. He gets on the bed, points in hand, and positions himself on his knees facing me. His powerful thighs so cut, so defined in the camera lights Dave and Derek have put up for precisely this shot. His abs, his pecs, his biceps and shoulders all perfectly shadowed to accent just how powerful and sculpted his body has become. I match his pose, and I can see him taking in the sight. We’re just a few feet apart, and our dicks are touching, kissing each other, sharing precum and stoking the fires within us that are already burning past white hot. We don’t want this anymore. We need it. We crave it, We are addicted to each other, to the sex we’re about to have, to our family founded on lust and masculinity and taking another man’s ass and having him take yours, of feeling a beautiful cock thrusting wildly in you, of that overwhelming pleasure of having it jackhammering in and out of you at a lighting clip, and nearly melting your brain from an orgasm so powerful your balls are literally pained, of panting so hard you never think you’ll catch your breath, at looking in the mirror and seeing streak after streak after streak of cum on your face, chest, ass, dick, legs, feet, and feeling like you’ve just been claimed by masculinity incarnate, that a stud has marked you as his, and that you’ve marked him as yours. “Daddy, be a dear would you, and shoot me up so that we can fuck each other until the stars at night are big and bright.” “I’d be happy to oblige. Jack, you cocky little fucker, you brazen little slut, my cum whore of a son who never fails to make me the proudest father and slutiest fuck buddy I can be, get ready to get fucked like you’ve never been fucked before.. And,” I pause for dramatic effect as I put the tourniquet on him, and he looks up at me expectantly,” Get ready to fuck your daddy. I know you can top. I’ve seen the videos, had those nice gentlemen downstairs, confirm for me, that you fuck just as good as your old man, and I fucking want it. As soon as we’re rushing together, I want you to bend me over, return atll those tender licks I’ve given your cunt, and then shove that fucker in me. I want you to dick me down like I did to you that first night, any position you can think of, any pace you want, just as long as you give me that load. I want to feel my boy’s cum leaking out my hole, I want you to scoop it up with your fingers when it does and feed it to me” I’m saying this as I push the needle. He’s so turned on I have to remind him to breath. We both stare intently as the flash of blood reigsters, quickly fills the rig. I can see that both of our cocks somehow get even harder, his jumping from the first taste of a slam, mine jumping from the sight of his jumping. I unclip the tourniquet. “See you in the stratosphere boy.” I stare directly into his eyes as I push the plunger as quickly as I safely can, and pull the needle out. His eyes dilate right in front of me, his face flushes, chest turns red and he starts coughing, saying “thank you daddy thank you daddy holy fuck thank you daddy oh my god daddy thank you fuck “ I know what he’s feeling because in an instant, I’m feeling it tool. I haven’t even finished coughing and he throws himself against me, tackling me the way he’s tackled countless men in his dorm. Before I even know it, his face is buried in my ass, his clean shaven face between my ass cheeks, and he’s lapping at my hole. I can feel him savoring the taste as he kisses my hole passionately. I feel him take in several deep breaths, drinking in my musk and ball sweat like it was the finest wine, like he was a thirsty man in the desert. And then, I feel it. His cock. His beautiful, gorgeous, uncut cock is pressed right againt my hole. The precum mixing easily with his spit, and through his cock head, I can feel him trembling. “Thank you daddy. Time to make this cunt mine.” I don’t say anything, I just growl, And then, he pushes in. And just like my first time fucking him, he doesn’t even have to push. My hole pulls him in. Ever inch, every millimeter filling me up and sending shudders of pleasure rippling throughout my body. He bottoms out, his pubs against my ass, his balls dangling. He’s still for a moment, and I instinctively know that he’s making a deliberate effort to remember every second of this moment, of every sensation he’s feeling with his cock buried deep in his daddy’s ass. “Thank you kindly son. This feels incredble, now if you’d be so good, I want you to fuckin rape me.:” It’s his turn to growl, and he begins thrusting slowly, deliberately, The cameras are capturing every angle of it perfectly, as he slowly pulls his cock out, the lips of my hole straining, practically begging him not to pull out completely. He gets to his head, the slightest bit of fleshy pink just barely past my asshole, and then with the same deliberate pace, pushes it back in. I’m transfixed at watching his eyes watch his cock as it slides back in. He does this three or four times before changing his gaze, meeting my eyes in the mirror -- rentman is right, it really is so fucking hot to see that beautiful green hue locked on you in the mirror, consumed by lust and possession… And now, an animalistic, primal masculinity fueled by the knowledge that this cunt is now his, my hole to be stretched and licked and fucked and bred at his leiesure, just as his is fo rmine. Anothe growl from me prompts a growl from him. And then it begins. His pace goes from zero to sixty, the intensity of his thrusts could transform coal into diamonds, the waves of pleasure overwhelming both of us as his cock hits my prostate again and again and again, his eyes locked on the mirrors where an infinite regress of Jack’s fucking his daddy senseless, and indeed i am - my eyes are rolling back uncontrollably, I’m making these gutteral noises where once there were words, so overwhelmed I am by how fucking amazing his dick feels, how fucking amazing this boy I created and shaped and molded and fucked and fucked and fucked is now the one fucking me. Between the slam, our natural lust for each other, the tenderness of those minutes right before we points, and the knowledge that there are several more cocks and holes downstairs, connected to men we both desire, men we know are honest and upstanding, leading lives with integrity and purpose, and utterly as piggy and depraved and kinky and sexual as we are, neither Jack nor I last very long. He fucks me for all of five minutes before his cock erupts into me. Feeling the white hot streaks of cum hitting every square inch of my ass that he just dug lout, and hearing his growl turn to grunts turn to a primal scream of triumph send me over the edge, and I cum so hard I lose my vision for a few seconds. Almost a minute goes by before the last convulsions of this, the most intense orgasm I’ve ever expeienced, subsides, during which time my hole clenching on Jack’s dick causes him to cum again, adding more cum to my hole, more certainty to his claim to it. When he finally starts to pull out of me, I actually whimper a little, and my knees buckle. I fall out of doggy style, trying to catch my breath, and then flip over so I can see his angelic face, those glorious green eyes, which greet mine with a satisfaction and contentment neither he nor I knew existed. He leans in for a kiss, one that’s long and slow and filled with love and gratitude and the promise of more to come. He’s such a great kisser I think, as I feel his arm move, his hand graze my dick and my balls, as his fingers snake their way up my ass, to my hole where it seams like a gallon of cum is starting to leak out. Without saying a word, he pulls his hand back and holds it over my face, my mouth open and my eyes locked on his hand, on the cum he just shot in me, as he lets if fall off his fingers, into my mouth, all over my face. I’ve never tasted anything so good in my life. He leans in, and slowly laps up every drop of cum that spilled onto my face, savoring it in his mouth before coming back to mine with a kiss. We taste each other; his cum, my ass, all mingling together as we kiss, passionately, intensely, our cocks rousing back to life, hard and harder. We’re so focused on this moment, so amped up from the drugs and each other, that both of us have forgotten the men downstairs… Who, having watched us on the feed Dave and Derek set up, have come up to our room, each of them naked, eyes filled with the same deviant lust, pipes and points in hand, with their massive fucking cocks pointed right at us. None of us speak. None of us need to. In an instant, Jack and I are on our knees, next to each other doggy style, assholes beckoning this throng of studs to join our little party. This video is going to kill is what I think as Derek lines up behind me, rentman saddles up behind my son, the sheriff positioning his cock right in front of my face and young trucker’s cock in front of Jack’s. Yes, I truly fuckin love my son. And he truly loves me fuckin him.
    3 points
  8. After a year long dryspell when I moved to a smaller community I have been getting lucky a lot. Don't get me wrong during the last year I had plenty of hookups but they were all bottoms my cock was getting regular service but my hole was going without In theast month have had numerous hookups with 4 different tops I met on grindr and it has been fun if nothing to special that was until a couple days ago I was chatting with a guy I had hooked up with a few times he is older but has a nice cock and a decent fuck for a man in his fifties when he pointed out a profile on grindr he thought I might want to check out he had chatted with the guy but hadn't been able to hook up with him I admit I was curious my friend had pointed out other guys in the past but they were all sub bottom types he wanted to tag team this was first time he pointed out a guy who mostly topped. Then he told me why the guy claimed to have a ten inch cock My friend of course knew that in the past I had been a complete slut and definitely a size queen and figured I would love to have the chance at a cock like that When I saw the guy was on grindr later that day I didn't hesitate to hit him up and didn't take long for us to decide that we really needed to get together unfortunately because of my partner wasn't able to that day but we continued chatting The next day I had my chance my partner was working so I had the time she of course knows I'm with men on the side but has rules one of which me being with them can't take time away from me being with her but I had hours while she was working Even though was excited was also a little cautious despite telling me my friend was right and that he did have 10 inches he wouldn't send me a pic of it and his profile pic wasn't very attractive he was very skinny with long kinda greasy looking hair he also didn't have a car which is unusual in this area but I agreed to meet up with him There were more signs something was odd when he sent me the location to pic him up at it was at a business I knew wasn't open that day and not in great part of town many homeless stay in that area at night When I got there my fears were proved right he came out from a stand of bushes with his backpack and a blanket and I told myself thus wasn't going to happen I didn't want to be rude so I got out of my truck and introduced myself and even though I had decided I wasn't going to fuck him I went ahead and had him get in the truck since I had said I would take him to Walmart so he could get some money a friend had wired to him As we drove we talked a little and he started asking where we would go after Walmart he knew I couldn't host and obviously he didn't have a place I know several good cruising spots of course but hemmed and hawwed a little since at that point I was planning on backing out all I could think of is possible risks of letting a homeless man fuck me He could tell I wasn't likely to go through with it and I'm sure he knew why but he also knew what to do to change a man's mind As we git closer to Walmart he began rubbing his crotch as we talked his pants were thin and pretty loose so it was very obvious when his cock began growing with his attention and the bulge was impressive When we were just pulling into the parking lot he pulled the waist of his pants down and let it all slip out The guy hadn't been lying though not even fully hard yet it was at least ten inches and about as thick as a redbull cN maybe a bit more it was by far the biggest cock I have seen on a white guy outside of porn and only a few black men I had been with in Arizona could match him Once I was parked he pulled his pants up and got out of the truck to go into the store. I had been telling myself that once I got him there I would come up with an excuse for why I had to leave but I couldn't get that cock out of my head so a waited for him I told myself I was just going to be a nice guy and give him a ride back over to the side of town he had been staying in he was a homeless guy after all and not attractive no way was I having sex with him After about 15 minutes he came back to the truck and got in he even said he was surprised I had waited since he had noticed I hadn't seemed that into it We hadn't even left the parking lot when he was again rubbing his crotch and in less than a block he had his cock out again this time rubbing his hand slowly up and down this time I got a very good look though still not fully hard it was everything he had promised and a little more not only was it big it was uncircumcised I admit at that point I lost all my willpower and found myself Taking a turn that would take us to one of my favorite places to park with guys And as I drove he moved closer to me and took my hand and placed it on his cock As I rubbed his cock while driving and felt it get fully hard another concern came to me for a little over a year I hadn't had anything bigger that a finger in my ass until the last few weeks and of the guys I had been with the biggest was only average for a white guy it had been a very long time since had a monster cock like his Again I almost backed out this time because of his cock size but as I ran my hand up and down his shaft I knew I wouldn't be able to say It was a few miles to the parking area a little used parking lot for some hiking trails with a convenient little corner nobody can see you in unless they drive super close and the only people I had seen there were other guys like me Most of the time when park there just lay the seats all the way back and play I. The cab he of course had other ideas I had backed my truck into the parking spot to be able to be sure nobody snuck up on us but he hoped out and walked around the back of the truck At first I thought he had to pee or something first but I felt him put the tailgate down and he started motioning me to co e back there I was a little nervous but grabbed the bag I keep for hookups out if the back seat and joined him behind the truck and opened the bag getting out some lube and condoms Now I almost always bottom raw in fact had been almost five years since a man fucked me wearing a condom but always keep some on my truck because many of the guys I top insist I use them I really wanted to feel him fuck me bare but wasn't willing to risk it I knew he was homeless and he told me he would have sex with men just for a place to stay a night or 2 and didn't know if he was I to drugs so wasn't a risk I was willing to take The guy wasted no time with foreplay he simply spun me so I was facing the truck and pulled my gym shorts down then with one hand lightly pushed meso I was bent over the tailgate while his other hand began lubing my ass The guy was obviously very used to having to get guys ready for his giant cock because he took his time I felt first one than two finally three of his fingers lossening me up for him when he finally removed his hand I heard him open a condom package and looked back to see him putting it on that's when I noticed a problem The condoms I had were of course meant for me to use and were sized for my cock which is only six inches on him it was very tight and only covered two thirds of it He didn't let that bother him he git in behind me and put the tip against my hole then after asking if I was ready he began pushing it in Even after his prep work he had to push hard to get it into me after the first few inches I wondered if I had .are a mistake it felt like he was going to rip me open In the past when I had been with well hung guys they usually got a few inches in then began to fuck me their cocks getting deeper as the sex went on but he had a different idea he just kept pushing it slowly and steadily deeper I could tell he planned on bottoming out before the sex really As he pushed it in it was all I could do to just take it it had been a long time since felt that stretched and even stopped breathing a few times in discomfort But finally he had all ten inches in me and he stopped just stood there behind me for a minute I thought so I could have time to get used to it though later learned it was because he was filming then without a word he started moving again At first was going pretty slow alternating from long strokes to shirt ones but he slowly began picking up his pace and the short strokes were less frequent then the condom broke Cursing little he pulled out and peeled off the broken condom and I watched impatiently as he put a new one on Once rewrapped he got back behind and was able to re-enter no problem this time though he went right to it he held nothing pulling it almost all the way and shoving it all the way back he also started talking telling me how tight my pushy was what a dirty little fag I was a cum slut that loved his cock By then I was accustomed enough to his cock I still felt stretched but also felt like heaven my own smaller cock was rock hard The I felt it the second condom broke and I felt him get ready to pull out but this time I stopped him I was so very close to Cumming just from the feel of his cock so I reached back grabbed his arm and told himto keep going That must have really turned him on because he started fucking me harder and faster and talking more asking if I liked his dirty homeless cock asking if I wanted him to breed my dirty faggot pushy the said aren't you even going to ask if I'm clean than told me hadn't bee. Tested in over year All I could do is answer back yes I a dirty little fag I. His little batch I wanted his homeless seed After about five minutes of that I felt his strokes get shorter and his cock get Harder than he asked if I wanted him to cum in me. Without hesitating I just said one word yes Almost as soon as the word left my mouth hw grabbed my hips pushed all the way in and I felt his cock start to pulse as he came deep inside me for about 10 seconds at almost the same time my own cock shot my load all over the ground For almost a minute we both stayed in that position me bent over my tailgate him behind his cock slowly getting softer in my ass Finally I had to stand up straight I had lost track of time but had been bent over like that for half an hour and back was starting to get sore he pulled out and let me up I look over at him he was still breathing a bit hard and his cock was still out even mostly soft bigger than mine I also noticed a little blood on it even prepping me the way he had he had ripped me some We didn't really say much just cleaned ourselves up a little and got ready to head back when an idea struck me after I found out he did have a license I had him drive while I got into the passenger seat Giving guys road head has always been a turn on for me and there is no way I wasn't going to try it on a cock that big So as we drove a pulled his still limp cock out and lowered my mouth over it I had never been with a uncircumcised guy before so sucking him was a unique situation for me Honestly that soo. After sex I didn't really expect him to get hard again figured I would suck it a little it would feel good for him but that would be about it I was wrong by the time we git back to where he had slept the night he was fully hard I was going to have him drive to another place I knew but he said not to worry he parked my truck and lead me to the bushes he had co.e out of earlier once back inside the brush saw he had a well hidden. Spot and he also didn't have it to himself another homeless guy was asleep on a blanket in no time I was on my hands and knees with him one again balls deep in me this time I had no problem taking him as we fucked the other guy woke up and began watching taking his own cock out and rubbing it In other situations the other man's cock would have gotten .e instantly excited it was about eight inches and fairly thick but compared to the one that once again stretching my ass it was nothing the two homeless men began talking as the first one fuck with him telling his friend what a cumslut I was and again calling me a dirty whore and a fag At a certain point he told me his friend wasn't gay but would love a blow job so I found myself on my hands and knees in some bushes with a ten inch homeless cock in my ass and an eight inch in my mouth The second guy didn't last long I had only sucked him for maybe two minutes when he held my head hard against him as his cum went down. My throat It was almost an hour before they first guy was ready to cum again and I admit I was starting to get more than a little sore the whole second time he had been fucking me hard fast and deep though my own cock was hard again as well When he was about ready to cum he told me to start stroking my cock he wanted us to cum together so I did but he hadn't given me enough warning and I wasn't there yet when I felt him Cumming in me for the second time This time he came even harder and I was able to count him spurt 12 times into me that was almost enough to make me cum right then but not quite but I kept stroking as he just knelt on his knees behind me trying to catch his breath Then out of the blue he tells me he has to piss this time his cock had gotten softer faster it was still in my ass but seemed half the size it had been but seemed to stiffen a little as he just let his bladder go and I felt hi. Filling my already cum filled ass I was a little shocked but not bad I actually enjoy piss play but had never said anything his friend however laughed and asked if he had really just pisses up my he admitted he had as he pulled out of me and I felt his piss and cum run down my leg I was still stoking my cock wanting to cum before I left when his friend said he wanted to try I looked over in time to see him with his cock in his hand aiming it at my face . Before I could say anything I felt his wam piss hi my forehead and I just went with it moving me head so he showered the whole thing even taking some in my mouth That was as much as I could take as he finished emptying his blather my own cock finally shot its second load We really didn't talk after I pulled my clothes back on got I'm my truck and left as I drove home my face smelling like piss my ass leaking piss and cum part of my mind was asking myself what I had done I had let a homeless man probably a drug addict fuck me raw not once but twice the piss in me the list of what diseases he could have given were running though my head but another part of my was wondering if I could get a third from that beautiful ten in monster
    2 points
  9. Last night after coming home from dinner I was a little buzzed and the boyfriend and I were cruising grinder, not expecting much. There were the standard bots and flakes. We were about to give up, but one blank profile we could not figure out if it was real or not. It belonged to a 20 year old top that “needed to dump a load quick”. Despite him being rather pushy and annoying the pic he sent us was pretty hot, with a nice dick pic. We invited him over figuring the chances of his showing were about 50/50. My man does most the talking, and says we are down for oral and he didn’t think I was up to bottom. If he did show it would be a fun cock to suck, since I didn’t really feel like bottoming and the boyfriend is a TOTAL top. Half hour later the door bell rings and, I guess they twink-top is real. The boy comes in and ready to go from the moment he walked in. Standing there in the living room he drops his pants and I drop to my knees. I begin to service a cock so hard it could only belong to a horned up 20 year old. It’s a nice cock. Cut, well proportioned, and well trimmed; but it’s much smaller than the pic he sent. But a decent average sized cock Since I am used to servicing my mans huge cock that is beer can thick I like working the smaller ones. I can really work them like a porn star. We get him naked and on the couch switching back and forth on who’s is throathing his cock. He’s quite impressed with both of our oral skills. While he is tickling my tonsils with his dick, and I’m making good eyecontact, he asked if I would like to get fucked. I shrug my shoulders and agree. The kid follows us into the bed room where I lay on my back on the edge of the bed, take a hit of poppers, and lube his cock. I throw my leg into the air and he shoves his cock it to the hilt in one go. Which it burns like hell at first. I make him slow down at first. I can tell this won’t take long. My body adjusts to his cock. He comments on how good my ass feels, as I use my muscles to massage his cock. My boyfriend stands back and watches the well built twink fuck his boyfriend. He’s playing his this phone and taking pics of me getting plowed by this horny, yet inexperienced top. He asked if he “can blow inside” and I reply with a simple “yes.” After about 3 minutes of fucking me starts saying something about how he has to meet friends soon. I realize this means he just blew his load, and we doing the typical freak out of a young closeted boy that just had an orgasm. He quickly got dressed, asked if we were feee next weekend and rushed out the door, leaving me and my dripping hole on the bed. The boyfriend lets him out and meets me back in the bedroom. Where I give him the best sloppy head I can. I could tell he will be back, and will be even more eager to breed my hole now that he knows I’m not opposed to taking loads.
    2 points
  10. Saturday night at baths, 100% hotties. Dude with his ball cap on backwards, and huge dick tried to fuck me in the dark room butt he couldn't stand the gropers. I told him I had a room, so off we went. He didn't want any oral butt his big cock stayed hard. He just plays with my hole til I couldn't take anymore, eager to get his dick in my cumhole. I'm on my back with my ankles on his shoulders I shot my load when he did without ever touching my cock. It has been years since that happened to me. xox
    2 points
  11. Here's a list of the reasons I've tracked or am tracking my sex with men: Tracking for PrEP and STI testing appointments. Tracking because your daddy or dom has told you to. Reporting all sex not with them. Recounting all sex for them to enjoy as they fuck you. Tracking to ensure that >50% of all loads you get are from your daddy/dom. Remembering what men like and enjoy in case of repeats. Remembering which men affected me most profoundly as we played. I'm like you when I'm playing, I'm immersed in the experience and enjoying the passion and connection. When I'm finished and sitting in my car, my hole wet and supple with fresh bred cum, I pause and capture the experience for a few minutes before I drive home and absorb the seed I've been given. It's not onerous or distracting, it's mindful and useful. YMMV.
    2 points
  12. The testing window (i.e. time from exposure until screening test turns positive) for Gonnorhea is 5 days to 2 weeks, for Chlamydia 1–2 weeks. If you haven't developed symptoms earlier, it makes sense to wait for two weeks to get accurate results.
    2 points
  13. I agree with the original poster's thoughts. Totally. I know posts you're talking about, and instinctively I'm quite sad for people with no self-respect because I'm aware it's the result of a world where homosexuality is treated as something disgusting - and yes, there are also many hetero men getting excited by degrading and women who enjoy being degraded. What I think about it, I always compare it to sweets or non-healthy food. It's obvious that, generally, fried stuff and/or sweets, chocolate and so on, taste so good. But a life in this way means self harm! Sexually, I always say it's matter of understanding the huge difference between fantasy and desire. Fantasy is made of exaggeration, transgression, to break boundaries. But real life is other thing! I heard many men getting excited to have their tops spit in their face as a degradation sign, well, I would never allow someone to do that, I'd never allow a stranger to call me slut as, currently, I do not look for that kind of experience! Then with my long-term partner I do and say whatever but it's another background. The author also said about being "psycho", well, I don't think so. When you come from a background where you feel refused even by your family, it's very hard to feel self-respect unless you find the reason to, yourself! I personally fell in the arms of an abuser because I had no self-esteem, because the world (even gays in my area) made me believe that "gay men are in this way, accept it!" and "this way" means "love is an illusion, be promiscuous and proud of it" It's a matter of models we choose, I think. We shouldn't refer to "models" as every person has their own life and background, but it's really hard to feel self-respect in these days, where the world wants us to be more perfect and less humans. In general. Yes, we must help ourselves to be human, with everything it means. Including kinks (even extreme ones) and desires. They're ours, and we must make peace with everything.
    2 points
  14. I'm a 42 year old bi man married but wife is ok with me being with other men as long as I keep it very discreet a few years ago we moved to a town in Western Colorado where there are very few men that are tops so for the past two years have mostly hooked up with guys that wanted to bottom or just trade oral though I am personally a complete cock whore when I can be. Last night that changed after a year of not getting fucked I was finally able to scratch that itch. I was on grindr trying to find a guy I could suck off on my lunch break when a 29 year old top contacted me we chatted a bit and decided that we would meet for sex after work instead of head during lunch. As we chatted we realized we had met before one time and I was very excited during our one short meeting I found him very attractive Neither of us could host at our homes so we met at his store like I said he is an attractive man of 29 short maybe 5'7 Hispanic with dark completion and eyes with a well trimmed beard when I got to his shop with little conversation he led me to an upstairs office still saying almost nothing he showed me he had lube then started kissing me his hands going to my cock almost right away We made out for a few minutes before I dropped to my knees pulled his shorts down and began sucking his 7 inch cock that was already rock hard dripping precum I only sucked him for a couple minutes as I was worried he would cum and I wanted him to fuck me we had talked about fucking bareback while chatting but hadn't in person so as I pulled off my own shorts and went and bent over his desk I didn't know for sure how it would happen but after he put the lube on my hole I didn't hear a condom package open and I felt his bare cock Like I said earlier it had been over a year since the last time I had a cock in me so at first he had a hard time with how tight I was he wasn't particularly thick but still took some effort but after a few minutes he was fucking me fast and hard right on his desktop as he got close to cumming he asked if I wanted him to cum in me I told him fuck yes he then asked if we could cum together so I began stroking my cock as he kept fucking I felt him get ready to cum and actually shot my own load over the floor second before I felt him tense and cum inside me for a nice large load After re recovered and pulled out I put my own shorts back on while he did the same gave him one last kiss and left his store driving home felt my ass sloppy with lube and cum felt that was a perfect way to break my dry spell
    2 points
  15. Yesterday, my Vietnamese boy came over after his shift ended for sex with daddy. He had some car trouble earlier so I told him now we'd de-stress from his woes. I met him at my unlocked front door in a long T-shirt and hard as a rock. We kissed, and I led him up to the bedroom. I peeled off his clothing. He lifted up my T-shirt. He got down to suck my cock and grabbed my ass to feel my douched hole with his fingers. One finger, then two, then three, in and out while he's still sucking me. I couldn't take it any more. Cum was building in my shaft. I told him to expect a mouthful of hot cum. Lo and behold, I did blast down his throat. He had cum down the sides of his mouth. He cleaned off my cock and cum-kissed me. BIG TURN-ON! Afterwards, he asked for me to get on my tummy and proceeded to rim me then fuck me. He was excited to fuck Daddy! Within 5 minutes he gave me a 3-day load deep inside my ass. It was leaking out. He buried his tongue inside and gave me a taste too! We switched to being able to rim each other for a number of minutes. I love running my tongue from his hole to the back of his neck along his spine and the side up to his armpits. He loves to suck on daddy's nipples! After sex we drove to a new Chinese restaurant nearby because we were hungry for food! Hot sex followed by hot meal! Good in my books! OINK!
    2 points
  16. It's probably true that handicapped/disabled persons have far fewer options than other people for sex - given our society's appalling ableism. But one needn't be such in order to experience a severe dearth of options. Sometimes it's looks, sometimes it's personality, sometimes it's the location, sometimes it's just old-fashioned snobbery, but there are a significant number of gay men out there who go without sex for extended periods of time simply because they can't find anyone interested. Some guys I've talked with said they hated going to the baths, because if they exercised any choice over who fucked them, they didn't get fucked at all - while more appealing (in some way - better looking, better built, better hung, whatever) guys could pick and choose all night long and always get the cream of the crop. One finally admitted he had found a sex worker in the nearest big city who was happy to give him what he wanted, at a reasonable price, and never made him feel bad about paying for it.
    2 points
  17. Masturbation for me is fucking myself with dildo. I need to be fucked 3 - 4 times a day to be satisfied, mostly find enough guys keen to help out, but otherwise resort to dildo play. I’m almost always locked in chastity as well so very rarely cum. My penis is not a sexual organ for me, my hole is. I get off on the knowledge that I’ve had the pleasure of giving a guy pleasure and they have rewarded me with their cum to keep inside me. I get frustrated sometimes when guys wank so often when I have a willing hole to use. Anyone can use it, I never turn down a load.
    2 points
  18. First attempt at this, all fantasy for now Recently divorced from women, who had some, shall we say issues, part of the yr would be up for swinging and liked women, but part of yr would swing into a.. asexual now and you should find fun elsewhere. Didn't know that I was exploring my bi side during those time. When told her I was Bi, she couldn't completly get on board with it. She is a decent person just a bit bi polar. anyway, divorced for 2yrs now and i m out exploring my newly discovered bottom slut side. Have recently been getting introduced to the joys of bbc, and while I never thought I was submissive, if you push the right buttons then I just melt. The top that introduced me to all this name is Jesse, and he has a nice thick 8in that make me drool. While still new to slamming, I love how piggy it makes me, but it also is frustrating as, I become such a hungry hole, and always want more, (yeah never heard that before). So have been introduced to a couple of his friends and haven;t managed to arrange more than 2 of them at a time, so he knows I d love to gangfucked. I have also shared with him, stories about my ex and shown him a few pics, We are both mid late 40s but look younger, she is 5'6 120lbs and small boobs, and a tight little pussy that she claimed always had trouble with big cocks, good for me since I m avg. I was joking with jesse and saying she had never done t and I d love to see her get spun up and see if she would get crazy for cock like me. Jesse laughed and asked if she could take BBc as well as me. Hell no I said, I d like to make here watch me take on a bunch of bbc with each one filling e till there cum is overflowing. Maybe slip her some t and see if she gives in and joins. Jess thought about this and said I bet I could figure a way to get that little fantasy going. What, no way I said she is to innocent lol, he said I can figure something, I said now be careful, not into really harming her etc. 2 weeks later I get a call from jesse, we havent had a nice fuck since that night, he says I have ideal, uh oh what have I started but my cock instantly got hard. So this is the plan he had, I invite her into the city for dinner/shopping catching up and splurge for a nice hotel rm, with seperate beds so we can stay overnite (we are still close so would not be unual). After dinner that is delieved to room by one of his friends in disguise, he slips her something to knock her out. once she konks out, we strip her to undies/bra, slip her just a small bit of t, when she comes to she will be in chair facing bed where I will be on my knees and restrained by couple bigger black guys(i m small guy 5;7 155lbs, and I m blindfolded and naked and being made to suck a nice BBC, I have earplugs in so I have no ideal she is there. Jess whispers in her ear that no harm will come to her, but they know I am bi and love cock and have fucked me before but only once and we don't really know one another. but we know a mutual aquaintance, who has told them about me and that we need to figure some way to fuck both of us. He then tells her that I believe you are asleep back in your room, and he has just been having some fun down the hallway. He tells here I have never been gangfucked and fantasize about it. and that they have given me t so I am high and willing to do anything. She is starting to feel the effect of t on herself and can't figure out why she is started to wiggle around. She asks if they are going to mak here have sex with them. Jesse says no but soon you will be begging for us to do so. I am now on my knees ass up trying to deep throat a thick cock. they explain that with the headphones secured to my head I only hear anything when thay talk through a microphone that goes to my headphones. They are say and of course the ex can hear that part, that I am a good cocksucker, but they bet my wife would be better, trying to tease me. I shake my head no, they laugh and say into mic, do you think she could take BBc in her holes like me. I am fairly high at and of course am in on the scam so I take the cock out of my mouth and say I wish she could see what a total whore for BBC I have become, she would be shocked , and she would see how I was a better fuck than she was, I then say too bad she never figured it out, I would have shared all the BBC we could find and take em together, I say i d lover to eat her cum filled hole if she was gangbanged, but would make here do the same to me. Now the other guys jesse invited who are in the room all strip, 4 other guys besides jesse, nate who is skinny tall guy but with biggest cock I have ever seen, and thick as my wrist, then g who is a large guy 6;4 and all muscle but with a soft voice and silver tongue whose cock is about as big, Stephen who is also over 6ft and husky with a nice thick 9 inck cock, he s a quiet guy bu very sexy , and next guy I only know as t also over 6ft, with a pretty curved 8 inc cock, I have only meet Nate before, and it took some work but finally took that huge cock and am anxious to try again. They all tower over me and could pick me up and bounce me on their cock with ease. I also trust the two guys I am friends Nate and Jesse and trust them, we have a safe word if things arent going well and they will promptly knock out the ex with something gentle, we put her in my bed, with empty liqur bottles and some interracial pron the the motel tv, whe will wake thiking we had some kinky sex and imagined most of the weird stuff , no hard done. But at the momen she hasn't said much but is starring at me sucking cock. Jesse leans in and says to her , 'watch what happens-' when we inject him with t, that I ll be an uncontrollable slut and beg for there cocks' she shakes her head and says dont do that she doesnt want to see me hurt. Jesse laughs, oh don't worry he has done this before, just never with 5 at a time, just watch he says. Nate then holds me down, I m still on my kneees ass up, and wraps a tourniquet around my arm while jesse slides a nice sizable hit into my vein. The Ex is watching mesmerized unaware that the reason she is wriggling around is the t slipped to her 30 min ago in some juice, As the rush hits me I cough and then I m flying they let go of me as I start fingering my hole. I then shock her by begging for some one to put their big cock in me,,I then add I wish she could see this, I could teach here how to take cock(still with headset on and pretending I don't know she is there. As t move behind me, jesse asks her should we use lube, she looks terrified and says yest dont hurt him, he then loosens one of her arms and says she will have to it then, he guides her hand into a container holding lube, she get her fingers wet and then hesitates, go on says jesse slid a few fingers inn his hole. finger fuck me to get it loosened up. I ve never done this she says, so jesse helps slide first one finger then two and she now takes over fingering me by herself. Its so tight she says,..Oh dont worry by end of night it wont be says jesse, he is rubbing the slide of her now exposed brests and her breathing is picking up, Does he really like it she asks, oh yeah says jesse, you ll be jealous watching him moan and beg for more. I could never take cocks that big she says while looking intently at her fingers sliding into my hole. Oh I could give you a little of what we just gave him and you would not be able to control yourself. Really she says, I don't believe any drug could do that,... Oh it just loosens all your inhibitions and makes your pussy and ass tingle, youll be so horny you ll beg to take our cocks. She is really quit now, I don;t think so she whispers, .. Oh just watch for a min, ...T has now moved so is standing on bed, she is in a chair 2 feet away , he then slides his big cock into my hole in one smooth push, I am riding the rush and my hole just opens up, I moan and say oh god yes please fuck me with athat wonderful cock. T now says I bet your wife would be jealous if she were watching, I doubt it I say she s a bit timid, but yeah I d love here to see me doing this. The ex is now rubbing her clit, and hasnt noticied all her restraints are off, or that jesse has slipped a tourniquet around her arm, he tells here its a small hit and she may cough a bit but then she will beg for cock. She looks down at her arm and jesse holding the needle, he says ok if you say no I wont do this but I promise to take good care of you both and you will have best sex you ever had, she is quit so jesse finds a vein gives one last look into her eyes, she says I m scared, he reassures her, she is in good hands, that he is actually a paramedic in real life and will take care of her. She nods yes and he slips it in, pulls out, she leans back in the chair with a cough and says fuck.. (she is not aware that my blindfold is off and I am looking back watching her as that first rush hits her. Holy fuck she says I never thought this exisitited. Jesse is now rugging her pussy which is leaking he asks her if she wants to learn to be able to take cock as well as me,, when she says yesys its in a whisper, t isnow slowly puls from my hole, ithas a slight gape, ..Look at his fuck hole, we are going to make your pussy and ass look like that, in fact you ex there is going to be sucking our cum from you holes when are done, ... she is whimpering now, yes she says.. oh you will return the favor, says jesse, now suc, T s cock and taste your ex husbands ass on his cock, see what kind of pig you turned you ex into. T slides his cock into her mouth, she is then carried to the bed and laid on her back with her head below mine, just then jesse slides his cock into her. its slow going as she is really a small woman down there, her eyes flash open as a moan escapes her lips, it is then she realizes I am above her still on my knees no blindfold etc and am looking into her eyes, I say to her take that bbc and show me you are as good a fguck as I am. She immiediatly starts to cum all over Jesse cock, yes , I say this ihas been in you the whole time, you were just to timid to let go. Oh my god she says he is so big, oh yeah I say but before the night is over both or our holes will be gaped and leaking cum, you will be forever a size queen,. she moans and cums again at that comment I am now kissing here and tell her I can taste my ass from when she sucked T's cock.I then crawl forward till we are in 69 position, me on top and she n ow see Ts big cock at the entrance to my hole. go ahead guide it in I beg I so need him in me, I want you to watch what a total fuck hole I am for bbc, I would do anything for it, but just wait, by end of night you will be too. She orgasms again at that, She grabs his thick, cock barely able to get here fingers around and watches as my tight ass opens up and he starts to fucke me good, he pounds then pulls out so she can see my hole gape open, I am now telling jesse to fuck her hard open here up so everyone else can get in that tight pussy fuck yeah says jesse her pussy is real nice like you said, I could make money off that hole, brothers be lined up for a turn,. fuck yeah I moan as my eyeballs are rooling into the back of my head, my hole is gettting pounded and my ex is underneath me cheering me on saying yeah that is so hot, show me what a whore you are baby,T now unloads a huge load in my hole, and as he pulls out she is watching intently then a big globe of his cumm fall right into her face and open mouth. she is stunned, but T now rubs his big cock across her face and says yeah suck that cum off my cock, , he tells her my ass is so good, he bets she will never be that good a fuck. she is cleaning his cock best she can but mostlu ots smeared all over her face, she is also panting through at least her 9 orgasm on jesses cock, He asks her if she wants his big load of cum in her little milf pussy yes pleas she says, I have no scooted down and am licking the cum from her face as jesse grunts and unloads a 5 day load, when he pulls out her pussy doesnt close and a river of cum is leaking out. It is so raunchy looking. I reach down and scoop some up with my fingers and feed it to her , she is still flying and says ple;ease she want more cock
    2 points
  19. For the first question, in general, no. I think everyone should be afforded a right to privacy and should not be outed for their sexuality. However, there are certain circumstances that might bring a person's sexuality into public view. Using the example of a politician or clergy, if that person was actively engaging in activities that they were "preaching" or legislating against, it would be valid to point out that person's hypocrisy and show how that deception is detrimental to others. In my opinion, this isn't necessarily outing as gay, but outing as a hypocrite. As for the second question of whether it's ever acceptable to pass as straight, I'd say, yes. There are situations where one's safety could be of a higher priority than a social agenda. Can you prove that? I mean, when you consider how humans have bartered for marriage through arranged connections and dowry payoffs that may only peripherally involve the couple that is to wed, it could be argued that a transaction between a sex worker and client is actually a more intimate encounter than many marriages consummated throughout history. I think your interpretation of Maslow's Hierarchy is slightly off. While our current society tends to conflate love and sex, Maslow intentionally separated the two. Sex is a primary physical need. Love is a secondary mental construct. You do not need to love to have sex, and you do not have to have sex to have love. We all have a limited number of things that we can focus on at one time. Primary needs need to be somewhat satisfied before you have the bandwidth to focus on higher needs. So the need for sex needs to be somewhat satisfied before you can turn your attention to things like love. For a guy, once he's cum, the need for sex is somewhat satisfied so he can think about things like: "I wonder what it would be like to do that with a person instead of my hand" ... "Yeah she's a good lay but do I actually love her" ... "I got enough from that trick to pay rent, maybe I can take some time to focus on finding some new friends..." Fulfilling a basic physical need doesn't create a "deficit" in higher needs, but rather, once a primary need is satisfied, you can turn your attention towards fulfilling higher needs that already exist. Fun fact: Maslow created a list of 15 characteristics of self-actualized individuals. Three that sort of relate to this thread are: Strong moral/ethical standards; Concerned for the welfare of humanity; Need for privacy.
    2 points
  20. Generally no. Only if the person is out there hypocritically proselytizing against gay people. Then all bets are off. They have it cumming! 😃
    2 points
  21. I'll gladly take both - but if pressed to decide on one or the other, my Cock votes for the group scene ...
    2 points
  22. Getting pozzed in my dream part 1 I woke up from the best dream that I ever had. I got back from a friend's sex bash that he had every month and every month the whole of the party were all vers and all fucked bare so there wasn't a single guy that wasn't leaving without cum being put in their asses. I was exhausted after all the fucking and taking a fare amount of loads from every guy at the party that when I got home I didn't even bother with a shower and just stripped and dumped my clothes at the door and went right on the couch and fell right to sleep. I have always bareback and have never put on a condom but keep plenty of doctored ones with me if anyone refuses to bare fuck me and I always want the tops to be so aggressive when they fuck me so the condom breaks and they flood me with their cum. I can't get enough cum to ever just satisfy me and when I get my first load of the night I won't stop until my hole is sloppy with cum and puffy with all the aggressive fucking. I have read so many stories about guys getting HIV and each time I get so horny when I read how happy they are or how they get over the fears anymore and embrace it. Reading about chasers and ones who get pozzed without knowing and asking always leaves me leaking so much precum and then I search desperately for someone to flood my hole with cum. My name is Alex and I just turned 19 and spent as much time as I could cruising for random cock in cruising areas, porn shops with booths and theaters as well as the bathhouse that's 10 miles from where I live with my brother Jeff and so far I have had no luck in my search of my poz daddy to fill me and change my life. I was a swimmer in highschool and I was on the team in college so I had your typical swimmers body with my swimmers six pack and hairless from the neck down. I have brown hair and brown eyes but I don't know how the genetic roulette happened that gave me a 12 inch cock. I have seen my brother naked plenty of times as well as our dad and neither of them had a cock as impressive as mine so I stopped thinking much about where I got my blessed cock from. Swimming also gave me such a large bubble butt that everyone loved getting their hands mouth and cock on and In so I used my assets to my advantage and got laid allot. My brother was on the same swim team when he was in highschool and kept swimming when he graduated but for him it was a workout and recreational instead of competition. Jeff had the same style body as me minus the large cock and ass so everyone thought we were twins and it made us laugh when we told everyone that we were 10 years apart. Jeff and I had the understanding that since we were both adults and we were both gay that nudity at home was never a problem so we never wore anything at home. We both had plenty of guys over for sex too and they seemed to love the thought of two hot brothers naked together all the time. Now back to my dream. My dreams I could always remember them when they were about sex and this dream was different and felt more real to me. I dreamt about my brother watching me flip fucking a random guy I brought home and fucked a few nights ago right on the couch I was sleeping on. It started normal with making out and sucking of course which lead to both of us rimming each other and then flip fucking until we both came in each other's asses and then he left and I stayed on the couch fingering my hole and licking up the sweet cum he left in until I had every drop of it in my belly. I stayed on the couch in my dream and saw my brother there stroking and watching me with intensity. I bent down on the couch exposing my open hole to him and he moved with a quickness I never imagined and rammed in his leaking cock down to the base in one motion making me moan and scream in pleasure. Jeff was a animal in fucking me adding in his fingers alongside his cock making me moan in pain and pleasure at being stretched more. He rotated me while never leaving my ass and started to bite on my nipples causing me to moan in pain because he knew they were always so sensitive all the time. Jeff never slowed down with my torture and pleasure until I could feel him stretch me more as he got harder and flooded me with his cum and that didn't stop him from completely ramming it in deeper digging his cum as deep as it would go in my hole and I could feel his second load shoot in me so quickly it made my cock explode with my second load of the night as well. I coated us both with a shower of cum and Jeff never stopped fucking me as he scooped up my load and fed it to us both and then shoving his tongue in my mouth. He finally pulled out of me after I felt a third load being fired in my guts and his cock softening in me and coming out with a pop. I held his load in me and he kissed me again whispering to me that he was now my father and welcome to the club. I woke up with a start like I always do after a sex dream to the realization that I was in the same position that I was in in my dream and I felt my hole and it aches and was wet again after I was sure I had no more cum in it. I looked around and saw Jeff standing in his doorway looking at me and smiling and then turned away after saying he loved me and that's when I saw his tattoo on his left ass cheek of a bright red scorpion with a biohazard on its pincers. I say there a bit dazed and after sitting there for awhile thought maybe my dream wasn't a complete dream. I thought about it as I was scooping the load in my ass out again licking it all up thinking what it would be like if my brother really did fuck me.
    2 points
  23. Lots of good quick intense breedings in this one [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/62388/internal-cumbustion/
    2 points
  24. Got a surprise DP'd by 2 college guys last night. I was a a college bar last night with friends to hook up with some college girls. Was talking to this girl for some time and her gay friend was with her. He was tall and slim and good looking. She met her female friend and said ill be right back and left me alone with her gay friend. He was a good talker and we got talk about all kinds of things then got into sex talk and asked if I was ever with a guy and told him I was bi. He asked if I play with guys much I said mostly lately guys. He said his boyfriend is here and we are leaving to a private party and asked if i wanted to go. I saw i had no hope with his female friend so agreed to go. I told my friends im leaving to go home and as i passed by the gay guy i said meet you outside. He said his bf is coming now. I waited outside and the two came out. His bf was a muscle guy both about 25. So i followed then to a house 30 minutes away. Got there and there were a few other guys there. Some my age and other in their 20s. So the two guys i came with brought me to a bedroom. One grabbed a bottle of vodka and orange juice as we went in. We sat in the room smoking and drinking alot and talking about things. Then the sex talk started and told me what they do to each other asked if i ever bottomed. I said mostly I like to be a bottom. Then one of them locked the door and put on gay porn. I drank more and watched with them. The three of us laid back watching gangbang porn and both started to rub my leggs. Then unzipped my paints and pulled them off. Rubbing my cock and leggs i was getting hot. Haven't been with this young in a while but going for it. They stripped and wow nice smooth bodys. We started to makeout and i started to suck. As i was bent over sucking i felt my hole played with. I said i wasn't planning this i need to cleen. They both said the shower as a toy on it. They said go to ready we were set already. So i showered and used the attachment to deep clean. I got out and saw them laying on the bed with dildos in each other. I said thats hot and got on the bed and in notime had a larger dido pushed in me with a ton of lube. He pushed and pulled the didlo for some time. Hurt in the beginning but i got loose as i was sucking an cock. The one i was sucking slid more under me and the dido got pulled out slowly and felt him grab his friends cock and line it up to my hole. I sat up and felt lube alot of lube rubbed on my hole and his cock and sat on his cock playing with his nipples. He thrusted as i felt his cock was in deep. He friend watched for a little then pushed on my back for me to lay on his friend. I felt more lube and all of a sudden felt another cock try to slide in. It hurt a little and was like a pole it was so hard and felt my ass give and he slid it and felt so good as it went in deep with the other cock. They both started to thrust and i buried my face in the pillow. Thank god they weren't big. They fucked me like bunny rabbits. Then one blew his load and a few more strokes the other blew a load. They pulled out and i was laying with them and rubbed the one guys smooth ass. It got me hot so i rolled over and pulled his ass up and rimmed the hell out of it i got son hot after me getting DP'd and that nice smooth firm ass I shoved my hard cock in him and fucked him hard for a while and blew a hugh load in him as his friend sucked my cum out of it. We laid on the bed for a while watching more porn.
    2 points
  25. Am away in Bangkok and took 4 loads from Grindr hook ups - no mention of status but none attempted to use a condom. I then paid a very cute 20 MB ago fucked me and I blasted 2 loads inside of him - hope he was neg!
    2 points
  26. Triple Ass Up I've been posting and emailing and running "Quick connect" ads on the apps all day for the motel anon cum dump with my friends tonight. I've gotten a lot of responses which is good. My friends have also been doing the same. Hopefully the turnout will be good. My friend just got checked into the room and texted me the room number and I've just sent it out to everyone. I get ready, shower, clean out and lube up my ass and put on my jock underwear and head over to the motel. It's the same one we've used the past couple times. Very cheap and seedy and in a questionable part of town along the interstate. When I get there my friend lets me in and the other bottom guy we had met yesterday is already there. My friend and him go over to the bed and start making out. I join them and start fingering the other bottom guy's ass. He starts going down on my friend and offers his ass up to me. I don't hesitate and slide my already hard cock as deep in as it will go and start humping away. Knowing I've got a high VL and this guy might not have converted yet makes me so turned on it isn't long before I feel my balls start to pull up and that feeling of impending orgasm building. Very soon I'm pumping my poz load into his maybe still neg ass. Hearing me groan out as I cum my friend p pushes him off his dick and then I get out of the way and he mounts up and quickly adds his virile charges load. As I'm watching other guys start showing up so I get on my knees and start getting them hard, going back and forth between dicks and stroking others with my hand as I suck. One of the guys I just got hard quickly takes my friends place and easily slides in one stroke because the other bottom is now well opened up and slick with two loads. Two poz loads. The guy I am sucking now pushes me down and another guy gets behind me and slides his fat dick into my hole. I'm now being pumped from both ends and moaning out with pleasure. When both of them finish I look up and see both my friend and the other bottom guy on the bed ass up taking dick. I climb up and join them and quickly it is three asses up being used as cum receptacles. As we're all being used I hear from near the door "Oh shit! It's the cops". The guys fucking us stop and pull out. Everyone seems worried as there are two Police officers in the doorway. One of them says "What have we here?" "Three piggy little faggots getting bred. We got complaints about the noise and all the traffic in and out of here. We thought it was dopers, but this is much better". The Police officer walks over to us in the bed holding his baton and gives both my friend and I a couple of swift whacks across out buttocks. It isn't hard enough to do any damage but man does it sting! Then he starts probing the other bottom guy with it, noting how much cum is leaking out of his well used ass. "You boys better be on PrEP or you'll be pozzed up taking loads from the likes of these guys. I know for sure a lot of them are poz from when they've been in county." "No sir, I'm not" I answer. He asks me "So are you already poz?". I reply "Yes Sir". "Well, I guess that is what dick loving queers like you deserve." Speaking to the officer still blocking the doorway he says "Well Bob, there's nothing really to see here. You boys just try to keep the noise down so we don't have to come back again. Let's go Bob, we've got more important things to do." With that they left. Surprisingly none of the other guys did, I guess not wanting to follow right out after the Police. With relieved looks on their faces and lust returning I felt myself being re-positioned on the bed and a dick sliding back into me. I didn't even have to look to know my two friends were getting the same treatment as I heard them moan out "Yesssss" and "Hell yeah!". The fuck fest continued for the next couple hours, albeit with guys trying to be more quiet, the room mostly being filled with soft moans and groans and slapping of flesh. After all the guys finished up and were leaving my friend and I again took a second turn with the other bottom guy. By then his hole was so loose I could barely feel my little cock in there so it took me a while to get my nut. My friend being a little bigger must have gotten a bit more friction because it didn't take him as long to blast his second load of the night. We all agreed we need to start doing this every Friday night. Maybe some time we might even get the cops to join in. Weirder things have happened. This is Austin after all.
    2 points
  27. I agree with bug Ryan This is a really good story. And I really do believe that once a the bug converts a Man to POZ, the bug really does take over. It makes our toxic cocks want to seek, breed, infect and destroy and it makes our toxic holes lust after more nut loads of new strains to transform us even more.
    2 points
  28. the first time a boyfriend watched random guys fuck me we were at a bathhouse and he was fucking me in the public sling putting on a show when a guy asked him "can I fuck your boy?" and he said sure. Then when the guy asked if he had a condom he said "you don't need one, he takes it raw" then while the guy was fucking me my boyfriend blindfolded me and said "I wanna watch you take loads all night" from then on he would bring me to bathhouses, porntheatres and guys apartments all the time to watch guys fuck me.
    2 points
  29. I think the look can be really hot. My last supplier had the classic look, but his head and lean face were perfect for baldness. And he had the attitude to go with it. It didn’t hurt that he was there. Also great sex.
    1 point
  30. It makes my cock throb to think that over 12,000 people have read about how I was fucked and now just want cock. 3 men have now cum up my ass. Hopefully more to cum.
    1 point
  31. Two bottoms at dark dead end upstairs at Wet from 1pm Sunday
    1 point
  32. I'd rather gang fuck a hole. As long as I get the last load and get to suck the loads out of his cunt.
    1 point
  33. Got about 7" of thick cut Daddy cock for you.
    1 point
  34. Yesterday I went to Sunderland to meet a friend of the man I've been meeting. We actually met him in a little boat on the river. They had obviously been chatting about me and he had seen my old photos. It was straight in with them talking about me and how I first started sucking cock and that they knew what I was really after being a little whore. I stripped in the cabin while they talked about me. I felt very vulnerable but oddly powerful. The boat was right by the river path and it wasn't that warm, but I was hot enough it wasn't a problem. I did feel a little exposed, but the cabin gave some cover and I don't think the few people who were around saw anything. I sucked and was fucked bare by both of them. Cream applied to my ass before taking them fully to finish, because I am such a slut. Interesting wind down chat afterwards as they were very interested in me sucking when I was younger. This got me talking about how they started as they are both very mens men and not at all camp or gay in how they are. The man with the boat was an ex miner, and he said when he worked down the mine that male sex was very accepted and used to happen in the seams. It wasn't as open when he was there in the 80s as work was more controlled but it still happened n the working mens clubs, allotments and pigeon lofts and the men would go back to their wives at the end of the day. My "daddy" was an ex steelworker and driver and had similar stories. It's not how I would have imagined it! Anyway that's my cock fix for now, but I'm hoping for more of daddys load on Sunday. I'm over 50 and feel 15. It's incredible!
    1 point
  35. Rentman dutifully complies, dialing the number for Dave and Derek. I haven’t really thought about what my play is here - I’m half distracted by the fact that rentman has put his dick back in me, slow fucking me while watching a different video of Jack and what appears to be half the starting line up of the Bruins football team. Jack is getting railed, and rentman picks up the pace to match the video, but he stops when a voice comes over the other end of the phone. “What’s up dude?” I can hear the deep bass of his voice, as rentman starts to pull out of me - I clench my ass to keep him in place. Rentman looks at me with a suddenly confused look on his face - I haven’t told him what to say. I mouth the words “tell him why you’re calling” and rentman looks relieved. “So I’m playing with this daddy and we’re watching a video you and derek shot with this kid, looks like a blond twink I fucked last spring when I was out there. “ I can hear Derek or Dave - not sure which one he’s talking too - sort of half snort half chuckle on the phone. “Oh i know exactly what boy you’re talking about. Cute thing named Jack. Insatiable. Whoever taught him how to fuck should get a fuckin nobel prize.” I smile, taking pride in a job well done. “Do you happen to have his number?” I don’t know why rentman is going this route, and I clench my ass again to get his attention. “Tell him who you’re with” I silently mouth to him, while feeding him a shotgun. “Never mind the number, so actually, you’re probably not going to believe this, but I’m with the guys dad right now.” “Hold up dude what the fuck are you talking about ?” I can hear the defensiveness in Dave’s voice, wondering if this is some kind of setup. It is, but not the kind he thinks it is. I finally pipe up, saying “Hey, is this Dave? Or do you prefer David? My name is Anthony, I’m pleased to make your acquaintance. And I wanna thank you for the way you’ve been taking care of my Jack while he’s on the coast. I’m thoroughly relieved to know he has a couple of guys he can count on when I’m 1,000 miles away.” Still suspecting a trap or a setup of some kind, Dave is neutral in his response. “He’s a good kid.” Rentman breaks the tension when he suggests we move the conversation over to facetime. A moment later, I’m staring at two gorgeous Black daddies, Dave and Derek, both of who are clad in their jocks and holding nice, clearly custom made pipes. I notice a needlecap in the foreground, hiding in front of the laptop they’re talking to me on, and it gets my dick so hard thinking about these two guys pointing and pounding the shit of Jack. I take a long rip off the bong to get the conversation flowing. I had rentman position the phone so that my fully visible in the mirror behind us, dick getting harder by the second. Seeing my cock getting harder, and the three or four big rips I take off the pipe, reassures the two daddies and they take a few hits themselves. Dave takes his dick out, Derek starts absentmindedly fingering himself. “So I do have a question to ask… How long has Jack been partying?” Derek answers the question with another question, “How long has he been getting fucked by his daddy?” He asks it to no one in particular, but obviously meant for me. I totally understand their reluctance, this is a weird fucking situation by any objective standard, and being black men in America, there are any number of ways this could end up hurting them whereas there’s almost no scenario where I get in any real trouble, other than being a social pariah in a my part of Texas. “To answer your question, I’ve been fucking him since he turned 18, or roughly five minutes after he turned 18.” “He really gets into the dad son stuff, now I can see why,” Dave seems more open and loose with me, and shows it by answering my original inquiry. “We met your boy a few weeks after he got out to LA. One of his classmates had gotten him high and he found us on BBRT.” That explains it. These guys didn’t give me off the vibe that they were into corrupting anyone. “We invited him over, fucked for a couple of hours, and then broke it down to him, not to do this shit too much, make sure he stays hydrated, eats something decent besides snickers and cheetos,” at that, I can’t help but snort. That’s been his diet forever, even despite the rigors of being a football player in a Texas high school. “We had him sleep it off so he wouldn’t be going into day three, and when he woke up, cocky little fucker that he is, asked if we had anything to eat.” “He’s told me a lot about your cooking.” I’m a tiny bit jealous; I considering myself a gourmet level cook and it’s been ages since Jack raved about anything that came out of my kitchen. Work these issues out the right way man… on your boy’s ass. I think Derek, taking a break from fucking the kid they had over - Jack’s not their only twink - senses what I’m feeling and says “he raves about his daddy’s cooking.” I appreciate him saying that. “Come to think about it, he raves about his daddy’s cock too. I just thought it was all that pervy incest shit guys jerkin off too.” As he says this, an idea that’s been slowly working it’s way through my brain turns into lighting. “How much do you think you could make off filming me fucking my son?” Derek laughs a little. Dave just whistles. I think both these men understand the look of seriousness in my eyes. Only rentman thinks I’m joking. “How would you see this going down?” Dave asks? “Well, I think it starts with Junior and I having a little sesh by ourselves. I’ll give him his first slam. He has just kept to smoking, right?” Both Dave and Derek nod yes, an invitation to continue. “After I point him and put the first of many loads up his cunt, I’d have rentman join the party while I sit back and pretend to get other guys. That’s when you guys show up and take turns dicking him down.” “With you so far,” Derek says, the hard dick in his hand saying the exact same thing. “Last, I’d have this deputy sheriff I know - he’s fucked Jack before - Come in and give him one last load before I come in and finish the job.” Derek shakes his head,” It’s gotta end with a gangbang or an orgy. After you nut in your son” his dick oozes a big drop of precum as it involuntarily jerks at the notion -- all of us come back and we turn the boy out. Maybe fuck his daddy side by side with him.” Derek flashes a wicked grin at me; I know whose dick I’d be taking in that scenario. “How much do you think we could clear. And when could you be in Texas?” “Well, could be in Texas day after tomorrow. Assuming you can provide all the supplies,” at this, I turn to Rentman,who now not only thinks the plan is real, but is seemingly on the verge of cumming the whole time we’re talking about it. I keep watching him edge himself, and I’m amazed he hasn’t cum yet. One more thing for me to take care of tonight, I think to myself though in no way do I consider this a chore. I’m a little sore from the earlier dickdown he gave me, but I’m determined to have him cum in me just like he came in Jack. Rentman nodds, he’s already texting his guy about getting a QP. He also assures me that we’ll have all the points, bongs, dick pills, everything we could possibly need. That leaves one last detail: getting my son’s consent. Dave and Derek, doing their due diligence, ask me one last time if I’m truly serious about this.”You know all the blowback you will get. Run out of your church, probably run out of your county. Might have to move out of state. Your business will suffer. Your names might be in the paper, on TV, on TMZ. You really up for that? Is junior really up for that?” I know I am. I’m tired of the tech life, I have more money than I could possibly know what to do with - besides spend a lot of meth and hookers - and I’ve always wanted to be in front of the camera. But I can’t make that decision for Jack. He has to make it on his own. I got the privilege of bringing him into this world, I got the honor of being the first man to give him the dick he deserves, but I can’t be the man who decides his future. That’s his job. My boy's a man, I think to myself. “That’s what he and I are going to discuss tonight.” Derek and Dave nod, and wordlessly disconnect the facetime feed, no doubt going back to the twink waving his ass in the air begging to get fucked. “Let’s pack up. You down to come back to my house with me?” This time, It’s rentman who lets the the lusty, deviant smile across his face answer for him * * * The drive to my house would ordinarily take a little over an hour. Tonight, tho, it takes nearly four hours because rentman and I stop and play a couple of times. Turns out, he’s always wanted to film a slamming video in a truck stop restroom. Being the good son of Texas that I am, how could I not oblige him? We pull into the truck stop alongside a couple of big rigs. Younger guys driving the trucks, and by the look of em, they know how to fuck. We both eye them lustily, I even lower my sunglasses to make sure they see me ogling them. One of them flashes a grin, the other nods more discreetly as he adjusts his bulge. Definitely seem like our kind of boys. Rentman has me rent a deluxe shower - he has so much cum and crystal dried onto his skin, we’re getting looks from the families we pass on the way into the shower area. I get my key and open up the shower, and it is deluxe. There’s a mini steam room, bamboo cabinets for our clothes, top flight toiletries you usually only find in high end hotels. Truckers like their comforts. Rentman - curiously,I still haven’t asked him his name, nor has he proffered one - slowly peels off his clothes, showering while I put together the sluttiest ensemble I can from the bag he brought. I settle on pink mesh tank top, black levi cut offs that I cut even shorter, a pair of chuck taylors and a gold rimmed smokey sun glasses, the last because I love watching a guy’s pupils dilate when they point. We set up our little stage, and using my phone for lighting (and a portable blacklight he brought with him which turned the hot pink mesh into a neon pink), we’re ready. I click record, and come in close to where he’s prepping his arm. My erection is already jutting, and with one fluid motion, I swipe my shorts off and free my aching cock. Rentman pulls out his rig, sticks it and once again registers quickly. I’m leaking precum like a faucet, my dick involuntarily jerking to the spurts of crimson that fill the barrel of the needle. Rentman lets out the sexiest fuckin cough I’ve ever heard, and strips his clothes off in front of the camera. He eyes my rock hard dick with a desire that borders on pyschosis, and immediately swallows the entire thing. He gags himself on it, refusing to pull off until the rush subsides. When he does open his mouth, my cock is glistening with his saliva, his tears, and probably a little cum - I pointed myself while he was sucking my dick, and I almsot aways nut a little when that happens. The shower is covering a lot of the noise, but I do hear something that perks my ears right up… two nearly identical coughs coming from the next shower over. Brazenly, I open the door and walk right over to the neighbors, knocking politely. I slipped my cowboy boots on,as well as a cheap hat rentman had with him, so the younger, lustier trucker opens the door to see me… Cock hard, ass puckering, a little blood still on my arm, with nothing but cowboy boots and a cowboy hat on. “Excuse me. Sorry to bother you.I wanted to save a horse…” The trucker gets my humor, and opens his door wider. “Then good thing you found yourself a cowboy to ride” is all he says, once again flashing me that million watt smile I saw in the parking lot. In no time, he has me bent over, licking my asshole and putting one, two, three fingers. “Dude. Just fuck me already.” He grunts a little, and mugging for the camera - rentman followed me back into the younger guys shower suite. He’s beating off ashe records, but he’s got his cock nice and slick --looks like he already claimed someone’s nut, maybe the other trucker -- so he’s holding the camera fairly steady, despite the long,caressing strokes he’s giving to his cock. I have to admit,I do love his dick. It’s long and thick - obviously - and veiny without being all about the veins. But what I love the most is that even though he’s uncut, his cock is too big for his foreskin and hishead sticks halfway out. The soft, almost bubblegum like pink of the crown, contrasted with the caramel tan he has over his whole body. I love sucking on his cock, and once we’ve got the slam footage, we quickly forget the cameras, shuck the remainder of our clothes, and go to town on each other’s cocks. I have the middle dick, after rentman.His is abouut an inch longer,mine about a half inch thicker. Younger trucker can’t figure out which one he wants first, so he takes turns licking and sucking the length of our shafts. Precum is freely flowing from my cock, enough to where I feel confident younger trucker is going to be able to take my dick with no lube. I have rentman go to town on his ass --he really has a passion for eating ass, and I nearly cum thinking about what it will be like to watch him hungrily devour my boy’s cunt. And that reminds me… I need to get Jack in the right headspace. So I prop my phone up against one of the bamboo trays, and I begin facetime him. I can see from the corner of my eye that he’s answered the phone, and it getting it good and hard from… the Sheriff? Perfect, I think. Although that may be a little complicated by the fact that I’m bringing a quarter pound of product home with me. That’s tonight’s problem, I tell myself. Right now the challenge before me is to get Jack fired up. Clearly, it’s not going to be a big deal. “Hey sport. I’m heading home shortly. I brought a present for you. He’s balls deep in the trucker whose face I’m sitting on. Oh, hey Andy.” I wave to the SHeriff’s deputy, who doesn’t break his rhythm at all thrusting into my boy, blowing me a kiss. “Hey Andy, can you give me a call when you’re back at the station? I got a ticket needs fixin.” Andy nods emphatically. He doesn’t look too fucked up, but I can see Jack has been partaking. I decide to tease the night a little, taking a big rip off a pipe off camera, and blow the smoke into the field of view. Steam? Vapor? Smoke? If Jack notices, I’m sure he’ll play it cool. But he’ll be wondering, especially in his twacked out state. Once more, my boy catches me by surprise. “Nice clouds old man. Maybe I should teach you how to blow a smoke ring on that beautiful cock of yours. Now get home and get that fuckin dick in my ass right now.” I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. My son is one cocky motherfucker. And it gets me so fucking hard. In a moment, I figure out that Dave or Derek must have let the cat out of the bag. I’m tempted to call them and find but decide that Jack is my son but not my child. If he can consent to his daddy dicking him down long and hard and over and over, he can sure as fuck consent to what chemicals are going into his body. I suddenly want to get home very, very badly. I want to feel my cock sliding into my boy’s cunt. I want to hear him moaning “thank you daddy”over and over, I want to feel his whole body shudder and cum when I unload in his ass. I want to see the lust in his eyes when he ostentatiously bends over to lick every square millimeter of my cock clean after pouding him senselss. I want to see him with my cum streaking all over his face, and his cum blasting all over the both of us. But after slamming, I don’t feel entirely confident to drive. And I sure as fuck aint gonna sk rentman. Young trucker can see the look of concern on my face and shoots me a silent “you okay?” “I’m too fucked up to drive, I want to keep playing, but I also want to get home and fuck my son.” Young Trucker doesn’t even blanch. “Bro, have I got the solution for you.” 10 minutes later, he’s driving my truck onto his flatbed. Turns out he’s on the return leg of a drop off, and I was so fixated on his smile and his bulge I didn’t even see that he’s not hauling anything. 10 minutes after that, I’m naked in his bunk with rentman, and young trucker. His older buddy was driving the return leg, and let his younger friend in the back have some fun. Turns out young trucker and I are pretty sympatico, judging from the videos he played of him fucking his step son, his nephew, and both his own sons. As I watched the first of many, many cumshots young trucker gave to his eldest son - he loves a good facial - I knew I was making a friend for life. I also knew that when I made it out to Austin I’d be fucking his sons, just like he’s about to fuck mine. * * * The rest of the drive went by in a flash.I nutted twice, and so did rentman. Young trucker bested us all with four loads. “I’ve been pent up cause I aint got my boys around.” A dirtbag after my own heart. My house is set far enough back to where we could simply hop out of the camper rig still naked, still covered in cum. I can hear Jacck in the house - the boy likes to hear porn sounds as loud as possible. I think it’s one of the first videos we made together, me fucking him in the shower. I check the time on my phone; Derek and Dave won’t be in for another couple of hours. Assuming Jack hasn’t been lit all weekend, things should be blasting off right on schedule. I walk in through the garage, and there’s Jack bent over the dinner table, lazily eating a piece of pizza. He’s a brazen bottom, I think as I give his beautiful, carefully sculpted ass a firm smack before bending over and licking his hole, kissing it like it just came back from war. Jack shudders in delight,a soft moan escpaing from his mouth. I give his ass a much harder smack, and this time he yelps. He’s definitely not used to the rough treatment from me. “Get your ass upstairs, we have a few things to talk about.” Jack obeys, wagging his perfect ass up every step, making sure that in my horned up state, I can’t stare at anything else. He’s surely heard the other voices in the garage, but he doesn’t ask, doesn’t even acknowledge. My boy is not only beautiful, he’s brilliant, and he’s figured out that I’ve figured out he parties. Even money he’ll be smoking when I get upstairs. And if I had taken that bet, I would have lost. Not that he didn’t have stuff or the implements to smoke it with. “I wanted to wait for you. I’m sorry daddy, I know I should have told you I started doing thiis. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me” He looks up at me with puppy dog eyes he knows I can’t resist. Yes, I’m being manipulated here, but I’m being manipulated into doing something I’ve lusted after. I’m going to get high on meth with my son, make him suck my cock like he’s done a thousand times before, bend him over, shove my aching prick up his pristine, beautiful, velvety ass, and fuck him until I cum and he begs me for every last drop of my load. And I’m doing it on film, with two of the porn industries brightest talents supervising the lighting, the sound, the angles, even the jockstrap my boy wears and the pair of sunglasses they decide to have me wear. Some cheap ray ban knock offs - I can never resist a good 10 dollar pair of gas station sunglasses. Jack still has no idea they’re here, or at least I think he doesn’t. “Ok boy, we are going to get high. I’m going to fuck you like an animal. You’re going to have my cum dripping out of your hole when the next guys have their turn.” I can see the excitement and anticipation in his eyes, but also the slightest bit of concern. “Don’t worry, you know them. Or all but one of them.” I begin casting my phone to the tv in our bedroom, it’s me fucking rentman. I’m in the shower at the truck stop, and from the pace of my thrusting, I’m pretty obviously fucked up. Jack sees it and starts to ask a question, but I cut him off. “Your asshole isn’t going to wash itself. Go clean out. We don’t want any accidents on camera, particularly with the professionals waiting downstairs to fuck you after I’ve had my way with you.” “Yes daddy. But wait to smoke with me when I get out? I want to get high with you tonight.” he says as he saunters into the shower. So here I am, packing the bowl and taking a few rips. I know he asked me to hold off, but I’ve been lit since yesterday afternoon and I need to keep my energy levels up. And I also need to prepare for what’s about to happen. I’m about to get my son fucked up by shooting him up on meth. Then I’m going to fuck him, hard, long, and in as many positions as I can think of, all in front of a camera that will broadcast my - our - depravity to the whole world. In a few days, I won’t be remembered for the tech I’ve developed, the charities I’ve donated to, the young women and men of color I’ve helped launch into an industry that refuses to get any less stale male or pale. No. I’ll be forever remembered as the dad who had the fucking balls to fuck his boy on camera, make a couple of million off the tapes, and retire to a life of debauchery and drugs and dicking down my only son. And who knows? Maybe we’ll find him a nice Russian bride, someone who won’t ask too many questions, and we can take turns fucking her until she’s pregnant. My cock is like a steel beam, and solid mass of granite, as I think about what it would be like watching my boy sink his cock into his son, feeling my grandson lick my dick clean after fucking him nice and gentle. I am so fucking hard. I picture what his cum face will look like, and I actually shoot my load right then and there. Just as Jack opens the bathroom door. “Hi daddy. I’m ready.” He’s one step ahead of me, as per usual. He’s got two syringes and a tourniquet in his hand. I fucking love my son.
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  36. As a cocksucker, I want to personally thank you feeders for allowing us the opportunity to meet your needs. It is an honor.
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  37. Chapter 5: Rental Negotiations Afterwards the 4 of us just sat on the sofa naked and started talking. Our landlord told us how he gifted the lawn boi, and made him his slave. He said the boi lived with him, and used his money from yard services to help pay for rent. He had already serviced our yard once, and we asked him if he always dressed that way doing lawns. He said no, only for the clients he knew, or at least thought were gay. He said he pegged us two right away, and the first time he wore the tight black leather shorts was for our yard. We both said he had a great ass for them! The landlord said I'm sure you know by now he's a total bottom, and from time to time he liked dressing as a sissy slut in hose and panties. He said it wasn't usually his scene, as he was a pig, but did say he occasionally liked fucking him roughly in his sissy clothes, as he was a very verbal slut. He explained that he was a great house boi. He said he kept the place clean, kept him well fed, and he always attended his sexual needs. He said that he had his own bedroom, but actually preferred sleeping in his rather large cage where he would feed him kibble and a bowl of piss to lap up. Of course my step dad had to tell him how he gifted me, and even included my real dad in the process! Then of course i shared how Marc provided me with my first, but hopefully not last son! By then we were all super hard, and headed to the new playroom to see if the paint smell had disappeared and for the most part, it had. I got in the sling and the landlord fucked me hard and fast, while my stepdad fucked Marc on the bed in the playroom. After we were both filled to the brim, we all retreated to the living room again. The Landlord asked why Marc and I didn't have any bio tats yet, and I said hopefully I would soon. Marc said he wanted to wait until he infected his first boi. He didn't want to scare off any potential tricks. The Landlord said good idea, and to let him know when I wanted mine, as he knew an artist who would discretely do it. The Landlord also said that it was not too late to sign up for his college course, which was ironically sex education. He said that at times, it was boring as he was required to teach the "basics" as some freshmen were truly naive and clueless. He said he didn't really take attendance, and the class had a mix of both straight and gay students, and even a few women in it. He said his class was known as a hookup class, and many would simply take it to find tricks. We agreed and signed up the next day!
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  38. Chapter3: Housewarming My dad called and asked how things were going with us. I told him they reminded me of us. Yes we had piggy sex, but it was mostly making love. I told him it was a wonderful feeling waking up to the man i loved every morning. Each morning one of us would wake the other by sucking the others cock. Afterall there us nothing better than a protein shake to start the day. Occasionally in the middle of the night, one of us would slip into the others ass and make love. My step dad told me he wanted that so bad with me, but was impossible with mom around. My step dad said he had planned to visit us once we were settled, and would be bringing some special house warming gifts. I said I couldn't wait, and suggested the following weekend. I had no idea of what gifts he would be bringing, but excited to have him in me and Marc again. Oddly enough he felt the same telling me he couldn't wait to be inside both of us. He thanked me for setting it up so quickly. The weekend arrived, and my step dad showed up at our place. Marc met him at the door and said welcome to our place dad. Marc then kissed him deeply as he reached down and grabbed his growing cock. My step dad reached around grabbing Marc's ass saying he couldn't wait to be inside him. He said first things first though, and told us to help unload the car. We first retrieved a huge tote that was full of his toys. It was only a small part of his collection but still rather large. As we were unloading the car, I saw what I was hoping for, a sling. Dad spared no expense on it. It was top of the line, including a mirror above and a towel and lube holder on one of the legs. To complete it, there was a rubber mat to place under it. I didn't tell him we already had hooks in the ceiling for a sling, but we really liked the portable one. We decided to make what was to be the playroom into the second bedroom, so whomever rented it could still hook up the sling. The other bedroom was a bit larger, and could accommodate a portable sling, and with careful planning, perhaps a fuck bench. We were all horny as fuck, but once it was set up, my stepdad suggested we go to a home improvement store to get the finishing touches. We loaded the cart with shelves to display the toys. We found some blackout curtains for the small playroom window. We had discussed painting the room either red or black. We checked with our landlord and he said the room was painted black, but he repainted it not knowing who would rent it. He did say he had enough black paint to repaint it, and as long as we would let him paint our asses white, hed do it for free! We got a ceiling fan, and found some red bulbs to place in it. We also got some blacklights and fixtures to add to the mood. As we were leaving, dad suggested we get some lounge chairs for our fenced in back yard. He reminded us we started our journey together on chairs around the pool, and thought it would be fun to relive those memories. I asked when he was putting the pool in then! He just laughed, but as we were about to leave, we saw a small inflatable pool. It was perfect and great for watersports fun both in the house and in the backyard. We got back to our place, and immediately began working on the room. Marc and I put the shelves together, while my step dad installed the fan. The fan was the wisest choice as the room was getting quite warm. While our step dad was on the ladder naked, we took turns sucking his cock. We didn't want him to cum, but edge him for a sling breeding. Marc and I came across a shower shot, and went to the bathroom to install it. We both made sure it worked properly and both cleaned out knowing we would both be getting seeded soon. Once cleaned out, we headed to the play room where my step dad had just finished up. He was rock hard and ready to fuck. He told Marc to stand by the sling so that he could adjust the height of it. Marc and I stood face to face in front of it, kissing and grinding our cocks together. My step dad got the height to the correct level and told Marc to hop in. As soon as Marc was in it, he yelled fuck me dad! His dry cock was already positioned at Marc quivering hole, and with one thrust, my step dads cock was buried to the base. He wasted no time fucking Marc hard and fast. He repeatedly asked Marc, do you like my cock son? Marc replied yes dad. Marc apparently enjoyed watching himself get pounded in the mirror above the sling. The sling was rocking the entire time. At times he would see his face in the mirror, and others our dad pinching his nipples. His cock was rock hard, but I kept my hands off of it, as I wanted Marc to breed me in the sling next. I got into the verbal aspect of it all by repeatedly telling dad to fuck my brother. Dad said he loved his sons just as he filled Marc's hole. Dad pulled out of Marc's ass and his gaping hole was a sight to see. Dad grabbed a plug from the shelf as I positioned myself in the sling, awaiting Marc's cock. Marc's fuck was way different than mine. He was making love to me rather than fucking me hard.
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  39. part 2 2 nights later I was heading back to my hotel to pack and as if by autopilot I walked past the doorway I found him in. He wasnt there and I admit there was a tiny twinge of disappointment. anyway, 3/4 minutes later I was almost at my hotel when I heard a shout from a building across the street. "Hey mate" looking around I saw his cute furry face grinning at me as he grabbed his rucksack and sleeping bag and started to run across the street to where I was standing "hey man, hows it going? Any Spare change?" he asked with a sly grin. i grinned at the reference and implication that my asshole was now "spare change". "Fraid I've no change on me mate" *whispering* "but i have a €20" his grin was huge "great, lets go to your hotel so I can bang you proper" hmmm... the bloke was undeniably sexy but did I really want a homeless guy in my hotel room??? I like a certain standard of comfort and my hotel was one of the classier places in manchester. He saw my hesitation but interpreted it differently. his face turned a little mean and he kinda sneered at me "or maybe a skanky cumdump llike you prefers it up a dark alley among the rest of the trash??" FUCCKKKK my cock sprung up rock solid hearing him say that. I hung my head and nodded "yes sir, you'e right", "ok slut if thats what you want" he grabbed my arm and directed me back across the street. we walked for a few minutes, him chatting away excitedly like we were mates except people were walkign past and he was talking about the fucking i was about to get "damm your hole felt so nice the last time I bent you over. Not many sluts can handle my cock up their arse but you took it mate, damm every thick inch right up your shitter like a pro. i am gonna fuck you so hard this time but thats ok cos you like it like that dontcha mate?" i nodded, but he wasnt letting me off with a one-sided conversation."sorry man, couldnt hear you with all the traffic, you want my big unwashed cock back up your skanky asshole?????", "Yes Sir" my face was scarlet "how hard do you want me to give it to you mate?", "Hard Sir" "how Hard???", "very hard Sir" "I'v an old condom in my backpack, saving it for a special occasion but im not wasting it on the likes of you - youre gonna take my big bare cock AGAIN arent you?" this humiliating conversation was having a powerful impact on him and I could see his trackies bulging obscenely fortunately he then turned into a dark alley wewalked right to the far end where it was dark "i dont wanna hang around when im done with ya so Money now!" i handed him a €20 "drop yer drawers and bend over" i pulled down my jeans and boxers to my knees and bent over. iimmediately felt his nob against my arsehole. "Wait, I need lube!", "you want it wet you better suck it - otherwise its going up ya one way or another - I got my money" oh shit, what a dilema. either take his massive cock dry or suck his unwashed homeless cock. the choice was easy - I knew I wouldnt walk for a week if he tried to get that up me dry. i turned and knelt in the dirt and started sucking. it wasnt so bad. just some stale piss, he obviously had showered at the local hostel within the last 24hours - maybe just after he butt-fucked me the last time. I sucked and tried to generate as much spit as possible. all too soon he told me to bend over again i braced myself against the wall and pushed out my arse. he didnt waste time just lined his nob up against my hole and pushed it in. Again his dirty hand covered my mouth til I calmed down from his sudden entry then he fucked me no I mean he FUCKED me long deep agressive thrusts as he pounded me he wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear "wish you had let me mount you dry - always wanted to try that" his thrusts were getting faster "I'd have shot almost immediately if you had let me but now this might take a while" "what else is a dirty slut like you willing to do to feel this big cock breed you?" I didnt reply *a sharp deep thrust* "tell me slut" "What do you want Sir?", "can I piss on you?", "Yes Sir" "lick my balls?, "yes Sir" "lick my ass?", Yes sir, please anythign sir just cum in me, I cant take any more" the conversation pushed him over the edge and once again I heard those weird animal growling noises coming from him as his sperm whitewashed my guts once again I had to clean his cock from my ass before he grabbed his stuff and walked away. I called out to him "wanna go back to my hotel?" he turned and once again I saw his cute little furry face break into a mssive grin. "you got more cash in that wallet?", "sure" "then clean yourself up and lead the way slut"
    1 point
  40. I am in north east uk. Tell them you want to bring a friend next time and we can document our fun for our friends here. Alternatively put them in touch with me and I'll take them both on by myself. Either way really, 3 of you on me also fine.
    1 point
  41. Size queens look away, but cum whores get their fill 😆🐷
    1 point
  42. I uses to suck of a married guy! Back in 2006! Up until 2010! I was 18, he was 48! Super lean, professionell German basketball player! I remember when I swallowed his first load, and swallowed plenty more after! Good fun!
    1 point
  43. (I'm splitting the chapter in two, but I'm posting them both at the same time.) Part 27: Ryan's Secret (Chapter 2 of the Demise of Lewis) (Ryan Kline's Perspective Part 1) I closed my laptop as quickly as I could, almost slamming it down on my hard cock. I slid it under my pillow and pulled my covers over my body, hiding my erection. I wiped my hand across the pool of pre-cum which had collected on my abs and licked it clean. I was just slipping into a normal sleeping position when my bedroom door opened and my dad walked in. “Hey, Ryan,” he said. “Still up?” “Uh, yeah,” I said, pretending to rub my eyes, clearing away whatever fake sleep I had been trying to get. There was still some pre-cum between my fingers. “Nervous about tomorrow?” he asked. “A little,” I said. He walked into my room and sat on the edge of the bed, staring down at me. “It’s a new chapter for you,” he told me, “but it’s one you’re going to love. College is a great time of growth.” “Sure is,” I said, feeling my “great growth” shrinking under the covers with each passing moment. “Just remember,” he said. “God has great plans for you.” I smiled. “Thanks, Dad.” “Honey,” a call came from downstairs. “It’s Will on the phone for you. He has a question about his next sermon.” “A pastor’s work is never done,” my dad said. He looked me over with a smile and then left my room, closing the door behind him. “Finally,” I said, pulling out my laptop and opening it back to the page I’d been jerking off to for almost an hour. I liked taking my time, building up my orgasms so when I came, it would be explosive. It was a good thing my parents knew nothing about technology and couldn’t block porn or even trace what sites I’d been on. They’d lose their minds if they did. I pressed play and watched as a man with a huge, pierced cock skull-fucked a guy who looked to be around my age, spit pouring out of his mouth, his face red while his neck bulged out. I gripped hard on my dick and started stroking, closing my eyes and listening to the moans of the top and the gagging of the bottom, my earbuds making me feel as if I was with them. As I heard the top getting closer, his breathing ragged while he held the bottom’s head straight, cutting off his oxygen, I felt a wave of warmth fill my body, my balls shooting up inside me. “Fuck,” I moaned, the scenario on the screen changing in my mind. I was now the bottom, naked on my knees, looking up into the eyes of Pastor Ryder as he unloaded his holy cum down my throat. It was a good thing my eyes were closed as my cum shot out, hitting my closed eyes, painting my face. I stuck out my tongue and licked up the cum I could reach, savoring the flavor, wishing it was Will Ryder’s. In your dreams, I thought. I shut down my computer and cleaned myself off with a dirty towel I kept handy. While I knew I’d never have anything happen like that with Pastor Ryder, there was still the possibility of someone at college taking his place. I was off to college the next day, and I was determined to lose my virginity ASAP ** “You’ll die a virgin,” Al said, standing over me at the campus gym, his shorts billowing out just enough for me to see his jock strap beneath. “No, I won’t,” I said, shaking my head while trying to make sure I didn’t get hard. Al was cool, but he didn’t know that I was secretly gay. For all he knew, I was a pastor’s kid, perfect in every way, incapable of stepping out of line. What he didn’t know is that I spent most nights ignoring homework so I could watch as much gay porn as possible. For the past five months I’d been all about bareback porn. I grew up hearing in health class how we needed to use condoms as protection, but something about the bareback porn pushed me in the other direction. Maybe I could blame it on my upbringing, living such a safe life so far, keeping myself within the confines of the perfect son. Now, all I wanted was to take a risk. When my time did come, it would be bareback. No alternatives. Al knew I was a virgin because I had been stupid and told him. He started cluing in when he failed to see me bring anyone back to our room or see me spend the night out in someone else’s. He still thought I was straight, and I didn’t feel like correcting him. No one needed to know what got me hard but me. Many nights I heard Al bringing back some young woman who he expertly fucked, leaving them moaning and crying out to God. It made me a little hard for Al, though I still had sessions where I imagined myself with Pastor Ryder. I’d always thought of myself as a bottom, but the more porn I watched, the more I realized that I was versatile. That let me imagine Pastor Ryder’s dick spewing his hot loads in my guts while I then pumped him full of mine. In one twisted dream, I imagined hiding under Pastor Ryder’s desk, sucking him off, while my dad, Pastor Kline, has a meeting with him, completely unaware that his only son has his mouth full of dick. My dick jumped at the thought, but Al didn’t seem to notice. I sat up on the bench, sweat pouring off me, my arms tired. I hated lifting weights. Still, I wanted to look good for whatever guy I ended up fucking or getting fucked by. There was little time left before my freshman year was over, and I didn’t want to go back home a virgin. We returned to our room when my phone started buzzing. “I’m getting a shower,” Al said, striping his clothes off until only his jock remained. I watched as he walked away and then answered. “Hello?” “Hey, Ryan.” “Lewis, what’s up?” I said, the depression of still being a virgin lifting for a brief moment. “How are you?” “Uh, good,” he said. I’d known Lewis for most of my life, and I knew his answer wasn’t honest. Something was wrong. “What’s going on back home?” I asked, slipping off my shirt and smelling my pits. I loved the smell of myself after a workout. “Nothing much,” he said, which I could tell was a lie. “Same old.” “Have you narrowed down where you want to go to college yet?” I asked. “You’re running out of time.” “Actually,” he said, “That’s why I called. I heard your school is having an open house next weekend, and I wanted to know if it would be cool if I roomed with you during it?” “Oh,” I said. Lewis was a hot guy, and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t found myself attracted to him a bit, but he wasn’t the type of man I pictured myself with… long-term, at least. Plus, he was straight, leaving any possibility of us fucking impossible. “I’m fine with it. I do have a roommate, though.” “What about your roommate?” A voice asked from behind. I turned to find Al standing behind me, his towel around his hips. “A friend of mine from home wants to come up for the open house,” I told him. “He wanted to room here, but I told him I have a roommate.” “Wait,” Al said. “Next weekend? I won’t be here. I’m taking Celia up to my parents’ cabin for a few days of fucking. It’s fine by me.” “Alright,” I said, trying to watch as he pulled his towel off, exposing his tight ass and thick cock. “Well, Lewis, sounds like we’ll be rooming together next weekend.” “Sounds great,” Lewis said, his voice missing any true excitement. Something was up, and I was determined to find out what it was. ** “I can’t wait to get to college,” Lewis said as we walked back to my dorm. Since he arrived, I could see that Lewis had been wanting to tell me something, but every time I thought he was getting closer to spilling whatever it was, he closed up. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this, I thought. I mean, we’ve known each other for years. We know so much about each other… well, not the whole closeted gay thing. I mean, we’ve even jerked off together. That was a bad night. My dad walked in on us. I could have died. Still, it gave me a good look at Lewis’s cock which had my mouth watering. Like I said before, Lewis wasn’t exactly my type, but I’d have him in an instant if I could. “Is it as exciting as I imagine?” “I guess,” I told him. We were in my room, both exhausted from the school tour, weekend activities, and trying to get to the dining hall before it closed. I was ready to turn it in, but I still wanted to crack whatever it was that Lewis was keeping hidden. “Have any girlfriend?” he asked. “No,” I told him, trying to hide any hint that he was barking up the wrong tree. “How are you and Becca doing?” Lewis’s face fell. “Actually, we broke up.” “Oh, crap,” I said, realizing this must have been the thing he’d been hiding. “Lewis, I’m so sorry.” “It’s fine,” Lewis said. “I’m fine.” He sat down on my bed, his head hanging low. “So,” I started, joining him. “Do you want to talk about it?” Lewis shrugged. “Do you mind if I ask what happened?” “Well,” Lewis said, his attention still pulled away from me. “Becca wanted to have sex, and I told her no.” “Oh. Right.” This was an eternal struggle whenever you’ve committed to waiting until marriage. Sure, we get really familiar with our hands, but it isn’t the same… or so I’ve heard. There had been several teens in our youth group who had sex and ended up pregnant, though I knew of more who fucked and got away with it. A part of me believed I could have gotten away with it if I wanted, both my parents being oblivious, but there was more at risk for me. I wouldn’t just be having sex before marriage. I would be having sex with another man before marriage. The whole thing pissed me off, but I knew guys like Lewis lived by the rules. “She told the whole school about it,” Lewis told me. “But you did the right thing,” I said, the words bitter in my mouth. The image of Lewis on top of Becca, ramming her pussy full of his thick cock did get my dick to jump, watching his tight ass moving with each thrust. “I almost didn’t,” Lewis said. My face must have held some unique expression, prompting him to jump back in. “I talked to Mr. Flanagan,” he told me. “He helped.” Mr. Flanagan was one of those men I found myself fantasizing over many times. Not only did I see him at school, but I was then forced to see him at church. Once, on a church retreat, I had seen him walk into one of the showers, getting only a glimpse of his ass. I instantly got hard and had to duck away into a bathroom stall before anyone saw me, especially my dad who had been walking in at the same time. I had been having too many close calls. I jerked off in the stall, hearing the other men showering and talking, none of them knowing the pastor’s son was shooting his seed into the toilet while images of naked men filled his perverted mind. I almost cried out, my legs threatening to crumble beneath me. Still, Mr. Flanagan was one of those men I’d spread my cheeks for in an instant. I’d also like to fuck his ass so hard he wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. I had the feeling he’d be the type to destroy an ass or ride a dick until his was gaping out. “Yeah,” I said. “He’s a good guy.” Lewis nodded, continuing to stare at his shoes. “Is that all?” I asked him. “What?” “Lewis, come on. We’ve known each other for years. Do you really think I’m unable to tell if something is wrong with you? From the moment you called, I knew something was wrong.” “Oh, yeah,” he said. “I wish you would have called me,” I told him. “I could have talked you through all the Becca stuff.” “I know.” “I hope you’re feeling better, now,” I said. “Becca wasn’t worth it, and she’s definitely not the one you want to have your first time with. Right?” Lewis stared at me, his eyes a bit unfocussed. “Yeah,” he finally said. “Right.” The rest of the night still held an awkwardness, as if there was something else not being said. As we got ready for bed, Lewis sleeping in Al’s bed, I kept trying to guess whatever it was that he was still keeping a secret. I tried to distract myself with porn, but I was afraid Lewis would see. “You’re sure your roommate won’t mind?” Lewis asked, climbing into his bed. “Not at all,” I told him. “Trust me, he’s had plenty of other people sleeping in that bed other than him.” “Really?” Lewis said, looking at the bed as if it were covered in germs. Covered in dried cum, I thought. I turned off the lights, my brain still trying to sort out whatever it was that I was missing. I’ll be up all night thinking about this, I realized. After an hour of silence, Lewis’ voice broke through. “I’m not a virgin anymore.”
    1 point
  44. Pretty much the wooded area of Cherry Beach in a sense. It has a very active cruising community, and obvious places to screw. However Hanlans Point on Toronto island has a nude beach, nobody says anything or cares what they see.
    1 point
  45. My ex used to bring people home all the time and watch them breed me. I had no idea who was in me until after they left, then he would fill me in.. Sometimes guys from the bar, sometimes from people on the street he would meet and bring home to fuck me.
    1 point
  46. you should take him there gradually. My ex did that with me - started with threesomes, then progressed to tops coming over and fucking me in the spare room before he graduated to watching, participating and enjoying. He realised I was totally addicted to cock and loads and realised I needed to be fucked far more often than he would give it to me. As he said to me once "you are the type of person that needs it four or five times a day" - and I agreed.
    1 point
  47. I left a couple of hours later, spunk drying on face arse and thighs, and stinking of their sweat and cigarette smoke. I was literally dripping cum into my underpants and didn't want to go home in this state, but the sauna would be closed by now. It was dark, but the night was warm. I decided to head down to the beach and find a place to rest, then I'd call home later and say I'd been to a club. I followed the road down to the beach, crossed the promenade and dropped down onto the pebbles. Behind me was a dark space beneath the promenade where the concrete had eroded. It was quite narrow and low, but I decided it would be a good place to hangout until daylight. As I bent and crawled inside I first smelled body odour, then heard someone give a hacking cough. It was obviously already occupied and by several men by the sound of things. "'ere! watch out mate!" Said a voice, followed by a cough and a spitting sound. "s..s..sorry." I said, starting to back out, " I..i was just looking for a place to rest." At the sound of my young voice, I heard someone chuckle in the dark, and boney fingers grabbed my arm and pulled me into the dark. "well now, " said another voice. "I guess we've always got room for a lad...providing he's friendly like." I was pulled slowly into the small dark space beneath the promenade like a fly in a web. Once inside, it was completely black and I could feel warm bodes and foul breath around me. "Get your panties off, then." Said the rough voice. "Wh..what?" I gasped, but a hand clutched my throat and a voice whispered. " I said, get those panties off. You're gonna get that sweet bum fucked. You didn't think we let you in out of the goodness of our hearts did you?" He squeezed again and I gasped and undid my belt and fly. I pushed trousers and pants down and felt the cool sand against my belly. Above me, I heard footsteps and the sound of council workers emptying bins, but I couldn't make a sound. There was an overpowering smell of unwashed body as a man got on my back. I squealed through the boney fingers as I felt a large, slimey cock slide between the cheeks of my arse, seeking my hole. Suddenly, he found my slit which was still wet with spunk, and he drove down and into my rectum. I gasped as the heavy cock began to thrust and tried not to breathe the stink from his body as he buggered me whilst only feet away I heard the workers laughing and joking. If only they knew I was being knocked up just below them. The man in me growled and bit my ear. "Pig!" He hissed. "Dirty little sow. Love my dirty old cock, don't cha?" I could only groan with pleasure as another man slithered round in the small space. His smelly trousers were open and he forced his cock into my mouth. It was wet and covered with fleshy bumps which I realised must be warts, and the head tasted slightly metallic and I found my tongue touching what felt like a sore on the tip which explained the wetness. I tried to pull away but there was no room and I was pinned to the sand by the man jerking on top of me. I was forced to suck the diseased cock until the man in me jerked and grunted as he spurted probably diseased cum up my arse. "Get off him, then! Let's have a go!" The man got off me, his cock sliding out with a wet farting noise. I tried to crawl out, but strong hands pulled me back. "No you don't! You got to pay the rent!" I heard laughter and realised there were several men in that small space. The man who's cock I had been sucking was waiting for me. He pulled me onto my side as someone pulled my legs up to my chest and then I felt his warty cock slide up me from behind as his hand snaked over my thigh and began to jack my cock. "Who want's a nice fresh cock, then?" He whispered. I heard rustling as clothing was removed, and suddenly a cold, flabby backside pushed backwards into my belly. Between the cold cheeks, the cleft was hot and greasy and I was helpless as the man fucking me squeezed my cock and got it into position. The cold backside pushed back, and suddenly I felt my cock sliding into a delicious, grainy, wet heat as I was deep in a man for the first time. I gasped as the filthy old arsehole moved up and down my cock, my body sandwiched between the tramps, and as the man in me began to cum, I felt my balls tighten and then I came too, shooting my sperm into that filthy hole like a pig, and sobbing with the shame and excitement...
    1 point
  48. "C'mere" Said Bill when we got inside. I went over to him and he turned me round and bent me over. He fingered my swollen and puffy hole, and I blushed as a drool of cum slid out over his finger. "Nice!" He growled. "We'll get you pregnant yet. You feeling ok? No cold or sniffles yet?" I said no, and he shook his head. "Would have thought you'd be knocked up by now with all the hot loads up you. We'll just have to try harder!" There was a knock on the door, and I just had time to hide behind the counter when I saw my mother standing there. "Sorry to trouble you."She said. But Timmy forgot his key and I have to go out." Bill took the key and she asked how I was getting on. As she spoke, I felt a hand on my arse and looked back to see the old guy, Arthur, behind me with one finger on his lips and the other hand graping a drooling erection. "Oh he's fine!" Said Bill. "Very willing and good with the regulars" Arthur gave an evil grin, bent me over and slid his cock into my backside. I gave a gasp, and saw my mother raise an eybrow at the noise. "Must be some air in the sauna."Said Bill Arthur began to thrust slowly in and out of my arse, his hand over my mouth to stop me groaning. Bill must have realised what was happening, and he kept talking to her even as he knew I was being sodomised only feet from her. Arthur was gasping and thrusting hard into me, and getting close to his climax. "Well, I'd better be going" She said. At that moment, Arthur came in me, his cock twitching and throbbing as it spurted. "Nice to see you." Said Bill. "I'll give Timmy the keys and tell him you called. He's probably making himself useful somewhere." She turned and waved good bye as the old man's cock slid out of me and Bill turned with a big smile. "You can come out now you dirty sod!"
    1 point
  49. I hadn't been to the sauna for some weeks, though I'd heard there was a twink working there who was a real cum dump. I'd have to go soon and try his dirty arse. One evening on my way back from work, I decided to cut across the park as it was a pleasant evening though dusk was falling. There were a few people around, one of whom was a short, tubby lad of 18 or 19 who was strolling by himself. In the centre of the park was a shelter with an old bench. It often had homeless guys hanging around and I guessed they maybe slept there at night. I normally avoided it so as not to be hassled. In the distance, I saw the lad taking the path in front of the shelter and sure enough about 5 or 6 rough-looking guys emerged in the gloom and surrounded him. I heard them ask for money and then they started hitting on him, asking if he wanted to spend some time with them and offering him some booze. I shook my head at his naivity and walked on. It was nearly dark when I reached the far gate, but something made me pause. I retraced my steps, with a growing sense of excitement as I didn't encounter the tubby twink and realised he must be still at the shelter. I moved quietly on the path until I could make out the old wooden building. There was no one in sight. I was about to leave when I heard someone laugh followed by a low moan and a gasp which reeked of sex and made my hair stand on end. Slowly, I moved around behind the shelter making sure to stay hidden in the bushes. At the back of the old building was an old mattress and empty bottles strewn around and the group of homeless guys standing and watching something. I moved to get a better view and saw the lad naked and face down on the filthy mattress being fucked by an old guy as the others watched. He had pushed his stained trousers down and his fat, pale, hairy backside was wobbling and clenching as he rode the chubby twink who was groaning and gasping as they copulated. The others were standing watching, passing a bottle around and some had their cocks out and were wanking as they watched. "C'mon! Hurry up!" One of them said in a throaty voice. "I needs some of that arse!" The others laughed and watched as the man steadily worked himself to a climax, giving a satisfied grunt and his buttocks clenched as he spurted. He levered himself off and sat nearby, trousers down, cock glistening with cum. The lad just lay there breathing hard. "Who's next?" Said a voice. A bald, lean old man with sores round his lips untied the string at his waist and let his trousers fall. His cock sprang up against his bulbous belly and he knelt and stretched out on the pale body. There was a moments fumbling, then the lad gasped as the old cock slid up him and the man began to fuck him. I was hard in my pants, and took out my cock and began to wank as I watched the lad being gang fucked, one after the other until they had all cum in him. Then they ignored him, passing round the bottle as he got unsteadily to his feet. "Here," one of them said, offering him a filthy rag which he used to wipe the mess between his buttocks. Another one grinned, revealing blackened teeth. "Off you go, Timmy. It must be past your tea-time!" Then the lad dressed, walked off into the gloom and I shuddered as I came, spurting wetly onto the grass at my feet...
    1 point
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