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  1. I'm already local elected person; and also work every election unless I am on the ballot. Re: Parties, I am opposed to parties in general and both of them specifically. Both parties hound me to join.
    3 points
  2. A knocking on the front door awakened me and as my folks were gone on a cruise for three weeks I had to answer the door wearing only a blanket wrapped around me.Mr wilson stood there holding my cellphone and as I openned the door he held it out to me."you forgot this at my place,its been ringing quite a bit"Taking the phone and looking at the screen I could see several calls from my parents listed.Just then it rang again,and as I answered Mr Wilson came into the foyer and shut the door."Oh hi Mom....no just got up,going to make breakfast then do yard work.How's the cruise"I said,as mr Wilson pulled the blanket off and I felt an erection beginning to develop."Oh you boys and your cocks in the morning...."He said as I talked with my mother his tongue licked my cockhead,then his lips slid over it and down my erection as it throbbed at the attention.As I talked with mom the aids infected man from down the street sucked on her son's cock and my heart began to pound.
    3 points
  3. Chapter 1: This is my first time writing a story, It is entirely fiction, but is loosely based off of a role-play session with another avid fan of this site. (feel free to skip the next two paragraphs of setup and jump to the good stuff) Hi, My name is Rick, and this is finally got the father-son bonds I didn't know I needed. I used to be a pretty muscular “dreamboat” back in my HS football days (6'3”, dark hair, blue eyes, and a broad muscular farmers frame), which let me get around as much as I wanted, but eventually resulted in a drunken three-way with my “beard” Barb and 9 months later my son Jason was born. we tried to give the domestic life thing a try, but it wasn't for either of us since we needing one or more other guys involved whenever we had sex (she was as much of a bottom slut as I am) and after a few years my second son Matt was born. Pretty sure he wasn't mine, but I was the only one of the 8 guys fucking us that night who could be tracked down afterward (But as he grew, he looked more and more like the “blond viking muscle god” with a 12” UC beercan cock who split his mom and me open the night Matt was conceived, kinda fitting since unlike me, neither of my boys were circumcised.). Around the time my oldest was starting high school, Barb met a rich black gentleman named Mike during another of out group sessions... Great guy, nice 8” cock and and a near insatiable sex drive, which is why I wasn't that surprised when they fell for each other, she divorced me, and they got married... but I was pretty broken up when they took the boys and moved over an hour away because he got an even better job... Barb and Mike made sure to keep me involved in my sons lives, and Mike made sure that none of them wanted for anything, so what kind of asshole would I be to try to break any of that up... which is probably why we drifted apart over time and I haven't even seen any of them in a few years. Cut to now, about a decade later, still single, still somehow neg, and at 45 I don't think I am much to look at these days; short dark hair, a big grizzly beard and a 5.5” cut cock I generously refer to as average... I passed dad bod a while ago and fully embraced the bear scene and the chub belly I had grown shortly after. I finally had saved up about 2 weeks vacation time from work that I had to use before it expired, but no real money to go on much of a trip anywhere, so I decided I would stay home, check with my weed dealer for anything above and beyond his normal “wares”, and take a nice Trip at home... He did not disappoint...a ounce of dank weed, 4 hits of molly, a 10 strip of Cid, and as a bonus (since he didn't want the risk of keeping it), a small bag with a few shards of T. I hadn't candy flipped in years but hadn't done T since before the boys were born... It is one thing I have no tolerance for, and even a little amount had me spun stupid, so it is where Barb had drawn the line. My vacation plans however were all about letting lose and hopefully getting fucked stupid so I while I was originally planning to trip balls and watch youtube. I was eager to see if T still had the same effects all these years later. (plus I had two-weeks, so why not?) My vacation started Friday morning, pretty standard stay-cation stuff... cleaned around the house, Posted a few quick connect ads, “Pressure wash” out my fuck-hole with the sure shot, put out the “good' sex toys... you know, the basics. I only got two different guys to respond to my ads. The first one ghosted and the second was a middle-aged middle eastern dude with an average body and a fairly thin 7” who shot two raw loads in my hole, BUT came and went in under 30 minutes so I was no where near satisfied (but at least I was well lubed). I smoked a few bowls of herb and debated what to do next... a molly and acid candy flip sounded tempting, but I hadn't done T in so long I couldn't resist. I didn't have a pipe for it though and I never could stand needles, so I went with the way I had done it the last time I had it, took one of the smaller pieces, and began working it into my cum filled ass. As it started to burn (forgot how much I liked that) I could feel my pulse quicken and I started breathing heavily and feeling an almost animalistic lust. I looked over at the sex toy collection I had layed out earlier, an assortment of dildos, plugs, and toys ranging from average sized to advanced fisting+ sized (with a few BDSM options in a bag just in case). I grabbed the smaller of my two double dildos (18” length, 6” around) and had worked almost half of it up my hole when it became clear to me that I “NEEDED” to try to find more guys who would fuck me so I went back to looking online for dick. I posted a new quick connect add, this time the chems clearly helping me let lose “Power bottom parTy bear, looking to get my ass fucked, filled, and fisted. BB only, neg and on prep here, w/s friendly”. (I know what I like) I had moved up from the double header to an 8” long 6.5 circ dildo when I got a response to my ad. Instinctively, I went to check the profile before seeing what he had to say... There were no face pics,only two fairly close up pics, one of his ass (muscled, perky, and perfect) and one of his 9” pierced uncut cock (YUM), which was about all I needed to see, but I skimmed the rest of his profile: 25, 6'1” brown hair, blue eyes, 38” waist 185 lbs, muscular (Woo-hoo); I looked down to his interests: BB, D/s, Fisting, sounding, W/S, raunch, role-play, groups, chubs, PNP, etc... (fucking jackpot)... so I eagerly went to read his message, “Hey there sexy daddy; saw your ad, and you sound just like the kind of parTy bottom slut I love, clear your schedule, I want to spend this weekend fucking, fisting, and filling your chempig hole”. My usual skepticism at a guy like that, wanting a weekend like that, with a guy like me was quickly dismissed as I replied with my phone and address before he quickly replied that he would be there in a little over an hour with the instructions “leave the door unlocked, put on a blindfold, and be waiting naked face-down ass-up, ready for his first load” fortunately, I had a relatively small house in the country with no nearby neighbors, so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me when he opened the door. I smoked another bowl of herb and moved some of they toys to the living room so I would be ready when he got there. I put some W/S gangbang porn on the TV, and was grinding my hole on my hole on my 6” circ. Plug when I got a text from a blocked number “under 5 away, be ready, door unlocked, BLINDFOLD ON”. A rush of excitement washed over me as I threw a blanket over the hardwood floors and got down on it on all fours with my ass pointed towards the door... (plug still in) before I tied a bandanna on as a blindfold, The next few minutes felt like hours, but soon I heard the door open and shut before the sounds of him kicking off his shoes against the door (just like my sons used to) and throwing his clothes on the floor before he slapped the plug in my hole and said (in an obviously fake deep voice) “Aw yeah daddy, I love when a bottom slut is stretched out and ready for this poz monster cock” Between his dick pick, interests, and the chems in my system I hadn't even checked his status... I wasn't an active chaser, but with prep and a lucky history, it wouldn't have been a deal-breaker for me anyway I thought as he spoke again, “slammed in your driveway, we are gonna have some fucking nasty fun slut” I heard the crinkle of plastic before he placed a hand on the plug in my hole and said “Push it out” (still in the fake deep voice). The plug game out with a plop, but was quickly replaced with his face as he dove in and began eating my hungry hole. This kid had an amazing tongue and with how hungrily he was trying to dig deeper into my big hairy bear ass, it was clear he hadn't lied on his profile about being into bears/chubs (FUCK YEAH). He pulled back and said, “mmm, you still have someone elses load in you slut, I love chemwhores like you that come pre-lubed”. He then slid two fingers in and as he began moving them around, I began to feel a burn I recognized from a few hours earlier... he was working more T into my hole! I couldn't stop myself from grinding back against his hand, or letting a low hungry moan as I felt it kicking in... I coughed and was breathing way heavier than before. Whatever he had was was stronger than what I did I thought as I heard “Point two shard in there slut, you are gonna be begging for my toxic loads all night, and plenty more where that came from” FUCK I thought, that is way too much for me I tried to say, but all that came out was a mumbled moan as he worked in the rest of his fingers and began scraping whatever hadn't dissolved yet against my prostate. I could feel my eyes roll back in my head as my ass hungrily tried to suck his hand into me. I don't think my hole has ever been this hungry. I wanted to beg for more but all I could manage was grunts and moans. He pulled his hand out after a few minutes (still way too soon) but I soon felt the head of his cock pressing against my stretched hungry hole. His dick looked big in his profile pic, and if he hadn't just had his hand in me, there is no way I would have been ready for the beercan thick cock he was slowly pushing into my hungry tweaked out manpussy, I felt what I thought was his PA until it started burning again and I felt another wave of hunger as he pushed in and ground his bush against my stretched out hole, leaned forward and said “Fuck you feel good daddy, I put a little more T under my foreskin because I want to make sure I scratch us both up and breed you good daddy” I moaned in agreement, I had given up on being on all fours at this point and had my face pressed to the floor as he began to pick up the pace. He went from slowly working whole 9 inches of his baseball bat dick all the way out till only his piercing was still in my hole before plunging the entire length back in one quick thrust, each time trying to hit another spot inside me. When he was confident he had gotten my hole ready, he began began to full on “hate fuck” my hole with enough force that he was actually pushing my big assed-chub/bear self across the floor. “You want my toxic load slut” he grunted “God yes sit, I replied” “Beg for it” he demanded “Please breed me sir, I need your strain, I want you to fill me with your poz cum so bad” (I may not have been a chaser, but I knew the lingo and have been around enough to know what he wanted to hear) He leaned in and wrapped his muscular arms around me as his pounding of my hungry hole took a more frantic pace, occasionally slapping my ass while letting out a “fuck yeah” each time dropping more and more of the “fake deep tone” from his voice, before hugged me close against him, and pulled my head back meet his to begin giving me deep (and hungry) kisses as his fucking slowed back down to pulling out slowly and then thrusting all the way back in as hard as he could until the thrust when he shoved as deep as he could, grinding his bush against my stretched hole as if he were trying to climb inside me before as he broke our kiss and let out a loud guttural yell as I felt his dick pulse and fill me with that hot wet familiar feeling I love. I was still flying and couldn't help but continue slowly fuck myself against his as the he stayed there, his sweaty muscular body grinding against mine. Instead of pulling out like I was expecting, he kept it lodged in my hole and began to let out a low moan as I felt a new warm feeling filling me even more before he said “aw yeah dad, take my slampiss”. this time without the fake deep voice... this time in a voice I recognized despite foggy mental state. he sounded just like my oldest boy Jason, I was still so spun I couldn't be sure, and the hot chempiss now filling my hole wasn't helping. All I could think of is how amazing this hung stud felt pressed against me and how I didn't want him to ever pull out of my hole... so of course he did. Before I could say anything to protest he flipped me over onto my back (damn he was strong) lifted my legs and shoved his dick back into my hole in one smooth motion. A lot of the chempiss he had just filled me with squirted out around his cock as he pushed back into my battered ass, getting it over both of us as he slowly began long-dicking me as it pooled around us. I couldn't think of anything other than how good his monster cock felt in me and how I didn't want it to stop. (damn his chempiss was strong) I couldn't control myself as I mumbled out, “please don't stop fucking me” “don't worry slut, I own this ass now and I am not gonna stop fucking you till we both drop” he replied. This time I knew I recognized the voice... he sounded exactly like my son Jason! I had to be sure so I tried to pull back my blindfold...he grabbed my hand to stop me at first, but then slowly pulled off the bandana as he kept fucking this mix of his poz cum and slampig chempiss out of my hole, the sloppy wet slapping the only other sound as my eyes began adjusting to finally see the man who was making my hole feel so good. I couldn't believe it, this had to be a hallucination. But as I looked up, I saw the face of my oldest son, Jason. I hadn't seen him in a long time, but I know my sons face. I knew he had a football player build the last time I seen him years ago, but even with the the sweaty muscular adonis he had become, I recognized my boy. I should have pulled away, I should have freaked out, I knew this was wrong, but my tina addled brain could only focus on how amazing the tree trunk he still had lodged in me felt. We both froze, staring into each others eyes with a mix of fear and lust but clearly neither of us wanting this feeling to stop. I continued breathing heavily and looking up my son as the sweat dripped from his nose. Without even thinking, my ass began to slowly move against him again. The fear faded from his face and he teared up a bit and let out muffled sniffle before saying, “I fucking love you dad” and lunching forward to begin frantically shoving his tongue into my mouth. Any thoughts of “wrong” vanished as I returned his intense kisses. Our tongues battling to try to taste more of the other, the clear lust and longing taking over as his thrusts began picking up again. Within minutes it was clear he was getting close to cumming again as he pulled back and his body tensed. His muscles glistening as he yelled out “FUCK YEAH DAD! I'm knocking up your hot fag pussy with my poz cock” He thrust in deep and held it there again, my wet sloppy ass spasming around his wrist thick cock as he pumped load after load of his venom deep inside me...before I could try to actually think about the implications of what he was saying, he leaned in and began kissing me again. He broke our lip long long enough to look me square in the eyes as he said, “I love you Dad” “I love you too Jason” I said before hugging him against me as tight as I could To Be Continued? (I have ideas)
    2 points
  4. And for what it's worth: I'm all for trying to find common ground with the opposition, sometimes. SOMEtimes. The Mike Johnsons of the world put on a facade of kindness and gentleness and pretend to love all people, even as they're willing to completely fuck you over. Johnson has specifically called for overturning Lawrence v. Texas (a position shared by Clarence Thomas AND Samuel Alito), which would have the effect of immediately criminalizing gay sex in a number of states that have specifically refused to repeal their unconstitutional sodomy laws. Just as the overturning of Roe v. Wade immediately reinstated a bunch of state abortion bans that had been on the books since the 1970's, overturning Lawrence would prompt a sea change in how gays and lesbians are treated under the law. It's true that just a few years ago, a majority of the Court found that "discrimination on the basis of sex" included anti-gay discrimination, at least in terms of employment. But Justice Ginsburg was in that majority, and she's been replaced by Amy Coney Barrett. That means there's possibly four votes already (Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett) to overturn what gay rights ARE recognized. And while Roberts has gone both ways on some of our cases, there's no doubt he would, if presented with a "fresh" question (as opposed to one where there's precedent to consider), strike down any protection we claimed. More importantly, this crowd is getting good at eating away at the edges of decisions until the original is so full of holes it's meaningless. They've already basically given anyone who claims a religious belief against gays (or premarital sex, or birth control, or whatever) a free pass to do what they please regardless of what state law might require. And they've extended that to "closely held corporations" as though a legally fictitious person (which is what a corporation is) somehow has religious rights. Thus far, for instance, public officials have been excused from accommodating same-sex marriages (whether in issuing licenses or performing ceremonies) because there's always been someone else in the office who could issue the license or perform the ceremony. What happens when some county clerk in Bumfuck, Alabama replaces all the staff with bible-thumping mouth-breathers, all of whom insist it's a violation of their religious freedom to be forced to sign off on a same-sex marriage license? The precedent is already set that individuals can't be forced to comply; what happens when there's no one else who WILL comply?
    2 points
  5. I think that (in the U.S. at least, saying you're "opposed to parties" is like saying you're "opposed to air". Like it or not, our system was designed to support a party-based system, even in cases where offices are officially "non-partisan". For instance, the Nebraska legislature is elected without any partisan information showing on the ballot. But if you don't think people know which ones are sympathetic to the Republican party line and which ones are in line with the Democrats - their campaign rhetoric alone makes it patently clear - then you're hopelessly naive. And despite constant bleating by political analysts that "independents" or "unaffiliated" voters are fast becoming the largest bloc of voters out there, that only refers to *registration*. The vast majority of those voters still vote steadily for one party or the other, election after election, and despite all these "independent" voters, virtually no one gets elected as a true independent to anything of significance. It's true that for some local level offices, truly independent candidates run for and win those local offices - Hi, Jim! - but above the level of, say, county commissioner or whatever the local equivalent is, they just don't happen. Nor, for the most part, do third-party candidates.
    2 points
  6. This is one Of a those stories I’d like another chapter of. Thanks or you can!
    2 points
  7. I like eating cum from a freshly bred hole, and suck the top's cock clean. 100% top here, just LOVE cock and ass fluids
    2 points
  8. They have always believed that - just ask Hester Prynne. Haters gonna hate. The more important question is, how did tens of millions of citizens collectively come to believe that it is OK for them to do so, if they do it -- supposedly -- within the structure of our governmental system?
    2 points
  9. For the first time in an age today, im working on a different round, as so I was able to get to a sauna for a few hours during my lunchtime. It was pretty quiet (Saturday lunchtime / early afternoon) but there were a few guys cruising. Dark room I sucked a guy, who told me he didn't want to cum yet, but maybe later. (no fun!) In a private room saw this young (early 20's) guy being fucked, so sucked him while he was being pounded, and got to swallow a load. And just before leaving, an elderly Asian guy asked if I wanted some fun. I said definitely, and into the dark room again. He bent me over to enjoy me, muttering about how he didn't have any condom's, to which I said "that's even better." Although he sounded like he was going to collapse from his wheezing, his cock worked wonders and left me a nice thick load deep inside. Afternoon was more enjoyable after that lol
    2 points
  10. I grew up in a lumber mill town in Oregon with my Mother in a single-wide trailer. I don't know how we survived without my Uncle Joe, who would send money and send me a cell phone which I used to good use watching Gay Porn. It was a 2 hour trip to school, and I did not fit in as the class's shrimp. But I did have one thing that stood out in the male locker room I was well hung with a 10-inch thick dick. By the time I turned 18, I was 5 ft 7 115 LBS. When the mill closed a few weeks after my 18 birthday, my mother moved to Portland with her Lesbain lover, but I should go live with my Uncle Joe and his son Alex in Fort Lauderdale, Flordia. Uncle Joe sent the plane tickets, so it was a bus to Portland, a flight to Seattle, a stopover in Chicago, and then on the Fort Lauderdale. Uncle sent me a picture of what he looked like as Mom would send him a picture of me a few times per year. I have never seen so many people in my life in airports. I see Uncle Joe, and I'm shocked to see my cousin Ales as Alex looks just like me, skinny, but he is two years older and looks like my twin. Both are matching basketball shorts with tee shirts two sizes too small, showing their nipple piercings. After hugging and introducing me to Alex, he asked for my phone. They took out the Sim card then, threw it in the trash, then took my bags and threw them in the garbage. I'm scared as they lead me to their van; they tell me I will have a great time living with them, opening me up to new experiences. They show me a room where I can sleep as they remodel the house. The bed has a rubber sheet covering it, and that night I can hear grunting coming from the next room where Uncle Joe and Alex are sleeping. I had a good night's sleep as Uncle Joe came in and told me I m going to see the Doctor as I should have a complete check-up. I jump into the shower, and Cousin Alex joins me as. I a shock to see him, and he is hung like me. We get to the Doctor's office, and the first thing he gives me is a jar. They tell me to jerk off into the glass jar, then show me a room to do it in. The TV is playing Gay male pon in the room, and it does not take long. I enter and hand the jar to the Doctor, who is very impressed by how much I filled the glass jar. The doctor tells me the strip naked and laughs that it runs in the family having big dicks. He does the regular check-up until I see the needle and strap, wraps the belt high around my arm, and tells me I will feel like I can't breathe, then I will cough, then I will get a warm feeling and a rush. I see the needle go in. He pulls back the plunger. I see the blood. It all disappears into my arm. What he told me to happen I couldn't breathe, and I was coughing my lungs out. The doctor tells me to bend over the table. As I bend over, he spreads my cheeks and tells Uncle Joe to look at my virgin hole; both laugh as the doctor puts some lube on his finger as he works the finger into my virgin hole and hits my prostate. It does not take him long to get used to his finger as my dick is hard like never before. My breathing is getting faster, and I can't hold back anymore as I shoot another load.
    2 points
  11. {sorry for the delay guys - here's the next chaper} I retreated back upstairs for a rest after the short session bent over the barrel, and even managed to sleep for a bit longer. Once I was awake again I decided to take a shower, and then got myself dried and dressed initially in just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I went downstairs to see if I could find Peter to get a bit more of a steer on what I should be wearing, but he suggested I just go with whatever was comfortable as they would be stripping me naked anyway. I therefore headed back upstairs, stripped myself naked and then put on a jockstrap. After a bit of deliberation, I opted for what I’d already worn that morning for the coffee run, swapping out the T-shirt for a tight vest and clasping my big chain round my neck. I headed outside for a quick smoke, and then went back downstairs to see what was happening. Peter was by that point loading up his truck with some coolboxes, and without needing to be asked I just got on with giving him a hand to bring them all out from the bar area. On his final trip outside he was carrying a large hamper, and winked at me as he went past. “Party supplies” he said, smirking. I guessed this didn’t mean balloons and streamers. Once everything was loaded up, he gestured for me to get in the passenger side of the cab before he got into the driver’s side, and then we set off. We chatted amiably as he drove us out of town and into the hills, before eventually arriving at a rudimentary car park down a rather overgrown lane. There were a few other cars there, all with guys sitting in them, and as soon as Peter and I got out of the truck they all followed suit. Clearly these were the men who would be using me today, some of whom looked familiar from the night before but others were definitely new. “Gentlemen” said Peter, “I’m glad you could make it.” “You know we love a good picnic” replied one of them, grinning in my direction. “As do I” said Peter. “Anyway, if you’ll all give me a hand, we’ve got several coolers of drinks and snacks and a hamper of goodies.” Everyone set about helping to unload the truck, also getting various things out of their own cars, and then we walked off as a group along a path into the trees. At a certain point, the group veered off the path into the undergrowth, following a route that they seemed to know but which would not have been obvious to anyone else. I supposed that this was the point. Eventually we arrived at a sort of clearing, which didn’t have much sunlight on it, but was free of any plants growing on the forest floor meaning there was plenty of space to spread out. Once everyone was in the clearing it became obvious that it was very well shielded from view, and by the confident marching to this very location that the group had done, you could tell that it was a place they gathered regularly. Everyone got on with unrolling blankets and unfolding a few camping chairs, and then some beers were opened and handed round along with various sandwiches and snacks. I ate a little and drank a couple of beers, chatting to a few of the guys who seemed just as enjoyable to spend time with as the men who had gangbanged me the night before. Eventually the mood changed a bit, and a couple of the guys seemed to be getting things ready for what we had all gone there for. The hamper was opened to reveal bottles of lube, various bits of leather kit, and quite a stash of poppers. I took the hint, and got myself undressed down to my jockstrap, although I put my trainers back on to protect my feet. One of the guys then hauled out some of the leather before approaching me, and I stood there and allowed him to attach a thick collar, wrist cuffs and a chunky harness. I then walked over to the tatty blanket that seemed to be where things were going to happen, and got down on all fours. In no time someone was licking, fingering and occasionally nicking my hole, while I gently sucked on the cock of one of the other men while noting the small scorpion tattoo just above his balls. Shortly after I was being spitroasted, and that is how I spent most of the rest of the afternoon. I was moved onto my back to give my hands and knees a rest every so often, but these guys definitely had a preference for giving it to me doggy style so I was usually on all fours. They weren’t particularly verbal, with only the occasional comment about the nature of the semen being pumped into my rear end, but it was still exhilarating to be getting railed over and over again in what was technically a public outdoor space. I almost wanted some unlucky walkers to happen upon us and see me getting used this way, but to my knowledge that never happened. As the light began to fade, proceedings wrapped up with a final couple of double-fucks of my now very loosened hole, which I enjoyed despite how full having two dicks inside me made me feel. Once the men were truly done with me we all walked back through the undergrowth to the car park, and everyone got in their vehicles and headed off. With a bit of a wipe down of my rear end and the insertion of a large plug, Peter gestured for me to get back in the truck without getting dressed again, the tatty blanket being put on the seat first to protect the fabric. I had assumed he just wanted the thrill of me being near-naked for the drive back to the warehouse, but then he started to take a different route. We were eventually on a motorway for a very brief period, before he pulled off at a service station and then followed the route parked for lorries rather than cars. This took us to a large parking area filled with HGVs, at the end of which was a small toilet block away from the main service station facilities. He parked up next to it, and then gestured for me to get out and go inside while he remained seated in the truck. I did as he wanted, feeling very exposed even in the dim light, given the number of truckers that were around, and I hurried into the toilet block. It stank to high heaven and there was no-one else in there, but that soon changed as a couple of guys came in after me. Where meetings in public toilets will usually be a careful series of hints and signs to check that both parties want the same thing, none of that was needed here. One of the guys instead just pushed me into a cubicle, bent me forward over the toilet, pulled out the plug from my arse, and then slammed his raw cock into me. He fucked me hard and rough for just a few minutes before breeding me, and then the other man took over. Then another, and another, and another, and so on. I was called a whore and a slut by several of them, but only one of them indicated he was spewing anything toxic into me. Maybe by this point Peter had just decided to get me fucked, and perhaps see if the questionable contents of my rear end might take down a couple of these truckers too. I was in the toilets for a very long time, to the point that I was starting to wonder if Peter had just left me there, but eventually he came in and managed to wind things down so that I could leave. This time he had brought my clothes, which I did my best to put on without them touching the filthy floor tiles, and then we went back outside and got in the truck. “Well, that was quite a day for you then” he said once we were back on the motorway. “Uh-huh” I replied. “Not one I’m going to forget in a hurry.” “Hopefully ever” he said. “But just to make sure, when we get back I’m going to brush out your insides and then spent the night buried in there.” I had been fucked to kingdom come, but I still got hard at what he was saying. “Yes please” I croaked out. “Good lad” he said. “And tomorrow we’ve got a few of the regulars coming back to have a final go with you before lunch. Then you’ll be on your way.” Then I’ll be on my way. A choice of words I liked: I would be both leaving for home, and also hopefully heading into a new life as a pozzed-up pig. True to his word, once we were back at the warehouse and had got into the bedroom I was using, Peter really gave my insides quite a gruelling brush and happily showed me just how red the bristles were. He also indeed stayed buried in me all night, only pulling out when he had to piss or just wanted to stick the brush in there some more. The next morning, as promised, I was taken back downstairs and some of the men from Friday night pumped a few more loads into me as I lay in the sling and happily accepted all of their toxic goodness. Eventually it was just Peter left, and he fucked one more load into me in the sling before helping me up so I could back upstairs to shower and change for the drive home. “Thank you so much” I said to him as I got back downstairs a while later, my bags packed and ready for the road. “This has just been awesome.” “No thanks needed” he said. “Hopefully you got what you came for, but if not then you know where to find me. Indeed, even if we have succeeded, you’re always welcome to visit if you’re back up this way.” “Thank you” I said, knowing that I would now have to find a way to take a detour here whenever I was doing my fatherly duty at the start or end of term time. “Let us know how it goes” he said. “Want to see if we can officially add another one to our tally.” “I will do” I replied. “You got any more chasers lined up?” “Just one” he said. “Nice piece of young meat who’s just started at Nottingham uni. Been messaging me for a while from London, and still seems keen.” “Oh really” I said, smirking. “Yeah” he said. “Got a gay dad too apparently.” Oh. Oh. Oh. My. God… [to be continued]
    2 points
  12. EPILOGUE: It was only two days later that Parker sent me the first of many bootie call texts. That kicked off a summer of me having to report to all sorts of locations, including the park, a truck stop out of town, some public toilets, and even the football field at school, all to bend myself over to get fucked and bred. Usually it was just Parker, occasionally there would be someone else there, and a couple of times it was at a motel where we would both service some paying client (not that I got any of the proceeds). I came down with the fuck flu fairly quickly after the night on the farm, and once that was over I got myself tested at a clinic in the city (having held off my mother's attempts to summon a doctor while I was enduring the worst of it). Fortunately I had not picked up anything other than the virus I had actively sought, and after going on meds for my viral count started to go down. I was now what I had wanted to be, and despite how that night on the farm had gone, everything had ultimately worked out. However, the same could not be said for everyone. One night I got a message from Parker asking if he could come over, which was sufficiently strange that I did not hesitate to respond quickly to say it was fine. He appeared just a few minutes later, and after meeting him at the door and briefly introducing him as 'a teammate' to my parents, I took him upstairs to my room wondering what he was there for. It was only when he took off his varsity jacket that I saw the bruises on his arms, and when he noticed that I had seen them, he just looked me in the eyes as he slowly pulled off his T-shirt. His torso was even more bruised and had some fairly significant cuts as well, and then when he turned round I could see welts all over his back. "Fucking hell" I said. "What happened?" "Those guys" he whispered, turning back to face me with tears in his eyes. "My uncles asked me to come over to help with some jobs on the farm, but then after I got there they told me they were tired of me, that I was a worthless slut, and then they tied me up and left me with those guys." "Fuck" I said, now whispering too. "What did they do?" "What they did to you, and a bit more" he replied. "I don't really want to talk about it." "Oh Parker" I said, surprised by the pity that I was feeling for him. "They took photos" he said, before a long pause. "They... they anonymously dropped them off in my dad's mailbox, along with a copy of my HIV test results." I just stood looking at him, dumbfounded and appalled by how broken he looked as he tried to tell me what had happened. "He didn't even speak to me" he continued. "I got home earlier, and he just walked up to me and punched me in the gut, then threw me out the front door with the packet of photos. I... I didn't know where else to go." Despite the things he had done to me, and his pimping out of my body over the previous weeks, I could not help but reach out and put my hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him. This prompted him to lean into me, bury his head against my neck, and let go. He cried openly, loudly, and the noise drew my mother's attention from downstairs. She appeared at the door with a concerned look on her face, which turned to horror as she must have seen Parker's welted back. I just mouthed "it's OK" to her when she finally looked up to make eye contact with me, and she nodded and hesitantly went away. However, I knew she would actually be hovering at the top of the stairs out of view. Parker eventually calmed down, and pulled away from me. I grabbed a box of tissues from beside my bed and handed them to him, and he got himself cleaned up a bit. I let him get himself back on an even keel before speaking. "Parker, I think we need to go and speak to my parents" I said, causing him to go wide-eyed at me in alarm. "My mum just came to the door and must have seen your back. We need to tell them what your uncles and father did to you." I gave him a look as I mentioned his uncles and father, and was relieved when he seemed to get what I was doing. My mother was bound to still be in earshot, and there was no way the truth of his ordeal could be told to anyone else. The rest of the evening passed with us, mostly me, telling my parents a slightly made-up story about the physical abuse Parker had endured from the older men in his family, resulting in them offering to allow him to stay for a while so he could get himself together. The camping bed was put up in my room so he could sleep there, but all we ever did was make it look like it had been used. Parker instead slept in my bed, initially because he needed comforting but of course sex was soon part of the equation again. We kept it as quiet as we could, and while I was usually the one getting fucked, Parker became the first guy that I topped. For the remaining weeks of the summer we were basically in a very quiet, not entirely functional, relationship with each other. The pimping out was no longer part of our dynamic, and his alpha male side only came on display when he was in public and trying to maintain an image. At his lowest point he'd let me see his vulnerable side, and it seemed like that was actually a relief to him and he didn't want go go back. I guess we weren't as quiet as we thought though, as one day shortly before I went to college we were lying in bed together naked when my dad suddenly walked in looking for a working cellphone charger. He did not bat an eyelid at the sight of the two of us cuddled up in the bed together, and only inquired if we were ever going to get up for breakfast as he walked out. After getting over the shock we did indeed get dressed and go down for breakfast, both nervous as hell while my parents just carried on as normal. When we went back upstairs, the camping bed was gone, something my father must have done after he had 'gone to the bathroom' earlier. Given how unfazed my parents were, for the final few days before I left, Parker and I were openly affectionate with each other around the house, and my parents were not ruffled or even curious at all. Of course, had they known what we had both been up to or what we were both carrying in our bloodstreams, that might have got more of a reaction. They let Parker stay for a bit longer after I went to college, but he was eventually encouraged to start sorting out his life and in due course moved away to the city to start working in construction. We kept in touch, but whatever it was that we had found between us during the late summer sort of fizzled out. I wasn't cut up about it, just happy that I had been there for him at a low time in his life, and I guess also thankful that his presence had engineered my coming out to my parents without a lot of drama. Being free and single I soon re-found my love of being a pig, and spent my time at college offering my hole to every hunky guy who wanted it. I had no shortage of takers amongst my fellow students, and also got some attention from some of the faculty. I supported myself by working nights at a gay bar near the campus, which gave me the added benefit of access to a basement dark room where I could take anonymous loads during breaks and after my shifts, happily accepting plenty of recharge gifts and also sometimes playing the innocent to let guys think they were pozzing a neg stud. Eventually some time online resulted in me meeting Sam, a stud on the lacrosse team who had become interested in chasing but was also a top. For him, I went off meds and then became his regular fuckbud, a relationship that gradually morphed into more. It took a long time, but he finally came down with flu one day and tested poz a short while later. I went back on meds, he started taking them for the first time, and it only seemed to be once that milestone had been reached that we realised that we had fallen in love with one another. It's now ten years later, and we're still together. We agreed that we were both sufficiently slutty that a completely monogamous relationship would not suit us, but we mostly play together except for when one of us is away on business or visiting family. Funnily enough, Sam has started to bottom occasionally, despite not wanting to when he was trying to get pozzed, so we sometimes either switch it up or get some guys over to use us both side by side. I love my life, and I have never regretted doing what I did that night on the farm. I just knew I was meant to be poz, and through being infected, I eventually found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've never told friends or family about my status, but they may have cottoned on thanks to the scorpion tattoo I decided to get across my back. Sam and I have helped a few more guys find what they were looking for, occasionally coming off meds to then work together to infect a chaser or two, but we have otherwise done our best to stay healthy while keeping up an ambitious gym regime. I'm also glad that I, along with my awesome parents, got to help Parker find his way out of a situation that could probably have got a lot worse if he had stayed around our town. We do still keep in touch a bit, and he's now living in Los Angeles. He runs a small construction business, and is living with a twinky guy who seems to make him happy. Indeed, my mum met them both when she'd gone on a business trip to LA, something that really surprised me when she told me as I hadn't realised that Parker had stayed more in touch with my parents than he actually had with me. He and I only once talked about what had happened to him on the farm, when he told me that his uncles had been arrested and were both in jail. He was a bit sketchy on the details, but it seemed like they had been caught doing bad things at a truck stop, and then some drugs had been found by the police. "I hope they get what's coming to them" Parker had said, which I think meant more than just an appropriate sentence from a judge. However, I never did hear any more about them. So, there we have it. One summer day I graduated from school, and also graduated into manhood. Corruption of a quarterback, pozzing of a prom king, or however you want to look at it: this was my story. Tell me yours... [THE END]
    2 points
  13. The time for “looking to the future” is basically up. It’s not as though there hasn’t been any warning - scientists have been ringing the warning bell about overheating the planet for years, until they’ve just about jerked the chain off the bell, but politicians in the service of greed (and largely on the right) have staunchly opposed any sensible change that would have prevented our turning the planet - the only one available to us - into an oven. Or a washing-machine, if you think in terms of the hurricanes. So all those crotchety red-as-apples don’t-tell-me-what-to-do retirees relocating to Florida have already voted for a near-term future that it’s too late to prevent: Hurricanes in increasing number and severity, and inevitable sea-level rise. They’ll be sitting in paradise waiting to be flooded out or blown out to sea. And when Mother Nature has a shit-fit on them because she’s having hot flashes, and their houses are no longer fit to live in (or standing), what are they going to expect? They’re going to expect the government to bail them out. With tax dollars. And the instant any politician suggests that they pay a nickel more in taxes, they’ll lose their minds in outrage and vote him out of office.
    2 points
  14. I am a Paramedic, and have always been turned on by other guys, even though a lot of females flirt with me, especially the hospital nurses. I must be reserved especially when in the fire house with the other guys, which most act they are homophobic. At least the bunk room is split, so the EMS personnel won't disturb the firefighters due to the number of calls we receive in a 24 hour shift. We got a call for a medical transport of an HIV patient to the DC Hospital NIH (National Institute of Health). This was a medical transfer from a regular nursing home, to this specialized facility due the fact the patient, was actually an AIDS patient and apparently not responding to medical therapy and this was going to be a last chance effort to get him stabilized. No one wanted to ride in the patient compartment with the patient, scared the close proximity would be contagious. I took this opportunity to get an education. Of course precautions were in place, both myself and the patient had masks on, and I was gloved up as well. The patient was to have EKG monitored during the trip along with an IV drip. The ride was going to be approximately 1 1/2 hour due to the heavy traffic during a rush hour commute. Once the trip began, my patient, which I will call Ken, was very talkative, and soon I had him comfortable and relaxed. He told me he had developed AIDS about 10 months prior, and was in a long care nursing home for treatment, but knew he was on the terminal list. During our ride, I confided in him that I was gay but not out of the closet, and needed to be discreet. He said he had not had a lover in over a year, but never regretted being gay, and his only release was when he could jack off. I told him that he was a cute guy and I could see how he probably didn't have trouble getting a lover when he was in his prime. He reached out from under his blanket which covered him in the cot, to pat my leg and thank me. I reached out to take and hold his hand when he did this to give him some comfort. He commented about the all the precautionary steps taken to keep him isolated, but it did make him feel like the plague victim. I then removed my glove to hold his hand and removed his gloved hand as well, so we could be skin to skin. I had been reading stories on BreedingZone and they always turned me on. I knew i was negative, but gay, and still horny. He said it gave him a little rush that I removed my gloves to touch him, and he thanked me and said it actually made his cock stir. The Medic Unit was an enclosed compartment, with only an intercom connecting the driver with the patient area, and the windows were treated dark so you no one could see in from the street. WHen he told me he had gotten excited, I lifted the blanket to check him out and to see if he had an erection. Of course when I did this, it excited him even more and he began to get hard. I reached out with my bare hand and took hold of his growing cock. He said it had been such a long time since anyone had touched him. I gave him a compliment of his size and girth as his cock grew. Our talk was just about at whisper level since we didn't want the driver to hear us. I told him it turned me on too to have his cock grow in my hand, which was about 9 inches and the width of a cardboard tube on a paper towel roll. He and I had our eyes locked together as I slowly stroked his cock..and he told me he would not last long if I kept that up. We both had pulled down our masks so we could see each other more clearly. He asked if i was scared I would catch his AIDS, and I told him not to worry, I can make my own decisions. He told me he was extremely turned on by me and my tender care. I guided his hand up my leg so he could touch my cock and see how hard I was . I knew we had at least and hour more of our transport, so I open my pants and let them slide down to my ankles and let him stroke my cock. (I figured it was only fair since I had his hard cock in my hands as well) I figured, when a person is on death row in a prison, they give him a last meal, so here my patient was basically on death row in a hospital setting, and going to his final place to die, so why not give him some final release. My precum was flowing, and he would put his fingers to his mouth and lick it off, telling me how sweet it tasted. When he took the next scoop of my precum in his fingers, and began to raise them to his lips, I stopped his arm and directed his fingers into my mouth and sucked them clean. His cock jumped and precum began flowing out of his cock. With his two fingers in my mouth, and our eyes locked to each other, he hooked his fingers behind my teeth and began to pull me closer to his face. WHen he removed his fingers, I kept moving closer and I kissed his lips, and our mouths opened and we frenched kissed for about a 3 minute continuous passionate kiss. When we broke our kis, I remained close to his face as he whispered to me..."Oh fuck !" my hand had not left his hard cock as I stroked it...and I leaned down and put his hard cock into my mouth and began to suck him. He began moaning, and his had reached from my cock to my ass cheeks and began rubbing and touching my hole. I was so turned on by this, I wanted more, much more. He was now very hard and his precum walk flowing like a slow leak of a water pipe. I grabbed his hard that was on my ass, and moved his hand so he could touch his precum that was a steady flow from his cock, then when his fingers were covered, I moved his hand and wet fingers back to my ass which he proceeded to push into my tight ass. Again, he moaned.."Oh fuck" and I looked him in the eyes and told him I am game for it. Since we were in a back up, and traffic was moving in a crawl, I unhooked his seat belts and turned my ass around and backed up to him, and he turned onto his side so his cock was pointing to my ass. As soon as i felt the tip of his cock touch my ass, it was like fireworks. I arched my ass back as I felt his lubed up cock begin to enter my ass. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back onto him as his cock slid up into my ass to his balls. We sat still for a bit, and I moaned for him to fuck me. I squeezed my ass cheek muscles and he said he better pull out, because he was going to cum soon. I told him to put it in me and to poz me up....next thing I felt was his cock twitching in me, and about 12-15 huge squirts of his toxic seed was shooting deep into my ass. We stayed still for a about 4 minutes, with him still inside of me, since our traffic jam ham come to a complete stop, I didn't want the extra movement to raise suspicion with my partner that something was going on. I turned my face to look back at him, and he whispered "thank you". I told him it my pleasure too...then we began to make out again for what seemed to be about along 15 minutes, and until traffic began to move again. When I pulled off of his cock, most of his load remained up in my ass, but a glob did fall onto his leg. I leaned over and sucked it up. I pulled up my pants and readjusted myself...and knelt on the floor to be closer to Ken...and we began to make out again for the trip. Before we arrived at the hospital, I gave him another blow job and he came in my mouth in which I swallowed. When we dropped him off and took him up to his room, I purposely left the clipboard on his night stand as we moved him over to his permanent bed. When my partner returned to out unit, I commented I left the clipboard, and needed to run back up and get it. The nurse was just coming out of his room when I got there, so when I went inside, I went over to his bedside and asked him to meet me in the bathroom. I helped him and guided his IV pole, as we entered the restroom. I moved his robe out of the way as I dropped my pants and asked him to fuck me again. He got rock hard again and with his precum dripping again, and the huge cum load he put up in me already, I was pretty lubed up to take him again. I leaned over the sink as he fucked me deep and hard...the noise of the squishy cum in my ass was a turn on for us both. HE moaned he was going to cum again so i asked where he would want to put it? He moaned back in me again to breed me with his DNA....I moaned back, "Yes, give me it". Ken had passed away a week later after I visited him one more time, he was too weak to go to the restroom, but we made out and I gave him one more blow job and swallowed his cum. Even after that, I still did not convert poz. So, now I am still turned on to play with poz guys any chance I get.
    1 point
  15. Some of you know me for the below thread. When i wrote that thread I was at 198 loads over the year, 23 days after I am at 270. Last weekend alone I took 32. I really cannot describe the excitement, the feelings...I was so horny, and I want more. I am so happy, I have finally found a purpose...to milk cocks with my young ass. The feeling of being blindfolded and knowing that there's a line of people waiting to fill you up...I mean I cannot describe it...makes me so horny. I proved my Master that I can really take cocks, and he's convinced now to turn me into a complete cumslut, so there are also new goals. For 2023 the new goal is 500 loads before the 31st of December instead of 450. For 2024 the goal will be 1750 instead of 1500, that's 35 loads per week on avg. I am so happy that my Master is proud of me, he's been working on me since when I was 18yo and I don't want to disappoint him, or get punished. This whole situation really turns me on. Master has introduced a new rule which turns me on even more, I cannot have 1-1 sex anymore, minimum will be a threesome. I am based in NYC, but I can travel (love it) and I will be in Berlin before year end since Master is working on some kind of event. If you are willing to host and pimp a young cumdump, no load refused, please let me know and help me reach my goals.
    1 point
  16. It's a little long and poz only at the end the story is leadup. Igot contaced with an old FB and we organised a session for the next week. I'm a married middle-age bttm guy but as we have a family doctor I'm not on prep So only play with those that are. the week roles by with me getting more excited as I don't get to play with Gary as much as I'd like due to situation. the day rolls round and I leave work for a day time hookup. getting to his place he hasn't changed he's a charismatic hot silver fox with a lean hot body and from memory a thick cock. before we get to his room he offers me a drink to help relax and we catchup in what's been happening. during the conversation we talk about status n playing bare and he's still neg on prep while I'm just neg. reaching forward he pulls me into a kiss saying he's going to breed me deep n flood me with cum n more, horny I just kiss back younger searching as we grind against each other. pulling back he skulls his drink and suggest we get started. I finish mine In a couple of gulps and we head to the bedroom where he strip me and pushed me down to suck his cock. 7.5 thick cut and perfect for my ass n mouth, I suck and gag in it like I'll die if I don't have it. it was semi solid when we started and after 5 mins of sucking licking it's rock hard. pulling me up we kiss n grind our naked bodies, cock against cock as he's grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezing, I know he wants to fuck me now. we part and I head for the bed, getting on all fours he grabs my cheeks pulling them apart so my hole is exposed and open to him. leaning in he licks and tounges my hole I groan as shivers go down my spine. he's going deeper with his tounge and I can feel his beard rub against my ass and all I can do is groan and push back. sliding one two three fingers in with spit only he's opening me up asking if I'm ready for his cock. i just say fuck yes I need you in me now. hearing this he slaps his cock against my hole and I'm hot in anticipation. as he applies a little lube and I feel his head slip in. a little pain but once he's past the first hole I'm in heaven and the pounding starts. we fuck in a few positions finally having him with me in my back legs up over his shoulders as he's balls deep pounding me looking in my eyes till hs squirting in me. squeezing my ass to milk him I try and get every drop of cum in my ass. pulling out he goes to the other side of the bed sits and breaths out.i reach for his cock rolling over to him and start to suck him clean. I'm on my belly now so all his load just drains deeper into me and I'm in bliss loaded and sucking cummy cock. looking down he grabs my hair saying what a great ass I have and he'd love to share it with some other friends he plays bare with. we talked about group before so he knows I'm open to it, I just nod and continue sucking his cock. Grabing his phone he organises his friends and says they will be here in 5 so keep sucking. they arrive and let themselves in and the first I know is when two hot 50+ silver daddies are watching me from the door. looking up their introduced as Brad and Dave and I'm told to keep sucking they will make themselves comfortable. continuing to suck and Focus on the cock I have they strip out of eyeshot and Dave comes and sits on the bed next to Gary offering his cock, it's 8 thick and pierced. I just stare and smile as I reach for it. as Brad grabs my ass and start eating me out. I just groan in pleasure as in pig heaven. brad tells gary how much he loves a sloppy hole as he teases my hole with his cock. I feel this cock and push back as I want it in me and beg him to fuck me. Sliding in he says he's not going to last long in a cummy hole like this as he bottoms out. it causes me a little pain but he's hitting places that have never been hit and I just push back with each thrust . I keep sucking Dave and Gary as my ass is slowly ruined. As he get close to cumming Dave can see this and lifts my head and tells me to beg for brads load. I just push back more saying fuck me, breed me,give me that load. this pushes him over the edge and he rams one powerful thrust into me that makes me see stars as I feel him shudder n squirt inside me and he holds it deep in me as I feel warmth flow into me, he slowly continues to fuck me just not as violently but i have to stop sucking as I hang my head to recover as I'm shaking. Dave gets up and in a minute replaces brad as i feel another hard cock slide into me.he tells me if I liked what brad did he'll do just as much and they are both multi cummers. I lookup at Gary I say i love his friends and they can be invited anytime to. it's at this point brad sits down flopping a cummy blood flecked pierced cock in front of me. But what I'm looking at isnt his cock it's the biohazard tattoo above his cock. I'm shocked unable to speak but I must have squeezed my ass muscles as Dave says yeah now he knows... I look at Gary and he just says "that's why I'm on prep". I'm shocked but he continues, "they asked if I knew any pozs cumdumps and I thought of you. we just needed to make one change, and by the look of brads cock that's definitely happed and daves will only added to it " I'm shocked but looking as brads cock I know there no going back, I turn to Dave who still has his cock in me staring into his eyes and tell him to fuck me up and poz my ass. turning back to brad I look him in the eye grabing his cock saying I hope you have more than one load in this and start to such him hard again. ...
    1 point
  17. Filming when I am having fun with others became my new hobby during the last couple of years. Unfortunatelly some guys are not happy with it (even without their upper body and face on cam), and when I go home after a sex session whoch was not recorded, I often feel dissatisfacion, like it was unfinished… Normally I start editing just after the session: it is a good way to process memories. And it keeps me horny. 🙂 I upload my short videos to twitter and share on Telegram, because I like that other men comment, like etc them. I am proudly sharing them: [think before following links] https://t.me/myhomeporn [think before following links] https://x.com/budapestcoins
    1 point
  18. Probably more than any other, This is one Of those stories I’d like another chapter of. Thanks if you can! It’s not the incest angle, for me, it’s about how life was in My homo forties. I’m now in my 60’s, but looking back, being then squeaky clean and cycling in city parks and trails, I COULD have met this pipe-sucking tweakin boy on that picnic table; so Dadd does relate! That’s. Push out another chapter. I’m interested to know how main character and son deal with what is, and how they move forward! Because when the chems wear off, at family get to gathers with the wife (“She” in the story title) was happens.
    1 point
  19. I finished up what housework remained,while mr wilson dozed in bed.Looked in on him before I left and told him I would be back monday..."oh you'll be back....they ALWAYS come back"he said with a smirk.Leaving mr Wilsons I walked home,a strange feeling inside me as my ass was still adjusting to being violated and used,and cum was still leaking out 3 hours later.A dull throbbing could be felt...probably just a bit of internal bruising?Ignoring it,took a shower and cancelled my sat nite plans ate a tv dinner and went to bed.But sleep evaded me,my asshole would twitch a bit everytime I started to doze off,and a throbbing erection that dissapeared everytime I tried to stroke off in search of relief.When sleep finally came it was full of dreams about the seduction of the previous day complete with feeling mr wilson cumming,and his laugh and giggles as his semen shot from his body into mine.it seemed my mind was coping with being seduced while my body,now awakened by a skilled seduction only wanted MORE.Finally at 3am I was awakened by a puddle forming on my belly as cum shot from my erection and pooled there.Jeeze,like I was 15 again?But I did get a few hours sleep after that.
    1 point
  20. Fucking HOT! I love a dude with wired nipples. I can be very creative when working a guys nips.
    1 point
  21. Its definitely hard to explain to those that haven't experienced it but it is absolutely addictive. I've taken toys and hands but the eye (and hole) opener for me was a guy who had me in a sling in his play room for a couple of hours. He just kept me there revelling in the sensation and had me feeling like I was cumming for most of the time. A good fisting Top is everything. He also loved being fisted too and showed me how to enjoy being on that side of things, I'm no Top certainly but there is a pleasure all of its own to making someone squirm with your hand inside them!
    1 point
  22. I would say that first, whichever site/app you use, it’s important to note in your profile what you are into… role play, bdsm, water sports, etc as well as your role: bottom, boy, sub, etc. This will let everyone know what you are looking for and attract the right type. For me, my first Daddy found me on DaddyHunt. He knew what I was into and looking for. He liked my profile and contacted me and I became his cuntboy for a couple of years. It was a bit ago but that site is still around. Same thing happened with a couple of other sites where they became my Daddy/Dad… just be honest in what you are looking for. Good luck.
    1 point
  23. I've got to be in the mood to blow a guy, but when I am in that mood I'll be sucking a friend usually, and I'm going to do the job properly. I've got a dick, I know a proper blowjob from a crap half arsed one and I'm not going to be that guy who doesn't do it properly and complains or gives up after a bit. You've got to suck his nuts, lick the shaft, don't rush him. Blow him like it's your dick being sucked, then you know you're doing it properly. I don't rush at it. I like feeling him in my mouth and how he responds. Every guy is different. Some stay still, others buck around. Some grunt, others stay pretty quiet. Love a guy who gets his hands in my hair and pulls me onto his dick. And completing a proper blowjob means he cums in my mouth. I know that nothing feels as good as finishing in a guys mouth, so when I'm blowing that's how we're going to finish it.
    1 point
  24. I've found Recon to be very inactive in my area. FetLife isn't gay/queer enough for me. I've found most of my power dynamic fwbs and my daddy through regular hookup apps. At the end of the day, you need to meet more guys who are open to your kinks, talk about power dynamics in your profiles. Regular hookup apps and in person cruising are the best way to meet more men in my experience.
    1 point
  25. Perhaps the question to explore. How can we begin to neutralize and ultimately reverse this seemingly intractable Hatfield's and McCoy's we're in?
    1 point
  26. I'm doing much better in Vegas. Have a much larger single family home with a pool, great neighbors, a beautiful mountain view on three sides of the house and a view of the strip on the back side, better job that pays more than the one I left in California and no state income taxes. My only complaint is the heat and my allergies are worse here, but other than that I'm glad I left.
    1 point
  27. you need a good psychiatrist rather than a sex-related web community - always assuming that you're not a troll no one should hate themselves! And if so, Breeding Zone is not the place and hopefully no one here is so ASSHOLE to use a mentally sick person for his own pleasure. Cops? Hopefully moderators here can get rid of this troll if it's such, and if necessary, take appropriate steps. Let me say that in this community it's quite ordinary to find people fantasizing. Good-intentioned roleplaying, anonymous flirting, even catfishing, and in worst cases people looking for real meets then ghosting each other. But depression, anxiety and generally mental disorders are not something we have to play with. I might be too "sensitive" for certain topics, but something makes me feel this person is a victim of a strong transphobia by people around, so she thinks hating herself is the solution. You're what you are, why self-punishing?
    1 point
  28. Aids did not forced me back into a closet. Orphans in my early teens. I didn’t really I have a closet to go back into. And because I was already studying dance and ballet with some pretty major companies, I was used to people assuming I was gay even before I was ready to except myself. but my oldest and closest childhood friend, had the misfortune to be one of the first people in KC to die from aids. It galvanized me. I helped establish the first AIDS service organization in in KC. Later, two more such groups. Still underage, I carried baskets of condom and informational materials weekly to the two bath houses. I drove patients to their (primitive) treatments, and other chores for them. And I raised money. Corporate cash and involvement was not really a thing. At that point and aids services were supported one dollar at a time on the talents of drag queens. I didn’t do drag, but I emceed countless shows and did whatever I could. It all became unbearably ugly. I watched a lot of friends die horribly. Attended to many funerals. I debated focus on the family founder, James Dobson. I listened to a Pfizer representative pronouns that there was absolutely no money in a cure, and we shouldn’t expect that. And a lot of other hellish stuff. Then I hit burn out. I took a long breath and looked around me, and I realized that I had not had a significant relationship or really sex with another man at all for a long time. Aids did not keep me in the closet. It did something worse. It made me afraid of sex. It froze me emotionally. I did not even want to form relationships. I was just in too dark of a space. it took me a long time to work my way back into some thing that looked like light. I’m not sure I’m there yet.
    1 point
  29. I've been tasting it since my first ejaculation, it has a changing taste, I was able to compare it with others.
    1 point
  30. Daryl was on his back while his boyfriend, Peter, fucked him as they usually did a couple times a week. The only thing different, this time, was Brian, watching from a chair, stroking the biggest cock either of them had ever seen. Peter seemed to ignore the hot guy on the chair just a few feet over stroking, as he plowed into Daryl, while Daryl was trying his hardest not to constantly stare at Brian. By this time, Daryl would usually be faking moans so that his bf would finish. Peter was a nice young man and devoted boyfriend, but a horrible fuck. He even had a decent sized cock, Daryl thought, but Peter just couldn't get Daryl off. The chemistry just wasn't right. This time, however, Daryl was moaning with desire as he imagined Brian in place of Peter fucking him deeply. Peter sped up his pace a little as usual before he came, "I'm going to cum" he said. Peter then pulled out and jacked off onto Daryl's smooth belly like he had done dozens of time before. So well-rehearsed; and so boring to Daryl. Daryl faked another complimentary comment "Oh yeah, that was hot. I'm just too nervous to cum right now, I guess." Peter never seemed to care if Daryl came or not. Each fuck session ended the same way. And despite them having their first guest watch them fuck, Peter had a difficult time breaking his routine. "Uggh .. I need to shower. I'll be out in a few" Peter said, and then slipped away to the bathroom. He almost seemed oblivious to Brian even being there. Moments later, the bathroom door closed and the shower was running. Brian's patience was about to pay off. Daryl remembered the conversation they exchanged over e-mail messages as they arranged this. Peter would only agree to having a third person watch them fuck. Brian knew that's all that would likely happen. And since Brian was just going to watch, Daryl and Peter didn't mind Brian being poz. After all, he was just there to watch, so no harm done there. "Did you cum?" Daryl asked his newly-made athletic and hung poz friend. "No," Brian answered, detecting some interest on Daryl's part, "why don't you suck me off real quick while Peter showers." Daryl nearly jumped out of bed, and quickly made his way to Brian's thick tool. He had hoped this moment might present itself, and took advantage of it as quickly as he could. On his knees, Daryl struggled to go down down Brian's shaft. He was too aroused to even worry about Brian's HIV status. "Rules were meant to be broken," Daryl had thought to himself thinking about his own personal rule of not messing around with poz guys. Brian enjoyed his new twink friend gagging on his cock; and felt confident he would get what he wanted next. "Look, I know you don't play with poz guys. But, I can tell how much you want my cock. How about I just fuck you quickly so that you can enjoy it a little. I won't cum up in your ass or anything." Daryl thought for a moment. He had never had a cock as big as this, and the thought of getting fucked while his boyfriend was just down the hall showering, turned him on even more. It was so scandalous; and too delicious a thought for Daryl to not enjoy. He knew of a friend who let a poz guy fuck him, and he was still HIV neg. Fuck it, Daryl thought to himself, I WANT this cock. Daryl answered by moving back to the bed and laying back down on his back. Brian knew time was against them, and moved quickly into position, forcefully spreading Daryl's legs apart and throwing them over his shoulders while he pushed his thick cock into Daryl's already fucked and lubed hole. "It's gotta be quick .. oh FUCK!" Daryl tried not to shout as Brian's thickness entered and stretch his hole tighter than anything he'd ever felt. Thankfully his hole was very well lubed from his prior fuck. "Don't worry, I'll be quick," Brian said as he slid the rest of his girth inside Daryl, "I love how you stared at my cock while Peter fucked you. How's that feel?" "Fuck .. feels so damn good, oh GOD. Fuck me!" Daryl could barely contain the excitement. He was cheating with the biggest cock he ever seen, and letting a poz guy fuck him raw. The guilt and fear heightened the intense arousal he was already feeling. Brian picked up his pace and soon was all the way in him. "Oh yeah, take that huge cock." Daryl was having a hard time catching his breath, and trying not to moan too loud, "Oh god , don't stop fucking me." "I'm about to cum" Brian warned. "Please don't stop fucking me" Daryl begged. "But, I'm going to cum" Brian insisted. "Feels too good, don't stop," Daryl said. He had heard Brian's warning, but was overwhelmed by the sensations he was feeling and was losing control. Brian picked up his pace and jabbed deeply as his cock started to throb, "I'm cumming!" he said quietly while he continued to pound away." "OH GOD! OH GOD!" Daryl felt his cock about to explode; and he wasn't even jacking it. Brian pushed all the way deep inside Daryl and kept unloading the last of his load while Daryl started to shoot all over his stomach, chest and chin. Brian covered Daryl's mouth to muzzle the noise as Daryl moaned underneath his hand and sprayed his load. Brian slowly pulled his massive cock out of Daryl's hole. Both were relieved to hear the shower was still running as they returned to their senses. Daryl leaned forward and pulled Daryl close to his face, "You better leave before Peter gets out. "I'll tell him you were bored and left. Man, that was amazing. I've never been fucked like that. I want to be your boyfriend." Brian heard this before. One of the consequences of having a big dick is everyone says he wants to date you, but he felt an earnest and sincerity from Daryl he never felt before, "Well, you know how to find me. If you really wanna do it, I'm game. Let's talk again tomorrow." They kissed passionately albeit briefly, and then Brian made his quick escape. All before the shower had ended.
    1 point
  31. And the Democrats aren’t doing a thing about it.
    1 point
  32. Have a great time doing Leather pride. I missing it for the first time in 12 years. I usually stay for about 15 days or so to take him Halloween parties and Gay Pride as well. The city is, like, in party mode for that entire period.
    1 point
  33. From my experience, most Cubans tilt Republican for social reason more so than political or financial. Although both parties are problematic on issues of race, DeSantis anti-black policies appeal to a large number them. They feel the key to political and financial success is not Justice, but proximity to whiteness. Italians, like DeSantis, were grandfathered into whiteness in this country. Unfortunately, many Latinos want to mimic this strategy
    1 point
  34. Last September I visited a CumUnionparty in Amsterdam. I didn't really had a plan and just walked around and waited in the cellararea, which is provided with a big fuckbed you can walk around and with a sling, all dimly lit. I took position next to the sling in which a guy was being fucked. I overheard the fucker say "can I come in your ass", which was granted by the bottom and I heard a loud growl just a short period after that when he shot his load deep in his ass. The top left, leaving the bottom with a fresh load, lying in the sling. I didn't wait a second before I took my already growing dick from my pants and started taking position to give him a second fuck. I touched his ass, it was so sticky so I kneeled down and felched the cum straight from his ass. The bottom reacted and gave my a sign he wanted to have his share of it and I gave it back to him snowballing. At the same take I started fucking his cummy ass. He got so aroused by the whole scene he started jerking off his cock while I was fucking him. I noticed that he was about to come so I pulled out and moved my head downwards just in time to have him ejaculate in my mouth. So that was my second load. Some time after that I spotted a guy which i recognised from a bare-profile somewhere on the net, stating being poz and looking for loads, poz loads no problem. It just turned me on he was so specific about that in his profile and for me that with this slut I had the opportunity to fuck a guaranteed poz-ass. I took position near him and the slut was immediately grabbing for my dick and directing it towards his ass. I felt great entering that hole, it was so slippery I could not tell for sure it was lube or some previous loads. I wispered I was about to give him my pozload, he said "please do, I want pozcum" and so I seeded his ass pumping it deep inside. I felt so fucking happy I experienced all this cumsex that afternoon. Will go back next time for sure, again for both giving and taking it.
    1 point
  35. I’ll be there too. No 1:1 all week. Group sleaze only for that week! I’ll take that ass for a test ride at cumunion sometime in atlanta
    1 point
  36. I necked my own drink, and then got up off the stool and followed Peter over to the padded fuck bench in the middle of the room. “Let’s give the guys a good welcome sight” he said, motioning me to get onto it. I took a hit of poppers from the bottle stored in the pouch on my harness, and then did as directed and got on the bench on all fours. I stayed still while he attached a couple of chains to the leather cuffs I was already wearing round my wrists, and waited patiently while he wrestled to get the bench’s own restraints round my boots to strap my legs in place. “Right, that should do” he said. “You lubed?” “Yeah” I replied. “Used a plug earlier too.” “Good” he said, “no need to dally around then.” With that, after a cursory exploration of my exposed hole with a couple of his fingers, I felt his cock pushing against me. Then, without much fanfare, he slowly but firmly pushed the entire length of it into me, the PA he promised (which I had not actually seen yet) feeling really different to anything I had experienced before. “There we go” he said. “You OK?” “Yeah” I breathed out. With that he started to slowly fuck, building up his tempo fairly quickly until he was hammering in and out of me. He was really verbal throughout, repeatedly telling me how toxic he was, how this was going to be the fuck that changed me, and what a slut I was. I just moaned and groaned as I was pushed back and forth, absolutely loving both the physical feeling of his cock in me as well as the mental fuckery he was putting me through with this first pozzing of the night. Eventually he thrust into me one final time and stayed put through the spasms of his orgasm, pumping me full of his gloriously toxic juices. I just quietly muttered “breed me” over and over and encourage him to fully empty his tanks into me. Just as he was breathing deeply out following the final spurt, we heard the door to the warehouse open and clomp of several sets of footsteps coming into the foyer. “Company’s here” said Peter, before withdrawing himself from me and leaving me feeling empty and gaping. “Gents!” he shouted, as the men entered the room. “Just bred the pig to get us started, so he’s ready for you.” Cheers went up, and I heard a lot more clomping as the group moved around the room, I guessed in boots not dissimilar to what I was wearing. I could not tell how many of them there were given my exposed arse was pointing towards the door, and the immediate hubbub of conversation amongst them all did not help me work out what kind of crowd they were. However, it wasn’t long before I felt some hands started to explore my backside, and a finger get inserted. Again, it wasn’t clear if this was one guy, two, or a whole crowd. Then, of course, the finger was withdrawn and another cock was pressing against me. In it went, bony hands gripped my hips, and the next breeding of the evening got underway. While the mystery guy was fucking me, some of the crowd started moving around to where I could see them. They were indeed all middle aged or older, but it was otherwise a very mixed group. Fat and thin, tall and short, muscled and wasting, leather and normal clothes, smoking and not. I looked around them all as I was fucked, keeping eye contact where it was made, and admiring any dicks that were already out on display. Eventually a large chubby guy wearing a Nike tracksuit approached me closer and held out his dick, which I happily took into my mouth. I do love being spit roasted, and knowing that both dicks were poz was such a turn on that I started to moan around the cock being pushed down my throat. I was on that bench for a long time, and was fucked over and over. Although I’d seen some of the guys in attendance I knew there were more who had stayed behind me out of view, with quite a lot of chatter coming from the bar area over at the side. As such, I had no idea if everyone had bred me yet, whether anyone had taken a second turn, or what. It didn’t matter though, as I was being reamed out almost constantly, and while each guy had his own style and approach to it, every single one of them let me know in some way that I was taking unmedicated poz cum. This was even better than I’d hoped it would be. After however long it was, Peter appeared in front of me with a warm smile, while someone else was hammering away at the back. “Having fun?” he asked. I just moaned while nodding in response. “Well, we don’t want to wear you out so early in the night, so once Calum here has shot his load how about we give you a bit of a break?” I just nodded again. Truth be told, as awesome as this was, I wanted to change position, maybe have a drink and a cigarette, and I was keen to actually see this group in its entirety. Sure enough, the guy I now knew was called Calum shot off in me, his poz talk coming through with a bit of an Irish brogue, and then once he withdrew Peter and some other chap got me released from the bench. I stood up rather stiffly and stretched, then turned to see the group. There looked to be about twenty of them, much more than I had expected, and while most were chatting to each other a few did nod or wink in my direction as I made eye contact with them. I made my way over, and gladly took a glass of water that someone handed to me followed by a beer from someone else. While I wondered where the packet of cigarettes I had brought down had ended up, one was offered to me by a big bear of a man which I gladly took, and then relaxed into chatting to these men for a bit. They were a nice bunch it turned out, and I could see why they hung around together. There was no judgement of the various fetishes on display, nor of those who just dressed in normal clothes, and what surprised me the most was that no-one seemed to want to delve into my reasons for being there. I guessed I must not have been the first bugchaser to attend one of their gatherings. After a couple of drinks, a real gym bunny of a man started to stroke my exposed buttocks signalling that Round Two was not far off. I stood there and smoked what I knew would be my last cigarette for a while as a couple of others joined in with exploring my body, and then found myself being coaxed over to a nearby mattress. After being on my feet for a while at the bar it was a bit of a relief that it wasn’t the St Andrew’s Cross they wanted to use next, and I happily got down onto the mattress, took a few hits of poppers, and waited for some indication of what position to get into. The first couple of guys took me missionary style, seemingly enjoying making a lot of eye contact while they sawed in and out of my well-used hole with their toxic disco sticks. Others wanted me on all fours, a couple of group members had me ride them, and then the last few took me while I was spreadeagled on my front. Some got really verbal, others just did the deed and then made way for others. It was all fucking fantastic, quite frankly. Once the last of them was done, I once again got up to join the rest of the group, my stretched arsehole now properly dripping with toxic cum. Once again I was handed drinks and a cigarette, and once again it was just really nice to have a chat to this curious mix of guys. However, I could feel I was now a bit more physically tired, and I had lost all track of time so was clueless as to the hour. “Right, we’re going to get you into the sling” said Peter from behind me as he put his hands on my shoulders, “and then everyone is going to fuck one or two more loads into you. Then bed. OK?” I nodded, took a final draw of my cigarette, and then allowed myself to be walked over to a really impressive apparatus with a padded leather sling attached to it. I climbed up onto it, lay back and lifted my legs, watching as a couple of guys put my ankles through the hoops. However, rather than my wrists also being secured in place, I was quite surprised when an ashtray, cigarettes and a lighter were plonked on my chest, someone handed me some poppers, and another guy brought over some drinks and put them on a small table nearby. “Just say if you want some water, whisky or whatever” he said, giving me a warm smile. “Someone at this end will get it for you.” I could not help but chuckle, but gave him a warm smile back and nodded. Round Three was a much more relaxed affair, with everyone clearly less energetic than they had been before, but almost enjoying the fucking more as a result. It was fantastic to just lie there with a steady supply of toxic cocks keeping me filled, while able to make eye contact with each of the group, smoke cigarettes when I fancied it, take hits of poppers when I needed it, and gulp down swigs of water or whatever else was on offer to keep myself both hydrated and buzzed. Again, I have no idea how long I spent there, but time had no meaning nor concern to me. I was where I belonged, and this was only the first night. I could not wait to see what the rest of the weekend had in store. [to be continued]
    1 point
  37. The first time I made myself cum, I didn't have anything to wipe with. I was drained but still horny, and I just got the impulse to eat it. I liked the taste and the kinkiness, so I kept doing it.
    1 point
  38. Cum is life swallowed or pushed up the make cunT-with the Excitement of new life from a man's cock in your sleazy body and mind. Yum!
    1 point
  39. Chapter 56: Flu Season There was something magical knowing that both dad and I were off meds, and my conversion would happen soon. Come to think of it, it was my second conversion. My first was when I was just an experimenting boy into a full out gay sex pig. Our love making became more romantic than it had ever been. Even though we made love at least once daily, it seemed as though his loads were thicker and bigger and powerful shooting deep inside me. I could start to slowly feel the virus attacking my body, and knew it would eventually win! The fuck flu hit me hard, but my dad was there to help me through it. Although I felt like hell, dad kept pumping loads into me daily which helped me get through it. We never had sex while mom was home, yet we found time to I caress and kiss each other every chance we had. I was so happy knowing that my dad had made me the same man that he was. Neither of us could believe how things progressed so quickly. From just "exploring " to pig sex, and now pozzed! And not just pozzed, but by my step dad! I know many step relations don't always go well, and not sure how many turn sexual like mine did. I asked dad his thoughts, and he said the same. He said that he really wanted our relationship to work out, even without the sex, but the sex was a driver. He said he still missed his real son, and the sex that they had, but not to consider myself a replacement. He said that he hoped the three of us could still have fun, as we've enjoyed each other in the past. Dad added that being converted was a powerful feeling, and that he hoped I would convert someone willing also. He said that his real son has been trying to provide him with a "grandchild" but it's harder than one might think. He said he read somewhere that only like 1 in 70 convert, so that's lots of ass to breed. I made a commitment to my dad to try my best once I was toxic.
    1 point
  40. I guess I would soon find out as Sergio face fucked one of the twinks while he eyed the twink that was fingering and eating my hole. Pozzed While Cruising 11 Sergio movies the twink that was eating my ass, knelt down between my legs and lined his mostly unlubed cock up with my ass. It hurt like a mother fucker, but I was determined to get his thick Mexican cock in my slutty hole. I wanted his load to be mixed with everyone else’s that I was sure to get that night and that weekend. Jake continued his effort to poz the QB while Dan fed his cock to Josh in a poz QB spit-roast. Josh was in pig heaven taking cock at both ends. Part of me wished the girls that throw themselves at him and his hangers-on could see him taking cock up his ass and sucking cock like pig whore. I wondered what people would think of me taking this over-sized Mexican cock. I would not care if my own mother walked in. I would not let him stop breeding my slut hole. Paul came up behind Sergio and massage his shoulders, felt up his clearly defined pecs and let him sniff some strong poppers. Sergio power drove his thick dick into my boy chute. I begged him for his cum. While Paul kept letting him take hits off of the poppers. What I did not know was that Paul was fingering Sergio’s virgin ass. Sergio, at first, was resistant, but the more he fucked me. He fucked himself on Paul’s fingers. My ass was a powerful force as he was slowly deflowering his own cunt. Paul made him take a deep drag off the poppers while he slid in behind Sergio and put his thick 7’ cock at Sergio’s hole. So with each thrust a bit of Paul’s cock pushed into him. The more he fucked me the more he fucked himself. Paul pushed into Sergio deep as Sergio pushed all 9 inches of his carmel cock deep in my ass. I could feel his thickness contract and expand as he unloaded his second nut of the day deep in me. Paul looked over his shoulder at me and really began to pound into Sergio. Sergio never lost his hardness as his cock stayed rooted in my butt as Paul jack-hammered his cock deep into him. I could feel Paul’s thrust through Sergio and in my ass. Sergio was moaning. Paul was hitting Sergio in just the right spot and Serg was loving it. I was too. I was close to cumming again and so was Sergio. Across the room Jake was breeding Josh with his poz load telling the QB he was getting his gift. I could tell Josh had no clue what that meant, but he mumbled through Dan’s cock, “yes, breed me!” I came clenching my cock around Sergio’s cock who clenched down on Paul’s cock. Jake flooded Josh’s hole. Paul came in Sergio and Sergio bred my gash. The whole room was cumming into someone's ass, but the twinks were feeling left out. One of the twinks, crawled under Josh telling the room that he was going to suck the QB’s cock like every girl on campus wants to do. The room filled with laughter. Josh looked up at Dan and asked Dan if he wanted to add his load to his used ass. Dan quickly shot behind Josh and had his thick 6 incher inserted down to the base in one motion and soon had Jake’s cum frothing in and out of Josh. We all sat back and watched Dan fuck the QB. Dan was very vocal. He was exclaiming to the room that he was going to breed Josh with his poz load. I could see Josh get wide-eyed and the twinks looked at each other. Jake said, “yeah none of you asked us you all got a poz load and loads deep in your ass and belly’s.” He grabbed one of the twinks closest to him and guided his head to his cock. The twink did not fight his advances and the other twink was locked in a “69” with Josh as Josh was getting bred by Dan. Paul and Sergio were locked in a deep kiss as I was on my knees cleaning their cocks. I felt a slap on my ass. I looked back without taking Sergio’s cock out of my mouth. “Move over slut,” Jake said” ‘I want some Mexican ass”. Jake pushed me out of the way, laid Sergio on his back, hiked up his legs and slowly pushed his thick 8inch cock into the Mexican whore. I laid back and asked Paul if he was ready to drive his big cock in me. He did not have to be asked twice, but he had a better idea. He made me and the free twink lay across the couch on our knees. He slipped his cock into the twink and fucked into him about 5 to 10 strokes and then pulled out and fucked me 5 to 10 strokes. More to cum I love the feedback and hot chat guys. Hit me up Joey
    1 point
  41. I have done this when originally forced to by a top, drinking piss from a public toilet and having my head flushed whilst being fucked. Now I love to lick piss from the urinal; or if it is over flowing into the floor then I love licking it from the floor like a bitch with my ass in the air for anyone who walks in.
    1 point
  42. I'm a bit of a sadist, and love inflicting pain on folks that love the pain. It just makes me super hard. This is true even with all clothes on and no fucking going on. But pain during anal sex and fucking is usually not a good thing as it's a feedback mechanism going on. So I will minimize it if possible. If there's no prior discussion about pain, I don't assume that my partner wants it, and neither should anyone.
    1 point
  43. Paul – As told by Ben Brandon was away for two nights for his conference. I had been fucked silly by Matt and Josh and Sam the first night, the night that he had texted me and suggested that we make plans for a get together. But the second night was even more fruitful in a way, as I was able to fuck someone that I had been lusting after for a while. Jeremy was not the only gay guy in the complex besides Brandon and me; there was also a very hot couple Paul and Jesse. Both Paul and Jesse were gym bunnies, and took pride in showing their bodies off at the pool wearing swimsuits as small as they could get away with. As hot as they were, it did not appear that they ever shared their bodies with anyone else but each other. Shortly after they moved in we had them around socially for a drink and to get to know them a little better. As usual in our place there were some porn DVDs lying around. Jesse saw one called “Threesome Boyfriends”. He picked it up and read the description without saying a word. It was about couples that would pick up a third for some no-strings-attached fun. I could see Paul visibly wince as he obviously knew what was coming next. Jesse launched into a tirade about how threesomes destroy perfectly good relationships and how he and Paul would never consent to one as they would only ever have sex with each other and never cheat. He was so worked up about the whole idea that he never commented that it was a bareback movie and had the subtitle: “When your boyfriend’s load isn’t enough.” The rest of the evening went off pleasantly after that blew over, but I realized that my dreams of fucking one or both of them wasn’t going to happen. Until that night that is. We had both gone to take out trash. He was wearing a tight tank top and sky blue bike shorts that showed his physique to perfection. I was wearing my normal tight low cut jeans and had arranged my cock to make a nice bulge in my crotch. I could see me eying it with greed. As we walked back towards our condos he surprised me by commenting on it. “Fuck Ben, how big is that thing you are hiding in there.” I’m more of a shower, not a grower so I just laughed. “Not as big as Brandon’s by a long shot. But do you want to see it?” “Fuck yeah. I’ve been watching you for a while. I like your butt too. Brandon is away for a few days, right?” I liked his tight bubble butt too, showed off to perfection by the tight spandex. “Yeah, he gets back tomorrow.” “Jesse is working late so we could go to our place but he’d kill me if he saw me looking at your naked cock. Can we go to your place? No sex. I just want to see your cock.” “Sure, I said with a grin. And I want to see yours.” As we got to the door of our condo Paul seemed to be having second thoughts. “Um, maybe this isn’t a good idea. Maybe I should go.” I looked at him straight in the eye. “Nonsense, all we’re going to do is look at each other’s dicks, right.” The way his dick was rapidly swelling in his tight spandex shorts and leaving a large sticky pre-cum patch told me otherwise. I opened the front door and led him inside. We stood facing each other in the living room and I slowly undid the fly of my jeans and slipped them down my hips, revealing the yellow mesh jock strap barely holding my hardening dick. Paul must have liked what he saw as he was now fully erect and leaking pre-cum so profusely that there was a clear bead on the outside of the slick wet patch outlining his uncut dickhead. Fuck! I LOVE pre-cum and his dick looked pretty big as well. He seemed uncertain about what to do next so I went on my knees and started sucking on the sticky bulge. He muttered “We shouldn’t be doing this” and then uttered a sigh of pleasure. He put his hands on my head and held my mouth on his bulge. His resolve obviously faded fast as it was only a minute or so before his removed his hands from my head and started to pull down his shorts, revealing his beautiful dick; a good seven inches uncut, fat with a nice foreskin. I knew I wanted that in my ass. I took him back in my mouth and started working my tongue over his cockhead and under the foreskin. I heard him groan with pleasure. “Oh fuck yeah. Maybe just a blowjob.” I placed my hands on his butt cheeks and drew his crotch into my face. He groaned again. “Ben, let’s go to your bedroom if that’s ok. I want to suck your cock while you suck mine. Great, I thought, No sex turned into blowjob and is going to end up in fucking. I like to mislead boys like that! We both stripped off our clothes on the way to the bedroom and before we got to the bed he was down on his knees swallowing my dick with raw hunger. Damn, he needed a dick in his mouth badly. I gently lifted him up and guided him onto the bed. Once we were both on I swung him around so we were laying face to crotch. We both started slurping on each other’s dicks. As I did my best to swallow all of his length. I placed my right hand between his ass cheeks and started feeling his anus with a finger. I felt no resistance as my fingertip probed his hole. To the contrary, he started sucking even more enthusiastically. This was looking good and I eased the whole finger in without resistance. It was time to pick up the pace. I pulled away from him and he rolled onto his back; the sure sign of a bottom. I had often wondered where the term came from. In my experience if you are rolling around in bed and one guy ends up generally on his back, he is going to get fucked. I was going to prove that theory with Paul. I turned around and lay on top of him, grinding my dick against him and deep kissing him passionately. For a guy who was not planning on having sex he was certainly co-operating. While we were kissing I sat back and pulled him up so that he was sitting on my lap with my raging erection pushing at his back door. He started grinding his ass against my dick as he went wild thrusting his tongue into my mouth and sucking my lips. I slowly lowered him back onto the bed and as our lips broke contact he looked pleadingly at me. “Please fuck me. Jesse doesn’t fuck me as much as I want. We haven’t had sex for a week.” I lifted his legs and positioned myself behind him. I grabbed the bottle of lube from the nightstand and squirted lube on my hand and started to work it into his hole. His breathing got heavier so I quickly spread the rest of the lube on my cock and pressed my dickhead against his anus. I started to ease myself in past the outer sphincter. “Stop. Stop.” I thought he was going to ask me to take it slower but no. “Condom, you need a condom?” “Don’t have any. We don’t use them.” As I eased my dick deeper in his chute. I sensed a note of panic in his voice. “We shouldn’t be doing this. Pull out. Please!” I slid in past the second sphincter until I had bottomed in his ass. Now that my raw dick was all the way in the pleasure obviously overcame the concern. I saw him relax and accept his first bareback fuck. “Fuck that feels good. Ok. Just for a few strokes. Then you can pull out and we can jerk off.” I had no intention of doing that. My plan was to breed him and plant my seed so deep that Jesse would not be able to find it. And that he would hopefully return the favor. I was kneeling behind him and I stretched forward and pulled his body upward to that he sat facing me impaled on my cock. I started deep kissing him sucking his tongue and lips and he reciprocated with enthusiasm. He was now grinding his ass on my hips trying to get my meat as deep in his cunt as possible and then sliding his ass up and down my chute to get the maximum sensation of my bare dick in his rectum. The forbidden penetration was almost too much for me and I started to get close. I did not say anything but he must have known I was close as I started grunting with pleasure and he must have felt my cock start to swell and twitch. I knew he wanted my load but as I started cumming and had squireted the first shot I pulled back from his lips long enough to mutter “Where do you want my load?” He did not answer but started kissing me hungrily as I fired volley after volley of scalding hot cum into his bowels. After a few moments he pulled back to say “Up my ass. Fucking incredible!” He paused for a moment to appreciate what he had received then continued. “Jesse always wears a condom and then pulls out and takes the condom off and jerks off over my chest.” I just grinned at him. “So I assume you’ve never been barebacked before?” He looked at me for a while. “No. Never. Does it feel as good for a top as for a bottom?” I laughed at him. “Fuck yeah dude, what do you think? If bare is better for a bottom it is ten times better for a top!” He lifted himself of my dick which slipped out of his freshly fucked ass with a cummy plop and he pushed me onto my back. “I haven’t cum yet and I want to feel what it’s like.” He lifted my ass off the bed to get access to my hole. He wasted no time, he slicked up his rock hard dick and slid into my willing hole with one thrust. His dick may not have been particularly big, but he certainly knew how to fuck. I could sense he was getting close. “Pull out!” I commanded. He looked at me with surprise, considering that I had shot a massive load in his bareback virgin cunt a few minutes earlier. But he did as I asked and as he did so I continued. “Ok, now roll on a condom and fuck me again and confirm for yourself what you have been missing.” He looked at me questioningly. I laughed. “We keep them in the night stand for special occasion.” Without saying anything he opened the drawer, grabbed a condo, tore open the wrapper and rolled it over his dick. Once he was ready to insert it into my anus he spoke. “It felt so good bare. You are going to let me cum inside you aren’t you?” “Of course. When you’re ready.” I replied. He slowly slid all the way in. “I can barely feel anything!” I just grinned, “Fuck me harder. Maybe you’ll feel something.” He did, when the condom burst. The sudden release of his cock from its latex prison took him to an almost immediate climax as he loaded me up with his seven day load. He had barely come off his orgasmic high when the guilt set in. He could barely look at me. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. We shouldn’t have done that. I cheated on Jesse and got barebacked and you cheated on Brandon. I’d better go now.” I did not tell him that Brandon and I had an “arrangement”. He rapidly dressed and made for the door. As he walked out I put some of the condoms in his hand. “Maybe you need to use some of these with Jesse.” He must have been really conflicted because as he got to the door he kissed me deep, turned around and left, with my load still in his gut.
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  45. Pimped Out As A Whore for Poz Part 16 (Teachers’ Pet) The email read: Crossroad’s Motel. Tomorrow night 7pm. I’ll be home late. The Crossroad’s Motel was a sketchy hotel on the edge of town that charged in 3 hour time slots. I did my best to rest my aching ass for the next 36 hours, and then around 5pm the next day, I cleaned out my money-maker, threw on a jock, and headed for the hotel. I gave the clerk my name and she tossed me a key, clicking her tongue and shaking her head. It was 6:45 when I walked into the hotel room, I almost fell over from the shock. Standing and sitting around in various stages of nudity were 7 of my teachers from the past 12 years of my life. Before I had time to process this, I was being grabbed and the door was shut and locked behind me. I felt powerful hands rip my shirt down my back as another pair of hands roughly unbuttoned my fly and tore my fly to shreds. A mouth clamped over my mouth. It was Mr. Thomas, my third grade teacher. His tongue swirled in my mouth as I looked into his eyes and he placed my hand on one of his flabby tits, prompting me to play with his hairy nipple. He took me roughly by my face and turned my head to the left where a wad of spit splattered across my cheek. It dripped into my mouth as I recognized Mr. Jacobs, my middle school P.E. teacher wiping his mouth from the saliva he had just showered me with. In contrast to Mr. Thomas’ pot belly, saggy chest, and jowly face, Mr. Jacobs was still broad with muscle and chiseled abs heaving in and out as his handsome face sneered at me saying, “You were such a fucking tease in 8th grade, you little cunt. I’m so pissed that I wasn’t the first one in those holes when I know you wanted them back then.” I looked down to Mr. Jacobs’ 7.5 inch cock standing at attention, thick with veins. He jerked his meat a bit and slapped me in the face as I felt a tongue lunge into my ass. I instinctively bent over and was force fed a nice fat 7-incher that belonged to Mr. Holden, my high school Spanish teacher. He was tall and lean, in his 30s, and his precum poured into my mouth. One of my hands was placed on Mr. Thomas’ cock, which was enormous…much bigger than I had ever though this toad-ish man would be packing. It was fat and uncut, measuring in at probably 10 inches. Mr. Jacobs took the place of the tongue, spitting on my hole and his dick, and slid himself into my fuckhole. I squealed on the thick cock in my mouth as Mr. Jacobs started sawing into me. I could feel his juices dripping down my nut sack and onto my jeans, which were just barely half way down my thighs. The teacher that had been eating my ass came into view. It was Mr. Sawyer, my elementary school principal, stroking a nice 8 inch piece that he proceeded to push into my mouth next to Mr. Holden’s dick. I gagged and slurped on both cocks as I squeezed Mr. Jacobs’ cock with my pussy. “Suck those cocks, you piece of shit,” Mr. Holden snarled. “Fuck yeah, take all that dick,” Mr. Jacobs said and spit on my back. This provoked two or three of the other teachers to spit on my back and in my hair. Mr. Jacobs reached up and rubbed it into my skin and scalp. Abrubtly, Mr. Jacobs pulled out of me, and I was flipped onto my back on the bed. With my ripped jeans still tangled around my legs, Mr. Lyell – my pre-Calculus teacher – held my ankles while Mr. Thomas (3rd grade teacher) pushed his supersized cock into me, his stomach flopping over my tiny dick. Meanwhile, Mr. Jacobs (middle school P.E. teacher) stuffed his dirty cock into my mouth saying, “Suck your ass off my dick, boy. It’s your juice, get it off my dick.” My eyes darted to the right to see Mr. Garth – my kindergarten teacher – and Mr. Middleman – my Sunday school teacher – watching me get reamed and jerking some pretty big cocks of their own. Mr. Garth was ancient with a distended belly, sunken cheeks, and a 8.5 inch uncut cock, leaking a string of precum through the foreskin. Mr. Middleman was a fit guy in his 50s, still wearing a wife beater T-shirt over his muscular chest and flat stomach, stroking a 7-inch beer can cock with some of the biggest low hangers I had ever seen. The huge dick inside of me trenched out my guts again and again making my boy cunt spasm and convulse in an orgasm. I felt my jeans pulled the rest of the way off of my legs by somebody leaving me only in my jock and one sock. “I heard you came just like a bitch,” Mr. Thomas (3rd grade teacher) laughed at me. “Yes sir,” I garbled through Mr. Jacobs’ cock. “My turn,” Mr. Thomas said and I felt a wave of semen flood my insides. I moaned and came again, letting Mr. Jacobs’ cock flop out of my mouth as I wrapped my legs around Mr. Thomas trying to milk every drop of sperm from his expanding meat. His fat belly rolled and slapped over my tight body as he collapsed on top of me, spent. With a firm slap to my face, Mr. Thomas pulled out of me with a sticky plop. My gaping hole was filled by Mr. Garth immediately. He must have been 70, easily and as I felt his 8.5 inches hit my colon, he clamped his mouth over mine. “Who woulda’ thought when I was teaching you ABC’s that I’d be fucking your pretty pink hole raw one day?” he murmured in my ear. He began a series of strokes into my cunt where he pull all the way up and crawl quickly up to my face to shove it in my mouth and then go back to a full stroke into my hole. My insides were in constant shock with each sudden stab, and my mouth was flooded with varying strong tastes of ass juice and cum depending on how much got trapped under his foreskin with each thrust. Suddenly, on one of his thrusts, he stayed inside of me. He groaned and his hand grabbed my hair violently, pulling my head back. His mouth just over mine, he said, “Fuck, your little boy insides are making my old cock cum hard. Take my dirty seed, cunt boy. You deserve my old man spunk.” And with that he clamped his mouth over mine, kissing me deep. I felt his dentures move against my tongue and my ass came as he poured his poz spunk into my boyhole. “Let’s really stretch the slut,” Mr. Jacobs (middle school P.E. teacher) bellowed and he pulled me off of the enormous cock, flipped me over, and before I knew I was riding his 7.5 inches, the drastic curve up stabbing me right in my prostate. Without missing a beat, Mr. Sawyer (elementary principal) saddled up behind me and pushed his 8 inches in next to Mr. Jacobs. I howled and thrashed, only to be muted by Mr. Middleman (Sunday school teacher) taking me by the jaw and placing his beer can in my throat. As I was DP’d, Mr. Middleman brutally face fucked me, his huge balls slapping my chin noisily. They were so big that they would swing up and slap my cheeks sometimes. I drooled, coughed, and choked on his delicious cock, feeling his amazing balls gradually tighten. He just kept a hold of my hair, calmly talking to me, “That’s it, you fuck hole, take all that cock. You have to make up for the fact that you have a tiny dick instead of a pussy. You should have a pussy, that was just a mistake. You don’t need a dick, you need more holes. Open that throat, take my monster, make me cum. Come on, fuck toy, be a good cum bucket, be a good receptacle for semen, you little piece of bitch. Cunt out on those cocks.” I moaned and whimpered, my ass pulsing and cumming every few minutes. Mr. Middleman tapped Mr. Sawyer on the shoulder. Mr. Sawyer immediately understood and pulled out of me. Mr. Middleman jumped into his place and the beer can ripped my asshole as it pushed in next to Mr. Jacobs. I screamed out as Mr. Middleman pummeled my overstretched boy pussy like an animal with a need to breed. He reached around and pinched my nipples hard grunting, “You’re a fucking cunt, you’re such a fucking cunt, are you a fucking cunt?” “Yes,” I breathed out, in tears. “Are you a fucking cunt?!?!?” “Yes!” I cried. “ARE YOU A FUCKING CUNT???” “Yes, God, yes!!!” I pleaded. “ARE YOU?????” “I’M A FUCKING CUNT! I’M YOUR FUCKING CUNT!” I screamed almost ready to pass out from the violent fucking I was getting, my hole torn and stretched without regard. Mr. Middleman shook and grunted, pulling my head back by my hair and going back and forth between slapping my ass and slapping the side of my head as he shot forcefully into my guts. I yelped and cried as he used my hole as nothing more than a place to put his spunk. As his orgasm subsided, he continued to fuck into me until he went soft and my ass squeezed him out. He stood up and put his sloppy, but still fucking big, dick into my mouth which I greedily sapped for its ass and dick juice. I could feel Mr. Middleman’s jizz leaking out over Mr. Jacobs rock-hard cock as it continued to fuck into me with its steady rhythm. Mr. Jacobs powerful hands took me by the legs and spun me around face away from him. His curved dick hitting me in a new spot, me whimpering at the new angle. My legs were hoisted up and Mr. Lyell (pre-calculus) slid his long 9 inches into me, reaching past Mr. Jacobs and making me ass-cum immediately. I bucked and thrashed but Mr. Jacobs held me steady. As the two men fucked into my backside, Mr. Sawyer, put his cock into my mouth still slick with my cunt juice. I sucked Mr. Sawyer’s dick like a pacifier and tried to enjoy the fucking I was getting. I felt like my cunt was going to fall off, but I grunted and tried to be a good whore. Mr. Jacobs started egging Mr. Lyell on, “Yeah, feel those pink walls? I told you there’s nothing like a raw boy pussy. Come on, Mike, let’s cum together. Just think about this little bitch half your age taking your nut. Yeah, there’s nothing he wants more than your nut right now. Just think about the fact that you’re in him and own him right now, nothing between you, skin-to-skin. Your thick load is going to be with him forever, come on, cum with me.” “I’m close. I’m gonna’ blow, man!” Mr. Lyell spat into my face even though he was addressing Mr. Jacobs. “Let’s do it. Let’s knock this faggot up!” Mr. Jacobs yelled. I felt Mr. Jacobs swell first and I breathed in with a gasp, but immediately after, Mr. Lyell’s cock got much much thicker and I thought my stomach was going to burst. Both of them let loose, spurts of cum volleying in different rhythms from each cock, hitting my sensitive innards. I was wracked with pain and pleasure as these already-large cocks got even bigger, trying to impregnate me in what I knew was a futile effort but what felt like they had definitely found my womb and it was being fertilized. Both men’s muscled relaxed and their breathing got more steady and their cocks jerked and pulsed with tiny waves of left over need. Mr. Jacobs tapped my ass twice and I pulled myself off of his semi-erect cock. My hips were immediately grabbed and I was brought up onto all fours, Mr. Holden (Spanish teacher) pushing his fat 7-incher into my sloppy butt hole. Right away, he began taunting, “You a bitch? You a bitch?” “Yes,” I moaned. “Act like a bitch then. Bark for me. Bark like a bitch, bitch,” he jeered. I did as I was told and started to bark and yelp like a dog. All the teachers started to laugh at me so I stopped. “Don’t you stop, bitch,” Mr. Holden said, “You a bitch, you act like one. Bitches don’t care if they get laughed at, come on.” So I started barking again and fucking back onto his cock while the other teachers laughed at me and spit on me. Soon, Mr. Holden’s fucking got harder and harder. He grabbed my hips and plunged in as far as he could go. I winced but he yelled, “Bark, bitch, bark for me!” And I began barking like an over-excited Chihuahua as he emptied his balls deep in my bowels. He stayed there, his dick just shooting into the deepest parts of my ass, his hips married to my ass cheeks until he was totally done. Then he mutter, “You filthy cunt, barking like a dog. So fucking pathetic,” and pushed my ass off of his dick. I turned around to clean his cock off, but he held it out of my reach. “You want this, bitch?” he asked. “Yes, sir. I want to taste it,” I begged. “Then be a bitch and piss yourself right now.” “But sir…” I started. “Fuck you, bitch boy. You wanna’ eat your cunt and my cum off this cock, you piss yourself right now like a bitch,” Mr. Holden demanded. I looked into his eyes and knew I didn’t have long to decide so I laid back and focused on peeing. I felt the urine travel down my dick and I soaked my jock strap with it. It trickled down my balls and into my ass crack. The teachers all laughed and teased me, but Mr. Holden shoved his dirty dick into my mouth and I got what I wanted – to taste my ass and all those different loads on his dick. “Now make yourself cum,” he ordered. I moaned in question and looked up at him. “Take your tiny dick out of your jock and jerk it off with my dick in your mouth. You only have like 30 seconds or I take my dick back,” Mr. Holden instructed. I immediately took out my 4-incher and jerked it madly as I sucked the sludge off of Mr. Holden’s cock. The teachers were all laughing and commenting on how small I was, how much like a clit it was, how it was the same size in kindergarten or 3rd grade. I shot off my small load within a minute, which Mr. Sawyer scooped up, rubbed over his dick, and slid into my hole with me on my side still sucking Mr. Holden’s cock. Mr. Sawyer’s big 8 inches felt amazing right now and I cooed and mewed around Mr. Holden’s dick as Mr. Sawyer gave me a nice hard fucking. He played with my nips and fish-hooked my cheek as he enjoyed my cummy hole. Within 5 minutes, he was filling me with my 7th load of the night. I collapsed on the bed exhausted, but was soon scooped up by Mr. Jacobs, carried to the bathroom, and dropped in the tub. I started to get to my knees, but Mr. Holden said, “Just lie there, bitch, like the cunt slut you are.” So I laid in the tub. Mr. Jacobs added, “And keep your mouth open.” I opened my mouth just in time to feel the first stream of piss hit my face. I don’t know whose it was but pretty soon there were multiple streams of urine covering my body, flooding my mouth and nose, and drenching my hair. All 7 men emptied their bladders, pissing up and down my smooth hairless body and into my face and mouth. I sputtered a bit, but just enjoyed the warm nasty bath and drink I was receiving, reveling in what a whore I was. These men had enjoyed my body, degraded me, and gave me their seed. They planted their babies inside of me and now they were dismissing me by peeing on me. One by one, they finished and walked out of the bathroom or stayed to watch the others finish. Finally, the bathroom was empty and I had a small puddle of piss around my urine-soaked body. I heard the door open and close, open and close, open and close...until I knew that they had all left. Left with me drenched in their semen and piss. Fuck, why did I love this so much. Pimped Out As A Whore for Poz Part 17 (All’s Well That Ends Well) About a week after the Teachers’ Gangbang, I got really sick. So sick. I knew what it was, I had been waiting long enough for it. On the 2nd day of feeling like shit, my father said, “Finally!” He abruptly said he was heading away for the weekend. I thought I was going to die, I was so sick and there was no one to take care of me. I didn’t know what to do so I texted The Beast: Hi Joe, it’s fuckhole. Please don’t get mad that I’m texting you, but I don’t know who else to turn to. I came down with the fuck flu and my dad left town for the weekend. I can’t even stand up to get any food or medicine. Even if you just got me something to help me sleep and some food that you left in my room, I would really appreciate. I’m so sorry to ask, but I didn’t know anyone else that would understand. In less than a minute, he texted back: Be there in 30 minutes, boy. I kind of floated in and out of sleep until I felt a strong hand on my forehead. My eyes half opened and I saw The Beast standing above me turning on a digital thermometer. He smiled, “If you didn’t look so pathetic, I’d put this someplace else.” I kind of grinned, but was too exhausted to laugh. He put the thermometer in my mouth. I floated out again, but was woken up by the beep of the thermometer. Joe looked at it and said, “Not too bad.” He gave me some medicine to alleviate some of the symptoms and made me some soup, which he fed me because I was too shaky not to spill it. After I finished the soup, I said weakly, “Thanks for coming over. I know you didn’t have to. I’m sure you have other things you could be doing on a Friday night. It’s early yet, you can still go have some fun.” The Beast gave a little laugh and said, “I’m not going anywhere, douche bag. This part sucks.” I looked up at this stunning man and said, “Thank…” but I fell asleep before I finished my appreciation. I woke up again to The Beast spooning me from behind. He was naked and erect. I started to stir a little but he simply said, “Shhhhhhh.” He pulled my underwear aside and nudged his lubed cock against my hole. “Just relax and enjoy it,” he said. I was so weak that my asshole gave no resistance as he pushed his thick tool into me. It stretched and hurt, but The Beast was gentle and only fucked to my second ring, but not past. With steady, slow strokes he massaged my insides with his hard cock. “Mmmmmm,” I moaned, in a daze. With little more than a grunt and some easy moaning, Joe unloaded inside of me, fucked it a bit deeper into my cunt, and then said, “I’m gonna’ make you some more soup,” before pulling out of me and leaving the room. Joe took care of me all weekend, making me food, giving me medicine, and changing my sheets when I sweated them through. He would fuck me from time-to-time when he needed to cum, but always more gently than he ever fucked me before or would ever fuck me again. When I woke up Monday morning, he was gone. He had left a note though that said: No thanks necessary. You’ll be fine. No further contact is needed. Joe. I cried for about an hour. I was so thankful for what he had done for me, but the fact that he never wanted to hear from me again, tore me apart. My father got back later that day and started pimping me out to clients immediately. He showed me more and more disdain as time went on. About a month later, I officially tested positive, but my father made no move to start me on meds. Every time I asked, he would tell me to “shut the fuck up” and “you make more money this way.” He insisted that when it was really necessary, we would put me on meds, but until then my toxic cunt was worth more to him. One day, I checked my email account and it said: Kinky dentist wants to fuck in his office. 7pm today. 456 West Elm Street. Suite 506. I went there just like I would any other client. It was after hours and Dr. Hilton answered the door. He was a man in his 60s with a pointy chin and nose, bushy eyebrows, and a somewhat pinched face. He was taller than me and thicket than me, but not fat. Without saying a word, he brought me into his office. He turned me so I was facing away from him and undid my pants, dropping my pants and underwear to my knees. He bent me over and undid his fly. I felt his thick head at my hole. Gob after gob of spit fell from his mouth onto his cock and my ass. He rubbed it over his head and pushed into me. I grunted and tried to open my hole for him. He eased into me until he was totally inside. He was big, not the biggest, but big. His cock thickened at the base so every stroke stretched me at the end. Dr. Hilton fucked me harder and harder, me hanging on to the chair and trying to meet his thrusts. Finally, he grabbed one of my hips and one of my shoulders, and slammed into me 6 times, releasing a shot of cum with each final stab. He quickly pulled his cock from my ass, put it back in his pants and zipped up. I thought I was done, but he pulled my pants up and threw me in the chair. He tilted the chair back. I thought he was going to face fuck me from behind the chair which I thought would have been hot, but instead I felt restraints slap over my wrists. Well, my dad DID say that he was kinky. It took no more time than that thought for Dr. Hilton to slap a restraint around my ankles too. I looked at him with big saucer eyes, and he spoke for the first time, “Your father wants your teeth removed.” “What???” I squeaked. “He can get more money if your teeth are removable. So I’m doing him a favor. I got that freebie in exchange for removing all your teeth. So let’s get started. I have dinner plans at 9.” “Please, please, whatever he told you, I’m not game. I don’t want this,” I pleaded. “It’s not your choice. You’re his cunt to whore out. That’s clear from the websites.” Dr. Hilton said coldly. “This has got to be illegal!” I shouted. “So is accepting money for sex,” he responded. “This is so fucked up!” my eyes followed him around as he gathered his tools. “The teeth I’ll make you will be just as nice if not nicer, Matt. After you recover from the initial extractions, you really won’t mind. Just imagine, you can take out your false teeth and have nothing but soft pink gums to suck those big dicks with.” “I do just fine with the teeth. You should have let me blown you. You’d have seen. I never get complaints about teeth,” I made my case. “Sorry, kid, I promised your Dad. It’s not about whether or not you nick some dick with a tooth. It’s about the fact that guys get off on you being such a whore that your teeth have been removed so your mouth is nothing but a fuck hole. You get it. I don’t have to explain it to you.” “Please, please, please…I’m begging you,” I looked into his eyes as he came toward me with the gas mask. “It’s already done, son. Just try to relax.” Tears streamed down my face as the mask was clamped over my mouth and nose. I looked up into his steely green eyes, begging. “It’ll all be done before you know it. Let the gas do it’s job.” I whimpered, resigned to my fate when I heard a loud crack from the lobby. “What the—“ Dr. Hilton said, but before he could finish his thought, the office door flew open and there was The Beast. The gas was starting to make me fuzzy so I thought I was hallucinating. “Get the fuck off him!” Joe said. “Who the fuck are you?” Dr. Hilton asked. “If you don’t take that mask off him, I will beat you fucking senseless and then call the cops,” The Beast said. “It’s taking everything in my power to not punch you right in your ugly fucking face right now so fucking DO IT!!!” Scared, Dr. Hilton took the mask off my face. Joe pushed him into the tray of tools and unfastened the restraints. Too weak to walk, The Beast threw one of my arms around his shoulder and helped me out of the office. I started to regain some sense of reality as we passed the splintered lobby door and proceeded to the elevator. Well, it wasn’t until later that night that I found out my father had been bragging to Joe about what he was planning on doing. Joe kicked my father’s ass until my dad told him the address. Joe told him to never come near me again. That’s when he came to get me at the dentist. I asked him, “Why? Why did you do this? Why do you care? You said you never wanted me to contact you again. And I have NOTHING…no clothes, no money, nothing. Where am I going to go?” Joe rolled his eyes, “Here. You’re going to go here.” “I can’t get on my feet in a week or something, Joe. I’m fucked.” “Listen to me, boy. You’re going to stay here permanently.” I was so confused, “But you said—…” “You’re so stupid,” Joe said. “I told you to not contact me because I’m in love with you and I don’t want to be. But I am.” I looked at him in disbelief, but then smiled broadly. “Don’t get any crazy ideas. You’re not my fucking wife and we’re not adopting some Asian baby or any shit like that. You’re still my fuck hole…and I will be pimping you out just like your Dad did…BUT I’ll never pull any of that shit like he did today, and we’re going to get you on meds, and you’re going to sleep in my bed. But you’re mine. I will fuck who I want whenever I want without any lip from you. And you fuck me and who I say you fuck, but no one else, got it?” “Absolutely,” I said, with a goofy grin. “Now climb on my dick,” he said pulling his cock through his fly. I stripped off my pants and underwear and wrapped my cum-filled cunt around his massive cock. I bounced up and down on him, milking him for all I was worth. He took me by either side of my head, pulled my face to his forcefully, and for the first time kissed me…and it was deep and passionate, and I came simultaneously from my cock and ass. My convulsing pussy pushed him over the edge and he bit my bottom lip, muttering, “Take my load, you fuck hole.” He shot streams of cum into me, fucking up into my bowels and kissing me, crushing my body to his. When he was done fucking his kids into my hole, he pulled off my mouth and said, “I love you, Matt.” I gulped and said, “I love you, too.” We lived like that for four years and it was amazing. He fucked whoever he wanted, and that was fine. I had no reason to be jealous. He loved me and I never questioned that. He showed it in so many ways. I got plenty of sex too. He was always fucking me and he was always pimping me out, which as much as I hate to admit it, I liked. More than liked, I lived for it. It didn’t matter how gross or disgusting the person was, I liked being used and knowing that someone was paying for my holes…and that I HAD to do what they wanted and take what they gave me because it was my job to be a whore. It’s what I was good for, what I was put on this Earth for. So many guys were so jealous of us. We would go out to bars and take home the hottest guys. Whoever we wanted. One time, we saw Kurt out. Remember Kurt? Well, he certainly had come into his own. Big old pig bottom, poz, biohazard tattoo on the small of his back prominently displayed as he walked through the bar shirtless with assless jeans on. He let anyone stick it in right in the middle of the bar. The Beast did, right against a go-go pole…and I was right there between Kurt’s legs to lick up the cum-sludge from his earlier conquests as well as suck out the Beast’s cream once Joe was done with Kurt’s hole. Joe and I could have lived like this forever. We hardly ever fought and when we did, we were more concerned with the fact that we had possibly hurt the other one’s feelings than we were about our own point of view. It was really special and sexy what we had. So you can imagine how devastated I was when Joe was killed in a car accident when I was 23. I thought my life was over. It was a rough year and I was very self-destructive. Drugs, going off my meds, taking risks. I eventually found my way back on track. I had a stupid job at some convenience store but at least I was back on my meds and not suicidal. Just think, I had planned on going to college at one point. Anyway, believe it or not, I was nursing a vodka tonic and some gay bar in the city when who should walk through the door? Jordan. Remember Jordan? We got to talking. He had had his own fucked up path. We both laughed about how “straight” he was in high school as he fucked my ass several times a week. “Yeah,” he said, “I guess you could say I’m still bisexual ‘cause I like pussy, but God, a lot of girls hate me. I’m not so good at not getting caught with my dick in a guy’s ass.” That sent me into hysterics. He told me that he was poz now and loved knocking up college boys. I told him about Joe and me, and the fact that I missed being pimped out and the situation I had with him. We talked until the bar closed and then went back to his place and fucked like animals. He gave me three loads that night and although he was still rough and treated me like a whore, he was a great kisser. We kept fucking for a few months and ended up falling into the same relationship that Joe and I had. Jordan would pimp me out and he would get to fuck whoever he wanted. We love each other and we’re good together. Granted, it’s not what Joe and I had, but it’s close and we make each other happy. And he still has that sadistic grin like the first time he made me ass-cum… …which brings us to where I started – Me waiting for my next “client” thinking about how I ended up here: waiting on a bed in a 20 dollar hotel for whatever guy he’s sold my cunt to. I can see his sadistic grin in my head when he told me, “Tomorrow’s client is a gonna’ be a doozy. Get some rest.” My ass is up in the air facing the door that I left unlocked. I hear the door open, someone enter the room, and the door lock behind him. I hear his clothes hit the floor as he positions himself behind me. He rubs his fat head against my drippy hole – Jordan pre-lubed me with a fuck and a load of cum before I headed out. The stranger moans as he pushes his thick veiny cock into my used cunt. Whoa, really thick. I feel his balls hit my taint and I guess that he’s about 7.5 inches, which is a nice length. I can fuck a cock that size forever without any problem, and it does nothing but feel good. This faceless cock starts fucking into me and I hear him moan, “Fuck, that’s good hole!” I freeze. I recognize that voice, where do I know that voice from? Do I dare look? I can’t help myself, I have to know. I look back over my shoulder and can’t believe who’s fucking into me. “Long time, no see, son,” my Dad says, and I start to ass-cum. THE END.
    1 point
  46. me too!!! I love going into public restrooms that stink of piss
    1 point
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