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  1. I would like to give my readers to this story a say on what Sir Doug gets sub Jason high on in the next chapter via react emojis to this comment. The choices are; pig = K thanks = Angel Dust upvote = Meth Clouds like = LSD
    11 points
  2. I heard about this club from one of my regular fuck buddies who knew I was really into vampires and while he was fucking the hell out of my hole he told me these guys and only guys don't just dress up as vampires and party they all get fangs implanted in their mouths and share blood during their parties but only after they get bitten themselves and are excepted into the coven . Hearing all this while he was plowing my hole really got me excited and it made my ass clamp down on his cock and made him moan more as he came in my ass causing me to come on the bed. Once we both could breathe better he slipped out of my ass with a pop and we sat for a moment and he explained more to me about this club. He told me since tonight was halloween the vampires were holding a night of a masquerade party to start and there everyone was welcome but at the stroke of midnight all the guys who didn't want to stay for the orgy left the club and the owner locked the doors and the frenzy started. He told me the dress code for new comers was slacks and white button shirt with a tie and a jock underneath so the coven members knew who were the humans and the bottoms for the night while the coven members dressed in the old aristocrat way. After he told me all of this I went and got all I needed for the night including a mask to wear and the rest of the day I was so excited I couldn't stay still. I made sure to clean my ass thoroughly around 7 and made my way to the club downtown and was impressed with it. The building was a 2 story castle style and it had been decked out for Halloween with lights gargoyles and everything else that made you feel like you stepped back through time. I got to the door and was let in by a massive muscled man dressed as an aristocrat and when he saw me he smiled enough that I could see his fangs. Seeing this plus the mounds of muscle on this man made me so hard and I could feel the precum running in my jock. He had in blue contacts and I could see how the shirt he was wearing with his costume could easily be ripped if he flexed in it. I licked my lips as he let me in the club and as I walked by him he held onto my arm as he crouched down and slipped his meaty hand down the back of my pants and probed my lubed hole. He smiled again showing those pointy whites and whispered in my ear that he was looking forward to the after party and he would be looking for me. The sound of his smooth deep voice made me tremble and clench my hole around his probing digit. He slipped it out and licked it saying that he hoped I enjoyed the night. I stepped through and was welcomed by the sound of some great music and the sights of many men all dancing drinking and lewdly feeling up everyone they could get their hands on. I smiled as I walked up to the bar and was greeted by the bartender that was also dressed as a aristocratic vampire. I say dressed but really all his costume was the clothes painted on his actually full naked body. He saw me looking and smiled at me exposing his fangs when I looked at his hard leaking bouncing cock. I was shocked because it was probably 12 inches long and had a large spiked prince Albert piercing coming from the tip. Seeing that bouncing on his tight six pack made me drool and precum even more that I didn't hear him ask me what I wanted to drink. I snapped out of my daze and ordered a bloody Mary and asked that he spoke it a bit more with some of his pre cum. It made him smile more and he said he was happy to and brought my glass down to his cock and stroked it some to bring out some fresh from the tap. He handed it to me and said he would see me around. I walked away harder than ever and started dancing with the other guys here getting felt up by what felt like everyone. I was having such a blast I didn't keep track of the time and was shocked that the owner of the club got on stage to announce that it was now midnight and that anyone who wasn't staying for the after party needed to close out their tabs and head on out. About half of the crowd started to make their way to the bar to close out their tabs while the rest of us who were staying met up to one side of the club to not be in the way. When the last guy left the owner called in the bouncer and told him to lock up. Once the doors were shut the owner announced that it was the witching hour where the creatures of the night went and decended on their prey and made new vampires for the coven. With that we looked as a door at the top of the stairs leading to the second floor opened and put walked over two dozen beautifully sexy vampires walked down. All of them dressed in the garb of the night and each one of them were muscled and sexy. When they all made it to the bottom of the stairs The owner said for the humans to now remove their garments except for their undergarments and step forward onto the dancing floor in a circle. Once we were all stripped into nothing but our jocks and we stood in a circle around the dance floor and the vampires step forward once more and circled each of us with lust in their eyes and each smiling showing their fangs for all of us to see. Once each of them was satisfied at looking at us the owner announced let the orgy begin. Each vampire grabbed one of us and brought us to different parts of the club what we didn't see behind the closed curtains were benches St Andrew's crosses slings and other stations where we would be used for tonight's coven entertainment and hopefully joining the coven itself. I was so happy to see that the bartender walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm guiding me to the nearest bench where he started to rub his still painted body on mine and making out with me and tweaking my nipples. After making out and feeling the tips of his fangs with my tongue I started to be pushed downward by the sexy vampire stud kissing and licking his painted body till I got to his spiked cock licking up and down the shaft circling the piercing and lapping at his balls causing him to moan in pleasure. While I was doing what I thought was a great job The vampire bartender said he was hoping that I would be available for him first because my fuck buddy told him about me in advance and showing pictures of how I looked and He wanted to be the one to initiate membership into the coven. Hearing this made me pre-cum even more and made my hole itch with excitement at my friend sent me up with a very sexy man. My vampire stud then lifted me from his crotch and had me bend over the bench and dove straight into my hole nipping at it with his fangs causing me to moan and yelp at the points as he nipped at my skin around the hole. His tongue felt amazing as it probe through my whole and I couldn't get enough at his tongue went deeper and deeper into the wetness of my hole. Once you felt I was probably lubed you lined his spite cod piece up to my twitching hole and plunge straight into it causing me to arch my back and yell in both pain and pleasure as I could feel the insides of my body be ripped apart. My vampire was kind enough to allow me to get used to his cock in my abused hold now and once the pain subsided pleasure took over my senses and he ravaged my hole even more thrusting in and out pulling out to where just the tip was in and then thrusting in with all his force causing me to jump each time and moan even louder. He fucked me for what felt like hours but I knew it was just for a few minutes and I could feel his thrust getting harder and faster and I could hear his panting in my ear. The sounds of sex were all around us flesh on flesh moaning and pain and pleasure and I knew each of the new members were ready to be a full fledged vampire in this coven vampires looking at each other nodding as the sign that each of them were about to breed the no longer to be humans and mark them as theirs forever. My vampire whispered in my ear telling me that my induction to the coven was about to begin and that he would be my Maker in this coven and we would always share a special bond. With that he let out a hiss and then struck me in my neck with his fangs causing my skin to break and my blood to fill in his mouth just as he slammed his hardest into my ass and I could feel his cock expanding flooding me with his cum I could feel the wetness and the heat of his cum filling me and causing me to come on the floor under the bench. Once he was done coming in sucking on my neck he once again whisper to my ear you are a vampire now but the best kind yet you have joined the coven of the poz vampires and have earned your fangs like the others around you but the night is still young Go enjoy more of your new coven spread around what we have gifted you with and turn more humans into our kind. Happy Halloween
    9 points
  3. Part 3: ''The Job Offer'' He stood there looking down at me, smiling as he stroked on his fully erect and throbbing veiny 8.5" in length by 6.5" girthy Dick. He let go of it so it bounced in the bathroom air. Wet with pre cum as time continued to strengthen the bond that we had begun to build. - I bet you want this buried deep in your faggot cunt, don't you pig? - Yes PLEASE Sir. He promptly put his Dick away and zipped up, and told me to get another beer and to meet him in the living room. Upon entering the living room with his fresh beer I noticed he had layed out a vinyl play sheet in the middle of the room. - Open my beer will you boy, then lie down on your back on the vinyl play sheet. - Yes Sir. Now lying on my back Sir came over with the bag he brought in earlier and brought out a set of steel nipple clamps. Onto my small boy-tits they went. - Lets turn those little boy-tits into a pair of fully fledged pig-tits. Next came out a steel chastity cage which was attached to my pointless fag-dick. Then he took his right Leather glove off and liberally lubed up his forefinger with lube, inserted it into my cunt and set about locating my G-spot. It didn't take him long to find it, and once he did he started off with small, slow circular movements. - Fuck, what are you doing Sir? I feel like I am going to pee. He didn't say anything, just continued working on my prostate, small and slow circular movements, stopping now and then to enhance me getting worked up. It got to the point where I was moaning quite loudly at which point he covered my mouth with his leather gloved hand and increased the intensity of the speed and pressure to my prostate. After a while I was literally screaming through the leather clad gloved hand that muffled my screams and before I reached an internal cunt-orgasm he stopped. He tightened the nipple clamps and began to pull on them and pull hard. My body tingled from my G-spot being worked on as my boy-tits were in pain with rough treatment. - I see you enjoyed that. What does your faggot cunt want next? - I NEED you to fuck me Sir... PLEASE, I'm begging you... - You are begging me for what, pig? - You to fuck me Sir. Stick it to me.... PLEASE... - It's too early in your training for that. Now that my cunt was just gagging for anything and everything to be up there, Sir took out from his magic bag of tricks a set of anal beads and slowly took to opening up my cunt. Slowly getting all the beads in, then slowly pulling them all out, and repeat over and over. And then, all the beads were back inside of my hungry cunt with the string hanging out when Sir went and got himself another beer before sitting back into his armchair where he relit his cigar and started smoking again. - C'mon over here fag. I want you kneeling on all fours parallel to me and the chair. With my cunt stuffed full of the anal beads I crawled over and positioned myself as instructed. It was now that I became a piece of furniture. A coffee table no less as Sir rested his booted legs on my back. - You have a strong back boy, just as well. How long have you been working out? - I have been a gym regular since I was 14 years old Sir, so 8 years now. I love it. One of my real passions. - I have a proposition for you boy that would see the number of your workouts increase. - Yes Sir? *I asked quizzically* - What you don't know is, is I have for some months now been watching you from a distance at work, watching how you conduct yourself, and I can see you are a hard worker with a conscientious obedience. My reason for observing you as such is I have been observing more like you and you are one of two who I have decided that were not only fags but just what I am looking for. And what I am looking for is a live in house boy who will do all the house duties including the cooking. This would be alongside training you to be the best sub Sir desires. Your sub training would include forced workouts which would work together with your regular working out and all of your household duties. Of course this would mean giving up your current home and job in exchange for security and safety here with me. However, during your training which I expect to last at least a year you will be expected to reserve your body including your mouth and cunt for me and me alone as to not distract you from becoming the best sub that you can be. You don't have to give me an answer now. As said there is someone else in the running who has not gone through this initial stage yet, so I think 48 hours to make up your mind is more than fair. He went quiet as he sat there using me as a table and continuing to puff on his cigar and drink his beer. Several minutes of a comfortable silence passed as we were both deep in thought. - Sir... - Yes boy. - Would my training involve recreational drug taking? - Why do you ask? - Because being off of my face, high and horny would I think give an added level of being submissive and helpless, not that I would need to be high to serve you the way you deserve to be served. Just a kinky extra is all. - Have you ever taken any recreational drugs before boy? - No Sir. - How about trying some now whilst you make up your mind if you want me to properly train you alongside being my live in houseboy? - FUCK.... YES Sir. He took his legs off of my back and got me to lie on the vinyl play sheet again where the anal beads were removed, and the nipple clamps were tightened again. He tugged on the chain hard on my now already sore boy-tits. - Ready to get high pig? - YES Sir. - Okay then, follow me into my play dungeon in the cellar. I wonder what Chems Sir was about to get me wasted on....
    9 points
  4. Part 1: ''Meeting'' How many loads did I take in my guts during lastnight and this morning? I'll tell you later. It all started just over a year ago when I was at work at the grocery store shelf stacking when a handsome man who I had helped find items he was looking for over a period of a few months came in dressed in full Leather Gear; Shirt, tie, waistcoat, trousers, and army boots. Until this day he had only come in wearing casual clothes. Even in just his casual gear I felt an instant strong connection between us as he turned me on with his rough rugged looks and his air of dominant attitude, tapping into my inner sub as his presence naturally made me feel extremely submissive. At the age of 22 I had been sexually active for a year now, but it was all rather vanilla with fucking and sucking quickies. I was on PrEP so was happy to get bred. But my inner piggy sub craved more beyond just getting fucked. Much more! I longed for a Dom-sub connection. On this day that he came to the store in his full Leather Gear he made a bee line for me as soon as there were no other customers around, and he got straight to the point.... - Am I correct in thinking outside of this job you are a sub? Wha'? Seems he was in tune with me already after our handful of brief encounters of me helping him as a customer. Intuitively knowing that not only did I have sex with Men but that I indeed am a sub too, albeit with no experience with the latter. I instinctively looked to the floor, and in a submissive tone said.... - I hope to be. Yes Sir. Sorry, that was inappropriate of me to say that. - Look up at me and look deep into my eyes, boy. I looked up and deep into his eyes as he told me to. He just stared back for several seconds, saying nothing, searching for my inner being, not that he needed long to establish a strong firm connection with me. - Why did you just apologise? - For calling you Sir. I strongly feel that you are exactly what I have been longing for, yet I forgot for a moment that here you are a customer. - That is okay. You only went with your gut instinct, and I liked how you addressed me. Listen, what time do you finish work today? - 6pm. - You live out of town? - No, in town Sir. I have a room in a flat share with three others. - I see. I live about a 30 minute drive out of town. Would you be free to come to my home for 9.30pm? I'm sure you don't get paid much here and would be more than happy to pay for a taxi for you. I would pick you up but I probably might have had a few beers by then. - I'd LOVE to come. *I said with a great eagerness* - Great. Give me your number and I'll have a message in your inbox ready for you once you have finished work. I verbally gave him my number which he saved into his phone. Before I had a chance to say anything else there was a tannoy announcement.... - Jason to customer service please, Jason to customer service. - I've got to go Sir, I... - Is that you? - Yes Sir. - 55 year old Sir Doug won't keep you from your work any longer. See you later sexy pig. I walked off to go to the customer service area, and all I could think in my head was a 55 year old Leather stud called Doug who I already now knew as Sir would have me in his lair later. I was in a daze. I was on a huge high. My cunt twitched in excitement and anticipation on what he would be doing with me later. How would I get through the next two hours of my shift? I need not have worried as the last part of my shift was over in a flash. As soon as I finished work I checked my phone, and sure enough there was a message from Sir Doug waiting for me. He asked me for my address and said that he would send a taxi to me for 9pm and that it would already be paid for. After I got changed at work and said my goodbyes I got home for 6.30pm. Plenty of time to get ready. I heated up leftovers from lastnight's dinner, ate, had a shower where I thoroughly douched just in case I were to be fucked tonight. 9pm soon came and my arrival at Sir Doug's house at 9.30pm seem to come even sooner. In a message he told me that the front door would be unlocked and to let myself in, make my way down the hallway and turn right at the end into his living room where I would strip naked and kneel in front of him. And that was the point we were at right now. I was knelt before him as he sat in his armchair drinking beer and smoking on a big fat cigar. His Leather attire that he now wore was what he was wearing when he came into the shop earlier, except the army boots he had been wearing were now replaced with knee length Police Boots, and he was also now wearing the most magnificent Muir, and black leather Police inspection gloves, ready to give this hungry eager pig a full inspection. I had my hands clasped behind my back and my head bowed as a mark of respect for the alpha that sat before me... - Look up at me, boy. And look deep into my eyes again like you did earlier. - Yes Sir. Sorry. - I will let you know if I ever need you to apologise. Nothing to apologise for right now. For the next several minutes he smoked his cigar and drank his beer as I knelt before him, searching for one another's inner being via constant eye contact. He then leaned in and kissed my neck, brushing his thick tache against my soft skin. I shuddered and gasped in delight. He sat back into his armchair and fixed his focus back onto my eyes where I sighed as I let go of pent up energy straight after he smiled and winked at me. I smiled back, giving an instinctive puppy eyed look. Putting his beer down and with his cigar between his teeth he firmly pulled with both hands my head forward and down into his Leather clad crotch. I took one big sniff of the intoxicating Leather and once again my sub instinct kicked in and I started to lick the Leather where I could feel a throbbing meaty bone underneath. Releasing one hand from my head he took the cigar from his mouth and ordered me to look up at him. I tilted my neck sideways up so I could see his face, and looking at me he spat a huge gob of spit onto my face.... - Now show me how you in this situation we are in now how you would please me. Let's see if you have got what it takes. I brought my body upright and walked back on my knees a couple of paces then bent over bringing my face to Sir's Police boots where I eagerly took to licking them. A Sir should always have shiny clean boots! Did I have what it takes to be trained by Sir Doug?
    8 points
  5. Chapter 4 – Another one joins us Chapters 1 through 3 covered my birthday party, hosted by my buddy, Dave. So far, we had me, Dave, Chris and Jake, all getting sucked, rimmed, and more. I’ve got 2 loads in me and have been fisted by all the guys. Now we’re relaxing before our next new arrival. We all went to various relaxations spots. Jake was on the couch, stroking his soft cock, Dave was wandering around doing who knows what, and I climbed back in the sling. I had a medium sized dildo that I was using to keep my ass open and happy. Jake and I smoked a bit more and Dave joined us after a while to blow some more clouds. I kept the dildo in my ass, either moving it back and forth or sometimes just holding it deep inside. Dave went down and took it from me, pulled it out of my ass, added some more lube and sprinkled some T on it. Then he shoved it back in and walked away, leaving me to feel the burn and decide how to distribute it in my hole. I was kind of mindlessly fucking myself with the dildo while Jake was sucking Dave, when the door opened again. This time, it was another mutual friend, named Pavel. He’s from Poland and has been in the US for a few years. He has a nice uncut cock, a sweet ass, and is a really nice guy. I didn’t know he partied, but Dave told me before he arrived that the next guy was a partier. Pavel stripped and fed me his cock while Dave and Jake smoked him up. Jake, of course, reached down and shoved another shard in my ass. Damn, I was flying high already! Pavel wanted to fuck, so he got between my legs. He was clearly surprised by how wrecked my hole was since he didn’t know about my fisting experience. His uncut cock is shaped like a torpedo – with a thicker section in the middle. He slid it in easily and commented on how soft my hole was. A lot of lube, and some piss and cum, made it very accepting. He wanted me on the fuck bench, so I moved over there. He got behind me and shoved in hard and deep. He was really working up the speed, but my ass could take it all. He told me that he was going to cum and then dumped his load deep inside me. He lingered as long as he could with his cock in my ass and then withdrew it. He asked if he could fist me, and I said of course. Pavel has big hands and he lubed them up and started playing around my hole. On the fuck bench, I was spread wide for him. He managed to get all his fingers and thumb in, but the position wasn’t working for him to go any further, so we moved back to the sling. Now, he was able to get his whole hand inside me. He was a slow fister, really taking his time to move slowly back and forth and twisting his hand. Since he didn’t know that I took fist, he was really pleased with the way things turned out. By now, we were all pretty beat. Pavel pulled out, cleaned up, got dressed and left. Then Jake left too. It was back to just Dave and me. But he still had plans. He wanted to do another bump each, and then fist me until we were exhausted. My hole was already throbbing but we went for it. I was in the sling, spun out of my mind, feeling the shard working its way through my body. Dave was flying high too and asked if he could give me some more chempiss. Of course, I said yes to that. This time, there wasn’t much, but it still felt sexy to have this stud, who put together a great party for me, letting loose inside me. When he was done, he pulled his cock out and put his fist in. He couldn’t get elbow deep again, so we went for a little width work. First, I added a few fingers around his arm, just getting them inside me a little bit. Then Dave took over, since he could go deeper with his other hand than I could. He managed to get all his fingers in around his arm but couldn’t get past the knuckles on his second hand. Guess that’s a goal for the next time. We cleaned up and went to bed. We cuddled all night long and I woke to a hard dick poking my tender hole. Dave fucked me, bred me, then gave me some of his morning piss. Between what I had ingested the night before and the chems in his morning piss, I was feeling good. We went back to the playroom and sat on the couch watching bareback porn. Dave massaged some aloe into and around my ass. It was a good birthday.
    7 points
  6. Part 2: ''Piss-pig'' - Showing initiative.... Good boy! Sir leaned down and patted my head in praise before he sat back into his armchair and continued to smoke his cigar and drink his beer as I got stuck into the job at hand.... Boot shining! Upon my arrival Sir had just started his third beer of the evening, and with his boots now glistening with my homemade boot polish his third beer had come to an end. - I think you have done a very good job on shining up my boots boy, and you did not even need prompting. We are off to a very good start. Now, my beer is dead and I need a new one and you will get it for me, but before you do you will now stand up with your feet hip width apart, hands clasped behind your back, with your head held high and looking straight forwards for a initial inspection. - Yes Sir. I got into my position and Sir immediately saw something that he was not happy with at all. And on that note he pulled a leather riding crop from the inside of his left Police Boot and gave my erect dick a good hard *thwack*.... - Ouch... Ow...ow - Why is that pointless fag-dick of yours hard? - Because you are hot inside and out Sir, and as a result you really do excite me, a lot. - Good to hear that I turn you on, but if you are to be a true faggot then you will have to learn your pointless fag-dick is just for pissing and nothing more than that. The leather riding crop came crashing down once again on my still erect dick, already reddened from the first strike. I started to whimper through my ''ouches'' - Ow.... ow... ow.... - Are you okay boy? Standing to the side of me he gently placed his right leather gloved hand onto my left gym trained young bubble ass cheek and gently rubbed it in a circular motion to compliment the sting in my dick. - Yes Sir, I'm fine. It just hurts, but I know that I need to learn that my dick is a pointless fag-dick which is for pissing only, and that erections are not allowed. I want to please you, Sir. - Good boy. And you know what your sole sexual organ will be from now on? - No Sir. He took his leather clad hand off of my ass cheek and taking the middle finger he nestled in between my ass crack and the tip of his gloved finger pressed against my hairy hole. - This will be your sole sexual organ from now on. And what is it called? - Er, my ass hole, Sir? He took his hand away, sucked on the glove to the middle finger, nestled back inside of my ass crack, pushed onto my hairy hole until the tip slipped in, then leaned in towards my ear, and in a low yet short and authoritative firm tone barked... - Your cunt, boy! I shuddered with delight. YES, this is what I have been craving and needing all this time. Someone to really show me who is the boss around here, and really make me subMIT. - Oh FUCK YES SIR, my cunt. Please teach me how to use it properly so I know how to give you the pleasure that you truly deserve. He licked my neck, growled into my ear, then told me to find the kitchen and fetch him another cold beer. With my red stinging pointless fag-dick I walked out of the living room in my completely naked state to find the kitchen. Once I found it and got the cold beer I came back into the living room but Sir was not there. Fuck, what do I do now? I want to please him. I went over to his armchair where there was a bottle opener on the table, so I knelt by the table, opened the beer and put it on the table. Sir soon came in with a small bag. - I got your beer Sir, and I have opened it. But I thought it best not to hold onto it as I don't want the heat from my hands to make it warm. You deserve the best, and that is a refreshing cold beer. - Good boy, you clearly are blessed with initiative. I like that. Now pick up my beer and follow me. I followed him where he led me into his bathroom. He had me lie on my back in the empty bath whilst he sat on a chair drinking his cold beer as warm water from an enema bucket came down a tube and out of a catheter that he had inserted into my cunt to give me a good clean out. He told me I was to hold what was going in and if I had the urge to let go of the water that I had to breath through it. As the water went in we spoke.... - Going by your hairy ass cheeks and hairy legs and the landing strip of pubic hair you have created I would imagine that waist up you are not naturally smooth? - No Sir. I am not that hairy waist up normally, but what is usually there I like to keep shaved off. But I do like my legs and ass cheeks to be hairy. He stood up and reached for a pot of pills from a shelf, and proceeded to take one with his beer. - I can see from your face boy that you are wondering what I just took. - Yes Sir. But only because I hope you are okay. - Don't worry boy. I am HIV positive, I have been for 31 years now, and this medication keeps me undetectable. Does me being positive bother you? - Not at all Sir. I myself am HIV negative. I usually am on PrEP but I have been forgetting to take it as I have been doing extra shifts at work so have not had the energy for play time. Not taken it for 10 days now. But if you are undetectable then there are no worries, is there. - Correct, boy. All the warm water had gone in and Sir now made me stand up and sit on a bucket to empty out. He administered another warm water enema on me. And then came some hair care in the form of clipping right off my pubic landing strip of hair so it was now bare, and wet shaving my cunt hole so that it was smooth. Sir then took a wet flannel to my pubic area and my cunt hole as to get rid of any stray loose hairs and to generally clean up. He then towel dried the bath and made me lie in it again, this time climbing in and standing over me. There were two zips on his leather trousers that were either side of the crotch that zipped down from the hip area downwards to open up a flap that exposed the entire crotch area. And out flopped a thick semi flaccid veiny Dom Dick. He held it and pointed it in my direction and took to looking into my eyes. I returned the gaze. With our eyes locked on each other I suddenly felt a warm and wet sensation on my chest. - What is the point of getting clean if you cannot get dirty once in a while. Fucking beautiful. Now open your mouth wide fag. I opened wide to which he stepped forward so his piss now went from hitting my chest to gushing into my gaping mouth. Each time my mouth would become full to the point of piss spilling out over my chin I would gulp until my mouth was empty and let it refill. Once his urinary bladder was empty and my belly full of his warm golden piss he stepped out of the bath and ordered me to step out to and onto a towel where he dried me. But his boots were wet with his piss, and he made me get on all fours to again clean them up. Once satisfied with my work I was ordered to kneel before him with my hands clasped behind my back and to look up and at his Dick. FUCK, it was beautiful!
    6 points
  7. Far be it from me to suggest anything about your intelligence, but I will say your observational skills seem to be, well, suspect. I normally won't even engage with assholes who insist on calling it the "Democrat Party" (knowing full well that the name of the party is the Democratic Party, but "Democrat Party" somehow sounds...sinister, I suppose). But if you're going to "stand for" Republikkklans" who will "back America and Israel", be specific about what you think "backing America" means. For the GOP, it means tax cuts for the wealthy while increasing taxes on the working classes. It means cutting more out of our already tattered and fragile safety net. Unlike most people on this site, I've known Mike Johnson for years, and I can assure you he is a snake. A snake in a very nice suit, but a snake nonetheless, one who would cheerfully eliminate every protection you have as a gay man while telling you he's doing it for your own moral good. And as for backing Israel: the only reason Johnson and his religious ilk "back Israel" is because they think somehow their vision of Armageddon and Christians taking over the world relies on Israel's existence. Mind you, they expect fully that all Jews will be either converted or killed in the final battle, so keep THAT in mind when you talk about their support for Jews. And for that matter: Johnson and his ilk firmly believe it's not only constitutional, but a good idea in practice, that Christians in America get preferential treatment for everything, completely aside from their views about gays. As a Jew, you should know they consider you a second-class citizen at best.
    4 points
  8. I hate hate hate camming when I am by myself. God knows I’m an exhibitionist. But I just hate having the camera on me even if I’m in a big zoom room. On the other hand, if I’m playing with others, I love an audience. The more watching the more exciting and thrilling it is. The first time I slammed on Cam, it was too buddies in me. I already had been pointing a couple of years, but we let the room know it was my first time on Cam. I had 57 guys watching and we left the camera running our entire session. it still turns me on to think how big the audience was.
    4 points
  9. Somewhere out there is (I hope) a recording of me fucking and breeding a muscle parTy slut. It was one of my best top performances with his dom in the room and an audience on his laptop all watching. He was a total pig and I fed him piss afterward, and fucked him again a few days later.
    3 points
  10. That one part of being HIV+ is similar to PrEP, yes. The other parts - the constant monitoring of all sorts of bodily functions for signs that your HIV medication is ruining your kidneys, or your liver, or any of a number of other things, is much less of an issue under PrEP than HIV treatment. That's just one way, among many, that the two are very much not the same.
    3 points
  11. Hello to everybody, as I was telling you some months ago, I developed the desire to be a cumdump, after moving to NYC. I have managed to find a Master who is training me into turning myself into a toy for tops, and this really makes me always crazy horny. I have found to be a very resilient power bottom also. I cannot describe you how much I love the smell, the feeling of that sloshing, and of that cock pumping a big loads inside of you. So far my loads count since February 2023 is 198 loads. Master wanted me to have a slow progression at the beginning to test and train me with smaller and controlled sessions. Now I'm officially ready and Master will create a yearly goal to keep improving myself. I wanna get used as much as possible I will never refuse a load. Master agreed to my request, to make this social, so he will set as goal the most common (values) suggested in this topic. So given the fact that I am at 198, we still have 3 months and that now I'll finally start to get used without any limitation; what do you think has to be the 2023 and 2024 goals for this 21yo cumdump?
    2 points
  12. Anyone else into total insertions or have any stories? By total I mean inserting something in your ass and having it close up, like pushing in a plug past the base. Absolutely love the full feeling and it's super fun to get fucked like that too. I can put in my 12 inch double ended dildo in pretty easily and get fucked with it inside semi often. Even got my jockstrap in a few times too. Have a fantasy of being in a sling and after getting used having the tops put any wrappers or tissues they have into my cum filled hole.
    2 points
  13. For those in Melbourne, Australia, I went to bear night on Tuesday at Wet. Was meant to go with a friend for company but he has COVID so I was alone. Nervous, I started in the darkroom. Put my beary fag cunt up on the fuck table, huffed amyl and waited. Soon I was being bred like the fag pig slut I am. Lost count, think it was 12! Moaned and carried on got a bit verbal (didn’t shout some of my other kinks sadly) but yeah hot night! Hole was cummy as fuck when I got home, farted huge lumps of strangers cum in the toilet! Fucken love being a fag pig!
    2 points
  14. Put adverts up last night (tuesday) looking for anon bareback tops to breed me in darkroom......i use both gay and bi/hetro websites (but im gay). My first load was from a 34 yr old bi guy whos filled me many times - nice cock and always rough and deep - lovely......He had just left 10 mins when i got a message from a 40 yr old str8 guy needing to unload......he was at mine 10mins later using my ass like a pussy and pumping a huge load up me.....he thanked me later in a message saying he wants to come round again soon (ive said this friday eve).........3rd load was a bi guy 29yr old visiting from out of town.......Very big cock with mushroom head.....When he arrived in darkroom i told him to push it right up me to base and he did - he squirted his big load up me after fucking me for less than 3 mins...id have taken his cock all night tbh.............final load was from a lovely 24 yr old whos bred me more time than i care to remember....he was passing on his way home from work and needed to pump me and he did........i kept 4 loads in me overnight and my hole smells beautiful this morning.....I LOVE THAT SMELL.
    2 points
  15. Correct - again, UNLESS there was some provable connection between the two.
    2 points
  16. This was a story salvaged form "Bugshare" ages ago, the story itself I think is a heavily edited version of another story, and if anyone knows the original let me know. ===================== There he is, standing before me. Seth. He's a 20 years old fine young specimen of male flesh, about six feet tall, and weighing at maybe 190 pounds. I wouldn't describe him as muscular or toned or ripped, but he is a perfectly hot looking young man. He is height and weight proportionate, albeit thinner in appearance, but not skinny. He nicely fills out his frame with a slim youthful body showing the hint of fit musculature. Many models would envy his frame and looks. He is not a pretty boy per se, but gives off an attraction all his own. He definitely makes my cock stir to look at him and he has all the attributes that I find appealing! We're down in my unfinished basement and I have made some minor additions down here to make ready for Seth's visit. Personally I'm late-40ish, in good shape still many mistake me for being younger than my actual age due to my thinner body and younger facial features. I am 6' and 185 lbs. My seven-inch uncut cock is average in size, I have good-sized balls that hang in a nice low sack full of seed. I used to shave my balls and trim my pubes, but stopped, as I like to be hairy as a master. Men are hairy and have pubes and furry balls and asses so why shave it. I love the look of men, so be men and taste and play the way God makes us. A hair or two in the mouth is the cost of doing business. Oh, and I have AIDS. Didn’t mention that earlier? During my younger days, back when everyone fucked everyone else, someone at a bathhouse knocked me up. My seed has been highly toxic ever since. But that is another story. This is about Seth. I have been keeping to a strict work out schedule and I can easily pass for late thirties or no older than forty. However, Seth was looking for a Dad and I wanted a son with whom to play, so we both knew we were getting in this deal. Fuck, what did guys do before the age of the Internet to meet others that they wanted to play with? I met Seth online on a hook up site for men. I placed my profile stating I was interested in getting into S&M, bondage and being a master and a Dad for young guys as well as having interest in just getting it on with other men. I had said I wanted to explore more kink and voyeurism and especially being dominant. Seth answered my profile and wanted to be aggressively dominated by a master and have a Dad use him. He said he was curious about having sex with other guys, wanted to explore man to man sex and had no limits. I always laugh at anyone who says they want to explore “no limits sex” because they never realize just what it means. Because I in truth had another more selfish motive for finding someone. I had felt it was time to “spread my seed” and I wanted to find a boy to plant my DNA in, someone I could poz to carry on my virus long after I had gone. After several chats on line and via MSN, we agreed to meet here at my house. I had taken several days away from the office so I could give my undivided attention and freedom to entertain the boy. And here he is! Seth is standing almost up on his tiptoes with his arms tied up and spread out by ropes around his wrists and fastened to eyehooks screwed into my floor joists. I am lucky as I have a nine foot ceiling in my basement so I was able to easily stretch him out. His feet are also spread apart and tied to an old curtain rod by rope around his ankles and to the hooks and each end of the rod. Basically, he is spread eagled in a standing position naked except for having a white Bike jock on, which he wore on my instructions along with a T-shirt, jeans and flip flops. He was to arrive with only that on and he did what he was told. Holy shit is this lad beautiful. With real appreciation, I gazed at his physique, knowing that I have his body totally in my control, to use, abuse, and to eventually impregnate with my poz seed, makes my cock surge. It was about 5:00 PM when I saw him standing on the corner of a nearby strip mall and I pulled up and nodded at him. We had exchanged face pics before so knew who to look for. He jumped in my car and I asked, "Am I what you expected and are you still game to go ahead with this?" Seth shyly looked up at me and replied, "Yeah man, I like what I see and want to do this." "So what limits do you have because once we're at my place, I consider that you're mine to use boy?" He again looked right up at me with a bit of a grin saying, "As I said when we chatted, use me like you want. I have no limits Sir! My profile nickname Rapeme says it all Sir!" “Game on then!" I quickly told him and started to drive him to my place all eager to enjoy this lad's young pure body. We arrived at my place and I drove right into the garage using the remote opener to open and close the door behind me. I got out and opened the door to the house and Seth followed me with neither of us saying a word. We both knew what we wanted and in my mind I would tell him what I wanted when I needed it. We head right down to the basement and onto a large rug in the center of the large unfinished area. I had everything ready for Seth so picked up the rope and tied his right hand to the floor joist. Next I tied his left arm and wrists up and then got his ankles tied to the curtain rod. Still nothing was said and Seth let me do what I wanted. It was really almost too easy. Now he was trussed up and stretched spread eagled before me. He was mine! I pulled at his T neckline and finally heard a rip and tore open his shirt off his smooth chest and revealed his quarter sized nipples. I couldn't get the neckline to fully rip so grabbed some scissors and snips the material and also down his sleeves and threw the ripped cut cloth over to the wall. Next I unbuttoned, unzipped his jeans and yanked them down. Pushing them down his thighs and legs, they dropped to his mid legs stopped by his spread open legs. I took the scissors and started cutting the material down his right leg and Seth muttered, "Those are my good Jeans!" I reached up and slapped his face and continuing to cut told him to shut the fuck up. Getting him naked in this way was a turn on for me. It is far more realistic to raping the guy than just having him do as I wanted. I wanted him to succumb and totally submit to me by the end of it all, to belong to me utterly for him to give himself to me, and in the end, to beg for my seed. Once cutting his jeans off him, I tore his flip flops off his feet and whipped them over with the discarded torn and cut clothing I had disrobed him of. He was smooth all over save for a bit of brown curly hair on his forearms and lower legs. A slight treasure trail led from his navel down in the elastic band of the Bike jock he wore. He was fair skinned and it accentuated his brown nipples. A fine forest of brown underarm hair filled his pits and was exposed from having his arms tied out stretched. He was nicely built but not muscular. Youthful exuberance bristled about him. He simply remained quiet and looked at me with his intense medium blue colored eyes. He had short spiked lighter brown hair and thin sideburns that ran down his face to the point of his jaw on either side of his face. He sported brown facial stubble and fine eyebrows. I approached him and nestled up to his outstretched body. I took in his freshly showered and scented odor as I held him in my arms and brushed my face against his neck and kissed him. I whispered to him, "You are now going to be my fucking little whore and slut boy. I will use, abuse and rape you with whatever I desire to do and you will obey and take it no matter what. You told me you had no limits and I have none so enjoy this bitch. You are about to be raped, then fucked, and then my seed will own you. Understand?" Seth replied quietly, "Yes Sir." I enjoyed his scent and tasted his neck and ears and working my tongue down his body to his right nipple. Sucking and teasing it with my teeth I enjoy him. I bit his tit a bit and continued sucking it and then slowly worked over to his fresh but slightly musky armpit. I dove in there with my mouth and tongue and lapped and licked at his pit and the soft forest of hair as I enjoyed the aroma and taste of his young pungent underarm. Some say it is a submissive act to drink in the sweat of someone’s pits. For me it was something to be savored as I could tell how much it aroused and excited him. The more rich and thick his scent and taste got, the more excited I felt. And I wanted to enjoy this young man before I used him fully; I wanted to be gently before I brutalized him. It was like getting appetizers before your main meal, although I knew exactly what dessert would be. After fully eating out his right pit, I switched and enjoyed his left armpit and got fresh scent and taste. Once full of this savor, I planted a deep French on his mouth and explored his mouth with my tongue. I felt a bit of resistance as my mouth and tongue, ripe with his armpit, invaded and covered his mouth. Good I thought. I like resistance so I can begin to tame and break him. Half the thrill of making a boy is breaking down his will and mind, slowly making him crave the abuse I have in store for him, and in time, make him crave my Toxic cum. I wonder what this boy had done with a man before? I hoped he was a virgin to really being used and fucked by a man like me. I wanted his body badly, and his neg cherry even worse. After a while of making him eat my tongue, I let go of him and walked behind him admiring his bubble firm ass. I felt his cheeks and grabbed them firmly. I landed a few hard slaps across them with my hand and watched them flatten and bounce back to their youthful firmness as redness slightly spread across them. "Like that boy?" I asked. "Yes Sir!" Seth told. With a few firmer slaps on his checks I again asked him and he said, "Yes Sir!" "You going to be able to have to take much more than that for my pleasure boy if you are to become my bitch, and my son." I said. Seth responded quicker now, “Yes Sir. Use me. Rape me Sir. Make me your bitch!" I gave his ass five or six real hard slaps and made the room reverberate with the sound of my palm landing on his ass cheeks as I wound up and swung my arm in an arc to give some good force to the spanking. "Uhmm" erupted from Seth's lips as he no longer was able to hold back his reaction to my slapping his ass. He also lurched forward as my handed on his butt. Seth uttered only muffled murmurs as my hand landed on him. Those red bubble ass cheeks looked appealing and I knelt down and firmly parting those luscious cheeks with my fingers and exposing this young man's rosebud manhole. It was a nice, pink, wrinkled, round sphincter muscle with only a bit of wispy brown curly hair circling it which then heading down in between his legs going behind the Jock he wore. I gazed at his young tight hole for a while and then leaned forward and licked the entire length of his ass crack especially sure to go over that hot hole. He was very clean and only a whiff of asshole was noticeable, not that would have hindered me too much. After a few more tender licks, I got my face right in there and tongued his hole and stuck my oral muscle as deep as I could send it. Wiggling my face in there, I got as deep as I could physically could. My tongue lavished in getting to fuck this boy's hole knowing that soon my pozcock would violate it but deeper, firmer and with the mindset of fucking the shit of this unsuspecting bitch wannabe. In amongst my oral devouring of young asshole, I heard Seth moaning lowly. Once sufficiently fed on this young mancunt, I got up and again kissed the boy inserting my tongue deep into his mouth. As he tried to pull back, I held his head firm and forced my tongue into his mouth. I pulled off and ordered him to suck my tongue and taste his own ass. He held back and I then slapped his face hard and told him again. He compiled and I enjoyed exploring his throat and mouth with my ass ripe tongue. Once satisfied that he had tasted his own ass, I got a medium sized vibrating butt plug and made him lick and spit on it. I worked it into his ass pushing it fairly firmly with constantly increasing pressure again the resistance of his young ass muscle trying to keep it out. Seth leaned forward to try to adjust and get away from the invading plug as he moaned. "Take it boy!" I said loudly "Push your bitch ass onto it and take it!" Seth reluctantly pushed back a bit as I pulled his hip with one hand as my other hand shoved in the plug. Finally the widest part of the plug reached the youth's sphincter and with resistance stretched it open wider as I gobbed a wad of saliva onto the plug and his stretched hole. As the spit slide down, I pulled the plug out a bit and twirled it to make use of my spit as lube and then shoved hard again. It slid in and stopped at the widest part making his hole open wider still. With Seth's sudden prolonged cry of "Aahhhh!", the butt plug slipped in stopping and holding itself firmly in place from its triangular shape and from Seth's sphincter muscle clamping around the narrower base. I immediately switched it on to a low vibration and watched him jump from the sensation. "Ever had a plug in your ass before boy?" "No Sir" "Like it?" "Yes Sir. I will take and like what you give me Sir!" Seth promptly said. “You're fucking right you will boy, cause you ain't got no choice now." Now I was going to play and enjoy watching this lad squirm and endure what turned me on. I had done the gentle Daddy act, now It was time to enjoy myself and break this bitch so when I felt like fucking him, he'd do whatever I wanted. By the time I was done, he'd beg for poz cum from any top I wanted, and spread my own DNA to as many others as possible. Being a dominant master and an aggressive Dad really got my cock hard and oozing. I grabbed my camera and snapped several shots of my youthful hostage. I clipped on a black leather cock strap and also inserted a vibrating butt plug into my own ass to stimulate my senses and get me into a frenzy. I was set to play for a while and reduce this willing lad into nothing more than a piece of male fuck meat for me to use, poz and pleasure myself with. I gazed at Seth. In his eyes, I could see some uneasiness now for the first time. Had he gotten himself into more than he bargained for? I sure as hell thought he had so, I knew he had moved out of his parents, was on his own in the world, and as such, could belong, in time, utterly to me. I held Seth's head and kissed him deeply planting another long passionate French kiss on his face. I rubbed against his body and once again enjoyed tasting his armpits, nipples, chest and abs s I drooled over my captive. I got down to his jock and licked his package held in the elasticized material. A small wet spot was apparent on the jock of the young bitch, and I knew he was enjoying what he was getting. Hot damn I thought, what could this bitch endure? I intended to find out! With the scissors, I slip a blade along his waist band and snipped. It let loose and fell to the one side. I cut the smaller straps holding the cup to the back behind his bag. The Jock fell free to the ground. "Holyshit!" I exclaimed as I gazed down and saw the cock this boy had hanging there. Seth had to be at least 7"long hanging there limp. He was uncut and had huge balls in a low hanging sack. The big thick cock head was half covered with foreskin even more then my own. His cock had no big veins and was a smooth unblemished gorgeous monster example of manhood. His brown pubes were long curly and thick as was the thick bush of pubes covering his balls. His left huge orb hung lower than his right and they moved slightly now in their freedom. A clear drop of liquid emerged from his piss slit. "Fuck you're huge my boy!" I said aloud as I admired this young man's equipment. He was more man than I was in this case. He possessed a fucking horse cock. "You may be a man in the cock department Seth, but you will be my bitch won't you?" I said to him. "Yes Sir I will be Sir. I want you to make me your bitch and use me. I want to be raped by you Sir! I then snapped a leather ball stretcher onto his Seth's large balls and sack. I had a bit of trouble stuffing it all into this parachute stretcher and when snapping it closed, Seth gave a quick jolt as I think I pinched his bag in the snap closure. Fuck, I don't care, all the better. Next I began attaching large fishing weights to the small chain on the ball stretcher. Seth did not react much so I added a few heavy metal balls, which then got his attention. The addition of a few more pulled his nuts down and stretched his bag taut, he moaned and moved to try to alleviate this pulling so I added a few more larger fishing weights. He then cried out, "Ummm" and lifted up. A couple more to make it hurt was in order so I did it. As I was adding the extra weights to really pull his balls down, I asked, "Like that bitch?" "Yes Sir he responded. "Want more?" "I want what you want to do to me sir." With that I added a few smaller ones, one at a time and then one larger one. At that Seth cried out and struggled about going up on his tip toes in reaction to his balls being abused. "Stand still and take this bitch!" I ordered and then reached around and clicked up the vibration on his butt plug so it was at the third level. I could hear it buzzing now and listened to Seth holding back his groans of discomfort form his nuts being pulled down. Next I got a pail of wooden pinch-type clothes pegs. With two in my hand, I stood up and kissed the youth's mouth again and he kissed me back. I thought to myself that he had no idea what I would do to him, this realization thrilled me and made me even more excited. Knowing he had no clue just how depraved and total his abuse would be. I wondered if he'd kiss me like this if he knew what was in store, the levels of abuse of getting raped and finally being impregnated by my toxic charged seed. I enjoyed the kiss and pinched the pegs on his two nipples. I felt his jolt as the pegs pinched shut but he pressed his mouth to mine. Fucking hot, I thought, what won’t this bitch endure and do for me? I felt it was time to give this boy a bit of pleasure. A Master rewards his slave, so I knelt before him. I kissed his cock and licked its head repeatedly. Fuck, who am I kidding, this wasn't his reward it was for me. I wanted to suck this huge dick and make him hard to one taste him, and two see if I could handle such a whopping huge fuck tool. After a few minutes of licking and kissing his cock, I took the semi-flaccid muscle in my hands and pulled the foreskin back exposing a huge thick cock head slick with saliva and some precum. A part of me had hoped to see some cheese or smegma, but it looked like the boy was clean. I was sure I could change that in time. The precum was nice and musky however, sticky and thoroughly enjoyable as I tasted it. It just seemed to continue oozing out as I let the cock hang there enjoying the view. Seth's tool began to harden a bit and grow from my attention. The precum dripped down and formed a thin string of liquid hanging from his piss slit to the floor. I put my face into it and licked it up relishing in feeling precum on my face as I tasted the sweet natural fuck lube. I took his big cock back into my mouth and sucked it lovingly enjoying the feel of hardening cock. I took it all 7"in my mouth and pushed it into my throat so that I could take it all down. My nose buried into his young musky pubes. Using my tongue I massaged his cock shaft as I pulled my face off and back onto his pole. Bryan moaned lowly as I impaled my face onto his growing dick using my hands to hold it up and stroke it in between my oral swallowing of its entire length. I really had to work at getting it all down once the full 9+ or ten inches of hard manhood reached its zenith. I wanted to suck and swallow that whole huge dick and did it. Once in, I'd hold my head onto it and press my face into his sweaty pubes feeling this dick stretch my throat going down my esophagus past my vocal chords. With my hands firmly gripping his ass, I pulled his ass towards me so he'd get the hint and fuck my face. Seth stood and did not move so I pulled the chain and yanked his balls down and reactivated his ass plug to vibrate. I pulled my face off his pole and told him to fuck my face. With the yank of his balls, Seth moaned loudly but when I got back to having his whole dick in my throat again, he moved back and forth and provided the desired face fucking I craved. He probably wondered why a master would want to get face fucked especially by such a huge prick, but hey this was about my pleasure and not his. If he benefitted now, that was a plus, cause soon he'd beg me for mercy. I was in heaven and what I wouldn't give to have him blow a load into my face mouth and throat. Should I get him off and then use him? Usually I was spent after blowing a load and couldn't get fucked without it hurting like hell. Fucking me for an hour or all night long was great if I didn't come first. But if I came and was still getting fucked, I didn't enjoy it. It usually hurt me so I always waited to come until after my top had blown his wad. Hell if Seth were like this too, I would blow him now and then make him endure my fucking. I increased the intensity of blowing Seth's organ and used my hands to stroke it as I went down on him fully and then only partially alternating to make him cum fast. I pulled of him and yelled, "Fuck my face bitch! Fuck me hard and give me your cum. I want that big cock to blow a load into me! Fuck me now bitch and do it like you mean it!" and went right back onto him. Seth complied and began to thrust with a bit of force albeit he was trussed and not capable of really being able to fuck me. Several minutes of my intense blow job and swallowing his whole member together with his thrusting brought out an exclamation from Seth as he groaned aloud. Slobber ran down my face from having such a huge length of manhood plying my throat and I was in heat sucking a fine young hard cock. But decided to pull off it and pulled my head back leaving Seth's throbbing fuck pole glistening and bobbing like a flag pole on the side of a building. I was not going to let him cum yet so left his organ alone and let it subside. Seth relaxed and sighed as my slobber dripped off the hair on his bag and ran down his inner legs. I looked at my bound prize and soaked in the beauty of this sight. The weights on his nuts were now swaying back and forth reefing his balls down and back and forth as the parachute ball stretcher held his two large balls in its cup and yanked then down pulling his sack low. The face fucking had started them to sway so with pleasure came pain! Perfect from my standpoint. I walked slowly around him and saw the black butt plug base firmly seated close to his ass. Reaching down, I turn the vibrator off so as to not accustom his inner ass to the sensation, which I wanted for later when the moment of his impregnation came. His perfect form from behind was like seeing Da Vinci's Ventruvian man's backside, but bound by ropes. Seth was more perfect and more youthful and gorgeous however. The sight of this young bitch made my pozcock twitch; not that sucking his magnificent cock hadn't done that to me already. I decided it was perhaps time to indulge him yet again as I knew I would not be able to resist fucking him much longer. I then knelt before my quivering bitch and was face level with his now limp abused cock. I again lovingly started sucking his cock slowly and gingerly using my tongue to worship it and my mouth the envelope it in my warm saliva. I slowly stroked if with my hand as I increased my sucking and amount of cock shaft that I took in my mouth. Several joyful minutes passed before any response started from his monster fuck tool. Slowly it started to harden and grow again. Now cupping his ass cheeks, I pulled his butt in towards me as I engulfed his hard muscle deep into my throat. My sucking intensity increased as I fully gobbled down his stiff meat almost choking and gagging to get it all the way in. Eventually I relaxed enough to swallow his whole shaft and I held it there pushing my nose into his thick sweat drenched pubic forest. Seth was now enjoying this treatment. I wanted him to keep guessing what was next; from getting abuse to getting sucked off, what would be next? Pushing ahead, I concentrated on milking this boy of what would be one of his last Neg loads. Using every cock sucking skill I could muster, I sucked his pole, wrapped my tongue around his cock head and massaged his shaft as I bobbed my head on and off him and going base deep into my throat. He was again melting and moaning and even thrust his pole into my face like before as my oral attention continued. With force I pulled his ass, cupped in my hands forward as I pushed my own face deep on his pole and wiggled my head quickly with my nose pushing into his pubes. Seth let out "ohs and aahs and sighs" as I felt his throbbing hardness stretching my throat. I then retreated and sucked his cockhead and foreskin while stroking his shaft with my hand. Seth pushed his cock at me as best he could from his spread eagled position. From looking up at him, he was in ecstasy as he closed his eyes and pumped his organ at me. His nuts swung back and forth in time with the pendulum of weights hanging from them. The clothes pegs still pinched his young body and red marks from my belt and whip marked his skin. Pain and pleasure mixed together as I sucked his dick more and more frenzied. I was alternating between sucking his head and then deep throating him as he tried to fuck my face. Drooling I finally took him deep into my throat and wiggled my head as each time I swallowed his whole member, Seth would sigh and moan. My tight throat provided a nice fuck I bet. Seth started verbalizing, "oh, oh ooooh, oh!” and I held in deep down my throat as he pushed himself forward on his tip toes. I again pulled off and sucked his cock head and stroked his shaft and then immediately deep throated him again. With one last thrust forward and then relaxing off his toes by just hanging there by his arms, Seth' huge thick cock gave up its treasure. I let what I thought was the first gush of sperm go down my throat, but then pulled off him quickly to feel the second voluminous spurt of cum plaster my face and goatee. As the third glob of spunk shot out, I got some on my face but opened my mouth and took some in to taste the young untainted seed. The big stiff muscle was tensing and firing off huge thick streams of white manmilk. It was literally a stream of cum shooting from his piss slit. Seth uttered, "Fuck I'm cuming" and trailed off with an "ohhhhhh" and he went limp and hung by his arms. I took another spurt in my mouth and down my chin and onto my chest. The next I got as I closed my mouth around his dick head to capture it all. The last three of four spunk streams shot on my face, chin and chest. Even the last volleys of cum came out as thick, creamy white gobs of fuck juice. Finally his cock eruptions subsided and a bit of the creamy more clearer fluid oozed from his piss slit and stuck and ran slowly along the underside of his huge shaft as his foreskin slowly began covering that bulbous head. I felt energized by his pure copious sperm , tasting his ejaculation and his cum in my mouth, I stood and grabbed his head in my hands. I planted a kiss on his lips as Seth hung there still in the throes of sexual gratification. His cum transferred from my goatee and face to his own and I slipped my sperm covered tongue in his mouth, He responded a bit and opened his mouth so I pushed some of his cum from my mouth to his own but kept some in my mouth. I was sexually charged now and walked to his cute butt cheeks and pulled the plug from it and then spread his ass cheeks exposing his young rosebud hole. It was open a bit from the plug but basically was in tack. I licked his hole and tongued it and the deposited his cum on top of his crack and let it slid down towards his hole. As I did that, I stood up and pointed my hard death dick at his hole. As his cum and my spit mixture reached his asshole, I pressed my pozcock along his crack and rubbed and lubed my dick with the mix of his negseed and my spit. Seth was still recovered from his explosive orgasm, but I wanted a piece of him now. My cock throbbed and with this young bitch's cum scent filling my nose and tasting it, My cock became so engorged and rock hard that my mind had no other purpose except to ravage his hot ass and pump him full of my poison DNA. I just shoved my dick in hard and fast. The resistance gave my cock a bit of a dry feeling and only partial entry was gain. He was tight even after having the plug fill him for a while. I pulled out, re-lubed a bit and just shoved myself into him fully. The bitch lurched forward and let out a "Ahhhhh" as he tried to get his ass away from my intruder, but he couldn't get away far enough and with a slight step forward I fully seated my poz cock into his neg ass. Seth let out a harsh cry as my cock shot a pain through his sphincter and inner ass tube. Fuck yeah I thought as I then began to forcefully and quickly thrust my cock in and out of his ass, confident my rough thrusts were damaging his protective inner lining, making it all the more responsive to my AIDS. I liked the thought that he had already cum, that he was weakened and exhausted from orgasm, and it was time I brought him back to the real reason he was here in my dungeon. I was his there to become his Dad and master and he was there submit and serve and pleasure me. I mercilessly fucked his young asshole with vigor and held his hips as I thrust forward. I stepped forward again to really get some thrusting power and take him off his balance so that he would fall back and impale his ass on my rod when I wasn't pushing him forward with it buried in his hole. It worked as he could stay up on his toes and fell back with the ropes also pulling at him when I took a backwards thrust. He would come back just as I then pushed forward and rammed my cock into him. It resulted in us slamming together with a slapping sound as he grunted from the force. His body shook every time I pounded into him. I now reached up under his arms and wrapped my hands around behind his neck and continued a fast power fuck. I leaned forward and nibbled on his neck and bit it a bit. Fuck I was in lust sex heaven and just pounded the bitch's ass for I don't know how long. Helplessly, Seth hung there and took my fucking. All I had in my mind was to breed this young bitch and shoot my poison toxic deathseed as deep in his hole as possible. All the rest of the world went away except for the growing burning need to impregnate his raw neg ass. To not just be his Daddy, but his Poz Daddy. Ironically I do not bareback very often, I don’t spill my seed into just anyone, I had fucked with condoms for years to keep my strain of virus to myself. But now all that had changed as I felt my raw deadly cock sliding into his unprotected ass. Other than grunts and uhs emitting from Seth's mouth, the only sounds was the slapping of flesh on flesh as I was in a frenzy and wasted his hole. I was able to just get in that fuck mode and kept orgasm held off for as long as possible. I am able to sometimes fuck like an hour or so straight and only cum when my exhaustion kicks in and I was in this zone now. So now after loosing all track of time, I was tiring and knew I was approaching the moment of his conversion. I slowed my pace and set into feeling his tight abused, raw ass grip my cock. I concentrated on that feeling and felt my cock pulse and intensify in sensation. The knowledge that soon I was going to poz his neg hole that I was going to forever alter his life rapidly enhanced my sexual pleasure immensely. Knowing what I was about to made my sexual lusts surge. I began to slow down, right on the cusp of orgasm. I wanted this to be one more act of submission to me. Perhaps not the final act, but a big step. I wanted him to beg for my cum “I’m gonna fill you up, baby.” I grab his arms and push them down with my hands. “I’m going to flood you with my sperm, and when I do, my Seed will be inside you forever” “Please…please do it…” “Tell me what I want to hear…you know what I want to hear, boy…” I ordered him with ragged breaths. “I want… I want you to cum…” He whispers, “Tell me where boy, tell me where you want it… I grunt so close to the edge. “Cum … Inside me“ I am so close now.. “Say it again!” I order, feeling my balls contract. “Cum inside me! I need it, Cum inside me!” And that sends me over the top. A few more slow thrusts gave me the sense I was about to cum. I could feel my balls start to tingle with a raw sexual energy that I know can only come from having poz seed. I could feel the energy growing inside me, a burning toxic energy as my living virus exploded. I jammed my cock deep into his guts and pushed hard, shuddering as my death dick fired its’ charged bullets of pozcum from my now tightly snug balls. I leaned into Seth and pushed my cock up as deep into him as I could get it using his body to hold me up as I pressed against him and held him firm in my grip. He was stretched taut against his ropes from my weight against him as my blasts of pozspunk ejected into him over and over. Hugging him in that half-nelson, I gave my cock short little thrusts as I pressed against him more and more trying to bury my erupting organ deeper in him. The orgasm seemed to keep going as my pulsing rock hard cock sent waves of sexual pleasure through me sending me into a lustful daze. Once more I could feel some sort of a tingling sensation, sure that there was a sexual energy flowing out from my cock into his ass. I was in such a state of sexual lust that I felt every spurt of toxic viral cum pulsing through my dick as it kept surging over and over. It felt so sexually exhilarating knowing millions upon millions of my poz DNA were mixing with whatever remnants of Seth's neg spermatozoa that had entered his hole from I had first lubed him up. He was strung up like a piece of live meat and twitched about like a fly in a spider's web. All the while I hung onto him with my deathdick inside his cum laden fucked hole. At last my orgasm began to fade and the flow of my poison seed became less and less. Satisfied for now that I had started him on the road to becoming my poz son, I stood there now relaxing in the aftermath of my powerful ejaculation. My cock remained embedded up my bitch's ass, wanting to keep every drop of my poz cum inside of him, to let it have as much of a chance as possible to soak into his body and infect him. I hung onto him feeling him breath and enjoyed the feeling of my complete and total dominance and control of this young man. My libido was reeling and my sexual urges were still humming from being able to inflict whatever I so desired on this bitch slave. Regardless he was now mine to control and use and the feeling of that power intoxicated me. Yet as intense and thrilling as it was I knew this was just the start. As rough and brutal as the fuck had been there was no guarantee my Virus would take inside him. And when that time came, I wanted him to willingly as for more of virus. We stood there for a moment as I regained my breath, my hand reaching forward and slowly running down his sweat soaked body. As my cock throbbed half soft, yet still embedded in his abused ass, I took the moment to luxuriate in his sex infused body. I tasted the sweat dripping from him, inhaling the primal stink that now infused his once squeaky clean form. My questing hand moved down to find his huge uncut cock once again hard and throbbing. Such a good boy I thought, to get aroused from such a brutal fuck. I began to concentrate on my own dick now, gently moving it again, working it back into full strength for what I would hope to be the final part of his journey, at least for tonight. For the next several minutes I gently worked his sweat soaked cock while grinding my own until at last I was ready to fuck yet again. I knew I had to keep going to maintain the momentum we had started, to keep his arousal peaked and to keep my cock inside his cum soaked hole. Having cum once already, I knew it would take me longer to shoot, and so I kept up a slow but steady rhythm of fucking in his increasingly raw and brutalized ass. For Seth however, his cock was dribbling precum as I Kept him edging on the brink of orgasm. After about ten minutes of this sexual torture, I started the next phase of my plan. “You have been a wonderful, wonderful slut tonight, and you have made your master very happy.” I said, slowing my stroking hand as I sensed him once more on the cusp of orgasm. He moaned deeply as his only response. “You have taken pain from me, and pleasure, and you still want more?” Now he gave a coherent “Yes Master” in response. I smiled and started to stroke again. “And you have taken my seed deep inside you hole, and you want more?” the response was quicker and frenzied “YES Master! I want oyu to fuck me over and over again! Please! I need to cum so fucking bad, andI need your cum in me!” He begged, the need in his voice making my own cock twitched, I smiled a deep dark perverted smile this was the moment… “You want more of my charged toxic AIDS cum in you then slut?” I was tensed for the jolt that came next, and was able to keep him from pulling off my dick despite his strength, my grip and the ropes more then enough as he squirmed, impaled on my death dick. I dug my nails into his balls to quiet him as I hissed in his ear. “You wanted, no, begged for me to fulfill my most darkest most perverted sexual urges upon you slut, don’t think for a moment that something like this wouldn’t happen. You gave me freedom to abuse your body as I wish, and I intend to” I said into his ear asI ground my cock more firmly in his hole, the juices and cum making wonderful squelching noises. I could feel him in my grip, starting to shake and whimper, begging me to pull out and not to fuck him. “I have already shot in your hole slut, you already have a huge load of viral poz seed in your ass you know. But it is no guarantee that it will take. You still have a chance to be clean, just say the word slut, and I will pull out and let you go free. If you hurry and get to a doc, you might be able to stay neg you know, you might still have a chance and of course I would never..ever..bother..you..again..” I said, emphasizing each word with a hard lunge forward of my now throbbing deathdick. “All you have to say is for me to stop.” I hissed into his ear as I fucked him slowly, after a few minutes he whimpered something softly and I leaned forward. “What was that slut? Speak up for Master.” He moaned a bit louder… “D-Don’t, I…I Want it…” I grinned and slammed forward again with another wet thrust. “You need my aids cock inside you boy, is that it?” “Yes” he says at last. “You want more of my viral toxic cum, infecting your ass?” I saw, now fucking my cock into a furious pace once more. “YES!” he says, louder now. “Beg me for it slut, beg me to infect your boypussy! Beg for me to plant my AIDS deep in your hole” I shout, knowing I was quickly reaching my peak. “Poz me master! Knock me up! Infect me!” He babbled madly, the words hot enough to send me over the edge. Once more I could feel the tingling sensation in my balls beginning to crawl up my dick, the onrushing orgasm, feeling even more intense now that he was willingly asking for my death seed. I wrenched his head around as much as possible, wanting to look into his face as the moment of infection happened. I hilted deep in his ass and bellowed as the surge of sexual energy poured out of me to fill him yet again. If the virus had not yet taken root inside him it was sure to infect him this time. I could feel my cock opening up fresh rips in his ass as it sawed in and out of his spasmaming hole. My gazed locked on his as I hissed and grunted, caught up in orgasm of such power that it can only come from pozzing a neg hole. “This is it boy! Your boypussy is so ripe, so receptive to receive my virus, my poison, my toxic DNA!” I shouted, slamming over and over as the seed erupted from my cock, making sure to try and coat every last surface of his ravaged ass with it as I held him in my arms, the look in my eyes telling me everything I needed to know. “That’s it slut, just give in to the Virus and let my poz seed into you, let it infect you and your body.” I moaned, now utterly lost in the bliss of the experience. “Just let yourself go and accept my poison into you, now and forever.” I said as I stroked his cock quickly, wanting to reinforce his moment of conversation with more pleasure, I brought him swiftly to orgasm. I watched his face contort in long denied pleasure as a massive load of what I hoped would be his last negative load, poured out from his cock. For a while we came together, poz and neg seed mixing as one, yet all too soon I could feel my orgasm starting to fade. Once again the flow of tingling energy seemed to fade, signifying the end of my virus into his body as my balls finished emptying their toxic payload. I panted, catching my breath again as I simply starred into his eyes. After a few moments I kissed his face and whispered, almost lovingly to him. “You have begun a brand new journey with me my slut, from this moment onward I’m going to fuck you and fill you with my virus, over and over and over, until at last it takes root inside your body. And when that day comes, You will no longer be just a Slut, but my Son, You will forever be a part of me, because I will forever be inside you…” He said nothing, but wept gently, knowing perhaps how true what I said was. It was 2am by that point, and I decided to give my new ‘Son’ yet another reward. I gently unhooked his body from the networks of ropes and chains that had bound him for so long. Exhausted, spent and raw, he slumped against me as, still with my dick in his hole, I gently walked him to a bed I kept in the basement playroom. Together, soaked in sweat and cum, we quickly fell asleep. Over the next two days, I would finish my indoctrination of his mind, warping and breaking his will, corrupting him to belong utterly to my sexual perversions. I fucked his ass over and over, each time he would beg more and more for my toxic seed as I watched his transformation into a total obedient poz slave. It was less then a month later that he got the fuck flu, and I knew then that at last I had given ‘birth’ to my Poz Son. It was during that time that time that I started to show him my other side, the side of myself that would keep him, hopefully by my side for the rest of our lives. During the depth of his sickness I cared for him, tended to him and of course kept his ass full of my virus. I told him that he really did belong to me now, and that we were, in a very biological way, now father and son. All that was over 10 years ago. Shortly after he converted he moved into my house and changed his last name to my own. All record of his past life slowly faded away as he grew to become the perfect poz son I never had. Now I look forward to the day that he will pass on my Virus to yet another son, already we are looking at several candidates. .
    2 points
  17. After Mr Wilson left I just lounged naked in my parents bed for a while...watched tv and dozed until the cat jumped up and loudly protested his lack of breakfast.Fed him did the 3 s's(shower shave shit) and started the yardwork.mowed front and back,trimmertime leafblower....went to garden center for some plants my mom wanted installed around the pool deck.Caught myself crotch watching....looking at guys with a new interest....one colored by a new realisation men were sexual with other men,and it was giving me a real hard time.While I wasn't "gay" I HAD been bred by a man without any real discussion,he had done me just because HE wanted to.And he had cum in me.At least twice.And I gave little to no resistance to being bred.Even now his seed was still in me and as these thoughts were consuming my attention I heard "earth to niklas,hello?"The girl at the register was an old school friend.Stacy.:)"22.50 Nicklas cash or credit?"she asked.Flustered I fished out the cash and paid.Gave her a big smile and left with the plants.Getting into my pickup truck my phone dinged with a text message from the hospice care agency,they wanted me to come in first thing monday for a meeting to discuss work schedule.A Mr Hadden wanted to meet for this months assignments.He was always looking at my ass,and crotch with a smile.....and with a shock suddenly realised why.Was I attractive to other men?Without a doubt Mr Wilson thought so...oh man I had SO MUCH to learn.Part of me was coming alive that had lain dormant but now craved attention and I had to learn....how, you know?Returned home and threw mysef into getting the plants installed.Another ding....from Mr Wilson.We would have guests at his house for dinner at 7 so dress sharp.Sent a smily face too.And attached a pic of his cock in me from this morning....didn't know he had taken one.and it got me hard staring at it.It was only 4oclock and 7 seemed so far away.
    2 points
  18. Best advice for any youngself! Be as slutty as possible with as little limits as possible!
    2 points
  19. 1. Go to law school. Don't take some job out of college and think your career will have unlimited potential. It' won't, you need a back up, a plan B. Or at least go to grad school and get an MBA. 2. Don't do cocaine. 3. Don't drink and drive. 4. Finally, don't waste your time "dating", have all the incredible sex you have offered to you, sleep with anyone even remotely associated with porn, and then settle down and find a partner willing to have group sex once you turn 40. Those are my opinions, and I am sticking to them.
    2 points
  20. Got a 19" double ended dildo that I shove in all the way till my asshole closes. Sometimes leave it in for hours, going about my business.
    2 points
  21. I'm not looking to get pozzed up but it's a risk I take as a tranny bitch that always let's the guys bareback me. It adds to the sexual high as I'm taking a nice hard cock ball deep. X
    2 points
  22. This story has me blowing my load. Love the pig to get slammed with T and fly with K too
    2 points
  23. Chapter 1 - So it begins My friend Dave decided he wanted to do something special for me for my birthday. We’ve played together a lot in the past and had only recently started partying together. The last time we met, we smoked a good amount, and he fucked me, bred me and played in my ass. For the birthday event, he told me to plan for a few days of time off since he wanted to get me really spun. I was able to get a few days off from work, so I told him we’d be all set. I did a deep clean in the morning and a touchup later. Dave told me to show up at his house around 8. He has a playroom in the basement, with a sling and fuck bench, lots of toys, and some fetish clothing. The basement has a door to the outside at the back of his house. I got there, and Dave and I went down to the playroom. I stripped down to my Nasty Pig jock. Dave wanted me to wear one of his harnesses, so I slipped that on too. He had a pipe packed already so we lit the torch and started taking some deep hits. Dave can get hard even when he’s spun, so I hopped in the sling and put my feet in the stirrups. Dave rimmed my ass for a while, getting me ready for his cock. He has a great cock for my ass. It’s not really long, about 7”, but it’s really thick. He knows how to get my ass ready for his thickness before he shoves it in and then he can fuck for a long time. He has a nice hairy chest and a trimmed beard so I like that I can watch him as he fucks me deep. After a good rimming session, Dave decided that we should get a few more hits in so that I was really horny for his dick. He propped up my head so that I was able to stay in the sling while we smoked. After a few hits, we were both flying high. Dave put down the pipe, slid a freshly opened bottle of poppers within my reach, and stepped between my legs. While we gazed into each other’s eyes, he slowly slid his well lubed cock in my ass. Since he had rimmed me before, I was pretty opened for him. Dave really knows how to fuck. His cock has a nice mushroom head, so he’ll pull almost all the way out, then hold it there to stretch my hole before driving it back in to me. He changes the rhythm, and I can switch up my position in the sling so that his cock hits the walls of my ass differently. One of the other great things about getting fucked in a sling is that it lets me ride cock easily too. I was swinging back and forth on Dave’s dick and getting it in as deep as possible. I had reached down to let him in as deep as possible while sliding back and forth on his cock. I didn’t hear the door open, but I heard the distinctive click of the torch behind me. Then, a mouth was on mine, shotgunning a hit to me. I took in the hit, shared some back and started making out with the new guy. Still didn’t know who it was but I was feeling good and welcomed another guy to the party. When he pulled back, it turned out it was our buddy, Chris. We had all played before but never partied together. I smiled at him, and he gave me a knowing look that was also full of lust. Chris was wearing a chest harness that connected to his metal cock ring. He looked hot as fuck in the gear, with the harness nicely framing his pecs. He has a hairy chest and ass and loves to get his hole eaten. His hard cock was sticking straight out, with a drop of precum on the tip. I motioned him over and licked the head of his dick to taste the sweetness. Lucky for me, Dave had taken over control of the fuck and was still filling my hole with his thick cock. I got Chris’s cock all the way into my mouth so now I was being spit roasted by two hot studs. Dave and Chris started to make out when I realized that they were also sharing some smoke. On one of the hits, Chris pulled his cock out of my mouth and shared the smoke with me, followed by another passionate kiss. Dave pulled out of my ass and lowered my jock to suck my T dick. Even though it doesn’t get too hard, it’s still great to get it sucked. Chris then moved down and knelt before my ass and started rimming my well fucked hole. Now, I was getting sucked and rimmed at the same time, so I just laid back and enjoyed myself for a while. Chris had started to finger my ass, getting 3 fingers in. He was really working around my ass, in and out, and working around the hole. He pulled out and his relubed fingers worked back into my ass. This time, I felt a burn since he deposited a shard in my ass. Getting booty bumped is a favorite of mine but I’d never played like this with Chris. Then, Chris stood up and started teasing my hole with his cock. He has a longer and only slightly thinner cock than Dave. He usually cums pretty fast after getting in my ass so he likes to play around the hole, sticking the head in, then swirling around the outside. He worked around and just inside my hole, spreading lube and precum, then slowly slid all the way in. He got in easily since I was well fucked and relaxed. And spun. Chris had been fucking me for a surprisingly long time. Dave had moved up to feed me his cock which I happily cleaned off and sucked. He moved behind me so that I could also work his balls into my mouth. He likes having his balls sucked and I think the view while I’m doing that is awesome. Eventually, Chris pulled out. He still hadn’t cum, which was kind of odd for him. He helped me out of the sling for a brief rest and some hydration. Dave poured out some sports drink for us all and we sat on the sofa to take a break. I was in the middle and both of them took turns fingering around my hole. We smoked a little more and then I got back in the sling. Dave had lowered the head a little bit. This meant that while he was fucking me again, Chris was able to come around to my head, turn around and feed me his ass. He has a really hot ass. It’s got just the right amount of fur, and he has a hole that reacts to my tongue. I’ve managed to work my tongue really deep into his ass in the past, but this position didn’t allow for deep penetration. One of the other fantastic things about eating Chris’s ass is that he has an amazing natural smell. It’s a little musty and sweet and I love burying my face in his hole, knowing that his smell will stick to my face and beard for a while. My neck started to hurt from the weird position, and I was getting some crazy head rushes too, so Chris moved away and helped to raise my head back to a normal position. Dave decided to pull out and play with my ass again. Once more, I felt the burn of a shard that he deposited in my ass. Chris got back between my legs and started to finger my hole. Dave came up to let me suck his dick, but I needed to take some breaks from his cock since Chris was making my ass feel great. He was working in and out, and spreading his fingers when he was inside me. I was enjoying the sensations and reached down to spread my ass wider for him. I worked my hands over to my hole and was surprised to find that Chris had all his fingers in me and was working my hole with his thumb. We locked eyes and he checked if I was OK with what was going on. I nodded an enthusiastic yes so he kept working his thumb around my hole.
    2 points
  24. The way this was headed, I thought you were going to be telling us a story about a master sex toy thief.
    2 points
  25. I was in the mood to be a slutty pig the other night so I logged on to see what kind of trouble I could get into. I’m a 35 year old guy with a pretty nice body and a bubble ass that I love to get filled up. I started smoking some tina and got horny as fuck. Thought it would be fun to get on ICUII and smoke on cam and jack off. I did that and this dude from Atlanta hits me up and says you should come over. I told him I was in the mood to be blindfolded and whored out as a cumdump and he said “no problem” and tilts the camera up to show me his sling. I threw on a pair of shorts and hopped in the car with my dick out jacking for the whole 15 minute drive. I got there and he lets me in his place and says “do you mind if the webcam is up?” Hell no I don’t mind! I put on a black tank top and a jockstrap and hopped in his sling with my ass pointed towards the camera. Then the dude says “Do you slam?” Oh HELL yeah…this is gonna be a fun time. I told him of COURSE I slam, but he better be prepared to get me loaded up good. He puts the needle in my arm and shoots me up and immediately I get that feeling where for a second I think its gonna be too much. I do the cough thing and then wait a second while I realize its going to be OK. Immediately I start fingering my hole and begging to get filled. My whole field of vision gets blurry as the tina hits me and I realize I am shoving 3 fingers in my hole and incoherently babbling about wanting poz cum and piss running out of my ass. The piss thing turns him on so he shoves his dick in and unloads a big load of poz tina piss in my ass. Then he takes a big black butt plug and shoves it in so all that piss stays in my hole. Keep in mind this is all on camera and by the time he does all this, when he turns around he has like 4 messages from guys who wanna come unload in my piss filled ass. I’m laying there fucking horned as fuck with a buttplug holding a load of poz piss in my ass and he tells me there are guys on the way to come fill me with seed. I ask him if I can be blindfolded so I won’t even see the guys. When I slam, I don’t give a fuck who unloads in my hole…as long as I am getting cum. He puts the blindfold on and tells me there is a big black dude on his way who wants to fuck a piss filled ass. The black dude comes in and sees me blindfolded in the sling and I hear him mumble “hot man. He partied up?” Of course my host guy tells him yes and that seems to turn him on even more. He pulls the buttplug out of my ass and the shoves his raw dick in as fast as possible so as to keep the piss in there. He starts fucking me and I can feel piss running all down my ass and on to the floor. I hear the doorbell ring and it’s a second guy. He comes in and I start sucking him while the black guy Is pounding my hole. Pretty soon the black guy asks me if I want his poz cum. Hell yeah! He shoves it all the way in and unloads. Load #1. The second guy takes his place and only fucks for a minute or two before unloading. Nice. Load #2. They leave and its quiet for a few minutes and all I hear is the guy typing on the computer. Meanwhile my slutty ass is up in the sling, flying fuckin’ high from the slam, and scooping cum out of my hole with my fingers and eating it. I’m moaning about how I want more cum and the guy says “I got 2 more coming for ya”. The two other guys get there almost simultaneously and I don’t know anything about them. Once fucks me for like 10 minutes and blows a load. The next guy felches my hole for a little bit and feeds me some of the cum from my ass and then shoves in and blows his load too. Loads #3 and 4. I have no idea what they looked like. Its been about an hour since the slam and I am tweeking like mad. I keep fingering my hole and licking the bug juice off my fingers all the while turned on even more knowing it is on webcam. I vaguely remember being fucked a 5th and a 6th time and getting those loads but I was so damn high then its all kind of a vague memory. But somewhere in there I got loads #5 and 6. After the 6th guy there’s kind of a lull so I take the blindfold off. I asked him if he had and dildos so I could play with one while he was getting more guys. He pulls out a pretty monster sized one and asked if that would work. FUCK YES. I shove the dildo in and out for a little while on cam and that gets another guy interested. This time I leave the blindfold off and see him when he comes in. Big Latino guy. Kinda chunky but in a muscley sort of way…but with a thick beer can dick. He fucks me for a little while but I think the dildo (and the cum filled ass) is really what turned him on and after a while I feel him start shoving in 3 fingers, then 4…then trying to fist me. One of my biggest turn ons is getting fisted with a hole full of cum and my hole is so loose and sloppy by this point that I open right up for him. FUCK…I am getting fisted with 6 loads of cum in my ass! After he gets my hole opened he pulls his hand out and cum fucking GUSHES out of my ass. The host guy is underneath the sling and licks some of it up as its running out. That’s too much for me and I shoot a huge load into the Latino guy’s mouth. After that the host guy said he had to go so I had to get up and leave. I was there maybe 3 hours and of course now am so horned (even after cumming) that I barely know what to do with myself. I ended up heading to one of the bookstores here and propping my ass up against a gloryhole. I took 5 more loads there (I think…it’s a little vague) for a total of 11 cumloads up my ass in about 6 hours. Of course with the slam I was up awhile longer and did more but that’s a story for another time. This part though, in the sling, slammed up, getting fisted with an ass full of poz cum on webcam, was definitely the hottest part. REPLIES That was a hot story. The first time my ex-bf and I partied he slammed me because I had never done it before. He then did it himself and we had a wild weekend. He wound up pissing in my hole twice and shot about 15 loads in my ass the whole weekend. It's like his cock was meant for my hole it felt so fucking good. It was a great experience getting slammed. I really want to try a bootybump while taking a load of piss and cum. I hope to find some party guys out here in Phoenix. My bf was the one who got the stuff for us. I miss my girl Tina. I love to slam. The first time a poz guy I know did the first slam. Then he fucked me, his buddy fucked me then they got two black guys around and I got their loads too. After I left there I spent 12 hours at the porn stores taking many more loads Chasrebel hot stories! i slamm when i can, but need the help of others to do it. it is such a rush, and i love it when a point is mixed for me - not knowing how strong it is until it's too late. my slamm'n buddy and i got together for my first group session about a year ago. i told him in past party sessions about my ultimate fantasy, which was to take an unknown amount in a point. and as the rush flows over me, and i cough, falling back as all the perverted things i've wanted to do but always to worried to actually do. then, out of now where, several guys enter the room talking about all the piggy things they're going to use me for, and then start to tear off any clothes i still have on. by this time i'm flying high, too high to think about anything but cock and cum, and all the ways i want to be used! This group all take turns, and my buddy the host, farms my hole out to anyone and everyone who can get there. all the while i'm taking tweeked up piss and poz cum with a big grin and a desire for more! my buddy made it happen once. but its hard to replicate that scenario again. although anyone out there is welcome to try. hit me up at @yahoo.com if interested in more. i live in denver, colorado. PS, would love to trade vids or pics of party play!!! Inserted from <http://bugshare.net/cgi-bin/discus/board-auth.cgi?lm=1270621052&file=/2063/417101.html>
    2 points
  26. Halloween Evening. In a few days, our boy Kenta will go to a party, as demons stalk the earth. Will one find Kenta? Or is he safe? I've tried to finish this story and stay within the rules for the site. (It's RawTop's site, and I respect his rules) It's probably not going to happen. The last few chapters will probably show up in an issue of my 'zine. DM me an e-mail if you want copies.
    2 points
  27. It never surprises me how many are so drawn to S.atan and want to be pozzed in Satanic worship 🔥😈
    2 points
  28. Indeed. There is literally zero cause-and-effect between getting one disease under control and the rise and spread of another, UNLESS there is some specific interaction between, say, the pathogens that control each. Getting HIV under control is not going to cause a new virus or bacterium to suddenly explode and become epidemic.
    2 points
  29. Happy Halloween guys! 😜😈👅🍆💦🎃
    2 points
  30. Get as many cocks and loads inside you as possible. Be adventurous, experience new things, don't be afraid. if you don't, when you get a lot older you'll regret it.
    2 points
  31. mike johnson will cut your balls off and send you to a concentration camp barefucker. did you fall asleep in history class when they taught about fascism? you are gay and not even a christian. what part of white , christian extremism do you not understand?
    2 points
  32. Bear in mind that there are possible health consequences to inserting an object completely into the rectum, not least of which is possibly being unable to remove it without medical assistance. As for disposing of things like wrappers (!) and tissues into a hole, that's just insane. Fantasize all you want about it, but the rectum isn't a trash bin.
    2 points
  33. The problem Mr. Johnson is ignoring is, there's plenty of other moral teachings in that particular tome. For example, how about "Judge not, that ye be not Judged"? Where in the above referenced collection of ancient beliefs does any text refer to forcing one's personal religious beliefs upon an entire society? Where does that authority come from? Don't bother looking for it - it isn't there. Where in "New" addition did the One they presume to follow say "go ahead - force your beliefs, however perverted - on your fellow countrymen? Mr. Johnson, and his intellectual peers, don't give one rats ass about that collection of ancient sayings/beliefs. I think if someone snuck into their outhouses and swapped out the Sears Catalogue for a Bible, they wouldn't notice for weeks. Mr. Johnson apparently abhors non-straight (as an arrow) folks. The obvious answer to his abhorrence would be "so don't have sex with other men, and keep your long pointy nose out of other peoples business". How did we get to this place? How did an apparently substantial segment of the population come to believe that they get to force their own personal beliefs upon millions of other citizens that may not share their myopic arrogance? If you don't like the issue of women's rights regarding care of their own bodies, then don't exercise those legal rights as they pertain to others, and keep your long, pointy nose out of other people's pants. Imagine if these people actually ran the country for an appreciable amount of time: They could set the US back by centuries of political progress towards equal rights for all. If anyone hasn't registered yet, for all of our sakes, DO IT. Vote these people out a year from now. Agitate. Question. Get involved. If not you, then who? Do what you can to send these folks back to their hate-filled miseries - whether they live in mansions or dirt-floored trailers.
    2 points
  34. Chapter 3 – Things really get going In Chapters 1 and 2, I told the story of my birthday party, put together by my buddy, Dave. We were at his house, smoked up and fucking when our friend, Chris, showed up. Sucking, rimming and fucking ensued. A guy named Jake, who I had never met, came in while we were playing and joined the party. He bred my ass and had just pulled out after fisting me. I was so horned up that I put three fingers from each of my hands into my ass and opened it wide. Chris liked seeing me do that and would finger the raw insides of my ass when I had it opened. At one point, I held my hole open for him and he stuck his cock inside me. That excited him even more and he wanted to fist me. So, he lubed up, sat on the stool between my legs with the dildo in him, and shoved his fist in. With all the earlier work, he was able to slide it right in. He was amazed at how soft and pliable it was inside. He fisted me for a while, trying out some different moves with his hands and fingers. He stood up and started rubbing his cock around my hole. Soon, he was trying to get his cock in next to his hand. As he tried to fuck me, the dildo slid out of his ass, but he kept working at getting his cock in my ass. I took a hit of poppers and told him to shove his dick in me. He got it in and started to move it back and forth a little bit. I could feel his fingers touching his cock inside me. Chris ended up jacking off inside my ass, giving me my second load of the night. He pulled out, both cock and fist, leaving my hole gaping. Another break, another rehydration. Dave and Jake took the plugs out of their asses, and we all sat around talking for a while. I was playing with my ass and occasionally stroking my tiny T dick. Dave decided he wanted to fuck me some more, so it was back in the sling, legs spread, waiting for cock. He worked his semi hard cock into my ass and was able to do some fucking. He stopped with it in as deep as it could go and said he needed to take a piss. I told him to load me up with his chempiss. It took a while for him to get started, but he flooded my hole with his loaded piss. When he pulled out, Jake handed him a lubed butt plug that he shoved in me to keep the piss inside. They all just watched the chempiss take hold of me, twisting the plug to keep me ass focused. I sucked on Chris for a little bit, tasting lube, my ass and his cum on his dick. Once the chempiss had taken hold of my brain, Dave took out the plug and shoved a new dildo up my ass, working it all the way out before shoving it back in. This one was long, and each new thrust was getting it in a bit deeper. Dave asked if he could fist me again and I said fuck, yeah. He lubed up his hand and forearm and worked his fist into me. I was so spun that all I could focus on was my ass and his hand. There was no bandwidth to suck or rim any of the other guys. I did see them smoking and shotgunning over on the couch. But Dave’s fist was my focus and depth was his goal. He was a few inches from his elbow, slowly moving in and out, going deeper each time. He told me to hit the poppers. After I did that, he pulled back to the point where he was barely inside my ass. Then he drove it back in, all the way to near his elbow. At this point, Chris and Jake were watching us, both stroking their cocks and fingering their holes. Dave kept at it, pulling back and then working his hand deeper into my guts. He’d add lube when needed but kept his hand in my ass the whole time. Eventually, he shoved his arm in, paused and smiled at me. He told me that he was in up to his elbow. That was the deepest anyone had ever gotten in me. Of course, none of these guys even knew that I had been fisted before, so this all came as a big surprise. Dave slowly worked his arm all the way out of my ass, leaving my hole gaping and dripping lube, and probably some piss and cum too. Chris needed to head out, so he got cleaned up and dressed and left. Jake asked if it was OK to stay and play a little longer. It was all good with me and Dave agreed to it as well. I’d gotten out of the sling and was hanging out on the couch, kind of laying across Jake’s legs. He would occasionally finger my ass, but we took a break, drank some more sports drink and talked for a bit. Jake and Dave had played a few times in the past, but not to this level. They had never partied together but knew that there would be some T use tonight. Jake said how surprised he was to walk in on such a hot scene and Dave told him that it surpassed his expectations too. It sure as hell went beyond what I thought was going to happen! Dave wanted to know if I wanted to keep going and I told him that I absolutely wanted more. He surprised me when he said that he’d try to get another guy or 2 over. He got on the apps and started looking. I asked Jake if he liked having his ass eaten and he told me that he did. So, I suggested he get in the sling and let me rim his hole. He agreed but told me that I needed to have something in my ass too, just like I had made him put in a plug. I found one of Dave’s dildos that has a suction cup and stuck that to the stool, lubed it up and sat on it. Then Jake said that I should get another bump before this, so I got off the dildo and got a shard for Jake to put inside me. I also put one in his ass. I sat back down on the dildo and started licking around Jake’s hairy hole. He had a really hairy ass, which is a huge turn-on for me. I love seeing the hair get all matted down as I worked my tongue and mouth over his ass and hole. He was moaning his approval. Then I started making out with his hole, sucking on it and shoving my tongue inside. Getting in a guy’s ass like this excites me and makes me an enthusiastic rimmer. Jake really enjoyed it and reached back to spread his ass for better access. I could taste the bitterness as the shard dissolved in his ass. Dave came back while I was eating Jake’s ass and was feeding Jake his cock. I paused for a breather and Dave told me that he had someone lined up to come over. Jake got out of the sling and we took another well-deserved break.
    2 points
  35. At dinner i told him what happened at the clinic. He said he was proud on me holding off from letting another man fuck me. He said he knows how wet and horny i get and am such an easy fuck. I told him it was difficult but that i wanted to please him my Daddy and i wanted to have his and only his baby. He smiled and leaned over and kissed me softly. I opened my mouth and sucked in his tongue and grabbed his hard cock. Me reciting the story must have made him horny. I pushed his seat back and turned my back to him while holding on to his mammoth meat and sat on his cock and rode him. His cock felt so good in me. It was just the pleasure of feeling him so deep in me or the way he stretched my pussy but it made me emotionally feel complete of being filled by him and his seed. I kept riding him. He could tell my legs were getting tired so he picked me up and put me on the couch while still keeping him in me and then started to pound my ass. "Feels good doesn't it. I bet you were so wet at the clinic and horny. You needed Daddy's cock in you didn't you my little whore", he said "Ohhhh yes, my pussy was so wet i wanted to get fucked so bad. I am such a slut now. Its hard for me to refuse getting fucked. You've turned me into a total whore Daddy, I hope i am making you happy.", i moaned back "Yes you are. This is only the beginning. I am going to make you into a total slut and whore.", he said pounding me After a 10 minute solid pounding he finally nutted another load into me. He pulled out and i cleaned him up. I went into the bedroom to get my plug to keep his baby juice in me. We finished dinner and then watched some TV and talked. I told him i was excited to start school next week and that the college would help me find a job. He told me that would be good and healthcare is a good field to be in. We went to bed as we were both tired from a long day. Daddy had errands to run before work so he left the house early. When i woke up i went online to check my test results and in came back inconclusive. I texted Daddy and he said not to worry it would happen. I went out and did some shopping for supplies for school and some groceries. I also stopped by an adult gay store to pick up some outfits. I was feeling a little sad about the results and needed to feel sexy. I got home put the stuff away and got dressed up. I put on some male black sheer stockings, a light blue satin thong and a tan tight camisole that showed my hard nipples. I also put on light eye shade and a bit of mascara. When Daddy got home i was at the door on my knees. I pulled down his zipper and started sucking his huge cock. "Ohhh my boy is all horny for Daddy's cock huh. Good boy", he said I sucked on his huge meat and sucking on his huge balls too. He got out of his pants and pulled me up lifted me and kissed me deep, our tongues entwined in each others. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to our bed. He threw me down on the edge of the bed, pulled out the butt plug and while standing at the bottom of the bed he put my legs on his shoulders and rammed into me. I yelped as his cock is still huge but once deep in me i started moaning like a total slut begging him to pound the shit out of me and mark me with his seed. He was ramming me hard and fast. It hurt as was fucking me really hard but i didnt care cause it also felt so good to be filled by his manhood. He ripped my stocking off and starting sucking my feet and toes which drove signals up my spine. He fucked me like that for a while then threw me higher up on the bed flipped me over and sat on my ass and stuck his meat in me. I spread my legs to make it easier for him to get it all in me and he rode me like a bitch in heat pounding my ass. I tried to lift up to meet his thrust but him sitting on me kept me down. I swear i felt his cock in my stomach at this angle and it felt so good. He fucked me on the bed for the next half an hour taking me in many positions. My favorite was missionary with my legs wrapped around his waist trying to pull all of him in me. Our tongues dancing and we kiss and feeling not just his huge cock in me but his body on me felt so incredible and so right. He kept in me stroking my prostate and my 2nd ring i was in bliss and couldn't hold out and i screamed i was cumming and squeezed his cock with my pussy muscles which send him into a frenzy shooting jobs of hot poz cum into my pussy. We stayed like that for another 30 minutes just making out and him grinding his seed in me. When he finally pulled out he removed my cock cage and plug and cum drooled out of my hole. He went down and suck me good suddenly fingering me with first 1 then 2 and finally his whole fist in me. My head fell back my back arched and i tried to push and offer myself to him and get more of his hand in me. He fisted me, scraping my inside, wrecking my prostate and pushing his seed deep in me. He was trying to massage all his cum into the liking of my wrecked cunt. I was in heaven. He kept pushing more of his arm in me and i kept pushing back on him to take more. "Your cunt is so hungry isn't it my whore", he said It was so true, i was driven my the desire of my cunt to be filled and take anything i can get in me. It was both a mental and physical high to be filled. After a while of being fisted i finally came again into his mouth but shooting 6-7 spurts into his mouth. It felt soo good as i haven't shot that much cum in a long while. After a while of just massaging my hole he finally pulled out fist and gave it to me to clean up with my mouth. I also went down on him and cleaned his semi hard cock that still had cum leaking out of it. It was 7p and it was too late for me to finish dinner so we grabbed some burger at the local joint via the drive thru. I went into the car dressed as it. Daddy told me no use dressing up as we would be staying in the car. I looked in the car mirror and my eye shadow smeared a bit and my mascara had run. I wiped up some cum off my cheek. My top was partially ripped, socking ripped but still on my thighs and my panties were also tattered. We go to the drive thru and ordered. When we got to the window Daddy paid. As we were waiting for our food he told me to pull down my panties to the mid thigh and lift my ass of the seat. I did and he suck his finger into my hole and he pulled me down with his finger. "Ride my finger with your wet pussy", he said I slowly gyrated my hips riding his finger. "Hi sir sorry for the wait......ohhh", the drive thru person said He could see my panties, pink cock cage and my gyrating on Daddy's finger. My seat was slightly reclined so i could see his face. He was a cute 19 or 20 year old. "Your food isn't ready yet. Park in stall #1 and I will bring it out when its ready", he said We drove and parked. Daddy reached over and started to play with my nipples and added another finger in my wet cunt. I hungrily sucked up his second finger. Daddy pulled out his cock and i went over and went down on him taking his huge meat in my throat. Five minutes later we heard a knock on the window. "Sorry to interrupt sir. Here is your food.", the clerk said staring at me and Daddys huge cock as i pulled off him. I smiled back at him and started stroking and licking the head of Daddy's cock. "Thank you for bringing our food out. Do you see anything you like", Daddy said to the clerk The clerk shifted what looked like a hard cock. Daddy pulled his fingers out of my ass and presented it me to lick. The clerk just stared as i licked them slowly and teasing. "Get in the back slut", Daddy said I climbed in the back seat and got in the footwell on my knees. "Why don't you get in the back for a quicky. Cmon i can see you are interested.", Daddy said to the clerk He paused them jumped in the back seat. The parking stall was off to the side and in a dark area of the parking lot. When the clerk got in i pulled down his pants and took his good sized cock in my mouth. He smelled of sweat and sucked him all the way into my throat. "Ohhh that feels soo good. I thought you were a woman at first with your outfit but ohhhh yeah", he leaned his head back and moaned "He sucks cock better than a woman doesnt he", Daddy said "Ohhhh yea. His pussy good?", the clerk moaned "Not tonight but maybe another night", Daddy said. I was really good and in another minute he shot 6 huge spurts of cum in my mouth. I swirled it around his cock and swallowed. After he calmed down he pulled up his pants and stared at me. "You are so sexy and beautiful", he said "Thank you", i responded and leaned into kiss him. He kissed me back and then opened the door quickly and said he had to get back to the store. I got back in the front seat and Daddy kissed me. "Good boy" We drove back home and ate our dinner.
    2 points
  36. I ran some errands and then went home, changed clothes and began cooking dinner. When Daddy got home he came into the kitchen and we kissed. I turned back to the sink to continue prepping dinner and he came back and nuzzle behind me with his bare cock now at my panties and his hands roaming my nipples, my balls while his lips lay wreck to my neck. "How could i resist you dressed like such a whore for your Daddy", he said in my ear I leaned back into him and push my ass grinding on his cock. Yes i was dressed like a whore. I often try and dress sexy for my Daddy at the end of the day. I want to look good for him. When i came home i changed into light lace pink gstring panties. And when I came home i also put on the nipple suction cups to expand my nipples and right before Daddy got home i put on nipple clamps with weights. He when down ripped off my panties and then started eating my hole. "Ohhhhh Daddy", i moaned He ate me so good and massaged my balls then grabbed the two nipple clamps and pulled on them hard. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", i moaned and yelled With that he let go stood up, grabbed the clamps again and stuck his cock at the entrance of my hole. I needed it being teased all day and pushed back on him and took him in me. "My whore is so horny. You want Daddy's cock dont you", he said "No.....I need it. I need you and your seed in me. Please fuck me and mark me with your charged seed. Please Daddy I want to have your baby", i moaned and begged He pushed me over the sink and started to fuck me with a steady pace. "Ohhh yeah bitch. I am going to make you pregnant, my seed is hot", he said I just bent over the sink and let him take me, my pussy, my body and held on for the ride. Usually at the end of the day Daddy has frustrations and normally i help relieve them with a slow bj or a hard fucking. Today is a hard fucking. No love making he is just mounting me as a piece of meat to inseminate and i sooooo love it. It feels soo good when he takes me without passion and just wants to seed me. As he is pounding me he still is pulling on my nipples and hard. "Ohhh Daddy my nipples.....it hurts", i moan He pulls even harder and then grabs the clips and twists them. "OHHHH Goddd.....Daddyyyyyyyy", i yell and my ass muscles clamp on his meat "OHHHH yeah bitch massage my cock you whore", he yellls while he pounds me even harder He then takes off the clips while not missing a stroke grabs my nipples and starts to massage them all sticky as they have some blood from the clamps. At this point it feels so good. He is massaging them and manipulating them that i just start to moan really loud. "OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", i moan loudly and push back on his cock and slump my head into the sink "My little whore all hot and wet. You are such a weak slut. Look at your body totally needing to be fucked and treated like a whore. I just massage your nipples and you moan in heat like a bitch", he said in my ear He was right. Daddy knew i was just a whore piece of meat and that needed to be used and was horny all the time. He finally let go of my nipples grabbed my shoulders and started to pound even harder into me until 5 minutes later i felt his cock expand and shoot load after load into me. He finally collapsed a bit on my back and just leaned into me and grinded into my hole. When he was done he pulled out. The whore i am turned around dropped to my knees to clean him off, my pussy juice his cum and a little blood. After he pulled up his pants and went to the couch to watch tv while i finished dinner. We are such a happy couple.
    2 points
  37. My cock was hard and it hurt in the chastity cage and my nips were getting bigger in the suction cups. Daddy came back to me and put a think leather strap around my neck. "This is your first collar. It's not a full one which would have a ring but you don't deserve that yet. I need to make sure you are worth of being my boy", he said "Yes Daddy", i quickly stated He then reattached the pump to my nipple cups and sucked on them more. It hurt but also felt soo good. "I see your clit is all hard. Good", he said He then pulled out these things which looked liked leather cuff with two fasteners. "Bend over", he commanded. He grabbed my balls and pulled them down. It hurt as he didnt do it very gently then put on as a strap. He slapped my ass when he was done. He threw my what looked like long socks and boots and told me to put them on. The socks where a little sheer but not as sheer as stockings. I put them on and pulled them up to the top of my calf just short of my knees. On the back in red was printed "Raw Pig" on one sock and "Whore" on the other leg. I then slipped into black leather boots. They were beautiful black leather dress boots. They had a square point at the bottom and went up to half way up my calf. They also had a 3 inch fat heel. When I stood up in them it pushed my ass out. "Good. You look like a good whore. Take a look at yourself", he said I walked to the full mirror in the bedroom. OMG i did look like a whore. I looked cheap and sexy and it got my even hornier. Daddy walked up behind me nuzzled my neck and pulled off the nipple cups. I gasped then he took my nipples in his fingers and gently manipulated them. I almost came they were so sensitive. "Ughhhhhhh Daddy", i moaned and leaned back into him feeling his hard cock at my ass. "Yeah you look so sexy Daddy needs to take you. I like how the boots show your tight ass", he said in my ear. He bent me over and pushed into me. I let out a scream as his girth is still hard to take. He worked his huge cock in me and when he was finally all the way in he started to ram me hard. I leaned on the mirror to balance myself. He pounded me hard and held my waist tight. I could hear the slapping of his balls on my ass and my balls slapping against his balls as they swayed up. It was incredibly pleasuring feeling my balls being stretched like this. My cock was rock hard and straining in my cage. He pounded me like this for 10 minutes straight. I thought he was in my stomach by now he was fucking me so hard. Then he picked me up and threw my at the bottom of the bed with my legs on his shoulders and rammed into me again. He was fucking me on a mission. "OHHHHH Daddy yes please fuck me, make me your please", i cried "You want Daddy's dick huh", he said "No Daddy....", i moaned "What?", he said and slowed down "No Daddy, i don't want it...i need it. I need your dick in me to feel complete. I need your seed. Please fuck me like your whore, please!", i begged and grabbed his hips to pull him back in me. With that he knew he owned me, my mind, body and soul and started to ram me with full force. I started to moan uncontrollably. After fucking me hard for another 5 minutes I felt him expand in me and shoot his load. That made me orgasm and cum. "Ahhhhhh", he moaned as my ass muscles gripped his huge cock. I felt my cum shoot but felt it go back in me. I orgasmed even stronger and squeezed his cock more with my pussy. He grinded in me for the next few minutes and then collapsed on me. I wrapped my boots around his waist and my arms around his neck. "Ohhh Daddy thank you for making me yours", i said crying a little "Why are you crying", he asked "Cause it feels so good to be with you and be your property. I want offer all of myself to you and give you my everything", i said "I know and you will. You will have more pleasure and some pain then you ever have experienced", he said I couldn't wait for what was next.
    2 points
  38. We woke up and took a shower and went out to a restaurant to eat a late lunch and talked about my future. "What's it like being POZ", i asked "It's liberating. I have no inhibitions and i feel empowered to give the others, like you", he said looking at me directly with his strong stare. I melted, my heart jumped and my cock got hard. I leaned over and offered my lips to him and he accepted, putting his hand on my cock squeezing it and violating my mouth with his tongue. I opened my mouth and let him. Even kissing him i let him do as he wants. As we stopped kissing, "I am a little scared but i trust in you", i said. "Don't worry I will take care of you. You will enjoy it. You will be free to take my load and loads from anyone else. Most important my DNA will change you and mark you.", he said "I want to have your baby. Make me pregnant please.", i yearned "Oh don't worry you already pregnant but i will make sure of it. You will have my baby", he smiled "Are we a couple?" , i asked softly He laughed and then smiled, "Is that what you want? But even if we are i am not monogamous", he said "Yes that is what i want. I want to be yours, I want to give myself to you completely and I understand that we will not be monogamous", i said "Well correction, I am not monogamous but you should be unless i say so. You are not to get fucked by anyone else unless i say to, okay?", he said sternly "Yes Daddy", i said quickly The waiter stopped by and asked if we wanted any dessert. He was cute and young maybe 21 at most, 5'7" medium build and he was flirting with my Daddy with his "fuck me" eyes and was wearing tight black pants and a restaurant polo. His pants were so tight you could see his bulge and that he was wearing a thong. "Any off the menu specials", Daddy said smiling and obviously scoping out his body The waiter blushed, "We do have a cream horn in the back that i can try and give to you. Its a horn with a hole that is filled with cream", he said I was getting a little jealous and Daddy could tell. "I go in the back now", the waiter said walking back to the bathroom. Before going he looked back at Daddy and smiled. "Let's go boy", he commanded We entered the bathroom and there were 4 stalls and a urinal. The first three stalls had "out of order" signs on them so the fourth stall was kind of private and it was the handicap one. When Daddy opened up the stall the waiter was on his knees with his pants around his ankles. Without saying anything he crawled to Daddy and unzipped his pants and took out his cock. "Oh my God. This thing is huge", he gasped Daddy grabbed his head and shoved his semi hard cock in his mouth. The waiter tried to suck Daddy's cock best he could. I know how difficult it can be but he was doing ok. Now Daddy was rock hard and he motioned the waiter to stand up and spit on his cock. "Lube him up with your mouth", he told me. "Yes Daddy", i said disappointingly as he was going to fuck another guy in front of me I got on my knees and leaned and ate the waiters hole making it wet and putting spit in his ass. Daddy motioned me away and Daddy pushed into the waiter's hole. He grunted, "Awwww. You are splitting me into two". "You want me to pull out?", Daddy asked "No please don't. ", the waiter begged "Okay then shut up and take it and thank me", he said "Yes please fuck me, I need it", he cried as Daddy pushed further in me. Daddy was forcing himself into this waiter. You could tell he was in pain. The look on his face was priceless. That look of OMG this is ripping me but please don't stop, i can take it all. Finally Daddy was all the way in him and started to fuck him in a good pace. The waiter's head had sweat all over in the effort to take that huge cock and his grunts started to turn to moans. "Yeah you want it don't you", Daddy said "Oh yes please fuck me. Breed me", he begged "You want my poz load", Daddy said "Oh your poz..uggh", the waiter was stammered but just close his eyes and enjoyed the ride pushing back on the huge cock "Yeah....tell me you don't want it and I will pull out", Daddy said "No please don't pull out. Please fuck me and breed me", he moaned. I moved in and took the waiter's cock in my mouth. He gasped. Daddy's hand went under his shirt and tweaked his nipples. This bitch was in heat and moaning like a total whore. Daddy went into full drive while the waiters eyes rolled back in his head and he started to make a panting bitch in heat noise that matched Daddy's thrusts. Daddy fucked his ass hard and after a couple of minute he came in the waiter. As he came the waiter came in my mouth. He shot 7-8 huge spurts. It was salty creamy just like he said. When Daddy was thru unloading in him he pulled out his cock and presented it to me. I licked him clean and sucked on him as if i hadn't eaten all day. "Hmmm someone is hungry for cock", he said I just moaned and kept sucking. The waiter finally recovered . He had cum mixed with some blood leaking from his ass. I leaned in and licked it all up and eat his ass. He leaned back and moaned. After i got all the cum i thought i could get out of his ass, i stood up and Daddy took me in his arms and gave me a deep kiss. "You did good today. I know you were jealous that i was fucking another guy but that is the way it will be. That is your place", he said "Yes Daddy. I wouldn't have it any other way", i said We exchanged numbers with the waiter. He also told us lunch was on him. Nothing is free in life. After lunch Daddy took me to his workplace. It was near closing time. The cute staffer, Cory was working. "Hi boss. Brining back the customer for more?" he laughed Brian just smiled and got a basket. He told me to just wait for him and hand out with Cory. He was going to get things he wanted to use on me as part of my training "So you two a thing?", Cory asked "Yeah", i said smiling "You are one lucky guy. I cant tell you how many guys have tried to tag him. Even me" Cory said and winked "You've been with him your boss", i asked "Yes. He wasnt always my boss", he said. He told me they met at a club in the darkroom and Cory got fucked by him. Cory had a twinkle in his eye when he talked about Brian "I still get it once in a while", Cory said smiling Brian finished shopping, paid and we left to go home. I couldn't wait to get home. When we got home we went into the bedroom and Daddy told me to strip and dumped the bag onto the bed. "I am not only going to transform you from the inside by changing your DNA and marking you with my seed but also on the outside. You are going to be a whore that men will desire", he said in a commanding way. At this point i was rock hard. First he took out some look like small cups the size of a thimble. He approached me and took my nips and twisted them. I tried to lift on my toes to relieve the pain but he told me to stop it. It hurt so bad but my cock was rock hard. He then placed the cups on my nipples and they started to suck my nipples. "I want your nipples big so i can pull on them. Whores have really big nipples.", he said "Yes Daddy", i said He then pulled out what looked like a small cage. He then grabbed my balls and twisted them. I dropped to my knees in hard pain. "OWWWWW Daddy", i screamed "Good boy", he said Due to the pain my cock shriveled. He then took my cock and put it in a cage. It was pink and my cock barely fit. "You will not get pleasure from your cock anymore. Only giving up your pussy, mouth and body will bring you pleasure", he said He then pulled out what looked like jewelry. He lubed it and then grabbed my cock and thru the opening shoved it in my cock. "AWWWWWWWW", i cried "This is a plug so you don't get to cum. You can only piss. Understand?", he instructed "Yes Daddy", i said He went back and opened up the other bag of stuff and opened it up on the bed. My cock is hard and I cant wait for what is next.
    2 points
  39. Having worked tangentially with the medical profession, I can speak to how dangerous it is to fully swallow anything up your ass. Of course, that’s not to say I haven’t done it myself!
    1 point
  40. And for what it's worth: I'm all for trying to find common ground with the opposition, sometimes. SOMEtimes. The Mike Johnsons of the world put on a facade of kindness and gentleness and pretend to love all people, even as they're willing to completely fuck you over. Johnson has specifically called for overturning Lawrence v. Texas (a position shared by Clarence Thomas AND Samuel Alito), which would have the effect of immediately criminalizing gay sex in a number of states that have specifically refused to repeal their unconstitutional sodomy laws. Just as the overturning of Roe v. Wade immediately reinstated a bunch of state abortion bans that had been on the books since the 1970's, overturning Lawrence would prompt a sea change in how gays and lesbians are treated under the law. It's true that just a few years ago, a majority of the Court found that "discrimination on the basis of sex" included anti-gay discrimination, at least in terms of employment. But Justice Ginsburg was in that majority, and she's been replaced by Amy Coney Barrett. That means there's possibly four votes already (Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett) to overturn what gay rights ARE recognized. And while Roberts has gone both ways on some of our cases, there's no doubt he would, if presented with a "fresh" question (as opposed to one where there's precedent to consider), strike down any protection we claimed. More importantly, this crowd is getting good at eating away at the edges of decisions until the original is so full of holes it's meaningless. They've already basically given anyone who claims a religious belief against gays (or premarital sex, or birth control, or whatever) a free pass to do what they please regardless of what state law might require. And they've extended that to "closely held corporations" as though a legally fictitious person (which is what a corporation is) somehow has religious rights. Thus far, for instance, public officials have been excused from accommodating same-sex marriages (whether in issuing licenses or performing ceremonies) because there's always been someone else in the office who could issue the license or perform the ceremony. What happens when some county clerk in Bumfuck, Alabama replaces all the staff with bible-thumping mouth-breathers, all of whom insist it's a violation of their religious freedom to be forced to sign off on a same-sex marriage license? The precedent is already set that individuals can't be forced to comply; what happens when there's no one else who WILL comply?
    1 point
  41. No. But your previous comments to the above would also carry currency with the craven money-hunt by the speakers. I remember one (my grandmother used to watch these extravaganzas on tv) where the preacher would manage to bring up how much Gawd needed their dough over and over again. I've only seen it on tv. Fortunately when Billy Graham had an event in Chicago, and my mom and dad went, I was old enough to make other arrangements. The only thing I would have enjoyed is Ethyl Waters wobbling out His Eye is On the Sparrow. By then, her vibrato had devolved into a 10-foot wide tremolo, enough to drive a car through. I think I've always been suspicious of others imparting their religiosity, assuming I'd simply accept it. But, I don't, and never have. After getting a beating from laughing out loud (at the most inopportune time - when the congregation was in process of sitting down again after the recitation) at one of the creeds we had to recite in our Lutheran church service, I learned the hard way to evaluate when and where to voice dissent. As I see it, blaming some Entity of Antiquity for the exercise of individual intellectual probing, is the very definition of dullness. We're able to think on our own, which responsibility so many of these culturally-inspired bullshit, pseudo-clerics abhor, is nothing less than anti-human.
    1 point
  42. I have. The very first time I met my meth daddy, he gave me both a slam and then G. The G didn't overcome the tina-dick, but fuck I was hornier than I had ever been. It was amazing! g
    1 point
  43. I picked up the phone that startled me out of my sleep. Still groggy and only half aware I grunted a hello. "Dad?" The voice on the other end questioned. Took me a minute but I realized it was my younger son Jason on the phone. I was more than surprised since we hadn't spoken in a couple of months. He was still living in England and going to school there. He had turned 18 and with the money he had inherited had bought himself a house in a small village near the lake District in england. "Jason, I just woke up from a nap. It's good to hear from you. What's going on?" I said. We started chatting like we always do just mundane stuff. Weather, what we're doing with our days, his life in England, and that sort of stuff. But as we talked I zoned out a little bit and started fondling my cock. I went back to my thoughts of him watching Kyle and I fuck. Thoughts of Jason wanting his dad to fuck him and breed him and bring him into the poz brotherhood. My cock quickly filled to full mast and precum started dripping from the head. I smeared the pre-cum around the head of my cock and started stroking while listening to my son talking about some kind of school event or problem or something. All I could think of while he was talking was how good my cock felt with my hands sliding up and down the thick veiny shaft and rolling around the tip of my cock. Visualized Jason's furry ass. He always had such a sweet bubble butt covered with fur. While he was talking I had this image in my head of him on his stomach and me between his legs. Me leaning down to that sweet ass pulling those buns apart, bringing my mouth to his hole, licking sucking his ass as he begs for my cock in his ass. I am close to shooting another load when I hear Jason saying my name over and over again. "Oh yeah, sorry son, I think I nodded off again. It's been a hectic couple of days." I said to him as I continued stroking my cock keeping that fantasy of eating his ass warm "So, dad, there's something I need to talk to you about." Jason sounded really serious and vulnerable. "I'm actually in the States right now and I want to come by and stay with you for a while." "Of course, Jason," I said." When will you be here? There's a whole suite for you in the new house. You can come anytime. And stay as long as you want. I would love to have you around for a while." Jason said he would be here in a couple of days. And we said our perfunctory goodbyes. I dropped back on my pillow my hard cock still in my hand, that image of Jason's sweet furry ass still open to my tongue and fingers. I gave myself over to the fantasy and in it I worked his hole with my fingers until I had four fingers pumping in and out of his ass. Then I nailed him and started pounding his body. Shoving my cock deep deep into his hole. Passed his second sphincter. Deep as I could get it into his body. In my fantasy I was HIV positive and toxic. I kept telling him Daddy's going to give him his gift. Daddy wants him to be a part of the family. And as I shot my load deep into Jason's furry body i heard him crying out for my toxic seed. My cock exploded and I shot rope after rope of cum up over my chest and into my mouth. In my fantasy those ropes of toxic, spewing up inside my boy's body. Filling him with virus. Virus that already was penetrating his body , working its way into his bloodstream, making him toxic like his dad. I shuddered and squeezed my cock hard."Fuck," I moaned, "Oh my sweet son, I want to give you what you want. I want to make you poz. I want to give you a strain you can carry back with you wherever you go and spread our family everywhere." As soon as I came down off that high, I knew one thing. I had to go get myself knocked Up so that when Jason stayed with me I would at least have a chance of giving him some charged up family seed I wanted nothing more than to get knocked up and then fuck both of my sons until they come up positive. Together we would manage the family strain, stay healthy, open our toxic kinship to others who want to join in.
    1 point
  44. The downvote was likely because you were not fully informed prior to the scene taking place. As I read your initial post, there was no negotiation about limits, the hood, what they wanted, what you'd allow, etc. Your were fortunate, in that no serious harm came of the encounter. When any kind of restraints are involved, that needs to be fully negotiated prior to the scene, as well as what will take place, what won't, and agreed upon up front. Back in Chicago, there would be 2 or 3 murders a year because of either none-negotiated scenes, or outright deception from the Dom. I've written prior about what to do regarding a D/s - B/d scene that includes strangers using restrictive gear, if you're interested. I'm glad it turned out to be exciting for you, but - care should always be taken to negotiate prior to the scene taking place. One point: if the other guy(s) hesitate to do a negotiation, take that as the reddest of flags and move on.
    1 point
  45. I started raw. My first time fucking a guy was when I was 16 with a high-school buddy. He became my cumdump. I would usually breed him 3-4 times a week until I left for college. When I started hooking up with strangers I tried to use condoms, but it was a real struggle. I couldn't keep my erection. After reading about the low risk for getting HIV for a total top, I became a "selective bare fucker". I had some regulars with whom I would fuck bare. I got on PrEp in 2018, and I haven't used a condom ever since. Getting on PrEp was a liberating experience. I finally could spread my seed as always wanted. I estimate I must have impregnated over a thousand guys with my DNA since 2018. I feel so proud of it. I feel like my sex life goal is to use other men for my pleasure and impregnate them with my DNA.
    1 point
  46. fter dinner we watched tv on the couch. I was still dressed in my sleazy outfit and Daddy was only in his underwear. Daddy was laying on the couch length wise, i also laying similar with my head near his lap. I had my hand on his cock feeling and holding it. After watching tv for a bit it started getting hard. I couldn't resist and pulled down his underwear and took him in his mouth. Slowly sucking his thick meat and licking his head. After a while he was rock hard. I climbed on him reverse style and slowly sank on his obelisk of meat. Not matter how many times i have been fucked by him it always feels so amazing and like its the first time. His cock is so thick it stretches me like i am a virgin each time. I hear his start to breath hard and i use my ass muscles to massage his cock. "Milk my with your cunt bitch", he moaned I did i squeezed him and massaged him with my pussy muscles. I rode him for a good 30 minutes. My legs started to give out. He pushed me forward and lunged into me from the back in one swift stroke followed by short strokes aiming at my prostate. I just moaned like a total slut put my head down and took the pounding. I then felt his cock expand and shoot 3 spurts in my cunt. I pushed back and squeezed him with my ass muscles. Oh how good it felt. He pulled out, i turned around and sucked his cock clean. We then got up took a shower together and went to bed. I woke up and looked at the clock but my vision was blurry. It looked like 3am something. My head was pounding, my body ached all over and i felt like i was going to vomit. I stumbled out of bed and made it to the toilet where i threw up several times. I felt like crap. Daddy came in and felt my head and comforted me. After i was done at the toilet, he helped my stand up wash my hands and rinse out my mouth and back into bed. "I think i ate something bad", i said Daddy looked into my eyes and said," No baby i think you are pregnant" Even though it felt like i was hit by a truck i managed a smile back at him, "Really you think so", i said "Yes you are going to have my baby, you are converting", he smiled and kissed me soft and tender I had a tear in my eye. "Why the tears baby, i thought this i what you wanted", he said "It is, i am so happy and excited", i said and kissed him back. "Me too", he said. I felt his thick cock hard at the entrance of my now poz pussy and his hand down to my raging hard cock. Daddy had taken off the cage when we took a shower to get me clean. "I see someone is hard from learning that he is POZ. Hmmmm my dirty little whore. Good boy", he said shoving his thick cock in me. With the limited energy i had i pushed back and opened myself up to offer myself to him I felt his cock plunge into my guts infecting me more with his charged seed. He also caressed my prostate making me moan like the slut i am. "Daddy please breed me again with your dirty charged seed. Infect my cunt again please Daddy please", i moaned softly laying there limp which being taken by my man "I am going to make sure it takes and we get you knocked up", he said now slowly and sensually fucking me. I could only just lie there as a piece of meat and be taken by him. I felt so happy and complete. He fucked me so tenderly, he was making love to meet. Not pounding hard but caressing my hole. He kissed me so intimately our tongues softly wrapping around each others. "Here comes another load infecting you", he moaned in my ear as i felt his cock expand and shoot more hot seed in me I just lay there basking in the glow of now being pregnant with my Daddys seed.
    1 point
  47. My apologies, been busy with work. We woke up the next morning and ate breakfast. We talked about me moving in with him. "Jeff, I want you to move in with me.", Brian said My heart beat fast, I was so happy. "Yes I would love to", i said smiling "Good get your stuff and move in today", he said Before he went to work he bent me over the couch and put another charged load in me and plugged me up. I got on my knees cleaned his thick meat and kissed him goodbye. I had to figure out my life. I only a few days ago was living with family, managing a coffee shop and never been fucked bare. Now i have taken a ton of poz loads from Brian and havent been home in a while. I told my mom i was staying at a friends house partying while i was taking time off from the coffee shop. I was both excited and nervous about moving in with Brian. So much of my life has changed since i met him. I went home and told my parents I was moving to Palm Springs to manage a coffee shop there and maybe look at technical school. I was always interested in healthcare and they have a good program there. I packed up my stuff loaded my car said goodbye and drove back to PS. When I got back to Brian's place, he gave me a key, I went in and started to unload my things. After i was done i thought i would buy us lunch and bring it over to the store. When i arrived, I said hi to Coty who was in the front helping a customer. I went to the back office and Brian was there. He was happily surprised and we sat down and ate in the office. After he finished eating he took off his jeans and put his semihard cock into my mouth. I sucked it good and took him all the way in his mouth then pulled back quickly. "You've been fucking someone else? I taste their ass on your cock and smell them on your pubes?, i said sadly looking up "Yes I fucked Cody this morning", he said as he grabbed my head and forced it back down on his cock. I went back to sucking him. "I told you i would be fucking a lot of guys and not just you. You are going to have to get used to that", he said actually caringly I sucked him harder wanting to get his hard. Then i stopped and looked up with him while licking his head, "Please fuck me, please", i begged He lifted me up pulled down my shorts and panties pulled out the plug and bent me over and rammed hard into me. "Awwwww", i said loudly. "Ssshhhhh", he said Once in he fucked me hard, with his steady fast pace fucking me with his balls slapping my ass. He reached around my neck pulled me back and started to suck on my neck. "Oh Godddd Brian take me please", i moaned He really knew all my weak points as he chewed on my neck and tweaked my nips while punishing my hole and prostate. I was in heaven. After about 5 minutes of fucking, Cody walked in. "You are guys are sure making a lot of noise.", Cody said getting on his knees and sucking my balls. "I see Daddy locked your clit up, lucky guy. Ive been begging him for months to lock me up" Cody said Clearly Cody had a thing for Daddy. Cody tried to suck on my cock in the cage but i pushed him away. I was enjoying being fucked like a little whore way too much. "Poz me Daddy please", i begged After another dozen strokes he erupted a load into me. I pushed back on his cock trying to keep all of his mammoth meat in me grinding against him and using my pussy muscles to massage all the cum out of him. "Hmmmm stop that im senstive", he said Quickly i got on my knees nudged Cody off to the side and sucked him clean. Cody go under me and started to eat my ass trying to lick out all the cum in me. It felt good but i lifted up and put the plug back in me. "Stop. This is your new plug.", Brian said I bent over and he took out the old plug and put in the new plug. It was almost the same size a little longer but not much. I pulled of my panties and shorts. Daddy took me in his arms and gave me a deep kiss. Cody looked at us in envy. "Now go out in the store and walk around", he commanded As I walked out of the office i realized what was different about this plug. It had a ball inside the plug that moved in me when i moved. It didnt make any noise but i felt it and it felt good. If i walked a certain way it hit my prostate. Daddy could see i was aroused as my nipples were really hard. "You like the new plug? Good I want to keep your pussy wet and hot at all times", Daddy said "Your pussy is pleasure, giving your pussy to me is pleasure, if you orgasm you will only have a pussy orgasm", he said "Yes Daddy", i said aroused and flustered. Cody looked at me with envy and desire which i had never felt from him before. I always viewed him as a bottom. He is about my size and a little fem but not overtly. He was wearing spandex shorts which was sporting a bulge right now. "Cody you look like you need a break. Why don't you and Jeff go in the back and relax. Jeff help him relax", Brian said We went in the back office, when the door closed i got on my knees and started rubbing his cock thru the spandex. The peeled it off and started sucking his nice cock. It was about 6 inches and kind of thick. I sucked him good. "Get up and bend over bitch I am going to fuck you good.", he said "No sorry. I can only give you a bj. Daddy's orders" i said "What orders are those?, Cody asked "I cant let another man fuck me until i convert", i said "You are not poz yet?", Cody asked "No why are you?", i asked "No not yet i dont think. I just thought you would be by now after all the fucking youve been doing with Brian", he said "I know. I hope i do. I want him to make me poz and have him make me pregnant", i said With that he made me get on my knees and suck him off. He shot a huge load in my mouth. It was delicious. I swallowed every last drop. Over the next several days Daddy fucked me good and impregnated me at least 3 times a day. Last night we i was giving Daddy a bj while watching TV on the couch. He pulled me up on the couch, got me on all fours and pulled down my blue satin thong. Daddy then reached into the drawer on the table next to the couch and pulled out some lube and poppers. I haven't had much experience with poppers. I only used it once and it gave me a headache after. Daddy leaned in and started to eat my manpussy out. "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH", i moaned loudly as i pushed my pussy back on Daddy's tongue and face. He ate me like no other. The way he licked me, teased me, how deep and thick his tongue was and how he used his fingers in massaging and relaxing my hole and massaged my gspot was so amazing, that when he eats me out i get so horny and weak i have a hard time holding up my chest with my arms. He slowly worked in two fingers then three. Finally he got in four fingers. It hurt as Daddy has large hands but it also felt so good in me. He was rotating it in me and massging my prostate constantly. He then scraped the inside of my pussy and i flinched but kept pushing back on his fingers. "Ohhh my boy is such a horny slut. You love Daddy's fingers in you don't you? I'm make you bleed a little so my dna takes.", Daddy said in my ear "Yes Daddy please mark me and make me POZ. I need your DNAin me, please", i begged and moaned He then tried working in his thumb. I yelled in pain as he tried to push in but it would go in. He opened up the bottle of poppers and put it under my nose and i inhaled. My head started to spin and my body relaxed. He pushed again and his whole hand plopped in. "Ughhhhhhhh. OHHH Daddy yes please", i moaned "Look at you, you slut. Daddy isnt doing anything. You are pushing back on my hand. You want my arm too dont you, you little whore", DAddy said "Oh yes Daddy please. I want your whole arm in me please", i begged. The poppers made me get a rush and even hornier. I got back off my chest and was on all fours again and I pushed back taking more of his arm. It felt so good. I felt so full and complete. Then suddenly Daddy pulled out his arm and hand. I pushed back trying to find his hand. "Daddy please i need you in me", i begged He got up stripped down and shoved his hard cock in my mouth. I sucked like i hadnt eaten all day. After sucking his huge mammoth meat for a few minutes he threw my on the couch on my back. I could see how much of his arm i had taken with the lube mark. I got to mid way up his forearm. He put his feet on his chest and forced his hand back in me. My eyes bugged out of my head and yelled out in pain. "Shut up you know you want this", Daddy said "Yes please fuck me with your arm please", i begged He worked his arm back in and went a little deeper. I hadnt had anything that deep in me and he crossed my second ring. It felt so good the way he was massaging my insides. I was dancing on his arm, trying to suck more of it in me. "Damn bitch your pussy is just eating up my arm" Daddy said as he put the popper bottle back under my nose. I inhaled deeply and pushed back further on his arm. I hadnt been fisted in a long time and it felt so good and i wanted more. Daddy pulled his hand back to the opening of my hole but still inside. Then he lined up his huge hard cock and stuck the head in. My head want back and i yelled in pain. I grabbed the poppers and put them under my nose but Daddy took them away. "No, I want you to really feel me", he said in a caring way and kissed me deeply "Yes Daddy take me please. Make me yours", i moaned back He shoved his huge cock in my pussy and right into he hand. As he wrapped his fist around his huge cock it ripped my hole in two. "Ohhh Daddy", i moaned in both pain and pleasure. It did hurt to the point that my eyes were tearing. "Good boy keep working to take my hand and fist in you. We are far from done.", he said He then started to jack off in me. It felt incredible. It was pain of being ripped and the pleasure of being full and having my pussy walls raked from the inside. Daddy could see i was enjoying it and pulled my legs back to open myself more to offer my hole to him "Daddy please make me yours please", i yellled Hearing that he started jacking off quickly in my pussy. His knuckles where massaging my hole while the depth of his cock was pushing deep into me. After about 10 minutes he yelled, "Here you go boy", i felt his actual hand expand in me and he came continually stroking getting more cum out of his thick meat into me. I didnt feel any spurts which is odd as i always do. As he calmed down he kept stroking his cock. "I am going to inseminate you deep now", Daddy said It occurred to me that I didnt feel him shoot in me because he wrapped his hand to catch his cum. I felt his hand work deep in me taking his cum pushing it further into me while scraping me with his nails. I winced in pain but took it as i wanted to take his dna and his poz cum and be marked. I wanted to give myself to him. I felt his push deep past my second ring working his cum into me. I started to push back on his arm trying to suck his whole arm in me and then finally i felt i hit his elbow. When i did he started to rotate his arm in me and massage the deepest untouched part of my pussy with his fingers, teasing me. "Such a good whore. Look at you", Daddy said I was a state in euphoria and my eye balls fell back into my head, i arched my back and offering my whole body and being to him. He worked my hole for the next what seemed like an hour (It was probably much less). "Daddy i am going to cum", i moaned I orgasmed hard. It was the most intense orgasm i have ever had. I clenched his arm hard on and off as the orgasm ripped thru my whole body even my toes curled. "Yeah squeeze my arm with your cunt boy", Daddy yelled as he kept twisting his arm and fingering my hole He raking my hole over and over again and i started to have another anal orgasm rip thru my body. As i still had my cage on and the plug only some cum oozed out. It was another incredible full body orgasm. As i calmed down Daddy pulled out his hand. It was incredible the lube was just past his elbow. He leaned in and gave me a deep passionate kiss. I wrapped my legs around his and pulled him to me. I lined up my ass on his cock and used my hands on his ass to push him in me. "You want Daddy's cock dont you" he said as he plunged in me "Ohhhh Daddy yes fuck me please, make me yours", i yelled He pounded the living crap out of me. There as no passion or intimacy this was a pure animal fucking. He rammed me with his meat tearing into me for a good solid 20 minutes. Then i felt his cock expand and shoot 3 loads into me. He collapsed on me and i wrapped my arms and legs around him. "Stay in me Daddy please", i asked He stayed in me and did a slow grind while in me. I felt complete and whole. I needed him in me, owning me and impregnating me with his seed. "I hope i get pregnant with your seed Daddy", i said softly in his ears "You will baby. You did good today. Now its your turn", he said He got up and left me, came back with a set of keys and unlocked my cock cage and pulled out plug. He then went down on me and sucked me good. After about 5 minutes i was laying back and enjoying him sucking my cock. It felt good as he sucks cock better than anyone but he has trained me not to get any pleasure from my cock that it doesnt make me want to come. "Whats wrong? You cant cum? You came so easily earlier" Daddy said and while he said it i could see in his mind why "Good boy. You cant cum from your cock can you my little whore", he asked "No Daddy. It feels good you sucking my cock but i cant cum that way anymore", i told him He then squeezed his hand back in me and started to massage my pussy and suck my cock. After only 2 minutes.... "OHHHHH Daddy", i moaned and shot a huge amount of volleys of cum in his mouth. I felt my balls empty out. I hadnt cum like that in months. Daddy kept wrecking my hole with his hand and sucking me making the orgasm last. After calming down, he pulled his mouth off my cock and kissed me deeply pushing all my cum into my mouth. I took it in and our tongues danced and licked each other. After swallowing my cum we just lay on the couch with his hand still in me and made out like a couple in love. "I want you to go the clinic and get tested tomorrow", he said "Yes Daddy. I hope im pregnant", i said smiling at him "Me too", he said and we kissed like a couple in love.
    1 point
  48. I laid there glowing and my ass feeling empty. He took off the condom placed in a trash can near the massage table. I couldn't stop staring at his cock. He moved closer to my face and grabbed the back of my head very gently and pushed it towards his cock. Up until this point i have never sucked off another guy before. I had only had sex with women and watched some gay porn. I opened my mouth and took his head in and licked it and sucked it. He still had lots of cum on his cock and it was still oozing out. It tasted better than i thought and had that viscous creamy texture. I started to suck more and licked up and down his shaft. My teeth scraped him and he said to be careful. I nodded but kept sucking and licking him wanting more of his cum. He put his head back and moaned and grabbed my head more forcefully trying to push his cock deeper in my mouth. I gagged as i had never had anything like this in my mouth before let alone this size. He pulled back giving me time to regroup but i wanted to suck his cock. I leaned in and sucked it like i needed it and wanted to coaxed and suck as much cum that was left in his cock out. I saw his expression of pleasure and moaning as i sucked it and he was clearly enjoying it and i realized i enjoyed pleasing him. Then i felt his fingers on my ass entering my hole. He teased my hole rubbing the outside and using his fingernail to drive me crazy. I pushed my ass back down on his finger and it slipped in. He then stuck in 1, 2 then 3 fingers swirling them in me and massaging my prostate which drove me crazy he started to used his fingers to fuck me. I moaned and went on sucking his thick tool determined to eat his cum. This went on for about 10 minutes sucking his cock and balls and then he shot a huge load in my mouth. He started to tense up and i he held my head and pushed into my mouth and throat holding it there while gagged and i pulled back a little and about 5 spurts came out and swallowed the first but kept the rest in my mouth cause i really wanted to taste him. I went back down on him as far as i could sucking on him. i swirled his cream in my mouth, reveled in the feel and taste and looked up at him and swallowed it. He kept on playing my hole working it and then he grabbed my cock and went down on me. OHHHH, i said in a loud moan. At that moment he then stuck a fourth finger in my hole. I yelled, OOOOOOWWWWW. It hurt like hell to have his fourth finger in me but he started to do that twirling motion and massaging my prostate and the pain suddenly turned into immense pleasure. I couldn't last long like this, his hot mouth on my cock and his hand in my man pussy making me feel things i have never felt before. Then his left hand went to my nipples and that was it, i let out a loud groan and shot load after load into his mouth. He swallowed my load and kept sucking on me. He kept up working my hole and nipples sending me into an overboard ecstasy of pleasure. I stopped sucking him and just laid letting him work me over. I pushed his mouth off of me as my head was super sensitive. He took that as a sign to stop all playing and stop working my hole but i pushed down on his hand. He smiled and started again working it slowly. I just laid there moaning in pleasure. After a few minutes he finally pulled out his hand sucked his fingers clean then leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss stuck his tongue in my mouth, i opened up and accepted and kissed him back sucking and tasting his tongue. It was my first kiss with a man and it felt right. He pulled back and said, "That is how your pussy tastes.", I looked at him in his deep eyes and leaned in for another kiss and our tongues intertwined with each other playing a lovely dance and i sucked on his tongue to taste more of myself. "One day you will taste both of us together", he said. I didn't know what that mean but just smiled and enjoyed the moment. I went back down on him to suck out more as much as i could get. Finally he pushed back as his cock was so sensitive too. We were both spent.
    1 point
  49. My phone buzzed, an email from the Poz top, "Well?!" was all it said. My boy came back from the bathroom, wearing shortish shorts and a tank top, chastity device tucked away in his pocket. "How's it feel to be 'free'?" I asked. "Honestly, good. but a little weird, what am I doing with it off?" "I thought of a new rule. Do you know where we are?" "Of course I do, my girlfriend lives down the street from this bar." "Yep, text her. You haven't cum in a while and the new rule is you may only have sex with her while my cum is deep inside you" "Oh!" "What do you think?" He smiled, "that's a good rule." We sat and drank, lots of people were around us but we chatted like any couple would, just getting to know one another and enjoying the company. When I would ask kinky questions or reference our wild nights I could see the unease in his body language but he would answer. His phone buzzed, and he looked up to me. "She said it was a nice surprise I'm so close by... Should I go?" "Yes on a few conditions. 1. You kiss me goodbye right here in this bar like you mean it. 2. If you cum tonight, leave when you're done and come back to this bar. If you fake your orgasm, have her lock up your cock and tell her you have been masturbating too much, stay the night with her and I'll see you tomorrow." He came over to my side of the table and kissed me deep, I'll admit he put a lot of passion into it. My cock sprang up, and I placed his hand on my cock through my jeans, to my surprise he moaned into my mouth as he pulled away. He said deal, and I watched his perfect ass walk away from me in the bar. I tried to take my mind off what he was doing with his girlfriend by jumping on the dance floor, wishing the Twink that came up to me was my boy. A few drinks later I was crazy horny, wanting my boy, but he never showed after last call. I smiled, he must have faked his orgasm, his cum is mine. I pulled out my phone, opened my email and answered the Poz top. "Nothing yet Sir. but with how much you pumped into my ass I'm sure it will take." I walked to my car, partly sad my boy wasn't with me but also happy knowing he faked his orgasm and will be locked up the next time I see him. As I started my car, my phone buzzed again. "If you're not with the boy tonight, you should come get a second dose" Fuck, I thought. I wasn't planning on getting fucked tonight but I do want to make this boy mine. "On my way" I sent back. I showed up to the guys house, knocked on the door and he told me to come in. "Get on your hands and knees, your saliva will be our lube tonight, just keep that in mind." I did as I was told, his cock wasn't dirty but he definitely didn't shower before I came over. He's about my size, but where I have a bit more girth, he has in length. His cum will be real deep inside me. I made a mess of this blow job, spit everywhere. I need a lot of lube, I'm not usually a bottom. He stopped me at one point and says. "Thats enough, I hope you lubed me up enough... for your asses sake." He turned me around and pressed his cock up against my hole. Poppers showed up underneath my nostril, I took a hit and in one, slow, push he entered my ass. It wasn't enough lube, but I had a feeling that was the point. He kept me peppered up and gave me hits at all the right times, just as my hole ached and begged to be done. He sped up all of a sudden and grunted loudly as he released into my burning hole. "If that doesn't do the trick, I'll invite some friends over" He brought out a sharpie, and drew a crude biohazard symbol just above my cock, "Let me know what your boy thinks of this symbol" I got back to my car, a text message awaited me. "Goodnight Sir, I didn't cum, and your cock is locked up for you"
    1 point
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