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  1. I was ready for this reunion within the reunion to end. My childhood friend Peter was not. With two of my fresh loads in his ass he bent me over the sink as I protested, “What are you doing?” “Just returning the favour old friend, just returning the favour.” He couldn’t say anything more because his five o’clock shadow was scratching my ass cheeks as he devoured my virgin hole. Fuck, another first. I was so lost in the pleasure of this new experience that I didn’t notice when he stood. That is until his cock penetrated my unsuspecting hole. I screamed, pushed him out and away, pulled up my pants and ran down the vacant hall while trying to fasten my trousers. Without saying a word to anyone I fled the reunion and made my way to the closest hotel where I proceeded to get royally drunk. The next day I left town and swore I would never return. Over the next three years I met a wonderful woman. Within months we were married and by the end of the first year had our first child together. Deep inside I was filled with a profound disquiet. I hated that I was always on the lookout for shirtless men. I couldn’t hide from myself how turned on I was if their chests were covered with a thick mat of fur as was developing more and more on my own skinny chest. I grew more and more stressed until my wife suggested, and then insisted, that I go for some counseling. I have no idea what I babbled on about for the first four sessions, but there was no way I could tell this nice woman what was bothering me. One night I rented the video ‘Making Love’ and began watching it after my wife went to bed. When it came to the guy’s sex scene, I felt sick to my stomach, shut off the movie, grabbed a bottle of ‘Jack Daniels’ and drove off to a nearby private beach that I used for clandestine skinny dipping from time to time. I proceeded to rapidly down the entire bottle and got violently sick. Exhausted I fell into a fitful sleep and awoke cold as the sun was just starting to rise. I arrived home with my tail between my legs to be greeted by my wife. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you are scaring me and I’m afraid if this continues you will scare our son. I don’t know what you are talking about in therapy, but you better get to the root of what’s going on and fast.” Later that day, I entered my therapist’s office red eyed, and shame faced. I just cried and cried, weeping for the first twenty minutes. She calmly and patiently waited, from time to time reassuring me to ‘let it out’ and that ‘everything is going to be OK.’ Eventually, the words just started vomiting out of my depths. The movie spurring my drinking binge. My addictive attraction to men’s hairy chests. And, eventually, confessing my encounters over the years with Peter. “Have you ever told anyone before?” she gentle inquired. “NO!” “I see. Thanks for trusting me.” Over the next many weeks, I was eventually able to admit that I must at least be bisexual. I figured ‘I couldn’t have my cake and eat it too’, so I needed to resolve to push my attraction to men away and stay committed to my ‘good marriage.’ She patiently listened. Assured me I was a good man, husband and father. Only then sharing her doubts that I could just push the gay or bi feelings and needs away. When I finally relented that I thought she was right I asked her what I was supposed to do. “What do you want to do?” She patiently enquired. “Have it all go away.” “You’ve tried, how has that worked?” “It hasn’t. So, tell me what am I supposed to do?” “I can’t tell you what to do.” “But I don’t know where to start, or what to do next. I can’t tell my wife.” “You can’t tell her yet, but you’ll find the right time. In the meantime, you may need to do some experimenting.” “Experimenting? You mean have sex with guys?” “Maybe. But at least talk with some gay and bi guys.” She gave me contact information for a gay and lesbian support agency. I couldn’t bring myself to go and told her so the next session. She showed me a video of guys sharing their coming out stories. For the next three sessions we talked about my thoughts from the video. I finally admitted I found one of the guys incredibly sexy and his story of experimenting sexually with a buddy to confirm his desires incredibly exciting. “Then experiment with a buddy if you need to.”, she patiently encouraged. “But I don’t have a buddy.” “What about Peter?” “Oh, I couldn’t ask him.” “Then maybe you’ll want to hire a male escort.” “Shit, are you fucking kidding?” I had instantly sprung a boner and my heart was racing. As enticing as her last suggestion was the closest I could get was to look at escort’s adds in the back of a gay porn magazine that I found in a ditch. I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the phone. One weekend soon after this, I decided to get away for a solo backwoods canoe, camping trip. Surely, some solitude should help me relax. As I was unloading my car and packing the canoe another vehicle arrived. To my shock and surprise, it was Peter. What were the chances we’d pick the same weekend, wilderness area and start off point, let alone arrive at the same time. We decided to use just my canoe, but I insisted he bring along his own tent. We paddled for about four hours and found a great campsite just before the thunder clouds that had rolled in opened up with a deluge. As we rushed to get my tent up, I relented and told Peter, “get in hear out of the rain. We can put your’s up when the rain stops.” We threw everything in the tent and stripped to the buff out of our soaked clothes. I would have kept my underwear, but they were also dripping wet. I avoided looking at his nakedness and did the best I could to hide my raging hard on. As the rain continued, we talked about lots and awkwardly avoided the elephant in the tent ‘how we had parted the last time we saw each other’. The rain didn’t stop, we eventually rolled out our sleeping bags and slept naked on top of them. I feared I wouldn’t be able to sleep but the fresh air and exercise had worked their magic. The next day proved warm and sunny, so we set out in only swimwear to a close by waterfall. Rounding a corner, the falls came into view and we saw a naked straight couple romping below the cascade. We stealthily beached our boat and watched the couple as we hid in some bushes. I wanted to leave when they started having sex, but Peter was now wanking his big hard cock. I was too embarrassed no mater how much I wanted to stay and be a voyeur. I followed a trail, found a nice rock, sunned for a bit, removed my swim trunks, sunned some more all the time disquieted by what was going on at the falls just up the trail. My attention was not so much on the straight couple as images of Peter and his wank, which led to me remembering the awkward sexual sessions in our past. I had to cool myself down and jumped in for a skinny dip. Before I got out Peter paddled around the corner smiling like a Cheshire cat that had caught the biggest fattest mouse. “Fuck man, that was amazing. Why did you leave?” I avoided his question, scrambled to retrieve and put on my swimsuit and we resumed our paddle. After a great campfire and three glasses of scotch each we climbed into my tent. Again, it was sweltering hot, so we lay on top of our sleeping bags naked as the day we were born. An incredibly awkward silence ensued, and we both laid perfectly still for quite a while. That was until I heard Peter stir and his warm lips wrapped around my ridged cock. I didn’t say anything or move, I just let him service me. Eventually one of his fingers began to trace my hole. He only removed his mouth from my cock long enough to wet his finger which moved back, this time to gently penetrate my back entrance. This felt so good that I said nothing and continued not to move. His finger went deeper and deeper and was soon messaging my prostate. This drove me wild, and I bucked my hips driving my cock deep down his throat where I unloaded beyond his tonsils. I didn’t know the term at the time, but he moved up and snowballed a large portion of my protean which I instinctively proceeded to swallow. And to my surprise, loved. Without thinking I had his cock balls deep down my throat. I don’t know how he maneuvered it in the small tent, but he was soon positioned so we 69ed each other in mutual blow jobs. His talented mouth soon had me hard again. I matched his moves as we upped the speed and soon, we were synchronistic ally painting each other’s tonsils. When we gained our composure, he took my face in his hands and gently said; “I want to fuck you.” “No, thanks, but I’ll fuck you if you want.” Where I found the third load to breed up his ass is still beyond me to this day. Collapsing after my third epic orgasm I fell fast asleep. To be continued.
    7 points
  2. Almost 2k hits and winning. First slam and fucking amazing
    6 points
  3. Peter, my first childhood friend. He lived next door. At the age of four, we loved to go behind the shed, strip to our underwear and pretend we were Indians. We would wrestle and take turns strangling and knifing each other to death. At the moment of death, we would always fall on top of each other exhilarated by our skin on skin contact. A few years later we would have sleepovers in the shed. He introduced me to tying leather straps around the base of our erections. I was intoxicated by the smell of the leather. He moved away so we didn’t see much of each other until grade nine. We would meet up at an abandoned shed and simply fondle each other’s hard ons. I was so turned on as he talked about what his older brother did to him sexually when they were left alone at home. I’m sure he wondered why I never asked him to do these things with me. I was deeply ashamed of these encounters and soon decided there was no place to talk about this and therefore it was to disappear from my life. I buried myself in my school work and the high school band. This didn’t stop me from being turned on by the handsome player beside me whose shirt always gapped so I could see his nipple and beautiful chest. After high school I left town for university, and Peter became the custodian for a private school. I was a frightened, studious nerd, never missing a class and spending hours studying and sleeping in the library. On one of my holiday visits back to my hometown I bumped into Peter on the street just down the block from the abandoned shed. He lit up a cigarette and suggested we go to the shed ‘for old times sake’. I ignored the fact that he was now married and the fear in my gut and followed him. Once inside he pinned me against a wall and kissed me passionately. My first kiss, ever! I was transported out of this world as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began to dance with mine. I don’t know how long we sucked face, but I soon realized he had opened my pants and fished out my now very stiff cock. He quickly dropped to his knees and my stiffy was deep down his hot throat. His eyes smiled up at me as his head bounced and I watched my member move back and forth in his lips. It didn’t take long ‘til I ejaculated, and he sucked down every drop. I stood horrified and frozen; he stood, grinned at me and planted another kiss on my gasping mouth. I hurriedly pulled up my pants and ran failing to savour the taste of my own cum. It would be several years before I would run into him again. I’d been working at my first job for about a year and went home for an uncle’s funeral. This coincided with my high school reunion, so I decided to attend. Of course, I went alone and was not surprised to see Peter and his wife there. I’d heard they now had three kids. I bumped into Peter alone at the bar. He was already a bit tipsy, and I was embarrassed by how blatantly he was flirting with me. I hustled him off to a private hallway and we were soon entering a one-person bathroom together. Door closed and locked I was once again pinned against the wall and our mouths were locked in a passionate kiss. When we finally broke from this I anxiously asked about his wife. He hushed me with a finger to his mouth with one of his shit faced grins. He then unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. Commando, his large, ridged cock slapped against his taunt belly and sexy treasure trail. He pushed me to my knees presenting his manhood to my face. I’d never really taken the time to notice before, but I was overcome by it’s cut, beauty. He grinned and nodded to me. With some hesitation I took the silky head in my mouth. “Use your tongue.”, he encouraged. Instinctively it found his piss slit and tried in vain to enter. He moaned his enjoyment and I was soon deep throat experimenting as I gave my very first blow job. As I felt I was just getting this figured out he pulled my head off his cock. “Stop. You’re good! I don’t want to cum yet.” He soon had his shirt off and my pants around my knees. Then he was kneeling and my penis had disappeared down his throat. ‘How was it I hadn’t experience this since the last time years ago?’ I wondered. “Oh, fuck Peter! That feels so good. I’m so close.” As he jumped to his feet and spun around, he urgently said, “No, not yet.” As he bent over leaning against the sink, he spit on one hand and rubbed it into his hairy ass hole. I had no idea what to do. He grabbed my raging hard on, pulled me to him and guided it to his winking hole. When I remained like a dear caught in headlights he backed onto my raw cock. This was the early seventies. I finally looked in the mirror and there was his classic shit faced grin urging me on. “Fuck me.” It felt great in there and I slowly started the in and out movement. Truth be told he was doing most of the moving with his ass. “Fuck me man, pound my ass.” I upped my game a little. “Faster, harder, fuck my cunt!” Something then possessed me, and I started slamming into him. Over and over and over again. “Fuck yeah, that’s what I need. Don’t stop!” “But if I keep this … up I’m … going to lose it.” I gasped. “Fuck yeah. That’s the point. Cum inside me, I need your sperm.” With those words not even fully out of his mouth I blasted, and blasted, and blasted! After the biggest orgasm of my life, I collapsed on his back as we both caught our breath. When I softened and fell out of him, he reached into his ass and brought out two fingers full of my man juices which proceeded right into his mouth. Then he kissed me and fed me my own cum, mouth to mouth. I was instantly hard again, a fact his free hand on my cock didn’t miss. In one swift move he was turned, bent and had my raw cock up his ass again. I didn’t need encouraging this time and ravaged his ass for the next twenty minutes. Oh, the stamina of youth as I had recovered and blasted the second load painting his guts. Gave my first blow job and pumped two loads into the ass of my now married childhood friend. Now that was a reunion beyond all my expectations. To be continued
    5 points
  4. Chapter 4 – Now it’s my turn In Chapters 1 through 3, I told about meeting up with Geoff, a hairy guy with a great playroom. He had a sling and lots of toys for our use. We’d partied and fucked each other with toys and fists. While we were relaxing and getting some more liquids in us, Geoff suggested that we both do a booty bump to amp up the fun. Between the smoking and slamming we had already done, this would move us up to the next level of spun. We each picked out a nice-sized shard and then shoved them in each other’s asses. Geoff put mine in, and I soon felt the burn. I’m sure he felt the shard melting in his ass too. We gave it a few minutes to kick in; then I got back in the sling with my ass ready for more. Geoff first massaged my hole with his lubed hands, getting it ready for his fist. He’d move down for a lick occasionally, eliciting a deep moan from me. He worked fingers from both hands in and was stretching and stroking my open hole. He added more lube to his right hand and pushed it into me. Between the earlier work and the T flowing through my body, it was an easy entry. He twisted and expanded his hand in my ass, getting to all the right places. He’d draw his hand back, almost to the point of leaving my ass, before plunging it in again. While he had me stretched out, he’d rotate his hand, letting me feel his knuckles just inside my ass. Then, Geoff popped his hand out of my ass, leaving my hole gaping. He put his fingers in my hole and used his hand as a funnel to direct lube inside my ass. The cool lube felt great inside me. He pushed his right hand in and distributed the lube around my ass. At the same time, he was using the fingers of his left hand around his wrist. He’d slide a finger in alongside his wrist and circle around my hole to stretch it out even more. He added more fingers slowly until he had all four fingers inside me next to his wrist. At that point, he pulled his right hand back and put his hands together to really stretch out my hole. Damn, the feelings were amazing! Geoff kept checking with me that I was OK with what he was doing, and I encouraged him to keep going. He pulled his left hand back to add more lube but soon got it back next to its mate, twisting and opening my ass like never before. Geoff suggested a deep hit of poppers. I knew what he was planning. I took a double hit in each nostril and gave him a nod to go for it. While we were staring into each other’s eyes, he slid both hands into my ass. This was a new one for me. Knowing that I was getting double-fisted by this hot stud made my ass pulse and my cock shoot out more cum. Geoff’s hands were busy in my ass, so I scooped up the cum and fed him some, and then ate some myself. The double-fisting was intense, and I could only take it for a little while. Geoff slowly worked his right hand out, leaving his left one inside me. He gently circled my hole with his fingers, getting me to a more relaxed state. At that point, he was able to pull his hand out and repeatedly pound back into my ass. I was swinging on the sling, adding to the depth and excitement of what we were doing. We slowed down, and Geoff eventually took his hand out of my ass. Without asking, he shoved his semi-hard cock inside my gaping ass. He was able to fuck me a bit but was really after something else. He asked me if I wanted his chempiss and I told him to let it fly. He buried his cock as deep as he could. I could see him concentrating on getting his piss to flow. Soon, I felt the spreading warmth as he filled my ass with his piss. He kept his cock inside me for a bit, then pulled out and put a butt plug in to keep the liquid inside me. I felt the rush from it, less potent than the slam or booty bump, but still making my body react. Once he pulled out, he pissed some more on my stomach, which was really hot. I ran my hands through it and licked some off my hands. Geoff leaned down and tasted some too. My cock added more liquid, but it was more cum than piss. We shared some of that too. I collapsed back in the sling, feeling totally spent. Geoff went over to the bed and laid down on it. Once I felt stable enough, I got out of the sling, went over to the bed, and laid down next to him. We made out for a while, feeling each other’s cocks and asses. I stuck my nose in one of his armpits and got into licking out the sweat from there. He played with my nipples and ass while I was doing that. Eventually, we both slowed down our play. While we couldn’t sleep for a while, we just cuddled and talked. It turned out that we had a lot in common besides our need for partying and ass play. Once the sun rose, I got dressed, kissed him goodbye, and went home. The next time should be even more intense.
    5 points
  5. Chapter 1 – Daniel is a working man Horny again, I got on a few of the apps with little hope of success. It was late on a workday, and guys would use the “I have to get up for work in the morning” excuse while collecting pictures and talking nasty. But I was horny and willing to engage. There’s a big factory being built near where I live. There are lots of guys that were brought in to work there, and some of them are really hot. A little rough around the edges, but a hot, hairy, well-muscled stud is always a good find. A guy named Daniel hit me up on one of the apps. He said he was temporarily working at the factory, staying at his family’s cabin near the river. He only had one pic, but it showed a nice hairy chest with good definition. He said that he was getting off work soon and would love to have a guy over to help him relax. We discussed our interests, and he was mostly a top but liked mutual sucking and rimming too. He also said he’d brought his sling with him, which excited me more. We made plans to meet up after he got home. He emailed me to let me know he was home and ready to have me over. I put on shorts and a T-shirt and headed out immediately. His place overlooked the river, with a big screened-in porch across the back. I knocked on the front door, and Daniel answered quickly. He was wearing tight shorts and had a plaid shirt on that was unbuttoned. Handsome and a nice, trimmed beard. He looked great. He let me in and said that he needed to take a quick shower. I told him that wasn’t necessary since he looked pretty good as is, and I’m OK with some man musk. He shrugged and said that it was my choice. He suggested that we set up the sling on the porch. The screens would keep the bugs away, we’d hear the river while we played, and being outdoors is always fun. That sounded great to me. He got the duffle bag with the sling in it, and we started to put it together. I noticed that he had a bigger bulge in his shorts than when I first got there, so I suggested that we get naked and finish assembling the sling. We both quickly discarded our clothes and started making out and feeling each other up. Daniel had a great body, with hair in all the right places. For me, that means that he had a hairy ass. That is my favorite to look at, play with, rim, or whatever else a guy wants to do. After we got back to finishing the sling, Daniel was crouched down, looking for something in the duffle bag. I got behind him and gave his hole a quick lick. He jumped but then set it right back down on my lips. He had that great musk from a day’s work, and I love that. Not wanting to distract too much, I gave his hole a few licks and then suggested that we get back to the sling. Once the sling was ready, Daniel asked if I’d like to smoke before we got to it. I asked him what we were going to smoke, and he said that he had lots of options. I asked if he had T, and he grinned broadly and walked inside. Seeing his naked body walk away was all my cock needed to get hard. He came back with a water pipe that was ready to go. He lit the torch, melted some down, and took a deep hit before passing it to me. I did the same but then shot gunned the smoke into his mouth. He was a great kisser, so we made out like that, naked and hard on the porch, with the sounds of nature all around us. We broke apart, smoked some more, and then he had me get in the sling. He immediately started rimming my ass, and he was good at it. I was moaning and groaning, and he was having a good time. My cock had shrunk due to the T, but my ass was more than ready for him. Luckily, his cock did not suffer from shrinking, and he was stroking it while he ate my ass. Then, Daniel stood up and pressed his cock against my hole. He added some lube and slid his cock inside me. He had a thick cock, not too long, but it felt great inside me. We fucked for a while, and he said that we needed to smoke some more, so I got out of the sling. We sat on some chairs and smoked a bit, feeling each other up. I got between his legs and sucked his cock into my mouth. I could taste his precum, my ass, and the lube on his dick. When I buried my nose in his pubes, I came back with another great aroma. A hot, sexy man scent that I love. I suggested that I eat his ass. He climbed in the sling and, even in the low light, looked fucking awesome. I worked his hole, licking all around his hairy ass before focusing on the prize before me. I licked, probed, and sucked on his hole, savoring the taste and smell of a man. Daniel wanted to fuck, so he got out of the sling, I got in, and he shoved his hard cock inside me. He knew how to fuck, and we went at it for quite a while. He asked if he could breed me, and I said yes. He upped the thrusting and shoved in deep, groaning while he unloaded his cum in my ass. After, he slowly pumped my hole some more before pulling out. He sat on a chair that he positioned under the sling, looking at my freshly bred hole. He’d reach out to stroke it or stick a finger in while absentmindedly playing with his cock and, sometimes, his hole. Daniel told me he had a great time, and I thought things were over. I was getting ready to get out of the sling when he asked if I was into any other piggy play. Since he just bred my ass, he kind of already knew the answer. I told him that I liked ass-to-mouth, some piss play, and deep ass work. He stood up, came over, and fed me his cock when he asked if I’d ever been fisted. I said yes, and he asked if I was up for it tonight. Fuck, yeah! We smoked a little more before he started playing with my hole again. He had big hands, and we needed a lot of lube, but he got his hairy paw inside me. That night, we didn’t fist for too long since we had work in the morning, but he invited me over for another session this weekend.
    3 points
  6. When I was Hiv Poz, not on meds, I did fuck a few who wanted to become Poz. I just found out one of them has full-blown AIDS and never took meds
    3 points
  7. I quite agree. Too many guys on the apps now think the definition of a man is "a life support machine for a penis".
    3 points
  8. I remember cruising before the internet where you scored just by going out with your clothes on, in a bar or on the street. And score I did, a lot But now with the apps, now that the gays have the right to reduce the entire me to the size of my dick, well it's over.
    3 points
  9. I awoke the next morning to the sound of splashing water. I climbed out of the tent to find Peter skinny dipping right off our site. I decided ‘what the hell’, slipped out of my shorts and dove in. After our swim we had a nice breakfast, checked the map for our day’s adventure and set out in the quickly climbing heat of the day. About halfway across our first portage we came upon a couple of very hunky, friendly guys camping. Even though it was before 11 a.m. they offered us beer. Peter was quick to accept and told them I didn’t drink beer. This was true and I was too shy to speak up and say that in the extreme heat I would give one a try. As the three of them talked and bantered I just grew more and more anxious. I began to worry I was moving toward a panic attack and excused myself saying I needed to pee and that maybe I’d take a swim to cool off before returning. I had a nice little swim, and when I thought it would have been long enough for them to have downed their beers, I headed back to the camp site. From a distance I could see they were having sex. Peter was in the middle being spit roasted. I couldn’t stop myself from hiding in the bushes and watching. One hunky cub pounded his ass as the other fucked his mouth. There was no doubt he was an enthusiastic participant. “Fuck, I’m so close!”, called the guy in his ass. “Breed him man”, responded the other. Peter reached behind to pull the guy tight into his ass as the tops howl made it clear he was having the orgasm of his life. The sexy cubs quickly switched places. Peter was now sucking and cleaning the cock that had just exploded in his ass and the guy fucking him quickly and loudly orgasmed. I was so turned on watching my childhood friend take two loads up the ass that I lost my balance and fell into the bush betraying my presence. Peter came over to help me up and as if nothing was out of the ordinary, he scooped some cum from his ass and fed it too me. By now they were all laughing. By the empties strewn around they had each had more than one beer. Again, I was offered a beer which I eagerly accepted and guzzled to try and hide my embracement. They each had two or three more beer to my one and soon the two cubs were pissing into Peter’s mouth and ass. I couldn’t believe what I was watching and just how none pulsed the other three were with their nakedness and sexual exploits. They acted as if I wasn’t even there. In my semi-drunken state, I finally encourage a very drunk Peter that it was time for us to move on. We returned to our lake, and I paddled the canoe back to our campsite with a naked Peter sprawled in the bottom of the canoe. As Peter slept off his drunken stupor sprawled naked out on a rock, I contemplated what I had just witnessed and tried to be honest with my reaction as my therapist had encouraged. Truth was, I had been incredibly turned on and deeply jealous of the other three for being so sexually liberated. As Peter came to his first words were, “I want to fuck you. I want to fuck your ass so badly.” “Shit man. Honestly, I want you to fuck me to. But I’m so fuckin scared.” He motioned for me to move over to him, took me into his arms, and held me in a deep embrace. I began to cry, and the crying developed into sobs and for the longest time I just wept and wept. Peter just held me tight and kissed the tears from my face until I calmed down. “Peter, I do want you to fuck me, but I’m too fucking frightened. Fuck, it’s not about want, I need you to fuck me. I need you to show me what I need. Just take me for God’s sake, just take me with your big, beautiful cock.” He took my face in his hands and kissed me so gently. He kissed the tears from my eyes and cheeks. He looked deeply into my eyes and gently said, “I want to fuck you, I want to give you what you need. Get out of your shorts.” As I disrobed, he laid back and invited me to sit on his face. I did as instructed and his tongue penetrated my hole. I instinctively bent and took his hardening cock into my mouth. He rimmed, fucked and chewed on my hole as I gaged and slobbered on his man meet. Somehow, I knew when it was time to turn and lower myself toward his powerful manhood. With one hand he steadied and aimed his cock and with the other he guided my hips into place. I felt and savoured the mushroom head of his cock teasing my hole. I couldn't believe this was actually going to happen. He just kept looking into my eyes and encouraging me with a gentle affirming nod of his head. Not a word was spoken but his instruction was clear. The pressure grew on my hole as I lowered myself further. Just as I wondered how much more pressure would be needed his turgid tool breached my hole. His tip was inside me, and fuck, did it hurt. I threw my head back in pain and agony. I was ready to jump up and off him when I felt his strong hands firmly grip my waist and exert pressure to pull my body down onto him. I was resisting and he caught my eye once again. Modeling deep beathing he continued to steadily increase the downward pressure. He slid into me ½ inch by ½ inch and I felt like I was being torn apart. He held my gaze and mouthed the words, “I want to fuck you, I want to fuck you so much.” I had reached my pain limit, I broke eye contact and attempted to stand up and flee. His hips anticipated my move and beat me as he thrust up and impaled me with the full length of his rod. I thought I was going to faint the pain was so fierce. Again, I tried to pull away, but his strong grip held me fast. “Breath deep, just breath deep.” Unable to do anything else I followed his instruction and like magic the searing pain transformed into amazing pleasure, or better, a hurt that just hurt so fuckin good. My face began to relax, and he broke into a huge ‘I told you so’ smile. I lifted my ass a little and then sat right back down. It felt ok so I did it again, stroking the raw cock into my ass a bit further with each try. My pleasure just kept growing as did his ‘I fucking told you so’ grin. Then suddenly his look changed to animalistic lust, and I was instantly on my back with my ass gaping. The feeling so cool and empty. He quickly pulled up my legs and pinned them to my shoulders. With his cock head once again teasing my hole through gritted teeth he said, “Now … I’m going to fuck you; I’m going to take what I want.” And he plunged into me knocking every ounce of air out of my body. The onslaught was like being hit by a train, and it didn’t stop, and the longer it continued the more I realized I couldn’t tell the difference between pleasure and pain. I just wanted it to go on and on. I was soon awash in the sweat rolling off his body. He was licking sweat from my neck and then biting my neck. Fuck I realized, he’s giving me a hickey. Then fear set in, he’s become a vampire. That’s when a warm sensation began filling my gut, I could feel every spasm and his growl of ejaculation vibrated throughout my body. He panted like a wild animal and crushed me into the rock with his powerful anvil. I began to wonder if he would ever stop. And then his voice rasped triumphantly; “I just fucked you; I just took what I needed. … And I just fuckin … stole your virginity. … now it’s time … for you to thank me.” And like a jack rabbit in one hop his still ragging hard cock was down my throat. The taste of cum, sweat and ass juices was intoxicating. When I had thoroughly cleaned his cock, I thanked him and asked how soon ‘til he would be ready to ‘go again’. He mounted me immediately, and although I didn’t think it possible, he gave me an even more brutal fucking and quickly pumped what felt like an even bigger load deep into my gut. Throughout the rest of the day, we did nothing but fuck and breed each other, eat, swim and start all over again. I fell asleep that night having pumped three loads into my friend. His cock was in my ass marinating in the five loads he had pumped into me. To be continued
    3 points
  10. I'm sure you probably know this, but in some respects religion in Ireland was a proxy issue for colonialism vs. self-determination. That's not to say that religious differences were insincere, but that they existed at all is due to the economic treatment of Ireland by Great Britain.
    3 points
  11. I used to try to hide the fact that I was married when looking for sex with men. But then I realized it was a big turn on to most guys. Especially since I bottom for tops. A married bottom is very enticing to men. They love sending me home to my wife and daughters with their load in me. And love jumping in bed and cuddling with my wife with a nice load in me.
    3 points
  12. I have a top who loves to kiss. When I meet him at the door he kisses with an open mouth. Tongue in my mouth. When we get to the bed he strips and starts kissing again. After sucking both ways he puts a pillow under my ass. He starts kissing again. He still kisses as he unloads his huge load deep in my ass. This happened Thursday I have to admit. It was hot. Any other bottoms like this
    2 points
  13. A month ago I misplaced my hiv medication that was delivered in a white bubble pouch. I spent seven days looking for it off and on, and finally confessed to calling Cvs. I had a migraine headache and starting to feel like I had a cold , as the antiviral is missing. Luckily I got it the very next day. I can’t imagine anybody just stopping their medication to progress back to the world of being fully poz. Being poz is a pain and doesn’t feel that great. Treatment is not as bad as it used to be. If you are poz please go get the medication. You run the risk of eliminating part of your original copies of your white blood cells. People who fantasizing about stopping their drugs is crazy. One week made me feel like crap and that was not voluntary.
    2 points
  14. OMG, as a repressed gay teen, i spent hours in restroom reading the messages on stall walls, just sitting there and being amongst my people lol. No, seriously, i did. Those who did not grow up in an era of repression, where being gay and fucking could get you arrested and charged with a felony, may think it weird that we had sex in restrooms (read: "in hiding").
    2 points
  15. I love kissing and it's absolutely necessary for a hot encounter. For the same reason I love bareback, I love kissing. Intimacy. Kissing as part of foreplay gets me hard and ready for fucking. The hottest kissing involves snowballing cum. If a guy swallows my cum I want him to kiss me so I can taste it.
    2 points
  16. I absolutely love ass to mouth. An absolute must during foreplay. I'm not into a dirty ass but a musky or sweaty hole is great. I also much prefer an I shaved hairy hole. So masculine and the texture is a turn on. Recently I had a guy come over unexpectedly. I hadn't showered and he went to town on my hole. Was telling me how great my dirty hole tasted and then kissed me deep. OMG what a turn on. May have been the [banned word] as much as anything. I then went to town on his ass. Eating, kissing and then sliding in his hole. Fucked him until I shot my load. He got up and squeezed the fluids into my mouth. Have to admit it was a little dirty. Cum and ass juices but immediately kissed him so he could taste what I tasted. [banned word] and intimate
    2 points
  17. I prefer to no have it touched. I have started to lock it up more because of it.
    2 points
  18. I know it may sound weird but that is why when I’m in a 1:1 situation I prefer the Top not to play with my cock and just focus on my arse…. That makes me orgasm. But when there is a group and other bottoms I love to 69 with another bottom while we both get fucked 💦🎉💦
    2 points
  19. Fitting this should be my first post. Hello all
    2 points
  20. For me kissing is a must. It hits all the right buttons and sets me up for a great fuck session. Open mouth, tongue play, tongue sucking all makes me putty for my top. The frosting on the cake is kissing me while he is inside of me and even better if when he unloads.
    2 points
  21. Yes. Coming back to my wife with a load or two makes me so horny. Its really the only way I can get turned on enough to fuck her these days.
    2 points
  22. Absolutely MAN-datory for me. Had a twink over one time. We started kissing and didn't stop for nearly two hours. I asked him if he wanted to cum with me while I jacked off, still kissing of course, he said, I already came twice, lol. My face was so raw.
    2 points
  23. I've never quite been able to fathom the fundamentalist or modern evangelical mindset. My parents were members of different denominations, and were both raised by parents that were also multi denominational, so I got a wide variety of mainstream versions of Christianity growing up. The religious fighting in Northern Ireland between the Protestants and Catholics always baffled me as a child in the 70's and 80's since I was the child of a Catholic and a Presbyterian, and my Catholic parent was the child of a Catholic and a Lutheran. For that matter my Catholic great grandfather (who was around until I was 19) was the only product of a marriage of a German Jewish widow and an Irish Catholic widower. I think my somewhat unique background colored my views on the diversity of Christianity and religion in general.
    1 point
  24. 1. Jason I didn’t know what to expect when Nathan opened the door, or, for that matter, whom to expect. I didn't know his name. I didn't know what he would be into. Even so, even although I hadn't been mentally expecting any type of guy in particular, his actual, physical presence shocked me a bit. It was finally happening, for real. He was a bit on the short side compared to what I had imagined. He was also very cute. Even through his t-shirt, I could tell he was rail-thin, as there wasn't an ounce of fat on his body. He had short hair, blue eyes with just the merest hint of stubble, like he hadn't shaved that morning. "I'm Sean," he said, standing just inside the door, introducing himself. Nathan closed the door as Sean began to speak, and we were alone. "I'm Jason," I replied, feeling a little self-conscious at this point. I was in just a jock strap, but Sean was still fully dressed. "Nice to meet you," he said, smiling at me. I felt a little more at ease with him, thinking he seemed easy-going enough. "I guess I'm a little over-dressed for this," and with that he removed his shirt, revealing, as I had guessed, that his body was quite wiry and thin. He was not very muscular but there was a spray of hair over his pecs and the hint of a treasure trail disappearing into his shorts. "I guess this is always a little awkward at first, huh?" "Yeah," I replied, not having moved from the bed. "Want to break the ice a bit?" He put an emphasis on ice that was a bit unusual. "Sure," I replied. With that he pulled down his shorts, revealing a swimmer's jock, just like the one I was wearing. There was a spray of pubic hair poking out of the top and the pouch looked to be very well-filled. "Cool," he said, reaching into his bag, and pulling out a case for sunglasses. Opening it, he extracted a glass pipe and lighter. "You cool?" he asked, gesturing at his pipe. Remaining in the sunglasses case was a fat bag of crystal. "Yeah, I am" not knowing what else to say. It had been a while since I had partied, but I hadn't given it up. "Awesome. I love this stuff." He sat down on the bed next to me, and carefully wiped off the bowl of the pipe. He took the torch and slowly melted the drug already in the pipe. He did a long hit from the pipe and then motioned for me to shotgun it from him. I leaned in, letting our lips lock, and inhaled a thick cloud. Even after I had taken as much as I could, he continued to exhale the smoke into the dim bedroom. It engulfed our heads as we continued to kiss. "You party a lot?" he asked me, breaking off the kiss. "Not really. Once every few months, I guess. You?" "Every weekend, usually." He did another long hit from the pipe, and held it. This time he just exhaled it. "It's how I got into barebacking. No one ever uses a rubber when they are partying, you know." I smiled, agreeing, and enjoying that initial tingle of the drug with the promise of so much more pleasure. "You ever do a booty bump?" Sean asked. "Never," I answered. It had been only a year or so ago I had even smoked it for the first time. Hearing my answer, he dug into his bag again and pulled out a needle-less syringe as well as the baggie of crystal from the case. "Water?" he asked, looking around. I pointed to a glass of water on the bed table. "Perfect," he said. He pulled out a large chunk of the tina, and forced it into the body of the syringe. He put the plunger in and then filled it with water. He flicked the syringe a few times before sitting back down next to me. "Ready?" he asked me. He was gently shaking it and its powerful contents. I guessed it was to force the crystal dissolve. "I'm not sure about this," I said. I had been with him for less than five minutes, and already, I wasn't sure about how fast this was going. "Maybe just smoke it?" "Don't worry. You'll love this," he said. "Get on all fours, with that beautiful fuckable ass up in the air." I didn't protest any more and got on my knees. Sean knelt down between my legs and spread my cheeks. "Hand me that bottle of lube," he said. I grabbed it and handed it to him. I felt a drop or two of the cold lube on my ass and a slight poke as the syringe plunged into my hole. "This may sting a bit," he said, and suddenly, there was a cold feeling in my ass. "That's it?" I asked. "Yeah. Just hold it there, and let it soak in." I heard him light the torch again, and he took another long hit from the pipe. "You're poz?" I asked him. I wanted to know more about him. "Yeah, of course. Years now." He did another hit before continuing. "Nate tells me you're still neg?" "Yeah." There was now a tinge of warmth in my hole, like a big load had just been planted up there. It seemed to gradually radiate out from my butt, and it was beginning to envelope my entire body. "How did you get HIV?" "Same way you're going to get it," he said. "Letting poz guys fuck me." He rubbed a finger against my ass. "You're good. Roll over." I rolled onto my back; Sean was still kneeling between my legs. He did one more hit from the pipe, then leaned towards me. "Take it," he said, letting only the smallest cloud escape. I locked lips with Sean, and he forced the drug into my lungs, once more completely filling me up with the cloud. I was a light-weight, he was a heavy-weight. I was already in over my head. But still, I held the crystal for as long as I could. "Good job," he said, finally giving me permission to breathe it out. He put the pipe and lighter on the bed table. "You want my poz load?" he asked me. "Yeah, I do," I answered. I was feeling no pain and no shame. The idea of a hard poz cock sliding into my hole was filling my mind, crowding out all other thoughts, including any thought of self-preservation. "I need some fresh poz cum in me." "It's hot to hear you beg for it," Sean said. He reached down and pulled his jockstrap to the side, letting his cock hang out. He was already semi-hard, and I could tell it was a nice sized dick. It wasn't as long as some I had played with, but just the girth and weight of it was impressive, especially in contrast to his short, skinny body, which made it seem even bigger. I must have been staring, since Sean noticed me and said, "Yeah, it's a big one for a skinny runt like me." Sean poured some lube on his cock, stroking it and slicking it up. It didn't grow much bigger, which I was glad for, but just got harder. As he rubbed the lube over his shaft, he started to press the head against my ass, teasing it. I pushed back against him, wanting it inside of me. "Please man," I begged. I didn't want it; I needed it deep in me. "Patience," he answered, adding "you'll get it soon enough." He poured some lube down my crack and slid a finger in, pushing the slippery fluid into me. "You're opening up really nicely," he remarked, asking "You ready?" I nodded. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. Sean poured a little more lube on his tool. I offered him the poppers, but he shook his head. "Give me that hard cock," I said. He grinned at me and lined his cockhead up with my hole. Right as the poppers hit, Sean pushed into me. Feeling my hole stretch open to fit his thick cockhead, I knew this was going to be another intense fuck. Sean took his time entering me. He didn't go very fast, but it was also clear he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Damn, that's tight," he said. "How long have you been getting fucked?" I thought back to when I had first met Nathan. I realized that it had been less than a week ago. Now here I was, tweaked out, with my legs up in the air, and a relative stranger forcing his poz raw cock into my hole. "Only about a week," I said. In my horny, tweaked-out state, I couldn't keep up with any story more complex than the simple truth. "Damn, man. No wonder you're so tight. And you're already chasing?" "Chasing?" I asked. I had never heard that phrase before, especially for sex. "You know, bug chasing. Looking for poz guys to infect you." "Yeah. I guess I am chasing." Sean had now gotten his cock all the way in my hole, and was starting to slowly stroke in and out. Between my insatiable desire for raw cock and tina's effectiveness, I knew my hole was opening up nicely for him. "Hot," Sean said. "What about you? Did you chase? Or was it an accident?" "Naw. Once I started seriously partying, and of course, barebacking, I knew it was only a matter of time." He shoved his cock back into me. "I was playing with all kinds of guys, poz, neg and unknown. All raw. I knew it was pointless to try to avoid it." "So, what did you do?" I reached down and grabbed his bony ass. He was small enough that I could grab both cheeks, and pull him deeper in my hole. His body felt so small on top of me, yet his cock was so large and hard inside of me. "I went for it. Whenever I saw a poz guy online, I'd ask him to fuck me raw." He took another of his deep strokes and his eyes closed in pleasure. "Did anyone refuse?" I was wondering how common it was for poz guys to knowingly fuck neg guys. Nathan had fucked me, but then, he had also asked me repeatedly if I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. "Hell no. Every guy wants to fuck raw, no matter what he might say." I had to agree with his assessment, as either a top or a bottom. "Only one guy wasn't sure about it, that is fucking me raw." "And, what happened there?" "I said I'd get him high. And he fucked six poz loads into me over the weekend." "Sweet," I said. "Yeah." Sean leaned in and kissed me. I was having a good time. There was an easy connection developing between us. He was also just fun to talk to, not to mention how good his cock felt buried in my bare ass. We lay there, kissing and fucking, working his cock deeper into my body, and then fucking and kissing some more. He was dripping pre-cum into me the entire time, further lubricating my hole. "How long did it take?" I asked, breaking off our long kiss. "Getting pozzed?" he asked. I nodded. "I don't know. I never got sick. And I waited six months before I got tested." He thrust in deep. "Of course, I tested out poz." We went silent again. He was fucking me harder now and I could tell he was getting close, but I didn't want the fuck to end quite so soon. "Any regrets?" I asked him. "About being poz?" he asked. He shook his head no. "You know that feeling, right as the crystal is hitting, when you have that feeling of complete freedom and total desire for sex?" It was my turn to shake my head, this time agreeing. "It's like that. All the time. I don't worry about who fucks me. Or who I fuck." I smiled. "It sounds nice." "And sometimes, just sometimes," he said, "You get a fucking hot neg guy, with an amazing ass. Who. Wants. My. Poz. Cum." With each word, he thrust his cock into me, emphasizing just whom he was talking about. "And it makes all the petty discomforts completely worthwhile." We took another long pause from talking in order to make out some more. Then he asked, "And you? Why are you doing this?" I paused. It was a question for which I didn't have a good answer. Nor would Sean be the last one to ask me either. I delayed answering by pulling him down and kissing him again. He probed my mouth but after a few moments, he broke it off. "You can't get out of answering that so easily." "I don't know for sure. A week ago, I would have said I was totally top. Bareback, but still a top. Then I met Nathan. And I had to get his cock inside of me." Sean was watching me, smiling. I could feel his cock stiffening slightly in my hole. I continued. "And that he was poz wasn't a worry. It was almost a bonus. Now I just want to not be afraid anymore, to get the inevitable over with. And enjoy the process as much as I can." "I understand. Nathan's damn amazing," he said. It was an interesting comment, said in a tone that implied much more was being left unsaid. I expected for him to be jealous, but there was no trace of it. "Any regrets so far? Any uncertainty?" "Some. It's big step, but so far, this just feels right. The first time Nathan came in me was the most intimate experience I've ever had. And your cock in me raw is almost as amazing." I pulled him into me deep again, and kissed him. "Fuck me. Cum in me, Sean. Breed me good, Sean." "Fuck Jason, I don't want to cum yet. I want this to last." Almost simultaneously, we both turned and looked at the clock on the bed table. Forty-five after. Time had flown by for us, twisted by the crystal into an encounter that was far too short. "Damn. Time's almost up." "I know. Seems too short. Is this going to be the only time?" "Not at all. Nathan knows how to find me. But let's focus on the here and now. Which means getting you bred." "Sounds good to me," I said. Sean grabbed the bottle of poppers and held it under my nose. "Do a good hit, Jason," he said. I took a long hit, before Sean took the bottle. He did a hit and then offered it back to me. I shook my head no, but he insisted. "Let yourself go," he said. Reluctantly, I inhaled more of the sweet scent. "Right on, Jason," he said, doing one last quick one himself. "Now, what do you want?" "I want your poz sperm inside of me, Sean." It was a true statement. I was having a great time with Sean, and it seemed perfectly alright and perfectly natural to have him shoot in me. That it was deadly sperm was only an added bonus. It was such a small, intimate thing to give him as a top: to let him cum in me. I couldn't make him pull out. I couldn't think about how it could change me forever. "Please, breed me." "Oh yeah, Jason," he grunted. "I'm gonna shoot. I'm gonna cum in your sweet raw ass." He bent down, stuck his tongue in my mouth, and shoved his cock in deep. "I can't hold it any longer," he said. Deep inside of me, his cock stiffened, spurted and injected his toxic cum into me. "Take it, Jason," he said, between frantic kisses. "Please, Sean, give it to me," I said. I was clenching my ass around his cock, trying to milk out every drop of his poz jizz. I was totally in the moment, unable to worry about the danger of this simple fuck. The danger was a part of the turn-on; this innocent-looking young man had a cock that could kill, coupled with a serious drug problem. "Fuck yeah, I'm breeding that hot hole of yours now," he said, pistoning in and out of my ass. I could feel his cockhead rubbing his sperm all over my hole, making sure it smeared across my hole, ready to be absorbed by my body. There were a few more shivers racking Sean's body, as he pumped the last of his load into me. We stayed linked with his cock connecting us. We made out a bit while the last drops of his precious spooge slowly dripped into me. "Thanks," I said. "That was hot." "Fuck yeah," he said. "I hope you get what you need. And I'm glad I could be part of the process." "Me too. I really enjoyed this." We were quiet a bit, kissing while his cock softened. "What's your plans for the rest of the day," I asked. "Not sure," he answered. He shifted slowly, finally letting his cock slide out of my hole. Soon I would need something back in me, but for now, it was enough just to feel his warm semen in my hole. "Still early. Probably head to a bath house and see how many loads I can get." He grabbed a towel from the bed table and wiped off his cock. "You?" "Nathan's got my afternoon planned. You're the first of several. But no idea of who." "Fucking hot. You're gonna have fun." "I hope so. You've set a very high bar." He laughed. "Let's do a hit for the road," he said as he picked up the pipe again. He lit the torch, and held it under the bowl. As the crystal smoked, he did an expert hit, draining the bowl several times. When he finished, he motioned for me to shotgun it from him. I took the hit. It was huge and it filled my lungs. "Hold it for me, Jason," he said. As I held it, he put his cock back in the jockstrap, and pulled on his shorts. "Now," he said, and I got to exhale. The cloud filled the room. "Your turn," he said, handing me the pipe and torch. I lit it up, and started sucking on the stem. I wasn't sure how big of a hit I wanted, but Sean told me what I needed. "Do a big one, Jason." I kept on inhaling, filling my lungs the best I could. "Nice," he said, as I finally pulled the pipe away. "Hold it." I held it as long as I could and motioned for him to shotgun it. We locked lips as I pushed the hit into his mouth. He only took a bit of it, making me exhale the rest. "Fuck Sean," I said. "I'm going to be feeling fearless this afternoon." "That's what I want. You need to enjoy this afternoon." He put away the pipe and lighter, and gathered up his things. He gave me one last kiss. "I want to see you again soon. Hopefully you'll be poz by then." He headed out the door, and I lay back down on the bed, waiting for Nathan to bring the next guy.
    1 point
  25. Wealth of diversity. Terrific! Some like it quick, others like it long; some like it gentle, others rough, and I think fair to say many of us like it often. Think I'm a bit of an exception, too. Quickies, pump 'n dumps, feel far less satisfying. They certainly have their place, but I'm with him to have fun. If he and/or I cum too quickly, I usually like to keep going until I get there again. Him having a blast and bolting is a let down. Give me half an hour, an hour, two, more, to do all sorts of fun things - especially fucking - and hopefully get each other off, more than once if possible...that's the best. I prefer to top and switch but I want the bottom to enjoy it, too, and remember feeling great.
    1 point
  26. Guys who can actually cum, no jerking off, while you blow them are rare as hell. These videos are just impossible to find, always some guys jerking off into a guy's opened mouth. Can't remember last time I saw a clear pulsating dick (i.e., cumming) in a guy's mouth When I cum n a guy's mouth, I put my hand on his throat just to physically feel the swallowing
    1 point
  27. Kissing while fucking gets me boned hard having a cock fuck my pussy while the top is holding me down and sucking every breath and spit on my mouth is so hot. Especially when Daddy unloads inside my pussy and continues to kiss. It's breeding at its best
    1 point
  28. The bf wanted me on the straight and narrow and was hot as fuck but made me be a clean cut boy again. Turns out he's cheating and so now am back on the t and throwing away my meds and embracing my needs
    1 point
  29. I love kissing. Nothing gets me harder. Love to be kissing when a guy is unloading inside me.
    1 point
  30. When two guys who love/care for/enjoy all facets of each other's lives are together, I understand that. To me, however, kissing is for lovers, if one is lucky enough to have one. I don't mean the "peck-on-the-cheek" type, I mean the deep sharing that guys that love each other experience. Short of that, the only excuse I can think of for kissing a guy is if he's just sucked a Cock off.
    1 point
  31. I should add that the information in my post above applies to an untreated infection. If a person is diagnosed as HIV -positive, begins treatment, and adheres to that treatment consistently, the answer to how long it takes to get AIDS is: He never will. This is the miracle science has given us, that even though we cannot (yet) remove the Enemy Virus from our bodies, we now have medicines that stop its destructive work so that we never see the end result. I take my pill every single day, without fail, and have done so for more than nine years now. The pill I take is not just a packet of pharmaceuticals to me - it is a dose of Life. Having had an AIDS diagnosis, I will always technically have AIDS, but I will never let it have another chance at killing me.
    1 point
  32. Moderator's Note: This topic is in the Health Forums. DO NOT post any HIV fetish-oriented comments in this thread. As a reminder, AIDS fetish is NOT allowed anywhere on the site.
    1 point
  33. Chapter 2 – more fisting and more… In Chapter 1, I met up with Geoff, a handsome and hairy guy, who led me to his basement playspace. We smoked, and each took a ride in the sling and on each other’s hands. We got some drinks out of the fridge and stretched out on the bed that was up against the wall. Geoff tuned in some hot fisting porn, and we watched that while drinking. We’d feel each other up and twist the butt plugs in our holes. Geoff asked me how I liked to party, and I told him I was open to whatever he had in mind, when he asked if I slammed. I told him I wanted to do it but never had the chance. I asked if he would give me my first slam. He said he would love to do that, so he prepped one for each of us. Mine was a .3 and his was a .4. Before he slammed me, we swapped out the butt plug for a longer and fatter dildo. He told me that I’d want something big in my ass right away, so this made sense. I put on the tourniquet and raised a vein, and he swabbed my arm and inserted the point. He asked if I was sure about this, and I nodded yes. I didn’t really feel it going in, but when he took the tourniquet off and had me raise my arm, it hit me good. While I was flying, Geoff reached down and pulled back on the dildo and started to fuck me with it. It felt fantastic! I took over the dildo so that he could admin his slam, and he did. Once he was flying, he asked if I’d eat his ass for a while. Of fucking course I would. I took out his butt plug, and he sat his hairy and well lubed ass on my face. My tongue was in him immediately, tasting all the goodness of his ass and getting lube all over my face. He reached down and started fucking me with the dildo again. This was amazing! A sweet and open hole at my mouth and my ass getting fucked with a big dildo. And, I was spun more than ever before. Geoff suggested that I get in the sling so that he could really work my ass over. We got up from the bed, a bit wobbly from the T and sex, and I got back in the sling. This time, there was no need to move slowly. Instead, Geoff lubed up one of his fist dildos and shoved it in my ass. It felt great, and he worked it deep inside me and would pull it back to the widest part to stretch my hole. I looked down between my legs, and his eyes were staring at my hole so intensely that it caused me to have an assgasm. I shook, and more fluid leaked out of my cock. Geoff licked up the precum and held the dildo in me while he kissed me, sharing the taste of my fluids. He had me hold the fist dildo inside me while he found a bigger butt plug for his ass. He lubed it and handed it me to insert. I removed the smaller plug and pushed the bigger one into his sweet hole. He sat down on the stool and took back control of the dildo. First, he lubed up his hand, then he took out the dildo and pushed in the real thing. It was magical this time. I was flying high, he was moving in and out of my ass and twisting his hand inside me, all while sitting on a huge butt plug. He got to the point where he would pull all the way out, then make a fist and push that back inside me. At one point, I did some poppers and told him to really go for it. He fisted me hard, really working over my ass. Geoff took his hand out and asked how I’d feel about something else that might be a little cold going into my ass. Fuck, I was up for anything, so it was a yes from me. He took a small plastic bucket off the shelf and told me to move further down in the sling so that my ass was pointed at the ceiling. I had no idea what would happen, but I did as he directed. He reached into the bucket and pulled out a chain that had been sitting in some lube. With a wicked glint in his eye, Geoff stood up and started to feed the chain into my ass. It slid in easily. Sometimes, he’d pull a few links back out and feed it again. We were both enjoying this, and I spread my ass wider to take what he was giving me. The feeling of fullness was amazing. He showed me that only a few links remained before the end, where he had attached a bar to keep it from going all the way in. I told him to rest the bar on my hole, and he stuffed the last links in. I just wallowed in the pleasure of being so filled up and having my ass completely on display to this hot guy. He’d pull out some links and then have me swallow them again. We played like this for a while, and he said that he was going to take the chain all the way out of my ass. Slowly, he pulled, working the links out one by one. I could feel each one as it breached my hole and asked him to stop for a minute so that I could do some poppers. After that, it was an even more intense experience. My ass had taken over 2 feet of chain. When it was going in, I had no idea how long it was, but I saw it all when Geoff pulled it out. When it was out, I moved back to my normal position in the sling, with my hole gaping and my head spinning. Geoff slowly and gently massaged my ass and hole for a while. Once I felt OK to stand up, I got out of the sling, and he got in it. This time, I put a suction cup dildo on the stool before I sat down so that my hole would stay stretched.
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  34. I was 20 living in Bonn, close enough to Cologne. Very happy with how i pictured live as being gay would happen for me. Having a successful career, doing my thing and then meet a MAN: he would be dominant, masculine. We would stay together and then on night of my wedding he would cum inside me and make me his. All of that had been working for 3 years now. Don't think I was 100% innocent. A lot of men had already fucked me. But always SAFE and I was always watching for them to put a rubber on (and keeping it one). Porn wise I would only watch raw sex. But that was different. So when I met Enrique: a guy who clearly hot and nice, but not a future husband material I was definitely making sure that condoms would be used. That is until he once during sex turned me around spat on his hand and slid his dick inside me. It happened so quick and it did feel good so I just let it be. And I wasn't too worrried, until he started moaning and then stopped. The latter happens in three seconds. "did you just cum inside me?" "yeah, that was hot" "wtf man, you didn't even ask" "shut up, you loved it. And btw I need to get some stuff done, so do you want to get a shower before you leave"? In my mind I was raging inside. what an freaking A**h*le. Enrique had quite a reputation. My dream of my future hubby making me HIS was gone. And now I had... THAT. Ohh man. this was really NOT how things were supposed to go. Don't ask me why and how, but It activated something in me. So next thing that happened, was me heading out. (I did not that the proposed shower). And there I went went, feeling dirty and used catching a train to Cologne. Wait, Cologne, I didn't live there. As I am entering Pullermanns bar, I am asking myself: what are you doing. It was such a big blur, but here I, go walking in as the twinky slim guy with bright green eyes. Naughty, but also naive and shy. Ordered a drink, not much conversation at the bar., so I finished my 7up almost immediately. Had never been to this place. But was drawn to go to the back. A big guy looks at me, not really handsome, but still attractive. We kiss and slowly I go down on him. He turned me around eats my ass out and after some minutes goes inside. He goes slow, but deep. It's quite a big cock. But I'm taking it well. After three minutes I just say. "Give it to me" "Dump it inside" He stops: "are you sure" "yes, give it to me" He stops, pulls my hair: "you filthy slut" and starts pounding. Within two minutes he is done. There is no time for me to think, so another guy has moved me more central and has already started fucking me. I can't even see his face. 5min max and he is done. Another guy is putting his dick inside my mouth. "suck me" he is really not my type. But I realise if I suck him my ass will be up. I turn him towards the wall and bingo within 10 seconds I hear someone undoing their belt and shoving his dick in. It's half hard. He asks me "how many" I mumble "two" That gets him hard. He fuck me for four/five minutes but doesn't cum. Another guys is taking over. I turn around there's a circle around me. I can only think of getting cum, getting poz seed inside me. I yell, "give me poz seed". That doesn't work, most guys walk away. "shit what did I say" I think in my mind. The guy who earlier didn't came is still hard and standing next to him. Before I realize what I am doing I already slid my hole over his cock. "cum inside me.... [[...]] 40 minutes later I walk out. The old guy at the bar says: "your poor little pussy" whilst shaking his head. When I get home I'm shaking, how many loads do I have inside me 7, or 6. Or maybe 8, I couldn't really see if that one guy came inside me. And then there was that other guy that came in my mouth. That was gross, not something to repeat well unless for the future BF. Cum need to be in my ass. Especially hiv seed. All is this is turning me crazy: WTF is wrong me with? Why am I doing this. I decide until the tests come through I won't do anything... [[...]] Couple of weeks later the tests come in it's a Friday, all negative, pfff. What are relief, but how further. That same day, I'm off to Cologne. Met his through Romeo: what was his name again, something like PozTopXXL Profile status "needs discussion" I had to take his load. He hadn't even shared a facepic and I already said yes. When I walked in it was good to see he looked alright. He was more than double my age. But fit. I instantly felt good already about taking his load. He was being friendly, but it was hard to be social I could only think about taking his poz seed inside me. "How long have you been positive already" "I am actually negative" "really?" "yeah, I got my results awhile ago and I haven't had sex" I lied (not having sex was the truth, but my results only came in today) I judged myself. WTF was I doing. He looked at me and his eyes opened up. "even better" "Are you taking medication?" I asked, a bit nervous. He laughed a bit mean. but he didn't reply. Instead he said: "Take your clothes off" somehow I didn't feel as horny anymore, but I complied. He took his top off and kept his green track pants on. I think it was Nike, but it could have been something else. He cock was huge, I started suck it. I could definitely enjoy myself with that for awhile. Too bad through, 2min max, was enough for him. He wanted to get inside: aggressively his put his wet from precum and saliva fingers in my ass. And then he stick his dick inside. That really hurted. I asked him to stop." I might bleed" he stops takes out his dick a bit and put some poppers under my nose. "shhhh" he starts to kiss my neck and tells me to relax. The poppers help: I feel more relaxed. We kiss and I actually start to relax fully. He fucks me until he cuma. When he takes out his dick I feel how open my ass is. His cum is dripping outside of me. I start to stand up, and bring my hand to my ass. Catching some cum. Damn, it tastes so good. He laughs and says: "ur a real piggy" On which take my fingers out of my mouth. I laugh a bit awkwardly and start picking up my clothes. "What are you doing?" "I'm picking up my clothes, to get ready" "Oh no... I am not done with you yet" "Or, do you want to leave" "ehh no" "good... so stay" .... "I got some friends who will be very interested in a guy like you." "you mean other tops to fuck me" "yes other tops shooting their viral loads inside you" "that's what you like right" My dick is giving the answer, I can't remember it ever being so hard. There's more to the story, but I can say the evening was rough in the best way possible. Three daddy tops fucking me, chatting with me and shooting their toxic loads inside me at the end. Who pozzed me I dunno, but that night was fucking awesome. Thanks Enrique, for waking the true cum whore inside me that I was destined to be 😛 Pics: me in 2004 vs me now
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  35. Halloween Evening. In a few days, our boy Kenta will go to a party, as demons stalk the earth. Will one find Kenta? Or is he safe? I've tried to finish this story and stay within the rules for the site. (It's RawTop's site, and I respect his rules) It's probably not going to happen. The last few chapters will probably show up in an issue of my 'zine. DM me an e-mail if you want copies.
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  36. I don’t like having my cock played with. This is why I wear a jock.
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  37. Early on I thought I was pretty straight laced and then I found out about glory hole booths and getting my balls drained through the hole in the wall and kept telling myself, regardless of all the stories I had read and stuff I heard other people say that I would never suck a cock until the night I lost that battle and got on my knees in front of the glory hole when I saw a big thick veiny hard throbbing black cock come through the hole.
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  38. Yes! In last year, I’ve had more encounters with married straight men than before, without changing my cruising habits lol. These have included on ‘gay’ hookup sites, cottages, a work colleague and a barista at my local coffee shop. All raw without even asking about condoms, status etc and I introduced two of them to my friends Tina and Gina.
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  39. Part 25: A Three-way and a Secret (Jay's Perspective) “You’re so big,” I moaned, my ass feeling as if it was being torn in two. Since I’d taken Will’s monster of a cock in my ass, I’d managed to find other men of equal size, though none of them had been able to open me up as much as Domonic was. Alan’s dick was fat and filled me, but Domonic filled me and threatened to move my organs around. I could feel every vein of his cock, his heartbeat felt against my hole as the throbbing continued in my ass. He was the type of man you’d see in porn, and here he was fucking my ass and fucking my brother’s hole every other second. I could feel Will’s heartbeat too as my finger explored his ass, pressing down on his prostate and causing his body to shiver. I watched as my brother’s body shook, sweat collecting beneath his chest hair, goosebumps rising along his skin. His dick was hard, sticking straight out and dripping pre-cum onto my arm. I scooped some up and ran it along my tongue, tasting his sweet seed. His mouth opened in awe as I played with his ass, giving him the same pleasure he had given me not so long ago. “Sit on my face,” I told Will, pulling my finger from his hole. “I want to eat you out.” “You know, brothers don’t normally say that kind of stuff to each other,” he said, giving me that classic Will smile which had a tendency to make people weak at the knees. I knew Will had never realized just how many girls in school liked him. I knew of a few guys who had wanted to fuck him, too. Will had always been too focused on religion to care. Now, he was finally exploring his sexual desires like I had been doing for years. I was just happy to be a part of his journey. Who knows, I thought, maybe one day he’ll be a bigger deviant than me. Will straddled my head, his hairy hole staring down at me. I breathed in, smelling his musk. I admired his hairy ass, the curling hairs, dark and covered in sweat. He lowered himself down, his hole pressing into my face. I stuck out my tongue and lapped him up, tasting my brother’s hot hole which I could feel throbbing. “Oh, fuck, Jay,” he moaned, pressing down further, opening even more to my intrusive tongue. All the skills I’d gained from eating pussy came into play here, eating his ass, devouring him. Will moaned, his hands reaching down to my chest where he squeezed my nipples, sending shocks throughout my body. “Fucking eat him out,” Domonic growled, his cock slamming into areas of my body I never knew existed. “You two are so fucking hot.” “You just have an incest fetish,” Will told him. “I’ve never fucked brothers before,” Domonic said. “With Pastor Kline, we may be fucking a father and son.” “Here’s hoping,” Will said, his ass squeezing my face. “What are the odds we can get your other brother to join in?” Domonic asked. “Zero,” Will told him. I pushed Will’s ass off my face. “I don’t know.” I told them, wiping sweat from my face, “I would have bet all my money on you dying a virgin, and here you are sitting on my face while your poz boyfriend fucks me.” “The day Zack fucks me is the day the world ends,” Will said, though I saw his cock jump at the thought. “Never say never,” Domonic laughed. “Who knows, maybe I’ll get all the men in your family before I’m done.” “That will never happen,” Will said. I thought of our dad and how strict he had been when we were growing up. He’d been a tough man, one who showed little emotion. He raised us knowing we were to always act proper, being examples to everyone else. I fucked that up fast. Will’s on his way. Our father would die if he knew what we were doing. Father and son relationships have always been difficult in our family. It’s been a multi-generational problem. I knew our father’s relationship with his own father had been bad, our dad even changing his last name to his mother’s maiden name after college just to rid himself of the fucker. Uncle Michael did the same. We never knew what happened. The men in our family aren’t exactly open. I laughed at the irony as Will’s hole opened slightly to my tongue. “Well, Jay,” Domonic said, thrusting his dick far into my hole, hitting my prostate, my dick jumping and leaking pre-cum, “if you get a desire for a paternal fucking, Pastor Kline, I hear, is a good substitute for your dad.” “I’ll keep that in mind,” I said. Will climbed off my face, moving back until his balls ran over my tongue and nose, stopping for a second on my closed eyes, one ball on each eye. “Pastor Kline’s a bottom,” Will said. “I think Jay may be the same.” “I’m up to fuck a horny old man,” I told them. “But for now, I need my brother’s cock in my mouth.” “Actually,” Will said, lifting off of me and looking me in the eye, “I have to piss first. Unless…” I smiled. “We must be in sync,” I told him. “Your boyfriend is about to fuck the piss right out of me.” “69 and swallow it all,” Domonic said. “Let’s see who has the fullest bladder.” Will moved down until his dick was directly over my mouth with my dick under his. He lowered his dicked down into my mouth, taking mine, sucking me in between his soft lips. I could have cum right there, having my brother’s lips tasting our family seed. “On your marks,” Domonic said, easing up on his fucking. “Get set. Go!” I unleashed in Will’s mouth as my mouth was flooded by his warm piss, nearly causing me to choke. I started swallowing as quickly as I could, feeling Will’s mouth latch down on my cock, gravity trying to pour my piss out. I felt as if I had been swallowing forever when mine ended, Will’s still flowing for another ten seconds. “Fuck,” I moaned, Will’s cock slipping out of my mouth, drops of piss splattering over my chin. “You’re a full boy.” “You too,” he said. “I don’t always drink piss like that. That’s more of Pastor Kline’s thing.” “Unless it’s mine,” Domonic said, winking. “Well, Will’s the winner. Time for Jay to suck a load out of him.” “Gladly,” I said, opening my mouth again and sucking Will’s dick inside. He pushed into my throat, my body fighting off my gag reflex. I wanted Will to fuck my throat hard, the kind of fucking you watch and think, “How the fuck did he do that without passing out?” “Ready?” Will asked. I grabbed his ass and pulled more of his cock into my throat. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he said. Will started fucking my throat, his balls pressing down over my eyes and nose, the smell of his hairy body an intoxicating rush to my senses. “Fuck, you might be better than Pastor Kline.” “That’s high praise,” Domonic said, grabbing my legs and spreading them out farther. “You know, if I close my eyes, I’d swear I’m fucking your brother’s ass.” “I’m not nearly as muscular as Jay,” Will said, shoving his dick hard into my throat. It almost felt as if there was some anger in the thrust. My cock jolted. “Looks like someone needs attention,” Domonic said, his hand reaching down and grabbing my dick, sending chills throughout my body. “Should we see who cums first?” “Sounds like a good challenge,” Will said, raising his hips up and looking down at me, his balls lifting from my eyes. “How about it?” “Let’s go,” I tried to say, my voice lost as my throat hugged Will’s cock. “That was a yes,” Will said. “I could feel it.” “I can feel it,” Domonic said, my cock harder in his jerking hand, my pre-cum dripping down his fist. Among the three of us the room filled with the moans of sweaty men, the bed creaking, our naked skin slapping against each other. It was the greatest sound I’d ever heard. Never had I been in a three-way this hot, not even with Alan. No women could compare. Few men where as hot as Will and Domonic. The fact that we were all poz made it the best fuck ever. “Fuck,” Will moaned, his breathing labored, “I’m getting close.” “So am I,” Domonic said, his thrusts harder. I tried to tell them that I was ready to burst, but Will’s fucking of my throat caused only spit to pour out of my mouth. “Fuck, I’m glad I met you,” Domonic said, leaning down and kissing Will, his grip on my cock tightening, his thumb running over the tip. “Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!” Will shouted, slamming his dick into my throat. His balls lifted from my face, legs hugging my head, cum shooting straight into my stomach. As Will’s cock jumped in my throat, my hips pumped wildly. My balls rose into my body, my cock shooting out thick ropes of cum, splattering Domonic and Will before dripping down onto my writhing body. “Fuck!” Domonic growled, his hand still pumping my cock as my hole tightened around his cock, pulling him further into my body. He did one final trust before he burrowed himself into my ass, shooting his poz cum into my body. I now had poz cum in my ass, down my throat, and across my stomach and chest, solidifying my new status as a poz slut. Will pulled his cock out of my throat, spit dripping down my chin and collecting in Will’s pubic hair. He looked down at me and smiled, his hand reaching down and smearing his cum and my spit over my mouth. “Fuck, I love you,” he said. He looked up at Domonic and waved him forward, kissing him deeply. “I love you, too,” I said, watching as these two powerful men made out, their sweaty bodies above me. Never could I have imagined something like this happening to me. As Will broke of his kiss, he looked down at me again and smiled. In that moment, I knew I had made the right choice lying to Will. None of this would have happened if he knew he was the one who pozzed me. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Hope you enjoy the twist. There are a few plot points "seeded" here that I hope to pick up in the future. There won't be a post next week, but I'll pick up either the next week or the week after.
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  40. PART 5 Henry said I’d know where to find him again. Apparently I didn’t. The first few days after he bred me I stuck close to campus. I was jumble of emotions. Anxiety had set in quickly — how did I let myself get pozzed?!?! It wasn’t even an accident. I had begged for it. How had a trip to the store turned into my being bred by a relative stranger? And how many times had Jared been there and done that? But every time I jerked off the rest of the week, I thought about Henry’s cock spewing inside me. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I didn’t want to admit it, but I wanted it again. Friday I went looking for Henry at the bar and didn’t see him. After hanging with my friends and having some beers, I snuck off and went to Henry’s apartment, but he wasn’t there. I looked again a few times on Saturday, but no luck. I told myself I’d make him but on a condom this time. I even put one in my pocket when I went out. I was so horny, I went to the newsstand two towns over where I knew they sold old porn mags with he covers cut off. I bought a pack for a few bucks, and at the last second asked to buy a bottle of poppers. I’d never bought my own before. I had them in my pocket Saturday night when I went back to the bar, but still no Henry. It was Sunday morning and I went to shower. The dorm was pretty quiet; I didn’t hear many guys moving around, yet. They’d given everyone a single for the summer, so while the rooms on the second and third floors were all being used, there was still less than half the usual number of people. Our summer dorm was the oldest on campus, so the bathrooms and showers were older. It was more of a group shower with curtains you could pull between them, which a lot of the guys did. I had them to myself this morning, so didn’t bother pulling the curtains. I was showering when I heard the door open and saw a security guard come in. He went to the line of sinks and started washing his hands. I thought about grabbing the shower curtain and pulling it closed, but I felt like that was kinda dickish to do just because someone walked in. Guys are naked in the shower room all the time. I shampooed my hair and rinsed it out. Then I noticed the guard was still in the room, seemingly washing his face. Struck me as a bit odd. This room only had two sinks and the set of showers; the bathroom was on the other side of the wall and had a whole row of sinks. No one usually came in here just to use the sinks. I conditioned my hair and started my body wash routine — feet, calves, thighs, ass, cock and balls, abs, pecs, and finally my arms. I looked over my shoulder to see if the guard was still there — I hadn’t heard the door open or close. He was still doing something at the sink, but seemed to look in the mirror. When our eyes met, he left the shower room. I finished up my shower, wrapped the towel around my waist, and headed down the hallway back to my dorm room. I liked these quiet mornings in the dorm before breakfast. I went into my room and left the door open to circulate the summer air; the entire week had been muggy, and the dorm didn’t have A/C. I was picking out underwear when I noticed the security guard go by my door. I figured he must be headed to the stairwell. But then he went by again, slower this time. I definitely caught him looking into my room as he walked by. I got a weird tingle seeing him walk past again. Was something up? Why was security lingering on the floor and checking out my room? I dropped my towel and slipped on my underwear, tucking my junk into the pouch in the front. I was reaching for the shorts I’d left hanging on a chair when I saw the guard again. This time he was just standing in my doorway. I was startled and yelped. “Sorry,” he said. “I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay.” “Why? Is something up?” He stepped into my room. “Just thought I’d say hey.” He walked up to me; I felt awkward standing there in just my underwear. This was weirdly exciting but odd nonetheless. “I’m thinking we have a friend in common.” “Who’s that?” “Henry,” he said conspiratorially. He looked me up and down, not being shy about it. “You’re even hotter than he described. Athletic and ginger.” “Thanks,” was all I could think to say. I was standing there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. I started to reach for my pair of shorts again, but he put his hand on my chest to stop me. “I don’t think you need those,” he said, running his hand across my chest and down my abs. “I liked what you were wearing in the shower better.” I started breathing heavier. This surge of horniness went through me. Was this really happening?!?! One of the campus security guards was coming on to me. There was no mistaking it. “Doors open,” I said nervously, pulling away from his exploring hand. I saw my cock was getting hard in my underwear. The guard looked down at my hard bulge and grinned. He took a few steps back to the door and closed it gently. “Better now,” he said. He looked good in that uniform. Tall, strong build. He was almost a foot taller than me. He had a muscular chest beneath the tight blue uniform. His arms were nicely muscled, too. He started running his hands across my body, exploring, sizing me up. I reached out and touched his chest, feeling it through the fabric. “Like my body, ginger boy?” I nodded. “Good answer. Now get the underwear off.” I slipped the underwear down and left them on the floor. The guard didn’t waste any time reaching for my ass. He slapped it. “Nice bubble.” He slapped it again which hurt; I winced. “Now turn around. Put your hands on the desk behind you.” I turned around, facing the large window in my room that looked out of the quad. It was still quiet out there. I felt him spread my ass apart, probing at my hole. “That’s a sweet ginger hole. I’m gonna put that to good use.” He stood up and pushed the crotch of his uniform against my ass. The good boy in me panicked. “Be sure to use a condom,” I said. “There’s some there on the table.” “You put it on me when we’re ready for it,” he said. I heard him undoing his belt buckle and unzip. I leaned over and picked up the condom and put it next to me on the desk. He stepped over to the table I had pushed up next to the bunk bed as a nightstand. He picked up the lube and squirted it into one hand. I could see his cock standing straight out of his uniform pants. It was thick! He started to massage my hole using the lube, working it into my hole. “I like a tight hole,” he said. He took my hand and wrapped it around the shaft of his cock. I could feel the heat of his skin, and even smell the musk. What was happening?! Ten minutes ago I was in the shower. Alone. Now I’m about to get fucked in my dorm room! The good boy in me said we should say no and put an end to it. But he was out voted — my hole was totally turned on, and it was now in charge. I pushed my ass back against his hand. “Hungry are we?” He said. “Get up on the desk, lay back. Hang your ass over the edge.” I turned around and sat on the edge of the desk. I laid back, adjusting my ass so it was at the edge. He lifted my legs and slapped his hardon against my hole. He rested the bottle of poppers I’d bought yesterday on my chest. “Popper up.” I unscrewed the bottle and held it to one nostril, inhaling deeply. I started to feel a growing buzz as I moved the bottle to the opposite nostril. I was transfixed on the guard slathering lube onto his cock. “Lay back, legs up. Show me that ginger hole.” I leaned back onto the desk and lifted my legs, my ass hanging off the end of the desk. He pressed his hands behind my knees, forcing my legs wider and really exposing my ass. The poppers washed over me. My heart started racing and there was a moment where the room seemed to go darker. That craving for cock came with it again, and I started flexing my hole for him. “That’s it,” he growled. “That’s what I wanna see.” He started teasing my hold with the head of his thick cock. He picked up the lube and dribbled more onto my hole, then spread it with his cock. I could feel the heat coming off the bare head. Something about a condom crossed the back of my head. The voice was a distant whisper that was overwhelmed by the craving I was feeling. “Fuck me,” I said quietly. “What was that, ginger boy?” “Fuck me,” I said more firmly. The guard pushed his cock against my hole, prying it open with the force. I felt the muscles give way and his thickness started to fill me. I winced and then gasped with the thickness stretching my hold. The opened condom went ignored on the desk beside me. “Fuuuuck…. That’s a tight ginger hole. “Gonna have to stretch you out to really enjoy this.” My mind was swirling. I was in my dorm room, naked on the desk, with someone whose name I don’t even know burying his cock inside me. If anyone in the rooms across the quad from mine looked out their windows, they’d be able to see me getting fucked. “People can see in the windows,” I gasped. “Good. Maybe they’ll want some of this, too.” He thrust all the way in til his balls were pressed against my ass. I groaned with the intense penetration. “College guys can’t get enough of this cock.” He started pounding away at my ass. I was moaning, probably louder than I should have in the dorm.People would be waking up and hear me, but I couldn’t control it. I felt totally drunk on his cock. I felt amazing! He could see it in my face. “You love this cock, don’t you, ginger boy?” “Fuck yeah!” He grinned a wicked grin. “Oops. Someone forgot to put the condom on me. Guess I know what you really want this morning.” The fucking was relentless. He took my ass in an aggressive series of thrusts. I groaned as he pummeled me. It was a wild mix of pleasure and pain. I fumbled for the poppers and awkwardly took another hit, hoping it would soften the roughness of the fuck. “Don’t worry. I’m almost there…..” he said. Those words sent a thrill through me. I grabbed my own cock and began jacking it. The guard had a wicked look on his face. “Fuck yeah. You want this gift. I knew you did. Knew it as soon as I saw you showing off in the shower. Knew you’d want to get pozzed again. Fucking slut.” He spat on me. I was totally fixated on him, on the relentless fucking I was taking. He was going to breed me. The good boy voice in the back of my head screamed again, but the rest of me wanted it. “Fuck yeah!” He said loudly. “Fuck yeah! I’m cumming! I’M CUMMING!!” A part of me knew everyone had just heard that. Some strange guy’s voice was coming from my room declaring his dominance over me. He came with a rush, his body shaking as his cock pulsed. He unleashed his load inside me, electrifying me. Instead of burying his load deep, he just kept pumping it into me. There was nothing I could do except take it from him. My own cock burst, spewing jizz across my chest and even hitting my face. My body spasmed. The guard pulled out, letting my legs just dangle off the desk. They didn’t quite fall to the floor — my muscles were too worked up and activated to relax. Instead I just held myself there, body spasming from the exertion, covered in my own jizz. He came over and pushed his cock into my face. “Clean it off,” he commanded. I didn’t have a choice as he roughly pushed his cum slicked cock into my mouth. “Taste your ginger ass on there, boy. Taste some of the cum I left inside you. Clean it off real good so I can go back to work.” When he was satisfied, he put himself together again, tucking his cock inside his pants. He’d never undressed, just pulled out his cock. The uniform clearly didn’t interfere with his fucking the hell oughta me. “You’re gonna need another shower,” he said, lightly slapping my tight abs. He ran his hands over my smooth torso. “Hot body. I’m gonna enjoy using it.” He walked to the door, leaving me laying on my desk. “Have a good one, bud.” And walked out, leaving the door open as he walked down the hallway. [What is going to become of our newest cumdump college boy, Justin? I suspect there’s more ahead for him! If you enjoyed this chapter, let me know. A blue heart (or a 🐷) is always appreciated — a simple form of feedback inspires me. Thanks!]
    1 point
  41. I always clean the guy's dick after the fuck - won't let a drop of spunk or the ass juices go to waste
    1 point
  42. Damn. Hot story. Many hot stories are inspired by kinky minds but possibly because of the state of mind at the time of writing, they tend to lack good writing skills. All my posts are the example of those. However wheb I find story like this, where kink and good writing are combined. It's my mind explodes with lust. Ive re-read last chapter and now I am on my way to a guys house to live my own sexual fantasy. Thabks and please post more soon
    1 point
  43. Part 11 Casey couldn't believe what he was seeing. Casey and Tyler werent really friends beyond hanging out in the common areas in the dorm. The hall, the bathroom, and the rooms that always had the doors open. Tyler wasnt one of the guys who kept his door open much but after a while the guys got comfortable and everyone started to just walk into rooms without thinking about it. Of all the things that Casey could have come up with that Tyler might be doing at that moment in his room, what he saw was nowhere near that list. Tyler was a nice guy, quiet but still in the mix with the rest of the guys, and religious, or at least Casey thought he was. They stared at each other. Casey was stuck speechless with his mouth agape. Tyler noticed that Casey wasnt looking him in the eyes. Then he realized. Casey was staring at the cum now dripping down his face. But he followed Casey's eyes down to his hole. Tyler realized his fingers were still inside him and that realization prompted him to pull them out slowly. Casey watched as the fingers also brought something with them. Was that cum dripping from Tyler's hole? Did Tyler cum before and fuck himself with that load? Little did Casey know. It was the click of the door closing that knocked Casey back from his thoughts. The sound did the same for Tyler as he closed his legs with embarrassment. He was found out. This was it. Casey always seemed like a good guy, friendly and kind to everyone he met. But he just caught a guy finger fucking himself right at the moment that he came a huge load. For a second, he feared for his life. "Bro I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Tyler stopped him as he pulled his blanket over his legs and crotch. "Please Casey. Please dont tell anyone. No one knows." "That you jerk off? Ty everyone jerks off you gotta know that!" "Uh...yeah...I..." "Did you like fuck your cum into your hole? I mean thats some pretty dirty shit but hey whatever gets you off right?" "My own cum? What do you-" "Oh I thought-" Then they both looked at each other as they realized what they had been missing. Tyler broke the tense silence first. Go with Casey's story, he thought. "Oh yeah, my c-" "Ty did a guy fuck his cum up into you?" Another silence. Tyler had no idea what would happen if the entire dorm found out. His family would find out soon after. "No...Casey....no I-" "Ty. It's cool. I wont tell. Its fine bro. I shouldnt have busted in like that. Ill knock from now on." "No I-" Tyler didnt know how to finish that sentence. He didnt know what to say at a time like this. He noticed Casey's eyes moving down the bed. Tyler was hard again and his cock was tenting the blanket. Casey came to and turned around to leave. He didnt hear Tyler call to him again softly over the sound of the doorknob being opened and the door whipping open and shut quickly. Tyler thought for a moment and waited another minute to let his cock soften. He pulled himself out of bed grabbed his boxers and used them as a towel to wipe the cum off his face chest and stomach. He needed a shower. Clean this day off and get back to thinking straight again. He would pray as he showered and figure out how to talk to Casey. Tyler grabbed his toiletry bag wrapped his towel around his waist and walked out of his room toward the bathroom. He knew he would have to pass Casey's room and he started to worry that maybe Casey had gathered a bunch of the guys to tell them what he saw. As he approached he saw that Caseys door was closed. What if there was a group in there listening to the story about the Christian boy down the hall who loved getting fucked and bred? Tyler leaned his body into Caseys door to try to see if he could hear any voices but as he leaned in the door gave. It wasnt fully closed and Tyler ended up stumbling into Caseys room. "What the fuck? Ty?!" Tyler couldnt respond as he saw Casey laying in bed naked and holding his hard cock in his hand.
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  44. Part 9 Chris's immediate physical response was a loss of breath. The rush of the slam made him cough uncontrollably. He thought this was probably the last moments of his life. Dying naked in a sling with drugs in his system. God would punish him and send him to a hell that he only began to imagine in that moment. That thought of death was surprisingly not met with fear because this wasnt a time for emotion. Gregs massive cock was in him and the way he plunged it into Chris without mercy also simultaneously caused the boy to take a quick intake of breath. Only he didnt have the ability to take it. The coughing fit and the sharp pain of the raw cock stretching him were all too much. Meanwhile the video hadnt stopped. The screams by the men and the top to "poz the boy" were relentless as the top bred the bottom. Thoughts of his demise turned out to be far too premature. Suddenly he felt Hunters hand on his chest again. What he didnt realize was Hunters hand was there from the moment he pulled the band off Chris's arm. The shock was wearing off and feeling was returning to Chris. Hunters touch felt electric. His coughing stopped and a heat permeated his body. Hunters touch made the heat more intense and yet it wasnt enough. He needed more. And the pain of his hole being stretched became something different. Need. Greg was deep but Chris wanted him deeper. The need for more prompted him to raise his arms toward Greg as if to beckon him. Greg obliged and bent down again laying on top of the boy and making out again. "Fuck boy. You feeling good huh?" Chris just moaned into Gregs mouth and pushed his tongue deeper into the kiss. Greg responded with a moan of his own and accepted as much of Chris's tongue as he could get. Meanwhile he stayed balls deep in the boy and rocked inside him, flexing his cock and trying to press against the boys prostate. Chris still wasnt down from that initial highest of highs enough to figure out what to make of all that was happening. What he did know was that his life was now divided into two: before slam and after slam. Before this slam he knew he had parts of his body that would arouse him when they were touched. But now every inch of his body was a pleasure center, outside and inside. He could suddenly feel every ridge and vein of Gregs throbbing cock. He felt how deep inside him he was. He felt Gregs chest pressed on top of his as he pushed himself up against the man to somehow get even closer. Their making out became breathless just as Chris had regained his breathing. There was no chance to think. He wanted to feel this way forever. Feeling the need to be touched like this and having that need met by a man as gorgeous as Greg. Greg pulled himself up having to fight the pull of Chris's arms. He wanted to see this boy he was fucking and get a look at his raw cock fucking in and out of him. Chris was looking up at him so intently like he was trying to memorize every detail of Gregs face. Greg noticed how Chris's face had changed with the high running through him. He was more animal, acting on instinct instead of thought, taking what he wanted and not thinking about consequences. He loved his boys like this. But looking at how changed the boy was reminded him that the high from the slam he did when he first got to Hunters place had mostly worn off. He looked at Hunter who was still at Chris's side now stroking his own dripping cock. "You dont wanna feed that to him?" Greg asked Hunter. "Later. I see where his focus is for now. Hes in love." Greg chuckled knowing thats exactly the look Chris had on his face as he looked up at the man who was fucking him. Whether or not Chris heard any of this wasnt clear to either man standing since the boys gaze never wavered. "You look like you could use...a pick me up." Greg smiled at Hunter. "You read my mind." Hunter turned his attention to his kit to get one of the prepared rigs for Greg. Greg leaned back down to kiss Chris softly. He looked into the boys eyes and asked "Feeling good boy?" Chris just nodded. It was as if he was in a trance. "I'm gonna stay deep in you like this but I cant promise that Ill have much control once Hunter gives me what he gave you. Your hole feels so good around my cock I might just cum as soon as he slams me. You ok with that?" It didnt matter how Chris answered. Greg was going to breed this boy. But he wanted to hear Chris say that he wanted Gregs cum in this intimate moment when they were as closely connected as they could be. "Yeah." Chris's first word since his slam. "Yeah what boy? Tell me." "I...I..I want you to cum." Damn, Greg thought. This high and still had some inhibitions. Those religious boys from conservative families were hard to break and he was working on one such boy now. That only pushed Greg closer to the edge of his cum. "Yeah? Where do you want me to cum boy?" "I...I....cum in me." "Whats that? Say that again boy. With conviction. Like you really want it. I don't believe you." "Cum inside me. Please. Gimme that cum." "Fuck. Yeah? You sure?" Greg could see that his promptings were pushing Chris to open his mind to what he really wanted. He watched as Chris's face became more resolute and assured. "Fuck yes. Shoot those fucking poz ropes of cum in me." The sudden outburst almost shook Chris lucid. Had he just asked Greg to cum in him and poz him? He had never once considered that. But he knew what he said and what he said was what he wanted. This was after slam Chris and after slam Chris craved poz cum. "Fucking flood me with your poz cum." "Oh fuck," Greg lifted himself up again as Hunter came close with the band and rig. "Looks like he put it all together. Our boy wants to get pozzed up." Hunter looked at Chris who finally turned from Greg and looked back at him as if noticing for the first time that he was even in the room. "Yeah boy? You wanna get pozzed?" Chris nodded. "Fuck yeah. But Chris?" He gave Chris a look now as if to say listen closely. "Chris? How do you know you werent pozzed before today?" Chris's eyes grew wide as the realization hit him. And then the smile. Chris smiled at Hunter as the look on his face transformed from shock to pure lust. As the realization hit Chris, he looked back and forth to the two men and as he tilted his head back in ecstasy, moaned out "Fuuuuuuuuck." Both men noticed that Chris's cock was as hard as it had been the whole day and it was leaking precum all over his abs. Greg was also benefiting from Chris's pleasure as he felt the boys hole squeeze his cock gripping it and milking it and trying to pull it in deeper. Greg smiled in response as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Yeah boy. Thats what youre about to get. Im gonna fucking breed you with my poz cum so deep." He was balls deep in Chris and tried to focus so he could hold his position as Hunter tied the band around his arm and found a vein. When Hunter pulled away after finishing the slam, Greg raised his arm and coughed through that initial impact. He loved getting slammed while he was inside a bottom but this hole was so tight and knowing that it was a neg boy who wanted to get pozzed up made him wild. As he rode the high he pushed his weight against Chris's hole trying to get even deeper than was possible. Chris could feel the change in Greg just in the way the cock inside him felt. Almost like it was growing fatter. It felt like it was stretching him even more. But there was no pain. This was all pleasure. He looked back up to Greg and saw the change in his face. It looked like lust on the verge of violence. Chris braced himself. "Oh fuck boy. You feel that cock?" Gregs breathing was heavy from the coughing but also as he got closer to cumming. His fucking became more frantic pulling almost completely out before slamming his cock deep into the boy at an increasing speed. The two were moaning loudly now unable to form words. Greg reached down and held Chris's shoulders to get deeper with each stroke. He looked deep into Chris and found some words but not sentences. "Cumming....pozzing....boy.....fuck..." and then the slamming strokes that would tell any observer that Gregs ropes of poz cum were being shot into Chris. The spasms, the shaking, all told Hunter that this was a huge load. But what made this easily one of the hottest things Hunter had ever witnessed was that as Greg began to shoot his load Chris also was on the verge of cumming. He never found his words so it came out in a long moan that was broken up by each rope that he shot. Hunter saw cum shooting up onto Chris's chest and face and more than one rope that hit Gregs neck and chin. As he came Chris's legs moved off the sling and tightened around Greg but in constant movement as if unable to maintain control. Hunter couldnt tell if one was shaking the other or if both were shaking together as if they were a single unit. As Greg slowed himself down he wrapped his arms around Chris and they kissed deep. Both still shivered with periodic tremors as they made out from the intense cum they had both experienced. As Greg pulled himself from the kiss he looked into Chris's eyes again. The boy was still very high. "Fuck youre hot boy. That might have been the most cum I have ever shot at once." Chris just smiled. "You are so adorable." Greg turned to Hunter as if to seek his agreement. What he saw was cum all over the floor. Hunter had cum with the boys and shot all around him like he was trying to paint the floor with his cum. "Guess you enjoyed watching that." Hunter laughed. "That was fucking hot boys. Two boys fucking is hot. A top pozzing a neg bottom is fucking hot. But you two got me at that next level. Fuck." Greg turned to look at Chris again but was still talking to Hunter. "How did you find the hottest boy on campus? If there are anymore like him at that school...fuck youre hot." He pressed his mouth against Chris's again and their passion was just as deep as before they came. When the kiss broke, Chris spoke his first words since he came. "You would like Tyler." Greg cocked his head slightly at the statement and turned to Hunter though it wasnt clear who he was talking to. Maybe both of them. "Who's Tyler?"
    1 point
  45. A veritable BZ masterpiece two thumbs and my cock up!
    1 point
  46. Fake Bareback Porn Cast (Part 2) Tim ‘s and Sydney’s real names were not important. They hardly ever used them anyway. Two days Sydney called me again. “BareRapeEnterprises. Sydney speaking. Is this Jake?” he asked me, with his melodic voice. “Yes. Good Morning Sydney. I hope you got good news for me” I tried not to sound desperately. “Well, I think I do. Your casting was approved by our production team. They think you are good material to work with and would like to use you in one scene of our projects.” he explained. “Did you already get tested? We need to know, if you are HIV negative?” he asked me. I told him, that the test was done and I was waiting for the results, but I should get it the other day. I was 100 % sure it would be negative, I added. “Very good. I will give you an address now. We will shoot the scene at the old station outside the town. It is quite rural there, but this is what our customers like the most.” he said and told me to write down the address and to be there at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Sydney told me, they would explain more about the scene and the story tomorrow. “Will I be part of a gangbang?” I asked a bit frightened. “No – we decided you will be filmed getting fucked by two tops. It is only sex you know?” he answered. “Don’t worry… Tim will film and I will assist him. You will do just fine, and even if you don’t like the looks of the two other actors, just think of the 200 dollars. Easy money for you.” he tried to sound cheerful. The two other ‘actors’ were two guys who ‘bought’ me to infect me with the virus. They paid Sydney and Tim 10.000 Dollars to rape fuck a twink and infect him with the bug. The filmed material would be edited by us and would be given to the costumers later. So it was not only the idea, of breeding and infecting a young lad, but also to keep the memorable moment on film. Of course I was unaware of those agreements. For me it was the first time to be filmed as a porn actor. For them it was because of the profit. There are guys willing to pay a good price, to get this service. I had to take the bus and then use my bike also , to reach the old station, just outside the town. I wanted to be on time and so I arriver at around 4 PM at the ruins. Tim and Sydney were already there. I saw several places, where headlights had been arranged in various places. They greeted me warmly and asked me if I would be here by bike. I nodded and felt a bit embarrassed, that I was not able to afford a car yet. “We could use that in the story line. He could ride with his bike and at this place the two others will storm out of the ruins over there and tear him down from his bike.” Sydney suggested. “Yes, and Tony and Stuart will overwhelm Jake here and beat him up a bit…. drag him over there…. and there we can film the rape” Tim smiled happily. I listened to their conversations. I would be filmed in a rape scene. This would be exciting for sure. ‘Tony and Stuart’ were a union in real life. They were both tops and both extremely toxic. Being quite wealthy it was fun for them to pay Tim and Sydney to lure guys like me into this situation, to poz and destroy me. But little did I know…. and so the producer told me a bit about the story line over all. “Well Jake…. excited hm?” he smiled at me. “You will meet two guys any minute. They are actors for our company for quite a while and they will lead the scene. You don’t have to worry a thing. Just be open for them and play along.” he advised me. “This will be a rape scene… you guessed that already, hm?” he grinned. “We, at BareRapeEnterprises, take our company name really serious. We make high quality porn and we make it realistic. So it is totally okay if you scream and shout. Since you are a newcomer to this…. a rape scene is always a bit brutal, you know? We need the realism for our customers. Don’t hold back any emotion you feel. If you feel pain then cry and beg for mercy.” he suggested to me. “We won’t stop the filming very often. We want to create one story line. The people should feel like this for real. And we know you are probably not accustomed being roughly used like that. Keep your focus on the money – and if you are doing a good scene here….. We are filming the whole week in your area at rural locations like these…. who knows, maybe you will get booked for other rape scenes too” he mentioned. “That sounds great – I would love to get more chances to get filmed” I replied, thinking of the cash only. “Do you have your test result with you?” Sydney asked. I nodded and handed it to him. “Thanks…. we will put this in your personal file – it will be probably flashed along with the results of the other actors in the beginning of the film, to give the right impression” Sydney claimed. “We got some other stuff for you to wear, I think I got the right size for you” Sydney smirked. He handed me a jeans shorts, which was way too small for me and a t-shirt which was also too small. Sydney explained to me, that this would look better in the movie, so I started to undress my stuff. “Did you prepare yourself?” he asked me. “We at BareEnterprises suggest you let us take care of the preparations, such as lubing you up” he stated. Since I was nude already he went to another bag and got a bottle of lube out of it. He told me to spread my ass cheeks and let him do the rest. It was a funny feeling, that a guy, who actually didn’t want sex with me, would use his fingers now to lube me up for the real sex event. Little did I know, that Sydney’s index fingers had sharpened fingernails. With them he penetrated me and tried to make me bleed internal. I moaned a bit. It felt good, but it did hurt also. I complained about it, but he said, due to my inexperience it would be hurtful and of course he needed to be a little bit rough, since the penetrations would be extremely rough for me. So this should warm me up, for the things still to come. While I got fingered the other two actors arrived. They were in their 40’s and quite good looking. Maybe a bit raw-boned. They watched Sydney prepare me and rubbed their bulges already. “How old is ‘it’?” he asked Tim. “18” he answered. “Here is his test result. Three days old. He is negative” Tim added. Tony and Stuart wore black shirts and leather jackets and black leather pants. I could already see, that the two blokes were good amplified in the lower department. Their bulges seemed to be huge and they were already grabbing their crotches to keep their dicks hard. “Well Jake, why don’t sit down here in front of us, while I explain some of the important stuff to our star rapists?” he advised me and pushed me down. The bulges of the other two actors seemed bigger from underneath. While Tim talked to the other guys Sydney suggested, I could already massage Tony and Stuart. This way, I would know what to expect later on and since the Fluffer-boy had called in sick, it would help the guys to hold their erection also. That made sense and so without asking I began softly to massage both other actors through their leather pants. They looked down at me and listened to Tim’s instructions. Something was strange about these two fellows. They didn’t seem to care about me very much. They haven’t said ‘Hi’ to me at all. They grinned down at me, while I kept on squeezing their dicks softly. Sydney mentioned in between, that he had already prepared my asshole successfully. This meant, I was bleeding now, but for me it was just the information, that I was lubed up. Both tops nodded. Then I got dressed up. I was able to pull the jeans almost up to the waist, but it was just too small. I was not even able to button up completely. This way you would see my prominent basket and my ass cheeks were visible. The same went for the shirt. You could even see my bellybutton. Sydney explained again, this way I would look hot sexy and it would make the whole story more believable. If a faggot in this gear bikes alone at this abandoned station, it is only natural he would get raped. “Right… cool” I said. They thought about those little details. I never even imagined this would be important at all. Sydney laughed and said, that was the reason why he was in the management, while I would get used the way it would happen now. I was determined to do my best, in the hope to get other video offers from Tim. Tony and Stuart were given motorcycle masks. After putting them on, I could only see their eyes and their mouths. The rest of their faces were covered. They looked even more dangerous now and my heart started beating faster. Sydney opened up a can. There were pills in it and he offered me one. “What is that good for?” I asked and added that I wouldn’t do drugs. “It’s not a drug. It is only for your stamina. You will be able to enjoy the attention of both tops. This scene was a rape scene after all. It has to be realistic….” he advised. “Give him only half of the pill. We want him defenseless… not unconscious!” Tim ordered harshly. So I was given half of the dose and swallowed it with a sip of water. After a couple of minutes I felt a bit dizzy and I was not able to follow the conversation any longer. Sydney warned Tim, I would react strongly to half of the pill. So they helped me to get up and accompanied me to the spot, where they would start filming. I was supposed to drive from there, just a couple of meters. Then I would be attacked. “Just let it emerge naturally…. don’t feel ashamed to scream out…. beg and plead with them to spare you, when you are on the ground…. try to get up and run away to the next spot…. there we will film the main action” he reminded me. “We plan to let the video cam roll the whole time. We will edit scenes, if we need to rearrange something…. ok? Let’s do it. Action!” he commanded and with that I started rolling slowly with my bike downhill. All of a sudden I saw a shadow emerge from parts of the ruin. Another guy followed him. They stopped my bike and threw me off to the ground. “Faggot – what are you doing here on our property! This is a faggot free environment.” the shouted out at me. I hurt myself falling from my bike and I was bleeding on my right knee. This sudden attack scared me, although I knew it was just a scene in a porn movie. But the guys were so realistic. Both ripped my shirts apart. I screamed frightened. I was slept several times and although I was dizzy before, now my whole body was alerted. “Look at this cunt…. look he can’t even close his pants.” they insulted me. I got kicked from one guy. It was Tony I think, because he was the taller one. He kicked me in my butt so hart. He even aimed at my back and when I tried to roll around to cover my back he had no problem kicking me in my stomach. “No…. wait…. please…. please stop….. STOP!” I screamed. Stuart grabbed me by my hair and hauled me into the ruins. My bicycle was picked up and thrown into the fields. I tried to grab Stuarts fist, to get free from him. But he held my shock of hair in an iron grip and dragged me more and more into the abandoned place. “PLEASE…. what are you doing…. I can’t owwwww….. Don’t do this to me please…..” I screamed at the top of my lungs. When Stuart released me I was crawling into a corner of the almost destroyed room. Totally confused I tried to hide myself and looked at the cam telling Tim it was tough… “Man… can you guys be less brutal please…..” I almost hyperventilated “Please guys…. give me a break please….. Ow…. OOoooowwww” I got kicked again from Stuart and so I tried to avoid the kicks. “Tim….. TIM….. Please” I almost cried. Tim shouted out loud to go on with the action. Everything disturbing the scene would be edited later. Tony entered the scene. He discarded my bike but now he was standing next to Stuart and both guys were breathing heavily and I could see their cold eyes looking down at me. Both massaged their cocks while they told me what a cheap slut I was. “Look at this fucking whore…. you knew what you were going to, when you passed our property and now it is time to pay” Tony snarled dangerously. “Please…. I’ll do… I’ll do anything…. just don’t hit me. Please…. PLEAAASEEEE?” I screamed. “Please….. Don’t please…. no…. oh God” I tried to avoid the kicks that were raining down on me. I didn’t know where to turn. I got kicked into my chest, when I tried to get up. I got kicked to the sides of my body. No matter how hard I tried to protect myself, I had no chance, since both guys were fast in changing their position. There was no escape. So I tried to be appear smaller than I actually was. Suddenly the kicking stopped. Both leather tops started to remove their thick leather belts and I knew what was coming. They beat me with their belts and showed no mercy. All I knew, they would stop soon, since this was a porn movie and this meant the fucking scene would start…. then this whole foreplay would come to an end. “Do you like the way my belt makes love to you?” Tony asked me breathlessly. I did not reply. I was too busy with the pain. I just grunted like a wounded animal. Their arms didn’t tire. They kept on beating my chest, my back, my stomach, my legs and since I wore my jeans still, my ass and my groin area had been spared up to now. “Tim…. Sydney…. Please make them stop…. Tony…. Stuart….. have mercy please…. I can’t take anymore” I cried. Eventually they probably felt pity for me, because the beating stopped. But they still held the belts in one of their fists. “Get on your knees filthy pig and open our pants” Tony said without remorse. “Suck our dicks you faggot. That’s what you were born to. To suck on alpha males you low life” Stu added this command. I looked up to them. I couldn’t believe they really stopped beating me. I tried to get up fast to my knees, but my whole body was aching. Slowly I got up and tried to look at them, in case they changed their minds and would hurt me again. But they stood only there with their legs apart with huge bulges in each of their pants. “Yes…. yes…. thanks you… I will… will… suck you good….. I will drain your balls…. I will do anything….. ANYTHING….. for you. But please don’t hurt me anymore. I tried to smile at both guys, but the pain made it unbearably. “Can we make a break Tim…. please…. I need something to drink.” I pleaded and so the director called ‘Cut’ and I felt safe again.
    1 point
  47. Dr Mike – biohazard and healer - Part 2 – My First Treatment from Dr Mike and Big Ben As I left Dr Mike’s office after my first appointment, his words kept ringing in my ears, “My cum is more toxic than you can imagine,” and I could not wait to let him take care of me. I took the Metro to Nathan’s apartment and he had just gotten off work and was waiting for me. He wanted to hear how my visit went, and when I told him what Dr. Mike said his dick got instantly hard, he pulled my pants down and spit fucked rough saying, “Yeah, make you nice and raw, get your ready for Dr Mike, he has got some fucked up toxic cum, now take mine, take mine.” That was how we spent the weekend, Nathan spit fucking or dry fucking me as rough as he could so my ass was nice and sore and full of his load so that come Monday, whatever Dr Mike gave me would take all the better. While I always enjoyed Nathan’s fuck and the thought of his dirty seed breeding me, I could not get my mind off Dr Mike. I woke up early Monday morning and when I showered, cleaned out too. Usually never a problem, but I wanted to be extra sure with Dr Mike. Nathan swung past by place on his way to his office just to give me some of his cum to, as he said, “Get you started right today.” He dry fucked me and made my asshole even more raw, red and tender, - the sadistic evil fucker. I got to Dr Mike’s about 10:00 a.m., and still had Nathan’s load in my ass. I was nervous as hell and part of me wanted to just go back home, but the poz cum craving pig in me kept going. So with a fresh bottle of poppers in my pocket, I knocked on the door to Dr. Mike’s office and waited. The floor his office was on seemed completely empty, and as I stood there I was starting to worry that Dr Mike had lied to me or I had the wrong day, or I don’t know what. I knocked again and was just thinking about leaving when I heard the locks turn. I let out a big sigh as Dr Mike opened the door and let me in. He was dressed casually in jeans and a polo shirt, gave me a big smile, shook my hand and said, “See you made it. Come on in, come on”, as he locked the door. He headed down the hallway in his office, past the exam rooms, to the far end into his personal office. Dr Mike’s office was like the rest of the building, old, a bit run down, nothing fancy. His desk was piled high with papers, books, and there were a couple chairs and a leather couch. “So, how are you feeling today?” Dr Mike asked me. “Umm, OK, fine, thanks.” I said. He replied, “You seem a bit nervous, are you? That’s OK, but no need to be nervous, I WILL take care of you just like I promised. Here, sit down in the chair, make yourself comfortable.” I nervously sat down, watched as he went behind his desk, he grabbed a file, came back around and sat down in the chair next to me. “OK, right,” he said as he smiled, “Yes, Nathan’s friend. So how is Nathan? He still fucking you?” I blushed, which he took as a yes and chuckled a little, “I see, well look, we are after hours so to speak and I tend to leave the office jargon behind, but I can say ‘intercourse’ if you prefer?” I said, “No, sorry, just umm a little shy I guess.” Dr Mike smiled, “No worries, like I told you, no need to be shy around me about anything and like I said, I want you to be honest with me and I will be totally honest with you. Now, get undressed. Yes, you heard me, get undressed and set your clothes on the floor by the end of the couch and then kneel on the floor here in front of me.” I stood up and did as Dr Mike asked. I piled my clothes on the floor then kneeled in front of him and looked up as he continued speaking. “Now, let’s see, right, as I said I think you have a very mild strain of HIV and do you remember what else I told you? Hmmm? I told you I was not going to jerk off all weekend and that I liked to unload in assess like yours that start out with mild strains. You know why?” I shook my head no, as Dr Mike said, “Because I like to hear you beg for my toxic cum and I will give it you if you want it, but you have to want. Do you want it? I can’t hear you, do you want it?” “Yes, I think so, yes,” I mumbled. “That’s OK for now you will want it later, but right now, before we go any further, we need to come to an agreement on something. You know what is?” Dr Mike asked. He continued, “We are going to agree that I promise to take care of you and you promise that you will accept and take whatever treatment program I prescribe without question, is that understood?” “Yes, I think so, yes,” I mumbled again and looked to the floor. Dr. Mike reached down, lifted my chin so my eyes met his, “You did a good job taking your first treatment by sucking old Hank’s herpes filled dicked and I know that cum tastes nasty – that means it was full of bug and venom – but we will wait to make sure it took before I mark that off your chart. Don’t you worry, this is my personal chart for you and yes, I have a nice list here in your chart of the treatments you will take and I will probably even add a few as we go along if you do what I say and please me well. Most guys don’t make it past our first treatment together as I expect obedience, and service, and no questions asked. I am the doctor, you are the patient, and I know best, understand?” “Yes….Sir…I understand,” I said. I then shifted a little on my knees as Dr Mike stood up, set the file in the chair and said, “Undress me.” I wanted to go right for his dick, but figured I better be patient, so I stood up, lifted his shirt off over his head, folded it and set it on the other chair. I then unfastened his belt, and his pants and as they dropped to the floor Dr Mike sat back down. I could see his huge bulge in his white Jockeys, but focused on the business at hand and next untied his shoes and slipped his pants off, then his socks, and then folded them and put them on the chair as well. “Kneel,” Dr Mike said in a firm voice, so I got back on my knees, Dr Mike stood up with his crotch just inches from my face. “Now lick it,” he said. Lick what? He still had his underwear on, so I started licking his bulge through the underwear, making little spit stains as I did. My mouth was feeling dry and full of cotton and I pulled back a little, but then Dr Mike pushed my head back to his crotch, so I kept licking. After a while the outline of his dick showed clearly as my spit had made a nice wet trail around the edges. “Stand up and bend over,” Dr Mike said. So I got up, bent forward with my ass towards Dr Mike who had sat back down in the chair. I sensed him lean forward as he gently parted my ass cheeks. He then pressed his nose into my ass and took a big whiff, inhaling the smell of my sweat and more. “Did you get fucked?” he asked, his voice stern. Damn, please don’t let him stop. I started to mumble something but Dr Mike kept on, “Nathan’s cum? That bastard, I will teach him to fuck with what is mine later, but for today’s purposes, this will be considered part of my treatment program. Now let me see your hole – bend over further – come on – ahhh, yes, as I suspected, looks like has been fucking you dry – is that right? Has he been rough fucking you dry? Hmmmm, yes, your hole looks nice and ripe for exposure.” With that Dr Mike started to lick my asshole and I started to moan, my dick bobbed up and down, and the precum started flowing from the head. Fuck that felt good. I started to jerk myself off and pushing my ass back to meet his tongue, which was digging in and licking out Nathan’s cum. “Come with me,” Dr Mike said as he stood up and left the office. I ruffled through my pants, grabbed the poppers, and followed him into the first exam room and he said, “Kneel.” So I knelt on the cold, dirty white linoleum floor and watched as he adjusted the padded exam table and made it lower, and rolled a small tray table to the side. “Now, I want you to see what you will be taking this morning. This treatment will hurt, but it is for your own good,” Dr Mike said as he then pulled down his Jockeys down that were straining to keep his dick in. My eyes bulged like his shorts when his dick plopped out. I could not tell exactly how long it was for sure (always use the spread of my hand – end of pinky to end of thumb which is 9 inches to gauge) but just from looking, seemed a good deal longer than 9. It was fairly thick, but what surprised me more was how hard it looked. Every vein was straining and clearly popping up and down his shaft. He was uncut and the foreskin almost looked like a lion’s mane as it bunched up around the back of his dick head. “So,” Dr Mike said very sternly, ““I will give you my biohazard and toxic cum if you want it, but you have to want. Do you want it? Or, you may leave now if you wish to, but if you do, I will never treat you – ever, so this is your last chance. You may leave, or if you stay, and accept to be treated as I order to be you will do exactly as I say. You will take exactly what I give, how I give it, and when and where. No questions asked and there will be rules. If you follow them I will reward you with special gifts that only I can give you as I enjoy nothing better than a boy who submits and lets me treat them as I wish.” Dr Mike did not say anything more and I kneeled on the floor and tried to process what he just said my heart raced, my dick continued to stream precum, and my ass was hungrier then ever. “Please sir, I beg you, please give me your toxic cum. I want it, I do, I really do. I want anything you got, anything and will do whatever you say, I promise, please. I want your gifts, every one, I want them all,” little did I know what I was really asking for. Dr Mike smiled, “Good, now remember what I said and what you just said, the pact is made. Now sometimes I will give you a choice and today would have asked you if you wanted me to take it slow and easy with you, use lots of lube, take my time, or, do you want me to fuck you like I want to ensure my toxic cum rakes your guts and burns through your insides? But, you did not know this of course, but you did break a rule, I only fuck ass with cum in it when I say so, and today I did not say so. So you have no choice, now get on the exam table.” I started to say something as I was getting up but he turned, glared at me and said, “NO QUESTIONS.” The exam table was easy to hop onto – just about waist high – and before I laid on my back I started to open the bottle of poppers to take a hit. Dr Mike snatched them from my hand, “NO, you will only take what I give you, how I give it. Period. You will NOT do poppers. I do not like the smell, so if you must have them then leave now.” I didn’t move, so he said, “Good, now lay back, scoot down, come on further, make your ass hang over the edge a little like you did during your first visit, but further. Right, that’s it, now take a deep breath.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Dr Mike had my ankles in his hands and was pushing my legs back and out so that my hole was exposed. I could feel his dick head bobbing around my ass hole and started to get nervous, not sure I could take it. Dr Mike then let go of one leg, “Hold your leg back, that’s it,” as he spit into his other hand and worked a finger into my ass. I bucked my hips a little and moaned. He pulled it out, spit again, and stuck two in, and was working them around, stretching my ass ring. “Now, I am going to let go of your other leg and I want you to sit forward and brace yourself with your arms behind you. It may feel like you will slide off the table, but you won’t, I got you,” Dr Mike said as his fingers still stretched my ass. I did as he said and leaned into a somewhat sitting position with my hole hanging over the edge of the exam table and legs lifted up and out with Dr Mike’s body helping hold me up. Dr Mike then pulled his fingers out, spit on them again and this time shoved three of them in. “This spit is not going to help you much, but that will not stop me you understand? Once I start I WILL NOT stop until I have gifted you with my venom. Now, I want you to wrap your arms around my neck and hang on. This is going to hurt,” and with that Dr Mike dug his fingernails into the inside of my ass walls as he moved his fingers in and out. I flinched and tried to pull away as his fingers clawed my insides, and started to beg him, please, no. Dr Mike leaned into my ear, “I told you this would hurt, but that is only the beginning, beg all you want but I will not stop now, because now you are ready, now you are ready to experience more pain as I bring death and destruction to your ass. Your ass will burn with my acid load, you WILL TAKE MY TOXIC CUM BOY!!!” With that Dr Mike slammed his dick into my hole and I cried out and hung onto him tighter. He did not get far and pushed again, and again. It just wouldn’t go, so he yanked it out, spit a few times on his hand, rubbed it on his dick head, and slammed it in again. This time my ass could not hold back and he entered me. The pain was white hot as the damage he had done with his fingers tore even more as his dick ripped into me. Dr Mike had his hands behind me, sort of gripping my ass, pulling me into him, yet keeping me on the edge of the table as his hips thrust his dick up into my hole. I had hardly ever been fucked without poppers and could not believe how much it hurt! “What do you want boy? What do you need? Huh? What do you want?” Dr Mike said as he breathing was getting heavier. “Please doctor, please, I want your toxic cum, I want to be a biohazard boy for you, please make me, please convert me, I want it all!” I said. “You want it all? Whatever I give you boy? You want it all? Oh I will convert you alright and you will get more then you every bargained for – now here – you go – fucking – take my HIV – take my cum of death– you will take it – take it – oh fuck fuck – shit FUCK – YOU’RE DEAD!!!! Dr Mike squeezed me close, shook, trembled, and unloaded into my ass. He was right, his cum felt like acid and my insides burned. What had he just said? Take his what? Oh fuck it, I just wanted him. We stayed like that for a few minutes as his breathing returned to normal. When he finally slid his dick out of me drops of red tinged cum and ass juice dropped onto the white linoleum floor. Dr Mike looked at his red covered dick and the floor, chuckled and said, “You are no longer a virgin, welcome to the club boy.” He grabbed a paper towel out of the dispenser, wiped his dick off, tossed it in the red biohazard container, and when I stood up (wincing with pain as I did) and went to grab a towel, Dr Mike grabbed my hand, “No, I did not tell you to clean up. You are not done yet.” Not done? So I followed him back to his office with blood and ass juice and cum running and dripping down my ass and thighs. Dr Mike was drinking from a can of soda on his desk, set the can down, then came and sat in the chair. His dick was still fairly hard and mine was hurting it was so hard. Dr Mike sighed as he sat down, “Kneel here. Good. Now look at me. This is serious. You should be proud, you took that well, and I fucking loved it, and I will continue treating you, right? Right. You should also be proud as you now have some of the most toxic cum on the east coast working its way inside you right now. You know why I dug you out before I fucked? Why I fucked you as dry as I could – and trust me – next time there will be NO – spit – it was so my biohazard cum could really get up in there. I want it eating your guts and then the rest of your insides. You know those guys you saw when you came here last week – I MADE THEM – they are my creation, every sick fucker out there was mine and you will be too.” I did not know what to say, so just stayed kneeling and listened as he went on, “You are mine too and at your next check up we will see if my toxic cum is doing its work, but don’t worry, I’ll give you more again when your treatment regimen requires it.” Just then the phone rang, Dr Mike got up, went behind his desk and answered it, then sat back down. “So, while sometimes each treatment consists of only 1 prescription, for you, as your HIV is so mild, we need to be aggressive in your regimen. My HIV is type 1, like yours, and while mine is venomous in its own right, no matter how hard I have tried I have not been able to get mine to cross over with type 2. So, that requires an outside treatment source, that while rare, I of course have access to, and trust, it is rare indeed. Now wait here a minute,” Dr Mike said as he walked out of the office. I figured he had to use the bathroom and felt like I had to myself, but I stayed kneeling. A couple minutes later he came back in the room and had someone with him, a black guy, younger than me, who was real short, about 5”7, and maybe 140/150. Dr Mike said, “That call a minute ago was Ben telling he was at the Metro station and asked if I was ready for him. No no don’t worry, you don’t need to rush, you see I asked Ben to come today for you. Yes, for you. You see, I provide a comprehensive treatment program and when I cannot fulfill the prescription exactly as I want I call in another source, which may be every time, or never, depending – anyways, today, that source for you is Ben. Ben, go ahead, take your clothes off.” As Ben got undressed I was looking a little bewildered and looked back and forth from Dr Mike to Ben, damn, did Ben know what had just happened? How much else did he know? Well he must I guess. Dr Mike sat back down in front of me, “So Ben here has been one of my patients for a while, well his name is really Mike, Michael Bennet, but there cannot be two Mikes, so I call him Ben isn’t that right Ben?” “Yes, that’s right doctor,” Ben said with a pretty heavy accent. Dr Mike went on, “Ben came here to go to college a few years ago, and brought something with him, HIV 2. He grew up in Ghana and I suspect his mother had it or maybe he got it having sex or doing drugs or whatever, does not really matter. What matters is it is type 2, and Ben is going to help treat you. Now go back to the exam room and bend over the table.” As I stood up I noticed Ben was fully naked, stroking his dick, and he looked to be not quite as long as Dr Mike, but still pretty thick and his entire dick looked about the same thickness right up to the head, which seemed somehow too little for the rest of it. He also had really low hanging balls that looked sort of shiny, liked they had been polished. Dr Mike followed me into the room, I bent over the end of the exam table and heard Ben follow. Dr Mike bent down by my ear and said softly, “Now, you will take Ben just like you took me. He is going to rip you up – no spit – just my toxic cum and your own fluids as lube – so take it good. His cum is full of HIV for you. He has one of the highest viral loads I have ever seen and has never been on any medication, I won’t let him, and his sperm is just filthy with the bug. You are privileged to have this opportunity, and so, just for good measure,” Dr Mike then reached around, stuck 3 fingers in my ass and raked my insides again making me cry out, “I am going to make sure his bug takes real good, give it a chance to live, it deserves to live, and breed and infect you, both our toxic cums will merge and grow together. Now, when he is done, you just stay like this.” Dr Mike left the room, Ben got behind me, he was shorter than Dr Mike so I had to bend my knees a little, and when we has angled up he grabbed my hips and drove his dick in. I cried out as even though I was somewhat slick from all the fluids in there, it still hurt like fuck where Dr Mike had shredded my guts. Ben was a power jack fucker, no pausing, no letting me catch my breath, just slam fuck. I was grunting and moaning and trying to keep my footing as Ben fucked harder and harder and faster and faster and I thought for sure he was cumming when he yanked his cock all the way out and just stood there. I was still trying to catch my breath when he slammed back in, balls deep this time as I could feel them slapping my cheeks with every thrust. He did not last long this time and started fucking even more furiously while making little ‘aah aah’ sounds. He then stopped, eased his dick out, and I heard more juice drip from my ass onto the linoleum and each drop sort of echoed in the exam room. Ben left and I could hear him and Dr Mike speaking in the other room. Dr Mike soon came back into the room and patted me on the ass as he leaned down and said, “That was good, very good, Ben said you did a fine job and he is always more than willing to do what I say, so I am pleased all the way around. Now that his job is done, I have sent him on his way, so that you and I may finish today’s treatment.” There’s more? I was not sure I could take any more and my ass felt like I had acid eating my insides. As Dr Mike stepped behind me he asked me how I was and when I told him that he just chuckled and said, “Oh yes, I expect it does feel like acid, it is in a way. You see, not only did you take my toxic cum which I know is extremely toxic, but you took Ben’s too and I already told you about his, but there is more.” More? I started to raise up to turn around and ask what he meant just as Dr Mike put his hands on my back, pushed me back down on the table and slowly, but firmly, slid his dick back into my ass making me moan and gasp as pain flooded through me again. “Yes, there’s more,” Dr Mike continued as his fucking picked up speed and he worked his dick into my swollen ass, “You see, Ben was a two-fer, a wonderful one I helped arrange and sort of a specialty of mine as why infect with only one thing when there is so much nastiness out there to play with for me to use for my pleasure, not only is Ben HIV2 with an extremely high viral load, but……oh fuck…but ….yeah boy…but Ben also has late stage syphilis – FUCK YEAH, YOU GOT HIS SYPHILLIS CUM TOO – oh take it, take me, take me...” Dr Mike caught his breath, slid his dick out, and stood up and juices were really running down my leg now. I didn’t know what to say. Oh my god, what had I done? What had he done to me? Dr Mike grabbed some paper towels, wiped his dick off, then came over to me and wiped my ass and hole and legs off. He then tossed the towels in the red biohazard bin and walked back to his office. I had a hard time walking as my legs were cramped, and when I got there he was getting dressed. I got dressed as well, he motioned with his hand for me to sit in the chair, and when I did he opened his file again. “I expect you will feel very sick within 10-14 days if all goes well. Flu like symptoms, headache, body ache, etc…. If you do, just call my office, but call my direct line, here’s the number. I will have another treatment ready for you then as your body will be weak and that is the best time for me to ensure my strains infect you, so you WILL come prepared and this time, the rule is I want that ass fresh, no fucking for at least two days before, understand?” “Now, before you go, I want you to remember three things,” Dr Mike said as he pulled me close to him and spoke close to my ear, “My treatment is just between us now, not even Nathan is to be told, you just tell him we only talked and that is all and tell him you met Ben in the bookstore or something, I don’t care, and don’t let him or anyone fuck you for a couple days. I want my venom and Ben’s little bugs to have their chance. Two, you will submit to me right? Yes? Good. And three – remember this well – I will infect you over and over until your guts are as toxic as they can be. Your ass and mouth will take my disease and every toxic bug I can give you – be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.” When I made it home I collapsed into bed, woke up later to Nathan trying to call me, grabbed a shower, called him back and told him what he had heard about Dr Mike was all wrong, nothing happened and that I had gotten all horned up, went to the bath house, had a couple hook ups and came home. I went to sleep that night with Dr Mike’s words burning themselves into me just as his virus and Ben’s were burning my guts and blood – “be proud as I WILL make your ass a biohazard.” Stay tuned for Dr Mike – Part 3 – My Second Treatment – Does the venom take?
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