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  1. My company had recently won an important contract in Mexico, and as the only analyst who spoke Spanish (thanks to my mother being from Seville), I had been sent to oversee the setup of the new operation. My partner was not best pleased that I was going to be gone for eight weeks, but the large bonus I was to receive was certainly going to help with filling up the pot we were setting aside for trying to have kids through a surrogate in the future, so we both knew that I had to accept. As such, after a comfortable flight over in business class, I was now set up in an aparthotel that would act as my base for the trip. The first few days were hectic, but as things calmed down and the new operation found its feet, I could afford to take a bit of a step back. This gave me the opportunity to see a bit of the city and its surroundings, while also hunting for gifts to take back to appease my partner for the prolonged absence. Top of my personal to-do list was a trip out to see some lesser-known pyramids, which I had heard were much less touristy than Teotihuacán and could be visited round the clock. I decided a couple of nights in a nearby basic hotel would be sensible as I was keen to see both sunrise and sunset at the archeological site, so I made a plan to head out there after finishing a bit early on the Friday and then come back to the city on the Sunday. Sure enough, pre-dawn on the Saturday my alarm went off, and after splashing some water on my face, filling my thermos with coffee from the room and donning some clothes, I headed out into the darkness. I had rented a bike to explore the site myself, so with the headlight on bright, I rode off up the semi-paved track away from the hotel. Little was I to know I would not actually get to watch the sunrise as planned. I managed to find my way to the site, although I could not yet make out any actual pyramids in the darkness. I chained up the bike, grabbed my flashlight and then set off up the path leading from the entrance gate. I figured I would find somewhere to sit and drink some coffee while I waited for there to be enough light in the sky to help me work out where to position myself for the actual sunrise. Eventually I found a sort of shelter, the purpose of which was not clear to me in the gloom, but it had a bench in it that I could sit down on to wait. However, as soon as I did so I felt a wave of tiredness come over me, and having got to the site quicker than expected, I decided I could risk leaning against the back and side of the shelter to rest my eyes for a bit. I set an alarm on my phone for half an hour, closed my eyes, and soon drifted off. I was not woken by my alarm, but rather by the sudden jolt of being pulled forward off the bench. It was still fairly dark but I could just make out that there were several figures there, and I knew immediately I was in trouble. At least two men were hauling me out of the shelter by my arms, and of course I shouted and tried to resist once my fight-or-flight response kicked in. At this point my arms were pulled behind me while a bandana or something was pulled around my mouth. Despite my best efforts my assailants quickly had me muted, my arms tied behind me, and then they pushed me to the ground and did the same to my ankles. I was then lifted up by several men and carried away from the shelter, heading for godknowswhere. At this point I was sure I was being kidnapped. After being carried in the dark for a few moments, I was placed down on my front on a flat-topped rock. Before I could squirm or do anything to try to free myself, I was held firmly in place while the men untied my ankles, spread them, and then re-secured them apart to something before ripping open the back of my shorts and underwear. The rope tying my wrists together was also secured down to something, so that I was prone over the rock. Then, almost immediately, I felt a hard pressure at my anus, and started to scream out as much as I could over the gag as I was penetrated. Maybe these men were indeed kidnapping me, but I was to be used first, that was for sure. The initial entry was excruciating, especially as I rarely bottomed for my partner, but eventually whichever of the men it was had buried himself in me fully. He then started a rough pounding of my hole, my gagged screams seemingly not bothering any of them. The first guy fucked me brutally for a while, then roared out and jammed himself into me fully. I knew I was being bred. He then pulled out and was replaced by another, and the whole ordeal began again. They all took at least one turn, my screams seeming to fade into submission in time with the sun rising and light bathing the ruins around us. Not that I got to see much of that, as any time I looked up to try to see who was doing this to me I was struck in the face by one of the men. When they all seemed to be done, a blindfold was tied around my eyes, my ankles were released but then rapidly secured back together, and then I was roughly pulled up off the rock and up into the air again. I was carried to somewhere for a few minutes, and then heard what sounded like a metal door being opened. Moments later I was dropped down onto a hard surface on my back, my wrists were untied from each other, pulled apart and secured somehow. My ankles got the same treatment, and then I heard all the men leaving and the door being closed again. I had no choice but to lie there on my back, unable to see a thing, trussed up like godknowswhat, my mouth still gagged, my used and sore hole continuing to leak, and wonder what was in store for me. Over the course of however many hours it was, men seemed to take turns to visit the increasingly hot room I was in, all of them unceremoniously ramming into my hole and fucking another load into me. What was really surprising was that I realised I was getting just a little bit excited each time I heard the door open as someone else arrived, which was crazy given the peril I was in and the reality of what was happening to me. But yes, truth be told, I was starting to want there to be someone there fucking me rather than being left alone. Another change of location came later, when a number of men seemed to come into the room together and begin working together to release me from whatever I was tied to, re-secure my wrists and ankles together, and then lift me up and carry me out. Once again I was manually carried for some time, until we reached whatever the chosen venue was now for all this to continue. I had no fight left in me, so when I was put down on my feet I dutifully allowed my ankles to be separated and secured apart to something, before I was bent forward over what felt like a rock. I propped myself up on my elbows, and this perhaps gave them an indication that they had broken me as a moment later my gag and blindfold were taken off. I blinked and got my eyes used to the light, taking in that we were back in the trees around the ruins, but I did not look around at the men. I stared straight ahead of me, just waiting. A cock was pressed back into me, and I gave a slight moan as, despite the use and abuse I had experienced and how sore my hole was by this point, there was still a definite sense of what I can only call relief at being filled again. I took the fuck without complaint, and actually squeezed around his cock as he slammed in a final time and unloaded in me. I did the same as all the other men followed suit, never once turning my head to see who these guys were. Somewhere in the corner of my mind, voices were screaming at me to try to stop this, to try to remember that I’m partnered up and planning to have a family, and that this was a repeated act of violence being perpetrated on me, but by this point a deeper, perhaps long-repressed version of me had emerged. I had gone into something of a trance I suppose, but was broken out of that when one of the men suddenly appeared next to me, also bent over the rock. I turned to look at him as I was being fucked, noticing he couldn’t have been more than 25, and watched as he grimaced through his own penetration. He did not utter a sound throughout though, and when the man behind him slammed in a final time and then withdrew, the younger guy just stood up and disappeared out of my field of view. A moment later a stocky older man with a bushy moustache took his place and was also fucked by one of the others, all while the rest of them continued to use me. The light faded as my gangbang continued, with several of the men having also taken a turn bent over on the rock next to me. I concluded this must be a gang or something, but did not know if they all got fucked or if there was some kind of hierarchy within the group. I found myself wondering how many other men had experienced what I was going through, and whether it was just tourists they targeted. I also didn’t know whether I was still going to be kidnapped and held for ransom, but I was starting to think that maybe that wasn’t going to be the case. Perhaps they would finally expend their sexual energies, and then dispose of me to become just the latest in a long list of Westerners who had disappeared without trace, or maybe I was going to be set free after all this. I got my answer long after it had got dark, when the blindfold was suddenly put back on me and I was re-gagged while the last of them finished off inside me. I was then hauled off the rock and quickly re-tied at the wrists and ankles, before being lifted up by several hands and carried off. It seemed like ages, but eventually I was unceremoniously dumped on the ground. I felt the restraints at my wrists being loosened, and then the sound of all the men running away. When it had gone quiet I managed to get my blindfold off with my still-tied hands, realising I was back at the shelter where this had all started. There was some dim light from a nearby lamp, so I could just about make out what I was doing as I wiggled my hands and used my teeth to finally get one wrist free, making it possible to get the gag out of my mouth and then untie the rest of the binds. I was free, and the men were long gone. The bike was still there at the end of the path, and miraculously the torn shorts I was wearing still had everything I had set out with in the pockets, so I was able unchain the bike to cycle back. I had to do the whole thing standing up on the peddles as I was too sore to sit on the saddle, and closer to my hotel I wore out and got off to walk the bike the rest of the way. When I got back, the old man at the reception desk nodded to me as I staggered in, and I detected a smirk as I glanced back at him before starting the climb up the stairs. Did he know? Had he been part of this somehow? Was he possibly even one of the gang that had spent the day fucking me? Or was he just amused by the state I was in? I managed a shower, gently probing around my gaping, abused hole a bit to feel the damage, before collapsing into the bed and passing out. I had feverish dreams all night, waking in a sweat more than once, and was therefore very slow to get going the next morning. An older lady was at the reception when I checked out, but once again I just had a sense that she knew something. What had I got into by coming here? It was a relief when I got back to the city and returned the car to the hire place around the corner from my aparthotel. I slept a little more soundly in my temporary home, and the next day started the process of trying to act normally as I got back on with work. However, as the days of that week went on, a nagging desire got stronger and stronger. I couldn’t deny it as hard as I tried: I wanted to be fucked again, and I wanted it to be anonymous and raw. All it took was a couple of beers with colleagues after work on the Friday, and my inhibitions had been sufficiently lowered to do something about my predicament. That night, and for so many more during my remaining time in Mexico, I was to be found bent over in a cruise club taking whatever came my way. Three days after I got home, I woke up with a fever. My partner tended to me through the delirium that followed, and sat by my side in the doctor’s office a week later as I was given the news that I had tested positive. He saved his rage until we were back home, refusing to believe that any version of what I told him was true. He was acting out of fury as he threw accusations my way, and yet everything he was saying did actually now ring true in some way. I had been subjected to what was undoubtedly a prolonged sexual assault, and yet it had awoken something in me that I knew I could not suppress again. I felt strangely liberated, even as my partner’s vitriol went from strength to strength, and found myself zoning out and starting to wonder if my pozzing had been at the hands of the gang or one of the many anonymous hook-ups in the clubs of Mexico City. Jump forward to today, and my career has actually advanced significantly since the success of the Mexican operation’s commencement. My partner of course kicked me out, and in his anger and betrayal he made sure our friends and families knew the truth about me. That set forth something of a mass desertion by people I thought I had been close to, but now that I am without the same social responsibilities to occupy most of my weekends and evenings, I am free to live my new life. That life involves cock. Any cock. All cocks. There isn’t one I won’t ride, and no load I won’t take. Hook-ups at home or a guy’s place, clubs, saunas, public toilets, alleyways, parks, beaches… Anywhere, anytime, you can find me and my biohazard tramp stamp swallowing up as many loads as possible. I’m 45, apparently handsome, in the best shape of my life, and a proud poz cumdump. But what excites me most is that I’m being sent back to Mexico to oversee the rollout of our latest system upgrade in the office there. I’ve already secured some time off during my stay, and I know just where I’ll be aiming to spend it…
    11 points
  2. I stared at them in disbelief “You can’t be serious” I said though the idea already had me half hard. “We can be and we are” Cal said “We don’t think you realize the potential of your own idea. The reason the R Party is so successful getting people to hate people with HIV is because they ‘Other’ them” “It’s not us good wholesome people who have this disease it’s those other people, why should we help them?” he continued making air quotes “What if we can change that?” Sal asked “What if we can spread it so far in the R party that they have to support AIDS research because they have to save themselves? I know you want to go after the hidden gays in the party but when they fall the Party will just out them and “Other” them right along with the rest of us. We don't need to get the gat ones. We need to get the straight ones!" “How would we do that?” I asked rock hard now “You have never been a part of the Party or seen the PARTIES they throw. You have never seen so many people stoned out of their minds so badly you could fuck them and they would not even know the next day. Three poz boys could infect hundreds in just a few years and anyone who does remember will keep quiet because you know how folks in the R party like to blame the victim” “You working on Dad’s campaign and being your father’s son will get your foot in the door. You being young and rich will do the rest, You will get invited to every party in the state just so they can see if they can rip you off and siphon some of that money away. We already get invited for pretty much the same reason” Cal continued “They invite you to try to get your Dad’s money?” I asked confused “It’s not Dad’s money” they said in unison “It’s ours” “Our grandfather did pretty much the same thing yours did” Cal said “Dad has to be very careful about using our money it has to be well invested and it has to make good returns. He invested some in his own company and he has had to take out loans to make sure that money earns us enough to justify it otherwise there will be an investigation. He’s actually breaking the rules and the lawyer who is supposed to be protecting us slipped up and let him. Dad doesn’t know we know any of this but he’s nice to us just in case we ever find out. That's why we get away with so much. We could shut him down and maybe even put him in jail if we wanted” “How did you find out?: I asked “When we turned 18 we were contacted by a second lawyer Grandpa had retained without telling Dad to make sure that we found out everything incase Dad got to the first lawyer which he did. He helped us confront the first lawyer who fessed up but claims it was a mistake. The good thing is Dad only had access to about 10% of our money so even if he looses it all it won’t hurt that much” they explained “So basically you could destroy your Dad at any time?” I asked Sal looked pained “We would rather not openly do it ourselves so you are doing us a favor with your current plan” he said I nodded “Amy way.” Sal said “We know the party scene. We know who would be most effective to infect and we know what their distractions of choice are. Like we said we want in, The thought of giving those pompous, self righteous bastards what they deserve along with breeding some fine straight boy asses is just too good to resist” “So when do you want us to infect you?” I asked “Is tonight to soon?” Cal asked They followed us home and soon we were all naked in my king sized bed The twins had smooth bodies and… well… twin sized eight inch cocks so alike you could not tell them apart Sal took off his glasses which was the only way I knew which was which “I want to watch John fuck you each first I said and with their permission I set up the camera John was still very thin and obviously sick though he looked leaps and bounds better than four months ago. It was so hot to watch these two beautiful blond boys service him one sucking his cock and the other sucking those huge virus producing balls of his as he moaned “Worship that AIDS cock boys suck those balls that are full of virus to infect your pretty neg holes” He laid one f the twins on his back and slid on top of him while the other got on the bed on hands and knees and John’s bony fingers rammed up his ass twisting and tearing his hole as he made out with his brother rubbing their cocks together After about 10 minutes of rough fingering now with four fingers in and twisting the twins switched places this time John raised the legs to his shoulders and sank that death stick directly into the abused hole while he give his brother the same finger treatment John began to slide in and out of the twin beneath him fucking with a steady motion and I watched whichever twin it was as his face took on a look of pure bliss. “John just might be the best top in the world” I thought “Im a lucky boy” “It’s time Boy” John said “Time for my nasty charged cum to change your life. Cum for me as you accept my gift of HIV” the twin groaned and shot without touching himself, the spasming of his hole sending John over the edge, making his cock twitch and spew virus and cum deep inside the willing vessel They lay kissing as they both caught their breath and then John pulled out, still rock hard and mouthed the other twin from behind taking his raw hole in one stroke as I took his place between the first twins legs slamming my ten inches of highly infectious meat in balls deep. I heard John whispering his evil words in his new victims ear as we both slid in and out of perfectly alike asses “I just gave your brother my HIV boy and now it’s your turn. My big death shaft feels so good in your pretty neg boy hole’ I’m going to take that from you, that negative status just like I took it from your brother. You will both be mine for the rest of your lives because it will be my virus raging through your veins. You were both born for no other purpose than to be living testaments to the power of my virus and my cock and I’m giving that virus to you NOW!” he growled That may be the only time in history four orgasms happen at the exact same instant in the same bed as We both bred our twins and our twins shot maybe their last truly neg loads. John and I switched places though he and the first twin just made out as I made quick work of adding my highly toxic load to his brother then we all collapsed and fell asleep walking in a tangled mass of arms and legs about noon. We fucked for the next couple days and I got some nice tapes of the twins fucking each other. All and all It was one of the best weekends of my life The twins were regular visitors and fuck buddies from then on even after they tested poz three months later and remain out best friends to this day. Dad’s story hit the papers right on time and he lost the primary in a landslide which started a long decline for him. The last I heard he was living in a trailer park down in Florida on welfare and using every public service available. He was lucky the R Party quashed the investigations into his dealings as County Commissioner but they couldn’t stop Jose and his three fellow former house staff members from taking most of dad's money and his gated community house in the sexual harassment settlement. They chose to live there much to the discomfort of the neighbors who had had no problem with them living there as servants but had big problems with them living there as neighbors. People are so funny aren’t they? I had taken a restraining order out against dad the week after I infected him and whenever I get mail from him I burn it without reading it. The L party did not have a primary because they only had one candidate. A woman named Phyllis Cornwall who had been Mayor of the large city in our county for twelve years before voluntarily tern limiting herself and helping her hand picked successor win her spot. 65% of the people in the county lived in the city and she was popular there. She stood a fair chance of winning all on her own She had also been a frequent visitor to the house and my Grandfather I always called her Auntie Phyllis Al Kelper managed his own downfall through inattention with a little help from me. He had a closed door presentation looking for investments in his development company but one of the potential “Investors” was Mr. Guthrie's investigative reporter friend I slipped in by “accident”. Oops! All the others were hard core R Party members sitting closer to the front with avid interest There was a vibrant smaller “town” north of the city called Bakers Valley . It was actually an unincorporated area that had grown around a large 1950s development and was 90% minority. It had the lowest crime rate of any area of the county but you would never know that from the R Party rhetoric Al stood up front blinded by the light of the slide projector so he didn’t see me slip my friend in with a camera crew as they set up in the back of the room and I took my seat up front/ Al never saw me move. “This is Baker’s Valley, you all know it” Al said and there were a few grunts and even a racial slur or two. “I have a friend up in the Transportation Department who is handling the coming Interstate Bypass. They had two potential routes and another slide came up showing one route through the center of Baker’s Valley and another just to the west with an exit there which would raise the property values tremendously nearby “Now, Transportation chose the route to the West” and there were many murmurs of disappointment “BUT my friend in going to “accidentally” send the wrong plan and not discover the "mistake" till we have time to buy up all the houses in Baker’s Valley using “Expropriation” They won’t have a choice but to sell! Of course we will give them fair market value for their homes” He said with a wink and there were several snickers from around the room. "Then once the county has them all the “mistake” will be discovered and my development company and it’s investors can buy the land from the county at a bargain price! We can tear down the houses and build a new gated community and shopping areas! We get rid of the sp**ks and ni***rs , break up that voting block and make a fortune in the process!" I heard he door shut quietly as the reporter and the camera crew left and smiled, Several “Investors” were so excited they wrote Al’s company checks on the spot. The lucky ones didn’t. Four days later all three local network stations ran a news special all playing the entirety of Al Kelper's presentation in place of the six o'clock news The lucky ones who had not written checks were all interviewed for TV and it was funny watching them all lie and say how shocked they had been by this dubious plan however none of them could answer that one question “If you were so shocked why didn’t you go to the police?” There was one exception. After the presentation and noting in my mind who had written checks I quietly told Al I could no longer work for his campaign because my Uncle John was sick. He said he understood. I drove directly to the local police station and when they heard my story they called in the F.B.I. so I was covered. I didn’t mention the news crew though. How was I to know? As I said the lucky ones didn’t write checks. They just had their political and work careers destroyed. The ones who did write checks were all arrested along with Al and most are still in prison A few days later I git a call from Auntie Phyllis “It’s always an easy win when you run unopposed” She said “You are welcome: I said The R Party has still not recovered in my county almost thirty years later, No on here trusts them. I wonder why The twins said the would miss their father when he got arrested but we celebrated anyway because that same day they bot got their positive test results. We spent another weekend in a free for all “Fuck a Twin” frenzy and plotted our next moves ************************************************************************************** Next Chapter: So many men so little time Let me know what you think! Scanbu
    10 points
  3. On the road till Saturday this week and met an older guy at the cheapest motel in a truck stop town. My job got postponed for the day so I headed down to the poolside and we struck it up. Divorced from a guy, but wants to keep the ring and resize it for a different finger. Big southern accent, very nice ass, and absolutely hilarious to hang out with. He invited me up to his room for a beer and was pretty forward about play. I dont usually go for older guys (mostly low self confidence) but he got me out of my swimtrunks and down his throat so fast I didnt have a chance to protest. Very experienced deepthroat that had me dripping. Very verbal too. He told me to 'wait here son' and came back from the bathroom with the hotel hand lotion and I sort of figured what he wanted to do, but he didnt seem to care and just said 'lemme crank that hog.' He was buttering me up, telling me I had a real horsecock, working my balls and saying 'I bet you fuck reeeeeeal good doncha' had me right at the edge just before he lubed himself up and hopped onto the edge of the bed on his hands and knees. 'Go on now. Dont be shy, get that dick up on in' and I was sort of hesitant since I didnt know his status but he was fingering a real nice bubble ass. I didnt last long at all and he didnt seem to mind me blowing my load so fast. I started to get up but he told me 'Just hang around a little I know ya got more in there. Put it back in when ya want. I got all day to drain that fuckin' hog.' We talked a little more, and I asked his status but he said he didn't keep track, so I was getting a little nervous but he noticed it got me a little hard when he talked about it and just kept going on about how good my dick felt. Round 2 came pretty quick. ' lemme milk that hog right, now...' And his legs were up. I lasted a while longer and pulled out just long enough for him to worry I guess. 'Your nuts look tight dont make a mess now just keep going, I want it.' His fingertips were tugging me back, so I gave a few more pumps and he seemed pretty happy to see me dump another load We fucked maybe four or five times.
    9 points
  4. Chapter 1 – We Meet Again Jason is a long-time buddy of mine. When he lived near me, we’d get together a few times a month to party and play. About a year ago, he sold his startup company and moved to a place outside of Phoenix. He invited me to visit, promising there would be some fun times while I was there. I was excited to get away from winter and to see Jason again. We’d spent lots of time together over the years, but that had always been focused on a day or two for play. This would be the first time we spent a more extended time together, and I’d be staying at his house, too. We got along well, and I had high hopes for the trip. Jason picked me up at the airport, and we drove out into the mountains. He told me that his house was on a lake, and the area around it was secluded. He wasn’t kidding. When we got there, he had a beautiful house surrounded on three sides by trees. The back side was all about the lake. You couldn’t see any houses, and Jason told me that he often swam nude in the lake. He showed me to my room and suggested that I prep for some fun times with him. I got ready in the private bath, put on a jockstrap, then got dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. He told me to meet him in the lower level, so I headed there. Jason was waiting for me and working on his phone. He was naked except for a black leather harness and cock ring. When he saw me, he said, “There’s no need for clothing here,” so I stripped off the shorts and shirt and walked over to him. My cock was straining against the pouch of the jock strap. Jason’s dick was hard and shiny with precum. I knelt in front of him and sucked his cock into my mouth. Jason is in his 40s now. At a little over 6’ tall, he’s about the same height as me. We’re both in OK shape, but it looked like he had been hitting the gym more since he moved and tightened up his body since I saw him last. He’s got an incredible hairy chest that tapers down to a treasure trail leading to his cock. His trimmed pubes help his 7” cock stand out. With the cock ring on, his cock was nice and plump. I also knew that he had a hairy ass and a hole that liked to be used. I’m a little heavier than him and not as defined. There’s some hair on my chest and ass, but not as much as Jason has. My cock is 7.5” long. So, I’m on my knees, giving Jason a blow job. His cock is pumping out some precum, which I am eager to swallow. He let me suck him for a while, then he reached down and pulled me into a standing position so that he could suck my dick. That’s when I noticed that we were in a well-equipped playroom. A sling was set up with a stool at the base and a table on one side with poppers and water. A cart with lube and toys was near the stool. It looked like a fun space. After he sucked me for a while, Jason suggested that we get things started. He reached for a pipe and torch and began melting the crystals. He took a hit when the smoke was swirling and passed the tools on to me. I, too, took a big hit off the pipe. Damn, this was some good stuff! We’d be flying soon. We shared the pipe and got ready for action. Jason suggested that I get in the sling first. He lubed up both of his hands and started working on my hole. He was using fingers from both hands to poke and prod at my hole, teasing it to open up for him. It didn’t take long for him to have four fingers from each hand inside me, using them to stretch my hole, prepping it for his fist. He added more lube to his hands and squirted a healthy amount in my ass with a lube shooter. Then, he slowly inserted his hand, twisting it as he entered my ass. He paused at the widest part and used some twisting motions to let me experience the fullness of his hands inside me. He knows how much I enjoy being stretched like this. Next, he slid more of his hand in, getting in to about mid-forearm. Once he was settled in there, he gave me a minute to adjust. That first insertion is always fantastic, and he knew that there would be many more insertions to follow, so there was no need to rush. After a moment, Jason started some small movements inside me. He was flexing his hand and twisting it around, letting his knuckles graze over my inner walls. Jason was also working his hand deeper into me. He paused once he hit my second hole. We both knew that we would breach that barrier, but there was plenty of time for that. Jason then pulled his hand all the way out of my ass. He added more lube to it and slid back in. This time, he went all the way in on a single push. Jason worked my hole, pushing back and forth, all while twisting his hand around inside me. He was getting me well-opened, and I enjoyed the ride. Next, he pulled out and looked over his selection of toys. He always liked Mr. Hankey’s toys, and it appeared that he added significantly to his collection. Some of my old favorites were there, but there were plenty of new items. He chose a new one that looked like a super-sized version of a real cock and started to lube it up. This toy was thick from the start, and his insertion made me gasp in pleasure. He looked up at me and smiled then as he slowly drilled the dildo further into my ass. He occasionally paused to let me adjust to it, but he kept a steady pressure on it. Twisting and moving it forward got most of the toy inside me until he hit my inner sphincter. With the thickness of this toy, it was unlikely to go through my second hole yet, but it felt amazing having it there. Jason gently extracted the toy from my ass, pulling it all the way out and then shoving it back in. He repeated this action, pulling it all the way out before sliding it in again several times. Each time, the initial penetration of the head was easier, and my ass adjusted to accommodate the thickness, allowing the toy to slide in deep. He was shaking and twisting the toy as he fucked me with it. He was really getting into working over my ass with this, so I decided to take a hit of poppers and let him go wild on my ass. I took one small hit in my left nostril, blew it out, and then took a deep hit on my right side, which I held. When Jason knew that the rush was on me, he pulled the toy out and quickly shoved it back inside me. Now, he was moving the toy with great speed, letting my ass feel every penetration and each wrinkle and vein on the dildo as it slid through my chamber. Then, Jason dropped the toy on the ground and, as the poppers were wearing off, shoved his hand inside me again. This time, he was able to get deep inside me quickly and was poking at my second hole. He teased it just a bit and then slid his fingers through. Feeling him inside my colon was a huge turn on and I moaned in pleasure and appreciation. Jason suggested more poppers and held his hand still while I snorted the fumes. Then, he began his assault on my deepest areas, pushing through my second hole, moving his fingers ever deeper inside me. I was bucking around on the sling, reacting to the intensity of the workout he delivered. My cock had been leaking a steady stream of precum, but now a huge gush erupted from it, coating my hairy stomach. Jason was oblivious to this since he was so focused on my ass, so I reached down and scooped some of the fluids into my mouth. The sweet and salty taste turned me on and excited me for what was to come. Jason slowly slid his hand out of my ass. He took his time removing it, letting me feel the bumps and texture of his hairy paw as it was extracted from my ass. When he was all the way out, he again used both hands to spread my hole open. After the session we just had, it opened readily for him. He dipped in with his tongue and gave my hole a few licks. I shivered in delight as his tongue licked and probed my inner flesh. Then, he helped me out of the sling, and we swapped places so that he was now in the sling, legs spread and ass temptingly exposed to my yearning gaze.
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  5. Quick hookup with a 23 yr that hit me up on the apps, I was in between meetings so I met him at his place, waited for me naked when he opened the door for me, stunning swimmer body, great cock, 8" and nicely thick! Yummy! we started kissing as he was undressing me, he was a passionate kisser as he was undressing me, touching my body everywhere until reaching my hole which was moist from the morning loads I took and puffy from all it took yesterday. He just looked at me and grinned. I dropped to my knees, took his cock in my mouth as he started fucking my face and I held his ass firm getting him to shove it all the way till my nose was buried in his soft blond pubes. The he pulled out, lifted me back up and we went to the living room, he sat on the sofa and I continued sucking him and licking his balls, making my way to his hole till I got the signal to continue when he lifted his legs and presented a beautiful pink tight hole. i went to work and rimmed him like it was my last meal on earth and he was moaning so hard as I was tongue fucking him deep. Fuck he tasted so good! That got me super horny so I just climbed on top of him and sat on his rock hard cock, no lube, just little spit and my wet hole took him all the way to the root in one move. We were both groaning and that move switched on his primal side and he started fucking me hard! Pumping my hole in and out as I was matching his pace riding him. it was such a good fuck and he was hitting all the right spots till he got me to cum handsfree, causing my hole to tighten and milk him till he shot a HUGE load in me! we were both panting and kissing as I felt his cock go down and flopped out of my sloppy hole so I started licking my cum from his body and cleaning his cock from the cum residue he left in me and the loads I had in me mixed with my ass juices. I was still horny so I went back to his hole and rimmed him some more cause he was tasting so good and fresh and was opening up so nicely for my tongue so I went for it and added a finger, then two and he was still moaning. I decided to take my chance and got up to kiss him and lined my cock on his hole and started poking, he was moaning into my mouth and held my back so I took it as a sign and started pushing in, slowly till my big cockhead was in him. He gasped a bit and I gave him some time to adjust till he started signaling me push further in, I rocked my cock gently in and out till I had my 8" in him all the way, he was moaning and shaking with the pleasure and I started to pick up my pace. Soon after I was fully fucking him hard, and he was begging me to breed him as he held my ass and played with my hole till I was getting close and pumped my load in him and collapsed on top of him as we were making out. we were both covered in sweat and having that amazing post orgasmic feeling for a while till we had to get up and have a quick shower together. That was fun and now I can continue my meetings for the day and perhaps hunt for more loads. Oink!
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  6. Two days after I had planted the seeds of my father’s downfall, literally planted with my cock in his ass, I sat talking to John who had put on 15 pounds since the start of his drug trial and looked healthier than he had in years. “I want to continue my plan but I when I find gays like my dad betraying people just like themselves for power and wealth I am going to do my best to destroy them as thoroughly as I'm destroying my dad. I just can’t forgive that” “A lot of them have to hide who they are. Even you are hiding who you are” John said trying to mollify me “I am only doing that to bring them down” I said “I’m not actively working to make the lives of every gay person worse” He could not argue with that I went into Grandpa's office, my office now I guess and called Brad Guthrie, Grandpa’s best friend and the state leader of the L Party since Grandpa retired from politics fifteen years ago. He picked up immediately “So is this John or little Eliot? The caller ID says Eliot Jordan but he’s been dead for two years now” came the voice from the receiver “It’s Eliot Mr. Guthrie” I said “Though I’m not so little any more. I’m 18 now” “Oh God” He said “Is it about John? I know he’s been sick and I know why” Mr. Guthrie said in a frightened tone. Mr. Guthrie always knew everything about everybody and besides, he and John were close “No, no! He’s fine! More than fine actually!” I said telling him about the drug trial and John’s rapid improvement “Oh thank God!” Mr. Guthrie said and I could hear the genuine emotion in his voice. “Mr. Guthrie, John and I are together now, we are lovers” I said “it happened for the first time on my 18the birthday so there was nothing illegal on John’s part! Please don’t ever think that!” I didn’t hear recriminations or accusations all he said was “If it makes you both happy then I am glad but why are you telling me this?” “Because soon you are going to hear that I joined the R Party and that I’m working on the campaign of my Dad’s Primary opponent and I want you to believe me when I tell you why” Mr. Guthrie was a political genius and he said “You are doing it because Al Kelper would be far easier for the L Party to defeat than your dad would. You are also letting me know so we can put up a serious fight this time. You working against your father publicly within the R Party might just sway things enough. It would be better if we had something concrete on your dad though” “Like pictures of him sucking four different brown skinned cocks?” I blurted out shocked that he figured out that part of my plan that quickly There was silence on the other end of the line and then “You are not serious! Billy Mathas is gay? And with Hispanic men? It’s just not possible!” “I have the pictures and I personally talked to the men” I said keeping the rest of it to myself “I’m going to have an investigative reporter friend contact you. We can time this to come out a week before the primary… of course you and I never discussed this and this phone call never happened, right?” At this point I want to take a step back and say that in our state and particularly our county if you looked at the methods of the R Party and the L Party you probably could not have told them apart. It was what they did once they won that made all the difference. Enough said “What phone call?” I said “Keep me posted El” Mr. Guthrie said and hung up That afternoon I drove to Al Kelper’s campaign headquarters that doubled as his development company's office. I went in the front door and lets just say it was not a beehive of activity. There was no one there. Through an open door I could hear someone moving around so I poked my head through. Al Kelper himself sat going over some papers he looked up and I thought I saw surprise on his face Al Kelper was a man about 40ish, jock type still in shape, blond hair, green eyes nice even features “Hi Mr Kelper I’m…” I started “Oh I know who you are. There is only one person you could be looking so much like your father but with your mother’s hair. You are Eliot Mathas. It’s nice to meet you Eliot “ He said and stood holding out his hand his eyes roaming up and down me and seeming to linger on my crotch I shook the proffered hand and then sat as he indicated a chair and sat back behind his desk “What can I do for you Eliot?” He asked “Well Mr Kelper, as you may know I inherited a lot of money from my Grandfather so I will never have to work. I have decided to dedicate my life to public service and I would like to start by working on your campaign” I said trying to sound a bit nervous He laughed “Billy Mathat’s son working on my campaign. Won’t that get them talking? Oh and call me Al. I always heard you two didn’t get along but this goes above and beyond” “Yeah I pretty much hate the scumbag” I said “I worked for him in the County offices for years and scumbag about covers it. I mean we all make deals that may not be on the up ad up but he doesn’t even try to hide it anymore. People are going to figure out what is really going on!” Al said confirming he was just as big a scumbag he was just more subtle “So can I help out?’ I asked Al looked at me for a minute then rose and went out the door. I could hear him locking the front door and lowering the shades then he came back and sat on the corner of his desk just a few feet from me “I can think of a lot of ways you can help me Eliot” he said and looked directly at my crotch “It looks like your hair isn’t the biggest difference between you two” Was everyone in the R Party secretly gay? Sighing to myself I smiled and stood unzipping my pants and pulling my cock out “You mean this?” I asked and he nodded his eyes locked on my “fresh” young meat “Get on your knees and suck it Al” I said firmly He dropped to his knees with a “Yes Sir!” and dived onto my cock sucking like a starving man. He was good I will admit he had me rock hard in less than a minute then kept me on the edge for so long that when I finally came I saw stars He stood and without me even telling him too he dropped his pants and bent over his desk, The nice thing about R Party guys is they have never even heard of safe sex so I just bent my knees a little and rammed in balls deep. He loved it. I fucked him for over an hour breeding him three times. I made him suck my cock clean then we straightened up the office. When we got back out to the front door and he pulled up the shade two faces looking like younger versions of Al stood there peering in. As Al opened the door one said “You only close up for one reason during the day so we didn’t bother knocking. This one looks worth it. How much did he cost you?” Al flushed but tried to cover “This is Eliot Mathas, Billy Mathas’ son. Eliot these are my twins Calvin and Salvador” “Cal and Sal” They said together “Nice to meet you” I said shaking hands “How much should I have charged him?” I asked with a wicked grin “That depends on who fucked who” Cal said. “I fucked him: I said watching Al turn so red he looked like a blond strawberry $200 at the minimum then probably more” the Sal quipped “Can we not talk about his on the sidewalk?" Al hissed and we all troupe back into the office I liked the twins and from the eyerolls they gave their dad when he said something particularly regressive and a few not so R Party phrases they dripped I got the feeling we might be of similar minds. They had a better relationship with their dad than I did obviously but they did not miss a chance to needle him. He didn’t like it but he never complained. Something was odd here but I had to get home. I had a date with John! The old theater down town. The one that hadn’t been redecorated since Art Deco was in style was screening “The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” and we both wanted to see it. It had come out in Australia last year and was just making it’s way to independent theaters in the States now. The lights dimmed and the curtain [pulled back to reveal the white screen hanging above the stage. The movie started and the story of three drag queens played out and I had a huge boy crush on Adam by the end. It was the first time John and I had been out as a couple. The first time he had been healthy enough. We held hands in the dark and even gave a quick kiss to each other as the movie progressed. He nudged me and pointed out another gay couple doing the same in front of us and I smiled. As the movie came to an end we made our way toward the exit and the couple in front of us went the same way. When we stepped into the isle they turned and we came face to face with Cal and Sal After a moment of shock Sal said “There is an all night diner across the street why don’t we go talk?” The diner was attached to the bus station and was done in the same style as the theater. We took the big corner booth and I introduced my “Uncle John" “Oh we know John” Cal said “He used to date our uncle Greg though we were not supposed to know they were dating” “How is Greg?” John asked “He’s great! He’s on that new drug trial and it’s a miracle! I thought he would have passed by now but he just keeps getting better and better!!” Sal said happily “So is John!” I said excitedly “I thought the same about him. Thank God I have not lost him!” And I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips kissing his palm, then blushed realizing I had revealed to much “Uncle John huh?” Cal said “You were in that theater kissing your twin brother” I shot back “I don’t think you have much room to talk. Besides, John is not blood related! He just raised me! Oh! That sounded so wrong!” All four of us laughed. I looked at John and he nodded and I knew he trusted these two. We needed friends to keep us sane. So I opened up to them trusting my gut. I told them everything over pancakes and milkshakes. I told them my plan and how far I had gone to make sure I could make it stick. I told them what I had done to my dad and then what I had done to theirs To my surprise they didn’t even blink “If he hasn't caught it already from some call boy he would have sooner or later” Cal said. “One of the things he wants to run on is cutting funding for the drug study that is keeping our uncles alive despite knowing it would kill his own brother. Don't worry. It’s an empty threat because the funding is federal but still. If you want some advice. If you are going to continue fucking our dad to further your plan insist on playing safe from now on. You don’t know what you might catch from him” Then they excused themselves and went to the bathroom together coming back a couple minutes later one sitting next to me and the other scooting aground to sit next to John They each leaned closer to us kissing us gently, then Call said “We want to help and we want you to infect us so we can REALLY help" *************************************************** Next Chapter: A Double Infection Injection Let me know what you think! Scanbu
    7 points
  7. I got hit on again on Grindr. I met a married Latino man local to me. He asked me to come over to his place. He gave his address and I proceeded to drive to location after shopping. I arrived to his house, parked near his house. Before I got out of my car, I texted to meet him at his garage. I arrived to his garage. I saw him watching TV. He was chiseled man. Standing 5’9” like me but weighting 190 pounds of pure muscle. He told me to stay quiet, his wife is home inside. He flop his dick out of his shorts. I sucked greedily. He then placed one of his hands into my jeans, touching my ass. He began to finger my ass. He said “You have a tight pussy. I want to fuck it later whenever your free at your place” While I sucked his cock. After he stopped playing with my ass. He place his hand on my head and made me suck deeply. He then said to me “You suck so good, better than my wife, she hates to give me a blowjob” He let me sucked slow . I told him “I will happily suck your cock, it feels great in my mouth! Your precum taste so good” I kept sucking and slurping. I was deep down nervous that the wife is inside the house. I went to suck his balls. Then his gooch. He loved that. He went back to make me suck deeply. Holding my head and forcing me down. He cum in my throat. He said he wants to fuck me tomorrow at my place. He want me to be his side bitchboy. I can’t wait.
    5 points
  8. Yesterday I ended up taking 16 loads and my hole was so loose at the end from being used all day by either men or the fuck machine, until my partner came home, fucked me hard and dumped 2 additional loads and plugged my hole to keep all the loads in me. When we woke up, we went to the shower and he pulled out the plug to see all the loads running down my leg from my gaping hole, fucked 2 more loads in me during our shower before starting our day. My hole is buzzing and my the lips are puffy but still, I need more! let's see how this day will go lol
    5 points
  9. Aaron walked over to the bar where Bart and others were at. "Hey I didnt think you were coming over",. Bart said "What do you mean", Aaron responsed "Well looks like you were having fun and he was a hunk. I noticed his hand was on you.", Bart said smiling and lightly brushed his hand touching Aaron's still semi hard cock and wet spot. It took Aaron a bit back especially since he wrapped his jacket around his pants to hide the wet spot on his scrubs. "Cmon i know you are gay and so am i" Bart said smiling and brushed his hand up and grabbed for a quick bit on his now hard cock. Aaron let out a soft moan out of his mouth and quickly got composed looking around making sure no one noticed. The bar was packed and it no one was paying attention that he could see. "So what gives? You didnt like him. He was hot and i get hung too", Bart said laughing "Yeah...he is hot but not my type", Aaron said Bart passed Aaron a shot of vodka and they both took a shot. It helped calm Aaron down. "Cmon lets go sit over here", Bart said Aaron began to look at Bart in a different way. He knew Bart from school and they hung out on occasion. He thought Bart might be gay but wasnt sure. He was a little shorter than Aaron and a couple of years younger. "So what is your type. You dont like the Daddy type? You like young like us? ", Bart asked "No. I am not sure. I do like older just not that type", Aaron said quietly. Aaron went on to explain that Brian was POZ and that he pozzed another guy in his class, Jeff and that Jeff first didnt but wanted it and in fact beggeed Brian for it. Bart listened intently and Aaron could tell he was interested in the story. Aaron and Bart started talking about the sexual history. Bart had been with other guys even fucked. He did mostly as a top but bottom a few time but didnt really care for it. "So you didnt want to fuck him because he has HIV", Bart asked "No of course not! Why would I." Aaron answered "I dont know cause you were clearly hard when you were him and you leaked a lot", Bart laughed again but grabbed Aarons cock under the table and held on to it. "And it still looks like someone is interested in Brian or at least horny and wants to have sex", Bart said smiling "Would you let him fuck you and give you hiv?, Aaron asked "Well first i am more of a top. And no i dont want to get hiv but i also dont ask every bottom i fuck if they are neg so i guess i am not that worried as a top", BArt said "So you dont have hiv", Aaron asked "No i dont. Just got tested last week", BArt said slowly massging Aarons hard leeaking cock "Lets go back to my car and hang out for a while", Bart said
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  10. For the first time, I dared to defy his instruction. Instead, I stood up to kiss him, my hands still holding his dick and cradling his balls. Our mouths met in fiery passion, tongues swirling and lips pressed against each others'. "Thank you." I said, once our mouths had parted. "You're welcome, boy. Are you chasing?" "Sort of. I've been hoping to find someone like you. You're my first gifter top. I've never had an unmedicated load," I told him. I blushed and looked away. He grinned and pulled my chin back towards his, kissing me again. "I'm glad I'm the first. You're my first, too. Chaser, I mean. I only converted a couple months ago." I stared at him with wide eyes. "Thank you, Sir," was all I could think to say to him. "Back on the bed." I did as I was told. I moved half a step back, laid down and pulled my legs back to my chest again. I watched, as the attractive man grinned at me and got on his knees. My dick started to leak more clear liquid again, when my new favourite person pushed two fingers inside me. "There's two, boy. You want three?" He asked. "Mmhm," I moaned back at him. I was enjoying two, but knew his dick had stretched me out. I wanted more. He was working my cunt so well with just two, I was dying to know what he could do using more. I felt an extra finger, moaning at him again, enjoying the feeling of him working his poz load inside my hole. "That's four. You're gonna take a fist, soon!" "Yes, please! I want your fist up my cunt. Stretch me out, Sir!" I felt him pull out completely and swap hands. As I opened my mouth to moan for the swap, his first hand came up to my face and he forced his four fingers into my face. I slurped on his fingers, sucking his load into my throat. I moaned at him in ecstasy. I was loving his dominant stance and I was loving his sleaze. I wanted to take everything he had to give me. "Mmmm," I moaned around his fingers. "What was that, boy?" He asked, pulling his hand back from my face and began using it in tandem with his other. "Fuck, Sir. You're using me so good. You're making me so hot. Thank you. Don't stop," I blathered. I couldn't stop. He was making me feel so good and I wanted him to know. The muscle bear kept working my hole with his hands, while my mouth encouraged him and moaned in pleasure. I kept using the poppers he had given me earlier, keeping my hole relaxed. I felt a turning point, once he had been spitting at my hole and his hands for almost a full minute. "I need you to huff those poppers a few times, boy. Big breaths, or you won't get my fist tonight." I almost panicked. I wanted his fist so bad but was scared of the lack of lube. I knew I wasn't in charge, so had to accept I was getting fisted with only spit and his cum as lube. I decided to trust the poppers and took a deep breath, holding it. I let it go slowly, before taking another and repeating the process a third time. I murmured my assent to him, nodding and making eye contact. His knuckles pushed hard against my hole, while I tried to relax, letting his fist inside me. My moans turned to deep growls as his twisted his hands slightly back and forth. I took another deep hit of poppers and felt his fist slide past my hole. "Good boy," he elongated the words, almost growling back at me. I couldn't form words, only deep guttural moans in reply. I nodded my head, making sure he could see I was along for the ride. I huffed on the brown bottle once more, before dropping it and holding my legs back, relaxing my hole and trusting the man with his hand inside me. My cunt was worked hard. The man alternated hands and speed. He directed me when to use poppers, how deep and how many breaths. I was in pig heaven. My hole was getting stretched out with a toxic load as the lube. My top spat on his hands over and over again, even getting me to join in the lubing process. I was incapacitated, barely able to move without his direction. Eventually, he slowed, only using one hand. I finally recovered from my stupor enough to look back over my dick at him. One hand inside me, the other on his own dick. "I'm hard again," he grinned. "Do you have another load for me?" I asked. "You fucking bet I do, boy. Ask me for it properly." "Poz me. Give me another toxic load, Sir. I want your strain." I told him. He pulled his hand out of my hole, making me growl again, as his lifted his other hand off his dick. He showed me both in the light of the TV, still playing porn. Both had streaks of red, the left, most recent from my hole had more. "Ask me again." "Fuck, Sir." My dick pulsed again. I didn't think I'd bleed. It was a done deal at this point. I was already eager, now I had no choice. "Infect me. Make me toxic." "Good boy," his smile was predatory and I loved it. The man stood up, his thick dick wet with my hole and what spit he'd offered and pushed himself into me for the second time. "You're so fucking loose boy. I'm gonna make you my boy. MY boy. You understand?" He asked me. "I understand," I told him. "I want to take your strain. I want your load, your toxic dick. Make me yours, Sir." "Fuck yes. Dirty little chaser. Bug chaser." I could only moan in pleasure back. I didn't know I'd enjoy being called a bug chaser so much, but I could feel my dick straining between our bodies. "Slow down. Slow down, Sir." I begged. "Let me enjoy my pozzing." "Oh, you wanna go slow? Savour my toxic cock?" He goaded me. "Yes, please. Yes please, Sir." He slowed his pace, pulling out further before plunging all the way back in, eliciting deep moans from me. "Tell me you want another toxic load, boy!" "I want another toxic load, Sir," I recited. "Give me everything you got!" I added. "Hnnnh," he stared down at me, before clamping his hands down on my throat. "Take that dick, boy. Take my dirty cock. You want my load? Dirty fucking bug chaser. Nasty little cunt. Look at you, offering your loose cunt up with no questions asked. No fucking PreP. Dumb little cumdump. Fuck! FUCK!" He yelled. I was in paradise. I ran my hands from his buttocks, up his back and over his shoulders. Down his arms, to his slick hands, back up to his pecs and down his torso. I rested two of my fingers on my hole, on either side of his girthy dick. I felt his hands lift from my throat and I gladly gasped for air. "Open your mouth." I opened wide and stuck out my tongue, making eye contact with the man inside me. He spat, slowly, letting a string of saliva stretch from his lips down to my open mouth, He spat again, breaking the string and spreading it out across my face. He chukled again. "Good boy." "Thank you, Sir. Fuck that's so hot," I told him. "I'm getting close boy. Tell me you want it, bug chaser." "I want your gift, Sir. Infect me. Give me your bug. Please, poz me up. Please give me your toxic load. I want it. I want your load," I begged, round and round. I used every phrase I'd ever learned to ask him for it. "Hnnngh. Uhh. Fuck! Take it. Take my fucking load. Take my strain. Get it, boy. Get pozzed. I'm fucking pozzing you!" I felt his dick swell and pulse for the second time that night. I wrapped my legs around him, holding my hands on his ass, pulling him into me. "Thank you, Sir. Thank you. Thank you." I was halfway between a whisper and whimper. I held him there, inside me for the next few minutes, while he panted on top of me. I moved my hand up and down his back, caressing my gifter. I congratulated him and thanked him again and again. Ten minutes later, pulled his torso off me, grinned and kissed me. "Mm, you're a great fuck, boy. Don't tell me your name. You're just "boy" for now. Fucking hot. Suck me clean when I pull out," and collapsed back on top of me. My dick was still hard, pressed between us. After another few minutes, my new top pushed up, back and pulled out of me while standing up in one smooth motion. I knew my orders and followed them to the letter. I rolled myself down, off the bed, kneeling in front of my gifter and grabbed his balls, pushing his mostly soft dick towards my mouth. I sucked, cleaning every bit of wetness off him. I enjoyed it and from the sound of his moaning, so did he. As I sucked, I figured now would be my last chance to get off in his presence, so I started working my own dick. I concentrated on how loose and sore my hole was feeling and on how his dick had made me feel. I knew I had an unmedicated load inside me, two even and let myself get to climax as fast as I could. "Ah, ah, ah. Stop that. Stop!" He batted my hand away from my dick. "Let me." I stopped sucking and looked up, shocked. He'd been so dominant throughout our session, I hadn't considered him playing with my dick at all. "Get on the chair," he said. He pointed to the chair next to his bed. The wide, padded one I'd first found him on. "Pick your favourite pozzing porn. Or fisting. I'd prefer poz." I got up and moved to the chair, grabbing his phone and selecting a highly verbal pozzing scene. I sat how I'd found him, wide legs and dick pointing up. As he moved forward, he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms under my legs. I was dragged to the edge of the chair and had my legs forced up again, like he was about to fuck me again. "Hold your legs," he told me, before grabbing my balls and swallowing my dick. He worked my dick like a pro, like I had tried to work his earlier. His eyes were soon streaming as he bobbed his head up and down. Just when I was getting close, he stopped and moved to work my balls. I loved it all, I had been moaning the moment he dragged me back down the chair. After my balls, he moved further down, onto my hole. I was loose and sore, but he made me crave more again. I could hear his moans and enjoyment, it turned me on even more. One last suck on my hole, before he held his tongue flat and moved himself all the way back up, over my taint, my balls and up my dick, to swallow it again. This time, he inserted three fingers and played with my prostate. He meant to make me cum and it only took him a minute. I couldn't help but drop my hands to the back of his head, with my dick in the back of his throat and his fingers manipulating me from the inside. "I'm cumming," I slurred, as my dick exploded and my hole clenched around his fingers. I pumped my hips into his face and he took everything I gave him. He was happy to take it. Once I'd stilled, he pulled his fingers out of my hole and offered them to me, shiny from his toxic loads. I gladly accepted, sucking them, as he had sucked me. He pulled his fingers out and met my mouth with his. We enjoyed a sloppy kiss together, while he lifted me clean from the chair and dropped me onto his bed, where he pulled me close and breathed a contented sigh.
    5 points
  11. I was browsing Grindr, not having much luck. I talked to multiple men, some I had met before, others I had not. None were accepting my offer of a hole to breed. Frustrated, I put my phone down and moved to my PC, planning on finding porn and using a toy for the evening. I started with bbrt, hoping for someone to take an interest. Signing in, my inbox was as good as useless; CumUnion and a non-starter "Oink!" message. Shifting my attention to the quick connect ads, I felt my eyes light up. "NEED LOOSE HOLE - HMU." I knew I had to message him, no matter the profile attached. I looked anyway. Clicking his profile name, I saw a man I couldn't resist. A muscle bear who enjoyed fisting and poz verbal. Same age as me, versatile and claimed a big dick, though had no dick pic. I didn't care about the lack of picture, as his being into fisting was enough, no matter his size. His face and body pictures showed an attractive man with great definition and plenty of body hair. I sent a message before I checked his entire profile, hoping I'd catch his attention and he'd want me. I was slim, stubbled and handsome. Not a twink, but not too far from the label. Tall, hairy and slightly muscled. Cub or otter, I couldn't say myself, but confident. While I waited for a reply, I continued looking at the man's profile. Very little detail apart from the fact that he was HIV positive. The line about poz verbal made more sense to me, then. I checked and rechecked his pictures, hoping he'd reply to the message I'd sent him. I checked the quick connect ad he'd posted a couple more times, along with my own profile and the message I'd sent him: "Loose hole looking." Had I been too direct? Should I have said "Hi" first? His reply came back within 15 minutes with an address and a phone number. I sent him a message, letting him know I was able to travel to him and I was still eager, that I'd set off to the address given within a few minutes. The man replied quickly, letting me know I'd be able to let myself in and that I should reply once I was outside his home and await instruction. I was already hard, but his message made my dick pulse. I got ready, ran down to my car and set off. The journey took me just over 30 minutes, when I check the time. I sent a fresh message to let my hook up know I was outside and awaiting his orders. I looked out my car window at the building. I was impressed, but surprised at the lack of security measures. No gates, open doors and apparently no one to challenge me just walking through the front door. My phone buzzed and I checked it immediately, excited for the meet I was about to have. "In the front door apt#2 on left door open strip inside come to bedroom listen for porn". My dick sprung up, I was ready for this. I got out of my car, walked to the front door, which was neither locked, nor manned and looked to the left. Apartment 2 was next to the main door and ajar. I walked towards it and pushed it open. Stepping inside, I closed it behind and began to strip. I slipped off my shoes, my jumper and t-shirt, followed by my jeans, socks and boxers. Stood naked in a stranger's hallway, I listened for the sound of porn. I could hear the sound of sex. Moans of a man in pleasure and a male voice talking to him, though I couldn't make out what was being said. I passed two doors and around a corner before I could see an open doorway and light projected on the wall in view. I could make out the voice, now. "You want my poz load? Fuck yeah. Take my dirty dick." Walking into the room, I saw the muscle bear in all his glory, sat on a wide, padded chair next to his bed. He was as handsome, muscular and hairy as his pictures showed. His legs were spread wide and his hand was working his hard dick, while he watched the pozzing porn on the screen behind me. I could barely believe my eyes, looking at his dick. He didn't lie, he was hung. Maybe not in length, but definitely in girth. I'd seen as long, but never as thick. "Get it wet, boy." He spoke to me, in a deep, sultry voice. I didn't wait to follow his instruction. I moved forward into the room, eyes glued to his member, and dropped to my knees in front of him. I leant forward and put my mouth over his head. My jaw was stretched and before I knew it, I had to wrap my lips around my teeth or I'd risk scratching him. "Good boy. You know how to treat a big dick, don't you?" He asked. I murmured assent, knowing he meant about my lips to avoid my teeth on his dick. I hadn't spoke a word to him, yet. That didn't matter, I knew I had to work his dick, or I'd regret it, despite his lack of threats. I felt his hands on the back of my head, gently pushing me down his shaft. I worked hard, bobbing back against the pressure he applied, getting my spit further and further down him, towards his balls. I cupped them, pulled at them softly and switched hands over again, hoping it'd be something he enjoyed. When I was allowed up for air, I gasped with strings of saliva connecting me back to his head. I used my hands to roll back his foreskin and spread my spit down to his balls. His dick glistened in the low light of the TV behind me. I spat on his dick and moved my mouth back onto him. "Fuck yes, boy. Dirty cunt," he said to me. I replied with a happy noise and continued my work. I was told I had to get him wet and so I would. "That's enough lube, get on the bed," I was told. Eyes watering, I did as I was told. I got off my knees, turned and climbed on his bed, taking my chance to look at the screen. It was a compilation video of pozzing scenes. I recognised most of them, they'd been around for years. "On your back, boy," I heard from behind me. I flipped myself over and raised my legs above my head, pulling my knees to my chest. I looked the man in charge in the eye and smiled at him. He smiled back. "Good boy," he said as he dropped to his knees. I felt his hands on my ass cheeks, spreading them apart, as he started to eat my hole. I moaned as he squeezed my cheeks and forced his tongue into my hole. "Fuck yes, Sir!" I shouted. I couldn't help myself. I was so turned on and he worked my hole so well. He pulled away to say "you like that, boy? You want that cunt worked open?" "Yes, please," I moaned back to him as he dove back between my cheeks. He stood back up and turned to his night stand. Picking up a brown bottle, he uncapped it, sniffed it, then offered it to me, before spitting directly down onto his dick and moving his hips forward. I took the bottle and sniffed like he did. I sniffed again, knowing the stretch I was about to feel with only spit. I felt his head at my hole, pushing forward. "Oh, god," I managed, as his thick member forced its way into me. I huffed the poppers again, trying to adjust before he fucked in earnest. "Oh fuck yes, good boy." "Thank you, Sir. You're so fucking thick, start slow please." I begged him. He was kind, he started slow. I huffed poppers as he slowly got me used to his girth and spat on his dick every few thrusts. Hearing the poz porn from the TV, and watching his body over me turned me on. I loved watching and feeling him spit on his dick while he was still inside me, getting me ready for what was to come. "You feel nice and loose now. You ready for my dick, boy?" He whispered into my ear. "Yes, please, sir. My hole's all yours, I'm ready for you," I replied to him, clinging to his body. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms around his torso. I could feel him starting to sweat, I was too. Our hair was starting to matt. He leaned back up, breaking my arms' grip. He spat in my face, to my delight. My dick pulsed and he chuckled, "Filthy cunt. Look at your dick. You've covered us both in pre-cum." I moaned back at him, as he thrust inside me, to the hilt. "Do you pre-cum?" I asked him. "Yeah I do. You like that? You like my poz pre-cum?" "Fuck yes, Sir!" I shouted back at him. "Give me more!" He laughed at me. "I knew you were a sleazy bottom. Are you on PreP, boy?" "No, Sir." I stated, still moaning around the words. "Good boy. You gonna take my loads tonight? I'm not on meds." "Yes, Sir. I want your toxic dick! I want your loads. Give it to me!" The verbal I'd been watching for years burst out of me. I'd always enjoyed it, but never knew I'd commit to it so wholeheartedly. "Fuck yes, boy. I was hoping you'd want my gift." He started to pound me and I started to moan like a bitch in heat. His dick stretched me out, giving me the sensation I'd enjoyed on toys and fists. I moved my hands over his body, enjoying the sweat dripping off him and encouraging him to fuck me harder, while I egged him on. "Breed me, infect me. Give me your poz load. Don't pull out, keep going. I want it, Sir, give it to me," I told him. "You're gonna get it. I'm gonna mark you, boy. Make you mine. Your cunt is mine now, you're mine. I'm gonna give you my poz strain." He whispered back. He fucked me hard, flipped me over and fucked harder. "You want it, boy? You sure you want my toxic load? Fucking say it!" "I want it, Sir. Give me your toxic load! I want you to infect me. I want your dirty dick inside me, Sir. I need it." I shouted back at him. His movements were getting more frantic. He was going to cum soon and I could feel my dick bouncing against me. I had to concentrate not to cum before he did, I didn't want to disappoint him. His rhythm was getting quicker and he started moaning. I encouraged him "that's it, keep going, cum inside me, don't pull out. Please breed me. I want it, poz me, Sir. Give me that toxic load." He moaned louder than he had and stopped moving for a second, before carrying on pumping. I could feel his thick dick pulsing inside my hole and I pushed back into him. I wanted every drop. I wanted his load inside me completely. Once he'd stopped thrusting, he chuckled one last time and pulled out. I clenched my hole down once I realised what he was doing and spun round to clean his dick. "Oh fuck, boy. Ah. Ah. Stop!" Pulling me off his dick he said, "I'm too sensitive after I cum. But that was hot, ass to mouth is hot. Now get back up on the bed. On your back. I'm gonna work that load in."
    3 points
  12. I've done 18 in eight hours. I suppose that number ranks me somewhere at the "bottom" of the list but it was fun. Ah, if only I could go back to that day. Mid-afternoon, guys on their lunch breaks, guys just getting "off" from work at 5pm, plus the ever attentive staff at that bathhouse in Fort Lauderdale. One guy was actually sweeping the floor when he happened to see a rather "relaxed" Ellentonboy with his door open.......those were the days. He took his break early, just to spend some time with me. Funny the brush used to sweep the floors was propped up against the door after he shot his load.....almost a sign of true dedication from an employee, he never abandoned his equipment or duties.
    3 points
  13. Had a free evening so texted if he was up for a second round and bingo, he was ready! Popped up and had a quick repeat of our lunch session, this time a bit longer session and we both dumped 2 loads and I left satisfied. it's fun to find good chemistry with hookups!
    3 points
  14. We got back to Bart's car and he motioned me to get in the back seat. We started to make out. Our lips were locked and my head was buzzing from the shot and i was horny from all the teasing all night. He started kissing and sucking on my neck and i let out a moan while he started playing with my nipples. "Ohh Bart", i moaned "Yeah just relax. We are going to have a good time tonight", he said with his other hand now down my scrubs stroking my hard leaking cock. He pulled down my scrubs and and went down on my cock. I moaned loudly as he started giving me an incredible blowjob sucking up and down my shaft and swirling around my head. I reached out and pulled down his jeans and let loose his nice cock. It was was huge for a guy his size. He was about 5"4' but his cock was a good 7". I stroked him as he was still sucking me off. I felt his other hand under my ass and a finger as my whole. I let out a soft moan as his finger entered my hole.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. Hooked up with a south Indian guy who was working from home this morning -a was a good looking guy in his mid to late 30s. He told me his fantasy was to be fucked over his desk and I told him I'd be up for that. When I got to his place he took me into what was clearly a study and when I got my cock out he sucked it enthusiastically. I told him I wanted to fuck him and he pulled his trousers and pants down and bent over his desk. I pulled his cheeks apart and licked his hairy arsehole for a while. Then I lubed him up and pushed my cock up him. He had wanted me to use a condom but had not insisted when I said I would rather not. I fucked him for a while - as he gave little grunts and played with his cock. He was nice and tight - and he told me how much he was enjoying the fuck. I began to fuck him faster and then I shot a nice big load up his arse. When I had finished cumming and pulled out, he pulled up his pants and said he had better get back to work. He works on an IT helpdesk, and I like the thought that he's now helping and advising his clients with a big load of cum up his arse.
    3 points
  17. Part 8 Dennis lay alone and got a flare-up of fever and struggled to stay awake. He did not want to fight it and his eyes closed. He was awakened by a stream of hot water in his face. T: wake up slut and open that horny mouth of yours. Dennis still sleepily opened his mouth. Tony was now aiming his cock straight at the bulls Eye. Dennis felt the warm stream move to his mouth and fill his mouth. Tony saw that Dennis no longer needed encouragement to drink his hot nectar because Dennis was already addicted to the hot drink of the gods. T: Drink up slut, I knew you would be thirsty. Tony came close with his limp cock to Dennis' mouth and then shoved it into Dennis' open mouth. Dennis felt the flaccid cock being pushed between his lips and sucked the cock inside and let the last of the gods drink run straight down his throat. He felt his belly begin to get warm from Tony's gods drink. Dennis felt hands going through his hair and looked up he saw Tony and Nick standing there. Tony withdrew his cock from Dennis' mouth and Nick quickly took his place. N: I guess your thirst isn't over yet hey baby. N: just suck that nectar from my cock and let your belly fill up nicely. You will soon feel a lot better. Dennis who was already waking up didn't have to be told twice and sucked the golden nectar from Nick's fat cock. He also felt how Tony was playing his sphincter with his fingers. N: How does he feel after the first round. T: This has really become a beautiful hole. Although his sphincter is no longer tight and his cunt is a gaping hole, you can feel how his sphincter wants to suck your finger inside. He has really found and embraced his calling. N : Nice Dennis drank down the last of Nick's chempiss and his belly was now completely full of piss. He felt how his bladder was bursting. D : I have to take a piss myself. T : please wait baby let me have a bottle first. Tony took a jug that was on a table. They turned Dennis on his side and held the jug under Dennis' trapped cock. N : now you can piss baby. Let that chempiss run out of your bladder. Dennis felt his bladder empty and felt the relief in his belly. At the same time he also became aware that the chempiss he had just received from Nick and Tony had entered his body. He felt how his head began to spin and how he got warmer and warmer. His hole began to itch and feel empty. When the last drop had fallen into the pitcher Nick helped Dennis to sit up and while Tony put the half-filled pitcher of chempiss back on the table and while taking a large shard of Tina. T: that will come in handy later. Tony watched as Nick pulled Dennis upright and as the two fell into a passionate kiss. He moved behind Dennis and touched his ass again. Tony felt with his hand how the cum from the first round was undergoing the law of gravity and he pushed 3 fingers and the shard into Dennis' moist hole. Dennis who was still sunk in a strong kiss with Nick moaned at feeling Tony's fingers. Tony took Dennis's head turned it so he could now tongue Dennis. Dennis moaned as he felt Nick now begin to play his nipples with his tongue and how his pussy began to glow more and more. Tony now turned Dennis completely so that he was in front of him and Nick went to the table and took 2 nipple clamps and rope with him. While Dennis was still making out with Tony Tony took Dennis' two hands and put them on his neck. Dennis who didn't realize what Tony was doing wanted to put his hands back on Tony's body but got a slap on his ass from Nick. N: leaving your hands on your neck bitch. We're going to teach you some manners. Dennis who was already getting into a euphoric state from the chempiss in his stomach and the shard of Tina in his pussy started having trouble controlling his body and put his hands back on his neck. N: Good slut and now leave them there. Nick put the rope through the metal loops of Dennis' wristbands and tied the two together. The rest of the rope ran down Dennis' back. Nick opened Dennis' penis cage, while Dennis still kissed Tony felt his cock being freed back up. But that liberated feeling was brief. He felt the rope running along his was pulled through his butt crack and tied tightly around his balls. Tony broke the kiss and took hold of Dennis' head and looked deep into his eyes. T: It's time to work on your manners baby. A good education is important for young bitches like you. You want to be a good bitch and be rewarded do you. Dennis' eyes were already firmly turning around in his eye sockets and his tongue was already starting to hang out of his mouth. D : of course I want to be a good slut. I want as much of your cum as I can get. Tony pinched hard into Dennis' limp cock. Dennis curled his toes, trying to fight the pain but letting out a loud cry T: that's what I mean baby, you don't have any manners yet. T: you just want, you have to learn to know your place and that it's not always about your pleasure but that you have to work to be rewarded and that it's not about your pleasure but the pleasure you give to real men. N: shut up bitch, I don't want to hear your moaning understood. Nick took hold of Dennis' head and now also looked deep into his eyes. Dennis tried to fix his eyes on Nick's and nodded his head that he understood. N: Good boy. Do what is asked and expected of you and you will be rewarded. Don't and you will be punished until you know your place and purpose. Nick placed the nipple clamps on Dennis' still soft and beautiful nipples. Dennis wanted to give another moan. Tony saw that Dennis wanted to scream again and took hold of his head. N : don't scream baby, don't scream. I don't want to have to punish you all the time. Dennis tried and just managed to banish the pain. Nick took another piece of rope and made a cock around the chain connecting the clamps. The rope that now ran along Dennis' stomach Nick tied tightly around Dennis' cock. Dennis' thoughts were no longer clear as the chems were already beginning to do their work properly. But it didn't take long for him to realize that it was best to stay as still as possible because when he wanted to move arms the rope pulled his balls back which was already not such a pleasant feeling but because of that the rope hanging from his cock also pulled on his nipple clamps which hurt even more. Tony took another rope and tied it to a ring of the pulley hanging from the ceiling and then tied it to tightly to Dennis's tied hands. Dennis could do nothing more without experiencing pain, he also could not move. Tony and Nick walked around Dennis and felt at his chest, buttocks, ass and with every touch Dennis got both a shooting pain and a pleasure experience. This was new and very confusing to him. For he wanted to scream and moan but he tried to hold back as much as possible. The Tina in his cunt and the chempiss now began to work at full speed and Dennis could no longer contain himself. D : please use me. I need it so badly. D : please give me your medicine and make me feel better again Tony gave him a slap on his butt, which was now beginning to see red. Dennis gave a cry from both the slap on his ass and the pulling of the ropes on his balls, cock and nipples. N: I don't want to hear you slut. And Dennis got another slap now on the other side of his ass. This time Dennis resisted the pain and Nick and Tony watched approvingly. T: good slut, you're starting to learn. Nick took an electro shock wall and gave Dennis a shock to his belly. Dennis was startled violently and moved his arms, with familiar consequences. Dennis received several shocks on his balls, cock, nipples, belly, ass and with each shock he gave a slight cry and moved so that his balls and nipples were pulled each time. T: as long as you give screams we will keep going baby, you must please us by suffering your fate and knowing your place. Dennis tried to fight off the pain and wanted to please his 2 masters. Although his body was numb from the chems and he had difficulty controlling his actions he still did his best. On the next 2 shocks he did not budge. N: yes baby that's it, enjoy pain that gets. Let the pain embrace you completely and give your body and mind completely to your masters. Let the realization come in that you are only here to serve and not to be served. Dennis felt the rope attached to the pulley loosen and he watched as Tony pushed a button to lower the pulley. N: get down on your knees Dennis tried to go through his knees in order to get on his knees but it was not easy because his hands were tied above his head and with every movement he got shooting pains. With tears in his eyes and fair amount of pain shoots he got to his knees anyway. T: open that mouth of yours. Dennis opened his mouth and Nick's limp cock was pushed into his mouth. Nick took hold of Dennis' head and pushed Dennis' head all over his cock. The ropes pulled violently on Dennis and Dennis who was flying so high could not control the mix of sensations in his body. The experience of pain and the pleasure of the cock in his mouth were completely contradictory and caused him to have a new experience. He began to enjoy the pain and what it brought about and pre-cum began to ooze from his flaccid cock. T: it looks like our baby is enjoying it because he can't hold his fluids. Nick grinned and began thrusting his now semi-stiff cock into Dennis' mouth, who got the sensation of pain and pleasure with every thrust. When Nick's cock was hard and filling all of Dennis' mouth and throat, Nick stopped thrusting and withdrew. Dennis' arms were released from the pulley and was pulled back straight. His arms were untied and the rope was put from around his balls. He was now also pulled back straight and Dennis stood straight but wobbly on his legs. Nick took a whip and just gave Dennis pats on his ass. It wasn't long before Dennis' ass and back began to show red welts. The pats on his ass and back Dennis coped well and didn't budge. It was only when he received a few taps on his cock and balls that he curled his toes. But still he resisted the pain; in fact, he was already beginning to enjoy it slightly. Then he got a tap on his nipples that still had the clamps on them. The first 2 taps he could still endure but when Nick hit 1 of the clamps and it jumped off his nipple he couldn't hold back anymore and let out a loud cry. As punishment Nick now also slapped the other one and it too jumped off his nipple. Again Dennis gave a loud cry and Tony came in front of him and now pushed on the Dennis his 2 nipples. Dennis curled his toes, resisting the pain, and sought Tony's with his mouth. Tony now nipped his nipples to punish him back. T: No, no, no. We're not here to please you baby. You are here to please us. Your pleasure comes second from now on. Nick took glass and filled it with Dennis' chempiss. And placed the glass against Dennis' open mouth and began to pour the glass. N: here bitch drink this because you need to stay well hydrated. Dennis could not help but drink, but also did not let a single drop go to waste. After the glass was empty Dennis was thrown on the bed and had to sit down on all fours. Tony came and sat in front of him and ordered him to suck him. Nick came and sat behind him and inserted a shard of Tina into his pee toy. He placed his mushroom against Dennis' gaping sphincter and without warning pushed his fat hard cock all the way into Dennis' hole at once. Dennis got very hot inside because of the chempiss that started to work but also because of blissful feeling of having a fat cock in his ass and mouth. Once again he was in slut heaven and he thanked his 2 masters by firmly riding Nick's fat cock with his ass and sucking Tony's cock hard and firmly with his mouth. Nick was pounding heavily on Dennis' ass, and Dennis felt how almost Tony would get his cum in his mouth because he heard how Tony started breathing more heavily. Tony took Dennis by his hair and now began to set the pace himself as to how fast and deep Dennis slid over his cock with his mouth. T: Yes baby, here it comes. Here comes the medicine you so desperately need. Tony let out a loud growl and Dennis felt strands of cum being squirted into his mouth. Dennis played with his tongue over Tony's glans as he unloaded his last drops of cum into Dennis' mouth. Dennis enjoyed all that cum in his mouth for a while longer and then swallowed it neatly. Tony pulled his cock out of Dennis' mouth and then began kissing him fiercely. At that moment, Nick also cummed. He slapped Dennis' ass firmly a few more times and then squirted his cum deep into Dennis' guts he pulled his cock out of the gaping hole and quickly pushed in a butt plug that could be operated with a remote control. Nick also started kissing Dennis now and the three men enjoyed their horny moment for a while. Dennis fell down on the bed exhausted and the Nick and Tony left the room. But Nick still adjusted the butt plug first so that every 30 sec he would provide Dennis with some stimulation in his pussy. T : rest for a while later the others will come and enjoy your wonderful cunt. As Dennis lay back to regain his strength he felt his cunt being stimulated every half minute by the plug. It kept him in a horny trance and ensured that his hunger for cock and sex remained high. Dennis didn't get much time to regain his strength because Jack, Rob and Andy entered the room. Now it was their time to congratulate him on his new status. Dennis enjoyed all the attention that he and his pussy were getting. The three filled all Dennis's openings and Dennis begged to be fucked and to get their cum. After several hours of fucking enjoyment, the 3 left Dennis with cum-filled guts. Dennis felt at his hole and noticed the precious cum oozing out of his pussy. He took what he could with his fingers and licked his fingers clean. Then Sam, Ed and Michael entered the room. M: how are you my son, are you enjoying your transformation party. 😧 yes father, I can't imagine a more perfect birth party. D : I hope I may now serve you and provide you with pleasure. E: Nick and Tony have done a good job I see. D : they have taught me that I am only here to please you and bring you pleasure. E: that's absolutely right slut. Just open that mouth of yours and show one how well you want to please me. Dennis opened his mouth and took Ed's cock in his mouth. Sam grabbed a ready syringe and a rubber band and laid next to Dennis on the bed. Sam whispered in Dennis' ear. S : ready to fly my godchild Dennis nodded S : is your pussy ready to let our fists inside. Dennis opened his eyes and looked at Sam with eager eyes and let the hard cock out of his mouth for a moment D : Oh yes godfather fill my pussy with your fist, I will not disappoint you. E : don't stop sucking bitch. Dennis sucked back further on Ed's hard cock and felt Sam preparing his arm for the slam that would soon be given. Dennis saw that the syringe was well filled. It what certainly a solid slam he thought. He felt the rubber band go around his arm and be tightened and the alcohol swap clean his arm. Ed pulled his cock back and let Sam do his work. Sam found a nice vein and stuck the needle in. He got a register in the syringe. S : go fly baby. We're going to take good care of you and your pussy. Sam squirted the syringe empty into Dennis' vein and it took only seconds before Dennis started coughing and was catapulted to the 7th heaven. Dennis was taken in by the included and placed in the sling. His legs were attached to the chain so that his den was nicely visible. E : the others did a good job by the looks of it. His hole is already nicely open and apparently well supplied with lubricant. M : yes by the looks of it. Dennis was moaning in the sling. The slam he had received was certainly the biggest yet. Ed went around Dennis' sphincter with his fingers and was able to work 4 fingers inside without difficulty. Dennis mouth fell open and started asking for more. E : You can get more bitch. And he pushed his thumb with the rest formed a fist and pushed through until he reached thickest point of his fist and only now he felt a slight tightening of Dennis' sphincter. E : Wow, this cunt is made to be fisted. I can push my whole hand into its hole almost effortlessly. Dennis wanted the whole fist in his cunt and pushed his cunt deeper on Ed's fist until it disappeared into his hole. E: look at our little one, he can't wait anymore. Michael and Sam saw what was happening and looked open-mouthed at the slut they had created. Dennis growled with pleasure and tried to get the sling moving so his cunt could ride Ed's fist. Ed made Dennis commit and helped him a little by pushing his fist a little deeper into Dennis' cunt with each rocking motion. With every inch that the fist was deeper in his cunt Dennis growled louder and louder and more and more pre-cum also began to ooze from his cock. E: that's enough slut, I want to enjoy this myself. Sam held the sling still and Ed himself now began to move his fist in and out of Dennis' hole. Michael came up next to Dennis and pushed his cock into Dennis' face. Dennis knew what to do, he opened his mouth and let his maker's cock slide in. Now Ed was hitting deeper and deeper into Dennis' bowels until he felt he could go no further. He was now just piece above his wrist in Dennis' pussy anyway and was already very satisfied with the progress made. He pulled his fist back out of Dennis' cunt and was now constantly changing fists. Each time in and out of the gaping cunt of Dennis, who was still sucking heavily on his maker's cock. Ed could no longer control his horniness and removed his fist from Dennis' cunt and pushed his thick stiff cock inside. He gave several thrusts and filled Dennis' guts with his cum. The once tight sphincter had now become a stretched out gaping hole where real men's cum was spilling out because it could no longer close properly. Sam who had been standing next to him the whole time and playing with his cock took over. Sam's hands were slightly larger and thicker than Ed's, and he made a fist and placed it against the slightly shapely rosebud. Sam felt the bowel wanting to come out and pushed lightly with his fist several times against the sphincter pushing outward. Dennis was ecstatic, he let Michael's cock fall out of his mouth. D : come on godfather push that fist inside, let me feel what a bad boy I have been. S : you are not a bad boy honey. You have become an accomplished whore. Sam gently pushed his fist against the sphincter and felt it open even further. The cum from Ed and everyone else acted as a natural lubricant and Sam's fist was sucked in by Dennis' hungry bowels. Dennis let out a loud fulfilled sigh and began sucking further on Michael's hard cock. Sam internally opened his fist and swirled his hand around inside Dennis' hole. He felt where Dennis' prostate was and began to stimulate it. The pre-cum began to ooze from Dennis's limp cock and Michael absorbed the pre-cum with his fingers and fed it to Dennis. M : letting nothing go to waste my son. D : Thank you father. No we must not let any nectar go to waste. Now Sam began to pick up the pace and Dennis began to moan heavily and stopped sucking. He looked at Sam and saw that he was jerking himself. S : I'm about to come baby. Where do you want me to dump my cum. D : let me taste you again godfather, I want to drink your babies. Sam stopped jerking pulled his fist out of Dennis' stretched hole and stuck his cock in Dennis' mouth. S : suck whore, suck my babies in that slut bucket of yours Dennis sucked as hard as he could on Sam's blissful cock. Meanwhile Michael stood at the gaping hole and pushed his hard sucked cock inside. Michael no longer felt the edges of Dennis's hole. M : oh my son, your pussy has become beautiful. If this didn't make me so horny I could fuck your cunt for a whole day without coming. D : yes father fuck me, fuck me a whole day. M : you make me too horny my son I am going to cum pussy, I can't hold back anymore. At the same time Sam too came. Dennis felt both his mouth and pussy being pumped full with cum. When they had caught their breath and helped Dennis out of the sling. The 4 men kissed each other for a while and went upstairs. Dennis had now become one of them. He would serve as the group's cumdump for the rest of the year until it was his time to become a father. Dennis had really found his true self now, and was hunting almost daily for a new cock that would feed his pussy. The local sauna and cruising bars had no secrets from him either, and everyone knew him there by now. He had also gone with Michael to get a biohazard tattoo and had let Michael choose the place. Michael chose to have it put on his butt so that when he was with his parents it would not be visible. And as agreed, Dennis was the slut on duty at every get-together. Dennis enjoyed being used. So we came to the holidays and Michael and Dennis' family parties had now also become different, because where before there was a problem about having to sleep together when they were with their parents. Now they had to make sure there were no noises coming from their room. Dennis and Michael stayed with their parents for 3 weeks to spend the holidays. Dennis went to the gym one night, when he walked in he was just struck by lightning. In front of him on the treadmill was a beautiful young guy. Dennis' mouth fell open and drool almost ran out of his mouth at the sight of such a young god. He recovered himself and walked to the lockers, placed his bag in them and went to the treadmill next to the young god. A young handsome woman approached the young god and asked if he would be running for a long time. Z : just another half hour honey. Just go home I'll see you well tomorrow. Dennis' mood sank into his shoes and he felt that the butterflies in his stomach were flying away. That young god had a girlfriend, he hadn't counted on that now. He had no choice now but to start the treadmill because it would just seem weird to leave right away. So Dennis started running and sought contact with the young god anyway. The men looked at each other and nodded. Dennis saw that the young god was running at 12 km per hour and he didn't want to undercut and set the treadmill to the same speed. Both men kept an eye on each other's screen and if one ran a little faster then the other also increased his speed. Occasionally they smiled at each other as they realized they were making a game of it. When the young god's session was over, Dennis also stopped running. Both men were sweating tremendously and were still catching their breath on the treadmill. Z: I know you from somewhere, is that possible. D : uh, I was born and raised here but now live in the city. I just graduated from there and am living there for now until I find decent work somewhere. Z : I am Zack D : Zack yes I've heard that name too. I'm Dennis, do you sometimes have a sister or brother. Z : yes I have a sister. Chloe Dennis couldn't believe his ears, in his year there was a Chloe he had fucked yet in the back seat of his first car, would this be her brother. D : do you have a picture of your sister so I can see if I recognize her. Zack showed a picture of his sister. And yes it was the Chloe that Dennis had already shoved over his cock, what a coincidence. D : yes I know her. Z : oh how coincidental. The ice was broken and the two began to continue the conversation in the bar, both took a sports drink and sat at a table. Zack explained that he was now a senior and that he would also be coming to town next year to attend university. Dennis's ears began to whistle back. D : is your girlfriend going with you Z : no she is staying here because she doesn't want to study. D : do you think your relationship will survive that. Z : we'll see. The two talked some more and after half an hour their drinks were finished and Zack went home. Dennis still gave him his number in case Zack wanted a tour of the city when he went to college. Zack said he would definitely call because he hated to be alone. Zack went home and Dennis finished his gym session back and then also went home. D : Michael, I just saw the man of my dreams. M : oh wait, you are not allowed to fuck pussy yet my friend. You still have to wait to make a son. D : yes I know, but don't think anything will come of it either because he has a girlfriend and is now a senior here at school. By the way, I still fucked his sister in the back seat of our old car. M : really. D : yes really, what are the chances. Well yes have given him my number because next school year he is going to uni. Should he want a tour. You never know huh. Dennis winked at Michael. M : Yes late August early September would be ideal. But think the chances of him still having your number by then are slim. The months went by and Dennis still occasionally thought of the young god during a rare tug of war. Summer passed and it was almost time for Dennis to make a son as well. But he didn't have anyone in mind yet, because in his mind was still the young god from the gym. M : Leave it my son, he will never send you again. Choose someone else because the men are getting impatient. They want to have a new member. D : ok well I will really make it my job, I will check again to see if anyone else makes my heart beat faster and let you know. Just as he was about to put Zack out of his mind his cell phone lit up. Dennis looked at the number and didn't know it but picked up anyway. Z : hey, Dennis. I don't know if your offer is still valid. D : uh what offer and who am I talking to. Z : yeah sorry, it's Zack from in the gym. You know my sister Chloe. Dennis's heart began to beat violently. You didn't mean this. D : ah yes, hey Zack. Are you okay ? D : I promised to give you a tour for sure. Sure Dennis remembered what he had promised he had been longing to see the young god again for months. D : are you already living in the city or are you coming soon. Z : I moved into my studio yesterday. D : don't you sleep on campus or in a student home. Z : no that's nothing for me, prefer some privacy. That sounded like music to Dennis' ears. D : yes I understand, then your girlfriend can easily come by. Z : no she won't come by anymore because we broke off our relationship. It was as you said. This would not survive our relationship. Jackpot. Dennis's butterflies were all back and wanted to send directly to Michael that he had found his son. D : oh too bad for you. Z : yes, but it's better this way. That way we can each go our separate ways and I can fully enjoy my college days. You will certainly think so Dennis. You'll get to know my cock and you won't want anything else. D : well friend what are your plans tonight. Z : don't have any plans yet. Next week there is an introduction day on campus but other than that I have no plans yet because I don't know anyone here. D : well then I am going to introduce you to some of my friends and we will go out a few times so you can get to know the city well. Z: I was hoping you would say that. Zack gave Dennis his address and they agreed that Dennis would pick him up that night to go for a drink. Dennis had also agreed to meet his brother and Zack didn't think that was a problem. Dennis sent to Michael D : father, I have found my son. You must help me transform him. M : oh that suddenly goes fast. D : yes, the guy from our house just called me and we are meeting tonight and you will also go with me so you can get to know him. M : yes fine, I can then see how we get on. D : perfect
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  18. Chapter 2: Father John We met Father John a few days after our arrival in the new city. We settled into a bed & breakfast that was draining our last savings, we were alone, and we didn't know what to do. Despite our sexuality, we had always been very religious, so it was natural for us to seek comfort and concrete help in the only Catholic church in the area. We went to Mass one Sunday morning, and to our surprise, we noticed that there weren't many people. As soon as we crossed the threshold, we felt the gaze of the few faithful all on us. It was no wonder, two strangers in such a confined environment stand out immediately. We tried to keep a low profile and sat in the back pew. It was incredible how they continued to stare at us unabashedly, especially the men: the few women were next to what I believe were their husbands or fathers, keeping their heads down. The men, however, stared at us intently, some with curiosity, others with amazement, still others with disdain, to the point where I thought they had immediately realized that Paul and I were together. I felt uncomfortable, as if we had crashed a secret club that didn't want us there. I tried to hold their inquisitive gaze, and then I noticed something that sent shivers down my spine: the men all seemed like they were veterans of a war or a rave party, they were pale, with sunken faces, glossy eyes, so much so that at first I thought I was at a funeral. They all seemed old, even though some were not. Fortunately, the staring contest was interrupted by the sound of a bell, and we all stood up for the arrival of the priest. The singing began, and the altar boys came out from a door with the priest following. Even the altar boys seemed strange, they were adults, or so it seemed to me, and they too had a sad and emaciated appearance. They seemed to drag themselves wearily to the altar. The priest, on the other hand, was in great shape, a handsome man in his 60s, taller than Paul, broad-shouldered, I couldn't see much of his body because the robe covered him, but you could tell he was muscular. He had cold, blue eyes, perfectly combed white hair with a part on the side, and he sang too, smiling. He passed us by and immediately noticed us. At that moment, he stopped singing, gave me a quick glance, and then moved on to Paul. He smiled at him, showing his very white teeth, and motioned for us to sit further forward, then went toward the altar. Paul stood up immediately and obeyed, I followed reluctantly, preferring to stay secluded. I took his hand, but he moved it away nervously. Given the reception of the faithful, it was indeed better not to attract too much attention. Once seated, the priest began his homily. He was very emphatic, knew how to modulate his voice well, he seemed like a soap opera actor, or one of those motivational speakers who make you quit your job and invest everything in cryptocurrency. In short, he didn't make a good impression on me. And yet you could see that everyone hung on his words, finally the men and the few women present seemed happy to be there. I whispered to Paul, "Certainly it's different here..." "What do you mean?" "Have you looked around? These people seem like they stepped out of a Tim Burton movie!" Paul stifled a laugh. "True! But if we're so few, we can't make enemies. This is our new community, they might lend us a hand." "Yeah, probably if you ask them for a hand they'll tear it off their arm." "What an idiot! And stop making me laugh, the priest is speaking." Father John glared at us, then melted into a smile as charming as it was unsettling. From the pulpit, he began his reading: "From Matthew 16:21-27 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be k1lled and on the third day be raised to life. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.” Upon hearing those words, and the way Father John pronounced them, slowly, with his warm and deep voice, I understood why everyone looked at him with such admiration: he was very charismatic, I couldn't stop looking at him either, yet there was something false about him. "Paul, this is the moment when – " “Jesus predicts his death,” Paul replied, moved, still gazing at Father John.
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  19. Pt. 10 Exhausted and shocked by the way this morning had played out, I decided to just lie there and rest… although it was weird being tied up face down with the apprentice asleep on my back, his cock still buried inside me. This was a strange new experience. After a while, I heard some clanking near the pump shed, Mike closing up his toolbox, and the sound of his boots heading this way. He called out, “Oi!” But I wasn’t sure whether to me or the mad kid. Anyway, the boy started to wake, groggily mumbling, “Huh?’, and rolling off me to one side. I was so covered in cum from the huge bath of it he had given me from his ass earlier that where our bodies had been in contact while he slept peeled apart with a strange sticky-glue feeling. I must smell disgusting. “Show us his cunt”, Mike said. The boy ripped his cock out of me—amazingly, it felt still half hard—and got up. Seeing that I was about to roll over, he sat on my back, facing towards my feet, and I felt his hands roughly pull apart my ass cheeks. “Mmmm, gaping”, he said, still sounding sleepy. Nothing happened for a minute or two, as he just held my ass open… I wondered what Mike was doing. Just standing there looking, or what? Until I felt a hard stream of hot piss on my backside. After a second of splashing over me (and presumably partly over the kid), he got it aimed right, and I felt it gurgle into my open hole. Despite myself, and the feeling of being abused, it turned me on, and I felt my stupid cock starting to get hard against the grass under me. When the hard, high-pressure stream of piss stopped, I heard Mike zip up his pants. Speaking normally, he said, “I don’t have a seal the right size with me. Have to come back tomorrow.” The thought of seeing them again tomorrow was difficult to process. I didn’t reply. The boy got up, and I turned over to look at Mike, who glanced at my erection. He reached into a pocket and pulled out a knife - opened it, and reached down and cut the tie on my ankles. “Sit up, man”, he directed in his strong, calm way. As I pulled myself up a bit he reached the tie on my wrists and cut that as well. My body ached inside and out; I was naked except for my boots and covered in second-hand cum from who knows what guys, with piss leaking out of my ass. “Come on, we’ll be late.” Mike said to the apprentice, and they walked away towards their truck. As I got up and started stumbling after, towards the house, I heard them talking: Mike: “We should bring the Tradie’s Club out here next month, so you don’t have to take all the pounding on your own.” The kid laughed and said, “Yeah - that would be hot. I can use his messy hole after.” As I walked up the steps and looked back, I saw the boy throw his singlet and shorts in the back of the truck, and he climbed into the passenger seat naked. Farout. This young guy was just something else.
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  20. Pt.9 I found myself trapped, lying on the ground on my side with my ankles tied together and my hands tied behind my back. The apprentice was holding the long-handled wrench again… which did not make me feel comfortable. Sitting on the ground behind me, he leaned into my ear and said, “Tell me that you are a filthy slut and how you want to be my whore”. I said nothing. Reaching to my ass, he parted the cheeks with one hand and pressed the rounded end of the thick wrench handle to my hole… putting a little pressure. “Tell me how much you want it”, he said, a hard note in his voice. This time, before I had a chance to decide whether to answer or not, he rammed the handle into my ass. He left it in there. This sinister boy now lay down alongside my naked back… one hand slightly jiggling the wrench handle inside me and his face close behind my neck so I could feel him breathing. “I need to know…” he said quietly, “how badly you want to be my whore. I already saw what a slut for cock you are, letting Mike fuck you that way. I think you want more. Tell me.” As he was speaking, he started pushing the wrench handle deeper into me. Not in the steady calm way that Mike fucked me; he just pushed it in carelessly. At a certain point of penetration, it hit something that hurt, and I yelled. Instead of pulling it back, he actually laughed out loud and held it there, firmly… right on that point of pain. “I didn’t hear you”, he said. “Tell me you are a slut.” I gave in and said, “Yeah, I’m a slut”. I suppose it was true, after this morning! “Good daddy”, he said without any friendliness in his voice. “Now tell me that you want to be my whore”. I started to sense that this would never end… so, starting to speak, I began tentatively, “Um…” At which moment he pulled the wrench entirely out of my ass and pushed it right back in again… all the way up to that point where I yelled, again. Then he pulled it right out once more… but placed the end resting against my increasingly sore hole. “Pardon?” He said sarcastically. I decided to keep my mouth shut and not give him satisfaction or encouragement. This was a mistake… he plunged the wrench handle into my hole as deep as he could get it, then fucked it in and out a few times…. I nearly lost control of, no, I had no more control to lose, really, it was just such a crazy feeling and so uncomfortable, and getting more frightening. Pushing the handle back to the point where I squirmed with discomfort again, he leaned over my tied-up arms and bit my nipple. Just went right down on it and bit. The pain at both ends of my naked body tipped me over the edge, and I started blabbing, “I’m your slut. Make me your whore.” “No”, he said, letting go of my nipple. “You’re a FILTHY slut, and a DISGUSTING whore. Say it!” I gave up completely and just repeated his words. Whatever. He then dropped the wrench—but its long handle was still planted deep in my ass, stood up and walked around to stand in front of my face. He knelt down and picked my head up by the throat, saying, “Open”. I hesitated a second, and with his other hand, he slapped the side of my face hard. I opened my mouth, and he pushed his rock-hard Mike-replica cock into my face. There was no steady getting used to it now, as there had been with Mike… he just fucked my face roughly for a few minutes… then paused and pushed his dick deeper into my throat… he was holding the front of my neck with his hand, and as he felt his cock go down into it, he said “oh yeah!” At the same moment, I felt something weird… it took me a moment to realise that he was pissing. With my hands and feet tied and the crazy kid holding my throat with his cock down inside it, there wasn’t much I could do… and I had this weird warm feeling that was… hm, suddenly great. I felt inexplicably turned on, but my eyes felt they would pop out with the stress and just as I suddenly thought I needed to breathe, he pulled his cock out. Not gracefully, just pulled it out and stood up, taking no account of how it felt for me. Weirdly, after this last punishment to my body, face, and throat, and with the big handle of some kind of plumber’s tool rammed up my ass, my cock had got hard again. The kid looked at my erection, laughed and said, “I knew you loved it. You’re mine, now, slut.” The next bit was probably the climax of it all for the crazy apprentice kid… but I don’t really remember much, it’s a blur. He pulled the tool out of my ass - again without any consideration, knelt down and plunged his cock in balls deep. Fortunately, it was wet from just deep-throating me and pissing down my neck. All I remember is the fiercest, roughest, pounding I’ve ever experienced. It went on for a while, but not too long, maybe 5 minutes. My mind drifted away, almost as though I was with the trees, looking down from above. He fucked like a jackhammer, or a wild animal, deep and hard, out of control, until finally, with a series of huge shouts and his dick rammed further into me than I thought was possible, he unloaded his raging twink cum. Strangely, he fell on me, with his cock still inside, put his arms around my chest and held me hard to his hot sweaty body. And he just stayed there. Not sure what was going on, I stayed as still as possible while he hugged me, lying on top of my tied-up naked body. Eventually, I noticed his breathing getting slower and heavier and had the realisation: damn - he was asleep!
    3 points
  21. Pt 6 After a moment of stillness, while we all rested in a weirdly intimate position, locked together by our cocks, Mike calmly withdrew his cock from my totally worn-out ass and stepped away. I could feel that nothing much leaked out, as his cum was still so deep inside. I slid out of the boy, my cock already going soft, covered in someone else’s cream, thinking I’d finally get to rest, but Mike pushed firmly down on my head, sending me to my knees behind the boy, who was still bent over against the shed. He said, “Eat it.” The boy just stood there bent over, his cute slim ass in front of my face, and I saw his hole twitch slightly… which I have to admit was inviting. I glanced at Mike, already putting his dick away in his shorts, then leaned forward to run my tongue upwards over his apprentice's hole, and it opened a bit outwards, the lips giving an invitation. I thought, whatever, fuck it, and pushed my face into the boy’s warm ass, between his cheeks, all wet and strongly smelling of cum—my mouth closed on his sweet young hole, and I pushed my tongue up into it. I heard Mike say, “Did he cum too quick for you?” and the boy replied, “Yeah, for sure. I was just getting into it.” Mike replied, in the tone of someone giving permission, “You can punish it. His ass can take more.” I thought… what? At that moment, the boy pushed his pussy outwards and released a huge belch of pure cum directly into my conveniently positioned, open mouth. Fuck, that was a bit unexpected! I leaned back in surprise as I realised firstly that this was indeed far, far more cum than just my load… and secondly that it was so much, it filled and overflowed my mouth. As I tried to swallow some of it, it was waterfalling down my chin. I love the taste of cum, but this was verging on grotesque. Just too much of the ripe taste and too much to swallow it all. As I was thinking to spit some of it out, the boy turned casually and pushed me backwards onto the grass. He kicked his shorts off, over his work boots, and stepped forward over my naked body, one foot on each side of me. Then he sat down on my face, hard, pushing his hole against my mouth, with his hairy balls blocking my nose. And he just sat there. I waited a moment and then tried to push him off… but despite being slim, he was in the stronger position, literally sitting on me. I couldn’t breathe, and my mouth was still full of cum. I swallowed as much of it as I could, but that didn’t help me to breath. Then, I felt him open his ass again and before I could close my mouth properly, he pushed another flood of cum into it—it felt like another huge amount, as much as the first time. Good grief—how many guys had fucked this boy this morning?! Unbelievable. He stood up abruptly, and remained standing over me, one boot on either side of my face. Finally able to breath through my nose, but with my mouth overflowing with cum, I had a moment of panic, as if I was drowning. I tried to breathe, spit, and swallow all at the same time, which resulted in ridiculous choking and snorting. The boy stepped away and I rolled over, groaning and spluttering, trying to wipe streams of sticky cum from my face but just spreading it around. Finally, I lay on the grass to rest, with my eyes closed. I thought ‘fuck, I have cum leaking out of my nose. How is that even possible?’
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  22. Pt2 I put my tongue out and let it gently touch the drop of pre-cum, drawing it into my mouth. Mmmm that sweet taste, after which there is no going back… I opened my mouth and put it all the way around Mike’s cock, with my face right up into his red-haired crotch. He smelled both manly and clean, a faint smell of soap. Even still not fully hard, he was touching the back of my throat. As I started sucking his cock, drawing my lips and tongue back and forth along the length of it, I felt him quickly getting bigger and harder. My jaw had to open wider as his cock got surprisingly much fatter. He made no sound but put his hand firmly on my shoulder, which I took as a signal to continue. After a few minutes, he put his hands on either side of my head and held it still, so he could begin to fuck my face. He pumped his cock in and out steadily and calmly—but each inward thrust pushed firmly, kind of sternly, against my throat… and I started to get the message that he was going to persist until it opened for him all the way. After one of these thrusts, as I was trying to relax my throat to take the hard head of Mike’s cock into my neck, I heard a twig snap underfoot on the ground nearby and remembered the boy. He was still nearby, apparently, or maybe walking away. Sensing my moment of distraction, Mike’s next push was stronger and he kept pushing, not pulling back. My throat muscles almost reflexively opened and he was in— I felt his hard mushroom head pop through, followed by a terrifying length of hard, merciless dick. Luckily, I had prepared the angle of my neck for it, so although it felt like a shocking intrusion into a vulnerable part of my body, at least I took it in without too much pain. As I knew he would, he held my head firmly with his cock far down my throat… forcing me to get used to it. I had to shut my eyes, telling myself to just relax (as if that was possible) and wait. Eventually, he decided that he’d blocked my breathing for long enough and slowly withdrew… I coughed up a handful of saliva, but he was already putting his cock back into my mouth. He now settled into a pattern of fucking my mouth while regularly pushing it through into my neck, more and more often, and keeping it down there for longer. I could feel my face turning red and a waterfall of saliva running down my chin onto my naked chest, trickling down to my cock and dripping off my balls onto the ground. A thought passed through my mind, slightly amused that only a short while before, I had felt embarrassed about being caught naked—my shame had now progressed to a new level. After an eternity in which I just had to let go of control and any sense of time, while Mike had his way with my mouth and my throat, just taking what he wanted, he eventually pulled out. I was thinking about how sore my throat would be tomorrow for a moment, but Mike just said, “Up”. I got to my feet a bit slowly, my knees sore and stiff from so long kneeling on the grass. Mike’s cock was huge and rock hard, rooted in his beautiful ginger pubic hair, shining wet and dripping with all the water he had pumped from my mouth and throat. It was long and really fat towards the base, tapering a bit towards the end, then topped off with a big mushroom. A porn star’s cock. Without any more words, he firmly took my arm and turned me around, pushing me toward the wall of the house, with my back to him. He took each of my hands and placed them on the wall, then let go. I stood there, feeling exposed, naked mentally as well as physically now, looking at the wall. I was feeling I should brace myself but more just resigned to what must be coming next. To be fair, although I was starting to see Mike in a new light, as he revealed himself as a very in-charge top, what came next was tough but not unkind. He put his strong rough hands on my hips from behind, holding me firmly. Then I felt the tip of his wet cock touch my ass hole, and he just went in, not roughly or painfully, it was in control and firm, and I knew there was no option. Somehow, my body responded to his by just letting it happen— my hole opened for him like a flower bud, and he slid smoothly all the way in. I pushed out a bit to open myself further as he passed my second sphincter. A rush of pleasure, or something beyond pleasure, rippled upwards through my abdomen and chest, manifesting outwardly as goosebumps on my skin as Mike rested his great weapon deeply inside me. I was lost in this sensation and Mike was totally in control.
    3 points
  23. Got warm here in central Arkansas. Put m’y kilt on and headed to one of the cruising spots. Remembered to pre lube this time. Headed down trail till I got to freeway underpass. Put a blindfold on and bent over barricade. Felt like forever when infeltmhand on my leg sliding up till he could tell I didn't have anything in under. A finger slid into my hole, a thumb I think. The back of the kilt was flipped up and my cheeks were spread. I could tell h3 was behind me and the head of his cock pressed against my hole and he pushed in hard. Damn did it burn. He stayed there for ams3c or two then started stroking hard. I then realized there were hands holding my cheeks apart. There were at least 2. The 1st guy just kept up, steadynha4d pound for about a minute then pushed in deep and I could feel him pulse in me. He slowly pulled out and Imcould feel shuffle behind me. A hand grabbed my head and the c0ck that had just fucked me was pushed into my mouth. As I gagged on it, another hard-on was pushed into my ass. pretty sloppy. Then2ne guybvarries his speed and depth till he blew his load. He pulled out and let the kilt fall back. I waited for a bit then pull3e the blindfold off. There were 5-6 guys standing back whacking off. As I stood the cum leaking down my leg. As I headed back to car I was glad I had put a towel down on the seat.
    2 points
  24. Yes. Being 5’ 8” and 120 LB I get raped whenever I’m with a (unknown to me) rapist and we end up alone together, when they can get away with it. If this scenario presents itself as long as they don’t try to harm me (happened twice) I don’t fight back and I let them finish inside me. I also had friends invite over someone who has ended up raping me while they watched, and I don’t mind that as long as they are not violent. I have however been violently assaulted, strangled, and nearly killed by my rapist and that’s not cool. If you rape me please don’t be so violent. I’m not going to report your need to blow your DNA in me, if you respect my boundaries. I have been raped 6 times.
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  25. 2 points
  26. Commando around the house. And, completely naked when I can. If going out, very brief briefs.
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  27. RR is not closing. (Been there for ages and know all the staff).
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  28. To all the tops out there, if you rim me good for 10 minutes my hole is yours to fuck or do anything you want to anyway you want to do it. I also love to make out with a really nice hole. I think of it as practicing my french kissing.
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  29. Nothing like running a cumdump hole with sperm in it.
    2 points
  30. That makes sense to me. I've never thought that a virus can be "addictive", but I'm no doctor either. I've long thought that it was the wanton sexual behavior that is so compelling, so "addictive", not some illness. Any guy can, in theory, relocate to some area where there's tons of raw sex available, and keep his Lusts satisfied. Some would answer with "but my career" ... or "but my family / friends" .... any other issue that "prevents" them from their stated desire to become infected - which again - is a choice, For men who know and understand themselves, hearing that peculiar, siren call to wanton, recurring raw sex with many different men, it must be most frustrating to have put down "roots" in a sexually barren area. But that doesn't create the ability in some virus to be "addictive". A virus can kill folks, but it can't addict them. It's the Call of the Wild*, the realized/accepted need for wanton sexual contact with countless others like ourselves - our 'brothers in the life' - that is so compelling. I don't believe a virus can do that. *apologies, Mr. London
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  31. I often share my boy, Drew’s ass with other men but regularly with my mates Hamish and Steve. Most weekends we open up his hole and pump our loads deep up his ass. I love to feel my buddies freshly shot loads on my cock while I‘m fucking and seeding Drew.
    2 points
  32. For me it is always the fuck… love the sensation and love giving up control of my hole… love it when a Top uses me hard and long… the load is just my reward 💦
    2 points
  33. I never used to cage myself when I was getting fucked, but I've found that doing so makes it clear that I don't want my cock played with. I've also started using Emla cream on my cock before locking it away. The effect of having a caged cock that is entirely numb is perfect. There's no distraction and I get to focus entirely on my hole.
    2 points
  34. I love getting rimmed, especially as foreplay to getting fucked. Super hot when a top lifts my legs to go down on my hole and gives me the look that we both know he's going to breed me. And if he kisses me after rimming so I can taste and smell my hole on him. Super hot.
    2 points
  35. I suppose it depends on what you consider small. The average dick is 5” to 5.5”. The tape measure show me at 6”, but compared to most of the dicks on these guys who brag they are 7”, I must actually be 9”. 🤣
    2 points
  36. I love rimming, both giving and receiving and any hole, specially if it was loaded with cum earlier which is always a nice surprise to taste! reminds me I haven't used the rim chair in a while 😉
    2 points
  37. Never shared a story before, but had a hot hookup with a 34 married guy today that I felt like writing down 😛 He hit me up on an app, saying he likes playing together in a shower, sucking cock and getting rimmed and if I'm gentle I can fuck him too (his profile said "safe only"). He even sent a face pic and was actually my type, other than that just some pics of his cock and body, which looked pretty good too. I was feeling very horny even though I just jerked off a load not long ago, so I told him to drop by. He turned out to be a cute short guy with the most amazing bubble butt - I knew I had to get inside that. We got into the shower, he started slowly playing with my cock while I grabbed his ass and gently started working his hole with my finger. He immediately started bending over a bit to give me better access and moaned slightly, causing my cock to just get rock hard. I told him to get on his knees and he sucked me off for a bit with water flowing down our bodies. Finally, I told him to get up and dry off so we can move to the bedroom where I need to taste that ass. The slut immediately got on all fours on the bed and spread his sexy cheeks, giving perfect access for my tongue - it was obvious he had experience and loved getting rimmed. He was quite tight though, so I had to work a bit to get my toungue deeper, but soon enough I had him moaning like a whore and grinding that ass against my face. At this point, I got up, started slapping my cock on his hole and asked "Do you want me to put it in? I have condoms ready", to which he responded "No, just stick it in me" (what a surprise, lol). I grabbed some lube and he was soon backing up on my hard rod. I went slowly at first, since he said he wanted gentle, but I soon saw that he got used to it pretty quick and was picking up the pace himself. That made me even hornier, as married guys often talk how they love getting fucked but then can barely take a cock at a slow pace when it comes to it. He would sometimes slow down a bit to catch a breath, but I could see the whore knew how to take a cock. After a bit I felt I'm getting close and asked "Do you want my load in you?", him "I never had cum in my ass before... (wasn't sure if to believe him at this point, haha) but go ahead". I picked up my pace and was soon breeding his married ass with a hefty load. In the meantime his phone was ringing in the background, which he said after was his kid calling, lol. We went to take a quick shower again, where I played with his hole a bit more, which made him blow his load. He dressed up and said he hopes we could repeat that. He's not local, but I do hope he'll be in the area more often, as I would love to fill that hot ass up with my cum as often as possible.
    2 points
  38. I've bottomed for many years for my guy and I loved it. At first it was not that good, it felt annoying. Not painful but annoying. Then I begun to like it to the point of asking to get fucked. Yesterday I got fucked by someone who had a long dick. It was a bit fat too, but its main characteristic was that it was longer than that of my bf (don't ask me how long I'm not good at measuring and in europe we have cm and not inches). So when he got inside me he pushed and I felt a pain. It was a different pain. Rather sharp I'd say. It felt as if he found a barier or something and he was pushing against it. I felt that after some painful thrusts he got deeper and there oh damn it felt so good. I've heard about the two sphincters etc but I'm not sure it's actually true. I do know for sure though that deep there something felt so so so so good.
    2 points
  39. I live some way out of town, on a farming property. I’m not the farmer, though, I have a town job - others in the family take care of stuff out on the place. One of the things I love most is the rare occasion I find myself home alone… I love the quiet, the big space of the view across the valley, the sense of calm, and being far away from other people for a period of time. Today was one of those days—the rest of the household is away for a week. I woke up naked in bed after a Saturday sleep-in and decided not to bother putting on any clothes (naturally). So good to have the house to myself. I opened up all the windows, as it was a nice summer morning. Made some tea and sat on the verandah for a while, just enjoying the peace with the cat, watching the horses grazing down the hill. I noticed that some of the plants on the verandah needed water, so I made a mental note to come back and fix them shortly. Heading back inside, I turned on some music. Since no one else was home, I turned it up loud so I could hear it everywhere. I tidied the kitchen a bit, then went out to the other side of the house to bring a bucket of water for the plants. Soon after, I was working my way down the row of plant pots on the front verandah, watering and enjoying the cool summer breeze on my naked ass. Another good thing about this place is you can hear a car or truck coming up the gravel road from quite a distance away, so there is plenty of time to pull on some pants if anyone comes in. Just as I was thinking that, I heard a tentative voice very close say “um… hey…?”. I spun around in surprise to find a slim young lad in tradies shorts and a singlet standing awkwardly on the verandah steps. There was a small truck parked in the drive, and I suddenly remembered that the plumber was coming to look at a problem with our water pump today. Damn, with my music so loud, I didn’t hear them drive in! Realising that the boy had already seen everything there is to see of me naked, and that I would have to walk the full length of the verandah anyway to go inside and get dressed, I said “Oh, sorry - forgot you guys were coming. I should put some clothes on”. Being polite, I guess, he just said, “No worries. Mike is around looking at the pump now—he asked me to let you know we’re here.” At this point, Mike walked around the side of the house and came towards us. He is a pretty decent guy, few words, just gets stuff done - mid-30s, strong and with a full ginger beard. Clearly, he saw that I was naked talking to his apprentice, but there was no outward reaction in his expression. At that moment, I became aware of two things: firstly, during the few moments I’d been talking with the boy, he had been looking mostly at my cock; secondly, given the attention, it was starting to get half-hard, lifting up a bit. Good grief. It’s so embarrassing, but there's nowhere to hide now. Mike, coming up to stand with us, said, “I can see the problem. Grab your boots, I’ll show you.” He glanced at my boots, right next to where he was standing on the step. Thinking this is foolish, but they’re kind of acting like nothing is wrong, and there’s almost no point putting pants on at this stage; I walked towards Mike and pulled the boots onto my bare feet. He was already heading off back around the side by the time I got down the steps, with the boy following a bit awkwardly close to me. As we turned the corner, his warm shoulder brushed mine. Mike was standing by the pump shed, which is about chest height, just to cover the water pump from the weather. He gestured down for me to look inside and said, “At the back, there’s a drip, so it’s losing pressure - just needs a new seal.” I had to crouch down to look inside where he was pointing. True enough, there was a small leak dripping. As I had my head down looking, he took a step back from looking over my shoulder. I turned my head and found myself face-to-face with an enormous cock, flopped out of his shorts. It had a drop of pre-cum on the end of it. I looked up at his face, and he just nodded, so I knew what to do…
    2 points
  40. We spent the next four months fucking almost constantly and for at least the first month of that John was full on toxic. The initial tests done for the beginning of the trial put his viral load at nearly one million and he shot at least 4 loads a day into me. We got ahold of a couple of the little blue pills and he spent almost 6 hours inside of me without pulling out once. He was teaching me the pleasure of pain and my sore, raw ass just turned me on as I absorbed more and more virus. I set up a video camera and we filled dozens of video tapes with what looked like Death fucking a young auburn Greek god Just before he started the drug trial I could feel his pelvic bones slamming into me when we fucked. He was so fucking beautiful I remember I had bruises on my ass from the it and my nipples ached from being twisted by his bony fingers He took to the medications so well though that he was putting on weight within a month. Thank God but I miss that terrible wraith like “Death John”. He lives on in my VCR through and we still watch the tapes while we fuck occasionally all these years later and eventually had them converted to digital so they will live forever At 4 months I was married to Diana. She and Vickey were happily living in the attached guest house and pretty much out of my hair. Her part would come later I was also confirmed HIV positive and toxic. It was time to start my plan. My father was target number one I called him and said I wanted to talk to him about Grandpa’s money and me joining the R Party. I drove to his gated community house, It was much too expensive for someone on a county commissioner’s “public servant” salary but no one ever seemed to notice that. When I arrived I noticed that all the servants were Latino, male and between 25 and 35... Certain things started to occur to me at that point They were confirmed when I saw my dad pat one of them on the ass when he thought I was not watching. My hypocritical son of a bitch (and as you know grandma was a spiteful old bitch) father was not only gay he had a thing for Latino men If there were two things my father hated publicly it was gays and “migrants” which was his catch all phrase for anyone with skin between lily white and African. I think the fact that his well tanned body was darker than any of these men totally escaped him. It was not really skin tone it was heritage and the perceived voting pattern that came with it, pure and simple As we sat waiting for dinner he offered me a drink indicating the fully stocked bar “I’m only 18 dad. I’m not allowed to drink” I said thinking alcohol would just get in the way of what I intended to do later “Like the rules apply to people like us” he snorted “Water or Coke will do” I said, stressing the word “Coke”” just to irritate him. I was a confirmed Coke boy. None of that Pepsi crap like my Dad. You had to have SOME standards after all “Do you make every choice in your life just to spite me?” He asked “Pretty much” I said pleasantly with a smile Dad rolled his eyes ”Why do I even bother? Give a kid everything and they turn on you” He apparently believed the lies he told when he was asked about me. He always talked like he had won 18 consecutive “Father of the year” awards. I didn’t even blink. I was used to his delusions “Rum and PEPSI Jose” he snarled to his “butler”. “And PEPSI for him!” he added looking petulantly spiteful Jose looked like he could be Ricky Martin’s much edgier brother. As he moved I noticed his black pants were skin tight and the bulge in the front was more than substantial. Was my dad not only gay but a bottom? What an amusing and sick thought for a son to have about his own father As Dad turned away Jose pulled a bottle with a red label and white letters I could have sworn read “Coca-Cola” from under the bar and poured me a glass over ice. Then he topped off the mostly rum and ice shorter glass with a splash and returned the bottle to it’s hiding place with such practiced ease that I was sure this was the norm in this house. He was on his sixth “Rum and Pepsi” by the time dinner came “What’s this about the money and you joining the party?” He asked slurring his words “I just wanted to confirm that now that I am 18 and have control you will never see a dime of it. I am going to join the party and use the money to support your primary opponent” I said with casual maliciousness “What?” he roared trying to stand then he slumped into his chair and passed out. The attitude of the household staff changed as soon as he was out. “I know how you feel about him so I made his drinks extra strong tonight” Jose said with a slight accent. “Besides if he goes to bed sober enough he tries to fuck one of us and with his little “Vienna sausage” that’s usually a disaster” So if my cock came from dad’s side it skipped a generation I thought with a smirk “When he’s passed out like this we all fuck him. He’s a racist bastard but he pays well and he’s got a nice furry muscle butt” He said and gripped the bulge in his pants” “Why are you telling me all this?” I asked “Your Uncle John was a close friend of my first Daddy and after he died we kept in touch. I would warn him when your dad was up to something. He called me and told me what to expect tonight and to look out for you” he replied calmly he and 3 other men expertly got dad to the bedroom and stripped. They were right he did have a nice ass and a tiny cock. They took turns rolling condoms on their huge brown cocks/ all four a match for mine, and fucking him like a bitch or choke fucking him while they snapped polaroid. They had hundreds of them. Dad was not as out of it as I thought at first, he was definitely sucking and pushing his ass back for more. Occasionally he would reach out a hand and snag a drink he knew would be there and gulped it down then pretend to be passed out again. I’m fairly sure this was so normal for him he didn’t even know I was there When they had all fucked him and torn his ass up for me I dropped my pants and mounted my own father ramming in bare. “Make sure you stay absolutely safe with him from now on” I said to the watching men around us “We are all quitting the day you arrange for him to lose his primary or when he drops out. We already have a lawyer and will file a sexual harassment lawsuit against him as well. We can keep him like this every night till then but that will be a bad day for him I think” and I shot my first toxic load into my father just thinking about that day and the look I imagined would be on his face as his life crumbled. He had made so many enemies he would have trouble finding a job and that meant no health insurance… The images of what I was doing to his life kept me hard and soon I bred him again with my toxic cum I was 18 and “healthy” so I just kept going, infecting the man who had started me and then walked away four more times, filling him with millions of HIV viruses before pulling out and zipping up. Leaving him to the tender mercies of his house staff as they were rolling on new condoms to grind my seed into his blood as I walked out with a folder full of the best polaroids. Most showing him fully aware and sucking Hispanic cock. There were a few I would always treasure the most. Pictures of me destroying my father’s life with my cock and my HIV The next day I told John every detail as he fucked me. It got him off just as much as it had me and it was some of the best sex of our lives Tomorrow I would meet dad’s opponent for the R Party nomination and start setting up his fall as well but you will have to wait for the next chapter for that story ************************************************************************** I hope you are enjoying El’s story as much as I am, Let me know! Scanbu
    2 points
  41. Part 2 The two weeks went by slowly and I couldn't help but be antsy during that time. I tried to throw myself into work but working in a porn shop wasn't helping me at all. Seeing all the guys walking in and out of the video arcade and theater rooms looking all flushed and some walking a little lopsided made me so hard all the time and I always had a stream of pre cum running down my pants after each shift. I didn't jack off in the two weeks either because I know if I even touched my dick once I wouldn't want to stop so I saved all cum for the carnival. (Night before the carnival) I knew tonight there wasn't going to be much sleep to be had because my adrenaline was pumping and my cock was hard the whole night until I finally drifted off to sleep. (Day of the carnival) My alarm went off at 6am and I woke up with an exciting burst of energy ready to get the day started. I brushed my teeth and got my hole nice and clean and got dressed in a nice tight tank top baggy shorts and tennis shoes grabbed my bag and started to make my way to the carnival. I had a red convertible and with the weather as nice as it was I drove with the top down to enjoy it. I passed a few trucks on the highway and got some looks from the truckers on the way and they did nothing to calm the ericton I was sporting the whole drive there. It took me an hour until I started to see signs that I was getting close to my destination. There were signs that pointed to the carnival that read 2 miles to the carnival and as I passed each one getting closer I saw each one had a biohazard symbol surrounding the numbers until I finally got to the actual event. I saw that there were two lines one for day visitors and the other was for those who opted to stay on the property overnight so I got in the line for the overnight and waited to be let in. Once I got to the front of the line I was greeted by a stud of a man. He was easily 6ft 3 or taller with a deep muscled body and he was fully naked showing off his full tan and a cock that had me drooling. It looked like it had to be at least 7 inches long and thick as a can, his balls swung low and there wasn't a hair on his crotch or any other part of this perfectly sculpted man and I was finally out of the trance I was in when he snapped his fingers to get my attention. He smiled at me as I blushed and asked me my name, I gave him my name and he looked for it on the list and when he found it he pointed me to the garage where I could put my car and handed me my key for the room I was assigned with my 3 day parking pass so security would know I was staying. He said he hoped I would enjoy my stay and the carnival and he might see me out and about since he would be staying here here working and would be enjoying the carnival once his shift was over. He smiled at me and I smiled back and pulled forward to the garage and found a parking spot. Once I put my parking tag in the windshield and grabbed my bag I locked up my car and walked towards the entrance of the garage and was met again by another godly naked man greeting all the visitors and handing them maps and brouchures. I was stunned again by this man too, he was about 5 ft and he could easily be a porn model with how muscled he was and a swinging 8 inches between his legs and it didn't even look remotely hard yet. One thing that had me licking my lips as well he had an amazing prince Albert piercing swinging from the tip of his monster cock and a ladder as well running down the base and on hanging from his balls too. I got up to hime and thankfully this time I didn't have to be broken out of a trance when he greeted me. We echanged a few pleasantries and he asked me what room number I was going to be in and when I told him his eyes lit up because he said he was staying in the same room so it looked like we would be roommates for the next three days. His excitement made him grab me into a big bear hug and he gave me a big kiss on the lips before letting me go. I came down from the quick high and told him I'd see him later smiled and made my way to our room. Once I got to the room I saw how massive it was and that there was enough room here for it to almost be an apartment. There were statues of naked men as well as artwork all over the place and there was a kitchen, living space, bathroom, and two bedrooms to choose from. I looked I both rooms and saw there was my roomies stuff already in one so I unpacked what I brought in the other room and decided it was time for me to get ready for the festivities that were cumming. I took another shower to clean off the drive funk and did a little more clean out thanks to the the attached hose in the shower. It had a dildo shape for the top and I smiled as I basically fucked myself with it as I was cleaning out. When I was done I dried off and looked at the pamphlet I was given cumming in and saw that this carnival was mandatory nude so I put on my socks and shoes and saw there was a few bottles of sunscreen on the dresser and rubbed it all over myself. Once done I started to make my way to the shuttles that would be leading guests from the main estate to the carnival. There was about a dozen guys all waiting by the terminal and the mix of bodies all sitting around naked made me so hard as were they. every one of them were also sporting wood and openly stroking each other some even sucking as we all waited. A fellow twink walked up to me and asked if I would like to be sucked off and I politely told him no that I wanted to wait until later to make sure i had the most fun with everyone else. He smiled and went to look for another cock to suck and he was able to find a willing one easily enough. When the shuttle came everyone stopped what they were doing and got on board and were ready to be taken to the main event. I sat in the back next to the twink from earlier and saw he was sporting a very large hard cock about 9 inches and it looked even bigger with his thin frame and his hairless crotch. I reached over and started to stroke him and he bit his lip and moaned with pleasure. I kept going and kept changing my speed going faster then slower as I felt his climax approaching I stopped all together and loved the look of defeat on his cute face knowing I was not going to let him cum. I tortured him like this for about 15 mins and it was announced that we were at the gate for the carnival. We all stepped up to the gate and there was a gentleman standing at the door of the gate and there was a large screen hanging next to him. He was bude as the rest of us and the only way to know he was a worker here was the bowtie he was wearing around his neck. His body was just like the rest of the workers heavily muscular and another thick pierced cock he was un cut as well. He smiled as everyone got together and thanked all of us for joining the carnival and he explain that he had a message to play from our host. He held a remote up and hit play and a picture of a very sexy man appeared on screen. He was probably in his late 30s covered in tattoos and had the most beautiful cock swinging that I had ever seen even better than the hottest porn stars online. Every inch of him was muscled and I couldn't stop staring I was so amazed by him. Greetings to you all and welcome to my yearly carnival, I'm so happy to have so many in attendance to my event, I hope you all have the best time of your life with all the fun games rides and events more later on. I hope you take home fond memories and I know you all remember your permanent gift by the time you leave again thank you all for attending have a amazing time. With that the screen went dark and the young man controlling it smile again saying welcome to you all to the poz carnival. After he said that the gate slowly started to open and we were all amazed at what we were seeing. Stay tuned for more to cum
    2 points
  42. For me it’s not necessarily a desire to be poz. It’s the thrill of dangerous play. Playing with fire and seeing how close I can come without getting burned. It’s like bungee jumping. Those people don't want to die from the fall, but they love the thrill of tempting fate.
    2 points
  43. A day ago.... Back at the bar Aaron and Daddy Brian started to drink and talk. Brain moved his chair closer to Aaron. "So how long have you been in nursing school", Brian asked "About 6 months just like Jeff", he said nervously sipping his drink "Relax, i don't bite. I like to make others feel good", Brian said smiling "You do, you mean like Jeff", he asked "Yes. I make him feel very good, He loves what i do to him", Brian said as a matter of fact "Like pozzing him", Aaron asked "Yes like pozzing him. He was unsure but in the end he wanted it. He actually begged me for it. And now he is happy", Brian said Brian went on to explain how it freed Jeff to have sex bareback with anyone and to take in all the pleasure in the moment. To truly explore his body, and know his body and get great pleasure from it. And that he was born to be a cumdump whore. Brian could see Aaron listening intently. Brian reached over under the table and put his hand on his leg. Aaron jumped a bit and then calmed dawn. Brian's hand was large and warm and was caressing his leg. Aaron blushed a bit. "He begged for it? Really? Why would he?", Aaron asked "Because he wanted to be free. To have sex bare and not worry anymore. But the main reason why is he begged for it was to give himself to me. To have me own him, to mark him with my dna. He wanted to give himself, his body and soul to me. That is how intimate it is to take someones POZ load knowingly", Brian explained He could see Aaron aroused and his mind wandering. "I cant believe anyone would want to get HIV. I know i dont", Aaron said Brain moved his hand up to place it near Aaron's cock. It was hard and bulging thru this scrubs. "You sure you dont want it? Something tells me different", Brian said and grabbed Aaron's rock hard cock Aaron let out a light moan and partially closed his eyes. "Yes I think someone really wants it. To get fucked bare and give himself to me. To take my strain in him and get marked forever. To get pregnant", Brian said As he was talking he felt Aaron's cock pulse. "No, i dont, its just been a while and i am horny and your kind of hot", Aaron said defensively. "Its ok if you want to. Even Jeff fought it for a long time but when he gave in he was so happy. You saw how happy he was to leave with Will who also is Poz", Brain said now stroking Aaron's cock under the table. He felt a wet spot on his hand as he knew Aaron was leaking. Aaron was so aroused and his head was spinning. How could he be so aroused and horny with the thought of taking a poz load. "HI Aaron", said another you guys around AArons age. "Oh hi Bart. How are you?", Aaron said "I am doing good. You finished with classes today", Bart asked "Yes just grabbing a drink with a friend. Brian introduced himself and they shook. Bart could see Brian's other hand on Aarons leg. "Yeah i see. Well some of us are going to the bar down the road and wanted to see if you wanted to join us but looks like you are having fun here. " he said smiling. "Oh no not at all. Actually i will join you and be there in a bit", Aaron said Bart look puzzled and said ok meet you there. Aaron stood up and put money on the table. "Thank you Brian for talking with me but i really need to go", Aaron said "Need to or want to", Brian said raising his hand that was on Aarons cock and showing how wet it was with precum. "I need to. I better go", Aaron said "Well have a good time." Brian said and put his fingers wet with Aaron's precum to his mouth and sucked them clean. "Yummm. Too bad we could have had a lot more fun tonight", Brian said Aaron looked at him with lust and said goodbye and walked away.
    2 points
  44. Pt. 7 The apprentice was standing nearby, I could hear him laughing at me. Lying on my side on the ground, I opened my eyes. I could see the boy’s legs near me, and Mike was over at their truck, looking for something in the back. I shut my eyes again. This was all too much. After a few moments, I heard Mike walking back and opened my eyes again. He was carrying a toolbox in one hand. Oh, that’s right—he’s supposed to be fixing the pump. In his other hand, he carried some kind of tool, maybe a wrench with a long cylindrical handle, the end foot or so of the handle covered in red rubber as a grip. He passed it to the apprentice without a word and stood next to him for a moment, looking at me. The kid was now entirely naked but for his boots, and his cock was fully erect. As I looked back at them, I suddenly noticed something… although Mike was strong and solid, and the boy was slim, they were the same height. Although youthfully slimmer, the boy’s body, I noticed, was rock-hard, and his abdomen was knitted across with a pattern of tight muscle. But what really drew my attention was that the apprentice’s cock looked exactly like Mike’s. An exact replica in size and shape. That seemed an unusual coincidence. Farout. Are they related, somehow?! Mike put his hand out and ruffled the hair on the back of the apprentice’s head roughly but affectionately, then turned away and headed towards the pump shed, opening his tool-box. The boy took a step towards me, giving the long-handled tool a gentle swing, holding it near the wrench end. He looked down at me and asked, ‘Did you like Mike’s dick in you?’ I hesitated a moment, then said, ‘Um… yeah’. ‘How much did you like it, really?’ ‘Ummm…, yeah, it’s good.’ He seemed not very impressed with this answer, giving the handle of the wrench another swing with a sulky look on his face.
    2 points
  45. Pt.5 With my hands braced on the boy’s back, I watched fascinated as my cock slid in and out of him, all controlled by Mike from behind. The white cream of cum being churned up was now coating my cock, and starting to trickle down my balls. I wondered whose cum it was… maybe Mike’s?! I imagined them fucking early in the morning at the workshop, or out on the road behind the truck somewhere. This apprentice might be getting some unusual training! Although Mike was still silent, the boy was now moaning happily, and saying, “oh, yes” repeatedly. My mind wandered for a moment in this strange, dream-like state Mike had somehow made for me—I thought how lucky it was that I had douched thoroughly last night to have a play with my big dildo. It felt like I must still be clean inside, and also, it had probably helped me to take Mike’s dick so easily. Like I said before, I often don’t get very hard when I’m being fucked, and I’m not a great top because I cum too quickly. Although people tell me I have a fine cock. Maybe I should practice more. In a change of rhythm, Mike pulled my cock all the way out of the boy and plunged it straight back in again, but now not moving his own cock. He was planted far into me, and I could feel his strong body and hi-vis shirt pressed against my naked back. He was now feeling a bit hot, maybe starting to sweat under the shirt. The boy cried out happily, a sound of sheer pleasure taken to a new level. Mike did this a couple of times, each time pulling it right out, my cock covered in creamy cum juices, or whatever it was inside the boy, then ramming it back—he somehow managed to aim my cock confidently right back into the loose, unresisting hole each time, just using his hands guiding my hips. On the third of these strokes, as I was pulled out of him, the apprentice, with his cute, deep, young voice, said, “Fuck me, daddies!”. My mind had been in a different space, not really thinking about cumming—but suddenly, I felt that my balls were about to explode. I yelled, “Fuuuuuck!” And Mike, realising what was about to happen, held my hips forward and my cock deep in the hole. My cock unleashed its usual flood of cum into the boy’s ass. I cum a lot… it always surprises anyone giving me a blow-job. I guess the boy could feel it pumping as his back tensed up a bit under my hands, and he let out a combination of a long moan and sigh.
    2 points
  46. Not sure where this story is coming from, I've never written anything like this before... anyway, seem to be on a roll with it now! Pt.4 Mike took his hand from my eyes, and I saw that the apprentice had stripped off his singlet and dropped the shorts to his ankles— his ass was pressed against me with my cock inside. Unbelievable. This day was turning out to be mad. I could also see that in turning me around, Mike had set the three of us up in a position where the boy could lean forward to brace his hands on the pump shed. He took my hands and placed them on the boy’s back. With all this now set up, Mike began fucking my hole again, deep strokes in and out—each one banging hard into me, pushing my hips forward. His hands held my waist again, moving it back and forth in coordination with his strokes. I saw now how he had planned this… I was stuck in the middle, with him pounding from behind and the boy firmly positioned on my cock. Mike could continue fucking me while using my dick as a kind of dildo to fuck the boy at the same time. I’d have to admit that this felt incredible. My ass was really tired and numb, but Mike’s control of the fucking, his long, steady strokes deep in and out, gave me a tremendous feeling. My body had long before given up any resistance, so his huge cock felt almost comfortable in me at this stage, like it was becoming part of me. And now, my own cock was so hard and being used to fuck the apprentice, under Mike’s control. Hmm… perhaps I was starting to have fun 😉 On the other hand, my knees and legs were getting tired from standing and getting pounded for so long. I felt that I really needed give them a rest soon. Like in a dream, from a distance, I watched my dick being pumped steadily in and out of the boy’s hole. It felt really soft inside and, I thought, not at all tight like young guys usually are. Each time on the way out, I saw his slightly hairy hole open outwards a bit, with beautiful lips like a pussy around my hard-on. Soft and very wet is how it felt, and I also noticed that as my cock was withdrawn, it seemed to be getting a covering of juices from inside him… and then a small trickle of these white, creamy juices began to run out of his hole and drip down. Fuck! This guy was pre-loaded!
    2 points
  47. Pt.3 Having spent a good while warming up down my throat, Mike was now simply using my ass as a hole to pound his tool into. Once he started fucking, it was steady and focused, just like all his work—each stroke pulling out right to the point of almost popping out, the tip only just still inside me, then driving forward the full length of his cock, balls deep. I had to support myself against the wall, where Mike had put my hands, my head down, trying to accommodate what he was doing to me without too much resistance. I couldn't move my ass away because Mike was holding my hips firmly in the position he wanted. After several long, hard strokes, I let out an involuntary whimper and tried to shuffle my feet a bit, but Mike said sharply, ‘Stay’. From this point, he didn’t change the pace, just steadily railing my hole—a constant, relentless rhythm, like a machine. Long minutes went by, and then more. I started to space out, this was all so surreal, and the deep rhythm of the fucking was both numbing and also… well, such a fantastic feeling. My body was just taken over by Mike, his cock fucking me all the way to the end; a total mind/body fuck. I lost track of time as this went on, until without any sign of a change to the rhythm, or a change to his breathing (Mike seemed not to be even sweating despite the workout, from what I could tell), he suddenly stopped at the balls-deep end of the stroke, leaned forward to my ear and said ‘unloading’. His beard brushed across the back of my neck. Bringing my mind back from wherever it had gone, I became aware of his cock pulsing repeatedly, his balls tight against my ass… and I knew he was breeding me so deep that his seed would be with me for the rest of the day, at least. I let out a groan of relief that it was over—feeling very strange, a powerful pleasure mixed with discomfort and humiliation. I noticed that my own cock was fully hard, even though it often isn’t when I get fucked. I heard Mike say something quietly, with his cock still planted in me, and the boy mumbled something in response. So, he was still there, to add to my embarrassment. Without speaking to me, Mike put one hand over my eyes and put the other around me, holding my arms tight and turning me around, his cock still deep inside. Almost before I had a chance to think, ‘What the hell?’, I felt a touch to my cock, and then something soft, warm and wet began to slide over it… omg… is the apprentice sucking me? I tensed up, trying to figure out what was going on. Damn. Then I felt his skinny ass cheeks touch my body, and he laughed quietly… he had taken my erect cock all the way into his young ass.
    2 points
  48. Not precisely, but an undercover transit cop in the NY subway caught me taking pictures and filming his undercover cop partner's ass. He was NOT amused, and seemed to want to arrest me. I wouldn't have been in "real" trouble since I was in a public space - a subway platform is the DEFINITION of public - and I didn't include the guy's face, so there wasn't any explicit harm to the subject of my photos. The cop accused me of "following women up the stairs" (🤣) to which I replied "Nope. Just men." He looked revolted by that admission. I was on my way to work, so it was going to be a hassle and I was, honestly, terrified that he'd make my life hell just because he felt like being mean. So I confessed to "having a kink" and promised to never, ever do it again. Yeah...right. He didn't believe me, though I abstained for a few months. My honest opinion is that the guy was being a homophobic asshole. No one was injured, there was no way to identify whose ass it was and there were no charges that would have stuck. But it would have been embarrassing. See image:
    2 points
  49. 8. “So pig the only choice you get tonight is whose cock do you want to sit on first. Now I know you love how my dick feels in your cunt but this is about proving what a whore cunt you are, so loyalty won’t win you any points.” I stood now in the center of the circle surrounded by six men including Sir. They all sat looking at me, their legs spread wide, slowly stroking their cocks. Sir had collected all types of me. Directly next to Sir sat a massively built black man, he had the sort of body that I would have expected from a football player. His thick cock glistened with precum, and made my mouth water. Next to him was a thin twinky looking guy, maybe 25, with sandy blond hair, long thing limbs, and a cute angular face. The only body hair he had was a small brown tuft right in the middle of his chest between his two pierced nipples. His cock however was a god damn baby arm, and as I looked at him he shook it at me. Beside the twink was the quintessential daddy. Salt and pepper hair, slight gut, thick dark body hair all over him, and a fat uncut cock that almost looked wider than it was long. Then came the short Hispanic guy. Stocky and muscular, with an angular face, and broad brown nipples, he was playing with the ample foreskin that hid a broad looking mushroom head. The last guy was a handsome square jawed all American looking guy probably in his late 20’s maybe early 30s. He had broad shoulders and a narrow waist, his carefully sculpted body sported thick brown hair that was carefully groomed to show off his muscles best. He pulled the foreskin down over the head of his cock and licked his lips as I looked at him. I wanted all of them, I wanted all of them right then! I couldn’t choose. “Well boy, take a fucking seat already,” Sir barked, and I panicked. I turned and presented my ass to the Hispanic guy. He grabbed my waist with rough hands and guided my ass towards his hard cock. I heard him spit on his cock quickly, not that my hole really needed any more lube, and then I felt his cock head press against me. My hole bloomed open with no problem. I swallowed his cock and quickly found myself sitting square on his lap, his pubes ticking my ass cheeks. I started to bounce. The Hispanic man growled his appreciation as the other men started to egg me on. I slammed my ass up and down, and soon the sticky squelching sound from my cum filled hole was the only thing I could hear. Just as I started to lose myself in the rhythm of riding this man’s cock he shoved me off. I lost my balance and stumbled towards the beefy black man. He caught me by the shoulders, spun me around and dropped me onto his nearly foot long cock. I gasped a little as it slammed past my second hole reaching right up into my guts. Again, I started to ride, using all of the strength in my legs to lift my ass up as high as I could on his cock. I flexed my tired cunt muscles around his meaty shaft trying to milk the cum from him. And again right when I was really starting to feel the flow he pushed me off and sent me to the next guy. They all had a turn like this, grabbing me and pulling me to them, making me ride their cocks and then shoving me back into the middle of the circle. I was nothing but a toy to be shared. Sometime around the twink shoving his cock in me for the second time I realized that I had drifted into a new headspace. I had lost the real lust for any kind of satisfaction for myself, all I wanted was to make them feel good. I had, without realizing that I had done it, accepted that this was my real role in life. I was a cumdump sure, but more than that, I was a faggot cunt. My whole purpose was to get men off, to give them sexual pleasure. My cock was no longer hard in the cage but the pouch of my jock was soaked through with precum. I was happier than I had ever been. I hadn’t noticed the jock getting down on the floor till the twink pushed me up and told me to ride the jock. I squatted over him, feeling my hole gape open as I did. I sat down on his uncut cock and started to grind on it hard. I felt a hand push me forward so I was flat against the jock with his cock lodged deep inside me. There was a pressure on my hole and looking over my shoulder I saw the daddy trying to get his cock in alongside the jock. After all the abuse my hole had taken over the past two days it really didn’t take much before my hole gave out and swallowed the daddy as well. I whimpered into the jock’s shoulder, my body going slack in his arms. I gave myself over to being destroyed as the daddy started to hammer my hole. “Fuck I’m gonna cum. You want this dirty load cunt?” the daddy shouted and he pounded me. “Yes please Sir! Breed me.” “Here you go bitch,” He slammed balls deep inside me and shot his load all over the jocks quivering dick deep inside my guts. The daddy pulled out and I made to get up but felt another hand on my back. It was the black guy. Using the daddy’s load a lube he started to double fuck me as well. “Im gonna bred your stupid cunt. Fucking take my seed.” Then came the twink, then the Hispanic guy, and the Sir, all of them double fucked me with the jock and he held me in place and added their load to my ruined pussy. After Sir pulled out the jock smiled at me. “Get on all fours boy.” My body was sore and stiff, but I sat up and scrambled onto my hands and knees. The jock got up off the floor and knelt behind me. He started to probe my hole with his fingers, I think he started with three. He soon had four inside me working me open. Then he changed the shape of his hand and started to work his thumb in, his knuckles banging against my hole. The six big cocks that had all just been inside me had really broken my hole down and without much effort my hole suddenly swallowed the jocks fist. The men watching around me whooped with appreciation and I gasped, giggled and then pushed myself back on the jock’s fist. “Look at this fucking cunt. You ever been fisted before pig?” “No Sir!” “Damn. This hole really is made for being used if you just took your first fist that easily. You think you can take my cock and my fist boy?” “Please Sir!” “Good answer.” The jock shifted positions behind me to get his cock closer to my hole. He slowly pulled his hand from my hole and then pushed it back in. He did this several more times, making sure to really stretch me with the widest part of his knuckles. It was like riding the plug only ten times hotter. Then I felt him start to push his cock in as well. I groaned and begged. I push my ass back towards him. My body was shaking as the full length of his cock sank into my overstuffed hole. I felt him close his fist around his cock, and then start to fuck his fist inside of me. He was jerking off inside my cunt. I was begging for his load. I needed it. The only thing I wanted out of sex now was to be rewarded for my hard work with loads. The jock did not disappoint. Soon his breathing changed and then with a yell he started to pump ropes of cum inside me. He shook as his orgasm finished and pulled his cock from my hole and then his hand. Sir appeared kneeling in front of me as I half collapsed, no longer being held up by the hand inside me. “Good job pig. We’ll give you a few minutes to rest and then see if any of the boys here want to try anything else with you.” He smiled, grabbed my face and kissed me deeply, before standing up and letting my fall to the floor, an exhausted cum
    2 points
  50. 6. I opened Scruff and Grindr before I was on the side walk again. Sir sent me a text telling me to make an account on BBRT as well, which I did as soon as I got home. I scrolled sending messages to any man I thought might have a big cock or listed themselves as a top. I hit up the daddy from the day before and then, naked except for my jock, I lay on my bed waiting. Scruff chirped first. A guy I had never talked to before had responded to my Woof. He was young, with a cute roundish face and a short-trimmed beard. He looked adorable if I was honest. I hoped that he had a darker side than his young face betrayed. “Hey there hot stuff,” his message read. “What’s up sexy?” I resonded. “Not much. Horny.” “FUCK! Me too.” “You lookin to get fucked?” “Fuck yes, come breed my hole.” “You want my raw cock?” “Yes! Deep in my cunt.” “Oh fuck yes!” He sent a picture of his hard cock. It was dark and uncut, erupting from a bush of thick black pubes. He looked like a 1970s porn star and I loved it. I sent him my address. “I’ll be waiting for you ass up.” “Nice, I love a horny slut.” “Then you’ll love my hole ;)” “Yeah? Got a nice slutty cunt?” “Already loose and full of cum.” “Oh fuck yes! You ready now?” “Absolutely.” “On my way.” I didn’t bother getting dressed, I just lay on my bed pushing the plug in and out of my hole, in nothing but my jock. Maybe ten minutes later the buzzer rang and I let my next top in. Just before he knocked on the door I popped the plug from my hole and set it on the night stand. My hole felt massive and I could feel the air inside me for a moment. He knocked and I opened the door wide for him, revealing my caged cock straining against the pouch of the jock. He growled and pushed me inside, closing the door and pulling me into a kiss in one swift movement. He was a great kisser but that wasn’t why he was here; his hands had drifted to my shoulders and he pushed me to my knees. I undid his jeans and was happy to find he wasn’t wearing underwear. I pulled his already hard cock from his pants and swallowed it. His foreskin slid back on the head as I worked my mouth up and down his shaft. He kicked his shoes off, and pulled his shirt over his head. I looked up into his warm face. He had an alright body, what turned me on the most was his wide nipples, one of which was pierced, and his wide spread dark chest hair. I pulled his pants the rest of the way down and he stepped out of them without removing his cock from my mouth. Now naked he pulled me to my feet and dragged me into the bedroom. He pushed me onto the bed, I fell onto my back and my legs shot into the air. He got between my legs and made to rub my cock through the jock. His hand stopped when he felt the cage not a hard cock. A smile played across his face as he pulled the pouch of the jock to the side. “You are a fucking slut. You do this to yourself, or did someone lock you up?” “My,” I hesitated for a moment and then said with confidence, “My Sir locked me up.” “Fuck yes. Im gonna breed your cunt good pig. You like it when I call you pig and slut don’t you?” “Yes!” “Good. Now show me that pussy.” I pulled my knees to my chest and showed him my loose hole. “Fuck! Look at that swollen fucking cunt! Jesus.” He bent down and started licking at my ruined hole. His tongue slipped easily into my slit, lapping at all the cum that had been dumped inside of me over the past 24 hours. Slowly he added a finger, and then another, and then another. He rotated them around pulling at my already slack hole. “Shit as much as I want to work this loose cunt till it swallows my fucking fist I have to get to class soon.” “Come back after class,” I’d never even thought about having a fist inside of me before but now that he’d said it I wanted him to shove his hand inside me so bad, “I’ll be taking loads all day. Sir’s orders.” “Hell yes pig. I may just have to do that.” “But right now you should fill me up and add your load to Sir’s.” “Oh, you want my cock,” he said slapping his cock against my hole. “Yes Sir!” “Good,” he slammed his cock into me. I let out a long moan as he bottomed out. He took his time, starting out nice and slow and building up to hammering my hole as hard as he could. Sweat dripped down both of us. I knew that I stank of sex but he seemed to like it, occasionally licking my chest and pits as he pounded me. I was shouting, whimpering, and groaning as he dicked me down. “Breed me, please, breed me,” I begged. “You want my load?” “Yes!” “You want me to breed this hole?” “Yes!” “Then take my load you fucking slut!” He slammed into me so hard that he fell on top of me, our chests pressed together as he unloaded deep in my hole. He shuddered and lay on me for a long moment as his cock twitched in my guts. I wrapped my legs around him pulling him close and kissed him. “Jesus. That was amazing.” “Yes, it was.” “I wish I could spend all day using this hole,” he kissed me again, “but I have to get to class.” He pulled slowly out of my hole, careful not to let any cum spill out. “I’ll message you when I’m done. See if I can’t get my fist in you later.” “Yes, please!”
    2 points
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