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Everything posted by RotzBBengel

  1. Please somebody teach me how to do this... :grin:


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    2. versbbguy


      Can I just suck the cum out of your hole instead @RotzBBengel?

    3. RotzBBengel


      Sure, @versbbguy But only if you squirt yours into me afterwards to replace it...:grin:

    4. versbbguy


      I'd gladly dump my load in you @RotzBBengel

  2. tumblr_ngbjr69Cbj1r6898ho2_250.gif.be8f59cd90d4b40bd3dfbc4b31b8df22.gif

    My boyfriend's a swinger. And so is his dick...

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    2. Willing


      So fucking hot?

    3. nicesexyass


      mmhhhh .. i need that one ! or another with a cock like that ..

      if i had a friend like that, if necessary and he wants, if it is as condition , would even accept to depthroat it, never mind if tears in the eyes .. it must fit .. would ride it as often he wants

    4. Willing


      Me too , nicesexyass?

  3. mmhhh...mouthwatering... :drool:


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    1. Willing


      Id swallow every drop and glob of it?

  4. You'd smile too...


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    2. CumluverKD


      Who said there is no such thing as love at first sight ? ?

    3. CumluverKD


      Who said there is no such thing as love at first sight ? ?

  5. That boy is such a tease...


    Wanna see the whole thing?

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    1. versbbguy


      I want the whole thing squirting deep inside me

    2. Willing


      Ill take it?

  6. hey chryzippus :)

    you've got a great tumblr, man

    love that sick, twisted shit :2thumbs:

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  7. Nicely lubed and ready to go - just hop on it, lil bro, and see where it takes you... :grin:


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    1. easyhole
    2. Willing


      Id submit, bend over "Willing " ly??

  8. ...my lil bro is a really shy, introverted guy...


    ...hopefully, one day my pozitive attitude will rub off on him...

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  9. ...never enough...





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    1. nicesexyass


      would lick alll drops on his body .. and kiss him too , like you ...

    2. Willing
  10. :2thumbs: ...brotherly love...hottest thing in the world... :2thumbs:


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  11. ...now be a good boy...


    ...and do what cums naturally...


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  12. ...fluffing it up...


    ...would love to be his fluffer btw... :drool:

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    1. Willing


      Long enough so you wont have to swallow ? It just fills your belly ?

    2. Willing


      Is that you Rotz?

  13. Now you're MINE, son. This cunt is OWNED.


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    2. versbbguy


      Hope that ass just took a charged load

  14. Daddy marked his territory...



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    2. RotzBBengel


      Hey PHXbottomguy :)

      Fuck yeah! Plugged to that gaping boyhole, licking up every last drop of daddy's precious seed...:drool:


    3. Tuffenuf


      Now that's talent.

    4. PHXbottomguy


      you know it!  too precious to waste!  

  15. SON: Daddy, are you down there?...I've heard noises coming from the basement...daddy, is that you?..."


    SON: "DADDY?!? What are you doing in that...that thing. And what are all those naked strangers doing in our basement?

    DADDY: "Oh hi, son. Don't worry, everything's fine! And that thing is called a sling by the way. Now why don't you come over here and give your dad a hand? I think I'm leaking a bit. Just scoop it up with a finger or two and push it back inside where it belongs."

    SON: You mean like that, daddy?...OH MY GOD, your hole is all slimy and squichy...but...but in a nice way...so warm and soft and inviting..."

    DADDY: "So you like that, son? Now that I think about it, why don't you give it a try and hop into the sling yourself?!? We'll just have to finger all that...uh...lube into your boyslit instead. If you're anything like your old man, you're gonna love this shit! Trust me, Daddy knows best what's good for you.  And I'm sure my buddies here would love to show you the ropes..."


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    1. lynn1964
    2. Guest


      Oh yeahhhhhhh - let me scream like a Pig and enjoy the party.

    3. phukhole


      Don't know if I'd want to me mouth up or ass up in the middle of THAT!

  16. Waiting for Daddy to cum home...


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    2. Guest


      Daddy will enjoy cumming "home" too

  17. I'm a staunch atheist, you know...


    ...but on very rare occasions I can't help thinking that there might be a God indeed...

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    1. Guest


      I agree with you on that point

  18. "That's it, son. Let those nice gentlemen see what you got to offer..."


    "And now for you, guys. I guess you all know the rules: lube is on the nightstand, rubbers are not required. Just get in line and wait your turn..."

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    2. lynn1964


      OMG!!!!!!!!!!! HOT!

    3. Guest


      Pure Beauty

    4. nicesexyass


      Really lovely boys .. would felch that boy, he would take so many loads, with an ass like that

  19. Now where's the cleaning squad when you need it...



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    2. Tuffenuf


      Yowza!  Delish!  :-p

    3. curmud


      here! here! over here! 

    4. Guest


      That pussy need felching immediately

  20. Think that soft kick worked out fine, Scorpion Chapter 4 went from 4 'likes' to 20 within 15 hours. Good thing we're not in one of your stories - instead of a soft kick, we'd probably all gotten a lash of the belt, wouldn't we?!? To all those upset and distraught readers: there is (thank God) a difference between fantasy and reality. No one ever used a belt on me and I don't think I'll ever want that to happen in reality, but still the thought of getting brutally abused makes my hole quiver with (probably quite perverse) excitement. Be assured, if I witnessed this happening to someone else in reality, I'd intervene no matter what. And I think most of you would do the same. But that won't stop me from jerking off to the thought of it...
  21. tumblr_nl0zhbqdsx1rwxow2o1_500.jpg.0803c6e257685a570881ff915fba8c68.jpg

    ...mouthwatering sight, isn't it?!? :drool:

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    1. curmud


      pleted slipp'ry cushy colon sucks U right up thru t membrane

    2. lynn1964


      I hope that after he took that awesome pic, he licked that surface clean like it had been hit with 409!!

      And, even better, if that heavy load was a "special " load!!

    3. easyhole
  22. Wherever I go, everything reminds me of you...  :P


    WARNING: Don't look at the hole in the middle for too long or it will suck you in... :D

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