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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Cold day by Ft Laud standards- but I have a hot hole to warm your fingers and cock up in,now!HMU

  2. 2nd try- 1st msg went into cyber land I think. OK- neither place is ideal. They both lack in their own way- at CH2, the bath is an ongoing, 24/7/365 business, and Sat afternoons can be busy for them. Also, a lot of the older men will get a room mid afternoon to catch the afternoon action, rest, and stay thru the evening when CumUnion is happening- some for the men, some for the free drinks and snacks at the back bar.That leaves a line of guys at the door at 8p , all having to take a locker and wait for a room; and if someone took the room at 4 pm, they will be in it till most of the action of CumUnion is officially over. Only problem is, most room doors are closed, so play is limited to the front dark hallway-and when 2 guys get going, it is impossible to pass thru the hall, unless you want to step on the guys legs who might be kneeling, or try to shove thru as they are fucking. The steam and sauna are doable for about 6 or 8 men at the most, but for many, only in short takes-- so any prolonged fucks are pretty much not happening. So, that leaves the back most area, and the sling in the walkway thru it. I have tried, but it just is not really very well thought out. Ideally, a couple rooms left unrented and doors blocked open might help add to the energy and vibe, and provide a surface more suitable for fucking for the guys who are there for real sex. As for the Inn, it has a chronic issue with parking space- and parking a block and a half away is OK I guess, but then once in, there are no options if you need a touch up ( it can happen to the most fastidious bottom) While there are areas to play away from the pool area, the fixtures to play on amount mostly to pool chaise loungers, not a great item to fuck on height wise or, in the case of any still hanging on with straps- very practical. And the area around th e pool has its limits as to how many guys can find a place to park their ass- maybe 14 or 18 loungers to sun on, a few chairs, and the area where the breakfast buffet gets laid out under the canopy. Sure, it would be great if guys doing CumUnion would rent a room and open the door to play,but sadly, the real fact is most guys have to either make an awkward attempt or do a lot of wandering looking for a chance. If the big play room(room11) were to be opened for CumUnion as a part of the elevated entrance fee, at least then there would be a room with a sling and other fuck items,like a large bed, that multiple guys could take advantage of--not to mention a place to race to should "sunny" Ft Lauderdale have a sudden downpour.And really, with all the bears, just how many bears can fit under the one tented area??15, 20 if they are packed asshole to elbow? That leaves a lot getting rained on, or leaving mid party! CumUnion needs a much larger, better flow kind of place, like they have in Washington DC with the use of Glorious Health- a huge building, designed with fucking and kink sex in mind
  3. Hell, cum farts after a fucking?? I love it when I have been done by a couple guys and my hole is flooded and open with their loads, and the next guy gets into a rythym and is fucking deep, pushing the old cum deeper and any air out as he pounds- that slurping/farting sound is like a siren just drawing more and more potential cock to me and my hole
  4. Hey GUYS!!2016-how about everyone updating your profile with a location???

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. shyguyuk


      does "the middle of nowhere" count? lol

    3. FelchingPisser
    4. socali4nialtn


      Should be required on this site!

  5. Hey Shyguy- not sad--but make it happen, and make it happen sooner than later. And once you break thru that wall, I am willing to bet you will be marking off loads on the calendar with a lot more regularity than you might think you could. You just have to REALLY want to make it happen, and put yourself out there so it will happen
  6. And , one other aspect-- true tops are the needle in the haystack, so often, they are already involved with someone and have that person in their life daily,just as their partner-bottom has the top for partnership. That does leave a LOT of single bottoms out there NOT sleeping with someone nightly--or even once in a while, so they may be more alone during the hectic holidays when their regular , partnered FB's are busy with shopping for the BF, doing family get togethers for both sides of the family, etc. Throw in a lot of businesses close for 10 days at the end of December, which takes the distraction of work away from the single bottoms, and you have a swarming of horny, lonely and hungry holes craving cock, contact, and cum and available 24/7
  7. Hey Fur- happy new year( and to everyone else as they read in this post) and many hot loads to you! I stay very low tech- i already have my 2016 wall calendar -the type with a 2 x 2 inch box for each day of the week, Each day at the end of the day before going to bed I log any play for the day- in my case a total bottom; I track loads taken in my ass , then my mouth, fists taken, and finally piss received, with just simple A-# O-# F-# P-# ( or any combination of the letters if I only got fisted, say, I would just mark F-1, even if the same guy fisted me twice in a session --) It keeps it innocent, anyone who is checking out the date and sees the marks has no clue what they mean, and if they get too curious, it can always be played off as me tracking co workers who annoyed me that day at work by degree ( asshole- obnoxious, fucking useless, pain in the ass LOL) Mine is hanging in the kitchen, so I know I will be near it just before taking my meds and going to bed for the night-- hope this helps some of you thinking about tracking your own numbers. As for goals, I am really hoping to have sex at least ,on average once a day , every day--but for now, I will just be overjoyed for a solid circle of top guys who can be counted on for loads regularly,no drama, no games, and no extra issues.And should they even want a good fuck and then haul my ass out for a coffee and chat--bonus!!!
  8. GUT 101-- everyone knows to listen to it , and we always try to push the instinct away to satisfy an immediate want or craving- Fuck me, I have done it too many times myself- picked a guy up in a park and took him home( even tho his car was right there- fucker ended up trying to beat me up or kill me- managed to escape by rolling down the stairs from the bedroom loft and ran out the door naked yelling for help. Had a guy cruise me on the gay beach- obnoxious and fucked up- ignored/ got rid of him, but next time I came to Ft Lauderdale I didn't make the association(until much later) and ended up playing, then being his "slave" and again-the gut was correct on the 1st impression- the guy turned into a psychotic, stoner with bi polar issues. I would love to say I have learned from experiences past--but I think we all try to compromise and bargain with our inner feelings-- for the moment-- but men, if it is not sitting well in your inner being--there IS a reason for it and really , we ALL need to start tuning in to that little voice more. And , they more insistent and pushy the guy becomes-- the higher those red flags should be popping up- my read is he is either fucked up, or wants to fuck YOU up
  9. Interesting to see this bubble back up from my original post 6 months ago-- and a little timely too perhaps. I am in the Ft Lauderdale area, huge mecca for gay tourists and for gay men who are escaping their past relationships, small towns, or family pressures ( or who just are fed up shoveling snow in the winter) One neighborhood, Wilton Manors, is almost 35 or 40% gay,per the census, and many of the gay bars and clubs, shops and food options , are concentrated along the main strip. In the last year, there has been a shift, a change in the strip,bars suddenly closing ( owners making off with a lot of cash and staff left with bad checks??) ownership changing and new, out of town money coming in--just in the last 2 weeks there have been a couple of bars that shut suddenly reopen as a new venture. In talking with a local man who had a business on the strip up till June, he mentioned he had heard the rumor on the road is that many of these new clubs are not coming back up as gay, but are aiming for a wider range of people of all genders/interests. I think the rights and freedoms we as gay beings have scratched out, are now coming around and killing the "exclusivity" of a gay business. And killing that edginess and rawness many of the places had--gone are the unmarked door save for a red light overhead, or the mandatory 3 pieces of leather to get in- where men used to be open and groping, now pansexuals and leather women are also mingling, and the sex vibe is not much more than a wimper, if at all . The younger generation never knew the hide and seek games to finding our tribe in a dark bar- now they are more likely to invite 5 of their co workers out to the "gay bar" for drinks and dancing. - clubs that used to have posters of bulging cod pieces and Etienne stylized men are now hanging crystal chandeliers and putting in tables and seating.Everyone is busy checking social media to see if they are missing something somewhere else--oblivious to the hot guy,alone, and very available, just 3 feet away. I can only hope the ying and yang - the wild of the 70's and the technical isolation of 2015, balance sooner than later and people begin interacting sooner than later
  10. Oh boy- December was the worst month ever for me- not a single sex encounter ( Nov food poisoning after Thanksgiving killed play thru the beginning of the month--then it seems my immune system forgot to stop after the food poisoning and I ended up in the hosp for 4 days unable to move a lot of the major joints- seems I had something called reactive arthritis-where an overactive immune system goes out and attacks itself yeesh!) Only good ting about the 4 day hospital stay-they had no idea what was fucking with me-but since I am gay and active- they chased down EVERY single possible STD,protozoa,amoeba,parasite,lost IUD or anything else --and everything came back negative-- sort of shocked me from the level of play and places I have taken cock in the last 4 years... Anyway- for 2015, as I hang a new wall calendar to track my successes ( the power of positive thinking??) in 2016, this was my final tally on 31 Dec Loads taken anal 146 Loads taken oral 33 Fisting sessions rcvd 82 Piss play scenes(could be multi piss play but all from 1 person) 12
  11. Hungry hole wrote "strange that in BreedingZone guys refer to fucking, breeding or taking loads as "sleeping" ... Last guy I really slept with was a partner ( psychotic, but still it was a traid partnership thing) Once I got out and on my own, I have not had ANYONE in 15 years sleep over, and only crashed at one guys place twice in all that time. Def miss the contact and sounds of another body in bed, but then too- no odd noises at 3 am from his nostrils ( or other openings) , no wildly flung arms waking you from the deepest sleep. And no morning breath to wince off as he wants to resume some deep passionate kisses, even though his breath is somewhere south of a barn floor LOL
  12. Thanks WhtHole- milked out a fresh nut from my otherwise distracted nuts- and I def was in need of that draining !!
  13. Dear Santa-- I have been such a pig slut this year, and probably won't get shit from you anyway, but if you could squeeze WhtHole hard and get a story out of him for my Christmas nutt... \ \ Fuck!! Santa DOES exist !!!
  14. Well, in the vein of this Grindr thread- how many of you guys get a hit from a 21 year old guy, generally about 1700 miles away, that goes along this line- Him) You have a hot look Me) yes, thanks for the msg- you are a long ways from me, my profile says local only Him) I just got back fro working out and I am horny Ha Ha Me) Of course, are you a robot or do you not read the profiles or the msgs being sent to you Him) Do you have any pics to share?? Me ) open his profile and block him. Without much variation in distance or msg body, I get about 4 or 5 of these a week when I have the app going-- and damned near zero local hits
  15. ...different from asking "Why don't more total tops sometimes get fucked?" / A thousand lashes to you!! Suggesting even in passing one of the few true tops still around should discover anal sex !!! What were you thinking?? As a 110% bottom in a town that Rand MC Nally maps has officially changed the name of from Ft Lauderdale to Ft Bottomdale on their newest printings, where Google maps auto suggests Ft Bottomdale-- WHY would you even plant a seed in the few remaining tops heads?? So , any true tops reading this forum, PLEASE know anal sex is terrible- you DEFINTELY do not want to go there. You cock will get smaller each time you take cock in the ass, and soon Saturdays will be spent at IKEA looking at fabric covered chairs aisle after aisle-- so just don't bend over and take it !! Keep on plugging bottoms and reinforcing your masculinity- but just say NO to taking it up the poop chute
  16. Damn it !! November did not turn out to be a month of Thanksgiving as I had hoped- or even of stuffing the cavity as much as I wanted. But, I was able to get 8 loads in my ass, 1 down my throat, 5 fistings- including 1 at a dungeon party ( my 1st time at one of them) and 3 loads of piss in me; and on me- so really there might be more piss than 3, but it was the same guy in 3 different encounters, always pisses up my ass and then on me as I push it out onto his chest ( i am so damned LOL) Anyway..my year to date ( as of Dec 01 that is) load tots are: Loads taken anal 146 Loads taken oral 33 Fisting sessions rcvd 82 Piss play scenes(could be multi piss play but all from 1 person) 12 And so of course,i had vacation in late Sept and had a bout of A Fib with the heart that fucked up play. I had my last week of vacation start the day after Thanksgiving and a day before PigWeek was starting- played that Friday, did a pool party Sunday that had WAY too many limp/shriveled dicks, and as I was getting ready for a PigWeek event last Monday I snacked on some packaged chicken salad, and about 2 hours later I was the food poisoning express- and stayed out of play all week- so, so much for a miraculous cum from behind ending to 2015!! Unless.... Uh-Santa?????
  17. Great rewrite to the ending- sort of a completion of the circle of "life". And, THANK YOU for writing in general, but especially for linking all your sections here at the end- I always refer guys to BreedingZone to read YOUR Dr Mike post and to spider out from there- now , I may just have to send them to Mikey <g> You are the best man. ... now- what will the next installation be???
  18. Hi Mike. The guy you WERE fucking took you to the hilt, now one closer to your age ( 26) cannot--so I am stepping out on a limb and guessing you were boning an older, maybe more relaxed hole and sexuality wise guy before.?? If so, then sure- the new guy is probably still in that kid in the candy store phase where he wants it all now and is not willing to A) work on/for it go slow and be honest about his abilities and even maybe C) his own sexuality is in flux and while his COCK brain wants to be banged silly, his upbringing about man and a woman crap floods him as the deed is about to really happen. So, you can try to force yourself on him and scare him away, or take it slower and do what others have suggested with rimming and fingering to relax him. Try focusing on him a couple times versus your orgasm - work him to an orgasm and leave your cock out of it once- he may try to take care of you afterwards and that is cool. I bet tho, he runs home and takes a 30 minute hot shower to wash the "sin" off. Last option, fuck both those guys- I have a willing hole and can take daily, multiple fucks- and as long as you are not more than 12 inches, I will ride you to the pubes and grind back hard enough that you will end up hairless when we are done<g> (and if you are over 12 inches, see the part about going slow and easing into the hole, and by fuck my 2nd sphincter will be yours )
  19. I have been taking loads raw for the last 44 of my 59 years- got a partner in 1984 and we fucked raw until I tested poz in Jan of 1987- then the few rare fucks he threw after that were always wrapped, and not very good for either of us. I was still staying slightly satisfied with some porn store sex and park play. Moved out in 2000 and have been a certifiable slut since,and while a few rubbered up cock have hit the hole ( hey, some is better than none) better than 99.89% of my lifelong cock were raw, and I just keep working that percentage closer to 100%
  20. Well, I am way late reporting October results, I just kept waiting to wake up and discover my lack of loads was not just a bad dream - but I guess I really was knocked off the fuck train last month. And all the bills from the hospital for my little cardiac scare really are driving home the point <g> So, once I shook off the scare and got back to being a pig, I was only able to shake out 3 loads in my ass, 3 down my throat, and I was back in the sling and got 3 fists. Brings my year to date ( as of 01 Nov) totals now to 138 loads taken anal ( and yeah, many more fucks without loads donated...grrr! ) 32 loads were pumped down my throat so far, 77 fists found a warm and open space to roam around in my ass, and i was rewarded with 9 piss loads in either my mouth or up my ass this year. About to head to a dungeon party in an hour, and certainly hope it turns into a meat market with as many paws consuming my cunt as possible, but since this will be my 1st time to this event, my inner fear voice keeps warning me not to build up too many expectations and hope that I don't get pushed to the side by some pig in the latest gear <g> And, hoping to also help boost my numbers this month, Ft Lauderdale is having PIGWEEk starting 28 Nov and running a week all around the city- their web site is the same as the event name,in case any dom tops have not heard of it and want to come use me <self promotion NEVER hurts, much..> I do know they got 2 of those industrial picnic tables and have been busy converting them into multi man fuck benches, so this is getting my horns up and sharpened ( and my elbows too, should I have to work my way onto one of them)
  21. Thur,Fri, Sat my hole is yours, just HMU

  22. Only a couple days left to the month and I NEED your cum loads to up my count

  23. The cum hol e is back and open- 1 fist, 1 load in myy throat and 1 in my ass so far since noon

    1. Hornedpigdc


      so glad to hear the a-fib is under control. You still owe me a fuck!! in my mind, we have a date in the future to be total cumpigs together!!

  24. I don't know- cut off circulation will cause the blood to clot, when you unband, isn't this a good way to throw a clot and end up with a stroke- might render more than just your balls useless
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