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About Stryking1

  • Birthday 04/01/1978

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Northeast PA
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    5'11", 199lb, 34w. Average, Brown, Some Body Hair, Mix. Looking for: Friendship, 1-on-1 Sex, 3some/ Group Sex.
    Not into the bar scene.

    Self pierced PA at 4g. Don't even think about piercing your own genitals unless you know what you're doing.

    I am an ordinary looking intelligent, professional.

    Personal rules, no exceptions:
    1. I'll talk to anyone, won't meet unless you have a pic
    2. No sex on first meet

    It takes more than 3 messages to get in my pants. Looking for someone that's 'easy', move along. Don't ask me to compromise my standards, I'm not asking that of you.
  • Porn Experience
    Watching: lots! Performing: sadly, none.
    But maybe one day.
  • Looking For
    Hungry bottoms in and around Northeast PA looking for a fresh, warm load.

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  1. ABSOLUTELY! Less government intrusion involved in my life and the best economy since the 1980's. Four more years. Publicly, Trump may be a bit of a rumpled train wreck, but he doesn't appear to be suffering from dementia as does Biden. For too many years the Washington politico's have been living their well-to-do daily existence without anyone questioning their happy little status quo. Four years ago the rules were rewritten. The Washington elites don't know which end is up. Let them earn their money in an environment where they must deal with the unknown, like the rest of us.
  2. Trump? Absolutely. More common sense to government, less nanny state regulation. Add to that the best economy since the early '80's and I proudly proclaim, another four years.
  3. Absolutely worth the effort to go through with a PA piercing. You will be down for about six weeks for healing to occur. I can't refer to a piercing professional in your area, but find a studio and don't be afraid of asking questions to find the professional that makes you feel the most comfortable. Best of luck. You won't regret your decision.
  4. Even though the curved barbells with spikes come to a point, the tip is a bit rounded and smooth. I would be highly surprised if there was any increased transmission risk from a guy with a fully healed PA piercing.
  5. Thanks for the follow.

  6. You can probably buy jewelry in the next few sizes up. I had naturally progressed through four sizes during my first year. 4g now, I can probably stretch to a 2g, but upsizing is addicting. I decided to stop at 4g because I feared becoming a PA size queen. I've been at 4g for the last 3 years. I'll go 2g. I know I will. I've had my eye on a twisted barbell that I've wanted but they don't have it in 2g. As soon as they do, that's when I'll make the move. As for the nips, best of luck. I haven't gone there. From what I understand, that's where the pain comes into play. Not interested in pursuing that. Let us know how that works out.
  7. Best of luck, Dopey. What a great New Year's surprise for your BF. I've never regretted my PA piercing for a moment. I trust you won't either.
  8. I still occasionally go "window shopping" on CL. The same ads are posted over and over by the same no-show flakes from when I was attempting to use CL. In my experience, CL simply isn't worth the time or aggravation for hook-ups anymore. Your results may vary.
  9. Mine has never set off a walk through metal detector at either airports or other security installations. I've used the walk through backscatter screening machines as well and never been selected for additional screening. It really isn't an issue. I don't bring it up when I approach the gate. I've planned on taking the approach of addressing my PA if it were to become an issue. Thus far, it hasn't become one and, as such, has never become a topic of concern for the TSA.
  10. Its generally a better idea to remove the PA for oral. Most partners just don't appreciate the jostling of the metal against their teeth. I generally wear a CBB, so it is quick and easy to unscrew one of the balls and slip out the ring. As for sex, I've had a few people that were apprehensive at first; but after playing for a bit, I've never had a bottom complain. In fact, most talk about feeling the ring by saying that they felt 'full'. Bottoms describe feeling the ring during sex and they considered the sensation to be quite pleasurable. For me, I decided upon a PA because I simply like the look. My PA is simply an adornment. The first six months or so after being pierced, the sex was incredible. Best orgasms ever. The feeling eventually tapered down. Don't get me wrong, its still great to orgasm, but it is not the earth shattering orgasms that I had experienced following the initial piercing. Best of luck to you. Based upon the feedback that I receive, you won't be disappointed.
  11. Commando. Always.
  12. The hairier the better! Asses, backs, chest. Everywhere!
  13. My experience is that it didn't do a thing for me. I was quite disappointed, actually. Your results may vary. It doesn't hurt. No pain at all. Best of luck.
  14. Uncut here with a 4g and no problems whatsoever. The jewelry does tend to keep the foreskin retracted most of the time. The one positive that I have found is that I can force my foreskin over the jewelry in a mens room to keep from the dreaded urinating mess. With that said, I've just accepted that its just easier to have a seat and get on with it. Really. Sitting to urinate is not a bad tradeoff for all of the positives that you will encounter. Go for it. Give it time to heal, then enjoy the PA.
  15. All of the guys that I have fucked claim to love the feeling. They must. They keep coming back for more. They describe it as a more 'full' feeling.
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