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Everything posted by kckinkybtm

  1. Why, give in, of course. But then, I'm like the other guys, he should just ram the cock in anyway.
  2. I'm loving this story, but the wait for additional chapters (that are too short...lol) is killing me. More! More! Faster! Faster!
  3. I think there are quite a few of us that wouldn't mind working in a sauna/bathhouse...
  4. More...more....more...faster please. LOL
  5. I'd let him know that my door will be unlocked for any time he wanted to come over and breed me
  6. Where do I sign up...I need to visit and then maybe become a resident.
  7. Definitely rape him more...and turn it into a gangrape. Wishing that was me getting raped.
  8. Oh, to be in that situation...bf that wants me pozzed and me tied up taking loads.
  9. Wish something like this would happen to me
  10. Hey, tried to message you and it doesn't go thru. Reach out to me, I have a question about Missouri Barebackers

  11. Hmmm...is it wrong that this is one of my fantasies?
  12. Have him stealth me and let's find out. I'm on Prep.
  13. I've been running into a lot of tops that have done too much parTying before they try to fuck me. Have had to tell a couple of semi-regulars that they have to fuck before they start to parTy. As horny as they get, if they can't get hard enough to fuck, then I won't get any enjoyment out of being with them.
  14. Not in the "act"...but guy I played with told his partner about chatting with me and I started chatting with partner. We all started chatting about a 3 way. But the one I had played with did not mention to me that he had not told partner about our getting together and did not tell me not to mention it. So, when I did, things got a bit heated between the 2. Got smoothed out later, he just wished the partner had told him in advance of our getting together. But since then, I've been much more careful about finding out in advance if partner knows and if not, I'm more reluctant to play until I know more about the situation.
  15. As someone who did not vote for either major party candidates, I'm still waiting for the rounding up and killing of gays that we've been warned about since Trump/Pence were sworn in. Still waiting for the sky to fall over Net Neutrality roll back (the rolling back to pre-2015 regulations...BZ was here before 2015 and still here). Am I happy about everything happening, of course not. But I'm also not in a panic about every little thing that this administration does either. This highlights the problem with how many things get done. It's done with the stroke of the pen by a President or an appointed individual. Want to make things more permanent? Get congress to change the laws. Which is the issue with the current marijuana issue. Federal law still says it's illegal. Just because one President decided not to pursue those who break the law doesn't mean the law has been changed. Now the next President, and his people, are following the law again. With the stroke of the pen, much of what was changed by the previous President can now be undone. All because it was done with the stroke of a pen and not changed by Congress. Guess what, in another year there's an opportunity to give the Democrats control of the House and Senate and that would stop Trump/Pence/Republicans in their tracks if people are so unhappy with what they've done. Every two years there's a chance to change things...and every four years a new President. Kinda nice how that got set up, isn't it. Just be sure to vote and, if you're so inclined, go run for office and promote the changes you want. Thus endeth the political lecture. Please resume your preferred sexual perversity.
  16. I feel the exact same way, faceload.
  17. Wish I could meet a guy that would do this to me
  18. I wouldn't mind being raped like that
  19. I'd love to have a bf that would do this to me
  20. Is Dr. Clown going to a deliver a cream pie?
  21. I would have stuck around to see if I could have gotten more loads
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