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Status Updates posted by boy4you

  1. When my brother came here he wore clothes that were go for working on the farm. Now he has clothes that show off his hot body what a slut. 

    1. Read1


      You, rawboyz, are having a HUGE effect on your brother! His taste in men, music, and clothing, and dare I say BLING, is coming out stylishly! Touche! 

    2. PervBBbttm


      i'd so love to see Jesse.  id pay to see him. you have always have gotten me hard but now with Jesse wow.  to be with you both

    3. boy4you


      Read1 in NYC it's all around you and coming from the farm it's a big eye opener for him as it was for me.

  2. Tonight for the Nyc  Halloween  parade it will be warm so my costume will not have much clothes. My brother is going to have less as a slave boy. 

    1. BlindRawFucker1


      Does your brother have a profile on here yet?

    2. boy4you


      No he does not but he may one day. I won't force him. 

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      Absolutely.  Just let him experience and enjoy things at his own pace.


      Although, it sounds as if he has experienced and enjoyed quite a bit already.


      Eventually, hopefully, he'll want a profile on here or elsewhere.

  3. I'm going to have great Valentine day BF is out of town and brother is sick with the flu in bed.

    1. cityjock


      Not a busy day for clients? 

    2. boy4you


      Busy time at work and taking care of my brother.

    3. 4Bare


      Take care, Dude, better days are coming!

  4. There is nothing like rimming a Virgin hole then fucking it for the first time. Hearing them suffer the discomfort as it slide in and after 4 years you now have miss sharpen cunt that moans in pleasures as the dick with just spit slides in easy. 

    1. Bicycledude


      Makes me so horny 😈💦🐷👅😋🍆

    2. Jessyboy


      Thank you for all you done for me and the road you been taking me down. I hope I can go down the rabbit hole. 

    3. mikeinjersey


      ready and willing 😁

  5. Been on Atripla for 2 month and my VL is still high and not moved down.

    1. backpackguy


      Keep on breeding those hungry chasers until you see the doc.

    2. lkngrnd


      Sounds like you are possibly resistant to Atripla (as I am).

    3. WolfinSheepsClothing


      they might need to run a Genome on your HIV to see what drugs you are resistant to.

      my numbers dropped almost instantly.

  6. My BF and I watching my brother at a sex party walking around dressed is so funny as he is so sore from working as an SW. He said he wanted his own money well; now he has it. 

    1. Read1


      As a SW, your brother sometimes has to "grin and bear it". The cum is great, so is the $$$$. The soreness will go away. Continue the fun!

    2. alwaysready


      sounds good unless he runs into a guy with a med resistant strain

    3. mikeinjersey


      love to set up a play date with him 🤑

  7. As I have many friends who are being hurt by the recent shutdowns of places where they would post adds. A new site has started PM me and I will give it to you.

    1. Bobby4poz


      what is the site

    2. slavemtl


      please reply me in pv with this site 

    3. boy4you



  8. My brother is now a retired SWer. 

    1. mjkuhl


      retired is the operative word.

    2. akula


      glad he got the experience

    3. Guest



  9. Tomorrow January 28 2016 is the  one year anniversary of me testing  Poz. 

    1. cumbottom4use


      cool babe, by the way, how many loads did you take at MAL?

    2. PissPigBrooklyn


      I hope this anniversary is celebrated by your new meds continuing to lower your v.l. making you less susceptible to other infections.

    3. Willing


      Wish you could spil your demon semen in my hole for your anniversary ?

  10. Fuck rentmen they raised there advertising rate 60% since Craigslist list personal and backpack were shut down. Many are getting hurt by this. 

    1. bareall77


      That's shitty man! Hopefully there will be some other site that pops up. Not that I use rentmen. Though I did use Craigslist and the... nevermind I don't want to get a penalty on here. 

      Hope this works out for you!

    2. studl1


      Ass holes 

  11. With the Black Party in NYC this weekend I wonder how many will be converted to the Brotherhood? 

    1. mjkuhl


      boy4you, I'd love to be at that party.

    2. boy4you


      They still have tickets.

    3. breederjock


      boy4you what party is this?

  12. Little brother comes home with his right ear pierced, he is flagging in so many ways.

    1. Read1


      Your little brother is feeling very comfortable coming out as a young gay man!! He's experiencing so many positive, good things being with you. How times have changed since I came out at 18! Cheers!

    2. mjkuhl


      Always be there for advice and even comfort.  NYC is a big step from the small town world.

    3. PervBBbttm


      Other than you, your little brother is it. 

  13. Heading down to DC for the weekend at a BDSM event and maybe visit some of there bath houses.

    1. HornyForPozSeed


      have fun dude, wish i could cum watch or take a load or 2 from ya

    2. AlwaysOpen


      Crw club is more of a white crowd, Glorious Health is a"unique "setting and more black-and hosts the CumUnion and CODE parties

  14. I was watching the news and they had troops and right in front of the hotel where they have MAL. I love this event and not happy it’s canceled but I do understand why. 

    1. ScorpionFF


      Hey good man. I have been watching this all very closely via independant media sources from here in England, and it all seems very intense over there. I am not 100% certain that the military presence in DC is there just for inauguration security.

      If it were me and I lived in a densely populated U.S city I would just to be on the safe side lock the door to my home on the evening of the 18th, and not emerge until at least the afternoon of the 22nd, thus not setting foot outside of my front door for 4 nights and 3 whole days. On a practical survival level I would make sure I had enough food and a supply of bottled water to last me during that time. That is personally how I myself would proceed.

      In the insane situation of blackouts, cell phone outages, and the invocation of the EBS occuring I would approach those situations in a calm and rational manner; don't panic. I can understand how that could alarm some people. Definitely nothing to be worried about.

       @boy4you, your boyfriend, and your sexy brother, PLEASE stay SAFE, all of you 😘 ... xXx

    2. boy4you


      it’s not the US military that you see in the streets of Washington but it’s a national guard which is a different force.We live in New York City so we’re pretty safe nothings really going on

  15. We are off to our first Bath House in Washington DC.

    1. Sfmike64


      Hope you had a fucked up great time.

  16. Well, more bad news they canceled M.A.L. Mid Atlantic Leather weekend. This is one of my favorite event to attend. There I get to hook up with so many friends and last year it was my brother coming out party.


    1. cumbottom4use


      Totally sucks, next year has got to be better.

    2. studl1
  17. I put up a blog about how I went from a virgin farm boy to a POZ pig. Let me know what you think.

    1. Locomotion


      hot story...and hope you are sharing that HVL....share it while you can.

    2. pigpozdad


      it is a great story, so let's hear more

  18. It’s nice to see my brother writing about the fantasy he dreams about. I hope he stays on his present path and not become like me. 

    1. cintarius


      What about the path you are on do you not want him to take?

    2. boy4you


      I don’t him to parTy of become Poz but in the end that decision will be up to him. 

  19. This year Folsom Berlin was the best event for my brother and me. I hope it's the same for Folson San Francisco 

    1. PissPigBrooklyn


      So glad you had a good time!!!

    2. cumbottom4use


      That's awesome, hope you both had a great time!!

  20. My Brother is asking me to give him a booty bump and I’m trying to tell him no with out driving him to seal it out on his own. 

    1. tprbttm4u


      Give Him a little bump!  Teach Him so He doesn't start out with a really Bad Time!

    2. Sarif98


      Bump him then knock him up ?

  21. Packing for MAL and brother want I will be doing down there for 4 days, why I'm bring so much leather and so little clothes.

    1. Read1


      You're a leather gear model going for a photo shoot?! LOL!

    2. boy4you


      In the past I have been a model for a vendor and was given a big discount on a pair of ass less chaps that were custom fit for me.

  22. You know you are a rubber hole when a 2 inch Enjoy steel butt plug falls out and you don't feel it till you see it on the floor or in the bed.

    1. cumbottom4use


      I know the feeling boy4you, I also have trouble keeping a butt plug in my cunt.

    2. bareall77


      Fucking HOT!!!!??

  23. The weather looks great for Halloween no rain so we can dress up my brother as a Female Slut and see how many guys will come on to him. 

    1. Read1


      Taking a number and standing in line...YUM

    2. boy4you


      I did it one and got to straight guys to fuck my ass in a doorway. The 6th Ave parade in NYC is crazy 

  24. I like the heave metal ones but this is the biggest one I could find.

    1. cumbottom4use


      that's cool, guess we will just have to get bigger plugs!

    2. ronnie4u


      Yummy HOT on Toy !

  25. Being on PrEP will keep you somewhat safe but you are taking meds. Being Poz and undetectable you also are taking meds also so what's the difference? 

    1. Read1


      It's two parts of the same coin really! As long as you make the right decision for yourself -- that's what counts!

    2. Rillion


      I think the main difference is that you can stop taking PrEP and not have HIV (assuming it worked) as compared to having HIV and treating it. I've been on and off PrEP for two years now. As part of a triad, I often don't have time to have sex outside our relationship, so I can take breaks from PrEP. It might be different if I weren't a top. I'm not really concerned about getting HIV from fucking my boy, as I figure I'd know if he got the fuck flu and even then the odds of me getting HIV from fucking him is low. But in situations like when we went on a gay cruise and I knew I had the potential to fuck a lot of anonymous bottoms, I started back on PrEP, just to be extra safe. 

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