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Everything posted by ChargedLoadLover

  1. Tonight, for only the second time in my life, I got fucked by some random Man in the bathroom of an Interstate rest area. He was an average looking 50ish white guy. Truthfully he was a marginal top at best and he shot his load in a few minutes. At least he put the load where it belongs, up my ass. It was the location that made it a hot fuck. Very high risk of getting caught and going to jail --- major league turn on. We barely said more than a couple of words to each other. I assume he is neg, we never talked about status.
  2. I just got into a super slutty mood yesterday starting with a neighbor fucking me just after midnight in the locker room of our buildings Gym. Got his POZ load. Next I went to a cheap motel and took a POZ load from a Man who hit me up on Scruff. Right after that I had another Scruff hookup with from a guy who only had 5 minutes before work to fuck me and shoot his neg load in me. A couple hours later I went and got my ass plowed by a beefy Asian dude who after a long session gave me a big load of POZ cum. Finally I was bragging to a friend that I had four loads up my pig hole. I know that he loves a sloppy loaded hole so he came over and gave me his nicely toxic POZ/Aids load. This was by all standards a fantastic day and one that surely helped boost my own toxicity level.
  3. OK, I will go ahead and admit it. My decision to bareback was made as I just started smoking Tina. Suddenly inhibitions relaxed and what seemed like a bad idea now seemed like a good idea. I give credit to Tina for my barebacking and my becoming POZ.
  4. Toxic Men rock!

    1. NastyPigBear


      Damn, you're a fucking hot man... wish my loads were toxic for your hole.

  5. Just finished getting fucked by two dudes from Scruff. Both POZ, of course, and both loaded my hole. Now my hole is sooooo hungry it is off to the bookstore.
  6. 11 3/4 inches and the girth of a Red Bull can. Sucked it about 3/4 of the way down but more importantly I took it's full length up my ass. Got me two loads of dirty cum drilled in my hole.
  7. Absolutely increased my willingness to act on my desire to be a slut. Prior to getting knocked up I was much less willing to behave like a pig. Now that I am POZ I pretty much will let anybody fuck me who asks.
  8. I find a Scorpion Tattoo just slightly showing under a guys pair of jeans next to his cock to be smoking hot.
  9. Saturday afternoon I decided to stop at a bookstore I haven't been to for a few years. It is generally know as the "Black" bookstore. Upon entering I made my way to one of the back rooms which have large padded benches. Two others were in the room, one doing nothing the other jacking his cock. Promptly I got myself totally naked and planted myself on a bench face down ass up with a bottle of lube next to me. I asked the guys if it is clear what I am here for. Nobody said a thing but the guy doing nothing came over, lubed up and started fucking me raw. I asked him to please cum in my hole. After about ten minutes his cock began to pulse as he loaded me. It was half an hour before I got raw fucked again. At that point guys started moving on my hole more quickly. Only one guy tried to use a condom on me. I put the stop to that real fast by telling him "Dude I am toxic already hopefully you are too." He laughed and said he was just trying to do "the right thing." I got his load too. By the time I left eleven fucked me, half of whom gave there loads. Can I just say I love being a faggot.
  10. I was told that all the kewl kids are POZ

    1. MackyJay


      doubtful but I bet they are 'hot'

  11. Hooked up with a bud this morning. He shot his dirty load up my hole, stayed in long and deep to make sure I fully got what I wanted. He then followed up with by shooting his chem piss up my hole. Needless to say I was flying. On the way home I stopped at the bookstore where I was fucked a couple times but only got one load. So I went through the trash, found a few full condoms that I messaged the contents of into my hole before going home.
  12. What I would do is find a bf into anonymous raw cock or get this one into it.
  13. Chem piss please, makes me fly!
  14. It is fun to be a Tina whore

  15. Do they not have cheap motels where you are?
  16. I could have written this......very much love a guy spitting in my mouth or handing off gum to me. Is even hotter if I am naked and he is fully dressed. It feels SO demeaning, something I surely deserve.
  17. I am stunned, as I expected us POZ guys to be the majority on this site.
  18. bugfucks are the best fucks

    1. Toxicwanted


      Youre so right :-)

    2. twistednvers


      Fucking right they are.

  19. You will enjoy Atlanta if BBC is your thing. I think my profile pic says it all.
  20. I was told all the kewl kids are POZ

    1. RotzBBengel


      sooner or later...

  21. This seems very degrading, I would so totally let myself be used this way.
  22. A friend of a friend got out of jail last night after being locked up for 7 months. During his time inside his health took a nosedive. His CD4 count is 161. No way I was going to miss the opportunity to get his load. Problem was that he had zero interest in fucking me. Ended up giving him 50 bucks --- and in return he gave me his nice toxic load.
  23. All the cool kids are POZ

    1. MackyJay


      nice sentiment but somewhat doubtful. LOL

  24. Damn, this sounds like the Atlanta high rise condo I live in........................
  25. Took 3 loads at bath house this afternoon. Never asked their status.
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