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Everything posted by Qban

  1. I think the only innocent ones were the kids who were put into a situation they didn’t ask for and were too young to understand. Otherwise I’m not sure who was more to blame, the incredibly talented pop star with unlimited resources and serious personal issues who liked young boys or the parents who pimped their sons out to him for money and material benefits. Either way the end result was the same.
  2. Send them a message using the “contact us” feature asking them to please delete your account (and all uploaded photos and videos if you haven’t deleted them already) and they’ll do it. Give them enough time to delete your account (usually a few hours is enough but if they’re busy it could take a day or so), then go back and try to log in with your username and password. If you can’t log in anymore then your account has been deleted.
  3. Nope. C’mon over! ???
  4. Definitely. If the guy doesn’t ever get hard, is too busy tweaking and looking at his phone (but not making vids or taking pics of us having sex with it) and not mentally present, or just not participating in the sex other than to stand/sit/lie there like a mannequin in a department store then I’m out of there. I want someone who’s as interested and engaged in the sex as I am; otherwise I can go home, chain my tits to my PA and enjoy myself in private...
  5. I totally agree. Everybody is good at something and everyone likes different things. Find out what you like and what works for you. Enjoy it, own it, and fuck whatever anyone else says. Don’t beat yourself up if a guy isn’t into you or the kind of things you’re into or get hung up on things that don’t matter. Just keep looking. If you’re confident and comfortable in your own skin you’ll attract other guys, find ones you click with and have a hell of a fun time.
  6. I never didn’t bareback. There wasn’t really any decision involved, it’s just that bareback sex always felt so good that condoms were never really something I ever considered using.
  7. I’m intrigued by the concept that someone would need to be “trained” to be a top; I always thought most people top or bottom based on their personal preference and/or the dynamics of the situation - at least that’s always been the case for me. I never feel any shame when I want to get fucked or think any less of the bottoms I fuck who really enjoy it. I think if he’s ashamed of it then it’s either not for him or it’s something he needs to deal with in his own head before brining someone else into the picture. If that’s the case, just being trained in the mechanics of topping sn’t going to help. Of course if he gets off on doing things he’s ashamed of it’s obviously a whole different ball game...but it doesn’t sound like this is the case.
  8. I’ve always found foreskin fun for everyone playing - tonguing, licking, biting/chewing, docking - what’s not to like?
  9. The only condom porn I really enjoy is with Sam Swift, Antonio Aguilera or Andre Ferraz. Otherwise condoms are usually a turnoff - just like in real life...
  10. I’ve hosted quite a few groups at the Embassy Suites on 22nd and N and always had a hot time. Their 2-room suites are great for fuck parties (rooms near the corners work best), it’s a crowded, busy hotel with lots of people coming and going so nobody’s paying attention to what you’re doing as long as you’re relatively quiet and discreet about it, and the location is right near P street and Rock Creek Park so it’s ideal for cruising and other fun activities in case things are slow.
  11. Good question - I don’t know. That’s why I quit - I had a lot of fun (at times) but quite frankly I’m over the whole thing and can’t find any reason do it anymore. It’s just not worth it...
  12. Leatherpunk, I can’t tell you how sorry I am for your loss. And yes I do see what you mean. About a year and a half ago I was stealth dosed G by a pnp pig I was friends with and who knew - like everyone I partied with knew - that I can’t do G. EVER. I have a severe reaction to it. But my bud thought it’d be fun/cool/hot/interesting/whatever to dose me and see what happens. So....I woke up in the back seat of my own car, puking all over the place, to find this guy and someone I didn’t know and never met had been driving me around totally unconscious for over an hour and a half, panicking about what to do if I didn’t wake up. As soon as I was conscious enough, the two guys drove to a third guy’s place - also a stranger - and told me I‘m fine now and can drive myself home now unless I still feel like playing. I don’t have any memory at all of what happened and didn’t feel right for about a month or so afterwards. My total shock over what happened, fear of the damage it might have done to my health, and the feeling of total betrayal by someone I’d consideref to be a friend were part of the reason I quit partying. How and why people can do something like that to anyone, whether friend or enemy or total stranger, I’ll never understand. No one deserves that. Ever.
  13. OD’ing on T is not unommon, especially with poz guys on meds who party and who have switched their regimen to once/day meds containing a booster like cobicistat. The booster is designed to increase the level of antivirals in your system by preventing your liver/kidneys from clearing it out as quickly as it normally would. It does the same thing with methamphetamine. The result is that a partier who switched meds can overdose on what would normally be their usual dose of T. This is one of the reasons I quit partying when I changed meds - it’s not worth risking an OD just to find out how much is enough.
  14. I shave my shaft and balls so my cockring and harness don’t pull the hairs; the rest of me - chest, pits, back, bush and ass - is hairy and I like it that way, both on myself and other guys.
  15. I’m happy with my hairy ass and I also LOVE other guys with hairy asses - I could eat and fuck a hot, sweaty hairy ass for days on end...
  16. I partied on and off for 20+ years but I never had a problem doing anything filthy, perverted and depraved when I’m straight-up sober as a judge at noon on a Wednesday that I’ve done slammed up and spun on a bender in the middle of the night. I don’t understand guys who can’t - or won’t - do the same things sober that they do when they’re chemically altered. I‘m a pig, I was a pig long before I ever partied, and I’ll always be a pig whether or not I ever party again. Isn’t that the whole idea?
  17. 14 by my mom’s 50-something year old uncle.
  18. This really is one of my absolute favorite stories ???
  19. Hit or miss but worth a try. Sometimes it’s totally dead; other times I’ve had so much fun pigging out there in the afternoon I had to call work and make up some excuse about why I still wasn’t back from lunch. ?
  20. I’ve been on two integrase inhibitors in the past year. The first, Juluca, didn’t have any associated weight gain but it completely changed my personality and made me batshit crazy and suicidal. So I stopped taking it and switched to Gemvoya, which doesn’t have the same psychiatric side effects but has caused me to gain about 15 lbs so far. Personally I’d rather feel better and have a little extra weight but that’s just me. Unfortunately the only way to know how the drug affects you is to take it for an extended period of time. Hope this helps.
  21. Yep. Definitely chipped a guy’s teeth with my PA while skullfucking him - it’s happened a few times. I tell guys up front that I don’t take my 0g PA out EVER, so the more someone asks me to take it out the harder I skullfuck him. If he still doesn’t listen then it’s time to turn him around and shred his hole too. It’s not like he hasn’t been warned...
  22. I don’t believe in guilt.
  23. Used to make vids of myself slamming and pigging out in random places (both alone and with other guys) and post them on nkp. Broadcasted live on zoom and other sites/apps too. I’m somewhat of an exhibitionist so videoing myself in depraved slampig mode for other guys to watch and perv is a total turn-on.
  24. 11. Thought my cum was neat so I ate it. Been doing it every day ever since...
  25. Always been an exhibitionist here so I totally love sucking/getting sucked/fucking/getting fucked in front of an audience. The more public the location, the more guys watching and the less clothing I have on the better. There’s an endorphin rush I get from public sex that’s just incredible. It’s a total turn-on for me and has been ever since I was in high school.
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