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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Shielding the vulnerable might become more viable if the idea of ‘immunity passports’ gains traction: presumably if you’ve already had the virus and have some immunity to it, you’re given some kind of certificate that allows you to work with the vulnerable. Not foolproof by any means, but better than what we’ve got right now. Of course, the whole idea of herd immunity and immunity passports hinges on the the still unproven fact that once you’ve had COVID-19, you can’t get it again...
  2. The idea of herd immunity as a way out of this is deeply unfashionable at the moment. But whether it is a possible way forward or not depends entirely on the number of infections out there that are going unreported or even unnoticed. And until we get an antibody test that actually works, that is something we cannot meaningfully quantify. One estimate put the total number of Italians who might have had the virus at somewhere between 10 and 20 million. Now if that were the case (sorry, I can’t remember the source!) then herd immunity is beginning to look like feasible, although it would take at least one more wave of infections like the one we’re currently seeing in Italy to get close. A prolonged lockdown such as the one we’re experiencing in the UK now does not come without serious societal risks too, and I’m not sure how viable it is to keep people in a situation similar to house arrest for the next 18 months to two years, while we wait for a vaccine to become available (if indeed it does). At that point, shielding the most vulnerable while we manage the virus in such a way to achieve some kind of herd immunity may well seem like a more attractive option.
  3. I never went to the Fort, so can’t compare. What happened to the Fort, and why did it close?
  4. Great post @Robw73! I LOVE the Vault, and know that corner well! Sometimes I like to hang out there too, and once I’ve got a top interested in my hole, I’ll often lead him into that pitch dark cellar (‘vault’) that leads off it, where there’s an underused fuck bench. I’d like to spend the whole evening in there, face down and arse up, taking any load that came my way, but annoyingly guys often stand around and block the entrance: I think some of them don’t even realize it’s there!
  5. Try to enjoy watching spring as it unfolds. I think nature is great therapy, and it doesn’t stop no matter what is going on in the world. This whole situation is shit, but it has come at a good time of year, for those of us in the northern hemisphere at least. Many of us have a lot more time on our hands this year, so we can really make some space to appreciate the ever-changing natural world around us. If you can, get some seeds and grow something. Even if you don’t have access to any outside space, you can still plant some seeds indoors, and nurture one or two choice specimens. It can be really absorbing, and take your mind off what’s going on out there. I understand Vancouver has a great climate, so use it to your advantage! I’m a gardener, so I would say that, wouldn’t I? But even if you have little interest in nature or plants, give it a go: you never know what you might discover about yourself.
  6. NO! There is some anecdotal evidence (and one or two small studies) that show that taking 200mg of doxycycline in one go up to 72 hours after unprotected sex may REDUCE the chance of getting syphilis, as well as chlamydia (but not gonnorhea). Based on my own experience, I think this is probably true. But taking doxycycline twice a day for 14 days after unprotected sex would be overkill: that kind of dosage is usually used to treat a confirmed case of chlamydia. Anyway, I’m no expert. But there is more info on this topic in another thread in this section (same page at the moment) called ‘Prophylactic Doxycycline’.
  7. Where’s the ‘All of the Above’ option?
  8. Funny- there’s a London BB whatsapp group I belong to where any guy putting up a posting for sex immediately gets torn to shreds for ‘violating the lockdown’. Anybody else on here in the same group?
  9. This thread make interesting reading if you start at the beginning and work through. Seeing how the disruption to our daily lives has gone from a minor inconvenience 2-3 weeks ago to what it is today. You can’t help thinking, what next?
  10. I’ll come with you @Barebackpiggy! We can always take a bus or a train, or even drive... maybe go via Antwerp or Amsterdam and turn it into a sleazy cross-European cock-fueled road trip! My worry is that when all of this is over, many of our cherished bars, clubs and saunas won’t reopen at all. It seems like a lot of them were on the brink anyway, and this will just push them over the edge 🙁
  11. With the anti-coronavirus measures threatening to take out all the usual cruise bars, sex clubs and saunas in London over the next few weeks, does anyone else reckon that this could be a summer to remember up on the Heath? I’ll certainly be making a visit or two to the fuck tree once the weather warms up a bit- fingers crossed it’s busy!
  12. Anecdotally, I would agree that it works. After a heavy session at a cruise club or sex party, I wait 24 hours and then take 2 x 100mg pills of doxy together. Since I started this approach, I haven’t had syph or chlamydia at all, though I have had gonno twice. I’ve just recently tested again after the 6 ‘busiest’ months of my life (including party trips to New York/Montreal and Gran Canaria, as well as the usual London merry-go-round) and have somewhat miraculously come away with no infections at all. Interesting comments from @PlayfulPup. I haven’t suffered any side effects with doxy and understand they are quite rare, but then I’m not taking it very often, and certainly not daily. I also understand that doxycycline is widely prescribed on a semi-long term basis to acne sufferers, and that issues connected to its long term usage are well understood, and it is generally considered safe- but I am no expert on the matter. Developing an allergy to a whole class of antibiotics is indeed a worry, but then like most things in life, you have to weigh up the risks. As for the ethics of taking antibiotics in this way when antibiotic resistance is such a hot topic these days, well, like most things, it’s nuanced.
  13. I’m surprised by how many people seem to be taking measures to try to avoid it altogether: it seems now that it can’t be contained, so isn’t it inevitable that MOST of us are going to get it at some point in the next year? We can’t all stay in lockdown forever, either on an individual basis, or a societal one. At some point we’re all going to have to put our heads back over the parapet, and guess what? The virus will still be there waiting for us. Of course, I understand the argument about slowing down its spread, so that healthcare systems won’t be overburdened by a spike in caseload- but perhaps the most responsible course of action if you are young(ish) and healthy is to 1) accept that you will get it at some point, 2) try to spread it to as few people as possible when you do get it, 3) once you’re over it help those who are most vulnerable. Yes, before anyone jumps down my throat, I do accept that even young healthy people carry some small risk of developing complications, but all life involves risk, as any cyclist in London will tell you. If enough of us catch it, clear it and develop some degree of immunity to it, then perhaps collectively we can become a barrier to future transmission- and that might be the best way to protect our elderly and vulnerable. And from a purely selfish point of view, maybe it’s better to get it over with early in the epidemic, while there is still capacity in the hospital system should any complications arise...
  14. @rawbro, has this happened yet? If so, tell us all about it!
  15. Some good info there @JamesL100, which I might make use of next time I’m there. Tbh, it didn’t occur to me just to sit/lie and wait for the cruisers to come to me, which is odd, because that’s my standard m. o. in bars and clubs, etc.
  16. Yes- as NLbear says. But they’re big, and the action seems to be quite spread out. Think Judy Garland memorial park on Fire Island, only on a much larger scale. Quite a lot of walking involved, so somewhat hit and miss whether you come across someone compatible. Also, I’m not so sure sand and sex go well together- just my personal opinion. But the dunes are quite a thing to see in their own right: looks like the Sahara desert in places!
  17. Loved it, mate! There were some good suggestions from the guys who responded above: I tried out most of them! Zoo Bar seems to be the most popular at the moment, but had a good time at Reds, the Hole, Bunker, etc. Took sooooo many loads 😉 I just wish there were more options for earlier in the day: the bars don’t really get going till 10:00pm, and I didn’t really take to the whole dunes thing. But all in all, a great holiday- perfect weather, too: I’ll definitely be going back, but might wait for this whole Coronavirus scare to blow over before I book my next trip!
  18. @ErosWired, I love your honesty! There’s so much bullshit on this site (as well as others) posted by bottoms about the am-aaaaa-zing sessions they’ve had where they’ve taken 43 loads, each one better than the last, all from hung muscular studs packing a minimum of 8 inches. It’s very refreshing to hear your honest account of your latest cumdump session, because in real life, not every fuck ends with rainbows and unicorns. And it also means that when you do report back on a fantastic shag, we all know we can believe you 😉
  19. Hampstead Heath at this time of year? Not sure how busy it’ll be, but I’m not an aficionado of the outdoor scene lol. Do you prefer outdoor meets over indoor ones?
  20. In order to help us advise you further, it may be helpful for us to know exactly what YOU want out of a relationship with an older man. One thing is for sure, older men come with ‘baggage’, emotional and otherwise, and usually lots of it. Unless you live under a rock, you just don’t get through life without accumulating baggage along the way- the older you get, the more you acquire. It always makes me laugh when I see profiles from younger guys that specify “no dramas” or “no baggage” as if the ultimate goal in life is to sail through it looking cool in a pair of this season’s must-have shades, without anything ever happening to you, good or bad. Btw, I’m not saying that you are like this at all @Sunovabesh- your post is thoughtful and obviously borne out deep frustration. Also, don’t forget that a lot of older men grew up in a time when being gay was quite a lot harder than it is now, and this leaves scars. I’m not saying that it’s all smiles and roses for young people coming out today either- but it is something to bear in mind when confronted with the neuroses of my generation. Relationships are hard! Don’t give up and throw in the towel just yet. Enjoy your youth while you’ve got it- it doesn’t last long, and you’ll be joining us old boys on the bench opposite sooner than you think!
  21. I hate facials. For a start, it seems like a waste. But mostly I just hate getting cum in my eyes. Maybe that’s because I wear contacts, I dunno. Tbh, if you’re not going to plant it deep in one of my two holes, then wank off into a cup and I’ll decide what to do with it later.
  22. Thanks guys- you all seem to be pretty much of one mind (surprise, surprise). So I think I need to go shopping for some new underwear 😉
  23. You’re right, you really need to tell him, and you’re right again- you need to do it now. However, it’s probably not nearly so big a deal as you think. Chances are he’s also lying about his age, so you might well be looking at an age gap of less than 9 years anyway. Btw, 9 years is not a huge age gap in any case: my partner and I had 13 years between us, and I’m sure there are many couples on here with wider age gaps than that. Perhaps you can bring it up in a jokey kind of way. Ask him how old he is in real years, not Grindr years- and then that opens the door for you to come clean. You can always brush it off along the lines of, “Oh god, I’m terrible- I keep meaning to update my profile, but never get round to it- I keep forgetting that Grindr doesn’t do it automatically!” At any event, it looks to me as though both of you are fairly young. On here you have your birth year as 1988. Even if it is 1983, that still makes you a baby in your mid-30’s from where I’m sitting! For most people age becomes less important as you get older, so don’t lose too much sleep over it. Come clean next time you see him: if your budding relationship is worth anything at all, you’ll surmount this mini-hurdle with ease, and then wonder what you were worried about. And if it does turn out to be a problem for him, well, consider yourself to have dodged a bullet: better to find out now that he’s an arsehole than find out later after investing more in him.
  24. I am SO with you on this, @tallslenderguy! Pretty much all of us will accept these days that our sexual orientation isn’t a choice, but is something that is hard-wired inside is. Why then will some gay men not accept that for some of us, being a total bottom (or a total top, for that matter) is similarly hard-wired inside is? I’m constantly having to explain that I don’t top EVER, that I could not top EVER, and that I do not enjoy having my penis played with EVER. I’m not just being pig-headed for the sake of it, it’s just the way I’m made. It’s not something I’m proud of, but equally it’s not something I feel I should be made to feel ashamed of either. I do understand that it may seem quite baffling to some versatile guys, but please accept that it is something I have no control over. For me, versatility isn’t necessarily a turn-off, but experience has taught me to be wary of versatile guys. I tend to find that more experienced versatile guys get it: they’ve come across this situation before, and they know better how to handle it. If I find myself having to justify my position to a guy and end up jumping through hoops just to explain it to him, then the chances are he’s not very experienced, and I lose interest: from that perspective, yes, I suppose it is turn-off. In some ways, I’m actually very envious of versatile guys: it must be great to be able to flip-flop, your chances of a hook-up are doubled every time. But please don’t try to ‘convert’ us: in exactly the same way I’ll never be converted to be straight, I’ll never be converted to be versatile either.
  25. So, I’m fresh back from my first proper sex vacation to that European gay winter mecca of choice: Gran Canaria. Mostly I whored myself in cruise bars and sex clubs, where apart from one naked event, I wore a jock. I like to think this gives out the message that my cock is off limits but my arse is up for grabs. Anyway, as any good cumdump will know, after a few fucks some of the semen deposited will start to leak out and collect in the bottom part of the jock, soaking into the fabric. In fact, just how wet it gets down there can be a good indicator of how many loads have been taken. I don’t know what my load count was over the five nights I was there. I’m guessing somewhere between 60 and 80. It’s shame my jock can’t talk- it must now contain traces of the DNA of all the men who came inside me: if only I could get it analysed, I could get a true load count! Anyway, my question now to you guys is, should I wash it or not? I’m tempted to keep it as a trophy and a permanent tribute to all the men who loaded me- it wasn’t expensive, I can just get another one. Interested to see how many of you think that’s hot, and how many think: “Ewww, gross! Get it in the washing machine right away!”
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