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  1. Part 2 - Passion Ten minutes and one awkward phonecall later, and we were ready. Lee had to call his dealer and ask for instructions on what to actually do with it. The entire conversation was done in an absurd code, and by the end I thought it would have been less obvious that they were talking about drugs if they had just spoke plainly. For the surface, we took a sheet of hardened glass from Lee’s trophy display cabinet. To crush it, we used a deodorant can, but only after I convinced Lee that using a pestle and mortar was a stupid idea. For the tubes that I would later learn are called ‘snorties’, Lee snuck off to the kitchen and got some straws that he cut short. We were alone in the house, but the sneaking still seemed appropriate, with what we were doing. My heart was pounding in my chest. He cut out two lines on the board. Immediately I thought they were too long, but since I didn’t have a clue, I said nothing. He kissed me once more, long and deep, before leaning down, bringing the straw to his nose and aiming it at the line. He made a slightly unattractive sucking noise with his nose as he took the line. Instantly, he dropped the straw and jerked his head weirdly. “Argh! Christ! Yeah… He warned me it could sting a bit at first…” He looked at me, and his eyes were watering slightly, but he smiled. “Your turn?” He picked the straw up and passed it too me. I took it from him and leaned in. My hand was shaking, so much that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to hold it steady enough to actually do it. I felt Lee’s hand on one of my ass cheeks, cupping it and squeezing gently, as he urged me forwards. That was enough to give me the steadiness I needed, for just a moment, so I moved quick. I brought the tube up to my nose, aimed, and did my best to suck with my nose. It was an odd sensation, and one I hadn’t thought about before, but it was easy enough to do. The powder shot straight up the tube and into my nostril as I dragged the far end of the straw along the line. When it hit me, I did exactly as Lee did, dropping the straw, flinching backwards and giving out a cry of pain. ‘Sting’ was too much of an understatement for the burning sensation in my nose, and I tried wiping my nose in a desperate attempt to make it stop. Before I could figure out what was happening, my hand was pulled away and Lee’s lips were on my lips. I didn’t know if he was already feeling it, or if he was trying to distract me, but he pinned me down to the bed and forced his tongue into my mouth, letting me moan my pain into his mouth. I wrapped my arms around his body, twisted my legs in with his and let him grind against me as we kissed. We didn’t surface for air for a solid five minutes, at least. I slipped one hand in between us and managed to take hold of both our dicks, pumping them and making Lee moan. One of his hands twisted into my hair, pulling at it as he held my head in place. I realised that he was trying to get me as turned on as he could - he never liked being rough with me, but he knew I liked it when he did things like this. I was more than happy to let him do it, and it was definitely working. Finally, he broke the kiss and kissed down my neck, then up to my ear, where he whispered. “Feel anything yet?” “Err…” Was my only immediate response. My heart was still thumping, I was hot as all hell, my dick was rock hard and my nose still tingled, but everything other than the last one was a normal result of being with Lee. “I think… Maybe? What about you?” “I don’t know either.” He answered, then looked to the glass sheet. “Maybe we didn’t take enough?” I shrugged. He climbed off me and towards the sheet, and I heard him setting up more lines. I wasn’t sure if I actually wanted to do more, but as I watched him, from this position, his ass was completely exposed to me. Immediately, I moved forwards, brought my mouth to his exposed hole and slipped my tongue in. “Aaaah, fuck!” He said, moaning in a way I hadn’t heard him moan before. He continued setting up the lines, and I heard him snort his. He pushed his ass back against my face as he did so, and I buried my tongue as deep into him as I could. He moved away from me, twisting to hand me the straw. He stayed sitting in such a way that I had to crawl over his lap to get to the glass. As I did, he took my cock in one hand and my ass in the other, pumping my dick and teasing my hole with a single finger. This time, rather than encouraging me, I almost found it more difficult to take my line with him teasing me like that. I just about managed it, and this time it stung slightly less. Lee continued to play with me for a moment while I let it sink in, before he pulled me back onto the bed for another deep kissing session. This went on for a while, with us going at each other like we hadn’t seen each other in years, with occasional interruptions to take another line, which I noticed got slightly bigger with each instance. I still wasn’t sure that I was feeling the effect of anything for quite some time, till some point after our fifth interruption, when I realised just how badly I wanted to fuck Lee. Suddenly I became extremely aware of how hot we were, we were dripping with sweat, my heart was pounding like I’d never felt it before, and I could feel Lee’s doing the same. Yet all I could think of was ramming my cock deep inside his ass and fucking him as hard as I could. It took all of what little self control I had left to pull myself off of him. “What is it?” He said when he realised I was stopping. “Is something wrong?” For a minute, I thought I was going to say that I wanted to stop. That it was too overwhelming and I was scared, which I was. But when I saw him laying there, his muscles all standing out and swimming in his sweat and mine, his rock hard cock literally bouncing to attention, desperate to be touched again, and the passion in Lee’s eyes was like nothing I’d ever seen before. His pupils were huge, and I could tell that even as he spoke, he was struggling to resist the urge to grab me and continue. I looked from him, to the drugs, and back to him. “Set up one more.” I told him. “Then you’re going to fuck me."
    6 points
  2. Part 1 - Temptation I took one last, long pull on the joint, sucking it down to the little filter made of card, before stubbing it out. I inhaled, taking all the smoke into my lungs and held it as long as I can. All the while, my friend was above me, kissing me softly on the neck. His cock rubbed up against my hole, slick with lube, and I knew he was aching to bury it in me. Maybe this time it would work. When I couldn’t hold it any longer, I finally exhaled, bellowing smoke up into the already smokey room. He looked me in the eye, pressing his cock hard against me, making me whimper and nod my consent. He smiled, and kissed me on the lips as one of his hands slipped down, lined the tip of his dick up with my hole, and began to push in. The pain was instant, like it always was. I bit down on my lip, hoping he wouldn’t notice. Hoping that maybe, if being stoned wasn’t enough to stop it from hurting, it would at least be enough to dull the pain long enough for him to fuck me. I could feel it pushing into me so slowly, he was trying to be gentle, I knew. The size of his dick didn’t help things. Eight inches long and thick as all hell. But no amount of lube or weed or taking it slow made a difference. It wasn’t going in, and when the pain was too much that I couldn’t keep myself from yelping, he sighed, and I felt what little of his cock there was inside me slip out again as he climbed off me. I slammed a fist into the bed, then covered my face with both hands. “It’s okay!” He told me, but it wasn’t. I knew he was disappointed. I was disappointed. I didn’t really want to smoke weed - though being three joints down tonight and feeling this buzz had definitely changed my views on that - I only did so because we thought it might help me finally get fucked. A last minute Hail Mary that failed spectacularly. He took hold of my wrists and pulled them away from my face, bringing his close and kissing me all over my face, before reaching my lips and slipping his tongue between them, into my mouth. Our bodies tangled into one another and our cocks grinded together. His lube and precum started getting onto my dick, which was just over an inch shorter than his. When we broke the kiss, he nuzzled his head into my neck, and I let out a sigh. It wasn’t too bad, I guessed. I’d just have to fuck him till he came, then he’d suck my dick till I came. A standard Friday night. It would be fun, but it wasn’t what either of us wanted. He was desperate to take my virginity, and I wanted to give it to him so badly. We’d been best friends for as long as either of us could remember, and we’ve played around with each other for as long as we’ve known how to do it, though neither of us found out about actual, penetrative anal sex till after we were both legal. I’d fucked him for the first time just a few months ago, and we’d been going at it basically every weekend ever since. After a few minutes, he moved away from me, to the bedside table, to prepare another joint. He handed me the grinder, the weed and a piece of card to make a filter with, since these were the only bits of rolling a joint my clumsy hands could manage. I checked him out as I worked, trying not to taunt myself with how good it would have been, to see his big, muscled body moving up and down as his cock slipped deep inside me, if only I could manage the pain. Our bodies were like our cocks - I was a bit smaller and a bit skinnier than him. I didn’t have a muscley body to speak of, but he always said I looked sexy, and I guess that’s what counts. When I finished grinding the weed and rolling the filter, I handed them back to him, and only then did I notice he hadn’t touched the rizlas or the tobacco. He was looking at something in his hand, but with his back to me, I couldn’t see what. He turned to me and took the items from me, placing them on the table, but still he didn’t continue. Instead, he moved back onto the bed and leaned against the wall, spreading his legs. Whatever he was holding was small, and clinched tightly in his hand where I couldn’t see it. “Come suck my dick.” He told me. I smiled and obeyed instantly. He had gone soft, but it wasn’t difficult to fix that, and before long I was happily sucking away at it. I figured he wanted a repeat of earlier, when he thought it was funny to ram his dick right down my throat and force me to stay there while he rolled a joint with the rolling box balanced on my head. I found it less funny, but since he wasn’t getting what he wanted, I could at least do this for him. But he did nothing other than bring his free hand up behind my ear, playing with my hair. So I kept on sucking, playing with his dick in all the ways I knew he liked, gently squeezing his balls in one hand, playing with his hole with the other, using the skills that we had discovered and developed together. I must have been at it for a good ten minutes, at least, and was just starting to slip my tongue into his hole when he finally spoke again. “Y’know. There is one more thing we could try…” I stopped and pushed myself up onto one elbow. Instinctively, I took hold of his dick with my free hand, pumping it while he talked. With one hand still stroking my hair, he brought his other hand up near my face. “I got given this by the guy who sells me weed. I’d been talking to him about our… ‘problem’, and he said that if the weed doesn’t do it, this might.” He opened his hand and revealed a small baggy of little whitish crystals, that looked like tiny fragments of a broken stone. “Is that… Coke?” I asked. I let go of his dick and went to pick the bag up, but he pulled it away from me. “No! No, no it’s nothing that hardcore. It’s called drone.” He said, and I’m guessing he thought I’d know the difference, but I didn’t. I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head to one side. “He told me it’s great being on it and fucking. Told me that weed probably wouldn’t make it any easier for you to take a dick, but that this would do the trick. I had a look online, and it sounds pretty safe.” “I don’t know…” Weed was one thing, but this sounded like the sort of shit you could get arrested for. His response was to pull me in close, so that I had no choice but to fall and lay on top of him as he kissed me deeply. His empty hand went to my ass and gripped one cheek tightly, squeezing and pulling at it. I knew his intention - trying to remind me of just how badly we wanted this night to work. And it worked in an instant, with every fantasy I’d ever had about him fucking me flooding back into my head. I moaned into his mouth before breaking the kiss. “Okay.” I said. “Let’s try it.”
    5 points
  3. Part 3 - Penetration His reaction was instant. I was sure that, like me, he had forgotten the reason we were doing this in the first place, but now he remembered, he was like a bat out of hell. In a flash, he was over by the board, setting up the lines and taking his. He was grinning like a maniac when he turned back to me, holding the straw once more. Before I could take it from him, he grabbed me and pulled me into another deep kiss that I had to fight my way back out of. We laughed, and I felt like we were excited children again, but this was something more special than we had ever done before, I knew. I didn’t feel any pain at all when I snorted my line, and I was back on him in seconds. He pinned me underneath him, bringing his cock up to my ass. We kissed for a while as he grinded up against me, and all I could think about was how good it was going to feel inside me. I knew that it would work this time, I was sure of it. I could feel that he had relubed himself while I took my line, and the tip of his cock was pressed right into my hole. We broke off the kiss, and he looked me straight in the eyes. “I fucking love you.” He told me, and I felt his cock slip into my ass. I let out a shout. It didn’t hurt, and Lee must have known that because he didn’t stop. In one smooth movement, all eight inches of his dick slipped deep into my ass, and I couldn’t stop myself from moaning louder than I ever had before, occasional half-shouting ‘Ah fuck’ and ‘fuck me’ and more than a few ‘I fucking love you too’s’. We didn’t look away from each other till he was as deep as he could get, then he leant down and kissed me, again and again again. Grinding his hips into my ass, I could feel all of him moving in me, and it was incredible. More than I ever imagined it would be. Then he started fucking me properly, pulling his dick most of the way out before slowly sliding it back in, making me moan out into his mouth. I felt his abs press against me, telling me that he was all the way in again, before he repeated the action. I broke the kiss and cried out “Oh fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” As he kept sliding into and out of me. Each thrust came a little quicker, a little harder than the last. He was kissing me absent mindedly on the cheek and neck, and when he got distracted, it meant his mouth was next to my ear, and I could hear every breath he took as he fucked me. My cock was pinned between our bodies, and his movements made it feel like I was being jacked off. I could feel precum leaking all over both of us, and when I noticed it, it made me realise that his precum must be coating my insides now. That thought sent a surge of excitement through me. Wrapping my arms around him, I held him tight as he started fucking me even harder. Each slam of his cock sent shockwaves through me. We were both slick with sweat, and I could smell it in the air around us. The noises he made weren’t like anything I’d heard from him before, when I fucked him. They were animalistic, and his muscles squeezed me tight. It was a good thing I never wanted this to end, since I knew there was no way I could have got him to stop if I did. His weight shifted off of me and my ass emptied of his cock. It was a horrible sensation, like I’d been scooped out of everything good inside me. I tried to protest, but before I could even tell what was happening, his hands were on me. He flipped me over onto my stomach and took me by the hips, yanking me up onto my knees. I barely had time to steady myself before I felt the tip of his dick at my hole again. He rammed it into me, holding my hips tight and preventing me from moving or resisting at all. I yelled out then. I didn’t doubt someone in the street could hear us, and wouldn’t know if it was sex or murder, but I really didn’t give a fuck at this point. From this new position, Lee could fuck me much harder and, it felt, much deeper. I was nothing more than a rag doll, and he moved my body for me, pushing me forwards as he pulled out, then yanking me back as he plunged himself back in, fucking me as hard and as fast as possible. I could barely breathe, and my heart felt like it was going to explode with every violent beat. One hand moved from my hip to my shoulder, and this seemed to allow him to fuck me even harder still. “Fuck!” I heard him yell. “Fuck!” The hand on my shoulder suddenly yanked me up, and my back smacked against his, the sound of flesh on sweaty flesh ringing in my ears. One arm wrapped around me, from from under my left shoulder to over my right, holding me solidly against him. All the while, he still kept fucking me, with another smacking sound each time he pounded in. His other hand went to my cock and took hold of it tightly. His arm squeezed me tightly to him as he began pumping my cock, and I realised just how close I was. Some distant part of my brain knew that he was being too rough, squeezing me too tight, fucking me too hard, pulling at my dick way too aggressively, and that in the morning I’d be black and blue all over, but again, I didn’t care at all. Lee was trying to say something, slowing down enough for him to speak clearly was out of the question. Besides, I knew what he wanted to say. ‘I’m gonna cum.’ He pulled out one last time before slamming his cock all the way back in, and didn’t dare to pull out again. He kept moving it though, bucking his hips as he kissed at my neck, in between barely audible cries ‘fuck!’ I could feel it coming, his orgasm and my own, and every time he bucked his hips I pressed mine back, desperate for it. He thrust in once more, twice, a third time, and then, with a wordless yell, he cried out and I felt my ass fill with his cum. It was too much, the sensation was indescribable. He kept pumping my cock as he came, and I went over the edge as well. I let out a great moan as my cock exploded in his hand, shooting wave after wave of cum over his bed. He remained still for the first waves of his orgasm, but as his senses came back, he began thrusting into me once more, which only made things worse. I felt like my body might crack from all of sensations, and I’d just fall apart right then and there. I didn’t, and once we’d both shot the last of our loads, and he had well and truly fucked his into me before pulling out, we both collapsed onto the bed in the same position, with me as his little spoon. For a few minutes, we just laid there, breathing heavily. My heart was still pounding, as was his. Finally, I managed to twist around to face him. I wanted to say something, anything, just a word to bring us both back down to Earth where we could really appreciate what just happened. The only word my brain could form was yet another “Fuck!” He grinned that ridiculously wide grin of his once more and nodded, before taking me in another deep kiss. After that, I guess I must have fallen asleep for at least a few minutes, because when I awoke, Lee was holding up a complete, lit, partially smoked joint to my lips. I opened them and he held it while I took a long drag, inhaling, then blowing the smoke out. It had never felt so good as that before. I took the joint from him then and we shifted, so that we were leaning against the wall, with his arm around my shoulders. He fiddled with his phone while I smoked. We didn’t say anything for a long time, we didn’t need to. Occasionally I’d raise the joint to his lips so he could take another drag. The combination of the drone, the weed and the sex made my muscles relax out so much I couldn’t have moved if I tried. When he finally broke the silence, what he said was not what I expected. “Oz?” He asked. “Do you want to go somewhere?” I looked up at him, eyebrow raised. “It’s just… I still feel horny, don’t you?” At first I thought he must be mad, but when I thought about it. I realised he was right. My ass felt empty and I was desperate to have something to fill it with. I wanted to get fucked again. He must have seen the realisation on my face, since he continued. “My dealer, I’m talking to him. He says ‘congrats’, by the way.” He indicated his phone, and I laughed. “He’s… He’s saying we should come round. Y’know, just if we want to.” I knew Lee slept with his dealer occasionally, rather than paying. I was the first person to fuck him, and we both agreed that he’d be the first to fuck me, and he wouldn’t fuck anyone else till then. After agreeing that, I said I didn’t mind what he did with his dealer, but I didn’t think I’d ever be invited round too. I met his dealer once - he was a cool guy. Tall, like Lee, but he was black. I remember he had long dreadlocks and a cocky smile. Lee once told me that his dick was so big, he couldn’t swallow it all in one, though in fairness, my 6.5 inches was the only thing he had to practice on, so far as I knew. I’m pretty sure it was the drugs that did the talking for me when I answered Lee. “Yeah.” I told him. “Fuck it, why not?”
    4 points
  4. My boyfriend was out of the town leaving me at home, pottering around, with no real plans other than to enjoy the weather. Then I heard my phone ring, and upon checking it, I found a message from him asking "What are you up to?" I replied "Nothing in particular, why?" His reply was the best. One of his regular fucks was looking to dump a load and as he was unavailable, he offered the guy my hole. It was to be a simple dump'n'go. I was to blindfolded (so I wouldn't be able to identify the top), bent over the sofa with lube waiting the arrival of the guy. So I was, and, more-or-less as was agreed, I heard the front door open and close, and within seconds a hand was exploring my arse, fingering my hole. The finger was readily replaced with a really thick cock, in fact, the cock was much thicker than I expected. In any event, the chap hammered away for about ten minutes, then slammed in full-depth, filled my hole with his load, pulled out and left. I went back to pottering around, thinking to myself I have the best boyfriend in the world. Oh, yeah, my arse is still sore now from the thickness of the guy's cock....
    3 points
  5. Not even a size queen but took 9 inch black cock the other day. The guy said he forgot his condoms too so I lucked out. http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/Taking-9-Inch-Thick-Black-Cock-28192621
    2 points
  6. Its not something I do often, but I do find it hot from a humiliation perspective. Like you, I have no desire to "become a woman" or anything like that, but I do have a desire to be turned into a fucktoy, faggot and a whore. For me, being made to dress up in silky lingerie, panties and a bra is incredibly degrading and embarassing. I have no doubt that I look totally pathetic and ridiculous but I enjoy it. I enjoy having all my manhood and dignity stripped away, being reduced to nothing more than a set of holes for the entertainment of a man.
    2 points
  7. Previously… And what a fucking hole, it was a prime hole – medium rare/pink on the outside, juicy yet well done on the inside – bare fucking was amazing. I was a bit worried Simon’s precum wasn’t enough lube, but Iain already had a least two loads in him giving my cock the lovely cream covering as I churned that gut-butter up. I gave that rugby player a fucking penalty, conversion and a try. In fact I lost myself so much in pounding that perfect white arse’s hole I didn’t notice Simon was gone. He had gone around to salvage the MDMA. It seemed I ploughed Iain a bit too heavily and now the prop forward had it all over him looking like some Japanese Geisha or some shit. “Oh shit dude, you’re gonna get so fucking high” I laughed, but I didn’t stop pounding him. Right so… Now I should clarify what I meant previously about liking a previously tapped hole. I was a bit of an expert on tag-teaming. In fact you could say that in college I majored in fourways with a minor in journalism. All through my journalism degree in Queen’s Uni I was involved long-term open slutty four-way. My group – Joe, Andrew, Kevin and I were the hotter and more sexually ambitious college kids, so we enjoyed what we had, moving into two two-person campus apartments together on the Malone road and using one of them for studying and the other for fucking. Sunday mornings were great! We spent most of our semester weekends getting through all the gay kama sutra positions, while the more nerdier, more homely gays were all up for running the LGB society. We thought our fourway was discreet enough, we’d always rearrange things when parents came visiting, but of course, all the scene knew! Even my mate Con told me that there was a name for us doing the rounds– the four queens in Queens. Very droll. Sadly this gossip reached the ears of all of our families – someone actually maliciously sent a poison pen letter to them – some fuckin old-school begrudger. Cause of that experience I sure-as-shit now knew that in Belfast you can’t do anything without everyone knowing about it the next day! It’s the reason my ex’s are ex’s and now living in a hippy commune in Tennessee, above a gay bar in Provincetown and the outback mining town Broken Hill in Australia. ABFB – Anywhere but fucking Belfast! Thinking this as I pulled my cock out of Northern Ireland’s gay national treasure, who reassuringly farted as some air escaped him (it made the whole thing a bit more real), I decided I should get my bearings a little, and while doing so, figure out what I wanted. I was high but not stupid. Even my trash-rag career could be endangered if it got out that I was partying and playing. I looked over and jokingly tagged Simon in. The salt and pepper stunner had shucked his robe off somewhere and I could see he had kept his chest well man-scaped, with the level of body hair that said hairy, but also showed off his defined muscles. Under that he had a deep and complete all-over tan, no weird tanlines, which meant he definitely travelled a lot. We get about one week of sunny days where it’s over 30 degrees in August and you’d never get such a deep tan from that, and I didn’t see Simon going to the sunning beds somehow. I guess you could say we have two seasons in Ireland – rainy season and that one week where you see that yellow thing in the sky… what’s it called? So if you want to escape our national seasonal affective disorder you’ve to pay up. Bastard didn’t even have the decency to have a little potbelly for his age. As he walked over I just took it all in – the muscles (on both of them), the tan (on Simon) and the spontaneity of it all. One moment I’m looking up BBRT in the hope of jacking off to some pictures of the dimpled lawyer and the next minute I’m spitroasting a local celebrity with him. Simon walked over to my place and lowered his 7 incher to Iain’s sloppy fuckhole. He’d found some lube and made a show of squirting some on Iain’s pink pucker and wiping the lube round with his straining cock. Iain wasn’t up for being teased and reached back and took control quickly. With proper bottoming skill he skewered himself with a grunt on Simon’s cock, his massive blocky thighs shuddering in pleasure. Going around to Iain’s head, I saw that the majority of the MDMA was salvaged and piled a bit away from Iain - who right now was surprising me by taking my ass-stained cock in his mouth, lapping all the old cum and ass juice off it – this was going to be a night of firsts! Close up I saw that professional rugby had not been too kind to the prop forward. He had the classic cauliflower ears and mangled nose that anyone who spends a large amount of their time in a scrum shoving and straining against fifteen other men, tends to pick up after a while. Looking down I caught Iain staring straight back up at me, I was a tiny bit shocked at first and worried he might have copped that I knew who he was, or worse that he might know who I was, but then I realised he was just totally zoned out and staring into the middle distance. The MDMA was doing its trick alright. Smiling down at Iain, I grabbed his hair and really started to fuck his throat. With my other hand I gathered the last few errant MDMA crumbs into a decent bump and snorted them, squeezing my nose after to stop any fallout. Iain’s pale muscled back was bunching as he took the pounding from both ends. I leant back and let the MDMA bliss flow down from my crown to the rest of my body. I looked up to smile at Simon and saw that he too was blissing out. He’d built up a powerful thumping rhythm, and my senses went into overdrive. Below I could hear a heavy bass-line from the main party room and I felt the build-up of anticipation – would I get to be one of the lucky invitees? I could feel the back of Iain’s throat mash against my cock head in time with Simon’s thrusts. The beat we were all experiencing, through the floor, in our fucking, it was the beat of life. This moment was hardcore, yet tender, dirty as fuck and yet sacred. Ah fuck yeah – shoving my dick into the rugby player’s willing throat, staring over at Lawyer John, I mean, Simon, looking actually kinda skinny by comparison between Iain’s massive thighs. The steady flow of MDMA goodness just upped a notch as the extra bump hit home. I felt like my skull got extra loose on my body, hearing the music from downstairs, hearing gags and wheezes from Iain, just letting the sounds and images and feelings just wash all over me like a tide. The MDMA never had this effect on me before but then again I’d never taken it pure – only with Ecstasy and weed, which might have counteracted the effects. And then, like a wave, I could almost feel the memory slip over me. Simon was Joe, Iain was Andrew, Kevin was rimming me from behind… I was back in college, spitroasting Andrew with Joe (who was and still is a committed top), and Kevin rimming me. We fucking loved that position. Kevin could happily rim me for days. Joe loved making the Eifel tower on Andrew (or me or Kevin occasionally) and then power-topping the lucky bottom. We were definitely not your typical Belfast students. We’d all met at the QUB LGB soc where in Fresher’s week we all played a “purity test” drinking game - where you had to drink for every impure thing you did. Us four hit it off immediately and soon enough we were rolling out the door and into one of our bedrooms. I even remember the disapproving glare of the LGB soc president at the time, who was still very sober - this total prick Orson Adams. Since that night he was always putting long rants on the soc’s webpages about not needing to conform to societal stereotypes of promiscuity and that kinda shit. Fucking holier-than-thou acne-covered prat! The type who gets on every uni committee possible so they can use it in their political career a few years later. Speaking of Orson, now the acne’s cleared up, the ego’s bigger and for the last five years he’s been getting groomed by the SDLP to run in the next election for Stormont. I had to do a big piece on him “spearheading” the SDLP and Alliance Party’s Marriage-equality campaign up here a little while ago at a press conference. I still remember him calling up his Irish trophy “husband” Tadhg to the stage. I’d been only half listening though, cause most of my attention was spent trying to charm my way into the pants of this fresh college grad taking notes beside me. I’d zoomed in on the fresh meat as soon I arrived. He was a tall, dark-brown haired guy wearing a very fashionable boat-necked chunky woollen top that perfectly accentuated his collarbones. In fairness, you could hang a paper bag off those collarbones and it’d look high-fashion. And it just so happens that pronounced collarbones and sparkly blue eyes are two secret faves of mine! He was also writing notes in one of those Ernest Hemingway jotters that all idealistic young journos get – Damn – this boy was ticking all my boxes! I was already making my excuses to my photographer Joanne (the meanest Dyke paparazzo I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a few!) who rolled her eyes and looked for the bar. “And wipe the drool off your mug before you head over, ya haven’t got his cock yet…” Joanne stopped as she realised I’d already gone. Fast forward about fifteen minutes. I’ve been laying it on real-thick with this tall sparkly eyed beauty. We’ve been talking German Expressionism and the archetype of the tortured artist. We’ve been scoffing at how terrible American chocolate is, while grudgingly admitting that Irish chocolate might not quite be up to Belgium’s standards. Fuck it, but I was really thinking I was getting somewhere when there’s a lull in background noise and all eyes turn towards us. Cute Journalism Student turns around to me and says “Sorry Mike, that’s my cue” and heads up to the podium to be introduced. Fucking gutted! He was Orson’s Tadhg! I should have possibly guessed it from his name. I mean there’s not that many people with those crazy unspellable Irish names here up North - it’s a classic tell of a Southerner, but well, he just seemed way too nice to be caught up in Orson’s web of bullshit. He seemed so charming, sharp and well-read (we were both eagerly awaiting the new Orhan Pamuk book), and watching him leave had some serious benefits too (very snug fitting and perky!). But now he was up on stage talking about how he and his husband couldn’t wait to tie the knot up here like down South at their “starter-wedding” – pass me a fuckin bucket! Y’see the thing is, dickheads like Orson really pissed me off. They want so much to be accepted by the society that rejects them, to have their slice of the “white picket fence dream” too, that they lose track of the gift they’ve been given. We don’t have to play by the rules, settle down two by two, safe and declawed for the straight world to accept us. We can be polyamorous, make our own families, create new codes to live by and then break em down again. We can arrange orgies at the drop of a hat and drunkenly ring up the Guinness World Record office asking for the number of men daisy-chaining record! Straight people are terrified of us because somewhere deep down in their mostly-switched off brains they realise what we represent, that it’s all a fucking charade. We’re part of the select few who’ve had the scales lifted off of our eyes and see the whole shitshow for the sham it is – religion, economics, from marriage vows to the… uh …the fucking Bologna Process of degrees and Masters and Doctorates, all that shite. As if there’s some external force that makes one person more intelligent than the other, more valid than the other. We’re given a gift of getting booted out of normal society and for some reason then you get pricks like Orson begging to get back in. Of course the self-satisfied prat was all fawning over me the last time I met him, cause he wanted a good article on his campaign. I remember later at the press conference him leaning in beside me, resting his clammy hand on mine and gushing “you’ll have to make this front page Michael! I still remember our days at Queen’s fondly!” I’m pretty sure I managed to keep my internal wretching to the minimum. I guess it was kismet or something when later that day the SDLP split over the vote. The party whip couldn’t control their back-benchers I guess. I had a gut feeling that there’d be trouble like that ahead and had Joanne tail the lovebirds. Sure enough she came back with a shot of the happy couple looking like they were arguing behind the hotel. Bingo! – that photo made the front page (like he asked) the next day. Headline “Not all sunshine and rainbows; Gay split in party vote!” What a fuckin triumph! Though I did feel a bit shitty for dragging Cutey McHowdafuckdyespellyername into it. That was pretty cold blooded of me. Speaking of cold. What…? Cold? My dick is cold? At this point Iain jolted me out of my reverie as he pushed me out of him. My cock wasn’t nice and snug and warm anymore! I looked down to see that the rugby player was totally blitzed out at this point and was having a hard time just trying to even focus on my bobbing cock. I wasn’t sure what other drugs Iain had done, but he was in classic overstimmed mode. Simon pulled out of him too and it was like the strings on a puppet were cut. Iain just flopped over onto his back on the ground and started making hrunghing noises to himself and giggling. Slut down, I guess… At least he didn’t OD. That’d be a fucking Pulitzer inside scoop if he did though. I could lie and pretend I’d gone deep undercover. Oh wow. I am cold blooded. Simon was smirking at Iain’s wipe-out and reached across to me, saying “I think that proves that we’re not police”. “Well I’d have to, um, agree” I answered, giving him my hand. I was still a bit dazed, still half-in my reverie – this MDMA was doing strange things to my memories. I kept falling into stream-of-conscious memories from like ten years ago. Simon pulled me up into another kiss. He tasted of Iain’s ass and something sweet - maybe liquorice? As we kissed I realised the mischievous mood had slowed down a little. Was Simon going to finish things up with me now? I kept kissing him, rubbing my tongue against his, reaching into his salt and pepper hair and pulling him deeper to make the kiss more passionate but he pulled back. Was I going to be asked to put back on my clothes? I was way too high to head on right now! It’d be better to distract him…“What do you taste of?” I asked. Simon raised his eyebrow and then, remembering, said “Oh that’s Salmiakki – the Finnish Liquor”. “Could I try some?” “Oh, yeah, sure I guess. It’s in the bar downstairs” “Are you inviting me to your party Simon?” “Well that depends Mike. This invite is for Newry9inches. But it definitely doesn’t extend to Mike McAllister, Irish Sun journalist. What do you think?”
    2 points
  8. After Nicholas shot his load in my ass, Steve removed his cock and took Nicholas’s place in adding another load inside my ass. While Steve was driving his cock deep inside my hole, Nicholas came around for me to clean him off, I tasted cum, blood and my ass juices. Steve is a wild man fucking my hole, each thrust I felt him go in a bit further inside me. While he was fucking me he made these grunting noises, finally I saw him tense up and he screamed “here you go boy, take my fuckin dirty seed” and with that he shot up inside of me. He stayed inside of me and fell against my stomach panting and sweating. Travis and Anthony were standing in the doorway smiling. I guess they wore out the twink boy, Travis said “wow we are missing the fun”. Mark smiled and said “come in and join the fun, we are giving Jimmy what he needs”. Without any hesitation they came into the bedroom, Anthony asked “what does Jimmy need?”. Nicholas looked towards them and said “the gift of freedom, soon we’ll take him to Marcus so he can get his new tattoo”. Steve withdrew his cock out of my ass and Travis and Anthony moved forward and started stroking my cock and playing with my ass. They were both getting into it and Travis said “Jimmy you have a nice ass and make a perfect bottom, can we dp you?” I was confused I never heard the term dp but hey my ass is filled with poz seed I said “never heard of it but im open to tryng it”. Travis looked at me and laughed saying “you will enjoy this, get up so you can ride Anthony’s cock, after a few I will enter your cum filled ass with my cock.” Wow, I started getting hard with the sound of this, so I got up as Anthony was laying down on the bed applying lube to his cock. Mark looked at him and said “you wont need much of that, the boy’s filled with our cum so he’s pretty lubed up.” I started straddling Anthony’s cock he’s long but not too thick…I slid all the way down the shaft of his cock and started riding his cock. Oh wow he felt good inside of me, as I was starting to get into it, Travis instructed me to bend down and start kissing Anthony. I did as I was instructed and started deep kissing Anthony as I was getting into Anthony’s deep kissing, Travis slid in right behind me and started slowing putting his cock inside my ass with Anthony’s. I winced and screamed out ‘WAIT IT HURTS IM TOO TIGHT” Nicholas went over to his bag and grabbed a small bottle opened up it and put it under one nostril while using his hand to close the other one, as he did this he said “take a deep sniff.” He repeated the same thing on the other nostril, I did as instructed and felt the most incredible rush come across me, I soon forgot about the pain I was feeling with Travis’s cock entering my ass. While I was kissing Anthony, who by the way is a great kisser, Travis was reaching around and pinching my nipples, I thought FUCK I am in heaven. Soon I started cumming all over Anthony’s stomach, I don’t know if it was from Travis pinching my nipples or the idea of two cock’s at the same time inside my ass. After a few minutes both Travis and Anthony started breathing heavy and screaming out “IM CUMMING.” Wow I have two guys cumming in my ass at the same time. We all collapsed on top of Anthony in exhaustion, I looked at Anthony and said “this was the most incredible thing ever, thank you.” I looked over at the clock and it was showing 2:00am, I am glad im off tomorrow and have no classes. We all agreed that we should hit the sack, Nicholas and Steve went into one of the rooms, while Anthony and Travis went into the room with their twink. I stayed with Mark as we put new sheets on the bed and crawled in together. It was great Mark spooned me and I loved feeling his hand around my waist.
    2 points
  9. 2. Jon "Got a package for you," the guard said. I looked up from my phone to see Hector looking at me. I hoped it was the package I had been expecting. It was an important part of my plans for Seth's party, and I had been worried it wouldn╒t get here in time for the weekend. "Thanks," I said. "It's in the back." Hector said. I felt a knot in my stomach. I knew where this was leading. "And where's Cal been? I haven't seen him for a few days." I had just come from the gym, and the workout had left me not just sweaty, but also horny. Still, I wasn't sure if I was ready for Hector. "He's been in Austin for work this week," I said. "Too bad," Hector said. "I've been missing him." Hector rubbed his crotch. There was no doubt why the burly Latino was missing Cal. Cal was usually the one who satisfied Hector's needs. Hector was the prototypical security guard, insecure and eager to assert his authority. Mixed with a deep insecurity about his sexuality, it was a toxic combination and it was reflected in his approach to sex. He was rough and aggressive, with a tendency to be very verbal and abusive. More than once, Cal had come up to the apartment with tears streaming down his face and bruises on his body. With Cal away, the job of satisfying Hector's dark, uncut cock was going to fall to me. "Me too," I said, as Hector motioned for me to head to the storage room in the back. The security guard put up a sign "Back in ten minutes." Not that he cared when he got back, but it would help to bound the experience. "He's back late tonight." "Yeah?" he said. "But my shift ends at 7:00." It was going to be me pleasuring him tonight. I couldn't tell if Hector was in a good mood or not, but it didn't matter. His cock was already stirring. As far as his penis was concerned, it didn't matter what I wanted. All that mattered was what Hector needed. He opened the door to the storage room. "Can't last that long?" It was my cock talking. As soon as I said it, I regretted it. Hector could barely control his sexuality, and never joked about it. I sometimes wondered if what Cal and I did for him was a safety valve, letting him release his tensions in a controlled way with participants that at least knew what they were getting into. I walked into the storage room. It was not the first time I had been in it, but it had been several months since the last time. As always, there was the single flickering fluorescent bulb, barely illuminating the room. Against the far wall, the locked cage ran the width of the room. It had only been a few weeks ago that I had come home and had to claim Cal from the cage. He bruised and bloodied from Hector's "games." Luckily, I had only been in the cage once, and I shivered at the memory. I wondered once again what I had just volunteered for. As I looked around the room, I noticed something new, a ratty old mattress, stained and dirty. It was in one corner of the cage. It was hard to tell if being thrown on the dirty mattress was a better outcome than just lying on the cold floor. "Shut up faggot," Hector said. It wasn't the words but the tone that hammered home the reality of the situation. Even though I was scared of what would happen next, my cock was playing traitor as it lengthened and hardened in my jeans. "On your knees." I fell to the ground in a motion that felt more like an involuntary reflex than a choice. I looked up at the Latino. He was smiling, the bulge in his khakis painfully obvious. Reverentially, he undid his belt. For him, it was a symbol of his power, and therefore, it required the utmost respect. I had watched the first time Cal had casually tossed it aside. The welts on his ass took two weeks to fully disappear. "You know what to do cocksucker," he said. I nodded and undid his pants, exposing a pair of white briefs, already stretched nearly to breaking point by his uncut cock. I pulled down his briefs, and his cock sprang free. It was thick, dark and despite how hard he was, the head was still covered by his foreskin. I would be lucky if Hector would use any lube to make the fuck bearable, much less some poppers or tina to make it fun. The Latino approached fucking as a zero-sum game, where any pleasure I got was less pleasure he got. For Hector, even me sucking his cock was an excuse to find new ways to get me to gag. I opened my mouth, taking the very tip of his cock into my body. Gently, I probed under his foreskin. If I knew Hector, he had spent most of the afternoon surfing the Internet for porn. The big breasts and wet cunts he had found had made him drip a bit, and the pre-cum had accumulated under his cockhood. "Oh fuck yeah, cocksucker. Lick up that sweat," he grunted, shoving his cock a bit further into my mouth. "Mmmmph," I said, working my way down his thick shaft. The entire encounter had happened so fast that I didn't really have a chance to get into the right headspace. From our idle chatter in the lobby to me on my knees sucking his cock, it had been barely five minutes. Nevertheless, my mood did not matter. I had to deep-throat the Latino. Hector hated any other lube than spit, so deep throating him was essential. My saliva would be my only respite from his ass pounding. "All the way down, faggot," he said. "Make my cock happy." I exhaled and focused on the cock already pressing against the back of my throat. "Yeah, it'll make your throat sore. But you like that." Hector grabbed the back of my head. "Come on. How many times have you done this before?" I didn't want to count; that would involve re-living the most extreme moments. I remembered the time he had practically choked me with his dick. He pulled it out only seconds before I blacked out. "Do it," he said, forcing my head down on his manhood. "Uuuuugh," I moaned, as the thick head forced itself into my throat. I had to take it, but every ounce of my being rebelled against the humiliation of his utter domination of my throat. "Eeease?" I grunted, begging him to let up on me. "Fucking feels so good cocksucker," he said. "No way am I gonna give up on this." He held my head in place; my nose rubbing against his closely trimmed pubes. There was the faint scent of soap, and the much stronger odor of sweat. In other words, he smelled like a man. He thrust his hips forward, forcing his steel shaft further in my mouth. "I know faggot. You can't get enough of a real man's cock." I looked up at him, silent and desperate. He was staring down at me, smiling broadly. His cock twitched, delivering a payload of pre-cum that landed straight in my stomach. He knew that every movement of his body was another ordeal as I struggled to accommodate his thickness. My obvious discomfort at sucking his cock only made him harder. Suddenly, he yanked his cock out of my throat and mouth. The removal was almost worse than the original penetration. But, the spasms subsided quickly once his cock was out of my mouth. "Stand up," he said, stepping back. He had decided that his cock was wet and hard enough to shove into my ass. I stood up quickly. "Bend over," he said. I bent over, leaning my weight against one of the shelves. It was full of packages waiting to be picked up. "Lower," he said, motioning me to rest against only the second shelf from the bottom. I stood up long enough to kick off my pants, then forced myself in the awkward and revealing posture he had demanded. As ambivalent as he might have been about gay sex, Hector still knew exactly what he was doing. By forcing me to brace myself against the lower shelf, I had to spread my legs wide, which forced my ass up. I could feel the chill of cool air against my hole. It reminded me just how exposed and vulnerable I had let myself become. In the position I had now assumed, there was no way for me to resist Hector's inevitable attack. My hole was exposed and ready for him to penetrate. The sudden chill awoke something dark and evil lurking within my body. I was no stranger to the passions of my virus. At the worst moments, it would stir, and assert itself. It wanted companionship, and it knew the best way to get it was through fluid exchange. Now aroused it asserted itself and made my only thought the need to get fucked. Hector grabbed onto my waist with one hand, and spat on his cock. Even when he had the time, he hated lube. "You know. Spit is all that a cocksucker deserves." He positioned his dick against my hole, pausing for a moment. "Let me in," he said, as he pressed harder and forced himself into me. As he entered, his foreskin peeled back, exposing his swollen cockhead. At least there was a bit of pre-cum to lubricate his penetration, but it was hardly enough. Not that it mattered. My virus was in control now and it wanted cum even more than Hector needed to drain his balls. I grunted, shifting my weight to try to get into a better position. "Stay cocksucker," he said, using his free hand hold me in place. "This is how I want it." I stopped squirming. I could feel each millimeter of his cock as it pressed into ass. Since I had no chance to prepare, his dick was a burning poker invading me. I moaned, more from pain than any kind of pleasure. "That's a real man in your ass," he said. He pushed further into me, the skin of his shaft rubbing against the tender walls of my ass. I closed my eyes, dreaming of even a drop of lube to make it easier to bear. "It's the kind of cock you dream about, faggot." "So fucking tight," Hector said. His cock was only seven or eight inches long, but it was thick. He was stretching me out. "Almost all in." I allowed myself a breath and forced myself to relax even more. Unfortunately, like Hector, the virus did not believe in pleasure. All it wanted that afternoon was another man in me, another chance to get re-infected. As I exhaled, his cock slid deeper into me and his thick pubes brushed against my buttocks. "It's all the way in, cocksucker," he said, and almost immediately, pulled back out. "Now the fun can really begin." I gasped, only to be rewarded with another hard thrust back into my hole. This time, it was at an angle and his dickhead rubbed against fresh parts of my hole. Hector was trying to find the sweet spot that maximized both his pleasure my discomfort. He knew what he was doing, and quickly found a rhythm of thrusts, parries, and withdrawals that left me breathless and sweating. He now had both hands on my waist and held me in place. It meant there was no relief for my aching thighs or sore ass. The only relief was that he was dripping pre-cum into me. If we kept this up long enough, I would be properly lubricated, and his fucking wouldn't be quite as harrowing. "Oh yeah," Hector said. "Almost there, cocksucker." "Please," I moaned. I wasn't sure if the voice was me begging for the fuck to end, or my virus, begging for his load. My arms were getting tired from supporting myself and pushing back against his pounding. His pre-cum was making his thrusts a little more bearable, but each one was still a painful reminder of his utter dominance over me. "Please," I grunted again. "Faggot begging for a man's load," Hector said. "Fucking the way the world should work." He slammed his cock deep into my hole and held it there. Of course, this was the moment where he had opened me up and lubricated me enough that his thrusts were no longer painful. He knew how to time it perfectly; when it became even slightly pleasurable for me, it was time for the encounter to end. "Fucking taking my load." His shaft throbbed. "Fucking breeding that faggot hole." The first spurt of cum was like a bullet, colliding with my body, lodging itself deep. Three more spurts followed in quick succession, each punctuated by a grunt of pleasure. As he filled me, my virus was briefly satiated. I no longer had the utter compulsion for sperm. I had a shining moment of clarity and was able to see myself in perfect understanding. Unfortunately, I was still bent over, practically naked, with another man's semen dripping out of my ass. It was not how I wanted to imagine myself. Afterwards, he paused for a moment, slowly working his load into my ass. "Hope JP likes sloppy seconds, faggot," he said. He pulled his cock out quickly, sending fresh bolts of pain through my body. Before I could even recover, he had put his dick back in his briefs, pulled up his pants and re-adjusted his belt. "Your package is there, cocksucker," he said, pointing to a small box practically covered in shipping labels in English and Chinese. He slapped my ass. It was harder than it needed, and I only barely caught myself from crashing into the shelf. "Clean your self up and take it." With nary another word, Hector left the storage room, leaving me still mostly naked, bent over, with a few drops of his seed dripping out of my ass. I stood up slowly, trying not to move too fast and cause my aching muscles to enter spasms of protest. I pulled on my underwear and pants, and grabbed the package Hector had pointed to. When I stepped out of the storage room, Hector was already back at his desk. I could see a picture of a naked woman on his screen, her legs spread and her fingers sliding into her cunt. He made no acknowledgement of my presence as I walked to the elevators. In the elevator, I shook the box, but there was no sound to reveal anything about the contents. It was both re-assuring and nerve-wracking. It had been a very complex order, and I was terrified that it would get messed up in critical ways. The elevator quickly took me up the fifty-odd floors to the condo, dropping me off in the foyer. I kicked off my shoes, and headed to the kitchen. "Hello?" I called out. Cal was still away, but I hoped that Jean-Paul had beaten me back home. "Welcome home," Jean-Paul called back. It sounded like he was in the living room. "I'm in the kitchen, JP," I said. I found a pair of scissors, and started to carefully cut the packing tape from the box. "What's in the box?" I looked up to see JP standing in the doorway. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants and nothing else. "Gym, then shower. Didn't see much point in getting fully dressed again." I could jus barely see his penis outlined in the sweats. It reminded me of what I had just done. It also reminded me that Hector's cum had only partially satiated my needs. "No complaints about that here," I said. JP's cock grew slightly in his sweat pants. I opened the box, and pulled out a few sheets of Chinese newspaper, and extracted two bags stuffed full of oblong blue pills. I had ordered about 300 of them; eyeballing the bags, it looked about right. JP walked over to me, pressing his body against mine. He was warm and the contours of his body were infinitely familiar and comfortable. "I thought those were Viagra," he said. "But Truvada?" "Well, kind of," I said. I pulled out another bag; this one was just as full. "These are for our boy tomorrow night." "Seth?" JP asked. "Yeah." I opened one of the bags, and extracted a pill. "Sugar pills," I said. "We'll replace his with the fakes." I had the idea several months earlier, in the quiet, dark hours of the night when the only ones awake were the ones driven by demons too powerful for mortals to defeat. That night, my demons had been crystal meth and three unknown, erect men. "Fuck," JP said. "You're a twisted fucker." He was now pressed up against my back. I could feel his cock grow as he thought through the implications of what I had just said. We would be fucking Seth raw and Seth, of course, would let us inject him full of our poz cum. He thought the pills he was taking would protect him. But he would be wrong. It would be just like a good old-fashioned stealthing, only far more dark, evil and perverted. "I learned from the best," I said. I pulled out one last bag. This one had only about 30 white tablets in them. "And those?" "Just some molly." "And the student becomes the master," JP said. "Well, even so, maybe you can give me a refresher course," I said. His cock was pressed against my back. Even though Hector had just fucked me, the virus was insistent. It needed more. It especially needed a poz man's sperm. "You sure?" JP asked. "We gotta save something for Seth, you know." "One last one?" I asked. I was already undoing my belt, racing to get out of my clothes. "I guess," JP said. He pushed down his sweats, letting his cock spring free. I finally got my pants off, and started to unbutton my shirt. "I can probably manage one load for you, my needy man." "You have no idea," I said. I wanted JP's cock. I needed his poz cum. "I think I know you well enough to know how badly you need cock." "Hector," I started. "You already have a load up there?" JP asked. He loved it when I came pre-seeded. I tossed my shirt into a corner, and nodded. "Yeah." "Oh hell yeah," JP said. "You need another load up that hot, greedy hole of yours?" "Fuck yeah," I said. "You need a recharge? Get you primed and ready for our innocent boy tomorrow night?" "I do." JP lifted me onto the kitchen table. The wood was warm against my skin, but as JP buried his face in my ass, I barely even noticed where I was. "Mmmm," he said. His tongue was probing my hole, darting in and out of me. He was trying to find the hidden pockets of cum that were still in my hole. "I can taste his cum." "Are you still?" I asked. "Off meds?" JP replied. After so many years together, we didn't need to complete sentences to know what the other was thinking. "Yeah," he continued. "It's been about a week now." "You must be pretty potent by now." "I hope so. For Seth's sake. Tonight, however, it's all yours." He stood up and spun me around. My head was now hanging off the side of the table, his erection standing up stiffly in front of me. It was beautiful, familiar presence; I had long ago lost track of all the times we had fucked. "Come on," he said, putting his warm hands on the side of my head, and gently holding me in place as he pushed his cock towards me. "Suck my cock. Get me hard," he said, as if he wasn't already hard enough. "Fucking beautiful cock," I said. "Beautiful, AIDS-infected cock." "It infected you," JP said. "It did." I replied. I opened my mouth and took the very tip of his cock. I barely brushed my tongue across it, but even so could taste the intense, bitter taste of his pre-cum. He had always tasted bitter, but it was not an unpleasant taste. Like a fine Islay scotch, it had grown on me and I reveled in its complexities and changes as his health and viral load ebbed and flowed. It took only one taste for me to realize how potent he was. Tomorrow he would be even more deadly. The drugs we all took worked extremely well, and when JP stopped them, his virus came back with a vengeance. JP's high viral load would be an added reward for Seth this weekend, albeit one he would not have chosen for himself. "I can taste the virus in your pre-cum," I said. "I know," JP said. "I can tell you love it." He was right. It reminded me of when we were first dating and when HIV was far scarier. JP had been there for me, helping me accept his poz cock and take his infected loads. He had been there for me when I had gotten sick, fucking me repeatedly to make sure I was sure to convert. It was so perfect that he had done it to me. Even now, I would jerk off thinking about those weeks. JP was pushing his cock deeper into my mouth and soon he was pressing against the back. I swallowed and let him enter my throat. Although JP was thick, I had gotten used to him. There were only a few seconds of discomfort before I acclimated to his familiar girth. "That's right, boy. Take it all." "Please," I murmured, as best I could with his cock buried in my throat. I wanted him to force his cock into me and to take me once more. He was only a few years older than me, but his hair was already the perfect mixture of salt and pepper. I thought it was hot; it made him even more of the daddy he already was. "Fuck me," I grunted, staring at the black and white hair of his pubes. He held my head in place as he pushed his cock deeper into me. Although I should have expected it, the first time was still a surprise. I forced myself to adjust to it, fighting back the urge to gag. "Come on, take it," JP said. "Take my diseased cock." I closed my eyes and relaxed. Before I knew it, my lips were pressed up against the base of his dick, and my nose was nestled against his heavy balls. This was one of the most perfect configurations for two men to be in: one man buried deep in the throat of another man. Just as soon as I had gotten used to it, and right as I began to savor it, JP pulled his cock out. But immediately, he sunk it right back into me. I was surprised by how forceful he was, and once more had to force myself not to gag. JP usually took his time and let me get used to him. But tonight, there was urgency in his actions. "Fuck," JP said. "I'm not sure what's into me tonight. I gotta get off." He pulled his cock out again. It was as hard as it ever was, and was now dripping wet from my spit. "The virus is in your brain," I said. "It needs to spread." "You're right," he said. He let go of my head and stepped back. "Wanna go to the bedroom?" he asked me. I pulled myself up and sat on the counter. "You going to breed me? Make me your infected poz man?" "My diseased husband," he said, smiling. He extended his hand. I grabbed it, and followed him into the bedroom. In the bedroom, he grabbed my other arm and tossed me onto the bed. Jon-Paul was six inches taller than me, and at least fifty pounds heavier. All of that extra weight was muscle. When we wrestled, I always lost. "You are going to get fucked good," he said. "Infected with some new strain of virus." "I hope so," I said. I pushed the covers back, leaned up against the pillows, and spread my legs. "All yours, my poisonous stud." JP got on the bed, and knelt between my legs. I handed him a bottle of lube. "You think you need this?" he asked. "Don't you already have another man's cum up there?" I nodded. "Just a bit," I said. "I guess," JP said. He grabbed one of my legs and pushed me back, exposing my hole even more. He squeezed a bit of the lubricant out of the bottle, directly onto my hole. "You've got a drop of cum leaking out," he said. Pre-seeded holes were one of his biggest turn-ons; his eyes were wide and eager to pound my hole. He poured a thin bead of the fluid onto his erection and gave it a few strokes. "I'm a slimepit," I said. "I know." "Not yet," JP said. He had navigated his cock to my hole, and it was now pressing against me insistently. By now, after all the years together we knew each other's bodies completely and instinctively. Even tweaked up, in a dark maze, I could always steer my cock directly into JP's throat. He had the same navigation talents when it came to my body. "One load does not a cumdump make, much less a slime pit." "You need to fix that," I said. Before I could say anything else, he pushed his cock into me. I gasped, from a perfect mixture of surprise, delight, and discomfort. As JP started to find a rhythm of fucking me, the surprise and discomfort disappeared and all that remained was pleasure. JP leaned in and gave me a kiss. "I can feel that load inside you," he said, before pushing his tongue back into my mouth. "How many loads is Seth going to get?" he asked. "As many as we can give him," I said. "As many as it takes to infect him." "But he thinks this is perfectly safe? That PrEP is going to protect him?" "Yeah," I said. I clenched my ass tight around JP's cock, wanting to milk out more of his toxic pre-cum. "And he thinks all of us are on meds." "Other than you, me and Cal, who's coming?" JP licked my ear, sending waves of pleasure over my body, all of them converging on my hole. "Ohhh, baby," he murmured as he felt my hole twitch. "Just us tomorrow night," I replied, trying to ignore the pleasure I was feeling. "Pizza, poppers, and pozzing." "You mean supper, smoke, and stealthing, right?" "Hell yeah," I said. "Then, Saturday, we've got Jesse, Max, Dennis, Nathan and Jason and Sean and Vic." "How much cock is this boy going to take? Max and Sean and Vic are pretty big." "You're at least as big as all of them," I said. I reached down and grabbed his muscular ass. I pulled him closer. It gave me a chance to feel his hairy chest rub against mine, but also get another half inch of cock in me. "And you said Dennis and Jesse as well?" I nodded. "They've been off drugs for how long?" "Resistant for Dennis. Jesse never even took them." "That's right. But it's like bringing a nuclear warhead to a high school wrestling match. He doesn't stand a chance." I nodded again. Dennis had stopped drugs a few months ago, when his virus became resistant to one of the medicines. The last time I had seen him, he had been gaunt and slow, like all his energy was being sucked up by the virus. But the disease had not affected his cock; it was as hard and powerful as ever. Jesse, on the other hand, still looked like the model he once was, albeit with a bit of grey in his goatee. He had never taken drugs at all. He thought they interrupted the universe's master plan, in which his disease was a small part of some grand and perfect design. "But what about you?" I asked. "I tasted your pre-cum tonight. If they are a nuclear weapon, you're a fucking neutron bomb." "You could tell?" JP asked. He slowed down his insistent pounding, and kissed me. "That's fucking hot." I could. It wasn't very accurate, but he tasted metallic, almost poisonous when his viral load was high. "Yeah," I said. "You know I can. And from your precum tonight, you're a deadly stud of a man." "All the better to infect my special studs with. All the best for our special guest this weekend." "Yeah, and speaking of special guests, Tina will also be making an appearance on Saturday. Vic said he would hook us up." "Drugs and sex, and poz men?" JP asked. "Everything after this weekend is going to be a let down for Seth." "Yeah," I said, laughing. "You're probably right." "Another let down?" JP asked. I nodded. "Cal's gonna get home and there's going to be no cum left for him." "It's going to be even worse this weekend. He's gonna be a hungry boy by the end, seeing Seth get all the loads." "And he's gonna be even more jealous of the load Hector gave you." He pressed his dick into me, finding another reservoir of the Latino's jizz. "So fucking hot, you taking that load, and bringing it home for me to fuck into you." "I want to be your slut," I said. "I know. But you have such a nice cock yourself. You shouldn't deny men the pleasure of it." "Nor my load." "Your foul, polluted cum," JP said. He reached down and grabbed my cock. It was rock-hard, and already dripping some pre-cum. He rubbed his finger in the slick fluid, and then put the finger in his mouth. "But still so sweet. The drugs are working?" "Yeah, last test was about a month ago and I was all clean." "Except for your mind," JP said. "The boy has no clue what he's getting himself into." "A nest of vipers," I said. "Deadly vipers." "And this viper is getting ready to bite." "Shoot its venom into me," I said. JP had been playing with both my body and my mind. Between his fucking and his dirty talk, he had pushed me into a dark headspace, where I almost believed that his cock was a thick, fat snake. It was biding its time and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. "Oh fuck yeah," JP grunted as he shoved his snake into my hole. "Gonna breed my man's slut hole." He was still for a moment, enjoying the sensation of his cockhead swimming in Hector's load. He exhaled. At the same moment, his cock swelled and spurted. His cum shot out of his dick, into my waiting ass. "Take my AIDS cum," he moaned. "Give it to me," I said. "Re-charge my hole." "Hell yeah," JP said. His hips were thrusting into me again, smearing his fresh cum against my hole while at the same time, working Hector's load into me as well. Each thrust was marked by another throb of his cock as he ejaculated more of his virus-ridden sperm into me. "Can't ever get enough of you." "I'm jealous of every load I don't get," I said. "I know." He leaned in and started to kiss me. "You are still my favorite. And each year, you only get hotter." As JP's orgasm faded, we continued to make out. We each were constantly adjusting our position, making sure that JP's cock stayed in me. But, eventually, JP began to get soft and my legs got sore. "Dinner?" he whispered in my ear. "Sure," I said. We slowly disentangled, finding excuses to slap each other's balls, nibble on a nipple, or just make out that left us in bed another fifteen minutes. Finally we stood up and we each pulled on a pair of sweats. I took a piss, and JP headed to the kitchen. The rest of the evening was uneventful. JP made dinner, we curled up on the couch and watched some TV, and then we went to bed. Around midnight, we were momentarily awoken by Cal coming back and crawling in between us. I wrapped my arms around the lanky young man and nestled my erect penis between his muscular ass cheeks. I quickly fell back to sleep, dreaming of an angry virus, desperate to spread itself to every unsuspecting, horny man.
    2 points
  10. I had an hour to waste today so went cruising as the weather was great and i thought it would be busy. I pulled up and there was a few cars with old guys in. I turned on grinder and spotted a 22 year old very close by. I messaged him and he told me he was parked 100m around the corner. I walk over he was sat with the window open smoking. He looked nervous so i just asked if he wanted to come for a walk with me. He said yeah and grinned. I walked him down into the trees feeling his firm arse as we walked. Once in the trees i pulled down my joggers and pushed him to his knees. He sucked me for a few minutes before pulling out a condom and lube and half bent against a tree. I lubed his tight hole and pulled on the condom knowing it would not be on for long. Then a guy in his mid 30s walked over rubbing his bulge. He pulled out his sizeable dick from his paint splattered jeans. Guessing he was a painter. He offered it to my lad to suck. I slipped into the lad and gave him a few seconds to get use to it then as he started gagging on the painter dick i pulled out and slipped off the condom. Slipping back into him i fucked the lad hard forcing him onto the painters cock making him gag making his cunt grip on cock. Went like this for a while then i buried my cock deep and unloaded my poz cum into the lad. I gave the lad a slap on the arse and left him. As i walked off the painter was pulling on a condom. I thought to myself he won't need lube.
    2 points
  11. FROM STRAIGHT BOY TO CUMDUMP IN ONE NIGHT ----the story of my transformation---- The summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college started out as the most boring summer of my life. I had stayed at university to take summer classes and was subletting a room in a shitty four-bedroom apartment of which I was the only resident. I worked at a local movie store fifteen hours a week and was taking two classes both of which were over by two pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of the time I just spent watching Netflix going for runs, and jerking off. I had run track in high school and still kept up with my workouts keeping my lean frame in shape. At that time I was five eleven, one hundred and fifty pounds, with short-cropped black hair and the starting of a rather thick pelt of hair across my body. Puberty had come a little late to me and I had been hairless all through high school for the most part, but freshman year it had struck with a vengeance and I now grew thick coarse black leg and arm hair, my pits long bushy shrubs, and my chest hadn’t sprouted a patch in the middle but rather was slowly becoming carpeted in black hair. I loved it, I thought all the hair made up for my slight build and made me look manlier so I showed it off every chance I got. Normally when I went for a run I just ran round the campus, but on this particular day I was in a mood, bored with my solitary routine, sick of not seeing any of my friends cause they had all gone home for the summer, and over feeling trapped on campus so I made my way to a bike trail that ran through most of the town and started to run as far away from campus as I could. It was a hot day and the sweat ran down my bare torso and I jogged along for several miles. Most of the trail was bordered by trees, but every once in a while there was a gap and you could see into the back gardens of the people who’s houses back onto the trail. I had run the trail before and there was almost never anything of interest happening on it, in fact the only real appeal of the trail was that it was away from the school. I suppose before I continue with my story that I should mention that at this point in time I believed myself to be straight. This is in fact the story of how I came to realize that not only was that not true, but just how very much of a fag I really was. Despite believing myself to be straight I had always been interested in the male form. I could never help but to look when I saw a real manly man out and about. So what happened next really should have been no surprise. As I ran round a bend in the trail I found myself facing one of those patches where the trees thinned and you could seen to some random person’s back garden. This back garden however didn’t belong to just anyone. There in the clearing pushing a wheel barrow full of dead plants was a six foot six inch tall sweat soaked muscle bear. He had a strong pronounced jaw line sprinkled with salt and paper stubble, his head was shaved but the skin was tan from the sun. His arm muscles flexed under the dark bronze skin and hair as he moved the wheel barrow across the yard his bare chest glistening with sweat from the heat. Though I was staring intently at this perfect specimen of manliness I was still running until suddenly I caught my foot on a root and tumbled ass over elbow over the small bush that separated the trail from the Adonis’s backyard and landed sprawled face down on his perfectly kept grass. “Holy shit,” I heard him call out, “you ok kid?” “Yeah, I’m fine… just tripped… sorry.” I wanted to get out of there as quickly as I could even and though I was already flushed from the heat running I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I rolled over and started to stand up when the ankle that I had caught on the tree root gave way underneath me. “You don’t seem ok kid, come on… let’s get you inside and make sure that ankle’s not broken.” As he walked over to me I was overwhelmed by his smell, a thick pungent musk that I found to be intoxicating. My head was swimming as I tried to focus through the haze of his sweat stink and I hardly noticed him picking me up and helping me to stand so that we could hop back to the house. He took me into the kitchen, sat me at the table and started to unlace my shoe to look at my ankle. I barely paid attention to anything that happened, till he said it was just a bad sprain and that I should just rest my leg for a while. “How far did you run kid?” “From the north side of campus,” I replied. “Shit that’s half way across town, tell you what. I’ll drive you back later so that you don’t have to run on that twisted ankle.” I graciously took him up on his offer, and sat in the kitchen icing my ankle and watching the man, who’s name I had learned was Eric finish up the yard work before he drove me back to campus. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and I didn’t understand why, I thought that it was because he looked like the man I whished to become, but I was wrong. When Eric had finished the yard work a little over fourth five minutes later he came back into the kitchen bringing with him that glorious smell once more. “Ok, let me grab a shirt, and right a note to my husband telling him I’m out in case he comes home from work while we’re gone, and then we’ll be off.” He said off of this as though it were the most natural thing in the world, but my head was spinning: HUSBAND? Was this perfect specimen of man a homosexual, could that be? I didn’t have much time to think before Eric had returned with an white a-line t shirt one along with the same basketball shorts he had been wearing to work in the yard. I set my foot on the ground gingerly, and Eric leaned in to help pick me up, but once he had pulled me upright he just held me for a minute and stared into my eyes. His eyes were slate blue and stood out against his tanned skin and dark hair. After what seemed like an eternity he said, “So why did you trip kid?” “Ummm…. I…” I spluttered. “I thought so,” and he leaned in and kissed me. Several things all happened at once within my body: I panicked; I tried to push him away; and my cock sprang to life becoming instantly hard. I staggered away from him for a moment my brain screaming. And then it all stopped and all that I wanted to do was be in that man’s arms, I wanted to feel him against me. I dove back into his arms, grabbed his face and stuffed my tongue in his mouth. His hands wandered up and down my back, grazing but being careful not to go past the waist band of my short bright yellow running shorts, as we kissed and I clung to him as if I never wanted to let him go. Eric broke away, “I guessed that that’s why you tripped, but I wasn’t sure till you sat in here and practically drooled as you watched me work in the garden. Plus your cock hardened every time I touched you. Your brain my not be ready to admit it but your cock certainly isn’t” He said all this staring into my eyes, his hands still roaming over my back, but with that last part he reached forward and grabbed my throbbing cock through the thin nylon on my shorts. I gasped. He smiled, “You ever been with a man, kid?” “I’m straight.” “And I’m the Queen of England,” he said, kneeling in front of me, “don’t worry boy I’ll teach you hot to please a man.” With that he pulled my shorts down exposing my rock hard cock and before I could protest further he swallowed my whole seven and a half inch cock to be base. Within seconds he had me moaning and groaning and holding on the back of his head to keep my cock from slipping out of his mouth. I started to feel my balls tensing up and seeming to sense it too Eric pulled off of my cock and stood up again. “Now you try.” “I’m straight,” Eric pulled of his shirt revealing his massive hair covered chest in all its glory. “You want this I can tell. Now get on your knees and suck my cock.” I don’t know what made me do it but I sank to my knees, Eric pulled his cock from the waistband of his shorts, smacked me in the face a few times and then I opened my mouth wide and began blowing this beautiful man. As I emulated what he had just been doing to me his cock began to grow and engorge until I was convinced that it wouldn’t fit in my mouth any longer. “Good boy, you work that man cock, get it good and hard.” What the hell was I doing? I was gagging this man’s ever hardening cock down my throat and loving every second of it. This was better then anything I had ever down with a girl. The smell of Eric’s sweat burned in my nose and I could taste the sweet salty liquid on his cock and I swallowed. He placed his big strong hands on the back of my head and guided me to begin bobbing up and down on his shaft. His cock brushed against my tonsils and I heaved for a moment before swallowing hard and feeling his cock slid down my throat. Everything was perfect. My jaw stretched as wide as it could, I felt pubes around my nose and balls against my chin and opening my eyes I found that I had slid Eric’s entire massive cock down my throat and was now sucking it with ease. I looked up at Eric and saw that he had his phone in one hand and the other holding my head in place as he started to thrust in and out of my mouth. I panicked a little, but never thought to take his cock from my mouth. There was the click of the camera and I widened my eyes in shock. “Don’t worry boy, just a pic for my husband to show him what’s waiting for him at home.” My brain was screaming at me to spit his cock out, pull my pants up and run, but my cock was throbbing, my mouth was drooling and for the first time in my life I felt an itch grown inside of me that I did not yet understand. “You’re a hot little cock sucker aren’t you.” Without knowing why I nodded, and grabbed Eric’s well built thighs pulling his cock into my mouth completely once more. “I’m gonna have some fun with you tonight.” Eric let go of my head and grabbing me under the armpits pulled me to my feet and kissed me again. This time was rougher, he shoved his tongue into my mouth and held my face close to his with his rough hands. I melted into him, feeling his warm sweaty body pressed against mine, his massive cock trapped between up. “Turn around,” he whispered in my ear. Don’t do it, my brain told me, you’re not a fag. What the hell are you doing? I turned around obediently. Eric hugged me from behind, his hands resting on my pecs as he kissed my neck. I could feel his cock nestled in my ass crack, and I couldn’t help myself, I rocked back on it rubbing his cock with my tight furry ass. Eric began to kiss down my body, his tongue tracing my spine as he once more sank to his knees. His tongue came to my tailbone and I shuddered, it was as if a bolt of electricity had gone through my body. I involuntarily arched by back. “A natural bottom,” Eric muttered and with one hand between my shoulder blades and one on my hip he forcer me to bend over so that my chest was resting on the table. He spread my ass cheeks with his hands and I felt cool air on my hole. Then something warm and wet touched my hole. Two reactions shot through me, the one from my mind of RUN, the second from my ass: GOD NEVER LET THIS STOP. It was as if the way I thought about myself and my body and what I wanted was at war with what my body was experiencing. That itch I had started to feel earlier began to become a burn and find a home in my ass Eric’s tongue brushed against my tight hairy little virgin pucker. Eric pushed down on the small of my back forcing me to push my ass out more and I felt his tongue make it’s first attempt at entering my hole. The war raged on inside my body but I made no attempts to stop Eric, I just kept moaning loudly. I could feel my hole becoming slick with his spit and weather it was from the spit or the warmth or his breath or the repeated darting actions of his tongue I could feel my hole slowly starting to relax and bloom allowing more of Eric’s tongue to dip inside. My cock was hard as a rock and dripping precum but I felt no interest in jerking off my focus was on my internal conflict and on the waves of pleasure that emanated from my steadily loosening hole. “God you have a beautiful hole, tight, pink, and furry. I love it. Nice virgin hole.” Something rough pressed against my hole for a moment along with Eric’s tongue I looked over my shoulder trying to see what he was doing and I gasped when I realized that it was his finger. He briefly sucked on his finger and then pressed it again to my hole. Now slick with spit his finger didn’t just rebound off of my tight pucker but pressed inward a little bit, but my hole resisted. Eric returned to working my hole with his tongue but kept a steady pressure on my hole with his finger. My mind was becoming foggy and the argument between my brain and my body was becoming less and less. I started to think things like: if it feels so good how can it not be what I want. Eric increased the pressure of his finger on my hole, hocked a big glob of spit onto my hole and suddenly something gave way and his finger just slid inside of me. I gasped, it didn’t hurt, not at all, it was like a when you finally manage to scratch a really bad itch on your back that you couldn’t reach; and there ended my internal strife, a decision had been made, my body won and silenced my brain. I pushed back against his finger trying to swallow more of it up. Eric responded by slowly and deliberately sliding his finger in and out of my hole making me moan loudly. I felt sweat spring up on my back and it was hard to catch my breath. Eric chuckled softly to himself and withdrew his finger. I felt empty and alone for a moment and then I felt the finger return but it was thicker this time; two fingers. He repeated the same process until over the course of the next half hour he had worked all four fingers into my hole and was slowly twisting them in and out of my now loosened hole. Eric kissed my ass cheek and stood up with drawing his fingers from my hole. God I missed his fingers, the transformation that had taken place within me over the past forty minutes was complete. I no longer questioned what I was feeling and I knew that I wanted to keep his fingers inside my hole forever. That is until what happened next. Eric rapped an arm around me and pulled me up from my bent position, kissing my neck, his warm musky body pressed against my own. “You have such a sweet virgin hole boy,” he shifted his weight, “but I think you’re hole is ready for more,” with his free hand he bent his cock down from where it rested in my ass crack and aimed it at my now slick and loosened hole, “what do you say we bust that cherry?” I was grinding my ass back against his cock, relishing each time I felt his cock snag on my ass ring, but this was not enough for Eric. He let go of my chest and pushed me back down on the table so that my ass was once again spread out before him. My whole body seemed to have become electric and I sensed every tiny shift that Eric made as he shifted himself into position and began to ever so gently press his thick mushroom headed cock against my hole. His four fingers had opened my up a lot but my hole as still far to tight for Eric’s cock, he pushed harder, hocking up another big glob of spit right onto where his cock head met my hole. The itch I had felt earlier was getting worse, I felt as though there was a burning inside of my hole and only getting Eric’s monster cock inside of me could make it stop. I flexed my ass muscles and twitched my hole like I was taking a shit and felt for a brief moment my hole open up and a tiny bit of Eric’s mushroom head slip inside. I did it again this time pushing back against his cock and felt a little bit more slide inside. “Jesus, you can’t wait to pop that cherry can you boy? Alright then lets do this. When I push you flex your hole.” Eric grabbed me by the hips and started to push hard against my hole, he managed to force a little bit of the head inside without my help but then I flexed my hole and between his pressure and my open hole the head of his cock shot into my ass with a pop. It felt like a soda can had just been shoved up my ass, but I loved it, I wanted more. Eric stopped pushing for a moment, then spat on his cock and pushed hard again sinking about another inch of his cock inside me. He did this several more times till at long last I felt his thick black pubes against my ass and his balls resting against mine. Sweat covered my whole body and I was shaking a little. My hole was twitching around Eric’s cock trying to pull more of him inside of me. After what seemed like a glorious eternity he began to pull out until only the massive mushroom head remained in my hole, and then just as slowly he pushed back in again. A whimper escaped from my lips. “You like that thick cock deep inside you boy? You like feeling your cherry disappear as my cock invades your sweet wet boy cunt?” “Yes,” I said breathlessly. There was no denying what I wanted, no claims of being straight, no claims of wanting to be a top either, my cock was hard as a rock but I had no interest in it, all that mattered was Eric’s cock. “What do you want now boy?” Eric pulled out to the tip again, “Do you want me to fuck your boy cunt?” He plunged back in, harder then he had before, “You want me to pound your hole?” “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes what?” He withdrew again. “Yes I want you to fuck me.” And there it was, there was no taking it back, I had admitted what I wanted. “Good answer boy.” Holding me by the waist Eric started to make me grind forward and back on his cock and he pulled in and out picking up his pace rapidly until in a short while he was hammering away as though he were fucking a well broken in hole. I was moaning like a bitch in heat and I knew it. Everything else in my mind had gone blank and all that I could focus on as my hole and his cock. Faster and faster he went, now slamming his cock in hard so that the room filled with the sound of flesh smacking flesh. He grabbed my shoulders for better leverage and I started to buck back harder, meeting each thrust with equal force. By now I was practically screaming my vocabulary reduced to three phrases: Yes; Please; and Fuck me. “You wanna ride my cock boy?” “Fuck yes” Eric pulled his cock from my ass with a soft squelch and layer down on the floor his cock sticking straight up to the ceiling. I practically flung myself on his cock, positioning it at the opening of my no longer virgin hole and sitting down hard. I bounced up and down letting gravity pull me back onto Eric’s cock each time. Both of us were covered with sweat and it was as if the whole world smelled of sex. Eric’s breathing began to change and he started to buck his cock up into me as I rode. Quicker and quicker he pounded till after ten more minutes he growled, “I’m going to cum, I’m so fucking close. I’m gonna breed that sweet cunt and make you into a real bottom boy.” “Yes breed me,” I groaned, not really knowing what I was saying. “You want my seed boy?” “God yes!” “Ok, well get ready cause…. FUCK!” He never finished his sentence he just grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to bottom out on his cock while I felt his shaft pulse and throb deep in my guts and a new kinda warmth spread through my body. His cum filled my hole and started to leak out a little down his cock onto his balls. I was panting, but my lust was unslaked. I leaned in and kissed Eric as he had kissed me before he started eating out my hole, rough and hungry. I ran my hands up and down his hairy body feeling the mixture of the hair with the sweat. Eric pulled me close and kissed me too before just hugging me to his chest, his cock still buried deep in my stretched out hole. “Jesus when you sent me a picture of some cock sucker on your tool I expected to find a twink waiting at the door to suck my cock, not find you with your cock still inside of his cunt and your load leaking out.” I sat up, dropping down all the way on Eric’s cock in so doing and gasped, when I heard the new voice. “I took one look at this cherry hole and I had to breed it.” Eric said to the new comer. “Cherry hole you say. Well then I’ll need to taste it too.” “Kid this is my husband Matt. Hope that hole’s feeling good cause it’s in for a long night.”
    1 point
  12. 1. Seth "The invitation said there was a carefully selected group of '...positively-minded hot men.'" I had read the story every day since I had found it on Breeding Zone. It was the summer I turned sixteen. I had jerked off to it almost as often, thinking about the freedom and utter lack of fear of the narrator. I must have spilled gallons of sperm thinking about the impunity to fuck bareback, even with guys I knew were poz. I wanted that freedom to enjoy it and to even revel in it. I admired the courage of the narrator. I wanted his strength, but the consequences terrified me. I would stroke my cock, fantasizing about getting fucked raw and then hate myself for my depraved dreams after I shot my load. Freshman year in college, I discovered BarebackRT, and started to chat with guys on there. But I was still too afraid to do anything beyond chatting. Then, in the spring, I started to hear about PrEP. It seemed like a dream come true. A daily pill and I could have what I had been craving for so long, without fear. I started to chat more openly, with more guys and in greater, explicit detail. But, then, my freshman year came to an end; I had to go back home, a boring suburb in the Midwest. I was still chatting with guys on BBRT, but they were now so far away. In early August, I came home one day from my summer job as a lifeguard to see an envelope addressed to me sitting on the kitchen counter. Just like in the story, it was fine, heavy paper, hand-addressed in thick, confident strokes. I wondered what my mom had thought it was when she had gotten the mail. Of course, I had immediately though of the story I had blown so many loads to. I raced to my room. In just the two flights of stairs up, my cock had grown rock hard, telegraphing just what I expected to read. Alone in my room, I turned the card over again. The return address read "Jon Corelli." Jon was a guy I had met on BBRT just as I was heading home for the summer; our chats quickly spilled over into text, where I found myself opening up and telling him my fantasies. We started to exchange pictures. Mine were little more than erect nudes, but his were a moveable feast of bareback sex: him fucking guys, him getting fucked, and an occasional solo cum shot. I held the letter, trembling with excitement, anticipation and maybe some fear. I opened it up, savoring the feel of the paper and extracted the card. It was an invitation, handwritten as well, inviting me to a party over Labor Day weekend, a party for men "with a positive, uninhibited outlook on life," and encouraged me to "come PrEPared for a mind-blowing weekend." Jon was inviting me to his place for three days. We had talked enough for me to know that he had a beautiful condo in a downtown building, where he would occasionally host days-long bareback sex parties with his two partners. Jon had made it clear that although they ranged from very vanilla to extremely kinky and taboo, they were always bareback. He had hinted on text what he had been planning: it would be a party just for me with three days of uninhibited, unprotected, raw sex. It worked out perfectly; I had to go back to school the week before. I would have more than enough time to get a prescription for PrEP from the clinic at school. The next few weeks were endless. I was still texting with Jon, trying to get any details about the weekend. But he was keeping any details a secret, only teasing me with an occasional shot of his cock sliding into a tight raw hole, or a hot young man, his hole dripping cum. I would beat off every night, re-reading the story, re-reading the invitation, looking at the pictures he had sent me, and imagining it was I in the middle of all of the action. Everything seemed to conspire to only prolong my agony. First, my flight back to school was canceled, and I had to spend another night at home. Of course, that meant that I had to cancel my appointment at the student health clinic to get my prescription for PrEP. Then, I tried to re-schedule the appointment but seemingly every opening was full. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get it in time for the party. But then, two days before I was due at Jon's condo, when I was terrified about making a final choice between long-anticipated pleasures and long-term responsibility, the clinic called about a last-minute cancellation. The Wednesday afternoon visit was quick and painless. The doctor took some blood, explained how PrEP worked, and I was out of there in less than fifteen minutes. Thursday morning I was stuck in classes until noon; when I finally emerged, the doctor had left a message. "All clear. I phoned in your prescription and it will be ready tomorrow morning." I was cutting it close, but I would have it in time for the party. I texted Jon and let him know the good news. "Great," he texted back. "Just make sure to take a pill as soon as you get them." I didn't need any reminders. All afternoon, I was stuck in lab, as Jon continued to send me pictures: first of his boy Cal sucking him off, followed him fucking Cal, his long cock covered only in lube, spit and pre-cum, and then, finally, of Jon's thick white spooge dripping from Cal's ass. I was jealous. That load was supposed to be inside me. I was the one who was supposed to get fucked bareback. I was the one who needed to get filled with cum. And I was the one who wanted to feel Cal's tight hole wrapped around my throbbing cock. At least my roommate was gone when I got back to the dorm. I took the opportunity to quickly jerk off, once more re-reading Jon's invite. Getting off barely seemed to make a difference in how horny I was. Six PM Friday afternoon was now only twenty-four hours away, but I wasn't sure if I was going to last that long. I sent a picture of the trail of cum splashed across my chest and abs to Jon. "That should be in Cal's tight hole," he texted back. "And save the rest for tomorrow. You are going to need it." The rest of the evening was spent eating, studying, and trying not to think about what the next day would hold for me. Even thinking about the barest glimmer of possibilities that lay in store would make my cock start to throb. I had to force myself to not jerk off again, and sleep did not come easy. I almost welcomed the alarm that morning; I had set it so I could get to the pharmacy right as it opened. Even at right at the morning opening time, there was already a line at the pharmacy. I took a number, and waited what seemed like hours for it to be called. But, it was really only twenty minutes before I was at the window. The pharmacist seemed already bored with his day. "I'm here to pick up a prescription," I said. He barely looked up from his computer. "Name?" he asked me. "Seth. Seth Hunter." He typed in something. "Date of birth?" "March 29, 1995," I said. I was a child of the AIDS epidemic, born in some of the darkest hours. But now I wouldn't have to worry about that. I wouldn't have to worry about it. Ever. "Just a second," he said, getting up from his stool, and walking into the back. It took him a few moments to find my prescription. "Let's see," he said as he sat back down. "Have you ever taken Truva..." He trailed off. "Mick?" he said, calling back. There was an indistinct response from someone I couldn't see. "Can you take this?" A few seconds later, a tall, thin guy appeared. The pharmacist handed him the bag. "Mick will talk to you about your prescription," he said. The man I assumed was Mick smiled at me, and pointed me to a door at the far corner of the room. "Meet me there," he said. As I followed him, I checked him out more carefully. He was about 6'2" and his blue polo shirt hugged his body tightly highlighting his muscular gymnast's build. I saw a bit of a tattoo sticking out from his collar. Also sticking out if you knew to look was his pert ass. I willed my cock to go down even as I imagined what it would feel like to thrust my raw, unprotected erection into his hole and drip a steady stream of pre-cum into him. He opened the door, and motioned for me to go in. It was a small room, a desk with two chairs, a few posters on the wall, and a filing cabinet. He had blue eyes and just a hint of stubble and gave me a knowing smile as I walked past him. I could feel him looking me over and trying to piece together my story. I hoped my boner was not too obvious. "Go ahead, sit down," he said. I sat down, glad to have some cover for the lump in my shorts. "I'm Mick," he continued. "I'm Seth," I said. "Nice to meet you," he said. He reached across desk and shook my hand, before sitting down. "We just like to do a bit more counseling for certain medications." He opened the brown bag, and took out a white bottle with a yellow band around it. "Truvada" was printed on the side of the bottle. "Is this your first time for PrEP?" "Yeah," I said. "It is." "That's cool. As you may know, every drug can have side effects. This is no different" "What kind of side effects?" He paused. He got up from the desk, and went over to the filing cabinet. "I have a pamphlet somewhere." He knelt down to open the bottom drawer. As he did, his polo shifted up, and his pants shifted down slightly. I saw a thick white band of a jock strap, and the tiniest hint of the smooth skin of his ass. My cock throbbed once more, wondering if he knew how badly I needed release. I forced myself to look away, to think about anything but sex. Unfortunately, as I looked up, I met his eyes. He had seen me checking him out. "You know," he said, closing the drawer without getting the pamphlet he had promised me. "I'm on PrEP as well." I took a breath; he had seen me staring at his ass, but he didn't care. "What's it been like for you?" I asked. He stood up, and leaned against the door with his legs spread slightly. "It's been..." He searched for the right word. "Liberating," Mick finally said. "My boyfriend. He's poz. And now we're fluid bonded." "Fluid bonded?" "He's shot his load inside of me. Not in a condom. It's more important than I thought." His hand dropped down to his groin and covered his crotch. Or maybe he was rubbing it slightly. It was hard to tell, and I knew my dick was seeing what it wanted to see. "It's really important for men to share fluids." He stared out into space for a moment, reliving some private, intimate experience. "Why are you starting?" "The protection," I started, but paused. "The freedom" I continued. I was staring at him, fantasizing about him. In my mind, I had already undressed him and was feeling his body next to mine. The idea of warmth of his ass against my cock was making me hard. I knew the welcoming wetness of his hole would make it impossible for me not to stick my shaft in him. There would be no fumbling with a condom and no barriers between us. It would be just fucking, the way it was meant to be. "Yeah. Freedom." He said, bringing me back to reality. "To fuck who we want. How we want." I hadn't even taken the first pill, but just the presence of the bottle in the room was liberating enough. I stood up and faced him, no longer trying to hide the hard shaft in my shorts. "Where we want." I said. He reached behind him, and locked the door. In the sudden silence between us it sounded like a heavy safe door closing. He turned off the light; there was still plenty of light streaming in through the shade-covered window. "When we want," he said. He unzipped his chinos, exposing a white jock strap. His cock was straining against the fabric. I unzipped my shorts, exposing my underwear. My cock had tented them as well. He took a step towards me. When I took a step towards him, my shorts fell down, gathering around my ankle. "Nice," he said. He took another step, and was now right in front of me. He put a hand on my basket. "Very nice." "Thanks," I said. "Your boyfriend..." "Calls me his slutty sperm bank." He smiled. "The more I get, the more he gives me." I nod. This was the freedom I had dreamed of every time I had jacked off. From a pocket, Mick produced a small bottle of lube. "You are prepared," I said. He laughed. "Yes," he said. "Besides. You're not the first today." "Really?" I ask. "Yeah. One from my boyfriend and one from a guy at the gym." Mick reached into my underwear and grabbed my cock. "Cum makes the best lube. You'll see" His hand was warm around my shaft. I wondered how his ass would feel. His cum-filled ass. It sounded so dirty, that he had already gotten two loads before 10AM. But it was also so hot. To not worry and to just enjoy sex. "Aren't you worried?" "No. I look for poz guys now. Undetectable poz guys are the safest ones out there. And if you are worried, take one of those." He pointed at the bottle of Truvada on the desk. "This is exactly what it's here for. To let you enjoy sex without fear. Real sex. Bareback sex." My cock got harder at the words. Mick let go of my cock, but in a practiced notion, pushed down my underwear. They fell to the ground, the cool air of the office a shock. I turned to the desk and picked up the bottle. As I fumbled with the cap and the foil, Mick stepped out of his sandals, took off his polo and kicked off his chinos. I tried to focus on the pill bottle but it was difficult. Mick he turned to show me his ass, and I was distracted by how the white straps of his jock perfectly framed his butt. "Breed me?" he asked. There was a hunger to his voice. So many stories on Breeding Zone had described that hunger. But I had never heard it in real life from another man, just in videos. The raw reality of the need triggered animal instincts, which had been long suppressed by society and convention, and these instincts were driving my every action. I had to fuck him. It was programmed in my DNA to spread my sperm as far and as wide as possible. And when a beautiful, talented hole presented itself, eager to be plowed by my thick cock, I was going to do what I was born to do. I managed to extract one pill. It was larger than I expected but was a calming shade of blue. I popped it in my mouth and swallowed it dry. "Fucking hot," Mick said. "Seeing you do that. Knowing you're gonna fuck me now." He poured a bit of lube on his hand and grabbed my cock, greasing it up. "We can just do this?" I asked. It seemed so simple. I took a pill, and now I could slide into his ass. No fumbling with a condom, no tight feeling of rubber. Just skin on skin and pleasure against pleasure. All of that came from a simple pill and only once a day. "Yeah," he said. "Quit talking. Start fucking." I lined up my cock with his hole. I could feel the warmth against the tip of my dick, and in response, I started to dribble pre-cum. "Ready?" I asked. "Of course," Mick replied. "I'm always ready." I pushed against his hole, forcing my way into his body. I was still new to gay sex, but even in my limited experience, I could tell Mick was an amazing bottom. His butt provided just the barest amount of resistance before opening up and allowing my cock to enter. "Damn. That's a nice one. Thick." "So warm. Welcoming." "That's what I want to hear." I stood still, trying to process all the sensations. This was what sex was supposed to be; it was like watching seeing a movie in color for the very first time. Every motion was more intense than I had remembered with a condom, and it was clear I was getting to know Mick on a fundamentally deeper level than I could if I was fucking him with a rubber. Even though I was standing still, sexual hunger was consuming Mick, and he was squirming in a feeble attempt to contain the forces consuming him. He needed more of my cock, and was now pressing back against me. Relentlessly, my shaft slid into his tight, firm body. "Oh. Fuck," I moaned. My cockhead had hit a pool of warmth. It took me a moment to realize the soft liquid was the sperm the other men had shot into Mick. "That feels good." "Doesn't it?" Mick said. He stopped trying to force himself on me, and let me explore the sensations of a hole already dripping with cum. I had never fucked someone with a load already up there, and it was a new sensation for me. I now understood how important fluid exchange was for men. It was especially vital when we were blessed with the opportunity to fuck another man. I was glad that Mick was not going to ask me to pull out when I came. I wanted to cum in him so badly and absolutely nothing was going to get in the way of me cumming inside him. "Your boyfriend," I asked, then pausing, wondering if I could ask the question I wanted to. I barely knew Mick, but yet he had given this intimate side of himself to me. "He's really poz?" It wasn't an intrusive question compared to what he had already offered me. "Yeah. He is. And the guy at the gym. Eli." He squeezed his hole around my cock, coating it with semen from the two men. "He was too. Poz, I mean." It was more than just a physical sensation; it was as if the cum carried far more. It was the DNA of the sperm, transmitting the two men's genetic inheritance and it was the RNA of the virus, transmitting the men's eventual downfall. There was something else there; something powerful and emotional. I just had to experience it; it would never be explained by reason or logic. As my cock soaked in the liquid, mental images and emotional traces of Mick's experiences came to me. I could see Eli the muscular black man that had fucked Mick at the gym, and how grateful Eli was for the chance to release his sexual frustration into Mick's strong, masculine body. I could feel the love that Mick's partner had for Mick and how the two of them used insemination as a way to celebrate and deepen that that love. I had no explanation for it other than I was learning from the semen in Mick's ass. There was also something else there: something furtive that slipped away as soon as I tried to focus on it. It was something evil, scared, and angry. "You feel it too, don't you? The darkness?" Mick asked. "It's the virus. It doesn't like being thwarted. It needs to infect us and it needs to spread. It needs it so badly" Once he had named the dark sentiment was easy for me to focus on it and understand it. It was a dark knight and it was a strong, relentless and deadly predator. It wasn't used to being defeated; over the years it had taken far too many victims and it reveled in its own carnage. "But we are powerful now. Armored and well defended. It's enraged, so it is going fight hard." "But," I stammered, "We're ok, right?" I had been promised that the virus had met its match, and I hoped we were both safe behind the walls Truvada had built. "Of course we are. Now, stop worrying about AIDS and fuck me, Seth." I tried to forget about the dangers of what I was doing, as Mick continued. "Fuck me like you mean it." I pulled my cock out, leaving just the tip still inside of Mick. My shaft was coated with cum. Seeing such hard evidence of how slutty Mick was and knowing my load would be the next in his collection drove me crazy and I slammed my cock back into his hole and all the accumulated poz seed. Mick grunted. "That's what I am talking about," Mick moaned. "That's what I fuckin' need." He was loud enough that I worried that people outside could hear it. "That's what I want, Seth. Don't stop." I pulled out again, and slammed my cock back into him. The force pushed him forward so I grabbed his hips and held him in place. I needed to feel the entire length of my cock buried inside his hole. I slid past the pools of cum in his butt, spreading the thick fluid across the insides of his body, before finally settling deep into Mick's guts. I held my cock steady in place and it pulsed slightly before emitting a drop of pre-cum. It was my first fluid exchange with another man. The full impact of what I had just done took a while to penetrate my mind, clouded as it was by the pleasures of sex. I hadn't swapped my fluids with any one, not a fuck buddy nor even a boyfriend. This first time was with a stranger, someone I had barely met. Even worse, it was while I was at a pharmacy picking up my prescription for PrEP. If that didn't permanently mark me as a Truvada slut, I don't know what would have. I sighed in pleasure. The day and the weekend were getting off to a very good start. I hoped that it also foretold what the rest of the month and the school year was going to be like. But those thoughts were a distraction from the task at hand. I pulled my dick out, and then pushed it back into Mick. It was amazing how good he felt. His hole was wet and smooth and warm, like the longest kiss my cock had ever gotten. I could feel every inch of Mick's ass, every slight objection to my penetration and every eager gulp of my shaft. With each stroke, I learned something new about Mick, some part of his desire. I understood how sex was supposed to feel. I would never be able to put a condom on again and lose this pleasure. "Oh hell yeah," Mick moaned, as I slammed my cock in and out of him. "Breed me, man,╙ he continued. I stopped trying to analyze the situation, and instead just focused on how damn good it felt to be fucking this man. It seemed to go far too fast, and before I knew it, my balls were tensing up and my cock was vibrating with pent-up need. "Don't pull out," he moaned. "Fucking let me have your seed." "Oh fuck," I grunted. My dick was dripping pre-cum like a leaky faucet. "I can't hold back," I said. "Just do it," Mick groaned. His ass tightened around my shaft, kissing it and milking out the last bit of precum. I closed my eyes, shoved my dick all the way in, and let my animal instincts take over. Bareback sex gave me an orgasm unlike one I had ever had before. I felt every drop of cum travel down the length of my shaft, and it flow into Mick's hungry ass. There was nothing held back between us. There was nothing to protect Mick from me, and nothing to prevent me from fertilizing his hole. The first spurt of cum was quickly followed by another, and then another and then one more. In the throes of the orgasm, it was hard to stay standing, but my cock was doing all the thinking necessary. My erection needed to be inside of Mick's wet hole, and my bestial instincts made sure my body maintained the balance needed. "Oh FUCK," I grunted. I hoped that people in the next room couldn't hear us. "Give it to me," Mick said. He squeezed his hole around my cock, and milked out another spurt. Without a rubber, I could feel just how hungry his hole was and how badly he needed my load. For a brief moment, I wondered if he could ever be satiated. But then, my cock demanded attention, and I focused on the pleasure of Mick's warm hole, tensing and releasing as he drained my balls of their load. "Oh hell yeah," he continued. "Damn," I said, as the last few drops of spooge dribbled out of my cock and into his hole. "That was fucking amazing." "That was bareback fucking," Mick said. "That was how men are supposed to have sex." I nodded in silent agreement. It was hard to think about anything; my mind was still clouded by the intensity of the orgasm. My dick was still buried in Mick's hole, and every slight movement from either of us reminded me how unbearably sensitive my dick was. "Think you can go back to rubberized sex now?" he asked me, understanding the struggle I was now contemplating. I slowly pulled my cock out of Mick. The ridges of my dick head pressed against the bare skin. It was just barely lubricated by the cum I had just deposited inside of Mick, and every move was a torrent of sensation. "Never," I said. As my cockhead pulled out, a small drop of white fluid dripped out of his hole. I reached down and pressed it back into him. "Yeah," Mick said. "You know how it is. I want every drop." His own penis was straining against the fabric of his jock strap. I thought for a moment he was going to start jacking off, but he turned around and faced me. "We have to do that again," he said, and pulled on his chinos. I stuffed my softening cock into my underwear and zipped up my shorts. "Yeah," I said, still not quite able to think clearly. "Don't forget your pills," Mick said, grabbing the white bottle off the desk and handing it to me. "Better living through chemistry, huh?" "For sure," I said. Mick put on his polo shirt. It was hard to believe that only a few minutes ago, he was practically naked, bent over the desk, and letting me fuck him bareback. "Uh," I stammered. "Here," he said, reaching into his pocket and extracting a card. "Give me a shout." He handed it to me; it had a name and a phone number on it. "Ok," I said. Reality was slowly sinking in. I needed to get going; there was a lab session I would just barely make in time. "Awesome," Mick said. He adjusted his clothes, and ran his hand over his head. With his close-cropped hair, it was a pointless gesture, but it forced a change in his bearing. He was no longer a bareback cum hound, but a young, professional man. The entire encounter had barely been fifteen minutes, but it was a window onto a world I desperately wanted to be a part of. He opened the door for me, and I stepped out. The people milling about in the waiting room barely noticed us. I wondered how they would have reacted if they had known what we had been doing. "Remember," Mick said. "Take the medicine regularly." I smiled, and headed out. As I walked out, I pulled out my phone. There was a message from Jon waiting for me. "Did you get your prescription?" "Yeah," I wrote back. "And I fucked the pharmacist as well." "Seriously?" "Yeah. He was on Prep as well." "Prep sluts are fucking hot. A guy taking care of himself, so he can take every load without fear." There was a brief pause. Jon was still typing. "Did you take your first dose yet?" "Yeah. Right before I fucked him." "So fucking hot. Two young studs, being safe. Taking care of themselves." He continued. "All so they can have sex without fear. Without condoms. With anyone they want." "I know," I wrote back. My ass was quivering in anticipation. I now needed to know what Mick had felt as a raw cock slid into his hole. "Now, you just have to remember to take it tomorrow morning. We're going to keep you up late tonight." "Good. I hope so," I texted back, before disappearing into the chemistry building.
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  13. Liam was 21, had dark tanned skin, curly black hair and a lean, atheletic body. He was masculine and in the closet. Even though he was gay, he still fucked girls to prove himself to his friends, something I found pathetic. Him fucking me was pleasurable, but he always insisted on a condom despite the fact we were both neg. It irritated me: we were both clean, so why wouldn't he dump his load in me? Liam had told me previously that an HIV scare when he was younger turned him away from any unprotected sex, so it was a condom or nothing. I could accept this for a while, but as time went on he started to take me for granted, expecting me to make all the effort to get his plastic-covered dick inside me. But he was hotter than fire and had an amazing physique, so I put up with his bullshit for a year. One night I was desperately horny to top someone, so I invited him over as he had always told me he was vers. But when it came to fuck, he refused to bottom, let alone take my load. "I bottom for masc men only, fag," he told me. I decided that it was time for him to overcome his fear of HIV. I formed a plan. That week I created a Grindr profile on my phone and my tablet. On the tablet I found a picture of the only type he bottomed for: A tall, muscular, masc man. I used that picture to set up the fake profile of a man who I named 'Jim' I used a fake location app to move 'Jim' to Liam's area, and immediately began chatting him up. Soon Liam was begging to bottom for the imaginary 'Jim', but as expected he stated that he only did protected sex. "Don't worry," I explained through the 'Jim' profile. "I'm neg, and I ALWAYS use a condom." I spent days teasing him, leading him on, making him hungry to feel 'Jim's' cock deep in his ass. Then I moved to the next part of the plan. "I want to use u at night in a park." I explained through the 'Jim' profile. "To go there, find u on ur hands and knees with ur ass in the air ready to b fuckd. SAFE only tho!" I smirked. Liam took the bait, agreeing to be fucked, provided Jim wasn't rough because, in Liam's words: "I don't btm much." Now the first stage of my plan was in motion, I moved to the second stage. On the phone I created a fake profile with a picture of Liam. Then I searched my city for any poz man I could find, pretending to be Liam, explaining that I wanted unmedicated poz loads only. I found some poz profiles, and explained using Liam's fake profile: "I have a fantasy. I want to be raped in a park by a poz guy. I'll wait with my ass up in the air, and I want to be held down and have my hole raped with NO LUBE or spit. I want it rough, raw, bloody. I want a poz load in my torn up ass. I want to have any screams, tears or begging to be ignored, I want the real experience. I want me and my ass to be abused and used with no mercy. If I try and move I want to be held down. No safe words, no games. Pure charged poz loads in my ruined hole." I got more responses than I could've hoped for. Soon I set up a time and place, continuing to flirt with Liam using the 'Jim' profile so he would become hornier and more open to suggestion. Then the final part of the plan came about. The night of the event had arrived. I messaged Liam using the 'Jim' profile.. "I was thinking how hot it will b if ur blindfolded when I start fucking u. It will b so hot. I'll take the blindfold off at the end so we cum together " As I expected, Liam was hesitant, but I eventually I convinced him to do it for just the first minute of the fuck. Liam told me his hands were shaking. I told him I was excited to meet him and have some safe fun. Liam arrived at the huge park and walked to the very back where he would be furthest from the road... and anyone helping him. He got on his hands and knees like I had ordered him earlier, and he pulled his pants down to his knees, exposing his ass to the night air. He pulled out a piece of fabric and bound it over his eyes. He waited. Around the corner were 9 highly-charged, poz men who had arrived earlier in anticipation. I'd told them through my fake Liam profile to look out for other poz men who might want in on the action, and they'd noticed each other and gathered as a group to give a young, toned masc jock the gift he had been begging for for weeks. As per my request, they had phones ready to film every painful, dirty detail. Liam messaged 'Jim' that he was ready and putting his blindfold on. He reminded me "Safe Sex Only", and promised he'd leave if I tried anything. I relayed the first part of the message to the waiting men, and like wolves they silently approached the naive young man, unknowing that they were all being used to rape an innocent, unsuspecting neg boy. As the rape began, I blocked Liam on 'Jim's' profile and then deleted it. The next day I asked the men to send me their videos and pics of the night. They all mentioned how hot it was that Liam struggled and cried so much, thinking it was mainly an a roleplay act. The videos showed Liam being set upon by the group and held straight down on the dirt by the men as one by one they shoved raw, dry poz dicks in his tight, hairy hole. He had screamed. He had begged. His hole tore and bled. Toxic loads became the lube of each successive stranger until they had all fucked him more than twice and cum leaked out of his red orifice and dribbled down his bruised flesh onto the ground. After a while, Liam had stopped struggling and instead lay on the dirt crying, poz loads swirling around inside his bloodied, torn guts. Each man dressed and walked off from the crime scene. I saved the videos on my computer and still watch them regularly. The image of Liam being raped again and again for more than an hour makes me instantly hard to this day. I deleted all the Grindr profiles I had used in the crime and went back to my own personal profile where I had favourited Liam and where we usually arranged hookups. His profile was offline for more than 3 days before he finally came back online. I waited another few days so it wasn't suspicious then messaged him. "I'm so horny, I've missed you, sexy!" "Hey... I dont kno." He replied. "Im... not sure I can do sex anymore." He paused for a long time before adding "I want to see u. Im going through a lot right now and Im an emotional wreck. I dropped out of uni bcuz some shit happened that im still getting over. You're a really nice guy [NAME REDACTED]. Plz see me tonight?" I smiled. "I'm kinda busy. Next week?" "OK, I'd like that." Liam replied. "Thanks for messaging me. I rly need someone to talk to." A week later I asked if he wanted to see me. "Im not feeling well today." He responded after a delay. "I think Im coming down with the Flu."
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  14. I was visiting Montreal for the first time and I found a charming guesthouse on AirBNB. It’s behind the home of a gay couple named Frank and Samuel. Frank is a college history professor and looks the part with salt and pepper hair, a masculine bushy mustache and fit runner’s body. His partner Samuel is a contractor, African-American, big and beefy from years of manual labor and a commitment to weight training. It is obvious they were still very much in love. My plan for the week was to see the sights, decompress from several stressful months at work and check out the local scene. I didn't really have much of an agenda - apart from relaxing and having a good time. My first night in town, I went to bed early because I was utterly spent from traveling. The next morning, I joined Frank on the patio for some coffee and breakfast. He asks me about my life back in California, what I hope to see in the city, typical small talk and then our of nowhere, as I was rinsing my coffee cup in the sink, he asked “So how many loads are you hoping to take this trip?” “Excuse me?” I managed to spurt-out. “I think you heard me,” he replied with a laugh. “Look, when you got in last night, I saw that you logged on to Scruff, so I took a chance that you might have the same screen name on BBRT. From the moment you first walked in here, something told me you were a barebacker…and sure, enough, there you were: the same basic stats, a hot body shot, obviously taken in the same room as the Scruff face shot. And I really like that you’re a four quadrant fucker.” “I’m so embarrassed,” I managed to reply. “Don’t be,” he said, spreading his legs a bit on the chair so his fat cockhead appears below the hem of his nylon running shorts. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” “What’s a four quadrant fucker?” I asked. “On BBRT, take loads oral, give loads oral, take loads anal, give loads anal,” he explained. “You were yes, yes, yes and yes. A four quadrant fucker.” “I like sharing things,” I replied with a smile. “Well, Samuel and I have a rule,” he explains, taking on a stern tone. “No one who stays with us is allowed to have strange men come over to breed them.” “I wasn’t planning—“ I stammered. “…unless we breed our guest first,” finished Frank. “When were you thinking this would happen?” I say, stroking my rock hard cock in my sweats, my pre-cum already leaking like crazy. “I’ve signed up for a city bus tour in two hours but I can cancel it. I think I’m more in the mood to take seed than take a tour.” “No reason you can’t do both,” says Frank. “I love the idea of the hot American riding around on a bus tour with a bunch of tourists with my cumload marinating in his ass, strangers smelling it but not knowing what it is, you being freaked out the whole time because you’re afraid it’s going to leak out and everyone will know what a cumwhore you are.” Frank picks up his cell phone and Facetimes with his lover Samuel who’s on a job site. “Hey, babe, any chance you can take your lunch early? We were right about Randy, total cumtaker. And he wants to milk a load out of you as soon as possible to get his trip started right.” “I can be there in fifteen minutes,” says Samuel. “Don’t anybody blow before I get there.” “Samuel loves to watch men cum,” Frank explains to me. “Who doesn’t?” I say. “Even if I don’t see the actual load because it’s going inside,” says Samuel. “I love to watch the balls contract and the shudder go through the fucker’s body. Fuck, my dick is already throbbing. Check it out.” Frank turns his phone to me so I can see the screen. Samuel smiles to the camera then tilts the camera down to his crotch and pulls his massive hard-on out of his shorts. Jesus, it’s huge. “Look what’s heading your way, boy,” he teases. Samuel happens to be holding a hammer in his other hand and his fuckstick is twice as thick as the hammer and almost as long. “Holy shit,” I say, my hole twitching at the sight of it. “Screw in a few,” says Samuel. I head to my bathroom to clean out and when I come back, Frank is writing on a dry erase board by the refrigerator. “Remind me again how many days you’re here, Randy?” “Counting today, seven,” I say, curious as to where this is going. “How many loads do you want to take and give before you go back to the states?” “I don’t know,” I say. “Well, the last cumwhore who stayed here took 15 in a weekend and still managed to see the city. He’s not half as hot as you, and he was strictly a bottom. You like to give loads, too, so let’s shoot for 25,” says Frank before writing RANDY’S LOAD COUNT on the board. “We only count it if you take sperm up your ass or if you cum up their ass. And we go by the honor system so we’ll take your word for it.” “Holy shit,” I say, turned on by the challenge laid before me. “What do I get if I make it to 25?” “25 fucking loads, man,” says Frank, with a laugh. “Ain’t that enough? You’re going to get greedy now? You want some kind of trophy?” “I’ll settle for a certificate,” I joke. Frank grabs my hand and leads me back to the guesthouse but instead of going through the door to the bedroom where I’m staying, he opens another door that leads to a stairway. I follow Frank downstairs to a room that’s like something out of Better Homes and Breedings. In the center is a bed with black nylon, cum-resistant sheets. In one corner there’s a sling. Near that, is a fuckbench. One wall houses an assortment of sex toys of every size, shape an color. My favorite feature of the room, though, is the opposite wall. It’s painted black, like a chalkboard, and all the studs who have fucked and bred here have signed it in sperm-white; some with their names, some with initials, some with BBRT handles like fratseeder, cumcraver, floodmyguts, italbbtop. Frank pushes me over the fuckbench, pulls down my shorts and starts eating my hole. While I settle in to the rimming, I look up and read some of the inscriptions: “F & S, I’ve never come harder than when you both shot in me from different ends at the same time. Next time, I won’t waste my load on the fuckbench. I’ll sperm up your guts like you did mine.” “Samuel, thank you for pushing my face into Frank’s cummy trench. I never felched like that before and now I’m addicted.” “Thanks for turning me into the cumswapping barebacker I’ve always dreamed of being.” Other studs just wrote catchy slogans like “Raw Is Law,” “BBBH Forever” and my personal favorite: “My sofa pulls out but I don’t.” I’m laughing at that one when I feel Frank’s cockhead pierce my hole. “Oh fuck,” I say. “Don’t have a lot of time for foreplay if you’re going to catch that bus tour,” he says. “Plus, I’ve been wanting to get inside you ever since I saw your picture on line.” He makes strong consistent strokes, each going a centimeter or so deeper than the previous stroke until all 8 of his vieny inches are inside me. “Way to take that dick, stud,” he says, rocking his hips from side to side to let me get used to his cock. I turn on my milking muscles. “You feel that?” “Oh God, yes. That’s amazing,” he gasps. “But you better stop because I don’t want to cum yet.” “Okay, I’ll tone it down,” I say. “Drill me, fucker. Get me nice and open so when your cum shoots out inside me, it’ll hit the walls like a squirt gun going off.” “Lots of comments about your fat cockhead on the Wall of No Shame, I see,” I remark. “Next time, I want to nurse that thing with my mouth.” “Why don’t you do it now?” says Frank. I hesitate to respond. I’ve never done ass to mouth before. The idea has always turned me on but I’ve never had the nerve to go for it. “He’s never done ass to mouth before, I bet,” says Samuel who I didn’t realize had entered the room. “It’s okay, lots of people haven’t.” Samuel bends down, puts his face in front of mine and snakes his tongue down my throat. “But you want to now, don’t you?” “Yes,” I say. “Slap that hot buttsplitter on his tongue, Frank, before he changes his mind,” says Samuel. Frank snakes his dick out of ass. I open my mouth, close my eyes and wait. Time stands still of a moment and then I feel his legendary cockknob land on my tongue. He circles it around a few times before slowly sliding his fresh-from-my-ass cock down my throat. “Taste your ass on my rod,” says Frank. “Smell yourself on my bush.” Tasting the mixture of our sweat, his pre-cum and my ass juice on his dick is intoxicating. I’m hooked on A2M. “You like the way my dick tastes?” I just groan because my mouth is full. “Mmmmmm.” It’s then I hear Samuel spit and feel his wet saliva land on my ass. I think he might smooth it around with his fingers but no, he dives in tongue first, eats me out for a few seconds just to get my wet and then shoves his hammercock in me in one long stroke. I can’t help but pull of Frank’s dick and scream. “Fuck!” I yell. “You said you were in a hurry,” says Samuel as he pistons into my asshole. “You want me to stop?” “No, never,” I say. “Fuck my cumhole. Make it yours.” Samuel picks up the pace. The sounds of his cock head reaming through my asslips fills the room. Frank takes his cumstick out of my face and goes behind his husband to tweak his man nips. “My husband shoots huge,” says Frank. “Even when he’s already cum.” “Which I haven’t,” says Samuel. “Not in four days.” “Holy fuck, is that tour bus going to smell like fresh seed,” says Frank laughing. “That could be a little embarrassing,” says Samuel. “You want me to stop?” “Fuck no,” I moan. “Please, breed me. Please flood me with that hot sperm.” “I like how he said please,” Samuel says to Frank as my breath starts to get heavier. “Who says American boys have no manners?” “Flood my guts, Samuel!” I beg. “Please, please mark it with your seed.” Samuel picks up the pace to full-on pile driving, holding my shoulders tight so he doesn’t knock me through the wall. I feel his throbbing butt-splitter get even thicker in my hole and contract and release my ass muscles, getting us to the point of no return. There’s no no way he can’t breed me now. “It’s so sweet,” Samuel says to Frank. “You’re going to love sliding in here after I jizz him up.” “Do it,” I moan. “Give it to him, baby,” says Frank, who’s taken out his cell phone and is now pointing at the intersection of dick and ass, capturing the breed. “Breed me!” I shout. “Breed my ass!” “Here it cums, stud,” groans Samual. “I’m breeding you! Take my hot sperm! Suck it inside you!” With that, I feel rope after sticky rope of man-jizz pump into my hungry hole. It feels like a huge load, like I can almost feel it dripping down my ass-walls like wet paint. “I can feel it, fucker,” I gasp. “Keep it coming. I want every fucking drop inside me.” Samuel collapses on my back and I fall to my stomach, keeping my ass ring tight because I’m not ready to let that cock go. “You better hurry or you’ll miss your tour,” says Frank. “But you didn’t get to breed him, hon” says Samuel, his spent cock finally slithering out of my hole. “I can fuck him later,” says Frank. “Unless…” says Samuel. A few minutes later, Samuels barreling down the street in his SUV while Frank fucks me in the back seat. Every bump we hit, drives Frank’s dick deeper into me. “Fuck,” I moan. “That’s so fucking good, Frank.” “God, I love fucking a freshly bred ass,” says Frank between fuckstrokes. “GPS says we’ll be there in one minute,” says Samuel. “Give him your spunk, hon, and send him on his merry way.” “You ready to get bred again, Randy? You ready to take a huge sperm-load right up your ass?” “Cum in my ass, Frank!” I scream. “Give me that seed! “Unnnnngh! Unnnnnnghhh! I’m cumming! I’m breeding you! Fuckkkkkkkkk!” “Yes,” says Samuel over and over again as his lover’s load fills my hole. “Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.” “Oh fuck, that’s so good,” I say. I start to stroke my cock, thinking I’ll get off before I get on the bus. “Jerk off if you want,” says Frank, “but the load won’t count to your total unless it goes in someone’s ass.” “Fine,” I say, pulling away from Frank’s dripping dick. “I’ll save it. I’m serious about this shit.” “I’ll be happy to take the load when you get back home later,” says Frank. “Unless you find someone to shoot it in before then.” “I think we have a prime candidate,” says Samuel pointing out the window. There, greeting guests outside a double-decker tour bus is my guide for the afternoon; a little fire plug of a sex bomb; maybe 5’ 6” with a totally jacked body, Pacific Islander, with smooth dark brown ski, friendly eyes and a blinding white smile. “Do we think he’s a barebacker?” I ask Frank and Samuel. “Don’t know,” says Samuel. “But those khaki shorts practically scream ‘Breed Me’.” I pull my shorts up over my twice-loaded ass, get my backpack ready to cover my still hard cock and hop out of the truck. “Ooh, fuck,” I say. “I’m so squishy back there.” “You’re welcome,” says Samuel. “Don’t be late,” says Frank jokingly. “You know how we worry about you.” MORE TO COME...I HOPE. Hope you guys enjoy and if any of you dirty minded fuckers get into hot phone, shoot me a message and let's get off together.
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  15. As a bottom I'm interested to see what all the tops out there say about this, I personally would like to keep my hole full all the time. But I've never really thought to see if that impresses a top or not. I wanna be a bottom slut so hopefully it does impress all those good out there?
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  16. Keep going. I'm on the edge of my seat (as well as the edge of my orgasm).
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  17. been barebacking for about 3 months and am ready to take the next step. I am looking for a top or two to tag and use and breed me until I am poz. I am into anything and want to make sure they guys is toxic when he explodes deep inside of me. Wanna chat about it on the phone. Call me! Looking now right out side NYC and can travel.
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  18. I won't be in the host hotel, but I"m just around the corner in the Travel Lodge. I can't wait for the 7 hour piss party...pissing AND bareback fucking...
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  19. So glad my fellow Aussies showed you a good time.... I can't wait to get to Nashville (21-27 May) and then Chicago (27 May - 3 June) for IML. A mate, who really wouldn't be into getting laid at every opportunity, was supposed to be coming with me, but he started dating someone so pulled out a few months ago. So I'm travelling solo! Am really looking forward to this trip - 10 days to go and counting!
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  20. (B)Readers, Sorry not to have posted the next chapter. I'm having a little trouble working it out to my liking, and I'm having a ferocious couple of weeks. Hopefully I can do bits and have something up in a few days. Thanks for the feedback and encouragement. It really helps.
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  21. The question is not "Cut or Uncut" it is "Cut or Whole". I prefer Whole.
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  22. Both are very satisfyng in their own ways. One-on-one can be loving, tender, romantic, sweet. It can also be extremely powerful, painful, lustful, and aggressive. To me, one on one is a contest to see who can please the other the most. In a group setting, it is hedonistic, animalistic, and exciting. For me, when faced with multiple tops, it is simple, pure, unadulterated sex. Its all about both parties achieving orgasm as many times as possible. I feel especially sexy beacuse I am desired and able to please multiple men at one time, each one wanting to gve me their individual DNA.
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  23. Thanks for the advice everyone. So it finally wrapped up and I was expecting around 5 to 10 show up. 14 guys showed and took a load from each. 10 were from the actual gangbang and 4 were from earlier in the day who couldn't make the time of the party. I ended up just having low light and music in the background which seemed to work out fine. The only thing that made it strange for some was where the door was to enter the room. As soon as the door opened, you immediately saw the bed where I was being fucked. Those who didn't like that just picked me up and fucked me on a chair away from the door. As far as tops wanting a sloppy hole, most wanted to be the first. I decided to just tell the guys to show up whenever as long as it was before the cut off time. I'm really happy that I decided to do that and not give them a certain time to show up. I was fortunate to always have 2 guys in the room at once (3 at one time). As soon as one guy left, another walked in. This also allowed for a break. It was really busy the first hour, then 30 min of no one (rest time) and then really busy the last hour so that was great. My jockstrap is covered in cum that leaked out of my ass (and still leaking), the room smells of cum (which is driving me to want to take more cock), and I'm feeling great now that one fantasy is complete. I will say the feeling after takes some time to get use to. My hole is loose, tired and sore (which i like and hate at the same time), I feel like there is air in me from all the hard fucking certain tops gave me, and I am really hungry but don't necessary want to eat heavy because now I have this craving to head to a sauna and take more loads haha.
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  24. One of these days Jim is going to lose patience with this little cock tease. Just like we are being teased by the author.
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  25. Me 5’8 hairy fairly fit and a few tribal tattoos and ok looking My house has a well and the pump went recently Called the well people since a normal plumber isn’t any good for the job Said they would be round and had to take time off on the day they stated. Along came the van and two guys got out. One in his late 50s or so and gone to seed Other was big and built like an ox late 30s, inked and hairy. They where pleasent and seemed ok, asked about the issue and went to work. Was caught a number of times checking the brute out. Then the brute had to use the toilet while to older bloke got to work. Fortunately id forgotten about the porn mag in the loo for reading on the job. Heard him pissing a storm and then stop but he didn’t come out, then he called me to the toilet and as i opened the door he was standing trousers down and hard cock. Big about 7 thick. Told me to get sucking faggot and got straight to me knees. After a few minutes he pulled me off his cock and dragged me to the bed room, threw down on the bed and cloths pulled off. Got flipped over and he gobbed in my hole and spat on his cock Drove balls deep and made me yell as he went straight to fucking my ass. Dropped his load, dragged himself off the bed and went back outside leaving a massive bit mark on my neck as he blew his load deep
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  26. I was 19 years old. It was a Saturday night and I was extremely horny. I received a message on my dating website. An older man messaged me about meeting up. He was far away but I couldn't escape curiosity.I drove over an hour to get to him. I messaged him once in front of his house and was directed to come right in. I walked in the house was extremely dark. I was scared but I continued as he told me to come to the back room. He pushed me on the bed and shoved my head to his dick. I opened my mouth and he began to fuck my face. I kept choking and he thrusted harder. With every thrust my mouth drizzled fluid out. His moans began to get louder and louder. He pushed my head down and held me on my stomach. He pulled my shirt off and pulled off my shorts. He instructed me to get my ass up. I obliged. I asked if he had protection.....he didn't answer. I felt his dick slide right into my asshole. It hurt and I moaned in pain. The more I moaned in pain the harder he thrusted. He held me down with his hands on my back. I moaned and begged to go on my back. He pulled me over, grabbed my ankles tight and spread me. Again he shoved his dick in and continued to fuck me. I could see his naked dick pounding away. I wanted him to put a condom on but I was powerless. It felt too good and receiving him was my only option. Faster he fucked I moaned more. His face an image of pure pleasure clenched followed by an enormous moan. He hunched over me as if all energy was spent. His dick motionless in my asshole slowly came out. The feeling of his seed dripped down my balls. He got up and gave me my clothes. I left with shakey leggs and an asshole wet and used.
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  27. Part XV My buddies had just filled my ass full of their poz cum in the restroom. I had cum, too, as the last load entered me. I was so drunk it really wasn't registering that much. They got my pants up for me and helped me back to our table. I was really only about half there and again tipped up the drink in front of me and downed it all. Buddies were talking but it wasn't registering much. I just sat there, mostly, with a grin on my plastered face. My next awareness was buddies helping me up and telling me the door was about to be opened again and we needed to get over there and get our other buds out of that room. We lined up and they were holding me up as my legs were just rubbery as hell. Then came that infernal countdown again. 10-9 I tried to focus but it was hard in my drunken state. 8-7-6 What were my buds saying? 5-4-3 Something about all of us ought to go for once and stay together? 2-1 The door was opening and out came our other 3 buddies and the poz parade bud too. Buddies holding me up were explaining what they had done and wanted to do. A little discussion went on then and something from parade bud about lots of loads. That seemed to be the decision maker, then, as the countdown started for the door closing. 10-9-8-7 I was moving towards that door or more exactly was being half carried towards it. 6-5-4-3 Wait, I'm not supposed to be entering there. 2-1 The door closed and I couldn't see a thing. I was half carried half dragged aside then and surrounded by my buddies. They were talking to me saying something about staying right beside me all the time. I was trying to make heads or tails of what they were talking about but was too dazed to understand. Then they were all helping take my clothes off and helping me to lay down. Good, I needed to sleep this alcohol off. Way too many drinks. There all naked and laying on my back on, what?, felt like the floor. What the heck, where is my bed? I kind of felt my legs being lifted up and then, bam, something rammed up my ass and started pounding away in me. My eyes were starting to get used to the very dim lighting. I could just make out a face a bit, now clearer, and it was my buddy from the parade. He was smiling and telling me how great my ass felt around his cock. Must be dreaming of the parade I thought, but damn, this didn't feel like a dream. His huge cock just kept reaming my ass out and it was feeling better and better. I could feel my own cock now getting hard. He was pummeling my prostate and wow was it feeling good. He kept up a nice slow but hard in and out, driving me crazy. My cock was so hard it was almost hurting. Then I could see that my work buddies were all there too and watching and they were all naked too and stroking their cocks. One of them finally leaned over and stuck his dick at my mouth and I opened and let him in and started to suck him. After a good 15 minutes, the parade guy, leaned towards me and pushed my buddy out of the way and leaned in to me and kissed me and said here it comes. He told me his viral load was much higher now than it had been 3 months ago and I was going to get a big load of his poz cum. I just wrapped my legs around him tight as he bottomed out in me and started to cum. When he was done another of my buddies, got between my legs and started to fuck me. When he had cum in me another bud took his place and another till they had all cum in me. I had also cum twice during this. Then some guy we didn't know wanted to know if he could have a turn. My buddies all asked him if he was poz or not. He told them he sure was and had a really high count too. They all looked at me and I nodded and the guy knelt and felt my ass first. Then I felt him ram a couple of fingers in me and I almost screamed when he pulled them out, scraping the hell out of my insides with his fingernails. He held his hand up in front of me and I could see his nails were long and probably sharp as hell. Then he grinned and rammed his cock in me. I had not seen it but I sure felt it. It had to be as big or bigger than my parade bud. He immediately started to just plow my hole hard and fast. This was not a fucking, it was just a plain old beat my hole to pieces and tear it up, wreck it and then fill it and man did he fill it. I think he produced more cum than all the others combined. As he filled me I was cumming again from that kind of pounding. Then he pulled out and told my buds thanks and he bet if they hadn't converted me, he surely did. Then we heard the count down again to open the door. My buddies helped me up and practically carried me out of that room and to our table. I was still naked and they had to help me get dressed right there in front of everyone.
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  28. Part XIV There I was, on the floor, too drunk to hardly move, someone pulling on my arm trying to drag me into that room, a guy trying to close the door and pushing me to go in, and two buddies trying to drag me back away from that room. I kind of glanced up to see who had ahold of my arm and think it looked like my bud from the parade. My two buddies each had a leg and trying to pull me away from there. Kind of a turmoil there for bit and with them pulling my legs my pants were starting to slip down and I could feel the cool floor on my bare ass. Then, one of my buddies yelled at the door guy to let me go as I was just there to support them and was straight. He yelped and let go and my buddies were able to drag me away from the door finally. My arm came free and the door closed and my buddies both went over backwards and we ended in a pile with my pants clear to my knees and me on my face and one buddy on top of me. They were both laughing hard now and trying to get untangled and then laughing more as they realized my pants were down and the one buddy was laying on top of me with his hard cock pushing the material of his pants against my crack. We finally got untangled and they had to help me up and help pull my pants up. They both were smirking at me and I asked what was up. They both laughed some more and told me it looked like me as I had a hell of a hard on then. They finally got me back to our table. We sat down and I was basically just sitting there in a stupor. They were talking about their experiences in that room. Then one of them remembered that when they had come out our parade bud had his hand down the back of my pants. He started questioning me about how the hell that had happened? Being so far gone I was at a loss as to what to say mostly. Then finally admitted that, I had been drunk as hell at that parade and somehow how been fucked by him there. I didn't say anything about all of the others though. They both started laughing then again and next thing I knew I was drinking another mixed drink without realizing it. My buddies were pretty much blown away finding out I had been fucked at the parade. They really started kidding me about that and then were wondering how I had not been pozzed from it. I told them the real reason for the trip to the hospital then had been to get PEP. When they had got tested, I had also and came back neg when they came back poz. That started more laughing and joking. Pretty soon I said I had to pee bad. I found I was still way too drunk to get up though and both buddies helped me up and walked me to the toilet. We soon found out I was too drunk to get my damn dick out too starting more drunken laughter. They then steered me from the urinal to the handicapped stall to help me get it out. This let them drop my pants and they went clear to my ankles. My dick was out though but I had to lean over and put both hands on the wall to hold myself up as I started to pee. I was vaguely aware that my buds were talking about my ass. They both agreed that it sure looked good for a little bit older guy than they were. As I finally got the pee started, one of my buds reached out and surprised me by squeezing my ass and telling me it was no wonder that I got fucked at the parade as it felt great as well as looked great. Before I realized it he had ahold of my hips and I felt what appeared to be is hard bare cock against my ass crack. He told the other bud, that yep, it sure did feel good too. I was just aware that his cock was hard as a rock too and felt something wet as he slid it up and down my crack. Later, found out it was his precum and he produce a lot of that and had my crack really lubed from that. Then, just as I was finishing peeing, I felt the head of his cock at my hole and he was pushing. Pop, and his cock head went into my ass and then he shoved the whole thing in with one last shove. I almost went down and probably would have if he hadn't had a good grip on my hips. I mumbled something about what the hell are you doing? Was pretty incoherent really. He told me to hang on he couldn't resist and started to plow the hell out of my hole then. Good thing he had a good grip on me as I could not have stood up without it. He rammed the hell out of me with long deep hard strokes. He must have really been turned on as it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes and he jammed his cock home as deep as he could and leaned over me and told me he was cumming and filling me up good with his poz cum. I could only moan. My bud wiggled his cock around in my hole a bit and then pulled out as his cock was going down. Before I could move, the other buddy stepped behind me and holding me upright also, rammed his hard cock in me all the way in one thrust. He immediately went into overdrive and pounded my ass relentlessly hard. He again, did not last more than 5 minutes and as he rammed his cock home and started to pulse as his cum flooded my ass. He leaned over me and told me he hoped I enjoye their two loads of poz cum in my hole. As he did this I felt my own cock explode as I was cumming too.
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  29. Love to get fucked by couples....and usually pretty easy to set up separate fucks for bonus, secret sex Nothing better than getting committed guys to cheat on their partner.
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  30. My first true story. ********************************************************************************************************** I'm currently on my holiday in Gran Canaria. The second morning, when at Playa Del Ingles, I decided I wanted to be completely used, so I hooked up to Grindr and Recon on my ipad. I had many messages but none were offering what I wanted, as I really wanted to be a cumdump slave for some guy. After about an hour of trawling through the apps I received this message on Recon from a Master: "Hi, slave4jocks666, you horned up and wanting cock?" He also sent a profile pic. Bingo. This Master was Spanish and was on holiday from Madrid, was 36 years old, 6' and had a 9" cock. Without hesitation I replied "Yes, Sir," and sent him a pic of my ass. He replied "Good boi. You like bareback, boi?" Again my reply was "Yes, Sir." "Good boi. Sir is very busy at the moment, but can meet up with you later, say 8:OO PM, and I will buy you lunch in return. You will do as instructed, no questions asked." "Yes, Sir." "Now boi, it is 10:00 AM. I want you to completely douche yourself clean and, when done, message me when for additional instructions." "Yes, Sir." I went to the toilet, did my morning ritual, and then went into the shower, removed the showerhead, ensured the water was luke warm, lubed-up my hole, and, to be sure my ass was thoroughly clean, I slid the pipe into my ass several times. Then I went back on to Recon and messaged Sir, saying "Sir, I am completely clean." Within a few minutes Sir replied "Good boi. Now, do you have a butt plug?" "Yes, Sir," I replied, as luckily I had brought one while on holiday. "Good. Now, here is what I want you to do next. Put in the plug, and, if you have one, put on a cock ring, and then put on your tightest pair of speedos. Then send me a pic of yourself." I did as instructed and sent the pic to Sir in a message. He replied saying "Good boi. Now I want you to go to the Dunes and get as many loads in that boi cunt as you can, and make sure you plug it after each load." "Yes, sir." "Get going, bitch." With that I was out the door, on my way to the Dunes. I reached the cruising area of the Dunes in about half an hour, and while walking around, I was eventually approached by a cute looking Spanish lad in a pair of tight white speedos that showed his cock. He must have been 7". After a few signals we were inside some bushes where he forced me straight to my knees, whipped-out his cock and forced me to suck it. While I was sucking, he reached over to feel my ass. I hoped this was a sign he wanted to fuck me, but when he felt the plug, he seemed to hesitate. I thought my chances had been ruined, but no, he muttered 'puto', which is Spanish for gay slut. He then pushed me back onto his dick, and I resumed sucking while he explored my hole which was still plugged-up. After about 10 minutes he was completely hard and horned. He pulled the plug out of my ass, turned me around, bent me over, and at that moment I realized a crowd was watching us. In one shove he thrust his dick right into my ass. Honestly, I wasn't ready, but thought to myself 'I'll have to get used to this'." ******************************************************************************************************** Part 2 to cum - if I get good feedback.
    1 point
  31. After a few minutes of small talk among the group the night turned to more intimate talk among the guests. Nicholas and his boyfriend Steve started playing with another couple including the twink. Mark made his way over to me and started grabbing my ass from behind, “I must say you have a beautiful ass, Jimmy” remarked Mark as he started kissing my neck. I quickly swung around and started deep kissing him poking him with my hard 7” cock. After a few minutes, Nicholas blurted out “I think we need to move the party indoors” and with that we all started getting out of the pool and making our way into the family room…Steve made his way over to the entertainment center and put on some bareback porn to get the night moving. I was thinking to myself this is the night that Mark will fuck me. I couldn’t wait to fill his thick cock burrowing it’s way inside of me… On one couch Nicholas and Steve were on their knees sucking the cocks of the other couple, Travis and Anthony were playing with the twink who Steve fucked earlier. Me, well I was on my knees saving the the taste of Mark’s cock, using my tongue to taste every part of it including the piss slit…I was in heaven enjoying the taste of Mark’s cock including the delicious nectar of precum that would drip from his cock….As I was nursing on his cock, I looked up and saw the smile on Mark’s face, he reached down and started rubbing his hands through my hair, “if you keep that up I am going to shoot my load in your mouth, I don’t want to cum yet” remarked Mark. I stopped savoring his cock and made my way up to his mouth and started deep kissing him, it was pleasure he was rubbing my ass and making his way towards my boyhole…Mark pulled away and whispered in my ear “I want to breed you Jimmy”. Oh those were the words I wanted to hear, I looked back into his eyes and replied “I want you to Mark, I want you to breed me!” Without a moment’s notice we got up and made our way to his bedroom, he layed me back on the bed and got on top of me kissing me and tasting every part of my body, I shivered in pleasure as he made his way down to my cook and then soon to my ass where he used his amazing tongue to open up my boyhole. When Mark was done making love to my boyhole he moved up and kissed me then asked “Are you ready?”, I looked back and said “Yes, im ready to have you inside of me”. We layed there for a moment looking into each other’s eye’s and then Mark said “There’s something you need to know”, I thought for a moment what it could be, is he partnered, or even worse married to a woman, I replied “What is it? You can tell me anything Mark”. Mark hesistated a bit and then said “I’m Poz as well as most of the guys here, if you want to turn and leave I would understand but I would be sad, because I like you Jimmy”. At that point I didn’t know what to do, I liked Mark as well and I do love sex…..The downside with being negative is you always have to worry are they poz or are they neg. With some of the drugs today living with HIV is like any other manageable disease such as diabetes and besides that my cock was rock hard with the thought of taking his poz load. I looked him in the eye and said “No it doesn’t bother me, give me your poz load!” and with that Mark started to enter my awaiting hole, it took me a while to adjust to the thickness of his cock. Once Mark was completely inside of me he looked down at me and said “I am going to breed you hole, give you my poz load”. I got all excited at the thought of him shooting his poz load inside of me and started edging him on saying “yea make me your poz bitch, give me your load, I want your DNA inside of me”. All of that edging got Mark excited as he started picking up the pace and ramming his cock inside my hungry hole. I knew Mark was getting close because the look on his face and the sweat pouring off of him, I was getting hot too having this muscle bear fuck me and give me his poz load..Within a few minutes he started screaming “umph umpm I am cuming take my poz load” and with that he unloaded in my boyhole…He pulled out and fed me his cock it tasted of cum, ass, and blood…I savored at the taste of his cock and cleaned it up with my mouth and tongue… “Whew, that was awesome Jimmy” said Mark as he smiled at me. I thought we were alone but at that moment I heard voices and looked over Mark and saw Nicholas and Steve at the door smiling. Steve asked “Do we get a turn with Jimmy?”. Mark looked at me and said “it’s up to you Kiddo”. I smiled back and said “Yes, what are you waiting for!” That’s all that Nicholas and Steve needed for an invitation.
    1 point
  32. This is part I of a poz-breeding story that happened over two days. ------------------------------------------------ I'd been chatting with a guy on A4A for a couple weeks. He was into getting his cock sucked and breeding my ass bareback. Out of curiosity I asked if he was neg or poz. I told him I'm cool with both. To my surprise he said poz. Immediately my cock got rock hard. I told him I always fantasized about poz loads and wanted his. He was busy at work so he said he couldn't that day, but that he was really horny. I told him I was disappointed, but that we should hook-up soon. A few minutes later he replied back that he might have a few minutes for a BJ and that he had a private storage room where he worked. I was ready right then so he said to meet out front of his office in 15 minutes. When I arrived at the address he provided, I saw an older guy standing out front, who was, as it turned-out, my poz guy. I walked towards him and when I got close he abruptly turned around and went back into the building without saying a word. I followed him down a couple hallways, down two flights of stairs into the basement, then through a locked door into a dark room filled with boxes and furniture. He went to the far corner of the room, through another locked door, and to a big closet with a couple chairs and some shelves. It was a very quiet and private place where no one would find us. Since he had only a few minutes we got down to business. I knelt down and he undid his pants to let his cock free. It was small but thick. As I rubbed and licked it it grew and grew into about seven thick inches. He grabbed the back of my head and guided his cock into my mouth and all the way to the back of my throat. I gagged a little as it went a little deep throat. He let my head go and let me do my own thing on his cock. As I pleasured him he would let out the occasional grunt and moan, then put his hand at the back of my head. A few times he pulled all the way down so his cock went into my throat and thrust forward. I managed to keep my composure and not gag. Then he pulled out halfway and jerked his cock. After a minute I could tell he was close so I clamped down and sucked as hard as I could. He thrust all the way into my mouth and started yelling moaning and twitching. We were making a lot of noise but this wasn't a problem with our very private room. I could feel his cock start to pulse then shoot jets of cum down my throat. As he was thrusting I got to taste his cum as some of it filled my mouth. As he came down from his orgasm and the cum stopped I sucked the last bit from inside his cock. It was a big mouthful but the first few pulses shot directly down my throat. This all happened within five minutes or so. He didn't have a lot of time so we got ourselves put together and found our way out of the private closet. He told me that he had more time tomorrow and wanted me to come to the storage room again to get my ass bred. We exchanged numbers and I told him I'd text him in the morning. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This is part 2 of a two day encounter with a hot poz top that led to my ass getting bred. When I got home from sucking my top and swallowing his load I texted the number he gave me to tell him how hot his cock was and that I wanted it in my ass the next day, bare. He immediately replied it had taken him 15 minutes to recover from our first encounter, and he wanted me to come back at 10 A.M. the next morning when he would have about 30 minutes to play. The next morning I showered, cleaned-out my ass and thoroughly lubed myself, and when ready I texted my top and said I was ready. He told me to come on over that he was horny and wanted my ass. I drove over and saw him waiting outside in the same place. Just like last time, he led the way without saying a word, making our way into the private storage room deep in the basement of the building. Arriving at to the room and entering the closet, he didn't turn on any lights, he simply closed and locked the door. It was pitch black. I immediately heard his buckle clang and his pants come off. He slid his hands into my jeans and groped my ass, a couple of fingers searching-out and locating my hole, which was, of course, already lubed so he was able to get a couple fingers inside. As he pressed up against me I could feel his cock growing against my stomach. As he explored my hole, I pulled-off my t-shirt and then felt my way to his waist and pulled his shirt out of his pants. Withdrawing his hands from my jeans, he unbuttoned his shirt and then threw it on the floor. He was completely naked so I followed suit by undoing my jeans and pulling them off, along with my underwear. I wasn't sure where all our clothes were but we were naked and I didn't care. Repeating my steps from the day before, I knelt down and felt my way to the base of his cock, which was already hard, so I gave it a couple strokes and felt all the way to the tip. There was a wetness of precum at the opening of his slit so I licked my tongue over it to get a taste. It was sweet, a little salty and had a nice consistency to it. I slid his cock in and out of my mouth as I tried to really taste it. He moaned and I felt his hand at the back of my head. I knew where this was leading so I started to slide his cock into my throat. As it got to the back he pulled my head down further. I relaxed my throat and the head popped in. It was just a couple inches but I felt him pressed up all the way against my mouth, his pubes against my lips. I grabbed his ass and held him there for a few moments as I pumped those last couple inches in and out of my throat. He told me he would cum if I kept that up. Saying he would cum if I kept that up, he pulled me up and felt up my very hairy chest, which apparently he really got into. He zeroed in on my nips and gave them a good pinch. I let out a little moan so he went further and started licking them. I really liked how he flicked his tongue over each nip, going back and forth between them. He stopped on one and sucked it into his mouth and gave it a little bite. He kept going until it felt raw, which I absolutely loved. While he was abusing my nips his hands made their way down to my ass, and he pulled my ass closer into his body. I could feel his hard cock against my stomach, and decided to give him some encouragement, so I reached down and wrapped my hand around his cock and stroke him as he worked on my nips. Moaning, he simply gave me the order "Turn around." I felt to grab a chair and did as he said. As I bent over and put my elbows on the seat of the chair, I heard him feeling around his jeans and pulling out a bottle of lube. He squirted out a bit and slapped it on his wet cock then squirted out a bit more and spread it over my crack and into my hole. He lingered at my hole and put a couple fingers at my hole then slowly slid them all the way inside, finger-fucking me until my muscles relaxed so I could, without pain, accept the the intrusion. Soon he pulled out and I felt a greater fullness which was probably three or four fingers. His fingers felt great but I wanted the real thing, then and there, so I gave him the words he wanted to hear from me: "Fuck that ass." "You sure you want my poz load?" "Yeah." There was no way I was gonna say 'no'. A little louder I begged him to fuck me. As I said this I felt him step closer and rub his cock up and down my crack. He was teasing me. Each time his cock passed my hole I let out a moan but he wouldn't put it in. A little louder still I begged him to give me his cock, just as it passed my hole. Then he stopped, aligned himself, and pressed forward. I distinctly felt the head enter and then the shaft followed. There was a bit of resistance but soon I felt a pop, a twinge of pain then it slowly slid in all the way. He was pressed all the way up against my ass. I could feel his stomach on my back as he leaned over and kissed the back of my neck. He held his hips against me and rocked back and forth, slowly pulling out then just as slowly pressing back all the way against my ass. Gradually his thrusts became faster and faster, like the pistons on a steam train starting from a dead stop. Wanting it a bit harder, I pushed back and met his thrusts. There were no words - just the loud thwack of his hips slapping up against my ass. He was really breathing heavily, and quietly groaning. I asked "You gonna cum?" He didn't answer, so I waited a bit and repeated my question. This time he managed a reply: "You wanted it?" "Fuck yeah - give me your load." He phrased his question slightly differently "You want this poz load?" "Fuck yeah, fuck yeah." As I was answering his question, he thrust in deeply and let out a huge roar that I was sure someone elsewhere in the building must have heard. He kept grunting loudly as my ass became warm and very slippery. I encouraged him to keep pumping and poz-up my ass. After he finished shooting his cum deep inside my ass, he withdrew. I immediately turned around, knelt down and cleaned his cock. The volume of cum on his cock and in his pubes lead me I to surmise he must have shot a huge load. Yummy! We managed to find our respective clothing in the dark. As we walked out of the room he said "Give me a text when you want more."
    1 point
  33. Placed an ad on CL looking to meet up with hung college guys in a public restroom at university. This 20 year old BBC with a thick 8 inches messages me to say he's interested and wants to meet within the next hour. He said he only wants blown. Disappointing, of course, but I was not going to turn down an opportunity to suck that big cock and swallow his load. He's right on time. Enters the stall next to me, taps his foot, and then whispers for me to meet him in the back handicap stall. I open the stall door, and there stands this tall, athletic young and very attractive black guy. He pulls out his impressive cock, and it grows even bigger as he strokes it. I bend down to take that cock in my mouth, realizing quickly that his large girth is going to make sucking difficult. One minute passes and I feel him reach around and rub my ass. Suddenly I feel a wet finger enter my hole, then a second finger. He spit on his fingers and continued to probe me, going as deep as he could. Then he grabbed me roughly by the hips, turned me around, and forced me to bend over. I heard him spit in his hand, and then he rammed his hard cock balls deep into my ass. The pain was intense. I had to bite my lip to not scream or even whimper. Without any pause, he pummeled my hole with that massively thick black cock, ramming it in and out as hard as he could. When he finally slowed down the pace, he pulled all the way out, softly rubbed his cock head against my hole, then forced his cock back in my ass all the way in one push. This continued for at least 10 minutes until someone entered the restroom. I got paranoid and thought we should at least make it less obvious what we were doing in that stall, but the fucking continued--quieter and gentler, though that BBC was still deep in my hole. After the other guy finally left, he really started to pound my ass. Hard, fast, and nonstop for another 10 minutes. By this point, my ass is sore, and I'm starting to feel I can't take anymore. But then he starts to breathe harder and asks if I want his cum. Of course I do! "Cum in my ass." "Yeah breed me with that black cock." He moans and slams his cock as deep as it will go in my ass. I feel his cock tremble in my hole. He's shooting his hot load deep, and I can feel it. He gently pulls out. The head of his cock is covered in frothy cum. Before I can lick it off, he wipes it clean with his hand. About 20 minutes later, I get a message asking if I'm clean. Apparently he didn't anticipate fucking my ass. But what BBC could turn down a chance to cream in a smooth white ass?
    1 point
  34. seriously digging this story and was hard the whole 1st chapter
    1 point
  35. Fuck yeah, can't wait to read the next chapter, ya already got one load out of me
    1 point
  36. Top 3: Jake Mitchell, Drew Sebastian and Chad Brock...no cumdump bottom should die without these studs DNA in their cunts.
    1 point
  37. here is the next chapter to the story... I got home around 1am and went directly to my bedroom, all night my mind was thinking of the events that unfolded today. Did Nicholas sense that I was looking at him all this time and showed an interest in him…I was awoken around 6am to the sounds of bed springs and heavy panting, for a moment I thought it was me and Nicholas but then I was shot to reality when I heard Charles banging some chick he met at the bar…I started to go back to my thoughs about the previous evening and suddenly my cock go rock hard…Not letting it go to waste I started stroking and fantasizing about last night and feeling Nicholas’s tongue exploring my hole, would he fuck me? What was the strange tattoo he had on his thigh? And oh that magnificent thick cock….within minutes I shot the biggest load all over my stomach, I scooped up some of my cum unto my finger and started savoring the salty taste….I laid in bed for another hour before I decided to get out of bed and hit the gym. When I got to the gym the parking lost wasn’t packed so that’s a good sign that it wasn’t crowded, I didn’t think it would be on a Sunday morning, most of the jocks are sleeping in from the weekend escapades…..I hit the lockers and got changed into my jock strap, shorts, and a t-shirt….I started out doing my usual cardio routine to warm up a bit before I hit the machines and free weights....While I was lifting weights on the bench an older daddy type came over to offer to spot me, I replied back “Sure, I appreciate that”…During our workout we introduced ourselves and I found out his name is Mark and he’s a fireman, he’s been coming to this gym for years…After our work out we headed towards the locker room to clean up, Mark looked at me and asked “Want to hit the steam room for a bit?” I thought for a moment and said sure why not. In the locker room we stripped down to nothing and put on a towel. This gave me an opportunity to check him out, DAMN he had a beautiful body, nice defined pecs and a lot of chest hair, kind of reminded me of Nicholas… In the steam room there were a couple of other guys in one corner but other than that it was pretty quiet and steamy, I could hardly see the other guys in the corner. Mark stood in front of me and took off his towel and laying it on the bench all while revealing his thick massive cock with low hanging balls, I noticed he had a silver band on his cock…..We started talking and I asked him about the silver band on his cock, he laughed and said “it’s a cock ring, it keeps me hard, you like it?” at this point I didn’t know what to say so I said “Yea, it’s nice”….Suddenly the other two guys in the steam room left so here I was alone in the steam room with Mark…After the guys left he moved his hand to the towel on my lap and said “you don’t need that in here, take it off and get comfortable”….I’m sure he sensed the bulge in my crotch…I replied back stating “No, I am ok”, well that didn’t sit well with Mark as he stood up in again, this time his cock was just inches from my mouth, he reached down and pulled my towel off….”Well someone here is saluting to attention” Mark said with a grin, in not time his hand was stroking my cock and rubbing some of the precum unto his finger. After a few minutes he sucked on his precum soaked finger and said yummy…Then I did something that I did not expect I reached out and started sucking on his cock, the thick shaft started expanding in my mouth. I loved sucking on his cock and feeling his balls hit my chin…I was getting into making love to this new found friend…just as I was getting into nursing his cock, he pulled away and said “shh, we have company”….just then I heard other voices in the steam room and could make out 4 other guys in there chatting. We stayed in the steam room for a bit talking until he motioned to head for the door…We headed for the showers to clean off and get dressed. We finished getting dressed and headed for the exit, Mark turned to me and said “James, what are your plans for the day?” I looked at him and said “laundry and then nothing really”…Mark replied ”Well, why don’t you go home, get your laundry done and then come over to my place, I’m having some friends over around 2pm for a bbq/pool party, here’s my address and phone number”. With that he handed me a wrote his number and address on a blank piece of paper and handed it to me. Heading home from the gym my mind was overwhelmed with everything going on, I just hoped that my roommate and his latest girlfriend were gone when I got home….I pulled into the apartment complex and parked my car, when I realized I needed to stop by the grocery store on my way home. With that I put the car in reverse and pulled back out of the apartment complex and made my way to the local grocery story, for a Sunday morning it was packed. I quickly found a parking spot and headed in to pick up my stuff…For the bbq/pool party I picked up a case of beer to bring along as well as sunscreen, didn’t want to get burned… Headed home and started doing my laundry for the week and pack my towel, sunscreen and swimsuit for the pool party. I finished up my laundry around 1 and figured I should start heading over to Mark’s place…I hope he doesn’t mind if I am a bit early, I could help him out a bit….I made my way over to Mark’s he was not too far from me, only a few miles from my apartment. I noticed there were a couple of cars parked on the street and in the drive, as I made my way up to the front door. I rang the door bell and to my surprise, Nicholas answered the door and greeted me by saying, “James, what are you doing here? I didn’t know you knew Mark.” I looked at him and said “we go to the same gym and work out together” He smiled and me and said “well come on in and enjoy the fun.” I handed him the case of beer and said I” brought along some beverages” he remarked back “well this should be a fun bbq.”
    1 point
  38. A Bottom who always fucks n takes DNA everywhere all the time is known as slut, cumdump, whore. A top who fucks n spreads his DNA everywhere all the time is known as a STUD
    1 point
  39. I have always kept a lovers seed inside me until it is absorbed by my body. I am a total bottom and I am here to be bred by tops and if possible, incubate their seed and let it grow in me. Since the very first load I took so many years ago, I have always imagined that I could get pregnant and my deepest desire is that someday a top will breed me and his baby batter with live in me and link us forever.
    1 point
  40. It's the best holding cum in my asshole where any topman left it. I love the feeling of trying to keep it in.
    1 point
  41. -work place men's room stall -empty building under construction -play ground late at night on the monkey bars -your neighbor's back porch when they're out of town
    1 point
  42. So, after high school I entered the Army. Tough time for a confused young man. Like I noted in part I, the military was very anti-gay at the time. Doing anything that would reveal my tendencies would have created major problems; they were still doing Article 15's for homosexuality, then. And it was tough, too. So many good looking guys! Then when I was 20 I got shipped to Germany. Oh boy. First, the barracks were old, former German Army barracks from WWII, which meant communal showers. There I am, every morning after calisthenics with 30 other swinging dicks. Some mornings it was all I could do not to pop wood. But the best thing about Germany was the porn. This is 1985, VHS is the height of consumer video and the Internet? But there were tons of porno theaters! And the types of porn were....comprehensive, at least to my beginner's eyes. Gay porn was very popular and no one wore condoms. Watersports were often part of the "plot" of any given film and, as far as I can tell, the Germans pioneered shaved genitals. I was in heaven and spent as much of my free time as possible "on the economy", sitting in darkened porno theaters, jerking off. That's where I had my first real gay experience, when an older man came over, sat down next to me, reached over and jerked me off. I soon learned the rules and customs of these places: mutual masturbation was OK, oral sex in the bathrooms only. I sucked two or three dicks a night, two or three times a week on a good week, usually less but as much as I could! Eventually, this guy I'd blown a few times invited me to a private club (I spoke OK German by then). It was like a bath house, really but I didn't know much about them. Anyway, that's where I had my first anal. Yes, it hurt and, yes, I did it twice that night. Paid for a week while my bunghole bled slightly for four days and was sore the whole time but by the end of the week I was ready for more. I spent the rest of my tour in Germany pretty much having sex as often as I could, bareback of course. Looking back, this was when HIV was really starting to be a problem and it's a wonder I didn't catch anything. Drunks and fools, I guess.... Got out of the Army in '87, got a job and was going to school part time. I was very busy with my life for the next two years and except for some light flirting with a couple guys in school I went back to solo action, with the addition of some toys, magazines and videos. It was a 2 year dry spell, especially compared to my time in Germany! I was still conflicted about being gay. I was 24 and closeted and still trying to convince myself I liked women. I often wish I hadn't been raised in such a conservative environment. My early life would have been much different if I could have come out as a teen. I definitely wouldn't have gotten married.
    1 point
  43. Part VI I sat there and could not even speak. I had drank too much booze in the heat and had pretty much been raped without really knowing it as I had been zonked out. I looked at my new buddy then and he then told me the rest of my dream had not been a dream either. He said after watching the other guy do me he, like he told me earlier was just too horny, and the two of them had lifted me up and placed me in the sling and had cuffed my hands and shackled my legs in it. Then he had entered my cummy hole with little trouble and had also fucked me and filled my hole with his cum. He said he thought I knew what was going on as I was moaning like crazy and when he had cum I blew my own load clear up to my face. He said he had licked it off of me and kissed me and fed my own cum to me too. He then said he found he didn't have the key to the cuffs and went to find it and forgot that whoever was chained in the sling was supposed to be fair game for anyone or he would have had someone keep a closer watch. The other guy said he just watched out of heat and by the time my buddy came back with a key he had told him that 6 guys had already stepped up an unloaded their cum in me too. My bud then said since there was that much in he felt he might as well leave me there as I seemed comfortable and was out anyway. The other guy said he stayed and watched the whole thing and by the time the line quit and he yelled at my buddy to come get me out of there I had had a total of, counting theirs too, 35 loads in my ass of cum. I just sat there in total shock. I had never even wanted a man's cock in me and now they are telling me I had not only had a cock in me but had had 35 of them and all had cum in me on top of that. I couldn't even imagine it. The dream was actually reality and I had really just been used as a cum dump just like I had overheard one those guys talking before. What the hell was I going to do now? I was having trouble wrapping my mind around it. A cum dump, 35 loads, my hole so full of cum it kept leaking out of me like a faucet and they were saying I was moaning for more and more? I could not imagine it. I got up and walked over by the sling and watched the guy in it being fucked hard by another guy. I had been right there doing the same thing. As the guy started to cum in the guy I could hear them both moaning a bit too and I thought how did I stay out like that. When the guy pulled his cock out the guy in the sling jumped out too, a willing one it seemed. I walked up to it and stared into it and looked up at the mirror. My bud came up then and told me he was really sorry about that. I asked him did I really seem to be enjoying that. He said I sure did and my cock had been hard and throbbing the whole time and really erupted a gusher when I had cum. I turned and looked him in the eye for a minute. I then reached down and dropped my shorts off and hopped up into the sling and told him to show me. I wanted to see if I really had enjoyed that. He grinned and helped settle me into it. He then stepped back a bit and as I watched, he dropped both his shorts and jockstrap in one smooth action. He had one hell of a hard on. It had to be all of 10 inches and big around as my Coke can. I almost climbed back out of the sling at the sight of that monster, but got control of myself thinking I had already took that once so must be able to. He was smiling then as he stepped towards me and positioned his cock at my hole and said are you ready. I just nodded and in anticipation felt my own cock springing up hard. I reached down and pulled it out of my jockstrap and the he took my hand and pulled my up a little and guided it to his cock. He had me guide it to my hole and hold on to it as he started to enter me. Even with all the cocks I had had before my hole had closed back up fairly well so he had to push some to get in. It kind of hurt and then my hole gave in and he sunk in. I could feel that and then had to let loose of him and he buried it in me completely and he started to fuck me nice and slow. He was hitting that spot again right off too and my own cock was throbbing and tingling like crazy. After about 10 minutes of this he was getting faster and harder. It felt amazing. I then noticed we had gathered a small crowd to watch. There were murmurs going around about 'the guy' that had taken so many loads before and was back again. I zoned them out and looked into my buds eyes wanting to just feel this pleasure that was sweeping over me and yes I was moaning from the fantastic feeling. My bud leaned in and kissed me again running his tongue all through my mouth. He then really went to town pounding my hole and leaned in and said I am getting ready to unload again. I told him to hurry as I thought I was going to cum too any second. All at once he almost hesitated and then rammed hard and deep into me as he could and I could feel his cock throbbing as he was cumming in me. As he did he was leaning over me again and saying oh my God that is great to cum like this in a neg hole with my poz cum and my cock exploded again and hit me from my stomach to my mouth again. He then leaned over and was licking it off of me again and when he reached my mouth we kissed again and he fed me my own cum again. As we laid there recovering I started to wonder about his words. We finally managed to get up and he helped me out of the sling to applause from the onlookers. We both just kind of grinned and grabbed our clothes and walked back over to the cot. When we got there my ass was leaking again so I grabbed the towel again and wiped up a huge amount leaking out of me. I looked at the towel then for the first time and noticed that there were red streaks all over it where I had wiped the cum up from me. I asked my bud what that could be. He said that being a virgin ass until a while ago I had probably torn open a little here and there inside and it was blood. He then said something else I didn't understand about that helping to spread their babies better anyway. It was then I asked him about his wording. He said he had probably just fed me my last neg load to eat when we got done fucking. I just stared at him with no idea what he was talking about. He all at once gave a laugh and said oh hell I forgot for a bit you are supposed to be straight and don't have a clue about this. I shrugged my shoulders so he said get ready for another shock about your dream. He said they all had biohazard tattoos because they were all poz and none of them on meds either. I still did not understand. He just looked pained and said they were all poz and I was neg and every one of them that had fucked me were all poz too, so most likely with the bleeding I would become poz. I just stared not comprehending at all. He said you really are straight as hell aren't you and laughed. He hugged me then and said poz was kind of shorthand for HIV POZ meaning they all had it and I had been neg and did not have HIV. I probably would now though with all the amount of their toxic cum I had taken in me. I dropped onto the cot and asked "Oh, fuck, what the hell have I done?"
    1 point
  44. The first time getting fucked was raw. I went to a bar when I was 18, got picked up by this hot guy in his mid-twenties. We went to his truck, he sat on the tailgate and I started sucking him. He asked if I want to be fucked, of course I said yes. He fucked me right there on the tailgate and came deep in my ass. I loved every minute of it.
    1 point
  45. Always clean-shaven, and always A2M clean.
    1 point
  46. Been a Thursday night around 7pm, I had started my quest to decide on my options for Friday night. Checking on BBRT and the many local gay bars web sites for what was on. Another option was one of the four sex clubs in town. As I weighted the options I found that the BrisBears was hosting there annual Bear Run. And the Friday night event was an underwear party. Straight away my mind was made up that was the place to go. Come Friday morning I had decided on what exactly I was going to wear to the underwear party. I was going to wear my Addicted Jockstrap with the red pouch and lace up front as there was a gap between the pouch and lacing for easy access as well as good access to my rear entry. Plus id put on my harness with the chains for extra joy and usage as it didn’t come out of the cupboard that much. Soon I was of to work but the only thought was of the night to come. The day seemed to fly past and soon it was three and time to head home. Been only a short distance from work had its advantage. I was home ten minutes later and as soon as I walked into my bedroom my gear was coming off and I stripped right down to nothing and made my way to the ensuite. Once in there I turned the shower to let the water flow and get it to the right temp. As I planned to douche my hole of any remaining contents for the night ahead. Having been in the shower some forty minutes I was now confident me was clean fully inside and out. I then groomed my hair and beard and quickly headed back to the bedroom. Lying on the bed I soon had the laptop up and running beside me and got onto the web. Longing into all the sites I checked out what activity was on before I posted an ad. Thankfully there were a few ads up. So I sent off the messages to the ad placers and soon had my replies. After only a few messages and shared details of what one would be wearing tonight and wear one would be found in the venue for the night. It was now about five when I got everything ready to take for the night. I still didn't need to get dressed as I still had an hour or so before id have to catch the train in to town at seven. It was perfect. I went and got myself a cider and rolled a joint to have before heading off. After a few sips of the cider the joint was lite. As everything around me mellowed I thought id do one quick more thing before the night started. I'd just go scrub my hole some as it made the sex feel greater. Having done that for twenty minutes my hole was feeling great and ready. Then I realised id have to get ready so got into all my gear and clothing put everything else in the sling bag that goes round my waist. All set I made it to the train station just before seven so caught the train on time and was heading into the city. Seven twenty the train pulled into the city station. I went up and out of the station heading up the hill to the pub it was been held at. It was now seven thirty seven as I walked into the bar making a beeline for the bar to get a drink. Soon I was wondering around catching up with familiar faces having a chat but my calling was in the downstairs bar. I proceeded down and paid the entry into the underwear party. Went to the cloak room got my clothes off and handed my bag of clothing in for the night fitting my sling bag round my waist I went and caught up with friend’s id seen. Soon in hand I had my next drink and was ready for a bit of a wonder. I headed out to the smoking area. To find it was empty. Perfect time to drop one of the pills i'd brought in. so having the drink and popped the pill. I had a smoke before going back in. the crowd had doubled and I now saw the guys id messaged in BBRT. Having a chat with the guys it was agreed that we would start playing in an hour in the dark room and where we would bump into each other. With the knowledge in hand I went to my friends and chatted for a good thirty minutes. This and that nothing as exciting as what id is up to later. I then left to have a smoke before I ventured into the darkroom. As my eyes adjusted could pick up the silhouettes of those already in there. The smell of sex vibrant in the darkness. I made my way to the meeting spot a small enclave across from the only toilet in there. Getting myself ready, out of the sling bag I took a bottle of poppers and let the buzz of everything take my pig side on an adventure. I wasn’t waiting very long when the first cock arrived rubbing him up in his underwear the cock grew feeling its length press in my hand. As he pulled into the darkness I got down before him and pulled his cock out. The taste was of dried spit and lube from an earlier event. Grabbing my head I went all the way down to his base and reflexed on his cock having it slide down further my throat. As I came up a good amount of slick gag spit coated the cock I braced myself one hand on the wall for support and the other reaching for the cock to guide it to the hole. As soon as his cockhead had passed the ass lips there was a thrust forward as he slide his cock in my chute. For a good two minutes without any words my hole was been fucked raw. The newly scrubbed hole was in rapture as the cock sensitized my insides. The hard fast thrusts slowed into long more deliberate deep stroking. I muttered my joy not been heard over the music been played, as I reached down to rub my hardening cock. The trusts became urgent and I felt a warmth flood my hole. Letting it slide from my hole I turned and cleaned the cock of the seed on it his cock was hardening again and this time I was pushed out of the enclave so my head would be seen. He took his position and this time when his head found the hole with one ramming thrust he sailed his cock up my hole. A new joy flooded me as he fucked my hole with earnest. My head was now pointing to entrance of the enclave and I could hear his words “Fuck yeah, you like the dirty seed” followed more intensely “i'm going to fill your gut with this toxic seed” my ass was now in complete joy. Grabbing his cock with my ass lips firmly as he pulled out and letting cock ram back into me. “Sweet Pig, yeah fucking milk that cock” and with a few more thrusts in our union. He cried out “FUCK” as I felt his balls tighten into his hard cock; the explosion in my ass was torrents this time. He pulled out as soon as he was done shooting the toxic seed. This time though as he stood I had to catch my balance and as I got up and turned there was a slap on my ass. “Good pig” was said as he walked by. “I’ll tell them you’re ready” as he walked off. I moved a little closer to the only open window and pushed my butt back. As I got an inhale of fresh air I felt the next cock. It was average but leaning to a good size in girth. As I felt the run up and down my crack the cold steel of the PA could be felt. I gave a slight buck up so the cock would rub a bit harder for my hole and give the signal to put it in. As he guided the head up my hole I could feel the protrusion of the PA hard on my anal walls. Felt so good. That I moaned my joy. Soon we found a rhythm together with him driving in his cock and the PA with my grasping as he thrust in. A few whispers “I’ve been wanting to breed your hole for so long” “Damn you’ve got a good hole pig” and with a few more thrust he moaned his joy in a growl. Feeling the new deposit of seed gushing into my hole. His wet cock hadn’t even slipped from my hole when the next cock was there ready to go in. brushing on my ass as they shifted places. I heard “Did you load” as the music came through and I didn’t here the rest of what was said. Then I heard “yup filled him good with it” and with that the next cock went sailing in. The guy was hung. Probably close to ten inches id say and he was good in the girth department. As he pounded away at what was feeling like a very sloppy hole. I took an inhale of the poppers snorting up both nostrils and doing over. I got a red haze in my eyes and as I surrendered to the pillaging my hole was taking now. My eyes closed shut to focus on all the emotions I was experiencing. With each moment I was seeing myself as if I was recording. My body moving forwards and back on his cock. My butt grinding down as he thrust in and letting him glide right to his head before gripping and feeling the cock race up me again and stop “fuck” came from the guy inside me and this time as he pulled out a few dribbles of the seed ran down from my open crack to my balls in the jock. As he stood and took a breath. I got down and sucked his cock clean of the cummy mess on it. My eyes now well adjusted to the darkness I saw the biohazard tattoo on his cock. As soon as he was limp and clean he left. I got up and followed him out but as he went to the smoking area I went on to the bar to get another drink. I found out it was now almost 10:45pm as I stood at the bar chatting to one of my friends. I soon saw a guy I knew to be toxic in the crowd. We’d chatted before but hadn’t met because of the distance between us. He was from another city. I soon decided that I need to go for a smoke and as I got out there I bumped into the four I had agreed to play with. Leaning into the pack leader I told him “I’d be out in the room again at the agreed spot”. He said “They hadn’t been in yet” and proceeded with “We will follow you in when your done here”. Having the drink and smoke my brain rushed with the events of the night so far. I was full of seed and felt better than ever at my actions to totally only bareback. As I got out a joint I thought it be a good time to also take the next ecstasy tablet. Though this was going to be shafted up my hole in amongst the seed I’d gotten. I got into the very darkest corner of the smoking room. And got the tablet out. Licking my finger to press the tablet onto it. As the tablet found its holding place on my finger I took it out of the bag and reached back. My hole was slick of the small amount of cum that had run out. Pushing the ecstasy tablet deep into my open full hole and quickly returning my cum covered fingers to my mouth for cleaning. I then made it to the other corner to light the joint. Soon as I was done with the joint, a friend id chatted to earlier come in and told me a surprise visitor had come and I needed to go see him. With that I got dragged out and to the bar to meet the surprise. As soon as I was there had a quick chat and I looked around the bar area. All niceties done I excused my self and had a glass of water and went straight to the dark room. I found the place was full and proceeded to cruise around. As my eyes again readjusted to the dark. I found a grizzly looking bear near the solitary toilet and basin. Giving him a bit of a tug he grabbed my head and pushed me down I got on all fours took a hit of amyl. And proceeded to taste his cock, it was stale but in my heightened joy I was enjoying this stubby cock and it tight foreskin. As his head came out the taste of dick cheese flooded my senses. I so went right down on the cock savouring the dirtiness of the cock in my mouth. A groaning sound came from above as I sucked him for a while. Then like a lap dog I was drinking a torrent of hot piss. As I continued my sucking. His stream coming to an end he’d squirt the last shots of piss into my throat. Moaning as I cleaned the cock of the events. He finally spoke “Damn pig, that’s toxic piss you just had” “hope you like it”. I moaned one final time as his limp dick went from my mouth. Getting up I now saw the four guys had gathered round me. And we shuffled all into the enclave. As they circled me one on each side one in front and one at the rear I knew what was about to happen. I opened the bottle of poppers blew into it to make it vaporise. Placing it on the floor. I then squatted to the right height. The first cock came from behind and plunged my gapping seeded hole. It felt good in thickness but wasn’t long. The second cock slapped against my face and I opened my mouth to take the cock before me. It was a meaty cock and uncut. As I sucked on the cock slowly rocking myself between the two cocks I was now between. The aroma of the amyl now filled our section. My piggy ness rose and I was now gobbling and slamming back on the other cock. A daze filled the spot and I closed my eyes. Seeing a red body before me and feeling the heat from the one behind. I was totally enjoying myself when the inevitable happened the cock I was sucking started to erupt a moan came from above and my ass again clasped onto the cock inside me. Warmness was now flooding my hole as the last drops dribbled from the cock down my throat. The guy behind cried “Fuck” as it was audible over the music. Soon both cocks had slipped from there mounts and I was spun around. To service the next to guys. The smell of manly sex had filled the room. The popper still on the floor aromatised the area. I got into position and squatted between the two, this time the first cock came from in front while the second rubbed his cock on my spillage near my gapping hole. Soon though there was an almighty ram forward into my hole by the second cock and as I sailed forward a bit the cock in my mouth went sailing into my cum lined throat. Again I started to rock between the two my ass slamming back on one then go right down on the other with my mouth. The mood was good and for ten minutes I was blissfully thinking about the loads I still was going to take. The two guys that had just used me prior still stood in place. But had squatted down, to talk dirty to me. “Yeah pig you like those dirty poz loads don’t ya” by one of them followed by “more to come yet I think” from the other. They both got up and both talked to the two I was enjoying at the same time in a spit roasting. It wasn’t audible the music drowned out what they were saying. As I moaned a little in my recklessness. And the joy I was having. The guy fucking my hole ramped up his thrusting and as he splattered my lined cum chute. He came to stabbing and abrupt shove. And stood there rammed up my hole. I had now gone sailing down the cock in my mouth. My throat feeling the pulse of his cock he shot down my throat in torrents and stopped after a minute. Pulling him self out. The other guy had long since slipped out of my hole and headed off. I though was again spun. Wedged between the earlier thick hung uncut cock and the thick stub. I wasn’t really in position when I felt the grab on my harness pulling me back onto the thick cock and having it slide up my cum dump of a hole. I stubbled down into position as the music stopped. “Fuck” I moaned and then I had the thick stub in my mouth. With the music off the three of us where hedonistic. They’d tell me things about there loads as I got rocked and pounded in both ends. It felt like ages without the music. Both of them seemed to also be synced. They came out with the same words “Pig you sure know how to take a poz load in ya” the guy behind added ”your going to be a good poz pig one day”. With that I felt things ramp up between us. I was furiously sucking the cock I had in my mouth when the shots of cum went down my throat. My head was held in place on that cock as the guy behind me picked up his movements. Soon he cried “your holes going to get it tonight” and as his cock shot up into my stomach he said allowed “Fuck drain those balls of there toxic seed” as his movement stopped and the short stabbing movements he made came to an end a warm sensation was running down from my hole. His cock slipped from my hole and as I got up to turn for the next load. The two i'd just sucked and taken another load from. Both moved away. The guy with the thick uncut member said a few words as he passed by “thanks. That’s a mighty good hole you have pig” and “hope you enjoy the gift we are sharing with you. My cock was now rock hard constrained by the cock ring I wore and the jocks I was in. I felt my hardness through the jocks and found that they were soaked in my own precum. Bending over stroking my wet jocks. I picked up the bottle of poppers and lifted it to my nose for another inhale. The last cock in the group was rubbing my cum lined hole. When I pushed back on it. I soon was bracing my hands against the wall when the guy driving his cock in me cried out “what a fucking sweet hole you have” followed by “can’t wait to dump my toxic load in there” the music came on and soon all noise in the back was muffled again, I could feel my hole been slammed in deeper and soon the shuddering and grinding halt of his cock thrusts told me he was seeding my cum dump cunt with a toxic load. I straightened myself by getting up as his cock slipped from my full hole, with that me left putting the cap on the aroma as I put it away in the sling bag. I left the darkroom more for a break and to get some fluids. I was dripping like a faucet with the amount of sweat running from me. I headed to the bar got a drink. And then went round to get my phone from the cloak room. I soon was out back having a smoke and found id gotten a message on growlr from a pic less profile. The message read “i’m looking for fun” and I replied “so am I”. I now saw the time was about 2.15am and as I was having another smoke I saw the guy that I really wanted to load my hole next go in the dark room. I quickly knocked back the half full bourbon and coke and had the last of the smoke. I made my way into the darkroom. As I did so I put the phone in my sling bag. Got the popper out and walked into the dark abyss again. I soon found the guy was only just ahead and was position him self next to the table along the wall. I did a bit of a circle where id had sex earlier before going for the mark I wanted. I soon was in front of the big beast I wanted. I had been waiting ages to finally see his cock in real glory. As I went down and started to suck I found his cock came to its full size. His uncut foreskin pulling over a giant mushroomed head. I took a hit of the amyl and went down and sucked on this cock. I could taste the ass juices of the holes he had earlier on it as well as the dry cum. I soon stood and giving the big bear a kiss I turned and bent over holding his cock in position, I made an almighty push back on his cock. Having it sail up me. He certainly was better hung than the pics had shown. He was nine inches in length and id say he had a girth of over nine inches. Impaling myself to the base of his cock I felt a tear of joy run down my cheek. I couldn’t help myself in that moment. The whole night had been coming to this point. I cried out in joy as his tool rammed inside me. And moaned with each time he’d slam his length into me. For the next five minutes it was all the same then as he grabbed the ring in the back of my harness I was been pulled back hard onto his cock each time. As his moaning escalated in the dark at the pounding I was been given he finally let out some words “Fuck what a hole” “I’m going to enjoy breeding this” and with that I know felt him grip my hips and my ass became a gapping hole for the pile driving I was getting from the cock burrowed inside my hole. After a minute of this I was pulled violently down ion the cock. I had a shudder run through me as an amazing sensation filled me. His cock had started shooting his load and I was having torrents of cum fill my gut deeper than ever before. The pounding had slowed and as the moan from behind came through I rammed myself back down on the cock to savour the moment of the amount of seed id taken. Been let go by the harness I slowly came of his thick tool squeezing his head out to keep the spunk inside and stood up right. I then left the dark room and thought id check what the time was. It was 2.40am. So I quickly went to the cloak room to get my clothing. I was dressed rather quickly and thought I needed to make a move. There was one place I wanted to still go. But I needed to make a quick move. As I left the venue and had walked a block I came to the seven eleven store and ducked into it and got a drink. As I walked out and opened the drink. Taking a gulp to quench the thirst I had. My phone buzzed with a new message. It was the guy from earlier with an invitation to play in his hotel room. I replied I was just up the road and would be back in five minutes. Having a smoke and finishing the drink I walked back to the bar I got a message again this time showing me who I was going to play with. I soon realized it was the same guy id taken my last load of and been excited my pace picked up and I soon was at the hotel. Lighting a smoke I waited for him to come down and literally only a drag or two in he came out the door and joined me and we had our smoke together chatting away. We were done and I was shown the way to the hotel room. When we got inside he told me his partner would be joining us and I again got excited another three way. What better way to end the night. I was soon naked in the room stripped of all my clothing. Lying on the bed in a 69 position having my hard cock sucked by the big bear. As I also devoured his monster meat again. Through the door came his partner a hot otter type. He dropped the towel from his waist and joined us on the bed id stopped sucking the big meaty uncut cock. And was now just stroking it allowing the partner to suck his daddy bears cock. Soon though the big bear got up. And had me position myself with my ass over the edge of the bed. The otter got in front of me and as I leaned into to suck his average sized cut cock. The big bear said “he’s already lubed” and with that he guided his fatting cock into my cummy hole. I started to suck the otter as I felt the big cock slide its full length in. a bit of amyl was no shared between us all and we broke into motion. I furiously sucked on the otters cock. While the big bear rammed my sloppy hole. My cock had reacted to the joys of this event. I was bursting with precum. And I was constrained in the cock ring. My cock bulging and flaring with each movement as I sucked and was been filled. I came up of the otters cock to show him my hard on. He positioned his arse in front of me and as I guided to his hole. The thrust of the big bear had me sailing up the otters cum lined hole. “fuck” came from all three of us as we now got into a movement. The big bear stood still allowing me to move my hips and thrust back and forward on his cock. In doing so I was thrusting up the otter’s raw hole. It went on for ages in this position. Hard slamming and ridding cock. Soon we had more of the amyl and our lusting increased. Our paced had picked up and I knew I was very close to blowing The next hit of the popper sent me over the edge. “Take my seed” I exclaimed before I said “Fuck” as my load exploded from my tightening balls and into the otter’s hole. It felt like I was draining my whole sack load. Still shooting the orgasm I was having made my ass grip on to the big bears cock and he to moan. I felt his hot load flooding my gut and it was massive. “Fuck” the big bear cried. The otter spoke “churn that load in me” so as I started to rock my hips again my ass taking the big bears still draining nuts and my cock sailing into the otters hole. Out of pure pig delight I was surrendering to the moment. First pile driving my cock up the cum chute of the otter. Whilst also as I rocked back and impaled myself on the big bear. Soon under the pressure of the pounding the otter screamed. “I can’t take too much more of this”. And as I slammed in and he hit my hips the otter collapsed and sprawled out as he came of my cock. Laying there on the bed with a gapping hole. The big bear looked over at his partner than pulled me back. “He’ll be happy” he whispered in my ear. Soon he had me over the bed and I felt the inner joy. I was now just having the one cock to focus on and my did we go at. The otter had fallen asleep sprawled out. The big bear and I kept changing positions on the bed. And soon with my ass up in the air and been rolled into a ball the big bear was impaling my hole. Every driving thrust left my hole gapping the sound of the cum squishing. Soon the big bear drove into my hole and as I looked at him and he into me. The biggest load was been fired into my stomach. It just kept going for two minutes. When he lifted his cock and sank it back into my hole. I was still feeling him oozing his load in. I and the big bear sat and chatted for a while. Eventually the otter had regained himself and the big bear asked if he wanted a final load. The otter looked at me and grinned. ”Try and stop me” “This guy knows how to fuck” and with that we got into position. I needed a bit of coaxing but it didn’t take long. The big bear was behind me and had planted his cock up my hole. Tweaking my nipples. My cock soon was hard again. As the otters hole lined up for my cock. I thrusted forward. Going into his gapping hole. The feeling from behind was the sizable cock from the big bear slipped out and as I thrust back onto his cock. It caught my ass lips before hitting its mark. Soon I was thrusting into the otter’s hole and slamming myself back on the big bears cock. I was the only one moving and my speed was picking up. Slamming forward and driving back the sweat was pouring of me. After ten minutes the otter screamed out ”I’m fucking Cumming” and as his hole grasped onto my cock. And me thrusting back and forwards I soon to was shooting my load in the otter’s hole. The big bear moaned in approval as he to started shooting in my gut for the last time. All connected and slumping on each other the intense orgasm we all had together my cock was still been milked of the load I shot. The big bear cried out “fuck that’s drained my big poz balls” We soon found ourselves all still joined in a huge cuddle. “Fucking glad we scored you for the end of the night” the big bear exclaimed. I turned and said “Thanks for inviting me” “I've been needing that so much” as we untangled and caught our breaths. I realised id have to get dressed and make a move home. Getting dressed the big bear said he come out for a smoke before I left. Dressed and ready I and the big bear went to the smoke garden above the hotel rooms. We chatted for a good while some thirty minutes or so. And as I got up from the chair and the big bear heading to his room. I turned and gave him a big hug and kiss. With that I went down stairs and headed out to the street. Calling the cab company and making a pick up booking. I looked at the time it was 5.35am and the sun was coming out. As my cab arrived and I gave him where I was going. I got a message from the big bear. Thank you so much. I’ve waited a long time to breed you pig. I hope you enjoyed my cock and the seed I gave you. I waited the twenty minutes of the ride home in the cab. I was exhausted but also wanting to enjoy this seed inside my gut. When I got in the door to home I finally shook of and replied. “Truly thanks. Had you not messaged I would of ended up at one of the cruise clubs. That just made my night”. Putting my phone on charge I decided to have another joint. As I had the joint I could only think of the cum in my gut and that I needed to work it into my gut more. The joint finished and a fresh buzz as I had a smoke after. I could feel my calling to play with the poz seed in me. I was in my room and though I felt like riding my toys I decided the best thing would be to scrub my hole. Grabbing the toilet brush id bought just for that reason. I lubed my hole and the brush and positioned it. Soon I had all the bristles in my hole and was overjoyed at what I was doing. It had been the greatest night of cum taking id ever had and I was finishing it off properly by working that poz cum into my ass walls with the toilet brush. Who knows but hoping that night is the night I got converted. Will I know? Guess I’m going to have to wait and see what develops, whether I get sick or not. But I definitely know I so much enjoy been a bug chaser for poz loads. Looking forward to my next lot of poz loads.
    1 point
  47. OK so Mr. Craigslist and I met another 3 or 4 times over the duration of my stay, the routine was almost the exact same every time, and I got to know him as a very nice and generous guy. However, I thought seeing as I'm in New York I should try something I never done before. Go to a gay bar. Now I wouldn't have ever considered myself part of the gay scene, I never went to a gay bar, don't dance to club music, and never listened to Liza Minnelli. Just not my thing. I also had a misconception about this being the kind of audience a gay bar caters to, shame on me. I'm not effeminate and don't look for that in a sexual partner. Every hook-up I've ever had up until this point had been organised online. Using the internet, I decided to look for any bars in the city that'd cater to my interest generally older, bear/daddy types(at least that's what it was at that time) and found Ty's. This sounds good, this'll be my first place to visit. Well, to say I was a nervous wreck would be an understatement. I must have walked past the place 3 or 4 times before I went in, I was terrified. Go figure, the guy who wasn't nervous in the slightest to meet a stranger from craigslist is scared to go into a bar full of people in a well lit street. Whatever the logic, this was the case. But I built up the courage put my head down and walked in. TY's Ty's is a small neighbourhoodly bar on Christopher's street that generally caters to older clientèle, everything about it is great. Friendly staff, customers, funny and welcoming locals and in a perfect location, Greenwich Village. I went in on a Wednesday, quite night, so it wouldn't be too over whelming. I went up to the bar where there was a free stool in between a bear and a daddy(perfect position ) The bear immediately introduced himself to me and made reference to what I was wearing, not being appropriate. I had only a jacket and it was freezing outside, it must have been the end of March, but it was cold as hell. I didn't have a big coat to pack with me because Ireland's version of hot and cold, is probably mild in America. Luckily the bar was nice and toasty, but even if it hadn't been. Mr. Bear began rubbing my arms and shoulders. "Tanks" I said dropping the (h) from "Thank You" as us Irish often do. "You're Irish?". Suddenly a few people turned away from the TV to talk to me. They noticed I was the youngest in the bar by a good few years, many began asking me questions like "Are you lost?" as well as telling me about bars where there were people more my age group. I'm 25, but I started to feel like a little kid. I was getting all this attention for the first time, never quite had it before. It was great! I engage as many people as I could in conversation but I was really being bombarded by these lovely people. "This is God's waiting room, you know that?" I laughed at this remark. It had come from the Daddy to my right. Short white hair and a grey goatee, broad but short, friendly and funny. We chatted for a while about an assortment of topics before it got to sex. We talked about what we were both into and he called himself a bit of a pig. I had a hard time picturing this because the guy I was talking to seemed quite sweet. He mentioned The Eagle as being a place to go if I was looking for sex "or there's always my apartment" he said jokingly. "Ok" I said, I could tell he was taken aback slightly. I don't think he expected me to be quite so up for sex. We finished our drinks and caught a taxi heading to his place. His apartment was big and expensive looking, near the financial district towards the south of the Island. We went into his room and he took his shirt off and to my surprise I had realised he had been hiding a rather muscular physique. I felt as if I should be doing some push-ups or something. Then after whipping his boots and socks he beckons me over "C'mere boy" his tone of voice had changed completely, no longer was he a happy-go-lucky bar goer, he sounded gravelly and ready to pounce. I walk over and knelt down in from of the bulge behind those jeans. He unzipped, takes out his cock, and I greet it with a kiss immediately. He puts one hand on the back of my neck and the other on the top of my head and begins to guide my face closer and closer, until his cock is in my throat and my nose is inside his jeans, buried in his fresh pubes. Then he starts to thrust. The callouses on his hand(presumably from lifting weights) rub against the back of my neck and make me tingle, I remember that feeling like it was yesterday. I'm forever remembering little quirks like that, those are things I tend to enjoy most. At this point he's thrusting his hips forward, I'm swallowing back spit and massaging his cock head at the same time, he seems to enjoy that. After a while of fucking my face he takes his jeans off and lies back on the bed. "Lick Daddy's ass boy" I oblige, it's one of my favourite activities, his hole smells clean but it's sweaty. I imagine him sitting on that bar stool for all those hours and me cleaning Daddy's sweat, and making him feel good. I take turns licking his ass and sucking his cock and balls, using my tongue like a blind man's stick. Never lifting it from his skin. "Yeah boy, you daddy's little pig?" I nod "Uh huh" is all I can mumble with a mouth full of dick. "Get on yer back" I lay on my back. He yanks me by both ankles so my ass is in the air and I'm all folded up "Mmm hmm" He squeezes my ass cheeks while stretching them apart, then he spits on my hole. At this point I'm in heaven, his strength really impressed me, where did this beast come from? He stand on the bed and mounts me, I hold his ankles for balance. His cock plunges down into my hole, one dip, all the way to the balls. It hurts enough to take my breath away. "Take it" I think, he's in so the worst is over. Then he transforms from a human man with sex on his mind, into a fucking jackhammer. This guy's hips had a motor in them, I'm convinced! He fucked me like he was drilling for oil, I got shivers, I felt sick, then I felt like I was going to cum. Thank God his cock was average in size, because any bigger and he'd have split me in two. After about two or three minutes of him pounding my guts, he switches my over to doggy, and continues at the same pace. He had some stamina. He hooked me in some kind of full nelson and let me have it, then noise and feeling of his balls slapping my ass was incredible. "Where do you want me to come boy?" "Where ever you want" I reply in a shallow breath. He pulled out, came on my hole, then stuffed it back in to squeeze out the last few drops. Fantastic. I fell asleep in his arms. Stonewall What an odd night this was. I had been to Ty's a few times now and was making friends with the locals. "Why don't you check out Stonewall?" says a new acquaintance. "Why not?" I thought, I had already been briefed on it's history and it's only down the street. So I go down to see what all the fuss is about. Stonewall is a lot closer to what my preconceived idea of a gay bar was, tacky music, flaming queens all that jazz. I sit up at the bar. The barman, a middle-aged very touchy, very friendly man serves me a beer, and popcorn of all things. I started chatting to a guy who tells me he's an author. If I had a dollar for every author I met in New York. He kind of looked like Val Kilmer actually. Anyway after a drink or two, the barman is pushing us closer together, forcing our heads towards each other trying to make us kiss, which we do. As we are making out the barman puts Val's hand on my cock through my jeans. "This is so odd" I thought, I had heard of barmen playing cupid, but it was as if he was looking for a show. I ask him if he want's to hook up. He tells me he can't as he has a boyfriend. I'm not fussed as he isn't really my type. He leaves. I finish my drink and think of doing the same after I head to the toilet. when I get back there are two girls beside my chair I go to pick up my jacket. One of the girls(very attractive) pinches my cheek "You're so hot, I wish you weren't gay" she says in a funny accent(they were both french canadian) "I'm not" I replied with a lightning quickness. I'm bisexual, so technically I was telling the truth, with a slight omission in order to get me laid somehow. I hit it off with these two girls and before I knew it, it was closing time. They invite me back to there hotel and tell me they have beer. YES! I'm excited to see where this goes but confused at the same time. Am I getting into a threesome here? "This'll be a good story for the boys back at home" I think. By the time we got outside to get a taxi, two guys had joined us. I have no idea where they came from, they didn't know each other, my only guess is they also met the girls at some stage in the night. One guy was skinny tanned, Italian American looking late 20's very charismatic. He lived here, the rest of us were tourists, the other guy was a clean cut Norwegian guy, who had his eye on the girl I was hitting it off with. He had no chance I thought. She was really giving me the signs. Anyway for whatever reason they were part of the group now, so we all hopped a cab back to their place. When we get to the hotel room, I'm surprised by how small it was, I didn't know they had rooms this small in Manhattan, One double bed and an en suite. "How is this going to work?" I thought, I began imagining some orgy of sorts. I start with the kissing and heavy petting of the french canuck, not concerned with what the others are doing(drinking and talking). I get tapped on the shoulder, the skinny dude(lets call him slim) wants a word with me in the bathroom. I walk in. He closes the door "Hey man, check out those girls" he says as he confidently whips out a bag of cocaine. WTF? He does a line off of the sink and offers me one. I decline. At this point the girls open the bathroom door and are livid. They tell us the party is over and kick us out. I'm in shock, the whole event happens so fast and is so bizarre. Who are these idiots and how did they come to ruin my chances. As we are leaving the hotel. Slim leans into me and says "You fuck guys too right?". What?? How did he know? What a presumptuous thing to ask. He seemed unfazed by the whole thing, maybe it was the coke. I answer "yeah"; "Cool, I know a place we can go". It got weirder. As we are walking to this place Slim spoke of, which was only a few blocks from the girl's hotel room. Our Norwegian friend(Johan) asks what we're doing, Slim turns around and tells him out straight what's happening, not only that he asks "Are you down?" "Yes sure" Johan replies! What Are you kidding me!?! Did I just go from having a potential threesome with two straight girls, to having a threesome with two guys, is this real life? What are the odds? We get to the second hotel room of a very seedy building in which Slim seems to know the guy at reception, this seems like a sex place. I wonder how many times Slim has done this. He's very coked up at this stage. The room is bigger than the girls' room, haha. Johan wants to know who has condoms, Slim says "It's fine, it's fine." I don't offer up my ass, I have a strange feeling about Slim. We all strip and Slim's cock is a piece of work, thick, long and veiny as fuck. It drew me in like a magnet, I start to suck on it. He's impressed by my deep throat skills, he has a nice thick black bush that I start to get wet. I can here him and Johan making out and I'm on cock duty. "You wanna give me that ass?" Slim says to Johan, "yeah baby" he answers. Slim turns on the TV, straight porn is playing. This is definitely a sex place. Johan gets on all fours on the bed, he's a hairless twink, def not my type, but objectionably very attractive. Slim pushes his monster cock into his asshole, as Johan sucks on my dick. It's hot to watch, but he can only accommodate just over half of the cock, I doubt I'd have been able to take much more if I'd have volunteered. Slim makes due and begins the fucking. Johan's blowjob skills aren't the best so I move to the back of Slim and begin rimming him as he's fucking Johan. He loves it! He lets out a moan and puts his arms behind his head to relax as we treat him like a king. Slim slowly pulls his cock out of Johan, it's clean as a whistle. "Come here come here" he tells us, we both start sucking and caressing his cock, and making out with each other around his dick head. "Aww fuck yeah" Slim is in heaven. It doesn't take much jerking for him to blow a thick load in my mouth, it tastes nice but I don't swallow. I look to Johan, Slim asks him "you snowball?" Unfortunately Johan refused, I was game. Slim shrugs dips two of his fingers into my open mouth then tastes his cum on them. "MMmm that's it, swallow my load" I gulp it down. We go to bed tangled up in each other, kissing every no and again before falling asleep. I awake in the morning with an arm around Johan, Slim has up and left. The place looks sleazier in the daytime than it did at night. Johan awakes and immediately without prompting start to take care of my morning wood. He does a much better job this time. I finish by jerking off into his mouth, he lets it run out of his mouth. I find it hot. We clean up leave the hotel and go our separate ways. I'm not exactly feeling good about the night before, it was just too weird, and I was really up for a threesome with those girls. But as far as consolation prizes go, this wasn't half bad. Nowhere This was another place a guy from Ty's suggested it was close enough to Union Square and are I was familiar with, so decided to see what it was all about, after all at this point I was a gay bar convert. Much bigger than Ty's but not as queeny as Stonewall and I'm thinking this place could be just right. I order a beer and head down to the pool table at the back of the bar, it's a lot darker than the previous two places and the ceiling is quite low, giving it a claustrophobic quality. After a game of pool with a nice man named Ricardo I went back up to the bar to sit and watch. And older man next to me was trying to strike up a conversation with me, however he was very drunk and I had a hard time understanding him. He seemed to speak in metaphors as if he was trying to be mysterious, but it was really missing the mark. I was getting frustrated with him until someone who was sat on his other side basically told him he's had too much too drink. A tall black man who was standing behind me made a joke about this situation, and we started talking. His name was Bruce. He was very smooth handsome, black dreadlocks(short) with a black goatee, well dressed, and very manly. We hit it off, he asked if I wanted to come outside for a smoke. I don't smoke, but joined him anyway because he was hot. I was really enjoying this new way of meeting guys, the spontaneity of it all bet scrolling the internet for a guy who might no show when you're supposed to meet. This was cool, different. "We should grab some beers and head back to my place, I'm just around the corner" That was fine with me, if he insists. He led the way. We got to his and put on some music. "You want a hit?" he said as he held up a little glass pipe with pot in it. Usually it does nothing for me, but I was in the mood to mix it with sex and see if I'd enjoy it more. This would be a nice of first incidentally. First time being with a black man, first time mixing pot and sex. Boy did it work a charm. As everything began to tingle we started to make-out for the first time that night. His tongue was thick, wet and knew its way around. So did his hands, guiding my hands to where he wanted them, his crotch, his neck, up his shirt to feel his skin. My head is feeling light at this point and his takes of my shirt and pants, rolls me back and begins to use his talented tongue on my ass. It feels delightful. He has a long tongue. My ass opened like it was taking a dick. He moans with his tongue buried in my ass, that deep moan vibrates my whole body. Is this the pot, or is this man made of silk? "Come here suck my dick for a while" Yes sir, one of my favourite activities. I pulled down his pants as he took his top off. I peel down his underwear, wow. A nice fat uncut cock, nothing surprising, but big none the less. I wrap my lips around it and breath in. There is a very strong smell of sweat from his dick and balls, very enticing. I suck it down and massage the head with my throat, I try to stick my tongue out to lick the balls at the same time, it makes me gag. "MMMMMNNNYEAH That's so fuckin hot" He likes it when I gag, knowing that makes him feel good I position his cock at an angle, so that when he pushes his dick down it hits my gag reflex. Now he's in control of when he wants to gag me. He has fun with this as I can hold my breath for quite some time. He says he want's my ass. He goes for the natural lube, simply spitting on his hand and rubbing his cock before inserting it into my hungry ass. I was expecting pain, this was another first, first time fucking without lube. To my surprise it didn't hurt one bit. Although his cock was quite large, it was soft, not flacid, but spongy. It felt amazing going in. He starts to fuck me on his couch. I'm bent over the arm of the couch while he stands, a position he dictated. He fucked good, not too fast not to slow and getting that nice pop pop pop sound on every thrust. Before long, we were both laying on the couch, on our sides, me with one leg in the air him drilling deep. The pace was picking up. I was rubbing his body all over. I like to get quite tactile, unless the guy isnt into it, then I'm just as easily happy being used like an inanimate object. He liked the touch. He were both now covered in a thin later of sweat, I was enjoying rubbing the sweat off of his body onto my face, covering myself in his scent. That strong sweat. I could feel that he was approaching climax, so I pushed against his thrusts to milk that cum from him. He grabs my hips and lets out a loud moan as he pumps one into me. We lay on the couch for a while, with his dick still in my, twitching every so often. I could lay like this for a long time. He pulls his cock out of me and jokingly pushes me off of the couch to the floor. As if to say "I'm done with you, cumdump" what he actually says is "Lets go to bed" Laying in bed I feel nicely stoned and satisfied, I'm ready to go to sleep. "Turn over" I turn over. "Stay still". Ok. He slides his dick into again. How he has the energy is beyond me. He starts to go for it, holding my hips and fucking my still body. I start to breath heavily, a few small moans and groans escape me. "Ssshh play dead, play dead" "Wow, this is hot" I think. I go limp and play dead like he says. He fucks another load into my lifeless body, much more aggressively than last time, although it doesn't hurt at all. I could fall asleep like this. If I wasn't so horny. We kiss a little before nodding off. I saw him two more times before the trip was over. If this is what gay bars were like, I've been really missing out.
    1 point
  48. Whenever there were other bottoms, I always ended up getting fucked by everyone including the other bottoms. Except one time the other bottom was only into blk boys and he got jealous cuzz the only blk top there kept on fucking me all night.
    1 point
  49. Whore Boot Camp – Curiosity can get someone into trouble and what started out as me being nosy about a pimp and his whore, turned into a rough fuck in an alley, several loads up my ass in a dirty garage, and now I was face down on a squeaky bed being deep dicked by Jay as he told me how much he was enjoying my raw hole. I remembered being in the truck after we left the garage and Jay’s voice saying “Come on little rabbit. Time to get see your new hutch,” before I faded back to black. The memories after that were in bits and pieces. The truck stopped; dogs barking; the sound of a metal gate; Jay helping me walk; the jangling of keys; the overwhelming stench of dog-piss; Jay dropping me on the bed, then blackness again. I don’t think I was out long at all before Jay started forcing a couple fingers up my cum filled ass and his voice penetrated the fog in my head, “Come on now little rabbit, time to get that white tail working, know what I mean? No, you don’t yet, but you will. Got a little something for you from Griz, these big ass crystal shards will perk you right up, feel that burn in your hole yet? Huh? I thought so by the way that pucker is trying to break my fucking fingers off – damn slut! Looks like I got to bust you open some more, how about that?” The crystal had started to kick in and as Jay stood up to get undressed I wiggled my ass a bit, relishing in the deep ache that came from taking a rough dicking and my guts being full of nutt – some of it infected for sure. This time Jay did not want me to suck him first as I glanced back, saw him pimp several squirts of lotion out of a bottle on the floor, then climb on the bed behind me. As Jay positioned himself I instinctively reached back, spread my hole open with my hands and waited for his monster black dick to invade me again. “OH FUCK – THOSE HOT PUSSY ASS LIPS JUST SUCKING MY SHIT UP!” Jay exclaimed as he slid inside my slicked up hole. I couldn’t move as Jay put his full weight on me, wrapped his right arm around my neck in a half-nelson, and began to move his hips in a slow grind. “Damn rabbit, you got some ass. You like that black monster in that pink hole? I know you do. The way you rode me before, and Griz, he said you had the best boy pussy he’s had in ages. Yeah I’m going to have a good time with you, but first, time to see how deep that hole is.” Jay continued to fuck for several minutes, taking his time before he his pace picked up, “HERE COMES THAT NUTT – WANT IT AGAIN – WANT IT? TELL ME YOU WANT IT – OH FUCKER!!” As Jay shot his load into my sore ass I turned my face as far to the left as I could hoping he would kiss me, but he didn’t, he just lay his bearded face next to mine so all I felt was his hot breath. The big black dick in my ass slowly subsided and then Jay pushed himself up off the squeaky bed and stood over me like Zeus on Olympus as he pointed at his dick, “Get up here. Whore’s clean the shit off – literally if necessary – so rule #1 of whore boot camp.” I was wicked wound up again from the crystal and my ass felt so empty I begged him to stick it back in, but Jay laughed and said, “Naw, later. Right now get that tongue to work and listen. You’re my whore now and I’ve already seen you got some skills, but Griz is coming by later expecting me to settle up and while some pink hole bought me a little time, Griz only deals in cash for shit, you know what I mean? So I got a few folks I know coming by and you will take care of them.” I was so entranced in sucking on Jay’s dick and wagging my ass around hoping to entice him I was not really paying attention. SLAP SLAP – twice across my face with his big hands. “You listening?” Jay asked, “Keep that dick in your mouth and I don’t care if that hurt. I know it did. Can see tears in your eyes and fuck – look – makes my dick hard – but no, not now. What was rule #1?” I looked up into Jay’s face, his eyes narrowed, his mouth firm and set, so I released his infected dick from my mouth and replied, “Whore’s clean the shit off.” Jay nodded, satisfied, guided his dick back to mouth and continued. “Rule #2, you ain’t nothing but a faggot-sissy-pussy-slut-bitch-whore. Anything they want, you do. No argument, no discussion, no negotiation. Rule #3, its all about the benjamins, so make that hole pulse, twitch, and milk them dicks so they nutt and bounce. Rule #4, you’re mine. You speak out of turn, make a play to another to try to get a new pass along, or some crazy shit or break any rule, and I will let my boy beat you down so I can patch you up and do it all over again. You understand? The Devil you know, understand?” At that, I looked up at Jay’s face again and saw he was dead serious and shook my head yes. He patted my face, smiled and said, “Good. Come on. Let’s get you set. Pastor Mike will be here soon and we need to get things set.” I stood up as Jay opened a dresser drawer, pulled out an old looking box of condoms and set them on the rickety night stand. He kicked the bottle of lotion towards the side of the bed, tossed a dirty towel on the floor, then motioned for me to follow him. Jay led me out into a living room area and as I looked around I could see we were in the basement of a house. The walls had old, wood paneling broken in places, the carpet looked liked it was from 1960, there was no ceiling, just the joists showing the floor above with wires and pipes crisscrossing seemingly at will. Jay dropped his big body into a tore up recliner, grabbed his glass pipe, and soon clouds of smoke were circling his head. I walked over, kneeled between his big thighs, craned my neck and opened my mouth silently begging for his smoke. Jay pressed his mouth over mine, passing his smoke to me as he exhaled, filling my lungs with chem fused toxins, adding to my rush. I didn’t care where I was, the drugs and whore in me just wanted more. We continued like that for a few minutes before Jay handed me the pipe and let me hit it on my own, before giving me another booty bump. He then led me back into the bedroom, opened a cardboard box that was on the floor in the corner with the word “SHEILA” written in black letters on it, pulled out a wig, some red lace panties and bra and tossed them at me. “Put those on, now, Pastor Mike will be here soon,” Jay growled. I looked at him, shook my head, and said, “Yeah, no. I don’t think so man. I don’t mind taking any dick you want, but this….fuck no.” Jay took two giant strides and crossed the room to me, spun me with his left hand and with his right put me back in a half-nelson as he rammed his now hard dick into my ass making me cry out. “HHHHMMMM….I can see you a sassy whore and you will pay for that when we have more time as you have no idea what a real rough fuck feels like yet. Feel my arm around that neck? Huh? DON’T FUCK WITH ME! You heard the rules, now do as I say. Pastor Mike is a freak and I don’t want to hear another word out of you except Yes Sir, and from him – well cash talks so you better fucking make him happy because trust – I could pass you to some brothas who would slice and dice that hole as soon as look at you.” I was shaking a bit now as Jay let me go and loomed over me as I stood in front of the mirror over the dresser and put on the wig and panties and the bra, leaving that undone in the back as I frankly had no idea how to hook it. Jay shoved some more crystal up my ass, then hooked the bra and said, “Stand facing the wall. Here, light this pipe when I come back on.” Jay then closed the door, I heard the stairs groan as he walked upstairs, then the sound of a car in the driveway, footsteps above, more sound on the stairs, and voices. The door to the bedroom opened behind me, I lit the crack pipe, inhaling the chem and eager for the high as Jay’s voice filled the room, “Mrs. Rogers? Your boy Mike’s here to see you.” I stayed as I was, hitting the pipe as the door closed and a soft, confidant, masculine voice said, “Hi Momma. They told me where you was here. It’s OK Momma. I’m here now.” What the fuck? Freak did not even begin to explain this shit. Pastor Mike walked up behind me, gently ran his hands over my back, down my legs, then reached around and took the pipe and lighter out of my hands. I heard him hit the pipe and when he exhaled he said, “Come on Momma, don’t you miss me? Don’t you miss your boy?” I started to speak and Pastor Mike said, “Sshhhh Momma, it’s OK, I know you’re happy to see me,” before he reached around and held the pipe back out in front of me. I took it, took a hit myself as I needed to be high for this, and as I did heard him unzip his pants. I set the pipe in the ashtray on the bed as Pastor Mike began rubbing his hard dick against my ass. I wanted to be fucked so bad again now, so I took my hands and pulled the panties down to my knees, bent over, and waited. I could hear Pastor Mike stroking his dick and moaning and I thought maybe he had changed his mind, but then I felt him fumble as he tried to push it into my ass with no lube or anything. Luckily I was wet from Jay’s fuck, so I arched my back a little to help guide him and gasped when he plunged into my hole. Pastor Mike was fucking me raw even though the condoms were within reach. I wondered if he knew I had infected cum up there, but then came back to reality as he started mumbling, “Oh Momma, it’s been so long since I have felt your hot pussy Momma, oh Momma, you miss me? It’s OK, all the bad men are gone now Momma, it’s just you and me. Just you and me. OH FUCK, FUCK MOMMA, I’M SO CLOSE, SO…NO NOT NOW…PLEASE MOMMA, NOT….UGHHHH…FUCK….UGH……” Pastor Mike grabbed my hips as his body shuddered and he cummed in my ass. I remembered Jay’s Rule #1, so as soon as the Pastor’s dick slipped out of my ass and he pulled back I spun around, dropped to my knees, took his limp dick in my mouth and began sucking him clean. “OH FUCK, NO, PLEASE DON’T MOMMA, NO, PLEASE, NO PLEASE, OHHH, OHHH, OH…” He did not push me away and his dick quickly engorged and soon spurted a thick hot load down my throat. As soon as he finished, Pastor Mike yanked his pants up, hastily buckled them, and flung open the bedroom door and stumbled out. Jay quickly closed the door and I stayed where I was until I heard the car leave and Jay came back into the room. I stood up, Jay looked so serious as he walked over to me, shoved two fingers up my cum filled ass making me stand on my tippy-toes, then smiled and said, “You a freak! Damn you nasty! You made Pastor Mike one happy son-of-a-bitch, fucker gave me $200! Look at that!” I smiled back at Jay, sat down on the bed, the springs of the mattress on the edge cutting into my thighs, while I got out of the get up he made me wear. I was still not happy about that and Jay could tell as he grabbed the stuff, tossed it back into the box where it came from and said, “Look, I know. Weird shit. But like I said, whore rules so fucking deal with it. You like getting dicked right? Did he cum in you? Yeah? DAMN! Let me taste.” I stood back up and bent over and just as Jay shoved his bearded face into my cummy hole we both heard the roar of a truck and two doors slam. Jay stood up, wiped his face, “Hit your pipe. Your next appointment is here.” As Jay closed the door and went upstairs, I savored the smoke and hoped to get a bit lost in the high. Who knows, maybe Pastor Mike had some nasty dick and if not, maybe I gave him something with my ass. The bedroom door banged open, two black guys walked in both wearing bright construction worker vests, work boots, and bandanas over their face. One of them spoke up, “Get over here bitch, lick my balls.” While he undid his pants and I scrambled over, the other guy unzipped his, positioned himself behind me, slammed in and pumped away. He was not that big so I took it with ease as I licked and cleaned the first guy’s hairy, sweaty ball sac. The fucking barely lasted a minute before blasting my ass, soon followed by his buddy and I was quickly alone again with Jay. “How much for that?” I asked him as I walked out into the living room, my ass dripping cum down the back of my legs. Jay held up two $20s, “A couple Jackson’s, that’s all right. Now let me taste that pussy.” Several more calls by Jay to folks he knew, a couple of visitor’s later and a lot more drugs, and I was feeling super wired and shaky and begging for Jay to slam fuck me. All these dudes had been pretty average size and after Jay, I wanted some real beef! Jay laughed and said, “You just wait, next up is the biggest dick on the block.” About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang, Jay stomped upstairs and I sat in his leather chair and was working a crystal shard into my wet and sloppy hole when he came back down. “You got to be fucking kidding me!” I murmured. The guy following Jay was old, I mean like 70 at least and looked at me with a sneer of disgust as he stepped off the final stair. Jay spoke up, “This here’s Mr. Wells. Mr. Wells taught all us boys how things work, you know. He bought us our first joint, girly mag, showed us where the good pussy hustled, ain’t that right Mr. Wells.” Mr. Wells then smiled like a wolf who just corned the dumbest rabbit around and said, “I don’t usually go in for white cooch, but Jay here told me all about your goings on today and I do enjoy fucking up a good boy pussy once in a while. What say you and me spend a little time in the back.” Mr. Wells then shuffled to the bedroom, I looked at Jay hoping this was a joke, but he was smiling and waved me on, so I meekly followed. Mr. Wells was sitting on the side of the bed when I walked in. I tried to ignore him as I grabbed the pipe, took a hit and thought that hell, Pastor Mike was better than this. I turned and Mr. Wells was now pointing at his shoes. “Help me with these,” he said, “I should have worn my loafers.” I untied his shoes, helped him pull his pants down, and as he stood up and shifted his boxers off his hips I gasped at the size of his dick. HOLY SHIT, HIS DICK WAS ALMOST AS BIG AS JAY’S AND NOT EVEN HARD!! Mr. Wells smiled, laughed a little, and said, “I never get tired of seeing that look. That’s why all the boys trusted me. If I said something was good pussy, well they knew I meant it. So are you? You good pussy?” I smiled back, stroked his long, black dick, rolled the super long foreskin between my fingers and flicked out my tongue to taste the wetness peaking through. “Oh yeah, I’m good, so let’s see what you got Sir because my pussy needs filling.” Mr. Wells laid back on the bed as I kneeled on the floor and started to slowly suck his big dick. Fuck damn he was huge! I am sure he had a hard time finding anyone who could take him and glad I was open and my hole was even hungrier now seeing how big he was. I sucked on his dick until my jaws ached, the whole time Mr. Wells barely made a noise but I knew he liked it as his dick got nice and hard. When I could not take it anymore I stood up, bent over, wiggled my ass at him and begged, “Please fuck me.” Mr. Wells stood up, squirted out some lotion from the bottle as he said, “I don’t put fucking rubbers on. Never have, and ain’t about to start now. That all right?” I couldn’t hold back, I needed it so bad and blurted, “FUCK YEAH! I want it raw – I got a pussy full of cum ready for you to fuck me deep.” Mr. Wells chuckled a little as he tried to work the head in my hole. Even as open as I was it seemed difficult so I kept adjusting my stance and height, trying to find the right angle until at last his head burst through. I threw my head back, the silent cry caught in my throat, my skin suddenly covered in goose bumps as Mr. Wells began hitting spots I didn’t know existed. He just chuckled as he continued to slowly prod at my tore up hole and I got more and more worked up, begging for him to slam me, but he didn’t, he just kept a slow and steady pace, raw fucking me with the biggest dick on the block. I was getting more and more verbal, begging him to fuck me deeper, harder, to cum in me, and finally he just laughed, eased out, and said, “Oh I did. Shot twice nice and deep. Haven’t done that in a while and pretty sure you got the ‘package’ now if you didn’t already. Been HIV+ for oh, 25 years or so now and every pussy I fuck gets it. Never taken a pill a day in my life, so good and potent. I know Jay will be looking to get up in there again and he was right, you’re a pretty good whore for a white boy.” I turned and kneeled to suck Mr. Wells off but he brushed me aside and said, “Just help me get those shoes back on will you?” He must have shot real deep as I was barely leaking anything and started to wonder if he had lied about that and infecting me when he opened the door and went out. I followed and was surprised to find Jay speaking to another man who was sitting in the other recliner dressed to the nines in a navy blue suit and a pale blue tie. His skin was dark black, his head was shaved and his face clean shaven; his eyes sparkled and he appeared to be about Jay’s size. I instantly felt week at the knees as I watched him exhale a hit from the crack pipe as he looked at me and winked. Mr. Wells laughed and said, “Ha – I should have know you’d be sniffing around if Jay had something good. You were always the bad one Lex, wanting to snatch away any scrap. You behave yourself now and I must say, that hole may not be any good for you now and that little pickle you carrying – ha ha.” I stood by the door as Jay grabbed Mr. Wells by the arm, guided him to the stairs, and started walking up with him as they said their goodbyes. I continued to stare at the new man – Lex – as he hit the pipe and my ass twitched. I suddenly felt exposed so stepped back into the bedroom, pulled one of the dirty sheets off the bed and wrapped it around me before I walked back out. Lex was smiling as I came out and held the pipe he was smoking out to me. I glanced at the gold chain bracelets and rings he was wearing as he said, “I can assume Jay has corrupted you thoroughly and you have had some already.” Damn he had one of the sexiest voices I had ever heard. My knees buckled again. I replied, “I’m sure there is still a lot of corruption left to be done – well I hope so anyways!” Lex smiled again as I took the pipe, did my own hit and was surprised when I opened my eyes and saw he had his mouth open. I bent forward, my right hand planted on his muscular left thigh as I leaned in and shared my smoke with him. Lex exhaled the smoke, slid his well manicured hands into the folds of the sheet and pulled me closer to him so I ended up in his lap, his mouth feverishly covering me with urgent, deep kisses. I tried to get up as Jay came down the stairs, but Lex held me firm. Jay laughed as he settled back in his chair, “Old Mr. Wells. Damn you are a good whore. You put a smile on his face for damn sure and he said he could feel your pussy walls massaging every inch of his dick like some fancy masseuse. That’s high praise coming from him. Fuck. We used to envy all the pussy that man had, didn’t we Lex?” Lex just mumbled, “Hhhmmm….,” and tried kissing me gain as I pulled back so I could hit the pipe. Jay laughed, “Lex, Griz, and me, we were the worst. Out of all of us, Mr. Wells called us the Holy Trinity and not cause we were good mind you. Because we were so bad. Especially Lex here. Right Lex?” Again Lex did not reply, but this time he pushed me away from him, stood up, did a two-finger salute to Jay, and pushed me in front of him towards the bedroom. Once inside, Lex closed and locked the door, turned and smiled and said, “I hear you want to get delivered the ‘package’. So let me see that ass so I can show you what brown can do for you.” I laughed and did not have the heart to tell him what Mr. Wells had said, so I just bent over and said, “Please fuck me like a whore. Slam it hard! I want it to hurt good when you deliver.” Lex paused, growled a little, “You sure, because hell, don’t get me wrong. I may clean up nice, but I’m not soft and will rape the fuck out of you if that’s what you want. You need a hood fuck?” I stood back up, walked over to Lex who was laying his dress clothes neatly on the back of the chair and hungrily stroked his hard dick that was poking out of his silk boxers. His dick was as big as Jay’s with a wicked down curve and a head that was even fatter than Griz’s. I grabbed his t-shirt, shoved a bit of it in my mouth and tied it behind my head as I looked up into his eyes. Lex smiled, shook his head, “Now who showed you that old trick? Jay or Mr. Wells? Both? It doesn’t matter. But I have a few of my own.” Lex grabbed my wrists and using his pale blue, silk tie, tied my hands behind my back. I sighed as my whole body trembled with need. Lex finished undressing, stepped me over to the end of the dresser, kicked my feet back about 18 inches so my torso was pressed against the dresser, grabbed my wrists tight with his silk tie and said, “Good thing that hole is wet little rabbit,” as he slammed into me. About 20 minutes later Jay pounded on the bedroom door, “What’s going on? You didn’t fucking fall asleep did you Lex? Come on man. Time is money here. I told you that. Fuck alright. I’m going to grab some takeout. Will be back soon.” As Jay’s truck rumbled to life in the driveway, Lex buried his dick to the hilt for what felt like the thousandth time and said, “Welcome to whore boot camp – day 1.”
    1 point
  50. I used to be a big tease. Making raunchy pictures of myself, making profiles on gaysites advertising my hole. But apart from bathhouses, adult theaters and an occasional cruising area I never dated men. I was one of those guys who got off on explicit reactions I got when I was chatting. Jerking off like crazy when men said they wanted to fuck me silly. And when I came I logged off. On one of the sites a guy who lived nearby complimented me on my pics. I noticed his PA and replied he had a nice cock for ravaging holes. He answered that he might give me a gift while doing that. That was the first time I met someone, other than on this site, who admitted to be a gift giver. It was a huge turn on for me. It's wild when someone wants to fuck my ass, but having someone actually saying he wants to poz me was even wilder. We kept sending each other messages and I explained that I thought it was a hot fantasy to be pozzed but didn't want it for real. We began talking on MSN Messenger and had nice raunchy cybersex. From the stories on bugshare I learned the pozzing jargon. He did ask from time to time to meet, but I never had the guts to go through it. I usually shot my load and than ended the conversation. He kept asking and saying he would't do anything I didn't want to and after a while I finally caved. I was willing to meet him. I went to his place and we didn't waste any time on chitchat. We went straight to the bedroom. The metal ring in his cock looked menacing. A real shitter shredder. I had no idea how to suck it so I licked the shaft a little bit. "Don't waste your time on blowing me, I just want to breed your ass". He was really eager, giving me no time to change my mind about the fatal fuck he was about to give me. He asked me to lie down on the bed so I lied on my back, legs drawn up my chest, exposing my NEG pussy. He positioned himself between my legs and started licking my smooth bunghole, making it slippery for his pierced glans. I started playing with my own small cock but he told me not to. "I don't want you to cum. I want you to be hot and horny for this fuck. You ready boy? You ready to be infected?" I wasn't able to say anything, my heart pounding in my chest. He draped my legs over his shoulders and then he pushed his dick between my buttocks. My sphincter didn’t mind the cold steel and swallowed it with as much greed as any other cock. The metal ring was literally plowing its way through the thin membrane of my bowels, making it ready for his toxic seed. It was the most intense fuck I ever had. A fuck that would really change my life. I finally understood those chasers who wanted to get the bug. It felt so intimate, so nasty, so surreal. When his dick was completely buried in my pussy he began to pump, scraping my asswalls with his PA, making a new home for the virus he was going to give me. “I’m fucking you. I’m fucking you” he said. I still didn't say anything, just letting everything happen. “Beg for it slut” he demanded. “This is what you wanted, beg for my toxic spooge.” I wasn't really comfortable with dirty talk. Yeah online I'm a pro, but in real life I just can't. "Say how you want my cock. Say it. Come on. I'm going to be the father of your new blood I want to hear how much you like it"" He was right, why hold back at this moment. “Give me your aids babies. Fuck my neg ass, my neg pussy. Ram your lethal babymaker in my guts.” I blurted. “Oh yeah motherfucker you really want it don’t you. You really want my bug infecting you” “yesss yesss” I moaned in ecstasy, “I want dirty cum, Sarah Palin’s seed. Fuck me fuck me” "You still haven't said 'please'" "PLEASE" I shouted. The verbal encouragement made us both even hornier then we already were. “Go on your hands and knees so I can really plow that pussy of yours” he suggested. His cock slipped out of my ass. My hole immediately missed his venomous fuckmeat. “You should see that ravaged butthole of yours. Yeah you are so gonna get knocked up with poison” Once again he the metal ring touched my ass, heralding the warm shaft that was going to invade me once more to leave behind a dose of unhealthy jizz. “Yes this is how it’s done” he grunted, and he began ramming in and out of my asshole. I didn’t have much experience in assfucking but this fuck felt great. I was too busy moaning to think of anything raunchy too say. My own small dick couldn’t get any harder. “I’m going to cum soon. I’m going to cum.” He announced “jerk off for me, let’s cum together” And so I did. It was wonderful to jack off with a dick sliding in and out of my ass. I knew I wouldn’t last long. “Yeah jack that little prick of yours. Shoot you last drop of healthy cum. Waste it on my bed sheets” This was just too much. Feeling a raw dick with a metal ring ripping through my guts, getting fucked by a stranger who’s evil enough to infect me with a lethal disease, it was all too hot. I came like I never came before. Thick ropes of cum shot out of my cock, making a mess out of his bed sheets. After my orgasm I immediately came to my senses. My whole lust for getting pozzed was gone. He knew it. The bastard wanted me to be rational again. “Oh god please stop” I pleaded “What am I doing, I can’t do it. Please stop” “Too late bitch, you’re going to get pozzed. You’re going to bleed, shit, spit and cum aids from now on. Here it comes asshole” and with that his dick spewed its lethal load in my ravaged bowels. “Fffffuck, take my load bitch take it. Oh yes, do you feel the spurts of my dirty cum?” He had pushed his cock as far in my ass as he could when he shot his noxious seed in my rectum. When he was done spraying his destructive wad he was still slowly sliding in and out of my ass. “I’m going to massage the aids in your bloodstream now.” That sentence almost made me cry. He fucked me a bit more, while I just lay there motionless, realizing what just happened. He knew I was beaten and let his dick go limp in my ass, preventing me to waste any of his cum so it could fester in my torn intestines. When he finally pulled out and I got out of bed I saw the bloodstains on his sheets. My face went pale with shock. Without a word I put on my clothes. When I was about to walk out of the door he grabbed my arm and said “relax, you’re free now”.
    1 point
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