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  1. One man’s blessing is another man’s curse and for me I’ve got more than my share – an extra long dick (just over 10 inches), an extra wide dick (just shy of 8 inches round), and I shoot cum like a farm animal (up to ¼ of a cup a time). Truly. The dick? Well that’s thanks to my father for sure who was even bigger than me and the cum? Well I don’t know, could be him too, but the doctors call it Hyperspermia - a condition in which a man can ejaculate a massive volume of semen and and extra bonus is it comes with a high sex drive - thus my continuous frustration. Sex for me has almost always been a series of one frustrated encounters after another. Fucking size queens hit me all the time bragging how they can take me, how they love big dick, how they want my cum – that is until I split their hole open with just the few inches and then they fucking tap out and run. I’ve never worn condoms; my hyperspermia makes that impossible as the amount of precum I produce makes my dick so wet and slick they won’t stay on. That’s how I got AIDs – splitting bottoms open. I learned quickly a little blood was a given, a lot was expected and for me, doesn’t bother me in the least. For the bottom? Yeah they freak and make me stop. So to get by and try to relieve my constant need to nutt, I’ve sold condoms online full of my cum, made some pay-to-play solo porn flicks of me shooting, escorted trying to give facials or creampies, sold batches of my load to a fertility clinic, and I even created a Tumblr account talking about my curses and thinking I’d document those bottoms I found who could take me and wanted my POZ load. None of that really helped or panned out in the end. Just wasn’t the same. Have I fucked and bred a guy totally before. Yeah, of course, but few and far between and so I mostly have to be satisfied with a little oral, a little ass around the tip of my dick, then finishing off when I am home and alone. I want more, I need more, I need to breed and infect some ass and fill a bottom’s guts full of my cum – why else would God have given me what he did? I had frankly about given up until one day when I received an email: “Good afternoon. I am Dr. Mike. My practice has recently begun a new treatment regimen for some of my patients that I believe you are perfect for. I have many years of developing specialized, treatment regimens for my patients and would like to invite you to come to my office on Monday at 3:00 p.m. for a consultation. There is no fee for the visit or treatment regimen. Please refrain from all sexual activity for at least 48-hours prior to the visit so I can fully assess the volume of your semen output and your ability to ejaculate more than once for comparison purposes.” OK, I wasn’t exactly sure how this Dr. Mike thought he could help me since no one else had ever been able to. I tried to find what I could online about Dr. Mike and there was the standard fare, but his medical specialties did include treatment of HIV, AIDs, and other infectious diseases. What was surprising was how little there was about him. Most doctors these days have social media and site after site. Not this Dr. Mike. He was almost like a ghost – almost – but in digging through some chat rooms on the dark web I did come across a series of stories that mentioned Dr. Mike doing some pretty twisted, fucked up shit that made my dick drool and bounce and I quickly emailed him back to confirm I would be there. Dr. Mike’s office was located in Northeast Washington, DC, in an older brick building. I got to the office and rang the bell as the office was closed for the day. I waited a few minutes and then heard the locks turn, the door opened, and I was met by a man in white coat. Dr. Mike was in his mid 40s I guess, about 5”11, 180, and fairly clean cut looking and I thought handsome. He shook my hand, asked me to step inside, and locked the door. I then followed him through another door and down a hall and his office was like the rest of the building, older and somewhat run down looking. Near the end of the hall he stopped and motioned me to enter an exam room that was somewhat bare except for an odd table contraption bolted to the middle of the floor that was occupied by an apple assed guy. The guy was kneeling on a small bench part of the exam table on a pillow, with his chest on the table, his arms forward and his head resting on its side. A leather hood was strapped to his head, hiding his features and all that could be seen were closed eyes, his nostrils, and mouth that was slightly agape, relaxed. Leather straps wound around his calves, thighs, and he looked like a big Z splayed out. The next thing I noticed were several Polaroid Cube cameras attached to the metal table and on several small tripods all pointed to the guy’s ass from various angles. Yet, that was not the strangest part. I hesitated as I looked at the IV pole that was at the end of the odd table next to a set of monitors being watched by another man in a white coat who wore a medical mask that was inflating and deflating against his face as he breathed in and out. The other man was speaking softly to the guy on the table, “Time to dream little man.” I turned to the squeak of a metal stool being rolled away from a small table as Dr. Mike pointed to a chair by the door and said, “Please disrobe and sit in the chair here please.” I looked from him, to the other man, to the bottom. I was confused about what was going on but the sight of the that naked body looking like a sacrifice on an altar stirred my deep, dark desires and needs. I sat down in the chair, my naked ass sticking to the leather seat as Dr. Mike rolled himself close and flipped open a manila folder. “Normally I would want to do a full set of labs myself and an exam, but I received a copy of your medical file from your previous doctor and well – both your HIV and hyperspermia are well documented so I figured we should dispense with such pleasantries and get right to it.” My dick started to lengthen. Dr. Mike motioned to guy on the table, “Most gay men wait too long to get tested for rectal cancer. It is best to start young and technology now allows us to test in the office with High Resolution Anoscopy, but it does require anesthesia – a special cocktail of Fentanyl, Ketamine, Propofol, and a few other medications.” What the fuck? I knew what those drugs were, well at least I had heard of them and I looked again at the man in the white coat and the guy on the table. Fuck! They had drugged him and knocked him out! Dr. Mike set the open folder partially on my right leg, my dick now hardening more and stretching down my left. He started to ask me a series of questions and I hesitated and looked at the other man. Dr. Mike followed my gaze, shifted his stool to block my view, set his hand on my thigh in a reassuring manner and said, “Do not mind Dr. Collins,” and with that continued his questions and making the appropriate notes in his folder. “Are you currently off all meds?” I lied and said, “No.” Dr. Mike paused; frowned a little, set his pen in the crease of the folder and with his right hand reached out and grabbed the shaft of my now hard dick. “I need you to be totally honest with me if you please,” he said, “Unlike other doctors you may have seen in the past I need the unvarnished truth and not an answer that you think should be given or that you erroneously believe I may wish to hear. Understand?” I nodded and he asked again, “Are you currently off all meds?” This time I answered honestly and said, “Yes and no. I take them sometimes because…well I had read that if you do that then you can become resistant, and I just wanted to…I...” Dr. Mike smiled, made a note in his file, set his pen back in the folder and reached out again and this time slowly stroked my dick a couple times as he said, “Thank you for being honest. Yes, you can build a resistance and I will draw some blood so we can order a genotype test to confirm exactly which meds you are resistant too and then plan accordingly.” I moaned as his touch made me lose focus, but I blurted, “Yeah but I don’t want to take… or be…I…” Dr. Mike smiled, leaned in a little, stroked my dick a little faster and said, “Oh you misunderstand. Our goal is to INCREASE your resistance and viral count. That is what you want isn’t it?” What the fucking kind of doctor was he? My dick answered for me as it started to drool. The questions from Dr. Mike continued, “Do you use any recreational drugs? Willing to do others? Known STDs besides AIDs? Do you have receptive anal intercourse? Penetrated a bottom fully against his will? I imagine it is difficult given your size. Let me see – yes – I expect only a bottom with years of fisting could naturally take you.” Dr. Mike’s stroking skills were superior, that’s for sure yet somehow I don’t think he learned that in medical school. Dr. Mike continued with his list of questions and it was increasingly difficult to focus. Apparently satisfied, he closed the folder, rolled back over to the small table, grabbed an iPad, flipped opened the cover and showed me a video that had been paused. “This is Lucas,” Dr. Mike said as he tapped the video and it started to play. There was a yellow sticky note on the screen covering the person’s head, but from the wisps of hair that showed and the clothed body whose size seemed to match the guy on the table, appeared to be a shy twink of a guy - young but legal. Lucas had recorded a message verbally affirming he was legal, and his willing to submit to all ‘treatments and procedures’ as prescribed by Dr. Mike and Dr. Collins on that date, among the other stand release and approval statements. The video finished and Dr. Mike said, “I can assure you that the person in the video is the same as the one currently being monitored by Dr. Collins. Patient confidentiality requires that his face be covered even though you are now part of his treatment team. You understand? This is totally anonymous. You will never know his identity, nor he yours.” At the word ‘anonymous’ my dick spasmed and a long line of nutt drool proceeded down my thigh. Dr. Mike smiled in a way that held no warmth or humor. He then tapped the iPad screen a couple times, swiped, and I could hear sound as another video started. Dr., Mike adjusted the sticky note then turned the iPad around so I could see. In this one, the guy was naked, his arms out wide as he did slow turns that showed his hot ass and tiny twink dick. He paused facing the camera and began to speak in the same voice as the first video. The twink stated his first name, stats, and this time the message release statement was not the kind found on any standard form: “My name is Lucas Si…just Lucas. I am of sound mine and judgment and confirm that I have asked for a no limits fuck today. I am aware I may be unconscious and unable to provide further consent, but I DO consent. Totally. I want this. I want to get rape fucked by some big dick and be a total cum dump. Have totally been fantasizing about it for like forever and… well…so today it may happen – I mean will happen. No one is forcing me to do this. I am volunteering and WANT it. I also want it raw, no condoms at all, and understand the guy or guys who may fuck me might HIV+ or whatever. I don’t care. That shit don’t matter to me whatever they got. It’s all good. I’m on PREP so it’s all good. I just…hell! Is that good? Can we get this shit started? I’m horny as shit and need some dick!” Dr. Mike smiled that dark smile again and said, “As you can see. All legal bases are covered no mattered what may come. I am quite proficient in working within the boundaries set by my profession as well as expanding those boundaries as needed. One final note. What would you say – hypothetically of course –if there was an individual such as say someone like this young man you just saw on the video who in their mind can only imagine something like a big hit of G? Imagine how they would feel after the fact becoming aware of the full extent of the ‘party hole’ they went down. Also – hypothetically – wouldn’t it be a shame if the same young man BELIEVED they were on PREP when actuality they were on a placebo combo as part of a blind drug trial they had previously consented to? Especially one in which the results had shown rampant degradation of their immune systems due to other factors prescribed as part of their treatment regimen?” Damn! This was one fucked up doctor and with every word my dick pulsed and continued to stream more precum. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, but my dick did as Dr. Mike reached out, wrapped his warm hand around my pulsing shaft, and expertly stroked it. “I know you have tried to find bottoms that would allow you to POZ them, that would allow you to flood them with your fountain of death,” he said with a calm voice full of confidence in every statement. “I know you have no qualms making a bottom bleed. I know you always hold back when you have intercourse – physically in the act as well as in your ejaculation. That is unhealthy and as your physician, I must provide a treatment regiment that will ensure your full well-being.” I leaned back in the chair and moaned in pleasure as Dr. Mike’s fingers deftly worked my dick as he continued, “You have been given a gift – many gifts – and those gifts need to be shared – and so I offer the first of but many cum dumps for you to use, to mark, to infect, to enjoy in ways you never imagined possible.” I groaned again and licked my lips as my breathing got faster and my heart started to race. Dr. Mike suddenly released his grip on my dick, rolled his stool to the side, grabbed another clipboard, held out a pen with a disarming smile, but an evil glint in his eyes and said, “These are the consent forms for your treatment. Sign and date here – initial here – there.” He flipped the page, “This page affirms that there is no monetary payment due, however there is a co-pay of no consequence that we will address later.” I couldn’t put pen to paper fast enough and once the forms were signed, Dr. Mike rolled his stool back, set the clipboard down, stood up, gestured towards the waiting ass with his left hand and said, “My patient is waiting,” before he calmly walked over and stood by the tied up bottom. Nervously I stood up and followed: my raging dick leading the way and dripping my toxic cum in long drools with every step. Just inches from the unconscious bottom I realized how my dick was perfectly aligned with his waiting hole as if…as if Dr. Mike knew my exact height and other measurements and had planned accordingly. But how? Dr. Mike just smiled and nodded as I tentatively stepped closer, my flesh pressing against the bottom’s. I turned to Dr. Mike who said nothing, but just nodded. I gently reached out and inserted my right index finger between the waiting mounds of twink flesh. His ass crack was totally hairless, as was the rest of his body – whether natural or manicured – it did not matter, it was sexy as fuck! I slid my finger against his puckered ass ring and with but the slightest effort of pressure it slowly opened and sucked my finger in to the hilt. No resistance, no squirming, no fighting. The bottom suddenly let out a low, guttural moan and I yanked my finger back in surprise and shock. Dr. Mike just chuckled and with his hands still clasped in front of him like he was monitoring a science experiment of no regard, he turned to Dr. Collins and ordered, “A little more if you please.” Dr. Collins flooded the IV input with a wave of milky white slumber. Dr. Mike turned and looked at me expectantly. I had never really fucked in front of an audience and the whole situation was beyond fucking strange. Dr. Mike held out his hands, palms up in an apologetic gesture and said, “Given the current treatment, at least this time, I must be here to attend my patients – you and him. In the future – if you decide to continue under my care – I expect that will not be necessary and only Dr. Collins will need to monitor such aspects of your visits. However, my plan for treatment is that – based on your performance – hypothetically of course, that a first treatment may be such as we have today with the patient totally unaware and unconscious. Next time, maybe it will be a lighter sleep. The time after, maybe semi-conscious, but still restrained. The time after that? Who knows? You may find that having your way with someone completely restrained yet fully conscious is more to your – shall we say medical needs?” There was that fucking dark smile again. Dr. Mike was an evil, twisted, son of a bitch and part of me wanted to be just like him! I needed to fuck. I needed to breed that ass and knowing he was knocked out, anonymous, NEG, and that I might infect him sent me to the fucking moon! I stepped closer, lining my dick head with Lucas’ asshole. No, no names – this was just some cum dump – some dirty bottom willing to take any raw dick and I planned to POZ him good. This time I jammed three fingers all at once at that ass ring and just like before it opened, but damage was done. Dr. Mike issued a small chuckle and “Yes!” as I dug my nails into the bottom’s hole, harder and harder, over and over, yearning to break through the walls of his drug induced state to hear him moan in pain and beg for mercy. That never happened, which only spurred me on to finger fuck his hole rougher. I glanced to the side to see Dr. Mike adjust his own hard dick and I smiled. Yeah, that’s right, I could be as twisted as he was, just watch. This bottom would remember the day I bred him and when I finally pulled my fingers out they were nice and red. I then started to slap his ass – full on arm swings – and those apple cheeks went from white, to pink, to red, to shades of purple in no time. God damn I wanted to bust right then! My hand hurt from slapping him so hard and yet not a single moan or sound escaped those pink little lips that protruded from the leather hood over his head. While Dr. Mike was clearly into it, Dr. Collins seemed oblivious and totally focused on his patient and the monitors. Fine by me. I took a step back, slid my right hand up and down my shaft a few times to coat my death rod with my POZ, sticky precum, wiped my hands on the bottom’s sides, then grabbed the two biggest handfuls of flesh that I could and squeezed and dug in. I PAUSED, LOOKED AT DR. MIKE, AND AS HE MET MY EYES I SLAMMED MY DICK THROUGH THE BOTTOM’S OUTER HOLE AND BURIED MYSELF INSIDE HIM! The bottom’s body made no movement at all as I ripped him open. The pillow beneath his legs became stained. While I expected to see the waves of pain ripple through his body, his ass never clenched, never tried to push me out, never fought back. Somewhere between his fresh stab wounds and his brain all nerve impulses just faded away – thank you Dr. Collins! I clenched his flesh tighter in my grasp. I wanted him to be bruised, sore, and it was time to rape some ass. I grunted and growled as I pulled out and slammed all 10-inches+ of my raw dick into my victim’s hole and the more it got wet, the harder I fucked. My balls were bursting, ready to breed and infect this cum dump. My fountain of death was ready to explode like Deep Water Horizon and forever alter the world! I PICKED UP MY PACE, AND FUCKED AS HARD AS I COULD. I WANTED TO RAPE THAT ASS – HURT IT – INFECT IT – BREED IT – FILL HIS GUTS WITH MY LOAD! DR. MIKE WAS RIGHT – I HAD MANY GIFTS AND THIS BOTTOM WOULD GET THEM ALL AND AS I LOOKED DOWN AND SAW MY RED-COATED DICK I LOST IT – FROZE – AND SHOOK AS MY HYPERSPERMIA DELIVERED WHAT FELT LIKE A QUART OF INFECTED AIDS NUTT INTO THAT BOTTOM’S SHREDDED ASS. Oh yeah, in addition to shooting a lot in volume, my orgasm – my real orgasm which have been few and far between – seem to last for fucking ever and by the time my dick stopped spurting and I was able to let go of the flesh clenched in a death grip in my hands, I felt like I would pass out. With my dick still inside his unwilling hole, and streams of ass juice and my cum frothing out around my semi-hard dick, I flopped on top of the twink’s body feeling utterly satisfied for the maybe the first time ever. Dr. Mike was behind me, pressed his body against my naked ass and reached out and laid his right hand on my chest, “Please, if you could just stand back up, we do not want to impede his breathing.” Oh shit! Something about his touch, his body pressed to mine, the feel of his hard dick through his pants … fuck I don’t know – set me off again and I started blowing another load up that bottom’s hole without even another stroke. This one racked me to my bones and every spasm that burned through my body was felt by Dr. Mike who moaned and held me as I POZZED that ripped up ass all over again! When my balls were finally drained, my dick slid out of that beaten hole like a python that had just gorged on a herd of goats and was ready for a long nap. Dr. Mike stepped back, wiped his hands one against the other, smiled and said, “There. Now if you please. Get dressed and I will see you back here next Monday, same time,” and with that he left. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!) (Dr Mike: Biohazard and Healer – all story links here - https://breeding.zone/topic/34692-dr-mike-biohazard-story-links/#comment-384265 )
    4 points
  2. Been exactly a year since I tested as poz..
    4 points
  3. Rawboyz, Here are some of my experiences at Steamworks Toronto on a non-Cumunion Saturday night. I would say, on the whole, it was a fun night. After a busy day, I decided just to have fun being a raw vers daddy. The darkrooms tonight were the best. I fucked a whole bunch of younger willing holes in the front and back darkrooms of SW Toronto. I love it when most younger guys' hole muscles grab on to my cock to milk it!! Mmmm…. I met a fellow bare backer from the bb orgies I added at Club120. He had a bigger role. We were talking when a guy from a neighbouring room wanted sex. Ok, we both told him we're only in raw sex. Must have been a translation problem; he came into my fuckbud's room and shut the door. This guy proceeded to suck him, and when I wanted to fuck him, this guy said, 'Condom'. We both reiterated that we're only into bb sex. This guy left quickly. WTF!! At a certain point in the night, a younger guy wanted me to fuck him with a condom in my room. Can you see what I would say to him? I did say that I only fuck raw. I was hard as a rock. He lubed up his hole and my hardness. He said that I could enter him without a condom and fuck him a bit. As I fucked him, he got turned on. He insisted on me not cumming in him. If you, guys, have read my previous posts, when I establish a good rhythm with a guy, I cum quickly. This guy got me going close to cumming. I exited him and thanked him to be able to fuck him raw. He seemed to enjoy it too! Also, since the lights were becoming really dark in the dark areas, action got even better. I decided to walk around in the nude. More advertising. I reverted to being a bottom. I thought, what the hell! A raw top lubed my hole up, entered me and fuck me for a bit and came up my hole. It felt GREAT! Others fucked me but did not cum. It was fun!! Now, at the end of my time there, almost 4 AM, I decided to fuck two younger holes raw. I was hard enough. Each CUNT got a load from me. They were close together being fucked. Side by side, I could deposit cum in one hole then cum in a second hole. I was amazed by my performance for a raw daddy. I showered and was out by 4:30 AM. A great time!! Similar experiences, guys?! Do write.
    4 points
  4. Fuck, Fuck, damn, shit. Four hours ago I had been on the top of the world. Now as I was sitting in the emergency room of the local hospital, my shoulder and elbow aching, waiting on the doctor to give me the results of the x-ray. ther than some pain I was okay, even if my baby, my cherished silver Camaro, most likely was totaled. Ever see a 19 year old cry? Well, that was me: all 6’3” of jock boy, sniffling, some out of pain, mostly not knowing what the future would bring. In high school I played football my freshmen and sophomore years, wide receiver. I was quick and I had good hands, but all that tackling was taking a toll on my Nordic frame. In my junior year I started playing baseball and was a darn good pitcher, good enough to be a starter most of the year, although we were a rural school most of the away games were close enough to be a bus trip to and from, even if sometimes they got us home very late in the evening. My senior year we were good enough to make it to conference and state tournaments which required us to be housed in cheap motels on the weekends when we were on the road. It was on one of these trips I discovered my love of traveling with the team and spending quality bullshit time with my teammates. Now, I've long known I was attracted to other guys early on but abstained from acting on my feelings, even when I knew three other teammates were either bi or gay, and a few others who were questioning their straightness. However, when I was in a hotel room with several other teenage guys, all of whom were playing macho games such as boasting which cheerleaders would put out, and each guy displaying his cock as wantonly as he could, well, it was obvious to me which players could be coaxed into some man-on-man fun. At the end of my senior year I was offered a scholarship to play ball at the state college. My life was looking good: not only was I a good athlete but I also excelled in academia and would be able to get my degree in engineering while on a full ride. I red-shirted my freshmen season and although I was still classified by the school as a freshman, I began my second season as a relief pitcher. Although I wasn’t a starting pitcher I at least got into a few games. Then a drunken asshole ran a red light, sending my Camaro careening into a spin. Luckily for me, the fucker only clipped the front to the car and didn’t T-bone my car in the middle, which meant I walked away with relatively minor injuries from which I would recover in a few months: there were no broken bones but lots of torn cartilage and tendons in the shoulder and elbow. I would not be pitching the rest of the season. I left the hospital with my friends from the dorms. I was in tears, knowing I’d have to face the coach on Monday. My parents were already set to arrive the next day to survey the damage. I meet my parents at the front door of my dorm the next morning after just a few hours of sleep, most of it induced by the pain meds the doctor had prescribed to control the pain. My mom gently hugged me and my dad clasped me by my good shoulder although it was bruised as well. Lead me to their car and we hit the local pancake place for breakfast, sure beat dorm food any day, we discussed the car and they assured me they were not angry with me, they knew how much I loved my car, I had it since my 16th birthday and took real good care of it. They dropped me off back at my dorm after we went to look over the damage and make sure it was being taken care of by the body shop, also collecting my school work and personal belongings so I wouldn’t lose anything. I kicked back most of the afternoon and evening when coach called and asked to come over to see me. I’ll be honest I was scared, I could lose my scholarship, I could lose my position with the team. I waited anxiously for him to arrive. Now if you could classify my 19 year old, 6’3” less than 10% body fat 165# muscular body as a Nordic god like, with my blue eyes and dirty blonde hair which naturally lightens during summer. You would classify coach who is 35 years old 5’11 and maybe 150 soaking wet all muscles and sinew as a Aztec god as his Spanish and Mexican heritage made him one hot number, one that always made me quiver when he stepped to close in the dugout or on the field, but here he was coming to my dorm room to discuss my future. Coach arrived shortly after 6 and I sat across from him on my roommates bed while he sat at my desk, coach Juan as we all called him, started out all business like discussing my position on the team, physical therapy I’d most likely have to go through and things about my rehabilitation. He expressed his sorrow at things happening this way and would do everything that he could so I wouldn’t lose my scholarship. Juan then got up and crossed the distance between us, using the guise of wanting to see my shoulder he had me remove the baseball shirt I had donned earlier since it was easier to get on and off. He caressed the sore tissues, which were already turning black and blue, then proceeded to work his way down my chest tweaking my nipples a bit, my cock betrayed me as it not only was at full mast but spirting precum making a large wet spot in my basketball shorts, coach took notice and leaned down and began kissing me, he soon was on top of me being careful of my shoulder making me quiver in his arms as he caressed my body and somehow removed my shorts exposing my 9 inch cock tenting my jock the precum totally soaked through the material and making it translucent, I soon had my 9 inches buried down his throat as he hummed onto my tool. He rolled me over and was sucking my cock between my legs pulling it back so it almost touched my virgin hole, he then did what I thought was impossible and was able to place the head near my hole and use the precum flowing from my tube to lubricate my hole. Between him fingering my own precum into my hole and fingering it he soon had me sloppy and almost loosened up his tongue doing marvels on my rosy pucker. Suddenly he stopped and I thought this was over but, he then placed his thick mushroom head on my quivering hole and pushed in with dominance, the head popped in and I felt a sharp pain that quickly went away and left me with a full feeling at my entrance he then started to work his cock in slowly giving me more and more, complimenting me on being a born bottom. I asked about condoms and he told me it was too later now his raw cock was already dripping his precum in my hole, but if I really wanted to be fucked with a condom he would pull out and put one on. He slid his cock out and I handed him a rubber and he rolled it down his shaft the pushed back into my hole, it burned and irritated the opening and made me wince in agony, I told him to pull out and fuck me raw, he quickly obliged and slid his bare cock into my now irritated hole, his precum re-lubricating the walls and making the sting go away, I was soon riding his large schlong like a pro and he asked where I wanted his cum, I replied breed me coach. He sped up his assault on my hole then pushed in and held and I could feel his cock pulsing as he unloaded his seed into my intestine. I felt so fulfilled yet naughty for letting coach cum in me. Coach cuddled me and kept his cock buried in my hole until we fell asleep together. Lucky for me my roommate Chris had gone home for the weekend, as I awoke in the middle of the night to coach breeding me again, and although Chris and I Had had make out sessions we never went all the way beyond a blow or hand job. I now had two maybe three of Juan’s loads in my gut and I was feeling excited. Coach was turning me into just another cum craving cock hungry boy. I awoke the next morning to coach sucking on my slong, I was rock hard and oozing precum again then Juan did what I least expected he slid down my pole and started fucking himself on my fuck tube, I didn’t last long as his ass milked my cock I blasted a load into his rectum. He then positioned his hole over my face and pushed out my cream forcing me to eat my own spooge from his ass, I felt disgusted and excited at the same time. Coach was turning me into his own sex pig. Soon after we showered and coach presented me with an application for team manager, I would be responsible for the teams equipment and uniforms, including their jocks and cups, it was a dirty job but it would keep me on the team while I rehabilitated and I got to sniff al the jocks and cups before cleaning them as well as the sweaty uniforms, I was in pig heaven and I would have to travel with the team. To make sure everything was taken care of.
    3 points
  5. I'm bi and married to a woman so it's been about 2 years since my last cock. Although I do think about them every single day and jerkoff to cock all the time. Well today I decided to say fuck it and meet up with a guy from Craigslist. My plan going in was to swap blow jobs, swallow his cum then leave. Totally nervous about meeting him but he ended up being a very nice, good looking, respectful top. We chatted for a bit then got into swapping bjs. When it was his turn with with me he ended up eating my ass out. WOW! That was a first. Amazing. He had told me a couple times during that he had been tested only 3 weeks prior and he was totally clean. All he wanted to do was fuck my ass. Without even thinking about any consequences I allowed him to lube up and toy my hole from behind. I then decided that since it was my first time having a real cock in me that I should strattle him and slowly guide him in. He definitely wasn't all that big but finally having a cock in me was pure bliss. After some light grinding and riding he flipped me into doggy where he worked that cock magically. I felt naughty with my ass in the air and face rammed into the couch pillows. He asked where he should cum and without hesitation I said in my ass. Again WOW!!! Never before today had I ever had a cock in me but now I'm getting a creampie. I could feel his dick throbbing as he came while at the same time I was jerking and cumming. It was so incredible and we plan on meeting again. Next time I will be more relaxed throughout and will enjoy it even more. Once I got home a was still super horny from my slutty afternoon and jerked off to some bareback porn. After this experience how can I ever enjoy straight sex again? I feel like such a fag and telling myself that I am gay and not actually bi makes my dick swell. I would love to be openly gay and take delicious cock whenever I wanted but hey, I'll make it work. Thanks!
    3 points
  6. It wasn’t long until the door opened and closed. I felt someone messing with the cuffs that were holding my l legs in place and soon both were free. The person did the same to my left arm and once free I pulled off my blindfold, only to discover my savior was the same old man that locked me on the box in the first place. Still in the same boxers, still had his cock sticking out of the fly, only this time there cum dripping out of his foreskin. He moved around and released my right arm. I pushed myself up and stood. I could feel cum running down my legs as it dripped out of my hole. “we all enjoyed that” the old man said, smiling from ear to ear, “now get your shit and get out” With that said the old man left the room. I got my clothes and dressed quickly, then left the room and went down the stairs almost knocking the old man down as I passed. Reaching for the door, I heard the old man call for me: “Hey cum dump, take this and call him when you get the fuck flu - IF your conversion took!” I grabbed the business card out of his hand and was out the door, quickly walking to my car, my head dropped in shame. Once inside my car, I looked at the time - three hours had passed since going in. As hard as I tried I could not stop the leakage of cum out of my ravaged hole. I wanted to hold on to the cum. I squeezed hard to help return my hole back to normal. It was only then I remembered the business card. I discovered it was for a doctor - it was the name that made me laugh out loud: Dr. Strain. - couldn’t be legit. Throwing it in the passenger sit, I started the car and headed home - replaying the fucks in my head. I was still so fucking horny, my cock throbbed in my shorts. It wasn't until I was almost half way home when I realized I had not shot my load. I pulled over to the shoulder of the road, pulled my cock out and started to stroke. I fisted my cock five times and I shot a load straight up in the air - hitting my face once and the rest all over my shirt. Fuck it, I drove the rest of the way with the cum on my face. Almost two weeks later, I came down with the fuck flu. I was miserable, my body ached, I got hot, got cold, and knew those three fucks were worth it. As I laid in bed, I remembered the doctor’s card - rushing out to my garage I opened my car door and scanned for the card in the passenger seat. I found it on the floor. Fuck it what do I have to lose. I called the number and a male answered, I was as vague as possible and just said I need to see the doctor I think I have to flu. I was told the address and be there by 5 - spotless inside and out since an exam is needed. At four-thirty I pulled up, ready for my exam. It looked like any other professional building. I entered and went to the suite. Opening to door I was shocked to find the waiting room empty. I must be last one of the day. There was no one at the desk, but a card on the desk said ring bell. So I did. There was a beep and over the intercom a voice said to have a seat and the doctor will be with you. Even before I could sit, the door opened and a man in scrubs, surgical mask and beanie called to me and took me to an exam room. “Strip everything off, and lay on your back on the exam table - doc will be with you in a moment” Fuck, not this again, plus I was freezing. I felt like shit and didn't need to argue. Doing as I was told, I undressed and got on the exam table, laid back - only to notice two TV’s hanging from the ceiling in each corner across from me. Wasn’t long until the man returned followed by the old man from the house, this time he was in a white lab coat with scrub pants underneath. “fuck flu huh?” he asked, ‘lay back and pull you knees to your chest, oh and I am Dr. Strain” laughing after he said that. I did as I was told. The other man had turned on both TV’s and what I saw made me go white as a ghost. There on the screen was me, strapped down and the first monster was preparing me for my first fuck. “one of the best shows we had, broadcasted live as it happened, high ratings - told you everyone enjoyed” he said laughing again. I closed my eyes and wondered who had saw this? Friends? Family? Co-workers, oh fuck my boss? In the time between I had not had much contact with anyone, but that was my decision - or was it. “well fuck flu always needs a recharge to help the virus along” the doctor said. I watched as he took off his lab coat and dropped his scrub pants exposing that uncut cock that didn’t fuck me at the house. He turned his back to me, bent over to remove his pants from around his ankles, which exposed his hole. I saw a bright red biohazard symbol surrounding his hole. Fuck his was toxic — my mouth watered as I lusted for his cock and poz load. I turned to the other man - he had removed his mask and hoodie - exposing his identity - was an older man who I don’t remember seeing at the house. He continued to strip out of his scrubs until he was naked. His build was very similar to the old man, his cock was already hard, about 8 cut, his dick was narrow at the head but grew fatter as it got closer to the base. My gaze turned to the doctor and his uncut cock was now rock hard. The doctor stepped up to the end of the exam table and aimed his cock, pulled back his foreskin, pushing in dry and hard. My hole gave way with almost no pain I laid back and watched the massive muscle monster fucking me on the screen. I shivered from fever, moaned from the pleasure of the doctor’s uncut cock fucking my hole. I pictured his foreskin covering and uncovering his head as he pumped in and out of my hole. Oh, Fuck - sick or not I needed his cock. He pulled out and the cut cock took his place, sliding in and opening my hole more as he drove deeper. I moaned a little yelp as he his body pressed against mine. I soon was able to take his cock without the pain as he pumped more and more. The doctor moved behind the one fucking me, wrapping his arms around his body, and began to torture his nipples. This sent the fucker in over drive and started to pound my hold harder and harder. I knew he would not last long this way…he was in ecstasy. And i wasn't wrong. Within minutes my insides were flooded with cum as he cried out: “take that lethal load” The doctor pulled him out quickly and shoved his uncut cock deep in my hole, while the other moved behind him: “put that used cock in my hole” the doctor shouted I watched as he slumped a little and then straighten up, as the doctor rolled his eyes back. Then started to move his hips back and forth, fucking my hole as he came forward and fucking his own hole as he slide back out of me. I watched as he picked up speed, moaning in pleasure. “going to give you my deadly load” he cried out As the doctor slammed into me shooting his load, the cock slammed into him pinning him between us. Staying in this position for a short time. Pulling out, he lowered my legs, and climbed up and sat on my hard leaking cock, then hooked each leg under over an arm pulling them can in the air allowing the cut cock to enter my hole again. “I want him to fuck your first poz load into my hole” the old man said. The cut cock started to fuck my hole again, harder and harder, I was so turned on again that it only took a few minutes before I shot my first poz load - deep in the doctor’s hole. Feeling the contractions the cock deep in my ass shot a second load in my hole. The two men got the clothes together, turned to me and the old man said “glad your conversion took - now go and multiply” I jumped off the exam table as they left the room, dressed and went back home. A few days later I was back to myself. I went back to the house, only to discover the mail box was gone and the house sat empty, abandoned. I didn’t go in, just smiled, turned the car around and left.
    3 points
  7. Going Back Home (Part 1) My name is Tyler, I'm 21 (almost 22) and at 5' 10" and about 140 lbs, I have a tight, lean body, hair in all the right places and trimmed where is important. My cock is (probably) of that bottoms dream of at nearly 8". I left this little, one stop light town over 2 years ago with no regrets and never looked back. So why did I return for a long weekend visit, or person I could never forget, my best friend Chase. We were best friends all through high school and discovered a mutual love for gay sex one night when we had been put on a double date. I went out with some nameless skank and Chase took out my sister. Neither of us scored (not that I tried, my eyes were always on chases ass). We dropped the girls at my house and went with chase back to his place. Chase was an only child and his bedroom was very private so as we sat on his queen size bed in only our boxers or conversation turned to sex (as any 18 year old brain was centered). We were both easily turned on and when my had brushed his growing cock chase let a low moan out. I took this as my cue and moved in for more. Before chase knew what was going I had him naked and I was moving in for a kiss. That was the first night (of many) where I fucked him and bred his tight hole. We didn't know anything about safe sex and continued his regular breeding until the day I left. After I headed for the big city he took up with my sister and 'knocked within weeks of my leaving. I hard they had 2 twin boys and saw pics of the family. I had did not go back then to see the new kids, so you may be asking 'Why am I back I town' now? I had a plan and Chase was it! I came in for four days only contacting Chase, asking him to not say a word to anyone. I told him I needed to see him alone and hoped he'd be able to get away for a couple days. Since he and my sister never got married and he still lined at home so that he could give all his extra money to my sister and his kids. I texted Chase the second I got into town, getting a room at a cheap hotel I the edge of town. I asked fire a room I the backside of the property trying to give us some privacy. When I heard a knock on the door I knew it was my conquest. The moment came through the door and I could tell immediately by the bulge in his jeans, the smile on his face and the gleam in his eye he was happy to see me. It didn't take long before I offered him a 'drink', Coke with GHB to heighten his mood & help loosen him up (although I don't think he was going to need to it, the look on his face told me the he missed my cock). What i wanted the G for was to help introduce him to the joys of chem sex and to get him to beg for my poz seed. When I got to the city it didn't take me long to discover Tina and all the ways to enjoy her along with bottoming. I'm not really sure when I got pozzed, but I knew that I was toxic and prime to pass it onto my target. This was part of my plan to get him to come back to the city with me. I don't know if it was the G or his missing me, but we were both naked in minutes. Chase didn't waste much time getting my hard cock down his throat as I rubbed one hand through his brown hair and the other over his lean body. I knew what he wanted, but I had a better place for my saved up cum. I hadn't cum in nearly a month since I discovered my new 'status' (which want easy with the guys I knew in the city). I could tell if I let Chase continue his work he'd have me cumming in seconds before I stopped him and pulled him up for his first man-on-man kiss. He allowed my tongue into his mouth and I knew at that exact moment he would be mine! It was now my turn to orally pleasure my friend. As I kissed and licked my way down my friends skinny, slim body, I could tell how much Chase missed me as his fingers were tangled in my long red hair as I took his hard 7" cock into my mouth as Chase verbally let me know how much he missed me. While I had my friend a 'little' distracted I pulled out my Tina tainted lube (this is my social blend with enough T in it to get his so high that I'll be able to get him not only begging to be pozzed, but to go back to th city with me). I pushed his legs back and turned his ass up so I’d have better access to it. I leaned in to give Chase his first ever rim job. I knew this would (hopefully) break down all resistance in his body and allow me to slip in a shard or two ( or three or four) into his neg hole. As I began to lick, tease and stimulate Chase through his first rim job he couldn’t help control from moaning. I took a couple minutes to ask if he was liking my eating his ass, to which he replied, ‘Fuck yeah, you can do anything you want to me, I missed you.’ That was my cue and I picked up (what was probably) the largest shard of T I had and held it over his quivering hole. Chase looked up as me and asked what it was, I simply told him it was crystal and was about to rock his world allowing him to focus in on his hole and the infinite amount of pleasure he could experience. Without another word I dropped the shard on his slightly open hole before I pushed it inside. I then alternated between licking and fingering as I sunk the T in deeper and deeper while Chase moaned and said that he felt it burning. I kissed his inner thigh as I let him know that that was normal and would soon fade as I took a second shard and slipped in inside with two fingers, followed by a third shard. All the while I continued to lick and shove my tongue into his hole. By the time he was ready for the fourth shard his hole easily stayed open and I simply dropped it in. Looking down at my friend I asked if he was ready for me to own his ass? His reply was simple, Oh god yes! Since I knew he had not been fucked since I left town nearly 3 yrs ago I asked if he was sure he wanted me to fuck him like I used to and breed him. Not like I was going to give him a choice, but I did have some ‘specially prepared’ rubbers just in case. Chase was the typical dumb fuck country bumpkin, as I lubed up my cock with the Tina laced lube he told me that the few times he fucked my sister he never used protection. That’s why she got ‘knocked up’ shortly after I left town. He figured there was no way I could get him pregnant. I was thinking that this was too easy as I slowly sank my lubed up cock inside him, quickly bottoming out on the first stroke. I wanted the first few fucks to be memorable. I could see Chase slipping deeper and deeper into a Tina fuelled haze as I pulled out my pipe and began to get high myself. Chase asked about the pipe. I let him know it was the same stuff I dropped into his ass. He dumbly asked if he could have a toke. But in his position the only thing I could do was shot-gun the smoke to him. After a few hits form myself and a couple more shot-gunned to him, chase was well on his way to knowing the joys of chem sex. I dropped two loads inside Chase before I pulled out. The first time I egged him on to ask for my load, for me to shoot my dirty seed in him. On the second load I got him begging for me to get him pregnant. Each load was delivered with a deep passionate kiss.
    2 points
  8. This is a true story that just happened. I'm 26 and live in Newcastle, in the UK. I had just finished work and decided to go to the Eagle, which was on my way home, just for a quick beer. I had heard that sometimes one might find some fun downstairs, so beer in hand, I went into the basement to take a look. There were a few guys down there, most in their 40's and 50's. I went to the toilets at the back and in a cubicle found there was a glory hole. When I saw a finger slid through the hole, beckoning me, I couldn't resist and I slid my cock through. The guy on the other side of the glory hole was doing a really good job sucking my cock so I was thoroughly enjoying myself, when suddenly the door to my cubicle popped open. I assume I must not have locked properly. In any event, there stood a guy in his late 60's, maybe even early 70's, looking at me, my pants down at my ankles and my cock inserted into a glory hole. "Nice. You having fun?" "Yeah," I replied. He stepped into the cubicle and locked the door. Ordinarily I won't play with a guy so much older than my age, but I really didn't want to move as the guy sucking me was doing an amazing job, but when the older guy reached his hand between my legs and played with my balls, and after a minute or so, went down on his knees and began rimming my hole, I wasn't about to object. Moreover, the rim job he was giving my ass was amazing, and I went along with him when he produced some lube and pushed it into my ass. At some point the guy who had been sucking me left off, but not to worry, another guy readily went down on me, even if, truth be told, he wasn't quite as good as the original sucker. The older man, meanwhile, stood-up and wanked his cock, sliding it up and down my ass crack. "I don't want to get fucked," I commented. "What are you afraid of? You'll like this," he replied. "I'm HIV negative, and want to stay that way," I explained, still determined to enjoy the blow job.. "Don't worry, I'll wear a condom." A few seconds passed, with much rustling of a cellophane packet being torn open, and then I felt him separate my ass cheeks as his cock pushed into me. So I just let him slide his dick into my ass, and after he was balls-deep, he began fucking with an excellent rhythm that was doing all the right things to my prostate. "You like my old cock?" he asked. But I didn't answer. Between the attention to my cock and the added pressure on my prostate, I was perfectly happy. He repeated his question a couple more times, but I didn't bother answering. My acquiesence to his attention was a form of an answer. "I'm getting close," and "I'm gonna blow in your ass," were the next remarks he made, and they sufficiently got my attention that I asked "You are wearing a condom, aren't you?" "Don't worry, just enjoy it," he responded. Reading between his omissions, I responded "Dude, I'm negative. What's your status? Are you wearing a condom?" "I'm poz," he answered, once more not fully answering my questions. "You can't cum in me. I'm neg. Are you wearing a condom?" He then pushed into me hard, slamming me against the cubicle wall. I couldn't move. "Oh fuck, I"m cumming in you. Fuck, yeah, neg boy! Take my poz load. Mmmmm." he moaned as I shot my load into the throat of the cock sucker in the adjoining cubicle. As his began to fade, I managed to slide-out from his grasp, and as I did, his cock slid out of my ass. Turning, I caught a quick glimpse: as I had suspected, he was not wearing a condom. I almost can't believe this just happened, but it did.
    2 points
  9. About two years ago, I got into bare backing. Love the feel of a hot load up my ass. I was still selective and would only play with guys who, "said" they were undetectable. Unlike many here, I was not looking to get bugged, but I guess that's when it happens. I am not sure if I have been gifted yet. I had some blood work done, and found out I have Hep C though. Running another test to se if its active. I don't shoot up so if it is active, pretty sure it came from a poz top. Dr. is retesting to see if Hep is active, and also for HIV. Dr. says if bugged, it may just not be showing yet. I know my body is feeling something. Have been feeling fatigued, and running a 100+ fever for 3 days now. Could it be the Fuck Flu? From what I see guys bodies react different when first bugged. Several have asked how I feel about being converted, and honestly I don't know. I loved the suspense of knowing that it could happen to me, and if converted, that will be lost. On the other hand, it would open up a new world for worry free sex. I'm a total bottom but several other bottoms told me it has opened up a new world of being a top, so they could spread their toxic seed. Will that happen to me, not really sure. I guess when it comes down to it, I'm excited about the possibility of being converted. Thanks to all that have privately chatted me regarding it., and your blog feedback is welcome also. I will continue this blog as my journey continues! So they journey continues on 2/27. Went for my Hep retest. If its a recent infection, being retested for HIV in a month.
    2 points
  10. With his cock still in me and covered in sweat, he laid down on top of me and rested. I was still horny and wanted to feel that cock get hard in me again and expand/stretch me open as he came again. Laying under him, with his cock still in my ass was getting me hornier by the min. I started to work my hips up and down a little and flexed my ass to get a reaction from him. I wanted to see if I could get him in the mood for a second round, it felt nice having his cock in me, but I wanted it hard and I was ready to go. The first fuck was only ten mins, I was hoping that the second fuck would be 15 mins or more since it was going to be a second load. With some dirty talk about him giving me his load again, how great he felt in me and that I wanted my pussy torn apart by him. I was starting to get him semi hard and with the moving of the hips and some movement from him he was getting hard, so I moved up onto all fours. We fucked for a little this way and he wanted me to roll over, which I had no problem with. I like to see the eyes and face of a top as they unload into me. Now laying on my back, with me legs on his shoulders I was open for an assault on me hole. He don't disappoint me, damn near made me black out. With one push, he was balls deep in me and fucking like there was not going to be a tomorrow. There was no slow joe fucking this time, it was all about business and the jack rabbit was racing. He hammered my ass as hard as he could and kept it deep the whole time. He toke the whole, tear my pussy up comment literal. He was giving me a new pain that had me on cloud 9, one of those fucks that hurts to the point of passing out but you want more. My head was turning from side to side and I could not beleave this little dude was destroying my ass. He was a man on a mission and the mission was to fuck my brains out. He was watching my face as he drove in and tried to get deeper, I think if he could have gotten his balls in me he would have. Between the short hard thrusts, he would tell me that it was better pussy then his girlfriends pussy and hitting it raw was the best. That dropping a load in a hole was what men do. With his dirty talk and the pounding I was getting, he had me on the edge of blowing my load without playing with my cock. The assault on my ass was going on longer then I had hoped for, which was turning into a problem for my hole. I'm not use to bottoming or having something so thick rammed up my ass. Plus, I was getting ready to nut and knew that I would be done at that point. I told him I needed his load in me and I was ready to receive it. He don't last long after I told him that. With a few more pumps, his cock got bigger, I think i was to loose to feel it like the first time. He started pumping faster and told me, he was going to cum. He rammed me balls deep and held it there as he came in me. He finally pull out and laid on his back, I rolled on to my stomach and stretch my legs out. He reached over and smacked my ass and parted my cheeks. He was looking at my hole and told me that it looked beat up. He started fingering me, he worked three fingers in easy and got the fourth one in with not problem. He started to add the thumb and I told him I would kill him if he tried to fist me. We laid there for a little and I finally got up and dressed to leave. One of the best fucks I have had up to that point of my life. I think he is the one that turned me from 90% top to 50-50
    2 points
  11. Sorry it took so long to get this out there. It's just tough with so much going on in life, right now. I spent most of whatever free time I had reading, as opposed to writing. I may have just one more installment after this, more like an epilogue. Thanks for the love and encouragement. Hope you guys enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed writing out some of the raunchier elements with this, so my next project might be more focused on man scents. --- As soon as Joey left, I texted Carlos to let him know what happened and he told me he’d be on the lookout for Joey’s text. In the meantime, I went about work before prepping for the night. I got the text from both Carlos and Joey at the same time while I was prepping myself. Joey merely said to be ready tonight because he found someone who was interested. Carlos said he could wait for us to give Joey his third Poz load. My cock would not go down as I waited the rest of the day thinking about what Carlos said. Even if I wasn’t the one pozzing him, I was definitely complicit in the act. I wondered whether the old me would have ever thought something like this was arousing. Would I have been disgusted with myself. It didn’t really matter, my raging hard on told me. I was already in too deep. Joey walked in with the air of excitement. I could see it in his smile and instead of warming my heart, it warmed my groin. “Hi babe,” he greeted me. “I hope you’re ready. He should be coming over soon.” “I think I’m ready. I hope you are.” I leaned into his face for a kiss and pulled his hips into mine, grinding my hard cock into his own. We made out, arousal at our upcoming event fueling the fire of our sexual drives. Joey pulled my shirt off and I got a whiff of my pits. I didn’t bother washing because I had a feeling Carlos would appreciate it, but I saw the brief stink-face from Joey. I kissed him again to take his mind off of that. This night wasn’t about what he was into. Just then, the buzzer rang. Joey walked over to open the door and there stood Carlos. He looked sexy in a white tee and those loose fitting pants as he walked in. He looked from Joey to me and smirked. “Hey, I’m Carlos,” he ‘introduced’ himself as he shook my hand. The pretense of It all made me anxious and horny. He shook Joey’s hand, too. To his credit, Joey acted quite natural as though he hadn’t met him before. “I’m Joey,” he said plainly. “I’m the one who you spoke to. And this is my boyfriend, Andy.” “You guys seem pretty hot,” Carlos said as he brushed his hand across his chest. “I like that you guys are open to playing around.” “Well, we’ve been strictly monogamous until today,” I mentioned. I scanned Joey’s face to see if that statement was lost on him. Again, to his credit, he didn’t seem phased. Which only served to fuel my fire. “But I’d love to watch you work his ass over.” “Oh really,” he quipped as he moved closer to me and pulled my head in for a deep kiss. My eyes closed briefly and I brought my hand down to grope his cock through his pants as our tongues intertwined. After breaking our kiss, I noticed Joey’s eyes a bit dimmed but they lit up again as Carlos moved towards him. Joey led the way as all three of us moved into my bedroom. He stood at the foot of the bed, sandwiched between me and Carlos. I lifted his shirt off as Joey did the same to Carlos. They made out as I undid Joey’s belt, pulling his pants down and helping him step out of them. I stood up and Joey crouched down to take off Carlos’s pants and admire the poison package. Carlos grinned and looked up at me. He reached for my shirt and pulled up. With my arms up, he caught a whiff of my scent and dove in with a “fuck yeah” and lapped at my pit. Joey had just worked the cock into his mouth at that point and Carlos seemed in heaven, switching over to my other ripe pit. He came up for air and I pulled him into a kiss, tasting my scent on his lips. Both of us breathed in the musk, panting as we made out while Joey worked on Carlos’s now rock hard cock. “Take off those pants and sit on the bed,” Carlos whispered huskily. I positioned myself at the head while Carlos pried Joey from his dick. He lifted him from the floor and guided him by the shoulders towards the bed. Joey crawled towards my cock, which left his ass in the air. As Joey started licking my balls, Carlos leaned in and started to lick his ass. It was such a turn on watching as Carlos ate with fervor at my boyfriend’s hole. “Mmm delicious,” Carlos said as he came up for air and started whacking his hard cock on Joey’s ass. He looked into my eyes and saw the hunger. “I can’t wait to fill it up.” Joey lifted his head off my cock and motioned for the condoms. He looked at me and said, “Thank you. I needed this.” I assume he meant the threesome. “I know. I need this just as much if not more,” I replied, referring in my own head to watching him unknowingly being loaded with poz cum. I gave him the condom so he could put it on Carlos. Carlos looked at me smiling as he spun Joey towards my hard cock, shoving his face down on it. Carlos pulled hard on the condom to snap it, as I’d already made sure they were easy to break. I handed over the lube and Carlos applied a generous amount to his cock and to Joey’s ass, shoving his fingers in to get more in there. I could have sworn I felt Joey squirm a bit. His mouth bit down on my cock a bit as I watched Carlos piston his fingers in and out. He pulled his fingers out and showed me his nails were long. It all made sense. Carlos aimed his cock at Joey’s hole and slid in easily with all the lube. I was hard as a rock knowing he was taking my boyfriend’s ass raw. Joey moaned into my cock as he was filled with that poz cock. I didn’t want to cum yet, so I pulled Joey off and kissed him. It was more of an animal kiss than a lover’s. Carlos gripped his hair and pulled him up to kiss him, too. I took that chance to get off the bed and get underneath both Joey and Carlos so I could watch that scorpion tail sting its prey. I was rock hard and drooling as I saw Carlos pull all the way out and slide all the way back in raw. He pushed Joey’s face down into a pillow and started plowing his way through that cheating ass. His ass juices and lube were splashing onto my face. I got up as Carlos looked into my eyes and winked. He pulled me in for a deep kiss. As animalistic as this one was, I couldn’t help but feel something I felt was missing from when Joey and I kissed. We shared something deeper in this passionate kiss. We broke our kiss as he used one hand to guide my head to look at his cock. His thrusting pace slowed considerably. He wasn’t pulling all the way out, but after a few more thrusts he pulled all the way out and pushed my head down to his cock. I could taste his musk and separate it from Joey’s ass juices. I could taste his cum. He’d unloaded in Joey’s ass. I lifted off his cock and stuck my face in Joey’s ass. I ran my tongue across the abused hole and pushed in. Some of Carlos’s poz cum leaked into my mouth and I moaned. Carlos made a show of getting another condom as he tossed the broken one from his cock into the trash so that Joey could see him as he handed it to me. I quickly went to work putting it on myself and “making myself comfortable”. Carlos came behind me and licked his tongue up my crack as I slid myself into Joey’s wet, used hole. I felt myself shiver as I could feel his tongue lap up my musky ass, working its way into my hole. I shivered, too, as I could feel his cum/lube mixture in Joey’s ass as I fucked my little whore. I shivered more as I felt Carlos kiss his way up my ass and back towards my neck. Maybe it’s cold in heaven. He tossed an open condom wrapper past me onto the bed. Joey looked back and saw him standing behind me and leaning forwards, kissing my neck. He saw my eyes glaze over with lust as I thrust into him with Carlos moving closer. He saw my gasp as Carlos snapped his hips against my ass. He heard me moan as Carlos thrust into me, which led me to thrust into Joey. I reached around to jerk off Joey’s cock and Joey turned his head back to the pillow and began moaning, opening his ass up for me. As Carlos tongued my earlobe, he paused there while continuing to fuck my ass. “This is so hot. You look so hot fucking him. I love your hole. It feels so nice in here.” I moaned hearing these words as he spoke them with a seductive whisper. “How does it feel, fucking your own load into his ass. Feels good, doesn’t it? God, you look so hot. Don’t you wish you were pozzing him, too? Wouldn’t that be hot?” His questions burned in my mind, fueling my fuck. I did think it would be hot. I did wish I was pozzing him. “Fuuuuuuck,” was all I could manage to say. I felt Joey’s ass clench as he reached orgasm. It drove me over the edge as I unloaded in him. I slammed each load into him, hoping he would be pozzed for all of his life. As I clenched up for that final blow, I felt Carlos’s arm across my chest. He pulled me into his cock and I naturally bent over to open my ass for him. I felt him shake as he held onto me. I realized I was shaking a bit, too. Carlos recovered first, pulling out of me. He helped me pull out of Joey and leaned in to lick Joey’s ass clean. He then moved to suck my cock clean of juices. Then he sat up and I saw his cock. I’m not sure I was surprised, but there it was in all it’s glory – with a broken condom on it. I leaned down to suck it clean and removed the evidence. Carlos took it and the one that was on me and tossed them in the trash. He lay down on the bed on that side as I slid up next to him, sort of squeezing Joey out to the other side of the bed. Carlos wrapped his arm around me and I felt myself melt into him. I closed my eyes and slept.
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  12. Part 3 After the fourth guy left, I walked over to the bed where you still catching your breath. Since we didn’t have anyone with us for the moment, I took advantage of having a few minutes to make out with you. I climbed on the bed and lay down next to you. You turned on your side towards me and put your arms around me. We held each other for a minute, enjoying the closeness, and we started kissing. Our lips locked and our tongues battled. The fact that you had five poz loads in your ass had us both extremely turned on. We started rolling around on the bed, our hands all over each other’s bodies. Our kisses became hungrier as our passions grew. Both of our cocks were rock hard and leaking, but before we could do anything about it, there was a knock at the door. “FUCK!”, I muttered, but quickly got off the bed to answer the door. After all, this is why we were here. I opened the door to find a tall, thin, blond man. He came in and whistled his appreciation of us both being naked as I closed the door. This was the first guy tonight I hadn’t previously chatted with. He introduced himself as Jon and said he saw one of the ads I’d posted. I shook his hand, “I’m Jim and that hot piece of ass on the bed is Aaron.” Jon wasted no time in stripping his clothes off. Even though he was on the thin side, he had some definition to his chest, arms, and shoulders. He had a dusting of golden fur on his chest and a treasure trail leading down to a thick blond bush and a long, thin cock. As he approached the bed, it started thickening up and got longer. It looked to be about 10 inches. You looked at him with a big grin on your face. “How do you want me, stud?” you asked. He replied, “Let’s have you on your back at the edge of the bed.” You rolled to the end of the bed, got on your back, and lifted your legs in the air. “Like this?” you asked. “Fuck yes, that’s exactly how I like to breed my men. So my poz cum can get in really deep!” You moaned in anticipation, “Oh God yes!” Jon grabbed some lube and slicked his long cock up. He knelt down til he was at the right angle and rubbed his cockhead around on your spread open ass lips. “I’m going in and I’m going in deep” he promised. And he did just that. He shoved the head and several inches inside you. You practically ordered him, “Give me all of that poz cock! I want it!” Without hesitation, he pushed another 3-4 inches in you. You had almost all of him in your ass. He pulled out til just the head was in and pushed back in until his balls touched your ass. He had all 10 inches of his poz cock buried deep inside you. I had been a bystander for the 4 other guys, but after seeing how long his cock was and now seeing it buried inside you, I couldn’t stay away. Plus I was still horned up from our makeout session. I climbed on the bed at your head, directed my cock to your mouth, and took over holding your legs. You loved sucking cock as much as you loved getting fucked and went right at it. My leaking cockhead slipped into your throat as the muscles worked it. Jon had started long dicking your pussy, his balls slapping your ass with every thrust. Every time he bottomed out, you moaned. His long cock was shoving the cum inside you even deeper into you. And we both knew he would be spurting his load deeper than any other that night. We fucked you at both ends, enjoying the way you made our cocks feel. Even though I’d cum in you at the beginning of the night, I could feel my next load churning in my balls. We fell into a rhythm, fucking you silly, loving every second of it. “Fuck that ass,” I told Jon, “get him ready for another poz load.” He joined in, urging me to fuck your throat good and deep. Watching his 10 inch poz cock disappear continually in your used pussy was pushing me over the edge. I didn’t want to cum so quickly, but I couldn’t hold off any longer. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum! You’re sucking the cum right out of me!” I cried out. I pulled my cock out til just the head was in your mouth and proceeded to blast my 2nd load of the night in your mouth. “I’M FUCKING CUMMING!” I roared as I shot again and again in your mouth. As soon as I finished shooting my load, I leaned down and kissed you again, tasting my cum as you shared it with me. Jon kept fucking you, going deep every time. He picked up his pace, which told me he was getting close. He started slamming in and out of you, muttering “Fuck yes, goddamn it, gonna shoot, gotta breed you.” We kept kissing, passing my load back and forth when he finally said, “Take my fucking poz cum!” and slammed in you one last time. His toxic cum started pumping deep inside you, really filling you up. He stayed still for quite a while, shot after shot of jizz pumping. We broke off our kiss as he slowly pulled out of you. I could tell from the look on your face that had been a great fuck. Even though he wasn’t really thick, it’s rare to get a cock in you that deep. After he cleaned up, we exchanged numbers so we could play again and he left with a smile on his face. Part 4 cumming soon…….
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  13. I only go about once a month. Sometimes there are hot guys, but a lot of creepy vibes too. We should host a monthly pozfriendly day at the gultch
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  14. Part 4 I discovered that the campus toilet was really active and I had many horny experiences in there. I made full use of the glory holes and lost count of how many cocks I sucked there during my time in Hamburg. I also used the glory holes for more than just sucking and quite often I would be backed up to the glory hole with my pants down, being fucked through the hole by a usually anonymous cock. In fact I took almost as many loads in my arse as I did in my mouth. One afternoon I was in the campus toilet and I had just sucked two guys off, one after the other. Nothing happened for a while and the I heard someone entering the cubicle next to me. I heard a belt being unbuckled and the sound of someone unzipping and pulling his trousers down. There was silence for a minute or two and then I saw an eye at the glory hole. I flashed my cock and I heard him standing up. Almost immediately a big fat cock came through the glory hole and I wasted no time in taking it into my mouth. I sucked on the cock for a while and then I pulled off. The guy on the other side pulled is cock back and looked through. I turned round and bent over, offering him my arse. Almost immediately the cock was pushed back through. I sucked on it again and them backed my arse on to it. It was one of the biggest cocks I had had up me for some time and I enjoyed every minute of the fuck. He fucked me hard and fast and after a while I could hear him getting close and soon he groaned loudly and began to fuck me even harder. I pushed back and took his load up my arse. After a while he pulled his now softening cock out my arse and I pulled my pants up. I came out of the cubicle at the same time as the guy who had just fucked me and was shocked to see it was one of the other lads on my course, a dark haired lad from the north of England called Steve. I was shocked because I had thought Steve was totally straight. He was stocky, rugby playing guy with a girlfriend who had already been over to visit him. We looked at each other for a moment and then I grinned. He grinned back and I saw him relax a little. We went for a drink and he ended up coming back to my room and fucking me again. Most of the action took place in the cubicles and through the glory holes, with some wanking and occasional sucking at the urinals. One wet afternoon I was in the toilet wanking at the urinals with three other guys. One was older and the other two were obviously students around my age. I really fancied one of them - a tall ginger lad with an impressive cock and tried to get him to come in to a cubicle with me. However, he seemed to be content to stand wanking at the urinal and I was on the point of giving up when the door to the toilet opened noisily and a blond guy with curly hair came in. He looked mid twenties, and, although it was only around four o'clock in the afternoon, seemed to be a bit drunk. He looked around with a kind of spaced out expression and then walked over to the sinks which were just to the side of the urinals. To my surprise he pulled his trousers and pants down and bent over, holding on to the sink and pushing his arse out. Nothing happened for a while and then the ginger lad moved back from the urinal. I thought he was going to leave but he walked over to the blond guy, felt his arse, and then pulled his trousers and pants down to his knees. He wanked his cock a few times and then stood behind the blond guy, pushed his cock right up him and began to fuck. It was one of the horniest things I had seen yet as the ginger guy fucked him hard and fast right out in the middle of the toilet. I watched and wanked with the other two guys until the ginger lad shot his load. When he pulled out the blond guy stayed bent over and I had no hesitation in taking the ginger guy's place. I pushed my cock up the blond guy and fucked him - and after just ten or twelve thrusts I shot my load right up him. The older of the other two guys followed and then the younger one. The blond guy took four loads up him, one after the other, before pulling up his pants and stumbling drunkenly out of the toilet. Towards the end of my time in Hamburg I was at a party with the other foreign students in one of the campus bars. I got talking to a Spanish guy and we ended up in a cubicle in the toilets where he fucked me hard up against the cubicle wall before grunting and shooting his load up me. He was out of there in seconds and ignored me for the rest of the night. I didn't really care but by the end of the evening I was really drunk and horny. I decided to take a walk down the Reeperbahn, which at that time was a notorious area in Hamburg full of sex shops, cinemas and other dubious establishments. As I walked down the Reeperbahn, Laura Branigan's "Self Control" was blaring out of one of the bars. I still had the Spanish guy's load up me and I had a pleasant, squelchy feeling in my arse as I walked along and I was feeling on a bit of a high. To this day whenever I hear that song I get a feeling of excitement and anticipation. I had browsed around a couple of gay sex shops during my time in Hamburg and I had wanted to go in to one of the sex cinemas to see what it was like but I had never felt quite brave enough to go in. In my drunken state I had no such inhibitions and soon I had paid my entrance fee and was being buzzed through. I stumbled into the dark cinema and for the first time saw two fit guys fucking on the big screen. I had never experienced anything like this and I was really turned on. It took me a little while for my eyes to acclimatise to the dark and then I went for a wander round the cinema. A couple of older guys had their cocks out wanking as they watched the porn on the screen. I was standing at the back of the cinema enjoying the porn when I noticed an older guy standing next to me. He had his cock out and soon I was down sucking him off. It was not too long before I was bent over the back of a chair in the back row being fucked. I was the youngest in there by some way and looked even younger than my 20 years. I don't know how many guys fucked me that night - I was too drunk and too horny to care as I took one cock up me after another. At one point I took my trousers and pants off so that I could spread my legs to let a Turkish guy with a particularly thick cock fuck me even harder. I think just about everyone in the place fucked me and when it was over I could feel the cum running down my legs. I was starting to sober up and I realised I had better get out of there. I searched for my jeans and pants but they were no where to be seen. I had a momentary panic - it was a hot summer evening and I was only wearing a T shirt - which now was the only thing I had on apart from my socks and shoes. Fortunately eventually I found my jeans crumpled in a heap under one of the seats. I never did find my underpants - for all I know some old guy had taken them home to wank over. I managed to catch the last underground train and soon I was back in my room on campus, a big smile on my face and more cum up my arse than I had ever had before... I was coming to the end of my three months in Hamburg now and I had enjoyed every minute of it. During my last week I found another public toilet. This one was on a busy road near a junction but I found it was quite active in there. I ended up wanking with two other guys - an older guy in a suit and a younger, good looking guy in the uniform of a well known delivery company. Soon I was bent over sucking the suited guy while the delivery guy had his hand down the back of my pants, fingering my arse. I was just getting in to it when the guy I was sucking pulled his cock out of my mouth and stuffed it back in his pants. I was really disappointed but he motioned to me to follow him. He went out of the toilet and round the back of the toilet block where there was a wooded area. He led me to the back of the wooded area where there was a little clearing which couldn't be seen from the road. The delivery guy joined us and soon I was bent over sucking the first guy while the delivery guy fucked me up the arse. He came quite quickly and when he pulled out I offered my arse to the suited guy. He shook his head and motioned to me to keep sucking him. I went back down on his cock and it wasn't too long before he shot his cum into my mouth. He left quite quickly and I was just about to follow him when I heard a noise behind me. I turned round and a young blond lad who looked no more than about 18 stepped out from behind the bushes. I wasn't sure if he had been watching but he looked at me uncertainly and then smiled shyly as I walked towards him. He soon had his cock out and I got down on my knees and started sucking him. I had the feeling he wasn't going to last long and then he pulled his cock out of my mouth and asked if he could fuck me. I guess he had been watching and I was well up for being fucked again. I pulled my pants down again and bent over. The young lad stood behind me, fumbling a little has he tried to push his cock up my arse. I pulled my cheeks apart to help him get his cock into my arse and soon he was right up me it up me. I turned my head to look at him and he grinned and shyly told me "I've never done this before." So that was where the young German lad had his first fuck - pants down in a clearing behind a public toilet. He fucked me well considering it was his first time, but as I had thought he didn't last very long before he shot his cum into my arse. He pulled out and I stood up. He was panting, a blissed out look on his face as he pulled up his pants and trousers and we walked out of the wooded area back towards the road. A bicycle was propped up against a tree just by the road and he grinned, climbed onto it and cycled off. I was now back at uni in Glasgow and during my final two years I joined a gay youth group and began to meet people and make friends, including my first real boyfriend. I still cruised public toilets for sex now and then though and had a few more horny experiences. One afternoon I was heading towards one of my favourite public toilets when I saw someone I knew coming out - one of my older brother's best friends. Ronnie was a few years older than me and I didn't really like him. He used to make fun of me and I thought he was a bit of a bully. I knew his work sometimes took him down to Glasgow but I had no desire to meet him and certainly didn't want him to see me in a public toilet. It didn't really occur to me to wonder just what Ronnie was doing in a public toilet in a park in a quiet area of the city - I knew he had a girlfriend and assumed he was straight. I had been at school with his girlfriend and to be honest I didn't like her much either. A couple of weeks later I was back in the same toilet. There was no one about but I could hear two guys talking in the cubicle next to me and I was sure I recognised one of the voices - I was sure it was Ronnie. Trying to be as quiet as possible I climbed up on to the toilet and I could hear the voices easier now. A quick look over the cubicle wall confirmed it was indeed Ronnie. He was in there with another guy - a fit stocky dark haired guy. Both had their pants down and I watched as Ronnie went down on the other guy and began to suck his cock. I was really turned on as I watched Ronnie sucking cock and even more so as a little later I watched him bending over the toilet. I had a perfect view from above as the dark haired guy pushed his cock up Ronnie's arse and began to fuck him. Ronnie was groaning and telling the guy to fuck him harder. "Fuck me, fuck me" he moaned "fuck me like a bitch" Although I didn't like Ronnie much it was one of the horniest things I have seen. I watched as the guy fucked Ronnie, shooting his cum deep into Ronnie's arse and shot my load down the cubicle wall. When he pulled out, Ronnie sat down on the toilet and took the guy's cock into his mouth. I was shocked - I had never seen anyone suck a cock that had just been up their arse - and the fact that it was my brother's supposedly straight mate doing it made it even more horny. Two years later, Ronnie was best man at my brother's wedding and as I watched him standing at the alter next to my brother I couldn't help picturing him bent over the toilet begging a total stranger to fuck him like a bitch... The next year flew by and soon it was the day of my graduation. I had a few hours to spare before the ceremony and, feeling horny as usual, headed to one of my favourite toilets. One of the cubicles was occupied and I had a quick look under the door. I saw two pairs of feet and went into the next cubicle. I climbed on to the toilet and looked over. A chubby blond lad was bent over the toilet, pants down being fucked by an older guy. I knew the lad who was being fucked - he was a student in my year although I wasn't sure what he was studying. I had seen him in there quite often and knew he never refused a cock - either in his mouth or up his arse and I had fucked him a few times myself. The older guy shot his load and left the cubicle and another guy took his place. I watched as he too shot his load up the blond lad and then slipped into the cubicle and fucked him myself. Later on I saw him at the graduation ceremony - he was graduating too and was posing for photographs with his proud parents. "If only they knew" I thought. After graduation I moved down to London. I was now firmly in my safe sex period. It took me a while to establish myself and the first few years in London weren't the best of times. However by the mid nineties I was established. I had friends and a job I enjoyed. Life was good. I had been in a relationship for a while and was now single. I continued to practice safe sex on every occasion. But I was also feeling bored and a bit rebellious. I had continued practicing safe sex on every occasion but I was now getting tired of always doing the right thing. At that time I had a job which took me out and about all over north London. I knew there were still quite a few active public toilets and from time to time I would join in the action. I always played safe but I was becoming more and more tempted not to bother. It would not be too long before I would be enjoying some more horny times in public toilets - but this time there would be no condoms.... Part 5 to follow
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  15. Part 3 I carried on cruising for sex in public toilets throughout my second year and enjoyed every minute of it. I had started off being careful - mindful of the fact that people got arrested for what I was doing. As time went by, however, I paid less and less attention to the risks and began to take more and more chances. One afternoon I was in a toilet I had discovered over in the south side of Glasgow. The toilet block was just outside a park, set back a little from the main road. I had discovered it a few weeks before and had had some horny fun in there. That afternoon I was feeling good - I had just finished sitting exams and was ready for some fun. I was also feeling very horny. Nothing happened for a while and then a dark haired stocky guy came in. We cruised each other and soon we were wanking together at the urinals. We ended up in a cubicle together and I wasted no time getting his big cock in my mouth. He had a nice big hairy cock and also a hairy arse, which he let me lick for a while before he bent me over the toilet and fucked me hard and fast, depositing a big load of cum right up my arse. I was feeling on top of the world as I pulled my pants up and followed him out of the cubicle. Exams were over and I had just enjoyed a very horny fuck. I washed my hands at the sink and followed the guy who had just fucked me round corner to leave the toilet, only to find the way barred by two police officers - one male, one female. There then followed the most uncomfortable and humiliating ten minutes of my life. The police officers pulled us out of the toilet and made us stand just outside in full view of everyone passing by as they began to question us. I was totally shitting myself - I was convinced my life was over. Fortunately the other guy had more presence of mind and he stood up to their questions. They asked us what we had been doing in the toilet and he said confidently "Having a piss". They looked at me "Err..yeah...me too." I muttered. "You were in there a long time?" said the male police officer. "I had to take a dump" said the other guy. "Err...yeah....me too" I muttered, conscious of the stares of people passing by and wishing the ground would swallow me up. I realised, however, that they had probably just got there and were just fishing with their questions- they didn't actually know we had been in the cubicle together - otherwise they would have arrested both of us. The female office was okay but the male was a total cunt. They questioned us for a bit longer, but I was feeling a bit more confident now and neither of us admitted to anything. In the end they let us go with a warning and I have never been so relieved in my life. I was a lot more careful after that - and I never went back to that toilet or even to that part of the city again. At the end of my second year I got the chance to go and study in Germany for three months. I spoke German well and was really looking forward to spending some time there and really getting to speak the language. I could only afford a really cheap student ticket and it meant taking the night train from Glasgow to London and then the boat train, the ferry to Holland and another train into Germany. I didn't care though and set off in high spirits. I arrived in London at about 6:00 AM and travelled on the underground to Liverpool Street station where I was to get the boat train. I had never been to London and a few hours to spare so I had some breakfast in a café and set off to explore the area around the station. After a while I came to a public toilet - it was one of the old fashioned Victorian underground toilets that used to be common in London. I didn't hesitate. One of the guards on the train had eyed me up and shortly before the train reached Euston I had followed him into the toilet and sucked him off, ending up with a nice big mouthful of cum. I hadn't cum myself though and I was feeling very horny as I went quietly down the steps into the toilet. At the bottom of the steps I almost collided with a an old guy who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. I realised almost at once that he was keeping watch at the foot of the stairs and sure enough two other guys were standing at the urinals next to each other - a dark haired guy who looked to be in his thirties and a young black lad. I took my place a few urinals away from them and quickly took a piss. When I had finished they were both still there and it was not too long before the dark haired guy flashed his cock at me. I showed him mine and it was game on. Soon I was standing next to them as we all showed our cocks and began to wank. I bent over and began to suck the dark haired guy as he reached down the back of my jeans and began to finger my arse. I now had a good look at the cock the young black lad was wanking - it was big! I so wanted it in my mouth and, if possible, up my arse. Soon I was sucking the black lad as the dark haired guy unzipped my trousers and pulled them down along with my pants. I bent over and spread my legs, hoping he would get the message. He did - and soon I was lubed up and he was pushing his cock up me. Once again I was being fucked in a dirty public toilet - pants down in the middle of the urinal area - the dark haired guy's cock up my arse and the black guy's cock in my mouth. We couldn't be seen by anyone coming down the stairs as we were round the corner and I knew that the old guy was still keeping watch but I knew that we would have to be quick and I was really hoping that the black lad would fuck me too. I clenched my arse tightly on the dark haired guy's cock and told him to fuck me hard and he did. He gave me a really good hard fuck and shot his load up me quite quickly. When he pulled out I turned round and offered my arse to the black guy. He hesitated and the dark haired guy said "Go on, fuck him." I had never been fucked by a black guy before and I was really turned on as, after a further short hesitation, he pushed his big cock slowly up my arse. His cock was so big I had trouble getting it up me even though I had just been fucked and the dark haired guy pulled my cheeks apart and helped guide the black guy's cock up my arse. It was one of the horniest fucks I have ever had and I loved every minute of it. The dark haired guy was urging him on, telling him to fuck me harder and cum in my arse. I don't think I had ever been fucked so hard and fast and I actually started to piss a little as the black lad began to fuck me even harder. I could tell he was getting close and after a while he groaned and shot his load right up my arse. I felt as if my arse was gaping as he pulled out, stuffed his cock back in his pants and disappeared up the stairs and out of the toilet, closely followed by the dark haired guy. I straightened up, panting and sweating, and wiped my forehead with my T shirt. I had just pulled up my pants when I saw the old guy who had been keeping watch coming towards me. He indicated to me to bend over and I realised he wanted to fuck me too! I had always enjoyed letting older guys use me in public toilets but this guy must have been well into his seventies and I had never been with anyone as old as this. He was not very attractive - unshaven with white, straggly hair and I was just thinking how the fuck do I get out of this when I saw his cock. It was almost as big as the black lad's! I had not cum yet and I was still horny so I pulled my pants down again and bent over against the urinal. He was up me in seconds. He fucked me really well and I was really turned on by the thought that I was now being fucked by some old guy with no one keeping watch. I knew he was getting close and I wanked myself off as he fucked me, shooting my load into the urinal as the old guy shot his cum up me. He pulled out, told me I was a dirty cunt and left. I knew I had been stupid letting someone fuck me in the open area, especially after my brush with the law a few months earlier, but I had got away with it and I loved the fact that I had taken three loads up my arse on my first morning in London. I enjoyed every minute of my three months in Hamburg and made some friends who have stayed friends to this day. I didn't find any active public toilets at first but this didn't matter too much as I was being fucked regularly by a married guy I met at a reception for foreign students. About six weeks into my time at the university I went to an extra seminar in a building on a different part of the campus. When the seminar was over I needed to pee and went in search of the toilets. I followed the signs down into the basement of the building and walked for ages before I found some toilets right at the end of a deserted corridor miles from anywhere. As soon as I went in I could tell it was active. Two guys were standing at the urinal and had obviously stepped apart only as I entered the room. Two of the four cubicles were occupied and I went in to the next one. Almost at once I saw a glory hole, covered with toilet paper. I quickly took a piss and the pulled my trousers and pants down and sat on the toilet. There was no sound for a while and then I heard the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from next door. I waited a while and then gently removed the paper and looked through the hole. To my surprise, a guy was squatting down with his back against the wall of the cubicle next door, his pants and trousers at his ankles and as I looked down and saw the gap between the cubicle wall and the floor I saw another pair of legs right behind him and I realised he was being fucked under the stall. He was quite a fit guy - dark haired, slim with glasses. He looked up at me and I grinned. He grinned back at me and began to fuck himself more obviously on the cock that was sticking up under the partition wall. He motioned to me to stick my cock through the hole and I did and soon I was being sucked as the guy in the other stall continued to fuck him up the arse. After a while I heard noises which indicated that the guy doing the fucking was coming and sure enough the other guy stopped sucking me and stood up. I looked through the hole just in time to see a big spunky cock being pulled back through under the stall. Just then the guy with the glasses looked through at me. I was just about to push my cock through the hole when he turned his back to me and bent over, pulling his cheeks apart. It was one of the horniest things I had ever seen as he pushed and I saw a lot of cum slide out his arse and down his balls. He pushed some more soon the cum was running down his legs. I don't know how many loads he had up there, clearly more than just one, but watching him push it out was such a turn on. He pushed some more cum out his arse and then backed up to the glory hole. I was up him in seconds and I fucked him hard and fast, shooting what felt like a massive load of cum up him after just ten or twelve thrusts. I went back to that toilet quite a few times and had some more good experiences in there - but none quite as horny as that first one. Part 4 to follow
    2 points
  16. [This is another story from long ago that I found on my hard drive. It needed lots of reformatting, so I will be posting it in installments. I did not write this; I just tried to clean it up a bit for readability] Last weekend I was stuck without a car. I thought the weekend was going to suck. I was hanging out in my apartment, bored, surfing the net. I came across a page for a local bath house. What the hell! I had heard a lot of stories about bath houses, but I had never been to one. I called a cab, and headed down. I was nervous and excited. I had spent plenty of time cruising ABS and online, but I had never seen anything like the stories I had heard about the baths. I got one of the large rooms, which had a TV and several channels to choose from. I saw that in one movie the men were barebacking. As I undressed, I watched a hot scene where this guy was getting fucked in the woods. The top was hung and uncut. I was mesmerized by the sight of his bare cock sliding in and out of the bottom's ass made me incredibly horny even though I knew I could never let a stranger fuck me bareback. I had recently discovered the joys of being a bottom, and I decided to go out and find some cock. As I explored the premises, I saw that many guys just left the doors to their room open. In several rooms, guys were fucking and sucking. As I walked past one room, I saw one guy getting fucked as he sucked off another guy. I paused, watching the hot scene. The guy with his dick buried in the bottom's ass told me to come in. I did, just as the bottom called it quits. He said he needed a rest. After he left, I sat on the bed with the two guys. They were about my age, 25 or so, and both had cocks at least 8 inches. One guy was uncut. I love uncut cock; the first guy who fucked me had a thick, 8" uncut cock, and it felt so good. I took off my towel, and started to suck on the uncut beauty in front of me. The other guy got up to shut the door. I told him he could leave it open, but he said he and his friend wanted me all to themselves. As I sucked my uncut stud, the other guy started rimming me. I love to have my ass eaten. In fact the first time I got fucked, it was because the guy did such a great job licking my hole, that I had to let him fuck me. My head was spinning from the joint I smoked before I left my house. The guy behind me stopped licking my ass. He moved up to put his cock against my hole. I asked him to put on a condom. He said ok, and then asked me if I partied. I didn't know what he meant, but I told him I was up for anything. He asked if I had ever done Tina. “What is it?” I said, feeling like a nerd. The best sex drug in the world, he told me. "Ok. Whatever. I'll do it." He and his friend smiled, and brought out a glass pipe. I asked what I was supposed to do. His friend put some stuff that looked like little bits of rock in the pipe. I leaned forward, and put the pipe to my lips. The guy lit a butane lighter and started heating the stuff in the pipe. The pipe filled with white vapor. "Take a hit," he said. I took a deep hit, held it for a second and exhaled. They urged me to keep going. I took several more large hits. OH MY GOD - did I feel great. I was incredibly happy and even more horny than I had been a few minutes ago. The guy who had tried to fuck me asked me to suck his dick. I eagerly sucked his cock into my mouth. He had gone soft, but as I sucked him, I could feel his dick getting hard in my mouth. I had never enjoyed sucking a cock so much. I was able to deep throat him, something I normally couldn't do with a guy his size. As I sucked him, the other guy asked me if I did poppers. I said I never had, but I would do anything he recommended. He held the bottle under my nose and told me to inhale. My head started spinning and my hunger for cock went out of control. I asked the uncut guy to fuck me. He asked me if I had ever been fucked bareback. I said "no, never." He asked me if I wanted to feel his cock shooting inside of me. Between the tina and the poppers, I was out of control. "Just give me that beautiful cock!" He drizzled some lube on my ass and started rubbing his cock up and down my crack. He told me to do more of the poppers. I took several deep hits. Finally he placed the head of his cock against my asshole and gave a little push. Only about half of the head of his tool went in. I moaned. I had no idea that anything could feel so good. Slowly, he slid his cock into me. The first time I got fucked, it hurt at first, but then later started to feel good. Not this time. As he buried his massive dick in my ass, all I felt was pleasure. I couldn't believe the difference between being fucked with a condom and being fucked bareback. It was so much better. I started sucking on his partner again as he fucked me. I couldn't believe how crazy I felt. I wanted to do anything for these guys. I told them to fuck the hell out of me. Finally, the guy fucking me told me he was going to cum. The idea of taking his load in my ass drove me wild. He grunted, and buried himself deep in my ass. I could feel his cock pulse, and then I felt his cum spurting in my ass. Suddenly, my ass was filled with his cum. I was surprised at how warm it felt. He took a minute to catch his breath, and then pulled his cock out of me. I sat there, feeling the warm, squishy feeling of an ass full of cum. His friend said it was his turn to fuck me. I put myself face down, ass up on the edge of the bed and told him how much I needed more cock in my hole. He slid in easily, lubricated by his friends load. He started fucking me with long, slow strokes. It felt so good. His friend handed me the popper's bottle, and my head started spinning again. His cock was huge and hard, and he knew how to use it. I have no idea how long he fucked me, but it was at least 20 minutes. Finally, he said he was going to cum. He buried himself in me and again I felt cum spurting against the inside of my ass. It was so hot. It felt so nasty and forbidden and so incredibly right. I knew this was not the last time I was going to get barebacked.
    1 point
  17. [Remember - this is fiction, not recommended behavior...] "Here you go Mrs. Winters, one Grande Cinnamon Spice Mocha," Antonio said, handing the coffee drink to the elderly woman across the counter. "I put an extra bit of cinnamon in it just like you like it," he added, with a wink and a smile. "Thank you, Antonio," Mrs. Winters said, sipping the mocha and returning the smile. "You're the sweetest young man." "Oh, thank you, Mrs. Winters," Antonio replied flirtatiously, handing her the receipt. "Have a great day." Antonio was quite the "Chatty Cathy" type while at work, always talking with the customers. Management liked him, customers liked him, and his co-workers liked him. Antonio was just naturally outgoing, talkative and effusive. All that, coupled with his handsome Italian-American looks and coloring made for one very sexy package. The Starbucks in the grocery store was unusually slow this time of the day and Antonio was glad. All the studying he'd been doing for school was starting to wear him down, and he was glad it was Friday because this was the only day of the week when he didn't have classes. He'd been up since 4:30 am to work the shift starting at 5:30 am, and he was already tired. He looked at the clock: it was only 7:30 am. Five hours to go before he was off for the whole weekend. He picked up the newspaper and turned to the classified ads. He was so deep in thought now that he didn't see the handsome man at the counter. "I'm sorry, sir," he said, folding the paper and putting it on a shelf behind him and washing his hands. "Just looking for a place to live. What'll you have?" "Mmm...," the man said, looking at the menu. "How about a Caramel Macchiato?" "Great choice," Antonio said. "What size?" "Make it a Venti," the man said. "By the way, why are you looking for a place to live?" Antonio, ever the chatterbox, explained his current living situation to the man. He'd been living with his mom and her new husband ever since he got out of the Army and lately things were getting tense. His "step dad" was a real shit and Antonio didn't like him very much. Since he was taking a full load at the community college he could only work part time, which meant that he didn't have enough money for his own place. But he really wanted to get out, so every day he scoured the newspapers looking for cheap studios or people who were looking for roommates. Anything would be better than living under the same roof with that asshole. There was no one else in line so the man stayed and continued to chat. "You were in the Army?" he asked incredulously. "How old are you?" "Twenty-two," Antonio replied. "I know, I look younger." In fact, he looked 16 or 17. "Why the Army?" "I kinda had to go in," Antonio said. "Why's that?" the man asked, taking a drink. Antonio rolled his eyes and shook his head as he went on. "Well, I got into a little legal trouble after I graduated. Nothing too bad, but bad enough. Part of the plea arrangement was that I join the Army. I just got out six months ago, thank god, but I still gotta see my probation officer every week for the next two years. But it beats prison." The man nodded. "I'd have to agree with that. By the way, my name's Craig." He reached out and shook Antonio's hand. Antonio pointed to his nametag. "Antonio... but then I'm sure you probably already knew that." He smiled his big, infectious smile and Craig felt all warm inside. The kid was hot! He looked him up and down quickly. Antonio was about five foot eleven. There was a workout room in the condo complex where he lived that he used whenever he wasn't working or studying. As a result, he was toned in all the right places but not too muscled. He had wide shoulders and a narrow waist. His pecs were well defined and he had a flat stomach with the beginnings of a six-pack. He had a round bubble butt and, from what Craig could see, a nice bulge in his pants. He had floppy, disheveled-looking hair that looked like he spent a lot of time on it to make it go that way, but which in reality, had a mind of its own and did whatever it wanted. Over the years he had learned to just go with it. All in all, Antonio was what you would call a pretty boy. "Have you thought about getting a second part time job?" Craig asked. Antonio sighed. "Yeah, but it's kinda tough, what with my school schedule and all, you know? I haven't been able to find anything that fits." "Well," Craig said, reaching into his wallet and handing Antonio a business card. "I manage this club and we could always use an extra waiter. It'd only be a couple nights a week and the tips are pretty good." Antonio took the card and looked at it. Craig Powers, Manager, the card read. The name of the club was The Fly and the "Y" in Fly was in the shape of an open zipper. "Is this a gay bar?" Antonio asked. "Yes," Craig replied. "Would that be a problem?" "Well I'm straight," Antonio said. "Wouldn't that be a problem? Or at least awkward?" Craig smiled. "Most of the guys who work for me are straight," he said, lying through his teeth. "In fact, most of them are students just making some extra cash. Like I said, the tips are good. Some of the guys make a couple hundred a night." Antonio looked at the card again. "I wouldn't have to do anything queer would I? I mean, I wouldn't have to... you know..." Craig laughed out loud. "No. There are no strings attached. Now I'm not saying that some of the guys don't, how should I say it, 'go the extra mile' for some of the regulars. But that's not a requirement. You'd be there strictly to serve drinks. Nothing else." Antonio looked at the card, then at Craig, and then back at the card. "I don't know, man," he said. "Hey," Craig said with a wave of his hand, "the job is yours if you want it. No pressure. If you're interested, the shift is from 9:00 pm till closing." Antonio put the card in his back pocket. "I'll think about it Craig," he said. "And by the way, the coffee's on me." Later that afternoon Antonio had a nasty argument with his step dad. He slammed the door to his room and stripped out of his uniform. He rarely wore underwear and his fat, eight-inch cock flopped around as he tossed his pants onto the bed and dug through his drawer for his jock strap. He figured he'd go to the work out room for a couple of hours. At least there he wouldn't have to put up with his step dad. He remembered his jock strap was in the wash and rummaged around until he found a pair of briefs. He found a new, unopened package and tore it open. He only wore briefs when he played sports or worked out and then only if his jock was dirty. He didn't like the feel of butt-huggers and would rather free-ball or wear boxers. He pulled a pair of shorts over the crisp white briefs and then his track pants. He made sure all the snaps were closed on either side before he put on his Duke t-shirt and shoes. The work out room was locked so instead of going back to the house, he got into his car and drove around. As he drove his mind kept going back to the conversation he'd had with Craig Powers that morning. Shit, a couple hundred bucks in tips a night! A couple weeks working there and he could get a place of his own fast. A nice place, too. But a gay bar? The thought turned him off. He knew people who were gay and all, but he didn't really hang out with any of them. But the money was tempting and he kept thinking about Craig's job offer. He was a little worried about getting felt up or something, but he kept pushing that thought away. Who the fuck cares! He wasn't gay. So some faggot copped a feel. Big deal! It hardly seemed an inconvenience for a couple hundred a night. He decided to give it a shot. At 8:30 pm that night Antonio walked through the front door of The Fly. The place looked upscale, but it was a total fag hangout! There were drag queens and dudes dressed in leather and all kinds of shit. Then Antonio saw the waiters. They were all dressed in tight 2xist boxer briefs (white, black, or grey), and equally tight, brightly colored lycra t-shirts that totally clung to their bodies and showed off their chests and nipples through the thin material. Plus, the shirts were short enough that the guys' bare stomachs showed. He also noticed that most of the waiters had bills of various denominations tucked into the waistbands of their underwear. Shit, Antonio said to himself, I can't do this. I can't parade around in my underwear in front of a bunch of queers. He was about to turn and leave when he saw Craig making his way across the room toward him. "Antonio!" He said smiling, sticking out his hand. "I'm glad you decided to come by. What do you think?" Antonio swallowed nervously as he looked around the room. "Well, to be honest, I think I'm gonna take a pass. I don't think I'd be too comfortable walking around in my underwear." "Well, that's the uniform," Craig said. "I probably should've told you earlier. But I understand your position. Like I said this morning, it's your choice. We only want you here if you want to be here. Sorry it didn't work out." Antonio saw one of the waiters pulling bills from his waistband. Shit, there must be fifty bucks there! He could sure use that kind of money. He turned to Craig, who could almost see the dollar signs in Antonio's eyes. "What the hell," he said. "I'll do it." A huge smile spread across Craig's face and he patted Antonio on the back. "Way to go! Just follow me and I'll hook you up with an outfit and show you your section." Antonio followed Craig to the back office as Craig continued to explain the job. "It's pretty easy, really. You just take their drink order, the bartender makes them, and you serve the customer." "I saw some of the customers patting guys on the butts and stuff," Antonio said. "I'm not so sure about that." "Ah," Craig said, waving his hand again. "That's nothing. To be honest, the friendlier you are, the better the tips. All you have to do is smile and be nice. Just pretend you're working your other job." Antonio laughed. "That's easy for you to say. I don't work at Starbucks in my underwear." "Yeah, and I bet you don't get $20 tips, either," Craig countered. He could see the dollar signs flash in Antonio's eyes again and knew he had the naïve stud hooked. Antonio gulped. "Shit..." he murmured. "Sorry... I mean shoot. That's not too shabby." He was torn. On the one hand, he could really use the money, but on the other hand, he didn't want any fag touching his ass or anything. The money quickly won out. Craig opened a cabinet and flipped through several packages of t- shirts and underwear before settling on black boxer briefs and an ice-blue lycra t-shirt. He handed them to Antonio. "Here. I think these'll look good on you. You can change in the bathroom if you want." Antonio took the clothes and went out of the office and into the bathroom. He went into a large stall, noting the glory hole, and quickly stripped out of his clothes. He put on the boxer briefs. They were snug and totally highlighted his package. He put on the t- shirt and went to look at himself in the mirror. He looked like a total fag. At that moment Craig walked in. "Dude," he said, looking Antonio up and down, "I have a feeling you're gonna make some nice tips tonight." "Really?" Antonio said, adjusting his big cock and balls. At least he wouldn't have to worry about getting a hard on. "Oh yeah," Craig said. "You look good enough to eat." Antonio blushed. "Where should I put my stuff?" Craig gestured toward a row of lockers against one of the walls. "Use number fourteen. Here's the key." The key was on a hot pink bracelet and Antonio slipped it around his wrist. "Time to start," Craig said, looking at his watch. They stepped into the bar and Craig pointed to a set of booths and tables near the bar. "That'll be your section. Tables one through twelve. They're all numbered so don't worry about it. Just be yourself and you'll be fine. Oh," he continued, pointing to another guy, "and this is Nathan. He just started last night. He'll be working this section with you." Antonio looked at the guy. Nathan was about Antonio's height but wasn't as toned, although he did have a great body. He was more cute than handsome, with brown hair and eyes and a big, Midwestern- looking smile. He looked the picture of innocence. His uniform was white boxer briefs and a bright yellow top. Just by looking at him Antonio was positive he was straight, too. Nathan reached out and shook Antonio's hand. "Nice to meet you." "Yeah, you too," Antonio replied. By now Craig had left and Antonio turned to Nathan. "So, you started last night?" Nathan nodded. "To be honest, this place wouldn't be my first choice. I work at another restaurant downtown but I'm only a back- waiter. I made more in tips here last night than I do in three days at the other place." "Really?" Antonio was intrigued. "Did you have to do anything, you know, queer?" he asked. Nathan shook his head. "No. Well, I got my ass pinched and patted a couple of times, but that's not bad, considering I walked out of here with $150.00 in tips." Antonio's jaw almost dropped. "Shit! That much? Fuck, I'll let these fags feel me up for $150.00 bucks!" Nathan and Antonio laughed, unaware that Craig was standing just a few feet away and had overheard everything they said. An hour later Antonio was on his way to drop off a drink order when he saw Craig. "Hey Craig," he said. "Have you seen Nathan? Is he on a break or something? He's been gone awhile." "Nathan went home sick a little while ago," Craig explained. "I think he has the stomach flu or something. He wasn't looking too good so I sent him home." Antonio had no idea that at this very moment a drugged-up Nathan was bent over a table in Craig's office getting his ass and mouth fucked. In fact, Craig had just come from plowing the poor kid's virgin ass. Earlier Nathan had gone to use the restroom. As he was leaving, a cloth soaked in chloroform had been clamped over his face. He had resisted but someone grabbed his arm and he felt the prick of a needle. Then everything began to get hazy and swirly. He was half-carried, half-dragged to Craig's office where he was now being raped. Antonio went about with his work for the next couple of hours, completely unaware of the stares he was getting from the guys at one of his tables. They had come in together about an hour ago. As he walked over to check on their drinks one of them said to him, "Why don't you join us?" "Oh, I don't think I can," Antonio said. "I'm not sure I'm allowed. This is my first night." "Sure you can join them," Craig said, as he just happened to walk by. "Jimmy'll cover for you," he said, pointing to the waiter who had taken over for the absent Nathan. He whispered into Antonio's ear, "if you play your cards right, you can make some extra cash here." Antonio shrugged his shoulders and smiled. He looked at the guys at the table. "I guess I can sit down for a few minutes," he said. The guys introduced themselves. There was Todd, Mike, Steven and Bruce. Apparently they were regulars. They were expensively dressed in designer clothes. Antonio could tell they were wearing Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Kenneth Cole and Hugo Boss clothing. Apparently these guys were well off. He just might make some good tips if he were extra nice to these guys. "So, Antonio," Todd said. "What'll you have?" "Uh... just a beer. I probably shouldn't have anything too strong, since I still have a few hours on my shift." He stood up to get his beer but Todd put his hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into his chair. "I'll get it," he offered. "Relax a bit." Antonio began talking to Steven, Mike and Bruce while Todd went to get his beer. Todd returned a couple minutes later. He had ordered Antonio an MGD in a frosted mug and the guys watched as Antonio took a long draw on it, savoring the taste as it went down. He had no idea that Todd had slipped a mild but fast-acting sedative into the beer. He also had no idea that these were the same guys who had been in the back fucking poor Nathan silly just an hour earlier. After a few minutes of talking, Antonio stood up. "Thanks for the drink guys, but I'd better get back to work." He words sounded slurred and he looked a little unsteady on his feet. "You okay, Antonio?" Todd asked, concerned. "Yeah," Antonio said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "It just feels warm in here all of a sudden." "Hmm... maybe you're coming down with something," Todd replied. He stood up and put his arm around Antonio's shoulder, gently massaging it. "How about we get a little air out back?" he said, steering Antonio toward the back exit. He looked at the guys at the table. "You guys gonna give me a hand?" They all got up. As Todd led the increasingly unsteady Antonio through the bar, they came across Craig. "What's going on?" he asked. "Not feeling good..." Antonio tried to say but he was having a hard time getting the words out. For some reason his mind seemed foggy. Todd winked at Craig. "We were gonna take him out back to get some air." "Oh, I think Antonio would be much more comfortable in my office, wouldn't you?" Craig said. He took a quick look around as he pulled a syringe from his coat pocket. He took Antonio's arm and injected the drugs into him. "What was that..." Antonio started to say, but found he couldn't continue. He found it hard to focus, let alone speak, and the room began to spin. It looked like the guys' faces were melting. They took Antonio into Craig's office and locked the door behind them. Craig turned on the stereo to drown out some of the sound. He motioned to a small table in the corner. It was about eighteen inches high and had hooks on either side. They bent Antonio over the table, tying his hands and feet down. Antonio's head was buzzing. As much as he tried, he couldn't make sense of what was happening. His mind kept drifting in and out of a haze. Craig shoved something into his mouth and told him to swallow. Everything seemed cool. He had no idea it was viagra. Next Todd took a pen-knife and sliced off Antonio's clothes. The dazed stud just looked at Todd with a blank expression on his face. "What're you doing?" he managed to slur. "Getting ready to fuck you," Todd answered. The guys all laughed. Antonio saw a bright flash and then another. He had no idea pictures were being taken. Antonio cocked his head to one side and looked at Todd. Then he looked at Craig and the others. No one was smiling. He started to laugh. "You're gonna fuck me?" "Yup, just like we fucked your buddy Nathan." The smile disappeared from his face and he struggled furtively, but to no avail. Whatever was in the syringe had really done a number on him. He felt a slicked-up finger run up and down his ass crack and work its way up his virgin chute. The finger began to move around slowly in an ever- widening circle. "Oh..." Antonio moaned, his face twisted in a grimace. "Please stop!" But instead of stopping, a hand grabbed his cock and start to jerk it. Another hand slapped at his balls and yet another hand began flicking his rubbery nipples. All the sudden sensations were too much and Antonio's moans turned to moans of pleasure. Craig smiled at this. He lowered his slack and boxers and was lubing up his cock. Bruce pulled his finger out of Antonio's ass and Craig thrust his fat cock in. Antonio opened his mouth to cry out in pain but Todd shoved his waiting cock into it, muffling Antonio's cries. "That's it, pussy boy!" Craig yelled, as he thrust his hips back and forth, raping Antonio's virgin ass. Antonio was in agony. His asshole felt like it was being ripped apart and he could hardly breathe with Todd's big cock in his mouth, stretching his lips wide apart. He could feel pre-cum sliding down his throat. It tasted salty and he wanted to gag. All of a sudden Todd's body shuddered and Antonio's mouth was filled with hot, sticky cum. It ran out of his mouth and down his chin, but most of it went down his throat. Todd pulled out. Antonio was just catching his breath when Mike moved in and shoved his dick into his mouth. Antonio was just catching his breath when Bruce opened two small bottles of poppers and put them to his nostrils. "Here, bitch," he said, "sniff these." Antonio had never sniffed poppers before, but he had no choice. He needed to breathe. He held his breath as long as possible, but finally gave out. He sniffed the aroma and he felt lightheaded almost immediately. "Uhhhnnn..." was the only sound that could escape from his cock- filled mouth. "Oh yeah," Mike said, grabbing Antonio by the back of his head and pumping away at his pretty face. "Nothing like a drugged up pussy slut all high on poppers." Craig laughed as he continued to slam his cock up Antonio's ass. "Whattaya think guys? Is Antonio here better than Nathan?" The guys laughed with him. They all had their pants and underwear down and were stroking their cocks, waiting their turn with poor Antonio. Antonio couldn't move. He tried to turn and twist his hunky body, but there were hands holding him still. He could feel Craig's dick violating his ass and then, all of a sudden, he felt a rush of warmth up his insides. The faggot was cumming inside of him! What the fuck! Before he could even process it, Bruce pulled his cock out of his mouth and, giving it a couple of jerks, shot load after load of cum all over Antonio's face. It got in his eyes, up his nose, in his hair and in his open mouth. He didn't even have time to react because Mike's cock immediately took its place. More poppers were shoved under his nose and he became buzzed all over again. Another cock (or was it a dildo?) was sliding in and out of his ass, but Antonio was so gone, flying so high, that it just didn't seem to matter. For the next hour and a half all the guys from the table, Todd, Mike, Steven and Bruce, as well as Craig, fucked Antonio. They shot their loads up his ass, down his throat, and all over his hunky body. In no time at all, Antonio went from being a pretty boy ladies man to a fucked-out cum dump. When they were finished they pulled Antonio to his feet. He was still unsteady and could hardly stand. There was drying cum in his hair and on his face. Craig retrieved his street clothes from his locker and tossed them to him. "Get dressed," was all he said. Antonio's dick and ass hurt and he felt like crying as he pulled his underwear up over his raped ass and dick. The guys all snickered at his tightie whities. Before he could get the rest of his clothes on, though, he was pushed out a door and into the back alley. His clothes and money were thrown out with him. "It's time for you to go, boy," Craig said. "By the way, you're fired, but thanks for the fuck." He slammed the door. And with that poor Antonio, naked except for his white briefs, was left alone in the alley. He hunted for his clothes, not noticing the police car parked only steps away. He was just reaching for his shorts when a bright light flashed on him. He dropped the shorts and grabbed his track pants instead, stumbling badly as he tried to pull them on. Two officers stepped out of the back seat of the squad car. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" one of them asked, as Antonio pulled the track pants up over his bulging crotch. Even with the sweat pants on, you could still notice the tent his viagra- induced erection made. "I think the kid's got something down his shorts," he said to his partner. "Do you have any ID?" his partner asked. "Yes, officer," Antonio said. His voice was still thick and slurred. He reached into the pocket of his sweats and retrieved his wallet. He handed it to the cops. "Have you been drinking tonight young man?" one of the officers asked as his partner took Antonio's drivers license back to the squad car to run a check. Antonio shook his head. "No... just one beer, sir." He was still all wobbly. The officer took Antonio by the shoulder and helped him walk over to the car. "One beer, my ass. I want you to put your hands on the hood and spread your legs. I need to do a pat down." "But I didn't do anything," Antonio protested. "Just do what I said, punk," the officer said, his voice sounding rougher now. Antonio assumed the position and the cop began to frisk him. But it was more of a feeling-up than a pat down. The officer let his hands slide slowly over Antonio's chest and the semi-dazed stud was sure that he felt a slight tweak on his nipple. Then the officer's hands roamed over his ass and up and down the insides of his legs. A hand reached around and cupped his balls, giving them a noticeable squeeze. Antonio knew better than to say anything. "Feels like you're packing something in here," the cop said as his partner got out of the car, holding Antonio's ID. "Looks like we've got a possible probation violation here," he said, looking at his partner and the fucked up young man. "Why's that?" his partner asked. "According to computer, this young man isn't supposed to be in public drinking." "But I wasn't," Antonio tried to explain. The cops looked at each other and then back at Antonio. "Well," one of them said, "if you cooperate with us, we'll just forget we saw anything." Antonio had a sick feeling in his stomach. He knew what was coming. "What do I have to do?" he asked, resigned. "Not much," one of the cops said. He reached out and grabbed hold of Antonio's track pants. With one quick pull he ripped them completely off Antonio's body, leaving the young stud in nothing but his bulging briefs. He reached out and grabbed Antonio's dick through his briefs. "Not much at all." "Oh no, guys," Antonio whined. The other cop had unzipped his fly and lowered his pants and briefs to his knees. His cock was hard and dripping. He put his hand on Antonio's head and pushed the young man to his knees. "Suck it bitch," he said, forcing his cock into Antonio's mouth. "Take it all down." As Antonio gagged on the massive cock in his mouth, his eyes caught a glimpse into the back seat of the cops' car. There was Nathan, his head thrown back and his eyes glazed over. It looked like he was only half-conscious. It also looked like he was naked. Apparently the cops had been lying in wait, almost as if they had been tipped off, and had been working on Nathan for some time now. But Antonio didn't have time to ponder any of that. He was too busy being face-fucked by one cop while being finger-fucked by the other. If he'd looked into his wallet, he would've found that all the tips he'd made that night had somehow disappeared.
    1 point
  18. (This is my first story - hope all errors are corrected and everyone enjoys) The longer I drove around searching for the house, the harder my cock got in my shorts and being that I didn’t wear underwear my shorts had a huge pre-cum spot on them when I did find it. The house was hidden from the road by overgrown trees, shrubs, and weeds; what led me to the house was an old faded, rusted mailbox with a bright yellow scorpion with a small red biohazard symbol painted inside its body. Turning into the drive way, my cock pulsed even more pre-cum into my shorts as well as onto my leg. Once the overgrowth cleared, I got my first view of the house and it was close to being condemned. All the windows were blacked out, the paint on house was peeling away and in places the wooden siding was falling off, yet oddly enough the front door looked to have been freshly painted in a bright red, and painted in the lower right corner was a yellow scorpion which more-or-less matched the scorpion painted on the mail box. I didn't notice, however, if this scorpion was pictured with a biohazard symbol, but somehow I would bet money on it that it did. Parking off to the side, my legs began to shake, perhaps out of fear but also perhaps out of excitement stemming from my anticipation of what was about to happen. Taking a bottle of poppers out of the middle console, I twisted the top off, shoved it under my nose and took a deep hit, not once but twice. I felt my body relax and my mind drift. I shut off my car, opened the door and stepped out in to the hot summer air. As I walked to the front door, my cock pointed the way pumping out more pre-cum, by the time I climbed the three stairs and was standing in front of the red door, the spot on my shorts was the size of a grapefruit. I knocked three times and waited. I could hear movement from inside the house and time seemed to slow to a crawl. Not knowing how much time had really passed I knocked again. Again I heard some motion inside the house, as a voice called out "Fuckin’ heard you the first time!!!” I stepped back as the door began to swing open. Staring back at me from inside the door was a older man, if I had to guess I would say about 65, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, that looked as if they were just as old as he was. You could tell that in his prime he was muscular, but time had taken a toll on him: his skin was wrinkled and sagging, and his chest was blanketed by a coat of white fur that tapered down to a trail that disappeared into the waist of his boxers and exited each leg, covering them in an even thicker blanket of fur. “I was looking…” I said, but he cut me off abruptly. “I know why you are here, you know why you are here” he said, as he turned, letting go of the open door and started walking back into the house. Turning again he motioned for me to follow. I did not hesitate. The inside of the house was just as bad as the outside: wallpaper was half hanging off the walls, plaster was cracked and in some places missing. I followed him into a room just to the left of a staircase that looked as if it would come crashing down if anyone attempted to climb it. He crossed half the room and turned before sitting in an old chair, as he did his cock poked through the fly of his boxers. He was uncut and as I got closer I could see that his foreskin completely covered his head. I could not help but stare. His cock was twitching, and looked as if it was growing and thickening. I watched as it continued to exit his fly and stretched out a good 8 inches and yet the foreskin still covered the head. I bet there was another two inches inside the boxers. I couldn’t help by rub my own hard cock as I watched. “You looking for mild exposure, moderate, strong or extreme exposure?’ he asked as he ran his hand across his chest and down his stomach. His hand did not stop until he had gripped his cock. He pulled back the foreskin some to expose the tip of his head. “Extreme,” I replied, licking my lips. “I thought so,” he whispered as he stood, still holding his cock. With his free hand he reached under his cock and into his boxers pulling out his balls and started to walk away telling me to follow him. We left the room and started up the staircase. The only sound I heard was the creaking of the staircase as we made our ascent. As we climbed the staircase, I could see he was slowly stroking his uncut cock. My mind raced as I asked myself 'Is this man going to slide his cock into my hole and expose me?' My cock throbbed, rubbing against my leg and shorts. Once we were at the top, he went over to what looked like a light switched and flipped it on and off four times, then left it on. What it controlled was no where to be seen. Opening a door next to the switch, we entered a dark room. Only after he flipped another switch did a red light come on so I could see I was in a very small room, each was of which was covered in mirrors. In the center of the room was a black wooden box, about a three feet high, three feet long and only wide enough for a torso to fit. Secured to the floor, one to each corner of the box was a pair of leather cuffs. The sole word 'Fuck' popped in my mind. “Strip, put your clothing into the box and lay on top.” I was out of what little I had been wearing before he had completed his sentence, as instructed, putting the items in the box. No sooner was I done when he pushed my back, so my chest and stomach were resting on the box. His hand slid down my back and continued down my ass crack until he reached my cock and balls. Wrapping his hand around them pulling them out from under me until they were pointing down the side of the box. He quickly worked to secure each of my legs in the cuffs. Afterwards I tried to move them, but saw I only had about an inch of play. Clearly I wasn’t going any where. He did the same to my arms. There was no turning back now. Bending down next to me, I could feel his hot breathe in my ear as he grunted "Now the fun begins." With these brief remarks he turned, left the room, shutting the door behind himself.
    1 point
  19. I discovered public toilets during my first year at university. I had been brought up in a very religious community in the north of Scotland and when I came down to Glasgow to start university I had just turned 18. I loved everything about living in the city. I had very little sexual experience and in many ways I was quite innocent but I masturbated frequently, thinking about fit lads and their cocks and balls and arses. I suppose I knew that things sometimes went on in public toilets but I had never really thought about it. Then one afternoon I didn't feel like studying so I went for a walk. I walked right through Kelvingrove Park and out the other end and after a while I came to another park which had a public toilet near the entrance. Genuinely needing to pee, I went in.... I knew as soon as I went in that something was going on. A cubicle door was shut quickly and I saw someone disappearing round the side to the sink area. An older guy was standing at the urinal and as I began to piss I sensed he was looking at me. I finished pissing but didn't put my cock away. Nothing happened for a minute or two and then the older guy turned towards me, showing me his hard cock I was shitting myself, but I turned towards him and showed him my cock and before long we were both wanking. He moved towards me and took hold of my cock. It was all I could do to stop myself shooting my load there and then but as he started to wank me, a cubicle door opened behind us. I turned round and saw a blond lad about my own age sitting on the toilet, his pants and trousers at his ankles and just then another guy came round from the sink area and went and stood in front of him. The older guy stopped wanking and went and stood in front of the cubicle, motioning to me to follow him. I really wanted to see what was happening so I followed him and soon I was watching the young lad suck the other guy's cock. I was more turned on than I had ever been and soon I had my cock out again, wanking as I watched the guy come in the young lad's mouth. When he had finished coming, he zipped himself out and left. I thought the show was over but the young lad motioned to me to come and stand in front of him. I hesitated for a moment but the older guy pushed me gently towards the young lad and soon my cock was in his mouth and I was being sucked off for the very first time. I cant tell you how good it felt and I knew I wouldn't last very long. The older guy was standing right behind me and I didn't stop him when he pulled my pants down to my knees and began to play with my arse, pulling my cheeks apart and fingering my arse hole. When he wet his finger and pushed it right up my hole I lost it and blew my load right into the young lad's mouth. I was out of there in seconds, mortified by what I had done but also more turned on than I had ever been. I remembered my upbringing and vowed to myself that I would never to anything like that again. That vow lasted about a week and then I was back there. I got sucked off again and enjoyed every minute of it. I started going there regularly and sucked my first cock in there. One afternoon the blond lad who had sucked me off was in there again. This time he was bent over the toilet being fucked by an older guy. I watched and wanked as the guy came up his arse and, though I had the chance to take my turn fucking him, I just wasn't quite ready to do that yet so I watched and wanked as another guy fucked him and shot my load down the tiles of the cubicle wall as he too shot his load up the young blond lad. A few weeks later I was in a toilet I had discovered near the university and I was sucking off a tall dark haired guy. He told me he lived nearby and asked me if I wanted to come back to his flat and fuck him. I liked him - he was tall and geeky looking, early to mid 30s and I liked his smile so I said yes and followed him to his flat. Soon I was sucking his cock again and then he pulled me up and we both stripped off (my first time naked with another guy!) and carried on sucking each other. Then he asked me to fuck him and laid back on the bed with his legs in the air. I was very horny but also quite nervous and somehow I just couldn't quite get my cock up him. I thought he would laugh at me but he was very patient with my fumbling attempts to get my cock up his arse. Smiling, he suggested "Let me make it easier for you." With that he turned round and knelt on the bed, pushing his arse towards me and pulling his cheeks apart. I stood behind him and pushed. This time my cock went right up him and I began to fuck. I wanted the feeling to last forever but I knew it wouldn't be too long before I blew my load. He sensed I was getting close and told me to fuck him harder and cum in his arse. Shooting my cum up him was the best feeling ever and as I walked back to my Halls of Residence I was on top of the world - I had finally done it!! I was growing in confidence now and a week or so later I slipped my cock up another lad in a toilet and fucked him. I knew I was ready to be fucked but so far, despite quite a few offers, I hadn't let anyone fuck my virgin 18 year old arse hole. One day I was in a toilet cubicle with another student and I was lubed and bent over the toilet. He was just about to push his cock up me when there was a disturbance outside - some drunk guy was shouting so we thought it better to zip up and get out of there before he came in. I was a bit disappointed, but I knew now it wouldn't be too long before I took a cock in my arse. A week or so later I was in a toilet in a park in the north of Glasgow. I had discovered it a few weeks before and had had some really horny experiences in there. It was dirty, with cobwebs and boarded up windows and smelt of piss but it was rapidly becoming one of my favourite haunts. Most of the action took place round the corner in the sink area and one afternoon I was in there sucking off an older guy. We were joined by another lad - a fit builder lad in a sweatshirt and trackie bottoms which were splashed with paint and plaster. He pulled out his cock so I began to suck him, moving between him and the older guy. I really fancied the builder lad and enjoyed every minute of sucking his fat cock. As I sucked him, the older guy pulled me up and unzipped my trousers, pulling them down along with my pants. I was so turned on sucking the builder lad that I didn't stop him when he started wanking me and fingering my arse hole, even when I felt him rubbing some lube into my hole. I felt the head of his cock pushing against my hole and instinctively I spread my legs further and pushed back. After a couple of failed attempts, his cock slid up my virgin bum hole - I was being fucked! It hurt at first, of course, but after a fairly short time I began to really enjoy it. I didn't really fancy the guy who was fucking me but I loved the fact that he was doing it as I sucked off the fit builder lad. I wondered what my family would say if they could see me, pants down in dirty public toilet being fucked by a total stranger. Somehow this thought made me even hornier and when the older guy shot his cum into me and pulled out I turned round and offered my arse to the builder lad. He didn't hesitate and soon I was being fucked for the second time. His cock was bigger but I managed to take it. He fucked me hard and fast and soon I was taking a second load of cum up my no longer virgin hole. As I walked back through the park I felt as if my hole was gaping and I wasn't sure I could stop the cum sliding out. Then I thought "why not?" and pushed. Two loads of cum slid out my arse into my underpants and when I got back to my room in the Halls of Residence my pants were sopping wet with spunk and again I felt on top of the world. The next time I went back to that toilet I noticed a breakdown truck parked near the park entrance. When I went into the toilet a young, dark haired guy in mechanic's overalls was standing at the urinal. Soon we were wanking together and before too long we were in a cubicle and I was bent over the toilet being fucked again. He was a very fit lad and I enjoyed every minute of him fucking me. When he had cum in my arse he asked if I wanted to fuck him and soon he was bent over the toilet, his overalls at his ankles and his white pants stretched across his knees as I fucked his tight, hairy arse and shot my load up him. It didn't get much better than this! The following week I was back in the first toilet I had visited and the young blond lad was in there again. I watched as two older guys fucked him. This time I took my turn and shot a load up him myself before pulling out and letting another guy take over. I didn't hold back now - and have had many horny experiences in public toilets over the years. Of course I can't remember most of them, but I can remember some of my best experiences like it was yesterday. I'll share some of those in Part 2.
    1 point
  20. Found yet another story on my ancient hard drive, as far as I can tell this was first posted sometime in the late 90's. ======================== Douglas was a walking, talking wet dream. He was 5-11, 160, had short brown hair, and the sexiest brown eyes you've ever seen. He was all toned muscle. No fat on that boy. His shoulders, chest, and abs were the envy of many dudes. He had been on the basketball, swimming, and wrestling teams all four years in high school, and had lettered in all three. He was every girl's dream date and more than one guy's fuck dream. Doug had no idea how sexy he was. He was completely na?ve and oblivious. He had dated only a few girls and never had a serious relationship. He rarely went to parties, and, except for the communion wine, avoided alcohol. His Dad was the pastor of a large nondenominational church in Albuquerque; and ever since he could remember, Doug had wanted to follow him into the ministry. He was 19, and had just finished his freshman year at Liberty University, a Christian college in Virginia. On the long trek back to New Mexico, just this side of Amarillo, his Explorer started acting up. He pulled off the highway onto a deserted service road. Poor Doug had one other deficiency?he knew nothing about cars. He was staring vacuously at the steaming engine when a van pulled along side. Horny Chris stared at the Boy for a few moments. Doug was wearing a white tee and tight, faded Levis that highlighted his perfect Bubble Butt. Chris saw the bumper sticker: Liberty University. 'Mmmmmm. Oh my God! A good Christian boy!' Chris was somewhat of a Twink himself. He was 24, and about Doug's height and build, but had blonde hair. Oh, yeah, and Chris was opportunistic, unscrupulous, Gay and POZ. He'd been infected during a night of wild whoring at the Midtown Spa in Dallas, and felt duty bound to induct whomever into the Gay STD Hall of Shame. And he had a special weakness for pretty, young, religious boys like Doug. He glanced in the back of the Explorer and saw that it was filled with luggage. Looked like the Kid was headed home for the summer. "Car trouble?" Chris inquired. "Yeah," Doug acknowledged. "It's stallin' out and overheatin'. I tried to call the Triple-A, but my cell phone doesn't work out here." "Mind if I take a look?" "Sure," Doug said. "Help yourself." "Name's Chris," the newcomer introduced himself. "I'm Doug. Glad to meet you." Chris gave the engine a once-over. "Looks like your radiator fluid's low. It's overheated. You need to let her cool down a bit?then fill her up. I've got some water in the van." "Good," said Doug, reaching for the radiator cap. "No!" cried Chris, pulling Doug's arm back. "You could burn yourself! Give it time to cool down." Doug nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, but I don't want to inconvenience you." "I'm sure you'd do the same for me." A broad grin crossed Dougie's face. "So, you go to Liberty University?" "Yeah, you heard of it?" "My cousin went there a few years ago." The so-called cousin had flunked out. "I'm studying to be a minister. My dad has a church in Albuquerque." Doug was clearly excited about his calling, while Chris's mind was already in the gutter. "Wanna join me in the van while we're waitin? Cooler in there." "Love to!" the Boy agreed. Chris smiled at the Kid's enthusiasm and wondered if the Punk would still "love to" later on. He rummaged in the back and returned with a couple open Cokes. "Thanks," Doug said, gulping down the brew. "Oh man, that tastes good. I didn't realize how thirsty I was." He took one swig and then another. Within a minute the soft drink was gone. "Whoa!" Doug exclaimed. "I think I got too much sun out there. My head is spinning." "You all right?" Chris sounded concerned. "Wanna lie back? The seat reclines." "Yeah, thanks." Doug pressed a button that eased back the seat. His eyes were drooping, and his speech was slurred. He had no clue that Chris had spiked his Coke with GHB. "Hey man, you okay?" Chris sounded far away. Doug's head was swimming. He felt dizzy. His eyes were heavy, and he had no inclination to reply. "Here, let me help you into the back so you can lie down," Chris offered, dragging the drugged young man out of his seat. Overtaxed from all the dead weight, Chris positioned the insensate Youth on an air mattress with pillows to prop him up. He busied himself setting up a video cam while Douglas flaked in cuckoo land. With preparations well in hand, Chris turned to court the oblivious Young Man. He unzipped his fly and hauled out his 8 inches. "Hey, buddy, wanna protein shake?" He ran his Dick back and forth across Doug's handsome face and over his lips, leaving a trail of Precum glistening on his new Boyfriend?s face. "Nnnnnn... " Doug moaned, barely cognizant of what was up. Chris slipped his index finger in the Young Man?s mouth, prying his jaw open, and slid his fat, dripping Cock into the dazed Stud's mouth. With one hand on the back of Dougie's head, he began to fuck his Playmate's face. The Kid had no conception what was going down. Chris pulled his Dick from Dougie's throat, reached in his gym bag, and pulled out his Poppers. He held the bottle to the Youth's nose. "Come on," Chris coaxed. "Take a nice deep breath." The Teen inhaled, and his body shuddered. Bingo! Chris quickly switched the bottle to the other nostril and instructed Doug to sniff again. The high-as-a-kite Youngster did as he was told, and was soon floating on Cloud Nine. A low guttural moan escaped his lips. For good measure, Chris administered a couple more hits. Then he took his own half-empty can of Coke, and topped it off with whisky. He placed it to the Young Man's lips and made the young Teetotaler imbibe. Doug reflexively tried to spit it out, but Chris forced him to swallow. Having rarely consumed alcohol before, in congress with the Poppers and GHB, the Boy was totally fucked up. Chris shoved his Cock back down Dougie's throat, grabbed his ears, and began to fuck his face in earnest. When he felt his Balls begin to boil, he pulled out, jerked a few more times, and spewed his Noxious Load right onto Dougie's pretty face. Seven spurts hit Doug dead on. There was Jizz in his hair, his eyes, and on his lips and chin. Some dribbled down his tee. Chris scooped up some of the Toxic Spooge, and, with his nails, dug it into Dougie's inner cheeks and gums. "Be a good boy and take your medicine. Daddy wants so to give you AIDS." Chris slid Doug down till he lay prone and quickly re-aimed the video cam. He pulled off the Young Hunk's tee and marveled at the smooth chest, pointy Nips, and chiseled Abs. He leaned down and sucked and bit the manly Tits, nibbling at them real good. "Unhhhhh... Ooooohhh... Mmmmmm..." the inebriated Freshman moaned. Chris watched the Stud's Cock-Bulge balloon. "Oh yeah, I bet you're still a Virgin." Tweaking and twisting his Victim's Nips, he blew in his ear and licked his lobes. "Oooooh.......Noooooo...." Doug moaned, half conscious of the stimuli and how his body was responding. He may have been thinking no, but his tumescent Shaft sure as hell was nodding yes! Chris frenched him and kept up the titty torture. Within seconds Doug began to kiss him back. Oh yeah...a guy's a guy and a mouth's a mouth?Gay or Straight?it doesn't matter. Chris played tonsil-hockey with his Drugged-Up Play Thing a few more minutes. He traced his finger across the Student's lips, down to the waistband of his jeans. He tongued Doug's belly button and once again nibbled on those perky, pouty Nips. "Ahhhhhh!" Doug gasped, trying to push Chris away; but the besotted Youth was too far gone, and Chris had no trouble pinning him. He grabbed a rope from his gym bag, tied Doug's wrists above his head, then continued torturing the Cunt. He unbuttoned the Boy's jeans and slid the zipper down. Poor Dougie?s Cock was well-endowed but under-nourished, and the Kid's hard Rod jumped appreciatively as Chris slobbered on his Cock and Balls. Chris lifted Dougie's Ass and stripped his jeans completely off. Doug's legs were tanned and muscular, with a light smattering of hair. He fingered the Boy's quivering Pussy and felt it spasm beneath his touch. The Youth was totally at his mercy, his body screaming FUCK ME!?or so it seemed. With the video cam already catching every nuance of the Boy's enthrallment, Chris grabbed a digital camera and began to shoot pic after pic of the naked, aroused Nymph. Besides the carnal pleasure, Chris stood to make a few bucks off the Kid. He'd knew exactly which web sites to post the Teasers on. And the video?wow! He could make a mint off of that?once guys realized it wasn't fake. After taking several Polaroids specifically meant for DEO?Doug's Eyes Only (for Chris was fond of acronyms), he ran his hands over the dazed Teen's chiseled Bod, twisting his Nips and engulfing the Young Twink's out-of-control Joystick in the warm, wet recesses of his mouth and throat. Shit! The Kid's Precum was so saccharin and crystal clear. He couldn't wait to contaminate it with his own POZ Spooge. For on more than one occasion Chris had used the BUG to bond with another man, and Doug was just the latest to fall victim to his wiles. He placed Doug's legs on his broad shoulders and lifted his sweet, tight Target off the mattress. He slid his index finger up the Virgin Pussy and wiggled it against his Prostate. The Man Child began to buck and moan. He gave the Kid another hit of Poppers and another shot of booze. It was time to teach the Preacher's Son a lesson. Shucking off his own jeans and briefs, Chris lubed up his Demon Dick with some of his poz Jizm from the Christian's Cummy Face AND RAMMED IT UP THE VIRGIN'S ASS. Doug screamed in pain as Chris plunged his poz cock up the unlubricated Chute. Chris fed the Youth more Poppers, which he readily accepted perhaps because, subconsciously, he knew they helped. Chris continued to fuck Doug for the next half hour, grinding the POZ SPOOGE from his first orgasm into the Innocent's Ass. The Kid got fucked till his abraded Sphincter was caked with Cum and Blood. Chris pulled his death dick out and looked at the bleeding hole was pleasure. The once pure ass had been utterly defied, now it was time to corrupt what was left! Chris slipped it into overdrive as he felt his Diseased balls start to boil, his muscled body slamming harder and faster into the helpless and once innocent ass until finally he felt his balls draw up for another orgasm. He yelled out a thanks to his Master as he started shooting wave after wave of toxic demon cum into his newest slave. Fourteen enormous loads of poz spunk flooded the boy's ass, and Doug could feel every hot spurt. In a single afternoon the straight-laced Christian Fundamentalist had been transformed into a wretched Faggot Cum Dump. The sun was setting, and Chris dragged the Youth, clad only in his birthday suit, over to his SUV, and dumped him in. He stashed two plastic gallon jugs beside the wheel well, along with an envelope containing a few choice Polaroids and a note warning that if he discussed their little affaire de coeur with anyone, he'd be the next Gay Poster Boy. Yeah?like Chris wasn't already intending to cash in; but he figured Doug would be so ashamed, he'd never tell a soul. Chris looked down at the somnolent, defiled Youth stretched across the bench seat of the SUV. It gets cool in the desert after dark, and the falling temp would wake the Young Man up for sure. He wondered, now that Doug had had his first exposure to Gay Sex, the only sex he'd ever known, if he'd cum back for more. And then there was the matter of his Special Seed. Had Chris succeeded in converting the Boy? Alas, he'd never know. The fading roar of Chris's engine caused the inebriated Youth to stir. His eyes fluttered, blinded by the brilliant oranges of the setting desert sun. His head ached so bad. So did his Ass. He fell back asleep and dreamt erotic fantasies about some guy named Chris.
    1 point
  21. I had this fuck bud, Donny, about 25 miles away down into Jersey. He was real kinky scene type kid - late 20s, a bit stocky, very pale skin, very goth - NOT my usual type at all (except for the kink part) but I was introduced to him by mutual friends and we did some very hot leather/rubber/bondage scenes together. He texts me one morning and asks if I am free that afternoon and evening - I said yes. He said he had something very special planned with a few other guys. He told me to be ready to bottom as well as top. I was cleaned out and at his place by late afternoon I start to get into my leather gear and he tells me to hold off - just a few things like a jock stap, cock ring and sneakers not boots (fortunately, my gym bag was in the car). I asked him what the deal was, and he says he's got this friend of his coming over with two young straight guys who think they are coming only to get blowjobs from a couple of fags, and party some. Seems the friend owns a lawn service and the two young guys are new employees who just arrived in the country, he's going to get them tweaked and introduce them to ALL aspects of chemmed up raw mansex (he does this with ALL of the guys who work for him supposedly!). Donny tells me to just go along with his lead until the scene really starts rolling. The three guys arrive - Javier is the buddy, a big, burly Puerto Rican guy - shaved head, tats, hairy with a light layer of fat over his muscles with (I was to find out) a big fat uncut cock. In tow he has Matthias and 'Cisco (Francisco, of course) who are both barely five foot, raven black hair, smooth wiry almost hairless bodies and YOUNG. The one guy looks barely 18, though I'm told they are 19 and 21. And they barely speak English, as they've quite recently arrived from Guatemala. Donny leads us to his dungeon/playroom (looking a bit less sinister than normal I notice, probably so as not to frighten these guys), Javier produces a huge quantity of miss t, and Donny loads up the glass cock while the guys strip, Javier to his jockstrap and the young guys to their boxers. Javier whispers to me that he slipped each guy a little something to relax them and a viagra each before they left. AND he tells me that not only are they straight, they are BROTHERS and the younger, Matthais has never had sex, of any kind, ever! Donny has two screens of porn going - both one with a bi-vid and the other with a gay vid with very masculine looking guys. He gets the torch going and we're all passing the pipe, blowing big clouds, and the boys are fascinated by the porn... both screens. They take some huge hits, amazingly, and I shot-gun Donny then Javier, the boys decline for the moment but take more and more hits. They're starting to really loosen up. Javier has been sitting on a black leather couch with the brothers and signals Donny to come over and suck his cock. The guys watched fascinated as Donny pulled aside Javier's jock strap and licked and tongued the big guys balls and proceeded to suck that big uncut dick as it swelled to fairly impressive proportions. He signaled me over and Donny moved out of the way as I got on my knees - I went right down to the base and started to deep throat him as he cursed (I think) in Spanish and the two guys gasped. After a while of that I started licking his balls, and he says "rim me man, eat my fuckin' ass." I looked up and he grinned at me and said - I'm clean, we all are - I told them that we'd be getting this treatment so I made sure they used a couple of enemas and then washed good in the shower... go for it man." He slid down on the couch and raised his spread legs - a freakin' hot hairy big muscular ass presented itself and I dove in with gusto. The brothers started to moan and then do a bit of cursing themselves as Donny started blowing Javier while I rimmed him. Then Javier stood, tossed me on my back on the weight bench and rimmed me for a minute, then slide his fat cock up my hole, and fucked me for a bit - fortunately, there was some Max Impact that let me open for such a fat cock quickly. He felt good, but I didn't have time to settle in before he withdrew, set Donny in the sling and did the same to him. After a minute or two he stopped. He pulled Donny out of the sling and over to the bench, whispering his plan in my ear. Javier got on his back on the bench, Donny sat on that fat cock facing him, then leaned forward and I moved in for one of my specialties - the SECOND cock in a double fuck. When I slipped into Donny's now stuffed ass, the brothers basically looked like they simply could not believe this was possible. Javier's thick one felt great along mine and Donny moaned that "there wasn't anything better than this." Javier did not want his guys to wait too long and we pulled out. He lit up again and we all took some major hits - Javier directed me to shotgun Matthias while Donny did the same for Cisco, the guys had major wood showing through their boxers and seemed ready. A few more puffs and Javier told them to take off the boxers - there was still a bit of reluctance and Matthais' dick went down a bit in his shyness, but he finally pulled off his boxers - a long almost hairless carmel colored uncut masterpiece waited there, hanging over a long velvet sac o'balls. His brother seemed a bit less long, but thicker. They sat back on the couch and we got between their legs. Matthais'cock was back to full bone very quickly as I licked and sucked and worshiped that kid's pole. I tongued his balls and then without me needing to ask, he pulled his legs up! SWEET! I dropped my face in and started kissing and tonguing and sucking that tiny little hole. He started thrashing and moaning, obviously loving it. His little pink bud started to open for me and I tongue-fucked it as I felt something pushed into my hand - a crystal - I brought my hand up to spread his cheeks wider and deposited the shard at the tip of my tongue and pushed it in as far as my tongue could go, then brought his legs down to start sucking his cock again, while my wet pinky finger innocently pushed it in further. We switched partners for a few minutes, and I got to rim Cisco's tasty hole and suck his fatter if somewhat shorter cock, and play with the overhang of skin he had, chewing on it and making him writhe in pleasure. Then we switched back and continued the oral assault till we heard Javier lighting the torch. More clouds and then it was time to fuck. I was back on the weight bench and Donny was in the sling. Javier insisted the boys rim us before they began and after a bit of hesitation, Matthais began a tentative rim of my hole. Javier pulled his head back pushed a bottle of poppers under his nose and commanded the kid to inhale (I think!), whatever, he DID take a deep inhale and after a second or two he was back at my hole like a madman, tonguing, licking, thrusting, kissing, moaning like crazy. He stood and started to slide slowly into me. His cock felt REALLY good, and he slowly slid into the base. He had a rapturous smile on his face, then suddenly looked worried and glanced around as if he didn't know what to do next. Javier whispered something in his ear and brought the pipe back to the kids lips... he took a big hit, then another, then another but leaned down and shotgunned that to me, and stayed there kissing me with great passion (if little experience or finesse) as nature took it's course and he naturally began to fuck. He went wild, kissing and fucking like a piston into my hole until he stiffened and blew his first load into my willing ass while the others cheered - it was then we realized they'd paused to watch him have his first fuck (Cisco, as you'll recall, had fucked girls). He blushed a bit, but then smiled and started his fuck motion again without ever pulling out. Javier came over and gave us both a hit of poppers, then sat his beautiful ass down on my face where I tongue-fucked him for all I was worth, I heard him tell Matthais to suck his cock and from the sounds I was hearing, he definitely liked it - all the while still fucking me! Javier pulled off and turned for a bit, giving me his cock and offering Matthais his hairy hole and the kid dove in. Then he got up and did the same with Cisco and Donny for a while, and Matthais returned to the romantic, passionate kissing (which he was quickly getting better at) and fucking he was doing before. Then the brothers switched and I had Cisco's thicker cock - he was obviously more experienced, and more athletic as he really pounded for a while, he even dared to kiss me for a bit, and stroked my cock some too, then we broke for a breather. We all drank fluids and changed the porn while Javier slid some prepared booty bumps up all our holes - including HIS I noted with satisfaction, as really while I enjoy bottoming I am more of a top and I wanted to get into all THREE of these butts. Javier whispered to me that he was going to prove to the brothers that even the butchest guy could get fucked and not loose his masculinity. Arms were tied off, prepared rigs brought out, and soon the crowd went wild. Javier pushed me on to my back on the weight bench again, sat his big beautiful ass down on my face and commanded that someone suck my cock while I rimmed him. From the less than experienced feel, it was one of the brothers, but betweenhis enthusiasm and the kinkiness of what their boss was doing to and for them, I was stiff as steel in a moment. Never did find out who it was as Javier pushed him out of the way, turned around and impaled himself on my tool. He moaned and ordered Matthais to sit on my face the way he had been. I rimmed that virgin hole for all I was worth, and then bossman barked something in Spanish and I felt a tongue on my own hole (since my butt was at the very end of the bench, and for balance I had my legs spread as I pumped up into the hot lawnman, my hole was accessible and it seems Cisco was down there). Donny it seems was switching back and forth from letting Javier and Matthais suck and lick his tool while they made out, or running behind Cisco and rimming him. After a nice long ride, Donny handed Javier the poppers and MaxImpact and everyone was given hits - along with the relit pipe. He then pushed Matthais' virgin hole (now well rimmed by yours truly) down onto my cock for his first fuck. He looked part scared, part confused and very turned on and his ass was moving on it much faster than I'd ever have expected. Javier got over me in the 69 position and thrust his dick down my throat. Just before he went down on Matthais' bouncing cock, he told Cisco to start fucking his boss-butt, and I could see his legs coming up behind my head and Javier's ass on either side of me. Cisco slid into his boss' manhole and moaned, but it wasn't too much later when there was a squeak and curse and then a low moan from Cisco. The older bro was taking his first cock in his manhole as Donny fucked him from behind while he was fucking his own boss. All while his boss had his cock down my throat while sucking the younger brother who was impaled on my cock and obviously liking it. Ya' gotta' love the power of persuasion with the help of a little bit of chemical enhancement! Before I left, both of the newbies had fucked their boss, been fucked by me and by Donny, and each briefly took their boss's huge tool (huge for newbies that is, and still damn big for ol'timers) and yeah, we got them to fool around with each other a bit too. My only regret with this experience was that I left to go home around three A.M., while they continued. I never got to play with them again, because Donny MOVED with no forwarding address or new cell number less than two weeks later, so I didn't have any numbers or emails to get in touch with Javier who presumably still has his business near there! DAMN! Would have loved to have seen how far the brothers came as time went by.
    1 point
  22. I always enjoy heading to the gulch and taking loads in the booth. I strip down to my jock, and wait for guys to enter and bend me over. Anyone else frequent the gulch?
    1 point
  23. Kyle is a hot young twink, who has a boyfriend. He and his boyfriend have been together for many years and are generally happy together. However, one day they we fighting. Kyle had been staying with his boyfriend, but decided he was going to go back to his apartment to cool off. This is the decision that changed everything for Kyle. This is what happened once Kyle got back to his apartment. Kyle got back to his apartment early in the morning, around 8 AM. Kyle was a very horny guy all the time, so even in times of high emotion he wanted sex. Kyle's roommate was not home when he got there, so he decided to log onto Grindr and see who might be interested in a hookup. Being so early in the morning, there were not a terribly large amount of guys online, and many of those who were online were not looking and just passing their time at work scrolling through the boys. Kyle did see a guy online who was usually relatively close to him that he had long though was extraordinarily sexy. He had tattoos that Kyle especially liked, and an amazing body. Kyle had not messaged his Adonis on Grindr before though, because he had these 3 letters on his profile: "PNP". Kyle knew that his boyfriend was not a fan of that activity so he elected previously not to engage in such activities. Today though was different. Kyle was horny, there were limited options, and he currently didn't give a flying fuck about his boyfriend. He made his decision, before he realized it, there was a chat bubble from him to Star Tattoo boy that said "Hey, What's up?". He didn't really expect a response, because really, who that is that pretty on Grindr is real, or not stuck up as fuck. To his surprise just a moment later, his phone buzzed. Kyle opened Grindr and saw a message from Star Tat boy: "Sup, lookin to pnp?" HOLY FUCK, Kyle couldn't believe it. He immediately responded: "FUCK YES, anything to get naked with you." Start Tat guy responded quickly informing that he had favors, but couldn't host or drive. Kyle happily offered to go pick up him up. Matt introduces himself, and asks the typical Grindr questions: Top or Bottom, Poz or Neg, Into?, & are you free now. Kyle said he was a versatile top, neg, openminded, and free immediately. Matt was happy to hear these things. He asked for a few pictures, and sent some himself. The fist picture was of his 7"x6" monster cock, to which he captioned "TOP Only". Kyle, though usually a top was perfectly fine with this, as he enjoyed bottoming for cocks bigger than his own 7"x5" cock. They both liked each other's pictures, so it was ON. Matt asked Kyle if he had any pipes or lighters. Kyle was hesitant to answer, because he knew that some party guys didn't want to have the responsibility of partying with a first-timer. He finally told Matt that he had never partied before, but really really wanted to try, and try it with him. Matt did not see this as an issue. He just wanted to make sure that Kyle had the entire day to himself, and that they would have privacy. Kyle assured him he had all day, and that he was home alone with a locking bedroom door, just in case his roomie came back. Matt told Kyle that he only fucked BB, no exceptions. This stoked Kyle, as he greatly preferred BB sex and only used condoms with hookups to appease his boyfriend. So with that Matt sent his address. Kyle put it into GPS, it was close, only about 15 minutes away. Once Kyle arrived at Matt's place, Matt was down and getting into his car in short order. Kyle had to stop and gaze at Matts perfect body for just a moment before he thew the car back in gear and headed back to his place. They guys made small talk, and discussed a little bit what partying for the first time was going to be like, getting Kyle very hard in the drivers seat. In almost no time they were back and up in Kyle's room. Matt wanted to start things off slow, which temporarily disappointed Kyle, but right after that Matt simply explained he wanted to get naked, get comfortable with each other, and maybe watch some porn before they started to party. Kyle's disappointment was quickly replaced with excitement as he started to get undressed, carefully watching Matt do the same. Matt's cock flopped out of the cute square cut trunks he was wearing, and Kyle knew he had to have that in his mouth so he dropped to his knees and started slowly licking the still soft, but girthy cock. Matt moaned for a minute and then went for the bed. Kyle took this opportunity to put some porn up on the TV, ensuring it was bareback porn. The two guys laid together kissing, caressing, & and enjoying each other's bodies. Once Matt felt comfortable he pulled away and suggested that they get out the pipe, load it up and take a few hits. This was the moment Kyle had been waiting for, his first chance to try PNP, and on top of that try it with a sexy guy like Matt. Matt showed himself to be truly skilled with a pipe. He got it loaded and struck up the lighter. He explained that he had to melt down the crystals, then once they were in a puddle, he would let them cool down. Kyle watched curiously as Matt once again started to heat the bottom of the bowl, slowly rolling it back and forth until a thick white smoke started to form. He held his lips close to the pipe without touching it and began to inhale deeply and slowly. He then started to slowly exhale a large cloud of smoke that never seemed to end. He repeated this process two more times, and offered Kyle his first hit. He coached him to slowly inhale, and hold it in for just a moment before exhaling so the smoke didn't re-crystalize in his lungs. Matt held the end of the pipe near Kyle lips and began to rock the bowl again, once the wispy curls of smoke began to form, he instructed Kyle to begin inhaling. Kyle exhaled a could almost as big as he had just seen Matt do a moment ago. He nearly immediately started to feel different. The feeling started radiating through his entire body. He felt wonderful. Matt helped hm with 2 more hits, took another himself and asked Kyle how he felt. Kyle felt wonderful, like he had never felt before, and like he couldn't resist touching Matt's body all over. ....Do you want more?
    1 point
  24. Last week I was online at bbrts and was horny as hell. I was looking for some close hole to breed and seed. One of my neighbors that I have fucked and seeded before was online and he hit me up. He said he was in a rather slutty mood and wanted to get bred and seeded. Ok! count me in! He said he had a few others coming over to breed him and was that ok? HELL YES. I love the feel of a wet cummy ass when I slide inside. That wet gooey feeling is the best ever. I love sloppy hole. I said sure I would be over shortly. When I arrived the door was unlocked and I heard him say come on in. When I entered the room there was another guy naked on top of him banging away at his hole while both were hitting poppers. Of course my cock got hard immediately. He said he already had a load deep inside and was looking for more. The guy fucking him said he wanted to take a break and did I want to fuck.. Of course. I undressed quickly and took a few hits of poppers. I rubbed around his wet hole as my cock got harder and harder. OMG I so love that warm wet feeling. I was able to slide my cock nice and deep and started fucking. He was in my favorite position. He was on his stomach while I was on top. Both of us hitting poppers and I was kissing his ears, neck and back as I was fucking deep. I let my first load go! Fuck it felt so good and it mingled with the other load that was already there. I later found out the guy came and left real quick as he was late for work. After my load was planted deep I continued to fuck until the other guy said he was so turned on he had to go back inside. I got off and the other guy climbed on top. His cock slid inside and they both moaned as he felt my cum load deep inside. That is such a turn on. Trading off with another top as we plant loads deep inside. Nothing better than cum for lube. I watched as the other guy drove his cock inside deep and both were moaning and groaning with pleasure as the top shot a huge cum load deep inside..That got me turned on again and when he was done I went back in for another turn.. That silky feel of a man's wet hole never fails to drive me over the edge. I so love it. Fucking for me is so much better than oral. I shot another load deep inside. My neighbor grunted in appreciation. I got up to get dressed as there was another knock on the door and the next guy came in. When I left he was mounting my neighbor and I'm sure there was another load planted deep!
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  26. AIDS no meds, in St Louis, MO. Wood love to visit Texas. Ever been to Dallas Cumunion?
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  29. Today, just before 5:00, and just as his office was closing, I saw a new chiropractor. He was a tall, very hot black man. I was stripped to my jock strap, and we were quite flirty. He told me to stand and bend over the table, saying he needed to check out my back. As I did so, I realized felt his pants scratching against my ass as I also felt his dick rubbing my crack. He had apparently quietly opened-up his zipper and pulled-out his absolutely huge, long cock. He spat onto my hole and rammed the entire length of his dick up inside my body in one thrust. I felt as if I was being ripped apart. Then he continuously pounded my hole for half an hour or so, occasionally completely withdrawing himself, only to ram his way back in, balls deep, keeping this up until he nutted deep inside me. He stood absolutely still as his nutted, his cock inside my ass, as his cum flowed for what seems to have been five minutes. Afterwards he pulled out, zipped up, and, telling me to hold that position and clench my checks, he disappeared for about 15 minutes. When he returned he again unzipped, and again rammed his cock up inside my ass, giving me another 30 minute fuck. After blowing his second load, he withdrew saying my back should feel great. AGREED!!!!
    1 point
  30. My college pup came over on Friday. I was hoping for a long session, but he had to leave for spring break. Still, his ass is just amazing and I always try to hold back as long as I can and look deep into his eyes when I pump him full of cum. Then, after a prolonged make-out session, he sucked me off to a second orgasm. My earlier prediction that he was a cum-slut in the making seems tobe borned out as when he gets back, he wants me and a bud to tag team him. I've got a couple of candidates in mind. I'm gonna miss him this week. I was so horny and was hoping for a hook up with another fuckbud, but he spent Friday night getting fucked and taking loads and said his ass is too sore today.
    1 point
  31. fucking love this line: “glad your conversion took - now go and multiply”
    1 point
  32. Hungry, I would agree with you that "guys don't have to wait for CumUnion to breed anonymous holes in darkrooms". But, at times it's hit and miss as to whether as a top you can fuck and enough willing holes or as a bottom to get enough raw cock in your hole. Here, in Toronto Cumunion is hit and miss. Now, the bb orgies I go to twice per month provided a real raw playground on 2 floors of a rented gay club space where you can to free anywhere on the premises to fuck, suck, rim and even fist to your heart's content. Maybe Cumunion or bb sex is better at saunas/bathhouses/in the open air in other cities in North America. I prefer to meet a large number of guys where bb sex can happen in great numbers. One on one bb sex is good too. Just my thoughts. Happy barebacking!!
    1 point
  33. Wet on Wellington. Friday. Had a blast. Shared a hole with a hot top. We took turns pounding him, then split roasting. While I was fucking another dude came up behind me and fucked me. He had a massive cock, I shot my load deep . then switched with dude fucking me and let him pound the pig bottom. The hot top and me got sucked off while the other dude fucked the bottom. The bottom took a break so the hot top and i blew the dude with huge cock swallowing and sharing his load. Rested for awhile the wondered the maze went to the glory hole and blew a sweet cock ( guy maybe in his early 60s but nice hard tasty dick). Blew him for 10 minutes then wonder maz again. Aggressive 40 something top pulled me into room and fucked me till he came in my ass. I Needed to cum again so pounded a bottom in the sling room I found just hanging there waiting for a fuck. Drew a few onlookers.. Switched with another top and let some hot 20 something blew me and swallow me final load of the night, snowballed him and left.
    1 point
  34. Part 5 By the mid nineties I had just turned 30 and I had been carefully practicing safe sex for many years. I always had condoms with me and always made sure they were used. When I was being fucked from behind I would always reach round and check that the condom was still on - I wanted to make sure I protected myself and others and I couldn't really have been more careful. For a long time it was easy - the safe sex message was very strong and it seemed that condoms were everywhere. But when I came out of a relationship and began to cruise again I noticed that not everyone was using condoms. At first I was a bit shocked, but, truth to tell, I was also starting to get a bit turned on. I remembered the sensation of sliding my bare cock up a nice tight arse and also remembered the times I had walked home with a cum filled arse, sometimes letting the cum slide out into my underpants. I particularly remembered some of the raunchy times I had enjoyed in public toilets. Although many had now closed, my work took me out all over London and I knew that there were still a lot of active toilets out there and still quite a lot of sex going on in them. One summer I was loaned out to another team at work and I found myself covering areas of London I didn't know. I found some new toilets and, horny after being in a relationship, I began to join in and had a number of really horny experiences. One afternoon I discovered a very active toilet in south west London. It was the old fashioned, underground toilet and I soon discovered the sex was absolutely rampant. One day I was in there in the late afternoon and it was busy with guys wanking and sucking. The centre of attraction was a young blond guy in a postman's uniform who was down on his knees sucking off anyone who presented his cock to the blond guy. I watched as several guys came in his mouth as I waited my turn and I noticed a fit young guy in a suit standing a little back from the action. His trousers and pants were down at his knees and he was being wanked off by a skinhead guy who was standing behind him. He was pushing back against the skinhead and as I watched I noticed that the skinhead was gently thrusting against him and I realised the suited guy was being fucked from behind. Just then he leaned forward a bit and the skinhead started fucking him harder. Re-positioning myself for a better view, I could see the skinhead's thick cock thrusting up the suited guy's arse. It took me a little while to notice that the skinhead was not wearing a condom and when I realised this I was really turned on. The skinhead kept fucking and I could tell he was getting close. I watched as he thrust hard a couple of times and then pushed his cock right up the suited lad and held it there, obviously cumming deep inside his arse. I was really turned on by what I had seen and I watched as the suited lad pulled his pants up and left the toilet. Seconds later I was taking my turn being sucked off by the postman it was not long before I was shooting what felt like a massive load into his mouth. I found it hard to get the image of the suited guy being fucked without a condom out of my mind and I wanked over it quite a few times. A week or so later I went home with a slim, young ginger Irish lad I met at the Central Station one Friday night. Neil was a few years younger than me - and one of the best looking guys I had ever been with. At first I couldn't quite believe he was cruising me and I couldn't believe my luck when it turned out he was. I really liked him and enjoyed his company - he was a lot of fun. We went back to his flat and soon I was pulling down his trousers and his white Calvin Klein underpants to reveal a surprisingly big cock. We had great sex and I enjoyed every minute of sucking his cock, rimming his tight arsehole and lying back while he did the same to me. Soon he asked me to fuck him and knelt up on the bed, pushing his arse out for me. He reached round behind him and pulled my cock towards his arse. "Wait" I said, "we need a condom." "Oh, yeah, right" he said and started rummaging around in the bedside drawer. It took him a while to find a condom and when he did I rolled it on and fucked him. I enjoyed the fuck very much but I knew he had been going to let me fuck him without a condom. As I thought about it later I was glad I had been careful but there was also a part of me that was beginning to get tired of always doing the right thing... Soon after that one of my friends confided to me that after he had a few drinks he sometimes let guys fuck him without a condom and come in his arse. I was really shocked - my initial reaction was what the fuck is he thinking about - how could he be so stupid. Nick was a few years younger than me, trainee solicitor, and a very intelligent guy. I was shocked and really concerned for him. But I was also more than a bit turned as he told me a bit more. He said the first time he had done it he had been drinking after work on Friday and, feeling horny, had ended up cruising at Hampstead Heath. He'd been with a really fit guy who wanted to fuck him but was reluctant to use a condom. Nick had insisted and the guy had rolled the condom on and began to fuck him. He had pulled out a few times and as he pushed his cock back in one time Nick realised he had taken off the condom. I asked him what he had done and he told me he had spread his legs a bit further, gripped on to a tree and let the guy fuck him and cum in his arse. Nick told me he had done it a few times since and told me the last time was at work with a guy he really fancied who had a partner. They had been working late one night and he had ended up in a store cupboard sucking the guy's cock. They didn't have any condoms so Nick told me he had just pulled his pants and trousers down to his knees and let the guy fuck him from behind and cum in his arse. I was still a bit shocked but that night when I got home I had a brilliant wank and shot a massive load of cum as I pictured Nick in that cupboard with his pants pulled down below his bum taking a big load of cum up his unprotected arse.... I was becoming more and more tempted and one day I was working near Hanger Lane in West London. I had discovered a public toilet in a road behind Hanger Lane and I had been in there earlier for a piss. It was now about 6:30 PM, and genuinely needing to piss again, I went back there. This time there was another guy in there - a really fit young builder lad - mid 30's curly blond hair, wearing a sweatshirt and trackie bottoms that were splashed with plaster and paint. The toilet was quite small - a trough and one cubicle and as I pissed I could see the guy checking me out. Soon we were both hard and wanking together and then he bent over and took my cock into his mouth. He sucked me for a while and then motioned to the cubicle. I hesitated but then followed him in. We sucked each other for a while and then I asked if I could lick his arse. He grinned and bent over the toilet for me as I pulled his pants right down, pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue up his arse. His hole was really quite funky but I didn't really care. I rimmed him for ages, pushing my tongue right into his hole as he wanked his cock and pushed his arse into my face. After a while he asked me to fuck him. I stood up and asked him if he had a condom. He didn't and neither did I. I was so tempted as I looked at this fit builder lad, bent over the toilet, his pants at his ankles and his arse in the air - but once again I resisted. In the end he sucked me off and I came in his mouth - but that night and for many days after I relived the scene in my mind. I really wished I had given into temptation. I imagined that I had stood up, pulled his cheeks apart, pushed my cock right up him and fucked him without a condom, shooting the massive load that went into his mouth right up his dirty hole instead. I knew I couldn't hold out for much longer and a couple of weeks later I was in central London in the big underground toilet in Marble Arch one afternoon. At that time the toilet was massive with banks of urinals at one end and cubicles along the back and down the sides at the other end. Guys would often stand up on the toilets and look over into the cubicles as they couldn't be seen from the main area. This day I was watching over the cubicle as a very cute young ginger lad was sucking off a dark haired Italian looking guy. As I watched, the ginger lad pulled off his cock, stood up, pulled his pants down and bent over, handing the Italian guy what I assumed was a condom. In fact it was a little packet of lube and I watched as the dark haired guy rubbed some lube on ginger lad's arse, some on his cock and then pushed it right up him without a condom and began to fuck. I was wanking as I watched the dark haired guy's cock thrusting up the ginger lad's arse and then I realised that ginger lad had seen me. He grinned up at me and I grinned back. I continued watching as the dark haired guy threw back his head, thrust hard up ginger lad's arse a few times, shot his load up him and then pulled his cock out and stuffed it back in his pants. When he had left the cubicle, ginger lad grinned up at me again and motioned to me to join him. I didn't hesitate - I was in the cubicle with him in seconds. Ginger lad was sitting on the toilet and I unzipped and pushed my cock into his mouth. He sucked me for a while and then stood up. Without a word he pulled his pants and trousers down and bent over the toilet. I pushed my finger up his arse and found it well lubed. If someone was really trying to tempt me to fuck without a condom they could not have chosen better than this - a slim ginger lad in a white shirt, smart black trousers and white Calvin Klein underpants..... This time I didn't hesitate. I pulled his cheeks apart, lined up my cock and pushed. I slid up him easily and he grunted as I began to fuck him. I enjoyed every minute of the fuck and lasted a bit longer than I thought I would but it was not too long before I was ready to cum and I shot every last bit of cum I had in me right up his fit ginger arse. I thought I would feel guilty afterwards but I didn't - I knew it would not be too long before I fucked without a condom again and sure enough it wasn't long... I fucked a few lads I met in bars without a condom and also had a couple of bare fucks on Hampstead Heath. In the summer I had to travel up to Scotland for a family wedding. I had driven up and spent a few days there and on the day after the wedding I was driving back to London down the A1. I had never driven this way before but found it fairly straightforward. I had been driving for a while and was somewhere near the border when I noticed a sign for a lay by up ahead. According to the sign there was a toilet in the lay by but I assumed this would be long since closed down. I decided to stop anyway and pulled off the road. The lay by went some way back off the road and I soon saw the toilet block. There was one other car parked in the lay by and I noticed the guy in it checking me out as I walked towards the toilet. To my surprise the toilet was open and I went in to take a much needed piss. It was like stepping back in time - there was graffiti on the walls, holes in the wooden cubicle doors and holes between some of the stalls. I was amazed it had survived but as I pissed I read some of the stories. I was not surprised when the guy who had been parked outside came in to the toilet. I checked him out - mid 40s, ordinary looking and not really my type but I was horny and soon we were wanking together. He bent over and began to suck me and then I did the same for him. It was while I was sucking his cock that I realised we were no longer alone. I looked up and saw too young lads - one blond lad who looked mid 20 and one dark haired lad who looked no more than 18 or 19. Nothing happened for a while and then the younger lad came and stood next to us at the urinal. Again nothing happened for a while and I was starting to feel a bit nervous when the young lad stood back a bit and showed his hard cock. The older guy flashed his and soon all three of us were wanking. The blond lad stood back and watched as the older guy went down on the young lad's cock. Soon the three of us were wanking and sucking each other, pants down at our knees as the blond lad continued to watch. I was now being sucked by the young lad and the other guy went round and started feeling the young lad's arse. Meeting no resistance, he took out a condom and some lube. I watched as he rubbered up and began to push his cock up the young lad. The young lad ended up leaning against the urinal, his pants and trousers at his knees as the older guy fucked him from behind. He fucked for a while and then shot his load. He pulled out and removed the condom before tucking his cock back into his pants and leaving the toilet. The young lad was still leaning against the urinal and I stepped up behind him. I knew exactly what I wanted to do - I pulled his cheeks apart and lined up my bare cock. I thought perhaps he or his mate would stop me but they didn't and I pushed my bare cock right up him and began to fuck. The blond guy was wanking now but made no attempt to join in as I fucked the young lad hard and fast. The young lad didn't look round, and didn't seem to be bothered that I was fucking him without a condom and he was about to get a load of cum up his arse. I was getting close now and it was not too long before I blew my load right up the young lad's arse. As I did so, the blond lad shot his cum out on to the toilet floor. Around this time a lot of my cousins were getting married and a few weeks after my encounter in the lay by toilet I was at another wedding - this time just outside Liverpool. We had all stayed over the night before in a hotel and were due to meet for breakfast at about 9:00 AM. I decided to go for an early morning walk - on the way to the hotel I had noticed what looked like a quite promising public toilet and wanted to check it out. It took me a little time to find it and when I did it was empty. I found a bench a little way away from the toilet and sat down. Nothing happened for a while and then I saw a heavy built guy coming towards the toilet. It was a nice summer morning and he was dressed smartly in a blue shirt and black trousers. As he got closer I realised he was quite young - probably no more than a few years older than me. I like big guys and I really fancied him. He looked at me as he passed and then went in to the toilet. I waited to see if he would come back out and he didn't. It was game on and I went in to the toilet. He was standing at the urinal and soon I was next to him and we were wanking together. We ended up in a cubicle and I was sucking his cock while he had his hand down the back of my pants, fingering my arsehole. I pushed my arse back and he continued to finger me. "I'd love to fuck you, mate" he whispered, continuing to finger my arse hole. I was well up for that and I nodded. He grinned. "I've got a condom," he said and produced it as I pulled my pants and trousers down and prepared to bend over the toilet. "You can fuck me without a condom if you want." I said. He was silent for a moment and I thought I had put him off. Then he grinned and said "You dirty fucker!" I bent over the toilet and he pushed his bare cock up my arse and began to fuck. He fucked me really well and I enjoyed every minute of it. I knew he was getting close and his breathing was getting heavier and heavier as he gasped "Can I cum in you arse, mate?" I turned my head round and told him to go for it and he grinned again "Oh, you dirty fucker," he moaned as he began to cum up my arse, "You dirty....little....fucker!" He finished coming and pulled out. I pulled him towards me and we kissed. "That was awesome!" he said as he got his breath back and then he said "Do you want to do me, mate?" Seconds later he was leaning up against the wall pulling his cheeks apart as I pushed my cock up his arse and began to fuck him. He was very tight and it was not long before I was pumping a nice big load of cum up his arse. We chatted for a few minutes outside the toilet - he told me he was on his way to work and I told him I was going to my cousin's wedding. He was a really nice guy and I liked him a lot. He high fived me and then we went our separate ways - each of us with a big load of cum up our arses. A few weeks later I was in the Central Station one night and I hooked up with Neil again. To my delight he was up for a repeat session and I ended up back at his flat again. We sucked, licked and rimmed each other for ages and this time when he asked me if I wanted to fuck him neither of us mentioned condoms. He knelt up on the bed and I pushed my bare cock up him and began to fuck. After a while I pulled out and he laid down and I fucked him on his back, his legs high in the air, before he flipped over again and knelt up on the bed again as I shot my load right up his arse. I stayed the night and fucked him again in the morning, dumping another load right up him. When I left he was just getting into the bath and as he swung his leg up to climb into the bath I got a last glimpse of his arse hole, now well and truly loaded with my cum. I was really enjoying myself now. When I was younger I had fucked without condoms all the time - but that was before they had become necessary. I was now deliberately choosing to have risky unprotected sex and I loved it. I was still conscious of the risk - but somehow this just made me even more horny.... Part 6 to follow
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  35. I will be there taking anon loads all weekend . Need a dom top to blindfold me and get me loaded up all fucking weekend
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  36. Partied up total bottom looking for trouble
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  37. Bored at home... riding my 22cm black dildo
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  38. I always encourage my slut to keep track of all the loads he takes. Putting a number to it make you realize that you definitely are a slut, and force you to improve over the next weeks/months. And usually tops, such as me, LOVE using a well-loaded hole. The more loads, the harder i get.
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  39. Gaping, I could feel my hole still open minutes after the monster cock slipped out. I wanted more, I wanted him back to fuck me, use me, fuck - even rape me harder over and over. I wondered what was next, how the fuck is this shit hole of a house going to top that fucker. Would my hole still be so open that I would not feel the next cock? It didn’t take long for me to find out. Another mirror slowly started to open, in what I mentally dubbed “The Conversion Funhouse,” slowly revealing the next horror. Standing there in the area behind the mirror was more skeleton, than man. He was so wasted away that he was just skin and bones, not one ounce of fat on his body. He was pale and naked from the neck down. His head was completely covered by what looked like a burlap hood, with slits for eyes and small openings for nostrils - nothing but a sown “x” for a mouth. If he wasn’t nude, he looked as if he stepped out of a slasher film. Walking in slowly, I watched his cock and balls bounce between his legs. His cock was not as massive in length like the monster before, but it was close in girth while still soft. He stopped behind me, as if admiring the work of the cock before him. As he circled my hole slowly with his finger, with out sliding it in, his cock started to grow - my eyes widened as I watch his cock obscenely thicken to the size of a beer can - and this fucker was actually the size of a beer can. FUUUUUCCCKKK - I wanted, needed and craved if up my fuck hole. The length was about seven inches, but it was the girth that was turning me into a bitch in heat. I watched as he positioned himself behind me, the reflection of the sagging skin of his ass made me wonder if he was positive or full blown. The first monster was positive that’s for sure…but how far along was this this fucker was anyone’s guess at this point. Holding the base of his cock, he started running the head up and down my crack, teasing me, pressing more and more into me until on one pass his cock slipped inside my gaping hole. My hole offered no resistance, he plunged balls deep and stayed there. This time there was no pain, only the pleasure of my hole opening wider for this thick cock. His bony hip bones pressed against my ass, digging into me. His bony fingers reached out and grabbed my hair, pulling my head back as far as my neck would allow. With his cock deep in me, he bent down and put his head next to mine. “my AIDS cock is deep in your hole” he said “it’s what you wanted?” I moaned out a yes, all the while processing the smell of his breath, fuck he smelled of rot, of DEATH. “going to slam my AIDS dick in you until I shoot a full term virus into your bleeding hole - are you ready?” Again I moaned out a yes, while breathing in his death and attempting to push back against him. His cock slowly started to move out of my hole, making me feel empty. I could feel more of the first load of cum running down my balls and cock. His fuck was not as brutal as the monster before. His rhythm of in and out was time just perfectly to make my ass feel pleasure, while all the time knowing that he was going to shoot his death deep within, mixing with the toxic load of the brute before. His balls created a slapping sound that complimented the squish of cum being churned in my hole as well as the air that was being injected and forced out with each thrust of his cock. Watching in the mirror, I could see him tweaking his nipples along with a glimpse of his thick cum covered cock as it slid in and out of my hole. Adding to the fuck music was my moans of pleasure and his growling of enjoyment. Pumping his cock in and out of my hole increased along with the forcefulness - this action was like a stabbing motion as if he was plunging a dagger deep in my ass, resulting in my death - which was true to an extent - his cock was going to deliver the blow that would eventually result in my death - death to being negative, death to safe sex, and death by AIDS. “no turning back now you fucking AIDS whore, I am on the edge of blasting your insides with AIDS cum “ he yelled during his breathing, “nothing you can say or do to stop it” His cock thickened slightly and I knew it was time. Time for another gift. No fear, just ecstasy. He slammed his cock all the way inside as it pulsed and spit, coating my raw hole with cum. Within seconds the pulsing stopped and he started pumping his cock in and out of my hole again. “It’s not over fucker, I am a multiple shooter” His cock was even more slick and he slid in and out with more ease and within a minute or two, he pushed in deep again and I felt his cock start to pulse another death load in me, only to have him start fucking me again as soon the climax subsided. “squeeze your hole around my cock, you fucking loose fuck” he screamed at me and as hard as I tried I couldn’t make my hole tight around his cock. “squeeze it you loose lipped whore” he yelled again as he slapped both of my ass cheeks. He had stopped pumping his cock, and was violently pulling out and ramming it back into my hole, over and over. I was completely at his mercy, trying to tighten my hole which was still too loose for him. His hands continued to slap each cheek, alternating the slaps. I could feel my skin heating up and in the mirror’s reflection see red marks forming and darkening. This continued for about five minutes until he slammed all the way in, shooting another load, what felt like a larger load deep into my guts. He pressed into me until it subsided and his cock began to deflate, and as he pulled out he gave each cheek another a slap. I held my breath as he exited the room through the same way he entered. Playing both fucks back in my head. I had been fucked by a monster and by death. What the fuck was next - Sarah Palin himself?
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  40. I'm pretty honest. I don't really think that they think any differently than I do about sex so to speak and what's the point of lying about it. I'm there for my check up and give them the relevant info. If I leave out something it's only because it didn't come into my head at the time. However I remember in London the nurse asking me "When was your last sexual encounter" so I said "Saturday". Then she asked "With of without condom" to which I replied "Which one?" She just laughed.
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  41. FT. LAUDERDALE - Went to 321 Slammers Saturday night. There was a big black-out party at the Club Ft. Lauderdale which I believe shrunk the Slammer crowd and for sure took away all the young guys away from Slammer. Nevertheless, my favorite cumdump was there and I fucked him so many times thru the gloryholes it wasn't funny. There are 3 gloryhole booths. He and I would hang out and wait for a dude to go into one of the end booths. The cumdump would then go into the middle booth and I'd take the other end booth. I would watch him work thru the gloryhole. He sucks their cocks and then eventually gets their bare dicks in his ass. They fuck him and normally cum in him within 5 minutes. Then he turns around and slides onto my cock. I love freshly bred holes! If I'm lucky he'll take my dick for a few minutes and in the meantime a new top has entered the other end booth. He's swap over to ride that top's cock and take his load before returning to my cock. I bet we did this 7 or 8 times. I know he had at least 10 loads by the time I left. He's a totally whore and sexy! I love that place most nights!! Headed to Columbus, OH Monday night
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  42. This is all getting too much for Brandon watching us fucking on the sofa so he gets up onto his feet and his cock is pointing straight out........"grrrrrrrrr...."i need up there soon" he says as he walks over to a side table and picks up what looks like a small bottle of lube and proceeds to pour a steady stream down onto his cock while massaging it up and down the shaft evenly with his other hand......."you are fucking going to enjoy this" he says out loud and picks up his small baggie of powder,opens it and i can make out he is sprinkling it on his hard cock.....i,m still riding Paul and he now has his arms around me so i cant move so much and he is breathing heavy in my ear,nibbling it and kissing my neck and telling me how nice my wet hole feels inside.........he pinches my small tina cock and pulls on it "thats nice" he said then followed it up with "do you want Brandon to fuck you now before i cum inside you or do you want both our spunk inside you"........"i want you both" followed by "i want you both to fuck your spunk up me" and at this point Brandon is standing right in front of me looking down at my face as im now looking straight at his tina coated glistening black cock and looking up to his gorgeous smile - fuck he is beautiful i think to myself........Paul tells me to pull my legs back and he hooks both hands in behind my knees to hold my legs steady and Brandon is now down on his knees and the tip of his cock is resting at the entrance to my already cock filled hole. "you are stinking of spunk like a filthy slut" he said as he starts pushing into my hole with the head of his hard cock......and the burning starts almost instantly and i blurt out "fuck me like a filthy slut and fill me with your spunk".......i feel the tina go around my whole body and straight into my head and now my hole is really on fire.........Brandon pushes another inch or two into me and i feel my hole stretching open even more......its a nice full feeling but it doesn't give up easy so he pushes harder and and he is almost half into me and my holes burning even more but im feeling it open up to accommodate him alongside Paul......."do you want it all"........."fuck yes give me it all" i cry out so he pushes harder and i get that fucking animal urge again and shout out "push it all inside me"..........i dont care if my holes too tight for both cocks i thought "just fuck it all inside me like a slut".........i didn't care if it was even going to hurt or not my arse was on fire with lust,i was tingling allover my body and my eyes were doing christ knows what as i could barely focus and my balls have went tight while my cock is shrinking even smaller until it almost disappears inside me like a tiny boy.......i still had Paul breathing down my neck and i was trying to keep myself together and buck my hole around both cocks and trying to force my hole down onto both of them with an urgent need as im being stretched open to the max.........Brandon forcefully pushed the rest of his tina coated cock all the way inside me and i cried out so loud that im sure all the neighbors heard but it was a good pain - it was so fucking good i almost cried with tears of joy......and then it started .........Brandon was slowly pulling out halfway from my spunky hole and pushing all the way back into me and my arse was adjusting itself inside with each move and i cried out "fuck me baby" followed swiftly with "FUCK ME" out louder and in and out Brandon went inside my spunky sloppy hole and deeper all the way he went and harder and faster he started to build up the thrusting like a machine that had lost control.......Paul is holding my legs back tightly by now and Brandon is pounding me hard and fast and my hole has opened right up - it feels so easy - so fucking beautiful - feels so right like its meant to be......i am flying and my heart is beating so fast i think it is going to leap out of my chest and im sweating like ive just stood under a shower........my back is sticking to Pauls chest and i feel trickles of sweat drop off me and down onto Paul but Brandon doesnt let up..........Pauls hard cock manages to stay inside me and Brandon is stuffing me so hard i feel like an absolute whore............"yeah baby take it all...take it fucking all" he said out loud as his relentless pounding tore into my now gaping hole digging it wider and deeper with each thrust............"you enjoying that baby "Paul whispered in my ear" and Brandon said "this fucking slut is loving it but were not done yet"......"im going to tear your fucking hole up until you bleed" he said and "he needs a gift for getting both our cocks inside him"..........Paul said "lets do this together" as he is trying to now fuck me from below making his cock feel like it just got harder and thicker inside me stretching me even more and im just laying there letting them both use me for their pleasure.....my arse is pushing out around both their cocks,pulsating,gyrating and gripping them both like it has a mind of its own and im giving it all up and yes i am absolutely stinking of spunk,sweat and tina............"im cumming up your slutty arse right now" Brandon says as he is keeping his momentum up and Paul starts moaning beneath me and i can tell he is spunking inside me and im crying out "please fuck me" "fuck me harder" and "please fill me up" over and over and Brandon is ramming me hard as fuck and cumming inside me as his face gets that grimace and he is growling and moaning like he cant stop cumming and hes now pushing deeper and deeper squeezing another inch into my slutty arse and i can feel it all and he stops and holds it still as i try to squeeze and tighten my hole around both cocks but it feels impossible as my hole is destroyed and i know it.....it feels fabulous ........."oh man" Paul said "you are the fucking best slut we have ever fucked" and Brandon lets out that deep laugh he has and im looking right into his eyes and he is still hard inside me milking out every last drop of his spunk up my guts "you really are a fucking filthy cum slut" and i know i am and love hearing both them speak like that to me.........."im just a fucking cum slut" i say out loud and Brandon leans into me while still inside and Paul puts his arms around us all to hold Brandon onto me like a group hug........it feels like we lay there for at least 5 minutes sticking to each other and hearts pounding like fuck while we recovered....."i love you both" i said and they laughed......"we love you too" said Paul and he kissed my neck..........."time for a shower and tidy up" Paul says as Brandon pulls his cock out of my hole and stands up....i can see its covered in alot of spunk tinged with pink and red...... i dont care as it was the best fuck ive ever had.........my hole feels really loose and Paul is still inside me but lets it plop out by itself......i again try to tighten my hole as a rush of air trys to get inside me........but im destroyed........Paul helps me to my feet and i can see pink spunk stains on the cushion which is also darkened with sweat where we had been laying........we both stand there having a hug and kiss while Brandon tidys up taking his pipe,baggie,lube and picking all clothes up and my glass of water he leaves the room....."lets hit the shower" Paul says and he puts the lamp out in the lounge before taking me by the hand and leading me to the bathroom to get washed.
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  43. We started walking down the lane past where id pissed earlier towards a row of parked cars and my mind was absolutely flying with excitement and my arse felt absolutely slutty as fuck with Brandons spunk load inside me - i could feel my hole all wet as i walked and im sure i felt some of Brandons spunk leak out of me as i felt something warm trickle down my legs as i walked but i didn't care and blurted it out that "ive spunk running down my legs" - they both laughed and Paul put his arm around me and said "dont you worry,you will be getting plenty more tonight - that first one was just to get you started and lube your up"... he then said "guess which one as we got closer to the parked cars whilst at same time taking his key fob out his pocket and pointing the remote towards the cars and "beep beep" i heard a noise and indicators flashing to signal which one it was so i pointed towards the lights and said "that one" then laughed - i just wanted to get home ASAP and have Paul fuck me so i turned to him with his arm still around me and told him "i want you to fuck me".......Brandon at this point was a few steps ahead of us and jumped into the front passenger side of the unlocked car. Paul started kissing me and managed to get his tongue down my throat - fuck he tasted so nice - i wanted to suck him all in - i wanted him to eat me - i leaned with my back against the rear car door and pulled Paul closer to me as both his arms went around me - "we have wanted you a long long time" he said while he pushed his groin into me while still deep kissing me and i felt his growing hard cock press against me as one of his arms let go and went down to hook itself inside my rear waistband then further down and around my arse cheek before i felt his hand squeezing it.......this was our first real proper kiss and it felt so special - our saliva was on overdrive as well as my arse tingling like fuck and again i blurted out "please fuck me" - "i want you inside me"............Pauls finger found my wet hole and i felt his finger slide inside me and gently circle itself around and around just like Brandon had done before - "beautiful hole baby - just beautiful" he said as the circling became rougher - "im going to love being inside you " he proclaimed before pushing it right into me deeper - it was driving me wild so i pushed myself down to meet his finger thrusts and started moaning - my mind was lost with lust,deep kissing and getting fingered at the same time - "i want your cock inside me baby" i blurted out......i didnt care if Brandon heard me from inside the car and infact it felt like it was just Paul and i together all alone getting lost in the moment - i was in heaven. "lets get in the car" Paul said as our tongues and lips parted from their hot embrace and he opened the back passenger door to let me in.......christ knows how he had managed to do so without me noticing but my trouser belt buckle was undone and my zip was down and he flicked the fly button to fully open my trousers and told me to climb into the back seat which i done and as i was about to park my ass on the seat he told me to "get on my knees"......i remember briefly looking at Brandon in the front seat and he was watching everything and grinning ear to ear and with a flick of his lighter i could see he was heating his glass pipe up - "enjoy it" he said as he handed me the pipe instructing me to inhale deep like earlier,which i did - at the same time i was aware of Paul climbing into the back seat with me and pull the door shut behind him with a thud,then heard all 4 doors deadlock - Brandon let out a loud laugh and took the pipe off me then handed Paul the small bag of powder........Paul pulled my trousers down to expose my arse fully and by this point my head was down on the leather seat with my arse high in the air like a slut .......he pushed both my cheeks apart and started to lick and rim my hole "fuck me" is all i could manage to blurt out as i felt his tongue probing inside me and flicking around getting deeper each time - "gonna get you real wet" he said as he ate my hole,spitting on it a few times too........there was complete silence outside in the lane and it was almost pitch black - i could feel my heart thumping and almost hear my breathing.....the tina id inhaled was hitting me by now and i honestly felt like my hole was opening right up each time his tongue darted around inside me "i need you to fuck me right now" i blurted out almost impatiently like i was demanding and i heard Paul behind me shuffle about as he tried getting his trousers down while his tongue is still working me to get me wetter......he then stopped and i was aware of him fishing about in the small bag and knew what was to come next.
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  44. Toxic unmedicated gifter in Bakersfield converting all neg holes that need their bug.
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  45. wow - the club was busy tonight and we had to search around a bit before eventually finding Becky with her 3 female friends however it was standing room only. I still felt like i was buzzing from the spliff i had earlier and i felt hot - thank gawd id chosen to wear a cotton short sleeved shirt. Everyone had their drinks in hand already so Brandon asked what i was drinking and offered to buy me a coke,surprised i didn't want something stronger then i sort of whispered to him id had a spliff before i came out - he laughed and off he headed to the bar. And then the crying started again with Becky and saying she felt sick she quickly disappeared off to the toilet with her 2 female friends leaving one with me for company - Brandon was back just as quick as he got preferential treatment getting served by Paul - i told him Becky was off again crying and he just raised his eyes. The female friend left with us said Becky was just upset about splitting up with Brandon but would be fine but of course I already knew that as I'd listened to it most of the week and without sounding insensitive she needed to get it together as we were supposed to be there for a good night. Brandon made conversation and every so often he would wave across to the bar when he saw Paul looking over at us. Paul would give a wave back and each time i smiled and blushed. Time was passing quickly and just over an hour later Becky was still gone with her 2 friends and the female left with us was away chatting to other folk by then. I was starting to feel like I shouldn't have been there and it got to the point where i mentioned this to Brandon. "Don't worry about it Adam," he said, "as Paul will be finished in another 15 minutes or less." As Becky still wasn't back in our company and our first drinks were finished, we decided to head outside for a cigarette as its not like she would notice we were gone anyway . It was good to get out in the fresh cool air but instead of standing out front with all the other smokers Brandon suggested we nip down the lane at side of the club for what he called "a proper smoke." Another spliff would be fine right now i thought. We got down the lane and stood in a dimly lit recessed doorway which had a staff only sign on it. We could see up the lane but it was dark enough for anyone not to see us looking down. Brandon's mobile phone rang and it was Paul saying sorry that he would have to work another 20 minutes. Brandon then asked me what else I'd tried besides weed and I said nothing and had only smoked weed now and again. He grinned ear to ear and asked if I'd tried Tina. Again I replied,"no." As he fished about in his trouser pocket before producing what looked like a small glass pipe and small bag of white stuff that looked like powder. "You can try some now if you want and I'm sure you will like it way more better than weed." Then he laughed. "Cool," I said, "But i need to piss first." Kinda pee shy, I walked out the doorway and about 10 feet further down the lane with my back to him. I proceeded to pee against the wall. It felt great. Getting back to the doorway Brandon had already filled his pipe with some white stuff and was lighting the bulb at the end - he took a big inhale of the white smoke and blew it out in a huge cloud. "Nice," he said, "your turn now" as he heated it up more explaining to me to inhale it deep then hold it before blowing out. I then found the pipe at my lips and done as he had told me. "You're going to love this," he said as i let out a huge cloud which floated off into the night. "Another," he said holding the pipe right back at my mouth. I again inhaled deeply and thought "fuck me this feels good" as my body started to tingle and my heart beat faster. "Hope I don't get sick," I said as weed has done that to me before when I've taken too much. By now i was starting to tingle allover but felt a horniness i couldn't explain. My ass was tingling too and i thought perhaps it was because id douched earlier. I then blurted out to Brandon my ass felt good as I'd douched earlier, and he just said, "another one" as the pipe met my lips again. "Paul will be here very soon and he will want you looking your best," he said before laughing again. I was starting to feel like i wanted fucked as my ass was driving me crazy tingling. Again i blurted it out to Brandon what i was thinking and without a care or any blushing too. I felt great more than I'd ever felt before. This Tina was awesome and i said it out loud "fuck me this feels good." "Does Paul smoke it too," i asked to which Brandon nodded yes and said, "he would also booty bump you with it too." Then laughed out loud. He obviously thought I knew what a booty was but a bump I hadn't a clue so again i blurted out asking "what is a booty bump?" and followed it up with "please show me." He looked at his watch and said, "Paul will be here in 5 minutes, but I can show you if we are quick." "I want shown everything," I said." He looked up the lane then down and got his baggie back out. "Only if you are sure," he said before explaining a little white stuff would be rubbed inside my ass. "The way i felt right now with my tingling ass, I'd have anything up there," I blurted out unashamedly, and even I laughed. I opened my belt up, unzipped and lowered my trousers just enough to expose my ass. I knew this was Becky's ex here with me but he was straight so didn't mind him seeing my ass, and I'd be rubbing it up there myself I thought. Besides i was well douched so my hole would be nice and wet inside still, "Show me," I said. Brandon sucked the tip of one finger and pushed it into the baggie, so I assumed he was going to have that one for himself. But he then told me to bend over and pull my cheeks apart to expose my hole. His finger looked well coated with the white powder. "Fuck me," I though as it was a surreal moment having a straight guy ask to see my hole, but i honestly didn't care as I'd known Brandon a long time now. I bent over, and just as quick his finger was deep inside my ass. He was circling it around and around inside me, and it just kept feeling better and better. A slight burning started so i asked him to keep going and kinda pushed my hole back onto his finger almost begging. He got it deeper inside me and rougher. "Please don't stop," I begged. Then it felt like a second finger was getting inserted into me still circling alongside the other and by this time I'm really wanting fucked as the feeling is driving me crazy like i could climb the wall. He didn't let up and like i thought my hole was really wet as i could hear it. Then his phone rang. "Fuck dont answer it," I thought, and i blurted it out. He said it was Paul so he had to answer which he did after withdrawing his fingers. I'm still standing there half bent over like a slut wanting fucked hard and I hear Brandon saying to Paul "Adam wanted to smoke some tina and have a booty bump. So he is ready for you, and he has the most beautiful ass you've ever seen and a wet hole that is needing fucked badly." He laughed out loud to whatever Paul had replied to him before shutting his phone off . He then said, "You do want fucked don"t you?" I said, "I want fucked really badly!". "Paul will be out in 5 minutes but said its okay for me to fuck you while we wait." I couldn't figure if i was hearing right, but I stayed bent over expecting him to start fingering my hole again. Instead he unzipped and pulled his cock out saying, "Look - this is what you want isn't it?" I looked down towards his cock and he had the most beautiful looking cut cock I had ever seen. I blurted out, "That's beautiful" and followed it up with "Please fuck me Brandon. Please fuck me hard. I need it badly!" By this point I didn't give a fuck who or where Becky or even Paul was. I just needed Brandon's hard 9 inches deep inside me, and that's exactly what I got for the next 5 minutes. No condom either and it never even crossed my mind to ask. Well, it did but i didn't care. just needed fucked. Brandon pushed inside me all in one go balls deep, and I pushed back hard onto him to get it even deeper. It felt so fucking good. I then reached back to hold onto him and pull him closer. "Please fuck me hard," I said, and he did like a jackhammer while reaching across with a hand over my mouth to muffle my moans as he plowed me deep in and out like a piston. I was absolutely loving it and the noises my hole were making as he slid in and out of my guts deep. "Please don't stop. baby," I blurted out and he laughed. "You have a beautiful arse Adam and you are so wet like a pussy. If I'd known before now then I'd have been coming round the past 6 months for you and not Becky." I took that as a compliment. His pounding got rougher, and I knew he was gonna cum. I blurted out, "Please fill me up Brandon. Fill me up with your spunk!" This sent him over the edge, and I felt his pulsating cock start to unload inside me as he let out moans of pleasure. Just then whilst Brandon was still inside me, we heard the door unlock from the inside. Fearing getting caught he pulled out quickly and zipped up leaving me to try manage to get myself half decent looking. It was fine as Paul's head appeared in view. "Having fun with Tina are we," he asked and he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. I could see Brandon grinning ear to ear with the side of my eye, and I said, "i Love tina." "Good! Lets get home then. I'm driving," Paul said pointing over at a car parked down the lane. I then caught a glimpse of him winking at Brandon and they both laughed.
    1 point
  46. Hi slut. I've got HIV HEP SYPH GONO & CHLYMIDIA to breed into you and mix our dna. You on WhatsApp or Kik or Skype?
    1 point
  47. I'm generally not too picky when it comes to ass...if it's right in front of me and begging to get filled with cum then that's good enough for me haha. But my ideal, favorite kind of hole is definitely hairless -- shaved/waxed or natural doesn't really matter as long as it's nice and smooth. I love eating ass so the less hair the better when I'm pigging out on a hot hole. I've always loved how much better a smooth hole feels around my bare cock too compared to a hairy one, especially if it's already wet and cum sloppy by the time get to it. Yum!
    1 point
  48. Never try with anything stronger than about 4% alcohol beer (even then it's better to drink it secondhand). The intestines suck up all the alcohol and you get drunk much faster than you would of you were drinking. Using pure spirits (which tend to be around the 40% mark) would very quickly have you over the lethality mark, even if you're a fairly big guy. In short, look at the reasons why you need to be drunk and work on those. Also be aware that a lot of guys are liable to say "we're not doing that: you're too drunk". I'll have a bar measure or two of spirits, enough to reach the euphoria stage (just on the legal side for driving), before piling in. After that I stick to fruit juice or water until I've had all the sex I can take for the night. Then, and only then, do I feel free to drink what I want.
    1 point
  49. My doctor is gay and into kink. On his website he makes it very clear that nothing will shock him. He is there to help you. Nothing I have told him has shocked him. The most I get is a smile or wink. He is such a cool doc. He has also told me many times I have great legs. His male assitants are pretty hot too.
    1 point
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