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  1. 1. Tucker Broderick Doesn’t Give a Shit About You From where Sergei is crouched straddling the rooftop, he can see right up Tucker's shorts. He’s aware, too, that Tucker does this on purpose. Tucker bites down on a string of nails between his teeth, methodically laying down a shingle, pulling out a pair of nails and securing the oyster grey shingle in place. He then crab-walks up a foot or two to ready the nails for the next shingle. Between hammering, he looks up at Sergei in his wary, enticing way (the shit) and scratches his balls, also on display. Sergei glances down from his rooftop peak and secures his top ridge cap shingle. Since Tucker is close to laying the final, upper-most course of shingles, he’s pretty close to Sergei. His balls will soon be close enough to touch. Sergei has to look away. Sergei takes wire rim glasses from his shirt pocket and wraps them around his ears. The view from the roof of this Echo Park home is epic. The smog abated with last night’s windstorm, and today you can actually see Santa Monica. Past old Hollywood, past Beverly Hills, past Brentwood, right down to fucking Santa Monica beach, miniature palm trees and all. The blue expanse of the Pacific ocean is almost as blue as Tucker’s eyes. The view up Tucker’s shorts is even more epic. The sun slashes directly over his large hanging pink crown. In the dark cave beyond you can even make out a dark patch of pubes. Inside the shadow glints the thin metal P.A. piercing his dickhead. His crouch has his left leg bent up toward Sergei on the upside of the roof at a right angle. The other leg, muscular and taught, is straight out, balancing him against the roof’s pitch. The baggy shorts are long and droop open enough to let the warm afternoon breeze flap the black polyester silk, swaying his long, hanging ballsack in the same warm breeze. Sergei feels his own balls churn in his worn Levis. The breeze up here on the roof blows Tucker’s auburn hair off his shoulders. If not for his red cap it would blow all over his face, but the cap holds it down. He nails his last shingle at roof’s peak next to Sergei, then stands, scales back down the roof to his last course of shingles. Sergei quickly replaces his glasses in his pocket hoping Tucker hadn’t seen them. He feels they make him older than he is. His bald spot doesn't help. "Boss-man," says Tucker turning to him. Sergei shields his eyes against the sun, low in its descent toward the ocean. “Only got a few more in my row, then what?” Tucker voice is sonorous. Sergei learned sonorous in English class last night, and it describes Tucker’s voice to a tee. Deep and full. He has no right to have a voice so rich, when his is so scratchy with these foreign, garbled words always tripping over his tongue—or a face so striking he feels he's always caught staring. Admit it though: You’d spot Tucker easily in a crowd, even if he wasn’t just wearing shorts and tennis shoes and nothing more. He isn’t pumped up gym-built, but his torso’s a perfect V. His arms are cut like a bronze statue from working construction outdoors for him since graduating two years ago from high school. His chest is broad, tan and smooth; his chiseled pecs rise and fall with his breath while his foreman thinks what, indeed, was next. An invite for a beer after work? Maybe enough to have him once again pass out on the couch? Sneak a quick blow job that would not be mentioned in the morning? The breeze changes slightly so Tucker is now directly upwind of him. He can smell the suntan oil and body sweat. Being near-sighted, it’s the first time Sergei reads the words on Tucker’s red cap. Make America Great Again. A cloud of birds suddenly swoops close to the roof and scatters overhead. They gathers again into cloud formation and disappears over the ridge. Sergei sits back on his butt, seeing Tucker in a different light. “Really, man?” Sergei asks. “Fuck yeah. Trump that bitch, yo.” Tucker hears the disapproval, takes off his cap, reaches in the pocket of his shorts and takes out a black hair band. His face is impassive. He twists a pony tail, sticks the band over it, and puts the cap back on. He looks down at Sergei, asks, “You think owner-man would mind if I use his shower before I take off?” Sergei thinks about it. “You have towel?" he asks. Tucker nods. "You lock up afterward, okay?” “Da,” Tucker mocks his accent with a smirk and a wink. He knows what works on Sergei. At the lip of the roof Sergei's his younger brother Alexei—or Alex, as he insists now that he’s married a pretty American girl—pops his blond head up. He scans the two figures at the rooftop, tilts his head down slightly, raises his eyebrows, opens his eyes wide, and swears, “What the fuck? You guys aren’t done?” He eyes Tucker guardedly seeing how Sergei is eyeing him, or specifically—he knows his brother weakness—is trying not to eye him. “Come on, man. I told you I want to knock off early. Cindy wants to go to her parents' house and show off the baby. Sergei, she wants you to come too.” Tucker says, “Fifteen, twenty minutes, bro. Right, boss-man?” “Da,” says Sergei, spreading his legs out, straddling the roof, and hammers down another ridge shingle. Alex disappears down the ladder, while Tucker inches over to his last course of shingles. Squats. He’s maybe a foot away. Sergei stills smells him. It’s not lost on him that Tucker’s crouch exposes more than an inch of his crack. In fact, in the bright sunlight streaming down his spine, Sergei sees the brown swirl of butt hair blooming out of Tucker’s waistband. He even sees the parted canyon of entangled hair that disappears down into darkness. He follows a trickle of sweat traveling like a rollercoaster that falls into the canyon. He's staring again. This close, looking up at Tucker’s billowed back spread like a sail, he can’t tell if the tribal ink covering his back is supposed to be wings of an angel or wings of a bat. Tucker shuffles up another inch closer to attack a nail at mid-shingle. He’s close enough to see beads of sweat perched on the swirls of crack hair. He loves his brother but he feels trapped in his life. However crisply in focus the glistening beads inches away, tonight, and most likely forever, they’re out of reach. 2. The Closet Sergei and Alex putt-putt down the street in their nondescript coup. Sad! Tucker Broderick takes his day pack from the bed of his truck and walks to the house. It's weird, this house, you gotta admit that. He looks up at the scattershot pink structure, at its many angles and levels. Nothing straight about it, especially the owner, Alex had told him. Ground level's the one-car garage. The green door accordions sideways. A staircase to the left leads up the steep cliff to a stone landing where there's a glimpse of downtown Los Angeles. Mostly, though, the landing looks out to the flatlands of South Central. The front door is thick and arched, probably the original mahogany from the 1920s. A caged peephole and ironwork hinges so ornate he's surprised someone hasn't stolen it decades ago. Terracotta pottery with bougainvillea surround the stone landing. Large palms overhang making the area, even though it's still in the nineties, feel shaded and cool. The inside entrance is small but with the arched picture window above the garage expands the view to the hills of Hollywood and makes it feel larger than it is. French doors to the left are curtained and hide a staircase that leads to the main floor. Why cover the staircase? Seems bizarre. Lots of wallpaper on this floor. Printed bougainvillea and palm fronds again. Tucker hates coordination. Reminds him too much of mother. You might miss it but under the stairway a glass nob opens a camouflaged closet wallpapered over. A table stands in front of the railing with a glass bowl filled with loose change and keys. The stairway is not grand but nicely refurbished. He and Sergei had toured the house looking for the bathroom once before. He remembered there were many staircases, some leading to just one room. Yeah, weird like that. It was like someone one day woke up with a bright idea and added another room on a whim. That's how the house was. No real design, just a collection of whims. He remembers you go back to the master bedroom on the main floor to find the bathroom. He's taking his time today, though. He doesn't have real plans. No one's waiting for him. Here's the dining room on the main floor landing, a large kitchen is in back. He strolls through the kitchen, opens an ancient fridge to see what's cold. Milk, a half-filled bottle of Pinot Grigio, no beer. He picks up the wine, recognizes it as a decent label from a very old year. Uncorks it and chugs down half the content before he tastes that it's terribly bitter. Must have turned. Goes to the sink and bends over to sip from the faucet trying to get the bad taste out of his mouth. Back out in the dining room there's a small room to the left. It has an arched window that opens to a balcony, which overlooks the stone landing. Wallpaper in here is of large Chinese lanterns. There's a old oak desk in the middle facing the window. He peaks in a drawer. There's several manila folders. He pulls out one. Yellowed photographs of naked boys and men. None handsome but tough, some almost sinister. They look like derelicts, homeless men and boys, naked on mattresses passed out, drunk, drugged, under overpasses, in flophouses, a few which look like this room, same desk chair. He puts it back and closes the drawer. The house is silent except for a clock ticking somewhere. The opposite side of the dining room is the master bedroom and through it is the master bath. He looks up seeing dust play through sunlight from the great room upstairs. He wants to see the sunset. A set of stairs perpendicular to the dining room leads up to the great room. Not large but its double height ceiling gives the feeling of vastness. From here he overlooks the dining room, the silk table runner, two ornate candelabras, the dark painting of bulls on the wall. Three stories above street, he looks out to the city. The height clears the low canyons and expands out to see the city basin. You see the sailboats coming back into the marina for the night, a tanker trolls off the coast of South Bay beaches, Palos Verdes where he lives with his parents in the detached studio above the garage, all the way over to Long Beach with its oil rigs that dot the coastline. It's a rare day in L.A. when you see this much. The sun's still far from setting but there's the beginning of pink tinge in the sky. A ribbon of yellow follows the sun across the water. He figures it'll set in another hour. He'd like to be on the freeway by then. Opposite the window is a huge fireplace, not that one's ever needed in L.A. In front of it sits a couch. He flops down and kicks his sneakers up on a large coffee table. There's a silver tray with crystal glasses and two decanters, one clear, one brown. He picks up the dark one and smells very oaky scotch, pours himself a good amount in one of the crystals. Looks out to the city, toasts himself. He grabs his crotch for no discernible reason but simply because it feels good. He takes another sip, feels it burn his lips, tongue, throat, and then his belly. He's feeling exceptionally good and he's getting hard. He's inclined, against his better judgment, to whip out his hefty meat and beat off right there on a stranger's couch. A gong from a clock strikes the half hour. He swigs the rest of the glass and sets it back on the tray. He hops down the staircase and back to master bathroom. Palos Verdes where he grew up is filthy rich, but this bathroom he recognizes as old wealth; wealth from when L.A. was new. All original fixtures. Spacious. Pair of white porcelain faucets that read Hot and Cold at the sink, white tiles with a stripe of mint green at chest height. Hand-laid hexagon tiles in elaborate patterns cover the floor. The toilet's metal and huge, flushes with a pull chain atop a tank that sits at head height. It had been a long day. He lets his shorts fall to the floor and steps out of his shoes, puts his backpack on the counter. He opens the toilet lid. He's semi-rigid so he needs to carefully aims his piss over his P.A. He tilts over so it's aimed straight down, not splashing in random streams. He gushes powerfully for a few solid minutes, relishing the release and enjoying the loud noise it's making in the bowel. He shakes his dick a few times and goes back to the mirror. He pulls the band off his ponytail, shakes out his mane, and stuffs the band in his pack's front zipper. He's tempted to use one of the big white plush monogrammed towels on the rack. SM, reads the monogram. Funny. Instead, he takes out a small terrycloth beach towel he grabbed from home and flops it over the glass shower stall. He peers down and notices a lower drawer partially open. There's something flesh colored inside. He opened it up and finds a cone-shaped piece of rubber that then tapers down to a slab of pink rubber the size of a quarter. He's heard of butt plugs but never seen one up close. By all rights he should be grossed out but he isn't; mostly he's curious. He picks it up and feels its heft and density, where it gives, where it's rigid. It's pretty big. So fags put these up their butts? Why would you do that? He puts it back in the open drawer and rinses his hands. He gets in the shower and picks up a hanging metal hose. He gets what the nozzle's for and let it drop. He turns on the faucet and water spouts out the hose in a spray that makes the hose dance and clang around the stall. He reached up and turns a nob connected to the wall pipe that makes water run through the showerhead. He rinses the day off him. The spray feels like rain and the splatter echoes across the tiled room. He soaps his pits, his butt, his pubes. His got a full eight inch erection and it's soaped and ready to go. He gives it a couple of whacks, then holds his balls and starts getting into it. First he thinks of tits, huge tits swinging, wet and bouncy. Pussies pushed open showing pink and red. But then there's an image of the derelict man on a mattress under an overpass, his prison tattoos, a lewd pose showing off his dirty holes, another picture of a filthy boy reading a girlie magazine, cum on his stomachs. He's edging. He switches his mind to cunts he's fucked, sloppy twats, dry tight virgins, but they're pushed out, he's edging more when he feels the density of the buttplug, knowing it's been up someone's asshole, what that must feel like. He spurts hard and spurts hard again, right across the shower stall. A big wad of cum's running down the glass. He shakes and steadies his knees. He strokes himself a few times more. He contracts with each stroke. Then polishing his nob hurts and he stops. There's a bottle of shampoo on the floor. He picks it up and smells it approvingly. He rinses off his hands and lathers his head, massages his scalp, and then rinses his head back with the sensual streams running through his hair. Some soap gets in his eyes and he turns around and lets the water wash over his face. He rubs his sockets and floods his face with water. His body loosens; the soot, the sun, wash away until he's fully relaxed, freshly jacked and ready to head home. His dick's still hard. He shuts off the water. He clicks open the gold handled door and wipes himself with his beach towel. The owner's hairdryer sits next to his pack on the counter. He sets it on high, brushing out his hair with his fingers. Straight, parted in the middle, feathered to perfection—he's satisfied. His dick's still hard, which is increasingly weird, but looking at himself in the mirror he looks pretty hot. He thinks about taking a selfie. Nah, instead goes for his jeans and tee-shirt in his backpack. It's empty. He opens a back compartment. Also empty. He looks on the floor for his shorts. Missing. He's being punked. He put his knuckles on the counter. "Hey!" he shouts, echoing against the tile. "Cute, bitch! Not funny!" He smacks his hands on the counter. The only thing not missing is his red cap, which he puts on. He tries wrapping the towel around his waist but it comes up short. He goes out naked looking for the thief. He darts through the master bedroom into the dining room. Dusk's approaching and the wooden floorboards creak hollowly. Only thing he hears is tick-tock. "Hello?" he calls up to the living room before bounding up the stairs. The sunset has gone from pink to red, the sun a few inches above the water. He looks out to see if there's a car outside. The driveway's deserted. It's possible someone had parked in the garage but he isn't going out in his mini towel to find out. He thinks maybe he can borrow something in the owner's closet. He'd bring it back on Monday. And why won't his dick go down? The bedroom's in the back part of the house close to the hillside. It's cavernous and dark in here. He switches on a light which does little to fill the darkness. The light's maybe forty watts and the room's paneled in rich mahogany, which easily drinks up the wattage. The bed's enormous with pillars on each corners. Large eyehooks where the mattress meet the bedposts. He isn't liking this much at all. He finds the closet secreted within the wood panel. He opens it up and finds a shadowy gloom. He can't see a thing inside but senses it goes in really deep. He reached around the door looking for a switch and finds none. He enters cautiously raising his hand in the air hoping to find a light cord. A few feet in and he's still searching. It's probably the biggest walk-in he's ever seen—or not seen. About eight feet in his hand hits a small piece of chain. He tugs it and the closet bursts with a harsh light. Surrounding him is an enormous collection of leather jackets; beneath hang leather pants, some with, some without crotches; a row of various height boots stack against the back wall; above them a row of caps, a second shelf of masks, some with zippers for eyes and mouth, and a few gas masks; opposite the jackets are harnesses and vests, also some rubber shorts and tops, one piece is shiny rubber that would encase you from head to feet with only a few holes at your mouth and one hole for a dick. From the size of the jackets and pants he figures it fits someone tall and either extremely fat or exceedingly muscular. Neither he wants to meet. He turns around to leave but someone's blocking his way. He jumps back only to realize it's a full length mirror on the door that shut while he's been looking around. He wedges the door open and lets the light spill into the room. There's a dresser where he should find something, underwear, shorts, a sweater, something that will get him to his truck and out of here. In the first drawer he finds handcuffs and wrist restraints. A second drawer is full of rope and bandages. He started to get panicked and rifles through drawers several at a time. Blindfolds, ball gags, leg restraints, studded arm bands, cock rings, long metal rods, medical instruments that he can't even begin to think what they're for, jars of lube, a drawer filled with large and extra large dildoes, a box of small brown vials. The vials are slimy and smell off-putting. In fact the whole room has a stale scent of grease. Now that there's more light he can see the bed is covered by a large rubber sheet and streaked with grease. Art on the wall is of men with exaggerated nipples and massive cocks, fisting, fucking, and pissing on each other. They're signed Tom. The entire ceiling's mirrored. He sees himself on the ceiling looking down at himself, naked, cock still amazingly erect. Also reflected, taking up the entire doorway, a bearded leatherman smacking his palm with a nightstick.
    5 points
  2. This story is slightly true, somewhat fictional, and not at all an endorsement of good or bad decision-making. There used to be a website called Bareback City and I was there all the time...reading, browsing, beating off. You know. I once found this guy who was my age (mid-30's) and was a poz top -- only about twenty blocks from me. I'll call him "Lee" . Turns out he was not only was HIV positive, but had advanced to full-blown AIDS. I found that out when we chatted on cam and I was amazed at how thin and muscular he looked. Yes, he was thin, but the musculature that I thought I was seeing was only because his body was wasted down to nothing but a frame around the basic organs, bones and muscles nature gives all humans. I could have shut the window and blocked his email. I could have turned back. But then, still on cam, he fished a giant, slimy dick out of his shorts and bragged about only being able to wear Magnums. Well I didn't go back. I wanted to touch it and suck it. but wasn't sure I'd let it near my neg ass. We agreed to meet for dinner at a local pub. I had no desire for food, but knew I'd need a drink or two to calm down. Lee was even thinner and taller than he looked on camera. I watched as he wolfed down an entire cheeseburger in under a minute. I kept pounding back beers and having so many thoughts. Too many. You know how when your brain gets overcrowded with stuff and you just act on auto-pilot? That was me. So I wasn't really thinking when he offered to drive me back to his house in his red Miata. We walked out of the pub om that warm July night and I saw my car, parked innocently in front of the lights of wedding store next door. I could have just made a quick right and driven myself home. I could gone back. But Lee drove me back to his place with the top down and Pet Shop Boys blasting on the stereo. His neighborhood was way nicer than I expected and his house was beautiful. I'd never asked what he did for a living because, for some reason, I always thought that was a rude question to ask someone you barely know. He led me through the door and immediately kicked off his sandals and stripped down to nothing but his long, super-skinny nakedness. That dick was just as massive as I saw that time on cam, and it was growing as he groped it. I must looked scared and nervous because he immediately produced a joint, lit it and handed it to me with the words "It's fortified -- go slow". I was so stupid back then that I thought he meant it had B-12 vitamins or something like that in it. So I inhaled and blew beautiful clouds and the next thing I knew I was stripping down as well. That's when he suggested we go out to his patio and sit in the hot tub. I had a cold bottle of beer in my hand that I don't remember having before. Whatever. Fine. I followed Lee through the sliding glass doors as he situated himself in the bubbling, glowing blue water. I didn't know anything hot tub protocol so I sat directly across from him, sipping my mysterious beer.\ I think I remember us talking about the nice Summer weather and how beautiful the stars looked. Lee's voice sounded like a movie idol's. Deep, soft and so,so seductive. Then he stretched one of his feet out and pinched my right nipple. I grasped the foot and rubbed it. Lee had the longest, skinniest feet I'd ever seen. And then his toes were in my mouth. What the hell was I doing??? He moaned with pleasure and put the the other foot up on my neck. I massaged it and put those toes in my mouth as well. I had the faintest thought that I wasn't myself at that moment., but the warm bubbles gurgled my doubts away. Eventually I noticed this giant erection poking out of the water like a periscope. That's where my mouth went next. More moaning. After an amount of time I couldn't estimate then or now, we decided to get out of the tub. \What happened to that beer I had? Lee had forgotten to bring towels and went running back inside to get them. his huge dick bobbing all the way. I got out and stood naked on the concrete patio. A breeze hit my nude body and a brief minute of reality came back to me. This wasn't a good idea. None of this had been smart. I could go back inside, grab my jeans and shoes and sprinted home to my safe life. I could have. I could have turned back. Right then though, Lee walked back out with an over-sized green towel wrapped around him. Except for his stick-thin legs, he looked like a normal dude. He handed me another green towel and I was grateful for its shaggy warmth. He also had another lit joint that he offered and I accepted. Was it also "fortified"? No idea. It was a short walk back to his lush,massive bedroom. It was so perfect and seductively lit that I knew I was just one of many men who had been brought here. For a slight man, Lee had no problem overpowering me and pinning me on my back. He let me have one more puff of the fortified joint and then it was gone. Where did it go? Did he put it out safely? I was wondering all this when his penetrated my ass with his outrageously large dick. No Magnums or any other kind of condoms were used that I was aware of. The pain was real and unreal at the same time. For whatever reason, I couldn't quite tell you what "real" was. Before I could figure out what I was feeling, Lee's pumping had quickened in pace and effort. I do remember looking up at his face and was trying to say something when he let out a long, loud moan that I was sure could be heard by the whole neighborhood. He was sweating like a farm animal and I could feel salty drops from his forehead fall on my lips. Lee didn't ask me to leave, but it was implied by his quick descent into sleep and snores. I dressed and walked back to my car at the pub, feeling my ass burn and leak a little. I had so many thoughts and conflicts happening in my head. The first and last one were "I could have gone back".
    5 points
  3. Most of the details in this story were relayed to me through a chat buddy. I doubt it's true, but I'd like to pretend it is. When I first moved to the city in a different state from a hick town in Kansas, I didn't have much money. I needed an address so I could put out my resume and interview for jobs I rented a studio apartment in a crappy part of midtown. It was a beautiful old building but the interior looked like hell. We're talking walls that had not been painted since the early 70's, dirty carpeting and the slowest elevator in the universe. It smelled like a combination of curry and mold. Not Park Avenue by a long shot. The only somewhat positive thing about it were my neighbors on the sixth floor. They were an interesting mix and mostly friendly. There was Jodi, a 20-something stripper at 'The Pink Garter' - a club right down the street. She always had weed so we bonded right away. She confessed that she had several boyfriends who paid her rent, bills, etc. And then there was the beautiful, young ballet dancer who was always in tights and could't take a single step without stretching or strutting on his toes. At the very end of the hall was a guy who was always carrying electronic equipment in and out of the elevator. I'll always remember him, hauling car stereos down to his place, cords and plugs trailing behind him. Most of all I can never forget Alex. Alex. Remember I was just a dumb-ass from the Midwest and I'd never seen a dude who wore wigs and makeup. I he wasn't quite a girl and certainly not a man. After we got to know each other a little, he told me "I'm not a girl or a boy -- I'm a sissyfag". He was also a serious drug addict. He did meth pretty much all day and then disappeared at night. He kept offering me a puffs from his grody glass pipe, but I always declined. I already had issues with weed and alcohol and didn't want to further add to my own decline. I didn't visit Alex often, but at some point we exchanged email addresses and he flooded my inbox with messages that were mostly nonsensical. I usually deleted them without reading even half of what he'd typed. One thing I noticed was that his screen name ended with '99'. He'd never mentioned anything about the occult or Sarah Palin so I questioned him about it the next time I saw him. He was unusually sober and lucid at the time and led me by the arm to his shitty place that was even smaller than my studio apartment. He kept looking over his shoulder and darting his eyes back and forth. He told me a tale that I'll tell you now as if he were writing it: "I didn't have any jobs that day and was running low on my "medicine". I was bored and horny as fuck. So I went on Craig's List and answered an ad from some guy that said he liked cross dressers. I'm NOT a cross dresser, okay? I'm a sissyfag. There's a difference. But I could tell he was a freak so I answered the ad and gave him my address...my address HERE. I was prepared to be let down because CL has always been a bust for me. But hours later, there was a knock on my door. I was in a wig, bra and panties -- in full makeup of course. I opened the door and saw a beautiful, buff blonde frat dude. I felt so hideous in comparison to this Adonis, but summoned my sissyfag will to invite him in. I was prepared to make a bit of small talk and offer him a beer, but he just grabbed me forced me down to the floor eight away. He peeled off his t-shirt, jeans and sandals and got on top of me. He didn't take off my panties so much as he ripped them with no real effort on his part. He bent his head down and kissed me so hard. His tongue snaked its way into my mouth and it tasted like a lead pencil. It was a powerful tongue and seemed to expand in my mouth as he swirled it around. I thought I'd missed something because suddenly his dick was in my throat. Did we switch up all the sudden? No. His tongue had become a cock, I swear. As I was doubting my own sanity, he pulled off my face and, yes, there was a huge, weird-shaped cock jutting proudly out of his mouth. He waved it in front of my eyes and I spotted a small stream of precum leaking from the head -- and it was black. Black precum, I swear. As I tried to make sense of everything, he plunged it back in my mouth and it grew. And grew. It went all the way down to stomach and I was unable to breathe. He must have shot it there because I could feel him shake and hear his groans. I felt nauseous, and my throat and chest ached so bad. I propped myself up on my elbows and gasped for air. I saw him standing naked over me, and, I swear, his body grew bigger and bulkier. Right before my eyes. And here's the craziest part -- his dick had become TWO dicks. I know you don't believe me, but it's true. They were long and fat and twisting around each other like two pythons in love. It gets a little hazy here, but the next thing I knew those two snakes were inside my ass. I'm not tight or anything but this fuck was intensely painful. It might have lasted for hours because it was sunset when he finally came. I could feel it dripping out of my hole. He was already dressed when I finally stood up. There was black, bubbling sperm pooled on the carpet -- like somebody had spilled hot motor oil. He looked fairly normal again and demanded that I walk him back to his car. I was afraid to refuse. I was naked from the waist down and still in a bra & wig. I obliged and escorted him down to his expensive-looking car which was luckily very close to the entrance. He didn't say a word. Just drove off. I was exhausted and sore and really felt the need to throw up. And I did. For a good hour. I lied on my mattress and shivered violently. I had a fever all night and had bizarre nightmares/hallucinations about scary birds. I was sick the whole week with what felt like a super flu or something. After a week, I could crawl to the sink for some water. It was another 48 hours before I could stand, and another day before I could walk. Now I'm super skinny and none of my sissyfag clothes fit anymore. I'm sick as hell every other day, but still can't help but think of that guy/creature from Craig's List. I never could find him there again. So I started haunting Satanic chat rooms and asking online strangers if they'd experienced anything like I had. Nobody would talk with me so I added '99' to my screen name and tried again. Nothing really came of my quest even then. There's a bit more to tell, but I need to go puke again. "
    4 points
  4. Part 5 There was a loud knock at the door just after Bill and Jason finished double dosing my honey’s used cunt with their poz loads. I looked through the peephole and saw 3 black guys standing in the hall. I opened the door and they came in. Seeing the 3 naked men on the bed, one of them said, “I guess we’re in the right place for that ad”. “Glad you could make it,” I told him. I introduced myself and the one who’d already spoke said, “I’m Tony and this is Kevin and Brad” pointing to the other 2 who were already stripping. Tony was watching Bill and Jason untangle themselves after double fucking Aaron as he undressed. “I see we just missed a double fuck. Think your boy would be up for another?” he asked. Before I could reply, Aaron piped up, “Sure, why the fuck not.” I looked at the clock and figured as late as it was, this would be the last ones for the night. Might as well finish up the night on a high note. By now, Bill and Jason were standing over with us and all 3 of us looked at the 3 new guys. All 3 were in good shape. They all had big cocks and were all hard, but Tony’s was way beyond your stereotypical “big black cock”. He was a good 10 inches at least and I doubted I could get my fingers all the way around it. Plus the head of his cock was as big as a small apple. Kevin and Brad looked to be around 8 inches, both nice thicknesses, although Brad’s looked to be the thicker of the 2. “Since there are 3 of you, how do you want to do this?” I asked. “Normally, I have the bottom sit on my cock and the other guys will each take a turn being the 2nd cock” Tony replied. “We do this a lot and it usually works out ok doing it that way”. Bill and Jason both asked if it would be ok to stay and watch. Even though they’d both just came, they were starting to get hard again at the thought of all those huge black poz cocks tearing up Aaron’s hole even more. “Of course,” I told them. “Maybe after watching all this action, you’ll both get worked up enough to jack off on Aaron before we call it a night”. This got their cocks even harder. I turned back to Tony, who seemed to be the leader and spokesperson for our 3 black studs. “Ya’ll are poz, right?” Kevin and Brad both got big grins on their faces and nodded as Tony elaborated. “Fuck yeah; all 3 of us are unmedicated with extremely high viral loads. Like I said before, we do this a lot”. This was definitely the way to end an evening of converting the love of my life to poz. Tony walked to the end of the bed with Brad and Kevin on either side of him. He looked at Aaron, “Think you can handle sucking on this for a bit?” Not even replying, Aaron got on his hands and knees facing the enormous poz black cock and stretched his mouth open wide. He managed to get the massive cockhead and a few inches of the cock in and started nursing on it. Tony had each arm around Kevin and Brad and they were taking turns deep kissing him. Bill, Jason, and I were standing at the side of the bed, watching, and slowly stroking our cocks. Aaron took his mouth off the cock and started licking up and down the thick shaft. I was right in my guesstimate; his hand wouldn’t fit all the way around the shaft. If he hadn’t had so many cocks already stretching out his cunt, I honestly think it would have ripped his hole. I had to stop thinking about that because I was getting way horny. Tony broke off the passionate kissing and pulled his cock away from Aaron. He lay on the bed on his back with his legs off the end of the bed and his feet on the floor. He looked at Aaron and said, “Ok, get my poz babymaker good and lubed up. You’re going to need it”. I handed him one of the bottles of lube and he liberally greased up the black horse cock. He didn’t need any lube on his hole as it was so full of poisonous cum, it was started to ooze out and run down his crack. Aaron started to straddle Tony and he said, “Let my boys help you with that”. The 2 buff black men got on either side of their friend and picked Aaron up, cradling him in their arms. Tony held his giant poz cock still as his boys lowered Aaron until the giant cockhead met the gaping open, used pussy. He rubbed the head back and forth, slightly pushing a little into the wide open hole, and signaled the 2 men. They started lowering Aaron onto the giant cock, allowing his weight to force the cockhead inside him. “OH FUUUUUCK!” Aaron moaned as it slowly entered him. Once the head was in; they continued to lower him, letting his weight force more and more inside him. “GODDAMN, that’s thick!” Aaron moaned as he slid further and further down on the black horse cock. They reached a point where he no longer slid down any further, even though there were a few inches left. They removed their hands, allowing him to be fully sitting astride the cock for the first time. Brad leaned in and started kissing Aaron, shoving his tongue down his throat, and playing with his cock while Kevin stood up, put his hands on Aaron’s shoulders, and slowly started pushing him down the rest of the way on Tony’s huge cock. You could hear Aaron groan loudly while kissing Brad, but he never broke contact. When his severely stretched out pussy lips finally met Tony’s kinky pubes, he yelped, “UNGH!”. Brad leaned back and looked Aaron in the face asking, “You doing ok stud?”. “I’ve never been so full, so stretched out before by just 1 cock. This is beyond amazing! Even after all the fucking I’ve had tonight, it hurts, but it hurts so goddamn good!” Brad started running his hands all over Aaron, pinching his nipples and playing with his cock while Kevin took over kissing him. Tony lay still, letting Aaron adjust. Before too long, all the stimulation started really getting to Aaron and he started moving back and forth on the giant poz horse cock. He was definitely adjusting. I’m sure the double fuck he’d just gotten helped a lot. Tony grabbed Aaron’s hips and started some easy thrusting in and out. As he continued thrusting, Aaron got situated so he could start fucking himself more and more on the poz cock that was filling him up. This went on for several minutes with Brad and Kevin keeping my slut occupied with their tongues, hands, and fingers. Soon, Tony had Aaron lie back on his stomach and chest. Bill and Jason decided to get in on the act and each took one of Aaron’s legs, keeping them spread wide open, just like his used cunt. It was such a fucking turn on to see so much black poz cock in his hole. Since Kevin’s cock was not quite as thick as Brad’s, he got down between Aaron’s spread legs and started licking and slobbering all over and around the giant cock and the used pussy. Then he lubed up his fingers and started trying to get a couple in alongside the cock. Aaron groaned loudly as his violated asshole was being stretched even further. I got on the bed next to Aaron and Tony and started kissing Aaron deeply and passionately. Kevin kept working his fingers slowly and steadily until he had four fingers in alongside the huge black cock. Aaron’s moaning was constant now, which turned me on since he was moaning into my mouth as we kissed. Kevin used his other hand to lube up his thick cock and as he pulled his fingers out, he immediately shoved the head slowly in. “UNGH!!!” Aaron cried out as the head slipped in. Kevin held still and let him adjust. I pulled back from Aaron to look at him and make sure he was ok. There was a grimace on his face, but he looked at me and said, “Just give me a minute, I want it”. I leaned down to his ear and whispered, “My God I love you!”, and went back to kissing him. Bill and Jason were still holding his legs and running their hands up and down them and Brad was still running his hands all over Aaron’s chest and stomach. Between all of that and the kissing, he finally adjusted and motioned with his hand for Kevin to start fucking more of his cock in. He pushed in a little, slowly, and Aaron just moaned, so he pulled out a little and pushed more in. All the physical stimulation he was getting plus the passionate making out we were doing had kicked my lover’s horniness into over drive. Even though he was almost over full of big black poz cock, he started bucking his hips, fucking himself on the poz fuck sticks. Everyone in the room was getting massively turned on. Kevin finally was able to get balls deep inside the ruined asshole. He held still for a minute, then he and Tony started their in and out fuck motions together. Aaron’s moans got louder and louder, despite being muffled by my kissing mouth. Every cock in the room was rock hard. I couldn’t help but think, if it’s this intense when Kevin and Tony fuck him, what’s it gonna be like when Brad gets his thicker cock in his used cunt. Apparently, the extreme tightness of my man’s hole was working overtime at getting Tony and Kevin off. They both started picking up speed and were grunting. They both started getting very verbal, “Take that black poz cock”,”Gonna shoot my poison juice in you soon”, ”FUCK, that tight used pussy is getting me close”,”Gonna breed you GOOD”. “I’m about to shoot,” Kevin said and Tony agreed with him,”Me too, gonna infect YOUUUUUUUUU!” Both of them erupted inside Aaron’s used cunt, flooding him with high viral load poz cum. Aaron pulled his lips away from mine and cried out, “GODDAMN, YES YOU POZ FUCKERS, BREED ME!!!” Tony lay there holding still, pumping shot after shot, while Kevin kept fucking, practically bellowing, “AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!”. Kevin’s orgasm finally slowed down as did his fucking until he became still and collapsed on Aaron. After a minute to catch his breath, Kevin slowly pulled his still thick cock out of Aaron. A river of poz cum came out right after it. Bill and Jason let go of Aaron’s legs and dove in, licking up all the cum that ran out of the used asshole. “Don’t take all of that,” Brad said, “Poz cum that leaks out of a well fucked ass makes the best lube”. Jason and Brad smiled at each other and took Brad’s right hand, turning it palm up. They both let some of the cum they’d just sucked up run out of their mouths onto the palm of his hand. He smiled right back at them, kissed each one of them, and used the cum to lube up his thick black poz cock. I figured Brad would want to fuck Aaron right away while his hole was so stretched out. And Tony was still rock hard, buried in Aaron’s loose cunt, so he was ready to go for round 2. Bill and Jason once again took hold of Aaron’s legs, keeping them spread while Brad got between them. He reached forward with the hand that wasn’t lubing his cock, pulled Aaron towards him, looked him in the eye, and planted a deep, passionate kiss on his mouth. While locked in that kiss, he positioned his thick black cock, slimy with poz cum, at Aaron’s ruined asshole, and shoved in. Aaron’s eyes flew open, he grabbed hold of Brad, and he cried out in pain. “AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH MOTHERFUCK!!!”. Brad kept shoving his cock deeper and deeper into the super stretched out cunt. “Come on stud, you can do it, take our poz cocks. Open up just a little more and let me in”. Tears were running down Aaron’s cheeks, but he held on to Brad and didn’t ask him to stop. I went to Aaron’s side, holding on to him, telling him how much I loved him while Brad kept pumping in and out, slowly pushing more of his thick cock in. “I’m almost there, Baby, just a little more,” Brad told him. Aaron was breathing through clenched teeth, obviously in pain, but only nodded. “Lie back on Tony and try to relax”. I helped Aaron lie back. Tony wrapped his big arms around him while I stroked his hair and his face on one side and Kevin did on the other side. Bill and Jason were still holding his legs while Brad kept fucking his thick poz cock deeper into my boyfriend. “Oh fuck YES!” Brad said once he finally got balls deep. “Baby” he said to Aaron, “with as much cock as you’ve got in your right now, you could easily take 2 fists”. He slowly pulled his cock out til just the head was in and looked down at it. The shaft was covered in bloody cum. There was no way Aaron wasn’t going to convert after this fuck. He looked at me and gave me a wink. That thought made Brad even hornier than he already was. He showed restraint, however, not wanting to tear his hole up more than it already was. Brad slowly pushed all the way back in. Aaron hissed through clenched teeth, but didn’t make any other sound. Brad started a slow, steady pace, fucking his ruined, bloody asshole. He slowly increased the pace and Tony started fucking, too. They both fucked Aaron, burying their huge, black, poz cocks in him again and again. Despite the pain, Aaron showed just how much of a slut he truly was and started fucking back with his torn up hole. I was truly in awe at what was happening. My boyfriend, the love of my life, had taken poz cock after poz cock, taking load after load of cum deep inside him. His hole had been fucked and stretched until it was raw and bleeding, but still he wanted more. Every one of us who wasn’t fucking had a raging hardon. Brad and Tony were both fucking harder and faster and I could tell they were getting close. Again, both fuckers got more verbal as they got closer. “Get ready to take my 2nd load, baby”, “Gonna breed this used up pussy good”, ”These two big black cocks gonna drown you with poz cum”, “Gonna charge your hole up”, “This fuck is definitely going to gift you”. “Here it cums, stud” Brad yelled out as Tony bellowed like a bull, “TAKE MY FUCKING POZ CUM!!!” Both of them started shooting into Aaron, one again flooding his insides with their toxic loads. By this time, he was so tired and sore and exhausted that he just laid there on Tony, his ruined cunt soaking up the poisonous loads. Once he was spent, Brad pulled his deflating cock out and Kevin and I helped lift Aaron off of Tony and lay him on the bed. Everyone in the room had a raging hardon except the two that had just came. I leaned down to Aaron, looking at him with complete love, and said, “One last thing and you’re done for the night. And for this, all you have to do is lay there and enjoy it”. Bill, Jason, Kevin, and I all gathered around Aaron’s stomach and chest and started beating our hard cocks. It didn’t take long after everything we’d just witnessed. One after another, we all shot our loads on Aaron, covering him in poz cum. The look of pleasure on his face was amazing. It was the perfect end to a night of debauchery. It only needed one last thing to make it complete. I scooped up some of the cum from his chest and used it to jack Aaron off. With everything he’d been through that night, he hadn’t cum, so I figured this was the perfect way to have him shoot his last neg load. It didn’t take more than a few strokes with my cum smeared hand for him to shoot the biggest load I’d ever seen him have. All the guys in the room clapped. I made sure we all had each other’s numbers and after they were dressed, they all left. I licked all the cum off my lover, kissed him one last time, and we drifted off.
    3 points
  5. Part 4: Paying for My Decisions Maybe this will be a warning for some of you. It's taken me a couple of days to put into words what happened, because it's so crazy! So, you probably guessed that Sean came over. And yeah, he found me face-down, ass-up on my bed. It was just a few seconds (or maybe microseconds?) after I heard the door creak over. I felt that dreaded by desired thick cock probe my hole. And then a quick and unexpected jab. Oh fuck! I screamed in surprise. I didn't expect it so hard and quick. Then, he just held it in place. Despite only spending a short time with him the first time, he knew what I liked. That hot wet tongue went straight to my ear. The pain of the jab was replaced with the hot slurping sounds of his tongue in my ear. And, it was almost a reflex, when I yelped, "I wanna get aids!" Sean went to work on my ass. Oh my god, what an onslaught! What the hell was I thinking? After a minute or so of relentless pounding, he told me to thank him for getting aids. Okay, I would have said anything then because the pleasure was beyond describable. But, I was kinda surprised how much more turned on I got when I answered , "Thank you for A ---" ... ah fuck, he pounded me harder, "A --" .. I couldn't quite get it all out because of the rampage his massive cock was having on my hole. I finally made it out, and sounded like I was hiccuping as I replied "Thank you for AIDS!" He paused for a moment and demanded, "Say it again!" I couldn't help but to reply "Thank you for AIDS!" I was rewarded with another furious dicking. And then he stopped again. "How much do you want it?" he asked me. I didn't hesitate and didn't want him to pause any longer "I want it so fucking bad!" I nearly cried. "How much?" Sean said again, not seeming satisfied with the answer. I didn't know what he wanted to say. He clarified, "How much cash do you have right now?" Uggh . why was he pausing? He must have know how much I needed it. "LIke forty dollars, I think." I managed to guess. "Good, you're gonna give that to me," Sean insisted as he put his cock back into me. "Yes!" was my only answer. Sean was growing quite satisfied and I was more than excited as he pumped his cock deep into me. "You're such a whore, you are paying for aids," Sean said triumphantly. "Yes!" I was trying not to squeal in pleasure, "I'm paying you for aids!" I was in disbelief at what I was saying, but strangely turned on. Sean knew I would say or do anything for his dick. I was completely under his control now and he knew it. And I didn't care. His strokes were now quicker and stronger, He felt impossibly deep inside me; and I could tell from his breathing he was close to coming. "Ready for more aids cum?" Sean asked. There was only one clear answer, " Fuck yes! I wanna get aids!" Within a few seconds, he pounded me nearly into unconsciousness. I felt the erupting. I knew I was getting more aids cum and my dick turned into a faucet as I felt him fill unload deep inside me. Whether it was because of shock or pure exhaustion, I passed out. When I finally awoke a few hours later, I looked to my nightstand and saw my wallet opened and turned upside down. I grabbed it and looked it. Shit, I really paid for it.
    3 points
  6. Those of you who have read my other stories have met my girlfriend in them. You know she's beautiful, hiv positive, a flithy pervert and the very definition of the perfect girlfriend, 'good, giving, and game'. She treats me really well, and I do my level best to ensure I do the same for her, but her most recent requested adventure was one of the most difficult and ultimately incredible sexual exploits I have ever been involved in. It all started when I told her about how, until some time last year, I had a habit of once a month going to Steamworks Vancouver for a PNP session with one or two party tops I know. After my wife found out about it, and divorced me, I stopped doing it as frequently, and since entering into my relationship with her, I haven't had any anon sex at all outside of what we have done together. I have decided not to make the same mistakes I made in my marriage, with my new GF, and it's actually been pretty easy. She's very open and accepting, and we have a very trusting relationship despite how short a time we have been dating. She asked for all the sexy details, and much fun was had by both of us as I told her the stories and we fooled around. One result of this conversation was the set of chapters about my ex-wife and her sensory deprivation blindfold gangbang, another result was the adventure we went on last saturday night. As always, a few key elements that don't affect the plot, but which do prevent us or our partners from being doxxed have been made. The events described occurred just as told, though, at least as well as a couple of seriously partied up sluts can remember coherently. Basically, my girlfriend wanted to get into the bathhouse with me, and watch as I played the cumdump for an evening. She also wanted to meet my two top friends, Mr Silver and Mr Black, and maybe get into some trouble with all four of us if possible. Now, I would imagine most of our readers have never been to Steamworks Vancouver, but it's a really nice Bath house. It's also well attended by a lot of hot guys, but unlike other baths I have never seen any CDs or transwomen, or even transmen there. I went on their website, and did some googling. I found out that their policy explicitly says that anyone who identifies as male is welcome, although they do expect trans women and CDs to dress in a more masculine fashion. So I knew that at least there was a *chance* of arranging this. Problem is, my girlfriend is a stunningly beautiful woman. I wasn't sure how easy it was going to be to conceal her extremely female nature. She told me to relax, and that she would handle the disguise. I shouldn't have worried. I got on the phone to my top friends to see what I could arrange, and she disappeared into her bedroom. Soon to be 'our bedroom', by the way, when my lease is up. Yeah, we're moving in together 'Mr Black!', over the phone he was a little out of breath,'Catch you at a bad time?' 'Nope, just finishing up at the gym, good to hear from you!' I explained our little project and I could practically hear his broad grin over the phone, 'Where the hell do you find these incredible little sluts? I am in for sure, and if you want, I can bring some pharmaceutical T for the party. My G connection is no good these days though...' 'No problem,' I replied, and we figured out how much T we would want for us, agreed on a price, and a date. 'I still have a great G hookup through that girl I know. You bring the T and the infrastructure, I will bring the G, and we can sort out who owes what in a couple days.' We settled on the next saturday evening as out date, and I got on the phone to Mr Silver. 'Mr Silver! I have an unconventional adventure happening this Saturday and would love it if you could come!' I explained in detail, and as with Mr Black, Silver was amazed by my constant ability to find the wildest women in Vancouver and make them mine. He quickly agreed to the time and date, said he wold look into sourcing some quality cocks, and of course bring some party treats of his own to share. Silver is one of the only other people I know who buys MDMA directly from my connection, who manufactures it herself and gives it to me absolutely pure. 'See you there on saturday,' Silver said, and rang off. I made a call to my G dealer, and arranged to pick up a litre (I always buy in bulk, usually one or two litres every 3 or 4 months.) She's a little pricier than some, but I've never caught her watering it down, which is worth it to me. Besides, she's cute as hell, gives great head, and is usually more than willing to seal a transaction with a quick hard fuck. My kind of drug dealer. As I got off the phone, a tall slender twink walked out of my girlfriends bedroom. I stared in disbelief. Wearing a trucker hat, a plaid shirt, and some baggy jeans, my girlfriend had morphed into the kind of tight-assed teenaged barely legal chicken that was going to have all the tops in the sauna panting. Her face looked subtly masculine, there was even a hint of beard stubble. The paint was gone from her nails, her eyebrows had been thickened. I jumped up and kissed her, then flipped her away from me, and bent her over the kitchen table. My hands yanked her jeans down, and I dropped to tongue her asshole. 'Aren't you a handsome young man, I said between licks, as I fumbled at my belt. I grabbed the lube sitting on the table, and slathered it on her asshole, and without ceremony rammed it straight into her asshole. She gasped, and in an artificially low voice began that cliche masculine 'yeah man, oh yeah man, fuck me with that big cock man' chant you see in all the movies. It was so hot, I had never thought to role play with her as a dude! She began slamming back at me, then grunted in manly tones as she came, then begged me for my load in 'her tight teen ass'. I groaned and filled her/him. I pulled out, spun her around, and said 'Yeah, you'll pass...'
    2 points
  7. I have a regular bud, a great guy, with a BBC, which, though we've not measured, must be about 10 or more. He fucks like a champ, goes real deep, and always gets past my second ring, which is where he unloads - and where I want it. It's awesome every time, and I drip pre-cum for hours knowing that I'm going to get that big big dick deep in my guts, and that's where he's going to leave his seed. A day or two later, I go for my longest dildo - about 12 inches, just to get a similar experience with my second ring. Not the same, but still like no 'ordinary' fuck (nothing wrong with those, but getting past that second sphincter drives me crazy). Wondered about other guys' experience with their second ring?
    2 points
  8. It had only been a month since my last breeding, but the guys with whom I have had a couple of rounds were not available and my desire for cum has become a constant craving. There is something extremely thrilling and satisfying to be opened up by a man and feeling him unleash his desire inside me. It is so natural, primal and satisfying. With this ache in me I was determined to wade through the flakes and time wasters of the internet sites and find what I needed. The advertisement that caught my eye read "Masculine, dominant bi-total black top, discreet and looking 4 nasty submissive cum loving bottom, bottom must be height weight proportionate and love to service dic. Must be willing to suc cock to completion or take loads up your Cum living hole. I will be rough. Aggressive, no nonsense top who loves eating tight azz/pussy, fucking and droppinnut." I am a sucker for dominant black top guys. I am also aware I'm a typical white bottom in this context, and that for every BBC top there are droves of white bottoms from whom to choose, but hey, the first guy who bred me was a black guy with a cock so awesome he made me cum just by fucking me, so as far as I was concerned the die had been cast: even with the odds against me, I reached out to him offering up a willing, submissive, bi total bottom who would take his load wherever he wanted. And I waited. Waitied, and waited and waited. I could see he had read my response to his advertisement, but there was no reply. Part of me assumed he had chosen a different guy from what was undoubtedly a large number of better offers. It also occurred to me that perhaps I simply wasn't his type, but whatever the case, I was horny as hell and was going to fight like the third monkey on the ramp to the ark. I send another message describing how much I loved getting fucked and bred, selecting a passage I had posted on this site, and to which numerous guys had given me positive feedback, figuring I should use my strengths to get what I wanted. However, still there was no reply. So I added an element of convenience, providing him with my text number, letting him know I was mobile and already prepared. Still no response. I then sent him a message apologizing for sending so many messages, adding what I thought of as a 'throw away line', namely, that when I become obsessed with bbc like his, I find myself willing to do anything for a chance to pleasure it. Sighing deeply, I decided to move on and go about wanking off on bb porn and call it a night, assuming I wouldn't hear from him, only to have my phone ping me with the single word "Anything?" Gasping in shock, I absolutely lost my breath. It was him. "Yes," I replied, although I had the presence of mind to add "except blood, poop and drugs." "I understand," he replied, but then added "but prove it." "How?" I replied. "Show up at my door in 30 minutes and be prepared to do what you are told. If you don't you're a flake. If you say no I'll kick you out." I was there in 20 minutes, but waited until the 30th minute before I approached his door, all the while all too aware I had said I would do anything and I had no idea what that would mean to him. I was aware, however, that there was a definite thrill in giving oneself over to the desires of a dominant top man, in fact I find it a huge turn, but there is also a risk when one doesn't know the guy on the other side of the equation. Still, my internal worries didn't slow me: I rang his door bell exactly on time, all the while I was hard and aching, my shorts were damp with the pre-cum my cock was drooling. The door opened and a ruggedly handsome black man towered above my 5'9" frame. He said "Good you are not a flake, come in." I could see he was in his mid 40s, as was I. He had the semi athletic build of someone who was an athlete when younger but who, in middle life, had eased up on working out. He was still solid and fit but not magazine cover. Still, he was clearly physically powerful and I all but swooned. He led me into his living room where he gestured for me to take a seat. "So you are a cum loving pussy boy aren't you?" "Yes," I responded. "Answer me in full sentences," he snapped. I complied, immediately enjoying my core subordinate identity in this encounter. "Well, a lot of guys make that claim, but you need to prove it if you want my dick and cum, so start by stripping right now, right here." Immediately rising to my feet, I hastily removed my clothing, fumbling a bit with the buttons and hooks, especially as my hands were shaking in excitement. "Are you scared of what will happen or that you want get this cock?" he asked. I realized he had me pegged, it was both, I didn't want to get this far and fail him. The submission was happening, My desire was starting to tune into his demands, so I gave a full response to his question, which seemed to please him. He rose to his feet, stepped forward, and examined my body, ordering me to bend over and spread my cheeks for him. I complied. "Tell me how much your pussy wants my cock and cum," he demanded. Thinking quickly, I repetitiously recited this perverse mantra: "My pussy is yours. I want your cock in my hole. I want your cum in my body. I will do anything to please you. I am a cunt, a slut. My cock is nothing. Your cock is everything. I will do what you order." It was torture and heaven. I wanted to get to feeling his cock in me, I was hungry and getting crazed. I loved the sensation of when a top succeeds in getting under my skin. I heard his zipper and was thrilled! Finally! "On your knees," he ordered. I dropped to the floor on the spot, fighting my inclination to reach for his cock. He noticed my self control, and barked "Tell me how much you want my cock." I responded with a version of my earlier mantra, but he halted my proclamation, with his own: "You said your ass and your mouth were mine. Now I'm going to mark my territory. If you resist or don't exactly obey me, I will throw you out." As he made this declaration he stepped closer so his eight inch, thick, semi-erect cock was close to, but not quite within reach of my tongue. Briefly I though he would force me to deep-throat his cock, but instead he grunted "Don't touch my cock until I give you the okay." Gazing up at his face, I waited his pleasure. Locking eyes, and he ordered me to repeat my mantra. The anticipation was driving me nuts. My whole was being focused on his magnificent cock. I could feel his heat on my mouth, smell him and virtually see his cock growing as I spoke. I was transfixed. "If you want my cum you have to prove it take my piss first. Don't say a word. Just open your mouth and look up at me." FUCK! I hadn't thought of this possibility. I had never swallowed piss before and I hadn't thought about including it in my 'no go' list. This was a potential crisis, but I wanted him so much I was aching and oozing precum like crazy. I had never thought I would be commanded to swallow piss, but hesitation would result in expulsion, and I had come too far to accept that outcome. Gazing up at hi, I opened my mouth and waited. Within seconds his warm liquid filled my mouth. I almost gagged at the thought, but instead swallowed as if his piss was an elixir from heaven. A strange smile combining conquest and satisfaction crossed his face, which led me to remember I had accepted his challenge, and if this was what he wanted, I was not in a position to reject his demands. By now his cock was fully hard and his head pushed into my mouth as he relieved himself in me. I was surprised at how easy it was to do this. What I was not surprised at was how turned on I was by doing this. He finished and I instinctively tongued his cock to get the last drop. "Now that you have some of me in you that is a start, now you need to get rid of your cum, stroke you little cock for me, show me how much you loved being marked, tel me how much you want my cock. It was humiliating to stand there and stroke my cock when all I wanted as his. I repeated how much I wanted his cock, how much I crave his cum and how I swallowed his piss because I am a slut. He seemed to like this display. As I was stroking for him he said "as soon as you cum you get rid of your manhood, you will be a true pussy for me and the only way to be restored is to take my seed get on the bed on your hands and knees." I did and he put a towel under my cock. I kept stroking and I heard him take off his clothes. Tell me when you are about to get rid of your cum he commanded. I was nearing orgasm, usually I cum after I get fucked or better yet during! I knew I would clamp up and probably not be as open to getting fucked after I shot my load, but yet there I was about to drain myself in order to take another man's cum. I told him I was cumming and as I started to shoot his cock pressed into my hole his hands griped my waste and he plunged into me! Cumming and first penetration was intense! I screamed and nearly fainted. I would have fallen away but he had a grip in me and pulled myself and my ass back onto him. There was no build up, it was an assault on my ass, I was clamping down on him as he was forcing me open. I couldn't feel anything but where his cock and my ass met! This was me being fucked into submission. I was reduced to crying and moaning and breathing like I was giving birth. His cock was thick and throwing in me, I could hear the sound of the lube being whipped up into a froth and hthe unmistakeable feel of balls slapped against my as. I heard him moan and grunt and he gripped me tighter. I felt myself opening up, not just the outer part but that inner part that only happens after a whole or a shot of poppers, both opening up almost simultaneously was incredible! The pleasure hit me like a train! No build up just from zero to 11 in seconds. My whole body was alive, nerves tingling at my nipples, toes curling, my skin bristling and shuddered at his touch and what was even more incredible was how my ass/pussy was quivering! I couldn't match his thrusts but I didn't have too my hole was naturally taking him and matching him. I was so proud of how my body was naturally taking care of his cock! After we'd both worked up a sweat and we're breathing hard he slowed down his pace making me feel his full length. I moaned like a bitch and found myself saying how much I loved his cock in me. A different mantra. He pulled out and I whimpered, he flipped me over on my back and put my legs on his shoulders. We both moaned as he slid back into me. I want you to see me as I cum in you, he growled. His powerful arms pinned my shoulders into the bed as I opened up for him. He had complete control of my body, I couldn't go anywhere. I didn't want too I want to be there taking him. His trusts changed and I guessed he was close, I didn't want this to end but I really wanted to feel him cum. I wanted to know I had pleased him and I wanted his masculine seed in me. I needed it. I started telling him so. I want your cum, I need you to breed me I repeated. He didn't reply because he didn't need too. He kept at my with an aggressive pace. He built up to a fevered pitch, pounding away at me, crumpling my body under his weight. I took it and took it and loved it. He shouted look at me bitch and I did, our eyes met and he reared up in all his glory and pushed himself balls deep into me. His body shuddered as his cock spammed inside me, warmth spread through my tenderized hole and a differed pleasure washed over me, soaking into me and filling me from deep within. What started out scarey, humiliating and rough turned into a deep peaceful pleasure that radiated from his cock and his cum to my whole body. He pulled out and I tucked my legs to my chest and tilted my ass back so his load would not fall out of me. Stay here, he said, I wasn't going anywhere. He was gone about a half hour. In that time I relived the past events and I was happy. I still glowed from the experience and my cock grew again at the thought of what I dad done and the still fresh memory of the pleasure I was recently awash in. He came back in and I was still on my back and holding his cum in me. He sat on the bed next to me and told me I was a good. He asked how I was feeling and I told him how good I felt how turned on I was and how much I loved feeling him in me. I said I still wanted more and asked if I could suck his cock. He said I could. I rolled over and found his cock with my mouth an took him in me. I felt hi grow inside me and I was thrilled. I was happy to have him in me again and I lovely suckled on him. He moaned his pleasure and I shifted so I could deep throat him. Again pleasure throughout my body from taking his cock in me. He stood up and I kneeled on the bed and kept him in my mouth. He said "That is good, but I am going to help you out" and with that he pulled out of my mouth and started stroking. I kept my mouth on his cock, I know what he was helping me out with, another load, this time in my mouth for me to swallow. I got hard again and stealthily slid my hand to my cock. I used the pre cum as lube and stroked my cock as he did his. I could have cum immediately but I want do cum as he did. His breath got quicker, his body stiffened and he put his hand on my head. I heard him grunt and he pushed my head on him pushing his cock deep into my throat. I felt his cock jerk inside me and tasted his cum on my tongue. I came as he did so we matched. He pulled out and I swallowed. I laughed and rolled over on the bed, spent, filled and satisfied. "Proof enough?" "Yeah," he replied, adding "you'll get more of my cock. Oh, and by the way, feel free to use the shower" he offhandedly commented as he left the room. I took him up on his offer, and after I had cleaned myself, dressed and went home, feeling completely proud of myself. I hope to return.
    2 points
  9. I posted an add on the almighty craigslist to be breed by some anon straight men. I get an email saying that a group of married men on business wanted to gangbang me anonymous. They texted my number with all their rings and cocks photos to show proof. I still wasn't sure if it was safe. Four on one? What if they wanted to rob me? But I took the chance anyways...I wanted my hole to be bred. So I got a hotel room in a sleazy hotel and prepped myself. I then got a text saying they were outside and to leave the door unlocked and have my ass up in the air. I put my jockstrap on, lubed up my cumhole and got into position...ass high in the air, face down. Ass up and ready to drain some nuts I hear a knocking on my door. I voice for them to come in. "There's that nice fat ass." They smelt of cigars and booze. "Can't wait to empty my nuts in that." Said the other I got so extremely turned on knowing that these random guys were going to unload inside me that my asshole began winking rhythmically. "Lookie lookie here...we got a winker." As one then slid a finger inside my hole. "Wink on my finger nice and slow." I began to flex my hole on his finger nice and slow and he began jerking his cock. "Time to breed this hole." I hear the belt come off and him positioning himself behind me. I relaxed my hole and he shoved it deep inside. It was painful but it felt amazing. He slowly began to stroke me deep and then went faster as he grabbed my hips. I began to tighten my hole as he began to cum inside me. "Jerry (Fictional game to keep anonymity) your turn." Jerry's cock was not long but thick and it certainly stretched me out. My hole was starting to loosen up and you could hear it as the lube and the cum was being mixed together inside my cumhole. After 10 minutes Jerry unloaded inside me. I had to tighten my hole from here on out just to keep the loads inside. The next guy had an average sized cock...but i wasn't complaining. As long as cum goes inside, I'm happy. This guy took about 5 minutes to unload but his load had to be the largest. He was grunting and breathing furiously for awhile while he cummed. "Who's last?" I asked teasing while I shook my ass. "Oh this cumwhore is still game eh" The last guy said as he smacked my ass hard. He slapped my ass a few more times before he entered me. He had the biggest dick out of all of them and knew it. He started out with a moderate stroke, letting me get used to it and then grabbed my hips and began thrusting deep inside my ass. My head dropped due to the extacy. "Yea take that fat dick." My hole was ridiculously sloppy now with all the loads and this huge dick inside my ass pounding away. The sounds from my sloppy hole being plunged turned him on and he fucked me even harder until he came inside me. I had taken 4 loads from men I don't even know what they look like! I was turned on so much arched my back even further to show them my handy work. "Stay there, we want pictures and video." So I stayed put...willingly obliging them to look at my destroyed cumhole. "Wink for us." I began winking as fast and hard as I could. "Now push out our loads in my hand." My hole sputtured out their loads for several minutes. He then smacked my ass with all the loads and rubbed it all over my ass. "Thanks for that hole, slut" I winked my hole at them a couple times on the way out as they laughed. Best saturday night ever
    2 points
  10. ABS earlier. Was hanging in back along wall, with pants down a bit jerking my cock. Place was mostly empty. An older guy, lean and maybe 5-10 with a push broom stache, walks back to where I was and starts jerking his 7" cock right beside me. I turn away from him, and push my pants down more, offering him my ass. He spit on his hand and fingered my ass, so I leaned forward onto a bench, and he works his cock in me nice and slow. Damn it felt good. He fucked me steady for like 10 minutes, then buried deep and came up my ass. He slid out and left, but I stayed put, hoping one of the lurkers who was watching would take his place. Sure enough a young 20 something, who seemed quite nervous, came over and started playing with my cummy hole. Soon I felt a cock head opening my ass and again I just held still as he took his time fucking me. His cock was maybe like 6", never saw it, but it felt great. He came within 5 minutes. Left without saying a word. I felt cum running down my thigh, but still didn't move as I wanted more. My inner pig was on full display. A few minutes passed, and I saw a 50 something guy make his way to back where I was. He wasn't handsome at all- pretty fat, dirty t-shirt, weeks worth of beard, and I think drunk. I didn't care. He got behind me and slid a really fat cock in me. Not too long but man he was stretching me. He fucked hard and fast, and came within a minute. Soon as he pulled out I felt a stream of cum quickly start to run out. I'd like to say this was it for me, but I stayed put and took 4 more loads from other guys. One was a bearded fat guy with about 8", 2 were what I'd call dirty old men, and the last was a hipster looking guy with a man bun and long beard. His cock was 9" and he was first person all night to speak. He said how much he loved sloppy seconds. He was #7, but he was right about sloppy. ..lol
    2 points
  11. Thanks for the rep William xx xx . I love my work!!
    2 points
  12. I got a text from Walt, the Dad this afternoon. All it said was, "Can you be here in an hour?" "Yes. I'll douche, shower and be right over", I texted back. "Just get your cunt over here", was his reply. I quickly douched, showered and headed for his condo. I arrived at Walt's door exactly one hour from the time I got the first text. I rang the doorbell and Walt opened the door. Dressed in a loose, cotton bathrobe that he hadn't bothered to close and belt. His limp, but ample BBC was hanging down his leg. I stepped into the living room. As usual, str8 porn DVD was playing on the TV. "Is Antone here", I asked? "No. The fuckhead finally got a job. He's working weekends now, in addition to school. But, I need my dick sucked". "I'm your guy. Glad you called", I said. Walt takes off his robe and tosses it on the back of the sofa. Then he sits on the sofa and spreads his legs. I quickly undress and take my place on the floor, between his legs. I've grabbed my poppers from my pocket and lay them beside me. Walt lights a joint and takes some deep drags on it while I take his cock into my mouth and begin to suck. His cock slowly swells and grows as I suck. Once he's fully hard, I begin to lick up and down his shaft. Then lick both of his swollen balls. His cell phone that is laying beside him on the sofa rings. He answers and listens to the person on the other end. "Yeah. He can't talk right now. He's got my dick in his mouth, right now". He's laughing, now. "Come on over". "Brian wants to come over. You remember Brian, don't you? You don't mind another dick or two to service? Do ya, bitch?". "Mmm Mmm", I moan with his dick stuffed in my mouth. "Good", he muttered, then he took another deep drag on his joint. I continue to worship Walt's beautiful and now rock hard cock and balls. Soon, he lifts his legs and spreads his ass. Without saying a word, I lick under his balls and begin to lick his black, puckered asshole. I eat his hole in this position for a few minutes, then Walt takes a few more drags from the joint. Then he changes positions and gets on his knees on the sofa, putting his black ass up to my face. I spread his ass cheeks and dive into his ass with my tongue. I try to get my tongue as deep in his hole as I can. Walt enjoys my ass eating for several minutes, then moves around and feeds me his bbc again to suck. "Take your time. I just want to enjoy your holes. No rush" Just then, there's a knock at the door. "Door's open", Walt yells. The door opens and I hear someone enter and close the door. "Lock that top latch, Brian. Will ya? How you doin' Dale? Didn't know you were coming?" "Brian called. Hope it's ok", Dale asks? "Fuck. I don't care. You don't care, do you fag?" Walt said to me. I look up and see both Brian and Dale taking off their clothes beside me and tossing them onto the chairs and floor. "Fuck, no", I said and go back to sucking Walt. Soon, I feel someone kneeling behind me and hear spitting. Soon a wet finger is sliding into me. Another couple of spits and more saliva being pushed into me. Then I feel a hard cock at my hole. I continue my cocksucking on Walt. So, I'm not sure which one of them is trying to enter me? But as it slips inside me and presses further into me, I figure it must be Dale, because of the length. More and more of his bbc are sliding up into me. I finally come up and grab for my poppers. This is a big cock. And I'm going to need the assistance of some poppers to take it. I take some deep drags on my poppers as Walt hands Dale what's left of the joint. Dale takes a some deep drags on the joint, then hands it to Brian. I continue to suck on Walt as Dale starts to fuck me. It's an awkward angle, but I'm taking most of his cock into me. Then Dale pulls out of me, takes me by the arm and pulls me up. "Get on the sofa", he says. I climb up on the sofa and kneel on the edge, my ass facing out. Dale moves behind me and again slides up into me in one quick thrust. He's now fucking me hard. After a few minutes of fucking, Dale pulls out and Brian slide up into me. For well over a half hour it becomes a constant rotation of these 3 BBC's taking their turns in my ass. The angle was awkward, but occasionally, one of them would put his cock or ass up to my face to suck, lick and eat. Brian is the first to cum inside me. He's slapping my ass and grunting as he puts the afternoon's first load in my hole. Once he's stopped cumming, Brian pulls out and Dale takes his place in my ass. Dale slams up into me. "Mmmm........Nice and slick", Dale says. He's really pounding me hard, now. Just a few more minutes of fucking before Dale lets out a low growl and begins to shake. I'm squeezing my ass on his cock as he throbs in my hole. Emptying his load inside me. Once Dale pulls out of me, Walt steps up and slams back into me. The other two are dressing, say "goodbye and thanks" as they leave the condo. Walt now has my pussy all to himself. He fucks and grinds into me for well over 15 minutes before I hear his soft grunts starting. His pace gets faster and his thrusts go deeper. Then a loud groan of...."FUCK...!!!! FUCK...!!!!". And he empties his balls in me. Once he's cum, he pulls from me and drops back down onto the sofa. I climb off and drop to my knees between his legs. I begin to clean off his and his buddies cum that's covering his now softening bbc. I lick every last taste of cum from his cock, then stand and find my clothes that have ended up in a pile near the tv. Walt takes out a cigarette and takes some drags on it as I dress. "Thanks, Bitch. You did great, again. See ya again. Just turn that lock on the knob when you go out", he said and takes another drag on his cigarette. I let myself out, locking the door behind me. My ass filled with 3 large loads from my str8, black fuck buddies.
    2 points
  13. Going Back Home (Part 1) My name is Tyler, I'm 21 (almost 22) and at 5' 10" and about 140 lbs, I have a tight, lean body, hair in all the right places and trimmed where is important. My cock is (probably) of that bottoms dream of at nearly 8". I left this little, one stop light town over 2 years ago with no regrets and never looked back. So why did I return for a long weekend visit, or person I could never forget, my best friend Chase. We were best friends all through high school and discovered a mutual love for gay sex one night when we had been put on a double date. I went out with some nameless skank and Chase took out my sister. Neither of us scored (not that I tried, my eyes were always on chases ass). We dropped the girls at my house and went with chase back to his place. Chase was an only child and his bedroom was very private so as we sat on his queen size bed in only our boxers or conversation turned to sex (as any 18 year old brain was centered). We were both easily turned on and when my had brushed his growing cock chase let a low moan out. I took this as my cue and moved in for more. Before chase knew what was going I had him naked and I was moving in for a kiss. That was the first night (of many) where I fucked him and bred his tight hole. We didn't know anything about safe sex and continued his regular breeding until the day I left. After I headed for the big city he took up with my sister and 'knocked within weeks of my leaving. I hard they had 2 twin boys and saw pics of the family. I had did not go back then to see the new kids, so you may be asking 'Why am I back I town' now? I had a plan and Chase was it! I came in for four days only contacting Chase, asking him to not say a word to anyone. I told him I needed to see him alone and hoped he'd be able to get away for a couple days. Since he and my sister never got married and he still lined at home so that he could give all his extra money to my sister and his kids. I texted Chase the second I got into town, getting a room at a cheap hotel I the edge of town. I asked fire a room I the backside of the property trying to give us some privacy. When I heard a knock on the door I knew it was my conquest. The moment came through the door and I could tell immediately by the bulge in his jeans, the smile on his face and the gleam in his eye he was happy to see me. It didn't take long before I offered him a 'drink', Coke with GHB to heighten his mood & help loosen him up (although I don't think he was going to need to it, the look on his face told me the he missed my cock). What i wanted the G for was to help introduce him to the joys of chem sex and to get him to beg for my poz seed. When I got to the city it didn't take me long to discover Tina and all the ways to enjoy her along with bottoming. I'm not really sure when I got pozzed, but I knew that I was toxic and prime to pass it onto my target. This was part of my plan to get him to come back to the city with me. I don't know if it was the G or his missing me, but we were both naked in minutes. Chase didn't waste much time getting my hard cock down his throat as I rubbed one hand through his brown hair and the other over his lean body. I knew what he wanted, but I had a better place for my saved up cum. I hadn't cum in nearly a month since I discovered my new 'status' (which want easy with the guys I knew in the city). I could tell if I let Chase continue his work he'd have me cumming in seconds before I stopped him and pulled him up for his first man-on-man kiss. He allowed my tongue into his mouth and I knew at that exact moment he would be mine! It was now my turn to orally pleasure my friend. As I kissed and licked my way down my friends skinny, slim body, I could tell how much Chase missed me as his fingers were tangled in my long red hair as I took his hard 7" cock into my mouth as Chase verbally let me know how much he missed me. While I had my friend a 'little' distracted I pulled out my Tina tainted lube (this is my social blend with enough T in it to get his so high that I'll be able to get him not only begging to be pozzed, but to go back to th city with me). I pushed his legs back and turned his ass up so I’d have better access to it. I leaned in to give Chase his first ever rim job. I knew this would (hopefully) break down all resistance in his body and allow me to slip in a shard or two ( or three or four) into his neg hole. As I began to lick, tease and stimulate Chase through his first rim job he couldn’t help control from moaning. I took a couple minutes to ask if he was liking my eating his ass, to which he replied, ‘Fuck yeah, you can do anything you want to me, I missed you.’ That was my cue and I picked up (what was probably) the largest shard of T I had and held it over his quivering hole. Chase looked up as me and asked what it was, I simply told him it was crystal and was about to rock his world allowing him to focus in on his hole and the infinite amount of pleasure he could experience. Without another word I dropped the shard on his slightly open hole before I pushed it inside. I then alternated between licking and fingering as I sunk the T in deeper and deeper while Chase moaned and said that he felt it burning. I kissed his inner thigh as I let him know that that was normal and would soon fade as I took a second shard and slipped in inside with two fingers, followed by a third shard. All the while I continued to lick and shove my tongue into his hole. By the time he was ready for the fourth shard his hole easily stayed open and I simply dropped it in. Looking down at my friend I asked if he was ready for me to own his ass? His reply was simple, Oh god yes! Since I knew he had not been fucked since I left town nearly 3 yrs ago I asked if he was sure he wanted me to fuck him like I used to and breed him. Not like I was going to give him a choice, but I did have some ‘specially prepared’ rubbers just in case. Chase was the typical dumb fuck country bumpkin, as I lubed up my cock with the Tina laced lube he told me that the few times he fucked my sister he never used protection. That’s why she got ‘knocked up’ shortly after I left town. He figured there was no way I could get him pregnant. I was thinking that this was too easy as I slowly sank my lubed up cock inside him, quickly bottoming out on the first stroke. I wanted the first few fucks to be memorable. I could see Chase slipping deeper and deeper into a Tina fuelled haze as I pulled out my pipe and began to get high myself. Chase asked about the pipe. I let him know it was the same stuff I dropped into his ass. He dumbly asked if he could have a toke. But in his position the only thing I could do was shot-gun the smoke to him. After a few hits form myself and a couple more shot-gunned to him, chase was well on his way to knowing the joys of chem sex. I dropped two loads inside Chase before I pulled out. The first time I egged him on to ask for my load, for me to shoot my dirty seed in him. On the second load I got him begging for me to get him pregnant. Each load was delivered with a deep passionate kiss.
    1 point
  14. I was on a business trip in Pennsylvania and was surprised to find there was a video arcade within 20 miles that had glory holes and heavily a M4M clientele. I like to tell myself I'm not a BB whore (although I am), so I slipped a couple of rubbers, a bottle of poppers, and lube into my pocket and made the trip to the arcade. Although I found the place without difficulty, there was no actual signage, so the building looked to be abandoned. I approached the door, range the bell, and was buzzed inside where I paid the $12 admission fee and passed through the turnstile. Inside I found a few hallways, all of which were very dark, each hallway being lined with individual video booths. There were also a couple video rooms with rows of seats, and a few rooms at the back with benches. I could smell the stale cum and antiseptic cleaner everywhere. This place was seriously seedy. There were about ten guys hanging around, a mix of body types, though all looking eager. I finally checked-out an booth which, I saw, contained two glory holes, one cut into each of two opposing walls. Taking a seat, I pulled-out my dick and began slowly stroking myself to the porn on the screen. Before long a player arrived at each of the two adjoining booths. Dropping to my knees, I rested my fingers on the rim of each glory hole and was quickly rewarded on one side with a nice thick cock to suck. Getting into it, and sensing the guy in front of me was enjoying himself, I pulled off my shirt and pushed my jeans down to my calves, pulling a bottle of poppers out of my pocket. I took a hit, inhaling the scent of sex and acetone, and felt the welcome warmth pass through my body. My ass also wanted some attention. As I worked the cock in my mouth, I became aware a hand was reaching through the other hole, so I slid back far enough the guy could play with the tight muscles of my ass. I was bent over so I could keep my eye on the cock I'd been working in my mouth. He withdrew from the glory hole to see what was happening, and heard me take a whiff of poppers. That cock was beautiful. The hand behind me started fingering my hole, poking a bit roughly with too little spit. In front of me, I saw the guy applying lube to his cock. Immediately I felt a rush thinking he would take me raw. I turned around and presented my ass to the glory hole, kicking off my flip-flops and one pant leg so I could position more easily. I inhaled poppers again, and almost immediately the head of that beautiful cock was rubbing against my arse, seeking the hole. I pressed back against the wall and moved my ass a bit. His cock slid in nice and smooth. "Fuuuuuuck yeaaaah," I moaned. He held inside me a moment, and then the fuck started. He was obviously playing for a long game, working me open with his cock, which got wider at the base, and setting a rhythm to his thrusts. I moaned and grunted, stroking my own hardon, vocalizing my satisfaction. I was standing naked in a dark video booth with my ass pressed against the wall and some anon cock boring into me. After a few minutes, the cock slid out of my ass. I waited anxiously, but heard the door to his room open. I stepped away from the glory hole, getting ready to present my ass the other direction. Then the door to my booth opened and in stepped a lean, handsome guy in his early 50's. I recognized the shirt tails I'd seen through the glory hole. He didn't say a word, but pulled his hard-on out and turned me around. I inhaled deeply from the bottle of poppers as he pressed my upper body into a corner by the video screen, my bare skin rubbing against that filthy wall, and my feet sticking to the floor. He slid his cock right back into my hole, and started fucking more vigorously than before. His hands held my shoulders for leverage as he propelled all seven inches inside my hole. I could distinctly feel his balls slapping against my cheeks, which left me even more excited. Pounding my hole for a good five minutes or more, we were both caught up in the pleasure. At once his rhythm changed, becoming more deliberate with each thrust. His grip on my shoulders tightened and he began grunting softly. The guy had decided to seed me, and I had no say in the matter. He stayed in my arse only a moment before withdrawing. He stuffed his spent hard-on into his pants, the lining bulging, gave a quick "Thanks" as he opened the door and slipped out into the dark hallway. I stood there panting in a poppers fog, my ass freshly bred, in a filthy little booth with my clothes strewn on the floor.
    1 point
  15. Pass the Bottom My boy and I are both pretty versatile, but lately, he's been getting more into topping. Now, I like to get fucked every now and then, but not as often as he's been interested in topping, so we decided to open our relationship up a bit and find other guys for him to fuck. We've always played bare with each other and only felt it natural to let him fuck other guys raw too. We've placed a few ads online and hooked up with some hot guys for some pretty steamy times. Sometimes I'd fuck the guy after he pulled out, sloshing around in the bottom's hole, already well-lubed and well-fucked. Maybe we hooked up with six or seven different guys, but one, Tom, was really special. In fact Tom was absolutely adorable. He was no taller than 5' 6” and had a tight little swimmer's body. He kept his strawberry blond hair close cropped, which butched him up a bit. I loved watching my boy plow his raw hole. Tom would bounce up and down on my boy's pole with his head thrown back. He could ride for as long as we could give it to him. Hot. After a really hot three-way, we were piled on our bed with Tom's legs spread wide and his hole loose and cummy with both of our deposits. He asked if we'd be interested in joining him and some fuckbuds for a party. We said sure and he sent our email addresses to Dylan, the guy putting the fuck party together. We got an email from Dylan a few hours later. Here's what he wrote: Dudes, We're a group of guys who like to fuck bare and like to share. We lost two tops and Tom says you guys would fit right in. Condoms provided but not necessary. Frankly, few guys wear them. The bottoms prefer to take their tops' loads home in them. Cum play... We were boned just thinking about it and made sure to clear our schedules. The next Saturday night, we arrived at a fancy house in a really expensive neighborhood. Dylan answered. He was fucking hot. Must have been over six foot tall. Wide shoulders, trim waist, and washboard abs pressed against a tight black muscle-t. He had red hair and big green eyes. Without knowing if he was a top or a bottom, I knew my boy and I would have fun with him either way. Dylan escorted us down to the basement where there were a few guys waiting. He introduced us around and we chatted up the guys. Dylan told us that we could discuss our favorite positions, top or bottom, and fetishes, but no one was the mention status. “Status?” I asked. “POZ or NEG, man. It brings the mood down if we know who we're playing with. Besides, isn't it more exciting not knowing?” Fuck, I thought. This might be more intense than we had planned, but from the growing bone in my boy's shorts, I knew he wanted to stay. I figured since we were both invited there as tops, the risk was really low anyway. My boy and I shook a few hands and groped a few hardening cocks as we mingled. Tom was there with another top friend of his, Andy, who wore a leather cap, was really skinny, and was in his 40s. When the last two guys arrived, Dylan grouped us into a circle. There were eight of us altogether, but it would up being five tops and three bottoms, not including Dylan himself. Dylan asked for a volunteer to switch sides and bottom. My boy's hand shot up in the air immediately without even asking me what I thought. I was a bit taken aback, especially since he had been so into topping lately. Dylan had him and the other three bottoms stand in a circle as he had the tops gather four chairs, plus one for him into a circle around them. “We're gonna start tonight with a round of PASS THE BOTTOM.” “Fuck yeah!” one of the guys shouted. Dylan continued, “Here's how it works. While I play some music, you tops will have about twenty seconds with a bottom in your lap before you have to pass him to the next top. If you don't have a bottom in your lap when the music stops, you loose an article of clothing. If you wind up with your date on your lap when the music stops, you get to remove an article of your bottom's clothing. And remember, there are condoms in the bowl if any of you are chicken...” I did a head count and realized that the numbers were off because the rest of the couples had been invited top/bottom. The rules seemed pretty simple. Dylan sat down to my left and clicked his phone to start the music and the bottoms picked a top and started grinding in his lap. A hot skinny black guy started first with me. He sat down with his back to me and ground his tight ass against my crotch. I reached around and tweaked his nipples. He got up, and the next round, I was without a bottom. I looked two guys to my right to see my boy writhing on the lap of a really big beefy bald guy. The guy had his hand snaked into my boy's shorts and must have been working his nuts or his ass. The top next to me was a lean gym bunny. He had both hands down the back of the black boy's shorts. Then, came the switch. Tom wound up on my lap and straddled me, sticking his tongue into my mouth as he ground against my crotch. A middle-aged guy with a bit of a gut sat down on me next. He sat down so hard that he practically knocked the wind out of me. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my head then grabbed my hand and shoved it down the back of his shorts. He whispered into my ear, “I've had my eye on you, stud. Like what you feel down there?” My fingers found his loose ass all greased up and ready for fucking. I grunted, “YEAH!” and he hopped up. Just after he pulled off to sit on the next guy, Dylan stopped the music. My boy was in Dylan's lap and I was alone. I pulled my shirt over my head as the guys clapped and Dylan restarted the music. My boy plopped down on top of me, grinding away. I reached my hand into his crotch and could feel a puddle of precum there already, moistening the basket of his jockstrap. “Gotta make the next round faster! I want to end up in your lap so I can loose some clothes!” Instantly, the skinny black guy was back on my lap. He worked my nipples hard with his fingers and slipped his tongue in my mouth. He was a great kisser. I grabbed his bubble butt with both hands and helped him dry hump my crotch. Tom skipped over Dylan and was next in my lap. “Having fun, so far?,” he teased as he sat down on my lap. He reached behind himself and started unbuckling my jeans. “Is that against the rules?,” I asked. “The rules are gonna go to shit in a few minutes... Looks like your boy's having a nice time too.” I peeked over Tom's shoulder and saw my boy on his knees in front of Andy. My boy was working down his tight jeans and Andy was forcing my boy's face into his swollen crotch against his briefs. Another switch brought the guy with the guy into my lap again, and then my boy. I'd never seen him so wild. He was fingering his own hole with his hands in his shorts when the music stopped. I yanked his shorts to the floor and he stepped out of them, leaving his ass exposed and beautifully framed with his jockstrap. So far, he was the only bottom with his hole exposed. I knew things were about to get interesting. As we passed the bottoms around again, I saw that some pants had been unbuttoned and some shorts pushed down, but all of the tops seemed to still have their underwear on. As much fun as I was having with those bottoms dry humping my underwear clad dick, I was equally turned on stealing glimpses of my boy's bare hole rubbing against five big hard underwear-clad precummy dicks. The bottoms were passed around three times before the music stopped. While the skinny black guy was wriggling on my lap, Tom wound up on Andy's lap. With Andy's jeans at his ankles, his cock was straining to pop out of his briefs. Tom helped him poke his dick through the slit as he pulled off his own shorts revealing that he wasn't wearing underwear. Before the music started, Tom aimed Andy's dick at his hole and sat right down it with a loud gasp. Dylan restarted the music and pulled Tom down in his lap. I didn't have a bottom, so I looked to one side and saw my boy pulling the bald guys shorts up and freeing his drooling massive cock. He was slipping his asshole over the hard cock smearing the bald's guys precum all over his hole. I jerked my head to the left as I saw Dylan sink his cock into Tom's hole. I couldn't help but pull my underwear down and fist my cock. When they switched, Tom sank right down onto my dick as the guy with the gut shucked down his shorts and took Dylan's bare cock. My boy was bouncing up and down on Andy's tool with his head thrown back in ecstasy. By now the rules were out the window and all bottoms were getting barefucked. Dylan kept the music playing and the bottoms kept moving from guy to guy. I was amazed at how silky and tight Tom's hole was compared to the loose wet sloppy cunt on the guy with the gut. We kept passing each bottom after a few strokes in their hole. Dylan yelled, “Round and round and round they go. Who gets a TOX load, nobody knows!!!” I realized that at least one of the top must have been POZ. I wondered if my boy wanted to take my load or someone else's. When he came by I asked him as I grabbed his ass, raising it onto my dick. “You want my load, or you want one that might be charged?” “I can get your load whenever I want it. I wonder whose I'll get!” With that he winked at me and pulled off of my dick and mounted the gym bunny to my right. I knew I was getting close and thankfully I only had a few strokes in each bottom's ass before they were passed. I loved knowing that I was mixing my precum with each top in all of those asses. The gym bunny was the first to cum, with Tom on his lap. He held Tom's shoulders down and shot his load deep with strong thrusts, raising his muscled ass off of the chair. “I'm taking his load!!!!!!!!,” Tom shouted. That send Andy over the edge and he came hard in the black guy's ass. Those guys pulled their chairs out of the circle leaving me, the bald guy, and Dylan, passing around my boy and gut-heavy guy with the loose hole. We passed them around between us about three times before Dylan lost his load deep up my boy's raw, used ass. The bald guy was balls deep in the guy with the gut and exclaimed, “Help me out over here. He's so loose I can barely feel a thing!” I hopped out of my chair and slid into that sloppy stretched-out hole right alongside the bald guy's thick tool. Finally, I could feel some friction. The bald guy fired off first and I followed suit coating the sloppy cunt with my load. Dylan started applauding and the guys all joined in. My boy had his arms wrapped around Andy and Dylan. “So, can we talk status now?,” he asked. Dylan and Andy smiled at each other and they pulled their shirts over their heads. Andy had a red biohazard tattoo over his left pec and Dylan had a black one around his navel. The gym bunny and the bald guy took off their shirts too, but no tattoos. “Just 'cause we're not marked doesn't mean we're not carrying charged loads!,” grunted the bald guy. Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders saying, “I think me, you, and your boy might be the only guys here who are still NEG.” My boy was weak at the knees, and not from shock, but from elation. “I guess I'm going to get it sooner or later. Anyone want to go for round two and make it happen tonight?” The tops all shouted, “Hell yeah!”, “Fuck yes!” I knew he wanted to be the center of attention. As each guy who wanted to fucked him, I cradled his head and kissed him. Dylan pulled out just before he was ready to cum and slipped behind me. As the bald guy bred my boy, I took my first and only cock of the night. Dylan filled my hole with his toxic spunk before pulling out. All in all, I only took one POZ load compared to my boy's four!
    1 point
  16. I went to a 13 man gang bang last night as the cock clean up sub. It was 12 tops and 1 bottom and me. Basically i was there to keep the tops hard and clean in between their turns. Tops would fuck the bottom and blow and pull out for the next one and sit around. I went around and clean them up with swallowed all the asspussy juice and cum. So much fun!
    1 point
  17. Have you ever gotten enough sex for one day? Thinking over your sexual life, was there ever a 24 hour period where you went "Yup, I've fucked / been fucked enough. I'm done." Top or bottom, it doesn't matter. Someone who likes monogamous relationships, open door-ass-in-air, or gang bangs, it applies to anyone. What was the day like when you got enough? Is it a regular occurrence? Or a rare event? If you haven't, why not? What kind of day are you picturing yourself having? Has it been bad luck? Do you have an insatiable appetite? Are you too far away from people? Are you too busy? Scared? Or is it more fantasy?
    1 point
  18. I finally had enough after a night at the much missed Club Orleans. I spent 12 hours fucking and sucking with over 30 guys. I'd say about half fucked me. I came 8 times over the course of the night. By morning I was so exhausted and satiated I had to wonder when I would ever want dick again. Turns out that only lasted a day. It was a nice feeling while it lasted.
    1 point
  19. He is poz he tweeted that he was not too long ago. Here's the tweet
    1 point
  20. Just love Sydney in Mardi Gras time. As a pig bottom I spend two weeks in pig heaven with visitors from all over the globe here. It is 6.35 am and I have just got home from a night of getting my mancunt hammered and bred senseless. I started with a hook up off bbrts with a german touro in his hotel. Great slab of uncut cock and he opened me up good with a 20 minute fuck in different positions before he drained his nuts into me. He had to go out to dinner and I was horny so I hit the streets and the hook up site again getting a pom who wanted to breed me but had nowhere to go. I suggested we got to headquarters and we met there - again nice thick uncut cock - and again he dumped a hufe load in me. I opened the cubicle door while he was fucking me and he got turned on by the audience and I hoped the show would provide me with more stiff cock and it did. No sooner did the Pom pull out a white guy with a nice cut cock I had been handling while I was getting fucked, took his place. he really pounded me for 10 minutes and I cheered him on every thrust was great and he too dropped his balls into me. I needed a 10 minute break so I left the cubicle and I could feel raw seed running down the inside of my legs and I knew there was no controlling the pig in me. My senses were on fire. I hit the dark roomn a short while later and got prodded four or five times by tops before they moved onto other bottoms. I don't mind tops having a taste of my cunt as I get a taste of their cock inside me so that is fine. One guy who had a beautiful thick cut cock I wanted so bad resisted all efforts from me to get him to fuck me - he just wanted head so I sucked him right off. He must have been edging for a while because he came a bucket load and I quickly had to swallow half so I did not waste any and I love the tatse of man seed in my mouth. I swirled the other half of his load around in my mouth for a good two minutes before swallowing it. I went to the glory hole section and just propped my cunt up against the wall I just needed cock and seed now and got three beautiful anon fucks and each of them cropped their load in me. I turned and cleaned all three of them up and taste of the cum cocktail in my cunt made me so satisfied. I felt so good in the train coming home. I had a wet spot in the back of my jeans but I had a great night taking beautiful cock and seed all night. I am out again tonight for sure.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. I so agree. There's no coupling that I desire or enjoy more than being used by Black Men. A group of aggressive Black men is even better. One thing I love about Black men is that their pleasure is the only important thing. I find myself willingly doing anything they want for their pleasure. Even if it hurts a bit. That mixture of pain and pleasure as a monster cock is ramming my hole is amazing. You're right, It is nature at work. There's truly nothing I like better than being used by a hot black man. I can't think of many things I wouldn't allow him to do to me.
    1 point
  23. nope sorry but I used to wander about it myself. The only way I could sort of find was messaging an admin or site to have them deleted. I do agree a delete button is welcum
    1 point
  24. Hiya ... thanks for the rep and posts xx xx .
    1 point
  25. Hahahahah I laughed so hard when i read that.
    1 point
  26. im tweaking right now how want to get perv with me?
    1 point
  27. Hi, Rawboyz! Another installment of Club120's Monthly BB Orgies... Well, it's March and back to 2 bb orgies at Club120 in Toronto. The next bb orgy is scheduled to happen on Sun., March 26 from 4 to 8 PM. After the loads from yesterday, I asked myself whether I had it in me to go today. I'm glad I did. New guys with new dicks and asses to explore! I got there around 4:30. The action was just beginning. The usual -- rimming, suck, and fucking on 2 floors of a downtown Toronto gay bar. I got fucked a couple of times. No loads though. But it's ok. I saw the object of my desire -- a 29 yr old Italian who I've fucked and deposited a load in him. He's a bottom and already knows me and how to pleasure me. I thought after yesterday I didn't have any more cum left. But I did. About 5 minutes into him sucking me, I managed to plant a load in his boyCUNT. He was very happy, and so was I. Today they installed a 4th sling, 2 on each side of the bar. People were using them. I didn't see any piss play in either washroom. I did fuck about a half dozen hole. I was a bit sensitive still from yesterday at Steamworks Toronto. A well deserved rest tonight after all that good sex. I'm sure Scruff and Grindr will be pinging during the week. More bb sex in-between the 2 bb orgy dates. It'll be 3 weeks until the next orgy. Free donations of daddy cum here at my place... Happy barebacking to all!
    1 point
  28. 264...that's a stroll down memory lane...with a few things to add in for the future.
    1 point
  29. I was cruising the Craigslist posts here in Las Vegas a few nights ago. There was a post from a black couple. One was an older black daddy, aged 52 and his pup, aged 26. Both described themselves as tall and thin with extra long dicks. Well, my weaknesses are black tops. And getting tag team fucked by a black couple would be a dream come true. I quickly replied to their ad and attached some pics of me sucking some bbc's and taking some raw black dick in my ass. Within about 5 minutes, I received a reply from the older guy. He told me where they lived. They had both been smoking some weed and were horny to fuck some white ass. I told him that I was interested. Just give me their address, I'll douch and shower and be there within the hour. He quickly sent his address and I got myself cleaned out. I was so anxious to taste those bbc's. I quickly cleaned up and got to their place in record time. My heart was pounding as I rang the doorbell. The older guy opened the door and invited me inside. "Dave here", I said. "Maurice", he said. Then pointing behind him, he said, "DeWayne". DeWayne was completely naked, already with a raging hard on. And a BBC it was. The very good looking 26 year old was well over 6 ft. tall. Probably around 180 lbs. Muscular with a smooth, rippled chest and abs. His BBC had to be close to 10"s. Rather slim in diameter, but with a very large mushroom cockhead, completely covered in beautiful, black, foreskin. Maurice closed the door behind me and locked it. Maurice was wrapped in a long bathrobe. Maurice was also well over 6 ft. tall. Perhaps 190 lbs. Muscular with a well defined chest, covered with thick, black, curly hair. He had large, erect nipples that stuck up through the carpet of hair on his chest. Maurice was not particularly good looking. Downright homely and awkward looking. But his tall, muscular build was a real turn on. Maurice quickly opened then dropped the bathrobe. He was now naked with a semi hard bbc. His was cock was also close to 10"s long. But thicker than DeWaynes. "Follow me", Maurice said as he led us down the stairs to in most homes would be called a "family room". But in their home it had been turned into a "sex room". A large king size bed with no headboard was in the center of the room. Small, short tables were on all 4 corners of the bed. Each little table had a tube of lube, a bottle of poppers and some small towels all set out to be close at hand when needed. A gigantic big screen TV was on one wall. A hot all black gay porn flick was already playing on the screen. In one corner of the large room, hanging from the ceiling was a sling. Opposite the TV was a large sofa. Covered in a sheet, to protect it from cum and lube. "Get naked, buddy", Maurice said. As he lit up a joint and inhaled a few drags. "Want some?" he said. "Wish I could. But I get tested at work. Can't take the chance". I said with disappointment. Maurice handed the joint to DeWayne. And they passed the joint back and forth between them for awhile as I stripped. Once they'd quickly finished the joint and I was naked, Maurice told me, "Suck my dick, white daddy". I walked to Maurice and dropped to my knees. I wrapped my lips around his cockhead and began to worship his cock as it grew in my mouth. DeWayne walked over to us and he and Maurice kissed passionately as I worshipped Maurices cock. It quickly grew to a full erection. Maurice pulled from my mouth and DeWayne's cock quickly took it's place in my mouth. Since DeWayne's cock wasn't as thick as Maurices, I could take his long cock down the back of my throat. He was definitely enjoying my deep throat. "Put your white pussy in the sling, Dave", Maurice barked. Maurice was definitely in charge. I came up off of DeWayne's cock and walked over to the sling. I quickly climbed in and positioned my ass for easy access. Maurice kissed DeWayne and said to him, "Fuck our white boy, baby". Since these guys were fully prepared, another small table was set up next to the sling. On the table was another bottle of lube and poppers. DeWayne came up to me at the sling and picked up the poppers. He took a couple of deep inhales of the poppers. then asked if I wanted some? "Yeah. I'll take some poppers. Maurice walked over with 2 bottles of poppers in his hands. He handed me one. So all of us had our own bottles of poppers. We were all taking deep breaths of poppers, getting ready for the play to begin. DeWayne dropped to his knees and began to eat my ass. Getting his tongue deep up inside my fuck hole. He spit a few times on my hole, then would slide his saliva up inside me with his tongue. Maurice came beside me and began to suck on my tits. Well....tit play gets me horny as hell. It didn't take very long with my tits being sucked on and my ass being eaten, before I was begging one of them to fuck me. DeWayne stood up, spit on his cock a few times then put his cock up to my hole. He took hold of the leather sling and slid his cock up inside me in one quick push. I took another sniff of poppers and he began to fuck me. My head was spinning from the strong poppers and my ass was in heaven as the youngster fucked my ass. Maurice leaned down to my face and began to kiss me as his young husband fucked my white manpussy. DeWayne fucked me for about 5 minutes, before Maurice changed positions and put his thick bbc into me. DeWayne walked to the sofa, sat down and lit another joint. He just watched as his Daddy/Husband fucked me. Maurice fucked a lot harder. He'd pull out of me, then ram back up into me. I'd grunt as his big cock would continually ram into me. DeWayne finally got up and walked over to us. He put the joint up to his husbands lips as Maurice took a deep drag on it. DeWayne then walked to my head and put his cock up to my lips. It was an awkward angle, but I sucked on his cock as best I could as he continued to suck on the joint. Finally, Maurice took hold of my hand an began to pull me from the sling. "On the bed, Bitch". He barked. I walked to the bed in the center of the room, taking some drags on the poppers as I got onto my knees on the edge of the bed. DeWayne st:ood behind me and slid back up into me in one quick thrust. He held me around the waist and fucked me hard and deep. Maurice climbed up onto the bed. Put his bbc up to my lips, "Suck me, daddy", he said. I was being spit roasted by these two black tops. For about a half hour, these two black tops took turns using my ass for their pleasure. Finally, Maurice layed on his back along side me. "Sit on my black dick, pig", he said. DeWayne pulled out of me and I moved over to straddle his daddy dick. I positioned his cock up to my fuck hole and I sat down onto him. Taking his bbc balls deep back into my ass. "Now, lean forward, Dave. You're going to take us both, now". "Oh, I don't think I can take you both", I protested. Maurice put an open bottle of poppers to my nose. "Here. You'll need these". I took the bottle and took 5 or 6 deep breaths of poppers. Filling my lungs with it, till my head was spinning. Then I leaned over. My face just in front of Maurice. He took my face in his hands, pulled my face to his and kissed me passionately. Ramming his long tongue, deep into my mouth. As we were kissing, his young husband climbed behind me, putting his cock up to my hole, filled with his husbands bbc. I felt DeWayne drizzling cold lube on my occupied asshole. And he lubed up his cock. I came up off of Maurices mouth for a moment to again take some deep breaths of poppers. I went back to kissing Maurice as DeWayne began to push up into me. Even though DeWayne's cock was long, it was relatively thin. I couldn't believe it, but I felt his cock slide all the way up inside me, along side his husbands bbc. They both held it there for a moment, allowing me to adjust to their dicks, then I felt DeWayne begin to pump. I had to keep sniffing poppers, but DAMN!, I actually had two dicks inside me and they were fucking me. I went back to kissing Maurice as now both their cocks were sliding up into me. They had obviously done the double penetration thing with a lot of guys. They had the positioning and rhythm down perfectly. My hole was definitely stretched to it's limit, but to my surprise, I was taking it. They double fucked me for about 5 minutes, then DeWayne let out a loud growl and grunted, "OH, FUCK..!!! I'm Cumming..!!!". He slammed up into me and held it as I felt his body shake behind me. Maurice continued to slam up into me as his young husband's cum was filling my ass. DeWayne was shaking in orgasm and groaning for several moments, before pulling out of me, then climbing to the other side of the bed, to feed me his cum covered cock to clean off. I gladly sucked and licked every drop of his cum from his cock as it softened in my mouth. Then Maurice pushed me off him. "Get on your knees again", he shouted. I got onto my hands and knees. Maurice got behind me and began to lick his husband's cum from my hole. He slid his tongue up into me., then began to suck on my puckered hole. He was drinking every drop he could of his stud's cum from my ass. Then he knelt up behind me and slammed back into me. I had to take another deep sniff of poppers, as he now fucked me forcefully and deeply. I could tell he was really turned on. His fucking was now brutal. He was holding me tightly around the waist as he continually slammed into me. He'd pull all the way out of me, till just the tip of his cockhead was in me, then he's slam back into me, with a grunt. It only took a few minutes of brutal fucking before Maurice let out a loud groan. "FUCKKKKKKKKK....!!!!", he screamed, as he slammed deep into me and held it there. His body was shaking in orgasm. I could feel his cock throbbing inside my ass as he filled my guts with his load. A few more deep thrusts, then he pulled out of me with a "plop". I collapsed onto the mattress, trying to catch my breath. Maurice got up and walked to DeWayne. They kissed each other passionately as I layed in exhaustion on their mattress. Soon they laid down on either side of me on the bed and we took turns kissing each other. Then I felt Maurice slap my ass. "Thanks! You're a fun fuck", he said. I knew it was time to leave. "Anytime", I said. I got up, cum dripping down my inner thigh as I put my briefs on and dressed. Once I was dressed, I thanked them both again for the fun fuck. "You've got our number. Call us sometime. We'll fuck again", Maurice said. As I walked to the door, Maurice and DeWayne continued to kiss on the bed. I let myself out and climbed into my car. I could feel cum soaking my briefs and pants as I drove home. Completely satisfied by the hot fuck. And still amazed that I actually had two cock inside me at the same time. I will definitely be back to play with these two, again.
    1 point
  30. Friday evening After waking up for the second time that day I felt sore, used and confused, I was now divorce with some sex workers poz load in my ass. My head swum at what that mean, I couldn’t even digest what was going on in my life it was all just too much to handle at once. It was around 6 pm when the fog cleared enough in my head to think of anything to do, the first thing that popped in was the mundane task of getting the mail. Simple enough thing and easily done….small steps I guess. I opened my front door and there was another supplement delivery form next door, this time with a note. “Ran into your ex as we were leaving, sorry to hear neighbor. Mixed these up figure you might want to just get a run in and clear your mind. Let us know if we can help” There were a total of six bottle altogether and this time they were a much darker yellow brownish tinge, I wonder if they made them extra strength knowing I need a boost. Forgetting about the mail I grab the gift and went inside putting 5 in the fridge and, thinking that a run sound like a good idea started drinking one. Gah these must be stronger they tasted a lot more acrid, the pleasant warmth filled my belly and I went upstairs to put on my running gear. Once I had my blank jock and tank top on I grabbed my big butt plug and worked it in my hole. Didn’t want cum leaking down my leg on a trail. Then stepped in my shorts and shoes. I know they said only drink one and these were made stronger it seems but with the day I was having I grabbed a second one from the fridge and quick chugged it. And just like that I was off. I took the same way that Tom and Mike and shown me the other day, my wind was really good and soon sweat was dripping of my body and my tank was soaked. Those water bottles really did the trick though, between the running and the supplements my mind was clearing up, letting me focus just on my running and movement, of course this also meant the movement of the plug in my ass which felt amazing as it was worked around. Working my way through the woods I followed the same trail as before and found my way over to the highschool. There I did some stretches and then some pushups and squats just for some muscle work. Having drank two bottle I started to feel like I had to piss so turned around and started back down the path. It was about 7 at this time and the sun was still up but on the horizon heading towards night. Jogging along the urge to piss for more and more urgent, not helped any by the plug in my hole. I was about half way through the woods when I noticed an off shoot and decided to chance it and take a quick piss. I slowed to a walked and walked the meandering path in a bit. It came to what looked like a bit of a clearing, I quickly pulled my short down ad bit and fished my cock out. Took awhile to get a stream going as I was half hard but once it started damn that felt good, man I must had had to go more than I thought I was pissing for a good minute when I heard a noise behind me. Startled I turned and saw an older guy come through the trail. He was maybe like 50s decent shaped dressed similar to mem he looked down at my pissing cock and then back up and me and winked. With that he went a bit away from me and started to piss as well. Fuck that was close , thank god he was just int eh same spot as I was. Unfortunately his appearance my my cock go hard again and I had to strain to get my flow started. Suddenly I jumped as I felt his hot breath on my ear “Need help with that?” Without a word or asking his hand reached around and grabbed my cock, instinct and my inner slut took over as moaned and leaned into his body. He smelled of sweat from running and it was like poppers, I moaned as he worked my shaft and his mouth nibbled on my ear. “Haven’t seen you in here before, you must be new. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. Would you like that? Want Daddy to take care of you Son” “Oh yes please” I gaped breathlessly as his hand worked me slowly making me writhe against him, his other hand reached down the waist band on my shorts cupping my and agoign to my hole. “Fuck what do we have here, must be my lucky day. Bend over boy” His tone made me do as he said and without a thought in my head I bent forward. He pull my shorts all the way down showing my ass and the handle of the plug. “MMmmmmm jackpot, fucking slut bottom boy running with a plug in his ass. We are going to have some fun. Stay just like that boy.” He backed away a bit and I turned to see him taking a pic with his cam and typing into his phone, I started to straighten up and he was on me, turned me around and slapped me hard across the face. I saw stars and before I could regain my composure he pushed me to the ground and whipped his cock out. “Suck that cock slut boy” His cock wasn’t that big but it was uncut, sticking out of a silvered bush. My mouth watered and I stuck my tongue out and licked under the foreskin tasting his sweat, piss and precum. I moaned around his cock and began to take more and more of it into me. My Daddy threw his head back and lifted his arms showing dense pit fur. I hint of humiliation hit me as I realized I was still hairless from the neck down. I heard a rustling coming from the trail and Daddy just looked down and smiled at me. Through the break in the trees came two younger guys about college age, they looked similar enough that they must be brothers. “Glad you could join me, look what I found sons” My eyes grew big as it hit me, these were this guys kids and he had texted them to help in using me. The short of the two came around back and lifted me up still bent over blowing his father. He grabbed the plug and pulled it out in one quick motion . My muffled scream not stopping anything as the first son shoved his cock in my hole and started fucking me. Being young he didn’t last one and grunted adding more cum to my ass. He pulled out and his brother took his place, his cock was thick and a moaned as it hit my prostate making my own cock leak into my jock. At this point his father started to speed up the abuse of my mouth and I could hear his breathing picking up. His son redoubled his effort and the two flooded me at the same time. The father’s cum was sweet and I gobbled it down as I fell the older son fill my hole with a second load. “Good job boys should be fun for the rest. Lets go” Spent I dropped to my knees as the three put themselves back together. My hole felt empty and I grabbed the buttplug and started working it back in my hole. It felt so good I started fucking my hole with it bouncing on it sweat dripping form me , my eye glazed over I watch as the three left the clearing. I sat back down on my heels wondering what to do when I heard someone approach again. The guy that came through the clearing was about my age but very much not a runner. He wasn’t fat but not in great shape. He leered at me and smiled, grabbing his crotch. My mouth watered and I zeroed in on it as he unzipped and pulled out a decent sized dick and walked it over to me. Without thinking I started sucking, wanting more cum needing to get more in me. A bottle of poppers was placed at my nose and I took a big hit, then another, then another. Y head swam as I sucked harder and hard. The guy moaned and thrust his cock dripping precum in my mouth. Hands again grabbed my ass and lifted me. Someone else must have come into the clearing. I felt the plug pulled from my ass, my tank was pulled from me and the plug was place in that on the ground. A cock lined up and shove in me. It felt great, sliding in my worn hole I moaned around the cock in my mouth as the man shot his cum. It was bitter and watery but I swallowed it down. He stepped away and was replaced by another cock. I no longer noticed the guys just the cock. I was in a daze, I felt horrid and dirty thinking of sucking all these dicks without knowing the guy, without being attracted to them. The guy using my mouth had a belly that would hit my forehead with each thrust. The guy in my ass grunted and I felt his cum added to my hole. At this point I stood up and needed a breather. The light was fading but I could make out a couple more guys, no one I would have picked up at the bar. A hand came around my chest and the bottle was placed to my nose. I heard the command breathe……and I did. The bottle was held there as I inhaled forcing me to take hit after hit, my head swam and my breathing increased. “There you go, that’s the ticket now bend back over and let us finish shooting our dirty loads in that hole. You know you want it slut boy “ I leaned over and grabbed my ankle as another cock entered me. A sigh escaped my lips and the rocking continued. The slapping fo their flesh against my ass. Working the loads deep in me. Tears formed at my eyes as the man grunted cumming in me and slapped my ass hard “Who wants to knock this cunt up next”………..
    1 point
  31. Just thought I'd give a small update on my time at Sheffield (UK) Cumunion last night. The night officially starts at 7:00pm but doesn't usually pick up until a bit later. I arrived at 7:30 after a long extensive douche to make sure I was 100% clear for the whole night! Nothing worse than getting 3 hours in and finding some stray bits! Hah Anyway, I arrived, stripped off and put on my cock ring and backless jock - I'm a slutty bottom but the only way I'll get hard after hitting the poppers is with a cock ring! I went straight upstairs to see what action was happening and boy was it busy and 'happening' already. There is a communal video room with a fuck bench, several slings, 5 glory holes and 5 private rooms (but they're locked open on cumunion nights to promote group sluttiness!) I went in to a room to live my ass up and I'd barely got the packet opened when a hard top walked in and summoned me to turn around. I quickly turned, lubed my ass and took a few hits of my poppers. He fucked me for a few minutes and a crowd started forming. He moved aside and 3 other tops took it in turns fucking me for a few minutes - sampling my ass but being 'British' enough to understand a queue was forming and they would have to be polite and move along! Haha I walked out of the cubicle and a short older daddy top approached me. Nice big cock - about 7" semi hard. I had a feel and went back in to a cubicle. I had my legs up in the air in a matter of seconds and away he went to work. Pounding me pretty hard - he was about 8-9" hard by now. He asked me if I had any loads up there yet and I said no. He asked me if i wanted his dirty load up my ass to which I replied this neg ass wanted nothing more! After 5-10 mins of fucking and dirty verbal he unloaded in my ass and 2 other tops proceeded to fuck me but neither cum in me - it was still early! I'd been there about 45 mins by now, and had had 7 different cocks in my ass for about 35 of them mins and 1 'dirty load' confirmed! I walked around and there was a decent mixed crowd - a lot of older 'dilf' type guys who are exactly what I usually go for and a fair few younger / middle aged guys. I recognised quite a few from previous cumunions and pleasantries were exchanged. Through the night (I only stayed till midnight but it goes on till 3-4am) I took at least 10 loads and got fucked by at least 25 guys. Some in glory holes, some on the public bench and some in the cubicles with guys peering over and watching. One that stood out was an older tall daddy type guy - late 40's but very 'headmaster hot' if you know what I mean. He had a big 8-9" thick dick and I'd seen him fucking a few guys previously. Boy did he give it to them so I wanted a go too! I took him in to a cubicle and he was already hard. So I took a few hits of poppers and opened my now well lubed and very very cummy ass for him. Did he go to town or what - rammed and slammed my ass with his big daddy dick for 20 mins or so with me begging for his load but he said he wasn't ready! I absolutely loved every minute bouncing on his huge cock though, and he was definitely one of the best fucks I've ever had! As time grew later, some bottoms wanted to load up an ass before they headed off and I willingly obliged, secretly massively turned on that I was their chosen ass after they had been taking loads all night! Over the course of the 4-5 hours I was there, there must have been 100-120 guys in attendance, quite a few supporting big thick dicks in front of them! I ended up topping 2 guys and dumped my load up a very handsome, tall tattooed slutty bottom. Loved fucking his sloppy cummy ass! An excellent night and I'd be very surprised if I came away neg! Although I say that at all the cumunions but still get tested neg - that right guy with a high VL just hasn't come along unfortunately! Any other guys off here go to the UK cumunions?
    1 point
  32. Seattle has great healthcare for poz people and is a nice city but rents are rising fast and gentrification is happening all over. Our state has medicaid expansion so that is something to consider if your out of work but who knows what will happen with the GOP set to dismantle Obamacare thought the gov of WA is a Trump antagonist so hopefully things won't be awful here once the dust settles.
    1 point
  33. Frantic, Love your erotic sensual pics! More please! Read1
    1 point
  34. Totally forgot to post about vegas cummunion is febuary! There was a great turn out and an interesting bathhouse. I was there early so plenty of short fucks and I got a few loads. The really fucking awesome part was having an older lady at a sex store turn me on to a new pill while i was in vegas. I can get hard always but what i couldnt do is keep fucking between loads, problem solved. And if you seen me fuck that black man or sexy asian in the tv room please add a comment....those pills made me an animal and that tramp stamp is kinda hard to miss lol
    1 point
  35. So, I'm a real cumslut. For reasons I won't elaborate, I need to stop dating for a while. Well, this morning, this nice fuckbuddy of mine (only fucked me once, but we chat regularly) contacted me on Scruff to ask how I was, and to mention that he was horny and at home, day off. I told him I shouldn't, that I had no time to clean out, etc., but he was persistent, insisting that he didn't mind my hole as it was, and really wanted to breed me. In the end, he won me over and I drove to his place over the lunch break. Well, basically, I learned two things: That my hole was surprisingly clean despite not cleaning out; That my fuckbuddy was capable of planting five (5!) loads in my ass in little over an hour! This fuckbuddy is a great guy, sweet, bear type, chubby, cock not too big but very hard, and always horny. By the time I arrived at his place it only took about 30 seconds for him to strip me naked and bring me to his bed. After making our a lot and me sucking his dick hard, the fucking began! The first two loads he fucked into me while lying on top of me on the bed. The third one I got by sitting on his dick, while he lay on the bed and enjoyed me tweaking his nipples. The fourth load took a while. I had to do some ass-to-mouth (luckily I was so clean) and he ended up breeding me sitting on the edge of the bed while I sat on his dick. The fifth load was an extra one. I actually had started to get ready to leave when he pushed me hands and knees on the bed and pushed his bare cock in me from behind, fucking his fifth load within a minute or two. I loved every single minute of it! So now I have to stop dating for a while, but at least I have this great fuck to remember for now! And yes, the 5 loads are still soaking in my ass as we speak. I've managed to keep them in (got good muscles down there :P).
    1 point
  36. I have an anon daddy that calls me from time to time (usually on a lunch break or random hours that he sneaks away from his family). Today he sent me a text that he was horny on his lunch break. So I told him to stop by. I stripped down to a jockstrap unlocked my front door and put on my blindfold (He's bred me a few times now and I haven't actually seen him yet) and got on my knees and waited. After a few minutes I heard him open the door and start walking over to me. He must have been really angry from work today because he was more verbal with me. Duck slapping my face telling me "to do the one this I'm good at" and how I'm "lucky I make a good cum dump". Once his cock was throbbing he turned me around and spit on my ass and started rubbing his head against My hole. "I'm going to pound you like the worthless slut you are" he said as he slid his cock in me, he took no time and just went straight to plowing my ass like a jackhammer. I had asked him to stop and he just leaned and said into my ear "shut up and just take it." Then pushed my head down and fucked even harder until he shot his load in my ass. He pulled out zipped up his pants and left.
    1 point
  37. 214. Once you start getting to the 10 pointers they add up real quick.
    1 point
  38. On Tuesday I went to my gym to work out. This is a straight gym at which there are many hot guys at whom I wouldn't stare, although I do take quick glances in the locker room. A week ago I saw a hot, heavily muscled guy in his mid twenties who was working out. After my workout I went to the sauna steam room. The place was crowded but after a minutes the muscle guy walked in, and to my surprise, out of the corner of my eye I realized he was discretely stroking his cock. He saw me looking and smiled. I returned the smile, but the sauna was too busy to do more than that. After a few minutes I went to the showers and, as is my custom, I didn't bother closing the curtain. Scarcely had I gotten under the water when the muscle guy entered the showers, taking the stall across from mine. He resumed stroking his cock so I stroked mine. As we watched each other, I noticed he had a PA in his cock, which I found somewhat surprising as I had never seen anyone wearing one while at the gym, especially a straight gym. Before long I came, blowing my load in my hand. I swallowed my load - just for his enjoyment, and he gave me a wide smile in approval. That brings me to Tuesday when I again saw him working out, and again, after my workout I entered the sauna, where I found only one guy. No sooner had I entered the sauna when the muscle guy also walked in, and within a minute or so the other guy left, so the muscle guy and I were the only two in the sauna. Muscle guy dropped his towel and I followed suit. He checked to see if anyone was coming, and apparently seeing no one, he ordered me to suck his cock. Of course I complied, PA and all. After a bit he ordered me to stand-up, and he crouched down, sucking my cock. I couldn't believe this is happening in a very straight gym, but I wasn't complaining. After sucking me for a minute or so, he stood-up, and said "I wanna see your ass," so I did an about face and bent over. In no time his raw cock and PA were deep inside my hole, no lube. He fucked me for about two minutes, and then grunted and came in my ass. After he withdrew, we both remarked we couldn't believe what had just happened and, of course, we were both relieved no one came in the sauna. I felt his cum in me the whole way home and all night. I can't wait to get back to the gym.
    1 point
  39. Just got back from blasting a load inside this 18 year old twink at my apartment complex - it was his first time being rimmed and barebacking and his first time with an "older guy" (I'm 26 and hairy as fuck) and it was my first time wearing a cock ring (a Christmas present to myself, I just don't top often). I went over and we made out for a bit to get him over his nerves, he sucked me hard and I ate him out, lubed up and fucked him nice and slowly so he could feel every vein in my cock. Once he relaxed and opened up I picked up the pace and started jacking him off. It wasn't long until he shot his load up onto his face and chest and I coated his guts with my cum. It was definitely the most fun I've ever had topping, and I think he enjoyed it too. Hopefully we'll do this more often.
    1 point
  40. ABS last night- I saw a really heavyset bearded bald guy all by himself in back corner. He was definitely gruff looking, which thankfully kept the trolls and twinks away from him. I strolled back and nodded, and noticed he had his hand in jeans pocket rubbing his cock. I stood a few feet in front of him, lowered my jeans a bit to expose my ass crack, and leaned onto the wall partition, staring straight ahead at the big video screen in front of room. Sure enough within moments I feel a hand on my ass and a finger finding my prelubed hole. He fingers me a bit and slides my pants down enough for full access. I bend forward a bit more so he knows 100% what I want, and soon am feeling his cock right on my hole. His hands grab my hips and he starts to push in slowly, and I'm sniffing some poppers and enjoying being opened up. He feels thick and keeps sliding in til my ass truly felt full. I never saw it but I'd say he was a good 8 or 9 inches. He bottoms out, and his belly is pressing hard into my back. He starts fucking nice n slow, and reaches around and starts jerking me as he fucks. His thrusts, him jerking me, and the poppers were too much and I start to cum hard, clamping my ass hard around his cock. He speeds up, then thrusts in me one last time before everything stops and I feel his cock spasming inside me. We stand there not moving for a good minute, until his cock slips out of me. Instantly I feel cum running down my thigh. He rubs my stomach and with the other hand feels my cum filled hole, then he zips up and walk s out. As I'm leaving a few minutes later, I see him pulling out of parking lot in a tow truck. Sexy.
    1 point
  41. very hot that you recycled all those loads into the next receptacle! I've been fulfilling a lot of lifelong fantasies the past year, but one I haven't acted on yet you could have made happen. I want to go to cumunion or similar place and watch some hot cumdump take load after load after load including mine and until he's ready to call it a night. He's been watching me notice what a complete slut he is. He needs to drop his load someplace before going home, reaches around to scoop some cum from his hole as lube, coats his cock and notices be bend over to take his cum covered cock and load with his own cunt still dripping anon seed.....made me hard just writing that! Congrats on that load count
    1 point
  42. If I take his cock bareback, then it's implied consent from me that he can cum inside me if he wants. Of course if he's fucking me bareback, then I'm usually begging him to cum. If I wasn't willing to take his load, then I would have never let him in bare in the first place. As for blow jobs... it's just rude to the man to not to let him cum in my mouth. It's also disrespectful of me not swallow his load. If he chooses to pull out and shoot all over my face, that's completely up to him.
    1 point
  43. Chapter II. I backed away from my boy as he disappeared into the darkest corner of the basement dark room. He was well-lubed and stretched out from taking three fresh loads, one of which was POZ. Knowing that I had helped fuck those loads deeper into his hole kept my cock hard. I felt parched and needed a rest, so I headed back upstairs to the bar, knowing my man was in the basement getting fucked. Raw. Taking cum. I headed up the stairs and sat on a barstool. The bartender gave me a smile, and poured a beer for me. I gulped it down. He smiled at me and asked "Are you and your boyfriend having fun?" I nodded, grinning wildly. "Mind if I fuck your boy?" I assented without any hesitation. The bartender made a quick round making sure the other patron each had a full glass, and then he stepped out from behind the bar, brushed behind me, grazing my ass, and slipping his hand into my pants. I shivered. He gave a gesture towards the stairs and without hesitation I followed him back down into the darkness. He grabbed my hand and led me through a maze of bodies and hallways. My boy was laying on his back on a bench in the middle of the room. There was just enough light to recognize him, even if he was surrounded by four or five guys who were jerking off, and he had a huge cock down his mouth, a cock in each of his hands, and a final cock was planted deep in his ass. The top fucking him was holding my boy's legs high so he could really pound hole. I watched as the top’s ass flexed and jiggled. He was a hot guy, and his ass was a little saggy, slamming with each thrust. He threw his head back and grunted as he shot his load. I knew there was little chance that he was wearing a condom. When he pulled out, the bartender knelt down and sucked his big slimy uncut cock clean. The top stood to the side so the bartender to could take his place. I recognized him as our tour guide, a tall beefy Nordic-looking blond. He smiled at me as he shook his cock. My eyes were drawn from his face down to that glistening cock. Even in the dimness of the room I could see the tattoo of a biohazard symbol which surrounded his navel. But his enormous cock really caught my eye as it was still hard. He put his arm around me and reached for my cock, first rubbing it over my jeans, and then slipping his hand inside. I unbuttoned them for him and he whipped my dick out. He whispered "If you guys are into this scene, I could organize some extra fun after the rest of our group goes back to the hotel each night." I nodded instantly. The bartender had started slapping his cock against my boy’s sloppy hole. He turned to me and reached out for my hand, leading it to his mouth. He spat into my hand and then placed my hand on his cock, so naturally I jerked him a bit, lubing him up. Then, when he felt himself to be sufficiently slick, he leaned forward and I shimmied his dick around a bit, helping him ease himself into my boy’s ass. Raw, of course. He started pounding my boy’s ass and my boy moaned in pleasure, even with the cock in his throat. My boy was in heaving in pleasure, having released his inner pig and taking loads from strangers. The crowd cheered on the bartender in a cacophony of languages. His pace picked up as he got close to cumming. His eyes locked on me as he shot his load, breeding my boy. He pumped a few times, caught his breath, and pulled out, his cock glistening, slimy with foam, his pubes matted with cum. With his sloppy dick hanging out, he grabbed my hand, leading me, and the POZ tour guide out of the room. I turned my head to see a thin scrawny guy mounting my boy. The guys led me to a cabinet with a hole in the wall. I knew what a gloryhole was, and seeing my boy taking that cum without regard to status or even knowing their names made me so horny I knew I was up for more anonymous play. The bartender didn’t ask, rather he told me, ‘You’re gonna clean off my cock.’ He disappeared and a few seconds later, his sloppy cock came through the hole. I bent forward and started licking. Gobs of cum slid down my tongue and into my throat. I nearly gagged as I felt my pants being pulled down to my ankles. I pulled off of the bartender’s cock to see the POZ tour guide leering at me. His mammoth cock was still out, and hard, oozing precum. I shook my head no, since I only rarely bottom, and had never taking a cock as big as his, certainly not raw, and certainly not POZ. He nodded ‘yes,’ and knelt down behind me, spreading my cheeks. I knew he was going to loosen me up with his tongue, and I’d eventually take his cock, and his seed. I relaxed into his scruffy face, feeling tingles as his stubbly grazed my tender ass. I went back to nursing the bartender’s cock, still hard, and still slimy. I guzzled down the cum on his cock, savoring the flavor of my boy’s ass juices and the cum of uncounted guys. After a couple of minutes the bartender’s cock swelled-up, and I felt his balls jerk against my chin, so I knew he was about to cum. I made the move to pull away so he could shoot on my face, but the tour guide held my head in place, the bartender skull-fucked me as the tour guide stood up and slapped his cock against my ass, sliding in surprisingly easily, balls-deep. Just as the tour guide hit home, the bartender started shooting into my throat. I gagged as my mouth filled with his cum, unable to swallow fast enough. His cum actually bubbled out of my mouth and onto my chin. A thought flashed across my mind: for the first time I was filled with dick from both ends, but I didn't dwell on the thought as the tour guide released my head, swiped some of the bartender’s fresh cum onto his fingers, withdrew his cock from my hole only to slide his cummy fingers into me. I groaned in frustration as the bartender stepped away from the glory hole. But my disappointment was short lived as a new cock appeared in the glory hole. It was not particularly big, but it was beautiful. The guy pulled his foreskin back and I dove onto it. The tour guide replaced his slimy fingers with his bare cock and slid back into me, balls deep. He didn't fuck, but seemed to just stand there, his dick flexing as I swallowed down the new cock, which I slurped until the guy in my mouth came. This time I didn’t try to pull off. I did, however, notice that my ass felt full, warm, and wet, and unbidden the tour guide patted my shoulder saying "Good boy." I turned my head back to the tour guide, my guts still full of his hard dick. I shuddered and said to him "You can fuck me." "Why? What do you want," he asked. "I want you to cum in me," I replied, quivering in excitement and frustration. "I already have," he explained, withdrawing his cock from my ass, only to kneel behind me, slurping out what I now realized was cum. When he had gathered a fair amount of cum into his mouth, he stood me up and kissed me, forcing his seed into my mouth. Three loads in my mouth, and one in my ass. I heard a chuckle, and saw my boy, naked, covered in sweat, cum matted in his hair, clapping. He embraced me as the tour guide licked the stray dribbles of cum off of my face. I pulled my shirt down and my pants up as my boy went to look for his clothes. We met up upstairs and the bartender gave the three of us a final beer, this one on the house. We took a cab back to the hotel with the tour guide, fondling each another the whole way. I was hoping that the tour guide would follow us back to our room for some more fun, but he told us to rest. We had to get some sleep, and be up early. The following morning we would hop on a bus to Prague. He told us he could arrange for some extra special fun there. We nodded and went back to our room. We collapsed into a sticky tangle in bed. He told me he didn’t know how many loads he had taken, and I told him about sucking cock at the glory hole. I topped him as he told me about feeling released, and of course I bred him. It felt so different breeding him with all of that cum inside him. I lay on my back and let him top me for the first time. He fucked me, telling me how hot it was watching the POZ guy tell me he had cum inside me. We fell asleep in a sticky pile, excited about what was to come the following day.
    1 point
  44. Part 11 The guy standing next to Eric as they watched Cory breed Bobby with his poz seed told Eric that Cory better enjoy this fuck because it's the last time he'll ever top. Eric noticed the guy earlier and didn't know him and expected he was with one of his friends guests but was surprised to learn he had come with Cory. They were a Daddy/boy couple and Cory had only recently tested poz after having taken his Daddy's poz loads for nearly a year. Daddy or Earl, was the only man to have ever fucked Cory and did so the first night after introducing the kid to Tina. He told Cory that if he was to be his boy that no one else could fuck him nor could he fuck anyone else until he tested poz. Once he tested he would poz another boy then he would never fuck again and would become a cumdump for Earl, his friends and anyone else that wanted him. Earl told Eric that he would get Cory fixed so that he'll stay a submissive bottom. Eric asked if he meant to fix him ike a dog. Earl said no that Cory's balls would stay intact but he was getting him fixed chemically. The same drug used for sexual deviants which would prevent erections or ejaculation. A buddy of Earl's had told him about and had used it on his boy. It sounded severe but Earl told him it was prescribed to children to stop puberty if it started too soon. And since Cory was only 5'6" and 110 pounds it would make him stay a boy. Eric asked if Earl was ready to make Cory a cumdump and slam him up like Bobby. Earl pulled out an eyeglass case and showed Eric that he came prepared to turn Cory into a fucked up fucktoy if Eric was ok with another bottom boy and Eric told him as long as he could use Cory too. Earl called Cory over and strapped the boy's arm as he told him it was time for him to stop pretending he was a top and become the boy he really is. As Earl was giving Cory his treat he told Eric that the most he ever slammed Cory with was .4 but this is .6 and he was fixed too. Earl then told Cory welcome to the rest of your life. Cory coughed hard and heard loud ringing then drifted away into a place where all he felt was pleasure. Eric and Earl watched the boy cough, shake then settle down and saw drool coming from his mouth and his hard cock disappeared and now looked like it would forever. Earl rolled Cory onto his belly and told Eric he was his to enjoy. The boy looked completely out of it which didn't turn Eric on but the boy's ass was calling him and he liked knowing that his cock was only the second one to breed the boy. Eric leaned over the boy as he wanted to have his tongue in the boy's mouth as he pushed his cock into the tight little hole. As Eric touched his face Cory opened his eyes and saw Eric on top of him and softly asked him if he was going to fuck him and Eric smiled and pushed the head of his cock into the boy and then told Cory he wasn't just going to fuck him but he was going to breed him and turn his tight little boyhole into a cunt. Eric lowered his head and got his tongue into the boy's mouth as he bottomed out in his ass. Shaun overhead two very hot older men talking about how they liked to fuck men and not these hairless little twinks. Shaun's hole was getting horny watching Bobby and Cory get fucked and he was ready for his turn and went to his room and put on some leather including his favorite jock and then approached the two daddies. He saw them checking him out as he got closer and knew he made the right impression. They knew Shaun was Eric's boy but had never met. Shaun asked if they could help him. One of them said only if you help us and grabbed his crotch. Shaun told him that if he'd help him carry another sling in then restrain him in it and slam him up they could do whatever they wanted. The men were speechless for a moment so Shaun added that was unless they wanted the little boys instead. Both men grabbed Shaun and told him to show them this sling. As Earl saw Eric take Cory he went to Bobby. Another guy was getting his nut in Bobby and when he pulled out Earl didn't let the boycunt close before he pushed in to his balls. His cock wasn't the thickest but it was the longest yet in Bobby at just over nine inches. He told Bobby to look at Eric and Cory and told him that Cory was going to be a cumdump and that Bobby was the last boy that Cory would ever top. He told him that Cory filled him with a massive toxic load and when we slam you again your getting his blood too. Bobby said he was happy that Cory choose him and hoped they could play with each other later with dildos. Earl asked if Bobby was going to breed a neg boy too and enjoyed hearing that Bobby never would fuck or use his boycock for anything other than pissing or having it hurt. He told Earl he wanted to be the best boy ever for Eric and Shaun and when they told him he was there boy he knew he didn't need to be a man and he liked feeling like a little boy again for his brother and little boys don't cum. Earl asked if Cory looked hot drooling like a baby and Bobby started sucking his thumb and nodded so Earl told him he could slam him hard and also make sure his clit wouldn't get hard nor cum but he'd be able to orgasm again and again. Bobby now sucking his thumb harder nodded to Earl. Earl told Bobby he needed to ask Eric if he could get what Cory got. Bobby called Eric and said, "Daddy, could Daddy Earl give me the same as Cory, please Daddy." Eric didn't know if Bobby understood what he was asking for but decided it didn't matter and also loved hearing Bobby ask like a child. Earl then told Eric that Bobby would only be fixed for three or four months and you can decide then if you want to do it to him again. Earl got the rig ready as Eric pulled out of Cory and got between Bobby's legs. He grabbed bobby's junk and asked him if he was going to grow up and find boys like Cory to breed. Bobby said he wanted to be his brother's and Eric's little boy forever and didn't want to ever grow up. Eric told him that Cory was going to be a boy forever and that Earl was never going to let him cum again and was actually going to make Cory's dick become like a real boys. Eric asked Bobby if he wanted to give up cumming forever too. Bobby told Eric that he wanted to be his boy forever and would do anything. He admitted to dreaming of having it cut off but didn't want to be a girl. Bobby cried that he wanted to be a real boy like before Shaun moved away. Earl asked Eric if he was ready and Eric told Bobby that he was going to be a boy again and told Earl to slam him. Eric put his thumb in bobby's mouth and Bobby started to suck it as Earl slammed him and Eric told Bobby he loved his little boy. Bobby soon stopped sucking and coughed and then his eyes rolled back and his head turned and drool ran out. Eric asked Earl if he wanted to fuck Bobby and Earl told him he should breed Cory at the same time. Shaun saw and heard his brother tell Eric he wanted to be little again and Shaun wished he could fuck Bobby right then but he was about to get slammed and then fucked too. He was happy his little brother came to visit and that he would always be his little brother. The end
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  45. A gay uncle - by marriage, not blood. He came out late in life. And my gay son.
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  46. Part 9 Eric and Shaun swapped places and Shaun had Bobby clean his cock as Eric fingered the boy. Shaun held Bobby's head because he knew Bobby would like it and he told Eric how much Bobby wanted to be held so Eric put his arm around Bobby and squeezed him tight as he fingered him. Shaun asked Bobby if he was happy being held by his two men and Bobby went into another orgasm which answered the question. His cock started to get hard so he slowly fucked his little brother's throat and held his head as he told Eric all that he learned about Bobby. Eric listened and then teased Bobby about his wanting to be seduced, chemmed and pozzed. Bobby purred like a kitten in response. Eric sent Shaun to get cleaned up and get the place ready as he talked to Bobby and decided what the future would be. Since Bobby liked being the innocent boy Eric told him that he was to be their little boy and he put Bobby's thumb into his mouth and told him that Shaun and he would be his new parents and would hold and love him, Bobby again went into his orgasmic convulsions but didn't cum as his cock had already gone dry. Eric told him that he looked like a real boy since he couldn't cum and told him he was never ever to jerk off again and certainly would never top. If Bobby touched himself then he'd be put in chastity. Eric told him that on his birthday he wanted Bobby to be fucked by 21 guys, one for each year. Bobby assumed that meant tomorrow and didn't know that tonight at midnight it would happen. Seeing how Bobby knew and wanted to be corrupted Eric told him that he'd find some nice babysitters to watch him and he better be a good boy or he'd tell the babysitters they could spank him. Eric decided he'd keep Bobby spun all night but not completely twisted and set up a pipe and gave it to Bobby. As Bobby smoked Eric told him that even though he was nearly a 21 year old man that he was to emotionally and in his behavior become a little boy in his head. He should always suck his thumb at home when he didn't have a cock or pipe in it. As a little boy you'll do what your Daddy or big brother say even if you're scared Eric told him and saw the boy's eyes show he was high again and he had Bobby get on the floor on his knees and told Bobby to be a good boy and drink as he started pissing down the boy's throat. Bobby was rubbing his hole with his thumb as he drank his Daddy's piss and Eric told him that when he wasn't sucking his thumb he should put it in his boypussy. Bobby loved being used but didn't like the taste but told himself that there were probably more things Eric or Shaun wanted that he wouldn't like but he knew he could do it because he wanted to be their boy. Eric knew they'd all have fun together and wanted to spend a few minutes with Shaun so he sent Bobby to the shower and told him not to come out until every hair except his head, eyebrows and eyelashes was gone. Bobby walked to the bathroom and Eric saw he was again sucking his thumb and hoped one day soon to find the boy doing so in his sleep. Shaun was setting up the bar as Eric walked up behind him and put his right arm around him as he held out the pipe in his left and told Shaun to keep smoking until it was done. As Shaun smoked Eric told him he loved him and how much fun they were going to have with Bobby. Eric told him he was a man and his lover but Bobby was their boy and he'd love him too but Shaun was his number one. Eric knew over the next few weeks and maybe longer he'd spend a lot of time with Bobby and wanted Shaun to feel secure. By the time Shaun set the pipe down Eric was ready and pushed him against the wall and pushed down his shorts and smiled as he slid into Shaun's ass as he knew he would be prelubed. Eric stroked Shaun as he fucked him and told him he was never to stroke Bobby. Eric came quickly and after having Shaun clean his cock he dropped to his knees and blew Shaun. Shaun was so excited that he shoot off quickly and then Eric stood up and kissed Shaun and shared his load with him. Eric filled in Shaun on the plans for the night then went and got his party supplies ready as Shaun finished setting up for the party. Bobby shaved his body and found he liked the smooth look and knew he'd never look like a man all shaved and smiled because he was a happy boy. He was about to piss in the shower as he always did but instead he laid down and pissed towards his face and got some in his mouth and swallowed it but wished it was Eric's. After drying off he walked to his room naked and saw Shaun sitting there with a pile of clothes. Shaun dressed his little brother just as he did when they were younger. Bobby loved the attention his brother made to the little details. He put him in tight white boys briefs and when Bobby saw himself in the mirror sucking his thumb and wearing just a white T-shirt tucked into the white briefs he got excited and as Shaun brought a polo shirt he saw the boy cock was chubby and growing and actually looked massive in the size 14 briefs he stopped and rubbed Bobby's crotch making the boy moan. He then told his brother to lift his arms and put the shirt on him and then whispered into his ear that he needed to learn to ignore his cock and only think of other men's cocks and his boypussy. Bobby for the first time realized that his cock wasn't going to give him pleasure and asked if it was ok to hurt it and Shaun said he was sure they could do that. Just as Shaun picked some tight jeans Eric came in and gave him a butt plug and said he wanted Bobby's boypussy plugged all the time. The plug wasn't big but had a real thin neck making it comfortable for longtime use. Shaun had Bobby pull his briefs down to his thighs and then bent him over the bed and told Bobby to lick the plug and Shaun licked his hole. He couldn't believe how much he wanted to eat his brother all day and regretted not doing it years ago. Eric passed Shaun a shard and said that should keep his pussy hungry for a while and said he needed to leave the room before he mounts the boy again. Bobby enjoyed knowing that Eric wanted him. Shaun pushed the shard in then the plug and had Bobby stand and pulled up his briefs. After the jeans went on Bobby started wiggling his ass showing the bump was working. Between his tight jeans, bubble butt and his wiggling Shaun thought he looked like a walking advertisement for legalizing raping boys. Shaun smiled and thought the guys tonight were going to love his little brother and he got his worn Yankees cap and placed it on Bobby and told him to stay in his room until he or Eric got him. When Shaun found Eric in the kitchen he told him Bobby was dressed but he had him wait in his room. If I stayed near him for another minute I was gonna rip his clothes off and fuck him again. Eric was amazed at how much Bobby brought out the top in Shaun and decided to remind him that like Bobby he was a sub for Eric and he told Shaun to pull both of their pants down. He spun Shaun around and bent him over and spit on his hole then he pushed a shard in and two fingers pushed it deep, then he had Shaun pull up his pants and get back on his knees and suck Eric's black tool. Eric told Shaun that he could fuck Bobby tonight in front of everyone but otherwise he too was going to be a cumdump. Tonight both of you will be knocked up and then bobby's pussy will become a hole for all of our friends but your pussy is for me only. But since he knew how hungry Shaun could get he wanted the two brothers to use double headed dildos together often and maybe even tonight they could put on a show. Eric didn't cum as he wanted to save it for later but he spit in Shaun's mouth just before the first guest arrived. As Shaun went to the door Eric went to get Bobby but first grabbed a pipe. Bobby was lying on his bed and looked so young and innocent he made Eric hard again instantly. As he rubbed his crotch he saw Bobby stare at it and asked the boy if he had rubbed his own but Bobby told him he didn't and he loved wiggling his butt with the plug in it. Eric told Bobby to sit up and handed him the pipe and told him to use it. Once Bobby had taken two hits Eric took the pipe away and said that's enough for now and that the first guest arrived. They walked hand in hand to join Shaun and their guest.
    1 point
  47. Thanks. As you can see from my profile pic I love ink too. I have a lot of it. Heavily inked guys get me boned too. I'm working on the next chapter. Will post it ASAP. I'm also working on another story with a different twist to it. Glad you enjoy em. I do appreciate the feedback.
    1 point
  48. Part 6 Eric and Shaun got home just before sunrise and Eric needed some sleep but first he gave Shaun a smaller slam to make sure he was twisted and would corrupt his little brother and Viagra so he'd stay hard. They had already agreed that Bobby would live with them and that he was gonna be a total bottom slut. Eric turned on the cameras and told Shaun what to do and then set his alarm for noontime and quickly crashed as he dreamed about his boys. Shaun got everything ready then he climbed in the bed with his sleeping brother. Bobby woke up as he felt Shaun touching him. When Shaun saw his eyes open he kissed his brother and they French kissed like lovers. "Did you enjoy yourself last night, Bobby?" "I wished it never ended, I don't even remember falling asleep." "Do you want to be me and Eric's boy?" "Fuck yeah but can I live with you? I can't go home now, I need you." "If you stay you will do what you are told." "I'll do anything you and Eric want just let me stay with you guys." Shaun picked up the glass pipe and told his brother to smoke it until he said to stop. As Bobby smoked away he watched as Shaun pulled out his plug and saw the cum dripping out. Shaun told him that after he fell asleep that they went to a sex club and for hours men fucked and filled him with cum. Bobby watched as Shaun kept sucking on his fingers that he would shove up his cummy hole and Bobby wanted them. He told him he didn't know how many guys came in him and soon you'll be a cumdump too. Bobby finished the pipe and Shaun brought his cum covered finger to Bobby's mouth and when Bobby sucked them he knew his brother was ready. Shaun told Bobby to remove his butt plug and Shaun lifted the boy's legs and ate out the puffy hole. Bobby reached for his cock and Shaun stopped him and told him to concentrate on his boyhole. They kissed and Shaun fingered his brother. Bobby felt his boyhole tingle and started shaking his ass as the feeling got stronger and his brother kept fingerring him until his first cumless anal orgasm roared through his body. "That's a good boy, getting off on me finger fucking your boyhole. Bobby, feel this." And Shaun pushed another finger in and poked the boy's prostate sending him into a bigger orgasm that kept getting stronger until his soft little cock shot out its seed. Bobby hugged Shaun and thanked him and told him he loved him. Shaun told him he loved him too but said there was no need to thank him at least not yet. He explained that a bottom boy could cum over and over again although usually dry so sex doesn't end at orgasm as long as it's from your hole you can keep going. Bobby told him he never would touch his cock again and only wanted anal orgasms. Shaun told him he had to take care of his hole and then led him to the bathroom and showed him how to clean himself out and shave completely. The best part is feeding your hole he told his anxious little student then led him back to the bedroom and put on some backback breeding orgy porn. Shaun then gave his brother a much larger bump and then placed on the bed some dildos, lube and some condoms full of cum. He opened the package of lube and spread it on the smallest dildo and pushed it into his brother who started to ride it immediately like a good boy. Then he picked up the medium dildo and opened a condom spreading the cum all over the dildo then pushing it into his own hole. He told his brother that once your hole gets use to cum it wants more so he always picks up some used condoms at the bathhouses. Shaun told Bobby that if he stayed he'd have to take every cock and load of cum that either he or Eric told him. Bobby agreed and was twitching his ass indicating that the bump was hitting him hard. They watched the video as guy after guy bred a smooth twink boy. Bobby was really getting into the video and was so high he needed more than the small dildo and was eyeing the huge one and the condoms. Seeing how hungry his little brother was he got him to easily agree to the other rules Eric wanted. Bobby asked his brother to fuck him but Shaun told him that he had to wait until his party tomorrow but he could use the big dildo but first he had to suck the cum out of one of the strangers condoms and then use another to lube the dildo. Shaun nearly came as he saw Bobby grab and rip a condom open with his teeth and swallow the load that was probably toxic. Bobby then grabbed another condom and ripped it open and coated the big dildo then hanged out the small one and shoved in the big one. Shaun was amazed how far the boy had changed in less than a day. He picked up the smaller dildo Bobby had used and brought it to the boy's lips and loved hearing and seeing his brother start orgasming as it entered his mouth.
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  49. Love the 1000 load scene. Where a gang of lads have a jar full of cum and use it as lube to gang fuck the sub. They also inject it directly into his ass using a turkey baster! SOOOOOOOO HOT!
    1 point
  50. MAL Leather Slave’s Reward - The Stealth Bomber, Episode 4:– Slave #1-2014. The bloodied cotton square is safely secured to the index card and placed in my treasure chest. Another negative ass has been infected, and 2014 is off to a great start. Washington, DC, provides many opportunities for stealthing and infecting negative ass. Lots of business travellers, college kids, tourists, government-related workers and officials, the list goes on and on, but there is one group that I always find a challenge and that is the leather crowd at the annual Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL) Convention that is held every year in January. Now, there are cum slut bottoms galore at MAL, fuck just walk through the hotel and you can find bottoms with their doors open and asses up for any dick that will mount them. But for me, that’s too easy and most of those dumb cunts are already POZ, so I go on the hunt for the rare leather species – the negative leather bottom – and Friday night I tracked and bagged my latest prize. There are several websites where people attending MAL typically post messages looking to set up connections and as I scoured and trolled them there was one that caught my eye. A leather bear daddy was bringing his slave to MAL for the first time and wanted to find a ‘safe’ top to share him with, also for the first time. They were both negative, the slave was in his mid-20’s, new to the leather scene, and the leather bear was clearly trying to still have fun while protecting his slave from the hungry wolves. Perfect. We exchanged several emails to discuss what we each got into, how big my dick was as the leather bear’s was average so they wanted someone well hung to work the slave’s hole, did we only play safe, our status and of course I assured him I was negative and played only safe. Bullshit. Yet, as always, the asshole believed me and so we agreed to meet early Friday evening to help get their weekend to DC started right. The leather bear daddy wanted also wanted to be a sub/cuckold and be ordered to sit and watch as another top used his slave so to prepare for the big night I polished up my black boots, pulled out my bag of paddles and other toys, and let my balls churn my toxic load into a thick heavy cream, and did not jack off or fuck any ass for 5 days. I could almost taste my own jizz every time my dick twitched because my nutts were so swollen and full. At 6:30 p.m. I made my way through the lobby of the MAL host hotel, acknowledging some of the looks and stares I got, dismissing others, and making a mental note of one or two slut looking bottoms I may want to sniff out later if things did not go as planned. But I’m the Stealth Bomber, things ALWAYS go as planned. I knocked on the hotel room door and the slave opened it immediately. The slave boy was cute, scruffy looking, average body, and was wearing a thick leather collar with a chain that dragged on the floor. His eyes were downcast so I slapped his face and pushed him aside as I walked into the room, knowing his cheek was stinging good right now and his eyes had teared up a bit. As I had ordered, the leather bear daddy was sitting in a chair close to the door, the only light in the room was from the fixture by the door to the room, casting much of the room in a dim glow and dark shadows. The daddy’s head turned, his eyes gleamed, his mustached lips trembled a bit as he saw me, and he jacked his dick frantically in anticipation. I stopped in front of him and SLAPPED his face too and said, “Don’t forget who’s in charge tonight. Did I say you could touch your dick yet? Fucking sit there, and watch.” The leather bear daddy’s eyes were alight with fire now, anger and desire mixed, but he nodded and set his hands on the arms of the chair. I proceeded to the far side of the bed where he could not see, set my bag down, pulled out my cotton squares and a few other essentials. I flung a box of condoms onto the bed, a bottle of lube, a leather paddle, a hand towel, walked back around the end of the bed and said to the leather daddy, “You fucking stink. If you’re going to stay and watch me use your slave you need to take a good shower, or you can leave and can come back when I call you.” The leather bear opened his mouth to object, thought better of it, nodded, got up, and walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and I soon heard the water running. The slave was still standing near the door, so I walked over, scooped the chain up, led him towards the bed, dropped the chain, and with my left hand reached out and stroked his dick which made him jump. He had a pretty good size dick for a bottom and he looked at me in confusion. I lowered my voice and whispered, “I bet your master doesn’t let you cum often does he? Here, put one of these condoms on your dick and jack yourself off. I’ll then put it in my bag and he will never know. I want you to have pleasure in this too and it will be our little secret. It’ll make my big dick really hard to see you jack off and I know you like having a big dick up your ass don’t you?” The slave smiled, nodded his head anxiously, I could see his hunger for my dick. I reached over, grabbed the box of condoms, tore one open and handed it to him. He slipped it over his dick, furiously jerking himself, as I leaned back in and said, “We don’t have much time. You may speak – what will make you cum quicker? My finger in your ass?” The slave was almost panting at that, he just nodded, so I let him watch as I stuck my right index finger in my mouth, spit it up real good, then turned him, spread his cheeks, and then rammed my finger into his dry chute. He squealed like a stuck pig, “Shhh,” I said, as now that my finger was in his hole I took my left hand and covered his mouth. I knew my right index finger was hurting him. It was supposed to. I always keep that nail longer, and the edges sharpened just so I can slice and dice the inside of an ass and get it ready for me to infect. I jabbed my finger harder and harder, his little chute tried to pucker up tight and fought me, but I cut my way through and while be beat his dick I began to finger his golden knob, messaging his prostate round and round making him sigh and moan into my hand. This was taking too long. “Come on boy. Shoot that fucking slave cum. Shoot that worthless faggot cum. If you want to get fucked by a real man’s dick you better shoot that cum faggot. Just wait until you feel my big dick up your ass, filling you up like your master can’t.” That did the trick. The slave’s chute tried to snap my finger off and his body trembled in joy as he shot a big load into the condom. I yanked my finger out, saw it was coated pretty good in red, turned the boy around, gently eased the condom off his dick and had to admire the load he shot. “Feel better now?” I asked. The slave smiled, nodded, “Stay there,” I ordered. I walked over to the bed, set the freshly filled condom on the bed near the pillows, laid one of my hand towels over it, picked up one of my cottons squares off the floor and rubbed my red-coated finger clean, walked back to the slave with another towel and whispered, “Here. Wipe your dick clean. Get off the cum. Now coat it with lube, just stand there looking in the mirror and jerk your dick. Get it hard again.” The slave nodded. I took the towel, laid it near the foot of the bed with my lube. The scene was set, time to get the action started. I went to the bathroom door and rapped on it hard with my knuckles, “Get the fuck out here. I don’t have all night to wait on your hairy ass.” The door swung open, the leather bear looked ashamed, he nodded, grabbed a towel and followed me back into the room as he dried himself off. “Much better,” I snarled. “You don’t smell like a fucking barn anymore. Time to work this piece of shit over. I told him I wanted to see if he could get that faggot dick of his hard. So far it looks like he’s got a cunt dick. Soft and worthless like a good slave huh. Sit back in that chair. I don’t want to see you touching your dick. You just watch. Understand?” The leather bear daddy nodded, sat back in the chair, I picked up the slave’s chain as he wiped his lubed covered hand off on his chest. I slapped his face hard, told him to lick my boats, and the leather bear started moaning in joy and agreement at just that. “Shut the fuck up!” I yelled. “I don’t need to hear the fucking peanut gallery. You sit there and WATCH and be QUIET.” After the slave licked my boots, I sat on the edge of the bed and had him undress me. When I stood up and my dick flew out, hard and ready to infect and breed, both the slave and the leather bear gasped a little. That was alright. I wanted them to be mesmerized by my dick and remember it well. I then made the slave bend over the bed, his chain rattling against the metal frame, as I used my paddle to beat his ass nice and red. By now the leather bear daddy’s dick was practically streaming precum and I caught him a couple times reaching for his dick, but one look from me and he jerked his hand back. Preliminaries were over. The blood had dried on the cuts I had made in the slave’s ass earlier, so it was time to open them up again and unload my infected cum. This slave might have come to MAL clean and negative, but he would go home carrying my POZ bug and it would happen right in front of his loving and protective leather bear daddy. The man who is supposed to keep him safe. The man who is supposed to ensure no harm comes to him. Dumb asses. I dragged the slave to the far side of the bed, deeper into the shadows. I slapped his face hard a couple times, forced him to his knees, shoved my dick in his mouth, then in disgust said, “You’re a worthless cock sucker. That mouth is a waste. Here, open your mouth, this is all your mouth is good for and you better hope your ass is better.” When the slave opened his mouth I inserted a big ball gag and tied it tight. Can’t have him telling his bear daddy what’s happening next. I yanked him back up, shoved him onto the bed, “Get on your fucking hands and knees, scoot back a little, you want this big dick? Think you can take it?” All the slave could do was whimper, so I said to the bear daddy, “You sure your slave can take me? It takes me a while to cum? You sure you want me to give it to him? Make his ass sore?” I could see him smile and his dick twitch and bounce as the bear daddy nodded, eager to see me give his slave what he couldn’t. I grabbed the slave’s chain, yanked on it hard, his head craned back as I drove my right index finger back in his pucker hole making him cry out and whimper into the ball gag. He strained against the collar trying to pull away, but I held tight. “You better not run. Your master is watching you. You want to make him proud don’t you? You want to serve him like a good slave right? Good, now you fucking faggot, toss those condoms back toward me and listen to your master tell you what a worthless slave you are and how he is going to punish you later for fighting me. Tell him asshole, tell him how worthless he is. Tell him I’m here because your fucking little dick ain’t shit and it’s time for his ass to feel a real man. Talk dirty. That shits gets me hard. Tell your slave how it humiliates you to see someone else give him what you can’t.” As the leather bear daddy did as he was told and started talking dirty to his slave, I made a grand show of grabbing the box of condoms, tearing one off, opening the packet up, mumbling about it not going on quick enough and pretending to squirt a big shot of lube on the slave’s hole. In reality I had only put small a squirt of lube on his ass and a light coating on my dick and in my ‘fumbling’ had dropped the condom from the packet into my bag on the floor. “Fucking faggot slave. Ready for this dick? I can’t hear you, I said I CAN’T FUCKING HEAR YOU!” and with that I rammed my raw dick into the slave’s already bloody ass. Every muscle in his body tensed and jerked like he had just been electrocuted and the leather bear got louder and more verbal as he saw his slave assaulted and knew it was hurting – he was fucking loving it. Immediately as the initial shock wore off the slave’s head snapped around, his neck straining, his eyes bulged as they met mine and I could tell he knew. He knew I was fucking him raw and there was not a damn thing he could do a about it. Shit I love that look of fear, realization, and the shimmers of desire for it, wanting it, needing my cum inside them. I have to admit he played the loyal slave part well and tried to buck and twist and get away, but I just dropped the chain, grabbed the collar around his neck, yanked him back and up against my body as I buried the rest of my bareback shaft in his hole and whispered so only he could hear, “Feel me? Feel that dick deep? I know this is what you want, and I will give it to you.” The slave started to struggle wildly to free himself from my raw fuck, so I slammed him face down on the bed, pulled his body back a bit so his ass was hanging off the edge of the bed and deep dicked him. The leather bear daddy was going crazy and was excited as hell and was literally pounding his fists on the arms of the chairs in excitement as he watched his slave get fucked and used. It only took several strokes of deep dicking before the slave relaxed and stopped fighting. The pure ecstasy of having a big, raw dick stroking his guts and opening that ass overwhelmed all other thoughts and feelings. “Look at your faggot slave,” I said to the bear daddy, “Pushing his ass back, he wants me deeper, harder.” I lifted my right leg and angled into his hole, making him whimper, and I could tell his ass was getting wetter and it was time for my first load. Hot scalding cum shot from the head of my dick into his quivering hole and I pulled almost all the way out to ensure some of shot directly into the bloody cuts I had made with my nail before sinking back in. To the leather bear daddy, I did not let on that I was cumming at all. As far as he knew, I was just mixing up my thrusts and angles. The slave however knew. He strained to turn his head again, his eyes begging and pleading. Maybe he wanted to say stop, but I knew he meant he wanted me to give it to him. Bottoms can always feel when I cum. I shoot hard into the walls, and its thick and sticky like oatmeal, and my dick pulses like a cannon with every shot of infection. The slave whimpered a little, turned his head back, and I continued pumping, working my load deeper and deeper. After another minute I slowed and said to the bear, “OK, shut the fuck up. Just watch and learn.” Leaving my dick buried to the hilt in his ass, I grabbed his collar with both hands lifted the slave up and off the bed, turned, sat on the bed and laid back. “Ride that dick faggot slave. Bounce on it. Open that ass up.” I wrapped the chain to the collar around my wrist in case he got any stupid ideas and watched as he sneakily tried to reach back and feel my raw dick. I rapped his hand with my knuckles, spread my legs, he got the idea and slowly started bouncing on my dick. I gave him just enough chain so he could get a good bounce, but not come all the way off. My poz cum had made my dick glisten and shine and with every bounce the slave made, he helped assure his own infection. Time for the second breeding. I leaned up, grabbed his collar tight and in one motion pulled him back onto my chest as I brought my feet up and wedged them on the edge of the bed. “Listen to your faggot slave moan,” I said to the leather bear who was still sitting and watching in his chair, “My dick is stretching his walls now, punching in with every thrust, now listen to him as I bust his hole open.” I paused, adjusted the slave’s body on top of mine, I let go of his collar, reached down and cupped both hands under his ass to pull it open wider and hold him in place, leaned to his right – away from his master – and whispered in his ear, “Time for the next load in your ass.” The slave mumbled, I am sure he said PLEASE, as I eased my throbbing dick all the way until just the tip of my head was nestled at his torn hole. I shifted my feet, then SLAMMED MY DICK THROUGH HIS ASS RING, TEARING HIM MORE, SHREDDING HIM UP, PREPARING HIS HOLE FOR MORE INFECTED CUM. The slave shook and trembled, and swung his head from side to side as I beat fucked him. I dug my nails deeper into the flesh of his ass cheeks to keep his hole in place as I busted in and out and in and out, and as his whimpering increased so did my need to unload so I picked up the pace, angling from side to side with each thrust, doing as much damage as I could. Again the leather bear daddy thought I was pausing to change positions, but I was seeding his slave’s hole again. With every burst of my infected cum into his sore ass, the slave whimpered and turned his head to try to nuzzle into me. His assring was in total spasm from being abused, and milked every drop I had. My dick was still in the slave’s ass when I turned my head and said to the leather bear daddy. “Pull your chair all the way back to the door to the room. I want your slave to be able to really see you good.” While he was moving his chair, I dropped my legs, pushed the slave forward and up and stood up with my dick still in his ass. The slave seemed somewhat dazed and confused so I led him to the spot between the end of the bed and the dresser the TV was on, told him to brace himself with one hand on the bed, the other on the dresser. He hung his head, I yanked his head back with the chain, leaned close to his ear and whispered, “You look in your Master’s eyes as he watches you take my poz load.” That revelation made the slave try to turn again, but I slapped his head hard and he stumbled as I ran him forward, driving his body against his leather daddy who was stunned and shocked and had put up in hands in self defense. He opened his mouth and I said, “SHUT THE FUCK UP. DON’T SAY A WORD YOU CUCKOLD SON-OF-A-BITCH. YOU’RE AS WORTHLESS AS YOUR FAG SLAVE. NOW YOU GET TO FEEL UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL HOW YOUR SLAV’ES BODY REACTS TO BEING FUCKED BY A REAL DICK!” I started to slam fuck the slave’s ass, his cum filled guts slurping and burping and making wet sloppy noises as he grunted, his face just inches from his leather daddy’s as I forced my poz cum deeper and deeper in his ass. I dropped the chain, took a step back, clawed my nails into the flesh of his hips and drove my dick hard up his hole as I pulled the slave’s body backwards to meet my dick. He was defenseless now. His ass was totally open and if his leather daddy could have looked down, he would have seen a glistening trail of cum and pink juice streaking the back of the boy’s thighs. The leather bear daddy’s eyes were wide as saucers now. His mouth was twisting in odd shapes as he forced himself to hold in any sound. The slave was whimpering louder, begging for me to finish my poz work, so I did. With the full force of my body I slammed the slave forward against his leather daddy sitting in the chair, wrapped both hands around the slave’s neck, squeezed his throat hard and exclaimed, “I’M GONNA FUCKING CUM, HOLY SHIT, FUCK, GIVE ME THAT FAGGOT SLAVE ASS, GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT TO ME…..UGGGGG….SHIT…..UGGGGG……” This load felt twice as big as the first and went on and on and the slave’s body shuddered and spasmed in response. I was breathing hard and took my time working my cum in, caring nothing for how the bear daddy or his slave may feel right then. It was all about me and my need to infect and breed. Still keep my semi-hard dick in the slave’s ass, I reached down, dug my nails back into the flesh of his hips, pulled him back a yard or so and gave his leather bear daddy my most wicked, evil smile. The bear daddy was breathing hard too and I looked, and he had shot his own load all up onto his stomach, his dark hair now matted in gobs of white. “Did I fucking say you could touch yourself?” I asked. He gulped and meekly replied, “I didn’t I swear. I just, it just, fuck. It just happened. I…..” I shook my head, “Whatever, go clean that off real good. I don’t want to smell your funk.” The leather daddy bear held his hands out like he was afraid to touch himself as he walked into the bathroom. I yanked my dick out of the slave’s used ass making him cry out into the ball gag, quickly dragged him by the chain back to the other side of the bed, moved the hand towel near the pillows aside, took the condom the slave had filled earlier and squirted a dob of lube on it, rolled it around, then flung it onto the carpet in front of the TV. The slave looked at me in realization and I just smiled. I then bent down, grabbed a couple of my cotton squares, roughly dabbed his hole to secure my treasure trove, dropped the chain and said, “Go fucking kneel by the condom.” I jumped into my pants to hide my cum coated dick, then slid a piece of paper out of my pocket, walked over to the kneeling slave, slid the paper between his collar and neck, and leaned down and whispered in his ear, “You’re mine now.” I grabbed my boots and was just putting them on when the leather bear daddy came out of the bathroom. He looked at me, his slave kneeling, the used condom on the floor, he smiled wide, not having a fucking clue I just changed both their lives. I finished getting dressed, grabbed my bag, and pushed past the leather bear on my out without saying a fucking word to him. The elevator doors closed and I had to smile and wonder, what would the slave do to make sure his master did not find his ass full of cum? Hopefully this was a two-fer and once turned, the slave will then infect the leather bear daddy. I did not even make it to the next floor in the elevator before there must have been some fucking blue-light special tweet go out as it seemed the bottoms could smell cummy dick. Greedy slut bottoms were getting on at every floor it seemed. I just shook my head, they were all too easy, no I had something better in mind. At 11:55 I opened my front door and there sitting on the steps was the slave I fucked at the hotel. I held the door open as he walked in. I shut the door, he unzipped his leather jacket and held out the chain that was attached to his collar. I wrapped the chain around my left hand, pulled his cold body close, looked down in his eyes and snarled, “What the fuck are you doing here faggot slave? Where the hell is your master?” The slave shook a little, looked at the floor, and said, “Your note said ‘AIDS DICK – BE HERE BY MIDNIGHT’ so I am Sir. I…I left Master at the club, the one holding the Domination party. He…he..” I smiled, slapped his head, and said, “Good faggot. Time for you to learn how to worship an AIDs dick and to get your reward.”
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