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  1. Growing up, I'd always suspected that my dad was gay. Or at least, shall we say, sexually indiscriminating? I mean, he was still married to mom and I had to come from somewhere. Besides, I do remember hearing them occasionally banging one out as their bedroom was right across the hall from mine. But still I had my suspicions, which were reinforced by behaviors. From the time I could remember I'd always just been around my dad when he was naked. Nudity was just an everyday thing at my house, so it never struck me as odd. Nudity was a thing for mom and me, too. Heck, There are many a photograph of me running around our house as a kid in my all-together! However, as I got older I started to notice Dad was nude around me more often than Mom. It was more 'our thing' - just two dudes hangin.... We bathed and showered together quite often, and hung out watching TV afterward as we air-dried. And, when I wasn't actually bathing, I would keep Dad company while he took a bath. He would let me play with boats in the deep end while we talked. Occasionally we'd play a game Dad called 'Light House' in which I would drive the boat between his legs to the 'lighthouse' that was standing erect there. The boat would crash on the 'rocks' below and I would laugh and laugh.... Anyway, I also first learned about masturbation from my father when I spied on him when he pleasured himself in the garage. I saw him fire his load into a shop rag, and after he went back inside I retrieved the rag and investigated it. What was this sticky fluid? Naturally he came back and caught me. I was SO embarrassed! But Dad took it very much in stride and was completely matter of fact about it all. And that's when I learned all about the birds and the bees. And also about what guys can do for special fun on their own, as he had just done. He also made it clear I should never tell Mom about because she was a girl and wouldn't understand. Dad's special magazines were also readily available for me; he really didn't even bother to hide them. They were just at the bottom of a magazine basket in our den. They started out as Playboy, but as I got older they became Penthouse, Club, Chic, Oui, and then some harder core mags with dicks and fucking in them too! Those were my favorites-- the ones that showed closeups of men with erections. Anyway, As I got older I gained hair and modesty, so the joint showers and nudity stopped and doors started being closed. Well, really just my doors-- although that didn't stop my Dad from interrupting me on more than one occasion. The first time, I was in my room, officially studying, but of course not only was I playing with myself, I was actually on the cusp of blowing my load when Dad barged into my room. I don't think I ever moved so fast in my life! Giving a quick laugh Dad exclaimed "Whoops!" And as he closed my door he added "Just don't get any on my Penthouse." There were a couple more times after that when Dad caught my jerking off. Each time Dad joked and commented something like "Damn, boy! Don't wear it out!" Or "Do you ever put that thing away?" Which is why I started jacking in the shower or behind a locked bathroom door. Slowly over this time, my suspicions about Dad being gay and his extracurricular activities increased. He was gone longer hours, working out more, or at least saying he was working out. Sometimes he'd come home and you could tell he'd had a beer or two. Mom and he fought more over piddly shit. I pretty much figured he was having an affair, or hooking up somewhere. And I could clearly see my parents on the clear trajectory toward divorce. He was also buddying up to me more during this time, telling me that I was really growing into a man, and complementing my by remarking how handsome I was becoming. Our conversations felt conspiratorial, and Dad increasingly joked around with me, and his jokes took on an ever increasing sexual overtone. Everything seemed to be a double-entendre. Well, the summer before my senior year of high school, Mom started a new job and started working nights. I think she took this job just so she and Dad would spend less time breathing the same air. It also forced Dad to be home more to take care of me (in theory). Dad still routinely got home late, often smelling of, well, I'm not sure what, but his body had a distinctive aroma. Even so, Dad was definitely more often at home more, which conveniently left us together with free time. In the evenings. Before bed. As I said before, Mom and Dad's room was right across the hall from mine. And in their room they had an old TV with a VCR. You know - for watching movies in bed. And with Mom working nights and Dad being Dad, well... he fired up the VCR - a lot. I mostly ignored it the first few times-- but I could hear the porn playing and the soft, creaking motion of his bed and I knew what was going on. But it was my father! I shouldn't be listening, hardly daring to breathe. I shouldn't be turned on by this, should I? Why did I have a boner?? So many thoughts... so many conflicted emotions. Finally one night I couldn't take it any more and I wanted-- no, NEEDED-- to see. So I snuck out of bed and crept quietly into the hall. Dad always left his door ajar, so I figured I could peep in and see him and the porn while he was too distracted to notice. I figured I was being quiet as a cat. I was wrong. "You might as well just come on in," he said in a loud voice. Fuck! Busted AGAIN by Dad!! Well, I sheepishly went into his bedroom and he gestured for me to sit next to him on the bed. He wasn't even trying to hide his erection. "Come on, you might as well 'take a load off' too. I can see you want to," again with the double entendre as he nodded to the boner in my pajamas. I stood next to the bed, guts churning, nervous as hell and shaking like a leaf while I stared at the erection held in his first. He smiled and patted the bed-- and I took my place beside him. Little did I realize that this small action would set me on a dark path and seal my fate. That first night we watched porn together and jacked off. Well, he jacked off and I mostly watched him jack off. When he came all over his belly and fist, I came too. In my pajamas. Without touching myself. From there we slowly progressed. It wasn't an every night event, but when I was in bed and I'd hear the porn soundtrack, I'd get up and join him. It started out as innocently jacking together. From there it became me jacking him off while we watched. I still vividly remember the first time I touched his erection - it was like a bolt of lightning struck me and I could barely breathe. And again, when he came, the feeling of his seed running over my knuckles made my own dick cum in my underwear. (No more Jammie's for this guy!) From there it soon progressed to blowjobs. Never him on me-- I was the son and it was my duty to get him off. To be a good boy. Oddly enough, it was a bigger deal to first jack my Dad than to blow him. The blowjob came naturally. Feeling the smooth, warm skin of his head with my tongue just felt right somehow. And when he shot in my mouth? There was no hesitation: I swallowed instantly. And happily. At this point in our relationship I had definitely shifted to just being his convenient sex toy. Sort of his human fleshlight. He didn't really make eye contact or acknowledge me at all. He was focused on the straight porn on the VCR. I didn't jack off or really touch myself at all in his presence. I would finish him off, he'd turn off the VCR and lights, and I'd go back to my room. Once there is either jack off or go to sleep. More often than not, I didn't even jack myself. And then one night it finally happened. This was in January of my senior year. It was after Christmas and I was back in school, Mom was back to work. I heard the porn fire up, but it was different porn. This time the grunting was more masculine - no more whiny bitch moaning. I went in and I saw Dad watching porn. I was right. He was playing a new porn tape. This one showed two guys on the screen, two, hot, furry, mustachioed men... and they were fucking! It was so hot and the breath caught in my throat. Dad and I started as we usually did-- him jacking for a minute, then me doing it for him. Then my mouth on his dick, as usual. But this time instead of cumming down my throat, he tapped my head after awhile and I stopped. "Get on all fours," he whispered. We NEVER talked during our sessions so this startled me. It was almost like a slap. But he just stopped everything, gestured toward the TV with a chin flip, and told me to "assume the position". My guts instantly turned to water as I knew what was about to happen and I wasn't sure about it at all. Wasn't sure I wanted to get fucked, but after all he was my Dad, and instinctively I wanted to please him so I got on all fours. I was facing the porn and I felt the bed shift as he got behind me. He reached and got some KY off the nightstand. My heart was thundering in my chest. Soon I felt the cool, wet hardness of his cockhead pushing at my sphincter. This was it-- I was losing my virginity. To my father. He pushed into my ass. I distinctly remember the pain. I tried to push back a bit on his thigh, to slow him or get him to stop but he was clearly bent on fucking. Which he did. I winced and grunted as he thrust inelegantly into me. It hurt and it felt like my asshole was ripping because of his thickness. I tried to relax-- I tried to understand how the one guy in the porn seemed to be really enjoying the cock in HIS ass. Did it hurt him as much? I tried to breathe through it. I teared up a bit. Then suddenly my father was buried inside me and shuddering. I could fee his cock throbbing in my ass, much as it had done in my mouth. There would be five or so pulses and a few aftershocks, again... like usual. I counted them off in my head. His hands were on my hips as he slowly pulled out of me. Then he magically produced some paper towels to wipe himself with and he was done. Stunned I made my way to the bathroom to wipe myself clean. There was a KY residue, some brown, and some red. Blood. So I HAD torn a bit. I stood in the bathroom a long time and looked at myself in the mirror. I was confused and hotly ashamed, mainly because I found myself aroused at the thought of what just happened to me. I jacked myself and came all over the bathroom sink while thinking about my Dad's cock violating my ass. Two nights later the same thing happened. And again a couple nights after that. Soon, I realized this was our new norm. So I stopped at Walgreens after work one day and got my own tube of KY that I kept in my secret hiding spot in my room. I started fingering my ass and lubing myself before heading in for our father-son bonding ritual. As time went on, some weeks there was less sex and I found myself a bit disappointed (and if I'm being honest, jealous). Because Dad was "late" getting home, his clothes smelling of cigarettes and "that smell" that I'd later come to realize was the stench of an adult bookstore. I'd always find myself wondering why I wasn't good enough-- had I done something wrong? Was he displeased, or worse... bored with me? But then he'd fire up the VCR again, and everything would be right as rain. Of course it's not like I was completely innocent during this time either. Dad had sort of opened the door to my sexuality. I had a couple friends at school that I was blowing fairly regularly. And there may have been one or two 'park encounters' between me and older men. Anyway, this continued through the summer until it was time for me to leave for my freshman year of college. In my mind this was also the cutoff point for my activity with Dad. I was going to college to start the next chapter in my life. I wanted to be normal. I wanted a change. And I knew I was approaching adulthood, wouldn't really be living at home anymore. I'd love to be able to say that we had one final night together before I left, where we spent the entire night fucking and he actually fucked me on my back while looking at me, and telling me that I was a good son and he was proud. Ah, the romantic in me! But no-- our sessions ended not with a bang, but a whisper. Really I don't even much remember our last fuck. As summer waned he sort of did it less and less. Plus Dad got really sick earlier in the summer, and that really seemed to zap his energy levels. I was okay with all this. It made my college transition that much easier. When I came home at Christmas break, Dad met me at the door and had me sit down. He had some things to tell me, he said. My stomach lurched as I could predict what was coming. Well... ALMOST predict. In a somber voice he explained Mom had moved out and that they were getting a divorce. He said there was something else, too. He had been to his doctor and... He took a deep, shuddering breath and said the last thing I expected: "Son... I'm HIV positive."
    12 points
  2. There is nothing I love more than a hot, clean ass that is open to being bred! I relish rolling the bottom over on his stomach or on his side and indulging in making it, and me, even MORE eager for a great fuck by eating it out. It is instinctual - I want to make that mancunt fully ready to take my engorged cock by tenderly rimming, eating and probing it with my mouth and tongue. It needs to be relaxed and trusting before I enter it with my cock, but there's also nothing that makes my tool more rock-hard than prepping the hole that it is about to breed. After my bottom is begging for me to move to the next step, I supplement his saliva-slicked hole with lube, and push more of it into the hole, tenderly at first and then deeper with my finger/s. After a quick slavering of lube on my fucktool, I gently press its helmet head in, and take my cues from my bottom to slowly forge deeper and deeper until I have fully planted my cock. I love that feeling of exploration from my cock - how that hole gradually stretches to accommodate my thickness and then, when it is fully in, how solidly my cock is engulfed into the man who has opened himself up to me. I pause for a while, allowing the bottom to become accustomed to being pierced fully and deeply. Then, the slow beginning of the fucking begins by almost completely withdrawing my cock and then dipping slower into that wonderfully ridged tunnel of eager flesh. Those slow early fucks are undoubtedly the most sensuous, and if I go gently to the end, I usually am able to work its head through the 'second sphincter' for another realm of smoother tightness. Gentleness is required along with watching my bottom for cues on how to tread in this rarely-entered area of a man's ass. But the rewards are worth it as the bottom is surprised at the new sensations that my cock is able to give him. After exploring that area with tenderness, I usually then revert to fucking the rest of the hole with more and more forceful thrusts. I am always amazed at the different sensations my cock gets by moving into different angles and fucking positions - there are SO many different sensations to get from a bottom's ass that sometimes I just don't want to ever stop. But, inevitably (and often with a hit of poppers) I go for the ultimate cum and full breeding. I don't think there is any more fulfilling sensation than burying my cock as deeply as I can into a man's ass to deposit my seed. Again, this is simply the male instinct to breed fully and maximizing the chance of propagation by putting the sperm as deep into the hot hole as possible. After the convulsing spasms of cumming are over, I usually stay inside my bottom as long as I can to insure that he completes his cum as well - that way I can feel those same pulsing spasms through my cock as he dumps his seed onto his belly or, more ideally, into my mouth as I bend over to recycle his cum into me. After both of our cums are spent, again I feel the desire to eat out the freshly fucked hole. Often I am rewarded by some of my own cum that's been pulled out by my gradually softening dick, but even if I don't felch any out, it feels right to softly massage and eat the hole that's given me and my cock so much pleasure, and which received my seed deep inside of my bottom.
    8 points
  3. "Don't fight me," Young John says severely. "Relax. Dude, just relax." His second finger feels a lot like his first finger but he's twisting it around in my butt and it's making me tense. "Damn, college, you sure don't want me gittin' in you." "Nah, it's just it feels weird." He pulls both fingers out. "Reach in that drawer, right there. Take out that little bottle and take a big smell of it." I reach in the nightstand drawer and take out a small brown bottle. Unscrew the cap and take a sniff. I get a warm rush and I feel Young John push several fingers in my hole. "Take two more hits," he orders. I do and immediately feel a large object start pushing at my ass. It's growing bigger fast, and the poppers, which I'm not a big fan, but it's turning the corner on me wanting to take whatever Young John is pushing into me. In fact, I'm pushing down on whatever that object is that's spreading my hole. It gets to its widest point making me raise my hips until it's in, and then it narrows considerably, however, the large part he started with is now traveling within my hole. "That's it, college, take it all, suck me in." "Ah, fuck, man! Is that you in me?" I cry, suddenly taking in what just happened. My sphincter is clamping Young John's thin wrist but the rest of his hand is in my hole. Not only in it but traveling swiftly up it. "Stop, wait!" I beg him, holding up my hands. "It's too much." "I ain't doing nothin'," he says laughing. "You the one pullin' me in. You sure got one hungry hole. Tell me you ain't been fisted before. Look at you drippin' precum. You as hard as a choir boy in a porn shop." And I am as turned on as hell. Fuck, the more I try to stop his hand from going in deeper the deeper it goes. I'm clamping down hard but that only keeps pushes him in, so I force myself to relax. I just lay there, still, trying not to move, feeling how deep he already is in me, but then he starts twisting his wrist before I can absorb what's happening. "Don't push me out," he demands. "You trying to get me out and I won't have it." I feel him pushing in further the more I push my guts against him. "Shit, man! Don't. Wait. Let me try to take it." I open my eyes, the first time since I've take a hit of the poppers. Young John is leaning over me wild eyed. His crazed look is frightening. He looks half angry and half like a lunatic. It doesn't help there's so little light in the room. I feel my ass contracting around his hand, but now he's doing something internally. It's such a new sensation all I know is there's movement, not deeper penetration, not him pulling out, just something swelling where I think the end of his hand is. "You like that?" I ask what's he doing? "I'm making a fist and unmaking it. I'm doin' it right on your prostate glan. Feel that? I love when daddy does this. Feel that? I'm holding you like a hammock swing. Feel me holding you like that?" "Ah, shit, yeah. That's incredible. Oh, fuck!" I inhale spasmodically, closing my eyes. The sensation's too intense. He's squeezing me then flipping his wrist so knuckles are flying across my prostate. He's merciless even though I'm begging him to stop. He hits my bladder when he rocks a little farther in. I can't help it and piss uncontrollably. "Shit, yeah, that's what I'm talking. Just let it go. Make a pig of yourself. Let it go." It's not like I have a choice. I'm pissing wildly over my chest. He's dipping down occasionally, taking a gulp, then spitting it over me trying to hit my face. When I start petering out he bangs his fist in again searching for my piss "on" switch and I start pissing again. He holds his fist in that spot and I feel I'm never going to stop. I also feel I'm starting to get close to cumming. I tell him I think I'm about to nut and he pulls back. "Oh, no. Not yet. We only got started." He's pulling back even more, and suddenly I'm regretting loosing him. His fist is at the entrance to my hole. I look up again at him and he's got this devilish look in his eyes. His small fist leaves my hole, but only for a second. I gasp as he leaves, and as he immediately pushes back in, I gasp harder. I swear I see his eyes turn red as he's now fixated on exactly that spot: taking his knuckles pushing in and out of my fully stretched hole. "Take another hit, quick!" he says. I do, and feel my resistance melting away. "You like it, don't you." I nod feeling him rock right at the point of my widest stretched. "Nah, tell me you like me doing this." "I like you doing this," I respond. "...doing this, Sir. Say it!" "I like you doing this to me, Sir! Open me up, Sir!" With that he starts increasing the depth he's going into me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want him doing this. I honestly don't know if it's him that I want punching my hole, or if I simply want my hole punched by anyone at this point. I feel my eyes roll back in my head and just wallow in enjoyment in how good it feels, how it hurts and feels intensely good at the same time, how I've never felt this sensation before, how I don't want it to stop. And he doesn't, but keeps increasing his depth and the force of his punch. He's trading hands, back and forth, right at the entrance to my hole. His frenzy becomes my frenzy. I'm sure I'm babbling something, how good it feels, how great he is, do it harder, how much I want him, more, deeper, harder, until I feel I'm about to explode, and then he pulls his fist out hard all the way. "Push," he says. I push my hole, and immediately he plunges his fist right back in when I've pushed it open as far as I can. Somehow we're in sync. He pulls out forcefully, yells Push, I open up, spreading my asshole wide, and he's back in with his fist. We're repeating this pattern even though I've lost track of how the pattern goes, but it's in my muscle memory without me having to think anymore, written by him or in coordination with him. But I give him credit for teaching me this dance. I would go all night, and maybe I have gone on for hours with him in this dance, but then abruptly I hear the screen door slam against the trailer, and hear men talking. One yells above the others, "I'm hornier than six dick dawg in a kennel full 'o bitches! Young John, git your punk ass in here." "You c'mere," Young John replies, still fist punching me only a little slower now. Before I have time to even try and make an effort to hide, or cover myself, or whatever it is I think I can do in the seconds after I heard the screen door bang, three men crowd into Young John's small bedroom. I sense them around me more than I can see them. There's nothing like introductions, just three men vying to get closer for a better look. There's nothing I can do but freeze, legs in the air, as Young John takes his fist out of me. There's nothing anyone says until the one who's bald head shines in the dark breaks the silence. "He drink piss, Young John, cuz I have GOT to unload right now." "Yes, Sir," responds Young John. "College, take a hit. It'll go down easier." I must be insanely high, because after taking a hit of poppers, I open my mouth for a guy I can't even see. He unzips his fly while I roll over on my side to take his dick. But instead of slipping his dick into my mouth, he holds the back of my head with one hand, and takes his dick and presses his piss slit up against my nose with the other. He then lets go his spray up my nostril while I choke on the stinging stream flowing through my sinuses and down my throat. I can even feel his piss sting behind my eye.
    6 points
  4. Hey everyone ! It's been a while since the last update, I hope you'll enjoy this part, which should make up for the shortness of the previous one. Let me know what you think (love knowing this story made you shoot, if you have the evidence, even better) ! ———————————————————— When Brandon freed one of his hands from his grip on my wrists, I seized the opportunity to take him by surprise and wrestle my way out from under him. We switched positions, and I pinned him underneath me. "I see you are ready," Brandon said with a huge grin, and damn did that make my heart jump in my chest. He was an absolutely gorgeous specimen, and under other circumstances, I certainly would have enjoyed having such a beautiful lover. He was still my son, however, and as his father, I had a responsibility to put an end to this, right now. We had done more than we should have. I shouldn't have given in the temptation, that first night. How bad was my luck that the one guy I actually cross the line with turned out to be my own son ? I moved from the bed, leaving Brandon on it, but the latter grabbed my wrist before I could get too far, and tried to pull me back. "Dad, where do you think you're going?" He said, almost threatening. I found the strength to resist his grip, and walked away, grabbing my underwear before getting out of the room. I needed to escape from him, but walking proved to be difficult, with the butt plug he'd put in me. I pulled it out and threw it in Brandon's room, groaning when I felt Brandon's cum dripping down my legs. Fuck, that shouldn't be so hot, but my cock just got harder. Damn fucker really had got me hooked on getting bred. How would I get my fix now? I wondered. I shook my head, mentally chastising myself for thinking about more cheating. I had done enough. I had to put a stop to this madness. I could hear Brandon chasing after me, but didn't let that stop me. I pulled on my boxers before I ran down the stairs. "Dad, come on," Brandon shouted, and before I knew it, he'd caught up to me and hugged me from behind, effectively trapping me with his arms in a tight embrace, and I could feel his cock protruding against my ass. Fuck. I felt his hot breath on my neck, his overwhelming scent intoxicating me. "Where will you even go at this hour, huh? Let's talk like adults." "I'm putting an end to this, Brandon," I said with as much authority as I could muster, and couldn't keep a moan from escaping me when Brandon thrust his bare cock up against my hole, with only the thin layer of my cotton boxers as a barrier, ruining any credibility in my words. It would be so easy to say fuck it, and let Brandon take me again right here in our living room, let him fill me up and shoot his second load in me tonight. Just thinking about it almost made me come, and that was such a hard thing to process. How had my mind been so screwed that it found the idea of fucking around with my son even hotter than if he were some random jock I wasn't related to? It probably was because of all the times I got off with J—fuck, Brandon—pretending he was my son. At the time, it was just a nice innocent fantasy. It was harmless, to fuck a hot young jock who was yearning for a daddy, but fucking him so many times, calling him my son, it really did make me enjoy the thought of it, and I never saw it coming. I had become conditioned to it. Damn it. "Oh, really?" Brandon said, his tone challenging as he thrust again, taking a whimper out of me as he grasped my cock. "Then tell me you want me to stop, 'cause your dick seems to be disagreeing." My hole was itching to be filled again, and it was all I could do to not give in. I had to remain strong, no matter how difficult Brandon made it for me, so I removed Brandon's hand from my cock. "Please stop," I said, and to my surprise, Brandon did let go of me. I finally turned around to face my son, thinking about what to say next. He looked stunned, and still so eager. It shouldn't be this hard to tell your son that he's not supposed to be fucking his own father. "Brandon, what happened between us tonight—hell, what happened the past few weeks—it never should've happened. I never should've cheated on your mother, least of all with you. I'm sorry I let this all happen." "Why should this end? We've got a good thing, Dad," Brandon protested. "It's actually the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you, so much." "And I love you too, you know that," I said even as my heart broke, feeling like I was breaking up with my son. "But you're my son, and we shouldn't be more than that. And what about Julie?" "I'll dump her," Brandon said, shocking me into silence. He took my hand, looking me in the eye as he added, "If that's what it takes. She means nothing next to you." "That's insane," I said. "That's not even my point. I like Julie. I thought you two were doing good. Fuck, can't you see? This thing between us, I never wanted it to happen, Brandon." "Then explain me something," Brandon said as he stepped closer, making it impossible for me to ignore how good he looked, how amazing he smelled. "When you didn't know it was me you were fucking all this time, what were you doing, cheating on mom with a young guy—repeatedly—getting your rocks off pretending you were fucking your own son, huh? I distinctly remember you being pretty into the whole Dad-Son role-play." He had me there, and I didn't know what to say to that. I was guilty of enjoying all those times I fucked him while being called Daddy. Just the taboo aspect of it made it so much hotter. But I wasn't so screwed that I would do my son, knowing it was him. "Well, it was just a fantasy. Like I said, I never wanted to actually have this kind of relationship with you." Until now, I omitted to say. My mind had never made the connection between Brandon and finding sex between father and son hot. "I love you as a father, all right? Despite everything that happened between us, I want you to remember that. And that's why we can't keep...you know, doing what we've done." "So, what, we're just going to pretend none of this ever happened?" Brandon said, crossing his big arms over his chest, his hard cock pointed at me. "I don't think I can do that." "Well, you'll have to, there's no other way," I countered, doing my best to keep my eyes on my son's face. "Get back to your room, all right? I'll go clean up." "Dad, please," Brandon pleaded as he grabbed my hand before I could walk back up the stairs. "If you really want to stop, can you at least let us have this one last time? I'm begging you." Fuck was I tempted. Brandon's face was a mixture of despair and lust, and as I let my eyes sweep over his gorgeous young body, I almost said yes. All I did was shake my head and turn my back on him before I could change my mind. I went back to the master bedroom, locking the door behind me and hurrying to change the sheets back and open the window to dissipate the sex smell in the air. Brandon left me alone while I covered our tracks, which was a relief. I had used up any resolve I had in me, ending things with Brandon, and I felt utterly heartbroken. I washed away all the evidence of our fucking in the shower, but couldn't resist jacking myself off to the memory of that hot and huge cock while fingering my hole with the remaining sperm that was there. I knew I was no saint, now less than ever, but at least I had declined Brandon's offer to pursue things further. I came hard, whispering my son's name as I came with my fingers up my ass, his cum still in my guts. I brought my fingers to my mouth, tasting for the last time the sweet taste of my son's cum, wishing I had never gotten a taste of it in the first place and gotten hooked on it. ————————————————————————— The next morning, I rolled through the motions, barely acknowledging Kate on my way out to work as she came home. I barely got any sleep at all, tortured with vivid images of Brandon's perfect body glistening with sweat, fitting against mine like no one else ever had. Needless to say, I woke up with a raging hard-on, and had to beat off in the shower in shame again. Brandon was still asleep in his room when I went to check on him, his beautiful bare torso in display for me. I was thankful I had work the whole week to get me out of the house, away from Brandon. I'd taken the day off yesterday just to welcome Brandon home—and what a welcome it was. Trying to focus at work turned out to be easier than I'd anticipated, and I plunged myself into it, willing to find any distraction I could to take my mind off of my son. I'd even turned my phone off during the day. If I lingered a little longer than usual, I didn't think too long on it, even when I knew I was dreading coming home. By the time I left work, my wife had already left for her shift, leaving the house only to Brandon and I. I found my son lounging on the couch, almost naked if not for the tiny pair of briefs he was wearing. Fuck, but he was so gorgeous, lying here so close for the taking. My cock stirred to life in my tight pair of khakis, and I had to bring my briefcase up to hide it. "Hey, Dad," Brandon greeted me with a tentative smile that I returned, casting my gaze away from his magazine cover body. "Hey, son," I greeted back before making a retreat to my bedroom. The fucker was teasing me. He never used to walk around the house wearing so little before. I hid in the ensuite bathroom, splashing my face with cold water as I undid my tie. I changed into more comfortable clothes, debating what to do with my son. When I stepped back in my bedroom, I found Brandon sprawled on my bed. "Long day?" Brandon asked, giving me a sultry look. "You never answered my texts." "I turned my phone off," I answered, fishing it out of my pocket to turn it on, in case something serious had happened. I was surprised to see a dozen texts from Brandon, and even shocked when I found they were all pictures of him naked in incriminating positions. He even had a video of himself showing his cummy hole, which kept playing over and over on my phone, hypnotizing me. He must have taken that video last night, with my fresh load in his ass still. Fuck. I proceeded to delete them all before throwing my phone on the bed, looking back to a smug Brandon. "Liked what you just saw?" he inquired with his sultry voice as he stood up and marched towards me with grace. I stood my ground and tried to steel my features. He wanted to rattle me, and all I had to do was to get through it, to show him nothing was going to happen. I didn't know what to expect after our conversation last night when I went to bed, whether Brandon would give up or keep pursuing me—guess he went with the latter. I had hoped my attraction to Brandon would peter out after the cold realization I was forced to face yesterday, but so far, nothing. "No," I replied, trying to sound indifferent. He was right up in my face now, smelling clean and oh so amazing. It was impossible to stop my cock from getting hard, and there was no way he wouldn't be able to see how hot he was making me with only a pair of sweatpants covering my crotch. He made a show of gazing at my cock, then back up to me, with a cocked eyebrow and a smirk. "Why do you have to make things so difficult, Brandon?" I hissed, frustrated at myself, at my libido. I fisted my hands hard, hoping the pain would stop my erection. "Because I'm not giving up on you so easily," Brandon countered, his flirty tone changing drastically to a serious one, his face hardening. "I've wanted you for so long, thinking I was insane and hopeless. It took me a while to come to terms with what I want, and after all the wonderful times we've had together, you're mistaken if you think I'm letting you go without a fight." I had not expected that, and was caught by surprise when Brandon cupped my face and brought me in for a kiss. I responded on instinct, kissing him back for a second before I pulled away, before he could pull his muscled body against mine. "No, Brandon, I told you this is not happening," I said firmly, only to be manhandled by my son and pushed on the bed. He locked the door to the bedroom, putting himself between myself and the only exit. He proceeded to move his body then, in a way I didn't know he was capable of, undulating with more grace than any stripper I'd ever seen. Oh God, I was getting a lap dance from my son, I realized, when he got close to me, showing me his eight pack, his hard pecs, turning around to shove his meaty ass up my face. I was hard as a rock, watching Brandon in all his naked glory, with his tiny briefs hiding next to nothing, only accentuating how big his glutes were, and how hard and big his cock was. He rubbed his ass against my cock, and I grunted in pleasure, desperate to shove my cock back inside his sweet young hole, where it belonged. The treacherous thought froze me on the spot, and prompted me to stop my son's movements. Fuck. Fuck. I threw Brandon on the bed, and jumped for the door, unlocking it to make my escape. I ran as fast as I could, grabbing my car keys and wallet on my way out. I drove away, not knowing where to go as I willed my stiff cock to go down. It was so unfair I almost wanted to cry. I headed back to the office to cool down, away from Brandon. Everyone had gone home when I got there, so I was peacefully alone with my sinful thoughts. I needed to figure out how to deal with Brandon, what to say to him to make him see reason. I rested my head on my desk, lost in my thoughts, trying to come up with a solution but finding none. I felt so alone, with no one I could talk to about this particular issue. I couldn't bring this up to anyone, and that just made things worse. I felt so consumed with guilt and lust at the same time. "Dad." I whipped my head up, finding Brandon standing in the doorway of my office, wearing more clothes than the last time I'd seen him, with old jeans and a tee shirt so tight that it could very well have been painted over his pecs and abs. "Come home, please," Brandon said, his blue eyes pleading. "You can't escape forever, you know? I'm sorry for coming on so strong. It's just so hard, having you so close, but not being able to have you. I'll give you some space, ok? Just come home." He sounded so sad, so genuine that I had to listen. This was Brandon, just yearning for my affections—the wrong kind, of course, but affections still. I got up from my chair and walked around my desk, pulling my son into a hug. I felt him relax in my embrace, burying his nose in my neck. He was trembling, and I really felt for him. I stroked his back, and he tried to pull me closer in return, but I made sure to keep our crotches apart. We stayed like that for a few minutes, just hugging each other. "I love you, son," I said, meaning every word. "I love you, Daddy," he whispered, that last word going straight to my cock, unfortunately. I pulled away, offering my son a soft smile, and then proceeded to get my things and switch everything off in my office. He kept his word and didn't try anything as we went home in separate cars. I was glad to know he was going to back off, and hoped we could repair our relationship now. I was hoping, above all else, that with time, his current infatuation with me would fade away—as well as mine. Brandon deserved great things in life, and I wanted him to have it all. A sexual relationship with me never factored in the plans I had for Brandon's future. He was headed toward a great life with Julie, as a future lawyer. I kept that in mind as my mantra to strengthen my will, in case Brandon tried to make me stray again. It was for his own good, I told myself. When we got home, Brandon kept his clothes on—thank fuck—and offered to cook dinner for us both, refusing my help. I took that opportunity to wrap some things up for work I'd left unfinished today. The evening went by a blur, with wine and good food at the table, I let myself go and kept on drinking, needing to unwind. I didn't think, and drank whenever Brandon gave me a refill, probably drinking more than I should have. I felt buzzed, and free, and could finally break the tension with my son. We laughed over old times, as though nothing had happened between us, and for a moment, I could almost forget our affair. "Thank you for dinner, son," I said as I prepared to clear the table, but had to steady myself when I stood up on wobbly legs. "You're welcome, Dad, but you don't have to do a thing, let me," he said as he helped me to the couch. I was dizzy, and lied on the cushions face down, hearing dishes being put away in the distance. Sleep was taking over me when Brandon shook my shoulder lightly. "Let's get you to bed, Dad," I heard him say, and next thing I knew, I was lying in my bed on my back. I threw my arm over my eyes, feeling a headache approaching, and longed for a good night of sleep. "I'm so hot," I mumbled, feeling uncomfortable in my shirt and my sweatpants. I felt hands on me, and breathed a sigh of relief when my shirt was removed and the cool evening air brushed my skin. I was aware enough to feel my sweatpants taken off, leaving me in my boxers only. I scooted higher on the bed until my head hit my pillow, and soon enough, I succumbed to sleep. Once again, Brandon invaded my dreams, naked on the bed with me, crawling over my body on all fours with a seductive grin. Looking up at me with his beautiful baby blues while his plump lips wrapped around my cock. His rock hard abs flexing in front of me as he rode my cock like an expert, moaning Fuck me, Daddy, loud enough to be heard in the entire neighbourhood. The images were so vivid it almost felt real, even my cock felt warm, as though it really was inside Brandon's sweet hole. That thought startled me into awareness, and when I opened my eyes, mind still foggy, I found the object of my desire actually going to town on my cock. The sight alone almost made me shoot my load. I couldn't even move, watching my own son impaling himself on my cock in front of me, an identical replica of my dreams just right now, with a sheen of sweat on his taut belly. "Oh yeah, fuck," Brandon whispered, eyes closed, a look of pure bliss on his face that had me mesmerised. He never looked as beautiful as he did in that instant, and I hated myself for thinking that. He looked so far gone he hadn't even noticed I was awake now. The second thing I realized as I looked down at my cock, was that he was riding it bareback, just like I'd wanted for so long, all those times before when he'd make me wrap it up. "Brandon," I said, catching the look on Brandon's face, like a deer caught in headlights. He recovered quickly though, and grinned at me as he kept on fucking himself. "Hey, Daddy, glad you decided to join me," he said, and actually quickened his pace, bringing me closer to the edge. "Brandon, stop," I begged, my mind still feeling dizzy enough to tell me that I hadn't been dozing long enough to sleep the alcohol off. "You told me you'd give me some space..." I mumbled, moaning despite myself. "And here you are...fuck.... molesting me in my sleep!" "I couldn't resist, Daddy," he said between thrusts, and put his hands on my chest, caressing my pecs, playing with my nipples. "You looked just too damn irresistible, laid out here, almost naked, ripe for the taking, and your cock was so fucking hard already. I didn't know booze made you so horny, but I'm glad I found that out." "Brandon, please," I begged again, for what exactly, I didn't know, but his raw hole felt so fucking good, all warm and wet, so tight around my cock. "Come on, Daddy, fuck me, please fuck me," Brandon said, pinning my wrists down above my head as he leaned down to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," he kept muttering between kisses. I was so overwhelmed, from the incredible warmth around my cock, to the feel of Brandon's soft skin over my hips, his beautiful lips on mine, his intoxicating smell, I couldn't think clearly anymore. I was drunk in the first place, but now I was also drunk on lust, and in a sensory overload. "I want your Dad sperm in me, please, Daddy, fill me up," Brandon said, slipping his tongue in my mouth again and making me engage in a long kiss as my hips started moving, thrusting up so my cock met his ass in a perfect tandem. "Fuck, baby, you feel so good," I let out, unable to filter my thoughts any longer. "Made such a beautiful boy." "All yours, Daddy," Brandon said, kissing me harder. "I love your bare cock in me, stretching my hole, filling it with your load." "Fuck." Brandon had such a dirty mouth, I'd almost forgotten just how nasty and vocal he could be. I'd almost forgotten just how much I loved his dirty mouth, how much it turned me on. "I want your babies, Daddy," Brandon added, fucking himself harder on my cock. "Want you to knock me up, keep my guts coated with your loads all the time until it takes." I couldn't take it anymore, with everything Brandon was saying, doing to me, I shot my load hard, my cum bursting inside my gorgeous and young son's ass. He stopped moving the moment I started shooting, taking my cock all the way in, as deep as it could reach. "Yeah, sperm me, Daddy, sperm me," he said with a huge smile on his face as he came himself, hands free, the look so beautiful it only added to my climax. His cock twitched back and forth as it shot its thick, creamy son cum all over his abs and mine. It was without a doubt the hottest thing I'd ever experienced in my life, my mind absolutely blown away. I watched as Brandon scooped up his load off his belly and mine, coating his own cock with it, and letting some drip over my waiting tongue. "How's it taste, Daddy?" "Fucking sweet," I growled, completely lost in lust, my tongue licking some of the cum that had dripped on my lips. I watched my son grab something from the bed, the same black butt plug he'd used on me yesterday, and slip it in his hole easily as he came off my cock. He threw my legs up in the air then, resting my shins on his shoulders as he aligned his cock toward my hole. I could feel his cum-coated erection teasing my entrance, and threw my head back with a moan. "Fuck, you're so hot, Daddy," he said, leaning over to kiss me. I kissed him willingly, licking at his tongue desperately, letting his lips meet mine in a fiery dance as the head of his cock slowly penetrated me, pushing some of his load in. I groaned, the sounds coming from my throat swallowed by Brandon while he picked a pace fucking my hole with his sperm as the only lube. My hole was still a bit loose from the night before, and it only hurt a bit as his big son cock started fucking me eagerly. "Fuck me, son, fuck," I said, grabbing Brandon's firm ass, kneading his cheeks and urging him to fuck me harder. "Love you, love you, love you, love you," Brandon muttered in perfect timing with his frantic thrusts, and soon enough shot another load, this time inside me, the familiar feeling making me climax again. There really was nothing quite like getting a fresh, warm load of young cum bursting inside you, coating your guts so deep you could feel it. I felt like an addict getting his fix, and kept his hips in place until I could milk every last drop of his son sperm inside me. I was in heaven, and nothing else could bring me down in that single perfect instant with my son.
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  5. I think sharing someone you love--or even slightly like--is very hot. The mistake many people make is that love and sex are the same thing. Sex should be a hot, sweaty, raw, passionate, cum filled adventure that you share with those you know, just met or those you never exchange a word with. Love on the other hand is something different and defined by those doing the loving. Not every person thinks the same way about sex and love but I can say in my experience those who view sex and love as the same thing make things much more difficult.
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  6. Chapter Six The cab stopped suddenly. I tried to pull myself up, but the weakness was even greater. The driver got out, opened the back door and dragged me to a sitting position with my feet on the ground outside the cab. He grabbed the back of my shorts, quickly pulling me to a standing position then throwing me over one of his shoulders. We moved to the front door, knocking to gain access to the small area just inside. Greeting us was the muscled man that was there during my first visit. “In the middle of mutation” was all I could make out with what was being said. The driver moved me to one of the shoulders of the muscled man, still in his brown robes as before. My arms hung low against his ass. I mustered some strength to squeeze his ass checks, causing him to grunt. The driver exited, the door was closed and locked. I was carried into the building, then up some stairs. I tried to remember if I had been this way before but my mind was in a fog. We went though another door at the top of the stairs. Once there I was put down, to try to stand on my own, still to weak my legs buckled and was quickly caught by my muscled escort. The room was actually a bar on one side and the other had small cubicles with curtains. Behind the bar was another roided muscle man, but not dressed in a robe, he was in a leather harness. On each shoulder was a metal ring with three straps of leather, one connected to a ring on his mid-chest, one to a ring in the middle of his back, and another that went to a ring that was in an arm band circling his massive biceps. The ring in the middle of his chest and back then had a strap that went to a ring on a waist band. There was two other rings that were connected to straps off the middle ring. These other rings connect to rings on thigh bands. Off the middle waist band ring was a strap that connect to his cock ring. The cock ring was so tight that it pumped up his uncut cock, filling it with blood giving it a purplish hue. The bar keep helped me over to a stool in front of the bar, picked me up and dropped my ass on the cushioned top. He held me there until I recovered slightly and was able to hold myself up with the help of the bar. “Wait here for your Priest” the robed man from the front door told me. “You look like you need a bit of the hair of the dog!” the bar keep said, turning grabbing a shot glass. I stared at his ass as he worked behind the bar. Completing his task he turned back around with the shot glass, sitting it on the bar. The shot glass was filled with a milky like liquid. Without thinking I swallowed the entire shot glass. It was cum - damn. I forcefully dropped the shot glass back on the bar, as if I was signaling to the bartender I wanted another. This time the bartender grabbed a beer mug and held it under his cock. Taking aim, he started to piss into the mug. I watch attentively as the hot piss filled the mug, creating a small amount of foam on top. Once filled he said it in front of me on the bar. “Drink up while it’s hot” he said. Instinctively I grabbed the handle, brining the mug to my mouth and chugged. I didn’t stop until the mug was empty. Slamming it back on the bar top. I felt the warmth move from my stomach to my chest then arms. I felt somewhat better, as if his piss was some sort of magic elixir. The Priest entered the bar shortly after. By the way the robe was filled out he was not the one that guided me during my last visit. “You are over dressed. Please remove your clothes and entrust them to the bar keep.” he said and I obeyed. Once naked, the Priest led me to one of the curtain off areas on the other side of the bar. We stepped in once the curtain was pulled aside for me. Inside was another stool, yet in the middle was a hole with the head of a dildo slightly sticking out. Very realistic dildo, since it had a piss slit in it. I could not see how big it was since the rest was hidden inside the stool. On the wall in front was a small screen, which right now was dark. On each side of the screen was two openings, almost like glory holes, but more the size of a fist. “Please take a seat, then insert your hands into the holes. Inside you will find a rod - grasp it” instructed the Priest and I did as I was told. Now seated and holding on tight, the Priest pulled open my ass checks, exposing my hole to the head of the dildo. Inside the hole something slid down, locking my hands inside. “Your body is reconciling the virus at a cellular level and in order to maximize the effects of the virus - we must feed the virus.” I heard some clicks and whirls, then pressure on my hole as the dildo rose out of the stool. The pressure continued to build until the dildo painfully slid into my dry hole. My hole felt as if it was being pulled outside in. The Priest put his hands on my shoulders and pushed down causing my ass to slide down the dildo more and keeping my ass on the stool. With a click the dildo changed direction and began to slowly pull out of my hole. This movement was repeated over and over. The dryness soon began to ease off as my hole became slick, ass juice was beginning to flow and make the fake dick in my ass wet. Pain soon became pleasure as the slick rubber dick slid in and out of my ass. My cock grew hard between my legs, slowly leaking a stream of pre-cum. As the thrusting quickened, I throw my head back in pleasure, until the dildo pushed deep in my hole. A warmth filled my inside as the dildo slowly pulled out of my hole. I lowered my head just to see the screen light up with the following words Load #1: HIV Positive, Viral Load 10,549 With a click, the dildo rose and started to slid into my hole. The muscles of my hole gave way allowing it to fully enter, the cum load in me help it penetrate completely. Pumping in and out the dildo slid with ease. Faster and faster, causing more pre-cum to leak from my cock’s piss slit. The veiny ridges on the dildo rubbed against my prostate adding to the pleasure. The pace of the fucking was like a jack rabbit, sometimes barely moving, just pulsing, until a warmth flooded my inside again. Load #2: HIV Positive, Viral Load 145,900 The Priest was still standing behind me, hand holding my shoulders holding me down, as the machine clicked again and the dildo slid back up inside my hole, which was growing more and more sensitive. The constant moving in and out of my hole was electrifying to every nerve. This time the speed was slower allowing me to feel every inch, every detail in this fake cock. My own cock throbbed for attention, for release. Pre-cum pumped out with every thrust in of the dildo, creating a thread of pre-cum that was almost to the floor. Minutes pasts, until the dildo push all the way in. The warmth increase inside. Load #3: HIV Positive, Viral Load 559,000 “We are feeding the virus, my neophyte. We must secure the success of conversion” For the fourth time, clicks signaled the rise of the dildo out of the stool, sliding with ease into my hole. Each time it enters, I feel less and less resistance from the muscles. The pace of this fuck was steady, but with more force. The dildo would slide out at a easy pace, but would slam back in deep with each thrust in. The first time, I raised slightly off the stool, only to be pushed down by the hands of the Priest and then held in place with more force. I bit my bottom lip to take my mind off the roughness of the fucking. Time in my mind, during the first three fucks went quickly, but this fuck seemed to last longer. I could feel a wetness between me and the stool, imagining it was just some of the loads leaking out, but feared it was mixed with blood. The dildo thrusted in deep, releasing it’s warmth. Load #4: HIV Positive, Viral Load 1,450,690 My back ached from being upright, my abs burned from keeping me upright, and my cock throbbed wanting to be stroked. I waited for more clicking to signal more fucking, but only heard a soft humming sound. “Relax, my neophyte. In order to increase the strain, we must change the delivery vehicle. Focus, breath and relax for there is pleasure in pain.” The humming returned, accompanied by a vibration, then silence. Within seconds the dreaded clicks. I closed my eyes as I felt my hole being stretched open further then it has ever been. Nerves sent shock waves of pain through my body causing me to try and pull off, only to have the Priest push me back down onto the new dildo. My hole felt as if it was ripping apart, as the new dildo slide further and fast inside. Once the dildo met resistance, it pulsed a few times then started to thrust in and out. The pain was intense, yet my cock throbbed and bounced with each thrust. The pre-cum flowed more like piss out of my piss slit, reaching the floor and pooling. The pain increased as the massive girth of the dildo kept my hole open, allowing it to move quickly in and out. It pushed in deep, held that depth as I felt it flood my inside, but not with warmth but with a hotness. Load #5: AIDS The dildo quickly started moving again, pumping in and out this time at even a quicker pace. My hole ached as the slick fake thick dick moved in and out. Pain continued. I tried to pull my hands free, but my grip would not release, the Priest increased his pressure on my shoulders as he felt me trying to free myself. I screamed as the dildo, pulled out completely, then slammed all the way into my hole over and over. I could hear someone outside the curtain laugh, imagining that it was the bar keep. My legs kicked the wall in front of me, from the assault on my hole, my cock jumped and shot a load that splattered against the wall in front of me. I shivered from my climax, which squeezed the muscles around my hole, sending more pain through my body, and yet the dildo’s invasion continued. My breathing increased, as I pushed with my feet against the wall in front only to meet the body of the Priest behind me pushing back, keeping me right were I was. The massive dildo pushed completely in, adding more heat to my insides. Load #6: AIDS “It is done my neophyte. The virus has been fed.” I felt the dildo slowly retreat from my hole, leaving me feeling empty. The restraint on my hands released allowing me to pull free. I stood, turning to see what was on the stool, only to find a reddish liquid surrounding the opening for the dildo. The curtain was opened, exposing me to the rest of the bar, only to be met with a small applause from the bar keep. The Priest grabbed my arm and escorted me out of the bar area and into a hall. At the end of the hall was a black door with a biohazard symbol in red, under it was a name plate: “Dr. Serpent - Undesirable of Society” The Priest knocked and waited. From inside a deep voice responded. “Enter”
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  7. Chapter Four This hall was different, there was only a single door waiting for us, which peaked my curiosity. Was this where I was going to be fucked by the Priest or better yet have a ride on the cock of the bull who granted me entrance to this twisted place? Without a word, the Priest opened the door, granting us access to this new room. Inside was another door beside a floor to ceiling window. Inside the window was dark, revealing nothing. “Death is irrevocable. Unchangeable, time is of the essence. Afflictions harbor death, yet by welcoming sickness, pollution, and decay, you balance out the repercussion of natural sex. Sex free from constraints, free from judgment, and internal remorse.” Said the Priest. “Beyond this door exists a man that has balances the terms of free sex. His life consisted of nothing but free sex, self perverting his body of death. Analyzing his seed, we have discovered that he is a carrier of each Sexually Transmitted Disease known to medical science. Mutation has created new, ones that we don’t know how they effect the body.” Staring inside, I just wanted a peak of this man. I could only guess that this man was a God to them, they worship him for his embrace of death. Darkness still hid this man from me. “Wasting away, we search for our next Absolute Being. You must allow his death to be passed to you. You must seize his death, making it your own. Allow him to use your hole to gratify his consecrated cock. Absorb his energy, his disease, and his death.” I watched through the window as the light flickered on. Standing in the middle of the room, with his back to us was a naked man, or what was left of him. His body was voided of any fat deposits, his skin hung from him. His ass was saggy and wrinkled. His right arm was the only body part moving. It was obvious that he was stroking his cock. He slowly turned around, revealing the front of his body, which was very much like his back, void of fat and wrinkled skin. In the middle of his chest was the same symbol that was on the invite, tattooed deep. I moved my eyes slowly down his chest and stomach to his crotch. He was slowly stroking his cock, which was at least nine inches cut, with a massive mushroom head. It was red, raw and in some spots bleeding. If his toxic load didn’t corrupt me then the blood off his cock would. His face was blank, void of emotion. Yet, his eyes spoke volumes. Lust, carnage, and sex radiated from behind his darkened stare. He licked his lips while with his free hand created a turning motioning. Hypnotized I slowly turned in spot in front of the window, then once my back was to him, bent over, spreading my ass checks with my hands, exposing my hole. Inside I was pleased with myself, I was freeing myself from the bondage of misery and inhibition. The Priest inserted a key and with a click the door was swinging open. I moved quickly inside with the gaunt man. My desire to acquire his disease and death took over. I craved freedom. Immediately the man grabbed me, turned me around while at the same time bending me over. His hand clamped around the back of my neck, holding me still as his cock started to stab my wet hole. My cock instantly shot it’s load all over the floor just from this man’s touch. His cock found my hole and slid in, balls deep in one motion. I felt no pain, no remorse, only lust for death. He pulled out until his massive cock head was pulling my hole out from the inside, then pushed back in balls deep. As he quickened his pace of pumping his cock deep in and out of my hole, his grip tightened on my neck. The pain of my neck mixed with the pleasure of my hole hardened my cock again, yet I could not stroke only brace myself with my hands on my thighs. My mind’s only thought of the mixing of the cum that was already in my hole and the blood from his raw cock. I was over come with excitement again, shooting my load on the floor, the second time without stroking. I was absorbing his death. My mind filled with thoughts of viruses moving through my blood stream, effecting every cell in my body. I wanted his gift of disease circulating my blood stream. I wanted to be a carrier for HIV, for the unknown, for death. He continued to pump his cock deep in my hole, over and over. I felt his nuts slap mine sending pleasure shooting through my body. His hand forcefully turn my head without releasing my neck, directing my sight to the window. My eyes bulged as I saw the Priest. His robe was open, exposing his naked body underneath. He was stroking a thick uncut cock, eyes closed, licking his lips with an expression of pure pleasure on his face. His cock was heavy in his hand, thick and spongy and his balls were hanging low, bouncing to the rhythm of his stroking. Tattooed around his belly button was the biohazard symbol. My Priest was poz, how fucking hot. Was his toxic load part of the cum that I held in my hole before? My mouth watered as I watched the Priest stroke through the window. My gift giver continued pounding my hole, pulling cum from deep inside causing my balls to become slick and drip down to the floor. The cock thickened inside of me, hardening telling me that he was going to blow his charged seed soon. I continued to watch the Priest stroke through the window. My breath quickened, matching the sinister man’s fucking me. His thrusts became harder and harder, while the Priest’s own stroking became quicker and quicker. My own death dealer released his grip on the back of my neck, only to position is forearm across my throat, all the while still roughly pounding my hole. I grabbed his forearm with both hands, trying to release it, not wanting to escape this brutal fucking, but to ensure I stayed conscious, so I could feel his gift me his disease; to feel my body welcome HIV as well as any other disease he carried. Through the window, the Priest held his hand in front of his cock head, aiming the piss slit into the palm of his hand. I watched as his cock became fully erect, then begin to pulse, as shot after shot of cum erupted from his piss slit into his waiting palm. The load was thick and clung to the sides of his slit only to be forced off by another shot, repeating this over and over again, until the eruption slowed to just a light milking by his hand. My desire for this cum was great. I wanted to eat it, shove it up my fucked hole so it could be used as lube and then forced deep inside by the current dick. The Priest locked eyes with me, his stare was so intense I could not look away. Without emotion, he raised his hand to his mouth, licking his cum off and swallowing it. Seeing this, I shut my eyes, getting lost in the pounding that my hole was taking. The long strokes in and out of my ass soon shortened, as if he was teasing his head with my hole bringing him closer and closer to shooting. I rode the wave of pleasure, until he rammed his cock deep within. His cock jumped and twitched over and over in my hole as his diseased cum shot in deep. “take my death you cock loving mother fucker” he yelled I pushed back on his cock feeling his bones grind against my ass. I wanted every fucking poisoned drop of cum inside me. Moments later he push me violent forward, causing me to fall to the floor, ripping his still hard cock out of my hole, then turned away. I moved quickly towards the door for my escape. Not knowing what will happen now that he shot. Going through the door, I discovered the Priest had now refastened his robe and was quietly waiting. I fell back on the door, holding it in place, until the Priest locked it. I wanted out of that room. It was the only time I felt fear. The fear was not from sex, disease or death but of the man that just fucked me. I felt a darkness emerge from him after he shot his load in me, as if he lost part of him and that was replaced with something else. We quietly left the booth and returned to the hall. As if trained I followed the Priest through another door. Entering the area just outside the locker room. “A choice you must make now,” the Priest started to say. “now?” I questioned. Where was my choice in this earlier, although I think I would have said yes to all that I have done. “A choice you must make now, receive our mark, and continue this journey or reject the mark and go into the world with new purpose, new desires, new diseases and new freedom” “mark” I quietly said feeling as if it was the only choice to make. I wanted more than just the freedom I gained through raw sex, through carrying death. The Priest knocked three times on a door. The muscle bull entered through it shortly after. His massive arms wrapped around me at my elbows, which caused the part of my arms below to lift outward. As I was standing there in the grips of this bull, grinding my ass against his crotch still separated by his robe, the Priest had opened a cabinet. I could see a red glow illuminating the inside, but had no idea what he was doing. I could feel the dick on my captor growing against my ass, distracting me slightly from the Priest. In a quick motion, the Priest moved in front of me, grabbed my right arm, twisted it palm up and at my wrist pressed a red hot prod against my skin. The pain was tormenting, I opened my mouth to scream, yet nothing came out. The seconds seemed like an eternity. Satisfied that I was properly marked, the Priest removed the prod, then rubbed an cream on the spot which removed all the fire, pain and redness, leaving only the left side of the symbol of the invitation. With that task complete the Priest turned and disappeared through the door we came through. “Phase one is complete, dress, leave and be ready” the bull said pointing to the door of the locker room. I quickly went in, found my stuff, dressed. My head was swimming with questions. My hole was so wet, that I knew I would have a huge wet spot on my shorts before I got home. I could feel the cum leaking slowly out of my hole. A door opened and a hand motioned for me and without question I followed, taking me back into the man-trap just off the entrance. The muscle bull was waiting for me and quickly let me out back into the world.
    5 points
  8. I love that hot looking hole winking at everyone. I want to grab the harness and slam fuck his hole like a bitch in heat. Make him scream and whimper as I pump him full. Then just pull out and say I am all done with that pussy boy you can leave now. Or stay and get gang banged your choice. and walk away.
    4 points
  9. Wow that little cum dump had to go home halfway thru being breed. Once he was gone Master looked at me and told me Get on the bench Now boy we will have to use your pussy instead. I just woke up and I still have cum leaking from my hole.
    4 points
  10. Part 5 I woke up with Craig spooning me, his arms around me, and his hard cock pressing against my ass. I smiled as I reached back and guiding him back inside me. He slid in and let out a sleepy sigh. It was heaven just feeling his body pressed against my back and his cock filling me up. It seemed he was still half asleep, and I was barely awake myself. Thoughts were drifting in and out of my mind. He said he had a "hot guy" and I felt I needed to ask him more about that. I really didn't want to be the "other man." Right then he pulled back a little and fucked me with a few very slow strokes, followed by another sigh. He whispered in my ear, "Does that feel good baby?" "It sure does. This is the best way to wake up ever." He kissed my ear and gave me 3 or 4 long slow strokes. His hand moved down and found my hard cock and he started to stroke it just as slowly. "A penny for your thoughts, white boy," he said. "Well," I started, but paused. "Tell me, baby. Are you worried about what we did last night? I'm sorry." "No- it's not that at all," actually it surprised me that I hadn't given that a single thought. "I was just wondering- you mentioned this guy you have. Is that something serious? Are we doing something wrong? I don't want to break anybody up." It sounded stupid once I had said it, but I couldn't take it back. Craig pressed his cock inside me again deep, and left it there. "You are such a good guy." He gave my ear another kiss. "There is nothing to worry about. He's a great guy, too. I love him- we love each other. I don't thin I would ever leave him. We're together, but we both play with other guys sometimes. We tell each other everything... eventually." He let out a little chuckle. "I'll tell him all about you today. If he was here he'd be fucking you right now. Or he might fuck me while I fuck you." He squeezed my cock hard. "I think that might turn you on. Am I right?" He was right. I pictured another man being in bed with us, and I was very turned on. In fact, I realized the imaginary other guy I pictured in my mind was Frank. My ass muscles gave his cock a squeeze. "That does sound hot." "There, I think we are both finally awake. I know for sure that hot hole of yours is awake, and I need to give it another good fuck." He got up out of bed and was grabbing his clothes. He took out his phone. "I want a picture of that sweet ass- that OK?" "Ummm.. I've never had anyone take pictures of me like that. I guess it's OK, as long as you promise not to post anything online, OK?" "Oh these will be just for me. Well, I would have to show my guy, too." "That's fine," I said. He stood beside the bed and told me what poses to take. He took pics of my hard cock, and even more pics of my ass, some close-ups, but when he told me to smile I knew he was including my face in some shots. This was oddly exciting. Then he told me to get on my back and lift up my legs. I reached down and pulled my ass cheeks apart. 'Damn babe, there's just a little dribble of my poz cum leaking out. Let me gets that shot." He then moved closer. "You have me so horned up again. I need to give you some more of that poz love juice!" I smiled, and lifted my legs just a bit higher. His beautiful black cock pressed against my hole and slowly entered again. "Oh baby, prettiest picture yet!" He plunged into my well used hole all the way and started plowing me good. The shutter sound had stopped. I stopped thinking about the pictures and concentrated on the marvelous feeling of his cock. I threw my head back and closed my eyes. "Baby it feels so good. Your ass feels so good. How does my cock feel?" "It feels great- fuck me!" I gasped. "You want my cum baby? Tell me how much you want it." "Give me your cum!" "Tell me what I want to hear, white boy. Beg for that seed!" "Give me your seed please!" "Tell me what I want to hear." I knew what he wanted to hear. It was the same thing I wanted to say, "Give me your poz seed. I need your poz cum in my hole!" "Fuck yeah baby!" He plunged in and I felt him shoot deep into me. He pulled out his cock, and I looked up. He was still holding his phone up and pointing it down at his cock and my hole. I felt some cum shoot out onto my balls and my hole, and he reached down and swept it all up with his dick and fucked it all into me. He was taking a video! "There's my poz cum in you babe," he said. He put his phone down and lowered himself onto me and I felt the aftershocks go through his body. His head was right next to mine and he kissed me softly on the lips. "Did you just video that?" I asked. "Yes, don't worry. I think it's a hot video. Want to see it." "Of course I do, but don't move yet." He let out a deep sigh of satisfaction. His hand slid in between our sweaty bodies and found my raging hard cock. He stroked it while he kissed and chewed on my neck. I no time I let out a quiet grunt as I shot my own load all over both of us. He lifted up his head, and brought his hand to his mouth and licked my cum off. The he kissed me, giving me a taste. He eased himself up and bent down to lick some of his load out of my hole. Then he moved up for another kiss. I had both our cum on my tongue. "How does that taste- poz and neg cum mixed together?" "Delicious!" I had never in my wildest fantasies thought I would have such hot sex with such a hot man. My life was changing for sure. It felt like his poz seed had already infected my mind. Part 6 coming soon
    4 points
  11. Chapter Five Confused, I stood there on the street. Lost in a different time. I replayed each of the three events in my head, wondering what the hell got into me. The honk of a car horn brought me back to reality. Not six feet from me was a cab. It wasn't until I got in when I realized it was the driver who had delivered me to this place. Before words could be spoken, he held up his right wrist. Across the wrist was the raised symbol - the whole symbol. “I have so many questions..” I blurted out “For which I can not answer, this is your path, mine was different” he replied. Disappointed, I flopped back in the seat. I was tired, but I wanted more. “Show me your hole” the drive said Without question, I turned, dropped my shorts to my ankles, knelt in the seat and spread my crack. Cum was still leaking and I was sure that my hole was a little puffy. I rubbed my finger on my hole, giving my cabbie a little show. I could see a bit of his reflection in the rear view mirror. His tongue was circling his lips and I knew I was turning him on. I pushed my hardening cock back between my legs, giving him more to see. “Fuck me” I demanded. “No” he said, “Until you complete your baptism into the order, no member of the order may fuck you with out permission from a Priest” Disappointed, I slowly fingered my wet, sloppy hole. I wanted more dick. I was lost in the memory of what happened as the darkness outside the rear window was interrupted by the street lights. Buildings appeared and quickly disappeared from view. More and more, the glimpses of buildings become more recognizable as we moved through the city, until we were outside mine. As we stopped in front, I pulled my shorts up and turned to face the driver. “My card, you still have it?” the driver asked, to which I nodded yes. “Embrace the viruses you have been given, allow them to take over. At the moment you convert, call the number on the card, no matter the time and I will come. Time is critical in order to insure that your body is making the virus it’s own” I nodded again while exiting the cab. The following week went by and nothing. My mind wondered if the inoculation even took. It wasn't until the following Wednesday I started to feel like I had been run over by a dump truck. At midday my boss send me home, commenting I looked like shit. Once home I stripped naked and crawled between the sheets, waiting for sleep to find me. I was so hot, that sweat ran from me like a leaking hose and my body ached so bad that I laid frozen to the bed, not wanting to move due to the hurt. Sleep found me soon enough as well as the nightmare. I slowly opened my eyes to a semi-lite room, instead of my bed, I was laying face down on something smooth and cold. My fingers slid along the top, finding the corner and slowly going over the side, which was rough like stone. It then occurred to me I was on a stone alter. Everything below my waist hung over the edge, without touching the floor below. I was naked, my hard, aching, throbbing cock was wedged under me. It looked as if I was alone, yet I sensed that I was not. Stepping out of the dark was two fingers in black robes, covering their heads were hoods. Each one held a scythe, yet their hands were covered with fabric from the sleeves of the robes. Panic set in as my mind determined that these two were Grim Reapers. Fuck - was I dead. Was this the place that I was delivered to, was this my Hell? Quickly the two separated, one walked around me to my ass end and one stepped in front of my face. I watched as the one in front of me dropped his scythe, but no sound was made, if it hit a floor and I could only imagine the one behind me had done the same. The Reaper’s hands appear from inside the sleeve, which was nothing but bone. Gripping the middle of the black robe, the bony hands open it, revealing the skeleton body of the Reaper. Right in front of my face was a long bone and two round ball like bones to each side of this long bone. They were attached to nothing, yet hung like a cock and balls. I watched as the long bone slowly started to rise, thicken and twitch, until it was pointing straight at me. The Reaper slowly moved closer to my head as I felt bony fingers grip my ass checks and pull them apart. Coldness invaded my crack. My breath was visible more and more as the Reaper advanced toward me. Without warning, my hole was stabbed over and over by the Reaper’s bony cock. Pain shot through me as the bony cock ripped open my hole, driving deep. There was no warmth, just coldness. The warm inside me was turning to a painful coldness, as the Reaper began to move the bone in and out of my hole. The Reaper in front of me inserted his cold fingers into my mouth, forcing it open, then drove his bony cock deep with in, freezing my tongue as well as the back of my throat. I felt my lips go numb from the cold, as it face fucked me. The hard bony balls froze my chin as they collided with it as the drove deep into my mouth. The stone alter that I was on fell away, leaving me hanging in the air between the two Reapers, who were thrusting in and out of my holes. I could feel air rushing past my chest and stomach, as if we were falling. My body shivered from all the cold, causing my nipples to harden. I wanted to brace myself, but the coldness had me pull away, leaving my arms to hand just like my legs. I couldn’t see anything under me, no ground, nothing, just blackness. The Reapers continue to freeze fuck my holes, spreading the numbness through out my body. Over and over they drove their bony cocks into my holes. I imagined my hole and lips turning blue, as they death fucked me. I could hear my heart beating slowly in my chest and it was getting slower and slower. Panic set in, accompanied by fear. Darkness was closing in around me and the Reapers, until I could no longer see them, only feeling their bony cocks pump in and out. I tried screaming with the cock in my throat…… I sat up in bed screaming, breathing hard, and covered in sweat. My heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to calm myself. The clock across the room read 12:35. A chill traveled through my body, hot from fever and cold from the wet sheets. Grabbing my phone and business card, I called the driver. After three rings, he picked up. “Is it time?” he asked “Yes” I replied “Prepare! I will be in front of your building at 3:30 - be waiting” then the line went dead. Knowing what I had to do, I set about my task. At 3:20 I stood out front of my building propped up against the railing, watching. Exactly 3:30 he arrived. I was so tired and weak, I couldn’t move. Without words, the driver was out, helping me into the car, then was back in the driver seat. We speed off as I fell over in the seat, not caring where we were headed.
    4 points
  12. Sorry for the delay ... more soon CHAPTER 9: A couple weeks went by, and Mike and I are feeling closer than ever; it feels like we’re dating. We are dating. Mike is making public habits of kissing me and holding my hand when we go places, but more important to me, he breeds my often – sometimes twice a day. Chris is nearly moved in with us, too, and sleeping with us in my king-sized bed most nights. If I’m being honest with myself, I think I may be in love with both of them. I know both of them are trying to get me pregnant as I’m getting loads from each of them, usually in the same session, but sometimes separately. Between these two hotties the walls of my ass are taking 2 – 4 loads of unmedicated jizz every single day. When we have sex, they both seem so adamant about infecting me. Four weeks after the sex orgy, and finding out Mike tested positive for HIV, I decide I want to try another home test. I haven’t felt sick and I know these things can take months to actually show a positive result, but the curiosity is killing me. Part of me feels like I’m already HIV+, mentally its already a part of me, and when Mike or Chris fucks me, its part of our sex. I wake the next morning, with Mike cuddled close to me and I realize Chris didn’t stay the night with us. I love waking up to these guys, but I need to piss. In my half-groggy state I slink out of bed. As quietly as I can, I tear open the OraSure test and swab my gums with the cotton. I put the swab into the test vile and leave it sitting on the counter while I make my way to the toilet. I’m still not quite awake and my aim isn’t very good. My piss sprays out and hits my hand, my leg and my foot before I can wrestle the rest of it into the bowl. After some dribbles and spirts my morning piss fires out and then finally ends with a whimper. In an act of silliness I let the last bits drip onto my right-hand and leg. I don’t know if it’s desire, need, or what, but one second I’m finishing up and the next I’m bringing my pissy hand to my mouth and licking up what the spillage. It’s bitter and I grimace a little, then a giggle hits me, imagining kissing Mike with this mouth. I finish and decide to move the testing container to the nightstand so I can keep an eye on it after I climb back into bed. I return to my comfy “Mike” blanket – his warm, naked body and cock feel so good. I feel him stir and his body, as if acting on instinct, forms itself against mine and his hand comes around my waist, pulling me in close. I love how this all feels but I don’t want to fall asleep, these OraSure tests need to be monitored, and its only been a few minutes. I lie there a minute thinking about the possible, and of Mike, when I feel his cock swelling and pressing against my ass. I need to stay focused on the test but his poz cock is all I can think about, which is all the more evident by my own raging boner leaking and pressing up tight against my stomach. I like to leave Mike is in charge of my ass and breeding it, but I’m finding myself distracted by this test, well that, and all the precum oozing and running down the head of my cock. Pulse after pulse of the clear liquid is dripping into my open hand. I move Mike’s hand to my cock then his fingers to my mouth so I can get a taste. I reach behind me and lightly stroke Mike’s dick. “Is he awake and just letting me do this?”, I wonder. I push my butt away from him, and angle that poz dick down until I can feel it press against my ass. At this point I hear a slight moan leave Mike’s lips and he rolls over on to his back; my hand still attached. "Hey fucker … ", I whisper, "I’m busy using that cock of yours", “Well, you'll just have to climb on and ride it!”, he says, turning his face towards me. I glance over at him and see the slyest look on his face … we both know what’s about to happen. I let loose of him for a moment, moving toward him, and throwing the comforter off the bed. I end this quick combination of movements with a savory kiss on his lips, “So hot”, I speak the words softly into his mouth. My cock is rock hard and sticking straight out from my naked waist. When I grab his hard cock again he pulls me forward, until my dick is pressing against his lips. He quickly opens his mouth and my cock sinks past his lips, teeth, and tongue. Soon I’m lodged deep in his throat as I begin to move my hips back and forth allowing my cock to slip in and out of his mouth. His tongue is like velvet on my cock, the feeling is pure pleasure as he sucks and licks the pre-cum, and probably the last few drops of piss, from the head of my dick. I can feel my balls slowly contracting as my need to nut begins to rise – I stop him. "NO! I wa… need you to fuck me, NOW!", I say matter-of-factly and pull my wet dick from his wanting mouth, falling back on his crotch. I look over at the test, “Still not done”, I think. I can feel his hard, fat cock pressing against my ass, making me need it more and more. I lift my ass up off him and he reaches down, pulling that infected dick upright, and I sink my ass back down on him nice and slow. I let him slide all the way into my ass, relishing each and every inch as it invades my fuck hole. "Oh FUCK yea, … that's what I’ve been fucking waiting for", I spout as his cock fills me, not moving, just enjoying the feeling of his cock deep inside me. He pulls my face to his and we kiss, but this time its not soft, his tongue forces its way past my lips. I open my mouth inviting him in, immediately feeling the warmth of his mouth, as our tongues fight. I raise myself up, his cock slipping effortlessly within my ass, until the head is pressing against the rim of my hole. Then I lower myself once again until he’s fully penetrating me – until he’s balls deep. Our lips are locked as my ass is floating up and down on that cock. All too soon, I feel his hard, fat, poz fuck rod swelling deep with in me and I know he’s about to blow another load of toxic spunk inside me. I release our kiss and look down into his eyes, his orgasm is building and he’s lost in it. Soon, his hips are bucking me up and down on his cock, his hands are holding onto me tight as his cock is fucking my ass vigorously. “Ah ... Ahhhh ... Ohh fuck … oh fuck", he moans loudly as his body is slamming it's self against mine, lodging his cock deeper and deeper within the hot cavity of my ass and spitting load after load of his cum from those tight balls deep into my ass. "YES! ... OH FUU...... OH FUCK …. I CUMMMINNNNGGG......", he screams, and I feel it, as my whole body is being tossed about on top of him. I love the warmth engulfing me fully as his HIV+ cock spews and spews and spews deep inside me. My own cock is gyrating up and down against our stomachs as he pounds away at my ass, releasing all of his infected jizz inside me. This is one of Mike's more intense orgasms and seems to last for several minutes, filling my ass with cum, but I know in the real world its probably not even a whole minute. I am a bit surprised at his stamina, until I remember it’s been almost 24 hours since he last came inside me. With his balls empty and his cock momentarily satisfied, Mike slowly stops fucking me, and lays there with his arm pits exposed, completely spent. I look down at him, still attached to him by his cock in my ass, and kiss him. "I … I really do love you Mike", I say looking for some sort of reaction in his eyes. "Kevin", and I can see its his first word. "I love you too babe, I really do." I kiss him again as I feel his cock deflating. He rolls me over onto the bed as we kiss, and then he pulls away, climbing out of bed. I grab his hand as he’s walking away, "Where are you going?", I ask as he turns around and I’m staring at his hot body, his cock slick from our fuck, pointing out but down, still fat and semi-full of blood. "Gotta take a piss babe, … then I am going to come back and suck every bit of neg cum out of your cock until your balls are as drained as mine", and he gives me that sly look I love so much. I give him my best devious grin, and pull him back into bed. He sits on the edge and looks at me questioningly. As many times as we’ve shared piss you would think he’d get a clue about what I want. "What?", he says looking at me. Instead of telling him, I don't say a word, I just push him down on the bed, both of us now face to cock, “mmmmm”, I moan. "Kev, I have to take a wicked pi.......", and he stops as my mouth takes his soft dick inside and I hold it there without moving. I can taste the sex and cum on him, this just makes my own cock that much harder. "Gollll", I say as best I can with my mouth full of his dick, and I then re-close my mouth. He looks at me for a moment and then lowers his head to my cock and takes it completely in his mouth. He begins to suck me softly as I did with him when I feel the first few drops of his piss ooze out of his cock, but he holds back, not quite being able to release yet. I just stay there as he expertly sucks me deep into his throat. And again, I felt the slight flow of his yellow stream fill my mouth. I drink and swallow as it dribbles out, but there is little there to savor. Then he stops sucking my cock for a moment, its still lodged in his throat, and then it happens. My mouth is soon filled with his hot piss as his bladder opens up and feeding me a healthy helping of piss for breakfast. I gulp and gulp and swallow as he empties himself into my mouth. As soon as he feels himself filling my stomach with his piss, he returns to sucking my cock. I don't know if its the way he’s sucking me or that he’s pissing in my mouth, but I can’t deny it turns me on and my orgasm blasts forth. My rock hard cock fills his mouth with cum as I drink him down. We’re emptying ourselves into each other, drinking from each other’s cock. Our mouths filling and then swallowing each others juice as it erupts from our bodies with force. His piss is hot and salty as it runs down my throat, and to make it more interesting as if I didn’t already know, the smell and deep yellow flavor tells me it’s morning piss. My orgasm doesn't last as long as his piss, but soon we’re both spent. My body is momentarily drained of all the cum it can produce, and his bladder is freshly emptied, I think, “Note to self … we really need to do this more often”. We lay there, our cocks still in each others mouths enjoying the afterglow of our sex. I look up at him, both our cocks now soft, then I remember my test results and I jerk my neck up to look over at them. I can see a faint line, one faint line. Mike sees what I’m looking at, moving his body to get a better look. He leans up to touch, kissing me on the neck, “Still neg babe”. I don’t say anything with him against me like this, I know a Doctor can provide a more sensitive test, but I haven’t been to one and I know Mike hasn’t been to one since he found out. I’m thinking, “We’ll just have to try harder”, when Mike pipes, “Gotta be out of town the week after next babe”. I look over at him, I groan, “I know”, he says.
    4 points
  13. It's the most painful minutes of my life! I coughed up the initial stream before the bullet-headed bastard smacks my head and tells me to take the rest in my mouth and warns me to not loose a drop. "You let any spill on the bed," he threatens, "the rest is going up your nose." I take him at his word, and lock my lips around his long uncut cock and just swallow and swallow and swallow and swallow. While I'm gulping I hear him say: "You know my piss is going straight to you stomach now, pig." I remember Young John's exact words as bullet-head is talking. This must be Young John's daily life, what he hears every day serving these men. "You got my piss in you. Next time you piss that's going to be my piss coming out of your dick. Just remember that." I almost feel sorry for Young John until: "Can we keep him, daddy?" Young John asks, while bullet-head finishes peeing down my throat. "Can we, huh?" "Did you show him the lab?" Johnny's father asks concerned, "Or talk to him about it?" "No, sir," says Young John. "All we did was smoke a little bit. I didn't say we made it." "Well, he knows now, don't he, Young John?" I see Young John's puzzled face nodding. He's not stupid but I wonder about his father. Did he mean to trip him up? Bullet-heads squeezing out a last few squirts. "So now we either have to put him down out yonder with the other, or you're gonna have to train him good. I mean real, real good, son." "Wait!" I blurt out. Bullet-head smacks me again. The fat one leaps on my head and puts a rubber ball in my mouth, and then fits a muzzle under my chin and around my cheeks buckling it in the back. I'm trying to get out words, which is now impossible, so I resort to negative pleas. Mmm-mm, I'm getting out through the muzzle. Mmm-mm. Snots from the earlier piss irrigation is running down my face over the muzzle, and I feel tears welling up in my eyes. All I can see is Johnny looking scared, which fills me with terror. "I'll train him, daddy," he pleads. "I'll train him real, real good. He ain't gonna be no problem. He can have table scraps and live in the wood shed and I'll train him to do all the things you like. Y'all can have a lot of fun with him. He likes tina, and he likes it dirty, and I bet if you slam him he'll do whatever else you can think of, like you do me." "He sure looks purdy from what I can see, Old John," the fat one says. "If he can take my gooch meat maybe he might be worth keepin'. Least for a time." "We'll see," Old John says. "Put your collar on him, boy, and lead him into the living room. We got some relaxing to do, and we'll see if he can help you with your chores. Could be nice t'have another one of you around. That is, if he can be housebroke." "Thank you, daddy!" he says excitedly, while the men pile out of his room. He holds a finger up to me. "Shush," he whispers. "You wanna stay alive to mornin' you'll do exactly as I say, you hear me." All I can do is nod. "Okay then, you put this leather collar round your neck. Here, lemme fasten it." It's several inches thick and make me hold him neck up high. Once he locks it, he attaches a chain with a leather lead to it. "Now you just be a dog, you got that? A dog is what you are. And you do whatever anyone says. You gonna walk on all fours unless someone pulls you up. And you can cry and whine but you ain't never gonna say no, and you ain't never gonna say nothin'. You let them do whatever they want or you gonna end up dead like the others. You got me?" He's emphatic. Like the others. It's the second time "others" have been eluded to, and it's reverberating in my messed up brain as he leads me out to the join the men. The candle's still flickering as I crawl on all fours behind Johnny into the living room. "Sit!" he commands holding up a hand. I sit back on my haunches. "See, daddy. He's gonna be real easy to train. He's purdy too, ain't he, daddy? He's got real nice hair, nice new fur growin' on his chest, and nice hangin' balls I KNOW Gary's gonna like to hurt." "Don't matter if'n he's purdy," says bullet-head. "It matters if'n he's fun and can take what's dished out." Bullet-head is skinny with thin slits for eyes. He got a pointed goatee and tattoos poking out his plaid collar around his neck. If I were a dog I'd be growling at him. "Well, I think he is purdy," the fat one who wanted me to suck his gooch meat says. I wonder for a second before I push it out of my mind how big that gooch meat is going to be. "He might fit nicely at the foot of my bed when all y'all done havin' fun with him. What'cha call him, Young John?" "His names College. He got his car all crashed up by ol' Jonesy, I recon, and got lost looking for the main road. I toll him it weren't the way he was goin' even though it was, and he followed me home. I took him the long was so he don't know where he is no more." "That was right smart of you, Young John," says his daddy. "You sure you wanna call him College after he got so easily fooled? What about Dumbshit?" "Nah, we already had a Dumbshit, 'member? He was that curly headed feller. Besides, he talks real smart and I bet we can muscle him up. He's a good fucker and fister, and afore you came I was teaching him to take a fist. I betcha you'd get a good rosebud outta him in no time." There are a lot of alarms tripping during this conversation, but none as loudly as the way Old John is looking at me. He's a large man with very big, solid hands. He's cracking his knuckles looking me over. Hard to believe he's Johnny's father. They don't look anything alike. Where Young John has sandy brown hair, Old John is jet back. He's got a furrowed unibrow arching over deep blue eyes. His beard is thick and black with no grey in it, so I'm guessing he's somewhere in his thirties, which would make him very young for being Johnny's father. He is a daddy type, of that there's no doubt. His neck is thick and shoulder's wide. He's kicking off his boots. They fall near me and the stink that comes out of them could easily make me wretch if I was any nearer. His teeth are yellow but he has all of them, not like bullet-head who's missing all four front teeth. Old John keeps flexing his hands as he's eyeballing me, and I have a feeling I know where he's imagining planting those big, hairy fists. I stare at his fingers, which each have trails of hair running down them. It take me a second to realize he's talking to me: "Looks like you got nice meat on you. What's that, eight inches I recon?" I look at Johnny who nods his head once. I look back at Old John and nod. "You slam him, Young John?" "No, sir, we just blew some clouds, but look at those arms. He got some nice juicy veins on him, don't he daddy? Bet you could turn him into a slam whore real easy. Maybe makes some money at Shady Acres trailer park." "Dwayne," Old John says to the fat one, "why don't you introduce our new house pet who would do well to git his first slam." I'm ready to protest when Young John subtly tugs my chain. I look over at him and, almost invisibly, shakes his head. "Me, too, Dwayne," he says holding out his arm as way of distraction. He stares at me very pointedly. "Sure, boy. Why don't we all get to know one another," Dwayne says taking off his dingy grey sweater. Underneath are rolls of fat, boobs that droop over his hefty belly, and pits that I can smell over here. He gets up and goes to the kitchen area and from a drawer takes out a handful of used needles with orange caps. He counts out five and brings over a glass of water and starts dolling out power into each of them. I see bullet-head spot something on the counter and goes over to pick it up. It's Johnny's cage. "Young John, you take off your cage, boy?" "No, sir. College done that." "Git up, son," says Old John. "It's been ages since I seen what your wiener looks like. Lemme me see you." The boy stands up. His father is in the middle of unbuttoning his shirt, revealing a pelt of black chest hair and pecs that any body builder would be proud of. "Well, look at you, boy!" He slips off his pants and underwear. I'd say my jaw dropped but of course it' s being held in place by my muzzle. Still, I'm sure my eyes are boinging out of my face as I look at Johnny's daddy's anaconda hanging down. Out of his huge black bush is a semi-erect monster cock. The black hair from his chest continues non-stop to his crotch and continues spilling down the hairiest, most muscled legs I've seen. I feel my dick at the most inopportune time start getting aroused. "My boy done grown up. Look at that, Gary," he says to bullet-head. "Sprouting a little bush of weeds and everything. Course we gonna have to clip that hedge and get that cage back on you. Cain't let you become queer and the like. But I tell you what, I gotta have me some of that before we do. Dwayne, you almost ready?" Dwayne's sucking up water into the syringes and, with the flats of his hands, whipping them back and forth, dissolving the white powder in the tubes. "Almost." "Young John, you done left this flathead screwdriver out. What I tell you 'bout always puttin' back tools?" Gary scolds Johnny, like a nagging older brother. "You know what I gotta do to you now so you'll remember?" He's taking off his top, too. I'm not surprised to see how many tattoos he has. Praying hands, two kids faces on both sides of his rib cage, a broken open heart on his chest, all kinds of cliched religious images, a cross, prayer beads, wings on his back; also a scorpion tattoo on his shoulder and a biohazard on his treasure trail of thin brown hair. "Weren't me. Was College left it there," protests Johnny. The kid's sporting his curved hard on, maybe out of the praise from his father, maybe from, for once, not having a cage on him in front of these men, especially his daddy who's now monstrously erect. He's thick as a beer can, black pubic hair growing an inch up his shaft. He has to be a foot long, maybe more. I'm sitting on the floor trying to hide my erection by angling a raised leg. It seems, however, Old John is more interested in his boy than me at the moment. "Gimme you arm, College," says Dwayne quietly. My hearts thumping so loud in my chest I'm sure the others can hear it. I get on my knees and stretch out my arm. Dwayne puts it on a greasy yellow pillow. "Looks like College is all excited 'bout doing his first slam." Dwayne points to my cock standing straight up. The others laugh. "Let's see if he can keep that up after you done him," Old John says, taking three syringes off the coffee table. He tosses one to Gary at the counter who pops off the orange cap with his thumb and plunges it into one of his bruised veins. Old John point to the floor in front of him for Johnny to come and kneel. Johnny comes over as Old John settles in. They seems to have a ritual for his. Johnny holds out his arm. His daddy licks the crook and feels for a vein. Finds one, says "Stick," then, when he's pulled some of the blood into the syringe, asks if Johnny is ready. Yes, daddy, please slam me so that I' might be your obedient slave, he recites. Old John pushes in the plunger and Johnny falls to the ground and immediately begins licking his father's detestable feet. The boy looks lost in rapture on the floor holding up his father's foot, bathing it with his tongue, sucking and cleaning up between each of his toes. His father is searching his own arm, pumping his fist. Satisfied he's found one, he empties the content and falls back on the couch while his son caresses each nook and cranny between his father's toes. "Suck 'em good," he says, and Johnny does, one toe at a time looking up through foggy eyes at his dad. "Good boy. That's nice, boy. Take your time. Make sure you git all the smell off 'em. You ready to clean daddy's ass when you done?" Johnny nods enthusiastically. "Hadn't been cleaned since we went off hunting, and you know what that means?" He looks off in his own fog. "You sure you're ready for it?" he asks falling back deeper on the couch and spreading his hairy legs. I can smell his asshole from here. I don't envy Johnny's task. "College can help me," he churps, "cain't you College? He likes dirty buttholes," Johnny tells the group. I start counting my regrets wondering which one over the last day is the one I regret the most. Rimming Johnny's ass might be the worst, but there's so much completion. Gary at the counter is trying to get off his pants. I can see he's clumsily working on his belt and having a lot of trouble. "First College has GOT to learn to put away his tools. Boy, you ever git sounded?" he asks me finally getting his buckle open. His pants fall off his revealing a long, thin dick. He starts playing with it while he searching through one of the cabinets. He brings out some cooking oil and coats the screwdriver's tip and blade. He perches on a counter stool watching Dwayne feeling my forearm. Casually he puts the tip of the screwdriver in his piss slit and lets the handle go. It slowly slides into his hardening shaft. "This'll learn ya to put tools away, I guarantee. Oh, fuck, yes it will!" It's almost down to the handle when he grabs it and start pumping it in and out of his dick. "Stick," Dwayne says, and I feel a pinch where he's inserted the needle. "You ready for this?" "How much you give him?" Old John asks, relishing his son's tongue as it makes its way up the back of his furry leg. "Go for the balls first, son," he says softly to his son. "Three-quarters a gram," Dwayne says while I see my red blood swirling within the vial. Johnny lifts his head as he looks at me with concern. "Seven five's too much for his first time, Dwayne." "Too late now," he says. When I look down the vial is empty and I feel a rush of adrenaline like I've never felt before. I can't breath it's so intense. I feel my body locked down, incapable of any movement. There's a swelling in my lungs, which after a few moments of absolute panic, explodes with a cough that knocks me on my side. All my motor functions are useless. I'm glued to the floor feeling a red rush coursing through me. Blood behind my blind eyes. Then, like a tidal wave that picks me up without effort on my part, I bounce to my feet like a puppet, dick exploding cum right into Dwayne's beard. He's laughing and I feel insanely good, happy to be here in this dark den of meth heads. I feel like a demon of sex, hard, dripping cum. Looking over Old John who looks incredibly hot, who's cock I can't wait to get in me; over at Gary and want him to plunge that screwdriver right down my shaft like he's doing to his; at Johnny, wanting to join him on Old John's other leg and meet him in the middle at Old John's shit-smelling anus; but first getting down on Dwayne's gooch, as he's getting his last leg out of his dirty underwear, kicking it off his plump leg, and fluffing up a very fat and veiny cock. He's plunged his needle in his arm and is emptying the contents. "Okay, pig. Time to earn your keep," he says as he presses his finger where the syringe has come out. I kneel in front of him and he unbuckles my muzzle. I hungrily chomp down and start sucking his semi-hard cock until it fulfills it's promise, fully engorged, as the biggest cock I've ever seen in my life! "All the way down." I choke once at the attempt. "You puke or choke again, we're gonna go outside and snip those purdy balls right off. I guarantee." I don't choke again, but take his shaft down all the way down to his foul-smelling bush.
    3 points
  14. Fresh out of high school, cruising around late at night in my small southern hometown I saw something that turned me on in a way nothing had before. This was all before the internet but I had heard that guys hung around the clock tower at night. Who and what they did was left up in the air but in my mind I had to find out. I would drive up the hill and circle around but never saw anything or anyone. It didn’t stop me from going back though and one night as I rounded the tower I saw a man standing there. I quickly drove the loop again but this time I didn’t see anyone. Another loop and then another and then I saw him again. A black man standing just in the shadows and he was completely naked. Another quick drive around the loop and as I approached I saw him again. He was truly naked standing at the base of the clock tower mostly in the shadows but I could tell he was stroking his cock. I quickly parked and walked around the base of the clock tower. I was scared and excited and it was like electricity was jumping off me. There was a door at the far side of the tower and it was pushed open and I saw him in there stroking his cock. I stopped and watched and then he motioned me in. At the time it felt like the bravest thing I ever did walking in there. He was college aged and solid like a football player. My eyes were on that cock. It was cut and big, bigger than I had ever seen in person before. I reached out and stroked it as he leaned in to kiss me. Then his hands were on my shoulders and he was pushing me to my knees and that cock in my mouth. He moaned as I licked and sucked that big black cock of his. He had some poppers and had me sniff them and then he bent me over and licked my ass. He grabbed my cheeks and spread them wide as he buried his tongue in my ass. The poppers, this hot naked black man, and the whole situation had me so excited I could hardly stand it. He handed me the poppers and said take more and I felt the head of the biggest cock I had ever seen in person rubbing against my hole. He teased a bit but then he forced that big black cock into me and kept going until I had every blessed inch. He fucked like only the young do—hard and rough. I knew I was just a hole for him and that turned me on even more. He grabbed my hips and plowed into me over and over. He was hitting spots inside me that were making my legs weak and shake. As his strokes increased I knew he was getting close and with a final hard shove he buried that big black cock—biggest cock I had ever seen in person—into me and unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum. He pulled out fingered my ass a bit and brought some of his load to my lips and kissed me. Then he was gone. I was standing there half naked, late at night, ass dripping cum and the biggest fucking smile. I never saw him—or anyone—at the clock tower after that but I always make the loop when I am back in town and remember the black man that gave one of the best experiences ever.
    3 points
  15. Excuse me, it appears I haven't yet fuck you. I had this idea pounding your ass could be lots of fun
    3 points
  16. Mine is pretty tight, but it does loosen up with use. By the end of the nigh tit's nice and velvety, gaping enough to make it easy, but not too much that you can't feel it. Been told I have incredible muscle control and LOVe to milk a load out of a cock...
    3 points
  17. It was all falling into place. I had just discovered my boyfriend of ten years was cheating on me. How did I discover it? Today, Saturday, I was sleeping in late as I recovered from a godawful, unseasonable flu. My guy had left me to work overtime, yet again, and in his hurry he had accidentally picked-up my phone, leaving his plugged into the charger. As the text message pinged, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and groggily picked up the phone and opened what I thought was a message for me Pitor: Ive not cum since we last fucked got a huge Poz load 4 u my filthy POZ cum slut? I had to re-read it as those two words jumped up off the screen at me: Poz and Fucked. The bastard was getting barebacked, then turning around and fucking ME and didn’t have the decency to say and I didn't even know the fucker bottomed as he certainly didn't for me! I was stunned. My boyfriend Grahame is cheating on me AND was fucking with a guy with HIV. I couldn't believe it and felt sick as I scrolled through a series of text and picture messages. With my heart sunk with each conversation as I realized they had been chatting and fucking for the past nine months. My stomach churned as I think back on the deceit and web of lies doing extra hours at work or dashing off to see family but as mad and pissed as I was my cock was rock hard as I read the multiple messages. Grahame: I would LOVE to get fucked by your big PA’d dick! Pitor: U know i'm POZ? Grahame: I don't care. J I want to feel ur big dick in me raw!!! As I read on it was obvious this just was not just dirty talk. Pitor Good I wanna mark ur your ass as mine! i've had to come off meds now but still have a low viral count but u can still get pozzed. ru cool with that? Grahame: ive thought about it but I cant give up on the best fucks of my life. i dont want to stop taking your cock!!! Pitor: good, i can't get enough of your ass. Grahame: Jeez my ass is still ripped, sore & bruised from yesterday. I can barely walk! You fucked me so hard. I can't get enough. I WANT MORE!!!! Pitor J yeah, followed by a picture insert I saw a little blood flecks mixed in with some cum that was dribbling from your hole. I know it was Grahame because of the series of moles on his right ass cheek. I knew you'd like my 10 inches. I love pumping my DIRTY cum deep up ur ass. Ur NEG ass is soooo fucking hot. Grahame: Yeah knock me up with ur + babies Pitor: Good coz Ive got a bonus 4 u this afternoon ;-) Grahame: That was awesome! I cant remember the last time I did ass to mouth I love it when you drill both holes! I can’t believe I’m reading this behavior coming from a guy who didn’t like to rim me because he thought doing that was too dirty-- the fucker! Pitor: yeah that was hot! glad I got to cum in each hole. U got to deep throat well even tho I choked u a few times. Grahame: No worries i fucking loved that! Having sooo much cock in my mouth was intense I almost blacked out. i can't decide if i like ur dick in my mouth or ass the most. Pitor: well i'll just have 2 keep fucking both ends like today then. Grahame: Oh yes please!!!! I’ve never felt so dumb, stupid and humiliated. Yet my cock had never been harder as their fucking tales unfolded and I realized I wasn't just upset, I was jealous. I had been missing out of being rammed by the apparently humongous cock which Grahame had been enjoying. 'Ummmm, I wish I knew what it felt like', I murmured to myself as I found myself jacking my dick. Pitor: It’s all set for this afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your leather blindfold he he I had no idea he owned a leather blindfold-- or where he kept it. The things you learn! Pitor continues: You really love POZ cock n cum up ur ass don't you and say u cant get enough so I have a plan 2 make sure u do get MORE than enough Grahame : I want it and am willing to do anything thing for your cock and cum Pitor: Anything eh? Grahame: Yes, yes, YES! In a trance reading all these reckless indiscretions I realized I was furiously wacking myself, and a huge amount of my pre-cum had pooled on my abs. Pitor: so what did you think of my Polish friends Pawel & Kris? Grahame: bloody fantastic m8 great big cocks rammed in both ends switching back and forth whats not to like? Glad they came first b4 you used that jagged PA on me. Pitor: yeah cum as lube is best, especially when its freshly diagnosed as POZ cum Grahame : Hell yes! Pitor: They’re in town a few more days. u wanna play some more with them? Grahame: YES!!! as much as we can!!!! But without the blindfold this time as I want to watch their faces and look into their eyes as they shoot their payload into me. Really want 2 make this happen…Harry and me have played around with guys in the past but always safe and I hate condoms so now I’m probably Poz from all the fucking WE have done Harry and me can bareback all the time and not worry. As u wont let me cum when we fuck I’m sooooo horny by the time I get home I’ve been fucking Harry almost every time I get to bed he must be POZ by now too! Pitor: Sweet my strain lives on Grahame: I’ve called in sick i wanna get fucked by them all RIGHT NOW. I notice there is a couple of weeks’ gap now between their conversations Pitor: when ru gonna get tested? Grahame: NO point, I’ve felt like crap for the past 2 weeks with what must be fuck flu but all good now can’t wait to ride your death stick again. Pitor: Great! i've got another friend u’ll like. Hes looking to become poz too. CUM over Tears ran down my face as I read about Grahame’s conversion party and confirmation of his seroconversion and realised from his symptoms that I was almost certainly also seroconverting. When I came to this realization, my cock exploded, shooting the biggest load of my life as my poz cum flew everywhere, giving me a real sense of perverse accomplishment, knowing that I could see this as an all around positive outcome as I could now share my seed and TOP for the first time. Without hesitation I scooted over to my laptop, open the web browser and post a BBRTS advertisement which read “Hung Poz Cock Seeking a Neg chaser".
    2 points
  18. 1992 I was in my early 20's and new to the city. I worked at a fairly okay job and lived in a nice apartment. My life wasn't all that exciting. I had a few friends, but because I was so bad at socializing, these were friends I'd accidentally accumulated only because they were drawn to me for whatever reason: The girl neighbor who was a stripper/prostitute, the crazy guy who worked at the bookstore and assorted hangers-on from here and there who were all defective in some way. No complaints on my end. I was a skinny gay man who was so far deep in the closet and so scared of AIDS that I'd probably never have sex. Ever. Whatever. The friend whose company I enjoyed the most was a 40-something guy named "Gene". I met him the very first time I ever went to the gay bar called "Bella" near my work. The place was never crowded -- especially in the 5-7 pm period when I usually stopped there to get a decent buzz. Almost immediately I found myself stuck next to a bar stool next to Gene. I got the feeling he'd been there since it opened and was always drinking mixed drinks while I just wanted mugs of beer. How to describe him? Well, he was not bad-looking and about my height. He had some gray in his hair and a gut that was a little bit bigger each time I saw him. I wasn't attracted to him at all and he knew that. When there's no sexual tension between two people, the conversation flows freely. He had lots of experience and a huge cache of interesting stories. I was never bored and we actually got to be very close friends. We'd go out to dinner regularly and that's when I started to realize why some men were attracted to him. He was warm and easygoing. Comfortable. Going to Bella after work and chatting with Gene became an everyday habit for me. After a while, he started admitting things and telling me more of his scandalous stories. In the course of one week I earned that he was a fan of amphetamines, HIV-positive and liked to fuck young bottoms with no condom and not telling them his status. He even admitted to poking holes in the condoms he'd wear so he could give them "his gift". I was a little sickened now. He knew from our many talks that I was a virgin and terrified of disease. I was just like one of the guys he had regularly bugged. As much as I tried not to react, Gene could tell I was shocked and also a little scared, but he kept talking and I kept listening. As time passed, the weather got warmer. I liked this time of year because men wore fewer clothes as the temperature climbed. I had an unspoken appreciation for guys in shorts and sandals thanks to my fetish for long, hairy legs and big feet. Gene could tell I was enjoying the scenery, and he used the opportunity to tell me which guys he'd victimized already. ""Yeah -- that one has my DNA in him", "He was so easy to fool...and he's a doctor", and so on. I tried to keep track of which ones were polluted now, but it was just too many faces, names and bodies to remember. I put it all out of my mind and wondered if I should find another bar to go get buzzed in since this place was obviously his hunting ground. He either noticed my disillusionment or ran out out of stories because he stopped talking and we just chatted like old times. I almost forgot about his dangerous side after a few weeks. Instead of bragging about his stealthing conquests, he started asking about me and my life. He became Therapist Gene and tried to get me to open up about why I didn't seem to have much of a personal life beyond Bella and him. Answers were slow coming but I eventually tell him about my lifelong shyness and fear of everything and anything. He turned out to be an excellent listener. The only advice he ever offered was "You need to get laid". He thought would fix everything...and I wondered if maybe he was right. The next time I walked into the bar I saw Gene sitting next to some younger guy and I assumed it was his latest target. I sauntered over to pinball machines and dug in my front pocket for quarters. Just as I realized I hadn't ordered a beer yet I turned around to see my friend right behind me with a sentence already forming on his lips. "Not even going to say 'hi'??" me asked. "It looked like you were busy" I answered. "Him? That's just Bradley -- a friend of mine. He's a top like me so we've never hooked up like that. And don't worry...he's super clean and a 'condom nazi'. It took about an hour of looking through my collection of phone numbers, but I finally found you the perfect date." I glanced in his direction and 'perfect' was a pretty accurate description. He was tall, had dark features and wearing a really nice suit. In other words, he was out of my league. Gene noticed my paralyzing shyness start to consume me again and just grabbed me and led me over to the bar where introductions were made. I felt awkward and could barely put words together, but a conversation began as Gene bought me shots and interjected his happy banter during pauses. Time passed and drinks were consumed and Bradley and I found quite a bit to talk about. He wasn't much older than me, had a job similar to mine and only wore nice suits because his brother was a tailor and had all kinds of connections. He was also a rabid "Walking Dead" fan and we discussed that show for a long time. Too long, probably - because my buddy had disappeared somewhere. "Where'd Gene go?". I asked him. "Oh who knows? He's probably passed out or on the hunt somewhere". I tapped my empty shot glass and said "Speaking of 'passing out', I think I've gone beyond my limit here. What time is it?" I felt a little dizzy. "11:30. I need to go home soon too. Let me walk you to your car". I followed him out the door and onto the sidewalk, but he headed in the opposite direction of where I was parked. Okay. I guess I was walking him to his car instead. As we got around the corner, he stopped and pushed me back against the big glass window of some lamp store I'd never been into. He was crushing me into it and mashing his lips onto mine. I mashed mine back as I barely remember ever feeling shy. His tongue was exploring my mouth and throat as he made some grunting sounds. I felt his insistent boner through his pants, prodding into my stomach. Within a few blurry minutes Bradley had driven me back to his tidy apartment where I was undressing (or was undressed) in under twenty seconds. We both standing naked in a tight embrace right there in his living room. I could not get enough of kissing him, but he pulled away and said "Check it out". Following his gaze, I looked down and saw his perfect erection pointing upward. Holy shit. He pulled a condom from nowhere and held it to my face. "Inspect it all you want and then put it on me". It was already unwrapped and I did try to look at it carefully, but my vision was a little blurred. The task of getting it over his engorged penis head proved too difficult for my uselessly shaky fingers though. He took over and rolled it down his magnificent dick as he led me back to his dark bedroom where I instantly found myself, face down, on his deliciously comfortable bed. He was moving around and fiddling around with what I assumed was lube after an oily blob landed between my ass cheeks. I couldn't see anything, but the feelings were more than enough. He was massaging the lube over and into my butthole. I relaxed even further into the bed's softness. "OK". He spread my legs a little and settled on top of me. That perfect, latex-sheathed dick moved in and struck my virgin prize. Yes, it hurt. It hurt very much, but the pain was as blurred as my thoughts and didn't last too long. And then this Bradley was moving his hips and cock inside of me. My first thought was how nice it felt and my second thought was that my virginity was gone forever now. Everything was slow and perfect until he got a little rougher with his thrusting. Rougher and faster."Tighten that ass, kid. I'm about to cum". I clenched as much as I could with a rectum full of big dick. I guess I did it right because he responded with tiny rapid pushes and a loud moan. He was breathing heavily and sweating all over my back. "Shit, shit, shit!" he suddenly exclaimed. Huh? "What?" "The condom broke". I was quiet and feeling warm. Also stupid. This Bradley guy used one of the tricks Gene told me he himself had used on a few of his victims. An unwrapped condom that 'mysteriously' broke at the moment of no return. I should have been outraged, but my whole body was tingling with pleasure. So what? Everybody had to die of something. At least he drove me back to the Bella parking lot so I could get my car and go home. Of course there was a light blinking on my answering machine and of course it was a message from Gene. "Well, it took forever, but I finally got my DNA inside of you. Brad was one of my early conversions and now the three of us are family. If you're feeling okay tomorrow, lets go have brunch or something".
    2 points
  19. Shameless I dated Scott for several years way back when. Looking back now I can see he was an absolute train wreck but he was good at sex and for awhile that was enough. His lips also felt amazing when he swallowed my cock. His usual practice was to popper up and suck and lick my cock as he fingered my hole, segueing to eating my ass, then to use toys on my hole to open me up, and when he determined I was ready, he would align his cock with my hole and sink in balls deep in one long push. He never lasted long but tended to stay hard after shooting, and would go back and forth in using toys and fucking my hole. It was absolutely amazing. Scott was also poz, and the first time I sat down on his bare cock and watched his face as he pumped up into me and eventually flooded my ass with his poz load, well what can I say? I was hooked. His was the first knowingly poz load I ever took. Back then, as now, I was 100% vers but he would only top me, so we would get into three-ways and groups if only so I could at least occasionally get to fuck some ass. Of course he always fucked the other guys, usually fucking them first, loading up several of the asses, so I could slide in afterwards, Scott's poz load the only lube. Without exception, I found the sight of Scott fucking another guy to be an incredible turn-on, and even if he wasn't supportive of the idea that I should be allowed to get fucked by the other guys, and he actively tried to distract me when I tried to get another guy to slip his cock into my ass. Naturally this led to more than some hard feelings. In the final review, we worked our way through quite a few tops and bottoms, but seldom did I get fucked. One Halloween we went to a bar and met another couple. One was dressed like Superman and soon we all headed back to their place. They were a poz/neg couple like we were but they wouldn’t say which was which. We got naked and sat in the hot tub kissing and sucking and then took it inside. The older member of the other couple was kissing Scott and I was playing with the one who had been dressed as Superman. He fingered my hole and felt the load my guy had put in me before we left home and he whispered in my ear that he wanted to fuck me and I was all for it. I glanced over at Scott who was deep in a 69 with the other guy. Before I knew it my legs were on Superman's shoulders and was sliding into my ass. We had all been drinking and partying and his fuck was not exactly gentle. He pounded into my hole with deep long strokes which quickly got the attention of the other two. I expected my guy to be upset but he actually encouraged them to both fuck me. And fuck me they did. All three of them took turns keeping my holes full of cock. It was one of the best nights of fucking I have ever had. All three fucked loads deep into me. Afterwards we talked for a bit and then Scott and Superman fell asleep. The older of the other couple and I went out to the hot tub and he sank his average length but extremely thick cock back into my well fucked hole and kissed me as he took his time this go round. He told he was the poz one as he fucked another load into me. He fingered my hole and feed me part of the loads that had been fucked into me and kissed me again and again. We left not long after and Scott told me how he had wanted to fuck Superman and even though he didn’t how turned on he had gotten sharing me with that other couple. When we got home he fucked me again—hard, rough, and quick. My mouth and ass sore but extremely satisfied.
    2 points
  20. While I agree with everything Marc Short wrote about ass, there are two things I would call attention to again, as they are so rarely spoken about. The first is about the angle of the thrusts. They add such incredible variety for both the top and bottom. If I am at the sling and I bend my knees so that the angle changes from going straight in to going up into the ass--it's incredible. I am hitting his prostate--which is good for everyone. Now as much as I love my sling and fuck bench, I kept a bed in the playroom for a good reason. I want the bottom to ride me. I want to fuck him on his side. I want to ravage him flat on his stomach-- for every position and angle of entry has it's own unique feel. I have to smile when I watch those three minute jack rabbit tops who don't dare move out of doggy... The other point is the after care of an abused hole. I so agree. If I spent 20 minutes (or more!!) opening it with my tongue, lips and goatee, of course I want to thank it properly for taking my load. Swollen, puffy ass lips in my mouth after we've both shot (or to get the bottom there) is another of the great seldom talked about moments of good sex.
    2 points
  21. Earlier this morning at a hotel near Heathrow I fucked a 28 year old German flight attendant who wanted a quick fuck before he went to work. I went to his hotel room - he sucked my cock for a while and then bent over the bed. I slid my cock up him and fucked him bb, shooting my load right up him. I left him bent over the bed, pants down and my load up him. He's up in the air somewhere now, serving his customers with an arse full of cum.
    2 points
  22. In that kind of setting... sure does !!
    2 points
  23. This is probably my favorite story on here now. I would love to get that piggy with someone.
    2 points
  24. Last night, the party was scheduled for 11 PM. Arranged on BBRT 10 people expected. I texted with the host so I knew what he wanted. Unwrapped on his hotel door, he answered and just a jockstrap. He's 5 9, 140 lbs, bald, blue eyes, red beard. He sucked me hard, got on his back through his legs over his head and I tongued his hole. Lubing my cock I pressed into his ass, he took a hit of poppers and I pressed balls deep. He opened his mouth wide as he moaned and I spit into his mouth. His eyes flew open and he began to buck on my cock he screamed fuck yeah! I spit on to his face, as it ran down into his eyes he got super excited, l spit six or seven times each time excited him more. I continue to fuck him until I exploded deep in his ass. We chatted, and I left. Later on I figured out that he never sent the hotel information to the rest of the invited guests. I guess the only load he really wanted was mine. He got It
    2 points
  25. t-cell count at 230, checked a week ago already 70 down since i got off the meds again. getting really excited! :-)
    2 points
  26. I had a wild night tonight! Well, started earlier in the day. A guy I had messaged on craigslist who was looking to just be sucked. I messaged him when I got home from work, and he was over in about 20 min. Chubby guy, and a grower for sure! Started sucking his cock, and knew he was going to be quick. He grabbed me by the sides of my head and pumped my mouth, dumping a huge load in my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. Loved it! He thanked me, dressed and left. I then started getting ready to head into Toronto to meet with a guy from BBRT I had been chatting with for sometime. He was coming to Toronto from up north for the night. Headed into the city, met him at his hotel room. Hot masc guy, very nice cock! Sucked him right away, and he then turned me around on the couch, and fucked me for a few minutes. He stopped, as we had plans. We walked down the street to Urge, it's last night of operations. We were a bit bored for awhile, as we were trying to get others to join, but, he and I ended up in the TV room, where I sucked his cock again, before he flipped me around on my knees, and pushed his now hard cock into me, fucking me deep and bare right in the open! I was so wild, moaning loudly, while he called me a slut, pushing in and out! He asked me if I wanted his cum in me! Yes I did! He pushed in deep and grunted, telling me to take his cum! It felt amazing! We had some watchers, but, alas, no one joined! We then fixed ourselves up and headed to Steamworks. Got a room, and he and I started making out, leaving the door open. I purposely knelt on the bed sucking his cock with my ass right up facing the door. Really wanted to get fucked, and a young toned asian hotty came into the room. He took the bait, but, put on a condom and fucked me for quite awhile. My friend left us to it, and he kept fucking me. Luckily, my friend left the door open as the asian had closed it. He fucked me for about another 15 min, finally cumming, in the condom. He got up grabbed his things and left, and I realized there was a crowd at the door. I just kept my ass up, and this muscular hottie came right in, and right away he pushed his cock into me! Oh it felt so good! Fucked me for a couple minutes, then flipped me unto my back and pushed his cock back into me! He must have been edging for sometime, as he only lasted for several thrusts, before he blasted me full of his cum! No questions, no mention of a condom, just filled me! Then he was gone! My friend returned, and we walked around for a bit again, before returning to the room. Again, sucking his nice hard cock, with my ass facing the open hallway! Another young asian steps up and asks if he can join. My friend asked him to fuck me, and after a couple questions, he just pushes his nice cock right into me, bare! He thrusted hard, pushing in deep, holding my hips, pumping into my ass! With in only about 5 minutes, he moaned, and filled my ass with another load of cum! Fuck I was dripping cum now! My ass felt so so wet! My friend was by now so turned on, he flipped me over onto my back, and drove his cock into me! It sounded so nice, sloppy, slapping sounds, with all of that cum in me! He pounded away, telling me how good it felt fucking me in all that cum! He suddenly pushed in deep, and more cum was added to my ass! I was absolutely creamed! Cum was all over the bed underneath me! Went for a walk again, and got some comments from some people on how loud I was in the room, and must have been enjoying myself! I was! Last one of the night, a BBC, enormous! Didn't get fucked, but sucked him, till he blasted a nice big load of cum all over my face, licking up much of it! That was it for the night for us. My friend and I dressed and left, saying good bye to each other at his hotel, and I drove the long drive home, with cum dripping from my ass all over my pants! What a feeling!
    2 points
  27. Hi tallbtm, et al, Yes, this is it for me too. As a bottom, I find there are different ways to fill the gap (so to speak) because the whole I seek to fill is not just physical. For me the drive of being a bottom seems to revolve around having another guys cum in me. However, if I could go to a cum store and just buy a bottle of cum to put in my hole, it wouldn't be the same. So, when I consider, "what is it about the delivery that I desire," I can identify several things. Probably at the top of the list is desire. In this respect, I think this is where tops and bottoms are the same in what motivates them. As a bottom, I love the top who I sense has this all consuming desire to breed me. The desire that I be a reseptical for their seed is a huge turn on. I think the top is similarly turned on by the bottoms desire for them to place their seed in them. IOW, both are getting off on being desired, even though it's different roles. Though it seems to be changing, we live in a largely patriarchal, male dominated world. A huge part of patriarchal culture is that women submit to men. The term "pussy" or "cunt" is associated with women, and by default, associated with submission. Not always, of course. There are all sorts of variations depending on the people involved, but crudely, and at it's root, "pussy" and "cunt" started out as pretty much derogatory terms used on women. When they are used with a guy, they can carry the flavor and history of meaning and intent, and they seem to summon up feelings that are probably seated somewhere in our lizard brain lol, i.e., where our emotional response hits us before it is processed by the 'higher brain.' The whole cave man, rough sex thing can have some appeal to me, but I am much more captivated by intelligent intent. When a top or Dom guy refers to my hole as a pussy with a derogatory tone, it can trigger one of two responses. If I sense he is just a bully, I am completely turned off, and even angry to the point of wanting to back kick him into the next room lol. That almost never happens. When I sense he is using the term to verbalize the dynamic of Dom/sub in recognition of our mutual desires, he totally has me and I fold into him. Along the line of working the mutual desire angle, I have encountered some Dom guys who use the terms "pussy" or "cunt" without any derogatory connotation. That's my favorite, but I don't encounter it often. Really happens more in a FB set up than a hook up, for me. That's when the higher brain or "mind fuck" kicks in, and it's the hottest thing to experience. I've had a few of these type relationships where the top/Dom guy not only referred to my hole as a "pussy", etc., but referred to me as a pussy, or his pussy. There's no overtly demeaning tone, even affection. The power exchange is so complete, there doesn't have to be any 'force' in the term or attitude, because the top/Dom has already captured me, knows it and the term becomes an acknowledgement of that.
    2 points
  28. I hadn't expected to have an addition to this story so quickly. But I got a text from Walt late this morning. He said he was working this afternoon, but his Army buddy, Ben, had enjoyed fucking me yesterday. Ben would be at Walt's condo, all alone for the afternoon, while Walt was at work. He gave me Ben's cell number and told me to set something up with Ben, if I wanted to service him again. He said, "You'll be doing me a favor to help keep Ben occupied. LOL". "LOL"? Seriously? Studly, straight, masculine, rough, big black dicked, Walt was using "LOL" in a text??? I had to laugh about that one. It seemed so out of character. I immediately sent Ben a text that I could be there anytime this afternoon. Just name the time, and I'd be there. An hour went by, and I hadn't received a reply from Ben. So, I'm not sure if he got the text? If he was still interested? Or had chickened out? Afterall, if they're telling me the truth, I was the first guy that sucked Ben off or that he's fucked. From all I could tell, that seemed to be true. But, I'd douched and showered to be ready if/or when Ben got back to me. Finally, about noon, I got a text from Ben. "That was kind of weird, but kind of fun yesterday. I'd fuck you again if you want? Call me". I called Ben back and we arranged for me to come over. He was going to shower and I'd be there within the hour. Ben answered the door, looking hot as ever. He was wearing baggy basketball shorts and a tee-shirt. Bare feet. He was HOT! I came inside the condo and he led me down the hall to Antone's old bedroom, that was now Ben's guest room. "I thought it might be a bit easier in here than on the couch, like yesterday", he said as we entered the bedroom. It was sort of funny, because I could sense and hear the nervousness in this hulking Army Master Sergeant's voice as he spoke. His body and his facial expressions also exposed his nervousness. We both stood there for a moment, feeling kind of awkward. I finally thought, even though I'm the sub here, I'd better take the lead for a bit to get this started. I began to undress. Then shortly Ben began to lift off his tee-shirt. I had fully undressed, when I looked over at him to just find him standing there with still his basketball shorts on. He was looking a bit apprehensive. So, I walked over to him and dropped to my knees. I pulled his shorts down to expose his cock. It stood there hanging limp, before me. I leaned forward and took his cock head into my mouth and began to suck. I sucked for several minutes and it didn't seem to be growing much at all. I pulled his shorts all the way off of him and he stepped out of them. Then I told him to go sit on the edge of the bed. I crawled over to where he was sitting on the bed and again took his cock into my mouth. After sucking for a few moments, I asked him to lay back. He did, and I lifted his legs. I sucked and licked his massive balls as I stroked his still soft penis. then I licked underneath his balls, lifting his legs as I licked there. He let out a soft moan when I licked under his balls. Then I licked lower and licked up and down between his asshole and balls. His moans got a bit louder. Then I lifted his legs further and licked around his asshole. "Oh, fuck", he said softly. Now I really went to town, licking, kissing and tongue fucking his virgin, black asshole. "God Damn!", "Fuck", he'd say softly, almost under his breath. "Has anyone licked your ass before, dude?", I asked as I came up for a breath. "Fuck, no!", he replied. He was now squirming on my face and I was making love to his asshole. The idea that I was not only just the first guy to blow him and give my ass to him, but I was the first person, ever, to lick and eat his beautiful ass was a huge turn on. I had this handsome, masculine, Army Sergeant, naked, on his back, his legs in the air, grinding his ass on my face, whimpering, moaning and groaning as I tongue fucked his virgin asshole. I was really fuckin' turned on by that idea. All of a sudden he flipped over and got onto his knees on the edge of the bed. I squatted behind him and again buried my face in his ass. Lapping at his hole. Taking stabs inside it with my tongue. Then he climbed off the bed and said, "Ok. I've got to fuck you, now. Get on the bed. My black dick's gonna destroy that white pussy of yours. Show me that cunt". I grabbed the lube and poppers from my pant's pocket that laid on the floor. I climbed on the bed and knelt on the edge of the bed. My ass up for him. I took several deep drags of poppers as he lubed up his 9" BBC and squeezed some lube on my hole. "Take it slow at first, please. I haven't been loosened up, yet". "You'll take it the way I give it to you, Bitch! I'm in charge, here. This is my show, here. You're nothin but a dirty cunt for me to use. Fuckin' whore needs a good pounding from my straight, black dick", he barked as he repeatedly slapped his rock hard 9" black cock against my asshole. I'm still sniffing my poppers. I know he's going to be rough. Sure enough, he put his swollen, mushroomed cockhead to my hole and pushed it inside. Not slow, but in one, quick, stab into me. I let out a loud gasp as my ass was filled with his giant cock. "More lube! More lube!", I'm crying as he immediately began to pound my ass. "More lube, please. It's hurting!". Thankfully, he showed some compassion and squeezed some more lube on his cock as it's sliding in and out of my hole. It helped. Plus, I'm sniffing non-stop on the bottle of poppers. Thank God, it's a new and potent bottle. My ass is thankfully beginning to relax and it's starting to feel good. He's one rough top. And he seems to get some pleasure in knowing that it was hurting me. But now I'm moaning, "Oh, yes! Oh, my God, yes! Fuck me. Fuck my white pussy. I love your black dick in me. Fuck me with your straight, black dick". Ben continues to fuck me fast, hard and deep. Each thrust he takes into me, pushes the breath out of my lungs. The bedframe is squeaking and pounding against the wall. Both he and I are grunting and panting. I'm sure that Walt's neighbors on both sides as well as above and below could hear the fucking going on. Soon, he had pushed me further up onto the bed. He had crawled up behind me and had me tightly held around the waist as he continued to assault my ass with his monster cock. I could feel that I needed more lube. I asked him to put more lube on. But, he just pulled out of me. Spit on my hole a couple of times, then rammed back into me. It helped. I took more drags on the poppers and the pain subsided again. About 10 minutes of intense pounding finally paid off in a huge load being deposited deep in my gut. He growled, grunted and swore as his cock emptied his balls inside me. "FUCK! God Damned Whore! You like this? This what you wanted, Bitch? Fuck!", he yelled as his body shook in orgasm. He was still slamming into me, but the speed was slowing. His orgasm set off mine. I was shuddering myself in multiple orgasm, now. I'm not sure I've had an orgasm this intense in a very long time? Finally, he collapsed on top of me. Pulling me down to the mattress along with him and onto our sides. He was spooned behind me, but his cock still fully buried inside me. I was gently squeezing my hole on his cock as it slowly softened inside me. Milking every last drop from his cock as we were both trying to catch our breaths. He showed just a moment of tenderness as he spooned behind me, his cock still in me and his hot breath hitting the back of my neck. He (unconsciously, I think), softly stroked my arm with his hand as we laid there recovering from that amazing fuck. I think he realized he was being affectionate and quickly pulled out of me in one quick motion. DAMN! I was loving the feel of his hunk of a guy, holding onto me, gently stroking my arm and feeling his chest pressed against my back. But, the "Straight" in him had returned and he quickly pulled his cock from my ass, jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom to clean off. As I dressed I head the shower down the hall being turned on and the shower curtain closing. Ben was still showering as I was ready to leave. "Thanks, Ben!", I shouted. "I'm leaving now. That was fun! Take care". No response. I don't know if he heard me? Or if he was just ignoring me. I left the condo and drove home. Very content to have had another great fuck with this handsome and hung Army guy. As I sit here typing this out, his cum is soaking my shorts and seat cushion. I can tell it was a big load.
    2 points
  29. Chapter Two I didn’t have time to answer as the Priest had moved through the door and silently motioned for me to follow. Silent consent by moving lead to my discovery of a short hall with four doors, reminding me of an adult bookstore arcade. Interesting. The Priest stopped in the middle of the hall, so two of the doors were behind him and two in front of him. I stopped just with in a foot of him, which allowed me to breath in the musk emanating through his robe. It was almost as intoxicating as poppers. He smelt like sex, that mixture of sweat, cum, and a hint of poppers, which made me realize that I left mine in locker number 13, just my luck. “Here, heretic, you will heighten sexual gratification by experiencing sex in extreme circumstances with a lack of inhibition and judgement. By comprehending that every cock brings sexual gratification no matter whom that cock is attached to, the size and shape of the cock, and your expectations, only then you will release the inhibitions holding you back from the full experience of sex. In basic terms, heretic, you will learn to take any cock and all cock” Again, before I could answer, the Priest opened a door, exposing me to the room hidden behind. My instinct was correct, it was an booth from an arcade, yet no porn playing on a cheap ass TV. As I entered, the Priest followed, I noticed to my right there was a glory hole about ass level in the opaque wall and to my left was another glory hole just below head level. The walls looked like glass, but as I reached out and touched them, the gave a little, helping me to draw the conclusion that they were some sort of plastic. Glancing behind me, the Priest stood guard in front of the close door, as I listened to foot steps behind the wall. Two shadows separated each moving to a position on the other side of the glory holes. My cock jumped in anticipation, yet deflated slightly as I was assaulted by a horrible odor emanating from inside the walls. The smell went beyond the natural musk of a man’s body; this was the pure odor of filth. Gagging, I fought back the urge to expel what little I had in my stomach. Trying hard not to fuck up and lose what the opportunity to find out what The Order was, I swallowed quickly. The Priest moved to position me in between the glory holes, lining up my ass with the one on the right and my mouth with the one on the left. He positioned my hands on each side of my head, allowing me to brace myself. From the sounds coming from in front of me, I deduced that pants were being dropped and I was about to taste cock, a smelly, filthy cock. Behind me, I felt fingers running up and down my crack. It’s finger nail scratching the skin inside, sending chills up my back. It made about six passes up and down my ass, then pulled away. I soon felt wetness, as the finger was replaced with a tongue. Dropping my hands from the wall, I grabbed each check and pulled them apart giving who ever greater access to my hole, while I opened my mouth fully readying myself for what I could only imagine was a horrible taste. I could feel the heat of the cock sliding into my mouth first, then the taste registered. The mixture of flavors started my gagging and heaving, to which I fought back again. Determined to complete this task, I wrapped my lips around the shaft of this fat cock and started to run my tongue over the cock sliding deeper into my throat. Once my face was buried in the matted hair at the base of the cock, did I start to pull back and discover it was uncut. I quickly moved my tongue inside the foreskin, scooping up what every was being stored and kept warm for someone like me. My spit mixed with the ripe dick cheese and fucking who knows what, before I swallowed it down. I started getting into a rhythm of sliding my lips up and down the now hard uncut cock and was soon pass the unclean taste of cock. I moaned in enjoyment as I throated the cock. The tongue continued licking my hole, depositing it’s slick wet spit inside and out. There was so much spit in my crack that it oozed down and was coating my balls. I fought to resist the urge to wrap my hand around my cock and stroke, not knowing if it was allowed. With in moments, the tongue retreated from the glory hole and replaced with the spongy head of another cock. My mind instinctively reacted, trying to have me stop since it was a bare cock. I always get fucked safe, although that was the correct thing to do in this day and age, I always felt unfulfilled. The cock pushed against my hole which gave some resistance, but as wet as it was, it quickly slid in. The skin on skin sensation was amazing and sent chills up my spine. Relaxing my hole, I gave the bare cock drive deep within me. The two men soon coordinated their movements, when I pushed back on the cock in my hole, the one in my throat slid out, while the forward movement on the cock in my mouth, pulled the one almost out of my hole. It was steady rhythm at first but quickly increased. I was in ecstasy, yet all that was about to change. A click invaded the sounds of fucking and sucking, which to my surprise announced that the opaque plastic wall in front and behind me was now clear. My mind panicked as I saw before me what looked like a homeless man. His clothes were ratty, filthy and hanging off his body. His hands and nails were caked with dirt. I bravely shifted my eyes upwards towards his face, without even dropping his cock from my mouth. As I got the full view, this man had a matted beard, his eyes were hallow, sunk back into the sockets. This man looked as if he had not eaten in months, his checks were sunken in looking like death. And I was sucking his cock, enjoying his cock and never stopped even when he was revealed to me. I could only imagine what the man behind me fucking me looked like. “good, good” the Priest said. I continued to allow these two homeless men to fuck my mouth and hole, and I was fucking enjoying it. My cock was bouncing as I pushed back and forth on the raw cock in my hole, streaming more pre-cum than I have ever done. I milked the pre-cum from the uncut cock in my mouth. I could feel each cock hardening more, thickening as they got closer and closer to shooting their loads of cum deep inside me. I feared that I would pull them each out and fail. I fought hard to push this from my mind. The cock in my hole shot first, it slid deep within, pulsing as the load shot out and coated my inside. This was the first load I had ever taken. I felt the warmth as the man’s sperm entered me, white washing my pink insides. It wasn’t long before the uncut cock in my mouth was pushed in as far as it could go and was spraying my throat with cum. I felt the pulsing on my tongue as this cock shot down my throat. I was disappointed since I did not get to taste the cum from this uncut homeless man, especially after I sucked it clean of it’s filth. Each cock moved slowly back and forth after shooting their loads, pushing their sperm in deeper and deeper as their cocks became sensitive, until they both flopped softly out of my used holes. I felt empty, I wanted more. The rush was intoxicating. Once free from my spit-roast, I straightened up. I had expected the Priest to be stroking his cock with and open robe, but was disappointed to find him standing there with his hands behind his back. There was not even a “tent” in the fabric of the robe which added to my disappointment, since that was hot as fuck, even to my standards. “You exceeded my expectations. I had determined that you would fail, once you realized that two homeless men were using you for sexual gratification you would quit. You now should understand that any cock can bring you sexual satisfaction.” the Priest said breaking the silence. I nodded accepting the fact that from now on, I could suck or fuck any cock, no matter who it was attached to. I began to regret that I had turned down so many men, simply because I was not attracted to them or that they were beneath me. “Regret is a powerful adversary now, yet do not dwell on regret, even if you fail you have learned that any cock can give you pleasure. Shall we continue” Once spoken, we left the booth and headed down the hall. Another door stopped us after we took a left turn. With still no more words spoken since we left the booth, we passed through and came to two doors, one on each side of the hall.
    2 points
  30. Fuckin' Oink~! Please keep sharing, & please post pix. Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Wood love to breed it, & swap too. My VL= 100G. Thanks for following me.
    2 points
  31. A/N : Loving your feedback, guys ! Been busy, so couldn't update until today. This part is shorter, but I hope you enjoy it anyway ! Let me know what you think. Oh, and here's some more visuals for your enjoyment (mostly for mine, but I thought I'd share). My entire body was frozen, as was my brain. I couldn't move for a while, heart racing in my chest as my eyes stayed glued to the face of my own son. My flesh and blood. With whom I had had sex repeatedly, it seemed. No. It couldn't be. I couldn't be Brandon, my innocent baby boy, whom I had taught everything from riding a bike to throwing a football. This was a dream, or a hallucination. My mind refused to compute what I was seeing, and the man in front of me wasn't Brandon—it was J, a young frat jock I had met through a sex app a month ago. When I could finally bring myself to move away from the bed, J pinned me to the bed with his hands grasping my wrists and his heavy frame on top of me. "Dad, calm down, you're freaking out," J said, looking straight at me, but I couldn't bear the thought of facing him, and tried my hardest to get away from his strong hold on me. I hated how my cock was getting hard again, how I was enjoying being manhandled like this. "Dad, it's me, Brandon, take deep breaths," J—Brandon, fuck—told me, making me realize how fast and shallow my breathing had become. How could I breathe properly, when I'd just found out I'd been fucking—and had just fucked mere seconds ago—my own son for weeks? This was so wrong. Lusting after someone half my age was inappropriate enough, but lusting after my son? I had reached the lowest of the low. How was Brandon being so calm? How could he be all right with this? He had known it was me, he had to have known, coming here, letting me fuck him. Damn it. How could he let me do this? "How long have you known?" I asked out loud, my mind not filtering my thoughts anymore. "How?" "I...I started suspecting it was you after the first week," Brandon started, his naked body still on top of me, his hard cock leisurely stroking mine was the sweetest torture I'd ever endured. "I think it was the fourth or fifth time. You dozed off that night, and I caught a glimpse of your face. I couldn't believe it at first, so I ignored it, thought I was just imagining things. I ignored it as we kept seeing each other, I thought it was impossible that it could be you. Then today, when I came home and hugged you, I recognized the feel of your body in my arms." As if to prove his point, he guided my wrists and put my arms around him as he enveloped me in a strong embrace, putting our bodies even closer than before. I couldn't deny how amazing he felt in my arms, how his strong chest and arms were pure heaven against me. I just wish I wasn't getting all this pleasure from Brandon. I wish J really had been a different person. Brandon kissed my neck, and I heard him take a long whiff of my scent, which sent chills down my spine. How could he turn me on so much? I wondered desperately. "When I saw you in your speedos by the pool earlier, I was mesmerized by your body, and couldn't help thinking it was familiar. I stayed in the water to hide how hard I was just from looking at you. That's when I had the strongest suspicion. So I set everything up earlier tonight, told you I was going to a party just to test my theory. When I made you send that text, that confirmed my suspicions." I recalled everything that led to this moment. How our first hug this morning might have lingered just a tad too long. How I'd caught Brandon's staring at me throughout the day and didn't make anything of it. How tactile he was, especially when we had that dip in the pool. How oblivious I was when I was chatting with J simultaneously with Brandon, not knowing they were one and the same. I had been played by my own son. Damn that smart bastard. "You came anyway, fucked me, even when you knew it was me?" I asked, not understanding how he could still go through it all after finding out he was fucking his father. "I came especially because I knew it was you," Brandon replied fiercely. "And we didn't fuck, Dad. We made love." Brandon's last words made my heart skip a beat. I couldn't even lie to myself. Brandon was right. I didn't know when it happened, but somewhere along the way, our fuck sessions had morphed into something much more...meaningful. More passionate than meaningless one night stands. How could I have fallen for my own son? "I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you, Dad," Brandon said softly, his fingers running through my hair as he gave me a peck. "For years I've fantasized about having you like this. I've slept with so many guys, wishing it was you." "We can't," I said as I tried to push Brandon off of me with the last resolve I had in me. I couldn't believe what he was saying. I couldn't believe how angry—how jealous— I was at the thought of other men sleeping with Brandon, which was pure insanity. Fathers and sons didn't do what we'd done, what we were doing at the moment, entangled as we were, completely naked. "We can't do this." "We can, we already have," Brandon protested, not moving one inch away from me. He was strong enough to resist my attempts to escape. "Dad, we will do this, for as long as possible." "No," I said, sounding weak even to my own ears. I put my hands on Brandon's shoulders, pushing him away as he kept on kissing my neck, his tongue weakening me. His thighs trapped my waist in place, and my cock was directly in contact with Brandon's. "It's cute how you're trying to resist me, but I can feel how much you're enjoying this, Dad, you can't lie to me," Brandon said, thrusting his cock against my erection to prove his point. "You've said it yourself, you're addicted to me." "You're my son," I argued, and Brandon was still not budging. He was so distracting, and I couldn't put any strength into my shoves. "Yes, I am," Brandon said, not deterred in the least. "And you're my Daddy." He captured my lips with his, not giving me any warning as he slipped his tongue to caress mine. He grabbed my wrists again, and pinned my hands above my body. "My strong, gorgeous, and caring Daddy," Brandon added when he freed my mouth, moving his lips to my armpits and licking them liberally. I couldn't keep a moan from escaping my mouth, when he moved his lips to my nipples. I was moaning like a whore while my son was sucking my tits, his cock still grinding at excruciatingly slow pace along mine. "God, you smell so good," Brandon said when he moved his nose back to my armpit and give the hair there another lick. Everything he did or said was adding fuel to my hard cock, and I couldn't take it anymore. I was truly fucked in the head beyond redemption, for loving everything my son was doing to me. He kept one hand to hold my wrists in place, using his free hand to turn on the lights in the room before he took hold of my cock. I could see his young handsome face clearly now, as he looked down at me with a smirk. My cock twitched in his hand just from the mischievous gleam in his eyes. "Ready for round two, Daddy?"
    2 points
  32. "Relax buddy, we won't cum in you. Today is all about your pleasure, not ours." That's what they said right before they started tag teaming my asshole with their raw cocks. But I'm getting ahead of myself. When I was 19, my family took a trip to one of those all-inclusive resorts to Cancun. It was over Christmas break, so I guess it was a nice escape from the winter, but the resort wasn't exactly geared for the fun of a 19 year old who wasn't drinking. We had done the side trips to the ruins and shit, but mostly we hung at the resort where I was bored and mostly alone while my parents drank and had fun. One day they opted for the catamaran drunk cruise. I begged them to not make me go. I pulled the "I'm not a child anymore" card and said I would be quite content reading, napping and lounging by the pool. They finally relented, and I was left to my own devices for an entire day. If only they'd been more protective of their horny, gay son. I hit the pool pretty early with only my book, towel, mirrored shades, and swimsuit. Since I used to be a competitive swimmer I still had my speedo, which is what I decided would make for the best tan lines. I claimed one of the lounge chairs and set in for a nice day of relaxation. And I promptly fell asleep in the warm sun. I awoke some time later hearing hushed voices next to me. It was two, obviously American men whispering in close proximity to me. Voice 1: Look, the kid totally has a boner! Voice 2: Shhh! Don't wake him up and embarrass him. Voice 1: (laughing) Looks like part of him is already awake! (This is when I realized that I had one of those relaxed, sun-boners and they were talking about me! I was mortified and kept still while desperately trying to will my hardon away, but it wouldn't budge.) Voice 1: Damn, it just flexed in his suit! Totally hot! Voice 2: Yeah, the kid has a nice package on him, and a nice little body. Voice 1: I'm getting hard just looking at the outline of his cock. Oh the things we could do... Voice 2: Don't even think about it. Voice 1: Oh, like you aren't thinking about filling that young ass. Voice 2: Go get us a couple beers and cool off. I heard Voice 1 guy get up and flip-flop away toward the bar. Hearing them talk about me in a gay way was making my dick so hard that I knew it wasn't going to go away without a serious spank. I made sort of a fakey "I'm snoring and waking myself up" noise and rolled over onto my stomach. I tried to lay there quietly like I was still asleep. And when Voice 1 came back, I did an equally fake slow wake up and roll over, but simultaneously grabbed my towel and covered my still throbbing junk. I sat up and decided to read a bit, thinking this might take my mind off things. No such luck. Especially when I saw the two men attached to the voices. One was mid 40's, salt and pepper hair, rough beard, and a stocky, muscular body covered with a pelt of coarse, curly black hair. The other was blonde, a bit younger (maybe mid 30's), tall, smooth, tanned and toned. Both were exceedingly attractive (the blonde could have been a model) and both were wearing straining speedos that left very little to the imagination. I tried to ignore them, but they could tell I was staring. Voice 1: Hi there! What are you reading? (it was the blonde) Oh my god. They were so hot and they were talking to me! I stuttered a bit before telling them that I was reading Humboldt's Gift for my American literature class. I remember this fact purely because I never did finish that damn book and had to cliff note the fucker. This opened the doorway into conversation, through which I learned that they were John (Voice 1) and Vince (Voice 2), a gay couple on vacation. They asked many questions about me, like was I there alone? Was I enjoying my free day? What time would my parents be back? Did I have any plans for the rest of the day? By this time my boner had actually gone down and I was thirsty, so I uncovered myself and stood up to go to the bar to get a coke. My further mortification was imminent. Vince: Um, you might want to sit back down. Me: Why? John: (laughing) Because you left a spot of precum in your speedo the size of a half-dollar! I looked down, and sure enough my penis had betrayed me yet again. My electric blue speedo had a huge, dark blue spot of wetness centered right at my cock head. I hastily sat down and covered up again, completely and utterly embarrassed. Vince, however, knew what to do. "John, go get him a coke would you?" "Sure thing." As John walked off, Vince quietly remarked "Don't be embarrassed. It happens to all of us. And, truth be told, that's a pretty impressive spot. You must be a big leaker. Or just incredibly horny." "Well... um...." "So, are you? A healthy cummer, I mean?" "Isn't that sorta personal?" "Lemme guess. You are stuck here with family and you haven't jacked off in days. And now you are so backed up you were going to fire off a few loads today with your free time. Am I right?" "How'd you know?" Chuckling, Vince replied "We've all been there, guy." "What are you two laughing about?" John asked as returned, coke in hand. Taking the lead, Vince explained "The poor guy hasn't cum in days because he's been cooped up with his parents. Hence the gigantic wet spot." John handed me my coke, and a glance passed between he and Vince. I couldn't believe I was having an open conversation about jacking off and precum with two relative strangers, even if they were two, handsome gay men. Apparently they were of one mind, cause without any further discussion John remarked "You know, we could help you out of your jam. You need to empty yourself out before you make a mess all over this pool deck, and it just so happens that Vince and I like to pleasure guys, such as yourself." "Oh, I don't know... I um...," I stuttered, turning even beet red in embarrassment. "No pressure or anything. It would just be a relaxing, fun time and all about your pleasure. We would make sure you would be empty enough to survive the rest of your stay here with your parents," Vince explained, in a very discrete, man-to-man voice. "Honestly, I'm not sure I should," I responded, honestly more than a little interested. John: What else have you got to do today? I guarantee you'll have a better time than just sitting by the pool kicking yourself for missing a mind-blowing afternoon of sex. Vince: It's your call, but we're nice guys and I think you would have fun. Me: .... ok. We left the pool together and they escorted me up to their hotel room. Now, while I wasn't a virgin (I'd been having oral sex with other boys for a few years now, and I had a fairly regular suck session with a fraternity guy at school) but I'd never done any kind of anal. And definitely had never done a three way. And I'd never had sex with men clearly much older than I was. So you can imagine how very nervous I was. At first we just sat on their bed and they gave me a beer. I drank it fast and relaxed a little. Then they each reached out a hand and started stroking me lightly. Massaging my neck a little. I started to get hard. Both were very patient to start. They gently stripped off my swimsuit and laid me back on the bed. Both of their mouths fell to working on my body-- my neck, my nipples, my stomach, my thighs, my balls. And then I felt the wet heat on my cock. Instantly I was rock hard and straining to hold myself back from the waves of pleasure rocking my body. It was John sucking my cock while Vince sucked and tongued my nipples. He slowly traced his tongue up my neck, to my adam's apple, and then over my chin to my mouth. When Vince's mouth met mine, everything exploded-- including my orgasm. John greedily clamped down on my cock and took every drop. He stayed there until my dick finally stopped squirting like a minute later. John: Holy FUCK this kid's a cummer! God damn! Vince: And I think I found his trigger points. Me: I'm sorry! It's just that when you kissed me I couldn't hold back. You are just so... handsome. And hairy! Vince: (laughing) Yeah, I do have a bit of fur. Me: It's hot! John: I think the kid isn't done yet... he still hasn't gone soft. After that, John and Vince stripped off their suits... and wow. John was totally clean shaven, which made his cock look exceptionally huge. Judging from the size of mine, I figured he had to be at least 8 inches. And Vince had a dark bush of pubes, big balls and a shorter, but decently thick, uncut cock. And both had these curious tattoos on their hips. Me: Oooh. You guys have matching tattoos! Looks like a nuclear symbol. Are you guys radioactive or something? John: (smirking) Something like that. Me: Well, you both are pretty hot! Vince: I think we should massage another load or two out of our friend here, John. Me: Hell yeah! Deal! We had another couple of beers, and then Vince got the lube out of their travel bag. I was buzzing well at this point and feeling pretty good. Vince got me up on all fours, and then proceded to do something that nobody had done to me up to that point. He ate my ass. And when his tongue hit my pucker, I almost came unglued. This released the last of my inhibitions, and I became an insatiable fuck hole that afternoon. John was kneeling on the bed close to me, and as soon as Vince started rimming me, my mouth latched onto John's cock and I started sucking for all I was worth. I was only able to fit about half his cock in my mouth and I tasted his precum as I worked his salty slit with my tongue. John: Damn Vince, this kid can SUCK! Vince: Yeah, but we're here to milk him dry. And I think he needs to be milked from the inside. And with that, Vince lubed a finger and slid it into my butthole. Electricity jumped through me and I became a sex crazed novice bottom. He fingered my prostate (nobody had ever done that either) and it made me go crazy with desire. I sucked John like a hoover while bucking around on Vince's finger, all the while drooling precum all over the bedspread. Vince worked a couple fingers into me along with more lube... then his fingers left my ass. It felt like someone had shut off my horny switch. But then, I felt Vince's cock head rubbing up against my hole, teasing and pressing against my pucker. And while it was electric, warning bells were going off in my head. Me: Do you have a condom? Vince: Yeah, somewhere I think. But how about I just tease your pretty butthole a bit with my cock first? Me: We really need a condom. And you need to go easy on me-- I've never been fucked. Vince: Never?? Me: Nope. I've wanted to do it, but it just hasn't ever happened yet. John: Vince, pass me the poppers. I'll help our little bottom virgin out. Me: What are poppers? They aren't drugs are they? I don't do drugs. John: No, you just sniff them and they help you relax. They actually have a medical purpose. Me: Um.... John: Here, I'll show you. Just take a small sniff like this... John took a hit, and I could see him go flush a bit and relax. Then he held the bottle under my nose. I debated it for about a second, and then took a hit. The warm rush was incredible. Vince timed my rush with another finger assault which had me begging for more. The damn poppers had made me desperate for cock and had silenced those pesky warning bells. Me: Oh god. Fuck me! Vince: You want it? Me: Yes! I need to feel your cock inside me! Now! Please?? Vince didn't need to be asked twice. John held the little bottle under my nose again, I took a hit. And as I went soaring on a wave of pleasure, Vince entered my ass. While it hurt, it really didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. Sure it burned a little bit, but overall he was able to slide right in and I just felt full. It probably helped that he was uncut and I was an incredibly horny teenager. Vince slow fucked me while I got used to having a cock in my ass, and I went back to working John's big cock with my tongue and throat. The pleasure I was getting from both ends being filled, plus the alcohol, plus the poppers had me rock hard and begging for as much sex as these two men could dish out. Vince eventually sped up his tempo and the sensation his fat cock was giving me was making my head reel. I was tingling everywhere and begging to cum again. I reached back to cup Vince's balls and to feel his cock sliding in and out of my ass. And that's when I noticed he didn't have a condom on. Me: Where's the condom? Vince: You told me you wanted cock in you now. I didn't have time to put one on. Me: But sex without a condom is risky... Vince: Relax buddy, we won't cum in you. Today is all about your pleasure, not ours. John: Here, have some more poppers... Vince continued to fuck me and my protests ebbed as the pleasure increased. John pushed his dick back into my mouth and I let the poppers relax me into the pure ecstasy of man on man on man sex. Vince: Oh Johnny, you really need to feel this boy's ass. It's so tight and smooth! John: I can't wait for my turn! Vince: Well, it's coming soon. I'm about ready to share... John: Sweet! Here kid, take another hit Me: Damn this feels so good. Vince: It's gonna get better in a minute. I'm going to put my cock head right at your prostate and you are going to feel me flex it. Trust me, it will drive you wild with pleasure. Me: Do it! I wanna feel that! Vince thrust a few more times in me quickly, then parked his cock a little more than halfway inside me. And then I felt it. His cock head was pressed up inside me, and I could feel throbbing and flexing inside me. The sensation was incredible! John: You doing it Vince? Vince: Fuuuck yeah. You feel that, kiddo? Yeah, I'm trying to milk your load out from the inside. Me: It feels amazing, I don't want it to stop. Vince: I can do it again later, but now it's John's turn though. And just wait til you feel him inside you! Me: I don't know... he's so big! I'm not sure I can take it... Vince pulled out with a wet plop, and shifted around the bed. He suggested that I try riding John's cock to start. That way I could control it better and be more comfortable. Without Vince in me, I felt like my switch had again been turned off and I desperately wanted it back on again. So I agreed. John lay down on the bed- his cock enormous and intimidating. Vince lubed him up and worked a bit more lube up my ass. Me: Shouldn't we get a condom? John: Vince didn't have to wear one. Me: But we have time to get one one now and... Vince: It's okay kid, just try it for a bit. We can always get one on later. I want John to feel what I got to feel! Me: Just... don't cum in me. Okay? John: Wouldn't dream of it. I straddled John's groin. John held onto the base of his cock while I tried to line up his head with my hole. Vince fed me more poppers, and before I knew it I was sliding down almost the full length of John's big cock. He bottomed out inside me with still about an inch of cock to go. There was a dull pain deep in my abdomen when John's cock head was poking my guts, but the sensation of that much cock sliding inside me and filling my guts sent me over the moon. I think my eyes literally rolled back into my head. John: Holy fuck! This kid is a natural born bottom! Vince: What did I tell you? John: So fuckin' hot and slick! Thanks for lubing it up for me! Me: Oh my God! You are so fucking BIG! Vince: Enjoy the ride you two. I started sliding up and down on John's cock and he let me control the fuck action. Every thrust into me from his cock gave me the sensation like I was stroking my own erect penis. Only I wasn't touching myself. It was like I was jacking off, but no-handed. The pleasure was building, and it sent my body into sort of a fuck frenzy. I was fucking myself down onto John's cock and building my orgasm with every bounce. Vince straddled John's face and fed his soft, uncut cock into John's mouth while John grabbed my hips and helped ram my ass up and down faster on his cock. Vince worked my nipples and then planted another deep, wet, scratchy beard kiss on me. I went into overload. Me: Oh God! I'm gonna cum! Vince: Do it, kid! Me: Dont' stop fucking me-- I'm so close! John: I wanna feel you cum with my dick jammed in your sweet fuckhole! Vince grabbed the back of my head and kissed me again hard and with that kiss my first shot arced up between us and spattered all over Vince's hairy chest. As soon as he felt me start to shoot, John grabbed my hips and thrust all the way into my butt, even that last inch that wouldn't go in seemed to find a place inside me. The pain in my guts mixed with my orgasmic pleasure was enough to make me cry out into Vince's mouth. But I couldn't stop cumming. Volley after volley of my spunk coated Vince and dripped down onto John's face. I was spasming like I was having a seizure and Vince eventually just looked on in amazement as John started laughing and licking up the cum gobs that spattered his way. I kept shuddering and shaking with the post orgasmic shivers. Vince kissed me gently while I was still impaled on John's cock and trying to relax my quivering sphincter. John told me that if I stopped wiggling around so much he could make himself go soft so it would be easier to pull out. A few minutes later and after some deep breathing on my part he was indeed flaccid and I was able to ease myself off of him. Feeling fully satiated, I was going to take my leave but Vince and John convinced me otherwise. Vince: You are a young stud, and I bet you have another load in you yet. John: Besides, we haven't cum, have we Vince? Vince: No we haven't. And there's still a few more things we could do together. Three cocks offer so many options... John: It would be a shame to waste them. Me: But I probably should be going... Vince: Where? You're parents aren't gonna be back for a few hours yet. Might as well spend it fucking. John: Hasn't it been fun? Haven't you enjoyed yourself? We've sure enjoyed you. In the end I agreed to stay for another round of sex. We had a few more beers, and they eventually got me hard by tongue-fighting over my cock. This got them hard too and the next thing I knew it was a free for all on their bed. We were all kissing and sucking whatever we could get our mouths on, rubbing on each other, humping, etc. I ended up on top and this time rode Vince's cock (I had decided that I quite liked riding and being in charge) while John stood on the bed so I could suck him. Then John squatted over Vince's face so Vince could tongue his hole while John and I made out. John worked my nips and I begged Vince to do the pulse-trick on my prostate again. After about 15 more minutes of fucking, he grabbed my hips and I felt the magic throbbing inside me again. Each pulse was like an joy buzzer shock inside me- I loved it! Then they both maneuvered me so that I was on my back with my head hanging over the edge of the bed. More poppers and John was fucking me again with his huge cock while Vince stood over my face with his flaccid, wet, uncut penis. Me: I've never sucked an uncut cock before. Vince: Well, this is a day full of firsts for you! John: (giggling) And lasts... Me: I think I'll remember this day for the rest of my life Vince: Of that I have no doubt. John grabbed my ankles and took to fucking my ass hard. And I took Vince into my mouth and let my tongue savor his foreskin. The feeling of the skin was silky, and I could taste a mixture of lube and what I thought was his precum. When I inhaled, I got a full whiff of his musky manscent. It was almost better than the poppers. The rush of blood to my head and the feeling of foreskin in my mouth was dizzying. John flipped me around (all while not pulling out his cock) and got me on all fours. He then suggested to Vince that since this had been a day of firsts, how about they make me Lucky Pierre? Vince agreed and hopped up on the bed in front of me. I had no idea what a "lucky pierre" was, until Vince spit on my cock, and shoved it into his ass. It was so warm and velvety... so unlike anything I had ever experienced. So hot! So much better than a blow job! I was getting my ass fucked by a big cock while simultaneously losing my anal topping virginity inside a hot, furry daddy! It was all too much. I think I lasted all of a minute before I warned them that I was getting close. That's when John reached forward, grabbed Vince's hips and Vince reached back and grabbed mine. I was locked in place between them and stuck in Vince's ass! Me: I'm gonna cum! I should pull out!!! Vince: Just cum in me, kid! John: Do it! He wants you to! Me: But... but... Vince: I trust you John: C'mon kid! Shoot that load! Breed my boyfriend! John thrust again hard inside me and with that I erupted inside Vince's ass. The wet heat of my orgasm enveloped my cock as I shot my third load of the afternoon into Vince's bare ass, groaning "God DAMN, this feels awesome!" Apparently it was an impressive orgasm because Vince echoed my remarks saying "Holy fuck, I can feel him cumming in me!" In full approval, John answered "So hot! Take that virgin load!" After my orgasm finally subsided, John slid out of my ass with ease and I did the same to Vince. We collapsed in a sweaty heap on their bed. I awoke about an hour later, with a headache and instant fear. According to the bedside clock, my parents were due back at any time. I jumped to my feet, pulled-on my speedo, grabbed my stuff and headed out. I thanked Vince and John for the best sex of my young life and they said it was truly their pleasure. I made it back to the pool and managed to rinse the sex off about ten minutes before my parents arrived, so they were none the wiser about my afternoon activities. Several weeks after we got home I got really sick. My parents figured it was just some bug I picked up while in Mexico. Six months later at the student health center at college, I found out my parents were right. It was something I picked up in Mexico. And I discovered the meaning behind Vince and John's matching tattoos.
    1 point
  33. so does anyone know of a porn where you can obviously tell the bottom is feelin every inch and every moment of the fuck and not liking it but puts up with it anyway? or where the bottom is obviously being torn up from the fuck? I know there was actually a broke straight boys vid from a ong tome ago with Kodi and some ginger top who pulled out and you saw blood on his cock. i came every time i watched that vid cause Kodi was screamin like most bottoms do but you know this stuf was real pain and i fucking loved it. was wonderin if anyone knew of more like it.
    1 point
  34. Going Back Home (Part 1) My name is Tyler, I'm 21 (almost 22) and at 5' 10" and about 140 lbs, I have a tight, lean body, hair in all the right places and trimmed where is important. My cock is (probably) of that bottoms dream of at nearly 8". I left this little, one stop light town over 2 years ago with no regrets and never looked back. So why did I return for a long weekend visit, or person I could never forget, my best friend Chase. We were best friends all through high school and discovered a mutual love for gay sex one night when we had been put on a double date. I went out with some nameless skank and Chase took out my sister. Neither of us scored (not that I tried, my eyes were always on chases ass). We dropped the girls at my house and went with chase back to his place. Chase was an only child and his bedroom was very private so as we sat on his queen size bed in only our boxers or conversation turned to sex (as any 18 year old brain was centered). We were both easily turned on and when my had brushed his growing cock chase let a low moan out. I took this as my cue and moved in for more. Before chase knew what was going I had him naked and I was moving in for a kiss. That was the first night (of many) where I fucked him and bred his tight hole. We didn't know anything about safe sex and continued his regular breeding until the day I left. After I headed for the big city he took up with my sister and 'knocked within weeks of my leaving. I hard they had 2 twin boys and saw pics of the family. I had did not go back then to see the new kids, so you may be asking 'Why am I back I town' now? I had a plan and Chase was it! I came in for four days only contacting Chase, asking him to not say a word to anyone. I told him I needed to see him alone and hoped he'd be able to get away for a couple days. Since he and my sister never got married and he still lined at home so that he could give all his extra money to my sister and his kids. I texted Chase the second I got into town, getting a room at a cheap hotel I the edge of town. I asked fire a room I the backside of the property trying to give us some privacy. When I heard a knock on the door I knew it was my conquest. The moment came through the door and I could tell immediately by the bulge in his jeans, the smile on his face and the gleam in his eye he was happy to see me. It didn't take long before I offered him a 'drink', Coke with GHB to heighten his mood & help loosen him up (although I don't think he was going to need to it, the look on his face told me the he missed my cock). What i wanted the G for was to help introduce him to the joys of chem sex and to get him to beg for my poz seed. When I got to the city it didn't take me long to discover Tina and all the ways to enjoy her along with bottoming. I'm not really sure when I got pozzed, but I knew that I was toxic and prime to pass it onto my target. This was part of my plan to get him to come back to the city with me. I don't know if it was the G or his missing me, but we were both naked in minutes. Chase didn't waste much time getting my hard cock down his throat as I rubbed one hand through his brown hair and the other over his lean body. I knew what he wanted, but I had a better place for my saved up cum. I hadn't cum in nearly a month since I discovered my new 'status' (which want easy with the guys I knew in the city). I could tell if I let Chase continue his work he'd have me cumming in seconds before I stopped him and pulled him up for his first man-on-man kiss. He allowed my tongue into his mouth and I knew at that exact moment he would be mine! It was now my turn to orally pleasure my friend. As I kissed and licked my way down my friends skinny, slim body, I could tell how much Chase missed me as his fingers were tangled in my long red hair as I took his hard 7" cock into my mouth as Chase verbally let me know how much he missed me. While I had my friend a 'little' distracted I pulled out my Tina tainted lube (this is my social blend with enough T in it to get his so high that I'll be able to get him not only begging to be pozzed, but to go back to th city with me). I pushed his legs back and turned his ass up so I’d have better access to it. I leaned in to give Chase his first ever rim job. I knew this would (hopefully) break down all resistance in his body and allow me to slip in a shard or two ( or three or four) into his neg hole. As I began to lick, tease and stimulate Chase through his first rim job he couldn’t help control from moaning. I took a couple minutes to ask if he was liking my eating his ass, to which he replied, ‘Fuck yeah, you can do anything you want to me, I missed you.’ That was my cue and I picked up (what was probably) the largest shard of T I had and held it over his quivering hole. Chase looked up as me and asked what it was, I simply told him it was crystal and was about to rock his world allowing him to focus in on his hole and the infinite amount of pleasure he could experience. Without another word I dropped the shard on his slightly open hole before I pushed it inside. I then alternated between licking and fingering as I sunk the T in deeper and deeper while Chase moaned and said that he felt it burning. I kissed his inner thigh as I let him know that that was normal and would soon fade as I took a second shard and slipped in inside with two fingers, followed by a third shard. All the while I continued to lick and shove my tongue into his hole. By the time he was ready for the fourth shard his hole easily stayed open and I simply dropped it in. Looking down at my friend I asked if he was ready for me to own his ass? His reply was simple, Oh god yes! Since I knew he had not been fucked since I left town nearly 3 yrs ago I asked if he was sure he wanted me to fuck him like I used to and breed him. Not like I was going to give him a choice, but I did have some ‘specially prepared’ rubbers just in case. Chase was the typical dumb fuck country bumpkin, as I lubed up my cock with the Tina laced lube he told me that the few times he fucked my sister he never used protection. That’s why she got ‘knocked up’ shortly after I left town. He figured there was no way I could get him pregnant. I was thinking that this was too easy as I slowly sank my lubed up cock inside him, quickly bottoming out on the first stroke. I wanted the first few fucks to be memorable. I could see Chase slipping deeper and deeper into a Tina fuelled haze as I pulled out my pipe and began to get high myself. Chase asked about the pipe. I let him know it was the same stuff I dropped into his ass. He dumbly asked if he could have a toke. But in his position the only thing I could do was shot-gun the smoke to him. After a few hits form myself and a couple more shot-gunned to him, chase was well on his way to knowing the joys of chem sex. I dropped two loads inside Chase before I pulled out. The first time I egged him on to ask for my load, for me to shoot my dirty seed in him. On the second load I got him begging for me to get him pregnant. Each load was delivered with a deep passionate kiss.
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  35. One man’s blessing is another man’s curse and for me I’ve got more than my share – an extra long dick (just over 10 inches), an extra wide dick (just shy of 8 inches round), and I shoot cum like a farm animal (up to ¼ of a cup a time). Truly. The dick? Well that’s thanks to my father for sure who was even bigger than me and the cum? Well I don’t know, could be him too, but the doctors call it Hyperspermia - a condition in which a man can ejaculate a massive volume of semen and and extra bonus is it comes with a high sex drive - thus my continuous frustration. Sex for me has almost always been a series of one frustrated encounters after another. Fucking size queens hit me all the time bragging how they can take me, how they love big dick, how they want my cum – that is until I split their hole open with just the few inches and then they fucking tap out and run. I’ve never worn condoms; my hyperspermia makes that impossible as the amount of precum I produce makes my dick so wet and slick they won’t stay on. That’s how I got AIDs – splitting bottoms open. I learned quickly a little blood was a given, a lot was expected and for me, doesn’t bother me in the least. For the bottom? Yeah they freak and make me stop. So to get by and try to relieve my constant need to nutt, I’ve sold condoms online full of my cum, made some pay-to-play solo porn flicks of me shooting, escorted trying to give facials or creampies, sold batches of my load to a fertility clinic, and I even created a Tumblr account talking about my curses and thinking I’d document those bottoms I found who could take me and wanted my POZ load. None of that really helped or panned out in the end. Just wasn’t the same. Have I fucked and bred a guy totally before. Yeah, of course, but few and far between and so I mostly have to be satisfied with a little oral, a little ass around the tip of my dick, then finishing off when I am home and alone. I want more, I need more, I need to breed and infect some ass and fill a bottom’s guts full of my cum – why else would God have given me what he did? I had frankly about given up until one day when I received an email: “Good afternoon. I am Dr. Mike. My practice has recently begun a new treatment regimen for some of my patients that I believe you are perfect for. I have many years of developing specialized, treatment regimens for my patients and would like to invite you to come to my office on Monday at 3:00 p.m. for a consultation. There is no fee for the visit or treatment regimen. Please refrain from all sexual activity for at least 48-hours prior to the visit so I can fully assess the volume of your semen output and your ability to ejaculate more than once for comparison purposes.” OK, I wasn’t exactly sure how this Dr. Mike thought he could help me since no one else had ever been able to. I tried to find what I could online about Dr. Mike and there was the standard fare, but his medical specialties did include treatment of HIV, AIDs, and other infectious diseases. What was surprising was how little there was about him. Most doctors these days have social media and site after site. Not this Dr. Mike. He was almost like a ghost – almost – but in digging through some chat rooms on the dark web I did come across a series of stories that mentioned Dr. Mike doing some pretty twisted, fucked up shit that made my dick drool and bounce and I quickly emailed him back to confirm I would be there. Dr. Mike’s office was located in Northeast Washington, DC, in an older brick building. I got to the office and rang the bell as the office was closed for the day. I waited a few minutes and then heard the locks turn, the door opened, and I was met by a man in white coat. Dr. Mike was in his mid 40s I guess, about 5”11, 180, and fairly clean cut looking and I thought handsome. He shook my hand, asked me to step inside, and locked the door. I then followed him through another door and down a hall and his office was like the rest of the building, older and somewhat run down looking. Near the end of the hall he stopped and motioned me to enter an exam room that was somewhat bare except for an odd table contraption bolted to the middle of the floor that was occupied by an apple assed guy. The guy was kneeling on a small bench part of the exam table on a pillow, with his chest on the table, his arms forward and his head resting on its side. A leather hood was strapped to his head, hiding his features and all that could be seen were closed eyes, his nostrils, and mouth that was slightly agape, relaxed. Leather straps wound around his calves, thighs, and he looked like a big Z splayed out. The next thing I noticed were several Polaroid Cube cameras attached to the metal table and on several small tripods all pointed to the guy’s ass from various angles. Yet, that was not the strangest part. I hesitated as I looked at the IV pole that was at the end of the odd table next to a set of monitors being watched by another man in a white coat who wore a medical mask that was inflating and deflating against his face as he breathed in and out. The other man was speaking softly to the guy on the table, “Time to dream little man.” I turned to the squeak of a metal stool being rolled away from a small table as Dr. Mike pointed to a chair by the door and said, “Please disrobe and sit in the chair here please.” I looked from him, to the other man, to the bottom. I was confused about what was going on but the sight of the that naked body looking like a sacrifice on an altar stirred my deep, dark desires and needs. I sat down in the chair, my naked ass sticking to the leather seat as Dr. Mike rolled himself close and flipped open a manila folder. “Normally I would want to do a full set of labs myself and an exam, but I received a copy of your medical file from your previous doctor and well – both your HIV and hyperspermia are well documented so I figured we should dispense with such pleasantries and get right to it.” My dick started to lengthen. Dr. Mike motioned to guy on the table, “Most gay men wait too long to get tested for rectal cancer. It is best to start young and technology now allows us to test in the office with High Resolution Anoscopy, but it does require anesthesia – a special cocktail of Fentanyl, Ketamine, Propofol, and a few other medications.” What the fuck? I knew what those drugs were, well at least I had heard of them and I looked again at the man in the white coat and the guy on the table. Fuck! They had drugged him and knocked him out! Dr. Mike set the open folder partially on my right leg, my dick now hardening more and stretching down my left. He started to ask me a series of questions and I hesitated and looked at the other man. Dr. Mike followed my gaze, shifted his stool to block my view, set his hand on my thigh in a reassuring manner and said, “Do not mind Dr. Collins,” and with that continued his questions and making the appropriate notes in his folder. “Are you currently off all meds?” I lied and said, “No.” Dr. Mike paused; frowned a little, set his pen in the crease of the folder and with his right hand reached out and grabbed the shaft of my now hard dick. “I need you to be totally honest with me if you please,” he said, “Unlike other doctors you may have seen in the past I need the unvarnished truth and not an answer that you think should be given or that you erroneously believe I may wish to hear. Understand?” I nodded and he asked again, “Are you currently off all meds?” This time I answered honestly and said, “Yes and no. I take them sometimes because…well I had read that if you do that then you can become resistant, and I just wanted to…I...” Dr. Mike smiled, made a note in his file, set his pen back in the folder and reached out again and this time slowly stroked my dick a couple times as he said, “Thank you for being honest. Yes, you can build a resistance and I will draw some blood so we can order a genotype test to confirm exactly which meds you are resistant too and then plan accordingly.” I moaned as his touch made me lose focus, but I blurted, “Yeah but I don’t want to take… or be…I…” Dr. Mike smiled, leaned in a little, stroked my dick a little faster and said, “Oh you misunderstand. Our goal is to INCREASE your resistance and viral count. That is what you want isn’t it?” What the fucking kind of doctor was he? My dick answered for me as it started to drool. The questions from Dr. Mike continued, “Do you use any recreational drugs? Willing to do others? Known STDs besides AIDs? Do you have receptive anal intercourse? Penetrated a bottom fully against his will? I imagine it is difficult given your size. Let me see – yes – I expect only a bottom with years of fisting could naturally take you.” Dr. Mike’s stroking skills were superior, that’s for sure yet somehow I don’t think he learned that in medical school. Dr. Mike continued with his list of questions and it was increasingly difficult to focus. Apparently satisfied, he closed the folder, rolled back over to the small table, grabbed an iPad, flipped opened the cover and showed me a video that had been paused. “This is Lucas,” Dr. Mike said as he tapped the video and it started to play. There was a yellow sticky note on the screen covering the person’s head, but from the wisps of hair that showed and the clothed body whose size seemed to match the guy on the table, appeared to be a shy twink of a guy - young but legal. Lucas had recorded a message verbally affirming he was legal, and his willing to submit to all ‘treatments and procedures’ as prescribed by Dr. Mike and Dr. Collins on that date, among the other stand release and approval statements. The video finished and Dr. Mike said, “I can assure you that the person in the video is the same as the one currently being monitored by Dr. Collins. Patient confidentiality requires that his face be covered even though you are now part of his treatment team. You understand? This is totally anonymous. You will never know his identity, nor he yours.” At the word ‘anonymous’ my dick spasmed and a long line of nutt drool proceeded down my thigh. Dr. Mike smiled in a way that held no warmth or humor. He then tapped the iPad screen a couple times, swiped, and I could hear sound as another video started. Dr., Mike adjusted the sticky note then turned the iPad around so I could see. In this one, the guy was naked, his arms out wide as he did slow turns that showed his hot ass and tiny twink dick. He paused facing the camera and began to speak in the same voice as the first video. The twink stated his first name, stats, and this time the message release statement was not the kind found on any standard form: “My name is Lucas Si…just Lucas. I am of sound mine and judgment and confirm that I have asked for a no limits fuck today. I am aware I may be unconscious and unable to provide further consent, but I DO consent. Totally. I want this. I want to get rape fucked by some big dick and be a total cum dump. Have totally been fantasizing about it for like forever and… well…so today it may happen – I mean will happen. No one is forcing me to do this. I am volunteering and WANT it. I also want it raw, no condoms at all, and understand the guy or guys who may fuck me might HIV+ or whatever. I don’t care. That shit don’t matter to me whatever they got. It’s all good. I’m on PREP so it’s all good. I just…hell! Is that good? Can we get this shit started? I’m horny as shit and need some dick!” Dr. Mike smiled that dark smile again and said, “As you can see. All legal bases are covered no mattered what may come. I am quite proficient in working within the boundaries set by my profession as well as expanding those boundaries as needed. One final note. What would you say – hypothetically of course –if there was an individual such as say someone like this young man you just saw on the video who in their mind can only imagine something like a big hit of G? Imagine how they would feel after the fact becoming aware of the full extent of the ‘party hole’ they went down. Also – hypothetically – wouldn’t it be a shame if the same young man BELIEVED they were on PREP when actuality they were on a placebo combo as part of a blind drug trial they had previously consented to? Especially one in which the results had shown rampant degradation of their immune systems due to other factors prescribed as part of their treatment regimen?” Damn! This was one fucked up doctor and with every word my dick pulsed and continued to stream more precum. I was stunned. I didn’t know what to say or what to do, but my dick did as Dr. Mike reached out, wrapped his warm hand around my pulsing shaft, and expertly stroked it. “I know you have tried to find bottoms that would allow you to POZ them, that would allow you to flood them with your fountain of death,” he said with a calm voice full of confidence in every statement. “I know you have no qualms making a bottom bleed. I know you always hold back when you have intercourse – physically in the act as well as in your ejaculation. That is unhealthy and as your physician, I must provide a treatment regiment that will ensure your full well-being.” I leaned back in the chair and moaned in pleasure as Dr. Mike’s fingers deftly worked my dick as he continued, “You have been given a gift – many gifts – and those gifts need to be shared – and so I offer the first of but many cum dumps for you to use, to mark, to infect, to enjoy in ways you never imagined possible.” I groaned again and licked my lips as my breathing got faster and my heart started to race. Dr. Mike suddenly released his grip on my dick, rolled his stool to the side, grabbed another clipboard, held out a pen with a disarming smile, but an evil glint in his eyes and said, “These are the consent forms for your treatment. Sign and date here – initial here – there.” He flipped the page, “This page affirms that there is no monetary payment due, however there is a co-pay of no consequence that we will address later.” I couldn’t put pen to paper fast enough and once the forms were signed, Dr. Mike rolled his stool back, set the clipboard down, stood up, gestured towards the waiting ass with his left hand and said, “My patient is waiting,” before he calmly walked over and stood by the tied up bottom. Nervously I stood up and followed: my raging dick leading the way and dripping my toxic cum in long drools with every step. Just inches from the unconscious bottom I realized how my dick was perfectly aligned with his waiting hole as if…as if Dr. Mike knew my exact height and other measurements and had planned accordingly. But how? Dr. Mike just smiled and nodded as I tentatively stepped closer, my flesh pressing against the bottom’s. I turned to Dr. Mike who said nothing, but just nodded. I gently reached out and inserted my right index finger between the waiting mounds of twink flesh. His ass crack was totally hairless, as was the rest of his body – whether natural or manicured – it did not matter, it was sexy as fuck! I slid my finger against his puckered ass ring and with but the slightest effort of pressure it slowly opened and sucked my finger in to the hilt. No resistance, no squirming, no fighting. The bottom suddenly let out a low, guttural moan and I yanked my finger back in surprise and shock. Dr. Mike just chuckled and with his hands still clasped in front of him like he was monitoring a science experiment of no regard, he turned to Dr. Collins and ordered, “A little more if you please.” Dr. Collins flooded the IV input with a wave of milky white slumber. Dr. Mike turned and looked at me expectantly. I had never really fucked in front of an audience and the whole situation was beyond fucking strange. Dr. Mike held out his hands, palms up in an apologetic gesture and said, “Given the current treatment, at least this time, I must be here to attend my patients – you and him. In the future – if you decide to continue under my care – I expect that will not be necessary and only Dr. Collins will need to monitor such aspects of your visits. However, my plan for treatment is that – based on your performance – hypothetically of course, that a first treatment may be such as we have today with the patient totally unaware and unconscious. Next time, maybe it will be a lighter sleep. The time after, maybe semi-conscious, but still restrained. The time after that? Who knows? You may find that having your way with someone completely restrained yet fully conscious is more to your – shall we say medical needs?” There was that fucking dark smile again. Dr. Mike was an evil, twisted, son of a bitch and part of me wanted to be just like him! I needed to fuck. I needed to breed that ass and knowing he was knocked out, anonymous, NEG, and that I might infect him sent me to the fucking moon! I stepped closer, lining my dick head with Lucas’ asshole. No, no names – this was just some cum dump – some dirty bottom willing to take any raw dick and I planned to POZ him good. This time I jammed three fingers all at once at that ass ring and just like before it opened, but damage was done. Dr. Mike issued a small chuckle and “Yes!” as I dug my nails into the bottom’s hole, harder and harder, over and over, yearning to break through the walls of his drug induced state to hear him moan in pain and beg for mercy. That never happened, which only spurred me on to finger fuck his hole rougher. I glanced to the side to see Dr. Mike adjust his own hard dick and I smiled. Yeah, that’s right, I could be as twisted as he was, just watch. This bottom would remember the day I bred him and when I finally pulled my fingers out they were nice and red. I then started to slap his ass – full on arm swings – and those apple cheeks went from white, to pink, to red, to shades of purple in no time. God damn I wanted to bust right then! My hand hurt from slapping him so hard and yet not a single moan or sound escaped those pink little lips that protruded from the leather hood over his head. While Dr. Mike was clearly into it, Dr. Collins seemed oblivious and totally focused on his patient and the monitors. Fine by me. I took a step back, slid my right hand up and down my shaft a few times to coat my death rod with my POZ, sticky precum, wiped my hands on the bottom’s sides, then grabbed the two biggest handfuls of flesh that I could and squeezed and dug in. I PAUSED, LOOKED AT DR. MIKE, AND AS HE MET MY EYES I SLAMMED MY DICK THROUGH THE BOTTOM’S OUTER HOLE AND BURIED MYSELF INSIDE HIM! The bottom’s body made no movement at all as I ripped him open. The pillow beneath his legs became stained. While I expected to see the waves of pain ripple through his body, his ass never clenched, never tried to push me out, never fought back. Somewhere between his fresh stab wounds and his brain all nerve impulses just faded away – thank you Dr. Collins! I clenched his flesh tighter in my grasp. I wanted him to be bruised, sore, and it was time to rape some ass. I grunted and growled as I pulled out and slammed all 10-inches+ of my raw dick into my victim’s hole and the more it got wet, the harder I fucked. My balls were bursting, ready to breed and infect this cum dump. My fountain of death was ready to explode like Deep Water Horizon and forever alter the world! I PICKED UP MY PACE, AND FUCKED AS HARD AS I COULD. I WANTED TO RAPE THAT ASS – HURT IT – INFECT IT – BREED IT – FILL HIS GUTS WITH MY LOAD! DR. MIKE WAS RIGHT – I HAD MANY GIFTS AND THIS BOTTOM WOULD GET THEM ALL AND AS I LOOKED DOWN AND SAW MY RED-COATED DICK I LOST IT – FROZE – AND SHOOK AS MY HYPERSPERMIA DELIVERED WHAT FELT LIKE A QUART OF INFECTED AIDS NUTT INTO THAT BOTTOM’S SHREDDED ASS. Oh yeah, in addition to shooting a lot in volume, my orgasm – my real orgasm which have been few and far between – seem to last for fucking ever and by the time my dick stopped spurting and I was able to let go of the flesh clenched in a death grip in my hands, I felt like I would pass out. With my dick still inside his unwilling hole, and streams of ass juice and my cum frothing out around my semi-hard dick, I flopped on top of the twink’s body feeling utterly satisfied for the maybe the first time ever. Dr. Mike was behind me, pressed his body against my naked ass and reached out and laid his right hand on my chest, “Please, if you could just stand back up, we do not want to impede his breathing.” Oh shit! Something about his touch, his body pressed to mine, the feel of his hard dick through his pants … fuck I don’t know – set me off again and I started blowing another load up that bottom’s hole without even another stroke. This one racked me to my bones and every spasm that burned through my body was felt by Dr. Mike who moaned and held me as I POZZED that ripped up ass all over again! When my balls were finally drained, my dick slid out of that beaten hole like a python that had just gorged on a herd of goats and was ready for a long nap. Dr. Mike stepped back, wiped his hands one against the other, smiled and said, “There. Now if you please. Get dressed and I will see you back here next Monday, same time,” and with that he left. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!) (Dr Mike: Biohazard and Healer – all story links here - https://breeding.zone/topic/34692-dr-mike-biohazard-story-links/#comment-384265 )
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  36. Let me share my story of my first time knowingly getting fucked by a poz guy and taking that load… it was SO fun! I had been taking cocks bareback for a few years but was constantly worried about the chance of getting “it”. I always asked my top if he was “clean” and “DDF” but I’m well aware that men lie about such things to have sex! Many times, after meeting someone I’d worry whether the hot bare cock that had just fucked my willing ass and unloaded in me might actually be shooting charged loads. As you might have guessed, I’m a bottom, and was torn between my love of feeling a hard raw cock erupt in my ass and fill me with a hot load and the inherent danger of that very act. I’m certainly not the first guy to struggle with this issue, nor will I be the last….and soon found I had plenty of company. I’ve always loved reading accounts of hot man to man sex, and I stumbled across some very hot stories others had written regarding their experiences of being neg and getting naked, nasty and fucking raw with a poz guy or poz guys that had their way with a neg hole. To my surprise, my reaction when reading these tales was not one of disgust or bewilderment about why one would do such a thing, instead time and time again I found my hand wrapped around my rock hard throbbing cock! Soon I was seeking out more stories regarding such fun, even tho I didn’t realize at the time where this newfound obsession of mine would lead. After months of finding and reading those hot reading stories, I realized I was at a crossroads. I knew I would never give up getting fucked bare so I had to accept the risk, even the certainty that someday I would get the bug. Strangely, I found that as I made the choice to accept my fate I was quite at peace with that decision… even somewhat excited with the possibility! I decided to do some exploring. I knew I had an upcoming business trip during which I would have some time to play, so I did some online research. I checked several of my favorite sites for poz tops in my destination city and sent messages to some of them saying what a hot profile they had and that I would be in town for a few days and wanted to play. Several responded but one in particular caught my attention. He was about my age (early 40s) and in good shape, nice looking, a top and poz. I wrote back and told him bluntly that I was neg, love getting fucked bare and was looking for a willing poz top that would take my neg ass and fuck me and fill me with his hot cum so I wouldn’t be a “virgin” anymore to poz cocks. Being very upfront with him, I let him know I’d not blame him if I did indeed get the bug from him and he replied with a picture of his thick 8.5” cut cock and the message “here’s a pic of my cock… do you think you’d like to get your first poz load from it?” Gazing at that photo, I felt mesmerized… and my answer was “YES!” I arrived in his city and on the day we planned to meet I called him and made arrangements to get together at my hotel. Happily, he was quite punctual and being ever the gentleman he brought a bottle of wine. I had gotten myself cleaned up and ready prior to his arrival, and was wearing only a jockstrap as we sat drinking the wine and talking about life in general. After a few glasses, he stood and motioned for me to come to him… and we began to kiss. He started rubbing my ass, and teasing my crack and asked me if I was sure this was what I wanted. My answer was to begin to undress him, slowly and easily dropping his clothes to the floor as our kissing became more urgent. I unzipped his pants and pulled them down as his hard cock popped free and prodded my navel… I could already feel his precum making his cockhead slick as it ground against my stomach. I felt like a nervous virgin, waiting for what was to cum, knowing things would never be the same after this night and so ready for it! He guided my head downward and I licked my way from his neck to his crotch as opened my new bottle of poppers, getting myself ready for my first taste of poz cock. I took two big hits from the poppers and OOOOH! What good poppers they were! I started licking the precum from his cockhead… it made me delirious with lust! I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried his cock in the back of my throat and lost myself in the pure pleasure of hot mansex as I sucked him and pleasured that hot hard cock. I could tell from the amount of precum he was pumping and his hardness that he was very excited as well, and wasn’t surprised when he soon told me to get on the bed and lie on my back. I hit my poppers again and he crawled between my open legs and kissed me again and began to work my nipples, pulling and twisting them, sending powerful waves of sexual energy thru my body… I was his for the taking and he knew it! I could feel his rock hard poz cock bouncing off of mine, leaving traces of wetness where it hit my cock which was harder than I had been in years. He looked me in the eye and again asked me “are you sure you want this to happen?” I looked deeply into him and said “YES… please fuck me!” He grinned and told me to take a couple of very deep hits on my poppers while he rubbed lube on my crack and hole, then onto his reddish purple cock. I fell back onto the bed, high on poppers and panting for him to plant his dick in me. He whispered in my ear “You have me so fucking horny, I’m going to cum very soon once I get inside you… but we’ll rest a bit afterwards and our second round will be even hotter!” He lined his cock up to my hole and told me to get ready as he pushed his cockhead into my eager and waiting ass! I hit the poppers one more time as I felt him stretch me open and his cockhead slide in… then as he bottomed out in my ass, I pleaded with him to “FUCK ME!” He began to pump into me, soon pulling almost all the way out only to pound his cock back into me, and after only a few moments, I was begging like the cumslut I am for him to do it! “FUCK me, harder!” “BREED my ass, do me… fill my ass with that POZ LOAD! FUCK FUCK FUCK this is HOT!!!!!” He didn’t say a word… just grasped my waist and shoved into me and fucked me so hard he lifted my ass from the bed as he groaned! UUUUHHHHNNNGNGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!! I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in DEEP as I felt his cock EXPLODE in my hole! He pumped into me, and I could feel his huge hard raw cock spasming as he gasped for air as his poz cum filled my fuckhole! He collapsed next to me and we fell into a deep, trancelike state and napped for a while as we recovered. Soon I felt his cock begin to stir and harden against my asscheeks and I reached back and played with his balls and stroked his shaft, knowing that there was more to come. He began to kiss the back of my neck and play gently with my nipples as he rubbed his cock up and down my crack. His nipple play became more aggressive… roughly pulling and twisting again and again as I began to thrash about. I grabbed his hands, keeping them on my nipples as he continued to work me all the while rubbing his ever hardening raw cock between the meaty cheeks of my ass! Not a word was said… he grasped my hips and rolled me over and onto my hands and knees, got behind me and prepared to put his now rock hard cock back into my waiting ass! All our rolling about, thrashing and nipple play and done a lot to get him UP! His precum had made me quite wet again and I still had an ass full of the best lube there is… CUM! I could feel his cockhead at my eager hole again… and quickly and easily he was balls deep in me, starting more slowly this time as he massaged my back, waist and ass. He soon grabbed my hips and began to pick up the pace as I hit my bottle of poppers again and again, moaning and begging for his big cock to “FUCK ME!” Nothing else mattered at that point… only his cock and my hole, and the pleasure of raw fucking!!!! I was again high on the poppers and sex, wanting to please him and let him pump my hole for as long as he desired and he made good on his promise… the second round was long, hard and HOT! My entire world came down to his cock slamming into me as his balls bounced against me… my rock hard cock slapping off my stomach, splattering myself with my own sex lube, lost in the sensation of absolute lust and pure sex! I could feel the change in him, as his need became more urgent… more aggressive… he was getting close again, ready to seed my neg hole with his toxic cum! His low growl became louder as I fucked back onto his poz shaft, working it and trying to milk that HOT cum from his balls one more time! I arched my ass up and into him and that’s all it took… he moaned “OOOOH YEAH!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!” and I felt him begin spurting into me again and the pure HOTNESS of the scene overwhelmed me and I shot my load all over the hotel bed and my chest. “Fuck yeah is RIGHT!” I told him as we collapsed onto the bed again!! He grinned ear to ear, and asked if I wanted a repeat before I left town, to which I replied “HELL yes!” He winked and asked if I was open to a threeway as he knew a friend of his that would love to breed me as well… I just smiled, kissed him and said… “What do YOU think?! We laughed and he reached for his phone to call his friend….
    1 point
  37. Good story, really hot build up. More please!
    1 point
  38. As a bottom, this is one of the hottest things I have ever read on this site!
    1 point
  39. Here's my fucking whore cunt! https://pussyboinextdoor.tumblr.com/likes
    1 point
  40. It was the other way around for me. Went to visit grandparents and had to share a room with my uncle, dads youngest brother. I was 12, and he was 5 years older than me. Hot summer night and no a/c, window and curtains open for air circulation. He was snoring, and the moonlight lit his bed and I got curious. I lifted the sheet, and then the leg opening of his boxers. That was my first sight of an uncut cock. I got real close to get a better look. Suddenly, he quietly said "What are you doing"? I about jumped out of my skin. When my heart rate finally returned to normal, we talked, and he explained it was normal to be curious, then he said we should get to sleep. The next night I went to bed before him, this time I was naked under my sheet. Sometime later, uncle got in his bed. I pretended I was sleeping but peeked with one eye and saw he had his boxers on. After he fell asleep, I got out of my bed, and kneeling naked next to his bed, I again lifted the sheet, and slipped my hand in the leg of his boxers and wrapped my hand around his cock. It started to grow, then he woke up, pulled my hand away and said this had to stop and get in my bed and cover myself up. He sat on the side of his bed and was telling me that what I was doing was wrong, but his cock was now hard and sticking out of the fly of his boxers. I pulled the sheet off and sat facing him on the side of my bed and started playing with my cock. Again, he told me that this needs to stop, but I didn't. He got up and came at me like maybe he was going to hit me. Standing, the full length of his cock was now hanging out of the fly. He bent down and pulled my hands away from my cock and growled "What the hell is wrong with you"? I reached out and grasped his cock and he stood bolt upright like he was hit by lightening. But he did't pull away, he stood there and let me start to jack his cock. I was amazed at the foreskin and how wet and shiny the head was. I pulled the boxers down, and he stepped out of them, then he took my hand, had me stand and he pulled my close and hugged me. We only touched each other that night. The next morning while feeding the chickens, he stressed that we would never do anything like that again and to never talk of it. By the end of that summer on the farm, uncle and I were sucking each other off every night.
    1 point
  41. Yes, please do! I'm sure we could find some tops to breed you while I filmed.... ?
    1 point
  42. It had been two weeks since my encounter with Mr. Marco, I mean Frank. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was waiting for him to call me, but I was out living my life as usual. It was Saturday night, and I decided to hit the local bar. It was still early, so not many people were there. It was not a gay bar, not in this small town. But the people were always friendly, the beer was cheap, and you never knew who might drift in. On this quiet night I did see someone interesting. There was this black guy there sitting at the end of the bar. Black men are very rare in this part of the world, so he really stood out. He stood out for his looks, too. He looked slightly smaller than me with a lean body, handsome face, and whenever he got up his movements were graceful and sleek almost like a cat. I couldn't keep my eyes off him, and he picked up on that. He nodded at me and I smiled back. He seemed to chuckle to himself as he got up and walked my way. He came over and said "Hi." I said, "Hey, how are you? My name's Jeff," and extended my hand. He grabbed my hand and shook it firmly. "I'm Craig. Nice to meet you." He held my hand a bit longer than the usual handshake, squeezed it, then let go. "Mind if I sit?" "Please do. Where are you from?" He looked me deep in the eyes and smiled warmly. "I want to be from this bar and to your place, sexy man." And he laughed softly at the look of surprise on my face. "Or did I mistake those looks you were giving me? If I did, I apologize." "No need to apologize. I've been wondering how to get close to you. Guess you solved that problem pretty quick." "Well, let's go then- if your place is cool... Is it?" "Yes, it's very cool. You have a car?" He said he didn't. So I drove the half mile back to my apartment. I was thinking while I drove how crazy this was, but I had gotten so horny fantasizing what might happen soon between me and Mr. Marco that I needed to get off before I went crazy. I had been jacking off every night for a week now, and it would be good to have some actual contact. We went up the stairs to my place, and Craig pressed against me while I unlocked the door. Once we got inside he had his hands all over me. We kissed passionately as he started to undress me. I was getting his clothes off him, too. We stumbled over to the couch, kissing, nibbling, touching, stroking. It felt very hot. He was slightly smaller than me, but his body felt strong. We landed on the couch and I got a good look at him. He didn't have an ounce of fat on him. His skin was smooth, his muscles rippled, both his nipples were pierced, and his dick- I had seen very few black cocks in person, and this one was the best. It wasn't huge, but it was long and had a nice upward curve. He leaned in and started chewing on my nipple. He pushed me down on my back on the couch and switched over to the other nipple. It was driving me wild. He lifted his head and smiled at me. "You are a hot guy, Jeff." He grabbed my stiff dick. "And I love me some white cock." All of a sudden he had my cock deep in his throat, slobbering it up while he grabbed my balls and tugged on them. "Slow down or I'm going to blow too soon," I gasped. He laughed softly and moved up to straddle my chest. That beautiful black piece of meat was throbbing in front of my face, so of course I opened up wide and swallowed it. He moaned and made encouraging noises while he reached back and grabbed my cock. He wasn't stroking it, just holding it very firmly. I sucked him for a while, taking more and more of his cock while he gently fucked my face. He leaned down and asked me quietly, "Hey Jeff, do you like to eat ass?" I nodded yes with his cock still deep in my throat. He got up and turned around and sat his round, firm ass on my face. I was intoxicated by the musky smell. I pressed my nose in and inhaled. It had been a while, and rimming a hot guy was one of my favorite things to do. I licked around his rosy hole with the tip of my tongue. "Oh yeah man, that's the way. Make love to my hole baby," he said. My tongue went a bit deeper, tasting that tangy sweet ass. He wiggled it, and I tongued him deeper and deeper. He was moaning and I was grunting like a pig. He leaned down and started sucking me again. He went slowly and deliberately, and I was in heaven. My cock was as hard as it had ever been. He lifted his head up slightly and said, "I need that hot white cock in my ass, man. Will you fuck me?" Damn, who could resist? He didn't wait for an answer. He turned around again and was about to sit on my cock. "Do we need..." I was going to ask if he wanted lube and a condom. "No baby, we don't need anything we don't have right here," he said, and his ass pressed against my dick. I moaned deeply as I felt his hole open and I slid into that warm, dark hole. We paused when I felt I was in all the way. His ass twitched on my cock. It felt like a dozen fingers squeezing it- amazing! I started to fuck up into him and he started to bob up and down. We fucked harder and faster while I felt his sweaty abs. My hands moved up to tug on his pierced nipples as our fucking intensified. I was getting so close. I wanted to shoot my load deep in this delightful ass, but I wanted this feeling to last forever too. Eventually I couldn't hold back. He urged me on- "Seed my hole, baby! Breed me!" That did it. I pushed up with a great thrust and let loose with my cum. His ass milked it out of me. I couldn't believe it could feel so good. I had never felt an ass do that before. I lay there panting and he leaned down kissing my face and neck. I felt his cock jerking and felt the warmth of his cum all over me. I wrapped my arms around him and drew him tightly to me. My spent cock slipped out of his ass and I forced my tongue deep down his throat. Our kissing and breathing slowed down eventually. Our bodies were warm and covered with sweat and cum. I was exhausted and that wonderful afterglow was spreading through me. "Thanks baby, that was amazing," Craig whispered into my ear. "Hey, let's take a shower," I said. He followed me into the bathroom. I got a nice warm shower going, and we stepped in together, kissing, touching, smiling, and rinsing off. We got out of the shower and toweled each other off. My mind was spinning. Craig said, "Hey Jeff, can I crash here with you? I have luggage still at the bus station. Do you have time in the morning to drop me off there to pick it up?" "I have the whole day off tomorrow. We'll get you all set. I'll feed you a good breakfast first, though." "That's an offer I can't refuse, baby." We headed to bed. It was so good to have someone in my arms for the night. I was starting to drift off when I felt Craig's hand on my ass. He whispered in my ear again- what a nice feeling- "I love white cock like I said. But I love white ass just as much." I just let out a quiet moan. "I have a hot guy who gives me his cock, but I never get that hot furry white ass of his..." I was listening, but sleep was coming on me quickly, I could tell. He squeezed my ass and I felt fingers brushing against my hole very lightly. He continued his whispers. "Not tonight baby, but maybe soon. We never talked about status baby, I bet you're negative." I couldn't respond with more than a quiet mm-hmm to indicate that yes, I was negative. "Well, I only fuck bare, so maybe we shouldn't risk it." The very softly, "Damn shame... damn shame." He was drifting off too. We slept for hours with our arms around each other. More to cum soon.
    1 point
  43. Would LOVE to have a slutty BF who took as many loads as possible up his ass every day, then would let me suck them out of his fuck hole & feed it back to him. Would also be hot to use anonymous loads as lube to fuck him. I would also love to see him getting fucked by guy after guy - taking loads all the time and begging for more!!
    1 point
  44. The sling gang fuck of Johnny Farrell in Plantin’ Seed2. A pity that guy did so few videos
    1 point
  45. A/N : Loving your feedback, guys, it gets me going with this story. I've finally found a face (and body) for J21DL, Antonio Pozo. Here are my two characters (I always like having a visual in my head, I find it much more stimulating). I've been reading amazing incest stories lately, and keep watching porn while writing this, trying to keep myself from coming before I can finish a chapter. Anyway, enjoy part 3 ! ———————————————————————— After that second time with J, I went home that night more satisfied than I'd felt in a long time. I took a quick shower, doing my best to clench my ass so as to not spill J's precious cum. I went to bed, alone, fingering myself. My hole was still a bit sensitive, but what little fluid was left helped my fingers slide in and out easily. I couldn't stop thinking about J's cock inside me, pounding my ass with his own cum, and just in a short few minutes, I blew another load on my belly. Breathing heavily, I grabbed my phone and snapped a pic that I immediately sent to J. Just shot another load fingering myself with your cum, son, I sent. Fuuuuck, J typed back. Why are you torturing me like this? You did this to me, I replied. Turned me into a horny cumwhore. You better come see me tomorrow night, J sent. I will, I answered. I did see J again the next night, which went on about the same as the previous ones, back in his room. I still didn't know what he looked like exactly, and found that I didn't really care. I just wanted to fuck him, and have him fuck his load inside me. He still insisted on me using a condom until I had time to get tested. I thought I would have time, but my work was keeping me busy, unfortunately. By the time I was off work, all the labs were closed. I lost count of all the times we saw each other in the span of three weeks, but I'd grown addicted to him, and it seemed he couldn't get enough of me either. He kept me hooked with regular pictures of him, of his bubble butt—in his room, or at the gym. He was such a dirty fucker. One night, on the last Friday of the semester, I had to decline J's offer to come over. Can't, wife will be home, I replied, and heaved a sigh. My wife had the weekend off, unfortunately. I wish I could have J all the time now. She didn't work this Friday, and Brandon would be coming home on Monday for spring break. He had some parties to attend this weekend, to celebrate the end of the semester—I didn't blame him—and would come home for a few days with his girlfriend. I hadn't seen my son in a while, and felt guilty about it, knowing I had gone plenty of times to his college to meet up with J the last three weeks. I hoped right then Brandon and J didn't know each other—that would be awkward as fuck. Let me know when you're able to get away, was J's last message before I fell asleep, wondering how I could indeed get away. My day went on as usual, except I finally took the time to make a quick stop on my lunch break by the nearest lab to get tested. I wanted to be able to have bareback sex with J as soon as possible, and was a bit put out when I was told I'd get the results next week. I stayed at work late, knowing my wife was already home waiting for me. I'd replied to a couple of her texts, asking me what I wanted to do tonight. I entertained the thought of telling her I had a work thing to meet up with J, but felt too much like an asshole to actually go through with it. In the end, I decided to hold my lust in check, and just go through the weekend without J. I rolled through the motions, pretending with my wife, Kate, that I wasn't cheating on her. Spending time with her after my first time with J turned out to be easier than I'd thought. I was worried that everything would change between us, but she was still the same person I'd married years ago. She always had been fun to talk to, and we certainly wouldn't have lasted as long together if we didn't get along as well as we did. Looking at her now, though, I didn't feel as turned on as I used to, even if she still looked good. My cock had gotten a taste of something much sweeter, and didn't want anything else. Thankfully, Kate didn't seem that keen on getting it on, so I didn't have to fake anything in bed with her. I kept in touch with J over the weekend, exchanging pics with him in the middle of the night in the bathroom, jerking off to the thought of his ass around my raw cock, and vice versa. I couldn't wait to be back with him again. Before I knew it, it was Monday, and Brandon came home late in the morning. I greeted my son with a hug, surprised by how much he had bulked up since the last time I saw him—which was last summer, I realised. Had it really been that long? I chastised myself, and vowed to try to keep in better touch with Brandon. "Good to see you, son," I said, my cock starting to harden just from saying that last word, and I cursed myself, making sure to pull my hips back a bit from the hug. Holy hell, Brandon's arms were huge, I noticed, as was his chest. I almost didn't recognise him, if not for his familiar face, which looked even more chiseled as before. "Hey, Dad," Brandon greeted back with a pat on my back and a grin. He looked so much like I did when I was in age it froze me for a second. He had grown a lot since his teenage years, away at college. He had an athletic build from all the years of swimming he did, and it looked like he'd put in a lot of hours in the gym lately. "Hi, honey," Kate said as she hugged our son. "Where's Julie? I thought you were going to bring her home with you." "Her sorority took her on a last minute trip to Hawaii," Brandon replied with a sad smile, and I felt for him. In the back of my mind, I wondered where J would spend his spring break. He had been vague in his texts when I asked him, and just told me we'd figure a way out to meet. "I'm going to join her next week." I grabbed Brandon's suitcase and left him alone with his mother. I was happy to have him home, realising now how much I missed him. As he'd grown up, we'd spent less time together, but we'd always gotten along well. He was much closer to Kate, which was just fine by me. I was just proud that my son had turned into a respectable young man, working towards being a lawyer. We had an enjoyable late lunch in our backyard, with me firing up the grill under the sun. I'd missed having quality time like this with my family, and at that moment, I felt bad about my cheating with J. It could destroy all the good we had built together. I tried to put those thoughts aside and just enjoy my family. After lunch, Brandon and I took advantage of the sunny day to dip in our pool. Kate had gone out shopping with her friends before her night shift, leaving the two of us alone. I could assess then just how ripped Brandon had become, with him walking around in his swim trunks, and I was relieved when I realised I wasn't actually attracted to my son, even when the latter looked as good as he did. I was saved, I thought, and that thing I had with J really was just some innocent role-play and not some actual incestuous lust. "When did you have time to hit the gym, Dad?" Brandon asked me as he swam towards me, with me resting against the side of the pool. "After work," I answered, shutting my eyes as I enjoyed the sun on my face and the cool water surrounding me. After that swim, I retired to my office to take care of some paperwork, leaving Brandon to his own occupations. I had received my test results that day, which was faster than I thought, and I was glad to have my negative status confirmed. Kate dropped by the house in a flash before leaving for work, wishing us both a good night. Brandon and I had a laid-back dinner watching football, drinking beer. It was a great day, and I had managed to take J off my mind, for the most part. That night, I was by a pure stroke of luck, alone at home, as Brandon had left earlier for another party at his college. When I went to bed around 11 pm, I couldn't stop myself from checking my phone. J had just sent me a message. Hey, Daddy Miss me? I tried to stop myself, thinking about my wife and son, but as I looked at J's pics again, my cock came to life. You know I do, I replied. I want to see you. I really wanted to see him too, but couldn't figure out how. I didn't know when Brandon was going to be home tonight, or if he would be at all—he hadn't specified. I couldn't risk Brandon finding out I was out of the house in the middle of the night. And having J over was even less of a possibility. Brandon walking in on me and J doing the deed would be an epic disaster. I can't tonight, I replied, not giving him any details. Wife home? No. Then why can't you? My son's at a party, he could be home any minute, I finally answered after a few minutes debating with myself. Just ask him when he thinks he's going to leave, J suggested, five minutes later, which wasn't a bad idea. I proceeded to send a text to Brandon, saying I could go pick him up if he was too drunk as a pretext, and awaited his reply with anticipation. Don't wait on me, I'm just going to crash here, Brandon replied a couple of minutes later, and I almost shouted in victory. So? J prompted. We're clear, my son's not coming home tonight. Where do you want to meet? I sent J, heart already beating fast as I psyched myself up. I was more excited than I thought possible, knowing I would see J again, behind both my wife and son's backs, no less. My earlier reservations were all gone, and I stopped myself from questioning my integrity. How about your place? I'd love to get knocked up on the same bed you got your wife pregnant, J said. Fuck, if that idea didn't make me almost blow a load right there. Was it reasonable, though? I'd have to use another set of sheets especially for this occasion, so as to not raise suspicions from Kate. There were too many risks involved, but I wanted to fuck J so badly, and I was so tired of his dark room at the fraternity that I succumbed to the idea. I gave him my address, and left him the same set of instructions he'd given me the very first time we met up. I quickly changed the bedsheets, keeping the previous ones on hand to put them back on afterwards. Soon enough, I had cleaned myself, and waited for J, lying flat on my stomach, naked. J didn't take long, and he announced his arrival with a whispered Fuck from the doorway. I waited patiently for him to come to me for what felt like an eternity. Was he backing down now? Why was he taking so long? I turned to look at him and ask him what was wrong—I would finally see his face, as my room was better lit from the moonlight than his was—but before I could face him, I felt J's body on top mine, pressing my face back on my pillow. For a long while, we just lay there, one on top of the other, with J's naked body feeling as amazing as ever. I was still surprised by the amount of precum J could leak as he kept rubbing the head of his cock between my cheeks, teasing my hole. He slipped his head in and out, and I couldn't stop the moans that escaped me as J licked and kissed my neck. "You feel so good, Daddy," J whispered as he finally penetrated me all the way. His cock felt a little dry, with nothing but his precum and some of his spit to ease the entrance. I heard him spit a bit more. He quickened the pace, fucking me hard and fast in a matter of seconds, and I found myself muffling my moans into the sheets as I took his big cock. He was so gentle with his hands caressing my body, yet so powerful with his hips hitting my ass. I felt alive, getting pounded by this hot jock, and I definitely felt younger. It all made sense, that I would enjoy being with him so much. The thrill of cheating was amazing, and the fact that I was doing it was another man half my age, pretending to be my son, added to the thrill. "Fuck, Daddy, I'm going to cum," J said after a good half hour of pouding, the burning sensation in my hole having dissipated a while ago, replaced by the sweet glide of J's cock hitting my prostate. My own cock was trapped between myself and the mattress, precum oozing out from the head and making it wet. "Do it, son, come inside Daddy's hole," I said, encouraging J on, and groaned loudly when I felt J's seed coat my guts in spurts, his twitching cock hitting the spot with each burst of cum. I never wanted to stop feeling this, ever. It was pure bliss. "Fuuck, that's my good boy." J stayed inside me and wrapped his arms around me, peppering me with kisses until I found his mouth and met his tongue. We made out for another while before he grabbed something—a shirt, I think—to blindfold me. "What are you doing?" I asked, even as I let J proceed. "We can't take risks, right?" he whispered. "Can't let you see me, and I can't see you," he added as he used another shirt to hide the lower part of my face. I complied, even if part of me wanted to know what my young lover actually looked like. J slipped something cold in my hole, before rolling me on my back, and I felt his body again, flushed against mine, cock to cock. "There, so you don't let my load leak out," he said, his filthy words almost making me come. "I want you inside me, Daddy," J added as his thighs straddled my hips, his hands roaming over my pecs, playing with my hardening tits. He took my cock in hand, and I recognised the uneasy feeling of a condom suffocating my cock before he guided it towards his own hole. "Did you get tested?" "I did, I'm clean," I told J, expecting him to free my cock from the condom, aching to get my raw cock inside him. I felt J around my cock faster than I thought I would, and gasped in surprise, unprepared for it. "Fuck, son, please, take it off." "Just hold on," J said, not doing anything to remove the piece of latex around my cock as he kept pushing his ass back on it. J still felt good, but I knew the would feel a thousand times better if he let me bareback him. I didn't want to force him, though, so I didn't touch the condom, and put all of my frustration instead into fucking J as hard as I could with him still on top of me. It wasn't my preferred position, with me lying on my back, but I knew I would enjoy it a lot more if I could actually look up at J riding my cock, with his amazing and powerful body on display just for me. The other times we were in this position, I could at least see the outlines of J's face and body, I could see his rock hard abs, his beautiful erected cock and his balls bouncing on my own abs. "Yes, Daddy, just like that," J moaned. After a few more minutes of my frantic thrusts, I felt something weird, and all of a sudden, it was as though my cock expanded inside J, and it was getting warmed up so sweetly I almost cried. The condom had broken, I recognised the feeling for what it was. What I was feeling was J, all of him, at last, with nothing separating us. "Son," I panted between thrusts. "The condom broke." As soon as I let the words out, I heard J cry out, and felt his wet release hit my nose and chest. I picked up the drops he left me and swallowed them all. Then I followed suit, unloading my seed inside J, just as he'd done earlier, reveling in the pleasure of finally feeling my own cum inside the young jock. "God, I've waited so long for that, Daddy," J said, rocking back and forth on my softening cock. The dirty slut had done it on purpose, I realised. He'd planned this. He'd wanted the condom to break—had probably tampered with it too. Fuck, I was getting hard again just form the thought, and was thankful I had trusted the young boy and kept the condom on form the start. My refraction period had been significantly reduced ever since I met J. "You little slut," I muttered, grinning against J's lips as he kissed me, my cock and seed still inside him. "You're such a dirty cumpig, aren't you? So hungry for Daddy's load." "Yes, Daddy," J said as I picked up where I left off, thrusting into J, meeting him half way as he pushed back on my cock. I groaned again, loving how I could feel his soft hole clenching my cock. "I love you, Dad," J said, hands cupping my face. "I love you too, son," I replied, a bit taken aback that J had used Dad instead of Daddy, but ignored it, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders, his muscled back. As we kept grinding up against each other, my cock left his ass with a trail of my cum on his balls. Our cocks were reunited again as we let our bodies connect from head to toe, and as we kept on kissing sloppily, I felt the blindfold come off, as well as the second shirt that was initially covering my mouth, and that had been lifted down around my neck when J wanted to kiss me. I took it as my cue to open my eyes, too curious to see J clearly for the first time, with his body on top of mine, our hard cocks rubbing together. When my eyes finally adjusted to the dark, I pulled away from J's tender lips, and at last had a good look at J's face, my heart stopped dead in my chest. "Brandon?"
    1 point
  46. After that time Mark and I got together alone it was as if we couldn’t get enough of each other. Was it wrong? Maybe. Probably. Did we care? Not one fucking bit. I loved that big cock of his as much as I loved the way he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. It would be a text saying, “are you home?” or “I only have a few minutes”. Sometimes he would want me naked ass up on the bed and he would come in and after eating my ass for a bit would force his big cock into me and roughly fuck his poz load into me. It seemed no place was safe if we were alone together for more than a few minutes. The thought of getting caught was a big turn on to us both but Mark also was quick to realize that I never said no to him. He wanted me naked ass up waiting. Done. He wanted his cock sucked until he couldn’t take it anymore. Done. He wanted to recreate his medical fetish of when he and his first HIV doctor fucked. Done. He wanted me in the backseat of his car or stretched across the hood. Done. He wanted his ass used, fucked, and loaded. Done. He got very creative with the things he wanted but recreating the HIV doctor was by far his favorite. He told me Danny knew about it and how much it turned him on but he couldn’t get him to role play it. I on the other hand was more than happy to. We would recreate the whole thing from the doctor telling him he was positive to the full head to toe exam and of course the need for a sperm sample. Watching his body react to my questions about his sexual history, and watching how his cock would get harder as I brushed my hands across his body to do the examination was very hot. This hot, confident man would turn shy and nervous as we worked this fantasy. It was a snapshot into his past and it was hot as hell. By the end the “doctor” had Mark’s cock down his throat and up his ass and was urging him to breed them both with his poz load. Mark and Danny are both vers, like me, but in their relationship Mark is mostly top. When Mark and I played alone he would really get into me fucking him. He loved having his ass played with. I would eat it, finger it, use toys on it, and fuck it over and over. When I asked how he became poz he told me that an old fuck bud invited him to a sex party and when they got there they partied up and they fucked their way around the party and he eventually sorta passed out. When I asked what “sorta passed out” meant Mark told me he was awake and knew what was going on but that he was in this zoned out place where everything just felt wonderful. He told me guy after guy fucked and loaded his hole that night. That they loved fucking the top guy. That the whole time he was getting fucked all he wanted was more. More cock. More cum. Not long after that he tested poz. Mark told me the longest he had been with just one guy was the years he and Danny had been together. When we all did the three-way he told me fucking someone else really brought them closer together. The one on one time we shared was hot because it was straight up cheating and we both knew it but neither of us was willing to stop. Mark and I traded more loads than I could count during that time. Anywhere and everywhere. One of the hottest was when he fucked me just before I left for work. Afterwards, every time I sat down I could feel how rough he had been with my ass. And, of course, Mark's poz load was swimming around my insides as, the entire shift, I sat across from his boyfriend.
    1 point
  47. After that time at work Danny and I didn’t work the same shift for a few days. The three of us would talk on the phone or text but we didn’t get a chance to get together. They both told me that after the 3way with me that the sex between them had intensified and that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. We all three wanted a repeat though and had agreed to meet up that weekend. In the mean time we would video chat and jack off for each other and once they set it up so that I could watch them fuck. Hearing them both say how they wanted my ass loaded up with Mark’s poz cock and cum kept me rock hard no matter how much I jacked off. I was barely in the door at their place that weekend when Mark had me pressed against the door kissing me like he meant business. Danny was on the couch watching us kiss, grope and grind against each other and when I looked over at him rubbing his crotch I just smiled. Soon we headed to their bedroom and Danny and I dropped to our knees and both worked over Mark’s big, fat cock. Each licking up a side and kissing over that fat head of his cock. We did this until Mark said he needed to fuck some hole. Danny and I both got on our hands and knees next to each other as Mark started licking and tonguing both of our holes. He was licking one and fingering the other getting us both ready for his big cock. I felt him stand and saw him line his cock up with his boyfriend’s hole. I turned my head and kissed Danny as Mark slid into him and started fucking him. I continued kissing Danny and soon felt Mark push the head of his cock into me. Fucking his boyfriend had gotten him warmed up and he was ready to fuck and he rammed into me with one deep thrust. My ass gripped his cock and I gasped as he started a rhythm of deep thrusts with his hips slapping my ass on each stroke. It was almost too much and my vision got blurry for a second but soon I was relaxing and accepting the pounding he was giving me. Mark alternated fucking each of us. Giving each of us several strokes and then pulling out and sinking into the other. The harder he used our holes the dirtier the poz talk got. He was saying how he loved that the both of us wanted his poz cock and how he loved breeding neg hole and how he hoped his poz load would convert me. How he wanted to own that part of me forever. All the while his thrusts got harder and his hands were pulling my hips back onto his cock forcing him deeper into me. I was begging for his load saying I would do anything but I needed that poz load, I needed him to convert me while Danny was urging him to load my neg hole up. Soon I felt him tense as his cock throbbed in my hole and I felt his load shooting deep into me. I leaned over and kissed Danny as Mark slowed his fucking and finally pulled out. He told Danny he wanted to watch him fuck his load into me and push his poz load deeper into me. Danny’s cock is longer but not as thick so the sensation was amazing. My whole body was tingling and Danny just started pounding away and soon gave me his load too. When Danny pulled out Mark pulled him into a kiss and pointed to his ass and raised his eyebrows asking if I wanted his boyfriends’ ass. I lined up sank in balls deep fucking my coworker quick and hard until I was depositing my load into him. When Danny got up to shower Mark and I kissed and touched and as I rubbed his biohazard tattoo he told me he wanted some time with me all to himself soon. That he wanted to learn every inch of my body and he wanted to swap as many loads with me as we could manage. He said that he could be rougher with me than he could with Danny and that he really liked that. We agreed to make that happen soon and then got up and headed into the shower with Danny.
    1 point
  48. Incest has been a common thread through out my long queer life. No doubt that I introduced my younger brother to the world of queer sex. Like me he never swayed from loving the cock. We have fucked a lot over a lot of years. He is married now and both he and his husband enjoy topping me. He is 9 years younger....but never regretted his somewhat forced introduction into the wonders of queer fucking. They sent a selfie of themselves just after midnight on New Years. IT was both of them holding their test strips....showing the twin pink lines. I kind of thought they were chasing....but not certain of it. They did their unveil as "the ball dropped". I had just seen them in mid-December for a family holiday visit. They both topped me then....their first time to get some eunuch ass....but neither mentioned the possiblity of being infected....so I am sure I took a POZ load from both of them just a month ago. I sucked my older brother a few times...but he was not really into it.....and he is married to a female now. Doubt that he ever rides on the bi-side, I have a same age cousin that I used to spend a lot of time with. I think we both got into gay stuff about the same time....and eventually fucked a lot over a few years. We do not live near to each other now....so it is quite infrequent. My younger sister came to me when she wanted to start getting laid. She was in early highschool....damned good looking....killer bod....cheerleader...that type. She wanted to get fucked at homecoming and came to me to learn "how to make a dick feel good". And yes...that resulted in popping her cherry.....not planned...expected...nor repeated.....but she liked it....and was soon a very slutty cheerleader. She promptly got her little cunt knocked up....and I helped her "fix" that.....something that was repeated a number of times before she got out of college. When she was in college, I know she was getting more dick at that time. Only "dad" I got fucked by was the father of my highschool fuck bud. We were the full on queers of our school....and did not hide much. His did caught us one day....this son's cock was buried deep in my ass and I was groaning in pleasure...and did not notice for a bit. Father ended up fucking us both as punishment.....and made us fuck in front of him a number of times.......sometimes he joined in...other times not.
    1 point
  49. This was salvaged from Bugshare.net, the 'Strictly Stories' section. I posted in in Chem Sex Fiction because the guy targeted by the poz guys is described as "...drunk or high or something." The story was riddled with misspellings and typographical errors. I hope I caught them all. *********************************************************** I just wanted to write about something I witnessed first hand at Steamworks in Chicago a month or so ago. It was so hot that I have jacked off MANY times since then thinking about it. I was at Steamworks on a Saturday night, it was close to bar time when the place really starts hopping. I had been fucked a few times (bb of course) and I had filled a few holes with my cum as well. To the best of my knowledge I am neg. I had seen this group of 3 guys earlier and I had noticed biohazard tatts on 2 of them and saw them making out and fucking each other raw and they looked like they had some nice pieces of equipment on them. I ws standing in the hallway and I could see over where the steps were and see the new guys walking up from the changing room/locker area up to the second floor and I had seen some nice relatively hot guys walk up. I then saw this blonde guy, well built solid body, very short almost military style haircut, come up the steps it was very obvious that he was drunk or high or something. He looked to be maybe 21, 22 or 23, somewhere in the very low 20's. I watched as the 3 guys I had seen earlier. All in their 30's I assumed and I also assumed they were all poz, or at least 2 of them were. They went up near the drunk blonde who had just come in and started to talk to him and kind of corralled him and then led them back to a room that they had. When they got him back there they left the door open and I stood close by outside watching the scene in front of me. It was hot watching these guys get him out of his towel. One of them went down and started sucking on his nice size cock, another was working on his nips back and forth and the third was making out with him. They did that for probably 10 to 15 minutes, then one of them got out a bottle of poppers and had the blonde start inhaling them. They got him down on the bed on his back, one straddled his chest and was feeding him his cock, and keeping the poppers close, one was kneeling on the side of the bed sucking on the kid's cock and the other one was rimming his ass and getting him ready for a nice hot fuck. It was so hot hearing the kid moaning in between sucking and huffing the poppers. The biggest of the 3, I am going to assume he had a cock somewhere around 8" or so then got out the lube and lubed up his cock and lubed up the kid's ass and was getting ready to fuck him. I did not think I was going to see a infection scene unfold in front of me that night, but it was definately hot and I was jealous a bit that I was not the guy getting fucked. The top started to slide his cock in the kid's ass and the kid took the cock out of his mouth and said "man, you gotta put a rubber on if you wanna fuck me." Well at that point I thought it was going to get boring. What is the fun of fucking a kid if you have a rubber on? The top obliged 'though. He took out a rubber and unrolled it, bit off the entire tip of the rubber and then he put it on. The kid reached back and felt that the rubber was on and he open up his hole again to the guy. The top fucked for maybe 10 minutes and then let loose a huge groan. I could just picture that big hot poz load going up in this kid's ass. After a few minutes the top pulled out and the guys switched positions, keeping the bottom high on poppers and busy with their cocks, and sucking on his. Each one of the tops rode his hole 2 times, each one bit the tips off the rubbers and I assume that the blonde had 6 loads of hot POZ jizz up in his ass at the end of that breeding session. After each of them was done with his second load, one of the guys sucked him off to completion and swallowed his load. I actually heard the kid say "you gotta be careful swallowing cum, you could catch somethign doing that." I had to laugh, knowing the kid was likely to be marked forever by the night's excesses. I went out and took 2 more loads and then called it a night. Gotta love drunk guys and stealth poz tops!!!
    1 point
  50. my bf and i have a completely open relationship - we play together or separately. It's a total turn on to have him watch me take it up the ass. I love it when he encourages guys to shoot up my hole. It's also very hot to watch him getting fucked. We also like to present each other with our sloppy holes after having gotten fucked anonymously on the way home. Love-making and kissing, however, we reserve just for each other. And emotional monogamy.
    1 point
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