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  1. I just left Atlanta Cumunion. I took 11 loads and then finally blew my nut in this hot little muscle pig in the darkroom who probably had at least that many, if not more. I fucked him for a little bit and then pulled out and knelt down as a ton of cum came pouring out of his hole right into my mouth. That fucking sent me over the edge and I stood back up and (loudly) blew a big load up his ass with a whole crowd gathered around. And yeah, just writing that out has me all fucking horned up again.
    9 points
  2. early 1980's Maybe I was in grade school or junior high when I first read about "The Gay Cancer" that was infecting gay men in New York and Boston. My first thought that is was caused by just thinking too much about sex with men, but that didn't seem likely. Maybe it was like being around kids with chicken pox...you'd get it by being too close to them. A few years later, I'd read enough to know it came from sex. It wasn't cancer -- it was a virus. That was a relief because I knew from way early on that I was gay. I figured it out after sneaking into my older sister's room and reading her "Seventeen" magazines. Every page absorbed me. "Is it Love Or Just a Crush?", "Best Places For a First Date" and "Does He Want You to Make the First Move?". I wanted to be a girl. I wanted a boy to love me. I also wanted to wear lip gloss. But there was no way I could tell anyone. Not now. Not ever. I didn't know the term "in the closet", but I sure as fuck lived in one. I could never even touch a handsome man. I'd lose a bunch of weight and get those bruise things on my face. The visible signs of the disease would show everyone what I was. 1994 So obviously I'd had a celibate life all through my youth and college years. I'd learned to bury the girlishness deep down. I just studied and thought about the future. My future ended up with a pretty good job. I was hired to do research for a big company in a pretty large city. The details are mundane, but the job allowed me free access to the internet, no filters. It was a nice perk. It wasn't long before I decided to get a computer at home too. Other things had changed. Gays seemed to be everywhere and very visible. Marches, protests and parades...all in the name of equality. I was glad that others were "out" because I doubted I'd ever be able to be. There were also more treatments for AIDS, and there were also articles about possible vaccines. Well, good. Nothing was guaranteed or certain, and I was still afraid of sex and of just being gay. The great thing about computers is that you can access the whole world and nobody can see you. I started snooping around the web looking for pictures of naked men. So much content! I wore my dick out, masturbating to nude guys I'd never meet. I also checked out sites 'of gay interest'. It was on one of those places that I found a link to guys who had a boot fetish...interesting. Men would post pics with captions like 'my size 13 doc martens after I came on them'. Wow. It wasn't long before I got deeper into the fetish culture online. Man, people were into so much stuff I'd never even thought about. There was one link with a warning in red letters: Deathculture.net is distasteful, but it exists. It's like watching a car crash.Not endorsed by this site at all. Enter with caution!! I was reminded of being a very young kid and seeing ads for scary movies where they warned that the film may cause you to die of fright. So of course I followed the link, and found it was a site about 'bug-chasing' and 'gift giving'....AIDS fetish. I couldn't imagine such a thing. Or could I? It was mostly just stories about guys into having unprotected sex. I read every single one. "This is twisted", I thought to myself as I jerked off endlessly. This fetish seeped into my brain and made a home there. This was more exciting than the boot thing. There were 11.000 members from all over the world and the site kept growing. There were photos of guys with plus signs tattooed on their stomachs, sickly guys with lesions and such. And then they started showing personal ads. After a few months, men were bolder and more x-rated with their posts. It was on one of the personal ads that I met 'BBPozLarry'. He lived a hundred miles from me and was a 'top gifter'. I didn't contact him, just looked at the photo of his big boner and read his words over -- and over again. Poz stud will impregnate you. 100% guaranteed results. I have a huge viral load and very high sperm count. Can host or travel for willing neg bottoms What would it hurt to just email him? No. I needed to figure out why I was so intrigued. Had I lost my mind? I needed to think. My college friend Darrel was coming to stay with me a couple of days because I'd arranged a job interview for him with my company. Darrel was a small, bookish guy who had a couple of classes with me over the years. He was scary smart and had a dark sense of humor. He's the one who introduced me to John Waters' movies. He'd recently gotten engaged to a girl who looked almost exactly like him. He arrived early on Saturday and it was so good to see him. "Hey Jonah! Thanks for letting me stay over." He dropped his duffel bag and surprised me with a hug. Weird. We'd never even high-fived before. "Were my directions good?" "Of course. Show me around." "Not much to show, pal. This is the living room/bedroom. The futon folds out. The kitchen and bathroom are off that way." "Hmm. It looks like Pee-Wee's Playhouse in here. It needs a woman's touch." He was right of course. This was obviously not where an adult lived. All I had were electronics, big inflatable dinosaurs and various weird stuff. "No offense. Look -- I am wiped-out from the long trip. Do you mind if I take a quick nap on your couch/futon thing? For, like, an hour?" "No, Go right ahead. I have some work to do on the computer. Need anything?" "Nope. I just..I'm so sleepy." He took off his shoes and was asleep almost immediately. I got online and went through my email. Junk, junk, pics of my sister's ugly kid...and something from an address I didn't recognize. The subject was just "Hi!" How are you, dear? You might know me as BBPozLarry. You've checked out my profile almost forty times and thought I'd contact you since you have not ever left a comment or emailed me. Are you scared, shy or confused? I can tell by the age you claim to be, that you're young and probably not experienced. Your stats are nice, but I need to see a face photo. No way! I was just now trying to figure out my motives...and had no digital photos of myself. Darrel was snoring away as I sat in frozen panic. OK. Deep breath. I wasn't aware that people could even see how many times someone had looked at their profile. So much for being invisible on the computer. I had to think now. The only pic of me (that I knew of) was my corporate pic on the company's website. Ir was taken on my first day when I was in a freakin' suit and tie. Could that work? My only option, I guess. I copied it and tried to edit with Windows. I cropped it so you could only see my face. I darkened it a little too so that it didn't look so industrial. Saved it and sent it in a reply to BBPozLarry: Hi. Thanks for the message. Here is my picture. Sorry for not contacting you sooner, but I'm new at everything. Jonah Done. Can't believe what I'd just done. Now I could take a breath and go back to life. But no. He replied right away. Good Boy! Your quick reply tells me a lot! You are so cute, but look like a teenager. Are you busy now? If not, go to my profile and click on the little blue word balloon. We can chat there. I'll be here for a little bit longer tonight. I have stuff to tell you. OK. My guest had been asleep for an hour now, but I had to do this. I found his profile and started a chat with this stranger with active AIDS cum. Hi. Larry? I had stopped breathing for several minutes. Wow. Are you always on the computer, Jonah? Just saying that you are responsive...which is good. What's up? I'm here with a guest sleeping on my couch. Guest or a date? No. He's a friend from school...very straight. I'm trying to help him land a job here in the city. That's nice of you. You seem like a good guy. I'm not a good guy, 'Good' is overrated. What is the stuff you needed to tell me?? You really want my gift, right? Still chasing? Yeah. I think I do. Think?? Well, think fast because the doctor wants me to start taking a new drug that might lower the amount of virus in my system. I wasn't going to take it, but I'm getting symptoms. It's been a great ride. It's a fun bug to get and a really fun bug to give -- but the fun ends when you're sick every day. So if you still want me to fuck you, we'll need to do it in the next thirty days. Take your time to make sure you still want this, but don't take too long. OK? OK. I will let you know soon. Can you send me another photo of you? I'll try. See you later? Yes. My guest is waking up. Gotta go. Darrel looked a little confused as he sat up. "What time is it?" "Almost five o'clock." "Damn! You shouldn't have let me sleep so long. I'm starving! Is it too early to go eat?" "Just a little, but we can go someplace. What are you in the mood for?" "Just something simple. Burgers?" "Perfect. There's a great bar and grill near work. I can show you the building and then have dinner." I really didn't want to drive just now because my mind was in a thousand places. But we went anyway and ate some great bar food. The place wasn't too crowded at this hour. I ordered a pitcher of beer. Darrel seemed shocked. "I've never seen you drink, Jonah!" "I normally don't, but I've got a lot on my mind." "Like what?" "Heavy stuff. Don't you ever wonder why you are the way you are? Why you do things, think things?" "All the time, buddy. My future wife is an amateur therapist and always to know what's going on in my head." "Okay. Did you ever wonder why certain things scare you?" "Well I'm afraid of getting cancer...I saw my grandpa waste away from lung cancer when I was little." "So let's say that you have that fear of cancer, and then one day you decide to start smoking and spending all day in the sun." "As if was self-destructive?" We had emptied the pitcher and I ordered another. "Yes! You think that's what it is?" "I guess. Another way to look at it would be as if I was daring this thing that had worried me so many years to a challenge.. Taking control." Wow. "That's it, Darrel! Well done!" "What? Why? What's in your head?" I needed to change the subject. "Oh, nothing. What are you gonna wear for the interview on Monday?" "Well...I brought some choices. You said 'dressy casual'. You have an iron, right?" "Yeah. I wore a suit at my interview and it looked odd because the managers were in jeans and t-shirts. One guy had on shorts and flip-flops." We discussed other topics and laughed through old memories...and drank more. Darryl is shorter than me and weighs a good twenty pounds less. The alcohol was hitting him pretty hard. I suggested we leave and get some air. It was a nice October night and the breeze smelled like pure oxygen. It revived him, but he was still very buzzed. He stopped to puke once. "Why aren't you drunk, Jonah?" "I guess I'm full of adrenaline right now." He seemed okay with that answer, and we went back to my apartment. I saw my sleeping computer in the corner, and it almost seemed to vibrate with something otherworldly. It was drawing me to it like a magnet. "Can you unfold your futon thing soon? You don't have to put sheets on or anything...I need to crash." "No. I'll make up the bed proper. Everything is washed and fresh. Need something? Aspirin? Or water?" "I guess....hold on. I need the bathroom real quick." I let him barf as I got everything ready. It was only 9:30, but the night had settled in. I lowered the lights and opened my computer screen. Ten new messages! Darrel wandered back into the room and got undressed without saying a word. He just went to sleep like I was hoping he would. I checked the email...junk, junk and then a long stream of messages from BBPoZLarry. 1. Hi Kid! I'm still trying to get you a photo. I'll be on the site to chat if you're home. 2. (picture of him in swim trunks on a beach somewhere) He was a big guy, a little plain maybe. Some body hair and a hefty build. 3. (picture of his face) It seemed like a Christmas photo taken by a relative. He was older than I expected, but still nice-looking. 4. (picture of his thick, soft dick that I'd already seen in his profile) 5. (indistinct porn-looking pic that seemed to be two guys fucking) 6. "Sorry that I can't get you more. I'm not that far away *hint, hint* 7. I guess you're still out with your guest. 8. I want to jack off so bad, but I'm saving the load for you. Hurry and make up your mind! So I did. I decided I wanted this to happen. It was the challenge I wanted. It couldn't happen now because I had company. I wanted him to fuck all my fears away right now, bui I'd wait and get no sleep for many nights, with a boner. I found his profile on the site and clicked the chat link so fast, I thought I'd broke my mouse. Larry? You still here? I just now got home. Hey! It's early for a Saturday night. Bad time or did you just want to rush home and talk to me? lol Not a bad time, really. I got him drunk and he's passed out now. I'm so glad to tell you that I want you to fuck me raw. I'm sure now. Yeah! I wanted to hear that. What made you decide? I want to conquer a fear I've had for so long...a fear of AIDS, sex and being gay. Good Boy! But there's a little more to it, you see? I'm still trying to figure it out. Letting a poz guy fuck you is a high...it's the ultimate sex act for a submissive man (which I think you are). If you allow me to cum inside you, you will remember it forever. Makes sense. I want to do this. When? Next weekend? Does that work for you? Perfect. I'm as viral as hell right now. Want to meet me here or where you are? I'll come to you. Just send me directions and I'll be there at whatever time works best for you. Early! I won't be jacking off and will need relief as soon as possible. Come Friday night if you can. Will do! I can't wait! Cool. I'll call you with directions if you give me your number. I did. I spent Sunday showing Darrel around the city. On Monday morning, I took him to work with me. The interview process was a grueling all-day event. You spent 45 minutes talking to eight different managers around the company. He was nervous, but I knew he'd do well. He was made for this place. Of course Darrel shined and got a job. He had sixty days to move and be ready to start. After he left, I just stayed home every evening. Larry called almost every night and we talked about our lives and histories. His voice was deep and somewhat 'rural'. So much went unspoken, though. We were both planning on the meet-up, but not really discussing anything. He did demand I not cum until Friday night. Friday was approaching fast. For lack of anything else to time, I got a haircut and picked out some new clothes. What in the world do you wear to go get pozzed? I was so antsy. By Friday night, I doubt I'd slept more than an hour at a time. I needed to chill. So bad. That Friday after work, I was a frazzled mess...all nerve endings. I kept having to remind myself why I was doing this. Why it mattered. I told Larry that I'd leave no later than 8 PM. It was 6:10 and I just had to go now. A hundred miles goes by fast when you are thinking of so much. I should have paid attention to every detail of the trip. But I was already in his town...his biggish small town. I messed up the directions a little and circled around until I found his little street. And the address. It was a tidy little ranch house with a nice-sized front yard that been raked recently. It suddenly occurred to me that Larry might be as nervous as I was. But how? He had all the ace cards. The sun was setting fast. What should I do? Wait? Honk? I was frozen. I sat in my car and tried to breathe. I thought about how easily I could just go back home just as the porch light went on. Big ol' Larry walked out on the porch, wearing only a white bathrobe. He was taller and heavier than I had thought. The light caught his bright grin. "Jonah? Wow...you're early. That's a good sign! I just got out of the shower." I suddenly felt very shy. "Yeah. I know. I didn't know how long the trip would take. If you need more time, I can stay in the car or drive around a little while." "What? Does that make any sense?? Get in here now!" I remembered grabbing my keys but not locking the door. I suppose I had "no protection" on my mind just then. I prayed my legs would work...that I wouldn't screw this up. His front room was neat and 'mature' -- not like the goofball kid place I lived in. It smelled like candles in there. "Nice place, Larry." "Thanks. Make yourself at home, Jonah. You look very nice tonight....I had a whole outfit ready too, but you got here so fast. Not complaining. Want some wine? I bought it special for us, for tonight." "Sure." "Great. Settle in on the couch and relax. Take your shoes off." He brought back two very full glasses of red wine which I never even tried before. It was a little sour, but smelled nice. "Thanks. I'm sorry again for getting here so early." "No. Don't apologize again. I told you already that your eagerness is pleasing to me. I'm eager too! Don't be mad, but I have to ask this: You ARE over 18, eight?" "Oh yeah. I turned 24 this past April." "Excellent. Want to watch TV? I don't have cable, but I've got some movies on tape." "Whatever you want." He pressed his remote and immediately some porn was on the screen. Gay porn. There were two guys sixty-nining each other on a gym mat. "This is old. The newer ones have condoms in them, and I'm not down with that." "Wow." It killed me that I didn't have more to say. Everything seemed to be in motion. Larry had opened his robe fully, and was stroking his large, pale boner. I had no idea it would look that big when erect. I could feel its heat, could almost hear his heart throb through the giant vein on top of the shaft. "You can look at if you want." Oh I did. I almost said 'wow' again. Think. "It's beautiful, Larry. All of you is." "Thanks, man. Want to touch it?" My hand was already reaching before he asked. I cupped his egg-sized right ball, remembering what he'd said about building up a big load for me. "Want to kiss it? I bet you do." He was right. I bent down and brushed my lips across the head of his aching dick. He pushed me away. "No more until you get naked." Some guy in the movie was just saying 'fuck' over and over again. I took off everything as instructed. I felt stupid, but I wanted to suck on that huge cock. Maybe he'd shoot that saved cum in my mouth.... "You follow directions very well, Jonah. Kiss it just a little more, but I'm already about to shoot. A few more times in your mouth and then we're going to the bedroom." OK. I savored those last couple of kisses to that enormous head. He made me stop and pulled me off the couch. "Let's get you what you need, Kid." His bedroom was dark and I just followed as his big hand grabbed my wrist and flopped me on the soft bed. "I'm going to turn the hall light on so I can see your face when I change you forever." "Yeah. Keep saying stuff like that...." "I'm a talker during sex. Get ready. Try to relax. I've got some cream that will numb your ass a little." "No. No drugs. I want to remember this...every sensation." "Typical virgin. You have no idea what you're in for. OK, but I use this as lube...so you'll get some effect from it. Trust me -- you'll be thankful for it." "Just keep talking...and I'll be fine." He pressed his massive body down on top of me, and put my ankles over his shoulders. I remembered his need and his virus. The tip of dick teased my ass hole. "I'm about to give you the best sex in your life....relax. I seldom start slow, but you're special. Here's just the head." I felt like a knife was slicing me open. Holy Hell! "No! Let's stop for now. Please!" "I'm going in until my balls touch your ass. Hold your breath. " He plunged in so fast that my breathing stopped. I yelled loudly. "The worst is over now. I've ripped you apart inside and my cum will directly into you bloody ass. Enjoy it as much as you can....try." I did. I'd gone to him willingly. The idea of him getting me pregnant was almost enough to help me fight this pain. His heavy balls slapped my bare butt...over and over. He held still for a second and grabbed my chin in his hand. "Yeah...you're loosening up for me, babe. You like it now?" My whole being was melting rapidly. "answer me!" "I love it. Seed me. Give me AIDS!" He grabbed my face with more force and started pumping with more intensity. "Not giving you AIDS, baby. Just the starter kit. Look at me! Look into my eyes!" His gaze was so intense as he made one final push. It had happened. His built-up sperm load was now a part of me now. Larry was breathing heavy and sweating. "We did it!!!" "Thank you. What time is it?" "Not even 10 yet. Why?" I needed time alone. I needed to be in my own bed and just not be here now. "You are great, Larry. I enjoyed tonight, but I should go. I have so much to do tomorrow." "That disappoints me, Jonah. I was hoping you'd stay the whole weekend. But okay. Let's go into the living room and you can put your clothes on. Can you walk?" I thought I probably could. The core of my being was shredded, but I'd survived. I felt weakened, and I knew there was blood and cum dripping down my legs. No problem...I'd just take a long, hot bath when I got home. Isn't it funny how a sex fantasy comes true and all you want is to be done with it? I'd call Larry tomorrow. I wanted to see him again. "Give me a second. I think I bled on your sheets." "I already knew that. Come out here...I need your help with something." Huh? I was no help to anyone right now. I walked into the front room and saw the naked big man standing over my discarded shoes and clothes. "I have a back spasm. Can you go to the kitchen and get me a glass of wine? That seems to help most times." "Sorry. I'll get it." I went to the kitchen and filled a glass with wine. Then I heard a sound that sounded like a wet slap. I walked in to see Larry pissing all over my clothes. WHAT?? What the hell?!!! "Oops. Your clothes are stinking and wet now. I'll try to laundry tomorrow. Guess you have to spend the night." His big limp dick let a few more drops fall as I stared in disbelief. I grinned at Larry and shrugged my shoulders. We did so much that weekend...things I'd only heard of. I was completed by this man. The man who gifted me.
    6 points
  3. As we were chauffeured through the city, Demitri and I made out on the leather seat in the back. As we kissed feverishly, he placed my hand on his crotch, and I felt for the first time his huge cock. It had to be close to twelve inches, and I had thought mine was so big at 9. He moaned as he whispered in my ear. "Feel that big cock, my pet. That is the cock which is going to give you your first gift of the night. A gift that you will give to many more in the future." I just stroked it through his trousers, completely under his spell. As we continued to make out, the limo pulled over and two men got in. One was dressed as Batman, the other one, the one that really caught my eye, was dressed in full Scottish regalia. He was a large man with longer, red hair, and green eyes with the same odd look as Demitri's. "That's Duncan." Demitri whispered in my ear. "He's part of my family. The other boy doesn't matter." I watched as Duncan lifted up his kilt, revealing another monster cock protruding from a nest of firey red hair. He just grabbed the kids head and forced him down on his cock and Demitri and I went back to kissing. After a while, the limo pulled over again, and another boy dressed in drag stumbled in, followed by another man dressed as a gladiator. He was a stunning man of obvious Italian decent, with a proud Roman nose, and the same eyes as Demitri and Duncan. "That's Silvio, and another treat for the evening." He said in my ear. I wondered what exactly he meant by "treat" but was instantly distracted by Demitri's finger in my ass again as he kissed me more. I was lost again in pleasure as he dug his sharp nails deep into my ready hole. Eventually we pulled up to a really nice hotel, and in a matter of minutes, we were in a very fancy suite. I had never seen anything so nice in person, only in movies. Once the door was closed, Demitri tossed me easily on the bed, and started removing his jacket. Where the others went, I didn't notice, or even care. I only had eyes for the man who had me under his spell. "Take off your clothes." He instructed as he removed his shirt. I didn't even hesitate as I stared at his magnificent hairy chest, his well defined pecs and eight pack abs that had a marvelous dark trail of hair disappearing into his pants. I was naked in no time, oblivious to the others in the room, displaying myself on the bed for Demitri. He smiled in approval. "So beautiful, my boy. You will make a wonderful addition to my family." I beamed in satisfaction at his praise. He dropped his pants and underwear, letting me see his mighty cock in person for the first time. It stood up proud, fully hard, and was as translucent as the rest of him. The veins bulged and pulsed with a life of their own. "Yes my pet." He said, looking down on me. "Admire my cock. This cock will give you your first gift. Do you want it? Tell me you do boy." "Yes." I whispered, as if in a trance. "I want it." Demitri smiled and lowered himself on top of me, kissing me deep, his cold body covering mine. "You will get it boy. You will join my family tonight." He fingered my asshole again, digging in harder than before. I whimpered as I felt his nails tear at the delicate membranes, scraping and twisting. Eventually he raised his hand and showed me three bloody fingers. The red shockingly bright against his white skin. He just stared into my eyes as he licked them clean. Then, without a word, he spread my legs and climbed between them, placing the tip of his uncircumcised cock at my opening. Without looking away, he started pushing his cock into my already bleeding hole. He pushed without stopping, stretching me wide open, further tearing my anal walls apart. Tears welled in my eyes as pain ripped through my body, but I didn't tell him to stop. He pushed until I could feel his pubic hair rub my outer ring. When he was all the way in, he just said, "Good boy, that's my pet. The worst is over. Your new life is beginning." Then he started kissing me as he pulled his cock out to the tip, then pushed it back in with more force. I moaned as he buried himself in me as deep as he could, kissing me deep. As he methodically slid his huge cock in and out of me, he broke the kiss. "I'm close my pet." He whispered. "After I cum, you will be filled with poison. But you will never die. That is my second gift for you. You will live on as part of my family to share this gift with others forever. You will gift many, many more. Tell me you want it." "I do." I moaned. "Give it to me, I want to belong to you forever!" As I finished those words, Demitri slammed his cock hard into me as he sunk his teeth into my neck. I cried out in ecstasy as he pounded my hole and sucked my nourishing blood out of me. I was spinning as my ears started pounding and my cries of pleasure echoed in my skull. Demitri squeezed me tight as he buried himself as deep as he could and went ridged as he started filling me with his precious seed. My arms and legs held tight to him as I felt the coldness of his cum shooting into my guts and he sucked harder on my neck. I screamed as my own orgasm shot out of me, coating our stomachs with a copious load of hot, wet, cum. He forced his mouth off my neck as he gasped in ecstasy, collapsing on top of me. We rested for a minute before he finally pulled out of me, rolling over. I was weak and could barely move from loss of blood. Duncan appeared, as if out of nowhere, blood running down his chin. He approached the bed as Demitri got off. He just grabbed my ankles and spread them apart, slamming his throbbing cock into me in one thrust. I was so weak, I could barely feel it, but I still moaned. As he pounded me, Demitri grabbed my head, turning it toward him. Taking one of his sharp nails, he sliced the head of his cock, opening a wound, and placed it in my mouth. Without needing instruction, I started nursing on it, already hunkering for blood myself. Demitri moaned as I sucked his bleeding dick while Duncan fucked me hard. Very soon I started feeling strength return. The more I sucked, the stronger I felt. Soon I was feeling almost as strong as before. Demitri pulled his cock out as Duncan unloaded another load of icy poison deep in my guts. As he pulled out, I saw Silvio approach dragging two unconscious bodies with him. Tossing them on the couch, he grabbed me and pulled me onto my hands and knees. As I watched Demitri grab the one dressed as Batman, Silvio slammed his cock into me in one hard thrust. His cock was fatter than Demitri's, and I howled in agony as I felt my ads ripped open more. Demitri fed on the young man as he watched Silvio fuck me as hard as he could. After he was finished with Batman, he grabbed the drag queen, and dragged the body over to me. He sliced open a wrist and offered it to me. I sucked on it while Demitri sucked on his neck. I could feel the life flowing out of him and into me as Silvio grabbed my hips and filled me with a third cold, poisonous load. After my first three breedings, the men left me on the bed as they took care of the bodies. Then we spent the rest of the night depositing more dirty cum into me and sharing blood until almost sunrise. Silvio and Duncan raised one bed to reveal their resting place, and Demitri raised the other one, pulling me in with him. As we enclosed ourselves in the safety of the darkness, he whispered to me, "Welcome to the family, my beautiful pet." I officially died in his arms, ready to start my new life tomorrow.
    6 points
  4. Charlie & Peter (part 1) Jamie was a little surprised when he answered the door and saw his brother Charlie and his brother's friend Peter standing there with duffle bags in hand. Jamie quickly learned that their father found Charlie & Peter in bed together 69'ing in Charlie's bed. And just as their father did to Jamie when he came out, he kicked Charlie out on the street. Charlie packed his things and as he walked over to Peter's house to find him packed up and kicked out by his parents as well. The two high school seniors made a quick walk to the closest ATM and withdrew as much cash as they could before their parents could freeze their back accounts. They tried to make calls from their cell phones only to find their service were blocked. Charlie came up with a plan, to get out of their little Texas town and here they are in Tempe, Arizona at Jamie's door. After Jamie, and his roommate Miguel, welcomed then inside and heard their story Miguel began to think of how he could use these two young studs. It was only a year ago that Jamie meet Miguel and feel under his spell, was introduced to partying and willingly was pozzed by his more superior and dominating partner Miguel. Miguel stood 6' 4" with a muscular build, dark hair & eyes which were a stark contrast to Jamie's 5' 9", slim, runners build with his bond hair and blue eyes. Charlie looked a lot like his older brother while Peter was slight taller with brown hair, green eyes and a nice summer's build. Miguel excused himself and asked Jamie to join him in their bedroom leaving the two teens in the living room. Miguel shared his thoughts about using the teens as delivery boys. Jamie knew he had no choice in the matter as he watch Miguel get out a couple meth pipes and made sure both had an ample supply in the bowl. When they returned to the living room Miguel laid out the ground rules if the two teens were going to keep living their. Number one they had to do exactly as they were told, no questions asked. Number two they were going to go to work for them making deliverIes and running errands. And number three they were to start smoking with them and let things happen add they may. Miguel and Jamie light a could touches and were heating the pipes keying tnt smoke build in the bowl before slowly sucking in the white smoke before blowing it out. Miguel then instruct the teens to take the pipes and do as they had just done. Peter was the first to grab a pipe as Miguel light a touch and heated the bowl. Charlie was a little hesitant but slowly followed his friend lead as his brother headed the bowl. Peter was already sucking in the white magic while Charlie was right behind him in sucking in his own pipe. Miguel had them hit the pipe half a dozen times till he knew they were good and high. Miguel signaled Jamie to make his nice as he moved in to kiss his own brother. Miguel moved in and quickly got Peter sucking on his 8" uncut cock. The teens were to high to know what they were in for until Miguel Suggested that they move this to the bedroom. Once in the big king size bed there was enough room to allow each couple to being to move things along. Miguel watched lot of the corner of his eye as Jamie began to chow down on his brother's neg ass. Miguel already had a lounged finger inside Peter's ass and was ready to start adding some nice shards of Tina. Jamie knew he had to follow Miguel's leed and began to work some Tina into his brother's ass. Both boys complained of the burn only to be quieted by a deep kiss. As the teens were being kissed each was slowly being impaled on a raw cock. Peter was pinned to his back as Miguel's 8"chock was slowly driven inside balls deep. Jamie began to penetrate his younger brother with his own 7"cut cock as Charlie began to moan on pleasure. Soon enough both teens were being fucked slowly by each poz cock inside each of their neg holes. As the fucking progressed the teens had no clue as to the nature of the fuck since this was their first fuck. Each teen was willing enjoying their fuck. Miguel had the ability to cum while non-stop fucking. So after his first load inside Peter's neg ass he grabbed his bottom's hand, guiding it down so that Peter could feel his raw cock sliding in and out of his hole. Miguel then began fucking Peter a little harder delivering a second load while Jamie deposited his first load inside his brother. Miguel quickly pulled out of Peter abd pushed Jamie aside sup that he could now fuck Charlie while Peter was feeling very empty needing anger cock inside him. He pulled Peter over and pushed Peter's head into his crotch so that he could suck his cock clean and get it hard again. Miguel showed no mercy as he hammered away making sure he deposited a couple loads. Like he did with Peter, Miguel pulled Charlie's hand to let him feel his hard, raw cock fucking away at his ass. Charlie was shocked and worried about being fucked raw unlike Peter who accepted the raw cock fucking away inside him.
    4 points
  5. My 18yo student decided to use me again... waiting for his cock, cum and piss, naked, kneeling and plugged.
    4 points
  6. When I was in college I worked on campus in the shipping and receiving dept. The full time employees there were all middle aged str8 guys. They suspected I was gay and gave me a lot of ribbing about it. But two of the guys would kind of tone down the ribbing in exchange for me sucking and bottoming for them. During the lunch hour when the boss was always out of the building these two guys would make me suck, rim and bottom for them. It was always raw. One was a tall, muscular, buff, Hawaiian guy. He had a huge, thick, uncut cock. Would really pound me deep. He'd call me "Mahu". A Hawaiian term for gay. Or a person that embodies both masculine or feminine spirits. The Hawaiian guy could fuck for 20 or 30 minutes before cumming in me. The other guy was just a rough, redneck, bully type of guy. His dick wasn't very big. But he'd pound me hard and would cum very quickly. The redneck guy usually fucked me first. Then the Hawaiian guy would have an already cum lubed hole to pound until lunch hour was over.
    4 points
  7. Haven't had a lot to write about.....until yesterday.... Started off when I got home from work yesterday morning. Work overnights so it was fairly early. I opened grindr, don't know why, and I saw there was a message sent yesterday. New profile, pic of a nice torso, take a look and it says that he lives in my building, fucked me before and wanted to do it again soon. I messaged him back, he was on, and we talked about meeting up. I didn't want to ask which guy it was in my building, after all don't want them to think I'm a slut or something, and had to guess between two BBC neighbors, one who wants condoms one who doesn't. He says he wants me ass up waiting for his load so I oblige. When he cums into my place, SCORE, it's the guy that wants bare. He is a hot bodybuilder type, easily 6' 250# minimum. He wants me to suck him first, I turn to his cock, all soft and doesn't look like much, and start sucking. He starts growing, and growing and soon is a nice 7.5-8" cut cock that I can't reach my fingers around. I rub some spit in my ass, turn around, take a hit of poppers, and he pushes into me! HEAVEN!! A few minutes later, after a nice rough pounding, and I'm off to bed with his babies in my ass. The night before this had happened I'd been chatting with a guy with a nice looking cock on adam. Profile says nothing about condom/bare, looks like on PrEP and he is fucking HOT. We talked about getting together on the following afternoon (now the day of). I messaged him while I'm laying in bed, freshly bred, to see if he wants to cum still. He tells me yes. I let him know when I'm getting up and take a little nap. When I get up we do some back and forth and I think its going to fall through. He shows up a little later than planned, but boy was it worth the wait. This guy is a 20something guy, we start making out when he comes in, I feel his rock hard cock through his pants and realize he showed up that way. I drop to my knees and a nice BBC pops out of his jeans. Longer than my neighbor earlier, not quite as thick but a pretty damned big tubesteak overall. He sits down and I continue to worship him. I show him my ass and tease my hole by leaning back against his cockhead. After a little bit of this and sucking he tells me he needs to fuck me. I climb on top of him and sit bare, spit only, all the way to the base, and get back up. Do this a couple times and he's loving it. He warns me he doesn't want to cum fast, and we move to the bedroom to give him a break. I didn't realize, but I had some condoms sitting out on my nightstand. He sees these and says something about needing to put one on. FUCK NO! He puts it on. Damn, this wasn't what I wanted, and my fault for not bringing it up. I want his cock regardless, and I pull out the elbow grease for lubing. I really can't take a condom without real lube so I lube up and he pushes in. He's a damned good fuck. In spite of the condom its pretty good. Start doggie, then he pulls out fips me on my back so he can see me when he pushes in again. We're having a good time, he increases his thrusting, and says something about not wanting to cum yet. As he says this he pulls out, looks at his cock and says "shit the condom broke"....says he's gonna cum and just shoves his dick back in my raw hole and starts screaming in ecstacy! Damn! I hadn't planned on this at all, I forgot the condoms, they were regular condoms, not prepared or tampered with, and I have to say it was hot. He gets apologetic about cumming in my hole. I tell him I thought it was hot. Not even a minute after he shoots he pulls another condom on and fucks me another 20 minutes. I tried to get the second one off, but he kept fighting me. The rubber was so close to breaking when he shot his next load. You could see it was breaking down from the elbow grease. After we're done fucking, he again apologizes and I tell him I thought it was HOT! Before he leaves we talk about getting together Thursday. Hopefully that will go better, he did use my last two condoms after all
    4 points
  8. So it was my birthday, recently, and a very bad day at that. I wasn’t prepared for work, I had an extended work day, wasn’t going to have dinner with anyone since I don’t know anybody in the area well enough, and I had recently broken up with my boyfriend of 9 years. To top it off, as we’re trying to salvage the friendship, conversation with him the day before had just added to the pain since he had found someone new to replace me. Pretty quickly, too, I might add. My bbc friend from the gym had bailed on me the night before, since he had a work assignment come up unexpectedly and wasn’t getting home till late. So the talk was of getting together on my actual birthday after the evening was pretty much over. So to burn off stress from a shitty day and to get back into the routine after recovering from a cold, I went to the gym and burned some good calories in Spin class. I get a text from my buddy right after asking if I was coming over because it was getting late and he was a little tired. Fuck that, I rushed home and did a rush job of cleaning my ass. Fortunately, all I had to eat that day was a couple of big protein bars and some fiber gummy squares so clean up was a cinch. (If you’re a bottom and you’re not doing fiber, you're missing out, it makes things so much easier!) Got another text as I’m cleaning saying maybe we should wait till another day since it’s getting late. I don’t respond, just get done and shoot him a message saying I started cleaning and I’m on my way. I stop checking messages at that point, finish cleaning and drive over. Forthe lives about 10-15 minutes away. The door is open and I go in. He’s already naked, always walks around naked, and I share my day with him and he shares a glass of wine with me. New cock ring on him, thick metal with small metal studs around it. Looks sexy. Nice design. We catch up then get to the bed. I get on all 4s and he proceeds to deep tongue fuck me. He really is great at eating ass. After about 5 solid minutes of expertly eating me out and spitting into my hole (he’s bisexual so he puts some vagina eating skills into it) he grabs the silicone lube and puts some on his 6 inch thick 9 inch long dick. I reach back and point to my hole- “in here, too, please!” I whisper. (Thin walls, noisy neighbors- he gets insecure about neighbors finding out and I don’t want to ruin a good thing.) He proceeds to give me a solid pounding in various positions, with various pauses, popper bottles everywhere on the bed, more pauses, never really pulls out, at one point, he tells me he’s cum twice. He pulls out to look at his handiwork. I whisper, “is it messy?” He’s like, “very.” I’m happy. We continue fucking. No kissing. Just straight fucking. (Kissing/making out happens before and after, but sex is reserved for just dick in ass action.) This black muscular 6’4” dream of a man continues fucking, wearing my ass out. Not sure how much longer I can take but the poppers are good and definitely helping me, and helping him have better (albeit silent) orgasms. I can reasonably guess when he’s cum because it’s a lot and the fucking gets slippery. His grand finale, I can tell he’s getting close (luckily, since my hole is so sore at this point) he pulls out, rests the tip of his dick against my anus and lets out a thick hot gob of cum on my hole, then proceeds to push it in along with the rest. He continues shuddering for about 30seconds- his orgasms, yeah, plural, are extended and copious with each one that follows, rather than shooting less and less with each one. He pulls out, looks at my sloppy slightly gaping ass and wipes his dick and my ass clean. Of course, the whole time, he’s been fucking the zone so I’ve been slowly cumming throughout the whole time. We look at the clock, about an hour and a half of solid marathon fucking. I get dressed and leave, ass sore as hell. Not a lot more silicone lube during the fucking, just his cum. We kiss and hug a little more before I leave so we can rest for worn the next day. I get home and I need to sit at the toilet. Only thing that comes out is his globs of cum. Sore and happy. Tinge of pink on the toilet paper after literally being fucked raw. As much as I’ve been cruising the sex sites, I know I am going to try and be faithful to him and not fuck up a good thing. Birthday is good after all.
    4 points
  9. (part 3) Charlie and Peter were ready to crash after their first night of partying I Tina. They were able to get about 6 hours if sleep before they woke up together in bed. Since Miguel and Jaime were working on last minute party plans the teens Miguel allowed them to user their master bedroom. It was easy for Miguel to arrange the weekend party. He had his usual supplies for the weekend and placed a couple calls to get stone extra T, G and X. Miguel had held these parties before. He only invites select individuals who he knows. Those that attend pay a simple entrance fee and the party favors are included. Miguel had bought the old house that he used for theses parties. It was a simple 3 bedroom with pool in back. Parties like this were not a money maker for Miguel. He looked at out as good customer relations. His profit margin fir this party was far below what he typically makes over a decent weekend in sales, but wartime has a good time and what he loses in sales for this one weekend he'll makes up for in sales the following weekend. And with Charlie and Peter to help with sales, Miguel figures he can pick up some extra cash pimping their asses out to their clients. It was late afternoon when the teens woke up. They laid in bed and talked about last nights events. Charles was still a little freaked about the drugs and the raw sex. Peter seemed top accept what had happened and actually was turned on over the entire situation. Peter doc his best to calm Charlie down and to accept their fate. Peter held Charlie in his arms as they talked an d it seemed top calm him down. As the teens were laying I bed talking Miguel came in telling then to get up and eat a good meal before they were to leave for the party. Charlie & Peter fixed a good meal as they continued to get used to the idea of thirty new life. Both boys knew that if they had not taken the bus to Phoenix they'd be homeless and outed I their own home town. After the boys were done eating Jamie took them into the bathroom where they were told to shave down for the party. Both boys recall that Jamie was rather smooth with trimmed body hair. The teens weren't that hairy to begin with do it was easy for them to trim and shave Edgar they needed to in order to be ready for the upcoming event. Once they were ready the four of them headed out to the house. They had to make a stop I the way to pick up the extra supplies. When they arrived at the house Jamie showed the two teens around and then had then help set up the slings while Miguel fixed the supplies that the newbies would use over the weekend. It didn't take long for guests to start to arrive. The newbies were allowed to mingle with the guests until enough had arrived to get things started. Jamie told the boys to strip and climb into the slings in the living room. Peter quickly tossed his shirt and jeans aside and eagerly climbed into one of the slings. Charlie followed his friend and tossed his clothes side joining his friend in the sling near his. Miguel came into the room with the supplies that would keep the newbies flying am weekend long. Miguel told Jamie that the points were numbered and that the newbIes would get slams at designated times. This reminded Jamie of the weekend that Miguel introduced him to slamming. It was also when Jamie was pozzed and he knew the fate his brother and Peter were about to experience. Jamie had no regrets over those actions, he just wasn't sure that it was the right thing for his brother. As the newbies relaxed in the slings Miguel explained to them how the next few days were going to go. He first explained that they would be getting slams if Tina at regular intervals. They were free to get out of the sling if they needed a break, but that they weren't to be to far from him or Jamie. Miguel would administer Peter's first slam while Jamie would give Charlie his first slam. Miguel explained to the teens what to expect as they experienced their first slam. Jamie told Charlie to relax and that he was going to enjoy himself over the next few days as he applied a tourniquet to his left bicep while Miguel fix the same to Peter. Both Charlie and Peter watched as their arm was wiped with alcohol and then the point was stuck into a nice vein. After registering a flash of blood to masks sure the needle was in a vein the contents were emptied into each teen. The tourniquets were pulled off and burn boys coughed out as the drug worked into their bodies. Any fear Charlie had quickly disappear as he rode the strong rush he was experiencing. Both boys looked at each other and smiled as they were experiencing their first slam. The only only words spoken were from Peter who simply said 'FUCK YEAH!', and Charlie added 'OH YEAH'. The guests quickly gathered around the two teens as they were cock hungry ready to be fucked. It didn't take long for the fucking to begin. Both Charlie and Peter were definitely into this scene which pleased Jamie. One by one each guest fucked and seeded each teen. At precise times they were each given another slam to keep the high. when the boys were also provided water and G laced juice and Gatorade to keep them hydrated, energized and horny. When things slowed down the boys were taken out of the sling and out to the pool to get refreshed. While in the pool the two boys compared their night so far. Charlie admitted that he was nervous at the begging but after the first slam he was really into everything. Peter admitted that he was loving the drugs and he could definitely get used to this lifestyle. The rest of the weekend progressed the same. Both boys were fucked by almost every guy who came to the party. The few who didn't fuck the two teens were total bottoms that attended the party. When Sunday afternoon came both boys were ready to crash. After being awake for three straight days they were ready to crash.
    4 points
  10. (part 2) As the sun peaked through the windows as Friday dawned upon the bedroom, Charlie and Peter were sucking each other's cocks as Miguel fucked Jamie reminding him who is in charge in the relationship. Charlie and Peter were ready to crash as Miguel deposited a load inside Jamie's well used ass. Miguel left the the naked boys in bed to make arrangements for the newbies welcome into his business and family that he had always wanted. Jamie knew better then to follow him but Miguel came back to the door and motioned for him to come to the living room. Charlie and Peter had a brief discussion as they passed out about the fuck they had received. Both were not sure what to make of the raw fucking they dad received. They nth knew from health class that v they should use condoms fir fucking to prevent HIV but Peter find the raw fuck exiting where Charlie was scared. Peter told him that he shouldn't worry, at least not anymore. If Miguel and Jamie are HIV+ it's too late, they will be HIV+ soon as well. Peter's cock became very hard and he couldn't resist fucking Charlie in his state of mind. Peter climbed on Charlie's back, pinned his varms to the bed and forced himself between his legs and as he forced his hard cock inside his friend ass he whispered to him how much me had been wanting to fuck his sweet ass. Miguel explained to Jamie his plans for the evening. A party at the house with all welcomed to come fuck the newbies and seed their neg asses while they are tweaked out on nice slams am weekend long. Jamie want all the Ken in the idea until Miguel reminded him of his own welcome over a year ago, right before he told his old man he was gay. Jamie's chick began to thicken a little as Miguel noticed and said (while stroking his growing member) that he knew Jamie would be 'UP' for it. During the planning they heard Charlie's whimpers. They looked into the bedroom to see Peter fucking Charlie. Miguel commented that it looks like Charlie was going to be like his older brother, a submissive bottom. Miguel was already figuring that he'd have to effectual out later I his place one rung below his own boy Jamie. This weekend (and weekend to come) should do the trick. If not he'd lend him to his friend for a few days. Miguel cock grew stiff as he watched Peter fuck Charlie and left Jamie to carry out his instructions for that night's festivities as he went back into the bedroom and mounted Peter's ass as he was fucking Charlie. Miguel grabbed Peter's hips and rammed ask 8"if his cock in balls deep forcing Peter to collapse on top of Charlie as he pounded home his dominance into Peter's hole. He reminded both boys that they were to do as they were told or they'd be out on the street. Peter began to enjoy the fucking he was getting and tried to move a little inside Charlie's home as Miguel wasted no time and seeded the twink. He then instructed Peter to pound as hard as he could into Charlie and cum inside him. Peter wasted no time and after having Miguel fucking him came quickly. After which gee told Charlie's to clean Peter's cock off. Charlie was a little hesitant about doing this but knew he had to comply as he saw the look I'm Miguel's eyes. After Peter's cock was cleaned he told Peter he was to suck a load out of Charlie and swallow it before they were allowed to get some rest that they would need since they were going to a party this weekend. Not really knowing what he really meant about the okay, Peter began to longingly suck Charlie's cock. When Charlie finally came it was a big load to that Peter did his best to swallow down. It wasn't the fist load he had eaten (and it wasn't going to be his last).
    4 points
  11. So this is just the foreplay. Would love some feedback as there are so many directions to go after this. Thanks for reading. -sewerffag@gmail.com I’ll just get right down to it, cuz that’s what we’re here for right? So my meth dealer is fucking sexy/sleazy/I’d fuck him when I’m sober/I drool over him when high and is the kinda confident macho bro that knows it. I’d guess he’s right around 40 but his demeanor and look is younger, as if he’s not maturing past his early 30s. He works out plenty, and while he's definitely always high, he handles his drug well, so well that he’s made it apart if his swagger, upping his sex appeal (course this aspect probably only appeals to meth users). Now, he’'s definitely straight because he always has hungry, territorial bitches hangin on him when I come to pick up, but like most straight guys who know they're hot, hung, and have an inflated ego (false or otherwise) he teases the fags shamelessly. Whores for attention, and I’m a sucker for an attention whore. One Friday afternoon when I am over to pick up, I know he’s horny and in a mood because he is shirtless and wearing these navy blue Gym shorts (why is it always gym shorts?) that he sags, showing off some nice furry crack and about an inch of what looks like dingy CK boxer briefs. I’ve seen these shorts numerous times but it dawns on me just now that if he didn’t sag them so much they’d only fall to about mid thigh, peculiarly short for such a bro. In any case his huge cock flops visibly around in them when he saunters towards me, his muscled ass stretching the worn navy nylon in the back, and a few holes show flesh or underwear beneath. Without fail he always manages to bend over or squat at least once each visit in locations that are blatant appeals to my obvious faggot desires. Sure, he knows that I know that he knows I’d get on my knees and beg for it if he allowed me the opportunity, but what he doesn’t know are the all the diverse and extreme ways I would beg to service him. It is this knowledge, this indecorous depravity, that allows me to barely maintain my confidence around him. I was sure that if given the chance and motivation I could blow his mind by getting him to blow his load in 3 minutes or less, and change his life forever. The fucker sure gives me a run for my money though...those first few clouds he offers me, knowing I haven't smoked in a while so he can watch me go from composed business-casual gay to sweaty, needy, chemwhore in 60 seconds flat. I just can't help it. That bitch Tina immediately hijacks my brain, silencing any self control, dignity or hesitations and ignites a pathetic hunger, an inexhaustible need… My eyes (and my kunt) dilate, my cock twitches, and I salivate from both holes and my cock all at once. Unconsciously I rub my inner thigh and readjust my cum swollen balls and swelling cock. I know that I'm staring at him, at his muscles as he flexes his arms ripping the bong, the size of his hands, and then my eyes following the massive cloud he blows purposely down onto his crotch. The perfectly timed twitch of his cock through the swirling smoke, a trap I realize immediately when he snickers and my eyes snap to his leering back at me. Without breaking eye contact he leans forward, let’s spreading wider (those fucking gym shorts!) and passes me the bong. “Here ya go man, best shit I’ve had in a while. Been making me wicked horny all day. Take a couple good rips off that while I weigh you out.” I don’t even hesitate or don’t break eye contact till he smiles and looks away to go about our transaction. Torch clicks, crystal melts, chamber fills and I suck that bong like the glass cock it is. He watches me exhale a thick cloud even bigger than his and whistles. I’m already power lunging my 3rd rip when he leans back into his chair, folding his beefy arms behind his buzzed sandy blonde head and exposing those ripe pits. He slouches more, legs spreading further and crotch pushing forward even more and resumes his leering as I exhale... even more slowly this time, letting the smoke ooze from my mouth while meeting his domineering gaze. At this point I don't really care that he's smirking down at me, in fact it does exactly what it’s meant to: makes me want him, to submit to him more, helplessly falling deeper into his well practiced thrall. Now, as an unwavering, no reciprocation necessary, worshiper-of-cock kind of cocksucker, I have no problem dropping to my knees and servicing any man who knows how to put my grateful holes to good use but in my experience (or my assumptions) not many straight men really know about us faggots and/or just aren't interested. This guy though? I’d bet my left nut he knows exactly what to do with me. I pass the bong back to him and it’s then I realize there’s no one else in the house for once...just him and those fucking gym shorts with that big old dick print and some ripe fucking pits. Usually, I come in, give him cash, smoke a few hits and then leave, but this time he has invited me in, sat me on his couch across from him and is casually getting me twisted bong high. “So Cassandra thinks you’re a faggot” he states. “She says you’re kind occasionally come into her club cuz they’re still closeted and trying to play it straight in front of their bro friends. ‘They’re always so awkward and never want a lap dance but they always tip real well,’ she says. You ever had that experience?” He more insinuates than asks. “No actually, I embraced my faggotry at a young age so I never had to ‘fake it.’ More often I am the person those bros call when they leave the club. All horned up, buzzed, and looking to use some hungry hole or be serviced with out the emotional shit their women make them go through,” Hell if he thought he would catch me off guard and shame me into…whatever he had in mind, he thought wrong. This response shocked him for a moment as he coughed and sputtered out his cloud, looked at me dead on checking to make sure I wasn’t bullshitting him, and then smiled. “So after Cassandra told me this, I did a little research. Fuckin Tumblr opened my eyes real wide. I’ll admit I had no idea you guys really existed…and what really got me going is that you exist to worship, service, whatever the fuck I want. The moment you walked in today I knew Cassie was right and that you will gratefully do whatever I tell you.” The fact that this last part was a statement and not a question made me whimper under my breath. He passed me back the bong and said, “Finish that faggot. I can tell you’re about to loose your shit just being in my presence and for what I have in mind, I want you all ready to go. Then you can show me if you faggots are worth a real man’s time. “
    3 points
  12. It was Halloween night. I had decided to go out by myself that night instead of going to a house party with my friends. I had not only recently turned 21 and could get into the clubs, but I had also finally accepted the fact that I was gay. My friends didn't know yet, but I had gone out a few times to the clubs and hooked up with some hot guys. I knew tonight was the gay high holiday, and didn't want to miss out on the possibilities. I chose a simple, but effective costume for the evening, which was basically my track outfit. I was a decathelete, and knew my body would be displayed perfectly. I just wore my track shoes with ankle socks, a jockstrap, nylon running shorts that almost showed off the bottom of my bubble butt, and a nylon tank top. I even fashioned an Olympic style gold medal to top it off. I admired my lean but muscular body in the mirror as I made sure my curley blond hair was adequately tamed, then grabbed my money and id, and was out the door. I had been at the club for a couple of hours, dancing up a storm, grinding against other hot guys on the floor, generally working up a sweat. After a while I decided to take a break and headed to the room off the dance floor with booths and tables. At the back bar I got the Halloween special, a Bloody Mary, and slid my sweaty body into a dark booth in the corner to chill. I still had all night to find a hot fuck, so I wanted to relax a bit with my drink and a glass of water. I was probably there about 5 minutes when I felt a slightly cold breeze brush past me. I looked up and saw him for the first time. He was probably about 30, tall, with dark, almost black hair, made all the blacker next to his alabaster white skin. Skin so white, it was almost translucent. I swear I could see the veins prominently beneath, almost pulsing with a life of their own. He was dressed in black slacks, a dark purple velvet suit jacket, and a white shirt opened halfway down his chest, slightly showing off his firm pecs lightly covered in dark fur. He wasn't the usual young jock type that I go for, but I found myself instantly, unexplainably, mesmerized by him. It barely registered in my head when he asked if he could join me. I just nodded and muttered a barely audible "sure" as he glided next to me. As he seemed to float into the booth beside me, I felt chills as his eyes, eyes that were so blue, eyes that seemed to appear full of life, yet dead at the same time, looked straight into mine, only deeper, right into my soul. I couldn't look away, as if I was trapped, and I sipped my drink as he continued to stare deep into me. After what seemed like an eternity, he spoke again. "Hello Lucas," he said, extending his hand to me. "I am Demitri." It didn't even register in my mind that I had never told him my name as I took his hand in mine. His flesh was cool to the touch, but I just thought I was hot from dancing. His grasp was firm and I swear I felt a jolt of electricity pass through me. He held my hand tight for a moment before the spell finally broke and he pulled it away. It was then that I finally looked away and down, noticing his slender fingers with long, perfectly manicured nails that looked like glass, each of them filed to a perfect point. "How is your evening going on this special night?" "Uh, fine, fine." I laughed, coming back to my senses, thinking he must think of me as quite stupid. "Uh, your accent. It's different." "You caught me, I'm Russian. Can I buy you another drink? Yours is gone." "Uh, sure." I replied, not even realizing my glass was empty. Demitri simply rose up and seemed to glide over to the bar. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and he was back beside me in no time. As he gave me my drink, I noticed he didn't have one. "You don't drink?" I asked. "No." He replied. "At least not alcohol." His voice was hypnotic. He just watched me as I sipped my drink. I babbled some small talk, telling him meaningless things. He just smiled at me, as if he knew everything about me already. Smiled with lips so red, almost like blood. After I finished my drink, he took the glass from my hand and placed it on the table. Without a word, he leaned into me and placed his lips against mine. Again, so cold, yet so electric. I found myself melting into him as his tongue entered my mouth, and his cold hand stroked my bare thigh. I shivered as he ran his nails on my inner thigh, up to my crotch, stopping just before touching my raging hardon. I involuntarily moaned as he removed his hand and pulled his lips away. I was breathing hard as I opened my eyes to see him inches from my face, his blue eyes staring deeply into my brown ones as he stroked my face. "You are so beautiful, my boy." He purred. "Tonight is a special night for you. I chose you. Tonight is your birthday." I just stared back at him silently. He started to kiss me again, slowly moving his cold, red lips across my cheeks to my neck as his fingers inched under my shorts. I could feel him brushing his sharp nails outside my butthole as he kissed my neck. I moaned and spread my legs apart, giving him more access to my hungry hole. This was the invitation he was waiting for as he slid his finger in my anus and I felt his sharp teeth puncture my neck. Instead of pain, I felt ecstasy as I gasped in pleasure, spreading my legs further apart and holding his head tight against me. He inserted two fingers into me, digging and clawing as he sucked on my neck. My throbbing boner ground into my jockstrap as I soaked it in precum, moaning like a bitch in heat. After a minute, Demitri pulled his mouth off my neck, licking it with his tongue as he pulled his fingers out of my hungry ass. As I floated back down, he sat upright, and I could see a trickle of blood run down the side of his mouth. He raised his fingers and I could see blood on them as well. With a look of pleasure, he licked his fingers clean, and wiped off his mouth. Standing up, he extended his hand to me and said, "Come with me." That's all he had to say. I stood up as if in a trance, and took his hand as he led me out of the club to a waiting limosine. "Say goodbye to your old life, Lucas, and hello to your new reality." He said as he guided me into the limo, and we were escorted away.
    3 points
  13. This was when I first embraced being a bareback bottom. I would go to the Club Z in Seattle weekly. I was in my late 20's and looked like, well, to be honest I looked like sexy Jesus. People often remarked on my looks that way. I had long dark hair sometimes a trim beard, slim body, tall (6'2") with a pleasing dusting of chest hair. When I would walk up the stairs at the club in a towel I would see my reflection in the long mirror at the top of the stairs, gay Jesus coming to fuck away all your sins. On your knees and pray or suck the cock in front of you. Sometimes seeing my image like that I would feel sexy. It gave me the confidence to offer my body to the men at the club that day. I was not everybody's type but more than enough men wanted me and I liked that feeling. No, I loved it and I loved making them feel good. The smile a man gives you as he fucks you when he is really into you is such a mind trip. Many of my fucks start out completely anonymous but some end up as a face to face encounter that can be every bit as satisfying as the faceless, nameless fucks that leave you loaded and dripping with cum. I was feeling great, good hair day (long hair can be such a pain), no zits, horny as 15 year old boy with a stolen Playgirl hidden under his hoodie. I checked in and discovered I was in my favorite room, number 211. Yeah, I went there so often I had a favorite room. You will find out why in a minute. Going into my room and shutting the door is one of my favorite parts of my time at a bathhouse. I get to shut away the world. I have my tiny haven away from all the troubles and trauma of the outside world. Here I can be myself among men who are like me, won't judge me for who and what I am. The anticipation of what is beyond the door or what will come through it excites me. My cock begins to harden. Who knows, it might be a dead night and I will end up jerking off in the porn room or I might take load after load from raw cock all night. Usually it is something in between the two. I am prepared. I had already done a thorough cleaning out so deep I will be able to fuck for several hours without a whisper of taint. I get out my supplies: lube (two kinds), poppers, cock ring and a bottle of rum. Rum first to heat me up, loosen my muscles give me a bit of a buzz. Booze makes me hornier. I take my time putting on my ring and lubing up my hole. I am not a natural born bottom. I have learned to take cock like a trooper but I need plenty of lube and a top who takes a few seconds to enter my ass. First I apply a small amount of Vaseline and then plenty of Elbow Grease. Isn't that a great name. I even take a tiny huff of poppers. That really makes my cock take notice. I love poppers more than I can express. Sigh. The new poppers today are shit. R.I.P. poppers high. I want to get to the fucking but for some reason I decide to make a tour, see what is happening, who is there. Its early and not terribly busy. That is okay I only need one cock for now. Later I will want one in each hole. Making my way back to my room I remember the man who passed me on the stairs after I checked in. He me 'gives me 'that look'. You know what I am talking about. The look that says, "I am interested, wanna find out what my cock tastes like." I can be very shy at times like this. I don't ignore him and I don't encourage him either. I don't know how to handle situations like that, at least not sober with my clothes on. Back in my room I dim the lights and toss the towel up near the head so I can bury my face in it once I open the door. I use the pillow like a wedge under my hips to elevate my ass and make it obvious I am offering my hole up for fucking. Burying my face in the towel, clutching the little brown bottle of heaven I slowly grind my cock into the pillow trying to be inviting and seductive. It is a weird and self-conscious position to be in. Offering your body to anyone with a hard-on seems to me to be pathetic, heroic, humiliating, dangerous, adventurous and somewhat arrogant. Who am I to think Joe Schmoe is going to want to stick his dick into my body? Do I think I am so hot that I can just put myself out there like that and expect to get fucked? Mostly I feel embarrassed because I don't feel worthy of the cock I crave. I feel like I don't deserve to get fucked exactly for the reason I want to get fucked, because I am total cum hungry cock whore. A cum dump who will let anybody fuck him. It also makes me feel soooo horny and sleazy but in a good way. The anticipation of this situation can be excruciating and thrilling. The wait is mind blowing. Your ears become attuned to every noise. It drives me crazy when a noisy neighbor arrives, some twink with a friend who makes ten trips back and forth from his room each time passing the open door framing my lubed up ass, an obvious invitation to be used by any Tom, Dick or Harry. Why do I care what he thinks. I don't care about him, unless he stops by to drop a load. I like this room because it is close to a hallway but not in plain view of a passerby. To see into my room you have to be looking, you have to be on the prowl for cock or ass. As I wait I listen and imagine. I listen for the tell-tale creak of a floor board. This room has a loose board at the threshold so if you step close or just inside the room I will hear that faint creak. It is a squeak that sends chills down my spine and makes my nuts churn. It might only be a gawker, which is fine but frustrating but then again I might feel a hand on my ankle. Of course I never know what to expect. My favorite are the men who get right down to business, the ones who upon discovering my lubed up hole mount up and begin fucking. I hate being fingered. It makes me tense up but I will endure it for a minute if I think it turns my top on and get him hard enough to want to fuck me. I enjoy being rimmed but a devoted rimmer will ream all the lube out of me. Not such a big deal, especially in my room where it is close at hand but its still a delay in what I really want, raw cock unloading in my eager hole. This night I do not have to wait long. There is the creak and then nothing. Silence, no touching but I am sure he is still there. I can sense him watching me. I continue to grind my hips. Slowly I reach down and push my hard cock into view between my legs and to the side of my balls. I have big balls. Its no boast just passing on what men have told me over the years. Still nothing. I wait...and wait. Finally it comes. A hand slides up my calf and grazes my ass to the small of my back. He caresses me for a while. He is enjoying the feel of me, the sight of my prone and naked body offered up for his use. I shiver. The club is cool tonight and I am going mad with anticipation of what this man might do to me. The mystery ends when he straddles my ass and pushes his cock into me. Just like that I am getting fucked and I could not be happier. My anonymous top stretches out on top of me and I luxuriate in the feel of his skin and the pressure of his weight on me. I want him to fill me and fuck me and crush me to the mattress with the exertion of his thrusts. I want to be drenched in his sweat and I want him to take ownership of me by breeding my ass with his DNA. I use the poppers liberally and so does he after I hold them out to him. My eyes are still closed. All I know of the man is from sound, smell and feel. He feels awesome. He has a Goldilocks cock, not too big, not too small.....just right. High on lust and poppers I am in love with this man who is giving me the gift of his body, the joy of his manhood and I know in my heart his seed. He will breed me when he is done taking his pleasure. Eventually he flips me. At this point is seems ridiculous to keep my eyes close. I open the and see the man from the stairs grinning down at me. He is wearing a baseball cap. I find that both weird and boyishly sexy. I can tell he is immeasurably happy to be fucking me. This makes me happy to be alive and at that moment there is no other place I would rather be. His boning is energetic and enthusiastic. He discovers the full length mirror which gives us a great view of the action and is enthralled by watching his cock pound my ass. I get caught up in it too and our eyes are glued to the mirror like we are watching a feature film. It's a beautiful sight I have to admit. The guy can't get enough of the scene. He pushes and pulls me into different positions all the while keeping his eyes glued to the mirror. He cums like that, watching live porn of his own making. When his tremors subside but his cock is still in me he looms for a moment smiling down on me with a satisfaction that warms my heart. His load is already warming my guts. And then he is gone leaving the door open and me to ponder what just happened. I am feeling fucking great, goddamn fantastic, on top of the world. What do I do next? Roll over of course and wait for the next top to breed me. I don't remember specifics of the rest of the night. That first top stands out but I know I got several more loads, all anonymous. I feel very close and grateful to all those men who fucked me. I realize I might be nothing more to them than a warm wet hole to sink their dick into and unload. That's not just fine with me its what I want. If they are fucking me I know they are getting what they want. They didn't have to choose me. I have not pressured them in any way. They want to fuck me. When I know a guy is getting his nut while in my ass I am in love with him, I am desperate with need and desire for him. His particulars don't interest me. I don't want to know his name or see his face. All I want is to feel his hard cock breeding my cum hungry ass and when he does I love him for it. Like I said its a strange kind of intimacy when you get anonymous loads.
    3 points
  14. I'm moving to the bay area (California) soon and stayed up at a friends place so I could go apartment hunting. While I was there I decided to check out an RV park and their showers to see if I could get any action. I posted an add on craigslist announcing to all members nearby that I would be in the RV park showers in a huge time slot, just to be sure I could get as many loads as possible. I got in bathroom, turned on the shower and left the door ajar. I then cleaned myself up and got down on all fours, oiled and greased my ass up and then covered my head with a towel. At first, it didnt look good, I was simply stroking my cock with my ass high up in there air. Men entered the other bathrooms, showered then left. Just as I was about to give up and head out, a man knocked on the door and walked in. My hole flexed in anticipationa and i further arched up my back to present my cumdump hole to him. He entered and closed the door as he unbuckled his pants. He got his pants on and began to softly caress my ass. I could tell he was older due to the gray hairs on his hands has he groped my balls gently. This made me even hornier. I then spread my ass cheeks with my hand and winked my hole at him. He spat upon my hole and gently rubbed his finger against me as i continued to wink my hole. He then slid it in. At first I flexed tightly and then relaxed. 'Thats it old man', I said to myself, 'use this young cumhole'. He fingered me slowly at first and then faster and harder with two fingers. He then pulled them out and sucked on them loudly so I could hear it. Now I was very horny. I stretched my cheeks out even further and I could feel him lowering himself upon me until his dick was pressed up against my hole. I relaxed and he slid right in. From there he pumped my bare hole slowly for a few minutes and then began to pick up pace. He had really soft skins and i loved feeling his low hanging balls slap up against mine. As soon as I felt him seize up and cum and clenched my hole tight. I didnt want a single ounce of his cum anywhere else but my hole. After he was done he fixed himself and slapped my ass on the way out. God i love being fucked by older men. Three others would come in and load me as well. I believe they were older as well. I had so much fun, I will have to try that again soon
    3 points
  15. This was salvaged from bugshare.net, "Strictly Stories" ************************************************** I waited in the parking lot for almost a half hour trying to build up the courage to go into the bathhouse. I live in a flyover state, and wanting to escape my small town and 'take a walk on the wild side', when vacation time rolled around I booked a flight to L.A., rented a car and hotel room and made the trip out west. I had been chatting on-line with people so I knew where to find the baths. Did I have the courage to do this? Sweating and finding it hard to breath, I opened my bottle of poppers. I took two or three hits and felt that relaxing rush grab me. I opened the door to the car, got out, and walked towards the club. I felt the fool as I had never been to a club and so I wasn't sure what to do. I paid for a room, got my key and walked down to find the room. I undressed and wrapped a towel around my waist. I wandered around a bit. There were some good looking guys and some real trolls. My eyes were everywhere, crotches, porn movies flickering on screens. There were several open doors, but I didn't know the protocol. There were also several dark rooms, where I couldn't make out any shapes, but could hear the groans and moans of men having sex in there. I freaked. I went back to my room and sat on the bench trembling and breathing hard. Maybe, I should just jack off and go back to my hotel. Maybe this is too much, too fast. Then I heard a knock on the door. I realized that I had forgotten to lock it. I slowly opened the door and looked out. He was nice looking, not a Greek God, but not hideous either. I licked my lips and tried to find my voice. "Yes" He smiled and that made him more handsome. "Is this your first time in a club?" "Fuck, is it that obvious?" I said as I sat back down. "Only to everyone," he lightly laughed, and then asked "mind if I sit down?" Making sure my towel was wrapped tightly around me, I gestured 'Be my guest'. "Hi, I'm Steve," he said as he held out his hand to shake. "I'm Jerry." I took his hand. It was warm and slightly moist. The scene was more like we were friends sitting in a sauna and I relaxed a bit. Especially since Steve was making no overt moves on me. "Jerry, you need to relax, no one is going to hurt you here and you'll have a great time if you want it to. You just need a guide. Mind if I volunteer?" Steve scooted closer until his leg touched mine. “I’m going to my locker to get some things that will help you out for your first visit. Go ahead, watch the video, and lock the door. I’ll knock three times, so you’ll know it’s me.” Steve stood up and scooted away. I got up and locked the door like he suggested. I was watching a video of three guys having sex and was starting to get into it. Steve was taking a long time. I was lightly stroking my cock, when I heard the three knocks on the door. I unlocked it and opened it to see Steve standing there with a small gym bag. “Sorry, I took so long, I ran into some guys that I needed to talk to. I see that you’ve started without me.” He said with a shit-eating grin on his face. Steve closed the door, but made no move to lock it. Steve pulled out a pretty large dildo and proceeded to slather some KY on it. “I know that you’ve been fucked before, but you’ve got to loosen up. So, get out your poppers, sit on the dildo, and just relax. I’ll sit here and won’t touch you until you feel you’re ready. If you’ll trust me, I guarantee that you’ll never forget this night.” I looked at the dildo; it was long, real thick at the bottom with a suction cup base, and covered with ridges. It was larger than anything that had ever been up me before. Steve handed me the KY and told me to lube myself up. I was suddenly shy, when Steve leaned over and kissed me. He then went back to the gym bag and started to rummage around, while I put the lube on fingers and proceeded to rub some around my hole. He removed a zip lock baggy that had a fine white powder in it and dipped the tip of the dildo in it until the dildo was covered with white dust. “What’s that?” I asked. “It’s a powdered lube, it helps to loosen your ass and makes the dildo go in easier.” Steve replied. I had never heard of such a thing, but figured that Steve had more experience than I did. Steve licked the bottom suction cup of the dildo to get it wet and stuck it to the top of the vinyl bench. “Have a seat,” he suggested, patting the bench with his hand. “What the fuck am I doing?” I thought. Here I am in a club, watching a porn video, about to climb onto a dildo and fuck myself, while a person that I just met watches me? I had to really raise my ass to get it high enough to get onto the dildo. Steve held my bottle of poppers under my nose as I felt the tip of the dildo hit my ass. I felt myself relax and allowed the dildo to start to enter my ass, slowly opening me up. I started to pull off of it, but I found myself wanting more of it inside of me. I was moaning and groaning like a whore as I thought 'What was going on? Why the fuck do I feel so damn horny? Why does this dildo feel so good inside of me?'. I started to really fuck myself down on dildo, trying to shove it deeper inside of me. I wanted my hole opened up wide. Riding up and down deeper and harder, I couldn’t believe what I was feeling. I felt Steve’s hands on my shoulders and felt him push me down even harder on the dildo. I groaned, feeling myself open and get slick, but wanting even more. “Ready for the real thing?” Steve asked. “Yes.” I moaned, while still fucking myself on the dildo. My body was moving in automatic not under conscious control. Steve pushed me back and the suction from the dildo’s base let loose with an obscene sucking sound. Steve dipped the tip of his cock in the “powdered lube” and with a quick motion pulled the dildo out in one quick move. I could feel my ass slide out with the dildo and the cool air hit my opened hole. It wasn’t empty long as Steve grabbed my hips, pulled me back, and sunk his cock balls deep into me with one long push. Steve groaned at the heat of my ass gripping his cock and I grew hotter and more desperate to have him inside of me completely. I was meeting his hard thrusts with back thrusts of my own. This wasn’t lovemaking, this was fucking! Sweat was pouring off of Steve and dripping onto my chest, when I felt the change in his fucking pace. Longer, deeper, and harder strokes gave way to short violent pushes and trembles. “Take my load, you cunt,” Steve yelled out and I felt his cock try to shove out the top of my head as he started to cum inside of me. Steve continued to thrust into me as he was cumming. I was moaning and begging for his cum inside of me. Steve pulled out of me, quickly grabbed the dildo and shoved it back into me hard. Steve sat down by my head, his hand still working the dildo in and out of me. “Did you like that Jerry?” I was twitching all over the bench, sweating, breathing hard. I couldn’t get enough. I wanted more. “FUCK ME AGAIN!” Steve chuckled and said he had something better in mind. He rolled me over so I was face down on the bench with the dildo still hanging in my ass and walked over and opened the door. This was obviously what the “guys he had to talk to” were waiting for. Soon the room had lots of people in it and the dildo had been yanked out of my ass and been replaced by a hard cock. I didn’t care. I needed this! I wanted this! “FUCKING USE MY ASS! TAKE IT ALL!” I remember Steve getting something out of his bag and pressing it against my ass cheek, while this young college kid was tearing my ass up. I don’t know how many loads, I took that night, and I don’t care. I was at the club for hours. When I struggled into my clothes, my ass was dripping cum, I bundled up my underwear and tried to keep all the cum from pouring out of my fucked up ass. When I got back to the room, I was in a daze from being used so hard. I thought maybe a shower would clear my head. I was undressing and waiting for the water to heat up, when I noticed something in the mirror, a red mark about an inch and half high on my ass. I rubbed the fog off the mirror and fell to the floor in a heap when I saw it clearly. The mark was a biohazard sign. I guess that Steve was right. It was a night I’d never forget. One the upside, I’ve got a who new set of bugs to share with the other boys in my small town.
    2 points
  16. Quick note: Still working on the semi-sequel to The Decline & Fall of Michael Christian. Hopefully you enjoy this story in the meantime. It's shorter... only this one part (so hopefully that is good news for those who do prefer the shorter stories). And, without further ado, here is Bait & Switch. It was about three months ago. That’s when it happened. When my hole life changed. It had been a long, hard day. My alarm didn’t go off — which meant I overslept and didn’t have time for breakfast. My boss was riding my ass all day — and not in a good way. And to top it all off (no pun intended), I dropped my mobile and cracked the screen. By the time the workday ended, I was in a hell of a mood. I needed to destress a bit. No. Let’s be honest. I needed a good fuck. I dropped off my car at home and took a taxi to the gay neighbourhood in town. I don’t get out to the clubs very often anymore (work is just too crazy) but I felt homesick for one of my favourites. Great music, great drinks, great staff. You know how they say you can’t go home again? It’s true. The bar was full but, at 32, I was probably the oldest guy in there. The music was skewed towards this new and younger crowd… I just found it dull and mindless. Plus most of the staff I used to know had moved on so there weren’t even familiar faces behind the bar. It barely felt like the same bar anymore. I ransacked my memory… how long had it been since I had dropped in? I was surprised to realise it had been my 30th birthday party. Well over a year and a half before. At least the drinks were still good. So I found a (more or less) out of the way corner and sipped my drink. Then another. Then another. Then another. I like to think I’m reasonably attractive guy. I’m no gym bunny but I do keep myself passably fit. Brown hair, hazel eyes, 5 feet 9 inches tall. But none of the guys in the bar so much as said ‘excuse me’ as they pushed past me through the crowd. So I just sat alone in my corner. Drinking. None of this did anything for my mood. Finally, enough was enough. I staggered out of the club. I wasn’t quite ready to go home though… still horny as fuck. I passed some of the other bars but discounted them: the first was too busy, the next was too loud, and at the third the doorman said something about my having been over-served already. So I kept walking. I was about to give up and just hail a cab to head home. And then I looked up and saw where I was. Just ahead of me was the bathhouse. I had never been inside before… I’d always been afraid i would run into someone I knew there. Which would just be awkward. But I had been persistently curious. Could it ever live up to the ‘urban legends’ about the easy sex available within? I paused for just a moment, but horniness and alcohol are a powerful mix. Tonight was the night. I glanced around — just to make sure no one was nearby who knew me — and stepped inside. “Good evening.” The guy at the counter greeted me in a disinterested tone. “Are you a member?” “No… this is my first time in here.” He pushed a sheet of paper towards me. “You will need to fill in this form for your membership.” I took the sheet and began completing it. I was a bit leery about putting any personal information… but I had come this far. No point backing out now. “Locker or room?” “Um… what’s the difference?” He rolled his eyes and pointed to a sign with prices. “The room costs 10 more.” “I guess just a locker.” I gave him back the completed form along the cash. He pushed a towel and a locker key towards me then buzzed me into the bathhouse itself. I walked through into a locker room. I knew enough to know that guys walk around with nothing on but their towel … so a few minutes later I wrapped my towel around my waist, tucked a condom into the elastic armband that held my locker key, and set off to explore. The bathhouse was a fairly large space spread over two floors. In addition to the locker room, on the ground floor I found a small but well stocked bar, a video room showing porn, and ‘wet area’ with a steam room and jacuzzi. Upstairs seemed divided into two parts. To the right of the stairs was a dark area labelled as ‘The Maze”. I decided I wasn’t quite ready for that though. To the left of the stairs was an area with several corridors with small cubicles on either side. One of the cubicles was open and being cleaned by a member of staff. There was a small bed of sorts, a locker, and a screen playing more porn. This, I realised, was the ‘room’ that the clerk had offered. Other than staff and myself, I think I saw 6 guys wandering around. They were older guys, at least late 40’s and not in great shape. Some looked downright I'll. No one I wanted to play around with. It was early though -- only about 9:30 or so. I decided to kill some time and see if the crowd improved. I went back down to the bar and had a couple drinks. Between the drinks at the club and now these, I was definitely buzzed by that point. I wandered over to the video room. There were a couple of the older guys in there, fondling themselves under their towels, but I ignored them and sat on a bench as far away as I could get. The porn wasn’t bad and my own hand found its way under my towel. I was careful though, I didn’t want to get myself off. I ignored the old guys as they entered and left. Just kept focused on the videos. I must have sat in the room for at least 30 minutes. Eventually, however, one of the old guys came and sat beside me. He was at least 60 and had a big beer belly. I tried to move a bit away but another old guy — one of the sick looking guys — was just a few feet away on that side. When the beer belly guy tried to put his hand on my thigh, I stood up quickly and left the video room. I was, however, pleased to discover that more guys had come in while I had been camped in the video room. Hopefully I could find someone who wasn’t quite so disgusting. I went back upstairs but still wasn’t ready to explore the dark maze area so I wandered through the area with the ‘rooms’. Many were closed and dark. Not rented yet, I assumed. A few were closed but with the unmistakable sounds of man-sex audible despite the closed doors. My dick got a little harder. Other doors were open and occupied. I was pleased to see that some of these held guys my age or younger. In one room I saw a cute blond guy, probably early twenties, but he didn’t even look up as I walked by his door. I wasn’t sure what the etiquette was to get his attention so I walked past. It was getting close to the end of the cubicle area and seemed to be striking out. Maybe this was going to be a bust. Maybe those urban legends about the great sex available were just that: myths and legends. And then I walked by the last open door. A man stood opposite, leaning on the back wall of the small room. He made eye contact with me as I walked by his room. I stopped in my tracks. He was one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. Black hair, playfully tussled. Sky blue eyes. Full lips with the hint of a smile. Unshaven stubble. Skin a natural tan. Body lean and muscular. His tall frame — about 6’ 2” best I can guess - made me want to melt into him. His toned arms tucked behind his back. A light feathering of hair on his chest and a noticeable treasure trail leading my eyes to his towel. And the big, hard bulge waiting there. He was so far out of my league it wasn’t even funny. “Hey, how’s it going?” He said with a smile and an Italian accent. “Um… not too bad.” I stammered, licking my lips which suddenly felt dry. He gestured with his head for me to move into the room. I, of course, complied. I didn't even think to close the door. My hands were trembling as I approached him. His arms were still tucked behind his back. Making his chest and crotch seem even more prominent. Maybe it was his unspoken permission. Maybe it was all the alcohol. But — whatever it was —my trembling hands raised to touch his chest. The muscles firm and warm to my touch. “Mmmm. That feels good.” He said. “What is your name?” “Gary.” I replied. “My name is Mario. Your hand feels very good, Gary.” Even the way he said my name made me shiver a bit. But, at the same time, his voice was so calming. Relaxing. I felt more bold. My hand slowly drifted down. From his chest to his abs. Tracing the muscles. Before moving lower. Following his treasure trail. He didn’t stop me. Just watched with that little smile as my hand felt the hardness through his towel. I slowly started to caress him. I felt him swell a bit more. I’ve always been a bit of a size queen. I just love big cocks. My own cock was already hard was a rock and leaking pre-cum. I leaned in and my lips found his. I couldn’t believe this was happening. You have to understand. Mario was so far out of my league. And yet was letting me touch him. Stroke him. Kiss him. And he was kissing me back. He placed a hand on the small of my back. Just above my ass. Just a simple gesture. But, at the same time, possessive. And it just made him even more perfect. I was in his orbit. The moon to his earth. And, although I didn’t stop to think about it at the time, the moth to his flame. His hand slid lower. Caressing my ass through the towel even as I caressed his cock. My hand sliding under his towel for the first time. My fingers wrapping around his hard shaft. A moan escaped from somewhere deep inside me. Only to be lost in his kiss. “You have a nice ass, Gary.” He whispered. His fingers moving under my towel. Tracing down the crack of my ass. Sending shivers down my spine. “You have an amazing cock.” I whispered back. “Do you like it?” He asked. As if my ragged breath wasn’t evidence enough of that. He put his other hand on my shoulder. Pushing me gently. Down to my knees. I did not resist. I wanted him so much. His fingers ran through my hair. My mouth found his cock. Rolling my tongue over the head. Savouring his taste and smell. This was more than I had ever expected. I could feel him bending over me. His fingers moving slowly down my back. Tracing my spine. Reaching my butt. Sliding into the cleft. Circling my hole. “You like getting fucked?” With my mouth full of his dick I could only moan my affirmative reply. “Hot. You are going to get really fucked tonight. I promise.” His finger circling my hole found it’s target. Pushed inside me. “You're tight, babe. You gonna be able to take it all?” Again I moaned my reply and raised my ass to meet this finger. He chuckled above me. Then slid a second finger in. In and out of my hole. Driving me even more wild. His cock was in my throat now. My face tight into his crotch. I was so focused on the taste of him, of his scent, that I barely noticed any sound behind me. Then I felt a second pair of hands touch me. I jumped… but Mario’s hands moved quickly back up my body. One hand on my shoulder (holding me on my knees) and the other on the back of my head (gently holding my face impaled on his big dick). I felt movement behind me and then a warm met tongue find my hole. “Don’t worry. That’s just my buddy.” Mario said. “You don’t mind, do you? It’s really hot seeing him eat your ass. Getting it ready for a good fuck.” Mario seemed genuinely turned on by seeing the other man working his tongue into my hole. At least his cock seemed harder than ever in my throat. And the tongue was pretty damn talented. I figured it was worth it to get Mario inside me. I wished I could see the newcomer but decided to just focus on Mario’s cock. I wanted him good and ready to fuck me. Mario’s hips were gently rocking, sliding his cock in and out of my throat. I wanted this beautiful god to fuck me so bad. Mario whispered something to the other man. I couldn’t make it out. The tongue on my hole moved away. Movement behind me. Was it finally time? Was Mario ready to fuck me? Hands on my hips. Pulling me back slightly. Something touching my hole. Bigger and harder than a tongue. A cock pushing at my tight hole. I tried to make a disapproving sound but Mario’s cock was deep in my throat. “That’s hot, babe.” Mario said. “You should see his cock. It looks so good pushing into you. Really getting me turned on.” I was a bit annoyed but — well — I had come so far and I didn’t want to lose my chance at getting fucked by Mario now. I pulled the condom out from the elastic band on my arm and handed it to the man behind me. He took the condom from my hand but his cock never moved away from my ass for even a moment to put it on. I didn’t get fucked bare. Not ever. But I was conflicted… I really wanted Mario to fuck me. I clenched my hole against the unseen man behind me. Maybe that would be enough to discourage him. But no. The stranger’s palm came down hard on my ass with a loud slap. I jumped, my hole relaxing for just a second... ... And the unseen man pushed the head of his dick in with a sudden thrust. Bare. “Dude.” Mario said above me. “His dick looks so good in your ass. Just let him open you a bit and then, if you want, he can pull out and he can put on the condom.” It made sense. At least it did at that moment. Alcohol and lust really weaken your resolve. I managed to manoeuvre enough to look up at Mario without losing his cock in my throat. He had a smart phone in his hand. My phone. It pointed it towards my face then slowly panned back towards my ass and the man who was working his way deeper inside. He was recording the moment on my phone. He waved my phone. "I'm recording this for you so you can watch later. You don't know how hot this looks." The cock in my hole was pushing deeper. And deeper. He wasn’t as big as Mario. But he was a good size. Damn. It felt so good to get fucked. It had been so long. I needed it. “You like that, don’t you?” Mario asked above me. “You like that cock pounding your hole.” I moaned agreement. “Yeah. Just relax and enjoy the ride.” Mario encouraged me. And I did. I arched my back as much as I could with Mario’s dick in my mouth. I raised my ass to meet the cock pounding my hole. The stranger’s hands were gripping my hips now. His thrusts where hard and erratic. Frenzied. He was grunting. The stranger slammed in balls deep. And froze. A deep guttural growl escaping from somewhere within him. His shaft flexed inside me. He was shooting his load. Inside me. Oh fuck. This stranger, someone I couldn’t even see, had just cum inside me. I must have looked like a deer in the headlights. But my heart was pounding. What had I done? What was I doing? The stranger pulled out of my hole. Pulling a trail of warm cum. Which oozed down the back of my balls. “Thanks for the fuck, boy. Hope you like my little gift.” I wanted to turn around and look at him but Mario was thrusting into my throat again. He was clearly really turned on. So… was it time? Was he going to fuck me now? But he didn’t pull out of my mouth. And another pair of hands gripped my ass, pulling my cheeks apart. Another cock touched my hole. And pushed in, balls deep, in one thrust. This cock wasn’t quite as thick as the last but was longer, reaching deeper inside. The body behind me felt different as well. Not as solid. I could hear his flesh slapping against mine. And then he raised up on top of me. I felt a big belly press against the small of my back. Shit. Some fat guy was fucking me. But I was in no position to move away. Pinned between this new man’s body and Mario’s cock in my throat. And, yes, it felt good. His cock felt good inside me. Fuck it felt good. The fat guy was pulling all the way out then thrusting back in to the root. All the way out. Back in. Each time he pulled out of my hole pulsed. Like it was begging the cock to get back in. The last guy’s cum had really slicked up my hole and was dripping out each time the fat man’s cock pulled outside my asslips. The fat man pulled himself further onto my body. Resting his weight on my back. Mario stepped back, pulling his cock out of my mouth, and allowed my head and shoulders to sink to the floor under the fat man’s weight. My ass stayed raised though. Letting him pound me. I wanted this fuck. I was lost in the sensations that these men had awakened in me. “I’m going to cum.” The fat man said. “You want it. Don’t you.” “Yes.” I whispered. Ashamed. Ashamed of the desire burning inside me. Ashamed that I liked his cock, the feeling of him fucking me. “Louder.” “Yes.” “Yes, what?” His face came into view as he slid all the way onto my back. The beer belly guy from the video room. Someone I would never have let fuck me. But in the moment, lost in my lust, I didn't tell him no. “Yes. Cum in me. Please. Please cum in me.” “Good boy.” The fat man moaned in my ear. “Since you asked so nicely, here is comes. You're always going to have a little part of me inside you. As long as you live.” He didn’t stop thrusting. But I felt his shaft expand inside me. His flabby arms held me tight. And his cum joined the load from the first man. When he pulled out and stepped away, I didn’t even try to move. I stayed in position. Back arched. Head and shoulders flat to the floor. Ass in the air. An open invitation. And the invitation was accepted. A cock slid between my asscheeks. A big cock. Very big. Sliding up and down the gooey mess that seeped from my ass. Without pushing in. “How many loads does he have?” The third man asked. “You are going to be the third.” “Nice.” The third man pushed a finger into my hole. “Look at me, bitch.” I turned around and looked over my shoulder. The gaunt man from the video room -- somehow I had known it would be him. His cheeks and eyes sunken. His body may have been toned once, you could kind of tell, but now the flesh just sagged. And he had a tattoo. On his groin. Just above his cock. A biohazard. I knew what that meant, of course. “You… you’ve got HIV?” “No, bitch. I’ve got AIDS. And I want to give it to you. I want to fill you up with my toxic cum.And I want you to beg for it. Beg for my big cock. Beg for my toxic cum.” “I… I don’t want… I mean, I’m negative.” “Are you sure? You’ve got two loads in your ass already. Maybe you were negative when you came in here tonight… but how do you know you still are?” I couldn’t breathe. I was terrified. And yet. I was turned on. So turned on. By the thrill. By the risk. By the big dick teasing my ass. I could tell he was big. Bigger than any cock that had ever been in me. Ten inches or more. Thick as a beer bottle. Mario crouched next to me. His hand touched mine comfortingly. His cock just far enough away that I couldn’t reach it. “Your ass looks so hot with a cock in it, babe. So beautiful. And his cock is so big. I want to see him stretching you open. Will you do it for me? Will you let him fuck you?” The big dick was still sliding up and down in the cummy mess of my hole. My sphincter was spasming. My body wanted to feel that cock so much. I looked in Mario’s eyes. His beautiful eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. I nodded to Mario. Yes. He smiled. A gorgeous smile that made my whole body shiver with anticipation. I looked back over my shoulder. To the gaunt man who stood behind me. “Please.” My whole body was trembling. “Please fuck me. I’ve never had a cock that big inside me.” “Are you sure? I’m not going to be gentle. I’m going to fuck that hole without mercy. I’m gonna tear you up.” “I want it. I want to feel that big dick in me.” “And there won’t be any pulling out. I’m going to fuck you until I cum in you. I’ve got AIDS. No meds. There is a good chance you will have AIDS soon as well.” “I want your cock. I want your cum. I need it.” “Look at you, you little slut, begging for AIDS cock.” The gaunt man sneered down at me. “I’m going to breed your hole. Make you a proper cumdump.” “Do it… do it, please.” He pushed forward. I thought my hole was open. Ready. But he was big. Thick. Bigger than any cock that had even been inside me. And by a wide margin. He wasn’t even in yet and already I was sweating. The pressure as he pushed his cock against my already battered sphincter was quickly becoming painful. But, as promised, he was merciless. Insistent. My hole began stretching. Slowly. But stretching nonetheless. Opening wide as it could for him. But it wasn’t wide enough. My ass felt like it was being torn apart. Pain ripped through ever inch of my body. My face red. I tried to crawl away. Not to stop him. Just a quick respite from his onslaught. His hand slapped my ass. Hard. “Get your ass back here you fucking little whore.” “Your too big. I can’t take it.” “You can.” The gaunt man laughed. “You will.” And the head of his cock breached my hole. I wanted to cry out. But couldn’t catch my breath. Tears dripped down my cheeks. He didn’t stop his inexorable invasion. Pushing deeper. Never really pausing. Never really pulling back to thrust. Just a glacially slow, seemingly endless, violation. And yet some part of me didn’t want him to stop. I wanted to know what a monster cock really feels like. And every millimetre he drove himself deeper inside me was a victory for me. I could take it. My own cock was shrivelled up. But that didn’t matter. This was about his cock, not mine. “You’re doing really good.” Mario said. But he wasn’t really looking at me. He had a phone in each hand now. Mine and his I assumed. Filming the cock opening my hole. Occasionally returning to my face to capture my expression. I don’t know how long it took. I really don’t. But I realised I could feel the gaunt man’s pubes scratching my ass. I could feel his heavy balls resting on my ass. He was in. He was all the way in. He pulled out. Then lined his dick back up. And breached me again. Still slow. But faster than the first time. Then all the way out. And then back in balls deep. Each time faster that the one before. The sensations raced through my body like a shock. Like lightning. Pain. Pleasure. The words were no longer distinguishable for me. “See, boy?” The gaunt man laughed again. “Told you you would take it. And you’re never going to be that tight again. Good thing you like big dicks. No normal dick is ever going to satisfy you again.” And i knew he was right. There was no way my ass could ever recover for this. He kept picking up the pace. Really fucking me now. “It’s time, cunt.” “Give. It. To. Me. Please.” I groaned as his hips pounded into me. “Here is comes. Ruining your ass forever.” I couldn’t feel him cum. My ass was too stretched, too inflamed, for that kind of sensation. But I knew. Somehow I knew he was filling my guts at that moment. Defiling me. His breathing gradually slowed. "Welcome to the brotherhood, cum dump." He didn’t pull out. He pushed me forward. Off his dick. I fell forward and sprawled on the floor at Mario’s feet. Mario’s hand was a flurry of motion on his cock His cock was rock hard. Dripping precum. He was getting close. I reached up and tried to pull him closer. But he slapped my hand away. “Please.” I begged. “I want you to fuck me next.” He looked at me as if I had two heads on my shoulders. “You? You want me to fuck you?” “Please. I’m doing all this for you.” He shook his head. “Sorry, I don’t fuck bathhouse sluts like you. I just like to watch.” And then his cum exploded. Covering the floor in front of my face. Wasted on the floor when I wanted it more than anything. My mouth dropped open. “But…” Mario stepped up to me. Cum was still dripping from his dick to the floor. He tossed me my phone. “You’ve just been fucked by three different guys. Old guys. Fat guys. You can see it all in the video. I can tell you all three were positive or have AIDS. And who knows what other diseases they have given you.” “But I only did it because you asked me to.” I whined. “Yeah? And I promised that you were going to really be fucked tonight. And now you are. Fucked for life. But look on the bright side. Now that you know what kind of pervert you are, you can be a bit nicer to the old guys here, huh? Yeah. I saw that earlier. You were rude to these guys. They’re just here for the same thing you are. To get some cock. Or some ass. They aren’t here to get treated like crap by guys like you. Well. Like the guy you used to be, right? Because that guy is gone. Corrupted. Remade. Into a POZ pussyboy who will open his ass to anyone for a bit of cum.” He smiled down at me. It was not a friendly smile. But it was still beautiful on him. “So, no. I won’t be fucking you. But tell you what. You can eat my cum off the floor.” I just stared up at him. “You heard me. Clean it up.” He was right. Whoever I had been when I walked in the door was gone. I lowered my head to the floor and my tongue began scooping up the drops of his cum. I wondered how many loads had been shot on this bathhouse floor. How long since it had really been cleaned. And that just made me lick the floor more eagerly. “Yeah.” Mario said. “I thought so.” He turned to the gaunt man. “See you next weekend, Barry.” And then my Italian stud was gone. I was still licking the cum off the floor when the next man moved behind me. His dick pushed into my gaping hole easily. No resistance. I glanced back at the man who had slipped into my ass. He had to be in his sixties at least: old, wrinkled, bald. And there was a line of men waiting. Old men. Fat men. Diseased men. “Damn, Barry, his ass is loose.” The old man called to the gaunt man who was still in the room, watching me. “You really broke this one in.” He was right. i could barely feel his dick sliding in and out of my wrecked hole. He ended up pulling out and jacking himself off over my hole. When he was ready, he slipped the tip back inside me and shot his load. He pulled out and wrapped his towel around his waist. Then something landed next to my head. I picked it up. A $5 bill. “That’s about what your gaping ass is worth now, whore.” The old man said. “And I’m being generous.” And another man took his place. —- Epilogue: That’s how it all started. A few months ago. Just got back from the doctor’s office. Had the “flu” about a month after that night in the bathhouse. So I knew what to expect. But still took me awhile to get the courage to go. So, yeah, I’m positive. Picked up a few other STD’s as well. The doctor asked me who my sexual partners had been. I lied and said I had hooked up with someone when I was out of town and was careless. No names I could give him for previous sexual partners. He didn't believe me but didn't push it either. My life has indeed changed. For the better? For the worse? Who the hell cares. I'm having a blast. I’ve been going back to the bathhouse at least 2 or 3 nights a week. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been fucked there now. I like hanging out in that dark maze. Not able to see who is breeding me. Just taking load after load. When I'm lucky, though, I see Barry and he pummels my ass. I can take his cock so much easier now. He says he wants to make sure his toxic seed takes. And then he will own my ass. I can't wait to tell him he does. I see Mario a lot as well. He always gives me a smile, especially when he sees me with my ass in the air taking any load. He’s never let me suck him again and never fucked me. I guess I understand. But there’s always hope, right? - END -
    2 points
  17. While visiting the Netherlands as a tourist, I took the train from Amsterdam to The Hague as I wanted to see the sights of the city, including a museum or two, but, as I got off the train and was walking into the city center, I passed an adult sex shop. Each window was plastered with the words 'The Maze', so I took a detour, entered the shop, learned there was a maze and some adult videos in the back of the store, so I paid the eight Euro entrance fee, rented a locker where I stored my coat and bag, and then entered the back of the "Maze." It really wasn't a maze but rather was an odd layout of several rooms with doors which could be locked. Two of the rooms contained sofas, and one of the rooms contained a television screen on which gay porn was playing. Another room was pitch dark, and contained only a chair. There was also a small cinema which showed straight porn on a large screen. This room also featured a half wall in the back as well as three glory hole rooms off to the side of this room. A very small cinema room also came off this room, as did a somewhat larger gay cinema room which contained two sofas. A glory hole room came off the main cinema, as did two private rooms situated at the rear of the room. Overall it was a really nice set up for activity. Entering the largest of the gay cinemas, I saw a middle aged guy standing at the back of the room. He was stroking his nice-sized cock. I thought he was reasonably attractive so I dropped to my knees in front of him and began to suck on his dick, which quickly grew rock hard. As I did so, a very, very tall, slender, attractive older man in his 50's joined us, presenting his very long, thick, uncut Dutch cock just inches from my face. I switched cocks and began to suck on the second Dutch guy, who, I noticed, was dressed in a sport coat and dress pants, and to be honest, his attire struck me as somewhat out of place, as I got the impression he had just stopped in after attending church. Which maybe he had, but whatever the case, his long cock was delicious. I sucked on him for about five minutes, occasionally switching back to the original guy, but the tall Dutch guy's cock was so much of a turn on he got most of my attention. After about five minutes of sucking the tall Dutch guy, he said something to me in Dutch, which, of course, I didn't understand, so I replied in English, "Sorry. I don't speak Dutch." He laughed and took hold of my hand and pulled me back to one of the small dark rooms in the back of the cinema. As I entered the room, he began to feel my ass through my pants. Great! He wanted to fuck me. I undid my pants, stepped out of them and laid them on the chair that was in the corner. I turned, bent over and braced myself on the chair. I had a tube of lube in my pocket, as well as some poppers, so I retrieved both, took a hit of poppers and handed him the lube. He spat on my hole a few times, played with my hole a bit, added some more spit and then lubed me, pressing his cock head against my hole and forcing his way in. He was so tall the angle of alignment was a bit difficult for us, but after a couple of tries his cock slid into my ass. Then, without giving any time to adjust, he commenced giving me a good hard fucking. The sounds of our activities attracted a few onlookers who stood in the doorway and watched us fuck. About five or six minutes of power-fucking, the tall Dutch guy withdrew from my ass, pulled up his trousers and left the room. I knew he hadn't cum, so I assumed he had had his fill of my ass - at least for the time being. One of the guys who had been watching from the doorway immediately took the place of the tall guy. I hadn't really gotten a good look at him to see who was now occupying my hole, but his cock felt great. He fucked me for only about four minutes and then groaned, emptying his load into my ass. Once he had finally filled my ass with his load and had withdrawn from my hole, I finally catch a glimpse of him. He looked to be in his mid 50s, somewhat stocky and hairy. He also had an uncut, six inch cock, which naturally was quite cummy, so I bent over and licked his cock clean. Afterwards I pulled myself together and left to explore the other rooms. I was walking down the narrow hallway towards the straight cinema. As I passed one of the three small private room off the hallway I could see one was occupied by a tall figure who was standing in the shadowy corner. Stepping into the room, I was able to get a better look at him. He appeared to be in his late 50s, or perhaps in his early 60s. I could also see he was very tall, as it seemed are most Dutch men. I also saw his zipper was down and his long, limp cock was protruding. I closed and latched the door, taking a seat on the chair. He immediately stepped in front of me, placing his limp cock to my lips. I sucked him all the way down into the back of my throat, giving him long, complete strokes with my tongue and lips, pleasuring his cock as I massaged his balls. Moaning and groaning in pleasure, he spewed dirty comments to me in Dutch. His cock, meanwhile, quickly engorged, and as it turned out, not only was he a fast grower, he was also a fast cummer: once he was fully erect, he ejaculated a load into my mouth. We went from limp to cumming in under three minutes. After he filled my mouth with his load, in typical straight man fashion he quickly zipped up and left the booth and the store. His departure behavior strongly suggested he was a straight guy. I again went to the main gay cinema. Two guys were sucking each other while laying on the leather sofas. Another guy was in one of the private rooms behind the room. I stepped into the private room that he was in and felt his crotch. Under his Levis he was hard, so I undid his belt, unzipped his fly, and pulled out what appeared to be a six inch uncut dick, giving him a vigorous suck. To my pleasure his cock grew to be a bit longer than six inches, as well as quite thick. Moving under his cock, I licked and sucked his balls, whereupon he turned and put his ass to my face. I did the scratch and sniff test and he seemed to pass. So, I fully spun him around and began to lick and munch on his hole. He didn't want me to fuck him, but definitely enjoyed my tongue in his hole. Finally he turned and slapped his cock on my face. I opened my mouth and his cock slid up into my mouth. I sucked furiously on his cock, until he groaned and blew his cum into my mouth. I pulled down some paper towels from the dispenser, we both cleaned up, he left and I went back to the straight cinema where I found two guys making out while laying on the sofa. I also noticed one of the glory hole doors closed, so I entered the adjoining booth which contained two glory holes, one on each side. Peaking through the hole I got a glimpse of a nice looking guy in his early 50s. Not surprisingly he was stroking his cock through his trousers. I went down on my knees, fingered the hole, and waited. Unzipping, he moved up to the glory hole and presented his partially hard cock. I feverishly licked, sucked and worshiped his ample cock. He was rock hard in just moments. Pre-cum was already squirting from his cock so I knew he wouldn't take long before he blew. "Do you want to fuck me?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. I stood, turned, dropped my pants, bent over, grabbing the folding chair to brace myself as he spit on my ass and then slid into me in one, quick thrust. I didn't get the chance to even take a hit of poppers as I was struggling to remain in the right position, as he fucked me hard and fast. Within moments, he let out a growl as he filled my ass with his load. Afterwards we both cleaned up as best we were able. Then he was off and out the door of the shop. At this point I had spent about ninety minutes at the shop, so I left to visit the sight seeing places of interests that I had originally planned to see, making it to the Royal Palace, the Parliament Building, the Mauritshuis Museum, and a few other sites, but by far the best part of the day were the cocks and loads I took when my visit to the Hague began.
    2 points
  18. About 10 min ago! Had a young friend over, he is 25 and super hot! Just wanted to fuck me. Well, he arrives, I am waiting in bed. He comes in, I am ass up face down. I feel him sliding up the bed, and pulling the covers off of me. He starts playing with my ass, then moves in and starts licking it! I could't help but moan! Sticking his tongue deep in my ass, he starts reaching under and playing with my cock! Eventually he moves up and starts running his cock between my now very slippery wet ass cheeks! Teasing my hole, every time his cock head slides over it! I love love this feeling! I know he is going to plunge into my ass as he draws back, lines up, and slides right in! Fucking felt so nice! He has such a nice hard cock, maybe 8 to 9' and rock hard! He begins hammering into me, deep strokes, then eases out after 5 min or so! I know he is trying to draw it out, and close to cumming! Slides back in, pulls me up to my knees, spreads my legs and really gets a pounding going, calling me a slut, take his Daddy dick! I am begging for his cum, ream my hole, and soon enough, he pushes in, holds still, and is filling me with cum! Gets his cock nice and shallow, cumming more right near my ass entrance! Pulls out slowly, pulls my ass apart, and starts rubbing his cum around! I am so rock hard now to, he reaches under and is rubbing my cock! I am so close to cumming, and then he gets right in and starts licking my ass! That was too much for me, and I am screaming as I am cumming all over the bed! A huge load of cum! He licks for a couple of more minutes, then gets up, and pushes his cock back into me, stroking me and fucking me for a minute or two more, then pulling out, thanking me, saying we have to do this again soon, and he is gone! So so hot! I am ready for more! Wow!
    2 points
  19. Just spent all night naked in the bookstore. After getting 12 cocks and loads I walked out of the room naked and put a post it note on the glass display showing the videos and channels saying that a cumdump bottom was in room 6. A Latino out there ran a finger up my ass and, feeling the cum, said in Spanish he wanted to fuck me. I just turned my ass around to him and offered it up and a few guys said I was a whore. Told them I'd suck them or let them fuck me so had 4 guys follow me back to the room where I bent over the side. They all ended up dumping their loads in me. O lube needed because I already had the best lube in me.
    2 points
  20. Craigslist ad I posted saying I was looking for cock after bar closed didn't get any reply until 3am. I was about to call it a night when I got an email asking me where I was. I was drunk and just gave my address without asking for any info. I got undressed and sat on couch, figuring I'd just sleep there if the guy didn't show. Anyways, 15 minutes later I see headlights in the driveway. I turn on porch light, and I see this little guy get out of his car. He's maybe 5-6", lean as hell, bald, and a unkept beard. Maybe around 30 yrs or so. So I open the door and greet him naked, and he's all smiles and rubs my belly before walking past me inside. I can smell bourbon and cigarette smoke, and I love it. I walk him into the living room and have a seat on the couch. He walks right over and pulls out his cock. It's a soft 6", but once I start sucking it grows to like 8-9" and a nice girth. He starts with his dirty talk, and is fucking my mouth nice n steady. I pull off and ask if he'd like to fuck me, and he doesn't answer right away, so I get on the floor with my ass facing him and before I have to ask again he's behind me pushing in. Fuck it felt great! As he starts fucking he's saying it's his first guy fuck and damn it feels good. That got me going so I started encouraging him to fuck me good. After a few minutes I was telling him to nut in my ass, to breed me deep and put all his cum inside me. He must have liked being encouraged, as he started thrusting harder and finally starting cumming, telling me I was getting his load. He sat on couch and I licked his cock clean. As I stood up after, he reached up and felt my hole, fingering his cum running out of my ass. He said to give him a few minutes and he'd fuck me again. He did. 2 more times over the next hour. The last time, he gave me a reach around after he came in my ass. Craigslist can wok out sometimes.
    2 points
  21. In DC for a couple days and decided to check out the Crew Club last night after getting into town. Pretty good setup and nice and clean. Got my room, stripped down, lubed my hole and put my jock on and went for a walk to check things out. Saw a couple tops lying in their rooms and said hello including one black one that looked like he had a nice cock although he had his towel over it. Went back to my room and lay face down with the door open. The black guy came by about 5 minutes later and started rubbing my ass. When he felt my hole already lubed, he shut the door and mounted me sliding what felt like a nice fat 7" inch cock into me. Fucked me good for about 10 minutes and blew a nice big load inside me. Acted kind of surprised when I thanked him, lol. Went wandering again and played with a couple of cocks in the steam room although it was too hot to fuck in there. Found the dark room and just sat on the bench for a while until a top came in a fed me his cock...a nice thick 6-1/2 one with an up curve to it. Once it was hard, I stood up, put my hands on the wall and bent over. He sank it into me and he had some moved...fast, slow, hard, soft, changing angles. We had an audience and he decided to play pimp offering my ass up to the other guys. Older black guy stepped up and while the first guy held my ass open, slid what felt like a baseball bat inside me, just took my breath away. I think he rearranged my insides with that thing. Fucked me good for about 5 minutes while the first guy pinched my nipples and talked dirty in my ear about what a fucking whore I was. I could actually feel the cum spraying my insides when he came. He smacked my ass once as he pulled out and was gone. His cum started dripping out and the first guy stepped up again, rubbed his cock in it and jammed it back inside me but I guess watching me get bred had him all worked up because he came about 2 minutes later. Wandered back to my room and changed into my other jock because the first one was soaked from all the cum leaking out of me. Stayed for about another hour, but nothing else really happening and I still had to catch the Metro back to my hotel and it stopped running at 11:00 so I left. All in all, a pretty good night :-)
    2 points
  22. Halloween: the night when all the freaks come out, and I decided, as I usually did, to join them. Usually I go as the sexy pizza boy or shirtless lumberjack. I get a lot of grabs and looks from the boys at the bars, all in the name of harmless sexy fun. However, this year I decided to go as the Dark Knight Batman: a little dark, totally anonymous with the face mask, and I get to let my inner nerd out. I also decided that since I'm 26, I don't have to be treated like an object at every costume party, at least this year. I live with my parents close to the local college which my younger brother attends, now 21 and in his junior year. He is almost always out at parties or bars, he just sleeps here. Sometimes. Anyhow, since around here Halloween gets very noisy and disruptive, my parents went on a weekend get away, leaving the house in my care. On the big night, I prepared myself for the festivities, dressing in flattering torso armor, armored tights, half mask, utility belt, phone, keys, cash, my ID, and a couple condoms and couple lube packets- after all, a superhero is prepared for all forms of combat. A couple of my boys wanted to meet up at the local leather bar rather than our normal hangout. Since Halloween is a Saturday this year, the bars are going to be packed. The leather bar usually has fewer people, but it has surprisingly good music and a small dance floor. Drinks are cheap, too, so I'm looking forward to the party, and to get fully in the mood, I made myself a couple of vodka tonics, and down them just before I left the house to await an Uber at the end of the driveway. As I stood there, I could feel the vodka kicking in, I must have poured them stronger than I thought, it's going to be some night! The driver could tell I was drunk by the time we got close to the bar. There was utility truck and a small crowd, so he had to drop me off down the street. I stepped out, thanked him, to which he replied, "Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun! Stay safe!" I laughed. I felt sexy, I was solidly buzzed, I loved how the tights clung to me. I still had my runner's body from college. I was giving myself a hardon, and I chucked: the plastic codpiece let me sport full mast and no one was the wiser. As I approached the bar building, I heard a guy beckon, "What's got 'ya grinning, Batman?" I turned and looked, and saw a beautiful specimen in a snake-scale body suit and had a cobra half-mask with open hood around his neck standing the entrance to the alley leading behind the bar. "Whoa..." I stuttered, "y-you do." I suddenly gained my composure and pretended to play cool. I glanced down and saw an unsupported bulge in the spandex pants and I licked my lips. "Hot costume. Looks like you're a very big snake!" I stepped closer to him and he stepped closer to me. "You're too kind!" he said, pretending to be bashful, placing a hand on my chest. "But you see, I'm cold blooded. I grow a little as things heat up." "Really?" I stepped closer and started to lean in. "Sounds like we need to heat you up and get you all stretched out. You must be all cramped up." I could feel my heart begin to race. I'm never this quick and obvious, but the vodka and my concealed erection were speaking on my behalf, and it's working. The cobra guy suddenly puts a hand behind my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. Our masks just barely let us kiss. I lean in entirely into his body, minding my codpiece and moved to the side slightly, allowing his slowly growing cock to press firmly against my thigh. A couple guys whistled as they passed behind us, one even grabbed my ass, pushing me into Cobra a little more. I felt a cold spot soak through my tights: a precummer, sweet. We continued to make out for a minute and I had to have him. It was clear for the moment, both of us looked around, grinned devilishly and Cobra grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the alley. Barely turning the corner, we continued to make out with abandon. My hand ran down his body suit and to my relief, found the waist of his tights. I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth and felt around with my other hand to find the waist at his other hip. He laughed as I pulled on his lip and started to lower his tights. His cock sprang out as soon as it was free from the spandex. It was a nice seven and a half inches, thicker than my own, uncut with loose foreskin. I was a little jealous- I remember as kids my parents explaining they changed their minds about circumcision when I saw my brother's peeper was different than mine. Ever since, I had foreskin envy. Seeing that uncut beauty, I immediately dropped to my knees. One of the plastic knee pads jabbed under my kneecap and made me jump and readjust. It's ironic that these armored tights hurt. "Are you okay, Batman?" "Yea-" I gulped as I slid my mouth as far down that cock as I could go, pulling that supple foreskin with my lips. I felt my Snake's body shudder as the head of his cock hit the back of my throat. I wrapped my tongue around as much of the shaft as I could and started to swallow all my drool and all his precum that started gushing out. "Oh, God!" he yelped. It sounded like he was holding back tears. He gasped slightly every time I slid down his cock, brushing my tongue and lips across his foreskin. It sounded like he never felt a real blowjob before. I'm glad I was giving it to him. He took a deep breath and came down from his small piece of heaven, placed his hand under my chin to gesture me to look up. When I made eye contact with him with his dick still in my mouth, he started talking, "It's been a couple weeks since I've been able to sink that fang you're sucking on into something tasty, and I'm starving. Can I take a bite?" I nodded. All this character talk would normally be cheesy, but it made me even hotter. I slowly stood up, letting his dick pop out of my mouth in one smooth motion. I reached into my utility belt and found the lube packets and set them on the lid of a trashcan next to us. I reached back into the pouch, trying to feel for the condoms when I felt Cobra's hand unsnapped my belt and pulled my own tights down. I stuttered, "wait a-" when I felt his hands bend me over and his tongue slide in me. Getting rimmed while drunk is amazing, I instantly relaxed and moaned as his spit started to invade me. I put my hands on the wall in front of me, pushing my hole on his tongue. I felt him stand up and felt an equally wet cockhead against my hole, and I instinctively pushed back and wiggled to help get his rod into me. He was a little thicker than I was ready for so I stood still for a second. Cobra knew why I stopped for a second and I felt him squeeze another lube packet onto his partly-inserted dick. I took a deep breath and he took that opportunity to slide the rest of the way in. I grunted and moaned when he hit me balls deep. He impaled me breathless. He was the perfect size to stretch me to capacity without pain. He held there for about twenty seconds. I felt his cock twitch in me, buried to the hilt. He was sharing this heavenly moment with me. His cock pulsed in me again, and my prostate tingled, causing me to involuntarily shudder. He inhaled rather forcefully and whimpered, "Damn..." as pulled his dick out slightly and pressed firmly back in. This brought me back down to Earth and awakened a cock frenzy I never felt before. I slid back and forth, almost letting Cobra's cock slip out of me slamming my full body weight back onto his dick. He grabbed my hips tightly and took control back from me. "Damn, this is the finest meal I've ever sunk my fang into!" He exclaimed as he gave my ass a slap. His breath heaved. "I recently charged up, been waiting almost a month for prey like you to try my potent venom on!" "Oh ye-yeah!" I grunted. "This feels too good, this is perfect!" as I succumbed to being my Cobra's meal. My hole started pulsing around his dick as he sent me into an anal orgasm and I moaned uncontrollably. Five minutes of constant solid pounding, I felt Cobra's body begin to shake, I knew he was close. He leaned over and spoke in my ear, "My fang is in you. It's toxic. It's about to shoot. Can I shoot my poison in you?!" By the tone of desperation in his voice I knew he had only a couple seconds before cumming. I clumsily nodded with my Batman mask teetering on my head, I pulled my ass as apart as I could and surrendered my hole. He tightened his grip on my hips and started full-force slamming into my ass. After the tenth thrust, he pulled my hips into him and held me there, neither of us could breathe. Five seconds later his cock started flexing in me and a torrent of cum was unleashed. His cockhead swelled with each jet which actually hurt. His dick went from the perfect size to swelling into something I could not fully handle. My hole disagreed and tightened and pulsed to match the spurting of his dick in me. We were startled by the sound of clapping. Two guys deeper in the alley watched the show without either of us noticing. They were a shorter muscle-built Latino and a taller black man. The Latino had his dick out and was fully hard. He was probably stroking for a few minutes as we unknowingly put on a show. Cobra laughed which made his dick throb in me. Being stimulated and embarrassed, I could only blush and look down. "Can't let any of that POZ load go to waste!" The Latino proclaimed as he started to walk up. "Nope! Go for it!" Cobra agreed as he pulled out of my hole, volunteering it. The Latino's cock was already underneath Cobra's dick to catch any cum that might leak out. I felt an ooze forming when I felt Latino's dick pressed against my hole. "That monster of yours and my load, this piece of meat has no chance!" I started to panic and pull away when the black man stepped up and pushed me down. I started replaying everything. I thought it was character talk, not him trying to poz me. I couldn't find the condoms in the utility belt then forgot about them. Latino started to push in. His cock was thicker than Cobra's. "Wow, that's one wet mess in there, he must've cum a bucket!" Latino just kept pressing in farther. I stiffened up. "Relax dude, he already filled you up, I'm just going to make sure it stays in there." Latino wasn't even as deep as Cobra was in me as I felt impossibly full- all of that really was cum. Latino chuckled, "Now for the fun part!" He pushed firmly but slowly into my hole. "Lee, for my next trick, I'm going to pop this boy's 2nd ring cherry!" He commented to his black companion. I heard a cell phone bloop as Cobra somehow produced his iPhone. "Damn, I wanted to watch this, but I gotta go!" Cobra tucked his cock back in his tights and straightened his costume. "Make me proud!" He laughed as he hurriedly marched out of the alley. "Yessir!" replied Latino. He pressed deeper into me and the pressure was getting intense. Lee was holding me down and Latino kept driving into me. My ass flexed and twitched on the inside, I felt a gush deep in me... My hole clenched Latino's cock again and I felt another gush. I now knew what he meant by popping my 2nd ring cherry. Latino moaned each time my ass clenched which made him push harder. Then he hit a spot and couldn't go deeper. It hurt. Latino spoke up, "There's that 2nd ring! I felt that other dude's load squeeze in there so it's nice and lubed up, but I gotta push the rest in. It's gonna hurt at first, but once my nine and a half is balls deep, you'll want to marry me." Latino could feel me panicking, my legs were shaking and Lee wasn't letting me up. "It's okay, take a couple deep breaths." I followed his instructions, knowing I had no choice. He felt me relax, "There you go, baby, this isn't bad. This sounds a little complicated, but grip my cock and push out when I tell you. Now breathe... Grip and push!" Latino leaned his whole body into me, my inside muscles started throbbing. I started yelping and Lee had to muffle me. All the pressure gave way and I felt Latino's pubes starting to scratch against me. I groaned involuntarily as my second ring was learning to relax around this thick cock which was now fully impaled in me. I somehow got fully hard and was on the edge of an orgasm. Latino grunted, "You're damn tight! God!" He started thrusting deep in me, "I can't hold back!" Within seconds Latino started to cum. The load shot deeper in me than anything has ever gone in me. His cock flexing in my second hole started to make me cum. His dick hurt but felt incredible. I shot a spurt onto the ground. Lee was able to catch some of it and fed it to Latino. Latino was coming down from his orgasm and snorted in laughter, "Sweet like a virgin!" Latino started to pull out- I shuddered as he extracted from the second ring and let out a gentle moan as each inch tugged out of me. He had two inches left in me and he commanded, "Tighten that hole!" To which I complied. He suddenly jerked the final two inches out to a 'pop' like a wine bottle being opened. I sighed in relief. "Good to the last drop?" Lee teased Latino. "Always!" as Latino slapped my exposed battered hole. "Cool. It's my turn, yo!" Lee unzipped and let out his seven inches. Latino moved to my shoulders and Lee moved behind me and slid all the way in me. I offered no resistance, my hole had no resistance left, Lee was able to pump into my hole at will. Bending over me and whispering in my ear, "I love a worn out hole. I only fuck sluts like you." Lee continued his pace for another minute and unceremoniously ejaculated in me. "Last deposit of the night!" And pulled out. Lee zipped up and patted Latino on the shoulder. "Time for drinks!" They walked down the alley laughing, leaving me with my armor tights at my knees, already forgotten. I pulled up my tights, sat on a crate next to the trash can and took off the Batman mask. I'm amazed it stayed on the whole time, it nearly fell off a couple times. I looked down at the ground. Two wrapped condoms. They must have fallen out as I was looking in my utility belt. My utility belt... Some superhero I was... I couldn't even work that right. I opened one of the pouches on the belt and found my phone. A couple text messages were sent about ten minutes ago- friends wondering where I was, saying the dance floor was amazing tonight. I texted back, "Srry. Feeling Sick. Staying home." I sat there for ten more minutes and recollected myself. I stood up, put my Batman mask back on and walked out of the alley. A taxi was chilling just down from the bar entry. I walked over, hopped in and ordered him home. The cab driver said, "Great costume- done partying already?!" "Yeah. Kinda not feeling well." "Aww. That's too bad. We'll get you home quick and you can get to rest." The rest of the cab ride was silent. I tossed him a twenty, almost double the fare and hopped out without a word. I got in the door, stripped my costume off as I started climbing the stairs, threw it in my room and walked naked to the bathroom, where a cool shower greeted and comforted me. I dried off, put on a pair of boxers and went back downstairs to watch TV in the living room. I woke up about an hour later to the front door unlocking. My brother came in the door and carrying a couple bags. I got up to greet him, "Rick, I'm surprised you're home tonight. I thought you would crash at one of your bud's." Rick put his bags down next to the living room stairs. "Yeah, but I gotta come home sometime, this is where I keep my clean underwear." We laughed. I glanced at him- tank top and basketball shorts. He's usually commando in those so yep, home is where your undies are. "Thought you'd be out with your boys at one of your gay bars. No Slutty Starbucks Barista this year?" Rick asked. "Nah, got dressed, went out, started to feel sick, came back. I started prepartying, didn't sit well." "That sucks." "Did you go out?" I asked Rick. "Yeah. A few of us got in costume, went around some of the Houses. I'm not as wasted as I should be!" Rick peeled off his tank top and threw it on top of one of the bags. "Tomorrow's laundry. Gonna turn in, absolutely drained, you know." He looked at me with a naughty glint. "Oh, really- deets then bed!" "Just some bar skank, met passing in front of a bar, wandered into a back alley, didn't get a name... Costumes and all made it one of the hottest hookups ever. Like I said- drai-ained! K, night!" Proud of his account, Rick promptly ran up the stairs and abruptly closed his bedroom door, shaking the handrail, knocking over one of his laundry bags, spilling its contents. A cobra mask rolled out. ~fin~
    1 point
  23. I was out of town on business. Of course, I stopped in at the baths. It was half price lockers and rooms that night. So even though it was a weeknight, the place was packed. I had a lot of fun. Sucked a couple of cocks, got fucked by a so-so guy...just to get things going, and fucked a couple of willing holes in the steam room. But I held my nut. Still, I was feeling very randy and my inhibitions, if I had any by that point, were fully suppressed. I had just finished fucking a boy and headed to the shower. And there he was...barrel chested, massive arms, broad shoulders, a bit shorter than me, red hair, blue eyes, MAJOR beard, and random tattoos EVERYWHERE that seemed to float above his pale skin. Stunning. And the fucker had a damn thick fucktool hanging between his legs and HUGE balls. Just scorching hot. He was standing there in the shower rinsing off and chatting-up who I assume was either his buddy or his most recent fuck. I wasted no time. None. Too much competition around for me to play it cool. He didn't even see me walk into the shower area. I walked directly up to him and grabbed his fat swinging meat. He turned to me. And before he could say a damn thing, I leaned in close, eye to eye, and said "Room 221...NO LIMITS. ANYTHING you fuckin want!". I held his cock and his gaze for a moment longer, letting him know I meant what I said. The look in his eyes and the feel of his fuckpole told me my message had been received. I turned and walked away before he could say a word. I went back to my room and waited. Stroking my cock in anticipation. I didn't have to wait long before he walked in, his towel dropped to the floor and so did I. I hit my knees and sucked his beautiful thick meat. He seemed to like it, but it wasn't getting him too hard. Abruptly, he turned around, put one foot up on the mattress and parted his ass. NOT what I had expected. But OK. I started licking his freshly washed fuckhole. Pink, tender, and oh so warm. I rarely eat ass, but this guy made me want it. (His being freshly washed certainly helped.) "Fuck, man - put it in me" he growled. OK...not what I was looking for, but also not a problem. As I had laid down some good spit and I was rock hard, I slid right in and pushed my entire weight against his. Be began cursing me. Actually growling. Ordering me to get on with it. Commanding me fuck him. So I did. Oh yeah...I did... I fucked him standing, bent over, legs up and a couple of other ways I cant even remember. And as I fucked him he became super hard. All the while cursing me out like a sailor. The more I long dicked him, the filthier his language, and the harder he got. And I mean, that cock was hard as steel - a nine inch wrecking bar. Suddenly, he ripped himself away from me. Quite violently, really. Then pulled me up to him. There was fire in his eyes. “Gonna pound your fuckin’ cunt!”. He spit those words at me. “Understand?!”, it was NOT a question. He smacked me hard across the face. I was stunned for a moment. He took control of my body; with absolute authority he pushed me to my knees on the rack. “Gonna split your fuckin pussy!”, he hissed as he brought his cock up my crack. I had no time to lube his cock or my hole. In a hot second he punched himself into me and was all-out pounding my hole from behind with THE HARDEST DAMN COCK I've ever taken. Sweat providing the only lube I would get. I was breathless. Overwhelmed. Pinned down by his steel rod pistoning into me without mercy, I flailed under him. He got loud - I got loud. He got louder. My senses were overwhelmed. I was sweating like I never had. The room was an oven. I opening the door. I was getting the fuck of my life and I needed to be seen...seen being used like meat. The doorway quickly filled with admirers. “Game On, Fuckhole!”, he sneered wickedly at me as his holewrecking intensifed. And he absolutely ravaged, RAVAGED, my cunt...viciously fucking me. Urgently, savagely - like a piece of meat - he yelled out “You like this, fuckhole? You like being used like a BITCH?!” He was a man posessed. He was assaulting my hole. Angry fucking with a vengeance I had never experienced. I fought to catch my breath. He slapped my ass - HARD. This was an animal charging up my hole. A force of nature, unstoppable. His rail splitter destroying my cunt. "THIS WHAT YOU WANT? THIS HOW YOU NEED IT?!”, he yelled. “Yeah...yeah...use it...take me...breed me...”, I stammered. My hole being absolutely wrecked. ”Oh you’re gonna get it, fuckhole....and you’re gonna get SOOO MUCH MORE!” As those words passed his lips, a long string of precum practically poured out of my turgid cock. I moaned at the prospect of this animal charging up my cunt. “Do it, fucker! Do it! CHARGE ME UP!!” I cried...I begged. ”You want it?! YOU WANT MY TOXIC LOAD, FUCKHOLE?!” I could tell he was barely holding it back. ”DO IT, FUCKER! PAINT MY GUTS! POZ. MY. FUCKIN. CUNT!” That’s all he needed. He dug his fingers into my flesh and he let loose an primal yell as he filled my wrecked pussy with his toxic load. Over and over he spasmed and spunked inside me. He churned his cream into me. Then he leaned in and growled in my ear, “I just fuckin’ POZZED your ass”. And that’s all it took - for the first time (in a long time) I shot a hands free load. Mind blown. I was gone. We, both of us, fell onto the rack - panting. My hole destroyed and distended. Wrecked. Beleive it or not, a smattering of applause came from the half dozen of so men watching at the door. We both had forgotten about them. “Thank you...thank you...don’t forget to tip your waitress!”, I announced as I closed the door. We had a really good laugh at that. An honest hearty bellylaugh. He was smiling sweetly through the thicket of his beard. The demon that had destroyed my hole was gone. The fire in his eyes was quenched - now a beautiful cool blue. My god he was beautiful. He pulled me against him. We lay there catching our breath. He ran his fingers on my wrecked, distended pussy...making me moan...making me whimper. We chatted awhile. Turns out; he is a natural top, actually hates getting fucked. His cursing me out? Not a show. But he can only get hard enough to fuck if he's been fucked first. Takes all kinds, huh? I told him how hot he looked in the shower, how fucking majestic his cock is, and how awesome a fucker he is. He actually blushed at that. This bull of a man BLUSHED at a compliment. Wow. All the while, his finger circled my pussylips...absently...like he owned it. And in fairness, he had every right to do so, for this bull of a man had claimed it like NO man ever had. He told me about his tats. He said he liked to my no nonsense attitude and complimented me for not pussying out on my no limits promise. That he rarely got to go balls out savage like he just had with me. He said that sheepishly. I thanked him for the recharge. He liked hearing that. After awhile, we stood...there was that awkward moment when he was about to leave. And then, he leaned in and kissed me for the first and only time...tenderly. His hand, that earlier had felt like a vise, softly caressing my face. It was a sublime moment. And then I watched as he walked down the hall, his towel draped over his right shoulder...the bare bulbs overhead causing his red hair to intermittently blaze, and his perfect white cheeks to glow as he passed under each one before turning the corner and disappearing. Neither of us asked the others’ name. I still think of my Red Bull.
    1 point
  24. I was on my way home from work yesterday when Jony called. Although I do not get to see him a lot, he is one hot fucking top. I met him before I started chasing, but we did not fuck until he was sure I was chasing. He is drop dead gorgeous, in my book. A native of the Caribbean, he has that mixed race skin tone that was born during sex between the French and African workers. He is also blessed with a great cock...8 inches, big in diameter, but not too big. The real bonus is that it has that perfect curve that will ensure a prostrate will be well massaged by the time he blasts his load. He is also one of those guys who seems to "improve" after using T.....he has fucked me for well over an hour--only stopping for arranging a new position. He knows how to use his long, lean frame to gain great leverage. Bottom line, he is a great fucker. Still, he lives some distance and we have some age difference, so we just don't get together often enough. When I heard that beautiful accent on the phone, my ass started throbbing. He was in my general area, with a cousin. The cousin was stranded due to the Hurricane, so they came to Asheville for a weekend of fun. Henri, the cousin, had been in the US for a couple weeks and had been enjoying the opportunity to fuck some white ass. But, they were out of weed and need some. My heart kind of dropped, they were gonna play, but looked like I was just a connection. Oh well, WTF. I told them to come on over. I had just picked up some really nice local stuff. Certainly not the most potent, but really nice smoke. Good, chilling' relaxin' smoke. An hour later they were at my door. Damn! Jony was looking so fucking fine. I know I often talk of any cock any time....looks and crap do not matter. But shit, he is just SOOOO good looking. Henri was not slouch. Not as tall, not as buff, but a beautiful almost black skin tone, hair in dreds and some great tats. I got the weed and handed them a pretty good baggieful. Henri suggest perhaps we sample it. I was not asking for cash, so that was a sign he wanted to hang a bit...I thought. I got out my biggest bong...freshly cleaned and sparkling. They both lit up with they saw it...it is a great instrument for getting high quickly. I let Jony do the honors of packing a bowl and Henri took that first puff. A strong session of repeated puff puff pass quickly started. With very little talk, we just enjoyed that gentle dragon relax us. A couple bowls later, we slowed a bit and drifted into conversation. No doubt, Irma was the biggest topic. Although it looks like Henri's home was spared, transportation was not available. We talked about being queer in our respective cultures. Bashed Trump with glee. After another bowl or two, Henri asked for a pipe. I got him one but he waved it away. Then I saw why. He had an 8-ball of T in his hand and was ready to make some clouds. Hmmmm....maybe there would be some Island dick in my ass after all. I went to the other room and got my T supplies, proper pipe(s) a good torch and some points and all the other trappings of dancing with Lady T. With experienced hands, Henri fired off the first round of that dreamy white smoke. After we passed the pipe a second time, it was clear we were all "getting there". In fact, almost as if commanded to do so, we all stripped our shirts off, the warmth of that good lady starting to make itself known. Hell, I was ready for anything and offered to set up some points. Hearing no objections, I measured out three .4 and started to dissolve the crystals. This was some decent stuff, nice crystals, smelled right, tasted right.....if it was cut, was not cut much. I filled the point (a fresh one) and put it on the try. I figured one of them would pick it up and find the mark. Never one to turn down a needle, Jony quickly was depressing the plunger. It is so hot watching someone do that--and then watching them move into the T-zone. A couple small coughs told me that Jony was THERE. I repeated the prep and handed the rig to Henri. He was just as accomplished with the syringe as he was with the pipe. He easily raised a vein, got the red signal that all was good and soon had a dose coursing in his veins. The heat was obvious, his black skin was glistening almost as soon as he laid the rig back on the tray. I followed suit as quickly as possible and my own cough announced we were all flying on T. Like so many times, a little T turns lips loose. The conversation was animated and wide ranging. But very soon it turned to fucking. Again, without any real discussion we were all nude and my visitors were both sporting amazing hard-ons. I knew what the expect from Jony. It was a real pleasure to see Henri was swinging some great meat as well. Longer, thinner and no curve to speak of, it still had a massive head, decorated with a single 0 Prince Albert. A PLUS sign tattoo at it's based, confirmed what I expected, Henri was POZ like his cousin. I sucked both of those brown beauties for a while, and both went to hardened steel status with little encouragement. The Tina was making my ass throb. I needed FUCKED and fucked hard. I backed put to Henri and he worked a bit to get his tip in the right spot. But once he got settled, he drove that long pole balls deep in one smooth thrust. It was just painful enough to enjoy, knowing I had a great cock starting to pound my ass. Not to be left out, Jony offered that curved dick to my still hungry lips. With a little work, we were soon in a great rhythm---with me getting spit-roasted between two BBC. I am not sure it can get much better than that: great cock, great guys, great T, good weed. I lost track of time as we fucked, sucked, changed positions and fucked some more. It was almost an hour after that first prick of a needle, that I noticed the time. I had had one of those rods in my ass nearly that whole time. I figured we were getting close to pay off. I wanted their cum and I wanted it in my ass. I told them as much and it was clear they agreed. Within a half hour, both of them had delivered a great load. A three way is always great...especially if I am getting all the dick. This one was quite amazing. I got up from the bed and inserted an ass plug to preserve the POZ pleasure in my ass. We collapsed on the bed and continued talking. Now, a bit more quiet, but just good conversation. Three POZ queers, sharing drugs, cock and cum, we were all content in the moment. Jony and I know the circumstance of each other's POZZING. I was a chaser, he was a sex worker in Miami for a number of year. We compared notes about our "conquests" as tops. I had just confirmed my number 4, Jony knows of several, but quite likely there are more. Jony urged Henri to tell his story. Reluctant at first, another round of needle pricks loosened him up. He did not start queering until he was in the military. He was raped, but realized it was great sex. Soon, he was a confirmed homo. Sill he was a bit restricted due to his duties as a military policeman. In 2012, he was sent to Cuba as an Embassy guard. His deployment was for 12 months and he learned to enjoy what Havana had to offer during that time. Although he was a native French speaker, he had learned Spanish as well. His color, features and Spanish skills allowed him to frequent the largely underground gay world of Cuba. It was only during a physical exam as he was separating from the military, that he learned that one of those Cuban cocks had infected his ass. He had a lifetime souvenir from his golden days on that island. He then got quiet and much more serious. He indicated that he was ok with being POZ and recognized it was a "by-product" of his sexual desires. But just as he was fully accepting his status, he got hit with another bombshell. He had been infected with the CRF19 strain that was something of an issue. Hard to treat, short time (3-5 years) from infection to full blown AIDS, Henri was carrying one of the most lethal bugs. He nearly whispered as he stated that while he was on medication, it was largely ineffective. Not only was he "detectable" but his CD4 number was now in the low 30's---he had progressed to AIDS. SON-OF-A-FUCKING-MOTHER FUCKING-BITCH. I know had that deadly cum in my ass. My rational brain keep trying to tell me that getting a second infection is rare. But, my active brain was starting to go ape-shit. But, the more we talked, the more I started processing it. I was almost shocked when I heard what must have been my voice asking for more. I sucked him back to life, Jony pulled out my plug and Henri went back to work. A half hour or so later, my ass plug was holding in my second exposure to CRF19. By the time they left this morning, I had one more. Jony deposited his brand of toxicity again as well. I do not believe I would have consented, had I known up front. But after the fact, that was one erotic fuck session. When I was begging for that second load, once I knew what it contained, I begged and pleaded like I never have before. Something in my very soul was driving me to accept that fucked up cum and bug into my ass. What the hell would you have done?
    1 point
  25. The Freshman 10 – My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass. Just six hours ago I was running late for my last class, on the last day of my first week at the University of Maryland (UMD), in College Park, Maryland. While the school was not quite as far away from my family down on the Eastern Shore as I might have wanted, the Robert H. Smith School of Business at UMD was one of the best, so I promised mom and dad I would ‘come home often’ – yeah right – and they agreed to pay for school. Breathlessly I opened the door to the class, heard the professor’s booming voice, and slunk into an empty seat in the back row where I was greeted with a warm smile and the most amazing eyes by the guy sitting beside me. I could barely focus on what the professor was saying as I kept glancing at my classmate, his light brown skin, his strong jaw line, the way he sat a little forward in his seat paying attention while lightly tapping his pencil on his notebook. Flashes of our naked bodies pressed together crowded my mind, my dick strained against my jeans, and I missed most of what the professor said. Class ended, and as I was gathering up my things to leave my new classmate held out his hand, smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Kevin, Kevin Durant.” I blinked real fast, realized I was taking too long to reply, grabbed his hand and shook it too vigorously as I said all flustered, “Hi, nice to meet you,” and then I dropped my cell phone. “Fuck,” I said as I shook my head, slammed my books down and almost bumped into Kevin’s head as we both went to bend down to grab the phone. Kevin laughed, he got there first, handed my phone back to me and said, “I think it’s OK. Hey, if you’re done for the day I’m happy to share my notes with you on what you missed. I live close by so we can go by my place or just hang out on campus, whatever you prefer.” I almost dropped my phone again but managed to say, “Your place would be GREAT – um, that’s cool, yeah.” Oh God. I sounded like a complete idiot. Kevin said we would take his car, which was good as I was not sure I could find mine without poring over my map and looking stupid, and as we walked we made small talk, realized we were both in the same business program and had almost all of our classes together. Unlike my hand-me-down Volvo, Kevin had a tricked out and brand new Cadillac ELR sports coupe with a red paint job that made it simmer. We hopped in, Kevin banged on the steering wheel a couple of times and smiled with pride, “Just love that new car smell. Had to work fucking hard for this. My dad bought it for me, but he’s a fucking task master like you wouldn’t believe.” As the car revved up and we took off, I eased back in the high-grain leather seats and did not know I would soon come to find that out for myself. A short drive later we pulled up to a nice size house that had a few other cars in the driveway and only then did I think Kevin may still live with his parents. I had just assumed he was in a student house like me. Kevin led me around back, through a side door, and into a large apartment in the lower level. “Go on, make yourself comfortable, I got to piss,” Kevin said. I set my stuff down and wandered around his living room looking at pictures on the wall, then to his bookshelves and noted he liked to read sci-fi, which I did too. I then started thumbing through his DVD collection and about shit myself when I came across an entire shelf of porn – not just any porn – gay porn! My hands shook as I pulled one out. Damn! My parents would have skinned me alive if I had anything like that at my house – Jesus! Kevin came back out and saw what I was looking at before I could put it back on the shelf. He smiled, “Oh man, that is like my favorite one! You seen it before? Wait, what about this one? Seen that one?” I could only shake my head and hope Kevin did not notice the bulge in my pants. We sat down at the table, Kevin grabbed a couple sodas, and we started to review the info I had missed. Shit, this class was going to be intense, but Kevin said we could study together and that made me feel better. Once we finished, Kevin stood up, “Come on upstairs. I’ll introduce you to my old man. He works from home, has a technology consulting firm, pretty cool shit.” Kevin bounded up the stairs and I raced to keep up. The house was pretty impressive, but nothing like his dad. Kevin’s father was standing by a window looking out at his back lawn while speaking to someone on his blue tooth phone headset. His dress shirt was cut tight and I could see thick, hard nipples on his firm chest. The dress pants he wore showed the muscular curves of his ass and when he turned, I paused as I took in the long curve of his dick running down his right leg. He was a much bigger version of Kevin, taller, thicker, his skin several shades darker. His hair was cut tight, his face clean, and the gold rings and watch attested to his success. Kevin quietly started to point to various awards and things on the wall as he father finished his call and when he was done, he pulled the blue tooth out of his ear, walked over, gave Kevin a big hug then about broke my hand as he grabbed it, shook it hard and said, “You’re a friend of Kevin’s? Nice to meet you, nice to meet you. Come on in, take seat, so what are you boys up to?” I followed Kevin’s lead, sat down, and listened as Kevin reported to his dad all he had been up in the past 24-hours. His dad asked me a few questions about where I was from, my family, and then made his apologies as he had to take another call. On the way back to Kevin’s apartment downstairs we stopped and he pointed to several pictures on the wall. “That’s my mom,” he said in a voice laced with sadness. “She passed away a few years ago, so it’s just my dad and I now.” One last stop at a restaurant size fridge and Kevin asked, “Want some beer?” I was not 21 yet but said, “Yeah, OK, sure.” We got back downstairs, Kevin opened the bottles, we sat down on the couch, he then got up, pulled out the DVDs, found the porn I had looked at earlier and before I could say a word popped it in and started it up. He smiled, “You’ll love this! Oh wait, I never asked, sorry man, do you like guys even or girls or what?” Kevin was so open, calm, and relaxed about his sexuality and the fact that he did not act like the stereotype of a gay person that I had been raised with made it all the more disarming. I flushed a bit, looked away, then said, “I like guys I guess – I mean I like girls – but I like guys in that way – like that – but I’ve not had a lot of...” Kevin set his hand on my leg, squeezed it reassuringly, and said, “Really man? I guess I forget how lucky I have been. My mom and dad were supportive from the moment they knew when I was about 13. They knew before I did really, but they waited for me to catch up and when I did, they were there with love and support. Your parents don’t know?” I laughed nervously, “Fuck no! My mother would think I’ve been possessed by some evil creature and my father would then try to beat it out of me. No.” Kevin squeezed my thigh again, then surprised me as he leaned over, kissed my cheek, smiled and said, “Well then its good we met up right? No pressure here dude, but I have to admit I think you’re cute as fuck and going over the class notes was not the only reason I wanted to hang out.” Kevin then set his beer bottle on the coffee table, took mine out of my hand and set it on the table as well, leaned in and this time when he kissed me it was on the lips and I kissed him back. I leaned back on the couch as Kevin half laid on me, half on the couch, our hands exploring, our lips caressing. I paused and pushed at him a little, “What about your dad?” I asked. “He’s right upstairs!” Kevin chuckled, “Don’t worry. He’s cool. He won’t bother us. Anyways, he’s busy working.” A few more minutes of making out and I couldn’t take it anymore and finally reached down and grabbed Kevin’s hard bulge. He had been pressing it against my body and I ached to feel him and wanted to let him know. Kevin moaned, broke our kiss, stood up, pulled his shirt off, then did a slow-strip tease as he undid his pants, turned around, slowly pulled his shorts down, stepped out of clothes, then turned back so I could see him naked. Wow – fucking wow! That’s all I could think. His dick was rock hard, about 7 ½ inches long with a slight up curve on it. I sat up, leaned forward, and let him slide his hot dick in my mouth. I slowly worked my tongue around the head, up and down the shaft, then started to move my head back and forth trying to suck it like I had been taught by the one guy I had fucked around with back home. Kevin seemed to enjoy it and soon he held onto my shoulders, encouraging me to keep sucking, and I was lost in the feel of him in my mouth when suddenly he tensed and a river of cum started to flow from his dick. I gagged, tried to pull away, but Kevin held my head and said, “No, swallow, please, that feels so fucking good, please swallow it.” So I did, all the while realizing how much I loved the taste, and at the same time felt scared as I knew it was not a safe thing to do. Once Kevin was done, he leaned down, kissed me on the lips and ran his tongue into my mouth – “MMMM....luv the taste of a fresh load. Ever eat your own cum when you jerk off? I do all the time. I’m always so fucking horny and can cum several times a day, and eating it is just the best.” Kevin then plopped down on the couch and said, “OK, your turn,” with an evil glint in his eyes. I stood up, dropped my pants and clenched my jaw as Kevin swallowed my dick whole and began to work his tongue around. I shuddered, my thighs tensed, and I immediately blew my load his mouth and quickly started to apologize as Kevin sucked me dry, “I’m so sorry. That just felt so good, I couldn’t hold it at all, I’m...” Kevin looked up, ran his hand up my stomach, smiled and as he licked his lips said, “Chill man, it’s all good. I’ve got plenty more where mine came from and bet you do too?” I was not quite sure how to reply to that, but took the beer, sat back down, Kevin pulled my sneakers and pants off, and we leaned back on the couch watching the porn like nothing had happened – except our hard dicks twitching testified that we had been bad boys and probably would be some more. We barely finished another beer before we Kevin and I were a tangle of limbs on his bed, kissing, licking, fingering, squeezing, wrestling a bit to see who would be on top. Sex for me had always been a furtive, uptight, secretive thing and it was so fucking liberating to be with someone so free about it all and making it a joyous celebration! My balls felt like they were 3,000 feet underwater with how tight they were and the pressure to cum again was fucking intense as I tried to hold off. Kevin surprised me by jumping off his bed, getting flat on the floor, digging around a bit, then coming back up with a bottle of lotion held in his hand like the Olympic Torch. He squeezed some out onto two fingers, reached around, shoved his fingers in his own ass, sighed a little as he closed his eyes, pulled his fingers out, smiled at me and said, “You ready to fuck?” DAMN! While my mind tried to process that, my dick tried to pull away from my body to get to his hole. I was usually more of a bottom, but the thought of fucking Kevin right then was the only thing I wanted in the entire fucking world! I got off the bed, he got on his hands and knees, laid his chest forward, reached between his legs and started fingering his asshole. DAMN! I looked around for the condoms, and was starting to get onto the floor to look under the bed when Kevin turned, “Come on man, what’re you doing? My ass is PRIMED!” When I told him he replied, “Oh – forget that. I don’t have any. I’m on PREP.” I told Kevin, “I’m not sure what you mean,” and he smiled again, turned around and said, “It’s cool man. I take this pill everyday or whatever and I don’t have to worry about anything. I’m NEG and fuck raw all the time, shit totally works! I’ll set you up with my doctor, he’s cool as shit. You ready?” I eased into Kevin’s waiting ass and it felt better than I could have dreamed. His ass clamped down around my dick and literally stroked it. How’d he do that? I grabbed his hips and let Kevin push back and do the work as he was clearly more experienced than I was and once again I started to cum before I knew. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming in your ass!” I said in disbelief. Kevin banged back harder and when I tried to pull out he reached back, grabbed me and said, “No, I want every drop.” After the last drop was out Kevin pulled off my dick, jumped up with a big grin on his face and said, “OK, now your turn.” What? I couldn’t get fucked, I had just cum, but Kevin was already lubing up his dick and those eyes and that smile broke all resistance, so I assumed the position and about jumped out of my skin as Kevin pushed right in my ass and started pounding. “Please, wait, let me get used to it!” I pleaded. Kevin chuckled, “Naw, best way to take dick is to just TAKE IT!” I shifted my body and pushed back, pulled away as far as I could, shifted some more, and after a while, the pain and discomfort went away and all I felt was liquid gold. I don’t know how else to put it. It was just – well just fucking perfect and felt way fucking better than being fucked with a condom! Kevin was a man on mission and pounded me like a long distance runner – slow and steady with a sprint to the finish and then a SPLASH as he blew his cum inside my ass. OMG! That felt fucking amazing! I started to ease off when Kevin grabbed my hips and said, “Oh no man, I got another load for you, won’t take me long, not long at all – oh shit, oh fuck, here it is man – TAKE MY CUM!” My ass ate his cum up like it was manna from heaven, and after Kevin’s load was depleted, he slid out of my ass and once again our bodies became a tangle of limbs, tongues, hard dicks and now creamy holes. We made out for a while longer, then laying in each others’ arms we drifted off to sleep for a quick nap before waking up and starting all over again. I felt so comfortable with Kevin and was not all self conscious, or shy, or inhibited by what we were doing – surprised for sure – but it felt natural, right, and I knew I could get used to studying with him. I was on my hands and knees and Kevin was just about ready to fuck me again when his cell phone rang and by the ring tone he knew who it was, “Hang on,” he said, “That’s my dad.” As Kevin spoke with his dad I could tell something was up, and after he ended the call with a resigned, “Yes Sir,” I knew our fucking was done. “Dad said that the office called him, asked if I could come in. I’ve got this amazing internship with Lockheed Martin, thanks to my dad, and there’s some problem with the a new system we are working on and I have to go in for a while.” I got up and started to grab my clothes and shit when Kevin came, pulled me tight, gave me wet sloppy kiss and said, “Will you wait for me to get back? I’d really like you to stay.” I sort of didn’t have a choice as he was my ride and was actually glad he asked as I wanted to stay too, so I said, “Sure. I’ll just watch a movie or something if that’s ok?” Kevin laughed on his way in to the bathroom and called out, “Don’t watch the good ones without me!” I turned on the TV, started flipping through channels as I opened another beer and heard Kevin’s cell ring again. He came out of the bedroom, grabbed his keys and said, “My dad said there’s plenty of food upstairs in the fridge if you get hungry, so feel free to help yourself, have some more beer, whatever, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Two beers later and I was feeling buzzed and decided maybe I should grab something to eat. Kevin had been gone about an hour or so already, but he had not called yet, so I figured I might as well eat something. I nervously made my way upstairs to the main part of the house. The house was silent and dark, so I figured Mr. Durant had gone to bed early or out, so I quietly made my way to kitchen, opened the fridge door and was debating if I really wanted some food or another beer when I about jumped out of my skin as a voice behind me said, “Find what you need?” I turned around and about dropped the bowl of pasta I had grabbed as there was Mr. Durant, naked, with the biggest dick I had ever seen. “Umm…yeah...thanks.. I was just…Kevin….so I ….” Shit, I could barely breathe let alone speak as my eyes kept darting to his long, dark shaft, the foreskin hanging in a loose tip at the end and even soft, Mr. Durant was as big as Kevin – or me for that matter. Mr. Durant’s eyes narrowed, he stepped closer to me and I tried to back away but banged into the fridge door, he smiled, “So, you and Kevin getting along all right? If I know my son he probably gave you a couple loads didn’t he?” Fuck, I didn’t know what to say, I could never imagine talking to my dad about sex. My hands were shaking now as Mr. Durant calmly took the bowl of pasta, reached past me, set it back on the shelf in the fridge, his body pressing me against the open fridge door, which was not helping my nervousness at all. I started to slide to my left to get out of the way, but Mr. Durant’s arm snapped up, holding both the door and me in place as he casually reviewed the contents of the fridge. I could hear a clock ticking and realized I was holding my breath, too horny, scared, and confused to do anything else. Mr. Durant bent forward, shuffled a few things around on the shelves, stood back up, turned, and set a covered butter dish on the granite countertop of the big kitchen island. I was like a possum playing dead and did not move and stayed standing where I was against the open fridge door. Mr. Durant leaned past me again, this time pushing more of his weight against me as he grabbed the pasta bowl, a packet of what looked like meat from a butcher, and a wedge of cheese. He set these on the island, turned to me, smiled, and said, “Thank you, you may close the door now – on second thought, grab yourself a beer and open one for me too.” I could see where Kevin got his smile from now, straight from his father, as well as his lack of inhibitions, or self assuredness, or whatever the fuck it was. Mr. Durant flicked on a light over the island and another over the stove and then was opening the packet of meat, which I could see was some kind of sausage – the fancy kind you buy from butcher, and I set the opened beer bottle down just off to the side and took a long drink of mine. Mr. Durant then spoke, directing my attention to his culinary work, “Do you like sausage? See how this sausage meat is nice and dark, how it’s thicker here at the base, but only slightly as it tapers a little to the slight bend in the middle then gets thicker again at the end?” As he spoke my eyes instantly went to his dick, then back to him as I wondered which sausage he was speaking about? My eyes started to travel back to his dick, but afraid he would notice I forced myself with all my might to look back at his face as he dug three fingers into the cold stick of butter from the butter dish and began to rub them up and down the length of the sausage, stroking it as it lay on the counter. “It’s important to caress it in long strokes,” he said, “You need to work the flavor out, and to do that you have to have a little lubrication. Do you want to try?” I just shook my head, gulped some more beer and shockingly realized I had just downed a whole beer in nothing flat. I set the empty bottle on the counter and quickly grabbed another from the fridge as Mr. Durant continued preparing the food. Mr. Durant was speaking again, and this time when I looked up from staring at Kevin’s daddy’s dick, his eyes locked with mine, he smiled – fuck he knew! He stepped away from the stove, over to me, took the bottle out of my hand and set it out of reach on the island and was so close now his dick was just pressing against my navel area. I had to look up to see his face and his eyes now peering down at me. “It will take a while for the sausage to cook right, I got it at a low simmer, and when the flavor is ready to burst I’ll turn the heat full up until the juices pop.” I just nodded. Mr. Durant continued, “So, while that’s cooking, I think I could use a some bomb head and ass right about now and from the way you’ve been eyeing my sausage, I could think you could use something too.” I was still processing what he had just said - hsocked by his frankness - as his dick pushed against my body, stiffening, getting hard. I tried to take a step back, but Mr. Durant’s hands grabbed my shoulders and with a firm grip he began to push me down to make me kneel in front of him. “I can’t…I…Kevin should be back…and I…we…I don’t want…” Mr. Durant laughed as my knees hit the floor and his dick slid back and forth like pendulum on Big Ben across my face. “Shhh,” he ordered, “Kevin will not be back until the morning. The problem at Lockheed is bigger than he expects and I have made sure they will keep him busy until I tell them otherwise.” I looked up in confusion as Mr. Durant shifted his hips and his dick swung back and forth across my face again, this time striking me hard as it had stiffened and engorged and lengthened to a stunning degree. “The head can wait, you can nurse on it after,” Mr. Durant said. “Get back up and take your pants off.” I obeyed without question or pause – why was that? It just seemed right, natural, normal. When I did and stepped out of them, Mr. Durant bent down, picked them up, sniffed at the ass area, inhaled again, then smiled and let them drop. I was not wearing underwear so I knew he was smelling the remnants of his son’s loads up my ass. He then turned me, had me step the side so I was on the long mat that ran in front of the island, then he pushed my body forward against the cool granite of the island counter top, stepped behind me, and reached over to the right and pulled the opened butter dish towards him. I watched, knowing in my mind what he planned now as Mr. Durant used three fingers to scoop out a large glob of butter. A sharp intake of breath announced Mr. Durant’s fingers at my hole as he forced the cold glob of butter inside my ass. As he worked his middle finger into my ass he asked, “You’ve never taken a real big dick have you? I can tell. You’re so fucking tight, but don’t worry, I’ll take care of that, now stand still, let me warm this up for you.” Mr. Durant continued to finger my ass, shoving the butter further into me and churning it at the same time. Some of it began to run down my leg as it melted, but there was nothing I could do about that as my ass continued to get prepared. An arrow of fear pierced me as Mr. Durant leaned over, grabbed some more butter, and instead of sticking it in my ass he started to rub it along the his shaft, making his black skin shiny and the veins bulge as he slowly stroked his hand back and forth. I was truly scared now, there was no way I could take that dick! Mr. Durant grabbed the hand towel that was beside the butter dish, wiped his hand off, pushed me back down with his left hand then pressed it hard into my lower back to make me squat a little. Then holding the towel in his right hand, he adjusted the base of his dick and guided the head towards my waiting ass. A little more shifting of bodies and I could feel the thick head begin to push into my buttered up hole. I gasped, the muscles in my ass ring screamed in agony as Mr. Durant now tossed the towel onto the island and said, “I’ll go slow, I promise.” It sure didn’t feel that way as his dick pushed a little further and the scream now shifted from my ass to my throat – and caught – all that came out was a meek gurgle. “OH HELL YES – THAT PUSSY IS POPPED NOW,” Mr. Durant exclaimed as his dick head broke free of my ass ring and slid forward on its buttery trail. “I BET YOU NEVER IMAGINED THIS WAS THE FRESHMAN 10 YOU HAD TO WORRY ABOUT – POPPING YOU OPEN WITH MY 10 INCHES OF BLACK DICK, I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN, FEEL THAT HOLE GO POP AROUND MY DICK – OH HELL YES!“ My head was resting on the back of my hand and I lifted it slightly as my ragged breath sounded like I was running a marathon. My watch said 10:45 p.m. and that was about all I could see except for the granite counter top on the island in Mr. Durant’s kitchen as he slid his long, raw, black dick, up my ass.
    1 point
  26. I remember so clearly when I met him... how could I forget? I wanted the man the minute I saw his profile. It was my first year away at college, and at 18 I was everything I THOUGHT at the time a college guy should be.... pretty frat jock boy, lacrosse player, 150 lbs of shredded lean muscle, dark hair and blue eyed boy. Everything a sorority girl falls for.... except I liked guys. I drooled over the other guys at the frat house when I saw them in their skivvies or nude in the locker room. But, except for a few drunken blow jobs, I'd not let myself do much. I guess I just didn't want to mentally cross that line. If I did, then I was allowing myself to be what I thought was a fag. But, at night when my house-mate was gone and the frat house was quiet, I'd sneak on line and check out the local guys and j/o. Then, one night, I saw his profile. He was much older then I was, at 44 years to my 18. But man, he had a body that could rival most of my frat brothers. The profile said he was 6 ft. He had short cropped, very clean cut salt and pepper hair on his head and his chest. He was definitely built, you could tell he logged hours at the gym. His legs looked like tree trunks and his ass like a rock. And his cock....god he had the most powerful, awesome looking cock. His profile read "Hot top Dad, looking for a boy willing to give it ALL up for him". Wow. Talk about a turn on... "give it all up".... for a stud like that, I'd try getting fucked. What did I know at the time. I replied to his profile and didn't hear anything back for two days. I'd thought he wasn't interested when I got an email back asking me for some pics and if I knew my status. I sent the pics, along with the reply that I was neg, which I was. He replied that he was also and, after a few more emails, we arranged to get together. From the minute I walking in his door, we had to have each other. The second we laid eyes on each other, we were both already getting hard. He stepped up to me, put one hand behind my head and one behind my back and kissed me hard. I'd never been kissed by a man, and I kissed him back with everything in me. Within five minutes, he was leading me upstairs and stripping my jeans and tee off. He was the most aggressive man I'd ever been with, and before long I was naked, on my back with my legs spread. He kneeled between my legs and stared down at me, then slowly began to strip. His body was even better then his pictures showed, and I was taken from that moment on. Shortly, he was on top of me again. He kissed with such animal lust, his hands all over my body. He kissed down my body until his face was over my hard, 7" cock. He looked at me with a grin, then swallowed my cock whole. It was the most amazing feeling I'd ever felt and before long, my balls started to pull up hard. He stopped, and came back up to my face and kissed me hard. "You don't cum unless I tell you too. Understood?" "Yeah", I replied. "Yes Daddy", he said. "What?" "From now on, you can call me Daddy. It turns me on. OK?" "Yes..... Daddy" I said. "Good boy". He rolled me over onto my stomach and moved around in front of my face. Sitting back on his heels, he waved his fat, 9' cock in my face and instructed me to take him. I'd never had a cock that big before, but Daddy began to teach me how to service him. He talked me through sucking him, telling me I was a good boy, how good a cock sucker I was, how he was going to make me into 'his boy forever'. I'd never had a man talk to me that way before, and it turned me on tremendously. Before long, Daddy's balls started to pull up, and I knew he was about to cum. I started to pull off his cock, and he grabbed me by my hair and pulled my face to his. "Never, ever stop until I tell you to, boy. Understood? I was so close to coming." He growled. "I've never had a guy cum in my mouth before though", I said. "Boy, I'll teach you how to take Daddy's load. But, you NEVER stop unless I tell you. Understood?" The idea of having a man cum in my mouth both frightened and excited me, especially from a man so beautiful. He pushed my head back down on his cock and kept slowly pumping into my mouth. Then, without warning, he grabbed my head again and lifted it up, and shoved a small bottle hard under my nose, forcing me to inhale. He held it there for several seconds, until I had taken several hits, then pushed my mouth back down on his cock and started smoothly pumping into my mouth again. After a few seconds, a wave hit me and I was more aroused then I'd ever been in my life. I began to really work Daddy's cock, and before long, I heard him start to growl. He wrapped his hands around my head, and I felt his cock stiffen before burst after burst of his cum gushed into my mouth. I was engulfed in a wave of ecstasy and began swallowing each burst as it erupted into my mouth like a hungry puppy. I'd never heard a man shout so much as he came, and his animal intensity just turned me on more and made me work that much harder to swallow him. Afterwards, Daddy cuddled me in his arms and told me what a good boy I was. Hearing that was odd, but it turned me on. He asked if I had ever been fucked before and I said I hadn't. He told me he would get me to the point that he would train me to want to give it up for him and I instantly got hard again. The thought of this beautiful stud teaching me how to want to be fucked by him. Or so I thought. And that's how it was for the next three months. Each time, Daddy would get me close, then retract. I was never allowed to cum, or even touch myself. He trained me to know how to stay on his cock, and take each load with gratitude. Each time, Daddy would start to play with my ass more and more, getting me excited and pushing my butt in the air. He'd rub my cheeks, then eventually he got to sliding a finger in me, which grew to two and then three. Once night when Daddy had me on all fours, he began to eat my ass, making me moan and squirm like a whore. Daddy asked me "Are you ready to have that ass fucked, to give it up for me?" and all I could think was, OH YES, I am so ready to let you fuck me. It's about time. But all I said was "Yes Daddy. I'm ready". But he didn't. Then next day I got an email from Daddy. It read "It's time boy. Time to give it all up for me. Be at my place at 10, go upstairs, strip and get on all fours on the bed in the dark and wait." I was hard the rest of the day. At 10, I arrived at Daddy's. The door was unlocked, so I went in and up to his bedroom. He said to keep it dark, so I stripped off and felt my way to the bed. I climbed on and got on all fours like I had been told and waited. I didn't have to wait long. In the dark, Daddy had been waiting in the corner. He stepped up in front of me, and cupped my chin. He lifted it to his face and kissed me hard and deep. I was instantly hard. As his hands caressed my body, he leaned in to my ear and started to talk. "You've been a very good boy these past weeks boy. Daddy's so proud of you. By doing what I said to night, you're showing me that you are truly ready to give it all up to me. Am I right?" "Oh yes Daddy... I am so ready". All I could think about was, He's going to fuck me! "Good boy", he whispered in my ear. "Spread you knees and arch your back. Put you boy pussy in the air for me". I did as I was told. Daddy continued holding my face, looking into his eyes. "You're such a good boy, such a willing boy. Tonight, you're going to become mine fully boy. I've arranged something very special for you, something that will change you and make you my property, boy" Oh my god this man can turn me on! Change me? Make me his property? God this man can talk hot. "Are you ready boy? No turning back now?". I looked into this beautiful mans face, and said yes. He leaned in and began kissing me, harder and more passionately then ever before. As he did, I suddenly felt two hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks, and a tongue pressing into me. I panicked at the unknown intrusion, but Daddy gripped my head against his chest and held me tight. "Relax boy. You deserve this, this is special. This is exactly what Daddy wants. You want to please me, don't you? You want to be mine?" I replied I did and the tongue in my ass buried deeper. My cock was hard as a rock against my belly and it had been SO long since I'd be allowed to cum. Daddy shoved the bottle under my nose and in seconds, I was pushing my hard, hairless ass back against that face. Daddy let go of me and my head and shoulders sunk to the bed, with my knees spread and my ass in the air. Daddy stepped back against the wall and turned the light up a bit. I glanced back behind me and the man who was standing on the other side of the bed, bent over and eating my ass. He was about 6'2", solid muscle. He was a God, even more beautiful then my Daddy. But, what got my attention was the 10" of hard cock he was stroking. Surely Daddy was kidding, I'd never been fucked before and he was expecting me to take that cock? He was perfect in every way, with one hot tattoo on his left hip. I'd seen that kinda emblem before, in the Biology labs at school, and I knew what it meant, but I couldn't figure out why he'd have that on him. After eating my ass until I was practically moaning, Daddy suddenly said "It's time". Behind me, the god that had been eating my ass climbed on the bed and started to mount me, positioning his monster cock at my ass. Daddy swiftly stepped forward and grabbed both of my arms and pinned them behind my back. I was pinned, shoulders to the bed, ass in the air and knees spread wide. I struggled and pleaded for Daddy to tell me what was going on, but he just held me and said "Go for it, it's time. Take him." Suddenly, I felt the sharpest pain in my ass as the guy behind me shoved his hard cock in me. I screamed and he pushed into me, and in about three pushes was buried in me. Daddy grabbed both of my arms in one hand, and with the other shoved the bottle under my nose again. This time, he just held it there. The cock in me withdrew just slightly, then pushed in again. And the bottle stayed. Pretty soon my ass loosened up, but Daddy had another surprise for me. He grabbed some rope from the end of the bed and began to tie my wrists together behind my back. I was now helpless. Through it all, the rhythmic pumping of my ass never stopped. The only sounds from behind me was the muscle god groaning as he fucked me, the slapping of his balls against my prone ass, and the only three words he'd say all night: "He bleeding bad". "Keep fucking him", Daddy said as he kneeled before me. He shoved the bottle under my nose for several more seconds until I moaned and relaxed some more. The cock in me was feeling good now, and I was beginning to get hard again. Daddy kissed me as the waves from the bottle hit me. Then he cupped my chin and lifted my face to his. "You're such a beautiful little boy", he said. "That cock in you is so beautiful. And it looks like you're learning to enjoy it." I moaned and the cock picked up speed. "The man fucking you is positive, boy. I knew from the first time I had you that this day would come. I've paid him a lot of money to breed you." I moaned and began to struggle. The hands gripping my hips just gripped tighter. "You can't get away boy. Tonight, you give it all up for me. This man will fuck you several times tonight, and when he's done, you'll be full of his cum." The bottle again, and against my will, I moaned when the waves hit. "After tonight, you will be my poz whore, my property. You will work to pay back what I spent tonight to convert you boy, and I will whore you out to get the money back." The cock inside me picked up speed. "After tonight, you will be damaged goods. I will never fuck you, but you will belong to me. Your ass will be mine to rent out to whom I choose, when I choose. You will be used until you're no longer useful or profitable to me, and then I will get rid of you.". The bottle again, and all I could do was moan and sob. The cock in me was fucking me furiously now. Daddy stood up and stepped back up against the way, folded his arms and watched. The stud began panting hard as he fucked me, and every now and again, he'd begin to moan "oh god". Daddy stepped forward and began commanding him, shout at him to "Fuck my boy" and "Charge his ass, go on. Do what you've been paid to do." The stud started fucking me like a dog, almost climbing on top of me to pile drive his hard meat into my fucked out boy hole. He was precumming hard, and I could feel his wetness running down my balls. I was practically screaming for him to stop. But the more I screamed and begged, the hard Daddy would command him to "knock the boy up' while pushing the bottled under my nose. The stud behind me began to moan that he couldn't hold back much longer. Daddy kneeled in front of me again and pushed the bottle one last time under my nose and commanded me to take the biggest hit I could and hold it. I did and a few seconds later my ass totally gave in. Daddy kneeled in front of me again, and cupped my chin in his hand. He looked behind me and said "He's ready. Charge him". He looked back into my wet eyes and said, "You're mine now, boy". The stud behind me started to yell, louder then Daddy ever did. "Fuck!" he cried and slammed into me harder then he had so far "Fuck yeah! Take my load boy! Take my charged fucking cum up that ass! FUCK YEAH!!! I'm fucking up that ass right now, kid." Daddy stood up and watched the stud unloaded in me. As the stud kept pumping his seed into me, Daddy pulled out his cock. Instinctively, and since the poppers were still working, I took it in my mouth. Just a few short pumps, and Daddy unloaded the biggest load of seed into me he's ever cum. I swallowed every drop. The stud behind me kept working his load into me for another ten minutes before his softened cock slipped out of me. Daddy untied the ropes around my wrist, but he then took my arms and pulled them down between my knees, and then tied them together with my ankles. I was left that way, ass up and tied for about two hours, after which the scene happened again. It happened four times that night. The next morning I woke up. Daddy was gone, I was untied and there was a note. It read: "You're a good boy. You gave it all up for Daddy. You were made to be his boy. I know you're mad now, but call me when things change". Change? What could change? I left angry, and didn't tell anyone about what happened? Who could I tell? Two weeks later, I felt achy. The next day, I felt downright sick, throwing up, muscle spasms, everything. I called Daddy for lack of anyone else to call. He told me to come right over so he could take care of me. I went over, and immediately upon arrival, he took me to his bed. I was so weak, all I could do was lay there as he stripped me. An hour later, the top stud that fucked me arrived. I looked up at him and heard Daddy say, "this is it. One last time to make sure". The god jumped on the bed, rolled me over and pulled me up on my knees. Un-mercilessly he shoved his cock back into me and fucked me while Daddy again belted out his commands. The stud seemed to enjoy my weakness and kept mumbling that I was "fucked now" and "turned into a whore". He came one last time in me, more then any of the first times. When he was done, he climbed off the bed and stood in front of Daddy. "I think you can be sure it's done. Just like what you wanted. Cash on delivery, right?" Daddy smiled and looked down at me. "Yes, you did what you were hired for. Here's your cash, count it if you want. It's all there, all $7000. You earned it." "Not hard to do", the stud replied. "You got a really pretty one this time. Much prettier then any of the others". And that's how it's been since. Two months later I dropped out of school. Daddy put me in a room in the basement. He's been whoring me ever since... he likes to advertise me as "prime boy meat for poz cocks" with my picture on all kinds of web sites. He's sells me a $100 bucks a fuck, and there have been weekends where he's made 2 grand off me. Each time, I'm tied while Daddy watches and smiles, and tells me what a good boy I am.
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  27. I love it when a top is verbal while fucking my bare ass calling me a whore, telling me to tell him I'm a whore... verbal and nasty ... keeping me peppered up and making me shout what I am so everyone around knows ... whoring me out ... using me like I'm just an object, a hole that is only there for his pleasure and convenience.... and a group of tops like that is heaven! Fuck me!
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  28. I was perusing through the Craigslist offerings when I came across one that was interesting. An Asian offering a free massage. I emailed some dick and body pics and asked if I could slip it in his hole as well. He responded that would be most welcome, if safe. I brought along lube and a special condom, just in case. The massage was nice and turned into me getting a blow job. Not wanting to cum in his mouth, I started playing with his thick dick and smooth hole. Eventually he got naked and as I ate his hole he bent over his massage table. After getting him sufficiently wet, I started entering him raw. When he got up to get poppers, I pulled out my lube and condom. He asked what I had and I showed him. When he came back with his poppers, I was stroking. We kissed, I got him turned around and on his haunches on the massage table. Thinking he knew I was condomless, I fucked and bred his very tight ass. He then noticed I didn't have on a condom and asked if I came in him. I said I had. He then wanted to know if I was clean. As I had showered, I answered affirmatively. Now I'm getting upset emails from him. Oh well. I got what I wanted: stealth breeding a safe sex bottom. Another notch!
    1 point
  29. Don't let a guy with a condom ever use me. Raw is the only way to get fucked
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  30. Back when I was working installing landscapes, we hired a new guy for the summer. He was short stocky and had just grown his first beard at the age of 22. Real nice fella. I took him under my wing and showed him the ropes. Also encouraged him to keep letting his beard grow, and I shared my Marlboro Reds with him every break until he showed up one day with his own pack. I had the major hots for him, and knew I couldn't hold back for much longer on making a move. One night in late July I invited him out for beers after work, and we went to a bar a few miles from my place. After three hours of drinking and smoking, I told him I had some good bourbon at my place and we should finish the evening off there. Once we got in the door, I poured us a few shots. We toasted and downed the shots together. He gave me a look I recognized, and I grabbed his and kissed him hard, meeting no resistance. I'll skip some details, but I popped his cherry after eating his hairy ass and gave him his first of many cum loads. For the next month and a half, I fucked him almost daily, and most of the time he shot without touching himself. It ended in September when he decided to go to trucking school, but what a great summer.
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  31. My former boss, who were married and had children, used to fuck me both during and after work hours. He owned the company and liked to act like he owned me too, which he sorta did after all
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  32. Wonderful the way all your work is, thank you.
    1 point
  33. I have a husband and boyfriend with average size cocks (6, 6.75"), so when I'm looking to slut-around as a bottom, I'm usually looking for something larger... they don't have to be 9, 10 or 11 inches, but longer than 7/7.5" is preferred, thick is nice too. Luv to be stretched out and then filled with cum.
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  34. Sloppy seconds by antwatch2 https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/the-blonde-blue-eyed-part-2-30175341 The Blonde Blue Eyed ***(Part 2) Met this lad again for round two was a super hot meet and u seem him good n proper and couldn't wait to get my fat dick in ur hole proper deep
    1 point
  35. Rawboyz, The following gets me ready each and every time (ONLY 5 second bursts of warm water until what's in the toilet is clear, with no smell either), so I can be raw vers: https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/
    1 point
  36. I lost track of my fellow inductees for a while. I was inside enjoying being naked with all the other guys. What I found in this club was the freedom of being sexual with other men without the usual posturing and bullshit. It I wanted to experience a guy’s cock for a couple minutes or an hour, that was cool. If I was talking to a group of guys and a guy rubbed his cock against my gaping rosebud, it was cool too to let him explore my hole. And of course, no drama about are you “neg or poz.” It was great to talk to them about their biohazard tattoos, in particular each man seemed a very individual take on the meaning of the tattoo, and, of course, given all of the men had been given a biohazard tattoo on the crotch, just above his cock, the placement of their second biohazard tattoo was no less revealing, why it was important for some guys to have the second tattoo hidden, and others chose to be tattooed in a location which was visible in the course of daily life. It was after midnight, and the Conversion Club members were slowly saying their goodbyes. The four of us felt given the amount of poz cum, and the blood slams that I did, we're pretty well set for seroconversion. We grabbed our stuff from the clothes check and thanked everyone for their hospitality and for sharing their infection with us. The four of us exhanged cell numbers and e-mails so we can hang out soon. I gave Mike a kiss, stuck my hand down his pants and said, "I want more time exploring those nipples ... maybe I'll get some too." He said, "I was hoping you would!" I switched off and kissed Andrew and said, "I want more of you!" He said, "You didn't stick your hand down my shorts ... I don't believe you." With that I turned him around, slid my hand down the front of his shorts and inserted two fingers inside. I asked "Believe me now?" I pulled my hand out, and he grabbed it and suck my fingers dry. "Yeah, we're good," he chuckled with a smile, adding "Yeah, we're definitely good." Blake asked "Hey, I took Uber, can you give me a ride? I said, "Yes, of course." We got in the car and I put the top down ... it was still a beautiful night. "Where's your shirt," Blake asked. "I didn't bring one. You're overdressed ... take your shirt off." "Just my shirt?" "For now ... and undo the top button of your shorts. I might need in there." I likewise undid my button and pulled the zipper down a little bit. I asked him, "Can we stay together tonight?" He said, "I was going to ask the same thing. My place is closer and I have an underground garage. Let's go there." We were back in traffic again, really the only one way to go ... so I reached over and unzipped his shorts so I could grope him. He did the same to me ... and it did not go unnoticed. Guys in trucks and people walking on the sidewalk saw us ... and we didn't care. We parked at Blake's building and got into the elevator. I pulled his shorts down and then my shorts ... and when the door opened I led the way out of the elevator, naked, carrying my shorts. He said, "You are a nut!" Once inside, I suggested "Wanna get a shower. I, for one, smell and feel gross! "I'm one step ahead of you. I've got the shower heating up and towels set aside." Before we stepped into the shower, he took my arm and removed the bandage from the blood slam, licked the injection point, and said, "Just for good measure." We got under the rainfall shower head and let the sweat and body fluids roll off us. It felt good. "You know," he said, "We both have a butt-full of cum in our holes." I said, "Yeah, I've been focused on keeping it all in." He gave me a kiss and said, "I think it's okay to let it out now." I smiled and said, "I want it on my chest!" "You what?" "I want to lie down on the floor and I want you to squat over my chest and let your ass juices flow all over my chest." His cock jerked and rose to attention, which merited my rye observation "I see you hate that idea." I got down on the shower floor and he positioned his cock near my mouth and his hole over my pecs. He slowly opened up and cum, plus a little mucus and blood, came oozing out. It was hot to see his hole open up for me. I slid two or three fingers in and out of his hole, then re-positioned him over my crotch so I could plunge my cock in and out of his hole, just to get it all out ... at least that's what I told him. We didn't wipe his ooze off, but I traded places with him so I could give him my ass slime. He was tugging on my foreskin trying to break concentration, but my cum loads needed to come out. I opened my hole to get it to gape open to let the bulk of it out, then I worked on pushing out my rosebud. I said, "Put your hand under my hole and leave it there." Once Blake's hand was in position, I put some pressure on my guts and my rosebud slowly pushed out onto his hand, profusely dripping the whole time, which earned Blake's exclamation "What The Fuck Is That!" "Blake, Feel it. Here, I'll push out more." "This is wild ... it feels amazing ... can I fuck it?" Blake asked. "If you don't I'll be really pissed off!" I retorted. He positioned his cock and slid my prolapsed rosebud over his big black cock. He used my flesh tube to jack his cock, his eyes rolling back in his head as he muttered "This is amazing ... I need this." "I thought you would like it." "I'm going to cum in it." "Yeah, one more toxic load can't hurt. Go for it!" Soon it was "fuck .. fuck.. fuck ... fuck... this is amazing ..fuck," as he shot his wad and his body shivered noticeably. He was in his happy place. We both stood up and watched the infected cum run off us. He wiped some of the cum from my abs and had me lick it off his finger. I said, "You're such a fucking pervert. Don't stop!" I wiped some cum off his biohazard tattoo and fed it to him as well. He turned on the shower, we dried off and went directly to bed. We slept the night soundly. The next morning as we were having coffee, our cell phones both alerted at the same time. We checked e-mail and read this message: ___ Conversion Club Members - Thank you for attending last night's meeting. I hope you enjoyed your time and helped our three inductees in their quest. Their contact information has been added to our Conversion Club database in our medical practice online portal, under the special access tab. We anticipate Rik and Andrew to display seroconversion symptoms anywhere around two weeks. There's a chance Mike will convert later, but we'll be standing by in the event they require special care. Feel free to message me through the portal. Hopefully we'll have good news in the next couple of weeks. Thanks again to all who shared their gift. Brad Woods ___ I said, "These are organized fuckers, aren't they?" "Yeah, totally. You'll get another one soon regarding your care package." And just like that, I received another e-mail message: ___ Conversion Club Inductees - Thank you for attending last night's meeting. It was getting getting to know (and breed) each of you. We're excited you're going on this journey with us. Seroconversion symptoms include: -fatigue (tiredness) -fever (high temperature) -sore throat -rash -headache -loss of appetite -aching muscles and joints -swollen lymph glands If your fever is over 103 degrees, please call Teddy immediately. Otherwise, send us a message if you experience the other symptoms. In the next couple of days, you will receive a care package from us to help us monitor your conversion. The package will include extra strength asprin, a thermometer and 12 bottles of Gatorade that will help replenish your electrolytes. There will also be six OroQuick HIV tests. Once your symptoms appear, take a test. If you continue to test negative, test again in three days if your symptoms continue. We have tentatively scheduled your time with Zak for your tattoos. You'll be going approximately five weeks from now. He will be in touch in about three weeks with fufther info. Please keep us in the loop. Brad Woods ___ I kept in contact with Andrew and Mike during the next couple weeks. We met up a couple times a week at the gym for classes and Blake met up with us for a couple of five mile runs. We talked about how the seroconversion might go and our trip to Chicago for our tattoos, and where we are going to place the biohazard tattoos once we earned them. Tuesday, Andrew started with a sore throat and then a headache. Wednesday, Mike complained of feeling flu-ish and swollen glands. Saturday afternoon Blake and I went for another five mile run. As I completed the circuit I wondered 'WTF? How can I not be sick?' Sunday night around 7:00 PM I was exhausted. I mean, just done. Around 9:30 PM I came down with a splitting a headache and a fever. I texted the guys, and received these replies: Rik: Great news .. I feel like shit! I think it's on! Andrew: Sweet! Mine is annoying... no big deal. Mike: Join the club... still feel like shit. Mike: Blake has been over a couple times to help out. Good guy. Blake: Excellent! I'll come over to monitor the fever. Rik: Thx ... door's unlocked. Blake walked into the bedroom all sweaty. I had to ask "Were you out on a run?" "Yeah, just finished when you texted. You look like shit!" I did look like shit. The fever had left me somewhat sweaty, and disinclined to do anything, so I was laying in bed, naked, using a a couple beach towels to soak-up the sweat. Blake stripped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes, remarking "Looks like I'll be here a while. I gotta cool down." I couldn't resist teasing him, saying "Get all the way naked and I'll definitely run a fever." He stepped out of his shorts and said, "Done. Let's see where your temperature is now." I was at 100 degrees, which was high but not alarming, but which certainly explained the sweat, and which earned Blake's comment, "Man, you're sexy when you're sweating." "I definitely don't feel sexy." "Poz sweaty guys are usually sexy, and you're no exception. And now you can finally give me a recharge!" I couldn't deny it ... the thought of being able to finally give him a load of poz cum was incredible. My cock started growing and his did too. Fortunately Blake recognized my energies were limited, and took the lead saying "You just lie there, I'll climb on and do the work, but I really need your load. But first...." With that he picked-up the lube bottle, crawled between my legs which he lifted and placed on his shoulders, lubing both my ass and his poz cock. "Wait, you're going to fuck me? Now?" "I'm going to make sure you get pozzed. My viral load is through the roof and I gotta fuck you up while you're sick. This is the right time to bring your immune system down." "Oh my god, you twisted fuck..." I was covered in sweat, burning up from the fever and it wasn't long before he was sweating as well from sliding in my hole, and he fucked away, he commented "I wanted to do a blood slam with you while you're converting, but your ass is too fucking sexy. Would you have liked a blood slam?" Halfway delirious, but still, to share Blake's toxic blood sounded amazing, and now I could slam my blood into him. How fucking hot! I'm running on empty and sweating like crazy from my seroconversion, but the idea of my toxic blood flowing in Blake got me totally boned. He saw my cock getting hard and that pushed him over the edge. "Dude, I'm going to blow my load in your converting hole ... if you're not sick now, just wait until this takes hold." His gasps became more frequent, and then the shot inside me. I could feel his cock spasm inside my hole. After he came down from his climax, he pulled out of my ass and then brought it up to my lips. His big, beautiful black cock glistened with lube and his sperm ... and I didn't hesitate to suck it all in when he pushed inside my mouth. My assjuices were funky, but I love eating ass. He moved down to my uncut cock and then lubed up his hole. Being so out of it, I started to get soft. Blake said, "I got two syringes from Teddy last week and I was going to do some blood slams with you. You would have liked that, huh?" All I could do was nod yes. Blake continued, "I'm sorry I didn't do that. But those syringes didn't go to waste ... last week I did a blood slam with Andrew and Mike ... they fucking loved my toxic blood." Now my cock was rock hard thinking of all of us sharing blood slams. He squatted on my cock and then sat down on it in one swift movement. Once he was at full depth he took a moment to get comfortable, and then started riding my cock, edging me on in saying "Just think, you can now poz neg hole." It was such a turn on ... all I could do was to moan in ecstasy. Continuing, Blake added "Yeah, you fucking gift giver now you can convert neg boys." He was getting me excited. "Tell me who you want to poz first!" Without thinking I said, "My little brother!" and at that point, I shot my load into Blake's hole. Despite being the sickest I've ever been in my life, I had a life-changing orgasm that rocked my world. I was utterly dripping wet from sweat and had soaked the towels beneath me, but I drew the strength required to deposit my first infected load inside the guy who could very well be my poz daddy. He rode me until my cock fell out of his hole. Afterwards he bent down to kiss me and picked-up on my fantasy saying "We need to discuss pozzing your brother." "After you clean your ass juices off my cock," I insisted, fever or no fever. I remember him licking my cock clean, including cleaning under my foreskin. Then I passed out.
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  37. Blake was the next to fuck me. He easily slid his cock inside me and said, "I love fucking your cummy hole ... you feel amazing." I said, "You feel great too, stud. Your cock is rock hard ... Please poz my hole!" I didn't have to ask twice. He fucked me hard, the whole time looking in my eyes, saying I'm going to be the one to convert you." I said, "Yeah, be the one that does it." After a little more time, he announced he was coming inside me, giving me what I want. We kissed as he came down off his orgasm, but his cock was still hard. "He winked and said, "I'll be back for round two." After my second fuck from Blake, it was a blur. I remember Mark with the HIV+ tattoo fucking me and I was licking his tat. I think the three inductees got eight loads each from guys before they went for second rounds with the inductees or split off to recharge the other poz guys. During a brief lull, Teddy came by and suggested Andrew, Mike and I stand up and stretch our legs and get some water. He gave each of us two bottles and said, “Drink up.” We stood up to get our bearing, drank a bottle then went into a three-way make out session with each other. It made sense for us Mike and I to get to know Andrew, since he's going on the same journey as us. Mike’s nipples were calling to me, so I latched on to one of them while reaching between Andrew’s legs to play with his ass. I must have been doing something right, as Mike was moaning like crazy, almost as much as Andrew was. These guys are fun. Blake tapped me on the shoulder and said, “We never talked about it, do you drink piss?” I said, “Yeah, I love piss, you got some for me?” He said, “Yeah, I got a lot.” I said, “I’ll drink you if you drink me!” He said, “Happy to drink your piss.” Mike told Andrew, “I want your piss, you got some for me?” Andrew said, “Hell yeah, and I want yours.” I knelt down and took Blakes cock into my mouth. Looking up, I see this incredibly sexy black man with a great cock and biohazard tattoo. I placed my hand on his tattoo and stroked it lightly waiting for Blake’s piss. He said, “You look good down there waiting for my poz piss with my cock in your mouth.” Just then a dribble started and my focus was on getting everything he had. He finished and it was my turn for Blake to drain me. I grabbed Blake and gave him a kiss, giving him a taste of his piss. Andrew drained Mike’s cock and they switched up too. My cock was in Blake’s mouth and I was trying to get a flow started. Looking over, Andrew spread his lips apart with his fingers, but Mike said, “Relax, I got this.” Mike used both hands to spread Andrew open, lightly licked him up and down, and then put his lips over Andrew’s piss hole. I said, “Here you go,” and my piss started flowing. I caressed Blake’s neck and felt him swallow my load. He didn’t miss a drop. Neither did Mike. I said, “Let’s go inside and see what’s going on there.” Some guys were talking in groups, mostly sexual related, some sucking cocks and some breeding. This was wild. I passed a group of four really hot guys that were talking. One of them smiled and said, “Here’s one of the neg guys!” I stopped and said, “Here’s the sexy poz studs” with a wink. One of them grabbed my cock and said, “This is beautiful … I gotta feel it.” With that he turned around to let me slide inside him. He said, “Fuck, this is a great cock.” One of the other guys said, “I bet his hole feels just as good” and he fed his cock into me. And … I’m the meat in a three way. It was empowering to enjoy being a piece of meat. Nobody knows what car I drive or what I do for a living, or if I’m homeless. I’m just a cock and a cunt for everyone to enjoy. Kevin was getting his cock sucked. I went over to watch for a minute. His KS lesions were beautiful … I had never seen them before. I reached over to stroke one of them, and Kevin said, “You know you want to lick it, go ahead.” I bent over to suckled one of the bigger ones beneath his pecs. The imagery of this physical manifestation of his disease was so erotic. As I was worshipping Kevin’s lesions, I felt a cock slide up my hole. “I said, “Oh fuck this is hot!” Kevin said, “Yeah, Mateo is sharing his med resistant strain with you, enjoy the ride.” I was content to continue this all night. Teddy came back over and asked me if I was ready for my blood slam. I said, "Hell yeah!" He asked me to follow him to another room in the house. As we walked, I could see a lot of guys had Band-Aids on the inside of their elbows. Pretty cool to see so many guys want to speed up my conversion. Teddy put a tourniquet on my bicep, just to make it easier for the IV catheter to slide in my vein without a lot of blood leaking out. He slid the catheter in and taped it down. I asked, "Is it okay to mix blood types?" Teddy said, "Here's our secret: I have the invite list and I know everyone's blood-type. I pulled blood from fifteen guys, and was sure to keep the compatible ones separated. You're getting seven toxic loads that won't cause a problem... other than AIDS. And don't leave before I fuck you. " I asked," Am I getting your blood? " Yes, we're compatible. Blake? Yes Justin? No Brad? No Mateo? Yes Kevin? Yes... and four other guys. Nobody but you and I know who they are. Oh, Andrew and Mike are compatible." We got back to the group and Brad said, "It's blood slam time guys. We have three syringes, who wants to do the first injection? A group of guys were standing around me with a couple of them feeling me up. My cock has been rock hard the whole time ... And not going down soon. Blake grabbed a syringe and Teddy helped attach it to the IV catheter. Teddy said, "Not too fast." Blake started the slow blood slam at the same time I feel a huge cock slide up my hole. An arm wrapped around me, and I saw the KS lesions. I'm getting Kevin's blood and toxic cum. Talk about sensory overload! Blake finished the first blood slam, and Mateo started the second syringe. Blake said, "This is so fucking hot... I wish they could have done it for me. You're going to be toxic in no time. I can't wait to get your strain." Mateo finished the second syringe, and Mike said, "Rik is my college roommate, and I'm not officially poz, but I would love to inject this slam!" Teddy hooked up the last toxic syringe and said, "Nice and slow... Mike, don't you wish you had done a slam too?" Mike nodded his head and said "Yeah, big time." Once Mike finished the blood slam, Teddy said, "Let's go back to the pool area and I'll get this IV out of you, and give you my personal donation." We walked back outside and Andrew was getting fucked by Mark with the HIV+ tattoo, which was so hot to see. I laid down on the cushion and Teddy pulled the IV catheter out. He put a Band-Aid on my arm and said," It's time you get my poisonous load, stud." I lifted my legs and said, "Please infect me." He didn't need to be asked twice. His big dick slid easily into my gaping cunt. He was in heaven. "I love sloppy 2nds... and even tenths. You're so wet... You feel amazing. I’ve wanted you to convert for so long … you’ll be a great gifter." As always, Teddy gave a great fuck. It was even hotter knowing his infected load was going to contribute to my disease. He sped up his fuck strokes and I knew he was getting closer to blowing his load inside me. I said, “Give me the fuck flu, stud.” And with that he shot a big load deep in my guts. Teddy pulled out of my messy hole and said, “To be continued.” Still lying out on the deck, Andrew brought over waters for Blake, Mike and I. We were talking about hot amazing this night has been. Brad and Justin walked over and said, “Anyone thirsty?” Mike and Blake said, “Sure,” and the four of them headed to the deep end. Andrew came over next to me and gave me a kiss. We made out for a little bit then he sat on my abs to play with my nipples. I said, “You have such a hot furry body. So goddamn sexy.” He said, “I love your veins, they pop almost as much as long-term wasted guys. You could be poz already … I find that incredibly hot.” He started grinding against my cock which was amazing. I could feel his wetness ooze from his crotch. Andrew said, “I’ve only been fucked in the ass tonight, but I want your uncut cock up my cunt.” He reached down and slid my cock up his cunt. Holy fuck he felt great. I rubbed his clit while he rode my cock. It wasn’t long before we came at the same time. Andrew climbed off me and said, “Let me know when you convert, I want your next load in me to be poz.” To be continued
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  38. Five of us raised our hands: two of us neg guys and three biohazard guys, including Blake. Teddy said, "I'll get them prepared, you guys go in for the meeting." Turning to Blake I asked "You've done this before?" "No, but I want to you to get as much cum of mine as I can." I gave him a kiss and said, "Please do your best to poz me." Having over heard our conversation while passing by, Mike commented with a smile "Save some poz cum for me too!” A couple of nearby guys added "Don’t worry, we’ll help!” The Conversion Club was apparently the perfect place to ask for what you want from guys who could give it to one. The Conversion Club assembled and Brad and Justin addressed the 20 guys in attendance. Brad opened saying "I've greeted you already, but again, thank you for being here. As you can see our club is growing, and we have you guys to thank for that. What we're doing is pretty amazing, and I'm thrilled you're on the journey with us. Congratulations to Mark and Nate. Their conversion is complete. Nate didn't get the fuck flu ... " (The crowd boo'd and then laughed "...and we just about lost Mark, but the Conversion Club took care of him here, and with some IV fluids and some meds. Now he's here ready to breed and seed. They returned a couple weeks ago from their visit with Zak in Chicago, who did his typical great work on their tattoos. Because Mark rolls a little different, in addition to the standard biohazard tattoo above the cock, he has one that says "HIV+" on his chest. Hopefully we'll get the next group out to see Zak in the next couple of weeks. We have these tattoos because we appreciate being poz and have pride in our shared disease. We are all stronger together because of them." There was a door knock, and Brad left the room to take care of that. Justin stepped up and continued saying "We have two of the three inductees here. Hopefully the third will be here soon. We also have a special guest here. Kevin, can you come out?" A massive 6'6" guy, came out to join the group. Tall and lean, he must be a long-term survivor, as he has the sexy sunken cheeks, veiny arms and legs and wasted ass. So sexy. He had is biohazard tattoo over his cock, like most everyone else except me and Mike, but also had one on his arm. But the most erotic feature of Kevin was his KS lesions, scattered over his body. "If you've not met Kevin, he pozzed Brad and me. This kinky stud throws a great fuck and you're going to love him if he's not fucked you before." Kevin's presence kicked up the erotic energy in the room, bringing several of the guys fully erect ... me as well. The thought of having him in me was too hot and got my cock stirring even more than it had been. Brad returned to the room with the third inductee a twenty-something brown-haired cutie, with sexy scruff and a hairy, athletic body. Other than his good looks, his defining feature was the lack of a penis ... a sexy FTM transguy. Brad said, "And everyone is here. This is Andrew, everyone. Like a lot of you, he's been craving poz cum for quite a while, and needs the help of our group to get it done. He'll get his first poz load ever here with us, and he's lucky to have one more fuckhole than the rest of us. Over here is Mike who is also taking his first poz load. If you're nice, he'll let you suck on his budding nipples while you fuck him with your hot load. If you want your nips like that, let me know. And our third inductee is Rik. Justin and Mateo were lucky enough to breed him a couple weeks ago, and I understand Blake has given him a load. He's on the FasTrack program, so if you want to share your DNA, let Teddy know and he'll draw it up. Hopefully we'll have several syringes to inject him within an hour or so. For the new folks, I hope you take the opportunity to try out as many cocks and holes as you can. You’ll see, everyone here is open to getting a cock inside them, even for a quickie. Our inductees will be bred on the pool deck, and Teddy has set up chaise lounges for everyone's comfort. He also has the TriMix available for those who want it. Given a choice, please elect to breed a neg hole over a poz hole. Also, it's hot out so drink lots of water. We recommend one bottled water for every two loads. If you’re not pee shy, guys that usually hang around the deep end of the pool will drink your piss and not spill a drop. Again, thanks again for being here. Have fun, guys!" Everyone got the message that this was the time for sexual activity. We didn't even get out to the pool before everyone was feeling everyone else up. Nobody was left out. If I was being kissed, someone was feeling my cock, balls or asshole. Many a man was fully boned, his cock either hard against his abs or slightly pointing out. This was going to be a fuck fest for the ages, and a life-changing one for me. Seeing Mike and me, Teddy approached suggesting "Let's get the TriMix injections done first so we can get started. " Mike and I didn't need the TriMix, but we didn't need AIDS either. We wanted it. Teddy injected Mike's cock first and then mine. Fuck it stung, but I felt the blood flowing into my cock already. My uncut cock was almost fully hard and my foreskin was hanging on trying not to roll down. Teddy gave us a gauze square in case of bleeding, he said "Hold that for a sec while you take your lounge." Andrew, Mike and I laid down on our chaise lounges and were given a small lube container by Brad. Simultaneously, each of us had someone to rub some lube our holes, to work some fingers inside us. The poz guys wanting TriMix got their injections next, including Kevin. The difference was Teddy let the blood ooze a little bit from their cocks. That's a sexy way of getting the ball rolling. Being the hosts of the event, Brad and Justin always got to breed first. Brad chose me and Justin chose Andrew. Kevin (and his bloody cock) chose Mike for his first fuck. It was the first time that Brad had been inside my ass, and he was a superb fuck. Such a great cock and a sexy body. Getting fucked my him and seeing the other two guys getting bred at the same time was beyond erotic. Add to that, the other guys were sucking each other or having their asses played with. It wasn't long before Justin's orgasm moans triggered Brad and Kevin's as well. All the tops were letting the us know their charged loads were being delivered, and us bottoms were begging for their loads.
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  39. Two weeks ago, had a day off, hit A4A and a hot cuban guy came over on his lunch break, fucked my throat, shoved his dick in without lube, then made me swallow his cum. A guy I've been talking to on BBRT came over after that, we made out and humped for a while until he stuck the head in to give me his load before he left. Still horny at the end of the day, went to the park and spied this muscled black guy, 20s, with a thick 7 inch dick getting stroked through the hole of his gym shorts. The other guy got scared and walked off, so I took his place and swallowed his piece down to the hilt. His loss, because that was a hot dick (best part was he was my ex, glad I stole that dick from him!). Black guy passed poppers back and forth between us and I was able to give him a pretty good deep throat. Another young thing black guy joined us and the first guy guided my head between their dicks. Second guy eventually left and the first guy came down my throat. Walked up to 50yo black man desperate to get his rocks off, kneeled in front of him and took his load. Was walking out of the park when this hot, short, young latino guy gave me the nod and started walking with him. I asked if he was a top because I was a bottom, and he stuck his hand down my shorts and started fingering my hole as we walked. He commented that I didn't need any lube because he could feel the other guy's load leaking out. He led me behind my bushes and I alternated sucking his uncut cock and getting pounded before he finally bred me. As we walked out he told me I smelled like dick and cum!
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  40. So we sat back, had a few drinks and got to tell each other of our personal passions. I said, I had waited for several years for this moment and thanks to Joe and his camera I can enjoy this moment over and over again. Joe said 'You know I want to make my contribution to your moment as well. You know I am just as toxic as Lucas and in fact, have the same strain that you are getting from him" I said, I would be disappointed if Joe didn't get his loads in. Lucas interjected that he would do another good deep seeding before he let another breeder get in my ass, as he wanted to be sure he was the one that got me first. Lucas told me that since he had started keeping track, he had infected 16 men that he could document but many of them just came for a visit, got bred, and left without any follow up with test results so he could not be sure he could put a notch in his cock ring for those. So after about 30 minutes of conversation, Lucas got his cock back up and was ready to mount me again. So we put our cocktails down and scurried off to the bedroom, got my feet in the air so he could get on top and get his cock in the deepest in that position. I locked my heels behind his neck and he trust that big uncut cock balls deep where he pounded my ass for a good strong 10 to 12 minutes. meanwhile Joe planted his asshole over my mouth so I could lick his balls and tongue his ass to add to the excitement of getting bred. Lucas announced that he was going to shoot another toxic load in my guts and went from stroking to seriously pounding my ass. It was exhilarating to feel those big balls so violently smashing into my ass crack as he tried to drive that big cock into my lungs from the back side. I clamped my heels tight around his neck and tried to swallow his nuts with my asshole. I felt him pulsing and slamming as I know he shot several long ropes of cum again deep into my hungry ass. He kept stroking till his cock simply fell out of my ass and he slumped onto me and I released my heel grip from his neck. We were both totally soaked from sweat and it smelled so good. after regaining our breath, he rolled over to beside me on the bed and said, "If you're not converted now, you never will be." I replied, "I'm sure you've got the job done but we have a few more days to make sure, just in case." Joe, now with his ass properly rimmed and cock throbbing from the breeding he just watch, said "I'm going to contribute to those loads already in your ass now, I've waited long enough" to be continued
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  41. Less than a week after my first exposure to CRF19, I once again heard my own voice begging Henri for more of his highly toxic and likely deadly jizz. For the prior 4 days, it was all I could think of. My mind switching rapidly from fear of what happened to a desire for more. Still stranded due to the damage on St. Martin, Henri was more than willing to oblige. Absent the potent bug he packed into his semen, he was still a fabulous fuck. Caramel color skin, great skill and a very nice BBC, I would have let him fuck me as much as he wanted. But, my newly unleashed desire to experience the thrill of having more of that super-virus injected into my ass turned me into an aggressor. I wanted that cock and I wanted it badly. I ached to feel him go rigid and buck while sending his life ending cream deep into my guts. When I started chasing about a year ago, I though getting knocked up would be the thrill of a life time. When I tested POZ last January, I was thrilled to be part of the universe of POZ faggots, living and dead, who have accepted HIV as part of their gay experience. But now, those were long gone, unfulfilling thoughts. All I could think of was Henri and his potent, diseased dick. When I called Henri at his hotel, he seemed pleased to hear from me. I got right to the point and asked him if he would give me some more of his special sauce. He laughed as he said, if I wanted it to come and get it. So last night, after work, I headed to Asheville to meet him at his hotel. But, before going, I ran by my place to clean up, change clothes and get ready for some great cock. But I did one other thing. I had kept the bottle brush that was used to prepare my ass for my initial pozzing. I had felt that brush for the first time last New Year's eve, the night I likely got knocked up. With only the though of obtaining a second infection, I worked my ass to a state where I would be receptive to that Caribbean bug. Even scraping my guts in preparation for getting fucked seemed pre-destined. On one had I know that it is unlikely that I can get a dual infection. On the other hand, I seem compelled to do all I can to expose myself to CRF19. While some aspects make it difficult to get my head "around" the thought of having that aggressive strain in my body, I also am clearly aware that success will mean the clock is ticking faster towards my AIDS-related death. Henri was nude and had already made some T clouds when I arrived at his hotel. He offered me the pipe and torch. I quickly stripped and took a few hits of that amazing smoke. Once you feel Lady T creep into your body, relaxing you , exciting you, preparing you for a great fuck, you know that first tasted has started the ball rolling. Once I felt that jolt of T, once I coughed that little meth-induced cough, I hit my knees and took that deadly diseased dick into my mouth and started taking him deep into my throat. His first few drops of precious pre-cum were savored. I licked his slit, carefully ensuring the each drop of that fluid was collected on my tongue. But, as the T high continued to develop, my asshole reminded me of my real desire. Twitching and throbbing from the lust for this beautiful man, from the desire for his tainting jizz, from the T induced erotic desires, my oft-fucked hole needed stuffed. Very soon, I stopped sucking him and got on my knees. Henri lost no time in mounting my faggot ass. Soon we were rocking in that ass-fucking rhythm that horny homos have perfected. Henri's cock felt just as good as it did the past Saturday. He has good top man skills. No doubt, he has been a practicing cocks-man for a long time. But, as I gasped my desire for his cum, he accelerated to an entirely new level of passion. Equally, the more I demanded his cum, the more animalistic my own movements became. And, very shortly, my bloodied hole was drenched with a large dose of cum that few other men might welcome. As we cuddled, waiting on that dark meat to recharge, we talked softly about what it was like for him to learn he was POZ, that he had been infected with CRF19. And, in almost a whisper, he described the feeling of knowing that he was technically an AIDS-Bone. Fuck....that was news. He had already progressed to the stage of very low CD4 numbers and had been diagnosed as having progressed to AIDS. That was a fucking reality check. I had just had my very very raw ass fucked by an unmedicated AIDS-bone and flooded once again with CRF-19 laden creamy goodness. Hearing he as full on AIDS had an immediate affect on me. Soon, I was working hard to get that cock hard and inserted in my ass. This time, I was on my back, legs up. I wanted to see his brown face, his dreads, his expression as he repeated the action of trying to infect my queer ass. It may not seem possible, but that second round was more intense and erotic than the first. He was really verbal and keep asking if I wanted his dick of death to explode in my ass. After he asked a half dozen times, I panted out that yes I wanted it. And it was then that I told him about using the brush earlier. He acted surprised, but soon stated that showed I deserved his strain. A few more minutes of enthusiastic bucking and fucking resulted in a second flood of CRF19 cum was being smeared up and down my compromised guts. Five times now I have enjoyed that sensation. Five times, I have willingly taken that beautiful dark meat. And three of those times, I have willingly accepted his fucked up DNA. I have no idea if I will become infected with this life-ending affliction. I am not sure I would choose that, but I am powerless it seems to refuse it.
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  43. I only top bareback. Once I decided I wanted to fuck Raw, it was the only way. I've said it before and will say it again. I like to fuck raw, shoot my load deep and never ever ever pull out. If a guy asks me to pull out before I cum and "shoot on his back" or "face" I'd rather say no to the fuck. The most pleasure I get is fucking a nice hole and unloading my cum deep inside. If they ask for condoms I say no. I don't feel anything with a condom and my dick usually just goes limp.
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  44. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 2) The lad was giving his best, to satisfy me with his mouth. I was pretty sure, he didn’t have the experience to give a great blow job, but it was alright. He played more with his tongue around my dickhead, than actually swallowing my cock. Probably he was impressed with the length and thickness of my dick. My right hand was resting on the backside of his head and from time to time I pushed him deeper into my crotch. He understood the signal and tried at least for a while to suck me off. “No teeth, baby…. no teeth” I warned him with my low voice, when he scraped me once. We passed the outskirts and I told my rapetoy, that I would fuck him so hard, as soon as we reached the motel. I chose a good one. No questions asked. I reserved a bungalow under the name ‘Smith’ and payed the fees in advance and in cash. No tracks…. The boy tried to answer me in between sucking. “Yeah… force me. Rape my ass hard. Make me bleed out of my hole” He would get that and more. I would make him bleed and gift him with my virus. I was not only positive. I was an AIDS bloke with a deadly poison in my balls and was eager to breed the stupid twat forcefully. “Once we pass that door, you will be nothing more than an object to me. Just a hole… and you will do anything for me, to get my charged up load into your system” I advised him in a calm voice. I slapped him on the back of his head and asked him if he understood. “Hm hum….” he mumbled while trying to cope with the 9 inch meet planted deeply in his throat right now. I pulled him off my cock and asked again: “You got that… punk?” “Yes… yes… reduce me to a thing. Destroy me with your cock” he gasped. “Fuck yeah… I will reduce you to a pulp” and with that I pushed my cock in his mouth again. After another hour drive we reached our destination. We passed the reception bungalow without stopping. A long and winding road led us to a distant corner of the park. There I stopped my car. Although the cute guy had tried his best, to suck my cum out of my balls, he was not successful. He looked up to me with a guilty look in his eyes and said ‘sorry’. “Don’t worry pup. Your body will do now. I will use your hole to pollute you – stupid fuck” The guy was getting up from his squatted position and stretched himself. “My name is Davis by the way” he smiled cheekily at me. “Who cares?” I looked at him sternly. “Just get out of the car and get inside the apartment. We both got off the car. I surveyed the area. No other human being could be seen. It was half past seven already. I opened the door and Davis entered the room and froze in place right then and there. Two guys were sitting on a couch, watching hardcore porn on the television. Another guy fiddled about a cam, which was attached to a tripod – facing one of the two beds. A fourth guy just came out of the bathroom, while we entered the whole scene. All guys were dressed in black. Black boots, black jeans, black t-shirts, black gloves. Davis seemed to be stunned. He was scared, that all of a sudden four other dudes were here in the same room with him, obviously waiting for his arrival. I closed the door behind us and greeted the other tops. Both guys on the couch masturbated slowly their cocks while checking Davis out. The other two guys had also their dicks hauled out of their jeans, but they were only half hard right now. All the guys had their highest button of the jeans closed, but all the other buttons downwards have been opened and so their dicks were hanging freely, waiting for a hole to appear. “What… is…. this…. all…. about” Davis stammered. “Is this the rape hole you promised us?” one of the guys asked me with greedy eyes. “Man…. my dick is already getting fully set” the guy at the camera looked down and Davis saw how the cock slowly extended to its full 8 inches and rising. “Please…. I am not sure if I can stand that. What is the cam for? Don’t do this to me please” the twink started begging me. Without taking notice of this babbling the guys started putting on black ski masks. I disguised my face also, as we could see the horror in the young lads eyes. “Start filming…” I said. The cam turned around to the entrance. I grabbed Davis from behind and pulled my right arm firmly over his neck. Breathing became difficult now. The two guys from the couch moved closer and started pinching the boys’ nipples severely. Davis just screamed. I covered his mouth with my big left hand while the guy from the bathroom squeezed the lads’ balls hardly. I bit into Davis left ear - pulled and tore like a mad dog - growling dangerously. “We will destroy you” I hissed to Davis. “Look at this!” the guy crushing the boys’ balls exclaimed. Davis became rigid and a wet spot appeared in front of his jeans. The poor lad pissed himself out of fear. The cam was recording every second of it. His white jeans changed the color to yellow, while the piss started wetting his fabrics downwards. The two guys next to the pup started jeering and twisted his nipples brutally now. “You know how to make a guy horny” I whispered into Davis ear. Davis couldn’t help but to sob and piss himself. He was scared to death
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  45. <<Note: Sorry if the mention of straight sex earlier offended anyone. Just trying to set the scene of Kane as being a hot blooded straight bloke. Trust me from here soon in it's just a downward spiral for him>> "Mate come on, you've got to get over her, its been like a week already and you're still kicking about like she was the one" I said trying to lift Kane's spirits. "I have no idea what happened though, like it was all fine and banging and then she just cuts me out totally, she blocked me everywhere and I chatted to some of her mates, and they just said I was a sick perv and should just eat all the nasty ass pussy I want... I have no idea whats going on!" Kane slumped into the sofa head in his hands "If I could just talk to her or something, find out whats happened, what I've done wrong" he softly sobbed into his hands, while I tried to hide my growing boner. What a fucking chump. What was going on was a video of you eating some old fat hairy arse had been sent to her, with you loading banging on about what a tasty pussy it was. She knew you for the sick pig you were and now all her friends did too. I grabbed his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. "Come on now Kane, look I know this has been rough but lets go out tonight yeah, its Friday, we need this, fuck her and lets go get you some action." "Nah mate, I don't want some chick, I want her back" "Alright then, no straight clubs then, me you on the lash at some of the best bars and clubs in town, hows that sound? Tell you what first shots are on me". ... A few hours later and a fair few pints in, me and Kane were in our third pub. Kane was nice and merry lapping up the attention from all the lads. Wearing his skin tight white shirt and those ridiculous jeans of his, he was looking ripped as shit and a little bottom boys dream. "Come on mate all this pub shit is getting boring now" I shouted over the din of the bar to him "How about we head somewhere where we can dance a bit, get loosen up?" "Yeah yeah yeah ok cool man lets go" slurred Kane. It was unbelievable that this big lad was such a light weight. I mean sure I had been spilling most of pints and dosing his, but come on. You'd expect him to be able to handle a few at least. Thankfully I hadn't taken him over the edge yet and he was capable of walking, so we staggered out together, and walked towards my favourite dirty club; Abattoir. So called because fresh meat got slaughtered in there. As I took Kane to the front entrance the security guard stopped us, gave me a look and smile of recognition and eyed up Kane. "Right come here mate, lets have a look at you, how much have you had to drink so far?" I feigned concern and spoke up "He's cool man he's cool we've just had a few beers thats all" "so you say, but he's looking pretty wasted and I need to check him over" Kane got pushed against the wall and told to keep his hands up while he got patted down. Facing the wall he missed the security guard turn to me and wink as he got behind Kane and thrust his crotch up against the pigs boys ass. He worked his hands up kanes abs and chest patting over the t-shirt, clearly groping around. A few more regulars were turning up and began to enjoy the show. "This isn't working mate, right turn round I'm going to need to lift up your shirt and see if you are concealing anything" and with that quick as a flash he span the inebriated Kane around and whipped his shirt up over his chest and half way up his arms keeping his face concealed and his arms restrained. "What, what the fuck?!" Kane muffled under his t-shirt. "Kane don't worry mate I'm here, just let him search you its cool" I said as I came closer and took hold of his arms. The building crowd came closer and watched as the security guard began gliding his hands up and down the defined abs, working up the chest and tweaking Kane's nipples, squeezing them gently watching them puckering up as the attention grew. The security guard then slide his hands down towards Kanes jeans and pretended to try and get his fingers into the waistband. "Nah these are way too tight on your waist. Bear with me" and he undid the buttons on the jeans and pulled them down revealing Kanes tight little briefs to a whistle of admiration from the crowd. The restricted air from having his face covered under his t-shirt was making Kane hot and disoriented making him even more susceptible to the security guard as he put a show on for the crowd of punters. He groped Kanes package and gave it a good squeeze feeling those balls. "Nope not much in there" he smirked, initiating a little mirth from the crowd. "Right put him over the table I need to check his ass now" So I dragged Kane towards the table using his restrained arms to pull them forward over, getting Kane legs spread open, laying flat on the reception. The security guard had a grope of my pigs ass before announcing that he'd need some help and got some of the other punters to stand either side and each hold a cheek and pull apart. Taking a pen knife out of his uniform he then cut a nice hole down the middle of Kanes pants and tore them down the middle. Those holdings hands now pulled the pants ripping them more exposing Kanes smooth pig hole to any and all watching the scene unfold. "Right lets do a quick search in here" Said the security guard as he took out a bag of white powder from his pocket, licked a finger and gave it a good dunk. Unceremoniously he pushed his finger knuckle deep into Kane in one go making him shout out in shock. Luckily I was pretty strong and he was pretty wasted, otherwise I'm sure he would have bolted. "Sorry mate, sorry. My bad, let me lube my finger up again" said the security guard as he slowly dragged his finger out, let one of the punters suck it clean, before dipping it back into the white powder and this time, slowly pushed his finger back inside, taking the time to circle round and round. 'Fuck man this hurts, is this right, I mean is this right?" Kane moaned underneath me as I held him tight. "Don't worry man, its cause you're new" I reassured him "It'll be over soon and you'll gonna love this place when we are in" The security guard pulled his finger out and held it up to the light. A nice pink splooge coated his finger clearly generated by his sharp dirty nail that he'd just be dragged around my pigs ass walls. "You're fine to go, sorry about that mate, you know its got to be done. You looked the druggy type what with your size and all" said the security guard as he bent down to pull Kanes jeans back up, but not before taking a quick second to jab the knife into the back of the jeans and cut a matching hole open. Jeans back up and buttoned, we got Kane up off the table and pulled his t-shirt back down. Red faced and wide eyed, the two booty bumps were clearly having an effect as Kane looked confused and spaced out, I turned him round and guided him towards the club entrance and the loud music. Opening the doors the smells and sounds of dirty raw fucking hit me. I was home. "Come on Kane lets go get a drink" I said taking him slowly inside as the gathering crowd at the door followed us through all intently watching the split in my pigs jeans ripping slightly further with each forward step.
    1 point
  46. Fresh out of high school, cruising around late at night in my small southern hometown I saw something that turned me on in a way nothing had before. This was all before the internet but I had heard that guys hung around the clock tower at night. Who and what they did was left up in the air but in my mind I had to find out. I would drive up the hill and circle around but never saw anything or anyone. It didn’t stop me from going back though and one night as I rounded the tower I saw a man standing there. I quickly drove the loop again but this time I didn’t see anyone. Another loop and then another and then I saw him again. A black man standing just in the shadows and he was completely naked. Another quick drive around the loop and as I approached I saw him again. He was truly naked standing at the base of the clock tower mostly in the shadows but I could tell he was stroking his cock. I quickly parked and walked around the base of the clock tower. I was scared and excited and it was like electricity was jumping off me. There was a door at the far side of the tower and it was pushed open and I saw him in there stroking his cock. I stopped and watched and then he motioned me in. At the time it felt like the bravest thing I ever did walking in there. He was college aged and solid like a football player. My eyes were on that cock. It was cut and big, bigger than I had ever seen in person before. I reached out and stroked it as he leaned in to kiss me. Then his hands were on my shoulders and he was pushing me to my knees and that cock in my mouth. He moaned as I licked and sucked that big black cock of his. He had some poppers and had me sniff them and then he bent me over and licked my ass. He grabbed my cheeks and spread them wide as he buried his tongue in my ass. The poppers, this hot naked black man, and the whole situation had me so excited I could hardly stand it. He handed me the poppers and said take more and I felt the head of the biggest cock I had ever seen in person rubbing against my hole. He teased a bit but then he forced that big black cock into me and kept going until I had every blessed inch. He fucked like only the young do—hard and rough. I knew I was just a hole for him and that turned me on even more. He grabbed my hips and plowed into me over and over. He was hitting spots inside me that were making my legs weak and shake. As his strokes increased I knew he was getting close and with a final hard shove he buried that big black cock—biggest cock I had ever seen in person—into me and unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum. He pulled out fingered my ass a bit and brought some of his load to my lips and kissed me. Then he was gone. I was standing there half naked, late at night, ass dripping cum and the biggest fucking smile. I never saw him—or anyone—at the clock tower after that but I always make the loop when I am back in town and remember the black man that gave one of the best experiences ever.
    1 point
  47. Fuck yeah thats me too just back me hole up the G/H n take any/all cocks n loads (_0_)
    1 point
  48. The stud looked down at me, “Take a hold of it.” My hand hesitated as I reached for his humungous cock, totally engorged with blood at this point. I swear it had grown another inch at least from when I measured it. I wrapped my hand around it, but my fingers just barely touched, and definitely not comfortably. It was so thick and juicy. “Stroke it,” he condescended. I began running my hand up and down the length of his cock, moist from the hot day and his yard work. “That’s how a cock is supposed to feel in your hand. Meaty, big, like mine. You enjoying that?” I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t know. All of this was so new. I knew that I didn’t want it to be happening. I was terrified of what was coming, and I was humiliated to know that I would never be able to satisfy another person as a man. There was a feeling in my stomach though, a fluttery feeling. An uncontrollable excitement at being completely robbed of my power of choice, of submitting totally to another man. There was a freedom in it, an empowerment in being able to shed the pressure and worry of measuring up. I didn’t measure up, but I could offer my holes without feeling the need to compete or prove myself. I figured that I must enjoy stroking his cock because I was still doing it and he wasn’t egging me on. With a small cursory nod I answered his question and then tried to quickly change the subject by asking, “What does the tattoo mean?” The black and red emblem that I had seen in doctors' offices and biology labs for years was right at eye level, staring me in the face. It seemed to be warning me…but of what? “I’ll tell you what,” the beast licked his lips. “When you’ve given your ass over to all of my cock; when your pussy rings have stretched and open enough so that your smooth little bubble butt is pressed up against that tattoo, I’ll tell you what it means.” I had been looking at him while he spoke, my eyes crinkling more and more with concern as he talked about the intention of putting that entire part of his anatomy into my tight pink asshole. His eyes rolled back in his head and grabbed his cock away from me, jerking it at the speed of light and growling, “Uhhhh, those little looks of fear you give me, get me so fucking hard and horny.” And with that, he squeezed his thumb down the entire ten-plus inches of his shaft and a bead of sticky fluid peaked out of the hole at the end of his penis. It formed a full pearl of pre-cum, hanging onto the opening of his cock and had soon created a drip about a half inch long dangling from the slit. “Take a taste.” “What?” I stammered, not ready for this. “Stick out your tongue and lick that juice from the end of this hole wrecker.” I just froze. “I swear to God, if you waste that drip of pre-cum and let it fall to the floor, not only will I shove your face down there to lap it up so fast and so hard that you’ll have a bloody lip, but I will stick my entire fuck stick into you dry and fuck a hole into your colon. Get licking.” And I could tell he was serious about hurting me so I stuck my tongue out and leaned forward on my knees. I pushed my tongue against the end of his bulbous head and transferred the sticky substance from his hole onto my tongue. His taste filled my mouth immediately, this sweet and salty nectar that immediately got my tiny dick harder and made me inadvertently open my thighs a bit to allow anything and anyone easier access to my back door, but also made me feel trashier and used, nothing but a worthless receptacle for a real man’s bodily fluids. But I didn’t mind feeling that way. His taste lingered in my mouth but was too weak to incite the feelings again. I reached out for his dick, trying to squeeze another dollop onto my tongue, and managed a smaller, equally delicious drop. I released his pole and moved my tongue around my mouth trying to expose my taste buds to as much of the stuff as I could. With a small laugh, my attention was brought back to the man that owned me for the afternoon just to settle a $20 pool debt. His enjoyment of my desire for the shit coming out of his dick was apparent and he smiled that smile at me. “Go ahead and suck it. Give it a good taste. Worship a real man by taking his cock where ever he wants to put it.” “I don’t know how to suck cock.” I didn’t. I was being honest. I had never done it, and he was so big. I wouldn’t do it well, I knew I wouldn’t. And I was scared about what it meant if I did. He simply said, “So you’ll learn. And you’ll learn fast. The better you are at it, the longer it is before I violate your other hole.” My ass clenched at the mention of being torn open by his oversized tool and my stomach fluttered at having it be called my “other hole.” I accepted what he said by nodding as I approached his 10 incher, slowly opening my mouth. “Open bigger than that, boy.” I stretched my mouth wider, and felt the soft velvety skin of his mushroom head push through my lips. Again, he tasted of sweat and work. Not dirty, but clean fresh sweat (Again, I would find out the difference later with some of my other clients that tasted of dirty sweat.) This man’s taste consumed me, especially when his helmet was against my soft pallet and my tongue was rubbed against by the spongy, damp skin of the steel-like shaft. “That’s a good rookie cocksucker,” he coached. “Now suck on it a bit. Pretend you wanna’ suck something from my balls through my dick like a straw.” I began giving the portion of his cock I had in my mouth some suction, doing exactly what he said by pretending that I was sucking on a straw. The taste of his pre-cum flooded my mouth again, this time more than the first drip. I felt like a whore and sucked harder. “That’s a good hole. Now bob your head a bit. Be sure to keep those teeth out of the way. Good faggot boy, pretend your mouth is a pussy and fuck yourself with my meat.” I bobbed my head just like he said, trying to take more of it, but not really getting that much of his endowment in my mouth. “Now this is important,” he schooled. “Don’t be all neat and prissy about your blow jobs. Let them get messy. Let the saliva flow, let it run out onto the cock, over your face, never swallow that shit back down. The only thing you swallow is puke if you should gag that much on it. Don’t ever fucking throw up on my dick. You train your fucking throat better than that.” I continued to bob and suck, letting the saliva building up in my mouth go where it wanted. There wasn’t enough room in my mouth for his gigantic piece and all that saliva so it began to run down the top of the 6 inches of his cock not yet in my mouth hole and all over my chin, dripping and falling down onto my sore red boy tits and my eight pack. I felt his hand run through my hair, and then his fingers entangled themselves in my tresses, reclaiming the power and control of how much cock each of my orifices would be consuming. My eyes shot up to look at him, immediately tearing and pleading with him to have mercy. Slight pain in my hair straining against my scalp signaled me to meet his pelvic thrusts with my mouth. His throbbing pole began hitting the back of my throat causing me to gag and choke. I remembered what he said so I focused on not letting myself puke. My hands reached forward to brace myself against his thighs, muscled and defined from sports and work…and I’m sure, from fucking every hole attached to a hot person. Spit was running like a waterfall down my chin and over my torso. My eyes were watering so tears were streaming down my face and snot was dripping from my nose uncontrollably. Bubbles were forming and popping all around the entrance of my mouth where his cock picked up speed in its invasion of my face. I continued to look up at him, embarrassed of all of these things, embarrassed to be emitting so many unattractive fluids all over my face, my mouth distorted by another man’s horse cock. But he would have none of that. “Forget about it, cunt, let it go. You look like such a slut. Ashamed that you have tears, snot, and spit all over your face. And all because of my cock. Just think, your girlfriend never looked like this because your dick can’t do this. She coulda’ flossed with your pathetic dick, but this is what a man can do. Reduce a pussy boy to a choking, gagging whore with red teary eyes, a runny nose, and a mouth stretched beyond recognition. So just accept it. Fucking relish the freedom of letting those juices flow, of being covered with spit and semen and piss and snot just to please another man, a real man. Come on, let it go. Let it go.” My mind was racing, but I figured that this was happening one way or the other, so I might as well listen to him. He had far more experience in this than I did. He sounded like he was trying to help me make it easier on myself, albeit a bit cruelly. So I tried. I stretched my increasingly tiring mouth even wider, tried to think of yawning in order to open my throat, and stopped trying to blink away the tears or sniffle up the snot. He immediately felt my mouth and throat give in, “That’a boy…” He really began skull fucking me, the helmet of his tool plungering in and out of my virgin throat. Everything was flowing…tears poured out of my eyes, mucus bubbled, dripped, and dried as I fought to breath through my nose, and saliva just gushed, splattered, and spilled in long strings from my chin and his cock onto my body and the floor. As I gagged, I prevented myself from throwing up, but I would cough up bile from deeper inside of me that inevitably would spill out over my chin and down my torso. I could hear the sounds of wet suction in my mouth and throat as I took him farther into my gagging orifice until suddenly, I felt his low hangers slapping against my chin. I couldn’t believe it. There was enough of his ten and half inches in my little mouth so that his balls could swing and hit my chin. “That’s a good little whore. Let me skull fuck you, you stupid little slut. You fucking cock socket.” And he just kept pushing into my mouth, invading my throat, his balls hitting my wet chin in rhythm and sending small showers of spit into the air, spraying my face and his hips. The friction and the repeated stabbing into my throat was wearing me down so in retaliation, I reached my hands around to the back of his thighs and his ass, and I don’t know what I was thinking but I pulled him into me, rooting his cock deep in my throat. I dug the fingers of my right hand into his chiseled ass and grasped his right hamstring with a wanton need, not letting him move, just keeping almost 5 inches of his dick in my esophagus. Somehow it occurred to me that I could pulse my aching throat around his cock and so I squeezed his snake with my throat to keep him satisfied with the lack of movement. I kept re-emphasizing my need to have him lodged in my gullet by forcefully caressing and kneading his leg and ass. I was being reduced to a 20 dollar whore. “Holy fuck, you are a cock lover. Look at you using your throat like a pussy trying to milk a baby out of me. You are such a dumb little fuck toy. You just love that dick, don’t you?” He waited. I couldn’t believe he wanted me to answer. I was engulfed on his cock! His hands held firm on my head and I was starting to feel a bit suffocated. “Come on, faggot, answer the question. You just love that dick, don’t you?” I pushed back on his hand, but he didn’t budge. “Ah ah ah, answer me with that cock in your throat. You can do it.” I was starting to get that panicky feeling because my limited air supply was becoming uncomfortable. I struggled and whimpered a little bit. “No you don’t. You don’t come up from that cock until you answer me and I can understand what you said. You just love that dick, don’t you?” I quickly tried to say, “Yes, Sir,” but it was completely unintelligible. I didn’t even understand it and I was the one saying it. “I couldn’t understand that,” he taunted. “Be a lot more articulate than that.” I was starting to get scared that he would never let me breathe. I mustered all my energy and said as clearly as I could, “Yes, Sir.” He released my head as he said, “That’s what I thought, bitch.” I sputtered and choked as I sucked big breaths of air in. Stroking his glistening shaft with long, smooth gestures, he circled me like a shark, collecting the slime from his tool in his hand. He grabbed my hair again and yanked my head back, my mouth instinctively flying open as the ceiling became my focal point. I felt his other hand scoop up the spit that had pooled on my body, adding to the collection from his dick. He then moved up to my face and scooped up all of the stringy saliva, bile, and snot from my cheeks and chin. Leaning over my still gaping mouth, he force fed me the goo in his hand, and then added to the cocktail by hawking up a loogey and expertly spitting it in my mouth. “Swallow it, slut.” I brought my lips together and gulped down the disgusting mixture. It certainly didn’t taste good, but my dick jumped and my ass twitched so I knew it was something that I craved. My tongue lashed out and looped around my mouth in search of any extra saliva, precum, or dried snot that I could ingest. My captor was obviously please with my submission and released my hair, continuing to circle me. Finally, he placed his forearms on the back of the couch and bent over. Somehow, even in this typically vulnerable position, he looked masculine and powerful. His hairy legs bulged and tensed as he bent his knees so that his sculpted ass was more exposed. Both of his cheeks quivered slightly, the muscles flexing in waves as he maneuvered into a comfortable position that he would be able to maintain for a while. The hair on his ass looked soft and silky, the skin beneath glistening with the same sweat that I had encountered everywhere else on this bull. A deep crevice cut through the rounded globes of his ass leading to his asshole. An asshole not like mine, not meant to have things in it. Not meant to be used by other men in lieu of jerking off. Not meant to be used as an alternative to a urinal. That’s what my pretty pink asshole was for, not his. His brown pucker stared straight at me, expectantly. It was a tight, manly starfish of an asshole lightly circled with wispy brown hair. “Don’t just look at it, faggot. Eat it.” “You haven’t showered though.” “I’m gonna’ fuckin’ beat your ass, you stupid whore. A fuck hole that I own for the afternoon shouldn’t give a shit whether I showered or not.” His mention of shit made my mind spin. What if he had pooped before I got there. I definitely didn’t want to taste THAT! He interrupted my thoughts, “You need to get your whore-ass tongue out of your slutty mouth and into my butt or I swear to God I will put things up your ass that you’ll have to go to an emergency room to get out. Don’t think I’m kidding. I once kicked a bottom out that door because I had forced him to take a baseball up his ass and he couldn’t push it out. I told him to come back when he strengthened his cunt muscles and sent him on his way.” I knew he wasn’t joking so I just mustered up my courage and smooshed my face into his ass. Fuck, was he musky. No shit smell at all, but the pungent fragrance of a truly masculine man. The way his sweat meshed with his body’s chemistry turned what could have been B.O. into something aromatic, earthy, and truly delicious. My mouth literally watered and I knew I needed to taste it as well as smell it. I inhaled deeply to have the smell strong and fresh in my nostrils as I spread his muscular cheeks with my hands, planting my open mouth on his waiting anus. “Yeah, lick it like a full service bottom should,” he encouraged. Feeling the need to enjoy as much of his musk as possible, I slobbered over his hole, crack, and glutes. I gently bit his ass, running my tongue back and forth, and then pressing it into his hole, feeling his tender unfucked insides against my exploratory tongue. Legs shaking, he growled and beat his meat as his rented property slurped and sucked his ass. I must have done this for five or ten minutes and would have been content to keep going, although the muskiness was starting to dissipate much to my disappointment. However, he had other plans. He looked back over his shoulder at me munching away on his shitter like a kid eating his favorite meal and said matter-of-factly, “Okay, now it’s time to split open your tight little cunt.” I looked up from his ass, my face slick with my own saliva that now tasted and smelled like his ass musk, scared and helpless. He just grinned.
    1 point
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