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  1. Part 29   Hank and I got up then and walked downstairs. I was kind of dragging, still trying to get my head around what had happened. We got to the livingroom and found everyone else there already. Hank, being the host, greeted everyone and asked if all the newbies had received their gifts, yet? They all nodded, including one who looked about as shell-shocked as me. I went and sat beside him. I asked, "how's it going." He said, "I didn't think it would be quite like this. I wanted it and chased for it, but wow, I got that guy over there and his cock is really gigantic and tore my ass up pretty good. Felt great, but hurt like hell too. I was bleeding, so I will probably get it pretty soon, too. How about you." I told him, "I'm a little bit different. A week ago, I had never ever done anything gay. Then last night, Hank did me, and that is when I found out what this party was about. I had no idea before." He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "You're not gay? You weren't here to get HIV?" I said, "No, I had no idea until Hank was cumming in me for the first time I had ever had cum in my ass and he said take my HIV load. Until then, I had no idea at all and really didn't want it in me." He just stared at me in disbelief, I think. Hank was talking then, "He said it looked like everyone had at least one load of toxic cum in their ass. If you want more, the rest of the weekend is before us and everyone is welcome to stay and make sure they get what they want." Tom spoke up then, "I am ready for more for sure. Anyone want a nice hot load from me. My last test showed my leves at about 900,000, definitely high enough to do you good." Two of the guys raised their hands immediately and were ready to go. Tom picked one and they headed upstairs to go to it. I was still mostly looking down, but when I did glance up, I noticed that Hank and the stripper were both staring at me and the stripper nodded and gave me a huge smile. The guy I was sitting beside said, "I am sore, but I came here to get it, so who has the highest viral load here? I want to make sure it takes now." Hank said, "I think I have, probably, the highest content. My last test was 1.5 million and I saw my buddy here beside me's test and his was about 1 million." The other two 'gifters?' said their's were 750,000 and 600,000, so I guess that made theirs about the lowest but quite high I thought, not knowing really what the numbers meant for sure. I noticed Hank kind of looking at me with almost a question on his face, so I nodded for some reason. He got up then and took the hand of the guy beside me and they headed up to bed. The two lower count guys each grabbed one of the others looking to receive and they just started making out and getting ready right there, one pair on the floor and the others on the couch. This left the stripper and me as the only ones not doing anything. I was still pretty much out of it from shock, so wasn't really interested in anyone at the moment. I got up slowly and headed for the kitchen. I dug in Hank's refrigerator and got a Coke out and then took a sip or two, and reached for the Rum sitting on the counter and refilled the can for a good stiff drink. I then wandered outside to the picnic table. I had a lot on my mind now. What the hell should I do? Hank did say I could get to the doctor and get something called PEP, whatever that meant. God, 4 loads of HIV positive cum in my ass and they were the first ever loads in my ass. That was something, a week ago, I would never have even thought about. Was I crazy? I had to admit that the last week had been the most mind blowing sex I had ever had, but what did it mean? I had almost finished my drink, when I became aware that someone was standing beside me. I looked up to find the stripper standing there, holding two more drinks in his hands, and giving me a big smile. I kind of smiled back and told him hi. He handed me another drink and then sat down beside me, basically lightly touching our legs together. I didn't bother to move. He said, "you really look upset, so I thought I would get you another drink. Maybe it will help calm you down." I gave him a smile and thanked him. We didn't say anything for a little bit. Then he asked, "you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help you get through this. Do have to admit, though, that I am a little prejudiced about it and sitting here with you gives me ideas, but I will try to help." For the first time I actually noticed that we were actually touching and as I glanced over at him, my eyes swung down a little and I noticed he was definitely at least part way hard. Not all the way, as I had seen that, but it was probably 75% up for sure and it was still massive. He let out a laugh then and said, "I saw you glance at it. I told you I was a little bit prejudiced. I want your ass so bad it is all I can do to just sit here and not grab you, but I'll be nice and just wait and see." I let out a little laugh then and said, "well, at the moment I don't think I want any more cock in me, but I'll be nice too and let you dream anyway."
    11 points
  2. Part 5, the beautiful spell of the brown bottle. I heard Jax comment to Mr C that the sweet cherry pie is cooled enough to be delivered and he has the pizza for the shrink ready as well. As Jax handed me the cherry pie, he said.... be a good load carrier and take your pie to the truck. He followed with the pizza and we put both in the warmer. Mr C got in the drivers seat and told Jax if he wants to close early and meet him at the party, that he was welcome to. Jax looked at me and smiled and said, ‘I wouldn’t miss hitting that party’. As we drove down front street we saw all kinds of sleazy adult book stores and theaters and other places I had heard my parents talk about. Mr C said we had to drop the pizza off at his doctor friends house. I asked what kind of doctor, and he said he is a shrink who specializes in hypnosis. I looked at Mr C, and said, ‘does that kind of thing really work?’ He said, ‘oh Dr. Brad is the best and yes it sure does. Oh Lukas, can you make sure that little cooler bag is still in the back and cold’? ‘‘Oh that one with the little brown bottles? Sure Mr C.’ As I leaned over the back seat of the truck, I had to adjust my cock, it was super hard, it must have been those stripper clubs and dirty book stores we passed. ‘Yes Mr C, it is here’ as I brought it to the front seat. He put his hand on top and did, ‘oh thanks pup. We will need that later.’ As we pulled into the doctors driveway, the house was huge. ‘Wow, he must do really well for himself’, I said. ’Yes, he gets the best clients in town because he is so good’ Mr C said. ‘Do you want him to tell you about hypnosis pup? ‘I would love that, if we have time, I know how important it is to not socialize with the patrons’. I said. He said, ‘oh no, this is important and we have time before Mr. Ali is expecting his pie, I can ask Dr. Brad to show you a few things.’ We both got out of the car, I took the pizza and walked first up the side walk. When Dr. Brad opened the door he said, ‘come in and bring the pizza to my kitchen, I have your money there.’ He said, ‘just go straight and turn left.’ I could hear Mr C and Dr. Brad talking to each other quietly behind me. I put the pizza in the huge island in the kitchen and just then Dr. Brad entered the kitchen alone and said, ‘Tony told me you were curious of hypnosis?.’ ’Yeah, my dad said it was the work of the devil and not to be believed, so I was surprised, he said it was real.’ ’Well, l am happy to show you, come into my home office.’ I followed him down the hall through his amazing house. We went down the steps and entered a room with cabinets along the walls and a big black leather chaise-lounge chair in the middle of the room. He said, ‘Lukas lay on the couch’. He turned a light on and the soft glow that faced my eyes. It made the rest of the room very dark. I could hear his voice and he got very soft spoken and explained that he would just repeat things and I was to close my eyes and relax and listen to him and to repeat them when he said to. I nodded when he asked if it was clear of what to do. He said he would use an item, that was my ‘magic item’ and whenever I would see this item I would instantly become hypnotized and do what I was told. He said he would keep me safe and always bring me back by saying..... come back to me now pup and clap his hands 3 times. I would then wake up and forget what happened. I smiled and said, ‘that would be awesome if you really can’. I felt his hand on the back of my head and he slowed pulled something over my head and eyes. It was as soft as mink on my forehead as he covered my eyes. He commented it was a blindfold and would help me relax and listen to his words. He said to ‘relax and start very slowly taking a huge inhale of breath and fill my lungs’. Breathing as deeply as I could and then to exhale slowly and completely.’ After a couple breaths he said deeper Lukas, fill every inch of your lungs with air. He talked very softly and deeply, and he stroked my arm slowly as I exhaled very softest with his fingers. I heard some soft music starting to play. It sounded Magical and relaxing. I was so relaxed, he said I would start to feel tingly. Very calmly he asked how I was. I said ‘I am awesome’. ‘Great, you are almost there. Just skip breathing deep and exhale slowly pup.’ ‘He very calmly, kept touch my arm and he said ‘Lukas, I am ready to tell you the special trigger. Imagine in your head a little bottle. It is glass and only about 2 inches tall. It is brown and wider than it is deep. It is very dark brown and has a black cap.’ I was imagining the little bottles I saw in Mr C’s refrigerator in his red room and said ‘yes Dr Brad, I see it in my head, and actually I can even feel what it felt like, cold and smooth’. he said, ‘perfect, Lukas, when you see a bottle like that. Or feel a bottle like that. You will instantly go into a trance. Your guide and adult who is present will help you stay safe. Do you trust them Lukas? Do you feel safe with them? Remembering how amazing Mr C is to me, I said, ’Yes Dr. Brad, I trust them. He will keep me safe’. ’Well, yes him, but actually anyone who knows the scecret of the bottle will keep you safe Lukas, you can trust them all.’ ’I can trust them all’. I repeated. ‘As I felt his hand softly brush my hair back around the blindfold, he said ‘Perfect and when I kiss your forehead, this will always be true of the bottle.’ As I felt his warm soft kiss on my forehead. As I laid there completely relaxed and under the spell, I felt a second hand on my leg and I heard a sound of someone opening something and I little popping hissing noise of pressured air escaping. Dr. Brad was right at my ear and said ‘breath deeply Lukas, slowllllyyyyy and more deeepppplllyyyyy through your nose than you ever have.’ And I felt a strong mans finger pushing my left nostril closed. I heard Dr. Brad say, it will smell a little funny for a minute, but you love the smell, I repeat, you love this smell, it is your medicine to make you strong and beautiful and whole. I nodded ok. As I breathed in, he was right, there was a strange smell. ‘I heard a familiar voice say, Lukas, count to10 before you slowly exhale.’ ‘Mr C, I hear you, yes Sir.’ I said. ‘So I counted, one thousand 1, one thousand 2, and so on. As I got to one thousand 10, I felt a more masculine kiss on my forehead and I slowly exhaled. I felt an amazing rush, I was so tingly and warm and Alive, as I started to breath in again, I felt my right nostril close and I heard Mr C, ‘great job pup do it one more time, nice and slow’. I felt something cold and metal against my belly. It sounded like sciccors cutting something. My chest felt cooler as I could feel a breeze move over me. The sound got closer and closer until I could hear it cut the top or my T-shirt army neck as I stated counting on the exhale. One thousand 1, one thousand 2.... i then felt a thumb and finger on my left nipple, oh and my right nipple now. As I started to inhale slowly, I felt the Dr pinch my nose shut and was told to pucker like a puffer fish and breath in though my mouth. I could hear the air go into my mouth as it was muffled by something right in front of my mouth. My mind was racing, I felt electric, I felt all tingly, my body wiggled and I felt my asshole twitch over and over and over. It was electric and euphoric as wave after wave of sensation crashed over me. I felt my nipples being rotated like a radio dial. As I started my exhale count, I felt something warm, soft and slippery at my mouth. It smelled musky and I could feel hairs tickle my cheek. It felt like skin but it smelled musky. I felt my mouth open a little and something hard to the touch but soft on the outside enter my mouth. It felt like a huge cock, in my mouth, so strange I thought, this is all so strange and so surreal. I must be in a dream. The fingers on my nipples got rougher and rougher and the thing, was it a dick? I am so confused was pausing in and out of my mouth. As it pushed into my throat, I heard Dr. Brad say, holy shit Tony, he has no gag reflex. Wow, he is doing a great job with your coc....’ and Mr C intrupted him and said, it’s the medical instrument. He’s doing a great job on the medical instrumen. With that, I felt what felt like a quart of warm fluid go down my throat. ‘Yes, give him all the medicine’, Dr Brad said.. I heard some movement and heard a door close. Dr. Brad said, ok Lukas, please put your shirt on and he handed me a shirt. Wait, mine was torn, this one slipped right on, oh, that’s strange. I am going to bring you out now. With that I heard. ‘Come back to me pup’ and clap clap clap. I woke up, sat up and said, ‘wow, what a cool feeling. Am I dreaming? Oh, wow, that was wild Dr. Brad’ did you really hypnotize me? I felt him taking My blindfold off and nodded and said I did great. ’oh wow, th so, that’s awesome, oh shoot, I better get back to work, Mr C is going to be mad.’ Dr Brad said, ‘do you remember much?’ ’No, just that felt funny but awesome and I was all warm and I feel full.’ he turned the lights on and I scurried back upstairs. He gave me $50 and said to keep the change. as I got back to the truck, Mr C was sitting there waiting. I apologized, it seemed like I was gone too long and he said it was totally fine. ‘‘Well, how was it, did he get it to work?’ Mr C asked. ’he said I did great, yeah it was awesome, wow, this is the best birthday ever.’ I cleared my throat and grabbed my neck. Mr C looked and said, what’s wrong? ‘I looked and said, ‘Oh nothing, I just have a strange taste in my mouth and throat is kind of sore. I hope I am not coming down with something.’ ‘‘He said, oh I am sure you aren’t yet, but we can watch out for that.’ part 6, the cherry pie finally shows up.
    6 points
  3. As a Female hooker the idea of bug chasing and dirty sex has corrupted and consumed my mind. during the nights I'm a street walker so i've seen and been in some fucked up places. i have take more dick and loads them most people can dream of. I like writing and exploring dirty situation that i have been in or fantasize about. so here the deal. if you guys care to play a Role playing game where i host you conversion party? All i would need is ur participation and some background on you and your ideal conversion party. after that i will create a custom story for your where u chose your own path not knowing the results of each choice till the very end. My mind is pretty dirty and i can think of some fucked up hot thing that can happen while providing you with some hot sexual stories. lets see how this goes so please leave a comment if you want to play i will choose two people to begin. if there lots of interest i might do more if not more can be selected once the first to stories are done. IF YOU LIKE DIRTY, KINKING, BUG CHASING, stories you have come to the right place.
    5 points
  4. Notice: The author does not consent to anyone using the characters or plot line of this story for any derived work, whether the author is still active on this site or not. They are not abandoned nor placed in the public domain. I've had this story sitting around a while. It's a little different than the other story I have. I hope people like it. ------- My name’s Mike and I’m I guess what you would call a bear cub. I’ve played football since I was little and was on the team in high school. Linebacker was my usual position, but sometimes the coach would move me to center. I guess I got the hairy gene from my dad and I could grow a full beard by the end of my freshman year. My chest, arms, legs and butt were covered in dark hair too by the time my sophomore year came around. I was a little self conscious about being so hairy in high school when most other guys could barely grow a decent mustache. I shaved my face until my senior year when a friend told me I should just let it grow out. Most of the girls in high school seemed to be turned off with the hair which was fine with me since I was more interested in guys anyway. After I graduated high school I was working in the local big home improvement store, a job I got when I was a junior in high school. I didn’t have a lot of experience with men but I was able to meet a lot of guys at the store. I was surprised how many hit on me - some were subtle and some blatant. The summer before I went to college I finally got up the nerve to accept the offer of a few of the men, but we never went past kissing and sucking cock. I distinctly remember, however, how on each occasion I found it a real turn-on to look down at the burly, hairy, masculine man sucking my thick seven and a half inch long cock. I also liked to go down on guys and sucking cock. I even found I loved the smell and taste of a sweaty guy’s cock and even the stale piss I could find on the cock of most of the men. With a few of the men I would regularly swap a blowjob. They all expressed disappointment I was leaving for school at the end of the summer, but I was excited. I was determined to be an out and proud gay guy far away from home. I had never studied so hard in my life but I left a little time for fun. I wasn’t on the football team at college - I was never that good so I didn’t try out. I did find some intramural football teams to play on and had fun. I even found a couple gay teams. Some guys warned me that they would rape me, and I secretly hoped they would, but it turned out that they were just like all the other teams on the field. Off the field was kinda similar too - lots of drinking and joking around but sometimes they would have a sex party. The first one I went to I was so nervous. There were over twenty guys there, all naked. It was both of the gay football teams and their friends and boyfriends. There were only two of us freshman and the rest were older with several being grad students. Guys were groping me and kissing me almost right away and I got into the mood immediately. I sucked a few guys and some sucked me. One guy rimmed me while I was sucking a guy on a bed. That’s when I learned an ass up in the air like that was a silent invitation to get fucked. The guy I was sucking held me down as I felt my ass get spread wider and a cock rub around my hole. The guy was holding my head down and I couldn’t look back, but I was pretty sure the guy wasn’t wearing a condom. I had only been fucked about a dozen times but I always played safe. I didn’t even know who was behind me playing with my ass. I felt some liquid squirt on my puckered hole and then a finger push it inside. I moaned around the cock in my mouth and the finger slowly went in deeper and then pulled out. The guy did it several times before he pushed two fingers in. It felt tight for a little bit but by twisting his fingers around and in an out my hole relaxed and opened up. I could hear a group behind me talking. It wasn’t the derogatory comments I heard in the locker room in high school about me being an ape or a neanderthal, but the exact opposite. “Damn that is one sexy ass” one guy said. “That furry hole is gonna look good with my cock inside it” said another. “I could munch on that butt for days” said a third. I was turned-on in hearing the men thought I was sexy, not a freak. My cock was rock hard, dripping precum on to the bed. It was like a fantasy, I had a nice, long cock in my mouth, my cock was hard and some stranger was playing with my ass getting ready to fuck me. And fuck he did. He slid his fingers out of my hole and I felt the cock rub around the ring and between my balls and hole. Indistinct voices urged "Push it in” and “Do it.” I was so horny I pushed my ass back and I heard someone else say “Oh yeah, he really wants it.” I felt the pressure and tried to relax as the stranger pressed in harder. He had lubed me up but it still hurt. The guy that I was blowing started to fuck my head on his cock and the guy in my ass started slowly fucking me. I could feel his cock get deeper and deeper and it started to feel really good. I knew this was about as dangerous as sex could get. I was getting fucked bare by some guy I didn’t know and couldn’t see. The harder he fucked me the harder the cock in my mouth got rammed into my throat. I usually gagged if a cock got too deep, but this was so hot and my brain was so overloaded with sensations I was taking all of the guys cock into my throat. My face was planted into his pubes until I finally started to panic since I couldn’t breathe. I forced my head up and gasped for air and yelled out “Oh FUCK YEAH!!!” Spit was dripping out of my mouth from the face fuck and I looked at the guy that I had been blowing who had a big grin on his face. “You like that raw cock in your ass?” asked the guy. I started to say “Oh shit, no. I only fuck safe” but only got “oh shit” out before the guy fucking me slammed in and shot his cum deep inside me. It was a strange feeling. I could feel my hole get sloppy and warm and wet. I could feel his cock pulse several times, fading after the first four pulses. I felt the guy in my ass lean over and kiss the back of my neck and say “Thanks, dude. That was so fuckin’ hot.” He leaned back and pulled out and before I could move I felt someone else get behind me and push their cock into my cummy hole. I was scared, horny, excited, and aroused all at the same time. The guy in front of me pulled my head back to his cock and I instinctively started to suck while the next unknown guy started to fuck me. This cock was a thinner than the last one but longer. I could feel it dig deep inside me as he would bottom out. I moaned louder around the cock in my mouth and started to bob frantically on it. My tongue flicked and lapped on the guys cock until I felt it start to swell in my mouth. The guy’s hands were on the back of my head again and he pushed down as I felt his cock flood my mouth with his salty, thick cum. I swallowed it all and sucked any cum I could find on his cock and pubes. The second guy in my ass began to fuck me fast and hard and I could tell he was close. I heard some one say “Breed him” and it rocked me back to reality. I was getting fucked bareback and taking strangers' loads. I had become a cumdump without even knowing it. The guy in front of me pulled his soft cock out of my mouth and crawled away. Now I could concentrate only on the guy fucking me. I tried squeezing my hole around the guy's hard cock and he grunted in pleasure as his cock blew his load into my ass. When the spurts of cum ended, he drove his cock in a few more times and pulled out. I’m not sure why I didn’t get up right away, but I think that deep down I wanted to see how many guys wanted to fuck me. Another cock plunged into my now gaping hole. This one was a lot thicker and I soon found out even longer than the last one. As the guy bottomed out, he pulled my body up and my back was against his chest. I saw two arms wrap around me and they were dark skinned with tattoos on both down to the wrist. It was Deon, the other linebacker on our team. “I’ve wanted to fuck that hot ass of yours since I first saw you and it feels even better than I imagined” he whispered in my ear. He pinched and twisted my nipples and then pushed me back to the bed and started to pound my ass. The bed was bouncing and I was uttering meaningless guttural words. Cum was running down both of my legs and I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I arched my back more and felt Deon go even deeper and then yell out “Oh baby” over and over until he fell on to my back and held me tight. I could feel his cock pumping his cum deep inside me and it felt so perfect. Three more guys fucked me, each fucking a different way but just as enjoyable. When the last guy pulled out, I had six different men’s DNA swimming inside me and I loved the feeling. I crawled off the bed and stood up slowly, my muscles sore from being pounded and in the same position for almost two hours. I wandered around watching others suck or fuck. I grabbed a beer and guzzled it down, trying to rehydrate my body. I was about to wander around again when our team quarterback, Ty, came up to me and said in a femme voice “You bitch!” and started laughing. I must have looked confused and he then said in his normal voice “You took all the good cock from our team. I was hoping to get all that cock but they fucked you instead.”
    5 points
  5. Part 28   I woke up and glancing at the clock noticed it was still only about 1 in the morning. I had only been asleep about and hour and a half at most. It dawn on me that the bed was rocking and then it hit me, Hank has his cock in my ass and was gently fucking me again. What the hell? He has HIV, I don't want anymore. I turned my head towards him and he was smiling and leaned towards me and kissed me and I couldn't help it, I returned the kiss. He then said, "about time you woke up. I was just about to unload a 4th load in you and here it comes." With that I felt his cock expand and then throb in my hole with another of his toxic loads. Then it hit me, he had said a 4th load? I asked him, "what do you mean a fourth load?" He said, "your ass was too much for me and while you were asleep I have been fucking you the whole time." My eyes had to have grown to the size of saucers with that proclamation. 4 loads of HIV cum in my ass and one while I was asleep? The shock on my face must have shown and Hank said, "it was more than I could resist. Your ass is amazing and feels so super wrapped around my cock, I just had to." I said, "but you have HIV and I don't want it. What the hell am I to do now? A week ago I had never done anything gay and now you say you have infected me? OMG, I can't believe this." He said, "I've been hinting about it all week and what did you think a conversion party was anyway? Plus, I am sure you saw the biohazard tats on us? Didn't you have any clue at all?" I said, "I saw them but had no idea what they meant and especially not meaning HIV and a conversion party? I thought that just meant some guys coming out as either being gay or maybe BI, I had no idea of conversion to have a disease. Now, what to I do?" Hank said, "it seems like you had a lot of fun lately. I know you enjoyed every second of it, didn't you? Now, you can just keep on having the best sex you have ever had, but don't have to worry anymore that you might catch it. Then, again, it isn't too late, you might not catch it or you could get to the doctor and get what is called PEP, which stops it, but then you would probably have to stop having sex with any guys ever again cause you never know whether they have it or not. It is up to you." I had to admit it had been the best sex I had ever had, but did I want to get HIV? I had a huge amount to think about. The door to the bedroom opened then and the stripper came walking in with a big grin on his face. He said, "here's the party poopers. We were wondering if you were going to come join in or just keep making all kinds of noise up here alone. Sounds like you two were trying to drive the bed through the floor." Hank laughed and said, "didn't realize we had made that much noise. I guess we had been a little noisy earlier. I kind of got carried away fucking Jim here as his ass is so fantastic." The stripper looked at me and said, "i can see his legs are still spread, and he appears to finally have let you cum in him as there is a lot running out of that cummy ass for sure." I immediately close my legs, which was a mistake, as they had been spread so long and my ass used so much it made me groan a little. The stripper laughed at that. He then said, "lucky you as I would love some of that sweet ass too and maybe you will let me real soon now that you know how great it feels." I could only stare at him as my mind was still not functioning good at all.
    5 points
  6. I almost felt sorry for the guy. Here he was, a new join to our leather club, having recently moved to the area for his first job as an IT guy, and he allowed me to be his mentor. Not that I minded- he was short and beefy, had a bushy beard and a nerdish shyness still at 24. Most importantly, he was eager to be a part of our group, to find a family in this new location. I quickly took him under my wing, introducing him to the entire group, a mostly over 40 crowd still clinging to the old gay ways of yesteryear. No phone apps or hookup sites, just a weekly bar meeting and get togethers. Hell, I'm pushing 50 now, so I guess I'm in prime daddy zone myself. Anyways-the new meat stuck by my side during his first meeting, and I made sure the other 10 guys kept their distance. He seemed to like the way I looked in my leather harness, despite my hairy belly protruding and my middle age hairy tits. He commented on my nipple rings, and gently tugged at them as if he had never seen them before on a man. I put my arm around him, and we sat that way thru the boring meeting, only disengaging when he went up front to tell everyone a little about himself. As the men dispersed after the meeting and began drinking, I got me and the new meat some drinks, and walked us back to a darker corner of the bar. I took my pipe out and lit it, sending a cloud of smoke around the both of us. Meat seemed to like this, as he moved in closer and smiled at me. I nodded to him and grabbed his bearded face and pulled him to my lips. I exhaled more pipe smoke into his face, removed my pipe, and went in for my first kiss. He accepted my tongue, and our beards meshed together, his black to my salt and pepper. I took hold of his black T-shirt and began lifting it over his head. Once removed, my hand caressed his hairy torso, feeling the beginnings of his young bear gut and his flabby pecs. I could see in my mind's eye how he'd look in another 10 years- a nice fat bear with bitch titties, bald like me with the traditional bald man fringe. I pinched his nipples as I caressed him, continuing to engulf him in my pipe smoke. He responded to my advances eagerly, so easily seduced by this daddy bear in a new city. With my hand resting on his belly, and my pipe clenched in my jaw, I began telling him how the leather group was pretty close: our cookouts, weekend trips, movie nights. His eyes lit up, and I knew he was excited to be joining us. He expressed surprise there wasn't an apprenticeship to join the group, but I let him know we weren't like some of the more formal leather groups. He nodded and finished his drink, so I moved him in front of me as I sat on a stool, his back resting against my belly and my arms reaching around and holding him in place. He leaned his head back, and my pipe was right next to his face. He seemed to enjoy being so close to it, breathing in deeply and smiling. I began working both his nipples gently, and I felt them firm up as he pushed back into me. "You like Daddy's pipe, don't ya boy?" The meat responded by shaking his head yes, and I patted his belly and blew more smoke in his face. "Let me show you something," I said as I released my grip on him. I walked him to a door across the room, and we entered the dark space. Closing the door, I flipped the light switch and he saw the dungeon room in all its glory. Sling, fuck bench, chains with restraints hanging from the ceiling. His eyes grew wide and I embraced him, kissing him again and again as I unbuttoned his pants. "Since you're new, we need to get you dressed properly so you fit in with the rest of us. Take off your jeans and underwear, then put your boots back on." My prey offered no resistance, and I moved to the far wall and from a shelf removed an item for our new member. I motioned and he quickly was at my side. Seeing him naked in only his black boots was almost more than I could take. Such a hot piece of meat, so innocent in his desire to belong, his 6" cock half erect. I handed him a leather jock strap, and helped him get into it. I could see he was turned on, but also a little embarrassed to be letting a man dress him . I pulled him in and kissed his lips again, gently patting his ball sack inside the leather pouch of the jock strap. "You like your new outfit, boy?". He said he did, but expressed concern there wasn't more of it. I assured him this was enough for now, and told him to fold his street clothes and place them on the shelf where I had removed his jock. He did so quietly, and as he walked back to me, and grabbed his nipples and began twisting and working them. He winced until I stopped, then I pulled him in tightly and kissed him, fondling his exposed hairy ass as I did. I could feel his cock jump inside the pouch. I pointed to a vest on a hanger across the room, its front showing years of wear yet still a beautiful piece. "That vest has been mine for 30 years. I got it when I first joined this leather club. Doesn't fit so well around my belly now. It'll be yours by the end of the night if you want it". He seemed touched by this gesture, and was about to speak before I cut him off. "Get on your knees and thank Daddy for your new clothes," I said, pushing down on his shoulders until he was on his knees in front of me. I unzipped my leather pants, and let my cock flop out. Gripping it in one hand, I squeezed it until a drip of precum leaked out the end. "Lick it off, boy. Suck Daddy's cock". My prey fully cooperated, engulfing my leaky 7" thick cock in his hairy mouth. I let him suck me a few minutes before pulling out and wiping my cock in his beard. I pulled him up, and again assaulted his mouth with my tongue. His cock was rock hard, pushing out into it's leather prison. "As President of this club, boy, I get to decide who's allowed to join. You sure you want to join? You can still leave if you've changed your mind." He didn't answer, he just began rubbing my cock, and put his head down on my chest. I knew he was mine. I guided him over to the fuck bench, and helped him place his hands and knees properly, and then strapped them in place. Once secured, I smacked his ass hard with my hand, intending to leave a welt. He was startled, but did not protest. I pulled a stool over, and sat between his legs with his ass in front of me. I pulled his cheeks wide, revealing the hairy insides of his crack and his pink puckered hole. My cock began dripping at the thought of taking this hole, making it mine to fuck and breed. To control. My tongue plunged deep, tasting his musk as it darted in and out, savoring the first taste of what was going to be MY hole from now on. Lost in my desires, I tongued him continually for 20-30 minutes, until I was unable to wait any longer. I stood, kicking the stool out of my way. I quickly filled my pipe and lit it, breathing deeply and inhaling as much as possible. I walked up to his head and grabbed his hair, lifting his face to look at me. "Take a hit of Daddy's pipe, boy." His look of confusion amused me. "Take a hit, and suck Daddy's smoke into your lungs. I want you to have the taste of it in your mouth as I fuck you. As I make you My pipe boy". I held the pipe to his lips, and he pulled in a mouthful of smoke and inhaled, trying his best to not cough but failing miserably. I saw smoke come out his mouth, and his nostrils, and I grabbed his beard. "You did good for the first time, pipe boy. You'll do better next time." He nodded and I released his hair. Moving back between his legs, I began rubbing my cockhead directly on his hole, smearing my leaking juices onto the pink wrinkles of his puckered ass. I began pushing my mushroom head into his ass, then backing out and pushing in again. Each time coating his insides with more of my precum. He moaned with each entry, his hole still not lubed enough to not cause him discomfort. As I backed out the last time, I spit directly on his hole, and pushed in quickly, burying all 7" at once. He let out a yelp, and I leaned forward and put my hands on his shoulders. "It'll get easier, boy, just accept Daddy's cock." I began fucking in and out, and saw blood streaks on the top of my shaft. "You're bleeding a bit, boy, but that's ok. I'll add more lube." Again I spit on my cock, and shoved it back into the meat on the fuck bench in front of me. Soon I could hear the familiar sounds of sloshing and smacking associated with fucking. My precum was making it nice inside the boy's hole, coating his guts with my juices. To his credit, his hole never lost its grip. Each backward movement it grabbed my cock tighter, squeezing out more of my cock juice. My pipe was blazing by now, filling the room with hazy smoke, making even a lifelong smoker like myself dizzy from the nicotine high. I fuck into him harder and harder, his body rocking from my thrusts. "I'm cumming pig! You want my load?! You wanna join our club?!". The pig yelled yes, begging me to fuck and cum in him. I thrust more, eyeing my prey as I watched my cock move in and out. "You're mine, boy, all of you! Join Daddy's club!". My cock spasmed, shooting jet after jet of my toxic cum into his young hairy ass. But I kept fucking, moving in and out, from side to side, trying to hurt him, to tear his ass open with my cock. Until finally I stopped. My assault was over. I dropped to my knees, removed my pipe, and buried my face into his newly bred hole. Tonguing him passionately, I ground my beard into his newly initiated ass. I licked the juices from his hole, covering my beard with the remnants of this rough fuck- his blood, flecks of brown, my own cum. All of it. I wanted to claim this as my property, and I wanted to wear this in my beard for all to see. When I pulled my face away, I could see cum dripping from the edge of the leather jock the boy was wearing. He came from getting fucked, like a good pig. I patted his ass, and began undoing his restraints. I helped him off and over to a chair, where I sat him down and allowed him to lick my cock clean. I walked over to the vest, removed it from the hanger, and told him to stand. Without showing him the back, I helped him into his new vest, and told him how good he looked in it. "Ever better than I did back when it was first given to me", I added. He smiled at me. I then reached into my jeans pocket, and pulled a thick chain collar I had saved for just this moment. "Now that you're mine, boy, we need to let the rest of the group know, cuz I don't share my property with anyone". He stood still as I fastened the chain around his neck. Once it was placed, I kissed him again, fully embracing my new meat. We left the room together, our fellow club members noticing us as we approached. He was a sight to behold. A new young leather pipe boy, wearing his leather jock strap, black boots, and a well-worn leather vest, emblazoned on the back with a 16" bright red biohazard symbol, to show everyone he was a member of a club he didn't know he had just joined.
    4 points
  7. CLICK. The door slowly swings open inward, and I step into the apartment. Slipping the key back into the pocket of my shorts, I look around furtively as I close the door behind me, as quietly as possible. Good - no lights on, no sign of anyone here, I think with relief. When your buddy is the superintendent of a huge apartment building on the wrong side of town, you can get away with all kinds of shit. Tom clues me in on when his residents are away, gives me his copy of their key, and I grab whatever I can. He gets a third of the profits, since he's not taking as much of a risk as I am. He says this apartment belongs to a guy who lives alone. Seems like kind of a shy, nerdy type. Works some kind of IT job, keeps to himself. I don't ask too many questions - sounds like an easy target to me. If by chance he's there when I hit his place I'm sure I can clock him and get away before he has a chance to get at me. I pass the kitchen and head for the living room. Nothing promising here - books, TV, desktop computer. No laptop or iPad, nothing small and easy to grab. I decide to check the bedroom and circle back if there's nothing there. Suddenly there's a loud SMACK and the back of my head explodes in pain. Stunned, I drop to my knees. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!" I turn to look behind me and I'm immediately greeted by a fist to the right side of my face. I hit the floor. A strong pair of hands grabs me - one under my arm, and the other around my neck - and lifts me off the floor, and I get a good look at him for the first time. He's shorter than me - looks about 5'5" - wearing the typical IT guy uniform of khakis, a short sleeve dress shirt and tie, and glasses. Brown hair, weathered face, looks to be about 40. But holy shit, his chest and arms are bulging against his shirt. Fucking Tom...he didn't tell me the guy was a little fucking beast, I think. "You breaking in here to steal some shit? Huh? ANSWER ME, you fucking punk!" Still reeling from two quick blows to the head, I say nothing. I'm unsteady on my feet as it is, and his hand is crushing my windpipe. I'm seeing stars as I start to go down again. "No one fucking breaks into my place and gets away with it." He wrenches me around by the arm and hurls me backward over the back of the sofa. "ANSWER ME YOU LITTLE ASSHOLE! What the fuck are you doing in here??" His face is right in mine, so much so that his spit is all over my face. He eases his grip on my neck. "You're in here to steal my stuff, aren't you? Thought you could get away with it?" I stutter "Y- yeah." He grins wickedly. "Well too fucking bad for you that I caught you!! Now you're going to pay for it!" He grabs both arms and flips me over, so I'm flung face down over the back of his sofa. He pins both of my hands behind my back with one hand. I realize he's incredibly fucking strong, and even if I wasn't likely concussed he would have been able to overpower me pretty quickly in a fight. But despite knowing this, instinct kicks in, and I struggle against his grip, twisting my arms in an effort to free my hands and trying vainly to gain my balance enough to kick him in the nuts. "Oh no you don't!!" With his free hand, he smacks me across the back of the head again. Then he lands a blow to my right side, near my kidney. It completely takes the wind out of me. Suddenly, to my shock, he grabs the waistband of my gym shorts and rips them down to my knees in one quick motion. I'm left in just a t-shirt and my briefs. What the fuck is he doing, I panic in my brain. "You're nothing but a fucking punk bitch, and I'm going to put you in your goddamn place." SMACK. His open hand lands a sharp blow across my right ass cheek. I yowl in pain - it stings like a motherfucker. Before I have time to catch my breath, he lands another one. And another. And another. He alternates at random between my left and right ass cheeks. I pray to god the pain will lessen, but instead the more he spanks my ass, the more each blow stings. Tears are running hot and salty down my face as I scream. "OW! Stop it - OW! FUCK! GODDAMN YOU SICK BASTARD!" I hear him laugh. "Too late for that dumbass, you should have thought twice before breaking into my fucking apartment!" The spanking goes on for what seems like an hour - relentless blow after blow. I've never felt pain like this before. Finally, he pulls me up into a standing position using just the hand that's pinning my wrists to my back. The leverage wrenches both of my shoulders, which hurts like hell. I'm in pain, breathless and with my gym shorts and briefs around my ankles. I'm next to helpless. "You are in more trouble than you fucking know, punk. I've had a shitty fucking day and now you've given me every fucking reason to take it all out on you." He drags me, stumbling and dizzy, into the bedroom. He throws me down on the bed. I have enough of my wits to try rolling off the other side to put some distance between us - maybe I can get away from this fucking lunatic before I end up in pieces in a dumpster. But it doesn't work. He's too quick and too strong. He grabs my left leg and without me even realizing how he did it, it's tied to the bed frame using the necktie he was wearing. I try to yank my leg free but I can't. Before I know it, he's got me tied down, spread eagled and helpless, on his bed. He grins wickedly. "Fuck yeah, this is going to be fun." He opens the drawer of his nightstand and pulls out a jackknife. Oh god, he's going to kill me, I think. He turns to me and in one quick motion, slices through the front of my t-shirt, and then through the sleeves. The back side of the blade is cold as it passes over the skin of my upper arms. He rips the t-shirt off and out from under me. "What are you going to do?" I finally manage to stammer. "If you're going to kill me-" He laughs again. He reaches over and twists my left nipple. I gasp in pain. "Don't worry about that. I'm not a fucking killer. But trust me, what I have in mind is much more fun. To me, anyway." He then cuts easily through my gym shorts and briefs, still around my splayed-out legs, and pulls them off. He goes through my pocket and takes out my phone. Grabbing my hand, he forces my finger against the scanner and it unlocks. "Hmm, let's see .... Facebook ... in a relationship with Katie ... oh, and looks like we have mom and dad on here too, is that right?" "Y- yeah," I respond. He chuckles and points the camera at me. "They are going to love seeing this." He snaps a picture of my naked body, obscenely stretched out on this strange man's bed. "NO! Please, stop, don't do this!" "No? Then stop me. Oh wait, you can't!" He's right and I know it. He laughs again, throwing my phone on his nightstand. He climbs up on the bed, straddling my chest, and puts his forearm against my neck. "I'm going to have a little fun with you, and you're going to fucking do as you're goddamn told. And if you don't, these pics are going on Facebook for everyone to fucking see. Or I might just call the police, who knows...see how much fun you have in a prison cell. You understand, you fucking punk?" "I- I- " "Fuck it, I don't care if you don't." He backhands me hard across the face. He climbs off and starts to strip. He rips his shirt off so quick he loses a button. I realize he's fucking ripped...not the easy target I thought he was. His belt comes off next. He sets it on the nightstand, and then drops his khakis and boxers. Oh my fucking god, I realize with a shock. This sick fucker is going to rape me. His cock looks enormous to me - thick, long and uncut. It's stiffening up really fast as he steps out of his pants and boxers. Before I can recover enough to say a word, he climbs up on the bed again, straddles my face, and slaps my mouth with his dick. "Open that fucking mouth and suck my dick," he orders. My lips tighten. "GODDAMNIT, WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" He backhands me across the face again. "You fucking -" I start to retort, but he backhands me again. "OPEN IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR I CALL THE COPS!" The shock of the blows renders me almost completely helpless, and I drop my mouth open. He shoves his cock down my throat in one quick thrust. It's the most disgusting thing I've ever experienced. The salty taste of his dick and his precum makes me nauseous, and the pressure of his cockhead against the back of my throat makes me gag. He ignores this and pushes in harder. His fat rod slides into the opening of my throat, and I feel my stomach wretch. His balls are resting against my chin and my nose is buried in his bush. I can smell his sweat and musk, and it's revolting. He starts fucking my mouth, and it's horrible. I'm gagging, coughing, unable to breathe. Tears running down my face. I feel so violated and humiliated. It seems endless. Finally he gets bored. He climbs off and opens his nightstand again. "On to the main event." He pulls out a bottle of lube, a rag and a little brown bottle. I realize what's about to happen. "No, please, no, don't do this, I'll do anything- " "Shut the fuck up, you little cunt." He reaches down and smacks my balls, hard. The pain is too much, and I black out. When I come to, he's untied my legs from the footboard, and tied them to the headboard, with my knees up against my chest. I become aware of a pressure against my hole, and I look down and see his fucking sadistic grin. He's kneeling between my legs, his huge fucking boner throbbing, with a finger against the outside of my asshole, and it's slick with lube. "No, please, no," I moan. "Too late for that, bitch. You're gonna take my cock like the good fucking little bitch you are." His finger presses into my hole. I clench against it, and it feels like I'm being torn apart. It's a stinging, ripping pain, and I scream. "Tense up like that and it's just going to hurt more. Not that I care, I'm gonna fuck you anyway." He pulls his finger out, and starts slapping his cock against my asshole. I am so revolted by feeling another man's cock on my whole, I almost throw up. "Dude, please, you don't have to do this..." He laughs again. "You didn't have to break into my apartment, asshole. But you did." He reaches over for the rag and the brown bottle. He opens the bottle and pours a good amount of liquid onto the rag, and then presses it over my face. It burns, and the sharp chemical smell is extremely unpleasant. I try to hold my breath but I can't. When I inhale, the fumes go to my head and I feel a warm, sickening headrush. I feel like I'm about to pass out again, and my legs go limp. Without realizing it, my tightly clenched hole relaxes. Then he rams his cock hard into my hole, and all I can feel is the pain. Again and again he pulls all the way out, penetrating my hole over and over. Each time it feels like being stabbed all over again. It's the most painful, violating experience of my life, and I'm sick to my stomach knowing what's happening. He leans into each painful thrust. He's putting all his weight into each one, his hands on either side of my torso. That fucking sick, twisted grin of his makes me wish I could punch him in the face. He's working up a sweat and it's dripping from his forehead all over my face and chest. "Oh yeah, that's a nice tight fucking punk ass," he growls. "Glad I caught you." "Fuck you, you sick fucking pervert," I roar. I spit in his face. He immediately backhands me across the face again. "You are going to fucking regret that." He grabs my throat again and tightens his grip as he fucks me harder and faster. My vision starts to go fuzzy as he chokes me. Fuck, I'm gonna die with a dick up my ass, I think. Finally he releases my throat. "Oh fuck yes, I'm getting close. You're gonna take my fucking load, you worthless little faggot. I'm gonna breed your useless straight punk ass, and you're going to thank me for going easy on you." He pounds my chest with his fist, and then cruelly twists my nipple. I howl in pain...which seems to send him over the edge. "OH FUCK YEAAAAH!" he roars. With one final thrust he buries his cock deep into me. I can feel it throb inside me, and there's a sudden gush of warmth and wetness. I've never felt it before, but I know it's his cum, and it grosses me out so much I finally turn my head to one side and throw up all over his bed. He pulls out and climbs down off me. "Look at this, you fucking whore," he growls. I look and I see his still-hard cock, coated with what looks like mucus and cum...and streaks of what I realize is my blood. "Yeah, take a good look...I fucking popped your bitch ass cherry. Fucked you raw and bloody. You should be grateful you got your cherry popped by a real man." He undoes the knots holding me to the bed, and I feel the blood rush back into my hands and feet. "Now I'm going to shower off, and you're going to fucking clean up this mess, and get the fuck out of here. The bedroom door locks from the outside so don't even think about trying to get out." He walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I hear the unmistakeable rattle of a hook and eye lock sliding into place. I have no choice but to obey. He already fucking raped me, why make him any madder? I climb off the bed, every part of my body aching from the abuse I just took. As I stand up, I feel a warm wet trickle down the back of my ballsack, and I realize it's his cum...and most likely, my blood. I start stripping the sheets off his bed and throwing them in a pile. I realize he left his clothes on the floor, and my curiosity is piqued by a piece of paper I see sticking out of the pocket of his khakis. I slip it out of the pocket and read it... PATIENT: Christopher Rollins DOB: 5/19/1973 DATE OF VISIT: November 20, 2016 REASON FOR VISIT: New HIV infection HPI: Pt is a 43 year old gay male who was seen last week for routine HIV/STD screening. He returns to the office today because 4th gen HIV Ag/Ab testing was positive. This is his first positive test. A viral load was run on the sample he provided last week, and a viral load of 137,000 copies/mL suggests a relatively recent infection. Today we discussed starting HAART, pending results of a genotype / resistance analysis, which should be resulted in the next 3 - 4 weeks. Pt is coping well with the diagnosis. He was instructed to abstain from sexual intercourse at this time, as a high viral load indicates that he is extremely infectious at this time. Pt aware of the above and understands all instructions.
    4 points
  8. Part 3 Dante While the slam began to flow through Chris’s body and he began to cough I was positioning my hard poz cock at the entrance to his neg virgin ass. Once his coughing stopped and I could see the change in him that I knew the slam would bring I directed Chris to look into the mirror above the sling as I readied to slip inside him. Chris As my coughing began to stop I stared to feel this strong urge deep inside me as I looked up at the masculine man standing between my legs. He told me to look up at the mirror above me where I could see he dark brown cock resting against my ass. Dante seemed to be teasing me as he would push a little against my hole as if he was going to insert his cock only to pull back. This was starting to drive me crazy to the point I was starting to try and move my ass to get him to finally give me what he knew, and finally I admired to myself, I needed…… his cock I my ass. I asked, no, I begged and pleaded for Dante to give me his cock. I watched as he began to push forward as his cock easily slipped inside me finally giving me a feeling of completeness. While I watched his cock slide inch by inch into me I couldn’t help but moan. Some how I knew it was my place, no my duty to give him pleasure as he finally bottomed out balls deep in me. He rested there as I watched him take a syringe and administer his own slam. After he was done I could see a change in him, change I would come to desires and enjoy as I felt his cock spasm inside me as knew he was cumming. He leaned into me and we kissed as he slowly pulled his cock back before driving back in my hole. Dante As usual I shot a huge load of my poz cum right after I administered my slam. It was now time to start fucking this boy and turn him into my personal fuck toy. I took it slow to start known he was a virgin. I knew in the he’d learn that his place was you please me, the seed was already planted in his drugged up mind the next step to cement it as a permanent part of his place in life was going to be easy. I fucked him for a nearly an hour before I was ready to give him another load of my dirty seed. I looked down at him asking him, “What do you want?” The instructions I had given him earlier were still fresh in his mind when he answered, “I want you to get me pregnant, knock me up, cum inside me.” It was at that moment I knew I had him and that he knew it too, his ass belonged to me. Chris As I was asking Dante to give me his cum, you knock me up and impregnate me I had a sudden flash from school. My religious, uptight parents didn’t let me take sex ed, but I had heard it from several of my classmate who had about save sex and STD's wondering if this strong, healthy got who had helped me discover what, or actually, who I really am could give me anything more then his cum. I start to beg Dante more and more to cum in me, it was more then just a request it was a desire. For some reason I didn’t feel satisfied unless Dante was cumming inside me. I knew when Michael fucked his girlfriend the never used a condom and always shot his wad in her. Dante deserved the same from me as I felt his cock grow thicker and harder before he trusted one more time seeming to go deeper inside me as he delivered his seed. The more Dante fucked me the more I stared to think how much I needed him to not just fuck me, but cum inside me. At one point I reached turn thinking I’d stroke my own cock to discover that I was not just soft but it seemed that my own cock get shriveled up. Dante looked down at me when a shit eating grin telling me, “You are a true bottom bitch, can’t get hard when a real man fucks you. I told you that you're nothing more than my fuck hole and I know as I look into your eyes that you’re enjoying it.” I am not sure how long Dante fucked me, but he seemed to sense that we needed a break when he suggested we take a dip in the pool than head into the house to grab some well deserved sleep in his bed. He helped me out of the sling . and on to my feet as he steadied me allowing my legs to respond after being in that position all night long. We left the pool house and dove right into the refreshing water. Dante swam over to me giving me a gentle hug and a kiss before we made our way out of the pool. There were a few new faces now and without a word I could tell Dante was using is crew that I was his and to leave me alone as we made our way through the house to his bedroom. Along the way he stopped to tell one of his crew something before we reached his bedroom. We climbed to his bed as he got behind me n and pulled me close against his naked body. I should feel his cock growing hard and knew he wouldn't be satisfied unless he had my ass one more time. It seemed my body knew that as well when I instinctively began to push back trying to get how cock back inside me. Dante’s cock slid inside me as if it was to be its home from now on. It was at that moment I realized that my ass belonged to Dante. This fuck was more animalistic since it seemed Dante was looking to get off fast. As brutal as it seemed I had no complaints knowing the only thing he wanted was a good orgasm to help him sleep. It only till a few minutes before he was shooting his load inside me again before we drifted off to sleep when his semi hard cock still legged inside me.
    4 points
  9. I love when I'm at bookstore and get a shy guy, possibly married but definitely not out, to suck my cock as others watch. His need to suck me outweighs his shame in doing it. I find myself putting on a bit of a show, pulling my cock out to rub on his face, or to direct his mouth to my balls. Finally, when I'm cumming I moan loudly so all the guys watching know the cocksucker just ate my load. Anyone else enjoy doing this?
    3 points
  10. After receiving many messages from a negative bottom here on breeding zone, I finally responded, and we began some back and forth pozzing chat. I told him how much I enjoyed fucking a tight hole raw with the sole purpose of knocking-up the bottom. He responded saying how much he wanted to be my bottom pig. After a few months of message exchanges, I told him I was ready for him to follow through, or to quit messaging me. He replied saying he was a four hour trip from my town, and he would plan a trip to my locale, and would get back to me with the details of the trip. Well, a month passed before I heard back from him, and was somewhat surprised when he opened saying he had booked a hotel room nearby for an upcoming weekend. I was skeptical, but just in case I told him to let his beard keep growing and not to let anyone fuck him until after our weekend. The Friday of his projected arrival, I had dinner and just watched some TV, not expecting him until fairly late as he wouldn't even commence his trip until after he got off work. Around 10:30, I got a call from him, letting me know he was at hotel. He sounded nervous, so I reassured him he'd be fine. I got in my truck and drove the 30 minutes to his hotel room. When he opened the door, I was surprised at how sexy he was - at (approximately) 5' 9", beefy with a belly, and a beautiful bushy brown beard growing up onto his chubby cheeks. He invited me in, and I could see how nervous and scared he was, so I gave him a big hug to break the tension. He relaxed, and I pulled his mouth to mine and gave him a deep kiss which lasted nearly a minute. "Damn you're a sexy cub," I told him, and asked where my bourbon was. He quickly grabbed the bottle he brought, and poured us a few drinks. As he did, I removed my shirt and hat, and made myself comfortable on the bed. He joined me, and as we drank he rubbed my belly and tits, and my cock began leaking precum inside my jeans. Once the alcohol was kicking in, I told him to get naked for me, and he quickly did, showing me a sexy cub covered in fur from head to toe. As he stood beside the bed, his 5" cock was arching upwards, oozing clear fluid out the tip. "Get my boots off, boy." I ordered, and lit my pipe. When he was finished, I had him put his head back on my chest and start sucking my nipples. So I'm just leaning back enjoying my pipe as he's working my nipples, and I ask him if he's ready to suck my dirty cock. He nods, and I tell him to remove my jeans and get between my legs. I start stroking my cock, working more precum out, as the cub watches me eagerly. "You sure you want it, boy? You want my cock in your mouth?" I grabbed the back of his head and guided him down on my cock. Seeing his hairy mouth open wide for me just makes me harder. "Suck it slow, boy- remember this first load is for your ass. I've been saving it all week just for your hole." The cub slowed his pace, and, looking down between his legs, I could see his cockhead was a bright red, and it glistened with his own juices. Pulling him off my cock, I positioned him on all fours, along side me, his hole convenient to my position. Gently fondling his balls, I segued to stroking his hole as I finished my pipe. He whimpered in pleasure as, initially, I rested the warm bowl of my pipe against his tight ballsack, only to slide it onto his crack and rest it on his opening. I can see his hole clench. Smacking his ass, I told him "What a good little fucktoy you're being. Put your head on the bed, pig, and keep your ass absolutely still for me." Now milking my cock, I scooped-up some of my precum, rubbing it on his puckered hole. "You like having daddy's tainted cum on your pussy, don't you, boy?" "Yes, sir," he unhesitatingly grunted. Noticing a string of clear cum leaking from his cock, I caught it with my fingers and added to the precum I had earlier applied to his hole. A finger inserted into his hole met resistance, but I keep going, urging "Open up boy. You got some of my precum in you now." He moaned in approval. Repeated I finger-fucked his hole, increasingly roughly, enjoying his moans as my assault intensified, and even more enjoying the tint of red that was showing-up on my fingers. It was time to progress to the next level. Getting to my feet, I had the bottom position his ass at the edge of the bed, which was the perfect position for me to slide my cock up and down his crack, spreading more of my toxic load onto his hole. He held perfectly still, even if breathing hard. Finally I began to work my head a little deeper, urging "Take my poz cock, baby. Open up for Daddy." While I couldn't understand the words he grunted, I could understand his level of excitement: he was actually cumming on the bed, and I wasn't even inside his hole. Naturally I quickly shoved my rock hard seven inches in his ass. He flinched in pain, even perhaps intending to extract himself from my control, but instead I held him still, as I hammer-fucked his ass. "Stop, man, stop," he demanded, but I wasn't about to comply. Without pausing in my thrusts, and as my balls tightened, I snapped "You're taking this load, pig, shut the fuck up!" His moans continued, which added to my perverse pleasure in seeing the streaks of red which alternated with the precum with which my cock was coated. So I fucked him still harder, ever harder until finally my balls erupted, shooting my six-day load deep inside his ass, my cock twitching inside my new pig. Panting hard, I announced "That's it baby. Take your first dirty load. Let it soak in. Let it make you a whore." His head hung low, his body frozen as I finished stroking my final drops of toxic cum into his coated boy cunt. Afterwards my cock plopped out and his hairy hole slowly closed, but not before I saw a little bit of my load leak out - so I scooped it up and pushed it back in. Waste not want no, you know. Lighting my pipe anew, I lay on the bed, ordering the pig to join me, gesturing for him to lay his head on my chest. Some tears ran down his face, and he hugged me for support. "Hush, there, Pig, it will be okay," I cooed, and when he calmed down I guided his mouth to my cock. He knew what to do, and without a word licked my tool and crotch clean. "Look me in the eyes," I ordered, and with my cock still lodged in his mouth, but his eyes were fixated on mine, I took a draw on my pipe, and admonished "Remember the taste of that cock. It's the one that knocked you up." We fell asleep, and twice in the remaining hours of the night I bred him again. In the morning I left for the day, but came back Saturday night and managed to fuck four more loads into him before he left Sunday afternoon. I continued chatting with him online, until finally eight weeks later he messaged me to let me know it took. He was officially knocked up. He let me know it made him hard to think about it, but he was scared and wanted to come visit again. I replied "No. My job is done, pig. You gave me your cunt to fuck and to knock up, and I did that. You're a whore now. Go fuck strangers. Go fuck bookstore trolls and old men. Go share your little bear pussy with anyone who wants it. You're a cumdump now. I prefer negative boys." He deleted his account the next day. NEXT!
    3 points
  11. You always have the right to say no. If you're approached by a cock you don't want, the polite thing to do is say, "I need a break" and exit the sling.
    3 points
  12. With spring and summer on the way, I'm wondering if any others enjoy having their clothes soaked with piss and wearing em for the entire day? I know if it's going to be warm, I loved getting a golden shower and then going about my day still wearing the soaked clothes and boots. Usually I'm doing yardwork, or even camping or other outdoor stuff. My cock stays drippy the entire time, thanks to the feel and smell of piss on my clothes and beard.
    2 points
  13. This scene from Sick Fucks gets me every time. Any other vids like this? Amateur would be even better, but anything with this kind of verbal. Love hearing them say they are gonna kill him and obtain his soul etc... When you buy the scene, by the way, its a little longer and more depraved. And that tops face as he unloads... there need to be more scenes like this. http://elfinion3.tumblr.com/post/160902349186/demon-breed-ave-satanas-sick-fucks-6-2667m
    2 points
  14. My job has led to a lot of interesting interactions. I've seen and spoken to so many people that nothing surprises me anymore. I've heard more vanilla and more kinky stories than you could imagine - you'd be surprised how much someone is willing to share when they're stood in line waiting to get into a club. I'm a doorman for one of the most prestigious gay nightclubs in town; everybody wants to be on the guest list. The events that the club holds are always invite-only to begin with, then staff can send people in and finally if there is any space anyone in the line can come in. Because staff get to send in the next group of people there are always people willing to do anything to get in. It's not uncommon for members to sleep with staff just to gain access into the club. In fact it's a known thing that happens. The club itself has two rules. When inside and in the sex rooms there is strictly no safe sex. This was actually a request from our members and being the club we are we like to listen to what they have to say. The second is strictly no straight men. We allow straight women in (though they very rarely get selected by staff or have an invitation), but straight men are just not allowed. That still doesn't stop people from trying though. That's where Toby comes in.... It was a cold December night and we were running our "Leads up for Christmas" event which is a very BDSM / S&M focused event and as it was close to Christmas the usual $20 cover was waived. Naturally because of this the line was the longest it has ever been. At the front of the line were three guys, Toby, Scott and Adam. Toby was five feet, seven inches, with short brown hair and the most amazing blue eyes you have ever seen, and, although his baggy shirt tried to hide as much, I could see from a distance the man was cut like a diamond with rock hard abs. When he turned around to face his friends my cock actually twinged at the site of his small bubble butt. I found myself wondering how far he'd be willing to go to get into the club. So I moved over to the guys and chatted with them. "What do you think the odds are we will get in?" Adam asked. "Depends how nice you all are to me," I replied. "It is Christmas soon you know so think how festive you can be." Adam and Scott smiled and giggled and Toby just stood there with a blank expression on his face. I pressed on, trying to find some answers, and asked "So are you guys all together then?" "We are," Scott replied gesticulating between himself and Adam to indicate they were together, "Toby here hasn't been out with a while and just broke up with his gi...well he's out of a serious relationship anyway so we thought a night on the town would do him good." Fuck. He was straight. Even better. I made my move. "Alright guys you two can go in but I want a word with Toby here" I opened the barrier to let them. As Scott and Adam passed through the barrier, Toby asked "What? Why, am I in trouble? Aren't you going to let me in?" "Calm down", I said, grabbing his arm and holding on to his left bicep for probably longer than was required as I admired his soft and supple physique. "I just need to get some details from you. It's clear these two are members but you don't seem to be. Next time you come you won't have to wait in line then, so come this way." I led Toby into the back office where the bouncers go to, well, take details. Since the office was heated, Toby removed his coat. The denim jeans he was wearing did nothing to disguise the small bulge I noticed in his crotch. He was excited to be here. I opened my questions by asking "Look, Toby. I know you're straight. Having worked here for ten years my gaydar is second to none. Why are you here?" "I'm not straight," Toby interjected, "I'm 100% gay." "Okay, well, for starters no gay guy would ever say he's 100% gay. And if you really are gay, come here and kiss me." Toby looked shocked. I don't think he expected me to say it or that staff of a business could even do such a thing. "It's only a kiss Toby besides you're gay and I already know you haven't got a partner to cheat on since you just broke up." Toby contemplated what I had just told him but I got bored of waiting, so I walked across the office pulled him to his feet and started kissing him. His lips were so soft and sweet and my cock started to grow. I had to fuck this straight boy and be the first inside his virgin ass. I pulled back from Toby and stood looking at him, admiring what I saw in front of me. I stared at him for about 15 seconds then I dove back in. As my mouth touched his I threw him back against the wall as I slid my tongue down his inviting throat. I placed my hands under his shirt and stroked each and every one of his six pack abs, working my way up to his nipples and tweaking them. Toby grunted, the first sign he was mine. I moved back down towards his trousers and started to unbuckle his belt. He put his hands down to try stop me but I grabbed his arms and held them in place above his head with one hand as, with my other free hand, I went back to work on this belt. I popped the buckle open, then the jeans button and the zipper and let them fall to the ground. I move from his mouth and started kissing his neck and nibbling on his ear lobe, "Kick them off," I whispered. He shook his head no. I bit his ear, hard, demanding "Kick them off now." This time he complied. I pulled back from Toby. Once more I could see his white boxer-briefs becoming somewhat transparent - no doubt his cock was leaking. Smiling, I murmured "Someone is happy to be here." I grabbed Toby's hand and led him to the couch, telling his to remove his pants and get on all fours facing the back of the couch. To my surprise he complied immediately. Toby's body was completely hairless. He was an absolutely beautiful specimen of a man. And as he crouched there on all fours I saw his virgin ass pulsating, inviting me to go to town on it. I walked up to him and dropped to my knees, and breathing heavily over his beautiful hole, I started to rim his ass. "Fuucccck" Toby groaned. "You just wait until I really start" I replied, and with that I moved in for the kill. My tongue entered his ass and I was instantly hit with the sweet taste of unbroken ass. It had been a long time since I had tasted this and I wanted to savour the moment. After ten minutes of rimming Toby's ass I was ready to move things on, and from the looks of the pre-cum dripping from his cock so was he. I dropped my trousers and started massaging his hole with the head of my cock. "No wait, put a condom on" he said. "Toby the club is a no condom zone," I replied. "I can't let you fuck me if you don't" he replied. Thinking the argument was not worth having I walked over to my draw and pulled out a 'already worked' condom which I had previously poked many a hole in, thus ensuring its failure. I wasn't really going to bother with Toby but I don't like when people don't listen to the rules, I had to punish him. I slid my finger inside his ass and started to work my nails around the lining of his ass. "Gently, please," he whimpered. "Don't worry. It's just because your ass is new. You'll get used to it." I withdrew my finger and smiled at the little specs of blood on there. He was ready. I rolled the condom on and walked back up to Toby. As I slid into his ass he started to moan and squeal like a little bitch but I kept on pushing, unrelenting. Within thirty seconds my seven inch cock was deep inside him and my balls were touching his ass. I pulled back out to check to see if the condom had broken. It had. This time I didn't take so long and slight straight back in with all my might. Toby screamed the place down but I carried on regardless. He would soon learn what it felt like to be properly fucked. I pounded Toby constantly, my balls slapping his ass so hard they began to leave a slight impression on his cheeks. With each thrust Toby squirmed and moaned and cried some more. This bitch was taking every inch of me and was loving it. He knew he had come to the right place. As I drew closer to the edge I slowed down and pulled Toby up to me, I whispered in his ear "Toby I know you are straight, so to get in to the club this time round I am going to have to charge you." "How much?" he moaned out. With that I blew my load into his ass, then I threw him back down on the couch and pushed deeper than I ever had in him to make sure every drop was deep inside of him. Then I withdrew from his ass, disposing of the condom away before he could see its condition. "There, I've just charged you Toby." "What so the sex was the charge?" he asked. "I guess. Go join your friends and tell them I've charged you and let them explain things. I think I'll be seeing you around here a lot more, Toby."
    2 points
  15. Some days you just aren’t sure what to do. I had a few days off because I was at the limit my employer allowed me to save and needed to use them or lose them. I had no plans. I thought about going to the bathhouse in Houston, but Harvey ruined that. Maybe the one in Orlando? I had a great time there last summer but Irma has all flights in and out of central Florida halted and millions without power. Maybe travel isn’t a good idea this week. Lucky for me there is an adult bookstore with a theater about twenty minutes away. It’s not in the best neighborhood, but daytime isn’t all that busy so it’s relatively safe. Lots of elderly though, mostly cocksuckers fighting Mother Nature that can’t get it up or cum without prescription assistance. They can get aggressive and their actions do tend to run off the younger men. But they know me and leave me alone to do my thing. Which is bending over and taking on all comers, even them sometimes. With that plan in mind I head to the shower to clean inside and out. After three enema bags, I put on my jockstrap, lube the butt plug up and shove it in to open my ass a little bit. Tight is one thing, but too tight and those semi-hard cocks would never get in. I double check to see that I’m clean and head to the ABS, stopping at the bank to get about $50 in singles for the arcades. It’s too quiet upon arrival. Just the clerk and me. A young girl, but streetwise, she all but ignores me. She takes my money, gives me change in singles for the booths and a bottle of water, and goes back to the series she is watching on her laptop. She’ll watch a whole season by the end of her shift. I go into the theater first which is really two theaters, straight and gay, in adjoining rooms. I adjust the TV volume which is always too loud. Hopefully I won’t be alone for long as the lunchtime crowd should be here soon. I take off my shorts, lube up, and walk around both rooms in my jockstrap. I can think of no better way to advertise what I’m there for than to have my ass exposed and nothing else. There isn’t much chance of police activity and the employees don’t come in unless there is a problem so it feels great to be in a public space nearly naked. I can hear the cash register out front. Someone is coming in. Yes! It’s one of my regulars. He is married, and he doesn’t like crowds so he’ll get what he needs quickly before someone else comes in. He sees me and comes to join me behind the half wall at the back of the room. He’s a good looking dude, 35 or so, decent build and a 7” inch dick. It’s dark, but my favorite sound is clear. That zipper is coming down. I’m on my knees before him in seconds. “I saw your car outside. Thought I might come in for a minute.” I mumbled something back that wasn’t really clear as the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat. I know he likes it slow, wet and with lots of hand action, not up and down but soft twisting all around the shaft. Soon enough he urges me up and over to the end seat. No further words are needed. I lean over the back, place my hands on the armrests, and he slides it in slowly but firmly. I wince as he hits bottom, then slowly starts to pull back. Then a forward thrust all the way back in. I try to relax but he’s hitting deep, being first cock of the day and all. I’m exhaling loudly as he increases his pace, the friction starting to burn as the lube wears away. He’s in the zone now. He puts his two hands on the back of my shoulders and pulls me deeper onto his shaft. Then he stops and holds. He’s unloading into me now. I wish I could feel it. But I know he’s finished. Two soft pats of his hand on my ass tells me that as he pulls out and zips up. Without a word he leaves. I’ve done my part for him. He’ll be back and again I’ll do what is expected of me. That’s my job. I pull my butt plug out of my shorts pocket. As much as I enjoy the feel of cum spilling out of my ass and down my legs, I know there isn’t enough yet. I’m wanting more cum and the first load is just lube for the next guy. I push it in to hold whatever gift he gave me. I return to standing behind the wall in my jockstrap. I realize I didn’t even pull out my poppers for that first fuck. I take a short hit just to see if how strong it is. The bottles they sell today are weak as fuck, most counterfeit labeled with the true ingredients unknown to anyone. This was no different. I’ll save them for that really big cock today that I’m not sure I can take. I hear the register drawer close. Another guy coming in. Crap. It’s a couple. Why do straight couples come in before lunch? They’re new. And it looks like she is fairly attractive, but nervous and clinging tightly to her man. They aren’t here for me and I’m not here for pussy. I am the pussy here. They need to be alone to get comfortable. I slip on my shorts and head out of the theater to the arcades. There are three booths, side-by-side with gloryholes between them. The booths are small with just a folding chair and the TV. I enter the middle booth, strip off my shorts again, pull out the butt plug and put my dollar in which is good for about six minutes. I’m not going anywhere for awhile, at least not until the couple leaves the theater. I fold up the chair, lean it against the wall, and put my ass up against the 4” gloryhole to practice here exactly to stand to be perfectly lined up. It’s a tight fit, especially for tall and short people. LOL. A few minutes later someone enters the booth to my left. My ass is still lined up. I stick another dollar in the machine. I used to look to see who it is, but I no longer want to know. Many times an ass against the hole is a big turnoff and the person who entered the booth will leave right away. But this one did not. In fact he put his own dollar in. Game on! First it’s a finger. Then two, pushing into my hole. Next comes the cock. It only take a moment and he’s in. I bend over at the waist to take it deeper. The lube disappears quickly and I realize he is wearing a damn condom. Shit. Shit. Shit. Oh well. He finishes quickly, pulls back and takes the condom off, drops it on his floor and leaves. I stand up to stretch as someone enters the other booth. I shift over, drop to my knees and have a look. It’s an older gentleman. Instead of reaching for his zipper, he shifts the chair and sits down with his face near the hole. Just another cocksucker. I ignore him, stand back up and put my ass back against the opposite hole. After another two dollars, he gives up and goes. My patience is soon rewarded. The door in back of me opens again. This time there is no foreplay. I feel a hard cock nudging at my hole. I bend over and it slides in. I can hear him sigh as he feels the warmth and comfort inside. He’s in no hurry. He’s wants a bit of a ride first. I’m looking at the other gloryhole and a white dick comes through. Not too bad, but hard to suck it deep when I’m bent over. But he was ready and shot his load into my mouth pretty quickly. I hear some voices talking in back of me. I can now tell it is black men talking. Whoever was fucking me isn’t alone. They are conversing about something when the guy in my ass pulls backs. In that moment while I was still wondering if the guy who pulled back came in me I feel another cock taking his place pops right in. The wall between us started shaking as he pounds in to me. I hear him saying he is breeding me and he stiffened up. I squeeze my asshole as tight as I can trying to pull in the last drop from his balls. As quickly as he removes his cock what I think is the first cock slides back in. A few minutes later he unleashes a squishy load into me, probably fueled by the one before him. As he extracts himself, I stand up again only to see a dick coming through the opposite wall. I put my plug back in and go to my knees and start sucking him off. He pumps a good volume into my mouth and leaves. I savor what I didn’t immediately swallow. Time for a break. I go back into the theater. The couple is gone. There are four guys, three whom are sitting including two black guys that have fucked me raw several times but likely don’t know I did the other, one middle-aged fat guy I knew to be a cocksucker, and a handsome guy in his twenties jacking off by the half wall. Slowly I made my way back to the young guy who didn’t pull back as I approached. I stop near him and he points to his cock and waves me over. I shuck off my shorts, set them on the wall and kneel down to service him. I made sure it was loud and slurpy so the others could hear what I was doing. After a few minutes I hear a seat squeak and realized someone had gotten up and was coming back to where we were. I kept sucking but got off my knees to a bent over stance. Sure enough, one of the black dudes with a huge cock comes up behind me and starts playing with my hole. He only barebacks and I need my poppers for this. I take a few huffs, then bend back to continue sucking the young guy. The guy in my mouth starts stroking his cock with his hands as my man in back of me shoves his rod into me making me have to pause to catch my breath. He bends down near my ear and says, “I own you, bitch. You know I’m going to take what I want.” Hearing those words with me, the guy in my mouth gets excited and blows his load into my throat. He pulls out and pulls back just as the other black guy makes his way to where the young guy had just been. His cock was already out. He didn’t ask. He simply told me, “I think you can handle another one.” I start to slobber on his knob. The young guy left the theater as the fat white guy came over to see what was happening behind the wall only to find me with two black dudes, one in my mouth and one in my ass. Then they stopped being gentle. The next twenty minutes was a blur. They repeatedly tag-teamed my ass until it hurt. The previous loads had dried inside and the friction was making me hole heat up quickly. Then one guy pulled out and started spitting on my ass, then shoved his cock back in. He was slapping my ass (why do only black guys do that?) as he pitched in and up and around and then told me he was putting his babies into me and I should be thankful real men were reminding me of my place in life. He pulled out and the other one took his place. He remarked about how wet I just became and within seconds had shot his load in with the others. I wanted to stand up but just kind of slid my way over towards the chair as the two black men left the room together. I thought I was done. I was worn out and was ready to leave. If a man could get knocked up, I was pregnant for sure. My manhood long gone, I turned to see the fat white guy, cock in hand come up behind me. He politely asked, “One more?” Shit. Okay. I probably wouldn’t feel him anyway. Then I slowly bent over the chair.
    2 points
  16. It had been a slow night at the baths and I was taking a shower. I heard a gruff voice say, "Nice ass, pal!" I turned and saw a tall scrawny guy with a lop-sided grin staring at me. "Thanks!" I said. "I wanna FUCK that ass!" he said, reaching for me. "You ready to get fucked?" I was kinda turned on by his bluntness but his sketchy attitude was making me nervous, too! Two other guys came up behind him. It was clear that they were together. "No, thanks," I stammered. He barked, "You think cuz we're all HIV-Positive that you're too good for us? Being poz ain't NOTHIN' to be ashamed of. We don't get turned down by NO ONE! You hear me?" "Maybe another time," I muttered! All three frowned at this. The first guy spoke again, "I think it's gonna be NOW! A good bottom knows his place. He does what he's told and takes what he's given. And we sure got something to give you, don't we boys?!" As they crowded closer, cutting off any possible retreat, I looked at them more closely. They all sported tattoos. The first guy, he grabbed my shoulders and bent me towards him. Stepping up to my face, he growled, "Open your mouth!" His stiff prick had 'HIV POZ' with a big red plus sign on it. I wanted to protest, but suddenly, I had a mouthful of cock! POZ COCK! The next guy reached out to restrain my arms. I saw that he had two different 'toxic' symbols on his forearms. As the last guy stepped behind me, I saw an angry looking scorpion tat on his chest. I heard him spit and then he entered me roughly, but I could only moan helplessly with the first guy's dick filling my mouth. They occasionally rotated and the pozzing went on for what seemed like hours. Guys from the club came and went. Most stopped to stare in awe. Many of them jerked off while watching. They probably thought they were looking at some staged scene. You know....helpless bottom gets gangbanged by 3 hard-looking poz fukkers. They didn't know that IT WAS REAL! Every time one of them came inside me, our audience cheered them on. My head drooped with shame! Finally, they were done. One by one, they presented their dicks for me to clean off with my mouth. The first pig leaned close and whispered, "Did you like that, slut? Plenty more where that came from! You're goin' home FULL of the BUG tonight! We'll be back again on Saturday night if'n you want some MORE!" And with that...they swaggered out.
    2 points
  17. total slut and love working groups with another bottom. Recently had a groupof tops at a private party at my place and just two of us bottoms. It was so hot - tops going from one to the other, we kissed and encouraged each other shared sucking cocks, snowballed and gave out tops' cocks the best service two bottom whores can give. We got bred heaps and we loved it.
    2 points
  18. Shorter guys , I love to fuck doggy and the angle is so much better and I use my body weight to push my cum deep inside
    2 points
  19. Thanks, guys. I appreciate the comments! ------------- Part 41 - Second Interview Joe woke up and looked at the clock 9:47 AM. He got up and left Kyle sound asleep and went into the bathroom. He pulled the plug from his ass and sat down on the toilet. It felt like a half gallon of cum came out when he pushed. He stood up and looked at the cum in the toilet and smiled. It had felt good to be a cumdump again, even for just an evening. From Greg’s text messages it sounded like todays meeting would be all business. He prepared for a few grueling interviews and maybe see what the office was like. He showered and cleaned out just in case. He trimmed his beard and looked again at the new haircut Enrico had given him. He missed the mohawk but this looked more corporate than student while still looking good. He walked back to the room and saw Kyle on his phone. Kyle looked over at Joe standing there naked and said “Fuck, you are so sexy.” Joe got dressed with the set of clothes that he brought in case he was able to meet with Greg about the job. The long sleeve shirt covered the ink on his arm and the long pants covered the Doc boots he brought. He looked himself over and thought “clean with a bit of an edge, I hope it makes them remember me from all the other boring guys they see.” He went out and made some coffee and ate a muffin before knocking on Mark’s door. As he approached he heard the familiar sound of two men fucking. He knocked and then yelled through the door “ten minutes to blow your loads, we have to leave in twenty.” He heard laughter coming from the room and from Kyle laughing behind him. The four of them hopped in the car and after a few blocks Kyle said “this car fuckin’ stinks of cum.” Mark and Eric chuckled “Yeah, we didn’t have time for a shower, we figured we’d just fuck until we had to leave.” Mark pulled up to a nondescript office building that looked identical to the dozen buildings around it. “Is this the right address?” asked Mark and Joe nodded. “I’ll send you a text when I’m done” Joe said as got out of the car and then walked up the sidewalk to the door. Joe checked in with the receptionist and sat in the waiting area. It was only a minute or so and Greg walked up. They shook hands and Greg said “You’re looking good… But you’re looking a bit… uh… conservative, don’t you think?” “I didn’t want to give a bad second impression” Joe replied with a smile. Greg ushered Joe into a small conference room and said “There are two people who want to talk to you today. Once they have had their way with you, I’ll give you a brief tour of the place.” “Sounds good” replied Joe. The first interview was with a guy in his late 20s and looked like he had just gotten out of a goth club. From the appearance he was expecting an easy interview but instead it was question after question, probing what Joe knew or thought he knew. He wasn’t sure, but he thought that the guy was checking him out and he wondered what team he played on. He briefly thought that the guy would be a wild fuck and was then jolted back to reality by another question. Joe asked a few questions about the position that they were considering him for, but didn’t get much of an answer and was sweating by the end of the 45 minute session. He waited a few minutes and the second person walked in and was almost the exact opposite. He was in his late forties and was all business - white shirt and tie, dress pants, expensive loafers and a simple wedding ring. The interview was not as brutal and much more conversational letting Joe ask more questions about the company and the job. At the end the guy said “Greg was pretty excited about getting you here for an interview. Usually we have to fly people in instead of them coming to us.” Joe replied “Well, I told Greg I was going to be out here visiting my brother for the holidays so I guess it made it easier on all of us.” “He also said that you were a team player and made sure the job got done. I hope he didn’t pressure you into doing anything. He can get pretty insistent when he wants something” the interviewer said with a wink. Joe chuckled “No, not at all. It’s been a very interesting interview process.” “Good. I think he’s going to show you around and maybe meet some of the people in the group we’re thinking you might fit in with. It was good to finally meet the guy we’ve been hearing so much about” the interviewer said as he got up and shook Joe’s hand. Greg came back in the room and shut the door. “I hope everything went well. I guess I should ask you at this point if you’re still interested” Greg said. “Very much so. It sounds like an interesting project and company” Joe answered. “Good. Now lets take a short tour around the place” Greg said. They wandered around seeing the office and Joe noticed that many of the cubicles had some sort of pride item hanging so he assumed that it was a very gay friendly place to work. Greg said about halfway through “Not a lot of people are in this week. Officially the company is closed this week and next with just a skeleton crew. Many that are here now are working so that they can go on a little trip to a trade show at the end of May. Its in Chicago and some of our employees take advantage of it to go to the other event that happens there Memorial Day weekend. Its a lot of fun and you get to see a different side of some of your co-workers.” Greg looked at Joe and winked. They turned a corner and ran into a young guy about Joe’s age coming the other direction. They stopped and Greg said “Raphi, I’d like you to meet Joe. We’re interviewing him to start about the same time you do. Joe this is, uh, Raphael. He’s interning with us right now and will graduate when you do.” The two younger guys shook hands and smiled at each other. “I see you get to interview the hot ones, Greg” Raphi said. Joe blushed and Greg replied “Yeah, I find them in the strangest places, too.” “Too bad you won’t let me interview them and warn them what they’re in for” Raphi said with a chuckle. Joe said “Oh? Is it a sweatshop? Or is it filled with crazy people?” Joe said with a chuckle afterwards, hoping he didn’t offend anyone. Raphi laughed. “It can be a sweatshop sometimes when we get busy, but its a good kind of sweat” he said. “Enough of that talk, Raphi. We don’t want to scare him off. He hasn’t said ‘yes’ yet, officially anyway” Greg said sounding a little serious. “No worries, Greg. I like to hear comments, good and bad, about what I might be getting myself into” Joe said with a grin. “Can I have your phone?” Raphi asked Joe, who tentatively pulled it out of his pocket and unlocked it. He handed it over and Raphi quickly was typing in his name and phone number into the address book. “There. You can call me and I can tell you what I know. Or we can meet for coffee or something” Raphi said as he handed the phone back to Joe while looking him over. “We have to get going. Raphi, don’t forget about next week” Greg said as he started to walk down the hall. “No chance of that, Greg” Raphi said. He winked at Joe and then headed off while Joe walked to catch up with Greg. They finished the tour up and Greg took Joe back to the reception area. “I was hoping to take you to lunch. Do you have a car or did you uber it?” Greg asked. “Kinda. My brother dropped me off. I have to text him when I’m done to have him pick me up” Joe said. “Oh yeah. That’s right. You’re visiting him out here. Do you think he’d like to join us?” asked Greg. “I don’t know…. Ummm…” Joe stammered a bit. “What is it? You don’t want me to meet him?” Greg inquired. “No, its not that. Its just that I came out here with my boyfriend too and I don’t want to abandon him” Joe said meekly. “Hehe, boyfriend? That’s kind of sweet and a different side of you I hadn’t seen. Send them a message and tell them to meet us at Mickey’s pub on Grant Street in about 20 minutes. Have a seat. I need to get a few things from my office and I’ll be back in a few minutes” Greg said. Joe sat down and fired off the message to Mark and Kyle. He got a message back from Kyle a minute later “shit. ok. just fucked mark need to shower” Joe laughed to himself, but was surprised at Kyle’s comment and was really envious. Greg finally came back with a satchel over his shoulder and the two went over to the pub. While they were walking to the door, Greg said “Don’t mind Raffi. He’s a good guy but sometimes talks too much. If you hadn’t guessed, he’s gay. And I think he wants you.” “Yeah, he wasn’t too subtle about it” Joe replied. The pub was pretty busy but they sat at a large table. Greg ordered a pint of beer and Joe followed suit. As they sipped their beers and waited for Mark and Kyle to arrive, Greg said slowly “So… does your brother know about your… uh… special gift?” Joe snickered and replied “Yeah, he does. I tell him pretty much everything.” Greg’s face turned pale and Joe realized he may have misunderstood the last comment and he reassured Greg “Oh, I don’t tell him, or anyone, about my clients.” Greg looked relieved and said “Oh thank god. I don’t want people to know I hire occasionally. Uh, I know this next question is kind of personal, but I’m curious. Do you know who gave it to you?” “You’re about to meet him” Joe said as Mark, Eric, and Kyle walked up. Greg felt his cock twitch. He knew at least one of the three guys that walked up was poz and had knocked up Joe. Joe said “Greg, this is my brother Mark, his boyfriend Eric, and this is my boyfriend Kyle.” They sat down and had a few beers and lunch. There was a lot of idle chitchat and Greg couldn’t hold back and finally whispered to Joe “Which one?” “What are you two whispering about. You look like a couple of school girls” Mark said, grinning. Joe took a deep breath an said “He wants to know who his poz grand-daddy is.” Silence hit the table as everyone looked around. Greg squirmed in his chair, uncomfortable at getting outed like this. “Sorry, Greg, but we’re all family here in a way and we’re all poz.” “I’m going to guess that my little brother gave you a gift, Greg. I hope it doesn’t jeopardize his chance for a job” Mark said quietly. Greg blushed and said “Yeah, he did. He’s one potent little fucker.” Everyone laughed. “So who is it?” Greg asked as he finally relaxed. He was guessing it was Kyle but wasn’t really sure. Mark looked at Joe and Joe nodded. “I was the lucky one” Mark said. “Fuck, thats so hot. You got pozzed from your brother. Have you always fucked each other?” Greg asked. “Hehe, no. The first time I ever fucked him was that weekend. Got a couple loads into Kyle then too” Mark replied. Kyle blushed. “Thats the weekend I converted from his seed too” Eric said with a big grin. “I guess I’m responsible for the bug in everyone here” Mark added with a chuckle. Mark’s eyebrows raised as a waiter walked up to the table. It wasn’t the guy that had been waiting on them and everyone turned to look at the tall, slender, young guy. “Hi Mark. I thought I saw you over here so I thought I’d say hi” the waiter said. “Hi Cole. Guys, this sexy dick tease is Cole” Mark said and introduced everyone at the table, saying Greg was a friend of Joe’s. Cole had turned bright red at Mark’s dick tease comment. “Well… I… uh…. just don’t know if I’m ready” Cole stammered out. Mark laughed. “I’m just busting your balls, Cole. I understand. When you are let me… or any one of us know. I’m sure we can help get you into the club.” Cole nodded with a smile and walked away. “Fuck, he’s cute” Kyle said. “Yeah he is. And a great fuck too. I used to fuck him when I was neg and have been trying to tag him since I converted. Almost had him a couple times but he backed out at the last minute both times. One day…” Mark told the group. “Well guys, this has been fun. I hope we can meet again some time, but I have to meet someone so I’m going to be taking off” Greg said. He started to turn to walk towards the door and stopped. “Oh, damn. I almost forgot. Joe this is for you” Greg said handing Joe a letter from his satchel. “I hope you’ll consider it and let me know if you want to join us. If you have any questions about the offer, just let me know.” Joe’s eyes got big as he took the envelope from Greg. “Uh, thank you very much. I’ll look it over and I’ll be talking with you next week” Joe said with a wink. “Mark, you have a smart, talented brother there. You should be proud” Greg said and then he walked towards the door. The waiter walked up to the table and asked if they wanted anything else. Mark said “Just the check, I guess.” “Oh, the gentleman that just left took care of it” the waiter said. “Tip too?” Joe asked. The waiter chuckled and said “He got that too, but you can always leave me more if you want.” The guys laughed and got up. Mark threw down a twenty and winked at the waiter before they left the restaurant. Mark drove back to the apartment and Joe quickly stripped out of his clothes and put on shorts and a tank top. The guys lounged around, drank some beer and smoked some weed. Finally Kyle looked at Joe and said “So, what did the letter say?” Joe laughed and said “I guess they want me. It sounds like a great job, the pay is more than what I thought and they will pay to relocate us out here.” “Cool. Are you going to take it?” Mark asked. “Yeah, I think so, but I need to talk with Kyle first” Joe replied. Marks phone buzzed and he glanced at it while saying “Let me know what I can do to help. You’ll need to find an apartment out here, but you can stay here while you look.” “Its not like its next week. I have to graduate first, Mark” Joe said laughing. Mark started tapping out a message on his phone. It wasn’t just a quick reply either. When he was done he said “What are you guys up for tonight? Quiet night in? Bar? Movie? Breed a horny waiter and his boyfriend?” Everyone looked at Mark with a grin on their face. “Cole?” Eric asked. “Yup” Mark replied as his phone buzzed again. It buzzed with more messages coming in while Mark was typing answers to the previous questions. When he was finally done, Mark said “Here’s the deal. Cole is ready. He said he’s been ready for a couple months, but his boyfriend wasn’t. The boyfriend stopped prep 3 weeks ago but doesn’t want to know when it happens. He wants to get stealthed, so no one can say anything about being poz or knocking them up. They want to come over tonight and we get to tag team him and his boyfriend. Is everyone up for it?” The three guys all looked at Mark with evil grins and Mark laughed. “I guess that’s a yes. I’ll tell him to be here at 9.” Everyone showered and prepped and Mark pulled out a box of toys and put it over in the corner. Eric stuffed a few tubes of lube around the living room and left a few sabotaged condoms on the table next to the couch. Mark hunted around for some more mainstream bareback porn to put on and realized most of the stuff he had involved visibly poz guys that were either wasting or had tattoos that hinted at their potency. “Joe, you’re going to have to leave your clothes on longer to hide the biohazard and scorpion so we don’t spook Cole’s boyfriend. Kyle, you should be careful too, your bush obscures yours but its still visible. Eric and I will get him sucking our cocks and you two can fuck them doggy. It should be interesting to see if we can hide it from him all night.” Joe nodded and packed some weed in a bowl and lit it. He passed the pipe around and everyone started to get baked. Joe was laying back on the couch in his jeans and a tank, Kyle just had his baggy shorts on, Eric had a pair of leather pants and a leather harness on and Mark just had a tight pair of jeans on. Mark got up and grabbed four beers and was walking back to the living room when there was a knock at the door. He handed the beers out and went to the door and opened it. There stood Cole and he assumed his boyfriend Pete. “Hi, come on in” Mark said. “Sorry we’re a bit early, but someone is a little horny” Cole said tilting his head toward Pete. Pete had a big smile on his face and the three walked into the living room. Eyes were roaming over each of the bodies. Mark went and got two more beers and Joe got up and passed a freshly packed pipe and lighter to Cole. Cole lit it and took a big hit from the pipe before passing it to Pete who did the same and passed it back to Joe. Pete sat down in a chair and looked over each of the four guys and they returned the gaze. Pete and Cole made an interesting couple. Cole’s thin six foot two inch body stood six inches over his boyfriend’s muscled jock body. Cole was clean shaven and Pete was scruffy. Cole’s body was naturally smooth except for his pits, a thin treasure trail from his navel to his pubes and Pete had light fur on his chest, trail, pubes, legs and ass. Cole had no tattoos and Pete, as they would find out, had a large back piece and both sleeves inked. Cole’s cock was a long, thin nine incher and Pete’s was a thick six inches. The only thing that they seemed to have in common was their love of cock. Cole sat on the arm of the chair Pete was in and the group talked and got to know each other a bit. “So, you guys are still in school?” Cole asked. “Yeah, just one more semester to go” replied Kyle as he adjusted himself as his cock stiffened. “You guys seem to keep in good shape, are you in sports?” Pete asked. Joe laughed a bit too hard and everyone looked at him. “Uh, I used to be on the wrestling team but I got booted when the coach caught me fucking my teammates” Joe explained. Everyone laughed. “Too bad dude. I bet that singlet looked really hot on you. I used to wrestle too in High School. Nothing better than feeling a hot sweaty guy pin you to the mat. Guess that’s why my record stunk” Pete said and the guys laughed. The pot and beer had loosened everyone up and Cole was the first to pull his tight t-shirt off and got a couple whistles. Pete was next and kicked off his shoes and took his shirt off as well. Cole then took his sandals and jeans off, revealing a red thong that was stuffed full of his cock. Eric didn’t want the guests to be the only ones undressing and he took his leather pants off leaving him wearing a black jockstrap and his harness. Mark pulled his jeans off and was going commando. “I know Cole is a total bottom and the four of us are vers” Mark said as he looked at Pete. “Yeah, I’m a total bottom too. I top once a year just to see if it still works” Pete said with a chuckle. “Theres some condoms on the table if anyone wants one, but I prefer it bare” Eric said. Cole pushed the table out of the way and went over to Eric and started to suck on his cock through the fabric. Eric’s cock got longer and thicker. Pete looked around and saw Kyle and Joe making out on the other couch and lunged over to Mark’s hard cock. “Fuck yeah. I always wanted to feel a pierced cock in my ass” Pete said as he started to lick Mark’s cock. “Then this is your lucky day” Mark said as Pete looked up at him. “All four of us are pierced so no matter which cock you get, it will have some steel in it.” Once Pete started to suck on Marks cock in earnest, Joe and Kyle got up and took their clothes off. Cole looked over and saw the scorpion on Joe and the biohazard on Kyle and his eyes got big. He knew Mark was carrying some potent seed, but didn’t expect the two younger guys to be as well. He grinned and went back to work on Eric’s cock, pulling it out of the pouch and sucking down on it. Kyle whispered to Joe “You get the wrestler, I get the tall one” and the two moved behind their victims. Joe got on his knees and pulled Pete’s hairy ass cheeks apart and probed with his tongue. He sucked one of Pete’s meaty balls into his mouth and massaged it with his tongue and tugged on it before moving to the other one. He then licked up Pete’s crack until he got to his puckered hole and lapped at it. He could hear Pete moan and knew he had him where he wanted him. He looked up and saw Mark smiling at him. Joe rimmed Pete for almost fifteen minutes and then felt Pete start to push his hips back. Joe knew he was anxious to get fucked and started to open Pete’s hole with his fingers and could feel Pete working his ass muscles. Once Joe knew his hole was loosened up, he stood up and grabbed one of the condoms off the table. He saw Pete look at him with a little surprise as he took the condom packet and smiled back at him. Joe rolled the condom on and looked at Eric with a big grin. He spread the lube onto the condom and pushed some into Pete’s quivering hole. He pushed his cock in slowly, not wanting the tampered condom to break right away. Slowly his cock filled the tight hole until his balls were resting on Pete’s. The moans from Pete told Joe that he was enjoying his cock filling him up. Joe hated having his cock wrapped up but it kept up the illusion and Pete was unaware of just how deadly the cock inside him was. His cock moved in and out of Pete slowly, almost like he was afraid of breaking him. With a nice even pace going Joe figured that he needed a few minutes of fucking before he could force the condom to break and get ready to breed Pete. Mark was feeding his cock to Pete’s mouth and he saw Kyle pull back from rimming Cole. “Hey Mark, toss me a condom” Kyle said and then caught the packet that Mark threw. Joe winked at his boyfriend and without words they were on the same wavelength. Kyle covered his cock up and put just a little lube on the shaft and pushed into Cole’s eager pussy. Joe and Kyle fucked in unison while Eric and Mark face fucked Cole and Pete. Kyle was less careful, since he knew he didn’t need to trick his partner and wanted to feel his raw cock inside Cole as soon as he could. The condom lasted less than a minute before he felt it tear and his cock was free once again. Cole pulled off of Eric’s cock and looked back with a big grin, but said nothing. Joe got to the point where he thought he could start fucking harder and he did. Pete seemed to be enjoying his cock inside him and moaned louder when the strokes got longer. Joe then started fucking faster, wondering if the condom would ever break. He really started to thrust in hard and could hear Pete gag as Mark’s cock was getting shoved down his throat. He was drilling Pete’s ass and finally felt the condom give way. He slammed in one more time and then slowly pulled out yelling “Shit! The condom broke.” He pulled out and saw the shredded latex hanging from his cock. Pete was whining at his suddenly empty hole. “Shove it back in” cried Pete. “But dude, the condom broke” Joe answered. “No more condoms over here” Mark said, trying not to laugh. “Ok, I got some in my suitcase” Joe said. “Please, just fuck me. I don’t care if its bare” Pete begged. “Kyle and I only bareback each other. We always fuck safe with others… even my brother” Joe said, trying to give an Academy Award winning performance and it seemed Pete was buying it. Pete was pleading with his eyes. “It’s ok, babe, I think we’re ok with these guys” Kyle said as he stopped fucking with his bare cock buried inside Cole’ ass. “Are you sure” Joe asked and Kyle nodded vigorously. “We’re both neg. We just got tested last week” Pete said, trying to reassure Joe that he wouldn’t catch anything. “Okay…” Joe said as he removed the remnants of the condom from his cock and smiled as his raw cock drove back into Pete’s loosened hole. The raw cock sliding against the inner flesh of Pete’s hole felt so much better and he really got into the fuck. Pete could feel the new energy from Joe and loved how his raw cock felt inside him. He could even feel the piercing inside of him, especially when it would drag through his outer ring. Joe kept looking over at Kyle and sync’d up with him quickly. They had fucked enough guys together that they could time their cum shots pretty well. Both of them started pounding their bottoms harder and when Joe saw Kyle close his eyes and lean his head back he knew he needed to be ready to breed Pete’s neg hole soon. A few more thrusts and he heard Kyle groan as his venom shot into Cole’s uninfected body. Kyle grabbed Cole’s hips and slammed in several more times, each thrust bringing another spurt of poz cum. The sound of his boyfriend breeding another neg hole spurred Joe into action. His balls contracted and then he felt his cock pulse and shoot his own strain of infected seed into Pete’s unsuspecting cunt. Joe slammed in hard and let the cum flood Pete’s guts. He heard Pete yell around Mark’s cock and then felt him milk the last drops of cum out of his cock. Joe pulled out and then traded spots with Kyle. His cock slid in easily into Cole’s cum slick hole. Kyle decided they had crossed the line and didn’t need to give the appearance of a safe fuck and just shoved his bare cock into Pete’s hole without attempting to get the condoms in their room. Pete grunted and then yelled out “Fuck yeah!” when Kyle’s cock went into him. Joe and Kyle were soon pounding their new bottoms and enjoyed the sloppy holes. They varied the fuck like synchronized swimmers and with a nod of Joe’s head they were ready to pump another load in. Eric and Mark were yelling encouragement as they could sense the boys were getting close. Almost simultaneously, Joe and Kyle shoved in hard and shot their charged up wads of cum inside. Kyle pulled out first and then Joe, they looked at each other trying to decide what to do to not let the bottom sluts see their tats. Joe laid down on the floor and motioned Kyle to climb on top and 69 each other, sucking each others cocks clean. When Mark and Eric saw the younger boys pull out, they quickly pulled their cocks out of Cole and Pete’s mouths and pushed them up on the couch, their heads hanging over the back and asses over the front. Mark drove into Pete’s well fucked hole and felt the two toxic loads inside surround his cock. He really enjoyed plowing into a bottom that had several loads in him and he could tell that Joe and Kyle had been generous in filling Pete up with cum. Mark had been edging the whole time he watched Joe and Kyle breed Pete and Cole and now was struggling to keep from cumming too soon. Eric had wanted to fuck Cole since he first met him over a year ago. Now he was getting to do it and help poz him up. Cole’s well lubed hole let him ram his cock in easily and he kept up the pace. He drilled in hard and forced the cum inside Cole deeper. He changed the angle of his cock to get his PA to drag against the walls of Cole’s colon and try to help the bug to get inside his body. Eric heard a grunt behind him and quickly glanced over his shoulder and watched Kyle start to ride Joe on the floor. He turned his attention back to Cole and kept pounding his hole. He played with the rhythms of Mark’s body hitting Pete, him and Cole, and Joe and Kyle. Keeping it synchronous for a bit and then syncopated. He heard Mark start to grunt and waited to hear Mark unload before he did. It was only seconds later when it happened. Mark grabbed Pete by the shoulders and forced his cock in deep and then unleashed his viral seed into Pete’s neg-for-now hole. Eric pulled all the way out and then slammed in and jettisoned his payload of charged cum into Cole’s cunt. As Eric and Mark stood there panting, they heard Joe scream out followed by Kyle yelling “Breed Me!” The three pairs stayed motionless for a minute as the tops contemplated their next move. Eric slowly pulled his cock out of Cole’s flooded hole and watched some cum run down his leg. It wasn’t pearly white and he knew that the three fucks had definitely done some damage to the soft tissue inside Cole’s guts. Mark pulled out slowly too, trying to keep as much of the bug riddled cum inside Pete as he could. He wasn’t sure he could shoot another load so quickly but traded places with Eric and tried anyway. “Oh fuck no!” screamed Pete as Eric’s cock jabbed into his tortured hole. Mark and Eric were less aggressive this time and they knew that Cole and Pete appreciated a softer fuck. Each time Cole tried to squeeze his ass around Mark’s poz cock it was a struggle. His ass was sore, he ached inside and his muscles were tired. He had taken a lot more guys at parties and at the bathhouse, but he had never been fucked that hard without even a short break. Pete was whimpering as Eric drilled his ass. His body hurt from the fuck but it still felt good having a cock inside him. When Eric would pull almost all the way out, he felt empty inside and when Eric pulled all the way out, he begged for his cock to go back in. Joe and Kyle quietly stood up and watched Eric and Mark fuck for a moment before heading into the bathroom and they rinsed off. Once they were dried off, they dressed to hide the telltale ink and went back into the living room just in time to hear Mark yell out as he shot his poison into Cole’s bug hungry hole. It took Eric a little longer to get his balls to ready their infected load to hopefully seal Pete’s fate. Mark and Eric finally pulled their death sticks from Cole and Pete’s holes and collapsed on the couch where Cole and Pete rolled over and sat next to them. “Oh my god that hurts” Pete said as he sat down between Mark and Eric. Cole ended up sitting on the end, next to Eric who he leaned over and kissed. “Damn that was fun” Mark said to the group while still breathing a little heavy. “Oh god yeah” Pete responded before looking at Joe and saying “Sorry if I got a bit demanding, but I really needed to get fucked. I didn’t mean to break your safe fuck rule.” “Its ok” Joe replied and added “As long as Kyle is good with it, I am too.” Kyle smiled and nodded. Kyle loaded the pipe and they passed it around a few times and drank some beers. After almost two hours of letting the cum soak in, Cole and Pete decided they should head home. They put their clothes on and said their goodbyes. As they walked out the door, Mark saw the wet spot start to form on Pete’s ass and smiled. Just before the door closed, Pete turned around and said “I hope we can do this again.”
    2 points
  20. Horny as fuck here. need some disTractions. chatting on kik pozhunk. perverted and twisted souls preferred.
    2 points
  21. would love to hear the stories of you poz guys going full blown AIDS. What it's like, what your going through, will you survive? decide to finally get on meds? Most of the talk here is the joy of fucking while poz but not the end result of the agony and pain of having full blown AIDS. My husband says its the worst pain he's ever been in and now has neuropathy, memory loss, wasting effect etc, and he's glad he finally went on meds. How are you all going to cope and deal with dying? Shitting yourself as you can't get up, can't eat, drink, walk, talk etc. Was it worth it? So come on guys that have actual full blown AIDS , tell it like it is and when going two or three months with AIDS and you're about to die, was it worth it? For me, I'm still undecided
    1 point
  22. I was 22 and decided to go camping at the lake one July, just to enjoy the summer a bit before it was over, and to get away from the gay life I had just began exploring. After getting everything set up, I sat down beside the fire and continued drinking my beer. Other than the sound of some soft voices at distant camp sites, the camp site was very quiet. Just as my fire was dying down for the night, I heard someone approaching on the path which led to the main trail. I recognized the man from a neighboring site, as I had walked past earlier on my way to my site. He was about 50, bushy gray beard almost hiding his sunken face, and wearing only jeans and boots. His torso had no fat, cept for a small belly paunch which didn't seem to fit his otherwise scrawny frame. He reminded me of some of older guys at the bar who'd been ravaged by HIV before treatments improved. In his hand was a liquor bottle, which was half empty. As he got closer, I could see he had a septum piercing, a thick ring resting on his bushy 'stache. I called out a friendly hello as he came near the fire, and he raised his bottle as if to toast me, then took a giant gulp of the brown liquid. He sat down on a log next to the fire, and we began talking. I was drunk, but this guy was shitfaced. Friendly as hell though, so I didn't mind. He was asking me all sorts of questions, what brought me here, was I having fun, etc. I just told him I was only here to chill out, and get drunk. He laughed and handed me his bottle and said "Drink up, buddy." I figured what the hell so I took a few gulps and felt the burn going down my throat. We kept talking, until finally I got up to go piss at the edge of the campfire. Just as I was thinking how drunk I was getting but having fun regardless, he appeared standing beside me, pulled-out his dick, and also took a piss. I jumped a bit, but still kept pissing, noticing he seemed to be studying my stream, so I looked over at his as well. He shook his cock a little to break my stare, and I looked over at his face. He had a different look now. Intense and not as friendly as before. I wasn't sure what to say, and before I could figure it out he turned and started pissing on my exposed cock and shorts. I couldn't move as inside I was panicking. I'd never thought of anything like this, and here a stranger was pissing on me and I didn't know what to do. His stream stopped and I felt his hand on my shoulder, pushing down. I'm not sure why I did it, but I got on my knees facing him. He stepped forward, his dangling cock right in front of me, and began pissing down the front of me, soaking my shirt before lifting his cock and aiming right for my face. His hot urine splashed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks, and he put his hand on top of my head and ordered me to open my mouth. Again, not sure why but I did exactly as he told me. He let loose another steam of piss right into my mouth, and commanded me to swallow at all, like a good pig. I began gulping and swallowing what I could. I was repulsed, but doing my best. When his stream stopped, I opened my eyes to see his hard cock jutting out a full eight inches, his fat cockhead still wet with piss. It was a sharp contrast to his lean frame. With his hand still on my head, he guided my head forward into my open mouth, and began fucking it. A few minutes later, he pulled his cock out and began rubbing it on my face, telling me I was a good whore and to stand up. Standing there, I noticed that despite my wet clothes and taste of piss and cock in my mouth, my cock was standing at attention. The stranger grabbed me by my cock and led me to my tent. He stripped my clothes outside the door, and led us inside. He had me remove his boots and jeans, and then lay back as he climbed on top of me. I was turned on as well as scared, and he began sucking my neck, tonguing my ears, and finally kissing me deeply. The feel of his big beard brushing my body was unbelievable, and my cock got even harder as his aggressive foreplay continued. "You're my whore tonight, boy, so relax and enjoy" he said. I didn't reply, and soon his fingers were playing with my hole, trying to push into my hole. I moaned, and he laughed, calling me a virgin, but quickly adding not for long. He climbed onto my chest and began jerking his cock right above my face, commanding me to lick his fuck stick. I began lapping my tongue on the underside of his head, and he laughed and told me what a good pig I was and to keep eating his toxic precum. When I heard him say that, I damned near panicked but his weight held me down. I tried to raise up but he smacked my face hard with his hand, telling me to lay the fuck still. He grabbed his cock and smacked it on my lips, telling me to open wide or else I'd taste the back of his hand again. I opened wide, and he began slow fucking my mouth. "That's it piggy, suck my toxic cock like a good whore!" His thrusts continued, and the taste of his precum grew stronger. Deeper and deeper into my throat he fucked, until I was sure I'd puke. I began gagging hard and he pulls his cock out, covered in my thick saliva. Next, he's twisting my arm around as he slid off my chest, forcing me to move in the direction he's pulling it. I'm half screaming as he twists, and finally I was on my stomach as he held my arm roughly behind my back. "Now get on your knees, pig" he said, twisting my arm to ensure my cooperation. I fumble to do as he says, as the pain he's inflicting on my arm is intense. "Good pig- now put your other hand on your back." Grabbing my free hand, he was now holding both in place on my back, as he scoots in right behind me, his cock pressing into my crack. He seems to clear his throat, but then I hear and feel him spit a goober on my ass. He repositioned to hold my arms with one hand, and grabs his cock with the other and begins rubbing his cock and spit into my hole. I quietly ask him to please let me go, but he ignored me, steadily pushing into my hole, slowly, in and out thrusts, but I had clamped tight, trying to prevent his entrance. Again he spat onto my hole, as his thumb slid in deeper as he murmured "There we go, piggy, open up for Daddy." Working his thumb in and out, telling me he was coating my whore cunt with his precum. From the slickness of his thumb as it moved freely in my ass, and I knew he isn't lying. Suddenly, his thumb was replaced by four inches of his cock. It took my breath away, but he didn't pause until he was fully buried in my ass. "Good piggy, I'm gonna show you how I make a man my whore" he said, as he slowly fucked my virgin hole. "Oh yeah fuck. I'm leaking my load inside you now boy. You like that? You want your new Daddy to knock you up and make you his toxic pig? Pop your pussy cherry and knock you up all in one night? Make you a fuck whore for the rest of your life?" His cock was thrusting harder, and I could hear the sloshing noises as my ass loosened to his fucking. He then started his final assault. " That's it baby, milk Daddy's dirty seed into your cunt. Drain it baby." He plunged forward, pulling my arms back and making me scream, holding his cock in as deeply as possible. I felt his cock pulsate stream after stream, coating my guts with his load. In that moment, when I was completely helpless and forever changed when a stranger came inside my ass, my cock spurted the biggest load of my life. Afterwards the stranger released my arms, and I chose to remain perfectly still as his cock stroked gently in and out of my hole. He spent the rest of the night in my tent, and the rest of the weekend. By the time I left, I had eight poz loads in my ass, and my new Daddy.
    1 point
  23. If you're a bottom, has a Top ever written on your body with an indelible ink marking pen like a Sharpie? If you're a Top, have you ever done so? If so, why, what did the message say, and where on the body was the message written? For instance, if a Top took a pen and wrote "Fuck Me" above the cheeks of your ass, did he then send you into the bar with your pants hanging low so anyone could see it? Did it work as advertising? Tops, have you ever written "Cumdump" on a bottom in a bathhouse just to see whether it would make the bottom's night more lively? Curious to see how often this actually happens, and what you think when you see it.
    1 point
  24. True story from this past summer. I was staying at a guest house in Provincetown in June. I’d stayed in the same guesthouse a few times, and booked a room that had an outside entrance off the deck. Easier than walking through the guesthouse every time. June is pre-season, so there are a lot of guys around, but town isn’t overly busy. My first full day turned out to be pouring rain, and I was feeling disappointed and horny. I chatted with a few guests downstairs while I grabbed some yogurt and juice, then headed to Joe’s Coffee for a breakfast sandwich. All the while I had my apps open and was cruising. A few familiar faces from years past were on, and one older guy I’d chatted with at the guesthouse that morning. He didn’t really hold my attention (out of shape, and didn’t give off a lot of energy), though he quickly sent 3 messages on Scruff after I left. I heard from a few guys in varying states of readiness to play. Most were still “waking up” and wouldn't be available for awhile. I decided to hit the gym for an hour. As I was leaving the gym, it was still raining. One of the guys I’d chatted online said he was ready to meet if I could host. I checked out his pics. Mid40s with an average, lean body, dark hair and nice beard, and an impressive looking cock. I told him where to find me. He told me to have just a jockstrap on when he arrived. About 15 minutes later, I saw him coming up the steps onto the deck. I took a quick hit of poppers to get me going, just as he showed up at my door. He was easily 15 years older than in his pics, his skin weathered and his beard longer and stragglier than I like. I hesitated and was about to say I didn't think it was going to happen when he pulled out his cock. It was an easy 7 inches, swollen with a nice head and thick shaft, and a silver cockring at its base. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees. With a hand on back on my head, he fed me his cock. After a couple minutes, he fed me a hit of poppers, and pushed his dick back into my mouth. Now my blood was pumping and I started sucking him voraciously. He leaned over my back, driving his dick all the way into my mouth so I choked, and pushed two wet fingers into my hole. He repositioned himself so he had better access to my ass, turning my head to the side and pushing me down on all fours on the floor. He had me take a long hit of poppers, and began working 3 fingers into my ass. My piggish side was being activated, and I was offering both holes for him to use. He was stretching my ass with his fingers, probing deep and pushing his fingers apart to relax The sphincter. “Get on the bed, on your back, ass hanging off the edge.” I assumed the position, taking a moment to take two long drags of poppers. I held those drags in my lungs, leaned back on the bed and brought my knees to my chest, letting the chems absorb slowly, and exhaled just as he stepped up to my exposed hole. I felt the warmth of his cock pushing against my hole as the rush of the poppers hit me. I felt his hot shaft pushing inside my prepped hole, stretching it wider than his fingers did. I felt that hardness slide all the way inside, and he held it there as we both groaned. He began fucking me with his raw cock, long, deep strokes that had me moaning. His balls slapped my ass and I could hear the bed squeaking with his deep thrusts. I was caught up in the moment, grunting as this stranger pounded my open hole. He grabbed by ankles and pushed my legs wider apart, watching his own cock pierce my ass. He fucked me for awhile, pulling out just a few times to dive back in again and make me groan with the girthy penetration. I fuck’n loved it! “Where do you want this load?” ”In my ass!” He kept pumping away, that thick dick feeling amazing inside me. He thrust a little faster, then harder, and he rolled his head back when his thrusts became really hard, deliberate, and he paused at the end of each thrusts for a moment. He kinda grunted and gasped a few times in these pump-and-hold combinations. I knew I was being bred! He quickly pulled out, and I could feel some of his cum around my hole. He wiped off his cock on a towel, then dressed, said thanks, and walked back out onto the deck in the rain. He didn’t bother asking me if I wanted to cum. I laid on the bed for a few minutes, feeling my really wet hole and coming down from the fuck haze I’d been in. I stroked my dick, but was still super horny and knew I was a long ways from coming on my own. After a few minutes, I threw on a loose pair of shorts, grabbed by phone, and headed down to the common room to see if there were any snacks. I saw a dozen more messages, with 2 new ones on BBRTS (which had been silent all morning). Sure enough, it was the older guy staying in my guesthouse; he’d figured out my profile based on distance and description (I only show my ass in the public profile). He’d unlocked his pics, and sent his room number. I was still feeling poppered up and horny, and he actually had a really hot looking cock. Without thinking much more about it, I walked up the other set of stairs and started looking for his room number. I found it on the third floor, where is was feeling stuffy and hot, despite the rainy weather. His door was actually open, and he was sitting in a chair inside. Seeing me, he started rubbing his crotch. He stood up, pushed a bottle of poppers under my nose, and told me to whiff (he’d obviously read by profile). As my head started to swim again, I just dropped the baggy shorts, got on all fours on his bed, and offered my ass. I heard him fumbling in a drawer, and then the pumping sound of a lube bottle. Shortly thereafter, his fingers probed my hole, seemingly to find the target, and then he slid inside. It was a rough fuck — the type you get when someone finally gets the piece of ass he’s been wanting. I felt like a total pig, and he was reaping the benefits of it. He pounded away at my hole, and I started getting verbal to egg him on. Finally I told him, “I want your load in my ass.” He bred me pretty quickly after that. I could hear him panting heavy, and I was reminded how out of shape this guy was. He was holding onto my hips as he plugged away until he unloaded. I didn’t stick around, but pulled on my shorts, thanked him, and walked back across the guest house in just my shorts. My ass was totally wet, and I was feeling both piggish and kinda hot walking by a few other guests after having been bred by both guys. If you’ve enjoyed reading about my rainy day breedings, let me know by clicking on the blue heart, leave me an upgrade, and I’ll know to keep pigging out and posting for you.
    1 point
  25. "He looks like Harry Potter," he told me over the phone. There I was listening to my ex-husband tell me about his latest conquest. His comments were little more than babble about a 20 year old kid with whom he had hooked up with the night before. Of course, it started out with his usual, "I met him online and he just came over for coffee." There were several reasons my ex was, just that, my ex, including his voracious appetite for hooking up without disclosing as much to me. I suppose now that he and I had officially broken-up, he was trying to turn over a new leaf to win me back. I had called to let him know I would not be home for a couple more days due to work and Pride festivities. And another reason was, to be honest I was having fun! While my ex and I continued to live in the same house, purely for financial reasons, it had was at least a civil break up, and left me free to do what I wanted without any sense of guilt. My mind was wandering as he was talking, I only heard the important stuff, namely the kid's stats and the word 'bare'. I was well aware my ex was still trying to find ways to win me back, and he had caught my attention with that one word - BARE! I had found out only four months previous I was poz. I had been to my doctor's office for a routine exam. He felt it would be good for me to have a blood test. I was not surprised when his office called to have me come back in. I almost always play bareback... in fact I often turned guys down how insisted on only playing covered. I would go to bath house and get bred in dark corners, gloryholes, steam rooms, and group scenes. I was a cum slut who offered my bare hole up too any cock willing to pump cum inside me. My record night in one bath house had ended with me losing track after 16 loads. My hole was slick and dripping cum down my thighs making it sticky as I walked to the shower. Here is my ex telling me how "Harry" only gets fucked bare. "Fuck that is hot" I responded. "Does he let ANYONE fuck him bare?" By now, my heart is pounding, the wheels are turning in my head, and my cock is getting HARD in my underwear. "Well, he says he does and he let me fill him last night." - my ex boasted. "When you come home, we could have a threesome and take turns fucking him." "Is he poz or neg?" - I asked. Being newly poz, I was asking everyone. "He is clean and neg" comes his response. I responded with "oh...Does he know I am poz?" "No, I did not tell him - says my Ex. My mind was already cooling me down. I was already thinking I was ruled out. There was no way a neg 20 yo was going to let me fuck him bare. My Ex must have sensed my disappointment cuz he quickly added - "I will tell him and mention you would be interested in a 3some." "Cool, well, I will be home in a couple more days. I guess you have time to find out." I spent the next two days wondering if my ex had told him I was poz. Even as I crawled in bed for the last night away, I wondered if this kid got scared off by my status or did he agree? I would have to find out in the morning I thought to myself. At 3 AM, I am startled awake by my cell phone. "Hello" - I said in my groggy haze. Instead of someone talking on the other end, I could hear people fucking. The sound of sex was unmistakeable - moaning, bed moving, and balls slapping against an ass. I looked at the caller id to see my home phone. Immediately, I recognized some of the moans and groans as my ex. The other set of moans and groans came from an unknown voice, but I quickly assumed it had to be "Harry". Without thinking, my hand was under the sheets stroking my pierced cock. Yup, horny sex pig I am had gotten myself a Prince Albert a few years before. I listened to the sounds of them fuck for 20-30 minutes. I could tell from the sounds my ex was getting close to blowing his load. My ex's voice breaks the moans - "Will your ass be ready for a 3-some with my ex and I tomorrow?" "U huh!" - moans Harry. "Yeah? You will ride his poz cock?" "U huh, but he has to pull out..." groaned Harry, as the sound of fucking sped up. My ex was really slamming this boy good. "We can tell him to pull out ...but I am going to pump mine in you like this!" My ex lets out a loud moan and drives his load in the hole he had been abusing. This was all the encouragement I needed. Harry was going to ride my poz cock bare after my ex loaded him up! My cock started to erupt thick strands of poz cream onto my chest and stomach!! The phone had hung up as soon as my ex finishing pumping cum in Harry. Boy, He was still pushing my buttons!! During my drive home the next day, my mind was racing. Did Harry know I was listening in? Did he know I was so turned on I blasted a load all over myself? I assumed my ex had done it as bait for me, but Harry would not know anything. I arrived home with several friends who I had gone to pride with. They all wanted to come up and say hi. No one had any idea about Harry or the phone call or even the fact the three of us would all be fucking that night!! When we walked in the apartment, my ex greeted all our friends while I placed my suitcase and laptop in my room. I came back to the living room to see everyone but Harry. I was waiting to meet Harry. "So where is your "coffee date" - coyly, I said to my ex. "Oh, he is on the balcony having a smoke." I did not want to seem to anxious so I acted unimpressed. Within a few minutes, the sliding door opens. There in the doorway is a very young looking Harry. My ex introduces him to all our friends but saves my introduction for last. When it is my turn, I smile and put out my hand. There he is a cute smile, shy look, and the prettiest baby blue eyes looking back at me through round little glasses. He does look like Harry I think to myself. I can feel lust inside me as I say - "Hi." We go back to the conversations with our friends. After about an hour, everyone leaves for their home. Harry excuses himself too saying he needed to do a couple things back at his place before joining us for dinner and drinks. As promised, Harry returns in time for dinner. The night was great. Harry had a great personality and the more wine he drank he seemed to loosen up around me. Before long it was 2 AM, all we had done was talk and have a great evening. I was getting tired so I told them I was going to bed. It was a long day plus I had the early morning phone call that had me up. After getting ready, I got naked and slip into bed. Shortly, after shutting my light off, Harry opens the door and wanders into my room. We had been drinking wine for hours so to say we were both tipsy was an understatement. Wine in hand, he starts telling me how he knows we were going to have a 3some. As I go to sit up, I bump his wine glass spilling some on my comforter. He apologizes, leaves my room, and comes back with paper towel. As I start dabbing up the red wine, he leans in closer to me. I cannot resist kissing him. Quickly, we are feeling each other up. We start undressing each other as my ex enters the room. He had orchestrated the whole thing - the dinner, the wine, and now the threesome. We all continued to undress. Harry dropped to his knees and started to blow me., but not before I got a look at his naked form. He had a hairy chest, huge set of balls that hung half way down his inner thigh, and a 7.5" uncut cock which was pointing straight up toward the ceiling. I was soon lost in the blow job. He was very good at what he did. I was ROCK hard in no time. As he sucked my knob, my ex had positioned himself behind him with his thick cut cock pushing against Harry's eager hole. Roughly, my ex shoves his entire thick cock in to the base in one move. Harry winces in pain but keeps sucking on my cock. In no time, the images from the night before are being recreated in front of me. Harry is taking it like a champ. He is enjoying being spit roasted. It seemed quick but 20 minutes later my ex lets out a GIANT groan as he is unloading in Harry's cute bubble butt. After my ex pulls out, I took my cue to move behind Harry. I finally get a look at his pale white bubble butt. It looked so edible I had to bury my tongue in his open, cum filled hole. the taste of his hot ass filled with cum only fuels my desire to finally mount him. As I do, Harry says - "fuck me bare, but remember no cumming in me. I am not poz and trying to stay that way." I am so turned on I agree and fully intend to honour his wishes. I am beginning to think there could be more for us, so I do not want to just use Harry as a fuck. He was also the first neg bottom I had played with since finding out I was poz. I did not need much lube for my Prince Albert to slide in the opening my ex had left for me. Harry moaned as I slowly pushed into him. The load of cum my ex left was lubing the sides of my cock. Harry may have been fucked by my ex but I am 7" long and quite a bit thicker than him so he moaned as I stretched him open. Since I mostly bottom myself and he was the tightest hole I ever pumped into, I realized it would not be long for me to toss a load. I took a deep breath and slowly pumped back and forth. I leaned forward and starting licking and kissing Harry's lips and tongue. He was responding to my tongue's advances with the same hunger I had for him. I kept thinking about how hot he felt on my cock. Harry was pushing back into me HARD. HE was grinding my pole deeper into him. I started pounding HARDER. This hot boy was rubbing my sides and butt with his hands as I pummelled his sweet ass. I could feel my cum load welling up in my balls. By now, my balls needed to explode. I was literally a second from exploding. I had to pull out right now, but at the same moment I was pulling out Harry's legs and hands had wrapped around me too tight for me to get out in time. My entire body and cock convulsed in unison as my poz load rocketed into his ass. It was not only exciting and relieving to pump my load out, but also I was panicking about pozzing this boys ass. At the same moment I was cumming, Harry`s hole tightened. I could feel his whole body shake as he shot his load onto the sheets beneath us. As our orgasms were waning as he released his grip on me. I slowly started to draw my cock from his ass. When my pa popped out I saw a dark drop hit the white comforter. We were SO spent from the amazing sex, the copious amounts of wine, and the late night that we fell asleep cuddling with one another. When we finally woke late the next morning , we smile and kissed each other. I asked him - ``why did you hold onto me so I could not pull out as I unloaded my poz cum. He explained - ``It was not planned. As I was about to get off I had hung onto you so I could get off. I did not realize until you were cumming it was going into me.`` He looked at me with a sparkle in his bright blue eyes. I smiled back and suggested we shower together. As I got up to leave, I looked down at the comforter to see a mix of blood and wine. Again, I wondered what had I done. I was newly poz and he was neg. I joined him in the shower. I told him how I wondered if it was ok what we had just done. There was a good chance he could now be poz. He smiled with his blue eyes and kissed me again. After seeing his eyes, I never worried or asked again. I was right. He ended up being more than just a fuck. We have been together for seven years now. We never talked about pulling out again and yes my new bf found out 4 months later he was poz too.
    1 point
  26. Am I the only one that gets annoyed at tops that think the answer to not being able to get hard is to take another hit of poppers. I love poppers but I am a bottom and don't need to be hard, but for most guys they are the enemy of a good hard erection. I know there are exceptions, but for the most part if you want to be a good top give the poppers to the bottom and pound his ass. Maybe take a quick hit just before you give him your load. Also if you are sharing a bottle with a bottom sucking you, give him the bottle first, then you can take it while he is going to town on your cock. Sorry I just had to get that out.
    1 point
  27. check out my wheel of death. https://shar.es/1Lh4wP Any suggestions for other choices? will be picking my first player soon so lever you comments if you want to play. I have supper hot and dirty detailed stories for each. Thanks @whore for the wheel link.
    1 point
  28. 1982 It was the Summer after my 13th birthday when my dad decided I was old enough to get a job. He was in the military and hated seeing anyone not do anything. "You've wasted enough vacation time lying in your room with a book. Too late to be a real kid now, David. You're going to contribute from now on." What kind of job? I was thirteen. Was that legal? Maybe he wanted me to do something at the base he worked at...like build guns or diffuse bombs. He and I had absolutely no connection. "You'll be spending your days helping Mr. Murphy next door. He's 79 years old and needs help doing things around the house. Go to the store with him, help him make meals and keep him company. That's not so hard, is it? "No sir." I'd maybe looked him in the eye maybe three times in my life. He was pure army. I was pure pansy. The next morning Mom walked with me next door to Mr. Murphy's house. I hadn't seen him up close...ever. Picture Santa Claus on a crash diet. He had a white beard and twinkling blue eyes, but he probably didn't weigh much more than I did. I felt good things from him. Kind things. "Master David! It's so good to meet you formally!" "Hello, Mr. Murphy." "Oh, just call me Gus. I hear you've come to help me keep things ship-shape. You ready to get started? Want some cookies?" I was in a mood. I'd just started a paperback by an author called 'Stephen King' and wished so badly I could tear through it. But okay. I washed his breakfast dishes and dusted all the thousands of little corners and crevices of his living room. I knew that Mrs. Murphy had died a few years ago. Calvin Foth and I were having a water gun fight in the backyard when the ambulance came. I just assumed she'd died from being old - I didn't know there was an official cause. My mood got better as I swept and polished. Poor man. I'd have plenty of time to read my book at night. I checked out cook books from the library and tried out different recipes. Turns out I had a natural flair for cooking. I made him brownies and pies. I liked eating dinner with him much more than I liked being at my own house where Dad's mood was usually dark and scary. Mr. Murphy talked to me about his time fighting in the big war and about living in Europe. He talked most about his departed wife. The man clearly loved her. If Gus was telling a great tale, I'd come home after 10 PM. "You need to leave there sooner. That old man needs his sleep." Dad never once asked me anything about my life, he just gave commands. The bible says you have to love your parents no matter what, but I actually hated my father. Maybe the bible didn't know everything about life. Maybe it was bullshit. If I were ever brave enough to keep a diary, I'd write about what I just told you. But I knew better than to try and hide anything in this house. Gus was right in the middle of a story about hiking in Switzerland when he just paused, closed his eyes and died. I never saw death in person. The ambulance came and my Summer job ended. I cried -- even though my dad kept reminding me that he wasn't even family. Like that matters. I skipped school to attend his funeral -- which was the very start of my rebellious teen years. Dad was an asshole, and now he would start paying. I kept watering Gus's lawn and weeding his flower beds even though he wasn't there to pay me for it. I was refilling his bird feeders when a fancy car pulled into the driveway. I was technically trespassing, but Gus loved his birds. A very butch woman with short gray hair got out of the car and marched right up to me. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" I didn't even have a chance to answer. "I own this property now and you have to leave. I'm going to sell it the second as I clear all the crap out. Shoo." Crap? He had war medals in there...and like one billion framed photographs. Was this bitch his daughter? No way. He wouldn't have raised an evil toad like her. While I normally would have just silently slunk back to my house, I turned to this new owner and said "FUCK OFF!" I didn't even care if she saw my address and called my parents. I was slowly developing a spine. FIVE YEARS LATER I was in the middle of a bitter, sometimes violent battle with my father. He'd mostly ignored me since I went through puberty. I'd grown broader and taller but still had a girlish voice. I didn't know I was so obvious until I saw a videotape of myself at some wedding or something. I walked like a woman and my gestures were a little too delicate. I knew then that I was a FAG. My dad started avoiding me at all costs. It wasn't until I announced I didn't plan to go to college that he exploded and confronted me face-to-face. "What if I kicked your fairy ass right out now?! You're an adult and can go do whatever...work in a purse store maybe. I should have been wearing a rubber the whole time your mother and I slept in the same room." I just took the abuse calmly which only seemed to make him angrier. This was a nightly thing. I stopped getting haircuts at the base's barber shop and I hung around the worst of humanity, hoping for some bad influences. I smoked and shoplifted and made buddies with all the kids who had given up on a future. Just as I had. I had a full-time job that Summer and planned to find an apartment and never come back. I'd need to save up a little more money while I waited for my escape. That horrible woman kept the house for sale almost four years before giving up and replacing the sign in the yard with "For Rent". Ha! I'd been in the backyard when I overheard her bitching about what a disaster the garage was. "I found an empty shell of snakeskin that had to be five feet long. Whatever's in there can stay in there." Thank God (who I know longer believed existed) for snakes...and the busted housing market. "Did you see who rented the house next door? Some goddamn Mexican guy" Dad was so racist, but usually held his tongue because it wasn't cool to be that way with new recruits who were mostly minorities. He only exposed that ugly side to us. "I guess I should stop even taking care of the lawn. Neighborhood's gone to hell. He's got tattoos all over his damn body. All in black ink..which means he got them in prison. I've seen enough kids with those -- and they all have a record." I had to meet him. It would flat out kill my dad if I made friends with him. Didn't see him for weeks even though I was always looking for signs of the ex-con when I snuck out for cigarettes at night. Maybe I'd just start smoking in my room. What would happen? I didn't dare do it because it would hurt my mom. She was harmless, but I felt sorry for her and the life she'd had. I didn't love her, but I didn't wish her harm either. One day I noticed the new neighbor had put up some concrete religious statues in his front yard. Catholic. But he'd also set a birdbath right smack dab in the middle of the lawn. As gloomy as I was, I still got a rush of secondhand joy when I saw a sparrow or a starling enjoying a bath. Dad would not us to have a birdbath. "Those things are breeding grounds for mosquitoes." I had just started a rare three-day weekend when I decided to move closer to the new neighbor's yard. It was mid-morning. There was a little gate hidden in Mr. Murphy's overgrown hedges. I had my cigs with me and decided have one -- just on the edge of the property where I could get a closer look at things. I wondered if his birdbath already had mosquito larvae wriggling around inside. Maybe I could dump it out and fill it back up with fresh water. No. The early morning sun was too bright and exposing. I'd just finish my smoke and go back home. I saw that the backyard was as overgrown as it had ever been. I liked it being a natural habitat for all sorts of wildlife, but he'd get fined by the city if they still gave a shit about things like that. There was same old rusted out swing and the rotting picnic table. The bitch daughter had never bothered to take care of any of this. I threw my spent cigarette into dew-soaked crabgrass and prepared to go back to my room to start a new book I'd bought called "The Color of Light". "Hey!" I was busted. I thought about bolting for home, but didn't it. I really hadn't done anything wrong. It was the supposed criminal Latin man I'd been hoping to get a glimpse of. He was shorter than me and his skin was a nice even brown. Jet black hair. He was only wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts. Sure enough, he was covered with tattoos that were all in black ink...and looked very amateur. Everything added up to an attractive, dangerous man. "Sorry...I live next door and came out to sneak a smoke. I'll leave now." "No. Why. I don't know anybody here and you seem like a friend." I don't think I'd ever given off that impression before. "I really liked the old man who lived here before you moved in. He was very old and I helped him with chores and stuff." He walked closer to me., barefoot and smiling. "Yes. Is your father the military man? He does not seem to like me much, Yes?" "He's an ass. Ignore him. He's working himself into an early heart attack and I hate to say it but I can't wait." "Yes. You look a lot like him, but you don't push hate out of your pores like he does. Are you in school?" "Just graduated." "Ahh. I never got that far. I was more interested in earning money than sitting in classrooms." "What do you do?" "I..I sell things. Scrap metal mostly." I didn't even know if that was a real thing, but he didn't seem dishonest. "I do a lot of things. God, this wet grass feels so good under my feet. It feels like freedom." "You do some time?" God, that was too abrupt and too rude. "Oh sure. Who hasn't?" I then noticed the security ankle bracelet he was wearing. "I'm Jorge (pronounced 'hor-hay') by the way." "David. It's really good to finally meet you." "If you need some extra money, I could pay you to help me get this place cleaned up. The garage is full of shit." I already knew that. "Well I work as a manager at Food World, but I've got three days off now. My dad's mower won't be able to cut all those tall weeds, but I can help you find you somebody who can. "I know plenty of amigos who can handle the yard. I need help with the garage and the basement. We can start as soon as you're ready." "Whenever, Jorge." I wondered if that was even his real name. "First things first. I always need to get stoned before I start the day. You smoke?" "Oh yeah." Total lie. "Good. I can pay you in weed or money -- whatever works best for you. It's good shit." "Weed is good," I said in a fake voice. It would be the pinnacle of my teen rebellion. My dad would be so enraged. "OK. This stuff is a little damp so it's hard to keep lit." I had zero idea what it felt like to be high. Maybe I could fake it. Jorge used intense concentration to light the 'fatty' (what he called it). He huffed and breathed in deeply and noisily. Like a viper hissing. I imitated his moves and noises, but didn't actually inhale too much. The taste reminded me of the incense they burned in the bookstore I went to sometimes. Jorge didn't buy it. "No. I should have known you didn't smoke. I met your papa the other day and he would probably murder you if you smoked pot." "You met him?" "Yes. I was outside enjoying the fresh air when I saw him walking to his big car. I saluted him, but he frowned and looked away." "Shit. You're not supposed to salute an officer unless you're in the service as well." "I don't think he likes my skin color either." God, this guy had some intuition about people. Maybe he honed that skill in prison. He continued to exhale his clouds as I stood there like a six-year old holding a yo-yo. "So he's a captain or a general or something?" "Something like that. I have never cared enough to listen to him talk about his job." "That must be something....a dad like him with a son like you." I did and didn't know what he meant by that. I'd tried as best I could to butch up and make my voice deeper, but my gay vibe must be broadcasting anyway. Really nice, kind people act like they don't notice, but I know they do, "He's pretty much a monster...and my mom is a walking corpse most of the time. I don't think either of them has ever hugged me. We're basically just roommates." "Never hugged? That sucks. My pop was a drunk, but mama loved me to death. I hate that you don't know what that feels like." And then he reached around me and hugged me. His tatted-up arms were strong and his chest felt so warm. I had no words. He stepped back and looked me in the eye. "Now you have been hugged,David." I tried to say 'Thank You', but all that came out was "Thaaaa..." "You ever shotgun?" Fuck. He was talking about guns now. "Since you don't know how to smoke, I'll do it for you." He inhaled deeply from the fatty and planted his lips directly on mine. Was it my gayness that caused me to open my mouth and put a hand on his back? "Breathe in as deep as if you were about to go underwater." Okay. I understood now. But we had kissed in the technical sense of the word. "Better, yes?" "I don't feel high." "You will. One more time?" I nodded. We repeated that magic moment and I held him a little closer. I could kiss this little man forever. "I think I'm feeling it now." Or was I? Was this like Nyquil where you had to wait a half hour before you felt it? "Good. I need to take a whiz and then we'll tackle the garage." He wandered a little ways into the tall weeds and let his shorts drop to his ankles -- as if just pulling down the front would have taken more effort. Whatever. I a least got to see his tiny brown butt ...nude. I'd usually kept all my jack-off fantasies on the idea of a big, hard penis. It had never occurred to me to appreciate the male ass for the beautiful thing it was. Wow. He turned his head around and seemed pleased that I was watching. He knew exactly what he was doing - and so did I. I'm glad my t-shirt was so baggy and hanging low because I had a wicked erection. "OK. I'll open up the door and let the dust out a little, scare the spiders away." He was all business now. It made me feel a little better that he knew what to do because I was floating and listening to all the neurons in my brain firing randomly. So this is what pot did. I felt weak and sleepy. And hungry. I couldn't go back on my word and go home for a nap now. I had to remember how my normal David self acted. I think I got the walking down pretty good, but didn't dare say a word out loud. Too chancy. "It has an automatic door opener, but that fat bitch didn't give me the remote. It's no big deal, though." He squatted and lifted the door effortlessly. I saw the muscles in his back work. He had to have lifted weights while locked up. There probably wasn't much else to do there. Dust and old smells came rushing out the opening. I'm sure Gus's daughter had sold anything of value in there...despite the monster snakes. I either told Jorge or thought about telling him to be careful. Wonderful midday sun streamed in and shined upon stuff that probably hadn't seen light in over a decade. Holy Hell! There were so many cardboard boxes and random tools...all covered with years of dust. Buckets, crates and about two billion paint cans. "Shit, Jorge. How are we going to clear this out and get rid of it?" "Just put all the useless shit in the driveway for now. I have a guy coming to haul it off." I could have been a good boy scout and told him that a lot of the stuff in here couldn't go to the regular dump because it was classified as 'toxic'. I kept quiet. I was amazed that he's come inside this squalid crypt barefoot. "You should probably put some shoes on, man. There's nails and other sharp crap on the floor." "Yes. I think I'll put on some long jeans and a shirt too. Why don't you go home real quick and change into your crummiest clothes and we can start." I hurried home and found Mom vacuuming without really looking at the floor. She was lost to her private,sad thoughts. My rattiest jeans had holes at the knees and other bare spots developing on the butt. I found some old high-tops that had seen better days, and a long-sleeved t-shirt. Gloves? It would probably be a good idea to find some work gloves, but I wanted to get back to Jorge as soon as possible. "Hello?" He wasn't in the garage. I'd wait. He didn't seem the type to fuss with changing clothes. After a few minutes of me just standing there and remembering stuff. Maybe Jorge had left for some reason. I decided to get started with the massive stacks of paint cans. They didn't slosh at all -- mainly because they had aged into solid rock. When they were finally all out and stacked in the driveway, I decided to start in on the cardboard boxes. I found old newspapers and magazines and tons of random receipts. One of them was full of old photographs. Many of them were of a young girl in a party dress or sitting atop a pony or at some amusement park. Was this that bitch daughter of his? He'd put them here among the trash which was where she belonged. They probably had a falling-out at some point. Gus was too good and kind, but even people like that know when to throw out a piece of rotten fruit. Just as I picked up the final box, the king of snakes whipped by me. Bull Snake. He or she had been keeping mice out of this place for a long time. I watched the snake wriggle out into the front yard. So long. After sifting out tools (some of them looked like they'd never been used) that I thought Jorge might find useful, I was feeling a little dehydrated. I needed water and needed to release water at the same time. Was he ever coming back? What time was it? I started to get a little pissed-off. There was a door from the garage to the house and I wondered if it was unlocked. It was. I was now back in Mr. Murphy's kitchen where I'd seen him die. I'd get a glass of water and pee in the sink if I had to. Then I'd go home. Fuck this. The TV was on and the air was fragrant with weed smoke. He'd been in here the whole time. I had every right to find him and ask what the hell was going on. There was Jorge, completely naked and passed out on the couch in a sitting position with his feet up on the coffee table. Goddammit. I would have been more angry except that now I had a chance to see him nude. He was muscular and compact. His dick was impressively fat and uncut. I'd only ever seen one or two penises that had extra skin like that. Two Hispanic kids in my gym class had been left intact as nature intended. I got a chance to study the tattoos up close. There were some weird symbols and random Spanish words. Damned if I knew what they meant because I'd taken French instead of Spanish in school. My dad hated French people as well as anything or anyone European. One of the tats said 'Property of V.L.P'. The TV was showing some bizarre game show where people were pulling levers and trying to get a good poker hand on a big video screen. I sat carefully on the couch and watched because I knew a lot about poker from all the shady pals I'd made over the last few years. Jorge muttered and snored. Next to his left foot was a half-smoked joint in an ashtray. I had my own lighter and so I snagged it and lit up. I had a better idea how to smoke this on my own now. I remembered that I had some days off, and it felt good to relax a little. I kept inhaling and exhaling my clouds. The TV wasn't all that big, but it filled my eyes. I picked a player to root against which is what my dad always did during 'Wheel of Fortune'. He usually wanted a minority to lose. I was practically inside of the show when it went to commercial for margarine. They showed a promo for the five o'clock news that ended with 'coming up next'. Dad would be home soon. It was that late already? Jorge was still sleeping soundly. I took the opportunity to study more of his tats. There was plus sign on his shoulder that I hadn't seen before. My stupid brain thought it meant he was optimistic and thought positive thoughts. I'd ask later. Would he wake up if I just barely touched that big dick of his? I couldn't stop my fingers. It reminded of the bull snake in a way. It seemed to react to my finger. Was I way stoned or did it jump a little? What if I touched it with my mouth? He was very obviously still deeply asleep. I knelt on the floor and moved my mouth over to his groin. I kissed all that extra skin. The thing moved again. Maybe he'd appreciate this. So I put the whole end of his penis into my mouth. The dick got harder and heavier on my tongue. I looked up and saw that his eyes were still shut. I was plum amazed at the flavors I tasted...a trace of soap, sweat, pot and a few other things I couldn't name. I moved on down the shaft and involuntarily gagged a bit. I hoped the sound from my throat didn't wake him, but didn't check. He sounded as if he were dreaming. "Si. Si.", "So nice.", "Don't stop now." I would take advantage of him and earn my pay for an afternoon of hard work. I badly wanted to make him to ejaculate and thought I could coax it out with my mouth. Did I want that? Did I really want a man's semen in my mouth? I'd deal with that if and when the time came. I worked the length of his dick I knew I could handle comfortably and used my mouth like it was a masturbating hand. Yeah...I wanted his dick so much -- and everything that came out of it. "No. Stop, David." Shit! He was awake. I pulled away immediately like I'd been caught stealing. I felt so embarrassed and guilty. I still had all my clothes on and could just make a run out the front door. Would he kill me? Tell my dad? "Bye. The garage is half empty now." He seemed shocked and disappointed. "Leaving? Why? That was fun." "I..I..." I had no words left. "Please don't go. I'll get us a few beers and even make dinner if you want." I stood there and watched his hard dick bob up and down as he yawned and stretched. At that very second, there was the sound of a car door closing nearby. Dad was home. He'd be walking in the door and asking Mom where I was. She'd stand there mutely as he went upstairs to change, radiating oppressive vibes throughout the whole house. I still couldn't make words, but I did sit down as Jorge got up and went into the kitchen. His boner had lost a little of its heft. "You really did half the job already? Wow. I'm sorry I left you alone. I am a pig sometimes." He returned with two bottles of cold 'Corona'. "You were probably just tired from moving in. My family has moved several times and it can be stressful." "Poor kid. I owe you overtime pay and a bonus. We'll work that out in a little while. Maybe cream? You want my cream, yes?" I almost didn't know what he meant. But. OK. "Whatever you think is fair." "Life is not fair. I'm an expert, kid." He took a long pull from his beer and put his bare feet back on the little table. I noticed the ankle bracelet again. He must be on parole or probation or something. "What did you do, Jorge?" "Many things, many bad things. Remember how you told me that you don't salute an officer if you're not in the military? It's like that with us, too. You don't ever ask that question unless you've done time as well." I'd never heard that. "Sorry." "It's okay, man. I'll just tell you that I never killed anyone. More details later." "Again -- I'm sorry. The biggest snake in the world is now out of your garage," "How big?" "BIG. Like maybe six and a half feet long. He might have some friends in there, but I doubt it. Snakes are pretty much loners." "Good, good. So you came in for a break and decided to suck my dick?" "No. I... I don't know. I just...." "Hush. I know. I been locked up long enough to know that gay guys love cock. I might be gay even, but never really had much of a chance to find out. Not two days after I got to prison, I was raped in the ass. Little guys like me are hot property behind bars. I was owned by a guy named "Virgo" for awhile. I worked out to compensate for my little size and only the biggest guys bothered me." "..." I thought about how hard his life had been. "I never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend...or went on a date." I noticed he had moved his hand down to his crotch. His stare was intimidating. "What happened to Virgo?" "He got real sick and was moved to the floor where they keep sick people. Lot of AIDS there. He might be dead for all I know." I don't know how he managed a full boner while saying all that, but he did. "Do you hate him?" "Oh yes. I wanted to make him hurt the way he made me hurt. I wanted to destroy him, get revenge." His boner got a bit more red and longer. "I'm here anytime, Jorge." That wasn't what I meant to say, but I was still the slightest bit off my verbal game. "Si. You're here now. Leave this room and come in again. Take your shoes off. Socks too." I was wondering if he had the AIDS virus too, but it was kinda late to ask that now. I took a few deep breaths and returned to the living room. There was Jorge, completely nude and hard -- with dark sunglasses on now. I padded closer to him until he said "Stop." "Fresh meat! You are about to be owned. Any idea what that means, asshole?" I didn't. Or maybe I did. My mind was no longer clouded with weed, and I should have been able to say something. "ANSWER ME!" "No,Sir. I do not. I'm sorry." "Save it. I guess I'll just have to show you. Stand still." I wondered what the fuck I'd gotten into. He stepped up right to me, and even though he was shorter than me, he seemed huge and intimidating. I could feel heat radiating from him. His strong hands groped me in very impolite ways and his fat little fingers worked their way through some of the threadbare places on my old jeans. He seemed especially interested in the hole that had almost developed over the crack of my ass. Oh hell. I should have guessed what he wanted: Prison Sex. And revenge. He was being a little too rough for a reason. I guess I'd asked for it. Jorge had found his way through the hole in the denim covering my butt. I hadn't put on underwear that morning and his stubby finger found its way right to my puckered hole. He pushed it in and I protested a little. Too soon. Too much. "Shut the fuck up! You'll wake up the whole block!" He was in the middle of his own private revenge fantasy. The fantasy I wanted to give him. But he was different now. He was an angry inmate all of the sudden. I'd play it by ear. "No! STOP! Don't!" "Shut up, New Meat!" He pulled my pants all the way down and started probing my ass with the wet head of his cock. He was going to put that fat thing of his inside of my body. Through the butt. Whoa. He spit on his erection and inserted it right through that opening down there. GODDAMN! It hurt and I screamed loudly. He could have gone into my nostril and it wouldn't have hurt like this. "Scream again and I'll snap your neck. Shut up and get used to it." He might have been lost in anger, but he did make an effort to go slower and easier. He was coming down from his anger just a little, straddling two realities. My lips kept shut tight and stifled the yelps. He pumped in and out and said some harsh words in Spanish. He and I were in different places. "I'm gonna give you your bonus now, David. Ready?" I wasn't Virgo anymore. He had gotten that part done with the initial ritual of insults and pain. "You wanted my cream! You wanted thi...FUCK!" He convulsed on my back as I was bent over in Mr. Murphy's old living room. He'd cum inside of me...this tattooed ex-con with who-knows-what in his bloodstream had just put his unsheathed dick up my ass and spurted his DNA all the way up into my guts. I didn't have a boner at this point, but felt satisfied nonetheless. How does that even work? I felt stupid that I hadn't also ejaculated. Would Jorge be mad? "Thank you." Did I really just say that? I felt like a kid. "No," he panted. "That went too far. Fuck. I'm so sorry, David." "Just far enough, Jorge."' "You think that now, but you'll regret that I violated your body the way I did." "Future and time are just concepts. I'm happy now." He was still naked and his dick looked used and streaked with my blood. "OK. I appreciate the work you did today. Go home and sleep now. If you feel like it, we can do the rest of the garage tomorrow...and I won't bail on you again. Promise." "Cool. See you soon." I was fully undressed and alone in my bed when I let myself think that I'd maybe been infected with AIDS. No amount of Flintstones vitamin could change that. I just wanted too see him again. I wasn't high anymore and don't think I'd ever opened the single beer he'd given me. Where was my usual panic and dread? I was almost always anxious about one thing or another. but not now. Not tonight. As soon as I discovered that this foreign peace was easily settling over my bones, sleep snuck in and I was gone. Dreaming..., and ready to go back for more. I would have too, but he was gone by the next morning. At the breakfast table, Dad said "Well the cops came and picked up that little slime-ball next door. He was cuffed and hauled away." "For what?" "Damned if I know. Scum like that can't seem to keep out of prison once they've been in. It's probably easier to live off tax dollars than to go out and get a real job." I'd finally moved out and gotten my own place by the end of Summer. It wasn't much, but it was better than being around my dad. I kept asking shady-looking people if they knew anything about Jorge, but he'd simply vanished. I didn't know his last name. I came down with a really intense flu in August. My dad - who never had any sympathy for anyone - was alarmed enough to take me to the emergency room after my fever spiked and I couldn't get out of bed. I found Jorge at last...inside of me.
    1 point
  29. I'm not sure what the member count would be... 6 for sure, dozens unknown.
    1 point
  30. Love to have been converted by this Daddy~
    1 point
  31. Love an audience...I love to find a stranger or two on Grindr or Craigslist and invite them over to skull fuck my BF while I take pictures. It really turns me on when I see them puch his head down and hear him choking to swallow their load. We're in Central New Jersey in Monmouth Co. if anyone wants to use his mouth and ass as a cum dump.
    1 point
  32. Wish I had a neighbor like Jorge who would feed me his cock and cum after we got high.
    1 point
  33. Drunken cookouts and picnics are great for this. I've been pissed on by multiple bears at once, in my jeans and boots. Definitely hot if you're into piss. I even have a pair of boots specifically for piss scenes. I find when others see a guy is getting pissed on, they want to join in.
    1 point
  34. The Dunes was sold out on the dates I am going but I am staying at the Dixie right around the block. I first had picked this real dump called the Economy Inn but I'm going to be there 3 days and I decided that was a little divey even for me.
    1 point
  35. Yesterday I did the usual when I got home from work, showered, douched, hooked onto the sites and hoped I could get a fuck somewhere. Out in the suburbs where I live you get a fair bit of safe sex cock but not too much raw cock - I usually have to go to BBRTS on the weekends and go to the city to get seeded. Within a few minutes a message popped up on Grindr from Tony - which was a pleasant surprise. The previous week he had hit me up and asked me if I wanted to suck him off and could I host. I said yes on both counts so he came over. He was fucking beautiful. 19, blond and a great body. He told me he was not really into the gay thing and kissing and "all that shit" he just liked to get sucked off. In no time I threw some straight porn on, sat him on the lounge and went to work on his cock. Lovely thick cut cock and after 10 minutes of giving him the best head job I could he flooded my mouth with a bucketload of is beautiful seed. Gee he came a heap and I licked up every drop and kept sucking and licking and squeezing every last filament of seed out of his cock until he got up put his cock away said "thanks" and left. He was the type of young man you dream about, washboard stomach and pecs and very fit. I thought that would be the last I saw of him. "Want to suck another load out of me" he asked. I said why not - that's what I am here for. 20 minutes later he arrived. This time I put the porn on in the bedroom. I undressed him and while he was laying on the bed I went watching I went to work on his cock. I was enjoying sucking him off but my mancunt was craving his cock. He started groaning and was obviously enjoying himself and I thought I would take my chance. I slid my shorts off and straddled him, aiming his cock at my clean lubed up hole. IN one thrust I sat down on him. He sort of look startled but said nothing as I started to suck his cock off with my mancunt. In no time I was riding his beautiful stiff cock like there was no tomorrow. He laid back and put his arms under his head and seemed to enjoy having his cock immersed n my pink heat. I did not want to change the mood or position and I kept riding and suddenly he grabbed my hips and gave three really hard thrusts into me as he pumped me full of his seed. I kept rocking on his cock for a minute or so and then slid off. I immediately went to work to clean him up and gave his cock and balls a beautiful polishing. As he got dressed he seemed a little surprised at what had happened and said to me "you take cock good man". I smiled. I did not want to pressure him but told him anytime he felt the need to bust his nuts I am always available. "That's the first time I have fucked arse man," he said walking towards the door. "Won't be the last," I thought, hoping he will come back and fuck me again. He left and I was totally rapt. I just love young tops - they are so energetic and they come so much. His cum was good lube as I got two rubbered fucks (one from a regular) later on so I had a ripper night.
    1 point
  36. Yes. Most definitely. Guys 5'6" and under make me feel so dominant. Huge turn on.
    1 point
  37. I think I contacted about 6 men to go get checked. I never heard if any had it or not. My f-buds take sti's as a matter of course.
    1 point
  38. Liverpool Neg bottom needs pozzing up: Saturday March 17th & Sunday March 18th Looking for toxic / full blown guys to rape my ass and breed me with their toxic loads and get my neg ass pozzed up. Hunting for high VL strains to do the job - will be up for anon breed or rape scene or gang rape... taking ANY bugs and rough my ass up with toothbrush so the virus enters my bloodstream. Message me and arrange to come and help convert this neg ass once and for all ☣️ Text/WhatsApp 07720 874351 wickr = rawbanginboy sleazier the better - ass open 7am to 7pm
    1 point
  39. Spent wayyyy too much time on here today. Got super horny, and after dinner stopped by bookstore looking for a hole. Normally not into twinks, but one was eyeing me pretty hard when I walked in. He was 5-10" or so, thin, brown hair cut into something I've never seen but I didn't care. Maybe 23 or 24. We chatted a few minutes, and he let me grab his ass and lightly smack it. I cut to the chase and asked if he was up for a fucking from daddy. He was surprised but nodded yes. Into the back we went. I undid his jeans and slid my hand into his crack, and fondled his balls with my other. He had a huge fucking cock- like a damned donkey, but I wasn't into that. I was focused on his ass. As I lubed up his ass, he was rubbing my chest and beard, and I asked him if he liked daddy's hair. He shook his head yes, almost in a shy way, and I found it pretty damned adorable, so I decided to kiss him so he could feel my beard on his face, probably the first time for him. I had him lean over the bench against the wall, and told him to be a good bottom for me. With his ass lubed and just waiting in front of me, I pulled my hard cock out and began sliding in nice and slow. He wriggled a little, but settled in just fine to my slow fucking. I kept talking to him, telling his how great his cunt felt and what a big load I had for him. He was loving it, and to be honest I was too. His ass was so little and smooth, and I was enjoying his submissive nature and soft moans. After a couple minutes I was close, and began thrusting harder, til my final grunts and my nuts emptying in his ass. I reached under him as I was still inside, and began jerking his donkey cock. It was thick and long, and I was actually thinking of the trouble I could get into if I had a giant cock like that...lol. Anyways, I told him to cum for daddy, and a few jerks later he was shooting onto the bench seat. I slid out and tucked my cock away, and helped the little fella get his jeans up. Instead of walking out, I actually asked how he was, and patted his ass a little. He was a really sweet guy actually. He put his head on my chest and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and said I had to get going. I may have to rethink my avoidance of twinks. His submissive nature really boned me up.
    1 point
  40. Sharing my playlist of amateur/ homade porn for anon, bare ass up and minute men breeders / quick pump n dumps. Meaty furry jocked butt white btm ass up + thin white 30-something top w/ average cock in hotel. Verbal bust, no pullout, Dumps load <1min, then zip up: pornhub video Beefy smooth butt white btm ass up+ 2 back-2-back fuckers in hotel. 1 young skinny white, average dick Rabbit fucker with verbal load bust. 1 mid-30s thin biz guy, long & thick dick, Rabbit fucker. verbal load bust. Both no pullout, both pump ass ~2min. deep thrust to breed & zip up. pornhub video Smooth jocked white btm ass up + beefy hairy white 30-something top w/ rock hard, average cock in hotel. Moan bust, Dumps load <1min. Sucking sound from btms tight cumhole on pullout. pornhub link
    1 point
  41. Trevor was moaning loud and rolling his head from side to side as Daddy plowed and pounded and slammed in and out of his tweaked up cock craving pig cunt, telling the spun out sub bottom meth addicted boi how good it felt having his poz bare dick deep inside the pig's open wet hungry neg hole. Telling him how fucking turned on it made him to hear his pig bottom whore beg for Daddy's poz cock and cum. Daddy kept up the dirty nasty poz verbal assault on Trevor as he flipped the boi over on his stomach and hammered harder and deeper into his sloppy hole. "This what you want boi?" Daddy growled as he pistoned in and out. "You want to feel your Daddy's thick bare poz dick fucking your hole, dripping my toxic precum into your wrecked boi cunt, ready to spew another load of venom into your pig's hole? You want daddy to knock you up with his dirty seed just like he did your pig bro?" Trevor braced himself on his hands and pushed back to meet each of daddy's powerful thrusts. His face and whole body were covered in a coat of sweat as he shivered with t-induced animal lust. "YES Daddy! Yes, it's what I want, what I need. Just keep fucking me with your cock Sir, with your POZ cock! Pound your slut pig until you can't hold back then flood my neg guts with your poz cum! Oh fuck Daddy, PLEASE!! I want it so fucking bad! Make me yours!!" I was kneeling in front of the virtually broken young bottom pig feeling his lips and tongue on my dripping cockhead when he was able to focus on it enough that is between daddy's pounding. "Yeah bro, fucking hot aint it having our Daddy's big poz cock about to breed your hole? About to shoot spurt after spurt of his babies inside your guts to become part of you. And you know what's even hotter bro? Daddy's not on any meds. Hasn't been for a long time. That means his viral load is fucking high as shit and you WILL be knocked up! That's what you want aint it bro", I egged him on. "yes, yes!" he answered. "More than anything.....poz cock poz cum...knocked up. Do it Daddy. Fucking breed me!!!"
    1 point
  42. It's a bit sadistic of me, but I really enjoy pissing in an ass after I fuck it at the bookstore. Lots of married guys, there on the dl, have never even thought about a guy pissing inside them. They're not entirely sure what's happening until it's already done. The look on their face is priceless. I had one guy, once I nutted and pissed inside him, stand up and fasten his pants, then got a quizzical look on his face and I heard some serious wet farting noises. His dockers were visibly wet in the lower ass and back thigh area. The smell wasn't very appealing either. He made a quick exit, but I gotta say his visible humiliation made me hard again.
    1 point
  43. Or sunglasses? Just semi face obstruction. I feel like thats not out of the realm of reasonable
    1 point
  44. I spent like 5 hours in a horsetroff at Chicago Jackhammer, Felchingpisspig may have been there too. It was Gay Pride like 2012?, & may have Chicago Water Buddies hosted the event. i smelled like piss for a week, & my boots haven't been the same. LOL, Wood love to be the pissdump for 100+ horny drunk dudes again.
    1 point
  45. So far this year I've take 147 loads all poz
    1 point
  46. The "problem"'s solved if the bottom's blindfolded or hooded and masked. What he can't see, he can't refuse.
    1 point
  47. A picture from the sling playroom to see what guys were interested in coming over to "play" that Paulo put online. My hole was so ready for cock!
    1 point
  48. My first time fucked was in my 20s with a escort and his BF and the bare fucking was deliberate...if not entirely conscious.. After having failed to take cock the first two times I'd tried, my first focus was on finally having Nat's cock inside me. When he paused inside me and asked if he should put a condom on, there was no way I was going to let him pull his cock out of me.... The second time, excluding Nathan (it was one of two guys who both became regular fuckbuddies within a week or two); one was a sleazy old guy I met at a beat who, even when I asked him to use a condom - several times after he first fucked me - would just push his raw cock into me and then say "I don't fuck with condoms. If you want my cock, you take it on my terms"; by which time, his mouth and tongue were passionately bathing me in his saliva and his cock was already oozing precum and fucking every inch of my cunt. And I was already writhing in absolute ecstasy and begging him to keep fucking me. The first time he fucked me was in a public toilet cubicle (with lots of people in close proximity, some of whom watched this elderly man fucking this young, muscular bloke n running gear so passionately and so completely). By the time, he shot his load in me a few times, we'd been there for hours I think and a bloke was carrying on about calling the police... He kept making mad passionate love to me and he had me addicted to him and his cock such that I begged him to exchange numbers. Instead, he led me across the park to a caravan park on the other side. I stayed in his caravan that night and used to return (despite having to walk through the caravan park with all the residents grinning at me...and that was before the caravan would start rocking seconds after I knocked on his door...he would literally start kissing me, spinning me around and removing my jeans/shorts and thrusting his bare cock inside me, often before he'd shut the door. More than once, he'd be passionately making love to me and I'd realise the windows were wide open and half of the park could see and hear us. But, almost always, he'd redouble his kissing, licking, sucking, rimming or fucking to stop me suggesting we should close it....and it always worked...when the old guy was fucking me, I couldn't concentrate any anything else for long... He fucked me several nights a week for more than 10 years, always raw, always shooting his multiple loads deep inside me. Only occasionally would he whore me around; not once did he tell me that he was arranging friends to fuck me. He knew that, once he had bent himself to cradle my body and started thrusting inside me using precum as lube - and then his cum as lube - I was putty in his hands; and slave to his mouth and his cock. The other fuckbud was a young Croatian straight guy named Aron - genuinely one of the most spectacularly 'beautiful' young men you'd ever see - who, initially, worked for me until I was forced for fire him. But, after he left, I continued to mentor him and help him out. One night, he rang me drunk and needing a place to stay. He'd got his girlfriend pregnant and his mother and step-dad threw him out. Long-story short, Aron puked up; so I put him under the shower and washed his clothes...And then desperately averted my eyes every time he would strut around in the towel....which he thought hilarious...until he realised it turned him on... Next thing I know I was staring at his cock saluting me and being asked to suck it. Work out the rest....Suffice to say that, whenever Aron and his GF argued, he'd be "staying in my spare room" which ALWAYS meant he was fucking me within 30-60 minutes...Always raw because I couldn't get pregnant. They both entered me within a week or two of my first fucking...
    1 point
  49. I never pullout whats the point of that? our Precum is loaded with hiv anyway, and i precum fucking buckets...G> when a guy is asking me to pullout, i dont lie about it. I just say nothing and totally ignore him, or just grunt to aknowledge his request. I have always developed selective hearing about things i get told what NOT to do. but i know what his ass is about to get. I stay deep when i shoot in em so they wont notice as fast that they are loaded with my DNA. blow it deep so it SOAKS into thier guts. Fucking always turned me on shooting up a guys ass that is nervous or a "pullout: bttm. hes going to convert anyway if he bttms and BB. not sure how other pig tops stand on that. i never been the type to ;'"ASK" a bttm if its OK or can i shoot in you... FUCK that i dont ask i breed. back in the day of rubbers, i always id tear the fucking thing off during sex anyways and that turns me on even more. esp when i do the deed and seed his ass anyways. hahaha
    1 point
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