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  1. Part 3 - The College Jock Ethan unlocked the cubicle door and went back to the locker room to find it empty, opening the door to his locker to retrieve his clothes he found a note with a phone number which read 'When you want more and you will, call me as I now own you'. Ethan read and re-read the note before coming to the conclusion that the author thought way to much of himself, but he realised his cock was rock hard. Unconsciously he folded the note and put in the pocket of his shorts and finished changing. The warmth and brightness of the sun shocked him as he left the bathhouse, Ethan looked at his phone and was amazed to find it was already nearly 5pm. The walk back to the train station was strange to say the least, he wondered if he was walking funny and did the people walking past notice this. The one thing the train didn't have was soft seats which is what he could have really done with right now. He found it hard for the first 5 minutes adjusting his seating position, every time the train jerked pain shot through his ass, thankfully the journey was over quickly and he headed through Harrison down the leafy road to home. Halfway home he felt a weird feeling as his underwear was sticking to his ass, he tried to adjust without being noticed, panic struck thinking that he might be bleeding and would bleed out if he didn't get home in time. The house was quiet as he stepped through and he rushed up to his bedroom and bathroom, stripping as he did so. He noticed a damp patch on his shorts and pulled down his underwear he saw a patch of pink slime congregated in them, partly relieved that he was not bleeding he got to cleaning himself up. He ran some hot water and rinsed his underwear to get rid of the signs, as he did so he felt another strange sensation as a trickle ran down the inside of his thigh. He grabbed some toilet tissue and saw more of the pink slime escaping from his ass. He cleaned himself up as best he could and went back to the bedroom picking up the shorts from the floor, he suddenly remembered the note an debated weather to destroy it, pausing he read it once more and saw the face and body of the young man. Ethan suddenly noticed that he had grabbed his cock and felt he was rock hard again. He stood looking at the note and decided to add the number in his contacts, he tore the note up satisfied that if he wanted to contact him he could or he could wipe the number forever, but now was not the time to make that decision. Tired and aching he pulled the duvet cover back and snuggled down in bed to sleep for a few hours, in no time at all he was deep asleep thinking about the encounter with the Latin guy. After several hours he woke startled as he felt a wet patch he was laying on, jumping out of bed he looked at the sheet to see another pool of the pink slimly seed, a faint odour hit his nose and could only deduce this is what a fucked ass must smell like. It was all very new to him and almost unsure if it was normal, he quickly removed the sheet and took it to the laundry room to wash it with his underwear and shorts. Returning to the bedroom he headed to the shower and cleaned the mess around his ass and legs, he dried himself off and sat on the edge of the bed. He felt pretty normal considering he was no longer a virgin, but was he expecting to feel different after all the only sign was the mess and his sore ass. For the first time he chuckled to himself and picked his phone up typing a message to the mysterious number it was short and to the point 'Your cum is still leaking out of my ass.', he hit the send button and looked at the screen in contemplation. He was about to put the phone back when it pinged almost making him jump, quickly he looked and saw the reply 'Good, will take a while as you got a lot. Let me know when you want it again.', he put the phone down and laid a clean sheet on the bed, he grabbed the towel he just used to dry himself with and laid it over the clean sheet as he settled back down to sleep. Ethan slept right through until 8am when he heard the cleaner moving around downstairs, his ass was still throbbing but less so as he got out of bed and inspected the towel. Sure enough there was a large dry patch that was almost rusty in colour, he dressed and took the towel down to the laundry room chatting briefly with the cleaner. The rest of the day went by without any more incidents and he spent the afternoon out and about Harrison with his college friends before the family returned from the Hamptons. The virus already established itself in it's new host and was beginning to divide and conquer, slowly but surely Angelo was more a part of Ethan he could ever have comprehended. Ethan was sure he had dodged the bullet this time but the one thing he hadn't researched was what to do if you had unprotected sex with a hiv positive man. By the middle of the week he had missed any chance to take PREP and unknown to him he had let the virus infiltrate every part of his body, day by day it was changing his whole life. On Thursday Ethan had the sniffles and thought he was coming down with a cold, his body had began the fight back against the invading virus, battle lines were drawn and war was fought but to no avail. Thankfully Friday came around again and he had the afternoon off college so was looking forward to a longish weekend. The forecast was for sunny and warm weather but that morning he felt the cold had cleared and was looking forward to morning lessons,. He knew that half day at college meant extra assignment work to be done and handed in on Monday, this mean if he didn't get it done this afternoon the rest of the weekend would be manic. He picked his bag up and about to head out of the door to college. "Ethan," his mother called out to him. He stopped with this hand holding the door handle "Yes" he shouted back. His mother appeared "There you are, we are heading to the Hamptons later for the weekend." Ethan sighed "I would love to go but I am going to get a ton of work from college as it's half day." Nodding her head "Okay, but if you need anything let the cleaner know she will be on Sunday." "Sure, will do and you're only a phone call away if I need you," he said smiling at her. She said goodbye as Ethan walked up the driveway on his 30 minute walk to the college. Ethan arrived and found himself a quiet table in the recreation room before lessons and was reading through some of the work for the morning. Tony and his friend Leo wandered in and took the table next to Ethan. Leo smirked at Tony nodding in Ethan's direction, Tony definitely had a big crush on Ethan but his boyfriend Adam had told him not do anything silly in case it backfired. Tony and Leo sat chatting waiting for Adam to arrive, they both spent the 10 minutes taking sneaky glances at Ethan whose head was in his book until Adam arrived. One thing Ethan could not help was having a look at Adam whenever he entered the room, after all Ethan had thought about Adam and himself making love over and over, his train of thoughts was cut off by Tony talking. "Hey Adam, thought you was going to be late as your cutting it fine" Tony asked. Adam shook his head seeing they were sitting next to Ethan "Plenty of time" he replied sitting down. Tony leaned over "How was last night?" Adam smile "Good, had a great night last night, Bradley did good as usual" laughing at trying to be discreet. Tony laughed "Man you are so lucky" he replied. Adam leaned forward in a hushed voice "He wants you next time as well" he said to Tony. "Seriously, oh yeah I'm up for that," Tony replied. "He told me he is going to and get a cute young guy if he shows up again," Adam commented. Tony scoffed "That's if you know who doesn't get there first." "From what he said that has already happened" Adam replied. Tony leaned in "Did he tell you anymore about who it was?" Adam shook his head "You know Bradley ever the soul of discretion." Ethan strained to hear what conversation was going on. the name Bradley didn't ring any bells, only the bell sounding classes to start in 5 minutes stopped them in their tracks. Ethan watched Adam out the corner of his eye, he stood just slightly taller than Ethan, but was a powerhouse in comparison, he played a lot of sport and had a well defined muscular build. His dark cropped hair suited him and was always surrounded by other guys, he was indeed the all American college jock. Ethan first had his suspicion about Adam due to the lack of girls that flocked around him, and his friends revelation last week confirmed what he thought. The recreation room was emptying and Ethan stood up. "Hey Ethan mind if I walk with you to class?" Adam asked standing up. Ethan looked around as if trying to fathom if Adam was talking to him "Oh, sure I guess so". "Oh happy birthday for last weekend. You turned 18, didn't you?" Adam asked as Tony glanced back at them. Ethan blushed a little "Yes and thank you." "I didn't get a party invite, though," Adam joked looking at Ethan. Ethan fumbled around Adam "Oh I err didn't have a party." "No party?" Adam stopped and looked at him. Ethan shook his head "Didn't want one, plus I was busy" he replied. "Can't wait for this morning to be over." he said to Ethan as they walked along the corridor. Ethan looked at him a little stunned that he was making conversation "Yes, been a long week." "You have plans for the weekend Ethan?" he asked him. Ethan shook his head "Nothing in particular just need to keep on top of my coursework". Adam laughed "You need to have more fun, mind if I sit with you?" he asked as they reached the lecture room. "Sure" was all that Ethan could manage. Adam sat down next to Ethan "Maybe we could hang out sometime?" "Oh, yeah that would be nice" Ethan replied. He felt uncomfortable all through the lecture as he was sure Adam was watching him, several times their legs touched each other and he was trying to work out if it was deliberate. At 10am they were recessed for 20 minutes and Adam insisted Ethan came and sat with him outside on the grass to get some air. They spent the time talking about their studies and Harrison in general, this morning had turned out to be a revelation as it was really the first time they engaged in a conversation beyond the odd hello and how are you. For Adam what started out as a joke to see who if anyone could get in to Ethan's underwear was turning more in to a friendship. The midday bell rang and Ethan walked out with Adam. "Are you rushing off anywhere Ethan" Adam asked. Ethan caught by surprise shook his head "Just home to get the assignment done." "Mind the company if I walk with you?" Adam was assessing Ethan. Ethan nodded but curiosity go the better of him "Why the sudden interest in me Adam?" Adam stopped walking "Oh, we hit the same classes but you never really speak to me." "Sorry I wasn't being funny, but I just thought you had your friends," Ethan replied. Adam laughed "Ah, you mean Tony and Leo?" Ethan nodded "Yes, you seem very close." "Well Leo is a friend and Tony is somewhat closer than a friend" Adam replied looking at Ethan who found himself looking deep into Adam's eyes "You, really?" Adam nodded "Yes, Ethan, me." Ethan thought back to class "So you were deliberately touching my leg with yours." Adam stumbled a moment as he had been found out "No, no, well maybe a little." Ethan walked on "Your quite funny and very brave". Adam caught up "I hope we can still be friends now you know". "If you want to then I am sure we can" Ethan replied. "Just one other thing, now you know about Tony and me please don't say a word" Adam looked seriously at him. Ethan chuckled "Our secret then." They reached Harrison town centre and Ethan said good bye to Adam and wished him good weekend as he headed off towards home. Adam couldn't help himself but stand and watch Ethan walking away until he was interrupted by a tapping on his shoulder. "Do you still think he is on the fence?" Tony asked surprising Adam. Adam turned to Tony "I really don't know he gave nothing away" he said looking back at Ethan. Tony watched "Did you tell me about us?" "Yes, strange but it felt okay telling him," Adam replied. Tony nudged Adam "Maybe you did sniff him out right. Are you parents home?" he asked. Adam laughed "No, come on back to mine I want to fuck your brains out." "About time" Tony replied as they turned and walked in the opposite direction. Ethan was glad to be home and he sat down to get his assignments done before the weekend and just as the clock struck 5pm he finished and closed his books. He wandered up to his bedroom to put his things away and started group texting with his friends to find out if anyone was going out, whilst waiting for a reply he stumbled across the message from last weekend to mystery man. Stupidly he typed a message 'Hi' followed by a smiley face and hit the send button, immediately he shook his head, what the fuck was I thinking he thought to himself. He had a worrying feeling before realising his cock was bursting in his pants to be set free. Angelo stepped out the shower walked over to pick his phone up and saw a message from 'Virgin', he chuckled to himself at the one word message. Typing he sent a response. Ethan was shocked that the reply came so quickly, he fumbled and opened the message to read it 'Meet me at the bathhouse in one hour', he contemplated but another message came along 'When you arrive tell Brad your name is Tiger'. Ethan never stopped to think as his cock and desire for sex again was driving and was already changing his clothes and out of the door within 10 minutes, he jogged to the train station and caught the first train heading to NYC via the Bronx. He was not afraid but he still worried about the young man and his poz status if the tattoo of the Angel on his back was anything to go by. Walking along the blocks he was literally dead on time with a few minutes to spare, he stood outside the building looking at the door, steadying himself he pressed by the buzzer and waited until the door opened. Behind the glass box stood Brad, but all Ethan could think about was being held in those strong arms by the sexiest guy he had seen in a long time.
    7 points
  2. I can't believe what just happened. I mean, yeah, I barebacked as a general rule, but I always asked guys their status and only took neg seed. Who would lie about that anyway?? Besides he was so young and innocent and we were only going to meet for coffee. I guess you want some more details. I'm your average guy, kinda husky, but pull it off well. At 37 I'm that perfect age where young college guys look at me as a daddy but older guys look at me as someone who can be a successful son. He was 22. We met on an app for bears and their admirers. 5'7", 140, cute as a button and charming as fuck. We hit it off right away, chatted about everything including the fact that he was in an open relationship with a man more than twice his age. It just sucked he wasn't in my local area. So of course as fate would have it, I needed to travel for work one Saturday. Just a one off thing, home that night, but a trip that would bring me within 30 miles of my crush. I quickly told him and he squeaked in delight as we made plans to meet at a local coffee house. His bf would drop him off, but he asked if I would bring him home as the bf worked the night shift. The conversation was flowing as easily in person as it was online. He was as charming and my gosh that smile! I didn't realize that three hours had passed as quickly as it did. We piled into my car and drive the 10 minutes back to his place. Being a gentleman, I walked him to the door. As he opened it, I turned to say goodnight when he grabbed my shirt and yanked me inside. He pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees. I didn't think it possible to get someone's pants off as quickly as he did, but less than 30 seconds after the door closed I was fully hard and 7" deep in his throat. After two minutes he finally came up for air and kissed me. "I just had to taste it," he said, flashing that smile. "What happened to just friends," I asked. He looked directly in my eyes as he unbuckled his pants. "We can be friends tomorrow. Tonight I'm cumming deep inside you." There was no more to say. He took my hand and led me upstairs. When we got to the bedroom, we undressed the rest of the way and he gently, but firmly guided me onto the bed on my stomach. After a stinging slap on my right cheek, he voraciously dove tongue first into my hole. The sheer sensation of this eager twink rimming me was unbelievable as he loosened my entryway while giving that perfect little extra sensation of being eaten out by someone with a well groomed goatee. After 10 minutes of that treatment, I audibly whimpered disappointment when he unlatched from my back side. He chuckled mildly, "Don't worry, it won't be empty long." He reached for the lube that was already out on the nightstand and prepared the 8" log swinging between his legs. The pain was intense as he pushed forward. Normally it's easier for me if a guy pokes at it and eventually the head pops in, but this was his show and as much as he had made me feel good in foreplay, I knew I was there strictly to be a cum receptacle. He stopped to let me adjust only when I felt his hips on me. "You ready," he asked. All I could do was nod into the pillow. With my tacit acceptance, he started his assault on my insides. The kid was good, hitting all the right places. My moans only encouraged him as he went nonstop for eight minutes before I heard him change his breathing. "I'm not pulling out," he said. 10 seconds later I could feel the first shot of his DNA lining my ass, followed by six more volleys. He collapsed on top of me as I felt his orgasm subside. It was my turn to show him what I could do as I flexed my ass. He jerked as I milked the final drops of his orgasm out of him. He laid there for a few minutes, getting soft. I was about to ask if I could get up, when he started to stir a bit. The movement allowed him to reharden as he began to fuck me again, slower and in more of a lovemaking way. We continued this for a solid 15 minutes before the telltale change in his breathing happened. I looked back at him and he just nodded as he deposited another load in his new sperm bank. After a minute he pulled out and kissed me tenderly. The lad was too too to be true. As we gathered our things, I noted a picture on the dresser. It was my stud, posed, crouched on his knees with eight men, four on each side, naked, surrounding him. I asked him what that scene was. "Oh, that was my conversion party," he casually remarked. "Jeffrey, my daddy, set it up for me. This was actually my first post diagnosis fuck. Just got past the flu earlier this week. Doc gave me some meds, but I haven't started them yet." I quickly became enraged, "You told me you were neg, asshole!" "I was when we first talked and we discussed it," he fired back. "That was a week after we chatted the first time. Best birthday present of my life." So there it was. I had two highly toxic loads beginning to penetrate my system. As I came to grips with that fact, another thought came into my head. What was I going to tell my husband?
    3 points
  3. Something goes in here. Not sure what...
    3 points
  4. The guy you're seeing is on meds, so the chance of him transmitting the virus to you are slim....and if he's undetectable, then there is no chance of transmission at all. But to your general question - can a 100% top get pozzed up by fucking a poz bottom? The answer is YES. It can and does happen. That said, I think it is rare. I myself am an uncut top who has barebacked hundreds of guys since 2013 (so five years), some of whom I knew were poz because they told me and others who I am sure would have been poz, undiagnosed and therefore unmedicated. And yet I am still negative (I got tested for the first time in about four years last month.....but while my HIV was negative, my syphilis and gonohrea was positive....i'm currently on treatment for the syph). I was so sure I would be poz. Even though I'm an exclusive top (I never bottom), I was convinced I was infected because of the number of random, anon, casual bareback fucks I have had in saunas, cruising places, hook-ups from grindr etc. I made an educated guess that I was poz based on the CDC number of 1 in 161 transmission for uncut poz topping. I've definitely fucked way more than 161 guys and I'm still neg. But there are total tops who swear they've never bottomed and yet they ended up with HIV. So it DOES happen. I just think that it's not as common. I think the majority of guys who get infected are bottoms and versatile guys. But the thing to remember is this: You can poz anytime. it can be your first time fucking bareback or it could be your 50th time or your millionth time....but it can happen at any moment and BB sex is definitely akin to a game of Russian Roulette.
    3 points
  5. The driver comes to pick me up, and I'm in bad shape, so it's off to the Doctor. There the Doctor puts an IV in me as I'm dehydrated and he tells me I should be well hydrated before partying so hard. He inspects my hole and is laughing. It looks like a few big dicks had a lot of fun wrecking as it is swollen and has changed its shape from a virgin looking hole to the beginning of a future man cunt. I will not be taking any dick for a few weeks, and I'm ok with that as I need a vacation anyway as there are a few things I want to do. I live in a shit hole and its a one-hour commute to and from school, and with the money I made I can afford a place closer to school. I'm looking online, and I find a place — a large bedroom for rent can use the kitchen and living room this is for MALES ONLY. If this place turns out it will be only a block from most of my classes. I speak to Thad on the phone, and he sounds nice as he owns the place. I get to the building, and the doorman buzzes me in I get to the door, and when Thad opened the door I am met with this Asian twink he is in just a thong, and his dick is bulging, he has a nose and both nipples pierced. Thad asked me in, and this one picture on the wall catches my attention of this Man in leather in a chair and next to him is a naked Asian boy on his knees looking at him. Thad shower the room it has a king size bed and plenty of room it has a walk-in closet that has some things in it, but its almost as big as the place I'm living at now. The bathroom is your typical Gay Male bathroom with a sure shot handing in the shower when Thad tells me the price it's less than what I'm paying now. I tell Thad it will take me a few days to move in as I don't have a vehicle to get my things in, Thad says he has some friends who have a van and will be more than willing to help me move. Tom & Jerry are both hunks blond hair blue eyes 6ft swimmer bodies, and like the slut, I am they are both showing how they are hung in their tight-fitting jeans. Thad was right about doing it with the van as all it took was one trip to move me in. The next week was quiet, but I could feel the sexual energy from Thad as he is always walking around in either a tong or jockey bikini briefs showing he has a nice dick. We are both in the living, as we were both headed to the kitchen, and he just put his arms around me, and I put my arms around him as we started kissing and feeling each other bodies.
    3 points
  6. Part 14: Jason's New Journey William and Becky were trying desperately to find a medication that would work for Jason. In the meantime with nothing helping Jason was horny all the time. He went from being scared to die to now all he thought about was sex. He was the one now fucking William every chance he could. And William was enjoying getting fucked as often as possible. But something was happening inside of Jason. He wanted to share his toxic seed and knock men up with his gift. So he started going back to the adult theater to start sharing his gift. So late one Friday night after fucking William he drove down to the theater to see how much more fun he could have. As he pulled into the parking lot it didn't look too busy but there were several cars there. He entered the building and paid his fee at the front. He made his way into the back and went into the main theater where on screen there were two hot guys enjoying some hot bareback sex. Jason sat down and took his cock out and slowly stroked it. He was hard in no time. A couple of rows behind him was a nice looking guy who was probably about ten years older than himself. The guy noticed Jason's cock and slowly made his way over to Jason. They both looked at each other and without saying a word the guy got on his knees and started sucking Jason's cock. This guy was a great cock sucker. At first he just used his mouth to kiss and lick Jason's cock all over getting it all wet. Then he opened his mouth and engulfed Jason's cock in one quick motion. Jason let out a soft moan and he grabbed the guy by the back of his head and slowly fucked his mouth. The guy put his hands on Jason's thighs for leverage and as Jason was fucking his throat he looked down and noticed the guy had on a wedding band. Jason at first was just going to cum down the guys throat but seeing the wedding band he got a wicked smile across his face. He was going to knock the closet faggot up with his toxic cum. He pulled the guy up from his knees and turned him around and before the guy could say anything Jason rammed his cock all the way inside the guys ass. The guy let out a loud cry which several others noticed inside the building. To shut the guy up a dirty looking old man got in front of the guy and rammed his cock down the guys throat. Now this poor guy was being abused but when the others noticed his ring they started cheering on Jason and the old man. The old man looked gaunt and Jason noticed a scorpion tattoo on him and this excited Jason. They were really going to fuck this closet faggots life up. It didn't take long before the old man erupted down the guys throat and made the guy swallow his cum. Jason in the meantime was really tearing the guys ass up. He was fucking him hard and noticed blood on his cock. After about fifteen minutes of raping the guys hole Jason let out a deep long grunt and painted the inside of the guys ass with his cum. Jason stayed inside the guy until he went limp. Jason and the old man sat back and watched as others used the guy for their own pleasure. The guy was no longer resisting and succumb to his own desires. As he was being used Jason learned the old man's name was Garrett. Garrett told him that he had full blown AIDS and that he enjoyed not being medicated. Jason told him that he was POZ and that he had tried several medications but nothing was working. This got Garrett hard again and he asked if he wanted to try and see if they could get the guy to join them for the weekend. Jason said yes and so when everyone was finished using the guy Jason and Garrett helped him up and got him dressed. Garrett asked him if he wanted to join the two of them for the weekend. The guy said yes that his wife was out of town and he wanted to get fucked as much as possible before she got back home. They learned his name was Brad and Brad and Jason followed Garrett back to his place in each of their vehicles. Garrett had a nice two story house with a huge yard and swimming pool. As they entered the house each guy got undressed and played with each other. As they were playing with each other Brad noticed the scorpion tattoo on Garrett and asked about it. Garrett told him it meant he was toxic and had AIDS and Jason was HIV positive. Poor Brad fainted. Garrett and Jason laughed when Brad fainted. They got him back conscious and Brad started crying. He wanted the sex sure. But getting HIV or AIDS was something he didn't want. Garrett and Jason calmed him down and the more he thought about it the harder he got. His marriage was pretty much over anyway before all of this and so being desired again felt really good. He noticed Garrett and Jason were both hard as well so he got on all fours and asked no begged Garrett to fuck him. As Garrett reached for the lube Brad stopped him and told him to rape him with his AIDS cock. Garrett did as asked and rammed his cock into Brad's ass. Garrett was not small in the cock department. He was 11 inches long and thick as a coke can. So although Brad had been fucked by several other cocks that night they were nothing compared to Garrett. Brad screamed in pain and Jason forced his cock down Brad's throat while Garrett raped him. Although it hurt Brad was hard and leaking precum all over the floor. Garrett had great stamina and he fucked Brad for over an hour. Brad's knees were getting sore so Garrett put him on his back and drove his cock deep into Brad. Jason straddled his face and fucked his mouth as Garrett plowed Brad. Jason came first and once he went limp he laid beside Brad and watched Garrett tear up Brad's ass. When Garrett was getting ready to cum Brad surprised himself by begging to be knocked up with Garrets AIDS babies. This sent Garrett over the edge and as he started cumming Jason took Brad's cock in his mouth and Brad came at the same time. By this time the sun was rising and so were Becky and William. They noticed Jason was gone and about that time the phone rang and it was Jason letting them know he'd be back late Sunday evening. Before they could ask any questions Jason hung up the phone. Now Brad had to call his wife but he waited until later in the day. Becky and William wanted to keep Jason under their supervision to make sure he stayed healthy. But Jason pulling this stunt means that they would have to sit down with Jason and talk about the future. Also Brad knew his calling and that he would have to divorce his wife because truth be told she was having an affair anyway. Luckily no kids would be involved in their divorce so it should be fairly simple. Garrett told them he really enjoyed their company and he had plenty of money so each could live with him and not have to work. The only condition he had was that after he was gone that they continue spreading the gift to others. Now each has a major decision to make which will affect all involved.
    3 points
  7. I like to fuck until the btms active participation becomes passive endurance, or he admits he cant take any more (asking to stop, begging, tears), then as you know he has been broken (but you still have to finish)
    3 points
  8. This is a re-write of an earlier story a few months back as I felt I didn't do it justice. Hope you like this one. Part 1 - Legal & Ready That Saturday afternoon he sat naked with just the towel covering his modesty, the silence in the steam room was frequently interrupted by the vent of lightly scented steam being released, a few seconds later it shrouded his young body in a mythical mist as droplets of sweat ran from his neck and across his chest. Ethan placed the palm of his hands on his smooth chest and rubbed it in, he guessed that was what you was suppose to do after all it was his first time in a bathhouse. Deep within the mist shuffling could be heard which signalled that he was not alone, but the dense mist made it impossible to make anything out, he rested his head back and closed his eyes savouring the light floral scent in the steam, his thoughts on what to do if someone made a move on him. He had never had a sexual encounter with a man before and he desperately needed something to happen, but for now he relaxed and enjoyed the heat in the steam room. Ethan would be celebrating his 18th birthday on Saturday and as a present to himself decided that he would finally venture out of his conservative family surroundings and in to the gay world. He lived with his parents in Sterling Ridge part of Harrison in Westchester County. His father Jack was a successful business lawyer and his mother Ellie, well if they had a series called Housewives of Westchester then she would be the starring role. His sister was the apple in the eye and could do nothing wrong. Ethan though was ruled over like an iron fist, throughout his child hood his movements and actions were carefully planned maximising his education, his father had already decided that Ethan would be taking the legal route. To be fair he was actually pretty good at it, smart and passing all his exams with flying colours. Albeit he was a frustrated closeted teenager, he was only allowed to attend specific parties with other families who lived in Sterling Ridge, but as he hit 16 he had a little more freedom but still kept by the rules, he was able meet up with his small circle of college friends. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that Ethan was a catch and his mother was lining up local girls that he should become acquainted with, mostly to elevate the families social standing in the community. Ethan stood an average five feet eight inches, perfectly built with a natural muscle tone for his age, his blond hair and blue eyes gave an almost Hollywood appeal. The best part was that he looked much younger for his age and packed a nifty seven and half inches in his underwear. It had been a long week at college and finally Friday was here, he sat in the sunshine with his two closest friends Ben and Javier who were all planning their weekend activities and keen to find out what Ethan was doing to celebrate his birthday. He told them they would celebrate the following week as he had plans with his family already. Three older guys walked past and said hello, one of the guys Adam was in many of Ethan's classes and he only knew him to say hello to and nothing else. Ethan made eye contact with Adam who smiled and walked off quickly chatting to the two other lads. Adam turned to his friends commenting "I do wonder about Ethan and if he is sitting on the fence." Tony glanced back at Ethan and then to Adam "Dude I could so trash his ass" the three laughed. "Not until I have had him" Adam lightly punched Tony as they continued on their way. Tony ruffled Adam's hair remarking "I don't think he is even legal yet." The three laughed out loud and Adam glanced back at Ethan which didn't go unnoticed by him and his friends. Ben shook his head "What was that all about?" "My brother has told me some stories about those three" Javier replied. Ethan looked at Javier "What do you mean?" looking curiously at him. Javier laughed "Better watch your back Ethan don't bend over in the shower or you might get a surprise." Ben laughed loudly "Seriously, I heard the same thing" he said looking at Javier who nodded. "How come I never find out these things? Anyway Adam is on the baseball team he is to straight to be gay," Ethan replied. Javier laughed "It's not baseball balls he likes to play with." Ethan sat there and wondered if they knew, no how could they, was he giving off some invisible gaydar signal. He brushed it off thinking that there was no way Adam would know, but then he wouldn't mind if he did as Adam was one of his fantasy encounters. Classes over for the week Ethan said his farewells to Ben and Javier and walked the 20 minutes home, he wanted to get his assignments done as they were due Monday morning so he headed to the study to make a start. He was halfway through when his mother walked in. "Ethan have you decided what you want to do this weekend?" she sat opposite him. He looked up "If you don't mind I would like to go out with my college friends." putting his pencil down. She looked at him and smiled "Well if your sure, we are going to beach house at the Hamptons if you want to join us." Ethan smiled, he did love it there but he replied "I'd love to, Mom, but I have too many assignments I need to get finished." She stood up "Of course, dinner will be ready in an hour" she replied standing up and turning to leave the study. Ethan went to his room early and got his laptop out, he had already done some research on the web and found a bathhouse that was easy to reach from Harrison and just on the outskirts of the Bronx, best part was that it was reachable by train. Ethan would watch a lot of gay sex clips on pornhub, usually whilst enjoying a little masturbation at the same time, he would pay particular attention to the act of penetration and how they seemed to enjoy it. Ethan was lulled in to a false sense of understanding that taking a cock would glide seamlessly in, something he would later find out to be untrue in many ways. He was looking at the bathhouse website, the place looked pretty clean and welcoming and he now knew the route to the building from the train station off by heart and that it would only take 10 minutes to walk. His anticipation and excitement was growing, he would be far enough away from Harrison but still close enough for regular visits if it goes well. He hit the back button on his browser and scrolled down the search engine results and found a page that had reviews for the bathhouse so he clicked on the link to see what people said about the place. The first few reviews were pretty standard 'Great place to chill out, clean and friendly' and 'Busy place and notorious breeding ground', he thought for a moment before realising it must mean plenty of sex going on. He continued reading some other reviews until he hit a rather peculiar one 'Nailed by the Angel of Death, holy fuck was it good, tried for a second round but refused access to the cock', he read it again thinking it was a rather strange review but then read the next one 'Great mix of hot guys but way to many tops vying for bottoms to breed'. He sat there looking at the screen, hindsight would have been a great thing at the time but when sensibility, adrenaline and lust clash, sensibility had no chance of winning and so it was with Ethan as his cock was pointing up ready to hoist a flag on. Above all his naivety he had learnt a bit about men and the dangers of the gay community, more specifically around biohazard and scorpion tattoos and what they signified. Angelo closed the lid of his laptop and headed out of Manhattan back to Larchmont after the business meeting. At 25 he was a successful software designer who put himself through education and developed one of the most sought after business to business software products, so much so that he only licensed it to companies he liked in order to keep it relatively exclusive so the could leverage a premium on licensing. Companies paid top dollar for it making Angelo a little money so he had moved himself out of the Bronx to the exclusive Larchmont coastal suburb. An extremely attractive guy who stood six foot and of Puerto Rican descent, on the outside he was professional, pleasant and simply looked like sex on legs. Underneath he was powerfully built with amazing biceps and six pack you could grate carrots on, he worked out in his home gym every day. Both arms adorned with tattoo sleeves and across his back a fallen Angelo holding two biohazard signs. Angelo had been poz since he was 17, at first he bottomed for many Latino men in the Bronx but by 19 he was topping and breeding unsuspecting guys, he found he liked nothing more than sharing his gift. He kept a close eye on his viral load which was bordering just under 700k, for some strange reason his CD4 count had only lowered by 100 keeping him pretty healthy. His eight inch cock was quite thick and of ample proportion, his balls hung low enough to get a good slapping sound going when fucking hard and deep, plus they were built to deliver copious amounts of toxic seed, some guys referred to him as the 'Tap' due to the amount that would fire repeatedly from his cock. For him his life was almost complete but the one thing that alluded him was a lover, men just wanted him for his reputation and could not see past the outside to the real Angelo. As he walked in the front door his mobile phone rang, the company he just met with wanted to sign the contracts tomorrow and asked if he could make it in to town for 10am, of course he was going to as this would be his biggest customer yet and would make sure he was set up for life. He placed his mobile down on the dining room table and smiled thinking that as a celebration he would head to the Bronx bathhouse in the afternoon on the way back to see if there was any new ass to breed. Saturday morning was awash with bright sunshine and the early June temperatures were set to rise to 25c, Ethan seriously considered changing his mind and going to their house in the Hamptons for some beach time. As he wandered downstairs the rest of the family were all set to leave but they were waiting for Ethan so that they could give him his birthday cards and presents. He stood outside the house waving the family off as they drove along the tree lined driveway on to the main road, Ethan turned and walked back inside closing the door behind him. He smiled to himself thinking that not only am I 18 today but I am also officially gay. He quickly finished the last of his assignments and headed out for the short 20 minute walk to Harrison station, it was a hot walk so he was glad to be in the air-conditioned carriage of the train as it rattled out of Harrison towards NYC and the Bronx. The short 25 minute journey gave Ethan time to think over how he play this afternoon out, he had read one of the reviews which advised if you don't want sex then keep your towel over your cock. He also remembered to look out for biohazard and scorpion symbols which were to be avoided at all cost, believing he was well prepared for his adventure he sat back and enjoyed the train ride. Before long the sprawling Bronx suburb was passing the windows as the train began to slow down coming to the station. Angelo shook hands with the CIO of the company as the memorandum of understanding was signed, he had done his due diligence by making sure that the company supported the community in specific areas so was happy with his decision. Angelo was a very complex character, on his business side he would only work with companies who gave back to the community and they had diversity policy especially with LGBT and racial equality. As he parted the CIO informed Angelo that he would get all the legal documents in place in a few weeks to be officially signed with legal representatives from both sides. Angelo walked towards the metro his mind on sex, his sexual side may be notorious, but his personal level was never shown to anyone outside of his own family or close friends. Angelo slipped beneath the streets of Manhattan to the subway and boarded the train towards the Bronx, he sat down smiling to himself about the deal, he chuckled every time he thought about the money involved but also shook his head in disbelief, one thing for certain he was going to buy his family a new house and move them to Larchmont as he had promised many times to his mother and father. Ethan turned the corner of the block and stood outside the front door of the bathhouse, he got a little jittery and watched for several minutes as a hot guy walked past and went inside consumed by the dark window less door. He told himself now or never Ethan, gingerly he took a few steps forward and reached his arm out to open the door. The warm air hit his face as he stepped inside only to be faced by a second door with a camera over the top and a button to the left. He tried the door but it was shut solid, he pushed the button and heard the lock on the door click. It was a heavy door that required some effort to push it open, as he stepped inside he found himself to be in a small reception room with a clerk standing behind the counter his name badge showing him as Brad, he was in his late 20's, tattooed and buffed with a blond pony tail and dazzling green eyes. "What can I do for you bud?" Brad asked looking Ethan up and down. Ethan had no idea what to say "Urrmm, bathhouse." Brad laughed "I need to see two forms of ID buddy to make sure your old enough." Ethan fumbled around and handed over his student and drivers cards "Here, actually I turn 18 today." Brad took the ID and was silent for a moment "Are you sure you want to be here?" Ethan looked stunned "Oh, what do you mean?" he asked. "Do you think you can handle yourself with all the men down there?" Brad asked looking Ethan in the eye. Ethan nervously laughed "I don't know, but I can keep my towel around my waist." Brad laughed again "Okay, I hope you know what your doing, here you need to sign this disclaimer." Ethan looked down "What does it mean?" "It just waivers our responsibility for anything you may get down there" Brad replied handing the pen to Ethan who sighed "Lawyers," as he signed the release, returning it and the pen back to Brad, asking "Do I pay now?" Brad smiled "$20 bud, then I let you in." "Here you go," Ethan handed over the bill and the door to his left clicked open. "Come through" Brad told Ethan. Ethan pushed open another heavy door and found himself inside a bar lounge area that was warm and pretty cosy. In the corner drinking sat a group of five men who gave Ethan furtive glances and watched as Brad handed Ethan two towels and a locker key and escorted him to the changing room. Brad pointed out the steam, sauna and private rooms on the lower floor along with the showers. Brad patted Ethan on the ass and told him to enjoy himself before turning to resume his duty at the bar and reception. Ethan looked around at the empty locker room and very shyly got undressed and placed his possessions in the locker along with the spare towel, carefully he secured the other towel around his waist and walked back in to the lounge area and handed Brad his locker key. "You all set bud?" Brad asked checking out Ethan. Ethan noticing this blushed "Yes" he looked Brad in the eye who gave him a smile and a wink. Brad watched Ethan make his way to the steps leading to the lower floor, his gaze utterly fixed on Ethan's ass through the towel, only to be interrupted by the door buzzer going off. Brad turned and headed back to attend to the new visitor. Brad grinned at seeing Angelo standing there "Angelo nice to see you, how are you?" Brad enquired smiling at him. "Good man, just closed some business and thought I would stop off on the way home" Angelo replied. "Just had a cute 18 year old arrive Angelo, first time and I think a virgin" Brad winked at Angelo. Angelo smirked and handed over his $20 bill and Brad let him through, he still had the biggest crush on Angelo and usually fumbled around whenever he was in the bathhouse. Brad leaned over the counter top and his thoughts floating away at the thought of being fucked by Angelo in a sweaty long passionate love making scene with him. He snapped back to reality, like most he knew Angelo was a one time fuck only, he never really could understand why he was like that. Brad smiled to himself thinking he was probably to scared of commitment or getting hurt. Angelo returned and handed Brad his locker key as he began to fumble around seeing this nearly naked fine specimen of a body stood in front of him. Angelo winked and smiled at Brad as he headed off towards to the steam room.
    2 points
  9. I don't know where to start, but here it goes. Before my 18th birthday, I had only suck one dick but once I started college things changed. My father used to tell me the best part of me ran down the crack of my mother's ass and he is right, with me being 5ft. 5 & 100 LBS I was always the runt of any class I was in, except for one thing I have a thick 8-inch dick. The best part of High school was taking showers in the locker room and looking at all the hot looking boys and seeing they might have great bodies, but I had the big dick. I left home with no real money and moved into a shady part of town. Going to school during the day and waiting on tables at night. My sex life was a big blank until I saw a post about a bathhouse around the corner. I went to the front door and knocked and the one opening the door says you have to be 18 to get in so come back in 4 years when you turn 18. Again I knock on the door and say I have I.D. so come on in and he looks at my I.D. for a long time, then says its real, so the fee is $10 for students and gives a towel a condom and lube. I go to the locker room, and the place is empty, but for Jerry who is in the late 40s. He comes over and says place raided last night, so they are staying away till it blows over. Jerry asks how new am I the truth is I'm a virgin, and he smiles then tells me to lie down on the table. Jerry says he won't do anything I don't feel comfortable doing as he pours warm oil on my body, this feels great as he works it into my body. He is near my hole and says I'm going to see how tight you are. One finger in my ass with a feeling I have never felt before as my dick is rock hard. Jerrk whispers in my ear we have to go to his place a few blocks away as he has supplies that will help enjoy it a lot more. I have seen porn, so I know he wants to stick his dick in me, but I have a feeling Jerry wants to spend more than just a slam-bang and leave. Jerry lives across the street from me, and he has a nice place here with two bedrooms, one is where he sleeps, and the other is his party room. Jerry ask me if I have ever smoked weed, and I say just a few times, so Jerry laughs and says he has weed spike with T. I never heard of T and as I smoke it I find out why as he lays me on my stomach in his playroom. Jerry shows me his special lube that also has T in it and that it will burn and for me to take some poppers first. He is instructing me how to do poppers first inhale three times on one side of my nose now do the other and back. After a few times, I feel his fingers working my hole and the slite burn he talks about as he has two fingers in me. Jerry is kissing on the back of my neck and says he is POZ, but I don't have to worry as he is on med. I have no idea what he is talking about as the fingers in my ass that is all I care about as Jerry ask me if I can take more as he puts his third finger in me. I see Jerry for the first time naked as he takes out his Prince Albert as he does not want to rip me up. He puts me on the edge of the bed hands me some poppers and says that any pain to let him know. I take a few big hits from the poppers as the head of his dick is against my hole. I'm feeling pressure, but no pain as Jerry is going very slow with his 7-inch dick and the burn from the T lube I can't help my self as I back up onto Jerry dick till I'm balls deep and he is laughing and telling me to fuck my self on his dick. I feel Jerry dick swelling up with his heaving breathing as he forces me to lay flat on the bed as he goes nuts fucking me as fast as he can. Then he stops, then puts all his weight on me as his dick is pulsing out his medicated POZ cum into my virgin hole. I spent two days with Jerry went in a virgin and left as his cum dump. Over the next few weeks, I see Jerry when I can, but I have to make money for school and between school and work its hard. Jerry asked me if I would like to make some real money as he has a friend who might have some work for me. I say sure, and he needs some pictures of me naked which I do. Jerry says they all should be with me having an erection, so he gives me some viagra.
    2 points
  10. I love your threads, they are all to show respect for tops and to promote true service from bottoms. I do see and experience fucking as a contest. The supremacy of Tops over bottoms doesn't need to be proven, but it definitely is a pleasure to show it. Sometimes my competition is the hole itself or another top I'm fucking alongside with, but mostly myself. If we Tops are feeling particularly aggressive, we'll want to break a bottom; that is, to make them reach a point where they no longer do anything to satisfy their man (be careful with that concept, though... holes should not even take credit for a man's pleasure; that lays on our own ability to choose good holes and work them), and instead they just try to resist until we finally finish with them. I agree with the guys in that we can tell we've broken them when the bottom stops making sounds and all we can hear is our own thrusting against his asses. That is a beautiful sound. Also, I usually make them look at me in the eye when I fuck them, and their facial expressions change drastically: first they can show excitement with a little bit of doubt, then pleasure, then surprise, then fear that turns into terror and even sadness, and that's when they go silent and look like scared little kids. Also, depending on their pain threshold, we can see tears. I sure have. However, in my experience, tears ony come when the bottom surrendered completely, even if he's hurting inside. Now THAT is love and respect for Men.
    2 points
  11. I'm a Dom top and to me this is no discussion: bottoms don't have a dick, just a cunt. I do not allow my subs to masturbate, and I don't like it when they get hard while I fuck them. I don't go to the extreme of making them go soft because I don't even look at their tiny useless dicks, I just focus on fucking them and satisfying my needs, whatever they are at that moment.
    2 points
  12. I’m not yet poz, but once I went off PReP and had my Toxic Conversion Party I’ve turn into the total slut cumdump I always fantasized about being. FREEDOM!!! I do anything and every dirty nasty thing I want to do. Naked in the gutter, being pissed on by one guy and poz fucked by another guy, I’m in heaven since I threw all my inhibitions away. I’m not poz yet but I think it’s happening to me. I’m a total slut cumdump bottom, but my 3 poz gifters made me promise if I converted with their hiv strain I would stealth top/breed at least 6 neg unsuspecting bottoms for them! Without that promise they would not convert me...so I’ll be topping soon and I can’t wait!!
    2 points
  13. Poz tops are the sexiest men on earth
    2 points
  14. Went out Saturday. Hit up a club with a friend. Spent most the night dancing and skimming his drinks until I had a good buzz. I started noticing a guy checking me out. He was mid 30s, stocky but not fat, Shaved head. Cute. Eventually he starred grabbing his crotch when I would look his way. I nodded and started working my way from my friend. He led me to the smoking porch and to a side door to what look liked a utility closet. As soon as the door shut, he jumped me and we started making out. Within a few minutes, we were naked, I was on my knees sucking his 8in and thick veiny cock. I tried to take as much of it as I could but it was huge. Eventually he wanted in me. I tell him he's going to have to open me up some. He flips me around and starts fingering my hole. 1, 2, 3, 4 fingers in and he can't wait. I fill the head push against my hole, raw! He pulls out a small tube of lube and pours it over his dick and starts sliding it in. I'm trying to be quiet, but it's hard to when you have something splitting you open. Eventually he gets the head in and waits. I start pushing back on it and he shoves it in! I let out a yelp and try to relax. Then he starts fucking my ass. At this point, I'm sure I'm bleeding, but it felt so good. After a few more minutes of him pumping into me, I feel him quicken and then, he dumps a huge load into me. I hold it and he spins me around to clean his cock. Sure enough, blood was on his dick. I clean it, and he dresses and leaves. I hung out a few before dressing and meeting my friend. Turns out I spent the rest of the night with a wet spot in my pants as his cum leaked out my wrecked hole and down my leg.
    2 points
  15. I would call it ‘stealth’ for sure. When I went on PreP, my sub boy who I’ve been cumming in for 7 years decided he wasn’t comfortable with my very active phase and asked I use condoms. I had a great time trying to make condoms break, and found some brands are MUCH more delicate. A dab of crisco on the inside lubing my cock worked too. He felt every damn one when it snapped though. (Not that I would have taken advantage.) He misses being cum-filled. It’s only a matter of time. The other thing I love about your story is that moment where the fucking goes from ‘safe’ to satisfying. I have a couple of fuckbuds who I once used to fuck with condoms. Both I just went for it eventually. Get horny. Tease their holes by rubbing my precumming dickhead over it. Instead of stopping to put on a condom, I just kept going with both guys. Ahh push it in bare. Ahh yeah. in and out. Ahh think of how much better the skin on skin is . . .and kept on bare fucking until cummingdeep in each. And with both men, we have never gone back to using condoms. So horny- having a man want my dick that much. So horny - having a man change his limits mid fuck because how much he wants it to happen. And especially so horny when the fuck is so good and so intimate that the little layer of latex gets in the way.
    2 points
  16. Hey guys, while 442 is closing it's still open for a while Make sure you go there to give/take those loads until they close down! Let the 442 people know we want them to find a new venue and let the fun continue till the end.
    2 points
  17. Saturday/Sunday I get up my hole is sore, but it's a good sore, and I have to get ready for the Black Party, so it's into the shower as Mr.X is waiting for me. As for points, you can't bring them into the party, so he is going to slam me now and bring some supplies that can be brought in and given orally. Lay down as this slam will start you up. He ties off my arm the needle goes in as he is smiling. Boy, you enjoy slamming as much as you getting your hole fuck. He is right as I see the blood go into the syringe as he pushes the plunger in and this is a massive slam as I'm coughing my brains out and enjoy the rush. All I will be wearing is a leather harness, assless chaps, boots and jock strap. So I can walk the few blocks to the Black Party I have a trench coat to cover me as we will be waiting on line to get in. We head right to the dance floor after we drop our coats at the coat check. The lights were flashing; the hard-driving music is so powerful and so many Leather Men and their boys all in one spot. On the dance floor, you are rubbing up to bodies and hands grouping you and the looks I'm getting. Mr.X open your mouth and take this. We are on the dance floor for a while, and I'm flying. Mr.X tells me he is ready to have some fun, so we head to the dark areas. The front of the dark area there is some light, and you see a lot of people on their knees sucking dick, we go back a little more. Boy lets get to work on my dick. I squat down the floor is covered with cum and condoms. I pull Mr.X jock strap to the side and pull out his dick, and he is already hard, so I better get it wet with my spit as we don't have any lube. Someone has there finger in my hole, and I hear Mr.X say put this up there while you are down there. Its a shard of Tina as I feel the burn as he picks me up. Bend over bitch as I have few friends who want a taste of you. I bend over, and I feel the head of his dick working into my hole, and once the head is in Mr.X drives in till he is balls deep and the fullness with the Tina shard going in deeper. Someone has there mouth on my dick, and I feel one on my lips so I open up and swallow as much as I can as Mr.X is pounding me as fast as he can my mouth is full of dick and my dick is in someone mouth, you want to talk about being in heaven. Boys here comes my load as I need my dick cleaned when I pull out and this stranger wants a piece of your hole. I turn around as its so dark here, and I'm feeling around for Mr.X dick, as I put it to my lips he gives me another pill as the stranger slams his dick, and after Mr.X dick, it's very comfortable to take, the boy below me is still on my dick as I'm shooting a load into his mouth. Mr.X is saying to a few around me you want a piece of this boy and their response is FUCK YEA. We go back feather into the dark area, and they find a chair for me to bend over as they are going to start a gangbang with me. I have a cock in my mouth and a dick in my ass as the pills that Mr.X are keeping me in a state euphoria that the more dick I get the higher I get. After a few dicks, I feel Mr.X dick fuck me as everyone else is nowhere near his size. Mr.X takes me out from the dark area and gets me some water before we go back to the dance floor. I hear someone tell Mr.X to say. You know your boy is leaking cum on the floor, I think you better take back to the dark area. Soon everyone is laughing as Mr.X says spread your legs as someone buries their face into my ass cheeks and starts to clean me up. Boy, push the loads out from your hole. I do, and I feel his tongue and a few fingers between my cheeks. Someone ask Mr.X if I'm jail bate? He might look jail bate, but he is barely legal. We head back to the dark area for another round, and it's just Mr.X and me. Mr.X pickup two friends and ask them if they want to go back to the hotel with us. As I get out of the cab, Mr.X says. Boy, you are still leaking look at the back of your coat? I look, and you can see its wet with cum and Mr.X and his friends are laughing, I'm smiling and say well someone is going to have to put it back in. I get out of the shower, and I stink from the sweat, cum and I think someone took a piss on me.Mr.X ties off my arm and gives me slam as his friends start to fuck me and I don't remember anymore. I wake up, and no one is around, and I'm in trouble, and I feel like shit. I make the call to Omar driver and ask him to pick me up.
    2 points
  18. I went out last night and met a buddy for drinks. We hit up a local dive bar that my buddy knows the bartenders so we could drink for essentially free. The main bartender was tall and slim but toned and apparently we had met before. I felt bad because I didn’t remember but apparently I was very drunk and had let him fuck me in a bathroom stall at one of the other bars he was working at at the time. Oops. My buddy ended up grabbing an Uber to go see a guy he was talking too on Grindr. I stayed and ended up talking to the bartender until he was cut. He asked if I wanted to keep drinking at his place and we headed out. At his place, we smoked some weed and he started rubbing his dick through his shorts. I couldn’t help but stare as he started getting hard and he told me to take it out if I wanted. I took the invitation and started to suck him. His cock was long, 9 inches or so and thick. I was in awe of how big it was for being such a skinny guy. As I was licking his balls, he slide a hand down my back and started rubbing my hole. The weed had relaxed me and my hole was easy for him to slide a finger inside. He said how hot it was that I was moaning on his dick as he fingered me. That’s when he mentioned our last meeting in the bathroom stall. I totally did not remember any of that but then again, it was a phase where I was taking dick in a lot of bathrooms and dark rooms at the time. We moved to his bed and he pulled out a butt plug and worked inside of me while I continued to suck him. He kept using the plug and played with my hole for a long time before he pushed my face down into the sheets and started grinding his cock on my hole. As he did this, he asked if I’d be cool with going raw like we had before. I only moaned he took that as a yes and started to push his cock into me. He was huge and thank god for all the prep on my hole before because he was really splitting me in half. Once he was in, he basically went to town on my ass. Pounding me while holding my head down into the sheets. He didn’t say a word and all I could hear were his balls smacking my ass. It went on for what felt like forever before I felt his cock start to swell and he started shouting fuck over and over again as he unloaded his cum deep inside me. He was dripping sweat off his brow onto my shoulders as he kept slamming his cock into my very sore hole, shooting forever. Finally he clasped next to me. We made out some more before he asked me to stay the night and we fell asleep after that. My alarm went off at 6 and I started to grab my clothes so I could get home, shower and head to work. He woke up and told me I couldn’t leave yet, pulled his sheet down and said I had to take care of his morning wood. I climbed back on the bed and started sucking him again before he pulled me up, aimed his dick at my hole and made me sink onto it. I rode him for another 30 minutes or so before he came again, really slamming his shooting dick up into me. When I slid off of him, cum just spilled out on his lap and made me clean him off before I could leave. I ended up having to call in late to the office and am completely sore and worn out. He text me after I got into work and told me to come by the bar again tomorrow night when he’s working so he can have another go.
    2 points
  19. Exaclty. If the video is only an ass and a dick, then not even watching
    2 points
  20. Part 2 - Shadows In The Mist Ethan's confidence was growing so he loosened the grip on his towel and lowered it slightly daring to be adventurous. Another wave of steam hit him as he began to really enjoy the heat of dampness of the steam room, the thought of sex diminished as drifted in to his own world soaking up the heat. He knew there was a couple of guys lurking in the dim denseness of the mist but so far they appeared to be keeping their distance. A blast of cold air hit Ethan signalling the door has been opened again as he watched a tall silhouette take a seat on the same bench he was on. It was the strangest feeling Ethan had ever had, he could not feel or see but sensed the presence of another body very close to him. The silence broken by the hissing of the steam vent added to the strangeness of the environment. Another cool blast of air and another body took position to the right of him on the bench, he felt a little uneasy and moved his towel over his groin area again. The reality of why he had come here was all to real with the two bodies sat either side of him, his cock twitched with an anticipated excitement but he was more than happy to just be here next to the naked bodies. The vague outlines of various men moved in and out of his limited field of vision followed by the swirling dense mist in their wake, some paused to look but soon disappeared from view. Ethan sat still he had no idea what he was suppose to do, for him it was a hidden embarrassment, he thought this was a stupid idea and maybe he should try it on with Adam first, but no, that was to close to home for comfort and he could get found out. The last thing he wanted was this being all round college and getting back to his parents. Ethan relaxed and rested his head back closing his eyes. Angelo stepped in to the steam room and stood for a moment allowing his eyes to adjust to the low light and mist, he wandered through and spied the blond hair and pretty handsomeness of the young boy as he sat down a couple of meters away from him. Close but far enough away to be shielded by the mist from his view. He had never seen him here before and knew this must be the guy Brad had spoken about when he arrived. Angelo shuffled a little closer and could make out some of his looks, he looked younger than 18 quite the reverse of some who looked older for their age. Closer he moved, noticing the young guy had his eyes closed Angelo raised his hand and touched the young body. Ethan let out a short gasp as a felt the strange hand running down his chest in a carefully low choreographed movement. He opened his eyes to see the shape of the man was now visible, he snatched a sideways glance and noticed he was of Latin descent. Ethan could see that the arm was heavily tattooed and very well defined with hard biceps covered by soft looking skin, he daren't move as the hand continued to caress his chest and abdomen, this was the first time a man had touched his body in such an erotic way. Initially he thought at best he would end up with a much older man or a guy his age, but judging by the muscled arm he thought this was aiming high. His cock was hard as rock as a whole new feeling of sensations rippled through every part of his body, he didn't know if he should return the stroking of the man's chest or kiss him. For the moment his body was in an encapsulated desire with every nerve ending tingling from the man touching his body. Angelo ran his hand up and down the chest of the guy sat next to him, he did not look at him but stared straight ahead with a slightly rigid pose, Angelo smiled to himself as he could sense the young guy was obviously very inexperienced and this would make for an easy picking. Today is turning out better than he ever hoped Angelo thought to himself continuing the caressing of the young chest, he admired how naturally defined he felt and looked, this was a guy he had not fucked before and a new experience beckoned. Angelo moved his hand upwards caressing Ethan's neck and place his hand around the back of his neck as he shuffled closer. Angelo pulled Ethan's head towards his, there was a little resistance at first. Ethan's pulled back slightly at his head being guided towards the man but the gentle coaxing was having the desired affect as he slowly allowed the stranger to pull him close until he came face to face with Angelo. Ethan gulped at the stunning face before him, the striking chiselled features and sexy Latin look was more than he ever dreamed of, he judged that he must be in his mid twenties. He exuded an air of confidence, Ethan had to blink several times to ensure he was not imaging him. Angelo's hand pulled him closer and closer, Ethan could now feel the breath of the guy on his face. Angelo admired him for a moment and realised that the young lad was looking back at him clearly captivated. Angelo leaned forward until his mouth was within touching distance of Ethan's, the soft touch of Angelo's lips landed on Ethan's in a very tender kiss. Ethan still had his mouth closed and Angelo suspecting the naivete slowly ran the tip of his tongue along the young guys lips, moistening them with his saliva. Ethan parted his lips slowly and he felt the tongue probing deeper between his lips, becoming more receptive to the advances Ethan's mouth opened allowing Angelo's tongue to slip inside and his lips to close in and lock against his own. The tongue savoured and gently explored his mouth as Ethan moaned and delighted in his first kiss. It was the most intimate 30 seconds Ethan had ever encountered, Angelo pulled away leaving a trail of saliva connecting their mouths. Ethan looked him in the eye with abandonment, Angelo smiled as he looked in to the striking blue eyes and stroked the side of his face before his mouth sought Ethan's again, this time with more purpose and intensity. A natural instinct took over Ethan who now licked at the foreign tongue in his mouth as he began to kiss Angelo back. Ethan moaned again and raised his hand stroking Angelo's arm, deliberately feeling the muscled biceps and soft smooth skin that coated them. Angelo only to aware of how responsive the young lad had become enjoyed kissing him for several minutes. Ethan's body felt strange through the new sensations he was feeling. Angelo moved closer and his left hand reached around Ethan's waist pulling and gesturing for him to sit across his lap, Ethan only to happy to oblige the direction he was being given, his body twisted and right leg moved over Angelo's powerful legs until he sat straddled across his lap. His towel had fallen away as he sat on the lap of this man both of them naked, their cocks jostling for position but Ethan could feel his own cock was smaller in girth and length and was loosing the battle. Angelo forced his tongue deeper in to Ethan's mouth and then pulled away leaving the young guy deserted. Ethan looked directly in to the eyes of Angelo, he really could not believe his luck. They did not speak a word between them, Angelo now had both his arms around the back of Ethan, his slowly and gently caressing and stroking his back. Ethan leaned back enjoying the touch of this man but also to look at those strong tattooed arms enveloping his body. Angelo pulled Ethan forward and their lips locked together again quickly followed by Angelo's tongue as he resumed exploring Ethan's mouth. Angelo pulled Ethan up and as he sat back down his felt sheer hardness of the cock being forced between his ass cheeks. Ethan's ass began rubbing up against this man's sex, he had no idea where that came from, it just seemed to him to be the right thing to do. The shuffling caught Ethan's ear as he saw bodies moving in to view getting a closer look at the action that was happening. Angelo's rock hard erection nestled between Ethan's ass cheeks, his back held firmly by Angelo's arm was now pressing his own chest hard up against Angelo's. His other hand began caressing Ethan's buttocks and moving gently across until he slipped one finger down between the cheeks seeking the young tight hole where it circled gently around the edge. Ethan nearly giggled but for the mouth full of tongue he was dealing with as well. The finger made concentric circles with more and more pressure being applied the circles got gradually smaller until it coaxed Ethan's hole open and it slipped inside. Ethan's eyes snapped open startled at the pain of the intrusion, he tried to protest but Angelo only kissed him deeper holding his finger inside until the pain started to subside and he relaxed. Ethan didn't know if he was fond of this movement, but he found that his body was literally immobilised being held tightly against this muscled chest and abdomen, he clasped his hands around Angelo's neck and responded to the kissing as his hole was being explored. A new arm began to caress Ethan's neck and shoulder, Angelo pulled his finger out quickly causing Ethan's body to tense, he abruptly grabbed the arm painfully as he heard the man wince in pain as it was pushed away only to disappear back in to the dense steam. With his free arm Angelo rubbed his hand around Ethan's back causing a pool of sweat that he guided towards his boys ass, Ethan gasped and moaned as this time he felt two fingers pushing in to his ass and manipulating the sweat in to his hole. He arched his back at the discomfort, the sweat from their bodies mingled and mixed together covering them both, in a vain attempt Ethan tried to moderate the invasion by gripping Angelo's arm. The sweat made it impossible to get a firm enough grip, he gasped as the fingers dived deeper in his hole, Ethan flung his arms around the back of Angelo's neck and he moaned in pain. At some point he began to kiss and lightly bite the neck of Angelo, Ethan moved his head upwards towards Angelo's chin until their mouth's sought each other, the passion between them building in their bodies. Ethan was seduced and sealing his own fate, he wasn't sure if it was the attractiveness of the guy or the fact he couldn't break free from the strong grip Angelo had on his body but he was loving it. Angelo had control over him and sporadically he would tighten the bicep of his arm holding Ethan's back in position, it was a controlling but comforting and sometimes slightly painful feeling, Ethan being drawn ever more in knew he was in the safe hands of a very experienced man who understood positive and negative reinforcement. Angelo would withdraw his fingers from the tight hole giving Ethan an immense sensation release, but which also left him yearning for the moment they would slip back inside him. His body slowly adjusting and beginning to enjoy the experience until Angelo pulled his fingers out sharply, breaking the kiss he spat in to his hand, resumed kissing and began to mix the saliva with the precum on his cock that was now poised for action. It was like an out of body experience as Ethan felt himself rising and looking in to the eyes of Angelo. Suddenly he gasped and let you a puppy like yelp as the searing pain shot through his arse and lower back, Angelo pushed the head of his cock hard in to his boy, Ethan wriggled to escape from the pain but the arm around his back remained firmly clamped down preventing him from forcing a withdrawal. The tears from the corner of Ethan's eyes mixed with the sweat, his body in agony from the burning pain. Ethan realised that there was only one way his body was going and that was down on this cock, he was forced to bury his head in to Angelo's neck as his moans mixed with cries and whimpering. Ethan had no concept of how much cock with now in his ass, all he did know was that his virginity and body where forever parting company. Angelo reached behind Ethan's neck with his free arm forcing Ethan's body downwards to take more of his cock, Ethan overwhelmed by pain tried to forcibly raise himself off Angelo's cock exclaiming 'No' loudly, but the look in his eyes told a different story. Angelo looked him in eye and continued pushing Ethan's body down as more of his cock tore it's way in to his young body, Ethan gasped loudly several times in pain but did not protest, there was no getting out of this predicament so easily. The cries from his pain brought the lurking bodies out of the steam as they stood and watched, many of them not realising they were seeing the virgin boy being transformed right in front of their eyes. Ethan let out one last hoarse cry as his ass came to rest on Angelo's lap, he was now holding 8 inches of pure sex inside his body. The pain remained as a reminder and Ethan raised his head and without any second thought he kissed Angelo, they shared an incredibly sensual kiss and Ethan's body began to slowly rock back and forth with small gesturing rise and fall. Every down motion still fired off sharp spasms of pain through his ass, but he was being overtaken by a more intense pleasure of joy and happiness. They kissed until Ethan felt Angelo's free arm wrap around his body, a sudden jerk of the arms as they tightened forced him to expel what air he had in his lungs in to Angelo's mouth, the biceps flexed hard and squeezed Ethan's back tight up against Angelo's chest. Angelo had fucked many a man, some to overly responsive who just wanted to push down hard on his cock whilst the others grimaced in pain through the experience. But he watched Ethan carefully as he pushed and forced him down on his cock. At Ethan's last cry his head rolled forward and Angelo was unprepared for Ethan to kiss him, it wasn't like any other kiss, this was a deep and meaningful kiss which Angelo felt. As Ethan rocked on his cock gently Angelo began to feel his orgasm building, no one had ever made him rise to orgasm within minutes. Angelo jerked and tightened his arms around the young lad's body crushing his chest tight up against his own to stop his movements, Ethan let out a small cry as the air was forced out of his lungs. Ethan's movement on Angelo's cock became tiny and not very noticeable, those arms crushing his body sent pure waves of delight around his body, something he remembered when wrestling at school. Ethan felt the cock inside him harden even more and swell and he buried his head in Angelo's neck. Angelo pushed his hips up hard as if he was trying to split Ethan in half. Ethan groaned as suddenly he felt a torrent of warmth flowing in to his ass as the first wave of Angelo's orgasm fired it's toxic load deep inside coating every surface as though it was on a mission. Ethan tried to catch his breath but the powerful arms squeezing him tight prevented him from pulling much needed air in to his lungs, he could feel the rapid succession of pulses in the cock releasing stream after stream of seed flooding his body. Ethan could only gasp as he buried his head harder in to Angelo's neck, still striving to gulp air in but he could only manage the short gasps as the arms held firm around his body. Ethan felt the twitching cock inside his body as it delivered the last few drops of seed, he was light headed from lack of air and heat in the steam room. The arms eased from around his back at last he was able to fill his lungs with much needed air, as he regained his posture Ethan looked down to find that he had also ejaculated without touching or realising that he had. His head still buzzing from the mixture of the heat and excitement of what just happened Ethan closed his eyes, he felt Angelo close in and kiss him lovingly as a reward for a job well done, his ass remained firmly impaled on Angelo's cock providing no escape route for the toxic seed forcing Ethan to hold it in his body. Ethan became aware of the several grunts and groans of the audience as they finished masturbating watching the show before them. Slowly the crowd dispersed, the cool air hitting their bodies indicating the door had been opened as they left the steam room, Angelo noticed some of the men still optimistically lurking in the dense mist, they were waiting for him to release his victim. Angelo was not done with this boy yet, he broke away from the kiss wrapping his arms tightly around the young body again forcing Ethan's head to bury in his neck again as he pushed his hips up. Ethan involuntarily winced as the pain ran through his arse, Angelo was clearly indicating he was ready to fuck him again. Ethan clasped his hands around the neck and shoulders responding to Angelo, his ass was sore, if not completely on fire with pain but he knew trying to stop it would be futile. Ethan quickly learnt to rock his hips in a mix of movements as Angelo's cock speared deeper in to his ass. Sweat ran down both of their bodies making it difficult for them to keep hold of each other, Ethan moved his face towards Angelo's waiting mouth, their lips parted as they kissed like lovers. Every downward motion Ethan made was greeted by an upward thrust from Angelo, each time he hit bottom he moaned loudly in to Angelo's mouth. He felt the arms tighten sharply around his body, he knew what was coming. Their kiss broke and Ethan found himself staring deep in to Angelo's eyes as he prepared to breed the boy again. His muscles flexed fully and the grip tightened around Ethan's body again, the air escaping from his lungs, his chest being crushed harder than before up against Angelo's own. Ethan attempted to arch his back to relieve the pressure but the arms simply constricted harder bringing him back to Angelo. Ethan found he could no longer expand his chest to draw breath as his arse was forced down harder on his cock. Angelo let out a low long moan and his cock pulsed against Ethan's anal wall, Ethan grasped around Angelo's neck as he muttered 'Fuck' before another torrent of seed began entering his body. His body collapsed against Angelo whilst he was held tightly, for a moment time seemed to slow down as he could feel every pulse from the cock in his ass, he felt his own heart beating as it pounded against Angelo's chest. The grip around his body loosened and Ethan coughed as he drew breath shaking off the grogginess from lack of oxygen, he panted heavily against Angelo's neck. Ethan regained some composure and sat confused and dazed for a moment, never in his imagination did he think his first time would be so painful and yet a powerful force took over his body to want this more than anything. His senses gradually returning to normal and Ethan knew his body had taken enough. He leant forward looking at the striking face of the young man and kissed him on the lips. Slowly he tried to stand and lift his ass of the cock, emitting a slight cry of discomfort at the now softening cock beginning it's exit. One thing they didn't show in the porn videos was how challenging it was getting off the cock as it was going in. Angelo released his hold from around Ethan's back as he stood, his legs visibly unsteady so Angelo stood with him holding him up, he escorted him out of the steam room towards the showers to cool off. Angelo stood behind Ethan propping him up as he enjoyed the cool water pouring over his head and body, feeling refreshed and sort of back to normal Angelo went under the shower head next to him and began to clean himself up. Ethan turned and looked over at him, this was the first time he had the opportunity to really see the young man. The body sculptured to within an inch of perfection and those beautifully muscled and tattooed arms really did it for Ethan. But it was the face and those eyes that dazzled a sparkling light brown in a very captivating way. Angelo stared back at the young attractive guy pondering if he was actually old enough to be there but he knew Brad would have done his job properly. It took a moment for Ethan to realise that he was staring back him and he blushed slightly, Angelo cupped his face and brushed his lips against Ethan's before kissing him deeply. Amazingly they still had not spoken a word, Angelo guided him out of the showers and retrieved their towels, Ethan wrapped his around his waist and sat down on a nearby bench to relax. Ethan opened his eyes realising he must have dozed off and looked around but the young man was no where to be seen. A few older men were walking up and down obviously assessing the situation and rubbing their cocks under their towels as they passed by Ethan smiling. He felt uneasy at the attention he was drawing and made a beeline to the stairs to get out of their way, the last thing he needed now was sex since his ass was sore beyond belief. Ethan walked through the lounge area to the bar where Brad stood smiling. "Hello pretty boy, did you have fun?" he asked with a wide smile. Ethan looked with some annoyance at Brad and somewhat sharply asked "What's so funny?" Brad patted Ethan's hand "Nothing just asking if you had fun down there." Ethan turned to look around to see if the young man was there "Not sure I should have come here" Brad almost felt sorry for him. "Need your key?" "Yes please" Ethan answered. Brad handed him his key "Take your time baby." Ethan found Brad to be a little overbearing but kind of nice "Thank you" he replied as he turned to leave. Ethan entered the locker room and saw one other guy busy in his locker, he opened his own and pulled out his underwear and pushed the door slightly closed just as the other man moved in to his field of vision revealing his back. Ethan gulped at the tattoo painted dead square in the middle, it was an Angel with it's head bowed looking down, the hands were held open in the offering position, his eyes opened wider as each hand was offering a biohazard symbol. He was not so stupid and knew what the biohazard represented, he was so fixed on the tattoo he never thought to look at who it actually was. The man turned around and he opened his mouth coming face to face with the young Latin guy who just took his virginity, Angelo looked at him and smiled. Fear froze Ethan to the spot when he realised what had just happened, a poz guy had just cum in his ass twice and it was still inside him. Ethan darted in to the toilet cubicle locking the door behind him, he banged his head against the tiled wall quietly repeating the word fuck several times. Removing the towel he sat down on the toilet and did his best to expel the cum, every time he tried his arse burned in pain but nothing was coming out, he grabbed some toilet tissue and gently wiped his ass. On inspecting he saw only patches of red, he stayed sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands for several more minutes. He was beside himself with anger at how someone could do such a thing, but maybe he was to blame for not insisting on safe sex and just allowed him to fuck without any protest. Angelo shook his head as he finished dressing, he went to bar and grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note. The toilet door was still locked so Angelo slipped the note in the locker, he wasn't totally sure why he did it as it was a long shot but something in his heart told him to break with his own rules.
    2 points
  21. I ask Omar if I can go to a party at school that is for thous who are under 21. He is laughing and says yes you can as he has heard about these parties. Jerry is twice my age and has fucked with his dick in me for 45minutes to an hour and is exhausted when he is finished and cums in my ass. I figure these guys are young and can fuck for hours. I get to the party with a clean hole ready for a night of hot young boys to pound my hole into oblivion. Well, they were young 18-21 great looking bodies with hard dicks, and that was about it. The rules are bull shit sucking a dick with a condom on getting fuck with a condom. Ok, it gets worse when they fuck its stick it in and cum in less than a minute as these boys have no idea how to control themselves. I left these so disgusted and will never go again. I go over to Paul home for the week to get an education. It will be about drugs and the effect and what kind of sex I might want to do as Omar will have that on my profile. Paul wants to take pictures of me. I pose with my legs spread on my knees wide showing my hole and a baseball cap on backward; I never know why people love that picture? Legs over my shoulders showing my hole and many others all with me having a hardon. Drugs I will be given different drugs and see how it affects me. We start with poppers and as I have done them before its put on the list of things I do. GHB Paul explains to me what this is and gives me a taste in different drinks. In 15 minutes I'm feeling the effects as he is filming and ask me questions, but I'm feeling so relaxed and sleepy. Later he tells me that whenever out to watch my drinks as someone might slip it into your glass. Its also used if you are going to do some heavy play where you want to be out of it. Ecstasy/Molly After the GHB I try this, and I'm up for 6 hours and its good for a long session as either a Top or bottom. Coke I like to do lines and the effect. Meth/Tina Smoking I'm ok with but not interested in doing. Booty Bump YES YES YES as my hole becomes so hungry for something in it and just more. Slamming After the coughing, its something I love doing and the rush. Paul shows me videos of different sex acts, BDSM, Medical play, Fisting but I'm not ready for, Watersports, Puppy play, and others. Paul says I'm to get somebody piercings that some customers will like. Paul takes me to a body piercer who is hot looking with his tribal tattoos. The piercer first does my right ear. Then a stud for my tongue and I'm told to wash my mouth out with Listerine three times a day for two weeks. Then the Guiche but it took him a long time to find the right spot as with his finger and pushed every area between my ass hole and scrotum till I almost jump off the table as that is the area that will give me the most pleasure. Prince Albert lets say inhale a deep breath and then exhale, and the first part is done. I'm to drink a lot of water as the first time I piss there will be some pain and blood. Well, I did piss some blood, but the pain was not as terrible as I thought it would be.
    2 points
  22. Ironic, isn't it. The virus must take hold and replicate itself, and when it controls you to spread it around, it is doing its job. You become not only its host, but also its manufacturer. And the gift goes on. And on and on and on. Venom was right. This must be part of the allure of conversion. The control. The lack of control. The monsters dwelling inside us. The toxic spew that is continually producing itself.
    2 points
  23. I never saw it as competition but I have seen when a bottom is broken. They would moan and squirm loud at first but when I hear silence from the bottom and no resisting to where I can literally hear my thrusts become more hard and aggressive slapping I know the bottom is broken. When it gets to that point the bottoms hole gets so deep.
    2 points
  24. I was never a chub chaser till I became a dedicated bare backer and breeder. A huge turn on for me to spread those enormous butt cheeks and get into that hidden, sweet tight hole. Even better when I tag-team fuck with another top cause it works well to have a buddy pull apart the chub butt cheeks for good penetration. What do chubs on this site think about this? Hope you big boys don't think your big asses are just being used; they're actually being appreciated and worshipped.
    1 point
  25. I have been submitting lots of ads seeking doms to come by and turn me from a bi kinky shy dad into a slutwhore by being held down and forced to take some thing like weed, coke, or others but without much success. Recently 'tho, I met up with someone who replied to my ad than really blew my mind away. We arranged to meet at my house while my wife and kids were away. Further I was to be dressed only in white g-string and white socks. George came by and we sat down and chatted. We had already agreed that he could force me to take some Tina and than seduce me. As we chatted, he took out his glass pipe and prepared some crystals in the bowl. When he leaned over to kiss me, I resisted and tried to move away. This got him angry and he forcibly kissed me pushing my mouth open and invading my mouth with his tongue. He then lit his glass pipe, took a deep hit, bent over me and kissed me hard as he forced the contents of the glass pipe in me. He took another hit and did the same. He then held me down, pinched my nose as he held the glass pipe directly in my mouth and waited for me to gasp for breath and inhale deeply through the glass pipe. Once he sensed I was feeling the effects of the Tina, he started caressing my nipples, teasing them, before licking and sucking them. My nipples have always been really sensitive but they have never felt so sensitive before. I was writhing with desire as he started caressing me as he continued to lick and suck on my tits. I almost fainted with desire when he started to tease my ass with his finger. I was trying to wriggle my ass so his fingers could work its way in me. All this time he kept asking me if I was ready to be his crystal whore. By this time I was so turned on I was pushing my ass against his fingers as he started inserting first one, then two until finally he had all four fingers in me. I was begging for him to fuck me. He told me to go on all fours and then started to fuck me, doggy style. As he rode me, he kept playing with my nipples. I was feeling so good that I was begging for him to fuck me harder and deeper and make me his whore. He then laid down on his back with his cock standing up. I was so horny by now that straddled him and sat on his cock as I fucked myself on him. As I worked my ass on his cock, I leaned forward so he could suck on my nipples as I fucked him. Oooh, the feeling was just fantastic. I was feeling so horny and turned on. I was now such a slut I was begging for him to make me his whore. He then pulled out and made me suck his cock that had been in my ass which love doing so much I have never been such a nasty whore before for a gay guy, but I just sucked his gorgeous cock without a second thought even though it has just been in my ass. He rammed his cock in until I gagged, but he kept at it, telling me he was gonna make sure I learned how to deep-throat his cock. I was starting to have regrets as the Tina wore out. He than had me lay on my back and as he fucked me with my legs high over his shoulders, he took another hit and lean over and kissed me and exhaled into me. This time I gladly sucked in all I could. He repeated this about five times before sitting me up and making me take a couple more hits directly from the glass pipe. I was feeling so horny from the Tina I was begging for him to fuck me and cum in my pussy ass. I've never been fucked so hard and so long and felt so horny when he licked and sucked my tits. We kept at it for at least four hours. I only wished there were more guys using me 'cause I was so turned on I would have been willing to be gang banged. He finally came in my ass and forced his cock in my mouth. I have never enjoyed the taste of cum, but was so turned on I gladly sucked it all in and had him rub it all over my face. I was no longer put off by the taste of cum, but reveled in it. When he finally stopped fucking me, he told me that the next time, he would blindfold me, and turn me into his whore, adding that he would have a few guys use me at the same time. I can't wait!
    1 point
  26. Part 1 It was going to be a great day! I had just turned 18 two days ago, I was graduating from high school in the afternoon and I was going to a huge party that night with my girlfriend Emily, my best friend Paul, and his girlfriend Linda. First let me tell you about myself. My name is Caleb. I’m the youngest of four boys in a very religious and close family. I was home schooled until high school and then went to a high school operated by our church. I guess you could call me the nerdy type. I am 5’11’’, I weigh about 160 pounds, . My hair was blond and shaggy. I loved to swim so I guess I had what you would call a ”swimmers build”. My girlfriend Emily said most girls thought I was cute, in a “nerdy” way. Emily was my age and we had been seeing each other all through high school. Emily was very pretty. We both were religious and never took our relationship beyond the handholding and occasional kiss phase. We both believed that any sexual contact should remain off limits until we married. We were very naïve about the real world. Paul was my best friend. We had known each other since we were little kids and were inseparable. If I was a nerd, Paul was a “super nerd”. He is about 5’6’’ and weighs 130 pounds. He has a pale complexion with shaggy red hair. Paul even wears the typical thick rimmed glasses. Paul could easily be mistaken for being 13 or 14 years old. Paul’s girlfriend Linda is very shy. I don’t think they had even held hands let alone kiss. They both are even more naive than Emily and me, if that is possible. I have always considered myself total straight and never even thought about "fooling around" with a guy. It was against what I believed and besides I was saving myself for Emily. Tonight was going to change our lives in so many ways and I we were completely unaware. All four of us were graduating together, so after our graduation ceremony, Emily and I met up with Paul and Linda and we attended receptions put on by our parents and by 9:00 pm it was time to head to the party. We were all nervous but excited about the party. Many kids from our class were attending and we knew there would probably be alcohol and maybe more available there. Paul and I had only snuck a few beers in our life and both of the girls had never tried alcohol. Linda said she would go but would not drink but the rest of us had decided to have fun and celebrate our “big accomplishment”. The party was taking place at a remote farm about ten miles from town. When we arrived there were dozens of kids already partying, many from our school and many I didn’t recognize. The farmhouse was huge and there was a very large swimming pool and hot tub in the backyard along with many picnic tables. There was a huge bonfire in a fire pit. Everybody had contributed money to attend so there was beer, liquor, soft drinks and food. All four of us had packed bathing suits and we noticed nearly everyone there was already in their suits and enjoying the pool and hot tub on a very warm night. We went inside to change and were directed to two bedrooms in the back. The house was beautiful and I was surprised anyone would let such a party take place in it. When we got outside after changing I asked around about who owned the home. I was told it was two former graduates from another local school who were great football players and had even played in the NFL before getting hurt. They were now successful businessmen and agreed each year to allow the party on their property. Their only stipulation was that no one leave drunk and that they be allowed to join the party later in the evening. A friend of Emily’s led us back into the house and showed us a picture of the two owners. They were both stunningly handsome shirtless black men appearing to be in their early-forties. They were both about 250 pounds of solid rippling muscle. They looked like Greek gods. I heard Emily gasp when she saw the picture. “They are beautiful”, she whispered. I thought it odd that these two men would own the house together, but I didn’t pursue the matter further. We went outside and found the beer and alcohol and the three of us grabbed a beer and headed to the pool. The beer was flowing fast and furious and Paul and I matched each other drink for drink. We were definitely feeling the effects About an hour had passed when we heard the owners had arrived along with a nephew of one of the guys. A few minutes later they appeared: all three were shirtless and wore basketball shorts. Their photographs didn't do them justice. My school didn’t have any African American students, so we had little exposure to black men. They were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Jordan was the biggest and appeared to be in his early forties. His muscles seemed to pop from his body. Emily commented that his thighs were bigger than my waist. He had closely cut hair and an incredibly handsome face. He had only one tattoo I could see. It was an odd design around his navel. James appeared to be about the same age but wasn’t as big but he had a perfectly defined chest with an eight pack of abs and the same odd tattoo. He had his hair in dreadlocks. Aaron, who turned out to be Jordan’s nephew was about in his early 20’s, swimmers build like me and the face of a model. He too had the same tattoo. We were introduced to them and they seemed very interested in us. Jordan put his arm around me and James put his arm around Paul and asked if we were having fun. We looked so small next to them but they really seemed to like us and we talked for a while. Aaron meanwhile seemed to really be interested in Emily which was making me jealous but I knew she was not going to screw up our relationship. Linda just stood and watched as we all talked. After a few minutes, Jordan suggested we all go to the hot tub. We all grabbed beer and headed over. The hot tub was huge. It could easily handle 20 people and there were about 10 people in there. We climbed in and Jordan made sure to sit next to me and James next to Paul. Aaron got there a few minutes later and maneuvered himself in next Emily. Linda said she didn’t feel good and said she was going to lie down in the car. After a few minutes somebody brought out a bong, a device of which I had heard, but never actually before seen. Everybody in the tub started passing it around and taking “hits” off it. When it came to me, Jordan showed me and Paul and Emily how to do it. I took two hits and suddenly I was feeling pretty relaxed. The marijuana and the beer were really making me feel good. I leaned back and suddenly felt Jordan put his hand on my leg. I couldn’t see it because of the foam in the tub but it felt massive and he slowly began rubbing my upper thigh. I looked over at Paul and could tell by the look on his face that James was doing the same to him. Jordan then reached under the water and grabbed my hand and placed it on his massive thigh. You could feel the muscles under his smooth skin and I began to rub him. I saw Jordan look at James and wink. get his backpack from the house. Aaron asked Emily to go so they could bring back more beer and she agreed. As soon as they left, Jordan yelled “It’s time to party!” He shifted in the water and then next thing I knew he was holding his shorts in his hand and tossing them out on the grass. James removed his shorts immediately as did several other guys and girls in the pool. James turned to Paul and me and said “What about you two?” Neither of us made a move so they took action. They reached down and grabbed us by our waist and lifted us with one hand while stripping our suit with the others. The next thing I knew I was back in the tub totally naked with Jordan’s massive arm around me. I looked over at Paul who looked totally in shock and appeared to be sitting on James’s lap. Aaron showed up at that moment, but Emily had remained back at the house to use the bathroom. Jordan reached in to the pack and pulled out two bottles and tossed one to James. They took the covers off and put it up to our nose and said breath it in. I did twice and felt like I was flying. I felt Jordan put his hand on my stomach and slowly rub me. He moved his hand down to my penis and took it in his hand. I realized then that I was getting hard. He pressed his face against my neck and began nipping it with his teeth. I moaned slightly and when I did he turned my face to his and I kissed a man for the first time in my young life. His tongue played with my tongue and without thinking I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I heard a moan from behind and saw Paul lying with his head on James’s shoulder. It was obvious that Paul was being touched under the water and was enjoying it. Suddenly I felt something brush my leg. I reached and felt his penis for the first time. It was massive. I couldn’t imagine a man having a penis that large. Jordan smiled and stood up. I was face to face with penis at least 10 inches long but its width was stunning. There was a large metal ring piercing the tip of it. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. I heard several people in the tub as well as some people who were now watching the four of us, gasp when they saw it. “Taste it!” he told me. I obeyed and opened my mouth. It was so big I could barely get it in but Jordan slowly helped me taste my first penis. “Your turn baby” I heard James say and I turned around to see Paul licking the tip of James’s penis. James was not as massive as Jordan but was longer. He had to be at least 13 to 14 inches long. Paul was mesmerized by it all. They both grabbed the poppers bottles again and took a hit of their own. Then they shoved the bottle under our nose and we both inhaled. I knew then that I was really starting to enjoy this and wasn’t going to try and stop whatever was happening. Suddenly we were both picked up by our two Greek gods and carried to a picnic table. I felt so small in his huge arms as he carried me. His body felt warm against mine and I reached and rubbed his muscled chest. He pulled me tight against him and began to kiss me again. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Aaron, who was also now naked, was there at the table spreading a blanket on it. We were both placed gently on table next to each other.
    1 point
  27. This evokes a couple of thoughts (as well as affection), in me. One is, i had a Top who not only called my hole a pussy, He got to the place where He referred to me as a cunt or pussy. It was maybe a little bit a term of derision, but it was also a term of desire and affection on His part. He liked that i was his pussy. If all He had wanted was an object on His cock, He could have used a toy, but He fed and was nurtured as a Dom by exercising His desires with a sub person. The way He dealt with my penis is by calling it a "clit." He made it clear that He saw it as a part of my pussy, that all pussies have clits. He never referred to me as a woman, it was purely an anatomical and psychological distinction. i loved Him and His ways.
    1 point
  28. That ass is pretty perfect
    1 point
  29. DC is an excellent place for BB fun. There are a ton of married guys and closeted military dude that insist on using rubbers but a really strong BB crowd. NYC is like shooting fish in a barrel. I was interested to read guys having luck in Phoenix and Detroit. Never have any luck in those cities but then again I've never been to BZ in Detroit. Maybe I need to check it out! ?
    1 point
  30. My pleasure. Looking forward to read more from you!
    1 point
  31. There’s nothing better than having one cock slam me from behind while forcing the cock in my mouth deeper into my throat.
    1 point
  32. Construction you know you can breed my chub ass anytime, adding Marbas to the picture would be a HUGE bonus, with his PA preparing me for his toxic seed.
    1 point
  33. I start watching what I eat several days in advance when planning for group breedings. I cut down on sugars and carbs, increase high fiber vegetables and low fat meats. I also take fiber caplets every day. Not the expensive ones they try to sell on the hook up apps. Just the basic fiber supplements from a local shop. I douche a few hours before and use a toy for testing like you.
    1 point
  34. NOTE: As I suspected I might, I've broken the finale into two parts. No sex in this chapter ... more of a narrative / move the story toward the conclusion kind of thing. I've left the title as originally planned (still kind of fits I guess). Anyway, I will get the final final chapter up as soon as possible. -------- PART 6: JARED WAKES TO UNPLEASANTNESS — Wednesday — Jared turned it off the alarm on his phone, rolled over, pulled the covers over his head, and went back to sleep. He had got back to his room in the student hall at around 1AM and the tears had returned as soon as he closed the door. Tears only made worse when he thought about what he had done in the park toilet. He felt filthy. Ashamed. Condemned by Heavenly Father. He had finally fallen asleep around 5. His sleep was tainted by troubling dreams: Seeing Ryan in a bar but his friend couldn’t — or wouldn’t — see or hear him. Old men rubbing their dicks against his butt, whispering they would fuck him as they had fucked Ryan. The unseen man in the toilet last night fucking him through the stall calling him all sorts of foul names. And, through it all, Hal kept appearing. With his smirking face. And his voice dripping with venom: “You’ll thank me some day.” He finally woke again around 11 AM. He had missed class but couldn’t bring himself to care. No. Instead his mind was flooded with misery and remorse. “What was I thinking?” He moaned aloud. The sting of Hal’s betrayal felt more distant today, but no less painful. Almost as painful was the way he himself, in that park toilet, had betrayed everything he was ever taught, everything he believed, everything he had ever told other people to do. Was he some sort of degenerate capable of such things? Someone who had fallen so far from god that he would allow himself to be used like that. “The wages of sin is death….” He quoted. Romans something or other. His seminary teacher had drummed that into their heads the year they had studied the New Testament. Sin separates you from Heavenly Father and being separated from Heavenly Father is death. That lesson had stuck with him. All these years. Even when he realised and accepted that he was gay. And now he had wallowed in sin like a pig at a trough. He picked up his mobile to call the bishop. He needed to confess. To repent. But…. wait. What if he was excommunicated? Cast out of the Church. What would his parents say or do? Would they cut him off? Reject him? No. He needed to stop. Think this through. He would confess and repent. Of course he would. But… just… not yet. He put the mobile phone down. Sunday. He would talk to Bishop Robinson then. — Sunday — Jared squirmed during the closing prayer. As he had squirmed through the entirety of sacrament meeting. He had never felt so uncomfortable sitting in Church. Not even when he came to terms with being gay. There was an itch deep in his butt that wouldn’t relent no matter how much he squirmed but he just put it down to shame about what he was about to confess. And fear about what would happen after. Sinner. Degenerate. Unworthy. So hard to focus on sacrament meeting over the voices in his own head. Shouting at him. Echoing. “… Amen.” Finally the closing praying ended. “Amen.” The crowd echoed. And then people were up, moving, and leaving the chapel. Jared sat, waited, letting the crowd thin slightly. Procrastinating his humiliation for couple more minutes. The bishop was still on the stand chatting and laughing with his counsellors… so he had time. Finally, with a sigh, he stood and started making his way forward to catch Bishop Robinson before he could leave. “Jared….” A very familiar voice called from behind him. He paused and turned to look at Ryan. He wasn’t sure if he was more relieved to see him, more angry at him, or more surprised. Ryan hadn’t come to Church since they arrived in Manchester after all. “… I’m so glad to see you.” Ryan finished. “Are you?” Jared snapped. Ryan sighed. “You’ve been avoiding me and giving me the silent treatment for over a week now. Haven’t I been punished enough?” “What is it you feel you need to be punished for?” “Hell if I know…. you tell me.” “Don’t swear in here.” Jared scowled. “I’m sorry, it just slipped out.” Ryan looked around, embarrassed. He might not consider himself mormon anymore but the lessons of a lifetime in the church still lingered of course. When he continued his voice was quieter. Almost a whisper. “I just don’t know why you are mad at me. Is it because I went into the… you know.. the sauna.” “I’m not sure I want to hear about it. And I need to talk to the bishop anyway.” “Oh. I think you’ve missed him.” Jared turned back to the stand and, as Ryan had said, the bishop was nowhere to be seen. “Oh hell.” Jared muttered. Ryan couldn’t suppress a laugh. — 20 minutes later — “I didn’t LET him… ” Ryan hissed. “… I was sleeping and he did it. I woke up in the middle of it.” It wasn’t quite the truth, perhaps, but it was what he had chosen to tell himself. And Jared. “Oh, Ryan.” Jared’s face was white. “I’m so so sorry. I should have been there for you. I shouldn’t have assumed…” “Let’s not talk about it. I don’t want to think about it.” They sat quietly for a moment. Ryan took a sip of his latte. Another sin Jared’s internal voice noted. but he immediately felt guilty. He needed to support Ryan, not judge him. “Let’s talk about your week instead.” “Oh. Um. You know. Nothing much to say.” Jared wanted to tell Ryan. Tell him everything and cry on his shoulder. But he didn’t know how to start. Ryan would never look at him the same way. And he didn't think the could take that yet. He would tell Ryan soon, he promised himself. Soon. NEXT: REVELATIONS (The finale to this story)
    1 point
  35. I enjoy poppers. They make me go crazy and start begging for it harder. Of course I always want their load planted as deep in me as possible. They also make me more verbal if that's possible.
    1 point
  36. I’m a top and love poppers when I fuck , it doesn’t effect my erection at all ?
    1 point
  37. Hey pigs! I've decided to make a fuck-it list for the coming year. This should be filled with experiences and types of guys I should have sex with. I'm looking for things to add that I might not have thought of, so I am making a post about it. What would you add to the list? Here's what I've got so far. - do a muscle guy - do a black guy with a huge dong - do a fat guy - do an older gentleman - do a poz guy - do a porn star - make a bareback film - try felching - do an FTM/ trans person - elbow deep fisting, deeper if the bottom can handle it - get the dick pierced and breed someone with it - sex in the mud / outdoor sex - public sex Did I miss anything?
    1 point
  38. PART 5: RYAN EMBRACES HIS PLACE, JARED DESCENDS IN DESPAIR “Going to breed you good.” Hal’s body pressed Jared into the mattress. “Do it, Hal. Please.” Jared groaned as Hal thrust, hard, balls deep into his ass. Cumming. The twink was so proud he had pleased his lover. That he was able to get him to cum. After a few minutes, Hal rolled off of him. “Fuck. You need a lot of practice sucking cock, but your boypussy knows exactly how to get me off.” Jared blushed. He found this dirty talk embarrassing almost as much as he was aroused by it. “You feel amazing inside me.” He rested his head on Hal’s sweaty chest and closed his eyes. Savouring the closeness. The contact. The sweat. The heat. The heartbeat still racing in Hal’s chest. He never wanted this moment to end. “Can I stay with you tonight?” “No.” The word was firm. Definite. Harsh. Jared’s body tensed. He looked up to see Hal smiling above him. A cold smile. Cruel. “What’s wrong? Did I do something wrong?” “You made me feel pretty good actually. I just got everything I want from you.” Jared felt like world had gone upside down. “What are you saying?” Hal put this palms together as if praying. “I just really want a guy who is morally pure. Who saves himself for marriage.” “What? Wait, wait, wait… I was saving myself... I only gave myself to you...because you said you loved me… ?” “Don’t be so fucking stupid.” Hal laughed. “I’m taking the piss. But I’m not looking to date — let alone get married — to anyone. Certainly not you.” Jared felt sick. Like he had fallen and had the wind knocked out of him. Hal rolled his eyes. “I’m feeling charitable, so let me explain the real world to you. You have one thing to offer guys: a hole to use and abuse. Now that I’ve had you, I’m done with you.” Like finding a missing piece of a puzzle, everything seemed to fall suddenly into place. Some of the things that Hal had said, some of the ways the could act, the moments of cruelty that came out of nowhere… it just made sense. He had been playing Jared like a violin. And Jared had let him. He wanted to be sick. His eyes were watering up. But he wouldn’t cry in front of Hal. He wouldn’t allow him that satisfaction. He got up from the bed and quickly got dressed. Not looking to or speaking to Hal. He didn’t even wait for Hal before bolting out of the bedroom and heading for the door. He was about to close the door behind him when Hal caught up with him. “You’ll thank me some day.” Hal said. “I’ve taught you a valuable lesson. Your whole life you’ve been told fairy tales about god, love, and other bullshit. Time to grow up. Life is hard. People are cruel. Everyone uses everyone. Deal with it.” “Fuck you.” The words tumbled out of Jared’s mouth, white hot with anger. He hated cussing but, at the moment, he didn’t care. “You’re an asshole, a sociopath. Get help.” Hal rolled his eyes as the door slammed. These fucking drama queens never took it well. Oh well... their outbursts always made him laugh. Still, he had a video from the hidden cameras to edit and get posted for his followers. With the cunt’s final words edited out. Of course. He needed to maintain his image with his followers after all. — MEANWHILE — Ryan could only grunt as Carl’s cock pounded his hole. The black man was no more gentle with his ass than he had been with his throat. Ryan was bent forward leaning over a bench. The reason he could only grunt, however, was that their audience had gotten bored with just watching. The cock in his mouth was the third since Carl had moved on to his ass. He was feeling more sober, but Carl had been giving him poppers since the fuck started…. so his head was still spinning. Having just cum down his throat, Carl had lasted a long time. But now his body tensed and he unleashed his load. His hips slamming his big cock mercilessly, balls deep, into Ryan’s aching ass. The slapping of flesh was all but lost in the noise of the club, but the impact was pushing Ryan off his balance. At last, spent, Carl leaned forward and rested his chest on Ryan’s back. His eyes watching Ryan work some stranger’s cock in his mouth. “Damn! Your ass is so tight.” Carl said into his ear, a smirk on his lips. “Well... it was. Not so tight anymore.” The cock in Ryan’s mouth pulled out. “If you’re done back there, let me in. Would love to add my load to yours. I love fucking stupid twinks bare!” “Bare?” Ryan croaked. His hand reached back and felt Carl’s cock as it slipped out. Carl’s very definitely bare cock. He had promised himself he wouldn’t let anyone do that again. But in the heat of the moment he hadn’t even thought about it. “Hell yes.” Carl replied. “Felt good, didn’t it?” “Well... yeah. But what about HIV or other stuff?” “Don’t worry, I’m clean.” Carl couldn’t believe he said that with a straight face. Sure. he was “clean”. He had taken a shower earlier this evening. He might be HIV positive and unmedicated... but he was “clean”. “Me too.” The other man said, making sure to hide his own biohazard symbol. “Come on.” Carl held the poppers up and Ryan took a big huff. “Let him fuck you. You know you want it.” Ryan paused. Then nodded. Carl had barely stepped away from his ass when the other man slipped his cock inside. Thrusting erratically. He wouldn’t last long. Carl moved forward and his lips found Ryan’s. Their tongues dancing in Ryan’s mouth. After a moment, however, he moved aside just enough for an eager cock to fill Ryan’s mouth. “You belong to me now.” Carl whispered in his ear. “You and I are going to have a lot of fun. I’m going to show you a whole new world, slut.” Slut. Ryan liked that word. He was a fucking slut. And he loved it! — MEANWHILE — Jared dried the last of his tears. He wanted to cry more but, for now at least, no more tears would come. He had been halfway through the park when he had finally broken down. He had come in to this nasty little park toilet to let himself cry. He had locked himself in the stall and sobbed for... who knows how long. Now, however, he just felt numb. How could he have been so stupid? He had wanted to save himself for someone he loved but instead had allowed Hal to trick him. First Ryan rejected him for all these year and then Hal treated him like a toy. A disposable toy. What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he unloveable? His eyes wandered again to the hole that someone had made in the panel that separated his stall from the next one. You would think the local council would try to fix such acts of vandalism. The outside door opened. Jared quieted his breathing as best he could. Who ever had entered the park toilet went into the stall next to his. An eye appeared briefly in the hole between the two stalls. Then the unseen man sat on the toilet. Jared had heard of gloryholes, Ryan even claimed to have seen one on campus. The unseen man’s foot tapped his. Jared just stared down at it. Not even thinking about shifting it away. The unseen person moved. Stood. Stepped up to the partition, to the gloryhole, and pushed his cock into Jared’s stall. Maybe a foot from Jared’s face. Mouth. “Come on, cunt. “It’s not going to suck itself.” The unseen man’s voice was rough. Common. Crude. It reminded Jared of a porn video on Ryan’s computer once with a bunch of Northern “ruffians”, chavs, and scallys. He hadn’t understood the appear then, but now it was exciting. Jared had never imagined himself here. In this situation. It seemed so ... dirty. But... Why not? Not like he was a virgin anymore, He had already given that up. And who would ever know anyway? Who would know what he did? Here? In this dark toilet in a secluded part of the park? No. That wasn’t enough. Fuck Hal. And fuck Ryan. And fuck every man. Every one. They didn’t want love. They wanted sex. Cock and ass and suck and fuck. Why keep yourself pure and clean for some mythical future lover? Even if he exists, all he will want is any convenient mouth or ass? He slid off the toilet and onto his knees. Wrapping his fingers around the cock, drawing a sigh from the unseen man. “That’s right, show me a good time.” Jared learned forward and took the cock into his mouth. The second cock ever to be allowed to enter. It tasted so different rom Hal’s. A little less clean. Sweat. Maybe even a bit of piss. So nasty. But that is what guys wanted, right? Nasty. Fine. He would be as nasty as any of them. He sucked vigourously. He wanted the other man to cum. To use him like the hole he was. To baptise him into this new life of sin. Or pleasure. (Was there even a difference between the two?) But after a few minutes the other man pulled his cock out of Jared’s mouth. Jared looked through the hole. The other man was stroking with one hand and signalling with the other. Signalling... to turn around. As nasty as they wanted. Fine. Jared unfastened his belt and his trousers, pushing them down to his ankles. Faced away from the gloryhole. Bent over and pressed his ass back against the hole in the partition. The unseen man pushed forward. Sliding his bare cock into Jared. Into his hole, still slick from Hal’s cum. “Fuuuuuuuuuccck!” The other man groaned, his thrusts shaking the stalls and echoing in the toilet. “Take it, you dirty cunt.” Jared just thrust back against the thrusts. The way that Hal had taught him. NEXT: JARED WAKES UP TO UNPLEASANTNESS
    1 point
  39. Last night... So yesterday about mid-day, one of the tops that has bred me a couple times with his BBC hit me up and asked if I was available later, which I said I would be hopefully. As the back and forth went along, we determined that he and another guy on Grindr were talking about breeding my hole. The new group chat feature comes in handy sometimes... ? Anywho, by the time 6pm (the appointed time) rolled around, they had managed to round up two more tops for a total of 4. I got back to my hotel room, cleaned out, and got ready in my "fuck me" gear - leather harness, jock strap, and blindfold hood (with mouth hole only). For the next hour and a half, I sucked and was pounded relentlessly. At one point while they were taking turns, one of the tops commented I didn't have a hole left - they'd destroyed it. That's my kind of pussy - fucked into a loose, sloppy mess. I got a pic of my gaped, cum filled and covered pussy a little later. My pussy was sore for a few minutes right as the last top finished, but felt fantastic just a little later. That brings up an interesting point - do any other slutty bottoms out there get sore pussies? How long can you take it before needing a break? My hole was being fucked good and hard for about an hour. LOVE being a slutty bareback cumwhore!
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. After a week Jerry hears back from his friend Omar, and he does not believe I'm 18 so he wants to meet me in a public place. The first thing Omar ask if I'm Law Enforcement I say no then ask for my ID and makes a few phone calls. Comes back that I was 18 five weeks ago. Omar ask do I know what I will be doing to make some big money. I say NO. He says you will be providing a service of a sexual nature for men and do I have a problem with that? I say NO. He asks what I did with Jerry did I like doing, but there are other things I will be doing that I might not like would I have a problem? I told Omar I'm new, and I have not done anything but with Jerry, but I would like to learn. Omar asks what I'm doing at Christmas break. I say nothing. Omar says his partner Paul would give me an education on services I would be asked to provide. I have no problem with this.
    1 point
  42. Turns me on and makes me want to breed him even more.
    1 point
  43. Total perv here as well in sa...
    1 point
  44. I would have been 13 or 14. I used to dream of sucking some of the boys off whilst we were getting changed for sports at school. All those cocks bulging in and out of underwear. Fuck, I just wanted to drop to my knees in the locker room and suck every one of them! I was always much more interested in sucking their dicks than having mine sucked. I did get luckily enough to swallow a few of those cocks after school during that time. Been addicted ever since.
    1 point
  45. Part 27 Once a month “Master Nick’s” held a college night party at the warehouse. The average college student couldn’t afford to buy a membership and attend the usual parties on a regular basis, but on college night, all a guy had to do was show a current college ID and they were admitted to the party on a heavily discounted one time guest pass. The parties became an instant success, particularly with the local fraternities. The frat boys looked at the party as a bonding opportunity as they used some faggots for sexual relief. With the universities cracking down on sexual harassment, date rape and hazing activities on campus, the college night parties at Master Nick’s filled a void. In fact, they were so popular that the number of regular club members allowed to attend had to be strictly limited. The few full members allowed to attend were those that had a particular talent for identifying new talent. The real reason for these parties had nothing to do with trying to be benevolent to poor college students. It was really like a football scouting camp or a casting call by a movie crew. It was these events that became a prime way for Nick and crew to find new talent. Some of the talent were happy to join the ranks of the club's party bottoms others needed some “convincing”. Nick thought the timing of Rob’s conversion to a bottom couldn’t have peaked at a better time. The college guys typically loved to use well-built guys that were slightly older than themselves. Fucking the 32 year old muscular 6’2” Rob would be a real power trip for many of them. It was those aggressive “Tops” that made the best targets to convert to new bottoms. It was also easy to pick out the natural bottoms from the way they were watching the activity. It was common to have some side action going on away from the main fucking stations; thus the necessity of extra cameras throughout the venue. After these parties, it took significant time for the staff to sort through all the footage, match faces to college ID’s and gather information on new recruits. However, the operation had honed the process so it worked like a well-oiled machine. The club members were always looking for fresh meat to use and the college night parties were a significant source to provide members what they wanted. After the way Rob had begged for Nick to fuck him earlier in the afternoon, it was almost certain that Rob would bring out some stellar performances from the college boys tonight. The college night party format was a little different. Unlike other parties where the guests could locate and use a bottom pretty much as soon as they arrived; in the college night parties the bottoms weren’t brought out until after all the guests arrived. The guests had plenty of time to drink beer prior to any sexual activity. Of course the only beer available was the XG beer that Nick had used to trap Rob and others before him. By the time the bottoms were brought out for the party, every single college boy guest was drunk, hard and flying on XTC. The arrival of the bottoms at that point was the trigger to release the sexual floodgate so to speak. Rob could hear the party as he was brought to an adjacent room with 5 other bottoms. Each was dressed in a pair of skin tight white briefs. A couple of staff members fastened leather slave collars to the bottoms and attached a leash. The bottoms were slammed and given a booty bump before being led out to the party and to the stage in the middle of the room. As Rob and the other bottoms reached the top of the stage, a voice boomed from the intercom system. “Boys – here are your slaves for the evening!” “There is no need to be gentle!” The crowd went wild as the staff paraded the bottoms around the stage by their leashes. The bottom slaves were all brought to the center and one by one their tighty whities were ripped off their bodies. Rob was last in line and when his briefs were removed, his hard 8” cock stood straight out. “Look at the faggot on the end,’ someone shouted from the crowd. “He’s hard as a rock, the faggot loves this!” Rob couldn’t deny it anymore, he was a cum dump. His world now revolved around being tweaked and used. When Rob was stripped and bent over at the waist, his ass hole winked at the crowd. Each of the bottoms was led to a separate fuck bench stationed around the room and tied down. Bright red lipstick was applied to their lips so they would leave a remembrance on any cock that fucked their faces. A majority of the students followed Rob to his station and jockeyed for position to be the first to fuck Rob’s ass. Rob howled in pleasure as the first college cock slammed into his ass. “Fuck me hard,” he screamed. The college stud really didn’t need encouragement, but Rob’s pleas did result in making the Top increase his already rapid fuck pace. The more he was fucked the more Rob begged. Rob’s verbal pleas added to the sexual frenzy in the room; just like blood in the water of a tank filled with hungry piranhas. .At some point someone called ‘” Shut the pathetic faggot up; someone shove something in his mouth." That something was a fat uncut cock. Rob was in pig heaven now that he had a cock in both ends and quickly milked a load into each of his holes. Those spent cocks were replaced by others and the process repeated itself. None of the college students were interested in a gentle fuck. They were there for one purpose and that was to get their rocks off quickly, drink some more and then fuck another ass. As would be expected, the college boys began to try to show off their sexual prowess and became more creative in their fuck style as the night progressed. There were those that would whoop and holler while slapping Rob’s bucking ass. Others would pull completely out, wiggle their cock and then thrust it back in. Rob took it all in stride and adjusted the way he worked those cocks with his ass for each and every fuck. The more he was fucked the more he wanted. He was truly addicted to cock. Rob couldn’t control his urges as he was drilled by cock after cock. As the night went on Rob was spat upon, slapped, verbally degraded and of course violently fucked. Rob’s ass and mouth were very popular. He took over twenty loads deep in his abused hole and swallowed at least as that many. About an hour before the party was to end, two staff members removed Rob’s bonds and escorted him to the wet area. “You’re the designated urinal now for the rest of the night,” he was told. “The boys are all going to need to empty their bladders before they head home.” Rob was bound in a squatting position and a funnel gag was secured in place. Within minutes the flow of piss down his gullet began. As his belly filled with the chemmed piss his head began to spin. The sight of his hard dripping cock while he was gulping down piss made the college boys impatient to wait their turn for the funnel. Soon he was being drenched by piss as well. Nick was watching the action on the video screen in the control room. Rob’s behavior tonight confirmed that he was ready for what was next. Nick started making calls on his cell phone to confirm the availability of some special guests for Rob’s pending celebration.
    1 point
  46. Part 25 Nick and Tanner laughed at Rob’s predicament for a few more minutes and then left and shut the door. Rob was left bound in the crouching position with the ball gag and pig tail plug for over an hour before they returned. They entered the room with a camera man and a few bags of what looked like groceries. “Hey little piggy, we thought we’d take this opportunity to do a quick photo shoot.” Nick took a cell phone and took a quick pic of the trussed up Rob and held it up to Rob’s face. “Thought you might want to see what’s in your ass,” Nick remarked. Rob blushed in embarrassment when he saw the pig tail. With the big red ball gag in his mouth he did resemble a trussed up pig with an apple. The three men lifted Rob off the bed and placed him on the metal cart that was in the room. Nick looked at Rob to answer his questioning look. “I thought we’d take a few pictures to help promote some of our up-coming holiday parties.” Nick then turned to the other two guys in the room and said, “Let’s make this look like a festive feast.” The men then started arranging an array of fruits and vegetables on the cart around Rob. Rob now felt like he was part of some sort of deranged buffet table. Nick removed the ball gag from Rob’s mouth and said, “We need just one more thing to finish this off.” Nick held up an actual apple and pushed the big red fruit into Rob’s open mouth. The apple was pushed deep enough that Rob couldn’t dislodge it. The camera man took pictures from all angles and ranges. Rob was totally humiliated. He thought it couldn’t be any worse until Nick turned to Tanner and said, ”Let’s take this little piggy to market.” Tanner laughed and pushed the cart holding Rob out the door. They passed multiple people as they moved through the building. People would point and laugh and make pig noises at Rob as he passed by. Several guys opened the fly of their pants and slapped Rob’s face with their cocks. When they passed by the loading dock, the FedEx delivery guy even got involved. He pulled his cock out of his uniform and ran it around the apple that was stuffed in Rob’s mouth. Rob was then rolled into the party play area and more pictures were taken with some of the bondage gear in the background. Nick commented to the camera man and Tanner that the pics would really help promote the parties. “We’ll have to have a bottom trussed up like this as a centerpiece for the parties; I don’t know if this particular pig will still be around though.” Rob overheard the comment and a shiver ran up his spine. What made it worse was that Nick hadn’t elaborated on what he meant by that comment. The cart was then pushed to a room adjacent to the party room. Rob recognized the chair inside the room. This was the room he was prepped in before his first party. Rob was untied and then strapped into the barber’s chair. His legs were spread wide and the pig tail butt plug was removed. Nick held a large tumbler of Gatorade and stuck a straw into Rob’s mouth. “Drink up pig; you need to replenish your fluids and electrolytes.” Rob greedily sucked down the drink so fast that he barely tasted it. In the back of his mind he was sure the Gatorade contained something he wasn’t told about, whether that be cum, piss or drugs. He was actually right about that; the Gatorade was heavily dosed with G. The dose had been calculated to keep Rob right on the edge of consciousness. The video screens in front of him flashed to life. The video that was playing was very different than the one he watched the first time he was secured to this chair. Instead of scenes of him topping , all the scenes showed him serving cock. The familiar penis gag was put into his mouth and he felt the telltale burning sensation as a large shard of T was pushed deep into his ass followed by the insertion of a butt plug. The Tina was making him horny but at the same time the G was making him very dizzy. He watched the video for a while and he began to reflexively suck on the penis gag and squeeze his ass on the plug. A pair of headphones was placed on his head and he heard Nick’s voice repeating different commands over and over. “You are a worthless cum dump meant only to service cock” “You love the taste of piss and cum fed directly down your throat” “You would do anything to have your pig holes fucked” “You are a cum dump that will take any cock” “You must service cock” “You will beg to be fucked and used in bondage” “Your limits are solely determined by the cock fucking you” Nick and Tanner then shut off the lights in the room and left Rob alone. Rob was in a trance like state. He was reliving what he saw on the screen. The drugs were making him feel pleasure as he saw himself on the screen being fucked, drinking piss and sucking cock. He could actually smell the asses, pits and crotches in his mind. Rob would float in and out of consciousness but throughout the time he heard Nick’s voice relentlessly demanding that he accept himself as a cum dump bottom while he watched the images of himself being used. His body reacted to those images and soon he found himself bucking his ass in time to the fuck he was witnessing on the screen. He would suck hard on the gag, swallow, lick and/or sniff based on what he was seeing. He was too tired to resist. The video and audio played all night. Rob was awakened by someone slapping his face and balls. At some point the headset had been removed and the video had stopped, but Rob didn’t remember when. He opened his eyes and saw Tanner standing there. “Wake up slut, it’s time to get moving.” “We are going to skip the gym today, but we have another special treat to start your day.” Tanner moved his fingers across Rob’s naval area and showed him the cum he had scooped up. “It looks like you enjoyed your night,” he laughed.
    1 point
  47. Made a add on Craigslist. Looking for a bull to poz my wife got a couple of reply but only one said he Whas poz and ok to trick her into becoming poz now it’s been a week since there texting each other and planing to meat soon cant wait to receive a pic of her creampied poz creampied
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  48. I am so glad you guys are enjoying it! Thanks for the comments. Part: 10 So I spent the next few months taking poz load after poz load. My son turned 18 but stayed in town and went to the local college. The wife still had no sex appetite but that was fine by me. Honestly, our marriage was better than it ever was. One day I got an updated notification on the app. “it’s time to share your gift. We know you enjoy taking a poz load, but how about giving one? Help our community grow. With this new app upgrade (platinum level) you can toggle on your app between top and bottom. Happy hunting.” Fuck, this was a new twist. I had been having so much fun being a cum dump I didn’t care about topping but now that the app mentioned it. The idea of spreading my seed turned me on. I was home alone again so I figured I would try the new feature, I flipped the app to top, entered notes and hit search. Within 10 minutes I got a notification. There was a bottom on his way. This would be the first time fucking in my house. I was a bit nervous but the family was gonna be gone for a few hours so I should be ok. The front doorbell rang. I opened it and there stood a guy, pretty cute, looked college age. Nice and fit with a huge smile on his face. “You ordered?” “Come on in, how old are you?” “19 sir” Fuck, so young, my cock twitched. I was leading him to my bedroom when we walked by my son’s room. I don’t know why, but I turned and went in there again. Something about fucking my poz load into this 19-year-old kid on my sons bed turned me on. I pushed the kid onto the bed on all fours. I dove face first into his ass. It was so smooth, I forced my tongue up his hole. Opening him up, getting him nice and wet. I slipped a finger into his ass. I had seen videos on line about tops pozing so I had let my nails grow. I stretched his ass, digging in my nails, scratching him up. I finally pulled out and there was a tinge on pink on my fingers. He was ready, I lined my cock up with his pussy and went right in. The kid grunted and started moaning, bucking back onto my cock. Fuck, young pussy felt so good. I couldn’t wait to shoot my poz load into him. He was getting a bit loud and I didn’t want the neighbors to hear. I looked around and saw my son’s dirty laundry. Fucking kid living in a pigsty. I reached down and grabbed a pair of my son’s dirty underwear and shoved them into this kids mouth to keep him quiet. I started to pick up pace, just the thought of busting my poz load into this kid had me going so I couldn’t hold on for long. I felt the familiar urge and I went balls deep, squirting load after load into this kid. Fuck, I came down from my high and pulled out. The kid immediately turned around and licked my dick clean, then looked up at me and said “thank you.” Fuck this kid was good. It was hot enough to get me going again and I pumped a second load into him before sending him on his way.
    1 point
  49. Hey, pigs -- working on the latest installment today. Inspired by last night's experience of getting to the point with a hot, twisted top and being his trashy slampig all night long...
    1 point
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