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  1. I drove up the rest of the way in the nude, but put on a shirt and shorts before I text Katie that I had arrived. I waited in the lobby, it was a very nice high rise apartment building, very secure and safe, but that made me a bit sad because I wouldn't be able to host the same kind of events like we could down in West Hollywood. "My roommate came home this weekend so you'll get to meet him, he says he is bi but so far I haven't be able to enjoy what I have heard, sounds like a massive cock." "I didn't know you had a roommate" I said. "The company is paying for this apartment, and Michael works both here and in LA so he's rarely here." We got up to her apartment and I was introduced to Michael. He was very clean cut, looked like a successful alpha male business man. He exchanged the usual niceties and then left for the night in a very nice suit, but one meant for going out, not for work. "Let's make sure you're clean before we head out." She said heading into her room. I followed and she had a whole set up ready for me with enemas, douches, and toys. I was still clean (aside from the loads left in me at the rest stop). So we got dressed and headed out, we went to a few different bars and clubs. It was actually pretty fun to actually get to drink and see the scene without being recognized, but I was still felt up a few times. Katie did not last long, and pretty soon she was slurring and apologizing for us not being able to get me a cock for tonight. Truthfully, I already got 2 cocks tonight, so not so bad. But I was sad that we re cleaned me out for nothing. We managed to get a ride back to the apartment, if I wasn't dressed so much like a needy bottom I looked like I was about to take advantage of her with the state she was in. We got her up to the bedroom and after sometime in the bathroom I got her to bed and she was out like a light. I went out to her living area and just before I turned on the TV her roommate Michael came in. We got to chatting and did the usual banter about what's better socal or norcal. He said he'd make us drinks and went off to the kitchen, making full on cocktails. It wasn't long before he came back with the drinks and we shared more small talk. It was a strong drink, and mixed with what I had already had that night, it was definitely going to set me over the edge. Michael and I talked a bit more, and then he asked if I'd like to see his room, "Katie will be jealous, she hasn't been inside, and I see her eyeing my guests as they leave." I agreed and we headed to his room, his hand guiding me by my lower back like a guy would a girl on a date. Maybe I would be getting a cock tonight. Once he shut his door, the nice roommate facade disappeared. "On the bed Straightbait" he said pushing me gently towards the bed. I laid down on my back and lifted my head to see him. "On your knee's come on now." he said. I stripped and turned around getting on my knees on the bed. The lighting dimmed into a different color, slowly changing color as I waited for Katie's roommate to come back from his bathroom. A hand towel was thrown next to my face, I could faintly smell poppers so I grabbed for it, sure enough, there was a wet spot, I shoved it in my mouth. His cock rested in my crack, sliding back and forth over my hole. "You're either immune, taking preP or you're the luckiest faggot in the world." I let the towel drop from my mouth. "What?" I replied. He slapped my ass, "You heard me you lying bitch. What's the deal" He said angrily. "I - I'm just lucky Sir," I lied. That answer earned me another slap. His cock lined up behind my hole and he pressed it against. My hole wanted it, I tried my best to maneuver my hole to get him to slip in. Finally, it was pressing against the second obstacle inside me, I took a deep breath out and he slipped in, and fucked me with just the tip, I started to beg for the whole thing. After a bit of getting half fucked, he shoved all the way in. Drunk, poppered up, horny as fuck, I still recognized this cock. I met his second thrust but allowed it to bounce me forward enough for him to pop out of my ass and I spun around quickly. "You're 10inchscorpion!" I said, sitting up half turned to him in his bed. I was looking at the "famous" pozzing star that no one has really seen before. But that cock was unlike any other, I knew it was him, and he was Katie's roommate. He climbed on the bed and placed a hand on my mouth pushing me down to the bed below him. "And that stays between you and me you fuck, I will beat you senseless and you won't get this cock again if this gets out." I wouldn't mind him beating me senseless, as long as he continues to use my ass. I nodded, unable to answer. Then for the first time, 10inchscorpion entered my ass as I looked into his eyes.
    11 points
  2. Yesterday I was contacted by a guy I met at a sex party weeks ago, before I went on vacation. He had fucked me there and then dumped a few loads in me when he went home with me afterwards because he wasn't done yet. Quite attractive guy, very nice thick cock and great stamina 😉 Last night we only played for an hour or so but his cock hardly left my hole and he pumped two loads in me. He fucked a load out of me handsfree when he was pounding my ass doggy cumming for the 2nd time. Horny fucker. Just what I needed!
    7 points
  3. To start with, I am a Dutchman. This text is therefore written in Dutch and has been translated via google translate ... Part 1 Jason was 19 years old and a good guy, he got good grades in college, had a girlfriend and lots of friends. He had a normal life, until his girlfriend left him because she thought he was too normal and too good. There he was, alone in a big city with no girlfriend and friends who sat at home because they were already at work. After a few weeks he had worked through the grief and decided to do some work on himself. He got himself a subscription in the gym and started working out. After a few months in the gym this began to bear some fruit and you could already see a nice six pack. Of course, he had also met some of the regulars and some friendships began to form. One of them was Mike, a muscular man of 38 years, nicely tanned and very handsome. Mike had a crush on Jason from day one. When Jason first came into the gym Mike thought, I want that young guy in my stable to use. He had a plan to bring him in. After seeing him a few times, he went next to him at the weights and said he was training wrong. Mike wanted to help Jason with his exercises so he wouldn't overwork his muscles. Jason thought this was nice of Mike and they got to talking. Now several months later, Jason and Mike began to develop a friendship. That's what Jason thought anyway, but Mike had a plan and a mission. Mike asked Jason what he had to do that weekend. Jason said not much just hang out with my friends and have a drink. Mike said don't you come to the gym party here. I should come alone and I know people here but it would be more fun if you came too. Jason as good as he was could not say no and said ok why not. The weekend is always the same so a change can't hurt. They agreed that Jason would come to Mike's house and they would come here together. Mike thought to himself, this is the moment. From now on, you're mine. Saturday at 7pm Jason arrived at Mike's house, he lived in a detached house in a cul-de-sac where there were only 2 other houses and they were not occupied. He rang the bell and Mike opened the door. Come in he said and have a drink first the party only starts at 8 pm and we don't want to be the first ones there and the rest of the guys will only be there at 10 pm. Yes is good said Jason, to be the first one there would be a bit weird. Mike took Jason to the living room and sat down on the couch. Do you want something to drink said Mike, yes said Jason but preferably something fresh first. No problem said Mike and went to the kitchen. When he came back with the drinks and gave a cola to Jason. He said it is not an ordinary cola but one that a friend of mine makes, he is trying to start a line of sodas. I hope you like it, if you don't like it just tell me what you don't like about it and I'll let him know so he can update his product. What Jason didn't know was that there was just GHB in his drink and that Mike was trying to cover it up. Mike put on his mega flat screen and they watched a random program on TV. Jason sipped his drink and thought it tasted a little strange but said he liked it, but thought to himself I would never buy it. After about 20 minutes Jason started to get a little warm and he felt a little lighter in his head. Mike saw this and thought the time was right to take his plan a step further. Shall I give you a tour of my house said Mike. Ok is good said Jason. Mike showed Jason the ground floor and then went upstairs. Upstairs they came to a room with a massage table. Hey said Jason, do you give massages. Yes said Mike. Would you like to get one from me, I am very good them. Gladly said Jason. He thought lying down will do me some good. Take off your clothes and lay down on the table. Jason did as he was told and took off his clothes and lay naked on the table with his face through the hole in the table. Mike took some oil and put it on Jason's back and started massaging him. Jason was totally relaxed by the firm hands that were massaging his back. This made the GHB start to do its job even better and Mike noticed this. What do you think about it Mike asked, Jason could hardly utter any more words and moaned something that looked like yes. Perfect Mike thought and he moved his hands towards Jason's beautiful bulging ass. Jason was a little startled but was so relaxed and high on the GHB that he couldn't do anything. Mike kneaded his ass and took some more oil and a shard of Tina. He carefully opened Jason's ass and stuck the shard of Tina in his hole. Jason who was high was shocked by the finger in his ass and said half understanding what are you doing, this is not part of a massage. Mike said sorry but my hands were slipping from the oil. Jason could still place it in his condition and laid back down. He got hot and felt something burning and said this to Mike. Mike said this was probably from the oil and it would pass. Jason started to get even hotter than he already was and also felt a weird feeling in his ass. The feeling that something must be put in there. He was starting to get horny and Mike noticed. As Mike continued to massage Jason began to moan. This was the moment Mike had been waiting for all along. A handsome straight guy who was moaning under his hands. After he finished massaging Jason's legs he said he was done and Jason wanted to get up but from the table but needed help from Mike. Mike said, you can't go to the party like this. You know what, let's go to the next room and lay down on the bed. The room was dark and Mike put Jason on the bed. Jason, who at that moment wanted nothing more than to get something in his ass, was writhing on the bed and was stroking his hole with his fingers. As weird as he thought it was but Jason wanted to get to his hole and stick his fingers in it. Mike was pleased with what he saw and went into the next room to take off his clothes and put on his harness. When Mike came back into the room he saw that Jason was fingering himself and saw that his eyes were in his head like flying saucers. Jason said he didn't know what was going on with him. Mike did know and thought this is just the beginning for you. The room Jason was in was actually Mike's playroom and he opened up one of his closets and took out some wristbands and anklets. Jason who was busy with himself didn't even notice this. Mike sat down next to Jason and said how is it going friend. I don't know said Jason but I feel so horny and dirty. I will help you said Mike and put on the ankle straps and clicked them to the bed. What are you doing asked Jason. Nothing he said, I'm just helping you. As he put on the wrist straps Jason looked at Mike and said why are you doing this. Well said Mike because you shouldn't play with your pussy but I will for you. Jason who was so flighing high was slow to process this in his head and before he knew it he was strapped to the bed. Although Jason realized that he was tied to the bed and couldn't get out, he really just wanted to feel something in his ass. Mike said how do you feel slut. Jason looked at Mike and said he didn't want this and that he is not a slut. To which Mike said, from the first moment I saw you I knew you were a cum slut, only you didn't know it yet. From now on you will learn that you are a cum slut and will want nothing more than to get cum in you. Jason who could think a little more clearly said no, but still he felt in his ass that weep for something that would be put in his hole. Mike said, I will prepare you slut, are you ready. Jason struggled a little but couldn't get a move on. Mike put a gas maker on Jason's face and took his pipe filled with Tina, lit it and blew big white clouds into the mask of his future slut. Jason who didn't know what was happening and was saying no, couldn't help but breathe in the clouds. The more he breathed in of it the hornier, calmer and warmer he became. When Mike felt it was right he took off the mask. How do you feel slut he asked. Jason's eyes turned away and could only half utter something resembling a moan. Now the real work begins Mike thought. He took another shard of Tina and put it in his slut's ass who was no longer resisting. Jason recognized this burning sensation and let himself go completely. He was also happy with the finger in his ass but it didn't stay there long. Mike turned on the lights in the room and then you could see that room was fully furnished with fuck bench, sling, a cross. On the walls hung gags, harnesses, dildos, buttplugs , whips , ... Mike untied Jason from the bed, he couldn't walk away now anyway because he was completely high and had to be helped to stand up. Mike brought him to the fuck bench and laid him over it and secured him. Jason's feet were in a large bucket. Now we are going to make a real slut out of you said Mike, he took depilatory cream and smeared Jason with it. His cock, balls, chest and ass. After 10 min he rinsed him off and all the hair was gone. Mike took a syringe of lukewarm water and sprayed it into Jason's ass. He did not know what he felt or what happened and let the water out and all the dirt came with it. Now you are ready Mike said. Jason who got a gag in his mouth and the drool ran out. Mike took one of his whips and slapped Jason's ass. Jason gave out a cry with each stroke. After 10 strokes Mike asked are you a slut to which Jason tried to say no but couldn't because of the gag and because he was high. Mike hit harder and after 10 strokes he asked again. Jason wanted it to stop and gave in and said yes I am a slut. Good said Mike. He took the ball out of his mouth and asked, are you my slut ? Jason who didn't want any more strokes immediately said yes. I am your slut. Good said Mike, from now on you can call me master. Ok master said Jason. Can I go now he asked. No said master from now on your training starts. Jason shed some tears because he didn't want to, but he still felt horny and still wanted something in his ass. Master stroked his slut and went to the wall and took his smallest dildo. He took lube and stood next to it and showed it to Jason. This one goes in your ass slut he said. Jason tried to shake his head of no but somewhere he was also happy that he was finally going to get something in his empty felt ass. Mike sat down behind him on his stool and lubed up the ass hole. was not allowed to start too hard or that this could immediately reduce the fun and prevent the seed he wanted to plant in his new slut head from growing. He wanted to make Jason a real cumdump and that did require some expertise. Jason felt something pressing against his ass and from the bump he had already gotten his hole had already loosened up a bit and he felt that little dildo slide into him. Even though it hurt he felt a sense of relief in his ass because it was now getting filled. Even though he didn't want it his ass started to ride against that dildo to feel it deeper inside him. Mike saw that it was coming good and took it a step further by starting to fuck his new slut ass with the dildo. Jason didn't know what was happening to him but he began to moan, not in pain but in pleasure. He wanted it to stop but then again, he didn't. His mind was giving him conflicting feelings. After a few minutes master thought it was good and stood up took a slightly larger butt plug and stuck it in Jason's ass. Ready for the next step slut he said. Jason didn't know what to do or think anymore so cautiously nodded yes. Mike took and mouth spreader and placed it in Jason's mouth. Now that his mouth was spread wide open, Master could put a man's cock in Jason's mouth for the first time. He removed his cock from his jockstrap, a firm thick cock of 6 cm thick and 22 cm long came out. Jason saw this and knew what was about to happen and wanted to say no but couldn't because of the spreader. Now you are going to learn to suck your masters cock he said. He took his dick and put it in his sluts mouth, Jason started to gag but Mike didn't listen to that. After a few minutes of face fucking his slut like that the master thought it was time for him to really learn how to suck a cock. He took off the mouth spreader and took his electro clamps and placed them on his slut's tina cock. Ok said master now you are just going to suck my cock like a true slut. And don't think you will bite me. I don't want to feel any teeth either and if I don't satisfied then you will feel this. Whereupon he sent a surge of electricity through his slut's cock. Jason gave a cry and knew he didn't want to feel this again. He opened his mouth and master came closer with his stiff pole. Master stuck it in Jason's mouth. Jason started to suck but didn't open his mouth enough so master felt teeth and gave him a power surge. Jason who was shocked and wanted to do better because he didn't want another burst of electricity. Master gave his new slut instructions so he did better and after a while Jason didn't mind sucking his masters pole either. Little by little he resigned himself to his new role, a slut. His mind still struggled a bit but he was so drugged that he didn't feel like resisting too much anymore. His ass felt good because there was a plug in it and he also liked the taste of his master's cock. Master wanted to reward his slut and felt he would squirt. He took hold of Jason's head and said here comes your first reward slut. Make sure you keep everything inside and later before you swallow you show the reward you got from master. Jason got scared of getting seed in his mouth but again he resigned himself to his new role. Master pushed his cock into his mouth one last time and squirted several thick jets into Jason's mouth. He removed his pole from the slut's mouth and said show Master your reward. Jason opened his mouth where master saw his seed. Now you may enjoy your reward, swallow slut. Jason tried to swallow but started gagging. Master laughed and said swallow I said. Whereupon Jason swallowed. Master asked and was it nice your first portion of seed. Jason who was already starting to think more clearly wanted to say something but master slapped his ass and said. You just have to say yes master. Jason couldn't help but say Yes Master. He knew that Jason hoped it would stop here but master thought otherwise. I need to pee said master and you need some moisture. You will now learn not to waste what master gives you. Open your mouth slut. Jason hesitated, but knew if he didn't he would get a power surge. Jason's mouth was open and master took his cock put it in Jason's mouth and said, drink everything slut or you know what's next. Jason started gagging as master started pissing into his slut mouth but did his best to keep it all in. The idea that he was drinking piss broke him and from now on he fully complied with his role. Master's chem piss gave Jason an extra boost. But master didn't think this was enough. He put a collar around Jason's neck attached a chain to it and untied Jason from the couch and led him to the sling. Jason, who was unsteady on his feet, followed. Lie down here said master and Jason lay down in the sling. Master attached the legs and arms to the sling and blindfolded Jason. You are not doing bad slut said master. You are not there yet but you will be. Mike was pleased with what he had already accomplished and now moved on to the next step in the slut's training. Jason felt his biceps being tightened and wondered what was happening. He felt something weth on his arm and a brief sting. Now we are going to fly said the master, from now on you will become a real cumdump and you will beg for it. Even though he was broken, Jason thought begging for cum I don't think so. But when the band of around his arm was done he felt something welling up in his throat, he had to cough and it got hot everywhere and .... His eyes turned away and all he could think about was what the master's last words were. CUM . He wanted cum and preferably as much as possible, he wanted his ass fucked. He said this out loud too, I want cum and fuck me , fuck me, use me pleas. That's the way I like it said master. But you have to earn master's cock in your ass first. Please fuck me master I will do anything for it said Jason. Although he was shocked to hear himself say this he really wanted nothing more. Master took the plug out of Jason his ass and because of that Jason felt empty and cried out that he wanted something in hole. Master said patience slut I will fill it for you right away, but you don't talk like that to your master, you need to know your place and gave a power surge to his slut. Jason knew he had been wrong and said sorry master I won't do it again. Master had brought a larger dildo and smeared some lube on his slut's hole which was already open a bit. He stuck the dildo in his ass and Jason was ecstatic. More master, please give me more. If you want more said master, then you will have to earn it anyway said he. At that moment the door of the room opened and 3 more men came in, very muscular. They were naked and had big fat cocks. Mike hadn't lied about the others coming to the party later. Only he had not said that they would come to his house to celebrate the birth of a new slut. Come on in men said Mike, it's party time. We have a new cumdump and he is ready for it. Jason who was so horny looked at the men's cocks and opened his mouth and said use me rape me I am yours as long as I get your seed and you fill my hole. So willing said master. You do know what you are asking he said. You do know that from now on you are mine and you will do what I tell you. Yes said Jason, I am yours and want to serve you master. Well said master, if you want my dick in your hole you will have to get them stiff first. Just show what you have already learned. The first Brad, stood next to him and offered the slut his pole, Jason took it in his mouth and began to suck. Good said Mike, I will give you what you deserve. He removed the dildo from Jason's ass and pushed his stiff pole inside. Jason felt complete and for the first time he embraced what was happening. He enjoyed Master's cock in his ass, Brad's cock in his mouth and the 2 other men who were watching him being used. He forgot that he actually liked women and believed that he was actually made to be used Brad who thought it was horny what he saw couldn't hold back any longer and squirted his first seed into Jason's slut mouth. Jason was willing and swallowed it all nicely and licked Brad's pole clean. While Master gently fucked Jason's new slut pussy. When Jason was done licking Brad's pole clean, master began to fuck harder. Master said, are you ready slut. Are you ready for your new life as a cumdump to serve as a fuck slave for real men. Yes master said Jason, I want you to give me your seed and further train me to be a real slut who knows what its place is and can make real men enjoy themselves. Good said master then you will now get your first reward in your pussy and he squirted his second load of the night into his slut's pussy. Jason felt empty when master's cock was out of his hole, and said he wanted more. No problem said master we will fill you plenty more this evening. But first we need to get you ready so you know you are a real slut. Alex is a tattoo and piercing artist. Tomorrow he will provide you with your first ink but now he will already provide you with 2 gems. Ok master said Jason, I am yours and you can do whatever you want with me. Alex came and stood next to Jason and got his things out. He took a needle and disinfected Jason's nipples, pressed them together, put a needle through them and placed a nipple ring, he did the same with the other nipple. Master said so we can play with that later. Nick stood up and said I have to pee. Master said, our slave knows what to do. Jason heard what master said and opened his mouth. But Nick said shut your mouth, I will give you a booty bump with my chem piss and stuck his half hard cock in the ass of Jason who enjoyed the pole in his loose and wet pussy. Nick emptied his bladder into Jason's ass and Master was already standing by with a butt plug to keep everything nice and inside. It was a plug with a tail on it. When the plug was in place Jason was removed from the sling and told to crawl on all fours like a puppy. Jason obeyed and crawled on all fours. Master told him to crawl over to Nick and Alex and thank them for their gifts. Jason obeyed and crawled over to Alex and Nick who were sitting next to each other in the seat. Alex offered his pole to Jason willingly took it in his mouth. Meanwhile Nick was standing right next to Jason and Jason took Nick's pole in his hand and began to stroke him. After a while he switched and gave Nick a blowjob and jerked Alex. Master, meanwhile, was preparing the room for the second phase of the evening.
    5 points
  4. A month ago in airport parking garage. Was super horny and about to leave for flight. Logged into Grindr looking for tops. Found a hot hung Asian mixed guy horny and looking and ready now! He drive 15 min to airport and was going to meet meet me in family restroom. I sat outside waiting on bench where I could see door, not knowing if he’d be late I didn’t want to stay inside forever. Big mistake. A female employee went inside and stayed for over 10 mins. He was in parking garage and I was beyond horny. Met him there and has already taken an edible so was way horny. Had jock on (always travel with it on and douched in case I can take airport loads). I walk up and he bends me over open side door, pulls my pants down and tells me to hit his poppers. I get really slutty and beg for his cock….he proceeds to finger and lick my hole, making me hornier. I rock my ass, arching my back and presenting my horny, wet and smooth hole. he finally pushed in a proceeds to pound me be the next thirty me over the hood, side door, in the back dumping three kids inside me as I beg for more and more cum. We could have kept going, but finally I had to catch my flight. Went through security, cum leaking down my leg, feeling it on my three hour flight. fucking amazing.
    5 points
  5. THIS STORY IS FICTION AND RESPOSTED: I was 18 when I had my first slam. A freshman in college, I met a guy in his 40s online with huge muscles and a big fat cock and he invited me over to “party and get wild.” I thought he meant drinks and dildos, maybe some piss. I was a pig and knew from a young age I liked things wild. I used to do things like piss on myself and cum on my face as early as 10, rock hard with excitement. I hadn’t been with many experienced dudes so when he told me he was gonna use me real nasty I got hard and wrote back yes. When I showed up at his house I saw pipes and needles. I’d smoked tina before but never really felt anything, I was used to mollies and G and wanted something that was going to make my eyes roll and my heart race. He asked if I’d ever done a slam and I had to ask him what it was. He told me it was shooting T and I immediately said yes. The idea of shooting up dope aroused me. I’d never done it before but it felt dirty, wrong, and mischievous. I wanted to push my limits so I gave him my arm, not knowing what to expect. The rush hit me hard. He put like .5 all at once and I felt a warmth take over my body. I felt it spread to my chest, tickle my balls, and reach all the way to my toes. I was breathing heavily like I’d just been fucked hard. Then suddenly, I was touching myself, feeling my body, ripping my clothes off to feel the cool air stroke my naked body. My cock fell out and started filling with blood. It became engorged, stood straight up, hard as rock. My hole pulsed and quivered and I felt an overwhelming feeling of filth and deviance. ”How do you feel?” He asked. ”Like a fucking dirty whore. I want to get used like a slut and be a total pig.” I replied. ”Tell me you’re a faggot and you love cock.” ”I’m a fucking faggot and I live for cock.” I replied. ”Good boy. Show me.” He ordered. I bent over and showed him my pussy hole, stretching it with my fingers and punching it lightly with my fist. It felt so good to show off, to be a tweaked out junkie cum slut. He passed me a dose of G and a few minutes later I felt like I was in heaven or maybe hell, consumed by carnal pleasure and moaning at every touch. He ordered me to get down on my knees as he slowly started to fuck my throat, spitting in my mouth to lube the way and plunging his fat tool into my face over and over as I gagged, choked, and saliva ran down my face — his and mine. He grabbed the back of my head and slammed his cock deep into my skull, using my mouth as a hole to get his fat dick hard and ready to breed. ”You like that slam? Ready for another?” He asked. I thought it was too soon but it was also too late. He already had another one prepared and ready to go. This time he asked me to get on all fours while he administered me. And told me to show him how much a pig I am when the rush hit. He stuck the point in my arm and shot me up and then I felt the hot rush again, shooting through my veins and getting my dick rock hard. I was bent over so I reached around and spread my hole open begging him to use it and make me his pig. After he did a slam himself he put four fingers into my hole, making me want to cry and moan at the same time which I did. Then he put his other four fingers in my hole. With all eight fingers he started pulling my hole open as I screamed with pleasure, feeling used and tortured but fucking amazing. He thrust his fingers in and out, pushing harder each time, until I felt four fingers grow to five and then fiver fingers grow to a fist. He pushed one fist into my pussy slow but forcefully, stretching my hole wide open and fisting me wrist deep. The G and slam had me sweating, and I could barely catch my breath as he ripped open my hole, spit inside it and begin fucking me raw with his giant tool, stroking it inside my hole and fucking my loose hole like a slut. I felt powerful, dominated, dirty, and used. It was an incredible feeling. He continued to breed my hole for hours, taking breaks to piss, once in my mouth and once in my hole, and he fed me water (or maybe it was more G) from his mouth into mine. Wet, bred, and used, the chems had made me a total fucking cum slut and I wanted more. A couple hours later he got on Grindr to pimp out my hole to random dudes in the neighborhood. He asked if I would take cock from anyone, I replied “Yes, anybody.” He said he wanted to watch his cum slut take loads on all fours and I begged for more drugs. I knew I wanted to be fucked up with zero inhibitions, and I was ready. He told me to beg for drugs then beg for dicks and I did both, pleading for each on my knees. He laughed with evil delight as he told me he would make my fantasies come true. I don’t remember how much cock I took that night and how many guys I let use my hole but it was one of the most memorable experiences I ever had. My true pig was let out and I let go. We met a few times after that but lost contact after a while. I became consumed with slamming and taking anon loads in my campus dorm, word got around quickly and I had closeted frat guys texting me all week asking if they could breed my hole. - From a junkie college cum slut.
    4 points
  6. Since this thread has resurfaced, it seems like a good place to post a link to an excellent article about where poppers actually come from: [think before following links] https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/davidmack/poppers-factory Interesting stuff. Possibly the most interesting part of it is that regardless of what’s on the label, the contents of the bottle are the same product. Isobutyl nitrite = isobutyl nitrite. There aren’t different kinds of isobutyl nitrite. There aren’t different strengths of isobutyl nitrite. You can add things to it to give it an odor (like the Double Scorpio formulations) but the active ingredient is exactly the same, and sometimes the bottle of Rush gets filled by the same machine that just filled bottles that had Iron Horse labels put on them. It’s all about marketing - they can take two identical bottles, label one as Jungle Juice and the other as Jungle Juice Black Label, and the customer will pay more for the second bottle. And yes, I’m afraid we do. Apparently, the little brown bottle you just dropped $20 to get costs $1 to make. It’s sold to a distributor for around $5, who sells it to a retailer for around $7, who sells it to a chump like you or me for anywhere from $15-$25. Oh, and that “Power Pak Pellet” they advertise? It’s there to absorb any water that might get into the bottle and weaken the chemical reaction. It’s a preservative - it doesn’t pak any power of any kind. It’s like calling your socks ‘foot armor’. The only time there is going to be an actual, as in not-all-in-your-lust-fevered-imagination, difference in the effect if a bottle of poppers is if you use poppers made from a different type of alkyl nitrite. The types used in poppers are: propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, amyl (aka pentyl), isoamyl (aka isopentyl), and (possibly, though I haven’t come across one containing it yet) octyl nitrite. In the United States, all of the major brands of poppers are most likely going to be isobutyl or isopropyl, and some online sellers clearly state that they only sell isobutyl poppers. That’s a good thing - isopropyl can cause eye damage. Avoid isopropyl whenever possible. Overseas, butyl/isobutyl is regulated in places, so isopropyl and isopentyl(isoamyl) are what’s available. There may be some discernible difference in the action of the substance depending on which nitrite is at play. But if, for instance, you swear by that bottle of Blue Boy and think that bottle of Rush is weak... that’s in your head. They’re both the same damn thing in different packaging. There might be a little scent added to fool your nose. A 2019 Australian government study tested the chemical composition of various bottles of poppers. Result: RUSH Original, SUPER RUSH - Black Label (with Power Pellet),Blue Boy, Colt,Jungle Juice Black Label Extreme Formula, Jungle Juice Platinum, Premium Iron Horse, Amsterdam - all the same thing, isobutyl nitrite. Liquid Gold, Trip, Scream, Everest Enjoy It!- isopropyl nitrite. Gate!, Everest Premium, Adler, Fist - isopentyl (isoamyl) nitrite. As a final note - Maximum Impact - NOT POPPERS. DANGEROUS AS FUCK. Look for topics where it’s discussed on here, but do not mistake it for poppers.
    4 points
  7. Part 1 I stepped out of my office and checked the list for tonight, it was Friday one of my busiest times of the week ready for the weekend and the events have all been set up. At 26 years old I would have never imagined owning a business like I do but it has been very lucrative as of yet. My name is Samuel at 26 I am 6'4 black hair 235 lb of muscle thanks to my many visits to the gym and also thanks to my Nordic heritage I have black hair and blue eyes my hair is long enough that I'm able to wear a ponytail and I usually have it up for times like this. My business is I own a gay campground that's adheres to many a gay man's wishes, it has been pretty popular in the four years I've owned it with many nights and days of hot sexy gay men coming by to release their innermost desires. There are many stations all over the campground as well as a deep dense forest for many cruising moments. Tonight's event was the foam party as well as the new initiations to the club. What some now and some don't know is there a special section in the campground reserved only for poz men and those looking to be converted. That was the after event specials for those looking for it. The only way to gain entry is if another HIV positive member brings you along or if you make a reservation for that on the website and signing the disclosure agreements. I looked at the list of reservations for the poz event and was happy to see how many names signed up that I recognized and had a bunch of newcomers. The special for the newcomers who sign up for the HIV poz event and those who bring them have their fees waived for entry as long as they themselves bring proof that they are hiv-positive mostly a test showing of their HIV positive status and same goes with the negative guys. Another thing with the newcomers is that those who come in for the HIV positive event get to stay a full week at my campground to help groom them and make sure that they convert all expenses paid. I have been able to make a lot of money off these events so I'm able to accommodate for their long-term stay and it's always a pleasure to help keep them around to make sure the bug takes. It was now around 8:00 it was picking up greatly everyone was excited to get to the foam party but before that everyone was just enjoying themselves in the pools clubs cruising areas and just all around enjoying some awesome sex. I have cameras set up all over the campground and went to my office to look at the feeds and join all the new and returning flesh on flesh action. The foam party started in 2 hours so I decided to go out and mingle with some of my guests. I put on my full leather gear with my harness chaps boots and cap as well as swapping out my nipple rings for the bigger ones that I always wear to events. I never wore underwear while wearing my chat so that way my nine inch cock would always be on display with my thick PA showing below my bright red biohazard tattoo and my heavy balls underneath. Another part of me being the owner that I love the most is taking apart and all the sex around me with most not knowing I'm the owner but I could never pass off the opportunity to pass along my strain to any and all around me. On my way to the club I nodded the DJ into my bartenders because they were the only ones that knew I was the owner and made my way to the dance floor with all the other jocks twinks daddies otters and bears that littered the dance floor and started grinding up on the nearest one I could grab. The twink I grabbed started grinding on me hard while making out with me grabbing my cock and stroking it making me leak like a faucet which always happens. When I reached my full hardness in his hand he gasped at his length and girth and turned around to start pushing his tight hairless hole onto my rod. My pre-cum was enough to start graciously lubing his hole as he pushed further on to my cock and gasped as the head slipped past his ring and went further down. He slipped down further and further pausing to make it easier to accommodate my thick tool and it didn't take long until he bottomed out feeling my balls against his ass. His body was covered in a sheen of sweat as he picked up speed fucking himself on my tool but he was going to slow for me so I grabbed the back of his harness and started pile driving my cock into his hole feeling it's warm velvet open to accept what he really wanted. Going at the speed for twink long and cried in both pain and pleasure not wanting each moment to end begging me to make him his bitch and fill him to the brim with my creamy load. I gave him his wish and pounded him harder and faster growling in his ear for him to take my dick and he was about to get my gift he was wishing for. With one final thrust I buried my cock in at the hilt and yelled for him to take my poz cum loud enough for anyone around watching to hear that this Twink was getting bred by a poz stud. When the Twink finally caught his breath as he slipped off my cock with a pop I could see some of my load leak down his puffy red anus and he turned to me and asked if I was really was poz or was I kidding? I said to him I have been HIV poz for 7 years and never on any meds with making my viral load over 2 million so I'm highly toxic. I can see if the look of panic in his eyes as he soaked it in and started to cry a bit I asked him if he was okay he said that he was only 18 was afraid of being HIV positive. I seeked to calm him and took him to my office help calm him down and to accept what most likely is going to happen to him now. Once in my office I gave him a glass of water which he greatly accepted and sat with him holding him until he stopped sobbing. I told him that it's not a total death sentence of being HIV positive but for him to now look at it as a release that he would never have to worry about having sex the condom and could enjoy the freedom of pure bareback sex with no limitations. He seemed to calm down with hearing that and I could tell he was still turned on because he had a hard-on in his Andrew Christian Jock underwear and while he was calming down I started to slide my finger to his wet hole finger my load in more and more scratching him a little bit to make sure my gift took. He seem to enjoy it and before long we were both fully naked with me in his ass again fucking him like crazy and depositing a second high viral load up his ass. Once we were done with the second round I explained to him that I was the owner of this campground and because he was the first to get my load tonight he was invited to go to the HIV event tonight after the foam party and other events were over and I offered him the week stay with no charge and he gladly accepted it as he now gladly accepted his fate as my poz pup. I gave him my cell phone number and told him to go out and enjoy the rest of the events and text me whenever he got close to the time of the poz event so that way he could start making his way to it. He smiled at me and gave me a deep kiss telling me thank you for opening me up to this new experience and that he was looking forward to more times like this and to help pass along the gift I gave him. With that we both put on our clothes again and I carried him on my shoulders back out into the parties and got a rousing cheer and applause from all the other men around when they saw us walking back into the club, the DJ announced that it was 30 minutes till the foam party and that anyone joining in to make their way to the designated area with their tickets of entry and to be ready for a wild night. Thank you for reading this please let me know what you think and stay tuned for the next part
    3 points
  8. Damn eating ass has always been my favorite thing especially when whacked. I woke up craving ass, not one but a line of guys who want their asses licked and sucked on.
    3 points
  9. I squirmed on the backseat hovering between awake and reality, he opened the front passenger door and rummaged about before slamming the door and returning to me on the back seat, he held a bottle to my mouth “drink”, I drank the liquid, it tasted foul but he held it until I had drained the bottle, he then hoisted my leg up and fingered my bumhole with more of the stinging stuff, he put some gaffer tape over my mouth and then handcuffed me “I don’t want you making noise or causing shit understand boy?” I sort of gurgled and nodded, he grinned “you like getting high, I am getting you high, you’ll be thanking Daddy for everything I do very soon”. The ride was a bit of a blur, the streetlights seemed to burst into prisms of light as we drove through the streets, it was almost magical and held my attention. We ended up at a house on the coast, it was secluded lonely I remembered the line from alien “in space no one can hear you scream”. He opened the back door, “you going to behave?” I nodded, he undid the handcuffs and ripped the gaffer tape from my mouth, “prove it boy”, I pulled myself up as best I could and kissed him, he grinned down at me “good boy”. Once in the house he dumped me on the sofa and then came back with a syringe, even in my state I managed to whine “I don’t like needles”, he tied off my arm, “believe me boyo you’ll learn to love them”, he injected me and then held my arm up as he released the tie, I coughed and coughed, my mind a kaleidoscope of colours and I was hungry, hungry for cock. He fingered my hole, “is that pussy getting hungry boy?”, I just sort of ‘mmmmmm’d’ He grinned as he lit a cigar “yeah you’re ready, now get on your knees and suck my cock, get it good and hard”, got on my knees as he unleased the beast, it was semi hard as I took it in my mouth and started sucking, he put his hand on my head “in time you’ll be taking it all down your throat, but first you’ll be taking it up your little boi pussy”, I gagged on his cock when he said this and he chuckled “don’t worry with all the chems you have in your system you’ll take it easy” My first lesson was extraordinary I must admit I was shocked how right he was, he held my hips hard “you’re doing just fine baby” about of a third of his cock was up my arse, he was determined but almost gentle “now relax boy, push out like I told you” I groaned and did as he said and another few inches slipped up me, “atta boy, told you it would fit in your little cunt, just a bit to go” My mind was all over the place but my hole was so hungry, I felt stretched impossibly wide I felt pain but more really just an exciting lovely feeling of being penetrated. The words rang a memory in my head, as he bottomed out and started to fuck me “that’s a good boy!”, “in and out we go”. And in and out he went deflowering me completely rearranging my innards to accommodate his cock, “yeah that’s a good boy, your boicunt is just made for daddy cock, he rode in and out of me “little virgin boy taking his first cock”, “oh yeah going to flood that little pussy soon”, he held my hips hard as he started fucking me harder “you were born for this boy” and then he grunted, his cock in me fully as I felt his cock spasm and his seed flooded every part of my young arse from the anus right up my rectum. It turned the university had been contacted that I was unwell by my ‘dad’ and I needed some time off, over the next week or probably longer, apparently as I was a ‘model’ student so they were fine and said for me to take all the time I needed. In other words, he could take all the time he needed, not that he wasted anytime at all. on a side note an inspiration of 'Daddy'
    3 points
  10. For days I had been looking forward to another visit to the adult bookstore. When Wednesday afternoon arrived, I pulled into the parking lot only to find a few vehicles. The last time that I visited on a Wednesday, there had been a huge crowd. As it turned out, I still had a good time even though the crowd didn't get much larger. I paid the admission and headed to the arcade area. A few of the regulars were hanging around, but not much going on at the time. I didn't have to wait long before a nice looking young Hispanic guy arrived and headed straight to the darkroom at the back. Of course, most of us followed him back there to see if what he was looking for. I wandered into the dark and found him leaning against the wall where another guy had already taken a spot next to him. They groped each other a little, but when the young guy unzipped I greedily dropped to my knees between them and grabbed his cock. Wow, a really big, thick uncut cock. I sucked him a little before the other guy reached in a started to stroke him. I stood and backed up to the young guy placing his cock on my hole. He grabs my hips and starts to push into me. It's so thick but I'm determined to take it. He keeps pushing into me to the point of moving me across the small room and onto the sofa. Leaning over the sofa, I struggled to take his large cock. It took him a while to work it into me, but he eventually flooded my hole with a nice creamy load. I fingered some out of me and tasted it. Great start to the afternoon. I move to the second sofa at the very back of the room. One of the regulars who has fucked me before comes over and whips out his cock. It's not very big, but he gets hard quick. I suck awhile before he grabs me and turns me onto my knees. He slides into me and it burns so much. That first thick cock had stretched me. We fuck awhile before he gets me on my back and pulls my ass to the edge of the sofa. With my legs over his shoulders, he pounds me for a good half hour. He pulls completely out and then pushes back in fully teasing me. I need to take a break, so I tell him I'll be back and head off to suck a couple of other guys. I swallowed loads from both of them before heading back to the darkroom. I go back to the sofa and find a guy stroking his cock. I sit next to him and then lean over and swallow his cock. While I'm sucking him, a guy comes up behind me and starts to finger me. It's the regular from earlier, back for more. He starts fucking me while I'm still sucking the other guy. A few minutes later I get loads from both. About twenty minutes go by before another guy joins me on the sofa and feeds me a load. I'm sitting there thinking it might be time to go when yet another guy makes his way through the dark and stands in front of me. I start sucking him and he tells me to get it hard and he will fuck me. He never gets fully erect, but hard enough that he works it into my hole. It takes awhile but he does put another anonymous load in me. It's not long before closing time and there's only two of us in the room. The other guy makes some comment and we have a little small talk about where we are from, what we are into and so forth. I think he's leaving and get up to follow. We move into another room playing gay porn. I take a seat and start stroking for him. He pulls out a very nice thick cock. He strokes out a nice load that I beg him to shoot on me. I catch much of the load and lick it from my hand and from the sofa while he watches. Not a bad afternoon, I can't wait to go back.
    3 points
  11. [think before following links] http://www.xvideos.com/video58085705/stop_
    3 points
  12. My name is Merk, I am 18 years old and until recently I have never had sex. My parents brought me up in church and kept me on a tight leash but once I turned 18, they pushed me out of the house and helped me get an apartment. They said that is what parents do for their kids. They would only pay for college if I went to a religious school. I chose community college and took grants and loans so I could afford it. I got to explore a lot with my classmates, and I was learning new music and even watched porn for the first time. I had made friends with a gay guy who was dating, and older guy and he had invited me out one evening and I joined not knowing what was going on, but Jess was funny, and he always made me laugh. Jess texted me the address and I made my way to his Boyfriends home and knocked, and this tall guy answered the door, and he was very attractive, Jess had told me he modeled, and I could see why. He invited me in and told me that Max would be down in a minute, and he introduced me to Dirk a friend of his also a model. He was all and good looking, more manly than Max’s boyfriend he looked Greek. The guy was very good looking also, I was suddenly uncomfortable, it suddenly felt like a date. My friend Joey came down and I pulled him aside and he swore it was not a date and that this tall model was a bi friend of his boyfriend, and he had no idea he was going to be staying over. He told me I had nothing to worry about since he said, the guy had a model girlfriend back home. I was sill a little uncomfortable but decided to go and have fun. We went to dinner and laughed and joked and had a great time and Joey’s boyfriend paid for it all. We went to a bar and had some drinks and played a game at the back table at the bar. It was a drinking game and each of us put a dare in and when you lost the bet you had to draw from the papers we had written on and put in the pile. I had written for you to kiss the guy to your right. I was sitting left of the Greek model and thought I would be safe since my friend Joey was beside me. Joey had written to kiss the guy on his right hoping to kiss his boyfriend. I pulled and almost put it back because it had kissing in, and I knew I was safe, but it was not in my handwriting, and it said right not left. I blushed and read it out loud that I needed to kiss the Greek God and before I could even move, he leaned in and kissed me. He was a heavy kiss and I thought it was a lot longer than it should have been and the more he kissed me I liked it. He broke off and said next and he put his hand on my leg. I felt like I should move it, but I did not and continued to play the game. So here I was in a bar with three guys, and it had to be a gay bar since guys were holding hands and all. Joey and his boyfriend said they had to get piss and left me with Acostus as he introduced himself to me. He picked up the piece of paper and leaned in and kissed me again. Deeper than before as he held my body. When he broke off the kiss, he guided me out of both and walked me out to the front of the bar and hailed a cab and we got in. I had no idea where we were going but he kissed me again and pulled me into him and held me till we got to his hotel and we wen tup to his room. I hesitated to go inside but he kissed me and pulled me into the room. I knew I should leave but he made me feel so good every time he kissed me, and he just started taking my clothes off. I went to stop him, but he kissed me and moved my hands away and continue to unbutton my jeans and push them down and unbutton my shirt and push it back and it fell off me. I was soon standing in my socks and underwear. He pulled off his shirt to a hairy chest and stomach that was totally defined and muscled and as I looked down his underwear were so full, and I could see the outline of his dick. It looked huge. I was shaking as he rubbed his hands on my skinny lean body and then he slides my underwear down and my dick was rock hard all 7” of it. He again leaned down and kissed me as he cupped my balls and dick and held them, and he lifted me up and placed me on the bed and leaned down and swallowed my dick whole and began to suck my dick and I could not help but moan and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. It was not long, and I spurted in his mouth, and he swallowed me and then came up and kissed me and held me on the bed and slipped off his underwear and I felt his big dick right against my back. He began to kiss my neck and then whispered that we should take a shower. When we got in the shower, he had a bag hanging from the shower and with a long nozzle, before I could ask, he kissed and turned on the water. When we broke the kiss, he turned me around and cleaned my back and then began to rub my ass and then my hole. It was slick and he slipped a finger in me, and it made me jump and he pulled me back and slide the nozzle from the bag in my hole and water began to fill up my hole and he kissed my neck and when he slid out the nozzle, he said hold I baby. I did and he turned the shower off and then dried me off and lifted me on the toilet set and left the room and I let out all that water and shit also came out. I was a bit mortified and then he came back and told me I was a good boy and he cleaned up my hole let me to the bedroom and gave me a drink. I soon became dizzy, he brought me back to the bed and kissed me all over and then rolled me over and ate my hole. I moaned and loved it and could not believe how amazing it felt even though I was only half there. He slide his finger and then another inside me and then I felt something sharp and a minute later heat throughout my body and he really began to play with my hole and he had three fingers inside me and I started to get loud so he stopped and I thought maybe it was over but he slide a ball gag in my mouth and then began to rub his big dick on my hole and before I knew better he pressed it against my hole and pressed inside me as I screamed into the ball gag. His dick was so big, and my ass hole was so small, it still hurt even though he had drugged me up. Tear were forming and running down my face and I screamed but it was so muffled no one could hear. He hit the tv and made sure of it and continued to pummel my ass and I hard him groan and he came in me. It was the first time I even thought about a condom after he had already cum inside me and pulled his dick out. He left me there with the ball gag in and when I went to take it off, he made a noise and said no. I put my hands back and he soon tied them so I could not do that again and a few minutes later he got back in place and fucked me for another twenty minutes and shot another load inside me. He used me three times like that before he took the ball gag off and gave me something to drink. I was so thirsty, and he pulled out a massage table and he put me up on it and began to massage my legs and back and then my ass. He slides something else sharp inside me and I got warm again and then after ten minutes he brough me back to the bed and spooned me and he slide his big dick back in me and I took him and began to moan. That night I took five loads and in the morning we both got up and showered and he ordered room service and we had breakfast. He wrote his number and told me to text him at 2 and he would know when he was going to be off work. Fuck, did he think I wanted more of this. He practically raped me last night and I let him. He made out with me again and then pushed me out the door and I left and ordered an uber and went home and crashed, I was tired and sore but horny. I started to jack off and I remembered Cumming while he fucked me without any hands. Fuck does that mean I liked it. No, I quickly said to myself. I felt my hole and it was still wet and I jacked off and shot a huge load and feel asleep and woke up late afternoon around 11 to a text from Acastus telling me to be at his hotel at 3 PM and I did not respond. I was irritated that he was telling me to do anything. Another text that said babe. Please come to the hotel, I have a surprise for you. I responded that I would be there. I slept till two and then got up and showered. I walked to the Drug store and got an enema and cleaned out before I arrived and then headed over to his hotel. I knocked on his door and he opened it, he leaned down and kissed me as he closed the door. I loved how forceful he was as he made out with me, and he pulled my shirt off and dropped my shorts and lead me to the living room and that is when I found out we were not alone. Two guys were in the living room sitting on the coach and watching porn. Straight porn of all things. The one guys spoke up and said welcome cutie, he was grey haired, and he said this is my son Adam and I am Scott. Acastus slapped my ass and said introduce yourself boy and tell them what you like. My name is Merk I said and then I hesitated and another slap, I like to suck dick, kiss and get fucked sir. Scott said good boy. I have had little faggots service my dick when I was in the army and when I was sexless at home, but this is my son’s first time. He is 22 and as you see he has a huge dick. Adam made no eye contact and Scott motioned me over to sit between them. I did and my host left the room and Scott began to make out with me and grabbed my hand and put it on his dick. He had a nice dick probably 8 inches and thick. Adam was thick also and he had to be 10”. The dad pushed my head down after he broke the kiss and had me suck his dick as he played with my hole. He told Adam to spit on it and he spit once, and his dad rubbed it all over my hole and then two more times and then a finger slipped inside and then one more time Adam spit on my hole and then another finger. Scott finger fucked me with his big fingers and opened my hole up and then he told me to suck Adam. I move over to suck that big dick as Scott eat my hole and make me moan and while I was working Adam’s cock Scott slipped in and began to fuck me. I love his thickness and it was hot having Scott explain what was happening. The conversation below: Scott Son, you see how easy it is to get a fag to take your dick? Adam Yea, the fag just gave up his hole for us. Scott They are always ready to fuck and take your load and you can they can hot have your baby. Adam No need for abortions with fag cunt. Scott Exactly, you know how young cunt always think you are too big. Adam Yea, lots of college girls cannot take me Scott Fags are built to take big dick so wait till you get some of this amazing boy pussy. Adam How is this fag dad? Scott, He has one of the best I have had son, want to try it? Adam Fuck yea! Scott pulled out of me, and they traded placed, and I sucked Scott’s dick and while Adam pressed his big thick dick at my hole. He slide in and a little to fast and I jumped, and he pulled out and tried a little different angle and slowly slide his dick into me filling me up and making me moan. This guy was rough, and he fucked my hole deep and I soon began to yelp and whimper, and his dad covered my mouth wish his hand and he told his son to give me my fist load. Adam fucked me harder and after another five minutes of wrecking my hole he started to moan and finally called me a fucking whore take my load and he shot five to seven ropes of cum inside me. His dick flexed each time he shot so I could tell. He pulled out and his dad took his hand off my mouth and pulled my face up and spit in my mouth. Boy, you are just getting started and then Adam brough his wet cummy dick over for me to clean while dad spit on my hole and shoved his dick in me and fucked me for ten minutes and shot his load. I took another three loads from Adam and four from Scott. The last of his load down my throat as he face fucked me. Then Scott got dressed and Adam lead me back to a room I had not been in. It had a bed and lots of toys and he told me to climb up on the bed and face away from him and he snapped a few pics on his phone and uploaded them and his phone started to go off and he slipped a blindfold on me and got on the bed and guided me on him and helped me lower on his dick. My hole was open now so he slide me right down on his dick and began to slowly fuck my ass and then I heard his phone chime and he grabbed it and text back and he pulled me down and held me. When he grabbed me, I thought he was going to kiss me, I wanted to kiss him and then I heard the door to the room and someone undressing. The guy got on the bed and slapped his big dick on my back and then lubed up and Adam grabbed my head and wrapped his hand around my mouth as the guy jabbed and pressed his big dick against my filled hole and finally hit the right angle and his dick had started to press in and I felt like I was being slit in two. Even with the hand over my mouth you could hear me in the next apartment. I have never made that noise before as the new guys stretched my hole and pressed deep, he had to be as big as Adam and soon my hole had been fully penetrated, and they both let me breath and try to get used to being so fucking full of dick. The guy behind me sprayed something on a rag and slipped it in my mouth and I blacked out. It was impact and they both began to fuck me and when I came back, they had loosed me up and the guy who had surprised me and I had no idea what he looked like said fucking whore, take my load. You are one nasty fag as he pulsed his cum into me. He grabbed me and pulled my head back and sucked on my neck and gave me a hickey. Then he slowly pulled out as his dick got soft and Adam said one down. Holy fuck I thought, no way I can take more. The guy who had just cum spit on my back as he got ready and then left and I was there with Adam wanting to say I was done but Adam finally pulled me to him and kissed me. When the kiss broke, he said, you will be a good faggot for me won’t you. I said yes, without thinking and then I heard the door and Adam whispered, you promised now. The guy got on the bed just like the other guy had but he tossed something to Adam, I could not tell what it was but then he shoved it in my mouth and fastened it around my head. I later looked up what it was, and he had put a ball gag in my mouth. I tried to say something, but you could hardly hear anything coming up and what did was garbled. That is when the other guy handed Adam some popper and he put them under my nose and made me inhale and after four hits I was flying and the guy behind lubed up his dick and pressed it against my filled anus and he said, fuck we have a tight one bro. He worked my hole for several minutes and finally popped past my ring, I arched up in pain and tried to scream but it was no use, the guy behind me pressed me down and Adam wrapped his arm around my chest and held me. The guy inched his way inside me and slow fucked me for five minutes and then picked up the pace and fucked me hard for another five and shot his load inside me. He left his dick inside my battered hole and started to pull out once he got soft. He told Adam that his was the best hole so far. Fuck they had done this before, I thought I was his first. Here I was with the ball gag still in my mouth and cum in my ass and Adam told me he had shot his load in me too. He pulled out and I though it was over. He grabbed my hands and tied them together and then fastened them to the headboard and told me he would be back. He hopped up and got in the shower and the other guy left. My anus hurt and I had no idea why he had me like this it was truly fucked up. Then I head the door, there was a guy behind me. I turned to see who it was, but I could only see a shadow and then I heard him drop his pant and get up on the bed. He fingers felt my ass and then fingers started to finger me two at first and then three and finally four. He pulled them out and pressed his fat dick against my hole and I swear I felt as full as Adam and the last guy. The guy fucked me for ten minutes and shot his load inside me. He said nothing and left; I was sore after he was done. Adam came out of the shower and told me it was time to get cleaned up and that did well. He told me he would be in the living room as he took off my ball gag and untied me. He told me one of the guys cancelled so I would not be able to enjoy him until next time. I thought to myself, fuck there will not be a next time but did not say anything and went and showered and then came out in my towel. Adam handed me my clothes and said to get dressed. I slowly got dressed but noticed that my keys and wallet were missing. I walked into the living room and Adam said ready? I asked him if he wanted me to follow him, Adam grabbed my hand and told me and lead me out not saying a word. We got to his truck, and he said hope in Fag boy. What the fuck was it with everyone calling me a fag. I got in and when he was settled in the driver’s seat, I asked him where we were going. He said, home boy. I said my place, no little fag our home. I was puzzled but did not say anything. We arrived we went into this place it was one of the nicest places I had ever been. The furniture and décor was amazing. He asked me if I wanted something to drink and I said yes. He went to the kitchen and brought me back a drink and we talked for a couple minutes, and I suddenly became very sleepy and dozed off. While I was knocked out, he carried me down to the basement and put me in my room. It was more like a cell. It had a sink, toilet and shower but it had bars like a prison cell. He undressed me and put a cage on my dick and left me on the mattress to sleep. When I woke, here I was naked and a metal contraption on my penis in a cage. He left a note, when you wake take a shower and clean out your pussy fagboy. You have a date tonight. On the other side of the shower, you have clothes for your date. I showered and cleaned up and cleaned out. The shower had a wand for that. I dried off and I found a jock, tight shorts and a tight t-shirt and a pair of flip flops. I got dressed and waited and almost wanted to cry. Adam came and unlocked the cage, and I was excited if the date was with Adam. We went up stairs and Adam made me a drink and told me to drink it and I gulped it down and as we waited, I started to feel calm. The doorbell rang and I heard muffled discussion, and then I heard the guy say, let me see the merchandise. He entered, tall guys late 30’w early 40’s with an average face blonde hair and well bult. He turned to Adam and said that the pictures were accurate, and the boy will do. Here is the money, a thousand dollars and I will have him back in the morning. No fucking way, Adam was pimping me out. I stood up but had to sit back down because I was dizzy. The guy picked me up and put me over his left shoulder and carried me out to his van. He opened the back and there was a seat in a wood box, and he set me in it and fastened my feet and hands to the legs and arms and then closed the doors. He took off minutes later and we drove for a couple hours and finally arrived at an old house with a huge metal building behind the house. He left me in the van, and I could hear voices and then he came and opened the door and unfastened me and carried me again to the metal building in back. Once in the building he brough be over to a table and put a hood on me. It only covered my mouth and head, but my nose and mouth were visible. I now could not see at all. He turned up some music and guys came in. Here I was in the middle of no where and blindfolded. The guy unzipped his pants and pushed me to the ground and slapped my face with his big soft dick and I opened my mouth and the put his fat cock I my mouth and I sucked him and as he grow, I thought I would jack him to help him cum, but he pushed my hand away and said no hands fagboy. He began to fuck my throat and I put my hands up to resist the depth he was fucking my throat and he pulled out and gave me a break. I see you need to learn to listen, he grabbed my hands and tied them behind my back and said, when I say no hands: I mean no hands. He forced my mouth open and fucked my throat and made me gag and vomit a few times. He did not seem to mind, he seemed to like it he enjoyed because he told me I was a good boy every time it happened. He used my throat for twenty minutes like that and when I had sufficiently opened my throat, he shot his load down my throat. He pulled out and told me I was good fag boy and that I would get better at that before the party. He then cleaned up my face with a towel and lead me to a side room and attached a clasp to my left angle that was attached to a chain. He left my hands tied behind my back. I cried as I slowly walked and tried to find a place to sit. I had just found a spot when the door opened, and some guy walked in and spoke. Nice, that is all he said, and he walked over to me, and he too slapped my face with his big fat dick, and I sucked him, and he was not as thick, and I was able to take him better, but he still made me gag and choke on his dick. I did not vomit but had dry heaves twice and twenty minutes later he came down my throat. This happened two more times while I was in there. The next guy only made me gag and choke and the final guy I was able to deep throat and although I struggled for air with him, I had opened my throat enough to give him a great blow job. He said as much when he came down my throat. He left and I was still in the room with my hands behind my back. Ten minutes later and another guy came in and he cleaned me up and pulled off my shorts and untied my hands and took my shirt off. He left the jock on me, and he felt my cage and had to pull down my jock enough to see it and he said, that loos great on you. The guy was kind and he felt me all over and made me tingle and then he leaned in and kissed me, and I made out with him. He then turned me around and pressed me up on all four and at my hole. I was moaning and rubbing the cage, but my cock was not getting hard. He ate me for what seemed like fifteen minutes and then he helped me up and pushed on my shoulders and force his long thin dick in my mouth and fucked my throat and came in three minutes. He leaned in and kissed me again and then said, do not tell anyone I did this. I never at your beautiful ass, I never kissed, and I never fucked your face. Got it kid? The guy who paid for me came in and took my chin off and led me to a bench and helped me up and on and pushing me where I needed to go, and I was finally on it, and he fastened my legs first and then my arms and told me the fun was about to start. He whispered in my ear that he had just sent my boyfriend more money for a second night. Fuck, this fucking blows just as someone else came up and spread my ass cheeks and dove in and ate my hole. He ate my hole for five minutes and then pressed his big dick in me and fucked me till he came. I have no idea how many guys fucked me, I lost count after 20. I had swallowed at least that many loads. I have no idea if they all fucked me once or some breed me more than once. I only knew I was so fucking tired, and my hole was flooded, and I had a bit of an upset stomach with all that cum I had swallowed. The guy who rented me took me back to the room after he was finished unfastening me and told me that I did good tonight. Your boyfriend is a lucky guy. He made me pay more for you the second night. You are worth it. With that he took my hood off and leaned in and kissed me and made out with me and he positioned me ass up on all fours on the mattress he brough in and told me to stay just like that. He left and minutes later the guy who and taken care of me before came in and began to eat my hole and suck the cum out. It felt so good he fucked me after 10 minutes and shot his load inside me and made me clean off his dick. Now that I could see the guy, he had to be mid 50’s skinny and not very attractive. He got in the bed nest to me after he was satisfied and told me to sleep, I would need it. I had no idea what he meant; I was so tired I just dozed off to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and needed to piss, so I woke the old man and asked him to take off my cage and he told me just got in the corner and squat over that hole and piss right there. I said OKAY but take this off and he, I can’t you can piss with it on boy. I went to the corner and let loose, and piss ran out the cage and into the hole just like he said. After I was done, he had me come over and he ate my hole again and fucked me and unloaded one more time. Then he slipped out of the room and left me to sleep. I woke up and had no idea what time it was, but I heard guys talking outside my room. I could not make out what they were saying but then I heard the door and a guy popped in and told me to follow him to the shower, it was time to clean up for the party. He at least took the cage off my dick so I could clean it. I tried to ask the guy what was happening at the party, but he would not say a work and scowled at me and told me to clean up and out. He at least took the cage off my dick so I could clean it. I got in and did while he watched and then he brough me to my outfit. It was a gold singlet with the ass open. I slipped it on, and it showed off my nipples and my ass and the cage he put back on my cock before I slipped into it. I asked him again what was happening tonight and if I could just go home. He laughed and said no boy, you are leased until tomorrow morning. I understand that your reservation can not be extended since you have already been rented out for tomorrow night. My heart sank, how could this be. I must find a way to break out of here. The guy with me lead me back to another room, this was much nicer than where I sept and he told me he would be back. I knew that was my chance and I tried the door, and it was locked, and I tried to open the window, but it was nailed shut and there were bar on the outside. I heard the lock; someone was at the door, and it opened, and a nice-looking white guy came in and handed me a drink and sat with me and he told me to drink it. He took my pulse and told me he was a doctor and he needed to take my pulse, temperature and take some blood. I began to relax after drinking this funny tasting punch and then the thermometer, clasp for drawing blood and the needle and I looked away and then he said that was all done and he unclasped the band around my arm and my heart began to race and I coughed three times. Later I founds out he had slammed me, but I had no idea at the time what my body was doing. I began to get horny and needed attention. I began to rub my nipples and my cage, and the Doctor leaned in and replaced my hand on my nipple and rubbed it and then leaned in and nibbled, licked and sucked on it and I could do is moan. He turned me around and ate my hole and I could not resist moaning and begging him to fuck me. I could not believe I want it so bad, he pulled down his pants and I could see he had a long thick dick. He lubed it up and my hungry hole and he slide in slowly and fucked me for twenty minutes and shot his load inside me. He slide a plug inside my hole and told me that the fun would be begin soon. He leaned in and kissed me. He then whispered in my ear. Boy, I get to take you home after the party. We are going to have a great time. The Doctor started to leave but before he could I reached out my hand to try to keep him with me and he held my hand and told me he would be back as he pulled his hand away from me. Twenty minutes later the door opened and a built older guy in a harness came in and picked me up and carried me to a different room in the warehouse. He blindfolded me and placed my wrist in restraints and called out, he is ready. It was not more then two minutes and I felt hands on me, lots of hands and guys started to suck my nipples and one spread my cheeks and ate my hole. Soon they loosened my hands from above my head and one of the guys bent me over and slide his big dick inside me. The guys were talking to each other, how is that young hole? One of the guys said, Fucking beautiful and tight still. They traded off and all their dicks were so big. Many of them kissed me and one of them whispered in my ear. You the slut we purchased, if you want more of our big dick look us up. We are the 69 group. All of us are 60 or older and hung 9 inches or more. Young sluts love us. They continued to fuck me for another two hours and one by one they disbanded. The guy who whispered wrote the group name on my chest so I could get in touch with them before being the last to depart. The guy who led me there came and took me back to the showers and told me to clean up the get ready for the Doctor. He was coming to pick to pick me up. I got ready and before long the doctor was there, and he waited for me to get dressed in a tight pair of shorts and a t-shirt also tight. He led me outside and he drove back to his place. He kissed me deep once we were inside and he then gave me a drink and I started to get a little dizzy and he helped me out of my clothes and lead me to the shower to clean out. I managed to clean up and out and then he led me back into the living room and put some bareback porn on. Young white guy was being bred by a group of black guys with huge cocks. He was on his phone texting and all I could do is watch this young white dude and all those huge black cocks. I was rubbing my cage and feeling my hole when someone rang the bell and the Doctor got up and answered the door and brough in a tall good looking black man and said there he is. The black guy did not say anything but instead pulled out his long dick and let it hang in front of him as he walked toward me and it swung, it is all I could look at and when he got close, I picked it up and lifted it to my mouth and began to suck on that big dick as it grow in my mouth. He began to moan and tell me I was a good white slut. Soon he was hard and thick a full 10 inches. He said boy, it is time for me to try out your pussy. If I approve you get more, if you cannot take my BBC, I will be the only black top that fucks you tonight. Do you understand? Yes, I understand I quickly echoed back. He instructed me to turn around and get on all fours and he lubed up my hole and his dick and pressed that fat dick against my hole and slide into me slowly and he got to my second ring easily but did not enter. He pulled out and slide back in but could not enter the second ring and he fucked me hard for another two minutes and his dick popped the second ring and he told me I was a good white whore for BBC, and he held there and sent a group text to his buddies. He fucked me deep or twenty more minutes and then shove his dick deep in me and came past my second ring. Black guys started to come over and the Doctor filmed it all. Each big black cock flooding my hole deeper than anyone had ever been. Once I had taken all seven of the group Dock fingered and played with my hole and then slide inside me and fucked me and dumped a load in me and then we both showered and went to bed. He fucked me three more times that night and, in the morning, and around 8 AM he woke me to shower and at 9 AM sharp I hard a horn and the turned me and told me my ride was here. He led me to the door and kissed me and I did not want to leave. He told me I was work every penny and he would rent me again. I walked out to the care disappointed that he too had paid to be with me. I got in the car with someone I did not know, and the car drove off. We drove for about an our and in a rural area still 30 minutes from the city the car stopped, and I was ordered out of the car. The driver got out he was tall 6’8 200 pounds and he unzipped his pants and pulled out a big dick. He pushed me down and made me suck it and it got thick 8 by 8 so thick. I tried to get It deep in my mouth without hitting it with my teeth, but he was just too big. He pulled me up and pressed my shorts down and lubed my hole and then pressed his dick against my well used hole and even after taking all that dick it hurt. He slide in while I yelped and whimpered and told him he was too big and after bottoming out he held there and let me catch my breath before he tossed some popper and began to slow fuck me. I hit the poppers and tried to relax but he was so big. He was slow and gentle at the very least. I kept hitting the poppers and my hole finally opened enough that I started to moan. He pulled out and stripped my shorts off and my cage. My dick was still soft but so sensitive and he laid me back on the rear seats with the door open and lifted my legs and lined up and pressed his big dick in me and as he picked up the pace my dick began to get hard and after ten minutes, I was rock hard. He fucked me for ten more minutes before I cam without touching my dick and two minutes later he shot inside me. My dick had shrunk, and he put the cage back on me while his dick was still inside me. He pulled out and told me to get dressed and he cleaned up his dick and put it away and acted like nothing happened and we headed to what I know knew was my owners’ home. I finally came and I was so relieved and wanted this guy to fuck me again as long I can cum like that. I asked him for his number, and he ignored me. When we got to the house, I again asked if he would fuck me again. He said boy, I will but for now you need to get inside. Do not tell your owner I fucked you. I looked at him and told him I would not. I proceeded to walk up to the door and Acostas answered the door and escorted me to my cell down in the basement. He did not welcome me are even kiss me. He just locked the door and told me I was a good boy then left.
    2 points
  13. You and me both, bud - expecially if they're pre-loaded ... yummmmmmm
    2 points
  14. I have had some GREAT Homeless Men fuck me as they like; I have brought Homeless Men home to my apt to fuck me and there have been occasions where they have actually stayed from 1 day to 3 or 4 days and had thoroughly used me for their pleasure... However; the best were about the ones that I encountered and di not want to come back to my apt; so some just fucked in alleyway; a couple used to fuck in behind dumpsters behind buildings; some I took to the Bookstore to fuck me or a Bathhouse (at the Bookstore it was pretty hot due to all the others there looking at me with these Men and taking them into the Booth with me - mot times left the door open so they could see.... Of all these there were a few who took me to their encampments and some just did one on one but there were occasions where it turned into a little group session and I was the Guest Pig Bottom... And even on more than one occasion I spent the entire night at camp with them.. So if you or anyone would like to chat more about these let me know.....
    2 points
  15. Just for the record. I love guys holes we the ones on PrEP. I will fuck all guys. My only hard no (excuse me) is condoms. It's just at this time this is the way that I'm feeling. I do not have anything against PrEP guys who take it or the idea behind it. But I guess this kink if you will is what I'm indulging right now. Sometimes you like a specific flavor and other times you want to change.
    2 points
  16. I was info only girls and one day m’y wife sent me to hook up with a guy It took me only 5 minutes to removed thé condom and bareback all night i whas hook since but i told thé truth to m’y wife so when i whas diagnose with hiv she always ok with It
    2 points
  17. I'm a HIV+ top not on meds so we do exist. I go on and off periodically. I don't have anything against PrEP bottoms. It's just not what I'm looking for. I don't stealth guys(on purpose) most of my fucking is don't ask don't tell and anon contacting with those neg bottom that want to be infected. We all have what turns us on. How many time have I seen "no blacks sorry just my preference". You know your right but I'm not going to be rude and most likely would not pull out and leave in the middle of a fuck. I try to treat guys with dignity and respect just like I want to be treated. There is nothing wrong with saying no thank your just not what I'm looking for. If he wants to know why then I tell him. Then the judgement starts about AIDS and how could you remember the 80's etc etc. So to those guys and women (yes some women do bug chase) that are into chasing bugs and HIV more power to you just realize the decision you've made. To those on PrEP more power to you too. We all have our types tall short big dick cut uncut shaved hairy as well as various kinks. What I try to be as honest as I can about what i am and what I want. If that excites others then great if it doesn't then sorry. But there's someone that is really waiting for me to fill them up with what ever I have and those are the guys that I will get along with. Besides it may sound strange but it's a good feeling when a chaser or former contacts and says that he tested positive for HIV and in ok with that.
    2 points
  18. I'm not sure I'd really say I am chasing, but I am afraid being on PReP would take some of the thrill out of taking multiple random anonymous loads.
    2 points
  19. Katie moved up to San Jose the next weekend but I was left in her old room. The negative test came in and Thomas was not happy. He came by Friday and fucked me, on the bed as movers helped take Katies belongings out of the room. One of them seemed interested and kept sneaking a look into the room from the living room. Thomas made no attempt to be quiet or inconspicuous. There was a camera on us again, and now no matter how close the camera gets to the action the tattoo will let people know who's getting fucked. I was on my knees, sitting back onto towards my heels my ass at the edge of the bed, my chest pressed against the bed, my face pressed into a popper soaked towel. Thomas was now 3 loads deep into my ass, and his hand print was all over my lower back, sides and ass. He deposited His fourth load and left in a huff. The room was a mess, Thomas tore it apart looking for preP pills like when he came to my apartment. Over the counter pill bottles were everywhere in the sink in the bathroom, on the floor in the bedroom. Luckily he never looked IN any of those bottles. I was almost passed out on my stomach in the bed. My chastity device pressed backwards between my legs, my not so lubed swollen asshole cooling down from the the marathon fucking from Thomas. A bottle of poppers were by my pillow, but the towel was away from my face so I wouldn't black out. I felt a hand on my calf, and was too groggy to look to see who it was. The hand traveled up my leg and spread one ass cheek to the side, examining my hole. I lifted my hips slightly in anticipation. The hand on my ass pressed my hips down. "Are you really him?" The person asked. "Who?" I said with my eyes closed enjoying the strangers hand. "Straightbait" He said as his hand running over the tattoo. "Yes Sir" I slurred out. "Poz yet?" "Not yet" I moaned, my ass wiggling. "Do you want to be poz?" "Yes Sir." "Good boy" He said, I then felt his dick resting on my ass, it was heavy. His hands pressed onto my shoulder blades pushing me into the bed, and his dick was in between my ass cheeks. His hips contacted mine, and pressed his shaft against my hole. I moaned, one hand left my back and placed the poppers into my hand. "You're going to need this faggot." I took a hit and collapsed on the bed. The strangers cock was at the entrance to my hole and he pressed in. I'm not sure if I was just sore, or if he was that big, but I felt like he was stretching my out with a large toy. I felt his cock slide into my body slowly and deeply, it was unreal. By the time I felt his hips contact my ass I was feeling the head of his cock hitting places no one has hit before. He pulled out almost all the way and drove in a bit faster, but just as deep. My body fought it this time and I flinched. "If that hurt faggot you're going to need more poppers." I took a double hit and turned my head the other way, facing the towel. His hand left my back and sprayed maximum impact into the towel and shoved it into my mouth. My body immediately relaxed and his cock sank to a new depth. He sped up slowly but soon was pounding into me so fast and hard it was hard to breathe. I could feel my hole loose and open just taking the cock from tip to base. I started to flex my hole milking his huge cock. He moaned. "You're better than I thought you'd be." He said. "Thank you Sir" I answered. He thrust one last time into my ass and grunted, I couldn't feel the cum, but by the sound of it, there was a lot. He pulled all the way out and my ass stayed open. It was no longer sore, but felt empty and gaping. I heard him get dressed and he messed with the camera. I didn't think anything of it. I had no idea who it was that just fucked me, and it kind of turned me on not knowing. It was one of the best cocks I had felt. I wanted more. The next day I got a message from Katie. "Who is 10inchscorpion?" "What? I don't know, why?" I text back. "It seems like someone uploaded a Straightbait video on their channel and tagged you. It's a fucking hot video too." "Oh." I replied. I went to look at the camera and the memory card was missing. Who ever fucked me after Thomas yesterday was 10inchscorpion, and I really wish I saw who it was now. I went online and sure enough, there was a video on the Recently featured section, a huge brown cock in my tattooed ass, the uploader, 10inchscorpion. My phone started vibrating from a phone call, I reached for it. Thomas was calling. "Fuck" I thought.
    2 points
  20. It was my parents' wedding anniversary and they decided to travel for a second honeymoon. They didn't want to leave me home alone, so they asked Uncle Drew to stay with me. He was my father's younger brother, but he was at least forty. Uncle Drew was bald, furry and tattooed. His body was robust and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I knew he was gay, but I never had the courage to tell him that I was gay too, because he never really liked me. The day my parents left, he arrived at my house and he was in a foul mood. I knew he didn't want to be there, so I stayed out of his way. When night came, he prepared dinner and asked me to eat with him. “What were you doing in that room all day?” he asked. “I was playing video games, uncle,” I said. "Enough games for today, I cooked, so you'll clean up when we're done eating." “Ok". Uncle Drew got a beer from the fridge and started drinking. I took the empty dishes to the sink and started washing everything while he drank. I was wearing baggy shorts and I noticed that he glanced at my ass every now and then. “Do you have a girlfriend?” he asked. “No, uncle, I'm gay just like you”, I finally confessed. "Do you have a boyfriend?" "No sir" He continued drinking and I finished washing the dishes. When I was about to go back to my room, he motioned for me to sit in front of him. The man was a little drunk and I realized that this wasn't his first beer. “Do your parents know you're gay?” he asked. “No, sir,” I said. "And have you had sex with a lot of boys?" "No, uncle, I'm still a virgin" Uncle Drew looked at me like he didn't believe me. But I was really telling the truth, I was still at school and I hadn't had sex with any boys. Once the PE teacher jacked with his finger in my ass, but he hadn't penetrated me. I didn't tell this to my uncle. “When I was your age, I had sex with a lot of guys,” he said. "I'm very shy" “Have you ever been attracted to anyone?” he asked. “I had a massive crush on you when I was younger”, I confessed and felt my cheeks turning red. The man looked at me as if considering what I had said, but then he shook his head and took another sip of his beer. I was disappointed, because I still wanted to lose my virginity with my own uncle. “We're never going to have sex,” he said. "Why not? I'm gay, so are you. I can see you have a hard-on." "Jeremiah, you are my nephew" “So what?” I asked. "My dad doesn't need to know." I put a hand on my uncle's knee and he pushed it away. I could see in the man's eyes that he wanted to fuck me, but he was confused. “You don't know what you're asking for”, he said. “Uncle, please, I want this”, I almost begged. I put my hand back on his knee and he took my hand in his. Instead of pulling away again, Uncle Drew brought my hand to his cock, which was hard under his jeans. Then he said: "You will bitterly regret this, boy".
    1 point
  21. I'm a condom Nazi,married,kids, and all that jazz.Went 2 nights in a row to Akron Baths,wore some lingerie, shaved you know. First night, typical. Sucked and rode some cock. Guys begged me to let them cum in my ass, said I was special, let the guys blow into my mouth instead, I'm not monster. Next night, drank too much and had a scare of a guy cumming in my ass. Condom slipped off, yeah right, but wasn't the first time it had happened but felt the risk was low. . Took some more dick afterwards. Locked the door to rest but woke up with someone opening the door with keys after sleeping a bit, probably the guy at the desk. I fucked myself a few times with a dildo in my sexy fishnet pantyhose and didn't think much of it. Later I awoke and smelled my fingers after putting up my ass as I though it was strange someone would open the door after taking a nap, more cum was flowing out of my ass. I was concerned, walked outside to have a smoke and saw the chalkboard which said, "Nice clean bottom on Prep, rm 104". and I was scared. I couldn't remember but knew I had been fucked bb by someone while passed out. It was hot, but wish I could remember who and the dick or dicks that blew loads in me bb. Had to get on Pep after that. In any case, I want to be BB, loads flowing out like churned butter but remember that some of us have other shit to do and can't give in to our instincts.
    1 point
  22. Long ago, there was a guy named Steve. He moved to a new town in order to find a better living, with no luck. He had no job he had no friend. No one to show him any kindness. He had nowhere to go so he decided to leave again. And deep in the forest he went, for he believed something better was up ahead. He walked for hours, at least that's what he felt. He was tired. He had a pale face, deep blue eyes and a gentle smile. At some point, he found himself standing next to a cottage, in the middle of nowhere. Exhausted as he was he knocked on the door to ask for some water. A man in his middle 30s open the door and invited him in. He was well built and quite hairy. Steve talked to him and shared his problems. The man told him he could stay with them for some time. He used to live there with his three brothers. He told him that if he helped them with the laundry he would stay here and he gladly accepted. They prepared food together. Then the man asked Steve to have a bath. Not much of a luxury, they heated some water and washed him with soap. when noon arrived the second brother also arrived. He was in his 40s with some grey hair and piercing eyes. His brother explained and he welcomed his new guest. He tried his lunch and he was very satisfied. Then the man asked Steve to go upstairs and Peter, the younger brother guided him. They ended up in the bedroom of the older one (Christopher). He undressed him and while Steve reacted, Peter stopped him. He ended up fully naked and Christopher pushed him to the bed. He tried to resist but Peter asked him not to. Christoher licked him all over his body until he reached his asshole. He was tight and scared. He turned him face down and Peter hugged him and Christopher pushed his dick deep inside. Steve screamed in pain but Christopher didnt care he fucked him hard. Peter was hugging him and kissing him. He will cum quick, you're tight dont be afraid he told him.And so he did. After a moan he filled his gut with his cum and left. Steve was crying. Peter was kissing him. Cum was leaking from his asshole. What do u think guys? What more do u want to happen? Please comment 🙂
    1 point
  23. Anyone going to Palm Springs for Leather Pride over Halloween Weekend? I will be staying at CCBC the whole week and looking to get filled with as many loads as possible. Hit me up and lets have some cum fun.
    1 point
  24. Young sailor, had a few encounters, but met a group in the hot tub who told me that I was cute and to come sit on their cocks. Obviously, I knew better, but invit d an older Cuban guy with a fat dick to meet me at the room in a few. He arrived, I sucked his cock and he grabbed my legs and made me feel like a real bitch. On his shoulders my legs were thrown over him and he pushed his hard big ass dick into me. I should have let him continue, but he didn't want a condom and I insisted. He pulled out and put on a condom super tight so it could break and jammed it back in. Damn, it felt good, he then aggressively flipped me over and started pounding deep. I didn't know at the time but he had removed the condom, this was the first time I had cum hands free with a cock and didn't know it was possible, as he put it in to the hilt, no mercy. I moaned like a good little bitch as I came and stayed in position so he could do his business. He thrusted hard and faster as I was pinned to the cheap sheet and mattress in that room, hands grabbing the linen wanting it to end, and he must have cum inside of me then.He pulled out, and I offered to suck him to cum, but he acted wierd about it. I noticed no cum in the condom and he quickly left. Afterwards, I smelled my fingers after touching my beaten down boy pussy and smelled cum. He blasted a fat load into me. I wish he would have hooked up later since he had done the deed, to pump me full of his cum on a daily basis. I still fantasize about that stealth load 12 years after the fact with him secretly breeding my ass.
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  26. Mmmm… I love eating ass. The sweatier and stinkier, the better. I could keep my face buried between a set of hot, briny buttcheeks all day. 🐷🏳️‍🌈
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  27. I have to laugh at the guys who keep asking if your clean, they are probably the ones that are dirty or stealthers.
    1 point
  28. Love sounding big time. New Westminster here
    1 point
  29. Why would I ever bother to unlock (except for a cleaning, every so often). Chastity = life
    1 point
  30. Fuck love where this is going!!!
    1 point
  31. 4th - Foreplay with Dirk On the weekend they both could not, but afterwards, afterwards would be horny. I agreed but only as I would like to have it. I hinted to Dirk what makes me particularly horny and how I would like to have it. I first cautiously revealed what it was about. "What makes me so horny, only very few men have. Most are just put off by it. You don't have to like it either, you and Niko don't have to do it. But with me you shall do it, if you really want to have me horny." " Well tell me, it won't be that bad." " It has something to do with pain in the sack, cock and ass. Horny, maybe you like that too. Certainly not." " Out with the language. I have been beaten on the ass by my father in puberty even with the belt, sometimes with the buckle. It hurt a lot and I yelled. But I always got stiff in the process. I don't know why, sometimes I even squirted in my pants. "Now I just remembered that, where you talk about pain in the sack and so." "Well I like it very much with nettles between the legs, so very carefully stroked with it has the most extreme effect. Violent pain on the skin and I get stiff as never. Also on the ass I like it and on the nipples. If it hurts too much I stop. It works for me like the lukewarm pill. I can then much hornier and also much more squirt. I have only ever done it alone. Now I want it times from another, who continues when I can no longer stand it. Do you understand?" "You're a horny pig, I've never heard anything like that. That does hurt." "Sure strokes hurt too, and you got horny and even cum" "Jo and you cum then too?" "No, then I want to fuck because I get extremely stiff. But I want someone to spoil me with nettles on the ass and sack while fucking. I imagine that would be great." "You want one of us to do that?" "That's right, you can do it, because you know about pain. But you have to have glove on so you don't have pain on your hand. And you can't hit with it, then the nettles lose their strength, just stroke it. Maybe try it on yourself with not so sharp ones. I'll moan and then scream: stop it. Then you know it's fine and go on. Then maybe I will scream. That's why Niko has to sit on my mouth with his ass, so I can't scream but lick him, make his hole horny. Maybe it works like this. I've never done anything like that before." "Can we meet?" asked Dirk. "OK, again in the same forest this time without female interference?" So there, I had no underpants on and was really horny. I knew there were sharp nettles there for him to try something on me. But I didn't want to fuck him there, only together with Niko. He knew that. Somehow I was there sooner, he apologized, no problem. "Do you have a handkerchief, so that the nettles do not hurt you". I dropped my pants but didn't get out, took a small tuft and showed how I do it to me, clearly I was stiff. He then took the tuft, I bent over and he came from behind my ass, my hole and from behind my hard-on. "Stop it," I yell when it hurt too much - he stopped. "No you shall continue when I say stop." I wanted more pain than I could stand. My part started to drip. Then I made my stop sign that I had told him. "Do you want a taste on your nipples? Just very little and briefly?" He dared, cried out, and his nipple was stiff for me to lick. "That's horny, but actually I don't want that." "And the other one" And already I had stroked that one too with the tip of the nettle. Crying out again, I licked her again, "Again?" "No, shit, yes once more briefly" I knew he was turned on because he had told me about his father's spanking. "Once on the cock too?" "No, no, really not. Why is that so horny? And you, you're dripping hard." "Yeah I don't know either, I'm never as horny as when I do that to myself. That with you was even more horny. You have a good cock Dirk. Let's see when I can enjoy your cream. no sex today. 5 - first meeting
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  32. A good twink friend from college just found me on BBRT & immediately texted me. Not sure if he's a chaser or chill with it but apparently he at least loves poppers and getting bred by multiple guys at a time.
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  33. I always thought that's what you called a "friend with benefits" - where the friendship was there, and sometimes there's sex and sometimes not. For me, a fuckbuddy is the opposite: it's someone you're a buddy with, but the only reason you get together is to fuck. Both concepts are fine, but I don't see a problem differentiating them.
    1 point
  34. Two Scoops of Rocky Road We showered together and then went to bed. My mind was still trying to figure out if he was really ok with me stinking of another guy's sweat and cum after a hookup when he got home. He rolled over and pulled me tight, saying "You didn't answer my question. Was he fun?" "Uh... yeah. Yeah, he was. It took a while to setup so I didn't have time to get home and shower before you got here" I replied softly. "Don't wash the scent off, I like it. But... why did it take so long? Was he afraid of your cock?" he asked and I realized he really wanted to talk about the hookup I had earlier. "He wasn't sure about taking a poz dick" I replied. "Another neg guy? What did you say to convince him?" Gabriel asked. "Nothing, I just let his hormones do the thinking" I said, grinning. "You need to set up something like this when I'm around, so I can see how you sweet talk them into changing their life forever" he said a minute or two later. "Are you serious? I thought you hated that I raw fucked neg guys" I said, looking him in the eyes. "I guess you're a bad influence" he said with a wink. "Besides, what you said makes a lot of sense. Some guys don't care and some want it" he continued. "And some like the risk" I added. He nodded. "You weren't the only one that got some action tonight. One of the busboys sucked me off in the back room" Gabriel said a minute later, beaming. "Damn, I guess I am rubbing off on you" I replied. "After he swallowed he asked if I was poz or neg" he said, chuckling. Before I could say anything, Gabriel continued "When I told him poz he said next time he wants me to breed him." "Is he poz too?" I asked. "Not yet" Gabriel said, before he leaned in for a kiss. We passed out and the next thing I knew the sun was shining into my bedroom. Rolling out of bed, I took a leak and wandered into the kitchen. As I was making breakfast, our conversation in bed the night before got me thinking. We sat down and began to eat when I asked "Were you serious last night about wanting to see how I hookup with guys? We met on a site for that, so it's not like you don't know how... Or did you want to join me?" I asked. "What do you think?" he replied, taking another bite of food. "I really don't know, but I'd like to do a guy together. But... you said you want to choose the guys you fuck. Maybe you should find someone and we'll go from there" I said before I sipped my coffee. "I just didn't like you shoving me at a guy in the bathhouse and telling me to fuck him" he said, almost apologetically. "I'm sorry. I just thought you needed a nudge to try something new. I won't do it again" I replied. I wondered how many other things I had done that pushed him too far and he hadn't said anything. "Don't worry. I needed that push, just ask me from now on, ok?" he said. I nodded and we finished breakfast. We sat down on the couch drinking another cup of coffee and as I picked up the tablet I asked "What types of guys do you look for?" "Tall, dark and handsome, like you" he replied with a chuckle. "That's gonna limit you a lot. Short and homely can be fun too. And by dark, do you mean you only fuck dark meat? White guys are out?" I asked. "Yeah, mostly. So many white guys are obsessed with getting black dick in them, even the tops. It makes me feel like I'm just a trophy" he replied. "Yeah. I know. I cut guys off at the first mention of big black cock, and I'm so mixed I don't think I qualify. But it's a hookup and not a date. You should be more concerned if he's going to be a good fuck. Like the guy last night or the cashier at the grocery store. One latino, one white, both good fucks" I said. "You didn't really fuck a guy at the grocery store, did you?" he asked. "Mmhmm" I replied and picked up the phone and found the picture of the cashier on his knees in front of me, licking my cum off his lips. "This guy. In the bathroom at the store, on his break" I said, showing him the picture. "Kinda cute. What did you do, just grab him by the collar and drag him in and fuck him?" Gabriel asked. "Nah. He gave me his number when I checked out in his lane and he saw my bulge. I called him a few weeks later and we met up after I got off work" I explained. "Weeks? You must have a full schedule if you plan that long ahead to fuck" he said laughing. "No planning ahead. I forgot I had his number and was surprised that he would meet after that long. Most guys that give me numbers like that, I never call. I'm glad I did that time" I replied. "You going to do him again or was that just a one time thing?" Gabriel asked. "I dunno. He was a good fuck, so maybe. I don't even know if he wants a repeat" I said. Getting up off the couch, I setup my laptop on the table and refilled my coffee mug before logging in for work. "I like your work uniform. Barefoot and boxers. It will give me something hot to look at until I have to go to work" Gabriel said as he laid down on the couch. "No video conferences until late this afternoon. I'll toss a shirt on then" I replied. With the laptop all booted up, I went through email, made a few calls and dug into the rest of the stuff. I sent Marc a reminder about my questions from the previous week but immediately got an "out of office" auto-reply that said to contact another guy, Andre, from his office. "Marc is out sick, can you forward your questions to me and I will try and get you the answers" was the email response I got from Andre. I chuckled and wondered if it was the conversion flu. I picked up my phone and texted Tim "Marc sick." While the phone was in my hand, I thumbed through the text conversations and found the one with the cashier. "Up for a repeat?" was the message I sent him. Several minutes later my phone buzzed and it was the cashier. "Start @1pm. 12:30 ok or after 11pm" he replied. I turned around and saw Gabriel on the couch, naked with his phone in one hand and his cock in the other. "Up for a run to the store at noon?" I asked Gabriel. "What? I can run over and get what you need now. I don't need to be at work until four" he replied. Chuckling, I said "The cashier I showed you a pic of. He starts work at one. Thought we could do a quickie with him before." Gabriel shook his head, laughing. "Kinda risky, don't you think? he replied. "A lot riskier for him. You in?" I asked. "Sure, I'll go, but I go second" Gabriel said with a devilish grin. "12:15. Bringing a friend to help u get scorpion" I texted back to the cashier. "ok gotta b careful" he texted back and I replied "we know." At noon we walked out of my building and over to the store. I laid out the plan with Gabriel on the way over and told him "make sure he sees your tattoo... he's trying to earn one." The two of us walked into the store and I grabbed a basket again. Glancing around, I didn't see him but since he wasn't on the clock yet, I didn't expect to. We got over to the cooler and looked over the ice cream selection. "Great, now I'm hungry" Gabriel said with a laugh. I heard a door close behind me and looked back to see the cashier in the hallway, standing by the bathroom door. Once he saw me nod, he went in. Just like last time, I waited a minute before taking the basket and going into the bathroom. Gabriel wandered for a couple minutes and then joined us. By the time he got there, the cashier was on his knees in the stall, sucking my dick. I heard Gabriel lock the door and then peer around the corner at us. He pulled off his shirt and then took his sweat pants off. Thankfully it was a handicapped stall and wide enough for Gabriel to stand next to me. The cashier alternated between the two of us and when my cock was fully hard I tapped his shoulder. He gave a few last bobs on my cock before letting it drop out of his mouth with a "plop." The cashier stood up, but this time I turned him inside the stall toward metal wall. He quickly spread his legs and grabbed on to the top of the cubicle wall while I moved in behind him. Gabriel took a step back and watched as I centered my cock on the cashier's hole and pushed in. Like last time, he'd lubed his hole up and was ready to get fucked. He was tight but with a little effort I slid half way in. I could hear him quietly groan as my cock squeezed it's way inside. I paused a moment before I withdrew a few inches and began to fuck. Since he was naked this time, it was a lot easier to fuck him. His legs were spread wider without his pants constraining them and I soon found out how fast I could really plow him. The cashier had his face into his arm, muffling the grunts as my cock tore deeper into his hole. A little more lube might have helped, but if you're trying to get knocked up, a drier fuck helps. The way my cock was leaking, he'd have some extra lube in there soon. I worked up to a quick pace, drilling my cock most of the way in. I wanted to hurry up so that Gabriel would have enough time to fuck and breed him too. Looking over every ten strokes or so he went from closely watching me fuck the cashier to stroking his cock to keep it hard and back. The smile on his face told me he was enjoying the show. Once I started to hear the cashier moan I knew it was time to pound him harder until I was shooting my bug into his ass. Less than a minute after I had notched the speed up, I was driving in all the way. My hips were bouncing off his sweaty ass and he was back to grunting into his arm. Another minute or two later, I slammed in and began to flood his guts with my viral seed. I leaned against his back and whispered breathlessly "One toxic breeding down, one to go." "Oh fuck yeah... knock me up" the cashier gasped quietly. I waited a few moments and then slowly pulled my cock out of his ass. He grunted as the mushroom head tugged out of his hole, leaving him empty. Gabriel waited for me to give him room and then took my place behind the cashier. He turned him around and then placed a hand on either side of his head, guiding him closer to his left pec. "I heard you want to advertise when you're knocked up... Be proud of who you've become and you better fuckin spread your seed" he told the cashier. The guy nodded back at Gabriel said "yes, sir. I will." "No fuckin' stealthin' either. Only give it to ones that want it, you hear me?" Gabriel said sternly. Once again, the guy nodded and said "yes, sir." As soon as he finished, Gabriel spun him back around, kicked his legs wider and shoved into the sloppy hole. While I had opened up the guy, I'm sure he felt every inch of Gabriel's cock slam into his sore hole. He gasped out a cry and I doubt he was ready to be speared like that. I stood back and watched Gabriel fuck him. While I knew he wasn't solely a bottom, I was surprised at how swiftly he began to drill the cashier. He had the confidence of a seasoned top. He would fuck for a bit and then shove all the way in and grind his hips against the guy's ass. Each time he would bottom out and grind, his head would tilt back, he would moan and then smile. When he was plowing, though, he had a determined look on his face. I wasn't sure if he was trying to impress me or if this was how he normally topped. Maybe the poz Gabriel fucked differently than the neg version. It didn't matter to me and was nice to see. The best part was that it looked like he was having fun. I began to get worried that we were taking too much time and someone might wonder what was going on in the bathroom. Maybe Gabriel read my mind, but soon he started to thrust faster until he began to growl quietly. The strokes had slowed way down, but I could see him spasm as he emptied his balls. With one last thrust, he fell against the cashier's back and said "Never been on meds... Hope that does it." It took a few moments for them to settle down, but Gabriel slowly pulled out of the cashier and backed away next to me. Seconds later, I saw the cashier crouched down, pulling a couple rags out of a small bag. He tossed one to each of us and then I saw him stuff a plug into his ass. "Damn, that usually is harder to get in... you guys must have really stretched me out" the cashier said with a laugh. He grabbed another towel and wiped his ass off and then nodded our way. We threw our now sticky towels to him and he put them back in the bag. I grabbed my clothes and put them back on, just like the other two. I went out the door first and Gabriel followed a minute later. We met up back in the store and picked up a few things while we were there. When we went to leave, our cashier was just opening up a lane and we went to it. "I hope you had a good shopping experience with us today" he said as we took our bags and walked out the store.
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  35. After fucking a guy and cumming in him, we were resting while I was still inside of him. I had to pee, so I did it without warning him. The look of shock on his face was priceless. He was disgusted.
    1 point
  36. How do you guys all have owners keeping you locked up? So jealous. I locked myself up and have control of the key (but tell guys with someone else so that there's just no chance of unlocking)....and I thought it wouldn't be as hot, because I'm in control, but honestly... I've never had so much sexual pleasure from my cock as I have since I finally got a cage small enough for my useless little dick. I'm amazed how actually GOOD it still feels on after this many days, and I think the extra attention my dick has gotten (and the torture my balls have received since they're all that's accessible) it helping. And not just the not cumming, but the not even playing with my cock... I often go long stretches without cumming, but I always absent-mindedly fiddle with my dick while I'm playing with other guys.... And now, all I can do is feel the metal cage rendering my cock completely inaccessible, and.... I'm liberated from having to care about my dick at ALL. And I think all of that combined, plus a generally busy and piggy sex life these days has made me just... sooooo... hooooorny... and need more.... soooo if any tops in my area want to use a caged, no-limits sub faggot.... hit me up.
    1 point
  37. There are also gift giving toxic top breeders who won’t fuck neg f@gs who take PrEP, they call it a cop-out.
    1 point
  38. Thomas wasn't as mad as I thought he would be. He was annoyed that if I became poz it's possible now that it wasn't him, but he wasn't mad about who did it. Apparently 10inchscorpion is a "Banksy" of sorts, he has pozzed some of the top amateur porn stars online, but no one knows who he is. This kind of made me proud that he said I was better than he expected. I have teamed up with Johnny, Stephen, and Cory to post on the website. In between posing videos I post screenshots of my negative tests and act sad about it, knowing I'm going to be getting hate-fucked by Thomas the next time he see's me. I haven't spent a weeknight at home. Once the negative tests show up each week Stephen sends an address and what the person wants to do with me every day while I'm at work. I'd head back to their apartment where I'd clean up or let them help me prepare. The third night I was sent to a couple. They wanted me to strip on their front porch, so I did as I was told. I stripped down to a white jock strap and tucked my belongings to the right of the door. They both answered the door and I was invited inside, one of them took my belongings back to my car down the street. We smoked a few bowls and they asked a bunch of questions about my recent adventures. One of them Dave was annoyed at my chastity device, so instead of playing with my cock, he started to eat out and play with my ass (preferred anyway). As my as was up and getting lubed up by Dave I was forced down on Chris, his husband. Chris used my mouth and throat like a fleshlight, pressing my face into his large stomach and holding me there until I had to fight to breathe. Chris started to put me in positions for photographs as Dave went and made drinks for us. We drank quickly so we could get back to the nights activities. Within the hour I started to get quite drunk, and they were having the time of their lives switching back and forth between my ass and my mouth. For older out of shape guys they sure had a lot of stamina. I'm not sure what time they were done with me, but they just sent me out the door wearing nothing but my jock strap and my car key. I made it to my car, but knew I wasn't good enough to drive. I sent a message to Cory and he told me to just go enjoy the night out since I'm cleaned out and already drunk. I put on the shorts and t-thirt from my bag and walked drunkenly up the street to the closest club. There's no way I should have gotten into the club, but the bouncer recognized me and let me in. I enjoyed a song or two before heading to the bathroom. A few guys in line took pictures with me before I got to the front of the line. Just as I started to walk to the urinal I was pushed into a stall by someone behind me and my head was pressed against the wall above the toilet, my legs straddling the bowl and my hands on the pipes keeping me up. The man got straight to business, and his cock was pressing into my ass. By the time his hips hit my ass, I recognized this monster cock. 10inchscorpion was back. There were no words by the two of us only the slapping of his hips against my ass. His cock hitting something deep inside of me causing me to grimace in my mask, but I didn't complain, I started to meet his thrusts halfway. The man came deeply and loudly into my ass before pulling out and leaving the stall, and the stall door open. Security cut through the bathroom crowd that had built and pulled me out of the stall, dragging me in just my jock and t-shirt through the club. Men grabbed at my ass, taking pictures and videos. The bouncers laughed as they tossed me on the sidewalk. I crawled to my feet and stumbled away back to my car down the street. I realized my keys were in the shorts in the bathroom stall at the club. I laid down on lawn of the couple that I originally met with and I fell asleep. I woke up to Stephen standing between my legs, his foot stepping on my balls. "You had a fun night. Let's take you home, you have a big night tomorrow too." he said, putting more pressure on my caged up cock. The next morning I checked the site, Sure enough a video was shot from over the stall and uploaded to 10inchscorpion. And about a hundred clips of me left in the stall, and dragged out of the club on twitter and Snapchat.
    1 point
  39. Chris, part 2 In the morning, Chris and his roommate went to the gym. Matt slept in. Chris came back and got in bed with Matt. Chris’ hard cock against his ass woke Matt. Matt pushed his ass back. Chris said, “You’re a hot slut.” Chris then pushed his bare cock into Matt again. “Guess we didn’t need condoms huh?” said Chris. Matt said, “I guess not.” Chris fucked Matt for a few minutes on his side. Then Chris got Matt up doggie style and really started fucking him hard. Chris said, “I’m not the first guy to fuck you bare am I?” As he asked the question, Chris jammed his cock against Matt’s prostate. Matt moaned, bit his lip and said, “No. Other guys have fucked me bare too.” Chris said, “I’m going to cum in your ass. Other guys have cum in you right?” Matt pushes his ass back on Chris and said, “Every guy.” Chris fucks Matt harder, groans loudly and says, “Take my cum slut!” Matt and Chris showered. Chris was less romantic with Matt now, but still flirtatious. Matt felt some distance, but decided it was Chris’ natural shy disposition. The third roommate came home in the afternoon. He was indeed chubby and definitely not as attractive as the other two roommates. He was boasting of a sex party he was at last night and saying how many guys he fucked and fucked him. The chubby roommate barely noticed Matt at first. When he did, he came over and stared at him and said, “You’re a sexy twink. I’d’ve fucked you all night.” Chris said, “Hands off. Matt is mine.” Chris’ comment made Matt feel good. Now all three roommates were having breakfast. A phone rang but the boys decided to let the answering machine pick it up. As the answering machine kicks on, it’s one of the guys who the chubby roommate knows from school. Last night's party graduated to his apartment complex, which has a pool and they are going to bbq in the afternoon. Chris, his roommates, and Matt decide that is a fun way to spend Saturday afternoon. As the guys hang out, there is discussion of what to wear, Matt does not have a swimsuit, it’s still cool out why swim, etc. The tall, curly haired sexy roommate is named Todd. He is going to wear a “trash outfit” because he says all these guys are trashy – loose shorts made of old sweatpants, a speedo underneath, and a tight tank top and old running shoes. The chubby roommate is Jared. Jared is wearing a loud patterned shirt and purple shorts and purple shoes (no swimming). Chris is going to wear board style swim trunks, a tank top, and a button up shirt open. Matt doesn’t really have much to wear. Jared and Chris swimsuits do not fit Matt. Todd’s swim trunks barely stay on, but they also make Matt look like he is wearing his older brother’s clothes. It’s funny. Matt eventually decides on running shorts, a tank top, and purple briefs with white trim. The briefs will be fine if Matt decides to swim. Outfits decided, they all go to the store for alcohol and food. At the store, Todd also buys condoms and a travel lube. Chris leans in to Matt and says, “Guess we won’t be buying condoms. Get some lube though.” Matt blushes. Jared notices at check out and says to Matt, “Gave it up bare on the first date huh?” Matt blushes and says, “It just slipped in.” Jared smiles and says, “It happens. Once you take a guy’s load, no need to wrap it after that. Damage is already done right?” Matt agrees. When the guys get to the party, it is at another student apartment complex – nicer than Chris’ complex though. The party is taking place in two ground units next to each other, facing the pool. There are about 25 guests, a couple women, mostly men. The host greets them. The host says that some of Jared’s friends are in another unit upstairs resting from last night’s events. They will be down whenever. The host asks Matt’s name while ogling him. Host says, “You’re going to be popular today. New meat!” The guys laugh. Chris says, “He’s mine.” Matt kisses Chris on the cheek. A few hours later, Chris and Matt are pretty drunk and in the pool. Jared is hanging with his friends. Todd is talking to a pretty rough dude. The guy Todd is talking to has his hands all over Todd’s body. Chris and Matt are watching from the pool. Chris says, “Looks like Todd is going to get fucked.” Matt reaches for Chris’ cock and feels how hard it is. Matt says, “Looks like he isn’t the only one.” Chris says, “You are a hot slut. Let’s go find someplace more private.” Matt and Chris kiss for a minute in the pool, get out and go to one of the apartments. As they enter the one apartment, they see it is too busy. They get more drinks and then Chris goes to ask Jared if the other apartment upstairs is available. Apparently, Chris and Todd had the same idea because now, Jared, Chris, Matt, Todd and Todd’s new friend are making their way upstairs. Jared goes in, checks things out. Comes out and says, the living room is free; but the bedrooms are occupied. Jared then says, “Can I watch?” Chris pushes Jared out but Todd’s new friend says, “Let him stay.” Chris looks at Matt, who is only wearing his purple briefs with white trim, and Matt shrugs. Matt and Chris kiss. Todd and his man kiss. The foreplay is on. Matt’s briefs are the first on the floor. Todd’s speedo is off. Both Todd and Matt are giving their tops head. Chris drops his board shorts. Todd’s friend shorts and boxers hit the floor. The couples are naked now. Chris bends Matt over the edge of the couch and starts eating Matt’s ass. Todd’s friend asks if Todd cleaned out. Todd says yes and then is roughly bent over the couch facing Matt as Todd eats his ass. Matt and Todd make out as the guys eat their asses. Todd’s guy gets up, slaps his cock on Todd’s hole and says, “I gotta fuck this ass.” Todd asks Jared if he will grab the condoms and lube from downstairs. Jared obliges. His cock tenting his shorts. Matt sees how big Jared’s cock must be. Todd sees Matt’s face. Todd says, “Don’t think about it. He is a slut. Every bottom in town has given it up to Jared. Chris will never touch you again.” Chris is eating Matt’s hole so good. Matt is moaning. Jared comes back with two of his friends. He gives Todd the condoms and lube. They stay to watch. Todd’s friend bags up his cock, lubes it up and starts fucking Todd. Todd is grimacing from the pain. Matt kisses him and feels Todd’s body to make him feel good as he adjusts to his top’s cock. Chris grabs some lube from his board shorts, lubes his cock, and goes to enter Matt. One of Jared’s friends says, “Hey, where’s your condom?” Matt feels Chris’s cock pushing on his hole. The same voice says, “Do you want a condom on?” Matt says, “Fucking put it in.” To a chorus of, “Oh shit!” and “Fuck yeah!” Matt says, “That’s how I like it.” Chris says, “Fuck yeah you do. Let me fuck you raw first time we fucked didn’t you Matt?” Matt says, “Yes.” Todd is getting fucked hard now. His top is clearly turned on watching Matt get fucked bareback. Matt is kissing Todd again. Chris is fucking him hard and fast. Loving the fuck, Chris is not going to last too long. Matt can feel Chris is excited. Chris pulls out of Matt. Chris says, “I got way to close to cumming.” Todd asks, “Can I fuck you?” Matt says, “Yes.” Chris says, “With a condom though.” Todd’s new guy is a bit disappointed. He pulls out of Matt and takes off his condoms. One of Jared’s friends is on his knees sucking the guy’s dick. Todd bags his cock and tells Matt to ride it. Matt gets on Todd’s cock and it slides in easily. Matt rides the condom-covered cock in his ass. It feels wrong. Matt is working his ass hard but it just doesn’t feel right. Matt hates it when guys wear condoms to fuck him now. He knows he should use them with guys he doesn’t know, but this just isn’t comfortable. Chris and the guy who was fucking Todd are chatting. Todd’s guy is getting head from one of Jared’s friends, but he is fingering Chris’s ass and whispering in Chris ear. Chris moans from the finger in his ass. Todd’s guy kisses Chris. Matt is watching the hot scene in front of him as he rides Todd’s cock for about 5 minutes before he hears Chris say, “Matt, get on your knees.” Matt gets off Todd’s condom covered cock. Chris says, “Bend over. Ready for more raw cock?” Matt says, “Yeah.” Matt wipes his sweaty forehead and Chris says, “Say it again.” Matt arches his back, sticks out his ass and says, “I want some more raw cock.” Todd’s top steps behind Matt and pushes his long, bare cock into Matt’s ass. Matt looks back and sees Todd’s top is fucking him. He looks at Chris. Chris says, “Fuck you are of hot slut.” Todd rips off his condom, gets in front of Matt and Matt starts giving Todd a blowjob. Matt is stuffed at both ends as 4 guys watch him get fucked. Todd’s guy says, “Feels better raw doesn’t it slut?” Matt moans affirmatively around Todd’s cock. Matt feels the hands on him from Chris, Todd, Todd’s top, and hears guys saying, “oh yeah” “that is so hot” “fuck this little bitch” “slut is taking it raw”. Matt is moaning. Chris says, “what a fuckin slut. First night we chatted online, he was naked. Matt is on display now. Sweating as he is getting fucked at both ends now. Loving getting it at both ends. Chris says, “My turn again.” Todd’s top pulls out of Matt’s ass, tells Todd to bend over the couch, Chris says, “get a condom for Todd’s ass.” Todd is bend over on the couch next to Matt, both their arms leaning on the back of the couch, asses presented to the room, hard cocks on display. Matt hears, “The twink is a hot pig bottom. Look at his ass wink knowing he is getting more raw cock.” Chris says, "Ready for more raw cock Matt?” as he slides his raw cock back in Matt’s hole. Matt looks at Todd as his top’s cock is covered in a condom again. Matt wonders how that condom covered cock can feel good in Todd’s ass. One of the guys says, “Safety first. Safe fucking dick in your ass.” Todd’s face is red as the top pushes inside him. Todd kisses Matt. Matt can feel Todd is struggling to take the long cock in him. Matt whispers to Todd, “Do you want to take it raw? It felt good in me raw. No struggle.” Todd doesn’t answer Matt. He kisses Matt. A few minutes later, Matt is now sucking another guys’ cock and getting fucked raw by Chris when he hears Todd say, “I want to take it raw.” Todd’s top says, “You what?” Todd says, “I want to fucking take it raw.” Todd’s top says, “Are you sure?” Todd says, “Yeah, I want to fucking take raw cock.” Todd’s top high fives Chris, pulls out his cock. Todd says, “Get that condom off.” “Alright” says Todd’s top as he pushes back in. “Feel that raw cock in you Todd?” asks Chris. Todd says, “Yeah. Feels good.” Todd’s top says, “Feels so much better right?” Todd says, “Fuck yeah. Feels so good.” There is a lot of moaning and the tops are kissing now. Chris says, “Fuck this is so hot. I’m going to cum in this slut.” Matt says, “Do it. Cum inside me.” Todd's top says, “Look at Matt take that load Todd.” Chris groans loudly as he grabs Matt’s hips and cums deep in Matt’s ass. Matt is moaning, “Yeah, give it to me.” Chris pulls out of Matt and sits on the couch next to him. Chris and Matt kiss. The guy Matt was sucking comes behind Matt and says, “Tell me what you want.” Matt says, “Fuck me raw and cum in my ass.” The new top, one of Jared’s friends, slides in Matt’s wet ass. He fucks Matt for a few minutes. Matt is making out with Chris as he is getting fucked bare by a guy he doesn’t even know. Matt is rock hard. Matt hears Todd’s top say, “I’m going to cum bitch. Do you want my load?” Todd says yes. Matt turns his head to watch Todd take his first raw load. As Todd’s top cums inside him, the guy fucking Matt says, “I can’t hold back.” Matt feels the top cum inside him. The guy pulls out. Matt and Todd and Todd’s top all collapse on the couch. They are a sweaty mess. Everyone is really turned on. Jared’s other friend sucks Todd off. Chris has Matt sit in his lap and ride another load out of him. Chris cums in Matt’s ass again. Todd has taken his first load. Matt has three loads in his ass from 2 different guys. Everyone finds their swim trunks and heads out. They get in the pool to cool off. After 30 minutes or so, Todd and his top leave the party. Chris and Matt leave too; exhausted. Jared rides with them. Back at the apartment, Matt and Chris collapse together in Chris’s bed.
    1 point
  40. Dominance runs naturally in my blood, I was always a bit bossy boot in my youth, with a seductive smile I could get anything I want. It was fun to be perceived as such an innocent and so shy whilst in reality. I am a MASTER and l am looking for a slave to train, if you are interested just drop a message.
    1 point
  41. This happened last week and I hope it makes you as hot reading it as I was when it happened. I had just returned from an overseas work trip. It was the first trip since the onset of COVID and was to a country that does not have a high opinion of porn or gay men. I am a bisexual cuckold and I am lucky enough to have a wife the understands my need to get fucked by a man and is cool with my occasional endeavors. Anyhow, I was away for a week locked in my chastity cage (thank god for plastic cages) and when I got back I was horny as fuck. My hotwife can be cruel and she was denying my orgasm because she likes to torture me. I admit that I like it too. Anyhow, I went to the local adult theater and while it was busy there was not a lot of action to be had. That led me to browse BBRTS and I found a hookup that looked interesting. Since there was no way I was getting the key to my cage I decided that I needed to get fucked hard and deep to scratch the itch. I responded to the ad and waited. Not too long later I got a reply and it turned out that there guy posting was a trucker in town for the night and was looking for a bottom to fuck. We made the arrangements and I was off. He wanted to bareback me and since I am on PreP I agreed with pleasure. Driving across town to get to the truck stop was torture. I was on edge thinking about all of the terrible things that could happen to me which just pushed my horniness even higher. My cock was straining against the cage so hard that I thought that it was going to explode. I have to admit that I have always had a fantasy of being kidnapped by a trucker and made into their personal sex slave but I was also worried that I would end up dead in shallow grave somewhere as well. My need to get fucked over-ruled my fear and I pulled in and parked. After a couple of minutes I found the truck and the driver and we talked for a minute and then up and into the sleeper I went. The internal tension was driving me crazy as I undressed and climbed onto the bed in the sleeper. The top also disrobed and I saw they he had a massive black cock that as going to be down my throat and up my tight ass in the very near future. He came back and laid down and I began to suck his massive cock. I don’t have big hands but they aren’t small either and I was just barely able to wrap my hand around his big hard cock. It was at least 9” long and as I lowered my mouth down and forced the beast into my throat I had to open as wide as I could. I began to panic a little thinking about taking that bug fucker into my ass. After a few minutes he asked me if I was ready and I indicated that I was even though I wasn’t sure if I would be able to take him. He told me to lay face down on the bed and he got between my legs and forced them apart with his muscular legs. I was wide open and at his mercy. I told him that his was the largest cock I had ever seen in real life and even if I begged him to stop that he shouldn’t stop until he was buried balls deep into my ass. I was already lubed up and he put the head of his cock us to my ass. I took a few big hits on my poppers and concentrated on relaxing my asshole. Without any further discussion he started driving his big hard black cock into my ass and up into my guts. There wasn’t any pain which meant that I was ready and it was a good thing because he started working his cock in and out of my ass at a steady pace. I have been fucked numerous times but either his cock or the position made him stroke my prostate all the way in and out on each thrust. Soon enough I was moaning like a whore in heat and I am sure anyone walking by the rig could hear me begging to be fucked. As we found a pace I began to thrust my ass back and up onto his cock at the end of each stroke while hitting my poppers bottle. He took the signal and began to fuck me harder and harder with each thrust. He was pummeling my prostate and it felt like I was cumming continuously. I could feel the cum leaking up and out of my cock into the sheets below me. I have been able to make myself leak in the past but this was entirely different. As his huge cock sawed in and out of my boi pussy the orgasmic tension kept building and building. I asked him to pull my hair and fuck me harder. He accommodated my wishes as I began to cum from his pounding of my prostate only. I yelled out for him to fuck the cum out of me and he obliged. Another fun thing happened … it turns out he was multi-orgasmic and he began to flood my ass with his cum multiple times without going soft. I could feel his cock flex each time he filled me with his cum. While he was cumming and then fucking and then cumming I kept having anal orgasms as well. I think he shot into me 8 or 9 times and I know that I came three times myself. Not only could I not play with myself in the cage but I didn’t have to because he fucked the cum right out of me multiple times. Finally we both needed break so he pulled out and I felt his cum leaking out of my now gaping asshole. He told me to stay still so that he could get a towel and I told him I would. As he was looking I decided to give him a show and I reached back and scooped up the leaking cum and licked it off of my fingers as he watched in amazement. I then asked to clean up his cock for him and he also let me do that. He asked me if I shot off on the sheet and I said that I had so he said he needed to clean that up as well. Not to let my cum go to waste I also moved back and licked that up off the sheets as well. I was now a thoroughly fucked and sated bou with a belly full of cum to boot. After a few minutes of cuddling he asked if I was ready again. I had to politely tap out because my prostate was pounding and spasming and I was sure that I wouldn’t be able to take anymore of his massive cock in my well used ass cunt. I got dressed and shakily climbed down from the cab and walked back to my car. Along the way I got a bunch of looks which let me know that I was heard by truckers parked nearby. I felt like a total whore and loved every second of it. Next time I might just walk back to my car with nothing other than my shoes on so as to dispel any question about what I had just done. When I got hime my wife asked how my day was and I told her all about my adventure. She was amazed and said that I was now a first class cumslut. Because I went off without her permission she made me eat her cunt to two orgasms and then told me that I should look forward to having my time in the cage extended. I had already been locked up for two months with no idea when she was going to let me free and I suspect it is going to be quite a few more months, if ever, that I was going to be released. I have to admit that I am not that worried … I just need to meet up with my new friend and I can have all the sissygasms I can take. I am beginning to think that maybe I don’t really need the use of my cock anymore
    1 point
  42. This version ( [think before following links] https://xhamster.com/videos/being-a-pig-and-playing-with-my-sloppy-hole-at-the-bookstore-12611976 ) didn't show me licking up my drippings off the filthy ABS floor, but I did. Can't let fresh cum go to waste!!
    1 point
  43. The first fucking I got at the nude campground sure set the tone for all the rest of the weekend. Some friends of mine liked going to this gay, nude campground and they were always talking about all the "fun" there was to be had at it. Well, it didn't take much convincing on their part before I was begging to go the next time, so the next holiday weekend (I think it was July 4th) we went. It was a very interesting and very liberating experience. Everyone just walked around nude during the day and lounged by the pool, etc. With a few occasional excursions into the woods for some sex. I just viewed it as a way to see everyone's equipment before hitting on them. There was this one couple that I was sort of drawn to-- one had a biker, leather look and one was very clean shaven. The biker had a fu-manchu biker stache, furry chest, and a thick cock with some low hangers. His partner was taller, thin, smooth, and had a dick that was enormous! (It's always the tall, thin ones, isn't it?) Anyway, I made sure I hung out and drank with them all day (when I wasn't hanging with my friends). Then evening rolled around... and that's when the fun began. The whole campground sort of parties in the evenings, and there is a lot of drinking. They make a special lemondade that will knock you on your ass if you aren't careful. And I wasn't careful. Boy did I get hammered! And the drunker I got, the more blatantly I flirted with the couple. Eventually I learned that they had a portable sling set up, and that they'd be more than willing to take turns fucking my hole, so I wandered off with them, while my friends watched me go. They knew what was cumming. Once at the sling, we all got to playing. I was kneeling and taking turns sucking their cocks, and they were working my nips and we all were having a grand old time. Then they put me in the sling. Biker guy kneeled and started tonguing the hell out of my ass, while Big Dick was feeding my mouth his enormous cock. He grew to about nine inches when all was said and done. Biker Guy wasn't bad either, at a respectable thick 7 inches... with a big head. Then came time for fucking. Big Dick was still fucking my mouth, but somehow he produced a bottle of poppers and he began feeding them to me like a good host. Biker Guy lubed up and said, "I'm gonna fuck you for awhile first, to get you opened up for that monster, ok?" I nodded my consent. Another snort of poppers and I feel his raw cock start to enter my ass. It felt fucking incredible. He sets up a fuck rhythm and the sling is swaying, helping him penetrate as far into my ass as possible. All the while I was working Big Dick's cock with my mouth. After ten minutes or so, Biker Guy says, "This is a sweet ass- you about read for a turn Paul?" Paul (Big Dick) pulls out of my mouth while Biker pulls out of my ass. And I gotta admit, I'm a bit nervous about Paul's dick size. But I'm also drunk and flying on poppers. What the fuck, right? Paul somehow produces a condom, and starts rolling it on his impressive tool. Biker sees me watching and says, "He's poz, so he's gonna wrap before fucking you... house rules." Biker and Paul switch positions, and Biker Guy starts feeding me poppers while Paul is lubing and trying to work his cock up into a fully hard state again. I start sucking Biker and Paul starts nosing that big cock around my ass. Unfortunately he is having a devil of a time getting hard enough to get in my hole, and he's losing erection by the moment. We try this for while longer, but it just isn't working. Paul suggests switching again, so they do. Bike Guy's cock feels incredible in my ass again, and I'm loving feeling Paul's ginormous rod get hard in my mouth. After another ten minutes of fucking, Bike Guy says, "I can't hold out much longer... I'm gonna lose my nut." Paul is encouraging his partner to cum and moves around to watch. "Where do you want the load, man?" I barely have enough time to say "in me" before he's painting my guts with his load. It feels incredible, as I can feel every twitch of his fat knob in my ass. "Your turn, Paul." Biker Guy says while pulling out. "You really need to get in there and churn my cum." Biker Guy excuses himself and goes into their cabin to get a towel and beers, and Paul is standing next to me, starting to roll on another condom. I reach down, and gently stroke his dick and roll the condom off his head. "Fuck me, man" I beg him. "Shove that big fucker in me raw." John wouldn't want that-- besides, I'm poz man." "I know. And I'm telling you to fuck me. You can always pull out before you cum." Paul looked at me with lust in his eyes, stepped around to my ass, lubed up, and told me to get ready. I poppered up and prepared for the assault. Fuck did he have a massive fucking cock! He shoved that giant, raw cock into my ass all at once causing me to cry out in pain. This brought John out of the cabin and back to the action. "What's going on here-- you finally gettin' some of that hot hole, Paul?" John was hard again, and stood next to my face so I could suck his fat prong. John took over feeding me poppers while Paul fucked the SNOT out of my ass. He was using the sling to full penetration advantage, and it was about all I could take. Thank goodness my moans and grunts were stifled by John's dick, or the whole campground would have heard us. The entire time Paul is fucking me, John is coaching him, telling him to fuck my hole, to churn the cream that's already in my guts, to wreck my hole with his meat, etc. It's very hot. Then John says, "Paul's gettin' close to nutting-- I can tell by his face. Where you want it, man?" I looked up at him through my popper and drunken haze and said, "In me." "You heard the man, Paul. Breed this cunt's hole!" Paul closed his eyes and shoved in hard. I could feel all nine rigid inches throbbing inside me and I knew he was shooting his toxic spunk inside me. DEEP inside me. While Paul is cumming, John is jacking furiously and wandering toward my ass. He let Paul finish, then tells him to move. I feel that big fucking cock pull out of my ass, and then feel John shove in hard and start loading my sloppy ass again. Paul went inside while John finishes squirting in my butt. When John finally pulls out, he looks at me and says, "Well, THAT oughta get your weekend started right. Three cumloads in your ass." I asked John if Paul was gonna be in trouble for not using the condom. He said, "Nah. We always start off using the condom, but if the bottom pig begs for it raw... well, we give him what he wants. House rules." Paul and John tagged my ass several more times that weekend... as did about ten other campers.
    1 point
  44. Never been involved with it. I love the idea, especially with a dad that's considered very handsome like I have, being muscled and the perfect example of a guy everybody wants. But I think it's best to grow up with this kind of bond and interaction with your dad/son from an age as early as possible to have a natural development of such a bond. Thinking about this doing this with my dad, I wouldn't do it. Thats because this is the way I grew up and this kind of connection never grew, so that now it feels like something strange to do with him. That being said, I think it is and/or should be considered a normal thing. Men are men, boys are boys, no matter the family connection, and with mutual consent everything should be considered normal and natural.
    1 point
  45. I hunt for cock daily at the local video store. I suck and get bred by as many studs as possible. In between I hunt for full rubbers. I find them, tie them off and save them. I also look for cum on the floors and have become quite good at identifying cum from spit. When a guy comes out of a booth I immediately run in to see if he came in the floor. If I find some I will either scoop it up and use it for lube in my cunt, Jack off with it, rub it on my face or eat it. I love licking it off the floor too. Super nasty and degrading but that’s my purpose in life. I am a disgusting faggot cumdump. I also love to lick urinals and pissy toilets. I have 8 full rubbers from last night. I will eat some, pour some in my cunt and add some of the cum to my food. I love anonymous cum on pastries and sometimes leave them on the counter for whoever might want one of my special glazed pastries when they come to visit. One day I’ll tell them why themy taste so good.
    1 point
  46. I topped in PRIMAL PIGS 1 and it was filmed in our play room. I loved it but I realy want to bottom in one have some tops filmed breeding my hole for the world to see
    1 point
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