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  1. “Where am I?” This was the first coherent thought to form in my addled brain. My head felt three times too large for my body and like it was stuffed with cotton. I also couldn’t really move my limbs or make my body work at all. Forming thoughts was like trying to swim through mud. I was aware that things were not normal, but what had happened remained a mystery. I was desperately trying to remember what had happened to me, but details were slippery and elusive. Eventually, with much willpower, I was able to open my eyes. It seemed to take forever for them to focus and resolve any image of my surroundings. It was dim, wherever I was. And the light was red and inconsistent. Flickering. Again, with effort, I was able to move my head a little and look around. The walls were dark and rough and seemed to be made of stone. I couldn’t see a ceiling above me- only blackness. I did note that there were chains extending upward at the four corners of by body, and that my wrists and ankles were apparently bound to them, immobilizing me. I was splayed out spread-eagle like the Vitruvian man, and I was laying on a cold, smooth surface. Lifting my head was next to impossible, but I managed it just long enough to confirm that I was indeed naked. My head crashed back down to the hard surface with a conk making me see stars. I shivered then, partly from the chill and partly from fear Long moments passed, but gradually I regained more and more of my senses. Whatever chamber I was entombed in was large- I could tell my the occasional small sounds and how they echoed and bounced around the space, only to be eventually swallowed up by the darkness above. The light was coming from a small number of torches (torches!) set into the walls. It was like something out of a medieval fever dream. When I regained some strength, I tried tugging my arms free- but to no avail. The thick chains barely moved and only clinked a couple times. I was now awake enough to start panicking. Wherever I was, it wasn’t good. This was a seriously fucked up situation and I was clearly in danger. My heart started to pound. I tried to call for help, but my mouth was dry and my tongue was thick in my mouth. The adrenaline shot to my system cleared my brain of the remaining fog. Pieces of the previous night started to assemble like a puzzle in my brain. I had been out celebrating my 18th birthday. Since all my friends had gone off to college, I was by myself and feeling fairly blue about it. I remember I went to the local dance club, just so I could be around people. A handsome, older guy started talking to me… what was his name? Something unusual. He saw my underage wristband, and I remember telling him it was my birthday. He offered to sneak me a birthday shot and I remember declining because I didn’t really drink because it was illegal… but he brought me one anyway. He brought a shot for himself too, and he coerced me into having it. “A man only turns 18 once—you need to celebrate!” he had said. The shot was called… “Devil’s Blood”? Or something like it. I think it was fireball and grenadine and who knows what else. I remember it was sweet, and hot. He then asked me out on the dancefloor. I remember thinking that he was really hot, but way too old for me. But hey. Nobody else was asking me to dance so why not? The music pulsed and the lights were hypnotic and I remember feeling my insides getting all warm and gooey. I vaguely remember him hitting on me, and me demurring because I wasn’t looking for that. I was waiting to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend- I wasn’t sure which yet. I think I told him that I was just looking to be around people and to cut loose a little. And that’s about all I remember. Until now. So here I was- naked on some sort of slab. In a real life fucking dungeon. Chained up. The reality of my situation had taken root— I was probably going to die. My mind started working on next steps, but was coming up empty. Ice formed in the pit of my stomach and I got really scared. I’m not ashamed to admit that I pissed myself in that moment. It was then that I heard it. Footsteps. I could hear the uneven cadence and scrape/crunch of several pairs of feet walking slowly out of the shadows. Above the footsteps was a low hum of male voices. Musical. Like a slow chant. Out of the shadows then emerged 5 men in long, dark robes. At least I think they were men. They all had on masks that obscured their faces. The masks were those of skulls—animalistic in nature. Four of the masks were jet black. Glossy. Horned. The fifth was gold. The four in black masks carried what appeared to be small, handheld drums. The one wearing the gold mask carried an old, leatherbound book the color of oxblood in one hand. In the other he carried a stilleto. My heart raced with fear, as my mind jumped to all sorts of terrifying outcomes. The four took up positions at my feet and hands and when they were in place the humming stopped. The one in the gold mask walked to the figure at my left hand. The figure held out his right hand and the stiletto made a quick slash to his thumb. The figure made a gladiator “thumbs down” gesture and I watched the blood trickle off his hand to the floor. This ritual was repeated at the other three figures. Then the fifth stood at my head, out of my view. I watched in sick fascination as The Four slowly raised some sort of bone-shaped drumstick. And then as one, they struck their drums. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. A slow, steady beat began. The one in gold at my head started chanting in a language I could not identify. His words snaked and wove through the beats of the drums. The Four took up the chant as well. Slowly the tempo increased and the chanting got louder. As this was happening, the torchlight seemed to increase with the flames leaping higher of their own accord. This brought the figures into sharp relief. I could see that the Four were drumming on crude drums with rough skin like parchment, and with what appeared to be actual bones- like the knobby leg bone of an animal. Or human. The chant had now crescendoed to a fever pitch and the drummers were beating like my racing heart. Then suddenly, without warning, everything stopped. The drummers dropped to their knees as one, and from above my head I heard the One in gold whisper something— guttural and wicked. Then there was a bright, blinding flash like a camera strobe. My nose caught the strong smell of sulfur. When my eyes readjusted, there was a dim red glow in the room- like a photography dark room. I looked over at the torches on the wall, and they flames all appeared to be frozen—low and unwavering in their iron holders. The Five men in robes were also caught mid-motion. And the room was eerily quiet—like being in a sound proof recording studio. It was as if time itself had stopped- except for me. And the demonic thing now standing in my presence. I stared, completely unsure of what I was looking at. At the end of the slab where I lay stood a… thing. A beast? Man? Both? It had a general human form… but it was different. Distorted. Much more Sinister. I could tell it was big. Like 7 feet tall and broad across the chest and shoulders. The head was large and bald, and atop were two great, black, curling horns, like those of a ram. Instead of eyes, there were empty voids- like deepest, darkest space. The mouth, a lipless slash, crowded with sharp, pointy teeth. The flesh appeared scalded and shiny—like scarred skin-- tight across the body. Muscles stood out in sinewy relief, as if they were barely covered in flesh. The arms were muscular and disproportionately long, terminating in hands with too many fingers, each with a talon instead of a nail. And did I see the hint of dark wings behind? It appeared to be regarding me, with its unwavering dark gaze, and I was utterly petrified. My mind wanted to believe that I was drugged. Hallucinating this terrible image. But somewhere in the deep recesses of my animal brain, I knew this was real. Real And beyond my rational beliefs. “Wh… wh… who…?” I managed to croak out, before the sound died on my lips. The creature continued to stare at me with those empty voids in its face. The longer I stared into them, the more I began to see things swimming in their depths. Terrible things. I looked away, shivering uncontrollably. “Who or what I am does not matter, human,” it said in a rusty, scrapey, deep voice. “They have summoned me, and I have come. The fools! Even now, they have no inkling of the true nature of the forces with which they play. If they did they would have fled from this place in terror. But no. To them this was a mere game; they did not truly believe. I do not brook the follies of man and there will be repercussions. And yet… they deliver unto me such tasty flesh to defile…” “P-p-p-please don’t kill me! Oh God protect me! Oh Jesus please save me!” I prayed. The creature laughed then- a sound like glass inside a garbage disposal. “Those empty words have never held power or sway! There is no mercy here! You of virgin flesh are bound to me in this moment outside of time, as I am bound in this earthly space. But I will grant you this knowledge, human. Death is not immediately forthcoming. You have been chosen as the Vessel.” I struggled mightily against the chains, but to no avail. I twisted and pulled and screamed, but my binds would not yield. The creature watched me placidly as I expended my energy. When the fight finally left me, I sagged back onto the slab. “A Vessel for what,” I whispered, defeated. “You have heard of AIDS, yes?” it asked. I nodded, horrified. “The first virus was passed to a Vessel through a union much like this. We needed a fertile male host—one that would pass on his demon seed to many others, eventually casting them all down in sin. That Vessel performed… admirably.” “Are you telling me you unleashed HIV on the world and infected millions of men on purpose?” I sobbed. “Yes.” “You monster!” I spat. The creature grinned. “I believe Incubus would be more accurate, although we do not concern ourselves with human labels.” “Well, we have pre and post exposure protocols now. And drugs to combat your virus so humans can live long, productive lives. So even if you infect me…” I began bravely. “Hence the need for a new Vessel,” the Incubus interrupted. “The time has come for a new virus. One that will not be so easily tamed. One that will again spread through humanity’s sinners. The Fornicators. The drug users. The adulterers. Hastening their demise and bringing them more quickly to my Master’s fold.” “No…” I pleaded. “Now we begin,” the Incubus stated. His mouth of teeth opened menacingly, and a long, black tongue snaked out of the orifice. Longer than my brain could comprehend… 3 feet? 4 feet? And it undulated and rippled like an earthworm. I watched as the demon slowly sank down between my legs, and then I felt it. His tongue was teasing and lapping against my asshole. It was hot- almost to the point of uncomfortably so, but not quite. “Ah, it has been too long since I have tasted the sweetness of man,” it said. And then the tongue started slowly inching its way inside me. Feeling the heat of it penetrate inside me was intense. The creature was right about me being a virgin. I’d never done anything with anyone ever before, as I had grown up in a fairly strict household. All I had time for was school, swimming, my after-school job, church… and masturbation. I’d never even kissed a girl… or a boy. As I thought about this, I had the faint memory of telling the man at the bar that I was “eighteen and never been kissed”. With that one statement, I’d probably sealed my fate and landed myself as a human sacrifice. At first I was horrified and frightened and revolted by the invasion into my body. Even in all my masturbation and self-exploration, I’d never come anywhere near my butthole. The sensation was completely foreign—but not unwelcome. The thick, hot tongue continued pulsing and snaking its way inside. Deeper and deeper. At the prostate it seemed to pause and explore and… caress making me shiver with nervous adrenaline. And I found it increasingly difficult not to get aroused. I felt sick. I was being violated by this sex demon from what I could only guess was hell (or some hellish plane of existence) and yet here I was, strangely turned on by it. Overwhelmingly so. I railed against it. Reprimanding myself with my internal monologue for feeling this way. Telling myself to resist—that I should be disgusted. That I was being raped for god’s sake! But the waves of pleasure were too much to ignore. My dick was soon teenage steel and straining toward the ceiling. It was almost painful and I couldn’t touch it at all to relieve it. And still the tongue explored my insides- pushing deeper. I felt it’s heat as it teased some deep barrier inside me, where I was sure it would stop. But it tickled and twirled at this place and my breath quickened. Soon it worked up past it and beyond and the wave of pleasure created made my body start to shake. I felt my body open and relax as my head lolled to one side. The creature chuckled at this- that horrible glass grinding sound again. I don’t know how long that tongue violated my guts as I lost all sense of the flow of time. Hours? Days? Years? All I know is that I could feel that tongue snaking all the way up into me. When I would occasionally lift my head, I could see the creature’s head moving subltly between my legs and I could see the tongue move and writhe beneath the taut flesh of my stomach. It reminded me of that one time I saw a baby move beneath the skin of a pregnant woman and was creeped out. Slowly the tongue withdrew from me, and I found myself missing the hot presence inside my intestines. Almost craving to be filled again… and I hated myself for feeling this way. Then the beast stood up slowly, my eyes tracking his movement. As he brought himself to his full height, I saw it. A massive phallus arcing up and away from his body, glossy and deep red. The wedge-shaped ruddy head reached up to the middle of his chest. It was definitely not human-proportioned- not even porn proportioned. I had never seen anything so massive… not even on the horses on our farm. My eyes got large as the slow realization of what was coming next became apparent. “No… please! I can’t. IT can’t! It’s not possible. You said I wouldn’t die, but that will kill me.” I begged him. But it fell on deaf ears. “Human males are preferable virgin sacrifices, although harder to find. They can endure and their anatomy is more… compliant. Human females, while accommodating in their own way, have limited depth and tend to… rupture… thus rendering them disposable,” it graveled out. At this point I started crying in earnest. I could see what was coming and it scared the shit out of me. I had no choice. No control. This wasn’t what I wanted… or was it? But after the tongue exploration, there was a teeny-tiny part of my brain that was, dare I say, titillated? And that knowledge scared me even more. I watched as it gripped its massive prong in one taloned fist, and then pushed it downward to align with my asshole. I was sobbing and shaking my head, but I knew my situation was hopeless. I was basically pinned like a butterfly on this stone slab, about to be split in half. I felt the hot, triangular head pushing insistently against my asshole and I thought there was no way it would be able to enter—not without considerable pain and irreparable damage. But… … it was weird. I could feel it start to slide in. The heat pulsing off that huge member was intense as it pushed past by sphincter. But it didn’t hurt for some reason. I could feel immense pressure, and an uncomfortably full feeling pervading my guts, but no pain. For some reason, due to some magic or demon novocaine, the entry wasn’t accompanied by the mind-shattering agony I was prepared for. Rather, it was- dare I say- pleasurable? It was a similar sensation to the tongue that had come before. I could feel it inside me. The heat. The fullness. The inexorable penetration. But where the tongue slithered and snaked around inside, this sensation was just of firm flesh invading my deepest recesses. Again, I felt the beast appendage impact somewhere deep inside me at meet resistance, and again I figured this was the extent of how far he would be able to go without tearing me internally. But there was some additional pressure, a slight stab of pain, and then… oh, and then! Goddamn. I could feel a slight ‘pop’ and the massive meat had pushed past beyond my barrier and was now invading deeper into me. Where the tongue had gone. The waves of pleasure as it continued into me were intense and almost more than I could bear. my sobs and tears had stopped and I believe I cried out in ecstasy, but I can’t be sure because my mind was blown at this point. After what felt like an eternity, I felt the creature’s hot groin pressed against my ass, and I knew that he was all the way inside and I had somehow survived. I don’t know where all that dick went, but every breath was a struggle it felt like it was lodged below my sternum, somewhere up near my heart. Then, the cock started a slow withdrawal from my body. Every inch that it retreated left me feeling hollow and empty. Eventually, the Incubus only had the head remaining inside me. Then he started to push inside again, only a tiny bit faster. This process repeated many times- so many that I lost count. The only thing I was aware of was the core of heat inside my body when he was inside me, and the feeling of fullness and pleasure. Again, all this was completely happening outside of time itself, so I don’t have any perspective of how long this back and forth went inside my guts. It felt like years were passing with each thrust. As the fuck continued, my body eventually completely gave itself over to lust and desire. I had relaxed to the point where my insides were fully accepting his demon dick. All thoughts of impropriety had long since fled and I was feeling nothing but dizzying pleasure at being impaled on his massive shaft. I found that I couldn’t get enough. I wanted this demon’s dick in me for eternity. I wanted him to never stop. I know I was moaning and screaming and making noises of ultimate pleasure every time he bottomed out inside me and I was actively trying to throw myself further into him. “Yessssssssssss,” the Incubus hissed. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “Submit unto me! Accept your fate!” He was staying further inside me now. Rarely pulling out beyond half before thrusting inside again. And the thrusts were harder. His groin bruising my ass. I found myself staring into the voids that were its eyes as the fucking continued. It felt like I was falling into a bottomless well of lust and desire, that sensation of falling without hitting bottom. Mixed with the sensation of his giant cock deliciously rearranging my insides. As his tempo slowly increased further, his tongue slowly snaked out of his mouth and found it’s way to mine. I felt the hot, black, roughness enter my mouth and start to push down my throat into my esophagus. Normally I would have started gagging uncontrollably at this, but again. As if by demon magic, I was just able to accept his tongue down my throat. The heat signature slowly crept downward into my belly—and beyond. I was taking sustaining breaths through my nostrils now, as the demon pounded me furiously while tongue-fucking my throat and stomach. I think his cock and tongue made connection and completed the circuit inside me. My body was vibrating from his double penetration, pleasure beyond all reason and measure crashing into me, through me, over me. It felt like I had been edged up to the point of an orgasm for a lifetime without release and my body was going crazy with desire. His tempo was frenzied now, and he was growling. A horrifying sound that seemed to rend the air. I could feel the triangular spear shaped tip of his cock start to swell up inside me. Taking up more and more room within. It grew to where it felt like it was half the width of my torso, yet my willing body took it. Craved it. Needed it. I could barely breathe as it was affecting my diaphragm and lungs. The red light in the room had grown steadily with the demon’s passion. It morphed with the fuck, moving into orange, then yellow, then white, then brilliant incandescence. My eyes closed tight to shield them from the intensity. “IT IS TIME!” the Incubus bellowed. “WITH THIS SEED YOU BECOME THE VESSEL!” And with that, the demon cock erupted inside me. Scalding hot semen pulsed from that massive head, flooding into me. It burned with a pleasure-pain that caused my body to buck and shake uncontrollably. I contorted and writhed with full body orgasms as volumes of poisonous demon seed poured into me, filling me- searing my viscera. I could feel his molten jism actually rising like gorge in my throat. The salty, sulfurous, metallic taste making me gag. It was like I was burning alive from the inside, but without pain. It felt like a fever, but a fever of 451°F. I couldn’t breathe or move and it felt like I might burst apart into flame. But slowly… ever so slowly… this feeling diminished. With every throb of my pulse, the heat within grew less and less, like I was ejecting my corona into space like a dying star. Eventually, I felt like I could breathe again, and I could feel the cool, wetness of the stone under my back. I slowly opened my eyes. Smoke hung thick in the air which again smelled of sulfur. In the haze the Incubus was nowhere to be seen. I noticed that I was no longer bound by the chains—they just hung impotently around me. I pushed myself into a seated position for the first time in what felt like a millennia and swayed a little unsteadily. I was woozy and felt severely dehydrated and also… different. Slowly I began to take inventory of my body. I looked down and noted that I was covered by crusty, black soot from head to toe, like I’d been in a fire. Also my chest and belly were coated in semen (which I somehow knew was mine) making the soot on my torso streaky and sticky. The demon had fucked what appeared to be a week’s worth of cum out of me. Speaking of my body… I found it had changed markedly. I was more muscular than I had been before. My shoulders and chest much broader. My arms bulging. My legs thick and strong. I felt longer of limb and that when I stood I would be taller. I was leaner, too, with deep muscular definition. And lo! I had chest hair! I had been a hairless, skinny, twink before— but now? But without a doubt the biggest change was to my dick. The flesh now hanging between my legs was certainly NOT what I had before. Before I was just a guy with an unremarkable cock. Average. Nothing that stood out or was noticed in the swim locker room or gym class by any means. But now? Flaccid it was hanging to just north of mid thigh. I could fell the meaty weight of it, and I instinctively knew it would expand to become a real cuntwrecker. As these changes sank in, I slowly started to realize that I felt different inside as well. I felt confident… no, cocky. Strong. Sure of myself. Brave. Sexy. Fearless. And dangerous. When I looked for the Five men in Robes, I noticed them laying on the floor in disarray at the five points where they had been. Eventually they stirred faintly and moaned a bit as they came to. I heard one of them mutter, “Dude, what the fuck just happened?” When they had revived enough and saw me seated and unshackled, they were visibly shaken. The one in the gold mask looked at me and said, “Who are you?” “I was the virgin manchild you brought here as a sacrifice, but no longer. Now I am the Vessel. Now I am Gift of Death.” They all turned and ran. Just as the Incubus had said, they were fools. They meddled with dark forces and in turn have released Me unto the world. The new Vessel. They would soon come to rue their choices, of that I was sure. And then eventually to Him. I would start with the man in the gold mask. The seducer from the club. The “high priest” as it were. I followed them at a leisurely pace, their cries echoing through the rough hewn chamber, leading me on to the exit. Thoughts of my future formed as I walked. I could not go home now—the 18 year old that entered this chamber was dead. As the Vessel, I needed to sow my seed far and wide. Perhaps I should become a hitchhiker? A truck driver? A male prostitute? “No,” I said with a smile. “I will become a flight attendant.”
    13 points
  2. Part 2 “Take off your pants,” I said, my finger running down his trail of hair and stopping above the button, teasing my need to see the dick he wouldn’t be using that night. At least, not the way he would be thinking. He scrambled to unbutton his pants, dropping them to reveal briefs which hugged his erection perfectly. His cock was pressed against his body, moving along his left hip as far as it could go. It could go pretty far, but there wouldn’t be any argument on who was going to be the top once he saw mine. I left my shirt on but undid my jeans, revealing the jockstrap I wore beneath. Because it was dark, he couldn’t see the stained fabric clearly, but he’d sense it in a moment. I parted my legs a bit, allowing for my bulge to become even more prominent. For a third time, he licked his lips. “Take off your briefs,” I said. Eager, he pushed them down, allowing his erection to jut out. He had to be seven inches, maybe eight, clearly a young man who was gifted genetically. How he viewed himself as anything but a catch was beyond me. All the men who could have had him before I got to him should have been ashamed of themselves. Hopefully, after I was done with him, they’d get another chance and receive their punishment for their mistake. His balls were pulled tight to his body, his desire to fuck plain as day. His chest was rising and falling quickly, his anticipation rising. I wondered how many men he’d been naked with. I wondered how many men he’d fucked or been fucked by. I wondered if he knew that, even if he wanted to, there was no chance of escape now. He was mine. “Remove my jock,” I told him. He looked down, confused a first, and then stepped forward, reaching out a hand. “No,” I told him. “Remove it with your teeth.” He looked up into my eyes, waiting for further instruction, and then kneeled. “Hands behind your back,” I told him. He followed what I told him, clasping his hands behind himself as he leaned forward, his face stopping a few inches from my crotch. I was sure he was smelling the jock strap now, but I knew there was no way he was going to back out. Even if the smell did put him off, he wanted not only my approval but also my dick so badly that he’d do anything I told him. That was good as that was exactly what I planned on doing. He opened his mouth and tried to angle himself better, his teeth separated slightly. I knew that there was no way to take the jock strap off without either risking biting my dick or having to press his face against my body. He did the right thing, and I was proud of him. He pressed against my body and managed to get the jock strap pouch in his mouth, stains and all. I watched to see if he’d spit it out or grimace from the taste, but there was no reaction other than a low groan I knew was from pleasure. Slowly, he pulled down with his teeth, his hands still behind his back, dragging the jock strap off my grown and down my legs. Before he could get far, my cock shot out and hit him in the face, leaving a trail of precum across his forehead. Rather than stop his progress, he continued pulling the jock strap down my legs until meeting the floor. Seeing him bent over, the crack of his ass meeting my gaze for the first time, I felt a rush of energy coursing through me. I was sure it was partially an aftereffect of the young man I’d fucked that morning, his “energy” still settling into my body. “If you’re going to take all of me,” I told him, his innocent eyes looking up at me, “You’ll want to get me slick for your hole.” He slowly nodded and raised himself until he was eye-to-eye with my dick. He stuck out his tongue and licked the underside of the shaft, lingering on the glands and sending waves of pleasure through my body. Without having to think, my hand reached around and grabbed the back of his head, slowly pressing the head of my cock against his lips. “More than that, boy,” I said, my voice deep. All men his age have some type of lust for a daddy and to be dominated. “Boy” gets them to the place of needing my approval faster. Now, I was sure he’d want to please me no matter what else I wanted. Getting my raw cock up his ass would be too easy. Half of my dick was in his mouth, moving toward this throat, and already his eyes were watering. How many men this young guy had sucked off I didn’t know, but I assumed it wasn’t many. He needed training. I’d do it, except I never fucked the same guy twice. I entered his ass, blew my load into his guts, took his years, allowed my strain to do its work, and I moved on. Still, watching this guy trying to get my cock deep into his throat had my already hard dick getting even stiffer. Fuck, I loved watching men work so hard to please the man that saw them only as cum disposals. Did they think it gave them worth? I snatched my dick out of his mouth, his spit stringing between us. I leaned forward and cleaned my dick on his face, his spit sticking to his stubble. “Time to open your hole,” I said, winking at the eager face staring up at me. He jumped off the floor and climbed onto the bed. I never asked if this guy was a bottom. I just knew. He looked like a man who lived to serve the needs, desires, and lusts of other men. It’s what he was made for, and I was going to help him fulfill his purpose. There are few true tops in the world, just some men who don’t know what their asses need… just men who didn’t know what they needed to give up to me to truly live. “On all fours,” I told him as I saw him lying on his back. Why guys wanted to fuck missionary I didn’t know. I don’t want to be looking at your face the whole time. I have mirrors in my room so I can look at the bottom’s face as I blow my load and infect their bodies. I’d rather watch their bodies squirm as my big dick fills them, threatening to tear them in two. When they’re on all four, I can see their arms shaking, trying to stabilize themselves. Plus, it’s a great view of their ass. His ass was pointed toward me, his back slightly arched down, pushing his muscular mounds of flesh in my direction. There is a coating of hair over them, just enough to prove that this was a real man taking dick. My cock glistened from his saliva, giving enough lube to push inside his ass with little effort. I almost bottomed out, but I stopped, watching as his ass opened, his arms shaking, and his head tilting back as ecstasy filled his body. “Fuck” he moaned. I saw in a mirror that his eyes were closed, face showing the struggle of taking my big dick but also loving it. He bit his lower lip as he moaned, my dick slowly pulling out until only the head remained. “Tell me you want me,” I told him, my hands grasping either ass cheek and holding tight to the warm skin. “I fucking want you,” he said, eyes still closed. “Tell me you need me.” “I need you.” “You need me to what?” I taunted. “You need me to make you mine?” “Fuck yes,” he moaned, back arching lower, his ass pulling my dick inside his body. “Make me yours. Take me.” The magic words. “You’ve got it,” I said, thrusting my entire dick into his body. His head thrust back, eyes looking up to the ceiling, mouth open wide as I opened his ass wider than any other man had or he ever could. His arms shook, but the strength of his youth held through, keeping him up. His back started to rise, but I pushed down, arching his back, moving all the way into his body. “Don’t fight me,” I told him, pulling out and thrusting inside again, his ass shaking while his hole grabbed onto my dick. Even his body knew he needed me to stay inside him, to finally bring his life some importance. His warmth radiated from his body, his heartbeat felt clearly on my cock. With every thrust, I could feel our heartbeats syncing, “Just give in.” “Fuck,” he moaned, his voice quaking. “It… feels… so… good…” “I know, baby,” I said. Even if I hadn’t already locked him in, calling him “baby” would definitely make him mine. “Can you feel how big I am inside you? Can you feel how big you’re making me?” “You’re huge,” he moaned. “It’s like… It’s like you’re tearing me open.” “Only if I didn’t restrain myself,” I said. In the mirror I could see that his dick was rock hard, cum leaking out as if he was cumming. All men did this when I fucked them. Their weak bodies worked hard to prepare themselves for my gift, for what they were about to receive and give up. Though the bottom didn’t know it, his mind too focused on how wide I was stretching his ass and how hard I was hitting his prostate, his body knew what was about to happen and had already surrendered itself to me. The prey knows when the predator has won. Now, as I gave him the best fuck he’d ever had, his body was ridding itself of all the negative cum stored up inside its balls, making room for what I would be injecting inside. Soon, his balls will produce triple the amount of cum compared to a normal man, burdening him with the need to spend the remainder of his life fucking any man he comes across. He won’t be able to do much else as the urgency to spread my gift will consume him. In a matter of minutes, his body will be producing poz cum. But not just any poz cum… my poz cum. “Fuck,” he said again, finally noticing the incredible amount of cum leaking out of him. “You’re fucking the cum right out of me.” “Yes, I am,” I said, my grip tightening on his hips. I could still feel his heartbeat in his hole. As he was looking down at his cock, I felt a strong wave of warmth coursing through my body and down to my cock. Suddenly, his head was thrown back, eyes wide, mouth open, but there was no sound made. In that moment, our heartbeats were one. The connection was finalized. There was no escaping me now. I released his hips knowing he couldn’t get away even if his life depended on it… and it did. I pulled my shirt off, revealing my biohazard tattoo in the mirror. Already it was fading from what it had been in the club. I looked down at his lower back and saw the new addition to his body. It was faint, but the pale outline of a biohazard tattoo was coming through on his skin, growing darker with each thrust. His body had accepted me. His body had synced with me. Now, it was time to make his body and what would have been the remainder of his life mine. I picked up my pace, sweat pouring off my body, my grunts now sounding animalistic. The room stank of sex, his dick still ridding itself of unworthy cum. No longer would his balls produce the cum carrying his DNA, the cum which could have promised him a family. Now, his balls were preparing to change forever, to evolve into their ultimate state. Soon, his balls would produce my cum, ending his family line and continuing mine. This is what he was made for. “Who do you belong to?” I cried out, my pace quickening, our heartbeat growing faster. “You,” he said, his mind now rewriting itself, teaching him of his new objective in life. “Who does your dick belong to?” “You.” “And whose toxic cum is churning now inside your balls?” “Your cum.” “And whose life am I taking in replace of gifting you with my cum?” The young man’s head tilted down and his eyes met mine in the mirror. “My life,” he said. “Then give it to me,” I said, forcing the entirety of my dick inside his body and erupting inside him. His head fell forward while mine went back, now my eyes and mouth wide open in pure ecstasy. In that instant, I could see all the days he would have lived if I hadn’t met him. I could see him finishing college, making his parents proud. I could see him getting his dream job. I could see him meeting a nice man and falling in love. I could see him proposing and starting a family. I could see his face as years went by, his true potential unrealized. Just as quickly as I saw it, these images faded into darkness. All those years he could have lived were now moving into me. As all of this was happening, my tattoo was fading away until my arm was bare, the tattoo on his lower back a vibrant sign of his new status. His dick stopped leaking, his balls transforming painfully in his sack, his face twisting from the agony of his transformation. His balls were now mirroring my own, ready to serve their new purpose of pozzing up more men in my image. I could feel my body growing in strength, a new energy filling me. The young man’s youth filled every part of me. I pulled my dick out of his ass, his body slumping down onto the bed. He was fast asleep. He wouldn’t sleep for long. Once he wakes, he’ll get up, get dressed, and head out on his way into his new life, his new purpose. He won’t say anything since there’s nothing left to be said. I don’t know where he’ll go or what he’ll do concerning the images I saw. I know they’re not possible now. Perhaps he’ll drop out of school to give himself more time to fuck. Perhaps he’ll never talk to his family again, disappearing into the bathhouses and gloryholes where no one can disturb him of what he knows needs to be done with the remainder of his life. Who knows how much time he has. I don’t. I also don’t care. He served his purpose, giving an alpha man like me, a true man, more time on this earth to fuck up other men and continue my legacy. Once he truly realizes what I’ve done to him, he won’t do anything to stop what is coming. He’ll accept it as his true destiny. I flexed in the mirror, admiring myself. The punk’s life took almost ten years off me. I looked at my arm and knew the tattoo would come back eventually. When it did, I’d find several more men to pick up the burden of keeping my strain alive. The young man groaned on the bed, his new tattoo in sight, the skin around it an angry red. “I really took it out of you,” I said, smiling in the mirror. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If I turn this into a series, I'd explore different men with this ability and the men who fall prey to them. Maybe I'd return to Hunter again. That's an "if" for now. Enjoy Hunter.
    12 points
  3. Hi everyone, it is my first story here (I have so many hours reading yours) sand I hope it will be pleasant for you. It is my "secret" sexual fantasy (not the poz part but why not a story with^^) never realised (I am a really careful bottom). Please excuse me for the grammatical error, English is not my langage (I am French 🙂 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Jeremy, I am 30, tall with a standard body. I am not a model model but I have my success. I jnew that I was gay since High school. I have a 7" tool and and a smooth body. And yes, I am totally bottom. My job is quite humdrum so I balance it with an active sexual life. One Fact : I always have protected sex. I know it can be less attractive and fun, but it is clearly written on my profile on my gay apps. One day, I found a new profil (Hugo) who was just arriving in my city. He was totally my type : older than me (39), good hairy body, blond hair with blue eyes, and an angelic face. He also have the greatest cock I've ever seen : a thick 9" and veiny Penis. We crushed each other and had a long tchat for days. He was really understanding about my will of condom and told me that he had the same habit. He also shared with me pics of his medical analysis with neg results. He told me to do annual exam just to check and this one was few month ago. He now had my trust and started to tease me with hot pics and videos of him cumming (what a massive cumshots he has) and ribed me about my faculty of swallowing it. I also confessed to him that I only have taste cum but i had never been bred by a top (because of condom). I said to me that it was impressive and be happy that I share this with him. It wasn't true for him because a did bareback with an ex a long time ago. After a few days, I was really horny and wanted to meet him and have fun with him. We agreed to meet in my home on friday afternoon. He came with some beer and we chatted on my sofa for a moment. Soon arrived the moment where he touched me with sensuality and we started to kiss passionately. after this romantic phase, we went to my room. The fate had decided that condoms, lube and poppers were already on the table... I just took off his pant and boxer to discover for the first time and in front of me, his tool ! And it was so impressive with a subtle smell of men ! I played with it a lot with my tongue before he took my head to fuck my mouth hardly. He seems to be another man, really dominant, only concern by his own pleasure and I was perplex about the scene (horny, but a little frustrated). Suddendly, he captured my attention by saying : " Time to prove your telling... Swallow everything !" And I felt it. His dick gone deep in my throat and became really hard just before pulsing and jerking a tide of cum. Honetly, it was a good taste and I was near to cum myself by the mental pleasure of the situation. When he went out of me, he was still hard and creamy and asked me to clean his dick. I did it, thinking that it was not the idea of our first meet and also disappointed. As I started to leave the room, he hold me and said : "Where are you going, I never say that it was over" I answered about he had unleashed his load and told me that his dick was still really hard. and it was his turn to take off my pant. He made me re-horny with his expert tongue, but do not last long on my dick. He put me on my bed, and omg! his tongue in my hole was so good. I think it was the best ass eater of all my sexual life. Adding the poppers and my hunger for him, I accept his wrapped (he put a condom and lube when he felt me ready) tool easily. I was impressed because he was still hard in me, and contrary to the previous act, he was more gentle and soft, alternating with his dick in my hole, going out to play with finger, going inside, finger with lube, etc... This sweet playing lasted for a moment before he changed his mind and upgrade the level. What a fuck, I took my feet in a marvelous rythm, Hugo was a perfect top and I was "in love". Everything was great.After a long moment, he suddendly told me that he had two presents for me and put his hand in mine to let something.While I discovered the used condom, he hampered my body wis his muscular corpse and accelerated his fuck. He congratulated himself of his succes, to be my first load and try to calm my protest with poppers. He also told me that he felt how good I was and how he makes me horny. That being first bred by him will make me never forget and that I know I wanted him for this first time. He succeeded to convince me when he told me that I was aldready full of his precum, so there was no impact of letting him cum in me now excepted having the best time of my life and that he was neg. And what was predicted to arrive... Arrive. I felt him pulsing inside me, his hot shots spreading inside. I could swear that it was more intense and massive than the one in my mouth. He stayed in me a long time after, half nude (like me). He left after a shower while I was tyding my room and the living. On monday, I received a message of Hugo "Are you ready for your second promised gift darling ?" I hesitated, and answered "The first one was the condom, and the second your load, isn't it" I soon received another message, as my cock was hard because of Hugo. "No, the first one was the load, the condom was just the wrapping paper " And Hugo sent me a video. It was him in my bathroom. His back was apparent in my mirror. And I see it, an enormous Biohazard tattoo ! I didn't answer so Hugo sent me "I hope my gift will grow in you, that's why I wait to give you these personal video ! Prep is too late my boy ! And if I doesn't knock up you, feel free to ask me for more loads ! I like you and I want you by my side, with my legacy" I understood that he make a false test as a fatal argument to have me (and it was a nice moove). I never answered to him, but after my results came back (TRULY) positive, I became officially Hugo's Boy and Boyfriend.
    5 points
  4. New story. I'll be releasing 2 parts. I might write more if enough men like it. Hope it isn't going too dark. Maybe you'll want it to go darker. Let me know. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 1 Some may say that what I do is wrong. Some may say it’s unethical. Some may say it twists the laws of nature unnaturally. They’d be right. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop. I stood at the bar of Club Baridos, drinking a beer, watching as a hoard of college students danced. It was spring break, and every year there was an influx of uninhibited kids looking for a good time. Busses shuttled them here from all over the country, sometimes all over the globe. We had alcohol, drugs, sex. There wasn’t anything else they could want, meaning we attracted thousands at a time. This was good for me because I liked having a selection. I originally stopped at the club to pass along some “contraband” to the owner, a friend who often tipped me off to suggestible young men looking for a “daddy” to take control for a few hours. I wasn’t for hire. I just had an insatiable need to fuck. At this time in my life, money meant little. The contraband was just for fun. The only need I had was to have my bare cock buried deep in a man’s ass. I’d already fucked a student that morning, a young man from UCLA, a Junior studying business. I think his name was Keith. I didn’t ask what he studied or where he went. I also didn’t want to know his name. He told me all of this because he had gotten nervous once I got him back to my place. Clearly, he had been new to the whole “bottom” thing. He wasn’t new anymore. I broke him in like a pro. I also made sure he left with a parting gift. He had been a good fuck, even if his talents hadn’t developed yet. Still, there’s nothing like slamming your dick so far up into a man’s body that their eyes roll back, their heads contort backwards, every muscle and vein in their neck straining as they try to breathe. Their hands grasp at either the sheets or my arms which hold them down. For most, their dicks, which I make sure are left untouched, are rock hard and shooting cum along their stomachs. If I’ve done a very good job, they’re shooting up to their chins, sometimes shooting into their mouths which are open in silent screams of ecstasy. Even with that morning fuck, I was ready for more. I turned away from the crowd in the club and looked into a mirror mounted on the wall. I lifted the tight sleeve of my left arm and could see the faint markings of my biohazard tattoo. In dim lighting, it was almost unnoticeable. When I’m fucking a chaser, I don’t mind if it’s seen. Most of the time, that’s when the tattoo is at its darkest. For now, it was fairly faded, proving my dick had been doing its job well. One more fuck and it would be absent for nearly a year, their time now mine. These “innocent” lives used to give me more time, my tattoo fading for years at a time, their expected years left lasting only a fraction of what they used to now. Times had changed. My days were lessening, even when I passed them off to someone else momentarily. I never got the same amount of time for each guy. Every fuck was a gamble. Good thing I'm addicted to both fucking and gambling. Sound fucked up? It is, but that’s the kind of man I am. All I had to do now was find the guy. Whose time would be running out, becoming my own? I scanned the room, watching the dancing students, and immediately spotted a young man who was standing at the outer edge of the dancefloor, his eyes focused on the movement at the center of the club. The lights gleamed in his eyes, the neon strobes revealing a bright smile. There was stubble across his face, just enough to allude to the fact that he could grow a full beard if he wanted. His black hair was cut short on the sides and styled on top. My mind instantly imagined what it would be like to have my hands running through his hair, grabbing tight, and forcing my dick down his throat. He wore a button-down shirt with the top three buttons undone, revealing what looked to be a defined chest covered in hair. I had nothing against men who shaved, but I preferred men to look natural, rugged. These college students were at their prime, their bodies proving them to be adults while their minds were still wired to act on impulses. They were the perfect choice for me, and this young man was my selection. I made my way through the crowd, my eyes focused on him. I caught the eyes of several lusting individuals. Standing at six foot four, I’m usually the tallest in the room. My wide, strong shoulders and muscular arms take up space and attract attention. I know my greatest asset is my body, so I keep myself in shape. Having once been in the military, I found I looked good with shorter hair, and it gave me a look of dominance. I was the picture of the perfect alpha, even turning other alphas around and fucking the dominance out of them. To put it plainly, I was the definition of sexy. I was the definition of a predator. I moved myself until I was standing next to the young man, my presence unnoticed by him so far. He was distracted by those dancing, his foot tapping along with the music. “Don’t you like to dance?” I asked, making sure my voice could be heard without having to yell. He turned to me, curious to why a stranger was making conversation with him, and then smiled once he saw who was trying to gain his attention. “Not really,” he said, his voice cracking for a moment. He looked embarrassed, something which I found adorable. I also knew he would be easy to convince. “I’m surprised your girlfriend isn’t dragging you out there against your will,” I said. “I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said. “Oh, sorry.” “Actually,” he said, looking me over, as if noticing me for the first time. “I’m gay.” “I see,” I said, having already known this. It was easy to tell, at least for me. I could always tell if a man was straight, gay, bi, or whatever. Even if he were straight, it would only add a few extra minutes of convincing to get him on his back, legs up, hole open, his dick ignored. Him being gay and seeing how he kept glancing up at me, his six foot frame the perfect height to admire my chiseled features, I knew it would take little convincing to get him where I wanted him. It was where he wanted to be too, he just didn’t know it yet. “I’m amazed none of the drunk twinks have thrown themselves at your feet just to suck your dick.” His eyes grew wide at the thought, a slight smile turning his mouth. “I’m not… uhm… I’m not very good with… all that.” “All what?” I asked. I knew how I looked to this young man. I looked concerned, caring, genuinely interested in what he was saying and why. Practice makes perfect. He opened his mouth to answer, but I could tell his shyness was getting the best of him. Even though he oozed sex appeal, clearly his confidence was lacking. This was perfect for me. “What?” I asked. “Sex?” A wide grin filled his face as his cheeks grew red. “Uh, yeah. Basically.” I scoffed. “Yeah right,” I told him. “I’m sure men are throwing themselves at you all the time.” “Not really,” he said. “Well, that can’t be true,” I said. “I mean, look at you.” With my words, he started to look himself over, as if my recognition of him was presenting himself to him for the first time. “I’d take my chance asking you out if I was younger,” I said. “You know, more your type.” His smile faded a bit. “What’s my type?” “Like I said, twinks. Those thin men, youthful, hairless. The type who look as if they haven’t hit puberty yet, but are actually legal.” As I painted him a picture, I saw his face turn in disgust. It was almost too easy. “I don’t like those type of guys,” he said, making sure he made his point. “Oh really? And what kind of men do you like?” “I like,” he said, looking me over, eyes taking in every inch of my body, “you.” “Really?” I said, grinning. “Like you,” he quickly corrected, embarrassed again. “Men like you. That’s what I meant. I like men like you.” “What? Old?” “No,” he said, a bit of his confidence returning. “Older. Older than me. Thirties. Forties. How old are you?” “Older than you,” I said, winking. Though I doubt he noticed, I watched as his tongue stuck out for a brief moment, wetting his lips. “I don’t like hairless guys or scrawny guys.” “So, someone with your body type?” I asked, reaching out a hand and opening the top of his shirt a bit, looking at his strong, hairy chest. “Yeah,” he said, eyes looking down at my hand, nearly touching him but painfully apart. “But stronger. Bigger. You know, like I said. Someone like you.” I moved my hand back to my side, noticing how his body leaned toward me, trying to get closer to reclaim the space I’d taken away. “Well, I don’t know if you’ll find many men like that here,” I said, looking through the club. “But, you’re here,” he said. I looked down at him, watching as the lights gleamed in his lusting eyes. I smiled. “I am,” I said. I had him. ** My apartment wasn’t far, and the walk there was quick as I felt the anticipation of the young man growing, his pace moving us along. “What’s your name?” he asked me as we climbed the stairs to my apartment. “Hunter,” I said, smiling. If he only knew, he’d understand the irony in my name. “What’s yours?” “Austin,” he said. “Sexy name,” I told him, leading him down the hall. I opened the door and motioned him inside, watching as he crossed the point of no return. I had a nice apartment. It wasn’t too flashy, but it wasn’t a mess. I routinely had men over, so I had to make sure everything looked nice. He looked around, taking everything in. “Do you want a drink?” I asked him. “Whiskey,” he said, the word sounding almost foreign coming out of his mouth. I would have guessed that he’d only been twenty-one for a short period, and I had the feeling that he hadn’t been one to drink anything harder than beer while in high school. The excitement of being here along with the drink would send him into overdrive, delivering him into my hands easily. I made him his drink, making sure there was a considerable amount of whiskey, my own drink having less. I wanted a clear head. He drank his drink quickly, whatever nerves he was feeling quickly silenced. “Another?” I asked, sipping mine. “I’m fine,” he said, handing me the glass, eyes wide as the alcohol still burned through his system. I put our glasses down and reached out to him, grabbing his sides, pulling him closer to me. “You are fucking gorgeous,” I told him, looking down into his face, my eyes moving down to his chest. “I’m glad I got to you first before anyone else did. I probably wouldn’t have stood a chance otherwise.” His hands moved up along my chest, feeling my heartbeat beneath. He looked in my eyes and leaned forward, pushing his lips against mine. His mouth opened up for me without protest, his need for me to accept him breaking down whatever barriers he’d normally have in place. He desperately needed me to want him, unable to recognize that I had wanted him even before he’d seen me. I wrapped my arms around his body, pulling him against me, our chests pressed together, strained gasps for air adding extra force. His crotch pressed against mine, and I could feel his dick already fully hard and rubbing against my own erection. Our need to explore each other grew in intensity, his hands moving down my body and grabbing at my shirt. “Wait,” I said, breaking our kiss. I took his hand and led him down the hallway to my bedroom where I turned on the dim lights I knew would be able to hide the faded remnants of my tattoo. “That’s better.” He tried kissing me again, but I lifted a hand and rested a finger against his lips, giving him a wink. I unbuttoned my shirt, revealing my strong, muscled, hairy chest beneath, but I kept it on, my tattoo still a secret. His eyes drifted down my chest, following the thick trail of hair which continued down below my jeans. Once again, his tongue darted out, licking his lips. “Disappointed?” I asked. He looked into my eyes and shook his head. “No,” he said. “Actually, I’m worried you’ll be disappointed in me.” “That can’t be farther from the truth,” I said, stepping toward him and taking his shirt in hand, my fingers unbuttoning until his chest and abs were revealed. He too sported a trail of hair down to his pants, and I was sure with age it would thicken (would have thickened), rivaling even mine. I moved my hands beneath the shirt and over his shoulders, causing the shirt to slip off. His body was even hotter than I imagined. He clearly went to the gym, but he wasn’t overly muscular. I imagined in his future, once college was done, he’d probably add on a few pounds around his gut and become a bear-to-be. Again, this would not happen now, not once I was done with him. Instead, he was a cub, and I was ready for more.
    4 points
  5. I'm a freshman in college and have been pretty DL but also wanting to try a dick for the longest time. I got on the sniffies app & found this guy with a really thick dick who wanted to fuck me. I live with roommates int he dorms so I couldn't host, but he suggested that we could meet anonymously in a nearby college building in the basement, which had a bathroom that people rarely went to. He said he only fucked bareback and wanted to breed me which made me pretty nervous because I've never done that before, but I was really horny and really wanted to try it, so I agreed. He told me to meet him in the stall next to the back stall and tap my feet to let him know it was me. He stuck his fat cock under the stall and I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. Then he said he really wanted to blow his load in my hole. We didn't have lube so he just spit on his dick and stuck it in. To be honest it hurt pretty bad at first, but after 30 seconds of pumping I started to enjoy it. We heard someone walking towards the bathroom so we knew we had to wrap it up quick. He grabbed my hips and thrusted hard and deep into my virgin hole and shot a load deep inside me. I went back to my dorm with his cum still sitting in my hole. I hadn't cum in the bathroom because he just used my hole and left, so I started fingering myself using his cum as lube. It felt incredible and before I knew it I shot my load. I think this won't be the last raw load I take. I'm already thinking about the next load I can get. Something tells me I might turn into a cum dump... I also filmed a bit of it if you guys are interested: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video74530109/18_yo_bareback_cruising_in_college_bathroom
    4 points
  6. We see them all the time - bottoms who post profiles, in which they say up front that they’re bottoms, looking to suck or get fucked - and yet their main pic, or their avatar, is a cock pic. If you are one of these men, please, for all our sakes, explain why you do this. It’s maddening. On the face of it, there’s no rational reason for it. Hell, half of the bottoms here don’t even want their cocks touched. The first principle of marketing is that the thing you’re trying to sell is the thing you put in the shop window; if you’re trying to get people to come in and but peaches you don’t put cucumbers in the shop window, you put peaches. Good day, sir, I’d like to buy one of your longest, thickest cucumbers, if you please. And two walnuts while you’re at it. We don’t sell cucumbers, sir, or walnuts either, but we have some very succulent peaches. Then why does the sign outside say ‘Cucumber Market’, and why are you advertising walnuts as buy-one-get-one-free? I don’t get it. Most of us don’t. If there is an actual, sensible reason for doing this, please explain. If there isn’t, please, please stop.
    4 points
  7. This was a few years ago, hope you enjoy. I was chatting with a really hot guy on Grindr, muscular, hairy, with a big hung dick and an ass I hoped he'd give up and we were talking about meeting at the local nudist beach. I thought about it and I decided to go for two reasons: meet him in person and fuck on the beach. Such a turn on. It's a big beach, a good 7 kilometers away from the town, back then there were no beach bars and umbrellas, so there was more sex going on at the gay side and that was what I craved. I'm walking towards a beach umbrella and then I look at the sea and this Greek Poseidon comes out, even hotter than his photos, tanned and naked and fucking hot and all I can do is gape. We got into the talking, all random shit, but hell all I wanted to do was suck the monster and after a few minutes, I was granted that wish. "I see you staring, come get it" he said and I couldn't be happier, my own 19cm dick in full mast. I sucked his cock all the way down to his balls, it was salty as fuck from his swim. He was moaning and I knew I was doing a great job. "You'll make me cum..." he told me between moaning so I slowed down and then the surprise - he showed off his asshole for me to rim! I gladly dove into that delicious hole and I could swear his moaning got louder. After what felt like an hour of rimming his ass in all fours, I got closer to his ear and whispered: "do you want this big dick in your tight hole ?" "yeah, but we don't have any condoms." Fuck that C word. "Then I guess I have no choice but to breed your ass" I whispered, then rubbed my raw dick on his hole, my mind gone crazy by the hot hunk I was about to plant my seed into. "Say you want this cock raw up that ass!" my voice went a bit louder. "Fuck, dude, you're making me feel like a slut. Stick that dick in me." "Raw?" "Fucking raw." No reassurance needed. I pushed in his sweet pucker, slow at first while his moaning was a mix of pleasure and pain and then he reached behind my ass to push me even further! So much for the condoms I thought. I started slamming deeper into him, enjoying the warm hole wrapped around my fuckstick while holding his sides. Fuck I never wanted to cum. "FUCK ME" as I was going to town behind him. After trying to hold on to dear life not to explode in him, I turned him around so I could fuck and kiss (my absolute favourite). His hole was already gaping a bit, however I applied a generous amount of saliva on his hole and on my hole and reentered. There was a sharp intake of breath and then moaning once again. He was looking at me like I was his first love. First lust more like. I reached my lips into his and then started hammering away, deeper and faster. He went fucking nuts, moaning in my mouth (another turn on). He tried to slow my pace but i was holding him down and kept fucking him hard and then it happened; I felt a wet sensation between our bellies, which I thought was cum, because I must have reached his prostate but nope - dude pissed himself. It was weird, but the thought of dominating this hunk of a man made me explode in him! "FUUUUUCK" I yelled while slamming my cock deeper "Keep going I'm close too" I couldn't say no, so his hole endured some more abuse. "Fucking... Aaah. Keep..fucking..." he was at a loss for words while his cock erupted. As a good top I reached down and swallowed as much as I could, guy was like a fountain. We caught our breaths after that and realised we did not know each other's names! He said his name was George and I replied I'm Alex. We swam a bit to cool down and I reached his ass to assess the damage. A slight twinge was all I needed to see. We did meet later that night with a less intense version of fucking and then a few days later before he left for a quickie at an abandoned building in which we almost got caught. He was a great summer fuck.
    4 points
  8. Absolutely agree with the varying degrees, I'm 100% gay and have never done anything sexual with a woman, and also 100% bottom for fucking. However that said, here is where the degrees come in, I have also loved a shapely ass and admiring a beautiful hole, which I will happily rim, felch, use toys on and have even been known to FF if in the mood. A wonderful case in example was meeting a 28 year old in Gran Canaria last year, I don't normally go for guys that young, however he was handsome. He was chubby chasing and asked what I was into, I told him I was only looking to get fucked and it had to be BB which suited him. He proceeded to fuck me with plenty of energy and shortly after shot his load deep within. Needless to say I wanted more, so I said to him, you've got a great ass, I maybe bottom but love rimming, can I rim you? He obligingly turned round and I got stuck in, with him getting another erection soon after I started. He told me he was hard again, and I said do you want to go again? Fortunately for me he was more than happy to do so and because he had already come, he took longer to come the second time round, but he did, so I was more than happy, and now even consider approaches from guys I normally wouldn't have gone for based on their age.
    3 points
  9. It still doesn’t make sense to me, though. If you post a cock pic, you don’t just get Vers guys who are also looking to suck, you’re also broadcasting to bottoms (by far the majority of those looking - that you’re a potential Topping candidate. Fending off all the unwanted fucking requests from bottoms would, to my mind, outweigh any potential benefit to ‘covering your bases’. Plus - and I‘ve been told this by multiple Tops - when a Top is browsing profiles to find a cunt to fuck, what he wants to see is ass, so he can decide if he wants it. They’ve gone so far as to take pics of me to show me what motivates a Top: All ass. You might snag a Vers Top who also wants to suck, but Tops who just want to fuck are likely to give you a pass. Additionally, when I see a profile with a cock pic that claims to be a bottom, I immediately suspect the person is trying to bait-and-switch other bottoms in the hope of persuading them to Top instead of getting fucked as expected. That’s not covering bases, that’s attempting to widen the pool of candidates by deception. Not saying you’re one of this type, but they’re definitely out there. Personally, I don’t even give out a cock pic even if requested, because if a guy is asking for it, he has a reason, probably involving his wanting to be penetrated in some way. If the guy’s after my cock, he’s likely to be a problem encounter, and certain to leave disappointed. The only time anyone sees my cock in a pic is A) if we’re discussing piercings; B) if we’re discussing cock cages; or C) if it’s incidentally visible in my ass pic.
    3 points
  10. "Milo"? Are you implying his name isn't Milo? That seems like a weird hill to set your flag on. And hey, you're the one who brought up us needing our own JK. You offered up no options, so I did. Sorry if my choice doesn't meet your undisclosed expectations? Actually, no, I'm not sorry. You're kind of a dick, aren't you?
    3 points
  11. There is a difference between what a person calls themselves and asks/tells their friends to call them and terms getting bandied about on the Internet. I have had black friends who liked me to use the N-word in race play because it was their kink. That doesn't give me license to say that word anytime and anyplace to any audience. It's a simple difference that we all understand. You folks are being disingenuous.
    3 points
  12. Chapter four I had needed to get a drink for a while so with my guy catching his breath in the sling,I went to the bar. I must have been gone less than ten minutes but when I returned he was looking so different. The blindfold was off, and he had climbed out the sling, he was now on all fours on a small bench in the corner. I assume that the guy now eating the cum out his wet hole must have helped him to get there. He must have been in his thirties, average body, but really looked like he knew how to eat a butt out. I felt like I should have been the one swallowing them loads, but it looked like I would not have to wait long. The rubbermen had been circling earlier but I thought it was have been way to much for my guy. I mean yer he was in nice chaps and a harness, but these were not hiding anything they were into. A couple had “pig” on the front of the suit in big letters, and one who stood out to me had a yellow biohazard logo on one side of his chest, and a all round zip round his crotch. The idea of him playing with them was hot but I ruled it out. I know his limits, or so I thought. He had flipped himself onto his back and was taking the room in a bit, maybe his eyes were still adjusting since the blindfold was taken off, but then he did it. He sat up in front of the biohazard rubber guy, pulled him close by the hips and then very wet kissed and licked that warning logo. He saw it, he liked it and he was grinning at it. He was almost worshipping it with every lick and kiss. He clearly had not spotted me yet as he normally smiles at least to me to check I’m ok. Instead I saw him unzipping biohazard crotch zipper and getting a nice long but not to wide cock out. The rubber man was semi hard, and inches from my guys face. “He’s going to knowingly take a poz cock in his mouth while he’s not on prep!” I thought. But he didn’t. My guy just lay back holding that toxic cock in his hand between his legs, in his hand. Slowly he was guiding it straight into his wet hole with the cum left from the other guys. He must have known what this could mean. He inched more and more of that wet cock into his cummy hole till he bottomed out inside him. He just lay there groaning as the hazard guy just helped himself and fucked him how he wanted. It did not take long for them to get verbal with each other. “You like this cock in you? You want it’s seed? You know it’s going to knock you up? Bet your loving this you cum dump!”, and all he said back was “just fucking load me with that dirty poison!”. No sooner had he shouted it for most of the dark room to hear than the deep moans stopped from the rubbermen, and he just held my guys hips tight against him, clearly filling him with just what he asked for. This time no nice “thanks” or chat, my guy just pulled off that poison prick, sucked it clean, and left him standing as he left to go to another room. No attempt at covering what he did, not shame or worries, just carrying that load in him to enjoy in another spot in the club
    3 points
  13. @harrysmith25 - Had you simply focused on proposing your legitimate question as to how LGBT interests can remain vital and relevant in a shifting and polarized political climate, you might have found yourself taken mote seriously. As it is, you instead burdened your inquiry with hyperbole and a plethora of references and descriptions that betray strong political and social assumptions on your part. In a single screed you manage to find a way to be offensive to people on the political left (‘lefties’), Trans persons (‘trannies’), senior citizens (‘fickle as toddlers’), and by inference anyone who supports the current President. In particular, calling those on the left ‘bloodthirsty, nasty goons’ and piling absurd insults onto Biden (‘ornery, borderline-senile’) make it crystal clear that your political philosophy is not that of a reasonable centrist, but rather that of an entrenched partisan on the right. The most telling passage is where you suggest (and this appears to be the core of your argument) is that gay men need to find a target similar to JK Rowling to harrass in order to draw political attention - as though such negative tactics ever persuaded anyone if anything - any sensible person should reject that uncivil nonsense out-of-hand as nothing more than a furtherance of the trend toward collapse of civil public discourse. A trend aptly illustrated, by the way, by your over-the-top ad hominem attacks on anyone who challenges you - such tactics are the mark of someone with a limited capacity for rational debate. This isn’t an interpretation; this is a textual analysis of what you yourself wrote. If you come across as an insensitive right-wing reactionary, you have only your own words to blame. As @JimInWisc correctly notes, there are legitimate concerns for LGBT rights in many areas of the country, issues raised by the actions, or threatened actions not of the ‘lefties’, but of those on the political right. Your proposed solutions would only pour gasoline on a dumpster fire.
    3 points
  14. Hello to everyone...short story...i was in a relationship until november last year. We broke up because essentially i want to have fun. Beginning of jan, i was invited to my first gangbang...i got fucked all night from 5 tops. I can describe the feeling of the cum inside me, as the best thing in my life and now i cannot stop thinking about getting loaded... But i wanna do it properly from now on...no loads refused and regularly....long sessions since i can get rough fucked for hours with no struggle. Will be 1 month in Berlin in February...then 1 month in NYC and 2 in los angeles where i will live forever probably...any help? Suggestions? I also have the fetish of having a Master that locks my cock, and releases me only after a certain amount of loads has been reached...amount that will progressively grow up, making me willing to improve my cumdumping skills. Also willing to be recorded. Ty 🙂
    2 points
  15. Karel, my bad but best friend Preliminary remarks: This story is pure fiction! Similarities to real existing persons are purely coincidental, and not intended! Please do not understand this story as a call to share STDs, or to cause other physical and / or mental damage, and also not as a promotion to drug and alcohol consumption! All characters in this story are at least 18 years old (of age according to German law)! Since I have problems writing stories in the English / American language (grammar deficit), I write this story in German, and have it translated by deepl.com! Chapter 1: Introduction and: My best friend meets my younger brother Hello guys, my name is Chris, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Berlin. What is the best way to describe me? Slim with decent muscles (six pack) 1.75 meters tall, 62kg light, blond hair on my head, otherwise hairless. With what I have in my pants, I also do not need to hide, at least no woman has complained yet. Now we come to the far more difficult part, I still have to describe my brother and my best friend... ...until now I never really paid attention to it. Well my little brother's name is Sven, he turned a fresh 18, is like me blond and hairless (must run in the family). He is a little taller than me at 1.82 meters, but only weighs 58kg. That what he has less weight, however, he has more in his pants. My best friend is Karel, he is originally from Prague but has been living in Berlin with his parents for 15 years, he has brown hair and blue piercing eyes, he always shaves off his body hair. I met him 10 years ago when he came to my class. We became friends, did a lot of things together, and realized that our birthday was on the same day - Crazy, right? Karel and I graduated from high school together, and both studied architecture. At 18, Karel started going to McFit to work out. He tried to persuade me over and over again to come along, saying it couldn't hurt me to get some muscles. Well, a year ago he did it, I now also train my body, not as extreme as him, but at least a little bit. Of course, it was not left out that we stood together in the shower, and I could see what dangles there with him. I became envious of the sheer size of his cock. That must be erect at least 22cm, and really thick. He had also gotten a few tattoos over the years, with 18 a black tribial on the left arm with a red central logo, with 19 a green scorpion with red blood drops was added to the right groin, with 20 then the next tattoo, a revolver on the left groin. But the scorpion has surprised me the most so far, because we are both from the zodiac sign Aquarius. But I digress. I wanted to tell how it came about that Karel met my brother. It was the Friday after the birthday of Sven, I assumed that he would once again at some party with friends or in some Berlin club his mischief, as often on the weekend. Our parents (I could rely on them) were in Zurich for the weekend as usual, so we could study in peace. I thought. I want to digress from the topic for a moment, and describe my parents' house. The house has two floors plus a basement. On the first floor there is the spacious eat-in kitchen, the guest toilet right next to the entrance, my parents' bedroom with dressing room and private bathroom, my teenager's room with private bathroom, our father's study, and our mother's study, which was originally Sven's room. This room also has its own bathroom. But Sven preferred to move to the attic because the guest rooms up there were more spacious than his old room. That was on his 16th birthday. We actually have 6 guest rooms, now one is dropped. But that doesn't matter at all, since we rarely have a guest. The guest rooms have one special feature, always two rooms share a bathroom. So, enough about the living situation, let's get back to the actual topic. I had given Karel the room next to my brother, as always when he stayed with me. Sven was never there, until now. We didn't even notice my brother when we brought Karel's clothes upstairs, because Sven was completely too stoned in his bed, and didn't move. Karel and I had made ourselves comfortable in the kitchen to study, drank the one or other beer, when we were overcome by tiredness at about 11 pm. Karel went upstairs and I went to my room. I just managed to undress and fell asleep in my bed. What happened that night I know only from stories. When Karel arrived upstairs in his guest room, he also undressed, then entered the bathroom to take a shower. While Karel was showering, Sven woke up with a full bladder, so he got up and staggered into the bathroom to piss. I'm afraid I have to interject again to say something to my brother. Sven always sleeps naked, when he wakes up at night to piss, or to satisfy his hunger in the living room kitchen, he just also goes naked through the house, this is completely normal for him. Now back to the bathroom: After Sven had finished pissing, he turned around and caught sight of Karel, while Karel was already eyeing him as he came in. Sven faced Karel with his mouth open, started drooling, and his penis started growing as well. Karel started to smile wickedly. What happened after that? Will come in the sequel.
    2 points
  16. While this is all fiction, I would love this to happen in real life. We had been planning on going out for a while. We rarely go to fetish club nights but at the annual fetish week we tend to hit a few events. The other half is two yearsyounger than me, six foot tall, blonde hair and blue eyes. He looks about 25, and has a thin toned body. This of course makes him very popular when it comes to play sessions, but he tends to not play to much, getting shy at clubs or not making the first move. This time it was going to change, or at least I hoped it would. We had both put rubber on for the evening. I was in my full suit, black and blue codpiece, and he was in his black rubber chaps with a yellow stripe, a jock and a black and yellow harness. You can tell, he was more into piss play, but I loved cum play. I was not really a chaser as on prep, but loved playing with Poz guys and cum-swapping with them, but my other half never took to prep, but always played safe. Different horses for different courses you could say. Knowing that a Poz loads was into me was hot as hell To me, but not his thing at all. Tonight, I wanted the other half to feel that, but not sure he would take to being fucked openly in a club. After being in the club for an hour and chatted to a few people he went off to the piss play space. I saw him getting into it and getting wet, but also more horny and for the first time in ages bending over more around guys. Clearly he was in the mood to be fucked. This got me rock hard, and also thinking. I left him to it and went for a walk about the club. After 15 minutes I saw a skin guy, looked about 30, cock out and clearly wanting to get some action. He had his bleacher jeans open, an alpha jacket on, polo shirt and looked cute as fuck, not like most skins in the club. I went over and started to rub his cock and went to suck it a bit getting that salty precum taste in my mouth. Just when I was getting into it the other half came over to join. He was still a bit wet and smelling of piss and rubber. He pulled my head up to kiss me and rubbed his arse off the skin guy, sliding between us to face me, with his arse to the skin. It looked really hot his bare arse showing through his chaps and rubber jock. The guy groaned a bit and started to rub his cock off my other half arse. We kept kissing and he was getting a lot more into it. Breathing heavy, thrusting and rubbing off me. I moved back a little but he carried on. That's when I realised the skin was inside him. I reach round, and no rubber on his cock, but my guy did not know. I thought about tell him but he was really into this guys cock inside him, so I just carried on too. The guy was building pace a bit but kept slowing off as well. Clearly me was holding off trying to cum just yet. After 15 minutes of the guy raw inside my other half, he was sweaty, and took off his jacket, that's when I looked over my guys shoulder, and saw biohazard tattoo on the skins arm. Of course with his back to him my partner could not see. Undetectable guys tend to play raw more, but thought best to check. I stopped kissing my guy to kiss the skin lad, making my partner bend right over so the skin could go in deeper. We made out for a few minutes and I whispered in the skins ear, ”nice tatt, your undetectable right?”, he went back to kissing me and then whispered back, ”no mate, toxic at the moment”. He's been fucking my guy raw for at least 20 minutes now, raw, working his Poz cock into him. I should tell my other half but this guys slowed down fucking, so clearly holding off cumming. I asked if he was close, and he smiled. He leaned in and said ” I've already cum once, but I just want to work that load deeper. He's so wet and lose now, it's been a big dump in him.” Before I knew it, he we building speed again, and this time I held his hips deep and hard as he fucked my guy. He was going to drop a second toxic load into him, and my guy had no idea if was Poz. My guy reached behind him, feeling the guys we about to cum, and roughly pulled the skin deep as he could just as he was cumming. Loading telling the skin ”fuck me hard, make me your fucking skin boy”. He came loudly and grunted as he loaded him for the second time. My guy did not let him pull put, and held his hips keeping him inside him. Still inside his arse, the skin pulled the black bomber jacket back on, covering his tattoo up. As he pulled out my guys arse, I saw cum dribble a bit out of him, and a the skin had a small red smear down his shaft. He must really have been going on rough. He fingered my guys arse hard, making his gasp, then kissed his neck and walked away. I went back to kissing my other half, him not knowing the toxic cum working it's way into his body
    2 points
  17. More and more, I have found myself immediately gravitating towards extreme gay pornography when my balls need draining. I simply cannot get enough of cock and ass. I know the whole prolapse aka rose bud thing isn't for everyone, but man let me tell you, every time i watch the raunchiest anal gaping and prolapse videos I cum so fucking hard i swear im going to give myself s heart attack. Like videos where they have those huge dick dildos that suction cup to the floor and they squat over it and bounce on it. But my absolute favorite part is near the ending when on the up stroke and let it slide out of there a****** all that lube comes webbing out and drooling out and it just looks like batches of hot sticky seed. And then their a****** is so open and they push that wonderful f****** fleshy prolapse s*** hole out and and just looks so f****** inviting.
    2 points
  18. To me if a bottom has a cock pic, they are more versatile or versatile bottom. I think it’s just part of the spectrum reality, some of us are total bottom and don’t want our penis touched, but there varying degrees of Top and bottom in between
    2 points
  19. I very much appreciate the difficulty of doing s Top’s work well - there’s a great deal of difference in excellent Topping and poor Topping, and I’ve had plenty of both to compare them. Just achieving and maintaining an erection over a long effort can be a challenge, never mind reaching climax. And dealing with bottoms who are fussy, pushy, selfish, greedy, or haven’t bothered to prepare is no doubt a pain in the ass. The sense of your comment, though, sounds like you’re saying that the main difficulty you face is that there’s too much ass that needs to be fucked and not enough hours in the day. Would that all Tops were so diligent. But in fact, there being such a glut of bottoms means you have your pick, and no obligation to service them all. Of course, many a bottom would ask the same question, whether Tops appreciate how difficult it is to bottom - spending sometimes hours in cleanout and prep, uncomfortably restricting diet and rinsing out intestines just to get ready for a single Top (who may or may not flake), and spending weeks or months in difficult and painful hole-stretching to be able to accommodate those eager cocks and fists. On top of which there being stiff competition for the Tops that are available. A talented, eager, eager-to-please Top is like gold; in the view of some, an eager-to-please-himself Top is like platinum. But a Top who Tops badly is worth far less.
    2 points
  20. Ruin't, routed out holes are the best. Especially when the gape makes that hollowed out negative suction noise.
    2 points
  21. I'm 54 and my boy is 23. He can't get enough Daddy cock. I fuck him every day at least once and he still wants more. He loves it when I get my buddies over to group breed his ass. I love it when he brings his buddies over for me to fuck.
    2 points
  22. Part 4 The inevitable happened. The hostage got royally fucked by Cuntbuster. Before Caio move onto the bed, someone injected some chemicals at the base of his cock. And soon enough, Cuntbuster went rigid like a steel pipe. It was a massive weapon, thick and vicious with a glistening PA sitting like a crown on the cockhead. The hostage went frantic when Caio came into his view. No gag would have silenced such screams. Chains were rattling like a melody. - Honestly, he should get an award for his acting. I said out loud. Leo was next to me and gave me a weird look. Caio shoved all his cock deep in the guy ass in his first assault. Cuntbuster had defeated his adversary in one single plunge. Any resistance was futile. Game was over. - Like an oven down there and soon you will bake Cuntbuster poz babies. The hostage was now bouncing on the mattress, impaling himself back, at each thrust. In normal circumstance, I would have worried at the scene before me and felt sorry for the guy, but the not-so diluted tranquilizer in Leo’s homemade iced tea was still blurring my reality. - You sweat. Hope you didn’t catch a bug you don’t want. Here, drink some iced tea, it might help. The scene went along for few more minutes. Caio came in his victim ass with a victory roar, pulled out, leaving a ruined body behind him. Another guy, pretty hung (of course), took his place and started fucking. In two steps, Caio was in front of me. - Mind and pupils relaxed. Can’t be more ready than this. Leo pried my mouth open, inserting a Viagra and an aspirin. - Here take these and drink this I was given a glass of an infect beverage, except this iced tea was warmer and had a different taste. I pushed back the glass. - I'm out of iced tea. This is all I got. So drink. If I’d knew better, I would say it was piss. I looked at a grinning Leo suspiciously. As soon as the thought crossed my mind it vanished immediately. Nah, he’s way too nice of a man, he wouldn’t do that kind of prank. - Let’s take a break, you and me, I’ll teach you a thing or two. Caio hooked his hand inside the waistband of my jeans and dragged me to the nearest bed available. *** I was still very calm, and I was able to focus. My span of attention was getting better. I was hard and horny now. In a malleable mind-state. A great condition to get fucked even if you don’t want to. Caio was cuddling me and marking me with a lot of hickeys. Cuntbuster was nudging my balls between my legs. One hand was mauling a nipple while with the other one he was lazily giving me a five-knuckle-shuffle on my cock. - Sshhh, pretty boy, I know you are reluctant to have Cuntbuster shoved up your virgin ass… I just nodded. No, it’s a lie. I wasn’t just nodding. I was also voluntary rocking my ass lightly against Caio’s lower abs. The warmth of his body was soothing, and I needed to cum. - Feel this, boy. Feel how it’s smooth, how smooth it will feel when I slide it home. Tell me how bad you want it, how bad you want me to share my toxic load with you. Cuntbuster was pulsing like it had a life of his own. I looked down to both cocks and was mesmerized by the sight. Caio’s cock was definitely bigger than mine, but I had nothing to be ashamed. - Raise your leg Two fingers found their way to my hole. Even in my straight-guy mind, I knew that I would never let a girl dry fuck me with her fingers or objects, although no girl I shagged would have come willingly near my ass. It was hard enough to convince them to get a blow job, except Prissy at the bar. Caio’s fingers were insisting - Lube… please… - Since you're asking so nicely He collected some precum from both cocks and smeared it over my hole. He repeated the process a couple of time. I took over masturbating our cocks, one against the other. - This is the yin and the yang of the cocks. The good and the bad. The pure and the evil. The neg and the poz. Like a mantra, Caio's was whispering a lot of things, interrupted here and there by tongue foraging my ear. The hand was back at my bruised nipple. Caio had stretched it to a pencil eraser size. Now he was back at it, torturing it between his fingers which was sending weird feelings down my spine, but mostly to my cock. The precum-wet fingers were crawling in my ass. - It hurts - A finger or two in your in ass is not pain. You must know that when Cuntbuster is going to fuck you up the first ten or twelve times, then you will know what pain is. - Ten times? - Only if you are a poor fuck. If you are good, pretty boy, I will fuck you so much that your ass will never remember being virgin. - I’m not gay. I want a girlfriend, and... - Not anymore, no more girlfriends for you, no more pussies. - But… - Sshhh, pretty boy, gay or not, Cuntbuster doesn’t care, so why would you? - Because it’s my ass? - You’re wrong again my naïve boy. It is not just your ass. It is a sheltered home for all Cuntbuster poz babies and his toxic friends. The intimacy created by Caio felt good, despite the fact he was a guy. I can’t blame Dad if this how he felt? I was scared and not totally committing to gay sex, and even less to have unprotected sex with a poz guy. - I need to piss - Now? - Too much iced tea… Caio jump out the bed and tilted his head for me to come along. We cross the décor set back to the dungeon where a black guy was fucking the hostage in a pretzel position. - Make Room Caio took hold of my hard on - Put it in I obeyed. - Well, what are you waiting for? Piss! That was insane, but I really need to go. - Sorry, I said to the hostage which cause a genuine laugh amongst the porn actors.
    2 points
  23. Laying out with Steve Part 2 previous... An hour later, after cleaning up. Steve lay behind me on the bed...slowly fucking me again as we watched a new porn. He fondled my hard cock as he slowly slid in and out of me. Steve leaned in close to me, "Tim...did you always want this to happen?". I waited a few seconds and thought that over. "Yes I did. I knew from first talking to you, and seeing your pictures....your gorgeous cock...full balls...tan body, I knew I wanted you in me. Did I want your poz cum in me? That I don't know, but I wanted your bare cock in me for sure. Then when I saw you naked up close...it was all I could do to resist you. I honestly loved your thinking about poz/neg sex and love. How you could resist it and that it is both men's choice. I love that." All Steve said was "thank you" and pushed into me again and came! Steve and I soon fell asleep. What a wonderful nights sleep I had while laying in his bed, the warmth, the occasional caress and being able to rest my hand on that gorgeous cock anytime I wanted, the best. I woke briefly very early in the morning, with that feeling of Steve's leaking cock between my ass cheeks...and my ass being spread open by Steve's hand. I knew he wanted in me again, and I whispered "fuck me baby, please". Steve placed his leaking cock head against my hole and pushed in. My ass was more than ready for him now, with two of loads in me already. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "I didn't want to wake you Tim, but I need to cum again, I want you to have my poz cum in you forever". He was fucking me faster now, know it was turning him on to think about spraying his seed in me once again. I reached behind me and placed my fingers along his bare shaft, "yes sir, cum in me, please cum deep in me". That was all it took for Steve to lose control. He pushed in as far as he could and I felt his cock stiffen and pulse inside of me. So many shots of his hot poz cum. we panted for a long time, him rubbing my body and telling me how hot I was and how much he loved fucking me. We were soon falling asleep again, but this time with him still in my ass. I never felt him get out of bed, but when I woke around 8am, Steve was already up, showered and gone. I found a note on the kitchen counter: Tim! What happened last night? I loved every moment of it and so glad the day, and night, went the way it did. I truly hope you are not having second thoughts or regrets today. I would love to talk to you more about last night and how you are feeling today. Please call anytime. I will be back later if you want to stick around, had to run some errands. Steve PS. I am having a pool party next weekend with a few friends, please think about coming, I would love to have you here. I read the note a second time and started to daydream about what had actually happened. From laying out to Steve cumming in me three times. While my head was all over the place with thoughts, my cock was reacting for sure. how could it not. Steve is everything I had fantasized about for so long. I needed to talk to him. I called later that evening and had a great talk with him. We talked about what my options were, but he definitely has his opinion. I absolutely loved his outlook on poz/neg sex (and love). Eventually this moved into very explicit topics, but we tried to stay away from all out masturbating on the phone! After hanging up with Steve I felt better and wasn't going to worry about things right then and there. As I got ready for bed, I logged on to BBRT once again to send Steve a quick note, but he had beaten me to it. I opened the message from Steve that basically said, "my cock is aching to breed you again Tim". That is all it took to send my cock to full hardness! I quickly wrote back, thank you dad, I fucking love your cock, and sent it. I think my choice was becoming clearer to me. I didn't want to stop Steve fucking me, at all. The week went by slowly, more slow than usual it seemed as I had already decided to go to Steve's pool party the coming weekend. Steve asked about it and I finally relented. While the party was intended to be 'clothing optional', I thought I should start in something tiny and a little see through. I chose a male see through thong bikini I found online. I tried it on as soon as it arrived. I put it on in the bathroom so I could see the results. It was incredible, but barely held my cock and balls, especially if I started to get hard. I also wanted to see it on while wearing my black rubber cock ring. I took the bikini off, but had to wait for my cock to settle down before putting on my cock ring. Once on, I modeled the bikini again, fucking nice. I had to wear this to Steve's. Soon enough Saturday arrived, it was a long week at work and without masturbating all week, and talking to Steve several times about party planning and attendees, I was leaking often. My balls were so full. I drove over to Steve's house early to help get ready for the party. I wore the bikini, and cock ring, under some loose shorts and a tshirt. I knocked on Steve's door but was let in within a minute, he must have been waiting. I immediately went to Steve and gave him a big hug, he kissed me and held my ass in his hands. I could feel him getting hard against me, loved that feeling. Steve let me go and had me step back so he could look me up and down. It is then I noticed his soiled shorts and now semi hard cock pushing against the thin fabric. His shorts were wet in several spots from his heavy precum. "Tim you look so good, is that what you are wearing today?". "Nope", I said as I pulled down my shorts to reveal the thong bikini. I did a quick turn around for Steve. "Fuck boy, you look so fucking good". Steve pulled me back to him so his hardening cock, held back by his shorts, was pushing on my bare ass cheeks. I could now feel the wetness of his precum soaked shorts on my ass. "Do we have to wait baby, I need to fuck you so bad", Steve asked. I reached behind me and gripped his big cock, "yes sir, we must wait. Some time today, I will be ass up on your bed waiting!" Steve patted my now hard cock through my bikini and said, "I can't wait". Steve and I hurriedly prepared his house for the party. Steve asked that I be in charge of drinks and refreshments, making sure his guests were taken care of. No problem here. Before the guests were to arrive, Steve said he was going to get changed into swimwear and suggested I should do the same. I followed Steve to his bedroom. Steve held up a small swimsuit for him and started stripping to change. I peeled off my shorts to reveal my suit to him. I looked at Steve and he was standing naked, cock rising as he stared at me again. "Oh Tim, this is going to be a great day". I crossed the room and rubbed his shiny wet cock head with my finger, and brought it to my mouth while looking him in the eyes. "yes it is sir! See you soon" I said as I left the room. Steve and I were finishing up, making sure there were towels and sunscreen at the ready all around the pool, even 'party' boxes with poppers and lube, but no condoms. Steve said condoms weren't necessary for this party. Guests started arriving shortly before the 'official' pool party time. Steve greeted each guest and occasionally would look for me to meet 'so and so'. A couple of occasions I could see why. One such couple was Chad and Bruce, I could tell immediately. Both were older than I, great physical shape, and wearing netting bikini's that left nothing to the imagination. Both Chad and Bruce were packing big cocks, big and soft so I could only imagine how they were when hard. "Tim this is Chad and Bruce, great friends of mine, so take special care of them" Steve said while laughing. I shook both their hands. Chad said, "great to finally meet you Tim, Steve has talked about you a lot". I looked at Steve with a 'concerned' but not really concerned look. Soon enough, most of the guests had arrived. Looking around at the guests I could tell most were older, in Steve's age range, and some younger. There were only a few 'unattached' guys it appeared, but they were involved in great conversations. Some had already taken their shorts, or swimwear off, and were sunning around the pool or in the pool cooling off. I was busy getting drinks for people, but I definitely got to be privy to some close up cock shots or conversations about sex life! It was fantastic. Every once in a while I would get close to Steve and be a part of his world. He would usually put his arm around me and cup my ass in his hands, which I loved. Soon after that I was in the kitchen, by myself, getting another round of margaritas for a trio when Chad appeared in the kitchen and asked if I needed a hand. I turned around and saw him there, see through bikini still in place but I could see it straining now. Chad's eyes were not on mine, but rather at my waist where he was just staring at my ass. "Thank you, that is sweet, but I think have it, but if you wouldn't mind can you get me three limes?". Chad moved to get the limes and put one in each cup. "Thank you for doing this Tim, and it really is great to finally meet you. Steve has chatted you up all week, so finally nice to put a....face, and ass, to the name. You know Tim, Steve has told us everything, about your weekend last week. I think it is fucking great you to finally go together." "um, everything?" I asked. "yes Tim, everything. I know you are neg and my guy got to breed you three times last weekend", Chad said. I could definitely see his cock start to strain hard against the material. Fuck! This man is hot, I mean Steve is my fantasy confirmed, but this man is hot too, and a huge cock to go with it. Just as I was about to ask Chad what he thought Steve popped in the kitchen. "ahhh, so glad you to have a chance to chat and get to know each other" Steve said as he pushed by us. "I just need to get a couple beers and I will be out of your way". I asked if he needed any help and he said "no, I got it baby, hang here with Chad and get to know him". As he said this, Steve patted me on the bare ass and squeezed my cheek. I saw Chad wink at Steve as he left the kitchen. "Yes Tim, hand with me a moment and get to know me" Chad said. "Steve is so very lucky, Bruce and I both think so. To fall for a neg guy and he to be ok with his status, wow! I love it.". Chad then reached down and pulled his bikini to the side letting his big growing cock fall out. He stroked that massive cock once and said "very lucky, damn". I was mesmerized, but needed to get these drinks out. I told Chad, I need to get these drinks out but love to chat in a bit. I proceeded to squeeze by Chad with my bare ass against him. He reached out and pulled me in tight with a bear hug, his big cock above my ass cheeks...smearing his precum all over. "I will be waiting, how about in the living room". Chad said. I quickly distributed the drinks I had, and had someone even say...what is that on his ass, it looks he brushed up against someone and then some laughing! I just smiled as I went back into the house. Chad was not in the kitchen, but I soon found him sitting in the living room, enjoying a cold drink, and cock covered once again. I got my drink and sat on the couch with him, one leg up and facing him opposite on the couch. Chad drew one leg up and re-positioned to face me. "Now, where were we?" he said. His hand had fallen to his bikini and big cock again. "Ah yes, you and Steve enjoying poz/neg sex. Can I ask, how are you feeling about it now?" Chad said while pulling the cloth back to expose his rapidly growing cock. Now it was my turn, my cock was also very hard and now leaking, after a week of sustaining this was bound to happen. "Sure. Of course I was not fully committed to making anything happen with Steve. I have grown so fond of him as a friend, of course lusted after him in my fantasy world, but didn't think it would happen. Then last weekend....wow. I couldn't refuse, he is so hot and I wanted him in me so bad, everything happened so fast, and so naturally." I was day dreaming remembering Steve fucking me hard from behind the first time. "fuck Chad, I haven't cum all week and now I have to relive that" I laughed. Chad was now slowly stroking his cock. "You know he can poz you right?. I mean I would too, given the chance", Chad said while milking a massive ooze of precum from his big cock. "fuck that is hot Chad, does Bruce know you are in here with me?" I asked. "Yes, he is the one that emboldened me to go chat with you" Chad said while laughing. "fuck Chad" I said again. "I don't think Steve would want anything to happen between us". From behind me I heard Steve say, "I wouldn't bet on that boy.". I whipped around to see Steve there. "All I ask is that you get a picture of the deed being done, and no cumming Tim...that is for me", Steve said while gripping his cock. He turned and left Chad and I alone. "Now boy, put that drink down and suck daddy's cock", Chad said while holding his hard cock in his hand. I put my drink down and got on the floor in front of Chad. I milked his oozing cock and swallowed his precum goodness. I sucked on Chad's cock as best I could, stretching my mouth. when I had Chad's cock slick with precum and spit, he told me to get up and bend over....giving my ass to his tongue. Chad tongue fucked my ass for several minutes, leaving me weak kneed and both of us moaning. Finally he leaned back and said "You need to sit on my cock Tim". I turned and straddled Chad, with his big wet dick sliding between my ass cheeks. he said, "I want to give you my poz seed boy". I looked down and now I finally saw it, a bio haz tattoo right above his cock, faint, but it was there. I moaned and reached around to guide him into my wet ass. Chad's cock head was soaking my ring and he was pushing as I pushed out to ease his cock into me. With a final 'pop' his cock head was in me and I was slowly inching down on that big dick. Chad's hands went to my waist and he slowed my decent on his cock until I had him all the way in me. He let me rest there to get used to his size, which I needed. after a minute, Chad pulled me up the length of his cock and slid me back down again. This continued for several minutes until he picked up the pace of him fucking me! "do you like my cock boy?" he said. all I could do was get short words out in moans. "fuck...love...need....your...cum". "you are going to get all of it baby boy, deep in your pussy". he said and pulled me down on his big dick one last time. I could feel him swell bigger and bigger and then I felt the throbbing of his balls pushing that hot poz cum up this is massive cock to my waiting womb. he was breeding me. my second poz man in a week. what the fuck! 🙂 my cock was oozing between us but I wouldn't dare touch my dick as I would explode. in a minute Chad reached around and pulled his still semi hard cock out of my ass and I could feel his load ooze out of me onto his balls. Then I heard the snapping of pictures. I turned to see Bruce there, cock hard, and phone in hand. "Perfect", Bruce said. Chad pulled my ass apart and asked his man, "want in baby?". Bruce tossed his phone and stepped in closer to slide his now hard leaking cock into my cunt. I couldn't believe it. Bruce wasted no time in fucking me fully and hard, and soon yelled out he was cumming! he pushed deep and started cumming, leaning in to whisper, "Steve is so fucking lucky, take my cum deep boy". "give it to me daddy" is all I could muster. After Bruce pulled out, and more cum fell out, I gathered myself and headed to Steve's bathroom to get cleaned up, but before leaving I turned to Chad and Bruce. "thank you!! that was so fucking hot and I loved every bit and ounce of it". I left them kissing and whispering. more to cum....
    2 points
  24. chapter three it must have been less than 5 minutes with him lay there, exposed and hole starting to drip that toxic load out of him onto the cold club floor, but must have felt an eternity for my guy. I briefly looked up to see who was around and just as I did so someone came out of the dark and moved between my leaking partners legs. He was over six feet tall, had broad shoulders, and dressed head to toe in black leather. He stood out in the club as he clearly enjoyed the gym, but had just hit that sweet spot of toned, muscular but not overbuilt. He was wearing black boots, leather jeans and a black biker jacket open with nothing under it. I could see his amazing body and then there was that face, just a bit of stubble on his dark tanned skin and blue eyes that stood out in the dark. He was stunning, I could see that, but my man had no idea who was stood rubbing between his legs. I could tell the leather guy was shy, almost a bit of a newbie to the scene by the way he did not just help himself, but looked to me for approval. I moved down to stand behind him and leaned him a little closer in so he could kiss my boy. I must have unleashed an animal as the leather guy just started kissing and spitting into my guy's mouth. I started to rub his cock through his leathers and that's when I found it. He must have been at least 8 inches and was not even fully hard. I unzipped and lowered his jeans so his cock could rest against my boys lubed up cock and balls. He stood back up straight and leaned back to me asking “is this guy poz?”, “not sure now, he took a poz load earlier” was all I could whisper back. The idea of my guy being poz made me so hard. The leatherman carried on “that's cool then, was checking as I’m strictly poz for poz fucks”. That answered my question before I even asked it. He stepped back a bit and then just pushed slowly into his hole to the root. He was not going to hold off or take his time, he knew what he wanted, as my other half groaned deeply. He started to fuck his hole using the last guy's load as lube, the sling moved back and forth so he could push in and rock back and forth along with his cock. I stood back and watched, letting him just use my guy, who had not asked questioned or even checked i was still there. The leather guy was building speed and starting to talk dirty right in my guys blind folded face. “you like that raw dick in you? you want my cum? you REALLY want it? you want me to breed you? Tell me how badly you want it!” he said it “breed you” but would my other half work out what he meant? would he pull back in shock? The all I heard was his voice in the dark, “breed my fucking filthy loaded hole with your seed!”, what the fuck! This was so hot it pushed the leather man over the edge and he just pushed in deep, grunting slightly and his hips jolting as he shot stream after stream of poz cum into my guy. He stood there inside him for a few minutes to catch his breath, and then leaned forward to tell him “your one sloppy slut back there, and so fucking hot. If you want to see who just shot in you, just look for the leather man with the wet dick. I might need to get you in leather soon as it would suit your look if your up for it.” the only reply he got back was “ANYTHING you want to do to this body you can. You breed it, you own it”. With that, he kissed him deeply again, pulled his softening cock out of my guys hole, and vanished back off into the dark of the club.
    2 points
  25. PART 1 My name’s Sloan. I’m 35, white, hairy, and hung. My dick is a fat, veiny hole-wrecker, and I love to show it off in public. I keep my body in the best shape possible—rock-hard six-pack, muscular chest, beefy legs. I’m really good at luring younger guys into giving up their holes. There’s something about my look, about my square jaw and intense brown eyes and high-and-tight crew cut. Something that makes me look trustworthy, wholesome. The good guy. The older brother. The mentor. But see, I’m not the good guy. In fact, I’m one evil motherfucker. My favorite hobby is seducing, chemming, and corrupting college dudes, pushing their limits, taking their fantasies to the dark side, and pozzing their sweet smooth hungry holes—pounding them raw and leaving them dripping with multiple loads of unmedicated virus. And the funny thing is this: no matter how much they protest at one time or another, no matter how much they claim that they don’t want to be barebacked and gang-bred and pimped out, they always end up hungry and begging for more of that sweet seed deep in their guts. So yeah: I guess you could say that I’ve pozzed a lot of boys, destroyed a lot of unsuspecting holes, initiated a lot of slampigs. But last weekend—well, last weekend was the hottest transformation I’ve seen yet. My favorite place to hunt for victims is about a block away from a bathhouse here in Berkeley. I watch for a certain kind of guy: 18 or 19, an undergrad just getting his first taste of freedom away from the parents, well-built, preppy. He might walk hesitantly toward the entrance, then stop to reconsider, then start walking back to his car, then decide to go into the bathhouse after all. That’s when I intercept him. I emerge from the shadows to strike up a conversation—and with any luck, change his life forever. Last weekend, I was in my usual spot. It was a warm August night, and I was wearing a pair of mesh gym shorts with no underwear, a tight wife beater to show off my hairy chest, and a ballcap. I’d taken a dick pill about 30 minutes earlier, so my cock was forming a huge tent in my shorts as I anticipated my next conquest. That’s when the boy got out of his car. He looked both ways down the street—a little lost, I guess—then spotted the bathhouse entrance. Clearly a first-timer, I thought. As he walked closer to me, I began to make out his features: short dark-brown hair, a handsomely boyish face with a nice strong jawline, a fucking adorable nose, and a pair of big, dark, expressive eyes that revealed both his anxiety and his excitement. He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a tight black tank top, so I got a pretty good look at his sweet little jock body, his muscular calves, and his deeply tanned, sinewy arms that showed evidence of some serious time at the gym. He stopped in the middle of the street. He wavered. He almost turned around and went back to his car. But he kept walking toward the entrance—and that’s when I spoke up. “Hey, buddy,” I said, stepping onto the sidewalk, my dick still at attention. That startled him. But as he squinted to look at me in the semi-darkness, his fear turned to relief. I was obviously the kind of guy he was hoping to find here. His eyes widened as they traveled the length of my body, from my face to my torso to the outline of my cock. “Hey there,” he answered in a surprisingly deep voice. “Whatcha doin’?” I looked down at my dick. “Oh, just hanging,” I said with an evil grin, giving my cock a giant twitch. He almost gasped to see it jump like that -- and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stepped back into the shadows and beckoned him to follow me. He obeyed as if in a trance, his whole body shivering as he approached. “What’s your name, buddy?” “Conrad,” he said, but he didn’t look at me. He was still staring at my dick. I made it twitch again, and this time he almost laughed in total fascination. “I’m Sloan,” I said. “How old are you, Conrad?” “I just turned 18 last week,” he replied. “I’m starting at Berkeley this fall. Most people in my class are about a year older—I skipped a grade.” “18 is a good age,” I managed to say, my mind suddenly filled with images of chemming and pozzing this perfect 18-year-old boy. My cock grew harder, and I took a tiny step closer to him. “By the way, Conrad, it’s OK to look at my dick. Really. This cock likes attention. In fact, you can even touch it if you want.” He gave me a funny look, as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. I smiled back, gripping my dick in my hand, then released it by slapping it against my thigh. Another gasp from Conrad. After a moment of hesitation, he reached down to touch the outline of my dick, his hands visibly shaking as he grabbed a handful of mesh and cock. After a moment or two of running his hand along the length of my poz shaft, he looked up at me with a dazed kind of desire. “No, no, Conrad,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s not what I meant.” I took his hand in one of my hands. With my other hand, I pulled the elastic of my shorts away from my waistline. Then I slowly guided him down my treasure trail until he could feel the touch and girth and weight of my cock. It was throbbing with heat, its surface slightly sticky from the steady stream of precum dripping from my mushroom head—as if my poz dick were drooling at the thought of devouring this beautiful, trusting boy. He grabbed onto the dick that would break him in half and poz him deep—and his eyes fluttered in total bliss. I laughed and said: “You like that dick, huh?” He nodded eagerly. I placed my hand on the small of his back and drew him closer to me. He smelled like all good 18-year-old boys should: a combination of cheap cologne, sweat, and chewing gum. I imagined what his crotch might smell like, all musky with dried cum and piss and hormones. As our faces hovered just a few inches apart, I reached my hand down the back of his shorts to feel a perfectly round jockbutt. He trembled again. I whispered in his ear: “Are you looking for a big bro tonight?” He nodded, and I drew him closer, letting him feel the heat radiating off my body. He sighed in contentment as he nuzzled my furry chest. Then I whispered in his ear again: “Do you want your big bro to fuck you, Conrad?” “Yes, please,” he said, lifting up his head to look me directly in the eyes. I smiled and mussed his hair. “Oh, poor lil’ bro,” I said. “Didn’t anybody ever fuck you before?” He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah,” he said. “Two different guys. But they were my age, and didn’t really know what they were doing. I was kinda hoping that I’d find somebody here at the bathhouse who could—um—” “Break you in?” He buried his face in my chest again, mumbling “yes,” and I ran my hands gently up and down his spine, feeling the strength of his back muscles, imagining what he would look like on all fours, back arched, ass in the air, begging for loads. My hands returned to massaging his beefy little jockbutt, and he let out a deep, shaky moan. “I would be so honored to break you in, little bro. I want to show you how a man should fuck a boy, and how a boy should surrender his hole to a man. Would you like that?” “Yes,” he said again. His arms wrapped a little tighter around my torso, and I gently pushed my cock against his body. My throbbing poz shaft thrummed next to the firm muscles of his stomach. He exhaled a long, slow breath, as if melting into me. And at that moment, I smiled to myself and thought: This boy is fucking mine. I pointed down the street. “I live about two blocks that way,” I said. “Wanna come back to my place, maybe smoke some pot, fool around a little? We can go to the bathhouse later, if you decide you’re ready for it.” “Sure,” he said, giving me the cutest fucking grin. And right at that moment, seeing his innocence and sweetness and eagerness to please, my dick twitched even harder than before, and the head of my cock released a small geyser of toxic precum. With any luck, I thought to myself, I’ll get to see that same giant grin on his face in just a few hours—right about the time he’s spreading his slammed-up jockboy hole to get pounded and knocked up by poz cock. I pointed him in the direction of my house. He walked about a half-step ahead of me, his sweet bubble butt bouncing beneath those gym shorts as my cock followed just a few inches behind. The poor kid didn’t know it yet, but he was as good as poz. I knew exactly what to do. Everything was prepared for my victim’s arrival. And within the next hour, I planned to be blasting my potent strain deep inside this sweet 18-year-old fagboy’s chemmed-up cumhole. MORE SOON…
    1 point
  26. I was 20 and looking for a better job. Economy was though and good job rare. I was working a nightly part-time in a warehouse. My drunken dad pointed out from the local newspaper a small ad: “Assistant Needed. No experience needed. Might be free to travel occasionally”. Why not? I called and the man asked me if I can come for an interview later in the afternoon, as he really need to find someone. Turned out, it was a small photo studio. Leo was a man of few words. With some “hummm” and “ah”, he read my resume. As I was waiting, I looked at the place. It was dusty and spider webs can be seen. Didn’t look like there was a lots of business activities. I would politely decline the position and continue looking for something else. - You’re hired, if you can start tomorrow. - Ungh? I replied surprise, I mean… I don’t… - Is there a problem? I thought you were looking for a job? Leo interrupted me. - No, no I am looking for a job, but… - Deal, Leo replied. Be here tomorrow at 8. Don’t be late” With that Leo pushed me outside the studio and locked the door before disappearing. Bewildered, I went back home to find dad getting fucked by a tattooed guy on the couch. The same couch where I sleep. Unfazed, the man looked at me: “Almost done here. Then he’s yours!” I went to the john and released a wicked piss. - So, the job? My dad yelled. - I got it, I said walking back to the living room. The guy was already gone. - How much? - I don’t know - What do you mean you don’t know? - I didn’t have the chance to ask. The guy was in a hurry, I lied. Anyhow, I don’t intend to take the job. My dad was stirring the load in his ass with two fingers. - Can you not do that, dad? It’s disgusting. - I got 25 bucks, at least. With that dad wiped his fingers on the cushion, leaving a dirty trace on it. - Almost forgot, your boss said they don’t need you at the warehouse this week. So, I guess you will have to take the job unless you want to find out on the street. Your rent is due Sunday. *** Leo was happy to see me. At least that’s how I interpreted the grunt he gave me after I knocked on the studio door. The job was simple: Leo would drive to various place and do private photoshoot. He needed someone to load and unload the material in the truck. I simply nodded which seems to satisfy him. I have to give him credits, he knew his stuff. He took the time to explain me how to handle the material and their uses. At lunch, I risked myself to ask Leo how much the job pay. - 21 dollars for moving the material. 28 dollars if you do some actual shooting work, and 40 dollars plus tips if you participate in the shooting, minus 10% as my commissions. I guarantee you at least 40 hours per week. - At least? We work more? - Oh yeah, sometimes we work full weekend. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you. As I lay down on the stinky couch that night, I was excited by the perspective of a better life. I would get $840 a week which was better than the meager 224$ I was getting at the warehouse. I was brought back to reality as Dad stumbled in the one-bedroom apartment with two bearded bikers. - Does he fuck? one of them asked my Dad - Nah. He’s straight… - Too bad With that they disappeared in the bedroom. By the sound of it, Dad got spit-roasted roughly a few times during the night. Life couldn’t get worst than what it was living with Dad, isn’t it?
    1 point
  27. I live in a state that has recently legalized medical marijuana. Since it is laughably easy to get certified for medical approval, pot is practically legal here now. After a few more years of the medical pot industry making money hand over fist (the biggest issue right now is that suppliers - principally LSU Agricultural operations - cannot keep up with the demand), I suspect that even our conservative legislature will see the advantages of legalizing recreational for the revenue. I think pot usage belongs in the general discussion even if there is debate about whether to choose the first or second option in the poll.
    1 point
  28. Part 2 Cumming tonight.
    1 point
  29. i huff poppers in the morning while having coffee......i love the headspace they give me, and how open and hungry for men and their cocks.......i want to be.
    1 point
  30. I'll set aside your use of some... questionable terminology and address the question. But before it can be answered, what does it mean to be "politically relevant"? At the top of the headlines? Honestly, why would we want to be? Seeing stories about "the gays" diminish means we're... well, we're mainstream. And isn't that what we wanted in the first place, to not be a talking point? To not be a headline? We've still got some steps to go, to be sure, but for the most part... well, congrats, kiddos. We made it! As far as needing our own JK? Don't we already have that in Milo Yann... Yanni... Yannop... Yannowhothefuckcares? Personally, I don't think we need to be "politically relevant", because that just means we're being weaponized by one side or the other. Or both, really.
    1 point
  31. Very similar to the earlier “Photographing Jason” (with multiple chapters), which I would recommend to readers who’ve enjoyed this one.
    1 point
  32. that was worth the wait. thanks!
    1 point
  33. AS you can see in my profile pic, I am very loose and capable of easily taking any size cock(s) as well as fists. I am a sex pig naturally but poppers, poppers take me to a level of sexually hungry and happy that cannot be matched. Plus, they help make me even looser than my size hungry ass already is. I got to a point where popperbating and gooning when I'm not having sex is thing. Between my husband and i there are poppers all over the house as he's as big a pig there as i am. I love the scent of Amsterdam poppers especially and they are my favorite high while I bate, ride my huge toys, or get my ass stuffed with cocks and hands.
    1 point
  34. Hell yea man. You’re right, the anticipation is hot. Blindfolded fucks are the best. The anticipation, the heightened sense of sound and touch, the unknown. It’s good you have a fuck bud that gets off on sharing your hole. Those can be hard to find.
    1 point
  35. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/34197/sex-club-gay-bb-orgy-group-breeding-cumshot-inside-hole/
    1 point
  36. Part 2 The next few days were boring. Just some corporate profile pictures at some downtown office. The receptionist was hot and friendly thought. She gave me her Tiktok. I don’t have a phone. I barely afford my rent share with dad, a phone was definitely out of question. So I pretended I forgot it. On Friday, we spend the day at the studio cleaning the lens and other stuff. By 2, we were done. Leo invited me for a beer, but I had to decline as I did not have any money and pay day was only the following week. - You’re broke? No pocket change at all? - No, I reply blushing. In fact, I was wondering if I can get an advance, my rent is due Monday. Leo squinted at me for few seconds which made me blushing even more. I am sure my cheeks went crimson. - Why didn’t you say so? With that, he pulled out a roll of money and handed me $800 cash. This is for your week. - Euh… Really… thank you. I really appreciate it… I don’t want to sound ungrateful but shouldn’t it be 840$? - It should, but let say its to cover the interests. A problem? I just shook my head. I would have to manage carefully between pay days, I thought. *** The bar was only two doors down from the studio. You had to know it was there as there was no external sign. If you’d look carefully, there was an “open” neon in the window which seems to be turned on the low dim. The waitress was pretty skinny and had some charms for her. A lot of make-up, blond hair, high heels which cause her to arch her back, indecently accentuating a pair of breasts ready to pop out of her bra. - Is this a new one Leo? she asked with a faintly lisp. - Yep - Are you going to keep him this time? Leo look at her, than me. - Maybe - Maybe? I retorqued. I hope he was not considering firing me yet. - Well, he has a lot of potential and soon he might move on in a different path. A different path? With no college degree, no money, a whore as a dad, I don’t know how I could land on a more profitable job. - I will for sure follow his career. She left with our order, but not before giving me a wink and a finger at the corner of her mouth. I might stick around and score some pussy tonight. Or at least get my cock sucked. I adjusted myself down there. Leo was grinning at me. - She might not be your type, you know, but what ever your type is. Just saying. The bar was filling up with older and biker-gang guys grouping around the pool tables. We chit chat about anything as we drank our beer slowly. - I haven’t mentioned it before because I am not sure you would be ready, but since you seem short on money… I have a gig all day tomorrow and I can use some help. - All day? That meant $168. - It would pay you double. - I’m in, I blurt out immediately. My mind racking with all this extra money. Maybe I would be able to afford a new couch? Who knows? - Deal, then. Be at the studio at 6 tomorrow morning. Leo took a crisp twenty to pay the waitress. She waited for Leo to exit the bar. - Follow me. As soon as I enter the small room behind her, the waitress dealt with my belt and fished out my cock which went from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. Fuck! I had few girls that went down on me, but this one was a keeper for sure. Best blow job ever. The sad thing about it is it was over too soon. She gave a small peck on my lips - See you soon, I hope, and went back serving the patrons. - Euh, yeah I would like that… Eh what’s your name? - Around here, they called me Prissy. I went home smiling like a guy that just won a million dollars.
    1 point
  37. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/being-a-cumdump-means-any-dick-any-time-any-place/
    1 point
  38. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/an-angel-taken-back-to-heaven/
    1 point
  39. Got picked up by a married bloke the other night. 40s bald proper daddy bear beard /belly ...chatted online for a bit and he’s been saying he’d really wanted to fuck me for a while ...never got more than a bod pic and cock shot out of him ...then out of the blue he asks if he can meet. I was “sure but cant accom” , he asked if I was ok outdoors / car ...yep stood in the cold waiting for him and he pulls up in a land rover says Hi and I get in. Never seen his face before ...pleased about the bald and beard look ...more chubby than he was in his pics but he’s fine lol get to a parking spot down one of the lanes and he sits there not saying much ...I put my hand on his leg and he’s on me lol ...we snog for a while and get a good feel of each other through the jeans 😜 hes feeling big “wanna get in the back?” he asked ...so we do and trousers are off ...i was right he’s big and I go down on him dark bush of pubes at the base of a thick uncut 9” tastes really good...after a bit of this I come up for air and hes snogging me again ...im sat across him now and his fat dick is rubbing between my bum cheeks ...hes well wet. I’m really enjoying his hairy chest and belly and manage to get his cock head lined up to my hole ...he says “you got a rubber mate?” ...i reply “no have you?” ...he hasn’t and hesitates for a bit ...i slide his wet cock round my hole and use some spit to lube up and start to lower myself on to his knob ..”oh baby boy” he says as I start to relax around his shaft and start to ride him ...hes in well deep and I’m leaning in to it 😉 my cock is rubbing off trapped between us as I ride him ...then hes asking “want to to pull out before I cum?” ...”fuck no ...fucking breed me daddy” I say ...and that does him ...hes throbbing a load in me...and im cumming on his belly too ...he’s still rock hard in me so I rock back and start to ride him a bit more ...and fuck if he wasnt up for more ...this time hes fucking me ...hard.. and cums again in my sloppy hole ...fucking love car sex sometimes. He said after he didn’t think I’d let a bloke like him fuck me lol
    1 point
  40. Remember after the top shoots his load down your throat and its over...ITS OVER. Let your man enjoy the orgasm then turn your focus on getting him cleaned up. (Please don't use toilet paper) Thank him and follow his cues as to how he likes to wind down after a good blow job.
    1 point
  41. Laying Out With Steve Part 3 Chad pulled my ass apart and asked his man, "want in baby?". Bruce tossed his phone and stepped in closer to slide his now hard leaking cock into my cunt. I couldn't believe it. Bruce wasted no time in fucking me fully and hard, and soon yelled out he was cumming! he pushed deep and started cumming, leaning in to whisper, "Steve is so fucking lucky, take my cum deep boy". "give it to me daddy" is all I could muster. After Bruce pulled out, and more cum fell out, I gathered myself and headed to Steve's bathroom to get cleaned up, but before leaving I turned to Chad and Bruce. "thank you!! that was so fucking hot and I loved every bit and ounce of it". I left them kissing and whispering. After cleaning up in Steve's bathroom and getting dressed in my skimpy thong, I exited Steve's room. Upon entering the living room Chad and Bruce were gone but I could definitely see spots on the couch where pools of cum had landed. The memory flashed in my head of what had taken place with that gorgeous couple, I started getting hard once again. I had to quickly head to the kitchen and get my mind on something else. Steve was in the kitchen talking to another friend of his when I entered. I walked straight to Steve and kissed him deeply. The friend exited saying something about 'privacy', but I was glad we were alone. Steve's hand drifted to my ass cheeks and moved the thong from my ass crack. My hand went to Steve's big cock and I felt him getting hard in my hand. When Steve's fingers finally entered me I moaned into his mouth and pulled away. "Thank you baby", I whispered to Steve. Steve just smiled and said, "I thought you would enjoy those two and I am glad you all were able to make it happen." I could feel Steve's cock hard as rock now. "Please fuck me now baby, I need your cock in me". Steve answered, "not yet Tim, but soon. I want you and need to cum in you again". He continued, "fuck, they really filled you up, didn't they boy?". "Yes daddy, so full...I loved it and can't wait for you to add to their hot cum". Steve growled a little, "I know baby boy, soon" Removing his fingers from my ass he said, "Lets fuck a little later boy. I need it bad, but want to make sure everyone is still having a good time". I patted Steve's big cock, knowing he is leaking already, and said "yes sir. let me make some rounds to see what people need". Steve patted my ass one more time, "thank you Tim". I left Steve in the kitchen, my hard cock was still obvious, but I didn't really care at this point. My poor thong did it's damnedest to keep my cock bound and restrained. As soon I was outside I noticed a lot of men were now naked, most semi hard but just talking with other men. In one corner of the pool a hot older man sat on the edge and a younger guy sucked his cock, others watched with enthusiasm to see him blow in the guys mouth. Another area, under a bigger umbrella one guy was riding another man, bareback, and some were standing around stroking their cocks and watching. While those two scenes held some focus, for the most part men were enjoying the drinks, conversation, and sun. I walked around, my dick slowly shrinking, and asked if anyone needed anything. A bunch of polite 'no thank yous', and an occasional comments such as "yes, your sweet ass on my cock" followed by laughter. I smiled, blushed a little, and then said 'thank you' with a smile. I came upon Chad and Bruce. They were laying out on some of the chairs, Chad was laying on his back while Bruce was sunning his backside and resting peacefully. Chad noticed me as I approached. "Hi Chad, do you two need anything?". "No thanks Tim, we definitely got what we wanted", Chad said and smiled. I moaned out load, "that was my first time doing that Chad, but thank you and I loved it so much." "Definitely our pleasure Tim, as I said before, Steve is very lucky". I think I saw Chad's cock twitch a little, but I knew his balls were definitely empty, "maybe sometime the four of us could hang out again, I wold love that", I added. "I hope so!" said Chad. "If you ever want to talk about things again, please let me know. I realize it is an exciting, maybe even scary, time for you right now. We can talk about anything, anytime." I thought for a moment and said "thank you". I continued, "well, if you two need anything just wave me down. enjoy yourselves and make sure to give me a hug before you go". "oh we will". Chad said. I moved on and did more rounds, taking a few drink orders. Steve was out of the kitchen now chatting with friends, but this time he had removed his bathing suit and stood there naked, nothing but a cock ring on, showing up that gorgeous cock that was aching to stand at attention. When I entered the kitchen I also removed my thong and let my cock free, which felt great. I got the couple of drinks and carried them out to those men that were waiting. After dropping off the drinks I joined Steve with his naked friends. My hand when to his hip and his hand went right to my ass cheek, without a break in conversation. I loved that, and so did my cock apparently...I felt my dick start to stir and I knew it would be so easy to get fully hard. I quickly glanced down and noticed Steve's cock starting to move, and I think the guys we were chatting with noticed as well as they each glanced at me and smiled. Soon the other guys excused themselves and Steve and I were left there alone. Steve asked, "do you think everyone is taken care of and happy?". I looked around, "yes, I think they are. everyone seems to be enjoying themselves". "Not me" Steve said, and continued "it is time boy. I need to unload in your ass. Go get on my bed, ass up, and wait for me". I quickly squeezed Steve's cock and left for the bedroom and Steve's bed, my favorite place in this house. By the time I reached the patio door I was hard and it was pretty obvious. I quickly moved through the living room and down the hallway to Steve's room. Since I had nothing to remove, I quickly got on the bed. I moved the pillow down so I could rest my head on it and laid down, on my stomach, but kept my ass up in the air. My cock couldn't hang completely as I was hard, but the precum dripping was like a steady stream. I waited for a few minutes, but it seems like an eternity before I heard Steve enter, and slightly close the door, without pushing it all the way shut. "fuck boy, I am so fucking horny for you and need to give you all of my cum", Steve said while walking towards the bed. I looked back and saw my man's cock was up, rock hard, and leaking. I smiled. "Please baby, fuck me full". Steve approached the bed and got on behind me. I felt him take both ass cheeks in his hand and kneaded them roughly. "I heard Chad and Bruce both fucked you good, did you like that Tim?". "yes sir, I loved it, but want your cum in me now, please". Steve moaned and spread my ass cheeks...and rubbed his leaking cock head all over my ring and ass crack, leaving trails of his salty goodness. He then surprised me by pulling back and bit and shoving his face into my crack, tongue entered me as deep as he could. Pulling back he said "I can taste their cum in you baby, fuck you are so hot". He continued tongue fucking me for a few more minutes. I was so happy and so turned on. Steve pulled back and replaced his cock at my hole. "I can't take it boy, I need to fuck you". with that Steve put his thick cock head at my hole and eased in. normally, he stopped when his cock head was in me, to let me adjust and for him to leak in me a little, but this time Steve continued pushing the entire length of his big cock. I felt him pull my hips back into his waist and I could now feel his sexy pubes on my ass cheeks. Steve pulled his cock almost all the way out and slid back in to me, one full motion. I was definitely getting all of his cock and he was more forceful than he had been when I stayed with him. I could tell the animal in him needed to fuck and breed as animals do. I knew Steve's balls were so full by now and I had to feel them in my hand. I reached under my leaking cock and held his big full balls in my hand. "Daddy, your balls are so full. Please fuck me full and drain your load into me". Steve moaned, "yes son, I am going to breed you again. I want to knock you up boy, take my poz cum". Steve started pumping faster and faster, full length strokes in my ass. I knew he was getting close, especially when I felt him get a little thicker and really hitting my womb hard. "here it comes baby, take my poz load" Steve shouted and buried deep in me. He was swelling and shooting his poz cum deep in me, again, and my cock had had enough, ropes of my still neg cum shot all over Steve's bed. we were cumming together and it felt perfect, and natural for us. Finally I collapsed on the bed with Steve's cock still in me, he was grinding his hips into me, getting the last of his cum drained out of his balls. It was then that we heard the sound from the door. I looked back in surprise, as did Steve, and we saw the older gentlemen from the pool, that was getting his cock sucked, fucking the same younger guy at the doorway..and in that moment all four of us connected with our stares and the older man started to cum in his guy. Steve leaned his head to my ear, "Tim, our fucking is so hot, everyone wants to see. I love fucking you boy". it was music to my ears...I was so happy, and fulfilled, taking this man's cum in me...hoping he would truly knock me up.
    1 point
  42. Sometimes but not always. I also rely on the noise a guy makes, then of course there's the feeling of cum running out of my hole. It's SUCH a turn on when a guy has pulled out (normally in a darkroom or from a glory hole) and dashes off, for me to then finger myself and discover my hole is super cummy. It's the BEST feeling!
    1 point
  43. There's something about a dark room with a slut on a fuck bench, getting DPd sucking cocks while stroking cocks, I can't say no to that! Who cares what it's name is get hand job get a blowjob and fuck the slut, repeat
    1 point
  44. Wow! Look how small you are as compared to your Master! Have you looked at an inversion cage? Where it pushes you dick inward so that you are flat except for balls? Look at Koalaswim “Munchkin” device. Love to see guys who are committed to shrinking their dick!
    1 point
  45. Dear sir, I am a hairy masculine looking cock hungry cumdump. May I assure you that during sex with men, my penis is of little use because my favored sexual organ is my asshole. Eat my hole, fuck it, fist it, breed it. I'll thank you after. And usually not until I'm alone do I try to use my dick to get off, really because I am always hoping for more cock.
    1 point
  46. Transman hosting anonymous darkroom breeding, fill my holes with your piss and toxic loads. Text5203042155
    1 point
  47. I know many couples with open relationships. I don't think these kind of relationships are in any more or less danger of breaking up than any other kind of relationship. Every relationship has its own particular challenges. To me the open relationships seem more stable and happy. I know one couple in particular that has me very envious. They knew each others sexual tastes (both super piggy) from the beginning so sex was not an issue. They fuck all they want with each other and with many men, singly and together. They enjoy watching the other fuck or get fucked and get loaded, all bareback of course. I love to visit them, its really fun. The basis of all these successful relationships is communication, honesty and compatible sexual tastes. I work for a gay couple. One of them is all top and fucks me on a regular basis (yes I am cheating on my boyfriend). His partner knows and is happy his husband is getting more ass. Their relationship has its problem but the sex is not one of them. This is not just a gay thing by the way, lots of straight men love watching their partners get fucked. If you go to sex clubs, bathhouses and sex parties you are more likely to encounter men with your views on sex and love. So that is where I would look. Be honest from the beginning. Don't be like me and get entangled in a relationship only to find out you are not sexually compatible. It really sucks to fall in love then realize in order to stay in the relationship you have to deny an essential part of yourself. It does not work and you will find yourself cheating on your man. Good luck, there's a hot guy out there who will want to whore you out, fuck your cum filled hole and love you all the more for it. P.S. I would love, love, love to tether my boyfriend to a bathhouse sling and let every guy in the place breed his holes. I would felch and snowball each load. On weekends I'd put ads on all the sites for anonymous pump and dumps and I wish he would do the same for me. Alas we have been together seven years and I have not been allowed any where near his hole and he's only fucked me once. Take my advice, be up front from the beginning. Get what you need.
    1 point
  48. You absolutely should! Tons of guys on grindr and a4a are cheating on their bfs on the dl, but I love it when they're into being cheaters and even risk being caught. Definitely share what happens when you do!
    1 point
  49. And feel the need to repeatedly post to say you're not posting here anymore... (Plus a quick scan of their posts shows that the site [probably comes as no shock to anyone] certainly won't be any worse off for them going).
    1 point
  50. 1. Nathan I'm a professional photographer. Most of the time, my work involves taking pictures of stuff for catalogs. It's boring, but it pays the bills. Every once in a while, I get to do something more interesting, like someone who needs better pictures for online dating, or occasionally, my friend Thomas needs pictures for his porn movie business. I met Jason through Thomas. Thomas needed some stills of Jason for the website, and his usual photographer was on vacation. Generally, Thomas had twinky little boys in his movies, which didn't do much me. He had given me all three of Jason's movies, and I waited until the night before to even look at the cover. As I expected, most of the models did nothing for me, except for Jason. Rather than a skinny eighteen year-old, he was muscular. Not quite big enough to be a football player, but still, incredible muscles and a big cock. I watched all of his scenes intently, and although he always was the top, it seemed like he was genuinely into it, making out with the other boys, and sometimes even going down on them. Thomas didn't particularly care if his models wore condoms or not, which meant that only the most puritanical of them did. Jason was no exception, and all of his scenes ended with a huge unprotected cum shot right into the eager hole of the bottom. He was always hard enough to stick his cock in again at the end, and work the jizz a ittle deeper in. I ended the evening eager to see him in person. Jason was right on time, arriving at my place a few minutes before the six o'clock appointment. In real life, he was a little shorter than I expected; right about my height at 5'8", and maybe twenty pounds heavier than me, around 200lbs. Of course, all of that was extra muscle. He had close-cropped brown hair, and was clean shaven. At the time, I worried that I was reading too much into it, but there seemed to be an immediate attraction between us. I found him easy to work with. We started talking about each other, and he quickly volunteered that he was twenty, just out of high school, but waiting on college. He had been on the wrestling team and had been working out extensively ever since, which explained the musculature. He had brought a few different items of clothing, and I asked him to wear a tank top, a jock strap, and a pair of jeans. He started to change right in front of me, so I took the opportunity to start taking pictures. He was a natural show-off, letting me get pictures of his chest, nipples, slowly revealing his cock and ass. One thing I found interesting was that it always seemed easier to get pictures of his ass than his cock. It was almost like he was hiding his dick, and showing off his ass. That was odd behavior for a top, but I wasn't complaining. As he pulled on the jock strap for the actual photo shoot, I got a perfect shot of his ass. He even spread his cheeks, allowing me a great view of his hole. It had a little bit of fur around it, but was mostly smooth. After he was done dressing for the shoot, we moved over to where I had the lights set up. He started to pose for me, still showing off his amazing butt. I wanted to get into it, but thought he was just being a cocktease. "I've watched a few of your films. Are you always a top, even off camera?" I asked. "So, far, yes," Jason replied. "Yes? Have you thought about bottoming before?" "Thomas really wants me to bottom. But it would have to be for the right man, of course." "Who would be the right man?" I asked. We continued to take pictures as we talked. Jason had removed his tank top and was now slowly unbuttoning his jeans, revealing his white jock strap. "He's got to be male. Probably about my height, muscular, a beard, a hairy chest, a wicked smile, a nice body." He was looking right at me as he said, "and amazing green eyes." I didn't need any more hints to realize that he was describing me. "And would you let him fuck you bareback as well?" "I think so." "Would it be a problem if the top was poz?" "Yes, but..." He stopped talking for a bit, and I moved in as he let his jeans fall to the ground, continuing to take pictures. He went on, slowly, "I don't give my bottom a choice. I always fuck them bareback. To me, it seems disrespectful to make a top wear a rubber." He turned around, letting me see his perfect ass, framed by the white jock strap he was wearing. He bent down slightly, letting me get a glimpse of his hole. There was a spray of hair around his hole. He tried to say something, but he kept starting over. Finally, "I want to feel your skin next to mine," clearly emphasizing the word 'your'. I thought this was where he was going, but I hadn't wanted to get my hopes up. But with his admission, I knew I was going to spill my seed inside of him tonight, and decided I wanted it now. I lowered my camera, and moved in, starting to lick his ass a bit. He moaned as my tongue reached his virgin hole, pushing himself against my face. I could feel my beard rubbing against his ass cheeks, getting my tongue right into his hole. We didn't say anything for a while. We just got used to our new closeness, no longer hiding our desires and needs. Jason clearly needed to be fucked. As I pushed my tongue into him, I could feel how tight and hot his hole was, and how he pushed against me, trying to get anything and everything into him. As we worked together to loosen him up, he finally managed to put together a coherent sentence, "Please. Breed me tonight." That was all I needed to hear. I put down my camera, and told him to join me over in the bed. I got out some lube and poppers. He took the poppers and did a hit, as I started to finger him. It was clear from how tight he was, he hadn't been fucked much, if any. But, between his new found desire to get bred and the poppers, we quickly got first one, then two, and finally three fingers into him. From my experience, my dick was a little thicker than that, but I wanted him to really feel his first fuck. "Are you ready?" I asked. He nodded, "Yeah, I am." He reached down and felt my cock. It was hard as a rock, bobbing in the air, sniffing out his hole. "And you too, I can see." "Oh, yeah, I definitely am," I replied, as I arranged him on his back, put his muscular legs on my shoulders, and started to tease his hole with my cockhead. "You want this in you?" "Fuck yes." He took a long hit on the poppers, which was my cue to start working my cock into him. "Go slowly," he asked. "Don't worry. I want this to feel good for both of us." As much as I wanted to slam all eight raw inches right into him, I knew that would risk hurting him, and he'd want to stop. I did my best to go slowly, first getting the head inside of him. As it popped in, his face froze. I paused, just feeling the warmth of his hole. Finally, he relaxed and got used to my presence inside of him, letting me slide a little further in. "Ok?" I asked. He nodded, and I pressed in another inch or so. This time, there was no grimace of pain. "It feels good. Amazing." I pushed in another two inches, feeling my cock get enveloped in his hot and tight hole. After a few more seconds to get used to it, he asked, "Don't stop, please?" And I was only too happy to oblige. I took my time to get all the way into him. He was tight, as befitted an anal virgin, but was relaxing and opening up quickly. I had worked my way in carefully, and soon felt my balls hit his ass. I didn't rush it, but took my time, working up to the steady, insistent pistoning that was a man fucking another man. I paused, and stared into his handsome face. He was staring at me, an involuntary smile of happiness on him. "Can I ask you a question?" he asked. "Sure." "How long have you been poz?" "About ten years now," I answered. "How did you get it?" He didn't look scared. It was just pure curiosity. I didn't mind. He had let into the most secret part of himself. The least I could do was let him find out about me. "Like this. Letting tops fuck me bareback." I pushed all the way into him. I didn't want him to forget I was still invading him. My cock was an integral part of his body now. "Did you know they were poz?" "Some yes, some no. It's a story for a different time." I leaned down and kissed him, letting our tongues and spit mix. Of course, with me on top of him, he got more of my tongue and spit. That was the way I wanted it now. There would be other times later to get his spit and cum in me. "This should be about you, not me. It's nearly your first fuck and your first bareback fuck." "I know." "Did you know anything would happen, even fucking me when you came over here?" I asked him. I could feel the heat coming off his muscular chest, as each stroke into his warm ass let me rub up against him. "No. I hadn't planned on anything. Anything at all." "So having a poz cock injecting a load into your ass is a big surprise?" "Very much." He arched his back, pushing himself down on my penis. Once more we reached the limit of penetration, his hole hitting the base of my shaft, asking "You are going to give me your load, right?" "Yes, of course I am." By then, I couldn't have pulled out of him even if he had begged me. I wanted to breed him so badly. "What made you want my cock? My load?" "I wanted to do something with you the minute I saw you. I don't know what it was. The way you looked? The way you acted? The way you smelled?" He buried his nose in my neck, taking a deep scent. "You were so fucking male, I needed to mate with you somehow." "And you were willing to give up your hole?" "After a minute around you, I would have done anything you wanted. This is hardly a sacrifice. Your cock buried in me is something I want. And your cum in me is something I fucking need." I could feel a shudder run through his body. It was hard to tell if it was from pleasure or pain. "Everything ok?" I asked, but I didn't stop pushing myself into him. His hole was far too warm and welcoming for me to pull out unless he begged me hard. And even then, I would have continued. "Oh, fuck yeah. You feel so amazing, your cock in me. You're dripping pre-cum, aren't you?" "Yeah, I am. A lot. It's hard to be in a man like you and not be marking the territory." "You should. Now, there will always be a bit of you in me." I pulled out almost all the way, and shoved my cock into him. "Or a lot of me in you." He smiled. "Are you scared?" I asked. "Of? Getting pozzed?" "Yeah. A part of my mind is screaming about it, telling me to run away before I make the biggest mistake of my life. But mostly, I think this is what I've needed for a really long time. I've just never known it. It feels so good, you inside me, skin to skin. I am so thankful you find me hot enough to leak pre-cum in me. And how perfect it will be when your cock injects me with your seed." After that explanation, I only wanted to fuck him harder. I wanted to get my poz cum deep into him, to breed him the way we both wanted it to happen. I flipped him onto his knees, getting him doggy style. I loved this position; it gave me the ability to explore every aspect of him, and kept him from pulling away too much. But I need not have worried. He leaned back onto my cock at the perfect times, making sure we coupled as easily and as deeply as possible. It must have been at least ten minutes of hard fucking. I was leaking so much pre-cum that we never needed more lube, despite my pulling all the way out, and slamming back home. Only the first one of those got a gasp of pain from him. After that, "Fuck yeah," and "Give it to me" were responses. Although I didn't tell him this outright, my main goal was to rough up his hole a bit. If I had a choice, I wish I hadn't been dripping as much pre-cum. I knew the pre-cum was a pretty potent mix, so I didn't worry too much about him not getting enough of my gifts into his system. We switched positions, back to him on his back, his legs on my shoulders. I was driving into him deep, enjoying how hot he was inside. We would kiss, and feel my hairy chest against his smooth skin, our sweaty muscles alternately sticking to each other, and gliding across each other. I paused for a second, and almost pulled out, just the head of my cock remaining inside. He looked right at me, on his face a blissed-out smile. "What are you thinking?" he asked me. "How much I love being inside you. How much I enjoy dripping my pre-cum into you, how much I get off on pushing myself deeper into you," I said. "And you?" He closed his eyes, and I pushed back into him letting my cock sink all the way. I stopped only when I could feel my balls hit his ass. He gasped a little, but I knew he could take it. "When I've fucked guys, I've never understood why they would beg me for my cum," he said. "Now I really understand their need for cum. My need for cum." "You want my load?" "Fuck yeah. I need your poison in me. Deep in me." "You know there is no turning back? No second chances." "I know, and I don't care. All I want right now is for you to cum inside me, and let me carry your dirty seed all night long." "I want nothing else." I grabbed the bottle of poppers, and took a long hit. I put it under his nose, and let him take a hit. He motioned that he was good, but I left it there a little longer. I wanted him to really enjoy this last assault on his ass. I took one more hit before putting the bottle aside. I waited for the poppers to hit both of us. Then I began my final battle with his hole, determined to win. I pulled all the way out, just the tip of my cock still inside him. Then I slammed into him, pushing myself a bit deeper into him. I wanted to make sure his hole was well-plowed before I shot my wad. I took no risks that my pozcum wouldn't find fertile ground to grow in this beautiful man. His face was a contorted mass of pain and pleasure. I know the constant pounding was starting to hurt him a bit, but he wanted my cum so badly, it didn't matter to him. My balls were pulling in tight and my cock was dripping pre-cum in a constant stream. I couldn't hold off much longer, and we both knew it. "Please. I need it," he managed to gasp out, between my insistent, hard stokes, and his gulps of air. That was all I needed to hear to push me over the edge. I took one more stroke out and then a deep thrust in. My cock stiffened and pulsed, and I could feel the first squirt of jizz leave my cock and enter him. All my rational control disappeared with my orgasm. I held onto him tightly, keeping his body pinned down as my hips thrashed wildly, forcing my cock in and out. The stimulation kept me cumming, a second spurt, a third, and a fourth, filling his hole with my seed. It seemed never to end. He had a hungry ass that kept on milking my cock, not letting me pull out and greedily holding on to every drop of seed I pumped out. We were locked at the lips as well, kissing deeply. The fifth and sixth spurts were a little weaker; my hips were slowing down, and I was able to make a conscious effort to stay deep, making sure I got my load where his defenses were weakest. The seventh spurt was my last. I kept my cock in him, massaging my load into his delicate, bare insides. We stayed in position, his legs still on my shoulders, my cock still lodged inside of him. The last drops of my load were dripping out, collecting with the rest of my sperm inside of him. I was still kissing him; his mouth was still full with my tongue. He broke off for a second and asked, "So, is that it?" "What do you mean? I definitely have another load for you tonight. And more tomorrow." "No. I meant, am I poz now?" "Oh. That. Probably not. It takes a lot more than a single fuck, no matter how good, to get pozzed up." I couldn't read his face. "Having second thoughts? Is that a good thing?" "No. I don't know. Yes. I'm not going back. And I want to do this many more time. I'm going to get at least one more load from you tonight." He smiled. "Don't worry. You'll get at least one more. Maybe two." I shifted a bit, taking the weight off my knees, and letting my dick slowly slide out of his hole. There was a pop sound and little bit of white cream dribbled out with my cock. I reached down and rubbed the cum into his hole. He laughed slightly. "What's funny?" I asked. "Last weekend, I did an orgy scene for Thomas. I was the last of five guys to fuck Todd. When I finally pulled my cock out of him, he made the same sound." "And now you're making it with only one top." "Yeah. At the time, I remember thinking how nasty the bottom was. I mean, he was way hot, but Todd had only met me before. He took all of our cocks and jizz. Total strangers to him." "And now?" "I'm jealous of him. He got five loads in him, from five guys. I got one, but from a very hot guy." I lay down beside him. He shifted around, his head falling in my arm, his head encircled by my armpits. "Damn. Your pits smell awesome." "You felt so good to be inside of. I want to get back inside you. I need to breed you again," I replied.
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