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  1. It had been a while since I last played so when I woke up feeling horny I did some internal cleansing in the hope that I would get lucky and got on Grindr. It wasn't long before I saw someone that I didn't recognize and browsing through his profile I found an interest. While there wasn't a lot listed, his picture and stats were attractive as well as his tags, which included bondage, kink, roleplay, rough and more notably poz. His status was also listed as poz, undetectable which I found appealing, because while I had often fantasized about poz play, I really didn't want to become poz. I struck up a conversation and found that he was from New York and had recently bought a home here and was in the process of moving. Most of his furniture and items had been delivered several weeks earlier but his final move was then delayed and he had just arrived the night before with the last of his things. With the weather supposed to get nasty in the afternoon, he said that he would like to chat more but needed to get unloaded before it got messy. I made a comment that I would be glad to help if he wanted any and he said he appreciated the offer but didn't want to impose. I told him I would enjoy doing so and it wouldn't impose at all and to my surprise he said that he'd appreciate the help and I soon found myself on my way there. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, particularly since our chat was relatively short and I knew so little about him, but our conversation had seemed warm and even though we didn't get into a lot of detail, I felt a certain degree of attraction toward him. We weren't a far distance from each other and during the short drive I realized that I started out the day looking for someone to hook up with, but instead I was on my way to help someone move. The thought then crossed my mind of the possibility that it could end up being a mix of both but other than cleansing myself earlier, I didn't do anything else such as bring along lube, condoms or such. It was then that I saw him outside with a box in his hands and as he looked up I realized it was too late to think any more so I pulled in and parked. After a quick introduction I found myself busy helping with the unloading and working together we quickly had everything in the house. The previously moved items had been placed somewhat haphazardly with the furniture and moving boxes in various rooms and everything was in a bit of disarray so after moving his remaining items inside, we got busy getting the house together by arranging the furniture and putting the boxes in the rooms they belonged. Once we had things looking good, he offered me something to drink and we had a seat on the couch to take a break. We chatted for a while about mostly vanilla topics and things felt comfortable together with a friendly energy. I commented that the house looked really nice and he said it was a relief to finally be in and that he spent the last few weeks sleeping on a futon in his old place and got in last night and slept last night on the couch and that it would be really nice to be back in a much more cozy bed. I told him that I could sympathize with that and to fix the issue we were soon assembling his bed and setting up his bedroom. We chatted while I helped set things up, mostly about his work and why he moved here and a few other things. I told him more about the area. It had now been a while since we started working and most everything was in its place when we took a step back and looked around. The only thing I could say was "wow". With the king size bed centered against one of the walls with mirrors on the head end and plenty of space on both sides with several mirrors on the walls, tasteful furniture placed around, the large screen tv on the wall at the bottom end of the bed and the room now tastefully decorated, it looked amazing, even more-so when he topped it off by lighting a few candles for the final effect. I told him that I really liked the layout and style and he said to kick off my shoes and kick back so we can enjoy it for a bit and went to grab us a couple drinks. It felt a bit strange laying in his bed but at the same time it felt a combination of comforting as well as a bit erotic. As he came back in the room he closed the door which in combination with the light darkening curtains left the room illuminated solely by the flickering candles, handed me my drink, laid back beside me and told me how much he appreciated my help with everything, raising his glass as a toast to our new friendship. The first sip of my drink told me that it contained some liquor and was not just a simple Coca-Cola and though it was a bit strong, it felt good too, particularly after our work. We finished our drinks somewhat swiftly and he went to grab a couple more, this time returning with larger and notably stronger drinks. In combination with the drinks, our conversation began to loosen up which in turn seemed to loosen us up on a more personal level with several special looks and a few playful touches. With the energies seeming to rise simultaneously he asked if I'd like to watch something and I gladly said "sure, your choice". He picked up the remote and moments later the big screen came to life with an eye-catching video with quite erotic, raw and explicit play between guys of which I became immediately absorbed. "Pretty hot, isn't it?" he asked almost rhetorically, "it's one of my favorites", to which I replied "it's perfect", as I settled back into the pillows beneath my head and engrossed in the scene that was playing. He laid back beside me and said somewhat bluntly "I haven't had sex like that in months". I didn't know how to reply without sounding patronizing but I just replied honestly that it had been even longer for me and with that, he gave a solid look into my eyes, leaned forward and gave me a solid kiss deep into my lips. I was caught somewhat by surprise by his act but I allowed it to happen and joined right in. Kissing hadn't been huge in my list of turn-on's but for some reason this felt different and while much of my previous experience was centered more on my partner and I simply getting off, this felt much more connected, intimate and sincere and I began to return his kiss in a very loving manner. Pulling back from our kiss, he said "thank you, I really needed this", to which I replied "I did too, so much", and I gave him another kiss before we returned to watch the screen, my palm resting on his thigh. I am not sure whether it was by design or just fate in the two of us being together but the moment really felt right and I let my palm slowly slide over and come to rest on his clearly bulging cock. In combination with the scene playing on the screen, I needed something more to happen and with that I leaned over, began opening his pants and brought his cock into play, first touching and fondling, then taking him into my mouth with the hope that I wasn't being too forward. After a while he said "you better be careful baby or you're going to make me shoot", to which I replied, "I might like that, can you cum more than once?", before returning my lips to his cock though at a much more tender and measured pace while looking up into his eyes, not wanting to bring it to a premature end. "Actually I can baby. I can usually go a long time before cumming but it's been quite a while since I've had any play and I'm right on the edge. When the play is hot though, I can cum, stay hard and cum more, particularly depending on the scene and atmosphere." he replied. "I'd love to experience that and more" I said, to which his reply was "take off your clothes", as he began removing his. We resumed our groping and oral play and things began to get more heated with the increasing sexual energy between us, helped in part by the intensity of what was playing on the screen. I had my eyes closed when felt him turn to the side then come back and it was then that I could smell the distinct scent of poppers and looked up to see the bottle alongside his nose. Noticing my glance, he offered the brottle which I accepted and inhaled several times before returning it to him. The poppers combined with the atmosphere and quite possibly whatever had been in my drink had me feeling a high degree of euphoria, causing me to lean down to take his engorged cock even deeper into my throat, multiple times in and out before rising up, leaving his hard wet erection dripping in my spit, then as if on auto-pilot and looking deep into his eyes, I moved over top of him with a leg on each side of his body and moved downward until I came to rest with his hard cock resting between my warm cheeks. The sounds from the video were filling the room and I was able to see the scene playing on the screen thru the reflection in the mirror and with the addition of his hot body touching mine, I was horny beyond belief. My arousal was very much reaching a peak and the comfort I felt along with his undetectable status made me want him to fuck me and I was wanting it to happen bare. My body began to gyrate on top of him and as I did, I felt his hard and electrified cock became centered the quite wanton hole of my ass and when it did I almost instinctively squatted down, looking deep into his eyes and wanting to absorb the moment completely and to see his reaction too. His reaction wasn't what I expected and his hands quickly came to grasp each side of my hips and telling me "stop, not yet" but before the words were completely out of his mouth, I had already sank down and his cock was now impaled in my ass. Having a cock inside my hole was something that I had been needing for a long time, but maybe something I wasn't completely ready for because with the size of his cock, the tightness of my ass, and with only spit for lube, I also found it a good bit painful. I could tell that he had continued talking while this was happening but with my focus on the burning in my ass and the loudness of the video that was playing, I wasn't sure what it was. While I paused to let my body adjust to what was inside me and not knowing what he had just said, I began to wonder and instinctively sought a reassurance that everything was okay and asked. "Are you undetectable?" "I was", he answered, "but I can't say for sure right now. Are you on PrEP?" My eyes opened in a somewhat blank stare toward the mirror in front of me as I tried to contemplate what the words he just said and with the realization that his raw cock was buried inside me, I answered a simple "no" and remained almost frozen. "I've been on meds and undetectable but with the move things have been messed up and I've been separated from my prescription so I haven't been on them for a while so I can't say for sure whether I am or not and I could be either." He said. "As soon as I'm back together with my meds, I will be taking them again, but right now I can't really say that I'm undetectable". I suddenly wasn't sure about anything right then and was a bit scared but we started to talk further in a sincere and realistic manner With his hands on my waist, mine on his chest and his cock still fully inside my ass, we were locked together both physically and in concerted conversation and thought. Neither one of us wanted things to stop but he had been off his meds long enough that his status could easily be either way, and while it wouldn't have an effect on him, I genuinely didn't want to become poz. Neither of us had any condoms and leaving the house to get some would have destroyed the mood, but at the same time, the atmosphere was so totally hot that it was difficult to see it actually end. I think he could tell that I really didn't want to stop, particularly since I hadn't pulled away from his cock, but at the same time I was quite worried which he could likely tell, particularly since I told him that I was negative and not on PrEP or anything. He then said that he had pretty good cum-control and could fuck a lot and other play without shooting his load, and that his pre-cum lately has been quite limited so we might be able to play for a while and then stop, but that it was up to me. He also said that if I was concerned that I could always take some PEP afterward which can keep me safe. He likely sensed that his words were touching somewhere inside me because I gave a soft moan and my body relaxed on top of his with my eyes softly coming to a close. I then opened up to him that I have often had fantasies about having sex with somone that was poz and that it often brings me the most intense orgasms, but... I stopped speaking at 'but' and my hands began tenderly but nervously moving upon his chest, my mind filled with a feeling of freedom in opening up about the fantasy, and a mixed level of excitement and arousal that I was with someone that was possibly poz. A chill in the reality of what was already happening and admittedly a fear about what might come came into focus, which I think he noticed.. "Go on" he encouraged, his hands now moving in a comforting manner on all sides of my body. In a way I felt accepted and that I was with someone that didn't hold any judgement and that I could be safe to confide in. After a small hesitation I continued on, telling him more of my poz fantasizes which led into where my many other fantasies had gone, going into greater and more graphic detail about different scenes such as consensual non-consensual play and how hot it feels to have someone take control and how I would love being violated sexually and otherwise, being forced, and in the process I also told him that I've had fantasies of going all the way, with someone that was poz, but that I was afraid too. At this point his left hand rose and came to rest on my lips with his right palm stopped moving over my now hard beating heart. "I have to tell you that listening to you is making me hot baby, intensely hot" he said as he gave a couple probing moves of his loins into mine to emphasize the point, then continued "It really makes you really hot, doesn't it?" to which I closed my eyes and gave an affirming nod of my head. "We don't have to do anything that you don't want to do" he continue "and I will respect your limits & boundaries, but I would love and be honored to take you to the places you want to go and that includes all of your fantasies - and have no doubt that I am fully capable of making it happen. I've had many fantasies too, many similar to yours and I would love to go there together. We can stop if you want to, or we can fuck if you want and I can fuck and pull out before I cum - if you want me to" he said. I leaned forward & down until we came to rest chest to chest as I contemplated his words and in the arms of his warm embrace, his cock slid partially out of my ass. I gave a small gasp as the dryness of his cock caused some discomfort which he noticed and quickly countered with a turn of his head and another kiss on my lips. It must have been the distraction of the kiss that cause me to miss the move but somehow he now had a handful of Vaseline and was working it around his cock and into my ass. I moaned into our kiss and my ass to begin moving slowly somewhat hesitantly back and forth almost automatically on his cock and in the process his fingers began working more and more Vaseline into our play. Noticing that I wasn't making a move to stop anything, he pulled back a bit and continued some conversation "Does rough play really make you hot?" I answered "yes". "It makes me really hot too." he continued, then as if to keep my attention more "Do you want it to happen, I mean to really happen?" The way he said the words was almost scary but at the same time the thought was admittedly hot too. Again I answered "yes". "Now?" he asked. I hesitated while looking at him, knowing what he was asking and that he was serious but at the same time not really knowing, particularly how far he might actually go - a mixture of fear and arousal now throughout my body. Seeing that I was on the fence, he took my nipple between his finger and thumb and started to squeeze, softly at first, then progressively harder while watching my expression as I began to melt into his advances. Pain has always had an effect on me and in many ways it has been very much like an aphrodisiac when it happens in play. The pain in my nipple was now reaching a point that my focus was nowhere else but completely with him. Since I only grimaced and didn't make an effort to get away, I think he knew that he had me where he wanted me and with a final and firm squeeze, he once again asked me... "Now", this time sounding more like he was giving a statement and not a question and I immediately and quite loudly responded... "Yes, YES!" In a very quick move, I was tossed to the bed at his side with my face buried in a pillow and my ass bare and facing up. A moment later he was on top of me and without saying a word, he buried his cock fully inside my ass. Our play had allowed my ass to stretch some and the Vaseline made everything quite slippery, but it only moderately eased his sudden entry and my ass was alight with some fire. I gasp and audibly gave a muffled yelp into the pillow below and sensing that it may be too much, he stopped with his cock impaled inside my ass and asked if I wanted to stop. I didn't give an immediate answer, mostly because I was in a bit of a shock at everything that was happening and admittedly being in a somewhat confused state about everything, quite possibly enhanced from whatever was in the drink. Not letting the moment come to a complete stop, he continued the lead with his cock pulling back and then moving forward, slowly at first, then a bit faster, time and time again, becoming more forceful and continually stronger with each plunge. The physical sensation was overwhelming with the atmosphere of being where I had truly been wanting to go and only fantasized about before, and yet hurtful enough that the pain in my ass was becoming very real. As I struggled with my mix of feelings, the tight grasp of his arms enveloping my torso, likely growing stronger due to the endorphins that were permeating throughout his body, made me aware that in the strength aspect, he had the definite advantage and I almost felt weak beneath him.. My body gradually began to move beneath him more and more, though due to a combination of trying to find relief from the growing pain inside my ass, and in the wonder if I would even be able to actually become free if I wanted to. I guess that I realized that I could probably say something if I wanted to, but the sensations that I was feeling had me twisted in so many different directions, wanting it to happen but finding it so very difficult too, physically and emotionally - I was in another dimension. My mind began coming back to focus though and the realization that the cock inside me was in no way assuredly safe came directly to the forefront, along with the fear and reality of what was going on. As I began to rise to say something though, I felt his body sink firmly onto mine, his cock fully impaled and then as his body gave spasm after deep spasm I realized that his semen was pumping into my body from his, him holding me tighter and moaning and gasping into my ear with each plunge he gave - it was happening. I don't know if the tear from my eye was from the intense fear that I was feeling, or if it was from the elation of actually experiencing something that I had fantasized of for so long but it was quickly joined by another tear and many more. Sensing something was happening, he began holding me warmly, sharing comforting words and making me feel very much loved - which was in turn causing me to feel a level of love too. It was then that I noticed the clock and how quickly time had passed. My family would soon be home and I needed to be back there before they arrived because there was no way I could have an excuse for not being home. I really didn't want to leave so quickly but he very much understood and as I parted, we were both sure that we wanted to be together again, and that we would be. The afternoon sun was bright in my eyes during the drive home but the feeling of the moistness within my loins of his cum remaining within me was the focus of my attention. I then started making it a point that I needed to get somewhere in the morning to begin the PEP after-fuck treatment to keep from becoming poz, when another brightness came before my eyes. It was Thursday and my family was going to be home for the extended weekend, not giving me the option of being able to get out without them knowing something was up. As I pulled in the driveway I didn't know what I was going to do, then looking at the time it had become, I began to realize what I was going to do - nothing. The risk of what may have just happened was high but knowing what would happen at home if my family would find out what I had just done was certain and it placed me in an impossible position. PEP wasn't going to be an option and whatever was going to come was going to be a matter of fate and I didn't know what it was going to be. I was afraid. Deep inside though I was also aroused, deeply aroused.
    13 points
  2. I was 21 and lived in an old rundown apartment complex, it had a lot of issues and the landlord wasn’t much help getting things fixed when anyone had an issue. It wasn’t the best place but it was cheap and the neighbors kept to themselves. Well, mostly. There was one neighbor a couple of units across the hall from mine, Mr. Lewis, who was chatty with me every time we passed eachother by. He was an older man in his mid-60s or so. Not in the best of shape, short, balding, round faced and pudgy belly. Always wore a tank top, sweat pants and old worn sandals. The type of guy you would typically see around a place like this. But he was nice enough, always offering to invite me in for some coffee or have a chat. I never took him up on the offer though, he had a bit of that old troll vibe and I had a feeling he had ulterior motives with his invitations. It’s not like I had anything against him, I just get nervous around guys who blatantly flirt with me, I tend to freeze up and ignore their advances. I was always shy like that. Mr. Lewis was no shrinking violet, he was always bold being flirty with me in the hall, casually rubbing his crotch and eyeing me up and down when we chatted. I of course wouldn’t pay much mind to it and keept our conversations brief and continued about our own business. I never considered letting his flirtatious behavior get any further than what it was, for one he wasn’t my type, and secondly one of his previous conversations he casually talked about the difficulties of him hooking up with guys on account of him being poz. I don’t mean to be a prude, but I try to play safe on the rare occasions that I do mess around with anyone at all. It’s been a while for me since I’ve been busy with my college studies. One warm day when I was getting back home from the gym I was particularly tired and sweaty head to toe. I had an intense cardio session and my legs were sore. It didn’t help that I was wearing my bad gym shorts with the broken string, I occasionally had to pull them up from sliding down. It was laundry day as well so I didn’t have any underwear available so I was just free balling it. When I was hobbling back down the hall to my apartment Mr. Lewis came out as I passed his door almost as if he heard me coming. ”Tommy my lad. Have a nice hard workout?” He chuckled while adjusting his underwear. He was wearing sandals a tank top and briefs, not the most appropriate attire for a conversation in the hallways so he stood in his doorway. “Yeah it was a cardio day for me, 10 miles on the treadmill, squats, the usual.” I replied casually, giving a friendly smile trying not to pay attention to the fact that Mr. Lewis was developing a semi hard erection. “It’s good that you take care of your young beautiful body, wish I had more of that commitment.“ He chuckled as he lifted his tank and patted his stomach. “Say, if you have a minute do you think you would like to come in for a bit?“ He smiled while patting his crotch bulge. “Oh, um, I’d like to but I need to shower and I have some stuff I need to take care of.” Even if I wasn’t uncomfortable with his flirtatious behavior it really wasn’t the best time for hanging out. I was a mess from the gym. “Oh well this won’t take too long, I actually need your help with something. My sink pipes seem to be acting weird, can’t seem to get good pressure out of it and there might be a leak underneath, the landlord couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it and figured a young capable man like you might take a look?“ I didn’t really feel like it but he lived alone in that apartment and I felt bad for always blowing off his invitations even though he is fairly brazen with the way he carries himself. Out of the typical social fear of coming off as rude I agreed to step inside for just a little bit. “Sure, I think I can give it a shot” “Wonderful!” He perked up and stepped aside inviting me in. His apartment didn’t have much, simple couch, table and chairs. Some dirty laundry left here or there and a faint smell in the air that might have been body odor perhaps? Maybe something a little tangier? Mr. Lewis guided the two of us towards his living room and we sat on the couch together while he made small talk. “You don’t have to check the sink just yet, sit with me boy, how have you been? Handling them hunky men at the gym all right? You have been walking fairly funny in the hall, ha ha ha.” There he goes again with that blatant attitude of his. “Oh, no it was just tiring for me. I’ve been fine, studying and just trying to keep my school work life balanced, I don’t have time for messing around.“ “Well now, that’s no good. Why at your age I was filling and getting filled by plenty of men at the gym saunas. Back in those days public hook ups were a lot more common, not like all the apps these days.“ he chuckled and patted my thigh as he emphasized his words. Leaving his hand on me long enough to make it awkward but not too for me to feel the need to pull away. “Oh that sounds like a wild time, I don’t think I could do stuff like that. I’m not that bold.“ I readjusted my sitting position and pulled out a dirty sock that I was sitting on. Mr. Lewis grabbed it and tossed it aside. “Pardon the mess, I tend to delay on laundry so these things wind up everywhere. That’s why you usually see me wearing these.” Mr. Lewis put his leg up and rested his foot in my lap showing off his sandals. He reached over and slipped it off showing it to me. The heel of his foot sliding down my leg getting dangerously close to my crotch. “These things are convenient when I need em. And they don’t smell as bad as the socks when you wear them for multiple days in a row, see for yourself“ He pointed the sandal in my face expecting me to take a test smell. I wasn’t willing to smell his dirty sandal and was a bit flabbergasted that he even suggested it but I didn’t want to show it on my face and be rude so i avoided inhaling and replied with any sort of casual dismissive statement that would satisfy him and pull it away. “Uh, yeah, it’s fine. I get it.” He didn’t put the sandal back on instead he put it on the floor and slipped his other sandal off and put both his feet in my lap, this time his right foot resting directly on top of my dick. Mr. Lewis continuing the conversation nonchalantly. “So sunny, how is your sex life? Do you have a boyfriend yet?” I was surprised with how casually he asked that, even more surprising he managed to slip his foot underneath my gym shirt and was rubbing my belly button with his toes. I could clearly see that he had a full-blown erection at this point and there was even a wet spot in the center where it look like he was pre-cuming. He reached in his underwear and started fondling his cock. Just as casually as one would if they were scratching their balls. “No I don’t have the time for that, I just focus on work and school.“ I said nervously, not sure how to respond to his foot action. At this point Mr. Lewis slipped a foot through the leg of my shorts and was rubbing my sweaty thigh, I was getting uneasy with his advances. I knew he was trying to instigate something and I was trying to look for an opportunity to change the subject. “Well you have time to come see me about my plumbing issue.” He said almost mockingly, his foot sliding up further and just as I could feel his toes starting to make contact with my shaft I took that as my opportunity to change the situation. “Oh yes the plumbing!” I got up off the couch and out of Mr. Lewis‘s grasp, trying not to give the situation much acknowledgment. “Yes I should go check out the sink of yours.“ I walked over to his kitchen area and I started fiddling with the handles staring at the sink pressure trying to clear my mind of that awkwardness and do what I came here to do so I could leave. The sink pressure was a little sporadic, but that seemed to be normal, or at least as normal as the same pressure I have had. The building was old and falling apart so I’m not surprised that his plumbing was similar to mine. So I went underneath the sink to check for any leaks. Mr. Lewis came to the kitchen and handed me some tools as I was on my knees bent over looking at the pipes. It was a tight fit so it wasn’t an easy space to work with. I wiggled myself out and asked for a flashlight and a crescent wrench to see if I can loosen or tighten some of the valves and see if that would work. As I looked over to Mr. Lewis, his underwear was off and he had a massive hard veiny and uncut cock pointed at me. “Whoa! Sir your underwear, uh what is-“ “No worries, it’s been hot and the AC doesn’t work so I figured I would slip out of those old things and get more comfortable. You don’t mind. I don’t have anything you haven’t seen before.” It was hot, at least I thought it was hot or maybe that was just the gym talking. Either way I tried not looking at it directly even though it looked to be about 8 or 9 inches long with a fat wide mushroom head. I Took the flashlight and wrench and went back under to focus on the task at hand. I was trying to be slow and gentle since the plumbing looked old and delicate. suddenly I felt something resting on my lower back as I felt Mr. Lewis straddling me. “What are-“ “Don’t mind me I’m just checking to see how the water pressure is doing while you’re down there, I know it’s a tight fit, but you are doing great down there.“ his cock was resting on my ass as he was playing with the sink his legs on either side of me. I said nothing, I didn’t know how to tell them off, and I wasn’t sure if he was really doing anything bad on purpose, he is fairly short after all so if he is checking the sink then naturally he would be standing fairly close. I kept adjusting the pipes below and being on my knees bent over under the sink was feeling awkward so I had to move around a bit, wiggling my hips and repositioning my knees. Unfortunately I was still covered in sweat from the gym and these were my bad shorts and they were starting to slip down, revealing my ass crack. As they slipped down a couple of inches Mr. Lewis’s shaft was now resting on my exposed bare ass. I couldn’t conveniently reach behind and pull them up again so I had to ask him to do it for me. “Um, can you pull my shorts back up for me? My string is broken.“ Mr. Lewis just grabbed my shorts and slipped them all the way down to my knees “You don’t need those, they are just going to distract you. Wow looks like you didn’t feel the need for underwear today either.“ As Mr. Lewis repositioned himself at the sink playing with the faucet again his hips reposition themselves and the tip of his cock was now pointing directly between my sweat covered cheeks, The wide head easily slipping between them due to my sweat and his very slimy cock and making contact with my whole. “Hey! Uh Sir? You’re penis is poking me..” At this point I realized his blatant flirting was starting to get out of hand. “Just a little poke is all. It’s bound to happen in such a small kitchen. Don’t worry about the pre either, your ass sweat is mixing in so I’m sure you can’t tell.” I didn’t like this. My hole was getting lubed up. Mr. Lewis’s fiddling with the sink was causing his hips to wiggle and massage my ass more. I had little room to move around and every time I moved my ass he prodded more forward. “Um it feels like you’re moving around too much. Are you sure you can’t readjust yourself?” “Oh no need to fuss about that, it’s just a little body contact in order to check the problem here, besides it hasn’t even slipped inside you. You’re a strong tight young man. My dirty old poz cock could easily thrust against you several times and your hole will stay closed, watch.” With that Mr. Lewis pulled his cock away from me, grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them apart, aimed his cock directly at my hole and slammed his hips forward into me, his bulbous cock head popping in past my sphincter with a squelching sound and the rest of his shaft burying deep into me with a loud slap as his hips smacked my ass, balls deep. “AAAGH! SHIT!“ I yelled, the pain of his sudden intrusion sending a shockwave throughout my body. Dropping the flashlight and wrench. The tight fit underneath the sink holding me in place unable to pull my ass away. “Oh, well how about that? It went in with one thrust. I guess I had too much lube on my cock when I was edging earlier. Oh well nothing to be done about it now. While I keep checking the sink how about you focus on the leak down there?” Mr. Lewis kept on playing with the sink above me as his cock was firmly lodged in my guts. His low sagging balls pressed against my taint. My insides were on fire as they were being stretched out by what it felt like a steel pipe. “Mr, Lewis! Please pull it out! You’re so big!“ I instinctively tried to move in the only direction that I could in order to remove myself from him but unfortunately the only way I could move was back toward him, causing my ass to thrust back into him causing his cock to slide in me even deeper. The shock making me wiggle my hips back-and-forth. “Now now, you don’t want to do that. Remember I was edging earlier meaning my balls are on a hair trigger. Move more and you’ll cause me to burst days worth of cum up into your ass raw.” He tried to say casually, noticeably hiding a tenseness to his voice as if he really was on the verge of cuming inside of me. “You can’t! It’s dangerous! You’re poz.“ “Then I suggest you hold still, oof, oh! Your ass is so tight and wet. I could go at any second. I- AAH! Ah!… ahh, that was close. I almost shot” I did my best to hold perfectly still with Mr. Lewis‘s cock balls deep inside me. I was focusing on trying to adjust the pipes and fix his leak, all the while I could feel every curve of his cock, the shape of his head flaring inside me, the bulging of the veins on his shaft. I could feel it all through my ass and every subtle twitch and throb was indicating that it really wanted to open the floodgates and unleash a torrent of dirty cum inside of me. I don’t know how I managed it but I managed to get the piping in working order, Mr. Lewis still nonchalantly playing with the sink above, his legs trembling with his large throbbing penis firmly drilled inside of me. “I think it’s done! You can pull out now!“ Mr. Lewis tested the water flow on his sink, which should have been the same since the piping below it just had a small leak and the water pressure was never really out of the ordinary. “What do you know? Everything seems to be in order. You manage well under pressure.” Mr. Lewis playfully gave a light slap on my ass as some sort of congratulations, but he didn’t pull out just yet. Instead he put both hands on my hips and slowly slid his cock out halfway stopped then slid it back in. He started picking up a pace, he was actually fucking me! “What are you doing? I thought you were going to pull out?“ “I will sunny boy. But first I need to thank you for fixing my plumbing. How about a big load of granddaddy’s cum inside your ass? I promise it will be huge.“ His thrusting continued, his assault on my ass pounding me with slap after a slap of his balls knocking into me. The thrusting admittedly started to feel good, stimulating my prostate. “Oh god! Are, are you undetectable?“ I asked, as some sort of bargaining with my own inhibitions. “Nope sorry. Oof, Oh! You’re gonna get a - oh fuck- hi viral load of poz cum.” His pace quickened. I was so overwhelmed by the sensations of a hard fucking that I couldn’t think. I tried to say something. “Don’t-“ “Ooh here it comes! Package is out for delivery!” He squeezed my cheeks and drilled fast and relentless. My head dizzy and cock drunk. “Oh fuck! OH FUCK! AAAGH!” Mr. Lewis slammed five hard times followed by a dozen lesser slams, each a pulsing jet of cum deep inside. I could feel it flowing in me. I could feel the satisfaction in his long exhale of relief. He stopped and slowly fucked in me for another minute, keeping his ball juice plowed up in my intestines then held still. My heart was racing. My ass aching. So many thoughts going through my head. Here I was just trying to be a good neighbor- wait what the fuck is that? Was he cuming again? Mr. Lewis let out a long sigh as he unloaded a massive load, filling me up even more. Too much more. “Mr. Lewis, what is” “Ahhh, just emptying my bladder boy. Your ass makes a fantastic toilet.” Fuck, he’s pissing in me!? The flow kept coming and my guts became bloated and hot. This old man was really more depraved then I could imagine. Soon he finished up and slowly pulled out. Pushing my cheeks together to keep all his fluids in me. I slowly crawled out and got up. My legs on fire, weak and wobbly. I pulled my shorts up that still sagged a bit. “Ah thanks for getting all my pluming sorted out Tommy. Now all that down there won’t leak out. We wouldn’t want that would we?” I didn’t know what to say. I just slowly walked to the door and picked up my gym bag. But before I could leave Mr. Lewis stopped me again. “Just a moment.” He walked over to the couch and came back. “Open your mouth.” Instead of waiting for me to comply he grabbed my jaw and opened it for me then with one of his dirty socks in hand, shoved it in my mouth. Then sent me on my way with a slap on my ass. “Don’t be a stranger, next time I may need a foot massage.” He winked at me and shut the door. I walked to my place and spit out his sock and threw it. I tried cleaning out and showering but I still felt dirty. I was still in shock of what happened. This dirty old man who had been cruising me for so long somehow managed to lure me into his place, fuck me, cum in me and piss in me. I sat on my couch and rubbed my head, trying to make sense of everything. I looked to the side and Mr. Lewis’s sock was on the arm rest. I picked it up to throw it away, but I looked at it for a moment. Then for some reason I decided to stuff it back in my mouth.
    10 points
  3. How i became a PNP slut.pdfHow i became a PNP slut.pdf
    8 points
  4. Just another old story I found, not sure who wrote, but wish there was more. ========================================================= Keith stopped dead in his tracks. Two of the beefiest, sexiest bears were ambling down the street and they were causing his lust glands to go into overdrive. Big balls rolled lazily around in their crotches as they strolled along, their jeans snug enough to outline fat sausages, both pointing left. It was the summer of 2005 and a young and innocent Keith was visiting Palm Springs for the first time during Pride. Needless to say, the place was awash in Horny men of all types and ages. And of corse most of them had HIV. Kieth tried not to be so obvious but he was totally overcome with lust and desire, and he just had to see their butts. He was not disappointed. Both were full and firm and plump, like rock hard half moons covered in a layer of butter fat. He watched the up and down jiggle and daydreamed about man muff diving. Would they be hairy or smooth, pale or tanned? He was so lost in his day dream he hardly noticed the bears turn back. Keith snapped out of his daydream when one of the big bears wrapped a meaty paw around the hard on that was stretching Keith's trousers and gave it a squeeze. 'What have we here?' the big bear asked. 'S--So--Sorry.' Keith stammered. He looked around nervously to see if anyone could see what was happening, but the street was empty. 'You've got nothing to be sorry for.' the other bear said. 'That's one mighty fine piece of meat you got there.' Keith smiled and relaxed. 'You think so?' he asked. 'Absolutely.' the guy who had squeezed his cock replied. 'Want to come back to our place and fuck?' The bluntness of the Question floored the teenaged Keith as his cock throbed and leaked some precum. All too soon, Keith skipped along after the two hot studs. The one with the blue eyes was named Max, while the one with the sexy brown eyes went by the name of Cameron. He was now free to drink in the delicious sight of their big, beefy asses bouncing along as they walked in front of him, happy in the knowledge that soon he would be exploring those hot cracks. But Keith got a bit of a shock. As soon as they arrived home the bears led Keith into the garden and gave him a beer. He was sitting there, enjoying his beer, when suddenly they both whipped out their fat cocks and started hosing him down with their steaming piss. His clothes were soaked and he was about to protest when the feelings this new sensations caused started to get to him. The musk of the piss and the heat invaded his mind as he relaxed. He dimly heard Max grunt. “Fuck that’s a lot of hot POZ Piss on him, it looks good. Keith’s cock grew instantly hard when he heard that. He was about to ask if he had heard correctly when another stream of Piss started from the two bears. Like a stag in the rutting season, he lost himself in it and soon He whipped out his own cock and let their warm piss rain down on it as he pulled the heavy foreskin covered hood back. The warmth trickled over his sensitive cock and balls, driving him absolutely wild. Cameron finished first. His fat cock was still hanging out as he started to remove Keith's shoes and socks. Keith helped him get rid of his jeans and sat back down to catch the last of Max's flow. Both the men started to get hard now and Max pulled Keith to his feet and devoured his cock. In one swift movement it was buried to the root. Once more unable to say anything, Keith heard Max grunt. “Theres a good boy, feed your negative boy cock to my husband and your going to make him very happy.” He said as Cameron's fingers now probed Keith's crack, working some lube into his asshole. It was all happening too fast, and yet Keith felt powerless to stop it. He knew that both of them must be POZ now, he had read stories online and had jacked off thinking about it, but it was always just a fantasy. Now with two hot beefy bears next to him, he faced the reality of hot hot a cock infected with HIV was. Part of him wanted to explore they’re big, beautiful, hairy bodies. To sensually and slowly pleasure and be pleasured by them. But another part just wanted to be used by the big guys, wanted to give his body to their Infected dicks and become their toy. Cameron's flared mushroom cap of a cock rubbed against Keith's lubed up pucker and sent a shiver down the horny twink's spine. This was what it was all about, that first feel of an HIV infected cock on his assring. No matter how good dildos and vibrators were, nothing could beat a real live twitching, precum spitting bulging cock. Cameron took his time, rubbing his poison cock against Keith's pulsing asshole, slowly leaking slimy TOXIC discharge for a good five minutes before he began to slide in. Keith cried out in delight and lost his first load down Max's throat. “Theres a good boy, pump out your negative load and get read to take Daddies Pozitive Dick.” Max came off him with a smile. “Mmm yeah, negative cum always tastes so sweet and pure!” He said and licked his lips and watched his lover plow into Keith's sexy bubble butt. Cameron bent the younger man over one of the garden chairs and began to plow the boy much harder. “It is sweet, but he’s not going to be negative too much longer.” He grunted as his hand reached down to Keith's cock and found it was soon hard again so he started to stroke it. “Looks like our boy here is ok with that seeing how hard he is. That making your dick hard? Having an infected dick up your ass?” He said as Keith looked around for Max, hoping for another blow. Instead he saw the other bronze muscle bear lubing his ass. Max then spread a blanket on the picnic table and came and whispered in Cameron's ear. “How about we milk out his last negative load together, lets milk him together, my TOXIC ass and your TOXIC dick.” Max said with an evil grunt. Cameron licked his lips. “Fuck yeah, lets POZ him up together.” Cameron pulled out of Keith's ass and lay down on the table. Keith was at first disappointed to see Max go sit on Cameron's cock. But then Max lay down with his back to Cameron's stomach. 'Come over here neg boy stick your cock in my hole.’ Max told the boy. Keith, able to talk for the first time, was trying to wrap his head around everything that had happened. ‘You guys are both really Positive aren’t you? You both have HIV?’ He said, staring at the hole of Max as if hypnotized. ‘Fuck yeah we are.’ Cameron said slowly sliding in and out of his partner in crime. ‘I got infected ten years ago, and then made sure Max joined me. We both been sharing our strain ever since then.’ He said as he grunted. Max, his ass up and enjoying the fuck gave a moan and spoke up as well. ‘Best thing that ever happen to us boy, no more fear or doubt or worries. So come over here and stick your dick in my POZ ass next to his POZ Dick, and lets see if you can join us as a POZ son!” He said as Keith watched, stroking his dick, a tiny voice told him this was a bad idea, that doing something os risky and dangerous was wrong, but before he could stop himself, his cock made the choice for him. Keith approached and gingerly started to slide his cock in alongside Cameron's fat sausage. How the hell could one asshole handle two cocks, Keith wondered. But then the blissful sensation of rubbing up along the length of Cameron's cock while enveloped by Max's hot ass overwhelmed him. His brain shut down. There was no time for idle thoughts now; all he wanted to do was fuck. It was like having a mutual jerk off, blowjob and fuck all at the same time. Keith closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and stroked. Each stroke took him closer and closer to the edge. He tried to focus on his strokes, counting them in a desperate attempt not to shoot. The two bears could see him fighting back the well of cum and orgasm building in his balls and in his brains. Suddenly Keith let out a moan and started shivering and he knew it was all over. He bit his lip and emptied his balls while his whole body seemed to convulse in orgasmic ecstasy as Max squeezed his ass. ‘Yeah boy! Empty your load into Daddy Max! Give me all that sweet untainted negative seed and let me milk you of every drop!” The bear grunted and squeezed more. Keith’s cock went limp but it was wedged in place by Cameron's cock. He tried to pull out, but Cameron wrapped an arm around him. ‘Oh no you don’t boy, time for this Daddy Bear to bath your dick in his infected juices!” He said and lunged forward. Keith’s whimpered and squirmed as his tender dick was now squeezed both by the axe and the throbbing cock mashed tightly against his own. Cameron grunted and snorted like a pig in heat as he pumped out surge after surge of his tainted DNA. Keith felt the seed squirting and mixing with his own, feeling as if he would pass out from the sensation. Eventually Camerons orgasm faded as he slowly churned his load up against Keiths. ‘WOO YAH! Nice big load of my INFECTED seed in your guts Max, nice tainted cum to baptist our new boys dick in some fresh POZ Spooge!’ He said as max kept his hole tight, not letting a drop leak out. ‘Fuck yeah, but you both shot your loads, it’s time for me to blast my INFECTED seed, and there’s only one place I wanna feel it go.” He said as he slowly began to get up. As he did, Cameron knowing what his partner had in mind, gently pulled Keith down on the towel, sliding his dripping dick out, but trying to make sure Keith still kept his in side. Soon Max was onto of Keith and looked down at the boy like a Predator ready to devour its Prey. ‘How do you feel boy? Your dick is in a POZ hole, marinating in POZ seed, most guys would be scared and running away, but your dick is already starting to get hard again” Max said, squeezing his ass around the cock still inside him. Keith whimpered and looked up at the bear dominating over him, smelling his stink of sweat and loving it. ‘I, I feel good, I should be scared, but, oh fuck, I want more.’ He said as he laid back on the towel, feeling the grass under it and the warm Pal Spring sun. ‘Thats what I want to hear boy’ Max said as he finally got up, letting the kids dick slid out. As he did, he pushed out a hefty load of the cum inside, letting it cover Keiths cock. Before Keith could think about it, Cameron came up and started stroking it, rubbing all the mixed seed around his cock and balls. Keith knew that half of the seed would be POZ and infected, but he was feeling too good to stop it and Cameron continued to stroke him rubbing the cum around, sliding his finger around Keiths mushroom head to make sure some got inside. As he did so, Max hefted the kids Legs up. ‘Here we go, POZ seed on you dick, and soon POZ seed up your guts boy. This is what you need now and we are going to give it to you!” He said as Max’s fat plump vein covered bear dick began to slowly slide over Keiths ass hole. Max moaned trying to resist the urge to slam in all at once. But he wanted Keith to enjoy and to make sure he felt pleasure from getting POZ dick and POZ cum. Cameron began to help by moving his hands to Keiths nipples and begin to slowly stroke and pull them. A moan quickly followed as the two Muscle bears grinned. ‘Looks like our new boy has his tits wired right to his dick. Going to be fun making him twitch as he takes his new Daddies cock.’ Cameron said, still cum on his hands that he used it on Keith nipples, swirling his fingers around the boys tits. ‘Fuck yeah, work those tits and I’ll work this ass’ Max said as he started to push in. He had spent close to five minutes gently anointing Keiths hole with his TOXIC discharge and had relaxed enough to finally gain entry. The fat tip of his cock pushed in first, Keith whimpered and tried to pull back for an instant as Cameron held him down. The pain passed quickly and soon Keith was moaning as the fat infected cock of the Muscle Bear Max was pushing deeper into his guts. ‘Feeling good boy?’ Said Max as he fucked slowly. ‘Oh fuck yes, ugh, yes Sir.’ ‘Call me Daddy Max’ ‘Yes Daddy Max, it feels so good inside me.’ ‘Yeah boy? You like having infected POZ dick up your boy hole?’ Max said, flexing his dick to make it throb, knowing it was nestled up against the boys prostate. Keith moaned instantly. ‘OH! Yes Daddy Max, I love it! Please fuck me!’ With the words said, Max pushed forward and soon punched his infected bear dick deep into the hunger hole of the now moaning Twink. The hole blossomed open, ready to accept it’s new role as a taker of infected seed. As Max worked his HIV Positive dick into the boys hole. Cameron had moved around and was stroking his own POZ cock back to hardness, slowly pushing it into Keiths face. The boy instinctively began trying to lick and suck on the tip as Cameron continued to pull on Keiths nipples, making him buck and moan. Soon Max was pushing harder inside and with a sudden shiver and gone all the way. ‘There we are, Balls deep, I can’t wait to fill his hole up. I think he has the makings of a beautiful new POZ Son for us. What do you Say Cameron?’ ‘I say I agree, He already has my INFECTED seed swimming down into his dick. Before the day is done I think we really will be making him pregnant. I have wanted a new POZ Son, make a family all joined by my Strain.” Cameron said as Keith let out a huge grunting moan. ‘What do you say boy? Ready to become our new POZ Son?’ Max said, his big hands caressing the trembling teenager. ‘Fuck I Feel so good, I want this, I want to get pozzed!’ Keith shouted as pushed back as far as he could on Max’s big positive cock. The two bears looked at each other and knew the time was right. Max started to fuck faster and wrapped his beefy arms around the boy in a massive tight hug. ‘Thats it boy, relax and let your new Daddies POZ you up, Welcome to the Family.’
    5 points
  5. I'm an ex-smoker. But I love a top with a cigar! Cigarettes are still a turn on for me too. Especially if it's with some tattooed piece of white trash. (I have a weakness for that😈) It's double hot if they're smoking while I suck or get fucked by them.
    4 points
  6. Preliminary remarks: This story is pure fiction! Similarities to real people are purely coincidental, and not intended! Please do not understand this story as a call to share STDs, or to cause other physical and / or mental harm, and also not as a promotion to drug and alcohol consumption! All characters in this story are at least 18 years old (of age according to German law)! Since I have problems writing stories in the English/American language (grammar deficit), I write this story in German, and have it translated by deepl.com! Chapter 2: I can not believe what, how happened So, where were we? Oh, that's right, the nightly bathroom encounter. Well, Karel grabbed Sven by the arm, and pulled him under the shower. Sven immediately got down on his knees, and without prompting, took Karel`s cock into his hungry mouth. Karel was so perplexed, because he had thought otherwise, but within seconds he shot a huge load into Sven`s greedy gullet. After my brother swallowed my best friend's cum load he stood up saying, "Thank you, that was very tasty, I hope there is more of it." Karel was still standing stiff with amazement under the running shower and wasn't really able to answer, or rather, he didn't get time for it, because Sven already shot out with a perverted question, " Is your commercial just fake, or are you really toxic?" Karel was still trying to sort out his thoughts, but he was also desperate to answer so as not to be rude. "Um, yeah, I mean no, the commercial is not fake, I'm really toxic, I don't take medication. And yes, there would be more of it." Sven's answer came like a shot, "Horny, my hungry boy cunt has been waiting for real poz sperm for a long time." and he winked mischievously at Karel while showing him his rear end, spreading his ass cheeks. "I don't know if this is such a good idea, I'm viral." spoke Karel as he was interrupted by my brother Sven. "I know it's just the thing for my cunt. I've been fucked by my classmate for 2 years, at first even against my will. Now I let the guys do it, but with the option for me that I may also, if I ever feel like it, slide over them. And that's where it would be really awesome if I was POZ, and could impregnate all those straight asses." Karel looked at Sven with wide eyes, just shook his head, finally saying, "You're just as much of a perverted, twisted fucker as I am. But I must confess to you, I had planned something different this weekend. Chris has been wiggling his straight ass around in front of my face for ages, and I wanted to crack him now. I abstained from any sexual activity for 2 weeks especially for this." Sven pouted. Karel continued speaking, " You already stole one load from me, the next 3-4 loads have to go into your brother Chris's ass, I have to implement this plan. But I promise you, you will get my babies in the night from Sunday to Monday." Sven looked sad as he asked, "Will I really get your presents then?" "Yes." was Karel's short and curt reply as he crept naked and wet downstairs to Chris' bedroom. To be continued soon.
    4 points
  7. After my last encounter getting used blindfolded, I've started to form a mentor/sub type of relationship with him. We still haven't met face to face outside of a sexual context, but we've been texting a lot, especially about my training to become a better faggot. Our next encounter was to also be anonymous, but this time I wasn't told in advance what was going to happen. I was to show up at his place again, strip, blindfold myself, and then await instructions. But this time, he added that I should keep my shoes on. I wasn't sure what to make of that, but I was about to find out. This time, we met much later in the evening - 2am. I showed up, stripped, kept my shoes on, blindfolded myself, and called out that I was ready. I heard footsteps, and was told to stand up and bend over, and a vibrating plug was inserted in my ass. My mentor then led me to a car and buckled me in. I nervously asked where we were going, but all he said was, "Trust me, faggot". I admit that this complete surrender of power was an intensely erotic experience for me. I was placing myself in an incredibly vulnerable position, giving up full control, with no clothing, cellphone, or wallet, and being driven in a car to who knows where. After maybe 10-15 minutes, the car stopped, and he got me out of the car. We got out of the car and walked a short distance. It was pretty cold out, maybe 40 degrees, but I was so nervous and horny that I wasn't cold. I was ordered down on my hands and knees, and told to "smile for the camera, faggot". Then the plug was pulled out of my ass and replaced with cock. I felt a building pressure in my prostate - the thrill of being naked outdoors, totally vulnerable and in a compromised position, combined with my mentor's cock slamming into my prostate was enough to send me over the edge and shoot hands free. He laughed when I came, my hole spasming around his cock - "You even cum like a faggot." He came in me pretty soon afterwards, and put the plug back in me to keep his cum inside me "so my fag body could absorb it". He kissed me on the lips and told me I was a good faggot. He put me back in the car and we drove back, still blindfolded. After getting back to his garage, he bent me over, took the plug out of my ass, and felched his load out of my ass. He then snowballed it into my mouth and we made out with his load before I swallowed it. This made me hard again - the smell/taste of cum drives me wild even if I've already cum. He just chuckled and sent me on my way. Since then, we've chatted via text about about next steps in my training. He definitely said I needed deep throat training (my gag reflex is pretty bad), and also talked about making me a free-use faggot. We discussed other mutual interests, including power exchange and degradation - especially in the context of age difference. Turns out we both really like the idea of a younger guy being 'corrupted' by older men. We'd also work on multiple daily breedings (especially figuring out the logistics aspect, since I have roommates and can't host), watersports, and going to bathouses/cruising spots. We also discussed a number of things I hadn't thought about but was intrigued by and would be willing to try, including impact play. I'm very much looking forward to what he has planned for me.
    3 points
  8. Chapter 1: Finally It all started a couple of years ago when I was 16. My parents started fighting all the time. Up until then it seemed like they had the perfect marriage. But unfortunately my mom caught my dad cheating. I'm not sure with whom but I was definitely disappointed. My dad had completely changed. Now mind you we didn't have a perfect relationship but it wasn't bad either. But now he was distant even with me and I couldn't figure out why. The fighting got so bad that after school I would go to the park and do my homework and just relax to get away from all the yelling. At night when I got home I would go to my room and put my headphones on and just listen to music. The next two years were miserable. My mom became an alcoholic and my dad did whatever he wanted to do and basically just flat out ignored me. I had some money in my savings account and decided when I graduated I was getting out of there as fast as possible. I started searching for a room to rent when I spotted a listing that caught my eye. $200 a month in a 2 story house over looking a lake. I called the number and Frank answered right away. I told him I was interested in the room and we agreed upon a time for me to stop by and check it out. Thankfully I didn't have to wait but a couple of days to meet him and check out the property. It was a 45 minute drive out to the house which flew by because I was enjoying the peace and quiet. As I drove up I was in shock. The house was gorgeous. 2 story brick with a wrap around porch. Huge yard in front with a descent size lake in the back. As I stopped the car Frank came outside to meet me. Up until now I really didn't think about my sexuality because the only thing on my mind was getting away from my parents. Frank looked to be over 6 feet tall and although he wasn't fit per say he definitely wasn't fat either. Me on the other hand I'm maybe 5'5" and weigh about 130 pounds. I thought he was a good looking guy but at this point he didn't turn me on. I just realized Frank was definitely a man's man. We chatted a little outside and walked the property. I did notice that there were no other houses in sight and it didn't bother me at all. As we talked Frank found out why I was looking to get away and he completely understood. After about 20 minutes outside we made our way inside and I just absolutely fell in love with the inside. There were beautiful rugs on the floor and some wonderful paintings throughout the house. The living room had a huge sofa in front of a 75 inch television. Upstairs were 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. This place was perfect. I was stunned at how beautiful the whole place was. Frank asked me if I was interested in moving in and I didn't hesitate. Frank said "Wonderful. But you need to know two things about me first. Once you hear them you might change your mind. Number one I'm gay and number 2 I like to walk around nude." Honestly I didn't care about either one. It was his house after all. I looked at him and said "That's not a problem. May I still move in and would you like me to walk around nude as well?" Frank's eyes lit up and said "Yes you may move in and absolutely I'd love to see you nude." After a handshake we went outside and got my bags from my car. Frank helped me get the bags into the room. Frank said "I'll meet you downstairs when you're finished putting your things away and if you don't mind will you come downstairs nude." I said" I don't mind at all. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be right down." I put my stuff away fairly quickly because I didn't have much. I got undressed and made my way downstairs. Frank was in the kitchen fixing us something to drink. He had the refrigerator open so I couldn't see anything as I walked up. Once I got to him I spotted his cock. His cock dwarfed mine. He had to be 5 inches soft and thick. Very little hair around his cock and balls. I felt myself getting dry mouthed and was unaware that staring at his cock was causing me to get hard as well. I was mesmerized. It was absolutely beautiful. Frank set the drinks down on the counter. Without thinking I asked Frank if I could touch his cock. Without knowing it my whole life was about to change.
    3 points
  9. You may support the laws’ (stated) intent, but do you also 100% support their consequences, even if those consequences are unintended? Even if those consequences infringe on other rights? Even if those consequences prove unconstitutional? Even if the laws aren’t actually effective in solving the problem of children seeing pornography? Do you imagine teenagers only get their first look at porn from visits to porn sites? The web is riddled with the stuff, and flows like water. Back before there was an internet, how did boys get their first look at a porn magazine? They didn’t all find their way into adult bookstores where someone could stop them by checking their age - they saw it because some buddy of theirs got hold of it and passed it around. The principle has not changed. The principle will not change. These laws will do bupkis to change it. They will only create barriers to adult access that put personal information at risk. There is no way to lock all pornography behind an impervious paywall, and even if you could, that would mean that the right to view porn would be restricted to those who could afford it. The poor don’t have the same right to sexy as the rich? Fuck that noise. But pornographic video is simply a data stream like any other, and on a free and open internet, it’s going to continue to flow just like water. These laws are basically trying to plug holes in a sieve. If the framers of these laws in LA and VA intended to shut down a site like BreedingZone in a state, they might be celebrating their success - but what’s the very, very first thing we did on hearing the news? Started talking about the easiest way for people in LA and VA to circumvent the law and carry on as usual. These religious types who foist these anti-pornography laws are also the types that teach their children to be ashamed of their own sexuality and their own bodies, and block attempts to ensure public education about sexual health and reproductive practice. They make these porn laws because they’re afraid their children will get wet - because they refuse to teach them how to swim.
    3 points
  10. I'm a freshman in college and have been pretty DL but also wanting to try a dick for the longest time. I got on the sniffies app & found this guy with a really thick dick who wanted to fuck me. I live with roommates int he dorms so I couldn't host, but he suggested that we could meet anonymously in a nearby college building in the basement, which had a bathroom that people rarely went to. He said he only fucked bareback and wanted to breed me which made me pretty nervous because I've never done that before, but I was really horny and really wanted to try it, so I agreed. He told me to meet him in the stall next to the back stall and tap my feet to let him know it was me. He stuck his fat cock under the stall and I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. Then he said he really wanted to blow his load in my hole. We didn't have lube so he just spit on his dick and stuck it in. To be honest it hurt pretty bad at first, but after 30 seconds of pumping I started to enjoy it. We heard someone walking towards the bathroom so we knew we had to wrap it up quick. He grabbed my hips and thrusted hard and deep into my virgin hole and shot a load deep inside me. I went back to my dorm with his cum still sitting in my hole. I hadn't cum in the bathroom because he just used my hole and left, so I started fingering myself using his cum as lube. It felt incredible and before I knew it I shot my load. I think this won't be the last raw load I take. I'm already thinking about the next load I can get. Something tells me I might turn into a cum dump... I also filmed a bit of it if you guys are interested: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video74530109/18_yo_bareback_cruising_in_college_bathroom
    2 points
  11. He had big tits with huge nipples, and a big stomach. Normally this is not my kind of guy. Anyhow, I decided to go along with the scene and holy shit am I ever glad I did. After we got spun up he took off his pants and crawled up on the bed doggy style. I was astonished. He had a beautiful meaty ass and legs. His skin was as smooth and cool as a dolphin's. I was not expecting that in a million years. He had what I call "Grade A Ass", two big beefy glutes split by a deep straight crack. I fell to my knees, stuck my tongue in his crack and started digging my way to his hole. It was buried nose-deep inside the thick bubble cheeks. I gave the hole a few quick licks and then came up for air. I knew it would be rimming and bareback all night long. My fuckbud stayed in doggy position for 10 solid hours, giving me unrestricted access to his hole. He never sucked my cock and I didn't need him to. I occasionally rolled him flat on his side to get deeper penetration or better access to his tits. But it was raw doggy 99.9% of the time. I was in absolute heaven. I did have a moment of tina dick. I tried using my hands to get hard but no luck. So I crawled back up on that meaty ass and started dragging my soft junk along his taint. He began twerking his taint slowly against my junk and after a while my cock got partially hard. I put my cockhead inside him- "just the tip, baby". Suddenly, he clamped his hole tight, locking my cockhead, and began to twerk his ass extra hard. My cock then became stiff enough to slide the rest of the way inside him and we got into a deep hard fuck. I squirted cum inside him twice. The first time caught me by complete surprise and and was a lot more cum than I usually squirt. It dripped out of his hole. I was constantly rimming him all throughout the fuck session. Since he was always in doggie position, I could just pull his smooth meaty ass directly onto my face whenever I needed to get some licks in -- while reaching forward to squeeze his big tits. At one point I kept rimming him even though his hole was filled with lube and booty bump juice. I also realized I must have felched my own cum for the first time ever. We created a magical rimming routine while spun. Still in doggy position, he would gently swing his ass back towards my face, and let me lick his hole once from bottom to top. Then he'd swing away and we'd repeat it. Over and over. I closed my eyes and it felt like angel pussy rubbing on my tongue. Without a doubt, this was the most incredible rimming experience I have ever had.
    2 points
  12. Paul is a bearded mature top, somewhat hairy and with a noticeable covid-19 belly. He is a natural hunter and can be insatiable when the sexual needs call. No sex in weeks had him feeling very frisky and he decided to hit the sauna. It does not visit it often but when he does, he likes to take his time, arouse by its sleazy atmosphere. He likes to walk around watching other men engaging in public hot action and finds pleasure observing the different chase and flirting dynamics that happen in there. The smells, the dark corners, the glory holes,... It was Thursday evening and it was not busy yet at the sauna. Paul was walking around, exploring before choosing his first prey. On one of this walks through a corridor, he finally saw something that caught his attention. A sexy stud, around 22 years old, coming his way. Muscular smooth body, friendly face, beautiful smile... "Wow! Look at this candy right here" thinks Paul. "He looks like a soldier or a fireman". The young man walked confidently passing by his side without even giving him a look. But that was not a deterrent for Paul's libido, that was already beginning to take control of him. He just came from that direction and knew that the corridor ended in a dark room with a sling in it, The room was empty at the moment though, so he stayed put waiting for him to return through the corridor. But after a couple of minutes waiting, it was clear that this hot fella was confortable waiting alone in the dark room so Paul decided to come in as well. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the darker space but he found the young man exactly where he was wishing to find him. Lying on the sling with his legs up. He was delighted observing the view. It was a well rounded ass with some blondish bush of hair around the hole. "Uffff" - "Hi, good evening" said Paul friendly, approaching him slowly while the boy lifted his head to check on his visitor. - "Hey,.. good evening..... all good?" answered back. - "Oh sure, very good right now. I have not seen you here before but you look gorgeous. What's your name?" asked Paul. He was already standing close to his offering ass. - "Well, thank you. I'm Johnny. I' rarely come here, actually." The young man smile but his tone of voice was cold. - "Then I'm lucky that you decided to come today!". Paul then removed his towel letting his cock free. It was not hard yet but even then his size was considerable. He moved closer to him, getting his penis touching his buttchecks. - "Mmmm.... no... sorry" said Johnny rejecting his approach. - "No? why not? You don't want to get fucked?" asked Paul, not stepping back and now actively rubbing his penis around his hole teasing him. - "I don't.... you are not... I look for something else." he struggled to answer. - "Something else.... In what way?" - "Well, I'm sorry but I like younger men..... and I'm not much attracted to beards either to be honest. And certainly not like this, no unsafe sex with a stranger". - "Okay, okay. Clearly not a match. Message received. I won't bother you any longer" said Paul while leaving the room with certain disappointment. He continued with his search and found 2 other men that gave him proper blowjobs. But he did not manage to cum. He wanted a long fuck session that night and a blowjob would just not do it. He was also still thinking of Johnny and his lustful body, so 40 minutes after his first visit, he decided to check the sling room again. Johny was still laying on the sling. A few guys had entered the room in the meantime but already left and none had fucked him yet so he started to feel frustrated. - "How is it going?". It took a moment for Johny to link the voice to his owner. - "Oh... you. hey. Well... It's not my night, it seems. And this place seems less busy than before. But it's okay, I will be leaving soon" - "Yes, it is sort of empty. But it gets quite busy around 00:00 at night, when the bars start closing. And tomorrow is free day for most people, so I'm sure you can get then lots of attention." Answered Paul. He then started approaching him again. He wanted to see that body much closer. - "Oh, did not know that. I start working in a couple of hours, so I can never stay that late." - "I see. Are you sure then that you don't want me to please you with this so you don't leave empty handed" said the bear while grabbing his cock, that was getting thicker by the chat. - "Look. I'm trying to be polite here. Yes, I'll admit you have a nice cock but still I dont think that we play in the same league. I rather go home "empty handed" than having sex with you. Not a chance". His words were harsh but his tone was now complete different. Sarcastic. Playful. Paul noticed a possible opening. - "Well, you are a bit cocky but It's undeniable that you are incredibly atrractive. You play indeed in another league and I'm sure you are very popular among men. I must say though that I have many more years of experience and I have been rejected many times before. What the time has taught me is that it only takes a certain amount of subtances to make horny bottoms like you change their mind." - Subtances? You mean alcohol or weed? I've done stupid things while drunk but I really doubt I would give in even then. I'd let you try it though." said Johnny while laughing loudly. He was much more relaxed with Paul's presence by now. - "Okay! Let me try it then. But I was not thinking of alcohol. It's a horny powder called Tina. I have some in my locker and I could put a bit in your ass, if you like." - "Tina? It does not ring a bell. It's like extasy? I've heard from friends that it can get you quite horny." - "Yes... well.... it's actually different but still quite hot." - "Mmmmmn.... I don't know... I've been always curious to try stuff but not like this... I wouldn't give you sex in exchange." - I offer it to you without any compromise. Try it and if you still don't want me, I'll be the one leaving the place. Deal? Or are you scared of falling for me?" teased Paul sarcastically. - "Im not scared of anything! Just bring the damn thing and let's see. It seems there is not much else to do in this quiet place anyway." - "Great!! Please, lube your ass a bit while I pick it up". He then left the room but came back within a minute, carrying a little plastic bag, filled up with crystal shards. - "Okay. I'll put a bit of it in you. It may sting a bit, alright?" warned Paul. He then licked his finger and shoved it deep in the bag. It came out with crystals attached to it. It was way more quantity than he expected to use but he shove the finger in his lubed hole anyway. "It's a young strong boy, it will be fine". The finger slid in the hole with easiness. He then rubbed it through his inside wall. Then took it out and rubbed it also around the anus. Paul's cock was fully hard by now and sleazy thoughts started to rush in: "You are mine now, boy. This is is gonna be a very horny night" (To be continued)
    2 points
  13. I try to hit the gym three times per week. I've lost 30 lbs in a measured way recently; not any diet per se but just healthy eating. Sticking to chicken/turkey on weekdays and fish on the weekends. I allow myself a glass of red/white wine too with dinner. At 58, I'm in great shape for a daddy/sexpig!
    2 points
  14. Floridian, gay, the gym. Yep, I go. In my 20s and 30s I did it because it got me laid more, I did the entire extreme dieting, high protein, "assistance from my doctor". Now I do it because I want to prevent heart disease. I also walk two a miles a day. I keep reading articles "sitting is the new smoking" But yeah for gay men who are younger, the gym is a part of life, no doubt.
    2 points
  15. Most days. I started because I thought it might make me more fuckable, but now I just do it for me.
    2 points
  16. I had found out I had elevated liver enzymes after a routine blood test back in 2015, on my doctor's advice, I cut back on fried/fatty foods and drinking for a month, and the levels returned closer to normal. Was a bit of a scare at the time tbh, but I was smashing back Domino's Triple Cheese base Meatlovers Pizzas at least 2-3 times a week beforehand, lol..... those things were freaking decadent
    2 points
  17. One of my regular black alpha studs texted me this morning saying he "need to fuck my ass". After he completed his 10-hour sweaty blue-collar shift. I love worshiping his rock-hard body and his 8.5 cock. Needless to say, but he used my mouth and ass for his pleasure and mine. I'm sure the new neighbors in the apartment beside mine know the man next door is gay as the walls are thin and the passion of our man-on-man action was loud & clear with my bed frame rattling and squeaking. And my moaning and his baritone voice piercing through the walls. I know people are embarrassed knowing others can hear their sexual escapades but I'm not.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. Taking his first UK load A 30 yr old Afghanistan lad asked if I wanted his black cock and load. He had only been in the country a week. His English wasn’t great but he wanted a hole to dump into and hadn’t shot a load sine he arrived. I offered him my cunt as a welcoming present. He was keen to drop a load into a white trashy hole. It was Snowing when I arrived at his flat wearing just shorts and hoody with a spunk stained Nike jock and harness on underneath. His flat had no furniture so he showed to a sleeping bag layed out on the floor. I had already stripped off. He was tenting in his jogging bottoms so I dropped to my knees and was offered his growing semi. His black cock was soon hard and he clearly loved me sucking him. He held my head and skull fucked me hard. When he was ready he turned me over onto all fours and pointed to the sleeping bag. I just dropped to all fours and as soon as I was down he rammed his black dick into my cum hungry hole. He pounded my cunt real hard. It was clear he hadn’t used a cumdump for a while and he wanted to show how to treat a Brit slut. He fucked me so hard my head was now in the corner of the room. He had hard fucked me across the floor. He showed by no signs of slowing down, he wanted to loose his nutt ASAP. I moaned in all the right places and encouraged him with regular ‘fuck me’ pleads. Sure enough, with some proper hard deep thrusts he dumped his load inside me. I gathered my composure on all fours and pushed my ass back to take every drop of his cum. When done he pulled out and his spunk was dripping from my hole. My jock soaked up his cum as I stood up to get drsssed. My mouth paused at the site of his cummy cock so my tongue cleaned him up. It will be interesting to see if he becomes a regular cumdump donator but was honoured to take his first UK load!
    2 points
  20. Have you ever had so much hot sex that you want to take some time off to recover and thank the Lord? That’s me right now. I had a LOT of sex on Thursday, but the last time was yesterday with 3 regular top fwb’s 1-1. (1) Craig & I have been fucking since 2011. He asked if I could stop by a little later as he was running late. I replied yes while getting on the subway. I was thinking of killing time at a coffee shop and scrolling through my phone for other Harlem FWB’s. It turned out fwb Jason was looking a few blocks away. So I went to Jason’s place first. Jason is a multiracial runner, salt and pepper hair, nice cock and great bedroom talent. We hadn’t fucked in a couple of months so we eagerly made out and rolled around in bed together. Since my hole was probably still loose from Thurs, it took him a little while longer to cum. But I got my prize as he bred me deep. (2) I visit Craig and we fucked to P!nk’s new album (while is really good). Despite fucking for 10+ years, it felt as if he cock got thicker. Thank goodness for P!nk drowning out my loud moaning. (3) Then I went to visit family in NJ. Of course, I contact my Jersey fwb’s ahead of time to see who is available. M is a Peruvian muscle hunk. We haven’t fucked in over a year so we also were eager to rip each other’s clothes off. M is one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met, but also very rough and raunchy in the bedroom. He sucked me off (cumming tends to make my hole tighter) and completely wrecked my hole afterwards. It was so good he offered to let me stay overnight sometime :slight_smile: After he left, I took a 2.5 hour nap with 3 fresh amazing loads inside of me.
    2 points
  21. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_mjecK4uzqims daddy breeding his boy!
    2 points
  22. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_mBc9BeuRdfgk Daddy owning your hole! Love the Verbal!
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jzmowovch7Re Alpha Breeders!
    2 points
  25. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_lsOJBusvcgBi vintage vid, but fucking hot dudes!
    2 points
  26. Late one night I was PNP with my slut buddy Rod, at his place. We were both way horned up after smoking and edging for hours, and we went outside by his car, dressed only in boots, harnesses and cock rings. His house was right across the street from a leather bar and store, and it was closing time. We started taking turns fucking each other, when we noticed a car drive into the lot across the street. The driver got out, as though to piss, and Rod whistled to him, motioning him to join us. He looked around, then hurried over to our somewhat sheltered parking spot, and stood there watching me fuck Rod. Rod told him to start pissing on us, then he told me to pull out so the new guy could fuck him. After a couple of minutes we switched back, so I was fucking Rod again, and dude started pissing on us again. Then Rod told dude to fuck me while I fucked Rod, which dude did happily. Both Rod and I were fit, muscled 40-something pigs, and people always liked to watch us fuck. So, dude shoved his dick up my ass, and I rode back and forth, from Rod's ass back onto dude's hard cock. Soon dude started fucking me harder and faster, and Rod told him to "breed that slut", and then I felt his cock pulse again and again as he shot a huge load up my ass. Rod then told him not to pull out yet, but to finish taking his piss up my ass. I could feel the hot piss start filling my ass as I fucked harder into Rod, and I finally started shooting a huge load into Rod's slutty hole. He immediately pulled off my cock, turned me around, and quickly pumped his Poz load up my cum and piss filled hole. Dude thanked us for the great fuck and left us alone, covered and filled with piss and cum. Oh, and while we were hard at it, a police car slowly drove down the street, but fortunately the cop didn't see our hot slutty action.
    2 points
  27. Part 4 The inevitable happened. The hostage got royally fucked by Cuntbuster. Before Caio move onto the bed, someone injected some chemicals at the base of his cock. And soon enough, Cuntbuster went rigid like a steel pipe. It was a massive weapon, thick and vicious with a glistening PA sitting like a crown on the cockhead. The hostage went frantic when Caio came into his view. No gag would have silenced such screams. Chains were rattling like a melody. - Honestly, he should get an award for his acting. I said out loud. Leo was next to me and gave me a weird look. Caio shoved all his cock deep in the guy ass in his first assault. Cuntbuster had defeated his adversary in one single plunge. Any resistance was futile. Game was over. - Like an oven down there and soon you will bake Cuntbuster poz babies. The hostage was now bouncing on the mattress, impaling himself back, at each thrust. In normal circumstance, I would have worried at the scene before me and felt sorry for the guy, but the not-so diluted tranquilizer in Leo’s homemade iced tea was still blurring my reality. - You sweat. Hope you didn’t catch a bug you don’t want. Here, drink some iced tea, it might help. The scene went along for few more minutes. Caio came in his victim ass with a victory roar, pulled out, leaving a ruined body behind him. Another guy, pretty hung (of course), took his place and started fucking. In two steps, Caio was in front of me. - Mind and pupils relaxed. Can’t be more ready than this. Leo pried my mouth open, inserting a Viagra and an aspirin. - Here take these and drink this I was given a glass of an infect beverage, except this iced tea was warmer and had a different taste. I pushed back the glass. - I'm out of iced tea. This is all I got. So drink. If I’d knew better, I would say it was piss. I looked at a grinning Leo suspiciously. As soon as the thought crossed my mind it vanished immediately. Nah, he’s way too nice of a man, he wouldn’t do that kind of prank. - Let’s take a break, you and me, I’ll teach you a thing or two. Caio hooked his hand inside the waistband of my jeans and dragged me to the nearest bed available. *** I was still very calm, and I was able to focus. My span of attention was getting better. I was hard and horny now. In a malleable mind-state. A great condition to get fucked even if you don’t want to. Caio was cuddling me and marking me with a lot of hickeys. Cuntbuster was nudging my balls between my legs. One hand was mauling a nipple while with the other one he was lazily giving me a five-knuckle-shuffle on my cock. - Sshhh, pretty boy, I know you are reluctant to have Cuntbuster shoved up your virgin ass… I just nodded. No, it’s a lie. I wasn’t just nodding. I was also voluntary rocking my ass lightly against Caio’s lower abs. The warmth of his body was soothing, and I needed to cum. - Feel this, boy. Feel how it’s smooth, how smooth it will feel when I slide it home. Tell me how bad you want it, how bad you want me to share my toxic load with you. Cuntbuster was pulsing like it had a life of his own. I looked down to both cocks and was mesmerized by the sight. Caio’s cock was definitely bigger than mine, but I had nothing to be ashamed. - Raise your leg Two fingers found their way to my hole. Even in my straight-guy mind, I knew that I would never let a girl dry fuck me with her fingers or objects, although no girl I shagged would have come willingly near my ass. It was hard enough to convince them to get a blow job, except Prissy at the bar. Caio’s fingers were insisting - Lube… please… - Since you're asking so nicely He collected some precum from both cocks and smeared it over my hole. He repeated the process a couple of time. I took over masturbating our cocks, one against the other. - This is the yin and the yang of the cocks. The good and the bad. The pure and the evil. The neg and the poz. Like a mantra, Caio's was whispering a lot of things, interrupted here and there by tongue foraging my ear. The hand was back at my bruised nipple. Caio had stretched it to a pencil eraser size. Now he was back at it, torturing it between his fingers which was sending weird feelings down my spine, but mostly to my cock. The precum-wet fingers were crawling in my ass. - It hurts - A finger or two in your in ass is not pain. You must know that when Cuntbuster is going to fuck you up the first ten or twelve times, then you will know what pain is. - Ten times? - Only if you are a poor fuck. If you are good, pretty boy, I will fuck you so much that your ass will never remember being virgin. - I’m not gay. I want a girlfriend, and... - Not anymore, no more girlfriends for you, no more pussies. - But… - Sshhh, pretty boy, gay or not, Cuntbuster doesn’t care, so why would you? - Because it’s my ass? - You’re wrong again my naïve boy. It is not just your ass. It is a sheltered home for all Cuntbuster poz babies and his toxic friends. The intimacy created by Caio felt good, despite the fact he was a guy. I can’t blame Dad if this how he felt? I was scared and not totally committing to gay sex, and even less to have unprotected sex with a poz guy. - I need to piss - Now? - Too much iced tea… Caio jump out the bed and tilted his head for me to come along. We cross the décor set back to the dungeon where a black guy was fucking the hostage in a pretzel position. - Make Room Caio took hold of my hard on - Put it in I obeyed. - Well, what are you waiting for? Piss! That was insane, but I really need to go. - Sorry, I said to the hostage which cause a genuine laugh amongst the porn actors.
    2 points
  28. [PART 2] Johny's first reaction to the booty bump did not take long: - "What the fuck, man? It burns! it's burning my hole!" - "Relax. It does burn a bit, true. But only for a short time. Believe me." Paul tried to calm him down. - "I hope so, cause this is not cool. Also, I do not feel hornier at all." - "Well, it is not like poppers. It will take a while to run into your body. I'll go have a drink at the bar and will come back in 15 minutes". - "As far as I am aware, you can as well not come back at all". Answered Johny in a nasty tone. Paul walked to the lockers. He grabbed a Kamagra pill and head to the bar. It was not everyday that he managed to get such a hot man and he was willing to dedicate him his whole night. There was a huge football match happening in town and a 3 day weekend was ahead, so he knew the sauna would be quite busy, meaning things could get really raunchy. Just what he needed that night. After having a beer, he headed back one more time to the sling room. He found Johnny already in a very different mood. He was playing with his cock while pinching one of his nipples. - "So, how are you feeling". Asked Paul, while he approached the sling. - "I.... I don't know...". - "You don't know? It seems to me like you are already having a good time". Answered Paul, while he started pinching his other nipple. - "My head is buzzing... i'm having horny ideas... and I feel heat in..." - "In here?" interrupted Paul, and he started fingering the boy's ass. It was still lubed and indeed quite warm. - "Hmmmmm." moaned Johny. "ufff.... i love that. It feels nice". - "It does. Isn't it?" smiled Paul. Seeing that boy giving in to the Tina was giving him a total hardon. His cock was now much thicker and shone with precum. Johny had already noticed and could not take his eyes off of that dick. - "Do you still want me to leave, boy?" - "No. No, no.... please. Stay. You were right.. this stuff does work... put a condon on and fuck me. I really want it." He surprised himself when he realized what he just said. - "Not yet, boy. You've played hard to get and now it's my turn to play too. I'll tease your hole." Paul took out his finger and instead he started rubbing his leaking cock around the boy's hole. With some small pushes testing its resistance. "I don't need to ask you if you like this. Your cock is giving you away". Said Paul with a devilish smile. Johnny knew it was undeniable. He was totally hard, so there was no room for bluffing. Every minute that passed he was feeling more defenseless, and that cock was driving him crazy with that rythmic movement.... until he felt it trying to enter inside him. - "Hey! Do not put it in. I told you to..." - "I did not push it in. It's your ass that is getting looser. It is opening to receive my cock" Johhny quickly realized it was true. Every time he would shortly lower his guard and stop tightening his anus, the cock would go a bit deeper. Paul had no rush, he knew the time was on his side. And In a slow but unstopable process, Johny could only accept inch by inch that bare cock going all the way in. - "Hmmmm that's it baby. Your hole feels amazing!" said Paul when he noticed that his cock was fully in. The haunter was satisfied. The prey was caugth and It was time to devour it. - "I still think we should do it safe..." said Johnny with very low conviction at this point. - "I'm afraid that boat has already sailed. I do not use condoms anyway. Men are meant to fuck raw. Don't tell me it does not feel better, slut?" - "Slut?" That name caught him off guard, but he did not react on it. He could only confess his feelings at this point: - "Yes.... I fucking love it. Don't stop". The thick cock from Paul was finally settled in and he started fucking him at a slow rythm. "We have all night" thought for himself. The hole was feeling tight and did not want to spoil the fun so quickly by cumming accidentally. Johnny started moaning loudly out of pure pleasure. He was not even touching his cock anymore but mainly playing with his nipples. His thoughts were running wild "It's true... Im feeling so slutty! I did not expect this at all. And yet it feels so good. It feels so right. God, I'm losing myself! What am I doing? " (To be continued)
    2 points
  29. there are many reasons for elevated liver proteins. much depends on what they are and the ratios of one to the other. you should have been given blood test results and it doesn't take a medical degree to interpret these. hepatitis is one cause ( of any form) but so is fatty liver. this is endemic in the USA. it can just be too rich a diet and the liver laying down down fat . it can also be alcohol related and again the ratios can indicate if its one or the other. In my case I needed to take a tablet and the standard doctor did not want to prescribe because I was slightly outside the norm. the consultant made comments about doctors not knowing anything and told me if I lost 10% of my body weight in a 3 month period he was almost certain my liver tests would return to normal. I did and it did. Another thing to consider is ultrasound of the liver surface to check for lesions which are more indicative of issues. my advice.. dont fret about what doctor says ...they seldom know it all. get further liver tests inc hepatitis. and remember it could be many things including being slightly overweight.... good luck
    2 points
  30. Many things can elevate your liver enzymes. Excessive drinking, partying with recreational drugs, etc. I had elevated liver enzymes last summer and I had to have a battery of tests, blood panels, MRI of my abdomen. The enzymes were elevated for about 3 weeks and then dropped to normal. It was determined it was due to the antibiotic I had recently taken for treatment of gonorrhea.
    2 points
  31. Karel, my bad but best friend Preliminary remarks: This story is pure fiction! Similarities to real existing persons are purely coincidental, and not intended! Please do not understand this story as a call to share STDs, or to cause other physical and / or mental damage, and also not as a promotion to drug and alcohol consumption! All characters in this story are at least 18 years old (of age according to German law)! Since I have problems writing stories in the English / American language (grammar deficit), I write this story in German, and have it translated by deepl.com! Chapter 1: Introduction and: My best friend meets my younger brother Hello guys, my name is Chris, I'm 22 years old and I'm from Berlin. What is the best way to describe me? Slim with decent muscles (six pack) 1.75 meters tall, 62kg light, blond hair on my head, otherwise hairless. With what I have in my pants, I also do not need to hide, at least no woman has complained yet. Now we come to the far more difficult part, I still have to describe my brother and my best friend... ...until now I never really paid attention to it. Well my little brother's name is Sven, he turned a fresh 18, is like me blond and hairless (must run in the family). He is a little taller than me at 1.82 meters, but only weighs 58kg. That what he has less weight, however, he has more in his pants. My best friend is Karel, he is originally from Prague but has been living in Berlin with his parents for 15 years, he has brown hair and blue piercing eyes, he always shaves off his body hair. I met him 10 years ago when he came to my class. We became friends, did a lot of things together, and realized that our birthday was on the same day - Crazy, right? Karel and I graduated from high school together, and both studied architecture. At 18, Karel started going to McFit to work out. He tried to persuade me over and over again to come along, saying it couldn't hurt me to get some muscles. Well, a year ago he did it, I now also train my body, not as extreme as him, but at least a little bit. Of course, it was not left out that we stood together in the shower, and I could see what dangles there with him. I became envious of the sheer size of his cock. That must be erect at least 22cm, and really thick. He had also gotten a few tattoos over the years, with 18 a black tribial on the left arm with a red central logo, with 19 a green scorpion with red blood drops was added to the right groin, with 20 then the next tattoo, a revolver on the left groin. But the scorpion has surprised me the most so far, because we are both from the zodiac sign Aquarius. But I digress. I wanted to tell how it came about that Karel met my brother. It was the Friday after the birthday of Sven, I assumed that he would once again at some party with friends or in some Berlin club his mischief, as often on the weekend. Our parents (I could rely on them) were in Zurich for the weekend as usual, so we could study in peace. I thought. I want to digress from the topic for a moment, and describe my parents' house. The house has two floors plus a basement. On the first floor there is the spacious eat-in kitchen, the guest toilet right next to the entrance, my parents' bedroom with dressing room and private bathroom, my teenager's room with private bathroom, our father's study, and our mother's study, which was originally Sven's room. This room also has its own bathroom. But Sven preferred to move to the attic because the guest rooms up there were more spacious than his old room. That was on his 16th birthday. We actually have 6 guest rooms, now one is dropped. But that doesn't matter at all, since we rarely have a guest. The guest rooms have one special feature, always two rooms share a bathroom. So, enough about the living situation, let's get back to the actual topic. I had given Karel the room next to my brother, as always when he stayed with me. Sven was never there, until now. We didn't even notice my brother when we brought Karel's clothes upstairs, because Sven was completely too stoned in his bed, and didn't move. Karel and I had made ourselves comfortable in the kitchen to study, drank the one or other beer, when we were overcome by tiredness at about 11 pm. Karel went upstairs and I went to my room. I just managed to undress and fell asleep in my bed. What happened that night I know only from stories. When Karel arrived upstairs in his guest room, he also undressed, then entered the bathroom to take a shower. While Karel was showering, Sven woke up with a full bladder, so he got up and staggered into the bathroom to piss. I'm afraid I have to interject again to say something to my brother. Sven always sleeps naked, when he wakes up at night to piss, or to satisfy his hunger in the living room kitchen, he just also goes naked through the house, this is completely normal for him. Now back to the bathroom: After Sven had finished pissing, he turned around and caught sight of Karel, while Karel was already eyeing him as he came in. Sven faced Karel with his mouth open, started drooling, and his penis started growing as well. Karel started to smile wickedly. What happened after that? Will come in the sequel.
    1 point
  32. Hello Communtiy, English is not first language, so please bare with me if there a any mistakes. The Story is complete fiction. Enjoy it! Sissy Paula and Tom Chapter 1 My Name is Paula and i am 30 year old sissy. In about 1 hour i will hae sex with a guy who i met online. Thats actually nothing special anymore for me. I had several Hook-ups over the last months. But today is different. Tom is poz and he is going to poz me tonight. To be honest, this isnt my first attempt. But i always chickend out and blocked the guys, when it gets serious. But Tom hits me different from the first message on. We chatted 2 or 3 days, when he wanted to meet me. His texting got me so hot, that i agreed to meet him. Tom demanded that i have to sent him my Adress and a naughty video of me to proof that i am really interested within one day or he would block me. Then he logged off. My mind was racing and i was horny as hell. I thought about it, but within 1 hour i sent him my adress and a little video. The next morning i got an answer from Tom. Saturday 10pm. Chapter 2 Today is day. I woke up horny, excited and nervous. After my breakfast i changed into Paula. I wear a blonde wig, a black latex dress, fishnet-stockings and red pumps. My make-up was on point and i fealt very feminine and happy. The day went by in a bliss. Around 8 o'clock i got a message from Tom. It was a picture of my condo and a message. Driving home, changing, then i am going to poz your sissy ass. I shivered as i read it and decided to sent him also a picture.. I sneaked outside on the other site of the street and took a Selfie, so my condo was visible in the background and texted him back. Hey Tom, please hurry up, my sissy ass needs your poz cock. I went inside and waited in anticipation. About 10 o'clock, i heared a car parking. My heart is beating and i thought to myself: Paula, now it is time. No way out, even i if want to. I crossed way to many barriers. And truly i want this to happen tonight. The Bell is ringing. Chapter 3 I buzzed Tom in and heard him on the stairs. I awaited him at the door in a way-to-short minidress and way-to-high FuckMe Pumps. He smiled when he sees me and i my back. I smiled back. „Good evening Tom, you like what you see?“ „Oh my, what a hot looking slut you are, Paula.“ He walked straight in and as soon as the doors closed he groped my ass und kissed me. I never kissed a man to that moment, but his dominant attitude made my legs weak und I enjoyed his kiss. Still in the hallway he pushed me to my knees. „Suck my cock, you little slut!“ Skillfully and greedy i opened his fly and took his cock out and started sucking. He was very horny and it didnt take to long until his cock was rockhard. „Oh yeah, that is so good. Suck my cock and get it hard and wet, so that i can poz your sissy ass. You like that?“ My mouth was full of his cock, so looked him in the eyes, smiled and nodded with my head. Tom had devlish grin on his face. „Stand up my little slut and show me your bedroom.“ I got up and led Tom by his cock in my bedroom. „Kneel on the bed. Ass facing me.“ On the bed he lifted the skirt of my dress. He smacked my ass and balls. „You are so hot, Paula.“ I wiggled my ass in anticipation. With one Grip he ripped my G-String. When he started to lick my asshole i had to moan. He used 3 fingers to prepare and loosen my asshole for him. He leaned over my back and whispered in my ear. „Soon i am going to pump your sissy ass with my toxic cum. You want that?“ I could just moan. „Answer me, slut!“ „Yes“,i panted. „Say it, my little Slut.What do you want? „I want to feel your cock.“ He smacked my ass hard. WHAT DO YOU WANT? „I Want *gasp to feel *gasp your *gasp big *gasp poz cock *gasp in my *gasp neg sissy ass. *gasp“ „Please make my your poz sissy slut.“ „There you go slut. Thats whats going to happen now. Turn around, lay on your back.“ I positioned my self on the edge of the bed. He handed me a bottle of poppers. While i inhaled deeply on the poppers, Tom took off his shirt and i could now see Biohazard-Tattoo on his chest. I took more poppers and watched Tom lubing up his cock. He lifted my legs up to my chest and layed himself on me. I felt his cock probing at my asshole. He started to move and with each trust his poz cock went deeper into my slutty hole. In no time he filled me completly with his cock. I felt no shame, no fear. Just relief and excitement. His Thrust became stronger und he started to fuck me really rough. And with each of his thrust, i moaned heavier like a sissyslut. „Oh fuck. Yes. Please Fuck me. Make me your poz sissyslut. Breed me.“ „Oh Yeah you fucking slut. Now you get what you deserve. I am cumming“ He picked up his pace until he shoot his poz cum deep in my ass. I was breathing heavy and was in my own dizzy world. I still didnt cum and felt hornier then ever knowing i was probably pozzed seconds ago. So i didnt realized that Tom left before i heard the Frontdoor. It was 22.30. My first reaction were tears. I felt used. I layed on my bed for minutes and felt that my ass was leaking the poz cum I touched my ass and licked the cum from my fingers After i overcame the shock the tears gave way to a big grin on my face. I felt free and i want more.
    1 point
  33. Just recently discovered I definitely flagged yellow. Had never thought about it before. First time was asked to piss on a friend, didn't think much of it. Sort of thought back it was kind of hot. Tried tasting my own, didn't like it actually. When I was a little behind tipsy I asked an open minded fb later to piss on me and I got a tiny taste and liked it. Next time we did anything WS I got swallowed a little. That taste was so damn good, the next time we did I went all for it and drank from the tap and damn I'm hooked. The flavor of right from the tap is awesome!!! Totally unexpected, three months ago i would've said no way...just have to try some things to find out!
    1 point
  34. I always eat my own cum....never waste it mmmmm
    1 point
  35. Good reply. I am "straight", I like girls (and gurls). ... but I'm also bottomy, and crave the sense of submission. Preferably submission taken more than given. And appreciate the power of the phallus. There are always people who say, " you're not straight if you... xxxx...and xxx." But that's how I feel. ...and more importantly, I use "straight" to let Dom guys know I'm not going to be into them other than (semi-resentfully) under domination. Some guys aren't into that. They should know asap, and I hope the ones that are into it get even more into the role knowing it.
    1 point
  36. Sucking is great, but it is really just foreplay. The main event is the fuck so the cum should go in the ass not the mouth.
    1 point
  37. Part 5 Caio was right behind me, his erect cock standing tall against my ass. I was still pissing in the guy’s ass which was overflowing down on his face, filling nostrils and eyes orbits. He pushed me forward, crushing even more the guy under me. I felt the piercing going down between my cheeks to sink down in the wells of piss that had become the hostage hole. - Urgggh - Fuck - Hot Three different reactions from the trio that we had formed. Taking leverage by his hands on my shoulders to take leverage, Caio pulled out Cuntbuster completely, creating an obscene suction in the overstretched hole. I shuddered, close to orgasm. - Don’t dare you cum, pretty boy And with all his weight, Caio buried Cuntbuster to the hilt. A loud snap was heard and the guy wail liked a wounded animal. Encouraged by the small crowd cheering, Caio repeated his performance few times. - Just for the fun of it, he said One of the guys managed to insert his flaccid cock in the hostage after writing on his forehead the words: Piss Bucket. *** Most of the girls were gone now except a couple, including the ginger from this morning. The other one was blowing the delivery guy as a tip. I took the opportunity to dress and put distance between me and Caio. I only found my jeans and sneakers. My t-shirt, socks and underwear were nowhere to be seen. - Nice performance Leo had captured my total encounter with Caio. Almost 2 hours of footage in which I almost got fucked. I asked him to delete the recording, not wanting to find myself on some random gay porn sites. - Nothing wrong with it I begged to differ, but with Leo, it was useless to argue. The shooting resumed as per schedule. Caio was following me like a predator. It was making me nervous and distracting me which cause Leo to intervene - Shooed away, you fucker The last scene scenario was a double date where the two girls were plotting together as their “boyfriends” watched a game. Like any porn plot, the girls started making out with the guys and started to undress. - Fuck me I was dumbfounded. The gorgeous ginger was a guy! And same for his(her) partner. The foursome fornicated in every position possible to end with facials. Leo and I packed all the materials in a record time, it was just few minutes past midnight. Two guys carried out the hostage guy which looked to be in some sort of disarticulated pretzel. A demolition team were already tearing down all the decors. I realized that by noon today, there would be no trace of what happened here. Caio and two other guys had decided to drive to a club downtown. - You’re coming with me, pretty boy I looked at Leo who just shrugged - I told them you would go. They are a good customer of mine. A problem? There was no harm to join them for a beer or two, and then excused myself. *** The car was parked on a quiet side street. The car trunk was open. - We’ll be back. You be quiet, neighborhood isn’t safe There, in the trunk, the hostage was laying naked and caked with crusty cum, saliva and blood. I noticed the guy had a very small cock and balls. - If you try to escape, alert someone or any fuss, I will make sure your bones count goes way over 250. One of the actors pulled a large plastic bag with various toys that were used in the various shooting. Pretzel got his hand ties to his knees, alligator clamps on nipples, ear lobes, nose, foreskin and balls. Satisfied with his work, the actor spitted a huge gob of phlegm. I looked at Caio in disbelief. - Your choice. You can join him or come with us. To my surprise, it was one of the regular club where me and my friends uses to hang out, even brought my ex-girlfriend a couple of time. The music was good and the crowd friendly. As we enter, I recognize some familiar faces. Ben Schultz was there with his girlfriend. We went to high school together. He became a star-athlete in college. We weren’t close friends, but enough to greet each other. I wasn’t really popular. And contrary to what one might believe, having a dad offering without shame to suck them as soon as they walk in, is not a winning ticket. Oh yeah, he succeeded to blow some of them, but never stick around for long. - To the new assistant! Cheers As I sip my beer, Caio put his arm around my shoulder and was laughing without sexual innuendo. I was really tired from the long day and thought nothing of it. The guys went silent suddenly and one whispered something to Caio who raised his head looking at two guys that just entered the bar. A large man in nice clothing preceded by a Slavic-look guy who was scouting the room for someone. He walked directly to Caio when he saw him. - Don’t say a word and don’t do anything, whatever happens, if you know what is good for you. Both actors looked worried, but Caio was all smile - Dimitri! My friend! They brotherly hugged and exchange few words. Then Dimitri look at me and asked Caio who the slut was. - An assistant, works with Leo. Dimitri pursed his lips and nodded. He slipped his hand inside my jeans founding my hole, grazing a finger. - Not fucked? - Not yet Dimitri took my face in his hand and turned it toward the suite man. A brief and awkward pause. The suit man shook his head and Dimitri let me completely go before fending crowd in search for another prey. - May be another time All three guys looked at each other and remained silent. We had another beer, drinking it slowly, but the conversation had died with Dimitri’s appearance. - Try so stay away from him. That was all they told me about Dimitri. I went to men’s room. Dimitri had followed right behind me, but I didn’t noticed. I went to the urinal and Ben was next, horse-pissing. - You’re one of them faggot? The words were slurred. He was slightly drunk. - Let me show you what a man looks like He stepped back and turned around pissing on my lower leg, and start laughing. Dimitri stepped in, grab Ben’s head and smashed it against the wall with force. - Enough for you, arrogant prick, you are coming with me. Lets find out how much man you are. Dimitri marched out the men’s room, still holding Ben’s by the neck. At the door, Dimitri wink at me. - Not a word to anyone, assistant, or I’ll come for you. *** Back at the table, two more actors from the shoot had joined us. Caio looked at me. - Piss yourself? I ignored him, looking around to see if I can spot Ben. No sign of Ben or his girlfriend. Apparently Dimitri and the suited man were gone also, because the conversation had started back between the actors. - It seems that there some actions down the street. Let’s roll.
    1 point
  38. Part 3 Dad wasn’t home when I arrived, but one of the bikers from the night before was. He was laying down on the couch watching a kickboxing tournament, and a hand in his pants fondling his junk and a beer in the other, Since I had to get up early next morning, I resigned myself to sleep in Dad’s bed. Around 2 am, I felt movement as the guy tried to cuddle me. - Fuck you, I’m not gay. I said half-awakened, grabbing a pillow and moving back to my couch. I woke up at 5 and decided for a quick shower. Dad was still not there. The bathroom is in line with the bedroom and since it doesn’t have a door (I think dad sold it for weed at some point) so there was no way for me to take care of my morning wood. The warm water felt amazing. Pulling back the thin curtain, I found the guy sitting on the bed, facing me and jerking off rapidly. I grab a towel to cover myself. - Get a life, man. With a final grunt, the guy climaxes and just rolled on the bed showing his back. Large letters can be seen above his ass: “Cum Dump”, and above it a larger biohazard tattoo. I might not be gay, but living with my dad was much more instructive than any sexual education class, so I knew what the tattoos meant. I just hoped that Dad was taking his precautions. *** Leo didn’t say much about today’s job as I loaded the material in the van. - Hope you didn’t make any plan for tonight, boy, because I don’t expect we will be back before the wee hours of tomorrow. He didn’t say anything more about the job, but I suspected it wouldn’t be a corporate profile photoshoot. The drive wasn’t long, and we arrived at a deserted industrial area. Leo drove to the back of a condo-like warehouse and honk twice. The garage door opened, and Leo pulled back the van. The day was about to begin. Inside, there were 3 or 4 décor sets mimicking bedrooms. The last one was darker and look like a medieval dungeon. - I guess we are shooting porn today I tall lanky guy flanked by a really nice ginger bimbo greeted Leo. As they discussed logistics, I was day-dreaming about how she might look naked. My dick confined in my jeans was chubbing seriously. She was on her phone and completely ignoring us. It took us most of the morning to install everything. The first shoot was a lesbian session. Leo asked me to film from a certain angle. It was silly of me to be concerned about getting hard. It was hot for sure, but at the end disappointing. It was nothing like porn on the internet. The action was always interrupted. The girls would go at it for few minutes than stop to reposition, make-up, hair combing, etc. So, no erection. They weren’t even making a lot of sounds as most of it would be done at the post-production. The second session was a straight porno. It was hotter and had to adjust myself a few times. The Latino guy had an impressive dick. He pounded the girl with such force that she was emitting little high-pitched sounds similar to a poodle being strangled. - Take it, bitch The Latino gave few short and brutal thrusts, before pulling out. A flow of thick sperm was leaking from the angry red cunt lips. - Cut Then we did a series of shorter sessions, different actors, but mostly the same. Then we shot two hung guys screwing a small Asian girl almost non-stop in every way possible. That was hot. Then we stopped for quick bite around 3 pm. Leo had brought sandwiches and homemade iced tea for me, and water for him as he doesn’t like the tea flavor. I admit, the taste was horrible, but didn’t want to offend him and told Leo it was good. After all, he was nice enough to think about me. So, I got to drink the entire thermos as Leo kept filling my glass since “I like it so much”. A lot of the actors and actresses stopped by for a quick chat and thank us for our work. All of them knew Leo and made, what it seems, inside jokes with him. We started back with one of the hung guy with the same Asian girl. Then the second guy from the last session walked in and started making out with the other guy. - Aargh, bisexual gay porn! I don't hate gays. It's just not for me. And don't tell me I am not open-minded. After all, I do have a gay-slut as a father. Leo had put me next to the bed, under a series of spotlights. I had a full detailed view of a rimming battle between a pointy wet tongue and pinky dry tight hole. The result was imminent and obvious. Either the already long day was taking its toll on me or it was the heat emanating from the lights, but I felt warmer like when you start having a fever. We were at what I assumed the end of the session as the guys were breathing hard and jerking their cocks over the actress face, when a commotion can be heard at the back of warehouse. Leo motioned me to follow him and keep filming. Moving around didn't help, I felt few seconds of dizziness, and slightly warmer. Three guys came in with another guy in tow, hands tied up behind his back, a full-hood covering his head like a hostage on TV. They went directly to the dungeon set. The guy was stripped naked and once chained to the bed, the hood was removed. The hostage actor was gagged, tears on his face had not finished drying up, hair disheveled. He had terrified look and was mumbling through the gag. - Leo! Where is your assistant? The Latino guy from the first scene was shouting from an adjacent room. - He’s coming, replied Leo. Give me the camera and go help Caio. And wipe the drool at your mouth! I must have been drooling for while as my t-shirt showed a fairly large wet spot. In the room, Caio was standing and totally naked. - I need you to put my PA on my cock. I froze. He wanted me what? - I’ll call someone else to help you. - Nonsense. Get on your knees and put the jewelry on Cuntbuster. - Cuntbuster? - Yes, that’s my pet’s name. Caio started caressing his cock, almost stroking it. - Hurry up. We need to move. There is a virgin waiting for me on the set! Thanks to dad, I have seen my share of cocks in various shapes, sizes and stage of hardness and stayed away as I prefer pussies. I never been that close to a cock like this (even my own) and my hands were shaking. - First time? I simply nodded. - You will get use to it. Even with Cuntbuster, eventually. - No offense, but I don’t swing that side. - Every guy does. I am not sure what it meant by that, but I successfully slipped the PA in place. I was drooling again and wipe it to realize my fingers were all sticky with precum. Before I raised myself, the pair of hands grabbed my head and pushed it closer to the mighty Cuntbuster and its shiny PA with its impressive weight ball. dandling in front of me. - Since you are here, why don’t you fluff it a little. I will get hard faster when I got to fuck the little guy over there. - No way, I am not a cocksuc… The cock entered my mouth, tainting it with a foul salty taste, until it reach the back of my throat, triggering a natural gag reflex. - I wasn’t asking. Go on suck Cuntbuster a little. No one will know. I was trying to push him away and I was failing. His thighs were like steel and the strong grip on my head allowed him to slowly fuck my face. The constant movement accentuated the dizziness gave me retching. - No teeth or you will learn sooner why I gave it the name of Cuntbuster. I am not sure if the cock grew harder, but Cuntbuster was causing some damages as I can feel my tonsils hurting. - I know it’s not easy to please Cuntbuster, but I think he likes you. As Caio forced his cock in, he pulled it out the same way: him being in control. Like my mouth that was entirely painted with precum, only a small part of the cock (that was in my mouth) was covered with a thick coat of saliva. - It is very generous of you as it is the only lube the guy will get. I don’t know how long they were there, but two guys were observing the scene from the door frame. - Any good? One of the guys asked - Positively promising, responded a smiling Caio. As I passed the guys at the door, he told me in a mocking tone - If you suck cocks and you are getting paid for it, you know what it makes you, no? Yeah genius, I thought, it makes me a whore. Like the drooling idiot as I was, I followed Caio back to the set.
    1 point
  39. While Paul's thick cock was thrusting into his hole, Johhny was going through an existential crisis. He held the safe sex rule for years as a dogma, that he only broke for a boyfriend he had at highscool. And in a few minutes this nasty guy has shattered it to pieces. The tingling sensation was travelling his whole body by now, making him feeling ecstatic and horny beyond anything he had experienced before. "This motherfucker drugged me to take advantage of me. He knew this would happen! But if I am aware of it... why am I not stopping it? why does it feel so right?" All his moaning did not go unnoticed. After a while being fucked, Johnny opened his eyes and he saw another figure in the room. "How long has he been there?". It was a young blond guy that came lure by the noises.. Athletic but not too tall, with a tatoo on his chest. He has snorting poppers and playing with his cock while watching the scene from a certain distance. Since that moment, Johnny could not take his eyes of him. He had experienced the pleasure of being watched while being fucked at the sling in the past, but this time it was hitting in a different way. He was feeling really sleazy and was dying to suck that cock. The intense staring apparently worked as the newcomer decided to move closer to them. He started pinching his nipple, freeing Johnny's hand that went directly to take care of the new cock. "Niiiice" he said looking a Paul and taking another hit of poppers. Both smiled at each other. Paul was in heaven fucking that hole. So nice that he was struggling to maintain a rythm that would not make him cum so rapidly. No, he has decided that he would dedicate that boy the whole night. There was plenty of time ahead and the Kamagra would ensure him hours of enjoyment for his hard cock. And things were only getting better for him. Yes, he loved inducing drugs on young men to have it his way, but what he loved the most was seeing them used by other men. So having an extra guest was more than welcome. The three of them continued at it for a while. Johnny had unsuccesfully tried to suck his cock a few times because the sling was too high. His mouth was filled instead with the visitor's tongue that he willingly received. From there, the young mouth slowly travelled to his nipples, abs, and finally his erected cock. He had neglected his cock till that very moment and felt an electric shock when he felt those lips wrapping around it. His cock sensitivy was completely enhanced and the blowjob was driving him crazy. Both the feeling of the bare cock fucking his hole and that mouth going up and down on his shaft quickly became too much to handle. "oh fuck! i'm going to cum. I'm cumming" he moaned. The 3 paused for a moment . A big cum load came out like a fountain over his chest, neck and face. - "wow, that is some load, man". The 3 of them laughed. - "Now, it's my turn" said the tatooed boy. His attention went then to Johnny's ass where he moved his hand only to find Paul's cock still deep buried in it. Feeling that cock going in and out was getting him completely horned up. He was touching Paul's dick checking for a possible condom rim. As if Paul had guessed his intentions, he took his cock out to allow a full inspection. "Hmmmmm. raw" said after confirming it. Both tops smiled; nothing more needed to be discussed. Paul took the poppers and moved away, giving him access to the slut, who was still recovering from the orgasm. The young man rapidly placed his bare cock on Johnny's hole. But he did not found it welcoming as he expected but really tight instead. Having shot his load, Johnny's horniness had decreased and he was experiencing a temporary spike of common sense and dignity. Not giving up, the young man went on his knees to rim Johnny's ass in an attempt to getting him compliant again. Johnny looked at Paul almost as if he was asking for help to get out of that situation. The sheep begging to the wolf. Paul leaned over Johnny's head and whispered on his ear: - "Relax boy... You are doing it very well. Don't spoil the fun now" -"But..." - "sshhhh" Paul silenced him. "No buts. Don't fight your desires. You know you want it. You know it feels good. Just let it happen, my slut". The tone was calm but dominant. That was the very moment where Johnny finally gave up. The little control he had regained was gone. The sleaziness engulfed him completely and he let his ass loose again feeling a tongue rushing in inmediately. - "Take some of this. It will help you take the right decision." concluded Paul placing the poppers bottle under his nose. 4 hits of poppers later he was ready for more bare cock, that entered him without any resistance. The hard fuck continued rythmically for a little while. Paul was having a great time encouraging him: "That's it fucking whore! Let that anon raw cock fuck you. You know you love it!". Those words were fuel in Johnny's head. It was true. He was loving every bit of it. Not long after, the top's breathing started changing. "Are you coming already?" asked Paul amused by it. "Fuck, yes! This ass feels so nice. I cannot hold it". - "Don't. Just inside him. Breed it." And so he did. He shot a big load inside Johnny's ass. He pulled his cock out after a minute. Gave him a pat on the buttocks, "thank you" and left the room. Paul looked at Jonny with a smirky smile: "So?" - "So?? Oh my god. What have you done to me? I have let him cum inside me" answered Johnny. - "That is where a macho's cum belongs. Don't deny now that you were dying to get it." - "I... I was. It's true. I dont know why. Im filled with sleazy thoughts. Those drugs you gave me are messing me up" - "Yes, they do. But they only work when they bind to your real desires" - "what do you mean?" - "If you did not have those ideas, the drug does would not have the same effect. Have you even fantasized being used by strangers?" - "Of course, all the time! But it just a fantasy." -"Well, not anymore. Tonight you going to make it real. Being available to anon cocks. - "Tonight? what time is it?" - "Its already 23.15" - "what? fuck! I am already late for work!. I lost track of time. How long does this effect last?" "No, no. You can forget about work tonight. You are on this ride for at least the next 4-5 hours" Panic rushed in "I cannot miss work like this. Ill get in big trouble. I should at least call..." "shhhhh" silenced him again. "Quiet boy. It's all good" said to calm him. "It's too late to change that now. Relax. Focus on the now. Look at yourself, your ass is oozing cum from who knows who. Soon this place will be packed. What then?" - "I cannot move. Still feeling very horny." -"Yes, you will be craving cocks all night. I'll see you totally perverted " said fingering his asshole. - "Ohhh..." moaned Johnny. "Please...." Paul grinned. "Do you like the idea of being used and bred by everybody. Please... what?" - "Please, sir... " repeated Johnny grabbing Paul's cock and bringing it back close to his ass. - "oh, that is what you want." grinned again. He loved seeing him so desperate. "I want to hear you saying it slut." - "Please, I want cocks inside me". He started feeling a tremendous urge. - "Are you my bare slut?" he started rubbing his cock slightly in. - "Yes, sir! " - "Say it!" - "I'm your bareback slut! Please, fuck me. Make me a complete whore!" - "That's what I like to hear." said as he rammed his cock in one more time [To be continued]
    1 point
  40. Looking for Dominate Breeding Top to facilitate a real actual Drugging and Raping of me, to enforce the understanding that I'm a Breeding Faggot Whore the needs, desires of Breeding Top's Cocks. This facilitator can find a way to lure me to a place where i can be drugged, held, transported to place unknown to myself, home, basement, sex club. Then will use me as he desires, share, gangbang, keep drugged into submission, held down, choked out, hair pulled, tag teamed, pimped out to who he choices, blindfold me if he sees needed. To be owned by him for a weekend or few days. I have no control, my no's are ignored, thats if i'm even conscious, pimped out while g-out. Knowing that i am not into truck driver types, most black men, and most latino men, these are invited to use/rape me. Maybe its filmed, as a means to ensure I will be a good little faggot whore and come back for more when requested. Many ideas of twisted, fucked up ways to do this.....
    1 point
  41. For me, it's simple. I don't enjoy the feeling of a condom. I also love feeling that raw cock slide in and pounding away. It's even better when the person shoots in me and I can feel it hitting my guts. The reality is, I came out in 1988 and was taking raw cock before then. Once I started going to bars (in 1988) it was just natural to not concern myself with condoms. I never asked for them and took loads. HIV was a "big city" thing then and I accepted the risk. That was a pretty stupid mentality as I knew of people who were positive back then. I even had friends warn me away from the guys who were positive. Those warnings fell on def ears and I often ended up in bed with them. I know I bred some positive guys and I know a few bred me. That didn't stop me as I love raw sex.
    1 point
  42. Part 2 – His First Gift Martin kissed James tenderly, adding a soft, playful bite on his lower lip. The he slid his body up the length of James’ naked body, his cock tracing a line from groin to chin. Martin straddled James’ chest and pushed his cock into James’ eager mouth. James closed his eyes as Martin began to slowly fuck his face, his long cock sliding in until it hit the back of James’ throat, and again so the head brushed against his lips. Martin let out a happy groan, his cock feeling slick and warm inside James. “Oh my gawd, that feels so good,” he whispered. He plunged his dick back into James’ warm mouth. I watched as James, his sculpted body stretched out on the bed, stroked his big dick furiously as Martin fucked his mouth. I could hear the deep slurping sound as James worked Martin’s thick dick with his mouth, and Martin’s quiet appreciative moans. Martin shifted his weight backward, pulling his cock out of James’ eager mouth, and straddled him from the side. I could see both their hardons in full glory, caressed by the warm candlelight. He leaned in and kissed James again. “You are so beautiful,” he said, running his hand down James’ torso and seizing his cock. James gasped in pleasure, his body lifting off the silky sheets. Martin slid into a 69 and began devouring James’ cock while pushing his own back into James’ hungry mouth. The two writhed as they worked each other’s cocks, quiet slurping and guttural groans of pleasure overwhelming the rustle of the sheets beneath them. It was a beautiful site to see, and I stroked my own cock watching my boyfriend’s sexual pleasure. I’d shared James with other men in 3-ways, but witnessing this unload as an observer held its own unique magic. I wondered if they would finish each other off like this — they’re balls had to be boiling — they were so passionate in their connection. As if he read my mind, Martin lifted himself from James’ cock, straddled his chest with his ass hovering over James’ face. Was he a bottom? That both surprised and disappointed me a bit. But he quickly grabbed behind James’ knees and rolled him backward, bringing James’ ass to his own mouth. James gasped, his upper back pinned to the bed by Martin’s body resting on his chest, his muscular legs flailed in the air. Jolts of intense pleasure ripped through his body, and he lost control as Martin’s expert tongue worked inside his hole. James was moaning uncontrollably, his hands instinctively moving across Martin’s ass and back. He couldn’t find words, but just made animalistic sounds of ecstasy. Martin didn’t relent, working his tongue deeper into the soft flesh of James’ pink hole. He used his elbows to lock James’ knees behind him, restraining his movements. He relished the musky man smells of james’ body, which only fueled his desire to tame this sexual beast and make him submit to him. I’m going to mark this boy tonight, he thought to himself. Martin broke their position, letting James’ legs fall back to the bed sheets with a soft whomp. He reached to the nightstand, picking up several items, and shuffled / slid down the bed. He set a small bottle of poppers on James’ chest, resting between his muscular pecs. I felt a thrill go through my own body as Martin took position between James legs, spreading them wider. He was finally going to claim his prize for the night. I leaned closer to the window. The candlelight softly illuminated their naked bodies, and I could see both of their cocks distinctly standing erect. There was pure lust in the air as Martin applied lube to both their dicks, James groaning and writhing again as Martin worked his generous cock with both hands for a moment. One hand moved to James’ hole and began lubing it. James gasped again and arched his back as more jolts wracked his body. “I don’t have to ask if you’re ready, James,” Martin said tenderly. “I’m going to take you now. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want the gift I have for you, don’t you?” James looked down the length of his body, his eyes half-open, half-closed, but filled with desire. He had things he thought he should say. He vaguely remembered Martin was poz, and knew there was something he should ask him to do. But those words were lost in the lust. “Please,” was all he could say. “Please.” Martin rolled James’ legs knees back to his chest, fluidly sliding forward as he did so, allowing his cock to find its way to the tender hole anxiously awaiting. He had worked James fully into submission, and had his body craving what was about to come next. James didn’t need the poppers, but locked eyes with Martin as the older of the two pressed the head of. His cock against James’ hole. James felt his sphincter greedily expand, ushering Martin’s swollen hardness inside. The pressure penetrated. Him deeply, and a passionate moan escaped his lips as he closed his eyes. And was consumed by Martin. The older man let out his own groan as the velvety warmth of the young man’s ass wrapped itself around his cock. He rolled forward, bending James in half, and kissed him passionately. While they exchanged loving kisses, Martin’s hips began to slowly churn. The subtle movements wrought soft moans that wove into their kissing. The sight of my boyfriend’s naked body entangled with Martin’s made my cock ache for release. Martin was deep inside my man, bareback. James powerful body had submitted itself to the man, which made me tingle all over. Martin rose up on his knees and began thrusting with intention. Some of the tenderness morphed into powerful thrusts. He looked down at James, taking in the magnificent image before him. This young man, more than 20 years younger, was stretched out, his legs on either side of Martin’s torso, giving him his ass. “Fuck me,” James pleaded. Martin grabbed James’s thighs and began fucking him harder, driving his dick deep inside the velvety fire he felt engulfing his cock. “My gawd your ass is amazing!” There passion became a power fuck, both men lost in the lust they shared. The hard slapping of bare skin against skin filled the air. James moaned with unbridled ecstasy, completely consumed with desire for Martin. “Fuck me! Pound my ass!” His voice had became. Stronger and more demanding, fueled by the energy they were sharing. “Fuck yeah!” Martin grunted. He was pounding the boy’s ass hard. An even darker desire that had been brewing inside him rushed to the surface. Tenderness melted into a malicious grin. “You’re mine, boy. Body and soul. I’m gonna breed you with my gift.” James felt a mysterious thrill in that moment. He seldom got bred by anyone, preferring to have a load shot across his chest or face. He loved the hot spatter of cum across his body and in his mouth. But in this instant he had a primal need to feel that hot cum inside him. He knew he shouldn’t want it. He knew it was dangerous. But looking at Martin looming over him, his hands grasping his calves and his abs flexing as he thrust inside him, he craved it. He wanted a part of Martin that he could keep with him forever. Martin could see the conflict in James’ handsome face, the battle between desire and fear contorted into a look of desperation. He relished that look, this moment. He’d seen it in other young faces in this bed, and it was the moment he always remembered. His intelligence, muscled body, and success — the very things that made James and the others attractive to him — were useless to James in this moment. He conceded them all to Martin’s control. This was the moment James could not decide for himself, and submitted to Martin’s choices for him. The dark desire totally filled Martin. “You’re mine!! You’re ass is mine now!” “Breed my ass!” James exclaimed, consumed by intense craving and lust for this man. His own face took on a malicious grin. “Fucking fill my ass with your cum.” James began jacking his own cock furiously. Martin pounded into his hole with a fury, making my boyfriend wince and whimper. Even as he was about to release. Martin grunted again and again, finally feeling the boiling desire inside him begin to pump itself into the sculpted young man under his control. James felt the throbbing of Martin’s engorged cock as it released, his soul trembling as the thick juices spattered inside him, bonding them. James erupted even as he was filled with Martin’s seed. Both men grunted and moaned, finally collapsing into an entangled, sweaty heap. Martin’s load was inside my boyfriend, while James was covered in his own thick cum. Together they convulsed in ecstatic aftershocks and heavy breathing. There was no pressure to move, and they were savoring their entanglement and new bond. I watched for a few minutes more, my own load spewed against the side of the house as I watched Martin breed my boyfriend’s raw ass. Now the pair was breathing together, coming down from the climax of their encounter. Martin seemed to still be inside James, and the two exchanges soft kisses. Their conversation was quiet, punctuated with quick bursts of laughter. Martin was discussing some friends who were arriving this week, and James shared our plans with him. Martin playfully suggested how hot it would have been to share this encounter in the dunes earlier in the day; James laughed, adding that their dune fuck video could go viral before Friday. Martin slipped his drained cock out of James. James sighed, “At least you left something behind inside me.” Martin grinned in the pale light. “I left you a special gift,” then kissed his new toy. I picked up my sneakers and quietly padded away, trying to move unseen in the late night. I had a feeling this was not going to be their only encounter this week.
    1 point
  43. Note: I am not a medical expert. I recommend discussing this with an infectious diseases specialist. Hepatitis A is spread through fecal-oral transmission - just as easy as HIV to transmit if engaged in rimming. Hepatitis C is spread via blood to blood contact. HCV is a bit more challenging to catch through sex then HIV, but still possible. Hepatitis C is not spread through semen, saliva, tears, sweat, or urine. Most commonly, hepatitis C is spread through sharing drug injection equipment. For sex, things that cause bleeding for a top or a bottom can increase the risks of transmitting the infection - which can happen in either direction. For both top and bottom - warts from HPV, hemorrhoids on the bottom, and irritation/tears in the rectum from fisting, intense pounding during sex, a lack of lubricant, or a tops’ cock piercing increase the risk of Hepatitis C transmission. Some people get Hepatitis C through sharing sex toys without washing them off. HIV is sensitive to the hostile environment that exists outside of our bodies. If exposed to air, it will die off in minutes or hours. Hepatitis C is a much more durable virus. It can survive outside of the body for up to 4 days. If in a syringe of leftover drug and blood, it can infect for several months or longer. I’d suggest getting tested for Hepatitis C. Ask for a viral load test; it can take a long time for the antibody tests to determine whether if you are infected or not. Being HIV+, I’m very in tune with my body’s functioning on a day to day basis. I started noticing signs of infection; but all of my antibody tests came back “non reactive;” a viral load test will directly determine if you have an active infection of the virus. Also, stay calm. If you are hepatitis C positive, there are several treatments on the market that cure the infection in 8-12 weeks. They are well tolerated with no side effects. Don’t wait for the virus to become chronic to get screened and treated; it’s nasty long term.
    1 point
  44. I found this gem at spermpig.tumblr.com. It sure got my dick leaking. How about yours? Happy World AIDS Day, Faggot! I had a “play date” a couple weekends ago on Sunday– as it so happens it was world AIDS day. And it was a very naughty play session indeed. The fuckbuddy that hit me up has a particular kink. He really gets off on dirty talk. Not just run of the mill dirty talk either– he gets off on poz talk. You know, talk about knocking up a bottom with his toxic jizz. That sort of thing. And let’s just say that I don’t mind this talk– mainly because he has a beercan fat 7 inch dick on him. I can “get into” a lot of things if it’s attached to a cock like that! He hit me up on a non-hookup oriented social media site and was looking to get his dick wet. I was horny as hell so I said, “Sure, cum on over!” He was very particular about what he wanted during our session. I was to be pre-lubed and waiting on all fours, blindfolded. And wearing a jock or something suitable to display my ass. He would walk in and have his way with me and leave. And he was gonna “talk” during our session. I got ready and put on a pair of assless shorts for him. I also had my blindfold at the ready (as well as the poppers and lube). He called from downstairs and I buzzed him up, donned the blindfold and assumed the position. I heard him enter and lock the door. “So, faggot. Your ass ready to take my deathbabies?” he asked. “I really want to feel that big raw cock in me, but please pull out before you cum? I don’t wanna get sick,” I tell him, just like he wants to hear. “Dude, you know the drill. I fuck and I don’t like to pull out. If you want this dick, you’re gonna take it til I’m done with your hole.” “Please pull out? You can shoot in my mouth instead… if you want,” I suggest. “I’ll think about it. Now suck my cock and get me ready!” So, I opened my mouth and let him feed me his dick. His thickness stretches my jaw and I know it’s going to do the same to my ass when the time comes. He had one hand on the back of my head while he’s thrusting into me. I can taste his precum already as he’s obviously been thinking about our impending fuck. “Turn around, faggot. I’m gonna use that ass now.” I do as I’m told, and I hear him lubing up his thick fuckstick. I fish around for the poppers on the bed and take a good hit. “Oh yeah, baby show me that hole! You ready for my poison penis? You want it?” All I can do is nod in my popper induced haze. He pops his thick mushroom head inside me, and pushes in to the hilt in one swift motion. There is a stab of pain as he bottoms out inside me. But also pleasure. He doesn’t wait to let me get used to his dick- he just immediately starts fucking me with it at a medium pace. I’m on all fours and he’s drilling into me from behind, hands roughly gripping my hips. “Fuck yeah, bitch! Take my toxic cock. You like taking poz dick, don’t you? You get off on having AIDS just one squirt away!” “No!” I tell him. “I just like feeling your fat cock in me without a condom. Please pull out before you cum! Don’t make me HIV+!” “What’s the point of pulling out, you stupid cunt? I’m already leaking my sickness inside you! Can’t you feel all my dirty precum slicking up your insides? Every thrust I’m massaging my tainted DNA deeper and deeper into your guts. And you’re taking it, you bug chanson’ bitch!” He reaches around to stroke my rock hard cock while continuing to thrust his dick inside me. “See? You get off on this, you sick fucker! Your cock is rock hard! And I bet you’ll blow your last neg load as soon as I start knocking you up!” He speeds up his thrusting and really started ramming my hole. He was doing a full pull out and ram back in and I had to do poppers like mad just to be able to take it. The whole time he keeps up his litany of poz talk– talking about his dirty DNA and getting me to “join the club”. He wants to be my gifter and be the one to convert me. His dirty talk just pours out of him like his precum. Eventually he is ready to do the deed. “Oh fuck, faggot! I’m getting close! It isn’t gonna be long now and your neg days will be over!” “Just pull out! Please pull out! Cum in my mouth– I’ll swallow! I promise!” I beg. “You fucking filthy cum pig bottom! I’m gonna give you EXACTLY what you want… and deserve!” He thrusts hard a few more times, then parks his cock deep while holding onto my hips with an iron grip. Then I feel it. His cock spasming deep inside me– spitting out jet after jet of his semen. His big mushroom head throbs and swells with each spurt. My own orgasm is seconds behind, and I’m shooting my load in thick streams all over my sheets; my asshole involuntarily milking every drop from his dick. After his orgasm subsides, he slow pumps me a few times, then RAMS his dick home to the bottom causing me to cry out in pain. While slowly pulling out of me, he leaned in close to my ear and whispered “Happy AIDS Day, faggot.”
    1 point
  45. Part 10 Chris kept his still hard cock deep In me, grinding his cum ever deeper into me and making sure not one drop was going to get out of before it was absorbed into my being. I laid there gasping and pushing my ass against him to help. It was the greatest sex I had ever had. My mind was screaming at me, telling me what the hell are you doing, but I pushed that aside knowing I had what I had craved. I knew I was getting AIDS cum and wanted more. I wanted to make sure I got it, I wanted it more now than ever. It was a fantastic feeling of power. In a few minutes, Chris started to pull back and I wrapped my legs around him tightly, not wanting him out of me. He leaned back and whispered for me to let up a little as he wasn't going to pull out, just start to fuck me again. We both grinned at each other like kids in a candy store and I eased up and he was soon pounding my hole again with a vengeance. Every stroke hurt and felt marvelous at the same time. My ass seemed to grip his cock tighter and tighter, not wanting to let it out at all. He was destroying my will and the walls of my ass with every stroke. I was holding onto him with my hands almost in a death lock. We stared into each others eyes the whole time. It was crazy hot and my very being was on fire with need. In about 15 minutes of this, Chris was tensing up more and his movements were getting more erratic and I knew he was getting close to giving me another dose of his AIDS cum. He finally jabbed hard into me about 5 or 6 more times and was yelling that here it comes again. Out lips came together and we both moaned into the others mouths as stream after stream of his toxic cum spewed into my torn apart hole. I felt myself cumming again also. Then he was grinding his cock into me hard and deep. I just knew I was already infected and nothing was going to stop it. I was going to get HIV and let it grow to AIDS and then I was going to start spreading it for sure. We laid there covered in sweat and my cum. My mind in a whirl, now that I had done it. What the hell was I doing. Why did I need it so bad? What was driving to this destruction? Then, my mind turned to my beautiful boyfriend. My wonderful love of my life, so sweet, so innocent, so soon to get my new found toxic cum as I bred him over and over until he converted, too, and not knowing it was coming. Would be stay together or would he hate me and throw me out. I wanted him forever, but I wanted the toxic cum more. My mind was frantic with the need. There came a knock on the door and Chris got up to go answer it, I already knew it would be his friends coming to fuck me and infect me with their toxic cum and my cock stiffened up again with the thought. More AIDS cum for my needy hole. My hardon was throbbing in anticipation already. I was ready.
    1 point
  46. Part 20, You ready to deliver? I woke up a little while later to hear Mr. C whisper in my ear..... 'come back to me'. I was startled by his voice and my eyes flew open. I was laying on Uncle Terry's bare chest and I was totally naked. 'What the heck, oh gosh, I am sorry Sir, I must have rolled over in my nap.' I quickly was processing this data, why am I naked on Mr. C's bed with them both naked. How very strange. It was like my dream again. Uncle Terry said, 'hey boy, it is perfectly natural and I actually liked watching you sleep, you were so peaceful and you make the funniest little moans and whimpers. It is all good.' Mr. C pulled on my leg and I rolled over to see him trying to strip the sheets off the bed that Uncle Terry and I were laying in. As he pulled harder, he said 'I need to get the bloo..... a stain out of these. Lukas, you better get ready for work, we have to get in soon, with the Sunday games on, it will be a busy day.' 'I work today?' 'Well of course if you can? I know you have school tomorrow so I thought I could have you work the afternoon shift if you would? Don't you want to?' I got a huge grin on my face and started to spring from the bed.... 'DO I? Oh man, I have been so foggy, I forgot you hired me, of course I do. I would love to work today.' When I got off the bed I was stretching and trying to loosen up a bit. I grabbed my thighs and my butt to kneed them a little. Uncle Terry said, 'you stiff there this morning Lukas'? With a puzzled look on my face, I continued to stretch and bend over and said. 'Yeah, my legs and my butt are so tight'. 'Oh yeah, you got in a lot of deliveries last night, you better get in the shower. You can use mine' Mr. C said. I walked into his bathroom and it reminded me where I was. I am in the amazing home of the coolest dude in town. My boss, my friend, oh (as I blushed) and now my circle jerk friend. As I stood at the sink brushing my teeth, Uncle Terry entered totally naked and completely natural acting and came over and got out some shaving stuff and put on the counter. Boy, he sure knows his way around Mr. C's bathroom. He then went over to turn on the shower. I started to lather up my face and heard Mr. C say he was going to the laundry room downstairs. Uncle Terry came up behind me. So tall, so dark, so sexy, so hairy and took the tube of shaving cream and said, 'that's not how a man shaves. Didn't your father show you how to do this?' I shook my head no and said, 'my dad never had time for me and my brothers were older and too busy.' He moved in closer behind me, I could feel his hairy naked body touching my back. He said, 'turn on the hot water and bend over and get your face all wet with hot water. As hot as you can stand.' I did and as I bent over my butt moved back and I could feel his cock pressing against the cheek of my ass. Startled, I stood back up, but noticed my cock was starting to get a little stiff. Uncle Terry took the tube of shaving cream and put a dab of cream in his hand. He then came up under each of my arms with his arms and stood with his big furry daddy chest against my smooth boy back. I felt so comfortable, I just instinctively relaxed a little and pressed back against the safety of his big pecs. His chin came right up to the nape of my neck and he slowly worked the cream onto my warm wet face. I couldn't stop my cock, it was getting bigger and bigger and started to crawl its way between the edge of the counter and the sink bowl. I hoped he didnt notice. But he was slowly and softly whispering into my ear what he was doing. 'There, see that pup, just a little and push it out, then move some over here, see how that spreads out wider with each movement? You might think you need a lot, but it is all about control and using what you have'. He kept looking into my eyes and at my face as he slowly spread the cream on my face. I relaxed more and let my muscles go looser, I could feel he was hard as well and leaking on my lower back. My cock just kept getting bigger and bigger, and the precum and cock head started to push out of my foreskin and onto the counter. I saw him every once in a while looking into the mirror and down at the counter. Oh god, he knew I was hard. He kept focusing on my face and as his fingers moved circles around my face. It seemed his cock was making little circles around my butt. I thought, what is wrong with me, is this part of a circle jerk? Or is this something else? What do I do? Or do I just enjoy how nice it feels? He then took his hands down to the sink, they were inches above my hard cock now splayed across the counter. He finished washing his hands and picked up the razor. He used his finger to push my chin up a little bit and held it with his left hand while he brought the razor to my face with his right hand. He said, 'it is important to go with the grain of your face and whiskers. I do the bottom half first and then the top half. So you start here at the jaw or chin line and go all the way down your neck. He slowly moved his eyes back and forth in the mirror between the razor, my eyes and every once in a while looking down at my shaft. He repeated this several times and used his left hand to move my head from side to side. He commented, 'there you go boy, see how I am working that across your face. Just relax and let me do the work, I got you pup'. This god of a man has me so turned on, I was leaking like crazy and all I could do was nod and let out a little whimpered, 'yeah'. He reached down with his right hand to rinse off the blade and his left hand had a little shaving cream on it and very gently traced down my neck to my chest and went to each nipple. As he touched my nipple my cock jumped and I let out another but slightly louder whimper and moan. He just looked at me in the mirror and tweaked my other nipple. 'Boy likes that', he whispered in my ear. He kept his left hand circling my nipples, so very slowly, so sensually, occasionally twisting them ever so lightly. His right hand with the razor moved up by my ear. I melted back into his chest, putting significant pressure on his chest and stomach as I leaned against him. He slowly moved the razor down from my ear to my chin where he had ended before. He slowly worked over the rest of my left side of my face and did under my nose and lips. His left hand went up to my face and collected the little bits of cream still on the completed side. He rinsed the razor again and pushed harder against my butt with his cock. He cock was leaking down my ass cheek and ass crack. I could feel the warmth of his precum. I should have been disgusted that his body fluids were on me, but instead, my cock leaked harder. The mirror was getting steamy from the shower still being on. His left hand went back to touching my tits and his right hand finished my face. Oh my god, what is happening to me? I knew I loved this attention, but my hormones were totally out of control. What do I do? Well, I didnt have to think long. As he finished shaving he brought his right hand down to my pecs. His left arm was under my left arm and his hand twisted my tits. I felt my cock leaping up and down off the counter. His right arm was also under my right arm and his hand was also on my right tit. he was still holding onto the razor at the same time. His hips and cock were still making little circles on my ass. My cock kept jumping. His stubble was on my neck and he whispered in my ear. 'It's ok boy, set it free.... It wants to get out' I felt like I was going to cum, but how would that be possible, I wasn't even touching myself? My cock seemed like it was slapping itself up and down on the counter. He then bit my ear a little bit, twisted just a little on both nipples and my cock erupted all over the sink. It shot volleys across the sink, over the faucets and onto the mirror. It hit the mirror with such force I heard the splat after splat onto the mirror and counter. He continued to give me little kisses and said, 'good boy. Very few people have the ability to let go and let others let them cum.... and look, we didn't even have to touch your boy cock for it to climax. There are so SO SO many other parts of you that can do that same thing.' Just then Mr. C came back in and came up to us. Uncle Terry said, 'look babe, I taught him to shave'. 'Well that is incredibly impressive Lukas. Did you enjoy Uncle Terry teaching you that?'. For the first time, I had this lust still in me after I shot. Normally after I shoot my load I am done and embarrassed that my immoral thoughts corrupted my mind and allowed the devil to live within me for a few minutes. But this time,..... I felt amazing. I felt powerful, I felt strong. I felt incredible.' Uncle Terry said, 'and Tony, you wont believe this... but he was able to cum without his cock ever being touched?' Mr. C got a huge grin on his face and said, 'Lukas is that right?' It seemed like he was ok that I did and I said, 'yeah, something tripped inside me Mr. C, I felt like I was about to cum and the next thing I knew, it was blasting all over the mirror.' 'Wow, that is amazing, you are a special one, I knew it all along' 'Special?' I asked? Oh fuck yes pup, when you can do that, it means your mind controls your orgasms and there are many things that can now made cum' He slapped my butt in a playful way and with a big cheesy grin on his face. I walked over and got in the shower and I heard Mr C say. I am proud of you for getting over your fears, there is so much to learn about pleasure and the depths of it that you can reach. I watched from the shower as he used my underwear to clean off the mirror and said.... 'But that was an impressive start for sure, but lets get you to work boy.'
    1 point
  47. Part 2. At 4:29 I was standing outside Mr. C’s House and pushed the door bell. He answered the door in a robe and was toweling off his hair, gesturing for me to enter, as he commented "I'm running a little late 'cause I had to get you set-up for your first day on the job." Entering the house, it occurred to me I had never before actually been in his place. It was beautiful and immaculate, somewhat reminding me of the sort of house that would be featured on HGTV during the final reveal. "Make yourself at home, I've gotta get dressed," Mr C. remarked as he entered the hallway, removing the robe off his shoulders about half way down the hallway. I was stunned by the sight of his back, and remember hoping that, when I reached his age, I would look half as good as did he. "Hey, Pup, come on in here so we can chat." Complying, I entered his bedroom to find him pulling his jeans up over his black jock. "Would you grab me a t-shirt from the closet?" he asked. Entering his walk-in closet, which was, I thought, bigger than my bedroom, I easily found a impeccably folded stack of C’s Pizza t-shirts. Handing it to Mr. C., I stood mesmerized by the sight of him pulling it over his massive frame, in the process slowly covering his furry chest and his acorn-sized nipples. Then Mr. C. dressed in a fresh-from-the-cleaner baby blue button down shirt, wearing it over the t-shirt. "You ready for your big night?" Mr. C. asked as we walked back into the living room. "Gosh, Mr C., this has been the best day ever. I sure am. I'm probably a little nervous and also a little excited. This is gonna be great." He tousled my hair as, with a casual smile he commented "I'll try and make sure it’s a great night too." "Oh, Pup, do me a favor - across from my room is a door to the downstairs rec room. Would you please go down there for me. Ignore the mess, but go the walk-in closet in the back left corner. In the closet you'll find a refrigerator. Open the freezer door to the fridge and there are several rows of little brown glass bottles. Grab two from the top shelf, not one of the lower shelves, but top shelf. The correct bottles will still be sealed. Got it?" "Yes Sir. Two sealed little brown bottles from the top shelf of the freezer. Got it." "Oh wait, Pup. It might be super busy tonight, so bring three. And also in the fridge there are some big blue diamond shaped pills. Grab three, no, wait - grab five of them. Oh, and lastly there are some cylinder shaped spray cans labeled 'Jungle Juice'. Grab five of those." "You got it Mr C." I responded as I opened the door, flicked on the light, and descended the staircase. The room was pretty dark as the curtains were pulled shut. Several cabinets lined the walls and several mirrors and TVs were mounted to the walls, and one mirror was even anchored to the ceiling. The closet Mr. C. had mentioned was in the back of the room, so, heading in that direction, but before my eyes could acclimate to the darkness, I bumped into a large black leather hammock hanging from the ceiling by thick black rubber coated chains. 'Oh, now I get it, he must lay in here and watch tv', I thought. Opening the closet door, I flicked-on the light, which oddly enough was red in color. I made a mental note to mention the bad light bulb to Mr. C. The fridge was just where he had said it would be, and, opening the freezer I was a little confused because the top shelf actually had several plastic containers filled with something frozen but looked like frozen milk or mashed potatoes through the plastic container. Some, a few were labeled ’Grade A’, one labeled 'Very Viral', another, 'Jax Juice', and yet another '55 loads from the G hole'. All manner of strange notations. 'Those aren’t what I need', I whispered to myself. Under that shelf, however, were the rows and rows of little brown bottles Mr. C mentioned. I took three and then opened the refrigerator side and saw the bowl filled with blue diamond shaped pills. I counted out five, or was it six? Man, I wished I were better at remembering math. I took six - just to be sure. The spray cans Mr. C. wanted were also there: Bolt, Max Impact, Amsterdam, Jungle Juice. So I grabbed the five he wanted. In a final glance before extinguishing the light I gave a cursory look about the closet, finding it to be filled with an awesome collection of leather coats and pants, with a dozen pair of black boots, all expertly polished, in all heights and various sizes, standing in a perfect line at the back of the closet. As I turned out the light and closed the door it crossed my mind that it was funny Mr. C. should own so many boots as I didn't remember that I had ever seeing him riding a motorcycle, let alone that there was a motorcycle in the garage. I came back to the kitchen just as I heard Mr. C. Finish up a phone conversation in which he said "Yes, absolutely sure. 100% - no 200%. Pure cherry. Yes, yes, it will be very.... well....delicious and tasty." He quickly hung up and asked if I got the order right. I handed him the three frozen bottles and six pills, commenting I couldn't quite remember if he had asked for five or six. "Good call, Pup. That’s an excellent customer service lesson. If you can’t remember, always give your customer a little more ....rather than short him. Another vitamin or two will never hurt a boy," Mr. C. commented as he packed the frozen bottles and six pills into a small cooler. Then handing him the six spray cans, he gave me a smile and said "Okay, let's go. We don’t want you late on the first day." As we got into his truck and backed out of the garage, I turned to him and asked "Do you have a motorcycle?’" ‘‘No, I used to, but those are too dangerous around here, so I got rid of it. Why do you ask?" "Well, I noticed all your leather outfits and boots and figured you must really like 'cycles, but then I didn’t remember ever seeing you riding one." "Oh those. You saw and wondered about those... huh,.... Well, no, I don’t ride a cycle anymore, but I do really REALLY enjoy riding and working on some some really amazing mares when I have time." "Oh sweet! Do you think I join you sometime?" He got very serious, looked at me, and answered "Pup, I have been waiting for you to be old enough for many years, so yes, you will join me. I have wanted to take you for a ride for a very long time. There are so many things we can do now." Rustling my blond head again and very gently rubbing his hand behind my ear and looking deeply into my eyes he asked "Did you tell your mother about you having a job?" ’No, she didn’t seem to care and had already started her daily visit into the whiskey bottle. Plus you said we were going to your location on Front street? My dad and she always said that is a bad part of town where all the whores and homos play with the devil's hand. I didn’t want her to do anything to try and screw this up for me, Mr C." "That’s totally fine, Pup. You are your own boss and man now." ‘"Well I guess I am my own man I guess, but you are now my boss, huh Mr. C?" "Don’t forget that, Pup. Amazing things are in your future, son." I smiled as he put the truck into park when we pulled in behind the pizza place and looked at him. It was nice to hear someone think of me as his son. "Let’s go get you punched in and ready for work." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coming soon: trying to get into my uniform and making some deliveries
    1 point
  48. My nerves have me visibly shaking as I get closer to his house. winding through his neighborhood I can feel my stomach start to tighten and my legs shake harder. Driving down his street looking at the numbers on the house I debate in my head if I should just keep driving and go back to work or go through with it. Again I know I am not that guy, I told him I would be there and I will. I see the number on his house up ahead and pull up in front. Turning off the engine the keys jingling in my hand from my nerves. Getting out of my truck and walking up the walkway to the front door, I see it open and he's standing there. He opens the screen door and motions me in. I walk into his house and find myself in his living room. I turn as I hear him say, "Glad to see you back". Looking at him I see him in the same grey sweat pants and shirt as last time. "Sure do enjoy seeing that ass in the air, get those clothes off so I can get my cock in it." I start to remove my clothes while looking around thinking he's going to fuck me right here in the living room, however I notice he is not getting undressed. As I remove my underwear I am starting to wonder what is going on when he says. "Okay lets go to the bedroom and get that ass pointed up for me." He points through and doorway and I start to walk ahead of him. "Last door on the left", I hear him say. I am walking down a hallway and see a room on the very end and a bathroom on the right. As I come to the end I see the bedroom on the left and walk into it. "Get on the Bed" he says "Put that ass at the end so I can stand behind it". I look around the room and see a dresser on the right, a bed right in front of me. I climb up on the bed on my hands and knees, my legs and arms are shaking visibly with nerves. "Grab a pillow and put your face in it boy! Get ready for this cock!" I grab a pillow at the head of the bed and put my face it it. My ass is opened and exposed at the end of the bed. I hear him removing his clothes as I sit there waiting anxiously. Then I hear him opening the bottle of lube and the sound it makes as he stokes his cock with it. My body is so tensed up I can feel him as he gets closer to me, then I feel his thumb on my hole pushing into me with lube, grunting a little with the pressure he's using to get it in me. He slides it in and out a few times, then I hear the lube bottle squeeze again and his thumb is back at my hole roughly pushing into me. My whole body is singing with nerves and anticipation of what is about to happen. He's going to put that fat cock in me again. I hear the lube bottle snap shut then his hands on my ass. "such a cute ass you have. You ready for me to fuck it?" "Yes" I hear myself say. "Okay just relax that hole, we will take it nice and easy". with that I feel his cock nudge up under my hole and feel the pressure as he starts to push, like the last time I feel his cock start to move up and catch on my hole. he grabs my hips tighter and pushes. I feel the head of his cock start to open me up taking a deep breath I let it out slowly and start to relax, I can feel his cock head stretching me open and then he hits my inner ring and stops. He keeps he steady pressure. "Relax that hole boy, lets get you fucked good!" with that I feel the sharp sting of him slapping my ass and like last time the unexpected pain takes my mind off the pain of his cock going in me, and like last time my inner ring opens and I feel him start to go in me. "Oh god! You are really going in me!" I hear myself say. "Yeah boy, take my cock! You have such a sweet ass, it feels so good and tight!" I feel his hips on my ass and know hes all the way in. He starts to move side to side opening me up even more. "Thats it boy, open that hole for me, I'm gonna fuck you now!" with that I feel him start to move in me. My hole opening more and more as he pulls out and pushes back in. Again I am amazed, that yes his cock does hurt but it also feels so good. I can really feel his cock in me, I can feel the head and ridges as it slides in and out of me. He starts to pick up the pace, I feel the sharp sting of his hand on my ass again. "Yeah boy take my cock, You like it?" "Yes I do, I really do like your cock in me". "Thats good, because I love fucking this ass!" he starts to pump harder, his hips slapping off my ass cheeks, I can hear the squishing of the lube as his cock pistons in and out of me. The moment catches me as I realize how hot this scene is. Me on the bed face in a pillow my hands gripping the sheets, my ass exposed and my top is behind me getting his pleasure from me. another sharp slap brings me out of my bliss and I realize how sore my hole is getting, but I don't want to stop yet. I am really liking this fuck. I feel him pull out of me and think that he must have realized I was getting sore, I start to pick my head up to tell him that he can keep going, when I feel something hot and wet hit me between the shoulder blades, then I feel it again up into my hair. I realize he's cumming! He's shooting his load on me! I feel it hit between my shoulder blades again, then a little lower. Then I feel him slapping his cock on my ass and hear him exhale. "Oh such a nice ass for fucking! You can bring it over anytime you want." "Thanks" I say, "I really enjoyed that! and you cumming on me was hot! It was cool to know I got you off." I start to get up and I can feel his load start to run down my back and into my ass crack. He looks at me and says, "You can shower up if you want, I got you a little messy there" He's laughing a little. "There's a clean towel on the rack. If we keep doing this I can make sure you have the shampoo and soap you like." I tell him. "Thanks, That would be really nice, and yes I do want to keep doing this. I honestly hope that you could be my regular guy, I don't like to sleep around and like to feel comfortable with one guy." "Well I would really like that too." he says.
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