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  1. Chapter 6 it was Saturday night and my girlfriend was due to return from her holiday the next afternoon. I was a little conflicted, I had enjoyed my playground with guys, but I hadn’t missed her. I checked my internet history before wiping it, it was all gay porn or cocksucking porn. Ideally I wanted her to stay away for another week whilst I just explored. However I was going on a night out with my mates, all straight so that would get me in the right frame of mind. We were in town and a few drinks in. I was at the bar getting a round in when I heard a voice ‘Fancy seeing you here! Bet your mates don’t know you’ve been taking cock!’ I looked round and it was Lara from the tattoo parlour. She was with a fit black guy. Instinctively I glanced at his crotch, hoping that Lara didn’t notice. ‘Don’t worry , I’m not going to out you …. But I see you quite like Mike here seeing as you’ve checked out his package already. And yes he has a big cock!’ ‘Uh oh’ was all I could stammer. ‘If you want a closer look go into the last stall in the gents when you’ve got these drinks in, you may get lucky!’ Lara continued. I bought the round and my cock brain had returned. What was I doing , I was in a straight bar with my mates but the thought of Mike’s cock was in my mind. I made a quick excuse to go to the loo to my mates, and waited in the last stall. I wasn’t there long when the door slowly opened. ‘Hello fag, Lara says you love cock, is that right?’ ‘Er yes’ I stammered quietly. ‘Good, then suck this baby’ Mike pulled down his trousers and my eyes widened. It was the thickest cock I had ever seen, and about 8 in sling. It just looked massive. I opened my mouth and as soon as Mike’s cock was inside he grabbed my head and started throatfucking me. I was gagging and gasping breaths where I could before getting used to the feeling. However, before long I heard Mike whisper in my ear, ‘I’m nearly there , swallow it all fag’ I readied myself as he erupted in my mouth. I tried to swallow it all but some dripped over my chin and down my shirt. ‘You’re not bad, I’ll tell Lara , she”ll get off on that’ Mike said as he pulled his trousers up and slipped out of the cubicle. I wiped my chin, savouring the taste in my mouth. I had to clean up my shirt and think of an excuse. I returned to my mates table.’ Had an accident in the gents? ‘ one asked, noticing the stain where I had wiped off some cum I had spilled. ‘Er yeah, the taps kinda splashed up’ I lied. A round or so later one of my mates said ‘ See that goth girl with the tattoos with that black guy, I reckon she fancies you, she’s been looking at you on and off for a while’ ‘ I can’t see that ‘ I replied, ‘and I don’t fancy getting beaten up by her boyfriend either’ . I noticed That Mike had slipped outside and she was on her own. ‘ Go on speak to her’ my mate said’ she looks the opposite of Jess goody two shoes’ he said , referring to my girlfriend. I played along, and casually sauntered up to her. ‘Mike says your good at sucking cock’ she said quietly before I could say anything.’ And he says he would like to fuck you properly’ .’ I Er um….’ I stammered. ‘ this is a one time offer. Go out to the back of the pub where the bins are, and he will fuck you there… or go and sit down with your straight boring mates. I will come and watch so they think you’re leaving with me. What’s it to be ? . My cock brain was taking over. ‘ I want fucking’ I whispered. Lara grabbed my hand and led me to the door, and outside. she ushered me to the bins. ‘Here, drop your trousers’ I did as I was told as I heard Mike approach. The cold air hit my exposes ass as I felt something cold roughly smeared on my ass. ‘There’s no way you’re straight Neil if you’re bending over for his cock’ Lara giggled as Mike pushed hard against my hole. My ass stung as it stretched to take his girth. ‘Ahh’ I groaned as I felt Mike was splitting my ass. ‘ good boy, I’m in’ Mike growled in my ear as he began fucking me. The pain eased but I was being roughly fucked between bins like a rent boy, as Lara had her hand in her knickers playing with herself as she watched me taking her boyfriends cock. ‘Go on Mike, cum in his queer ass, make him one of us’ she was saying as she was bringing herself off.. my head was swimming with the grunts of Mike and the fucking I was getting until Mike grunted one more time and pushed hard and I could tell he was cumming in me. I was breathless myself as I had taken a pounding. I felt cum drip out as Mike withdrew from my ass. Before I knew it Lara and him had disappeared and I was pulling up my pants hoping the cum leaking from my ass wouldn’t be obvious and seep through my jeans, as I made my way back into the pub, and returned to my mates. I blagged a story about a quick snog and feeling her up to save face and explain my absence, but my mind was wondering where I was heading after tonight….. to be continued…….
    7 points
  2. We clinked our glasses together, and each took a small sip of champagne. Being 18 years old neither one of us was particularly used to it, so she grimaced a little and I almost certainly did. “Well done Your Majesty” she said, smiling at me. “And to you too, Your Majesty” I replied, before reaching up and touching the plastic nonsense I was wearing on my head. We had fished out our Prom King and Queen crowns to remind ourselves of what we had achieved. “We made it” she said. “It’s done.” “It is” I said. “Well, that part of it is.” “You know what I mean” she replied, smirking. I winked at her, then turned my head to look out at the moonlit lake in front of us. “Can’t quite believe it” I said quietly. “Thought for sure someone would find out.” “I didn’t” she replied, causing me to turn and look at her quizzically. “I mean, yeah, it could have happened, but we’re both so fucking good at acting that I was sure we would survive.” Survive we had, and here we were sitting toasting our graduation from high school. The crowning at the Senior Prom had been quite a feat for a gay jock and his lesbian girlfriend, but of course that’s not what our classmates knew us as. Ben “Cockhands” Hancock, the celebrated quarterback of the school football team, and Rachel Westman, the captain of the cheerleading squad. Popular, friendly, tall, athletic, good looking (even if I do say so myself)… Our win was so predictable it was almost cliché, but we still came first in the votes and duly and humbly accepted our crowns in front of our fellow seniors. Somehow we had got to that point without the true nature of our relationship getting found out: a pair of beards, hiding their exciting, sometimes sordid, private lives. We sat in silence for a while, looking out at the lake. “So you’re sure?” she asked. “I am” I replied. “It’s all I can think about.” “It’s a bit messed up” she said. “So you keep telling me” I sighed. “But it’s what I want.” “Fair enough” she said, “I guess I can’t stop you.” “No, you can’t” I responded. “Where?” she enquired, causing me to turn at look at her again. “I mean, where is it going to happen?” “One of his barns” I replied. “He says it’s where he normally does this part.” “Classy” she snorted. “Well, at least please let me know the address so I know where to send the police when he murders you.” “I’ll be fine” I said. “You know I’ve met up with him a few times, so I know what I’m getting into.” “Do you?” she asked. “Just because he’s fucked you in a toilet a few times does not mean he’s not going to strangle you tonight.” “Stop” I said, knowing she was joking but it somehow also causing my stomach to turn over a bit. The truth was, I did not know for sure that Tucker wasn’t a serial killer. What I did know is that he was going to fucking me several times that night, maybe with some help from his brother, and that by the end of it there was a good chance I would be HIV positive. — When Rachel had tried to get me to make a move on her after we had been dating for a while, I had come clean to her about my sexuality only to be overjoyed with her revealing her own true feelings back to me. There and then we agreed to become each other's beards, spending enough time together to not arouse any suspicion, but never seeking anything more from each other than friendship. Having her there as my faux girlfriend had been awesome, meaning I could maintain an image without having to force myself into something I did not in any want want to do, and had been willing to come out to her to avoid. What I did want to do was of course seek out men, and despite having no experience, I just knew deep down that I wanted to bend over for them rather than the other way round. However, I had shied away from activing pursuing any of that until my 18th birthday, when I had decided to go out and celebrate with a bang. I had read so many stories online about guys having their cherries popped on their 18th birthday, and it felt right to me that I had that kind of experience for myself. With Rachel’s help, I had put a lot of focus and effort into a whole charade to get myself clear of friends and family, and then had headed off after dark to a local public bathroom to see what sort of action I could get. Action I got, being fresh meat and all, and I went home that night thoroughly deflowered (at both ends). The day after that birthday, and only my second day of actually doing anything with men, is when my uncle caught me being fucked in the woods, evidently while seeking out a bit of action for himself while he was in town staying with us for my belated birthday celebrations. I got The Talk from him, but I think he also realised what was inevitable and thus helped me get a supply of Truvada so that I could safely and freely become the cumdump bottom I just so naturally seemed to be. That laid the groundwork for my senior year, and with our house being designed in such a way that it was very easy for me to come and go at night without my parents noticing, I had encountered few barriers in my nocturnal pursuits of cock. The problem with all this, despite how new I was to it, was that I wanted something more. Something more sleazy, more exciting, more dangerous. Yeah, I was happy to take cocks and loads all night, but there was something missing. I started to realise what that was the first time I encountered Tucker in the park toilets. Adorned with tattoos of scorpions, skulls and biohazard symbols, he hid nothing when it came to his status as a toxic, breeding pig. I did not hide that I was on PrEP, but the fact that I was only 18 was probably enough of a turn-on for him to breed me anyway. Him doing so, and growling in my ear about the toxic load I was taking, set off something exhilarating in me. This was it. This was the thing I needed. From then on I actively sought poz cock, and got fucked by Tucker many times over my senior year in all sorts of venues and locations. However, I remained on the pills my uncle sent me, putting up a barrier in my system to prevent the virus from getting in. Tucker started to get tired of it, and the thing is that I did as well. The more I sought poz cock, the more I wanted it to actually be dangerous, and for conversion to be possible. I had done some research online, and I knew that someone who got pozzed would have to go through the ‘fuck flu’ while converting. I decided that this was not something I wanted to endure during high school, particularly as it might lead to the game being given away, so I started to plan. Graduation Day just seemed to come into focus for me as the perfect time to aim for, and so I got things lined up. I managed to convince Tucker to fuck me again despite his reluctance, and then when he was hammering away inside me in that stinking public bathroom, I told him what I wanted. Unsurprisingly, he agreed. Meanwhile, after a bit of research, I worked out when to stop taking the Truvada, which also basically meant an ending to my nighttime escapades. I wanted this to happen when I chose, not accidentally. I came up with some bullshit excuses why I couldn’t be with my friends that night, and also used Rachel as the reason for escaping my family. Reading me like a book, she’d demanded to know what was going on, and it was actually quite liberating to tell her. To give her due credit, she was not as appalled as I thought she might have been, and had elected to go along with it all despite her misgivings about what I was choosing to do to myself. Now we were sitting beside the lake, having one last night of being a notional couple before we officially broke up and got on with our lives beyond school. —— “I better go” I said, starting to stand up. “One more time, are you sure?” she asked, staying sat down but reaching up to take one of my hands . “Yes” I said. “We made it to graduation, but I want to be who I am for college.” “And that means getting infected?” she asked, sounding a little pleading. “Yes” I said again. “I know you don’t understand, and that it’s a bit fucked up, but I just know that this is what I need to do.” She continued to look up at me for a moment, then nodded and let go of my hand. “Well then” she said, “I can at least say I tried. Have fun, I guess.” “Thanks” I replied, smiling at her as warmly as I could. “Not just for that, but for all of it.” “You too” she replied. “We made quite a team.” “We did” I said. “Don’t stay here by yourself please.” “Jenna’s on her way” Rachel replied, smiling. “We’ll drink the rest of the champagne and then go get naked.” I laughed, and then turned and headed off towards the edge of the park where I had parked the car. I’d only had a couple of sips of champagne and knew I was fine to drive, so I started up the engine and set off out of town to Tucker’s farm. I had not actually been onto it before, but in the lead up to Graduation Day I had headed out to the address he had given me one Sunday morning to scope it out. Truth be told, and despite Rachel’s ribbing, I had wanted to see if it gave me any sort of Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibes. From what I could see though it all looked like a normal farm, with animals around, buildings in good shape, and so on. The drive out there only took a few minutes at this time of night, with the hardest part being the bumpy dirt track up to the main house. Once I had negotiated that, I pulled in to what looked like a sensible spot in the yard, turned off the engine and then sat for a moment to gather my senses. Was I actually going through with this? Was it crazy? No, it’s not crazy, I thought to myself. I’ve wanted this all year. I’m never going to marry someone and have kids. I’m a cumdump. I’m meant to be filled with everything men have to give. I’m meant to be toxic. “Toxic” I whispered to myself. “A poz cumdump whore.” That was all I needed, to hear myself say what I was, or at least wanted to be. Certain and resolved, I opened the door and got out, just as Tucker emerged from the house with a man who I immediately knew must be his brother. I guess this was going to be a two-for-one night then, immediately getting my dick hard at the prospect. “Evening boy” said Tucker. “This here is my brother Grayson.” “Hello sir” I said, nodding towards the brother. “Respectable little pig, isn’t he?” said Grayson. “Let’s see if we can’t fuck that out of him.” Tucker and his brother both laughed, but I gulped. This was happening. This was really happening. “Now let’s get you into that there barn and get on with this” said Tucker. “I’ve not fucked in a week and my balls are churning to get inside you.” The night was about to begin… [to be continued]
    6 points
  3. Chapter 30: Open Wide We had a special treat for Marc. We wanted to show him pictures of how bad his ass was torn up. My stepdad had wanted to use a speculum on Marc, but the "arms" on it would be an issue in brushing him once his hole was opened wide. He did find what was called an anal dialator though. It was a unique toy comprised of a main ring which had six rods in it. There were wing nuts on each of the shafts to slowly turn to open a hole wide by turning them. The rods could be completely removed, which was perfect so as not to interfere with brushing. We took three of the rods out, thinking this would be perfect for opening Marc's hole and then brushing it, which it was. We inserted the rods in Marc's ass, and started turning the wing nuts to open him up. It was a bit awkward using, and didn't open him as wide as a traditional speculum would have, but still effective. I took some close up pictures of his bright red insides. The brushes had definitely done a number on his insides. The walls of his ass were pink and puffy. As I was taking pictures, Marc begged us to brush and breed him again. Of course we did. My step dad retrieved the toothbrush and shoved it in Marc's ass. He had to work around the posts that were holding Marc's hole open, but he made it work. I started to do a video of the brushing, but then moved to video Marc's face. He had a joyous looking his face, and I asked him how he felt. He smiled and said great, knowing that after the brushing, he'd receive our toxic loads. He begged us ro poz him. I said you are well on your way baby, now suck my cock. My step dad started brushing him a bit harder, while stroking his own cock. He knew he wouldn't be able to get his cock in him, but was going to jack off a load in Marcs wide open hole. My stepdad said to come over and video it. He then pulled out the well bloodied brush, and shot his load in. He quickly inserted the brush in saying, let's make sure this load seeps in your body, doing what it is meant to do. He pulled the bloody cum covered brush from his hole so that I could get a picture of it. It was a beautiful sight. The red cum was frothy looking. You could actually see it slowly seep into his torn up ass. I handed my phone to my step dad, and said it wouldn't be long before I was going to bust my nut. I jacked a huge load into his waiting hole, and brushed him again. I pulled the brush out, and my stepdad removed the dialator, and quickly plugged him. While he was doing that I had Marc clean my blodied cock, and then suck on the bloody toothbrush. We all got in bed and added two hash marks to Marc's ass, totalling eight.
    5 points
  4. Part 10 I walked over to Greg and grabbed his hand and took it off his dick. “Slow down man or you're going to waste that load of cum,” I said smiling at him. “Wouldn't you prefer to cum in his ass instead of all over your own hand?” Greg licked his lips and stared at Chad's open wet inviting hole a few inches in front of him. “Yeah I'd prefer to. Shoot my cum deep inside him. It'd be so hot!” he whispered hoarsely. “Then do it man,” I encouraged him. “His ass is so tight and warm and feels fucking amazing on my bare cock. I get so turned on watching my slutty little brother get dicked and bred by another guy's hard raw cock. And he loves being filled with cum,” I told him, realizing I was getting hornier than I had been at the thought of me and Chad convincing him to barebuck fuck Chad's hole. It was wildly arousing working to seduce him to give in. Chad was wiggling his muscled jock ass in front of Greg. “Yeah man there's nothing hotter than having my ass filled with a thick hot load of cum. Especially from a cheating married big fucking cock!” Greg moaned, visibly weakening. I placed the pipe back between his lips and told him to take another big hit. He did so and blew out another good-sized cloud. I started playing with Greg's nips as he took a second hit and I whispered temptingly in his ear loud enough for Chad to hear. “And it's even better if the cum he's getting is full of chems, making him more of a pig. And your cum is definitely full of tina man.” I reached down and wrapped a fist around his cock and started stroking slowly, causing another hungry moan to come from Greg's lips. Chad must have decided to help convince Greg because he eased off the bed, came over to the chair where Greg was sitting and, with his back to Greg lowered his ass down toward Greg's lap. My hand was still holding Greg's dripping cock and I guided it to my little brother's hole as Chad pushed back and down some more until Greg's cocklips were pressing against Chad's asslips. Greg was panting in heat now and Chad knew he almost had him. He looked over his shoulder again at Greg his gaze boring into Greg's eyes. “Oh yeah, man. Your cockhead feels so good on my hole. Slide it in. Fuck my ass skin-on-skin until you shoot your cum in my guts. Your married cheating cum.” With that said Chad pushed down with a little more force until the raw head of Greg's dick popped through his sphincter into the smooth wetness of his ass. “Awwww fuuccckkk!” Greg growled and grabbed Chad's hips and pulled him more than halfway down his shaft. His bare uncovered shaft. “Yessss!” Chad hissed in wanton pleasure as he felt this stud's married cock sliding deeper inside him. “Give me that raw cock man! All the way in!” “So good,” Greg admitted. “Oh damn it feels so damn good to be inside you bare.” Greg's reluctance seemed to have disappeared as he thrust up into Chad's cummy hole, feeling the heat of Chad's hole on his bare shaft and feeling the wetness of my own load lubing his penetration. After a few minutes in this position I told them to get on the bed with Chad on all fours. They moved to that position without Greg's cock ever coming out of Chad's ass. He started fucking into Chad with longer strokes. “You like that bare cock in your ass man? You like how it feels rubbing your insides without a condom?” Greg demanded as he rammed my little brother deep and hard. “Hell fucking yes man!” Chad screamed. “It feels perfect! You're loving it too aren't you?” Greg slapped one of Chad's asscheeks hard and said, “Yes! Raw feels dirty and fantastic!” Greg was fully into the scene now and I was getting more and more turned on watching and listening to the two of them rutting. And I was mesmerized by the sight of Greg's strap-encased butt cheeks flexing and clenching as he pounded into Chad. I opened the bag of shards laying on the table and wetting my index finger I dipped it inside the bag, snagging a decent-sized piece on my fingertip. I ran the fingers of my other hand across Greg's lower back gathering up the sweat and moving the fingers to his asscrack and across his hole. “Yeah man play with my ass while I fuck your little brother. Love having my ass played with,” he grunted. I couldn't have planned it better. I covered my fingers and then his hole two or three more times with his sweat then placed the finger with the shard on it against his slicked up hole and pushed hard on one of his outstrokes from Chad's ass. My finger went in smoothly to the second knuckle and I rotated it a couple of times before pulling it out. Immediately I lowered my face to Greg's sexy ass and began eating his hole, giving the booty bump time to hit him. “That's it man! Eat my ass while I fuck your brother's hot ass! Oh yeah I love getting rimmed!” Then suddenly his body shuddered and he said, “Hell man! My ass is on fire! What are you doing?!” I pulled up from his hard ass mounds and slid my wet cockhead up and down his crack. “Keep fucking Chad's ass man,” I told him. “You like the way your ass is feeling?” He thrust into Chad again as he answered me. “Hell yes I do! It's tingling. I need something in it,” he moaned. I zeroed in on his spit and sweat covered hole with the head of my cock and asked him hoarsely, “You want my cock in it man? You want me to slide my cock in your hot ass while you bareback fuck my little brother?” Even as I was speaking I had placed my hands on Greg's hips and had started to apply pressure. Moaning, Greg pushed back as he said, “Yes! Fuck my ass man! Fuck my ass and make me fuck your little brother harder!” I exerted a little more force then felt the raw head of my dick pop inside this horny stud's married ass. “Take it!” I grunted. “Take my bare dick in your hot married ass!” I cried out and heard Greg say, “What??!!” (to be continued)
    5 points
  5. Some years ago, not long after I left Uni, I was in Brighton for a conference with some senior colleagues. It was pretty boring and I'd heard about a sauna not far from the conference centre. So I slipped away one afternoon and decided to go and find the place. I can't remember what it was called, but it was down a side street behind an anonymous blue door. Inside, it was small with a ground floor with a sauna cabin and seating area beside the reception. Upstairs were a couple of playrooms, each with a mattress on a low platform. I changed, wrapped a towel around my waist and checked the place out. It wasn't busy at that stage. In the sauna cabin, I got talking to a middle-aged guy with an average, fleshy body but a nice looking cock with a mushroom head which poked out from his towel. He saw me looking and uncovered it and stroked it to erection. A heavy drool of precum slid onto the bench. I was very excited, but also a bit shy and didn't know what to do. But he just smiled and said "Let's go upstairs." I followed him up the narrow stairs to one of the playrooms. He unwrapped my towel and let it drop and I shivered with excitement as he grasped my cock and stroked it hard. He dropped his towel and got me to hold his heavy cock and soon my hand was slippery with precum. We kissed and the feel of his tongue in my mouth made me feel faint with pleasure. Before I knew it, he pushed me back onto the bench and lifted my legs to my chest. "Nice arse." He said, picking up a sachet of lube from the mattress. He tore it open and smeared it on my arsehole. sliding his finger in a little and making me gasp. He started pushing his cock into me. The big head stretched me open, then popped in and I moaned as the heavy shaft slid in and his balls flattened against my cheeks. "Oh very nice!" He sighed happily. I couldn't believe he'd gone in bare and I was about to ask about a condom when he said " I take it you're poz like me?" My blood froze but his cock felt so good sliding in and out. What should I do? "N..n..no,. I'm not " I finally said, but I didn't move. He raised and eyebrow and said " I suppose we should stop, then?" But he kept fucking me and it felt unbelievable, especially knowing it was a poz cock and it had already leaked toxic pre-cum in me. I gasped and raised my legs further, thrusting my arse out so his cock could go deeper. I had made my decision. I couldn't stop. If I was to get pregnant, so be it. In fact, I wanted his poz seed to impregnate me. He smiled as he felt me draw him in. "So, " He said. " You want my poz babies after all?" I nodded and surrendered myself to him. "Good lad!" He leaned forward, looked me in the eye and said "Here it comes! Poz seed in you!" With that he leaned and kissed me. Our tongues intertwined and then I felt his cock swell and throb, swell and throb as he came in me. I groaned with lust. I had nver felt so excited knowing his dirty cum was probably infecting me. When he'd finished we lay for a while as his cock softened in me "When it slips out, close your hole and keep the cum inside. We want it to take, don't we?" As his cock slipped out with a wet hiss, I closed my arsehole as he had told me. He got up and showed me his glistening cock, wet with sperm. My cock was rigid and twitching with excitement as my chest heaved and gasped with lust
    3 points
  6. "You wanna get gangbanged?" I had barely logged into the app when the message flashed onto my screen. My hole was hungry, itching to be stretched and filled. So naturally, I responded. "Fuck yes." "Cool," came the reply, followed by three different dick pics. None appeared to be shorter than seven or eight inches. Two were big black cocks, one cut and one uncut with just the right amount of foreskin. The third was white, cut and smooth and girthy. My saliva glands instantly went into overdrive. I sent back a couple of pics of my ass, including my favorite - the one taken by a guy after he and his friend bred me one night in a hotel room in NYC. It captured the moment that both of their loads started leaking out of my gaped hole. I used it as a signal that I was into bottoming bare. "Where and when?" I asked. It turned out that the guy who contacted me had a room at a hotel just around the corner from my place. Talk about kismet! He told me his friends were on their way, and would be there within the half hour. Perfect - just enough time for me to shower and get ready. Before I did, though, I had to ask. "You guys fuck raw or covered?" "Raw is law," he replied, a grinning devil face emoji punctuating his response. I set my phone down and headed to the bathroom to prep, hoping that when I picked it up again the message would not have disappeared. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded. Not only had he messaged again to let me know his friends had arrived, he had included the room number and told me to knock when I arrived. I quickly dressed and responded to him. "Give me 5-10 minutes." Not waiting for his reply, I slipped my feet into some shoes, grabbed my poppers and a small tube of lube and headed out the door. The light at the end of my street seemed to take for-fucking-ever to turn green, but at last I swung my car out onto the main road, and after less than a half-mile I turned into the hotel parking lot. I found a spot and cut the motor. My stomach was in knots with nervous anticipation. I took a hit from my brown bottle to calm them. I felt my heart rate tick up as a warm glow spread across my body and my head got a little fuzzy. Taking out my phone, I sent him a message. "Parked. Coming up." I walked purposefully through the hotel lobby, throwing a polite nod at the desk staff as I passed. It had been years since I had been to this particular hotel to hook up with anyone, but my feet knew their way and in no time I was in the elevator, on my way to what I hoped would be an amazing afternoon. I took another hit from my brown bottle as I stepped off the elevator, momentarily steadying myself against the corridor wall as they took effect. The room turned out to be a suite at the far end of the hall. With my heart in my throat, I knocked as instructed. The door opened, but whoever was behind it remained hidden. The room was dark; the blackout curtains had been drawn. The only light came from the TV, to which someone was casting bareback porn from their phone or laptop. "Strip and get on the bed," a disembodied voice instructed from the corner of the room. "We want you ass up." As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could make out the silhouette of a set of double French doors leading to the bedroom. Stepping inside, I took off my clothes, grabbed my poppers and lube and climbed on the bed, my ass in the air pointed toward the door. "Turn around," said the voice. "We wanna watch the TV while we breed you." An odd request, but I was so fucking horny that I readily complied. I spun around so that my ass was now pointed toward the headboard. Anyone pounding my hole would be able to clearly see what was on the TV on the opposite wall. So I was to be a cock sleeve they used to get off in while they watched porn. That didn't hurt my feelings one little bit. I took a huff from my brown bottle as a shadow approached my face. My mouth was at the perfect height and the cock slid right in, working its way to the back of my throat. This was the uncircumsized one and it was delicious! As he worked past my gag reflex I stuck out my tongue and tasted the saltiness of his balls. The bed moved and I felt someone getting behind me. I heard the click of a bottle - so they wouldn't need my lube - and then the familiar pressure of a cock head pressing on my sphincter. I had no way of knowing which of the other guys it was, but as my hole opened willingly to let him in, I felt the walls of my rectum stretch wide. He did not stop until his lower abdomen met my ass cheeks. He was balls deep. The two friends matched their rhythms as they spit-roasted me. The cock in my mouth slid out of my throat as the one in my ass slid deep, then as the one in my ass pulled out the one in my mouth slid back in. In my mind I pictured the old weather vane on my grandfather's garage, the one with two sawyers holding a huge saw that went back and forth in time with the wind. "Fuck, I'm gonna nut already," said the one in my mouth. "let me in there." His friend obliged, slipping out of my ass and moving over to allow his friend to take over. "Ready to get knocked up?" he asked. "Fuck yeah," I replied breathlessly. I took the opportunity to huff from my brown bottle again since my face was unencumbered. As my head swam, I felt that big uncut cock slide balls deep. he gripped my hips like he was afraid he might fall off, and after a couple of big thrusts I felt his cock spasm. He was filling my guts with his cum. At last the spasms subsided and I felt him slide out. "Let me clean you off," I said to him. Without a word, he got off the bed and positioned his now-deflating cock at my mouth again. I sucked in the entire length, savoring the taste of cum and ass and working my tongue under his foreskin to make sure I got every last drop. As I was administering to him, his friend once again got behind me and slid his cock into my now cum-slick hole. "Oh, fuck that feels good," he moaned. "What an ass. My turn to knock it up." My poppers-addled brain suddenly keyed on the phrase he used. He didn't say he was going to breed my hole. He said 'knock it up'. Between the moans escaping my lips I managed to ask, "Are you guys poz?" "Yeah," he affirned. "But you're on PrEP, so it's cool." Except I wasn't on PrEP. That was a bald-faced lie that I included on every one of my online profiles. There was a reason I always ask if guys fuck raw. And there's a reason I don't ask about diseases or HIV status before I fuck someone. Because I wanted it. I had been desperate to join the poz brotherhood for nearly a decade. I wanted the virus with every fiber of my being. I had been used by hundreds of men, most of them bareback, and willingly taken their loads in my pursuit. But it had all been in vain. Until today. Disguising my excitement, I said as deadpan as I could,, "Yeah, that's cool. It's not for me to refuse a load." "Damn right," said the voice from the living room. "Cum dumps don't get a say." The guy behind me quickened his pace and I knew another breeding was imminent. I was about to take my second toxic load of the day. I could barely contain myself! The grip on my hips tightened and the telltale spasms told me he was now adding his load to the first. I squeezed tight, partly to milk every last drop from his balls and partly to make sure none spilled when he pulled out. He began to go soft and began sliding out. I bore down on my sphincter muscles. "Fuck, that's some grip!" he uttered. "Amazing." Before I had a chance to tell him I wanted to clean him off, his cock was in my face. I greedily took it in my mouth to the root, working my tongue all around to clean him thoroughly. At last he pulled away, spent. I had never felt so wantonly slutty in my entire life. I had to have more cock - and there was still one to be had. "Ready for me?" asked the third man, who I could now see had been watching from a chair in the corner of the other room. I took another hit from my brown bottle and replied, "Yessss, please." It was more of a plea than an answer. I wanted his load, and I was prepared to shamelessly beg for it. "Even if my viral load is over seven hundred thousand?" He asked teasingly. "Yessss, God yessss!" I responded. "I need your poz load in my guts with the others!" "You gotta suck me to get me hard first," he said, getting up from the chair. I could just make out his cock, swaying as he walked toward me. It was the white guy. His cock was as long soft as it appeared to be hard. He approached, and for the third time that day I opened my mouth for a poz cock. Suddenly I felt something hard bump against my teeth. As I took him further into my mouth I could taste metal. I felt around with my tongue - a PA! It had been years since I had been fucked by a pierced cock. My first experience had been one of pleasure, then pain, then intensely pleasurable pain. That guy, too, had bred me, and I had hoped at the time that he might be injecting a toxic load when he came, but alas if he was it never took. Here was another chance. I worked his cock like a pro, using my lips and tongue to get him rock hard. It swelled in my mouth until I could barely wrap my lips around the shaft. I couldn't wait to see what he did to my ass once he got inside! His PA was a thick gauge, a three-quarter loop with round balls on each end. I didn't have to wait long. "Hey guys, come hold him," he instructed the others. He got on the bed and pushed me down so I was laying on my stomach. The other two got on the bed, one on each side of me, outstretched my arms and pinned them so I couldn't move. He pushed my legs together and then straddled me, holding my legs closed with his calves. I felt that huge cock slapping my ass cheeks as he got himself ready. I felt him slide between my cheeks and connect with my cum-drooling hole. Then he pushed his way in. It felt as though he was penetrating me with a hot curling iron. I cried and bucked as he split me open and the big metal ring tore at my insides. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, and I found myself wishing that I had quit while I was ahead. "Hold him!" he barked as my arms flailed beneath his companions. "He wants this virus, he's gonna fuckin' get it!" He worked his shaft deeper and deeper into my rectum as it spasmed in protest. I shudder to think about how it might have felt had I not already had two loads inside me to ease his entry. But at last, he was fully inside. He paused a moment, holding still as I willed myself to relax. "My poppers!" I cried. One of the other guys found them on the bed and uncapped them, holding the bottle under each nostril while pressing the other closed. I took two mighty breaths, huffing as much as I could into my lungs and into my blood stream. Only then did I feel my muscles begin to relax around his huge shaft. "There you go," he said. "Now you're ready." He began to thrust, slowly at first and then more and more quickly. The pain died away as my mind went numb from the combination of poppers and his assault. "Gonna make sure you get knocked up!" he said, his breath coming more quickly. "This hole is fucking great. You're gonna make me shoot in no time!" 'No time' took considerably longer than I hoped. I cried and whimpered as he hammered my hole time and again, working that high viral load out of his balls. I grit my teeth and resolved to take it; I had been chasing this dream for far too long for me to back away now. The pain, I reassured myself, would be worth the reward. "Oh fuck, here it comes!" he bellowed. My sphincter was stretched as wide as it would go and my muscles were all numb, so this time there was no squeezing his shaft. When he came he rammed his cock balls-deep into me and froze, moaning in pleasure as he added to the toxic brew already inside me. He collapsed on top of me for a moment before finally climbing off me. His friends released my arms and as he pulled out, I swear I felt the cool room air rush inside my massive gape. Like the others, he brought his cock to my lips so I could clean it off. This time I tasted cum and ass mixed with blood. His piercing had done what it was supposed to do. "Now, before you get up, I have a present for you," he said. He turned and caught something thrown to him by one of the other guys. "A souvenir, if you will." He held it in such a way that I could see what it was in the dim light: a large butt plug, the base of which was inscribed with the biohazard symbol. He slid it into my ass until it was firmly lodged in place. "Don't take that out for twelve to twenty-four hours," he said. "When you do, you'll be a new man." With that I got up off the bed, pulling my clothes back on. I wondered for a moment if anyone in the lobby would be able to see the shape of the plug's base through my shorts, but decided I really didn't care. I had three poz loads brewing inside me. It was time to go home and do as I had been instructed - leave them in there as long as possible to allow the virus to take hold. The short drive home was an uncomfortable one, but I managed to get into the house and up to my bedroom. Kicking off my shoes, I fell face-first on the bed, exhausted from the poppers and all the abuse I had taken - the wonderful, amazing abuse that I hoped was about to start a new chapter for me. My daily routine went on as it always had - eat, sleep, work, repeat. I never saw my gifter or his friends on the app again, despite checking every blank profile that appeared. Then about three and a half weeks after my encounter, I came down with a cold. Hoping that it meant the gift had taken, I waited a few more weeks - an impossibly long time given my level of excitement - and got tested. After a decade of trying everything, my dream had finally come true. I was a member of the brotherhood at last.
    3 points
  7. Last night. Went to Ramrod, and did get an update on the "sale" situation. The two guys that have owned Ramrod (the business, not the building) for over 30 years have been renting the space. The owner finally decided to sell the building, and the owners of the business (RR) are the ones buying the building. Lately the fucking has been forbidden over there, since "there are city building inspectors coming and going all the time"; this reported by one of the long-time bartenders. Now. I don't know of any city employees that come to inspect plumbing, electrical, structural issues at any building in this burg at 11 pm or later. Any/every guy that's been there in the last few decades knows there have been issues with the physical plant for a loooong time. Never-the-less, that was the explanation. But, the good thing is, RR will - at some point - most likely continue to be the pigpen it always has been. So, one beer later I headed over to Slammer, and it was just nuts. All the snowbirds have flown the coop for the summer, so it was jammed with guys that either moved to Ft. L. for attractions like Slammer, or guys who were fortunate enough to have grown up here. Put another way, pigs. There were guys fucking each other everywhere - in the booths, in the hallways, in the darkroom, in the orgy room. In the darkroom, which was full, I started near one door because that was the only one with only one guy waiting his turn. When my turn came, he was like a bucking bronco - rutting his Hole back and forth, fucking himself. I had to tell him to stop trying fuck himself on my Cock - I'd rather fuck him. There were other guys standing around, but it was too dark to actually see them. A couple put their arms around my shoulders/waist, seemly out of nowhere. One guy even wriggled in behind me and rutted against my ass-crack while I rutted in the Hole. Another nuzzled my neck - felt up my chest, the bottom's back. It was as though they were partaking of the fuck vicariously. It's quite normal for guys to wear nothing but shoes, a harness, maybe some other bits of gear, and cocksuckers were busy even in the hallways. The orgy room was quite dark, and mostly full of guys fucking each other. There are always some bystanders in there, which is fine, but more guys Breeding than watching. Groping hands, bodies pressed together, Holes being filled, and there was room enough to get down to eat some Holes. Only 1 of them had commercial lube up there, which was a pleasure. Even the adjacent cocksucking platforms were busy. It seemed that a new rule had been established at Slammer - Pigs only admitted - It was just fantastic. After some rutting, I decided to walk around a bit, and a neighbor 2 houses down the block said hi, he was having a great time, and asked if I was too. It wasn't just me - he mentioned how piggish everyone was too. While I was talking to him, a hot guy, muscular, wearing nothing but an armband, boots and a smile, covered lightly with lovely fur, got down on the floor and started sucking both the neighbor's Cock and mine. The neighbor is a bottom, and excused himself, the guy going down on me got up, turned around and shoved his Hole onto my Cock - right there in the hallway. He'd clearly been well-opened up by then, and we stepped into a darkened, extra large booth with room enough for maybe 6,8 guys. His Hole was hairy, full of Sperm, and it was a total pleasure putting my mouth on it. Then, he stood up, kissed me so he could taste his loads too, and bent over; this guy would be a perfect "pigson". I slid right in to that cumhole easily, and he started in with the 'ohhhh ... ahhhh .... Breed me ...' talk, which only drew other guys. Another bottom was almost hollering filthy, delightful Breedtalk in the corner while a Top fucked him. The guy I was in had a perfect Hole - loose enough to just back up onto me - tight enough for me to feel every millimeter of his Hole, and the smell of his sweat, the loads, all the other guys was just perfect. Other guys feeling the bottom up, feeling me up, quietly talking Breedshit in my ear, in the bottom's ear. One of the best night's I've had over there in a while.
    3 points
  8. Have you considered playing with men who can take a fist? The prolapse can happen faster that way. Join Asspig. I have one man in my stable of regulars who has a prolapse that is several inches long. He has so much control of it that, while I am rimming him, he can push it into my mouth and retract it back into him. Fucking my face with it. I love to do it--especially after I have shot my load in him.
    3 points
  9. I love the effects of Tina... smoking, slamming, and bumps! I wish I could find a couple of really per verted, twis ted fuckers to make my darkest fantasies, that come out when I'm spun, into reality!
    3 points
  10. Chapter 8: Starting Over Roar. Boom. Swoosh. The steady rhythm of the tides, the endless pounding of the swells down on the shore, the suction of the water being drawn back out into the sea, echoed in the air. The sky painted a picture in pastels, the soft blue, the pale pink, the even paler orange of a tropical dawn. Daniel sat on a wooden bench, gazing out across the sloping beach at the horizon as the sun tipped over the edge and flooded the world with light. He was wearing his new “uniform,” which he called that (as he thought wryly) for lack of a better word: wildly patterned surfing jammers, flip-flops and a thick fleece hoodie with the hood pulled up. He was warming his hands on a mug full of steaming coffee, hot, black, and strong. It might be the tropics, or nearly so, but sunrise down on the shore could still be a bit chilly at any and all seasons of the year, especially here on the windward side of the island. It was his favourite time of the day to be out here – the calm before the storm. Out on the sand, absorbing the endless rhythms of the sea as he slowly woke up and mentally prepped himself for another day. Sometimes he’d take his coffee and go for a walk along the beach; others, he’d just perch on the bench and watch the show playing out in the sky and the sea. It was a perfect time to watch the sea birds taking to wing, to gaze out at dolphins frolicking in the waves, sometimes amid the slower, more majestic movements of the grey whales. The locals were still asleep, the holiday-makers in their showplace resorts not yet out and about. In a few more hours the beach would become a screaming madhouse of tourists and surfer dude wannabes, with people doing their damnedest to get killed left, right and center. This beach and this surf weren’t any place for the newbie or the novice – not that this stopped the newbies and novices from flocking here, sure that they could beat these waves with no trouble. The understaffed crew on the one and only lifeguard stand couldn’t keep up with the unending flood of idiot know-it-alls, and Daniel and his friends would spend at least as much time being unpaid and unrecognized volunteer lifeguards as they spent surfing themselves, at least in the peak hours of the days during busy holiday periods. Daniel didn’t mind. There were still plenty of hours in the day before the fools came and after they left for him to spend riding the waves himself. It felt good to reach back into the earliest water skills he’d learned, to pull them back up, to put them into practice, to improve and hone his board work until he was riding better than he’d ever done before in his life. Paddling out into the ocean and taking on the big surf gave him a feeling of peace that he had never known in any other place or time in his life. He took another long pull on his coffee. Hawaiian coffee really was something special, such a distinctive taste. You could never get coffee this good on the mainland, no matter how hard you tried or how many places you looked. A hand clapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, bud.” “Hey, Brad.” “All okay?” “Yeah. Haven’t had to rescue anyone yet today.” Brad let out a bellow of laughter and sauntered over to the rack to check over his longboard. Daniel mused on the way he’d met Brad and his other new friends. He’d come to this beach, looking for a place to settle that was as far from his former world as he could get, a place where he’d have the best chance of not being found. Because he didn’t want his old world to find him. He’d seen an ad pinned on a notice board, three guys in a house looking for a fourth as roommate. Own room, shared bath, shared kitchen, and a price that by Hawaiian standards was downright cheap. He’d called the number, met Brad, and started moving in the next day. Before leaving the mainland, he’d updated his investments to feed him a small but steady income, and then hired someone to get rid of nine-tenths of his stuff, from furniture to artworks, and to sell his condo. He’d brought just a few things with him to get him started on his new life. Even by the standards of this house of footloose surfer dudes, his belongings made a pretty small heap and took up less than half the storage in his new room on the top floor. He had a little more trouble confining his food supplies to his designated one quarter of the refrigerator and freezer, but he soon learned that there were things he could really do without. If he got into the mood for something more exotic, he could always hop into his jeep and drive half an hour to some of the restaurants in the nearest resort district. Nor did such expeditions put too much of a dent in his finances, since the addition of the proceeds from the various sales to his already-solid portfolio meant that he was in a fair way to be considered well-to-do, if not downright rich. It took about an hour on the first day for one of the other three, Rodrigo, to recognize him and out him as a big porn star. Brad and Arian had given a huge hoot of laughter but then quieted down to hear Daniel’s response. He took it in stride and with good humour, making sure they all understood that they were talking about his past, and that ended the discussion of that issue for good. This was a world where nobody fussed much over questions of sex and sexuality. Whatever you did in bed, it was all cool (if it was at least nearly legal), as long as you could keep up on the waves. Daniel needed a bit of time to polish the rust off his board skills, but the razzing he got from the others quickly turned to respect as he gained his surf style and flair back in a hurry. Once Daniel had remastered his board, he also began to meet some of the other surfers in the area – the settlement wasn’t quite organized enough to be called a town or village. They were, as a group, a larger reflection of his housemates: laid back, quiet, non-judgemental guys and girls who took the world and its people pretty much as they were. Daniel could hardly have picked a better environment to help him let go of his past. He no longer had to live for the next round of auditions, for the next pressurized shooting schedule, for meetings with backers and agents and applicants and camera operators. His daily meetings now were with the unending variety and limitless surprises of the surf itself, and this he could and did immerse himself in. It was a casual lifestyle that took him back in time to his younger days when Kauai had been less populated, less developed, less overrun by tourism. There were some things about that early life that Daniel would never have wished back, but the quieter, easier pace of the life that he remembered had been the best part of it – and here, he had found a place in the islands where that low-gear approach to everything still ruled. The only thing wrong with this idyllic life was the absence of sex. For the first week or two, Daniel honestly didn’t miss it. His old life had been filled with sex-as-lust, sex-as-business, sex-as-performance, and sex-as-oiling-the-wheels for his occasionally fractious company of models. In many ways, it was a positive relief to take an extended breather from it all. That is, it was a breather until his balls began to ache, both figuratively and literally. When that happened, he resorted to his right hand. That’s what he was doing one quiet Wednesday night when Rodrigo tapped on his door and opened it, all in one motion, catching Daniel in the act – right hand firmly fastened around his thick, hard tool, and juice oozing out of the head. Daniel had grown years beyond any chance of being embarrassed at having been caught jacking off. And Rodrigo simply and quietly said, “I could give you something better than your right hand if you want.” Daniel nodded, and the game was afoot. In moments, Rodrigo had shed his shorts and t-shirt, and flopped onto the bed beside Daniel, reaching out to grasp that rigid cock and stroke it gently while his own rapidly inflated into a full erection – neither as big around nor as long as Daniel’s nine-incher, but still a good solid piece of meat. In less time than it takes to tell it, Rodrigo was swallowing Daniel’s cock right to the root, while Daniel had grasped Rodrigo’s piece and begun stroking it. Before long, he swung himself around on the bed so that Rodrigo’s cock was right in his face and inhaled it. The two studs sucked steadily on each other for several minutes, each grasping and playing with the ass of the other as they bobbed up and down. Daniel was the first to slide a finger into Rodrigo’s tight hole, but Rodrigo quickly followed suit. The poking and stroking of the prostate glands quickly speeded up the tempo of the encounter. Rodrigo moaned that he was about to cum, and Daniel pulled off his tool just long enough to say, “So am I – let’s go for it.” Their mutual sucking speeded up even more, the groans got louder, and then Rodrigo’s ass muscle contracted around Daniel’s probing finger as his cock shot off a hot load of juice into Daniel’s busy mouth. Seconds later, Daniel returned the favour, pushing his cock all the way into Rodrigo’s throat while his load fired off, pumping out spurt after spurt. Rodrigo choked and pulled off for a moment, then dove back on and manfully swallowed Daniel’s entire load as Daniel had swallowed his. After the excitement abated, Daniel swung back up to come face to face with Rodrigo, and they shared a series of wet and sloppy kisses, enjoying the mingled flavour of their cum loads. At last, Daniel spoke. “Damn, that was good.” “You said it. Fuck, man, do you always cum a gallon like that?” “When I haven’t gotten off for a while and I’m feeling the need, yeah.” “Well, you didn’t need to keep to yourself so much. I’ve been ready for you ever since you arrived.” “Is that because you wanted to get drilled by a famous porn star? “No, just because you’re a fucking hot stud, and – like you – I’m frustrated.” At that, they both laughed – but then Daniel reached down to adjust his cock, which was already filling up for another bout of sex. Rodrigo stared at it. “Look at you, ready for Round Two just like that. Are you always that fast?” “Believe it. You ready to get drilled now?” For answer, Rodrigo rolled onto his stomach, pushing his pale white buns into the air and rolling them from side to side. Daniel immediately plunged his face into Rodrigo’s crack, sucking and licking on the cheeks and tonguing the hole. That hole began to loosen and twitch, showing that Rodrigo was every bit as ready as Daniel. He took a few more minutes to dig right into that ass, tongue-fucking Rodrigo until Rodrigo was moaning and muttering, “fuck, fuck, fuck.” Then Daniel got up on his knees, planted the tip of his cock at the opening, and began to lean, pressing down and in until the ring gave way. Rodrigo let out a loud moan as Daniel slowly pushed the entire Hawaiian Nine all the way into his quivering fuck tunnel. Rodrigo moaned again and twisted around on the bed as Daniel began to fuck ass, slowly building up from an easy start to full ramming speed. His hole was struggling to cope, feeling the massive shaft pulling half of his ring out on each stroke, and then shoving it back into place as that huge cock plunged deep inside him again. Then Daniel leaned right down and wrapped his arms around Rodrigo’s body, as taut and muscled as his own, before rolling over onto his back. That brought Rodrigo up on top and he instantly began heaving up and down, fucking himself into a frenzy on Daniel’s thick pole. Rodrigo was taking it all the way to the root on every stroke, his hole stretched almost as wide as if he had two dicks inside him, and still moaning and chanting, “fuck… fuck… fuck….” Daniel grunted, “Gonna cum soon – gonna breed your hot man hole.” “Fuck, yeah. Fill me up, stud – give it to me!” Daniel grasped Rodrigo’s hips, holding him still in the air, arched his back, and began pounding hard and fast, straight up into that welcoming hole, driving himself towards another huge orgasm. Rodrigo got hold of his own cock, and began jerking it like a madman, slamming his hand up and down as Daniel worked his hole harder and harder. Then it happened. Daniel came first, with a loud groan, as his cock convulsed and pumped another big load of cream up inside Rodrigo. Just as he slammed all the way inside and held it there, Rodrigo yelled, “Yes! Fucking cumming!” and shot a fountain of cum clear up to splatter across his face, then a series of shorter jets which smeared themselves across his straining abs while Daniel groaned as the last of his load pumped out. Rodrigo rolled off, then, desperately trying to clamp his hole shut so that Daniel’s load wouldn’t leak out. He loved falling asleep with a man’s cream inside him. But Daniel had other ideas, pushing Rodrigo’s legs up into the air so he could suck and slurp his load out of that gaping hole and then share it with Rodrigo in an ecstatic snowball kiss. Finally, Daniel rolled away, still breathing heavily. After a few minutes, he said quietly, “Fuck, that was terrific.” His answer was a gentle snore. He smiled, pulled the sheet up over both of them, and settled down for the night, curled up behind Rodrigo in the big spoon position. In the morning, the two of them awoke late, having been sated by their two wild rounds of hot sex at bedtime. They were the last two to appear in the kitchen. Arian winked at Brad as Daniel and Rodrigo dragged themselves in, aiming for the coffee maker. His first words were, “You two look well rested. I had a lot of trouble getting to sleep – all the background noise.” Brad innocently added, “Yeah, me too. Sounded like a couple of wild animals mating in the bushes outside.” Daniel growled, and Rodrigo chuckled and flipped them the finger. Then all four of them laughed. From then on, Rodrigo spent most nights in Daniel’s bed. Neither of them would have said it was a relationship, though. It was purely and simply a sexual connection, a couple of hot guys helping each other to scratch the itch – nothing more. But it was definitely hot. There was the day when Rodrigo steered Daniel to swim around and into a small cove some way to the west of the main beach, an isolated little enclave which could only be reached by rock climbing or by water. They spent the afternoon replaying From Here to Eternity there, finally returning out to the open ocean and back to headquarters with sore asses, sore cocks, and a severe case of scratchy sand in every little nook and cranny that sand could get into. Or take the calm, moonless night when they ran down to the shore in the shelter of the big rock pile at the east end of the beach and fucked each other full of sperm in the placid ocean backwater with the light of the stars blazing overhead. Rodrigo was no fool. He loved having hot sex on tap whenever needed, and didn’t want anything more himself, but he could tell that Daniel was deliberately putting up a barrier, holding himself aloof from any kind of emotional response at all whenever they got it on. At first, he took that as simply the practised response to sexual activity during a scene shoot – and he wasn’t wrong in that. What set him wondering whether there was something further about it was a short trip to the mainland, a trip during which he met and fucked with a buddy who’d been involved in the porn biz for a while. Back in Hawaii again, he decided to try prodding Daniel a bit and see what came up. They were sitting on the bench one morning with their coffee, looking down across the sand at the sunrise. Rodrigo carefully said, “You know, Daniel, when I was in L.A. last week I met an old buddy who told me you were quite the heartbreaker back before you came here.” Daniel tried to laugh it off, but Rodrigo persisted. “According to him, there were a couple of guys who fell for you pretty badly but couldn’t make any headway cracking your shell.” Daniel laughed again. “You seemed to crack it pretty easily.” “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Getting you into bed isn’t difficult, but you’re a hard man to get to know – really get to know. What’s the deal?” Rodrigo asked, even though he fully expected resistance, evasion, diversion. To his considerable surprise, Daniel not only considered the question but then actually responded. “I don’t know how much you know about my life, but even the bigger rumours should tell you something about me. I was eighteen when I first went to L.A. and got involved in the porn business. A few months later, my dear mother, that good Christian family woman” -- and he said the words with a sneer – “found out and banned me from her life, told me never to come home. When my dad tried to speak up for me, she threw him out too. My brother and sisters sided with me and my dad, and that ripped the whole family apart. After taking my part against my mom, my dad ended up blaming me for the whole mess and now my brother and my sisters won’t talk to me either. “Then there was my boyfriend.” Another sneer. “A sleazy porn producer with a real weakness for big cock but no notion how to treat people well. He got me involved in the business by filming us together and using it, without my permission, in a video he was producing. Class A manipulative asshole – a real slime bucket. Next thing you know, I’d been pretty much blackmailed into being a porn model, without even planning it that way. My only lucky break was the size of my dick – that, and the fact that I could always cum on demand, multiple times. That led to my screen name, made me a valuable asset in any video, and soon enough it let me write my own ticket. “The last film I made for that creep, the guy he paired me with gave me something more than just a good tight hole to breed. That’s how I found out that his shithole company was taking samples from the models but wasn’t even bothering about actually getting them tested or anything. I went to the doctor, got it treated, and it cleared up, fortunately. “But that was the breaking point. As soon as I could swing it, I used my reputation, got a gig in someone else’s video, and walked out of that asshole’s life for good. I might have been the top, but he was the one who really fucked me over. Before long, I’d gotten my own company going, and managed to make him eat dirt when his business dried up. From then on, sex was business and nothing but. And that’s my story. Not a life where any real human emotions would ever get you anywhere or become rewarding in any way. Does that answer your question?” Rodrigo sat in stunned silence. His friend in L.A. had told him the bare outlines, but he hadn’t expected it to be as rotten as this. At last, he managed to speak. “Daniel, why are you telling me all this in so much detail?” “Well, you wanted to know.” “My friend gave me the impression that you were famous for keeping everything to yourself.” Daniel sighed. “You’re right. I was and I did -- and look what it’s done to me. It’s been like eleven months since I came down here, and it’s taken me that long just to figure out that I’m too fucked up for words. You can’t go through that kind of shit without having some pretty intense emotional reactions, but I just bottled them all up. All that hate and despair and rage that I was compressing inside had built up in me to the point where I had to start spilling it out and somehow manage to let it all go before it destroyed me.” Rodrigo could see and hear that Daniel was on the verge of cracking. He put down his mug, and wrapped his arms around Daniel, pulling him in close while the big guy exploded in heart-wrenching sobs, sobs that were heaving up almost from the soles of his feet. Brad and Arian spotted them from the house, but the two of them realized that whatever was going on between Daniel and Rodrigo was serious, not a subject for joking, and something they’d better leave Rodrigo to handle. Finally, Daniel pulled himself together, dried his eyes, and sat up straight again. He gave Rodrigo a wan smile, and finally said, “I haven’t told you the worst of it yet.” Rodrigo was almost scared to ask, but he figured from the look on his face that Daniel needed to spill this more than anything else. “Go on.” Daniel said slowly. “I’ve finally realized that I fell in love with a guy, and I’m pretty sure he fell in love with me. I couldn’t figure it out when it happened, because I was too messed up to recognize my own feelings for what they were.” “So what are you going to do about it?” “Nothing. It’s too late. He’s found someone else.”
    3 points
  11. **This is fantasy and fiction. And the purpose of the article is not to encourage unsafe sex. Any resemblance to someone's life is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should in any way be construed as medical advice or instruction.** ~~~~~~ Chapter 10 - Thursday Roulette Day In the morning, Sam and Jonas woke up from Peter and Eric's bed. During the night the boys were swapped several loads. Sam said he had to go straight to work because today would be Thursday and roulette day. Sam would have quite a lot of work today and it will be a busy day. Peter was curious and asked what it means that it is roulette day. Sam told how his task is to organize 8 negative chasers and 10 tops, two of which would be viral. Sam told how young unmedicated bottoms are tied to fuck benches and how tops fuck holes raw. And finally seed the bottom they want. Peter and Eric's cocks stood rock hard. "Sounds really hot. It would be great to participate in the roulette," said Eric. "I can take you guys along if you want to participate. But you have to make a decision now," said Sam. Peter and Eric talked for a while and then Peter told Sam that they wanted to attend. Sam worked hard at the store all day. Sam served the customers and took care of the evening's roulette. In the afternoon, Jonas also came to the store after school to help with customers. Peter and Eric toured the city seeing the sights and went to a store to take a quick test which proved they were both negative. In the evening, George stated that Sam and Jonas do well together at roulette, so he can stay for the evening to run the shop. Sam and Jonas arrived at the warehouse in advance and organized all the places before the bottoms and tops arrived. Jonas and Sam agree that Jonas will receive and give instructions for the tops and Sam for the bottoms. Soon men started to arrive and Peter and Eric also arrived. "We thought we'd come here as tops," said Peter to Sam. "I'm sorry, but I misunderstood. I naturally assumed that you wanted to test how many of the tops wanted to squirt their loads in your delicious asses. I thought that the thought of winning the roulette just turned you on. The situation now is that switching sides is no longer possible. You must decide that whatever you want," said Sam. Eric started to take off his clothes and said that he wants to at least try. Soon all the bottoms, including both German boys, were tied to the fucking benches and their bare asses were exposed. On the top side, the men were very satisfied with the reform, where the 20-year-old young Jonas was instead of George preparing the men for the fuck party. Everyone took turns pushing their cocks down Jonas's throat. They kept the Dicks deep in Jonas's throat so that Jonas began to gag. Men's cocks glistened from Jonas' saliva. Sam came to open the door and said it's time to fuck. The tops hurried to choose bottoms for themselves and started fucking. Jonas and Sam suck the cocks of the tops waiting for their turn. Sam pointed at Eric and Peter and told the tops that they were a couple and German tourists who had fucked without a rubber for the first time yesterday. Sam continued to promote Peter and Eric to all the tops in turn. "Yes, thank you, young and fresh meat," said the big-bellied 50+ top. "Awesome to get to pop European young holes. Let's hope the boys get some good souvenirs," said another. By the end of the night, the advertising had clearly worked because Peter had received 5 men's loads and Eric had 6. When the boys were dressed Sam reminded the boys that the sperm is now where it belongs. "Eric and Peter's job is to keep the liquids inside as long as possible". Eric was in heat and asked Sam and Jonas to come with them to the hotel again and rubbed his hand over his clearly hardened bulge. Immediately, both Sam and Jonas agreed.
    3 points
  12. As a guy who has little body hair what do other guys think about those men with thick hairy pubes? I love them. I cannot imagine what it must feel like having a jungle of musky pubic hair around my cock and between my legs. One thing I do know is that when a guy with masses of pubic hair is breeding me, when I can feel his coarse hair against my hole then I know he is deep inside me where I want him to be.
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  13. One of the clones winked at me, then ran his tongue lasciviously over his lips whilst rubbing his crotch through the towel. I blushed, but I was also excited by his attention. "Who's this then, Mike?" Asked the other skinny guy. "What's your name, mate?" Said Mike "It's Ian." I replied and he fondled my arse, "Pleased to meet you, Ian" He laughed "Ian was here for a conference." He continued, "But I took him upstairs and gave him something he'll remember a lot more!" "Dirty bugger!" said the guy behind the desk. "Did you give it to him raw?" "Oh yes,"Mike replied " Took my dirty load like a trooper." One of the old men made a grunt of disapproval and left, but the other just drank his tea and smiled at me. "Well," said the skinny guy. "We can't let it go at that, can we? I reckon you need some more poz cum to make sure you leave here pregnant." As he spoke, his partner pulled back his towel revealing a long, thin, stiff cock against his pot belly. I felt my own cock straining against my towel and then Mike pulled it off me and I stood naked and nervous before them. "Nice cock," said the skinny guy. "But I want your arse on my cock." His friend grasped the base, squeezing it into stiffness. A drool of precum oozed from the tip. Not only was he skinny, he didn't look well. The guy behind the desk leaned forward and kissed Mike, "Pity I'm on duty. I could do with a piece of that." Mike inclined his head towards the sofa and raised his eyebrow. "What are you waiting for, Ian? You know you want it." Hesitantly, I went over and touched the man's cock. What was I thinking?! The other man produced a brown bottle, unscrewed the top and offered it to me. The sharp tang of poppers filled the room. With shaking hands, I took it and sniffed deeply. "Oh. Oh shit!" I gasped as the chemical washed through me. My body relaxed and my inhibitions melted away. Boney fingers grabbed my hips and thighs, turning me around and pulling me down. I felt fingers grasping the man's erection, positioning it against my hole, and then he pulled me down and his cock slid up me. I gave a squeal like a stuck pig, and then I was seated on his thighs impaled on his cock and I felt an incrediblerush of depraved pleasure. The other man pulled my face round and kissed me, his tongue snaking into my mouth as he squeezed my cock. I began to move up and down, giving myself up to the diseased cock in my rectum as more poppers were pressed against my nose. Mike came over and dropped his towel. His heavy cock sprang up. "Suck it, bitch!" He said "Suck the poz cock which has been up inside you!" I groaned in surrender and leaned forward to take the slimey head into my mouth. Beneath me, the skinny guy was jerking and grunting as his cock stabbed up inside me. "Bloody hell! " he gasped "I'm gonna cum in you!" Mike with drew his cock and bent to take my face in his hands. "Here it comes, Ian" He said " Another poz load! Are you happy? Do you want it? Tell me" I was lost in lust and poppers and shame and excitement. I looked him in the eye and nodded. "Yes, I want it." At that moment, the cock in me stiffened and throbbed, the man grunted and sobbed and I felt his sperm flooding up inside me. "Good lad." Said Mike and kissed me. Beside me, the old man sipped his tea and had opened his towel, wanking himself as he watched.
    2 points
  14. I need this 🚬😵
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  15. We connected on Grindr and had some intense chats there / shared pics of each other. We are both 57, him recently divorced. I was renting a small cottage in Malibu for the weekend and invited him over for some playtime. The cottage had a private outside entrance that led upstairs to the unit. I wanted us to both be naked the first time we saw each other. I asked if he would be willing to strip down just past the outside entrance and then head up stairs to find me. I was shocked that he agreed. I gave him the address & gate code, then waited patiently for him (naked of course). I heard the gate open and close, my heart began to race. After a few moments, I could hear his footsteps going up the stairs. i decided to meet him at the top of the stairs. We both smiled at each other and then we kissed. We went inside and sat on the couch and continued to kiss, and touch each other all over. We took turns sucking and rimming each other. There was a small deck that overlooked the ocean. At nightime, it was very private / don't think anyone would see what would happen there. I led him out onto the deck and we continued to kiss. I lubed up my cock and gently bent him over. He said he hadn't been fucked before. Tonight would be his first. I slowly eased my cock inside of him. I slowly fucked him until I couldn't take it anymore and with one final thrust, came inside of him. He turned around and we kissed passionately. I smiled and told him it was now his turn. I spread my legs and could feel his cock deep inside me. He soon couldn't hold it back and shot his load deep inside my ass.
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  17. Fuck yes @dbeau, this is very hot - would love to hear more both about your discovering that twisted side of you, and the guy you and your GF's bud seduced to the dark side. As an out gay top-vers who has been with a 100% top for 33 years - we've always had an open sexual relationship since our second date and a good thing too, since due to health issues his libido and sex life came to a halt 10 years ago and I can still do extracurricular - as a top/vers I have many times partied and played with straight identifying married guys and it adds an extra layer of hotness for me. Since I can be both top and/or bottom for a DL married guy, I'm usually able to fulfill most of their fantasies involving sex with other guys (I just don't play sub, or femme, I leave that to other guys who enjoy that and are happy to do so, and obviously I can't do anything for a DL with T-girl fantasies except give them the contact info of a few friends who are Trans and love to entertain str8 guys. I think a guy who is married to a woman who is not getting anything at home for whatever reason is better off playing with another guy (or guys) than a woman (or women) other than his wife. It's much more likely to be only about sex, much less likely to have someone expecting him to divorce and marry them OR to support them in exchange for "keeping quiet" and the like. And let's face it, if he does want to find out what it feels like to get fucked, a str8 woman can't give that to him (for real with a real cock) only another man or a t-girl can...
    2 points
  18. My thought is for you to talk to your Dom and tell him your feelings and doubts. Maybe he can help you adjust or feel safer in these situations. I think a good Dom needs to take care of his sub in all ways.
    2 points
  19. I love married men. Growing up, the men I was attracted to the most were married men, never guys my age. I'm still the same way now, wanting men who are usually older and married. There's something about seeing that wedding ring, knowing this man is breaking his promise. I like wearing the man's ring while he fucks me or I fuck him.
    2 points
  20. Just left, my sweet FB. When He walked in He apologetically said it would have to be a quickie. He's been breeding me for 3 years, and despite my telling Him several times in many ways, i don't want Him to ever feel like He has to perform for me. i often feel like He keeps fucking even after He comes... which means i get more than one load, but i also get this sense that He feels like He has to fuck me good. He doesn't get that any way He fucks me is "good" as long as He really gets off on it. i'm not altruistic, i love the fact that He enjoys fucking and leaving His seed in me. When He was done, i told Him again that He never has to apologize for a "quickie," that i love having Him however i can get Him, how much i love His orgasm inside of me. He told me He'd been saving it all day and i told Him i was grateful that He saved it for me. We both agreed we have good chemistry. i don't care if He slides in and comes immediately, the fact that He wants to put His cock and seed in me is awesome... i love being he place He gets His pleasure and plants His seed. i'd much rather Him do that than jack off. i think it's awesome that He knew He could save if for me and that i'd want Him/It.
    2 points
  21. Love for raw cocks and cum brought us 3 together: a Japanese, a Malaysian Chinese, and a German. Session 1 was so intense and uninhibited and all 3 agreed for a Session 2. After session 2, one in the group revealed he was POZ. All 3 agreed they had an incredible time. 2 dated and eventually got married. All 3 remained good friends. 😬
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  23. I grew up in a Irish catholic family in the 70s. I could have been accepted as an axe murderer easier than saying I was gay. So I hid in the closet and was married for 36 years. I started playing with my best friend at 10 and never stopped. The entire time I was married I played with guys. I even sucked a guy off in the hotel gym lockerroom on my honeymoon. She found out after about 20 or so years and we had a marriGe of convenience. Financially it made sense. two years ago the house of cards fell down. I finally came out and got to be me at 63!
    2 points
  24. All the tops are trapped in an "escape room" in Tampa and since no one can decide who is in charge they are still arguing about who will find the key. I'll keep you posted as soon as they get organized and find their way out.......🤣
    2 points
  25. Per the original question, how about a hungry, pleading look in his eyes, and a hint of a smile on his lips?
    2 points
  26. I have had many thousands of blowjobs. Having a very thick 8 inch cock with a huge head, and big balls attracts some amazing deep throat super talented and passionate cocksuckers. One of the absolute best used the handle HeadforHung on the apps. We lived and worked in the same city for a couple of years and hooked up every chance we got. He had me make videos of him to attract other big hung guys. For me it basically can be illustrated by these four shots from one of our sessions. 1) he would lick and suck my shaft as my cock grew fully erect and also lick and suck my big balls, then 2) he would begin to lick the huge head of my cock, around the corona, and then the head and the slit, making my cock so fucking hard and throbbing and then 3) into his hot mouth, first the huge head, then expertly take more and more of my shaft, while going up and down repeatedly, and I would also pump and sometimes hold his head and push, feeling the head and shaft of my cock down his throat again and again until 4) as he could feel my cock begin to ejaculate, he would take it all - absolute ecstasy, and believe me I want to come back for more of that!
    2 points
  27. Conclusion I wasn't going to tell a soul. Earl was a violent, perverted, evil old psychopath, but I was devoted to his cock. If he'd proposed marriage I would've accepted just so he could abuse my hole with that fucking thing for the rest of my life. I don't understand how my boyfriend could've been so ungrateful for the gift he'd been given, but he was the one who ended up calling the cops. There wasn't a lot of evidence against him. It was hard to push the rape case through the court system (my testimony was quite different than his), but eventually they managed to stick him with a public indecency charge and gave him 2.5 years. I wondered how many of his other victims didn't testify, either. I dropped out of school a week later. What was the point of going to college if you were destined to be a degenerate slut forever? I wanted to live for piggy sex. I didn't think there could be a better feeling in the world than having your guts resized by a sex offender who wants to use you as a sex toy. It gave me purpose. I visited him in prison after a year. I was still very much afraid of him: I knew he'd be furious at me for tempting him into it. I didn't know what to expect. "You got some fucking nerve coming here, boy," he said. "You the reason I'm in here." "Yeah," I said. "I wanted to schedule a conjugal visit with you. Would you do that with me?" He looked like he was going to reach through the glass and strangle me. "You insubordinate fucking faggot," he said. "You come to me a year after rapebaiting me back into prison so you can rapebait me again?" "The youngest guy here is probably still an old fuck next to me. You wouldn't pass up on teenage pussy, would you Earl honey?" I was pissing him off on purpose. It was easy to make him mad and easy to make him violent, and that's just how I wanted him. "Earl, I'm gonna tell the warden to book that visit now, okay?" He nodded his head. They let us rent a guarded room for a few nights. Earl showed up half-drunk on toilet wine. "You sent me to prison," he said. I spread my legs and showed him my shaved, bleached hole, with a new tattoo right above it. "I did," I said. "Now send me to hell." He walked toward me fast. That big, disgusting cock was already hard. I felt the head of his cock kiss my hole. "If you thought I was rough on you last time, just wait. I'll show you how fucking pissed another year up the cut made me." He reached his arm around my throat and pulled my tiny, fragile body onto his cock. "Once I get out, I'm gonna rent a van and take you across the country. That teen mouth is gonna drink my piss on the road and drain my balls when I pull over at night. I know the meanest fags in the Midwest, and they're gonna turn your pussy inside out three at a time. Then, when you get too old or too loose for me, I'll beat you into a coma. Then you'll really be my toy. No thoughts, no needs, just a warm fucktoy I can use forever." When he said the word forever he pushed his dick into my prostate and my little cock started drooling cum instantly. He was right, too, except for one thing: His friends used me four at a time. __ thank you all for reading! i hope i've made at least one of you horny enough to try this on me haha! this was fun, i'm glad you all enjoyed one of my fantasies too!! : )
    2 points
  28. Part 9 Greg was moaning almost non-stop as my little brother deepthroated his fully engorged cock again and again. From what I'd been able to see of Greg's dick before it disappeared into Chad's mouth deepthroating it was no easy thing I was sure. At least 8 inches long and moderately thick I had no doubt Chad's throat was being stretched considerably. But I also knew that Chad was an expert cocksucker and never had any trouble taking dick in his holes no matter the size. I also knew from personal experience that Greg was finding out for himself how talented my little horny brother was at sucking cock, and his low guttural moans and groans left no doubt he was enjoying the blowjob. Although I had been totally freaked out when Chad let Greg into the room and then when Greg saw the pipe and lighter, I was now completely into the scene before me and the idea of more happening with him. Any worry or fear I had initially felt was gone, replaced by a growing desire for a wild sex session with Chad and the hunky hotel desk clerk. I quickly threw the bedspread off of my body exposing my turgid throbbing 8.5 inches and, grabbing the pipe and lighter, I got off the bed and walked over to where Greg was standing with his cock down my little brother's throat and his balls pressed against Chad's chin. Greg must have heard me or sensed my movement and turned his face in my direction. A look of need and eagerness covered his face. “Ah, hell yeah dude!” he groaned. Coming up beside him I leaned in to kiss him and was pleased he opened his mouth and let me slide my tongue inside. As we made out I felt him take my cock in his hand as his other hand stayed pressed on the back of Chad's head. Breaking the kiss he said, “Damn man your cock is big! Can't wait to get it in my ass!” I smiled and said, “You will man. Your ass looks so fucking great in that jock strap! I can't wait to fuck you! First though let's get you caught up with us. Here,” and I placed the glass stem between his lips, seeing his eyes light up in anticipation. I lit the flame and watched the bowl fill quickly with the seductive smoke then watched as Greg began slowly inhaling deep and steady. “Yeah, guy, suck in that smoke. Get high and horny with me and my little brother and party with us,” I spoke softly. “How's my little brother's mouth and throat feel on your cock man? Good, huh?” Greg moaned hearing my words as he pulled his lips off of the glass stem. He held it in a few moments then blew out a thick huge cloud. “Oh shit dude! Are you guys really brothers?” Before I could answer him Chad took his mouth off of Greg's dripping cock and said, “Hell yeah we are! Real brothers with the same father and mother, doing things that most people would say are disgusting and wicked. And we love it man! The depravity and decadence of it all!” He grinned up at me and Greg as he still knelt on the floor. His sexy smile grew even wider as I heard Greg groan. “What about you, Greg? Do you think it's disgusting and wicked? Do you think two brothers having incest is wrong?” He ran his tongue across Greg's nuts after saying this, looking up at him and seeing the answer in his eyes before Greg said a word. “Hell no it's not disgusting!”, Greg panted. “It IS wicked and wrong as hell though, and that's what makes it so frigging hot!” He grinned darkly as he said this and all three of us knew this night was going to be unimaginably wild! Greg took two more huge hits from the pipe while Chad and I quickly undressed him, except for the jock strap. For now at least I wanted him to keep it on. I knew it would make me fuck him harder seeing his cheeks framed in it. It was obvious that Greg took good care of himself and kept himself in shape. His stomach was ripped, his pecs were pumped and his arms thick and muscled. A light dusting of blond hair covered his body from neck to waist then fanned out into a darker-colored thick bush of pubes, wet from Chad's spit and Greg's own precum. His cock was thicker than I had at first thought and I knew Chad and I both were going to enjoy getting fucked by it. Between all three of us kissing each other and rubbing each other's bodies I managed to remember to ask if he had to get back to the front desk soon. Grinning, he said he was just getting off work when I called for the booze, so he was off work the rest of the night. “Fucking A!”, Chad cried out, wrapping his lips around Greg's right nipple and sucking and nibbling on it causing more groans to come from Greg. I took a deep hit off of the pipe then pressed my lips to his so we could shotgun it. Damn this guy knows how to kiss, I thought. Pulling back from each other Greg looked at me and said, “I wanna see you two nasty fuckers having sex with each other! Let me watch you having incest!” I gave him a nod and told him to sit in the chair not far from the bed, then I gave him the pipe and lighter telling him to smoke as much as he wanted and get as high as fuck as we put on a show for him. Greg settled himself in the chair and lit up immediately as Chad and I climbed onto the bed and started making out. Our moans matched Greg's own as we slid our tongues in and out of each other's mouth and ran our hands over each other's bare flesh. After a few minutes we heard Greg say in a lust-filled voice, “Eat his ass out, Lance! Eat your little brother's ass and make him beg for it!” This guy was showing himself to be exactly our kind of play buddy. Chad positioned himself on his hands and knees on the bed so that he was facing Greg and I got behind him, moving his ass up so that I could drill into it and still be able to watch Greg. I slapped Chad's asscheeks hard making him moan then spreading his cheeks wide I went immediately to work on his tight hole like I'd done numerous times over the years. “Oh fuck yeah guys!” Greg said. “So hot! Yeah, Lance, do it man. Eat your own brother's ass! Get your tongue deep in there!” Then the click of the lighter as he took another pull from the pipe. I moaned into Chad's ass hearing Greg's words and heard Chad say, “It's even hotter dude knowing that he's eating his own cum out of my ass!” I could hear the blatant intent in Chad's voice trying to make it all nastier and more twi*ted for Greg. It apparently worked. I heard Greg cough and choke on the inhale he had just taken from the pipe. “For real?!!” he asked. “Your own brother fucked you and came in your ass?!!” “Hell yeah he did!”, Chad answered. “I love cum in my ass!” I could hear Greg beating his cock then heard him ask, “So you guys fuck bareback?” with a mixture of awe and darkness in his voice. “Always man,” Chad answered. “We never use condoms. What about you man?” Chad asked, moaning as I drilled my tongue deeper into his fucking ass. There was a noticeable pause before Greg answered and I lifted my face and mouth from Chad's ass to look in his direction. “I love fucking bareback. Nothing like it. But I try not to do it most of the time,” he said with a dejected tone in his voice. “Why not?” asked Chad. Greg held up his left hand and we saw the gold band on his third finger. “I'm married and I know I need to be careful.” I could hear the laughter in Chad's voice as he asked, “To a woman?” “Yeah,” Greg answered. Chad looked over his shoulder at me, grinning mischieviously. “Show him, big bro,” he said. I raised my own left hand showing off my own wedding ring. Chad and I had both discovered early on in our sex play that it turned us both on big time for me to keep it on and I do every time we get together. Greg's eyes widened and then he said, “You too?” “Yes. And seeing my wedding ring on my finger whenever I'm fucking another guy or getting fucked bareback is wild as fuck man!” I said. Chad turned around on the bed so that his ass was facing Greg. Looking over his shoulder he spoke greedily to Greg. “C'mon stud. You know you wanna do it. Give me your bareback cock, your married bareback cock, just like my big brother did. Add your cum to his dude! Fuck me raw until you breed me!” Greg moaned and stroked his dick faster, obviously wanting to do exactly what Chad had said. (to be continued)
    2 points
  29. Once you've experienced a raw cock up your arse and the feeling of seed squirting into your guts you'll be hooked. Don't forget, the more you get, the more you want. Good luck mate.
    2 points
  30. Part 8 After the flip fucking and breeding we had done, made even more intense with the chems running through our blood and in our brains, we took a break to catch our breath and to smoke more weed and tina and drink some more of what was left of the liquor we'd had when we started out tonight. In my drug-hazy mind I wasn't sure how or when it had happened, but I noticed we were getting low on the booze. It was just a little after 11:00 P.M. and I knew we'd be wanting more for the night. I'd made arrangements when I booked the room to have all the beer and booze we wanted so I reached for the hotel room phone on the night table to call the front desk to order more. A deep sexy voice answered on the third ring and as I started to give the guy my name, room number and order, Chad slid 2 fingers into my cum-soaked hole and began twisting them around, making me moan softly. “Stop that!” I hissed quietly as I looked at Chad and saw the devious grin on his face. “Excuse me, sir?” the guy at the front desk asked on the other end of the call. “No, not you,” I replied trying to regain my composure as Chad added a third finger and began to slowly fuck them in and out of my hole. “My brother is being an ass!” I said by way of explanation. Chad grinned that beautiful seductive smile at me as he continued to torture me while I was on the phone. The desk clerk laughed at my explanation and seemed to let it pass as I wrapped up my order. At that exact moment Chad entered my hole with a fourth finger causing me to gasp and moan loudly. The desk clerk hesitated a moment and asked if I was all right. I assured him I was and asked him to hurry with the delivery, then quickly hung up the phone. I lay my head back on the bed and spread my hairy thighs wider, moaning continually from the hot sensation of having my little brother's fingers in my cummy and partyed-up hole. “You little shit!” I groaned at him while at the same time pushing against his fingers every time he pushed them into me. I heard Chad snicker. “You're liking it though, aren't you big bro?” he asked in a husky whisper. “Fuck yeah I am!” I'd never been fisted before but I'd seen Chad fisted twice in a couple of 3-ways we'd had and it had been obvious he'd enjoyed it. He had tried to talk me into giving it a try but it never appealed to me. I'd rather have his cock (or someone's cock) in my ass instead of a fist. But now, as high and horny as we both were I was not resisting at all as he slid his four fingers in and out of my pucker, stretching me wider than I'd ever been stretched. I wasn't consciously thinking of him fisting me but at the same time I was wondering if it felt this good or better. Chad scooted up so that he was kneeling on the bed, pushing my legs higher and back toward my chest. This position allowed him to move his fingers in and out at a faster smoother pace while I moaned louder than I probably should have (I didn't know how thin the walls between the rooms were), squirming on the bed in lust-filled pleasure. “Feels good doesn't it Lance?” he asked seductively. “Feels good having your little brother's fingers sawing in and out of your fuck-hole, huh?” “Yes! Oh fuck bro it feels fantastic!” “Now you can understand why I enjoy getting fisted from time to time,” he continued teasingly. “Right?” I spread my legs even wider and agreed with him that, yes, I understood. “Do you want me to fist you, Lance? Do you want your little brother to fist-fuck your horny hot married hole?” I was just about to answer him when suddenly there was a knock on the door making us both jump. “Fuck! It's probably the booze I ordered from the front desk”, I whispered. “Pull your fingers out, Chad!” I instructed him in a low voice, then saying in a louder voice to whoever had knocked, “Hold on. I'll be right there.” Chad cork-screwed his fingers once more inside me then slowly slid them out, smirking at me. Before I realized it or could stop him, Chad jumped off the bed and headed toward the door, glancing back at me and quickly said, “You better cover up big bro!”. I grabbed the bedspread and pulled it up to my waist at the same moment Chad grabbed the knob and opened the door. Standing there was a very handsome man who looked to be maybe early 30's, with a crew cut, a chiseled face, and wearing khaki shorts and a tight sleeveless pull-over shirt. Chad had positioned his lower body behind the door (thankfully!) but his bare torso was visible to our visitor, as was my own bare sweaty chest. He looked back and forth at us each a couple of times, a look of surprise and interest on his suntanned face. “Uh, I've got the beer and liquor you ordered,” he said, trying to sound professional but not really succeeding. “Great!” answered Chad. “C'mon in!”, and pulled the door open wider but remaining behind it, hiding his nakedness. The guy at the doorway hesitated a moment then stepped into the room, pulling a cart on wheels behind him carrying the good-sized order I'd placed. “Chad!” I said loudly, but it was too late. The man was already inside and Chad was closing the door. “Where do you want...”, he started as he turned around, stopping in mid-sentence as he saw my sexy hard-bodied little brother totally naked, his mesmerizing smile covering his face and his dick more than half hard. “Oh, sorry”, he stuttered. “Did I come at a bad time?” he asked. Chad didn't miss a beat. “Not at all, man. Me and my big brother were just having some fun waiting for the booze. I'm Chad and that's my brother Lance”, he said indicating me. “I'm Greg,” the man answered, unable to take his eyes off of Chad's hunky naked body and growing dick. Chad stepped closer to Greg. “Good to meet you, Greg. Thanks for the booze. Do you want to hang out and have some fun with me and my big brother?” I couldn't believe Chad was standing there naked, with an almost total hard-on, asking this gorgeous man to stay and play. My mind was screaming, “Chad! Wtf?!!”, but I felt my own dick growing quickly to full stiffness. I couldn't deny the thought of a 3-way with this hunk was turning me on. Greg was looking around the room like he didn't know what to do or what to say. Then he stopped as if he had seen something. A smile began covering his face as Chad and I watched him move a hand to the crotch of his shorts and he started fondling a quickly growing bulge. “Are you guys partying?” he asked, and I realized he was looking directly at the glass pipe and lighter sitting on the table next to the bed. “Aw crap!” I said, sure we were going to be tossed out at best, if not have the police called on us. But Chad answered in an even voice as he stepped right up to Greg and put his hand over Greg's own hand caressing himself through his shorts. “Yeah, just a little. Is that okay, Greg? We'll share, won't we Lance?” They both glanced over at me and I nodded and said, “Yeah, sure, we'll share.” Greg was grinning widely now as he looked from Chad then to me then back to Chad. He moved both of his hands to Chad's bare body giving Chad complete access to his stuffed shorts. Greg began running his fingers across Chad's lean tight flesh and Chad unsnapped Greg's shorts and let them fall to his ankles. He was wearing a snug fitting yellow jock strap, the pouch already becoming soaked, and the back of which framed two solid globes of man-butt. “Are you going to share everything?” Greg asked in a sexy voice, which I recognized as the same voice I had talked to when I ordered the booze. Chad had already dropped to his knees, pulling Greg's jock strap down as he knelt, revealing a thick hard cut cock at least 8” long and dripping precum. “Oh yeah, we're definitely going to share everything with you man,” Chad answered, slipping his mouth over Greg's rigid meat making Greg and me both moan. (to be continued)
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  31. "Scoot up the mattress". He said. I moved back and stretched out my legs. He clambered over me, straddled my hips and reached back for my rigid cock. "One good turn deserves another." He grinned and sank onto me. Suddenley my cock was sliding deliciously into a hot, wet tunnel until his buttocks were squashed against my belly and trapping me in his rectum. He began to move up and down, sliding himself over my cock which began to feel sooo good and I knew I would come soon. "I'm gonna cum!" I gasped . He moved faster and leaned to kiss me. "Give it to me!" He growled . "Spunk up me!" My cock swelled and my balls tightened and then I spurted gloriously up inside him. He pushed down to trap me and capture every spurt until I sagged in release. "Well done," he said. After a few moments, he lifted off me. I felt hot spunk drip over my balls. He scrambled round, straddled me again, but now his arse was over my face. Before I could react, he sat on my face, holding his cheeks apart so that my mouth was buried int the hot, sweaty, spunk covered crease between. I squealed with shock and disgust, but then I gave into the depravity of it. I tentatively poked out my tongue and slid it into his hole. I heard him laugh and felt his arsehole flex. Spunk drooled out of his straining arsehole and slid into my mouth, and I knew I was lost for ever. I was deep into depravity. After a few moments, he got off and lay beside me. "Welcome to the gutter." He breathed. Then he kissed me, and we swapped my spunk which had drooled from his arse into my mouth in our kisses.
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  32. Final part I returned to breed my sweet raw neg ginger twink 3 more times that week. Each time I put so much poz seed in his unsuspecting hole it was guaranteed he would get the fuck flu soon. The last night I put 3 loads of my highly toxic cum in his stupid neg 20yr old bussy. Like always when I flew out of the city I logged out of my stealthing Grindr account. I keep one that I used in my home town and one I used while traveling aka the stealthing one. About 3 weeks later when I was in another city for work and logged into the special Grindr account I got the regular messages. But as I scrolled through my messages I found the chat with ginger had several missed message: “I loved being your boy daddy! When will you be back again?” ”I miss your big raw dick in my boy hole daddy” “You have created a monster daddy. I have taken 5 loads in my ass the last week since you last bred me.” “I am feeling sick daddy. I need to go to the doctor” ”OMG daddy help!! They think I may have HIV!! But everyone that came in me said they were neg. I am waiting for my results to come back.” “Its official, I have HIV. I need you to get checked.” “My other partners all came back neg. Did you get checked?” “Are you there man! Did you give me this shit?” ”Answer me!!” ”I know it was you. But I am no longer upset. I just want your big raw daddy dick in me again.” “Please daddy! I haven’t started meds yet and not gotten laid since I was tested. I need your dick!” ”Fine!! I guess I must go and spread my seed to make you happy. I found online about gifters and stealthers. It all makes sense when I think every thing you told me. I won’t start meds and hopefully pass your seed on. Let me know if your ever want to fuck my hole again.” He smiled at the messages and blocked the stupid ginner. He was happy he would embrace his true nature as a poz piggy bottom slut and that his toxic strain would pass on to other through him. That was his 29th confirmed poz baby. After blocking the ginger he got a message from a hot twinky 19 year old boy. He could wait to hit number 30.
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  33. Chapter 4 I had googled the Tattoo parlour, and was about to walk in. I had thought about having a tattoo for ages but hadn’t had the courage to go through with it. But something here was propelling me on. All I could think of was doing as I was told to get more of Brad’s cock. In fact all I could think of was Brad’s cock! I pushed the door open before I could change my mind. A guy stood in front of me. ‘Hi is Carl here?’ I asked. ‘You’re speaking to him ‘ the guy replied. ‘Ah , um erm my friend has recommended that I come to see you’ I said, a little nervously. ‘I see, would that be Brad?’ Carl asked . ‘Er yes’ .. ‘OK he sends a few newbies here from time to time, they always come back for more once they’ve broken the ice so to speak’ he said. ‘I’m fully booked today but Lara can do you if you want. She’s especially good with newbies. We wouldn’t want you backing out would we?’ ‘Er no’ I mumbled , as Lara smiled and waved me through to the back. She had dark hair, and two sleeve tattoos, it looked kind of sexy on her. ‘Right, you’re one of Brad’s are you?’ She asked. I wondered how many Brad sent. ‘We call him The Teacher , he turns guys, converts them , making them totally into cock when he’s finished with them’ she said nonchalantly. It was kind of hot her talking like this. ‘Take your t shirt off’ she ordered. ‘ I know just what guys like you need, trust me you will like it’ she added. I sat in the chair and she cleaned my nipple. I hadn’t expected this. She kept talking so I couldn’t interrupt to ask wht she was doing. ‘So I’m guessing you have a girlfriend? ‘ Er yes’ ‘ and she doesn’t know you like cock as well, or is this new?’ ‘It’s new’ I replied as I winced as a needle went through my nipple. ‘ Close your eyes a moment’ she ordered. ‘I’ll say when to open them. She started on my other nipple and I winced again as I felt the needle again. I just shut my eyes as she carried on talking. ‘So you’ve met Brad, and I’m guessing that you’ve sucked his cock and that he’s probably fucked you? Am I right? ‘ ‘Er yes’ I mumbled ‘And you liked it? ‘ I nodded. ‘Can’t blame you, I love cock and cum, but I’m a girl, I should do. You’re a guy. Which makes you gay in my book. Are you gay? ‘ ‘Er no, I think I’m bi, I still like girls’ ‘ok, you can fool yourself. All Brad’s pupils do. And they all convert into full time homo’s pretty quickly’ she said matter of factly. ‘There’ she said. ‘Open your eyes. ‘ I looked down and saw two nipple rings in my nipples. They looked kind of good but I worried they were a bit obviously gay. What would my girlfriend say.? ‘Just so you know, you can’t take them out, I’ve soldered the ends. Embrace that. I’ll now give you a small tattoo. It is this snake here.’ She showed me a picture of a snake with an open mouth , showing fangs. That looked a bit more masculine. ‘Turn ‘ she said. It is going on your hip so you can hide it if needs be. She set to work. A while later she was finished. The snake looked good, but it was super imposed over an apple , ‘That is the snake and the forbidden fruit - in your case cock’ Lara said. I’ve left the apple uncoloured, for a reason. Guys of Brad’s come back and ask for it to be coloured with ‘Pride’ rainbow colours when they accept their destiny’ she said ‘well I don’t think I’ll be having that ‘I said. ‘We’ll see… ‘ Lara smirked. Just come back to me when you want more’ I left and my phone pinged. ‘Good boy’ it was Brad. He gave me directions to a shop down a side street. ‘You need to train that ass of yours. This shop is discreet. You will buy a butt plug and some lube. Hide it at home, and use it. Train your ass. I felt as though I was losing control of myself, but did as I was told. My girlfriend was still away for three more days so I could use it and get rid of it before she returned. I could give the excuse of my tattoo and piercings as something I did on a whim, but I needed that butt plug. I was getting hard at the thought of that. I hadn’t yet realised I wasn’t getting hard at the thought of my girlfriend. where was this journey taking me? I bought the butt plug Brad recommended and sone lube, to the obvious amusement of the girl serving. ‘Didn’t have you down as a fag when you walked in’ she said ‘ but I guess it takes all sorts’ I mumbled something and left as quickly as I could. The truth was I wanted to get home and use it. I wanted to feel it sliding in my ass. ‘I’ll meet you tomorrow, same place , 8pm. Good boy!’ The text came in from Brad. I had pleased him and it felt good. I wondered what the next lesson would be. to be continued…….
    2 points
  34. **This is Fantasy and fiction. And the purpose of the article is not to encourage unsafe sex. Any resemblance to someone's life is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should in any way be construed as medical advice or instruction.** ~~~~~~ Chapter 9 - Sam and Jonas's after work After about an hour, Jonas came upstairs. Jonas's cock was standing hard in the pouch of the jockstraps and in the pouch was a big wet patch of precum that had flowed from Jonas's cock. George asked Jonas to show him what Jonas's hole looked like now. Jonas leaned forward and Sam spread his hands over Jonas's buttocks. "Beautiful. A very beautiful young poz cum hole. Just the way a young boy's hole should be, gaping and full of hot cum," continued George. Sam noticed that Jonas was clearly confused and remembered his own confusion after Sunday's toxic gangbang. Would you like to go out for a drink with me today after work, Sam suggested to Jonas. "That could be nice," replied Jonas. In the evening, Jonas and Sam sat at the back table of a nearby gay bar. Sam had beer in front of him and Jonas had white wine. "How are you?" Sam asked Jonas. "Pretty good. I'm a little confused about what's happened this week. I've always been a safe sex guy and now this week I've voluntarily let strangers breed me. Today I'm giving a 10 poz man seed in my ass. I've realized that I enjoy collecting loads. Even today I would have been disappointed if each of the men hadn't squirted inside me," said Jonas sheepishly. "I'm worried about how Archie will take this. I haven't told him anything yet. We've never even talked about other men in our relationship. I guess we've had the basic assumption that our relationship is monogamous. We've used condoms all along, although neither of us have had the a few encounters before dating. And safely too. I'm afraid Archie will be mad when he hears that I've let men I don't know use my unprotected ass. I can't even imagine telling him I've known men to be poz," Jonas continued his monologue. "I've always thought that I'm versatile, but now just the thought of someone cumming me makes me hard. None of the men who fucked me today were interested in my cock at all. They just wanted to empty loads inside me. My cock is rock hard again", continued Jonas. During Jonas's monologue, Sam had been flirting with the boy couple at the next table. Both boys looked to be in their early twenties and Sam encouraged them to join them. The boys moved to Jonas and Sam's table. They introduced themselves to each other. The couple were German tourists on their first night in town. Eric and Peter had come for a week and booked a hotel room in the gay part of town and were curious to hear what kind of nightlife was available. Sam said that there is anything on offer. A lot depends on what Eric and Peter are looking for. In fact, Jonas and he work in the industry, so they know quite a bit about the possibilities. "It all depends on how naughty you like to play," said Sam to the boys. "The naughtier the better," laughed Eric and Peter. Sam told Eric and Peter what they think about the fact that both Sam and Jonas have been inseminated by several men recently today. "Jonas started serving men in the afternoon right after school and he has well over 10 different men's sperm in him right now. About an hour ago, 10 men gangbanged Jonas's unprotected hole raw. Is that naughty enough from Eric and Peter," asked Sam. Both Eric and Peter stared wide eyed at Jonah and Sam. "Really hot, but neither of us are in prep, so we haven't thought about that ourselves," said Eric. "Neither of us are. But I notice that the thought at least turns Peter on," said Jonas, hungrily pointing at the clearly enlarged bulge in Peter's pants. Sam touched Eric's bulge sitting next to him and said that "it looks like we're rock hard here too". Both Germans admitted that Jonas and Sam's sperm holes turned them on a lot. Sam suggested that they and Jonas could continue the evening in the Germans' hotel room if they wanted to. Already in the hotel elevator, Peter stuck his tongue in Sam's mouth and Eric kissed Jonas. In the room in half a minute all four were naked and Sam and Jonas climbed onto the bed on all fours. Eric explored Sam's cum hole and Peter Jonas. The German boys rimmed Sam and Jonas's holes. Finally, they both placed their hot throbbing cocks in the boys' holes and pushed them inside. The Germans changed holes and fucked more. They said about how good it felt to be inside well seeded holes. The pace quickened and both of them emptied their loads, panting in their bottoms holes. Very quickly both Germans got on their backs on the bed, raised their legs towards the ceiling and said it was their turn. Jonas quickly climbed behind Peter and lubed his cock and shoved it into Peter's ass. Sam had never fucked anyone, so it took him a bit longer than Jonas. Soon Sam's cock was also balls deep in Eric's ass. Sam and Jonas fucked a German couple raw. Soon both of them got their first loads of sperm in their lives. Sam and Jonas also climbed on the bed to cuddle together with Eric and Peter. After a little rest, they continued to fuck again and again.
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  35. Chapter 3 I woke the next morning, and had morning glory thinking of the night before. However one thing had changed. I had expected the itch to be scratched, but it wasn’t. In fact , if anything it had gone the other way. I was thinking of Brad’s cock , half replaying in my mind me sucking it and half wondering if it was a dream. I should have learned not to make decisions whilst still horny. I grabbed my phone. ‘Hi’ I pressed send, the text sent to Brad. ‘Youre keen’ came the reply around 5 mins later. I had to make a quick decision. Horny cock brain was engaged. ‘ I want to learn more’ I replied. ’Good Boy, I will teach you all you need to know. 8pm, same place’ The time dragged at work. I was horny most of the day. I needed to cum but didn’t want to spoil the evening, or change my mind. I kept on the boil all day until the time came. I pulled up again outside . I walked up to the door, and like last time, it opened in silence. ‘strip’ came a voice in the dark, as the door closed. This time there were no lights on, just the tv screen again playing bareback porn, two heavily tattooed guys going hard at it. I stripped. My cock hard. ‘I am going to mould you, teach you and you will love the new you in time. I can’t promise you will still be with your girlfriend at the end of it, but you will love cock, cum and everything in between.’ ‘Yes sir’ I instinctively replied. ‘ I need to know you are serious, For you to show your commitment. You will go to Eagle tattoo parlour in town. Ask for Carl and say I sent you. He will give you a small discreet tattoo, he may even pierce you. Do you understand? ‘ ‘Yes sir’ I replied again. I was still hard and cock brain was in full control. ‘Now kneel’ I knelt and felt a blindfold go over my eyes. I felt his cock push against my lips and I opened my mouth to suck his cock once more. ‘Good boy, we are going to move on today. You liked my cum yesterday didn’t you?’ I nodded, still working on Brads cock. He lifted me and led me to what felt like a massage table, and bent me over, so my chest was laid flat, my ass exposed. He opened my legs so my ass naturally opened. He spread my cheeks and I felt His tongue start rimming my ass. Jess had never done this to me, and it felt amazing. I involuntarily pushed my ass towards my teacher. The next thing I was aware of was a bottle on front of my nose. ‘Inhale’ came the order. I sniffed, my head swam. Much later I found out these were poppers. My arse was still swimming in bliss when I felt a cold finger rubbing something round my hole. This was replaced by what I assumed was Brad’s cock. ‘what do u want boy?’ I tried to push back against his cock. ‘ I want it in me’ I whispered. ‘Can’t hear you’ ‘I want it in me please ‘ I said , much louder. ‘ one thing you need to know, if it goes in, it won’t come out until I’ve finished’ Brad stated. ‘ Please, just do it, I want it, your cock in me’ my horny cock brain was in full flow. Brad grabbed my shoulders and pushed in. I gasped, my ass felt full.’ Just relax, you will get to love this boy! ‘ Brad set off slowly but soon picked up pace. I felt my breath being fucked out of my body as he started pounding me. My mind was just blank, all I wanted was this, to feel my ass being fucked. ‘Here it comes boy your first load, I can tell it won’t be your last, ‘ and Brad grunted and pushed one last time as he came in my hole. I was panting as I felt my teacher soften and slide out. I felt empty. ‘Dress. Call me when you want lesson three. But you need marking at the parlour first if you want more,’ I grabbed my clothes, dressed in the darkness as the blindfold was removed, I could feel the cum keeping my ass moist as some started leaking out. I scooted to my car. I wanted to get home, cum myself and finger my hole, feeling my teacher’s load in me. I also had to google that parlour. I knew it wouldn’t finish here…… to be continued……….
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  36. I was bored. I had had a row with my girlfriend and she hadnt called in 3 days. To make matters worse she was going on a week’s holiday tomorrow with her girlfriends. That meant it would be nearly two weeks before I would fuck again. I was already feeling a bit horny. The row was about something stupid. She knew about my small fetish for watching blow job porn with the guy cumming over the girls face. What she didn’t know was that sometimes I wished I was the girl not the guy. That had been increasing over the last few months though and she had found a couple of porn clips of guys sucking cock in my internet history. I blagged that it was accidental and it had just apppeared on my screen after a straight blow job clip but she wasn’t having any of it, hence the row. ‘ ’I’ll just leave you to your faggot porn then!’ She had shouted as she slammed the door. I knew she would come back but thought it would be before now. However , I was feeling horny. I google searched a chat line as I was playing gently with my cock, and watching the cocksucking porn I had on. I decided to try a gay line, I hadn’t done it before and it was anonymous so who would know? I recorded a brief ‘about me’ message saying I was inexperienced, hoping a daddy type might take interest. After two or three flaky messages that I didn’t return, I heard a deeper voiced ad, that got me going. ‘Daddy here , experienced, looking to teach and pass on his experience to newbies’ He sounded hot. I left a message explaining this was only the third or fourth time I had been on the line and was looking to learn. I didn’t want to sound a complete novice. I had no intention to meet him, it was anonymous wank porn after all. He replied to my message, ‘im happy to teach willing learners who are open minded. Where are you based boy?’ I responded truthfully, his voice just sounded as though I had to tell him everything. ‘ That’s the next town to me, I’m only six miles away ‘ he replied. ‘So do you like sucking cock boy?’ He asked ’Yes ‘ I replied ‘ and swallowing cum’ . Why did I add that ? I wondered. It was probably something to do with the porn I was watching, the girl was taking a good face fucking and getting a mouthful of the guys cum as well. My cock was hard as I was stroking it. My sensible reasoning brain was gone, replaced by horny cock brain. ‘Good boy! ‘ came the reply ‘have you a pen? Take down this number and come off the line. Send me a text. And don’t cum before you do’ . I hung up and scribbled down the number, he could tell I was wanking then. I was horny. Another girl was sucking cock on the iPad I front of me. Without stopping to think I just sent a quick text saying ‘hi’ , then returned to watching the blowjob, stroking my cock slowly. I didn’t want to cum too soon. My phone rang, breaking my concentration on the screen. ‘Hello’ I answered, without concentrating. ‘Hello Neil, this is Brad, we were just speaking on the line’ . I recognised the deep voice. ‘Oh, hi ‘ was all I could stammer. ‘it’s ok, I’m guessing you’re playing with your boner then , Neil? Are you? ‘ ’erm yes’ I stuttered. ‘That’s ok, but I have an idea! Why don’t you come round here, and let me help you with that, I’m sure you’ll like it, and I can start your lessons if you like? You will be able to suck my cock and swallow my cum just like you really want?’ His location pinged on my phone with the address. ‘See you in 20 mins, don’t be late’ and he hung up. Fuck I thought! I was still horny, I hadn’t cum. Should I go or just shoot my load now and forget it. He seemed a decent guy and I had always wanted to try sucking cock. Just as a one off to scratch the itch. I was straight after all, with a girlfriend.He didn’t sound creepy, ‘fuck it’ I thought. I have his address so if he tries weird shit I know where he lived. That meant he was genuine to my horny cock brain. I pulled up my jeans and stuffed my boner away, slipped on my trainers and grabbed my keys. ‘On my way’ I texted as I started the car. I wondered what lay in store as I followed the sat an. At least I would get to finally suck cock …. Though I remembered I did say I swallowed. The thought got me hard again as. I turned into Brad’s Avenue. to be continued ………
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  37. Part 1 I was looking to see if anyone was needing a house boy online and I found one article that caught my attention. Looking for a young sexy house boy who does everything asked. Would require to move into the spare room and be a full 24 hour houseboy. Room and board are included and I need one that will be a great cook as well as a good cleaner and would be of service during all the parties I host. The biggest requirement of all is that the house boy needs to be Poz or if they are neg willing to convert to Poz. This is a house of hiv Poz men we have four men living here with hiv and one with aids and we all need a house boy that will take care of the house and take care of our needs as well when we aren't having a party. Of course this means you have to be at least 18 years of age and we would prefer you to be a total twink as well as a bottom if not vers. We will take care of all your needs as well and any you desire in the future. There is one more requirement needed for this position but will explain that during the interview if we decide to choose you. Respond to this if this will be you and send pics of your ass body and dick so we can assess you. I was shaking as I read through the article a second time and I saw my dick was rock solid and dripping as I read it. I could feel my hole twitch and couldn't move the mouse fast enough to the respond button. I gave all the info about me that I was 18 a total twink with no body fat brown hair and green eyes, a seven inch cut dick and a butt that you could bounce a quarter off of. I sent a few pics of me in a thong so they could see my ass and my body and dick and couldn't hit send fast enough. Once the response was sent I laid down and furiously started to jack off and finger my ass and shot the largest amount of cum that I ever have just imaging what would happen if they choose me.
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  38. I love eat a top's ass if they have a nice one.
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  39. Still smoking and stroking everyday 🚬😵
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  40. you're going to want more cock and seed up your ass..be open to that.
    1 point
  41. (Dont' worry guys, I haven't forgotten the hotel bellman. He's making an appearance soon!) PART 3 We both laid on the bed for a while, soaked in sweat. I was vibrating because I was so high but I desperately wanted more cock in my hole. But I had to ask the obvious question, knowing that Justin might not tell me. “So who is this Jake person?” I asked him. He laughed nervously, then paused for a minute and said “well, ummmmm…….he’s……. ummmmmmm……my son.” OOOOOH. I should’ve gotten it before but I somehow in my lust and horniness, I missed this, and Mike hadn’t let me in on the secret. Justin explained “He’s also a student here in Chicago, a year ahead of you, I think. I’ve had the hots for him for a long time, but I didn’t want to upset him by making a pass at my own son. And you look a LOT like him. He’s short and very furry for his age, like you. With a nice big butt. He wrestled in high school and now in college, too.” I just smiled. This was getting really good. “The other thing I should tell you is that Mike is my brother.” I suddenly realized I had died and gone to heaven. The whole story quickly tumbled out of Justin while he laid next to me, playing with my nipples. “Mike’s younger and came out when we were teenagers, but I thought I should get married and have kids, so I did. Dumb move. My wife eventually discovered me in bed fucking another guy and divorced my ass. We’re on good terms now, but it was hard on her and on Jake. He was only 8 when we split up. That was 10 years ago. I’ve been really involved in his life, but he doesn’t know I like men.” Justin reached over for his phone and showed me a picture of himself with a boy of about 20, who did look a lot like me. He was shorter than Justin, with a thick mop of curly dark hair and chest hair coming out of the top of his tank top. In the picture they were standing by a lake, holding up fish for the camera. I immediately had a jolt of recognition. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and told him to hold on a second. He looked confused, and then I found it. A series of Grindr messages with THE SAME KID. We had never hooked up but we were both students at the same university and had flirted online, but never met IRL. I remembered joking with him that we were the hairiest guys under 20 in Chicago. His profile said he was gay and he’d joked with me about being kind of slutty. Isn’t every 20 year old gay guy slutty? I handed the phone to Justin, smirked and said “well Daddy man, maybe you look at this.” His jaw hit the floor as he scrolled through the messages between me and his son Jake. Then he opened the kid’s unlocked pictures, whistling loudly. “FUUUUUUUCK. I knew it. He has a big furry ass just like yours.” In the ass pic, Jake was looking at the camera, smirking like he knew how fine his ass was. He was right, it was a helluva nice ass. He was just waiting for men to admire it, and I’m sure they did, in abundance. “And he’s gay? OMG.” Justin laid back on the bed breathing hard, and handed my phone back to me. I had just blown a hole in his world in a way that he absolutely did not expect. “We’ve never met in person,” I said. “We just flirted a few times on Grindr because we both live on campus. Since I’m new there I was trying to meet gay friends, both for sex and just to hang out with. But because of his wrestling practice and meet schedule we’ve never managed to figure out a time to hang out.” I grinned at Justin. “Are you OK? I know this has to be freaking you out a little bit, especially considering how you just fucked me.” He laughed and said “Oh yeah, it’s just going to take me a little time to sort this through in my head.” As soon as he said that, the door clicked and in walked Mike. I set the phone back on the nightstand. “Well if it isn’t two of my favorite pigs.” He walked in the door, set his gym bag down and proceeded to start stripping off his shorts and tank top. He’d clearly just come from the gym and was dripping sweat. “I see you two got acquainted,” Mike said walking over to the bed and tapping on the buttplug that was securely shoved up my ass. I shook my ass at him and moaned loudly again, realizing that my hole was feeling very empty, despite the thick plug. I knew just who to ask to fill it. Mike was only wearing a jockstrap and I grinned at him and begged him “Please, can I suck your cock, mister?” Playing the innocent boy, looking up at him with my sexy green eyes that I knew he loved. “Why the fuck aren’t you sucking it already, faggot?” We all laughed and I scooted over and started playing with Mike’s cock through his jock. Then I pulled the sexy pouch aside and his big, meaty uncut dick flopped out, half hard already. I slid it in my mouth where it belonged and grabbed onto his ass to pull it all the way into my throat. Mike moaned and I could see that he and Justin were making out and I heard a click and a lighter go on. I looked up and Justin was holding a glass bong and sucking white smoke out of it which he then blew into Mike’s lungs. Justin tapped on my shoulder, and I came up off Mike’s fat cock and he passed another shotgun to me. I immediately went back down on Mike’s cock, taking it all the way into my throat, just like he taught me. He kept moaning while making out with Justin. Finally Mike came up for air, and said “come on Jakey, you want Uncle Mike’s cock in your pretty little hairy cunt?” I relinquished his delicious cock from my mouth and immediately turned around and put my ass in the air, arching my back like a good fuck toy. “Yes, Uncle Mike! Please use my pussy!” Mike laughed and hawked a loogie into my hole, then I saw Justin tuck something under Mike’s foreskin. Mike quickly slid his entire fat cock into my hole and I was in heaven again. After a few thrusts, I could feel something warm in my hole and said “what the…..?” They both laughed and said “don’t worry Jake, you’re gonna love it.” I could feel the warmth spreading through my ass and realized they had given me more drugs up my butt hole. All I could do was moan and beg Mike to fuck me hard. He slapped my ass and proceeded to start pounding me good. I was in cumdump faggot heaven. Justin moved on top of me and spread his ass cheeks wide and sat his furry hole down on my face. I ate him ravenously, smelling his deliciously sweaty butt and running my tongue up and down his crack, then shoving it as far up his hole as I could. I grabbed onto his hips and pulled him down as far as I could onto my tongue, while I ate his hole like I hadn’t had a meal in a week. It was fucking amazing. Smelling his manly hole while my cunt was getting fucked hard made me one happy spun little fag boy. While I was eating Justin’s ass, he would occasionally lift up and then turn around so he could make out with me, tasting his hole on my face and in my goatee. Then he would turn around and plant his big Daddy hole on my tongue again and I continued my meal. Meantime, Mike kept fucking me hard, and after about 15 minutes, he started to pound my hole really hard and pushed my legs back as far as he could, Justin held them in place for him. Spewing a never ending stream of dirty talk, calling me every name he could think of, faggot, whore, pig, slut, cumdump, he finally shot an enormous load in my boy pussy. While he was calling me every filthy name in the book all I could do was mumble because my mouth was full of daddy hole. Justin cheered him onI could feel his cock pulsate and the shots fire into my hole, pushing his brother’s load further into my ass.I was so high I couldn’t really speak, all I could do was hang on for dear life while my tongue fucked Justin’s hole and Mike raped my cunt. Finally, we all disentangled from each other and spread out on Justin’s king sized hotel bed, catching our breath. I was completely spent, but my hole was telling my brain MORE MORE MORE. I was vibrating and my hole was on fire. Mike grabbed the buttplug from the mess of sheets on the bed and shoved it back in my cunt. “There. You need that plug to keep those loads in. We’re not done with you. Not by a long shot.” He grinned and grabbed the back of my head, kissing me deeply and with great affection. I melted. These hot Daddies were not only paying attention to me, they were lavishing me with some of the greatest feelings I’d ever had. When we’d all come back to earth a bit, Justin smiled at me and said “Well, should we tell him?” Mike got a puzzled look on his face, and said “tell me what?” I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone and showed him the Grindr conversations I’d had with the REAL Jake. Mike burst out laughing and said “well that makes things more interesting, doesn’t it? Why don’t you just invite him over, Adam? What’s the worst that can happen? He says no?” I smirked and looked at Justin. This was his call. He was paying for my ass and he had a few more hours on the clock. All night if he wanted. I just looked at Justin and said “Well?” He’s your kid. What do you wanna do?” Justin was high and horny and his cock was rock hard again with the head just peeking out of his thick foreskin. He just looked at us and said “fuck it. Sure. Why not. He’s probably busy anyway.” So I messaged Jake. Grindr said he was online and it was Friday night so he might very well be looking for some dick. He replied right away and I asked him what he was doing. He told me he was just horny and looking for some fun and asked me if I wanted to “hang out.” I said sure, but explained that I was at a buddy’s hotel room downtown and did he want to join us for a group thing. I thought the phone was going to explode he answered so quickly. “FUCK YES” was the answer. At Justin’s prompting, I told him to take a cab or Uber and my friend would pay for it since he could make it a business expense. He responded that he would be there in 20 minutes. I was giving Justin and Mike a play by play as this was happening and I was laying between them with them idly playing with my tits and cock. The trap was set. Wait until Jake found out what the surprise was.
    1 point
  42. i was at All Worlds in May. i went to PS 2-3 times a year prior to Covid. i've stayed at All Worlds (usually) and CCBC. Been awhile since i stayed at CCBC (prior to the pandemic), but had my best on site sex there. Would leave my door ajar at night and lie ass up and had a lot of walk in breed and go. During the day, especially on weekends, the playroom would be wall to wall sex. All Worlds? Hit and miss for me, but i may be figuring it out? When they also owned the facility across the street, i found that play room to be very active. Was a lot smaller than the maze, 4 large booths with large GH's, on big room with couple of sections with sofas and a sling, divided by the "booths," but it was always busy and i got fucked a lot there... as much as CCBC, more really in the play room, less in my own room. AW opens The Maze on weekends, it's closed week days. When it's open, you have to pay a cover charge and enter through the lobby. On week days, the lobby isn't even open and you enter through a coded gate. i checked in on a Wednesday and didn't see any staff till Friday, check in was done online and i got a 'key' code to the facility gate and to my room. If i go back to AW, i know better how to work it than i did this last time. If it's a week day, half the PS population is gay and i find anonymous walk in is pretty easy to arrange using apps. We're back to the "numbers" reality. The large gay poplulation increases ones chances, eh? i'd just give the gate code to whoever wanted to fuck, they'd come to the hotel, let them selves in and come to my room with my door ajar, find me naked and ass up and breed me. i like that venue better than just any hotel because it's in a gated, safer? environment? At least, it's at a place where fucking is the expectation, not the random gay guy using the local Motel 6. Though, honestly, i wonder if that would work better in a city like PS? Come the weekend, no more walk in sex. i had one Guy arranged and they had blocked the after hours gate. He went to the lobby and they would not let Him in without paying a cover charge so He left. He was (rightfully) pissed at me... i didn't know, that's how i found out about the after hours gate being blocked on weekends. i got mixed sex in The Maze. Friday was busy, and i didn't get much. Saturday was a little better. Sunday i got the most (oddly to me?)... especially at the end of the day when everything was winding down. i went to the back room with the large king sized bed and lay ass up and got some incredible fucking. damn, it was good. Friday and Saturday was a mix of sucking and getting fucked, but i was a little fish in a big pond those days/nights. Lots of sex going on, just not with me.
    1 point
  43. Love dropping my seed into a married guys ass
    1 point
  44. Was just reminded I wrote this. I should write more stories again, been too long
    1 point
  45. Had a smoking fetish from a young age. Started with watching men smoke: on the streets, on youtube, at school. Got into fantasizing about older men teaching/forcing me te smoke. As i didn't dare it to do at home. Started searching online, chatted a lot.. but to no avail. Glad youtube did had some videos of forced smoking or smoking teaching scenes then lol.. Finally at 24 yo mustered up the courage to start smoking. And it was as hot as i imagined. Still do at 30. And still have the most raunchy fantasies about learning to smoke and being forced to smoke like a good boy.
    1 point
  46. We just had a ff session with friends and a straight friend. After his wife had their son she refused to have anymore sex. He went to a swingers party and played with a married couple. While he fucked the wife the husband fucked him in the arse. It was a revelation for him. We had a great time together. He has a greedy cunt
    1 point
  47. I think it is becoming more acceptable to give the other side a try... I'm not into the Tina, etc... but I see it a lot at the bookstores...
    1 point
  48. Chapter 2 I pulled up outside Brad’s flat. There was a dim light on that I could see through the blinds. I locked the car and walked up to the door. As I was about to knock the door swung open. He must have been watching me approach, though I hadn’t seen him at the window. I walked in, the door closing behind me. Brad was there in a dark coloured bathrobe. ‘Follow me ‘ he calmly said in his deep voice, barely more than a whisper. I felt compelled to do as I was told , almost as though it was an order. He made his way into the lounge area. There was low mood lighting, and the brightest light came from the large flat screen tv on the wall. It showed a smooth sexy twink being barebacked by a hunk of an older guy. My cock rose to semi hardness straight away. Brad opened his robe and I could see a large cock, probably 7 ins long at least and thick. I had not seen a cock like it outside of a porn flick. He had a furry chest and there was a glint of metal at one of his nipples. I could see tattoos as well, a tribal design around the upper part of his chest. ‘ Strip to your boxers’ he growled. I quickly complied before he turned me round and viewed what he saw. I was sporting a boner now. His hand went down the back of my boxers and he slid a finger down the crack of my cheeks, seeking out my hole. ‘come here … on your knees’ I knew what he wanted. I wanted it too. I sank to my knees and took his cock. I licked the shaft before swallowing the end. I had only ever given a couple of blow jobs before , and never to completion , a few years previously when just fooling around with a guy. Nothing like this. I started playing with my cock as I sucked Brads thick member. ‘suck my balls’ Brad whispered . I came off the shaft and sucked one of his balls into my mouth. It was just a natural reaction. I was loving it. I looked up and saw more tattoos in his shaved pubic area. There was a star at one side and a scorpion at the other, again in a tribal design. They looked in keeping with the rest of his body ink and I thought nothing more of it. ‘im going to teach you all you will need to know. Have you a girlfriend?’ I nodded as Brads cock was back in my mouth. ‘Does she know you suck cock?’ I shook my head. ‘Good! Let’s keep it that way for the time being. In time you will want to tell her you are a cock sucking faggot , but for now we will keep that under wraps’ . I carried on wanking the cock in front of me. ‘this is lesson one, you will be swallowing my cum shortly. You will then leave quietly and message me when you want lesson two. I know that will be soon, you’re a natural.’ I was still rubbing my own cock but I wanted to taste my first cum load, so I went to town on Brads cock. I was so fucking horny I couldn’t explain it. ‘ Here it comes boy, don’t spill a drop’ Brads cum hit the back of my throat and I desperately tried to swallow it all. He must have been saving up a few days worth as I nearly gagged as I swallowed. I licked his shaft clean and wiped his cock on my face as I had seen it the porn flicks. ‘Dress and go ‘ Brad ordered, the sound on the porn flick now filling the room as the twink was getting a pounding. ‘thank you’ I mumbled as I dressed, and slipped out of the flat. My cock was still hard, I hadn’t cum. I got quietly in the car and drove off into the night, desperate to replay the events in my head . I got home, stripped and played with my cock until I could came , imagining lesson two. I was hooked. I needed to learn more! to be continued …….
    1 point
  49. Would love a night with a poz cock or two!
    1 point
  50. "Fuck Yeah! Hold that pose." He said, then grabbed his phone and took a few pictures. "I'm sending these to my buds," he said as he tapped away on his phone. Then turned to me, as I lay there with my hole beginning to leak his cum. I finally looked down at his dick and I couldn't believe that huge log had been inside me. It was thicker than a beer can and I'm pretty sure that the 9 inches were an underestimation. The head was huge, angry, and red, with a pearl of bright white cum hanging from the piss slit. My eyes widened and he laughed. "Yeah, it's tough for me to find bottoms that can or even want to take me sometimes, it's why I prefer the anonymous scene ha ha." "Holy shit! I'm glad I'm stoned and buzzed because otherwise there's no way I'd have taken you." I said. "Then I'm going to take advantage." He said; scooting forward and slapping that huge cockhead on my hole. "Look into my eyes," he said and I looked up at him. I found his smile comforting and he continued, "You already took it, that ass is already mine. But you set up tonight for a reason, you don't just want to get fucked. You NEED to get fucked. And you NEED to get pozzed so that's what I'm here to give you. Now take a deep sniff of poppers, hold your breath, and let it out when I tell you." I looked into his eyes, took a deep sniff in each nostril, and held my breath. After about 5 seconds, he said, "Let it out." I began to exhale when he slammed his whole length into me. I'm pretty sure he must have torn me up a little but the poppers helped and I felt instantly full but also so euphoric that I moaned out loud. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down on top of me. I noticed that his pecs were pierced with small barbells and I began to nibble on his right nipple. "Oh fuck, baby. That's my kryptonite!" He said chuckling. Meanwhile, I could feel him begin to piston in and out. His thick shaft feeling like it was dragging my guts out on his out strokes but massaging my insides and pounding into my prostate on the in strokes. I squeezed my ass muscles, this time deliberately milking his dick. Knowing that I was no longer the nervous negative cuck that I was before he walked in the door. Now, I was a potential positive cumdump, finally taking that step that I'd feared for years. Realizing now that I had nothing to fear all along except this! Me, on my back with a handsome stranger smiling as he plowed away at my ass while his precious cum changed my DNA to match his! "Please cum inside me again." I said out loud. "I want your cum inside me. I want your babies in me. Please." I pleaded. "Oh fuck, you're still so fucking tight. I'm getting close again. Chew on my nipples baby, bite those fuckers!" I chewed and bit his nipple, using my tongue and front teeth to twist the barbell back and forth. He started huffing, puffing, and sucking his breath in hard through his teeth. "Ahhh, yeah, baby. Fuck, I'm getting close. Your ass is working hard for my load. But I want you to look into my eyes again and ask for it." "Yes please. Give me your load, your poz cum. Shoot it inside me and poz me please." I begged as I looked into his eyes and tweaked his nipples with my fingers. He got this intense look in his eyes and roared as his dick began to spasm and contract and I felt that tell tale warmth deep inside me that let me know he was breeding me again. "Fuuuuuuuck yeah! Pozzing your hot hole!" He said, as he collapsed on top of me. Soon after, he raised himself on his arms and said. "I want your number, I'm going to keep fucking you and I'm gonna make sure your ass is always full of cum." He pulled out of me, grabbed his phone and said, "Well, looks like your ass has about 30 minutes to rest. I see you got some weed, let's smoke. I have a feeling you're gonna need to be relaxed ha ha." It sounded playfully ominous but that's kind of what his appeal was to me; this intense manner of friendliness and control at the same time. Plus he was a stud, about 6'1", 185 lbs of muscle, and a handsome face with a thick hole wrecker that I was beginning to get addicted to. We stepped out to the balcony, smoked a joint while we waited for his friends and got to know each other a little better. "I'm horny all the time," He told me, "And jacking off doesn't cut it anymore. I need to fuck and breed, and I'm looking for a regular cumdump if you're interested. Besides, you got a one in fifty chance that you got pozzed tonight so I'm gonna keep breeding you til it takes." "Really? One in fifty?" I asked, suddenly feeling disappointed. "That's what they say, but that just means we gotta get at least fifty loads in you" he said with a wicked grin as he grabbed my ass and stuck his middle finger in me. He started digging at my insides and it kind of stung a little. He pulled out his finger, now covered in a pinkish layer of cum and winked at me. "Just tipping the odds in your favor." He said with a smile as his phone beeped.
    1 point
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