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  1. I wrote a reply on the topic Seducing Your Dealer and received pv messages asking me about Troy, and how we met. So I guess I'll tell that little story. Troy was dating a friend of mine who was pretty straight-laced, Let me be blunt, he was boring. Don't get me wrong one of the nicest, honest, and devoted friends you could have. Troy on the other hand would have a drink in hand cracking jokes. His presence was out there, standing at 6 feet with medium dark brown skin, brown hazel eyes, slim well defined cut body, and as I would find out later a beautiful thick 9 1/2 cut dick. When he and I first met we hit it off, we clicked. I had never been with a black guy before, not to my taste, so I didn't think of him in that way. One night we were at my house having drinks and getting ready to head to the clubs. Troy comes up to me and shows me his pipe and asks if I want to party. I tell him if I start I won't want to stop and I won't want to be at a club. I'd rather be home on Bbrt looking to fuck. He puts the pipe away and tells me not to say anything his boyfriend doesn't know and asks What's my profile name, Little Latin Bro. We head to the club and have a great night but all I can think about is Troy's pipe and wanting to PNP. As soon as I get home I clean up, break out my pipe, and jump on BBRT, time to fuck. When I log in I have a message from Tall Back to Breeder, hmm? It's Troy. When the fuck did he have time to jump on Bbrt and look for me? The sneaky fucker is a cheating pnper [banned word]. I open up his profile and mother fuck he's a hot slam pig, watersports, [banned word], verbal and the list is long. He has all kinds of pics, cock in ass, cum on someone's face, cum covered chest, obviously he's a big shooter. Being the good friend I am I unlock my pics and reply to his message. Don't call me a nasty boy with a profile like yours pig man, lol. As I begin to read my messages I hear a knock on my door, MF I'm high, horny as fuck, and who the fuck is banging on my door at 3 in the morning? I open it and it's Troy holding his pipe, he says, Is now a good time? He walks in and sits on the couch, opens his bag pulls out a water bong, fills it with his water bottle, and loads it up. Asks if I have porn, which I tell him in my room, he gets up and walks to my room. He sets the pipe down and undresses to his boxers and tells me to put in a video as he lit up the pipe. He nods his head for me to come over and sit next to him ON MY BED, who put him in charge? Ok, I like him taking charge. He begins to drill me with questions about my experience with incest, how old, who, when, and what we did. With Ms. T running through my head, the porn, the memories, and the huge tent in his boxers I'm getting hornier by the second. He leans over and shotguns me. "So little cousin you like it when your older cousin comes over when your mom and dad aren't home gets you fucked up"? I know where this is going. I nod my head. "Good, first I'm going to teach you to suck my dick, I'm going to play with that tiny little hole of yours until you are begging me to fuck you crazy. Before I steal that cunt I'm going to slam you up. Then I'm going to turn that cunt into a sloppy wet pussy that I'm going to knock up. I'm going to make love to you at least 2 or 3 times before I leave. My babies will be so deep in you, that you'll think you're pregnant." Just then he leans over and begins to kiss me. I don't if it was the Tina or what, but what a fucking kiss. Deep passionate aggressive, I'm fucking jello. Next thing I'm on my back, he's on top of me, we're making out like lovers, and he's in charge. We roll over, his hands push me down. I lick and suck his pecs, nipples, and belly all the way down. I try to take his boxers off, not yet he says, "Suck my dick through them". For the next, I have no idea how many minutes he tells me what to do before he pulls his dick out and I swallow it. I guess it must have been an hour or so of me sucking him and him playing and eating my hole when he gets up and tells me to go wash my face, I look like a slut. He smiles and winks at me. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom, we're both a mess. He stands over the toilet and says "I'm not pissing in you tonight, I'll leave that for next time". We both rinse our mouths and freshen up a bit then head back into the room. He tells me to sit on the bed grabs his black pouch and says, It's time, holding up two rigs. I made these after I read your profile. Ready little Cuz? He slams me and says "Don't worry" After he sees my dick goes soft (fucking tina dick) "That's not what I want. Mine has a little more to make my dick harder and fatter for you" I watch him hit himself and sure enough it goes straight to his dick. I'm spinning, on fire. I want that cock in me. He gets on top of me. We start kissing, he tells me he needs my cunt, he's gotta be in my pussy. He grabs the lube lifts my legs to his shoulders and pushes his fat head into me. Oh my fucking god I keep repeating until he's balls deep. We kiss and stay still until my insides rearrange to his big cock. Once he starts he goes for force at me. Making me plead and beg for more. I have no idea how long we went but he didn't lie. He came in me 3 times before he left. All night he kept telling me his nasty little cousin had the best ass cunt he's had in a long time. We became great PNP buddies.
    12 points
  2. Taking in the news that Jack, my son, has gotten into the party scene… It feels like I just slammed again for the very first time. Hearing the rentman in the next room got lit with my boy and fucked him in LA last spring was jolting, like the whoosh of that first point, the sudden drop in your chest and feeling of whoa. Then realizing all the different avenues this opened up for the sex between us... that was like being wrapped in a warm blanket of ecstasy. And now, like any slam rush, I am about to fuck the rentman senseless. But unlike topping after I have slammed, where I shove my cock up the nearest available and consenting hole without even bothering to lube it up, I am approaching rentman’s ass a little more thoughtfully. “Tell me.” I’m standing in the doorway of the bathroom, erection jutting forward. It takes rentman a few seconds to notice, transfixed as he was by the video of my boy getting spitroasted by two gorgeous black daddies he told me he found online, and who had become more than fuck buddies. And this video is transfixing. I almost lose my train of thought recalling the day Anthony told me about these guys. They were his west coast dads. I hadn’t met them yet - and with what rentman just told me, I understand why, these guys definitely like to party. They may have been the ones who got Jack lit the first time. But Jack had told me a lot about them. He had been vague on how they met. But he had been very detailed in other areas. The home cooked meals, and once a month, a trip to Roscoe’s in Hollywood for Chicken and Waffles. When he bought his car - an 84 El Camino he was determined to restore, they helped him find a good mechanic and a better body shop. The older one, Dave, even taught him how to do laundry the proper way, a lesson I had failed to impart despite repeated efforts over 18 years. And of course, they took him to the bathhouses and circuit parties. Judging by the dilated pupils I’m just now noticing Jack has in this, and probably other videos, they took him to plenty of other parties as well. I stare at these two beautiful Black men, each of them drilling my boy’s cunt, my boy screaming out in absolute perverted ecstasy, and my cock is painfully hard. I’m leaking so much precum it looks like I’m low key pissing. Feeling playful, and wanting to get rentman’s attention, I start helicoptering my dick, dousing him, myself, the bed and everything else in the immediate vicinity. He’s surprised at first, but I picked a good little pig to fuck tonight, and he’s on his knees licking it off his arms and my legs. He’s got that lustful look in his eye that you can only get when you’re high, a look that says ‘I’m using you to use me.’ It’s the kind of look I’ve given plenty of men, and plenty more have given me. It’s a look that makes my painfully erect cock bounce uncontrollably. Rentman sees my dick jerking on it’s own accord, and he actually whimpers. Like a puppy. There is nothing in the universe he wants, needs, more right now than to get pounded long and hard. Not oxygen. Not water. Not food or validation or respect. Just my cock. And more crystal. He crawls over on all fours, mirroring the video playing where Jack is crawling to the second Daddy - Derek - after being bred by Dave. Rentman starts sniffing and licking my cock, my balls, my taint, my hole. But I stop him “Tell me,” I repeat. And he’s puzzled for a second. I can see it click in his head. “Oh, you mean the kid in the video? He was so much fun. Insatiable little cum slut. I met him at a bathhouse called Flex. “ Oh I know Flex. Doesn’t surprise me in the least that my boy would like it there; the first time I went I said “this is my kinda trashy.” “Anyway, I was with a client, this doctor I fuck once a month. Dude flies me out there, loves getting fucked by me. Terrible lay though. Doesn’t know how to bottom and since he’s a doctor you can’t tell him anything. So I’m finishing with the Doctor, and I go outside to smoke a cigarette. I see this cute blond twink sucking a bunch of cocks around the hot tub. I sit and watch the show for a minute, but it gets broken up when the staff comes around - you’re not supposed to fuck in the water, apparently. Well, I swoop in immediately and invite him back to my room. One of the big ones with a big bed.” He takes a long hit off the bong, slowly exhales, blows a couple of smoke rings on my dick. “He laid down on the bed and turned the porn on, and then he looked at my reflection in the mirror - I don’t know why but I found that so hot - and asks me where the party’s at. I didn’t think anything of it, everyone gets high there, so I pulled out my bong and torch, told the kid to help himself. I had smoked plenty with the Doctor. The kid took 3 or 4 big rips and was flying. He got on all fours and started shaking his ass, wiggling it and licking his lips, still keeping eye contact through the reflection in the mirror.” He pauses for another rip off the bong. “I’ve never had someone ask me to eat their ass that way but it was such a fuckin turn on. So I fucked him for an hour or two, and then I had to leave to get to my next client. Gave him a couple of rocks and some G tho so I’m sure he stayed turnt that whole night. Where’d you find this video by the way? I love homemade porn, and I bet a bunch of my clients will as well.” Instead of answering his question, I said “show me.” I can hear the slightest trace of annoyance in his voice when he says “show you what? Mind if I take another hit?” The second question he asks as he’s in the process of taking a hit, he’s reached that point of being spun where he cannot begin to care about anything but his own dick and hole. I love a good rentman. “Show me how you fucked the boy in that video. Pretend I’m him. Fuck me just like you fucked him.” Rentman is amused but also turned on, I can see he’s going to comply. “Well, first thing then you’ll have to take a bunch of rips off the bong.” One, two, three, four major clouds later, I’m shaking with anticipation and the drugs. My heart is racing, my dick is bouncing, my asshole puckering, eager to be opened up by this stud and then fucked senseless. Just like I fuck Jack. Rentman stands up, puts his hand on my chest, and pushes me onto the bed. Wordlessly, he grabs my calves and pulls them up, getting me flat on my back. He sees the precum flowing freely from my cock, and dabs a finger on my dick head, drawing back a long strand he takes in his mouth and hungrily devours. He drops to his knees, and I know what’s coming next. I feel his hot breath in my crack, the scruff of his beard causing a little bit of friction that I find pleasurable, and leaving the musk of my asshole all over his face, which is a major turn on for both of us. And then I feel his tongue slowly licking my asshole. Lapping at it, the way a dog laps up some water. The way I lap at Jack’s hole. This goes on for 10 minutes or so, as he keeps feeding me shotguns, trying to get me as spun as humanly possible. After spitting on my hole one last time, He stands up, and repositions me so that the porn is behind him, “so you can watch” and he gestures to his phone. I make a quick decision. “Hold up a second.” I get up, and go to the bathroom. “Let’s do this right.” I open my toiletries case and pull out two syringes that I had preloaded, .5 each. I don’t party that often, and I slam even less, but after giving a great speech at a very lucrative conference and finding out that my boy is just as much of a meth craved cock whore as I am… Well, I knew this would be one of the nights where I go balls to the wall. I walk back out and rentman is taking more hits off the bong. He looks up, sees the syringes, and licks his lips, subconsciously echoing Jack’s invitation to lick his ass. “Can you admin yourself?” Rentman nods. I hand him the syringe, and he starts prepping his forearm with an alcohol wipe. I do the same. We pull the cap off the points simultaneously, but rentman quickly puts his back on, stands up and grabs his jockstrap, jeans and shirt. For a second I think he’s about to leave, but then he sets the phone down to record. Ah, he’s one of those guys I think to myself, and I decide to follow suit, as it were, putting my clothes back on too. Whenever I stumble across a slamming video, I think its so hot the way the guys take all their clothes off and start playing with their dicks almost immediately, no matter whether they are top bottom or side. Clearly rentman enjoys it too, and is one of the guys who gets dressed just so he can slam and get naked again. Thanks to rentman’s roided out body, his veins are huge and easy to hit. Mine are too, although that’s more from a lifetime of clearing the brush on the 2 acre lot my house sits on. Both of us insert our needles at the same time, his registers just a fraction of a second before mine does. We both push the plunger down, and I’m feeling the rush even before I pull the needle out. “Holy shit,” is all rentman says, as he starts coughing and taking off his clothes. “Fuck yeah” is all I say, through an even stronger cough. The warmth of the rush is almost overwhelming, as I rip my clothing off, literally ripping the shirt I had just put back on. “Come here.” Rentman’s voice has changed, lost all it’s playfulness and charm. Only lust and domination remain. I get on all fours and crawl to him, the same way he crawled to me, the same way Jack’s gonna be crawling to the both of us (I’ve already decided). “On your back. Spread those cheeks apart. Let me see that cunt.” I follow his instructions with enthusiasm. My asshole is puckering uncontrollably, begging for his cock, which is hard as steel and thicker than anything I’ve taken in a long, long time. “You want it like that kid? Well here you go.” He shoves his whole dick up my ass in one sudden thrust, and even though it’s painful, I take it in stride. I even look up at him and, feeling my playful side return, say “is it in?” Rentman gets a wicked smile across his face, right before lightly slapping me across the cheek. “Is it in? You tell me.” He starts thrusting wildly, slamming his dick into me over and over. I notice he’s matched the pace of the video, where Dave is once again fucking Jack. I’m in the same position as my boy is in the video, and I’m loving it almost as much as he is. My cock is rock hard and I start jacking it furiously while rentman continues his unrelenting assault on my ass. “Fuck oh yeah fuck me fuck that cunt give it to me fuck yes oh my god fuck me.” I can’t tell if it’s me saying this, Jack saying it in the video, or if I’m even saying it outloud, I’m that fucked up on the crystal. But except for the first night with Jack, this is the most intense sex I’ve had in years. Maybe because I’m pretending to be Jack. I don’t bottom very often, and Jack hasn’t even mentioned the possibility of me topping him - something I’ve been meaning to ask him because he clearly knows how to top, and from the videos and webcams I’ve watched, he enjoys it. “Yeah you like that big fat dick slamming in you? Dirty meth whore. You should fly us out to LA and we can take turn on that kid. I bet he’d love to get DP’d by the two of us.” Sweat is pouring off his forehead and chest, it feels like rain washing over me, and I’m just as thoroughly sweaty. Both of us are close to cumming. Rentman quickens his pace, I can feel his cock somehow get harder and harder in my hole. My own dick is covered in precum, and I’m jerking it in pace with rentmant’s powerful thrusts. “We don’t need to go to LA. He’s only an hour away,” I say, keeping eye contact with rentman as his orgasm continues to build. “Oh yeah, how do you know that?” “Because he’s my son, and you and I are going back to my house to get him high and fuck him senseless.” It’s enough to send rentman over the edge, as he busts a huge nut in my hole, I can feel 10, 12 spurts of his cum hitting inside me. That, in turn, sends me over the edge, and I shoot an equally large load all over his chest, my stomach, my face, a few arcs even hitting the TV, where Jack has just shot his own load all over himself. The two Black daddies in the video are panting just as hard as rentman and me. I point to the screen, ask rentman if he knows either guy - there’s a tiny snippet at the very end where they both show their faces. “Oh shit that’s Derek and Dave. Yeah I know them. They used to be porn actors before starting their own studio. I’ve actually done a couple of scenes for them.” My face breaks out into a smile of unrestrained deviance. “Get them on the phone.”
    12 points
  3. Part 31 Watching Kevin approach the bed with two liquid-filled syringes in his hand I listened as Drew explained to me and my son how this was going to be done. "Okay, Jer," he stated in a husky voice, "we're going to give you your slam first. You already know what to expect and how fucking great the rush feels when it hits you." "Fuck yeah I do!" Jeremy answered eagerly. Still talking to Jeremy but looking in my face Drew continued. "As soon as the waves hit you we're going to give Daddy, I mean your dad, his slam. As soon as it hits him he's going to push his cock inside your spasming ass. That will give your ass a jolt like you can't imagine and your ass is going to suck your dad's cock balls deep in you so you'll both feel hornier than ever together at the same time. Okay?" he asked us both. Jeremy didn't hesitate to let us know he was ready and I nodded excitedly at Drew. I watched Kevin fasten the belt around Jeremy's arm as I'd seen him do not too long ago on the computer. I was so engrossed in watching Kevin and Jeremy I was startled when Ryan took my left arm and began tying it off. He grinned at my astonished look and said, "Want to get you set for your slam stud so we can give it to you as soon as Jeremy feels his." I nodded my understanding and watched him mirror what Kevin was doing to my son. I saw both needles inserted to our respective veins then both syringes filling with our blood and mixing with the contents of the glass tubes. Then Kevin said, "Here it comes boy," as he pushed the plunger all the way down sending more of the liquified drug into Jeremy's system, while Ryan held mine steady until it was time. Just as before I saw Jeremy shudder and arch his back and heard him gasping for air as he was wracked with a series of powerful coughs. Then Jeremy began writhing on the bed, moving his hands all over his muscled torso, and we all heard a primal growl start in his throat and build quickly. At that point I was no longer able to watch the slam's progression on my boy as I heard Kevin say, "Do it," and I stared as Ryan gave me my first slam. Just as I was thinking I wasn't feeling anything, then WHAM! My head snapped backwards, my head and heart were pounding loud and hard, I felt a tightening in my chest and an almost deafening roaring in my ears. My body started shivering and convulsing and I was sure I was having a fatal heart attack. Deep coughs began in tandem with all of these things then it seemed my mind went silent. I was vaguely aware of two things: I could hear Jeremy still coughing as if from a distance, and my whole psyche and being were fixated on the need to have all the hot sweaty raw nasty sex I could. As I felt that need rapidly growing I heard Drew beside me saying what I ached to hear. "Now, Daddy Justin," he whispered even as he took hold of my throbbing cock. "Fuck your son! Slide your dirty cheating incestuous daddy dick inside Jeremy's fucking ass! Fuck him until you breed him stud!" With those words he let loose of my raging shaft as it pressed against Jeremy's burning 19 year-old hole and and was almost sucked into his flexing fuck chute! Jeremy's ass was still convulsing and spasming as I slid deeper and deeper into the warm wet for*idden places no father's cock is ever supposed to enter - my own son's ass! Tighter than any of the other three asses I'd been in today and more satisfying than I could have imagined. And more erotic because of the fact that it WAS my son I now had my bare cock buried in, something society called wrong and evil and despicable. I didn't give a damn what society said - this felt too good. Fucking my jock son Jeremy's cum-filled ass with the cock that had fucked him into existence. My head started to clear and I became aware of Jeremy's hands clawing at my back, his strong legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and his raspy voice crying out, "OH FUCK YESSS! Fuck me dad! Gawd you feel so fucking good in my ass! Pound me! Fuck me! Fill me up with your cum! Fucking do it!!" Bellowing in raw lust-filled carnality, I began fucking in and out of the hole impaled on my dick. We were both spewing profanity and vulgarity as our moans echoed around the room. Too soon, I felt my orgasm ready to explode. Suddenly I knew I wanted to be looking into Jeremy's eyes when I started to breed him with my incestuous cum. I caught Drew's eye and managed to moan out, "The blindfold. Take it off! I want him to see my face when I cum in him! Now! Do it! I'm about to cum!" As I slammed home one final time into my hot son's cum hungry hole and I felt the first eruption of my seed blasting from my piss slit, Drew grabbed the blindfold and yanked it off and I was looking deep into Jeremy's confused horny face as I cried out, "Take your dad's cum, son!" (to be continued)
    7 points
  4. My hands are trembling as I pack the pipe. Despite months, years of preparation, knowing I’m about to cross a line almost no one has the balls to cross has me shaking with anticipation. And lust. Pure, unbridled lust, flowing as freely as the precum slicking up my cock head. I know I told him I’d wait, but I can’t help it. I take a few hits off the pipe. My cock responds instantly, getting half-hard at the quality of the crystal, and the debauchery it will lead to. Debauchery. That’s a term of art if ever there was one. This is straight up depravity. I’m sprawled out on my bed, familydick video playing on the 90 inch high def television hanging on the opposite wall, Derek Allen is showing his “step”son how to fuck his gorgeous blond boyfriend proper. I’m taking a few casual hits, eyes darting between the porn and watching myself in the mirrors that flank either side of the bed, an infinite regress of daddy stud stroking his daddy stud cock. 9 inches reflecting back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth. As turned on as I’m getting from the crystal, the porn, watching myself jack off, it’s nothing compared to what I know is coming just as soon as he emerges from the shower where he’s eagerly and methodically cleaning out his asshole. My son. My pride and joy. Varsity athlete. Honors scholar. Future Senator. Meth-crazed cumslut. Daddy’s little boy. I “officially” found out my boy was gay a few weeks after his 16th birthday, when I walked into the living room finding him holding his best friend’s hand, shaking, with tears streaming down his face. “Dad, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m gay.” I was so proud of him for choking out those words despite the existential dread gripping every fiber of his being. Fully anticipating the worst of all reactions from his upstanding, God fearing, patriotic Texan father, he readied himself for the end of his family, his home, every foundation of his existence. “Shit boy, I’ve known that since you were 13. How long did it take you to figure out you could use an incognito browser?” Relief, then astonishment washed over his face, only to be replaced by a sheepish grin as his best friend convulsed in loving, heartfelt laughter. “Have you figured out your old man sucks cock too?” The laughter stopped immediately, and after a second or two of silence, it resumed in the form of a few nervous chuckles. Is the old man fucking with me? I could read it on my boy’s face. Little did he know, I would be fucking with him, something I had decided shortly after he turned 15 and for which I spent the last 3 grueling years planning in meticulous detail. Camping trips with communal showers, increasingly explicit movies on saturday afternoons, shorter shorts exposing my hefty cock. Lighting his first joint. Cracking his first beer. Frank and franker conversations about the kinds of lube he used to jack off. “Accidentally” leaving the bedroom door open a crack when I’m fucking a trick, leaving the bathroom door open when I’m taking a piss, dropping my towel a little too soon after getting out of the shower. Every step brought him closer and closer to the moment two years ago when he pulled my shorts down, gasped at the heft and fucking beauty of my cock, lowered himself to his knees, and with a wonton lust he can’t possibly conceal, closes his eyes, opens his mouth and accepts, with a gratitude bordering on reverence, his daddy’s dick for the very first time. He turned 18 on November 08, 2022, and by 12:05 am, he was shaking from the most powerful orgasm either of us had ever experienced, as I shot rope after rope after rope of cum all over his beautiful face. I knew my boy wanted my dick, wanted my load. I didn’t realize how badly he craved it until the first volley of my nut landed on his face and triggered a hands-free geyser erupting from his equally ample, equally beautiful dick. I came a second time moments later when, as I stood there panting and sweating, he began scooping up our combined loads, and - never breaking eye contact with me - swallowed it all while humming “happy birthday” to himself. I hadn’t planned on fucking him just yet, I wanted this to be a marathon, not a sprint, but I was so turned on by my son embracing, reveling, wallowing in my daddy lust that I started getting hard again. Almost telepathically, my boy knew what was coming. He got on all fours, climbed onto my bed and pulled apart his ass cheeks. I’ve eaten a lot of ass, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Licking, caressing, making out with the bottom’s hole… I consider it one of the only ways a man can truly pleasure and be pleased by another man. (That and sucking his cock with the unbridled enthusiasm my son had just shown on mine). So when my son wordlessly pulled apart his ass cheeks, his hole already puckering, I knew I had to take my time and savor it, no matter how painful my erection was getting. My technique rarely fails to leave my bottom quivering and begging for my cock. My son was shaking, begging, crying for his daddy to give him all 9 inches. I get harder and harder remembering his whimpering, ‘please dad, please I can take it, I need your cock in me, I need your cum, I don’t care if it hurts, I WANT it to hurt, I just need your dick in me. Please daddy. PLEASE!’ They were the first words either of us had spoken since the clock struck midnight, my boy legally became a man, and his mouth and hole and entire body became devoted to my servicing my dick, slaking my lust, slurping my cum. I never could deny my boy something when he pleaded with me like that. So I lined up my cockhead with his hole, and I didn’t even have to push. He pulled me in him. He shuddered, came again when I bottomed out, my balls resting against his taint. I leaned forward, gave him a kiss on the head, and whispered in his ear “get ready.” And then I fucked him, hard, for the next three hours. Every single position, every single variation, from good old doggy style on my bed to pile driving him on the kitchen table, his back and ass being mashed into the birthday cake - Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting - until my legs literally buckled out from under me, and I collapsed from the exertion of devoting every ounce of my energy to fucking my son. Even then, he couldn’t leave my cock alone, and I both passed out and woke up to him worshiping it with his mouth. We fucked almost every day for the next eight months, until his acceptance to UCLA. When he applied as a junior, all he could think about was getting out of Texas, getting to LA, sucking surfer dick and fucking stoner ass. Those fantasies almost completely evaporated after that first night, and the nights after. By Christmas vacation, when he spent the entire two weeks completely naked, and covered in cum - his, mine, a few discrete friends I brought over on Christmas eve for my boy’s very first gangbang - thoughts of California were a memory so distant they could have been mistook for a dream. But I insisted. My boy is no slouch, and as much as I knew he wanted to devote his entire existence to pervy, incestuous escapades, I refused to let him waste his God given potential… Both in the classroom, and in the dorm room. As much as he hated the thought of leaving home, daddy cock, daddy cum and lots of it, I knew he’d be okay. And that faith in my boy was born out his very first night in Westwood, when I got a video of him flip fucking with a gorgeous stud who turned out to be the starting quarterback of the the Bruins football team. It was a performance I’d see repeated many, many times that first year, courtesy of the live webcam he set up for me to watch, in realtime, as he sucked and fucked his way across campus. I, of course, returned the favor, putting up cameras all over our house so he could follow my action as well. We developed this beautiful tradition - every friday night, we would time it so that we were both fucking at the same time. I always nutted just a little bit faster when I could see my boy, and by the end of his first year, we were cumming simultaneously almost every session. When he flew back after his first year, he wore the thinnest shorts he could possibly find, and his erection was painfully obvious as he walked right up to me and kissed me, hard, on the mouth. Normally, I’m pretty cautious, but I couldn’t help myself. As soon as I got him back to my truck, I bent him over the front seat and fucked him like his asshole owed me money. Three cars drove by while I was making my boy whimper and moan like the cheap whore I raised him to be. One of them was a sheriff trooper. My son has never made me prouder than when he looked the sheriff dead in the eye, and in between gasps from the relentless pounding I was giving his hole, said “your cock ain’t gonna suck itself mister, get that fucker over here before my daddy needs me to clean his dick off.” Most men would panic. Most men would be desperately trying to zip up their pants and fumble their way through a wildly unbelievable attempt to convince the deputy not to believe his lyin eyes. I just kept thrusting. My son just kept moaning. It was a siren song to the cop, who briefly wrestled with his conscience before doing a quick double take to check and see if anyone was looking before opening his door and revealing a beautiful, already hard and leaking 9 inch dick. He didn’t say a single word as he sauntered up to the other side of the truck, opened the door, and fed his cock to my son. I was alreay close to cumming, but I decided to edge myself in my boy’s hole until the Sheriff was close so that my boy could get loads on his face and in his ass at the same time - something he had grown particularly fond of, courtesy of all the frat boys he’d bring home after last call. The Sheriff, still somewhat disbelieving what was happening, nonetheless came within 3 minutes, blasting a huge load all over my boys face and hair, licking some of it off, and smearing the rest with his not-at-all deflating cock. My son, cocky little fucker that he is, just looked up and said “how about you escort us back to our house and we keep this party going.” That phrasing was the first indication that my boy was getting up to a little more than he was letting on. But I didn’t have time to question him further as the Sheriff leaned into his walkie-talkie and said “Dispatch, providing an escort to a soldier back from deployment, disregard the sirens.” We lived a nominal 60 minutes from the airport, but with the Sheriff’s kindness to a “returning soldier” we were home in 35 minutes. The Sheriff pulled into our garage so as not to disturb the neighbors, and somehow had completely disrobed en route, everything but the boot and the cowboy hat. He wordlessly bent my boy over the squad car as I sat on the nearby work bench and took in the sight of my boy’s hole being plowed, slowly and steadily, the Sheriff’s thick and veiny cock glistening with the cum I had already shot up my boy’s ass. The Sheriff fucked him for 2 hours before having to respond to a call of “shots fired.” "Shots fired all right, all over my fuckin face," was all my boy said. I love, love, LOVE how cocky my boy had become, how fucking brazen he could be. He was a big dicked cum slut stud, he knew it, and he knew everyone within his line of sight new it too. We spent that entire first summer sucking, fucking, eating ass, even fisting him once. I’d fall asleep with my cock in his ass every night, with him half-whispering, half-sighing “I love you daddy.” I’d usually be woken up a few hours later, as deep in a REM cycle, he was dream fucking himself, not even waking. And of course, as the sun broke over the horizon and shone clearly through east-facing floor-to-ceiling windows, I’d be roused by the sensations of him licking, kissing, and sucking my first load of the day. It was towards the end of the summer, as he was preparing to head back to California, when I found out Daddy’s perfect cum dumpster had set his sights… higher… I had to travel to San Antonio for a conference, and as much as I wanted to have him with me, I was giving the keynote speech and my sense of professionalism overrode the untrammeled lust that had consumed me ever since the first time I saw his web history and the tiny bit of boy cum crusted on the table all those years ago. He understood, although his disappointment was palpable. But I always encouraged him to have fun whenever, wherever and with whoever he wanted, and like a good father, I never once brought up the word condom. And from the videos I saw, he never gave it a thought. My boy only fucked raw. One of the many, many reasons I was so fuckin proud of him. The speech went off without a hitch, I received a couple of dozen new orders for the tech I was pitching, with enough of a profit margin to ensure that my boy could spend the rest of his life fucking his boy without ever worrying or wanting for money. Naturally, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity of having fun in a different city. And since I was feeling pretty bold, I decided this would be the rare night I’d get lit and fuck all night. I pulled up rent.men, found a stud whose page telegraphed meth whore, and booked him for the whole night. He had a perfect ass, a 10 inch dick and a smile that could light up Dallas. His soft blond hair contrasted perfectly with the hard, clearly roided out pecs, abs and biceps he not-so-subtly wanted me to worship. I asked if we could film, a keepsake for the boy. Rentman insisted. I got him on his side, with his knees pulled up like he was being fucked doggy style. It’s my favorite position, gives me perfect access to his prostate with the upward and slightly left leaning curve of my dick. I never broke eye contact as I pushed in, not even as I lit the bong and the torch and gave him several shotguns. He was flying, I was flying higher, and after 40 minutes, he had to tap out. I went to take a piss while he rested, absent-mindedly watching the porn and stroking his cock to the amateur videos my son had so thoughtfully provided on an external harddrive he slipped in my satchel bag right as I was heading out the door. I was watching myself take a hands-free piss in the mirror, getting hard watching my cock and debating on whether or not I should ask him if he pointed. I was just about to flush when rentman made my dreams come true, saying “oh hey wait I know this kid, I got lit and fucked him when I was in LA last spring.” I love my boy.
    5 points
  5. 10. Clean up, kid. I like it dirty, but not literally. 9. Call me a traditionalist, but I like my boyholes plucked and shaved. 8. Condoms? Your neighbor sports a perfect bubble and will give it to me bare. 7. So it hurts a bit in the beginning? It's supposed to, boy. 6. No, I'm not slowing down. Hit the poppers and take it like a pro. 5. Doggy, missionary, sideways? I like'em all and you'll give up your ass any way I like it. 4. I'm fucking you and you're telling me you want a gangbang. Tell me why you should be thinking about other cocks right now. 3. Don't tell me where to dump my load. It's going up your ass and you knew that when we started. 2. Do I want you to cum? Haven't thought about it but now that you mention it: No. 1. Ah... You cleaned my cock! I'm definitely coming back, slut.
    5 points
  6. Chapter 10: It's Showtime! The show began, and the nerd explained he had a special guest. He said i think youll like him, especially his cock, which even i havent seen outside of his jock. The camera then focused on Marc's jock. Before the session started, the nerd added a few drops of water to Marc's jock to look like pre cum. The nerd said looks like he's excited just like you are. The offer of tokens started rolling in whem Marc rubbed the wet spot with a finger and moved it towards his mouth. They had agreed no faces, so Marc just said yum, tasty! He knew how to work it! Unknown to the nerd, Marc and I have done cam shows of our toxic breedings. Those sessions were HIGHLY verbal in nature. Marc knew that was a way to collect tokens quite quickly! The nerd started by slowly exposing his beautiful cock, and then he turned it over to Marc who milked it to earn tokens just as hard as he would soon be milking his cock! Marc didn't wait long before suggesting the two stroke the others cocks. The nerd said it would take a private show for that. He said that if enough interest, they would do a semi private show for any and all that offered a minimum amount if tokens! The requests started rolling in. The nerd kept raising the minimum " buy in" and only a few dropped out. He reminded the audience he would be splitting the tokens with me, so pony up if you want to see two guy stroking the others cock! Of course I chimed in asking to see their holes. The nerd agreed but said that would be an exclusive show, and the bidding was now open! There was quite the interest, and I had to bid more than I cared to, but I had to see the nerds pucker that would hopefully eventually taking Marc's charged seed and giving Marc his first son! I knew it would take time and patience, but somehow we would make it happen! I ended up winning the bid to see their hopes in a private show. I instructed the nerd to lube up a finger and insert it in Marc's hole. He was hesitant, however Marc convinced him too. The lube was somewhat of a joke, but the nerd didn't know that. Not only did he stick a finger in, he started to finger fuck Marc! To my suprise, the nerd said he'd never had anything up his ass but for the right amount of tokens, he'd let Marc slip a finger in his ass. I knew that this wasn't going to be cheap, but knew Marc would hate me if I didn't pay up, so I did! The nerd moaned with pleasure as Marc put a finger up his pink pucker. He started the nerd in doggy style, but once he was ready to add a second finger, Marc got the nerd on his back and told him to stroke his cock. Marc started with just one finger, but as the nerd started jerking faster, Marc started pumping 2 fingers in the nerds ass. The nerd was in pure heaven, and shot a massive load. The nerd told me that was a free bonus for me. I told the nerd I'd love to join the two of them for a session, laying between the 2 of them and stroking both their cocks. The nerd said he was about to go back to his open channel and would mention that idea. Once the nerd got back on the open Chanel he focused on the thick creamy load on his stomach, teasing his audience by saying you never know what happens in private sessions, but this was the best he's ever had! With that he mentioned the idea of me joining the two of them in a mutual session. The idea was a hit with his audience! He promised there would be another semi private show, and hopefully 3 times the cum!
    5 points
  7. I have great sexual memories from all over the country. I always travel with potential sex play as part of the equation. Here are some highlights from my sexpig life so far. Palm Springs: CCBC, Always stayed for Palm Springs Leather Pride and was immersed in a week of sexual use from waking to sleeping. I could get used til I was exhausted at like 3am, crawl into bed, ass gaped nd leaking, sleep hard and deep for 5 hours, wake up, stumble out of my room and into a sling and continue the public promiscuous play. SF: Folsom St. Far: cock hanging out in public, getting fucked and fisted in public and solid night time sex parties for several days, including a CumUnion party i was so used at the by the last of the 33 guys t use me, i was so gaped, the top jerked off inside my ass. The cum and lube leaked thru my clothing and left a wet spot on the seat of my Uber. I was pig proud Cleveland OH: CLAW: Every year I have attended has been amazing, both in sexual use and the guys I have met. I have also gotten to be the demo bottom for the Fisting Basis class for multiple years (which I do with the same instructor at Pig Week), a demo guy for the sounding class, and given my own seminar on the Power and Philosophy of Promiscuous Living. Being a high use service mare at 2023 Horse Market was a huge highlight for this pig. NYC: Cock Bar: In addition to solid sex play hookups, my most recent visit included getting fisted in front of patrons at the Cock Bar by one of the dancers. I went on to orally service him and another dancer and have sex with multiple patrons in the main bar and the bathrooms.. These are my people Atlanta GA: Home: so many great memories here even before I moved here. One highlight is chronicled on this site by another member who watched the heavy use I endured and indulged in at a CumUnion. At the most recent Atlanta Dominion BDSM party, in addition to being fucked and fisted openly by guys, I was sounded and then cathed by an real life EMT in medical gear, while i was enjoying the pleasure of that, he slid his fist in me and I was in the Pleasure stratosphere. Orlando FL: I lived in Orlando and never wanted for sexual use. My highlights range from heavy use at Club Orlando bathhouse to the point i was late meeting friend for dinner because I couldn't say no to guys still wanting to use me, and I'd been there all day playing to the blow out fisting party my husband arranged on our trip last week to ensure i was fully sexed to the max. Having sex with a housekeeping Cast Member is also a huge highlight. Only happened once but I would welcome it again any time. Fort Lauderdale FL: Grew up here. Always attend the 10-day sex marathon that is Pig Week. So many highlights here...from filming as one of the porn star for the gangBang Lottery, to being kept poppered up at a sex party by one guy while others took turns in me til i just hung open so wide i had to sleep in a diaper that night so much cum an lube was leaking out of me, to being in a public fisting chain at one of the parties to being on my back on a low stage at the psycho circus party, lubed up, poppered up and a throng of guys gathered around watching us power bottoms taking hours of use and waiting turns to play in us so tat my ass was never without a hand or penis in it (sometimes both at once) for more than a few seconds)...
    5 points
  8. Hooked up with the scrawny white trash boy last night after work. Had been messaging in the morning and he wanted it before he went into work, but I couldn't. He was mid 20s, inked, nice sized uncut cock, verse, open to raw, said he was neg. I told him after work could work for me. He lives in a pretty trashy part of Richardson, northeast of me and I was kind of leery going to his place. I was horned up at the end of the day and messaged him saying I was down, he was too. Headed to his place and when I got their he was outside saying his roommate was home and needed to fuck outside, in a car, or something. He said there was a safe place nearby we could walk to he'd used before and I was kinda worried I was gonna get jumped, but went for it. It was an empty overgrown lot, no way anyone could see us. Clearly he's done this before and I'm guessing he's taken more than a few cocks. We both undid our pants and started jerking each others cocks and he let out a "damn" looking at mine remarking at how thick and big it was. He asked if I wanted to take him first and I said I was and braced myself against a wall with my ass to him. I could feel his spit hitting my ass and felt his cock head against my ass as he entered me raw. I had no problem taking him and he got a nice rhythm going, saying nothing as he fucked me. I told him how good his dick felt and that I wanted his load bad. He said nothing and kept stroking, soon enough letting out a muffled groan as he unloaded inside me. He slid out and let out a "guess it's my turn" with a half laugh, taking his place against the wall and telling me to take it easy. He clearly was open to raw as he said, not asking about condoms or pulling out to cum and I can only guess he gladly lets guys breed him raw. I spat on his ass and my cock and started forcing it in him and could hear him hiss and groan as I did, cursing and saying how big my cock was, but truthfully it didn't seem like his ass offered much resistance. If I had to guess he'd probably taken cock recently and soon enough I was balls deep in him, stroking pretty hard as he moaned. A couple times he asked if I was gonna cum inside him, which was weird. I said I was and I wasn't sure if he didn't want it that way or it was his way of asking if I was close. I wasn't about to say I was going to cum and instead shot my load in him saying nothing. He let out an excited "damn" as I came, so clearly he could feel it. I was kind of flattered and asked him "you like that boy?" and he said he did and that it felt good. I told him there was more where that came from and kept stroking inside him. If he didn't want my seed inside him it was too late as I was churning it deep inside him now. He was now moaning about how bad he wanted it and I loved that this dirty little slut was desperate for my load. I had no idea if he was gay, straight, or what. There was no gay look or feel about him, yet here he was taking cock raw, letting me breed him. I blasted my second load in him and he said he was about to cum again and asked if I wanted to suck him off or get fucked. Trashy boys like him usually have nasty tasting cum, so I told him to fuck me and he had me up against the wall frantically fucking me, but not lasting long before he shot in me again. I was absentmindedly looking around and could see empty beer cans, liquor bottles, underpants, and drug paraphernalia and could tell this place is regularly used to fuck. I'm guessing this boy has been bent over and bred more than a few times here, getting bred by random guys. Honestly, it kind of turned me on as I've hooked up with guys in places like this before. He slid out and pulled his shorts up saying he was done and thanking me. I did the same and said it was fun and that I was down to do it again. He apologized and admitted his roommate doesn't know he hooks up with guys but was glad I was cool to do it here. We worked our way back out and it was the awkward parting, no kiss or gay shit like that. I just said to message me again when he wanted to hook up.
    5 points
  9. I was 22 and decided to go camping at the lake one July, just to enjoy the summer a bit before it was over, and to get away from the gay life I had just began exploring. After getting everything set up, I sat down beside the fire and continued drinking my beer. Other than the sound of some soft voices at distant camp sites, the camp site was very quiet. Just as my fire was dying down for the night, I heard someone approaching on the path which led to the main trail. I recognized the man from a neighboring site, as I had walked past earlier on my way to my site. He was about 50, bushy gray beard almost hiding his sunken face, and wearing only jeans and boots. His torso had no fat, cept for a small belly paunch which didn't seem to fit his otherwise scrawny frame. He reminded me of some of older guys at the bar who'd been ravaged by HIV before treatments improved. In his hand was a liquor bottle, which was half empty. As he got closer, I could see he had a septum piercing, a thick ring resting on his bushy 'stache. I called out a friendly hello as he came near the fire, and he raised his bottle as if to toast me, then took a giant gulp of the brown liquid. He sat down on a log next to the fire, and we began talking. I was drunk, but this guy was shitfaced. Friendly as hell though, so I didn't mind. He was asking me all sorts of questions, what brought me here, was I having fun, etc. I just told him I was only here to chill out, and get drunk. He laughed and handed me his bottle and said "Drink up, buddy." I figured what the hell so I took a few gulps and felt the burn going down my throat. We kept talking, until finally I got up to go piss at the edge of the campfire. Just as I was thinking how drunk I was getting but having fun regardless, he appeared standing beside me, pulled-out his dick, and also took a piss. I jumped a bit, but still kept pissing, noticing he seemed to be studying my stream, so I looked over at his as well. He shook his cock a little to break my stare, and I looked over at his face. He had a different look now. Intense and not as friendly as before. I wasn't sure what to say, and before I could figure it out he turned and started pissing on my exposed cock and shorts. I couldn't move as inside I was panicking. I'd never thought of anything like this, and here a stranger was pissing on me and I didn't know what to do. His stream stopped and I felt his hand on my shoulder, pushing down. I'm not sure why I did it, but I got on my knees facing him. He stepped forward, his dangling cock right in front of me, and began pissing down the front of me, soaking my shirt before lifting his cock and aiming right for my face. His hot urine splashed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks, and he put his hand on top of my head and ordered me to open my mouth. Again, not sure why but I did exactly as he told me. He let loose another steam of piss right into my mouth, and commanded me to swallow at all, like a good pig. I began gulping and swallowing what I could. I was repulsed, but doing my best. When his stream stopped, I opened my eyes to see his hard cock jutting out a full eight inches, his fat cockhead still wet with piss. It was a sharp contrast to his lean frame. With his hand still on my head, he guided my head forward into my open mouth, and began fucking it. A few minutes later, he pulled his cock out and began rubbing it on my face, telling me I was a good whore and to stand up. Standing there, I noticed that despite my wet clothes and taste of piss and cock in my mouth, my cock was standing at attention. The stranger grabbed me by my cock and led me to my tent. He stripped my clothes outside the door, and led us inside. He had me remove his boots and jeans, and then lay back as he climbed on top of me. I was turned on as well as scared, and he began sucking my neck, tonguing my ears, and finally kissing me deeply. The feel of his big beard brushing my body was unbelievable, and my cock got even harder as his aggressive foreplay continued. "You're my whore tonight, boy, so relax and enjoy" he said. I didn't reply, and soon his fingers were playing with my hole, trying to push into my hole. I moaned, and he laughed, calling me a virgin, but quickly adding not for long. He climbed onto my chest and began jerking his cock right above my face, commanding me to lick his fuck stick. I began lapping my tongue on the underside of his head, and he laughed and told me what a good pig I was and to keep eating his toxic precum. When I heard him say that, I damned near panicked but his weight held me down. I tried to raise up but he smacked my face hard with his hand, telling me to lay the fuck still. He grabbed his cock and smacked it on my lips, telling me to open wide or else I'd taste the back of his hand again. I opened wide, and he began slow fucking my mouth. "That's it piggy, suck my toxic cock like a good whore!" His thrusts continued, and the taste of his precum grew stronger. Deeper and deeper into my throat he fucked, until I was sure I'd puke. I began gagging hard and he pulls his cock out, covered in my thick saliva. Next, he's twisting my arm around as he slid off my chest, forcing me to move in the direction he's pulling it. I'm half screaming as he twists, and finally I was on my stomach as he held my arm roughly behind my back. "Now get on your knees, pig" he said, twisting my arm to ensure my cooperation. I fumble to do as he says, as the pain he's inflicting on my arm is intense. "Good pig- now put your other hand on your back." Grabbing my free hand, he was now holding both in place on my back, as he scoots in right behind me, his cock pressing into my crack. He seems to clear his throat, but then I hear and feel him spit a goober on my ass. He repositioned to hold my arms with one hand, and grabs his cock with the other and begins rubbing his cock and spit into my hole. I quietly ask him to please let me go, but he ignored me, steadily pushing into my hole, slowly, in and out thrusts, but I had clamped tight, trying to prevent his entrance. Again he spat onto my hole, as his thumb slid in deeper as he murmured "There we go, piggy, open up for Daddy." Working his thumb in and out, telling me he was coating my whore cunt with his precum. From the slickness of his thumb as it moved freely in my ass, and I knew he isn't lying. Suddenly, his thumb was replaced by four inches of his cock. It took my breath away, but he didn't pause until he was fully buried in my ass. "Good piggy, I'm gonna show you how I make a man my whore" he said, as he slowly fucked my virgin hole. "Oh yeah fuck. I'm leaking my load inside you now boy. You like that? You want your new Daddy to knock you up and make you his toxic pig? Pop your pussy cherry and knock you up all in one night? Make you a fuck whore for the rest of your life?" His cock was thrusting harder, and I could hear the sloshing noises as my ass loosened to his fucking. He then started his final assault. " That's it baby, milk Daddy's dirty seed into your cunt. Drain it baby." He plunged forward, pulling my arms back and making me scream, holding his cock in as deeply as possible. I felt his cock pulsate stream after stream, coating my guts with his load. In that moment, when I was completely helpless and forever changed when a stranger came inside my ass, my cock spurted the biggest load of my life. Afterwards the stranger released my arms, and I chose to remain perfectly still as his cock stroked gently in and out of my hole. He spent the rest of the night in my tent, and the rest of the weekend. By the time I left, I had eight poz loads in my ass, and my new Daddy.
    4 points
  10. I'd rather call it "affectionate reinforcement". When a bottom holds the concept of degradation* close to his heart/mind, it's often a mirror image of his true self he's actually referencing. The bottom loves submission, he loves himself for his submissive bent, loves his sexual Lusts, and - for want of a better word - calls it degrading or humiliating. A perceptive Top can either "go along" with the degrading mind-fuck, or work the sub's Lusts - whether voracious or ethereal - as a positive, fulfilling, self-realization experience rather than something degrading or humiliating. There's an old saying amongst those who structure their lives in harmony with the Leather Ethic: Don't tear a boy down, in order to rebuild him according to one's wishes, start with what is, and build a boy up to his potential. Enable every part of the innate submission, and in a positive, reinforcing manner. *I'm not referencing a classic B/d S/m scene, which requires a negotiation, all of that ...
    3 points
  11. The way I see it, it's the TOPS responsibility to open the Hole properly. The bottom has to be willing, of course - but the delightful work is the Top's job.
    3 points
  12. Drew was a good friend of Jake's, who was having his 21st birthday bash. The thing was Drew was straight whereas Jake was gay and had mostly gay friends. Not that Drew believed it would matter for a birthday party. His choice of venue was nice: a good-sized room above a pub, where drinks flowed freely and the music was good. There was about 7 men in the room including Drew and Jake. One person who caught Drew's eye was a slightly older guy sporting a short-sleeved top that exposed a tattoo of a scorpion that had been inked high up on his left arm. After going around chatting to the party members, he soon learned he was the only straight attendee. Nevertheless Drew was enjoying himself with the drinks free-flowing. He discovered that Gus, the tattooed, slightly older gentleman ran a business offering strippers for parties. Then to Drew's surprise he told him he'd organised the entertainment for Jake's party. Knowing Jake's proclivities, Drew knew his luck wasn't in with female strippers, he hoped he'd cope with what was soon to happen as Gus left to usher in the male stripper. With a big fanfare, a very large black man appeared dressed as a boxer with rippling muscles. Music began and he removed his cape to reveal a well-toned body, in under a minute the boxer shorts had also been divested revealing his enormous manhood, not only was it extremely long but with a tremendous girth. Gus seemed to nod to the stripper in the direction of Drew. As the stripper approached, he whirled his dick round and round. It grew even bigger, but Drew waved him away and he gave his attention to the other guests, but did comment “later then?” As he went round the guests, they manhandled him, stroking his huge cock. When we offered it to the birthday boy Jake, he took as much of it into his mouth as he could and started to suck it. Drew was beginning to feel very uncomfortable and regretting attending this party, even though he was a good friend of Jake's. After a couple of minutes, the stripper pulled out and went round the others squirting foam cream on his dick and enticing each in turn to suck the cream off his cock. His enormous dick now upright glistened with the saliva from several blowjobs! He cam back to Drew, sprayed cream on his dick and offered it to him. Drew hesitated partly though his being a bit more uninhibited following maybe one too many drinks and also a certain peer pressure. Nevertheless, he did once again dissuade the stripper and got him to move on. He noticed Gus watching him intensely as this temptation happened. The event proceeded with the arrival of the birthday cake, all covered in thick whipped cream. Gus cut pieces for all the guests, clearly he was truly responsible for the smooth running of the occasion. They all had a piece and then toasted Jake's birthday. Drew somewhat slurred his words, but that didn't matter, things were going well. With the Dutch courage Drew now had, he questioned Gus about there only being one stripper and Gus admitted there were indeed two and he was the other. At that he started dancing and shedding his clothes, with rapturous applause from the other guests all clapping to the beat and his movements as he stripped naked. Even Drew although avoiding clapping, found himself eyeing Gus' body and his cock began to stir in his trousers. After quite a performance, Gus stopped his dancing and placed his cock in the cake, smothering it with the whipped cream. He offered it to Drew, Drew disinclined to accept as before, but Gus remained more insistent. “You know you want it, that tent peg in your pants proclaim your desire. With Drew's cock betraying him, he opened his mouth and started to devour Gus' cock. The rest of the assembled group, all cheered and clapped at Drew's blowjob, it went on much longer than Jake's special treat with the other stripper. Gagging and choking over Gus' meat as he pushed it in more. Drew continued choking and sputtering. With Gus' cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. Drew's hardon swelled as he as he gagged over Gus' cock. And Gus yanked down Drew's pants for all to see. "Oh shit baby, I'm going to nut." Gus moaned. The thrusts increased and his organ throbbed. Gus's massive balls were smacking Drew's head and his breathing erratic. The fingers curled round Drew's hair and he grunted. No, no no! It was swelling in his mouth. A massive rope of come shot down Drew's throat A second and third spurt followed with the same density. On the fourth fifth and sixth he began to pull out and it landed on his tongue. The sweet taste and saltiness was overwhelming. Not to stop this moment. Gus offered Drew a sniff of poppers, which he inhaled strongly. Gus beckoned the other stripper over for the main party piece! Something hot, hard and unnaturally sized was pressed up against Drew. He could feel it wiggling against his arse. Gus whispered, "just enjoy it." Drew looked over his shoulder to see the other stripper's massive cock rubbing against him. His grinding increased it was truly monster sized but it had beautiful thick veins, soft smooth skin and an angry red head. He angled himself so he was thrusting at Drew's crack. Then Drew felt him being pinned down. Four of the other guests, held Drew down, each taking a wrist or ankle to keep him from squirming away. Gus gave Drew poppers to inhale The poking continued. Then Drew felt it against his hole. The head pressed against it, testing it. He could feel it strain as he pushed to get access. He shifted his hips and aimed his massive weapon right at his virgin hole. Drew could feel the warm tip brushing against his sphincter. Drew felt more pressure as his massive thing tried to get inside. Hands were holding him so tight Drew was scared he was going to snap then all he felt was pain. It was going in, slowly one inch at a time a man's dick starting to enter him. "Hush baby, only halfway." Gus cooed. Halfway, halfway!? This thing was only halfway inside of me? Oh Jesus no, this was not durable. “No I can't take it! "Pull out! PULL OUT!" Drew screamed. But the stripper just grabbed Drew's hips and pushed hard until Drew had taken every last inch. "No more, please I can't do this. It's too much!" Drew cried. Drew felt wet inside. His massive girth was rubbing deep inside pressing against Drew's insides getting slick with something. It couldn't have been spit or precum?. There was a powerful thrust and Drew yelped. . He took this as motivation and began really hammering home. The thrusts changed their angle and Drew began to feel pleasure. He did it again and Drew felt his own cock start to grow. Drew's hard cock was bouncing along to the sodomy. He was getting fucked and Drew was hard. He sniffed the poppers hard as it helped him. Seeing how Drew was responding, one of the group who was restraining Drew released his grip and offered his dick to Drew's opened mouth, dripping with Gus' cum. Drew's mouth was stuffed with his cock. Drew was now being drilled at both ends. Drew was again choking and sputtering as the cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. He too splattered his cum deep inside Drew's throat. As Drew felt the taste, smell and cock driving into him and it was all too much. Drew's entire body shook as he was hit with his strongest orgasm. He screamed out as he shot his thick white load all over one of those still holding him. The man smiled at Drew then got up and walked over to Jake, who he noticed to his shock was filming it all with his mobile camera. Drew was horrified. But a combination of the lovely smile Jake gave him and his general sexual tension and inebriation meant Drew dismissed the filming and carried on with his intercourse, as another of the invitees shoved his cock into Drew's mouth to receive Drew's attention. Drew's tormented pleasure somewhat changed; the stripper was fucking with less rhythm, his thrusts deep and painful, his breathing ragged and he was coated in sweat. He was clearly close to cumming. He grabbed Drew's waist and spun him around on his dick. The blood provided ample lubricant because there was a slick sound as he spun like a top. Drew could now see the stripper plunging his huge dick in and out of his hole. “Stop, please not inside”, Drew begged. "I love breeding virgins." He panted. "No stop!" He was fucking too hard. Drew's entire body was shaking and breathing came out broken in time with his rapid thrusts. Just then the thrusts stopped. The cock buried itself as deep as it would go and began twitching. Drew's eyes widened as the reality took over. His straight ass had just finished off a man. He was being bred. "Nooo!", Drew cried. "Yes!" He replied. He could feel it convulsing. Then he could feel something warm soaking his insides. His cum just kept shooting inside Drew squirmed to the left then right, trying to push out the oversized cock but it wouldn't stop. He was growling, body flexed as the stripper held him with his dick. He could feel some of it dripping out. It seemed impossible. Cum was shooting inside him as well as pouring out. He looked over to see Gus, positioning himself to take over from the other stripper to breed his hole again. But I'm worried he's cum inside without a condom. “Don't worry”, Gus replied, “it's okay, he's the same status as me”. Not only did Gus breed Drew, but then the other four guests took their turns to unload inside him. Finally, Jake came over to have his turn, passing his camera over to Gus to complete the filming. “This is the best ever birthday present”, Jake exclaimed as he pushed his cock in. “But isn't it risky?” Drew asked anxiously. “But we've all been on prep the last couple of years”, Jake said misleadingly. For not only had they stopped taking them in time to be detectable again, but he had hired the two positive strippers to breed Drew. “Thanks for the gift”, Jake said, “let me give you mine now.” As he squirted his poz load deep within.
    2 points
  13. First story. Semi-autobiographical. I must have been sitting outside the house for a good hour while I gathered my nerves. I told them I'd show up at 10 but I always preferred to make it there early to steel myself before heading in. This was a fantasy I had dreamed of all of my life and wanted to be absolutely sure I was going to follow through with it. About 20 minutes ago I had dropped a blotter and was waiting for the warmth to kick in. I always loved sex on hallucinogens because it created a primal connection between us like early homo sapiens fucking beside a low flame on the Sahara. Two apes gathering for a ritual of love forever bonding them to each other. The couple who owned the house I had played with several times. Doyle and Jim, two white daddies in their 60's, recently retired so they had the time on their hands to throw some pretty wild parties. Never more than 4-5 of us but I think I had made a good impression with them as a reliable hole who knew how to have a good time. I myself was 30 and slim with and pretty heavily tattooed. In my pretend life I had always come across as a confident, assertive leader-type but that was just the mask I wore while the doors were open. My true self was a meek submissive pig who was ready to comply to any dominate male and whatever twisted force they wanted to inflict on me. Doyle and Jim caught on to this immediately during our first encounter after a passionate night in their playroom that bled into the next sundown. After our last encounter, my head spinning from the weed and tina, I confessed that my dream was to be absolutely ravaged by as many men as possible only to be left on the floor a quivering lump of flesh. They told me that they would see what they could do but something on that scale did not always work out. It took weeks of planning to confirm a schedule but finally Jim texted me and said that they had gathered a decent amount of friends they knew in the scene that would be interested. The warmth I had be awaiting started to creep through my muscles and I knew it was time. I sent my text and started to walk towards the door. Doyle answered in his harness and jock and greeted me with a soft kiss on the lips. "Good to see you. Come on in!" We made our way to the living room where Jim was sitting in his jock on the couch messaging someone on his phone. I assumed he was confirming the night to their friends and saying the hole had arrived. He shot me a big smile and patted the floor to invite me over. I dropped my backpack and made my way to my spot by his leg. He rustled my hair and gave me a peck on the forehead and resumed using his phone. I started to feel myself manually breathe as the warmth overtook me head to toe while he ran his fingers across my back. Each swipe reaching down into me more and more. Doyle returned to the floor with some cocktails and sat on the other side of us, also rubbing my back. "Do you want to get changed or do you want to relax for a bit?" "How about both?" "Ok, you know the way, first door down the hall" I retrieved my backpack and made my way to the bathroom. The light started to play with my eyes and was dimming and brightening without any discernable pattern. I closed the door and undressed, feeling my hands against my own skin and slowly dragging my nails down my chest. I was unleashing something deep within me and was no longer nervous. I slipped into my black leather jock and fitted my harness tightly. I can't recall how long I spent but I became lost in the mirror making sure I was ready from every angle. the 3" plug I had inserted earlier was in place to be sure my butt was wide open from the get go. I debated taking it out but I decided to leave that honor to someone else. "Everything ok in there?" Jim asked through the door? Time had was definitely not in my control anymore. I made my way back to my spot on the floor, where a pet sits patiently waiting for orders, and quickly finished my cocktail. "First guy won't be here for another 30 minutes. How about we head downstairs and get started" said Doyle as he helped me up from the floor and began leading me to the basement. Jim followed closely grabbing my ass and tapping his fingers against the buttplug. A makeshift bedroom was the first point of entry, bed, TV, small refrigerator. They were generous hosts and always wanted men to feel welcome if they needed to stay a while and sleep off any effects from the night before. Past that was was the playroom though. A dim red light covered it like an autumn twilight. Two slings, a bench, toy chest, and a TV were included. All niceties ceased the second I crossed the threshold. Jim, forcibly pushed me to my knees to the right-side of the door. My face was merely inches from his bulging crotch. My vacation as a human being had ended and my life as a fuck-pet had begun. "Wanna go get some ice ready while I get us warmed up?" Jim said to Doyle who left for a side room. He then gently grabbed my hair and began pushing me into his pouch. My tongue lapped out and began to soak the fabric in my spit. "Hmmmmm. You're a hungry little faggot tonight, eh?" I could only respond by salivating more across his jock and gently cooing. He pulled his jock aside, knowing what I really wanted. In my state it's difficult to describe but Jim had one of the largest ballsack I had ever had the pleasure of feasting on. Each nut was about the size of a tangerine and he always seemed filled to the brim with cum which he had generously emptied into my cavity on numerous occasions. His cock was a decent sized uncut 6" which was generously girthy but it was those massive testicles that made me enamored with him and he knew it. Lights continued playing me with me and I could feel his musk radiate out from him as I slobbered over his nuts and felt his cock grow while brushing against my forehead. The air changed in the room as Doyle returned with the glass cock. He pressed his crotch against the back of my head as I heard the butane light flick on. All sustenance I needed in the world remained in those nuts. I would not want for food or drink as long as I had a supply of Man-seed to sustain me. I was a subhuman pile of pity who only needed to be flooded with liquid love to continue my paltry existence. "Look up at me" one of them said. Voices and frame had started to slip from view as one of them raised my chin and pressed the pipe between my lips. "Inhale" I heard and began to bring the bitter air into my lungs. I held for an unknown amount of time while I heard the liter flick again above me. The rush of chemicals flowed through me as I let out a hypnotic looking cloud of smoke. I gazed for a moment before Jim brought me back to reality with a sharp slap. "Pay attention and suck my cock faggot!" I immediately followed his instruction and brought his dick into my mouth. Making sure to run my tongue underneath his foreskin. Between the two of them Jim was the alpha and Doyle was the more gentle. Doyle's emerging penis grazed past my cheek as I sucked on his husband. He was a bit more endowed but not as thick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the veins of his shaft forming mountain ranges and he was already beginning to leak as a small droplet sparkled from the tip of his piss hole. This went on for sometime as I heard them passionately kissing above me. Droplets of spittle splashed my face like rain and I was lost in my sense of duty as a worthless pig, eager to have these two men treat my holes as a palace of worship for their engorged meat. Some time passed and Doyle hoisted me up by my armpits and guided me over to the bench. The leather felt good in the ever increasing heat of passion in the room as I pressed my face against it. "Looks like a big one he's got in there" Jim said and he began again slapping the end of my plug. Slowly twisting it inside me. Doyle laid his body against my back and lowered his full weight over me. "Last chance to back out..." I pressed my lips together and nodded. "I want it" Doyle opened his mouth and ran his tongue alongside my cheek in agreement. Jim had stepped in front of me and again pressed the glass pipe to my lips. "Inhale, pig". I sucked down the foul air as Doyle began removing my plug slowly. It plopped and my gaping hole felt a cool breeze that I sensed as one of the last moments of chill I would be experiencing for a while. He dropped the plug somewhere and I heard it's heavy thud against the floor while Jim against started slowly fucking my mouth. Doyle behind me began exploring my open fuckhole with his tongue and all at once I felt like some scared prey between two dominate predators. Ready to be torn apart at a moments notice. The room had begun to spin. A chime of a phone alerted me back to the present. Without removing his cock from my mouth Jim reached over to glance at it. Doyle continued to kiss my gaping asshole like it was my own lips. "Keep getting him ready. The first guy just showed up" Jim said as his penis pulled from my mouth. He exited the room and Doyle raised up. "You're going to make some very horny men very happy tonight, pig." to be continued...
    2 points
  14. Jackson—December, 2022 It was a Monday, just before the middle of the month. I had all the time in the world. I’d made my reservations for my holiday drive to New Jersey to see my brother. (For the first time since Covid hit.) I had even started packing—and I wasn’t leaving for a few days yet. What I needed to do was get my balls emptied before the trip. I decided to go to the bookstore with the new remodel. I packed a lunch and arrived right around noon… There is a decent crowd. I cruise each area—and there is a man watching porn at each station. I hear a couple having oral sex behind the drape of one of the curtained cubicles. I sit where I can see a straight, gay and trans screen all at the same time. In moments I have a man with thinning gray hair on my dick. He seems to love the head of my cock. I use my hand to guide him down the shaft. He chokes—but is totally turned on by it. He does it again and again, without any help from me. I see a short man approach us. He has just a fringe of brown hair around the sides of his head. He takes out his cock as he sees me getting sucked. I hunker down in the chair, reach for his thick dick and guide it into my mouth. He sighs as I mimic what the other guy is doing to my cock. Bald Man pulls out of my mouth with a “I don’t want to cum yet.” The guy sucking me thinks I must have said it, so he gets up and moves back to his chair. I use the break to go piss. I wander back and sit in the same chair. Everyone seems to have gone to the trans or gay areas. I sit and stroke a little. Just as I’m ready to see what is going on at the other end of the room, I hear the front door open. I sit back down. The new arrival sits across from me. He is a good deal younger anyone else here today. Late 30’s to early 40’s. Hair has thinned—but has a great beard. He can’t take his eyes off my dick. I smile. He smiles. He wastes no more time. He gets up and kneels between my splayed legs. He devours my dick. Damn, it’s technically the same actions, but this guy is so much better than the one before. I groan, letting him know how good it feels. He goes for my balls, too. Then back to up and down the shaft. Finally, he pulls off. “You fuck with that thing?” I nod. He moves to let me stand. His shoes are kicked off and jeans are dropped on them. He bends, supporting himself on the seat of the chair. I kneel behind his hairy ass. My tongue finds his hole. I go to caress his balls as I burrow in. There aren’t any. Well, fuck. There’s no dick either. My cock leaks cum as I realize I’m rimming a Transman. It’s been almost 10 years since I made the Trans porn—and I have always wanted to meet someone again. And here I am, about to sink my dick into him. I stand up. I aim for the front hole and bury myself inside. “Soooo big,” he croons. “Fuck me with that big dick.” This brings Bald Man back. He sees me fucking. “Let him suck you,” I bark out. Seeing two dicks fuck into two holes makes me pump faster. Suddenly Bald Man pulls out and shoots a massive load all over the chair. My guy stands up, pulling me out. It’s just as well, I have been having to do pretty deep knee bends to stay in him. I suggest we use the exam table in the other room. He grabs his clothes. I don’t bother trying to cover my throbbing cock—and we both walk half naked to the other end of the play area. “I love playing in public,” he tells me enroute. I agree. “I’m Kyle, by the way.” I murmur mine. At the table, the rest of his clothes come off, revealing a very hairy chest. I help get his feet in the exam stirrups. Then I kneel and find his T-cock. My mouth is very busy. “Eat me out, daddy.” I do, using every trick I know. I occasionally dip down to lick his front hole, too. Then back up. The grey-haired guy, who had sucked me earlier, comes over to watch. It takes him a moment to figure it all out—and then his cock erects for the first time that day. He strokes to me giving him oral. He really beats his meat as I stand up to fuck. This position is so much better for both of us. Kyle’s gruff voice eggs me on. “Fuck me hard, no mercy.” He reaches for the Grey-haired guy’s dick to suck it. Instead, with a big groan, the guy shoots, splattering it on the floor to the side of us. Bald Man comes in, just at that moment. He may have shot 20 minutes ago, but he is still hard. He comes over and happily gives Kyle a cock to suck as I fuck his front hole. “You want a turn here?” I ask Bald Man. He nods. We switch places. “You going to give me another load?” Kyle pants out. “Gonna try!” He fucks with quick, shallow strokes. I will him to shoot—I really want to felch his load. My cock is being sucked by Kyle. “Keeping daddy hard,” he mumbles around my fleshy mass. Bald Man pulls out. “I can’t. I have nothing left.” I kneel and clean his cock. Then I stick my tongue deep into Kyle’s front hole. I lap for a long time, then I stand and fuck. “Load me.” I want to. And I wish he hadn’t said it—as my impending orgasm recedes. I go to my knees. I suck his T-cock. “That is going to make me cum. I’m a squirter, so you better move fast…” I just keep going. I have seen so much squirt porn and have never found someone in real life who does it. I don’t move. Kyle’s body bucks and he’s there. Fluid is flying into my mouth. Lots of it. As big as a small piss load. Kyle groans. I keep going. Mouthing the wet T-cock. “Daddy, I’m gonna do it again…” And he does. In my mouth. On my face. In my beard. Some even makes it to the floor. I stop stroking and let it pour off my chin. I stand and fuck some more, hoping this might take me over the edge. So close, but not quite. Soon, Kyle has to leave. He’s incredibly sorry he can’t stay for my load, but he’s out of time. He’s just here on a work break. We exchange numbers. The rest of my time there is totally overshadowed by Kyle. Did I get off with someone? I have no idea. I do know that I have checked off another item on my sexual bucket list. The original is here: From My Side of the Sling: My Bucket List Gets Smaller (felchingpisser.blogspot.com) January 26, 2023
    2 points
  15. My last few loads where Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Went to my boyfriend's house on Tuesday and he gave me his load and I gave him my 5 day load while a buddy of our with a beer can cock was deep in my ass. Later on at night I had a latino daddy with a big uncut cock fuck me and while I was riding him he breed me deep. He loves my ass and wants to breed it again. The Wednesday morning had a red hair bear come over and he breed me with his uncut cock while on his way to work. Then later on that day I had another latino daddy with a uncut cock breed me ass. He asked me if I wanted daddy's load and of course I said yes.
    2 points
  16. Just remind him that he only has value when he has sperm inside his hole.
    2 points
  17. I don't think there are any gay bars left in NYC frequented by mostly black guys, I could be wrong. However there might be bar 'nights' at spots in Harlem or deep into Brooklyn.
    2 points
  18. Absolutely true. A true top will know how to make you embrace it by opening you up. It's not just a fuck it's a mind fuck as well
    2 points
  19. I don’t agree with the perception either, but it’s all too common, and regrettably, it gets promoted by some bottoms who foster it because it caters to their fantasy/fetish sex style. This thread itself prompted immediate boot-licking from several bottoms who couldn’t express quickly enough how they would comply with anything any Top wanted. When a Top sends out a call for “worthless trashy faggots” and men actually respond - and they do - that makes it difficult to make an argument that we’re all perceived as equal.
    2 points
  20. A rare coed event at the Parliament house. Female will be with me and wants to watch me take a breeding or two. We have a poolside room or it can happen in one of the public play spaces. Stop by, give her a good show and enjoy my tight hungry hole.
    2 points
  21. I love how a raw cock feels in me, The pleasures we both get from being connected RAW are amazing! What's in it for the bttm? We get every last drop of the guy's DNA in our bum! I love how slimy seed feels in me. I keep it all in to let my body absorb it for a true connection. Makes for the best lube if there are many cocks to feed my bum with their DNA.
    2 points
  22. This year Folsom Berlin was the best event for my brother and me. I hope it's the same for Folson San Francisco
    2 points
  23. Having said the above, I feel obliged to append the following: Rules For Tops, continued: 11. My cunt is not naturally designed to take your cock - use the lube. 12. Don’t spill the fucking lube. 13. It is not my responsibility to provide you with a condom, and why are you even asking? 14. Cleaning out my colon for you to enjoy is a time-consuming, uncomfortable, unpleasant process that often involves me eating little or nothing for hours. Respect the process, and do not expect a bottom to be both instantly ready and flawlessly clean when you call. 15. If you call for anal service, and a bottom cleans out for you, do not flake, ghost, or otherwise fail to fuck him. If you’ve asked for it, you owe him. 16. If I tell you to stop, you stop. Period. If I say No, the answer is No. If you want to talk about consensual nonconsent, that’s a conversation. 17. Do no expect me to answer you when my mouth is full of your cock. 18. Do not expect me to give you decent head when your buddy is pounding my cunt. 19. Don’t be a dildo. Actual fucking is expected of you, as in thrusting penetration. When the bottom is the only one moving, you’re not really Topping him, or actually fucking him - you’re just a dildo. 20. Fuck every fuck as though it were your last - this is where you’re as male as you can be, so let it all out, and relish it, go hard, go deep, go long. The bottom will thank you for it. Besides, you never know…it might be your last fuck. and, for luck… 21. Be a cock, not a dick.
    2 points
  24. Part 2. The crystal in my bloodstream had begun to spike and I could feel my heart pump faster and faster. This along with the LSD made me hyperaware of every sensation as Doyle continued to french kiss my asshole. He slowly pulled away and headed to the toy chest to grab a replacement. The bench beneath me began to breath in rhythm with my labored panting. I looked over to see what he had selected but I had an inkling that I already knew what would been soon filling my hungry chasm. Jim and Doyle had a favorite they liked to call "the captain". A flesh tone dildo about a foot in length and 3 inches in diameter. I'm glad I prepped myself with my huge plug but I knew this bastard wouldn't be quietly sitting with in me. They intended to ruin my hole with it before the games really begun. The captain and I were well acquainted, Doyle scooped two fingers into a tub of elbow grease and slathered it around my hole. Teasing my insides a little while he did it. The tina made my cock worthless and shriveled but he stroked it softly none the less which drove electricity though out my body. Again, Doyle was the much kinder of the couple. "Here, this will help" as he reached over and pressed a bottle to my nose. I inhaled for a long while until he pulled away. The room started spinning and I could feel my hole begin to relax and pucker. The pressure of the flared cockhead entering me made me jolt a slight bit but I was able to fight instinct and slow pushed my butt back onto it. The pop as it pushed past my lips made my entire body shake and my eyes shot upward as pain and pleasure crackled through my nerves. Only a few inches in and I was already melting into the leather that pressed into my face. Voices erupted from the stairs a room away and the nervousness I thought I had long lost returned. I felt like I could count the very steps they took towards the room but it didn't deter Doyle from pushing more and more of the monster dildo into me. "You two took a while up there. I'm just starting to open him up" said Doyle. "Doug and I were catching up and having a drink. He wanted to do a point where the light was better" "Good to see you Doyle!" a faceless voice said behind me. Doyle left the dildo hanging out from me and rose to greet the stranger. I could hear some soft kissing and then some soft whispers while they caressed each other and became reacquainted. I wasn't even worth the attention to them. I had entered the realm of plaything in this room. "So this is tonight's event? Beautiful looking ass" a cold hand slapped against my bottom and then began pushing the girth in and out of me slowly. "He's opening up a bit but for his sake I wanted to ease him in" "You're too nice to it. It came here for a reason" quipped Jim. He was all mood now. It. That is what I had been reduced to in his eyes. Not a playmate or a lover but a soulless beast made for a sole purpose. To be fucked. To be bred. To be tossed away. Ego death had begun to set in. "Lemme get a better sight from over here" said Doug and made his way to the front of me. He was a balding thinner man in his late 50's. Wired and tone without almost no body hair. An outie belly button caught my eye for some strange reason and I became fixated on it. His cock was smooth and already greased that tilted upward in a drastic curve. "This the little piggy, huh? This the little piggy that wants to get fucked, huh?" He slipped his cock into my mouth without waiting for an answer. The dildo in my ass began moving in and out with a faster pace clearly uninterested in easing me into it. Jim was definitely behind the wheel. Graciously they slathered more lube onto it which was one nicety I wouldn't be granted often. Doug increased the speed of fucking my mouth. Self admittedly I am not a throat queen and gagging started to ensue. A pool of spit began gathering on the bench below me. He pulled from my mouth and crotched down to get eye to eye with me. "Don't worry baby boy. I won't wear you out too soon. We got all night." He pressed his lips to mine and wrestled tongue to tongue all the while the giant dildo pressed further and further. I began to wonder how many inches they had gotten in but soon dismissed the though. I was not in the right mind to question it. A second chime from Jim's phone beeped and stilled the energy in the room. "Roger said he'll be here in about 20" "Do I know Roger?" asked Doug "You met him at the Eagle...year...2 years ago? He was banned for a while." "Oh that guy." Doug locked eyes with me. "He is a sleazy pig with a capital S. You'll love him" little did they know how true that statement really was. The dildo was slowly pulled from my rectum and again the pop against my asslips made me quake. "I know he likes them a bit worn in and I think it's had enough practice. Anyone want first dibs?" They were casually talking about who got the first go at me first like I was an arcade machine. It was fitting. "You're our guest so I think it would be right." Doyle said to Doug. "You're too kind" I glanced over and saw that Doyle was standing besides a video camera he had set up. "For record of the courts" he chuckled. Doug made his way behind me and begun tapping his cock against my hole. "Damn this bitch is LOOSE. Look at that fucking cunt" I puckered in and out invitingly at his comment. Without ceremony he plunged his meat into me and hammered away. I love a man of action. "Oh damn. Oh DAMN this is a nice fucking butt!" I started to see stars explode and contract as I yelped with pleasure as he pounded his raw dick into my asshole. He put the full weight of his body on top of me and wrapped his arms around both myself and the bench, pinning me against it. The curvature of his dick was an interesting sensation but it was drowned out as he pressed his face to mine and grunted like a wild ape. "First one in your cunt tonight, huh? Makes me fucking special, huh? You're gonna be my special little cumdump, huh?" I could only make animalistic responses but he understood clearly and continued to mate with my hole with ferocity of a wild dog. Jim appeared before me and presented his massive sack to my mouth while stroking his foreskin up and down. He knew that this was still my favorite. I enveloped his sweaty balls into my mouth and may have grazed a bit with my tooth but that was expected with the rhythm of being fucked by this animal from behind. "Eat my fucking nuts you whore." I needed no goading and took the entirety of them into my mouth, running my tongue acrost those cum machines. Our camera man stood diligently at the sidelines to make sure my humiliations were fully documented. Jerking his cock and giving no direction. These men knew exactly how to treat a bitch like myself as they filled me from both ends. After an eternity Doug slowed his torture of my butt. "Damn boys. I don't want to burn out too soon. This pig took a good start though." He exited me and stepped to the side to light a cigarette. A third chime from a phone. "Roger is here. Doyle you want to go see him in?" He left to see their next guest in. The room quieted as Jim and Doug took their break. I was writhing against the bench though. My entire body was churning with lust as I had been opened up and disgraced by these men. Doug noticed and took pity. He helped me up from the bench and seated me on the ground to catch my breath. "For real. Roger is a real disgusting fucker though. He is going to turn you Inside. Out. Don't worry, I'll be here to protect you though" He grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth into his, again invading with his tongue. Was this my white knight? Was he going to save me from the nasty beast entering upstairs? A monster with only the desire to destroy and desecrate my young hole. I had hoped so as I again heard voices in the darkness emerge from the other room. to be continued...
    2 points
  25. Yeah in my skinny pig 🐷 jeans
    2 points
  26. Working on part 2 of 3, thanks for the great comments gents 😉
    2 points
  27. Two for Tuesday, a few days late! Chapter 8: Extra Credit. Now the professor tipped me off to what the card said, and where it was. It said to return it to him, and pick someone you wanted to give it to anonymously through him. It said that person would receive one private tutoring session! I of course gave it back and requested he give it to the nerd! In the next class, the professor said the lesson would be about anonymous sex. He explained how the card worked, and said he had given it to the second person as requested by the finder. He said the person who received the card was not expected to have sex, but a private tutoring lesson about anonymous sex. He told that person he would see him after class to set it up. He reminded them to NOT tell anyone they received the card, nor would he say who requested they give it to them The nerd caught up with the professor in the hall way anxious to set up his private tutoring session. The professor set it up the next day in his office after all the classes were done. The nerd eagerly came to his office and gently knocked. He was invited in and immediately told to take a seat. The professor asked him why he was so excited. He said that he was questioning his sexual identity, and that being so nerdy, it hampered him. He explained that he often was on an online bating chat and stroked, but NEVER showed his face. He said the guys seemed to love his cock. He then took out his phone to share a session with the professor. The professor agreed it was a beautiful cock. It was uncut skinny like the nerd, and between 7-7.5 inches. The professor adked him how he felt about doing the shows and he said he loved it, however he knew local guys have watched him, but he never got up the nerve to meet them, although there had been several requests. The nerd then asked the professor if he could Jack off for him. The professor said yes. The nerd quickly dropped his pants, his cock already pre cumming slightly and began to stroke. The professor remained professional keeping his clothes on and tried to be discreet by rubbing his crotch under his desk! As soon as the nerd left, he took his cock out and shot a huge load, just thinking about what he had planned for the nerd! The nerd finished off by shooting a large creamy load that actually flew over his head. The professor told him he wanted him to hook up with someone local on the website, and provide him with a picture of himself jacking live with someone. He said not to get their face in picture but anything else was perfectly fine! The professor said it was up to him, but worth extra credit and he was confident he could do it! The nerd gave the professor his screen name, and told the professor he was heading home to do as he instructed!
    2 points
  28. Ok this story really seems to get around.. I found yet a THIRD version of it with what seems a lot of pozz talk added: ============================================================= When I was 18 I was invited to a frat Halloween party with a bunch of other mostly gay (some were bi) white freshmen. The party was hosted by a black gay frat. I guess it was hard for them to attract new recruits until it later in most college kids, let alone black guys. I went as a lifeguard complete with red trunks and sandals and in the midwest in late October. Let's just say, I was dedicated to the arts. I was pretty tan and I just about had washboard abs stacked with a nice body. I could sense the eyes of everyone when we walked through the door. There was a wide range of guys there all over the house. There was a Roman gladiator. There was a priest. Prehaps, the best costume was this tall black muscle guy who as a Demon. He was built like a god with huge pecs showing through his torn shirt with tuffs of hair. He had a shaved head and white fangs. I noticed him following me with his eyes. They were dark grey. My cock stirred, but then a drink was thrust into my hand and I was momentarily distracted. I danced with my friends for a longest time. We drank a ton and was starting to get quite horny. In fact, the whole room was getting horny. We all did some tequila shots and we starting to feel it. I was noticing the room was starting to making out. The whole room was going and people started disappearing. I went to find the bathroom as I had to piss and down the hall. I found the first fucking. A boy from my bio class, who was dressed like a school boy and some hot dark haired guy I had seen around school was fucking him. He was dressed up as a mechanic complete with overalls that were open down the front to expose his huge dark dick. I stopped and stared in awe as his dark dick banged away at my friend's white ass. I suddenly realized the guy fucking him was not wearing a condom. I was shocked and a little worried about the bottom, but oddly found myself turned on, my cock started to get hard watching the bare cock slide in and out with nothing to stop it unloading seed. I moved onto the bathroom door. Someone was in the bathroom so I got stuck waiting. The kid from bio was moaning real loud. The guy behind him was fucking him so hard you could hear his hips slapping hard against his ass. My friend reached out and jerked me through my shorts as we looked at each other, completely amazed at what was going on. The mechanic guy fucking the boy started grunting and moaning "I'm going to fucking cum" The boy tried to pull off but the mechanic dude held his shoulders in place and unloaded dark seed deep inside him. The bottom looked panicked, as the mechanic pulled out, smiled, and walked out to piss out the side door. I was just about to follow when the bathroom door opened. "Can I push it out?" my friend asked. I told him sure. I was jealous, but glad all at the same that I wasn't in his position. We went into the bathroom together to discover another kid from our school also getting barebacked hard in the shower. I knew what bareback was, but I never done it before and I started to get more worried, where there any condoms here? The mechanic guy walked by just then, giving me a predatory smile. I noticed a strange biohazard tattoo on his back I hadn't noticed till just now. I was way too hard to piss so I left my buddy alone to try to push out the cum and deal with whatever he had to deal with by himself. I walked through the house as it slowly evolved into a full on orgy. The kid dressed as a priest was getting fucked by black guy dressed as a doctor in the kitchen by the booze. A fairy, a real stretch I know, with a real great ass that I has fucked before was being bareback by the construction worker on the floor by the 'fridge. In the dining room, Peter Pan from my dorm was on his back on the table with the gladiator's huge bare black dick up in his tight white ass. I watched as a quiet guy from my english class, who was dressed up like a ghost was pushed to his knees by a black dude dressed like a cop. Most of the blackguys had tattoos on them I now noticed, for some reason they made me feel uneasy as one after the other they held a struggling white guy down while they unloaded seed up inside his guts. I was starting to feel kind of left out and headed back to the living room. People were, at least, still dancing there, though it was way more sexual than before. The hot demon dude was still there, and he continued to follow me with his eyes. I could tell he was mentally making me his. He walked confidently to me and we exchanged greetings. The dark red skin and black horns looked so so real. I asked if I could touch it. "Sure" he said. His chest was hard. His abs were firm. His arms were huge and muscular. Next I knew he was kissing me. His lips were powerful. His tongue took control of my mouth. His strong hand enclosed mine and pulled me behind him away from the living room. There was no point in resisting. And I really did not want to. In the dining room, the gladiator came with a roar of victory into Peter Pan's ass and my shy ghost buddy was taking the bare dick of the cop like a champ. The scene back in the kitchen revealed a new set of men fucking each other. The bathroom door was half open and my buddy from bio class was bent over taking more bare cock. I heard him ask for a load from the 'sailor' who was ramming his bare dick into him. My heart raced, just an hour ago he would have been terrified to take a cock bareback, and now he was begging for a 'dirty load'. My mind raced and suddenly wondered if the guy was HIV positive? The sailor grunted and seemed to be unloading as my demon-hunk shoved me hard against a wall and grinned. "We've all made kills tonight you know, You are going to be my first prey of the evening" he said, in what I assumed was some sort of role play before he started making out with me again. Soon my dick was in his mouth and I glanced over to see my buddy getting yet another bare dick up his hole. His third that night. While the beautiful demon man ate my dick, I saw him release his dick owm from the torn short pants he was wearing. He unbuttoned them and they fell to the ground. His dick was probably eight inches, uncut and was as dark as the rest of him. Another tattoo was right above the huge cock and something about it made me weak in the knees. I leaned agaist the wall and moaned as it felt so fucking good. Then before long I felt his manly fingers probe my ass. I knew where this was headed. I was going to be his boy. He was going to fuck me. I opened my ass to his fingers. He turned me around and pulled my red shorts the rest of the way off of me. I was completely naked. He ate out my hole while another kid from our school unloaded in my buddy's ass. I didn't feel bad for him anymore. I wanted to be him. I wanted to feel that black demon cum in me. Suddenly the demon behind me picked me up in his thick dark arms. He laid me on the center island in the kitchen. I looked into his grey eyes as he positioned my feet on his shoulders. I made to grab a condom from my pocket and he slapped my hand away "Not tonight, and never again" he said. He spat on the palm of his hand and lubed up his cock. I felt the head pressing in. It hurt like a mother fucker. I had been fucked before, but he was larger than anyone else. I'd never taken anything this big, and never bare. I tried to relax and coax him in. He slowly kept pushing until he bottomed out his dark black cock deep in my white midwest ass. "Fuck yeah" he said. "You like my dark demon dick, don't you boy?" "Y-Yes Sir" I said. between moans "Give it to me." I cried. "Oh I will" he said with a deep laugh. As he started fucking me. His dick felt hot. His muscle flesh strained to get it all in me, deep in me. My buddy took a break from the orgy to come watch me get barebacked for the first time. "Fuck that's hot" I heard him say as the eight inches ramrodded in and out of me. I just threw my head back and let the demon stud take over. His raw dick plowed me and his strong hands held me down, pulling at my flesh. He was owning me. "You're mine" he hissed. "Fuck yeah" I said. "Take me." He picked up the pace and started grunting. I thought that meant he was going to cum and I started squirming as I realized he was still bare. It felt so good, but I was suddenly terrified by what would happen if he came. I wasn't really ready. "Cum in his ass! Shoot your poz load up his ass!" someone said. It was my buddy. I looked at him. He was jerking off and the mechanic from earlier was behind him about to enter him again. And that's when it all clicked, I looked back to the demon and tried to suddenly push him off. "Fuck yeah" the muscular demon said. "Struggle more, because he's right, this isn't just some fantasy you slut. I'm poz, in fact almost all of us here are, and tonight is the night we breed and poz as many holes as possible, and you will be getting the hottest death seed of us all!" he shouted as my mind went numb. My first bareback was going to poz me… and suddenly, I knew I wanted this. "Here it cums." I panicked but was so very turned on and started panting "yes" over and over. The beautiful muscular demon man growled and then let out an animal roar as he fucked into me. "Fuck yeah" he said. "Take my demon seed faggot! Take my toxic demon seed! Unnngg!!!!" he howled as I could feel his cock growing and pulsing as he shot inside me. He shot what felt like cups of what I knew to be burning hot poz seed. I cried with pleasure as I felt it burning me from the inside, knowing it was changing me forever. He slowly pulled out and I saw the tuffs of hair come off of his body and his cock was coated with cum and tinged with crimson. I hadn't cum yet and stood erect leaking precum. "Hot" said the man dressed like a demon. "No turning back now, cumslut. Your one of us now, so go get some more dirty loads." He said almost as a matter of fact to me. And he left, my head in a fog, my brutalized ass leaked as my buddy egged me on saying "You heard him, theres no going back now, not after you take his cum,your going to need more now." Next thing I knew I took the mechanic's third load of the night right there on the kitchen floor, and then my buddy unloaded in me, perhaps his last bit of neg seed. Finally, I found the shy kid in the dining room again. The demon stud was pounding away in him and I could tell he was close. The kid looked back and started freaking out. "No, stop please! Don't cum inside me!" he begged but the demon just pushed in deeper, easily holding him down. "Don't fight it, just relax and take my dirty poz seed, you're going to be mine forever!" he hissed, finishing up inside him as an animal roar bellowed forth. As he pulled out the black demon looked at me and wordlessly pushed me forward to the whimpering teen. "My poz seed is swimming inside your guts boy, its only fitting you help pump it back into our newcomer here." He said, shamelessly fingering my still brutalized ass. I quickly took my place behind the now sobbing boy. He gave me a pleading look as I slid my bare, forever-altered cock up inside his hole. He made only a weak attempt to pull away, but I could tell he was broken inside. Somehow knowing this, I didn't last three strokes before I dumped a white hot load deep into his panicked guts. When it was starting to wind down and my friends were pairing off or calling taxis, the demon stud found me again. "You're mine tonight" he said. I looked into those dark grey eyes. "Youre getting more" he said. I willingly held out my hand and felt his strong hand wrap around mine again. My demon led me back into the house and through a few remaining couples still fucking here and there through out the living room, kitchen and bath. I thought my one buddy had left but there he was again taking the hard black bare cock of that mechanic in the bathroom. I could feel the cum leak from my own ass as we climbed the stairs. My demon stopped to watch and slowly pushed me to my knees to suck his already hard cock. My buddy was becoming a total slut for black cock and who could really blame him. demon was allowing me to suckle his massive tool, but he stopped me short of his cumming in my eager mouth. He spoke with the black kid dressed as the mechanic. "When you are done with him, bring him and another one up the room" he said with extreme confidence. I never heard the answer but I was sure it was in the affirmative. My demon pulled me up from my knees and took me by the hand and let me up the back stairs. I assumed to his room. It had two beds and nice TV in the corner, two desks and a lazy boy chair. He pulled me in closely and whispered in a low sexy voice, "My name is Ray." I volunteered my name before he asked for it, "I'm Joe." He acted as if my name was not important to him and I was sure it was not. My ass needed his cock, again. I never felt that way before. I could feel his cum leak from me and I was wanting to be stuffed full of his huge black cock. He pulled me over to his bathroom and ordered me to strip down and help him shed his costume. I shucked my shorts as fast as I could. I started helping him pull the tufts of hair from his body and pull his tattered demon clothes from his well toned muscled body. When we done pulling his hair and clothes free he turned on the shower and let it get warm. He pushed me gently in and down on my knees. Once again I was face-to-face with the most magnificent cock that I ever sucked and that had ever fucked me. His cock was not hard but it had lost little in length. I grasped it ever so gently and took it in mouth while I did my best to finger my own ass. I heard the door open again and I glanced-up to see my buddy and another kid I knew from English Lit class. I did not see him at the party and I did not even know he was bi or gay. I heard the mechanic speak up, "We had a late comer to the party, but he is willing and able!" We finished our shower and exchanged places with the newcomers. The mechanic, Tim and my friend from bio, Mark got in the shower to wash the sweat from the party off as the new kid, Jason eagerly watched-on. Ray guided me and Jason back into the bedroom, he pushed me down on the bed on my back and told Jason to wait for Tim to come back for him. He had apparently decided not to share me, at least for that night. Any three-some would have to wait. I smiled at that, but my smile soon turned to one of pain and pleasure as he pushed his massive poz cock into my ass. He held my hands over my head with on hand and with the other guided his massive cock into me. I had my legs high and he was deep in me in just a few strokes. I was breathless as he entered me. He held still in me and laid his mouth on mine and kissed me deep with his strong tongue. I heard Mark and Tim come out of the bathroom. I knew they felt refreshed. Tim instructed Jason to felch Mark. Mark leaned over the desk, allowing Jason to enjoy the four or five loads of cum oozing from his hole. Tim spoke to Jason in a very strong demanding manners. "You like eating toxic cum from his white ass?" All I heard was a muffled agreement, and a slight yelp as I knew Tim moved in behind Jason and was about to lay some black pipe on a new white boy that night. These lovely dark specimen were insatiable. They were going to fuck us all night long. I could hear muffled screams and cries of pain and pleasure all over the house that night. I added my own through out the night as Ray had me on my back, on my knees, standing and any damn way he wanted me. I cried for more. I was not sure of the amount of poz cum he had deposited in me, but it was not enough. I could see the dawn's early light as I rode Ray's massive cock cowboy style. Jason and Mark were on all fours, kissing, as Tim alternated in fucking them. Ray's massive cock fit nicely in my ass and I bounced on him begging him to fill me up one more time. My friend speculated a little about the other guys in the house and those who had left in pairs earlier that morning. What were they doing or having done to them, but no one seemed to give much thought to the question. I snapped right back to attention with Ray's black cock seeding my pussy for the last time that morning. I blew my hot creamy load on his chest and I fell to his side with his cock erupting inside me, breeding me and making me his. I wondered briefly if I could ever let another cock fuck me that was not big, black and poz.
    2 points
  29. Hope this isn't going to be too long for people to read but want to share my recent first time and know what others may think about it. I'm married and occasionally suck cock because of experiences many years ago which i have posted here before. As I am married I don't get much opportunity. Back in May on the bank holiday we had for the Kings coronation I had the opportunity to go out on my own. I got on my hookup app and soon had the interest of a mature top couple and after a few messages I was driving to their home to suck them both. When I arrived I was asked if I would be ok being hooded and plugged. I'd never done anything like that before but my sub brain was already kicking in and I said yes without really thinking about it. They were both well built men in their late 50s or early 60s but both quite fit. Once I had agreed they were quite forceful in telling me to undress. Once I was naked I had a rough hood put over my head. It wasn't tight fitting so it wasn't too scary but there was only a large hole for my mouth and i couldnt see anything. I was then told to kneel and get on all fours. I felt a cold slippy feeling around my bum and felt a buttplug being pushed in. I'd never been plugged before but it went in ok and i felt quite excited by it. I was then told to straighten up but remain kneeling and i was aware of a cock in front of my mouth demanding my attention. I went straight to it. Hands and mouth. Taking it deep, sucking hard. I started to hear lots of verbal abuse which motivated me more onto that beautiful large and hard cock and i received a good throatfucking and took his load deep without tasting. I could feel hands caressing my balls from underneath and behind and was aware that i had quite an erection myself. They were talking to each other about me. Calling me a slut and a little whore. They said i wanted fucking. I didn't say no. I just remained quiet and at their service. The plug waa removed and i felt the cocl at my hole. I was extremely nervous and worried about embarassing myself. The cock pushed in a long way helped by the lube left by the plug and i was being fucked for the first time. Bare cock in my ass taking what he wanted. I was his slut and his cock whore and i loved it. To be honest my heart is still thumping nearly 3 months later. I suppose i even may have been filmed, but they seemed like ok guys. I hope they liked what i gave.
    1 point
  30. I run my own business, we do office fit outs and reconfigurations, based in the city. For a years more I've had a personal assistant as the majority of the work I do is coordinating contractors, workmen and supply logistics, so having someone to help me keep my diary straight and things organised is just a no brainer. Until now I've always kept my sex life separated as being a Gay man in his late 40s and dealing with construction people, it was just always easier for them to not question sexuality etc. But then my PA Amy resigned to move to another city with her fiance and I found myself interviewing replacement candidates. There was a short list of three, two older women, very experienced and one young guy, with great qualifications but his experience was not directly in assistant work, though his skills were transferable. I'll be honest, he wasn't in the running, but wanted to meet him as I liked his resume and I was dirty minded and curious. After the first two had not really impressed me, I was beginning to think the search would be a bust when young James met me at reception. I was pleasantly surprised when the well dressed 21 year old shook my hand and smiled his blue eyes at me, my cock twitched and I smiled back, checking him out as inconspicuously as possible. I'm 6'2" 47 hairy and burly with a rugby build, he was 5'8" 21 lean with a more nerdy look, a great bubble but and signs of being a little hairy himself... Just perfect. Nasty thoughts ran through my head as I ushered him to my office, closing the door and locking it so as not to be disturbed, but I put them aside, let's give this kid a chance. As I asked him all the normal interview questions and noticed he was very nervous, I did my best to be friendly and put him at ease, but not let my dick make decisions, something I strongly believe is dangerous in business. So briefed him on the company history, the role and why it was vacant, then what I was looking for from an assistent, and asked him why he thought I should hire him over someone with more direct experience. James explained that he was a born organiser, his father had been in construction and that since he'd passed away he had wanted to find a way to follow in his dad's footsteps, even though he wasn't great at building things himself. He talked about how he'd done similar things around logistics in his last job and how he often found himself managing his mums diary as she was a busy single mum these days. He then dropped that he was single, so it ment he didn't have any other obligations right now and could focus on the job at hand. I joined that I war single too which war great for work but getting a little lonely as I was getting older. He smiled at my weak joke that prompted him to reassure me I want that old. With that I got up to get a glass of water from my cooler and asked if he wanted one, and that was my first clear hint... I caught him checking out my ample package. I pack 9 thick inches and big balls and always be sure to wear just the right jeans that show off my buldge, so it pumped my ego a little and quickly lead to some more dirty thoughts... So when it took him his water I intentionally came too close and caught him once again glance down. Then I headed back to my desk sat down and back, being sure he could get a view and decided, fuck it, I was alone in the office today, I'm horny as hell and I'm gonna see if I can break my rule... A secret fantasy id had for a long time. So I started with a simple question, what does he do for fun, he answered clubbing with friends, gaming and into sci Fi, like trek... I laughed and said I loved trek too, but wasn't much for Clubbing these days, preferring usually to sit at home have a smoke and relax. He asked what I smoked and I decided to take a risk... Asking if I could trust him with the truth. He eagerly reassured me, so I unlocked and reached into my side drawer pulling out my glass pipe, already loaded with Tina, and asked if he'd tried it before? When he said no, I asked if he was open to it and he said yeah maybe, then asked what it was like, side effects etc, I told him it was really just great for relaxing, and focusing, abs that it was pretty mild with come down that is really managed. He seemed curious, so I then mentioned that it was also really great for enhancing sex with the right partner, and since it was Friday, id let my team go home early, intending to puff up and see where the night and weekend took me. I asked if he had plans and when he said know I asked if he minded if I took a hit and said he was welcome to join me. I could see he was interested but nervous, so I just hit up the pipe, took a big breath and blew out a big cloud in front of him. "wow" I heard him utter as I saw his eyes check my package between watching the smoke. As the clouds started to rush through my veins I got a little bolder, stood up and moved to lean against the edges of my desk right in front of him, and this time I said, "go on give it a try, I'll shotgun it to you and you can stop if you don't like it". He bowed to the period pressure and seconds later I was up close blowing clouds into his mouth as he sucked them back, near the end i intentionally let our lips touch, then moved back. Once he had exhaled I quickly asked if he was ok and liked it? He was affirmative so I gave him too more shotguns each time kissing just a little more as I did it, he didn't resist and started to respond kissing back. Now was the time to up the stakes, so I moved back to my chair and asked if he would like to take one directly from the pipe... And smiled when he glanced at my package again on the word pipe. He said yes so I told him it would be easier if he came and sat on my knee while I drove it for him and encouraged him, it didn't take much and this young boy was sit on my knee, in close, my package now pressed gently against his upper thigh, I drove the pipe, then leaned in so he could shot gun it back to me. This time as we did I allowed the exchange to become a more passionate and clear kiss. When he sat back, with the courage of the puff in my system I told him he was a very good looking young man, that I was gay I loved being a daddy to a younger guy, and I asked him if he likes guys too? He confirmed yes, previous trepidation gone due to the substance in his lungs and my admission, he also said he thought I was a real hunk that he was hoping I might be a top. With that it was all on, more puff, more making out and our hands exploring each other's bodies, soon my hand was massaging his ass and he was rubbing my package. I then told him I was a trekkie too and asked if he would like to see my tattoo on the topic, slowly removing my shirt to show my com badge tattoo, he ran his hand through my chest hair as he admired said he loved the concept. After another puff I decided to tell all to him, that I was a dom daddy top who dreamt of having a boy to own of my own. That I had fantasies that that boy would also be my PA, a total bottom and love my cock and my cum. I told him I preferred it bareback, and loved seeding and breeding a hot boy. He was shy, but expressed he liked the idea but was really only looking for a hook up, safe sex and felt he'd love to have sex but wasn't inclined to continue with the job application. I was disappointed, but horny at least is get this young boys hot ass... And who knows where that night go...
    1 point
  31. And with an ass that looks like that you should have a great time at SW!
    1 point
  32. Hot! I always loved the version on Nifty and jerked off a lot to it....but this one is even hotter
    1 point
  33. I love to fist...but I always want to include my dick, not just my hand. (And only sometimes both at the same time.) Get on PrEP.
    1 point
  34. If you are willing to top, try seeking out someone who is stereotyped as a top. I know I'm always glad to bottom regardless of dick size, and since I'm verse I'm always happy to return the favor.
    1 point
  35. One of the reasons i started having sex with men years ago was because its easier to connect with a man. back in the day if you wanted aex you just go to an abs or later on cl was easy to find sluts like me .. occasionally i hooked up with woman on cl i think men are just more apt to stick it where it feels good and it dont matter if its a guy hole or not!
    1 point
  36. @PG1961Canada thanks very much -- I think.... 🤫 Now I'm beginning to think I need to do something totally anti-romantic next time, just to throw you off balance! 😉🤣🤣
    1 point
  37. Part 28 Was this really happening? Was I really sucking on my own son's rockhard cock and playing with his cummy asshole? The voice in my head was carrying on excitedly as I heard Jeremy's own excited voice talking out loud as I deepthroated his thick meat again and again. “Oh fuck yeah! Deepthroat that dick! Take my cock all the way to the balls daddy!” I groaned hungrily hearing his words, knowing it really WAS his dad working his young dick, working to make sure he enjoyed it totally. His precum was flowing down my throat and I was wondering how long it'd be before I got to taste his full cum load. Standing next to Jeremy I heard Drew saying, “Tell him, dude. Tell him how much you've been wanting to have sex with him, with your own fucking father. Let him know what you want.” In a deep sensuous voice I heard Jeremy speaking. “Oh fuck dad. I've wanted to do this with you for a long time. Feel your mouth on my cock. I want to taste your cock too. And, and I want you to fuck me daddy! Oh gawd I want your dick in my ass dad!!” It was all I could do to keep quiet hearing Jeremy say these things, realizing he was meaning it all. Then Ryan upped the ante when I heard him asking Jeremy, “You wanna fuck your dad too doncha dude? Wouldn't you like to sink your hard bare cock in your dad's hole and fuck him until you cum in him?” Jeremy and I both moaned at that and I felt Jeremy's whole body tremble. “Fuck yeah! Would you like that dad? Do you want me to fuck you too?” he asked. Not daring to speak and not wanting to release his turgid dick from my throat I moaned loudly letting him know I definitely wanted him to fuck his daddy's ass. As I slid two fingers inside Jeremy's wet stretched hole I heard Kevin's voice. “You've never topped before have you Jeremy?” he asked in a low voice. There was a pause and I looked up at my son's blindfolded face then heard him say, “No. Never have.” “It'd be so wild for your dad's ass to be the first one wouldn't it?” Kevin continued as he caught my eye and smiled wickedly. “Hell yeah it'd be hot as hell!” Jeremy exclaimed. Drew took over at this point and said, “It looks like your dad wants that too, dude. He wants to be his son's first fuck. Are you ready bro?” Already??!! I screamed in my head even as my hole twitched at the thought. “So ready!” Jeremy breathed out. Drew pulled Jeremy back from between my legs causing his wet cock to exit my mouth. With his mouth right next to Jeremy's ear Drew looked at me and said, “Look at that hard wet cock Daddy J. Your son's cock. You ready to get fucked by your stud son and let him breed you with his incest cum?” I wanted to yell out loud that was exactly what I wanted and was ready for, but I bit my tongue and nodded eagerly as Drew grinned wickedly at me. Not taking his eyes off mine Drew took Jeremy's wet warm cock in his fist and started jacking it slowly. “Yeah, Jer, you should see the look on your dad's face. He wants you to fuck his hot ass and give him every inch of your raw cock and every drop of your sweet cum. Your sweet incest cum,” he said causing Jeremy to moan and shudder. “Before he fucks you I think you need to fuck him first, though. Right?” I was stroking my own steel-hard cock and fingering my cum-filled hole waiting for Jeremy to answer. When he did he spoke directly to his “roleplay dad”. “You want me to fuck you dad before you fuck me? You want your son's cock drilling your hole?” I groaned loudly not concerned at that moment if it gave me away or not. But apparently it didn't. Drew chuckled again and told Jeremy it sounded like his dad just said “yes”. “First though, you and your dad need some more fuck smoke to get you both really ready to cross that line.” Saying that, he placed a pipe between Jeremy's lips and I watched my son start to inhale the white smoke. At the same time Ryan sat down next to me on the bed and fed me a pipe as well, whispering obscenities in my ear as I eagerly filled my lungs with two deep hits of the fuck smoke. Done with the pipes for the time being Drew led Jeremy around the side of the bed then told him to get up on the bed and lay on his back while Kevin pulled me up off of the bed. Standing at the foot of the bed I saw Jeremy stretched out naked in front of me, his muscled body covered in sweat, his hands rubbing across his pecs and nips and his long throbbing cock towering above his body. Again, Drew took charge and directed the next moves. “Okay, Jeremy, your dad's going to climb on the bed and straddle you then sit down on your cock. You're going to love how fucking great his ass is going to feel on your dick dude! Once you feel him all the way down on your cock whenever you're ready start thrusting up into him and fuck him. Okay?” Jeremy stroked his dick and groaned and said, “Hell yeah!” Then he said in a commanding sex-filled voice, “Cmon, daddy! C'mon and sit on my dick you nasty pig! Sit on my cock and let your son fuck you full of cum!” (to be continued)
    1 point
  38. All the tops are trapped in an "escape room" in Tampa and since no one can decide who is in charge they are still arguing about who will find the key. I'll keep you posted as soon as they get organized and find their way out.......🤣
    1 point
  39. Also bear in mind that many porn performers escort, and many escorts do porn performing - which one they consider themselves "primarily" (if they do) will vary. A performer might have made $5,000 for a scene in a popular video, but that in turn might have driven $25,000 in escort bookings at $500 a pop. And yes, sometimes sugar daddies kicked in toys like cars and condos and such.
    1 point
  40. Chapter 65: Who's Your Daddy Part 3 Before I could say a word, the stranger planted his lips on mine, for a good five minutes. I pulled away and said dad. Yes it was my real dad that had just planted his seed in me. My real dad said yes son. I still love you, even though you are a part of someone else now. I started crying. I wasn't angry or sad, but joyfull. I positioned myself between my 2 dads, and we passionately kissed each other as they dried the tears from my eyes. My real dad started by saying that he was happy for me and my step dad, yet envied him for being the one to convert me. My real dad said he had always had a special connection with me, but the timing just wasn't right. With the pending divorce and my just starting to discover M2M sex. My real dad said that even so he still loved me and would still be a part of my life, along with my step dad. My real dad then said in more ways than one, and got up turning around to reveal a biohazard tat on his ass cheek. He explained that my step dad and he were fuck buds, and that he had been kept in the loop the entire time. He added that he and my step dad had long conversations about meeting today, and that it was my step dad that suggested he go on a med break, and share their toxic seed with their son. My step dad then said it was time to share more of his seed with me, and told me to ride his cock, facing him. Of course I jumped right on him. It wasn't long before my step dad asked my real dad to join us. My step dad said I could handle it, as I'd taken on the twins already. Dad said he was impressed, but angry he didn't know that. My step dad just said now you do, and get in our sons ass and let's fuck him good! I've had the twins bigger cocks in me at the same time, but this was an entirely different situation. Knowing both of my dad's were fucking me. Them feeling their toxic cocks rubbing against each other. Knowing that my real dad had hoped to poz me, but not mad at my step dad for doing so. The fucking was quite furious, and I could feel both their cocks starting to pulse and release their seed in me. I don't know if they came at the same time, but if not it was pretty close. Once my real dad pulled his cock out of me, their loads oozed out of my hole as I shot my load on my step dads face and chest. My step dad pulled out, and I greedily licked their loads from the soaking cum covered sheets. My step dad said kiss me son, and I said you already got my load, I'm sharing this with my real dad, who said fair is fair. My step dad suggested we head to my room to continue our fun. He suggested we slip into our swimwear and grab our beach towels and if mom came back early, we could say we were at the pool.
    1 point
  41. would have done the same
    1 point
  42. Chapter 2 He said it was so much fun he was still craving more He said it was so much fun he was still craving more. I told him that the bath houses in the next town were a fun place to go if he wanted to try again. I told him to think it over and let me know. He called texted me the next morning and said he needed to talk to me. I texted back and said I would be home after 6 and able to talk. He called me right at 6, I wasn’t sure what he was so anxious to talk about. He told me that he really need to get more up his butt and would do anything to get it. I knew then that he was really hooked on the Chemsex. I asked him if he looked at the website on the paper he put in his jeans after the party. He said no that he forgot about it and put his cloths in the wash and the paper was destroyed. I texted him the information and logon details and told him to look. On that site was video clips and pics of what all he got into. It showed him getting booty bumps, slammed, fucked by the Cruel condom on the dildo and how pink it was. It also showed him sucking cock for both cum and piss, taking cocks up the ass including the two cocks with the Bio Hazzard tats on them. All the face parts were blurred out. We did have the originals incase he wanted to see his face in them. He called me back less than an hour later. He said that was hot and wanted it again. I told him in a month but if he wanted to get some action try the baths in the next town. One is clean and pretty much vanilla play. The other has a rep of being sleazy and really wild. I asked the kid if he was keeping the hair off his pubes. He said yes, smooth as a babies bottom. I told him that at either lace if he walked around naked he would get lots of action because he looked like a teenager and guys go for that. I didn’t tell him that in the sleazy one he would be considered only a piece of meat and all the guy would be ripping his ass up. There are guys there that lean toward the molesting side and he would be prime meat. He asked me about drugs. I told him at the upscale one probably not, at the sleazy one drugs are all over the place, trying to avoid them is the trick. I didn’t tell him that at the sleazy one all sorts of STIs and HIV+ unmedicated guys go there. He told me that his girl friend was going to be out of town for a couple weeks and he had a four day weekend coming up. I told him to let me know what he wanted to do.
    1 point
  43. Part 10 I told the guy up my ass to hold off until he fucked the kid and he said that was the plan, this was only a warm up for him. He said he was parting all day and had a few days worth of toxic cum to deliver. Mean while, The guy fucking the kids ass was shaking and said he was about to cum. I figured the guys cock would grow to it’s hardest and thickest at this point. My friend looked at me with a devilish grin and grabbed the Kids hips and yanked them back and pushed forward. At the same time I reached over and spread the kids cheeks. I could see the size and thickness of is this cock and it was impressive. At this position I could easily see that even that the root of this cock was trying to split the hole open. Both asses were impaled on pulsing cocks. The kid getting a load and the stranger getting a hot toxic load from my friend. The pulled back and the guy with the thick cock put a mark on the NEG side. I wondered if he realized if he was NEG he might not be after this evening. The guy with the skinny cock pulled out and said it was his turn. I pulled out and went to get the phone to Vid this. My friend beat me to it. He guy pushed his skinny cock into the kids mouth. With e video on his face I asked the kid if he could see the TAT next to the cock in his mouth, He mumbled “ Yes “. I asked him if he knew what that meant. The guy pulled out of his moths and the kid said “ I think it means he is toxic and is HIV+ “. The guys said correct. In this case I am very Toxic, to the point I probably have AIDS. I was teasing the kids ass and cock when the guy asked the kid is he wanted to get knocked up tonight. The kid whimpered “ Yes “. With that the guy went to the Kids ass and push into his sloppy stretched ass. The kid whimpered a little as the rough fucking stared, but soon was moaning like a Saturday night crack whore. My Friend got out his pile and started lighting it up. He offered some to and I took a couple hiits off it. I coughed the last one out, it told my friend “ Damn! This is really strong stuff “ , he asked me if the Kid wanted to try some. I told him to ask. The Kid said he could try. My friend told him to wait then inhale and hold it as long as he could. The kid held it for a few seconds then coughed it out. He took a second hit and this time held it for over a minute. I couldn’t believe that the kid could hold it that long. He told me that when he was n school he was on the swim team but I never put that together until now. The Kids eyes we as black as they could get. The guy fucking him said his ass clenched up a couple times and that it felt great. The kid stated repeating “ Fuck me. Stretch my hole. Rape me “. I knew the kid was converted to a chem whore at that point and soon would be a Toxic Chem Whore. The guy fucking him roared and slammed forward and sot in the Kids ass. He pulled out of the Kids ass and put a line on the POZ side of the ass and put what looked like an A in the middle of it. Others Started to take seconds at either the kids ass. About that time Frank cam in, I knew that was going to be epic when I saw the Huge AIDS filled cock
    1 point
  44. Part 6 I asked him if he could feel it and he mumbled yes. I told him only the nastiest worthless fag sluts let piss go in their asses and drink it I pulled my cock away and asked him if he was a true dirty little whore now and he said YES. I asked him if we wanted more. He said Yes again, I told him I wasn’t sure if he really wanted if and he started pleading for more, he was on fire and never been this horny. Between the Drugs and his needs all barriers and inhibitions were gone, there were a couple more to tests before he would truly be lost to the way of life permanently. While he was hanging there I had a thought, I asked my friend if he had a razor. He smiled and said yes. The only hair the kid had on his body other than his head was his pubes. He got the razor and made quick order of removing that. The kid was asking why, this wasn’t part of what he wanted. I told him to bad, with this gone he would pass for a teenager and would be getting plugged by dozens of guys. With the kid saved smooth we let him down. He was a bit dizzy and I held him up. Helped him to the bathroom and showed him how to deflate the plug. Told him to empty and if he needed to, clean up again. While he was in there me and my friend got the next part ready. He said he needed to cum and I said very soon. It was then that I wanted to ask him about the toxic side. I thought he was on prep and he said that he was off for a while because of a couple issues he had. I said OK, get ready to put a notch on your belt. The kid came back and I saw him standing there, except for his cock, he really did look half his age with the hair removed. I patted the bench and he went back on it. We secured him to it and I took some water based lube and started massaging his hole. He gasped and moaned when I did this. I asked him if it hurt and he said no, it felt really good. I asked him if he wanted more abuse and he immediately said yes. I reached in and tapped his prostate and asked him if he wanted to get a Toxic load in his ass. He yelped and said “ please do it “. I reached other and grabbed a towel that was covering his next prize. I wiped his lower back and ass cheeks to dry them off. Grabbed a permanent marker and got ready to mark this pig. I had used this marker before and while it will come off it will take 2 or 3 weeks. Above his ass I wrote PIG SLUT. Under that I wrote LOADS. On one cheek I wrote POZ, on the other one I wrote NEG. I then put a mark under the NEG cheek for the load gave him. The kid didn’t know when I was doing and said it tickled. My friend was Videoing it. I spread his cheeks and we zoomed in on his open hole. My friend went to the front and put his cock up to the kids mouth and he opened his mouth to suck it in. My friend pulled back a couple times to tease the kid. I was teasing his hole and nuts when this was happening to get the kid even more wound up. Finally, my friend asked him what he wanted and the said he wanted to suck that cock. Mt friend told him it was toxic with all sorts of nasty stuff. The kid said he didn’t care as long as he got it in his mouth. My friend shoved it in. What the kid didn’t know was that he was being videoed all the time. Couple minutes later he pulled out and walked over to his PC. He touched up the Vid and then uploaded it to a couple web sites he knew inviting any breeders to stop by and help with the number for this virgin. While he was doing that I got the Dildo out again, hung it in front of the Kid and asked him if he wanted it again until we could find a real cock. He was almost pleading for it. I lubed his hole and the toy with my spit and worked it back up the kid. He inhaled when it popped in but then was purring with the feeling. I pulled it out and grabbed one of the items I brought, I saw this on a video and wanted to see if it really did what it showed. It was called Cruel Condom. I rolled it over the toy. It had appointed silver tip on it. I tickled the Kids hole with it and he was leading for more. Who am I to deny someone a request. I put some KY on it and worked it in. the kid seemed to be enjoying the action. I pumped it in and out slowly. He said “ Please more “. I pulled it out and it was wet, some pink KY was showing. I knew it was doing what I thought it would. Getting him ready for all his presents.
    1 point
  45. Part 5 My friend handed the plug with a small shard. I pushed the shard up the kid and then worked the plug in. The kid said it burnt a little . He was well on his way for the next part of his conversion to pig slut I walked around in front of the kid and asked him if we wanted a taste of want was in his ass. He had glassy eyes and managed to say yes. He sniffed my cock like a dog and then started licking it, I was shrinking fast so I pushed it in his mouth, it felt great. He sucked a little on me and I was able so squirt a little chem piss in his moth. He said that it tasted bitted but not bad. All I though is this kid is going to be fun. My friend was checking the kids ass and package and said to got to see this. I went around behind and say the kids ass trying to suck the base of the plug into his ass and below that was a fully had dripping cock. I know the kid had a lot of Tina up his ass and he had a hardon. After he is converted he will definitely be sharing and spreading his DNA. We untied the kid and had him sit in a chair. It was an old fashioned wooden chair, wasn’t real comfortable but with the wood seat it will keep a plug firmly planted in place. He was concerned it was over an di assured him we still have a lot to go as long as he still wanted it. I figured with all drugs in him and the fact he hadn’t cum he would want more. I was right and he laughed ad said “ Bring it on “. We gave the kid some Gatorade to drink. He mentioned it tasted funny. I looked at my friend and he held up a couple fingers indicating just a little. The kid said he was really thirsty and he finished the bottle in no time at all. I told him to go to the bathroom, cleans out if he needed to but if he pissed he had to put it in the empty Gatorade bottle. While he was gone I asked my friend how much and what was in there. He told me less than half a dose of G. It was all he had but the Guys coming were bring supplies and points to use on the Kid. I told him that it looks like we would not be going to the bath tonight. He said that he talked to 3 guys that were coming, might be able to get more. Two of them had nice cocks, probably around 8” or more and both had very HVL. I asked who was the third and he told me Frank. I knew him. We was about 6’, probably weighted no more than 150. Full blown AIDS who’s mission in life was to convert and destroy any asses he could before he died. His cock was about 10”, very thick and he had a PC and a Jacobs ladder. He was always high on something and used Trimix to keep a had on when he played. He was nasty and loved hearing guys scream when he raped them. I was concerned for the kid on this one. The kid came back out with almost a full bottle of deep yellow piss. I told him to take a drink. He looed at me and hesitated and then took a small drink. I asked him how he lied it, he said he didn’t, I told him he will develop a tase for it. I motioned for him lay on the floor, we attached a spreader bar to his ankles, then we put a hoist on the bar that was attached to the ceiling. We lifted the kid upside down until his mouth was about cock height. What we didn’t tell the kid was that both my friend and I filled a bottle with our chem piss. We put a special home made funnel with a flay plug in his ass. At the same time I put a cock strap in his cock and sinched it down, we poured the two bottles of tina piss in the kid, letting gravity pull it deep into his guts, when he started to complain about the pressure I stuffed my cock in hi moth, he instinctively stared to milk and suck my cock. When the bottles were empty we put an expanding plug in his ass. I wanted he piss to stay in for a while. I rubbed his belly some to help with any cramps he might be getting and to get it to go deeper. I asked him if he could feel it and he mumbled yes. I told him only the nastiest worthless fag sluts let piss go in their asses and drink it.
    1 point
  46. You think YOU traded a lot of cum!? I was a bartender there for 4 months in ‘98 from Jan-Apr. Nola is where my life path started being paved with: piss, [banned word], interracial, Tina, incest fantasies, my owncum-dumpery, POZ play— you name it, if it’s fun and dirty and obsessive/addictive i first tasted it there. Also, I met my life’s love (and lust) at the baths in the Quarter; there was nothing that manslut didn’t know.
    1 point
  47. Here's a list of ideas: Relax, pour a drink, watch TV and have him suck your cock. Deepthroat. Train him to take your cock all the way to the base. Deepthroat it until he chokes. It’s his job to deal. Fuck his mouth like it’s a pussy. It is. Cock slap him. Spit on him. Spit down his throat Piss on him. Piss down his throat. Piss in his ass. Piss on, down, or in him while you are out in public or before he goes out in public. Make him beg for your spit Make him beg for your piss Finger his hole. Finger his hole in public Call his hole a pussy Call his hole a pussy in public Spank him. Spank him with a paddle Spank his balls. They are your toys. Have your buddy spank him, his balls. Your toys are worth sharing. Fuck his ass. Fuck his ass while you choke him Fuck his ass while he’s tied up Fuck his ass and abuse him across a weekend while he’s tied up. Fuck his ass / tag team with your buddy. Fuck his ass / tag team with your buddy across a weekend while he’s tied up. No breaks. Gang-bang him with a group of friends or strangers. Whore him out to friends or strangers. For nothing. For cash. Your call. Fuck his ass with a dildo. Fuck his ass with a dildo, make him clean it with his mouth. Make him clean it after its been your ass or another faggot’s ass. Smack or slap his face. Do it during sex. Do it randomly. Call him names. “Faggot”, “Cunt”, and “Whore” are easy. Kiss him like you need his mouth to breathe Pull his hair Pull his arms behind his back while you fuck him. He’s just a hole. Take his clothes. Don’t give them back until he’s satisfied you Take his clothes while out in public. Don’t give them back until he’s satisfied you. Gag him with your dirty underwear, jockstrap or cum rag when you’re fucking him. Cum on his face. Smear it in. Make him wear it out in public. Cum down his throat. Cum in your hand, and make him eat it from your hand like a dog. Make him eat your cum off your buddy’s cock. Make him drink your load(s) from a shot glass. Cum on food and make him eat it. Double-penetrate him with another Top or with a dildo. Flick or twist his nipples. Have him wear only an oversized coat to your flat, not clothes, no shoes. Have him get naked on your doorstep. Exposed. Before he rings the doorbell. Write names (e.g., faggot, bitch, pig, slut), pictures (e.g., a cock and balls, a pig face, a toilet) or phrases (e.g., insert cock here, with an arrow pointing to its holes) on his body. Make him wear a butt plug out in public (e.g., to the bar, to the gym, to the grocery store). Tie him to your toilet when you have guys over, and tell them to use him instead of the toilet. Masturbate him / make him him masturbate for you. Don’t let him cum. Repeat. Punish him if he comes. Make him cum. Make him cum again. Make him cum again until he’s firing blanks and it hurts to cum. Make him jerk off or finger himself while you and/or your friends watch. Make him watch while you fuck another faggot. Make him eat your ass while you’re fucking another faggot. Make him clean your cock off after you fuck him. Make him clean your cock off after you fuck another faggot. Make him eat your load out of another faggot’s ass. Make him clean out another faggot’s ass after you’ve fucked it. Put him on all fours. Milk the cum out of him like an animal for breeding. Take photos and/or videos of him servicing your cock. Take photos and/or videos of him servicing your buddy’s cock Have an actual bitch fuck him Tie his cock and balls with a shoelace. Hang weights from his balls. Blindfold him when you use him. Fist his hole. Cum in his ass. Cum in his ass. Plug it. Make him keep the load in for as long as he can, preferably in public. Hate fuck him. Make him fuck another faggot, or get fucked by another faggot, while you watch. Make him lick your feet. Use him as a footrest. Make him give you a massage or footrub. When he pees in the restroom, have him drop his pants to his ankles. He’s a cunt. People need to know. Make him wear a collar and leash. Keep him in a cage. Make him wear a ball gag. Make him crawl in your presence, like a dog. Get him a butt-plug tail like a dog. Leave him tied up out back like a dog. Turn the hose on him to wash him like a dog. Torture him with hot wax. Make him give himself an enema — with water, with your piss — while you watch. Make him beg for your cock. Points for public. Feed him your pre-cum. Make him lick your sweaty pits. Make him call you “Master” or “Sir.” Make hum call you “Master” or “Sir” in public. Make him wear a hood while you use him so that the only sensation he has is the feeling of your cock in his hole. Tease / torture his cock. Tease / torture his cock while in public Use him randomly during the day while you both are doing other things Use him in front of others Make sure others know he’s your bitch Cum in his ass, then make him fart your cum into his hand and eat it. Felch your cum out of his ass, then feed it to him. Lock him in chastity. Make him cum. Spoil his orgasm. Make him lick you head to toe. Make him wear a puppy tail in his ass. Make him service you in a public place (e.g., a restroom, a park, your car). Throw him around to get him in position to fuck him Throw him around to get him in position just because it makes your dick hard to rough him up. Get in his head. Find out what turns him on. Use it. Encourage your straight friends to use his ass like a pussy whenever they want. Stick ice cubes in his ass Give him five minutes notice you are arriving for a fuck. Give him the same notice you are arriving, but with friends. Have him bathe you from head to toe. Turn the hose on him in the yard and wash him like an animal Make him cry. Whisper shit like: “Faggot, you mean nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. You’re just a hole to dump in and leave. Now beg me to spray my sperm up your faggot cunt.” while you fuck him. Cover up his mouth to keep him quiet. Cover up his mouth to keep him quiet while fucking outside, near and around people. Do whatever you can to make him cry out.
    1 point
  48. I am one of those insatiable cock sucking cumswallowers. I don't think about looks of the cock owner. If he has a cock that is full of cum, I suck and swallow. I do have a penchant for black cock and some day I hope to be black owned. I would love to be the center of attention at a cocksucking party, so if there is anybody in SF Bay Area that needs a cocksucking slut, let me know.
    1 point
  49. Those are all good rules. As for me cuming I don´t care. My dick don´t need to cum. When my top unloads in my ass, I feel so good. My boypussy has it´s own orgasm. As for cleaning the top, of course, give me that dick and I will suck it dry. Nothing should be spilled.
    1 point
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