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  1. My older brother dealt drugs when we were teenagers and he made me smoke pot with him a couple times but I didn’t like it. After I came out when I was 16 in 1979, I dated guys monogamously and never did drugs. One time when I went with a friend to Austin for a lake party, someone slipped a molly into my sandwich. It freaked me out, not knowing what had happened and I didn’t like it. Anything that was speedy, even caffeine trigger my anxiety, and that sure did it. After that I specifically avoided doing anything and rarely drank. Many years later when my husband of 20 years and I visited Palm Springs for the second time, we rented a house and made plans to hang out with guys we found on apps. We had been open for about ten years and it worked for us. We didn’t hook up much with other people where we lived for discretion. We were both executives in visible positions and needed to be discreet. But when we were out of town it was easier. My husband is an ex-model, very hung and had no problem finding willing younger guys (his type) to fuck. I liked all kinds of guys and had become pretty adventurous with sex, exploring a lot of kinks over the years. I found a really sexy, tall all-American looking guy in his 40s on an app. He had a humongous dick, which was my kryptonite, seemed kinky, and kind of nasty. He was interested in hanging out and was free that night. He said he had a friend who was on his way from San Francisco and would be in town within the hours. He sent me pics of the guy. His friend was in his 30’s, shorter than his friend and also really handsome, in that swarthy Italian way. Oh, and he also had a huge cock, almost as big as his tall friend. I got the impression they liked tag teaming bottoms and I’d trained my hole to be flexible and strong, so I could take big cocks and even a fist a couple times, and still be able to get tight pretty quickly afterwards. But, it had been awhile since I’d been fucked because work was crazy busy during COVID, so I would have to really get warmed up to take either of these guys. We met at CCBC where I had rented a room. The tall guy was there in the lobby when I arrived and introduced himself as “Rob” (not his real name). We got settled into the room when the shorter Italian guy arrived, and introduced himself as “Gino” (also not his real name). Gino and I sort of hit it off right away. He made a couple trips to the four to bring in four suitcases. Rob explained that Gino was a dealer and was moving to Palm Springs and was setting up shop as soon as he moved into his rental house. Gino opened up the suitcases. While I couldn’t see everything from my chair across the room, I could see they were full of pill bottles, plastic baggies, many different colors of pills and powders, along with pipes, bongs and other stuff I couldn’t see very clearly. Gino asked me if I partied and I said I didn’t but told them I had brought a joint and didn’t mind if they did. I’d heard how addictive, dangerous and intense meth was and that never appealed to me, especially because it was speedy. In fact it scared the hell out of me. I had a really great life and I didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. However, something surprised me in that moment he asked me. I got scared about the idea and weirdly it also turned me on. I kind of laughed to myself because it seemed I’d found another kink I didn’t want to actually engage in, but fantasize about, like pozzing. They started smoking from a bong and blowing big clouds. The clouds seemed really seductive to me. Gino asked me if I wanted to try a hit. I paused for just a couple seconds, feeling my cock get raging hard. I told him no. He raised an eyebrow like he didn’t believe me. I think he’d noticed my hesitation and curiosity. So he said, “How about this?” He took a big hit and then came over to about a foot from me and started blowing it towards my face. I wasn’t expecting it but for some reason my reflexive reaction was to breathe some in. I quickly exhaled, worried what might happen. Gino smiled a little and the two guys took some more hits. I was feeling my favorite sex pot and laid down on the bed. Gino came over next to me on the bed, took a huge hit and leaned over me, holding it and raising his eyebrows. My cock instantly got even harder, I think because of the risk and danger. I’d learned that risk and a little danger was a turn-on for me when being blindfolded at my first dungeon party a couple months ago. I just looked into his eyes and he must have taken that as a green light because he leaned down and blew the big hit into my mouth. I only breathed in a little but just the idea of someone getting me high on something dangerous without my explicit consent made almost cum. We talked for quite a while and I found that I really liked both of them, especially Gino. He was surprisingly down to earth and friendly, easy to talk to. He seemed surprisingly trustworthy for a dealer. Rob definitely did not seem trustworthy, but something about his shadiness was sexy. I’d taken another hit off the indica joint and was feeling good. We all made out for awhile, and it was hot. They paused, got up and shot up their dicks with what they called trimix. The guy with the monster dick said he had to have an extra strong formula to get his big beautiful cock hard after partying. Watching them inject their dicks was unexpectedly crazy hot. I laughed at myself, at how much I’d changed since my sort of puritan 20’s and 30’s. As they shot their dicks up, I began to feel the meth I’d inhaled. It was speedy, but nice, very euphoric and it made me even hornier. I began to want to be fucked pretty bad. After the trimix, they said they were going to slam. I didn’t know what that meant but when they started filling two syringes I figured it out. I noticed I started precumming watching them, and I think they noticed it too. As I watched and wondered what it would be like, I realized how dark my kinks had gotten. It was kind of scary, and alluring too. I could see it hit them and how much they enjoyed it, but it still scared the hell out of me. After they slammed we really started making out hardcore. Rob started playing with my hole and said, “Gino, you’ve got to check out his hole. It is magnificent.” Gino moved around to between my legs and said, “fuuuuuuck” and started eating me out. Rob gave me his dick to suck. While I was doing that, Rob leaned over to Gino and whispered something. Gino shook his head while his tongue was deep in me. I asked what they were talking about because this was a pretty risky situation. Gino took his mouth off of my hole and said, “Rob thought we should stealth booty bump you, you know, but some Tina up your hole and get you higher. I told him no, that wasn’t cool.” My reaction to hearing this was gratitude for Gino protecting me, and getting really turned on my Rob's sleazy underhandedness and desire to corrupt me. I just said, “fuuuuuck” and closed my eyes. Gino began to fuck me as I was sucking Rob’s enormous head. I couldn't’ get it in any further. My hole was amazingly loose and took Gino’s big rod pretty easily. He kept saying how much he loved my hole, and then came in me hard. I could feel it - it was a lot. He kept fucking me, like fucking the cum into my hole with a little half smile. Then Rob moved around and turned me over on my knees and fucked the living hell out of me. I couldn’t believe I could take his whole cock. Gino was kissing me and sliding fingers in beside Rob’s cock, stretching me beyond even when I had been fisted. Rob also came hard and shoved in me deeper than I’d had any cock, hand or toy, and he just held it there while he came. He started at me, watching my eyes. After a couple minutes, I could feel it. There was meth in their cum. I could feel the euphoric speed hitting me. “Oh jeezus!” I said. “You guys did stealth me after all, with your cum!” Gino said that it wasn’t much and assured me I’d be fine. With hardly a poz, Gino slid underneath me and then began to slide in, with Rob still inside. “Oh shit. Oh shit. I don’t think I can take it.” I said. Gino told me to just breathe and I’d be fine. Suprisingly, it hurt and stretched hard for a few minutes but after that I just felt amazingly full and tight and fantastic. Then both they started fucking me, moving in and out with different cadences and depth. I started to scream in complete ecstacy, and then came. They kept fucking me until they both came again. After that I was spent, and just turned over on my back. I was really spinning now, part pot, part meth, part dopamine from the sensation of being double fucked, but I felt great. We chatted for a bit and then they slammed again and took another couple hits. Gino blew another hit in my face. I definitely didn’t need it. The cum was doing the trick. But I wasn’t too high. Several concerns registered in my mind: the first was, I liked it and I was thinking about when I would do it again. The second was, how high I was still going to get, and lastly, how long would I be high? Would I need to stay overnight? Would my husband be able to tell when I got home? I texted my husband that I was having a great time, we were hanging out with some guys at CCBC and not to wait up. After I put my phone down, Gino pulled my knees up and pulled my ass to his cock, which was still hard. He slid in me and said, “What do you want?” “Are you poz?” I asked, registering this was my other dangerous fantasy. “No, but Rob is and he’s not on meds. Are you on PreP?” He asked. I realized I had forgotten my prep at home and had not taken it in two days, which wasn’t a big deal. Gino said I’d be fine. Gino shoved his beautiful, big uncut cock inside me and began fucking me slowly, all the way in and all the way out. Then he shoved it deep inside, leaned over me and said, “Clench your hole on my cock.” I couldn’’t figure out why but I did it. He held still, his big hard cock all the way inside me. I suddenly began to feel fuller, like his cock was expanding. He smiled and said, “You’ve never been piss fucked before, have you.?” “Oh fucking hell!” I replied It was the hottest thing I’d never heard about. After he finished filling me far beyond any capacity I’d previously reached, he started fucking me. He told me to stay clenched as he fucked me slowly, and I did. My daily Kegel exercises were paying off. He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out slowly and told me to hold it in. He raised my knees and then ass up so that my hole was like a piss chalice and it would stay in. “How does that feel?” He asked with a grin. “It is blowing my mind.” I replied, ”Hold it in for five minutes.” He said, giving me a knowing look. And then it hit me, their piss had probably more meth in it than their cum. A lot more. They had slammed twice and smoked a lot. Then I started feeling the big wave of high hit me hard. It was amazing, not at all like I expected. Both of the guys were getting off on doing this to me and we all kissed together as I held it inside me. The high kept getting bigger and bigger. Gino told me to go to the bathroom and let it out. When I got back to the bed, Rob said, “My turn.” Rob’s piss fucking me was even wilder; his bigger cock, and much more piss did a lot more damage to my hole and really ratchet up my high. After I let it out, I was really spinning but feeling great. We messed around some more, made out and the double fucked me again for a bit. Then Rob jumped up and said with a big surprised grin. “Come with me. Grab a towel and follow me.”
    8 points
  2. The bear screamed as I slammed past his sphincter. If he thought he was going to get any mercy in my hate fuck he had another think coming. I didn’t wait or hesitate a millisecond, I was pile driving his ass with my raging hard cock. He continued to cry out every time I bottomed out, but clearly the pain had turned to pleasure. This infuriated me even more. I drove into him harder and harder, the slap of my body against his ass cheeks an ever-increasing rhythm. “Fuck he’s loving this rape!” From the other actor. “Help me turn him over.” I called When he was on his back with the other two pinning his lags to his shoulders my sword disappeared down is gaping hole. I could get even deeper and his cries of pain returned. I relished this and sadistically made every instroke more powerful. Tears were streaming down his face. I had never behaved like this in my life but found myself hoarcking up a big wad of phlegm and spitting it in his face. He looked shocked, but motioned with his right hand ‘bring it on’. The other two let loose with spit as well, one hitting him on the forehead the other in his open left eye. I was ready with another wad that went directly into his gapping mouth. Wiping his eye and swallowing he burst into a massive grin followed by a deep groan as once again I slam bottomed out. Seeing the grin on his face just turned up my anger and my hands were around his throat. He held me with deep eye contact and slightly nodded his head. Was he asking for this or daring me? I didn’t care. The grip of both my hands tightened, my thumbs pressing into his Adams apple. He looked to be in great pain but his gaze held me and he continued to nod encouragement. He couldn’t breath and he was turning scarlet red. “Fuckin A man, he loves this!” The other actor again. His face turned from red to purple. His eyes bulged, but he kept that permissive nod going. His face started turning blue and he was on the verge of passing out when the young man screamed in my face. “Stop, stop now, you’re going to choak him to death!” I had pulled off and stopped fucking with the first ‘s’ from the young stairwell fuck and the bear exploded into gasps of life saving air. I collapsed onto the floor sobbing. It seemed no time and I could hear the bear’s raspy voice; “That was fuckin awesome. God, I love a good choking! Love the adrenaline rush of fear as the thought ‘fuck, this guy’s gonna kill me!' sets in." The other actor stepped over me and plunged into the bear to take over where I had left off. Hands firmly around the bear’s neck. As the bears eyes bulged he was able to croak out , “Yeah, yeah!” There was no way I was going to allow him more pleasure so I quickly stood and pulled the other actor away. In the same motion I spun and fell back onto the bed edge with my legs spread and in the air. “Fuck me here and now” I barked. The other actor needed no encouragement and his raw cock was up my ass. He laid on a pretty decent fuck and was soon unloading deep inside me. My stairwell fuck was up my ass the moment the other actor pulled out. His erection had a big curve that made it prod my prostate with every instroke. He bellowed when he flooded my ass. The bear was ready to mount me next but I angrily demanded he lie on the bed. “I’m in control here, you get no fuckin control.” I had the other two aim the bears raging hardon at my hole as I straddled and lowered myself. As I bounced I dropped with the force of every ounce of my weight winding the bear over and over. After a few minutes of this I barked; “You ready for me to stop?” “No … ugh … No …araugh … No fuckin way!” My hands wrapped back around his neck once again. The fucker was mouthing ‘Thanks’. I was lost in rage and only stopped when the other two pulled my hands away. As I regained my breath I realized the bear was still under me. ‘Fuck, had I killed him?” As I had this thought he started coughing, spitting and gasping for breath. “Holy fuckin shit man! He really loved that! He orgasmed as he blacked out!” the other actor. As I got off I couldn’t hold all the cum that was draining from my ass. “Ok, time for you to finish knock us up. Maybe by the time you pump toxic loads into both of us this exhausted bear will be ready to up the chances of your impregnating us with the gift we so fuckin desperately need.” The other actor. I bent him over the edge of the bed and laid on the quickest pump and dump ever. My stairwell fuck was lying on the bed feet in the air as I finished breeding the other actor. I entered him with my cummy cock and the angelic look on his face and his soft smiling eyes melted away any anger I had been feeling. I made love to his hole, kissing his neck and lips for the next half hour. It was only after the bear slid in my ass and we train fucked that I began to feel anywhere near close to cumming. When the bear pushed into me deep and hard bellowing; “Fuckin breeding you poz slut” I was pushed over the edge and sprayed inside the stairwell fuck. The bear quickly retrieved his phone from his pants. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I enquired. “Well first I’m going to get a picture of your cummy ass. No, let’s make that a video, you got anything left in there to push out?” I bent over to accommodate him and when the phone was recording pushed out a huge wet fart. He was holding the phone so close I covered it with the cum mix from the three men. “You said firstly, what else did you have in mind?" I wondered out loud. As he poked away at the cum covered buttons the bear responded. “It’s time I call my friend with the scorpion tattoo. Clearly you are now ready to receive his toxic load.” “Do I want his poison load? Yes. Do I need it right now? No. Tell him to meet us tomorrow at the mid-town baths. What time will there be the biggest crowd?” “11 pm” from the other actor. “Tell him 11 p.m., he’ll find me in the sling taking any and all loads, no questions asked. I need a crowd cheering as his raw cock breaches my cummy hole and I take the sting of his scorpion tattoo when he breeds me."
    8 points
  3. Sorry for the short chapter there. Got interrupted and didn’t want to lose what was written so far. So…. But he didn’t pull out. He continued to tug against my ring from the inside, his now clenched fist turning like a washing machine. It drove me absolutely out of my mind. Finally I came, screaming so loud I’m sure the entire complex could hear me. I was hyperventilating and it felt like my entire insides and clenched down on his fist. He coached me to slow down my breathing and relax. When my hole loosened enough, Gino pulled his hand out slowly. Immediately he shoved his hard cock in me and started fucking me violently, telling me he was going to poz me and give me whatever other diseases he had. It was too much. I felt like my ass tunnel was being completely destroyed. He came in me again a few minutes later, the salt of his cum burning the tears in my chute. He laid down on top of me, his cock still inside. He wrapped his arms around me. I realized I was crying. I wasn’t really upset, just overloaded and exhausted. After I calmed down, he helped me up and we got into the shower. The warm water helped calm me down. Gino grabbed a washcloth and gave me a rubdown. After I dried off, I checked the clock. It was after 5am. I was still to spun up to drive but needed to get my shit together and get back to the house of my husband would be freaking out. We walked over to the whirlpool nearby. We were all pretty wobbly, them because they were really high, me because I was so sore it was painful to walk. It was a beautiful night out and the water jets felt great. Unexpectedly, Rob became affectionate and pulled me onto his lap, running his hands over my body, then wrapped his arms around me. Gino came up from behind, giving me a sandwich hug. I didn’t know what to make of these guys. Were they evil dudes on the lookout to corrupt party virgins? Or were they nice guys in the party scene and just got a wild hair to pop my party cherry without telling me? Turned out maybe both. We talked for awhile and then went back to the room to pack up and head out. That wasn’t the last time we hung out together, but that is story for a different chapter. When I got home, I was pretty messed up in my head. I had been so responsible and strait-laced my whole life, I couldn’t believe I put myself in a situation where something like that happened. I was chatting with a guy on BBRT who I’d been talking to for years but we’d never met. He was a really sexy guy about my age, shaved head, tatted with a big fat cock. We’d talked about hanging out quite a few times but just hadn’t yet. I liked his sense of kink. He asked me how Palm Springs was and I told him what happened. His response was, “Well, I party. If you ever want to do it again, I’d be down for that…..” To be continued
    7 points
  4. Disclaimer: there is condom sex in this chapter. It serves the plot. Sorry in advance if you're totally opposed to that. "The last thing I need is a sterile semen sample, Brock," Dr. Shah explained as he took off his pants. His white Calvin Klein briefs stood out against his darker complexion, and Brock could see that his chest wasn't the only part of him that was hairy. "After I prep you, you cannot touch your dick until after I have the specimen," he continued. As Dr. Shah took his briefs off, Brock nearly lunged off the exam table to get at the doctors cock. Dr. Shah had the shortest dick in the room by at least an inch, but he was a very close second behind Brock for thickest. Brock had never encountered another penis even close to as thick as his. His uncle' dick was amazing, but only a bit thicker than average. Even the guys he had seen in the lockerrooms or changing at the pool fell short of Brock. As he held it, the girth felt very familiar. Brock moved to take the doctor's member in his mouth, but was stopped by Dr. Shah's firm grip on his shoulder. "Business today, Brock," he scolded. He nodded at Rod and Dale, who moved to restrain Brock. Dr. Shah had taken a condom wrapper from his pocket. "I'm going to clean your penis and then I am going to fuck you until you ejaculate, Brock. I will collect your semen directly in this specimen cup. It is imperative that after I clean you, nothing touches your penis. Is that clear?" Brock nodded. The doctor proceeded. When Brock was undressed and prepped, Dr. Shah slathered a generous amount of sterile lube on and in his hole. Again, the doctor's experience was on display. Dr. Shah's intention and confidence was putting Brock at ease. And turning him on. Finally, Dr. Shah rolled the condom down his erect cock. Brock started to make a noise of protest, but was stopped by his uncle. "Dr. Shah is negative -" "For now," Rod interjected. "- and engaged," Dale finished pointedly. He is one of very few people outside the Society that knows it exists." Brock reluctantly nodded his understanding. Dr. Shah positioned himself at Brock's hole. With firm, even pressure, he began to slowly insert the head of his dick into Brock. Brock couldn't tell if it was his inexperience or the doctor's girth, but something made this process intense. Dr. Shah didn't stop until he had his full length inside Brock. By the time Dr. Shah had gotten all 6.5" of his member inside, Brock was panting and straining against Dale and Rod's restraint. "FuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUCK!" Brock was nearly shouting. Dr. Shah had taken a brief moment of pause when he was fully inside Brock. Brock continued to breathe heavily, desperately willing his guts to relax to accommodate Dr. Shah's thickness. Dr. Shah began to move in and out of Brock. Thrusting wasn't quite the right word. His movements were more fluid, like waves rolling in and receding. Brock's entire body felt like he had been hit by lightning. The thrill of ecstasy pulsed from deep within. He tried to take notes on how Dr. Shah moved his body. This was a skill. A skill he needed to have. Dale had done a number on Brock's prostate when he took Brock's virginity, but this was something else entirely. This was like his prostate was being massaged - almost milked by the doctor's smooth, constant rhythm. Insertion flowed seamlessly into withdrawal. Brock was bewildered by the sensation of it. He could only differentiate the two by the occasional slap of the doctor's thighs against Brock's muscular cheeks. Dr. Shah was speaking Farsi and Brock had no idea what he was saying, but the tone suggested he was telling Brock what a great hole he had. Brock managed to moan in response. Brock and Rod simultaneously realized that Dr. Shah had only forbidden anyone touching Brock's dick. Brock turned to his father and engulfed the 8", precum-slick member his father had been stroking moments before. His uncle, meanwhile, was busily extracting his own identical cock from the confines of his precum soaked jeans. Brock alternated between the matched pair of cocks on either side of him. He would have to chuckle later at the fact that they truly were identical. Brock was already overwhelmed by the sensations in his hole and the confusion of the duplicate dicks when Rod pulled a small ampule out of his pocket. Brock was intimately familiar with poppers already. They had featured in all of his sexual encounters thus far. He liked them so much, he used them most of the time when edging, too. But what he had used were a pale imitation of what Rod had pulled from his pocket. Rod cracked the ampule and inhaled deeply before holding it under Brock's nose. Brock had a glimpse of a thought that his poppers smelled different. That flicker of a though fleeted away as something primal took over. Brock experienced the next few minutes like it was being explained to him via PowerPoint. Dissociated from everything with lucid flashes as each new slide was shown. He deep throated his father and uncle in turn, swallowing every drop he could of their virus-laced precum. His own virus resonated with a kind of camaraderie. Dr. Shah had picked up the pace as he continued his gyrating exploration of Brock's insides. Intense pulses of pleasure from his prostate were a metronome keeping time for Dr. Shah's dance-like fucking. Brock wasn't sure how much time passed before his head cleared. He looked around to see the older men also regaining their composure. "The fuck was that?" Brock asked hazily. "The benefits of being in a big city," Rod replied, offering another hit, which Brock eagerly took. He sank slowly back into the gentle, warm haze where the only things that mattered were his pleasure and the pleasure of the men around him Brock suddenly became aware of the pressure building both in his balls, and in his prostate. He started to say he was about to cum, but it came out as a gutteral moan as he began shooting veritable ropes of cum. Brock was a distance shooter and typically shot very thick loads. And in quantities that could only be described as copious. The doctor's fucking and whatever his father had dosed him with dialed all of that up to 11. In the aftermath, Dr. Shah was screwing a lid on a specimen container that was full of pearly white semen. That was less than half of what Brock had shot. The rest was on his chest and abdomen, the exam table, the floor, and the wall behind the exam table. At least two spurts had hit the celing above the bed. Once the specimen container was sealed, his father and uncle pushed themselves over the edge within a second of each other. Their poison seed shot across Brock's hairy body from either side. When they had finished, Dr. Shah stepped up beside Brock's face and removed the condom. Without touching his dick, he began oozing the brightest white cum Brock had ever seen. It smelled like someone could get pregnant just by looking at it. Like distilled virility. It was as viscous as his dick was thick. It was incredible. Dr. Shah's leaked his concentrated cum all over Brock's face and beard. Brock eagerly licked what he could out of his facial hair and used his fingers to ingest the rest. His father and uncle eagerly helped clean up. Mostly with their tongues, but some towels were used on the floor at least. Dr. Shah went back to processing the samples. "We should have results by Wednesday," Dr. Shah said as they finished cleaning up and Brock got redressed. They each shook Dr. Shah's hand as they prepared to leave. Brock chuckled a little. "Dr. Shah, aren't there easier ways to get a sterile semen sample?" He asked in a voice equal parts entertained and incredulous. "Yes," Dr. Shah responded. God his accent was sexy. "So why..." Brock gestured around indiscriminately, "all of this?" "This was more fun," Dr. Shah replied matter of factly. He had a mischievous glint in his light brown eyes as he smiled genuinely at Brock. "I'll call you with your results."
    6 points
  5. Continuing the story…. We followed Rob out into the shared area of the complex. There were rooms around the central area, that had a pool and hot tubs. He took us to a corner of the complex where there was an outdoor dungeon. In the center was a sling. There were four guys there sucking each other in different corners. It was dark outside with only dim lighting. Rob lifted me into the swing and began fucking me. With gymnast skill, Gino jumped up on top of me and lifted my legs so they could double fuck me. I was spinning and so relaxed and my hole and been fucked by both of them for hours so I was as loose as I’d ever been, but I didn’t think I could take these two at the same time. Rob slid in first. He felt so good and I moaned as he warmed me back up. Then Gino put his head at the entrance and firmly forced the tip in. They had obviously had lots of practice together. I didn’t think I could take getting double fucked again, but I was so high I could have taken an elephant, I thought. They both came again, one shortly after the other. While I was catching my breath, Rob was talking to the guys. One by one they came over and fucked me. None of them came but the nastiness of having four strangers stick their dicks in my slag hole was hot. Rob and Gino pretty much carried me back to the room. They smoked some more and Gino blew some more smoke in my face. I didn’t fight it but didn’t try to inhale it either. Rob said he was going for a walk and left for awhile. Gino and I talked for a bit and then he stuck his still hard cock in me again. He felt soooo good inside and I told him. I knew it was the drugs but I felt like I was falling in love with him. He was so handsome and nice and sexually in tune with me. Then he said, “You ready?” ”For what?” I asked, wondering what else they hadn’t already done. Gino slid three fingers inside me along side his cock. It felt fantastic. Then he added a forth and got his hand in up to his knuckles and held it there while he fucked me hard. It was better than being double fucked. I screamed as I tried to cum but the T was keeping me limp and unable to com. After a few minutes, he slid out, backed down and told me to just relax my body and my hole. He petted the outside and softly massaged the inside. It felt good. I felt a burning. I’m not sure to this day if he added more T but I wouldn’t be surprised. Then he inserted all four fingers up to his knuckles. I knew what he was doing now. “I’ve only been fisted once by a guy with small hands years ago and that was for like ten seconds.” I said. ”Just relax.” He replied. He coached me to breathe and push out and before long his whole big fist was in me. Fireworks blew in my brain and my entire body started to shudder. “Oh fuck, Gino. Oh fuck!” Then Gino started to turn it gently one direction and the other. I couldn’t believe the ecstasy that was wracking my entire body. Like every nerve was on fire. I moaned so loudly I thought someone would complain from another room. He continued by pulling almost all the way out and then back in. Finally I asked him to pull out. My nervous system was overloaded and I could not take any more. To be continued.
    5 points
  6. Last night in a sex club. Usually I go for the shorter guys but this tall bottom was sexy and eager for my dick. What a great hole. Easy to slide in and then every time I bottomed out he would grip my cock with his hole as a slid back. I lasted longer than I expected but nutted hard in his hole.
    4 points
  7. Only a quick one from yesterday. Daddy messaged me out of the blue "I want to see you, when are you free?" My heart fluttered reading the message, as it always does. Quick reply saying I'm free now, and a few seconds later a reply. "Be there in 10 mins, bringing a friend." 10 minutes later, I'm naked kissing daddy's smoke tasting mouth, while his friends pulling my nipples, then I turn as his friend spits in my mouth and kisses me. I kneel, undoing their jeans, the smell off 2 unwashed cocks was amazing. I pull them out, 2 gorgeous cheesy cocks for me! I'm possessed, licking, sucking, I can't get enough of their cock cheese in my worthless mouth. Daddy fucks me, hard, deep, cumming quickly. His friend slides in as I'm sucking my ass from Daddies cock. A few more minutes Daddy grunts again as I feel him shoot straight Down my throat. His friend starts groaning, pumping another load into my hole. I turn, sucking his cock clean as he and Daddy dress again. They both tell me they can't wait for next time, before they leave, locking the door behind them and leaving me feeling used. very yum!
    4 points
  8. That story reminded me of something that happened to me a long time back. I was chatting for a while with this guy online, he said he was bi but hadn’t done anything yet with another guy but was getting divorced from his wife.. we chatted for a few weeks before he finally decide he would have me over to suck his dick. He lived about 20 minutes from me and one night I was online and he messaged me asking me to go over and suck his dick, so he gave me directions and I went over.. I got there and he had some rock music on and he took me into the living room and I could tell he was a little nervous but he dropped his pants and sat down on the couch so I could suck him off.. I got on my knees and wen to work sucking him off and was sucking him for about 5 minutes and all of a sudden I heard someone yell out “What the fuck!?!?!” .. the guy I was sucking was startled and I was too, I picked my head up and saw a guy standing there looking at us in total disbelief, and he said “what the fuck is going on here?” ..it turns out it was the guy’s brother, and the guy I was sucking on quickly said “this dude give awesome head, you should try it..” I looked over at his brother who was standing there still in shock, not sure what to say I guess and he just looked at his brother, looked at me and stayed startled for about 20 seconds not saying anything.. finally he started to walk over to me saying “what the fuck, I need to get off” and walked over to me, unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out.. he let me start sucking him off and I could feel him growing in my mouth, turns out his dick was bigger than his brothers and much fatter too.. I sucked him off while his brother watched and after a few minutes he seemed to get into hit, he grabbed hold of my head and started to fuck it, suddenly he let out a huge grunt and started to shoot gobs of cum down my throat.. to this day, hes still one of the largest shooters I’ve ever encountered.. he filled my mouth up, his dick was throbbing like crazy in my mouth and finally he finished and just left his dick in my mouth... I sucked him clean, he put his dick back in his pants and then walked off into another room. The first guy grabbed my head and steered it back toward his dick and I sucked him off too and then left.. come to find out later, he had been living with his brother since he and his wife separated and his brother was supposed to go meet a friend for a few beers that night but the friend never showed up so the brother came home. Ever now and then I’d get a call from him late at night wanting me to go over and suck them both, it was usually after they’d been drinking and wanting to get off. I ran over there every time they called not matter what time of day or night.
    4 points
  9. I awoke the next more feeling worse than I had ever felt in my entire life. My side of the bed was soaked and the sweat was rolling off me like a mountain stream. My cute prince was very attentive to my every need. He had room service change the bed and washed me down with a sponge bath. When we had the room to ourselves again he removed his clothes and cuddled up beside my sweltering body. I could see he was getting hard again and prayed he didn’t want to fuck me. Soon his mouth was on my cock and to my surprise it was responding. ‘Where was this energy coming from?’ When my cock was both slobbery wet and good and hard he straddled me and aimed my ragging boner at his rear entrance. Facing me he took the lead in riding my raw knob. His eyes looked into mine and just kept inviting me. He didn’t say a word but I could hear those eyes saying; ‘Yes, Yes’; I could hear them begging ‘Yes! Yes!’ When my breathing became ragged, which didn’t take long, he nodded his head three times. I knew he wanted every drop of my toxin planted as deep in him as I could. And I had no energy to stop myself from blasting away before I passed out. The next five days were a blur as I drifted in and out of consciousness. A rotation of people seemed to be providing my care. Sometimes the young dimple cheeked man, sometimes my bear co-lead and infector, and other times even our director. Surprisingly my dreams were not all nightmares. Some were, with people trying to kill me, that sort of thing. But a significant number were actually very pleasant and many of those were incredibly erotic, as in sexually explicit. I was naked in all these dreams and often having incredible sex with many men; always bareback and always in front of crowds of enthusiastic people. A deep conviction was solidifying deep inside me; I was born to be a sexual exhibitionist. By day six I was beginning to feel a little better but still to weak to spend much time out of bed. I had lots of time alone, and lots of time to think. I was a bit horrified as I remembered the stairwell sex. I knowingly initiated raw sex and bred the young stranger even though I was pretty certain I would be painting his vulnerable insides with this disease. What kind of monster had I become? I had to remind myself that he took full responsibility and practically raped a load out of me when he was sure I was shooting toxic bullets. On day seven of my recovery the bear came to visit. He brought with him another actor who had enthusiastically stepped in to paly my role. The show had only been dark and missed two performances two nights before this new guy felt ready to stand in. The bear and the new guy assured me the show wasn’t as good, everyone in the production was highly anticipating my recovery and return to drawing standing room only cheering crowds. “Are you fucking kidding me? You expect me to work with you after what you’ve done to me.” “Your poz now, what’s the big deal with coming back to the show?” asked the bear nonchalantly. “I can’t begin to draw the crowds you have” from the other actor. “Fucking unbelievable. Can you even hear yourselves? You tricked me into this, and I’m going to have to live with it for the rest of my life.” The bear; “Yeah! It’s fucking hot. You’ll never need to worry about it again. You can get fucked by any guy you want and never have to worry about him pozing you. What’s not to like?” “I’m not gay man! I don’t live for guys to fuck me!" “You could have fooled me. Seems you to grew to enjoy my raw dagger fucking you.” “That was my role asshole!” “What about those nights you came home with me?” “What the fuck, you took him home?” the other actor protested. “Get off my case, you know I fucked you and your two roommates two nights ago” the bear retorted. “And you” looking to me, “You knew what my friend took you back to his place for until you got all high and huffy about his scorpion tattoo. You may claim to be straight, but admit it, you like it up the ass and you love it raw.” I remembered my dreams and I couldn’t argue. “So how soon ‘til you’re back on stage with me?” “Fuck, you are so self centred and arrogant! I hate you!” “I could care less. Go ahead and hate me, just get back on stage and let me keep breeding your ass. It’s a good gig for both of us.” There was a knock at my door and the other actor ushered in my friend from the stairwell fuck. He came by to see if I was feeling strong enough to ’knocking him up’ again. The bear; “So when did you fuck this cute young specimen?” Me, a little shamed faced; “After I stormed out of your scorpion friend’s place.” “Tell me again how straight you are. So high and mighty. What hypocrisy. Ready to gift and infect a guy that you just met. Straight my ass!” “Yeah, and don’t forget you fucked me the next morning when we knew you were sick. Fuck man, I loved that!” My replacement actor, “Oh man, I fuckin love sex with poz men. I get so funkin excited, ‘maybe this’ll be the time it takes’. Fuckin love the adrenaline rush!” The bear started unbuttoning his shirt. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. As he was opening his jeans, “Well, I’m getting undressed so you can recharge my poz ass partner.” The other two were already down to their designer underwear. I wanted to but couldn’t miss that I was quickly getting hard. “I’m so going to lay a hate fuck onto your sorry ass!” He was already naked and bent over the end of the bed; “You sure better, and don’t even think about using any lube!”
    4 points
  10. My m8 at the Sauna I was feeling horny as fuck so decided to visit for an anon cumdump session. I usually go in a jock, harness and pup walk and wearing my well worn CUM DUMP socks. Along with my FUCK ME tattoo it gives a clear messsge that I’m just a hole to fuck n breed. I’m usually found on all fours in a dark corner. I love how guys slide straight in to my cummy hole then move on to another hole then return. I had already taken 4 or 5 anon loads and my knees were killing me so I moved to the sling. It wasn’t long before my cummy hole attracted attention with guys keen to try a sloppy cunt. I was being fucked hard and it attracted a group watching. I moaned and groaned in my pup hood as I was bred in front of the group. I fucking loved it and as the guy stepped away I took a popper hit ready for the next cock. There was a guy with his face in my socks sniffing hard. I could feel he was wanking against my cummy hole ready to take a turn. It felt hot as I took poppers and he teased into my cummy cunt. He pushed his dick fully inside me and continued sniffing and licking my stinky socks. I certainly felt his generous cock slip inside me, balls deep and being encouraged by the small crowd watching. I glanced through the mask at the guy now pounding my cunt. It was only now I realised it was a m8 of mine. I always considered him a bit of a twat and very cocky, my first reaction was to stop and run. But, his fucking was good, and he clearly had no idea who he was balls deep in. I was kinda turned on he had no idea whose cunt he was creaming. He was pretty vocal too and told me that my my loaded cunt felt amazing with strangers loads oozing out. I decided it was kind of horny to let him carry on as he had no clue who he was balls deep pounding. I grunted n groaned enough to keep him interested. I keep thinking that of all the times I had known him I always considered him a twat. I had no idea he was packing such a good and slutty dick. I thought he was loosing interest and I thought I could escape as he urged guys watching to take over. There was a guy wanking heavily who offered to take a turn. My m8 pulled out and stood to one side, someone was straight on their knees to suck his cock. Good I thought, that’s him sorted. The guy taking over shoved his dick in me and was ready to breed me in front of the guys watching. I was hoping my m8 would wonder off but the guy now in my cunt was pretty vocal so attracted more attention. After some loud verbal, when I was told I was a filthy faggot, the guy pounded his cum into my hole for all to see. My m8 was still getting his dick sucked when the guy inside me pulled out. I had cum flowing from my cunt like an open invitation. Sure enough a much older guy stood in front of me. My cunt was open to all and I was turned on by my m8 just now watching me, the old guy teased my hole then plowed straight into my cummy hole. A quick few hard thrusts and he too was ready to dump another anon load in me. My m8 was clearly a sleazy fukka. He liked what he saw. He moved back between my legs and dropped to his knees. He was tonguing my used cunt and was sucking cum out of me. I had no idea he was so talented. I had taken his dick and his tongue and he had no idea. He stood back up and pushed his dick back inside me. I was really worried he’d recognise me so I tried to hide inside my pup mask. His was a slow purposeful fuck he was clearly enjoying my well loaded sloppy cunt. The horny fukka then spoke so everyone could hear… I think it’s about time I gave you my seed. You have the most amazing cummy hole. I kept thinking how horny it was that he was now going to dump a load in my used cunt but had no idea who I was. He had his face in my worn CUM DUMP socks and was sniffing hard on them. He was pounding be good and hard and using the swing to help get a harder thrust. Then I felt his cock unload inside me and he let out a groan of delight. I let him finish dumping his load and he took his time too. When he was done he wondered off. When he was gone i quickly climbed out of the sling before anyone else could take a turn. I now wanted to get out of the sauna for some air to recover. I was gone for about an hour. I figured that was Plenty of time for him to fuck off now he’d used and unloaded in me in front of a crowd. I had his load and several others oozing from my cunt so I decided to see if I could find someone to cream it. I changed back into my harness and cummy jock and put the pup mask back on. I went back to the sling to offer my sloppy cunt. I waited patently. One guy slipped his dick in for a quick go in me then moved on. Then he was back! My m8 was back at my hole wanking. Before I had time to think he slipped back inside me. He told me he loved watching me take the old guys dick and load as it was a turn on seeing a proper cumdump being used. I groaned and grunted in all the right places as I thought about my m8 having no clue who I was or the fact i was his slutty breeding hole. He told me it takes him ages to cum the second time round so he hoped my hole could take it. I led back n the sling as he sniffed my socks while gliding in and out of my cunt. He was creaming strangers loads non stop for about 10 mins until another guy showed interest and he offered him my cunt, whist he was still using it. He told him to feel free if he fancied breeding it. He stepped aside and the guy took over pounding the cum out of me. My m8 was now pimping my hole out, He was egging the guy on to breed me. Sure enough my cunt was filled with another strangers load and my m8 was straight back in after. This fresh load had given him extra inspiration and a few minutes later he bred my hole for the second time in a sea of strangers cum. I have to admit I fucking loved it. He gave my ass one hard slap and wondered off. My cunt was full and dripping and I was knackered. I changed and left and to this day my m8 has no idea I own that cunt!
    4 points
  11. I've been thinking a lot about why I enjoy bareback so much as a bottom. Once I'm relaxed, I feel good with or without a condom - I know it feels different for some people, but for me it's the same. It's easier for me to relax when the top wants to fuck me raw, but I think it's more related to my mental state than with the rubber per se - again, different people, different experiences. There's an element I started appreciating very recently though: the transgression aspect. I was a teenager in the 90s in a very conservative family in a conservative environment. So living the gay life for me is already a huge transgression that I'm very very proud of. But I wanted more. And the way I decided to rebel against society norms was to take raw dick and loads in my ass. It feels liberating to confess that to be honest. Thanks for listening.
    3 points
  12. I appreciate men who have strong instincts and need to breed deep and impregnate my hole. It's a good balance to my powerful need to be filled deeply with men's DNA. I've noticed that in home-made porn (where men just set up a camera and then just focus on fucking) it's the tops who thrust their cocks in deeper and harder as they come that really get to me. The best are the men so overwhelmed by their instinct to breed their seed deeply that they climb up the bottom and hold them down to jam the root of their spasming cock in as deeply as possible so that their glans are at the deepest place inside the bottom that they can possibly reach.
    3 points
  13. Always inside me. I love taking loads and my husband not knowing I’m filled behind his back. I love to have him fuck me not knowing I got used and he’s fucking some other guys cum deeper into my hole.
    3 points
  14. I have a regular, kind of a strange guy with a nice 7in cock. He doesn't want to consider himself bi or gay, so he wants to pay me for sucking his cock! $1 each time. Whatever works. ( I keep the $1 in a jar, $22 total so far) I blow him twice each visit. First time he cums really quick, blows a big load. Then he relaxes, watching hetero porn with me between his legs. This morning, I was working his cock, he a tablet in his hands watching porn. I think the tablet helps him deny it's a fag sucking his cock. He had already cum once, and was nearing his second when we heard a voice. His roommate had come home! Lots of discussion of is he a fag, does he likes guys! Eventually the roommate accepts the explanation of it's just getting head, not gay. And then asks if I want to suck his cock too! They're too nervous to be in the same room together and let a fag suck their cocks! So, I finish my regular, it takes a bit to get him hard again, but he eventually blows a nice load in my mouth. Then I wander down the hall and find the roommate. Nude in a chair, in front of a desk top computer, alternating between porn and Chaturbate. I drop to my knees and start sucking his cock, nice cock with a huge head. Doesn't take a minute before he pops a nice load in my mouth. Sweet! I hope if this keeps going, blowing both roommates, that they can get being in the same room together, letting me suck both their cocks!
    3 points
  15. Whilst @viking8x6 is correct, @stevo I would add that the only currently known way to limit the risk of getting infected, is by you going on PreP. I'm saying this because you can't be always sure that the other guy is actually U. The science is clear so far: U=U. BUT, since you have no real way of verifying that the chap is U, I would advise you to assume that he MIGHT be detectable and the only viable way to protect yourself is to go on PreP. And while, of course, PreP is not 100% guaranteed, I think you'd have better chances of winning twice in the row the EuroJackpot than getting HIV while on prep. @stevo Read some more threads as @viking8x6 recommends and make an informed decision. But be aware, that you are always in control of your actions. Invest in your protection rather in trusting someone else.
    3 points
  16. “Fuck man! You’re poz?” “Yup, poz and very, very toxic.” “Fuck no! And you brought me here to try and fuck me bareback?” “I’m going to fuck you raw and paint your guts with my toxic load.” “Asshole, no you are not. We can fuck alright, in fact that’s what I came for, but you are going to wear a condom.” He laughed; “Bud, I don’t even have a condom in my place. Did you bring one?” Dejected I responded, “No” and began to pull my pants back on. I didn’t even look for my underwear, I just needed out of this place. “Where do you think you are going?” a slight bit of anger in his voice. “Home” “Why?” “Cause there’s not going to be any fucking going on here tonight.” “But why not?” “You are poz and toxic. Did you think I’d let your scorpion sting me? What the fuck?” “But you take two loads every night on stage, and I know you’ve been going back to his place for more. You’ve already taken more than two dozen toxic loads in the last two weeks. Why not take mine?” “What do you mean?” “Did you ever check his ass tattoo. It’s not drawn on there by the makeup department, it’s for real.” The blood froze throughout my body. “But how could you know? You don’t know he’s poz and toxic.” “I fuckin well do, who do you think pozed me about a month ago?” “I don’t believe you. He’s kind, he wouldn’t do that to either of us,” “Don’t be so naïve. Surely you suspected something when at the last moment your production left the legit theatre and relocated to the basement below a sex shop, which itself is below a gay bathhouse. No legit theatre would allow unsimulated sex on their stage, let alone where a known poz porn actor was going to infect a neg bottom. Everybody, all the other actors, the techies, the director …. Everyone is in on this.” “I don’t believe you, I just don’t.” I was pulling on my shirt as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed. “Hey friend. How was your back ally shag? … yeah …. Nice … Did he know you were poz breeding him? … yeah? … did he beg for it? …. Fuckin hot man. … no way! Chaser hun! Fucking twisted! But so was I.… un hun. Look can you swing by here? …. Your co-lead came home with me and is freaked out by my scorpion tattoo” He arrived 20 minutes later. Most of which his friend spent trying to seduce me into his bed. Poor sod couldn’t seem to take ‘NO’. I was livid with my bear co-star, cursing, swearing, crying, calling him every nasty evil name that I could think of. I was desperately hoping he would deny everything his twisted friend was trying to tell me. He admitted that he was indeed poz and highly toxic. He had pozed his friend and about seven other guys. Rather than apologize he told me that I was already infected. How could I not be he reasoned. I’d been taking his loads for two weeks. He’d been scratching my gut walls before breeding me at his apartment. I was livid, cursing, swearing, I found even more vile names to call him and his mother for bringing him into the world. He still insisted I was already HIV positive and should let his friend shag me. In fact he was there now and so why didn’t I let both of them have at my ass. It’s like neither of them were hearing a word I had to say. I finally just left. Hailed a cab and got to my hotel as fast as I could. A cute young dimple cheeked man got on the elevator with me. I tried to avert my eyes from his gaze. I didn’t want him to see I’d been crying, I didn’t want him to know I was upset. But he kept his gaze on me and slowly moved in closer and closer. When my shoulders started to shake and the tears began to flow like a river he just wrapped his arms around me and held me. No words, he just held me. My sobbing stopped as the doors opened for his floor. He gently drew me out of the elevator and backed me up against a wall. He leaned in placing his sweet lips on mine. Suddenly I pulled away and asked the most foolish question since he had already been kissing me; “Can I kiss you?” He grinded, “Yeah” I took his cute dimpled cheeks into my hands, pulled him in and landed a lip lock on his mouth, my tongue darting for his tonsils. “Can I ask you another question?” “Yeah” “Can I fuck you?” “I thought you’d never ask” he answered smiling broadly. He started leading me toward his room, I guess, but I had another idea. “In the stair well, I want to fuck you in the stair well.” “Um, yeah, I guess so.” As soon as the stairwell door closed he dropped his jeans and leaned with his hands against the wall presenting me his ass. Nothing was said about protection or lube so I just spit on my hand a few times lubricating his ass and my raw cock. I held a hand over his mouth as I brutally rammed into his tender ass. When his muffled scream subsided and I remover my hand he told me; “Fuck me, pound me deep, I love your fuckin raw cock up my hole. Give it to me.” I was pounding away; “I don’t’ think I’ll last very long ….” “I don’t care, just breed me, cum in my ass.” My cum canon was blasting before he finished his sentence. When I caught my breath, and my cock slipped out of his hole he said; “That was fucking awesome, thanks. Now come back to my room.” In his room he opened his bar fridge and poured us three shooters each. “First toast is to our mutal animalistic attraction …. Second toast is for the fuckin fantastic breeding you just gave me in the stair well …. Third toast is to anticipate the load I’m going to suck out of your ass before I fuck you silly.” We quickly downed the shooters He proceeded to rip both our clothes off and push me onto the bed on my back. He grabbed my legs and pulled my ass to the edge of the bed. In no time he was sucking my co-star’s cum out of my hole. And the next thing I knew his nice sized cock was buried in me balls deep. He leaned over to kiss me and feed me some of the cum he had just harvested from my ass. It tasted like ambrosia, heavenly, cum and ass juices, who knew? I decided not to say anything and just enjoy the ride. This didn’t keep me from groaning out my intense pleasure. He took this as permission to piston me without mercy and he was soon unloading deep in my ass. After an extremely short breather I noticed his cock was still in me and just as hard, or harder than ever. With a question in my eyes I looked deep into his. He just smiled, and nodded, and resumed the fuck. I couldn’t hold back, “Holy Shit” “Yup, I’ve got about three more in me and we’re not done ‘til they are in you.” It took him about 20 minutes to orgasm the second time, and about an hour for the third. Every load painting my intestinal organs. That’s when we took a break and started talking. Pillow talk. I found myself confessing I might have pozed him in the stairwell. He was none pulsed admitting he knew. He had known I was carrying a load for him to feltch from my ass because he had seen me bred earlier in the evening on stage. He knew the bear as a porn star that couldn’t get work in the porn industry because of his status. He had almost spontaneously cum in his pants he was so turned on seeing the bears biohazard tattoo flex as he unloaded in my ass bareback on stage. He knew who I was and had rushed to get on the elevator alone with me. “You knew who I was and you still agreed to let me fuck and breed you? Are you already poz?” “No sir, but I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have give me the gift.” “Well, I’ve not been tested. We don’t know for sure I’m poz.” I stayed the night and kept being wakened by his manhood pushing at my ass. After three more loads I fell in to such a deep sleep. … to be continued
    3 points
  17. The last few days had been super hectic. Mike had not had anytime for his pozzing fun. While he had made a ton of money, he still wanted to knock up another hole before he left. He only had today. He worked tonight and flew out in the morning. He jumped on Grindr and found a hot skinny fem boy, Adam, that wanted his dick. He was 19, 6’0, 4.5 in cut dick, and skinny. He was also neg and not on prep. He totally fell for Mike telling him he was ddf on prep. Adam showed up to his room and knocked on the door as Mike was drying off from the shower. Mike answered the door naked and he saw Adams eyes almost bug out of his head. “Get in here boy and suck daddy’s dick” Adam did as he was told and dropped to his knees right inside the door. Taking Mikes’s big fat semi hard dick in this throat. He was choking in no time from the throat fucking Mike was giving him. Josh opened the connecting door to Mike’s room and walked in. “He bro, you have the sheet for tonight? Oh, I see you decide for some fun.” “Yea, I got this little fag here to suck and ride my dick. Come over and he will suck yours too” Adam tried to pull off the dick but Mike held his head on it. He looked down at the boy and said, “I know you’re a slut and want both our dicks” He let Adam off his dick just enough for him to say “Yes daddy” As Josh came over and stripped Mike directed Adam’s throat onto his buddy’s rock hard dick. Mike moved behind Josh and wrapped his arms around his upper body and looked over his shoulder at the fag deep throating him. “I think it’s time you fuck a boy hole buddy” Josh looked at Mike wide eyed, then got the mischievous grin he was know for. “Fuck yes!” “First let me eat your hole as he sucks you before you fuck him” he didnt give Josh any time to object. He was down on his knees using his bigger muscles to hole Josh in place fucking Adam’s throat and while he spread Josh’s cheeks. Josh jumped when Mikes wet tongue hit his hole. But it was followed by a moan. He never had his ass ate by a guy but he loved it! HE continued to face fuck Adam as he felt this new heavenly sensation of his buddy’s warm tongue in his ass! Mike had been planning to break in Josh at some point but hadnt yet. He knew Josh was a pig and figured he be a bottom once he got a dick in him. But the best part was if he could fuck Josh he knew Josh would spread that toxic hiv seed to all the women he fucked and impregnated. So it be a double pregnancy, a baby and hiv. He figured now was the time. Mike directed Adam to lay over the sofa, took some lube and put it on Adam’s hole and then on Josh’s dick. He stood behind Josh as he directed his dick into the raw neg twink hole. He stood behind Josh as he started to pump into the twink hole. His hard dick rubbing Josh’s upper right butt cheek as he kissed on Josh’s neck and ear lobe. Josh moaned with ecstasy. As Josh got his rhythm, Mike put his lube covered fingers into Josh’s crack. Josh slowed for a minute but continued. He leaned into Mikes kisses as he started to pound Adam harder. Mike slipped his lube covered index finger into the spit drenched hole. Josh jumped at first but Mike kept the finger in him and he went back to his rhythm. “Let me put in you man. You will love it bro! Just this once.” Mike whispered to Josh. Josh had thought about taking dick many times. Never tried. Though several girls had rimmed him and fingered him. He nodded yes then whispered back “just pull out” Mike didn’t answer back but instead lined his massive rock hard tool up with his straight buddy’s neg hole. He knew Josh didn’t take prep. He was precumming already! So as to not scare him out of it, Mike went slow, and once he was in held him still so he would not pull off. After about 2 minutes and 4 inches Josh stared to moan again. And then rock on the big raw rock in him as his own dick went into Adams twink hole. Soon Josh was balls deep in Mike’s dick fucking himself on his best friends big fat raw dick as he fucked his first boy ass. He was moaning and in heaven. It took all of 5 minutes for Josh to feel his nut coming on. “Fuck this is going to make me cum” ”impregnate that boy pussy bro!” Mike said as Adam said “Fuck, yes bred me!” Josh unloaded balls deep in the twink hole. He didn’t realize as he was cumming Mike was dumping his second poz load in his ass! He loved being a silent cummer. The first load he put in Josh shortly after he started getting into the man in the middle fuck. They de-coupled as Josh moved around to the font of the sofa and told Adam to suck his dick. Mike slide his still hard poz dick in the boy and continued to fuck him. Going very hard and deep to tear his hole. He knew his third load wouldn’t be as big so he needed to be sure the boy pussy tore. After about 10 mins of him hate fucking Adams boy pussy as he sucked on Josh’s now soft dick Mike moaned and announced he was cumming. Adam begged for the load. After resting from shooting his third charged load, Mike showed Adam out. He came back to a naked Mike on the sofa. ”Man I never knew having a dick in my ass would feel so good! I am glad you didn’t cum in me.” ”I never agreed to that bro, you got 2 of my poz loads in that ass. But hey, just think now you can give chicks a baby and HIV.” ”Yea, true. And now I can give dudes HIV since that twink pussy just now shows me how nice a faggot ass is. I figured you wouldn’t pull out and really kind of glad you didn’t” ”Sweet, let’s shower and then go to work. We both have a busy night and early flight.” “Sure but you think we could shower together?” And that is what they did. Mike put another charged load and some piss in the formally neg hole of his best bud. They both went on shift after the shower and spent the night together in bed before going to the airport the next morning. Mike put another toxic load in that ass in the airport bathroom before Josh went on his flight home. Mikes flight was 30 mins later as they lived in different cities. 2 weeks later Josh called Mike and said he was sick and he had the fuck flu. Mike flew to Josh’s city and spent 4 days nursing him back to health. Which included putting several toxic loads in his ass. On the last day the at home test confirmed Josh’s new status. They celebrated that night by bringing over a couple, guy and girl, to tag. Mike put 3 loads in the guy, Josh put a load in each, and took a load from the guy. After the couple left Josh thanked Mike for the gift and they agreed that future event weekends were going to be a blast as the knock hot guys and girls! The End.
    3 points
  18. After a year long dryspell when I moved to a smaller community I have been getting lucky a lot. Don't get me wrong during the last year I had plenty of hookups but they were all bottoms my cock was getting regular service but my hole was going without In theast month have had numerous hookups with 4 different tops I met on grindr and it has been fun if nothing to special that was until a couple days ago I was chatting with a guy I had hooked up with a few times he is older but has a nice cock and a decent fuck for a man in his fifties when he pointed out a profile on grindr he thought I might want to check out he had chatted with the guy but hadn't been able to hook up with him I admit I was curious my friend had pointed out other guys in the past but they were all sub bottom types he wanted to tag team this was first time he pointed out a guy who mostly topped. Then he told me why the guy claimed to have a ten inch cock My friend of course knew that in the past I had been a complete slut and definitely a size queen and figured I would love to have the chance at a cock like that When I saw the guy was on grindr later that day I didn't hesitate to hit him up and didn't take long for us to decide that we really needed to get together unfortunately because of my partner wasn't able to that day but we continued chatting The next day I had my chance my partner was working so I had the time she of course knows I'm with men on the side but has rules one of which me being with them can't take time away from me being with her but I had hours while she was working Even though was excited was also a little cautious despite telling me my friend was right and that he did have 10 inches he wouldn't send me a pic of it and his profile pic wasn't very attractive he was very skinny with long kinda greasy looking hair he also didn't have a car which is unusual in this area but I agreed to meet up with him There were more signs something was odd when he sent me the location to pic him up at it was at a business I knew wasn't open that day and not in great part of town many homeless stay in that area at night When I got there my fears were proved right he came out from a stand of bushes with his backpack and a blanket and I told myself thus wasn't going to happen I didn't want to be rude so I got out of my truck and introduced myself and even though I had decided I wasn't going to fuck him I went ahead and had him get in the truck since I had said I would take him to Walmart so he could get some money a friend had wired to him As we drove we talked a little and he started asking where we would go after Walmart he knew I couldn't host and obviously he didn't have a place I know several good cruising spots of course but hemmed and hawwed a little since at that point I was planning on backing out all I could think of is possible risks of letting a homeless man fuck me He could tell I wasn't likely to go through with it and I'm sure he knew why but he also knew what to do to change a man's mind As we git closer to Walmart he began rubbing his crotch as we talked his pants were thin and pretty loose so it was very obvious when his cock began growing with his attention and the bulge was impressive When we were just pulling into the parking lot he pulled the waist of his pants down and let it all slip out The guy hadn't been lying though not even fully hard yet it was at least ten inches and about as thick as a redbull cN maybe a bit more it was by far the biggest cock I have seen on a white guy outside of porn and only a few black men I had been with in Arizona could match him Once I was parked he pulled his pants up and got out of the truck to go into the store. I had been telling myself that once I got him there I would come up with an excuse for why I had to leave but I couldn't get that cock out of my head so a waited for him I told myself I was just going to be a nice guy and give him a ride back over to the side of town he had been staying in he was a homeless guy after all and not attractive no way was I having sex with him After about 15 minutes he came back to the truck and got in he even said he was surprised I had waited since he had noticed I hadn't seemed that into it We hadn't even left the parking lot when he was again rubbing his crotch and in less than a block he had his cock out again this time rubbing his hand slowly up and down this time I got a very good look though still not fully hard it was everything he had promised and a little more not only was it big it was uncircumcised I admit at that point I lost all my willpower and found myself Taking a turn that would take us to one of my favorite places to park with guys And as I drove he moved closer to me and took my hand and placed it on his cock As I rubbed his cock while driving and felt it get fully hard another concern came to me for a little over a year I hadn't had anything bigger that a finger in my ass until the last few weeks and of the guys I had been with the biggest was only average for a white guy it had been a very long time since had a monster cock like his Again I almost backed out this time because of his cock size but as I ran my hand up and down his shaft I knew I wouldn't be able to say It was a few miles to the parking area a little used parking lot for some hiking trails with a convenient little corner nobody can see you in unless they drive super close and the only people I had seen there were other guys like me Most of the time when park there just lay the seats all the way back and play I. The cab he of course had other ideas I had backed my truck into the parking spot to be able to be sure nobody snuck up on us but he hoped out and walked around the back of the truck At first I thought he had to pee or something first but I felt him put the tailgate down and he started motioning me to co e back there I was a little nervous but grabbed the bag I keep for hookups out if the back seat and joined him behind the truck and opened the bag getting out some lube and condoms Now I almost always bottom raw in fact had been almost five years since a man fucked me wearing a condom but always keep some on my truck because many of the guys I top insist I use them I really wanted to feel him fuck me bare but wasn't willing to risk it I knew he was homeless and he told me he would have sex with men just for a place to stay a night or 2 and didn't know if he was I to drugs so wasn't a risk I was willing to take The guy wasted no time with foreplay he simply spun me so I was facing the truck and pulled my gym shorts down then with one hand lightly pushed meso I was bent over the tailgate while his other hand began lubing my ass The guy was obviously very used to having to get guys ready for his giant cock because he took his time I felt first one than two finally three of his fingers lossening me up for him when he finally removed his hand I heard him open a condom package and looked back to see him putting it on that's when I noticed a problem The condoms I had were of course meant for me to use and were sized for my cock which is only six inches on him it was very tight and only covered two thirds of it He didn't let that bother him he git in behind me and put the tip against my hole then after asking if I was ready he began pushing it in Even after his prep work he had to push hard to get it into me after the first few inches I wondered if I had .are a mistake it felt like he was going to rip me open In the past when I had been with well hung guys they usually got a few inches in then began to fuck me their cocks getting deeper as the sex went on but he had a different idea he just kept pushing it slowly and steadily deeper I could tell he planned on bottoming out before the sex really As he pushed it in it was all I could do to just take it it had been a long time since felt that stretched and even stopped breathing a few times in discomfort But finally he had all ten inches in me and he stopped just stood there behind me for a minute I thought so I could have time to get used to it though later learned it was because he was filming then without a word he started moving again At first was going pretty slow alternating from long strokes to shirt ones but he slowly began picking up his pace and the short strokes were less frequent then the condom broke Cursing little he pulled out and peeled off the broken condom and I watched impatiently as he put a new one on Once rewrapped he got back behind and was able to re-enter no problem this time though he went right to it he held nothing pulling it almost all the way and shoving it all the way back he also started talking telling me how tight my pushy was what a dirty little fag I was a cum slut that loved his cock By then I was accustomed enough to his cock I still felt stretched but also felt like heaven my own smaller cock was rock hard The I felt it the second condom broke and I felt him get ready to pull out but this time I stopped him I was so very close to Cumming just from the feel of his cock so I reached back grabbed his arm and told himto keep going That must have really turned him on because he started fucking me harder and faster and talking more asking if I liked his dirty homeless cock asking if I wanted him to breed my dirty faggot pushy the said aren't you even going to ask if I'm clean than told me hadn't bee. Tested in over year All I could do is answer back yes I a dirty little fag I. His little batch I wanted his homeless seed After about five minutes of that I felt his strokes get shorter and his cock get Harder than he asked if I wanted him to cum in me. Without hesitating I just said one word yes Almost as soon as the word left my mouth hw grabbed my hips pushed all the way in and I felt his cock start to pulse as he came deep inside me for about 10 seconds at almost the same time my own cock shot my load all over the ground For almost a minute we both stayed in that position me bent over my tailgate him behind his cock slowly getting softer in my ass Finally I had to stand up straight I had lost track of time but had been bent over like that for half an hour and back was starting to get sore he pulled out and let me up I look over at him he was still breathing a bit hard and his cock was still out even mostly soft bigger than mine I also noticed a little blood on it even prepping me the way he had he had ripped me some We didn't really say much just cleaned ourselves up a little and got ready to head back when an idea struck me after I found out he did have a license I had him drive while I got into the passenger seat Giving guys road head has always been a turn on for me and there is no way I wasn't going to try it on a cock that big So as we drove a pulled his still limp cock out and lowered my mouth over it I had never been with a uncircumcised guy before so sucking him was a unique situation for me Honestly that soo. After sex I didn't really expect him to get hard again figured I would suck it a little it would feel good for him but that would be about it I was wrong by the time we git back to where he had slept the night he was fully hard I was going to have him drive to another place I knew but he said not to worry he parked my truck and lead me to the bushes he had co.e out of earlier once back inside the brush saw he had a well hidden. Spot and he also didn't have it to himself another homeless guy was asleep on a blanket in no time I was on my hands and knees with him one again balls deep in me this time I had no problem taking him as we fucked the other guy woke up and began watching taking his own cock out and rubbing it In other situations the other man's cock would have gotten .e instantly excited it was about eight inches and fairly thick but compared to the one that once again stretching my ass it was nothing the two homeless men began talking as the first one fuck with him telling his friend what a cumslut I was and again calling me a dirty whore and a fag At a certain point he told me his friend wasn't gay but would love a blow job so I found myself on my hands and knees in some bushes with a ten inch homeless cock in my ass and an eight inch in my mouth The second guy didn't last long I had only sucked him for maybe two minutes when he held my head hard against him as his cum went down. My throat It was almost an hour before they first guy was ready to cum again and I admit I was starting to get more than a little sore the whole second time he had been fucking me hard fast and deep though my own cock was hard again as well When he was about ready to cum he told me to start stroking my cock he wanted us to cum together so I did but he hadn't given me enough warning and I wasn't there yet when I felt him Cumming in me for the second time This time he came even harder and I was able to count him spurt 12 times into me that was almost enough to make me cum right then but not quite but I kept stroking as he just knelt on his knees behind me trying to catch his breath Then out of the blue he tells me he has to piss this time his cock had gotten softer faster it was still in my ass but seemed half the size it had been but seemed to stiffen a little as he just let his bladder go and I felt hi. Filling my already cum filled ass I was a little shocked but not bad I actually enjoy piss play but had never said anything his friend however laughed and asked if he had really just pisses up my he admitted he had as he pulled out of me and I felt his piss and cum run down my leg I was still stoking my cock wanting to cum before I left when his friend said he wanted to try I looked over in time to see him with his cock in his hand aiming it at my face . Before I could say anything I felt his wam piss hi my forehead and I just went with it moving me head so he showered the whole thing even taking some in my mouth That was as much as I could take as he finished emptying his blather my own cock finally shot its second load We really didn't talk after I pulled my clothes back on got I'm my truck and left as I drove home my face smelling like piss my ass leaking piss and cum part of my mind was asking myself what I had done I had let a homeless man probably a drug addict fuck me raw not once but twice the piss in me the list of what diseases he could have given were running though my head but another part of my was wondering if I could get a third from that beautiful ten in monster
    2 points
  19. Written by my Big Brother Cub, but I have permission to share: Aaron held Darren’s hand passionately while his lover’s other hand supported his stride with the cane. They had been together for 4 years, madly in love and intimate, yet with the difference in age comes the variance in drive which is why they were where they were. They walked down a dim warehouse towards some suspended lights. They didn’t have to get too much closer to identify the figures grazing, humping, and fucking each other in the dimly lit spot. Darren looked down at his boy, a bit nervous but he cared so much for Aaron that he was willing to change what was more than capable for him; and he also had some pumping anxiety for excitement...he was a bit eager himself for what was about to happen. As they continued to walk down the path through the warehouse, they saw an assortment of equipment, tools, techniques. This was the Wonder Warehouse, a place where sexual fantasies were explored to the absolute extent of what was possible in this world; and in this case something out of this world. Darren’s cane dragged across the concrete, eyeing the stations before his eyes met the gaze of an elder man, possibly older than him but by far more tone. He had a long silver beard going down to his waste and he grinned. “Welcome Darren, I see you brought your boy.” The gentleman reached out and took the hand Darren used for the cane. “Yes, well, he’s the one who originally convinced me and showed me what was possible. And I wanted to go ahead and give it a try.” The older gent’s grin went away and turned serious. “Darren, I hate to turn so sincere but you do realize there is no try. Anything you experience today will fully develop and become you. Your pleasures will need to be fulfilled to their alterations no matter how unique they become. Do you understand that your commitment to this is fully needed and conceded for us to do what we need to do to make this happen?” Darren suddenly froze, feeling his chest drop as he looked at Aaron. Aaron of course looked back, biting his lip a little but clearly eager for him to continue on. Darren grinned, sheepishly then nervously before addressing the gentleman. “For better or for worse, I’m doing this for my boy.” The gentleman looked at Aaron before a malicious grin escaped through the thick beard. “Very well Darren, let’s get started. However you do realize your payment for this is….well it’s a unique arrangement right? “ “How so-” Darren started before he suddenly felt Aaron’s hand slip away. He turned, seeing Aaron muzzled and being tied down to a bench as he struggled. “What the-” Darren turned to interject but instead felt cuffs slip onto each wrist and he was dragged away, watching as his own boy was being subjected to their restraints and….they were doing something to him. Aaron’s heart pounded, this wasn’t part of the plan he thought. Yes, they got a discounted rate but the handwriting had faded away in the wash. What the fuck had he gotten him and his lover into- Aaron winced and shrieked as he felt a sharp piercing into his arm. He snapped his head towards the source and he went wide eyed as he saw an IV line being injected into him by a leather pup in a lab coat. “What are you doin?'' - Aaron tried to exclaim through the gag but to no avail. Darren was struggling, but the many years had broken down his body too fragile so he slid across the ground as he was dragged off. They hoisted him up, something similar to a curved St. Anthony’s cross before the gentleman calmly petted Darren’s face. “You do not need to worry….soon you’ll be just like me. Initially scared and nervous but realizing the potential it has to fulfil your desires and lusts along with your boys fully worth what you lose: self control.” “What the fuck are-” Darren started before he too felt a pressure in his arm where they were drawing an IV line. “What the hell is this?!” Darren shrieked as he started to feel the coolness of the liquid pump through him, but then it fused with his veins and a tingling started before warmth and then burning as it traveled through his elder broken body. “It’s best not to fight it Darren.” The gentleman said as he started to inject syringes into the IV line, color coded and precise. “Each variation has a different side effect and well….the result of this will like whatever those variations are tuned to.” He grinned as he fully pressed in the substance. Darren grunted, the sensations tingling….burning….reaching deeper into the core of his body before he gasped. The sensations had settled and seemed to “take hold” of his systems as they rapidly fused with each other and spread throughout the rest of the body. It was a unique and strangely blissful sensation as it spread and changed, little things at first that were invisible like skin and blood vessels. But as it went more south Darren looked down. He could see his gut, getting hairier through the shirt that had been cut open as sensors were attached. It was like a seeping magma flesh as it reached deeper past the belly button before settling on the groin. Darren couldn’t help it, he grinned, letting the sensations engorge his member and surrender it’s changes to the feelings and responses that would bring him pure bliss and joy. He could feel the shaft start to ridge up, creating indents and bumps but still smooth. The amount of nerves providing feedback of intensity to what they touched, and the vibrations of reaction were amplifying and quadrupling. Darren drooled, feeling even his saliva transform into something much less than human he had walked in as. He was past the point of starting to like it. He was fully embracing this change they were doing to him. “What the fuck-” Aaron gasped through the muzzle as he felt an attendee lube up his hole. But that wasn’t the main concern, he was watching his lover change, contort, with strange and malicious looks of joy and lust on his face as the sensations rapidly increased in rate to his body. The attendees around him started to cut the remaining clothes, take off the shoes he had come in with and Aaron gasped. His lover’s body had completely evolved into something of a toned, yet muscled gut body of the best daddy figure he could imagine. Aaron himself started to drool as his gaze found the shaft he had grown to care and love so much wherever it touched his body and saw that it now pulsed. Not normally, but like a heartbeat. It had swelled past the 6 inches it was originally to a double digit 11, the shaft curved out to meet his groin in a strangely unique yet alien style. His fur completely engulfed the pubic region and spread in it’s own focus down his legs. Aaron’s eyes looked up into his lovers and he felt the slightest sensation of fear; Darren’s eyes glowed, staring back with a passionate hunger as if Aaron was a tender lunch item. Aaron tried to flinch but he was too restrained as Darren shook and tried to break free. The shaft between his legs pulsed faster and faster, swelling slowly inch by inch and rounding in girth. Then it started to shift back and forth as if a syrupy warm liquid toned it and gave it motion subtly. Darren identified his mate, his mate needed to be bred. Why must he be restrained? Darren roared like a daddy beast because he couldn’t help it. His new body had to mate, it had to feel his boy’s tender ass and be subjected to the new sensations his new shaft and balls could deliver. While the cross wasn’t budging, it did fall forward, bending Darren over as if he was leaning over a kitchen counter. Darren tried to look back and saw a figure like him, similar but yet very unique body characteristics approaching nude, his own shaft pulsing like a rippling cylindrical meat cone of joy. He was a little concerned at first until his body seemed to ping his ass. The saggy elderly ass had stretched down, towned, and flexed into a well aged butt. He growled in cheek, his ass instinctively flexing out and in, beckoning the dick that was coming towards him. The gentleman leaned down. “Darren, luckily you seem to be eager but there is one thing I need to mention in this process.” Darren panted, trying to thrust his ass back, almost prompting the cross to jump back closer to the top approaching. “Don’t care, please I need to breed, be bred. I need to feel another man’s touch fuse with mine to bring joy. I can’t help-” “Oh don’t worry Darren, you will be feeling relief temporarily soon enough.” He nodded, and the top almost seemed to pronounce on Darren. There was no lube, but a syrupy andcreamy substance seemed to form and release on the penis, coating Darren’s holes as it fully slid in; no patience or slow gradual entry but a full slam in. Darren screamed out in pleasure as he focused on his ass to squeeze and never let that strange and yet wonderful dick go from his ass. “Fuck I need this forever, please breed me now!” The man didn’t need further invitation before grinning and thrusting, almost like a dance and yet fierce. “But Mr. Goodwin, I really must advise of this part. You see, this gentleman along with all of us has a unique viral strain to keep these sensations permanent and changes in check. You will never return to ‘normal’ and this will always be a driving force constantly” Darren felt a slight ping of panic but the pleasure of that shaft squeezing out his hole was too much to ignore what he had just heard. His prostate had split and yet swelled, both sides ofhis ass feeling pleasure as the shaft slid in, plunging the alien cum deeper into him. “This is still worth it-” Darren panted as he thrusted back. “You see if he stops now, you will turn back and go through withdrawal for a week….but if he breeds you fully, our genetically engineered virus strain actually freezes the transformations made to your new body, but also potentially amplifies them. You’ll also be spreading this to your boy so that the drugs we infused him with sync and match to your genetic preferences as well. ‘Pairing’ you two with your own unique strain. Darren looked up and then down at his chest and what he could see in front of the male panting and sweating on him as he was pre-jizzing alien loads into him. He then looked up at Aaron, his boy staring back with concern and fear. “I never want to lose this.” The gentleman grinned maliciously at Aaron “I said the exact same thing in your position. In fact…”he completely shredded his clothing and stood naked before Darren, his shaft flopping up here the tip was a bit flared out like a horse normally would be with metallic piercings to give it a bold shape. “I think I want to visit as close as I can to your perspective.” It was then that the man mounting Darren called out. Darren growled, bracing himself as the penis of the man fully swelled inside him, contorting, almost like….a seizure as it came and jizzed in him like a torrent. Darren continued to hiss, pant, and groan as he felt the warm seed flood him, not even falling back but traveling up through him. Finding the deepest crevices in his bowels and sticking to them like they belong and mending inside him. Darrens’ glowing eyes opened and he bore slightly fanged teeth through his beard that had grown more ferocious and viral. His ass then also started to shake and convulse. “What the-” Darren started to ask as he felt his butt cheeks reverberate, almost as if it was being triggered by the semen inside him. He almost purred and growled, his ass flexing and contorting before it got too much. Darren called out “Oh god-” he could feel his ass erupt in sensations: tightness, sensitivity, vibrations, warmth, tingles and vibes that made him shudder and scream out “Oh god yes, more! Fuck this is going to be my life forever and ever.” Darren’s ass contorted, seemingly sucking in the shaft and the man grinned as he felt his already swollen shaft get pulled further in. He barely braced as his legs met with the back of Darren’s and the man shuddered and called out, in complete unison with Darren as they both came and orgasmed a second time; as one being in complete bliss and pleasure. But of course Darren’s cum didn’t escape out front, it was inside him, fusing in through the tops’ urethra. “Fuck you just gotta love squiring virgins their first time” The man said as he tugged and withdrew his meat, flaring out from the stress of the fuck as he let the genteman with the long beard take position. The gentleman leaned down, grazing Darren’s body with his fingertips which triggered sensations and feelings no man could have possibly felt before as Darren shuddered, barely withstanding the senses and yet desperate for more. “I’d share this with you but it’s one of my own unique abilities that only I possess. I would love to see you use it on your boy just to seehim squirm to your demise.” Darren looked up, Aaron completely dumbfounded as he started at his lover getting mounted by a hot silver daddy bear. The older men grinned and looked at each other before meeting Aaron’s gaze and proceeding with their mating. The top climbed onto the furniture, fully getting into the deepest angle possible before plunging into Darren’s wet hole and ass. Darren’s face gave an infectious beaming look at Aaron as he felt the inches slide deep inside him and contort to a beautiful shape and design within him. Each pulse of the shaft and thrust would find a new area and ping it, creating new sensations that made Darren’s shaft ooze with precum, a homogeneous mixture of his own and the previous males. Strangely shining as it splattered the floor. “Aaron, you’re going to feel so amazing around my dick. They’re lucky they have me restrained because I’d fight them all off so you could feel your daddy’s meat.” Darren touted his son. Aaron gulped, completely intimidated and yet driven to stare back at Darren as if he had witnessed the vicious and abhorrent birth of a god; a sexual god of lust, power, and beauty. Aaron’s own shaft had been leaking his own boy cum for a while, leaving a puddle on the floor which some assistant would scrape up and bathe Aaron with, his bodily scent somehow amplifying in the space. And it found it’s intended prey, the scent being bait for Darren as he smelled Aaron, his own mate’s smell and he suddenly turned primal; snarling and straining against the cuffs even though his body was vibrating with bliss with the huge dick in his ass. “I know Darren, the primal drive. It’s now fused with your conscious; always there and always going to probably win in any logical choice you make. Because it needs to feed on bliss it generates, the lust that collects within your body and fuses with others. You may think it’s a curse right now, but it is giving your boy such an interesting look of fear and lust. You couldn’t argue with that. Aaron was shaking, his heart pounding, a mixture of wanting to escape, but also wanting to go over and kiss Darren before licking and worshiping his body. But all of a sudden his focus changed as tubes were attached to his gag and a white mist started to form and breathe in. Aaron panicked and shrieked, the gas forcing its way in leaving a sweet textured scent through his respiratory track and leaving long vibrations and buzzes which traveled to his brain. Aaron gasped, which only accelerated the effect as he closed his eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. An elder assistant leaned down, “I know boy, it’s weird at first but you’re gonna love it. It’s the best way you’re going to handle your partner raping you for the first time and yet not passing out.” Aaron seemed to be getting more focused, able to notice details and starting to feel a bit more hyper. He tried to bellow out “What is-” but all that came out was a low boy moan. The elderly assistant petted Aaron before kissing and licking his ears. “That should help you buddy.. In this case it’ll help….because otherwise you’d probably just be ravaged to death by your partner getting raped until you stood there in a blissful dead state.” The man chuckled. Aaron was wide eyed, he was focused, and now he thought “Maybe I can now do something” But he was gazing around for only 3 seconds before his gaze went back to Darren. The gentleman was picking up his stride and panting hard. Darren seemed to be gaining the sense of some interior muscles as he had the smirk of a mischievous cat in pleasure as the gentleman felt his own shaft tug back with every pull out. “I normally don’t get to enjoy the clients but you two were just so god damn adorable I couldn’t resist. It’s one thing to watch the shock and horror turn and evolve into sensations you’ll crave from here on out. But most importantly, it’s the sudden change to a loving blissful lusting state that makes it worth it.” Darren had difficulty understanding as his whole body felt good, in waves, pings, and pleasures that were impossible to predict as he felt the dick in his ass swell to even larger proportions than the man before him. “Oh god yes, fill me with that toxic seed. I never want to let go of this body ever again. I will die in pleasure and bliss in this body fucking my boy till day’s end.” The gentleman emitted a booming laugh before gasping and moaning and a mighty roar erupted from his lips as he fully dug his shaft deep into Darren, the seed flowing through once more deep into the recently transformed daddy bear, like a sweet pleasurable magma finding the places poorly neglected to feel better. Darren shuddered, feeling the secondary sensation coming to life as his ass recognized and instinctively paired with the gestures. Darren’s ass flexed and strained, further pulling in the gentleman’s dick as deep as it could and drawing the individual as closely as possible until both came again in a unified and beautiful mating gesture. As the pair heavily breathed,, Darren suddenly felt more pricks and stings which transmitted afterwards as blissful feelings of a painful lust. He chuckled “Damn is there anything that doesn’t feel good?” “Well, actually this next part is going to….well not hurt but feel incredibly weird Darren” the gentleman said as he connected the IV lines to a machine that they had placed around Darren’s body. As they worked another male got on top of Darren and started to mount and breed him. “Fuck yeah, we gotta get your seed toxic so you never lose this body of pure pleasure and bliss don’t ya” the broad man shuddered, covered in tattoo’s that seemed to merge with his skin. “Absolutely, I want a good viral load so that I can do the same to my own son watching my magnificent transformation.” Darren prowled as he stared in hunger at Aaron. Aaron’s heart pumped, his shaft swelling and pre dripping almost instantly.. Darren chuckled and roared in faithful laughter as he grinned and beamed. “You just know he loves that idea.” Aaron couldn’t help it, the scene of his partner being tied down, pumped full of biomedical drugs and DNA to create a perfect sex generating beat of a man with extraordinary selfish and personal feelings of bliss, and to top it all off in order to keep this abnormal creation as yourself you have to be a chaser of a rare viral strain. And as he assumed….it would be infecting himself from his own partner and lover. Within seconds Aaron was panting, inhaling even more gas which took his head to another level of high as he screamed in the mask and ejaculated hard; his human sperm rocketing out and instead of splattering on the ground were caught with a long flexible tongue. Aaron was panting, trying to regain his composure but the gag kept pumping the incredible drug into him which was making everything feel like sweet bliss and cotton candy for your dick. He eventually focused his eyesight and his eyes snapped open wide. The long flexible tongue that had caught his load was emitting from Darren’s mouth, almost primal like a lions and yet like a dragon’s at the same time. He grinned as he retracted his tongue and tasted all of Aaron’s cum. He licked and swallowed, salivating. “Not bad boy, but that’s gonna be the last human regular cum you’re ever gonna squirt out of my boy’s dick. As soon as I can-” All of a sudden….the cuffs released, the curved St. Anthony's cross folded apart and Darren landed on his hands and knees, not confined in any way except for IV lines connected to switches that were wrapped around his limbs and body. He grinned, almost demonically but more like primal hunting as he charged at Aaron. Aaron felt like he should have still tried to run, the partner and lover he had come with was no more; he was a behemoth, toned, sexy beast that was charging at him with a passion and lust that could possibly kill him. And yet...Aaron grinned as he knew he was ready. Darren wasted no time, grabbing onto Aaron’s shoulders while he hoped over and mounted his boy’s ass; Aaron screamed and grunted as the huge flexible pulsing dick seeped all in at once into him fully stretching it. “Yeah that’s it Aaron, feel your daddy’s new dick. You better start memorizing how it likes to make its way home inside you. You’re going to love this.” Aaron shuddered and panted, the drugs pounding his brain and cross firing with the sensations that were on a heavenly level of lust. Darren’s dick was swelling and weirdly diverging, feeling like roots or growths were emerging out and connecting deep inside Aaron; originally hurting like a stab but eventually those piercing sensations turned into a sweet joyful bliss and veered into something so good and numbing. “Oh god-” Aaron roared through the mask, never feeling anything like this weird sensation of being invaded, mounted, and raped. “Yes boy, I am your god and you will bow before my rod and accept it as it is. However…”Darren grinned as he leaned forward and licked Aaron with his long beastly tongue. The saliva dripped and started to numb Aaron’s skin; causing his boy to shudder as the saliva fused and melted; creating a warm cinnamon like feeling and Aaron rolled his eyes up almost passing out with too much pumping into him.” Darren laughed in pure godlike humor and joy as he continued. “However, my rod does not accept you anymore as you are. You shall be changed to serve as it’s sheathe.” Darren started to thrust deep into Aaron, the connections somehow flexing and moving on their own inside the boy. As they pumped into him Darren’s substance, his essence, his complementary genetic code was corrupting Aaron with every pump of his dick and every pulse of both men. Aaron was shaking violently, the sensations evolving too much for a mere young human as he was. “Hey boy-” Aaron heard, and his focus snapped into Darren. Even though he looked different, acted different, and seemed to be much more rough on his boy, he looked with tender gestures at his son and Aaron teared up. “Don’t worry my sweet Aaron, it’s quite a ride and well worth it; you don’t want to miss any bit of it and be my mate in a whole new way.” With that Darren’s tongue emerged and licked Aaron’s tears away….before slithering down under the gag, getting a taste of the drugs before filling Aaron’s mouth. It was strange but Aaron fell into a passionate tongue kiss with Darren, being mounted on his stomach, fully tied down and at the mercy of his mate. The tongue didn’t stop though, it kept burrowing and sliding deeper. At first Aaron gagged but the saliva emitting seemed to calm the muscles and reprogram them to adjust. Aaron’s throat stretched; no gag reflex anymore as the tongue coiled and reshaped the boy. Aaron shuddered, the sensation unreal before Darren’s tongue withdrew. “You taste good boy, and now you shouldn’t have any difficulty swallowing my dick or any other.” Darren growled as he continued to thrust into Aaron, the precum filling his hole the point where it was dripping out and flowing down his butt cheeks and legs; changing the human DNA as it traveled. Aaron was finally at that point in transition, no longer concerned, uncertain, but dedicated to this process with his lover now deep inside him in ways no other could possibly get to. Assistants at this time finally started connecting the IV lines to the switches between the two, merging the blood lines. Aaron was in a weird state of attentiveness and didn’t realize what was going on. That was until the gentleman, fully nude before Aaron reached down and petted his scruffy beard. “This is one of the final stages to be fully matched to your partner. As you can see, he is the alpha, primary top to breed your hole. Your body will adjust to complete all sensations possible for your partner.” Aaron grinned with pride before saying through the gag pumping methamphetamine into him “Thank you”. The gentleman was having none of that. He ripped the mask off, letting a little bit of clear air before his tongue engorged Aaron’s mouth in a deep kiss. Darren fucked happily with vigor, pounding Aaron’s hole as his nervous system was recognizing the finishing touches. His body was synced with Aaron’s: each sensation completing, complimenting and properly reflecting each other like something beautiful with sexual and sensory anatomy. It nearly put him over the edge, close to finally cumming and breeding a proper hole tonight: his rightful hole that he now owned beyond how anyone else could. He quivered, his balls swelling and wanting to explode inside his boy but they weren’t quite there yet. Darren actually whimpered, loving this and rubbing his head and tongue around Aaron passionately as his body matched and corresponded with every feeling in his boy. Their blood fusing before pumping into one another, Aaron’s blood becoming less human as it was corrupted by Darren’s essence of what kept his masculine body running. The gentleman stopped kissing Aaron before shoving his dick into his mouth. “We’re almost there you two, just have to time this right.” The shaft plunged deep into Aaron’s face, testing the gag reflex eliminated earlier and finding bumps and massaging surfaces which made the gentleman shudder and yank on his beard to amplify them. He was closely watching the two, closer getting in sync, trying his best to hold off and even having to slow down in Aaron’s throat until he saw the glowing in both Aaron’s eyes and Darren’s eyes erupt into a magnificent blast. “Another pair successfully corrupted to each other’s lustful tendencies!” The gentleman roared as he erupted along with Darren into Aaron. It was so much, the most masculine, alien cum filling both holes of Aaron and flooding every internal crevice to fully baptize his new body inside and out to be completely modified for Darren’s pleasure. His own pleasure corresponded with his partner’s, fully synced and matched to make the best possible feeling both could muster as they orgasmed and merged deep into a unified state. Aaron shook violently, the cum overwhelming him, corrupting every blood vessel in his body with the virus that would forever curse him to maintain this form. He roared around the gentleman’s dick as his body seized Darren’s dick inside him, deep within him nearly to Aaron’s heart where in a way they touched, kissed and Darren nearly whited out as he called out again into an eternal bliss of pleasure and passion. The 3 panted, heavily as the mating procedure was done. Aaron and Darren were barely human anymore, two beings that were completely rebuilt for each other’s sensational pleasure. They muzzled as they embraced each other in this position. Before they hissed and felt a searing pain on their lower backs. The gentleman had place metallic, glowing and flashing biohazard tramp stamps on both of them. He grinned “Those all wireless connect to every other….”toxically sensational being” on the planet. You will always hunger for the sexual appetite you witnessed today. So this way you can easily seek out someone just as horny and corrupted as you….unless you want to see how long a normal human can last before they temporarily feel some of the side effects. The two separated, Aaron looking over and seeing in a mirror a yellow biohazard tramp stamp glowing and pulsing before it got a bit brighter. It took him a moment to realize what was happening before another male had appeared beside him in the mirror, grinning. Aaron smiled, before bending over on all fours while his daddy watched him getting mounted. They had to keep pozzing to maintain these heavenly pleasurable bodies after all.
    2 points
  20. Some cultural beliefs deserve to be transgressed upon. We're glad you made it out of that cultural rut in the road of life !! It's not only liberating, it's your personal Truth - and what's more important than that?
    2 points
  21. Thanks for that interesting response, backdoorjimmy. I think the R's dash to the "right" is due to something else, that being a sense of loss over their perceived threat to their assumed position on top of the cultural pyramid. I know there is a smidge of presence in the Republican Party of non-Caucasians, but given the advancement in very recent years of equal rights for all, Mr. Big-Mac-Ass gave these folks that take an inordinate amount of pride in what they consider their birthright: namely, to be on top of the social pile without having earned any respect beyond being born. I have no argument against the Overton Window you reference; inclusiveness is the goal, which means the position of that window is relatively fluid. I would define social progress as life get better for all citizens (including the most recent, citizens-to-be), not merely those who inherited an assumed dominance by accident of their birth. To me, that is the very definition of moral turpitude. If Mr. Jordan does become the next Speaker of the House, we're in for a helluva ride. Kevinette was/is a reed in the wind, but Jordan is a dedicated believer. I just hope he get's "outed" (per a different recent thread) as a result of an investigation into his "wrestling" history. Even that might not be enough though, in today's Republikanische Partei.
    2 points
  22. So true. I had a weekend last year where my family was away. 3 nights he fucked me in my house. One night fucking me in my 2 daughters bed and the last night in me and my wife’s bed.
    2 points
  23. Oh that sounds good I might go to that. I of course immediately went to a house party, got no sleep and haven’t even been in Yumbo 🙄
    2 points
  24. My Playroom—January, 2023 I came home delightfully sated from my New Year’s Eve adventure. I was not on the prowl for more sex anytime soon. But I was pleased to get a text from James, the younger looking blond from that night. He wanted more. He really wanted my load—he was so sorry he had gone home before he got it. We chatted on and off for most of the day. By the first Friday of the new year, he was stripping in my playroom… James tosses his clothes in the chair. I take off my robe and hang it on the doorknob. He is naked but for a yellow jock. In the light of the afternoon (and not a dark backroom) he is likely higher in his 30’s than I thought when I first met him. Not that it matters. He goes right to his knees. “Come here, Daddy. Let me suck on that big thing again.” He mouths the jock pouch for a bit, making my cock swell. Then it is in his wet mouth with his ever-moving tongue. He remembers my hotspots—my balls, and under my balls where the cock ring pushes them out. “I want to lick your ass. Up on the bench.” The poppers come out for him the moment my tongue finds his tight pucker. I can’t wait to make it gape. I poke and prod and spit. He has found the mirror on the side wall that lets him see me at work on his ass. The poppers make his chatter. He tells me how good my tongue is making his tight hole, how he wants me to destroy it, to fill it with cum…on and on. I coat my throbbing cock with coconut oil as I tongue him. I spit a couple of more times into him. I stand up and my cock finds his now loose ass lips. I push in. He groans and takes another hit. I hold until his hole responds—letting my cock bottom out in his tight tunnel. I fuck him. Slowly. Making him mine for the day. “Harder, Daddy. Make me feel it.” I let him have it, faster than my usual slow build. I plow him. It’s the only word. He is incredibly vocal, egging me on. My foot goes up on the bench next to his knee. It lets me get even deeper in his ass. I pummel him, over and over. I pull out. “Taste your ass on my dick,” I say as walk towards the head of the bench. He hungrily takes me into his mouth. His tongue swirls. He gurgles, delighting in the heady blend of coconut oil and ass jizz. “Get me good and wet—no lube for this next fuck.” He leaves my cock dripping with spit. And I plow back into his hungry hole… * We’ve moved to the sling. I insert the small butt plug into him. I keep his hole open as I make him suck my dick—then I stand on tiptoe and have him lick my balls again. He loves how sweaty they have become from the exertion. Pic of plug The toy come out. My cock goes in. I fuck him. His eyes are riveted to the mirror hanging above him. He can’t get enough of watching his hole be used. By cock. By tongue. By toy. I have pulled out the egg-headded dildo. The big head is a major stretch for him, but he takes it. There is no way he is ready for me to add my cock along with it. The toy stays in as he licks my cock once more, craned around, hanging out of the sling. I move back and fuck him fast and deep. His ass lips are curling and changing color as the blood rushes to them. This makes me pull out and lick them, sucking their plumpness into my mouth repeatedly. Pic of cock “Can I try the speculum on you?” “Anything you want…” I grease it up and slide it in. I crank. Slowly. His eyes get wide as he feels his hole open. I finger his prostate. Finally, it is open wide enough I can play with his prostate by inserting my cock. He loves this and tells me so. Sometimes with words, more often in low moans of delight… * I help him out of the sling to stretch his legs. I lay on the bed. He crawls between my splayed legs and sucks my glistening cock. He is in no hurry. He sucks and licks every inch of it. A tap on his head sends him down to include my balls, too. First one, then the other. He tries for both in his mouth at once, but doesn’t quite succeed. He pushes my legs apart as his tongue moves down to my perineum. His tongue teases all the hair there, coating it with his spittle. He flirts for a second with licking my ass, but comes up and kisses me instead. We stay entwined for quite some time. “Sit on my face.” I continue to lie there as he kneels above me. He lowers his thoroughly fucked ass to my mouth. My tongue is in him from the moment he settles there. Deep and loving how wet he is. How wet I’ve made him. I lick and spit and he groans out his appreciation and tells me that his hole is all mine. He begins to rock, pushing his pronounced ass lips over my mouth and my nose and back again. Poppers are opened. He begins to babble all sorts of filth about my cock, my cum, about breeding. “I really want your cum in me.” “Let’s do it.” We go back to the sling. I eat his hole some more. I can’t stop myself. Finally, I stand up and fuck. Long strokes. Deep and hard. “Fill me up!” “Fuck…” I mutter. “Give it to me…” I fuck harder. “I am so close...” “Daddy, cum is the best…” A couple of more strokes and I am there. I can’t stop shooting. It’s a five-day load. Spurt after spurt. I fall on his chest. His arms go around me. James milks my cock like crazy. I can feel myself drool out a little more… * He didn’t shower. He wanted to go home smelling as I left him. I sent him the pictures. He thanked me and told me he could still feel my load inside him. I got another text after he napped—for when he awoke, his thigh was wet and creamy… The original post has pictures: From My Side of the Sling: James Gets Creamed (felchingpisser.blogspot.com) February 18, 2023
    2 points
  25. Its Sunday afternoon , my usual day to buy groceries up at Brookshires. Its a warm day and as usual I have on a pair of shorts , commando of course and a T shirt. I arrive at Brookshires , walk in and get my cart and off I go to the isles .. as I'm shopping I run into an old gay contact. His name is Mac. He's my height but heavier with a big fat cock about 7 1/2 inches with a slight curve. I remember it well because I sucked it off twice. We had some small talk and he tells me the news he is now poz but on meds and undetectable . He said he needed to use the bathroom while we were talking and I said I needed to go too.. I really wanted to see his big cock , I believe he had the same intentions .. We both walk into the bathroom and its empty. We belly up to the stalls and pull our cocks out.. I looked at his big cock as it was pissing and started getting hard.. Mac asks " you wanna suck my poz cock?" I said "why not ! " We went into the handicap stall.. I dropped my shorts when we stepped in.. My cock was already hard. Just so happened he was also commando and dropped his shorts.. His big cock was hard and standing tall !.. we started rubbing our cocks together. Mac pulled me close and we started kissing deep. I rubbed his hard cock as we made out.. I soon went to my knees and started sucking Mac's big poz cock. MMMMM is was really good. I just love sucking a big dick like a whore bottom boy. Mac held my head and started face fucking me .. I soon tasted his slick precum as it hit my tongue .. Mac's says " you should come on over to my house." I agreed.. We quickly put our pants up and finished up our grocery shopping.. I was soon at Mac's door. He let me in.. He had on a bathrobe with his cock hanging out the front.. I love that.. i wasted no time and I grabbed his cock as we quickly started making out again.. I unbutton my shorts drop and they drop off reveling my hard cock.. Mac is rubbing and squeezing my ass with both his hands while I'm rubbing his big dick.. We soon head for the bedroom.. I sit on the edge of the bed and pull my shirt off.. I'm now naked with a throbbing hard on... Mac sets his robe on the chair .. Mac walks toward me , his cock was standing tall , mmm it looked so hot.. He gets close and my legs automatically spread apart.. He pulls my legs up and gets close.. His cock was on top of mine as his rubs his cock back and forth in a fucking motion .. his big cock looked so hot on top of mine . Soon he guides it down to my boy hole.. He says " you ready to take my poz cock?" What could I say at this point, I said " yeah , fuck me with your big poz cock" Mac says " yeah , you like that big poz cock !" Mac continued to rub his big cockhead back and forth across my boy hole.. His precum was making it slick .. Mac says as he slips the head in " mmm take it !" It felt so good as I love cock head slipping in and out . I was hungry to have his big poz cock up my ass.. Mac kept working his cock deeper and deeper up my ass till he was balls deep..He then fucked me deep with long strokes keeping the pressure on my ass.. My cock was hard as he fucked me good and deep.. Mac says " you want that hot poz load don't you boy?" I said "yeah" in between the moans every time he drove his cock deep.. Mac says "good , cause I don't pull out ! " Mac continues to work my ass over , his precum had my ass walls all slick. Mac says ," your prostate is absorbing my poz cum , you like having your prostate pounded and massaged with my poz cock don't you boy !" I said "yes" in between the moans.. I soon had to cum as I couldn't hold it .. I stroked my cock as he fucked me , I soon shot a huge load... I moaned and moaned as I cummed while he pounded my prostate !! I must have shot a dozen squirts of cum !! Mac says " you ever taken a poz load before ? " I said " I don't think so " Mac says " mmm a virgin" Mac picks up the pace ,, I could tell he was turned on fucking my neg ass knowing he would be my first poz load" Soon Mac starts to whimper and grunt .. I could feel his cock twitching as he pulsated his poz load deep in my ass ! He pulls out and looks at his prize before he slides back in to finish his orgasm.. When he pulled out I could feel a couple streams of sperm sliding down !! Mac slowly fucks me . Mac say's "I love fucking a creamed ass!" Mac pulls my hips and drives it deep and holds it there.. Mac says " absorb that seed boy ! " Mac never lost his hard on and fucks me slowly making sure he pumps every last drop of cum in my ass ! He finally let me loose after 15 minutes ! I get up and slip my shorts on and head home.. My ass felt really good, cum fucked , stretched and pozzed.
    2 points
  26. I was NEG when my best buddy Jim and I started hanging out. Jim is POZ, and I get so aroused when he tells me about all the NEG’s he’s bred—still do. At first I didn’t know whether to believe him. But let me tell you—everything Jim says is true. We took off for Toronto for the weekend and shared a room. Friday night we went out cruising and found this pretty boy alone and doing absolutely nothing. It was obvious the youth was horny. I wanted to see Jim in action, so we made our move. Greg was 19 and had just moved to Toronto from a small town to go to school. He was so scared of AIDS that he’d never done ANYTHING with another guy. So he didn’t even know for sure that he was GAY. You should have seen Jim’s eyes light up when Greg said that, and my cock throbbed. We enticed him back to our room “just to talk.” We had a couple beers as Jim and I reminisced about our sexual escapades, both real and imagined; and Greg’s eyes widened. Of course we never mentioned POZ nor NEG. I had my latest test results in my wallet and showed Greg what they were like. I ad-libbed that we were Lovers and both NEG. With such convincing evidence in-hand, the youth believed me. We talked Greg into having sex, just to see if he were Gay or not. We undressed him and positioned him on the bed. I sucked his dick, while Jim worked his tits and kissed him. When we got his hormones raging, Jim suggested he oughta try something a little more exotic—like getting fucked. Greg agreed to try it once, to see if he were Top or Bottom. “For safety’s sake,” Jim made a show of putting on a condom, sans any lube, and went to work on him. Of course, with a dry rubber, the lad was too tight; and, in disgust, Jim yanked it off, and lubed his naked pole. Even so, the kid let out some yelps before Jim fully penetrated him. I applauded both of them when Jim seeded him—and congratulated Greg on graduating to the Big Time, the Big Time being the World of POZ, though I didn’t use those words. We had a couple more beers and Greg asked if he could come back the next night. We weren’t expecting him, when he called up from the Lobby. We did a repeat number, and Jim and I both plowed him. Greg was really getting into it and asked for one more fuck. Sunday afternoon and evening Jim screwed Greg twice more—for 4 CHARGED loads. I added my own NEG seed, after that, mainly to work Jim’s POZ jizz into his hole. But we were leaving in the morning, and decided to play the final act remotely. We called Greg a week later, both of us on the line. He was happy as a lark and thanked us profusely for helping him “come out”. He said he’d done a bit of cruising, but always planned on playing safe. "Greg,” Jim said, as scripted, “I’ve got a bit of news. My test results came back today. I’m POSITIVE." There was silence on the line. "You’re kidding me; aren’t cha, guys?." "No, Greg, I'm not. I’m serious." The kid sobbed, “Shit, guys! I was afraid of this! I'm gonna die! How’m I gonna tell my family?" He carried on like that for several minutes; and, on our end, we bust our guts and had to cover up our phones. I said, “Calm down,” that getting POZZED was no big deal; that maybe I’d been POZZED, myself. I didn’t know. Helpful Dan chimed in that now Greg could fuck and whore around with impunity. We phoned again two weeks later to ask how he was doing. Greg said he’d been deathly sick with fever and the flu. The BREEDING concept is so fabulous! Last Sunday I got drunk and fell asleep naked on the bed. My buddy, Jim, who’d also had too much, climbed in beside me. He couldn’t help himself.
    2 points
  27. I’ve said it before. Deep inside your hole. I don’t pull out. I want my DNA deep inside. Sometimes I shoot deep inside a couple times! Love fucking and breeding a loaded hole. Bet lube ever!
    2 points
  28. Nothing in this statement makes him any less crazy for working to overheat the planet; it only explains that he does it for the worst reasons: Avarice, pride, greed, selfishness. Reflect his ‘accomplishments’? His ‘accomplishments’ are done for the benefit of short-sighted people who will eagerly turn the earth into a future hellscape for a fistful of dollars today … which is crazy. Mr. Manchin represents people from Appalachia. I’ve lived in Appalachia all my life. He’s the same record we’ve heard over and over again, whether it’s West Virginia, central Kentucky, or East Tennessee - manipulate the people of the hills, using their poverty and fear, to make them vote against their own interest in the service of outside forces who want to capitalize at their expense. I don’t think he’s a Democrat or a Republican. I think he’s just a political mercenary. But then, that goes for most of the sons of bitches (and bitches - looking at you, MTG and LB) up there. You don’t think he’s crazy because you see him as shrewd and successful at manipulating people, because he’s got a fancy car and lives life large - which is everybody’s definition of doing it right, yes? No. Not everybody’s. I see a man willing to throw his own people under the bus and then drive the bus himself to do the bidding of those who bought and paid for him. I see a man willing to sell the future for the moment, and I think a man willing to do all that is not right in his mind.
    2 points
  29. Unlikely. The vast majority of guys who are poz are on medication and once on medication they will become undetectable. The riskiest guys are those on the down low who bareback and do not regularly test.
    2 points
  30. What the fuck now,’ was the panicked thought running through my head. We had gone completely off script and I wasn’t supposed to learn that he had taken the risk of pozing me until I saw the very realistic biohazard tattoo the make-up department had put on the bear’s ass to wiggle at the audience. The other thought, ‘is his biohazard tattoo really a fake’. Both thoughts raced through my mind at lightning speed, but I knew I didn’t have time to dwell on them. I just returned to the script other than bewilderedly asking for confirmation when I did see his tattoo. The script worked perfectly and was all the more powerful with my emotional uncertainty about what had just happened. The bear was far more convincing as well, and the dramatic start didn’t take away from the audience hanging on every word. We argued, we cried, we expressed our overwhelming attraction to each other and we went through the cycle again. Act two began with us at an emergency clinic where I’m administered 'themorningaftertreatment'. Next scene has us back at my apartment and the bear making sexual moves on me. I’m like “Really? You just almost pozed me and you want me to give up my ass so soon?” “Your protected now.” His words once again traveling to my core and causing me to melt. We are soon both naked and the audience is once again seeing his huge bare member disappear up my ass. Lights fade to a black stage. The spot light comes up on a sign held out from the wings, “Four months later.” Stage lights come back up. The bear has me bent over an ottoman and is unloading in my ass once again. Yes, literally breeding me again! He continues pounding me, urging me to jerk off. Okay, we’ve left the script again. I stroke, he pounds, and soon I have one of the biggest longest orgasms of my life. My exhibitionist self is more than happy to receive the cheering. We collapse on the couch and talk about how great we feel we are together. All the fucking hot sex we enjoy together and with others. We marvel at the the fact I’ve been taking his loads all this time, without protection, and I’ve stayed negative. We eventually make our way to bed, and again the stage fades to black. New sign from the wings, “Next morning.” Lights come up, we are still naked in bad. I’m sweating profusely. I’m clearly sick as a dog. Shortest closing scene in theatre history. The ‘opening night after party’ was a blur for me. Everyone was full of praise for the bear and my performance. Especially our director. He kept picking up the tab for our booze and we were soon drunk. I wasn’t thinking clear enough now to even have my questions occur to me. Second night I’m happy and excited to be naked back on stage. Our theatre space is sold out, standing room only. My co-lead doesn’t turn his back to the audience, so again my first move is to actually take his beautiful cock into my mouth for all to see. Cheering from the crowd. When we get to the part where he is to fuck me again we are positioned for the crowd to see every detail. As his mushroom head is seeking to find my hole I stage whisper for only him to hear. “What? Are we doing this again? I thought it was just for opening night.” “See this full theatre? Everyone one of these fags is here to watch me poz breed your neg hole. Do you want to disappoint them now? No longer using stage whisper I call out, “Fuck me with your big raw cock daddy bear!” As he’s pushing in the crowd goes wild with excitement and encouragement. During the intermission the bear brought one of the other cast members and they pulled me aside. The bear was angry and wondered why I hadn’t cleaned out before the show. I didn’t know what he was talking about. The cast member took me off to a bathroom and taught me how to douche. Apparently I had just been lucky the first three times I got fucked By the end of the night I am again hosting two of the bears loads deep in my ass, and I’ve shot off for everyone to see and enjoy. The rest of the weeks performances go well. I’m getting two loads bred into me per show, and more people are cramming in and standing every night. Week two of the run starts once again with a jammed packed enthusiastic crowd. By the end of the night my cohost is so delighted he invites me back to his place for ‘a drink’. I take this invitation literally and am shocked and amazed when the door is hardly closed and he has me bent against the wall, both our pants at our knees and his raw cock pounding away in my well lubricated ass. The second night I knew what I was in for. Any moral compass I used to have about casual sex had completely evaporated. I ended the week having taken the 10 show loads and about 12 after show loads. This bear was insatiable! I didn't have a show the next day so accompanied the bear and a friend of his to a restaurant. During the meal the bear was extremely flirty with our sexy waiter. The waiter was flirting with all of us. While handing his credit card back to the bear the waiter said; "My shift is finished and hubby is home, meet me in the back alley in 5." When the bear left our table his friend asked; “So do you want to order another drink, or come back to my place. I vote for my place.” “What about your friend?” “Oh those two will be a while I can assure you.” “OK I guess it’s drinks at your place.” I knew he had not invited me for drinks. The moment the elevator door closed as we left the restaurant our tongues were down each other’s throats. In the elevator in his building we actually started tearing each other’s clothes off. We were barely decent as we stumbled to his door past an elderly neighbour. She called him by name, gave a knowing wink and wished us both a very good night. As he slipped the rest of the way out of his jeans I saw it. A big scorpion tattoo on the left side of his lower abdomen. I wasn’t sure why it filled me with dread but I remained calm enough to ask him about the tattoo. “My scorpion? You are straight aren’t you?” …. To be continued…
    2 points
  31. Agreed. To me it aint sex if the top doesn't breed his btm. I never pullout to shoot, and want my tops to do the same. The whole point to bareback sex is to breed.
    2 points
  32. The next week I walked into the club and saw Tom sitting watching a bear with a big cock use a twink in the sling raw. I went across and stood next to him saying “careful lad, don’t start dreaming about barebacking men otherwise you’ll get pozzed in no time”. Tom laughed and said “don’t think it matters – no-one rides my tiny cock – starting to think my place is taking real men’s cocks like those pups”. I replied “yes, they are good boys, appreciated by the alphas – not blueballed at all because they know where they fit in – filled with proper alpha seed. So what have you been thinking about all week with your cock locked up? Show me”. I flexed and Tom nervously kissed my bicep. I handed him some poppers – “sniff these”. He inhaled a few times and then started kissing all over my pecs, abs and biceps, I pulled by trackies down letting my thick 8 inch cock spring out. He knelt down and kissed it. I said “go on – suck it”. I gave him a few more sniffs of poppers and then he hungrily got to work sucking me deep. I asked him if he liked it and he groaned and mumbled “yes sir” though his mouthful of cock. He kept sucking but then he stopped and I asked why. He asked “is this the time to learn by place and take your cock in my ass – I don’t care if you’re poz, its where I belong”. I said “I think your learning Tom, a lesser man would breed you like a cumdump now – today I’m going to let you taste it and think about whether this is the right thing – taking my poz load would be a big commitment – now get back to sucking”. He sucked more and then my cock throbbed and I shot a massive load into his mouth. He slurped it down and then stood up and we kissed. I could taste my cum in his mouth. We embraced for a while and then I said “what a good boy”. He replied “thank u daddy”. I said – you know “I hope you’ve noticed your cock is the same size as all the other pups in here, you’re smaller than an alpha like me but no longer an incel now you’ve tasted your first cumload”. He smiled a cheeky cute smile and I told him to wait a second. I came back with the key. “Time to unlock that cock for a few moments”. We lay down on one of the mats – me on top of him and kissed passionately. His cock was rock solid. “Pretty big now ain’t it sub”. He whispered “yes sir, when your with me”. And I wanked his cock while we kissed. Having been locked for a week he shot a massive load in my hand in about one minute. I told him to lick his cum off my hand rather than waste it and he did greedily. Then we showered and I let him feel all my muscles then I sent him off locked again to think about whether he’s really an incel or my good pup.
    2 points
  33. I was in Target today and saw these. First off, who, other than gay men cruising, is in the woods in their underwear? That's the only explanation for the lube/poppers pocket in these boxer briefs. Also, decent bulge, nice treasure trail!
    1 point
  34. I'm a big fan of Dan Fisk. I think he has an incredible fucking style that as a bottom has always turned me on to no end. He's able to mix long fuck sessions with sexual passion. His enthusiasm is truly genuine and he gets loss in every fuck he performs. If I was a young man looking for my first fuck it would be Dan Fisk. He has done a couple videos that the bottom is presented as a virgin, one in particular Ari from TIMFUCK. I found this video of him on Barebakbastards. [think before following links] https://barebackbastards.com/55176/toxic-fuck/
    1 point
  35. so if you're a super slutty little cumdumpster faggot like me you have probably sucked so many cocks you can't even guess how many. I started sucking cock at 8, deepthroating in grade 8 and very quickly got a reputation for being an easy, willing and talented cocksucker that would blow anyone. I would hunt for cocks to suck everyday online, public restrooms,porntheatres, parties and stop by the porn booth glory holes every day to suck guys off. I could recognise some guys just by their cock or their cum. straight guys, gay guys, married guys, family members, whatever. but my favourite cock that I have ever sucked the cum out of was my fathers big meaty veiny cock. for obvious reasons. bio dad cock n cum is like the holy grail for a faggot. not many of us get to suck off their actual father so its extra special. also, like all of the guys in my family he has a big beautiful cock. truly a cocksuckers cock. and a big powerful sweet delicious load. what is your favourite cock that you have ever sucked?
    1 point
  36. Well, I will say what I learned and how it shapes my view. The vast majority of clients Don't exactly pay for the sex. They rarely pay for the time that "The job" takes, Nor is it about companionship most of the time. Sure, these little gems can be sprinkled in, but I've learned the majority is a notion that once he's dropped his load, the sex worker goes away, and allows him to become Mr. Again. Momma used to say A woman in the dirt is a whore, but a man can be in the same dirt, but stand up and dust him self off. straighten his hat and tie, and still be called "mister" " Master" or "Sir". I'm sure there is an analog for male to male interactions. do with this what ye will.
    1 point
  37. I've had little issue with doctors prescribing HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9) off label. They just need to be a little knowledgeable on the matter and they'll accept right away. It's a no brainer vaccine for everyone, no downsides (other than cost maybe) and only upsides: no cancer? yay! no warts? yay! One place you may want to try. The travel clinic here in SF does give it out off label to anyone who asks, regardless of age and gender, no questions asked. You do have to pay it yourself ($800 for the 3 shots approx) though. If there's a travel clinic around you they may do the same.
    1 point
  38. 8 yo. With the 2 teachers of my 2 last years in primary school. The 1st one, Mr S. (CM1 class) was also a neighbour and a friend of my family (his 4 yo son and my younger brother were friend). He used to fuck me everyday during morning and afternoon recesses. Sometime, when it was his time to watch the kids, the other teacher would take his turn. Mr S. offered me a pear for enemas, and learned me how to use it. I would ask to go to the bathroom during the first hour, take the enema in the cupboard, and prepare myself. At the beginning, they would make me expel their cum so that I would not stain my underwear. They stopped asking me that when they estimated my anus was accustomed and muscled enough. I can't say if this was because I was really young or the regularity of the fucking, but it generated cravings in me: even when I moved to secondary school, I tried to see Mr S. in his classroom everyday after class, because sucking my classmates dicks was not sufficient.
    1 point
  39. DELIVERING HIS FANTASY FUCK I had a Grindr message from a 27 yr lad asking if I needed fucking. When I told him I did he offered to head over and fuck his poppered up anon load in. He also asked if he could bring his own lube to use. That wasn’t a problem, saved using mine. I was hooded and ass up in my jock and CUM DUMP socks when he arrived. He just whipped his shorts off and stood there in his white T-shirt, white Nike socks and AF-1 trainers. He was already semi and slapping his 8inches aginst my hole. He continued to popper up. He pressed his precum oozing head against my hungry hole and I moaned with pleasure. I thought It odd when he said he couldn’t wait to use this lube on me. I felt the cold liquid as he poured it over my hole and down my crack. He teased my hole open with it. He poppered up some more. He was clearly lubing his dick some more with his lube. Then he pushed his raw dick inside me. He started pounding away, giving me a good hard fucking. I loved how he occasionally gave me a verbal reminder he was in charge. I got called a cum whore, faggot and a worthless cunt. I loved it. He pulled back to just leave the head of his throbbing dick in me as he took another popper hit. He asked if I wanted the rest of this load and I wasn’t sure what he meant. When I asked He told me that he’d been out cruising at some toilets and watched a hot guy get fucked by a fucking ugly but well endowed top. The guy used a rubber and shot a huge load while fucking the guy. When they were done the used and filled rubber was thrown to the floor. My guy apparently stepped in to rescue the discarded strangers load with the intention to use as lube on a willing cumdump, as it had been a longtime fantasy of his. My hole was twitching with excitement knowing this guys cum was already lubing my cunt! He was pouring the last drops of this anon strangers cruising load into his dick. He took another popper hit and slid back in. We were both well lubed and completely turned on by it. I loved that I’d agreed to not knowingly taken this sleazy cum load. He was rock solid inside when he asked, ‘I’ve one more fantasy request, can I fuck this used rubber into your hole? Fuck that’s slutty I thought. It’s not the first time it’s been done either. So I agreed and begged him to cream my hole and fuck that sleazy rubber into my slutty cunt. He wasted no time, he pulled out and placed the rubber over my hole then slowly pushed his dick back inside me taking the rubber with it. Once it was inside me he had his fantasy and he fucked away hard and fast. It wasn’t long before he was ready to dump his load and by then I was begging him to breed my slutty cunt. He did just that and shot his hot load deep inside me with the rubber too! When twisted horny fukka!
    1 point
  40. I too went on Sunday as a Mare and it was an amazing time. Like you , I was fucked by 15 or more guys. I left with 6 or 7 loads in my hole. ( I stayed til the end) . Being hooded and hearing the sounds of sex all around me was so fuckin hot!
    1 point
  41. I look at it with a "do no harm" perspective. Unless their decisions are ones that are going to hurt those in the LGBTQ+ community, their private lives should remain private. However, the moment they cross that line, they are fair game.
    1 point
  42. let those among us without sin cast the first stone. can any of us, especially us older guys, honestly say we never once ever tried to pass? there was a time when it seemed like basic survival. and as for the closeted guys at the bathhouse: isn't the whole point of anon sex to avoid all such conundrums? i don't relish the idea of suckin maga dick but im sure it's happened 😜ignorance is bliss imho
    1 point
  43. i don't out people in my everyday life. if i choose to continue to deal w them i differer on an individual level. for ex: i'll have sex w a married "str8" guy and have 0 interest in his personal decisions. i kinda get the "this is just sex, not my identity or my life" aspect of it. however a gay guy i once slept w who after told me he was closeted just cause it helped his business i got mad at an never saw again. to me this was cowardice. i'm out an although it may have hindered me professionally this is the price i was willing to pay for the sake of equal rights.
    1 point
  44. White daddy barebacking me from behind while he’s getting his point shoot up. I could feel his precum when he coughed out the rush. He went hard straight away holding my hip then fucked me brainless for hours.
    1 point
  45. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): rumpled Your cell number for texts: 469-430-9754 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): BEDFORD TX 76021 (Dallas/Fort Worth) Times you're generally available: Travel day but Host late night. Age: 59 Height: 6’4 Weight: 250 Ethnicity: White
    1 point
  46. Author note: this is part true, part fiction. Except my 10th HIV birthday I've talked about everywhere, I won't tell you or give you clues on what's fantasy, I let you go through chapters and guess what you want. Fantasy is made for this... Exaggerations are in order! --- Part 1, today: the waiting room Here I am, sitting on a chair, inside the clinic's waiting room; my boyfriend's hand firmly squeezing my knee. Around us many other people are waiting in silence, everyone with their untold stories. "Think of me boy", I whispered in my guy's ear, covering his hand with mine. In years of friendship and months as a couple, I've learnt the effect produced by my warm hand on his. "For me the situation was opposite, 10 years ago I had opposite feelings. Now it's different, honey! It's just to confirm what we already know". My boy had tears in his eyes and leaned his head on my shoulder; "you're 53", I teased him, "you claim to be brave and cry like a baby!" I kissed his hair, ignoring the blaming gaze of a woman in front of us. "Love", he cried; "what about if I get a bad news?" "We'll face it and behave accordingly", I said; "now go, they already called your turn! I'll wait for you here". Five, ten, fifteen minutes, I didn't know what time it was when he came out from doctor's room but I think I'm going to never forget his face: he had the biggest smile I've ever seen, and held an envelope in his hand. "Thanks", he almost screamed when he jumped in my arms planting a kiss on my lips; "I'm so happy for us!" The lady in front of us didn't stop looking in our direction and, with us almost exiting the door, she finally spoke: "another lucky homosexual who plays with fire", I hardly sent a smile at her; "you homos are challenging death... next time it would end up with a bad news, like me!" "Undetectable", I replied; "the test confirmed that my man is no longer at risk! Never more!" Taking my guy's hand, I ran out of the clinic as quickly as I could! That ball-buster would never have understood what freedom is. "Let the world think I'm happy for a neg result", my guy said; "they'll never understand us!" We sat into the car and exchanged a congratulation deep kiss before starting the engine. "It's the same clinic I went 10 years ago", I said, and it's like it was then! But now with a new awareness". Our poz life was just beginning, and I was ready to share with my biologically bonded love, how it started. How the journey had been till now. To be continued.
    1 point
  47. It was late on a Friday afternoon, the work week was over, and I felt like letting loose and having some fun. While waiting for my dealer to arrive, I got cleaned up and cleaned out, then took half a dozen hits on the glass pipe. For once, my dealer was right on time, fixing me up with a nice fat 8ball, so I was ready for the weekend. After I pulled on a black jockstrap, my bare assed chaps, and my boots, I decided to check out my favorite bar. I like it because it’s a large space, with high ceilings, and it has a patio that’s perfect for cruising. The place draws a very masculine crowd, and it has a well deserved reputation for attracting men into PNP. I tied a long sleeved flannel shirt around my waist, to cover my bare ass, and off to the bar I went. I was leaning back against one of the benches that line the back wall, casually watching a game of pool, when I saw this guy walk in who caught my eye. Even though he was dressed like he just came from the office on casual Friday, wearing Dockers and a Polo shirt, he gave off a strong vibe that he could very likely be a hot prospect. It didn’t take long for me to find out. After he ordered a beer, he stripped off his Polo shirt, then his Dockers, folded them neatly, and laid them on one of the bar stools. He looked to be around 40 years old, had large hands, a broad chest, a great tan, and obviously worked out regularly. Now, he was wearing just a pair of tight black cotton briefs that really showed off the curves of his muscular bubble ass. I could see why he had positioned himself at the end of the bar. It was the perfect location for him to rather discreetly expose his big, thick cock and show it off. As he occasionally took a pull on his bottle of beer, his other hand pulled on his cock, and it quickly swelled to impressive length and extremely impressive thickness. He certainly had my attention. Most of the time, he looked straight ahead, but, once in a while, he would look my way, and flex his cock, making it jump. It certainly looked like an invitation to me. After a few seconds, I got up my courage, walked around the pool table, and stood right next to him, at the bar. He raised his beer, in salute, told me his name was Tony, then he asked me what I was drinking. He bought me a bottle of water and another beer for himself. I couldn’t help but notice how large his pupils were, so I knew that he had been partying, too. Before long Tony said that he really needed to take a piss, and he asked me if that was something I could take care of for him. I knew exactly what he meant, and I said, “Yes, Sir.” He had me follow him out to the patio where he positioned himself in a dark corner. Without saying anything, he placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down, so that I was on my knees, in front of him. Immediately, a lot of men gathered around to watch, as he pulled down the front of his briefs and flopped out his still semi-hard thick cock. As soon as I took his big helmet head between my lips, he let loose with a flood of warm chem piss. There was nothing I could do but keep guzzling it down, as fast as I could swallow, until he was completely drained. My stomach felt extremely full, and he voiced his approval, impressed that I was able to take it all. I knew that it wouldn’t be very long before I would be the one who needed to unload. Sure enough, not more than 10 minutes later, I felt like I was going to explode. We went back out to the patio where Tony spotted a Dad and his young boy, both dressed in full leather. He asked the Dad if his boy was into chem piss. Without answering the question, the Dad put the boy on his knees, in front of me, and I blasted what seemed like an endless stream of chem piss down the boy’s throat. When I was finished, the Dad told his boy, “What do you say ?” The boy looked up at me and said, “Thank you.” Walking back inside the bar, Tony asked me if I ever slammed. I said, “Yeh, a few times.” He said, “Good. Let’s get you recharged.” With that, we both went into one of the restrooms that was supposed to be for only one person at a time, and we locked the door. Tony pulled out a small zippered pouch from his pants pocket. He tied off my upper arm, and found a good bulging vein, which he swabbed with an alcohol pad. After pulling off the cap with his teeth, he slowly slid the needle in, pulled back on the plunger, got the flash, then completely depressed the plunger. Very quickly, he removed the tie from my upper arm and pulled out the needle. I pressed 2 fingers against the crook of my elbow, and held my arm over my head, as I coughed loudly, and a tremendous rush began coursing through my body. Tony said, “How you feeling, now ?” Between rapid breaths, all I could say was, “holy fuck !”
    1 point
  48. Oscar saw that Tommy could get most of my cock into his mouth and throat and he told Tommy that since his monster cock was too big for Tommy's mouth he just use his boypussy. Oscar loved to scare a boy and often could make them cry before he even started but Tommy would soon learn how every boy eventually cried when Oscar used them. Oscar told Bobby to bump Tommy and make it big. As Bobby went for the supplies Oscar talked with Tommy. "Tommy, since your a whore now and you can't suck my tool I guess you'll let me just fuck you." Tommy clearly was nervous and actually started shaking. "I won't fuck you boy, not even with you being a whore, unless you beg me too. Do you want me to wreck your new boyhole and make you cry like a little boy?" "Oh, sir, I can't take your cock, it would kill me." Bobby returned and showed Oscar how big of a bump he had and Oscar nodded for him to shoot it in Tommy's hole. As Bobby stepped back Oscar pushed a finger into Tommy. "OK, Tommy, let me just finger your boyhole and see if I can make you horny, isn't that fair?" "Yeah that's nice. I wish I had more practice because I want to please you. Could you use two fingers, please" Oscar pushed a second finger in. "I knew you'd like these fat fingers of mine. Here taste them" Tommy licked then started sucking on them and Oscar knew the bump had started. "I bet you'd like three fingers in you, just ask me" "Yeah please give me three fingers, please now" Oscar pushed three fingers of his other hand into Tommy as he finger fucked the boy's mouth. A minute later he pulled his hands back and looked at Tommy and could see the hunger in his eyes and asked him, "Tommy is your boyhole feeling empty?" "Please put your fingers in me" "No, Tommy, nothing is going near your hole again until you ask, no beg, me to fuck you and wreck you, and ask me to hurt you. I want to hear you cry because you need me and you want me to break you." Tommy started to shake for a few moments and then looked at Oscar and begged. "Please I need you in me, go ahead and wreck, ruin, break me. I don't care I need to be fucked." Tommy repeated it a few times and got louder each time and finally he broke and started crying. Oscar told Tommy to get ready to be fucked and destroyed and George brought the poppers to Tommy and after five good hits Oscar started to enter the boy.
    1 point
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