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  1. ******2****** A few weeks have past. I have no signs or symptoms to suggest his seed has impregnated me. I'm convinced the bug hasn't taken. I'm disappointed as I was sure he was massively toxic. He told me he felt he didn't have long left and wanted me to carry his dna and pass on his seed. I'm very busy at work and have had no time for any sex. I'm gagging for some intimacy, cock and a fuck. My usual sauna, in Brick Lane, is always busy on Friday nights. Loads of guys who want to start the weekend off with a bang! It's summer and the building is crammed with guys and it's hot. There's a strong smell of sweaty testosterone and cum. I leave my clothes in the locker and put the towel round my waist. There are a few guys sucking cock in the cinema and in the jacuzzi. All but one of the dark rooms have their doors closed. In the one remaining room there's a young guy lying on the padded bed face down with his towel covering his head. From his firm arse I deduce he's in his mid twenties. I enter and run my hand over his firm buttocks. There's a light covering of fair almost blonde fur on his arse cheeks. He groans a little as I pull his firm cheeks apart and look at his hole. It's beautiful and his starfish is pink. My cock is already creating a tent in my towel. Thoughts are racing through my head. If I was fertile with poz seed now and bred him I would have been able to keep the promise I made to my, wannabe, gifter. I lick the middle finger of my left hand and gently probe his hole. He moves his legs apart intuitively and I insert my finger in past his sphincter. He moans a little. He's very tight. Fertile or not, I'm going to fuck him. I take one of the sachets of lube from the bowl in the corner of the room and drip it onto his gorgeous opening. The cold fluid makes him flinch and draw breath. I'm pushing two fingers into him now. His hole feels like it's trying to suck them inside. Even if I'm not poz I can fantasise what it would be like to seed him with my toxic sperm. I pull the towel from me and throw it to the bottom of the bed. More lube in his hole and I get on the bed and lay ontop of him. He hasn't mentioned using a condom so, I mount him, sliding my cock into his tight hole. It feels so good. He sighs as I begin to fuck him slowly. The hot, wet walls of his arse are caressing my penis. He feels like a virgin. I'm laying right on top of his body, my arms underneath his arms and my hands on each side of his head. We haven't seen each others faces so, have no idea what each of us looks like. Sweat is dripping off my body onto his. I plough his are for five minutes then lift myself onto my arms so I can see my cock sliding in and out of his cunt. I do not believe in god, ghosts, or the supernatural, although I do know a few fairies but, none of them have wings. However I can actually hear a voice telling me to breed him, impregnate him, ejaculate my gifters dna into him. It's as clear a sound as I've ever heard. I must be hallucinating. I don't care. I'm in automatic fucking mode now, losing all control. My only focus, purpose in life is to fuck this young guy full of my seed, to empty as much of my seamen into him as I can. The pressure is building up. I'm fucking him as hard as I can and he's moaning, squirming, breathing hard. I have an overwhelming feeling that I'm really going to knock him up, impregnate him. The pressure is just too much. My ejaculation feels magnificent. Easily the best orgasm I ever had. My balls have been drawn up to my body and my cock is continuously pumping my sperm into him. I'm in ecstacy. My testicles must be empty by now but my cock is still pumping. Slowly, very slowly my body begins to relax. I roll onto my side, completely spent. The receptacle of my seed casually gets up and without looking at me thanks me and leaves the room. I need to recover and have just enough energy to stand and bolt the door. I crash on the bed for, I don't know how long. I'm aware that the attendant guy is banging on the door telling me the sauna is closing up and whoever is in there needs to get dressed and get out. I know the place closes at 4am on Saturday morning. That would mean I'd been asleep for at least five hours. It's now three months since my attempted conversion and a good few weeks since I fucked the young guy in the sauna. Sitting here in the clinic waiting for my test results I'm bored. It's just my regular six monthly check up. I'm not expecting anything out of the ordinary. The Dr is standing at his office door asking me to come in. This isn't unusual. He usually gives me the safe sex talk, some condoms, lube and a card with prep info on it. "I'm afraid you've tested positive for HIV" He continues talking but I can't really hear what he's saying. It's muffled and completely unintelligible. My mind is going back a few weeks, to the young man I fucked in the dark room at the sauna and the voice in my ear.
    9 points
  2. "Cheating", like sexual monogamy, is a concept manufactured by religions like Christianity, Islam and Mormonism. It has zero basis in reality or nature. The sooner males embrace this and live by it, the better their relationships will flourish without a cloud of jealousy that hangs over most monogamous relationships. Sex is the ultimate male Pleasure sport in my view. My other half and I both play and he not only encourages my promiscuity, he is often the camera guy on my porn shoots. There's none of those toxic behaviors of going through each other's phones when the other isn't looking and so forth. It's just sex. We can focus on our commitment to each other without having to worry if the other might be "cheating" sexually with someone else because the concept is rendered null.
    5 points
  3. In my experience it just takes time and honest communication about what you want... After 25 years, I'm still completely in love with my husband and we have an awesome live-in boyfriend that we share. Plus, we are fully open to have sex with anyone else we want -- but we started out Monogamous the first 8 years, then started having 3-ways and small groups, and some cheating on the side. But, we chatted about the jealousy, saw a counselor a couple of times too and worked it out so that we have security, support and emotional side together and are free to play otherwise. Men are hunters, I don't know a straight or gay pal that hasn't had sex on the side after 8-10 years in a mono-relationship. As gay men we get to define our lives, relationships and sex a bit more openly perhaps? Maybe start with fantasy talk -- when your guy is super horny and had a drink or two, watch a video where two tops share a bottom and get him thinking about how fun/hot that would be to share you... evaluate the outcome and try again 😈 No pushing or rushing -- Best o Luck and have fun!!
    5 points
  4. I've been doing it with this guy Brian for a while and had a hot experience with him at the weekend. He's a pretty big guy, about 6', slim, kinda hairy and has one of the best beards I've seen. Thick, dark, soft and a bit wavy. I've had a lot of fun kissing him and running my fingers through his beard. We mostly meet when his truck route takes him through my area. He's a bit of a odd guy, he's not much good for talking and he's always been shy about getting his clothes off for some reason. He doesn't mind being touched, grab his butt, even pull his t-shirt up a bit and play with his treasure trail, no problem, but until the weekend I'd never seem him fully naked and he'd always been pretty clear his dick was a hands off place. He'd move my hand if I got near it. I've always wanted him naked though, he's a sexy lean otter and totally my type. Usually we hang out a while kissing then he'll blow me until he's got a big load in his beard and then we're done. Sometimes he wants to be fucked though. It's always kind of down to business when we do that, he just pulls his jeans and boxers down a bit to expose his hairy butt and lie face down, or on his back with his legs up for me to enter him. I like getting intimate usually, kissing and stuff when fucking, but he just wants to lie there and take it. He's got a super fuckable butt though, and he moans and grunts a lot. Never asked for a condom, takes it as hard and as long as I want, and is cool with me shooting in him. So I can't complain. Sometimes he shoots a load in his boxers too, I can feel that familiar clenching in his hole and he's making the noises. I wonder how many other guys he's letting fuck him. On Friday, I told him he's a sexy guy and if he ever wants it's cool to top me, and I tell him how I'd like to make him cum too. After a while he says guys never want him on top because he's small. Eventually he gets it out and he's about 2.5" hard. Big nuts though. He says that other guys just ignore it mostly and never want to bottom for him, he's never topped. Took some convincing but it was about time he got in a guy's butt. I expected to have fun, he's a hot guy and I've got a pretty sensitive hole. Having the entrance teased with a dick feels great. But I had way more fun than I expected when Brian did it. He was rock hard and when he was pumping at my hole he was bumping and teasing it great, just dipping the tip of his dick in and out and leaking precum. A few times when I was really getting in to it and forgetting I pushed my hips up and expected to feel him enter me fully. Thing is, I loved being that dick hungry with him teasing my hole and never getting completely filled. He teased the hell out of my hole. He eventually cum with his tip pushed just inside me. I was relaxed and open so his shots went deep. I really felt the hot pulses of cum entering me and filling me. No prostate orgasms, but I definitely felt something happening with it when his hot cum filled me up. So, I'm wondering, do other guys ever bottom with small tops, and what does it feel like for them?
    4 points
  5. two reflections: brotherhood and belonging: this the the justification I'm most suspicious of. when i first came out i found my tribe with the act-up crowd and formed life- changing bonds w men i no longer speak to. brotherhood is fleeting. also, joining the chaser brotherhood seems a slap in the face to the silence=death brotherhood i was once so committed to. loneliness and apps: this cuts both ways. after 20 years of monogamy the acute loneliness i felt as my marriage crumbled before my eyes was overwhelming. just to be able to text with some random guy in another state going thru a similar fate probably saved me from offing myself. it certainly helped me be seen and feel connected and hopeful. and let's be serious, anyone who's gotten all of their courage up to go out on a sat nite only to be snubbed and ignored by snooty gays.. all alone in a packed queer bar.. knows the destructive loneliness of belonging to a group that refuses to acknowledge your validity.
    4 points
  6. Today I was naughty lol Daddy (original Daddy) messaged me this morning, asking if I wanted some fun. I never turn down Daddy. He says he will be over at 9.30am. I get ready, lube hole, find poppers, pull on booty shorts he likes, start teasing a little.... 9.20am, new Daddy messages saying he has a break from work, and wants to fuck me. I say he can't, as *Daddy* is here in a minute. He says the second *Daddy* goes, he's fucking me. Daddy arrives at mine, groping me as always as we walk upstairs. I hit poppers as his filthy cock is pulled out. Sucking it clean, I begin to turn so he can fuck my hole. He stops me, and just pushes is deep into my throat and holds it there. I keep still, begin gagging and coughing over his cock while looking him in the eyes, hearing his moans. Over and over he repeated this, pulling out for a moment so I breath, and then making me gag again for a while. Finally, he relents, turned me, and buries his cock deep. I'm gasping for breath as he fucks me, my throat sore, but I'm absolutely happy as anything. He finally shoots in my ass, moaning how he loves me. He leans over, kissing my neck telling me he loves me. I tell him I love him too, and kiss him before tucking his cock away. We share a sweet moment where he lies with me, telling me I'm his boy, and Daddy loves his boy. I'm happy as he stands, and he then leaves me on the bed. I hear the front door shut, and I immediately pick up my phone "Hello *new Daddy* he's just gone, and I'm in the bedroom." "Cheating cunt" says new Daddy"your a slut. Be there now" I stay on the bed as I hear the door shut. He walks into the room to see me on the bed, 2 of my fingers I. My cummy hole. I being them to my mouth and then suck them clean as he's stripping. "You worthless little whore" he moans, I'm on my back, legs held high as he just slides into my well fucked hole. "What are you slut?" He asks. "I'm a worthless cheating whore Daddy" he smiles before spitting in my mouth. I eagerly swallow as he spits over my face and chest, He's too turned on, barely lasting 2 minutes before adding a second load to my hole. He spits in my mouth again, before telling me I'm not allowed to clean myself off or swallow anything until he's left. I nod, lying there as he dresses, and then leaves. I swallow, look at myself in the mirror. I'm a cheat, and I am happy.
    4 points
  7. I can feel the warmth of his boney body. The downy hair of his legs and chest and course pubic hair against me. His boney hands holding my head. My hands are around his skinny waisted torso feeling his warm skin and the hair on his back. The weight of him pressing me into the soft bed. We're urgently pressing our lips together and his soft wet tongue is in my mouth exploring everything within reach. He tastes and smells of mint from the toothpaste he's used before my arrival. His cock is hard and laying between our stomachs. It's feels hot and there's a slightly wet feeling of his pre-cum on my belly. My own penis is soft and laying downward, his testicles resting on it. His right hand moves slowly and gently down the left side of my body. He has hard calluses on his boney fingers and hands. The hands of a manual worker. He reaches my left buttock and intuitively I lift my leg so he can slide his hand and probing fingers underneath me and find my hole. My breath quickens as he finds it and rubs a finger over the around the rim. He pulls his tongue from my mouth and lifts his head slightly to look into my eyes. He has dark brown eyes, almost black. They are smiling and gazing into mine. I feel a finger probing inside me. I am totally his. I move my left leg a little further to my left and away from my body, a signal that I want him to explore further inside me. He understands this and slowly inserts a digit as deep as he can. I'm incredibly aroused. My mind blank, except for the here and now. He lifts himself off me and I open my legs, bend my knees and pull my feet up towards me. He takes hold of his member and I feel the head at the entrance to my body. Precum is leaking heavily from it and he rubs it around the rim. He's still looking into my eyes as he says gently "Your sure" I'm unable to speak. The want, need, excitement and trepidation has made me unable to reply so I nod my head. He pushes himself slowly inside me. My sphincter is still tight and causes me pain as he pushes past it and further inside me. He's big. I'm not used to anything this big. It's stretching the walls of my arse. He pushes it all the way inside me and holds it there, leaning forward to kiss me. The passion in me reaches a new high. I'm breathing deeply, I feel hot, my body craves him, my mind is totally captivated. I want his sperm inside me, to fertilise me, make me pregnant. I know that this can only happen once between two men and its going to happen now. He begins to move inside me. All the way out then all way inside. There is no lubricant other than his precum which has little effect on the friction between his cock and the soft walled tissue inside me. The friction is good. It was cause abrasions that will allow us to procreate more easily. Allow his seed to enter my body. He picks up speed. Fucking me, breeding me as it should be done. My arse feels wonderful sore and full. We're both sweating. He's working hard at his task, ploughing into me, the need to plant his seed is his only purpose in life. He knows it maybe his last chance to pass on his dna. He's is very thin, boney and his face is gaunt. Physically he doesn't look capable of the fucking he's giving me. It's obvious all the energy he has left is being used and its pure determination to reproduce is all that's driving him on. He fucks me for at least ten minutes then his eyes widen and he looks into mine. I can't tell if he's smiling or crying as he cries out and thrusts his cock as deep as he can and ejaculates a huge wad of thick creamy hiv infected sperm into my guts. He collapses onto me and we frantically hold onto each other tightly. I'm overwhelmed by the feelings I have and ejaculate my negative sperm between us coating our stomachs. We kiss passionately and lay still recovering from our orgasms. We lay like this for a time reflecting on what we've done. We have both achieved our goal. Rest is what we need. We both fall asleep.
    3 points
  8. This problem is surely true, and it's made all the worse by dependence on the sex apps. Depending on a "virtual" connection with one's peers is in no way comparable to physically interacting with other human beings. Folks become isolated, alone with their apps, and can't figure out why they're not happy. We depend on interactions, in-the-flesh contact with other folks for our sense of stability, human-ness. We are not very good at insularity, we don't thrive when we deny ourselves physical interaction with other folks, whether it's friends, neighbors, service-providers, on and on. It's entirely healthy and useful to be a part of the community, and not just the gay community. I belong to a number of organizations (community, activism, cultural, interest-specific organizations), and those are all in-the-flesh interactions with others who share the same interests. It's healthy to physically be a part of something. Even if it's only sex-related, it's healthy to take part in activities, causes greater than ourselves. For instance: every time I hit Slammer, I stop in the darkroom first, and the same bottom is always in the same place taking loads. He doesn't even need to look around - he knows it's me. Even that small measure of connection is a healthy thing. I caught a little bug over there a while ago, and had to abstain for a while. After I was cleared by the doc, the following night I went over there, and as soon as he felt my mouth on his Hole he asked where I've been, etc etc - this in the pitch-black of the roomful of breeding men. It was more that his normal pattern had been disrupted, and he wondered. Regardless of what connects us, when it's disrupted for some reason, or not entered into in the first place, it's no wonder that folks get lonely. Human, in-person interaction with other humans is important to our sense of well-being. Being hiv positive is a health-related state of being: it has nothing to do with a "brotherhood", which requires personal interaction in a social/cultural setting; i.e. participation in groups organizations not focused on wanton sex. More, dependence on the ether to supplant physical interactions with our peers will inevitably fail to satisfy our need to "belong". I know some on here will read this and be offended, which is not my intent. Rather, it is to encourage everyone to take part in the wide array of interests/organizations that include group, in-person interactions with other like-minded folks.
    3 points
  9. He sounds cute AF! My experience has been that smaller penises get a lot harder than bigger ones. I certainly bottom for smaller guys. If I can convince them to top. A lot of times it seems they're bashful (certainly sounds like "Brian" is), and my rather large endowment aggravates that. But I'd much rather get a small dick in my ass than no dick at all, and sometimes (like the time the OP had) they can actually be a lot more fun. Not so much that size doesn't matter as that other things matter a lot more. Attitude especially.
    3 points
  10. There are many factors to consider, such as where are you coming from, your budget, allocated time to your sexcation, etc. If I were in US and have a couple of weeks of holiday, and want to make the most of it, I would fly into Amsterdam and head to Sauna Nieuwezijds. It is close to Central Station and easily accessible. Just a couple hundred yards away there's Dirty Dicks and Eagle. Not too miss the night at Club Church. (For all these and following named clubs, do a google search and check out their parties programme so that you can plan based on your kinks). After 2-3 days in Amsterdam I would take the train to Berlin. There's the Lab at Berghain, Ajpnia, Scheune, Bull, etc. Allow for 4-5 days in Berlin. Then hop on the train again and head to Paris. You have l'Impact, IDM, Bunker, BonZob. 2-3 days in Paris is enough. I would then again take the train down to Barcelona for Open Mind, Berlin Dark, Rectum. If you have time, head west to Madrid where you also have at least 3-4 clubs like that. And then, pregnant as you will be, head back to your home country. Note that I suggested train trips rather than flying as distances are shorter between cities and you can take high speed trains which are really cheap. Just for giggles, I did check the fares for Amsterdam-Berlin-Paris-Barcelona-Madrid and it comes at about $380. Granted, you will have preferences for times, days, class of travel, etc. so what i got quoted can easily double depending on your search criteria. TLDR: 1) Berlin, 2) Paris, 3) Barcelona, 4) Madrid, 5) Amsterdam.
    3 points
  11. Shawn was getting ready to head to the orgy he had been looking forward to for weeks. The organizer was a hot otter guy. There would be 5 other guys there. All either Vers or bottoms. He was strictly a top. He was 28, 6’1, 185 lbs of muscle with olive skin he got from his Italian heritage. He had a fat 8.5 in uncut dick. He never had a problem finding a hole to seed. But his true passion was pozzing neg hole. Especially stealth pozzing. That is why he was looking forward to this orgy so much. He knew 2 of the guys were not on prep. And the rest he wasn’t sure but hoped they were not. All participants had to send negative tests within a week of the party. Shawn worked in a lab and had fake documents to share no problem. When he got to the party the otter, Steve - 23 Vers bottom, welcomed him and lead him to the room where he could strip and then told him to join them in the living room across the hall. Shawn stripped and walked across the hall already half chubbed. He was then introduced to the rest of the guys. Max - 21, bottom, no prep, twink Luke - 23, Vers, twunk Sumner - 29, Vers, no prep, jock Jason - 25, bottom, cub Shawn knew sumner and Max were not on prep as he had talked to both before the party and they confirmed it. The other 2 he had not talked to before tonight. And Steve did not say when they talked. With the introductions out of the way Steve worked on making drinks for everyone after he pointed out the lube and poppers on the coffee table. Shawn zeroed in on Sumner and started to chat him up and kiss him. He lead him to an over-stuffed chair in the corner. They proceeded to more deep kissing and making out. Then he pushed the jock to his knees to start to suck on his big fat poz dick. He loved seeing the big muscle jock suck his meat. After a few minutes Shawn pulled Sumner up and bent him over the back of the chair and started to eat his hairy hole. Sumner moaned from the tongue assaulting his hole. He reached for the pooper bottle next to him and started ti inhale. Shawn stood and bent over Sumner to make out with him as he was still bent over the chair. His big fat uncut dick leaking poz precum in Summer's neg ass cracker and hole. Summer moaned as the leaky head and spit allowed Shawn’s dick to enter this hole. Shawn could tell sumner took a lot of dick with how easy it went in. He was tight, but that’s just because of how big his dick was. To an average dick the hole would have felt looser. He was amazed his was still neg. But he wouldn’t be for long. He continued to work Summer's jock hole open as he fucked deeper and deeper. Then started to pick up speed. The moan coming form Sumner was so hot! The fucking continued, with ocassional stops to switch positions or east his ass. Making sure to use his finger nails to scratched his hole as he ate it and fingered it in between fucks. Finally Shawn decided it was time to impregnate his first hole. He started to make out deep with Sumner as he pounded hard into his hole. Finally shooting a huge load of poisonous cum balls deep in the neg hole. All while the jock begged for his cum! As they rested and recovered Sumer said, “Fuck that was hot! Thanks so much, I have been craving a load. i am so glad we did tests before this, I love raw dick but never take it. I can get anything cause I have a girlfriend. I am so glad I know taking your load was safe. I can’t wait to get more from the other guys!” “No problem man! I am glad I got to fill your hole. Maybe do a another round later tonight!” With that Shawn got up and moved to the bar to get his drink and rest a little as he watch the other guys go at it around the living room. More to follow.
    2 points
  12. Just curious for those of us in relationships of any kind, whether just dating or married, how many cheat and how do you not feel bad about it? my current partner has cheated on the past but has been to my knowledge faithful. (i unknowingly go through his phone. ) yesterday however, i was on sniffies out of pure curiosity and ended up letting some college kid cum in my hole understall on campus. i feel horrible but i also want to do it again. any tips for having the best of both worlds?
    2 points
  13. Both my husband and I have previous experience being in purportedly monogamous relationships. We created our own "rules" for the two of us. And mostly it is quite simple; we each want to see how each other winds up; until one of us dies. We have few if any "expectations". We have developed patterns with each other. We enjoy each others "sexploits". We are each others immediate family. We co own everything we have in every country where we have stuff. We have our contracts which we put in place when we weren't allowed to marry. As we don't view our right to be married as a state we can rely upon, we keep our contracts current. I don't need him to "make me happy". He doesn't need me to "make him happy". We are happy with each other. Perhaps most significant' we don't worship imaginary beings we think provide us with magical outcomes. So there is no entity above or below we fret about displeasing; that which is the foundation of "social norms".
    2 points
  14. I was on Biktarvy, switched to Juluca. Just talked to my doctor, and she’s put me back on the Biktarvy. We’re just going to have to watch the kidney function carefully, and I’m going to need to be drinking water like a fish. They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I ought to be goddamn invincible by now. So much for that theory.
    2 points
  15. This latest is great. I love the way we know intuitively what's happening, even before we hear from the doctor.
    2 points
  16. Sorry to hear this--but I'm glad you posted. It needs to be said on this forum.
    2 points
  17. A classic video from TIM. Watching Billy Wild get fucked is nothing short of perfection. This why most of us gay men view sex as incredible sport to participate with all men. Being a bottom I can literally feel the pleasure Billy is receiving as well as giving. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/riding-billy-wild/
    2 points
  18. Similar to @atlfukbud @Konrad @MuscledHorse. I've been in my open, respectful and loving relationship for 23 years. We encourage each other to enjoy sexual pleasure however we find it. We had both experienced mates who insisted on absolute monogamy; we eventually discovered were anything but.
    2 points
  19. Just one time i had this chance, forced by my former master in a bdsm scenario. Was ugly but i was extremly horny and wet.
    2 points
  20. Yes, ill bottom for any size cock. Want that cum in my hole. Smaller cocks are great to start with, working opening my hole, get their cum inside ready for the next cock. Just use cum as lube for the next guy. Works great at gloryholes and adult stores.
    2 points
  21. Some commentator once referred to Grindr as the world‘s largest collection of 10 year old photos. These days I send that to an all the sex apps, and I’m guilty of it. Well, maybe not 10 years old, but only a couple of the photos on my Scruff sites are up-to-date. It just doesn’t mean to me to constantly update. To me, the sites are a frustrating amusement. Too many people a thousand miles away looking for, what, pen-pals? Or love (I’m ten inches, hungry bottom, mild-to-wild. And a ripped body-builder, but not interested in hook-ups). I love those. All those salacious details - Sure sounds like they wanna hook up. But you know, they’re only looking for love, not sex. I should pitch a television series based around this stuff.
    2 points
  22. Had that happened to me a month ago. Guy hit the right spot. It was an interesting feeling. He had a perfect stroke, hitting my prostate on every stroke. As an almost 65 yo man, my prostate isn't in the best condition. As he was fucking, I actually came and pissed at the same time. Was happy I had put down a waterproof mattress pad.
    2 points
  23. Broadly speaking, I agree with you. But here's the thing: I get messages on the apps from people 5,000 miles away. I get messages from guys who describe themselves as "sissy bottom looking for rough Top Daddy" even though my own profile says I'm a bottom - not versatile, a bottom. I get messages from people whose first question is "where are you from?" even though every profile I create lists my city and state. I get messages from people who open with "Looking for tonight?" even though my profiles always state "I plan ahead for sex, almost never looking for "right now". I don't respond to those idiots. If they can't bother to read a fucking profile and UNDERSTAND the words before sending me a message they've forfeited any claim to a polite response declining what they're offering, so to speak. It's a mystery to me how people that stupid don't drown looking up at the rain wondering where all that water is coming from.
    2 points
  24. i was 8 years old when i had the first cock in my mouth i stayed over one of my first friends house one night and we slept outside in sleeping bags just exploring at that age but it came narural... i think its in our genes at least for a lot of us because i this friends sister and her friend pulled their pants down in his treehouseout in the woods one day and i remember being repulsed by the look of their cunts but althogh i had a few experiences over the years i didn't get into it in a big way till i was marrked a few years and found i hated fuking my wife..things were diferent back then in the little rural area i lived in 1970's by the late 80's i was in the rest areas all the time suking cock and getting fucked.. i ended up being married 3 times qnd it was always the same.. one year in between wife 1 and 2 i kept track of how many loads i got..the count was 112 , they were all different MEN maybe some of that was from experiences but i truly believe its in our DNA
    2 points
  25. Hey guys. I decided to write another series. Currently, this series is meant to have 11 parts. One safe sex twink's journey to being a bareback bottom. He's 22 when we begin. It's 1999. He's grown up his whole life hearing nothing but safe sex lectures and only having sex with condoms, even with boyfriends. He has just finished college and started a job. He's 6' tall, 170 lbs, flat stomach (but he thinks he's too fat), runs and works out, blonde, curly floppy hair and blue eyes. He's hot and sexy (but he thinks he's average). Part 1 Matt is at his third bar of the night. This one is a club. Small, only gets started after 2am. Techno and EDM are blasting. Matt is in tight jeans and a shirt that hugs his pecs and shoulders. He's dancing. Drink in hand. Matt is drunk and having fun. Matt loves coming to this bar. He always hooks up here. Guys are drunk and horny. The music is sexy. Matt is usually on his back or doggy getting some guy's condom covered cock stuffed inside him by 5am. He loves coming here. Matt scans the room. His friends are dancing with him. Everyone is looking to hook up. He can feel that sexual energy. It makes Matt dance harder. A space opens on a box just in front of him. It's about 3 feet off the ground. Matt hops on and keeps dancing. Dancing above his friends now. The box is kinda crowded but not terribly. He can definitely move his hips. Looking around the room; Matt sees familiar faces. Guys who have fucked him. Guys he has made out with. Guys he has danced with previously. Guys he just knows from seeing their faces in the bars and clubs. There are a few guys Matt would love to go home with tonight. The red head with the rockin body; or the Latin guy with that sexy accent Matt spoke with in the line waiting to get in the club; or the dark haired, geek chic guy who is sexy as fuck. He's scanning the crowd. Enjoying what he sees. Matt let's loose to dance some more. A few minutes into dancing Matt feels a body next to his on the box. He looks at the guy. It's geek chic. Matt smiles. Geek chic smiles back. They dance together front to front. Geek chic turns Matt around. They grind together for a bit on the box. Matt feels the guy is hot for him. A cock is pressing on his ass. Matt grinds back on the cock. The guy gets harder. Geek's hands are all over Matt. Matt is feeling the guy behind him on his hips and legs. He feels more solid than he looks. Matt turns around and introduces himself. He doesn't catch the guy's name (too loud in the club). Matt says, "Let's get drinks." The two of them hop off the box and make it to one of the bars. The line is ridiculous, as always in the club, so it takes awhile to get drinks. The guys talk. Matt finds out the geek is a grad student, lives close by, and is versatile. The guy convinces Matt to undo his tight jeans so the guy can feel his ass. Matt does it. By the time Matt has ordered drinks, the geek has two fingers in Matt's ass. They kiss at the bar. The geek says, "finish your drink and lets fuck." Matt finishes his drink like a shot. So does the geek. They both say goodnight to their friends and it's off to the geek's place. Less than a 10 minute walk later, Matt is in the geek's apartment. Books everywhere, a decent view, and a mattress and box spring on the floor. The guys are so sweaty. It's August. The geek turns on the air conditioning, but it's a window unit. The geek takes off his shirt. Matt takes off his shirt. They kiss. Geek pushes Matt on the bed and clothes come off - shoes, socks, jeans, underwear. Matt thinks the geek is super sexy. The feeling is mutual. Matt is sucking the geek's cock. The geek is telling Matt he gives great head. The geek pulls Matt off his cock and rolls him onto his back. The geek gets Matt's legs up and is making out with Matt. Their cocks are sword fighting. The geek moves his cock between Matt's ass cheeks. Matt moans as the cock rubs his hole. Matt is going to get fucked soon. Matt looks over, condoms on the bookcase next to them, lube right there, he's comfortable. No worries here. The geek is a safe sex guy just like him. Matt kisses the geek hard. The geek and Matt reposition so the geek can make out with Matt and rub his cock all along Matt's ass crack and hole. Matt moans again. The geek'c cock is about 6.5" and thick. It's going to take a minute to adjust, or so Matt thinks. Matt knows he's tight. Guys tell him that all the time. Matt kisses the geek and the cock is rubbing his hole. They are so sweaty that the geek's sweat is dripping onto Matt. While they are kissing, it happens. The geek's cock slides right into Matt's ass half way. Matt and the geek are both surprised. Matt says, "Fuck that's never happened before." The geek slides in more. Matt grabs the geeks ass. The geek looks at Matt questioningly. Matt says, "keep fucking me." Geek fucks Matt good. Matt is moaning and grunting as his legs are on the geek's shoulders. Geek says, "My cock feels so good in you bareback." Matt says, "Keep fucking my ass." Geek fucks Matt so hard that Matt slides off the mattress onto the floor. Matt's ass is still up on the mattress, but his shoulders and neck are on the floor. He's looking up at the geek. The geek keeps fucking Matt. Matt is jerking his cock. The geek is sliding his cock all the way in and out of Matt's ass. Matt sees that cock has no condom on it every time the geek pulls it out. The geek keeps watching Matt as he is getting fucked. Matt is loving it. Matt is moaning like a slut now. Matt says, "No cock has ever felt this good in my ass." Geek says, "That's because I'm fucking your slut ass bareback." Matt says, "Feels so good." Geek fucks Matt a few minutes longer and cums deep in Matt's ass. Matt's eyes go wide. FUCK! A guy just came inside him bareback. The cums feels so warm. Matt's cock jerks in his hand and sprays cum all over his twink body and face. Matt and the geek get in bed together. They sleep together. Matt and the geek make out and Matt tries to fuck the geek bareback the next morning. The geek won't let him. Says he doesn't usually bareback. Matt says he doesn't either. Matt says the geek was his first bareback fuck. The geek doesn't believe Matt and Matt can see it on his face. The geek and Matt swap head. Matt swallows. The geek does not swallow. Matt goes home in the morning with the geek's cum still in his ass. Matt knows what he did with the geek was slutty and not safe. But Matt knows that he wants to get fucked bareback again. Matt tells himself he will just have to save bareback fucking for his next boyfriend. He swears he'll never fuck bareback again with a hookup.
    1 point
  26. Author's note: This is my first attempt at writing a story as a project for myself. I have always enjoyed reading erotic stories, yet I've never tried to write one. All I can say is - damn it isn't easy. I found it quite a struggle. My hat off to the many gifted writers. English is my first language, but I am terrible at spotting grammatical errors and I didn't want to spend too much time proof reading. For the grammatically gifted, I am sorry if I hurt your eyes. Chapter 1 and 2 turned out a lot longer than I expected and I am not sure how to reduce it. Chapter 3 onwards are the more "raunchier" sections (I hope that's how they turn out anyway) Trigger warnings: Cheating (reconcilation), drug use (ecstasy and ice), older/younger, pozz play This story is set around the mid 2000s. Chapter 1 - Jim POV “Jim, I’m sorry to tell you that your results have come back positive for HIV,” the doctor said. The result was not a surprise. It has been a month since I broke up with Ray and returned to my home town. We had been together for 2 years. Ray, who was poz, and had introduced me to the pleasure and joy of bareback and chemsex (ecstasy). I had known Ray was positive when we first met. We had always played it safe up until the first time we fucked bare when we were high on ecstasy. Ray had already stretched my hole a few times with his thick 8.5” cock while wearing a condom. My hole was nicely stretched and loose from all the fucking he had given. The third pill of the night was coming on. I remembered my skin and hole feeling so sensitive. I knew Ray’s cock and knob gets especially sensitive too as he got higher. We were face to face kissing with his sensed-enhanced knob pressing gently against my sensitive hole without penetrating (something we always love doing before wrapping up). We’re moaning as we were kissing when his knob slipped into my stretched hole. We both froze as we looked into each other's eyes. Ray kissed me, his tongue invading my mouth and he gently slipped only his cockhead in and out. It felt amazing, completely different to his wrapped cock. I could always feel the cold clammy condom, but when I was high, the heightened sensation highlighted the restriction even more. This time, it was warm naked flesh. It felt so good. A part of me was terrified, but at the same time I never felt so close to Ray, the beginnings of a perfect physical joining. We moaned into each other’s mouth, not daring to say a word to break the spell. From just his knob sliding in and out, he pushed until half his 8.5” cock was sliding in and out. My arms went from around his neck to his thrusting arse and pulled him closer and he slid completely into me. His hairy crotch and balls pressing against my smooth arse. We kissed for a bit more as we revel in the physical and chemmed up connection. Then Ray pushed himself up and repositioned himself and gave me a pounding all the while looking at my face. While my favourite is him fucking me face to face so that we can watch each other’s horned up expressions, I also loved him fucking me lying facedown on my stomach. Feeling his muscular older, weathered hairy legs lewdly pressing against my slimmer smooth thighs, pushing my thighs opened so that his slick bare cock was able to slide completely in and out of my hole. Our entire bodies naked skin, down to our cock and hole just pressing against each other in the animalistic act that is supposed to be also love making. We tried to go back to condoms a few times, but the moment the ecstasy hit, we both only wanted it bare. Ray made sure never to come in me, but with all the hours of fucking, I could feel his cock becoming slick with pre-cum. I kept trying to convince myself it would be alright. Bare sex was a special thing boyfriends shared. Unfortunately, things ended between us as Ray wanted an open relationship, while I wanted us to be exclusive. I did give open-relationship a go. Our rules were that we played it safe when playing with other guys as we viewed that fucking bare was something special between boyfriends. The few times I played with another guy, when his wrapped dick penetrated me, it was very uncomfortable with the cold clammy rubbery feel of the condom. It simply paled into insignificance compared to Ray’s bare cock. The news from the doctor was not unexpected, but certainly what I dread. -Positive, I can’t have bareback sex with my boyfriend in future - well, maybe they are poz as well,- I thought to myself, my mind barely registering the doctor’s spiel. I refocused on what the doctor was saying, “... you must ensure to have safe sex even if you have sex with other positive guys. Otherwise you may get re-infected by a different strain of HIV, not to mention the risk of other STDs that you want to prevent with your compromised immune system.” -Or maybe no more bareback sex forever… ugh… how depressing. I can’t even be totally intimate with a boyfriend without risk of harming them even if they are positive. Maybe I should give up sex entirely. 25 and having to give up sex - your life is going “great”, Jim,- I barely contained my bitterness in my mind. The sense of loss weighing greatly on me. This was in late 2004. I felt extremely isolated and I did not feel I could talk to my family or friends about this. Being quite an introvert in the first place, I do not have many friends. Most of my friends seem to be extroverts who have taken an interest in me. Part of my mind was aware that if I lost my friends and family because of this, they probably weren’t really friends or family. But there was a fear of losing what limited social connections I had. I do not know how to proceed with dates from now on. Will I ever find a partner? I’ve been in the gay scene long enough to be pretty jaded about relationships and yet I cannot deny it is something I crave. I threw myself into a recently released MMO for a while to satisfy social contact. Digital strangers that I do not have to meet and where I have nothing to lose. Eventually, I reconciled with myself that I didn’t have to tell any one-night stands about my status. However, I should always play it safe and be responsible so as not to infect the other party. Once I came to that decision, I created a profile on gaydar, added some pics from my digital camera and scrolled through the personnels. A profile caught my eye - a 52 years old hairy muscular daddy going by Hairy50. His profile listed himself as a top and stated drug use as “recreational” and safe sex “always”. He is 10 years older than Ray and similarly built (probably more muscular and a little beefier) and equally hairy. Totally my type - argh and I need to stop thinking about Ray. I thought Hairy50 might find me too young though, so I didn’t message him and continued scrolling. My friends never understood my preference for older men. They expressed that they feel grossed out when older guys hit on them. Unlike them, I always liked older men, especially if they have the heady combination of being perverse yet nurturing and affectionate. I can never quite reconcile the strange dichotomy in traits. How can I want a man who wants to use me for his pleasure and yet be loving/affectionate? I’ll have better luck finding a unicorn. As I continued scrolling, a message came. Hairy50: Sexy pics - I love slim smooth guys, I see you live in nearby. Horny? 😉 Me (Jim): Haha, thanks. Your pics are sexy too. I wasn’t sure if I was your type. Yea, I’m horny. Been awhile since I had fun. What do you have in mind? Hairy50: Oh? Cute thing like you not had a fun in a while? I find that hard to believe. I see you are a bottom on your profile. Well, as my profile says, I am a top 😉 Me (Jim): It is going to sound pitiful, but I broke up recently, so I have been trying finding my feet. Haha, yes am a bottom Hairy50: Ah I see… do/have you done chems? Me (Jim): I have done ecstasy with my ex before… Hairy50: I have ecstasy 😉 Why don’t you come over, and we’ll take some ecstasy together and chill out, and see where this leads? 😉 My name is Ted Me (Jim): I’m Jim - alright. I play safe only Ted/Hairy50: Me too. —- Ted was dressed in a singlet and shorts when he opened the door. His singlet exposed his toned, muscular arms and hairy forearms. He was wearing glasses, unlike his pictures, which framed his amber eyes. It made him look very distinguished and sexy. Ted was about 5’9, maybe a finger width shorter than me but broader and more powerful. Definitely broader than Ray, though Ray was slightly taller and slightly leaner. Ted had some beef to his muscular frame which made it all the more sexier. He had short cropped greying hair that matched the colour of the hair on his forearms, legs and sported a five o’clock shadow. Ted’s shorts were tight and accentuated his thick muscular hairy thighs, the shorts clearly outlining Ted’s cock. Ted having a similar body to Ray, made my mind think back to how much pleasure it was feeling Ray’s hairy legs pressing my smooth legs apart as his juicy rock hard cock ploughed into my hole. The power of feeling a mature virile older man pinning me down with his body and having his way with me. I wondered if I would feel that tonight… but with a condom of course. -Well, that’s a downer,- I thought. “Hi Jim, nice to meet you. Come on in.” “Thanks,” I snapped out of my reverie, “you look great too.” “Well come on in, have a seat and I’ll get us drinks.” I sat on the couch as Ted brought out some drinks and with the pills. “So, shall we take a pill each? I have had them before, they are pretty good. You will like them.” I nodded, partly with nerves and partly with excitement. I mentally steeled myself to make sure I play safe. With only Ray as my only previous experience for high sex, I knew I turned into a bare slut for Ray’s cock - but he was my boyfriend at the time. I need to be better now that I am poz and I can’t be taking a stranger's cock bare. We took a pill each and started chatting while waiting for the drugs to come on. Ted also took a blue pill and gave me one as well. Ted explained that he moved to my town for work about a month or so ago. He wanted a change and left his city. He was fortunate that one of his hook ups after he moved here was able to give him the contact for his dealer. I could feel the ecstasy slowly coming on when Ted said, “As I told you online, I like slim, lean and toned smooth guys like yourself. You look nerdier in person, which I mean in a good way. I love the nerdy look. What kind of guys do you like?” “Well,” my face turned slightly red with embarrassment, I was still feeling quite shy and reserved as the ecstasy hadn't fully come on, “guys like yourself.” “Oh? And what kind of guy is that?” Ted asked playfully. “Well, older… masculine… beefy, muscular… hairy… but you know, they don't always have to have all those characteristics,” I responded, trying not to choke with embarrassment. “So is your ex similar to me?” His question took me by surprise, but I responded “yes…” “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. I was just trying to find out what kind of guy you go for and the drugs are making me speak before I think.” “No it is alright,” I could feel more of the drug coming on, “well Ray is very similar to you. Hairy and built like you. He is 50–” “He is a bit older than you then, around my age but slightly younger,” he said with a smile. He placed his hands on one of my exposed slim and toned thighs, stroking it, “mmm, I really like your smooth thighs.” The drugs enhanced my sense of touch as his hands rubbed against my thighs and I started feeling my cock grow. The effects of the drugs came on stronger and I got bolder, reaching out and rubbing his hairy beefy legs, my hand inches away from his hardening member, “well I like your hairy legs, more than my smooth thighs.” “Let’s get comfortable naked,” he said. We stripped naked. I started feeling really relaxed, yet horny. I admired his naked hairy muscular and beefy body, imagining him pressing me down taking me properly the way Ray did. -Snap out of it, you have to be responsible and play safe. Bare sex is meant to be special between boyfriends/partners/husbands. Showing that you give yourselves to each other completely and trust each other. Not casual sex with a stranger- Ted’s eyes burned with heat as he took in my naked form, my cock rock hard as this stage. I have always felt self conscious about being slim and not being able to put on muscle easily. I am also naturally smooth and quite fair (I avoid the sun). I keep my black hair short. But the way he stared at me lustfully made me feel sexy. Ted’s cock was rock hard. -It looks almost like Ray’s cock,- my traitorous mind thought back to my ex.-8.5”, thick and uncut cock-. The swollen knobs with the foreskin pulled back looked the same, the length and thickness and the shape of the shaft looked the same. Even their low hanging, full and hairy balls look the same. If he were to only look at their crotches, I would not be able to tell the difference between Ted and Ray. Unlike Ray’s cock, Ted’s cock already started oozing pre-cum in the early stages of arousal. Ray usually ooze pre-cum after more stimulation. The similarities made me crave for my sensed enhanced hole to feel the bare skin to skin penetration with that full cock. Ted looked into my eyes, pulled me into his arms and kissed me. His tongue ravishing my mouth. His 8.5” hard cock pressed dominantly against my 6” cock. “I’m glad you came over,” he said in between kisses. I could only mumble unintelligible responses as my hands held onto his strong back and caressed them. He pulled us apart and said, “Do you mind if I put on some dance music? I love it while having sex on ecstasy.” “Oh I love that too when I’m on ecstasy,” I responded. “Excellent,” Ted responded, putting on a eurotrash playlist. He swapped lighting for a red tinted lighting turning the room to look like some sleazy room. Ted sat back against the head of the bed,his thick hairy legs spread wide apart with his hard cock sticking lewdly out of his hairy crotch, “Come over here and suck me.” I lay stomach down in-between his legs, my mouth salivating all over his virile member. I licked the shaft gently, teasing him. He moaned with pleasure when I took his entire cock into my mouth and sucked it - I could taste the salty pre-cum leaking out of his cock. It seemed to leak quite continuously which was so incredibly hot. “Yea, suck that cock,” he moaned, “look at the mirror as you suck my cock.” There was a full length mirror on the built-in wardrobe beside the bed. In the red tinged lighting, I see myself,a younger slim man, in between a man old enough to be my dad, me servicing him. He looked into my eyes through the mirror with a lewd gaze before his gaze moved onto my ass. “Mmm, you should bring your ass to my mouth to let me lick your hole while you suck me,” he said. Ted slid down the bed so that he was lying flat. I brought my arse to his mouth as he licked it. I gasped and said, “I miss how sensitive my hole becomes when I’m high.” “Yea? Well, my cock becomes super sensitive too when I get high. Keep sucking my cock while I lick your hole.” We revelled in the pleasure and enhanced sensitivity servicing each other and being able to watch ourselves performing our lewd act in the mirror. We sucked and licked each other to the beat of the music. It was like a half dance, half sex reverie. Ted stopped at one point and said, “I got to fuck your hole.” He moved to lay me on my back with my legs up in the air. He reached to the side of his bed to get a box of condoms and lube. A part of me felt disappointed I would not be reliving high bare sex like I had experienced with my ex. Another part of me was relieved I didn’t have to battle my self control to ensure I remained responsible and not harm Ted. He wrapped the condom over his thick hard leaking cock and poured a generous amount of lube. He pressed his palms on the back of my thighs, angling my arse upwards. He lined his cock against my hole and gently pressed slowly to penetrate. The cold, rubbery condom was a bit of a shock to my sensitive hole. The contrast of our totally naked bodies pressing against each other and yet feeling Ted’s sheathed cock was stark and jarring. I willed my mind not to focus on it and to focus on this sexy older man taking me. I managed to enjoy being filled and fucked as best as I could. Ted was a sexy man after all We fucked for several songs, and when we took a break, my mind wondered that if I had still been negative, I might be able to ask him to fuck me raw. -No, you only met the guy. Gosh, the drugs make you such a slut. We only let our significant other fuck ys raw. Get your act together, this is probably a one-off and if you tell him about your status, he may not want to see you again- The final thought made me feel very alone and low before I shrugged the train of thought off. We laid back on the bed to catch our breath (well, more Ted since he did the fucking). My eyes drank in Ted’s form leaning back lazily. Ted said, “I like the way you look at me.” “I like the way you look at me, too,” I responded, smiling in a serotonin addled manner. “So, keen to have another half?” Ted asked, smiling wickedly. “Yea, why not.” We downed another half a pill each. We chatted a bit. We jumped from topic to topic. Ted mentioned that he moved into town recently. I told him I only just returned to my hometown a few months back after things ended with Ray.The conversation flowed really easily, as we talked about any topic we might jump on. It was a nice easy connection, I wondered if it was normal on ecstasy. Afterall, I’ve only experienced it with Ray before and no one else. At one point, Ted suddenly had a far away look as if he were debating something. “Everything alright?” I asked. Ted looked at me, as if resolving something and said, “I really like you, and would like to meet up again. But I want to be upfront with you about something now rather than later.” Ted took a deep breath and said, “I’m HIV positive, and I’ll always play safe with you to keep you safe - that is if you still want to play. If you don’t, I understand as well.” I was dumbfounded, I think my jaw dropped at that moment. The shock must have been quite evident on my drugged fucked face. Ted must have read my expression wrongly and said, “I’m sorry to have shocked you. But as I said, if you don’t want to play and have to go, I understand.” “I still want to play with you. It doesn’t upset me. I mean my ex, Ray, was positive too. It didn’t bother me then. Well, I am positive now as well. Only found out a month ago. Still trying to get my head around it.” “You became poz because of your ex?” I nodded in response. “Did you guys not play it safe?” I sheepishly responded, “in the beginning we did. I remember thinking when we first started seeing each other that it is a pity we could not share the ultimate intimacy of fucking without a condom like other boyfriends. But after he introduced me to ecstasy, we couldn’t resist fucking without a condom. It felt so intensely intimate and close to each other with nothing between us. We managed to resist him cumming in me, though, with how raw his cock and raw my hole was with all the fucking and pre-cum, it probably mattered not.” “Have you fucked bare with anyone else before you met, Ray?” Ted asked as he ran his hairy arms against smooth chest and stomach, looking at me intensely. “With Pete, my ex before Ray, that’s all. And before you ask, yes, Pete cummed in me” He smiled at me teasingly, “You’re a sweet bottom, aren’t you. Saving your raw hole only for your boyfriends. So how old was Pete.” “Pete? Hm, he would be 45 now. Well, not that it matters I “save” my hole any more. The doctor said that I’m always to have safe sex even with other poz guys to ensure that we don’t accidentally reinfect each other with a different strain,” I stroked his strong hairy forearms. The drugs clearly made both of us very tactile. “Yeah, that is what my doctor said too. Did your doctor prescribe you meds, Jim?” “He did suggest it as the viral load is high, but I have not decided. I am worried about side effects. You?” “Same,” Ted responded, staring into the ceiling, then turned to me, “How-about we take another half?” “What, so soon, I feel the first half is just coming on.” He smirked, “Let’s celebrate getting completely shitfaced and wasted.” “What are we celebrating?” “That we have both somehow found a poz friend in this tiny town.” “Alright, why not.” We downed a second half pill. He sat up and leaned back on the bed again, legs spreading apart and looked lustfully at my naked body. Thrusting his hips and flopping his growing member, he said, “I can feel the first half is coming on, and I think my cock needs some attention.” I grinned as I crawled between his legs again taking his cock into my mouth. His cock grew rock hard in my mouth as I moved my mouth up and down his hard shaft. He looked at me with his lewd smashed face in the mirror and asked, “So how big is Ray?” I released his cock from my mouth and with one hand slowly stroked his hard member, running my other hand through his hairy chest that was both soft with a bit of beef but hard with muscle underneath. His hands caressed my arms and head, “Funny you ask. When I first saw your hard cock,” I gave the cock a good squeeze and it throbbed in response, “I thought it looked very similar in size and shape as Ray. Same as your balls and hairiness. I mean, if I just look at your crotch area, it looks exactly like how I remember Ray’s crotch.” Ted moaned at me squeezing his member and said softly, “So I’ll be fucking you as deep as he had ever been.” “You’re wicked, I like a wicked top” I said to him with my smashed grin and took his cock in my mouth and sucked it some more. “Mmm, get on your back, Jim. Lift your legs and spread your cheeks. I want to eat that hole of yours good.” Ted got onto his knees and lifted my arse up in the air to his mouth. As he ate my hole, he stared into my eyes. We both looked completely drugged fucked and I felt completely smashed, and amazing. My skin all over felt incredibly sensitive and I loved the feel of his naked hairy skin pressing against my smooth skin. Where our bodies pressed against each other, I could feel our sticky sweat slicking against each other. His tongue probed as deep into my hole as he could. His 5 o’clock shadow scraped against the entrance of my hole and cheeks, roughing the entrance to my hole. His tongue teasing my hole made it feel incredibly hungry and needed to be filled, “please fuck me,” i begged, not caring I was begging like a slut, completely to different to how I would normally behave. The red tinged light made the room seem like a whore room. He lowered my arse to the bed and pushed my legs back against my torso. He looked down towards his rock hard cock and lined it against my hole. I gasped when his bare leaking knob pressed against the entrance of my hole wet with his spit. He looked at me with a wicked look, gyrating the knob against the entrance of my hole without pushing it in. I moaned as it felt so good. I tried to remind him to wear a condom, but I couldn’t find the words.He gave a low moan, almost like a growl, and said, “My knob is so sensitive. This feels so good.” The second half pill we took started to come on and it made my hole even hungrier for Ted’s bare cock. I thought back to how tactile and how amazing it felt to be completely wasted and fucked by a bare cock. My hole twitched in memory and anticipation against Ted’s knob as if trying to draw it in. I hoped Ted would just plunge his dick into me Ted kept his cock from going in, rubbing his precum and wetting the entrance to my hole. He asked, “So, Jim, you’ve always been a sweet bottom saving bare hole for your boyfriends… maybe you should let me teach you how to be a bad boy and enjoy letting a stranger fuck you bare.” I almost said yes immediately. I was holding onto Ted’s arse and had to resist pulling him forward so that his cock would slip into my willing hole. Though I resisted, I secretly hoped Ted just pushed his cock forward anyway, taking me completely. I lamely responded, “Didn’t you say you earlier want to keep me safe? O…our doctors said that we shouldn’t fuck bare with other guys with HIV too as we might end up passing each other our strains.” A reminder of the danger of swapping strains did not act as a wet blanket to both of us to remind ourselves to be wary. Instead, I felt my cock becoming so hard it ached. Ted cock throbbed and jerked at the reminder. -Oh god, why am I turned on about our strains mixing. He is turned on by the idea too. God, he looks so high. I feel so high. This is so horny and amazing,- I thought. Ted leaned over and kissed me surprisingly gently and slowly. It was probably the drugs talking but it felt incredibly intimate even though it was with someone I met for the first time. Breaking the kiss, he whispered to me, “I did say I would keep you safe, didn’t I? But that was only because I thought you were neg and I wanted to protect you from HIV. Since you are already poz, it seems such a waste not to take the opportunity to get maximum pleasure out of each other’s bodies.” Ted kissed me gently again before pulling our mouths apart looking deeply into my eyes, “We’ve been dealt with shit cards in getting HIV. How often do you think we may end up meeting another guy with HIV in this little town? Do you never want to ever experience the pleasure of high bare sex? To enjoy sex the way it should be - Without any restrictions in the most intimate and pleasurable manner. Unlike you with Ray, only you were the only one taking risks. This time, you and I will take risks together. We’re sharing it.” My resistance broke, I remembered how wonderful my body felt when I was being taken by Ray’s 8.5” cock. Feeling his hairy body against me. Watching sheer pleasure in his eyes as my hole pleasured his bare throbbing cock. I wanted Ted’s body and cock to give me pleasure the same way Ray did. I wanted to give Ted pleasure with my body the way I did with Ray. I shouldn’t, but in this drug haze, the forbidden fruit was so sweet. To give each other pleasure and to put each other at risk for the sake of hedonistic pleasure. I wrapped my legs around Ted and my hands reached for his arse to pull it forward a little. He gave me a lewd look as his knob penetrated into my hole slowly. How I missed this - a warm hard raw cock filling me up. As his cock slid in slowly, deliberately, I said, “You’re a wicked old man. Corrupting me.” His eyes shined with evil delight, “Yes, corrupting a sweet young man like you. Teaching you the pleasure of having bare risky sex with a stranger.” As he bottomed up, I felt his hairy crotch and balls pressed against my smooth arse cheeks. There is now a congruent feeling of naked skin, naked cock and naked hole. Ted growled into my mouth as we kissed gently like we were lovers, “your hole feels so good on my cock. It is made for my cock. When I said I would be fucking you as deep as Ray did, this is what I was thinking of. My bare cock going into your hole as deep as his bare cock ever did. Leaking pre-cum deep into you as Ray ever did. What would Ray think, his sweet ex boyfriend being corrupted by an even older man and letting him fuck bare even though they’ve met for the first time.” “Oh, you’re such a dirty old man, Ted… I love it,” I responded into his mouth in between kisses. I could see the smirk in his eyes as we were staring into each other’s eyes, kissing gently as he thrusted in and out of me to the beat of the music as our minds felt like our bodies had melted into each other. Occasionally, we looked at the mirror on the wardrobe watching ourselves in our sex act. The contrast between our body types could be clearly seen, his thick muscular frame, pressing on my slim frame. His hairy body pressed against my smooth pale body. This sexy older weathered man against my younger self. “Yea, you like being taken by a dirty old man that is even older than your ex and old enough to be your father? I am not just taking your bare hole tonight, Jim. I am going to cum in your hole. All those times Ray fucked you and you never got to have a dirty old man flood your guts with his cum properly. I’m going to have something Ray never did and it is only the first time we met. We’re going to have a really long session so that by the time we end, your hole will be so raw and sore, you will be knocked up with my strain of HIV alongside Ray’s.” I was not a bug chaser when I was with Ray. Ted’s words should have shocked me, but instead the thought of being knocked up by Ted’s strain turned me on so much. Like it was incredibly intimate. “At the end of our session, I want my cock to be so raw, sore and chafed, you will infect me with Ray’s strain too. You and me, complete fluid bonding. That is what the second half of the pill is for Jim. What I wanted to celebrate, I just had to take the opportunity for us to have sex the right way, bare and raw. I don’t know Ray, but I’m sure that is why he introduced you to drugs. He wanted to have sex with you the proper way,” Ted continued with an evil lewd look on his face as he kept thrusting his cock in and out of me. A small part of my mind feels like I should be terrified of mixing our strains. However, my drugged addled mind craved the ultimate physical intimacy and fluid bonding with Ted, even if it is the first time we have just met. “That is so wicked, Ted. We really shouldn’t be fucking bare, but your bare cock feels so amazing, too amazing to resist,” I blabbered. “It makes it more exciting that we shouldn’t be doing this, isn’t it Jim? Being so irresponsible? Taking risks for pure pleasure? Knowing that your sexual partner is risking harming you for his pure pleasure and you are doing the same? Letting a stranger, an older man take you completely? I love my body violating a younger man, especially with my bare cock. The forbidden fruit makes sex so much sweeter” He punctuated each sentence pulling out completely with a sloppy ‘plop’ sound and ramming and breaching my hole. His thrust became more frantic and the drugged fuel intimacy gave way to drugged fuelled animalistic pounding. My hole was getting slick and slimy with his pre-cum as he fucked my hole. His bare cock hitting my prostate and I could feel myself building up. “I’m going to cum if you keep fucking me like this,” I told Ted. “Cum for me, Jim. I’m going to cum too.” I felt my orgasm exploding from my prostate to my cock. The sensation of cumming magnified by Ted’s cocking ramming against my prostate. Ted gasped and he thrust himself deep into me and stayed there. His body tensed as he shuddered. As if he wanted to make sure he delivered his poz cum deep into me. -I let him cum in me, I let someone I met for the first time cum into me- I thought Ted gave me a quick kiss and he pulled out of my sore used hole. He moved down onto my stomach and licked my cum off of my stomach. I giggled as it was rather ticklish. When he finished, he lay back onto the bed panting saying, “That was amazing. I got to catch my breath. We’re not done yet young man.” In my mind, I thought I should be disgusted with myself for letting myself be taken so irresponsibly. Yet, instead I felt extremely content and satisfied. Thinking back to when I received my diagnosis, I still remembered feeling a great sense of loss thinking that I would never be able to experience high bare sex after only ever experiencing it with Ray. And yet, tonight, I got to relive that experience with Ted, who was wicked. It was amazingly satisfying. “Well, tonight was unexpected,” I said. Ted moved his hands to hold onto my hands, “It was. I’m really happy to have met you, Jim. I really hope we can do this again. More often. But before that, we are still not done for the night, maybe the weekend.”
    1 point
  27. Being an admin on another bugchaser site, I definitely will put it as a message on our site. There are already many similar. I think it is fine to chase, everyone can make up their own mind. This is one of the things that occurs with HIV. It can still surprise us. Thankfully not often. So if one chases and expects any sort of guarantee this sort of thing can't happen to them, I encourage them to think again. If on the other hand your characterization of bug chasing and our sites as "damned"; I'll say the same thing I say to "right to lifers", my body my choice. Information great; castigation not so much...
    1 point
  28. It's a bit difficult to describe / translate into script. That said .... There are times when one (or more) of the following occurs: not all that often, but occasionally. a) a guy, T or b, walks into a fuckjoint, and witnesses several guys taking loads. One in particular fascinates him more then the others - not physically, but mentally/emotionally. It might be the reactions the bottom is expressing, it might be something else, but it's something more than just "I wanna fuck each of those guys, but somehow that one's even more special". b) A bottom walks into the same room, and finds one particular Top fascinating, not really knowing why. The more he watches the Top rut, the more he knows he needs that particular Cock up his gut. The Cock belonging to that particular Top. The attraction is more an ephemeral thing than an overt thought that "I need that Cock/Man in my Hole". When two men of similar mental/emotional mindset fuck, it can be more than just a fuck - it can be a sharing, an exchange, and exponentially more thrilling. It doesn't mean love, it doesn't mean they're going to even exchange names/numbers. It does mean that for a beautiful few minutes, the two men are mating not only physically, but mentally/emotionally/spiritually. Spirituality certainly exists; the problem with using that word immediately summons forth the Organized Religion mess, which seldom has much to do with the "connection" we're talking about. It's similar to meeting some person (not necessarily in a sexual situation - regardless of the context), and you both really "hit it off". You want to see more of that person, and they want to experience more of you. Neither of you know exactly why, but each person realizes there's a special "vibe", and finds it particular fulfilling. In a sexual context, that means fucking/mating/sharing of their deepest needs, without necessarily speaking one word. I know it sounds nutty to folks that haven't experienced it, but for those who have, it's magical. Hope this helps ....
    1 point
  29. Sounding with actual sounds - that is items made of steel intended as medical instruments for the purpose of urethral insertion - bears little risk of causing bleeding through abrasion, tearing or puncture, as the surface is extremely smooth. You can do it, nevertheless, if you misuse them, applying them at an angle, too quickly, or with too much force. If sanitary protocols are not rigorous, it is very easy to introduce bacteria into the urethra even with genuine sounds. Using any other rigid object stands the risk of damage to the urethral wall, which is extremely delicate. Rough, rapid, or forceful sounding is not recommended. A little bleeding may occur if there is some scratch or abrasion, as may occur if sounds are cheaply made and not absolutely smooth. You may also feel burning when you urinate. In my experience this generally resolves overnight. You should not, however, be peeing clotted blood, torn tissue, pus, or anything other than red blood, and it should not continue bleeding. If it does, that suggests significant damage and/or a urinary tract infection. A UTI is not going to resolve on its own, and will require medical care. Before you sound again (if you ever do after this) be sure to read up on all the do’s and don’ts - you really need to know what you’re doing to sound safely.
    1 point
  30. cheating can be a fetish with the guilt trip afterward being part of the kink. only u know if this is true for you. ive tried open relationships but without much success but that might just be the particulars of those situations. i may try again in future. but i can say that i love the thrill of cheating and also find cheaters very sexy so i suspect it's just one of my kinks
    1 point
  31. Indeed @tallslenderguy It is easy to conflate the idea of an open respectful relationship with 'cheating'. They are very different things.
    1 point
  32. Sounds great. I need to check it out sometime. FF top here and vers for everything else.
    1 point
  33. I think you are right on, @hntnhole. There is also another aspect I've seen from many of the posts from chasers on this forum. They are looking for a "brotherhood". I get it. Men can get lonely and want the other company of men for sex and/or camaraderie. With some men, you can have both. With others you have one or the other. All is great. But having HIV is NOT a brotherhood! If you want a brotherhood, join a club. I joined a gay fraternal club and I found all that without having an agenda of sharing a vicious virus. And those needs mentioned as a gay man are met.
    1 point
  34. I shoot pretty big ropes of cum - maybe first 4 or so are very big and another smaller 3 or so. if fucking a twink and especially if neg, I am usually good to go for round 2 very quickly after and the same for the third.
    1 point
  35. The whole point of piss drinking is not to have it dribble back out of your mouth but to swallow it. It's another part of the bottom's role of accepting everything the top presents him with.
    1 point
  36. I can't watch this without cumming. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/poz-conversion-poz-fuck-compilation/
    1 point
  37. Sorry to hear the new meds didn't work as expected. Hopefully they can find one that will be kind to your body and help bring your levels back under control.
    1 point
  38. Here's a thought: maybe some people are misrepresenting themselves by using older pics or having some (to put it mildly) artistic license with their stats. That's likely why a lot of people ghost - because they would otherwise be found out to be different from what they claimed. It seems a common behaviour - so I ask what motivates that? My answer is that advertising, porn, and gay culture shows us images that are not a reflection of how many of us really are Do people then try to live up to these images and expectations by exaggerating aspects of their profiles? This further perpetuates that 'image' and it becomes a vicious circle. Images are beginning to change but I think it's an 80/20 thing where 80% of us aren't like the images we see in the gay media. And yet 80% of gay media is pushing that image. It's not healthy and I think what we see with people's behaviour in the apps is just a symptom of that.
    1 point
  39. I’ve experienced that feeling… being fucked so well that I could feel my bladder needing to release my piss with one guy that would regularly come by my place on his lunch hour. Every time he fucked me I could feel it until I finally just let it flow. When he saw me pissing, he just went harder.
    1 point
  40. Tantalizing tale of dick and ass
    1 point
  41. Context: POV of my experience breeding a cumdump in London. I had been eyeing his profile for a few weeks now, but had been too nervous to message him. After getting off to cumdump porn on twitter for a while, I worked up my courage to get the real experience. The beating of my heart drowned out the noise of the busy road outside his apartment building, as I waited to be let in. It was my first time doing something like this and I didn’t even know the guy’s name; all I had to go on was a single image taken of him on all fours: showing off a muscular back, leading down to his small waist, and finally a bubble jockstrapped ass. In his profile description, there was just one word - ‘Cumdump’. The buzzer sounded and I was let in. Irrationally, it felt as if the man in reception knew what I was there for and my face was heated. I walked quickly through the corridor to the elevator, whilst masking my anxiety with nonchalance. After reaching his floor, I again read over his instructions to find his flat - my cock was rock hard at this point. My breath paused briefly when I saw his door ajar… this was really about to happen. It was dark inside, with faint music playing. It smelled of sex. I found him on all fours in red lighting, in nothing but a jockstrap exactly like in his pictures. The sight of a muscular man, face down ass up, waiting to be fucked will forever be engraved in my mind. I got on my knees and gave his round globes a feel, taking my time to appreciate every inch and occasionally spreading his hole. With the tip of my right thumb I circled his wet hole teasingly before doing the same with my tongue. I then laid it flat on his hole - it tasted a mix of berry-flavored lube and cum - lapping at that soft, silky goodness. The next few minutes were spent alternating between tonguing his hole deep in and out and drawing letters, shapes, and symbols, I honestly couldn’t get enough. But I came for something else. The thing that had kept my cock straining against my jeans for the entirety of London to see on the journey to his place. My balls were churning like crazy - I needed to breed him. Pushing my cock into his pre-loaded hole was so easy since there was little resistance. The feeling of warmth and wetness was unmatched to any other guy I had fucked before and I knew I would become addicted to it. I slid my cock in and out with long-strokes, slow and deep, really just stretching him out as much as I could. That was my standard tempo, speeding up to a faster fucking every now and then; he would get especially verbal at the peak of fucking, begging for my load. I kept at this for about 45 minutes, with some small breaks in between. Fucking him in missionary was amazing - he wound his thick muscular legs around me as if to get my cock as deep as possible into his slutty hole. All the while his baseball cap stayed on, obscuring his anonymity. He was just a cumdump, a hole to be used and bred by the men of the city. I heard his door open as someone else came in. Initially I panicked, but he reassured me it was another cruiser coming to dump his load - my time was up. He laid flat on the ground, with me on top of him. The feel of his sweaty muscular back against my chest as I fucked him deep was glorious. In this position, his hole felt tighter than before, he was stimulating my cock so well. I sped up faster and faster until he was begging for my load in front of the new guest, who had already dropped his pants and began stroking his cock. Finally I came, shoving my cock as deep as possible inside him. With full control over his slutty hole, he did this thing where he clenched his cheeks to squeeze my dick, milking the cum from my dick. After a minute of my cock being jerked off by his ass, I slid out and saw his hole gape with my cum. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. I gave him a soft slap on his ass and said thank you, putting my jeans back on. He mumbled something unintelligible in response, probably because the other breeder had already started fucking him. I left with a smile on my face.
    1 point
  42. I wrote a reply on the topic Seducing Your Dealer and received pv messages asking me about Troy, and how we met. So I guess I'll tell that little story. Troy was dating a friend of mine who was pretty straight-laced, Let me be blunt, he was boring. Don't get me wrong one of the nicest, honest, and devoted friends you could have. Troy on the other hand would have a drink in hand cracking jokes. His presence was out there, standing at 6 feet with medium dark brown skin, brown hazel eyes, slim well defined cut body, and as I would find out later a beautiful thick 9 1/2 cut dick. When he and I first met we hit it off, we clicked. I had never been with a black guy before, not to my taste, so I didn't think of him in that way. One night we were at my house having drinks and getting ready to head to the clubs. Troy comes up to me and shows me his pipe and asks if I want to party. I tell him if I start I won't want to stop and I won't want to be at a club. I'd rather be home on Bbrt looking to fuck. He puts the pipe away and tells me not to say anything his boyfriend doesn't know and asks What's my profile name, Little Latin Bro. We head to the club and have a great night but all I can think about is Troy's pipe and wanting to PNP. As soon as I get home I clean up, break out my pipe, and jump on BBRT, time to fuck. When I log in I have a message from Tall Back to Breeder, hmm? It's Troy. When the fuck did he have time to jump on Bbrt and look for me? The sneaky fucker is a cheating pnper [banned word]. I open up his profile and mother fuck he's a hot slam pig, watersports, [banned word], verbal and the list is long. He has all kinds of pics, cock in ass, cum on someone's face, cum covered chest, obviously he's a big shooter. Being the good friend I am I unlock my pics and reply to his message. Don't call me a nasty boy with a profile like yours pig man, lol. As I begin to read my messages I hear a knock on my door, MF I'm high, horny as fuck, and who the fuck is banging on my door at 3 in the morning? I open it and it's Troy holding his pipe, he says, Is now a good time? He walks in and sits on the couch, opens his bag pulls out a water bong, fills it with his water bottle, and loads it up. Asks if I have porn, which I tell him in my room, he gets up and walks to my room. He sets the pipe down and undresses to his boxers and tells me to put in a video as he lit up the pipe. He nods his head for me to come over and sit next to him ON MY BED, who put him in charge? Ok, I like him taking charge. He begins to drill me with questions about my experience with incest, how old, who, when, and what we did. With Ms. T running through my head, the porn, the memories, and the huge tent in his boxers I'm getting hornier by the second. He leans over and shotguns me. "So little cousin you like it when your older cousin comes over when your mom and dad aren't home gets you fucked up"? I know where this is going. I nod my head. "Good, first I'm going to teach you to suck my dick, I'm going to play with that tiny little hole of yours until you are begging me to fuck you crazy. Before I steal that cunt I'm going to slam you up. Then I'm going to turn that cunt into a sloppy wet pussy that I'm going to knock up. I'm going to make love to you at least 2 or 3 times before I leave. My babies will be so deep in you, that you'll think you're pregnant." Just then he leans over and begins to kiss me. I don't if it was the Tina or what, but what a fucking kiss. Deep passionate aggressive, I'm fucking jello. Next thing I'm on my back, he's on top of me, we're making out like lovers, and he's in charge. We roll over, his hands push me down. I lick and suck his pecs, nipples, and belly all the way down. I try to take his boxers off, not yet he says, "Suck my dick through them". For the next, I have no idea how many minutes he tells me what to do before he pulls his dick out and I swallow it. I guess it must have been an hour or so of me sucking him and him playing and eating my hole when he gets up and tells me to go wash my face, I look like a slut. He smiles and winks at me. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom, we're both a mess. He stands over the toilet and says "I'm not pissing in you tonight, I'll leave that for next time". We both rinse our mouths and freshen up a bit then head back into the room. He tells me to sit on the bed grabs his black pouch and says, It's time, holding up two rigs. I made these after I read your profile. Ready little Cuz? He slams me and says "Don't worry" After he sees my dick goes soft (fucking tina dick) "That's not what I want. Mine has a little more to make my dick harder and fatter for you" I watch him hit himself and sure enough it goes straight to his dick. I'm spinning, on fire. I want that cock in me. He gets on top of me. We start kissing, he tells me he needs my cunt, he's gotta be in my pussy. He grabs the lube lifts my legs to his shoulders and pushes his fat head into me. Oh my fucking god I keep repeating until he's balls deep. We kiss and stay still until my insides rearrange to his big cock. Once he starts he goes for force at me. Making me plead and beg for more. I have no idea how long we went but he didn't lie. He came in me 3 times before he left. All night he kept telling me his nasty little cousin had the best ass cunt he's had in a long time. We became great PNP buddies.
    1 point
  43. This is extraordinarily hot, the feel of the embers and hot cum... ooof
    1 point
  44. please do. if you really wanna fuck a dirty, trashy, pozzed up, turned out whore, I am the girl for you. lots of men tell me I am the dirtiest, sluttiest, trashiest whore they ever used or watched get used. even a couple of the homeless druggies who have fucked me think I’m pure trash
    1 point
  45. I have been fucked, bred and pissed on by a LOT of homeless men and I love it. just took a load dt in an alley behind a dirty dumpster with my shirt off and my shorts around one ankle. big dick, big load. gave him a joint. he left an 8 day load dripping out of my guts and trickling down my leg.
    1 point
    1 point
  47. Chapter 6. On the drive to the sex club, Sam kept working my boy’s cummy hole with his buttplug. We parked and pulled his shorts up, an obscene stain of wet seed oozing out around the plug. We went in the backdoor of a bar and down a steep flight of steps. Sam said to me, ‘I figured he’d like it anonymous, knowing how he feels about blindfolds and strangers’ cum.’ There was an attendant there checking names off a list. Sam confirmed that the cops had reserved a spot for my boy to take ten loads. They’d set up an ad with pics and told multiple men that they should save their loads for the guy in the red jockstrap. Sam led us down a dark hallway to a room with wooden partitions, waist high shelves and circular openings. He told me to wait there and took my boy around a corner. My boy’s legs came through the opening as he shimmied towards the opening, leaving his jockstrapped ass cheeks right at the edge and his legs hanging there. Sam strapped him into place on their side of the wall. I could hear Sam kissing my boy through the wall as I worked that buttplug in and out. I noticed a marker hanging on a cord right by my boy’s ass and shuddered when I realized guys might use it to tally up his load count. Sam appeared and I helped him hoist my boy’s legs into place, exposing his hungry hole. Sam pulled the plug out and pushed my face into the sloppy spillage oozing out. Several POZ loads mixed with ass juice. It tasted delicious. As I feasted on his ruined pussy, Sam smeared some seed on his fingers and forced them into my ass crack. I moaned as Sam tapped my shoulder, and I noticed several men milling about in the darkness. Sam took the cummy buttplug and lined it up with my ass. Already lubed with frothy cum, it slipped in, my boy’s assjuice and cum lube seeping into my own guts. One after another, the men walked up to my boy, worked their hands and cocks into him, leaving him more gaped and more cum-filled than he’d ever been, the whole while Sam teased my ass with that cummy plug. Ten men did indeed breed him that night, and Sam assured me that they were all toxic. He hung around and took photos of the raw dicks sliding into my boy’s greedy pussy. After every other guy, I lapped up what was pouring out of my boy’s ruined cunt. Man #1 – Short and just-this-side of heavy, olive skin, short fat uncut cock with hairy balls. Came deep inside as I massaged his furry sack. He left the first tick mark on my boy’s ass. Man #2 & 3 – They seemed like a couple, one older, one younger. The older guy was nearly bald, saggy pecs and butt, but a big, long slender dick. His partner slid into his ass while the older man rocked back and forth. He pulled out to shoot on my boy’s ass. It was runny and wet. The younger guy smeared his partner’s cum onto his dick and fucked it into my boy. Two more ticks. Man #4 – A really worked out guy with pumped up muscles, sweaty from head to toe. His dick was pretty small and spongey soft. With my boy’s hole so opened up, he mashed it into the cummy mess and my boy’s hole just engulfed it. He had a big biohazard tattoo between his shoulder blades. I was actively helping a man with a biohazard tattoo raw fuck my boy. He held still while my boy ground his ass onto it and then leaked his load out. Another tick mark. Man #5 – He was beefy, maybe mid-40s, shaved head, wearing a harness. Sam kissed him and guided his dick into my boy. He held the man’s harness and rammed him back and forth into my boy. As he filled my boy up, Sam kissed him hard, then whispered to me, ‘this is the cock that converted me. He’s still unmedicated…’ He was so sexy. As he made a stroke mark on my boy’s ass, bringing the load count to five, ‘Sam tells me you’re getting you boy POZ fucked and stretched out.’ I nodded. ‘Bring him over to my play den sometime. I’ll really stretch him out for you.’ I nodded, hoping Sam would make those arrangements. He added, ‘Your ass is begging for toxic seed too. When can I breed you?’ Sam told him we were still working up to that. Man #6 – Maybe a skater, slender tall guy with tight jeans. He shuffled them down just far enough to slide into my boy’s ass. When he finished, he pulled back. His whole crotch was soaked with seed. I only noticed the scorpion tattoo near his pubes as he started to pull his pants up. He made a new tick for my boy’s sixth load. Man #7 and #8 – The cops showed up, but they’d already bred my boy tonight, so they don’t count, even though they did slide in again, stirring up and churning all of that seed in my boy. They had brought along two friends. These guys were big and covered in tattoos. Sam told me later that they were on parole and the cops kept a close eye on them. They each filled my boy to the brim and each left a tick mark. The cops hung around, lapping at my boy’s pussy then tonguing my hole, lubing my plug up with strangers’ cum. Man #9 – A guy in his 20s, maybe still in college. He looked pretty geeky with floppy hair and glasses, but between his legs, he sported a huge cock. With my boy so stretched it, it slid right in. The guy smiled at me and brought my hands to his dangling low-hanging balls. The guy told me to put them in. I didn’t understand what he was asking, then realized he wanted me to put both his balls inside my boy. That was hot. With both his balls in my boy’s puffy cunt, the guy hammered away and lost his load. He hefted his balls out then wrapped his cock with his hand and put them both inside. He left another tick mark, pulled out with a torrent of seed, and walked away. Man #10 – This guy was hot, sunken cheeks. Big hairy saggy ass. He smiled at Sam, then looked at me. ‘Did you hear this pig’s story? Got himself a boyfriend. The boyfriend helped him become a real slut, even taking POZ loads. So nasty. Sounds like that boyfriend deserves to be filled with POZ cum too!’ My dick drooled at the thought. The man grunted and came deep inside my boy, leaving his load and a tenth tick mark. With ten loads churning in his hole, Sam helped me unlatch my boy’s legs. He suggested I offer the buttplug to my boy. I had forgotten it was even in me, alongside many POZ loads. I pulled it out and eased it into my boy. Sam went around and helped pull my boy back through the hole. I heard them kissing and whispering, something like, ‘Yeah, it’s time…’ The three of us kissed when they reappeared around the corner. Sam led us to a dark room with a double height fuckbench in the middle. Sam guided me to the lower level and had me lay on my shoulder with my ass up, exposing my stretched-out hole. Having been plugged all evening, I felt the cool air inside my own cunt. Sam helped my boy to the upper level, squatting over my open hole. Sam pulled the plug out of his pussy, and my boy released over ten toxic loads in a gush, directly into my own hungry ass. With my own hole fully loaded, Sam worked the plug into my ass and then produced an even bigger one and rammed it inside my boy. ‘There you go, boys. Now, both of you are filled with POZ cum. This is what you both wanted, yeah?’ Sam drove my car back to our place and spent the night. In fact, he spent the next several nights. He now comes by whenever he wants to. With both of our holes ready to accept all cummers, Sam regularly breeds both of us and often brings his friends. I love when a stranger lays down, my boy squatted over his cock, and I get to insert it right into his ruined hole. We still keep a jar of gloryhole seed; it makes the best lube. When I’m harvesting cum, I sometimes let guys cum inside me so I can squeeze it into the jar while my boy watches. I’m glad I was able to open my boy up to his darker fantasies, and that we now share them. The End.
    1 point
  48. Sorry to hear that you won't be continuing your story. Pretty f'd up for someone to edit someone else's work and should have left it alone. After all, it was yours to begin with and the a-hole that changed your story had nothing better to do than to try and make it seem like they were being helpful but should have left well enough alone. Well, maybe another time.
    1 point
  49. Reese had just seeded his new fuck boy Christopher with three loads of his toxic seed after introducing Christopher to G and T. He laid on top of Christopher with his- softening prick still buried deep in the boys ass when he heard a noise from the living room. His roommate and the guy who had done to him (almost 2 years earlier) as he did to Christopher introducing Reese to G and T came in the apartment that they shared. His name was Brad. Brad was a tall, muscular leather type who loved to use and abuse a hole. Although Reese was one of his conquests, he was not the only one that Brad used this way. Brad often visited the baths and college johns where he could easily prey on unsuspecting college boys willing and unwilling holes that he would poz up any chance he could get. Reese informed Brad of his consequence and Brad wasted no time in fixing himself a slam to share with Christopher. While Reese began to smoke some T from a pipe he kept handy, Brad prepared to slam himself then used the same needle to slam Christopher for the second time that night. When Brad was ready to give Christopher the slam, Reese took a big hit off the pipe and kissed Christopher, exhaling the smoke into the boys lungs and Brad stuck the needle in his arm and shot in the young bucks second slam of his life. Reese felt the cough from Christopher as they kissed and moved out of the way so that Brad could get between Christopher's legs and take his well seeded ass. All Christopher could say was fuck, fuck, fuck! Brad looked down on him and rammed the entire length of his 9 and a half inch cock deep in the boys hungry ass. Christopher could only moan as Brad fucked him hard and deep. Pushing Reese's cum deeper into his ass. Reese went out and got water and Viagra's for all. Upon returning he slipped 2 little blue pills along with some X in Christopher's mouth and gave him some G laced water and told him to swallow. Reese then gave Brad the same just before taking his own similar dose. Reese knew that with T it would take two 100 mg Viagra's to get Christopher and himself hard and help Brad keep his death stick rock hard for hours. Christopher was feeling really good. He was getting into being fucked and looked over to Reese who was still sucking on the pipe. He reached up and Reese leaned in to kiss him as they again shared the smoke as Reese exhaled. Reese broke off the kiss and moved down to take Christopher's dripping cock into his mouth. As he did this, Christopher turned his head and pulled Reese over him so that he could get at Reese's cock. As the Viagra took effect, both Reese's and Christopher's cocks began to respond and grow. Reese was impressed with the sucking skills of the young buck. He wanted to give Christopher his first taste of cum and hopefully Christopher will be addicted to it and be the cock and cum whore that Brad had turned him into a couple years before. Brad began to breath heavier and asked what Christopher wanted. Christopher paused his cock sucking to simply say he wanted more of what he's been getting all along that night. Brad took that as a sign and hammered home his seed deep into the former virgin hole. Brad was a heavy cummer and knew that he shot a lot of his charged sperm into the teen. At that moment Christopher resumed sucking on Reese's cock and felt his own balls churning. It didn't take long for Reese to begin swallowing the young buck's neg load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed into the willing mouth of the teen. Brad did not slow down. He kept up a good pace, and whispered into Reese's ear as he rose up from his position sucking Christopher's dick. Reese disappeared as Brad continued to fuck he seed deeper into the young studs hole. Without missing a stroke, Brad picked up Christopher and flip over so that Christopher was now riding his dick. Reese came back with a large, needle-less syringe. When Brad saw that Reese was back he stopped fucking into the boy. Reese came in behind Christopher and massage his shoulders, slowly moving his hands down his back till he reached just above his eager hole when he inserted the syringe around Brad's dick and shot a good booty bump into Christopher. Christopher could feel the burn as the T took its effect directly on his already hungry ass. As Brad waited as the T soaked into Christopher's well fucked ass, Reese resumed massage Christopher's back and as he moved back up to his shoulders and then down to his low back Brad nodded, giving Reese the signal to make his move. Reese pushed down on Christopher's back as Brad pulled him in to his chest. Christopher was really tweaked now and was not really aware what was about to happen until he felt Reese push his cock in along side Brad's. Christopher looked back over his shoulder at Reese as he moaned out more from the pain then the pleasure he was experiencing earlier. The two wasted no time in fucking into the well stretched hole as Christopher began to moan and simply said that this felt great. Brad was a lot close to cumming then Reese was since Reese had shot 4 loads already and Brad had only deposited 2 loads. Now they were going to give Christopher multiple loads at the same time. After 2 good slams a booty bump, smoking some T and an X, Christopher could barely hold himself up. That's when Reese grabbed him from behind and held him close as the 2 fucked his ass without mercy. Load by load was shot into the studs ass as he floated through his chemical and sexual high. After almost 2 hours of constant fucking, both Brad and Reese needed a break and a shower. They pulled out and carried Christopher to their large shower and turned the water on. Brad and Christopher entered the shower and after they rinsed off, Brad placed his hands on his shower mate's shoulders, pushing Christopher to his knees. Christopher wasted no time in taking Brad's soft cock into his mouth to suck. As he was sucking on Brad's dick, Brad slowly let Tina piss slip from himself into Christopher's mouth. The unsuspecting new cock whore swallowed the Tina piss without even realizing what he was doing. The Tina piss found its way into his system giving him more of a high. As Christopher sucked the piss from Brad's dick, he also was bringing life back to his cock. Brad then pulled his new cock whore to his feet, turned him around to resume fucking him, but before he slid his now erect cock into the boys ass, he slid his fingers in to massage the already plentiful cum into Christopher's ass. Brad had 4 fingers easily in his hungry ass then he went for broke and placed his thumb along side and tried to gain entry with his fist. It was almost in when he gave up, knowing another slam would get his fist deep in the boys rectum. He positioned the boy and slid is dick in as Reese climbed in the shower to rinse off. Brad fucked another load into Christopher before the water started to get cold. They climbed out, dried off and went the living room where they sat and chatted for a while. Reese asked what Christopher thought of Gina and Tina. Christopher told the two studs that he loved it and wanted more. Brad asked if Christopher wanted some more right then, he replied that he did. Brad and Reese looked at each other and knew that hey had a knew cock whore for the coming fall. Another slam was prepared for all to share, but Brad had a plan for this slam. He discussed his idea with Reese and then they had Christopher get on his back as Brad began to finger his hole. It was very easy for Brad to get 4 fingers in Christopher and as he went for the fist he nodded and Reese gave Christopher a very strong slam. As the slam hit Christopher hard Brad slipped his fist inside the very hungry and willing ass. Christopher moaned in pure pleasure, pleasure he had never felt before. Reese began to stroke Christopher's leaking cock as Brad proceeded to move his fist deeper. As Reese was laying next to Christopher, Christopher reached over and took Reese's hardening prick into his had and pulled it towards his eager mouth. Reese took this signal and once again the 2 were in a 69 position. As The two mutually sucked the others cock into their hungry throat, Brad worked more of his fist and forearm into the hungry ass of the new cock whore. Brad suddenly felt Christoper's ass spasm and knew Reese was swallowing another load. That sent Reese over the edge and he shot his seed deep in the willing and eager mouth of their newly educated cum hound. Slowly Brad pulled his forearm and fist from Christopher's ass. Once Brad was all the way out, Christopher looked up and simply asked, who was going to fuck him next? Brad and Reese definitely knew then that a cock whore was born!
    1 point
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