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  1. "no mom,missed church this morning"...mr wison was a skilled cocksucker....omg it was hard keeping a conversation going with mom while my cock twitched at his attentions..."well I won't go to hell for missing just one sunday mom"mr wilson grabbed my cock and led me down to my parents room and pushed me down on my back on the bed,holding my legs up as his tongue found my puckered lil hole and drove into it...making it slick with saliva.Moving his lips to my nipples,then my neck as his cockhead found my twitching wet asshole and pressed into me.....uch faster than our last time he was in as deep as he could go....and brushing my prostate on every stroke was making my dick bounce and twitch.My body accepted him much easier this time....and as my mom and I talked he fucked me gently but deeply,stealing a kiss as breaks in my speaking allowed...his tongue in my mouth tasted of ciggarettes...a pool of semen leaked from my penis onto my belly as his big cockhead stirring my insides up.... a man with aids is fucking me while I talk with mom...and he is goingto ejaculate soon as his pace quickens and becomes more violent."Okay mom.love you too.talk with you monday." and with that I switched the phone off and endured mr Wilsons last fewdeep violent strokes and felt my insides get all gooey as his infected semen shot from his body into mine,and began to cum myself as the stilulation was just too much.Mr wilson felt this and looked down as semen erupted from my penis at almost the same time his did.He had the biggest smile as he said"I can feel you cumming,your ass clamps down on my cock so fucking tight with every spurt....we just rested there for a minute or two,my semen running down my side onto my parents bed as his poz infected semen pooled deep within me for the second time.Stirring the cum on my belly with his fingers he brought them up to my lips,smearing my cum across them and pressing his lips to mine I could taste my cum as his tongue drove deep into my mouth.His cock was still hard and he started fucking me again.Wow such stamina for a man who had aids....it took a lot longer but I swear I could feel him cum again as he grunted....he looked me in the eyes and smiled,saying"you belong to me now Nick.I look forward to having you over as often as possible....you will come to crave this"he said.I want you to sleep with me tonite Nick.Be over at ny place by 7,I will make us dinner."With that Mr Wilson pulled out,kissed my cock and sucked the last drops of cum out of me and left,leaving me in my parents bed with two loads of poz cum deep inside and a sore ass soaking it all in.
    12 points
  2. I live in a small town with a population of 1200, surrounded by corn fields for 1 1/2 hr drive in either direction. I regularly walk my dogs around town following the river through the parks occasionally passing by the fire station staffed with volunteers on my way to the post office. Yesterday, walking along I noticed one of the guys leaving the station get into his pickup. Nodding hello & smiling at me, I returned the gesture & continued with the dogs. A bit further along as i got to the normally empty big park with baseball diamonds & wooded trail which ended @ my house, I noticed the pickup truck with fire station logo from minutes b4. A brisk walk onward trailing behind my dogs we followed a sent behind the toilets; there he stood pants down around his knees, cock in hand stroking. Early 30's blond, a body built on a farm with a ring glinting on his finger. Transfixed by his cock & abs, I heard him say hey man!, pulling me out of my momentary daze as he continued stroking. Wanna join me? I paused for a moment looking around b4 moving closer, reaching out caressing his abs, my hands moved down towards his cock. The dogs tugged on their leash after a squirrel so i tied them to a tree to continue playing with the hot fireman. Standing in front of him I began to unzip as he dropped to is knees. My semi hard cock flopping out onto his face, he rubbed my cock across his blond stubble & lips b4 slowly sucking on the head of my cock & milking my shaft with his calloused hands. I could hear him moaning as he tasted the first drops of precum. You've done this b4, hungry cocksucker, he looked up with a smile in his eyes, continuing to suck my now fully erect cock. I was loving it, but wanted to taste him, motioning him to stand up he did, but turned around presenting his bubble butt. NO need to ask me twice, I was on my knees, tongue in his ass making him moan, 1 finger in, he was clean & not resisting. Standing up, I spat in my hand then rubbed it on my cock head as he moved back pressing himself into me. Pushing him back up against the wall kicking his legs apart, his hole now exposed and ready for action. He reached behind grabbing my cock positioning it up against his hole. Slowly he backed up taking my head then another inch b4 stopping & exclaiming he was close to cumming. I began working my cock into him telling him he was not just gonna tease me like that, I'm going in all the way b4 you cum. My dry shaft parting his pink hole with each thrust which made him moan & gasp as i bottomed out. Sinking to our knees I began fucking him using longer strokes, this virtually dry fuck had my dick harder than normal. Flipping him onto his back, legs on my shoulders, i dribbled precum on his hole and went balls deep in one stroke. We continued fucking for a few mins b4 he asked, are you close, do you wanted to cum in my ass? I smiled and said im getting there, wanna cum together? A couple long deep thrusts & i was almost there, burying my cock balls deep in his hole i could feel him begin to shoot when i unload in his hole. This little piggy sucked my cock clean and thanked me for my load, said he was gonna keep it in him all day & night when hes having sex with his wife.
    10 points
  3. A knocking on the front door awakened me and as my folks were gone on a cruise for three weeks I had to answer the door wearing only a blanket wrapped around me.Mr wilson stood there holding my cellphone and as I openned the door he held it out to me."you forgot this at my place,its been ringing quite a bit"Taking the phone and looking at the screen I could see several calls from my parents listed.Just then it rang again,and as I answered Mr Wilson came into the foyer and shut the door."Oh hi Mom....no just got up,going to make breakfast then do yard work.How's the cruise"I said,as mr Wilson pulled the blanket off and I felt an erection beginning to develop."Oh you boys and your cocks in the morning...."He said as I talked with my mother his tongue licked my cockhead,then his lips slid over it and down my erection as it throbbed at the attention.As I talked with mom the aids infected man from down the street sucked on her son's cock and my heart began to pound.
    7 points
  4. I finished up what housework remained,while mr wilson dozed in bed.Looked in on him before I left and told him I would be back monday..."oh you'll be back....they ALWAYS come back"he said with a smirk.Leaving mr Wilsons I walked home,a strange feeling inside me as my ass was still adjusting to being violated and used,and cum was still leaking out 3 hours later.A dull throbbing could be felt...probably just a bit of internal bruising?Ignoring it,took a shower and cancelled my sat nite plans ate a tv dinner and went to bed.But sleep evaded me,my asshole would twitch a bit everytime I started to doze off,and a throbbing erection that dissapeared everytime I tried to stroke off in search of relief.When sleep finally came it was full of dreams about the seduction of the previous day complete with feeling mr wilson cumming,and his laugh and giggles as his semen shot from his body into mine.it seemed my mind was coping with being seduced while my body,now awakened by a skilled seduction only wanted MORE.Finally at 3am I was awakened by a puddle forming on my belly as cum shot from my erection and pooled there.Jeeze,like I was 15 again?But I did get a few hours sleep after that.
    6 points
  5. Friday 27th October: 7 fucks, 4 loads (1500 words) I am in Japan, Tokyo. My partner and I decide to check out the gay vibes in the city. There are two cruising clubs that seem popular, one called Volcano and the other called Dick Dogg, about a twenty-minute train ride from the city center. One problem: there is an age limit, 20 to 39 years, and my partner is a bit older than that. Second problem: they are strict on the length of your hair and often reject people who do not have a buzz cut or short hair. I google the reason why, and it says that short hair in Japan is often a sign of masculinity, and the club is obviously trying to target a very specific demographic. I have medium-length hair. Both clubs also encourage safe sex, no orgies, and sex must happen in private cubicles, which seems very restrictive, to put it nicely. We decide to check it out anyway. We make our way to Volcano, about a five-minute walk from a train station, down an obscure flight of stairs to the basement of a ramen building, a single door in a dark corridor with a sign saying "Volcano" and "Members only." A young man, handsome face, is ahead of us, pays for a ticket, and walks through a door. I see a naked man dancing under a glow of violet light, but the door shuts quickly and the only thing between me and fun is the ticket booth. My partner asks for two tickets, the man behind the counter scribbles something on a piece of paper, and I have a sinking feeling about what it is. We read the paper. "20-39 age" is what it says. My partner lies and points to the number 39, nods, but the man does not buy it and crosses both his index fingers, then points at me and puts up the OK hand gesture. So we decide to leave. We are now on the train to Dick Dogg. I try to cheer my partner up. I hope he is not too upset with the rejection. I had a feeling something like this might happen, so we agree ahead of time that if one of us gets rejected for whatever reason, then we both go somewhere different, and if no one takes us in, then we become intimate back at the hotel, which will be just as good, if not better. My partner says that perhaps it's better if I ask for the ticket this time around; that way, they might let me in and let him in as well without taking a closer look. Sounds like a solid plan. We get to Dick Dogg, which is on the third floor of a building no one would bother to take a second look at. We go to the ticket booth and I ask for two tickets, and the young man behind the counter says okay to both of us and we are in! He hands us a towel and our locker key. It is nude night tonight. I forget which hand to put the locker key on to tell others that I am a bottom, so I put it on my right hand instead, hoping for the best. I undress and immediately make a mental note to work out harder at the gym when I get back from holiday. It is 10 PM and this place closes at 11:30 PM. My partner and I agree to separate and have our own fun, meeting back during closing time. The cruising area is dim enough that you can identify people, their face, their bodies, and most importantly, their dicks. It is not dark enough that you have to fumble around with your arms in front of you, and I am sad to report that there wasn’t a darkroom even though it was advertised on their site. There are a lot of attractive young men with nice bodies, but not a lot of action happening, which is to be expected at any cruising club, I suppose. I wish so badly for a darkroom. There is, however, one of those rooms where you can put half your body through a cutout in a wall, resting your stomach or back on the bench provided, such that all that’s left of you is your ass in the room for others to use. I make a mental note to come back to this room. It’s probably 10.30 PM and still there are no action happening so I decide to sit down on one of the benches in a random room. A few men walk past, looks at me, moves on. One guy stops for a tad longer than usual, likes what he sees, brings his dick to my face, and of course I put it in my mouth. Average size. He kneels down and puts me in his mouth, and after a few seconds, we find ourselves in a private room where we alternate giving each other head. I really want him to top me though but he is talking in Japanese and I don’t really understand, so I turn around and motion for his dick to be inside me, but he doesn’t seem to take the hint. So I smile, give him a kiss on the cheek, and walk out of the room. I make my way to the glory hole booth, lock the door, sit down. A few seconds later, someone enters next door, puts his dick in the hole, and I suck it. He is a fast cummer, I swallow. He leaves. Another man enters, much bigger and thicker this time, but for some reason, only puts the tip of the head of his cock through the hole, and I try my best to put more of it in my mouth. He is teasing me, so I rage quit and stop sucking. He leaves. There is some action happening right outside my booth. I look under the door and I’m pretty sure a guy is sucking another’s guys dick and there is a crowd forming, and I’m stuck in my booth. I wait for about five minutes, twiddle my thumb like a nobody, decide that I needed to get out. I unlock the door and everyone scatters. I meet my parter somewhere in the dimly lit maze and he is bored. We decide to get the action going so I lead him to that room with the cut-out. I put half my body through the cut-out, lay on the bench with my stomach so that only my ass is visible in the room. There is a lube bottle attached to a string to the left of me but my partner prefers to use spit, enters me, loads me up in less than five minutes. He exits and immediately somebody enters, raw. I think this man is fucking me with his dick and a finger because it feels slightly odd—a bit like double penetration but not quite there. But anyway, he cums, exits. For the next two fucks, the men are using condoms which I don’t enjoy, mainly because there is too much friction with rubber and there are no reward at the end. I take it like a good bottom anyway. The forth men enters me raw, fucks for about 10 seconds and cums. I do like quick loads, but maybe this might be too quick for my liking. Fifth and six men uses condoms and the six man in particularly takes a very long time to cum; feels like 20 minutes. It’s getting a bit painful at this stage but I don’t move from my position. The seventh and final man enters me raw, also takes a long time to cum but it feels very good. Plus, his bigger than usual. After he cums, I lay there for a moment, hoping for more, but it seems very quiet all of a sudden. And my calf is killing me, having being on tiptoes the whole time. My parter asks for the time, I don’t know, so we head out. The floor is full of lube (and maybe cum?) and my whole leg and feet is covered in lube. I’m sure I left lubed footprints along the whole corridor. We check the time. It is 11.20 PM, almost closing time, which explains the sudden emptiness of the room. I wonder to myself if this place opens later, how many more loads I would have gotten. I go to the toilet and use an eyebrow-raising-amount of toilet paper to clean off the lube, clog the toilet, oppps. My parter tells me shortly afterwards that there is a shower so I use that to clean off the lube. We then take the train back to the hotel and we head back to Australia the next day. Feels good to have a bit of Japan inside me.
    5 points
  6. Just had one of my roughest gangfuck overt the weekend. The setting was a top who use me often organised watch along for the rugby worldcup for some of his Africans guys. The game is actually early morning on Sunday but they wanted a few hole to use all night and after the games. Unfortunately the other two bottom was a no show and I was the only one shows up, and there were about 12 guys. I came around to my friends place around 8pm, and immediately my friend use my hole and fuck me good and gave me the first of his many loads:). After that he prepared me on the fuck table, basically I lay Down on my back, blindfolded me, tied my leg to my thighs, like a chicken ready to be roasted, then tied my hand to my ankles. He then secure my next by tied a round of rope around my neck to the table so I can’t lift my head at all. I was given a dildo gagged for my mouth. I stayed basically in this position until they finish the next morning. Before any of the guys arrive, my friend basically wank me up multiple time, making sure my balls are empty and he would wipe my cums around my holes as added lube. Can’t tell how long I was waiting until the other guys arrive, but felt a long time and very uncomfortable already. My legs was starting to hurt from the ropes. when the guys finally arrive they just went to fuck hard and fast! But no one came or breed me, they would stop and let other guys take over. It went like that for hours,! All I know , it seems they were all reasonably size cock, no smaller one and I felt a little relieved when a few start cumming deep inside, giving me a bit of lube. My hole felt it was on fire! Each stroke was painful, but I was gagged so I can’t ask them to stop. Had a really long break when the game started, I needed to piss, but was unable to move , so I pissed on the table. Felt like there were both cums and blood leaking from my hole, which was confirm later. I felt a sleep or fainted , not sure. the game ended , South Africa won the rugby World Cup and some of them celebrated by fucking me again. I was woken up by a hard cock starting to fuck me hard again. It went for a while let go around 11am, I can’t really stand. My friend drove me home. My hole still in pain today but I’m horny again thinking about it!
    5 points
  7. Just thought of another model/actor. Rhyheim Shabazz!!!! He is romantic but still rough and aggressive. Of course that is what draws me to black men. They always seem to know just the right amount of rough with a little bit of romantic.
    4 points
  8. I hooked up yesterday with a secret, DARK SECRET fantasy man of mine. Not him personally, just his TYPE! No stunning beauty by any means, but A POZ VETERAN of the homosexual revolution, if you will. He told me he was poz since 1983. If he was a ship, he would be one of those battle-and-storm-battered frigates reemerging from beneath the waves in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. He had all the battle-marks and scars of a rare survivors of a then 'deadly scourge': the scars of operations, organ failures and consequent transplants, cancer, the 'wasted look' , the sunken eyes and an unsteady gait... He embodied the scarily promiscuous world I once FEARED, DREADED and AVOIDED! Condoms didn't catch on with me, not physically nor with my mind. Damn boner killers they were! So through most of my adult life of virtually asexual self deprivation I escaped into LT 'quasi-monogamy'. All failed attempt of creating 'normalcy' in a chaotic time riddled with denial, cheating and hypocrisy. Male monogamy, sure, until dick do us part! LOL I told him I AM ONE OF THOSE ARROGANT FUCKS who by happenstance late-in-life underwent a 'conversion and transformation', one that 'FLIPPED THE POLES' . Now what I once feared, I search for. POZ bad boys, 'unsafe sex' , total promiscuity... anon sodomy! Terms like 'slut' manwhore, cunt, breeding, seeding, barebacking tramps and poz fucker are now REBRANDED and embraced giving us boners! So here I am with this random stranger who approached me with pic on A4A. With pictures, stating 'POZ undetectable' and he made a bold, forward proposition in a message. Less than a day later here we are, him telling me HIS story, me telling mine, all blunt and condensed. And he said he had a bolt of courage but was expecting to be SHOT DOWN... "And now you are here, buddy! Wanna fuck!? RAW IS LAW!" Shall I tell more? I probably won't as I don't want to rack up warning points if it shows up in the wrong section. (I had a much longer story but I deleted it, concerned it probably belongs in a different section. )
    4 points
  9. It's a little long and poz only at the end the story is leadup. Igot contaced with an old FB and we organised a session for the next week. I'm a married middle-age bttm guy but as we have a family doctor I'm not on prep So only play with those that are. the week roles by with me getting more excited as I don't get to play with Gary as much as I'd like due to situation. the day rolls round and I leave work for a day time hookup. getting to his place he hasn't changed he's a charismatic hot silver fox with a lean hot body and from memory a thick cock. before we get to his room he offers me a drink to help relax and we catchup in what's been happening. during the conversation we talk about status n playing bare and he's still neg on prep while I'm just neg. reaching forward he pulls me into a kiss saying he's going to breed me deep n flood me with cum n more, horny I just kiss back younger searching as we grind against each other. pulling back he skulls his drink and suggest we get started. I finish mine In a couple of gulps and we head to the bedroom where he strip me and pushed me down to suck his cock. 7.5 thick cut and perfect for my ass n mouth, I suck and gag in it like I'll die if I don't have it. it was semi solid when we started and after 5 mins of sucking licking it's rock hard. pulling me up we kiss n grind our naked bodies, cock against cock as he's grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezing, I know he wants to fuck me now. we part and I head for the bed, getting on all fours he grabs my cheeks pulling them apart so my hole is exposed and open to him. leaning in he licks and tounges my hole I groan as shivers go down my spine. he's going deeper with his tounge and I can feel his beard rub against my ass and all I can do is groan and push back. sliding one two three fingers in with spit only he's opening me up asking if I'm ready for his cock. i just say fuck yes I need you in me now. hearing this he slaps his cock against my hole and I'm hot in anticipation. as he applies a little lube and I feel his head slip in. a little pain but once he's past the first hole I'm in heaven and the pounding starts. we fuck in a few positions finally having him with me in my back legs up over his shoulders as he's balls deep pounding me looking in my eyes till hs squirting in me. squeezing my ass to milk him I try and get every drop of cum in my ass. pulling out he goes to the other side of the bed sits and breaths out.i reach for his cock rolling over to him and start to suck him clean. I'm on my belly now so all his load just drains deeper into me and I'm in bliss loaded and sucking cummy cock. looking down he grabs my hair saying what a great ass I have and he'd love to share it with some other friends he plays bare with. we talked about group before so he knows I'm open to it, I just nod and continue sucking his cock. Grabing his phone he organises his friends and says they will be here in 5 so keep sucking. they arrive and let themselves in and the first I know is when two hot 50+ silver daddies are watching me from the door. looking up their introduced as Brad and Dave and I'm told to keep sucking they will make themselves comfortable. continuing to suck and Focus on the cock I have they strip out of eyeshot and Dave comes and sits on the bed next to Gary offering his cock, it's 8 thick and pierced. I just stare and smile as I reach for it. as Brad grabs my ass and start eating me out. I just groan in pleasure as in pig heaven. brad tells gary how much he loves a sloppy hole as he teases my hole with his cock. I feel this cock and push back as I want it in me and beg him to fuck me. Sliding in he says he's not going to last long in a cummy hole like this as he bottoms out. it causes me a little pain but he's hitting places that have never been hit and I just push back with each thrust . I keep sucking Dave and Gary as my ass is slowly ruined. As he get close to cumming Dave can see this and lifts my head and tells me to beg for brads load. I just push back more saying fuck me, breed me,give me that load. this pushes him over the edge and he rams one powerful thrust into me that makes me see stars as I feel him shudder n squirt inside me and he holds it deep in me as I feel warmth flow into me, he slowly continues to fuck me just not as violently but i have to stop sucking as I hang my head to recover as I'm shaking. Dave gets up and in a minute replaces brad as i feel another hard cock slide into me.he tells me if I liked what brad did he'll do just as much and they are both multi cummers. I lookup at Gary I say i love his friends and they can be invited anytime to. it's at this point brad sits down flopping a cummy blood flecked pierced cock in front of me. But what I'm looking at isnt his cock it's the biohazard tattoo above his cock. I'm shocked unable to speak but I must have squeezed my ass muscles as Dave says yeah now he knows... I look at Gary and he just says "that's why I'm on prep". I'm shocked but he continues, "they asked if I knew any pozs cumdumps and I thought of you. we just needed to make one change, and by the look of brads cock that's definitely happed and daves will only added to it " I'm shocked but looking as brads cock I know there no going back, I turn to Dave who still has his cock in me staring into his eyes and tell him to fuck me up and poz my ass. turning back to brad I look him in the eye grabing his cock saying I hope you have more than one load in this and start to such him hard again. ...
    3 points
  10. Absolutely ZERO wasted loads - There's only 2 months left to the year, but I have a new goal inspired by a buddy I reconnected with on Friday. I hadn't played with him in over two years, but we were both on bbrt Friday morning, and he invited me to come share a muscle slut he was already fucking. I was over there within 30 mins, the bottom was ass up on the couch, the top was edging his BIG cock. I got down and ate out the pigs sloppy fucked hole, then had him suck me hard while the top guy fucked him awhile. I took my turn fucking the WET bottom and came a little faster that I like. When they are hot AND sleazy it makes me cum kinda fast. The top fucked again after me and loved that he could see my cum all over his cock. The top and I both got dressed and left, and I drove him home. He told me that he edges a TON - he wastes way too much time edging. BUT he has not seen his own load since 2019. Every single load gets fed or bred into someone. He edges all the fucking time, but just STAYS horny unless he has someone to dump in. I have done this for shorter periods before, but about to start again! When I bottom I usually cum, but for the time being I won't. I'll save it and STAY horny till I can dump it in someone else.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. And I forgot to add: there aren’t any better cheaters than HONEST happy cheaters! 🐷 😈 😃
    3 points
  13. thanks everyone. I'll try to keep it going...
    3 points
  14. February 20th, 2007, my birthday. I’d been chatting with my gifter for a while. I knew that I wanted it, but I was also afraid. I had thought about it often, but always backed out. He was into chems, fisting, and was poz (REALLY POZ). We had talked on the phone for a while, sharing thoughts, ideas, crazy things that might happen or did happen in our lives, how he had been pozzed, etc. I was a good intelligent man, who just happened to love taking cock. We talked about how he felt when he was fucking, and how much I’d love it, when he seeded my hole. I can see now that he was seducing me to the idea of taking his poz loads and I was eating it up. Taking advantage my weakness, my willingness, but it was ok. I think in my mind it was just a fantasy and the things we talked about weren’t really going to happen, even though I was sort of hoping it would. I wasn’t really going to submit my body to the ravages of HIV; it was just talk, right? So I booked the hotel and the flight to Portland. I arrived that morning, it was raining, but there he was waiting by the baggage claim. He looked more real that I had imagined him to be. Funny how I thought he would have horns, or a dark shadow clinging to him. We got on the tram together and headed to his house. He said it was close. I was nervous now, but he calmed me and told me everything was going to be ok. He’d watch out for me and to trust him. We took the short walk to the house, and he showed me the shower and told me to clean out. I took my time and did a good job, preparing myself for him. When I came back to the kitchen, he had the meth out and was measuring it, mixing it, putting part of it into a needled syringe and part into a syringe that didn’t have needle. I watched fascinated almost hypnotized. I had never seen anything like this before in real life, only on the television. He then looked at me and asked if I was ready. I was scared, but somehow thought it would still turn out to be just a fantasy and that he’d shoot himself up and that would be that. After all, I don’t do drugs. I put on my underwear and followed him out the back door, to a garden shed in the back yard, my soon to be birth chamber. Inside the small shed was a portable heater on the floor, a roll of paper towels, some shelves with dildos and lube, and a sling. I had never been fucked in a sling before, so that was going to be a first for me. The first of many firsts, which would happen to me on that day. He helped me slide into the sling, and adjusted me, so my ass was at the edge and easy access for his use. My feet were pushed through the straps, making certain I wasn’t able to pull myself out of the sling. My head was slightly lower than my ass, but I didn’t think anything of it at the time. Guess, he didn’t want anything to leak out. My cock was hard and standing up, ready for action. He made certain that I was well situated in the sling, and was comfortable since I was going to be there a while. He reached over and got the syringe that didn’t have the needle in it. My hole was still a bit loose from the douching out, so I didn’t struggle much when He inserted into my ass. He pushed down on the plunger saying “This might burn for a bit.” He then walked around to my head and adjusted the straps that went around my wrists on the chains by my head, to make certain I was secured in place. I pulled on the straps experimentally, I was pretty comfortable and my cock was hard, thinking about getting fucked in his sling. I leaned my head back in the sling and tried to relax. I closed my eyes and felt the “burn” he was talking about, but it felt very good. He told me “You’ve just had your first booty bump.” I tried to concentrate on the feeling of my heart beating and the burn in my ass. The temperature seemed to jump and my heart was racing, when I realized that he had slipped his cock into me. It felt so good that I laid back and willed my hole to open to take more of him into me. The fact that he was fucking me bare and was poz only made it hotter somehow. It didn’t seem real; like it was happening to someone I was watching on a porn film. I don’t remember his first load into me, but my body did. All of a sudden, my hole started clenching and pulling, milking his cock with every muscle in my being. I was being impregnated by His seed, and all my body knew was how much it wanted it. It just felt so good to feel his cock inside of me, breeding me, making me his boy, my body instinctively pulling it deeper inside of me to grow. I have no idea how long he fucked me or how many loads he gave me, when he pulled out and fingered me a bit. He moaned at how sloppy my hole was and how open it was. He then walked around to the side of the sling; He tied the sling wrist straps down securely. I was still out of it some, my body screaming for His cock. The fact that I was naked in a garden shed, with a small heater, in February, didn’t matter, I felt hot and flushed and oh so very horny. My head was rolling from side to side and my eyes were closed, but I could hear him moving around. We had talked earlier on the phone about a fantasy of mine. He pulled out a red bandana from somewhere, put it between my teeth and tied it around my head. “Look at me,” he said. I opened my eyes, and watched as he tied His arm with a rubber tube, then took the meth loaded syringe, found a vein and stuck it into his right arm. He pushed the plunger down about halfway, I watched fascinated as the semi-clear liquid went into His arm. He held it there for a few seconds, breathing deep, and then pulled the plunger out, and I saw the red tint of His blood start to mix with the remaining meth to fill the syringe. He pulled off the rubber tube with his teeth. I looked at His face, it wasn’t an expression, I recognized, and his eyes glittered like they were made of black glass. He reached over, tied the rubber tube around my arm, making my veins stand up, and started examining my arm, looking for a good vein. I remember, trying to say “No, no”, but the bandana was muffling my voice. He found the vein and said, “Here”. I remember tightening up a bit, but He had a firm grip on my arm. “Don’t move!” He commanded and for some reason that I still don’t understand, I obeyed him. My eyes widened as I saw him put the needle into my vein and I remember shaking my head from side to side. I started to breathe hard, fast shallow breaths through my nose. This is real! It is going to really happen! I was staring at the blood/meth filled syringe when he said “Look at me.” I looked in his eyes and felt him push the plunger down. He pulled out the needle, massaged the vein for a moment and then untied my gag. I looked at my arm, where I had been injected, and started to freak out. “Oh God, what have I done? What have I done? Help me! Jesus, help me!” I was crying out. I was panting in my terror. He looked at my face and pulled off the rubber tube, allowing the meth and his toxic blood to flow throughout my body. His bugs already starting their deadly work as they barebacked on the meth. He didn’t say a word as the drug took hold of my mind and body. He just walked down to my spread legs, shoved his hard cock into my hole, wrapped his arms around the chains of the sling, started pinching his nipples and began fucking me with full deep strokes. I looked deep into his glittering eyes. I’m sure he saw the horror in my eyes quickly turning into lust as he smiled and said the words I’ll never forget, “It’s too late. It’s too late” At that point, I realized he was right, it was too late. I wasn’t going to escape; I was going to be poz from this day forward. As, my mind tried to cope with that reality, he was delivering another load of seed into my body, and my ass was pulling and flexing, milking every drop into me. The drugs were hitting me hard and only one thing mattered; that was taking every drop of cum from my Father’s balls into me. “Please, please take my last neg load. I give it to you; I want you to have it. Help me give it to you.” I had to cum for him. Right then, the cum leaked out of my soft cock, He saw it, scooped some it up with his two fingers and put them into my mouth to suck clean. “This is the last neg load you’ll ever have.” And then he scooped some up, put the fingers into his mouth, and licked it clean, taking it into his body. My second load came just moments after my last neg load. He repeated the process, only this time; I was shaking, moaning, and begging for his cock. “Is this my first poz cum?” He looked down at me still fucking and said “The first of many, to spread to others.” Which wasn’t true, but in my fucked up mind, I swear that I could feel the bug swimming in my cum. “Yes Father, yes, I want to spread you to others. You’ll live forever in those I breed, just like all those who came before you live in you. Just like you’ll live in me. As I cum in them, part of my seed will be yours.” There was more talk, some of it I remember, some of it only comes to me in my dreams. The drug filled haze of my body and mind, made me into a cum whore. All I wanted was his cock and to be filled over and over with his seed.
    3 points
  15. I love this, and am in strong agreement here. The parties, and the people in power (the plutocracy to an equal or greater extent than the public officials), manipulate the feelings of the people, fomenting hatred. Only the rich win. This level of cynicism is a bit new for me, but in the last five or ten years I've come to feel that it's sadly appropriate and more accurate than I wish it were. One thing that I try to do personally, and that I see as a thing that may indeed help, is to act personally, as I can, to reach across those divisions and find our common ground. Most of the people who vote Republican don't actually wish ill on their fellow people. The echo chamber and the internet can easily make it seem otherwise. Things that seem to work for me: Listen hard, a lot. Try to see the good in people. Share with my Republican relatives - like my barely-older uncle (my mother's kid brother), who is a staunch NRA member. He and I are good friends. Participate in activities that cross political boundaries - a couple that have worked for me are square dancing and choral singing.
    3 points
  16. EPILOGUE: It was only two days later that Parker sent me the first of many bootie call texts. That kicked off a summer of me having to report to all sorts of locations, including the park, a truck stop out of town, some public toilets, and even the football field at school, all to bend myself over to get fucked and bred. Usually it was just Parker, occasionally there would be someone else there, and a couple of times it was at a motel where we would both service some paying client (not that I got any of the proceeds). I came down with the fuck flu fairly quickly after the night on the farm, and once that was over I got myself tested at a clinic in the city (having held off my mother's attempts to summon a doctor while I was enduring the worst of it). Fortunately I had not picked up anything other than the virus I had actively sought, and after going on meds for my viral count started to go down. I was now what I had wanted to be, and despite how that night on the farm had gone, everything had ultimately worked out. However, the same could not be said for everyone. One night I got a message from Parker asking if he could come over, which was sufficiently strange that I did not hesitate to respond quickly to say it was fine. He appeared just a few minutes later, and after meeting him at the door and briefly introducing him as 'a teammate' to my parents, I took him upstairs to my room wondering what he was there for. It was only when he took off his varsity jacket that I saw the bruises on his arms, and when he noticed that I had seen them, he just looked me in the eyes as he slowly pulled off his T-shirt. His torso was even more bruised and had some fairly significant cuts as well, and then when he turned round I could see welts all over his back. "Fucking hell" I said. "What happened?" "Those guys" he whispered, turning back to face me with tears in his eyes. "My uncles asked me to come over to help with some jobs on the farm, but then after I got there they told me they were tired of me, that I was a worthless slut, and then they tied me up and left me with those guys." "Fuck" I said, now whispering too. "What did they do?" "What they did to you, and a bit more" he replied. "I don't really want to talk about it." "Oh Parker" I said, surprised by the pity that I was feeling for him. "They took photos" he said, before a long pause. "They... they anonymously dropped them off in my dad's mailbox, along with a copy of my HIV test results." I just stood looking at him, dumbfounded and appalled by how broken he looked as he tried to tell me what had happened. "He didn't even speak to me" he continued. "I got home earlier, and he just walked up to me and punched me in the gut, then threw me out the front door with the packet of photos. I... I didn't know where else to go." Despite the things he had done to me, and his pimping out of my body over the previous weeks, I could not help but reach out and put my hand on his shoulder to try to comfort him. This prompted him to lean into me, bury his head against my neck, and let go. He cried openly, loudly, and the noise drew my mother's attention from downstairs. She appeared at the door with a concerned look on her face, which turned to horror as she must have seen Parker's welted back. I just mouthed "it's OK" to her when she finally looked up to make eye contact with me, and she nodded and hesitantly went away. However, I knew she would actually be hovering at the top of the stairs out of view. Parker eventually calmed down, and pulled away from me. I grabbed a box of tissues from beside my bed and handed them to him, and he got himself cleaned up a bit. I let him get himself back on an even keel before speaking. "Parker, I think we need to go and speak to my parents" I said, causing him to go wide-eyed at me in alarm. "My mum just came to the door and must have seen your back. We need to tell them what your uncles and father did to you." I gave him a look as I mentioned his uncles and father, and was relieved when he seemed to get what I was doing. My mother was bound to still be in earshot, and there was no way the truth of his ordeal could be told to anyone else. The rest of the evening passed with us, mostly me, telling my parents a slightly made-up story about the physical abuse Parker had endured from the older men in his family, resulting in them offering to allow him to stay for a while so he could get himself together. The camping bed was put up in my room so he could sleep there, but all we ever did was make it look like it had been used. Parker instead slept in my bed, initially because he needed comforting but of course sex was soon part of the equation again. We kept it as quiet as we could, and while I was usually the one getting fucked, Parker became the first guy that I topped. For the remaining weeks of the summer we were basically in a very quiet, not entirely functional, relationship with each other. The pimping out was no longer part of our dynamic, and his alpha male side only came on display when he was in public and trying to maintain an image. At his lowest point he'd let me see his vulnerable side, and it seemed like that was actually a relief to him and he didn't want go go back. I guess we weren't as quiet as we thought though, as one day shortly before I went to college we were lying in bed together naked when my dad suddenly walked in looking for a working cellphone charger. He did not bat an eyelid at the sight of the two of us cuddled up in the bed together, and only inquired if we were ever going to get up for breakfast as he walked out. After getting over the shock we did indeed get dressed and go down for breakfast, both nervous as hell while my parents just carried on as normal. When we went back upstairs, the camping bed was gone, something my father must have done after he had 'gone to the bathroom' earlier. Given how unfazed my parents were, for the final few days before I left, Parker and I were openly affectionate with each other around the house, and my parents were not ruffled or even curious at all. Of course, had they known what we had both been up to or what we were both carrying in our bloodstreams, that might have got more of a reaction. They let Parker stay for a bit longer after I went to college, but he was eventually encouraged to start sorting out his life and in due course moved away to the city to start working in construction. We kept in touch, but whatever it was that we had found between us during the late summer sort of fizzled out. I wasn't cut up about it, just happy that I had been there for him at a low time in his life, and I guess also thankful that his presence had engineered my coming out to my parents without a lot of drama. Being free and single I soon re-found my love of being a pig, and spent my time at college offering my hole to every hunky guy who wanted it. I had no shortage of takers amongst my fellow students, and also got some attention from some of the faculty. I supported myself by working nights at a gay bar near the campus, which gave me the added benefit of access to a basement dark room where I could take anonymous loads during breaks and after my shifts, happily accepting plenty of recharge gifts and also sometimes playing the innocent to let guys think they were pozzing a neg stud. Eventually some time online resulted in me meeting Sam, a stud on the lacrosse team who had become interested in chasing but was also a top. For him, I went off meds and then became his regular fuckbud, a relationship that gradually morphed into more. It took a long time, but he finally came down with flu one day and tested poz a short while later. I went back on meds, he started taking them for the first time, and it only seemed to be once that milestone had been reached that we realised that we had fallen in love with one another. It's now ten years later, and we're still together. We agreed that we were both sufficiently slutty that a completely monogamous relationship would not suit us, but we mostly play together except for when one of us is away on business or visiting family. Funnily enough, Sam has started to bottom occasionally, despite not wanting to when he was trying to get pozzed, so we sometimes either switch it up or get some guys over to use us both side by side. I love my life, and I have never regretted doing what I did that night on the farm. I just knew I was meant to be poz, and through being infected, I eventually found the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've never told friends or family about my status, but they may have cottoned on thanks to the scorpion tattoo I decided to get across my back. Sam and I have helped a few more guys find what they were looking for, occasionally coming off meds to then work together to infect a chaser or two, but we have otherwise done our best to stay healthy while keeping up an ambitious gym regime. I'm also glad that I, along with my awesome parents, got to help Parker find his way out of a situation that could probably have got a lot worse if he had stayed around our town. We do still keep in touch a bit, and he's now living in Los Angeles. He runs a small construction business, and is living with a twinky guy who seems to make him happy. Indeed, my mum met them both when she'd gone on a business trip to LA, something that really surprised me when she told me as I hadn't realised that Parker had stayed more in touch with my parents than he actually had with me. He and I only once talked about what had happened to him on the farm, when he told me that his uncles had been arrested and were both in jail. He was a bit sketchy on the details, but it seemed like they had been caught doing bad things at a truck stop, and then some drugs had been found by the police. "I hope they get what's coming to them" Parker had said, which I think meant more than just an appropriate sentence from a judge. However, I never did hear any more about them. So, there we have it. One summer day I graduated from school, and also graduated into manhood. Corruption of a quarterback, pozzing of a prom king, or however you want to look at it: this was my story. Tell me yours... [THE END]
    3 points
  17. I breathed out deeply once I had closed the car door. It was done. My strapping younger son was safely delivered to the halls of residence, his first year at university about to begin, and I was done. Sure, fatherhood was lifelong, but this stage of it was over. Justin was starting out on his road to independence, his brother Jacob had already done so two years earlier, and I was now something of a free man. The boys were my pride and joy. Smart, athletic, good looking, popular, a perennial hit with the ladies - they were everything the right wing nut jobs would tell you they that never could have been with a single gay dad. But those things they were, and I was damn proud of it. Since their mother had thrown in the towel on parenting and marriage six months after Justin was born, they had been my entire focus. I had done a good job all things considered. My wife’s departure was obviously difficult, but it at least made me vow to never go down that road again. I have no regrets given the amazing two sons I have out of the whole debacle, but I knew I was gay before I even got married and it was tougher with each day to keep that side of me bottled up. I never made that mistake again, instead choosing to be honest with myself and those around me. Jacob and Justin grew up only knowing me as a gay man. Raising two sons by yourself does not leave much time for other pursuits, and I was basically celibate for fifteen years. Sure, I had many offers from my sister and parents for babysitting, but to be honest whenever I took them up on it and got out of the house, all I wanted to do was check into a hotel and sleep. However, once the boys were old enough that they could be left at home for a few hours with Jacob in charge, I finally started to re-explore the world of men, something that I had only done a little at university before meeting Simone. Well, it turned out that there was something of a pig in me who was finally being let out of the pen. At first I tried just generic - almost vanilla - hookups, but after I’d had my first visit to a gay sauna I realised my true nature lay on the sleazier side of things. I was initially versatile, and went on PrEP so I could safely engage in bareback sex with any man who fancied a session. In time I found I was really more of a bottom, although perfectly willing to top when the moment called for it. My preference, however, was to just be bred over and over, and I cared not by whom. But then I got bored. Maybe it was that age old problem of the excitement of something eventually wearing off, to the point that you start to look for the next thing to tickle you. I didn’t want that to be chems or other drugs, so I guess I started looking for it in the sex. Despite being on PrEP, I found there to be something exciting in hooking up with poz guys and having them shoot their toxic seed in me. I actively started seeking it out, engaging in a growing fantasy of being pozzed, and not always being honest with the tops that I was in fact on PrEP. I guess it was something of an epiphany that led to me realising that I didn’t just want the fantasy anymore. I wanted the real thing. I mentally flip-flopped on it for a long time, convincing myself in the comedown from a sex high that it was just a fantasy that I used to get turned on, but eventually it became impossible to convince myself that this was the case. It was obvious: I wanted to convert. However, I wanted to have some control over it, rather than just going off PrEP and randomly finding out some day that I had been pozzed. It was a turn-on for me, but also a transition to a new stage of life, and I wanted to choose when it was going to happen and be ‘in the moment’ with it all. As such, I joined the ranks of chasers online, seeking an actual unmedicated (and willing) top through the sea of undetectables. Many a hope was dashed along the way, finding myself being repeatedly ghosted once whichever guy I was talking to had presumably got his rocks off wanking about the fantasy. It was all quite disheartening, but then I seemed to strike gold. The guy - who went by the username PozMids - was a little older than me, and lived in a former mining town in the north Midlands. He ran what he described as a ‘social club’ for older poz guys, utilising the premises of his old family business in a warehouse on an industrial estate. He told me it was a relatively closed circle, but members were allowed to bring in some entertainment every now and then with the agreement of everyone else. He was proposing that I be that entertainment, after what he said had been a ‘stealthy vetting process’. It eventually transpired that some of the guys who had flaked out on me had actually been testing me to make sure I fit whatever they considered to be the requirements. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Justin had been accepted to the University of Nottingham, meaning I was going to be driving him up to the Midlands. It wasn’t too far to get to where this club was going to be meeting, and PozMids had told me that that I was welcome to stay for a long weekend as he had built a couple of bedrooms with basic facilities into the former offices of the warehouse. I just had to bring what food and drink I might want for any downtime I had, and otherwise my needs would be catered for by the group. This all sounded too good to be true, and I fully expected another flake-out. However, after dropping Justin off at his halls of residence, I messaged PozMids again and got an immediate reply containing the full address that I needed to go to. It was going to happen! I set off in the car, but had to pull over after a few minutes and compose myself. I was seriously excited, but I think I also needed to check that my racing heart was not a sign of impending doubt. Was this taking a fantasy too far? Did I really want to deliberately convert? I got out of the car and lit a cigarette. Bad habit, not one I really had in my day-to-day life, but was a good nerve calmer when I was letting my inner pig out. It did the trick. Yes, this is what I wanted, and I was just pumped up as I was excited about it, with a possible mild tinge of wondering if I was unwittingly going round to a serial killer’s place of business. I chuckled to myself when I realised that was exactly what I was doing, from a certain point of view. Cigarette smoked, I got myself together and then set off again, putting on some music to accompany the drive. When I eventually found my way through the industrial estate to where my satnav was sending me, I parked up and got out of the car. There were a few warehouses around and it was far from obvious which one I was actually supposed to be heading for, so I got my phone out and messaged that I had arrived. While waiting for a response I then got my bags out of the car, dumped them on the pavement and lit another cigarette. Bags. Yes, plural. You see, aside from wanting the normal provisions you need for a weekend away, I had also brought my stash of kinks. Various bits of leather, some toys, a blindfold, a marker pen, and of course my douching equipment, lube and poppers. I was well ready for whatever these guys might be into, or of course for what I was into myself if I was given that choice. I had a vision of how I wanted at least part of this weekend to go, so thought I better come prepared. As I was approaching the end of my cigarette, I heard a door open behind me. Upon turning around, I saw a man emerge and immediately recognised him as PozMids. “Glad you could make it” he said, smiling as he walked towards me. “It’s always fifty-fifty.” “The odds are worse than that from my experience” I replied, also smiling. “True, true” he replied, reaching out to shake my hand as he got to me. “Anyway, I’m Peter, and welcome to my little place.” “Not so little” I said, looking back at the warehouse. “But I’m very pleased to be here. I’m Brad” “Good to meet you Brad” he said. “Now let’s get you inside and settled before everyone else arrives.” I picked up my bags and followed him inside, going up some stairs as soon as we walked through the door to reach a set of rooms. He directed me into one of them, where I found a single bed with a small set of drawers beside them, and then he showed me where the admittedly clean bathroom and kitchen were. I had honestly expected it to be a bit of a state, but he seemed to keep the place in good order. He also showed me the small balcony area at the side of the building, I guess having realised I might want somewhere to go and smoke. He left me to get unpacked, showered and cleaned out, and suggested I get dressed in whatever I was most comfortable in for the evening before coming back downstairs for a drink. I thus got on with all that, having a shower and then a bit of a douche to finish off a job I had quietly started before dawn at home while Justin was still sleeping. Once cleaned and dried, and with lube and a plug inserted in my rear end, I stepped outside wrapped in a towel to have a cigarette. I had another straight after, such were my nerves. Finally I felt ready to go all in on my outfit. First up a leather jockstrap, then some nice sturdy chaps and my Fuck Me Boots. I then got myself into a harness, my big thick padded wrist cuffs, and my muir cap. I then fished out and put on my 1.5 kilo silver chain, something I had bought on a whim and occasionally regretted given I was a bit too meek to wear it in my daily life, but which just seemed perfect for tonight. Finally, and with a bit of slow and careful effort, I used the marker and the convenient full-length mirror in the bathroom to write “POZ ME” on my buttcheeks. I had another cigarette outside to help me gather my nerves, and then went downstairs. There did not seem to be any other obvious rooms downstairs, so I went through the door into the main warehouse space. It was huge and thus looked pretty empty, but as I glanced around I saw there was actually quite a lot in there. Various mattresses, couches and chairs were dotted around, as were an array of big wooden boxes, upturned oil drums, a couple of slings, a St Andrew’s cross, and a padded leather fuck bench in the centre of the room. It was quite clear what this room was for, and I got an immediate hard-on. Over to the side was a bar area, and that’s where I saw Peter (aka PozMids) sitting on a stool with his back to me, looking at his phone. I coughed to make it clear I was in the room, and he swivelled round. “Well, you don’t beat about the bush” he said, smiling at me as I walked over. “Dressed like that, I think you’re not going to get much of a warm-up this evening. The guys will be all over you the minute they walk in.” “That’s what I was hoping” I said, smiling back at him. He offered me a drink, and I gladly took a large whisky. He also fished out an ashtray and slid it across the bar at me, letting me know I was fine to smoke in the warehouse. I happily lit up a cigarette as we sat on the stools having a drink. “So, you’re here to get pozzed” he said. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely” I replied. “Been wanting it for ages now.” “Fair enough” he said. “There’s a couple of guys coming tonight who are on meds, but most aren’t. One guy you won’t be able to miss has full-on AIDS.” “Great” I said, “hopefully tonight will be the night.” “I’m sure it will” he said. “I can get an old toothbrush out and make sure if you want.” “Actually” I replied, after hesitating, “I kind of want it to be natural.” “OK” he said, “although I have a big PA as do some of the other guys, so you’re going to get pretty worn out back there anyway.” “Cool” I said, smiling. “I like the sound of that.” “Any other limits?” he asked. “No” I replied, “I don’t think so.” “Well OK then. If you need a break just say, we’re not here to hold you hostage or force you to do things you don’t want to.” “Great” I said. “I’ve got quite a bit of stamina so hopefully I’ll be fine.” He necked the last of his drink, and then put the empty glass down on the bar. “Shall we get started?” [to be continued]
    2 points
  18. Went out of town for a weekend trip to Laughlin. Hooking up there is hit or miss, with mostly misses and very few hits. Saw this older Mexican man probably late 50's early 60's sitting at the bar in the casino playing video poker and I noticed he seemed to be staring down every man and woman passing by and was giving off vibes that he was looking for something, just wasn't sure what. Passed him a couple more times over the next hour or two and then finally decided to take a chance. I went over to the bar and sat next to him, ordered a drink and played some video poker. Eventually we started talking, first some small talk then slowly more revealing stuff. Found out he was divorced, and I used this as my in, asking if his divorce was due to her being a bad fuck and he responded that and a host of other problems, which took us to a conversation about how he hadn't had sex in months and that he'd be happy if he could at least get his dick sucked. I told him I'd be glad to help him out and he asked me if I had a room in the casino and I said yes. No sooner than I said yes he said "let's go", cashed out, paid the bartender, grabbed his beer and we went up to my room. He dropped his pants and sat in the chair not saying a word and I went to work. It took a while to get him off since he had been drinking quite a bit but he finally shot. Huge load from a thick 7"uc dick with about 2" of foreskin hanging from it. After he got off, he stood up, pulled his pants back on said thanks and left. I was thinking he was a 10 beer queer and left it at that. Went about my day the next day and got back to my room in the evening and found a note slipped in the keycard slot. All it had was a name and a number. I texted the number and it was him. I texted him and he called me right back. He told me he had come looking for me again the next day didn't see me around the casino and knocked on the door but I wasn't there. Told me he was nervous wasn't thinking and left too quick but wanted to get together again. By now it was late and he's 30 miles away from Laughlin so we agreed to meet on my next trip out, or he said he'd be willing to make a trip to Vegas now and then to meet up as well.
    2 points
  19. Also Ruslan Angelo whose eyes don't water with some monster dicks up his ass
    2 points
  20. I'll lay you 10 to 1 that the only list you're on is the "good boy" list.
    2 points
  21. if you are in the mood for talented, handsome, easily tossed around bottoms - check out Allen King who works alot for Raw Fuck Club. I've seen him take some huge cocks and he really is adorable.
    2 points
  22. My brother and I grew up in Nebraska where being Gay was a big problem. These right-wing Christian nationals will come after us and want to destroy the LGBTQI community. Please vote in 2024
    2 points
  23. Good read. Love fucking nasty cheaters and all nasty cheaters who cheat fuck with us
    2 points
  24. Chapter 6. Two weeks later, Douglas sent me a message on WhatsApp. I hadn't heard from him in all the time since we left the beach. I had secretly hoped that Douglas had forgotten the whole thing. Douglas informed me that I should be at the Motel across town at 7pm that evening. He told me that I should go to the door of room 107 and knock on it. The room is located in the wing of the building, so the door can be accessed directly from the parking lot. All I need to know at this point is to be there at 7 p.m. In the evening, I told Max that I was going to the gym and drove my car to the motel parking lot. My heart was beating so hard I was afraid it would explode. With unsteady steps I walked to the door of room 107 and knocked on it. The door opened ajar, but I saw no one. I entered and an unknown gruff male voice told me to close the door behind me. The room was completely dark. The voice told me again that there is a blindfold on the table by the door that I should put on. "Are you ready," asked a rough male voice. "Yes," I replied. I noticed through the slits in the blindfolds that the lights were turned on in the room, but I couldn't see anything. I was led to sit on the edge of the bed, and they started asking me questions. What is my name, how old am I, am I in a relationship, what is my husband like, how big a cock does my husband have, do I also let other men fuck me, Does my husband know, do I use protection, do I let men cum in my hole raw... I answered the questions honestly. Finally a male voice said I should take my clothes off. I obeyed again. Finally, I sat on the edge of the bed naked, with only Blindfold on my eyes and socks on my feet. "Well then, get on all fours on the bed and now spread your cheating hole on us," said the rough-voiced man. "For us? Is there anyone else in the room besides the rough-voiced man". I was lying on the bed with my ass up and my head in the sheets. I spread my buttocks with both hands. "You first," said the gruff one. I heard someone spit and must have rubbed his spit on his cock. After that I felt a hot cock in my hole. "Give the cheating husband what he came here for," said the rough-voiced man. I felt the cock sinking into my ass. I shuddered from both pain and ecstasy. The man hammered my ass for a while and the rough-voiced man told me to beg the man to seed me. I kept repeating breed me, breed me... And the man roared and seeded me. As the man pulled out of me, I felt a new cock on my hole. With a strong thrust, the cock sank deep into my already spermed hole. The unknown man began to push and pull at a fast pace. Soon he emptied his load inside me too. After that, the rough-voiced man told me to spread my hole again and thank the unknown seeders. I did as I was told. Very soon I heard the sounds of getting dressed from the room and very soon I heard how the front door of the motel room opened. The room became very quiet. 5 minutes later I guessed there was no one left in the room. I opened the blindfolds and saw that the room was empty. I got dressed quickly and left for my car. When I got home I had received a whatsapp message from Douglas, where he told me to send him a video showing sperm pouring out of my hole. Fortunately, my husband Max was watching his favorite series on netflix, so I quickly sneaked into the bedroom and videoed my hole and pushed out the sperm of unknown men. I fingered my hole at the same time and it felt really good. I sent the video to Douglas and he complimented me on being a nice slut and sent me back a short video clip taken in a hotel room. In the video, I sat in a hotel room with blindfolds on my eyes and answered a rough-voiced man's questions with my own name. Douglas said he has the entire video of my insemination. We could watch it together sometime, Douglas messaged.
    2 points
  25. So hot. Was your wife asleep inside while you let this stranger breed you in your garage?
    2 points
  26. I think the ‘HIV is no longer a death sentence’ thing needs qualifying. It means that a diagnosis of infection with HIV does not necessarily mean inevitable progression to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or that AIDS invariably leads to death. But it still can. HIV is no less deadly than it ever was; we just have better defenses - when we apply them. When we don’t apply them, we’re just as much at risk as everyone who got a death sentence in the ‘80s. I got HIV probably 30 years later, in 2011, and the medical advances did not save me from getting AIDS. The tests did not detect the virus in my body until it had almost finished its work, and yes, it would have been a death sentence for me in 2014 were it not for one savvy nurse and a quirk of my circulatory anatomy that saved me. I was trying to be careful (though not trying hard enough). I wasn’t out actively trying to get the disease and incubate it in my body. Yes, if you get HIV and don’t take the medication you have to take, it is a death sentence. Think of it like renting a room in your house to a serial murderer. You make sure you always keep all the doors locked so he can’t get at you, so you don’t have to worry about him killing you - but he’s in your house, and on the other side of the wall he’s thinking about it, and if he could, he would. You can’t ever, ever, let your guard down. You have to check the locks every single night, just like taking medicine. And even if you take all the medication as directed, you may live, but your quality of life will be less than it could have been, and will decline more steeply as you age. The meds aren’t a get-out-of-jail-free card.
    2 points
  27. This is going to get even hotter !🔥🔥🔥😛Bring it n man great chapters
    2 points
  28. I would agree if the Democratic party had a history of coming together behind the eventual nominee and turning out even if one's preferred candidate did not get the nod. That happened in 2020, primarily because so many people understood the threat that Mango Mussolini presented to the constitutional order; and I hope they would again, but voters can be fickle. Look at 2016, when Democratic turnout for Clinton tumbled from Obama's elections, particularly in MI/PA/WI. Had Democratic voters simply turned out for her the way they did for Obama, she would have won all three states and the presidency. It wasn't a case of blue-collar voters switching to vote for Trump; too many of the Democratic votes just stayed home. (And a lot of that was due to decades of lying about Clinton by the hard right, who couldn't stand the thought of a woman being in charge of them.) To a lesser extent that was true in 2000, when "Clinton Fatigue" was cited by a large number of non-voters as a reason to stay home, especially as Gore was seen as an extension of Clinton. And a lot of disaffected leftists have a habit of voting third party (Stein, Nader, etc.) rather than vote for a "compromised" Democrat. Nader was the worst example, of course, because the 97,000 votes he got in Florida almost certainly would have swung at least 2-1 (if not 3-1 or 4-1) for Gore, obliterating that >600 final advantage Shrub held in the state.
    2 points
  29. Actually, only appropriations legislation must originate in the House. A bill on any other subject may originate in either chamber. In fact, quite a few bills have passed the Senate and are piled up in the House being dutifully ignored by the GOP majority.
    2 points
  30. They have always believed that - just ask Hester Prynne. Haters gonna hate. The more important question is, how did tens of millions of citizens collectively come to believe that it is OK for them to do so, if they do it -- supposedly -- within the structure of our governmental system?
    2 points
  31. {sorry for the long delay guys...} I heard the sound of Parker lighting up another cigarette, but then he reached across Grayson and held the packet towards me. I wasn't a smoker, but still reached up and took one, along with the lighter Parker had put into a gap in the packet. I lit the cigarette, and then chucked the lighter across Grayson back to Parker before taking a deep inhale. I managed not to cough, and instead enjoyed the light-headedness my first cigarette in a while caused. I then just lay there quietly smoking, appreciating the break but wondering what was to come. "Get that finished up soon" said Tucker, "the others will be here soon." "Yes sir" I replied, choosing not to ask any more questions. I duly finished my cigarette, and stubbed it out on the ground next to me. Tucker then appeared above me, offering me his hand to get me off the mattress. I allowed him to pull me up, and then stood and waited for further instructions. "Outside" Tucker said, gesturing towards the barn door. I hesitated a moment as he walked past me, but then turned and followed him out of the barn, with Grayson and Parker behind me. Tucker headed round the side of the building towards a tree, and as we got closer I could see through the dim moonlight that there were some things hanging down from one of the branches as well as some junk lying around on the floor. Tucker advanced towards the junk, leaned over into it, and a light that was part of the pile turned on. It was then I could see that the branch had a strap suspended over it, with one end attached to a thick leather collar and the other to a chain that then had two leather cuffs hanging off it. On the floor was another set of cuffs with a bar between them. I had seen enough porn to know what was to follow. I duly stood next to all this gear, and Tucker put the collar round my neck and closed it quite tight while Grayson got my wrists into the cuffs hanging off the other end of the strap. He and Parker then got my legs spread apart and attached the cuffs round my ankles, the bar making sure my legs would stay all splayed out. From somewhere a blindfold was produced that was pushed down over my head to cover my eyes, and finally a ballgag was inserted into my mouth and tightly strapped behind my head. "Now slut" said Tucker, "you're all set." I heard the three of them walk away, leaving me to get used to maintaining my balance. After a while I heard the crunch on gravel of several men approaching, who all started yelling about having found a slut they could use, a boy to corrupt and so forth. They didn't waste much time in getting down to business, with the first of several cocks shoved into my rear end quite unceremoniously. My insides truly took a battering from an array of thick cocks of various lengths, a number of them with piercings of one kind or another. I lost count of how many loads I took from them without seeing a single one of them, knowing from their growling and yelling that I was taking a lot of tainted seed. Eventually it was over, and I could hear the voices of the men disappear into the distance as they left. I remained stood there for a while, before hearing the crunching footsteps of Tucker, Grayson and Parker approaching. They got me unstrapped from the tree and spreader bar, removed the blindfold and ballgag, and then stepped back to look me up and down. "That should do it slut" Tucker said. "I think it's time for you to go." I nodded, and then looked down at the ground as I began to cry despite not wanting to do so in front of these men. This night had been a lot more intense than I had intended, and being so physically exhausted I think I just didn't have anything left in me. "No point in crying you big pussy" said Grayson. "You wanted infected, that's what you got." I knew there was no point in engaging any further, so I just started trudging back to the barn to get my clothes. However, just as I pulled up my jeans, I felt a tug on them from behind me forcing them back down. A hand on my back bent me over, and a cock slammed into my loose hole. "Needed one last go" growled Parker. He jackhammered into me for only a few minutes before releasing another load of cum into my abused insides, and then pulled out and allowed me to stand up straight again. I did not turn around, but instead just picked up where I had left off in getting dressed. "So here's the deal" he said. "I know a rich boy like you is probably going to college later this year. Before then, I'm going to be fucking you whenever and wherever I feel like it. Understand?" I just nodded, the fight beaten out of me by the evening's events. "I'm also going to be pimping you out if anyone's willing to pay" he continued. "Hell, if they're willing to pay enough then they can fuck both of us. Might be good to get away from here and try something new." I turned around at that point to face him. It was only then that I saw a slight crack in his facade, and realised that maybe he was a bit scared of his uncles despite the way he had acted earlier. He seemed to sense my understanding, and there was just a flicker of a pleading look on his face before he seemed to gather himself. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette and lit it up, before chucking the packet at me. I lit one up too, and we just quietly smoked together without saying anything. "I better go" I said, as I finished mine off and stubbed it out on the ground. "Yeah" he replied. "Got your number, and I'll text you when I need to fuck." I nodded at him, and then walked past him out of the barn to my car. I got in, put on my seatbelt, and then took one last look out of the window at Parker still standing in the barn watching me. I then fired up the car and drove off out of the farm, noting to myself how much my life had changed since I had arrived just a few hours ago. Who knew what was in store for me next. [to be concluded]
    2 points
  32. I paused so he lifted his right arm and instinctively I licked his pit. “I want your DNA inside me, your masculine cum”. He didn’t say anything but lifted his left arm and I licked every bit of sweat. “I want you to make me pregnant”. He told me to sniff the poppers and his chest. I inhaled the musk and poppers deeply. “I NEED to get pregnant”. He replied “good boy” and started to lick my hole. His tongue went deep inside me causing such a rush. The feeling was intense. He stood up with me at his feet looking up at his mighty weapon. “You want this inside you” he asked unscrewing the poppers. “Please sir, raw sir”. I sniffed deep his chest and poppers intoxicating. “You ready to be my dumb twink cumbucket, too stupid to ask my status?”. With that I flipped round with my smooth twink ass in the air. “Fill me daddy, make me yours, make me pregnant”. He didn’t need a second invitation. With that he slid into my hole, slowly at first to let me get used to his size then he picked up the pace pumping hard for a bit. I moaned so much at the pleasure such a muscular hairy alpha breeding me. He slowed down and asked “you like this meaty cock inside you?”. I replied “I love it, finally a real man inside me, you’re the biggest I’ve had”. He let me sniff the poppers and said “so you like this poz cock inside you, filling you?”. I moaned “yes daddy, breed me daddy, fill me daddy”. He replied mockingly “aww, should I pull out, save you from conversion?” I begged “no daddy, fill me, breed me, POZ ME SIR”. He picked up the pace, pumping harder and harder. “What do you want?” he growled. “Your poz cum, your DNA, your seed inside me”. I could feel his cock swell inside me and I knew it was the point of no return “infect me sir”. He exploded, growling and releasing rope after rope of poz cum inside me. The impact made me cum hands free for the first time ever. “Thank you sir!” He replied “welcome lad, you’ll always remember the today, my alpha seed inside you”. I thanked him for making me a man.
    2 points
  33. I discovered a sauna in a run-down part of town in walking distance from my office. The reviews said it was a bit sleazy and was a sauna for “men not twinks” which I found intriguing. So I headed off there one afternoon. The guy who let me in through the nondescript door in a side street was probably in his fifties, pudgy and wearing tee-shirt and shorts. He smiled as he charged me the entrance fee. “New here, aren’t you?” he asked. I nodded as he handed me my key. “Well, enjoy,” he remarked with a grin. It was pretty run-down and smelled a bit of damp. As I was getting undressed, a nude man appeared beside me. He was old and skinny with a paunch and he had a big cock hanging down with some foam around it where he had shaved his pubes. “That’s better,” he commented in a thick, phlegmy voice. adding "I like it smooth.” I said something neutral and stripped off my pants. “Nice tatts” he remarked, looking at the designs on my bottom and arms. “Thanks,” I answered. I wasn’t used to this kind of direct talk, and felt excited as I headed to the sauna. After a while, he came in and sat beside me. He wasn’t wearing a towel and his cock was semi-hard against his thigh. “Least it’s a bit warmer in here, eh? Bit cold outside. First time?” “Yes,” I replied. Nodding, he asked my name and followed-up with some general questions, his hand resting idly on my thigh as his fingers caressed my cock. I gasped, but he was quite nonchalant and talking about the weather as he stroked me to full erection. “Nice cock," he remarked, adding “You bottom or top?” His blunt question somewhat embarrassed me, but still I was able to answer "Well, bottom mostly.” His cock was erect now, thick and covered in veins. I also notice he had apparently at some point slid a cock ring around his tool. “Want to fuck?” I didn’t know what to say, but not wanting to appear naïve or nervous, I just shrugged and answered “Sure.” He levered himself off the bench and I followed his flaccid, wrinkled buttocks along the corridor (he hadn’t bothered with a towel) until we reached a room with a large, oval bed in the middle. Tossing a small bottle on the mattress he muttered “Poppers, if you want em.” There were some packets of lube on the side. He tore one open and rubbed it on his cock, then pushed me onto my knees commanding "Bend forward and rest your head on your arms.” When I was in position he asked rather incongruously, “So what do you think of the place, then?” “Not bad...”I started to reply, feeling this was a weird time to be starting a conversation, but then I felt his bare cock pushing into my arsehole. I gasped as I opened for him and after a brief struggle, the big head slid up me in a rush. "Don’t - don’t you want a …condom?” I asked. He was deep in me now and starting to thrust slowly in and out, making me sigh with pleasure, answering “Nah, I hate the things and haven’t used them since I was diagnosed. Here, take some poppers," handing me the bottle, even as my mind took in what he’d said: I was being fucked raw by a poz cock. I took a sniff and felt myself relax into it. He was sliding rhythmically in and out, all the time talking to me as if we were waiting for a bus or something. It was bizarre, and yet it seemed to distract me from worrying about what I was doing. Suddenly, the door opened and the pudgy guy from the front desk came in with a black bin-liner. “Don’t mind me!” he commented, adding “Seen it all before. Just emptying the bins.” He bustled around clearing up, when all the time I was kneeling there being fucked. “Nice bum,” he remarked, stroking his crotch. “Many in today, Bill?” asked the man fucking me, although in truth he was beginning to pant and his movements were getting more urgent. “Yeah, a few now, Sid. Mostly regulars." Sid gasped and said “Hang…hang on. I think I’m going to cum. Yep…here it cums!” With that his cock swelled and throbbed and I realised to my horror that he was filling me with spunk. “Nice,” he commented contentedly, stepping back one or two steps so his cock flopped out and a dollop of slimy cum slid down my balls. The other man, Bill, dropped his shorts and a stubby erection sprang up stiffly under his flabby belly. Before I even had time to react, he got behind me, steadied my bottom with one hand and thrust his cock into me with the other. It was so matter of fact, so nonchalant without even asking I just sagged in shock as he began to thrust eagerly in and out. “Put..put the kettle on….Sid," he gasped, explaining “I’ll make a cuppa when I’m done.” Bill nodded and left as Sid worked his way to orgasm. “Gah!” He gasped at last “ Fucking beautiful!” He pushed hard against me and came in me, stroking my thighs and panting happily as he spurted. “Phew! Nice one!” he remarked as he withdrew, giving my bottom a playful slap. “Want some tea?” He pulled some tissue from the dispenser on the wall and wiped his dripping cock before stepping into his shorts. I just nodded and followed him downstairs, numb with what had happened. There was a small patio with a table and two plastic chairs. Sid sat on one reading a paper. On the other was a pool of what looked like sperm. Sid saw me looking and said “Some dirty bastards in here, alright.” I suddenly felt helpless with the filthiness of it all, and yet the pure animal pleasure excited me. Slowly I lowered myself into the seat, feeling the anonymous spunk oozing between my buttocks and coating my hole. Sid looked up and said “You’re not poz, are you?” I shook my head. “How did you know?” He shrugged. “Something about your face upstairs, the shock when I said I had been diagnosed.” He turned back to his paper and lit a cigarette. “Anyway, better get used to it. Neither Bill nor I are on meds, so you’re probably pregnant already.”
    1 point
  34. @BootmanLA already covered the covid years. It's worth pointing out that the results span a 12 year period.
    1 point
  35. If you think our system of parties was "designed to support a party-based system" may I suggest you reread Washington's farewell address?
    1 point
  36. Indeed on balance I think Biden has done a good job given conditions on the ground when he started. For most of us the years 82 - 85 are more challenging. As a result whomever is VP has a good chance of becoming President. It might be healthy if the WH starts showcasing Harris as well if Dem's proceed with an incumbent only candidate. Further, I think a second (and even a third) candidate allows for healthy discussion within the party; which I think would prove more attractive to undecided voters.
    1 point
  37. Usually at least partially side by side, one time a top pushed it in really deep with his dick then fisted me to get it out
    1 point
  38. My personal philosophy is that if you're going to suck a guy's dick, then you have an obligation to swallow if he cums.
    1 point
  39. i've had sex with with Carlos Morales at the height of his porn days. He was more of a bottom & loved to bareback. Antonio Biaggi had a jar of elbow grease as he came up behind me at the baths. His amazing uncut cock was pressed up against my hole as he said hello. Moments later his uncut cock was sliding inside me as he asked if he could shoot a load in my hole. was an amazing fuck..
    1 point
  40. TAPPED OUT My husband was returning from vacation late yesterday evening which meant I had one more night of having the apt to myself. I decided to go to the extreme. NYC has the Workmen’s Lunch party every Tues & Thurs. Essentially, it’s a bathhouse experience over the lunch hour. Hotties, trolls, & everything in btw attend this midday group. I probably bottomed for about 6 tops and fucked at least 3 btms. Told this hot Asian twink that I had to return to the office soon, but not before I gave him my load. He smiled and eagerly bent over. I took a hot daddy’s load there too. Swapped #s with a cutie too after he nailed me good Texted my fwbs throughout the day to arrange a carousel of afternoon dick lol. Howard just returned from a family vacation. He couldn’t fuck because he was tending to them the entire time. A talented multi- cummer and longtime fwb, Howard bred me 5 times in the span of 30 mins!!!!!!!!!! Ross, my handsome black cub neighbor, also was tending to family. He wanted to drop a nut before their dinner plans. He gave me two seedings. J is a hot Latin twink teacher who works nearby. He wrecked my hole in btw parent/teacher conferences. Craig took the train down from Harlem. He assaulted me with his dick and I was compelled to press charges lololol. Daddylicious Dan stopped by after work. Poor guy lives upstate so he doesn’t get much ass up there. Hadn’t seen him in a while. He pounded me out for 5 mins and dropped a heavy load in me. Guess he missed me XD Danny also works nearby. He’s a sexy black top with a thick d. He took a break from work to breed my wet ass pussy. Vers twunk T then stopped by. We’ve only fucked in groups. It was hot to have some 1/1 time with him. Tons of making out and cuddling. He was low key trying to stall because he knew our mutual fwb, AJ, was on his way. T likes all kinds of guys, but was esp looking fwd to getting tag teamed by two Asian tops lol. We had a hot threesome and I tried a new position. T was riding me while AJ was fucking me missionary. I thoroughly enjoyed that lol. AJ and I bred T & T bred me. Finally, Staten Island Matt came over. An Italian cutie with a large nose, but an even larger D, he was amazed by my day of fucking. He rimmed the cum out of my hole before injecting his load deep into me. Then he sucked me off! 2 btms bred, 1 load fed, about 20 dicks taken, & 13 loads received. I was utterly TAPPED OUT. 😈
    1 point
  41. ? INTERVIEW WITH A DEMON (WARNING: Deep evil, immoral, ritual, Devil, demonic - story fiction) Like any other day, it starts with the thought of sex. From the time I wake up in the morning with a hard-on. My usual routine is to jack off and start the day. If I don’t, I’m driven to search out sex throughout the day. This particular day, I forgo the jack-off routine and check my ad emails online. Hoping to make a hook-up. I Proceeded to get a couple hits over night. Sometimes I get lucky and others I can tell it’s just plain run-around. I write back or just delete. But, one email caught my eye. It had subject titled “ HAIL Sarah Palin” What the fuck! Not one for scam or wacko emails. I was so close to deleting the email and move on. My finger, curiously moved from the delete button, My hand moved the mouse like a Ouija game board marker. Before I knew it, the email opened up. A brief description opened up above my ad. “Hail brother! We saw your ad. My name is Jason. I’m 45 y.o, 5’-9”, 190#, bald, 8” cock. Let’s meet. Hope to hear back from you!.” It was a simple response. Attached to the email were a couple pics of Jason. One was a close up picture of his thick cock and hanging balls. Though, a couple things caught me off guard. Who is “We”? And what is with this “Hail brother” and “Hail Sarah Palin”? Trembling from the simple email, I was intrigued. Not sure what to do. Being a clean cut type with Christian upbringing, I paused. In the end, I sent back a reply. Very basic email. Not giving out too much information. As I “SEND” my email I started to get up, a “ding” email came back. It was from Jason. Damn, he must have been sitting at his computer anticipating to hear from me. I opened it up and it said he was available anytime. He preferred to meet at his place and in the evening or nights. It gave his text/phone number. It showed local number. Hey, what the heck, I texted him back right away. We had a open basic dialog back and forth for 10 minutes. I wasn’t still sure of what this was all about. I was still intrigued but unsure if I wanted to meet with him. But, he was insistent in meeting this evening. I agreed to time and his place.
    1 point
  42. Sure, if you like the guy why not. I've already fucked a guy from one of the hostels in town. He was around late 20s, scruffy with his brown hair and bead roughly clippered, but I like scruffy so no problem for me. I used to buy him coffee because he'd hang around the bus station looking cold. After I mentioned kissing a guy one time he started giving me super cruisy vibes. Shifty eyes, adjusting his dick a lot. It reminded me of the curious 'straight' army guys that used to visit some of the local areas. Seemed like a good offer, I was totally up for doing it with him, so I said how about a coffee at mine. Things started out awkward. But he still followed me to the bedroom. Lots of shy but horny energy with him. Eventually we got our clothes off and I told him sit in my lap. I was sat on the bed and he sat in my lap facing me with his legs around my waist. We kissed and I told him he's a hot guy and how much I wanted to fuck him. He wasn't dirty or anything, hostels have showers, but he wouldn't have prepared his butt for unplanned sex. I took a chance and we fucked bare. No discussion, just lubed it up and started rubbing his hole. He didn't object so I went inside. I wondered how much he did this and if he'd ever done it for money, but actually he bucked a bit when I entered him and seemed quite tight so I think fairly limited fucking before then. I remember his warm furry stomach pressed against mine and feeling his legs flexing as he squeezed my dick inside his hot butt. And his kissing, which was kind of clumsy, but I liked our beards merging together. He was shy about eye contact, but had beautiful eyes. It was very intimate sex, slow and lots of kissing. I shot two loads in him that evening. My dick got a little messy, but who cares, it's nothing a shower didn't fix. So yeah, no problems with fucking a homeless guy. I suspected some issues with drug use however, and it's not unusual for homeless guys to have behavior problems. He seemed pretty chill and let me blast a couple of loads in his guts, but if I were a smaller guy I'm not sure I'd have taken my chances with him.
    1 point
  43. White daddy barebacking me from behind while he’s getting his point shoot up. I could feel his precum when he coughed out the rush. He went hard straight away holding my hip then fucked me brainless for hours.
    1 point
  44. Part 4: “one, two, THREE!” With just two little pricks in my arms I became a monster. My mind went to a million places. Both dad and father O’Brian were grinding and hard. I couldn’t help but cough and groan like an animal on the hunt. They both put my arms above my head, and licked the bit of blood that came out. “he’s in his natural state now, but let’s get him to a proper bed” father O’Brian said. Dad led me in front while I hollard and begged to be fucked. “Just fuck me, fuck me, use me, fuck me, FUCK ME GOD DAMNIT!” dad opened his door and I was thrown on the bed. They took hold and forced me to get in doggy, but I wanted everything done possible. Then all of a sudden *WHACK* Dad looked at me with the hand he used to slap my face. He looked at me with a huge grin. Because he saw that I still had a smile. “I knew you’d be just like me. Let anything happen. Anything we want. And you didn’t cry or bitch like a pathetic pig others are. My son is a true slave.” I was still thrusting and dad my face forcibly. ”Don’t you dare take my dick out.” Then my dad started to pound my throat with his cock. His stomach slapping back and forth with his dick. Like an actual bear on attack. My throat could feel every vain, every inch, every pube, and every taste of pre cum. In and out in and out without mercy I just smiled and obeyed. I was flying and feeling almost out of body. father obrian stuck his cock in my ass but didn’t pound me like they did before. Instead he said “your gonna get one more burst from me my boy. Here’s your very first chem piss enema you fucking slut.” Then in just a few seconds my hole felt even warmer. “This slut will do anything for dick, that’s his life’s purpose.” Dad said ”The way he’s supposed to.” Father O’Brian replied. He then shocked me with “you know if you come to church more then half the attendees will fuck you boy? You think your the only father and son that are like this? We are making a brotherhood of poz Chem pigs. Your master and cheating boyfriend helped induct so many members. Including myself. Your neighbors. Local town folks you pass. And they all have seen the video I was shown of you being a tweeked out whore. So just do as your told by anyone who bends you over boy. Cus it’s all your good for.” with that he stopped pissing inside me. Father O’Brian took his phone out and said he wants to show everyone more of the newest whore to use in town. With that dad flipped me around and tamed his cock up my ass. With the phone pointing at the both of us. My wrecked hole now spouting cum and piss was in pure bliss. ”Just look at this pig. Only been one day and he’s already a slammed up piss filled pig. Anyone watching this should bug his useless neg ass till its white and red. Don’t you love being fucked by your poz biological father, boy?” I just screamed “Yes Father. I love being breeded by my dad.” Dad picked up the pass and growled at me. ”And how good does your son sloppy cunt feel?” ”Like it’s begging to be whored out” dad moaned and pounding my cheeks with his balls bouncing on my thighs. ”you want anyone to fuck your son?” ”every raw pig should use my boy whenever they want. Drug him. Make him obey.” Dad grunted and yelled ”Cum in your son again?” ”Doing it…Right now. FUUUUUCK.” With that dad cummed inside me again and me still flying I begged for more. Hearing this dad brought his cum soaked and pink colored blood and cum Mix to my mouth. I thought I was to just suck it off. But while holding my head down, dad started to piss down my throat. The taste of chem piss was strong and nasty. But I did as felt what was right. I swallowed every drop. But being up for so long now I didn’t know if everything was real again. Father O’Brian finally put his phone down from recording and said “we will have more fun but I must go. I have some work obligations but will be sure to send this to everyone and show this at work. Trust me, this is your purpose boy. As Father O’Brian left dad just looked at me and said “your gonna make me a proud father.” He then kissed me with all his night. Looked at me and said “let’s get you dressed. We got one more thing to do before you are done your first round.” Dad grabbed me and told me to put on shorts, a tank top, put me In the car, and drove us 10 minutes down the road to a highway truck stop. Gave me lube seeing how very tweeked I was and told me to go to the bathroom stalls. But before I could ask why he wasn’t getting out he left me and drove off. Still high and confused I did as told. When I walked in I saw two men just motioning me to the toilet stall. One was a middle eastern daddy with just regular work clothes on. The other I recognized as the local 711 manager. Without even closing the door I was shuved inside, forced to my knees, and told to service us like we were promised. They both shuved their shorts down and came for my holes. The middle eastern daddy said “your videos are amazing. Let’s give you something to really celebrate. Being an independent Chem slut.” They both put there dicks inside me until they both quickly nutted. “Oh don’t worry, more are coming, but everyone is gonna hold you here till you are told everyone is done.” just how long would that be? Oh who cares. I love my new purpose
    1 point
  45. "Not bad," said Sid. "I was bed-ridden for a while and sweating like mad, but I'm over the worst I reckon" As he spoke, Arthur took me by the wrist and took me upstairs. Sid came up behind, and I felt his hand on my bottom. "Very nice, I've missed that." He said We went into the TV room. There was an old man watching some porn, leaning back on the sofa and playing with a fat, swollen cock. Arthur pulled me onto my knees on the sofa. "Pass the lube", he said to the old man. He passed over a crumpled tube which Arthur squeezed onto a finger and smeared on my arsehole. "You ok, Sid? Heard you were sick." said the old man "Much better, thanks Jim."Said Sid. As he spoke, he steadied my arse and slid his cock up me" "So what was it?" Asked Jim "Just the bug doing its work" He said, thrusting in and out of me. "Well, you'll feel beeter still if you get some dirty cum off your chest!" said Jim They ignored me, treating me as a wet, hole to breed with as they spoke. "Oh yeah," gasped Sid. "Can't hold it today! Gonna cum!" Arthur pushed my shoulders down as Sid began to shudder. "That's it," he said "Fuck it. Empty that dirty cum into it!" SId gasped and his cock began to throb and I knew he was cumming in me. After a few moments, he pulled out and sank onto the sofa, his cock dripping with cum. "I could do with a bit of that!" said Jim, getting heavily to his feet He got behind me and thrust his cock into my cummy hole, resting his old belly on my buttocks as he began to slide in and out. "Is it poz or neg?" He asked Arthur as he began to pant. Arthur grinned. "We've all had it so I guess its a poz arse!" "In that case - here it cums!" cried Jim as he pozzed me.
    1 point
  46. I got hit up by this cute 18 y/o boy named Noah who wanted a quickie after school. I can't host and was a bit freaked out that he was still in HS and insisted he show me his DL before I would do anything at all. He was able to host thankfully as I can't and he was impossibly cute, shaggy curly blonde hair, cut face, blue eyes, smooth body and a nice sized uncut cock. I was kind of taken aback as to why he'd want to get with me, but he admitted he didn't want his buds to know he was "like that". I'm a pretty sympathetic listener and explained that I got it. We had been chatting a while and agreed to meet up today once he got out of school. We had talked about what we wanted sexually, which was to flip fuck, and had talked about barebacking. He said he wanted to talk about it in person once we'd met and that he'd feel more comfortable that way. It could be reductive and say I like a challenge, but I'm open to all kinds of play. We met up outside by his house and started chatting. He admitted he was too scared for me to know where he lived and wanted to talk first, which was cool. I was willing to do whatever to get with this hottie. Once we met up though I was totally charged up and horny as fuck and I got the sense he was too. He kept playing with his cock and it was obviously as big as he had alluded to. He finally agreed to go back to his house and once inside he was all over me, kissing me intensely, groping my cock and telling me how bad he wanted to fuck me. I reminded him I needed to see his ID and he pulled out his wallet and driver's license which, honestly, I barely looked at. Yes, his name was Noah, and I seared his last name in my mind so I could search up on him when I got home and memorized his DOB too. He cautioned me that while he had time to have some fun his parents would be home anywhere from 6 to 7 and we needed to get down to it. I smiled broadly at that and said OK, and we moved to his bedroom, locked the door and stripped down. We were deep into kissing each other and soon were on the bed, me grinding my cock up against his ass and wanting to put it in him in the worst possible way. He's awkwardly stretching for his nightstand and can see and hear him fumbling for something and he winds up handing me lube. Saying nothing I quickly lube up my cock and his ass and quickly force my cock inside him raw. His eyes are wide and his face live with delight as he's calling out "oh yeah" and "fuck yeah" as I enter him raw. He says nothing about wrapping and he clearly doesn't care to talk about in person as he'd mentioned earlier. Clearly, he wants raw, or he'd have said no. I have his legs over my shoulders and am driving deep inside his ass, kissing him deeply, telling him how hot he is and how bad I want to cum in him. He's also telling me how bad he wants my load, how hot my cock is, and not to pull out. I'm totally into him and before long I blast a load deep in his hole. I collapse on him telling him how hot he was and how much I enjoyed it. He's kissing me deeply back saying he loves how I did him and that he wants to do the same to me but wants to be honest. I pull him close in a hug and say I'm cool with whatever he has to say, and he admits to me that he's never been tested, and is that OK? I say it is, knowing full well he's not asked me my status before I bred him, not that I really cared. He's hot and I want his seed regardless. He looks relieved that I want his cum and eagerly roll on my back with him on top me and guiding his cock to my ass. I can reach my hand over to where the lube is lying on the bedspread and hand it to him and can feel him lubing up my ass and his cock. I'm gasping as I take his massive cock balls deep and don't give a shit that he doesn't know his status.... I want that cock and his load. And it doesn't take long until he is pounding me so hard, I can't even think straight. He's one of the biggest cocks I've taken in a while and he's hitting me in all the places I want to get fucked. He's kissing me deeply as I can barely breathe for the deep pounding he's giving me as I beg for him to cum in me. He finally gives me his load...an intense spasm, that I can feel all over me, inside and out. He collapses on me, panting, trying to catch his breath as I pull him in a bear hug, thanking him for giving me what I wanted. I know I should care about his status, but I wanted his load so bad I'm willing to take my chances. I loved that he took me no questions so its not for me to get all butt hurt. He looked at the clock and said we had time for one more quickie and did I want to fuck him or me fuck him again? I told him I wanted to fuck him again and quick shot another load balls deep in his ass. We both collapsed on the bed and again started kissing each other. He asked me why I wasn't dating and I admitted I hated being committed to a guy and liked messing around with other guys and liked having multiple guys fucking me. He laughed and said that sounded a lot like him, and that he liked guys using his ass too. I asked how often he got it, and he admitted it was a mix of buds and guys off apps. I admitted that was cool as I met up with guys off of apps and liked having fun like he did. It was getting late in the day and he was getting nervous about his parents coming home and said I should get going. I thanked him and said I was down to hook up any time he wanted and he said he was as well. He thanked me for being chill about not knowing his status and we had another bear hug before I left. I know I have no problems taking his seed and am guessing there are LOTS of guys that would take his seed as well.
    1 point
  47. Bill and Arthur laughed and stood up, leaving Peter's mother on the sofa. I went to clean the changing room as Bill went to get Peter from the basement. When I finished, I went into reception. Arthur was there with Peter's mother, stroking his cock and drinking some tea. The door to the basement opened, and Bill led Peter into the room. The poor lad was running with sweat and spunk ran down his inside thighs and dripped onto the floor. "Look at you! " said his mother, wrinkling her nose. "Covered in it, you dirty boy!" Peter grinned as Bill turned him round and spread his smooth cheeks. His arsehole gaped and spurted sperm over his balls. "Well fucked and bred, missus!" He laughed. "Go and clean up!" She said. "I'm not taking you home covered in spunk." Peter went off to the showers and Bill looked at his mother and said "you know he's probably pregnant by now?" She nodded. "I'm not surprised, you dirty sod." She nodded at Arthur who was stroking an erection now. "From what I can see, I bet one of you two is the daddy!" She looked at me " And what about you? Are you knocked up yet?" I blushed. Arthur came and bent me over the counter as Bill handed him some lube. He got behind me and slid his warty cock deliciously into me arse. "Course he is!" He laughed, fucking me in front of her.
    1 point
  48. Sorry for the long delay in posting the next chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy! Review of parts one and two: In part one, Rhett was initiated into gay sex and partying by some older men, one of whom becomes his boss, recruiting him as a drug dealer. In part two, he is happily dealing while working for his family’s handyman/maintainance company, and using his connections to find hot young guys to fuck. When one of his clients (Eddy) tells him he has a friend looking to get into the business, Rhett is skeptical but meets the guy. Mark is the son of a well respected, rich town leader, so Rhett is not convinced he should give Mark a chance, until he gets the teen alone and discovers that the boy is hot and desperate to break out of his squeaky clean image. Together, they work out a plan so Mark can prove himself to Aaron (Rhett’s boss) without his parents finding out, but it requires some help from Eddy. Eddy, who believes Mark has been cut off and needs the money to keep seeing a fictional girl out of town, agrees to recruit his housekeeper and provide an alibi for Mark. Rhett secretly steals some photos from Mark’s phone before Mark leaves. With no one around, Rhett took the opportunity to do some more tina and g with Eddy, then fucked his ass on camera, fantasizing about what he could do with Mark. (SEEN HERE) Part three: Trip To TempTaTion As I expected, Mark had avoided my calls and texts and even Eddy said he was acting elusive at school. Making sure he was last in before practice started and first out afterwards, Eddy kept missing him whenever he tried to get more details on when he’d need to provide Mark with an alibi. Luck and inevitability finally worked in my favor when the Montague family called and scheduled a visit from my company, so someone would get on their roof and seal off the ceiling fans for the winter and clean the chimneys before cold weather hit. My dad was flabberghasted at how speedily I volunteered to take the call, especially since it meant more work than I’d done at all my other calls that week combined. My truck was parked in the perfect position so Mark wouldn’t see it when he got home from school, so you can imagine how stunned he was to find me in his room sitting on his bed. I explained that I needed to talk with him and set up a time for his dealer exam, so I climbed in his window on my way down from the roof. He tried to feed me some lines about having second thoughts and worrying that his folks would never fall for it, but I cut him off. “Too late to back out now man,” I said, shrugging and leaning back on my elbows. “I told Eddy you’re gonna be his supplier starting next month. Even told him I won’t be taking his calls, since I’m handing him and the rest of his crew off to you.” “That’s fine,” Mark responded indignantly. “I’ll just tell them I almost got collared and I’m laying low til the heat is off. Or I’ll tell them I couldn’t get any cash together to cover the travel expenses.” “That might fly for a week or two bro,” I volleyed back at him. “But let’s be real: nobody will believe it once they see that you have no intention of going through with dealing. I guess Eddy and his bros were right about your lack of balls.” “They don’t think I’m a coward anymore,” Mark insisted, losing his momentum. “Not since they heard my dad threatening me.” “Dude, I’m not quoting them from a long time ago,” my smile widened, knowing I’d hit his weak spot. “I am telling you what they were saying two nights ago. Eddy practically offered to let me fuck him as long as he didn’t have to rely on you for his party goods. He told me his whole pack of bros agreed that you’d probably chicken out on the plan to get the stuff from the city, and back out of dealing before you even got started. Guess they’re right.” Mark looked crushed. He really believed he was getting close to making real friends with these guys, but I wasn’t exaggerating about how they’d respond once they found out Mark was too chicken shit to disobey Daddy, even just to get a chance to sneak out and spend a week fucking some hot Mexican pussy (which I would be sure to accidentally expose as another lie). Tired of waiting for him to come around, I stood up and turned to climb back down the ladder and pack up my stuff, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Okay,” his voice was filled with uncertainty, but his words were definite. “My Dad and Mom are spending a week on the coast when we take fall break next week. My brother and I are supposed to tag along, but they’re not too keen on the idea since this is a business trip and we’ll spend most of it at the hotel when we’re not paraded through business dinners and cocktail parties. I can tell them Eddy wants me to spend the week at his place, as long as I can find some excuse why I need to be there, like a big test or a ski trip or something. All I need to know is how much the favors will cost, where’s it gonna happen and how I should plan to get there after they drop me off at Eddy’s house.” “You sure man?” I asked while putting on my best ‘caring older brother’ face. “Cause this is your last chance to back out and keep on being a good kid. Once you do this, you’ll go from stiff to stud and nobody’s gonna think the same about you for the rest of high school.” “I’m positive Rhett,” Mark’s volume dropped and his quivery timber disappeared. Suddenly he spoke from a place of drive and desire to be a man in the eyes of his peers. “Tell Eddy my Dad will be calling him tonight to get the details so he better be ready. In the mean time, you’d better set up the location, playmates and party favors. Text me how much green I should bring and when and where we will meet.” --- From there it was almost too easy. Eddy’s housekeeper assured Mr. Montague that she would be supervising the boys the entire week while they took part in a youth retreat sponsored by Eddy’s church. Mark was a genius to tell his Dad he was going to a retreat that was really taking place, even more brilliant when you consider the remote mountain location would ensure he was out of cell range most of the week. Apparently his folks were nowhere near as suspicious as Mark made them seem. They accepted his excuse at face value and didn’t even insist on dropping him off at the church where the bus was going to pick up everyone going. --- The day of the “reTreaT” finally arrived, and right on schedule, Mark and his parents arrived at Eddy’s driveway, unloaded his sleeping bag and duffle, and sped off to catch their flight as Eddy and Mark waved goodbye. When they turned the corner and I lost sight of them, I turned on my truck and pulled out from behind Eddy’s garage, pausing for Mark to toss his stuff in the truck bed and hop in next to me, then heading off to endless possibilities. It was no accident that I hadn’t told Mark where we were heading to play, since I myself wasn’t quite sure until a day or two prior to picking him up. I knew I could have taken Mark to Dave’s house or any number of places that Aaron had set up, but I didn’t want Aaron to know about this particular “job applicant” just yet. He had the tendency to push pretty hard on the new hires, and I wanted there to be no way for Mark to be disqualified until I’d had a chance to see what I could get out of him. When I realized my place was too centrally located to ensure Mark’s continued presence, I began looking for places further out of town or even the next town over. As I pressed my cock through Eddy’s sphincter the night before Mark and I were supposed to meet, I remembered him saying something about a secluded place where he used to meet his girlfriend for the occasional night of fun. Between grunts and unintelligible pleas for me to stop or slow down, I managed to ask him where he used to take her, figuring it was probably the family cabin where he’d hosted the party where I first learned about Mark’s interest. Turns out his family owns some rental cabins a little further up the canyon only a few miles from the camp where the church retreat was supposed to take place. Pushing a little harder, both with my dick and my questions, I managed to convince him to give me the exact location and call the cabin manager and get one of the cabins reserved for a “friend” who was coming to town and needed a place to take a girl. Somehow the fact that this friend was coming to town at the same time that I was supposedly driving Mark to meet his girl in the city never raised any flags in Eddy’s mind, or if it did, he decided not to share his concerns (probably since every time he talked to me lately, he somehow ended up high with my cock up his ass). So we headed west, out of town, over the interstate, and up a small two lane highway into the foothills, where no one could reach us until I was sure I had gotten every last opportunity to make Mark have some fun. So far he had trusted me enough that he didn’t question our destination until we got far enough into the hills that his cell service cut out. “I figured you’d wanna do this some place private,” I told him, squeezing his knee in a reassuring manner that also reaffirmed that I was in charge. “so I got a cabin up in the hills. Don’t worry, it won’t be much longer now.” Ten minutes later, we pulled off the paved road and turned down a bumpy dirt street barely wide enough for the truck. Thank goodness no one was coming the other way, or I would have had to back up all the way to the turn off. The further we drove the more the trees blocked out the afternoon sun, which was close to setting soon anyway. A slow going five minute drive deposited us in front of a wood bridge, which caused both of us to hold our breaths as we crossed it and turned the corner. Suddenly the dark forest opened in front of us to reveal a beautiful two story cabin, lights ablaze inside. Lit no doubt by the caretaker, as requested by Eddy before he gave me the key. The instructions for the cabin caretaker also included stocking the cabin with plenty of drinks, both alcohol and non, food, and fresh firewood, and then leaving the cabin alone for the next 5 days. After we unloaded the truck and made our way inside, we took a few moments to familiarize ourselves with the layout before deciding what to do next. On the main floor, right off the front porch, was the kitchen and dining area, which included a nice new fridge, stove, dishwasher and microwave, all of which seemed totally out of place with the knotted wood cabinets and table. Beyond that was a large living room with two huge couches, a giant flatscreen tv hung over the stone fireplace, and some bric-a-brac on the end tables and coffee table. At the back of the cabin was a small bedroom, a bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink, and a stairway. Up the stairs was a nice sized loft overlooking the kitchen and living room, with a huge bed and nice sized closet and bathroom. Thoroughly impressed but trying not to give away that I didn’t know it any better than Mark did, I held back my shock and awe and just agreed a lot as Mark oooh’d and aahhhh’d over all the cool stuff we were seeing. I couldn’t help but smile though when I noticed the hot tub out the back door by the stairs. I had grand plans for both tubs forming in my head. “So, what’s the plan man?” Mark asked me, dropping onto the couch opposite me, after tossing his stuff on the bed in the small bedroom on the mainfloor. I didn’t plan for him to need his clothes this week anyway so it was fine if he thought he’d be sleeping in there. Silently I responded to his question by pulling my backpack up onto the couch next to me and pulling out a small zippered bag from the outside pocket. Inside there was a large bag of crystal, a straw, a torch and three pipes, one clear glass, one long blue glass and one bubbler. Since I didn’t want to scare Mark off, I chose the small clear glass bowl and began loading it with rocks from the bag. “You sure you wanna do this? Last chance to back out.” I warned, fishing out the torch and looking at the nervous teen next to me. He hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath, nodding yes, and closing his eyes. “Good, then open your eyes so you can see what you’re gonna have to do.” With some hesitation, he opened his eyes. Slowly I described each piece of the puzzle as I pointed them out. While he carefully examined the pipe full of tina, I took a towel from the small bathroom and wet it under the sink. Returning to the couch, I moved my stuff to his end and sat next to Mark, closer that two dudes normally would, making an excuse about being close enough for him to really watch me. Watching and listening as I demonstrated how to melt the rocks until they began to give off some clean white smoke, I could tell he was wishing he’d been smart enough to pull out a pad and pencil to take notes. Once I felt it was ready, I put the pipe to my lips and took a large hit from it, sucking down some of the best shit I’d ever sold, that I’d chosen especially for this occasion. Exhaling, I slowly released a giant white cloud from my lungs, surprising even me with the size and density of the smoke. “Wow…” was all Mark said as I turned and smiled at him, making like my huge hit was no big deal. I cooled the pipe in the towel for a second and asked him if he had any questions. Whether he did or didn’t, he sure as hell wasn’t going to ask me at that moment, since it was obvious to me that all he really wanted to do was run out the door, down the stone steps, across the rickety old bridge and straight back home to his sheltered little world. “Good, then it’s your turn Marky boy,” I said, shoving the pipe and torch into his hands. Shaking, he lifted the pipe and imitated my actions, trying once, twice, three times before finally getting the torch to light. Once it was on he started trying to melt the crystals, but kept forgetting to hold down the trigger, allowing the torch to go out. Laughing, I asked him if he’d like me to light it for his first hit. He blushed and nodded, but I made sure to tell him it was no big deal. “No sweat dude. I sucked my first time too.” (no pun intended lol) “you just hold the pipe near your lips and when I say go, start rolling the pipe slightly from side to side and inhaling, cool?” “Yeah, cool.” He feigned confidence, and I had to keep from laughing as I lit the pipe again. “See how I am holding the lighter just a little ways from the pipe?” I explained as I began. “I don’t want the crystal to get burned, but I have to get it hot enough to become a liquid, like it is now. Keep watching and you’ll see it is starting to smoke, so go ahead and start rolling side to side…there, not too far…nice…now put it to your lips and begin inhaling, as deep as you can…good…keep going…keep going…ok, now lower the pipe and exhale.” He coughed as a nice big white cloud spewed from his mouth and nose. I could tell he wasn’t used to smoking anything, even weed or cigarettes, let alone tina, but I knew this was really good stuff so it wasn’t harsh enough to choke or taste bad. More likely he was coughing from the psychosomatic urge in his brain that told him ‘smoking equals coughing.’ I handed him a water bottle from my backpack (laced with a small dose of ghb) and he downed half of it before he’d even stopped exhaling. As his breathing returned to normal, I asked him if he was okay. “Yeah Rhett, I’m fine *cough* just a lot stronger than *cough* I expected,” he told me, face red and breathing raged. “Maybe I’m better snorting it or someth*cough* thing like that.” “Snorting this shit is a bad idea bro,” I told him, taking another big hit for myself. “Trust me, smoking it is waaaay easier.” “If you say so,” his breathing returning to normal, I motioned for him to take another hit, but he waved it off, insisting I go ahead while he finish his water. “Okay, I’ll take another hit,” I said, putting his mind at ease, until I continued: “but why don’t I shotgun it to you? That way it won’t be as harsh as taking it all yourself.” “Shotgunning?” He repeated, making wonder if he was so sheltered that he didn’t even know the most basic of terms. “Yeah, you know, I take a hit,” I said, pantomiming the act. “then I exhale into your mouth and you inhale it and exhale back to me and so on.” “I know what shotgunning is man,” He said, indignant and defensive. Whether he did or not, who can say? “I just think it’s kinda…you know…gay, isn’t it?” “it’s not like we’re making out Marky,” I laughed and went to light the pipe. “All we gotta do is get close enough that you can suck down the smoke I exhale, no tongue, I promise.” “I guess.” He had little choice since I’d already begun my hit. Once I’d inhaled a large amount, I waved for him to lean in and turned to face him. He closed his eyes and I was tempted to plant one on him, but instead I moved in and began exhaling as he sucked in as much smoke from my mouth as he could. As I finished, he leaned back and let out a huge billowy cloud, with no coughing or choking at all. “Nice job bud,” I slapped him on the back and handed him the pipe. “How does it feel being a bad ass?” “Not bad I guess,” he smiled and blushed a little, embarrassed and proud to be braking the rules. “but I’m not really feeling anything man.” “Just take a few more hits and you’ll see,” I held the pipe to his mouth and lit the torch. He’d already forgotten how freaked he was to be smoking, so he took the pipe and waited for my signal to inhale. “this will be the best high you’ll ever have, trust me.” After that he began shotgunning with me after ever hit either of us took. There was no more coughing or balking at taking a hit, we just chatted and passed the bowl around, taking hits and brushing lips on each exhale. Soon the bowl was finished and Mark was flying. “Damn Rhett, I see what you mean,” Mark stood up and bound over to the kitchen to refill his water bottle and get one for me. “I feel fucking great! I feel like I could rip a phone book in half! And I am fucking horny as…as…fuck! When will this girl be getting here for us to play with? I wanna get her high and fuck her right in her fucking pussy!” “Slow down Mark,” I laughed and lit the fire place with the remote on the table in front of me. Pulling up the menu on the tv, I linked it to my laptop in my backpack and found a file full of amateur porn, mostly made by friends of mine so each video featured multiple guys and one or two girls, all smoking and fucking together. “Let’s just watch some porn and chill for a little bit and see how we do.” “Damn, are those dudes smoking tina too?!!?!?!” Mark flopped right next to me on the couch, eyes wide and locked on the guys on screen as they sucked down a bowl as some teen bitch suck their cocks. “Yeah man, some friends made this vid for me.” I loaded another bowl and melted it while walking over and turning up the thermostat. Between the fire and the temp set to 75 degrees, Mark should start getting hot pretty quickly, and more heat meant less clothes. “By the way, did you clean up like I told you?” “You mean like showering and using the…” suddenly he was shy again. “It’s cool man, you can say it: enema.” I smiled and acted like it was normal while I took a big hit. Mark licked his lips, hungry for the bowl as I exhaled. Reaching for it, I pulled it away and asked again. “So did you?” “Yeah, it was weird man,” Mark admitted, willing to tell me almost anything to get another hit from me at that moment. “But you were right it cleaned me out from top to bottom, and even though I haven’t eaten since last night, I’m suddenly not hungry anymore.” “Not for food anyway,” I added, watching the formerly naïve teen as he took a giant hit from the bowl. “Tina will do that to you. Plus it can make you need to take a dump really bad, so that’s why I had you use the enema, so you wouldn’t end up in the bathroom all night once the girl arrives.” “Awesome bro,” Mark said after pulling me in and exhaling into my open mouth. He smelled like mint toothpaste and bodyspray. On most guys I would find the scent tacky, but on this teen stud I could feel my cock harden as I inhaled. “Wow look at her go! That girl can really suck a dick!” We laughed and our focus returned to the tv, watching the girl suck the handsome young college guys. These ‘porn stars’ were actually my customers who I traded some meth in exchange for taping them tag team a girl they all knew would be down. I smiled to myself, remembering that three of the four of the boys had sucked me off since that day and I’d even fucked one of them a few weeks ago, but here on camera they seemed straight as hell, even as they occasionally jerked one another off for a moment or two. Whether Mark noticed this or not, I couldn’t tell you, since all he wanted to do was praise the tits, ass and body of the girl on her knees between them. Oh, that and smoke more tina. By the time the guys on the video had moved into the bedroom and were starting to prep the girl to get gangbanged, the temp in the cabin had risen enough that I was sweating pretty hard. Looking to my left, I could see beads of sweat forming on Mark’s forehead and neck as well, plus little dark patches under his armpits. Time to get the ball rolling. “Fuck it is hot in here,” I stood and tore off my ball cap and shirt, toeing off my shoes as I did. “Hope you don’t mind man.” “Not at all” Mark said, standing as well. “In fact, I’ll join you.” “Cool bro, you may want to start jerkin now Mark,” I encouraged the stripping boy to go further. “Tina can sometimes make you go soft and if you don’t warm up before ‘the entertainment’ arrives, you may not be able to participate in any of the fun.” “I’m not worried man,” Mark said, deflating my master plan as he stripped off his white sleeveless undershirt then reaching for the pipe. “I bought some viagra from a guy at school just in case.” Suddenly my spirits perked up again, imagining Mark cumming over and over with his drug-induced hard-on. In my experience, teenagers on Viagra could cum for days without ever getting fully soft, even if they were so high on meth they couldn’t remember their own names. To be certain he’d have enough for the entire trip, I asked him how many he bought, pretending like I might want one. Truthfully I was lucky enough to have a cock that seemed to only get harder on drugs. Aaron and Dave referred to it as “perma-stiffy” lol. I needn’t have worried though, since Mark was overly-prepared (as usual) and got 20 tabs, informing me the price went down when you got that many. Plus 20 could be explained as another drug he was looking to sell, so no one would suspect he might be using them himself. Asking me if he needed to take it now or if he should wait, I told him to go ahead and lose his pants and then he could bust the pills out, so he wouldn’t need to find them in the heat of the moment. Shy as always, he turned away as he lowered his jeans to the floor leaving him in a clean pair of tighty whiteys. My eyes took in the sweet, round globes of his ass as he walked to the bedroom with his folded pants and shirt before returning with his bag which he brought over and dropped next to the coffee table. Biting my lip to stifle a groan as he bent over to look through it, I felt my already stiff cock throb against my tight boxer briefs, the fabric stretching in order to hold my shaft down. I hadn't realized when Mark first dropped trou, but up close I could see that his sweat had created an almost see-through strip of cotton down the center of his butt and allowed me a semi-decent view of his ass crack, providing the slightest hint of dark mystery where I imagined his hole to be. In need of a distraction, I stood up and took a look at what he was unpacking from his bag. “Jeez Marky” my eyes bugged a little at the amount of crap he had crammed into the large duffle bag. “What did you do? Pack every piece of clothing you owned?” “Not quite,” Mark responded, not realizing I was exaggerating. “My dad and mom were insisting I be prepared for any activity that might occur on the ‘retreat’ which meant all kinds of gear for everything from chalk bags for rock-climbing to pads for mountain biking and even my speedo in case we swam any races! It was easier to just go with it than argue, so I have it all here.” “Wow, that’s…insane man!” I laughed and dug out a pair of snow-claws to attach to his boots. Mark joined in on the revelry, laughing and whipping out a pair of wrist braces. I followed with a bag marked ‘Mark’s sweatbands’ containing one for his head, two for his wrists and two for his ankles. My laughter caught in my throat as Mark one-upped me by pulling out his speedos in one hand and his athletic supporter including the cup in his other. He was too busy laughing and spinning them around on his fingers to notice me lick my lips at the thought of his hot ass in either pair. Not wanting to get him feeling too silly, I took that moments to suggest a drink for both of us, and asked what kind of booze he preferred. It didn’t take a genius to decipher his sudden change in mood to realize he wasn’t sure. “I’m gonna have a long-island ice tea Marky, want one?” I offered, eliciting a relieved head nod and visible relaxing of his shoulders. “Good, keep watching that porn and find that Viagra so you can take it with your drink, k?” With Mark distracted, he didn’t notice how much booze was going into the drinks I was making. My original idea was making the drinks with a small amount of ghb from the vial hidden in my sock, but I figured the disguised booze taste of a long island would allow him to get a nice buzz without realizing how much he’d had, and I would save the g for later, if I needed it. When I walked back into the room with the drinks, Mark was trying to get a hit from the pipe, even though there was nothing left for him to hit. We traded, me handing him the drinks, him handing me the pipe, and I loaded it while watching my victim…I mean friend down his little blue pill and half his drink in two gulps. “Damn man, you sure there is booze in this?” He asked, taking another big swig from his glass. “This tastes way better than any drink I’ve ever tasted.” “It’s got enough, trust me.” Smiling I handed him the fully loaded pipe and sat close enough that our bare legs were touching from the knee most of the way up the thigh. Unlike before, Mark didn’t move away or even flinch at the contact, much too focused on trying to melt the crystals like I had showed him before. Once they melted enough, he took a nice, big hit and turned and shot-gunned it to me without me even having to ask. I couldn’t have planned it any better than this. --- End of part three. In part four, Rhett will get Mark to do a lot of stuff he has never tried before and maybe even like it...
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