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  1. I went to a techno festival with a friend for a weekend in the summer. My boyfriend, with whom I've been monogamous for two years, didn't want to come along. The festival was impressive. You could hear good techno sound and feel the bass everywhere on the festival and camping site. We got on well with our tent neighbours and there was a lot of alcohol. On Saturday evening we went to the festival site. On the way there, I took MDMA to really party. When I arrived in front of the main stage, I could feel the effects: I started dancing and also got ... very horny. For fun, I downloaded Grindr and looked to see which guys were also at the festival. In my excitement, I wrote to several guys. I actually just wanted to chat suggestively and maybe get some dick pics. When the effects of the MDNA fully kicked in around 0:30am, I wanted to do more than just chat. Maybe wank together or something similar. I particularly liked one guy at Grindr. We arranged to meet at 2 a.m. at my tent, which was conveniently located near two main roads on the campsite. On the way to my tent, I realised that the effects of the MDMA were wearing off. I began to have doubts: should I really cheat on my boyfriend? When I arrived at the tent, I opened Grinder and pondered: should I say no to the guy or not? After all, I don't have any lube or condoms .... I looked at our neighbour's tent. I looked around and, in a knee-jerk reaction, went to our neighbour's tent without thinking. I opened the tent and reached for the bag of cocaine hidden under the front of a jumper. I quickly closed the tent door and disappeared into my own tent. I quickly rolled up a banknote and pulled the white powder through both nostrils. I realised how warm I was getting and how ... horny I was becoming agein. I looked at my watch: "Fuck, it's already 2:07!" I quickly crawled out of my tent, stood up and the Grindr guy was already waiting on the corner! I waved him over. In the twilight of the camping lights, he arrived grinning and we hid in the tent. When he undressed, I realised how the cocaine was kicking in with full force. He looked at me and asked: "Have you taken anything?". "Yes, cocaine... maybe a little too much" I replied. He grinned, said "very good boy...!" and took off my trousers and boxer shorts. He lifted my legs and started to lick my hole vigorously. Every time he stuck his entire tongue into my hole, I started to moan. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed the way he worked my hole with his big tongue. When I felt his tongue in my mouth and he began to moan softly, I opened my eyes. He had that diabolical grin again. My hands slid down his back to his sexy, tight arse. I enjoyed the way he penetrated my hole with his "tongue"... When my hands reached his arse, I noticed that it was constantly moving back and forth. In my cocaine high, I suddenly realised that it wasn't his tongue but his cock in my hole that was fucking me! "Fuck! You're fucking me right now!" I moaned at him, seeing his face only slightly blurred by the effects of the cocaine. "Oh yes! Are you enjoying my cock in your cunt?". I moaned and couldn't get a straight sentence out... I just stammered: "Ehm... Fuck... Fuck, that's hot... but fuck..." After a short time he grabbed my hair, pulled my head towards him and said: "I'm going now to fuck your fucking cunt from behind!". While he pulled his cock out, I wanted to suck him off. I grabbed his hard cock and realised that there was no condom on it. While I had his cock in my hand, I looked at him in horror and asked: "Fuck! Did you just fuck me without a condom? I have a boyfriend!". He replied annoyed: "Calm down! Didn't you like it? Come on, lie down on your stomach and I'll lick you again...". I was pissed off, but incredibly horny due to the cocaine. I agreed. He turned round and pulled poppers out of his bag on the floor. He gave it to me: "Take a few puffs! Then I'll lick your arse some more...". I opened the bottle and took a few puffs. The high kicked in immediately. Meanwhile, I noticed how he pushed his cock into me and started to fuck me hard. He bent over with his body and I felt his breath on my ear. He turned my head towards him and rammed his bare cock really deep inside me. I moaned loudly. "Tell me, how does my bare cock feel in your wet hole?" he asked. I was so horny that I could only answer: "Fucking goog. Fuck me. Fuck me bare. I don't care about anything right now. Just fuck me hard and cum inside me!!!". He bent up and started to fuck me hard. After few minutes he moaned loudly and a few seconds later he started laughing. I noticed how he pulled his cock out of my hole: "What's going on?" I asked. "I'm ready," he replied as he got dressed. My horniness abruptly diminished. I sat down and asked: "Ehm... did you come inside me?". "Yes," he grinned and put his shoes on and added: "It's leaking out of your hole, boy...". "Ehm... Okay... Tell me, how often do you fuck bareback? Are you healthy?" I replied. He opened the tent door, turned round and said: "I only ever fuck bareback. That's all you need to know!". Then he left. I wanted to run after him, but I was still naked. So I picked up my phone, opened Grindr and wanted to confront him. As soon as I'd written the first word, the chat disappeared. He had blocked me! Now I was sitting there: alone in the tent, overwhelmed and scared. My thoughts were running round and round: "What will you say to your boyfriend? What if he's infected me with something?". I spot the white bag of cocaine and thought to myself: Fuck it. Lets take a few more puffs. So I took another hit of cocaine, which made me extremely horny again. I started playing with my cock. With my right hand I slid down to my hole, where I realised that the sperm was flowing out. I took it on my finger and put it in my mouth. "Fuck that's hot... and it tastes good" I moaned quietly to myself. I reached for my phone and opened Grindr. I thought to myself: if anything, I want to be fucked properly today. Luckely, I quickly found a guy in his early 40s who had an XL cock and was a few tents away in his campervan. We arranged to meet up. I put on my clothes, took another line of cocaine and literally ran to the guy. Once there, everything happened quickly. He closed the door and took off his clothes. I knew from his profile that he was married to a man. While he undressed, I pressed my boxer shorts hard against my hole to wipe away the last traces and evidence of the past guy. We started kissing and I felt his big hard cock against my legs. "Fuck you are hot! Come fuck me" I whispered in his ear. He turned round and put on a condom. Then he turned me on my back, spit on his cock and slowly pushed it inside me. He started to fuck me slowly, but faster and faster. "Boy... you're incredibly hot and you have a delicious hole!" he moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his head and replied: "Oh fuck... I love your big cock! I would love to have you bare inside me". "Oh fuck yes. To fuck your beautiful cunt with my bare cock... That would be awesome! ", he replied, moaning and ramming his cock into me really hard all the way. While he fucks me in an alternating rhythm, he leans forward slightly: "Fuck boy... If I knew you, I'd fuck you right now without a rubber!". "Wow, yes, that would be so incredibly hot," I reply, pulling his face back to mine. "Do you often fuck bareback?" he asks me. I put my hands on his arse, grab it and push his arse against my pelvis. As he groans loudly, I look deep into his eyes and say: "No, I'm in a committed, monogamous relationship. I only fuck bareback with a boyfriend". He grins at me: "In a monogamous relationship?! You do realise that you have my cock in your hot hole right now?". I grinned back. Suddenly he stops. He slowly straightens up and slowly pulls his cock out of my hole, while he asks and says thoughtfully:"mhhhh... I understand. I'm married and only fuck bareback with my husband...". He looks down briefly, spits on his cock and slowly pushes it back in my hole. I moan loudly. "Do you want poppers?". "Oh, Yes!", I reply. He bends down and takes out the bottle next to the head bar. He opens the lid and slides the bottle under my nose. "If you only fuck bareback with your boyfriend and I only fuck bareback with my husband, then everything would be safe, wouldn't it?" As I sniff the poppers and give him the bottle back, I reply: "Yes. Everything's safe!". He sniffs hard on the poppers several times. While he puts the bottle away, he plays with his cock and rolls his eyes - the poppers kick in for me too. He looks at me, takes my hand and guides it to his hard, thick and big cock. "If you want to fuck bare, then take off the condom now...". My pulse increases, my cock gets really hard. I put my hand around his cock and pull the rubber off. He leans forward. I feel his rubberfree glans at my hole entrance. "You're really safe?" he asks me, "Yes, trust me!". And then... I realise how his glans penetrates my hole unprotected with rhythmic strokes. I close my eyes and burst with horniness. "Fuck, this is unbelievably hot!" I scream at him. "Fuck yes man! You have such a hot, wet cunt!" he replies and starts to fuck me really hard with his hammer with his eyes closed. I bend up a little to see his cock as he fucks my hole without a condom. It feels indescribable. The cocaine. The effect of the poppers. His big bareback cock. But the thing that really makes me explode is the knowledge and the fact that "my naughty cunt" is bulging with the cum of a guy I don't know. A guy who only ever fucks bareback. A guy who has blocked me on Grindr. A guy who probably isn't healthy. And now I'm getting fucked bareback by a married man who thinks I'm safe. As I watch his bare cock fucking my hole, I almost faint. The whole situation is so hot that I can hardly stand it. I mentally imagine what it looks like in my hole right now: My arse full of most probably highly contagious cum from a complete stranger, which is being massaged deeper and deeper into my bowels by a naive guy with his unprotected cock. At the same time, he pushes and rubs the highly contagious cum on his unprotected cock. I love the mental image of his glans of his uncut cock being wrapped in cum as he thrusts. And when he pulls his cock back, the whole cum is enclosed by his foreskin until the glans is exposed again during the next thrust... I mean: I really love it when I see an big uncut cock and the entire glans is full of cum and it spreads between the glans and foreskin. But the idea that it's someone else's sperm that the guy doesn't even know about. Not knowing that it's most likely poz sperm. Directly in my hole - wow, I can't have a cock in me as deep as I'm horny with this. Suddenly he punches me in the face. I look at him. "Fuck boy, were are you? I'm about to cum! Where should I cum?". "Fuck... hot... splash your load deep into my hole!". As soon as I've said that, I notice his cock twitching hard. With a loud moan he thunders his cock into me to the hilt and collapses on top of me. He starts to laugh and mumbles "Boy... You and youre hole are fucking awesome!". Meanwhile, I put my hand on my cock to make myself come. He leans up again and pulls his cock out of my hole. He looks down: "Wow... there's a lot coming out. I didn't realise I had such plump balls...". "hehe... yeah, me too!" I reply with a grin, "please push your dock in again slowly so that you massage your cum into my hole". He then grabs his cock with his hand, took it up with the leaking cum and pushes it into me. I take another quick poppers sniffs and shortly afterwards I come explosively as I feel his cock inside me - and once again - as I imagine how with every movement of his cock inside me, stranger, anonymous and highly contagious sperm is massaged between his glans and his foreskin. Later, while I wipe my sperm off my stomach and he wipes his cock with a cloth, he asks me for my number. I reply that we can continue writing on Grindr. I quickly put my clothes on and am about to leave when he grabs my hand. He looks at me and says that we should stay in touch, if only in case there was something about the bareback sex. I kiss him and agree. When I get to my tent, I open Grindr and block him. 13 weeks after the festival, I receive my HIV-positive test result. In the meantime, I had active and passive unprotected sex with my boyfriend several times. But that's another story ... 😉
    10 points
  2. So for many years now , I had been noticing my sisters oldest son , who lives in Australia, checking me out. He would watch me piss and one time he walked right into the pool house while I was completely nude, and he just stared at my cock. I responded with “you see anything you like, nigel?’ I never acted on it because he was family and underage but last summer..he was back in Canada, and now 22. I took him to meet my best buddy in montreal who proceeded to get us both trashed. And as he was swirling out, I had to sudden urge to pounce on him, pull off his shorts and start pushing myself into him. as I got balls deep. He said, I know you have aids
 you gave it to my one friend the last time you came to Australia.. I wished you had done me. I responded with”well you’re getting it now
 better late than never.” i shot four toxic loads into him and just under two weeks later, the day before he went back to Australia, he got sick. I told him don’t worrry, that’s just fuck flu. “What do I do” he asked. To which I responded “well when you have the flu, that means your viral load is super high, and that would be a good time to shoot one back into me” he grinned and fucked me like a wild dog. So proud that he was shooting his toxic jizz into another guy for the first time. he now wants to come back to Canada on a work visa and stay with me for two years
    8 points
  3. Back in the 90s I took a trip to NYC for a weekend to check out NYU for grad school. I didn't make a hotel reservation; thought I would pick up a room near a gay cinema called West World. I was still closeted and playing around with guys discreetly at my small tech university in Pittsburgh. I started bottoming for a big thick 10 inch hung opera student, ginger guy, big and strong. He would stick it in me and get about ten pumps in, I would squirt everywhere and push him out and get dressed and fuck off back home. He got fed up with this one day and turned me over, forced my head down and held my hands behind my back and forced his way back in. He leaned in close over top of me near like he was going to kiss my neck and whispered hostilely THIS IS HOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN FROM NOW ON... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. He didn't wait for a reply and didn't care if I said yes or no, he was grinding into me really slow and long while I screamed and he pushed my face down into the bed. Well I did understand and didn't like being told what to do but kept coming back for big dick. Safe dick. Rubbered up. I did hook up with a few friends who waited tables with me at restaurants. Always bareback and me topping even though I'm not hung. I was a short, muscled, smooth weight lifter from an Italian family with huge legs and a square jaw. I could pull a lot of guys back then, they would always say CUM ON MY BACK DUDE, CUM ON MY BACK. It was so hot. I loved fucking with guys my age plus or minus five years. Never liked daddies or bears, they kinda scared me. I sucked a lot of hot dick in the glory holes but never let a guy fuck me bare, I was too scared of getting the poz bug. Not me. Never. I hung out with guys in a fraternity and some really straight guys, the ones I really secretly desired, would stare at out the corner of my eye when I thought they were not looking. The kind of guys I would steal used jocks and socks and underwear from and secretly wear them. So when the NYC trip came up I got excited and started wanking 5 - 6 times a day fantasizing about what would happen there. I wanted to do a bunch of guys all in one night. I got turned on eating cum when a guy would jizz while I fucked him or sucked him. I loved to deepthroat medium and small dicks, just sucked deeper as they would cum right down my throat. Sometimes I would drink a little piss. When alone I would always tell myself I would eat my own cum but never could. I love cum, until I cum, and then that's it. Get it off me, don't want any smeared on me or in my mouth. Are you like that too? Well I guess I like extremes, either shoot it down my throat, let me lick it all up off the floor or your boots or chest OR none at all. So I get to NY and start walking the street in Greenwich village where I decided I would like to stay. I saw a sign on the road room to rent, it was one of those small black cardboard signs with big block red letters. I went in and was greeted by two really big Latino guys who did pest control for the building and let out a small single bed in one of the service closets. They weren't gay but it was cheap and I was happy, paid the money and got the key. Showered and put on my best whore jeans, a hot guy's underwear and socks I stole the week before but hadn't jizzed in, and headed out the door. I had a map and knew exactly where West World was so headed straight over. No time for food or drink I could do that after. My heart was pumping as I paid the entrance fee and went inside. There were some small video booths just as you went in and a couple of rooms with metal folding chairs and guys watching porn on big screens. I had never seen anything like it. All eyes were on me suddenly, it was full of bears and daddies with their cocks out wanking or fully clothed and waiting for signals from each other. One really tall skinny guy stood up and bent over a chair in front of him and a huge black guy started to fuck him bare. Wow ... this is scary, maybe not the room for me. So I went to the next room and an arm grabbed me as I walked by, a big strong hairy arm. I looked at him, steely blue eyes, big square jaw, Italian type like me but wow .. hairy and muscular in a more mature way. Where you going boy? he asked me ... why don't you sit down here? First time here is it? ... He was a typical pushy New Yorker who knew what he wanted and decided to take it. He pulled me closer and said here .. sit down here next to me. There was a Chinese guy wanking two or three seats away. I got scared. What was happening here, was I going to be SAFE would I get what I wanted or would they get what THEY wanted. Bare sex with strangers in NYC. I would get pozzed for sure. But my eyes met his and like a snake charmer he was able to keep me right where he wanted me. I listend to his voice, I was really hooked and would do what he wanted me to do. Within limits of course. So I sat down. He pulled out a big thick monster, not shaved, and smelling like man cock. Not soap but not dirty, just like a man's cock having been in his trousers all day, know what I mean? Man cock. It was thick and darker in colour than mine and throbbing. Then the Chinese guy moved over next to me and took off my pants. I let him, and he started sucking me! NY Italian guy pushed my mouth on his dick and said Go on boy, suck mine while he sucks you, then I'll take you to a booth. I really loved it, the smell and being under his spell, his control. He had real power over me, his cock was the master that could command me, his big physique housed the thing I worship. Cock and cum. I WANT YOUR CUM I told him and then the Chinese guy really started going to town on me. I had never had a guy suck me off to completion until then. I started to squirm and move away, started to push the Chinese guy away but it felt SO NICE as the waves of pleasure started to build up. The Italian guy noticed and told me that's it, move your hips into it, let him suck it all out of you boy and I exploded. He swallowed everything and then it all closed down. I wanted to get out of there and fast. It was all happening too fast. I sheepishly said Thank You and they both chuckled as I pulled up my trousers. Italian guy said come on, I want to show you a private movie in a booth. He was getting ready to fuck me bare and I knew it, but I had already cum. I said I wanted to use the toilet first and would meet him in the lobby. Instead I went to the lobby, grabbed my jacket and RAN down the street. I ran for my life because I knew a pozzing was waiting for me otherwise. I must have run about 3 blocks when a big green Range Rover beeped the horn and I looked over and it was Italian guy ... he rolled down the window and said CAUGHT YOU!
    8 points
  4. KING OF THE TWINKS Prologue The four of them stood in a line, shoulder to shoulder, arms wrapped around each other in unity and condolence. Four pairs of eyes stared solemnly at the small oaken casket which held the ashes of the fifth of their group, dead at the ripe old age of 26. None of them were weeping now. They had all cried themselves out over the last three nights, crying themselves to sleep, some of them repeatedly waking up from dreams or nightmares to cry again. Next to the casket stood a framed photo. Terry, as they all remembered him – as they wanted to remember him. The bright, blue eyes, the shock of brown hair tumbling over the forehead, the flashing smile which had grown so rare in recent months, the fair skin, the tattoo of a soaring eagle which he’d so proudly displayed on his shoulder. Here he was shown in his element. The picture was taken on Santa Monica Beach, and that was significant. The beach was always the one place where Terry had felt at home – and at peace. Around them, the soft murmur of voices rose and fell. The room was full of men, all members of the WeHo gay community who had known Terry or had known one or another of his friends in the close-knit little group who had once lived together and called their condo “Twink Heaven.” They were Terry’s true family, his chosen family, these four young men. Like so many gay men, Terry had been thrown out of his original family’s home, flushed out the door on a torrent of hateful words spouting from his parents’ self-righteous mouths. Two of the four survivors knew where Terry’s birth family lived but had made no effort to contact them. Those people had no place here. This was a time for those who had truly known Terry, who had cared about him and loved him as the man he was. A fifth, somewhat older, man came forward hesitantly to stand at the side of the group. With no word spoken, the four immediately divided and then re-formed into a group of five with the older man in the centre. The arms of the younger men on either side were wrapped around him, holding him close in their shared grief. His eyes were red with the combined effects of sleeplessness and weeping. The youngest of the group, just a week shy of his 23rd birthday, stood at one end of the line and stared at the picture and the casket – but his mind was elsewhere. Was it really only six years since this whole chapter of his life had been set in motion? It seemed far longer – nearly half a lifetime, and in some ways it really was that. He had changed so much from the naïve kid he’d been to the uncomfortably experienced man he’d become. Of course, they had all changed – but the youngest had unquestionably changed the most thoroughly and dramatically. He’d been an immature 17 when he'd arrived in Los Angeles; now, his life adventures had caused him to grow up a long way, very quickly, and had blessed (or cursed) him with wisdom far beyond his years. He let his memories run backwards to that memorable first year. Chapter 1: The Naughty List “Richard!” His mother’s voice, with its annoying, insistent nasal whine, drifted up the stairs. “Hurry up and come downstairs. Your cousins are here.” “Yeah, whatever,” he muttered to himself, rolling his eyes as only a teenager could do. Then he raised his voice. “Be there in a couple of minutes, Mom!” He rolled off his bed, stood up, and began pulling on his clothes, willing his hard-on to subside – that bit of exercise would have to wait for later. He carefully tucked away the photos of the older athletes at his school, especially that hot hunk of a water polo player who fuelled so many of his steamy fantasies. He picked out one of his neatest shirts, and a pair of freshly-pressed dark trousers. Running a comb through his tousled blond hair, he decided he could pass muster, and headed out, remembering to close the door of his stereotypically messy teenage bedroom behind him. “Oh, good. Here he comes now.” He could never understand why his mother thought he and his cousins would get along. They were older by seven and nine years, and he shared no common interests with them. Will was a typical college athlete (“dumb jock,” as Richard always said to himself) and while Will’s older sister Sara was always kind to him, her kindness was leavened with the patronizing air of someone who was humouring him to keep their respective parents happy. There followed the usual desultory conversation. Richard had to admit that his dad had done a neat trick with slipping him a well-spiked glass of punch while his mother’s back was turned, dropping a wink and a grin as he did so. Sara and Will caught it too and grinned equally broadly. Richard was most looking forward to meeting his uncle. He hadn’t seen Uncle Lee, his mother’s younger brother, for six or seven years, but he’d always felt comfortable around him. Lee arrived about 20 minutes later, and Richard registered something which hadn’t meant so much to him when he was only nine years old – his uncle was unmarried. Had never been married either, judging by the way his mother immediately began teasing her younger brother with the “We’ll have to find you a nice girl” line. As the rest of the guests, most of them family, rolled in and the house filled up, Richard drifted into a conversation with Uncle Lee. He found that the older man’s deep voice was making him quiver, and he noticed, as he never had before, just how handsome and well-built his uncle was. The party continued along predictable lines, with presents being exchanged, some carol singing, and far too much food. Richard had to admit that, as annoying as she could be at times, his mother had surely outdone herself, masterfully roasting two turkeys in her dual ovens, and producing a huge assortment of home-baked pastries and cakes for afters. Later in the evening, as the dreaded turkey hangover settled over the company, he’d headed for the washroom, to find it occupied. No problem. He’d just go to the upstairs bathroom. Arriving there, he found that door closed too. But then, from behind the door, he heard an unmistakable moan – and then the sound of a familiar voice saying, “Oh, yeah, push that thing into me.” It was his cousin, Will. Richard was shocked, yes, but unmistakably turned on too. His tool grew to a rigid full length in his pants in seconds, and he stood there rubbing his bulge as he listened to the voice of his aroused cousin, and the loud slapping sounds which followed. He caught a low growl of “Keep it down, boy,” but couldn’t identify that voice. By now, he had snaked his hand down into the front of his pants and was playing with his erect, slimy cock. After another minute, his curiosity got the better of him, and he went to his room, coming back with a coat hanger which he slid into the tiny hole, popping the lock on the door. He heard a loud, “Oh, shit!” from inside as he swung the door open. The two men had frozen on the spot with that classic deer-in-the-headlights look. Both were completely naked, their clothes lying in scattered heaps on the floor around them. Will was sitting up on the counter top between the twin washbasins, his legs lifted up above him and resting on the shoulders of the other man whose muscles were flexed and clenched as he pressed his hand over Will’s mouth while he jammed his hips hard up against Will’s bare butt and thick, muscular thighs. The other man. Uncle Lee. Richard closed the door behind him and locked it again, then turned back to face the other two in all their naked and sweating glory. “Well, you don’t have to stop now,” he said with a chuckle. He then yanked down his trousers and briefs, releasing his rigid tool, already quivering with lust and dripping wet. Then Richard took a first really good look at the body of his uncle. His original estimate from a couple of hours earlier had fallen far short of the mark. Lee sported an incredible chiselled physique, with a just-right amount of fur across his chest and down the treasure trail to the target zone – where the root of his cock was just visible, outside the straining ring of Will’s asshole. Just as Richard added all those assets up, Lee resumed his fucking motions, unable to resist pumping Will’s ass until he’d bred the younger man with his seed. Richard just stared in awe as the entire length of Lee’s tool slid out until only the head remained hidden, trapped inside the tight ring of flesh. Will let out another moan as Lee plunged back into him, but Richard was consumed with trying to imagine what that enormous man meat would feel like inside his own ass. It had to be nine, if not ten, inches long, and thick with it. Dead straight, no hint of a curve or bend, that monster had to be hitting everything in range on the way up inside Will’s chute. Richard was speeding up his jacking motions in sync with Lee’s rapidly accelerating thrusting, and as Will was also yanking his cock faster and faster, it became obvious that everyone was going to cum – soon. Lee hit the finish line first, slamming into Will’s fuckhole at lightning speed and then abruptly freezing up, deep inside the hole, as his cock fired the first shot of his sperm deep into his nephew’s tight butt. He then kept rabbit-punching Will’s ass, driving each bolt of cum as deeply inside as his huge tool could reach. That set Will off, and his cock swelled up in his hand, and then blasted off all over his sweaty face, heaving chest, and tightly clenched abs. That left Richard. He’d started later than the other two, of course, but he was rapidly making up for lost time. But his uncle had other thoughts. “Get over here,” he hissed, and as Richard stepped towards him, Lee pulled out of Will’s ass and dropped to his knees, grasping Richard’s straining cock and sucking it deep into his throat. Lee pumped up and down on Richard’s tool three times and then Richard let it fly, pumping the hugest load of his young life into his uncle’s mouth. Lee gulped and swallowed as fast as he could go, but still had to pull off for a second to clear his throat, and then went back down on Richard whose cock was still squirting like a mad thing. When Richard finally stopped blasting off, Lee turned back to Will and applied his eager mouth to cleaning up the sticky mess that was dripping slowly down from Will’s hole and about to fall onto the floor and leave an unexplainable stain on the bath mat. While he was doing that, Will reached out to pull Richard over to him and began giving his younger cousin his first-ever man-to-man kiss. The sensation was so arousing that, almost before Richard realized what he was doing, he was busy jacking his cock off again and shooting a second load all over Will’s abs as Will busily showed him how men shared tongue with each other. “Lick it up and let me taste it,” Will said, and Richard eagerly dived down, sucking up all the mingled sperm off Will’s taut abs before resuming their eager kissing. Just as they were swapping all that cum between them, the door suddenly popped open again. It was Richard’s dad. The three sprang apart, with variations on “guilty as charged” written all over the three faces. “I wondered where you three had gone – but I think I just found out.” With that, he closed the door again and left them to digest what had just happened. Ten minutes later, three guys with sheepish expressions came in a line down the stairs. In the kitchen ahead of them, they could see clearly that the summit meeting was already under way – Richard’s father and Will’s father talking earnestly while the two mothers sat at the table, holding hands and sobbing. “Just come in here a second, please, fellows.” Richard’s father spoke with his customary polite tone, but the voice had an edge of steel in it. The three of them filed into the kitchen, and then lined up to face the summary judgement of the tribunal. A few minutes earlier, Richard had already been thinking that he would never forget this Christmas as long as he lived. Now, the realization was dawning on him that nobody else would ever forget it either – or, more accurately, be allowed to forget it.
    6 points
  5. What a day 
. BBut what a night 
. After a long crazy day, I was all happy to lie in my pillows, watching a movie when my phone vibrated with a new WhatsApp message coming in - I checked - and it was from a FF-BBuddy with the simply message: HAVE COLD HANDS WHICH NEED WARMING UP 
 I looked at the clock and it was 10:30pm 
 a time I would normally never agree to a date BUT it was HIM, the only FF-BBuddy who truly has the ability to spoil my ass like no other 
 therefore my response was short: LET ME WARM THEM 
 His reply - WILL BE THERE IN 15 - didn't allow me much time to prepare - I was already naked - I prepared the play covers on the bed, the poppers and the FFist lube 
.but also the rim chair, as I know how much he loves to sit on my face 
. The wine was on ice 
 all ready when he arrived. This FF-BBuddy and I are so familiar with each other, therefore there is no chit-chat needed, when he saw the rim chair his eyes beamed with joy, he was undressed in seconds and simply said: YOU KNOW WHAT I LOVE, BUT I AM NOT PREPARED - as if that ever has stopped me. I love a musky, sweaty ass on my face, I love when such a delicious ass sits down on that rim chair and presses against my face, so I can sniff, and start licking 
 and FUCK was he open - his ass opened up beautifully and I could push my tongue deep inside his shoot 
 I could taste his inner flesh and he started moaning 
 YEAH, LICK ME - PUSH YOUR TONGUE DEEPER, while he sniffed Poppers and started plying my nipples hard 
 I love my nipples played VERY HARD - it turns me into a pig who will do anything for the other to feel that delicious pain shooting through my body, making my cock grow in seconds and screaming into that delicious raunchy ass, packed with flavours I treasure
 I couldn't get enough and between pushing my tongue deep inside, brushing my beard stubbles across his raw cuntflesh, which always drives him crazy, I asked him WHO FUCKED OR FISTED YOUR DELICIOUS ASS, IT IS SOOOO OPEN - but no-one had bred him the day before or today 
 Well, that had to be changed 
 after working his cunt for nearly an hour with mouth, tongue, beard and fingers, I was going crazy with lust as his fingers had never stopped twisting and pulling my nipples
.my cock was rock hard, oozing pre-cum and I was close to come from that sensation, I begged him - SIT ON MY COCK 
. This pig simply changed position, went off the rim chair, turned over and slid down on my bare cock - he never stopped on my nipples and started riding my rod, massaging my bare cock in sensational moves, while he leant forward to make out with me 
 within short strokes, I blew my load deep inside him
. It was sooooo intense 
. He collapsed on me and simply said: ARE YOU NOW READY FOR ME TO LOOK AFTER YOUR NEEDS 
 We smoked, laughed and chilled for few minutes, before I went into my position for pure pleasure to receive his FFist - and again he knew exactly how to turn me into putty on his hand and arm 
 All of you, who love FF, may it be giving or receiving, will understand when I say, THIS GUY CONNECTS WITH YOU, your mind, your body and ass - he knows how much pressure to give and when to stop, but also when to slide in
. He is the only one so FFar, who manages to slide ride in and through 
.finds the second ring and goes through 
 and makes me scream with lust and pleasure - he works FFor depth and knocks on the third ring
 Most amazing connection and sensational experience. Two inner orgasms later he insisted on a cigarette break 
 and asked I HOPE YOU WANT MORE - and I simply replied, NEVER STOP 
 Time simply flew and he had me screaming with passion and begging him for more 
 I am glad I have no neighbours, as they either would have called the police, or would have started smoking themselves 
 But at one point I had to give in and said I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE - he grinned and said WELL, SURLY YOU WANT TO RIM MY CUNT FOR YOUR LOAD 
 Fuck, this pig totally knows how to get me - and in no time I was under the rim chair again and started licking, nibbling and sucking, make him scream, as I started fetching for the load I deposited in him earlier
 He loves it when I fill my mouth with those cummm loads from his or other cunts and snowball in a passionate kiss with him 
 and who am I not to give a fellow pig what he craves! While we snowballed he worked my nipples again .. and I shot another load which he licked from my body 
 What a wonderful night 

    5 points
  6. I have tried to fuck in the new year for years. Before they moved west, a couple in Chicago (who had an open relationship) threw a great NYE party. The guest list was a "greatest hits" collection of the men they had tricked with during the year. I was invited for years. We would fuck for two hours or so before midnight and then drank champagne creatively (snow balling it back and forth or pouring it over some one's ass crack to lick up, etc.) For the second half of the party, I was almost always under the rimseat to eat out the guys each time they were bred while someone rode my cock...
    5 points
  7. So it all started for me when I was 20 or 21. I met this daddy bear, I have a thing for a towering big masculine beary man (I’m 5’5) and when I bottom I prefer to be the smaller guy. I met him and on day one I was putty in his hands. He was attentive to my concerns about barebacking, yet persuasive. It was the same day we met he convinced me into taking his raw cock. For years he was my only raw partner. Always using protection with others. Fast forward a few years later we lost touch (unfortunately) then I met my second daddy bear type. A lot piggier. He convinced me into sucking his cock and swallowing his load many times. He kept working up my horniness by rubbing his raw cock on my hole, fingering me, talking me into letting him fuck me raw. To this day I can remember exactly the scene where I was on all fours this was our 10th hang out maybe and he was rubbing his cock head on my hole no lube just spit and I said just fuck me already! From that day forward never have a used a rubber again. He has turned me into the insatiable pig I am today, and I thank him often to this day I’m 40, we met when I was maybe 27, and he has been fucking me since. I feel honored that he dumps his balls in me still to this day.
    5 points
  8. **Seasons Greetings, Everyone** My eyes dart to Dad, then to Grandpa, then back to Dad; bewildered. “It’s time for you to join our little family tradition.” As Dad squats down to look me square in the eye, his robe comes wide open. No pretenses of modesty anymore. A glistening string of pearls oozes from a metal ring protruding from the hood of his cock. My breath is caught in my throat. What the fuck is going on here?! Dad pulls my head up to look me in the eye. “This is why you haven’t been allowed to come with us all these years. We had to wait until you were of age. Trust me – I wanted to bring you out here and join us much sooner.” Grandpa could see the confused look on my face. “It’s a special elixir that will make this Christmas festive.” “You’re gonna love it, Baby Bro,” Ronnie said. His body radiated a frenzied energy, as though he had seen Rudolph outside in the snow. “It’s gonna make you so
” “Zip it, Robbie,” Dad says as he reaches inside Robbie’s robe and gives his nipple a hard tweak. “Do you trust me?” Dad grabs a firm hold of my chin, directing my eyes into his piercing gaze. I am frozen in place, in shock. I want to pull my head away, but it is as though he clenched his hand around my inner being. “You have a choice,” he says. His demeanor shifts and I am taken back to my youth whenever he reprimanded me, lording his authority over me. “You stay here, go through our little ritual, and join our clan. If you stay with us, I promise you it will be the best decision you ever make. Otherwise, you go up to your room, gather your stuff, and bring it downstairs. You will be locked down in the basement, spending the rest of your time down there alone.” “Please stay, Baby Brother! Please stay! I’ve been counting down the minutes to this moment!” Robbie is practically bouncing up and down. “It’ll make sense soon enough.” Grandpa says, picking up the syringe. He strokes the side of my face. “Please stay, Baby Boy. Show Santa what a good boy you are.” “Uhhh
I guess.” What the hell was I supposed to say with their eyes staring at me intently, full of giddy hope, yearning, and Dad’s stern paternal stare?! Whatever it is they have in mind, they really want me to be a part of it. That much is abundantly clear even as nothing else makes sense. Still, the peculiar way everyone has been acting this morning has me more than apprehensive. “Good, Baby Boy! You know Dad loves you so very much and is so excited to go on this journey with you.” Just then, the front door busts open, letting in a blast of swirling snow and frozen air. “Ho Ho Hooo-oh good, we didn’t miss it!” “Papaw!” Robbie runs over to greet our great-grandfather, the eldest living member of the McKinley family. I pull my robe closed tight against the harsh wind howling inside. “We thought we would never make it.” Uncle Tom slams the door closed, bracing against the onslaught of wind and snow. Carrying a pair of bags, he stomps the snow off his boots. “Fucking storm canceled all incoming flights. We drove through the night, inching along at points. Almost thought we were going to get stranded as this second front moved in, but here we are.” “I wouldn’t miss the christening of my Baby Boy to save the world.” Papaw says, giving me one of his crushing bear hugs. “You did say yes, didn’t you, Baby Boy?” “I mean
I don’t know what I said yes to.” “To the best day of the rest of your life,” Uncle Tom says with a hug before embracing Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie. “I’m going to take our bags up to our room. Don’t start without me.” “Wouldn’t dare, Big Bro,” Dad says, kissing Uncle Tom as he passes by. I am thoroughly confused
especially as I adjust my hardening cock to conceal it in my robe. I’ve known for a while I’m attracted to boys. No, take that back, men. My classmates never did it for me. But their dads
 But my own dad?!? I look over to see Grandpa remove his green velvet vest, revealing the expanse of salt-and-pepper fur covering his chest. A pair of silver rings adorn his nipples. Dad shucks his robe and I see he has a similar, but smaller pair of rings. I look to my left. Robbie the same. “Like the rings, Baby Boy?” Dad reaches out and puts one hand on Robbie’s chest, the other on Grandpa’s and starts rolling the rings in his fingers. “You’ll get yours soon enough. And many more.” I notice a glint from below. Metal also adorns the heads of their cocks as well, increasing in size with each generation. Grandpa’s has to be as big around as my pinky! Dad and Uncle Tom’s the size of a pencil; Robbie’s a little smaller than that. “Now it’s official,” Uncle Tom announces, bounding the stairs. Not only does he have a set of rings matching the rest of the men in my family, but he’s also got one in his nose. “Almost forgot.” Papaw reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out another set of rings and hands them out. Dad, Grandpa, and Robbie proceed to put them in their noses – again tapering in size from generation to generation. “I’m so proud of my boys.” What portal into the Twilight Zone did I enter this morning? And why am I so aroused? “We put them in this time of year as a reminder of our bond.” Grandpa stands behind me and grabs the shoulders of my robe and slips it down my body. “And to remind everyone of their place in my hierarchy.” Papaw reaches up and grabs Grandpa’s nose ring, pulling him in for a kiss. “Today, you earn yours.” Papaw turns his attention from me to his duffel bag, pulling out a set of orange-capped needles, setting them on the end table Dad moved to my side. He then pulls out a small, black case. Inside is a small vial with even more needles. Robbie rubs his hands together again. “Okay, Baby Boy. Why don’t you climb into the sling?” Dad pats the suspended sheet of thick leather. They ease me back onto the cold leather slab as the fire crackles in front of me, radiating heat. A stark contrast to the snow accumulating outside in the winter wonderland. It’s surprisingly comfortable; like a small hammock. I hear Papaw rummaging through his bag. He pulls out a mass of black leather and metal. “This will keep you safe and secure.” He passes one to each of the others standing at either corner of the frame. “It’s not too late, Baby Boy.” Dad stands in front of me, placing a hand on my shivering belly. “The choice remains yours. Stay and accept what’s coming or be banished to the basement and ostracized from the clan; never welcome back for another Christmas again.” All my life I admired the bond between these special men in my life. Try as I might, I just couldn’t seem to penetrate their inner circle to feel truly a part of the group. I was super jealous when they came home three Christmases ago. I could tell, in the moment I first saw he and Dad interact - I was now the lone outsider. If this was my one chance to join the camaraderie, I wasn’t going to let that window close. We lock eyes. The crackle of energy is palpable. He stares into my soul, and I can feel him connect, locking on tight. I nod my head, unable to form words. “That’s my Baby Boy!” Dad picks up his mass of leather. The four of them shackle my wrists and ankles. I am tethered to the chains, minus my right arm. Papaw takes Dad’s place in between my legs. “Give me your right arm.” He grabs hold, rotating it, wrist up. Grandpa rips open a small packet with a white square inside. The smell of rubbing alcohol fills my nostrils. He wipes the inner crook of my arm. Papaw uncaps the syringe, eyeing the tip and rotating it to his satisfaction. He leans in and I feel the prick of the needle. Robbie holds a tight grip on my wrist. “Look at me, Baby Boy.” I turn to face Papaw. His face has turned sinister, almost scary. “You no longer have any say what happens to you this weekend. Or for the rest of your life, really. I own you now. Merry Fucking Christmas, faggot. And welcome to my clan.” After Papaw pushes the contents of the needle into my arm, Robbie swiftly pulls my wrist back and locks it into place above and behind me then grabs the alcohol square and presses on the injection site. The four men circle the sling, looking down at me with eager anticipation and sadistic grins on their faces. Robbie rubs his hands together. They all look like they’re expecting something to happen and for a second I wonder what it’s all about. And then it hits me. First, the bottom of my throat sends me into a convulsive coughing fit. I try to bring my hands to my face to cover the coughs, but only meet resistance. “What did you give me?!” As the coughing fit subsides, my breathing becomes shallow. I panic, gasping shallow breaths. “Shh, Baby Boy. Just ride the wave of me taking control of your body from the inside,” Papaw says, nodding to Dad who reaches around from behind, rolling my nipples in his fingertips. The only way I can describe is like a smoldering sheet of paper burning from the outside in, consuming it. An electric heat spread through my body, consuming my insides as it worked its way through my system. The burning came to completion, tickling and tantalizing my asshole. I wriggle and write in the sling. I try to pull my hands free to touch myself; my cock, my face, my stomach; to touch ANYTHING! “You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, Baby Boy.” Dad’s pinch on my nipples dug deeper as he twisted and pulled.” “Oh Dad
” “Merry Christmas, faggot. Now give yourself over to Papaw like the rest of us.”
    5 points
  9. Part 1: Boarding the train to Tupelo. “Do you have the time?” Asked a young woman no older than 20, “5:20,” I said. She thanked me and went back to her book. It’s not uncommon for someone to ask for the time here on the metro. It’s almost a daily occurrence. For me I was keenly keeping track of the time, and I have to make it to Union Station by 6:30 in order to board my train that leaves for Roanoke. You see while most people are heading home from their workdays, for me I’m dreading the train ride. You see I’m planning on spending time with family for the holidays. For me going back home is not fun, and I try my damnest to not go home. However this time it was different. Something was calling me to come back home, but I didn’t know what it was. You see I grew up in the small mountain town of Tupelo, Tennessee. It’s a small town that has a few stores and a couple of fast food restaurants. It serves as a small little suburb of Bristol. Really it’s more of a pass through town for those heading up to the smokies. My hometown didn’t have a school and so I had to attend high school in nearby Bristol. I remember being a kid that was fascinated by getting away from my parents and this town. Was I a happy kid, for the most part yea. However I was never truly happy because I had to hide my sexuality from my parents and from a lot of people that I knew. Not only am I gay, but I knew from about age 12 that I wanted nothing more than cock. By the time I turned 16 I had lost my virginity and I was known as the communal hole in some circles. At 18 after my parents found out, they arranged to have me go to Georgetown University. For me it was a chance to be myself in a large city, but it was also a chance for my parents to send me as far away as possible. My mom, Peggy, was a clerk at the post office. My dad, Richard, was the town constable. There were rumors that I was getting around, and on the eve of my 18th birthday my parents confronted me. My mom was crying and in a pleading way, “David just tell me are you gay?” After that night I swore that I would only live with them until I graduated and then I could move as far away from them. They kept telling me that my lifestyle was going to cause me to get AIDS and what not. However I was so confident in myself, I knew I just needed to get out of there. So since August 12, 2009, the day I moved up to Georgetown, I hadn’t stepped foot in Tupelo. From the moment I got to Georgetown, I was practically horny all the damn time. I knew I want to get dick down every chance I could. I went to some bathhouse in the city and that place was my sex education. I knew HIV/AIDS was something that I could get but it really didn’t cross my mind as I was in probably one of the best cities in the world to monitor my sexual health. Besides I wasn’t willy nilly sleeping with every Tom and Dick out there. For several years I was in a very romantic relationship with a man 10 years older than me. He was from London, and he was gorgeous. He was 6’3, blonde hair, blue eyes, a very hairy sculptured chest, and the thickest uncut cock I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I would go down on him his precum would mix in with his pubes to give off the most intoxicating aroma. He would fuck the day lights out of me every morning and every night. I was his personal cumdump and he was the first person to teach me about using a plug to plug my hole to keep all the cum in. We were together for about 6-7 years before he finally had to return to England. You see he was a worker at the British embassy and the foreign office promoted him and he went back home. So this was not only my first holiday with out him, but it was the first holiday that I was returning home. I finally get to the train station and when I arrive my train was shown as being delayed. I looked at the train companies website and sure enough it was delayed due to a faulty road crossing. Luckily the delay was only a 45 min delay. Which was another 45 mins that postponed the enviable. Meanwhile I decided to get on Grindr to see if there was anyone attractive nearby, but then I decided to get to a piss. Now the bathrooms are prime cruising grounds. I went into one stall and load and behold I get lucky. This 7 inch cut beer can comes under the stall divider and I just went to town. I was also admiring the mixture of piss, musk, and pre on his bush. I also licked his taint and played with his balls. I obviously enjoyed sucking his magnificent dick. Finally after about 5-10 mins he shot his nice warm load down my throat. It tasted amazing and I licked every precious drop of his man batter that I could. He got up and left and I was still entranced with it. I got back up onto the toilet, and began jerking my cock off. Now I have a 6 inch thick cut cock, and I love to jerk it dry. It’s just a preference I developed over the years. I also like to finger my hole while I jerk off as well. I use some of my precum and spit to insert a couple of fingers into my hole. Once it was in there my ass juices did the rest of the work. As I jerked and fingered myself I couldn’t help but notice that I’m not the only person in the bathroom. I knew I was being watched but I didn’t let that stop me. When I cummed I took some of my load and ate it and took the rest and put it in my ass. I liked doing that so that way if I was to get fucked there would be some sort of lubricant in there. You know the natural kind. I check the time and by the time I got out of the bathroom my train had started to pull up. I boarded the train and of course I get a window seat because I like to look out. I get my laptop out and do some work and I didn’t even notice the gorgeous man sitting next to me. He was about 5’9, he had short brown hair, tanned skin, and a very nice ass. He was wearing a hoodie with some jogging pants. Let me just say he wasn’t hiding anything. He tapped me on my shoulder and asked me, “Do you happen to have an extra charging cable, I can’t seem to find mine?” “I believe I have an extra one.” I start rummaging through my things, and I finally found one. “Thanks, I owe you. If you didn’t have one I didn’t know how I would get through this trip.” So I decided to ask him, “so where are you heading?” “Tupelo, Tennessee I meeting up with some old buddies of mine from my days in Knoxville.” ”Why on earth are you going there?” ”Well my buddy Blake found this resort up in the mountains and we figured this would be a great way for our group to reunite and have some fun up in the mountains.” I was almost tempted to ask him what kind of fun he was going to be engaging in, but I chickened out. So I instead said, “It’s beautiful up there, especially this time of the year with the snow covered mountains.” ”Yea I know, and it will be great just to get away from all of this. Especially for a whole week. Where are you heading?” ”I’m heading to the same place you’re heading but unfortunately it’s to visit family. Now a mountain getaway would be better.” ”Well if you want to I can see if the guys wouldn’t mind if you came up to hang with us. Here is my number and also the place we’re staying at. But for now I’m going to listen to this podcast and take a nice nap. I want to feel energized when I get there.” “That’s very kind of you Jesse..” ”My nickname is JD. So call me that.” ”Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m David.” What I didn’t know was that interaction would change the course of my life forever.
    4 points
  10. Another thing that I think has hurt the CumUnion brand has been overexposure. Here in Atlanta we have the Atlanta Dominion BDSM-kink party, which only occurs four times a year. I once asked why it was only four times a year and not every month and I was told that when it went to every month, attendance dropped significantly. In the less-is-more approach, the turnouts for the event are large because they are only held four times a year. In some places, CumUnion not only occurs monthly but multiple times in a month between several locations, essentially diluting the event because there's always one happening.
    4 points
  11. On meds I quickly became undetectable and deep inside felt a great sigh of relief. For the next 15 years David and my life together continued with a great routine. Unlike many couples we had sex two or three times per week. Most of the time he barebacked me and added his cum to however many loads I had taken earlier in the day. Each week varied a great deal. Most weeks I was getting 3 to 5 loads. Every two months or so I would have a week well over 30. I rarely topped David, but when I did, he insisted I suit up my cock with a condom. I understood completely. Once in a very blue moon we hired our favorite male prostitute. David loved to pump a load into his ass as the prostitute was breeding me. Even more rare were the times David would go to the bathhouse or a sex party with me for the sole purpose of guiding raw cocks into my ass and delighting in watching a stranger or friend fuck and breed me. Then there were our annual clothing optional gay cruises in the Mediterranean. These were on a sailboat with only a dozen other guys. This was the only time David would really let loose sexually. I’m not saying he didn’t fuck one of his friends from time to time. Especially when I was out of town. But that was always safe sex. On the naked sailboat it was another story. The first year we went David was reluctant to join me. He’s never been the exhibitionist or naturist that comes so naturally to me. However, he’s always gone out of his way to give me what I want, and he knew I so wanted to experience ten naked days on a sailboat with a small group of gay men. As the captain guided the boat beyond the harbour on our first day, he called out for everyone to strip. As he explained before setting out, when he declared we were clear of port no clothes were allowed. With everyone naked men were helping each other slather on sunscreen. The captain got our attention once again, “This is a sex positive cruise guys. I like to set the tone early.” He was pumping his thick cock to full erection. It was thick as a beer can and a good 12 inches long. “I need a volunteer.” Everyone looked around nervously. David spoke up as he pushed me toward the captain; “I volunteer this slut.” “Slut is a word of endearment on my vessel. There will be no slut shaming permitted.” To David; ”Are you his partner? I thought so, come here and help me out please.” David made his way to the captain and me. “Grease his hole and my cock. 
 Thanks. Now guide my raw cock into your partner’s willing ass.” David did as instructed. I was fed poppers but his girth and length were very formidable. When he was balls deep in me he started slowly fucking me and spoke for all to hear; “Rule number one is no clothes when we are beyond port. Rule two, sex positivity. Rule three is no condoms. Ever. Everyone has been tested and they are either Undecetable or negative and everyone is STD free. Rule four; there are no tops or bottoms, everyone is versatile for the duration of this cruise. If someone wants to use your ass you are expected to give it up. It’s not a rule but when a cock is in your ass you can assume the top will not pull out. If he chooses to cum somewhere else that’s his choice, not the bottoms. Does anyone have any questions?” David raised his hand and spoke with concern in his voice; “What if I don’t think I can accommodate your huge cock?” “Good question. Come bend over beside your partner.” David hesitated but was soon manhandled by the first mate and bending beside me. The dark Mediterranean tanned thick fingers of the captain started working David’s hole as my fuck continued. One finger led to two, and eventually three before the captain spoke. “So, do you think you are ready to give my tool a try.” “No. I’m sorry but I just don’t think I can take it.” “No problem.” He called for the first mate to bring out the toy box. As my raw fuck continued the first mate started working dildos into David’s arse. He started small and every few minutes a larger one was used as David was fed poppers over and over with every bigger dildo. By the nine inch pop can thick dildo it was clear David was having a good time and enthusiastically participating pushing back as much as the toys were being pushed in. “Do you think you are ready for this now?” The captain asked. “No.” “Well let’s just give it a try.” The captain pulled out of me and lined up with David’s hole. The tip of his raw cock messaged around David tight hole. The first mate was doing his best to rim David at the same time. “Can I just try the tip.” “Okay, but not anymore than the tip.” As I watched the raw tip of the captain’s big tool penetrate David, and my lover’s eyes roll into the back of his head, I had a spontaneous hands-free orgasm. It was the hottest, sexiest turn-on I had ever witnessed. David was fed more poppers and three inches of the Captain’s massive raw cock were buried in David. “Oh fffuuuuccckkkkk , Aaaarrrrgggghhhgh!” David groaned. More poppers and half the twelve inches had disappeared. “Oh 
.. mmyyyyy 
. Fuuuuckiiiin God!” David cried. “If you 
I can 
. Pull out.” Our captain rasped. His breathing now ragged. David didn’t say a word, he just pushed back onto the captain’s massive appendage burying it in his stretched ass furry balls deep. I had my second massive orgasm. I hadn’t noticed but the first mate had positioned himself to take the first blast in his face. The next three went in his mouth and down his throat. As I slowly regained my composure, I noticed a raw cock had entered my ass. I was too preoccupied watching David take the most vigorous fucking I had ever witnessed to turn and see who was in me. The slap, slap, slap of the captains pile driving into David reverberated out over the water. My vision was then blocked as the first mates six inch erection was fed into my mouth. My spit roasting was just what I needed as I listened to the slap, slap, slapping against my hubbies ass. Then just when I thought ‘I can’t take any more’ I heard the Captain bellow “FUCKIN TAKE MY LOAD” as David screamed. In the next moment my mouth was filling with warm cum as my ass felt the convulsions that could only mean it too was getting inseminated. “Are there any other questions?” The captain asked still catching his breath. An adonis blond had his hand up. “Yeah, what’s your question?” “How quickly can you regenerate? Fuck me next please!” “Oh I will. Before this cruise is done this one-eyed wonder will see and paint the walls of every gut on this boat. But for now, you guys need to show your appreciation to our two brave volunteers. Don’t forget my ass could also use some lovin’” the captain laughed. All three of our asses and mouths were kept busy for the next two hours. At one point I was eating copious amounts of cum from David’s ass as a few guys pumped more loads into mine. With the orgy finished David and I were shown our cabin. We fell into the bed and were unconscious within seconds. I just kept dreaming of Peter fucking and breeding me, over and over and over. When I began to stir awake I had no idea how long I had been out of it. I could hear the slosh of the water as the boat cut through the sea and saw the flicker of a candle. It was now very dark out. David was sitting naked on the bench under the portal looking very pensive. He spoke when he noticed I was awake. “You know that until today I’ve never had a raw cock up my ass. Did you know this was a bareback cruise?” “Ummm 
 oh fuck 
. Did I forget to mention that?” “I’ve never had a guy cum in my ass before. I now have seven loads in me, and that doesn’t count the five loads from strangers down my throat. Other than the odd threesome you and I have had I’ve never even had sex with strangers. I’ve always waited until guys were my friends. What the fuck were you thinking?” “Oh shit. How could I have not known that about you David. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” We sat in stony silence for the next ten minutes. My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour. I finally had to say something; “Look David. Let’s get off this thing at the next port. We’ll just make our way to the closest airport and fly home. I’m so sorry. This is my scene. I didn’t even think about you. Please forgive my sorry stupid selfish ass.” Other than; “That’s a good plan”, he didn’t say anything as he stood and left our cabin. I tossed and turned for the next hour desperately trying to get back to sleep but my conscience would have no part of that. I finally got up and went in search of David. As I passed the captain’s cabin I could here the distinct sound of people having sex. I stopped and listened for a moment. Clearly it was more than two people. Then I noticed the door was open a crack. I could dimly see the captains darkly tanned bearded face and thickly haired chest over the back of the equally tanned first mate. The captain must have been getting a blow job from whoever the first mate was fucking. I forgot about my search for David. My selfish slutty sex maniac couldn’t pass up this open door to promiscuous indulgence. The door creaked as I pushed it open. The first mate turned to see me and invited me to join. My mouth went straight to his ass and was rewarded with a soup of cum from who knew how many men. The taste was ambrosia. As I was drinking my fill my hand reached under to feel the first mates raw cock pumping in and out of the willing bottom. I had a brief moment of resentment that I’d have to give this trip up because of David’s unwillingness to offer up his ass like this bottom that was moaning out his delight. I took the hard cock of the bottom into my mouth and was rewarded with one of the greatest face fucks of my life. The first mate was driving into the bottom forcing the bottom’s cock deeper and deeper down my throat. The sound was quite muffled but I could hear the captain groan his orgasm. He must have been filling the bottoms mouth. My face fuck stopped for a brief moment as I heard the first mate pumping his erect cock to orgasm with his hand. As he bellowed his release he trust deep into the bottom who pushed past my tonsils and unloaded a flood. All I could think was ‘who on this boat had that much cum left?’. I wasn’t complaining, although I would have liked a taste. It wasn’t until we had all fully untangled and I went to give the bottom a thank you kiss that I saw who the bottom had been. It was David. He very casually thanked the captain and first mate and took me by the hand leading me back to our cabin. Without a word we climbed into bed, cuddled into each other, and were soon sound asleep. In my dreams Peter, my childhood friend, kept fucking and breeding me over and over congratulating me for being so fully myself. David was not beside me when I awoke well after dawn. When I went in search of breakfast and David I found another partly open cabin door with the steady slap, slap, slap of fucking. I peaked in to find David in a sandwiched fuck. A big hairy bear doing David as David raw dogged the blond adonis. My moving in to take the adonis’ cock in my mouth took him over the edge. His ass contractions took David over the edge and soon the bear was breeding my boy. I stood to ask if anyone else needed breakfast. As we left the cabin David got very close to my ear; “We won’t need to get off at the next port. Let’s finish what you selfishly started. Maybe it’s my turn to be selfish. I dreamed last night that a Greek God ravished me on a beach. When I checked for his cum from my ass it was gold. Now let’s get breakfast. I need my energy.”
    4 points
  12. Im a straight guy that's addicted getting my dick suck growing up I could never find a girl who just love sucking dick more than any thing else then I got older and found out about cocksuckers and it change my perspective on life now I get to enjoy good cocksucking for hour with just 1 call or text thank you cocksuckers for doing a good service to society
    3 points
  13. Chapter 8 – the dawn of a new day In the previous chapters, I tell about meeting Philip and his husband, Ralph. We’re in their basement play space, with a play room, living room with a sofa bed, full bathroom with a massive shower, and small kitchenette for drinks. We’ve had a long session with plenty of partying and ass work. Now, we’re taking a breather on the sofa bed. I had fallen asleep for a while when we were all cuddling on the sofa bed. What awakened me was the fact that Ralph was rubbing his hard cock around my ass, spreading his copious precum all over me. When he saw that I was awake, he slowly inserted his cock in my ass. There was still a lot of lube inside me, so his insertion was easy and direct. Ralph knew what my ass had been through, so he took it slow and sensual. Philip had woken up and was watching his husband fuck me, and then he started to suck my dick. To my surprise, my cock was hard. He sucked me for a while and then rolled over and slid his ass back onto my cock. Now I was the fucked and the fucker. We were all taking it slow, just enjoying the sensations and company. But I was taking as well as giving, and that got me to shoot my load in Philip. He rolled onto his stomach afterward, and I fingered his cummy hole. Ralph suggested that I ride him. He pulled out and repositioned himself so that his legs were hanging off the side of the bed, and his hard cock was sticking straight up. I straddled him and lowered myself onto his dick. We still went slowly, but this position allowed for greater depth than before. Ralph’s cock is a little over 7” and pretty thick, and it was a nice ride. Philip had gotten on the floor behind me to watch me take Ralph’s cock. He stood up and positioned his dick at my hole, and, as one, they both entered me. Philip has a longer but thinner cock, so the match was perfect for my ass. We fucked like this until Philip shot his load in my ass. Then, I rode Ralph until he bred my ass too. Once again, we all laid back and laughed. It all seemed so natural and easy. I asked Philip how much his ass could take, and he said, “Let’s find out”. So, we all trooped back into the playroom and got Philip setup in the sling. We were all naked now, so it was great to see this hot, hairy man with his ass spread wide in a sling. Again, I started out with rimming. His ass was well used and opened quickly to my tongue. He took a hit of poppers and ground his ass into my face, and I tongue fucked him as deep as possible, tasting my recent load inside him. He wanted more though, so we started to consider which toys to use on him. Ralph looked at Philip and said, “You’ve always wanted to take the Mare Maker. He did, so now it’s your turn.” I looked at Philip to confirm that he wanted that toy, and he nodded. First, we all needed to get spun again, so it was time for more smoking. Ralph got the pipe ready and brought it up to Philip. He was the one that we needed to get spun up first. Then Ralph and I each sucked a few clouds out of the glass cock, sometimes sharing them with Philip. We were all feeling great when I went to sit back down on the stool. Ralph reminded me that we should use the Gape Keeper again to keep me open. He lubed it up, I sat on it, and drove it deep into my hole. But my focus was on Philip’s ass. I started out with some lubed fingers, eventually working my hand into his ass. I used my wrist and some fingers from my other hand to really stretch his hole. Once it seemed open enough, I asked Ralph to get the Mare Maker ready. He lubed it up and passed it to me. Philip’s hole was quivering in anticipation of the coming invasion. I reminded him of “tomato” and started to tease his hole with the toy. Just inserting the tip is a big stretch, and he took it well. That allowed me to slowly start to push more and more of the toy into his ass. Once, it was just about halfway in, and at the biggest stretch, Philip asked for the poppers. Ralph took care of feeding them to him, and Philip took several hits in each nostril. Once they had taken hold of Philip’s brain, I pushed the toy past its widest part. The rest was sucked into his hole, getting it in down to the base. Ralph was amazed at his husband’s ability to take the toy, and once he came down from the poppers, Philip was equally amazed. He wanted me to leave it there for a bit so that he could experience the amazing sense of fullness of this toy. I’d occasionally tap on the base, which I knew would send waves of pleasure through his ass. Philip said that I could start on some motion with the toy, so I began turning it left and right in his ass. He was moaning while I did this, so it was obviously a good feeling for him. “Let’s get this thing really lubed out so that I can fuck you with it”, I suggested. Philip nodded, so I slowly worked the toy out of his ass. As happened to me, once it was past the mid-point, Philip’s ass shot it out, along with a bunch of lube. I used some of that and some additional lube before placing it at his hole. Philip took a couple hits of poppers and said, “Shove it in”. This time, it went all the way in with ease. Once it was settled in there, I started some back-and-forth motion with it. Philip was enjoying the ride and, for now, was letting me control the motion and depth. He reached back to feel the toy, which moved his legs higher in the sling. That motion sets the toy in place nicely, and then gravity worked to let it sink into place. I saw some more of the dildo slide into his ass. The base was right up against his hairy hole. Philip moved down in the sling to a more normal position. I got up, being reminded of the Gape Keeper in my ass, and told Ralph to sit down and have some fun. Ralph was a bit apprehensive about moving the toy too much until he saw how much Philip was enjoying it. Then, he started to really pound Philip’s ass. At one point, he even took the toy all the way out and then shoved it back into Philip’s hole. Seeing his hairy hole swallow the toy was sexy. And I was playing with the Gape Keeper in my ass. Philip motioned me to come up and present my ass to him and he took over the manipulation. Now, Ralph was fucking Philip with the Mare Maker, and Philip was fucking me with the Gape Keeper. We played like this for a while until Philip called for a break. Ralph pulled the Mare Maker out out of Philip, and he pulled the Gape Keeper out of me. Lube was flooding out of both of our holes. We got Philip standing up and cleaned him off a bit before we all ended up back on the sofa bed. I wrapped my arms around Ralph, enjoying the feel of his hairy chest, and Philip cuddled up behind me. After some touching and stroking, we all drifted off to sleep.
    3 points
  14. That’s exactly how I see it. I’m a man with a very strong need and drive to impregnate. Not only does the act get me off but the thought is what always pushes me over the edge into shooting and depositing my seed into a willing open cunt. I’m a primal fucker that can sniff out a fertile cunt anywhere. My brain just shuts off, my dick gets hard and all I can think about is pussy and when and where I’ll be able to take care of my cock’s needs. But to answer OP’s original question, yes I would get someone pregnant, in fact I have when I was a teenager. Still not a dad yet, but likely will be one soon.
    3 points
  15. I didn't take any new pictures of it ...
    3 points
  16. Had a long drive for work yesterday so decided to pop into the sauna on route. It was supposed to be naked day but not many were wandering around naked. I thought I would start having a steam and see if I could get lucky, so went straight to the dark room part. As soon as I walked in the hands started grabbing a gruff voice asked if I had just arrived? I replied yes and with that a few more hands started to touch me I was quickly bent over and I heard the lube packet being ripped open, felt it smeared over my hole and then the ramrod cock of a stranger slid in. I gripped it tight and was called a filthy slut. He fucked hard and fast and soon dumped his load. He was very vocal about how good it felt. For me that was a bonus as I was then passed around the guys in the steamy dark room one guy was so polite and kept saying ‘no it’s fine u first’ as he whisper to me that he loves a loose cummy hole and he likes to feel other guys cum coating his cock. whilst being used by cock 5 a guy entered and asked if this was the guy for breeding and they all responded with a yes he’s taking any load. He also asked what my load count was and I told him 5 he said good slut there’s another 5 in line before I breed ur hole and churn the cum up n push it deep. eventually after 13 loads it was time to go get a coffee, cool off n catch my breath. Steam room defo made me sweat some! Now on the hunt for even more for the next few days
    2 points
  17. Years ago, Mans Country in Chicago was the place to be on NY's Eve. The rooms were sold out for weeks prior, the lockers were sold out as soon as they opened on NY's Eve. There was a wide - maybe 7', 8'? The towels were taken, the staircase going up to the music hall, was where guys would strip, fold and pile their clothes, it was jammed with guys - way over the legal limit. Great fun for every guy. And, no one bothered anyone else's clothes pile.
    2 points
  18. I really get off on fucking my boy, Drew’s pre-seeded hole. We regularly group fuck with our mates and I always go up him last. There’s something primal, animal about fucking his loaded arse. The fuck I enjoy the most is when I get my buddy, Steve over to fuck him. He puts Drew on his belly, mounts him and fucks him. He makes direct eye contact with me as he’s fucking and says something like “mate, I’m pumping a fucking massive load up your boy's arse” He pulls out and tells me “go on mate, shove your cock up your lad’s arse, enjoy my sperm lubing his hole” I then mount Drew and fuck my load up his hole while Steve watches. Man it feels so horny - I gotta get Steve over tonight - I need Drew’s seeded hole on my cock.
    2 points
  19. As if having a man shoot his infectious seed inside your ass is not enough, having another man grind it into your ass walls ensuring pregnancy puts me over the top
    2 points
  20. Not much different from my first load!!
    2 points
  21. That, in a nutshell, is the entire problem with the "BBC" phraseology. It basically says that the rest of the man might as well not exist; that, in fact, his entire self is that one appendage. What a horrid way to look at a fellow human being.
    2 points
  22. had a girl in my teens that loved sucking cock. She was really good and just loved cum. I couldn’t see her without her asking for my load. But, then I met someone else and got married. She never sucked, didn’t like it at all. This was such an issue for me during my 20s and 30s being married to a woman that wouldn’t suck my cock. Well, I craved it and found an older fella that was very willing to suck me anytime I wanted. That went on for a while and I was really appreciative. Now that I’m in my 40s, I’ve now become that cocksucker. I love helping young men and have embraced the fact that now it’s my job to serve in this role.
    2 points
  23. You’ve gotta continue this man
    2 points
  24. CumUnion in Indianapolis is a "no-go" for me. Not much action. New owner of the bathhouse has added rules/limitations to time/attendance and raised the prices to the point it just is not worth it.
    2 points
  25. Oh the diapers give me the creeps. When I first got online a guy showed up at my apartment, neatly dressed, a nice looking guy. When he dropped his pants he had on these cloth diapers with the safety pins on each side. I didn't know if I should laugh or scream, but the expression on my face must have been enough for him because he quickly got dressed and bolted from my place. To this day I have PTSD when I see commercials for Pampers. I prefer boxer briefs, the over priced kind you see on cable television and then regret you spent so much money on. If you have seen them on cable tv, chances are I have purchased them. There is an online company, "Freshpair", I swear I have kept that company in business. They usually arrive in individual plastic packaging. If I open the box I leave them in their individual packaging, and if I think they will make me look ridiculous (and many do) I give them away to tricks, sort of as a thank you gift for coming over to play. I wish I had the cash back for the cost of the underwear I have given away to total (almost total) strangers. Don't get me started on jock straps, I hand wash them in cold water and dry them on various pieces of furniture throughout my place. I even have a special drawer in my dresser just for jockstraps. " Nastykinkpigs" is my current fav, I wore out my "Addicted" collection". I'm relieved both my parents have now passed away, and my sisters have left the state. I would never want them to find my jockstrap drawer. Let the apartment complex deal with it.......
    2 points
  26. I suspect it's not necessarily what you think. I get a lot of weird evolutions in message-speak, particularly on Grindr. Example: "haha", which the younger set seems to use all the time to mean a variety of things. Language is constantly in evolution, and the effects of mobile communication (with UI challenges and emojis and images, oh my!) seem to exacerbate this. It's getting to the point where sometimes I genuinely can't understand what people are trying to say. And don't even get me started on the decline in literacy (there's one local guy here in WV whose messages on Sniffies are honestly really difficult to understand).
    2 points
  27. I mean, it's a huge, raw cumdump party. Is he or are you really surprised that he got an STD each time?
    2 points
  28. Last load? Last night at the Vault naked night. #juicy
    2 points
  29. Chapter 7 – Do you trust me? In Chapters 1 through 6, I tell about meeting up with Philip. He and his husband have a great play space in the basement. We’ve smoked, fucked, rimmed, fisted, and a whole lot more. We’re just coming off a break and have gotten spun up again. “Do you trust me?”, asked Ralph. Realistically, I was open to almost anything they wanted to do to me, so I said yes. Ralph reminded me that if things got too intense, the safe word was “tomato”. Intrigued, he led me over to the armoire that had all the gear in it. First, he pulled out the Gape Keeper. Then, he put me in a leather harness, a chrome chastity cage, a leather vest, and leather wrist and ankle cuffs. He also grabbed something else before leading me over to the St Andrews cross. He and Philip attached my arms and legs to the cross, then restrained me further with the waist strap. My back and ass were facing them. The final object was a leather hood that they now slipped over my head. It had holes to breathe and talk, but the hood blocked my vision and limited my hearing. They were stroking my body. I felt, and smelled, the coconut oil lotion again as it was spread across my back, ass, and legs. It felt soothing on my heated skin. My ass was spread open, and the Gape Keeper was inserted again. It took more work to get it in after our break, but one of them shoved the poppers under my nose and snorting that helped get the toy locked into my ass. Then, nothing. No noise, no touches, no sight. They must have walked away. I waited, growing more impatient and excited with each passing minute. I could flex my ass muscles on the toy inside me, making it move around a bit. My cock was leaking in the cage, but it couldn’t get hard. Then I felt something cold on each side of my ass. A few more locations around my body also had this cold item attached to it. I had no idea what this was or what was going to happen. My excitement and anticipation grew. “Get ready, pig”, a voice growled near my ear. “You’re gonna love this”. A surge of electrical current moved across my ass. Next, my nipples were subjected to some electrical stimulation. The fuckers had attached electrodes to my body and were now giving me mild shocks. It didn’t hurt; it just kind of tingled. I was writhing on the cross and could feel the butt plug in my ass as I moved around. It was all new, erotic, and exhilarating. I was fed a few more clouds, then felt someone playing with the Gape Keeper that was still in my ass. He would shake it and watch me react, sometimes with a current running through the electrodes to heighten the sensation. It was moved back and forth, taking ever longer strokes. It was pulled out and pushed back in repeatedly. The plug was pulled out of my ass, and I could feel my cheeks being spread wide. My fuckhole must have been gaping and puffy with all the play. It was massaged and fingered, and then a thin, firm, and cold item was inserted. I felt a hand keeping the item in place when I heard, “You’re gonna fucking love this”. An electric current shot through inside my ass. I groaned in ecstasy as the current moved through my sensitive ass muscles. I heard laughing and then sensed poppers nearby. I took a deep hit, and another surge hit me. Fuck, this was amazing! I was spun, flying from the poppers, and they were shooting current inside my ass. My cock was drooling now. I couldn’t move my arms or legs and was sensory deprived, too. All my attention was focused on my ass and the amazing sensations flowing through it. They played with the e-stim for a while, making me moan and groan with pleasure. There had to be a puddle of cum that had flowed out of the chastity cage and onto the floor. I flexed my ass back as much as I possibly could, given the restraints, so that it was as available to them as possible. These were new sensations, and I knew I would explore this more. The small plug was removed and replaced with a cock. It slid in easily, even though it wasn’t very hard. “I’m gonna load you up with some chempiss”. The flow started out slow but grew as his cock got more comfortable in my ass. When he was done, a larger plug was shoved in, but it was not the Gape Keeper. The other electrode patches were also removed. Then, my arms were released. The tension had built up in my muscles, so it took me a while to get them to move the way I wanted them to. Next, my legs were freed. Luckily, the waist strap was holding me up, and one of the guys had wrapped his arms around me from behind to support me. Once sensation was back in my legs, they released the waist strap. The guy was still holding me from behind, and his hairy chest on my back felt fantastic. Last, the hood was pulled off, and a mouth locked onto my mouth. We kissed passionately as I readjusted to being able to use my senses. They walked me over to the bed and had me lie down first. They propped pillows under my head and gave me a drink. It took a while for my normal senses to return, but when they did, I was excited. “You didn’t need the safe word”, Ralph commented. I replied, “That’s because I fucking loved it!”, and we all laughed. Of course, the chempiss in my ass was working on me too, keeping me ready for anything. Philip pulled out a new toy and asked me, “Do you think you can take The Grip? It’s over 12” around, and it’s the fattest toy we have”. I checked it out. It’s a torpedo shape, not very long, but thick as hell at the base. It would be an extreme insertion, but I told them that I was up for it. They both did a booty bump, and then I moved back to the sling. I still had the other butt plug in me, but Philip removed it when I got in the sling. He said that he didn’t think we should go right to The Grip but should do some more stretching first. My ass was in their hands, so I was good with that idea. I had Ralph come up so that I could suck his cock. My cock was still caged. Philip started rubbing around my hole with his lubed hands, getting it ready for the huge toy. He inserted his fist, and my ass ate it up. He was in me deep, but we needed a good stretch right at my entrance, so he pulled back to expand my opening. It had to be well opened already but would need some more stretching to take the toy. He'd pull out almost to his knuckles and then turn his hand, enlarging my hole in all directions. He kept applying more lube so that everything was slippery and ready. After a while doing this, he asked me if I was ready to try The Grip, and I said yes. He reminded me of the safe word if I needed him to stop. He also suggested that I stop sucking Ralph so that I could focus on relaxing my ass as much as possible. That also let Ralph get the phone to video the insertion. Philip removed his hand from my ass and put the Gape Keeper in to keep things open while he lubed up The Grip. While the Gape Keeper was thick and really long, The Grip was shorter but even thicker. Ralph crouched down so the camera was focused on my hole. Philip took out the Gape Keeper and started to insert The Grip. The first part went in easily, but this toy got thick fast! It wasn’t long until I was really feeling the stretch. Philip went slow, even taking the toy all the way out and stroking my hole to relax it. He put it back at my hole and slowly inserted it about halfway. I reached down to spread my ass as wide as it could go and wrapped my feet around the sling stand so that I could pull myself onto the toy. Bearing down and pulling myself onto the toy, I felt it pop past my sphincter, filling my ass completely. It was fucking intense! This was the biggest stretch of my life. Philip let go of The Grip, and I released my feet to swing back to a normal sling position. Small movements were maximized by the giant in my ass. I did have to move my body down a little bit in the sling so that my legs were raised up more to make it feel the best it could. Both Philip and Ralph were just staring at my hole. Plugged by this massive tool, it must have looked amazing. Ralph took a picture and showed it to me. That fucker was locked into my ass. My ass lips were expanded all around, and some hair was visible around the base. Flexing my ass made the toy move in my ass, and they enjoyed seeing it move inside me. I decided to be daring and grabbed the poppers. I took a deep hit, and Ralph took the bottle from me. That was good because as soon as the poppers hit, I was gone. I reached down to feel the plug in my ass, circling my fingers around the base and my ass. I tapped the base, sending mini quakes up to my prostate. My caged cock was drooling, and I was in a sexual frenzy. Having these guys watching this only made it more erotic. They knew that I was a total ass pig, and they loved it as much as I did. They both took a turn at playing with the toy in my ass. It could only be moved back and forth a little bit, but any movement was seismic. The Grip was so thick that anything that changed its position in my ass sent massive shock waves through my body. I took another long hit of poppers while Philip was playing with it, and he had it moving in larger motions than ever before. Once down from the poppers rush, my concern was with removing this from my ass. My hole had contracted around the base, but the toy was wider before it got to the base. So, I’d need the thickest part to pass back through my hole. I asked Philip if he could start pulling it out, and he agreed. He grabbed the base and twisted it just a little to make sure everything was lubed. Ralph poured more lube around the stem. Philip reminded me, “tomato”, and started the removal. He had to take it slow, and there were a few times that I was tempted to say tomato, but I knew that it needed to come out. The stretch was even more incredible than when it went in. My ass had adjusted to the diameter of the stem, and there was no taper from that to the widest part. Once we got past the widest part, my ass expelled the rest, along with a ton of lube. Philips's hands were covered in it, but he was smiling and laughing. It probably did look amazing when the plug flew out of my ass! They both rubbed and caressed my brutalized hole, getting it to relax. I could tell that there was a serious gape going on and asked for another picture to be taken of it. Ralph took the pic and showed it to me. My ass was wide open, lips all puffy, and covered in lube and slime. My cock was still caged above my gaping hole. So fucking sexy! Ralph took off the cock cage, and we all sort of collapsed where we were. For me, certainly, that had been an intense experience. For them to support and encourage me through it was a great gift that they had given. Seeing this level of intensity was exhausting for all of us, and Ralph suggested a longer break this time. They helped me out of the sling, we all got cleaned up in the big shower in the bathroom, and then we cuddled on the bed, with Ralph behind me and Philip in front of me. I even briefly drifted off to sleep.
    2 points
  30. It’s not about me and my fist. It’s all about him and his hole. When a man is in my bed and wanting to get fisted, he sets the pace. I may be a nasty freaking bed, but I am respectful and responsible.
    2 points
  31. I have never been to Australia, so I can't speak to how social interactions there work. But in the U.S., at least, and certainly in many other western cultures, there are racial undertones to all kinds of things that you wouldn't necessarily think. I would have THOUGHT that Australia's long and shameful history of how it treated its indigenous peoples would have, maybe, provided an example to you about how race used to (and often still does) interact with personal conduct, even if you are, in a very literal sense, "open to all".
    2 points
  32. It's been 38 yrs for me, still waiting
    2 points
  33. To clarify: I don't have a problem with, for instance, saying "I was fucked by a guy with a BBC". Or a BWC, or any other color one chooses. It's when "a guy with" is erased, and all that's referenced is said BBC, that I shake my head. It calls to mind the Addams Family's "Thing" - a hand unconnected to any person, just running around doing things on its own, accountable to no one. I suppose if a guy wants to be thought of as nothing more than a life support system for his cock, with no value or use other than to provide a blood supply to make it erect, that's his right.
    1 point
  34. I was originally a 'safe sex only' guy, had been for years but last August, I visited a gay sauna in Blackpool, a place I'd been countless times before as it's not too far from me by train. Whilst I was in there, I was having some fun with an older guy in one of the private cabins, he was fucking me from behind and he'd been telling me how he wanted me raw and didn't like condoms. There was some porn on the TV which was bareback, with the bottom begging for the other guy to cum up his arse, so I basically took some inspiration in the heat of the moment. I whipped the condom off the man fucking me and let him pound me raw and asked him to cum inside me, which he was more than happy to do lol! Since that day, I've probably had 90% of all meets be bareback, the only time condoms are used is if the top asks and in most cases, the condom ends up finding it's way onto the floor đŸ€Ł
    1 point
  35. only once, many years ago, and he wore a condom. would love to have it again, bare this time.
    1 point
  36. Wait - the OP's original question was something like "Do you fantasize about becoming pregnant - like a woman? Do I have that correct. Because that would be a resounding NO - all those years in the gym, and lose my boyish figure, are you kidding me???????? Childbirth? No give me the drugs and a C-Section if the Immaculate Conception occurs, but there better be someone with a cigarette available and a bar nearby once that kid is born. Now - do I want to make a woman pregnant. Again - NO! I call it the "21 year mistake" and have had conversations with young guys about the financial commitment they are obligated to once that paternity test shows they are the father. One of the advantages of being a gay male is not having to pay for private schools, music lessons, sports lessons and the senseless crying that would keep me awake at night. I am much too selfish for all of that crap. Now if a guy wants to have children, thinks it's a good fit for them, go ahead, be my guest. Just please don't call me to babysit when you want to have "date night" with your baby momma cause it's not happening with me.
    1 point
  37. We do without, or we save up our money and travel the long distances when we can spare the time and can afford it. For me, CumUnion in Indianapolis was a godsend when it began, because it was within reach (at a 3-hour drive one-way), was held in a good bathhouse, and drew a mixed and active crowd. I ended two CumUnion trips there with 20+ loads in me. No longer. The action never recovered from the pandemic, which also saw a change in ownership of the bathhouse. The new owners seem to have decided to squeeze CumUnion for every penny they can get from it, hiking the entry fee to $30 for three hours, up from $20 for 5 hours previously - that’s a 250% increase in the price per hour, and that’s just to get in the door. It doesn’t include the room or locker. I’m not going back at that rate. They’re strangling their golden goose to death.
    1 point
  38. this is a story I wrote, which is fictional, but does have a lot of aspects of a very very similar situation that I experienced through my life that made me realize I had become a submissive cumdump. If anyone in south California wanted to meet up as well, just DM I’d love to meet new people with similar interests! Had to make some changes to make sure I’m within the rules. I hope everyone enjoys the story: PART 1: I had always shunned the idea initially that I could enjoy bieng with men and having sex with them, that it could even more pleasurable than just jacking off to orgasm. Over the years the idea of gay sex grew on me, and I started watching gay porn. Watching all these guys bottoming and seemingly actually enjoying it, really turned me onto the idea more. At that point when still 18, I started using weed, especially weed brownies my friend was making, I decided to combine them one night, and hearing sounds slow down, the moans sounded much more pleasurable, the lighting on their bodies, the emotions everyone was having when getting penetrated just seemed like something I wanted at that point to happen to me. I would get some condoms and a nice sized cucumber one night while high at one point to see if I would really enjoy getting pounded by big cock, I slowly opened myself up, and as soon as the pain finally went away, and I started to feel all kinds of amazing sensations down there, that was the moment I realized I might be a bottom, or even more than that: a submissive bottom cumdump. I was always nervous to actually meet people in real life, so I would always resort to self play. For many years I would slowly get comfortable playing with just myself, letting myself slowly get accustomed to thicker and deeper things inside of me. I eventually stumbled across a wide array of kinks, so many things I wanted to try but too nervous to make happen in real life. That’s when I also learned of “party and play” something that actually helps someone lower their inhibitions seemed to just get my mind racing and thinking I could feel liberated in doing what I actually wanted to do. At a certain point, I was content with weed, cigarettes, and drinking, but I wanted to achieve new HIGHS in terms of pleasure, I just felt like I was missing out on it all. I was 25, and at that point in my life I was keen on trying new things, and one weekend I found myself with absolutely nothing to do, and this was around the time during COVID where things began to lockdown, so i took my chances and I was ready to try and actually meet some guys and see where things went before everything really shut down. I opened up a Grindr profile, and some other gay hookup profiles, with some pictures of my body and ass. I received a couple of responses, but one had made me very interested. It was of an older man in San Francisco, he was planning a party with a group of guys, and provided his address after just a couple of messages. I got the address, prepared myself, put on a chastity cage ( cock cage, meant to restrict your cock and indicate you enjoy bottoming), and left straight to his apartment. I had read the stories on breeding zone, i knew I had to be prepared for anything, if things pick up fast I should go with it, and just enjoy myself while it happens. I arrived to his apartment entrance, and he buzzed me in. The lobby was empty, but I heard the elevator bell ring, and the doors opened, out came whom we will call Darrell, he’s in his late 50’s, white, in shape and in sleeping attire. He didn’t speak much just nodded to me to get into the elevator with him, so I did. When the doors closed, he leaned in suddenly and aggressively grabbed my cock, he immediately felt the chastity cage, and looked at me in surprise, probably not expecting me wearing it but was actually happy to feel it on me, he grinned, and he started to kiss my neck, and felt around inside my pants my chastity and ass. Noticing my nervousness, he commented “ don’t be too worried, we’re going to have a good time” I asked him if he knew how many others are coming, he replied two more at the moment. We got to his apartment, and it was a fairly big place, he laid out some towels on the floors and furniture. He sat down on his computer, and he asked me to sit next to him. He was on a website looking for more people to join on that night, he asked me” have you done this before?” “ No, I haven’t, I have been with a guy before, but not like this. I didn’t even realized at the time, but he had a large tray with the appearance of large glass shards on the tray, and a glass pipe on the side of the tray, he went to grab the pipe and used a torch on it. At the point my mind started to race with all kinds of naughty thoughts , as it was the first guy I had met who was actually into Partying. I was apprehensive at first, but I slowly gathered the courage, and took my first hit. “Just a small inhale” he mentioned, “get used to the feeling.” I took just two hits, and I started feeling confident, and I felt like I could say exactly what I wanted to say, I found easier to express myself with just a small amount of the subsTance in the pipe. He added another large powdered up shard into the pipe, and he took a big hit of it, he leaned over to me, and he took a kiss from my lips, something I was almost instantly inviting because of how hot it seemed, and he started blowing his cloud into my lungs, “shotgunning” as they call it. I was still sitting on the chair, but he got up and got very close to me, almost like he was making sure I could not escape the position I was in. He practically pinned me to the chair with him basically sitting and leaning on top of me, he lit up his pipe, took a huge hit, and shotgunned it to me. He did this a couple of times, and I was clearly enjoying it, I was quite happy with the way I was feeling, and it was almost empowered in how submissive I was feeling and I sank into the seat and got comfortable, but after he was done smoking first, he started having me hit the pipe myself, at this point I was comfortable with the smoke, so I started taking large hits, only a few hits were needed to put me into the next level. As I started feeling this amazing tingling sensation all across my body, i also started to feel myself trying to get hard, but as my cock strains inside the cage, I found my whole body start to get into a state of lust and complete arousal, and started feeling the need to surrender and give up my holes and be the true slut I was quickly bieng trained to be. He got me up from the chair, removed my clothes and walked me to the center of the living room where an extra-large towel laid in the center. He told me to lay down on the towel, and he went to a closet to get out a large duffel bag, inside I noticed a wide array of sex toys, dozens of anal toys, and other kink tools. He places a table, and puts what looks like a butt plug, dildo, cuffs, lube, and something else I can’t figure out yet. “Put your ass up” he proclaims, I feel the urge to obey, so I get in doggy position, he gets on one knee, puts on some gloves, and starts to lube up my hole. “Have you every partied hard?” He asks me. “No I never have” I reply. “ Tonight im going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before, boy”. “please sir” is the only thing I can reply from the rush of excitement and pleasure I’m getting. He continues to force his fingers into my ass, at this point he had about 3-4 inside when he quickly grabs the dildo and thrusts it inside me, I whimper in pain, it was too much at once and I started to get a cramp. “Your okay boy” he lets me know. Although it hurt a lot, the stuff I had smoked quickly put me back into my default state of extreme arousal. He is able to get the dildo more than 2/3rd the way in( about 8 inches insertable). At that point I was on my knees, face and chest to the floor, with my ass HIGH up, as he toyed with the dildo inside my hole and I’m achieving a state of lust and bliss. The I hear his phone vibrate, he leaves the dildo deep in my hole, removed his gloves, and walked over to his phone. “Your so sexy, keep playing with yourself like a bitch boy, I’ll be back quickly.” He leaves his apartment and goes down to the lobby, I assume he is getting other people back up to his apartment. So I have no issue obeying his commands, it just feels too good to stop. I stay on my knees for a few minutes, but I get slightly exhausted and lay down on my stomach, with one of my legs up to my side, so I can still reach back to the dildo and stay comfortable enough to keep indulging in the sensations. Every thrust is just another thrust of pure ecstasy. Another minute passed, and suddenly I hear the door open up, in comes the my host again, along with a white guy and a black guy wearing big and tall clothing that fits him perfectly, he’s almost hits door frame on his head when entering the apartment. His guests finally arrived, and I was the first thing they saw when they walked into the apartment: completely naked on the living room floor with me toying myself, the black guy, Tyrone we’ll call him, grins and starts to approach me almost immediately, while the white guy, James we will call him, stands at the entrance observing the scene play out. At this point in the encounter I know what is about to happen, we are a room full of horny men, and I’m realizing how much I enjoy the idea of having sex with men, and I’m about to experience it in the most amazing way for the first time, but most importantly, I’m moments away from being a true cumdump.
    1 point
  39. Part 1 Chris and Tyler both grew up in conservative homes in the midwest. They both knew early on that they were different. At church, homosexuality was condemned and at school the locker room was full of talk about girls. Chris and Tyler both tried to pray their feelings away but they would always go back to their computers at night and search gay porn. After they got off they would feel nothing but guilt. They thought this would be the way their lives would go. Push the urges down and feel guilty about them when they gave in. They always gave in. Both of them ended up going to the same college and had the same idea once they moved on campus. Give in to the urge now that no one knew them. They were both the only people from their town to go to the school so they didnt have to worry about someone finding out. They both downloaded grindr and thats how they met. They were both bundles of nerves when they chatted but they learned that they had so much in common. They talked about meeting but they both admitted to being scared. It was a big school but they still had the fear of someone finding out. Finally though they did decide to meet but in public like wholesome Christian boys. It was awkward. They didnt know what to say to each other now that they didnt have the safety they felt when they were just messaging in an app. But they were both attracted to each other. Chris was taller by a couple inches but both were athletic from being three season athletes in high school. They even had that in common. That meeting ended with a handshake and they headed back to their dorm rooms. They didnt end up talking about much. Just classes and moving from a small town and dorm life. They had never talked about gay sex with anyone. It was hard to just start. Once they got back on the app just an hour later, their conversation got a lot freer. They both told the other that he was hot and they wanted to get naked together. They went for it and Tyler invited Chris to his dorm room. Once Chris got there the nerves were back. They didnt really know what to do. They kissed. For both of them their first. They were just lips and teeth at first but a hunger started to emerge as they realized they were getting what they had wanted for so long but thought they would never get. They started moaning and breathing heavy tongues exploring the others mouth. Clothes started coming off and they moved to the bed. Tyler's cock was 7 inches cut but Chris was 9 cut and thick. Chris was on top of Tyler grinding his big cock on the hot boy under him. Both of them lost control fast and came almost at the same time. There was a pool of cum between them all over their chest and abs. They never broke their kiss once it started to the moment they came. But once they came down from their cum the guilt set in and Chris got his clothes on fast and ran out. They fell into a routine. They would do most of their talking on the app and eventually they would meet up and grind and make out until they came. The guilt was always there to rush them out. But they started getting bolder on the app after a few weeks and a few hot sessions. Chris decided to see if he could push things a little further. Chris: So you ever think you would wanna do more than what we do? T: You mean making out and getting naked? I like that Chris: Yeah it's amazing but would you ever wanna do more? T: Like what? Chris: What kinds of things do you think about? Tyler didnt respond for a while as he tried to decide whether he could tell Chris about a fantasy he had. Chris: u there? T: Yeah. I saw this video where a guy was watching a couple guys hook up. He just jerked off and didn't touch the guys but I thought it was hot Chris: You want someone to watch us? T: Is that too weird? I didn't really think we would do it or anything Chris: Thats hot. We could try it if you want. Who would it be though? I don't know anyone. T: We could find someone on this app. Chris: Oh yeah lol. So you wanna try to find someone to watch us mess around? T: Sure! The search for a guy to watch them play became an obsession for Chris and Tyler. Chris wanted to try more than just rubbing their bodies together until they came and he was hoping this could be a step in that direction. Tyler had been holding this fantasy longer than he told Chris. He would jerk off in his bedroom at home and fantasize about a hot stranger sitting at his desk and watching. The idea of being watched turned him on like nothing else. They decided to start with guys who contacted them first. After chatting them up they would tell the guy that he had a friend who he messed around with regularly and they wanted someone to watch. Some of the guys weren't into it and other guys who liked it as long as they got to join eventually. Chris and Tyler werent ready for that yet. So that left just a few who seemed ok with the parameters that Chris and Tyler set. They settled on Hunter. He was older and seemed really nice and he even said they could play at his place so they could have more privacy. What Chris and Tyler didnt know was that Hunter was always looking for good Christian boys like them who he could change forever. He bought his home near campus so that students didnt have to worry about finding a ride to his place. Most of the kids on campus didnt have cars so a guy who had his own place and was nearby was always the easiest way to yes. He loved breaking virgin boys in and Chris and Tyler were exactly the type he loved. Usually he would have to find one and convince them to bring a friend, so this was almost too easy. Hunter first reached out to Chris. Hunter could tell from the profile pic that this boy was hot. Smooth and athletic and he said he was 18. When they traded face pics Hunter thought he was in love. This was the cutest boy he would have over in a while. Tyler was no different. This was going to be a hot couple to watch. At first. He talked to Chris about what he wanted to do once they got past rubbing each others bodies and making out. Chris revealed to him that he really wanted to fuck Tyler but he wasnt sure because he was so big and Tyler was a virgin. Plus he felt like he was a top and wasnt sure if he could handle taking Tylers smaller but still sizable cock in him. Hunter knew that if he could find a way to get Tyler let Chris fuck him, he would own them for good. He wanted them to see him as a helpful guide to pleasures they never even had heard about. That would be easy with these two once he got them their first fuck. Chris and Tyler were together when they made the decision to meet Hunter. "His pictures look ok." Tyler shrugged. "Yeah but its not like hes gonna mess around with us too so it doesnt really matter that much." "True" Chris said "but I might get turned off a little if hes a troll." "Hes not a troll." "I know. That's what I'm saying. So you wanna do it?" Tyler knew he could make this fantasy a reality. "Yeah. Let's do it." Hunter happened to be on when they messaged him and said they were up for meeting. H: How about now? Hunter had to wait a while for a response. They must be deciding if they wanted to actually go through with it, he thought. C&T: Ok. Send over the address. We'll probably be 20 minutes. H: Thumbs up
    1 point
  40. The plan had been for me to fly home the next day. I phoned David and extended my stay for two more full weeks. I wanted time to stretch out stelthing the pool boy. I knew his fantasy was simply to get tricked into being bred by the poz tattooed guy. He was very clear he didn’t want to get knocked up, just take the risk. But I figured he might as well go all the way. He didn’t know I was poz as well which would give me a chance to get several loads into him, and maybe by the middle of week two I’d get to nurse him through the fuck flu and witness his shock. I was conflicted. Would I just ensure I was the only guy to breed him, so he’d know when he took sick who knocked him up? Would I ’accidently’ let him catch the poz tattoo guy breeding me? Would we engage in poz roll play where I declare each time as I blast in him that I’m knocking him up? Only later for him to learn I really was. Or do I let him convince me to ‘do him’ raw and surprise him with the truth as I’m breeding his ass? Each scenario seemed perfect. I was so conflicted, and contemplating the possibilities got me horned up every time. I decided I would let him continue to think I was angered by his fantasy. So, I let the next day pass. As he approached me to talk around the pool, I ignored him. By the end of his workday, he was desperate. He cornered me and tried to apologize. I walked away in a huff. However, I had seen him chatting up the poz tattoo guy so knew I’d need to act soon, or the other guy would get the pool boys ass to breed. I also needed to act soon if I had any chance to infect the pool boy in time to witness his fuck flu. The next day when he arrived, I was the only person at the pool. I relented, sternly told him we needed to talk and invited him to my room. He was already in tears before I even closed the door. “I’m so sorry I told you that fantasy. It’s just a fantasy. I really don’t want it to happen. And I certainly don’t want to get pozzed. Please forgive me.” “Well, if I did decide to forgive you. How might you make it up to me?” “Anything, anything you want. Just tell me.” “No, you tell me what you think would be my reward from you.” “Um 
 let me think 
 I know. I know that you love taking raw cock and cum in your ass. Right?” My response was still stern; “I shouldn’t, but yeah.” “Perfect. I’ll raw fuck and breed you everyday. And I won’t dare ask you to raw fuck me. If you do decide to do me, I’ll insist you wear a condom.” “And you won’t have sex with anyone else? Especially the poz tattoo guy?” “I won’t. I promise you. I’ll only have sex with you 
 But you can have sex with whoever you want. And I won’t shame you if you slip up and let them breed you again. I won’t.” “Hmmmm, let me think about that 
.” There was a knock at my door. It was the naked cleaning boy. He must have been eighteen to work at this place, but he certainly didn’t look it. Tall, thin, gangly with a cute face, and a nice long cock. I had an idea. This kid had been making moves on me all week, but I had been getting lots enough sex and had turned him away. Rather than send him on to the next room ‘til the pool boy and I were done, wink, wink, I invited him in to join us. As soon as the door was closed my tongue was down his throat. I let the pool boy stew in his juices as the cleaner and I made out. Eventually we made our way to the bed and moved into a threesome pin wheel oral sucking session. When the cleaning boy asked if one of us would fuck him, I demurred. “No, I’ve been holding off all week to have you fuck me.” He was on me in a flash and lining his raw cock up with my hole. Clearly he’d overheard my reputation. I asked to pool boy to suite up the cleaner. He dutifully grabbed a condom from the bedside table and followed my instructions. I had the pool boy guide the cleaner’s sheathed cock into my ass. It was clear the cleaner was disappointed, but he laid into a pretty good fucking as I sucked face with the pool boy. After a bit I asked the pool boy, in a loud enough whisper the cleaner couldn’t miss if he was sure he was okay with other guys barebacking me. Without a word the pool boy pulled the cleaner’s sheathed cock out of my ass, quickly ripped off the condom and guided the delighted cleaner back into my hungry ass. After just a few fuck pumps the cleaner asked; “I’m close. Where do you want me to cum?” The pool boy looked at me with questioning eyes as if to repeat the question. I grabbed the cleaner’s ass cheeks and held him in tight as he unloaded deep inside my gut. When he rolled off to recover, I pulled the pool boy on top of me. He hesitated for just a moment but was soon balls deep raw dogging me. I invited the cleaner to lean in to me for a kisss, as we sucked face it didn’t take long for the pool boy to add his load to my cummy ass. I had the cleaner roll a condom on my erection and the pool boy sat on it for the ride of his life. When the pool boy complained he needed more lube I directed the cleaner to check the drawer. When there wasn’t any I sent him to my bathroom for the bottle I had there. What neither of them knew was I had replaced the lube with Vaseline which had been doctored to not have its distinctive smell. One of the tricks the poz tattooed stealther had taught me. I instructed the cleaner to lick my balls as the pool boy rode my hard cock. He had a bird’s eye view of my cock sliding in and out of the pool boy. He could watch the condom start to shred and popped his head out long enough to wink at me before returning his tongue to my balls. I gave no warning, nor did he as my balls pulled up inside, and I was blasting my first toxic load, stealthing the pool boy. The look of shock on the pool boys face when he realized how wet his ass hole was was definitely worth ‘the price of admission.’ With an absolutely concerned looking face I said; “Oh shit. The condom must have broken. I didn’t notice. I’m so sorry.” At this point the cleaner made his exit but before he did, I made the invitation for him to come back at the end of his shift. By now the pool boy was fingering his ass and licking the cum that coated his digit. “Fuck this tastes great.” Then inspiration filling his face he went down on my cummy cock and sucked like a thirsty sailor. I was back ready for a full throttle fuck in no time. When he moved to sit on my raw cock I pointed to the condoms in the drawer. “We have a deal. I only do you sheathed.” “But you came in me already?” his puppy dog eyes. “A deal’s a deal, you owe me.” After he rolled the condom on, I greased it with more doctored Vaseline and we fucked until I was soon shooting another toxic load into his vulnerable ass. As he lifted off I complained; “Damn, that must be a bad batch of condoms. I’ll have to complain.” He scooped cum from his ass and offered his finger to me. Which I happily licked like a lollipop. He showered and went to get on with his shift promising to come back for the night if I wanted. I wanted. When the cleaner came back, I established that he was indeed negative. He’d just got test results the week before. He confessed he tended to allow the odd raw cock inside his ass. When I went to fuck him, I reached for a condom. He pushed my hand away and asked; “Bareback? Please.” I greased my raw cock and slid on home. It wasn’t his first ‘rodeo’, he took my pounding like a champ. As I got close to climax I groaned; “Where do you want my dirty load kid?” His eyes got huge and he asked; “Fuck man, did you stealth the pool boy? Were you trying to knock him up? Are you trying to knock 
. Fuck you’re breeding me toxic cum right now, aren’t you?” His ejaculate creamed his face. He reached as much of it with his tongue as it would reach. He savoured every drop. “Damn, are you really poz? toxic? I don’t want to get sick.” “Let’s just say you’ll need to test again soon if you don’t come down with the fuck flu in the next couple of weeks.” “Shit!” He took loads from me every day for the rest of my stay. And I know he spent a lot of time ‘Cleaning’ the poz tattooed guys room. Just saying, There was no surprise when he called in sick the middle of my last week.
    1 point
  41. 1. Relinquish the fancy apartment at college and do the studying in Europe for a year instead. 2. Upon graduation take the job in NYC that your roommates Dad offered you instead of being "bullied" by your parents to return to rural North Carolina and work in their business.
    1 point
  42. I sometimes travel for business, mostly Chicago and Denver. I become a real cum dump when staying in hotels for business. I can't get enough. I find myself booking early flights to get to the hotel the day before just to be ass up, taking loads. I was headed to Denver for a few nights to get some work done. I packed my poppers, lube, my harness, a hood. I was ready for action in Denver. It's about 8 miles from downtown, a little of out of the way, but it's what I have to work with. No keycard for the hotel.... This last trip was no exception. I booked my trip a day early, early morning flight for an early checkin in my familiar hotel. Since it's a long flight I usually go the day before I need to be there as I am not going to fly all day and then go to work. I am long over that and have another reason, I want to get fucked and bred in my hotel. Day one: So I arrived at the hotel early, there was room available and before long I was prepped and ready. Ass up, dark room, ass clean and lubed and ready. I posted on Sniffies, updated my profile on Grindr, posted on BBRT. it wasn't long and I got a hit on one of those sites, a man was at my door, pushing the unlocked door open and sliding in my hole. I don't care, big cock, small cock, breed my hole. Fuck me good and hard and deep or just three pumps and dump your load. I want that load in me!! I am a cum whore, cum dump. I didn't get that much sleep that night, several guys bred me. I of course got the several no show's and those who ask for the address and then never to be heard from again. I of course don't get it, why they do that, but it's part of the game and you take the good with the bad. Some guys are jerks, others are great!! Day two: The next morning I got a couple loads from guys on their way to work, mostly just a pump and dump. I went to work with my ass full of cum. Loved every minute of it. That day I ended my work day early to retire to my hotel room before meeting my co-worker a little later for dinner. I long term fuck bud who tries to breed me every time I am in town hit me up and I met him at the hotel. He has a nice cock, asked me to be ass up, blindfolded and ready to take his cock in my holes. He came in, got undressed and fed me his cock. He likes to use my mouth and throat and I love it. Even know we know each other, he loved the blindfolded scene. He then slid around and fucked me deep, pounding two loads into me. Love it. Another young 31 year old came over right after to use my hole and dump his load, he did not work far away and just wanted to pump and dump, He was hard as rock and loved my daddy ass. He slapped and really used it. That was hot! He can dump in me anytime. A young lad came and dumped his load, I don't think he had much experience in fucking, but the mission was accomplished. I sucked him hard a couple times and the third time he got hard enough, he figured it out, he pumped his load into me. I went to dinner with 3 loads in me. Love sitting there with my co-worker knowing that the loads are swimming inside me. I of course rushed back to the hotel and was ass up again waiting. I have a pair of back zip shorts (they unzip in the rear) and they are part of my profile. A guy wanted to come in, unzip me, breed me, zip up and leave. I of course obliged. The next guy was memorable. He was begging to FUCK me. He wanted to talk dirty to me, degrade me, treat me like a slut, but he asked first. I am really not into that, I am a cum dump but I am not a "bitch". So I waited ass up for him to come. Same drill, door unlocked, me ass up in a dark room, waiting lubed up with several loads in my hole. He came in and gave me a real fucking. My hole got a good workout. It felt so good. He would pull all the way out, drive right back in. My hole was so fucking wet and slick. He bred me deep and then kept on fucking and you could feel it. He then asked if he could work out another load. Who am I to tell a guy no!! I think he will see me online the next time I am in town and do it again!! The next guy was HUGE. I don't have any trouble taking dick, this guy had one of the thickest, hardest cocks I can remember. I backed right up on it with my sloppy hole and let him go go to town. Another memorable breeding. He wanted to pump and dump his load in me. Any day I will bend over to take his cock. No need for lube, push it in me deep, give me your load!! Day three and four I was ass up any time I could be. I got to work late (taking morning loads) and stayed up at night for any chance to get bred. The young 31 year old came back to dump his load again. He wanted to watch others do the same, wanted to see me shared. There wasn't the opportunity but I am hoping the next time I am in town we can fulfill his request. I am all for it. I got four loads that night, the last one I could feel him fill me with a huge load and my ass felt great as he fucked me more after he came. It all becomes a blur after a while, ass up, waiting, door unlocked, next!! Several guys came into the dark room, dropped their pants, walked up behind me while I was ass up on the edge of the bed, slid into my ass, pumped their load into me, I never saw them or turned around. They got dressed and out the door they went. I was there to be used an filled with their cum. I loved every moment of it. Several guys ate my cum filled hole before breeding it. Loved it! I love my hole eaten, especially after it's filled with cum. As long as they then fill it again, I think its so hot!! All in all Denver was great, only a few no shows, two or three who could not cum or get hard enough to enter my sloppy hole but it was a success. I felt like I got what I wanted, having cum dumped into my hole I love being a cum dump, next stop Cleveland next week, then Chicago and Denver in January! Can't wait.
    1 point
  43. First attempt at this, all fantasy for now Recently divorced from women, who had some, shall we say issues, part of the yr would be up for swinging and liked women, but part of yr would swing into a.. asexual now and you should find fun elsewhere. Didn't know that I was exploring my bi side during those time. When told her I was Bi, she couldn't completly get on board with it. She is a decent person just a bit bi polar. anyway, divorced for 2yrs now and i m out exploring my newly discovered bottom slut side. Have recently been getting introduced to the joys of bbc, and while I never thought I was submissive, if you push the right buttons then I just melt. The top that introduced me to all this name is Jesse, and he has a nice thick 8in that make me drool. While still new to slamming, I love how piggy it makes me, but it also is frustrating as, I become such a hungry hole, and always want more, (yeah never heard that before). So have been introduced to a couple of his friends and haven;t managed to arrange more than 2 of them at a time, so he knows I d love to gangfucked. I have also shared with him, stories about my ex and shown him a few pics, We are both mid late 40s but look younger, she is 5'6 120lbs and small boobs, and a tight little pussy that she claimed always had trouble with big cocks, good for me since I m avg. I was joking with jesse and saying she had never done t and I d love to see her get spun up and see if she would get crazy for cock like me. Jesse laughed and asked if she could take BBc as well as me. Hell no I said, I d like to make here watch me take on a bunch of bbc with each one filling e till there cum is overflowing. Maybe slip her some t and see if she gives in and joins. Jess thought about this and said I bet I could figure a way to get that little fantasy going. What, no way I said she is to innocent lol, he said I can figure something, I said now be careful, not into really harming her etc. 2 weeks later I get a call from jesse, we havent had a nice fuck since that night, he says I have ideal, uh oh what have I started but my cock instantly got hard. So this is the plan he had, I invite her into the city for dinner/shopping catching up and splurge for a nice hotel rm, with seperate beds so we can stay overnite (we are still close so would not be unual). After dinner that is delieved to room by one of his friends in disguise, he slips her something to knock her out. once she konks out, we strip her to undies/bra, slip her just a small bit of t, when she comes to she will be in chair facing bed where I will be on my knees and restrained by couple bigger black guys(i m small guy 5;7 155lbs, and I m blindfolded and naked and being made to suck a nice BBC, I have earplugs in so I have no ideal she is there. Jess whispers in her ear that no harm will come to her, but they know I am bi and love cock and have fucked me before but only once and we don't really know one another. but we know a mutual aquaintance, who has told them about me and that we need to figure some way to fuck both of us. He then tells her that I believe you are asleep back in your room, and he has just been having some fun down the hallway. He tells here I have never been gangfucked and fantasize about it. and that they have given me t so I am high and willing to do anything. She is starting to feel the effect of t on herself and can't figure out why she is started to wiggle around. She asks if they are going to mak here have sex with them. Jesse says no but soon you will be begging for us to do so. I am now on my knees ass up trying to deep throat a thick cock. they explain that with the headphones secured to my head I only hear anything when thay talk through a microphone that goes to my headphones. They are say and of course the ex can hear that part, that I am a good cocksucker, but they bet my wife would be better, trying to tease me. I shake my head no, they laugh and say into mic, do you think she could take BBc in her holes like me. I am fairly high at and of course am in on the scam so I take the cock out of my mouth and say I wish she could see what a total whore for BBC I have become, she would be shocked , and she would see how I was a better fuck than she was, I then say too bad she never figured it out, I would have shared all the BBC we could find and take em together, I say i d lover to eat her cum filled hole if she was gangbanged, but would make here do the same to me. Now the other guys jesse invited who are in the room all strip, 4 other guys besides jesse, nate who is skinny tall guy but with biggest cock I have ever seen, and thick as my wrist, then g who is a large guy 6;4 and all muscle but with a soft voice and silver tongue whose cock is about as big, Stephen who is also over 6ft and husky with a nice thick 9 inck cock, he s a quiet guy bu very sexy , and next guy I only know as t also over 6ft, with a pretty curved 8 inc cock, I have only meet Nate before, and it took some work but finally took that huge cock and am anxious to try again. They all tower over me and could pick me up and bounce me on their cock with ease. I also trust the two guys I am friends Nate and Jesse and trust them, we have a safe word if things arent going well and they will promptly knock out the ex with something gentle, we put her in my bed, with empty liqur bottles and some interracial pron the the motel tv, whe will wake thiking we had some kinky sex and imagined most of the weird stuff , no hard done. But at the momen she hasn't said much but is starring at me sucking cock. Jesse leans in and says to her , 'watch what happens-' when we inject him with t, that I ll be an uncontrollable slut and beg for there cocks' she shakes her head and says dont do that she doesnt want to see me hurt. Jesse laughs, oh don't worry he has done this before, just never with 5 at a time, just watch he says. Nate then holds me down, I m still on my kneees ass up, and wraps a tourniquet around my arm while jesse slides a nice sizable hit into my vein. The Ex is watching mesmerized unaware that the reason she is wriggling around is the t slipped to her 30 min ago in some juice, As the rush hits me I cough and then I m flying they let go of me as I start fingering my hole. I then shock her by begging for some one to put their big cock in me,,I then add I wish she could see this, I could teach here how to take cock(still with headset on and pretending I don't know she is there. As t move behind me, jesse asks her should we use lube, she looks terrified and says yest dont hurt him, he then loosens one of her arms and says she will have to it then, he guides her hand into a container holding lube, she get her fingers wet and then hesitates, go on says jesse slid a few fingers inn his hole. finger fuck me to get it loosened up. I ve never done this she says, so jesse helps slide first one finger then two and she now takes over fingering me by herself. Its so tight she says,..Oh dont worry by end of night it wont be says jesse, he is rubbing the slide of her now exposed brests and her breathing is picking up, Does he really like it she asks, oh yeah says jesse, you ll be jealous watching him moan and beg for more. I could never take cocks that big she says while looking intently at her fingers sliding into my hole. Oh I could give you a little of what we just gave him and you would not be able to control yourself. Really she says, I don't believe any drug could do that,... Oh it just loosens all your inhibitions and makes your pussy and ass tingle, youll be so horny you ll beg to take our cocks. She is really quit now, I don;t think so she whispers, .. Oh just watch for a min, ...T has now moved so is standing on bed, she is in a chair 2 feet away , he then slides his big cock into my hole in one smooth push, I am riding the rush and my hole just opens up, I moan and say oh god yes please fuck me with athat wonderful cock. T now says I bet your wife would be jealous if she were watching, I doubt it I say she s a bit timid, but yeah I d love here to see me doing this. The ex is now rubbing her clit, and hasnt noticied all her restraints are off, or that jesse has slipped a tourniquet around her arm, he tells here its a small hit and she may cough a bit but then she will beg for cock. She looks down at her arm and jesse holding the needle, he says ok if you say no I wont do this but I promise to take good care of you both and you will have best sex you ever had, she is quit so jesse finds a vein gives one last look into her eyes, she says I m scared, he reassures her, she is in good hands, that he is actually a paramedic in real life and will take care of her. She nods yes and he slips it in, pulls out, she leans back in the chair with a cough and says fuck.. (she is not aware that my blindfold is off and I am looking back watching her as that first rush hits her. Holy fuck she says I never thought this exisitited. Jesse is now rugging her pussy which is leaking he asks her if she wants to learn to be able to take cock as well as me,, when she says yesys its in a whisper, t isnow slowly puls from my hole, ithas a slight gape, ..Look at his fuck hole, we are going to make your pussy and ass look like that, in fact you ex there is going to be sucking our cum from you holes when are done, ... she is whimpering now, yes she says.. oh you will return the favor, says jesse, now suc, T s cock and taste your ex husbands ass on his cock, see what kind of pig you turned you ex into. T slides his cock into her mouth, she is then carried to the bed and laid on her back with her head below mine, just then jesse slides his cock into her. its slow going as she is really a small woman down there, her eyes flash open as a moan escapes her lips, it is then she realizes I am above her still on my knees no blindfold etc and am looking into her eyes, I say to her take that bbc and show me you are as good a fguck as I am. She immiediatly starts to cum all over Jesse cock, yes , I say this ihas been in you the whole time, you were just to timid to let go. Oh my god she says he is so big, oh yeah I say but before the night is over both or our holes will be gaped and leaking cum, you will be forever a size queen,. she moans and cums again at that comment I am now kissing here and tell her I can taste my ass from when she sucked T's cock.I then crawl forward till we are in 69 position, me on top and she n ow see Ts big cock at the entrance to my hole. go ahead guide it in I beg I so need him in me, I want you to watch what a total fuck hole I am for bbc, I would do anything for it, but just wait, by end of night you will be too. She orgasms again at that, She grabs his thick, cock barely able to get here fingers around and watches as my tight ass opens up and he starts to fucke me good, he pounds then pulls out so she can see my hole gape open, I am now telling jesse to fuck her hard open here up so everyone else can get in that tight pussy fuck yeah says jesse her pussy is real nice like you said, I could make money off that hole, brothers be lined up for a turn,. fuck yeah I moan as my eyeballs are rooling into the back of my head, my hole is gettting pounded and my ex is underneath me cheering me on saying yeah that is so hot, show me what a whore you are baby,T now unloads a huge load in my hole, and as he pulls out she is watching intently then a big globe of his cumm fall right into her face and open mouth. she is stunned, but T now rubs his big cock across her face and says yeah suck that cum off my cock, , he tells her my ass is so good, he bets she will never be that good a fuck. she is cleaning his cock best she can but mostlu ots smeared all over her face, she is also panting through at least her 9 orgasm on jesses cock, He asks her if she wants his big load of cum in her little milf pussy yes pleas she says, I have no scooted down and am licking the cum from her face as jesse grunts and unloads a 5 day load, when he pulls out her pussy doesnt close and a river of cum is leaking out. It is so raunchy looking. I reach down and scoop some up with my fingers and feed it to her , she is still flying and says ple;ease she want more cock
    1 point
  44. Me right now wishing both a fist and toys are in my gaping hole
    1 point
  45. I took part in a Conversion Party at my Ex's, one of the many I've attended over the years (the first was my own) where Steve arranges for 3 or 4 POZ Tops to breed a Bottom. Last night a Vietnamese Boy named Pham made his debut; and like all the guys Steve's converted, Pham was a Cum Whore from the git-go. Steve starts by making love to them and gets them enamored of his flowing locks, his slim, hairless bod, and boyish good looks which belie his 35 years. After about 20 fucks, they trust him completely and let down their guard. Steve believes Asians make the world's best Bottoms and likes them petite and slightly fem. Within a fortnight all his Boys are taking it raw. Gradually he proceeds from pulling out to pumping them full of Poison Spooge. They get to where they can't live without their daily fix of Toxic Seed. When the moon waxes full a second time, and the Youth shows no sign of the Fuck Flu—that's when Steve throws in the towel and calls us in. Since the Victim is always Prime NEG Meat, my Ex has no trouble recruiting GIFTERS to breed the POZ resistant Ass. Pham was a cute 19, about 5'3" and hairless, with a tiny Cock and nervous smile. Steve and his comrade, Oren, who loathed anyone more generously endowed than he, were readying the Sling when I walked in. An unsuspecting Pham was upstairs showering. Pham had no suspicion that: 1) Steve was POZ and; 2) got his jollies POZZING Boys. Consequently the Youth couldn't have conceived that he was one of the few with whom Steve had failed. And since Stevie was a sore Loser, old Phamy was to be thrown to the wolves. I'd met Pham on two previous occasions, and we'd hit it off. I genuinely liked the Kid. So he showed no consternation when he saw me sitting there. No sooner had Stevie told Pham to get me a beer, than the doorbell rang and two more of Steve's cohorts waltzed in. It was like old home week. All of us already knew each other from the waist down—and all of us were POZ. The two newcomers gave Pham a coarse once over, and Phamy shuddered beneath the glare. He couldn't help but notice the bulge mushrooming in Davie's crotch and the PreCum permeating Shawn's blue jeans. Pham was whisked upstairs for the preliminaries. Stevie hates for his Bottoms to have a good time getting screwed by ANYOTHER—so he makes them spooge before the fun begins. They had not been upstairs more than a minute when Stevie called me in. I ascended to the Playroom and encountered one very rattled Pham. He loved Stevie so much, yet was aggrieved by his suspicion something untoward was going down. He was disrobed and naked, and Steve was working his small Dick with his greased palm. "Tell him how it is," he groused. "We're gonna have an Orgy, Kid," I beat around the bush. I knew the Boy was disillusioned, as I'd once been—having fantasized about exclusive dibs on Stevie's Jizz. But my Ex knew his Pigs' true nature—and led them down the primrose path to what comes naturally from barebacking. We're a narcissistic bunch, bent on a self-destructive course, with a one-way ticket to misery and hell—but, hey, as they say, half the fun is getting there! Steve asked that I anoint the Youth with Baby Oil as he likes to call his debutantes "Greased Pigs." I massaged it by the palmful onto Pham's silky skin, the Boy moaning as I couldn't resist slipping a slimey finger up his Ass. Unable to hold back, the Kid gyrated in Steve's direction and spooged into his open palm. The Master massaged the Youth's Ejaculate up and down his heretofore infertile Penis, lathering it to the extreme. Old Phamy was about to get a taste of his own Seed. It was obvious when the Boy'd been violated—grimacing, eyes widening and glazing over. Oren, my favorite Sadist, applauded from the doorway; and no sooner had Steve started fucking, than Shawn and Davie walked in holding hands. I'd partnered with Shawn on numerous occasions, and knew first-hand how hung he was; and Davie, with his Beer Can Death Stick, posed a threat to any NEG. The Boy was sweating. I wiped the perspiration from his brow and whispered in his ear, that, after tonight, “Enough would never be enough again.” The Boy's eyes rolled back as I pressed Poppers to his nose. Oren moistened the Youth's parched lips with wispy filaments of HIV, while Steve deposited AIDS Load Number One up the young Mancunt. Simultaneously Pham moaned in ecstasy and desolation, despairing at betrayal by his Betrothed. In the end he probably took 10 Loads that night, each one laden with The Bug. I won't even try to guess which one of us knocked up the Kid—but he came down with a doozy Strain which knocked him out for almost a month. When Shawn and Davie finished up, I took my pleasure with the Youth whose plundered, shell-shocked Manhole had been well pulverized. Steve and I each grabbed an armpit and dragged the ailing Phamy to the boudoir, where, traumatized or not, the Maestro planned to breed him one last time. Meanwhile, Oren demanded “I get my Sloppy Cunt into the Sling.” Oren can be a very nasty Fuck, who'd just as soon spit in your face as look at you. And that was my reward for helping out. Afterwards, the house was quiet except for the Pham's persistent whimpering as the gangbang and betrayal had reeked havoc on his psyche and self-worth. I certainly sympathized with the Boy, but was convinced, once he recovered, we'd make a fantastic pair—at the Baths and Glory Holes everywhere.
    1 point
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