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  1. Mom died when I was little and I barely remember her. Just vague memories that come up when I smell a certain perfume they still sell at the higher end stores. Dad mourned for an appropriate time then used “widowed father for family values” sympathy vote to win his first election running for county commissioner. I still have nightmares about the first time I was trotted at barely seven years old out in front of all those cameras to stutter through the little speech Dad had made me say over and over saying “This is important kid. If you get it right I just may win!” putting all that pressure on my tiny little shoulders “Vote for my Daddy Billy so he can protect kids like me from the bad people who want to hurt us” still haunts my dreams to this day Dad always called me “Kid” or “Kiddo” because he hated the name my mom had given me which was Eliot (Everyone but dad calls me El) and hated the man she had named me for, her father, even more because he never approved of their marriage saying my dad was a huckster who would sell out his own mother which turned out to be a fair statement when Dad got his mother to sign a Power of Attorney when she was diagnosed with cancer and sold he house and all her possessions while she was in the hospital for treatments. He planned to hide the money and skip out on all the medical bills Then Grandma made a full recovery but somehow Dad got her declared incompetent though every doctor testified she had her full faculties and forced her into the cheapest nursing home he could find. Her revenge was living long enough to eat up every dime he had gotten from the sale. She died the day the last check cleared leaving eight cents in the account. I loved Grandma but she was a spiteful old lady. Who can blame her though? Till the very end ever time dad was in an election she would call the local newspaper and then give an interview saying “If you vote for my son you are a fool and you deserve what you get!” Like I said I loved Grandma. My Grandpa (mom’s dad) was great too! He had an awesome name and basically raised me because my father was to busy taking bribes and making backroom deals to take care of his son. The only time I saw him was when he wanted to trot me out for the cameras at election time and that stopped when at 14. He had me learn another speech but when he introduced me and I stood in front og the camera, on live television turned to him and said “Who are you Mr.? You kind of look like my father but I’m not sure since I never see him and I live with my Grandpa and Uncle John. From what they tell me he doesn't even help support me financially” Then I looked at the camera and said “So much for Family Values Huh?” Grandpa also pissed off my Dad by remembering to change his will when mom died leaving everything to me and hiring the best lawyer in the state when his health started to fail to make sure my Dad never got his hands on a dime of it, After Grandpa passed the lawyer and Uncle John looked after me “Uncle John” was not actually related to me, He was Grandpa’s stepson from his 2nd marriage his mom who I called Mary at her insistence passed a couple years before Grandpa. She was kind of stuck up but kind to me. Uncle John and I shared a secret. We were both gay. He was the first person I came out to when I was twelve and he was the most wonderful supportive uncle he could be, He didn’t tell me was gay till I was 16 saying he didn’t want to confuse me while my hormones were out of control, I had always loved and lusted after him so it was probably for the best. When I was young John was the most handsome man I had ever seen, he was Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio rolled into one with a little old school Tom Selleck thrown into the mix for good measure. He always wore the coolest clothes and seeing him in his bathing suit awakened my first truly sexual fantasies but I will fight anyone who suggests he was anything other than a 100% proper adult when it came to me. Much to my frustration. By the time I was almost 18 things had started to change, He was still handsome but he was thinner and seemed to be sick more often. It was 1995 and the AIDS epidemic was raging. They even had a man com to my high school right as I was about to graduate to talk to us about the importance of safe sex and not sharing needles (I didn’t get that 2nd part at the time). My Dad had been against it I recall. I was on the student council so I met him personally. Just before he shook my had a little beeper went off in his pocket and he took out a prescription bottle with the name “Retrovir” (better known as AZT I learned later. Popped a pill and stepped to a nearby water fountain to help it go down, as he returned to me I noticed a janitor rushing to spray the water fountain with something that smelled like bleach and wipe it down with gloved hands. “Hey, my uncle John takes those vitamins!” I said He tried to hide it but the look of surprised sympathy gave it all away and I knew. Uncle John had HIV. When I asked him why he had not told me he said he didn’t want to worry me and he was almost done. He wanted to get me to 18 when my inheritance would kick in and then he could go The party my Dad belonged to, The R Party, maintained that people with HIV were all perverted degenerates who were being punished by God. Even the little kids with blood disorders and caught it deserved it somehow according to them. A plan started to form in my mind. One every bit as evil as anything my money grubbing Dad could come up with. Over the next weeks the parts came together more and more. I talked to my friend Diana who was the prettiest lesbian you ever met and we started being seen together I took her and her “best friend” Vicky to the prom and we spread rumors about a drunken 3some in a hotel room afterwards. I was going to be quite well off when I turned 18 and the plan was to be seen together for a couple months more then a quick trip to Las Vegas and we would be married. Vicky would move in as her “personal assistant” and I would live with Uncle John (He was unaware of that part of the plan for now) it would be the perfect cover for all of us. That lawyer Grandpa had Diana sign some papers when she turned 18 to protect my assets and she had no problem with that, Uncle John had been getting even thinner and he was more and more depressed. He told me many of his friends had died and the ones who had managed to stay HIV negative stayed away from him. He was lonely and had no release other than his hand. “I used to be the hottest Top Man in the city. I would fuck three and four pretty boys a night but I think it was the one time I shot up that got me" We were sitting by the pool and the bulge in his swimsuit looked even bigger against his thin frame as he talked about his glory days Finally the big day arrived and 10 minutes after midnight on my 18th birthday I pushed John’s door open, He had his eyes closed and didn’t hear me. He was in bed stroking his huge cock, 9 ½ inches I would later measure, and moaning “El oh my beautiful El I want to be in you so badly, to make you mine. Oh I love you my El, you are so beautiful” Maybe I should pause a moment to describe myself at 18, You have to realize that though my dad was a scumbag he was exceptionally good looking with classic Greek features a hairy chest and piercing green eyes. Pair that with my mothers deep auburn hair and full sensuous lips, a thick 10 inch cock I never did learn which side of the family gave me and my athletic state champion quarterback 6 foot 2 body and I java to admit I was a little more than handsome but back to our story I watched John for a couple minutes with his eyes closed stroking and moaning my name then I quietly knelt next to his bed bent over running my tongue around the head of his cock and then opened wide and took it in my mouth His eyes flew open “El! What the hell are you doing? That’s dangerous!” “We are going to things that are a lot more dangerous tonight John” I told him firmly “What are you talking about?” he asked covering himself with a pillow “You are going to become my life partner for as long as we have together and you are going to make love to me all night to consummate our union. After what I just heard I know you love and want me and I have loved you since I was about twelve” I said looking into his eyes He looked conflicted, struggling with himself so much he actually started shaking a little and finally looked at me with tears in his eyes “Yes I love you and I want you but dammit I will be lucky if I have six months left. I can’t do that to you! Besides you should have someone as young and as handsome as you are. Just look at me” And he threw the pillow aside His body was thin but not what you would call wasting quite yet. His tall frame equal in height to mine exaggerated the thinness. His now only slightly aroused cock lay across his balls and they definitely did not look thin in fact they seemed to pulse with a light all their own and make me want it in me even more “You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen and never more so than now. I love you and I want, no I NEED you inside of me” I said hotly “I can’t be inside of you, I don’t even have a condom!” he protested but he was weakening I could tell “All the better because I never want you to wear a condom or pull out when you fuck me” I said calmly He sighed “El I am one step away from full blown AIDS and love won’t protect you from it. I’m sorry but it's true” “I know what you have and I don’t want to be protected from it. I want you to infect me as a sign of our love and for another reason” and I explained my full plan to him He looked at me with awe and pride and an evil glint in his eyes “You are a diabolical, twisted, sick fuck and I love you for it” then he thought about it for a few minutes and finally said “Ok I’m in” “No you aren't but you will be soon” I joked "OK repeat after me" and I took his hand in mine “I pledge my life to you for as long as we share this earth together, I will be faithful to you in my heart though I am free to share my gift with others, Our enemies will fall before us and get what they so richly deserve, This I promise to my one true love” and John repeated each line starling into my eyes He pulled me to him his thin strong arms wrapping around my youthful body practically glowing with health and potential for a long life. I was sacrificing that to our love and his virus voluntarily and we kissed with an urgent passion as the the desire to breed took us both He rolled on top of me then rolled me onto my stomach and used his knees to push my legs apart. “You are MINR! This ass is MINE! Do what you want with your cock but for as long as we both live no one touches this ass but me! I love you too much to share this ass!” He groaned, his dripping toxic cock head rubbing up and down my crack seeking it’s new home, finding it and sinking in I bit my lip to keep from yelping as he roughly took my virginity, to caught up in passion and emotion to be gentle. Within a minute I felt his huge virus filled balls flop against mine as I ground ten rock hard inches into the sheets beneath me then he pulled out and slid back in and I moaned as this felt better than I ever imagined it could. John was a consummate top man. Years of experience pleasing bottoms came into play as he moved in and out of me plowing my virgin inner walls and getting them ready to be inseminated by his fertile virus, running his thin fingers over my well fleshed muscular body only of legal age for less than an hour and now to be offers up o our lust and his disease His thrust became frenzied and his cock battered my insides as my balls tightened and finally we found that release together me soaking his sheets and he firing wads if cum and HIV into me and sealing my fate We lay together my head on his chest and his fingers in my hair “Now you are marked as mine forever, Even when I pass part of me will live on in you” “I’m the luckiest man in the world” I replied We made love twice more that night and he lasted longer each time. I think if we timed it he was in me about 3 hours that night. That was a record we broke many times. The very next afternoon John got a call from his Doctor about a clinical trial for a new class of HIV treatment drugs. John agreed to participate and had one of the best results in the study. Over the next couple years with healthy living, lots of physical activities he gradually recovered becoming the man I remembered again and on his 30th birthday he got the news that his HIV viral load was undetectable I on the other had was very toxic and a couple years into my plan. I will tell you how it started when next we meet ********************************************************************* I hope you enjoyed the beginning of my new story. Let me know I am going to let “Somebody to be mine forever” rest for a while but I’m sure Jeff. Mike and Family will continue to make cameo appearances in “Zeke’s Tales” which will continue Scanbu
    15 points
  2. ***Hi there! This is my first attempt at writing a story here, plus English is not my first language, but I had this twisted story in my mind that I had to share! This first chapter is just setting, so please be patient since it isn't anything exciting YET! P.S. I am open to any kind of comments or suggestions, even bad ones, they could be all really useful in the future! Enjoy :)*** Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End We made it: we finally had a home of our own, rented, sure, but far enough from both our families to start a new life from scratch. Paul and I met in high school, neither of us had come out yet. He was very popular, good at sports, six feet tall, with big, sweet brown eyes, dark blond curly hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. Being a rugby player, he had that classic physique: massive, solid, huge arms and thighs, a round and perfect butt that protruded under any kind of pants. In a way, his cherubic face, white skin, and full lips clashed a bit with the macho rugby player physique, but this dissonance made him even more attractive in my eyes. Now, at 23, he hasn't changed much, which is why he proudly flaunts that light blond fuzz on his legs, armpits, and face, and what he calls a "beard" but is actually just a couple of mustache hairs and a few on his chin. He thinks it tones down the angelic features of his face and makes him look "tougher" on the field, yet it's precisely these features that are his strength, and will be his downfall. On the other hand, I am much more anonymous: slightly shorter than him, slim, I just go for runs with him early in the morning when I feel like it. My family is Italian, so I never had to pray for a beard to grow, since I was already shaving at 14. In the gay classification, I completely fit into the otter category, not that I boast about it, but Paul loves my Mediterranean colors, so I'm fine with it. We started dating when we were 16. Secretly, of course. Rumors about me being gay were already circulating, but I didn't understand the origin, since I didn't do anything to draw attention to myself, my only two friends were as straight as they come, and besides, I was born into a Catholic family, where certain things are taught to be hidden even before you're aware of them. Paul was also Catholic and we attended the same church. I was an altar boy, so we knew each other since we were kids. During mass, our eyes would meet, I caught him when he was distracted or about to fall asleep, so when he looked back, I smiled at him or pretended to admonish him, from my position as the incense bearer. So, seeing each other even outside of school, we got closer and closer, until we exchanged our first kiss in a cemetery, during our parish priest's funeral. From then on, we were a steady couple for the rest of high school, without anyone knowing about us. It was very difficult, frustrating, yet beautiful. There were other gay couples happily out in the open and no one cared much. We hid mainly out of fear of the reaction of our Catholic and super-conservative families. But after seven years, it seemed absurd to keep lying, so we came out to our parents, result: we ran away to a new city on the opposite side of the country, without a family, without a home, and without a job. Not knowing what to do, we turned to the Church. We got an audience with the only Catholic priest in the area, we told him the whole truth and that we were desperate. He promised us he would take care of us. Oh, he did. That meeting was the beginning of our end. God, if you exist, have mercy on our souls, and give me the courage to tell the story of my poor Paul, and of Father John.
    6 points
  3. Part 1 At 18 I heard rumors about a place that catered to poz men and those who were chasing and I never thought it was real. There was a rumor about what guys refered to as a poz carnival and it came around only once a year. It was rumored to be held at a lavish estate owned by the wealthiest man in the town who was rumored to be a poz sex addict and he always opened his doors to those who were poz and who wished to be so he came up with the idea of the poz carnival. Thankfully his estate was deep in the woods so there was no chance of anyone imputing on the festivities and every thing was kept on the hush so that there was no worries about women and children would know about it either just the men who wanted a re charge and those who wanted to be in the life and start the best way possible. I was never sexually active a part from learning to masturbate from porn and the ocasinal finger and objects up my ass so I was inexperienced in the Cummings and goings of sex so to speak. At 18 I stood at 5ft 9 I was your average red headed twink with long bright red hair that was long down to my ass and was kept into a ponytail. My slim body came from the years of just running in my neighborhood and of course I had freckles all over my pale skin. I have been mistaken as a girl so many times growing up and people were shocked when they heard my deep voice to tell the I was a guy and they responded that they were sorry they just assumed with my thin body and my very plump ass that they were going to be with a sexy girl. It turned me on that guys found me sexy even if they got spooked that I turned out to be a guy. I looked online on the few sites only for gay men and found some pictures of the carnival from pas years and was surprised at what I saw. It looked like a normal carnival with games rides food ECT but as expected all I saw on there were gay men of all types walking around naked. There wasn't any kind of man excluded from the carnival so basically if you were old enough to attend and had a cock you were in. There was a link at the top of the photos that read sign up and a link so I clicked the link and was taken to a reservation page for anyone to sign up for the carnival. It read that there was no cost required for it but you did have to show what your status was and attach a recent test result as well. I was getting excited and was breathing heavily because I just got my recent test results back today and it showed negative so I quickly filled out the form to attend and as I read through the form before hitting submit there was a part at the bottom stating that if you were serious about attending that all rules were to be followed and that anyone who was attending and was neg will be 100 percent poz upon leaving. I filled everything out and submitted my results and almost instantly got a response in my email confirming that I would be allowed there and got the time and date for the carnival. It said that it would be in 2 weeks and that it would go on for three days so if I wanted to attend the full three days to bring anything I needed and that there would be accomodations for ones who wanted to stay. I was so excited at this point that my body was shaking and I had to sit there and breath before my body finally calmed down. Another email was sent to me and when I opened it there was a map of the layout for the carnival where the rides and games were going to be as well as some detailed pictures of some of the rides and there was a few marked spots on the map. Those spots had a red biohazard symbol on them and they were designated sex spots if some guys wanted to have some privacy for sex. I looked at some of the pictures of the rides and saw what you would normaly see at a carnival, you had your ferris wheel, spinning rides, a few small coasters, drop rides and I looked closer at them and saw a that any of the seats or spots for a rider to be that they each had a fairly large dildo on them. There was a caption at the bottom of the pictures saying that the riders will have them in their asses wither they are a top or bottom when riding the rides and that made me harder than ever. I looked for a while longer but then decided to head to bed with the thoughts of excitement to cum.
    5 points
  4. Chapter 2: Father John We met Father John a few days after our arrival in the new city. We settled into a bed & breakfast that was draining our last savings, we were alone, and we didn't know what to do. Despite our sexuality, we had always been very religious, so it was natural for us to seek comfort and concrete help in the only Catholic church in the area. We went to Mass one Sunday morning, and to our surprise, we noticed that there weren't many people. As soon as we crossed the threshold, we felt the gaze of the few faithful all on us. It was no wonder, two strangers in such a confined environment stand out immediately. We tried to keep a low profile and sat in the back pew. It was incredible how they continued to stare at us unabashedly, especially the men: the few women were next to what I believe were their husbands or fathers, keeping their heads down. The men, however, stared at us intently, some with curiosity, others with amazement, still others with disdain, to the point where I thought they had immediately realized that Paul and I were together. I felt uncomfortable, as if we had crashed a secret club that didn't want us there. I tried to hold their inquisitive gaze, and then I noticed something that sent shivers down my spine: the men all seemed like they were veterans of a war or a rave party, they were pale, with sunken faces, glossy eyes, so much so that at first I thought I was at a funeral. They all seemed old, even though some were not. Fortunately, the staring contest was interrupted by the sound of a bell, and we all stood up for the arrival of the priest. The singing began, and the altar boys came out from a door with the priest following. Even the altar boys seemed strange, they were adults, or so it seemed to me, and they too had a sad and emaciated appearance. They seemed to drag themselves wearily to the altar. The priest, on the other hand, was in great shape, a handsome man in his 60s, taller than Paul, broad-shouldered, I couldn't see much of his body because the robe covered him, but you could tell he was muscular. He had cold, blue eyes, perfectly combed white hair with a part on the side, and he sang too, smiling. He passed us by and immediately noticed us. At that moment, he stopped singing, gave me a quick glance, and then moved on to Paul. He smiled at him, showing his very white teeth, and motioned for us to sit further forward, then went toward the altar. Paul stood up immediately and obeyed, I followed reluctantly, preferring to stay secluded. I took his hand, but he moved it away nervously. Given the reception of the faithful, it was indeed better not to attract too much attention. Once seated, the priest began his homily. He was very emphatic, knew how to modulate his voice well, he seemed like a soap opera actor, or one of those motivational speakers who make you quit your job and invest everything in cryptocurrency. In short, he didn't make a good impression on me. And yet you could see that everyone hung on his words, finally the men and the few women present seemed happy to be there. I whispered to Paul, "Certainly it's different here..." "What do you mean?" "Have you looked around? These people seem like they stepped out of a Tim Burton movie!" Paul stifled a laugh. "True! But if we're so few, we can't make enemies. This is our new community, they might lend us a hand." "Yeah, probably if you ask them for a hand they'll tear it off their arm." "What an idiot! And stop making me laugh, the priest is speaking." Father John glared at us, then melted into a smile as charming as it was unsettling. From the pulpit, he began his reading: "From Matthew 16:21-27 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be k1lled and on the third day be raised to life. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.” Upon hearing those words, and the way Father John pronounced them, slowly, with his warm and deep voice, I understood why everyone looked at him with such admiration: he was very charismatic, I couldn't stop looking at him either, yet there was something false about him. "Paul, this is the moment when – " “Jesus predicts his death,” Paul replied, moved, still gazing at Father John.
    5 points
  5. Mark fought the cravings and the despair they caused every day. His body however needed sexual release and his mind needed something he could not face. Something he thought he would rather die than face. He was a physically heathy man of 29 after all. The problem was he could not find that release without the combination of a man’s cock in his ass and a feeling of shame. He tried masturbation and even when he had not cun for weeks as soon as he touched his cock it went limp. He tried being with women but could never actually climax with them. Toys didn’t work either He had found a way to relieve the sexual pressure while visiting Tommy. Zeke and Jason at their apartment in the city. Jason’s brother Alex had been there as well though he had moved out on his own. As far as Mark knew, Alex had always had a very transactional view of sex. He would fuck someone he found hot but if he could get more out of it he would. Alex got off on getting people to cheat on their partner with him and he was usually already fucking said partner when they did. He fucked the company owner at work to get ahead and he would boast about all this like others talked about a hobby Mark had awkwardly asked the group if they thought he could meet someone to relieve his needs at the bathhouse they occasionally mentioned when they thought he was not listening “I will help you. I know the situation so you don’t have to explain it all to me, I like the thought of someone who needs to be mentally abused to cum and that’s something I am good at” Alex said “There has to be something more in it for you. Do you want me to pay you or something? You are not known for your compassionate nature and paying you would add that component of shame I need” Mark said not realizing he was basically calling him a whore and totally missing the look of pain in Alex’s eyes. Zeke saw it though “Don’t worry about it Mark, I will make sure Alex is compensated well if this us the solution you decide on” and Mark so wrapped up in his own problems missed the grateful look Alex gave Zeke as well Then it all fell apart as Mark remembered the biohazard tattoo Alex was so proud of “You are poz and I don’t want HIV I have enough to deal with as it is without your nasty disease” he said bluntly and with a certain suspicion in his voice again so wrapped up in his own problems he was unaware of the hurt his words caused to more than Alex this time “I am on meds and undetectable” Alex said blushing as if this admission in front of the others was embarrassing. “I have been asked to be a sperm donor by several women and I need to be undetectable. I decided to have my sperm frozen incase I ever decide I want kids in the future. Well kids I’m going to raise myself. I can also wear a condom if it makes you more comfortable” Mark thought about it as he looked out a nearby window, his own damage and need not allowing him to see that Alex was very insistent that Mark let him help instead of some random guy. In his mind Alex was a whore, a convenient tool ro relieve the pressure. “Ok, you are hired” Mark said. He didn’t see how everyone in the room winced at his thoughtless words Alex took him down in the elevator then to Mark’s surprise they simply stepped to another elevator next to it that required a different fob to open and which opened out into a full floor apartment every bit as luxurious as Zeke’s but in a different style dominated by a huge floor to ceiling aquarium and neon lights. “I think I could pick this apartment out of a lineup as yours, it matches your personality though I don't see you putting in the work to take care of that aquarium or remembering to feed the fish” Mark said “I didn’t realize you lived in the same building” “I pay a service to clean the aquarium and restock the automatic feeder and this is the most prestigious building in the city. Zeke and Tommy own it or I would never have gotten even one of the small apartments on the lower floors. They are technically two floors above us" he said , indicating the high ceiling but there is really only a crawl space and some soundproofing between us, I usually just call up and Jason opens the window so I can use the fire escape when I visit. It drives they security guys nuts. I didn’t want to take you out in the cold or we could have come down that way. My window has an electronic lock and I can open it from the outside” Alex said then he stepped close to Mark. They were the same height but Mark was bulkier “Strip” Alex ordered and Mark quickly complied… It had been so long… Alex handed him a pair of leather cuffs on a short chain and indicated a large metal ring attached to one of the bedpost of his large bed that backed onto the elevator shaft Blushing crimson Mark threaded the chain through the loop lay on the bed and closed the cuffs in his own wrists above his head. He could get them off he knew but he needed the illusion of being forced Alex knew what he needed. He stripped as Mark watched then slowly rolled a condom onto his 9 inch cock and lubed it. He got on the bed and roughly pushed his legs up onto his shoulders and pushed in to the hilt sliding in and out in a slow, grinding. insolent even cocky motion rotating his hips and changing angles “I’m going to twist your mind and make you need and serve me even worship. You are a straight man who can’t cum without a dick up your ass. I'm wearing this condom because you don’t deserve my seed and you will come to need me so much you will eventually beg me for it. You will please with me to go off my meds and infect you because deep inside you want to have my baby” he whispered in Marks ear “Now cum for your Master straight boy” and Mark’s cock spewed weeks worth of built up cum all over both of them as Alex filled the condom “You are not done yet” Alex said scooping Marks cum off both of then and making him lick it off his fingers and then he pulled off the condom and emptied it into Man's mouth. “I won’t breed you but my cum is to valuable to waste” and he pushed Mark's jaw closed till he swallowed then unbound him and sat on the edge of the bed “Get on your knees and worship ny cock with those straight lips and maybe if you do it well enough I will allow you ti spread your legs for me and put my cock in you so you can cum again. Remember you have to earn it this time” Glaring at him Mark sank to his knees and started to suck. He hated it and he needed it at the same time. Alex was hitting the exact mix of shame and humiliation he needed “And he’s enjoying every second of it, the sadistic asshole” he thought as he pit every trick Farid’s cock sucking training had taught him to work Alex moaned and pushed his head down fucking his throat till he finally pushed him off his cock and onto the bed rolling another condom onto his cock and taking him on his back again fucking almost frantically “Tell me you love me straight boy” he hissed as Mark’s balls started to tighten “I will pull out if you don’t” Mark shot daggers at him with his eyes, knowing this was just another way to humiliate him. Not even Farid had demanded this… but he was so close… “I love you” he said putting as much anger and hate into his voice as he could and that sent them both over the edge Alex kissed him deeply ignoring Mark’s stiff responses and carefully puled out again making Mark swallow both loads and then they slept Mark stiff in Alex’s arms as he had been when Farid had chosen him to keep him warm for the night The next day Alex got him off four more times. Mark never considered the effort he was putting into helping him. “He’s a whore, a tool. He’s only doing this because he is a twisted sadistic fuck and Zeke is paying him” Mark thought needing to believe it The next day he flew back with to the estate Tommy and Zeke but Jason stayed behind Alex and Jason looked at each other as they heard the helicopter take off and when the sound of it faded into the distance Jason opened his arms and Alex sobbing like a broken hearted child fell into them Alex was everything he bragged about. Mercenary and always out for number one. The only person in the world who might have had a chance to change that was Mark who Alex had met on a trip to the estate early in his year of slavery and had instantly, totally fallen in love with him. That hopeless love of a gay man for a confirmed straight one, If Mark could see beyond his own issues he would realize anyone who could afford Alex’s apartment didn't need money. The bakery owner, Alex’s old boss who he was fucking had died and while he provided for his two adult children the bulk of his holding had been left to him, including bakeries in 17 major metropolitan areas around the country, Alex had sold out to the largest baked goods company in the country and now was almost as well off as Tommy and Zeke. A few weeks after meeting Mark Tommy had confronted him. He wasn’t breaking any rules but he was being a total bitch when he could “What is your problem?” Tommy had demanded as Alex skulked around the apartment like a rumbling thunderstorm Knowing Tommy would dig till he got the truth he snapped “I’m in love with a straight man/ OK? I can’t get him out of my head or my heart and I don’t know that I want to. It hurts so much but it’s a sweet hurt I don’t want to give it up because that would be giving up on him and I just can’t yet” “Oh fuck, Alex… Who?” Tommy whispered “Your brother” Alex said brokenly Tommy hugged him and suddenly Zeke and Jason were there too having heard it all. It was something every gay man understood. Most having been there at least once in their lives When the Farid thing had happened Mark never noticed that whenever he needed help it was Alex who was there most of the time and Alex had gone on the meds once Mark’s issues became clear. Alex was going to be damned if anyone else was going to help Mark. Who knew what further harm some random guy would do to him. He even talked to Mark’s therapist about the best way to help him. Alex’s seemingly cavalier offer to help Mark had been a selfless offer to tear himself apart for a man who would refuse his help if he knew why it was made. Yes Alex desired Mark but he wanted Mark to love him back far more “He’s so broken and the only way I can help him is to let him think I am a whore just using him because I get off on the mind games and Zeke is paying me” He sobbed into his brother’s shoulder “He talks to me like he hates me as much as he hates needing me and if I don’t keep up the act it won’t do him any good. I can have his body but that just makes him hate me” Mark came to relieve the pressure most weekends and as soon as he was sated he would leave Alex to hang with his brother and his men. Alex stayed away then though most times Jason slipped down to comfort him Alex lost weight from the emotional trauma he was putting himself through and Mark demanded to see his test results showing he was still undetectable It went on for months and Alex seemed barely alive between Mark’s visits. Zeke made him join them for dinner most nights to keep him from brooding over takeout as he had taken to doing but it really didn’t help much During a summer visit home Tommy asked Mark “Are you coming with Zeke and I to the apartment for the weekend?” “Yeah, I could use a visit to the whore” Mark replied Suddenly Mark found himself spun around and punched in the face so hard he staggered back against the wall then slid down it to sit on the floor in shock Tommy loomed over him his fist clenched and yelled “You fucking self centered asshole! I know you have issues but so do others! You told me just last week that you have not had not had a nightmare about Farid for a couple months! Who do you have to thank for that? The man you just called a whore! Did you ever stop to consider that he is ALWAYS available when you need him? That everything he does is to accommodate you? Did you know that since the first time he was with you he hasn’t been with anyone else? That he doesn’t even get himself off to be as ready to help you as he can be? That he cries because you are so broken? That he cries even more because he loves you while you use him, hate him and call him a whore?” Getting control of himself Tommy continued in a cold voice “You were raped repeatedly. You were mentally and physically abused but you know what I Think? It’s not an addiction anymore it’s your fucking fetish and your way of hiding from the fact that you love getting fucked by and submitting to another man! You are the abuser now! Your attitude towards someone who does nothing but help you is monstrous! HE DOES IT OUT OF LOVE FOR YOU! He gives you exactly what you need and ASK for and you call him a whore to his face. I’m ashamed someone that cruel is my brother” and then he stalked off leaving Mark sitting there open mouthed That weekend the sex went unchanged between them but when Alex demanded “Tell me you love me” Mark finally heard he pain in that hopeless demand and it was Alex who missed it this time when his reply was not filled with hate and contempt “I love you” Mark said softly and Alex continued not really listening. Mark raised his hand to Alex’s chest and said “Stop Alex, look at me!” and then when Alex finally met his eyes he repeated “I love you Alex” and put as much of his heart into those words as he could “ I have been so wrapped up in what happened to me I forgot that you are a human being and not a tool. You are a wonderful, selfless angel of mercy who rescued me not a whore. My brother is gay, at least two of my cousins are gay but I could not face it in myself after Farid took me the first time, Somehow I thought that if I ever admitted I was gay it would somehow make what he did to me justified and not rape. When he took me the 2nd time it just made that stronger and I took all that out on you” “How could you not? You were so injured, so damaged and I loved you so much, All I could think of was helping you. I had to save you no matter what it cost me” Alex whispered “Shhhh Baby” Mark said putting a finger to Alex’s lips “My behavior was still inexcusable. You were doing exactly what I needed how I needed it and I never once thanked you. I hurt you while you did nothing but love me: Mark reached down and pulled the condom off Alex’s cock and moved the head back to his hole “I never want anything to come between us again, If you want to come off the meds I would be honored to carry your virus in me for the rest of my life. Now, please make love to me” Alex slid bare into his lover, his Mark for the first time and made gentle passionate love to him cumming deep inside Mark held off cumming however and after a shy request to fuck Alex bred him back his mental block on cumming without a cock up his ass gone as he finally accepted who he was and that he was in love with another man. “So” Mark said later as they rode up in the elevator to share the news with their brothers and Zeke “After all of that are you going to marry me or what?” When the door slid opened they almost fell through their lips locked together then Alex pulled back and said “Yes I will marry you you idiot!” There was a moment of shocked silence and then cheers from Tommy, Zeke and Jason but Mark cheered the loudest
    5 points
  6. I was in Houston on a family visit and lasted only three days before I knew I needed some dick and I needed it bad. I was staying with my family so getting off was really difficult and I had a 4-day load built up. Finally my opportunity to get out of the house came and I told my mom I was going to visit some friends and would be home late. So, I showered and got all cleaned out and lubed my smooth hungry ass and put on my favorite jock. I love to play with a sparkling clean butt. I like the confidence that there will be no surprises and wanted to be ready for anything. There was only one place that was going to get me where I needed to go; a bookstore - a sleazy, dark, smelly, nasty cum-soaked bookstore. It was just after dusk when I pulled into the parking lot which I noted was full. I got that exhilarating feeling in the pit of my stomach and suddenly became aware of my erect nips. I paid my entrance fee and went immediately to the back rooms. It was totally dark and took my eyes a moment to adjust. After a minute or two, I started making my way through the darkened maze. The smell of cum and poppers were strong. The fuck music was pounding away. The halls were lined with people standing around and checking each other out. I was only there about 5 minutes when I was approached at the end of a dark hallway. As I turned around, I brushed up against a tall guy. Before I could excuse myself we made eye contact and my fucking heart sank. I pegged him at about 26 or 27. He was about 6’3” or so, excellent body and black as night. He didn’t smile. He didn’t wink or anything. He just looked at me, grabbed my hand and started walking back down the hall slowly. He led us into a vacant booth and shut and locked the door. He yanked his T-Shirt up and over his head and behind his neck exposing a beautiful worked out chest. His skin was flawless and his pecs were tight and the color of coffee grounds. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to his left nipple which I took to like a baby calf. I started licking all around it. It was shimmering and glistening in the light from the porn playing on the monitor. This turned me on so much I dove in and started chewing. He started moaning and twisting my hair pushing my face harder into his nip. He raised his left arm back and over his head exposing his deep dark pit. The smell was incredible. I licked from his nipple up to his pit and soaked it completely - taking it all in. I was high from it. My cock was raging in my jeans. I had my hands around his waist and felt his taunt hard butt. I rubbed across his crotch. It was warm and had a nice mound. His junk was stuffed tightly up in his jeans and felt impressive. I started unbuttoning his jeans and he helped me. He pulled his jeans and underwear down to his knees in one fell swoop and just stood there. I looked down and saw his ebony colored cut cock sticking up past his belly button. He had a tight black bush which was naturally trim. His cock was fat. I mean really fat. It was cut and had a nice thick head on it. I reached out and wrapped my hand around it. The heat that emitted from it was awesome. I guessed it to be a solid 8”, maybe 9”. It wasn’t so much the link that was impressive but the girth. I felt pressure on my shoulders pushing me down to my knees. I stopped him, for a moment to get out of my jeans as fast as I could, grabbing my poppers from the front pocket. I was down on my knees and smelling black bush in a flash. The smell of his crotch was spellbinding. I kissed his cockhead. I licked his dick and on the sides, underneath and all around to get it wet. I was so fucking horned for this dick that when it was soaking wet with my saliva, I grabbed his rock-hard ass cheeks, took a deep breath and stuffed that fat fucking pole down my throat. As soon as the head got stuck at the back of my throat, I felt his hands on the back of my head and together we stuffed the rest of it in. He let out a guttural moan and I started to gag a little; but immediately got it under control. I was leaking spit onto his balls, but my front teeth were eating his bush. I had this big black obsidian cock buried down my throat. He was moaning and started fucking my throat while I was tugging on his balls and working my jaw and throat muscles like a starving whore. I started jacking my own cock, but let it go for fear of blowing too soon. He pulled out and modeled his cock for me. I think we were both surprised that I was able to take him all the way. He looked down and wiped a puddle of saliva from my chin and smeared it onto his cock and shoved it back into my mouth all the way. I could hear him say little things under his breath like, “Take that bitch.” and “Eat that fucking black dick.” These were the first words I heard him say. After about 5 minutes my jaw was getting tired so I released his cock and dove for his balls. He lifted one leg up so I had better access. I was anxiously trying to stuff both of his smooth balls into my mouth at the same time to do a little tea-bagging, but it was difficult. Finally he reached down, grabbed his left nut and helped me stuff it in. My mouth was full and my cheeks were puffed out. It took a moment to figure out my breathing, but once I found a rhythm, I started bathing his balls with my tongue. My man was moaning and writhing above me. He was dipping down to get more of his nuts into my mouth and pulling up and down to intensify pressure on this nutsack. He had two handfuls of my hair to help him drive his nuts back and forth. His hard shiny black dick was slapping against my forehead leaving a slimy residue on my face. He finally pulled his nuts slowly out of my mouth causing a “plop” sound and then lifted me up. I stared up at him wondering what was coming next. Then I felt his big hands slide down my back to my ass. I arched my back pushing my ass out onto his hands. I wanted there to be no confusion as to what I wanted. He touched my pucker and I began to purr. He turned me around and bent me over. I was immediately nervous that I didn’t have enough lube. As he was rubbing his cock up and down my ass crack, I was loading up on saliva and spreading it on my hole. I reached back between my legs and got his cock really slick and wet appreciating that I had the foresight to pre-lube my hole before I left home. He slid down and stuffed his tongue next to my finger and took over eating my hole. Dude has skills. He stood up and I felt the head of his cock at my hole. Heat was generating off of it. I craved this fat dick, but knew it wasn’t going to be easy. I started pushing back on him while he added pressure. Then I felt the fat head pop through my ring. We both froze for a second. I was expecting the pain to be intense, but there was nothing except the need to get the rest of this dick in me. He sensed that I was fine and together we slid that black rod all the way to his nuts. I was stuffed full of hot black cock. He shuddered and groaned. I could feel the ripple of his body, then traveled though his cock. This boy needed to fuck. He flexed his cock to demonstrate his powers. I pushed back to make sure I had everything he had to give. I heard him say, again under his breath, “That’s it, white boy, give me your pussy.” He took my ass and spread my cheeks completely apart and pulled out to the head and slammed back in. My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I knew our fuck was about to get intense. I was bent over with my legs spread. I grabbed my poppers and took a hit. I lifted one leg up on the bench to give him better access. I heard him say. “Oh fuck yeah.” And then it started. My stud started to fuck me like a porn star. Pulling all the way out and shoving all the way in. I was working it from my angle. I was matching his thrusts lunge by lunge clinching my ass muscles every time he bottomed out inside me. I could feel his fingers tracing his fat cock all around my ass lips. I could tell he loved feeling that ass stretched out around his fat dick. I was in an altered state. I was lowly moaning and working my ass, but I had crossed over into that place where my ass became the center of my universe. I was completely, at this point, self-serving. My boy leaned over and rested on my back while he continued to plow. Then he let go of my ass cheeks and started tweaking my nips. That got me hotter. His face was right next to mine and I could feel his breath. Then he turned and shoved his tongue into my mouth and we started kissing loudly and sloppily. He never missed a fuck-beat. I could feel his moans reverberate through my tongue. It was as if his cock and his tongue were somehow connected and working in unison to penetrate me at every angle. I reached back under my legs and felt his cock piston-fucking my hungry ass. It was hot, gooey and hard as steel and making the filthiest wet fuck sounds that could be heard all the way in the hall. When he pulled out I could tell he was close to blowing. He was totally still and pushed my hand away from his cock. We both froze for a moment. I looked down at his enflamed cock head and could see it throbbing. I expected his load to start spilling out, but nothing. After a few seconds he turned me all the way around and again pushed me down to his cock. I swallowed and licked my own ass juices off his dick. I opened my throat and swallowed him whole. He bent over my back and while holding my head down onto his cock, put three fingers into my ass and started working them all around. Then he added a forth. He lifted me back up and I took my position again and reached back and guided his dick back where it belonged. I knew he was going to go for it because he took my poppers, opened the top took a long hit and then pushed the bottle under my nose. He grabbed on to my waist and started driving. He picked up his pace and his breathing got heavier. I braced myself to take a serious pounding and encouraged him to go for it and not hold back. I told him I needed his black cock in my hole. The intensity increased and I started to feel his inner thighs tremble. My spine started to tingle; I was in a complete state of bliss. He started “huffing” and pile driving me hard, twisting on my tits. I started jacking my cock, which was so close and on the verge of exploding; my eyes were fixed onto the ceiling. The poppers had put me into a complete state of whoredom. My load started boiling up from the center of my being and I let out this guttural groan that was heard all over the bookstore. I started spraying my load all over the floor. While pushing my ass back onto this cock, my hole began to spasm all around his juiced up cock and that pushed him over the edge. I reached between my legs at the precise moment that he shoved his cock balls-deep. I quickly located the main vein where his cock met his balls and I felt it swell and pulse. And then it pulsed again; and then again and again and again and again. I thought damn, this fucker is loading me up good. Finally it stopped and he collapsed on my back with both our hearts racing and his cock stuffed deep inside me. We both struggled to catch our breaths. ”Breathe.” he said, “Just breathe.” Then we began to breathe again. I flexed my ass muscles to let him know I was still alive. He flexed his cock in return. He withdrew very slowly and my ass snapped closed. I turned around and squatted to clean his dick. It was so warm from being in my ass. I licked it and sucked all his juices off and left him perfectly clean. I reached back to feel my battered and overly fucked hole. I had to appreciate what it had just gone through. My ass was actually still warm to the touch. I was very satisfied. My black champion dressed in a matter of seconds. He patted me on the ass and left the booth. I sat down on the bench in a dazed state, trying to recover. I closed my eyes and tried to re-imagine what just happened. I was jarred back to reality when someone quickly opened my door and slipped into the booth. I began to object, looking around for my clothes, but he interrupted me saying, “Man I heard you all the way from out here. That must have been one hot fuck. Is this cool?” I looked up and there stood this youngish Hispanic guy probably early 20s. He had a few tats, a couple piercings and definitely looked streetwise. I said sure and he locked the door and and sat next to me. I started pulling my shirt on and looking around for my pants. I was drenched in sweat. “Fuck man that dude was hot. I wished I had been in here with the two of you.” He started feeling me up and worked quickly towards my ass and started circling around my pucker which was soaked and sticky. This was getting interesting. Then he inserted is middle finger. “Damn, man that dude nutted in you.” He then stood up, unzipped and lowered his pants and squatted between my legs. He lifted my legs up exposing by ass. He looked straight at me and said, “I fucking love eating out a hot black load, man, please feed me.” He dove in and started slurping and sucking my ass. At first, I didn’t know what to actually do, but feeling him chomp and chew was really getting me hot. So, I leaned back and spread my legs even more and started jacking. I thought about my hot black stud blasting his raw load up my cunt and started really getting into the ass eating. My Latin twink looked directly at me and said, “You gonna feed me that load? Come on push it out.” I was a little unsure of myself. I grabbed my poppers and took a snort and really started getting into the groove as my little friend started really sucking on my ass. I pushed out on my pucker which he caught between his teeth and nibbled. Somewhere along the way I decided to relax and was getting into this scene when I could feel something happening. All of a sudden, as I was pushing out, I farted. Shocked, I looked down at my little friend and he looked up with an astonished surprised look on his face. He was absolutely covered in cum. Perfect thick, white pearly dribbles of cum covered his face from the top of his forehead to the base of his chin and dripping down. He smiled and said, “Holy fucking Christ!” He dove back in between my cheeks and started slurping like a mad man. He looked so hot with all that cum on his face. The black dude shot the biggest load I have ever experienced in my life. The Latin stud had every intention of eating it all out. I let him go to work while we both jacked our individual cocks. Finally, after several minutes, and a complete cum bath, he grabbed my cock and jacked me until I shot my load. He collected my load in his hand and crawled up to me and we started making out, passing the black guys load between us. Then he took my load and added it to the mix. We continued making out and I licked cum off his chin and forehead and fed it back to him. He stood up and moaned and jacked his cock and I caught his load spurting and covered his cock with my mouth. Of course, I fed it back to him and we made out like teenagers moaning into each other’s mouths. We calmed down and assessed what had just happened and just broke out into a piggy smile. He looked at me, said through naughty smile, “You are one nasty motherfucker. I think I love you.”
    4 points
  7. Posting from this guys kitchen in between round 2, but the last 3 months ive been absolutely addicted to breeding this server who lives in my apartment complex. 6' tall, lanky awkward redhead with an uncut cock and a little bubblegum pink hole I can't keep my dick out of. He moved in with his bf of 3 years whos a 2/10 and works night shifts at a hotel lobby. Initially it was just a lot of teasing, then handjobs and blowjobs. Every night we'd curl upon his couch and suck each other dry for a few weeks. Eventually I laid him back and ate him. Probably the best ass ive ever eaten I think. Getting him to fuck was annoying and took forever but I made it happen. I even got him to bareback, just promised I'd cum outside. (Still worth it) the first time was amazing. So tight, so wetp. I spent 2-3 days glazing his ass with my semen Eventually he said we had to quit and kept bringing up his boyfriend, "we shouldn't bareback", etc... Still got him legs up a few more nights after that taking my dick like I wanted, but by the weeks end he made more excuses and finally said he didn't have any lube so I asked to use his bathroom and couldn't find any. I did manage to find a small thing of Vaseline though, and convinced him to at least jerk off with me one last time He didnt really want to, but eventually I got a few fingers in him and asked if I could just put the head in one last time. Push push push and pretty soon i had my cock back deep in his guts like usual. Since I thought it was the last time I tried breeding him without giving it away but he could feel the load. Wasnt really upset though since we both basically came at the same time and I told him his ass was " just this last time" Now its not even a question and we fuck almost every other night. I got him to admit he likes how it feels when a guy cums inside, so now he just lays back or on his side and let's me pump it in him. Usually we just lay in bed and play some animal crossing until he sees I'm getting hard again. Then he just pumps my dick a few times and lifts his hips a little so I can breed him all over again. Idk if his bf can tell but I'm kind of stretching him into a pussy too. He gapes WIDE after the first load and I can usually see it inside him every time. Theres no more convincing or anything now, and some nights he lubes me hard and rides me himself. Fun.
    4 points
  8. The highly improbable event of a western European country turning into a islamic fundamentalist nation is as scary and undesirable as the less improbable event that the US turns into the fundamentalist christian nation that the psychotic christian right is hoping to achieve with their support for Trump. I see no difference between the fundamentalist christian approach of government and muslim extremism. All the hope and dreams of the christian right: banning same sex marriages and abortions, death-penaly-o-rama, war on education, etc sound exactly like what they have in Iran.
    4 points
  9. Yes I do. I'm scared about islamic laws, countries where dissidents are tortured and killed, where you are OBLIGED to believe in their religion or you'll be jailed. Or worse - lapidated LGBT folks and whatever. No, I'm not phobic against single Muslim observants, but about Islamic culture being merged with politics. Am I scared about Christians too? Yes. Because religion gives, practically, infinite power to a politician who feels the direct representant of their religion's divinity. So, what humans say, has no longer reason to be taken into considerations. We have many of those in Europe, who claim to defend us all from Islamic autocracies... proposing theirs.
    4 points
  10. The only 'problem' I've had is that my hole opens up really easily now, so even if just being fucked I can get sloppy pretty quickly. But honestly I'd much prefer that than being too tight or uncomfortable. I've never had any other issues. Never been incontinent or any similar issues.
    4 points
  11. The Birthday Gift 🎉 The crisp spring night air holds a touch of excitement that night as two young lovers walk hand in hand down a bustling sidewalk, but they hardly notice, they only have eyes for each other. To a passer-by they make a fetching couple of opposites, one is tall, the other is shorter, one has dark hair and the other strawberry blond, with the only obvious similarity being the blinding smiles plastered on their faces. “Where are we going?” asks the young man with strawberry blond hair. The young man with dark curls chuckles, his brilliant blue eyes twinkling with mischief at the question. “I told you, Seven, it’s a surprise for your birthday.” Seven pouts, his pink lower lip looking particularly kissable in the moment, so his lover leans over and quickly gives him a peck. “Don’t pout, babe, I promise, you’ll love it.” “I better, Liam, or you’ll be going without tonight,” Seven teases, which makes Liam’s lips disappear in a tight line. “Now who’s pouting?” “You are so lucky we’re in public,” Liam says with a touch of a dark seductive edge to his voice, “otherwise I’d thoroughly remind you what you’d be missing out on if you made good on that threat.” Seven gulps and almost instantly his cock jumps at the mere mention of their bedroom activities; his reaction only gets worse when his now half-hard cock rubs against his tight blue shorts in the process. He wants to be upset over his predicament and blame his loving boyfriend but there’s something almost palpable in the anticipation and he wants to ride this feeling out for as long as possible. Then he wants to ride Liam’s cock even longer. They cross over two more streets and cut through an alley before arriving at a nondescript building that could’ve otherwise gone unnoticed had it not been for the line of people outside and two large men standing by the entrance. Seven grips onto Liam’s hand as his boyfriend confidently walking past the entire line up to the two men by the door. He reaches into his pocket and produces two cards, which he hands to one of the men, who then opens the door. Seven can’t help but giggle at the loud groans that follow them as they head into the building. The door closes and the pair are instantly swallowed by loud, pulsating music, strobe lighting, and— “Foam!” Seven shrieks but it’s drowned out by the music and energy around them. Indeed, there is multi-coloured foam flooding the room, about knee-deep on most patrons but some areas it’s up to thighs and waists. Seven reaches down and scoops some up in his hands, smelling the light scent that reminds him of a specific soap brand before reaching over to throw it in Liam’s face. Liam sputters and spits out what got on his mouth while Seven laughs hysterically, only to be met by a face-full of foam not a second later. They look at each other for a moment before breaking down in giggles and tears at the sheer ridiculousness of the moment. Seven wipes the foam off his mouth before reaching up to kiss Liam. “Thank you,” he says when he pulls away, “I can’t believe you found a club that does foam parties!” “It took some research, but I found this place thanks to some online tips,” Liam says as he takes Seven’s hand and goes to the bar. He orders their usual – two rum and colas – and they take up two stools while they wait. “I know you’ve always wanted to go to one.” Seven nods. “Ever since I heard about them! Thank you so much for this, baby! Best birthday present ever! I love you!” “I love you, too,” says Liam with a soft smile. He can hardly believe that this amazing person is his boyfriend, his for the past several years. There’s another gift he has for Seven, it’s currently resting in his pocket, but he has a plan for that too and it’s for after their night out at the club. They get their drinks along with a small plate of appetizers, enjoying the moment as they watch others dance in the foam, looking completely free and happy. Seven can’t wait to join them, to be part of that feeling. His skin tingles in anticipation and he bounces in his seat to the beat of the music, hardly able to keep himself from jumping straight into the throng of people writhing and moving on the dancefloor. The second they finish their food, Seven grabs Liam’s hand and drags him right into the centre of the dancers, then proceeds to press his back against Liam’s chest and grind his ass into his cock with the music. Liam’s hands grip his waist, and his face sits in the crook of his neck where he peppers soft kisses into Seven’s pale skin, nipping him every few kisses until a red mark blooms. Then he licks the mark and relishes in the way Seven squirms in his grip. He doesn’t think he could get any happier than standing here with this wonderful man in his arms. Three songs pass with Seven firmly planted against Liam, not even a breath of space between them as they dance in the foam. Seven occasionally reaches down to get a handful of foam to play with, either smearing it on Liam’s face or his own or even their bare torsos – they lost their shirts at some point during song two, not that they care, they were cheap white t-shirts Liam bought anticipating this exact situation. Seven is definitely enjoying his birthday surprise, pleased beyond words that his boyfriend took the time to find a place that does events like these, and even happier he paid the money to get them in the club. Seven’s euphoric bubble is burst when Liam squeezes his hips and says, “Hey, I need to use the washroom, come with me.” Seven glares at him over his shoulder. “No, I’m staying right here.” “Babe, I don’t want to have to try and find you,” Liam insists. “Please come with me.” “No, this is my night and I’m not leaving this dancefloor until security has to drag me out,” Seven replies petulantly and he shoves Liam’s hands off before he disappears into the crowd of dancers. It’s a petty move but he doesn’t care right now, he’s annoyed and slightly tipsy and high off the energy in the room. He’ll deal with the consequences later, right now he’s focused on enjoying himself. He finds himself a free spot close to the wall and one of the speakers with a small mountain of foam completely untouched, so he claims it in his name and starts dancing like nobody’s watching. Unknown to Seven, someone’s watching him closely. The song ends and Seven takes a breath as he waits for the next one to start; Liam still hasn’t joined him, so he figures he’s either lost, still in the washroom, or ignoring him until one of them – mostly Seven – apologizes for their argument. Seven has no intentions of apologizing until the club closes so Liam will have to pout for a few more hours. He’s content with this plan, at least for now. A new song starts and Seven prepares to start dancing when something warm and large settles on his hips, he startles and looks down. There’s a pair of sun-kissed hands that are definitely not his or Liam’s touching him. He looks behind him and sees a bright pair of green eyes staring at him. “Hi,” says the man, his voice sounds like caramel over gravel and Seven shivers. The man leans closer and puts his mouth by Seven’s ear. He’s a few inches taller than him – probably taller than Liam – so it almost feels like he’s hunching over. “Mind if I dance with you?” Seven considers pushing the man away and going back to his own private party but the thought of this gorgeous creature dancing with him is too tempting to resist so he shakes his head. “It’s fine!” his voice barely carries over the music. The man pulls back and flashes him a dazzling white smile before pulling Seven flush against his clothed torso. The grey tank top brushes against Seven’s back deliciously and he groans softly, sure the other man can’t hear him over the sounds of the music and thumping base. They grind in time with the beat, new guy’s hands stay firmly on Seven’s hips even when Seven decides to be bold and rest his head on the man’s shoulder. It feels so nice to be so close to him, even if he doesn’t know who the hell this guy is, and he’ll take whatever he can get for as long as he can. Liam is Seven’s first and only boyfriend, they met shortly after Seven came out openly and have been inseparable ever since; and while he loves Liam, Seven laments the lost time of exploring himself and his sexuality more. Liam has been his only lover, which sounds romantic, but Seven has found himself craving something else of late. This man behind him seems to be enough to scratch that itch. When the music ends, Seven fully expects the man to leave and move on to another dance partner, so imagine his surprise when not only does the man not leave but his grip gets tighter and more possessive. Seven looks over and sees the man already looking at him from under his mess of beach hair – if he never learns his name, Seven will call him Beach God or BG for short. “You’re so fucking hot,” Beach God says in Seven’s ear, and he shivers again hearing BG’s voice, especially so close. “Are you here alone?” Seven shrugs. “I came with someone, but we had a fight so now I’m on my own.” “His loss,” BG says and Seven can hear the smile in his voice. His fingers trail up to brush at the top of Seven’s shorts, dipping beneath the waistband just enough for the callouses on his fingers to find soft skin. “Hey, I know we just shared a dance but wanna have some real fun?” “Maybe,” Seven says as his skin flushes from BG’s touch. In the back of his mind, he knows he should say no, say the person he’s with is his boyfriend and not some random date, but when BG’s fingers go lower and start rubbing the soft skin near his cock, his mind blanks and he moans. That’s all the encouragement BG seems to need. BG’s large hand moves from the shaved skin surrounding Seven’s soft cock, to directly over his cock, cupping it easily. He fondles Seven with gentle but determined movements as his other hand travels up Seven’s torso, stopping on his chest to tease and pinch his rosy nipples. Without the support of BG’s firm chest behind him, Seven is sure he would’ve collapsed by now, his knees are already buckling under the overwhelming sensations of BG’s hand on his cock, the delicious way he’s teasing his nipples, and the knowledge that what he’s doing with this guy is so bad but feels so good at the same time. He wonders if Liam is looking for him, but that thought is quickly chased out of his mind when BG speaks again. “Look at me and open your mouth.” Seven complies easily, turning leisurely towards BG’s face and opening his mouth as requested. BG leans in and shoves his tongue straight into Seven’s mouth, his mouth creates a tight seal around Seven’s as his tongue licks around. Seven is helpless to stop or even keep up with him, content on letting him explore his mouth like a starving man while he loses himself in the feeling of BG’s touches. He nearly jumps out of his skin when BG’s long middle finger brushes firmly against his entrance, which breaks their lip lock, but BG hardly seems concerned. Instead he’s far more focused on shoving his hand further into Seven’s shorts to get to his hole. Seven reaches down and tries to stop the wandering hand as it goes another inch deeper. “Hey, stop, you’re going to rip my shorts.” BG snorts as he rubs the tip of his finger against Seven’s entrance, watching with amusement as Seven’s eyes roll back in his head. He curls his fingertip just enough that it catches on the rim and pushes in slightly; Seven presses down further, hoping to get more of the thick finger inside but is disappointed when nothing more happens. “What a dirty slut,” BG whispers to Seven as he pulls his finger away just enough to tease the outside rim. “Thinking you can fuck yourself on my finger. You want that pretty hole filled, don’t you, baby boy?” “Yes,” Seven whines as he moves his hips in search of the finger that felt divine inside him. “Please give it to me, sir. Please.” “Such a good boy, asking so nicely,” BG says, licking a long strip from Seven’s collarbone to his lips, dipping his tongue inside Seven’s hot mouth for a brief moment before pulling away. “Fuck you taste good, baby boy.” “So do you,” Seven says, barely able to hold himself up at this point as he nearly leans his full weight against BG, who is now leaning against a wall. BG smirks at Seven’s blissed out expression with half-lidded eyes and swollen lips still wet with their spit. BG pulls both hands back and before Seven has a chance to complain, he hears a ripping sound. His eyes fly open, and he looks down to see BG ripping the side of his shorts. He reaches down to stop him from completing the tear. “Stop!” he says somewhat desperately. “I told you before not to do that!” “They’re in the way.” “I can take them off, just give me a chance—” BG overpowers Seven’s grip and finishes ripping the fabric from the top to the bottom along the seam. Seven is appalled. BG rips the other side just as easily as the first and tosses the fabric into the foam. “Fucker! Now how am I supposed to go home? I have nothing to wear!” BG shrugs. “I’ll fix that later.” Seven goes to protest again but he’s silenced by BG’s tongue sliding into his mouth as his hands resume their original positions, only this time his finger is able to move more freely than when trapped in Seven’s shorts and BG easily slides up to his second knuckle into Seven’s hot entrance. He pulls away and gives him a knowing look. “Little slut prepped himself already.” “Always prepared,” Seven replies with a dopey grin. It quickly disappears when BG starts moving his finger, making him moan almost loud enough to be heard over the music. He’s vaguely aware that there are people around them, and that he can feel eyes on him, but he can’t find it in him to care. If anything, it turns him on more. It isn’t long before BG adds a second finger to distract him from the gaze of the crowd around him, which stretches him wider than he’s ever felt before, and he winces slightly when BG starts to scissor. “Just relax, baby boy,” BG says kindly. “You’ll never take my cock if you can’t take my fingers.” Hearing that makes something in Seven snap and he becomes determined to take whatever BG has to give him. He forces his body to relax and soon the burn from being stretched subsides and he starts moaning shamelessly as BG teases his fingertips over his prostate, never giving enough pressure to get him off but just enough to send jolts of pleasure through his body. He’s fairly certain at this point the only reason he’s still standing is because of the fingers in his ass and BG’s solid body. When BG puts a third finger inside, the stretch hardly hurts, and he finds himself grinding down shamelessly on all of the fingers filling him to the brim. His legs give out completely when all three fingers rub on and around his prostate, hitting him from all possible angles. He vaguely feels fabric moving against his bare ass and wonders if BG is taking off his shirt. Then the fingers are removed from his hole in one swift movement, leaving him empty and clenching around nothing. “Patience, baby boy,” BG says as he manhandles Seven more securely into his hold. He turns him around, so they are chest to chest then lifts him by the thighs, spreading his legs as he hoists him up, before pushing him against a wall. The wall is covered in sound dampening panels, so it isn’t cold when Seven’s hot skin touches it, but it is rough. He groans slightly. With Seven’s legs still spread as wide as they can, BG situates himself between them, his cock now out of his own shorts. He moves Seven a bit until his hole is lined up with the tip of his leaking cock then he presses it inside. Seven moves enough to break away from the intruding cock and shakes his head. “No, no, this isn’t right.” He tries to move away, to free himself but BG’s hold is too tight, and escape becomes almost impossible when he pushes more weight against Seven to pin him to the wall. “You were so eager for my cock, baby boy, what happened?” “I have a boyfriend!” BG can’t help but chuckle. “So, you have no problem with me stripping you naked and shoving my fingers and tongue in you, but when I go to put my cock in, that’s the line? You’re such a cute idiot.” “Then please don’t go in raw!” BG pays him no mind and he moves one of Seven’s legs over his shoulder, then uses his free hand to guide his cock back to Seven’s hole and wastes no time in pushing inside, groaning slightly at the tightness and heat that envelope him. Seven is shaking in his grip as he struggles with taking the entire cock, feeling every inch as it fills him more than BG’s fingers could ever dream. He feels like he’s being split in half. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, BG is completely inside, and he lets out an airy sigh while Seven continues to shake as tears roll down his cheeks. BG leans down and pecks his lips softly. “Such a good boy, you took every inch,” he praises and Seven whimpers, whether from pain or the praise, BG doesn’t really care. “You feel so good, so nice and tight even after I prepped you. Such a good little slut.” Seven isn’t sure how or if he should respond, so he just nods. “Don’t worry, you’ll feel good soon,” BG whispers in his ear. “You’ll feel good and forget your boyfriend’s name.” He then licks some of the tears on Seven’s cheek and puts Seven’s other leg over his shoulder, folding him practically in half while his hands grip tightly to Seven’s hips. BG rolls his a few times before pulling out until just the tip is still inside then thrusting roughly back into Seven’s hole. He repeats the actions of grinding before pulling out and slamming in until he sets a steady rhythm of thrusting and grinding that works best for the position. He looks down and watches in mild fascination as his cock disappears into Seven and then back out. He loses himself in watching, focused on his thick ruddy cock pulling and pushing on Seven’s rosy rim, when he thrusts in, he pauses for a moment to appreciate the contrast of their skin tones, his so tan compared to Seven’s pale complexion. Then he adjusts his grip so his hands are holding onto the soft globes of Seven’s perky ass, and he spreads them as wide as he can before resuming his rough pace. He looks at Seven – who is clearly lost in the pleasure despite his protests – with eyes closed and mouth open as moans and gasps are punched out of him in time with BG’s movements. BG leans in and slips his tongue into Seven’s open mouth, not even bothering to try and seal their mouths together – Seven seems to be breathing exclusively through his mouth at the moment – and lets his tongue play with Seven’s almost lazily compared to how hard and fast his hips are moving. The contrast amuses him, with his tongue making love to Seven’s mouth while his cock fucks him ruthlessly; what catches him off-guard is when Seven reaches behind him and presses his head, so their mouths are together just as he lets out a high-pitched moan. BG feels hot spend trickle down Seven’s hips and onto his hands and he groans into Seven’s mouth. He pulls his mouth away and doubles down on his efforts to reach his own release, chasing the high as heat pools in his groin. Seven moans wantonly, his entire body buzzing from overstimulation as BG pounds harder into his hole until finally he feels something hot fill him to the brim and it’s enough to push him over the edge a second time. “Oh fuck!” he screams as his cock releases more ropes of thick spend, “I’m coming!” “Fuck,” BG gasps, giving a few weak thrusts to ride out the aftershocks from Seven’s ass constricting with his second orgasm. Neither man can move afterwards, their bodies still connected, both covered in fluids. “So perfect,” BG says before pecking Seven’s lips again. “So good.” Seven manages a lazy smile. He winces sharply when BG pulls his cock out. “It’s okay, baby boy,” BG reassures as he moves to keep Seven pinned against the wall while he takes his tank top off, which he then puts on Seven as best he can in their current position; he’s sure by the limp way Seven feels in his grip, if he put him on the ground, he’d collapse. Then he gently moves Seven’s legs down back to the ground, one hand always wrapped around his back, and finishes pulling down the tank top so everything to midthigh is covered. BG then scoops Seven up in his arms and kisses him softly again. “I’m taking you back to my place,” he says as he starts walking through the crowd of people still dancing, it’s somewhat less than before but still enough to keep BG from rushing out of the building. Despite how heavy his eyes feel, Seven is still awake enough to see people are indeed staring at them, some with jealousy, others with their cocks in hand or in someone else’s hand. He tries to smirk, but his body is too exhausted to comply. In the back of his mind, he does find it odd that some people are gaping at BG’s back, like there’s something of interest there, and maybe there is, Seven hasn’t seen it yet. Maybe it looks just as chiselled as his front and those people haven’t seen muscles sculpted by the gods before. “Sleepy,” Seven replies followed by a kitten like yawn. BG chuckles. “You sleep, baby boy, because that ass is mine when we get home.” Seven nods as he drifts off to sleep while BG pushes through to the exit. Once he’s free of the dance floor, BG notices a sulky young man at the bar who suddenly jumps up when he sees BG and immediately, he realizes this is the boyfriend. Boyfriend comes striding over with a murderous look in his eye but one quick gesture from BG to a nearby bouncer and he’s stopped before he can reach BG and his sleeping beauty. “But that’s my boyfriend!” Liam protests, looking helplessly between the bouncer and the man carrying his boyfriend. He then sees that Seven is asleep and wearing a grey tank top he knows he didn’t arrive in and by the size, he guesses it belongs to the man carrying him. When the man shifts Seven, he catches a glimpse under the shirt and sees Seven, is completely nude! Now staring at his boyfriend, Liam then sees pinkish and thick fluid leaking from Seven’s ass. Liam’s heart shatters. “Should I throw him out, boss?” the bouncer asks, and BG shakes his head. “Nah, just hold him until I leave,” he replies with a smirk. BG then turns so Liam can properly see both men. “By the way, he did mention you, once.” Liam tries to glare at him through the tears. “Fuck you!” “Pretty boy already did,” BG smugly says. “Have a good night, Boyfriend.” BG then heads for the door, Liam is still being held back by the bouncer, and just as he readies some insult or curse, the words die in his throat when he sees BG’s back. Tattooed between BG’s shoulder blades is a massive, Black Scorpion. 🦂
    3 points
  12. I also belong to the people who never use drugs. It happened once I attended to a orgy. It started around 11 pm and I left around 9 am. It was a ParTY and I was the only one who didn’t use anything but poppers. I was 90% bottom and was fucked almost for 10 hours. Some guys said they noticed that I didn’t go to the ROOM where the staff was and asked me what I used. I replied that nothing. How can you spend hours being fucked then? My answer: I love to be fucked, bred and used by tops. At such times, I feel that my life's ambition is to be a hole for the enjoyment of tops. All in all, I agree with the fellows who said it is a mindset thing, it's only up to you.
    3 points
  13. Thirteenth day (22 March) Next day when I woke up, my first thought was to check sniffies. The Latino guy from the next door texted me soon if I wanted to breed him again. I responded that yes and I was on my way immediately. The scenario was the same: the door was open he was on the bed ass up. I started to eat his ass, lubed it spitting on the hole and started to fuck him. I fucked him ling and finally unloaded his hole with my seed. (Check it on my twitter 😜 ) When I was going to the hotel with my coffee in my hand I really felt that I could get used to this daily routine. After a long day which included an unsuccessful try in the Ramble hoping a good cruising adventure I went home and started to find a party. Finally I decided to go to the Milkchocolate party. It had strict dress code: naked only. When I showed up at the venue it was semi crowded. I went inside where I crashed two hot bearded hairy guys. I had a massive hardon which was taken care by them soon. The one who had athletic body was on his knees soon and started to suck me. The bit bearish guy and I was kissing while I was playing his cock. He grabbed my hand and pushed it onto his ass. But then the other stood up and after a threesome kissing he turned around offering his hairy ass. I felt that it was cummy so I went down to taste it. After a good meal I shoved my cock instead of my tongue. While I was fucking him we continued to kiss and I played with the bear’s cock. Then another long dick guy stepped in front of the bottom. He pushed his cock into his mouth. After a short spit roast, the top made it clear that I wanted to step in my place. I was polite and let it him. I stepped more inside and realised that a couple of bottoms were there bending over to the wall offering their asses. I started to fuck one after the other. The bear appeared again and I started to fuck him too. While my cock was going back and forth a big dick guy stepped closer. I I grabbed his cock and pulled him to my ass. He was surprised for a second but felt my hot hole and pushed his cock inside. The bear stepped away and then the top tossed me to the wall. And he became faster and banged my hole crazily until he came. It was really spectacular and started the best part of the night. One top came after the other and fucked me. Approximately 5 guys fucked me. Several shapes, ages and cocks. It was unbelievable. My hole was shored and leaking but I was horny as fuck. I went to explore the place, which was already crowded. There was a floor or balcony full of guys. I fucked a couple of them. I went down where a guy grabbed my ass he felt the cums inside so, fucked me hard. I stayed downstairs and find amazing black guys. I love them not only to being fucked by them but one of my favourite to fuck black guys. I don’t know if it’s because of the stereotypical approach but according to my experiences if they are versatile or bottom they extremely pleased to be fucked. I found three or four, ate all of their asses and bred two holes. I felt exhausted but was still horny. After some short fucks as a top, I found a guy with nice average cock. I was fucking the last bottom of my night and he was staring at me. I nodded because I supposed that he wanted to fuck the guy too. But he wanted me. And he pushed inside me. I was in the middle and I lived the feeling. Started to move faster because I felt to be close. Finally I bred the hole under me, but the top kept me strong. Although the bottom slipped away, the top kept me fucked until he deposited his load in me. When we finished, the place was almost empty, so I left. Oh fuck, I miss New York and those days very much.
    3 points
  14. It was raining, I was home alone, and as usual - horny. Over the last few months I had barely been able to control my urges to fuck. Or more specifically be fucked. I knew I was gay from an early age and never fought it, but I did hide it well. But now in my late 20s I was free, single, submissive, and very breedable. I had recently started barebacking regularly with a few fwb who I felt safe with. I wasn't a chaser, I just loved the feeling of an 8 inch cock exploding inside me. But tonight none of my regular guys were available. And I needed to get fucked and flooded badly. After a few drinks I hopped on gridnr and filtered to tops in my area who had a bb tag on. It didn't take long before a message popped on my phone. Strong tall and and an 8.5" cock? It didn't take much to convince me. He had my address in minutes, and I was already hard. We didn't discuss status and it wasn't listed on his profile. I was neg and had just been tested, which was on my profile. When he got the door I was already down to my boxers and ready to play. No small talk. He came in and started kissing and groping me. I pulled him back to my bed and we both got fully undressed. As he took his pants off I noticed what looked like a biohazard tattoo on his thigh, but didn't think much of it as I was distracted by his beautiful thick cock. I went down on him and sucked his cock until it was rock hard in my mouth. He moaned and quietly said 'get up here, I want to fill you up'. I was so horny and desperate for breeding that I immediately bent over for him and offered my bare ass up doggy style. But as he slid the first inch of his cock inside I looked back and said hey you're neg right? Embarrassed I hadn't asked before. 'You'll be good' he said, and I took that that for what it sounded like and proceeded to let him slide all the way in, filling me all the way up. His cock felt amazing and he fucked me slow and deep with passion. We switched from doggy to missionary back to doggy again. I could feel him speeding up and knew he wanted to cum when he leaned in and whispered in my ear 'I know what you really want. im going to claim you, you're already mine. I am going to flood your body with my toxic load and you're going to take every drop, slut'. Panic rushed over me, he was poz? But as soon as it did, the ecstasy of his cock pushing deeper and deeper overcame it. 'I'm not on prep' I managed to choke out through my moans. 'No? Why not slut?' I panicked again. Why wasn't I on prep? I'd been barebacking for months. I had access, the funds, I could have been on it this whole time. Instead here I was, taking it raw from a poz and apparently toxic top. I moaned as his cock continued to slide in and out of me. 'Want me to pull out? You might still have time.' he whispered in my ear, I could hear him smiling as he drove his cock deep into me again, precum undoubtedly dripping into me. Despite everything running through my head, I found myself continuing to push back on his cock, forcing him deeper inside me. 'No' I moaned. What? No?! 'What's that slut?' he grinned. 'No, fill my fertile cunt with your load. Cum in me! Please knock me up' I moaned loudly. I couldn't believe the words coming from my own mouth. And as I did he sped up and shot the biggest load I've ever taken 8 inches deep in my bare ass. We laid there for moment panting and moaning softly. His toxic cum running down my thigh but plenty still buried deep inside. That was it, it was over. No going back. I took a huge poz load. He looked at me and grinned. 'I knew you wanted it. You wanted to get knocked up. I've been watching your account for weeks. Now you're mine. Ruined raw poz slut. My little cum dump to fill over and over again whenever I want. How does that sound?' Fucked like never before, full of poz cum, and in love with his perfect cock I responded quickly 'Don't wait. Stay with me tonight. Fill me again. And again. Make sure I'm yours. I'll give it all up.' He fucked me four more times, the last time making me get on top and ride his load into myself. By the time the sun came up I was dripping, full, and covered with cum. 3 weeks I later I was pozzed for sure. He came over an hour after I got my results and filled me 3 more times. I took every load willingly as I fully submitted to being a poz cumdump for my new man.
    3 points
  15. If you were paying attention to the news some ten years ago, you know the town and the school I went to. It was that school in the Northeast where 14 teen girls all got pregnant at around the first time. It was a huge story locally, but it got national attention when it was rumored that they'd all made a pact to get knocked-up over the Summer. There was outrage from all sides. It was never proven that there was an actual conspiracy among the girls, but most everybody in the country thought so. They needed to believe the worst. I was a senior that year and can tell you some things that weren't reported. None of these preggos were even remotely cute. They were all skanks. The girls were all kinda dumpy and not real bright. They smoked cigarettes between classes and had started partying in junior high. The pretty girls all hoarded their virtues as they eyed a fabulous future and a rich, handsome husband. I'm not making any of this up. I was at ground zero. I was kind of nobody back then. I was the assistant editor of our school newspaper. I still remember the morning when the superintendent gathered us in his office and said to try and print one word about this scandal. He was the verge of an ulcer as it was and didn't want us to be another problem. He and the principal were ducking CNN reporters every day. My calculus teacher said that there was a camera man on his front porch one night. Another girl talked to "60 Minutes" on camera and was suspended. It was chaos. My closest friend back then was the senior editor, and he was working himself up into a frenzy. I liked Robbie, nut he was an asshole. We shared a love of current events and writing. He had groomed himself to be the next Rush Limbaugh. I was extremely liberal and our debates were intense. At least we both agreed that birth control should be free and separation of church and state was important. We both smoked. When he wanted to sneak a cig, he'd just say "let's go sell ad space". That was our secret code. We'd get in his car, drive around and smoke before eating a bunch of breath mints before going back to class. He never had girlfriends -- mainly because he was obnoxious and pretty fat. He was okay with it because he was so dedicated to building his brand. I wandered if he suspected I was gay since I was a big advocate for homosexual rights. He was on the fence about my views. "Did you hear what that one sophomore said during our staff meeting? That girl with the glasses?" "Her name is Trisha. She is super smart." She really was...had even skipped a grade. "She's a communist, vegetarian bitch. She tried to ignite the whole 'freedom of speech' shit again. It's my job as editor to nip that in the bud. I don't need to piss off the bosses when I have a chance to go to West Point." Seriously? He would never pass the physical. "You gonna be the editor of West Point's newspaper?" He huffed. "There's not going to be any print news in a few years. It's all digital media now. I should have told that bitch to just get an anonymous blog if she wanted her freedom of press. I am so careful on the computer and you should be too...everybody is watching us." I only emailed my grandma and watched silly videos on youtube. I had plenty of opinions but no desire to shout them at strangers. How Robbie didn't -- I had no idea. I was one of the few people who even listened when he talked. "I think I might major in literature." I just wanted to get him pissed off. "Joseph!" (everybody called me Joey, but Robbie never did) "Do you want to end up as a teacher in a shit hole like this? Get an engineering degree. You're good at math." He pulled into the parking lot a van that said 'NBC' on the side. It was empty. The newest rumor was that it was one dude had impregnated all the girls. And also that he was black. And HIV+. Homeless. None of this was probably true. The females in my class were Facebook addicts. Three of them were suspended for discussing 'this issue'. The sperm-giver supposedly lived in the park near my house. I was interested now. The source of the story was practically in my backyard...maybe. Or not. "Hey, Robbie -- I think I'm gonna skip the afternoon and go home. Take notes in Civics for me." What was I thinking? The semester had only barely begun and the rest of my classes for the day were mostly easy. I needed to get away, needed to think. I saw many news vans on my street. The 'culprit in the park' story had apparently leaked already. I was curious to see if any famous reporters were wandering around the park. I'd barely gone through the entrance when some guy in a ABC windbreaker came up to me. "Hi. I'm Phil Bridgeman from 'Good Morning America'. Are you a student at G.H.S.?" I didn't recognize him. "Yeah, but I can't make any comments." "I can make you an 'anonymous source'. Please???" "Well...maybe. Don't describe me in any way. I will be filling out college applications in a few months and don't want to piss off the administration here." "Can I record our conversation? I'm a terrible note-taker. It's just for me and not meant for air." I agreed, but never told him my name -- lust in case. "So I guess you're here because of the latest rumor." "Yeah. Let's go sit over here and talk." We settled at a picnic table and he brought out his little pocket tape recorder. It looked very Wal-Mart and not professional at all. He was maybe in this mid 30's and not bad looking...maybe Italian. He had that Fonzie nose and a bit of facial stubble. "You're not on camera ever?" "No. Not yet. I hope I am sometime quick before I lose more hair." "Oh. Isn't that William guy bald?" I watched Good Morning America when there wasn't school. "Yeah, but he's got a 'morning personality'. I don't look like a guy people want to see first thing in the morning. Anyway...what's it like being in your school right now?" "It's a distraction, but people are getting tired of it." "Do you know any of the pregnant girls personally?" "I know them as classmates, but not as friends." "Oh. That's too bad -- we're all trying to figure out why they would do this." "I've been wondering that too. My buddy thinks it's because they all want little dolls to play with, but I'm not so sure. There has to be more to it...don't you think?" "Conservative media thinks it's because they don't have fathers at home and because liberal schools are teaching sex ed." "Ugh. Sounds like my dad. He blames MTV as well." "Do they teach sex ed at G.H.S.?" "No. There's health class and biology, but nothing specifically about sex. Most everybody lost their virginity by freshman year anyway." "Have you?" "I'm not telling you anything personal, Todd." "Sorry. I am always full of questions....occupational hazard." He switched off his recorder and put it in his pocket. "It's okay. I guess I'm not going to be much help." "No. I think this whole 'blame game' angle is the one I'll go with." "I think it's ignorance too....an unawareness of consequences. I'm starting to think it's a rebellion issue as well. We're all trying to prove how mature we are. I only started smoking because I knew my parents would not approve. I spent a lot of years trying to spite them. Maybe if I had the anatomy, I'd have gotten knocked up too." I felt I could speak freer now that it wasn't on tape. Todd looked at me for a long moment. "That's good. You're onto something." "But there's the erotic element too. They want a fuck that actually counts for something...fulfills a fantasy. It's what they think 'love' is." "Wow. You're a good analyst. The girls are submitting to a dick full of dna that will turn them into someone else." "Exactly. It's hot if you think about it." He looked at me, puzzled. "Uh...yeah. We're all just mammals with a need to mate. Is that what you mean?" "Yeah. I don't think that's a groundbreaking story, though. I think you guys are wasting your time here." "But there's an angle somewhere. What about the homeless black guy who was the breeder?" "I doubt it. I've lived here my whole life and never saw a homeless person." "Let alone a black person. This area is solid white. Would you ever go out with a minority?" "I don't know. Probably. This off the record: I've never even gone out with a girl." "A guy?" "No! Why did you even ask that?!" "Sorry. I have an instinct for things. It's not offensive...I'm gay." He waited until I'd absorbed that piece of information. "My lover is black and travels with me sometimes. He's too afraid to leave the hotel because there's a racist vibe here -- no offense." "You're right. He's right. We're not as bad as Boston, but it's not easy for anyone different around here." "Oh look -- there's that guy from 'A Current Affair'. Total jerk." I lit up a cigarette. "Your school day is almost over. I should go to the parking lot and try to get some more quotes." "Go stake out the area behind the industrial arts building...that's where the stoners gather. They'll have an opinion and don't care about getting suspended." "That's a great tip! Look -- I don't know how many more days I'll be here, but let me give you my room number. I want to talk again." Yes. OK. "Um...Todd...This is off the record, but I'm gay too." "I kinda knew that. Any dude going to that school full of sluts and has never been laid? I won't say a word." He wrote down his room's phone number and bummed a smoke. We walked out and went separate ways. I felt weird. I'd never 'come out' to anyone before, but I just confessed it all to a national reporter. I was probably insane. I went to my room and listened to a CD by some woman named 'Katy Perry'. Robbie was in love with her and had magazine photos of her taped up in his locker. He practically demanded that I buy this music. I ended up really liking it. It's hard to believe that was a decade ago. Dad came home and was in a terrible mood. "I'm going to buy a gun, I swear. This town has gone bonkers. That Geraldo Rivera guy just wandered into the firm today and started asking questions. Smug bastard...he's older than he looks on TV too." Mom brought him a drink and retreated back to the kitchen. My dad had a bad temper and none of us wanted to witness the fury. "What the hell is going on at that school of yours? Ed told me they're going to start giving out birth control to anybody that asks...with no parental consent." "I didn't hear that. There's a lot of false information right now. We're all just waiting for it to blow over." "Good goddamn luck. Be sure to thank your hero Clinton for this. Those little whores are going to be sucking at the taxpayer's teat for years." I'd once made the mistake of telling I was a Democrat and he was beside himself. I probably took five years off of his life that day. "I'll bet nobody is learning anything at that school right now." "It's just a distraction, but I just took a test in Physics and got an A." Lie. I actually got a C+, but wanted him to calm down a little. White lies are exactly that. They benefit all involved. "Well, good. I hope you get into M.I.T. and invent a ray gun that sterilizes kids by just aiming it at their crotches. Bring one to me." He was in rare form tonight. Still mad, but also exhausted. "To hell with it...tell your mother I'm not hungry and need to sleep." He loosened his tie and went upstairs. The energy in the room changed dramatically. Mom stepped back into the room. Our moods always brightened when he retreated to somewhere private to be alone with a bottle and his paperback thrillers. "I'll make BLTs for us. Want to come keep me company?" "Sure." "Your father is leaving town tomorrow and will gone for three days. I can make that spicy fried chicken we had on your birthday. Or we can go out to eat. We can go to the mall or a movie. Let's have a fun day. Just us. You will be leaving for college before we know it." "Sounds great. Can we do it tomorrow?" "Tomorrow's a Friday -- you have school." "Can you excuse me from classes...just this once?" I knew she would. My attendance had never been a problem. Ever. "OK. I'll tell them you're running a fever. Just fake it good enough at breakfast so that your father doesn't get mad. After he's gone, we don't have to worry until next week." She seemed to be happy to conspire with me. "Is this all because of the scandal?" "Yeah. It's a pain in the butt just listening to all the whispering. We can't even report it in the paper. Robbie wants me to draw an editorial cartoon that hints at it but is too subtle to get us in trouble. Tall order." "The things you kids have to deal with these days..." "It'll pass. Mom, were you happy when you got pregnant?" She paused while slicing a tomato. "Yes! Oh my, yes! I was a little scared too. We were both thrilled, and your dad was overjoyed when we found it I was carrying a boy." "Was it..." I couldn't ask my own mother she agreed with any of the theories Todd and I had pondered in the park. "I mean... WHY did it make you happy?" "I wanted to be a mother. We tried to have you for almost a year. I wanted a Spring birth, but embryo Joseph had his own schedule." I let the subject drop. We ate and talked about pleasant, mundane things. As I helped her clean up, she mentioned how tired she was. "Why don't you go to bed early?" "Oh I will...in the guest room. I don't want to deal with him until morning." She fried her hands and we left the kitchen. "Don't forget to act sick in the morning." "OK. Good night." It was only a little after 8 PM and I was all alone in the large house. It's funny how life-changing moments can start so small and so quiet. I wanted to call Todd and talk to him, hear his voice. I had no idea why...or did I? I waited until after 9:30 to sneak back downstairs and use the living room phone. I had a cell phone, but didn't want the number to appear on the bill my parents paid. Family Plan. "Hello?" "Todd?" "Yeah. Is this my anonymous source?" "Yep. Did I wake you?" "What? No. We just got back from dinner and were going to hit the bar for awhile. Want to join us?" "Yeah. I have to sneak out. You're at The Crescent?" "Uh huh. Room 301. See you in a few." Oh shit. Did I just set something in motion I'd regret? Probably. Too late now. I changed clothes and combed my hair. Aftershave? No. Not now. Not tonight. I wore a M.I.I. sweatshirt so I wouldn't need a jacket. I went quietly out the front door and had a smoke on the porch. My car was at the curb and it looked so innocent, with no idea where I was going. The Crescent was a nice place and there were so many news vans in the parking lot. The scandal had been good for our local economy. I think I saw a few famous reporters in the lobby, but they had all started looking the same lately. TV people all share a quality I couldn't identify. His room was right outside the elevator. I knocked and a well-built black man answered the door. "Are you Deep Throat?" "Uh..." "Just kidding. Come on in. Todd's getting all fixed up, and I can see why. You made an impression on him." He had a friendly smile. There was a fat gold ring in his right ear. This guy probably worked out constantly. "Hi. I'm...I'm Joe." "Yeah. I'll just call you Deep Throat. Help yourself to the mini-bar and I'll go check on Todd." I opened the fridge and picked out a tiny bottle of vodka. It probably cost nine bucks, but ABC was picking up the tab. Serves 'em right for ever airing "Full House". I could hear their voices from behind the bathroom door. I had a really good sense of hearing that might be genetic because everybody in our house kept the volume down on the TV, and radio. I seldom listened to anything with headphones because I was afraid to miss things happening around me. I heard snippets of conversation from the two men. They both had deep voices that were purposely trying to mute a little. The vodka was gone and I grabbed another. I figured ABC had to pay for "Family Matters" as well. Then they both entered the room. Here he is, Jim...looking all pretty for you!" Jim? It was probably good he didn't remember my real name. Todd looked different than he did in the park, younger. I stood up and said "hi". We didn't shake hands. "I guess you finished your homework already. Glad you could come over." Sit and we'll have a drink and talk. This is my lover, Jack. He's rude." "Hi again Todd. He wasn't rude at all." "You see? I told you I was nice to the little guy." I finished the second tiny bottle of vodka. It burned a little...I could see why people mixed it with juice and stuff." "Well, have another snoot and we'll go down to the bar. There's a bartender there that Jack is in love with." It was nice to see a couple kid with each other. My parents were always very cordial with one another...they were constantly trying to avoid confrontation and debate. Todd fetched me the last of the vodka. I thanked him and tried to make some meaningful eye contact. I maybe could have if I knew how to do such things. Jack on I sat in chairs while Todd sat on the edge of the bed and considered the laces on his boots. Jack seemed very interested in me. "You're 18, right? We could get in trouble for giving you liquor. I am so done with police. So done with judges and jail and shit." "I turned 18 three weeks ago. And I don't have school tomorrow...you news people have shut us down." "Jack's a chef...not a leech like me. But I bet you don't mind a three day weekend. I've got more of the story to share with you. Your tip about talking to that stoner crowd paid off big...I even got a quote from one of the fathers." "Cool. Happy to help. Was it that guy with the neck tattoo?" "I'll fill you in on everything later. It's time to move downstairs." He and Jack fussed with each other about who had a key card for the door. I wanted a cigarette. The bar was sparsely populated at that moment. Todd mentioned that the story had peaked already and about a third of the reporters had left. Finally. I was in a good mood despite the urgent need for nicotine. Jack made us sit in the area where he could scan the bar for an appearance by his crush. A chubby waitress with a Baltimore accent took our drink orders and didn't even ask for my I.D. Todd looked like a million dollars and I was suddenly feeling like a 13 yr. old girl. He'd be one of the teachers all the female students would flirt with. Jack wasn't so bad to look at either, but I didn't completely trust him. "You switched to beer, Deep Throat?" "Yeah. Why do you call me that?" "Wishful thinking on his part." Todd was giving him a displeased look. "Nah, man. It's from Watergate. You probably don't know about all that." I sort of did, but just the basics. "He's smart...top of the class.One of the pot heads told me might be valedictorian." "Doubt it. My friend Robbie is probably going to beat me out. What else did those tell you?" "So much. I'm gonna get a promotion after this. Go get us some shots, Jack. Maybe your bartender will be there." Jack got up and left. I lit a cigarette even though I wasn't entirely sure we were in the smoking section. "Spill it, Todd. I want to know what you found out." He helped himself to a cig from my pack. "What do you want to know, Joey? I described you and they all knew your name. I won't use it. One of the future dads is Ronnie and he told me that he and one of the pregnant ladies was who he dated off and on. One of his quotes was 'she can't hit me up for child support because I don't got nothing.' He said he liked a warm place to put his cock in." "Yeah. I remember him. I tutored him in basic algebra, but I might as well have tried to teach a squirrel to speak French." "They also told me you interviewed them about drug abuse last year." "Yep, but I was cool about it. My angle was that it wasn't really an 'abuse'. Some kids drink early in life and some prefer pot. It was just a vice, a coping mechanism for people dealing with high school hell." "That's good. You're like me...searching for an approach that's not obvious. But I haven't told you the really big news. Are you ready? There actually IS a a homeless guy in the park, and he really has fucked some of the girls. He's not black, though. Just a dark Mexican guy. AND he has AIDS! Can you believe that?!" "Wow." "Does AIDS scare you?" "Maybe. I don't think about it much." "Jack and I are both HIV+. We both agreed to wait until one of us started showing symptoms before going on meds. What are you thinking?" "Uh...I don't know. Why did you tell me all that?" "I thought I'd tell you everything in case we all had some fun tonight. Interested?" Yes. "Sure. Where's Jack with our shots?" Just I finished asking that question, a new waitress came up with a tray of shot classes and a fresh beer. "Your negro buddy sent this over. He's a talker, that one." I had no idea what the shots were. I just downed one and let the fire spread over me. It had taken me a while, but I was finally a rebellious teen. I thought of my dad in some different city, knowing nothing. "Here..have mine too. I want to write tonight. I have an exclusive interview with Miguel -- the homeless sperm donor." "Where are you meeting him?" "Here. I got him a room on the third floor. My video guy is on his way....might even join us tonight. He's gay too, but I don't know if he's poz or not." The story was turning inside out now. Mom was sleeping right now and Dad was probably drinking...with no clue what I was in the middle of. Jack finally returned to our table. "He's not working tonight, I guess. His name is Lloyd and engaged to get married. Idiot. It's still pretty early...why aren't we rowdy yet?" "God, you're such a frat boy. I was just telling him about my successful day." "Let's celebrate! We agreed to show you a good time tonight...NYC style." "I'm pretty buzzed, man.' "Buzzed isn't going to cut it, Deep Throat." Todd's cell rang. "It's the network. Hold on." He walked a few feet away and answered the call. I sat there with Jack. "You ever been fucked by a man?" "What? No! Never!" "Then how do you know you're gay? Gay guys fuck." He was definitely an asshole. "I just turned 18, okay. It's not like this place is full of gay bars and bath houses." "Yeah yeah. I lost my cherry when I was fifteen and I wasn't nearly as cute as you." "Did it hurt?" "Definitely. I almost destroyed the first ass I plowed...and I'm not all that endowed. Not like Todd. Dude's got a giant cock. The camera guy, Nate, is new to me. He might be hung for all I know." Todd finally returned. "They are so psyched that I have the homeless guy for an exclusive. They are going to love me. Oh look! There's Nate." He saw us and walked to the table. Tall and bearded with a lip piercing. Hot. I imagined each one of them naked. Reflex. "Damn, Todd. This is a nice hotel. You must be moving up. What's everybody drinking? I'll get a round." He didn't wait for an answer -- just headed for the bar. I wasn't so sure I could drink any more booze." I watched him walk. Nice butt. "The call was from Mr. Matthews. He wants me to get the culprit's face on camera. We might have to him stoned first." "How?" I'd never smoked weed in my life. I thought it would kill my drive. Robbie offered me some once, but I declined. "We didn't fly here. We drove. It's inside one of my bags. You can't be too careful in airports." Nate returned with four cocktails and passed them around. "Is this kid even old enough to be here?" "Yeah. He's legal, Nate. Sit down." Jack said something about wishing there was music playing. "We're not at a club, you big queen. Be cool." "Why? You two are gonna talk shop and just leave me and Deep Throat just sitting here. Not that I mind." "'Deep Throat'? Wow...I'm late to the party." "He's a student at Conception High School. He's been a big help. You know better than to listen to anything Jack says. I haven't see Miguel since he checked in. He's probably just happy to have a shower and a bed. Let's get there before 10:30. I'm gonna offer him a little smoke-able truth serum. See how that goes." Jack and I continued to drink as Todd studied his phone and Nate went back to his room to get the camera. They went off to a separate table to plan the shoot and conspire. As much as I liked him, this guy had a story to get and a career to boost. "I'm used to this. What do you of Nate? He's not a bad guy." "I like the beard." Bearded men are almost always attractive to me. There must have been a movie or TV show as a kid that planted that particular fetish in my brain. Way back when there was just a trace of testosterone seeping into my system. "Todd had a mustache when we first met. I can take facial hair or leave it. We bonded over weed and kink." "Kink?" You'll find out later. We got left on prom night. Are you pissed off?" No. Maybe a little. I don't know." "Let's leave them to their work shit. We can raid the mini-bar and watch HBO or something." I finished my drink and stood up. I maybe shouldn't have come here. I bumped my shoulder on the door frame on our way out. "Ow!" "Dang, boy...You a lightweight. Need help?" "No no. I'm fine. That was embarrassing, though." as the elevator went up, Jack touched by butt. We passed the third floor where the breaking story was going down. "I been wearing these clothes all day...mind if I change?" I shook my head as we entered the room. "The remote is on top of that desk. Find something smutty on cable." He went to the bathroom and closed the door. OK. I found an imported beer in the fridge and cracked it open. He was running the shower in there. Or maybe it was the sink. I found "American Gigolo" which I think I saw once. You can see Richard Gere's limp dick in this. HBO was showing something about a handicapped kid. Jack walked out of the bathroom, wearing just a white robe. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I needed to freshen up my stuff a little." "It's OK. There's not a plethora of smut on TV tonight." "Richard Gere. I saw him in person once...wearing a fur coat and looking like a wealthy queen. Doesn't do much for me." "I like this movie only because they play a Blondie Song. Good group." "I met Debby Harry at an AIDS charity thing. Bitch is in her late 50's now. But way cool. And short." New York must be a magical place. "I...I can try to find another movie." "Never mind. Go get me something from the mini-bar. You decide what." He had loosened his robe a little. I chose a little bottle of gin. He seemed like a guy who liked gin. "Good man. Drink your beer and let me ask you some stuff." I had a surprise boner that was testing the fly of my jeans. "This one's almost empty. I'll get another." I did and kicked off my shoes, and joined him on the bed. His dick was so close to being exposed. So close. "Settle back. What's going through your mind right now?" "Not much. What did you want to ask me?" "You a virgin, right? Todd assumed you were." Shit. I thought he'd start with questions about my hobbies or something. "Yes. I am. I probably will be for a few more years." "I doubt that. You ever think about black men...you ever been kissed by one? Think you'd like that?" "Well...I probably would like that, Jack. " I could have waited for him to make the move, but I just leaned over and put a big kiss on his fat, fleshy lips. It was electric for me. We stayed in a sloppy lip lock for over a minute. Our faces were covered with warm saliva. I almost had an orgasm right then. "OK then! Nice. Take your clothes off, baby." Let me look at you." I did just that as he slipped the robe off. I was down to my socks as I saw his healthy hard-on stick straight into the air. I took one last glug from the beer and jumped back in the bed next to him. His arms were huge and muscular. I kissed his biceps and shoulders. "You are beautiful, Jack." "I know. I work on this body so I can keep my Sugar Daddy. Todd's OK, but we are not meant to be. Want me to show you some things?" "YES!" "Good answer. Suck on this cock for a while." It was so perfect...I swear it could be in an art museum. I licked it up and down and tasted soap. The head was the color of a bruise and a tiny teardrop of clear fluid was leaking from the piss hole. I took the whole thing in my mouth and tried to move down the shaft. 'Try' being the key word. Turns out my gag reflex was untested and fighting my desires. "Slow down. I guess your throat ain't all that deep after all. Take your time." I felt so greedy. I wanted his fat, brown shaft to fill my throat. I needed air so I pulled away and gasped for oxygen. "I'm new at this. But thanks for letting me do that, Jack." "OK. My turn to do something for you. Lie back. I lied there completely naked as his dark, muscular body covered mine. It was like a hot, porn fever dream. He moved down and spread my legs. He was tonguing my ass while jacking my dick. Wow. I was excited, scared and lost in pleasure. I'd never felt anything like that...hadn't even imagined it. Was this really happening?? He used his strength to just flip me on my stomach. He continued rimming me until I thought I couldn't it any longer. "You like that, Jim?" "God yes! Can I do that to you too?" "Later. I got to fuck that little bubble butt now. Let's try it with no condom on at first. You agree to that?" Did I? Yes. "This is going to hurt, isn't it?" He didn't answer because he was too busy rooting through his duffel bag. Maybe he was going to put on a rubber after all. Nope. He was greasing his fat dick with some lube I never caught a glimpse of. He worked a few oily fingers into my hole. "You're tight as hell, but pretty relaxed from my tongue.This probably won't hurt too much. Just relax and be patient...it'll feel so good eventually. " He lowered his body down and prodded my ass with that cock of his. Exciting! I tried to open my whole body to the experience. He jabbed my hole and I thought I'd die. Damn! "Ow! No, Jack. Let's stop for a second." My forehead was covered with sweat. "Relax. Open up for me as best you can." He had no intention of pulling out, and kept moving in. And then SLAM! Jack was all the way inside me. His hairy pubes were soft on my butt cheeks. "Shh. You're about to feel really good." He was right. My body had recovered from the stab of pain...and gave over to the delights of being fucked. He went at even pace and his hot breath warmed the back of my neck. He was an expert at this...he knew all the buttons to push and all the switches to flip. I shuddered as if I was cold. I came all over the bed. His dick must have enjoyed my shuddering and clenching because he was moaning and pumping even faster. I understood why couples videotaped themselves having sex...I so badly wanted to see his super muscular butt bucking up and down on top of me. I had just come, but my dick was getting hard again. As my mind was traveling the stars above, he said "Shit! It's all yours now, baby." His seed was a part of my future. This was the feeling so many people craved -- a mixture of pleasure, surrender and the feeling that your life was different now. "Wow. You're amazing, Jack. I mean...wow." We each composed ourselves a little. "You OK? Need the bathroom?" "Maybe. Yeah. I'll be right back." I was fine, but I needed a little time alone to process everything. The soreness down there was bearable and also pleasant in a weird way. I guess it was good that it was done, and there's no way I could make a different choice. There was another white robe on a hook in the bathroom. I put it on. I needed a cigarette, but I'm pretty sure this was a non-smoking room. "Everything okay? I got you another beer." I put my clothes back on. "You leaving already? I feel so cheap!" He was chuckling at his own joke. "I just need a smoke. Be right back." The elevator stopped on the way down and Nate stepped in carrying an impressive video camera. "You're going home? It's not even 1 yet." "Nah. I need a cigarette." "Cool...can I join you?" We stepped outside the hotel and stood near a big standing ashtray filled with clean white sand. "How'd the interview go?" "Oh man! We got some great stuff. This guy finally decided that he didn't want his face shown, and I don't blame him. He'd be hunted down and killed. Dude is dumb as hell, but he at least knew that much. Hell...I better go edit all this stuff now. Be cool and drive safe." The word 'safe' seemed kind of ridiculous now. A few minutes later I went back through the lobby and ran into Todd. "Well..what have we got here?" He had a devilish smile. "Oh. I uh..." "I went back to the room and the whole place smelled like sex. It's okay. I'm not mad at either of you...just wish I would have been your first. How does it feel?" "Fine. Good, actually." "Let's go somewhere. I found a little secret place on my way to Miguel's room." The place he found was a small utility room on the third floor. "It's not exactly very clean or comfortable here, but there's a lock on the door." I knew where this was going. So be it. "Can you handle another dick in you so soon? This dick right here?" He'd fished his meat out through the zipper. It was bigger than Jack's, but not as pretty. It was so heavily-veined that it looked as if earthworms were climbing up from the base. "Yeah. It's an interesting dick you got there, Todd." "Why not get a closer look?" I was down on my knees so fast. I guess I could have played along and pretended to study it, but the time for coy games had long since passed. I started kissing and licking it. It didn't get any prettier as it became fully hard. "That's it. Yeah. Take that cock, kid." He grabbed the back of my head and humped my face. His technique wasn't as smooth as his lover's. I didn't mind. I'd already discovered the joys of submitting to a man's dick. Giving myself away.... He bent me over a large cardboard box full of something solid and heavy, and pulled down my pants. This was decidedly less sexy than being in a bed. He probed my ass with two fingers. "Damn. You're still lubed up. Jack's pretty good at that. Let me fuck his load deeper into you and add my own. Want that, Joey? Of course you do. Lower yourself down just a bit...like you're about to kneel down and pray. Stick your ass a little. Like that. Yeah." And then there was that familiar feeling of his cock head prodding my hole. There was nothing smooth or seductive about his approach to this. He just kept pushing and trying to get inside. It occurred to me that it was part of my punishment for not letting him fuck me first...or for having sex with his boyfriend. I just knew he was making me pay. Or maybe he thought it's what I wanted. I yelped once. He hit a spot up in me that Jack didn't or couldn't reach. Todd was crazy with angry lust and just kept thrusting like I was a blow-up doll or something. I wasn't really enjoying this physically. Mentally, however, it was exciting to imagine two different strains of HIV entering my bloodstream. It would go through my brain and heart and do its thing. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the bug, the sex bug. "Gonna come in you now!" He grabbed my shoulders and made one final thrust. "Oh FUCK!" It was over. He pulled out of me and zipped his fly. "Wow. I'll remember that forever, Todd." "You have no idea. Sorry I was a little impatient...I just wanted to breed you so bad. Let's decide now that Jack's cum wasn't enough to impregnate you, but my potent sperm hit the bull's eye. Keep thinking that. I will." "Yeah. I like that idea." "I think I've got another special surprise lined up for you. A gift. Stay here a minute and I'll be right back." He left and closed the door behind him. I pulled my pants up and tried to look normal. The room was weird and I looked around for something, anything to occupy myself with. An ice cold beer would have been nice. Maybe Todd wasn't coming back. "OK." He came back in to our secret room. "Think you can handle another load? Miguel wants a blow job, and neither Nate or I would do it. Ethics and all. But I just told him about you and he liked the idea...especially because you're young and don't have any facial hair. He's a little sleazy, but all cleaned up. You need to taste the same cum that knocked-up some of your schoolmates. You game?" "Why not? I'm a professional slut now." "Good. He's in room # 312 and the door is wedged open a little. Just go in there and say 'Hi'. He'll tell you what to do. I don't think he wants to fuck your ass, though. Seed is seed, ya know? Jack and I have a poz friend who claims he's only ever sucked dick in his life. Maybe bite your tongue or something. Oh wait. Never mind." He kissed me deeply, passionately. The he bit my lower lip and sucked on my tongue fiercely. It was so hot until he clamped his teeth down on the tip.YOW! I knew what he was doing. My mouth was prepped for yet another toxic load. "Thanks, man. I think I'm ready now." "Almost." He stuck two hairy fingers between my lips and drug his nails across my gums and the insides of my cheeks. "Now you're ready. Room 312...just go on in. He's expecting you. I'll be here a few more days. Call again. Here's my business card. Keep in touch, please." I nodded and left. The hallway was silent. I made a mental note of the pattern on the carpet and the way the sconces made little pools of amber light. If only the room was further away. It was right there...a little sliver of TV light was creeping out of the crack in the door. OK. It was time. I knocked softly and went inside. "Miguel? Hi. I'm Jim." He was completely naked and lying on top of the bed. Flat on his back. You can't control the first thing people notice about you. I noticed what a sweet, delicate shade of pink the soles of his feet were. The rest of him was dark brown and hairy. His hair was longish and his beard was so thick and full. His eyes were dark, glistening. "Jim? OK. You like to suck the dick, yes? And you go to the school where some of my girls go?" "Yes. I've been wanting to meet you." "That's good. Get us some tequila from that ice box. TV is paying for it." I did what he requested. Never tasted tequila that I can remember. I handed him the little bottle and opened my own. It stung the little wounds Todd had made in my mouth. "So you live in the park?" "Not now. I'm living here as long as they let me. And then...and then I will go South. I got some cousins in Tupelo, Alabama. Shame to leave this place though, cuz there is so much willing pussy here. And I always need to fuck." He was stroking his nice slab of dark meat. "I'm sort of famous too. I should write a book, but my English is not so well." "I can help you. I'm a writer...or I want to be." "Good. Leave your phone and address with me. Can't use my real name." "Oh I know. I just want to be a part of your story and have you be a part of mine." "Yes. Good. Go bring us more booze. I don't care what." I brought back six or seven mini bottles and bravely lied down next to him. "You are very handsome. Your babies will be so cute. I know some of the mamas." " I always wanted a family...not this way, but there are not many ways for a guy like me. Especially now that there is a sickness in my balls." His dick was rock hard and sticking straight up. It was even darker than Jack's. Almost completely black. "You think this is handsome also?" He flashed a grin. I understood how so many girls had submitted to him and taken his seed. "Let's drink a little more and then you put your mouth there. We watched TV and glugged down the liquor. It was some MTV series with beautiful, young people staying at a beach house. It was practically porn, but everybody's clothes were on. Boring. I just looked at him jerking off that big cock. "What would you like to be in the book?" "Really? You really going to write it? Give me money when it sells?" "I promise. I'll give you half." "You are so good. I'm sorry but I won't fuck you in the culo . I don't never do that." "It's cool, Miguel. I'll do whatever you want. You set the limits." "Yes. You know what I won't do now...do some of your gay stuff. Want to lick my asshole?" "Yes. I do." "Just do what you want." I leaned over and kissed his hot, hard dick. He sighed loudly. I'd already sucked two dicks in the last three hours...I had a knack for it now. I knew my gag reflex had to be conquered. I amazed him (and myself) by taking the whole dick in my mouth. It was in my throat, hitting spots I didn't know about. If he shot his load now, it would fill my lungs. So be it. He was so verbal. "Fuck! I never want you to stop! Tomar mi semen! Swallow now! Mierda!!!" He let a long rope of cum shoot into my mouth. I made a point of swishing the fluid around over my gums. It was strong-tasting, salty and thick. No wonder he impregnated so many wombs. He lifted his softening cock out of my mouth and the last drops of hot semen soaked his pubes. It was completely white with tiny swimmers. Fertile man. He was sleepy, and I left. I thought about everything. My state of mind was of no importance. I had to go home and sneak back into my room. No time for regrets or sadness. Or anger. All those emotions were useless. I felt some blood in my underwear. I was leaking. Mom and I spent Friday together as my ass continued to drip. We'd see heavily-pregnant women walking around in the mall, and I knew something about them and also about me. We all got seeded because we caved in. We all shared a secret willingness to let a dick change our lives. (to be continued)
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. I don't think getting sloppy pretty quickly is a 'problem'. Sounds like a major advantage, especially for us men who like to fuck sloppy holes.
    2 points
  18. Oh yeah it happened, It was an all nighter and I was the designated cumdump, I need to recover a bit and get some rest before I can put it in words, but in short, It was a bang 😉
    2 points
  19. 2 loads from the internet technician that came to fix the fiber connection at the house. he got early and I was putting on some clothes fast as I was lazily naked in the house after a morning fuck with the partner as I was getting the call that he was early and if it's ok for him to show up now, I okayed it and put on a pair of shorts and opened the door to this young hunk! he was obviously checking me out, since I was shirtless and without underwear and packing a semi lol I showed him to the connection box and he started to work, apparently it wasn't an issue at the house so he had to go outside to fix something, and it was hot there. 30 min later he comes back in all sweaty and panting so I offered him an ice cold drink and he followed me to the kitchen. apparently, some of the cum I had in me leaked and soaked in the shorts fabric as I was sitting waiting for him and it was showing. he obviously noticed and started flirting with me asking what kind of workouts I do to keep my chest pumped and commented that I was 'sweaty' in my ass crack lol That comment led to me dropping my pants, while he was undressing so fast, bending me over the counter and began eating my ass, asking how many loads I already have in me and I answered with "2 my partner dumped before leaving" he dove right in and tongue fucked me deep and opening me up with his fingers as he was getting ready to fuck me. he had a nice 9" cock, cut and veiny and I couldn't wait to feel him inside of me and we walked up the stairs to the bedroom he got a call from his supervisor and he lied to him saying that there were a few more issues needed to be fixed as he was fingering my hole. we get to the bedroom, I drop to my knees and take hi la rock hard cock all the way till I feel his soft blond pubes on my nose and he starts fucking my throat for a short while, till he announces he wanted to fuck my slutty hole and pulls his dick, throw me on the back, laying on my back I instinctively lifted my legs and showed him my sloppy hole, he just walked towards me, positioned his cock head on my hole and played with it circling around as I begged him to push it in. he grinned at me and with one shove he was deep in me, as I was moaning like a slut feeling him balls deep. He gave me a second to adjust before starting to plow my hole hard and fast just like a love it! He was pumping me for 5 minutes till he announced he was going to breed me soon and all I could do is beg him for it. he dumped a massive load in me and kept hard, slowly rocking his cock in me as we were making out and soon after he started increasing the pace till he was fucking me even harder than before, we were both moaning and sweating hard till he announced he was going to flood my hole again with his seed! Fuck yeah! I squeezed my ass muscled around his cock and he started pumping another big load in me, I felt like 6-7 squirts till he collapsed on top of me spent. His cock went soft and popped out as he stood up and I immediately took it in my mouth to taste the loads and my ass juices before we went downstairs for him to get dressed and leave to another call lol I did offer him to rinse himself but he wanted to smell me with him during the day so I jokingly told him he could drop by at the end of his day, his reply was 'I'll definitely consider that, I have your number so I'll text you later' now I have 4 loads in my and in desperate need for more, I wonder how much I can get before he and my partner arrives lol
    2 points
  20. thank you for the advice i will be getting on prep it’s funny the first time he bred me i didn’t even realize it lol… he didn’t make much of a noise or anything and i thought he was just sticking it back in and then he goes i just bred your fucking hole it was such a shock i almost didn’t believe him for some reason. i didn’t say anything but i went home and sure enough it started dripping out of “my pussy”. lol that’s what he makes me call it
    2 points
  21. Poppers and just the slutty determination to get fucked and bred as many times as I can. I've found being locked in chastity helps as it stops me from easily cumming and then just falling asleep.
    2 points
  22. I would love to drift off to sleep and then be woken by a guy with his cock already inside me.
    2 points
  23. I was cruising sketchy area of LA and two straight masc guy made a right turn as I was on the corner ready for crosswalk light to change the midnight air was chill as they turned one guy said out if car window “ hey I’m drunk let’s fuck “ I jumped in back seat and they drove to desolate back industrial building area both the construction types manhandled me out and tugged at my clothes “ Hurry.. off .. just sneakers “ the loading dock dimly lit I was fucking pumped with adrenaline I quickly was forced to my knees to suck both of there ripe smelling several loads still lingering smell and taste they both where aggressive and left me with two huge loads all over in and mouth
    2 points
  24. I use poppers and can stay being fucked for hours
    2 points
  25. The conference I flew in for just wrapped up and I was dying to let this 4 day load loose in a warm hole. I'm 5'10" average weight distribution, fair skinned, ginger, bearded, and a 7" dick. I'm a man that loves every bit of having sex with a man, so I prefer to find other fully verse guys for raw flip fucking fun. There's no greater joy than for men to edge each from fucking until they load each other's asses. It's the perfect aphrodisiac. The search for other versatile men is exhausting. Countless men put verse on their profiles but you quickly find out they usually only want to bottom. I hunt uncompromisingly for men who are looking to fulfill the duty of their manhood. I found one such man on the classic barebacking site. He was just my type - Bearish with more meat than muscle. His dick was thick, his body covered in fur, and he was 6'7". I hadn't fully realized the size difference at first. I like larger men, and he was larger in every sense of the word. When he arrived at the door, I saw he was larger than the frame. He had to step down slightly to enter the room. He wore a blue shirt with a dark denim kilt and my lust was put over the edge. We made small talk as he entered, about what though I couldn't tell you. I was transfixed on the sexy beast of a man undressing before me. I had chosen to wear a chest harness and some low cut briefs that stopped right on the base of my cock. Once he was down to his purple jock strap, we moved in to embrace in a ravenous make out session. He bent down, I lifted my heels to stand higher, and our mouths locked. Tongues drilling into each other's mouth. Lips compressed, bitten, and sucked as we exchanged the first of many fluids. My hands rose to cusp the back of his head and neck. His hands at my jaw gently holding my chin in place as he explored the depths of my throat with his tongue. Waves of unadulterated bliss coursed through our bodies and we were in piggy heaven. He grabbed my dick, noticing it straining against the fabrics of the briefs I wore. He squeezed my cock and lowered his tongue to my neck. Licking me from collar to nape he pressed me deeper into him. My arms fell to the side as I moaned into his furry chest - inhaling his scent deeply while smearing my face across his pelt. I lifted my arms back up and began to tweak his nipples. He let out a growl doubling his grip on my cock and I felt his dick twitch against my abdomen. Men with sensitive nipples are a huge turn on, and I begin sucking his tits as I work to free his cock from its fabric cage. Once his dick was free, I knelt down to bathe his cock with wet throaty kisses. As I greedily sucked his dick down my tight throat I looked up into his eyes. Slowly I sucked in more of his thick bear cock until my nose was resting in his pubes. I huffed deeply and greedily wanting to absorb his pheromones and the sweet scent of sweat. His dick spasmed against the walls of my neck and I gagged happily from the expansion spitting up more throat juice to coat his cock. I only removed the dick from my mouth to gasp for breaths before shoving it back down my throat. I was ravenous. Each time he entered my mouth, my tongue was titillated by his oozing precum. The taste, the smell, the girth, the way he began fucking my skull - all of it sent me into a lustful frenzy. I deep throated the Giant's Bean Stalk one more time and slowly pull my head and throat off of his cock leaving trailing strands of spit from my mouth to the tip of his head. It stood firm and proud, moistened and glistening by my handy work, and I kiss down the shaft before I moving lower to feast on his plump nut sack. The Giant let out another deep growl as I plopped a nut into my mouth. While Nestling his nut gently between my tongue and lips, I held his cock with one hand and pulled the opposite way with mouth stretching his sack until his nut popped out of my mouth. Before I could go for the second, he bent down and lifted me to my feet. Grasped both of my ass cheeks firmly, and lifted me by the ass up off of my feet. My cock was rigid against his chest and he leaned forward to kiss me. Having the core of my body supported by someone physically bigger than me is a rare sensation in adult age. Any reservations about bring lifted were quickly replaced by the reassuring feeling of his massive hands grip each of my ass cheeks. When we parted lips, he tossed me onto the bed. I landed on my back and the large predator stalked up from the foot of the bed between my legs searching for his prey. He hesitated only a moment to take in the sight of my cock and then mauled it with skilled tongue. The Giant went from beast to a fish on a lure. Feverishly sucking and salivating all over my cock. His tongue and lips creating a wonderful vacuum of wet rubbing flesh. He swallowed my cock entirely and as the head of my cock rested at the back of his throat, he licked his tongue across the underside of my dick near the base. With this technique he was deep throating me and able to lick the top of my nut sack. The sensation made my toes curl, and I grabbed his head and rubbed his temples to thank the giant cocksucker for the pleasure he was giving me. He savagely sucked and gobbled my dick, squeezing out precum and thrusting the tip of his tongue into my piss slit to harvest it straight from the source. He moved down to my taint, and began kissing and liking my crotch. His nose and chin rubbing into my prostate as they pressed and moved across the small patch of skin between my sack and asshole. My engorged cock tapped him lightly on the head in response to his movements. The spit coated dick lightly stuck his head with each touch, trailing strands of saliva and precum bridged the space between. He looked up at me as he worked. His intense gaze locked into my eyes and the pressure he applied intensified. I was still on my back with his tongue rubbing and dribbling on my taint, when he began lifting up my ass up. Shifting my weight to my shoulders as he raised to his knees while hoisting my legs over his shoulders. My asshole was now in plain view before him and inches away from his face. I could feel the warmth of his breath and my hole twitched in response. He looked to me as I stared up at him. I smiled encouraging his next move and his grin turned sly as he spit right onto my sphincter. I moaned happily in response. There are few things more erotic than the feeling of someone spitting onto and into your asshole. As the first wad began oozing itself inside of my hole, he spit again before rubbing the hole with his fingers. His hands kneaded my ass like clay, and he lowered his face tongue first into my hole. Placing the tip of his tongue on the outer rim he circled my hole delicately applying pressure. My hole slowly opened in response to his tongue's motions and he moved it deeper. Past the rim into the first layer of flesh, he licked his tongue in rapid potions like a dog lapping up water from a bowl. I moaned loudly letting him know I was enjoying everything he was doing. He slapped his hand down onto my ass. The clap of his hand hitting my but cheek echo'd into the room and my asshole pulsed greedily. "Fuck me." I begged. He lifted his face from my hole. Looked at me, and smiled while asking for the lube. The smooth silicone poured from the bottle onto his cock. The rest dripping from his shaft onto my ass hole. He grabbed his dick by the base and pushed its head against my opening. The work he did with his tongue paid off and my sphincter relaxed so the pooled lube could drain into my fuck chute while he prodded. I squirmed in delight. His cock was gliding, pushing, and dancing across my hole. It was unbearably erotic. I impatiently reached down under my legs and grabbed his cock. Firmly pressing it atop my wanting body, and gazed passionately towards him. His eyes lock with mine and I feel his cock twitch in my hand. I smile while slowly lifting my waist and lowering his cock, guiding it towards destiny. With my hand at the helm, I guided him easily into me. His cock head popping gently into place, he began to push the weight of his body into me. I gasp as the length if his stiff rod glides further into me rubbing past my prostrate. Pinned by this brick of a man, he bottomed out almost immediately. I could feel his pubes softly scratch the cheeks of my ass. There was a soft suction as my hole greedily absorbed his throbbing member deeper into me. With a grunt and a growl the Giant began thrusting his mass into me. Wedging and widening my cum canal to embedded his seed in. The bed quaked with each heave. My legs were spread to their sides acting as a counter balance to his assault. My hands gripped his waist, and I moved my hips in time with his to let him sink further into me. "Stick your tongue out," he demanded. I obliged and was rewarded as he slowly spit into my mouth. My dick twitched as the strand slowly dripped from his mouth into mine. My ass relaxed even further as he never lost his tempo fucking his pig. Soon he was dumping his load into me as he roared triumphantly. He never stopped thrusting as his balls drained themselves. My cock was stiff and dripping with precum that the Giant was fucking out of me. When he began to pull out I seized the opportunity to do some work of my own. Covered in a mix of semen, ass juices, and lube. His cock stood tall as he caught his breath. It was time to show him my appreciation so I brought myself close to his cock until i could get my tongue between the underside of his shaft and the top of his balls. I diligently cleaned his member one lick at a time as I slowly made my way up to his head. Giving a playful suck and tug to make him squirm. He laid on his back getting comfortable and I took it as my cue to continue. Having fully given into my piggy desires I continued to lick, kiss, bite, and huff his crotch. Making my way further down as I did. From crotch to taint, I was quickly knocking on his back door with my exploiting tongue. I ask him to flip over, and he obliges getting on all fours. His ass was an IMAX experience. I dove into his hole like it was a ball pit. Wedging my face into his crack. Slobbering, smelling, and sucking his pucker. Gliding my tongue across his puffy sphincter. The giant moaned and I lost myself in that ass. Letting myself truly appreciate the feast that was on display. My dick felt heavy and wet as it continued to leak in anticipation of its role. The giant was becoming restless asking "Why don't you show me what that dick can do?" I lifted my head from his hole, grinning from ear to ear. I got into a low squat, even on all fours the Giant was still quite tall. I placed my cock between his cheeks and glided it back, running the length of it down across his entry. I then pushed forward, and place my hand on the tip of my head to guide it downward into the Giant's rosebud. The cock head smeared itself and my precum around the entry making it slick as the lips begin to part themselves. I take the entry slowly. Having relied only on spit and pre-cum I didn't want to insist more than he was ready for. While the 7" my cock sported was a great starter, the closer was my 5" girth. Thick enough to count, but not too thick that it takes bottoms forever to get comfortable with. At the sight of some resistance, I pull back and apply more lube. His hole stayed open slightly as it waited for my cock to return. As I stroke myself to evenly apply the lube, I work up some saliva and spit it into the Giant's hole. The hole twitches at the sensation as I line up the head of my cock and begin to enter the Giant fully. My angle is perfect as my shaft glides between the Giant's cheeks and sphincter. It's not long until I feel the second hole. I push in and with a small pop move past it. The Giant's ass clenches from the intrusion putting amazing pressure on my cock. I begin pumping my rod into the Giant. My balls slapping loudly against his taint. The way I'm arched into him is much like a smaller dog fucking a big hound, and just like that smaller dog my mind is only on making this bottom my bitch. My fucking is relentless and insatiable as I drive my cock into the man. Slick wet sounds of flesh squishing into flesh filled the room along sides the moans and bellows of the Giant. As we fucked, the load gifted into me began to secrete itself from my loosened hole. The sensation alone drives me wild and I take a moment to scoop some up with a finger to sample. I then take a second scoop and rub it on my cock. Stuffing the Giant's seed back into him as I railed him. His arms and legs give out and he lays belly first on the bed while I'm still on top. I lay on his back, gripping his body with my legs and arms. Cock firmly embedded into his fuck hole. I slow my pace, enjoying the full embrace. We were slick with sweat and fluids as we embraced. My cock still pumping in and out of his hole. I lick his ear and he turns his head me whispering "breed me" before kissing me. His tongue and mine twist into each other as I throw my hips and cock into him. The tip of his tongue flicks against mine in my mouth, and my cock stiffens as it floods his inside with my cum.
    2 points
  26. I’m all about the load. The fucking is fine (when it is). I’ll take a quickie with the load over a marathon fuck every time.
    2 points
  27. I mean both ! Love to feel the raw dick fucking my hole up but then the hot load inside is the cherry on top. Also I feel like if a guy doesn’t cum inside you it doesn’t count as an actually fucking lol 😂
    2 points
  28. Think about your choices. If you take loads without condoms and you're not on prep, you may end up poz (like me). Once you crave cock and cum in your hole, you will never be able to stop. Constant craving ....
    2 points
  29. A young horny 20 year old guy with an awesome cut cock contacted me on grindr. I ended up going to his place and sucking his cock. When his parents are out, he now contacts me and simply texts, "Can you come suck my cock". I have yet to say no. We don't talk. I arrive and let myself in. He is always naked laying on his bed with a stiff cock ready to be sucked. After swallowing his load, I leave and wait until he texts again, "Can you come suck my cock". Has anyone else had a similar experience where you were essentially "on call" for a horny young guy?
    1 point
  30. Took up my normal position down in the dungeon darkroom leaning over the little shelf ready and waiting. Over the 2 hours I collected 5 loads no idea who from, I didn’t turn round to see if I could see them no talking before or after. Back again soon!
    1 point
  31. If you want walking distance then you need to stay close to the Yumbo, where all the bars and clubs are. Reds and Zoo are in short walking distance around the corner. You may want to google gay resorts in Playa del Ingles. A few are very close: Basement Studios (across the street, only 6 bungalows, mostly mature crowd, cuising area). Paso Chico (also small, across the street), Tropical La Zona (5-10 mins walk? Haven't been there. Cruising area). There are a few others across the street of which I don't know the name. Further away: a taxi drive will cost you around €4.00. At least that was it when I took a taxi last time. There are no specific gay hotels to my knowledge but gay guys stay pretty much at all 'regular' hotels that are located around the Yumbo. I think on booking.com Yumbo is even a filter selection criterium 😉 But others who have been there recently can give you better advice. I stayed at Play del Sol which has a backdoor that leads to Yumbo but it's a pretty basic Aparthotel. Advantage is it has a kitchenette (fridge).
    1 point
  32. Super! Longing to see chapter 2! Mistakes? I'm not native English speaker as well, but in the end we are a community and it's nice to support each other, in case. Possible haters and grammar-nazis? Send them to f-off ASAP! And, as for having to do with super-conservative catholics... Those who are homophobic till death, they'd deserve to be repeatedly stealthed.
    1 point
  33. I may have said this already but for me a man cumming inside me is the reward for doing my job to please him. It also feels really really good. Lol
    1 point
  34. For me it’s not necessarily a desire to be poz. It’s the thrill of dangerous play. Playing with fire and seeing how close I can come without getting burned. It’s like bungee jumping. Those people don't want to die from the fall, but they love the thrill of tempting fate.
    1 point
  35. OK, so I figured since I had transported several more patients who were AIDs sick to the medical facility, I always try to make the ride to and from a pleasurable experience for us both. My thoughts always turn back to my patient Ken, and the fun we had that day, and the fact that I was able to have sex with him in the back of my medic unit ambulance was high on my excitement list. My partner is still unknowing of my adventure. I know he always relieved when I volunteer to be the one who is in the patient care positing on those incidents. So, since I had met a lot of the nursing staff that work in this Hospice Center, I was able to get a part time job working as a Tech on my days off. Doing this, I would get to give bed baths, empty urinals, draw bloods and start IVs on all of the hospice patients. Some of these guys I would attend too, they would try to scare me by flashing me their cocks and reach out to rub my butt through my scrub pants. Of course I would always call their bluff which usually would shut t hem down. One guy, Paul was in his final days of Hospice, and was bold in telling me about his ability to "take care of business" with his lovers over the years, prior to getting ill. He would say how most of his lovers, couldn't handle his cock, since he could have multiple orgasms and had a quick recovery and could keep going. He always thought I was straight, and thought he would shock me. I surprised him one day while I was bathing him in his bed, I was giving his cock and balls a nice washing. He was beginning to get hard in my hand, and I could tell he was pretty hung. He said, well, it looks like his anaconda has taken an interest in me and is coming alive to greet me. I said well, I guess I should be polite and get acquainted, so I leaned down to take a close look, took his cock into my hand around the base, and said... "good morning, so you do have some life left in you, and I hear you had a busy life when you were in your prime". I guess this surprised him because his cock twitched some, and began to grow harder. He had a drop of precum appear at the tip so I said, well, it looks like his anaconda is drooling a little at the mouth. He said that it obviously liked what it saw, so I leaned down and licked the tip slowly and it was a string of the precum on my lips as I pulled back giving him a nice show. I was about 10 - 12" away from his cock, and the thick string just kept clinging to my tongue and lips. I looked up at him and just smiled and he let out a soft moan. I then moved my mouth to his cock again and opened my mouth and put about 4" into my mouth before I closed my mouth around him. I began to move my head up and down his shaft a few times, and could tell his precum went into over drive and I had an easy 2-3 Tablespoons of it in my mouth. I preceded to try to keep him deep into m y mouth and I could feel his cock growing harder and longer as it kept growing deeper into my throat. I saw that I was leaking precum now too, and it began to leak through my scrub pants, and I knew I would have to pour some wash water on the front to cover it up from the other nurses. He told me it was the best blow job he had ever had and he was going to cum soon. I stopped sucking him and rolled him onto his side, I had already drawn the curtain and the door was pulled to so if anyone was to open the door, I would have time to straightened up before being caught. I looked him in the eye and told him to fuck me, and I lowered my scrubs and backed my ass up to him. He told me he wanted to fuck me ever since he saw me, and would fantasize about me as he would jerk off. I told him to save up his loads and I will let him fuck me when I could be available. He pushed into me and was only able to last about 30 seconds and the came in me. I stayed still as I worked my ass muscles to get every drop. When he finished, I turned around and put him back in my mouth to finish cleaning him off, the I wiped him with the wash cloth. This was about 9 AM and I told him I would be back around lunchtime. As promised, when I went in at lunch, he smiled and threw back his sheet to show me that his cock was hard again, so I turned and closed the door, pulled the sheet and went to suck him and get another breeding session from him. I am turning into a whore.
    1 point
  36. I met Blake when he was a freshman at the nearby university. Blake is a very handsome black man, about 6'-0 tall, 180 lbs with a nice toned body. He has a smooth chest but is exceptionally hairy from the waist down with not only a beautiful hairy hole but cheeks with the thick nappy hair so unique to black men. Nestled in his thick pubic hair is a beautifully proportioned 7.5" dick. The contrast between his boyishly upper body and his masculine hairy ass is such a turn on. When Blake and I first met there was no talk of status or condoms. He came over and turned out to be very passionate, a great kisser and a total bottom. He loved taking my raw cock and cum and I loved how his hairy hole felt on my dick. Upon graduating, Blake moved about 20 miles away but we would still play occasionally. Every time was great and would always end with taking my poz undetectable load. Recently Blake showed up at my house one evening and we had as usual great sex. Passionate kissing, lots of poppers, me rimming him and of course him taking my load. The next morning I noticed Blake had left his watch on my dresser. I texted him and he said the next time he was nearby he would pick it up. The following week Blake showed up unexpectedly at about 9 AM. He said he had a routine doctor's appointment which was not to far from my house. He followed me as I went to get his watch. As soon as I was in the corridor outside my bedroom he turned me around and started kissing me and grabbing my balls. Needless to say I hardened quickly. As our kissing got heavier I slid my hand behind his sweat pants and began fingering his hole. He started moaning, broke off the kiss and bent over. I slid his pants down and got my tongue deep in his hairy hole. I noticed he had pulled poppers out of his pocket and already began huffing. His moaning was louder and he handed the poppers to me. I stood up, inhaled deeply and began sliding in deep. I fucked him as he craned his neck so we could kiss. Soon I couldn't hold back and let loose filling him with cum. I slowly pulled out and he bent down to clean my dick. He stood up and I was so turned on by the taste of my cum and his ass juices. As he dressed He told me he was heading for his routine testing for his PrEP refill. I began to think how hot it was that he was going to be checked for HIV and STD's with my load inside him, hopefully dripping during the exam. I wondered if they would do a swab and what the doc would think.
    1 point
  37. I have chatted with a few tops haven't met any of them yet but a few know I am tuned on by the risk. I expect this is what will happen to me once I decide to start meeting yops.
    1 point
  38. If you are just sticking to basic fisting you will be fine. If you are a high use size driven pig like me you may have a few issues around multi-day high use events--I am hosed out everyday in any event. The only meaningful "problem" I've had so far beyond needing to sleep on towels or in a diaper during and through a week after a multi-day event is that I don't enjoy real penis as much anymore because normal size toys for me are dildos the size of a pony and plugs that are 11 inches or more circumference and I use them nearly everyday. But that's life for those of us who train to take as much as we can. We are the exception, though, not the rule.
    1 point
  39. A Boy finds his Dad Christopher had enough of his father’s abuse. Not the kind of abuse your dirty mind is thinking. Ever since he told his parents he was gay his father kept calling him Chrissy and referring to him as his daughter. Christopher never acted like a girl although he loved to be a little submissive to other guys in his class. His only sexual experience was sucking guys off in school. The day came when he had it and left home. He packed up some clothes and headed out the back door while his parents slept. He walked through the night and eventually found himself at the bus depot. He paid for a one way ticked out of town and climbed on the bus. He slept most of the night and the next day woke to a new city, a new life. He walked off the bus and wondered around the city. That’s when I saw him. I was coming out of the bathhouse as he stood there across the street, looking at the door, checking out the men as they came out into the daylight. He looked barely 16, standing 5’10”, very thin build, baggy clothes, dirty blond hair that hung over his pretty blue eyes and he couldn’t have weighed over 145 pounds soaking wet. He approached me with a smile on his face. For someone so young he was very brave and direct. He asked me if I was into younger guys. I told him that it depended on the guy and he had to be over 18. He asked if I was into him. I asked him his age and he told me he was 18. I didn’t believe him and that’s when he showed me his birth certificate. He was barely 18 and legal. I was 45 and old enough to be father. The kid looked so angelic. I asked him where he lived and found out that he ran away from home to get away from his father’s verbal abuse. He said he was looking for a daddy to make him his boy. He went on to say that he wanted a poz, party daddy who would make him his very own poz, party boy. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. My well used cock sprang back to life. I was still flying from my partying the night before. I asked him his name, he told me Christopher. We continued to talk as we walked back to my apartment. He followed me inside and we sat down. I asked him if he was sure of all that he wanted. He told me that’s all he thought about ever since he started to jack off when he was 12. He found stories on the net on the subject of pozzing and drug use and he couldn’t get them out of his head. He knew exactly what he wanted and I was the man to give it to him. I asked him one last time if he was sure that he wanted to be a poz, party boy. He replied that he wanted to be my poz, party boy. Looking at this cute, young, virgin boy I was thinking with my crotch. Christopher watched with fascination as I pulled out a couple rigs and my tina. He asked if we could share the rig. He wanted to be sure that he was going to get pozzed. I told him that I could invite some of my friends over or take him to the baths, but he wanted me to be the one to poz him. He wanted that connection to me so that he’d be my poz son and I his poz daddy. I told him that we would share our slam. Since I was still flying I didn’t need much to keep me going, but he wanted a good dose to join me as he put it. I decided on still using 2 rigs to be sure to give us both what we wanted. He watched as I prepped them and stuck both in my arm. I was sure to fill them with my blood as he wanted before pulling them from my arm. He helped me as I removed the tourniquet from my arm and watched as I coughed and my cock began to leak. It was now his turn, his turn to get what he was asking me for, his turn to become what he was seeking. He placed the tourniquet on himself as I had both rigs in my hand. His eyes were glued to what I was doing as I found 2 good veins and stuck each rig in and emptied them into his arm. I could see the delight in his eyes as I pulled them from his arm and he held his arm over his head. I asked if he was ready and he shook his head yes. I released the tourniquet and watched the look in his face change as the drug hit him hard. I don’t think he expected it to be so much. He coughed out as he laid himself back on the bed. I asked if he was ok, he replied that he felt great. He was ready for me to take his cherry and make me his boy forever. I was in no rush to fuck him. I wanted Christopher to enjoy his rush as I began to eat his smooth hole. I still couldn’t believe he was 18 but he had the proof. Christopher moaned as I got his hole nice and wet. He began to beg me to fuck him, that he had to have my poz cock inside his neg hole. When I knew he was ready I moved up and positioned my hard, dripping cock at his hole. I made sure to keep eye contact with him as I entered his ass. I could tell the drugs were doing their job as his hole sucked my 8” piece of steel deeper into Christopher’s formerly virgin hole. I was in no rush to cum since I was enjoying watching Christopher’s face as I fucked away his virginity. This was a great way to spend a Sunday fucking a virgin who just partied for the first time. I looked him in his eyes and asked if he could feel my DNA flowing through his veins as I fucked his very willing hole. He wrapped his legs around my waist and asked me to pound away at him. He really wanted to feel my power as I plowed his hole. I couldn’t resist his request and began to pound away without mercy. It didn’t take long before I was filling him up with my seed. I was always a big cummer, and my loads got bigger them more I cum. By now this kids ass was being filled with a good load of my poison seed. Before the day was done, Christopher took half dozen loads and begged me for a rig of nothing but my poz blood. I was not one to refuse him but told him he had to take another slam along with the rig of blood. He agreed and I had 2 more rigs in his other arm.
    1 point
  40. I was just feeling a bit of nostalgia for that site and found this post from ten years back. I was living with my parents back east when I first came across it. When the calendar updated to mark the date they were filming with Treasure Island, that sold me on contacting the fellow who hosted it about participating... It was a great time, and opened the door to a few follow-up encounters with Treasure Island afterwards. I lived in Cupertino and was both working and a student, so it was a while before I saw a some free time to write in a second time about attending another event. I had been unaware that he was only interested in retaining participants who he could rely on seeing return with some regularity. It has been nearly a year after I had only attended one time, and I'd been blacklisted for some time as a result. I had not anticipated that requirement, but as I thought about it, it did make sense as a practice criteria to keep the number of tops from fluctuating too wildly in either direction. It was disappointment combined with a realization that he had good reasons. I sent a reply, explaining as politely as I could that it had been the special circumstances of the film crew that had drawn me out at a time when I didn't have the means to commit to more than that special occasion. I conceded that his policy made sense in hindsight and suggested that I would have made it a priority to return much sooner if I had understood his criteria before hand. He made no further reply, and I found something else to do with my free time that weekend. I send a brief note the following month to demonstrate polite persistence and was relieved to have persuaded him to offer a second chance. As much as I was enjoying the opportunity to be welcomed back to top, I didn't wait long to voice an interest in bottoming. He was very up front about the length of his waiting list, and the fact that he had more months already booked than what was posted online, but I was in the queue at least. A few days before September's party, I got a short notice request, asking if I was available to stand in for a last minute cancelation just around the corner. He had sent the same message to a short list of guys from his queue, but I had been the first to respond. He already had photos from my application on record and for two nights I was able to find my photos on the calendar, but luck is a fickle thing... Just days away from the event, a bottom from somewhere outside the U.S. that he had unsuccessfully tried to host on two previous occasions had found himself grounded in LA for a few days by maintenance issues with his private plane. It was serendipity he could not refuse--I had just been bumped from the standby slot... He did offer to get me back on the schedule earlier than I had been queued for, but it was not long before the site was replaced with "Under Construction" road sign pages and never returned.... I wish I could remember the host's name, but it's been too long. It feel like is been on the tip of my tongue for a few hours now, but alas ... I think it started with a D, S, or K, but I am pulling a blank for now ... I do recall that the party web site domain was cuteboybbparty.com. it came down a few years before the message I am replying to was posted here, but I can confirm that with a little persistence with the Wayback Archive, that domain, and the years 2002 to 2006 kept in mind, it is still possible to dig up some of the original galley images in that archive. I am looking at one under web/20030221040500/http___www.cuteboybbparty.com:80/files/2002_1117_184207AA.JPG right now. The underscores are replaced by something pretty obvious, if anyone ever cares to locate it relative to web.archive.org! I don't know anything about what happened to pull this offline as suddenly as I seem to recall it happening. I'm sure the missing name will snap into my head at some point, but I have a great deal of admiration still for the fellow who went took on the labor of love to have done organized these gatherings. Coordinating with his guests and the monthly bottom, all the bookkeeping that entailed, processing applications, filtering out noise, operating the camera that isn't gonna host itself, cleaning up afterwards, and operating the website were means to an end and not likely all standalone rewarding just for their own sakes. Allow me to belatedly raise a glass... ;) --John
    1 point
  41. Chapter 1 I’d recently graduated from college and had landed my first real job in a new city far far away from my family. I'd thought I'd have freedom in college but I ended up going to the same place that both my parents worked, a small religious college so I had to be really careful so nothing got back to then about their only son. A little about me. I'm about 5'5" pretty toned from all the swimming I do. I was naturally smooth which I hated because I wished I was hairy. I thought the hottest thing ever was a hairy older guy. I have light brown hair which I keep cut pretty short, bright blue eyes. Oh yeah and my penis was on the small side only about 3 inches when hard. So here I was finally on my own a 23 year old horny as fuck virgin with no clue how to change that. I'd been in the city for about a week and was settling in. My apartment, as sparse as it was, felt like home and so far I really liked my job. It was Saturday morning and I decided to go for a jog since I hadn't had time to find a pool yet. It was a warm day but I was wearing long shorts and a loose t-shirt. I was proud of my body but I'd always been taught to be modest and that showing to much skin was a bad thing. I had a good run and was sweating pretty good by the time I got back to my apartment building. It seemed like most of the residents of building were polite but kept to themselves, which worked for me I was definitely more on the shy side. The elevator doors were closing as I passed heading towards the stairs. I noticed there was someone inside but I didn't get a good look. Once I reached the third floor a turned to head to my apartment when this small dog came running up to me. "Hey boy, what are you doing out here by yourself?" I was on my knees petting the cute dog when I noticed a pair of shoes attached to some very hairy legs. My eyes scanned up to see the hottest man standing in front of me grinning from ear to ear. "Damn Buddy, I leave you alone for one minute and you find a cute guy to pet you." “Oh I don’t mind he’s adorable," I said as I was scratching him behind his ears. "Ahh yes you are." Wait what? "He likes you, son." I blushed as I looked up at him. "You here visiting someone? I know I haven't seen you around before." "Umm no sir, I just moved in last week. I'm in 3C." "Well 3C I'm Brad and you've met Buddy. We're in 3H just behind you," he said motioning just over my shoulder. I stood up and offered him my hand. "Nice to you meet you I'm Cody ." He firmly grasped my hand and holy fuck if my cock didn't start to grow. "Well Cody it's very nice to meet you. It'll be great having some young blood on this floor. All of your neighbors are old fucks like me." "It's alright, sir, I kind of like older men." Oh shit did I just say that out loud. He smiled and let go of my hand. "Hmm that's good to know, son. Well I should get Buddy his treat. Now remember if you need anything, son, I'm in 3H." "Thank you sir." He moved past me and patted me on the shoulder. I couldn't get to my apartment fast enough. The second I closed the door I dropped my shorts and started rubbing my hole. My little cock immediately began to shoot rope after rope of cum. Damn what the hell was wrong with me, the man barely touched me and I lost control. This was so wrong. A few hours later I was busy unpacking boxes when there was a knock at the door. I opened up and there stood my neighbor with biggest smile on his face. Okay so let me take a second here and discribe this man for you. He was 6'3" 200 lbs of muscle. Hazel eyes, dark brown hair, short on the sides and a little longer on top with a nice trimmed beard. He was wearing a tight tank top so I could see his perky nipples that appeared to be pierced. He had a big tattoo on his right shoulder that went partially down his arm. It was times like this I was really grateful for my small penis. I could feel it starting to get hard but thankfully it was hidden in my baggy shorts. "Hi Cody, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you might help me out for a few minutes." His voice was so deep it made my chubby totally hard. What was happening to me? Why was this man making me so excited. "I'm rearranging some furniture and could use another pair of hands." My parents had always taught me to be respectful of my elders and help out where I could so I immediately agreed. As I followed him down the hall to his apartment, I couldn't take my eyes off his muscular back which lead to an amazing butt. I wondered what he'd look like naked. Oh man, what was wrong with me. One week away from home and I was having such wicked thoughts. Then again wasn't this why I moved so far away so that I could try to figure out who I was. I was so distracted in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Brad had stopped in front of his door and I ran right into him. "Oh man, I so sorry sir. I wasn't paying attention." He started chuckling, "it's okay son, I'm just wondering what's got you so distracted." I started blushing a deep red. "Damn son, you are so fucking cute." He put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze, wow he smelled good. "Come on, let's get inside.” "Wow, your apartment is nice. It's so big." He chuckled, "so you like them big?" "Umm, sorry I mean I'm just in a studio so I wasn't expecting the one bedrooms to be so much larger." I was turning even redder now. He must think I was such an idiot, of course the one bed rooms would be larger. Okay stop talking, move furniture, go back to my apartment and die of embarrassment. He flashed me his sexy smile that just seemed to melt me even more. "Seriously kid you are so damn cute. Okay so I just had my new TV mounted on the wall and I want to move the couch over there to the opposite wall. We each got on one side of the couch and presided to move it to the wall. "Wow that was surprisingly heavier than it looks," I said. "It's a hide-a-bed which makes it a lot heavier, but it's a really comfy couch so I can't bear to part with it." He sat down on the couch and patted next to him. "Have a seat and see for yourself." I cautiously sat down on the far side of the couch and sunk into the most comfortable couch I'd ever sat on. "Oh wow you weren't kidding." He smiled again. Damn him and those smiles. "So where'd you move from?" "Umm, a small town in Kansas." "So I imagine the city must be quite the change for you." "Yeah its amazing. There's so many guys here." He chuckled again. "So did you leave a girlfriend," he paused for a second before adding, "or boyfriend behind?" "Uhh, umm, no, no girlfriend." I looked up at him and then stuttered, "and umm no boyfriend either." His smile for even bigger. "A cute thing liked you won't be single for long here in the city." "You think I'm cute?" Oh my god I can't believe I just asked a man if he thought I was cute. This guy was seriously going to be the death of me. "Son, I think you're fucking adorable. Can I ask you a question, no judgment I promise." "Okay sure," I answered nervously. "Are you a virgin son?" Yep that's it, dying of embarrassment. "It's okay, I promise no judgment son." I looked up at him and saw his kind smile. "I've never been with anyone. My parents are very religious and don't believe in sex outside of marriage." "That's okay. Some people believe that and that's perfectly alright," he paused then added, "for them, but other people need sex, lots of sex and that's okay too." "Umm yeah well I've lived a pretty sheltered life." He smiled really big. "Well son, you're not in Kansas any more. You're free to be whatever you want to be. Did you date much back home?" "No sir. I wasn't really interested in dating any of the girls around me. I just concentrated on school." "Can I ask you another question son?" "Of course. Not sure I can embarrass myself much more now." He started laughing. "You're fine, everyone has to start somewhere. So Cody, are you gay?" I went bright red. "I umm, I umm, umm, think so sir." "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm gay. Would you like to kiss me son?" He placed his hand on my leg and I froze. I looked him in his eyes and my little penis was rock hard. I swallowed and shook my head yes. He leaned in and very gently started kissing me. Oh man I was in trouble.
    1 point
  42. Fuck, one of the best stories here!
    1 point
  43. Sorry for the delay, had a bit of writers block. Hope you enjoy. Chapter 21 A couple of months later I had finally closed on my apartment so I decided to have a few friends come over to help me properly break the place in. My son Josh had come over early to help me set up the sling. Lucas and Thomas were the first to arrive. It was summer so Lucas was only wearing a pair of very short shorts and a tight tank top. It looked like he was still smooth but he was now sporting a few new tattoos. Thomas gave me a big hug and said, "thanks for inviting us, my boy's been horny all day." "Oh sorry Lucas, there won't be any fucking going on tonight." Fuck he was so cute. He got this sad look on his face and his lower lip started to quiver. "Don't believe a word he says," Josh said walking into the room. "My dad's full of shit, there will definitely be fucking going on here tonight." He was standing in front of Lucas, "damn, dad wasn't kidding you're fucking cute. I'm Josh and you must be Lucas." He grabbed Lucas's crotch and grinned. "Damn boy, are you locked away?" "Yes sir." "Fuck that's hot." He gave him a kiss then turned to Thomas, "I've heard a lot about you guys it's nice to finally meet you." "Wait, are you guys real father and son?" Thomas's mouth was hanging wide open. "Oh did I forget to mention, both of my real sons are total poz cum sluts," I said. Thomas just shook his head, "that is so fucking twisted and I'm rock hard just thinking about it." He turned to Lucas, "boy, why don't you get naked and show these nice men your new artwork. Kevin, I can't thank you enough for hooking us up with Max. That was quite the experience." I chuckled, "how many loads did he leave with?" "Honestly, I lost count." Lucas was now standing at attention naked with his dick still locked away. He had several tattoos on his chest and back. My favorite was the tramp stamp he had which said 'poz boy, property of Thomas.' I also noticed he had several bio haz tats on various places on his body. "Damn boy, what a fucking slut. You like your new ink?" "Yes sir I love them." Josh was already naked standing behind Lucas. He gave him no warning before he bent him over the back of the couch and shoved his hard dick inside his cunt. Lucas let out deep moan. "Sorry Thomas, I guess I should've asked permission first but you're boy is so fucking hot I couldn't resist." "No apology needed. That's what he's here for, use his cunt and fill him up. Isn't that right boy?" "Mmm, yes sure, thank you sir." Matty and Chris from Dr. Manning's office showed up next and were naked before the door was even closed. We'd been fucking for about an hour when Scotty and some new guy arrived. Oh this was interesting they were holding hands. "Hey Kev, love your new place. Holy shit is that my realtor Lucas?" I laughed, "yep turns out he's a complete cum whore. Thanks for recommending him." "Damn I had no idea." Thomas added, "oh this is a rather recent development. Hi I'm Thomas, Lucas's new Master." "Well damn, that's hot. I'm Scotty and this is my friend Mitch." "Just friends?" I asked looking at their joined hands. "Ahh we're still figuring that out." Brandon, Dr. Manning's nephew, had been right behind them but I was so distracted by Mitch that I totally missed him. "Yeah they may not know what's going on but everyone around them can certainly tell." "Hey Brandon, remember I can still fire you," Scotty cried out. Brandon just grinned very proud of himself. Mitch reached out to shake my hand. "Hi Kevin, it's nice to finally meet you. Scotty talks about you all the time." "Interesting as this is the first time I'm hearing anything about you. But I guess this explains why I haven't seen him in awhile." "Oh come on Kevin, it's only been a couple of weeks since we last saw each other," Scotty said while playfully hitting me on the shoulder. "And one of those weeks I was at a conference which, if you must know is where I hooked up with Mitch." "Hooked up indeed," Brandon snickered. "I mean met him again," he said turning a deep shade of red. "Well come on in and get naked and stick your dick in a warm wet hole." Brandon saw the sling set up in the dining room and started grinning from ear to ear. "Hot! I love pounding a neg hole in a sling. Please tell me there's at least one neg boy here tonight?" "Sorry Brandon, the closest guy here to being negative would be Lucas, the guy over on the couch with Scotty's dick buired deep inside him. He officially joined the club about a month ago." "Damn I've really been itching to breed some more neg ass." I just smiled at him, "I totally understand. There's nothing better than sinking your hot poz cock deep inside a unprotected neg hole, knowing you're changing his life forever. You can always go on to all those apps and see if you can find anyone chasing and invite them over." "You sure," Brandon said but he already had his phone out. "Knock yourself out kid. I wouldn't mind pounding a neg hole myself." Brandon was grinning from ear to ear as he showed me the quick connect ad he placed on bbrts. 'Group of horny toxic tops looking for neg guys to impregnate. Serious guys only, no pussies on PrEP.' I'd never really had much luck with those ads so I wasn't really holding out much hope, but less than ten minutes later Brandon let out a cheer. "Fuck yeah there's some hotty less than fifty feet away who's interested." A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. I smiled at Brandon and told him to do the honors. On the other side of the door stood the cutest kid. "Fuck son how old are you," I asked. "I'm 18 sir you can check my license if you want." I took a look and said, "damn son, today's your birthday. You sure about this? Every single one of us is toxic as fuck. Once you start there's no going back." "I'm sure sir, I've been dreaming about this day for years. Please sir I want the gift for my birthday." "Fuck," I said, "you heard him guys. This slut wants our gift for his birthday. Knock him up." They strapped him into the sling, Brandon dropped to his knees and started eating the kids tight smooth hole. "Oh my god that feels so amazing." "Damn kid," I said, "if you think that tongue feels good wait until he shoves his hard poz dick inside you." "Yes, yes, yes fuck me please fuck me hard. Knock me up!" Brandon looked up from in-between his legs with an evil grin on his face. He slowly stood up and placed his hard cock at the entrance to the kids neg ass. "You sure you want this boy? This is your last chance." "Please! Poz me set me free." "You got it slut." Brandon pushed his toxic dick deep inside all the while the kid was moaning and screaming in pain that soon turned to pleasure if the look on his face was anything to go by. Brandon had given me his phone to keep an eye out for any other neg guys wanting to join our little party. A cute older guy had sent him a message on his scruff profile. 'Hey, I'm probably too old for you but thought I'd take a chance. You're really hot.' Responding as Brandon I said, 'Hey, your hot yourself.' I really hated these apps, I never knew what to say. 'Thanks man, what you looking for?' 'My friends and I are looking for neg guys who aren't afraid to take a poz cock deep inside their hole and let us fill them with toxic cum.' I laughed to myself, that would send him running for the hills. 'Holy fucking shit, are you for real?' I smiled and typed, 'there are currently eight horny non medicated poz guys here looking for neg guys who know what they want.' 'Fuck! That is so hot.' 'Yeah, so you neg?' 'Yes I'm neg not on PrEP.' 'Good man. So you in or not?' 'You guys are really toxic?' 'Don't waste my time. If you cum you'll leave a changed man.' 'Address?' I typed out my address and added, 'you have ten minutes to get here starting now.' I didn't receive a response so I figured I'd either scared him off or he was frantically on his way. Nine minutes later he buzzed my apartment. When I opened the door there stood a hot muscular guy about six feet tall, trimmed beard, wearing a tank top so I could see tattoos on his shoulders running down his upper arms. He had dark blonde hair with piercing green eyes. "Holy fuck you're hot," I stammered out. He chuckled, "thanks, you're not so bad yourself but not quite what I was expecting based on your pics." I started laughing. "Sorry about that. The scruff account belongs to the guy over there pounding the kid in the sling. I'm Kevin, I was the one sending you the messages. I'm sure he'll be done shortly if you prefer his young dick buried deep inside you." "Umm okay. You guys really poz?" "Yep toxic, all except the guy in the sling but we're working on changing that." I grinned at him. "You really neg?" "Yep I am and I'm really not on PrEP either. Fuck this is so twisted, messed up, hot as fuck and my dick is rock hard." "We aim to poz," I said smiling a big cheesie grin. "There's several younger guys here who would gladly take a turn on your ass." "Actually to be honest with you, not that I'd say no to any of those hot young guys but I'm really more into guys closer to my age." "Hmm, interesting, and just how old are you?" "I'm 57." "Fuck are you serious? I'd have pegged you in your forties easily. You are so hot! I'm 52, is that too young for you?" I smirked at him. "No you little shit that's perfect. Now are we done with the small talk? Are you going to knock me up or what?"
    1 point
  44. Chapter 20 It'd been a week since I'd seen the apartment and no word from Lucas. I was starting to get antsy. I was in a meeting Friday afternoon when I finally received a text from him. 'Hi Kevin, I have some news for you. Do you have time to meet with me today?' Was he kidding me, come on already did they accept my offer or not? Not a hard question. 'Sure, is it good news or bad news,' I texted back. 'How about you swing by my office around six. We can talk then.' He was really starting to annoy me and by meeting at his office the chance of repeat performance on his ass was looking slim. 'Fine, six it is.' Luckily it was already four so it wouldn't be too long a wait. At six I made it to his office right as someone was locking up the place. "Ahh hi, I'm supposed to be meeting Lucas at six." The woman locking the doors gave me a disgusted look then said, "our office is closed. If you have an appointment you'll have to call your agent to let you in." She turned and walked away from me. Okay, I'm glad I wasn't working with her. I pulled out my phone to call Lucas just as I saw him walking into the lobby. He let me in and gave me big hug making sure to squeeze my ass in the process. "Hi Kevin, thanks for coming down. Let's go talk in the back." He lead me to conference room and I noticed walking through the office that we appeared to be the only ones there. "You're killing me Lucas, did they accept the offer or not?" "Mostly, they just wanted a few minor changes but I don't think you'll object to them." We quickly went through the changes and he was right, I was totally fine with everything. About ten minutes later we we're all done. "Okay, not that I don't love visiting your office but it seems we could have easily done that over the phone." "Sorry about that. That's totally my fault I told Lucas to have you come in so I could meet you." I turned towards the new voice and noticed this good looking older man standing in the doorway. "I'm Thomas," he said as he reached his hand out to me. "Hi Thomas, I'm Kevin and I'm confused," I responded shaking his hand. He chuckled, "I just wanted to meet the man who finally convinced Lucas to give up his cherry. I've been after this boy's ass ever since he started working for me but he always insisted he was a total top." "All you needed to do was run your tongue over his pink pucker and you would've had him. Turns out he enjoys having things in his ass." I grinned. "Mmm, so I've discovered. Isn't that right boy?" "Yes sir, will you please fuck me now sir, I'm so horny." "Did you finish your business with Kevin?" "Yes sir we just finished up." "Good boy, now strip." Holy fucking shit! This was the hottest thing is ever seen. Lucas, the total cocky alpha top male had become a sub and all it took was me rimming his cunt, well damn. He stood in front of us with his hands behind his back showing off his naked body. "Fuck me, Lucas what's happened to you?" His cock was locked away and all his body hair had been removed. "Sir, Thomas locked my cock away to punish me for being a rude top and being too picky about who I was willing to fuck. He said I needed to learn to share my seed with anyone who wanted it." God damn I was rock hard. "And your new smooth look," I asked while running my hands over his smooth chest, tweaking his nipples. "Dad prefers his boys smooth. He said he may let me grow it back after I've learned my proper place." I looked over at Thomas who had taken his dick out and was slowly stroking. He was grinning from ear to ear. "I can't believe this is the same cocky guy that showed me the condo last week." "Dad I'm so horny will you guys please fuck me now?" Thomas chuckled, "such an impatient horny boy. Why don't you help Kevin undress then we'll see about breeding your boy pussy." Lucas started taking my clothes off, I was hard as a rock. Once I was naked Lucas returned to his standing position. I looked over at Thomas and saw we were all naked now. Damn he was hot! He was probably in his sixties but his body was all muscles. He's noticed my biohaz tat and let out a low whistle. "Damn, boy did you notice Kevin's tattoo last week when he breed your cunt?" "No sir I wasn't really paying attention to anything other than my hole." "Take a good look at it now son. Do you know what that means?" You could tell by the expression on his face he knew exactly what it meant. He gulped, "yes sir I know what it means." "Say it out loud boy." "He's HIV positive sir." "Good boy. Now I wonder, do you think he's toxic or on meds and therefore basically safe. Should we ask him son?" I was so hard as I watched the interaction between Thomas and his new boy. You could see Lucas's internal battle going on behind his eyes. After a few seconds he said, "whatever you think's best sir." Thomas went over and gave him a big kiss then bent him over the conference room table. "You're such a good boy. I'm so proud of you. I'm going to let Kevin breed your cunt first and shoot his load deep inside you, then as your cleaning off his cock he can tell you what flavor of cum he just gave you." His whole body shivered as he said, "thank you sir." Thomas winked at me and moved out of the way giving me total access to his boy. I was so hard I just slammed my cock in his waiting hole. "You want me to destroy your hole boy?" "Oh my god, yes please breed my cunt, fill me with your load!" "Fuck I can't believe you're the same guy I met last week. Thomas has done a number on you hasn't he slut." "Holy fucking hell, I'm just a faggot slut who needs a cock inside his pussy." Thomas grinned at me, "it's been quite a week for the boy. He's come to realize he's nothing more than a hole." "Seriously, what'd you do to him?" Thomas chuckled, "the morning after he showed you the place I caught him in the bathroom with his fingers up his ass. Turns out he couldn't stop thinking about your cock being inside his cunt. Isn't that right son?" "Yes sir, I had no idea how amazing it would feel. I needed something back inside me so bad," he called out as I continued to breed his ass. "When he saw me instead of being embarrassed he simply turned around presented his butt to me and begged me fuck him. How could I possibly resist an offer like that. After I unloaded in him I told him he was too stay in the bathroom the rest of the morning and let all his coworkers take a turn." My mouth must have hit the floor because he added, "we're a small office and most of my agents are gay men so none of them minded at all, especially since Lucas here always thought he was better than the rest of us. Isn't that right boy?" "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir. I was a very bad boy." "I asked his coworkers what his punishment should be and they're the ones who came up with locking his precious cock away." Hearing that pushed me over the edge and I fired off my load deep inside him. When I pulled out he immediately dropped to his knees and started cleaning me off. "So slut, do you want to know if you just took a toxic load or not?" He looked up at me with my dick in his mouth and tired to say something. I smiled down at him, "don't worry boy, I'm sure you'll be poz soon and I can't imagine with all the cum you've been taking this week that I'm the only toxic cock you've had inside you." "Sadly I believe you may be," Thomas said. "A couple of us are undetectable but most of the others are on PrEP. Although after watching your toxic cock do a number on my newest boy I may have to rethink the whole meds thing since that was the hottest thing I've seen in a long time." "Do it man, you should poz your whole team." He couldn't take it any longer, so he pushed Lucas back over the table and mounted his ass. His cock was bigger than mine so it did a good job of pushing my toxic load deeper inside his boy. It didn't take long before he was adding his load to mine. We each gave him another dose of cum before we wrapped things up for the evening. Lucas promised me he'd be in touch as soon as everything was set for my closing. After that I gave Thomas a big kiss and thanked him for an amazing night. Next time I see Scotty I'd have to make sure to thank for recommending Lucas as my realtor.
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  45. Chapter 29 We dozed off for awhile but I soon woke up to a warm mouth on my rapidly expanding cock. "I'm sorry sir I didn't mean to wake you but I just couldn't resist your dick. I've never been so horny in my entire life." I put my hands on his head guiding him back down on me. "Don't worry about it, that's just your true self waking up and taking charge. Now get me hard so you can ride my dick." He sucked me for a few minutes then straddled my hips and sat down on my hard cock. He let out a very satisfied moan as he sank all the way down. "Oh man it feels so amazing." "I still can't believe you went five years without a hard cock inside your warm boy pussy." "Well to be honest I didn't really enjoy it that much. It always hurt with the condom on. I mean I know I've read a lot of dick stories and chatted with a lot of guys and they all said it was so much better skin on skin but you know what they say, doing is believing." I smiled, "and do you believe now?" "Mmm not sure, may need to get fucked a few hundred more times to be sure," he said with a wicked grin on his face. "Ahh, I'm sure that can be arranged," I said raising my hips up to meet him causing my dick to explode inside him. He clamped down hard trying to milk every last drop. "Damn we need to get you a butt plug to make sure you don't lose a drop of cum." "Mmm, I've always wanted to try one of those." He was still sitting on my cock trying to milk more cum. "Fuck, you're so sexy boy. I wish I knew a tattoo artist here in town we need to get some ink on this tight bod of yours." "I'd like that sir." He climbed off my cock and snuggled up beside me. "Thank you for tonight. I can't believe what I've been missing." "Don't worry boy we'll catch you up real fast." I looked at the clock by the bed and realized it was almost two in the morning. "Damn son I need to get back to my room and make sure Brandon's okay." "Your admin?" "Yeah, he's only nineteen. I'm sure he's fine but I keep forgetting he's my responsibility." "I'm sorry I kept you so late sir." "Don't apologize, this was amazing. Make sure your free tomorrow evening as we're going to continue your training and I'm guessing Brandon will be more than willing to help." I got up and threw my clothes on. I gave him a kiss and told him, "no clothes for the remainder of the trip unless you're in public." "Understood sir." "I'll text you tomorrow when I know the plan. Get some rest, you're going to need your strength tomorrow." I wasn't sure what to expect when I got back to our room but seeing Mike getting fucked by Brandon while another guy had his cock down his throat wasn't it. The guy getting blown saw me come in and said, "I've got dibs on this slut's ass next. You can have him once I've dumped my load." "No problem man, I just gave my new boy three loads so I think I'm tapped out for the night." Brandon looked over at me and grinned as he unloaded in Mike's ass. He pulled out and the other guy immediately took his place. Brandon walked over to me and I couldn't resist so I dropped to my knees and cleaned him off. "So how many loads does that make," I said pointing to Mike. "I just gave him load number five." "All poz?" "At least three, not sure about the other two. You know don't ask don't tell." He grinned. "Ahhhh," the other guy groaned, "take my poz load you fucking slut." I turned to Brandon, "where'd you find this guy?" "Mike picked him up at the bar. When he got a little drunk he started telling guys he was looking for poz guys to knock him up. There were three guys who wanted him to go with them. He was going to go but I convinced him it would be easier, not to mention safer, to just come here. I hope you don't mind. I tried to text you but you didn't respond." "No you did good. Sorry I didn't see your text my phone died and I was a little preoccupied." "So you said. Your new boy? Can't wait to hear all about that one." About this time the other guy had pulled his clothes on and was leaving. "Thanks, that was fun. Later dudes." "Hey Mike how you doing over there?" "I'm drunk on poz cum." "Yes you are, come on why don't I help you get back to your room." "Hey Scotty, when did you get here," he said as he sat up and noticed me for the first time. "Come on buddy, you've had a busy night. Let's get you home so you can sleep this off." We got him dressed and I helped him to his room and got him tucked in for the night. I wondered if he was going to remember any of this in the morning. When I got back to the room Brandon had cleaned up everything and was in bed waiting for me. "Looks like we both had eventful nights." I chuckled, "it does appear so. I take it Mike's okay with the fact he's going to be on team poz." "I think it's safe to say we managed to wake the beast inside of him and there's no going back. And your new boy?" I showed him pics of Xander with and without my dick buried deep inside his ass. "Well fuck me! Please tell me I'm going to get a chance at that pink hole of his." "Absolutely, I'm going to throw together something special for him tomorrow, uhh I mean tonight," I said looking at the clock. "We don't have to get up early tomorrow do we." I laughed, "hell no, don't set the alarm just wake up naturally. Now let's get some sleep." I woke up close to 11:00 feeling well rested. It's amazing how refreshed I always feel after a night of breeding. Brandon's arm was draped across my chest and he was snoring softly next to me. I carefully removed his arm and quietly got out of bed. I checked the conference agenda for the day and decided there was nothing pressing that I really needed to attend. Now don't judge me I realize I was there for work and should be trying to get a lot out of the sessions but, yeah not going to happen today. I threw on my running shorts and a tank top and slipped out of the room. I sent Brandon a quick text so he'd know where I'd gone then headed down to the lobby. As I got off the elevator I noticed that the really hot concierge was on duty this morning. He smiled at me as I passed by. "Good morning sir, enjoy your run." I stopped for second and walked over to him. "Hey thanks again for telling me about those trails yesterday." "No problem, hope you enjoyed them." "They were great, lots of nice scenery," I smiled, winked at him and turned to go. "Hey," he called out, "I just have to say I love your ink." He blushed a little like he couldn't believe he'd actually said that out loud. "Thanks, as you can tell I'm a little addicted." "They're hot, I mean they look good on you." I smirked, "thanks, got any of your own?" "Umm, yeah a couple, nothing like yours though." "Well we all have to start somewhere. Umm, hey I just had a thought. I'm assuming you got your ink done here in town." "Yep, my buddy has his own place just a few blocks away from here. Why, you looking to get some more while your staying with us?" "Not exactly, I uhh, have a new friend who's in desperate need of some ink on his totally smooth body." He looked at me and lowered his eyes, "totally smooth?" "Only hair he has is on the top of his head." I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of of Xander naked from the waist up. "Fuck me! He shaves?" "Nope, naturally smooth." He had a look on his face as if to say, 'yeah right'. "Trust me I spent all night inspecting him from head to toe." "Damn that's hot. Gotta say I love hairy guys but there's something about a completely smooth bottom that makes me rock hard. He is a bottom right?" I laughed, "total bottom." "Fuck me! Don't suppose you're sharing him?" "Absolutely, he's becoming a no load refused boy." He reached down to adjust his crotch. "You okay there," I asked grinning at him. "Oh yeah, this constantly happens to me with this job. I tend to get turned on a lot working here." I chuckled, "hmm I could see that being a hazard of the job, being surrounded by all these hot guests. So how often do you given in to the temptation?" "Oh it's not temptation I consider it a perk of the job, and I'm very good at making sure our guests have a very positive experience with us." "Hmm I bet. So what do think the chance your buddy would be able to fit my boy in for his first tat today or tomorrow?" "Not sure, but his shop's only a couple of blocks from here, so you should just pop over before your run and check." "That's perfect, thanks." I got directions from him and headed out. It was literally one block from the hotel, very convenient. I walked into the shop and this hot biker type guy about my age greeted me, "hey you the guy with the smooth boy?" I looked at him a little confused. "Jack from the hotel warned me you were on your way over. Fuck man, love your ink, your guy did good work. You mind if I see you're back?" "Not at all," I said taking my tank top off. He ran his hand over my biohaz tat. "Damn, I bet this beast attracts a lot of chasers." "Like a moth to a flame." "Good man! So Jack said you wanted to mark your new boy." "Yeah, I'm thinking of something on his ass to let all the tops know exactly what he is." "He poz?" "Nope but he will be by the end of the week." I pulled out my phone and showed him Xander's pics including one of his tight bubble butt. "Damn," he whistled, "I can't wait to get my hands on that ass. I think I have the perfect ink to start him off." He pulled up a picture on his computer. "Oh fuck that's perfect. When can you fit him in?" "I'm pretty light today have come down whenever and I'll work on him." "Great what do I owe you?" "Nothing, just let me help knock the boy up and we'll call it even." I called Xander to see what he was doing right then. His phone rang for awhile before he finally picked up. "Hey slut did I wake you?" "Good morning sir, no I'm just lying in bed fingering my cunt." "You still have my loads inside you?" "Yes sir." "Good boy. You need to throw on shorts and a t-shirt. I'm going to text you an address, be here in ten minutes." I hung up before he could respond and sent him the address. While we we're waiting for him to show up I found out that my new friend was named Marty and he loved nothing more than breeding neg boys. Eight minutes later Xander walked in the shop. "Fuck you've got an obedient boy there." I grinned, "yeah he's doing great. Xander this is Marty, you belong to him for the next couple of hours so make sure you do everything he tells you to do." With that I gave him a deep kiss and left for my run. I made sure to do an extra long jog too give Marty enough to time to finish up. When I got back to the shop the front was empty but I could hear moaning coming from the back. I followed the sounds and walked in to see Xander bent over a bench with Marty's big dick unloading in his cunt. He slowly pulled out and gave me a big smile, "fuck your boy's got an amazing ass. Gave him two toxic loads to help him on his journey. Take a look at his ink and let me know what you think." "Holy shit that looks great. Has he seen it yet?" "Nope I figured you'd want to do the honors." I took a couple pictures so I could show Xander. His eyes got really big. He threw his arms around me and gave me a big wet kiss then did the same to Marty. "Thank you, now everyone who fucks me will know I'm a poz pig." "Well you're on your way to being poz but you're definitely a pig." On his ass cheek was the outline of a pig with the word poz inside, it was fucking beautiful. "Hey Marty, if you're free tonight you should come by my hotel room. I'm planning to see just how many loads we can get inside his cunt." "Fuck I'll be there. I definitely want another go at that ass. I also have some friends I can bring too if you're interested." "Toxic?" "Yep, and a couple have wicked PAs that with help ensure all those loads can do their job." "Perfect, anytime after eight." I hadn't even noticed Xander had dropped to the floor and was cleaning off Marty's dick. He was a fucking natural. "Come on boy let's go so he can get back to work." As he stood up to grab his clothes I noticed he had bars through both of his pink nipples. Marty saw and looked a little guilty. "Hope you don't mind, I started sucking oh his perky tits and just could resist piercing them." "Great idea they look good on him." He looked relieved, gave us both hugs and we were on our way. As we headed back to the hotel I asked him how he liked his first tattoo. "Yes thank you so much. It makes me feel even sluttier. But I am a little concerned that it says poz when I haven't earned the bug yet." "Believe me son, I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you're poz by the end of the week." "Thank you sir." "Now go back to your room and take a nap, it's going to be a long night. Just make sure you're at my room by seven."
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  46. Chapter 21 Scotty I hadn't heard from the little shit, more commonly known as Brandon, for almost a month now. The doc kept telling me to be patient he was just trying to settle into his new environment and he was fairly certain Brandon was jacking off three or four times a day. Part of me thought maybe I'd been too easy on him and I just should have just fucked him on the hike but I was pretty sure that was just my dick speaking. Luckily there were plenty of others out there who were more than eager and willing to take my toxic cum. Wednesday Matty called me and told me to be ready, he thought it was only a matter of time before Brandon was ours. He wouldn't tell me what happened, only that he didn't think it would be long now. So imagine my surprise, Saturday morning, when I saw Brandon waiting for me in the park wearing those old running shorts of his. My dick was instantly hard and I didn't even try to hide it. "Well this is a surprise," I said smirking at him. "I'd just about given up on you." "I'm so sorry Scotty, I have no excuse, I was just really scared about taking the next step." "And just what is the next step, Brandon?" I wasn't about to let him off easy. "I need you to fuck me," he paused for a second then added, "please." "And how exactly do you want me to fuck you?" "Scotty I need you to bred my ass, stick your raw cock deep inside me and give me your load." "And you know my cum is very special right?" "Yes! Your cum is a gift I need to graciously accept." "Not good enough." I started to turn and walk away. "Wait, Scotty please." "Last chance Brandon. What is it you need?" "Your poz cum," he barely whispered. I gave him a frustrated look and was about to leave when he said much louder, "I need your poz cum, please!" "Good boy, let's go." I turned and headed out of the park. "We're not going to run first?" "You've kept me waiting a month for your ass I'm not waiting a second longer." He nodded and followed me back to my apartment. When we got inside I instructed him to strip and pull my dick out. "Get it wet, that's all the lube you're getting. If you're good I may eat you out first." "Scotty, I'm so sorry I disappeared on you. It wasn't right but I was scared to admit to myself what I needed. You were very patient with me and I'm sorry I made you wait for my ass." "And just what is it you need so bad?" "I need to be knocked up. I need you to poz my ass and make me part of the family." With that he started to get me nice and wet. After a few minutes I pulled him off and told him to get on all fours. I took my first look at his beautiful hole. "Damn son, you have such a pretty, tight hole. I can't wait to change you forever." I dove in and started to eat him out. He went crazy and pushed back onto my tongue moaning like a bitch in heat. "You like my tongue inside your cunt?" I asked. "Yes, oh my god yes! That feels so fucking amazing, please don't stop." I soon added a finger loosening him up even more. "Damn Brandon, you're so tight. I'm trying to get you opened up but I'm not going to be able to wait much longer." "Don't care. Please fuck me now!" I pulled my fingers out of his ass and placed the head of my cock at his hole. "Last chance, once it's in I'm not pulling out until you have my poz babies deep inside you." "Oh my god Scotty, stop talking and poz my fucking neg cunt!" He yelled. "You got it. Time to make you into a slut like the rest of us." I rammed my dick in, not stopping until my balls were slapping up against his ass. He let out a scream as my cock invaded his cunt. "Just breathe through the pain. It'll start to feel good soon." I rubbed my hands over his tense muscular back. Soon I felt his muscles start to relax so I started to move in and out of his ass. He started to moan even louder. "Holy shit that feels amazing. Fuck me Scotty, fuck me harder please." I let loose and went to town on his cunt. I must have torn him a bit as I could see some red steaks on my cock as I plunged in and out. "Fuck yea Brandon, I've ripped you up good. My toxic seed now has a pathway to rewrite your DNA." "He started to repeat over and over, "poz my ass, poz my ass, poz my ass." "You got it boy, here it cums." My cock exploded with a huge load filling his cunt. I kept fucking after I finished to make sure to push as much cum as possible deeper inside him. I slowly pulled my cock from his hole, patted his ass and told him to turn over. "Get up and clean my dick off. A good bottom always makes sure to leave his top's cock clean." He flipped around and started licking me clean. "You like the taste of my cum mixed with your ass juices?" "YES! Oh my god I had know idea how good sex could be. I'm so sorry I made you wait. Part of me wished you would've been a little more forceful with me weeks ago." "Oh yeah, you like it rough do you?" "I loved it when you pounded my cunt. It hurt so good. So am I poz now?" "Well I tore you up pretty good so that'll give my toxic seed fertile ground to latch onto and grow. We'll keep breeding you and make sure you get lots and lots of poz cum. You'll be part of the family soon." "Can you fuck me again? I need your dick back inside me please." "You horny little slut! Suck me off and get me hard again." He greedly took my dick back in his mouth and started nursing, causing me to start growing. "That's it, keep sucking, make me hard so I can breed your faggot ass again." I was soon back inside his not so tight pussy pounding away. "Oh my god Scotty, it feels so good. Use my faggot ass. I think it's safe to say I'm not bi anymore. Please fuck me harder." "You got it slut," I said continuing the assault on his cunt. "You ready for your second dose of toxic cum?" "YES damn it! Knock me up!" I collapsed on top of him as my load started filling him up. I gave him a kiss and he attacked my mouth with his. He kept whispering, "thank you, thank you, this feels so right, thank you." We laid side by side for a while, him tracing my tattoos. "Scotty?" "Yes my little slut." "I need more." His hard dick was poking into my leg "I need to recharge. While you're waiting why don't you stick that hard cock of yours up my pussy and give me one of your last neg loads." I didn't have to tell him twice. He had me on my back with my legs in the air then slammed his dick in as hard as he could. Damn this boy was a natural. "That's it Brandon, fuck me hard, purge your body of that neg cum. Make room for all those toxic swimmers." It didn't take him long before he grunted and started cumming. "Fuck that was fun," he said rolling off me and snuggling into my side. "Is it okay that I liked having a hard cock inside me a little more than being inside someone else?" He was too damn cute! I chuckled, "absolutely, that's how I am. I love spreading my seed but there's nothing like having a raw cock buired deep inside me." "Good because I'm going to need you to fuck me again and soon." My next load took longer to materialize but I heard no complaints from Brandon, he just moaned and kept begging me to destroy his cunt. So of course I did what I could. With three loads stored safely deep inside his ass with a nice butt plug I laid down on the bed on my stomach. Brandon once again started to trace the tats on my back. "We're going to have to get you your own tats soon," I said. "I can't wait. I think they're so hot. I love this big biohaz you have on your back, the design around it is so cool." "Recognize any of those letters?" "Umm, not really should I?" "You see the p and the m?" "Yep." "Pete Manning." "Holy fuck, that's so hot. And the other letters?" "Matty, Chris and Chad. I don't think you've met Chad yet." "I can't believe my uncle and his entire staff knocked you up. I'm getting a whole new impression of my uncle. I thought he was such a straight arrow kinda guy." "Oh not your uncle," I laughed. "He's as twisted as they come. Who do you think was instrumental in bringing me into the family?" "Well I know he's poz so I guess nothing should surprise me anymore," he said laughing. "I don't suppose you're good for another load." He wagged his eyebrows at me. "Fuck kid, you'll definitely fit right in with our twisted family."
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