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  1. Warren hated his name. "Warren" just sounded so blue collar and like a mechanic who'd fix your transmission or something. He was always complaining about his life because he thought he'd been dealt a bad hand. He came from a family of hard-working people, but he was a reader and a thinker. He was one of those kids who kept a diary, but written in a language he'd invented. If his snoopy mom ever found it, she'd have no idea what she was reading. He also drew in a sketchbook he'd been given as a birthday present. Drawings and doodles recorded as much about Warren's life as the words did. His older brothers thought he was a sissy with all his books,drawing and his perfectly neat room. His brothers were all working guys..."real men". One brother worked in construction and the other two drove trucks full of whatever. None of them were ever close. They never talked to each other or hung out. Warren knew something about himself. A private thing. Maybe the whole family knew it even if they didn't know they knew it. His oldest brother once came into his room late, late at night when he though the younger brother was asleep. He only sort of was. Warren felt spongy flesh on his lips as he continued to fake sleep. Yep. His brother had his naked dick on the boy's lips. Then he stopped and masturbated right over the kid's face. Warren soon felt some thick fluid spray on his face and bare shoulders. It happened a few more times that year. Didn't make sense to Warren. His brother had so many girlfriends...didn't they let him do that for him? Maybe not. He knew it was Luke...something about the smell and the 'vibe'. By 1993, Warren was about to graduate from high school. The brothers had all gotten married and moved elsewhere. He knew more things, and hated his stupid life even more intensely. AIDS was in the news. There were men like him dying and protesting and fighting for "rights". Such a mess he'd been born into. Maybe this new President Clinton could fix it all by the time he had to worry about the consequences of being GAY. He'd gotten an academic scholarship to a school in a different state. It wasn't a full ride, but it was close enough that his parents let Warren go. It was one of those "liberal" schools according to the dad. Warren thought that meant they just liked Democrats. He didn't yet know that was another word for "free" and "caring". He'd find out soon enough. That college campus was so different. People of various colors and religions were everywhere. And gays. So many gays. Warren felt like he could finally exhale. At an orientation event, Warren met Orlando. Now, that was a name! Lucky. Orlando was from Cuba and darkly handsome. Not that tall..and not very young for a college student. He was maybe in his 30's already. His lower jaw jutted out just a bit. "Are you a new freshman?" "Yeah. And a hick. This is all new to me." "How many credit hours are you taking?" "Just 14." "Just? That's a lot for your first semester." "I'm on scholarship. You have to take at least 12 hours on academic scholarship." "Yeah. Well, eat your Wheaties. It's gonna be tough." "How many are you taking, Orlando?" "Three. I pay my own way and am slowly trying to get a music degree." Warren stopped being interested at that point. This older guy was like his brothers -- old guy with very small goals. His brothers got excited and bragged about 4 % raises at their shitty jobs. "Nice to meet you, Orlando. I'm gonna go finish unpacking." "What are you doing later tonight? There's a dance at the Union. I'll be there. I'll introduce you to some people." Warren never danced and didn't like people that went to dances, but he probably needed to meet people eventually. "OK. Like around 8 or so?" "Yeah! You have to be 20 to drink beer, but I'll sneak you some." "Cool. Bye." Warren wandered back to the dorm. He'd never had a beer in his life. He knew from watching his brothers that beer made people stupid and made them vomit. No thanks. He wore what he'd worn all day to this dance thing. He wasn't John Travolta and didn't plan on being visible. Or dancing. He liked old Motown hits and thought if there was indeed a "god", she would look like Aretha Franklin. Now... there was just grunge and techno and mindless bimbos who couldn't even really sing. Warren scanned the crowd. Not many kids were dancing...but a lot of them were gathered on the side. Way more guys than girls. No Orlando in sight. He'd stay for five more minutes and then leave. "Hey! You're here! I thought you blew me off." Orlando. "Just got here. What is this all about?" "Here. Finish my beer. I'll introduce you to my friends." That wasn't an answer. He grabbed Warren's hand and led him for what seemed like a mile. And then they were in a pretty dark corner of the 'ballroom' where a group of three guys stood with cups of beer. "Is this a gay dance, Orlando?" "DUH! I thought you knew already. You're gay, right?" "No...well, yeah. But..." "Hey! This is Warren. He just started as a freshman. Share your beer and be nice ... he's pretty shy. I'm going to get another beer...who wants?" Two of them gave the signal for a refill. The third one just drilled his eyes into Warren. A short, stocky Mexican man wearing shorts and sandals.There was energy going back and forth between these two strangers. Warren was out of character when he just walked up to the guy and introduced himself... "Hi. I'm Warren. What's your name?" "I'm Antonio..Tony. Call me either." This guy seemed had seemed so guarded and unfriendly at first, but now his face brightened. Smiling. "good to meet you, Tony." Another good name he would have traded for. "How do you know Orlando?" "I don't, really. We just met earlier today...at that thing in the quad." "And you're gay?" Warren exhaled and just said "yes" with a sense of relief. It had to be said at some point. "It's okay. You're in a safe place, so to speak. Want some of my beer?" Warren couldn't believe he was drinking beer at a gay party. College would be fun. It would change him. "Thanks, Tony. Are you going to dance tonight?" "No. I didn't wear shoes for dancing. Plus I hate this kind of music. I mostly listen to salsa." What? Warren only knew salsa as a dip for chips. He assumed it was a spicy kind of music. Probably Latin. The two of them continued to make idle chat and slowly moved closer together. When Orlando came back with several beers, he glared at Warren like an angry teacher. He took him aside. "Did you kiss him? Did you drink from his cup? What happened?" "No! Of course we didn't kiss. I drank a few sips from his cup, though. Why?" "He's got the AIDS virus. You can't get that from the cup, but I think he has other things too. I've been going to this school for ten years, and over that time I've seen AIDS move in and claim plenty of men. You're new and I'm not comfortable with seeing you start up anything with Tony." Warren couldn't respond. The beer taste in his mouth suddenly turned bitter. He sometimes brushed his teeth so hard that his gums bled. He knew blood was a way for that virus to get in. He had brushed right before he got there. Bad? He liked Orlando's show of concern. But he still felt drawn to Tony. What if he never saw him again? It was a big campus. New thoughts and feelings were hitting his brain like a boxing glove assailing a punching bag. Bam! "I know you probably don't dance, but would you like to go with me for refills? Just stay behind me." Warren followed him to where beer was being served, but didn't linger too close. He tried to be invisible, but was aware that he was being looked at. He and Orlando drank their beers and watched the crowd. "Do you like this music." Warren asked him "Not at all. I like the classical stuff. I hope to someday be a composer. But this is the music most gays like. What do you listen to?" "Old R&B, mostly. I love Aretha Franklin and Marvin Gaye." The conversation came to an abrupt end when dome random friend of Orlando's showed up and begged him to dance. Warren was alone in a crowd of gays. He decided to go back to the corner and look for Tony, but he and the others were gone. Time to go. As he made his way to the exit, he saw Tony dancing. He was maybe a little out of it because he was barefoot. Who the hell went out on the dance floor without shoes? But Warren thought it was kind of cute. Tony wasn't a very good dancer, which was also kind of endearing. Those dark brown eyes caught Warren's. More electricity was exchanged. "Where's Orlando? He didn't leave you alone did he?" He was sweating a lot. Warren saw a drop go down the bridge of Tony's nose and thought to himself "There's AIDS in that drop". AIDS. It was really here and really real. "He's dancing out there somewhere. What happened to your sandals?" Tony looked down at his bare feet and seemed surprised. "Oh shit! I left them somewhere. I'm kind of drunk." "No kidding. I think I am a little too. I've never really drank before." "Let's go. It's too loud in here." He grabbed Warren's wrist and led him out. Somebody at the door asked if they wanted a hand stamp to get back in. Tony ignored them. They enjoyed the luxury of quiet as they got in the elevator. It's funny how much you miss silence after being in a place like that. Warren could still hear some of that last song in his head. "What did Orlando tell you about me. He didn't like us talking -- I know that much." "He didn't say anything about you," Warren lied. "We just talked about music." "Oh. OK. Where do you live?" "It's just across Potter's Park here. Can you walk that far with no shoes on?" "Yeah, yeah. I'm always barefoot...I've got the thickest,most calloused soles you've ever seen." They set off across the park. It was well-lit and there were little blue boxes for calling security if you needed it. At the orientation, they warned people not to pick up these phones out of curiosity...the campus cops would come even if the phone was lifted off the hook. All of this had happened a few years before Warren had arrived, A few muggings and rapes had happened and it was demanded something be done. Warren looked down at Tony's bare feet, padding unprotected on the sidewalk. Warren remembered walking around barefoot as a kid during the Summer. He once stepped on a nail attached to a small piece of wood. It hurt, but he was more surprised than in pain. He limped toward the house with the whole mess still attached to his foot. He'd cried so loud and then had to go get a tetanus shot on top of all that. A cold shudder went through him. One bad childhood memory among many others. "You lied to me", Tony said out of nowhere. "Huh?" "I know Orlando told you everything about me. He tells everybody. He's a resentful person. He's got some good qualities, but his big mouth ticks me off sometimes. You are like this shiny new coin he found on the beach and wanted to show you off." "What do you think he told me?" "I don't THINK. I KNOW he told you I've got HIV. Didn't he? Be honest." "Yeah." Warren felt guilty. "He said you might have other things as well." "Asshole. He doesn't know everything about me. But what surprises me most is that you don't seem afraid. You're here in a dark park with a guy that carries a disease. You didn't even hesitate to leave with me." Warren took stock of the situation. He looked inside of himself and felt no fear or hesitation. He really liked the Latin man keeping him company. It made no sense. His idiot brothers made bad decisions their whole lives. Warren was the smart one. Who says he was making a bad decision?? "Are you sick, physically?" "Nope. Not at all. It's supposedly like a cancer that is ready and waiting to spread. There's drugs out there for it, but I'm hoping for a cure." "Yeah. I've read about all the progress they're making. I think they're even working on a vaccine." "I'm biding my time. Do you have a roommate?" "Not yet. My R.A. told me the guy wasn't coming until a few days after the semester started. He's from some other country somewhere." Tony's mood brightened. "So you're at JSP? That's not a bad dorm...closest one to campus." "There's a 'Dark Side of the Moon' mural on my floor's walls. My brothers listened to that album over and over again. I hated it." "Murals are almost always bad. Ugly. Can I crash at your place tonight?" "Absolutely. You can't really go anywhere else with no shoes." And then Tony reached out and took his hand. Warren had never held hands with anyone but his Mom...when he was very young. Touch was a good thing. Tony's hand was a little smaller than his, but wider and thicker. It felt right. THIS was what romance felt like. What a nice night this was turning out to be. "What's in your head right now?" Warren paused before answering "Nothing but good things." "Stop for a second." They were under the shade of a large willow tree by Potter's Lake. They kissed and Warren felt like he was breaking into a million pieces. This had been a long time coming. Warren had once kissed Liz Brunner at a high school dance. But their lips were closed tight. And it wasn't sexy. Tony's mouth was warm and open...his tongue was inside of the boy's mouth. Exploring and tasting. Warren let go of Tony's hand and reached around to hold him in a hug. He let them wander all over his shoulders and back. He finally dared to go down to touch Tony's ass. It was big and round. And solid. Without stopping the kiss, he pulled Warren's right hand to his crotch. Whoa! It was bigger and harder than the boy could have guessed. He also wasn't wearing underwear. Warren's mom had told him to always wear underwear, clean underwear. They reached a natural stopping point and kept walking. "That was nice. I like you, Tony." "Wow." That's he said as he draped one arm over Warren's shoulders. They walked like that all the way back to the dorm. It wasn't 11 pm yet, so they could go in the rear exit. On the 4th floor, Tony took a few seconds took look at the mural. Triangles with rainbows coming out of them. " You're right. This is pretty bad." Inside the room, Warren became keenly aware of how juvenile it looked. He'd brought goofy toys and memorabilia from home. One of his favorite possessions was a plastic Q-Bert bank he'd been given as a boy. He loved that video game even though he'd never really been that good at it. Of course Tony zeroed in on that. He picked it up and chuckled. "I remember this guy. He's cute. You are so boyish." "What do you mean?" Warren asked. "I meant that in a good way. You held on to that little kid inside." "Oh. Want me to turn on the TV. I don't know any of the channels yet. Choose something for us." Tony clicked on the little TV and scanned what was available. There were UHF channels here, which Warren's home town didn't get. A rerun of "Green Acres" was on. "Nothing on. Let me find something on your stereo." Suddenly Warren that his musical tastes would seem as silly as the plastic Q-Bert. But Tony was tuning the FM dial to a Latin station. Mexican music. The men who had worked on his parents' roof listened to this music all fucking day long. He wasn't really a fan...it sounded like a carnival to him. Aretha could kick all their asses. The little, barefoot Latin man started dancing just a few feet away from where Warren sat on his bed. It was sexy to watch. This guy who knew how to move his body. He took off his t=shirt and left it on the floor.If Tony forgot to take that shirt, he'd steal it and keep it forever. He had a broad hairy chest that was a little flabby. Not bad, just hefty. A thin trail went down his gut and into his shorts. Warren's dad and brothers were pretty hairy, but not him. He was like a newborn. Tony danced to a few songs and Warren wondered if he'd do a striptease. !!! His eyes were like an eagle's as he watched. "OK. I know this isn't your style. Put on something you like." This felt like a test to Warren. He wanted to play something they'd both like, but also a song that would continue the mood. Al Greene! Yes! "Let's Stay Together" was one of the best songs ever recorded. As soon as it started, Tony closed his eyes "Ah, yes. I know this. Dance with me." What? Well...He wanted to, but this was more of a listening song than a dancing song. OK. That hairy torso was pretty hard to resist. Tony removed Warren's shirt and pressed his body to his. Warren remembered slow-dancing with Liz Brunner to "True Colors" way back in the day. It was so tedious, but this wasn't. He held Tony's body to his and swayed a bit. Slow dancing never made sense until now. They resumed kissing as Tony reached over and turned out the light. Dancing in the dark with this perfect man. Yes! This kiss was different than the one n the park. It was deeper and more energetic...more meaningful. As the song was ending, Tony moved his mouth to Warren's right ear. "Want to fuck?" Fuck? Sex? "Yes." "Take off you pants. Take off everything and get into your bed." So he did as he was told. In the dark with only some streetlights coming in the window. "I...I don't know to do anything, Tony." "I'll teach you a few things. Want me to shower? I'm pretty sweaty and I'm sure my feet are filthy. Got a towel?" " Forget all that and just come here." Tony joined Warren under the cool sheets and soon climbed on top of him. "Am I too heavy?" "Not at all" "Do I smell?" "Yeah...but in a good way." "You'll belong to me pretty soon. Can you handle that? Handle me?" "Oh YES!" "That was your consent, Warren. You might not like this at first." "OK" Then the man on top of him suddenly got heavier as he worked himself down and spread the guy's legs with his hips. Tony knew this was a virgin and it would take a little work. He aimed his hard prick just right and let the tip kiss Warren's ass. "Yeah!!!" "That was the easy part. I should have had you blow me first. Spit would help this." But the oral time had passed. He had to fuck this kid. The head found the spot and moved in. He was IN! "NO! WAIT! I CAN"T" "Just get used to it a little. Relax. Push your ass muscles out a little. It's going to feel better." But Warren continued to protest. Loudly. Warren 's brain was over the rainbow somewhere. He thought of stepping on a nail -- only now the nail was puncturing him in a different place. Tony moved in a little further...and further. He scanned Warren's face, waiting for his grimace to turn into a smile. Oh god! An HIV man had his dick inside of him...and damn if it didn't seem perfect. "I'm fine. Fuck me. Cum in me." "Whatever you say..." The smaller man had a body made to fuck ass. His hips were strong and instinctive. Warren looked like he was in some glorious place, based on the expression on his shadowed face. "Shit! I'm gonna come! You can't change anything at this point! UGH! Here!!!" Warren felt the man release his seed deep inside of him. Perfect. So perfect. They napped a little...and then fucked again. It was morning when they woke up. Very early. The sun was creeping in to find two poz men wrapped in each other's arms. "I can drive you home, Tony. Where do you live?" "On Ohio Street. With my Mom. She'll make us breakfast." "Sounds great." They walked out into the morning light, holding hands.
    5 points
  2. It was my last day on Maui. My wife and kids took an earlier flight home and I was alone at the resort. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyone at the resort or nearby to fuck my ass. I was contacted by a very thin, AIDS wasted looking guy but he wasn't nearby. He said he was undetectable. He was, however, near the airport. So I took an Uber to his place and he took me to his barn where he had a sling set up. We spent the next hour fucking each other in the sling. Time was running out so i fucked him hard and bred his ass. Then I was mounted back in the sling and he pounded me hard before flooding my ass with his big poz load. It was a nice parting gift from the island and I took it home on the plane.
    4 points
  3. Part 10 On Matt's way to the hotel he gave James a ride to his dorm. As they pulled up Matt caught sight of a hunk of a stud walking out of the building. Matt simply asked, "DAMN! Who is the stud leaving your dorm?" Matt answered him, "You mean that repressed, closet fag?" Matt only shook his head allowing James to continue telling him about the guy who was a stuck up, condom nazi who always looking for an ass to fuck and was very particular about the guys. Matt asked James what he mean and James let him know that he only wanted straight acting bottom guys. Matt told James how much he'd like to bring this fucker down to earth by getting him high as fuck and then fucking him raw until his ass was dripping with poz cum. James let Matt know that there was a dorm party the coming weekend and maybe they could make it happen. James add, "I think you'd definitely be his type." The two quickly kissed and James hopped out before Matt drove off. Matt made a few phone calls on his way to the hotel to finalize plans for Luke's transformation. He arrived just before Steve arrive with a naked Luke in tow. Once inside Luke's new room Matt knew the next phase of Luke's training was going to involve teaching the boy to suck cock. Matt stripped down and climbed on the bed resting against the headboard as Steve directed Luke to get between Matt's legs and listen to everything he was told to do or else. This was the first time a cock was to enter Luke's mouth. Matt started off easy as Luke only sucked him hard. As Matt's cock grew so did Luke's ability. Although he couldn't take the entire length in his mouth it was a good start as Matt had him focusing on the pleasure he was giving. Soon there was a knock at the door and in came a man with portable laser hair removal machine. The plan was to permanently eliminate what little hair Luke had on his body. After a good session the guy that had come in with the machine told Steve and Matt to call him immediately if they see any hair growing back. Steve left with this man leaving Matt to continue Luke's 'oral training'. The boy had a ways to go before he'd be ready to meet and client Steve had for him. Matt made sure to coach Luke as he guided him further down on his cock. The plan was to destroy the boy's gag reflex and get him used to swallowing a guy's load. Matt could tell that the drugs were starting to ware off as Luke became a little more coherent to his situation. As Luke became aware of what he had done and was doing he also felt the need for more chems. Sure enough he paused to let Matt know he needed a slam. Matt promised "You'll get your slam after you finish sucking me off and swallow my cum." With how desperate Luke was for his slam he went back to sucking Matt's cock and with following Matt's direction he was about to get his first taste of cum. Matt was going to be sure that Luke didn't pull off as he grabbed the boy's head between his two hands just as he began to fill Luke's mouth with about a table spoon worth of cum.
    4 points
  4. FS PART 9 Stinger pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his muscular back. I watched as he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his jeans. He turned his head giving me an evil grin as he did. I could hear the buttons pop as he pulled the jeans apart. His hands gripped the sides of the jeans waist band and pushed them down. As he bent down to push his jeans further down his legs and exposing his firm ass to me, Dr Clown’s chest was exposed to me. It looked even more massive than it did inside his lab coat. The doctor had his hands on his hips. His belly was pushed out, looking more like a roid gut than a six pack. His biceps flexed as he watched me. He was giving me a little show. I wanted to see what was below his waist, but Stinger was still blocking my view. I was enjoying looking at his ass, was so inviting. “You looking at my ass, faggot?” He asked I was a little afraid to ask. I just watched as he stepped out of his jeans. He tossed them aside and reached back, gripping his ass check spreading them open. “It's a lickable pucker, huh cum dump,” Stinger said. I never answered, just continued my staring. “Cock got your tongue” he teased. He twisted around, still blocking my view of the naked doctor. I could see that damn scorpion tattoo that was burned into my memory. He slapped his hard cock bringing my attention to his crotch. It was really the first time I got a good look at his cock and balls. He was hairless. I couldn't remember if it was like that when he fucked me or was it new. “You remember this cock, don't you” he said, “it gave you your hole the first taste of venomous seed.” I did remember it, but I was focused on the doctor. “Move, you twisted fucking asshole” I screamed at him “Touchy touchy. Can we give him something Doc?” Then it happened. He moved. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. Between the doctors massive thighs was his huge fucking cock. It was so massive and adding to that mass was a metal cock ring. His cock was over a foot long and as thick as my forearm. His cock head was bigger than an apple, and was so engorged that it was almost purple. Hell, the whole massive cock was purple. The cock ring must have been causing him pain from being so tight, but his face was not showing it. “Gonna create a new freak!” Stinger said. The doctor walked forward, his cock bouncing as it pointed the way. He picked his enormous cock up as he got closer to my ass, allowing him to move all the way up to me, pressing his body against me. He let go and his cock dropped hard and fast down onto my balls. The pain was intense. I tightly closed my eyes and bit my lip to keep from crying out from the pain. “Brave fucker!” Stinger said The doctor moved back, dragging his cock down my stomach and across my cocks and balls, leaving a trail of dick snot. “Spit on that hole” The doctor said to Stinger. “More fun dry,” Stinger said, “more pain” “Spit” Stinger moved to my ass and dropped to his knees. He slapped my ass twice and laughed. “Wanted it warm for you, doc” He started to loudly clear his throat, bringing up some deep spit. My hole puckered as it felt the warm spit hit it. Stinger looked up over my balls and smiled. He stood and moved away. “Remind me Stinger, I need to give you something to turn that green spit back to clear,” the doctor said. Stinger broke out in a loud laugh. I felt the doctor’s cock head rub against my hole. He had grabbed his cock around the base and began to move his cock head around my hole, spreading out Stinger’s green spit. I began to sweat more, was it from the fever or the fact that I was scared of the pain that his cock was going to bring. “Scream as loud as you want. No one will hear you” Stinger said as the doctor nodded in agreement. “Well, no one outside this office suite” the doctor added. Fuck, they just hinted there were more people here. My mind wondered if they would come help me. I was about to find out. The doctor suddenly pushed against my hole, but it resisted. Stinger grabbed my nut sac and squeezed hard. Pain shot through my body. His grip tightened. The doctor pushed harder this time, my hole opened and he forced his whole cock deep into my ass. The pain was the worse I had ever experienced, it took my mind off my balls. “Works every time Doc” Stinger said proudly. I felt the tears well up in my eyes and roll down my face as I let out the loudest blood curdling scream. My breathing was erratic, very shallow, but there was still enough for a second scream. “He's gonna pass out,” Doc said, “get the salts” I don't remember anything after that, everything went black. Then I was awake again. Pain was still shooting through my body as the doctor pulled his massive cock completely out only to slam it back in balls deep. Each time my pain reacted violently by trying to escape the restraints, screaming. The fuck flu aches were over powered by the pain coming from my hole as it was forcibly fucked. Sweat poured off my body, soaking my hair and dropping from me onto the exam table. If anyone was in the office suite with us, no one came running to my rescue, as the doctor slam fucked me over and over. Stinger was standing next to my hips, his eyes locked on my hole and the doctor’s massive weapon as he slowly stroke his cock. Somewhere in the office music started to get louder, my guess it was to drown out my screams of pain. The doctor’s hands grabbed my hips as he slammed harder and harder. The metal Cock ring pressed against my lower back, sending more pain through my body. Each time he slammed in the pain became less and less intense, but never went away. “Going to get patient zeros strain here and now,” Stinger said, “he's the one who pozzes all of us carnies” “Fucking right,” the doctor said. His nut sac swung back and forth as he fucked me, it banged against the metal table as he drove his cock into my hole. His cock seemed to thicken and harden each time he plunged deep into my hole. “Let me coat your fuck stick Doc” Stinger said, moving back towards the doctor. The doctor pulled completely out of my hole, leaving me empty and gaping. I lifted my head off the exam table to watch Stinger jacking his cock, now faster and aiming his head towards the shaft of the doctor's purple monster. It was so hard it pointed straight out with out any hands to keep it there. “Here is comes” Stringer’s cock erupted, cum shot all over the engorged cock. His load was thick. It was the first time I saw the seed that was the first to infect my negative hole. It was the load the changed my DNA and my mind. As fast as Stinger’s cum stopped pumping out of his piss slit, the doctor slammed his cock back into my hole and started to fuck me again, same as before. Stinger was squeezing his cock as he slowly moved his fingers from the base to the head, milking out what ever cum was still in his pisser. He wiped the cum oozing out of his head on the fingers of his free hand. He put those fingers into his mouth and sucked them with an evil grin on his face. “Mmmm tasty” he said laughing. I watched his cock slowly go soft and go from sticking straight out to hanging over his balls. There was a drop of cum hanging from his head and slowly moving down towards the floor. The doctor was still raping my hole. He had stopped taking his cock completely out of my hole and was teasing the head on my stretched out hole, then driving in. “Working up a huge toxic load of venom for you” Stinger moved behind him and reached around his massive chest, grabbing his nipples. I watched his fingers work them, pinching them, pulling them, and then twisting them roughly. The doctor's breathing became quicker. “Good Stinger, always knows how to get me to shoot” He pumped for a few more seconds and then slammed into me balls deep. His cock pulsed and twitched allowing me to feel the load of cum that was being shot into me. He pushed in harder with each shot, even though there was no way he could get in any more. His cock slowly stopped shooting, but he just stood there, still deep inside my hole. “That will help with your conversion” he said. “What about the flu, will you help me with that.” I asked. “Nothing will help that, got to let it run its course or every load you had shot in you will have been a waste.” He replied. “Stupid fucker, we don't want anything to stop your conversion, you gonna be the next freak and our star attraction” Stinger said laughing. The doctor then pulled out. I could feel my hole remain open as his cock fell from my ass. He moved towards my head. When he was standing next to me, I turned to see the ugly monster hanging from his body, it was covered with a pink slime. I put his hand behind my head and pulled my head closer to the edge of the table. “Open wide, mother fucker, time for that hole to be stretched wide open like your other one” Stinger said laughing. It was then I realized tears were running down my face not sweat.
    3 points
  5. I typed out the rest of my night last week, hit the wrong button and it all disappeared. Damn! Okay, so here I go again and hopefully won't screw it up again. So I am in the sling with a towel over my eyes waiting for some anonymous action. I am almost asleep again when I feel a cock at my hole. I go to take a hit of poppers and before I can get the cap off the guy at my ass grabs them. I hear him take a hit then he hands them to someone else. This guy gives me a go at the little brown bottle then I feel a meaty thwack on my face. He must be tall because his crotch is right in my face. I go to work on his cock. Its nice, about 7 inches cut, very tasty. The other guy is working his cock into my hole. He's got a fat one and he takes his time, more for his own enjoyment I think than for my comfort. Even with my pre-stretched cummy hole he is a tight fit. I can hear the guys making out over top of me interspersed with frequent hits from the poppers. I am having a great time. The guy in my ass asks his friend if he wants a go at my hole. He says he can wait, to go ahead and load me up. A minute later I am taking a frantic fucking and I know he is about to blow. He cums hard, slaps my ass and is gone. My ass is not empty for long. My blow buddy immediately rams into me hard. It literally takes my breath away but he doesn't wait for me to catch up. He starts pounding hard. I am still flying from all the poppers I've been inhaling. He slows to take a big hit then leans in and presses his lips to mine. He breathes out filling my lungs with his poppery air. We do that for several breaths getting dizzy with poppers and a diminishing oxygen supply. Finally he breaks away. With a long low moan he fills my ass with his seed. One quick final kiss and he is gone. Two more guys fuck me in the sling. They were quick pump and dumps. I still had the towel over my face so I never saw a thing. Needing to stretch my legs I got down and walked over to one of the mattresses on the floor. Before long the counter guy was back. He lay down on top of me fully clothed. He asked me my tally and I told him. He said he had been telling guys I was here waiting to get fucked. Wasn't that nice of him. I could feel his hard cock through his jeans. Then he told me he had a couple of friends stopping by and if I wanted more cock all I had to do was stay where I was. He would be getting off in another hour and he would fuck another load into me. I happily agreed to it all. He began kissing my neck and dry humping me. His phone went off and he answered it. It was his friends, they were at the door. "Five minutes", he told me, "and you will have all the cock you can handle." I think it was less than five minutes. They must have broke some sort of strip record because I swear it was only a couple of minutes later and I was being manhandled by two beefy tops. It was very exciting and a little scary. I have never been so dominated by two men in all my years of barebacking. They were two hard fuckers and lucky for me their cocks were not too big for me. I'd say about a 6 and 8 incher. The bigger one was the top end of what I could handle the way they were fucking my ass and face. I was like some sort of poseable doll to them. They pushed and pulled me into all sorts of positions. All the while telling me what a good cocksucker or cum whore I was. Then they told me they wanted to cum in my ass at the same time. A DP! I had only been double-fucked once before in a motel room in Pensacola. It was fun but intense and I could not do it for very long. There was no way I was going to try and refuse these guys. I am not sure they would have listened. The guy with the shorter cock was already in my ass so he lay on his back with me sitting on him. He handed me the poppers and I inhaled deeply. Then he pulled me to him pushing his tongue into my mouth as the other guy pushed his manhood up my ass. My head was spinning from all the sensations but in a really good way. All three of us were sweating like crazy. The guy beneath me was pretty hairy and I was getting off rubbing myself against his fur. I squirmed in between them begging for their loads. With a growl, like they had rehearsed it, they both shot their semen into me. I collapsed thinking I was done but they stayed put. The guy below me whispered in my ear that his friend was always good for a second load. Sure enough after he caught his breath he began pumping again. I was a getting a bit uncomfortable at this point but what could I do. I gritted my teeth and took the fucking. It seemed to go on forever. It was such a relief when he finally let out a long low moan and blew his load. This time they both pulled out and then we lay together trading leisurely kisses and caresses. Once they left I was ready to go to but I promised I'd let the counter guy fuck me again. I stayed put. I didn't mean to get more loads but of course I was laying there ass up smelling of cum. A top climbed on me before I realized he was even in the room. I was worn out but damn I love it when tops help themselves like that. The counter guy showed up before he came so they started trading places all the while talking about what a good cum dump I was. They were talking like I was not even there. Just using my hole to get their nut. My cock was hard as ever. I took their loads and was glad for them. I practically had to crawl back to my room. It felt great falling asleep exhausted from fucking and filled up from all those beautiful cocks. This is just one of the many hundreds of night I have spent in bathhouses around the country. I love to hear about bathhouse fucking so if you have some encounters you want to write about I would love to hear them.
    3 points
  6. I had just been diagnosed HIV poz and learned my viral load was excessive. Anyone taking an unprotected load was sure to be converted. I was 51 and had a few younger lads with whom I regularly played, lads who were into Daddies. One of the lads was a a fairly shy somewhat nerdy dark haired slight lad who went by the nickname of 'Tiger'. At least that's the nickname he shared with me. We had been playing games for about a year or so, and had always barebacked. He was good at triggering my buttons and, as a consequence, he always went home with more than one load inserted deep in his guts. I hadn't told him yet about the issue about status as I had gotten the results only a couple of days before our next session. Thinking it over, I decided it was best to give Tiger the news face-to-face. I also picked-up some condoms - just in case he still wanted to get fucked. When he walked in the door I gave him a hug, explaining we needed to chat. With that I got the two of us a drink, led him into my bedroom, and taking him into my arms I began saying "Well Tiger, things are gonna be a bit different today and for a while. 'Cause I just leaned I'm HIV poz. It's okay," I added, continuing "I'm fine, I don't need counselling or hugs. To be honest, I'm somewhat surprised I went this long before seroconverting." Tiger made to comment, but I cut him off saying "Anyway, Tiger, here are some condoms. That's the change in the way we go at it, at least for now. My viral load is quite high, so we must take precautions to stay safe, especially because you're so much younger than me." When I paused in my announcement Tiger responded "Look, I barebacked you for a year. I'm not gonna stop now just because of this." "No, Tiger, come on, this is serious business. I don't wanna be responsible for having converted you. Be sensible." Giving me a snog, and tweaking my nipples, he easily got my cock hard and eager to play. I tried to get control of the situation by saying "Hey now, we've gotta agree: no bareback play." "Fuck off," he responded, adding "I decide whether or not I bareback, not you. It isn't your decision. If I wanna side down this diseased a toxic pole - well, that's my choice." "That's not fair to me, Tiger. I couldn't live with myself, knowing I had converted you. Again he snogged me, stuffing his tongue into my mouth and giving my nipples a twist. That is the most expedient way of getting (and keeping) me rock hard and burning with lust. Grabbing my cock, he spat in his hand, lubbed my cock and his ass, and, straddling my cock with his brown eye, he pushed his bum onto my unprotected toxic pole, admonishing "Remember, it's my choice and I want to climb on board for a hot fuck. I want to to ride you - and deep." Before I could react to his declaration he had slid all the way down my poke, and even if I was inclined to protest I could see the determination, lust, passion and sleaze which had combined in his decision. Admittedly my resistance was melting fast as I also found myself overcome with lust, particularly when I experienced the animalistic ferocity with which he slammed his ass down on my cock, his perverted tunnel enveloping my entire cock. Grabbing nearby poppers, Tiger huffed deeply, and then thrust the bottle under my nostril. "Okay, okay," I replied, "but promise to get off my cock before I cum, please," I grunted. Staring at my face intensely, Tiger answered "Okay, I'll try." Inwardly I sighed, thinking perhaps he would come to his senses. But I didn't have much time to dwell on what was, ultimately, Tiger's decision as just then he doubled, if not tripled the energy he was expending in riding my cock, shouting as he did so "You sleazy slut!" adding all manner of obscenities with each furious downward thrust. Nor did he neglect my tits in roughing them up even more fiercely than earlier, which, of course, brought me to the cusp of blowing my toxic load. "Hey Tiger, it's time, get off me, I'm gettin' close," I managed to warn. Tiger, however, only replied "Give me your toxic load, Daddy. Fuck your boy." "Come on, Tiger, you said you'd get off," I grunted, even as I had now joined in pounding his ass. "Okay, okay," he responded, making a move that led me to think he was about to dismount my cock, only to find, to my utter horror and complete startlement, to find he slammed back down on my shaft, sliding all the way down to my balls, simultaneously twisting my nipples, squeezing them hard as he gave me full on eye contact as he snarled at me "I want that fuckin' poz cum, Daddy! I want your toxic load. Holy fuck, give it to me now!" With that he squeezed my shaft with his ass muscles, and held me in position as he verbally demanded I give him my load. Naturally, at a certain point a man just can't be expected to hold off, so I didn't. I accepted the fact that Tiger was a cum whole, a bug chaser, and I should give him what he demanded of me so I let loose and flooded his hole with my toxic load, emptying an unbelievably large load of cum into his hole. As we came down from the orgasm Tiger grunted "Fuck condoms. I want your poz cum and that of all the other hot poz fuckers I can find. I want your disease. I want your AIDS."
    2 points
  7. The day five different guys dropped loads in me. I woke up that morning feeling horny as all get out. It was one of those morning at WVU that don't happen to often: sunny and warm in the morning. It is almost always gray in this small college town, so naturally a bright and sunny early morning left me hopeful of getting laid as I hadn't gotten any in several days, and I was in the mood to fuck and started looking for someone to take my load. Being in a college town, there was always someone around that wanted to get fucked or fuck. I pulled out the cell and started texting my ex's and a few fuck buddies to see if anyone was up and wanted a fuck. As it was 7:00 AM, and all the fuck buds were also in college, I wasn't all that surprised no one responded to my invitation. So I got a shower, put some sweats, a T-shirt on and hit campus for my first class, waiting to see if I would get a reply from someone. About 10:00 AM I got a reply from an ex saying he was in the mood but wanted to give rather than receive. At this point, I didn't care how I was going to get my nuts off so I told him to meet me at my place in 30 minutes. On the way to the house, my cell dinged again. It was a fuck buddy from one of my classes wanting to know when I was free. I told him to give me an hour or so, I would be free and able to fuck. I got to the house and Dan (the ex) was there already. Dan is a little stud, 5'9" 160 with a 30 inch waist and a killer, seven inch cock which was much thicker then a red bull can and, he can fuck hard. We always had/have great sex, just couldn't get along as a couple. After a quick kiss at the door, we headed inside the house to have some fun. As soon as we were inside, Dan pushed me to my knees, fished his cock out of his shorts and said "Suck." Dan is an arrogant SOB. I think that is why we couldn't make it as a couple. Just as I was about to go down on him, Dan commented "You better get it wet 'cause I'm not gonna use much lube." Danny boy liked it more on the dry side. I remember once he remarked he liked to feel the ass lips grabbing his cock as he slides in and pulls out. Neediness to say, I licked, sucked and swallowed his cock as much as I could in the little amount of time that he was giving me to get it wet. When he was ready, Danny pulled a little pack of lube out and showed me how much he was going to use, which was not much, but I was horny as hell and he could have taken me dry and I wouldn't have cared. He turned me around and pulled my shorts down, just below my ass, ran a lubed finger over my crack and started pushing his cock in. It had just enough slickness to start to slide in. As he is sliding in to me, he is spitting on my ass and his cock. He is taking it slow and is about half way in when he just grabs my hips hard and pulls me back into him as he thrust his hips forward. Borrowing the last few inches into me. As his balls hit my ass, he pulls back out till the head is just inside. Then starts to slide back into me again. He gets to half way in and slams into me again. When I awoke that morning I decided I wanted to top that day, but now that I was bottoming, it seemed as if that was clearly a hell of a lot better option then topping. Danny set his pace, three to four inches in and out, rutting my ass, occasionally commenting he was happy that I had gotten hold of him, that he had not fucked bare since the last time he drained his nuts in me. After 10 mins at that pace, he switched to a long dicking, pulling out to the point that his head was just left in and then driving to the base. Slow out to the tip and pound it back to the base, Danny was always good at the slam it back in, he had strong hands and a set of hips that were made for fucking. He would slam his cock into me as hard as he could and just hold it there for a few seconds, then slowly pull it back out and repeat, repeat, repeat. This went on for ten to fifteen minutes, only for Danny to pick-up the pace, and as I expected, he grunted "I'm getting close." That its about time for the slut to get its load, all I can was to say "Yeah, yeah, give me it." With one last slam in, he holds my hips as he unloaded into my ass, remarking "You're a good bitch and take it well as he withdrew. Getting to his feet, and pulling-up his shorts, he murmured "I've gotta run or I'll be late for class," adding "I'm sorry to don't have the time to stay and get you off." "That's okay, I replied, not telling him I had scheduled myself to meet a fuck buddy that same morning.
    2 points
  8. I attended my first CumUnion a couple of months ago in Vegas. And let me say it was amazing. I was very nervous and excited so I arrived somewhat early. Not surprisingly at that point in time there weren't too many guys in attendance, so for the most part (initially) I just wandered around, watching the club fill-up, and as I hoped, after a bit of time had passed the management opened the back room, which, when I checked it out, I knew was my kind of spot. In the middle of the room against a wall was a platform stairs that had bedding on it. Leading up to this point I has been too nervous to actually do anything, but as I walked up to the platform a pair of hands grabbed me and bent me over the platform from behind. I never really saw who it was but I am thankful to him. The unknown man slid my towel off my ass, and caressed my cheeks. Somewhat flustered I was about to say something when a bottle or poppers was thrust under my nose. Breathing in deep my head went fuzzy and I ended up just laying in the platform with this stranger behind me groping my ass. "Good boy, here we go," the stranger whispered into my ear as I also heard him spit on my ass and I feel his dick rubbing on my hole. A small moan escapes from my mouth. Mercifully he made me take several deep hits of poppers before he added some additional spit to my hole and thrust into my ass. At first it was quite painful, so naturally I bucked, trying to get up, but he dropped all his weight on my back, holding me still as he pumped slowly in and out of my ass, wordlessly growling his approval. My ass finally opens up and he goes faster, and before I know it I was moaning and screaming like a whore. "Oh, yeah, boy, take my dick! Take my fucking load," he grunted just as I felt him thrust deep before pulling out. Laying on the platform still before I can even move another dick enters my hole. Some other guy who I can't see has started fucking me next. An older gentleman starts playing with my dick as the other guy fucked me, whispering "Get ready boy. You have 's' line forming behind you all ready to breed that ass." I whimpered in response as the second guy continued to fuck me faster and faster, shouting just as he added his load to my ass. Once again as soon as he pulls out another dick is in my ass. That night I lost count of how many guys fucked me and how many loads I had. I could barely walk and cum was dripping out my hole. One of the best experiences I have ever had. Can't wait to do it again.
    2 points
  9. I'm supposed to be a straight guy, but my GF just doesn't want to fuck anymore. I'm getting more into gay sex and increasingly dirty wank habits. I've been sucking dicks and rimming etc.. for ages, but I've found I like being degraded, as you'll read below. Lately I've taken to going to the floor below at work and going into a cubicle. That floor is pretty quiet, so I can have a nice long wank uninterrupted. I started getting dirty and fantasizing about being pissed on, and, whilst naked on my knees, have taken to licking the cubicle toilet seat. This has advanced to cleaning under the seat and around the bowl with my tongue. Then the side of the toilet and the floor. Today I went one stop further. I was feeling bold. So I stood by the wall-mounted porcelain urinals and began wanking. Not naked - I'm not that bold as of yet. At first I began using my finger to wipe along the edge and then taste it, and found it tasted delicious. I had never been so turned on. Without hesitation I dropped to my knees, stuck my head into the urinal and licked up everything I could, all the the piss that was coating the porcelain. It was so good - and depraved. I couldn't help myself, and, within seconds, shot my cum on the floor. Usually once I cum, I'm done. Not this time. I dropped down and licked up my cum. Oh my god - it was the best. I kept it in my mouth and went into the cubicle and had another wank right away. I spat all the spit and cum out into my hand and used it to slowly finger my arse using two fingers as I'm rather tight. Licking my fingers, oh my god, I was in heaven. This was the first time I had ever tasted the combination of my arse and cum. It was amazing, definitely much hotter than pussy. My fingers came out of hole slightly dirty, if you know what I mean, which somehow made the experience even hotter. So dirty and exciting. It's an amazing feeling. I need to eat cum direct from someone's arse. I think I'm a bottom - I need to be fucked, wish I could eat cum direct from my own arse, LOL. Maybe I need to play with another bottom and a top.
    2 points
  10. I've really never cared for 'the money shot'. Just a waste of cum, even if it is just a squirt or two before shoving back in. The hottest videos I've seen had great close-ups of the tops cock and balls, and you could see the balls jump and his cock pulsing as he unloaded shot after shot and you just know that the bottom is getting flooded. That really got me hot, but maybe it's just me.
    2 points
  11. Sounds like it's just not the right choice for you emotionally xxww. I was just in a six-year open relationship that ended -- ultimately what did us in was less the open part, and more the long-distance situation we found ourselves in. When we were together in one place for four years, the open relationship was almost never an issue. We played apart and together, very frequently just the two of us but sometimes in three-ways or with other couples, one or two bathhouse excursions, etc. The only time openness was ever a problem during that time was a moment early in the relationship, when he concealed the fact that he was hooking up with someone from me on a night when I needed him, emotionally. I made it very clear that wasn't acceptable, and it never happened again. Ultimately we found ourselves living long-distance for an extended period -- two years -- and in that case, our openness DID lead to problems, because after a year or so I developed feelings for a hookup buddy. I told him about it, and told him that it could be serious, but he was unconcerned about it. I broke off the sexual relationship with this person, but remained friends; however, over time, i wanted more and more to be with him. It ultimately didn't pan out, but it did do damage. And even several months after all of that, when my partner still wasn't able to make the move out to where I live now (couldn't find appropriate work), we split, unable to keep it together anymore. Honestly, I see the problem much more as that of a long-distance relationship than an open one, because even through any feelings of jealousy, we were able to get through it by reasserting each other as our first concern. In an open relationship, your partner is THE most important person emotionally, and "logistically" as well (practical day-to-day life-partner stuff). And they remain the most important sexually even if you're not having sex, because what sex you do have is still governed by the terms you agree on together. If they need to change the terms for their emotional health, then you do it. But I couldn't have the most important person in my life be an absent person, and that's what committing to him long-distance was. Long-distance is bearable for a fixed amount of time, but with no set end date, I found it to be impossible. At the end of the day, I needed somebody here with me. I do think, when talking about a relationship that lasts for your entire life, a relationship with some degree of sexual openness is important for me, because variety keeps that part of my life -- my sexual confidence and expression -- vibrant and alive. But I'd still always want my partner involved in my sex life to some degree. And I also think it's crucial to start the relationship with an extended period of monogamy, to assert what commitment looks like when the chips are down.
    2 points
  12. Previously… “Thanks Theo”, I managed to keep control of myself to say. Theo looked at me and said “I’ll leave Gavin here to keep an eye on ya too lad, but I’ve got to go. You get any flack from any of them you let me know. Now let this fella take care of ya – hey, lad? What’s yer name?” “You can call me Kurk” Right so… So as Theo left, he told me to lock the door behind him. I was still clear-headed enough to stand up and do it. The lock turned with a satisfying click. I started to relax again. All that crazy outside could just wait. My arse was throbbing, a deep sensory overload rhythmically crashed over me like a wave, where all I could think about was my frazzled beaten ass, and then like wave it retreated. I turned back to Iain and Kurk. Part of me wondered how fucked-up I must look to them, but then this negative thought was countered with the saving grace of every chem party that I’ve been to since, which is the realisation that everyone expects everyone else to become totally fucked up, so you can fly your freaky fucked-up flag high! Another part of me wondered if they’d overheard the exchange in the hall, but then I reassured myself they couldn’t have had. Not from here, and not with all the shit they were on. Looking at them now, I definitely was not alone in my fucked-upedness. Iain was staring up at me grinning like a mad yoke. Obviously that fuck-tonne of MDMA he’d snorted was keeping him nice and buoyant. As a rugby player for the Northern Irish squad he’d been there when Simon had told me that he knew my tabloid journalist identity. Well he’d been there, but he hadn’t really been there. He’d been more focussed on sucking my cock clean from his and Simon’s ass juice and my cum, or else he’d been fixated on that big black dildo, and for that I was grateful. One less problem to worry about. And then there was Kurk. I turned to look over at him when another wave of sensation hit me. This time the pain felt …less acute, and more …detached? When the wave subsided I was still standing against the back of the bathroom door in my harness and chaps, Kurk was sitting on the bathroom floor trying to focus on me. He had asked me a question. I answered “Surry wee lad, whuh didja say” (Wow some serious slurring going on here – get it together lad). “So why am I trip-sitting you lad? What did you take?” I struggled to get the words out, “Slater shuvved… ahem… Slater shoved ketamine up my hole”. He raised his eyebrows at that, “well those lads can play very rough if you’re not clear with em.” I guess that was one way of looking at it, and try as I might to hole on to it, I was starting to lose my anger as whatever it was in my system continued to melt into me. Kurk continued, “Special K you say? That’s mad! I snorted some before coming in here too. Truth is, I think I was falling into a bit a K-hole before you came in”. He laughed gently as he struggled to get up in the steamy bathroom air. I laughed too, fucking perfect! This’ll be the blind leading the blind, or at least in this case, the K’d-up leading the K’d-up. I looked over at Iain, “how about you Iain? How are you keeping?” Iain was now sitting on the toilet while running his hands over his impressive physique. He kept circling his hands back to rub his nipples, licking one and then the other thumb to make his nipples glisten in the artificial light. He blinked and looked up me “did you say there’s Special K doing the rounds lad?” I shook my head and then remembered the pills in the bathroom cabinet. “No K Iain but maybe there’s something here we can take?” I looked around. The bathroom was laid out in a rectangle with the toilet opposite the bedroom door. Everything was tastefully decorated in Connemara Marble – a gorgeous mottled green limestone from the west of Ireland. Looking in from the door, the sink with bathroom cabinet overhead was directly beside the toilet in the middle of the room. This was where Iain had gotten the Caverject earlier on 0 Was that were I’d seen the pills? To the right of that again was a bidet and then a wooden standalone Ikea shelving unit – something probably with some unpronounceable Swedish name like Tråll or Øresond or something. It had drawers below and shelves above holding at least five rolled up fluffy towels and lots of bath accessories, and a drawer was open revealing a variety of sex toys – a vibrator, a portable douche, some butt plugs and what looked to be a fleshjack. I groggily decided I’d try out the fleshjack once I could think straight again. I always wanted to give them a go. And then there was the minipool… Fuckin hell. No accounting for taste I guess. Up against the bedroom wall and dominating the room was a half-full built-in mini-pool/Jacuzzi and shower complex, even with hot water jets. It was raised up off the floor about a metre and was the size of four or five normal baths. Cause of the angle, I hadn’t seen it when looking in at Iain last time, who could comfortably have seated his whole rugby team in it. Whatever Simon did in the courts, freeing IRA hitmen, absolving crooked RUC (our cops), well, it was definitely working for him. I for one, didn’t have a giant Jacuzzi/pool in my bathroom. I barely had enough toilet paper half the time! Another wave of short-circuitry overload hit me. This time the pain felt more distant. Like it was still in the same room as me, but we were old friends who could keep a comfortable silence together. Woah… I felt the rhythm of these waves was increasing. Was this like what pregnant women feel with increasing contractions or some shit? Coming back to the reality of the bathroom, I could see the guys staring at me. Kurk interrupted my reverie, “how are you feeling lad?” I replied, making sure not to slur, “um a bit out of it… and way too hot and sweaty to be honest. Everything’s getting a bit vague, more and more.” Kurk pulled himself up off the floor to sit on the lip of the pool, his pale taut naked stomach concertina’d as he did so – not an ounce of extra heft – just all six pack. He was a bit damp and still had some water droplets settled like dew in his short dark hair, his sparse chest hair and down his treasure trail to his thick pubes. Once he was properly up, he tapped the space beside him, beckoning me to sit down. His watery blue eyes looked to my harness and chaps and then widened when they focussed on my heavy semi-hard cock swinging in-between. He shook his head and regained focus, “maybe you should take the leather off?” Good idea. I quickly unbuckled the harness. However the chaps would be a bit of a problem. They were laced at the back. Kurk saw my confusion and beckoned me over. “Turn around” he ordered. I did so and heard the sharp gasp as he saw my raw ass cheeks. “What the fuck happened you?” he asked. I grunted back, “that Slater fella again. He took being dom a bit too far”. I could feel Kurk running his fingers over my red arse cheeks. “Does this hurt?” “Actually, no” I replied honestly, “the K seems to have numbed the pain, but I get these waves of disconnect…” I felt Kurk’s hand slow and pull off my cheeks. “I’m just gonna have a look at your hole now fella, if that’s alright?” I felt slightly sweeter toward Kurk now. Without Sven, he seemed to be a lot more into the little things that people like, like consent and all that malarkey. Another wave hit me. All the positive feelings I’d felt toward Kurk seemed amplified. Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind, I knew that this relationship had a sell-by-date. Someone would out me to him before the weekend was through. Then I’m sure that the best I could expect, was him completely cutting me out. The worst… well I didn’t want another repeat of how Tadhg reacted, and he’s only been in one scathing article of mine. Kurk and his affair with the homophobic first lady of Northern Ireland had been front page fodder for a half year or so – which is …forever, in newspaper time. As the wave grew, the sweetness I felt toward Kurk intensified, my awareness seemed to detach a little and I could rationally know that I was arching my back and spreading my cheeks for Kurk, but I didn’t really feel it. Instead I could feel how the energy between Kurk and my ass was getting closer and closer. I pulled my cheeks wider. The energy shifted as Kurk reached up to wipe away some lube, or powder. He pulled his hand back down. I willed myself to say through the receding wave, “uhn uh, could you do that again?” “Do what lad?” “Just rub your finger on my hole – I want to check how numb I am down there” Kurk chuckled and smiled a beautiful smile at me. “Sure thing lad. Tell me if it hurts there though”, His dulcet south Belfast accent was melting me too – I know many avoid a strong Belfast accent – the way he would say “there” as “thur” and end most sentences on a strong upward inflection. Many try their whole lives to get rid of the harsher parts of their accent, but I fucking loved it. It reminded of the rougher kids I went to school with – the ones I jacked off to in my fantasies as soon as I learned to masturbate. With that I felt Kurk bring his thumb down on my sore swollen sphincter, gently pressing against my still tight pucker and moving in a circular motion. I looked back at him again. His slim young pale body with his ghost-like pale skin, and a super-tight stomach, which didn’t even crease over his belly button as he squatted – fucking 23 year olds! He caught me giving him the once-over and grinned at me as he increased pressure from his thumb. I looked down to his cock – semi-hard, hooded and growing harder as he started to jack it – nice! Kurk started adding another finger and then a third, then the front of his fist as he made up and down motions against my hole. I rubbed back in sync as he graduated up to the whole side of his hand. I ground his hand up and down my crack from above my hole to the end of my taint. Kurk avoided working outside my crack though, keeping pressure off my two rosy cheeks, for fear of hurting me. Honestly though, with the special K, the whole area was fairly numb. I ground down on his hand to feel more sensation. To be honest, the thought of what I was doing - that was more of a turn on than the few nerve impulses that managed to make their way to my brain’s pleasure centre. This was a weird mind-fuck – and then another wave crashed over me. The waves were getting stronger. That last one felt like I wasn’t even there anymore. Something – some knot of sensation and attraction and blood and cum was there, but I couldn’t well say whether it was me, Kurk or Iain. I looked over at Iain, who was tweaking his nipples, looking at my display. Kurk had shifted position and was currently rimming me – how long was I gone that time? How did I not notice I was being rimmed? Again the act of rimming on my numb hole was cerebrally nice to look back at, but hadn’t even registered physically. Then my cock felt warm. I looked down to see Kurk had moved down to start sucking it backwards from behind me. I was still semi hard cause of the Caverject, and if he kept going, it wouldn’t be long till this position was impossible. His hand reached up to my waistband as he did this and I could hear him tugging at my laces. I felt more heat near my balls as Kurk continued to mouth-fuck me and tried to take as much of me in him as possible. I ground myself down into his mouth – his dark red lips were even more livid pulled tight around my shaft. Fuck me, that kid was hot. Soon enough I was stepping out of the chaps and broke contact with Kurk (his bruised-looking fleshy red lips looked empty as I pulled out) to bring them with my harness to make a pile by the door. Fuck! My legs felt really heavy, even with just walking that short bit across the bathroom. Iain, on that side of the room, sitting by the toilet, caught my leg and started stroking his hand up and down it. I looked down to him. His eyes were widely dilated as he looked up to me, his other hand jacking his meaty cock. However, hunky rugby player or not, I thought it’d be best to sit with Kurk. At least he was also going through what I was. I bent down and kissed Iain on the lips. He tasted of mouthwash and flicked his tongue across mine. “Sorry Iain, but I’m gonna go sit by Kurk. I’m feeling pretty disconnected with the K” Iain shrugged and asked “is there anything more of that around?” I thought and didn’t particularly want to reopen the bathroom door, so I thought again about the pills in the cabinet. I reached over the sink and opened the small cabinet where Iain got the Caverject. I quickly found the baggy of pills. “Iain – what are these?” Iain brightened up when he saw them and said, “Oh fuck yeah, I’d forgotten where they were. They’re my stash of Ecstasy. I didn’t know how good they were – Mircko, Lee, Si and me took some before we contacted you, but they took a long time to hit and it wasn’t until after we’d talked to you that they peaked. It was before you came over, which is when Mircko, Lee and Simon really gave me a good seeing to, heh”. He twisted his right nipple and chuckled with the memory of this. I remembered the Polish looking guy and the other silver daddy Lee – still in good shape with defined hairy pecs – in fact lots of salt and pepper body-hair, but anyone would find it hard to be compared as “the other silver fox” to Simon’s golden god-bod. I’d seen Mircko fisting Lee in the other guestroom. The one I was expected to be in right now. No wonder Slater had spiked me with K. My ass could probably take some serious damage right now and I wouldn’t mind. Those four must have take turns gang-banging Iain while I was showering at home, just before I left for this place. Iain related how Mircko had fucked Lee till he came, then used Lee’s cum to lube his cock back into Iain’s hole and cum up there. The thought of what had happened minutes before I came in to this place was hot. My semi-hard cock bobbed in front of Iain and he opened his mouth and took it – no hands. I chuckled “I’m afraid, I washed my cock just before coming in here lad” remembering Iain’s indiscriminate love of ass-to-mouth. He let go and nuzzled his face against my hard 10 inch boner. There was a bit of spit or precum coming off it and Iain rubbed his lips and cheek and many-times-broken nose against it, leaving a silvery trail – getting marked by me. There was something delightfully perverse and sub about the way Iain, the big strapping rugby prop forward, debased himself for any cock. I took some pills out of the baggy. They were white and had a dove logo stamped on them and I tried to remember if there’d been any warnings about white dove pills in the last while. I thought about my increasing trippiness with the K and how maybe it’d be good to set up a rush to keep things positive in case I did find myself stuck in a K hole. Kind of like how you take pills before LSD to ensure a good trip. I looked down to Iain, who was sucking my cock again. Fuck – how’d I not notice that? “How many pills did you take last time?” “Just one, but I guess you can add the MDMA to that tally as well” I did the maths in my head – he’d done at least two or three lines of MDMA. He’d need to redose with about half that. I bit a pill in half and gave him one and a half of them with some water. I turned to Kurk who was fixated on the pool’s controls. “Kurk… Kurk! …KURK!?” Kurk zoned in again – I wasn’t the only one wandering off it seemed. “Kurk, did you do any pills apart from the MDMA?” He shook his head. Offering him the glass and pill I said, “here’s one and some water” and when he’d swallowed, I took the pill and a half I’d set aside for myself. God those things were bitter! I crossed the room. Again it felt like my legs were made of lead. Turning back, I saw Iain had already started dusting off Hugo. A man who knew what he wanted! I sat down on the pool edge, and immediately stood up again. Fuck! Direct pressure on my ass still made it sting like a motherfucker! Kurk looked me over and smirked as he looked down to my welted ass and realised my predicament. “Of course!” he exclaimed, “that can’t feel fun. Hang on…” Kurk reached behind himself and found the tap. Setting the temperature to a luke-warm, he sat into the pool on the inbuilt shelf that ran along one side – there was enough room for at least two if not three on that shelf alone. I stood and zoned out again as another wave crashed over my consciousness. When I came back, the pool had filled up. That time all I remember was the pleasant sounds of the water gushing. Once it was nice and full, the 23 year old beckoned me in. I stepped in at the deeper side and slowly bent my knees. My hot ass hit the water and I was worried the effect would sting, but instead it felt cooling – like camomile lotion when you’ve the chicken pox. I sighed with palpable relief and turned to my young saviour. “Dude, this feels wonderful, how can I repay you?” Kurk looked past me, his eyes out of focus. I waded over to him and waved my hand in front of his face. “Kurk, are you listening?” He snapped back to me, “oh man this stuff is heavy, um, maybe lets drain the pool a little. I don’t want us having any accidents” – which by the way, looking back now was a very fucking smart move on Kurk’s behalf – lads NEVER mix Ket and baths…. Bad idea! He turned around and kneeling on the inner shelf with his torso fully out of the water and his back to me, the young lad started to turn the control for the drain. The moving water swirling past my feet, my legs, my ass, felt wonderful. The K really started to hit as I stood there, hip-deep, then thigh deep in the water. The feeling of buoyancy and the energy of the luke warmwater was fascinating, but I was having difficulty keeping track of who was experiencing this – who was I? As soon as I realised I was having problems hanging on to my sense of self, the “sense of self” that perceived that, slipped away and then I* realised that I was having difficulty understanding or pinning things down. I got stuck in this chase for my own sense of self. Then I remember gradually raising my hand out of the water and marvelling at the pearls that dripped off one by one as if time slowed down, the droplets looking more like 2D circles than 3D spheres. As the water level went down, I unconsciously lowered myself to my knees to be once again enveloped by it. The ketamine worked on my perception of my senses – where I define my body - where it begins and ends, and in that water I couldn’t figure that out. As the wave of ketamine intensified, my awareness freed itself from my body and I became an underwater being, a water elemental, a selkie, a water current come to life. The sheer joy and beauty of it is so hard to describe probably cause we’re visual creatures and our language has developed to describe mostly what we see. Ketamine instead ups your other more mental sensations – you know those sensations of how you know someone behind you is looking at you, or when you feel you’re being followed, or in a dark room how you can tell the room’s dimensions. Well multiply all that by a thousand and then fuck with it. I knew how to estimate dimensions alright, but I’d no idea if they were the dimensions of the room I was in or the memory of my childhood bedroom or maybe mapping out the landscape of some blockbuster superhero movie I’d gone to see that week. One of my exes Kevin swore K helped him to speak to god who was currently being channelled through a homeless black woman in New York, and whatever did happen, it helped him put a lot of his issues in perspective. He was always much more chilled after that. For me, I’d only really tried it when Kevin sourced some again after that first experience and the four of us (me and my three exes Kevin, Andrew and Joe) spent the weekend trapped on the bed, rolling our naked bodies together like planets that were in orbit of each-other. My sense of distance was judged by how close the other guys in the room were, and not where inconsequential things like walls, bodies or directional coordinates like up or down were. That weird 2D dimension sense started to kick in again and I felt I was stepping outside myself, seeing my kneeling body, hip-deep in the deeper part of the pool. Right in front of me was Kurk, thigh deep in the water and kneeling on the shallow shelf and his back and ass to me – more like a gay erotic cartoon than real-life though. He’d spaced out as well and had let the drain stay open - which was a smart move, looking back at it now. He was currently slowly squeezing a squeeze-top shower gel bottle – he’d covered his whole hand with shower gel and was watching the goo slowly slide over his knuckles. I reached my hand over to him and my body’s vision flashed back in to show my hand reaching out and caressing his right thigh. Back in my out-of-body view I watched as Kurk turned and said something unintelligible to me. He was smiling and as I ran my hand up to his ass, my awareness shifted gear again to zoom in on the action of my hand running up the side of Kurk’s leg. Each hair I ran over felt like a giant redwood being knocked down in a forest, my hand was an unstoppable force of nature – a landslide sweeping everything in its path. The landslide approached a rise in the land it was spilling over, the foothills of a mountain. Not just any mountain but a huge mountain. Bigger than any on Earth. Olympus Mons growing out of the Martian landscape pushing out through the thin Martian atmosphere into actual space… I moved my hand up over the dome of his arse. My vision shifted gear once again. Now I wasn’t seeing as much as sensing. The mouth leaned forward. The human in front leaned back and opened its ass. Pressure and soft skin. The tongue navigated steam, hair, sweat, tightness – much tightness, inaccessibility. The hands helped and the tightness lessened. Gear shift. I could hear my breath. I was breathing into Kurk McCaimble’s hairy ass. His hole was young, tight and vivid pink underneath the dusting of dark hairs. I moved in again to lick it, moving the closest wiry hairs out of the way. He jolted as I touched tongue to his pucker. The self-aware energy that poured through that connection – it was like water from a burst dam, but going both ways. I knew he wanted to grind into my tongue, and I knew he knew I was braced and ready for it – the water had continued to drain till there was only a few centimetres left. Kurk followed up his body language and pushed back, the rimming got more intense and started to turn into proper tongue-fucking. I slipped my hands further up his arse. My right index finger pushed forward to play with his hole while I continued licking. Spitting on my finger, I started to probe the tight know of muscle. Kurk bucked at my invasion. I guess he didn’t usually bottom, cause next thing I know I could feel the muscles further up Kurk’s back were tensing. I looked up to see his right arm reaching for another knob. Then all of sudden – rain. The shower was on. I had to immediately stop rimming cause anyone will tell you, rimming in a shower is like waterboarding, you can’t do it and breathe at the same time. Kurk turned around to me as I adjusted to the warm water flowing down on me from the two rows of six massive shower heads spaced above the pool. Simon really loved his bathroom fixtures. Kurk was now sitting on the edge of the pool in front of all the knobs. He was laughing with pleasure from the water. He stood up on the inner shelf so his cock was above my head height. He made another sound, but I couldn’t hear him over the increasing rush of the water. Increasingly Kurk’s laughter seemed to come from further and further away. I could understand his sheer joy. The percussion of the water droplets from the oversized showers was divine. I felt I was I some tropical water world. I lay back and let the water hit my chest in a sharp staccato pitter patter. Being in the shower on K was intense – I felt my consciousness could travel through the droplets but only the closest ones, before the first or second millisecond before they hit my body – that was some weird boundary to my being. My mind could inhabit these perfect little spheres of water – each of them mini-universes in their own right – cyclical, phasing through their own big bangs and rising and falling of civilisations, my mind was like a god spirit to each of these as they crashed up on my skin and were destroyed. But more were ever coming. Such was the cycle. I slipped into a trance of trying to chase my own consciousness in through the waterdroplets, for who knows how long. In the distance I made out a big pink shape come through the waterworld. Ian stepped into the pool and gathered me up like a rag-doll into a crushing kiss. His broken nose pressing into mine, his lips pulled tight, the rush of air from my lungs to his, all while the water enclosed our twosome in a constant roar. Iain was only readable in pieces. The three dimensional plane had broken into flat fragments. Jet-black hair plastered to his forehead. Eyes closed, water trickling over feminine long lashes. My hands on his white pumped-up pecs. Water droplets building up on dropping off his erect pink nipples. His mouth descending on me for another kiss. His tongue battling mine. He tasted of strength and bitter ecstasy tablets. He turned me around facing Kurk, though I couldn’t see him through the rain, and all of a sudden I was cold. The rain had stopped. I wanted so desperately to re-enter the beautiful water-world, but as I my confusion died down, I could hear Iain and Kurk talking. Oh. They were talking to me. I remember not feeling any of the typical paranoia you feel with other drugs where you worry that people will see how high you are. Any concern like that seemed from so far away. They repeated themselves. Something about kneeling. I knelt down and could sense Iain’s big dick and heavy balls just hanging out of my vision over my right shoulder. In front of me were Kurk’s hairy pale legs. I looked up to Kurk to see if I could make out what was going on. He was hold his heavy flaccid cock in his hands, no, not fully flaccid, what’s the word, tumescent. I heard more noises. My skin was growing colder. Someone said something ending in an upper inflection. They asked a question. It came from so far away. The question was repeated and I needed to answer it. But I started to feel that there was this growing distance between me and the lads. Remembering what Theo said – about avoiding a K-hole, I remembered advice from years ago from Kevin. Just that if I ever found myself in a K-hole, to remember to relax and understand that there were layers to everything. Consciousness is an emergent property of our nerves firing together. Society is an emergent system a layer higher than that. We’re always part of each layer. With that I felt very chill again. I was riding the K trip, on the crest of the wave, holons higher than mere individual consciousness and so I nodded, thinking that might be the right answer to start the water again. I leaned back against Iain’s sturdy legs as Kurk’s body grew increasingly fragmented. All my vision was becoming fractured. The world began to look like I was looking through a kaleidoscope. That was when the first splash came back. Not of water, though it was the same warmth, no this was saltier. It was strong smelling. What … Oh… Kurk was pissing on me. I knew there was a part of me that should be a little pissed at this. I wasn’t a natural sub, as I’d repeatedly proven to myself over the night. But that part of me was very far away. I felt the pure golden energy pour, washing over me and I raised my brow to get more fully under the stream. It felt raw and clear and was beautiful. I was a penitent monk and this was my baptism, I was reborn in this yellow straw coloured stuff of heat and wet and connection to something holy. To this day, trippy songs like Robyn and Royksopp’s “Monument” bring me back to this moment. Maybe it was playing outside in the master bedroom. The very edge of the liquid molecules of piss as they flowed over my skin seemed to be a wave of miniature hands caressing my body – taking me in, accepting me. Kurk was pissing, pouring his love and acceptance on me and I took it in. I raised my head even more and it started to sprinkle against my lips, beckoning me, inviting me. Open up! “Let me in!” Kurk’s disembodied head seemed to say as it formed out of the green marble tiling. I couldn’t say no, I opened my lips and let the fine amber wine flow down into my mouth. I’d tasted piss before so I wasn’t too shocked by the sour taste. In fact, the more I tasted it, the more subtle flavours I could tease from it – bitter notes of coffee and dark chocolate. I needed more. I opened my mouth further and arched my neck to get the stream directly hitting the back of my throat. I let my mouth cavity fill up and then gargled the piss as more came in. The agitated piss slipped out over my mouth and poured down the side of my face again. As I arched my back further and further, so my head was held parallel to the floor, the piss started to swash up and over my upper lip. It trickled and then flowed down my nostrils – more holes that needed anointing. I needed piss all over me. I rubbed my hands on face, moving that piss through my hair, up in and around my eyes, behind my jaw, in my ears – “don’t forget to wash behind your ears” I heard my mother’s voice say. Fuck – I was tripping. As I lost myself to the bliss of Kurk’s golden shower, after a while, he reached the end and he was stopping and starting his flow. The top of my head gently bopped off of Iain’s hung balls still behind me. I looked over to the rugby player, and as I did Kurk fully finished. As I looked up to the built fucker, my gaze climbing steadily up his defined six, no, eight pack and bulging tit-pecs, I knew I wanted his piss too. I needed to be marked by both of them. I tried to get my heavy legs to work. My mind tried to re-enter my body. No luck. I tried to communicate with Iain. As he wasn’t on K – but still really high, it took him a while to figure out what I wanted. He reached down, and with very little effort, pulled me up into his arms, turned me to face him and made me sit back down on my ass on the pool’s floor. Then grabbing my legs by the knees, he upended me, so I was balanced on my shoulders in a small puddle of piss. The smell of Kurk’s piss got noticeably stronger down in that puddle. Iain put my hands on my ass cheeks and made me spread them, giving him a bullseye to aim for. He chewed on my reddened hole for a bit and whacked his cock off my arse. At that point though, my ass cheeks were totally numb. “Anoint me” I think I* croaked, though I couldn’t be sure. Either way, a few seconds later I saw the first few dribbles come out of Iain’s cock. It must have been tough for him, as he was on uppers too, but he managed a steady flow after a few minutes of cajoling from Kurk and I. My hole was open and like my mouth before I let it fill up with this precious juice. I barely felt it to be honest, but I knew it was important to get marked by these men. I was Achilles getting bathed in invulnerability. I was Siegfried bathing in dragon’s blood. I was a dragon, but to connect with my prey I had to be absolved. To understand the other side of things – both sides now. Clouds. Fuck! Trippin balls. The piss quickly overflowed my ass and as it passed over my body the rivulets divided and sub-divided as they made their way down. Piss trickled down my legs, my back, my sandwiched upside-down stomach, my small pecs, down my neck into my hair, onto the floor. Little rivulets ran down my upside-down and still-hard cock, which was pointed at my face and made it look like I was pissing my self. I opened my mouth to the juices dripping from my cock and was surprised by the difference in taste between Kurk and Iain. Still. Iain’s piss tasted more like honey and weed - herby, less bitter than the coffee/dark chocolate tastes of Kurk earlier. And then Iain was done too. I remember turning myself around and lapping at the piss puddled under me – I couldn’t waste any of it. I’d never been such a piss pig before or after this. Maybe I was copying Iain as he bent down beside me to lick the piss from my skin. God we were such fuckin perves. I realised I* was on all fours then as Iain started to work his semi hard cock into me. Gone were my inhibitions about bottoming. If I could take Orson, I could take Iain. I ground back on him, opening up enough for his sloppy semi-hard cock. There’s something beautiful about being so open that people can “push rope” into you. However the K had really worked a wonder on me and so I ended not remembering or feeling much of anything over the next forty minutes or so, as Kurk and Iain took turns fucking my ass. I remember at one point Kurk felt he could piss again and pissed inside me for a bit, but again I didn’t feel it. We all took turns fucking eachother – but the memory of the forty minutes got really jumbled after the piss-play. I’ve a distinct memory of fucking Kurk – reverse cowboy style while telling him I loved him. I mean obviously that was the Ecstasy talking, but it’s still sweet to remember that. Later I remember working with Kurk to get Hugo further into Iain (again). All in all, K’s a double edge sword and candy flipping with ecstasy mightn’t have been my smartest move. More experienced mates of mine just shook their head when they heard about my overall drug tally. I tripped balls but also wrecked myself with all the drugs trying to command my body and awareness to do five different things at once. The overall trip was also a bit manic and … uncomfortable? That’s a holder word until I find a better way to describe feeling like your skin’s gonna crawl off while you sit in one place and wonder why gravity doesn’t work anymore, and continually have to ask yourself - which way is the centre of the earth? After that weekend I swore I’d never do K again as a party and play drug, or at least never booty bump it. I later broke both of those promises to myself, but I’ve still kept one promise – do K on its own without anything else. I’ve since figured out how to have a beautiful trip from it that I can remember much better than mere mental snap shots of getting a giant dildo hilt deep in some young beefcake rugby player. * These are probably good points to interject that when I wrote “I”, I really meant “It” cause I was feeling super-disconnected from my body at this point. Not fully out-of-body, but close enough. When eventually I started to realise who I was, I was straddled over Iain in the pool, squatting over his face, while Kurk sat on his cock, bouncing up and down while his own cock was making a mesmerising helicopter spin. There was knocking on the door. Wait – what was I doing? I felt some tentative licking on my hole. “Go on, just see if you can” I realised that Iain had cajoled me into trying to take a dump in his mouth – he was such a filthy bastard! Luckily (for my feelings anyway) I’d not been able to perform – the ecstasy had fully kicked in and I was coming up. Also I’m pretty sure I’d nothing left up in there at this stage – it’d been nearly half a day since I came there. This time yesterday I’d been eating chilli-fries at a rugby match watching the guy currently rimming me fight a losing battle against the All-Blacks. Damn, life is full of weird twists and turns. Whether it was the E or what I burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. The knocking came back louder now and I swivelled my head and was delighted I could focus my attention again – My attention. I knew who I was again! My trip down the rabbit hole was coming to a close. “Guys? Are you ok?” It was Orson.
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  13. Part XII As my ass was being pounded over and over, my mind was still completely befuddled. What the hell am I doing? Then it was like omg I want this to never end. Back and forth, what a conflict, but the wanting was far greater and the feeling of pleasure of that beauty of a cock ravishing my hole and rubbing my prostate was too much to ignore. My bud was getting faster now and harder. It felt like he was trying to drive me through the table we were on, but the pleasure never stopped. In and out went his cock driving us both crazy with pleasure. Then I could actually feel his cock seem to expand more and more and I knew he was getting close to filling my hole with his POZ cum, again, and I wanted every drop of it. Then with one more mighty thrust as deep and hard as he could, I felt his cock start to throb and knew he was cumming in me and my own cock started to spew my cum between us at the same time. He ground into me and then it was done. He rolled off of me and then scooped up the cum on our stomachs from my orgasm and licked it off of his fingers and then leaned over me and kissed me, feeding my own cum into my mouth, with a deep kiss. As we both started to recover, I noticed that a couple of more guys, I had never seen before, had entered the tent and were standing next to the table. They were both naked as well and my eyes almost bugged out of my head as I noticed they both had hardons that looked like they might have extra legs. They looked like twin cocks and had to each be around a foot long and bigger around than my wrist. My buddy then told me that this was the surprise he had told me about when I got there. They had just come in last night and he had told them about me and they both wanted to try me out. I just stared, thinking there was no way anything that big could possibly get in me. As my bud got up, one of the new guys climbed on the table in his place and lifting my legs up he crawled between them and and started to rub his huge cock around my hole. I was scared out of my mind and could only think that there was no way that could possibly go in my little hole. Then he started to push and to my surprise I could feel it edging its way in, slowly but surely and then with a pop, the head was in me and then he started to sink further and further into me. My head just rocked back and forth as I moaned out, no, no, stop, it is way too big, but he didn't stop and kept pushing deeper into me. It seemed like forever when I realized his stomach was against me and his whole mammoth cock had to buried all the way in me. I couldn't believe it. With only a few seconds of waiting he then pulled back and slammed it into me hard. I almost screamed with the pain of that thrust and could actually feel the lips of my ass split some. I knew he had torn me up with that thrust and tried to stop but couldn't move as he started to pile drive my ass faster and faster and harder and harder. My pain became pleasure again and I found myself pushing my ass back at him on every instroke. My head rolled from side to side as I could only moan in pleasure. I barely registered my original buddy leaning down to tell me, have fun, these two probably have the highest viral levels of poz cum of any of us here, so you are being very well bred. For the next two hours, these two new guys, took turns, pounding my hole. First one for a while and then the other one would climb on. Finally, the first one to go, told me he was ready and I could feel every single throb of his monster cock as he came for what seemed like forever in me. Then the other monster cock was back in me and after another 10 minutes he told me he was ready and again the throbs and huge amount of cum were deposited in me and this time I felt my own cock erupt again and as he had basically tipped me almost upside down by then, my cock was pointed right at my face and I opened my mouth and my cum filled my mouth full as I gulped it down my throat.
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  14. I am so glad you guys are enjoying it! Thanks for the comments. Part: 10 So I spent the next few months taking poz load after poz load. My son turned 18 but stayed in town and went to the local college. The wife still had no sex appetite but that was fine by me. Honestly, our marriage was better than it ever was. One day I got an updated notification on the app. “it’s time to share your gift. We know you enjoy taking a poz load, but how about giving one? Help our community grow. With this new app upgrade (platinum level) you can toggle on your app between top and bottom. Happy hunting.” Fuck, this was a new twist. I had been having so much fun being a cum dump I didn’t care about topping but now that the app mentioned it. The idea of spreading my seed turned me on. I was home alone again so I figured I would try the new feature, I flipped the app to top, entered notes and hit search. Within 10 minutes I got a notification. There was a bottom on his way. This would be the first time fucking in my house. I was a bit nervous but the family was gonna be gone for a few hours so I should be ok. The front doorbell rang. I opened it and there stood a guy, pretty cute, looked college age. Nice and fit with a huge smile on his face. “You ordered?” “Come on in, how old are you?” “19 sir” Fuck, so young, my cock twitched. I was leading him to my bedroom when we walked by my son’s room. I don’t know why, but I turned and went in there again. Something about fucking my poz load into this 19-year-old kid on my sons bed turned me on. I pushed the kid onto the bed on all fours. I dove face first into his ass. It was so smooth, I forced my tongue up his hole. Opening him up, getting him nice and wet. I slipped a finger into his ass. I had seen videos on line about tops pozing so I had let my nails grow. I stretched his ass, digging in my nails, scratching him up. I finally pulled out and there was a tinge on pink on my fingers. He was ready, I lined my cock up with his pussy and went right in. The kid grunted and started moaning, bucking back onto my cock. Fuck, young pussy felt so good. I couldn’t wait to shoot my poz load into him. He was getting a bit loud and I didn’t want the neighbors to hear. I looked around and saw my son’s dirty laundry. Fucking kid living in a pigsty. I reached down and grabbed a pair of my son’s dirty underwear and shoved them into this kids mouth to keep him quiet. I started to pick up pace, just the thought of busting my poz load into this kid had me going so I couldn’t hold on for long. I felt the familiar urge and I went balls deep, squirting load after load into this kid. Fuck, I came down from my high and pulled out. The kid immediately turned around and licked my dick clean, then looked up at me and said “thank you.” Fuck this kid was good. It was hot enough to get me going again and I pumped a second load into him before sending him on his way.
    2 points
  15. FS PART 8 About a week later, I got sick, really sick. If it was the flu it was the worst flu I have ever had. I decided to go to the doctor, but not any doctor, I was going to go to the one that Professor gave me the card for. I found it and called the number on it. There was on answer, just a message about no appointments needed, just come in and you would be seen. I decided that’s what I could do. I dressed like it was ten below outside, even though it was in the high eighties, but I was freezing. I got quite a lot of stares as i waited for my cab. Once he arrived i got in and gave him the address that I want to go to. “Are you sure that’s the address?” the cabbie said “it’s wants on the card,” “okay, but it might be a long shot. That address is for a clinic that has been shut down for a couple of years” “I just got the card about a week ago, maybe it’s a new clinic” My mind wondered, was this a set up, but with the way that I felt I didn’t care. I just closed my eyes, laid my head back and enjoyed the ride. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the cabbie was yelling at me to pay up and get out. Shit I must have been out cold. The building i met at I stepped out of the cab was more than run down, it looks as if it should have been condemned. It was too late to leave, because the cab sped off leaving me standing on the curb. Shrugging my shoulders I walked towards the door and entered. The inside was worse than the out, yet there sat someone behind the information desk with their back towards the door. As I approached I could smell funnel cakes, weird, but there was a strong odor of funnel cakes. “Excuse me, but I am…..” I said, stopping short when she turned around and I saw that it was the bearded woman sitting behind the desk. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that i wasn’t hallucinating her. “Take the doors on the left, go down to the basement, then straight ahead to the last door on the right. Hurry now, the doctor is waiting for you.” the bearded lady said. I went through the door, and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, i began to hear clowns laughing. I shock it off, thinking that it was just the flu messing with my mind. The more I went down the hall, the laughter was replace with upbeat carnival music, the funnel cake smell was gone, but popcorn took it’s place. I got to the last door and stopped. The name on the door grabbed my attention. I pulled the business card from my pocket and the names matched. Dr. Clown, was printed on the door as well as the card in big black letters. I closed my eyes and shook my head. You must be fucking kidding me, that was his name. I never paid attention to the name on the card. I reached out, opened the door and went in. As I entered, I noticed faded green chairs with worn seats lined up against the wall to my left, to my right was a sliding window with frosted glass that were closed and a door just to the left of that. The frosted glass slide open loudly, making me jump. Laughter erupted on the other side of the opening. It had an evil tone to it. “Good to see you again” Stinger said, “your bug chasing is reaping it’s reward, the fuck flu” “What the fuck” Stinger just laughed harder, sliding the glass window shut. I could see his outline move from the window. There I was alone in the waiting area to a doctor I didn’t know if he was legit or not. The lights flickered above, as chills shivered through my body. The door opened and Stinger motioned for me to come. My head hung in shame as I walked through the door, into a hall of doors. They lined each side of the hall. “Welcome to the fun house” Stinger said laugh, “Pick a door, any door” I pointed to the second door on the right. “That door, oh I wouldn’t pick that door” he said grinning. I pointed to the one across the hall from my first choice. “oh that’s a good door” he said again laughing. He was so different here in the office compared to being at the carnival. There was something different about him I didn’t know what. At the carnival he was forceful, here he was insane, everything was funny. He lead me to the door, opened it and pushed me in. He followed me in and shut the door behind him. Inside was an actual exam room, one you would see in a doctors office, it was just dated. Very dated. It almost looked as if one stepped back in time and was in the eighties. The lights flickered in here too, adding to the dated look and giving the room a more sinister look. “Strip, get on the table, and open wide” Stinger said. I slowly stripped naked and instantly got cold and hot. I knew my fever was getting worse. I had sweat running down my body, which only sent more chills through me. I could feel beads of sweat running down the middle of my back, enter my crack and run across my hole. I climbed on the exam table. “Open wide “ Stinger grabbed my knees and spread them wide. My cock and balls fell between my legs, just hanging there. I felt so bad that cock and cum were the furthest thing from my mind. Stinger moved to the corner just off to the right from the door. A knock came from the other side of the door, and it opened. My mouth dropped open when I saw the man on the other side. He wore just a lab coat, nothing else. I could see his bare legs extending from under the coat, his chest was stretching the coat’s buttons to their limits. He was at least six foot five, close to three-hundred pounds of solid muscle. He made professional bodybuilders look like twigs. “Stinger, Is this the man that hit is head at the carnival” asked the man “Hit his head, and just about any other head if you catch my drift” Stinger said snickering like a school kid. “I see” “I am Dr. Clown, don’t let the name fool you, I assure you I am a doctor. Please tell me what is going on. Is it your head that is bothering you?” “Not where I hit it” I replied using air quotes, “I have fever chills, aches, can't keep anything down” “Down, that’s a good one.” Stinger said laughing, “As I remember it he likes them up” “Okay let’s get started,” the doctor said. He pulled out some metal stir-ups and gently lifted my legs and placed them in. He then grabbed my hips and pulled my ass closer to the edge of the exam table. Stinger had moved from the corner and was now next to me. Using what looked like ripped up strips of bed sheets, he tied my arms to the exam table, tying down my left, then moved around and did the same to the right. Once Stinger had secured me to the exam table, Dr. Clown and he moved to the center of the room. Stinger started to unbutton the lab coat the doctor, exposing the massive chest underneath. It was fucking huge. My eyes were glued to his body slowly being exposed. When Stinger was close to exposing the doctors cock and balls, he took one step and blocked my view. “Oh Doctor what a big instrument you have” Stinger said. “Better to infect you with” My eyes widened as Stinger stepped away, giving me my first look of the doctors cock and balls. I knew then my troubles had come back.
    2 points
  16. I prefer when the bottom doesn't get hard while getting bred because all concentration and feeling is centered in his cunt. I like his soft cock flopping around as he is getting rough fucked. I especially like the ones who can't even remember the last time they shot a load because it's all about their pussies - but, once in awhile accidents do happen and I end up fucking the cum out of the cock and sperm whore.
    1 point
  17. The steps creak up the steep staircase. The smell of sweat and bleach saturate the carpet. He promised me a full charge load. Saved for me. Saved just for me. Palms already sweaty I pay the room fee. Fresh bottle of rush and scribble my name into the sheet like everyone else has done. He says he's already. "Dark room. Hurry, pig." He calls me pig. And he's right. That's what I am. Only happy when I feel the skin on skin contact. Only happy when I know that I'm doing something I know I shouldn't. That I know will get me into trouble. Drop off my stuff in the room and take that first sniff of poppers. Rush and warmth. It's dark down the halls and my head is already spinning. My hole twitches as I head down to the dark room. Several doors are open, revealing asses facing the door, and guys stroking, guys checking out their phones. If any of the guys want me, I'm game. I don't care who plays with me. I see the faint outline and subtle glow of the bleached white towels. He's sitting off in the corner, stroking his hefty cock. I sat down and look to my left. Yeah, it was definitely him. I take a long sniff. "Good pig." He says while stroking his cock some more. He's on the top seat. I'm in the bottom. I move over and position myself, knees on the overused cushion I lick up the base of that cockring engorged dick and I can feel the girth and weight of what I'm going to take. Its heavy, heavier than the pictures made it. Heavier than I thought. Full of poz cum that I wanted, that I needed to be inside me. My mouth envelops his cock and I get to work. Desperately trying to make him wet and harder. I need him to feel like he's more than me. I need him to see that I am a good pig. That I deserve his seed. He moans. He squeals. He tells me to get on my hands and knees. I obey. Propped up against the bench I take a long hit of my poppers as I feel heat at my back door. He enters. This isn't love. This isn't first time. There's pain. But Only for a second. I know he's tearing me. I know he doesn't care. All I know is that finally I feel whole. He grabs my shoulders and starts his assault. He's slow at first. Then fast. He calls me his bitch. He calls me a pig. "Fuck that's hot." I realize now there are two other guys there. A black guy and a young white guy. The black guy moves up in the bench. My hole still taking a pounding. "He in you raw?" He asks. "Yes." I squeak. I feel so used as these men watch this old man pound at my hole. "Can I go next?" The young white guys. He's stroking his long thin cock "Sure." My buddy says. He starts to pick up the pace. He's getting closer. "Suck this dick" the black guy says and brings his cock to my mouth. I take it. He's larger than my friend. He smells like sweat and b.o. The only sounds are me sucking and my friend slamming against my hole. "Fuck!!!!" He yells. Thats the first one. He pulls out. Slaps my ass and casually says.....next.... ***hope you guys got off. More to come. First time posting like this hope you enjoy***
    1 point
  18. I live in Las Vegas and for a town called Sin City, it can really be hit or miss if you're a bottom. But I'll never forget the time that I was essentially raped at Entourage, one of the two remaining bathhouses here in town. I'd been out with a couple of friends and we'd gone to Badlands, a somewhat old style saloon in the same commercial center where Entourage is located. I was feeling buzzed and was in no condition to drive home so as we said our goodbyes, my buddies went their way and I walked over to Entourage. As it was roughly 2:00 AM on a Friday night, all the rooms were taken up and I had to settle for a locker. I figured I'd just wait til a room was available and get some sleep then. In the meantime, I figured I'd check out the action. I undressed and walked around with the towel over one shoulder, which, for the most part, covered my cock, but which left my ass visible. The hallways and TV room were nearly empty and, as I made my way around, I could see that most doors were closed. I silently regretted those last two Jack and cokes I'd had because they were beginning to hit me and all I wanted was to lay down somewhere quiet and get some rest. That's when I saw Him walking towards me: good looking, muscular, 20 something year old dark haired stud with a USMC tattoo on his right pec and a beer can thick cock hanging between his legs. He walked past me without acknowledgement, but as I turned to look over my shoulder, I caught him doing the same, apparently staring at my ass. For the next few minutes, as I looked for a place to lay down, I would occasionally see him in my peripheral vision, stalking me as if I were his prey. I finally made my slightly disoriented way into the empty dark room and lay face down on a waist high platform, ready to get some shut eye and oblivious to the fact that the stud had followed behind me and was standing a mere few feet from me, fisting his thick cock and making plans for my hole. As I lay there on the verge of sleep, I suddenly felt him straddle my ass, spread my cheeks with both hands, and what felt like a baseball bat pressing against my asshole, trying to stretch it against its obvious resistance. The shock and pain woke me the fuck up and in a drunken slur I said "Please don't, you're really big." Without saying a word he backed off and I could hear him pop open some lube and begin to jack his cock. I naively thought that that was the end of it when he suddenly lay his full weight on my back, clamped one hand around my mouth, and used his other hand to maneuver his now slick cock between my cheeks and started using that big mushroom head as a battering ram. The slippery lube and his insistence gradually spread my hole and with an almost audible pop, his cock head forced its way through my sphincter and I heard him groan savagely as I lay there and saw stars from the pain of the sudden invasion. I tried getting up from under him but he used his body weight to hold me down and as he shoved the remaining length of his hole wrecker in me, he hissed into my ear, "I'm fucking balls deep in you now, just fucking take it." I felt helpless as I lay there and felt him bucking his hips and sliding his thick fucker in and out of me, feeling his huge cock head drag and push my insides as he shoved in and out of my guts. In the back of my mind, I was worried and scared because I knew I was essentially getting raped by a big dicked stud who hadn't even contemplated putting a condom on before spearing my guts with his huge cock. But in the forefront, I was beginning to really enjoy the fuck as I he would slam balls deep and ram directly onto my prostate. I couldn't help it and I started moaning uncontrollably against his hand on every down stroke. He soon noticed and that seemed to turn him on. He started getting more vocal, whispering encouragements into my ear, "That's right, fuck yeah, I knew you'd love my cock.....yeah, take my fucking cock all in you..... Yeah, your tight little pussy is gonna make me cum..... Yeah, I'm gonna fill you up with my load." The rhythm of the cock pistoning in and out of my ass began to become more frantic, even as I recognized a complete stranger was about to shoot his cum into my unprotected hole. His breathing became more ragged as he suddenly pushed himself as deep into me as he could and froze in place as I could feel his cock twitching and throbbing balls deep in me as he flooded my guts with his cum and groaned, "Fuck yeah, knocking your ass up with my seed! Yeah, take it all bitch, take my babies in you, fucking take my load!" My hole spasmed around his cock, responding to the stimulus as he lay on top of me, his heart beating like a jack rabbit and his cock still throbbing with the last jets of his orgasm. He pulled his cock out of me and I felt empty as the cool air hit my now puffed up ass lips. He smacked my left ass cheek and said, "Keep my cum in you and let it do its job, cumdump." With that advice he got off of me and walked back into the darkness. I lay there confused and conflicted as my military rapist's cum slowly trickled out of my hole and ran down my balls to join the load I'd unexpectedly shot as he took my ass and made it his cumdump.
    1 point
  19. This happened close to 20 years ago, but I still remember it vividly as it is still one of the hottest sex episodes of my life. I was in El Paso, Texas on business for a few days. I had had a few really fun times at a very seedy xxx movie theater in the downtown area that week. The place was always full of Latino dick of every age, size and type. I was in heaven sucking on all the foreskin being fed to me in that place. But I had heard of a place out on the outskirts of town. Fiesta XXX Drive-In and sex shop. The place really way out in the desert, out in the middle of nowhere. I arrived there in the late afternoon and to my surprise the parking lot was quite full. I parked and entered the sex shop. I quickly found the arcade area. There was a large room with perhaps 10 or 12 video booths, some with glory holes. There was also a small video room with some ratty chairs and sofas. The room smelled of dried cum. There were even several puddles of fresh cum on the floor and on the leather of the sofa. The room was quite dark, and always a few guys in there. The arcade had a consistent group of at least a dozen guys cruising the booths and video room. I spent close to two hours sucking dicks through the glory holes and in the video room, sucking on well over a dozen cocks, and had been fed six or seven loads down my throat in that time. I was one of the few Caucasian guys there, as most of the guys were Mexican, in addition to a few black guys. I even got into a hot 69 with a young Latino kid on the sofa of the video room. I was getting tired and hungry, so I had decided I'd had enough. I was just getting ready to leave to head back into town to clean up and get some dinner. Just as I started to walk out of the video room I saw a newcomer: a tall, handsome, muscular guy who appeared to be half Black, half Latino. He had to be at least 6' 3" or taller, and was masculine and rough looking. I got the impression he may have been a construction or road repair worker. Anyhow, we made eye contact as he entered the room and he rubbed his crotch and sat down on one of the ratty sofas. I turned and walked back into the room and sat next to him on the sofa. He looked at me and continued to rub his crotch. Then he put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled my head down to his crotch. "Suck me" he demanded. I leaned over as he pressed my face into the denim of his pants. I then got down on my knees, between his legs and began to unzip his fly. He unbuckled his pants and pulled his dusty Levi's and briefs down to the floor. His cock was already rock hard, and was a nice eight inch uncut dick with ample foreskin covering his cock head. In addition to his impressive length, it was one of the thickest dicks I had ever seen. I took it into my mouth and sucked and gently chewed on his gorgeous foreskin, sucking on it, flicking it with my tongue. Then I slid my tongue up into the foreskin and licked his piss slit. "Good faggot" he said, as he pressed my head further down onto his cock. The thickness made it difficult to take him too far down my throat, but I did the best I could before gagging and coming up for air. While I was sucking on him, he kicked off his shoes and removed his pants. Then he lifted his legs, exposing his huge, low hanging balls and hairy asshole. "Suck my balls, queer." I did as I was told. His balls were salty and smelled of sweat. The smell was intoxicating. I licked both his balls, then took each of them into my mouth. "Lick my ass" he grunted, as he lifted his knees to his chest. I licked under his balls and down to his dark, puckered asshole. "Nice job, fag. Lick my hole, queer". I loved the names. And I really went to work licking and eating his nasty hole. I had my tongue as deep in his hole as I could get it. He was spreading his ass cheeks, giving me as much access to his hole as I could get. As I was eating his hole, several of the guys came around us, each man stroking his cock as he watched me servicing this hot, dark and aggressive guy. A skanky looking Mexican drag queen was trying to horn in and tried to suck his cock as I was licking his ass, but the top pushed the skank away, growling "Fuck off, Bitch!" Then he grabbed me under the arms, pulling me up as he stood up. "Come with me". He grabbed his pants and shoes and took me by the hand, pulling me with him as we left the video room and entered a private video booth. No sooner was the door closed than he pushed me back to my knees and I happily went back to sucking on his beautiful cock. As I was sucking him, he bent over, sliding his hand down inside the back of my sweatpants, finding my asshole. He rubbed my hole, obviously wanting to fuck me. At this time I was petrified of HIV, and rarely letting guys fuck me. Moreover, the few times I had been fucked, I had insisted the top use a condom. On this occasion, however, I had no condoms, and honestly wasn't interested in getting fucked in a filthy video booth, but the top obviously seemed to have his mind on putting his dick in my ass. He kept fingering and massaging my hole. "Show me your pussy, faggot" he demanded as he stood up and took a small bottle of lube and bottle of poppers from the pocket of his Levi's. "No," I replied, "I don't fuck in these places." Without saying a word, he turned me around and pushed me over. "No", I said as I struggled to get away. I was starting to get very nervous. This guy was 6 or 7 inches taller than me. As well as being incredibly muscular. His power was both a turn on and frightened me. Because I was wearing sweatpants, he had no problem pulling my pants and briefs down over my ass with one quick yank. He had me bent over and his cock was pressing into my ass crack. "Please don't", I begged. "You're too big. I won't be able to take you", I said. "Shut up, faggot. You want this cock, so shut the fuck up". I felt the cold lube being drizzled down my ass crack. He also reached around me and said, "Here. You'll need to popper up". He handed the bottle of poppers to me. I was too frightened to resist much longer. There was no way I could overpower him to get away. So I took a couple of deep sniffs of poppers. I was going to need all the help I could to take his big, thick dick inside me. He pressed the lube up inside me. I could hear him squeeze more onto his bareback cock. Then I felt the piercing pain of his cock start to press into me. "STOP", I begged. But, he paid no attention. He continued to press into me. I took a couple of more deep breaths of poppers. The pain was intense. But, I was powerless to get away from this guy. Once he had gotten most of his cock inside me, he began to pump. Tears filled my eyes from the pain as I continued to beg for him to pull out. But then I felt him grab me around the waist and really began to pump. Slamming his cock deep into me, then pulling nearly out of me, before slamming back into me again. I had resigned myself that I was going to have to endure this. "Please put a condom on", I pleaded. "Shut the fuck up, Fag," as he continued to pound my white hole. "Oh, please. Don't cum in me" I whimpered. He paid no attention to me as he continued his assault on my hole. My ass was miraculously adjusting to his monster cock. It was actually starting to feel good. I continued to sniff poppers to help me relax my ass. It was helping. Finally, I gave up the struggle and began to enjoy the incredible feeling of his bare cock slamming deeply into my ass. My head was banging against the walls as he rammed into me. Without any warning he slammed even deeper into me and held it there. I could feel his cock throbbing as he let out a loud groan. "AHHHGGG...!!! FUCKKK...!!!" he grunted as he filled my ass with his load. He pulled his cock from me so quickly that it made a popping sound as his cockhead left my ass. I collapsed onto the chair in the booth as he pulled on his pants and slipped on his shoes. Without saying a word, he unlocked the door and exited the booth. My head was spinning from all the poppers I'd been sniffing. He had left the bottle of poppers with me and I saw the bottle of lube laying on the floor of the booth. Just as I bent down to pick up the lube, the door of the booth opened again. A heavy set Mexican guy walked in. He locked the door, turned to face me and pulled out his uncut dick. "No. I'm done", I protested, as I reached down to pull up my sweatpants. But he continued to put his cock in my face. What the hell, I thought. I took his cock into my mouth and sucked him as he hardened in my mouth. "Show me your pussy," he said, adding in a whisper "I'm gonna seed that cum filled white pussy of yours." I was too tired to put up a fight. I stood and bent over. Holding onto the chair and took another deep hit of poppers. Without any hesitation or lube, he slammed into me in one swift move. He thankfully didn't take too long to cum. He was grunting loudly as me pounded my hole. Within just a few minutes he grunted loudly and shot his load into me. "Gracias," he said as he pulled out, quickly pulled up his pants and exited my booth. I knew I couldn't take any more. I pulled up my sweatpants. I did my best to pull myself together and exited the booth. Heading to the exit of the arcade a young Latino asked "Hey, Papi. Want another load?" I laughed as I passed him. "Not today. Maybe tomorrow". I drove back into town. Got back to my room totally exhausted. I didn't even have the energy to shower and dress for dinner. I called room service and had dinner sent to my room, as I tried to replay the afternoons events in my head. I jacked off as I relived the frightening, but exciting time I had being overpowered by that hot guy in my booth.
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  20. FREAK SHOW I needed to get out of the house. I needed some fun. It had been two weeks since that asshole packed his bags and left, with no fucking reason. I wanted to get away from the memories inside my condo. So I get ready, ready for anything and headed out, driving around the city for a while, not wanting to head to the bars. They were predictable and filled with people that new me and the ass hole. So instead I jumped on the interstate and headed west. About thirty miles outside the city, I saw a sign for a traveling carnival. Not the fun I had prepared for but a good distraction for my pain, maybe I would laugh. I exited and found the parking lot, which was just a big empty field that was filling with cars. I was directed by a man with a flash light to the next empty space. He walked up to my car opened window. When I turned to the window, I came face to face with his crotch. I could see a long tube snaking down his left leg. “Ten bucks to park,” he said. I pulled out a ten and handed it to the man. Before I could pull my hand back in he thrust his crotch toward my hand, pushing his bulge against it. Fuck, my mind wondered if that actually happened. Apparently it had as the attendant bent down, looking into my window. He was handsome, jet black hair with just a little grey at the temples, his eyes were blue and had a thick salt and pepper goatee. I could see inside his shirt, which was hanging open at his neck, revealing a jungle of black hair on his chest. “Looking for some fun?” he asked. “Yeah man, any kind of fun.” “Oh I know what kind of fun you need” he said, squeezing his crotch. I just smiled. “Inside the gate, look for a guy in a black T, it will have a red cross on the right chest” he said. "I'll give him a call on the radio him to tell him to look for you.” With that, he walked away, pulling a radio from his hip and speaking into it. I rolled up my window got out and headed to the gate. There were people every where but I could still see the hot men, their crotches and their asses. Some were in groups of other men, while others were with families. At the gate I paid my entrance fee, and went it. I looked for the guy and instantly found him. Shit, you really could not miss him. He was a massive muscled man, his shirt was straining to hold back his chest, shoulders, and arms. I moved through the flow of people entering, making my way to him. When he saw me, an evil grin formed on his face. Something told me I was in for some trouble. “Ready for your fun?” he asked as I approached. I nodded 'yes'. “Follow me.” We moved through the crowds, passing rides, games and food. We turned next to the fun house and entered a door near the back of the trailer that was the fun house. It was dark, and I could hear laughter coming from inside. With a flick of a switch the small room dimly lit up. In front of me was a window, I could see people passing by pointing and laughing. Some screamed. I started to get nervous, asking myself 'What the fuck is this'? The muscle man, stood next to me and removed his shirt. His pecs were massive, like boulders, smooth and tan. I watched him unbutton his jeans, then popped all the buttons on his fly. He was completely smooth, no crotch hair at all. I could just see a little of the base of his cock and the metal cock ring. What really caught my eye was the tattoo where his hair would be. It was a scorpion, black with a touch of red. He moved behind me and pulled my shirt over my head. Reaching around me, he opened my shorts and dropped them to the floor around my ankles. I was still watching the people on the other side the window. A family had stopped and was just staring, as if they were shocked on what was going on. They jumped and then started to laugh. What the fuck? I could feel his hand on the waist band on my underwear, tugging them down, until they joined my shorts at my ankles. “Shouldn’t have worn those,” he said. I kept looking forward through the window, as I heard his jeans drop. He was rubbing his cock up and down my crack. My cock was rock hard, my head was spinning. I wanted this so bad, yet I wanted to run. He dropped to his knees, placed a hand on each of my ass cheek and spread my crack open. His hot breathe was blowing directly on my hole, causing it to pucker and twitch. "That's it, baby, wink at me,” he said, “show me you want it.” He slowly began to lick my crack, up and down, using a force so strong I had to brace myself against the glass. His tongue found my hole and began to lick it round and round, until pushed into to my hole, tongue-fucking it. I moaned loudly as the people moved on the the other side of the window. At this point I didn’t care who was watching. The man’s tongue slid further into my hole. As good as this felt I could only imagine that his cock would feel like and I was soon to get to know exactly what that felt like. He stood, dropping his hard cock onto my back. I heard him spit, only to feel him lift his cock. I looked over my should to see him wiping the spit on his engorged cock. The cock ring had his cock so hard and thick it looked almost purple. It was massive in girth. "Got a condom?” I asked. "Don’t use them.” “I don’t get fucked with out them.” "You do now” he said, putting his wet cock head against my wet hole and pushed. I tried to fight but he wrapped his free arm around my waist holding me in place. My hole gave way and his raw cock slide in. I tensed up from my hole being stretched open. The pain was intense as his raw cock moved in deeper and deeper opening my hole wider. I felt like I was ripping open. He continued to push in as I held my breath. "Breathe. It will make it better.” “Please take it out. I only fuck safe, man. I don’t want this.” "Relax baby, it’s going to be okay. I won’t hurt you,” he murmured, pausing only to finish his sentence with the word "much." His cock slowly moved back, pulling out until the ridge of the head of his cock was pulling at my hole, then he pushed back in, until I felt his smooth abs against my hole. Over and over he slowly moved in and out of my hole. The pain started to turn to pleasure and I let a moan escape from my throat. “See baby, I knew you would like it.” He picked-up speed, his cock pumping in and out of my hole. He gripped my hips tightly as his balls began to slap against mine. I licked my lips. Holy shit this was hot, this was good. I had almost forgotten he was fucking me raw. Then it hit me again. I couldn't do this. “Fuck man, take it out and put on a condom, please,” I pleaded. “Too late, man. I leak fuck juice like crazy. It's in there mixing with your ass juice. The damage is done.” I tried to push off him, but he had my hips in a death grip. The pain had returned with a vengeance. “Won’t be too much longer and you will get a big shot of poison.” He pounded me harder and harder, my fate was sealed. I watched the people laugh and point in my direction on the other side of the window, as tears ran down my face. I knew I found trouble. “Here it cums! Take that toxic seed, baby.” He pushed up against me, his cock jumping in my ass as his legs shook behind me. He was right. it was too late now. The damage was done. As he had said. He withdrew his cock and I tried to straighten my back, but he stopped me, saying “Nope, stay just like that for a sec.” I could hear noise behind me but didn’t know what was going on. He pushed some thing against my hole and it popped in. “Got to keep that in. Don’t want to let that poz seed escape before it works it’s magic.” He stood behind me and laid his chest against my back as I reached for my shorts and underwear. "Oh, by the way, the visitors couldn’t see us from out there. It's a two way mirror.” I grabbed my underwear to pull them up. I only had reached my knees when I hear the click. He was holding a switch blade. I panicked. He reached down and cut my underwear off me, sniffing them and tossing them aside. "You don’t need those. Now, get dressed. I want you to meet someone.” We both dressed and left the small room of the fun house and moved again through the crowd.
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  21. FRANKLIN SQUARE PARK CREW: Part1 – Warren the Drug Dealer Gets me high, fuck me higher *There are multiple parts to this story and all will be posted in this thread* Part 1 – Warren the Drug Dealer Gets me high, fuck me higher I first met Warren in the story - The Homeless Guys From the Video Store –Fucked up, Dicked down, Pimped out – Part 2 THE FRANKLIN SQUARE BOYS DICK ME DOWN. Dwayne and Malcolm and had pimped me out and invited Warren over who got me high, then fucked the shit out of me. Warren was black, about 25 or so, taller than me but skinny, with his hair braided in long neat rows, baseball cap tilted to the side, close cropped beard, no shirt on and white t-shirt stuffed in his back pocket when I met him. He had lots of tattoos and showed up with some white kid that he told me he had infected and was killing with his cum as he loaded me up with his toxic load in my ass. It had been over a week since my weekend with those boys and a lot had happened as Dr Mike had me quit my job, given me a contract to work for him, and set me out to find more of the nastiest infected dick and cum that the city had to offer as I had to elevate my treatment program. I had told Dr Mike about Warren and he said I needed to take a trip to Franklin Square and make sure my biohazard ass got used well and good by his crew– no limits beyond no fisting. I went to Franklin Square a couple times, walked around, and finally after asking several guys, was directed to an alley behind a high class office building that housed one of the largest political lobbying firms in the city. I could see Warren had a couple guys working for him dealing drugs who were posted at ends of the alley by the big yellow, metal bollards that protected the edges of the buildings from any trucks that might accidently hit them. The guys took care of most of business at the ends of the alley, sending a runner back to the loading dock where I was told Warren camped out to get what was needed. Folks in the park sad there was always a couple other guys hanging around with Warren who were there to protect the stash and that they were all bad motherfuckers and no one to trifle with. Unlike most alleys, this one was a dead end as it opened into a small “L” shaped lot behind the building, big enough for delivery trucks to drive in and back up to the dock and just a couple cars to park, so no one went back there who wasn’t meant to be there. The only other way out was a gated walkway between two buildings on the other side that was also covered by some of Warren’s boys. I decided to try the alley, approached one of the guys, and told him I was there to see Warren. He said, “I don’t know no one named Warren, now you here to do some business or if not, step the fuck off.” I shook my head and said, “Look man, Warren invited me personally for his own business, so unless you want me out here hollering his name to get his attention, maybe you could send your friend here back to tell him I am here?” The guy nodded to the runner kid, who took off, came back within a minute, nodded, and the guy let me pass. Even though it was about 3:30 p.m., the alley was fairly dark due to the tall buildings and I could see that Warren was waiting for me in the middle of the alley, with a couple other guys, all young, as I approached. He laughed and shook his head and said as he took the cigarette out of his mouth, “Well well well, if it ain’t my little white slut. Look boys, this here’s the cunt I was telling you about, what brings you down to Franklin Square?” Even though there were no windows in the backs of the buildings, I was nervous and did not really feel like talking in the middle of the alley, so asked if we could speak someplace more private. Warren looked around, smiled, nodded towards the loading dock and I followed him up the stairs. There were a couple folding chairs, a small box between them with an ashtray and a couple black dinner plates full of cigarette butts, a small college dorm sized-fridge full of beer and liquor with a big orange extension cord running to a side wall, and a small radio with a wad of aluminum foil on the end of the antenna playing mostly static with the occasional clip of music. Warren sat, pulled out a baggy, dumped some cigarette butts off a plate, poured out some lines and offered them to me along with a well used rolled up dollar bill. I sniffed the lines, felt the burn kick in and the rush and sat back and let out a big breath. Damn!! That shit made me horny just like that! Warren took a hit and I asked him, “Isn’t it kind of risky being back here? What if someone comes out of the building? What about the guards?” He snorted, wiped his nose and said, “Some of my best customers work in this building, and more close by, so prime real estate and they get all their deliveries early in the morning. The guards – shit – they just boys from the hood that they pay minimum wage to sit on their ass and walk the halls once every 2 hours. A little green, a little weed, some pussy of any flava on the side and these boys are no worry. Frankly they look out for us, part of the protection crew.” The plate was offered to me again, and I realized I wanted to be all in and not beat around the bush, so did another line as Warren asked me again, “So, why you down my way?” I looked Warren square in the eye and said, “Just trying to be a white slut for your cum, and you promised you could get me as much of it as I wanted, so how bout it BOY – you think you can get your shit up?” Warren laughed, set the plate down and walked over by a stack of wooden pallets that had been covered with old, blue moving blankets. I followed and looked behind the pallets at the pretty good-sized area that was partially enclosed by the pallets and a cinder block wall that jutted out. The area was about 15x10 feet and the concrete floor was covered by a bunch of flattened cardboard boxes with a couple more moving blankets strewn about. There were some old condoms scattered around, cigarette butts, used needles, and a bottle of rum, so this place clearly saw regular use for all kinds of shit. While I was taking this in, Warren unbuckled his jeans and as his 11-inch dick plopped out said, “Get your ass over here! I’ll show you what I got up!” I stepped closer, gave Warren a cocky smile, spit twice on his dick, and said, “Yeah yeah, all I am hearing is talk man, just talk.” Warren snarled at me while I unbuttoned my pants, dropped them around my ankles, and braced my hands on my knees. He shook his head and said, “Get those damn things off, I want you naked like a good slut should be,” Warren spat out. He then tried spitting on my hole, but hit my back. He spit in his hand instead and shoved a wet finger up my ass. “Oh yeah, feel that nice pink hole grab my finger – damn! You know what I like, now push that shit out so I can see what I get to run up in,” Warren said. He then stepped away from me and hollered, “Yo Tommy, bring my plate over to me,” and stepped back and spit and gave me two fingers. He was fingering my ass when I heard someone walk up. The other guy did not say a word, but Warren snorted, snorted again, rolled his wet fingers on the plate and coated them in white. As Warren then shoved his coated fingers in my pink hole giving me a Franklin Square Special, Tommy walked over in front of me. I glanced side ways at him as he came around and he was tall, skinny, had on jeans, Timberland boots, black t-shirt, and braids with a long, scraggly beard and a nice smile as he held out the plate for me with his right hand. I took the dollar bill, which now had a pretty wet end from going in Warren’s nose. I sniffed to lines, set the bill back and braced myself as the shit in my nose and up my hit and I was feeling good and fucked up. “Come on man, what are you doing back there? Trying to knit or what?” I said as I laughed. Warren’s other hand flashed out and SLAM, slapped my ass. “Shut the fuck up!” Warren growled. “Tommy, let me see that plate, going to get this fucker flying so you and me can get buck wild up on that hole, you hear me? He likes it shoved up his little pink hole, damn look at that!!! That pink hole gets nice and red and puckers right up tight!!! Jesus fuck! Wanna see me fuck him Tommy? Wanna see me tear up that hole? Huh Tommy? Wanna?” As Warren continued babbling to I began to wonder if this guy named Tommy was his friend that he said was locked up in the Prince George’s County jail. My ass was burning red hot now and I started to move away from Warren a little when – SLAM – he slapped ass again and said, “Damn it! Just stay the fuck where you at. I am going to so fucking beat that ass red later, but right now got a hot load of jizz to shove up your shitter. Give me that hole!” With that Warren slammed his dick into my resisting hole. His 11-inch black raw dick tore my skin as he forced through my ass ring. My ass burned more intently as his dick worked the white powder into my open hole. “Give me that black snake, come on now, just fuck it, fuck it! Make that snake spit, make it spit,” I said as I urged Warren on. “Yeah? You want that gutta snake spitting up in that ass pussy? Bruise that hole good for you? Gonna fuck rough you bitch, get you ready to make me some money, right? That what you want? I’m gonna run a train of nasty dick up deep into that ass” Warren asked. “Wanna make this money man some cash with a torn up pink pussy? Oh yeah, that’s it, push back on it, show me you want it, push back, open that hole, open that hole, TAKE MY FUCKING CUM, TAKE MY FUCKING AIDS CUM YOU FILTHY SLUT!!!! Warren bred me dirty, raw, and nasty and filled me with a hot thick load of his infected cum. He pulled out of my ass and I turned around to lick him clean, but before I could Tommy got on one knee, leaned in, and sucked Warren to the hilt without blinking. No gag reflex in that throat at all – fuck! He must have learned that happy little trick in prison. Warren saw me looking at Tommy in awe, laughed, and said, “Don’t get it twisted, Tommy here is all man and will fuck you till Sunday with a big black dick just a large as mine, but back here, he’s my bitch and I need to remind him now and again of his place.” Tommy finished cleaning Warren’s dick of my ass juice, Warren zipped up and said, “You two hang and enjoy yourselves a bit. I got some business to take care of and will send the boys out to pass the word that we looking for nasty, raw, and get-up-in-that-hole dick, so come place your order.” Warren chuckled as he said the last part and then headed down the concrete steps to meet up with the other boys. STAY TUNED FOR PART 2- Tommy the Freak and the Train Begins
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  22. Looking forward to going to my first Cumunion next month in Pittsburgh.
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  23. My husband and I have been together for 12 years and married for 9. We were monogamous for the first 6 years of our relationship. We opened the relationship up because we missed the variety; we both were big whores when we were single. Also, he is one of those tops who really gets off on watching other men fuck and breed his bottom which fortunately turns me on, too. And he is really into spanking and I am not. I am happy to get spanked by him, but that isn't the same thing as a bottom who gets off on being spanked. Finally, I have a much higher sex drive than him, and he travels a lot. My being able to get laid while he is away helps. All that said, he is still my husband. We own a house together. We own cars together. We take care of each other when one of us is sick. We currently are caring for his sick mother in our home. He is the most important person in the world to me. He is my confidant and my friend. I have no need for emotional intimacy with anyone else. I think there is a lot less monogamy in the straight world than we are told. I know plenty of hetero couples who play around on the side. In fact until the mid 20th century, that was sort of expected. Once they were done having kids, the woman was free to say she was done with sex, and the husband was free to discretely find sex elsewhere.
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  24. Part X Final Crazy Day? My night was, again, very sleepless. Tossing and turning and dreaming and waking up. At one point climbing out of bed to go to the toilet, where I beat my meat mercilessly remembering the last two days. My, formerly virgin ass, is sore as hell, but tingling like crazy too. I blow a huge load of cum all over myself. It feels amazing and I gingerly wipe it up and push in into my hole. I then lick my fingers, thinking it doesn't taste so bad either, rather nice even. Oh, hell, what am I thinking? I can't seem to get my head around what I have had done to me and then allowed to happen again. It seemed so wrong, but yet, felt so right and wonderful. The feeling of those hard cocks tearing my hole up and filling me with their Poz cum. Terrifying and yet so thrilling and beautiful. I finally get back in bed and the tossing and turning goes on all night again. In the morning I am still so tired it is ridiculous. I head to work, but it is pretty much a losing cause and get very little accomplished and then it is time to leave. I must go by that park again on the way. What shall I do? As I near the park, I can feel my heart beating faster. I get to the entrance and like the car has a mind of its own, I turn in. I immediately notice that there seems to be a few more bikes there. Not many more but maybe 5 or 6 more. I park and just sit in my car watching them. They seem to still be having fun from the day before and I can see a few scattered here and there, definitely having sex. As I watch, my own cock gets harder and harder. I am then startled by a tapping on my window. I turn to see my first buddy standing beside the car and he is fully nude and his marvelous cock is at full attention. I let the window down and he steps closer and I can't seem to help myself as I reach out and take ahold of his cock and bring it to my mouth. He moans his pleasure as he drives it deep into my throat. I gag a little and he pulls back some and I start to suck him, swirling my tongue around as much of it as I can. This goes one for about 10 minutes and then he pulls his cock away from me and reaches down and opens my car door and tells me to get out and lets go play more and he has a nice surprise for me too. As I get out of the car he tells me to just get those clothes off and leave them in the car as I won't need them for a while. I look into his eyes and can't help myself and strip naked and throw my clothes in the back seat. He then walks off with me following him waiting to see what is coming next.
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  25. http://www.forttroff.com/product/74471_FT_SIT_N_STRETCH.html I mount it on the bathroom wall and open up my hole before my john arrives and then lube my hole...big dicked tops sink into my hole and it feels like jelly to them
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  26. If all of it doesn't come out with the first dump, certainly the rest would come out by the second. I find usually within 12 hours I've absorbed or expelled pretty much any cum that I received from that scene. A week certainly sounds like an imagination situation. Not much stays in for a week, just ask the corn I ate last night.
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  27. I was knocked up in 2015 and castrated in 2016. I can state for a fact that SOME guys really get off on fucking a eunuch. But some guys just think that is too weird. No doubt, I have not had any lack of partners since my balls ceased pumping testosterone into my fag body.
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  28. I am glad you guys are enjoying it, love the comments, keep them comming: Part: 9 The following week after my gold member status I came down with the fuck flu. I knew what it was, I had been reading about it online. My wife thought I just had the regular flu and took care of me. A few months back the wife had gone through what they call the change. Sex between her and I had basically stopped but I didn’t mind. I was getting plenty of dick and she had no appetite. I recovered a few weeks after that. I couldn’t wait to get back to some dick. All I could think of was being poz and taking poz cum and it made me horny. I logged on to the app after not logging on for a while. I had a message: “Hi! We noticed you have not been logged on for a while. You likely have received the gift. We hope you feel better and continue to enjoy the app.” Fuck, they knew everything. I hit search app and quickly got a hit. The son was out with a friend, and the wife was out doing yoga so off to take some poz dick I went. I ended up in an alley, there were not any buildings but there were a lot of homeless tents. I wasn’t sure if this was the right place but the map on the app showed it was. I walked to where the dot was and there was a tent right there. I wasn’t sure what to do, and then all I saw was a hand pop out of the tent and motion me in. Fuck it, I’m already here and it wouldn’t be the first time I got fucked by a homeless guy. I stepped into the tent and was met by a ghastly white guy, he looked gaunt and clearly sick. “bend over bitch, you are gonna take this aids dick.” And I did. At the sound of the word aids I got rock hard. I got on my knees and started sucking his dick. It was fucking thick for suck a skinny guy and he had a piercing on the end of his cock. “I am gonna tear that pussy up good. You are gonna get my aids babies slut.” Just hearing him talk made me fucking horny. I turned around and offered my pussy to him. “that’s what’s up slut, you want this poison dick don’t you?” “yes sir, poz my ass.” And with that he pushed right in. he had a little trouble at first. It was my first fuck since I became poz so I was a bit tight. I took a hit of poppers and loosened up. Reached behind me with my hands and held opened my ass. “yes, that’s it boy, open up for this demon seed” He went into overdrive. Plowing my ass, punching the walls of my pussy. I could feel the piercing on his cock tearing into me. I was moaning so loud that other guys started coming around the tent. None of them came in but I could see them jerking their dicks watching through the open flap while the aids guy fucked his poz load into me. “here is comes faggot, tell me you want it.” “Poz my faggot ass sir. I was made to take demon seed.” And he blasted into my ass. Rope after rope of poz cum. He leaned onto me, took a deep breath and just yanked his cock out. “nice slut, you got a nice pussy. Want some more dick? See all those guys out there? they would love it if you service them?” “yes sir, anything you say.” “good faggot, get on all 4s, with your ass facing the tent door, sticking out, your upper body still in the tent, here is a bottle of poppers.” And with that, he stepped out, I positioned myself, and in no time there was a cock in my ass. I spent the next couple of hours bent over taking load after load. I didn’t care who it was or what they had. I never once looked back. I finally realized who I was. A true fag poz cum dump that took any and all loads no questions asked. I didn’t care that a whole community of homeless guys were fucking my ass. I was made to be used. After the last guy shot his wad I got up and headed home. I was stumbling down the alley. Man, my ass was full of cum, and I didn’t care. I had a shit eating grin on my face. When I got home, the family was still out, I passed out on the couch and took a nap.
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  29. I recently found a new cruising spot. The general area was posted on Squirt but the exact spot turned out to be very difficult to find. After going three times a guy on Squirt gave me very detailed directions. I had been close but it was so well hidden I kept walking past it. Now I have become hooked. I have gone there every day this week, getting loads every time. On Monday I went there and a guy was starting to come out. When he saw me he turned around and went back to where the spot is. I decided to take an offshoot trail before going back in to hook up with him. I got completely naked and lubed my ass then walked down the trail. I reached the spot and he was standing there waiting. He smiled a little when he saw me walking up to him naked. Someone has brought in one of those plastic garden chairs so I sat down and leaned back, stroking my cock. I waited to see what he could do but he just kept watching me. Finally I got impatient and reached over and rubbed his cock. I felt his hard cock through his pants then reached in and pulled it out. I wanted a taste of him so badly but he pushed me away. He wasn't going to let me suck him! I couldn't believe it. I stood up and he came up behind me, rubbing my cock and tweaking my nips. He hugged me and I felt his cock rubbing on my ass crack. I leaned forward so he could have better access but he just rubbed, not sticking it in. He pulled slightly away and I could tell he was jerking off. I bent over and spread my ass cheeks, exposing my hole. "Go ahead. Shoot your load. Give me that cum." Then I felt the first hot shot of spooge on my upper ass crack. "Cum on my hole," begged. "I am," he said and sure enough there was soon a huge load of cum on my pussy. I reached back to push the cum on my upper crack down to my hole and couldn't believe the amount of cum this guy had left on me. I fingered as much of it as I could in to my hole then licked the rest off my fingers all as he pulled up his pants and watching me. "Thanks man," I said. "I'm going to use your lube for the next guy." He just smiled at me and wandered down the trail. I sat in the chair and kept fingering my pussy with his cum. There was still so much that some of it dripped on to the chair. I waited around for another hour but no one came so I cleaned up and left. I was disappointed that I didn't actually get fucked but it still had a nice load in me. On Tuesday I went back. Once again I used the side trail and got naked. This time I didn't know if there was anyone at the spot or not, I walked in naked and lubed and ready for action. Unfortunately, there was no one there. I took the chair in to a side clearing and sat down. I waited about 15 minutes before I saw movement on the trail. A guy came in to the clearing. He had seen me and was already rubbing his cock. He walked right up to me and pulled out his gorgeous cock. It wasn't real long but was very thick, like beer can thick. He had shaved pubes which really turned me on more. I went down on him and sucked him hard. He kept getting harder and thicker and it was all I could do to take him all the way down my throat. i looked up at him and asked him if he wanted to fuck me. He asked if I had a condom and I said I did if he really needed one. He said he did. Luckily, I had brought a few in with me so I rolled it on him and then stood up. "How bout I sit in the chair," he said. Good thing he did because he was so thick it gave me more control. He sat down and pointed his cock up and I slowly lowered myself on to him. I'd push down then pull off a little gradually getting my hole used to his girth. Finally, I had him all the way in. I grinded slowly at first but then started riding him like the cock whore I am. "Fuck, that feels awesome," he said. "Ride me, baby." I did as I was told, pumping furiously on his thickness. It felt so good and I loved that someone could walk up and catch us fucking. "Fuck, dude. I'm cumming!" he cried out. I pushed him in as deep as I could and grinded on him so he'd get maximum pleasure. "That was amazing," he said and I took the hint and got off him. I pulled the condom off him and turned it inside out, making sure not to lose any of his load then pushed it in to my used hole. I licked his cock clean and he thanked me. "No, thank YOU," I said. He pulled up his pants and left, leaving me naked and freshly fucked, still fingering his load in to my pussy. I was still fingering myself when I saw movement on the trail. Another guy showed up and smiled at me but didn't come in to the clearing. He went to a bush where I could see him and pulled out his cock and proceeded to piss. When he was done he began stroking his cock, getting it hard to what looked like a true seven. I watched him, smiling as I fingered myself. Finally, he came in to the clearing. "You going to let me have some of that?" he asked as he slipped a finger up my ass. "It's yours if you want it," I said then began sucking the hard cock he offered to me. I deep throated him then he pulled me up out of the chair and turned me around with my hands on the back of the chair. He rubbed his cock head on my pussy then slid right in with one push. "I knew you'd be loose enough to do that to," he said. "Normally, I would have gone in slower but your hole was so open." He began fucking me there in the clearing. "Fuck me hard with your bare cock," I cried. "I want your load deep inside me" "Oh, you're going to get it alright," he said. He thrusted deep inside my gut. I was so hard myself I was almost ready to cum. He pumped harder. "Oh, fuck! I'm cumming," he yelled. Shit, he could probably be heard all the way down the trail. "That's it, baby, breed my ass. I fucking want your load inside me." He pushed inside me and stroked a few more pumps before pulling out. I sat in the chair and showed him my hole with his cum leaking out. I fingered myself as I stroked, finally shooting a big rope of cum on the ground. He laughed and said it looked like I had been storing it up. I was pretty wiped out so I cleaned myself up after he left and headed home. On Wednesday I only had about half an hour so I went in not expecting to find anyone. I went to the side trail and got naked and as I was coming out a guy came from the spot. We smiled at each other and I headed to the spot naked. I sat in the chair and soon he came back. He walked up to me and pulled out an uncut Mexican cock. I sucked him hard and without a word stood up and turned around. I bent over for him and reached around and guided his 6 inches in to my hole. He pushed in slowly, letting me get used to him, then began pumping. In less than a minute he was pounding my ass hard, thrusting his hard cock deep inside me. He never said a word, just grunted and made one hard final push. I knew I had his load in me. He left his cock in me as it slowly softened before finally just falling out. He then pulled up his pants and just walked away, leaving me to savor his load. I got dressed but left his cum on my asshole as I walked out, feeling that nice wet load as I walked. Today was Thursday and i didn't get fucked but had an awesome time anyway. I posted on Squirt that I would be at the spot and soon a guy replied that he could be there in half an hour. I said that would be cool and in a private message told him I was naked and wanted him to come to the spot naked too. As I set my phone down I saw a guy coming through the clearing. He was an older, very muscular guy, very short hair and scruffy gray beard. He saw I was naked and got down on the cardboard on the ground and just devoured my cock. He was a great cock sucker, totally involved with the cock, paying attention to nothing else. As he sucked me he unbuckled his belt revealing a huge cock. He pulled his pants down as he stroked and I pulled his shirt off. I wanted him to get naked with me but he would only let his pants go down to his knees. Finally, he stood up and fed me his cock. It was so tasty and really wanted to feel it up my ass but I knew the guy from Squirt was on his way so I held off. I turned him around and he bent over revealing his man pussy. This guy was so built! I dove in and rimmed his ass, reaching around to stroke his cock. "Looks like we have company," he said. I looked up and there was my buddy from Squirt, completely naked. I turned muscle guy around and sucked his cock and then told my buddy to eat his ass. He got behind him and rimmed him while I sucked him. My buddy from Squirt then got on the ground on his knees and sucked both me and muscle guy. This went on for a while and then Squirt guy layed down so he was looking up at our cocks. I sucked muscle guy's nips as he stroked. It appeared he was getting ready to cum so I positioned myself over Squirt guy's face and my hole exposed for muscle guy. He came on my hole, shooting cum on me and some of it dripped on to Squirt guy's face. I fingered the cum in to me then bent over and licked the cum from Squirt guy's face. It was a big white glob of thick cum that I rolled on my tongue before feeding to Squirt guy. Then I stood over him and shot my load all over his face as he came himself. It was a fucking hot time. Makes me want to come here every day.
    1 point
  30. Epilogue - A Ring of Fire: A black hand snatched the wad of cash - my tips from the Speed Breeding and anonymous dick/cum I had taken - then he took the keys to my apartment Garrett was holding, and as Garrett stepped back, smiling like the twisted fucker he was, the black bouncer/guard I had teased earlier filled the doorway and said, “HIS PARTY IS OVER. MINE IS JUST BEGINNING. YOU READY FOR SOME BBC SLOW, DEEP, ROUGH BREEDING? NONE OF THIS SPEEDY SHIT - I PLAN TO TAKE MY TIME OPENING THAT ASS PUSSY UP AND FILLING YOU WITH NICCA NUTT” Before I replied I gave him and up/down once over look and my ass shivered in anticipation. He was tall, stocky, with a full beard and a GIGANTIC steel pipe snaking down the right leg of his jeans that even soft was fucking impressive. Garrett patted me on the shoulder and laughed, “I’ll see you at home - good job tonight.” My black escort called out behind him, “Don’t wait up.” I smiled at his boldness, bent over to pick up my shorts, shirt, and full bottle of cocaine Garrett had left for me and yelped as two, calloused fingers started violating my hole as his other hand pressed down on my back. “How many loads you take in that ass tonight,” he asked? I ignored the question as I snorted some powder, wiped my nose, and started to push back, riding those digits. He chuckled, “Fucking bitch - you’re in heat huh? Like I told you, YOU TEASING THE WRONG MAN.” He growled, “I ONLY FUCK WHEN I KNOW IT’S ALL GOING IN - EVERY INCH - and IF THAT MEANS MAKING THAT SHIT BLEED AND TEARING YOU OPEN TO GET IT, I WILL. I AIN’T PLAYIN. I TAKE WHAT’S MINE. Now that pussy ass is mine. You ain’t ready yet and frankly never will be until I get done fucking is the first time.” All that talk just made me want it and want it now and I started moaning and riding his fingers harder even as he tried adding a third and turning his hand from vertical to horizontal to cut me up and stretch me out. The sharp pain was joyous and I pushed back on it. He started slicing and dicing my wet hole as he continued, “I’M TELLING YOU NOW. YOU AIN’T READY, BUT I’LL GET YOU CLOSER AND AFTER YOU’VE SHOWN ME YOU CAN BE A REAL WHORE AND SLUT FOR GOOD BLACK DICK - NOT THESE PANTY ASS WHITE DING A LINGS THAT SNUCK THROUGH HERE TONIGHT - BUT REAL NICCA DICK - WHEN I THINK THAT PUSSY IS SET, YOU WILL CRY, SCREAM, TRY TO RUN AND I WON’T GIVE A FUCKING SHIT CAUSE LIKE I SAID, THAT PUSSY ASS IS MINE NOW. SO QUIT DICKIN AROUND, GATHER YOUR SHIT AND COME ON.” Damn it! What do you call it when a bottom is left hanging like that? Tops get blue balls but what do bottoms get? Blue asshole? I followed him out of the warehouse and had to hustle to keep up. He quickly crossed the street and entered a short alley that cut the block in half and ran between a little neighborhood grocery store and an old bar that only seemed to be open for the daytime drunks. He stopped, turned fast for such a big guy, put his hand around my throat and shoved me against the brick wall, “Hold my fucking lighter for me, then once I start hitting my pipe I want you to get on your hands and knees and lick my boots.” I paused, “What if someone comes by?” I garbled. He just shook his head, “Like I give a shit. They can either watch the show or join in.” Then, with only the glow from his lighter as I tried to hold it steady, he reached down, rolled up cuff of his jeans and extracted a silver case from the top of his Timberlands. I watched as he deftly removed a glass pipe that had a stem about 3 inches long with a gum drop sized bowl on the end. He then stuffed a wadded up piece of Chore Boy metal cleaning pad that he had pre-balled and burned a bit to get the orange coloring off into the bowl. Next he tapped a big yellowish rock out of a little baggy, set it on top of the metal wadding, latched the case close and slid it back into his boot top. He took the lighter, kicked me, “Get on your fucking knees - wait - take them shorts off so I see that ass - there you go - now get on your knees and clean them boots.” I started slurping on his Timberlands as the BBC flicked his lighter, got the rock melting, then inhaled. I reached up to stroke that long dick I was so eager to taste and feel and got knocked up side the head as he coughed out a toxic cloud, “FUCK THAT SHIT OFF. KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS TO YOURSELF AND THAT TONGUE ON MY BOOTS. YOU NEED TO LEARN HOW TO SERVE A REAL MAN - THAT STARTS BY OBEYING AND KEEPS GOING BY YOU ATTENDING TO MY NEEDS. RIGHT NOW - MY NEED IS YOU TO BATHE MY TIMBS WITH THAT TONGUE. LATER - MY NEED WILL BE TO BREED YOU SO DEEP YOU’LL GET FLUID IN YOUR LUNGS - NUTT PNEUMONIA.” Having finished up the rock, he reached down with his calloused hands, patted me on the head, took his metal case back out of his boot, set the pipe back inside, tucked it back in and said, “Get up. Get your shorts on. Come on.” About a block away as we headed east we paused at the corner. We stood by the vacant building for about 5 minutes - him tweaking and me snorting coke from my bottle. A few cars were on 14th Street, but it was not until one slowed, then circled round the block and came down the side street that he moved. He eased out to the edge of the sidewalk, the car stopped, window rolled down, the black guy inside leaned over and he and my bouncer escort exchanged words. The car then backed up away from the lit corner and turned it’s lights off. I followed along and the driver got out, walked to the passenger side, and leaned against the door as we approached. My BBC bouncer pulled the wad of my cash tips from his pocket, peeled off a $10, handed it to the guy, who smiled, unbuckled his pants, and dropped them to the pavement. “Suck his dick,” I was ordered. I looked from one guy to the other and while I wanted to get fucked, got on my knees, grabbed the guy’s hips and started slurping. I didn’t care if someone might walk by - which given the location and time of night was unlikely and the fact that my BBC bouncer was standing behind me watching. “SUCK THAT DICK YOU WHORE - SUCK IT!” the car’s driver said as he started pumping my throat. I did for a bit, but my B.I.C. (Bottom In Charge) role took over and I pulled back, looked up, and breathlessly asked, “Want to fuck me?” That got me a hard boot to the back as a silent ‘shut up’ from my BBC guide, and as the driver did not respond I shrugged, and focused on working my mouth hole instead. The driver’s hands grabbed the back of my head and he started thrusting, pumping, and filled my mouth with a pint of man cum. Satisfied I had sucked him dry he let go of my head, I leaned back, he zipped up, walked around the front of the car, got in, and drove off. I got off the sidewalk and the BBC bouncer said, “You still need to learn. A man’s needs is not always about getting pussy - well it is - but sometimes a nicca just wants a quick blow job or BJ. You need to learn about the niccas here. Take the dick however they offer it. If they are in their car, they are usually just looking for a quick blow job before heading home. If you need more, you need to offer a little something - a little cash but also offering to take it unwrapped is good - they like whore pussy they can pop and drop a nutt in. Now, you’re gonna have to do better if you want me to fuck that ass.” Damn! I had to hustle again to catch up as he headed back to the corner at 14th. “Hey, I never got your name,” I said as I got up to him. He paused, looked at me and said, “No, you didn’t.” Fuck that was hot! Here I was following some anonymous BBC, taking anonymous loads on the street because he said so, all because I was a dick hungry cock hound. I was busy snorting from my bottle when he did a quick step across the street ahead of an oncoming car. I had to wait for the car to pass then practically run to catch up. We turned east on P Street and a block up, crossed over to Logan Circle Park. Tall, wiry bushes had turned what was once a broad walkway into the small park into nothing more than a slim, game trail. Another example of DC’s failed government back at the time. Shadows moved off to the sides - sounds of sex could be heard, voices low, bodies smacking together, and as we got to the middle of the park I could see a small group of men standing under the statute of Commander John Logan astride his horse, looking forlornly over the rundown park. “Stay here,” my BBC guide said. Bits of light randomly shone from the streetlamps that circled the park. Any lamps within the park were long broken, but there was enough light to make out the basics. It was also starting to approach morning, yet a dark and overcast one. Fitting for the dark places I was being taken in DC’s underbelly. I looked down at the remnants of an old park bench, which now was nothing more than a metal leg/end piece bolted to cracked concrete and a few bits of rotten wood. I took my bottle out, snorted some coke, and watched as my guide eased up to the group, shook some hands, then turned his back to me as he did his business. Was he finding me more dick? “Are they going to fuck me?” I asked as he came back to where I was standing. He grabbed my shoulder and pushed me back down the path a couple of steps and quietly said, “No. Something else to learn if you are going to chase street dick is that it’s almost always best to catch guys who are alone. Sitting alone, walking alone, driving alone. Those dudes up there? They’re here for business - slinging dope, rock, needles, whatever. Now, they don’t bother folks who come here to fuck around they just don’t want to be bothered and if you had gone up to ask them if they wanted to fuck you’d get beat down. True - I know some of those niccas would roll up in that ass another place - another time - but this is their business time.” I looked crestfallen and swayed a bit as I snorted some more coke. “Easy there pussy boy,” my BBC bouncer said as he steadied me. “I want you fucked up, not dropped out, cause I’ll leave your ass where it falls. Don’t worry. I came here to get as much rock as they could offer with that nice wad of cash of yours. When I fuck you, I want to be lit as that makes me horny as shit and I want you lit too. You’ll see - the pipe will make you climb my dick like a pro – at least for the second round. You’ll be lucky to stay conscious for the first one. I also got someone here for you to see to see how good of a whore you are and then - then if you do my man right, we’ll see about what comes next.” Well that perked me right up and in my excitement I ran right into the back of my BBC guide who had stopped in the middle of the trail, seemed to orient himself, then pushed through a small gap in the bushes on the left side of the path. Lucky for me he was tall and created a darker shadow to follow. He only went about 5-feet before he stopped, and asked, “How’s it going Russell?” I stepped up beside my guide into a small space that had been beat out in the middle of a bunch of the tall bushes. There was a black guy who was clearly homeless sitting on the ground, smoking a hand rolled cigarette, his face highlighted by the cast from a little fire burning in coffee can. My BBC guide pulled out my stack of tips that he had left, peeled off a $5, tossed it on the ground and said, “I brought you some white ass. Got a fresh boy here who’s trying to learn to be a good street whore and I know with how things are, you don’t get pussy like you used to. Figured you could use some.” The homeless man groaned as he stood up, looked at me, “You trying to take some dick boy?” he asked. I looked from him to my BBC bouncer and back. Yeah I had taken the guy on the street corner up from Garrett’s house who was begging for money, but that was really my only experience with homeless dick and somehow this seemed - ‘worse’. “Yes,” I said. He huffed liked he didn’t believe me. I dropped my shorts, turned, “Come on, stick it in me,” I said. He laughed, “What? You think I lay up around here with a hard dick just waiting for pussy to stumble on by? You got to work my shit first. Nice ass though. You gonna let me bust one in it? Want me to wipe my dick off a bit before you start sucking it? No? Jesus man, think you may have a real freak whore here.” I got on my knees, careful not to tip over the coffee can fire pit and although the dick he pulled out of his pants was crusted, ripe, and smelled like an outhouse, I gobbled that stink stick down. My BBC guardian stood behind us watching and smoking a fresh rock on his pipe as I worked the flesh pipe in my mouth, got it hard, turned around, and let him push it into my ass. “I WANT YOUR CUM IN ME RUSSELL, FUCK IT - FUCK ME GOOD - YEAH JUST LIKE THAT,” I said as the filthy 10-incher pushed in and out of my hole. “CREAM MY WHITE PUSSY MAN, PU T THAT LOAD IN, FUCK IT HARDER, GO ON, HARDER, PLEASE – CUM IN ME…” A few minutes of me talking dirty later, Russell was close, “YOU A NASTY ONE AIN’T YA? HOT DAMN THAT’S GOOD ASS - READY FOR THIS CUM IN THAT ASS? DON’T PULL AWAY NOW - I’M JUST ABOUT THERE - JUST ABOUT THERE - HERE YOU GO - FILLING THAT WHITE ASSHOLE UP - FILLING YOU UP WITH MY DARK ROAST. PUMPING THAT PUSSY FULL WITH MY BIG LOAD.” Russell kept jamming my hole as squirt after squirt was added to the cum remnants already inside me. Finally spent, he yanked his dick out, ordered me to clean it off, and once done, plopped back down on the ground and tossed some more bits of paper and refuse in his coffee can fire, fanning the little flames to life. My BBC guide tucked his pipe back into his boot top, led the way out through the bramble path, and before we cleared the brush he stopped, turned, grabbed me by throat and pulled me close. His beard tickled my face as the wisps of crack smoke from his lungs tickled my nose, “Reach down and touch my fucking dick,” he ordered. I would have gasped in wonder if his hand had been looser. All I could do was gurgle a bit. “Seeing that shit made my dick rock hard. FUCK! If it was later at night I would take your ass right here - let you bleed out in the bushes as I rape that pussy to death - maybe another night,” he warned. I shook with anticipation. He let go, we cleared the brush line, he stopped, looked around like he was getting his bearings, then smiled, “I got the perfect place to go next. Spot be hopping 24/7.” We headed zig-zag north a few blocks, then cut to the west, back over to 14th Street, then further north, and cut west again to 15th. At W Street we turned left and immediately veered right off the sidewalk onto a paved path. My BBC guide had been laser focused on our destination and had barely said two words to me. He seemed like he was jonesing for his pipe – about as bad as I was in need of his - and when I pulled out my bottle of coke to snort some he snatched it from me, stuffed it in his pocket and said, “No. No more. You need to do this next part without flashing that damn bottle to the fucking world. Safer that way, plus I need you ready for the pipe.” He now paused, looked around, there were a few passing the intersection a block over on 16th, but otherwise the streets were quiet. “This is Malcolm X Park,” he explained with a wave to the dark, unlit, path. “The park runs oh several blocks up the hill. The white folks call it Meridian Hill Park. Trying to white wash it like everything else in this city. For now, it’s still the place to go for 24/7 freak shit. Drugs, street trade, just niccas looking to hang and smoke, get a blow job, fuck some ass or pussy. Once we walk through them posts there you stick close. If you with me, no one will fuck with you - well they will - but you know, they won’t try to rob or hurt you or shit. About half way up is a spot I know. Used to be a pump house or something for the fountain that is cut back deep into a wall. I know we’ll find the freak shit there that I want – them rough street trade niccas that will gang rape that pussy good and get it ready for me.” I suddenly got nervous and touched his arm, “Won’t we get busted or arrested or something?” I asked. He laughed, “ Fuck no! The cops know better than to go in there even in the day. Neighbors too. They all stay out, that is of course unless they scoping. This is where shit goes down and oh, right about now, we’ll run into the dudes who have gotten off the night shift, or have been at the after parties and too fucked up to go home, or are fucked up enough to get down on the DL, or guys like me who can come here and get what I want by force if need be and no one saying shit. Hell, I think the cops and the city like leaving it like this. Rundown, overgrown, lights all broken and shit. Cheaper, but keeps the wild shit in a central spot. Otherwise you’d have brothas and the Latinos, and the Maryland boys spread out from Adams Morgan, to Logan Circle, to Capitol Hill trying to find some little spot to get into just a minute of innocent trouble.” Sure didn’t sound like anything innocent happened in this place. Like Logan Circle’s park, this one was overgrown, strewn with trash, lights were busted, and as I gazed up the multi-tiered fountain and steps that cascaded down the hillside, I thought this would be a fucking awesome Halloween haunt. Only it wasn’t All Hallows Eve - it was a hazy morning in the nation’s capital, yet I still hoped for some demons to spawn inside my living flesh. “Wait here,” my BBC guide said as we got about halfway up the Hill and angled off to the right into a thicket of hollies that opened before stone archway. Flickers of lighters and matches were like Polaroid snapshots of the men milling about inside. Two guys passed me heading back the way we came. The looks they gave me were a mix of curiosity and a warning like I was treading on ground where I didn’t belong. A few seconds later the bouncer rejoined me, wrapped his hand tight around my throat and put his face close to mine again, “It’s time. Time to get that ass fucked good. My buddies say the spot’s jumping this morning with limited options, so that means you’re gonna get all the fucking nicca dick and nutt you can handle. Here’s how this is playing out. You and I are going in there and off to the back and side is a stone bench. I’m gonna sit back, kick out my feet, hit my rock, and watch the fucking show. You - you are gonna get naked, get on your fucking hands and knees and lick my boots again. Then - then you are going to experience a RING OF FIRE.” “What is a RING OF FIRE?” I asked. Fingers squeezed tighter to cut off any other questions. “A RING OF FIRE IS A BBC GANG RAPE SPECIAL. THE CALL HAS GONE OUT TO EVERY FUCKING CRACK HEAD IN THE PARK - THAT’S WHERE THOSE GUYS WENT OFF TOO. SOON THIS ALCOVE WILL BE BRIMMING WITH BROTHAS ALL LOOKING TO LIGHT THEIR PIPES UP AND STAND IN A CIRCLE - CREATING A RING OF FIRE AROUND THAT WHITE PUSSY ASS AS ONE AFTER ANOTHER DICK IT DOWN, NUTT UP, AND TAG OFF. YOU MENTIONED YOU TOOK A FEW DICKS THE OTHER NIGHT AT SOME GUY’S HOUSE WITH HIM AND HIS HOMIES WATCHING THE GAME. THAT’S LIGHT WEIGHT SHIT. YOU IN THE RING NOW WITH HEAVY WEIGHT ROCK STARS. COME ON. WHILE WE WAIT, YOU NEED TO GET READY AND THE FIRST FLAME TO GET LIT IN THIS RING WILL BE YOU - TIME FOR YOU TO BECOME A CRACKHEAD WHORE! TIME FOR YOU TO GET BURNED BY THE RING OF FIRE SO THEN IT WILL BE MY TURN AS MY SEED NEEDS TO COME OUT AND BURN THAT ASS!” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  31. Dude your twisted stories keep me boned and cumming, fuck this boy up real good make him hurt then dispose of him for good
    1 point
  32. I've had fuck flu for nearly 2 weeks since I got fucked and bled with a bottle brush by a guy with full blown AIDS. I'd resisted his charms for months and then decided I had to take his toxic load so we spent the last few weeks fucking ive done 2 home tests which say I'm poz and I've felt so achy and sick with night sweats and nightmares too but I'm so horny all the time too I'm not planning on meds as I'd love to see how AIDS will change my healthy and toned body. I've got strong urges to fuck a poz woman though - not sure why I'm craving pussy and female arse but I need it
    1 point
  33. Part 6 (Luke''s Total Corruption) Luke still had his eyes shut with a cock that was still as soft as ever when Matt moved up placing straight boy's legs on his shoulders as he moved to mount neg boy's hole. Luke was stunned as he felt Matt's hard cock pushing at his hole bringing him back to reality with him opening his eyes to see Matt up on the lunge chair as his own ass seem to (instinctively) accept Matt's cock. A moan escaped through Luke's lips as his neighbor's hard cock breached his hole and quickly sank all the way inside. Steve sat watching Luke take Matt's cock as he slipped out of his shorts and began to pump his already hard and dripping cock. He stood up and moved in closer to see a confused look on Luke's face as he began to get fucked for the first time. It was a look he has seen on many boys that had been corrupted in the past as the drugs seemed to confuse what t the boy being corrupted (in this case, Luke) normally thought about gay sex. Matt quickened his pace as he fucked the no longer virgin boy beneath him. He recalled that Luke was reluctant to breed him when he got fucked earlier in the day and wasn't sure if Luke even knew he was taking his raw cock up his shiter. Matt knew he needed to complete Luke's corruption and took one of his hands and placed it on his cock as he contnued to piston fuck his neighbor as he said "Bro, you're taking my cock like a champ. It's like you're entire life was leaing you to this pivitol point in your life where you would discover your true self." Luke ran his hand along the slick, hard as steel cock that was invading not just his body, but his soul when he realized that Matt was not wearing a rubber. The shocked expression on Luke's face increased the need Matt had to breed him as he seemed to try and squirm and force the hard cock out from inside himself as he began to beg Matt to stop and put on protection. Matt buried his cock in to the root as he leaned in close to Luke asking him "You get to fuck and breed my ass but I can get the same reciprocation?" Matt again pleaded with his neighbor "Please don't cum inside me, please?" Matt still had his cock firmly planted deep inside Luke as he pinned his arms to the lounge chair. This gave Steve the opportunity to take start the final phase of the corruption as he took a rubber tube and placed it tightly on Luke's left bicep. Then retrieving a prepared point (a nice fat dose too) he quickly slipped the needle into a nice fat vein as Matt let Luke know that he shortly would do anything he was told from that point on. Steve got the familiar red register before pushing it's payload into their intended victim. After the rubber tube was removed from his arm Luke began to cough as his chest heaved with his heart beating faster, his sensation scrambled as he rode the dark wave of his first slam. Matt felt the change in Luke as he quickly resumed fucking him. As Luke tried to comprehend the situation, which was impossible in his drug induced state, Matt asked him "How do you feel about getting fucked by my raw cock now?" Luke struggled a bit as he attempted to formulate the right words only to say "Feels great." Matt then asked "And what about my breeding you? You ready to become a cum dump? You ready to get knocked up?" Luke had no clue the true meaning of those words as Matt picked up speed knowing he would soon reach the point where he wanted to hear Luke beg for his seed. Luke's answer was again a simple one, "I'll become anything you want me to be." Steve then chimed in saying "We know that. but what do you say about Matt filling you up with his charged load?" It seemed to come out of Luke's mouth instinctively when he asked Matt, "Please breed me, give me your charge load." With that said Matt then filled his hole with his very potent cum as he collapsed on top of their new whore. As Matt was starting to cum around he made it a point to start to teach the new whore the importance of kissing as he leaned in kissing Luke forcing his tongue into his mouth. After a couple of minuted Steve tapped Matt on the shoulder letting him know that it was time to move things to the basement.
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  34. Hmm, well I'm the 'smooth-all-over' type and I shave pubes... love the 'bare-naked wrestler' sports-fucker look. Damn I used to look like a child when I posed nude in pictures (one attached) until I was about 30. Barely had to shave! But sometimes OPPOSITES ATTRACT! Here is how I developed appreciation for hairy types: My man is much younger than me and oddly, much more hairy, even as he was a twink until a few years ago. He hates his body hair, says it makes him sweat! He thinks most guys who top don't want to see hair on a bottom. In part because of all the prized pigs I used to pork! I'm somewhat in the middle on 'hair': Long hair hell yes, facial, scruffy hair hell yes, blondes with lots of 'peach-fuzz' all over BINGO! Just not hair on the back, at least not until 'the conversion'. Ever since joining the bareback team I'm feeling my POWER-BOTTOM RANGE EXPANDING! Stopped being so fussy with others. Like a BAREBACK POWER RANGER I feel I want to take on hairy monsters who used to scare me! Now I yearn for encounters for bad boys and keep myself available for total arrogant jerks and hairy man-bear-pigs! A combination thereof would be hot! I used to cringe over types like that in my goodie-two-shoes vanilla SAFE SEX days when I topped smooth twinks. Well I'm still going for the smooth look on myself because what little chest-hair there is wouldn't be enough to make a frock for a cock-roach out of it. And the smooth, crotch-shaven, inked-and-pierced, urban sports-fucker look of the promiscuous circuit guys coming through town still works for me... but my appetite has opened up for new flavors! So, now I am intrigued by the dangerously-promiscuous 'NO LOADS REFUSED' bareback protocol! I kept reading about it as I explored the bareback scene on-line, intrigued, before plunging into it myself just a couple years back. Told myself I would go that route and not look back! First time I applied that policy was THIS YEAR. Dude showed up at the door from bbrt: 100% not my type: much shorter than me, ok, I have fucked lots of short twinks before. But he was a measly hill-folk TOP, not one bit athletic, big belly, not smooth at all, hair coming out of his shirt and he had a mountain-man-beard! He had no ass, moved like a 'shuffler', bald on top (even though much younger than me) and HAIR ALL OVER! A total MAN-BEAR-PIG! Let's just say: as hot, hairy HONCHO guys go, he was not one of those virile prime specimen. On his (faceless) profile he is specifically looking for 'bottoms who will take his load' as both he and his man are tops and the other top won't bottom for him as he says 'they have guys for that!' Yeah that kinda guy would be me - a 'late-convert' to promiscuous bareback sex! The man-bear-pig was a guy of few words and I was glad he immediately commandeered me with his hand to assume 'doggie' to fuck me from behind. Like "Roll over Grover!" as his wanking dick was drooling copious amounts of ass-appetite on the blanket I had out in the living-room! His cock and jizz I would take but kissing him HELL TO THE NO! He was BY FAR the ugliest mother-fucker I messed with ever, with not even a close contender. If my peers (who are mostly in the pretty-boy-league) saw me talk to him in a bar they would make weird faces, I know, even make hurling sounds. Well I put on a good show for the anxious villain and was verbally encouraging like the best porn-sluts I have seen. Dude nutted fast like a teenager! My POWER-RANGER job was done! He shuffled out the door! One hairy mother-fucker down, many more to go in my cum-dumpster career! No post-coitus regret! Even kept his jizz and didn't queeve the anon potentially-poz DNA out like a suddenly-distressed trailer-park-damsel would do. You know: after the cheap Fireball booze-buzz wears off, and the random suitor she met at the trucker-dive silently sneaks out after the hasty, vile copulation and then hauls ass out of the driveway. No, I felt like a proud warrior, who had proven himself. Put on my snazzy high-dollar jeans, my brightly-colored high-top- sneakers (both bought on-line by my man because he likes that look on me) , confident and cocky with jizz in the ass, strutting like a champ, fixed my hair for a fetching 'pretty-boy-look' and went to the market, hoping by chance, I would find another but more virile, hairy man with an appetite for sloppy seconds! Didn't!!! But I found another hairy player months later: this one much more virile, hair all over, his back and shoulders, a beard. But he had more style. Touching him didn't have the revolting feeling I used to get in the days when after being on the dance-floor with all the other smooth, shirtless guys, out of the darkness some sweaty hairy troll 'accidentally' brushed up against me. No, this was 'willful breeding behavior'. It brought out the total 'opposites-attract-whore' in me! The new 'suitor' from bbrt was also more built, his beard more trimmed, he had a personality. I was all over him and felt a strange 'animal attraction' to his furriness. We even made out! For a minute a thought flashed through my head like 'this is the closest thing to bestiality'. A satyr and a Minotaur! He was all about me being smooth, I could tell, and played with my pierced nipples which are hard-wired to my cock. He was rock-hard and I was rubbing on his man-beast hulk! The insemination followed immediately and the game went on for a while... me riding the beast, rubbing his hairiness and feeling an electric tingling of having 'broken new ground'. He was all: "damn, damn, damn! We need to do this again! You up for a 3-way? My man is a top too and he will want some after I tell him!" HELL YEAH! was my answer - site unseen! Two younger, hairy man-bear-pigs wanting to breed the smooth former 'circuit boy' now retired from the club scene living with a (somewhat hairy) younger man they only heard about in chat... maybe a 4-way, maybe just have a 3-way rutting marathon, two hairy fuckers taking turns on a smooth dude, in between their copious DNA-injections... All was well as long as the 'anon-scene' was part of this program: as in 'no pre-history'. Not that there was any shyness about names, phone numbers or letting fellow bros at the bars know we had all bred. No all that was a prospective thrill! A big turn away from the hypocrisy of nelly West Hollywood queens who are secretive about whom they screw and have fits when someone lets the 'cat out of the bag'. No these little otters wanted to play and let anybody watch!!! FUN! I told my man about my escapade and he asked 'what was his name' and I say 'John' I mean, how absurdly common a name can you have? He asked me if I have his number and of course I did: I read the prefix, the next three.... and he finished by reading the next four from his I-phone. "Oh shit I have worked with him for 6 years! He never showed interest in me!" Well when otter John found out my otter and him had a history he was all apologetic, thought he had done terribly wrong. "I didn't know he was YOUR MAN! We NEVER fuck guys who are friends or work with!" And the otter's man had been to the house, years earlier with my man's best friend. Not that I even recall a face... but they were freaking out! Something about 'not fucking friends to avoid potential DRAMA!' Whatever! With my fetish range now open not just for otters but man-bear-pigs, even a one-time fuck is better than none at all... after all I had the Minotaur's dick, NEXT buck, bull, stallion or mythical beast please!! No crocodile tears over wasted, spilled seed as hairy dude probably jacks off recalling our fuck, with one willing BUT FORBIDDEN cum-dumpster OFF THE MENU, how stupid is that... probably nutting as he recalls breeding my smooth ass!
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  35. Poz, since 2014, but stopped meds in December 2016. My viral load on meds was undetectable, not sure now...
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  36. I pretty much gave up long ago going to a bathhouse or sex club and sticking my cock in every available pussy. For me, it's about breeding and planting my daddy sperm babies in the boy.
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  37. I have been having sex with many members of my family...dad, uncle, brother nephew, my son, and they all whore me out to friends...its been a great life... I love my dads cock ever since I was 11...
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  38. I was able to make really good time fleshing out and proof reading this chapter before work tomorrow. As asked, I tried to include some hot pipe smoking, as well as give some hot reading material. Since I work for the next few days, I likely won't be able to update until the weekend unless I get home pretty early. As always, enjoy guys, and let me know what you think! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2: Just a Perfect Taste of What’s to Come The sound of running water being shut off was the first thing to wake me up. The normally soft sound hammered through my head making me cringe as all my other senses slowly started to wake up. The first of my other senses was taste. Jesus, I thought to myself, did I lick an ashtray? Next, I opened my eyes only to instantly regret it as I was immediately greeted to a stray beam of sunlight coming in through the window. My head felt like it had split open. “So," I said to myself out loud, “This is being hung over. Fucking hell.…” Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to sit up. This too was a bad idea. I started coughing, and my throat felt like it was on fire, as well as a deep thickness to my chest. Then I felt the slick wetness in my ass. God, how drunk was I to have shit the bed? I thought to myself, but then, upon inspection, I found none of the telltale signs. “Seriously?” I groaned out loud, “just what the fuck did I do last night?!” “I think a better question would be what didn’t you do last night,” a deep voice asked from the bathroom. I jumped off the bed, shocked at the sudden intrusion of the strange voice from the bathroom. A dull ache immediately shot through my ass, and then everything from the night before rushed back to me. The breakup. The bar. The scotch. The crying into my drink. The smoking. Holy shit! The smoking! I don’t smoke! What in the holy fuck? And what happened after the smoking. I remembered that we had gotten into a car or maybe it was a truck. We smoked and groped each other the entire way back to the hotel, and I fumbled to get the key out of my pocket. The entire time, the hot guy from the bar… name like a president… Johnson… no… his name was Jackson, was grabbing my ass in one hand and his cigar and my crotch, licking down my neck as I puffed away on what must have been my second cigar. We made it into the room and immediately started stripping. Jackson, rubbing his dick through the leather pants he was wearing, watched me as I struggled drunkenly to pull off my pants. Suddenly, he was in front of me, putting his hand on my chest and pushing me backward onto the bed. Taking a deep inhale on the nearly spent cigar, he looked down at me and smiled before he shifted the cigar into the corner of his mouth and proceeded to expertly pull my jeans and underwear off in one swift movement. “Nice set your packing there son,” he replied, eyeing my now naked body. “Thanks, your's is nice to-shiiiiiiiiit,” I replied with a slight muffle around the cigar in my mouth, as he quickly pulled the cigar out of his mouth, lifted my legs over his shoulders and began to lick and probe at my asshole with his tongue and fingers. “Nice tasty hole too,” he continued, taking a quick break to take another puff of the cigar, “Going to love fucking that all night. Can't wait to see it gaping after I fuck it.” At this point, I was lost to the world, puffing away at the cigar in my mouth as this hot mountain of a man continued to work at my hole, loosening it up for the giant piece of meat in his pants. I continued to moan as he stretched me out, first with one finger, then two. At this point, I probably looked to the world like the chimney at a coal plant. Cigar deep in my jaw, inhaling fully on the cigar and letting the smoke jet out of my nose and mouth. I let out a muttered curse as he shoved another two digits into my hole, rubbing my prostate gland deep in my hole. At this point, both of us knew what was going to happen next. Slowly, he stood up, satisfied at his assault on my former tight hole. Looking down at me, he reached into his pocket and grabbed a small brown bottle. Pulling my cigar out of my mouth, he set it on an ashtray. He then handed the bottle to me, and as I went to ask him what it was for he replied, knowing already what I planned to ask. “Open the bottle and sniff deep on them,” he said as he stepped back and started pulling his pants off. I looked down, suddenly catching a glance at the giant, uncut ten inch cock he had firmly stuffed in his pants as the seemingly jumped out of his pants. Even in my drunken state, my eyes grew, knowing that there was no way in hell it would fit. “Just sniff the bottle and let me do the rest,” he said, sensing my worry after taking a single glance at his package. The alcohol was still coursing through my veins, as I slowly nodded and did as he said. Being a proper medical professional, I had been a good boy all my life. I have never drunk as a teen, smoked, did drugs or even had sex until I had met Matt in college. Hell, I hadn't even taken anything stronger than a Tylenol until I had my wisdom teeth out at 19. Yet, here I was, about to start sniffing poppers, smoking heavily on a cigar, no... my second cigar after getting trashed on scotch. And set to have sex with a stranger. All without hesitation. At first, I felt nothing as the strange smelling fumes went up to my nose. Then, I felt it. Everything in my body relaxed, and I watched as the man above me slowly brought his cock towards my face. “Want to suck me, boy?” he asked, reaching over to the table and setting the spent cigar that was formerly in his mouth into the ashtray. I nodded and returned the smile he gave me. Turning away, he went over to his previously forgotten leather pants and grabbed a lighter and what had to be a massive pipe out of the side pocket. Again, it was my turn to be mesmerized. He slowly brought the large lighter to the bowl of the pipe, lighting it with the flame, and began to slowly circle it, puffing and bring the pipe to life. Flipping out the bottom of the lighter, he began to press the tobacco threatening to break free of the confines of the bowl back in and began to light it once again, this time bringing with it large clouds of smoke. All I could do is watch in awe as he performed the ritual, my cock somehow getting even harder as he then turned his attention back to me. “Daddy’s gonna need this for all the pounding he's got planned on your tight hole,” Jackson growled, letting smoke curl out of his mouth. Walking over to me, he grabbed his dick and aimed it at my mouth. “Suck on my meat slut,” he growled at me, staring down at me on the bed through hooded eyes. Slowly, I took him into my mouth, my jaw stretching uncomfortably as I struggled to fit him fully into my mouth. Slowly, I was able to get deeper and deeper until I could feel him threatening to hit the back of my throat. I grabbed his balls and began tugging on them as my gag-reflex started to kick in, eliciting a growl of approval. “It’s time to slam into that cum-dump boy,” Jackson replied, pulling his cock out of my mouth with a loud plop. I stared at his massive, glistening dick, a string of what had to be precum and my spit slowly dripping off the tip. Jackson made his way back to the foot of the bed and brought my feet back above his shoulders, the large pipe resting on his lips as smoke slowly rose out of the bowl. Reaching down, he grabbed the now forgotten bottle of poppers and my half smoked and now unlit cigar from the ashtray. Opening the bottle, he took a few hits before putting the bottle under my nose. I took a few hits myself and he closed the bottle before shoving the cigar in my gaping mouth. Closing my lips around the thick cigar, he brought his now lit lighter to the edge of the stick. I drew on it, bringing the cigar back to life slowly, inhaling with each puff. “Good fucking cum pig…” he growled as I puffed away, “Daddy likes his cock whore smoking.” I vaguely noticed each time he called me those dirty names that my cock jerked, and had even started dripping precum on its own as the words got nastier. Removing the lighter, he put out the flame and threw it on the bed. Removing the pipe out of his mouth, he worked up a load of spit and drooled it onto my openly exposed hole. I felt my hole pucker as the warm saliva slowly moved across it. Taking another puff of his pipe, he then spit another mouthful onto his large, veiny cock. “Take a deep haul on the cigar you slut,” he growled, shoving the head of his dick against my hole, “Daddy’s coming home.” I did as he said and took a deep draw on the cigar as I felt him shove his dick head against my stubborn opening. It fought for several moments as his large cock pushed harder and harder. Suddenly, my hole gave up the fight and I nearly screamed as ten solid inches slowly made its way into my formerly tight hole. He rested for a minute as my hole raged against the sudden intruder deep in its depths. Slowly, the pain ebbed away, calmed as I slowly started smoking the cigar in my jaw again. In my pain, I had bit down somewhat on the stick, and thankfully it now sat perfectly on the side of my mouth. As Jackson slowly started pumping in and out of my ass, I focused on the bright, glowing cherry slowly moving up the stick. I timed his pumps into my ass and his smokey exhales with the inhales on my cigar, slowly beginning to relish on the loosening of my hole, now loosening against his steady assault. Suddenly, Jackson changed positions, and with a slight grunt from him towering above me, my hole suddenly felt slicker. We continued on with this for what felt like an hour, but in hindsight was likely only half that. Looking down, he smiled at my hard cock, drooling from the steady slamming of the sweet spot inside my ass, and took hold of my cock, coating the palm of his hand before roughly stroking it. “Good boy,” he let out with a low moan as my hole involuntarily squeezed hard on his dick, “You’re making Daddy so happy. He wants to see you shoot a big load for him. Grip onto Daddy’s dick with your fucking cumhole.” Nodding, I complied and began to tighten my hole, immediately loving the sensation as he began to slam somehow ever harder into my ass. Finally, I felt my balls tighten, and as I began to cum, my back and head involuntarily arched backward, my jaw gripping even tighter on to the nearly spent cigar in my mouth. As I did so, I felt his cock slam into my ass one last time before I felt his cock twitching in my ass as he let out one final yell. "Take all of my Daddy sperm! It's time to knock up that hole!" We both lay there in silence as we slowly recovered from our shared orgasm. Stirring slightly, he rubbed his hands on my chest and pinched each of my nipples. Eliciting another small gasp and pucker of my hole, he smiled. We were both equally spent. Removing my now spent cigar from my mouth, as well as his pipe, which was apparently fully smoked, he gently placed both his pipe and my cigar butt into the ashtray beside my head, and proceeded to give me a deep kiss, his large tongue sliding deep in my mouth. After which he slowly withdrew his slowly deflating cock from my ass. We scooted up on the bed and I must have fallen asleep, slowly tracing my finger around the scorpion shaped tattoo on his left shoulder. And that’s when I realized what my drunken self the night before had not. I knew that what that tattoo meant. Either this man was born at the end of October or beginning of November, or worse. I saw that tattoo twice before, both times at work during my rotation in I.D. I might have just let an HIV positive man come in my ass. Without protection. Jumping up, I let out a horrified “OH FUCK!”, both do the shock of what my stupid drunken ass had done the night before, and the now sharp sting emanating from my ass. Sticking his head out of the bathroom, Jackson looked at me and made a small smile. “Sore, huh?” he asked, grinning as he stepped into the room, wearing nothing but a towel with a quickly growing tent from what was likely a semi-hard monster cock underneath. “No! I mean… well yes… but fuck… we…” I sputtered, trying to find my words as I struggled with my sudden realization. “Fucked?” he asked, “Yeah, and damn boy, you have a mighty fine ass. And no way in hell you aren’t a smoker! I’ve never seen anyone smoke like that and not be one.” “Shit!” I yelled, starting to pace the room, “Shit-shit-shit!” “You ok?” he asked, looking at me confused. “No! You’re poz, aren’t you?!” I nearly yelled, looking at him and pointing my finger. “Um… well, yeah…?” he asked, still confused. “SHIT!” I screamed, grabbing at my hair as I paced even faster. “Well, I mean I am undetectable but… Dude,” he asked slowly, “You okay?” I stopped and stared at him for a few moments before exploding “DO I LOOK OK?! I JUST HAD UNPROTECTED SEX WITH YOU!” I yelled, starting my pacing again. “Um, calm the fuck down,” Jackson replied, a slightly disgusted look spreading across his face. “I’ve got to go get on PEP. I gotta get tested… shit!” I muttered, my breathing quickening as everything came crashing down. “Wait…” Jackson slowly drawled out, “You’re neg?” “Of course I am!” I replied as I stared at him bewildered. “Oh fuck dude…” he continued, as the realization finally struck him, “I just though you were poz since you came in the bar last night…” “What?!” I asked, becoming confused as my mind failed to understand where his line of thought was going. “Uh, last night was poz night at the bar… well, unofficially…” he replied, slowly making his way to the edge of bed before sitting down. “Officially it’s “Daddy Dick” night, but well… yeah. I figured you knew. Everyone does.” “Well, I fucking didn’t!” I replied, my breathing quickly increasing as tears started to form on my face. “Look,” Jackson asked, “You obviously work in medicine right?” Confused, I stared at him not knowing how he knew this. Guessing at why I was confused, he pointed to the closet. “I hung up my clothes and noticed the scrubs and doctor tools and stuff. I’m going to guessing nurse, maybe? Med student? Obviously too young to be a doc.” Slowly, I nodded, trying to follow his logic. “Well, I’m fully medicated and undetectable,” he continued, “So your chances of actually contracting it are what?” “At most, 0.45% over the course of a year of unprotected sex… or less depending on the study you read,” I replied, automatically blurting out one of the millions of facts I had picked up along my course. “So essentially nil,” Jackson said. “But it’s not impossible,” I replied, nervous but more slightly relieved. “Thank god you only came in me once.” “Well,” Jackson replied, a fond smile on his face, ”more like three times. I tend to come several times when I really get into it.” Tension filled my body as I slowly looked over at him. “Not helping,” I ground out, “ Really, really not helping. But thanks for trying.” “Jake, right?” he asked, waiting for me to shaking my head in affirmation before he continued, getting up from the bed and pulling on his clothing, adding “Look, I kinda get where you're coming from. I was somewhat in your shoes once not all that long ago." He looked down at his watch before continuing. "I have to head to work. Maybe it would be a good idea to wrap your head around what happened last night.” I slowly nodded, secretly fighting the mildly nauseous feeling deep in my stomach as he continued. “I had fun, you seemed to have fun too. And frankly, I’d love to do it again. But only when you want to.” “I… uh…. thanks…” I replied, still unsure of how to reply, my mind racing. Surely it had been one of those drunken one-time things. I’m not one to those types of guys. I don’t do those types of things. Right? “Here,” he said, pulling out his wallet and handing me a business card from inside, “Take it. Has my cell on it. If you ever want to pick up from here, let me know. Or if you just need someone as a contractor for your house.” Nodding, I slowly willed my self to politely take the card as he made his way to the door. “Take care,” he replied, lifting his hand behind him. Softly I muttered a 'you too' as he softly closed the door. I sat in silence for a few moments. Looking around the room, I saw my phone sticking slightly out of my pocket, abandoned in the activities the night before. Gingerly, I stood up and pulled the phone out, placing my finger over the home button. I frowned as the screen remained stubbornly dead. “Damn it…” I sighed, making my way to the bag and after a short search, finding the thin white cord and power block. Looking around, I finally saw a power port on the bedside lamp and grabbed my boxers, plugged the phone and pulled on my underwear. Soon enough, my phone lit up and a small ding emanated from it. With a sigh, I grabbed it and stared at the screen which reported 47 missed calls, 101 text messages and 35 voicemail. All undoubtedly from Matt. “Fuck…” I muttered, rubbing my hand on my face, “Isn’t this just a perfect taste of what’s to come?” END OF PART 2
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  39. Infected with hiv through a bareback gang bang conversion party, also have herpes, syph and now gono in my cunt!
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  40. Kind of three phases to my fuck life.....and very different "exposures" 35 years of barebacking and nothing 2 years of PrEP and gono twice and syph once 6 weeks of no PrEP and HIV+, Gono
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  41. Got herpes on my arse from a guy in a bathhouse when I was 20. Severe outbreak, but then calmed down. Have an occasional ourbreak. Don't take meds.
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  42. 9. Cal "One more load for my boy," Jon said. Deep inside my body, I could feel the spurts of poz cum shooting into me. Jon's orgasms were usually energetic and forceful; I could feel each spurt land in my hole. I thought of them as bullets, each one carrying a deadly payload. Of course, it no longer affected me, but in the early days, before I had converted, the analogy was much more salient. "Fuck, that's hot," Seth said. His eyes were darting back and forth between JP, Jon and myself. He was taking in the entire scene and did not want to miss the smallest detail. His cock was hard, a drop of pre-cum at the tip. I reached out and grabbed his dick. "You want another load?" I asked. "Of course," he said. Jon pressed his dick into me one last time. There was a gentle spurt from his dickhead, but I knew it was the last one for now. What I had gotten was enough. It had soothed the itch I had, and I could concentrate on more important things, like breeding Seth's tight hole. "I'm spent," Jon said. He slowly pulled his dick out of me, pushing it in every once in a while, just enough to work his load into me. My own dick was twitching, as I felt the toxic load he had just deposited into me get absorbed. I needed to pass this precious virus on to Seth and make him part of our extended poz family. "Old man," JP said, wrapping an arm around Jon. "Come on. Let's get a drink and recharge while these boys play." He emphasized "recharge." Seth had entered a den of vipers, and all three of us were eager to give him our venom. I got up from the bed and found Seth. He wrapped an arm around me as we started to kiss. "You want a load?" I asked him. "Yeah," he said. "I want one from you now." "That's what I wanted to hear," I said. "You boys have fun," Jon said. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." "That's a lot of things we can do," I replied. The two older men got off the bed, and started to kiss each other. I knew both of them far too well, and knew that they were good for several more loads tonight. Their excuse of a drink was far more likely to do a line or two in the kitchen or something even more nefarious. "But I think Seth wants to stick with the old standards." "Fucking like horny weasels in heat?" JP asked. "Hell yeah," Seth said. "Feels so damn good to have your cum in me." His cock was pressed against my body. It was stiff and hard, straining for relief. When Jon and JP were first fucking me, they would never let me cum until they had unloaded every drop from their balls into me. It was hard to say no to their dicks when it was the only way I would get off. We were not going to treat Seth any differently. I reached around Seth's body, finding his muscular ass and pushing my fingers between his cheeks. His hole was wet, a bit of cum dripping out of it. "Sloppy hole," I said. "Fucking hot." "Three men fucked me tonight," he said. "Three hot men. Fucked me raw." "And one of them is going to fuck you again," I said. My cock was also pressing against his body, eager to get back into that hot hole, eager to spread its potent semen. "Pound that hole and work those loads into you." "Seems like you boys have everything under control," Jon said. "We'll do what comes naturally," I said. The two men leaned in and kissed us one last time, before heading into the kitchen. "We're alone now." "I know," Seth said. I traced out the edges of his hole with a finger, eliciting a soft moan from him. "How old are you," he finally managed to ask. "How old do you think I am?" "I don't know. Twenties?" "Good guess," I said. "I'm 25. And you?" "18," Seth said. "The young one," I replied. "What do you think of Jon? JP?" "Fucking hot. And their cocks are huge." "Not to mention their loads." "How long have you known them?" I had to think for a moment. I had been in Jon's class in the fall of my sophomore year, and finally had the courage to approach him in the winter. That had been what, six years ago. I had been living with Jon and JP for nearly five of those years. "Six years?" I said, still not entirely sure of my math. "And you've been," he started, but then trailed off. "You know." "Letting them fuck me raw?" "Yeah," he said. "I mean." He was beating around the bush. He wanted to know how I became poz. But I wasn't ready to make it easy for him just quite yet. "No. It's ok." I kissed him again, even as I continued to play with his hole. It was still warm and wet, and my finger disappeared into it easily. Seth was ready to be bred, and I was the man who was going to do it. "But first, let's get in a better position." "How do you want me?" "On you back. Legs on my shoulders." "Your cock in my hole?" "Of course. Raw cock." Before he could answer, I stick my tongue back into his mouth. We kissed deeply, then I pushed him hard away from me. He tumbled back, landing on his back, his head perfectly hitting the pillows. Almost by instinct he spread his legs and exposed most secret and sensitive part of his body to me. His hole was wet, glistening in the light from the multiple loads slowly dripping out of him. "Fuck me, Cal," he said. "Pound that raw cock in my hole." I positioned myself between his legs. He grabbed his thick thighs and hoisted them onto my shoulders. Unplanned, but completely naturally, he shifted his body just enough such that my cock was just barely pressing against his hole. "Breed me," he said. "Please?" Seth's hunger was all too familiar to me. I was not ashamed to admit that I had been there myself. Many times, in fact. There was only one thing that could satisfy that craving, and it was my privilege to be able to do that. "Of course," I said. I pushed my hip upward slightly. The tiny movement was all that was needed; my dick head slid into Seth's hole and was quickly followed by nearly an inch of my shaft. "Oh my god," he grunted. "You're inside of me." "I know. It feels amazing. You want it all?" "Do you have even to ask?" Seth said. "Every fucking inch of your shaft. Every fucking drop from your balls. Give it to me." I pushed forward. He had given me permission and there was no reason for me to wait any longer. I thrust my way in and his hole enveloped me. My dickhead was practically swimming through the pools of spooge that had accumulated in the depths of his hole. Not only had he allowed me inside of him without even a thin rubber, he had given me permission to cum in his hole. He knew I was poz, but had no idea just how powerful my semen was right then. "This is what I wanted," I said. "You and me. Fucking." "It's nice, isn't it?" Seth asked. I leaned in and he craned his head up. Our lips met, softly at first and then harder. I pressed my body against his, feeling the warmth of his skin, and the hardness of his muscles. "Really nice," he said, in a pause between our deep kisses. I loved Jon. I loved JP. I couldn't imagine a life without them in my life. But they were at least twenty years my senior, at a very different point in their lives. Seth was far closer to my age and still had the exuberance of youth that I sometimes missed with my two Daddies. "You're fun," I said. "Like a little bro. That I can fuck." "Yeah, big bro?" Seth said. The way he said "big bro" made me want to cum in him that very minute. "You wanna fuck my tight hole. Pound that cum into me?" Breed me before Daddy comes back?" "Fuck yeah," I said. "So damn hot." I leaned in and kissed him again. "I'm glad you came this weekend," I said. "Me too," Seth replied. "Glad that we have a chance to play together." We took another deep kiss, which lead to my dick dribbling a bit more pre-cum into Seth's already loaded hole. I was familiar with the urge to spread my seed and breed every available hole. But this was more complex than the visceral, animal breeding instinct. This was far closer to what I felt when I was inside Jon or JP. I forced myself to remember that Seth was just a plaything for the weekend. Perhaps he would last longer, but there had been many like him. Boys and men that we had recruited to seed, keeping them just long enough for them to get our gift. Seth would be no different. "I want to cum inside you again," I finally said. Nothing about emotions. Just about intentions and actions. "I want you to cum in me too," Seth said. This time, he initiated the kiss. Just as we had intended, Seth was enjoying every second. His dick was hard, pressed between our bodies, and his hole was warm and wet. "You're, uh," he began, then stumbled. I kissed him again. "You can ask me anything. I'll answer the best I can." "You're, uh, poz, right? Jon told me." "Yeah, I am. Nearly six years now." "Do you know? Like, how you got it?" "Yeah. Bareback fucking." I pushed my dick into Seth's body. The tender, soft skin of his ass caressed my dickhead, massaging it. There was nothing protecting the two of us from the dangers that I carried so proudly. "Do you know who?" "Yeah," I said. It wasn't entirely true. There had been so many men those frantic weeks, more than I could ever keep track of sober, much less as high, stoned, and tweaked as I was during that time. But there had been two men that had been there the entire time. The two that held me as I shook in helpless fear at what I had done. The two that celebrated when I reached a new milestone in being fucked. The two that were my daddies in so many ways. They were the two that I fell in love with. "Who?" Seth asked. "Jon. JP." "Wait. But you knew." "Yeah, I knew." It seemed so long ago now. Being poz was now an essential part of who I was. It was hard to remember what it was like back then, when it was all so very new and simultaneously scary and exciting. "But." Seth stumbled. He had a lot of questions, and didn't know how to ask them. "But," he started again. I decided to help him out. "You've heard of bug chasers?" He nodded. "Back then, I was a bugchaser." He pulled me closer to him, and kissed me again. "I was too scared." "I was too. And there wasn't PrEP. But I wanted to bareback. And I really wanted to bareback with Jon. And, later, JP. But Jon." Those weeks were crazy. I would meet Jon every afternoon from school and go home with him. He and JP would fuck me at least once. Sometimes their friends would come over. On weekends, we would party the entire weekend. Most of it had been captured on tape. Some had made it to a movie, but more of it had to be surreptitiously released. Like cold-war samizdat, illegal content shared among a small circle of like-minded men. "And now?" Seth asked. "Any regrets?" "Only that I didn't do it earlier." "Why?" Seth asked. The few years that separated us were significant; I had matured so much in that time and understood so much more about myself and how I wanted to live my life. "It got me Jon. It got me JP. It meant I could have sex with them. Sex without fear. It meant I could do what I wanted." I kissed him again, and pushed my dick deeper into him. "How did you meet him?" Seth asked. "Jon, I mean." "Heh. I had him for a class. And then I found one of his films. I wasn't sure. Until I ran into him at the gym, and saw his tattoos." "Films? He's been in movies?" "Yeah. We've all been in porn now." "Which ones?" "I'm not sure they even have names." I was lying. I knew exactly what they were called. The first one was called "Cal Jones Joins the Club." The next one was "Toxic Waste II." But there was time later to talk about the movies. About the partying I had done. About the men I had helped to infect. Right now, the important thing was Seth. He needed another load injected in him. I was now fully engaged in Seth's breeding. I knew exactly what Jon and JP had planned for him, and I would do nothing to stop it. More than that, I would even actively assist them in the process. I wanted Seth to join our exclusive club. My cock was balls-deep inside of him, ready to explode, although the effects of that explosion would take a long time to manifest themselves. "But enough about that. Let's talk about better things. Like how wet your hole is." "And how good you cock feels inside it." "And how I want to cum in you." "Do it, man. Cum in me." He squeezed his ass around my shaft. The loads already in him squished around my dick, lubricating it. I pulled out, then pushed back in. He was warm and welcoming, allowing me to slide my cock all the way into his body. "Fuck man, that feels good." "Me inside you?" I asked. "Yeah. You on top of me. You skin against mine." "It feels good. To be next to you. To be in you." My cock was dripping now. The conversation had veered back and forth ever since I first slid into him, and now it was back to the personal and intimate. "My cock inside of you." "You poz cock," he said. My dick dripped pre-cum into his hole. "It's crazy," he said. I nodded, wanting him to go on. "I feel safe with a poz man fucking me. Fucking me bareback." "It's a good feeling, isn't it," I said. "To be able to have sex the way men are supposed it. To be able to share our fluids. And not have to be afraid." "Yeah," Seth said. "It's really good." "Think you will ever go back?" "Back? To rubbers?" Seth laughed. "Not a chance. I'm going to throw out all my condoms when I get home." "Good boy," I said. I leaned in and kissed him. It was a long kiss, long enough that we had to stop for a breath in the middle of it. It was the kiss of men who had found what they needed, with the languid pacing that was easy after the first load had been shot. We didn't have to rush to get relief. We could enjoy all the sensations and all the pleasures. I had fucked many boys in my life, both with a condom and without. Of course, I felt closer to the men I fucked raw. It was hard to know a man through any sort of rubber shield. But even raw, Seth felt different. He felt exciting and new, yet also familiar and calming. It reminded me a bit of the first times that Jon let me fuck him. It had been the same weekend he had first fucked me raw. From the way Seth kissed me back, it was clear I wasn't the only one that was feeling this. "Is it always like this?" Seth finally asked. "Barebacking?" I asked. "Yeah." "Not always. But sometimes." "I want your cum in me so badly," Seth said. "I want JP's cum in me." I noticed that the two men he wanted had the highest viral load. "I want Jon in me." The one member of our family who was stubbornly sticking to his meds was the one Seth put last. Even if Seth didn't yet know what he needed, his sub-conscious mind definitely knew. "We're here. Here to fuck you and here to breed you," I said. I pressed my tongue back into the young man, keeping him from talking any more. It also kept me from saying anything further. When I first pushed my dick into him, I knew exactly what I was doing. Even though that was only a few hours ago, it seemed closer to an eternity ago. Since then, my family had deposited several more loads of cum into him, and I was getting ready to add my second load. What was once a controlled, orderly breeding was spinning out of control. I wasn't sure what I would say if I said anything more; I worried I would make promises I would never be able to keep. "I want to cum in you," I finally said, as we stopped kissing. It had the advantage that it was completely true, and exactly what he wanted. "I want that. I want you to cum in me a lot. And I want JP and Jon to cum in me as well." From behind me, I heard JP speak. "We want that as well." I turned my head, and saw my two lovers standing at the foot of the bed. They were naked, dicks semi-hard. They each held a glass of amber whisky, and Jon had Seth's overnight bag in his other hand. "Continue," JP said. "The boy needs a load." "You know it," Seth said. I pushed my dick deeper into Seth, as the two men disappeared into the bathroom. I couldn't decide what I wanted more: to be able to fuck this amazing piece of ass all night, or to dump another dirty load into the young man. "Come on. Give it to me. You know I want it. I want it from you." I was still a bit stoned, and in my drug-fogged, sex-crazed state, it was hard for me to tell if Seth was talking about my load or my virus. "I want to give it to you," I said. I slammed my cock into him, and then kissed him deeply. "Oh god," Seth managed to moan. His body was shaking with pleasure, happy to be exactly where he was, getting my cock deep in his hole. I wondered what he would be like with a bit of tina in him. I wondered if he would turn into a complete slut, taking loads from almost any man he could find. The thought brought back the familiar hunger. I wanted a shard of crystal up my ass, the glass pipe against my lips, and the drugged-up, sexual darkness taking over my soul. "Oh yes," I grunted in response. My cock was still leaking pre-cum into Seth. The young man deserved my cum more than nearly any boy I had yet met. He deserved all of it: my soothing semen, the eager sperm, and the deadly virus. "You want my load?" "Hell yeah," Seth moaned. It was a loud moan. Even in the bathroom, Jon and JP could have heard it clearly. "Put him out of his misery, Cal," Jon called out. They had heard Seth's thundering moan. "Give him what he needs." "Right on," I said, loudly enough for Jon to hear me. Then, more quietly, just for Seth to hear, I continued. "You want it, hot man? You want my load, little bro?" "Please, big bro. Fuck my hole. Breed your lil bro." Something about the way he called me "bro" made my dick twitch. I slammed it in. The indecision, between fucking him all night or breeding him immediately, had disappeared. I needed to breed Seth, and Seth needed to be bred. "Give me your load," he said. "Oh yeah, little bro," I said. "You're gonna get my load. Every single drop." I punctuated each word with another deep thrust into Seth's body. My dick was starting to tingle and my balls were getting tight. I recognized the signs. I wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. "Get that load deep into you." "Please man. You know I want it. I fucking need it." "Oh fuck," I grunted. I was no longer in conscious control of my actions. My dick had taken over, and it only cared about its own pleasure. It was impossible for me to worry about anything else, least of all Seth's safety. "Oh fuck," I grunted again, my dick now throbbing. "Take it," I moaned, as the first spurt of cum worked its way down my shaft and into Seth's hungry hole. As my sperm hit Seth's hole, I could feel the boy relax underneath me. He had gotten what he had been wanting so badly, and for a few minutes, his cum-lust was satisfied. From my own experience, I knew how short this moment of peace and happiness would be. It would be only a few minutes before he grew used to my load inside of him, and he would need more semen to placate his limitless needs. "Oh god man, fill me up," he said. "As much as you want, bro," I said. I wanted him to grow accustomed to my poz sperm and to crave it just as much as I was craving his neg hole. This was a slow process, and he wasn't quite ready to embrace the full depth of his new-found desires. As much as I wanted, it was not yet the time to remind him of the virus I was injecting into his body. "Every single drop I can give you," I continued, as another spurt shot into his healthy, innocent body. I hadn't tried to keep my voice down, and my two men in the bathroom had heard me cumming in Seth. "That's my boy," Jon said. "Fill Seth up. Knock him up with your sperm." Seth might know what Jon was alluding to, but it didn't matter. Like me, he was only thinking about one thing: how good his hole felt when a man was breeding him. "Give him your babies," Jon called out. Another spurt shot out of my dick and into Seth's guts. "Damn, that feels so good," Seth said. He tried to reach down for his cock, but I grabbed his hand. "You'll get your chance," I said. I put his hand behind his head and kept my hand on his wrist. "Just enjoy getting your ass filled with cream." There was another spurt, and Seth writhed around my shaft. "Totally filled with our sperm," I repeated myself. Seth was milking me now, trying to get every drop of out my balls. It was working, and there was another surge, ending with more cum being added to Seth's collection. "Thank you man. This is exactly what I needed." "Getting your ass filled with a real man's load?" "Yeah," Seth said. He grabbed me and pulled me close. "I'm glad you came in me," he continued. He paused long enough to give me a kiss. "I'm glad all of you came in me." "Me too," I said. "I'm glad you're becoming part of our family." I kissed him again. This time it was deeper and longer. I got lost in making out, and didn't hear the two older men emerge from the bathroom. "You take care of the boy, boy?" JP asked. I turned around as best I could, my dick still embedded deep in Seth's hole. It was still enough to see Jon and JP watching us. They had put on bathrobes, but they draped open, exposing their hard dicks. "Yeah," Seth said. "He did." He reached down and grabbed his cock. "But, when is it my turn?" he was as stiff as ever. He would need relief tonight or he would never be able to sleep. "Your turn boy?" Jon asked. "Your turn?" he asked again, the incredulity dripping from his voice. "What makes you think it's your turn?" -- (4025 -> 4525*) His cock was still buried in my hole. It made me feel safe, to have him inside me and his body so close to mine. It was strange to think that I felt safe when an HIV-positive man was inside of me, especially when he was not wearing a condom. But it was now possible. Sex, even bareback sex, could be safe again
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  43. Absolutely. During primary syphilis infection you have a chancre, an open wound, usually on your cock (but also can be on your butthole). Perfect entry point for HIV. I'm sure if you have a chancre in makes your chances of getting HIV to grow exponentially.
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  44. I finished my business in San Diego and drove up to L.A. for the day on Monday. Monday night, I get checked into my hotel near the airport in LAX about 8pm. I'm tired from my full day, but after dinner and a shower, I'm feeling too horny to just go to bed. So, I post on Craigslist that I'm a cocksucker and bottom hosting in my hotel near the airport. My ad posted onto the website pretty quickly. And within 10 minutes I had a reply from a latino guy who lives nearby in El Segundo. He said he wasn't far from the hotel. He said he was 26, 6" uncut and wanted to get sucked. He said he may fuck me, but wasn't sure he wanted to fuck. I gave him my room number. He said he'd be there shortly. Anyone that uses Craigslist, or pretty much any hookup website knows that a lot of guys flake out on you. So, you never know if the guys actually going to show up, or not? I've learned to take backup offers if I get them. Making the odds that at least one of the guys will actually show up. A few minutes after I'd given the latino kid my room number, I got a message from a 45 year old black guy in Inglewood. He said he was about 15 minutes away from my hotel. He described himself as a bi curious, married, black guy that just needed a mouth or ass to fill, since his woman wasn't feeling up for it tonight. I gave him my room number, with the hope that at least one of these guys would actually show up. I got my fleet bottle from my luggage and douched a few times to clean myself out. Just as I was finishing the douche, I heard a knock at my door. Since I was naked, I opened the door, but standing behind it to hide myself from anyone that may be walking down the hallway, past my room. As I closed the door, I was standing face to face with this handsome, young Latino kid. He was about 5'6", 140lbs, with golden-brown skin. I led him into my room and told him to make himself comfortable as I retrieved my bottle of poppers and lube from my fuck kit and placed them on the nightstand. He quickly stripped and sat on the edge of the bed. I knelt on the floor, between his legs. His 6" uncut dick was already fully hard. I sucked and gently chewed on his ample foreskin. I love making love to an uncut dick. As I pulled his foreskin back I could see, taste and smell the dried cum and piss that was deposited in the folds of his foreskin. I sucked and licked his cock, then went down to worship his balls for awhile. While I was doing that, there was another knock on the door. I looked up at the kid and said, "Do you mind if another guy joins us"? "No problem", he said. I stood up and walked to the door. Peeking through the peephole, I could faintly make out a black man outside my door. I unlocked and opened the door. Again, standing behind it to hide myself from whoever may be walking by my door. As I closed the door I could see this 45 year old black man before me. He actually looked closer to 55, than 45. His hair was salt & pepper. His face was covered by at least a days worth of stubble. I wouldn't say he was particularly handsome. But he was tall, masculine and scruffy looking. I motioned for him to come into the room. I asked him if he was ok with me sucking off both of them? "OK, I guess. I don't suck dick. But I wouldn't mind watching you suck him", he said. I walked back to the Latino kid, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed, and dropped to my knees. I quickly went back to my business of sucking on his cock. I could see from the corner of my eye, that the black guy was still dressed, sitting on the chair near the bed, just watching me suck off the Latino guy. I lifted up the kids legs and went back to sucking and licking on his balls. He laid back on the bed to enjoy my ball worship that I was giving him. Then I lifted his legs even higher and licked his ass. He grabbed his ass cheeks and spread them. Giving me more access to eat his hole. As I was licking and eating this kids ass, I could hear the black guy undressing. Soon I could see him standing next to me. His large bbc in his hand as he was stroking it. I came up off the Latino kids ass and turned my head to the back cock that was just inches from my face and I put my lips around it. Damn! He had a beautiful cock. He was at least 8"s, cut. And average girth. So, even though it was rather long, I could still take it down my throat. He grabbed the back of my head and thrust his cock as far down my throat as I could. His bbc already tasted of the precum that was dripping from his piss slit. I sucked on him for a few minutes. Then kept alternating between the Latino and the Black dick. Finally the Black guy said, "Let me fuck you". With that, I stood, grabbed my poppers and lube from the nightstand and knelt at the edge of the bed, next to the Latino guy. I squeezed some lube on my fingers and slid it up inside of my ass as I handed the bottle to the black guy. He lubed up his cock. The latino guy stood to watch what was happening. Soon I felt the black guys cock pressed against my hole. I took a couple of deep sniffs of the poppers as I felt him begin to press into me. He slid up inside me quite easily. Damn! He felt good in me. The latino kid climbed up onto the bed on his hands and knees. He turned so that his ass was in my face. Backing up to me, I buried my face in his ass and licked his hole as the black man fucked me. The black guy was a ruff fucker. He was really slamming into me. He'd slap my ass and thrust deeply into me. Finally the latino guy turned and I went down on his cock with my hungry mouth. He was moaning loudly. It didn't take long before he let out a groan and I felt his warm cum fill my mouth. Once he'd cum, he climbed off the bed. Quickly dressed and left my room. Leaving just me and the black guy there fucking. "Get on your back", the black guy demanded. He pulled out and I turned over on my back. I put a pillow under my ass which was on the edge of the bed. He lifted my legs and slid his bbc back inside me. He pushed my knees to my chest, giving him even deeper access to my hole. He was really slamming into me. After about 5 minutes of fucking in this position, he pulled out and told me to get on my knees again. I took this opportunity to take some more sniffs of my poppers. I knelt on the edge of the bed and once again he slid his cock into me. He put one of his legs on the bed, driving deeply into my raw hole. "Give me your poppers", he barked. I handed him the bottle and he took a couple of sniffs. Then he went back to assaulting my ass with his giant tool. Within just a couple of minutes his thrusts were getting even more hard and fast. His breathing was getting deep. And I knew he was getting close to cumming. Sure enough, he let out a loud yell, "OH, FUCK..!!!", as he rammed deeply into me and his body began to shake. "I'm cumming...!!!", as he held his cock in me and filled my raw hole with is cum. Both our bodies were shaking as I used my ass muscles to milk his cock. Each time I squeezed my ass on his cock he would shake in orgasm. Finally, he pulled out and said, "Suck it". I climbed off the bed and dropped to my knees. I sucked and licked his cock clean of the cum that was covering his cock. Without saying a word, he pulled his softening cock from my mouth and quickly dressed. As he exited the door he said, "Thanks". With that the door shut and I was feeling ready to finally climb between the sheets and fall asleep. I woke up the next morning to find my sheets wet with cum that had dripped from my ass as I slept. He had obviously deposited quite a hefty load inside me. I checked my emails to find over a dozen replies to my CL ad. Damn, I could have fucked all night long. But, I needed to catch my flight home. I saved all the CL replies. I'll message them all when I get back to L.A. next week.
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  45. I backed off then, just to see his face. The glazed look was still in his eyes but there was a new one now, Lust. Well, lets see how far he wants to play this out "Mmmm you kiss well boy, making daddy hard". As soon as id said this his face flushed an he looked down at my crotch, then at the floor "Thankyou daddy" he quietly replied, god this boy was really into it! I gently took his hand and placed it on my hard dick, Tina always makes me a) hard, and pre cum heavily). With my other hand i took hold of his chin and pulled his face up to look at me "You gonna suck daddys dick boy, show him how good you are?". Fumbling with my zipper he slowly took out my cock, not massive, only 7.5 uncut but thick. He seemed to be a bit lost in a daze so i put my hand on the back of his head and pulled his head down, he opened his lips and took my dick in his mouth, trying to go balls deep in one go and choking himself "Wow boy, pull your lips over your teeth as well" Must admit he wasn't that bad for a newby, and god did it feel good to have this twink working my dick. Then the nasty side started coming out in me, gently at first but with increasing force i pushed his head down further until he strated choking, then pop, i felt my dick head enter his throat "keep breathing boy" i told him as he adjusted, then stood up whilst holding onto his head whilst forcing him onto his knees and roughly started fucking his throat. God this felt hot, knowing i had this twink at my power, knowing he was mine to do with as i wanted. I kept the skull fucking up for about 10 minutes then let him come up for air, pushing him back off my dick he fell back slightly and lay there panting and flushed. Time for some more t i thought, but i think we need to up the game a little. "Stand up boy" i firmly told him, the look in my eye then if nothing else convinced him to do as i said, quick as a flash he was stood in front of me. "Follow me boy" with that i turned and walked out of the lounge and into my playroom. Well i call it that, all it is really is my spare room with a sling frame in it. When i got there i dug out an old dirty jock left over from my last hard session, put it on the sling and dug out a leather harness, i turned to him (he had followed me, good boy!) and told him "Strip off your clothes and put these on, call me when youve finished and dont take too long". Without waiting for a reply i walked out and into my own room, i quickly stripped off and put on my leather jock, harness, bicep strap, boots and muir cap, slipping on and tying my boots to finish off. "Im ready daddy" i heard him call, he sounded eager and alert, my dick twitched in my jock. I walked back into the sling room, he was stood there waiting, in my hand i had another G laced coke, some tina, my pipe and some slamming gear. I dont slam often, tending to prefer smoking, but i do partake sometimes. "Good boy, now have another drink then get in the sling" he quickly downed his drink with only a minor grimace, then looked at the sling. God he'd probably never even seen one before! "Ok boy, stand in front of it, facing me, then lie back" nervously he did. "Right now bring your legs up" again he did it, after only a minor hesitation. I secured his ankles into the straps, telling him that they were there to stop him falling out (yeah, right!). "Would you like another smoke boy?" "Yes please daddy!" I could see the T was getting him hooked, he wanted to keep that buzz. "You've done well so far boy, keep it up and il have a treat for you" I lit up and as soon as the pipe was ready got him to have 4 big hits off it. The 2nd dose of G and the T he'd just had were really hitting his system now, his dick was no longer hard but he was really turned on, slowly i caressed his chest, then went to work on his nipples. Probably no onehad ever done this to him before, he moaned like a bitch on heat and lifted himself up to meet my biting mouth "Easy boy, not so fast" then i went back to work, soon i had him writhing in the sling, i backed off and he looked at me confused. "We've got hours yet boy, and ive so much more to show you" Then i pulled up a stool and took a good long look at his ass, best bubble but id seen in years, with just a light coating of fuzz, god this lad would have every daddy in a club lusting after him! Pulling apart his cheeks i dived in and started rimming him, if he thought me chewing his nips was good he wasnt ready for what this did to him, the groans and moans he was giving off would of woken the dead, i kept working his hole hard, loosening it up bit by bit, then decided to try a finger, at first he flinched but i ressured him and he opened up enough for me to work into him. "I wasnt expecting this..." he panted, yeah right probably expected a spliff and a suck when he turned up! "I know boy, but daddy's gonna show you" Little prick tease probably been trying it on all over Grindr. Whilst i was working his ass with one hand, with another i gently worked a nice tina shard out of the bag with the other, passing it upto my other hand as i quickly pulled out my finger, placing it on the tip before working it back in again. "Ow that stings!" he exclaimed, again i reassured him, telling him it was because he was so tight, as the tina melted and worked into his system his ass loosened right up, i looked at him maintaining eye contact, as the rush hit him he threw back his head " Fuck!". "Oh i will boy, just wanna make sure your ready for i" What he didnt know was i was also using my fingers to scratch his insides, as i now worked 2, 3 then 4 into him i could see red traces on them, i had already strated using j-lube on him to work his hole with. He now looked back at me with a worried expression "I've never been fucked before, im not sure....". "You'll be fine boy, you like how my fingers feel dont you?" He nodded. "Good, i think your ready for the next step boy, you like how the pipe feels dont ya?" He nodded again. "Well this will feel a hell of alot better, believe me!" With that i turned around and prepared two rigs, nice medium size dose for me and a slightly bigger one for him, picked up the rigs, strap and some swabs i turned around and walked around to his head, placing the stuff on a nearby set of draws. He looked at me nervously again "I dont do hard drugs..." he said, "Well kid what do you think was in that pipe, weed? Its Tina boy, crystal meth, feels good doesnt it". I could see his face become more worried, almost panicy. Dont worry boy, i wont do anything to harm you, i havent yet have i?" my voice intoned nothing but re-assurance. "Ok il do myself first, you can see what i do, theres no harm involved and you'll be ok". I then strapped my arm, swabbed a vein and put in the syringe, pulling back for a flush of blood, i then pushed in, pulled out the needle, undid the strap and held my arm above my head, a quick cough as the rush hit and i felt fucking amazing! "See boy, nothing to it!" He still looked nervous, but there was a look of hunger there too, the rush from the shard was lessening a bit "Ok daddy, but not too much, god i never do this kind of thing!" Yes i thought, tina does tend to do this to you, silly young fuck! Slowly i prepped him, talking him through it all, with only the slightest wince i put in the needle, when i pulled out and told him to raise his arm, i pulled off the strap and then the rush hit him, if he thought the pipe felt good this must of been fucking amazing. "God that feels good daddy" he was panting heavier now, i fetched him a glass of water and made him drink it down, dont want him passing out on me! "How does your ass feel boy?" "Different daddy, twitchy?" I moved back around to his ass, i could see it twitching, god he needed to be fucked. Slowly i lined my dick up with his ass, then started teasing his hole, rubbing over it then slowly pushing in a bit before pulling out again. "What do you want now boy" "I want you to fuck me daddy, i've never been fucked but i want it" He'd probably jacked himself off at night thinking about being fucked, suprised no one had got there first! "Ok boy but theres a few rules, once im in i dont pull out, i never use condoms, and i always shoot in the guy, ok?" "Please use a condom daddy, i dont like the idea of unsafe" Dumb shit, does he think he can tell me what to do? "I thought i was clear boy, when i fuck its bare only, if your not happy with this then get up and dressed and go home and dont bother me again" With that i made to unstrap his ankles, as i worked the first strap i saw him chewing his lip. "Ok daddy, i want to get fucked so bad, i dont know why but i do, and i trust you" God he really was naive, little bit of chems and a stranger and he was offering them his hole. Gotta love twinkies! "Right boy, but any more of that kind of shit and il throw you out myself, got it?" He lay back and nodded. "Ok, now you may need these i said as i passed him some poppers, i showed him what to do with them. He took 6 huge goes up each nostril as i placed my dick at the entrance to his ass, then i pushed forward, i could feel his hole tense despite the poppers. Now what i hadn't told him through all this was i had HIV, wasn't on meds, probably had a high viral load, and got off on pozzing guys, with or without they're knowledge. "Slow down" he croaked but i kept pushing until i was balls deep. "You'll get used to it boy, kee breathing, try some more poppers". I held my dick there for a few minutes whilst he adjusted, then slowly began to work it in and out, building up a nice rythym until i was pounding him. As i worked myself up all i could hear from him was a stream of "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" which as i sped up descended into groans. "After a while i slowed down a bit, looked him hard in the eye and said "tell me you want my cum boy, tell me you want daddy's cum in your ass". By this time he was in 7th heaven, the drugs combined with my cock had sent him into a dream world. "Please cum in me daddy, just dont stop fucking me, god your dick feels so good, i never thought it would be like this!" With that i picked up the pace a bit, then 30 seconds later i felt it, my dick started spasaming and i shot a huge load in him. "HERE'S MY DIRTY CUM BOY, TAKE MY GIFT FUCKER!" As my orgasm subsided i saw that his cock had got hard again, id been so lost in the fuck i hadn't noticed until now, and he has a small pool of precum on his stomach. Slowly i pulled out, telling him to clench his ass to stop any coming out whilst i reached over for a butt plug to put in him. He winced slightly as i force it home, but then just lay there panting. I helped him out of the sling and back into the lounge. As he sat on the sofa, i fetched him another drink, his dick was still hard but he didnt seem to have the energy to do anything with it. This was too good an opportunity to miss, taking this lads last neg load, so i discretly put a bit of lube on my ass, then started jacking him off with my lube covered hand, with his eyes closed it was the work of a moment as he came to orgasm to quickly stand up, sit on him and ride him, in a few quick strokes he came, the suprise on his face realsing he had shot on me was a picture. After we'd both cleaned up a i fetched his clothes and told him to get dressed, he looked suprised. "But i cant go back home like this, they'll know im on something!". To be continued, have one or two ideas i need to think through 1st.
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  46. PART 2 As we walked through my front door, Conrad reached into his backpack and took out a box of rubbers. “Can’t forget condoms,” he said with an awkward laugh. I took them from his hand, managed a vague sort of nod, and threw them on the dining room table. My boys usually insist on condoms—at first. But after a little bit of chemical intervention, they always transform into eager raw cumholes. Only once did I end up with an especially stubborn kid who kept trying to wrap my dick, so I resorted to a backup plan—a stash of broken rubbers with little holes poked in the reservoirs. Didn’t matter in the end. By the time the condom tore apart while I was pounding his negboy hole, he was so high he tore the shreds of rubber away from my cock and ran his finger along the raw shaft as it plunged in and out of his chemmed-up cunt, his eyes glazing over with the deep-buried desire to be a bareback whore. I always get what I want. I told Conrad to take a seat on the couch and help himself to the pot. Meanwhile, I walked to the kitchen. I took a few sodas out of the fridge and poured them into glasses I’d already dosed with a cap of G. I love G because it transforms uptight boys into ragdoll sluts in a matter of 20 minutes. The taste can be tough to hide, but I recently found a dealer who consistently delivers high-potency GHB that doesn’t taste awful. In fact, after diluting the stuff in 12 ounces of Pepsi, it only leaves a subtle aftertaste—perfect for serving to unsuspecting negboys. As I finished my little cocktail, I heard Conrad’s voice from the couch: “Hey, what’s this?” That made me grin, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. On a tray in the middle of the coffee table, I’d left a bong full of pot. And right next to it, I’d left a little glass pipe full of Tina. Every single time, my negboy visitors are deeply fascinated by the glass pipe, so all I need to do is pretend like it’s nothing too special. “What’s what?” I asked. “I’m just wondering what’s in this little glass pipe thing full of white stuff.” “Oh, that,” I replied, walking into the living room with the G-laced Pepsi. “Not sure you’re ready for that. It’s called T. It can be really, really fun. It makes me horny as fuck, and I bet you’d have a blast on it. But maybe we should just take it easy—just stick with the pot, you know? Here’s some soda, by the way. Drink up, little bro.” He took a few gulps of Pepsi while holding the glass pipe, looking at it intently. My dick stiffened. “Actually, I’m curious,” he said. “Would it be cool if I just tried it?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, bud—be my guest. But let me show you how to work it, OK?” I sat down next to him, my hands visibly shaking with excitement. “Alright, now hold that pipe up to your mouth. Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna light this little torch and heat up the stuff in the bowl. Just wait a moment. See that? See the little wisps of smoke forming? Now when I say go, just start inhaling very lightly and steadily. Lightly and steadily. Got it? OK, bud—go ahead. Start inhaling. There you go. Good boy. Just take that swirling smoke into your lungs and hold it until I tell you otherwise. Got it?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “OK, little bro,” I said to him, taking the pipe away from his mouth. “Hold it, just for a sec. Then exhale it through your nose. There you go. Fuck yeah—good boy! Now again.” That first hit was a nice fat one—the cloud emerging from his mouth and nostrils was thick and white, and my cock dripped at the smell of the Tina emanating from his lungs. From that point on, with each cloud of meth that escaped his lips and his nostrils, he was losing a little bit of his innocence. For the second hit, I gave him the torch to operate, and I talked him through it. The result was another giant hit of solid white clouds pouring out of his mouth and nose. “OK, boy—do one more. You’re on your own. I think you got it.” He immediately hit the pipe again, and I turned away to hide my giant, triumphant grin as Conrad smoked away all his defenses. “I’m just gonna put a little entertainment on the TV here, OK? Oh, and don’t forget your soda.” When I turned on the TV, it automatically started playing one of my favorite movies. It’s an amateur video shot by a filthy pig I know from the Midwest—a wrestling coach who likes to chem and poz some of the hot little jockboys on his team. He’d sent me a few videos, but this was my favorite: a sexy, ripped, piggy 18-year-old named Lance was all slammed up and taking loads from a roomful of coaches and former teammates. Behind me, I heard the click of the torch again. Fuck yeah, I thought, this boy is already fuckin’ hooked. As I turned back to face him, I took off my wife-beater. Conrad froze in place, the pipe halfway to his lips, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He just stared at my hairy chest, his eyes dilated pitch-black. “You feelin’ good, little bro?” He gave me a dazed nod, his mouth agape. “Why don’t you take off your shirt, huh? Show off your sweet little body. Do that for your big bro?” He peeled his tank top upward, revealing his flat stomach with its ridges of ab muscles, then his compact little muscular chest. He was just starting to develop a treasure trail down the center of his stomach, leading past the waistband of his shorts to the bulge of his cock that strained against his zipper. His soda was gone; the G would be hitting him soon. I walked over to the couch and took the pipe from his hands. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you’re just about the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen." I ran my hand down his torso, and he sighed a deep, hungry sigh. "Listen, buddy: I have a few more things to show you. You wanna learn from your big bro?” He half-grunted, half-moaned in response. “OK: I’m gonna do a hit. Then I’m gonna blow it into your mouth, and you’re gonna blow it back in mine, then back and forth we go until we can’t go anymore. It’s called a shotgun, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with a sexy little bro like you.” I put the pipe to my lips and took a deep, thick hit of white smoke. Then I put the pipe down, turned to Conrad, sealed my open mouth against his, and exhaled my cloud into his lungs. A moment later, he breathed the Tina smoke back into me. We repeated that three or four times until the mouth-lock became a deep kiss, and we kept making out while the shotgun escaped our mouths and dissolved around us. As I kissed him, I loosened his shorts, pulling them down the length of his lightly hairy legs. His underwear followed. Then I slipped off my gym shorts; my cock bounced free with a gentle “thwack” against my stomach. I maneuvered Conrad so that he was stretched out before me on the couch, and I laid down on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. We continued to kiss. I grabbed the pipe, took another hit, and shared another series of breaths with my boy. Then he spoke, hesitantly. “Hey, big bro? Just in case you’re wondering, I’m all cleaned out and ready to go. My ass, I mean. The last dude who fucked me showed me how to do all that stuff. So…anyway. In case you’re wondering.” I smiled at him and mussed his hair. “What are you trying to tell me, little bro? You want my cock sliding in that sweet little butt?” He blushed and shrugged. I leaned into his ear and whispered: “Don’t you worry, buddy. It won’t be long before I bury my fat cock deep in your hole.” He shivered beneath me, then kissed me again. The G was kicking in. He was almost entirely in my hands. A few more minutes of teasing and prodding, and he’d do anything to get impaled on my raw cock. “Get on the floor, little bro,” I said. “Face the other direction, on all fours. Ass in the air. Back arched. No—back arched, like a fuckin’ fag. Much better. Good boy. Now reach back and spread that hole for your big bro.” His hands grabbed each side of his perfectly round butt, spreading it to reveal a smooth, pink, tight hole that pulsed with every breath he took. I knelt down, placed my hands over his, and wrapped my mouth around that aching little boycunt, pushing my tongue into his body, every one of his nerves quivering as I dove greedily into his wide-open throbbing cock-hungry 18-year-old partied-up fuckhole. He gasped as I kissed that sweet little fag-pussy with the same intensity that I kissed his mouth a few minutes earlier. I spit a few huge gobs of saliva on his cunt and worked them in with my tongue. His hole loosened up, welcomed my mouth and my spit, became noticeably warmer. He really was a fuckin’ hottie: such a tight little body, great definition from his calves to his chest, with the roundest, most perfect little boybutt I’ve ever seen. And the cock! He had the kind of thick, veiny dick that would make any top’s hole twitch. Enough butt-eating, I thought. It's time to fuck. “OK, little bro—one more thing to show you," I said, standing up so that my dick hovered over him. "I want you to take a fat hit off that pipe, then blow it onto your big bro’s cock. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, grabbed the pipe, and got the smoke swirling like a regular chemwhore. “Good boy. You like that smoke, huh?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “Just feed on that smoke, pig. Feed on that smoke. Your big bro wants to see you get fuckin' tweaked." He put down the pipe, knelt directly in front of me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and exhaled a thick cloud of white smoke that enveloped my dick. The smoke traveled up my stomach and chest as he began hungrily slurping on my poz shaft. He wasn’t a bad little cocksucker, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled his head away from my dick and guided him onto his back. “Pull your legs back, little bro.” He did, revealing that sweet little hungry cunt, still dripping with my spit. I began rubbing the length of my cock across his hole, watching his eyes flutter and his mouth drop open as he pulled his legs back a little further and looked at me with a kind of desperate pleading. “You ready for some dick?” He could only manage a whimper in response. “I can’t wait to give it to you, bro. But one thing you gotta know first. If it turns out to be a problem, then we can do something else. We don’t need to fuck, you know.” He nodded again, half-listening, every bit of his energy focused on the cock rubbing against his chemmed-up faggot fuckhole. “So here’s the deal, little bro. I only fuck raw. Natural. Bareback. And if a boy won’t let me fuck him the way I want to fuck him, then he’s not getting fucked. Got it?” Conrad glanced over at the TV, where the bottomboy was spreading his little jockbutt for yet another raw cock. Then he looked back at me. He reached down to spread his boyhole, just like the guy in the video. “Give me your dick, skin-on-skin,” he said, his eyes a solid-black void. “Bareback my fuckin’ hole. Please, bro.” “Fuck yeah, boy. You been fantasizing about raw dick, huh? Watching bareback porn?” “It’s the only kind of porn I watch. It’s the only kind of fucking I really want to do. Please give me your dick, bro. Your raw dick. I need your fucking raw dick. Please.” “You gonna make me pull out?” “No, dude. Please cum in me. Breed me.” “And when we go to the bathhouse after this—you want other dudes to breed you, too? Breed your chemmed-up cunt?” He paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eye, giving himself some time to overcome the shame of his boyhood secrets. “Yes,” he finally said. “I want my hole dripping with cum.” I nudged the head of my raw dick up against his hungry little butt, and his whole body shook. His breath went shallow. Then my cockhead slipped through that first outer barrier, enveloped by the warmth and tightness and innocence of his negboy hole, and I leaned down to kiss him, a sloppy kiss. “I’m dripping precum in my little bro’s hole,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m lubing you up with my seed, faggot.” By this point, Conrad was alternating between “fuck yeah” and “fuck me,” and he wrapped his arms around my back, murmuring “do it” three times. That’s when I began pushing the rest of my raw cock into the radiant warmth of that chemmed-up fuckhole, and he gasped as he surrendered everything to me. “This is how we were meant to fuck,” I whispered in his ear as my dick continued to disappear inside him. “You aren’t a true bottom boy until you’ve let a man split you in half bareback, until you’ve given up your hole for him to eat and pound and breed. I’m so proud of you, little bro.” With that, I directed his attention toward the TV. “But there’s one thing you should look out for,” I said, taking on a serious tone. “Some guys in the bathhouse will have a tattoo like that.” I pointed up at the screen. A young topdude was pounding the bottomboy bareback. Every time he pulled his cock away from that hungry little fuckhole, you could see a biohazard tattoo right next to his dick. “Do you know what that tattoo means, little bro?” He shook his hand. “Danger, I guess?” “Well, sort of. It means he’s poz. Just something to be aware of, because you probably don’t want that.” I glanced back at him, and the look in his eye was pure hunger. “Unless…,” I said, pretending to be confused, “Unless you’re turned on by that?” He shot a devilish glance at me, and I answered with a giant grin. Then he grinned, too. “You want some poz dick at the bathhouse, bro?” “Fuck yeah.” “Yeah? You wanna get knocked up?” He just kept grinning, and his body started shaking again—a kind of shiver, all fear and anticipation and excitement. “Such a good boy. Such a fuckin’ dirty boy. I love it. I’m so proud of my little bro.” And then, with no warning, I pulled my dick out of his hole. Conrad gasped. He suddenly looked lost and empty; the pleading returned to his eyes, and he pulled his legs back and spread his ass and whimpered. Meanwhile, I stared him down. “Sorry, little bro, but something just occurred to me. You didn’t ask about my status. Don’t you want to know my status?” “I don’t fucking care. Please, bro. Please give me your dick.” That made my dick drip: I don’t fucking care. “Good answer, buddy. But I think you deserve to know.” I nudged my dick up against his hole, and he tried desperately to maneuver his ass to get more of my meat lodged up in his guts. “Here’s the deal, bud: I’m fuckin’ poz. This is a poz cock teasing your hole. You like how this poz cock feels inside you?” “Yes, fucker. Please give me more, fucker. I need more. Please, bro.” “What’s that, buddy? I’m not sure I heard you.” “Pound my ass raw with your fat poz cock. Fucking PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE, BRO.” “You wanna get knocked up? Knocked up with your big bro’s virus?” “FUCK YES.” “Say it.” “KNOCK ME UP, YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKER.” “Fuck yeah, you hot little chemmed-up faggotboy.” I shoved my poz dick back inside that boy’s hole, and started pounding. I didn’t last long. I felt the toxic seed gathering up in my balls, brewing, getting ready to shoot. Conrad was staring me down with those giant black pupils, his legs spread wide, his hole peeled back and exposed to allow my dick maximum penetration. He just kept nodding. Nodding. Smiling. Telling me with his eyes that he wanted my gift. As I got closer to shooting my toxic load, he wrapped his arms around me and alternated between little whimpered chants of “poz poz poz” and “fuck fuck fuck.” “Goddammit, you hot little fag,” I whispered. “Goddammit. You’re gonna get my load. My fuckin’ sweet infected load, just for you, fuckin’ sexy little negboy bro.” And then, with pulse after pulse of my raw cock in his wide-open wet fuckhole, I bred him. Pozzed him. Charged that little faggot ass up. Gave him my virus. Then, as my dick stopped shooting volleys of poz sperm, I kept pushing my cock deep inside him, pushing my toxic cum into his guts before collapsing on him, my poz cock still buried deep. Conrad sighed, a long contented sigh. “That was amazing,” he said. “Oh, little bro,” I whispered in his ear. “I have so many fuckin’ plans for you—you have no idea.” I pulled my cock out of him, then guided his mouth to taste the poz seed coating my shaft. He slurped on it greedily, my dick still warm from the hunger of his hole. “Such a good boy,” I said. “Such a hot little pig. So proud of you, little bro. Now, whaddaya say we get your sweet little knocked-up hole to the bathhouse?” MORE SOON…
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  47. I am referring to have had in the past. HIV is the only thing i have currently, and that never goes away.
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  48. FRANKLIN SQUARE PARK CREW: PART 3- The Crew Take Their Turn, Tommy’s Colors Show I had barely got the feeling back in my legs when two of Warren’s crew came back. They looked young – very young – so could not have been much older than 18 if that. One of them had the plate and set it down beside me. I rolled onto my side, propping myself up on my arm, and took a few lines. The one closest to me was just sort of watching me, so I did some more, noticed his buddy behind him was rubbing the front of his pants, so asked the kid, “Did Warren send you back for anything in particular?” The kid in back stepped around his friend and said, “YEAH! We’re gonna fuck you, fuck you good.” His buddy slapped him on the chest and said, “Damn man, make us sound like we ain’t done this before. We do it all the time, alright? All the time. So yeah, Warren said we could. He said we didn’t have to use no rubber or nothing.” I shook my head in agreement. I wanted to bet this was their first time fucking a guy. The kid continued, “And he said to make sure to tell you we both got nasty infected dicks just like you need.” Oh yeah, this would be good! The kids still look scared, so I reached over, grabbed my t-shirt, and said, “Hey, how’s this, I’ll get on my hands and knees. You like doggy style? OK, good. I’ll get like that and will put my t-shirt over my head. We’ll pretend like you broke into a house and you found this white chick all alone, so you two decide to rape her ass so she can’t see you.” As I was talking their eyes got bigger as did their dicks that they both were now rubbing. I nodded towards the parking area and said, “But the neighbors are close by, so you can’t be too loud, you have to learn to take what you want, even if she is crying and whimpering, but you have to keep her quiet and then leave her scared knowing you may have just gave her your babies.” Their eyes got really big on that, so I got on my hands and knees, put my t-shirt over my head, and waited. I could hear them getting undressed and one of them jumped on my ass and slammed his dick in my wet and open hole. He was not as big as Warren, but close, so I yelped a little. My t-shirt was then pulled off my head, and I saw the other kid twirling it into a roll just before he tied it around my eyes. I only caught a glimpse of his dick, but he looked like he was just as big as his friend. The kid fucking me had no skill, but his huge raw dick made up for that. The kid in front of my kept his hands on the t-shirt tied over my eyes, like he was afraid it was going to fall off. I started feeling around in the air, made contact with his leg, which made him jump. I found his dick and pulled it towards my open mouth. He got the hint, and let me start opening my throat to swallow his young black dick. He tasted so good! Very sweaty. “This bitch can suck dick!” he said. His buddy fucking me slapped him and said in a whisper, “Shut up man, the neighbors, remember,” as he was digging out my hole. The kid I was sucking said, “OOOHHHH, yeah, ooh, umm. Shhhh now, bitch, suck it good now, suck it, we’re going to rape you good aren’t we Kyle?” The guy fucking me stopped, and said in an angry whisper, “What the fuck man? You say my name? We’re raping the bitch you dumb ass fucker, now come one.” I started to laugh, which is hard to do with 10+ inches of raw black dick down your throat. These kids were cute, and have to give them points for trying. Kyle – who I now knew was fucking me – pushed himself up and off me a little with his hands to leverage his dick deeper in my hole. He was doing big long strokes now while his buddy in my mouth slowed to watch and as Kyle was unloading inside me started asking, “Was it good man? What did it feel like? Did you like it? Does his ass really feel better than pussy.” Kyle’s orgasm stopped, he kneeled behind me, reached back out and slapped the guy I was sucking and said, “Shut UP!” Kyle then pulled out of my ass and started to get dressed. The kid I was sucking wasted no time, squatted behind me and slammed balls deep. FUCK YEAH! He was just as big as his buddy and had a little natural skill. He started to scrape my guts good and as he seemed open to the scenario, I figured I would see what he wanted to learn. I pitched my voice a little to sound more feminine and said in a soft whisper, “OH NO, please don’t rape me, please stop, please don’t rape my white hole, I don’t want your babies, no please don’t fuck me.” The kid said “AAHHH yes, I’m gonna rape you bitch, aaahhh yes, it does feel better than pussy, AAHH yes, yes…..AAAHHHH…” The kid fucked hard, fast, and furious and had great stamina and I was soon having a hard time keeping up as my arms were tired. “Where do you want my cum bitch?” the kid asked, “Where do you want me to shoot?” I gently reminded him, “Fuck my pussy, shoot in my pussy, rape it, rape my pussy.” That set him off and he let out a long, loud, moan as he shot jet after jet of young cum into my sloppy hole. Before leaving the kid knelt down by my head and said, “I want to do that again. Will you let me? What else can we do? Can I rob you, yeah that would be hot, wait what about a car jack, do you have a car?” I chuckled again and said, “Hey man, would love to play again, just leave me your number and remember, what we do is between us, don’t tell Warren.” He had barely gone when Tommy was there saying, “You are one fucked up white slut. Teaching those boys shit like that,” as he handed me a plate filled anew with lines. I was snorting hard when Tommy said, “You want it like that? You want some big black dick raping you? I got a buddy from jail that has helped me take a couple white chicks down and teach them a thing or two. How about that? I think you need to be taught a thing or two and given a street fuck. No drugs to help you out, we get rough and serious, give me your keys.” I went over to where my pants were piled up, took out my keys and handed them to Tommy. He took them waved them in front of my face and said, “I’m sending one of the boys out have a set made. Here, write down your address. My friend and I are going pay you a visit sometime, maybe we will be there when you get home, maybe we will come in the middle of the night, maybe I will sell these to someone else to come rape you. You won’t know until it happens. Does that make that hole wet? I see it makes your little white dick hard?” Tommy now stepped behind me, I heard my keys drop into his pocket and his pants unzip and Tommy pushed me face down onto the blankets with his left arm around my neck as his right hand guided his hard dick back up my ass. “Yeah your hole is nice and wet thinking about black dick raping you. Oh baby girl, I’m going to tear that pussy up so good!” I started to say something and Tommy squeezed my neck harder and said, “Shut the fuck up! Oh we are going to use you so good! Teach you to obey a black man like he should be obeyed, Warren may think he own’s you now, but you and I know what you really want – who you really want – what you ARE GOING TO GET!!!!” Tommy unloaded into me as he squeezed my neck tight, giving me a preview of what the future held. I lay on my stomach for a minute after Tommy yanked his dick out. He was still standing there, pants down, a snarl on his face. I crawled over, took his dick, which was covered in ass juice, some blood, and several guys cum all mixed together. I opened my mouth and sucked him in, and licked him cleaned. I looked up and said, “I’ll be waiting.” Tommy took the empty plate, walked out onto the dock and I laid back down on the blankets that were now stained with my ass juice and more. He wasn’t serious was he? I mean, guys talk shit like that all the time. It’s just sex and games, right? The evening picked up and several more guys came through pretty quickly, all of whom just wanted to fuck and unload up my ass. Warren came to check on me and I told him I was doing pretty good. I was so fucked up, and was full of cum and needed to let some out. He had me follow him into the bathroom, locked the door then said, “Bend over the sink, I’m on garbage duty, so you just push your hole out like you gotta shit so I can eat all that cum and juice up.” I did as Warren asked and loved the feel of him eating my ass. I started begging, “Fuck me man, come on, use what’s left to get up in my ass. I NEED that big black dick.” Warren finished, stood up, wiped his mouth and said, “I know you do – good slut – but not yet, I still got business to handle and next time I fuck you it’s going to blow your fucking mind. You ass was full of the nastiest shit you know? Those Latin guys, all untreated syphilis. The white guy in the BMW? Same. My crew? Well the boys got AIDs, crabs, gonno, and more. And Tommy? Well good old Tommy has got a raging case of HEP B and HEP C from all the dirty needles he uses. And me – well I cannot keep track of everything can I.” Warren unlocked the door, I went back to my post, and Tommy came by with a new plate full of white powder, all lined up like little soldiers in line for a parade. The parade was cut short as I snorted them up. Tommy leaned in and said, “No mercy bitch.” I smiled and nodded as he walked away. Stay tuned for PART 4- Two Wild Fucks and Off to the Circus
    1 point
  49. FRANKLIN SQUARE CREW: PART 2- Tommy the Freak and the Train Begins As part 1 ended, Tommy finished cleaning Warren’s dick of my ass juice, Warren zipped up and said, “You two hang and enjoy yourselves a bit. I got some business to take care of and will send the boys out to pass the word that we looking for nasty, raw, and get-up-in-that-hole dick, so come place your order.” Warren chuckled as he said the last part and then headed down the concrete steps to meet up with the other boys. Tommy got off his knees, licked his lips, clearing savoring the taste, and said, “Come on, you and me going to get freaky, I swear no lie, I can fuck you down, so come on.” I cautiously peered around the corner of the pallets making sure no one could see me and scuffled after Tommy as I was still naked and now cum dripping out of my ass. Tommy walked across the loading dock to a door near the back corner. He opened the army-green metal door, turned on the light, and motioned me in as I joined him in a fairly good size bathroom. The size was the only good thing about it as the cinder-block walls were painted bright lime green half way up, then a dull gray. The concrete floor was wet, smelled of piss, the toilet seat was broken and stained, and the sink had cigarette butts in it so was clearly not used for washing up. Tommy sat down, reached behind the toilet and felt around, and brought out a small plastic bag. He took out a couple of syringes that had orange tips on them, smiled as he took one of the caps off with his teeth and spit it into the corner, patted a vein in his left arm in the crook of his arm and said, “Warren don’t like me hitting this shit, so just between us OK?” I said OK, as I had no idea what he was doing anyways, but watched in fascination as a long stream of blood poked through the hole in his arm. “Lick it clean,” Tommy said as he leaned back, closed his eyes, smiled and breathed deep and I bent over and licked the trail off his arm. He tossed the now empty syringe into the sink and said, “Time to fuck!” I placed my hands on the edge of the sink inhaling the mix of cigarette butts and filth as Tommy stood up and unbuckled his pants. He bent down, dug around in his pant’s pocket and pulled out a pair of red lace panties. Tommy held them up to his nose, inhaled deeply and said, “These are my girls. She got a SWEET pussy!!! Here, put these on and wiggle that ass for me, let me see whatcha working with.” I took the panties he offered, slid them up, and as I did kept glancing at the big black cock he was wielding. DAMN! That looked nice and I wanted it now. So I bent forward again with my face closer to the sink filth and wiggled my ass. Tommy crooked a finger in the waistband of the panties and ran it back and forth along the small of my back then pulled them down my ass part way, rubbed each cheek, then pulled them completely off of me and shoved them into my mouth. As he lined his drooling raw dick up with my moist hole, Tommy slurred, “Oh baby, let me in there, oh girl, yeah feel that? Huh? Good baby, take your boy. AAAHHHH yeah baby girl, let me get up in there, feels so good I ain’t lying.” Tommy fucked me steady and hard for a while, all the while tell me what a good baby I was for him. A little while later Warren pounded on the door and hollared, “Come on Tommy, wrap it up, we got business waiting.” Tommy swore, shifted from cruise control to full on fuck, and started plowing me. “Want my cum baby? Huh? Want that pussy all wet and juicy with my nutt? Good baby, take me deep, take it deep, yeah baby girl, I got you, I got you, OH CHRIST I GOT YOU – HERE IT COMES BABY, HERE IT COMES – OH—OH--OH!!” Tommy shook and trembled like he was having a fit as he shot his cum in my ass and mixed it in with Warren’s. Damn he was a good fuck. Tommy was still embedded in my warm wet ass when Warren pounded on the door again and started yanking on the door handle. “GOD DAMN IT TOMMY, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT HERE!!” Tommy shook the fog from his head, yanked his wet dick out of my raw ass, pulled the red panties out of my mouth and said, “Later baby,” and unlocked and opened the bathroom door. Warren was waiting with the plate, which was now restocked with white powder. He stepped in as Tommy left, still buckling up his pants. Warren said, “Here, take what hits you need and I’ll put some more up your ass. I know you ain’t used to all this shit, so have some beer and liquor out there to edge you off. Don’t get me wrong, I want you fucked up as nothing sells better then a fucked up slut, so Tommy will bring you back here in between tricks to snort up what you need.” I must have looked confused as Warren said, “What? Did you just think me and my boys would fuck you? Oh they all well, trust – probably a couple times each – but tonight you’re being whored out and will turn tricks for me slut. In return, I will keep all your holes coated in powder and you will get as much cum as you can take. Did Tommy do you right? Told you my boy could fuck. Let me feel that cum, coat my finger up so I can powder your hole.” Warren continued as I snorted the plate clean, “I know you an AIDs slut, willing to take that nasty infected dick, so I sent a couple of my boys out to the Park to put out the word to every infected dude who’s wife or girl won’t let him in cause he got the drip or shit to come on down as I got me a good white slut lined up. You make sure to do whatever they want. A slut does not object. Be their woman, be their pussy, be their fucking Aunt Martha if that’s what they want, or their daddy, I don’t care, just get their nutt and I get my green. I’m a money man, it’s all about the Benjamins, hear me?” I nodded, Warren smiled, and he wrapped up coating the insides of my cummy ass with more powder by saying, “You better not fucking let me down!! This is business and I expect you to be a nasty freak who will do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING because if you do me right, I have one fucked up surprise for you later.” Warren led the way back out onto the dock and as he went down the stairs I scampered back behind the stack of pallets. Tommy looked over from his post by the table and fridge, and blew me a kiss and winked, and went back to smoking his cigarette. The office work day had wound down and occasionally a car would drive into the lot, the headlights alerting everyone to the incoming and his crew would take their positions as Warren would step out and deal with them directly. I waited on the dirty moving blankets behind the pallets and Tommy came to check on me a couple of times. I so wanted more of his cum and kept trying to het him to fuck me, but he just shook his head an walked off. I got bored and so I sat where I could watch what was happening out in the alley area and tried to cover myself with one of the blankets, but stopped when I noticed they were crawling with bugs, so just pulled my knees up in front of my chest and waited. The first guy Warren sent up to me had driven up in a white BMW. He was your average suit and tie man, totally clean cut. When he parked and got out of the guy all nervous like, he talked to Warren, parked and he looked at his car nervously. I heard Warren laugh, saw Warren slap his back and say, “Don’t worry Pops, we don’t jack cars, not our shit. You know what our business is so you partaking or not?” The guy nodded, climbed the concrete steps. Tommy tilted his head and said, “Ah right, time to give it up.” I scooted back behind the pallets, stood up, my skin getting goose bumps from being nervous and fucked up. The guy stared at me as he walked around the pallets, seeing I was totally naked. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said he didn’t know. So I asked if he wanted to get sucked. He said yeah. I sucked his 6-inch dick for a while and asked if he wanted to fuck. The poor guy hemmed and hawed until Tommy stepped over gave him a snort and said, “This will help you fucking decide man, time is money you know?” The BMW guy got a glazed look in his eyes so I took the initiative, unbuckled his pants, let them drop, and then backed up on his hard dick and started riding him. Frankly his dick was not doing a thing for me, but he seemed to like it as he grabbed my hips and started doing baby steps forward trying to get deeper up into my ass. I had to control my laughter as I was bent over and the site of his feet and dress pants trying to move forward just struck me as funny as hell. BMW guy did not last long at all and soon made a hell of a racket and got wicked loud as he shot his load up my ass. Once he cummed he quickly realized again where he was, yanked his pants up and half ran back to his car and left. I did not have to wait as Warren had my next dicks lined up and waiting. Three Latino guys came behind the pallets, all carrying construction hats, and set their bags and hats down. One guy asked in broken English, “You suck cock?” I nodded and said, “I love to get fucked too,” as I turned around and bent over and let them see my wet hole. The Spanish flew fast and furious and in seconds all three of them were getting buck ass naked! That surprised me and I was staring as Tommy came to the edge of the pallets with the plate and motioned me over. Tommy laughed, pointed at the plate and said, “Looks like you sold them on your hole for sure. Here, hit this, they paid for two rounds each, but the way they be bouncing around and stroking and looking at you I bet they will shoot quicker then a 14 year old.” I turned back around, all three Latin guys were now naked, stroking, so I did a quick roll of the dice in my head to pick who would go first. I knelt down in front of the guy in the middle to try to suck him, but he pulled away and went right behind me, spat on his dick and then grabbed my shoulders as he pushed his fat 8-inch dick up my ass. I pushed my ass back and out and he must have liked that because he started saying something to his friends who stroked their dicks harder. The one to my left decided to give my mouth a try and I was soon skewered with nice uncut dicks on both ends. I had only sucked him a minute when he pulled away to calm down, I had him so close and his dick twitched and arched trying to unload without success. His buddy took advantage and stuffed my mouth. He was the biggest of the three, over 9-inches, and much thicker, and hard, not soft and squishy at all. I was choking big time when the guy in my ass unloaded. As soon as he pulled out of my ass the guy I had sucked first pushed right up my ass and did not last even 30 seconds before he shot. The big guy I was sucking pulled out of my mouth, pushed his friend off my back, flipped me over, raised my legs and entered me hard and rough. He leaned in, squeezed my right chest hard and pinched my nipple. I yelped a little and he adjusted himself so he could keep fucking while he leaned down now to start chewing on my nipples. That set me off and I started moaning loudly like the whore they were using me for. The two other guys kneeled on each side of my head and I would suck one, then turn my head and suck on the other. The guy fucking me picked up his pace and I started flexing my hole muscles to milk his cum. He moaned, tensed, and bred me and bit my nipple hard as he did. I grabbed the back of his head but he just started biting and chewing hard as he kept fucking me and gave me his second load. His two friends then took his place once he pulled out and I got two more hot Latin loads up my ass. Six loads within about 20 minutes, all raw, I had no idea who these guys were, and I was just there to serve them. As each one finished, they got up and got dressed and sat on the side watching and then chatting until their buddy finished. I wanted to ask them if they had toxic cum, but figured given the language barrier may not work, so just lay on the buggy blanket and rested when they left. I cleaned the plate Tommy brought over, old him how much I wanted him to work their cum up my ass, but he denied me again, so I sat back, let the shit take its course, and felt the high rush in as I waited for the next raw dick. Stay tuned for PART 3- The Crew Take Their Turn, Tommy’s Colors Show.
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