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Everything posted by norefusal

  1. giving head always makes me proud as i consider making someone cum w my mouth a skill. oddly, getting sucked is not my fav thing, mostly because i'm shocked at how bad most guys are at it. but i love the taste and smell of jizz and the fact that it lingers in my mouth long after i've swallowed.
  2. if you're a virgin hole as u say, the chances of rips, tears, etc is likely increased and the best way to get hiv pre-cum or full load, is directly into the bloodstream. try making sure to be well pre-lubed and try stretching your hole out beforehand w a buttplug. make sure you get well turned on by foreplay and for god sake don't go by the barbaric "no pain no gain" or "it gonna hurt the first time" crap. my first guy was hung but got me so worked up it just slipped right in like my hole was made for it
  3. i think you are missing the ven dia where bb overlaps w casual and is labeled "risky" one can bb safely one can do nsa hookups safely however, if you're addicted to risky sex as so many of us gays are, then you're a raw is law no refusal slut
  4. it's an ongoing project with something new always to learn. guys who like sex are more than willing to teach and i've picked up lots of pointers over the years.
  5. prep kinda killed this habit which is probably just as well as i even disgusted myself when doin it but... i'd go to cruising areas very early in the am, pick up the discarded used condoms from the nite before and lick all the jizz out of them if it hadnt dried up yet
  6. last week i was hosting blindfolded door open. this guy i never laid eyes on was in the middle of raw doggin me when his phone rang. he covered my mouth w his hand and continued to fuck me while making an appointment for something all in spanish. last nite i was blowing a regular dom fb when he made a long call in the middle of it, i assume just to humiliate me. at one point he said "im gettin serviced by some dumb faggot." then put the phone toward my full mouth and said "say hello faggot" then they both laughed at me.
  7. it was 1989. i was single but that's no excuse on why i didn't have condoms handy, as i got fucked in a bed at home by a nice guy. he had a bunch of old(er) ones in his backpack. the first broke mid fuck. the second tore when he was putting it on. the third seemed to hold and he came in it. telling the story to my bff the next day, he freaked and started ranting about pre-cum and aids, never trust men, and how i better get tested etc when i think back to this era it angers me how much hysteria tortured us with needless angst. still, i do enjoy jerking off to a good condom-to-raw sheathing video 😜
  8. in addition: cruising spots were either seen as home turf of the closeted or breeding grounds for early death. those of us who didn't want to live a double life and or lose our first class privileges in the patriarchy were encouraged to uncle tom our way to mainstream acceptance via marriage and an almost public denouncement of "filthy habits". it's sad that public parks, rest stops etc are like dead malls. plus i've lost my patience w the toxic online world of NPNC. buy a dictionary and look up the meaning of "anon" assholes. other than watching al pacino in Cruising, i'm not sure the good old days will ever be back.
  9. this may sound twisted but i'm going to say the Meet Up app. unlike those proposing to be "dating" or "hook up" sites, it's still exactly the same. sometimes it leads to sex. sometimes it leads to friendship. at a min it's a couple of hrs you left the solitude of home and interacted w other live men. it also leads to interesting dilemmas like what kind of costume does one wear to a halloween party hosted by a nudist group? i've picked up guys at halloween parties before but this was the first time i hooked up at a party, as part of a group action situation 😜
  10. thanks for the advice. i just downloaded this and started tracking
  11. the main difference between grindr n sniffies is that sniffies is great if you have no problem fucking other peoples' cheating husbands. but cruiser beware: sniffies is also full of toxic trophy collectors asking for "stats" as a way to ensure they only sleep with well hung young underware models 😜 live venues have the advantage of stupid people not curating based on meaningless math. unfortunately, apps have made live cruising spots (back rooms, ABS, parks, rest stops, etc) into dead malls - shadows of their former glory days. lastly, there are private sex parties. if you can get invited to one be prepared that they not only tend to be racially lopsided but in my experience lean heavily toward daddy/son pairings.
  12. i've always been much more fearful of pregnancy than aids. to this day i'd rather get pozzed than be a dad.
  13. yup, prep changed the market from a sellers' to a buyers'. now that even your dad is a no-load-refused cumdump, tops can afford to be picky. which is why bottoms have to practically give a set of ginsu knives away with each breeding these days.
  14. step up your pussy AND never say no to a job 😜 i've gotten bred 3 times just this month. the other day some rando dmed me a dic pic of bbc but who knows if it was even his. once i heard the car in the drive i slipped the blindfold on and waited ass up. other than barking at me once to change position, we didn't speak. by the time he zipped up and left i pulled the blindfold off and basked in the post-fuck glow having no idea who's load i had up my ass
  15. same although i sometimes worry that my cum addiction keeps me from other experiences. not too long ago a guy at a rest stop came on my face and i'd forgotten the pleasure of being humiliated w a good public facial from a random stranger and the thrill of walking back to my car covered in jizz
  16. the at home blood tests are iffy. i've twice been called and asked to retake the test because they couldn't get an accurate result from what i sent.
  17. i always smile when this happens as nothing makes me feel more like a shameless slut 😜
  18. this may be an overlap of policy and human individual behavior. when my ex ODed at home i made sure he was dressed b4 the EMT arrived. later, when he had a heart attack in a motel room, they took him as is and a kind nurse at the hospital gave him random clothes from the lost and found before he was released and i picked him up. i had just started to date a nurse when my ex's bf overdosed and i had to do cpr b4 emt arrived. i told the story to my nurse friend thinking he'd be sympathetic but instead he went off on "fuckin low life drug addicts, so ungrateful". we didn't date anymore after that.
  19. i'm not proud of this but... back before prep if i topped i'd just slip it in raw to see if i could get away w it. most guys would chose condom if asked b4 but will keep bb if you're already in. at this point most would make you promise to pull out but if they didn't, which was rare, i'd surpress all indications that i was about to cum so that i could breed. being neg i knew it was "safe" but i got off on stealthing. dick move i know but... i got off on it tbh
  20. yeah, i do the clam/ghon/hiv home tests every 3 mo. the blood for the hiv screen can be a pain in the ass but it annoys me that they're not screening for syph too. now i gotta go to PP just for that instead of one stop testing.
  21. im interested to hear the answer to this. im in the US and my biggest regret is not acting sooner. it was over the holidays and i didn't want to be judged. i tried going to a clinic but they wouldn't see me, so i ordered an online at home test which took forever and once the results did come not only had i lost valuable weeks but they also refused to treat me referring me to a specialist in my town anyways. by this time the secrecy and seclusion was sending me into a shame spiral so i confessed to my therapist who luckily referred me to planned parenthood. they took me as a walk in. their confirmation test took a couple of days but given the online results coupled w my obvious advanced symptoms they recommended an immediate injection that day as the best treatment and i agreed. as w all things medical, early detection and quick remedy are ideal.
  22. judging from the guy's clone uniform, i'm guessing this was the 80s. 😜 im a few years older so jail bait cruising, especially w Dukie Hauser disease (look younger than i am) in the 70s when the gay ideal was tom of finland meets the village people was a disaster. by the time "gay cancer" came along it was a weird twist to know all the damaging rejection had probably saved my life.
  23. thanks still, the pain from the shot wasn't as annoying as the all night fever side effect. but both better than the stress: just trying to hide my "trump hands" in public was ott
  24. in context: for a shot in a dr office, i was surprised how much it hurt for something having to do w m2m sex: easy peasy for annoyance: the 5 min of hurt was wayyyy better than the previous week+ of joint pain when i was infected long story short, my advice: drop your pants, bend over and take it like a man: just like you probably did when you got infected 😜
  25. imaginary 😂 tasted my first dick at 19
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