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Everything posted by viking8x6

  1. Both parties are firmly in the hands of the plutocrats, so I'm generally against them. There are individuals who seem like they might do some good. At the moment IMO most of them are Democrats - largely because Republicans seem to have gone for the scorched earth approach and flat out refused to work together on anything for something like the last 10 years. I'm registered as a Republican in the hope of changing that, and because registering as a Democrat in West-by-God-Virginia seems singularly pointless.
  2. Double loaded... one of 'em 22 days' worth. Yum. The verbal is great, too... [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/two-buddies-share-my-hole-and-cum-in-me-45489971
  3. I've done this. It actually turned into a relationship that lasted about 6 months and ended in a nasty tearful breakup. I am grateful that we were in completely different departments of a fair-sized (2500 people) company, so we didn't wind up seeing each other all the time. I'd do it again (though at this point in my career the opportunity is unlikely ever to arise), but I'd certainly be mindful of all the caveats others have expressed here.
  4. I'm fairly strongly of the opinion that adulthood should not be based upon biological age, but should be based upon an individual's demonstration that they understand and accept the responsibilities as well as the rights of adulthood. Possibly in two stages (becoming adolescent and becoming adult). This should be recognized by a "coming of age" (or more precisely, becoming adult) ceremony - something public - and the new adult citizen should receive some kind of ID that indicates they have "all the rights of" (like the language on advanced college degree diplomas). Certainly such a thing would apply to the age of consent as well. Adults would undertake the responsibility not to have sex with minors or adolescents, and adolescents would undertake the responsibility not to have sex with minors or adults. This way, it provides both a carrot and a stick. You want the rights, you accept the responsibilities. There might be a minimum age for applying to take any exams or oaths necessary - I'd suggest 11 to become an adolescent and possibly 15 (maybe 14) to become an adult.
  5. Thanks for the follow!

  6. Yesterday... was ghosted by an impromptu play date in the am. After cleaning out. I was ticked off, and very horny, and cruised grindr pretty aggressively - and apparently Pan Priapus heard my prayers! Messaged a pair of sexy hairy legs, and he was down to come visit me in the early afternoon. Not my usual - very much the otter type, tall and slender, with treasure trail style belly fur. Not hung, but hard as steel. Passionate and skilled in the sack. We flip fucked (he surprised me by enthusiastically taking my monster) for at least an hour, and my hole was delightfully pummeled. He pulled out and came on me (his choice) at the same time as I sprayed like a firehose (he commented on that). So, technically not breeding, but a VERY satisfactory play date nonetheless. Fuck, I needed that!
  7. Super hot pics! PM me if you're interested in hooking up - not sure where in PA, but I travel through the southern part quite a bit.

  8. Yesterday, I was having an abysmal time on the cruising apps (4/5 interested parties just ghosted me), and texted a buddy of mine who lives half hour away to see if his yard was dry enough for some outdoor work I had promised him. And complained about the cruising, in a hinting sort of way. Turned out he was down for some play - in fact, he already had someone coming over (whom I had met but never played with) and was happy to make it a 3some. So I showered quickly, hopped in the car, and drove over. My buddy is a 50-ish semi-hairy daddy bear type with a nice round belly, twinkling blue eyes, and a Santa Claus beard. His friend is a 20-something smooth black cub with long braids and a great frisky attitude. For those of you who haven't checked me out around here, I'm 50-something and wolfish build (not quite slim enough for otter, IMO) with gingerish fur all over, and at the moment I'm sporting serious face scruff. When I arrived, I let myself in and got my cock ring on in the foyer, then went to the bedroom and softly entered. It was dark inside and hard to tell at first what was happening, but I could definitely hear that I was the last to arrive. When my eyes adjusted, I could see that my buddy was on his hands and knees and the cub was eating his ass like there was no tomorrow. So I climbed up on the bed and greedily kissed my buddy before feeding him my nice hard dick. We did that for a bit and then the cub stood up and started giving my buddy a righteous plowing. After a good while of spit-roasting that direction, my buddy wanted us to switch, so he got up on the bed and I plowed him from behind while he sucked on the cub for a while. At this point, my memory is a bit mixed up, but I think we had the cub lie on the bed and my buddy rode his fat dick while I sat on his face. That boy seriously knows how to eat ass, and had me getting pretty hot and bothered! I'm not sure whether or not the cub gave my buddy a load during that session... My buddy was getting pretty well heated up by this time, so we rearranged things and I laid down on the fuck bench face up, and he rode me while the cub sucked him off, until he came very hard and the cub sucked up every drop. Then it was the cub's turn to be on the bench, and I fucked his face and then sat on it some more while my buddy first rode him and then sucked him hard. I was hoping the cub would fuck me a bit, too (I had asked him and he was up for it), but before he got the chance my buddy hoovered him so well that he was shooting, and my buddy quickly jumped up and sat on it, getting most of it in his (bare) bear ass... yum! Not one to be outdone, I took him over to the bed and plowed him on his hands and knees, and got a semi-orgasm that put about one normal cum load up his hole. I wasn't actually done - I had several days' worth built up and would have cum a lot harder with a bit more work - but my buddy thought I was and came off me before we got that far. Somehow the mood shifted and things devolved into laughter and comradely conversation, which was fine. Even though I didn't get completely drained I had a great time and it was the best sex I've had in a while - possibly since before Covid started. After I got home, I decided I'd take care of the rest myself (the reliable choice if not the most fun) and watched the (incredibly hot and nasty) "Breeding Nate Stetson" video with David-SF, and came ridiculously hard, completely painting my torso with cum. I could be happy doing that every week, indeed I could!
  9. Damn those are some sexy pics!!!

  10. Out here in the rural area I live in, it's really difficult. It's almost always the same few faces, and either we've met or we've given one another the brush-off, so if I haven't made any longer term FBs, I'm SOL. I suspect it's better in cities, but haven't lived in one for six years, so I'm not sure. In general, I have not seen one single hookup app that does anything like a good job of solving the problem of time and space - in order for a hookup to happen, the people need to be in the same place at the same time, and none of the apps are optimized for doing that. It's even worse for guys who are traveling, and trying to put together a hook-up on the road. Which is a bummer, because IMO that's one of the best times to have a hook-up. If I'm driving 2-4 hours (or more) to get to another place in the region, stopping for half hour to have a play date is totally convenient. If you're interested in some assistance with coming up with some potential solutions for these problems, I'd be interested in putting some effort into it, so PM me.
  11. I would not expect most of the HIV meds to have any significant effect on Covid-19. I say that because Covid-19 copies its RNA directly to new RNA to reproduce, but HIV first makes a DNA copy of its RNA, inserts it into the human host cell's DNA, and then instructs the cell to make RNA copies of it. So none of the HIV meds that interfere with the replication of its genetic material (which includes NRTIs like tenofovir and emtricitabine) are particularly likely to inhibit the RNA processing in COVID. Not to say that they can't - DNA and RNA are fairly similar, after all - but they are far less likely to do so than drugs that are intended to inhibit RNA-RNA copying, such as Favipiravir (developed to treat influenza): [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favipiravir
  12. LOVE that shirt!

    1. bberlinotter


      Hehe, thanks! Well, you should always be very clear in what you want 😉

  13. Or you can start hooking up with us guys in our 50s... you're still young to us 😉
  14. I don't find that I'm reacting that way, but I think it is totally reasonable to do so. Like many who've posted in this thread, I worry more about the people I might expose (especially my parents) than for myself. I'm a rather risk-tolerant person, and tend to view risks with some equanimity and ability to look at the numbers more than the scary - that's why I don't worry too much about having bare sex (and at this point I've tripped on those risks enough to have a pretty good idea of them!). One thing you may find helpful in keeping it in perspective is to remember there are multiple factors in the Covid risk of an activity - how many people are you exposed to, how closely are you exposed, and whether the environment is conducive to transmission. An example - if I hook up with just one guy, and we take it outdoors (while the weather permits), that's a pretty low-risk event compared to some other things I do on a weekly basis. See this chart for examples of relative risk: [think before following links] https://www.texmed.org/TexasMedicineDetail.aspx?id=54216
  15. Sounds great... what hotel? I get to Denver now & then 😉
  16. From what I know of the science, I would think that if you keep it frozen and well-sealed from air, it should last reasonably well and retain what potency it had when collected for a fair length of time (3-6 months maybe?). I'll let others weigh in on the likelihood of significant viral load after a month of treatment - I'm sure others here know that far better than I do. This does beg the question (in my mind) of how you'd collect it in the first place, unless the neighbor in question is cooperating with your intention. I'm picturing some hilariously awkward scenes...
  17. Adorable avatar pic, man!

  18. We have arrived in Hell (or at least the vestibule), as clearly can be seen by looking at the dumpster fire that is 2020. It does not appear to be frozen over... indeed, parts of it (California) are on fire. Not looking too good for Trump getting my vote. Nor McConnell, neither. Put the CIVIL back in American civilization. Don't vote for bullies. Because civil servants should be just that.
  19. Definitely naked, but then, I like being naked for non-sex activities, too, when climate and social mores permit. I do appreciate the value of clothing and gear to enhance the sex appeal or interest of our natural endowments, though.
  20. I don't know what it's like now, but it used to be very good from sunset or a little before until 10 (or later, depending on the day of the week). In the early 2000s it was one of the very best outdoor places in SF. Good time of year for it now, likely to be warmer / less foggy.
  21. Here's another ad that caught my eye - anyone know who the guy on his back is? I'm sure I've seen him before, but memory does not serve...
  22. I quit taking PrEP regularly about late April. I've been doing the on-demand dosing (with occasional runs of taking it more regularly) since then. Because of Covid and living in a rural area I've not had enough opportunities for the 2-hour required notice to be any real problem. There was a possibility last week of that happening, but it fell through. TBH, the dumpster fire that has been 2020 in oh so many ways is putting enough strain on my sanity that HIV is the last of my worries. I should be so lucky actually to get laid...
  23. Verbal. Loud. Outdoors. Yum. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/cruise-park-thick-beefy-butt-cub-bred-raw-verbal-amp-an-45098341
  24. Hot verbal otter sex... [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f605d6489e35
  25. I've seen it in porn rather a lot lately, and I'm with you - I totally don't get the attraction. Leaves me cold. But then, I'm very negatively affected by the whole dom/sub dynamic; it's a huge turn-off for me from either position.
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