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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. I move between 9+ hour timezone difference and this became an issue too. I'm a bit paranoid about it so I'll spread the pill taking so it coincides with as much as 24 hours separation as possible, but I think the advice here is solid, simply take it at your usual time in the arrival timezone and call it a day. Shouldn't make much of a difference from what we know. If you want to be ever safer, just don't BB the day of arrival, or the day after.
  2. If your partner is undetectable and you are on PrEP, condoms are overkill.
  3. This is interesting. I take Valtrex + Truvada (for PrEP) so maybe I'm unknowingly on some sort of super prep combo.
  4. I've thought of this before. Poz guys on meds are essentially on SuperPrEP so has to be impossible for them to get any more strains if they are adhering to their meds. Must have been perfectly true back in the 90s but not anymore.
  5. What's the actual wording on the paperwork of the test? I'd assume that Oraquick will take longer to show positive than other tests so it's not great for the PrEP protocol. 4th generation testing, and better PCR testing are much better to tell if you got a breakthrough infection or not.
  6. Tenofovir levels accumulate over time and peak in the rectal area around 5-6 days, thus they ask for 7 days before risk events. Other areas could be much slower, It's clear now that PrEP doesn't work so well for women but its perfect for receptive anal sex. Even when levels peaks at the 5 day mark you have some sort of protection probably since hours after swallowing the first pill. It just won't be as good as daily usage after a while.
  7. It's not clear at all the protection in this study came from the pills right before and after sex, or rather from the accumulated effect over time. The average intake by people in the study was 4 pills/week. Protection observed was 86%. This is right in line with previous studies at 4 pills/week.
  8. Keep talking to people about it. It's the only way to make PrEP more commonplace. I no longer care if someone blows me off because of it, they are now in the minority. Most guys I talk to become super excited about the idea of raw fucking without HIV risk.
  9. Have you considered PrEP?
  10. HepC in gay men is less common than HIV I think which is what I was talking about. But I totally agree everyone should know more about it and get tested. Hopefully the 12 week cure-pill treatments will come down in price sometime soon to make them more accessible.
  11. The people at free clinics I've talked with have told me it's a cost issue. Given that Hep C is rare there's always a cost/benefit analysis to be made to see if they should be testing people. From the individual point of view you should be tested regularly, specially if you are on PrEP.
  12. Got results back and of the 3 areas biopsied 2 came back with AIN1. They happened to be the areas where the warts were located so it makes lots of sense. The third area was negative for dysplasia. Because doc excised the warts hopefully I could get a normal HRA next year whenever it's due? I'm vaccinated with Gardasil and planning on getting Gardasil-9. If I've been reading correctly, and no one seems to make any emphasis on this, Gardasil will prevent further HPV infections in other areas where you weren't infected, in current infections it does nothing. So if you get your lesions excised, does that mean they won't come back ? I hope that's the case. I'm now scheduled for a follow up in a year.
  13. I'll find out next week what's going on with the biopsies. My warts were all inside and they were impossible to see from the outside. They should be gone now because he cut them off.. yay! I'm sort of surprised that this HRA procedure is not performed more often. Seems easy enough, and the disease with serious enough complications to warrant more common screening. Doctor was mentioning the case of a patient that came it at 80 years of age, and not been fucked in 40 years. It didn't matter, because 40 years before he got the HPV infection in the area and after 4 decades it had developed into cancer. Had they caught it a lot earlier it wouldn't have been so much of a problem.
  14. Just pinching in on this conversation. Had a 'High Resolution Anascopy' today. This is essentially a dude with a microscope and a tube that goes into your ass to look the walls of your rectum to see what's up. I was convinced everything was going to be normal, but it wasn't. The following is all inside the rectum, nothing abnormal can be seen from the outside. There were tons of warts that the guy was able to remove/cauterize. But then he found a few areas that didn't look right to him and he biopsied them. He mentioned they were probably AIN1 but they could very well be higher.. not particularly reassuring. Getting results in a bit from the biopsies.
  15. I don't work in the medical so maybe someone around here can explain further. The tenofovir level in plasma doesn't matter much, where it really matters for PrEP is is in the PBMC cells (http://goo.gl/d4TJqN) which are the ones HIV attacks. You must have sufficient levels of tenofovir inside the CD4 cell to stop the replication process if you were to get infected. While you ingest your daily Truvada pill, tenofovir accumulates in the PBMC cells little by little every day. In the studies they go and take biopsies of tissues to see when maximum concentration levels are achieved. For rectal tissue it happens the fastest, and it's about 5-7 days when it peaks, therefore you get max protection. Other areas, like vaginal tissue take much longer up to 21 days, and even then it never reaches the levels of the rectal areas. I've never seen any mention of levels in the dick. Your intuition is right in the sense that plasma levels of Tenofovir must be pretty much the same all over the body and they saturate pretty quickly, I think in 24 hours or so. What you actually ingest is TDF, which is a prodrug of tenofovir. There's all sort of metabolic hooplas that they have figured out that make it that you end with just tenofovir inside the PBMC which is what you want for treatment and prevention. As far as follow up, the CDC recommends at least screening for STDs every 6 months and continuously check for kidney function. It's just a recommendation and doctors/people will do whatever they see fit. In most states anyone who turns HIV+ must be reported, but I don't think there's nothing specific to if someone is on PrEP or not.
  16. There have been a few PrEP breakthrough seroconversion cases, but all involving straight sex and in all of them we can't tell how well their adherence was. There is one particular case of someone who seroconverted with their regular straight partner, and seemed to be taking Truvada regularly because he/she had detectable levels at all meetings of the partners PrEP study. He/she went onto seroconvert AND develop resistance to Truvada. We know he developed resistance due to PrEP because they were able to determined he got infected from the partner through genotyping, and the partner did not have resistant HIV, so resistance happened inside him while taking PrEP. There's a lot to learn still, but PrEP seems to be very effective, specially for bottom gay men. The concentration of Tenofovir in rectal tissue is orders of magnitude greater that in cocks or vaginas so this alone could be a reason why we haven't seen any seroconversions in gay bottoms. It could be that protection is absolute even if you get loads with sky high VLs. We don't know. We do know it is very effective north of 90% with certainty, but can it fail? You are in the absolute highest risk of those who are perfect PrEP adherers having gay sex, so you should really be aware that seroconverting with all we know today and your perfect adherence is still a possibility, specially if you have lots of encounters where you get loaded and most of them seem to be loads with detectable VLs. Only you can answer the question, but how would you life change if you seroconverted? Right now it's a possibility, greatly diminished by your PrEP regimen, but it's there and you should think how you would life change.
  17. In 2015 many guys out there just don't care about getting HIV. It's not like they are bug chasers or anything, they have simply made the decision that if they get it, so be it, 'there are pills for that now'. Specially older guys that age group 40+. It's really tough to ask a whole generation of gay men to have sex with rubbers and do away with the natural way. For guys over 40, they've gone through the first/second decade of the crisis with pristine condom use, but then as we move forward and HIV becomes less of a problem a lot of people are reassessing. PrEP is great! for this people but will take time to get the word out. It's also particularly involved and lots of folks are not going to bother. People will fall through the cracks. In your case. If you don't feel like you can have an honest conversation about this stuff with someone then don't fuck with them. It's a very good attitude to have.
  18. This is very unlikely unless you are in a fuck party or you are fucking someone who just got fucked. Even then it would be a really low risk event and then PrEP would be there for you. If you did this over and over again then you may have a problem, but the occasional one off event it's fine, like in yes, there is the minimal chance of getting HIV even on PrEP but if that chance if lower that you getting killed by lighting you may want to take the risk. The way to get HIV for gay men is taking poz unmedicated loads in your ass that come from the negs, negs don't know, or unmedicated poz. Staying on top and with PrEP is very low risk regardless of everything else.
  19. What insurance do you have? Some require prior authorization and being female on the ID could be a problem. Easiest way to fix is saying you are having sex with poz men or that have a poz partner. That should approve the PA no matter if you are male or female.
  20. You just have to trust the guy. But this goes with everyone. Someone could be telling you they are neg on PrEP and they are actually poz with high VL. But you can ask "What meds are you on now?" "any side effects?" I'd think any liar would hesitate quickly and would be easy to catch. Maybe I'm innocent, but the vast majority of guys won't lie if you ask and then you have PrEP for those who do lie. It's just if you were having sex constantly with poz with VL that you would be at risk. Regarding guys who are UD and on meds and their VL spiking up, all the science data we have at hand points that they are just not infectious, even with spikes. The 'negs I don't know' or 'yep, i'm neg' are the real ones to watch out for. They could be poz with phenomenal VLs and not know it. For those you could just either top or if you get fucked don't get their loads. I'm not sure if you are a numbers guy, but it really helps, at least for me, to understand the actual probabilities of all these things to define what you will and will not do. One thing is for sure, on 2015 there is ample opportunity to fuck raw and have very little chance of getting HIV. This was not possible even 5 years ago on a pre-PrEP and pre-TasP world.
  21. Hey there Pitt1988, I think it's important to be aware that PrEP is not 100% effective, nothing is, condoms aren't. The key lies in understanding the risks and being comfortable with them. There's a whole world of difference of risk between going into a bathhouse and getting 10 random loads in your ass every weekend to that of fucking raw with a regular FB that you've talked beforehand about HIV status. PrEP if you take it daily it's terribly effective of keeping you negative, but if you keep pushing your chances who knows what can happen. Personally, I feel very comfortable that I'm going to stay negative being on PrEP with my behavior. Although I do get a lot of loads, I sort of choose to know who I get them from. Ok, I don't have a perfect record, and I've got some random loads over time, but it's the exception more than the norm. For me going on PrEP sort of way the other way around that's happening to you. I felt invincible and that I could do anything, and it's just now that I'm starting to realize that I should be a bit safer. You have to find out what works for you.
  22. Short answer: probably not. Long answer: From the studies, that have been able to measure adherence strictly not relying on verbal reports, no gay man who has taken Truvada daily has seroconverted. There are however plenty of cases of people who did seroconvert and had Truvada in their system meaning they had taken some dose in the weeks before seroconversion but it can't be established how well they were taking it. What's most, there are definitely cases of people who were taking truvada and developed resistance to it while taking it. A study just came out about this and one woman seroconverted and got resistance likely from being on PrEP. May not be the same for gay men. Rectums get much higher concentrations of this stuff. We don't really know how well this woman was taking the pill. In all, still a bit early to know but the right way to look at it is that it's not 100% failproof. Some people will seroconvert. Even when this offers a great deal of protection you choose how much you want to push your chances
  23. I would think so. It would add protection for 5 more types from original Gardasil. It can't hurt. There's quite a bit of high-risk oncogenic types than original gardasil didn't cover, although it did cover the most common ones (16,18) A thing though, is that Gardasil-9 seems to have even tighter age restrictions than regular Gardasil. I don't know why this is. Could it be efficacy is just not that effective in adults?
  24. that took a while
  25. Somehow this flew past my head. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm426485.htm There is a new version of Gardasil coming out, the HPV vaccine, that will now have protection for up to 9 HPV types that are problematic. Original Gardasil was just 4. This is pretty fantastic and makes the case stronger for vaccination for gay men because the likelihood of having some type prevented that you already don't have is much greater.
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