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About Rawdawg13

  • Birthday 01/20/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Orleans, La
  • Interests
    cum, cum, cum, cum more, drink more cum, use cum as lube....really just cum
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    camouflage is best
  • Porn Experience
    i do watch a lot
  • Looking For
    a big dick that cums a lot

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  1. You sound like youd be fun...i'm in midcity...where do you stay?


  2. The very nexus of the universe of hot gay porn is found between the words 'creampie' and 'big dick'. Search with these words and use the wisely and you'll go without hot porn again.
  3. Wow, you just never really know in what direction things are gonna go. Thats the last thing I would have thought to happen....
  4. you could prob have this transferred to an iron on
  5. It is such a problem here in New Orleans that its almost anther epidemic! Its to the point I don't put faith in a damn thing until I see the whites of their eyes! I've even had them text me "on the way" to my place as they got closer, then text me when they turned onto my street "almost there" then *poof* ...gone!. My theory is that they get off on it..its just a part of their 'thing'. Some people get off on rimming...and some people get off knowing the other person is ready to fuck and waiting for someone who'll never show up. Its just their thing. I have deleted my profiles so many times but I always come back because its all we have now...even in New Orleans which used to be fun but now isn't!
  6. How fucking depressing is that?? I've never thought about it in those god awful terms. That sucks a tiny, flacid, and cold micro-penis. I had just planned my every couple of months or so weekend bathhouse getaway when this shit went down....so I was due to begin with. I only embraced my inner slut a few years ago so I'm a 47 yo with a lot of catching up to do! The thought had occurred to me that the days of bath houses might be a thing of the past if not for any other reason than by the time we can crawl out from under our rocks and return a lot businesses will've gone under. I don't know much about the bath house business but I imagine the overhead is huge and the profits are low. The cost of pool and steam room maintaince alone can't be cheap, plus labor costs. Hell, the cost of disinfectants (pre-covid19 at that) alone must be through the roof because I'm sure they had to use the best virus and bacteria -cides on the market. (Sidenote: by the way 'Bathhouse Fresh' is the sexiest smell in the world! If I could bottle it and sell it I'd be a rich man and talk about cheap overhead...bleach, cum, and a bottle.....and I can provide one of those free....two if I can use old, empty lube bottles! I haven't thought about it or anything.....ok, yes I have!) However on the other hand, I also can't imagine a business thats so specific to its intended use being used for anything else. I guess maybe a huge day spa...just have fun explaining all those closets with beds on the second and third floors. You could repurpose the maze into a hide'n go seek romper room for toddlers (thats depressing!)....the sling becomes a swing (suicidally depressing!). But thats it. I can't imagine it being use for any other purpose. Conversely, I also can't imagine it just collecting dust an falling into disrepair. Sp I guess it just falls into the category with everything else...we'll just have to wait and see. But there is one thing I do know, and I'm willing to bet my entire future "Bathhouse Fresh" fragrance fortune on (or should I call it simply 'Cum 'n Bleach...I don't know, we'll see...?) is that men are going to fuck...eventually. Why did I waste all those years being a tight ass prude? I live in New Orleans once the most decadent city in the world. We once had two bath houses, one survived KATRINA! The other 'tub' closed only a few years ago getting. caught up in the real estate regentrification novement. Both no longer exist. We had a plethora of bars with back rooms ready available 24/7 and a few places that didn't even bother with a backroom. "Here, let me move my tip jar and you can catch that load right here on the bar...and hurry it up, I get off in 20 minutes." But due to in-house community gay vs. gay politics those places are now boring and bright discos and or piano bars that a does something nightly called a Last Call. I'm not sure what that is. What I do know is that if you wanted to waste your prudish life away and squander many chances of being a busy slut... this was the perfect time and place to do it! But don't worry, I did it for you, congrats you're off the hook! At least we still have all those reliable apps and reliable websites filled with very, very reliable profiles that are just lined up and ready to satisfy your slutty needs.....which we all know is a crock of reliable bullshit. And now to read 'probably years' before a return to the norm, and you're probably right about that...its just all so depressing I can't hardly stand it. "Hey buddy, at least you're still alive and we-.." Finish that god damn sentence and I swear to god I'll shove that bumper sticker so far up your ass you won't see it for two weeks! This weekend would have been my every couple of months or so weekend bathhouse getaway and I could very well be getting gangbanged right now. But I'm not so I'm going to go have another bowl of vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinks for breakfast...because why the fuck not?? If anyone knows anything about the future of Club Houston or anything about the future in general please feel free.....
  7. I'm very interested to see what people tell you. Good luck.
  8. another cummy pic from this morning


  9. Hey yall, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is you can stop arguing. There isn't any point and you are wasting time, time that could be better used in other ways. Besides No one is changing their mind at this point. You believe who you believe and you're not changing it because that means you'd have to admit being wrong...and we''re never wrong are we? The bad news is you can stop arguing right now...because its over with. Democracy has died and we're pretty much just waiting on the fire to burn it all down. This administration has shit on the constitution, wiped its ass with the American flag and had the nerve to say they are the true Patriots and care. I don't really know way this thread even exist on BZ especially since there isn't a scat sub-forum. Thats what I think...we should start a place to discuss scat related info and this can be the first entry. In the mean time its been great knowing yall, i suggest getting out there and fucking and enjoying as much as you can before all of the dumb asses (and us to really, I mean we allowed this to happen ..) burn it all down. The divide is to great and aint nobody willing to give an inch or take an inch....well except me i'll take all the inches you want to give. Sidenote; as a general rule for three years now I will not fuck anyone who supports Trump. I don't care how little their dick is.
  10. I knew it before I read this thread, but now after, I'm convinced....Yeah its over with!
  11. Thank you for the info!  Where do you live?  I'm not gonna come to your house! lol  Just curious.

  12. Jake mother fucking Gyllenhaal...Now and in the Donnie Darko era.
  13. Yes,...why have i never seen or thought about "hookup porn"?!? And I watch a lot of porn! It satisfies the voyeur in me, I guess. Not just the sex, but the interactions before and after are very hot to watch....Who Knew?? ANYONE and EVERYONE: Please share your 'hook up" porn. Its fucking hot.!!
  14. This was fucking hot and I'm trying to figure out exactly why. What makes any one porn hotter to any one person? I think in this case it because you hear the entire interaction (complete with greetings at the door). We go from the very beginning to the immediate "you wanna wipe off or take a shower" after orgasm question. I usually just wipe off as I love the thought of leaving still wet with cum. I would like to see more hookups filmed just like this...hellos, fucking, leaving. I guess its something I/we all can identify with.
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