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  1. Chapter 2, Cry Wolf: Four days after I loaded up my golden goose Edmund with my charged load, relieved him of his gold Rolex, and secured a kick ass paying job to babysit some little shit who was the age of a man, but trapped in a wild child’s body, I was sitting on the Metro on my way to downtown DC to meet Edmund’s factor. Basically ‘factor’ was a fancy name for the dude who pays the bills or something. I didn’t really care as long as I got what I was promised. Most folks would be worried that the dude would have backed out or not meant what he said when my long black snake was buried to the hilt up his willing ass. Well, not me. My goose would do anything to keep me around and dealing with his fucked up stepson was just a bonus. Now, must hustlas can’t see the forest for the trees. Not me. I didn’t get to be Master Sergeant by being stupid, short sighted, or a man without vision. I planned to see this play out for the long game and as I looked at my reflection in the Metro window, the glint of gold on my wrist, I nodded and smiled with satisfaction knowing I was on my way. Edmund asked me several times before he left the motel if I would fuck him again if I took the job, and I assured him I would. Hell, the kid may be setting me on the right path, but the goose – fuck – this was a hustle that would take me to the end zone and set me up for a good fucking long time. Yeah my dick was big, I was hot and knew it, and I could get any piece of ass or pussy I wanted all day long. Does that shit pay the bills though? No. Better to use my charms and focus on the big pay day and then be done with it. Speaking of charms, my 10.5 incher was pulsing with need as I had not busted a load since the last one shot up Edmund’s ass four days ago. I planned to make today a day the kid would remember – the day he met MASTER SERGEANT MAURICE LECLAIRE – UNITED STATES MARINE AND ALL AROUND TOP DAWG AND BITCH USER AND ABUSER. Edmund had said the kid was 100% straight, although the wife didn’t think he was sexual at all – too fucked up on drugs, too clueless, and too stupid to care one way or the other. He was a kid with intense passions for what his rich life could offer and I could relate. My passions and wants ran high too, but I was a Marine and I fucking controlled mine, and he would too before I was done with him. I also knew that before the day was done I would: - split his man pussy wide open - POZ his cherry hole - Make him beg for my horse dick - Pad my wallet, drain my balls, and get my freak on - Show him how a stone-cold-Top rolls Hmmm. So many options. - I could just beat the fuck out of the kid and rape him - I could drug him and knock him out and then breed him - I could tie him up and take my time, tease him before I dig him out - Or I could put the fear of Master Sergeant into him and scare the fuck out of him so that he saw me as his best hope Maybe all of the above. Blaze and Breed and Eat, Beat, and Skeet. I exited the Metro, tugged my saggy jeans up just a bit, not too much though as I enjoyed the stares I got when folks noticed my glutes flexing through the thin cotton of my trunks. With my baseball cap tilted to the left and my old-school baseball jacket on, I entered the fancy building on K Street and made my way to the 11th floor and entered by the sign of 7 names beside the door – Johnson, Cobson, Johnson, Morrow, Turner, Boyton and Turner. The receptionist wet herself a little as I walked in and smoothed my introduction. Maybe some other time I’d have banged her in the john just for the hell of it and given her a gift to take home to the hubby, but not today. Today was business. I had barely sat down and flipped open some magazine when an old man with white hair, silver wire framed glasses and slight limp came around the corner, extended his hand, and said as a statement of fact, “Mr. LeClaire.” I followed the factor – whichever of the 7 he was – back into his corner office. He offered me a seat, made his way behind his large oak desk, shuffled some papers and as he looked at me he noticed the gold Rolex prominently on my wrist. “You have exquisite taste,” he complimented me, “and I do believe Mr. Edmund has a watch similar to that.” I nodded my thanks, my dick shifted, I chuckled on the inside – if he only knew. Now down to business. The factor continued, “Edmund and his wife have gone on holiday. Vacation. I believe he discussed a weekend away or something with you, but in light of recent – shall we say turmoil with the young Mister and your impending arrival – he felt it best they extend this trip by a few weeks at least if that would be agreeable?” Like I gave a fuck. The deal was I would handle the kid my way, my rules, my limits so whether my goose was around or not did not matter beyond some extra benefits flowing my way. No worries. He’d make it up to me, I’d make sure of that. Hearing no objection the factor continued, “As agreed, you will have a vehicle provided. Here are the keys. I believe you will find it to your liking. It is a 2016 Escalade Platinum, with Red Passion paint, 22" 6-spoke chrome wheels, power seats, window shades, tinted windows, the works.” I smiled, nodded, picturing the $110,000+ price tag, and he continued as he handed me a large, thick envelope, “This contains $5,000 cash for minor expenses and a black card for anything else you may need. Please keep all receipts as possible. There is a list of contact numbers including mine, our private detective’s if you need law enforcement support, the family physician’s, directions to the home, a key to the main house and the guest house where the young Mister lives. Staff from the main house can provide you whatever you may need. The young Mister is NOT allowed into the main house – period. He is not allowed to drive having wrecked more than one car, including his mother’s beloved convertible just this week. All of the other details are in there as well. Background on his rehab and more. In closing, I must state I find this whole enterprise somewhat unorthodox, but given the trouble this child has cause, the pain the family has experienced, and the resources and efforts put towards setting him right with no success by myself and others…well…I just wish you luck. Finally, I will need your signature on these non-disclosure agreements and your employment contract, and your fingerprints here. Of course your Marine Corps/Department of Defense file has been thoroughly checked and vetted and the fingerprints are only so we can provide you a personalized security access card for the estate.” The brand new Escalade was waiting for me when I got down stairs, as was a sweet-assed little valet who I would have guided to the closest stairwell and jumped on his ass under other circumstances. Man my dick was throbbing. I had not gone this long without blowing my POZ wadd in ass and pussy for years, so time to get this show on the road. The V8 revved, the tunes cranked up, my fat blunt was smoking. I threw my duffel in the back, and Tops was on a mission. I took a few minutes to scan the kid’s file and noted several interesting things such as his preference for certain drugs as well as his habit of calling anybody and everybody with some crisis of the day and pleading for help, then treating them like dog shit and not understanding why they get upset when there is no crisis. I made a quick detour and stopped at my dealer’s house for some supplies. While I was sure the kid would have his own stash, I needed something special and knew my dealer could provide it. He was disappointed when I passed on puffing his pussy out with my dick, but perked right up when I told him I had some big, new business coming his way. My next stop was at the home improvement store for a few more essentials. About 45 minutes later I pulled into a large estate in Loudon County, Virginia – rich man’s country. I was stopped at the main gate by two guards. I parked, walked with them them into the gate house, which was fucking bigger than my own place, and introduced myself. We were joined by two others who just got back from patrol. As a group, they all had nothing good to say about the kid and had horror stories galore to share. They were all former Armed Service members, so I had an easy rapport with my brothers in arms and as a parting gift left a bursting bag of weed for them to share how they wished. I swiped my security card at the gate and proceeded onto the estate. I parked in front of the main house – not one of those McMansions, but a true, old time, fancy-ass, M-A-N-S-I-O-N - and was met at the front door by a maid in one of those black and white little dresses who escorted me through, out the back, and pointed down the hill to the right to the guest house. That’s where the kid was holding court although from where I was standing it sounded like a rave was in full swing. I strode down the Hill and without knocking, opened the door and walked in. The music was extreme, and I was taken aback by the filth, mess, and general destruction. I dropped my bag, wandered around a little, and found 5 young adults in the movie room all smoking pipes packed with weed. I knew which kid was my target from the file and in two strides I had grabbed two of the others and threw them towards the door. Yelps of pain, surprise, and broken highs filled the room. In 2 minutes flat the place was empty of guests and the kid was pacing back and forth like a cocky son of a bitch, screaming at me, asking who the hell I thought I was, that I better watch out as he did not give a fuck what his parents wanted, on and on and on. Mid-rant one of the maids walked in weighed down by a tray full of food and liquor. The kid ran at her, knocked the tray out her arms, and started to scream at her and than swung to slap her. Well, you don’t hit a lady so I decked him. Flat out. Cold cocked. Little shit’s eyes rolled back and he dropped. Now don’t get all worried. I mean yeah I could kill a man with my bare hands. This was just a tap. A little something to get his attention. The maid clasped her hands over her mouth as she cried out, her eyes wide, but she quickly calmed down as I pulled out a stack of hundreds, peeled several off, patted her on the arm when I asked if she was ok, and told her to work up at the big house for the next two weeks. She smiled, laughed a little giggle, looked at the slumped form of the kid on the floor, spit his way in disgust, then thanked me and left. As I closed the door behind her, I locked it and took a few seconds to reset the security codes on the main panel. Time for a little privacy. The kid started to come around and groaned as I hefted him up and tossed him over my left shoulder and with my bags in my right hand, I carried him and my supplies up the grand stairs to the largest and messiest bedroom – his. I dropped my bags on the floor, tossed his sorry ass on the bed, pulled a chair over from the other side of the room, grabbed one of the many ashtrays lying about and pulled out an extra big spliff and sparked up. A big man like me needs a big smoke and as I let the smoke laze out, I took a moment to scope out the kid. He was average height, skinny with his ribs sticking out, bony legs, but a plump little ass from what I could tell through the pair of briefs he had on – dirty briefs at that with piss stains on the front. His momma must have some sista DNA in her someplace and when I thought about pulling those cheeks apart and sliding in, my dick jumped begging to be set loose. I chuckled, patted it down, assuring my monster he would get to bite off all he could chew in a few. I tapped some ashes into a glass on the floor, the kid rolled over, grabbed his head, rubbed his hands through his long and girly hair, gently touched his chin to make sure it was not broken, groaned and started to push off the bed when he laid his eyes on me and froze. Yeah that’s the look. The fucking fear of their black god! Fear was quickly replaced with arrogance and a mouth as the kid started to rant, rave, and scream like a toddler, “WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE COMING INTO MY HOUSE – MY HOUSE AND …AND…ASSAULTING ME! YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? WHAT I WILL HAVE DONE TO YOU FOR THIS? I DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT MY SOW COW OF A MOTHER THINKS - OR HER LITTLE SQUIRREL HUSBAND.” On and on he went, screaming like a banshee. He trotted over to a table between two chairs, rummaged around, picked up a phone and dialed. He then yelled through the phone, “GET YOUR SORRY ASSES UP HERE NOW! THERE’S AN INTRUDER IN MY HOUSE…YES A FUCKING INTRUDER ARE YOU DEAF OR JUST STUPID? AND CALL THE COPS, I WANT TO PRESS CHARGES…JUST DO IT…FUCK ALRIGHT HE HIT ME…WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU …YOU’RE LAUGHING!” The phone went flying, glass shattered, spittle flew from his mouth as the kid raged on. He rummaged around again and found another phone, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WON’T SPEAK WITH ME? HE WORKS FOR US – YOU’RE WHOLE FUCKING FIRM WORKS FOR US! I WANT TO SPEAK WITH HIM RIGHT N……!” This time a lamp got tossed and a chair pushed. Third time’s the charm right? Wrong. “YOU NEED TO GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW! WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT’S WRONG? BECAUSE I SAID SO…..BUT...BUT...,” and then in a voice that mellowed and was layered in falsehood, “BUT GRANDPA I NEED YOU…” This time the phone barely missed the window. The kid then stomped up right in front of me and screamed, “I DON’T NEED SOME LOW CLASS STREET URCHIN WHO THINKS THAT $5 SKUNK WEED IS GOOD SHIT TO…….” The words died on his lips. I had dropped my still smoking blunt in the glass, stood up to full height and puffed out my chest as I calmly took my jacket off, my hat, kicked my Timberlands off with a loud CLANG as they hit the bed frame, and pulled my low riders down showing the massive outline of my now raging dick. You don’t disrespect me and you don’t disrespect my 420. While I had been leaning towards the more lenient options available, his little mouth just bought him a world of hurt and made the decision for me. Time to go all sniper on his lilly-white ass and shoot some mega bullets. I move shockingly fast for a big man and before the dumb fuck knew what was coming I had him on the bed, flipped him onto his stomach, ripped his dirty white shorts right off his pale body, and dry jammed two fingers into his virgin territory. This pussy’s tail was caught in the door for sure the way he screamed and every decibel higher he went, the more my long, black dick streamed my Mandingo oil ready for action. My nails and fingers were creating new pathways of destruction as I ravaged that little pussy. I could tell from the get go I would not be able to just mount him like I did my golden goose, the kid was too fucking tight, but a little prep and his hole would open up – they always do one way or the other. I was also surprised at how strong he was. Amidst the skin and bones was the foundation of lean, powerful muscles. Hmm…. The initial shock had started to fade as I continued digging at his hole and the punk went from shock to quickly sliding down the slippery slope of the 5 stages of dealing with loss – the loss of his cherry. 1. Denial – spit slathered his pillow as he kept trying to shake his head and mumbled how this could not be happening. 2. Anger – Once again the kid started raving about how I would pay for this, didn’t I know who his family was, how he would make sure I was sent to jail for a very long time, and on and on. 3. Bargaining – Next came the bribes, the offers, the search for a way out and off the three fingers I now had shredding his ass. He had money, he had jewelry, he could get me the keys to his parent’s Rolls, he could…he could…. Blah blah blah. Little shit didn’t understand this was about the big game and right now the only payment on the table was cherry cheese cake. 4. Depression – I smiled at the nice red stain from his bruised cherry as the kid now got all quiet. Not even a sob. His mind was dealing with the loss of his virginity. Mourning the fact that he would never be his own man again. Sad about the things he held dear – in the far reaches of his mind – thought he might do, or be, or have one day. That was all gone now. There were a few tears, whimpers, a couple of body wracking sobs. 5. Acceptance – My fingers piston fucked, dug, tickled, and stretched his ass ring and the deeper I got, the more his body took over from his mind. He knew now. Knew there was no stopping, no going back, and that something deep inside of him, some primal need, desire, want, was emerging and as he let go to take the ride his dick swelled under him, his ass ring relaxed, and his body stopped fighting. Now I have no problem taking what I want by force, but when I pulled my wet fingers out of his ass and flipped him onto his back and looked into his eyes I knew there would be no need. You can’t rape the willing and they are all willing to take my monster black dick. They might not be able to say the words, but the look in their eyes tells me they need it, desire it, have to have it more than anything else in the world. I flipped the kid back over, he was sweating and shaking now like he needed a fix. My venom infused dick would blow his fucking mind, mark his body and his soul, and send him higher than he ever imagined. I grabbed his right ankle, then his left, and lifted his legs up and back like a fucking Butterball Turkey. I split his trembling hole a few more times with my nails, took one leg in each hand, scooted in against his elevated hips, and splayed his legs out. My dick ooze sizzled against his flesh as I nuzzled it against his waiting man pussy and the kid’s eyes grew wide, his mouth opened, and his lips moved in wordless agony as I broke his ass ring open and started to slide in. I bent my head and streamed a line of spit to the little cave that opened in his ass right where my dick was going in. Twice more, a few pumps, and I had the right mix of friction to wet, skin to skin, and his deep cherry sauce. The kid’s voicebox started working again and he wailed intelligible words. I know he was asking for it deeper and to make it hurt. So I did. I jammed his ass harder. His little muscles throughout his body clenched in a fit. I went deeper and his eyes rolled back with only the bloodshot whites showing between the fluttering lids. I tilted his whole body towards my right side and scraped his gut walls as I bottomed out and his chest heaved in rapid rhythm. I swung his legs back and scraped the other side. His feet were almost by his ears now as I forced his hole to open for me and his groans of pain and ecstasy urged me on as I angled up and dropped down his chute, rocked back and forth, and then started using my 8-pack to wave fuck, sending a tidal crush of sensations spreading out through his wrecked cunt. Once I knew we were united in flesh, bodily fluids, and lust and desire, I stopped. I eased back until just the tip of my head was being held in his ass by his spasming ring. I looked down at the taught and stretched hole streaked in red and spit, then looked back up as his eyes flashed fully open and with utmost clarity and tears streaming down the sides of his face he begged, “DON’T STOP, OH FUCKING GOD DON’T STOP, PLEASE PUSH IT BACK IN, PLEASE, OH FUCK PLEASE, I NEED….” I love to hear pussy praise my dick and the hunger on his face and the tearing of his hands at my arms trying to pull me closer affirmed that he had just found a new drug of choice – but this one had toxic side effects far harsher than any buzz he had ever known. Time for his lessons. For someone who was used to getting his way, the kid gasped in shock and surprise as I ignored his pleas, yanked my dick free, and climbed off the bed. I sat in the chair, pulled out a new joint, lit it, and as the smoke settled around my rock-hard dick the kid was beside himself. “Come on man. What the fuck you here for? You work for me now. I…I… demand you get back over here and do….well…I… keep doing what we were doing…I...oh fuck I need a smoke, mind if I hit it?” There was so much wrong with what he just said, but to tease the little shit I reached down, stroked my monster dick twice, spit at it and right on target slicked up the head. I looked back at the kid who was mesmerized – all else forgotten. Not so fast though. Back into my bag of goodies I went, and handed him a special smoke. This was some special shit I had my dealer roll up just for him. The kid thought it was just weed, but I had it laced with heroin for an extra kick and fuck-you-motha-fucka! The kid greedily took it, sat on the edge of the bed and squirmed around a bit as his tender hole made it hard to stay still. I kept working on my own spliff as he lit up and went to town and with the first bit of common sense he showed, he kept quiet and let me smoke in peace. His file said he had never done smack before, he was mostly a pills kid – Molly, uppers, downers, Oxy, whatever - along with weed. I planned to change that with a dual track of addiction – my POZ cum and dick and the other black tar. It wasn’t long before the kid stood up unsteadily, grabbed his stomach, and swayed back and forth. I snatched the smoke from his hand just as he ran to the bathroom and puked his guts out. Yeah that shit’s a bitch. A few more wretches and then the kid walked back into the bedroom with a liquor bottle in his hand thinking that would help. I was ready. I took the bottle, set it by the chair, reached into my bag and pulled out a leather collar connected to two long lengths of chain. I quickly wrapped the collar around his neck and fastened it tight, pushing his Adam’s apple back. I then grabbed a handful of hair, dragged him towards the bed, threw him down, and as he tried to climb away from me I got up on the bed behind him and aimed my black missile right for his moist hole. I grabbed his hips and slammed in. The kid arched his back, cried out, then curled up in a defensive pose that was just perfect! I looped my hands under his arms and up onto the front of his shoulders and pulled him back onto my invading shaft. I pressed his body in half as I started digging him out, pistoning his pussy, making it scarlet red, sore, and torturing his hole. I pulled back and slammed the cunt I now owned as he was cradled by his black god, and explained a few things with every brutal thrust: - YOUR PARENTS DON’T THINK YOU ARE WORTH SAVING. I DO. - YOU WILL ADDRESS ME AS MASTER SERGEANT, SIR, OR DADDY. ANYTHING ELSE AND YOU WILL GET WHIPPED. - YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY IT, AND ANY TALK BACK WILL BE HARSHLY DEALT WITH. - IF YOU OBEY, YOU WILL BE REWARDED. IF YOU DON’T, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED. - THAT PUSSY IS MINE TO FUCK WHEN I WANT, AND HOW I WANT. - YOUR LIFE IS GOING TO CHANGE AND IF YOU LIVE AND ACT LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL, YOU ARE GOING TO GET FUCKED AND TREATED LIKE ONE. - YOU WILL THANK ME FOR GIVING YOU THIS BIG DAWG DICK, YOU WILL WORSHIP IT, AND YOU WILL BEG ME FOR ME. The entire time I was assaulting his ass he was crying like a stuck pig, but I knew he loved it and wanted more, so I gave it to him to the rhythmic chant of LITTLE PIG, LITTLE PIG, LET ME IN! I wrapped the two chains that hung from his neck collar tight around my fists with enough give for me to guide the pig where I wanted him to go and then I FUCKED HIM INTO SUBMISSION. I fucked that little piggy all the way to the market, back home, stuffed him with roast beef and planned to top it off with my chowder. A good hour later his hole was primed and ready and it was time to mark his ass with my AIDs cum and forever bind him to me even after I had bled him and his family dry for everything I could. I wanted him to feel the full force of my breeding so I pulled him to the edge of the bed, bent him over, and long dicked him to an inch of his life and I tore his hole four-ways-to-Sunday. FUCK I LOVE THE HEAT THAT ROLLS OUT OF A GAPED ASS READY FOR MY SEED AND I PICKED UP THE PACE, SEEING THE FINISH LINE OF THIS HUMP, AND THE WEIGHT OF MY BALLS WAS READY TO UNLOAD AND SO I GAVE IT TO HIM. DAYS’ WORTH OF VIRAL SEED STREAMED INTO VIRGIN TERRITORY AND SPIRALED INTO HIS GUT WALLS AND RODE THE SURGE OF HIS BLOODSTREAM DEEPER INTO HIS BODY. MASTER SERGEANT SHOOTS TO KILL AND THIS TIME WAS NO DIFFERENT. Here’s the moral of the story kids. When you act like an ass, and you cry wolf, one of these days a real big bad dawg is going to come along and make you realize that the entire time you were really just the pig and not a fucking soul is going to step up to stop you from getting what you deserve. TRUST MASTER SERGEANT - THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO CONDEMN A MAN TO DEATH. Stay tuned for B.R.A.T. (Bitch Ready And Turned-out) – Chapter 3, Chastity Slut.
    5 points
  2. on my way to the gym, I stopped to grab a coffee. I asked for the restroom key while waiting and was told it was occupied. I went and waited at the door and when it opened this bearded wall of muscle was standing there. I winked and said my turn, just then the door opened a tad more and this other guy kind of ran out. I laughed and walked in and turned to lock the door when the muscle man closed it behind him and said he could go again. On my knees and I pulled his shorts down, pulled his jock over and started tonguing a puffed up swollen cock. You could taste the spunk still on it. I stood me up and pushed me over the sink. I pointed to the floor near the toilet where he must have fucked the guy before. I went over and scooped the cold load off the floor, lubed my hole with it and he sank in. He power fucked me, using my jock as a handle, keeping me deep on his cock. He shot his load deep in my gut and had me clean his dick off and pack it away. I pulled my shorts up and we both left. We learned each others names when we picked up our now cold coffees at the bar. When I got to my car, my shorts started to have a wet spot on my ass and I realized I still needed to piss.
    5 points
  3. Bbbtmdoc posted on Thursday May 20, 2010 - 10:14 am It was the first night I had ever been away from home. I had just gotten settled in my dorm and David, my roommate and I, were watching a little TV when he want to take a shower before bed. I sat there and watched as he stripped down and grab his shit for his shower. I couldn't help but notice how nice David's 6'1” body was, how nice his chest was. As I followed his body down to he beautiful 6-pack abs and the treasure trail that made its way to a gorgeous set of cock and balls. He looked like he was seven inches soft, which lead me to speculate what his length was when erect. Just as quickly, however, I realized the whole line of thoughts was a bit strange as I had never had a gay thought before today, but for some reason David made me think these things. I just thought something must have come over me when David showed me his body. Any how, as David took his shower I decided to hit the rack, so I striped down to my boxers. I normally slept in the nude, but didn't think David would be hip on the thought of a naked roommate in the bed next to his. I started to drift off to sleep when David came back in our room. Although the only light on in the room was the light from the closet, I could still see David's bod and I thought for a second his cock was no longer hanging between his legs, but was actually jutting out somewhat. Then David turned-off the light and headed for his bed. I recall that he never put anything on when he was in his closet. I floated off to sleep and was half in and out of sleep when I felt it, maybe around midnight, maybe a little later: it was David's hand. He had climbed into the bed with me and was laying behind me, his hand on my stomach, and moving downwards towards my belly button, down to the waist band of my boxers, touching and rubbing me through the fabric. It was getting in his way, and I knew he was going to move it, I knew he was going to try and put his hand in there. "Please..." I whispered, "Please, don't." David stopped rubbing, but he held his hand there, right at the waistband of the boxers. He moved his body really close to me, I could feel the bed move as his body touched mine through the only thing between me and his hand, my boxers. His mouth moved almost up to my ear, his warm breath touched my ear lobe. "It's ok Chad, no one's gonna know. I just want you to feel good," and after a tiny pause, continuing to say "I want to make you feel better - I want to make everything okay. I want to MAKE you......" a pause and then I felt his tongue and mouth touch the inside of my ear, then he sucked in my ear lobe, and I moaned deeply never feeling something like that before, my body starting to shake, my entire insides responding. "Besides," he whispered again, "I know you want this. I saw how you looked at me when I took off my underwear. Just let me do this you...please let me take you, I know you want it," and again his tongue went in my ear and his hand traveled into my boxers. I was almost immediately hard, my whole body shaking from the heat, from the images of David, and from David's tongue in my ear. "Please," I pleaded, "please don't!" David responded by kissing down my ear to the side of my neck.. He suckled there for a second. The sensation of his lips sucking me just got me more and more excited. He tossed-away the sheet and kissed the middle of my neck, rubbing my stomach and kissed his way from my neck line to my chin, and from to my lips. They were full and hot, almost on fire, as his body moved completely up against me, his naked, hard body pressing into mine. Electricity shot through us as he grabbed me through my boxers and the kiss turned into one I accepted as I just started losing control to his strength. I let him in as his lips tasted me, then opened my mouth, without any thoughts on my part. I felt his tongue enter me, and I groaned really loudly, completely lost in whatever was happening. "Shhhh," David said quietly his hands tugging at my boxers, "we don't want anyone to hear." I just kind of nodded as he looked into my eyes. His blue eyes were so intense - so bright in the soft moonlight. I knew I didn't want this, but I knew it was going to happen. My boxers came down over my hard cock, and his full lips were on me sucking mine then probing me with his tongue, feeling my own tongue and sucking at it deep. Again, I moaned, and David kissed down my neck line again to the area between my pecs. "It's so smooth, and your little body is so hot" he whispered as his tongue started touching each pec, each nipple, bathing them as I squirmed and moved against his briefs as he ground himself against me. He touched my abs and then kissed them too. "It's gonna feel so good, these tanned abs moving when you feel me inside," he said as his tongue moved to my belly button, and he lightly sucked down my stomach my hard, throbbing cock. I moaned again, and got completely lost in him, not even really understanding what he was saying. "Oh God, you're so fuckin' hot," he moaned as we kissed. I came back to myself for a second, and half tried to extract myself from his hold - shit was just so fucked up, half-whimpering "Please, David.... please...." He just smiled at me. He came up again this time his lips were on mine in less than a second, and I could feel his strength, his whole body, full of athleticism and stamina pushing against me as his mouth forced against mine. The kiss was so deep, and so full, our bodies tight against each other. I felt it for what again seemed like forever, our mouths quickly moving, tongues touching and swirling, my body crying and moaning as David tasted all of me, both of us starting to really sweat. David broke the kiss and smiled at me, his teeth so white in the light from the moon. "I'm going to suck you, the way only a man can." He kissed me again hungrily, his tongue touching deep in my mouth. I moaned as I felt his hard tongue, his hard pecs against mine, his strong hands feeling my abs, rubbing my torso and my chest, trying to press himself harder and harder against my body. I just closed my eyes, and felt his strength as my head moved back while David broke-off the kiss again, licked down my neck and sucked, sucking so hard noise reverberated in my head, like the sound of someone quickly sucking on noodles. I knew the hickey was going to be there long afterwards. I knew it, but by then I just didn't care. I was so overwhelmed by David, by his strength, by his kisses. He kept sucking his way down, licking my sweaty chest, tongue kissing my stomach, my heaving abs, the area below my belly button. He licked down from there to my pubes, and stopped. I passively lay there, my eyes closed, but registering his pause, I looked-up to see he was staring at me, and as our eyes met, an amazing electrical charge shot between us. After a second, he smiled and I felt my rock hard cock getting ready to spurt on my crotch. He smiled again, and went back to licking my black pubes, then tongue-kissing the head of my cock, which was now leaking pre-cum like a faucet. "Oh, you taste so sweet" David whispered as his mouth and lips plunged down my six inch cock, which, of course, was at full staff. "Uhhhh... Ohhhh.. Fuck..." I cried as I felt David licking and tasting. His mouth was so hot, and he knew how to pleasure me. He knew how to use his tongue, and knew how much pressure to apply as he went down and came back up. He moved faster and faster, and I felt myself really leaking, little moans were escaping my mouth as David sucked my cock. "Uh, uh uh, ehhhh ehhhhhh uhhhhhhh" I moaned as his eyes looked-up at me. His lips were so perfect and my cock was rock hard solid. I totally stopped worrying, and just let it happen, my cock and balls so tight, so ready to blow. I wanted to push his head all the way down on my shaft when he stopped at the end, but he did it for me, moving so quickly, swallowing all of me, his nose in my pubes. "Shitt..." I moaned, as I looked down at him again, holding it there, and I trying to fuck into his mouth, trying to give him what he wanted. My balls welled-up, but David quickly stopped sucking me, grabbed my balls, and held them still, whispering "You can't cum yet. I have more lined-up for you." "Ohhhh Fuckkkk," I cried, trying to turn my cock towards his mouth, and frustrated that he didn't finish me. He just kept hold of my balls and inspected them, slowly touching my hairless sac with his tongue. Then he took my nuts into his mouth, alternating between them, first one, then the other. "Uhhh, owww..." I moaned again, this time in a mix of pleasure and pain. David moved down my sac, and this time used his tongue kisses in the place below my balls, before my asshole. Nudging my legs apart with his strong hands, his tongue touched me in a place I had never been touched. "Ohhh," I whimpered, feeling his tongue go lower and lower wetting me, giving my hairless skin a bath as he was going towards my ass. "What are you fucking doing?" I blurted out, never having felt anything like this before. "Just lay back, I know you're gonna like this" David said as he lifted my legs, leaned over, and inserted his tongue into my asshole. "Ohhh" I cried. His tongue scraped along it while David's muscles kept me propped up. His tongue touched my outer hole, and then swirled around the inside, tasting me, giving me a warm and hot feeling, something I had never felt there before. "Ohhh dude, you don't have any hair here.... It's so hot..." he whispered, as his tongue darted around the lips of my asshole. "Ahhhhhh, fuck dude," I cried as David darted it in and tried to stick his tongue completely in my ass. I was still rock solid hard this feeling only made me hornier; I whimpered in pleasure, and David, of course, knew I was in ecstasy, and as such, was totally vulnerable, he knew I was his for the taking. Coming up for air, David looked down at me, and I felt his hard cock prodding my asshole, and, having made his intensions clear, he positioned my legs against my chest, and lay directly on top of me, face-to-face, kissing me really hard, and coincidentally giving me a taste of my cock and ass. "Ehhhh, ahhh.. nooooo... MMMmmm, ohhhhh" we both moaned. The kiss was hot and deep, and our bodies, all muscular and strong, prepared for the next level of pleasure as his hard cock rubbed against my ass. David continued to kiss me, probing the back of my mouth, his tongue trying to reach down my throat. I returned his passion, and he held me with his arms, even as he reached under the pillow to locate a bottle which he flicked-open in one deft motion. Now sitting on top of me, his knees controlled my torso. I remember thinking the moonlight made his pecs and stomach look extraordinarily white, as I admired his heaving muscles and his treasure trail, which glistened with sweat and pre-cum. I felt his hands move down me again as he shifted his weight to my right side. His hands were slick with something now, something that smelled of coconuts and he touched my abs with it, rubbing them slick with some sort of..... oil. "MMmmm" he moaned as his lips met mine, the kiss turned directions, and sped up as his hand moved to my belly button again, then down to my pubes and then my cock. "Ohhhh... Ohhhhh... uuhhhhhh...Shit" I groaned as his hand slicked it all up mixing my sweat with the oil. My balls reared up again, and the kiss went deeper. "Uh Uhhh...." David moaned into our kiss as he quickly moved his hands to my balls. touching them with the lube. I wanted to cum so bad that I tried to move my hand to my cock, trying my best to jerk off. David grabbed me though, and gave me look that told me no. He placed them on his sides just above his slim waist. His fingers moved lower then and touched the smooth area under my balls, and slicked it moving his hand even lower. I broke the kiss, not understanding what he was doing... "Dude fuckin stop, what the fuck are you doing? Don't touch me there." I said out of breath, as his hand kept moving lower. "It's ok," he said, "I'm just touching you, just feeling you. I want to touch you with this lube the way I touched you with my tongue." He smiled, and his teeth were so white, so beautiful to me at that moment, and I knew then that I was attracted to David, that I wanted him, that I wanted this. David was moving his body down again spreading my legs with his knees. He kissed down my chest, he licked my abs to taste the lube, and settled on his knees in between my legs. His face and body were turning me on now, and I was completely hard. I needed him to get me off. His hand started lubing underneath my balls again, and immediately, he took my cock in his mouth, bobbing slowly as he used his lips up and down, looking up into my face. "Shit... Ohhhhhh" I groaned as I squirmed feeling his mouth on me. His fingers were moving lower at the same time, and before I knew it, one was touching my asshole. David moved it around the ring and pressed at it, wetting me with lube while trying to push in. It as obvious that it was hard for him, and I moved back, trying to push it away with my hole. David just held me tight, and kept up the pressure. He started rubbing my slick tummy with his other hand, and licking my cock with his tongue. "Üh... Owwww ... Please stop!" I cried as David's finger kept putting pressure at my hole, his mouth completely down on my shaft. I groaned again when he used his mouth to suck me, and almost came as bucked into him. He grabbed at me again with his free hand, and held me in place, immobilizing my hips and stomach. He just had me deep throated when the finger finally penetrated, and he slowly pushed it inside me. "Fuck!!!" I cried out as David held me in place with his hand on my stomach, his finger in my hole. "Shhhhh... Dude, you gotta be quiet." David whispered as he brought his mouth from my dick, then went straight back down again, sucking me all the way deep. Ühhhh..." I moaned, as his lips moved up and down, his finger prodded and pushed, filling me, pushing something, putting pressure in me that I had never felt before. The finger pushed harder, and this time it went further inside me. I groaned really loud as he touched something inside there, my most private place. "Owww Ohhhhh." I cried as David's touch sent a shock through me, his finger deliberately playing with something he knew. He held me there deep throated with his hand still rubbing my tummy, I felt his other fingers tracing outside my hole and groaned again as David was pushing harder to slip another one inside me. "Ohhhhh, owwwww, sttttoppppp" I groaned as his middle finger met his index finger inside my asshole. They moved in unison, in and out of my ass making a soft noise with the lube as Kyle mouth slurped at my cock, his saliva making noises as he moved. Uhhhhh.... take it out David, please take it out"...." I whispered as David looked up at me, his mouth still slurping and full of my cock. I felt him remove his fingers, and this time his tongue moved down my dick. I felt relieved, having those fingers out, but there was this weirdness.... this empty feeling as he pulled out. My cock was still so rock solid, and David just kept playing with it, sucking me, then holding me in place. "Ohhhhhh Shiiit! Shitttttt..... Fuckin finish me David, pleaaaase!" My balls started to well, and I could feel the cum building. Again though David came off me, and grabbed my balls with his hand, squeezing them hard. I winced. "Not yet, bro... You're gonna cum, and I want you to feel it... The way I know you want to." I moaned out in confusion and lust, and knew I was being loud, but the sweat, the sex, the muscles, and the stud made me stop caring. His mouth took my balls again, and put each in his mouth slowly bathing them with his tongue. "Ahhhhh..." I moaned louder, stopping David in his tracks. He came off my balls, and used his strong arms to back his knees up a little bit. Then he moved his power under my legs, his veins straining in his biceps as he got under them, lifting each of them on his tight shoulders, using his power to move forward. Instantly, I felt his athleticism and strength, felt his ability pushing up against me, holding me. His strong body reared forward, moving my legs to my chest and forcing our faces together, going in for the deepest kiss we had shared. "Uhhhhh ohhhhh" I moaned as his tongue touched me all the way deep, probing me, pushing up and back against my tonsils and my throat as his throbbing dick pushing against my naked ass. Ähhhhhhhh Ahhhh... Uhhhhhhhhh" I moaned as David passionately kissed me, and, after breaking-off the kiss, looking deeply into my face. He was now covered in sweat, his face was red, but the rest of him was pure white in the moonlight. His chest was so hard, and the light made him look so strong and powerful, as his veins were moving in his arms, his six pack breathing quickly and his veins leading down his tapered waist, to his still throbbing cock. In the light, I could still see his treasure trail was glistening with sweat. My eyes wandered back to his, and David smiled, his teeth so white and so beautiful to me in the moonlight. I never would have thought something like that about a guy... not until this. "Chad," he said lightly, "now you gotta be quiet, I don't want anyone on the floor to hear us, I don't want anyone to find out...." he said, moving his body back hard against mine, pressing into me, pressing his six pack into my cock. I was still so hard. "Now I'm going to take you. I'm going to give it to you and I am going to make you cum. It's gonna hurt at first, but you're gonna cum while we fuck, I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU..." he whispered hard. His mouth met mine again and he was on me, our bodies completely hard against each other, my legs anchored against his shoulders. I was utterly lost in my connection with him. The lube and the sweat was making it slick between us, and he rubbed his cock against me, his tongue battling mine in my mouth, trying to push even farther, even deeper than he ever had. His chest raised a little and I felt him rub my nipples as we groaned lightly together as he pinched and moved. His body went further back as we kissed, and I watched in the moonlight that shone through our dorm room window as his hands moved down. And that's when I realized what was going to happen.... it came to me literally as David's hard sweaty cock came rubbed against my lubed asshole. He was going to put it inside me, and I immediately groaned a "noooooooo" into our kiss. David just took control and used his body weight against me as I wrestled and started to fight, using my muscles to push. Again he held me with his tightness, his slick and strong body keeping me in place. I felt his cock starting to touch my ass. The heat from it was fire as it moved against my ass as I struggled, my hole dripping wet from the sweat and lube that David had given me, that he used to loosen me with. He started to bear down, using his weight against me, his leverage keeping my legs up against me, keeping me in place and up against his body. He held me there as the kiss continued still, even as I tried to push him away. I felt his cock touch the lips of my hole, and I looked back to the mirror, helpless, watching as David''s tight bubble ass moved his cock up and down my lubed hole. Ähhhh fuck" I said into our kiss again, trying to turn my mouth away. I turned toward the mirror over my dresser and saw David taking his free hand and moving back to his cock; he was trying to change angles now.. he was no longer moving it up and down the lubed lips of my hole, he was pointing it straight at my hole trying to push. "Nooooo, plreleeeeaaase.... I don't want this..." I cried into David's mouth as he finally broke our kiss. "Shhhhhishhhhhhhhh... it's ok..... You're really tight bro,but Im going to take you, and you will like it...... I promise.." he whispered as his mouth went to my ear. Ï'm going to make you take it, I'm going to make you cum." He gasped as his tongue went into my ear, he groaned and it went deeper. Then we both groaned as his cock was pressing against, then starting to go into my asshole. "Ahhhhhhhh.... fuck....."I cried out as David's tongue went all the way into my ear, and his cock started passing my ass ring, slowly pushing and burning as David held it in place, pushing his heat into my hole. "Breathe out.... fuckin' breathe out Chad.... I'm pushing, you need to take it!" he growled. I just cried out as he pushed, and David put his free hand over my mouth to muffle the scream. "Oh you're so fuckin hot Chad, you're so tight dude. I knew you would be this tight when I first saw your ass in those shorts you wore today." He gasped as he sucked on my neck, holding me in place with his strength while the pressure intensified. It was like I was being filled with something so deep inside me, the pain was hard, and it was pressure, but it also sent shudders and waves through my body, waves that made my cock fuckin hard. "I need you to be quiet or everyone on the floor will know." he said, as he held me there for a second, his cock half way in. I could feel his heat inside me and my ass muscles clenched.. We both moaned. "Unhhhhhh" David sighed, as he started rocking his hips just a little bit, he was poking and prodding my insides, trying to get me more used to his warmth. I cried in pain, and could feel the sweat drippin off of us. It was falling and swirling around my hole, I could feel it. I looked in the mirrror helplessly again, and saw David's tight ass moving, rocking around as he sent waves of pain through my body. I was really grunting then with every movement, feeling the pressure, the strength of David's body, his ass, and his cock. He was so athletic and so strong, I could feel it in his cock as he pressed in me. David moved again, and brought his mouth to mine. He kissed me as I just laid there with my lips open, breathing heavy from the pressure, the pain, and the waves in his movements. I wasn't kissing back I was just laying there breathing as I felt him move again. This time he stuck his tongue in my mouth, and moaned, as his hips pushed all the way forward and into me, burying his cock into my ass. "FUCK.." I cried out as David topped out, his pubes touching my hairless asshole, the pain moving ten fold. "Please take it out David, please..." I moaned. David just held me there and never broke the kiss. He was not moving his hips anymore, but his pelvis was just pressed all the way against my ass, his mouth was kissing me, his hands running over my lubed abs, as he held me tightly. He moaned into our next kiss, moved his hands up and down, and started slowly rocking his hips again lightly moving his cock around my insides. "uhh... uhhh... uhhhhnnnn" I moaned from the pain and the exertion, the sweat pouring down our bodies, down my back and all over my body. He kept lightly rocking, and it felt like my insides were moving with him. "Please... please... don't..." He didn't listen, and just started lightly pushing. A little to the left, then to the right and downwards then upwards. And that's when it hit me... that upswing that made my whole body shake, as we both groaned so loud. It felt like lightning struck my body, my whole head spun. David stopped kissing my open lips. "I'm hittin' it now, bro. I'm touching it. I knew you were a bottom, and now you're gonna feel it. Now, you're gonna take it." David pushed his lips against me deep then, and pressed on the upswing one more time, deep up in to me. "Ahhh, ahhhh ahh." I moaned and breathed quickly into the kiss as David pushed HARD... My whole insides shook again as the lightning turned to something. It was like that wave when I came during orgasm, my whole body +going tense as I would cum. It was that upswing, that feeling that gave me the lightning, that got me rock solid hard. "Ahhhhh.... ooooooh" I cooed as pain mixed with the feeling, and David started to pull out really slow. I was completely in the moment now, the room smelling of the coconut lube, our sweat, and our sex. I felt his cock move outwards and leave that place inside me, the pain feeling harsh again, as I groaned. "Mmmm, Uhhhhh," David grunted as his cock pushed hard back in to me, and I whimpered. "Owwww ahhhhhh, no, no" I moaned again into the kiss, but David didn't break. He pushed upwards again and the lightning hit, both of us letting out a grunt. "Take it," David growled into our kiss as this time he pulled out almost all the way of my hole. I felt empty and strange until he pushed back, long dicking me into an upward movement. "Ohhhhhhh Fuuuuck" I cried into our open mouths, as my cock went totally hard. I just completely turned now from complete pain and fear, and was so turned on now from the pain and the pleasure. I fought using my muscles as David pushed against my special place, his tongue mirroring the movement of his cock in my ass. "Ahhhh..." He started rearing again this time pulling almost totally out, leaving the head at my entrance, then jamming upwards, shaking my tight body as he fucked. He moved faster again, this time keeping the strokes closer together, fucking me in a rhythm as my bed started to shake with it. The room getting even hotter as he pulled out and pushed, fucking me..."uh, uh uh," I cried repetitively with each fuck. After about two minutes, each thrust started getting me harder, the pressure was becoming heat, and the heat was becoming sex, really fucking hard sex as David forced his athletic body deep into mine. His tongue staying in my mouth the whole time. Our bodies grunting with each stroke, with each fuck. "Uhhh Uhhh Uhh" he grunted as his strokes were moving so fast now --- all I could feel was the lightning and David's tongue as he fucked me hard, the sound of our moans and my ass squishing from his cock and lube making the only noises in the room. Our bodies were moving so hard, the exertion so tight. My abs rippled with every stroke, David's muscles strained as he shoved in to me, fucking me so deep. In between kisses, David started whispering to me periodically, telling me I was tough, that my body was so tight, and that my fuck was so hot. I looked in the mirror again, and it was David's bubble butt that was fucking into my hole this time, the force and the athleticism completely overpowering me, his muscular back moving so fast now, dripping with sweat. He moved his mouth to my ear again, and sucked my earlobe, as we both grunted. "I'm gonna make you cum now," he said as his hands grabbed mine, and he pushed all the way inside me, holding -- then starting – the fastest, hardest fuck he could. "Oh, Ohhhhhh" I cried as each stroke was so fast and so hard, the feeling just multiplied over and over and over again. We hit this rhythm that moved in milliseconds as I cried out, my abs contracting with each deep stroke. His body moving like a frickin stud, his muscles sweating and moving as he fucked. "Ow, oh oh oh ahhhhhh" I grabbed David's tight ass, feeling his strength as he plowed in to me, the bed shaking and our grunting getting louder. "Uh Uh Uh Uh" he repeated as he fucked, his ass flexing under my hands. My balls tightened without me even touching them..... "FUUUCKKK" I cried, as he reared up again, this time shoving so deep, to that perfect spot... My whole body stopping and shuddering, my balls welling all the way, as David shoved one more time, slamming our bodies against the bed, moaning as we met as one, the sweat, the smells, the breathing, the muscles. Our shaking was so intense. My balls just released, and I started to climax, my cum shooting everywhere, all over David's chest, in my face, and in my hair, my asshole squeezing David as I shot. "Oh, Oh, Ohhhhhhhh," I cried as David pressed all the way against me, his cock so hot and deep. "Fuckin' take it!" He moaned as he put his forehead against mine and shot load after load into me, filling my insides, mixing with the lube. "Ohh fuck" I cried as David held me tight still, his dick still deep inside. He moved his mouth down to mine, and we kissed fast at first, then slowing, tasting each other, as our lips moved and pressed, touched and parted, allowing our tongues to push in to the others' mouth. I felt him putting his hands on me then, slowly caressing me, my abs, my sides, then my smooth ass, as he moved me to my side, keeping his cock still firmly inside my asshole, still hard as his cum seeped deeper into my hole. He spooned with me with his strong arm, and we laid there as he kissed my neck, whispering to me, telling me how hot I was, how I was tight and small and strong, how good he could make me feel, how good we could fuck and that he impregnated me with his seed, his dirty, charged up seed. I stared forward blankly, still feeling his heat --- his cum in my ass, trying to comprehend what he meant by 'his dirty, charged seed?' “You are now mine, I own your ass. Soon you will get the fuck flu and when I take you for your first HIV test and it comes back poz I we will celebrate. I was shocked. David made me his poz bottom fuck bitch. The feelings became so strange as he kissed my neck and stroked my abs, then my pecs, then my pubes, and back again. I just started drifting off ... so tired and exhausted, as I stared into the dresser mirror. There were two naked, muscular boys laying together in the moonlight, the smell of sweat, sex, and something else moved through the air until I felt David slid his cock back into my ass again. “We need to make sure the seeding takes Chad.” I took four loads that night and every night after that until I got sick with the flu. David took care of me through my sickness and three months later I tested poz. David is the best guy I could have ever been paired with as a roommate.
    4 points
  4. So this is my first time posting on here and I wanted to share the story of my recent birthday events. What I had expected to be a rather dull day, turned out to be quite the opposite. I started to chatting with a hot black guy that recently moved to town, and we agreed to meet. He was at a bar only two blocks from my house, so I walked to meet him. Then we came back here and we headed to my room. He had a nice 8" cock and he bent me over and pounded my hole for a good 10-15 minutes before he shot off inside me. Then he got dressed and headed out. No sooner had he left, than I get a message on adam4adam, from another hot black guy who was visiting from out of town. We chatted a few and he wanted to fuck me. I had to drive across town and pick him up, but I didn't mind. We came back to my place and a few minutes later, his 8" cock was up my ass. I didn't mention the earlier load already in there, and he never said anything either. After dropping him, off I was driving home when I got hit up on grindr buy this guy I had been talking to for a while. He wanted to come over. I went home, freshened up and then went to get him as he had no car either. We came back, had a few drinks and smoked some weed, then all of a sudden this little twink looking guy got very aggressive and threw me face down on the couch. Next thing I know, he has his 7" cock sliding into me and he proceeds to absolutely annihilate my ass. After he blasted inside me, we chilled for a bit, then he was ready for a second round and put another load in my hungry hole. After I dropped him off, I started driving home when this fucking hot 18 year old college boy hits me up on grindr and says he wants to fuck. Tired and sore as I was, there was NO WAY i was turning this boy down. So I headed over to the local PSU branch campus to pick him up. Once we got back to my place, he got super aggressive. He had a nice thick 7" dick and he had me on my back on the bed, with my head over the side, he slammed that cock down my throat and just held it there, over and over. Once he was done abusing my mouth, he pushed me onto my knees on the bed an just rammed his cock into me. Now, normally guys that age seem to get off fast, but he went to town on my ass for almost 45 minutes. I was panting and moaning and and just completely glassy eyed by the end of it. Finally he dumped an enormous load in my ass and then was ready for me to drop him off. As I drove home, my hole was twitching and sore, and I could feel cum leaking out of it in the car. I just sat there driving home with a big smile on my face as I relived the fun I had. For a birthday I had no expectations for, this one turned out to be the best in a long long time.
    3 points
  5. B.R.A.T. (Bitch Ready And Turned-out) – Chapter 1, the Interview: The BRAT’s gaping ass winked and smiled at me as I took the latest pic with my new gold iPhone 6sPlus for the stash showing the slut’s shaved hole bruised, swollen, and dripping with my infected nutt. Seconds later the BRAT’s humiliation was secure in the cloud and being shared with a few select friends as the little shit whined and pleaded, “PLEASE MASTER SEARGENT, FUCK ME SOME MORE.” A quick backhand and the room grew still as the little shit had learned early on what happens when you disobey me. He may get away with his attitude and mouth with his Moms, but not with me – MASTER SEARGENT MAURICE LECLAIRE – UNITED STATES MARINE AND ALL AROUND TOP DAWG AND BITCH USER AND ABUSER. I love my country. I really do, and I served it well, but three tours helping people on another continent save their own asses meant my life back home went to shit. Oh I’m thankful I came home in one piece alright, lots of my buddies didn’t, yet I sacrificed years of my life, a fiancée who decided she’d prefer a different future than one with me, family who passed who I did not get to say goodbye to, and then I finally get back and the best fucking job offer I could get was a line cook at a God damn fast food joint. Not much need for a man who’s life work was learning how to protect, or kill, and ensuring others were operationally ready and able to take the enemy down. In the brigade I was honored, respected, and looked to for leadership by those above me and those below me. Those below me were allowed to call me “Top” – Corps nickname for Master Sergeants – but it fit me well, not least of all because for those grunts that needed an extra incentive to follow command, my dick of death provided the guidance required. I had plenty of confirmed kills during my time overseas. So back in the civilian world, here I was, alone, adrift, on my own with no blood family and no Corps. At 6”4, 262 pounds of racked and stacked muscle with a chiseled jaw, tight fade, and a fist that can crack walnuts, I stand out, but none of that seemed to matter much in the real world trying to find a ‘real’ job. Fuck I had a real job, now I just got my hustle, and right now my hustle is all about milking this BRAT for every penny, drug, gift, and use I can while plowing that tight hole into submission. I had been out 90 days – 90 fucking days of frustration, adrift in a strange world. I needed to blow off some steam without any complications, so I hopped in my truck, rolled a big blunt, and eased on out to the Adult Book Store (ABS) in Laurel. A good blow job, a few pieces of ass, some strong kush and all would be right with the world for a few hours at least. I liked the ABS as I knew the men there were looking for what I had to offer, were willing to pay to get it, and were not generally about putting their business out for the world to see like some of the internet hook up sites. I needed to fuck, not hear your life story or exchange a dozen emails for you to figure out what I’m looking for. The clerk at the ABS about fell over himself when I walked in. He was not my usual hustle, but you know what they say about making friends with the help and being good to the little people? Well all it took was one deep dicking and my fist wrecking his man cunt so he could barely stand for a week and he was my grunt for life. Little fuck could not contain himself as I ‘promised’ I would see him again soon while he loaded my hands up with tokens – all on the house. Once I entered the back with the video booths all the little queens flocked around me like a pen full of hens as the big cocked rooster entered the yard. I strutted to the back, a trail of kush smoke in my wake, as I eyed each hen up and down, dismissing them one by one. My eyes settled on a scrawny white man, wiry hair, glasses, nose too small for his face, but a fat ass Rolex on his right wrist and multiple rings on each hand with diamonds in various shapes and sizes. I cornered the little chick, gripped his Rolex in my left hand and raised his arm up for a better view. He about ready to shit himself right there when I then lowered his hand and made him stroke my growing dick. That’s the look – the look of a cock hungry motha-fucka who craves monster black dick. “My name’s Edmund,” the little hen squawked as I shoved him into a booth and locked the door. I shook my head in wonder and disgust – dumb ass – what the fuck makes him think I’m here to chat? “OWW OWW OWW you’re hurting me…” he cried out as I clamped my right hand onto his shoulder and pinched the nerves between the bones to shut him up and make him kneel. Once he was on the floor and had finished looking around at the filth and shit now sticking to his custom tailored pants, he was left speechless at the site of my now hard dick protruding out over my nutt sac. Fucking bottoms are all alike and genetically programmed I think to know what to do – faggot instinct – and after he gently tucked his glasses in his shirt pocket, Edmund opened his mouth and took a neck beating like he had never had before. I leaned back against the wall and lit a new blunt as the dick sucker fought to catch his breath and I prayed he wouldn’t fall out on me from some asthma attack or shit. “Do…do…you want to fuck me?” Edmund asked like a child begging for a cookie. What the fuck did he think I was here for? In response I pulled him back up to his feet and turned him around and waited as he dropped his drawers. A little 420 spit in my hand, some strategically lobbed at his crack, and the hen was shaking in need, fear, and anticipation. Suddenly his arm came back around and his hand held up a gold wrapped packet, “Please…please…here’s the condom.” I slapped his hand away, stepped back, took a big hit of kush, blew the smoke out, and kept the blunt between my lips as I zipped up. Edmund frantically spun around, “What…oh…no…I…OK, OK, but please don’t cum in me.” I squinted my eyes, held my smoke, and tilted my head to the right and waited. 5 – 4 – 3 – 2…and then the dick hungry hen bent back over, wagged his hungry pussy and showed me he needed my dick in him nice and raw the way men were meant to fuck. Time to test the waters. Some more 420 spit, one finger – now two – spit – yeah this hen has ass pussy, but still, he ain’t prepared for Master Sergeant. I tapped the blunt out on the crooked, metal folding chair. Stepped close and let the rich cock-sucker feel the weight of my dick as I tapped it lightly against his little cheeks. When I knew he was eager beyond stopping, I leaned forward, covered his chirpy little face with my big mitt, wrapped my right arm under torso, bent forward, and SKEWERED HIS RAW ASS LIKE A KABOB. GOD DAMN THERE’S NOTHING LIKE FEELING A BODY TREMBLE AND SHAKE AS I THRUST INSIDE THEM! That moment when they question what they have done, when they realize they are powerless to stop me, when they are fighting not me, but themselves as to what will happen next. Not like they have a say really. This is my time, my fuck, I’m in charge. The little fucker’s anal ring tried to squeeze and push and fight my invasion. No fucking way. My dick had landed and I was taking the enemy down, but I was in this to win the war, not just a shit battle. So, a minute of brutal fucking later I paused, the hen’s chest heaving under my weight, I jam fucked his guts a few more times and bottomed out balls deep on the last one and his entire body flutters. I then eased out of his hole, stepped back by the chair, picked up my blunt, and lit it. “What…I…are...” the fucking hen squawked and stammered, “How about…how about we go to the motel just down the road. You know the one with the green sign?” I took my time, weighed my options, he looked like he had the most hustle potential out of the fucks I saw when I walked in, so I nodded, zipped up my pants as he pulled himself together. Before he could finish tucking his shirt in I had pushed him out the door of the booth, past the brood of hens, and smiled at the clerk with a, ‘I’ll see you later for a dick down,’ wave of my hand. Once in the parking lot I strode to my truck as the hen dashed to his car – a fucking Maybach. A 2016 Mercedes Maybach S600 – easily topping $190,000. Fuck – looks like my little hen might just be the fucking goose that laid the motha-fucking golden egg. Time to adjust my plan. Five minutes later, my truck was idling in the motel parking lot as the hen – no my golden goose – got us a room. His Maybach stuck out like a fucking sore thumb to anyone who knew shit about cars, but that’s alright, if I can protect platoons of men I can protect this four wheel gem. My flustered goose scuttled back to his car and drove to the end of the motel and parked in front of the last room. I pulled my truck right in back of his Maybach and parked it about 6-inches from his back bumper. The little fucker freaked and was literally hopping side to side in fear, but when I stepped down out of my truck he said, “Good idea…good idea… that way no one can jack my car right?” Right. Sure. Whatever shut your mouth. My goose nervously pulled the vinyl drapes closed once we entered the room. I walked right behind him and opened them the fuck back up. If someone wanted to stand there and try to see our nasty puppet show through the filthy sheers, so be it. Plus, I liked to see the damage I do. I get a perverse and twisted sense of accomplishment seeing the red drip, seeing the skin purple and bruise, seeing the welts rise and grow. The goose did not question me – that was good – and without a word he undressed and bent over the end of the bed showing me he was ready for more dick. Good slut. Compliant, obedient, dick hungry, willing to serve. I unzipped my pants and stepped closer. My goose started to hold out the same fucking condom packet he had showed me in the ABS, then thought better of it and clenched it back into his fist. Fucker knew. They all know. Time to get bred. My kush spit hit square on his waiting hole and with a deathly gasp he accepted my raw dick as I plunged into him. This time there would be no mercy, no fucking surrender, no God damn stopping until I was done and nutted that silk hole up. All my frustration, all my need, all my desire, all my anger was released into that raw ass. Did he ask me to stop? Did he beg me to ease up? Did he try to run from the dick? Yeah, sure, but what the fuck did I care. Too late for all that pussy shit. Edmund screamed as I slammed his pink hole – shredding that white ass – making it my cunt. Too shocked to run, too much pain to focus, too turned the fuck on to move, the little fucker temporarily went comatose and mind numb as I dug his shit out. I slapped him a few times to get the blood flowing and when he started to struggle I turned the shit up a notch and deep dicked those guts. My golden goose became a blabbering idiot as I raped that white pussy rough, dark, red and got it ready for my Master Sergeant seed. Harder, deeper, no stopping now as my freight train dick pulled into the station and dropped all my AIDS coal in his chute. YEAH THAT’S RIGHT, FUCKING POZZED HIS ASS. ONCE YOU LET ME IN YOU GONNA GET THE BUG, GONNA GET CHARGED, GONNA GET LIT UP WITH MY SUPER JUICE! NOTHING BUT SUPERIOR ALPHA DICK – UNMEDICATED – SKIN TO SKIN – BREEDING AND SEEDING!! I was not done yet and the first load is like getting into my groove. My little goose tapped out, begged, tapped out again, and I kept right on trucking. First hole shredded, second hole wrecked, third hole destroyed! That’s how I role and when I was done, his lilly white ass was beat red from the blood inside and out. A couple slaps and Edmund was able to focus, his breathing got more regular and I was glad to know I would not have to add another body to my count. Once his faculties came back he could not stop blabbering about how fucking amazing that was, he had never been fucked like that before, thanking me, and begging for me. I’d give it to him, but there was business to take care of first like how much he was going to pay me for that dick down. Pay me for bugging him up. Pay me for making sure he knew who his AIDs Top DADDY was – ME! Edmund made a few lame excuses of how he didn’t know, he didn’t have any cash and some stupid shit, but quickly learned once I slapped him a few times I don’t broker no BS and that I had only given him a taste of the strafing fire I could lay down. He quickly started offering his cufflinks, this ring, that ring, and finally his Rolex. Fuck that’s right. I dicked that little faggot down right out of his gold time piece and he begged to give it to me. Once the prize was in my pocket I dropped it down and spit raped that fucker again just to show him my shit was worth anything he got and this time – much to my surprise – my little goose held his own and even began to push back and get into the bounce. Load number two was buried so deep he would be shitting my toxic babies out on Thursday! A few hours later and load number three was streaming out of that loose and floppy cunt and my golden goose was one happy little fuck! My balls felt good and relaxed now and after another blunt, so did I, then I settled back and chilled as my fleshlight stammered on about his rich bitch wife, problem child stepson, stress at work, and the challenges of being filthy rich. Poor thing. I didn’t really pay much mind to what he was saying until one comment caught my ears and I asked him to repeat what he had just said. Apparently he and his uber-MILF wife were trying to find someone to serve as a body guard/baby sitter and someone to be the all-around-keep-the-stupid-kid-out-of-trouble-authority figure. The kid – technically a man now having turned 18 a few months back - had graduated from high school only because the teachers couldn’t stand him anymore and wanted him gone. His life goal was to ‘find himself’ and my goose blamed it on the wife. She had been divorced 4 times, he was now husband #5, and the kid had always been spoiled. Her money, ex-husbands’ money, baby daddy money – it all added up to one fucked kid that had been in and out of rehab since the age of 12. He was out of control and for years the parents had just thrown up their arms and pretended he was not there or not their problem. That’s what the lawyers and help were for. My goose finished his damn sob story and then made his initial offer. Might I be available? Was I qualified? Would it interest me? While I mulled it over, he had gotten up and started to casually put his clothes back on. I figured the best way to negotiate was from a position of power so while he continued yammering, I set my blunt in the ashtray, stood up, eased in behind him for a stealth attack, pushed the fucker face first onto the bed, ripped his fancy slacks down and bang fucked his ass dry, double-time quick and deep, to make sure I had his attention. Once he was begging like an incoherent cunt, I slapped him, made him focus, and ordered him to tell me more. I liked what he had to say and now for the hard sell. As my goose’s tail feathers quivered underneath me, I slowly eased back out of his pooper, angled to my right and scraped his gut walls until I hit his organs. Shit like this had to be fed right – forced deep – like foie gras. My goose squawked, sighed, and begged for more. I eased back out slowly and stopped. Waited. Held my position right at the edge of his hole. He was flopping around under me trying to ride me but I held firm. Soon he got the idea and started throwing numbers up. As the numbers got higher, my dick got longer, wider, and deeper. Once he hit $3k per week plus expenses, plus the use of the Escalade, plus bonus tips for any extra curricular activities he and I may do, well I made sure my goose got basted deep and cooked through and through. Edmund was still wiping the dripping cum off his hole when I added one more caveat. I would deal with the kid my way – no questions asked from him or the wife. My rules. My limits. I’m the MASTER SEARGANT AND MY DICK IS CHARGED AND LOADED. Stay tuned for B.R.A.T. (Bitch Ready And Turned-out) – Chapter 2, Cry Wolf.
    2 points
  6. A straight friend of ours was visiting for the weekend. He likes to dabble in the gay side and usually spends a couple days with us getting fucked raw until his hole is messed up - then he goes back to his family life. Last weekend he arrived as usual and we spent Saturday night giving him what he wanted up the ass, with a few lines and a bottle of JD to help us along the way. Now, I like getting a load up my hole also, but only my partner obliges whilst our mate is visiting. This Sunday morning, however, was different. Our mate was in the shower so I decided to join him and see what happened. As it turns out he was already hard when I got into the shower, so we sucked each other off. I was just about to slip into his hole when he told me to turn around. Without even asking he pushed his knob into me and started banging my hole hard, not saying a word. I just took it rough, admittedly a bit stunned, but still loving every second. After about three minutes he groaned, pulled-out, and slapped my ass. I knew he’d left a load in me. I asked him why, all of a sudden, he wanted to top. He answered saying he didn't really know, he simply felt like it, adding this was likely a single occasion, and that I oughtn't get my hopes up! Anyway, I went back to bed and took a load from my partner, using the first load as lube. Love it
    2 points
  7. Most all of my life, I've done the fucking, both womens' pussies and men's asses. At a party about 10 years ago, a dude bred me, but I was kind of wasted and didn't have much say in the matter. So, I wasn't too impressed about it. But I started thinking lately about what it could be like to be on the receiving end, and so I invited a gym buddy over to my place after a workout. We never talked about sex, but I had that strange feeling that we was bi like I am. After 5 really big shots of whisky, we started to relax. I offered to massage him, suggested that he take a hot shower. In the meantime, I set up a mattress on my living room floor with lots of towels and when he showed up after the shower, still a little wet, with the towel wrapped around him, his eyes met mine and he let the towel drop and lay down on his stomach. I gave him one helluva a massage and when he rolled over for me to massage his chest, he had a raging hard on and I looked like at least 24 CM (like 11 inches), so I massaged his chest and it wasn't long before my hand was rubbing oil over his cock. He got a big smile on his face and had no problem in the world as I went down on him and started to deepthroat him for all it was worth. The best way to deepthroat, for me, is with my cock near his face and so as I was deepthroating him, be began to eat my ass out. Wow. Within 5 minutes he had me on my side and was already in me. Of course, we didn't even talk about condoms. I wanted him bare in me and he wanted to be bare in me. I discovered that I like to first be fucked on my side, it's much more comfortable to get started. And once he was really deep within me and staying deep within, he twisted himself around so that his cock was still deep within me, but his feet were behind my head and his head was behind my legs. And then in one easy motion, with his monster cock still in me, he adjusted me to my back and started doing long strokes. Mind you, this dude is 20 years younger than I. It was awesome. From the first entry into me, his cock never fell out of my hole until after it was long over with. His eyes just kept staring at me as he fucked me, rhythmically, deep, not speeding up, and visibly enjoying my sighs and moans. He then picked up the pace and was grabbing onto my shoulders like it was the last day of his life. His eyes kept staring at me as if he was waiting for a message from me and it dawned on me what to say.... Then he kissed me and I said quietly: "please come in me, please fill me up" and then he pumped about 10 times more, more wildly than anything I have ever seen in a film, and with his final lunge, he groaned like a pro and shot a massive load of sperm deep within me. I felt his cock spasming within my hole and counted the number of spasms/cumshots: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11... His cock shot eleven times deep within my willing ass and when he was done, he almost passed out over me. I have never seen such a look of total satisfaction as I saw in his eyes once he had bred me but good. It was a deep-breeding extraordinaire. I could literally feel the warmth of his sperm as it oozed through my insides. Wow. I bet that he stayed in me for at least 5 minutes afterwards and then we were done. We talked a little bit about it afterward and he admitted to me that he had wanted to fuck my daddy ass for a long, long time but had no idea I was 1/2 queer. And then, when he was fucking me, he told me it was the hottest, tightest hole he had ever experienced and he was having to hold back with all his might to keep from coming in me immediately. Jesus, he even started thinking about his tax returns in order to keep from coming! That got a big laugh from me, but was also probably the coolest sexual compliment I have ever received in my life. I don't have a big cock, but I am a good fucker and an outstanding deepthroater. I just had no idea that my ass is that good nor did I have any idea that I could take 11 or more inches without freaking out. So when I calmly asked him to flood my guts, the whole situation just sent him way over the top. And feeling his cum enter me was one of the most relaxing moments of my life. I don't know if I'm really a bottom or not, but this experience goes up there on my top-3 list of sexual experiences that were way "up on the mountaintop" for me. He also admitted that he had never come that much inside a woman. Yeah, he likes pussy and still fucks pussy, but my ass now has a special place in his memory. He be visiting me again next month and I am pretty sure he will want to breed me like crazy.
    2 points
  8. Stealthing is giving a load to someone unbeknownst to them. Two scenarios may apply: someone thinking you'll use a condom and you do something to compromise its effect (cutting a hole, slipping it off); or telling someone you are neg knowingly you are poz. Stealth is a deception tactic. Pozzing or bugging are relatively interchangeable- generally the transfer of a poz load to a neg individual. Gifting is the same, but with the added mentality or ceremony of intentional sharing a poz load to a neg guy, that it's something special or worth celebrating. Nuances, etc are more contextual, but this seems to be the gist. Happy to hear others though!
    2 points
  9. [Moderator's Note: This story was edited so it uses the words HIV and AIDS correctly.] Note: This story is FICTION. It DID NOT HAPPEN. Enjoy ************************************************************************************************************************************ "I want to give you my HIV, now." The email was from, AIDSGftr, a new guy on BBRT. He had appeared just a couple of weeks earlier, and I noticed geo locator showed him to be just 300 feet from my place. I'd never emailed him, but thought he was hot: he was obviously sick, wasted, an AIDS belly, a few Kaposi's lesions. Looking at his pics made my asshole ache for his deadly cum. His profile said he had never been on meds, was recently diagnosed with AIDS and he got off on infecting neg bottoms. I was still neg, even after taking several loads I knew were high viral load, and, of course, having taken numerous anonymous loads. This guy looked to be my chance to take an AIDS load, to get the infection I craved. I knew there was a 1 in 70 chance of infection with each fuck from a regular high viral load poz top, and I wondered if taking a load from a guy who had been diagnosed as actually having AIDS would mean certain infection. I hammered out a reply and hit send. "Yes. Where?" "The big apartment building half a block east of you. Ground floor, corner unit, will be waiting in patio. Hurry." "On the way. Five minutes." I pulled on a coat and shoes, grabbed my keys and was out the door in less than a minute, cock rigid, oozing and about to blow. Was I really, at long last, about to take an AIDS load? It was 206 steps from my door to his patio. I made it in three minutes. He was waiting in the open door to his place, naked, hard cock jutting out, sipping on a beer. I walked up to him, he turned stepped aside and motioned me in. I stood looking as he smiled at me and stroked his cock. It was beautiful, long, thick, hard, perfectly formed - the perfect weapon to fill me with death cum and infect me with AIDS. He pointed at the back of a couch and set the beer down. "Bend over, pants down. You still neg?" I nodded and obeyed, my heart about to explode, and reached back to spread my cheeks. He looked disgusting, obviously very sick, but I needed his disease bad. To my shame I whimpered as I felt his cock smear precum on my hole. I getting HIV virus in me! "You want my HIV, my disease, you want that?" "Yes, god, yes, give it to me, give me your HIV!" "Oh, yeah bitch, gonna give it to you, gonna pump a load of my death cum in your guts, right now. I've infected three men that I know off, you'll be number four. You want that? You want my HIV?" "Yes, fuck yes. Please, give it to me, infect me now. Please infect me, give your HIV!" "Okey dokey, one more infected bugchaser, coming right up." He grunted and shoved hard, I squealed as his diseased cock slammed deep into my ass and he pumped away frantically. Four pumps and he shoved in hard and grunted into my ear "Fuck, bitch, fuck! Pozzing you, bitch, cumming in your ass, bitch, knocking you up, infecting you good! You gonna be one HIV infected dick sucker!" A warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated. I convulsed with the hardest orgasm of my life. He humped into me spasmodically, gasping as he pumped his HIV-laden cum into my ass. My cock kept jerking and squirting and I wondered if I had been infected. Had he ripped me open when he shoved in without lube? I could feel my ass burning. Was I bleeding? If I was, his virus had a direct route into my bloodstream. Was this the time? Would I convert? I hoped so. We slid to the floor and lay flat, breathing hard. I wiped my ass with my hand and sniffed, then licked. Cum and ass juice, no red streaks. Was there a slight coppery taste? If I was bleeding there was no way he hadn't infected me. I bent over his crotch and swallowed his still hard cock. More cum, some ass juice. No taste of blood. He was ready very quickly. He flipped me over and spread my legs, dove in and licked and sucked my ass. I moaned as his tongue wormed up my newly pozzed hole, knowing he was about to mount me and pump another load of death deep in my guts. As he mounted me again, I groaned with pleasure, and this time he slid in with no trace of burn. My neg ass was well lubed by his poison cum. He pumped me slowly, pulling out and plunging in repeatedly, stroking deeply, not quite long enough to bump my sphincter but plenty thick enough to feel incredible. I moaned and fucked him back, eager for infection. "Fuck my neg ass, yeah, fuck, infect my neg ass, yeah, give me your HIV, infect me good. Do it, fuck me, pump me full of death cum! Give me HIV!" He slammed in hard, humping me deep and moaned "Fuck yeah, bitch, gonna poz you good you bugchasing bitch, gonna infect you good! Mmm, yeah, fuck yeah, bitch, gonna fuck you full of my HIV juice!" He slammed in hard and fast and held it deep. His cock pulsed and hot semen squirted into my guts. More toxic cum, more HIV pumped deep into me. "Fuck, bitch, yeah, you're getting it now, giving you my bug, bitch, giving you my HIV, bitch, you're one infected faggot now, giving you my HIV!" I lay back breathing hard, my asshole pleasantly sore, feeling his toxic semen ooze out of me. No more doubts. I wanted more. I wanted him to infect with HIV. I leaned over and swallowed his cock again, savoring the taste of semen and ass juice. Two poz loads in my guts - so far. I hoped he was up for more. Would I be infected with HIV before I left? He moaned and pushed me off his cock. I lay back and smiled, feeling his cum run out of my ass. Had he already infected me, or was that wishful thinking? "Damn, that was good, you're a hot piece of ass. I never fucked a man who begged for my death cum like you. That was hot, knowing you want to get infected from that fuck." "I do, I wanted poz cum in my butt, I want HIV in me, as much as I can get." "Well, you got some. I've been full blown for a while. My doctor warned me that if I had unprotected sex with a guy, I would likely infect him. Hope you're really okay with that." I was. There was no question what I wanted. "Yes, I am. I want your bug, I want you to infect me with HIV." "That's good, I'm gonna give it to you. You up for another fuck?" "Hell, yes! Let's make sure you infect me. Plus, that big dick of yours feels incredible in my ass." "Give me a minute, I'll breed you again. Mmm, do me a favor?" "Sure." "Don't fuck anybody but me until you test poz?" "Sure thing, as long as you keep pumping my guts full of your HIV, I'm your bitch. Anytime you want my ass, you got it." He fucked me twice more that night. I finally waddled home about 4:00 AM, my asshole raw, bleeding and leaking semen. In the next two weeks he screwed me at least once a day. My ass stayed raw, my shorts spotted with blood until I came down with the flu. When I was able he gave me a ride to the clinic. I was poz. Another dicksucker successfully infected with HIV.
    1 point
  10. PART 1 My name’s Sloan. I’m 35, white, hairy, and hung. My dick is a fat, veiny hole-wrecker, and I love to show it off in public. I keep my body in the best shape possible—rock-hard six-pack, muscular chest, beefy legs. I’m really good at luring younger guys into giving up their holes. There’s something about my look, about my square jaw and intense brown eyes and high-and-tight crew cut. Something that makes me look trustworthy, wholesome. The good guy. The older brother. The mentor. But see, I’m not the good guy. In fact, I’m one evil motherfucker. My favorite hobby is seducing, chemming, and corrupting college dudes, pushing their limits, taking their fantasies to the dark side, and pozzing their sweet smooth hungry holes—pounding them raw and leaving them dripping with multiple loads of unmedicated virus. And the funny thing is this: no matter how much they protest at one time or another, no matter how much they claim that they don’t want to be barebacked and gang-bred and pimped out, they always end up hungry and begging for more of that sweet seed deep in their guts. So yeah: I guess you could say that I’ve pozzed a lot of boys, destroyed a lot of unsuspecting holes, initiated a lot of slampigs. But last weekend—well, last weekend was the hottest transformation I’ve seen yet. My favorite place to hunt for victims is about a block away from a bathhouse here in Berkeley. I watch for a certain kind of guy: 18 or 19, an undergrad just getting his first taste of freedom away from the parents, well-built, preppy. He might walk hesitantly toward the entrance, then stop to reconsider, then start walking back to his car, then decide to go into the bathhouse after all. That’s when I intercept him. I emerge from the shadows to strike up a conversation—and with any luck, change his life forever. Last weekend, I was in my usual spot. It was a warm August night, and I was wearing a pair of mesh gym shorts with no underwear, a tight wife beater to show off my hairy chest, and a ballcap. I’d taken a dick pill about 30 minutes earlier, so my cock was forming a huge tent in my shorts as I anticipated my next conquest. That’s when the boy got out of his car. He looked both ways down the street—a little lost, I guess—then spotted the bathhouse entrance. Clearly a first-timer, I thought. As he walked closer to me, I began to make out his features: short dark-brown hair, a handsomely boyish face with a nice strong jawline, a fucking adorable nose, and a pair of big, dark, expressive eyes that revealed both his anxiety and his excitement. He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a tight black tank top, so I got a pretty good look at his sweet little jock body, his muscular calves, and his deeply tanned, sinewy arms that showed evidence of some serious time at the gym. He stopped in the middle of the street. He wavered. He almost turned around and went back to his car. But he kept walking toward the entrance—and that’s when I spoke up. “Hey, buddy,” I said, stepping onto the sidewalk, my dick still at attention. That startled him. But as he squinted to look at me in the semi-darkness, his fear turned to relief. I was obviously the kind of guy he was hoping to find here. His eyes widened as they traveled the length of my body, from my face to my torso to the outline of my cock. “Hey there,” he answered in a surprisingly deep voice. “Whatcha doin’?” I looked down at my dick. “Oh, just hanging,” I said with an evil grin, giving my cock a giant twitch. He almost gasped to see it jump like that -- and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stepped back into the shadows and beckoned him to follow me. He obeyed as if in a trance, his whole body shivering as he approached. “What’s your name, buddy?” “Conrad,” he said, but he didn’t look at me. He was still staring at my dick. I made it twitch again, and this time he almost laughed in total fascination. “I’m Sloan,” I said. “How old are you, Conrad?” “I just turned 18 last week,” he replied. “I’m starting at Berkeley this fall. Most people in my class are about a year older—I skipped a grade.” “18 is a good age,” I managed to say, my mind suddenly filled with images of chemming and pozzing this perfect 18-year-old boy. My cock grew harder, and I took a tiny step closer to him. “By the way, Conrad, it’s OK to look at my dick. Really. This cock likes attention. In fact, you can even touch it if you want.” He gave me a funny look, as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. I smiled back, gripping my dick in my hand, then released it by slapping it against my thigh. Another gasp from Conrad. After a moment of hesitation, he reached down to touch the outline of my dick, his hands visibly shaking as he grabbed a handful of mesh and cock. After a moment or two of running his hand along the length of my poz shaft, he looked up at me with a dazed kind of desire. “No, no, Conrad,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s not what I meant.” I took his hand in one of my hands. With my other hand, I pulled the elastic of my shorts away from my waistline. Then I slowly guided him down my treasure trail until he could feel the touch and girth and weight of my cock. It was throbbing with heat, its surface slightly sticky from the steady stream of precum dripping from my mushroom head—as if my poz dick were drooling at the thought of devouring this beautiful, trusting boy. He grabbed onto the dick that would break him in half and poz him deep—and his eyes fluttered in total bliss. I laughed and said: “You like that dick, huh?” He nodded eagerly. I placed my hand on the small of his back and drew him closer to me. He smelled like all good 18-year-old boys should: a combination of cheap cologne, sweat, and chewing gum. I imagined what his crotch might smell like, all musky with dried cum and piss and hormones. As our faces hovered just a few inches apart, I reached my hand down the back of his shorts to feel a perfectly round jockbutt. He trembled again. I whispered in his ear: “Are you looking for a big bro tonight?” He nodded, and I drew him closer, letting him feel the heat radiating off my body. He sighed in contentment as he nuzzled my furry chest. Then I whispered in his ear again: “Do you want your big bro to fuck you, Conrad?” “Yes, please,” he said, lifting up his head to look me directly in the eyes. I smiled and mussed his hair. “Oh, poor lil’ bro,” I said. “Didn’t anybody ever fuck you before?” He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah,” he said. “Two different guys. But they were my age, and didn’t really know what they were doing. I was kinda hoping that I’d find somebody here at the bathhouse who could—um—” “Break you in?” He buried his face in my chest again, mumbling “yes,” and I ran my hands gently up and down his spine, feeling the strength of his back muscles, imagining what he would look like on all fours, back arched, ass in the air, begging for loads. My hands returned to massaging his beefy little jockbutt, and he let out a deep, shaky moan. “I would be so honored to break you in, little bro. I want to show you how a man should fuck a boy, and how a boy should surrender his hole to a man. Would you like that?” “Yes,” he said again. His arms wrapped a little tighter around my torso, and I gently pushed my cock against his body. My throbbing poz shaft thrummed next to the firm muscles of his stomach. He exhaled a long, slow breath, as if melting into me. And at that moment, I smiled to myself and thought: This boy is fucking mine. I pointed down the street. “I live about two blocks that way,” I said. “Wanna come back to my place, maybe smoke some pot, fool around a little? We can go to the bathhouse later, if you decide you’re ready for it.” “Sure,” he said, giving me the cutest fucking grin. And right at that moment, seeing his innocence and sweetness and eagerness to please, my dick twitched even harder than before, and the head of my cock released a small geyser of toxic precum. With any luck, I thought to myself, I’ll get to see that same giant grin on his face in just a few hours—right about the time he’s spreading his slammed-up jockboy hole to get pounded and knocked up by poz cock. I pointed him in the direction of my house. He walked about a half-step ahead of me, his sweet bubble butt bouncing beneath those gym shorts as my cock followed just a few inches behind. The poor kid didn’t know it yet, but he was as good as poz. I knew exactly what to do. Everything was prepared for my victim’s arrival. And within the next hour, I planned to be blasting my potent strain deep inside this sweet 18-year-old fagboy’s chemmed-up cumhole. MORE SOON…
    1 point
  11. It was a not so typical end of the year party on a Friday night. Christopher had just graduated high school. He was your typical straight laced, high school jock, popular with the girls, but had yet to get laid. He had the occasional beer and maybe a joint, but never thought of doing hard drugs ever. Christopher was 5' 10”, 145 pounds of lean muscle with blond hair and blue eyes. He was invited to a party at the near by college he was to attend in the fall ans was hoping to get himself laid by some college chick. When he arrived there weren't many girls at the party so he grabbed a beer and walked around. After finishing a few brews he started to talk to some of the other people at the party. He hit it off with this one guy, his name was Reese. Reese was had just finished his second year at the college and was very out going, the total opposite of Christopher's shyness. They talked about the lack of pussy at the party when Reese said he could introduce him to a couple hotties name Gina and Tina. Christopher was excited at the possibilities and the 2 left for Reese's apartment. After arriving at Reese's, Reese offered Christopher another beer. Christopher drank it down as Reese told him he was going to get Tina. Christopher was a little confused why he never said he was going to get Gina when he started to feel very warm and groggy. When Reese came back he helped Christopher into his bedroom and Christopher stretched out on his back on the bed. It was at that point that Reese asked Christopher if he liked Gina. Christopher looked at him a little puzzled. Reese explain, Gina was in the beer that he drank. Christopher was a little out of it, but was feeling good and started to feel a little horny. It was at that point that Reese climbed on Christoper, sitting on his chest and pinning his arms under his legs. He was sitting so heavily on Christopher's arms the blood flow was stopped. Then Reese pulled out a syringe and said it was time to meet Tina, and with that he stuck the needle into Christopher's arm giving him is first taste of crystal meth via a slam. Christoper felt the warmth in his arm and as Reese let up on his arm the meth hit is system and he couched out. Reese gave him some water to drink and Christopher was flying. Reese then hit himself with a nice slam en joined Christopher in the sexual high. Reese then leaned in and kissed him. Christopher was unable to prevent Reese's tongue to begin probing into his mouth. As Miss Tina took it's hold of him he began to get very horny. He gave in to the advancements of Reese and the pleasure he was experiencing. Reese began to undress Christopher as they kissed and soon Christopher was only in a pair of blue boxer briefs. Reese then began to undress himself and then he straddled Christopher chest as he did when he forced slammed the teen. Reese then eased his hard, dripping 8a: cut cock into his victims mouth with some resistance, but with the G in Christopher's system along with the T, he was no match fir the hunk sitting on his chest. Christopher was getting his first taste of cock and he began to enjoy it. In no time he was a willing cock sucker and soon Reese was off his chest and sitting with Christopher between his legs willingly sucking his cock. To this point, Christoper had only taken half of Reese's cock into his eager mouth, but soon enough Reese took charge placing a hand behind the chemed up boy's head and little by little forced more of his tool into his mouth. When it hit the back of his throat, Reese told Christopher to take a deep breath and then Reese forced his dick into his cock sucker's throat. After e few seconds he with drew and then repeated his move placing his dick back into the throat of his cock sucker. This went on for a few minutes when Reese pulled all the way out and had Christoper get on his back. It was Reese's turn to show Christopher what it was like to have a real blow job from a real man. Reese easily deep throated Christopher's 7” cut cock and bobbed up and down for what seemed like an eternity. With the G and T in Christopher's system he was not going to cum any time soon, but the boy was moaning from the blow job he was receiving. Reese was enjoying working on the boy semi hard cock, but that wasn't his objective. He licked the shaft a few times, sucked and licked Christopher's balls as he worked his was to the prize he was after, Christopher's virgin hole. When his tongue began licking the prize her wanted, Christoper began to moan louder then he did when he was getting blown. As Reese licked the hole, lubing it up for his eventual penetration he also began to probe the soon to be willing hole with his fingers. As he slid in on finger he was sure to add a little meth to it to give Christopher a booty bump. Reese knew this would make his ass more hungry and willing to accept his cock. Between the slam and the booty bump Reese was opening up Christoper's virgin hole, 2, 3, 4 fingers deep. Reese thought that he might be able to fist this boy soon, but he held off on that idea. He knew what he wanted, to seed this virgin hole with his toxic seed, get him addicted to T and his cock so that when he returned Christoper returned next fall he would have a boy to use and abuse. Reese pulled his fingers out. Christopher let out a moan of disappointment. Christopher was feeling empty inside. He looked up at Reese and asked him to put his fingers back in side his hole. Reese looked down and with his eyes locked on Christopher's said that he was going to replace it with something more substantial. As that was being said, Reese slowly slid is raw cock into Christoper's ass prompting Christopher to reach down and feel what was going inside him. When he realized it was Reese's dick, he looked up and asked Reese if he should have a condom on. Reese just looked him dead in the eye and kept on sliding into the boys formerly virgin hole. As the last of his cock slid into the ass of his new bottom boy he grinded it in getting a moan out of the boy's mouth. Reese knew what he was doing, he slowly moved his dick, teasing Christopher with mini thrusts. Reese could see in Christoper's eyes that he was giving in and at that point Reese set about fucking him with a growing intensity. Reese knew that if his seed was too take hold he'd need to do some damage and since the boy was a virgin he knew it wouldn't take much to seed him. Along with the fingering Reese did some scratching inside. He knew that this would work since it was the same way he had be brought into the fold. Soon Christoper was moaning and begging to be fucked. The booty bump was really working now and Reese wasted no time in pounding the boy's hole. As Reese was abusing his new toys ass, he was ready to deliver his first load and did so without Christopher knowing. Reese could deposit a couple loads this way and did just that. As Reese was read to cum for the third time he looked down at Christopher, leaned in and as he was getting ready to cum he told Christopher that he was going to spend the weekend with him and that they were going to keep fucking until Reese was sure that his toxic seed was going to take hole. Reese then started to pant and moan and whispered into Christopher's ear that he was shooting his third poz load into his ass and with three loads in him deep there was no turning back. He was soon to get the fuck flu and be as poz as Reese was. Reese now owned his ass and he would do with it as he pleased. Christopher sat there in shock. He was so tweaked, he didn't know what to feel or what to do. All he knew was that he wanted more Tina and that he wanted of Reese's cock.
    1 point
  12. Firstly, this is a true story although I might have changed a few names and to make it read OK, I can’t remember all the conversations so a bit of poetic license. The picture on my profile is me, hello, and I’m athletically fit and work out regularly with a good firm stomach and defined six pack. I’ve also got a nice eight inch uncut cock and smooth bubble butt (which I keep hairless as I love a smooth ass). I’m 31 and HIV positive and have been since November 2013 but my conversion was not an accident, rather it came about because I wanted to get bred in style, so to speak, and I specifically hoped I would to convert after playing at a BB party which was held in early August, 2013, and which was specifically hosted for those chasing. The party had been organised by Jeremy, (Jez), a 46 year old positive guy living in Acton in West London who advertised the party on BBRT. His profile specifically stated he was positive and that he had a high viral load. If you’ve ever requested a party invitation on BBRT you’ll know that if the guy isn’t online he may take some time to come back to you. So it was on this occasion. Although when I sent my request, there were already 30 odd guys who were listed as going. Perusing the list showed guys ranging in age from 24 to 56 and since this is the real world, they weren’t all super fit studs, (sadly) or more-or-less those with whom I would want to play, but there were definitely a few guys on there that floated my boat. One in particular, a 32 year old muscle hunk named Jamie was certainly fucking hot and dangerously positive. The party requirements were for neg bottom or versatile guys and for ideally poz guys with high viral load. Undetectable guys would be invited if there was space. The poz guys also needed to be top or versatile. The party acceptance list showed that there were about 16 poz guys going and 14 neg or no status on their profile, which, of course, could mean more poz guys. Either way it looked like good odds to get knocked up. And to me, well I’m a gay guy living in London. I moved here when I was in my late teens for University and ended up staying as I love the place. Not to mention it is great for a single gay slut boy like myself who needs it as often as he can and as dirty as he can, although to be fair I’d become more and more depraved as I gotten older. I’d been barebacking totally since I was 25 having had a few fuck buds I’d do it with before then. Then I just realised I loved it raw so sauna sex became all the easier as no one really bothered with rubber in there anyway. God knows how I managed to stay neg until 29, but I did. And I knew I had taken poz loads. In fact on those few occasions where I was being fucked by a guy who had either told me upfront that he was poz, or who was sporting the bio hazard tattoo, the sex was more thrilling than any I had had before. The thrill came from the specific danger that the top could change my life for ever. It was why I knew I needed to be pozzed: so I could breed too. A few days before the party, I still not had received an acceptance to my request, and I seriously thought about cancelling my request as I was playing over the likely scenario in my mind, which led to the question 'What the fucking hell was I doing?' But I didn’t cancel and the day before the party I (and another 20 or so guys) received an acceptance, so the prospective headcount was somewhere around 50 guys with the result I found myself hoping the host had a big house. Naturally I looked over the list of attendees, and to my pleasure I found quite a few by whom I wanted to be fucked. The guys ranged in age from 20 to 60, and about 60% were listed as poz, which led me to think 'We neg boys are gonna be fucked to death. Literally'. The party was an overnight affair starting on Saturday afternoon and finishing Sunday afternoon and so the day of the party I made sure my man cunt was douched thoroughly, and I also pre-stretched, using my biggest dildo. I took the tube and arrived at the party house at 2:00 PM, an hour before the official starting time of 3:00 PM. The party house was a huge Victorian semi-detached villa with at least four floors that I could see from the street. As I approached I found several other early arriving guests who were being checked-in by a man who was ticking off names on a clipboard. Although I had downed a couple of beers before I left my house, I sensed a bit of awkwardness, so I specifically greeted the guys who were waiting in line. The guy at the door was a cute lad, mid 20’s, athletic and dressed in shorts only so you could see his nice smooth chest and pert little nipples. He was friendly with a nice smile. “Profile name?” he asked, looking me over. “I’m Adame24” I said and he looked at his clipboard. “Yep got you” he said ticking my name off. “Neg boy” he said, smiling back at me. “Not for long, I hope,” I replied, returning his smile. “Make your way in and you’ll find the dining room on the left is the locker room. Take you kit off and store your clothing in a bag then head to the lounge. It’s naked only” he instructed. “Thanks” I replied stepping past him into the hallway. “I’ll check you out later” he said, winking at me. I grinned back as I walked through the door he had identified. I presumed from his last statement he was poz and without a doubt I looked forward to taking his load. I found three other guys getting undressed as I entered and they all looked at me and grinned as I started removing clothes. I followed the guys down the hall and towards the music and chatter. The house was very big and entering the lounge it seemed long and vast and quite full of naked guys. Even allowing for the fact that the party had 50 acceptances, you could reasonably expect some wouldn’t turn up but I’d have to say there was over 40 guys there. I didn’t really know where to go at first but I saw a large table set up with drinks so headed for it, and in route I got quite a few glances from the guys, even if when squeezing past the men, my cock was somewhat timid, even if I would say even if flaccid my cock was still impressive. There were all sorts of guys here and I scanned around looking for Jamie. I hadn’t yet seen him but I did spot a few other muscled up lads, the younger guys weren’t bad either especially one who looked like a teenager and was getting plenty of stares. Some of the older guys too were doing it for me although there were some that had plainly gone to seed but none were really fat so I guessed our host had been picky in his acceptances. I felt my ass being handled and turned to see a guy of my age, he had shaved head and short stubbly beard but his bod was as taught as mine. He was hot and, judging by his semi-erect cock, he had a big one. “Hey fella” he remarked in what sounded to be an Australian accent. “Hi, you okay?” I asked as I turned to face him. “That’s one fine ass,” he replied, grinning broadly. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.” “You chasing?” “I am," I replied with a smile. “Superb, mate,” he said. I notice his cock was swelling-up as we talked. “You?” I asked suspecting he was about to say what I wanted to hear. “No mate, I’m gifting” he answered, giving me a welcoming smile. I smiled while my cock got hard. Before we could do anything about it the music suddenly went silent and someone cleared his throat loudly. “Guys could I have your attention please.” I looked over as the naked bodies parted to show our host, Jez, stark naked too with a massive dick hanging between a reasonably toned body. He was a fine looking Daddy type with nice pecs and some chest hair. “Guys, welcome to my house. I’m Jez and I’ve organised this weekend’s soirée to help out a few of my negative friends and also some of my positive ones. Firstly, I love breeding and here tonight are 28 like minded guys who love to breed and pass on their DNA.” There was a few ripples of nervous laughter as he paused. “We are also joined by 16 negative boys who are totally fucked up presumably and chasing positive loads,” he continued again with a smattering of laughter. “So for the rules. You may use all but the very top floor which is roped off. All the rooms and beds are made for whatever depraved fucking you want to get up to. If you’re into piss could you do that in the bathrooms and please, no scat tonight.” He said looking towards two guys who looked away at his stare. Presumably he knew something about them we didn’t. “There’s lube all-round the house and anyone found using a condom will be asked to politely fuck off. You'll find drinks in this room and also you’ll find a stash of Viagra, poppers, tooth brushes and weed in here. If you’ve got anything harder then please feel free although please don’t burn my house down. There are towels in all the bathrooms and please shower as often as you want. We have food in the kitchen so help yourself.” “So the main event: all you neg guys are bottom or versatile so please pick up a red arm band from the table so we know who you are. Everyone else is obviously a top. And so you know, every top is not only positive but has a high viral load. A few boys clinically have AIDs. There are no undetectable guys here. Neg boys, make sure you try and take everyone’s load before you revisit guys again. You can’t refuse a cock either so get pissed and high and get horny for us breeders. Dirtier the better please. Some of us tops are versatile and I can understand a top taking cock while waiting for his erection to 'recharge', but make sure you're a top, make sure you take cock from the versatile neg boys so as not to waste any charged loads on a poz lad. Finally, tonight is about converting 16 neg fuckers into breeders. We have our duty cut out for us, boys, so let’s get dirty.” With that he finished his introductory speech and there was a polite round of applause and cheers. I turned back to the table and saw a pile of red arm bands. Slowly guys were picking them up and I did too wearing it on my right arm, my badge of shame. Negative and ready to be deflowered. The Aussie top grabbed my ass again and turning we kissed hard as he gripped my now erect cock. “Let’s find some space” he said, pulling me by my cock. He tugged me, letting go as we made our way passed bodies to an inviting leather chair in the corner. Aussie sat down and with his now erect 7 inches of thick cock pointing up he pulled me down and we kissed again. He started to jack my cock but I went down on him and took him fully in my mouth devouring his thick manhood. I licked the precum off and worked him hard while he moaned and pushed my head down hard, face fucking me a little. After a while he told me he wanted to fuck me so I swivelled round taking some lube and fingering it up my hole and smearing his cock. I slowly lowered myself down onto him as he sat there. He pushed up to meet my cunt and I felt his cock slowly penetrate my ring. I’d stretched my hole well today so I easily slid down his dick feeling him inside me. I started to lift up then dropped back down as I felt him meet my rising and falling. His cock felt good and my own banged against my stomach as I fucked him, sniffing on a bottle of poppers. We did this for a few minutes but I wanted to kiss my top so I got off, turned and knelt my legs either side of him and slid back down onto him again. Now I could kiss him which we immediately did and Aussie boy started fucking me. It felt so good being fucked and I steadied myself on the arms of the chair as he plowed my cunt. He was grunting louder and louder, “You want my poz load bitch?” he grunted through thrusts. “Fuck me, poz me “, I moaned back. He suddenly went into overdrive and fucked me fast and deep before I felt him slow and groan loudly. He held me hard on his shaft as I felt his cock twitch in me. His highly toxic load was pumping deep in my guts. We kissed hard while he kept his cock inside me making sure I got every drop. Finally we broke the kiss and I got off him. I could feel drips coming down my leg and reaching down I wiped it up with my hand. Looking at the liquid on my fingers I licked them clean savouring his and my juices. “Dirty bitch” he said grinning at me. “Fuck you later” and with that he got up and walked off. I got back to the table and watched a number of guys fucking before I saw my next breeder coming towards me. It was a younger guy of early twenties and he wasn’t what you’d call fit but he was good looking and smooth. His cock looked to be 6 inches or so and quite thick. “Follow me” he said, which I did obligingly We walked out the lounge and upstairs, I could hear fucking going on everywhere with moans, grunts, smacking and screams audible from every direction. My next top led me to a small room which had two floor mats. Two guys were already on one fucking like mad and he pulled me down on the other. No small talk, he knew what he wanted and pushed me on my back, lifting my legs up to expose my hole. He had lubed his cock and was plunging it into me within moments. I lay back watching him fuck me, his face was emotionless and he stared into my eyes pumping in and out of me. I grabbed his face and pulled it down and we kissed hard, our tongues dueling together.“Fuck me baby.” I moaned at him biting his bottom lip. He doubled his efforts and was hammering away at me for ages. The two guys besides us had obviously cum and they got up only to be replaced by another couple. Usually I like plenty of positions if I’m being fucked this long but he seemed to like missionary best and after a while I could sense he was close. “You want my toxic cum?” he asked me through gritted teeth. “Yes baby” I replied “Breed me” He pumped what must have been a heavy load in my ass as he came with a long, loud moan, cumming hard. I could feel him inside me. We lay together for a few more minutes, his heart was pumping so fast and his cock stayed inside my cunt. Finally he got of me and without a kiss said, “Thanks” and left the room. I felt like such a slut but to the side I could see the two guys in their thirties fucking missionary too. I lay still and watched the guy on his back getting fucked and he saw me grinning with beckoning eyes. I moved over and we started kissing while the top was fucking him. He tasted of smoke but it was hot to French kiss him while his ass hole was being invaded by another lad. I heard the door open and looking up another guy had poked his head round, he saw my available ass hole and was down with me in moments. I carried on kissing the guy and felt my legs being lifted and a new cock invading my hole. This felt bigger and I turned to look at the guy now about to fuck me, he was 40's, OK build, bit hairy but clearly a good size cock on him. He also had a few bruises on his skin and deep sores which I guessed could mean he was one of the guys with Aids. I turned back to the lad being fucked and we continued kissing as I felt the first thrusts in me. For a few minutes we were both being fucked and I carried on with the hottie while being fucked by the older guy. The guy fucking him suddenly started groaning and slowed as he was clearly cumming in the guy’s ass. He grinned at us both and after a few moments pulled out and got up. The guy stayed on his back and pulled me into another kiss as my ass was getting a serious pounding now. This guy was doing a good job of stretching me and I was really enjoying his efforts. Finally after a few more minutes he started to slow and moan and looking round he came in me. I could feel his cock twitch as he dumped his load. “I hope you like Aids” he said as he pulled out of me. I looked round and thanked him as he left the two of us. “Lick me out” the guy lying next to me said. I grinned and went down on his sloppy ass hole, it was quite full of spunk and there was blood mixed in the residue dripping out. I feltched the guy. I do love licking loads out of used sloppy ass holes. He must have had a few loads in there as I got quite a mouth full. I didn’t swallow immediately and we ended up snowballing the toxic spluge together and sharing. “Do me” I said and he did the same for me, licking me clean. Again we kissed and snowballed. “You just bottom?” he said finally breaking the kiss. “No I top too” I said grinning back. “Cool lets meet later I’d love you inside me” he said and with that we kissed and got up, looking for more poz boys. I went back to the lounge and grabbed another beer, there were less guys in here now but still plenty of fucking going on. I grabbed another bottle of poppers and a tooth brush. The latter was there to rough the anal passage up so we’d bleed and help the virus invade our blood stream. I needed to know tonight was worth it so I decided to make certain. The rest of the afternoon and evening blurred into a right royal fuck session with various highs and a few lows. The highs were getting double penetrated by the host and his fuck slut boyfriend who turned about to be the fit lad on the door I’d met earlier. They were really hot and stretched me so wide on their big double bed. I got fucked by a nice toned black guy while I took a quick shower and was happy to down a few guys piss while they came in to use the toilet. Black cock fucking my ass and guys depositing their piss in my mouth. Of course I did get a bit spit roasted too. But the pièce de résistance came around 11pm when Jamie suddenly honed into view. I hadn’t seen this fucking stud all night so maybe he turned up late but he saw me, came straight towards me, grabbed me and we were kissing hard without saying a word to each other. His muscular arms were gripping me hard. I could feel his fat dick between us. “Come” he said in a deep voice. I got dragged to a bedroom and luckily the bed had just been vacated so he threw me backwards on the wet sheets. He pulled my legs up and went down on my exposed sloppy ass hole. His tongue was inside me faster than a ferret up a drain pipe. He was eating me out so good, with fingers invading me too. I wanked my cock as he rimmed me. Finally he came up for air, pulled me towards him roughly and then spat the spludge into my face and mouth. Then started licking it off before kissing me hard again. We shared it between us but this guy was in total control and was holding me down as he kissed me. He bit my lip too and was on my nipples painfully biting them. I like rough but this guy was going to be leaving marks, I could tell. His fat dick kept banging my stomach and I was so horny to feel it inside me but Jamie was in control of me. I gripped his tight and pert bum cheeks forcing him down onto me and lifting my legs to expose my cunt to his cock. He didn’t need asking twice, he pulled up, grabbed my legs and pushed them towards my chest, then aimed his fat dick at my hole and pushed straight in. He didn’t even wait and luckily I was loose enough to accommodate him, just. He still hurt though and I actually screamed out. “Shut it bitch” he commanded and I fell silent and bit my lip. He went into hammer drive pretty quickly too and was fucking me deep and fast. I just about kept up but since he was slapping my face and squeezing my throat, slowly shutting of my oxygen, I had other things to think about too. I was so turned on and honestly a little scared but too horny to care. He kept on plowing my ass hard and although I was having difficulty drawing breath I was enjoying it so much. He finally let go of my throat so I could breathe then pulled out. Flipped me over on my front and dragged me onto all fours towards his cock then plowed back into me and carried on fucking me. He got deeper if anything and I was in heaven as he hit all my spots. I heard the door open and some guys came in but Jamie told them to watch only or fuck off. It seemed I was his bitch and he didn’t want to share. The guys stayed and watched Jamie continued to pummel my cunt and was slapping my ass so hard, I knew I’d have hand marks for weeks. No word of a lie, over the next hour ish, he fucked me in so many positions taking ages to cum. He was amazing and just kept going, we did get a bit of an audience although I noticed it turned into guys fucking around us. When he eventually came I was riding him on his back as he practically pulled my nipples off. He groaned loudly as he pumped his jizz in me and I crashed down on his cock to squeeze every drop out of him. It was the most amazing fuck and honestly he’s up there as one of the best tops I ever fucked. A real stallion. I collapsed on top of his sweaty body and lay there feeling him breathing fast. He pulled my face to his and we kissed long and hard again. Now that he’d cum he’d turned into a lover boy and we lay kissing for ages, feeling each other. Finally I got off his dick which was still in me. He was still hard too but the rules said we had to take cock from everyone before repeats. I must admit I was ready to go again but he pushed me off and said later. I was a bit disappointed but only for a micro second as two other guys were clambering on the bed next to me and were clearly about to rape me too. I kept fucking until about 5am but there were a few guys flagging by now with couples snoozing together after presumably fucking first. I think I’d had about 15 loads by now and had cum a few times. I’d used the tooth brush to rough up my ass a couple of times too or if truth be told I’d used any I found lying around of which they all had blood on them already. My cunt was certainly loose and sore by now but I saw a space on the settee in the lounge and sat down for a quick nap. No sooner had I closed my eyes than my cock was being sucked and looking down I saw the guy I’d feltched earlier staring up at me with his lips round my shaft. He had a couple of fingers in my cunt too but I knew he wanted to ride me and after a while of sucking me he knelt over me and slid down on my cock. I hadn’t topped all night so it felt great to fuck him. We kissed loads and I liked gripping his throat and squeezing as I tweaked his nipples hard. He didn’t complain and we fucked for ages. I got him on all fours at one point and was slapping his ass with gay abandon. After finally dumping my load down his throat, as he wanted to taste me, we collapsed in a hot sweaty mass and ended up sleeping together for a while. I woke up with him at 8 and he kissed me and left to find someone else to breed him. I got some quick breakfast and couldn’t even manage that without getting a blow job from a cute 20 year old lad who was neg too. I told him to take his arm band off and we found a spot so I could fuck him, he was just too cute to resist. The rest of the morning I needed to make sure I got a few more loads and I couldn’t remember everyone who’d fucked me (with a few exceptions) so I just took what came my way. Now that’s a real slut for you! I took another six loads by midday but there was a definite air of finality by now as I suspected the tops were tiring and so by 2pm Jez called to everyone to come back to the lounge and slowly guys did. “OK guys, we’ll call it a day. All you neg boys please let me know your test results and I’ll post to everyone to see how many we converted. I hope you all get what you deserve you dirty fuckers” he said grinning. There was another round of applause and that was that. So here’s the thing, I know I took two dirty loads a week before the party. Yep I should probably have said that at the beginning but in my book it was this party that changed my life. Three weeks later I actually got fuck flu which I thought was a myth but I was ill for a week and sweated so bad. My glands were swollen for ages, I just couldn’t get right. I got tested in October and got a text message from the clinic on November 12th 2013 to say I was positive. Epilogue – Happy to say I met up with Jamie again and again and again. He’s so fucking hot. I’m also breeding my pretty little ass off although I’m currently undetectable.
    1 point
  13. Lately I find that I really get off when a married guy breeds me in the bed he shares with his wife. It gets me especially excited when my face is buried in a pillow that smells of her perfume or lotion as he's filling me with his load. Is anyone else into this too?
    1 point
  14. Hi guys, I learned a few weeks ago that I am HIV+. I want to give a shout out to tallbtm here. One of the reasons I was getting tested was because he took the time and care to give me some very valuable information on PrEP (how to get it at low or virtually no cost, or at least find ways to make it doable). If I hadn't been poz, I'd be on prep now. As a quick background, I've been a BB bottom for over 30 years, have probably taken thousands of loads and usually tested annually (didn't always make that mark, I always struggled with getting tested for fear of finding out I was poz). At no point have I ever thought anyone else but me is responsible for my STD status, my choice, my risk. Having said that, I have never knowingly engaged in sex when I had an STD, I'd have a problem doing that even if the guy wanted the STD. I've known that I'm HIV+ for about 3 or 4 weeks now, and have not had sex since finding out (a new record for me lol). It's not that my desire for sex has left, I've masturbated to get some sort of release. My intent is to not have sex until I am on meds and showing an undetectable VL because I don't want to knowingly spread disease. I know, that's just me, not saying this is "the standard," it's just mine. I want to understand why guys chase and stealth. I do not get it, and I have yet to read an explanation from a chaser or stealther that explains it (which is not to say they don't have one, I just have not read one yet). I've read some who say "it's complicated," but do not say how or why they want to be sick or make someone else sick? For me it was a question of fear and ignorance. Chances are I could have avoided being poz had I not been afraid of testing and discussing/learning about PrEP with a provider (a long legacy of being stigmatized for being gay). When I finally did get the courage and knowledge, it was to late. To me, the current treatments and preventative measure (i.e. PrEP) represent a way to hugely reduce HIV, if not get rid of it altogether over time. With undetectable VL on the one hand, and prophylactic treatment on the other, over time HIV could become like polio (in frequency of infection). So, if you have HIV, why not treat it? If you don't but love to BB, why not PrEP? (these are not rhetorical questions)
    1 point
  15. Put an ad up on Craigslist, but after the usual round of emails from fruitcakes and posers I went to bed. The next morning I saw that I had an email from guy who said he was 24 from the next town over. I'm more into guys my age, but I was horny and he was close, so I answered his email. A few minutes later he responded, saying he hi and could host if I could "cum now". I quickly showered and douched, and headed to his place with lube in hand. (Bi guys never seem to have supplies.) As I got to his place it was apparent by the nice upper middle class neighborhood tha he lived with his parents. I rang the bell and when the door opened there was an extremely tall, rail thin hotty on the other side in just a pair of gym shorts. He quickly ushered me into the house and shut the door, and without a word led me upstairs to his bedroom. We then introduced ourselves and when he seemed unsure what to do next I took the initiative by wrapping up into my arms and giving him a big kiss. After making out for a few moments I undressed him, pushed him down onto the bed and started blowing a cock that was already impressive soft. It did not take long for his cock to get hard and for him to start moaning. His dick was long, had a nice thickness and a beautiful cut and large mushroom head. He was really beginning to groan, so not wanting him to cum to soon I stopped, stood up and took off my own clothes. By then I was rock hard and he seemed transfixed on it, so I stepped up to him with it hanging a couple of inches from his face. He hesitated for a moment, but finally wrapped a hand around my shaft and jacked it a couple of times before wrapping his lips around it. It was quickly clear he was inexperienced and he actually gagged a couple of times taking it deep too quickly. With some gentle instructions he started to get the hang of it and seemed to be enjoying himself. After a bit I pulled back from him and climbed into bed where we started to make out again. Taking a little break he told me that he had a girlfriend and his only experience with a guy was a "bro-job" at a college kegger a couple of years ago. I told him not to worry, that we would take it slow. We then 69'd for awhile, all the time he was exploring my ass and hole with his fingertips. I finally needed his cock in me, so I detached myself from him so I could grap the lube I brought with me. First I lubed his big, beautiful dick, and then my ass before straddling him. "Don't you want me to put on a condom?" He asked. "I forgot to bring them. You have one?" He shook his head no. I smiled and said, "I'm pretty horny, so I'll trust you." He just nodded as I slowly lowered myself onto his hard dick. I got to admit it took me a bit yo accommodate my hole to his cock. After gettig down to the hilt we rocked around for a bit as I loosened up, and then we started to really fuck. It did not take long for him to shoot his first big load, but the guy had those amazing recuperative powers of youth. After making out and some fondling he was soon good to go for another round. This time I was on my back with my ankles on his shoulders as he fucked my long and deep until he filled my ass with a second big load. This time he did not even need a break or additional stimulation. Instead he kept hard as he turned me over onto my hands and knees, mounted me and started fucking me again. This time he grabbed my hips and pounded my ass without mercy and driving my face into the pillow. Since he already came twice it took him a long time to get there a third time. It was so hot, hard and intense we were both groaning and growling at the ferocity of his punishment on my hole. Finally he started panting how he was going to cum, so I started to work my own cock. With a loud scream he started to really pound me as he let go of his third load up my ass. At the same time I wad healing myself as I painted his sheets with my own load. We both collapsed with me flat on my stomach on my hot, sticky cum. I am not sure how long we laid there in sweaty, sticky pile, but eventually his cock shrinking until it finally popped out of my ass. We then moved to our sides where we dozed for a whlle with him spooning me. Eventually we got up and took a quick shower together. (For his youth he was a remarkable host.) I then got dressed and he slipped back on his gym shorts and grabbed a tank top. Downstairs we stopped in the kitchen where he grabbed us both a bottle of water from the fridge. We chatted a bit as he started to wolf down a bunch of Oreos in post-coital hunger. I politely refused when offered, but was kind of smitten by this hot young man. All the while I could feel his cum starting to leak from my hole which started to turn me on again. I figured I better get going before I got myself in my trouble, but when we started to hug and kiss one another good bye it was apparent he was also getting aroused again. Soon we were groping and kissing one another in the kitchen as he was fumbling with the fly of my jeans. Losing all patience I unbuttoned them myself and dropped them before turning around to bend over the counter. He was right behind me pushing his cock up my cum filled hole and just started pounding me. It was brutal and brief, and one of the hottest fucks I have ever experienced. As he pulled out I felt his load dribbling out with his cock. I quickly pulled up and buttoned my jeans, gave him a quick kiss and left. Driving home I felt his cum leaking out of my down my cheeks. I was so turned on by it once I parked I had to jack off in my driveway before I went into my house. I hope we get to meet up again - soon.
    1 point
  16. A couple of nights ago met up with a guy I had hooked up with a time or two 3 years ago. Mid-50s with a medium height and build, his cock is just a bit longer and thicker than average. He recognized my file online and invited me over to play. I was very excited on the drive to his place because I remembered that he is the kind of in charge top who is not a freak or wannabe dom. Just very confident and skilled man. Once I got there we went straight to his room and he took the lead from the first kiss to stripping me and getting me into bed. The man was a wizard with his tongue and loves to rim. Generally I need some lube, but he got me so hot, loose and wet with his tongue when he finally got my ass in the air he could ease his dick in slowly. After he got it to the hilt he began slow but eventually he was pounding my face into the pillow. All the time I was moaning and whimpering and begging for more with my own cock leaking all over his sheets. Finally he let out a loud growl of his own and filled my ass with his load. We both collapsed after that into a panting, sweaty pile. A couple of minutes later he checked a text he got while we were fucking and sent a reply and then got another text back. He then got up to take a piss and when he came back handed me a cold bottle of water. "Hope you're ready for another round," he grinned. "I've got a buddy coming to fuck you." Before I could say anything the doorbell rang and my host went to answer it. When he came back in he was followed by a tall, broad chested guy who looked to be in his late 30's-early 40's. After quick introduction the guy stripped pulled off his jeans and briefs but left his t-shirt on. His cock was already hard, an average length but very thick, and he had big, low hanging balls. This was the kind of guy not interested in foreplay or formalities. Instead he grabbed my ankles, pulled me to the edge of the bed and put my legs on his shoulders. With a little spit he lubed his dick and then pushed it into my freshly fucked hole. He was so thick I thought he was going to split me on two, but then my hole opened for him to push it all in. After he was inside he just began pounding me from the first stroke. Without mercy he slammed into me so hard and fast I was alternately screaming for him to stop and to fuck me harder. I'm not sure how long we fucked before his breathing and his strokes both got faster and harder. Then his face got all screwed and twisted in that way some guys do when they are going to explode. Finally with a grunt he pushed it in to the hilt and dump load after load deep inside of me. Without ceremony he pulled out and told me to roll over onto my hands and knees. He stuck his cock back in and started to slowly fuck me again. In a surprising short amount of time he came again. He then got dressed and left with little ado. After that my my host got back into bed with me and we made out for awhile until he was rock hard. This time I was flat on my stomach as he laid on top of me. This last fuck was slow and gentle as he kissed my neck and shoulders, caressing me. After we both came he began kissing me from the back of my neck down my spine to my well used hole. He then kissed both my ass cheeks before playfully giving the right side a sizable hickey that I did not notice until I was at home showering the next morning. It was a long drive home that night with my ass pleasantly sore. I'm usually a one on one kind of guy, but I got to admit that the occasional doubles fills the spot quite nicely.
    1 point
  17. Damn! just took str8 black cock.. didn't even reach for the condom.. seeded me deep... tore me up good too... next was buff tatted up white dude.. big 9 inch uncut cock.. he pounded the hell out of me for 40 mins before pushing as deep as he could go seeding me.. love taking stranger cock.
    1 point
  18. I'm making notes here. I've had the same sort of questions but never asked. Thank you all for all of the suggestions.
    1 point
  19. Just do it, i do it for years & got no regrets, love being a hole to dump loads into & when you're as sleazy as fuck & will let just about anyone dump a load inside you it only gets hotter because then you have no reservations about who is pumping you full of cum. old, young, ugly, twink, troll. homeless who cares cock is cock at the end of the day. Just see it as you're providing a public service to all the horny fuckers out there. I never go home until i feel fully used & filled up with stranger's loads.
    1 point
  20. OK, I will go ahead and admit it. My decision to bareback was made as I just started smoking Tina. Suddenly inhibitions relaxed and what seemed like a bad idea now seemed like a good idea. I give credit to Tina for my barebacking and my becoming POZ.
    1 point
  21. I can compare my actions to yours anytime, including now. I can compare my compassion to your lack of it (which I'm doing now.) You've demonstrated nothing other than your desire to define and target those who "deserve" to suffer. And history is rife with the horrors unleashed when people like you are able to define others as "deserving" of whatever pain befalls them.
    1 point
  22. My sex life is as publicly funded as yours is, Milkass. I pay my taxes, take my PrEP, and get my STI checkups like a vast many people. I also get my flu shot and my annual physical. You keep trying to divide up the world into the "deserving ill" and the "undeserving ill", saving your pseudo-compassion for the latter and directing your scorn at the former. Walk you into a ward with people suffering, be it from cancer, Ebola, or HIV, and you won't know which person is which. They're all in pain, they're all dying. HIV doesn't care if someone deserved to get it or not. You are the only asshole who does. Your Humanity is seriously impaired.
    1 point
  23. My top three HOT favourite TIM scenes from the last three years are probably the following: 1. Breeding Marcus Isaacs. An A list porn star Lubing up with used condoms before getting fucked up and gang fucked. 2. Flooded. Derek Parker, another porn A lister fucked up in a daze being fucked and bred by Erik Grant. "I want it..!" he slurs. 3. TIMFUCK scene: Jesse Balboa, Alex Ramos and Wade Stone. Former A-lister Jesse Balboa being bred in public at a gay resort My fantasy wish list for the next three TIM movies is as follows: 1. Breeding Derek Parker. Starts off with Derek's ridiculous (but hot) go-go gig at a Seattle bear bust (google: "RAW Royal Booty Shaker Vimeo"). Subsequent scenes find him on the pool table being gang banged, and later slouched in the mens-room urinal being pissed on/in. 2. Breeding Armond Rizzo. Starts off with Armond dancing and being fucked live on stage at Hustlaball. Subsequent scenes show him on a dirty mattress in a backroom doing 'Dump-a-load' service. 'Dump-a-load' service is when you pay $100 bucks to join the queue to dump-a-load in an out-of-it porn star at a bath house/strip/cruise club back room. It's a long queue. lol. 3. Breeding Antonio Miracle Starts off with Spanish porn-star boyfriends Antonio Miracle and Mario Domenech performing at a private house party (think: porn mogul, Beverley Hills). The pair strip to speedos and simulate live sex. Cut to later with the pair (clearly fucked up) side-by-side being fucked doggy style by dozens of party-goers in a playroom while being filmed. .... and because I can't count, here's #4: 4. Breeding Russia Paul Morris imports a half-a-dozen neg muscle Russian studs to America on limited visa short term contracts. The studs are thinking American dollars and 'fame' for modelling, muscle worship, lite strip shows. Instead, they get fucked up and used as live cam whores, reality porn neg-4-poz gang-bang prostitutes. Mah bad? lol.
    1 point
  24. I just got home with a freshly fucked hole, and thought I'd go ahead and get this down so I didn't forget anything! I was horny again; tired of jacking off to cuckold and gay porn. I sometimes used craigslist to act like I was meeting someone to fuck me, but then just quit responding after I had my orgasm. Of course over time this lead to not many replied whenever I did respond to someone's ad. Occasionally I’d swap to a new email address, maybe add a year or two to my age so that it was slightly different to see if I would get any more hits. I had a few craigslist encounters over the years. A shower with a guy, bjs with another, anal 3 times with another including two bare, and then one more semi bare, after he used vaseline as a lube and the condom fell apart. Usually not though. It was rare that I caught ads with my preferences; usually larger guys around 250 pounds, hairy, like daddies. I emailed him and waited for a reply. I thought it was another no responder, but about 12 hours later I did get a response. We chatted briefly about what we like and want to do. He was 5’10”, 280 pounds, 6” cut, hairy. I was 5’7”, 265 pounds, 4.5” cut, hairy. He was available in the mornings which was perfect for me; though after we talked some and decided we’d meet the next day. Sadly I overslept and emailed him as soon as I got up to let him know. The next day I was going to be busy so I let him know Friday was now best for me. Luckily he was still free for that day and we agreed to get together then.. I was reluctant to meet him, since I didn’t sleep around much. But even jacking off 3 to 5 times a day, I was still left unsatisfied and horny. I was comforted slightly when he told me where his hotel was. Normally I don’t like being seen at them, but his was right behind a huge row of shops like Target and Best Buy. Knowing I can park in front of one of them, and walk down the street to his hotel and not stand out was a big bonus, so on Friday morning I left for his room. I got up and asked him if he was still up for today. It took him 20 minutes to reply, but he was. I went to the shower and used the hose to rinse my insides clean. As soon as I got out of the shower, I put a few small pieces of Tina in my ass. I really wanted this, and doing that almost guaranteed it. The entire 25 minute drive I was hard thinking about his cock in me. I got there about 9 AM, which left us about a hour and a half to play. I parked, and walked to the hotel. It took a few seconds to find the elevator to the third floor. Once out, his room was the 2nd away from it. I knocked, and waited for him to answer. It took long for some reason, but he finally opened it open. Todd was wearing some shorts and a t-shirt. About a minute later, we were already disrobing. He grabbed his iPad and we started watching some porn together in bed. He started off with some asian squirt porn. It was straight porn, which I liked watching as well. I noticed the girl was being fucked bare, which is what I preferred, but didn’t want to admit it. He asked me what video i wanted to watch; I told him to search for “gloryhole wife piercing.” It was one of my favorite straight videos. It was a wife fucking a guy through a gloryhole at someone's house. His cock was so large, that between that and the piercing at the tip of his cock, they couldn’t get a condom on. And then about 30 seconds into the video he starts cumming. It’s dripping out of her, she starts rubbing her pussy and making a huge mess. And they continue to fuck for several minutes. After that finished he said “let’s watch one more”. This time I was slightly surprised. He went and found a gay video of a chub with a daddy in a hotel room, and the daddy was fucking the chub bare. Before it got to the point with the daddy breeding the bottom, I was already sucking his cock. It started out pretty soft and flaccid, which made sucking it really easy. He put the iPad away and he told me to adjust so that he could play with my cock. We got on our sides, in a semi 69 position and he took my cock in his mouth. He sucked me for maybe a minute before his finger started going near my hole. I made it obvious that I enjoyed it by my body language. Then Todd started pushing a finger into my hole. It was slightly uncomfortable because there was no lube. But between the tina and just thinking about him in me I didn’t care. He he finally got all of it in me, before pulling it most of the way out and adding a second finger. I asked him if he wanted to get the lube and stuff. He reached over to the nightstand while I got in the middle of the bed on my knees. He spent about two minutes lubing up his cock and my hole. He told me to spread my legs more apart so he could get in me deep. Then I felt his cock sliding up and down my crack. It had gotten a little soft while he was playing with the lube and putting a condom on. It got a little harder, but still not hard enough to fuck good. He put the tip up against my hole. I tried to help it get harder by thrusting back on him while he tried to thrust into me. The bed started banging into the wall, so I put my hands on the headboard. It was attached to the wall, so it was the only thing not banging. It also helped me to push down on him even harder. I could feel he was getting hard. He cock was slowly getting bigger and bigger. Once he knew it was at it’s full size, he slowly pushed it into me and held it. It was super deep because of the angle, and me pushing back from the wall. Now I felt his balls resting against mine. He pulled out some and then started fucking me. I squeezed his cock and pushed back as he started fucking. I managed to angle my feet around his which helped get him closer in me as well. Todd smacked my ass a few times while he thrusted in and out of me. He also grabbed my ass cheeks, and also grabbed the front of my hips while he pushed his cock in me. It was definitely my best fuck ever since he started off soft and let my hole slowly adjust to his cock. It was short lived though. About 8 minutes had passed since he first got his semi-hard cock in me. He started breathing heavier, and also slowed down. Then he started pounding me hard and fast, before pulling himself deep as he could into me, while I pushed back. Then I felt something. It was a feeling I felt once before. My insides were a lot wetter all of a sudden. I turned back and looked at Todd, “Did you have a condom on?” “No… you said you cleaned your ass out, and I’m clean. I thought it would be okay.” “It is, I just wish I knew beforehand so I could have enjoyed it more.” He kept his cock in me until it shrank down to nothing, and fell out. Slowly some of the cum started to leak out of me. “Can you go get me some toilet paper for this mess?” He hopped up from the bed, went to the bathroom, and came back with a good bit. I got some of the cum on my finger, ate it, and then grabbed the TP. I cleaned the stuff that leaked out of me up, and then shoved it up my ass to hold the rest in. Todd slapped my ass one more time before calling me a dirty little slut. We both had to be going soon, so once I knew no more of his cum would leak out of me I got up and put my clothes on. He said he’d be in town a few more days and he wanted another go around at my ass. I told him I’d try since I wanted that too, and then I left.
    1 point
  25. Lube -- tons of lube, way more than you think you need -- will help. Don't hesitate to pause for a couple seconds to reapply if it starts to dry out. And maybe put off your own orgasm until you sense the end of the session. A lot of bottoms seem to find it hard to continue getting fucked after they cum. I'd avoid drugs like meth (for a host of reasons), but a drink with your FB before you start might help.
    1 point
  26. Tina does help you go for hours but please bear in mind that this can also be achieved with patience, practice and lots of lube. That being said in the past blowing clouds has allowed me to sit all the way down on 8 inches of seriously bumpy dildo, ride it rough for quite a while and repeatedly move it all the way out then back in. Your brain gets flooded with dopamine so the good feelings are amazing, it makes coming harder so you don't get taken out of the experience whilst also taking the edge off any pain. The only issue, beyond the legal ones, could come from too much use or mixing the T up with the cock. Try not to let the T replace the sex and think of it like a treat once a month but preferably every two months. Take any advice with a pinch of salt and always remember that this is your choice to make so make it an informed one. Good luck.
    1 point
  27. It's a valid question, given the physiology of male with male sex. Going with your "male vagina" comparison, I think it's kind of a funny thing the gods did making all of our sex organs with the double purpose of waste disposal. With a woman, her vagina is a waste disposal canal once a month when her uterus sloughs and she gets her period. So, I guess the comparison you use might involve fucking during her period and her never douching. I stop at being a 'pig' when it comes to hygiene. I know some guys really like things like felching, smelly pits and crotch, etc.. I don't. If I eat a guys hole, I want it clean. I want mine that way too, especially if the guy wants to keep switching between fucking me and having me suck him. I like clean smells, crotch or skin or pits. I might let a guy fuck me if I wasn't cleaned out (never have) if I knew that that was something he really liked, only because I get turned on by my top being turned on, but it's not something I would ever want as a top, or seek out as a bottom.
    1 point
  28. got fucked by a hot 19 yr old last night....met on A4A, HIV status not mentioned, safe only was in his profile...He was eager to bareback my hole and put a load in me deep....was one hot fuck.. he's eager to hook uo again. Hope i just got stealthed pozzed.
    1 point
  29. i love cuddling it definitely has it's place in my sexual encounters. A nice surprise when it happens.
    1 point
  30. So a straight friend of ours was up for the weekend. He likes to dabble in the gay side and usually spends a couple days with us getting raw fucked till his holes messed up then goes back to his family life  last weekend he came up as usual and we spent Saturday night giving him what he wanted up the ass. A few lines and a bottle of JD to help us along the way. I like getting a load up me too of course but only my partner obliges whilst our mate is up. But, Sunday morning was different. Our mate was in the shower so I decided to join him and see what happened. As it turns out he was already hard when I got in so we sucked each other off. I was just about to slip into his hole when he told me to turn around. Without even asking he pushed his knob into me and started banging my hole hard. Not a word was spoken. I just took it rough. A bit stunned but loved every second. After about three minutes. He lets out a groan pulls out and slaps my ass. I knew he’d left a load in me...I asked him why he wanted to top all of a sudden and he said he didn’t know, just felt like it. He said it was a one off and I shouldn’t get my hopes up! Anyway, I went back to bed and took a load from my partner using the first load as lube. Love it
    1 point
  31. I don't care how hard I get used...cuddle afterwards. God, that's just as hot, just as intimate. Invariably, we also get to talking about what just happened, how it was, what worked, and cocks start swelling again, and the Great Game commences once more. :-)
    1 point
  32. Ran in to grab a drink before hitting the gym yesterday. After ordering I asked for the key to the bathroom but it was in use. I walked down to wait at the door to snag the key but when it open this bearded muscled up man in a small tank and tights looked at me. I winked and said my turn, just then the door opened a bit more another dude ran out all embarassed. The BBC held the door open for me. Just as I was turning around to lock the door, he pushed his way in and locked it. He stared at me and said he he could cum again. He lowered his tights and a shiny dick popped out. I jumped on it. You could still taste cum and the first guys ass on it. His fingers when down my shorts and started pushing into my ass. He stood me up, pushed me against the sink and pulled down my shorts. He rubbed his slick dick against my hole and started to push in. He pointed to the floor by the toilet and I saw a load that had been shot from the last guy. I dipped my fingers in it and smeared it on his dick. He popped in and started to forced about 9 inches in me. Fuck it was awesome. He grabbed my hips and just started jackhammering my ass. Wrapped his hands around my jock waste as a handle and made my hole his. He fucked me quick and hard. Whn he was about to cum, he worked his arm around my face and told me bite and lick his bicep. When I worked my tongue over a vein, that sent him over and he started filling me up. For being the second time he shot in 10 minutes the amount was impressive. Made me jealous of what the first guy had in his hole. When he was finished, I spun around and cleaned his cock off, while he worked his finger back in my ass, saying goodbye to his swimmers. I pulled up and we both left. I think we both learned each others names when we picked up our now slightly cold drinks at the bar. When I got to my vehicle, I remembered I never did piss.
    1 point
  33. I was a sucker for pro wrestlers. I think the first one I had an active crush on was Hacksaw Jim Duggan. I've had a thing for bearded good ol' boy musclebears ever since. Later on Stone Cold Steve Austin was another, though he was a bit more clean cut.
    1 point
  34. I love a good cuddle. That said, I am not adverse to a good fuck and go either! Guess it all depends on the hookup itself.
    1 point
  35. So this guy from Grindr and I have talked sometimes before but never did anything because he wanted raw dick and I was still hesitating about it. Today he hit me up and I went to his place, very good ass, dark skined, a little furry and a delicious hole. I rimmed his ass and then started to fuck him raw. While I was fucking him I pulled out and rimmed his ass and then put it back in. I came soon since I was so hot and shot a nice big load deep inside and he came as well. We laid naked on the bed for a while before I licked his just bred ass and my dick got hard again so I gave him another load deep in his hole.
    1 point
  36. I'm with you 100 percent.
    1 point
  37. This story begins years ago. I was out of town, visiting relatives with my parents and I was bored. I was 26 and had been dating around awhile and I usually went for guys aroung my age. But, this 18 year old top hit me up online - don't remember the site. This guy was so not my type. He was a tiny twink and a total queen. Eyebrows tweezed, some guyliner, the works. But, I was looking for something to do. I agreed to go grab coffee with him. I drove over to his place to pick him up and the story got worse. He was just as pictured, but the house he was staying in was not his own/parents/family. It was a "friend's house." He had no job and was not in school having just graduated from high school. No drive or ambition. I was so not looking forward to the rest of this coffee date as we drove to the coffee shop. He was so twinky and queeny that I was even kind of embarrassed to be seen with him. I could not imagine this guy was a top. Not ever. I also could not imagine ever having sex with him. We grabbed coffee and I got a good look at him. He was a very pretty man. But it was his jeans that got me. The bulge in his tight jeans and the ass were amazing. I actually thought, well I might fuck that ass. It was a prime 18 year old ass. But, as he talked I couldn't imagine the sex. As coffee went on he was talking about some EDM music I hadn't heard and I like to dance. That was one thing we had in common - liking to dance. I agreed to go back to his place to listen to some music. We got to the "friend's house" and it was the total dump I expected it to be - dirty, clothes in piles, ashtrays full, garbage overflowing, gross kitchen and bathroom. I thought I'm not going to be here long. I was right! He had lured me there for sex. No surprise. Once his mouth was on mine and his hands were pulling off my shorts; I was like wow this dude is a top. He was a top that had me naked in under 5 minutes and was a fucking hoover on my cock. God damn, this 18 year old kid sucked dick well. He sat me on the dirty couch and sucked my cock and balls. It was so hot. But, it got hotter when this tiny twink lifted my legs and started eating my ass. He didn't just eat my ass. He called it a pussy. He kept making me tell him how much I liked him rimming my pussy. Then, he was gone. Twink away. Poof! I was lowering my legs. Surprised. When he came back with lube and a condom. He resumed eating my ass and then started to finger me. He asked if I liked getting my pussy stretched open. I kept moaning and saying yes. Next thing I know, his cock is pushing in my ass and I winced and groaned as he just kept pushing inside me. He bottomed out on my ass and said, "you like that cock in your pussy hole." I moaned, yes. He started to fuck me, slide in and out of my ass. It felt so good. His cock had to be 8". I hadn't even sucked it yet and he was inside me. I spread my legs wider for him and he called me a good bitch. After about 5 minutes, he said "I'm going to cum in you." I said yes. And when he shot his load, I could feel it inside me. I realized this tiny femme twink had just bred me. He hadn't used the condom that was right there on the dirty coffee table. He sucked me off and swallowed my load. Then, he said, I had fun. Thanks for coming. I got dressed and left. Six years later.........visiting the same relatives with my parents. I'm online and I see this hot dude that looks really familiar. It was him. He was still really pretty, but bulked up. He was now buff and pretty. I hit him up right away. We chatted about how fun the sex had been, but we also talked about dating and guys and jobs and family and life. It was a long online conversation. We agreed to meet up again. As soon as I saw him I wanted him inside me again. We went to dinner and had a good time. Then we went to take a walk around a local park and talk. We were on a trail and we'd been flirty and kind of holding hands a bit. As soon as we got out of sight of the other people, we kissed and were on the ground dry humping. After a few minutes of dry humping and making out, he got me on my hands and knees and was rubbing his cock on my ass doggy style - both of us in jeans. I undid my buttons on my jeans and pushed them down in the back exposing my ass. I asked him if he wanted to fuck me and he did. He undid his jeans and spit on his cock a few times. There wasn't much lube, but I was determined to take his cock. He fucked me right there in the park, just off the trail and came in my ass. Then we heard people coming and we cleaned ourselves off just in time for them to see us kissing. We looked so innocent. Ha! I asked him back to my hotel. He came with me and talked in the car. He said, "I guess you're not going to make me wear a condom when we are at your hotel." I said, "I don't have any. I just assumed you'd fuck me raw just like last time." He chuckled and said, "oh I forgot I did that. You were so easy. I knew I'd fuck you the minute I saw you then, just like this time." We kissed and then he said, "you have a pussy smell, like a pheromone or something that says fuck me." We both laughed. That night he fucked me 3 more times. Only the first time did we use lube. After that he just shoved it in using his previous loads to lube my ass. By the end I was begging him to cum inside me. A dude I'd never imagine in a million years fucking my ass and breeding me; he did it not only once as a tiny femme twink; but also as a pretty buff boy-man. Fuck he was fun!
    1 point
  38. There are so many things to take issue with in the OP's statement. But I'll take on just two. First: a lot on here didn't ask for the bug. Didn't chase and never wanted it. But they got it anyway. Being on here gives those people a little bit of a sense of belonging. Not judged for having what they didn't ask for. Until posts like these pop up. So of course they are going to take the meds. Why wouldn't they? Second: There are individuals on here that don't glorify HIV necessarily. They just enjoy bareback sex. Horses of a different color.
    1 point
  39. I am blessed to have had an ongoing relationship with a few married guys. Two of them have traveling wives during the week and last Thursday was a huge bonus day - all three in the same day. Hardly ever happens. Went to the first guys house and sucked him off while he watched some bareback porn on his phone. He fingered my ass and thanks me for meing clean and pre-lubed. His dick isn't huge, maybe 7.5" long but not terriby thick. He gets really far up in my hole and holds it there just grunting in my ear, telling me how hot it is and flexing his hips. I can always tell when he is about to cum because he breathes hard in my ear and groans before filling up my ass. He is typical alpha male, likes to cum and then rolls over for a nap. I left him, texted my next stop and when I got there he was naked and ready. Much the same thing as the first except this time, for the first time we 69'ed! He had never sucked my dick and I was so fucking hard. I almost came but wanted his load and rolled over and grabbed my ass cheek and asked him to fuck me. He did and he is a fairly thick dicked redneck. He pumped his babies up my chute and then it was off to number three. He is a tall hispanic guy from Panama I have known now for 4 years. His thick uncut cock is always a challenge, but not today. I explained I had just been fucked and it turned him on so much he parted my cheeks, took a lick up my crack and then slowly pushed that fat hog of his in my hole. We fucked like teenagers for about 15 minutes before he puled me tight to his chest, said something in Spanish and unloaded in my hole. When we were done, he pulled out and I had to lick it for him. His big hairy balls were coated with cum from all three of them so I licked them clean before making my way home. when I got there I dumped it all out on a paper towel just to see the amount of cum in my hole and even I was impressed by the sheer volume. I fucking love married guys.
    1 point
  40. Keep it in me and sleep but thats saying there is only one top. Usually its flip over and find another dick to come over. Cum belongs in me. I'm hungry for dick and my hole is hungry for cum. Not going to waste it by farting it out if I can help it.
    1 point
  41. Guys I need you to realize this story is complete FICTION, your personal feelings aside, I wrote it because I'm a very horny guy... not because I'm encouraging you or anyone else to do anything in the story. If something strikes a chord I can certainly appreciate you liking it (or not), but I can't censor myself otherwise the story won't flow ... for good, or for bad. Hopefully most of you like it, and if you don't, I'm ok with that, and understand. Thanks.
    1 point
  42. 21 Year old here and I love to suck older men's cocks. Love getting on my knees for a daddy twice my age and blowing him until he fills my mouth. Such a turn on to service older men.
    1 point
  43. XTube - spreaDNAround - Orgy: Onik! Four loads in one bottom (hotel fuck) This is the same bottom in "Oink: Churring the Butter." This time, 4 tops go to town breeding this hot bottom, who take cock and cum like a champ. I had not intending on videoing this but the 1st bottom in the video told me how hot it was to see me use his cum as lube in the video. So I asked, "Want me to record this?" he said, "yes." So here you go. This bottoms ass was filled with cum. You can see the hotel sheets stained with wet cum. Poor maid:(. Added: 3 days ago http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=j2WzA-G407-
    1 point
  44. I think it is a different type of sex. I love cuddling or kissing but not in a darkroom, glory hole or any similar situations. However, pick ups, grindr dates etc, absolutely into it. As memtioned also a big fan of the walk of shame. Sex then morning after is amazing. I also love a "shower". A meaty cock that can stay in the hole even when soft and falling asleep in the position....
    1 point
  45. I agree with MaxC, which means that I disagree with the view that all those who bareback, especially bottoms, are bug chasers. Wanting to breed and to be bred have been part of the man-to-man sexual repertoire for centuries. Barebacking has nothing to do with wanting HIV.
    1 point
  46. My favorite sleazy fuck was at the end of Folsom weekend 2014. I was walking home from a sex party, with 18 loads already in my ass (some from the sex party, some from random fucks during the Folsom Fair). I saw this hot older daddy. Tall, dark hair, broad shoulders, big mustache. Cruised him hard and he followed me down a side street. I bent over a dumpster on the street and he unzipped and slipped his big fat daddy cock inside of me. And it was big! A solid 9.5 inches (Maybe 10?), uncut, and thick. Was a good thing my hole was already loobed with lots of cum and loose from being fucked all day. I grabbed onto the dumpster and felt like the nastiest whore in the world, getting fucked by this total stranger, with 18 other strangers loads already inside me, leaning over a dumspter in the middle of the sidewalk. He bred my hole good, then I turned around to clean it off with my mouth. Tasted so tangy and salty, his cum mixed with all those other guys. He zipped up, I pulled up my pants, and went home a happy little whore.
    1 point
  47. Chapter XIV Steve fucked me a couple more times Sunday, but most of the day was spent watching tv and then going out to eat and then to a movie. Now Monday morning had come again and off to work again. This time I was better rested and not worrying about things so much and it went so much better. Things really clicked and I found all my things from the past week were even caught up today. Very productive and made the day go by quickly. Soon it was time for everyone to clock out and head home, but I lingered to make notes and plan the next day's work load and before I knew it, the phone was ringing. I answered it to find Steve calling to find out what was taking me so long. I had not noticed that it had become after 8 when quitting time had been 5. He was worried and had wanted some help with an old problem. I told him I would be right there and immediately got things closed up and out the door I went. In barely 10 minutes since he had called I was at the motel and finding out what he had wanted done. While I was at work, Steve had went back to the baths. He had played a little there but just as he was getting ready to leave he saw a guy come in he had been looking for for quite a while. Seems the guy and several buddies had jumped him when they found out he was poz and beat the hell out of him even though he had never touched any of them before. He had found out that this guy was the leader and loved being fucked BB but didn't want poz and got buddies to beat up on and chase away anyone they found out was poz. Steve wanted to know if I would help him get him back big time. He told me he also knew that once that guy got a cock in him he wanted more and more and could not stop. I saw where this was going in a hurry and agreed. We then headed to the baths again hoping he would still be there. On the way there Steve described the guy for me as he didn't want the guy to see him before our plan got into action. We got a room and Steve immediately stayed there while I went looking for our mark. It didn't take long before I found him, on his knees sucking a cock in the common area. I was sure it was him as Steve had described a tattoo the guy had on his arm and his sure matched. I got behind him as he sucked the cock he had been working on and started to play with his hole. He quit sucking and turned towards me. He was checking me out and told me he had never seen me here before. I told him it was my first time. My wife was out of town and I just wanted to try doing a guy's ass and see what it was like. When I mentioned I was married that seemed to relieve him and he went back to sucking the other guy. I started to play with his ass again and getting some lube out I soon had a couple of fingers in his hole. He was loving it and could hardly keep his ass still at all. He finished the other guy off and, licking his lips, turned back to me and wanted to know if I had a room or wanted to go to his. I told him it was up to him. He said lets go to mine, so we headed towards it. We had basically got a room at the end of the hallway, so as we were headed to his room we went by ours. I pretended to slip on something and knocked on our door. Steve then opened it a crack to watch where our mark and I were headed. We got to the room and I found out he liked to keep the lights off and only light from tv showing porn. It didn't take long to get him lubed up and my cock buried in his hole deep. We had also left the door opened just a crack and I turned my head once and could see Steve with a big grin on his face watching us. I plowed good but knew it would be kind of fast knowing what else was coming. The mark was into it in no time though and moaning his pleasure at getting reamed. I came in about 5 minutes is all though and he was begging for more. As he did, Steve, opened the door and got in fast and closed it to keep it pretty dark. The mark asked who it was and I told him it was a buddy of mine from work that was just like me wanting to try m2m. He told me he sure needed some more for sure. It only took Steve a minute to have his huge monster lined up and driving it in. The guy about went nuts, saying it was too big, but Steve just buried it all the way in anyway and held for a bit. Then he started to plow as hard as he could and I knew from experience that the guys ass was going to tear and bleed and Steve's DNA would soon be in him. Steve pounded the guy who was howling some in pain but soon turned to moans of pleasure. This went on for a good 15 minutes and then I heard Steve tell the guy he was coming and filling him up good. The guy almost yelled yes I am coming too. Steve ground his cock in for a bit and then pulled out with the guy saying he needed some more. We just headed for the door. As I opened the door the guy was sitting up and the light was good enough then he could see us from the read leaving. I heard him gasp and turned to see him pointing at Steve's rear. He was gasping out that he was looking at a biohazard tat. Steve then turned and looked at the guy. The mark recognized him then and his mouth dropped open and he could not speak. Steve just told him, hey, pay backs are a bitch aren't they, and we then left and went back to our motel. Sorry guys was having problems again and it posted the same damn thing several times by the time I got it to work.
    1 point
  48. Chapter XIII The rest of Saturday was just a rest period mostly. I was drained of energy from all the times my hole was used for the past week. I think even Steve was pretty much done in as he had to have cum in me at least 30 times alone. I had probably had close to 40 loads in my hole in a week. Considering I had never had anything in my hole before, that was huge amount. Steve and I both crashed in bed and even naked with his magnificent cock in view, I just could not get excited and was out cold quickly. We both slept the evening and all night through. I awoke Sunday morning on my side facing away from Steve and immediately I felt a pressure on my hole. I turned my head around towards Steve and found that he was still asleep but his cock was definitely not and hard and pressed against my ass. I figured that he would be waking soon and it was just morning wood. LOL The feeling of his fantastic cock against my hole though, had me wanting it in me again though. I just could not seem to get enough of it. Had never done anything with a guy until him and now wanted his cock in me almost constantly. I tried not to move and just laid there enjoying the feeling of his cock pressed against me. As I did I could not help but push back a little thinking about the pleasure it gave me when he would pound my hole with it. As I pushed I could feel my hole opening up though and before I knew it the head of his cock was entering me and then it was in. I gasped at the feelings already coming over me. I couldn't help it but pushed a little more and it started to creep further into my hole. Soon at least half of his cock was in me and the feelings got more intense. I then lost it and basically rammed my ass back then and his entire 12” were then buried in me and I heard Steve groan and come awake. He almost yelled what the hell. I turned and looked him in the eyes and grinned and told him I couldn't help it. He grinned back and started to slowly run his cock in and out of me. It didn't take long before he was ramming me faster and faster and take long hard thrusts almost coming clear out of me before driving back the full length into me. He did this for at least 20 minutes before grabbing my hips and driving full force as hard as he could into and gasping that he was cumming. I erupted at the same time. It was amazing to me that every time he seemed to cum in me it caused me to cum too. God did it ever feel great. I basically wished Steve's cock would never go down and could stay in me forever. Nothing had ever felt that good to me before. We got up then and ordered out for some breakfast and while we waited I made some coffee. Then we jumped in the shower and got cleaned up and both of us just threw on a pair of shorts. Breakfast soon arrived and we devoured it like we hadn't eaten before almost. Late in the morning I got a call from my wife. Just small talk but at the end of the call she told me how much she missed me and that she loved me. I told her the same. Afterwards I felt bad again as I really had no idea what my feelings for her were, only that I was sure they had changed a lot.
    1 point
  49. I don't find the cutting and blood at all erotic. There are so many other hot ideas TIM could explore before going for the really niche stuff. Liam Cole demonstrates creativity and imagination by using a variety of locations: London apartment ("Slammed"), park/health/common ("Wild Breed"), leather dance party and a diverse range of sex/cruise clubs ("UK Beef Bangers", "Pounded"). Liam Cole also dares to share a bit more personality of performers. Director Paul Morris' heavy dependence on hotel suites (in my opinion) is the single biggest element taking the shine away from otherwise great scenes of natural, handsome, not overly manicured, masculine men enjoying uninhibited primal cummy play. Hotel suites are okay for a few movies but become a bit bland after a while. Mecos is marginally improved filmed beyond USA border - a hotel suite in Mexico Max Sohl shows some initiative using variety of outdoor locations for "Park & Ride", "Meat Rack", "Meat Packing", "Return to Meat Rack" and part of "Cum Whore". Other ideas TIM could explore: - rooftop/industrial areas (similar to that featured in Eric Videos). - cruising/hunting (similar that featured in Eric Videos). - specially hosted themed event like UK Hotwired (leather dance party) or Cum Union. - rural setting (like and unlike those featured in Dick Wadd) - US States and cities have a variety of interesting, raunchy venues/locations/settings to enhance scenes.
    1 point
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