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  1. “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned,” I gasped as the thick uncut dick pushed through the gloryhole cut into the wood of the confessional, then through my outer ass ring. “You have not sinned yet my son,” Father Adelmo said, “But I see from the arch of your back that you are about to. Here, snort this white manna, feel the burn, and let Brother Roberto give you your penance.” The legend of El Dorado - originally El Hombre Dorado (the golden man) - changed over time and went from being a man, to a city, to a kingdom, and then finally an empire. Yet here I was, on the outskirts of Miami, seeking a way to my El Dorado, my golden man, the man who could infect me with CRF19 - the most virulent strain of AIDs in the Western Hemisphere. The thick wood wall held firm as Brother Roberto slammed his 10-inch dick through the velvet covered hole and into my ass raw. I was happy to take whatever penance he offered as long as it got me closer to my goal - closer to the bug - closer to CRF19. My journey began in 2015 when the United States and Cuba restored diplomatic relations after 50 odd years of being enemies. Soon after the doors had reopened between our two countries, reports started appearing on some of the fringe news sites of a dark virus. ‘CUBAN DEATH MARCH’, ‘COMMUNIST PLAGUE’, ‘AMERICA AT RISK FROM VIRAL ATTACK - FIDEL’S LAST TRY’, and more. By the time some of the mainstream news and government sources reported the information, the headlines were not quite so inflammatory, but gave me a fucking hard on nonetheless. CRF19 was an aggressive strain of AIDs so far only found in Cuba. No one knows why exactly yet and just fucking Google if you want to read the conspiracy theories from it's a legacy of the aliens who founded Atlantis, to John F. Kennedy’s ‘FUCK YOU’ to the Cuban people. What mattered to me were the words, “...aggressive strain...combination of sub-types A,C, D,..a recombinant strain that progresses to AIDs THREE TIMES FASTER than normal strains…” I spent months on multiple search engines, submitted several Freedom of Information Act requests to the Centers for Disease Control, sent emails to whoever I could find in the United Nations, NGOs in Florida, and more trying to find some lead, some detail, something concrete about this strain of AIDs. Why you ask? I’m a drug addled bug chaser - duh! I like dirty dick and well frankly, tired of the vanilla shit available to me in the grand-old-U-S-of-A. Gonorrhea - been there done that. Syphilis? HUH! One shot and cured? I even spent my two week vacation last year as a drugged out whore at a homeless camp in Oakland, California, where I ingested so much street drugs, raw homeless dick, viral blood and cum, I had the demons of Hell trying to live up to the example I set! Yeah, I came home with a sore throat, a sniffle, a drip or two, but nothing that would have set my path to that total self-destruct button. You know those TV ads with the big red button they push and BAM - office supplies appear? I was looking for one of those with a biohazard sign on it - one that would lead me to a toxic waste dump of humanity - the apocalypse of my existence - the end times living in the Nirvana of viral-infected bliss. I had almost given up, and then I read a blog post about Father Adelmo. At first I figured it was from what ever drugs I had let the latest BBC freak me up with so I would be a pliant white cunt for him, but turned out to be all true – and then some. My research on the web told me that Father Adelmo came to Florida in a boat with his parents when he was like 13. He excelled at school, went to seminary, rose up in the ranks of the church hierarchy, but then something happened. What exactly, I could not find, but searching deep and wide on the web I soon realized Father Adelmo had two groups of followers - the normal, kind-hearted citizen who supported his many, and ongoing good works even like his soup kitchens, hospices, and other charities even though he had been kicked out of the priesthood. The second were more of a mystery as the few threads I found that mentioned drugs, sex, cultish activities often disappeared almost as soon as they got posted. I guess Father Adelmo didn’t want folks like me to know the vile, twisted, drug-crazed shit he made them do. All that was well and good, but the fucking kicker - the fucking kicker was I found an online post where someone said that Father Adelmo had snuck them into Cuba for a weekend of raw, twisted, brutal, gangbang fucking. He was a sex trafficker – fuck! The catch? There’s always a fucking catch. Beyond the U.S. Coast Guard and whatever Cuban border issues and legalities such shit might create, Father Adelmo was a cash boy. Cash man more accurately, but a hustler. Pure and true. While it appeared his monies went to help the hungry, the homeless, the less fortunate, he was still a hustler and part of my mind warned - DANGER DANGER - CON-ARTIST! Well that didn’t stop me. Through a lot of sleuthing that was a combination of Sherlock Holmes, Magnum PI, and Agatha Christie, I was able to get an email address that I was told would connect me to him. A few emails later - with me having to bare my innermost, darkest, twisted and extreme desires - Father Adelmo agreed to help me if I had the funds and got to Miami. FUCK! Two weeks later I was in Little Havana waiting to step through a door with bars on it in a line of nondescript buildings that were a mix of warehouses/shops. The only indicator I was in the right place were the numbers above the door that were peeling off - you know those metallic looking kind you get at a hardware store that are like stickers? Oh yeah, and also by two men with plastic name tags pinned to their shirts that said ‘Brother Roberto’ who were standing outside the door. Did IHOP have a ‘going out of name tag sale’? They could have been twins as both were dark skinned, tall, muscular - like fucking buff muscular, with tight clipped hair, and were wearing all black clothes. The one on the right had a jagged scar on his right temple and he put a hand roughly in the middle of my chest to make sure I got the message that to enter through the door I had to get through him and his compadre first. I thought they would ask for an ID, secret password or some shit once I told them I was there to see Father Adelmo. No, nothing that movie-esque. Brother Roberto - the one with the scar - held up his phone, took a picture of my face sans-shades, tapped his foot as he waited, the phone dinged, then he smiled and said, “Entre por favor - PUTA!” I knew enough Spanish to know he just called me a slut and as I glanced at the hefty Cuban cigar he had dangling down his right pant leg I was more than ready and said, “Thanks Bob!” as I waved and sauntered in. The outside walls of Father Adelmo’s chapel were a vibrant blue, but inside it was dark, full of smoke, candles, and looked like the central altar of a medieval cathedral had been crammed into a space far too small for it. Did they fucking heist a church or what? In the middle of the floor, standing on a slightly raised dais was Father Adelmo dressed in robes of gold brocade with jewels on each finger, a miter hat, chains of gold - the embodiment of a prince of the church. Well except for him being naked, the smoke coming from crack pipes, weed pipes, and god knows what and the two ‘altar’ boys (clearly of legal age so ‘altar men’ but you know what I mean) off to the side fucking like rabbits. Holy hell what the fuck? “This do in remembrance of me,” Father Adelmo said as the next supplicant got down on his twink knees and slurped on the good Padre’s thick uncut dick that was peeking out between his golden robes. The twink then stood back up, took the jeweled chalice from Father Adelmo’s right hand and slurped from it, wiped his mouth with an exaggerated motion, then bent forward and with a rolled up bill snorted a line off a golden tray held in the Father’s left. The twink spasmed and would have dropped if not for another man dressed just like the two out front had not caught him, shuffled him to a bench against the wall, and left him propped askew as two other supplicants began stripping him. The Father paused and looked at me, “Come forth my son. Join the holy union. Be one of the body.” All eyes turned and stared at me - well all eyes that were conscious and not fucked up. I took a small step forward, then another, and the grunts of the two altar boys as one shot in the other’s ass spurred me forward. Up close I could see that Father Adelmo might be older than he first appeared. Yet, he was still handsome and that dick - fuck that dick! Up close it was even thicker and was drooling from the tip. I wanted nothing more than to bow before my new lord and master. “This do in remembrance of me,” Father Adelmo said as he jutted his hips forward and held out the chalice and plate for me to partake. I took a step back, raised my hands up in humble submission and said, “I..ah..think I’ll just watch? This time? OK?” Father Adelmo ran his tongue over his top lip then pulled his lower lip under his upper teeth all in one alluring motion that said, “YOU LOOK FUCKING TASTY!” I took another step back and bumped into a hard body. Another Brother Roberto was standing behind me, blocking any further regress, so I smiled, gave a nervous chuckle, and watched the rest of the ceremony trying not to let my ass override my common sense. Once all the supplicants had tasted Father Adelmo, drank from the chalice, snorted from the plate, and staggered off to begin their orgy of salvation, the Brother Roberto behind me pushed me forward as another Brother Roberto took a white, lace handkerchief and wiped the spittle off Father Adelmo’s dick before tucking it into his pant’s pocket. He then took the chalice and plate and followed the Padre stage right and through a door into the back. I was pushed along to follow and when I stepped through the heavy, wooden door once again had the thought of, “Where the fuck are we?” We were in a series of rooms that seemed far larger than what should have been - all polished wood, velvets, golden candlesticks, and more. Father Adelmo let one of the Brothers pull the golden robes off, but before they took off his jewels and miter he motioned for the chalice and plate and said to me again, “Come forth my son. Join the holy union. Be one of the body.” The Brother Roberto behind me gave me a rough shove, so I got the impression this was not a choice. I stepped forward, reached for the cup and got a good cuff up side the head. I turned with a snarl at the Brother as I rubbed my head and he pointed. Oh yeah, step one, kiss the ring - or in this case, the big uncut Cuban dick on Father Adelmo. I kneeled, kissed the tip, got my head cuffed, so I opened my mouth and slurped on it a few times while Father Adelmo and the Brother Robertos chanted in unison, “Taste of my flesh”. His dick was rank and foul tasting and I don’t really like sloppy seconds or 23rds or however many other mouths had been on there. Father Adelmo held the chalice and plate steady. I took the chalice, stared down into the dark red swirls of liquid, sniffed it, eased it to my lips and took a sip. I swallowed and Father Adelmo and the Brother Robertos chanted in unison, “Taste of my blood”. I didn’t have a rolled up bill so leaned close to the golden platter, pinched one nostril and SNORTED. Fucking hell! I choked, gagged, and thought for sure I would have a stroke as Father Adelmo and the Brother Robertos chanted in unison, “Taste of my spirit”. My eyes watered, I felt dizzy all of a sudden, and someone roughly put their hands under my armpits and half dragged/half walked me to a velvet cushioned chair just off to the side. While I tried to regain my senses, one Brother Roberto after another completed the ritual - tasting the Father’s dick, drinking from the chalice, snorting from the plate. Not one of them staggered or swooned and I felt like such a pussy. The ceremony complete, Father Adelmo’s final adornments were taken off, placed inside a large, wooden cabinet, and while I looked in awe again at his monster uncut dick, he came over to me and said, “Come my son, let’s discuss what it is that you seek.” The Brother Roberto I had met out front - the one with the jagged scar on his temple - helped me up then Bob and another Brother started to manhandle me and strip me. “Hey - hey - what the fuck guys - I…” Another cuff to the head and I shut up and complied. I was still buzzing from whatever the fuck it was I drank and snorted and even if I hadn’t of been there would have been no way honestly I could have stopped them. Plus, it was kind of hot being force stripped by the macho men even if they were fucking cultists or crazy fuckers. I was led through an ornate door into a room that had plush carpets, piles of pillows, tables with platters of white powder, crystal decanter’s with various drinks, and other carnal wants and desires. On the far side of the room the wall was covered with a series of four wooden booths. The ornate carvings and scrollwork and velvet curtains told me they were confessionals - or had been once. Father Adelmo sat in the one on the far left and I was directed to the one just to the right - my right/his left - whatever. The curtain was shut behind me, Father Adelmo slid the partition back, and said, “Kneel my son, and tell me - what do you seek?” I looked at the Padre’s handsome face and watched as he started stroking his dick. Someone in front of his booth held the golden platter out for him along with a golden straw, and Father Adelmo snorted a big line, wiped his nostrils, his eyes flared open, and he stroked his dick faster. My curtain was pulled back, the platter pushed in, I snorted again, swayed, Father Adelmo chuckled, but this time the rush was not so bad and I quickly steadied myself on my knees. “Push your ass back now,” Father Adelmo said. “What?” I asked, not understanding. I turned and looked at the confessional wall behind me and saw a gloryhole had been cut into the wood and trimmed in dark, red velvet. Two large, meaty fingers were wagging at me and I looked incredulously at Father Adelmo, the fingers, back at the Father. He smiled, “What do you seek?” he said again in a reassuring voice, then his tone darkened and he said, “NOW PUSH YOUR ASS BACK!” I looked back at the waggling fingers again - they were still there, waiting for my hole - yet they had changed and were dusted in a coat of white powder - likely from the golden platter. The fingers found my fuck-chute, I cried out “FUCK THAT BURNS, PLEASE STOP!” Father Adelmo had stood up now, his big, uncut dick hanging over the side of the confessional window as he grabbed my head and fed me his Cuban dick. “TASTE OF MY BODY - TASTE OF MY BLOOD - TASTE OF MY SPIRIT. THE VESSEL MUST BE CLEANSED, PREPARED, AND ANNOINTED!” Father Adelmo said as I sucked his brick-hard dick and the anonymous fingers scraped and dug and ripped up my hole as they coated my guts with the white powder. Other voices chimed in, all chanting in unison as I was plugged at both ends by these unholy men. I cried out, my guts clenched, my body heaved and the fingers that had been digging in my ass quickly removed themselves and a soft cloth wiped, dabbed, and cleaned me. Father Adelmo lifted my head up and peered down at me, “You have begun the journey. Your body has rid itself of that which has been holding you back. You have dispelled a good portion of the inner lining of guts to ensure that you are ready to receive the gifts that are to come. You must pay the price to reach El Dorado, to find the one you seek, to become the sacrifice on the altar of man - for men - by men. Now my son, what do you say?” I was confused, in pain, high as fuck, and was having a difficult time focusing between the scalding burning in my ass, the hot man dick that had just been taken from my mouth, and the words that the Padre had spoken. What do I say? Yes? Please? Thank you? How the fuck did I know what he wanted? He was talking in riddles - just fuck me for god’s sake! I was raised a Baptist so all this formal religious overtone was a bit beyond my personal experience, but thanks to cable TV I knew enough I guess as I replied, “FORGIVE ME FATHER, FOR I HAVE SINNED.” I THEN GASPED AS THE THICK UNCUT DICK PUSHED THROUGH THE GLORYHOLE CUT INTO THE WOOD OF THE CONFESSIONAL, THEN THROUGH MY OUTER ASS RING. “YOU HAVE NOT SINNED YET MY SON,” FATHER ADELMO SAID, “BUT I SEE FROM THE ARCH OF YOUR BACK THAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO. HERE, SNORT THIS WHITE MANNA, FEEL THE BURN, AND LET BROTHER ROBERTO GIVE YOU YOUR PENANCE.” Stay Tuned for Part 2 - (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    3 points
  2. Bathhouse pozzing Alex was excited and nervous. He hadn’t been to a bathhouse in years. And back when he did go occasionally, he was very strict on using condoms. Now, not only did he prefer bareback sex, but he’d started flirting with the idea of becoming poz. He knew there was always a chance you could become poz from unprotected sex, especially anonymous sex, but more and more, the idea of becoming poz had started to excite him. He looked for pozzing stories online and the hard to find video clips of guys begging for poz cum whenever he jacked off. He checked in at the front desk getting a locker and a towel and headed to the locker room. It was a busy Saturday night and the locker room was full of guys either getting undressed to put their towel on and go be sluts or getting dressed to leave after getting their fill of hot anonymous sex. There were all types of guys in there, fit, muscular, stocky, hairy, smooth, young, and old. He loved seeing a lot of their cocks before they wrapped their towels around their waists. He started getting a boner himself, just from being in the room. A muscular, hairy, bearded daddy noticed Alex’s thick 7.5 inch hardon, raised an eyebrow, and gave him a brilliant smile. He had just the right amount of gray in his hair, beard, and chest hair to make him hot as fuck. As he walked past Alex, he reached out and squeezed his shoulder. Alex took a couple of deep breaths, locked up his locker, put his towel on, and headed out of the locker room. He had to pass through the lounge area where several hot guys were sitting around talking or watching porn on the big TV. He walked by the wet area, taking a glance inside. He saw guys showering and in the hot tub. Some of the guys in the hot tub were making out and one guy sitting on the edge of the tub was getting his big cock sucked. Alex decided he could come back by there in a bit. He started walking around the halls, checking out guys standing by their rooms playing with their cocks through their towels. Occasionally he would pass by a room with a wide open door, the occupant naked on the bunk with his ass towards the door. That was an open invitation for anyone to come in and fuck them. He decided he would have to do that on his next visit, seeing how he was mostly bottom and the idea of random guys coming in to fuck him really turned him on. There was no telling how many of them would be poz. The thought made his cock tent his towel. He saw a crowd standing outside one door at the end of the hall. It was one of the bigger rooms with a bigger bed in it. Alex got where he could see in the room and there was a minor orgy going on. 3 guys were on the bed getting plowed and the room was full of guys waiting their turns. He could tell no one had a condom on and the thought of that kept his cock rock hard. He recognized a friend, Sam, waiting in line. Sam waved Alex in so he waded through the onlookers. Even though Alex was mostly bottom, he did like to fuck occasionally and he had a nice thick cock. Sam was a friend with benefits and he greeted Alex with a hug, a deep kiss, and a squeeze on his hard cock. He took his towel off and they stood at the side, watching the 3 guys getting fucked good and watching the waiting guys keeping their cocks hard for their turns. The energy in the room was very sexual and there was a lot of verbal nastiness going along with the fucking. “Oh yeah, take my big cock!” “Love the sloppy feel of your cunt with all those loads in it.” “Gonna fucking breed you, getting so close.” The one who was about to cum was the one Alex and Sam was standing by, a stocky guy with nice muscles. He started fucking the bottom’s ass harder. He had about 6.5 inches, but he was really thick. You just knew the bottom was feeling that cock, even if it wasn’t his first for the night. “Goddamn yeah, take my fucking gift!” the stocky fucker yelled and slammed his cock home. Hearing that he was trying to poz the bottom made Alex perk up, something Sam noticed. Once the guy finished dumping his toxic load, he pulled out, grabbed his towel, and headed out of the room. Sam looked at Alex and said, “I was next, but looks like you need it worse than I do”. “Are you sure?” Alex asked. “I couldn’t help notice his little announcement about gifting really turned you on. Go ahead and shove your cock in that toxic loaded cunt and enjoy yourself. Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve fucked you, so we can both get something that makes us happy.” Sam replied. “There is one thing you need to know, though. I recently tested poz. I’m on meds, so it’s up to you. It took Alex 2 seconds to start smiling at Sam, “Fuck me, Sam!” Sam smiled back and nodded. The bottom that Alex approached was on his back, which was fine with him. He did indulge himself in a little fantasy by squatting down and licking the guy’s asshole, tasting the poz load that had just been deposited there. He stuck his tongue in and sucked some of the toxic cum out of the well fucked ass. He savoured the flavor of the fresh poz cum that had been pumped into the used asshole. He swallowed some of it and spit some out in his hand to lube up his thick cock. He lined his thick, slicked up cock with the wide open man pussy and slid all the way in. “Oh GOD yes, please fuck me! Breed me!” the bottom begged. Alex proceeded to do just that. He started a nice steady pace in the used ass. He noticed that the other 2 bottoms also had new partners by now. This was by far one of the hottest scenes he’d ever been involved in. The next thing Alex knew, he felt Sam spread his cheeks and stick his tongue up his asshole. To give him better access, Alex shoved all the way in and ground his cock around, stirring up all the cum that was in there. One load at least was poz, no telling how many others were. He started making little fuck movements, backing his hole onto Sam’s tongue, and then shoving his cock into the used cunt he was working. Next, he felt Sam’s fingers working their way in him. He pushed all the way in and started working the bottom’s eraser sized nipples, giving Sam a chance to get his poz cock inside him. Alex had become a pretty big slut the last few yrs and he liked cocks of all sizes. He loved to get stretched out and he loved a good, deep fuck. Sam had a long, thin cock, perfect for getting deep inside him. He slid his long, toxic cock halfway into Alex and then held still. Alex knew he was leaving him room to fuck himself back onto Sam, and then back into the bottom. And that’s exactly what he did. He got a good rhythm going, fucking into the load of poz cum and then fucking back onto his friend’s poz cock. Alex was in heaven. The whole scene had him so fucking worked up that he knew he wouldn’t last long. He picked up the pace going back in forth, into the ass and onto the cock. “Fuck I’m getting close,” Alex said to both guys. “I’m getting ready to breed your guts,” he told the bottom. “Yes, please fill me up with your cum. I need it!” Sam whispered to Alex that he too was getting close. “Are you ready for my poz cum in your ass? I’m gonna fill your fuck hole up with it.” “Oh fuck yes, I can’t wait any longer, I’m gonna shoot and I want you to shoot too. Fucking cum in me! OH FUCK I’M FUCKING CUMMING!” Alex bellowed, shoving all the way in and shooting his cum. Sam pumped a few more times and then he also buried his poz cock to the hilt and spraying Alex’s guts with his poz jizz. Alex had never had such an intense orgasm. Knowing that he had intentionally taken poz cum up his ass took him to new heights of excitement. It also helped him make a decision. He would from now on take all the poz cum he could find with the hopes of one of those toxic loads infecting him.
    3 points
  3. I was horny (as usual) tonight so I put an ad up. Within a short time I got a reply from a guy with an attached dick pic that was nice looking. I responded and told him I was interested in getting a load from him. He replied with an address about 10 minutes away. I cleaned up and headed out, and once I got there I saw he lived in the projects. Not just in the 'hood, but in the actual projects. It was my first time hooking up with a guy from there. I found his place, and when I got to his apartment a kinda thug looking guy opened the door. I had no idea what to expect, he never asked for pics or anything so I didn't either. Fortunately I was at the right place, and when I got inside we went to the living room. He wanted to make out a bit, which was surprising because usually those types don't want to. We made out and he was grabbing my ass through my jeans, telling me how nice it felt. While his tongue was in my mouth he unfastened my pants and pulled them down. A finger was quickly in my ass. He pushed me over onto the sofa, and started to eat my hole. After a few minutes it was nice and wet, so a semi hard, bare dick was rubbing against my hole. He was hard in less than a minute, and after he spit on my hole he was working that raw dick inside me. Fuck it felt good! He threw me a good fuck for about 20 minutes, alternating between hard and rough and slow and easy. He must have leaked a ton of precum because he was sliding in and out rather easily with no lube other than some spit. I could tell he was getting close to letting loose his load so I said "You going to nut in me?" "Oh hell yeah" so I let loose with some dirty talk begging him to cum inside me which turned him on. A few minutes of jackhammer thrusts, his balls slapping against my ass and then he was over the edge. He went balls deep and I could feel his dick pulse as he dumped his nuts inside me. We said our goodbyes and I was on my way, my hole throbbing from that fuck in the projects.
    3 points
  4. 1. The Pary I slipped back into the booth setting my beer down on the round table as I did so and nodded to the booth’s other occupant. I had never been too keen on gay bars but it was my roommate’s birthday so he had gotten to pick the bar. It was still early in the night, the bar was still quiet, a person could actually hear himself speak, and so far only one of my roommate’s other friends had shown up. Austin, my roommate had gone off to the bathroom while I went to the bar to grab myself another beer, which now left me alone with his friend Rick. Rick was a bit older then I was maybe twenty-six, or twenty-seven, to my twenty-four. He was tall and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. His strong square pecs were clearly visible through his black v-neck t-shirt, and this thick growth of dark black hair sprouted up around the base of his neck. He was just the sort of guy that I normally go for, a total man’s man, if there was such a thing any more. I myself was a little shorter then he, with sandy blond hair, and a tight runner’s body that I worked hard to maintain. Around my sophomore year of college I had started to get a bit hairy, and now a year after graduation I was quite proud of the broad swath of light brown hair that grew across my chest and stomach; however I was now where near as hairy as Rick promised to be. “How long have you known Austin,” Rick said, in a deep voice, shifting round the booth a bit to get closer to me. “We met freshmen year of college, we lived across the hall from each other actually.” “And now you’re roommates? Or something more?” “No, just roommates. There’s never been anything like that between us,” I said truthfully. Austin and I had become friends living in the dorms at Northwestern and then roommates when we both moved off campus our junior years. It had seemed logical after graduation when we both got jobs in Chicago to continue the arrangement and get a place together in the city. Our two-bedroom Wrigleyville apartment was small and a bit cramped but we had found a place in a pretty good part of the neighborhood and sometimes the sun even shown through my window in the morning. “What about you,” I asked, “how do you know Austin?” “I met him a year ago, just after he moved to the city…well actually, right here,” he gestured to the bar around him, “been fucking the shit out of him since.” I was a little taken aback and just blinked at Rick. I had never really been comfortable discussing my own sex life, and I was most certainly uncomfortable discussing my roommate and best friend’s sex life. “Excuse me,” I stammered. “Yeah, I’ve probably wrecked that boy’s hot ass once a week sense we met. Except for when he plows me with that donkey dick of his.” The way that he said that sounded like he assumed that I had first hand experience with Austin’s donkey dick. Just then Austin came back followed by two girls and a couple more guys. The night suddenly took off from there, drinks were ordered all around and many shots started appearing at the table. Eventually the bar filled up and everyone ended up on the writhing mess that made up the dance floor. Austin, having drank more then his skinny little twink frame could handle, and possibly more then I had ever seen him drink before, had lost all of his inhibitions and was grinding his ass unapologetically on Rick’s crotch. Amongst the mess of sweaty gyrating bodies I was the only one who noticed the pair. My gaze was drawn to them as I watched my normally quiet and demure roommate grind his ass hungrily onto this big hulk of a man’s crotch. More drinks were had, and more dancing, Austin kept pace but was fading fast. As it drew close to closing time he had devolved into a sweaty, sloppy, drunken mess. When the lights came on and the bar started to clear out, I scooped Austin up from the booth he had half sat half fallen into for the past ten minutes and started to guide him towards the door. Several of his friends asked if I needed help with him, I assured them I was fine and started to steer him towards home. Just as I got to the corner and started to push Austin towards the L station, Rick caught up with us and slipped Austin’s other arm around his shoulder taking some of the, what was quickly becoming, dead weight that was my roommate. “Looked like you could use a hand,” he remarked. Again I assured him that I was fine, but Rick wasn’t taking no for an answer. He helped me get Austin onto the train, rode the two stops to our apartment and then helped me shove him up the steps to our door. Once we had pored him into his bed, rolled him onto his side, stuffed a pillow under his head, and closed the door, Rick finally broke the silence that had fallen between us. “You’re a good friend, taking care of him like that.” “Thanks,” I said, “and thanks for your help. He would have been a lot to handle on my own once he passed out on the train.” “No problem,” he smiled a broad toothy smile. “Do you want a glass of water or something?” I asked. “Yeah that would be great, those damn clubs are always so hot. I’m always so sweaty and hot afterwards.” I laughed and turned to the little kitchen area just off the living room. I filled two glasses of water from the pitcher in the fridge and turned back to face Rick. He had pulled off his black v-neck shirt and now stood bare chested facing me. His broad square pecs looked even more impressive then I had guessed they would through his shirt. Covered in a thick dark forest of hair they each sported a warm pink nipple the left one adorned with a single silver bar through it. He didn’t have a six pack but rather the single broad powerful patch of muscle that came from manual labor not a gym. A deep v of muscle framed the dense, dark, almost black, treasure trail that vanished into his low slung dark jeans. My cock twitched. His skin still glistened with sweat slightly. I felt my mouth go a little dry. He smiled that big toothy grin at me again. I handed him the water silently, his fingers brushing against mine as he took the water. “Too bad Austin got so drunk tonight,” he said the smile faltering a little. “Why is that,” I asked. “Well I’ve been saving up this birthday present for him all week,” he said, something new creeping into his sparkling brown eyes, “but I guess I’ll just have to give it to someone else.” “Could always wait till tomorrow,” I laughed, feeling a little nervous now. “Can’t wait that long, I’ve been saving this up all week, it’s now or never,” he took a step closer and as I leaned back to keep the distance between us equal I felt the kitchen counter firm behind my back. I laughed nervously again, as he stepped just a little bit closer. “So what is this present that Austin’s going to miss out on now,” I asked, guessing that I probably already knew the answer. “What do you think it is?” he asked, the hand not holding his glass of water now drifting to his crotch. “Dunno,” I said quietly trying to keep my eyes on his face. “A big hot six day load from my big, fat, beer can cock shot right up your roommate's cunt," he answered in a whisper. He was now only a foot away from me, and I heard him set his glass down on the counter with a clink. “But,” he continued, leaning in a little bit more his mouth getting closer to mine, “I guess I could always find some slut on Grindr to give it too. Unless,” he paused, his mouth now only an inch from mine, “There was a hot bottom boy right in front of me I could give this gift to.” With that he finally closed the gap, his mouth pressing hard to mine. I resisted for a moment, but when the hand that had been holding his water came to rest on the small of my back pulling me tight to his hairy slightly sweaty body, I melted. My lips parted and I let his tongue slip into my mouth, wrestling with my own. His hands slid over my body, slipping under my shirt, running up and down my back. He broke the kiss only to quickly pull my shirt off over my head. With my shirt now gone his hands slid down my back till the rested on my ass. He kneaded at the meaty flesh, and pulled away to say, “Damn you’ve got a hot ass. How the hell has Austin been able to resist this for so long?” “I always thought Austin was, like me, a total bottom,” I replied, a bit breathlessly. “With a cock like his that would be a fucking crime. Now get on your knees and get my cock out. I wanna see it down your throat before I stuff it up your ass.” He spun us around so that he was now the one with his back against the counter and I immediately fell to my knees. Normally I am not a hook up sort of person, but Rick was so fucking hot, between his amazing body, the slight stench of sweat that clung to him, his brick demanding manor, and the considerable amount of beer I had had I never once thought of saying no to him. I fumbled for a moment with his button fly but soon had his pants around his ankles. He wore no underwear, so I was face to face with Rick’s self proclaimed “big, fat, beer can cock.” He had not been exaggerating. It was like being face to face with a flesh colored can of Guinness. The massive, heavily veined, organ sprouted from a dense patch of black pubes and sported two almost absurdly low hanging swollen balls beneath it. Without being told to I stretched my mouth widely and too the bulbous mushroom head in my mouth. I worked as much as I could into my mouth, slobbering all over the shaft as I did so. I put my hands on his strong hips trying to pull myself forward. His hands soon came to rest of the back of my head pressing me into him, forcing more of his cock down my throat. Precum began to ooze from his cock, filling my mouth, and dripping out the corners of my lips along with my own spit and he started to face-fuck me. Rick groaned in pleasure as my throat worked his cock, and my own cock strained against my pants. Though I never would admit it I loved rough sex, I loved being used, and this big hunk of a man was doing just that. After I don’t know how long, he stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. He dragged me to my feet and kissed me before saying, “Strip.” I shucked the last of my clothing, and stood naked before him, my own modest six and a half inch cock shinny with precum. He kissed me again and then said something that surprised me, “Sit on my face, I wanna work your hole open before I fill you with my fat cock.” I stepped back and he lay down on the floor right out side of the door to where Austin slept. At this point I didn’t care and as soon as he was down I knelt down over him putting my ass right on his face. As his tongue found my hole I bent forward and did my best to swallow his cock again. Rick clearly took pleasure from eating ass and as his tongue danced around my hole I felt myself opening up to him, my sphincter relaxing far quicker then it normally did. Relaxing my hole wasn’t enough for him and he pressed his tongue into me, occasionally slipping a finger in too. I was moaning around his cock, groaning desperately as waves of pleasure crashed over me. It was a good thing that Austin was completely passed out cause there was no way he would have slept through my desperate whimperings and moanings of pleasure as Rick lapped at my hole. Finally I couldn’t take any more of it and I pulled my mouth off of his cock, quickly turning around so that I was now straddling his hips. I kissed him hard on the mouth, rocking my hips back and forth I felt his spit-slicked cock sliding up and down my equally slick crack. When I had spun around I had intended to get him into my room, into my bed, quickly get a condom on his cock and stuff his fat tool deep inside of me, but when I felt his mushroom head make contact with my well loosened hole, I did something that I never do out of a relationship. I pressed back with my hips, pushing my ass onto his cock, Rick locked eyes with me and shifted his pelvis forward a little bit. The head of his cock began to work its way inside of me, stretching me wider and wider as it entered. The thought of stopping seemed impossible, plus he had basically told me that he was going to be dumping a load in Austin tonight, and Austin would mess around with someone who wasn’t safe. I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as his cock sank deeper and deeper into me. When I finally felt his pubes on my taint I felt more full then I had ever before. Rick smiled that same toothy smile and started to rock his hips, fucking his cock into me slowly as I got use to the size of his cock. I felt like he was pulling my intestines out with his cock each time he retreated and punching them back in again with each inward thrust. He pulled me to him and started to kiss me deeply again. Somehow he managed to flip us both over, his arms tight around me, his cock never leaving my hole, so that I was now on my back and he was between my wide spread legs. The gentle fucking was over now. Rick from his new position shifted my legs to his shoulders and left forward essentially bending me in half, and then began to hammer away at my hole. This was how I loved to be fucked, on my back like a whore, taking cock deep and hard. Rick seemed to understand that without my having to explain it to him. He whispered “I’m gonna wreck your hole boy and then give you my gift. You want it boy?” “Yes,” I panted, sweat springing up on my face, “Give me Austin’s birthday present.” He completed my hole, telling me how it fit his fat cock like a warm glove. I could feel myself becoming loose around him, and I squeezed my ass tighter working his cock with my sphincter. I honestly have no idea how long he fucked me on the floor that night, all that I knew is that when he finally growled, “Here comes your present slut,” I had become sweaty, sloppy, mess, begging Rick to use my hole. Rick slammed into me one last time, bottoming out completely and causing me to yelp, as he said, “Take my fucking load bitch!” I felt his cock twitching in my hole and I knew that he was flooding me with six days worth of built-up cum. I moaned and felt my own cock twitch as I shot a load all over my self without even touching my cock. We stayed like that for a long moment, laying there with his cock still buried deep in my now cum filled hole, in a sweaty heap, before finally Rick said, “Damn, you’ve got a better ass even then Austin. I’m gonna have to start breeding your hole regularly.” I laughed, “Why don’t we go crash in my bed for a while. If you’re up for it in the morning we can go for round two.” “Sure thing,” he flashed that toothy grin again and pulled his cock slowly from my hole. I clenched tight as he withdrew trying to keep the massive amount of cum he had shot inside me. I mostly succeeded and I showed him to my room with just a thin trickle of cum running down my leg. Rick walked closely behind me, kissing my neck as we walked, his cock quickly rising to full mast again. By the time we got to the bed he had slipped his cock back into me and was slow fucking my wrecked hole. We did sleep that night but not much, by the time we passed out around seven in the morning I had two more loads in my ass. Together we fell asleep in my bed, Rick’s cock just inches from my well-used hole, the door to my room left wide open in our drunken horniness.
    2 points
  5. You have a great dealer who delivers in the middle of a blizzard to your door.
    2 points
  6. I was getting fucked all the time - Connor, our threesomes. It had to be 10 times a week. I felt at times like there was always cum leaking from my ass. I told Connor and we laughed. He said, "Your ass is such a willing receptacle. We all want to give it our cum." I loved Connor so much. I felt like my heart was never going to stop filling my chest. We fought, sure. All couples do. Even when fighting my feelings for him were so strong. My feelings for Connor didn't prevent me from starting to break our rules: 1. Sex with others only with Connor's knowledge and/or participation. As soon as spring semester finals began, our differing degree paths brought on different finals/papers/projects. It seemed that we were always missing each other. Right in the middle of finals, I had a three day break. It's New Orleans and finals = Jazz Fest. I got tickets with my club bottom boy friend Ashley and John, my previous roommate. Off we went to the fest, which was held at the Fairgrounds race track and was basically and all day party as you waited for bands. We smoked pot, ate way too much food, and break lots of beer. I was drunk. It was fun. Ashley started telling us stories of the guys who fucked him. John started sharing his stories too. I told them mine. At one point as I was telling a story I noticed them both looking at me like I was crazy. I'd forgotten what safe sex advocates they were and I had been telling them about begging guys to cum in my ass. They were really concerned because they both knew Connor and I had sex with a lot of guys during the school year - dozens of different guys. We messed around at the bathhouse, in the club, at parties. Everyone knew we were open, but not even my friends knew I didn't use condoms when getting fucked by guys other than Connor. We ended up having a serious conversation which, of course, sobered me up just enough to realize I was too sober. The conversation wound down as the next act started. I left to get another beer. As I was waiting in line, I felt a guy squeeze my ass gently. I turned around and it was Seth - the guy who fucked me just prior to my breakup with Justin. We hugged and it was good to see him. He was still hot as fuck and he was always friendly. He asked why I had looked so pensive when he came up behind me. I decided, "Fuck it." I told him what had just happened. I mean, who was he to judge, he already came inside me. Seth laughed and we made a joke of the whole thing. We wandered around the Fairgrounds listening to music in other tents. Just as it was turning dusk, Seth asked if I wanted to go to his car and smoke before the main act started. I went with him down the long line of cars to his Suburban. I made fun of him for having such a "top-boy" car. He grabbed my ass and pushed me up against the side of the. Seth said, "You have such a bottom boy ass." I looked at him and down the line of cars. We were wedged in a line of cars parked side to side. I could hear people, but couldn't see them. As Seth ground his crotch into my ass for the second time - only partially kidding; I unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down. He said, "That's what I'm talking about." I was in briefs which I also pushed down in the back so his cock could rub on my bare ass. I reached for his cock, unzipped his shorts, felt inside his boxers and pulled out his cock. It still felt as great as ever. I put his cock on my ass. He said, "I'm going to fuck you bareback. What would your friends say?" I said, "They wouldn't like it." He said, "Do you want it anyway?" I said, "Fuck my ass Seth." Seth pushed my shirt over my head and then my shorts and underwear down. I stepped out of them. Now dressed only in sneakers, Seth spit on his cock a few times. He said, "You sure you want this cock? I have a condom in my pocket." I said, "Yes, fuck me without it. I want it bareback. Just like the first time you fucked me." Seth pushed his big cock in my ass. I moaned as softly as I could. His cock slipped in my regularly used ass rather easily. Seth began fucking me with long deep strokes. He built up speed quickly. Within a few minutes Seth said, "I'm going to breed you bitch." And he flooded my ass with his cum. He fucked me two more times in the back of his truck. Once with my feet on the roof of his truck and once bent over the back seat. I begged for his cum the second and third times he fucked me. When we finally went back to see the music, the main act was half over. I was stoned, well fucked and had Seth's cum leaking out of my ass. My friends asked where I had been. I told them I ran into Seth and we went and smoked pot and talked. When I got home that night, I quickly jumped in the shower and tried to clean out as much as possible so Connor wouldn't know I had another guy's cum inside me. I got in bed and laid next to Connor. He felt my ass. He felt my hole. He said, "Your ass is puffy. Were you playing with your toys today?" I said I had played with my toys that morning. I also told him that I had just cleaned out. Connor said he hadn't paid enough attention to me the last week. He then proceeded to pound my ass for an hour until he loaded me with a week's worth of his cum. Seth was the first guy I didn't tell Connor about; but he was not the last one.
    2 points
  7. My intention is to wrap this fucker up ASAP, pghpigbtm -- just one or two more entries and it should be complete. But...right this minute? I've got three anonymous loads in my slammed-up hole, and poz seed is my favorite brand of lube. So: that means I'm heading out to the cruisy park as we speak. I can tell you, though, that I've already started the next installment -- 'cuz I'm ready to see this Dalton kid corrupted like he fuckin' deserves.
    2 points
  8. 2. The Surprise I woke sometime around two in the afternoon to Rick pressing his cock back into my nearly recovered hole. I moaned as my hole once again stretched around his impressive girth, the cum from the previous times he had fucked me lubricating his shaft as he sank into me. Once inside of my Rick wasted no time, and was soon hammering my hole with ruthless efficiency causing me to cry out with lust. I am not normally a screamer but Rick’s powerful fucking forced yelps and moans out of me like no one had before. It didn’t take long this time for the load to boil up in Rick’s balls and soon he was grunting and bucking like an animal as he added another load to my already well-filled ass. “One for the road,” he growled into my ear as he came inside of me. When his cock had stopped twitching he pulled out and rolled out of the bed. “I’ve got some shit to do, so much as I’d like to spend the day breeding your hole… I’ve gotta go,” he said as he moved towards the door. “I’ll show you out,” I said covering my disappointment at seeing that magnificent cock go. “Don’t worry about it. Go back to sleep. Get my number from Austin and let me know when you wanna get plowed again.” Then he was gone. I laid on my bed for a long moment, naked on my stomach, my stretched out cummy hole facing the door that Rick had left open again as he exited. I went back to sleep. Several hours later I woke up again to the sound of a new voice in my room. “Damn,” the voice said, “Who wrecked your hole?” It took me a long moment to place the voice. But before my eyes were fully open and I had looked over my shoulder at the speaker I knew it was Austin. I suddenly remembered that the door to my room had been open and that the way I was laying on the bed my cum covered ass was clearly visible. Austin smiled at me a little oddly as he took in my compromised position. Knowing what I did now about Austin I found myself seeing him in a new light. He was still a tall thin twink, but I took note of the well defined abs, the incredibly hairy pits, sweet pink nipples, the narrow but dense treasure trail that led down into his skimpy yellow underpants. I noted too just how well the basket of those underpants was filled out. “Seriously,” he pressed on, coming further into the room, “someone did a number on your ass and left a shit load of cum behind. I had no idea you were suck a fucking slut, let alone a cumslut.” “I’m not normally,” I said, shifting in the bed and covering myself with a sheet. “So who dumped all those loads in your hole?” I hesitated for a moment and then said, rather sheepishly, “Rick.” A strange series of emotions played across Austin’s face so quickly that I couldn’t place all of them; but I’m certain that surprise, anger, jealousy, and fear all flashed by before he settled on lust. He rubbed his crotch through his yellow briefs and I could see that the healthy bulge was beginning to swell. “Why are you covering yourself up man,” he asked coming even closer. “You liked getting railed by Rick didn’t you? Well I’ve got something I think you’ll like just as much.” With that he practically leapt onto the bed straddling my pelvis. He lent forward and kissed me roughly. My cock quickly hardened again as I began to explore my roommates trim body with my hands. Our kiss was short lived though as after only a couple of minutes Austin broke away and said, “I have to get my mouth on that ass, flip over.” I did as I was told and kicking my legs apart Austin spread my cheeks and started to devour my ass. He lapped up the cum that had leaked from my hole and pushed it back inside of me with his tongue as he desperately tried to penetrate my hole as deep as he could with that same organ. Much like our kiss though this joy was short lived as soon I heard rustling and felt Austin shifting about behind me. Soon his mouth left my hole but his hands remained on my cheeks, I felt something warm and hard press against my hole and knew that it was his cock. Without saying a word Austin steadily pressed his fat raw cock in side of me. It was not quite as long as Rick’s but it certainly was as thick if not thicker. I whimpered into the pillow as Austin came to rest balls deep in me and started to kiss my neck. He started out slowly, sensing that my hole was still a little worn to from my night’s escapades but soon worked himself up to a feverish pace. Soon Austin was panting as I moaned into the pillows in front of me, and sweat dripped from him falling onto me. He was not going to last long, that was quickly obvious, but his cock was tugging at my hole as it stretched me wide in such a magical way that I wasn’t about to complain. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he groaned as he bottomed out in me and his cock began to throb. As his orgasm rocked through his body he leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck. “I’m sorry I didn’t last longer, I’ll be ready to go in a minute though.” He started to rock his hips forward and back slightly, “But feeling all those POZ loads in you I couldn’t resist adding my own to the mix right away.” “What,” I said, my ass clenching around his cock in shock, “You’re POZ?” “Yeah,” he replied sounding a little confused, and then after a moment, “So is Rick. I thought you knew and that’s why…” “Oh fuck,” I said, “I had no idea.” “I’m so sorry,” Austin said, moving to get off of me. As his cock started to slip from my hole I realized I didn’t want him to stop. I had six loads of POZ cum in my hole… there was no changing that so I might as well enjoy the cocks that put it there. I reached back and grabbed his hips, pulling him to me, and shoving his cock back inside of me. “Where do you think you’re going mister,” I said. “But I’m…” “At this point it doesn’t matter, so how about we stop talking and you get back to plowing my hole with your fat POZ cock.”
    2 points
  9. It was a not so typical end of the year party on a Friday night. Christopher had just graduated high school. He was your typical straight laced, high school jock, popular with the girls, but had yet to get laid. He had the occasional beer and maybe a joint, but never thought of doing hard drugs ever. Christopher was 5' 10”, 145 pounds of lean muscle with blond hair and blue eyes. He was invited to a party at the near by college he was to attend in the fall ans was hoping to get himself laid by some college chick. When he arrived there weren't many girls at the party so he grabbed a beer and walked around. After finishing a few brews he started to talk to some of the other people at the party. He hit it off with this one guy, his name was Reese. Reese was had just finished his second year at the college and was very out going, the total opposite of Christopher's shyness. They talked about the lack of pussy at the party when Reese said he could introduce him to a couple hotties name Gina and Tina. Christopher was excited at the possibilities and the 2 left for Reese's apartment. After arriving at Reese's, Reese offered Christopher another beer. Christopher drank it down as Reese told him he was going to get Tina. Christopher was a little confused why he never said he was going to get Gina when he started to feel very warm and groggy. When Reese came back he helped Christopher into his bedroom and Christopher stretched out on his back on the bed. It was at that point that Reese asked Christopher if he liked Gina. Christopher looked at him a little puzzled. Reese explain, Gina was in the beer that he drank. Christopher was a little out of it, but was feeling good and started to feel a little horny. It was at that point that Reese climbed on Christoper, sitting on his chest and pinning his arms under his legs. He was sitting so heavily on Christopher's arms the blood flow was stopped. Then Reese pulled out a syringe and said it was time to meet Tina, and with that he stuck the needle into Christopher's arm giving him is first taste of crystal meth via a slam. Christoper felt the warmth in his arm and as Reese let up on his arm the meth hit is system and he couched out. Reese gave him some water to drink and Christopher was flying. Reese then hit himself with a nice slam en joined Christopher in the sexual high. Reese then leaned in and kissed him. Christopher was unable to prevent Reese's tongue to begin probing into his mouth. As Miss Tina took it's hold of him he began to get very horny. He gave in to the advancements of Reese and the pleasure he was experiencing. Reese began to undress Christopher as they kissed and soon Christopher was only in a pair of blue boxer briefs. Reese then began to undress himself and then he straddled Christopher chest as he did when he forced slammed the teen. Reese then eased his hard, dripping 8a: cut cock into his victims mouth with some resistance, but with the G in Christopher's system along with the T, he was no match fir the hunk sitting on his chest. Christopher was getting his first taste of cock and he began to enjoy it. In no time he was a willing cock sucker and soon Reese was off his chest and sitting with Christopher between his legs willingly sucking his cock. To this point, Christoper had only taken half of Reese's cock into his eager mouth, but soon enough Reese took charge placing a hand behind the chemed up boy's head and little by little forced more of his tool into his mouth. When it hit the back of his throat, Reese told Christopher to take a deep breath and then Reese forced his dick into his cock sucker's throat. After e few seconds he with drew and then repeated his move placing his dick back into the throat of his cock sucker. This went on for a few minutes when Reese pulled all the way out and had Christoper get on his back. It was Reese's turn to show Christopher what it was like to have a real blow job from a real man. Reese easily deep throated Christopher's 7” cut cock and bobbed up and down for what seemed like an eternity. With the G and T in Christopher's system he was not going to cum any time soon, but the boy was moaning from the blow job he was receiving. Reese was enjoying working on the boy semi hard cock, but that wasn't his objective. He licked the shaft a few times, sucked and licked Christopher's balls as he worked his was to the prize he was after, Christopher's virgin hole. When his tongue began licking the prize her wanted, Christoper began to moan louder then he did when he was getting blown. As Reese licked the hole, lubing it up for his eventual penetration he also began to probe the soon to be willing hole with his fingers. As he slid in on finger he was sure to add a little meth to it to give Christopher a booty bump. Reese knew this would make his ass more hungry and willing to accept his cock. Between the slam and the booty bump Reese was opening up Christoper's virgin hole, 2, 3, 4 fingers deep. Reese thought that he might be able to fist this boy soon, but he held off on that idea. He knew what he wanted, to seed this virgin hole with his toxic seed, get him addicted to T and his cock so that when he returned Christoper returned next fall he would have a boy to use and abuse. Reese pulled his fingers out. Christopher let out a moan of disappointment. Christopher was feeling empty inside. He looked up at Reese and asked him to put his fingers back in side his hole. Reese looked down and with his eyes locked on Christopher's said that he was going to replace it with something more substantial. As that was being said, Reese slowly slid is raw cock into Christoper's ass prompting Christopher to reach down and feel what was going inside him. When he realized it was Reese's dick, he looked up and asked Reese if he should have a condom on. Reese just looked him dead in the eye and kept on sliding into the boys formerly virgin hole. As the last of his cock slid into the ass of his new bottom boy he grinded it in getting a moan out of the boy's mouth. Reese knew what he was doing, he slowly moved his dick, teasing Christopher with mini thrusts. Reese could see in Christoper's eyes that he was giving in and at that point Reese set about fucking him with a growing intensity. Reese knew that if his seed was too take hold he'd need to do some damage and since the boy was a virgin he knew it wouldn't take much to seed him. Along with the fingering Reese did some scratching inside. He knew that this would work since it was the same way he had be brought into the fold. Soon Christoper was moaning and begging to be fucked. The booty bump was really working now and Reese wasted no time in pounding the boy's hole. As Reese was abusing his new toys ass, he was ready to deliver his first load and did so without Christopher knowing. Reese could deposit a couple loads this way and did just that. As Reese was read to cum for the third time he looked down at Christopher, leaned in and as he was getting ready to cum he told Christopher that he was going to spend the weekend with him and that they were going to keep fucking until Reese was sure that his toxic seed was going to take hole. Reese then started to pant and moan and whispered into Christopher's ear that he was shooting his third poz load into his ass and with three loads in him deep there was no turning back. He was soon to get the fuck flu and be as poz as Reese was. Reese now owned his ass and he would do with it as he pleased. Christopher sat there in shock. He was so tweaked, he didn't know what to feel or what to do. All he knew was that he wanted more Tina and that he wanted of Reese's cock.
    1 point
  10. My name is Lee, I’m 36, 5’10”, average build, and I’m told I’m very handsome. I have been a prude sexually most of my life. I was a church kid growing up, then joined the military at 18. I didn’t lose my virginity until my early 20's, being too afraid to get caught under DADT. Even after I started having sex I didn’t sleep around, only having sex with men that I was dating. That being said, despite my prudish past I’d always hated condoms. To me it killed the mood when you had to stop to put a condom on, and I hated the lack of closeness condoms injected into sex. I finally had my first hookup at the age of 26 when I moved across the country to a new city, but the guy developed feelings for me and I swore them off off for years after that. Things were much the same when I met my only true long term boyfriend, Kyle. I knew Kyle from Recon, a site I’m sure many of you are familiar with. We’d chatted off and on for over a year, but he was friends with the guy I’d hooked up with, so I avoided meeting him in person even though we shared a lot of the same fetish interests. He finally asked me out and I relented, and just like so many others I made Kyle wait a long time before we had sex. But sex with Kyle was different. Unlike every other guy I’d been with, he never asked for a condom and I never asked him to put one on. From the first time he fucked me and filled me with his cum I knew I would never go back to condoms. During Kyle and I’s almost 4-year relationship we both remained active in the fetish community, attending events like MAL and IML, maintaining profiles on Recon, and having playtime with other kinky guys (almost always unprotected). Kyle introduced me to his fetishes, which included fisting, and he started stretching my hole to try to fist me. During this time, I met a guy named Ryan on Recon, and he introduced me to the site that would change my life for good: Breeding Zone. At first I only read the General Bareback section, and the stories were enough to get me off. However, I always saw the Bug Chasing and Chem Sex sections staring back at me, though I couldn’t bring myself to read them. Things changed once Ryan sent me a link to a story on Breeding Zone in the Gift Giving section, despite my misgivings on the topic I read the story and I was more turned on than I had been in years. I was hooked. At first I read the Gift Giving stories, but I eventually graduated to the Chem Sex stories which turned me on even more. I had introducted Kyle to Breeding Zone as well, and he knew I was turned on by these stories, but we ended our relationship before we could explore them. After my breakup with Kyle I wasn’t feeling as prudish, but I knew deep down that I had turned into a bug chaser, so I avoided sex for quite a while. Finally, I knew that wasn’t a long term solution, and PrEP was becoming more widely available, so I went to my doctor and got a prescription. I took it dutifully for over 2 years, but deep down I knew I still hungered for a poz guy to own my hole. Separately, I had also been trying to take a fist since I was with Kyle, and since poppers weren’t enough for me to open up, I was convinced I was going to need chemical assistance to take my first fist. Enter Pup, a very sexy, poz, mid-30’s friend of mine. Pup and I started chatting on Scruff right around the same time I began taking PrEP, when I was finally more comfortable chatting with poz guys. Pup was partnered at the time and undetectable, which made me feel safe even though it was just chat, and we developed a good long distance friendship (he lives in a southern state almost 1,000 miles away from me). Last year he told me that he and his partner had split, but the more interesting thing to me was that Pup was into fisting, and he informed me that he had gotten into PNP. I told him about my frustration with not being able to take a fist, and he assured me that PNP would allow my hole to open up once and for all. However, he also informed me that if I played with him he only slammed. Regardless of this fact I knew I had to try it. He also made sure that I knew he was positive, and there was still a small possibility that I could be infected if we played. I assured him I was aware of the risks and I was fine with them. Pup and I chatted for months about meeting, and we finally agreed in January of this year on a date: Easter weekend. I was nervous but I knew that I needed to meet him. I genuinely liked the guy and he was going to help me fulfill my fisting desires. I made sure I was clear with him ahead of time that I only was going to PNP to get fisted, and he agreed. Other than that we didn’t discuss too many particulars of what our weekend together would entail. I got on a plane after work on the Thursday before Easter and flew to his city, and took an Uber to his apartment. He had a friend of his let me into the apartment, and he gave me some instructions to prepare for the weekend. I followed his instructions, but once he got home I think he could tell I was nervous, so we agreed to hold off on PNP until the next day so we could get to know each other better. We went to a sex toy store and picked up some supplies, and then he fucked me before we passed out for the night. The next day we had a short conversation about limits. “How do you feel about having other guys join us? I have another guy that wants to fuck you.”, he told me. “I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that just yet. It’s a fantasy of mine, but I’m really just here to take my first fist.”, I replied. “How about we play it by ear?”, he asked. “That works for me.” “What are you most concerned about with slamming, boy?” “I just want to make sure I get sleep, and that I take my PrEP.” “I’ll make sure you get sleep, boy, but your PrEP is your responsibility”, he responded, quickly ending the exchange. After that he told me it was time to slam, and he explained the entire process of what was happening as he fixed our slams. “Get your phone out, boy. You’re going to want this on video.” “Are you sure? I’m not sure I want this on my phone.” “Trust me, in a few minutes you won’t care, and you’re going to want to watch this later.” Though I was hesitant I agreed to record it. I was so nervous I was already tingling all over as he tied the tourniquet around my arm and prepared to insert the needle. “This is just a small slam, .20.”, he explained as he showed me his own slam for comparison, which contained over twice as much. “Get the camera ready, boy.” I started recording. I saw the register, the red tinged liquid disappeared, and he snapped the tourniquet off of my arm. What followed was unlike anything I’d experienced in my life up until that moment. Most people on here describe a warm feeling after a slam, for me it felt opposite. It felt like a chill was spreading throughout my body (but in the best possible way) and Pup took my phone from me to film my reaction. I was euphoric beyond my own comprehension, and had trouble even forming words for a few minutes. Suddenly my inhibitions had melted away. Pup started questioning me. “What do you want, boy?” “I want to take my first fist”, I answered. Pup shut off my phone and kept asking me questions. “You want me to invite some other guys to try out your hole, boy?” “You can invite anyone you want, Sir.” “You haven’t earned the right to call me Sir, call me Pup.”, he growled. I stammered an apology, and he asked a few more questions that are kind of fuzzy to me now. But then he asked a question I didn’t expect, and that I’ll never forget, “You’re a bugchaser, aren’t you, boy? You want to get pozzed this weekend?” To be continued…
    1 point
  11. I have been reading and getting LOADS of pleasure from so many of you guys' stories, I thought I would try to return the favor. This is my first attempt so any constructive criticism will be appreciated. The story is a mix of truth and fantasy based on my own experiences and those of others I know. Hope you enjoy! Standing behind the high-back leather chair occupied by my leather daddy in his harness and chaps, I reached around each side of the chair and took hold of his hard eraser-sized nips between the thumb and forefinger of each hand and immediately begin applying pressure and twisting them. I heard my leather daddy moan then growl his approval and sexual arousal as expected, knowing how sensitive his big nips were and how they are hot-wired straight down to his fat cut 8 inch leather daddy cock. I knew that with each twist, pull, tug or flick on the edge of his nips his always-horny dick would throb and vibrate, spewing out oozings of his hot poz precum. Many times sitting between his legs licking his hairy balls while he played with his own nips I would be almost hypnotized seeing his dick's reaction to the nip play. But tonight I couldn't see the excited throbbings and twitchings of daddy's dick from the sensations on his nips. No, my view of daddy's dick was blocked by the thick-haired head of the hot high young bi sub pig that was eagerly making love to daddy's cock with his wet warm mouth. He had arrived at daddy's house just a little more than 30 minutes ago and had been worshipping that meaty slab of meat for almost the past 15 minutes, stopping only 3 brief times - once to make out with me when he first started sucking that dick and I was sharing it with him (that was before daddy had told me to get behind his chair and work his nips), and then twice to take 2 HUGE hits off the pipe at daddy's direction. Daddy had told me before the young sub had arrived that he had plans for that sexy bi boy tonight and into tomorrow and that plan required that we make sure we keep him tweaked and horny the whole time. And the stuff daddy had for the pipe this weekend was very strong. We would make sure he was kept right at the edge of being horny and piggy without being too out of it. And from daddy's moans and the wet slurping noises it was apparent that right at this moment the little piggy was very horny and very ready to please "our" leather daddy. As I stroked daddy's nips with my thumbs, causing him to arch his back and growl again, I leaned forward over the back of the chair, licking at the sweat on his neck and whispered to him, "Is that a good mouth on your dick? Does that sub boy know how to treat his daddy's big cock?" Daddy had just started a big hit off the wipe as I asked the question so he didn't answer immediately. Daddy had great lung capacity and inhaled on his hits longer than anybody I knew. Still working his nips I watched as he finally removed the flame from the bowl sucked in one last time, held it then blew out a fucking monstrous cloud that totally blocked out the young pig on the floor between his legs. "So hot, Sir!" I whispered. Tina clouds always make me horny. And I knew this one was going to ramp up daddy's horniness big time, especially with what he planned this weekend for the handsome boy currently sucking his cock. That boy had no idea daddy was poz (or that I was too). And he for sure didn't know daddy had stopped his meds 3 weeks ago. If daddy had it his way - and I knew he would - the beautiful young chemmed up pig sucking daddy's cock would find out all about daddy before going home tomorrow and he would be on the way to becoming just like the daddy he was intent on pleasing in every way. Oh, if he only knew where that was going to lead him! **I know it's kind of a slow start guys but needing to set the background and scene. Let me know if you think I should continue. Thanks!**
    1 point
  12. (This is my first story - hope all errors are corrected and everyone enjoys) The longer I drove around searching for the house, the harder my cock got in my shorts and being that I didn’t wear underwear my shorts had a huge pre-cum spot on them when I did find it. The house was hidden from the road by overgrown trees, shrubs, and weeds; what led me to the house was an old faded, rusted mailbox with a bright yellow scorpion with a small red biohazard symbol painted inside its body. Turning into the drive way, my cock pulsed even more pre-cum into my shorts as well as onto my leg. Once the overgrowth cleared, I got my first view of the house and it was close to being condemned. All the windows were blacked out, the paint on house was peeling away and in places the wooden siding was falling off, yet oddly enough the front door looked to have been freshly painted in a bright red, and painted in the lower right corner was a yellow scorpion which more-or-less matched the scorpion painted on the mail box. I didn't notice, however, if this scorpion was pictured with a biohazard symbol, but somehow I would bet money on it that it did. Parking off to the side, my legs began to shake, perhaps out of fear but also perhaps out of excitement stemming from my anticipation of what was about to happen. Taking a bottle of poppers out of the middle console, I twisted the top off, shoved it under my nose and took a deep hit, not once but twice. I felt my body relax and my mind drift. I shut off my car, opened the door and stepped out in to the hot summer air. As I walked to the front door, my cock pointed the way pumping out more pre-cum, by the time I climbed the three stairs and was standing in front of the red door, the spot on my shorts was the size of a grapefruit. I knocked three times and waited. I could hear movement from inside the house and time seemed to slow to a crawl. Not knowing how much time had really passed I knocked again. Again I heard some motion inside the house, as a voice called out "Fuckin’ heard you the first time!!!” I stepped back as the door began to swing open. Staring back at me from inside the door was a older man, if I had to guess I would say about 65, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts, that looked as if they were just as old as he was. You could tell that in his prime he was muscular, but time had taken a toll on him: his skin was wrinkled and sagging, and his chest was blanketed by a coat of white fur that tapered down to a trail that disappeared into the waist of his boxers and exited each leg, covering them in an even thicker blanket of fur. “I was looking…” I said, but he cut me off abruptly. “I know why you are here, you know why you are here” he said, as he turned, letting go of the open door and started walking back into the house. Turning again he motioned for me to follow. I did not hesitate. The inside of the house was just as bad as the outside: wallpaper was half hanging off the walls, plaster was cracked and in some places missing. I followed him into a room just to the left of a staircase that looked as if it would come crashing down if anyone attempted to climb it. He crossed half the room and turned before sitting in an old chair, as he did his cock poked through the fly of his boxers. He was uncut and as I got closer I could see that his foreskin completely covered his head. I could not help but stare. His cock was twitching, and looked as if it was growing and thickening. I watched as it continued to exit his fly and stretched out a good 8 inches and yet the foreskin still covered the head. I bet there was another two inches inside the boxers. I couldn’t help by rub my own hard cock as I watched. “You looking for mild exposure, moderate, strong or extreme exposure?’ he asked as he ran his hand across his chest and down his stomach. His hand did not stop until he had gripped his cock. He pulled back the foreskin some to expose the tip of his head. “Extreme,” I replied, licking my lips. “I thought so,” he whispered as he stood, still holding his cock. With his free hand he reached under his cock and into his boxers pulling out his balls and started to walk away telling me to follow him. We left the room and started up the staircase. The only sound I heard was the creaking of the staircase as we made our ascent. As we climbed the staircase, I could see he was slowly stroking his uncut cock. My mind raced as I asked myself 'Is this man going to slide his cock into my hole and expose me?' My cock throbbed, rubbing against my leg and shorts. Once we were at the top, he went over to what looked like a light switched and flipped it on and off four times, then left it on. What it controlled was no where to be seen. Opening a door next to the switch, we entered a dark room. Only after he flipped another switch did a red light come on so I could see I was in a very small room, each was of which was covered in mirrors. In the center of the room was a black wooden box, about a three feet high, three feet long and only wide enough for a torso to fit. Secured to the floor, one to each corner of the box was a pair of leather cuffs. The sole word 'Fuck' popped in my mind. “Strip, put your clothing into the box and lay on top.” I was out of what little I had been wearing before he had completed his sentence, as instructed, putting the items in the box. No sooner was I done when he pushed my back, so my chest and stomach were resting on the box. His hand slid down my back and continued down my ass crack until he reached my cock and balls. Wrapping his hand around them pulling them out from under me until they were pointing down the side of the box. He quickly worked to secure each of my legs in the cuffs. Afterwards I tried to move them, but saw I only had about an inch of play. Clearly I wasn’t going any where. He did the same to my arms. There was no turning back now. Bending down next to me, I could feel his hot breathe in my ear as he grunted "Now the fun begins." With these brief remarks he turned, left the room, shutting the door behind himself.
    1 point
  13. I’m a fucking horny top, 28 yo, always ready to unload my balls in some hungry mancunt. As you might have read on here, I enjoy real sluts. I mean the dirty ones, the ones whose hunger for cocks dictate their lives. The ones who are ready to be pounded by any men, no matter how they look, nor how old they are, who are enjoying being used as cumdumps. The ones who are craving for loads even if they’ve just been bred by dozens of tops, and whose dream is to become a public 24/7 cumdump in some sleazy bathhouse or at some Master’s house. Well, you picture the kind of faggot I’m into. Few days ago, I was fucking horny, as it often happens. I remember I used to chat with that guy on some hookup website. He was a hungry bottom, had a nice bubble ass, but I remembered he told me about one of his friend, who according to his words, was “the sluttiest person he had ever met”. He told me about that slut’s past, how early he started taking dicks, missing classes to get loaded by men in the woods, or in public area. Later cruising the bathhouses, spending every weekend there in need for cocks. God I wanted to try out that slut! I contacted that guy, asking about the slut’s availability. “Well we’re Saturday night, he must be at the sexclub, taking dicks as usual, I couldn’t think of any other places where he could be”. Luckily the club wasn’t too far from my place, although I would have been ready to drive a few hours to dump a load in that dirty whore. I had pictures of that whore from his friend. So when I arrived at the club at around 01:00am, I immediately recognized him in the darkroom, laying on the sling, being pounded by some dirty old man. Fuck! He wasn’t even blindfolded and was enjoying the ride, moving his hips around that grandpa’s dick, sticking his tongue out. Two other men were waiting their turn to breed the slut. I waited in line, stroking my cock, as the old man finally came in that dripping butthole. When he pulled out, I noticed the floor was well covered in cum. That pig must have been taking cocks here for a few hours now. “Who’s next?!” he’s asking. When the first guy in line approached, he said “yeah daddy, come on, breed my faggot hole. You’ve seen me taking that old dirty dick? Yeah? Fuck me hard, push all that old man spunk in my guts”. This must have turned on the top so much, as he unloaded his balls within 3 minutes! “Next!” The guy before me immediately put his dick in that wet pussy. He was very rough. The sling was shaking, and the whore was provoking him “Fuck yeah! Pound me harder daddy. Make me feel your fucking dick, I can’t even feel it! Come on! Wreck my dirty ass! Man!!! Fuck me!” The pounding lasted at least 10 minutes. He was really destroying that pussy, and the slut was really high on it. The top loaded his semen in the boy’s hole, and left. “Next!” My turn now. “Yeah Daddy, you saw how that last guy fucking me? You liked it? I barely felt anything. My ass is so loose you need to fuck me harder if you want me to feel anything” That wasn’t going to be easy, but that slut was such a sex addict, I couldn’t believe I had the chance to bred someone like him. His ass was wrecked, gaping, a slight rosebud leaking cum. The amount of cum on the floor was impressive, there was also cum on the sling, running from the ass to his back. The smell of cum was so strong it made my cock even harder if that was possible. “You’re friend told me you were here, taking loads. He speaks of you as the dirtiest faggot in the region. It seems he’s telling the truth” I said. “Yeah daddy, I’m the sluttiest around here. You cannot find someone more addicted to cocks and cum than me” he replied, while fingering his hole, bringing his cum-covered fingers to his mouth and licking them. “How many loads you have in there faggot?” “24. All from different men. Wanna add the 25th load in me daddy?” Hell yes!! I was ready for that! My cock was fucking hard, and his ass was sooo wet my dick got instantly swallowed by his pussy. Fuck yeah, that felt so good! I was churning all that cum in the nastiest faggot I’ve ever met! “Fuck me harder Daddy!” I was told. “Don’t ask me twice, you’re gonna regret saying this faggot”. I pounded him hard. As hard as I could get! My dick was plunging as deep as possible, hitting his cum-covered guts. He put his hand on my ass, pushing me against him. Fuck! That slut wanted me to completely destroy his pussy. I grabbed him on the shoulders, pushing my dick in his sloppy hole. He was laughing, staring me in the eyes, “Oh yeah daddy, like that, keep raping my faggot hole, give me your babies”. Even though he said this, I had the impression he didn’t really struggle taking my poundings. I took a look behind me and saw the line growing. Four men were waiting their turns. I continued fucking that hole for another 10 minutes. “Yeah fucking breed me daddy! Flood me with your male DNA!” I couldn’t hold anymore, my dick spattered all the cum that was accumulating in my balls for a week. I must have squirted like 10 times. It felt so good. I pulled out, more cum fell on the floor. “Fuck you are definitely a dirty faggot!” I told him. “Thanks daddy”. “Next!!!” Couldn’t believe how fast he moved to the next dick. He was a hungry slut! I moved away, and the following guy stuffed his dick in the boy’s hole, trying to satisfy that hungry hole. That experienced exhausted me. I needed a break. Went to the bar, relaxing a little while, before leaving the club. Fuck that was the first time I had blast so much cum in a hole. That faggot was incredible! The next day I got a message from my friend, saying the faggot enjoyed riding my thick dick. Told me he ended at 7am, with 38 loads in his pussy, when no one was left to breed him anymore. He emptied everyone but had to leave as all were exhausted, although the slut wanted more. Fuck! That got me hard again. And apparently this was far from his record. My friend told me that the faggot was going to whore his ass out again on the following Friday, trying to get more loads this time. Asked if I were interested. Fuck yes I am! I definitely want to take a second ride on that slut’s ass. This time I’m going to be the last one to unload my balls. I might pay a visit in the early morning. That’s when the sluts are the most craving and the dirtiest.
    1 point
  14. For the last year, I hadn't had anal sex once, I just couldn't get my hole to open up anymore. I would tease guys online get off on the idea of getting fucked (especially raw) but never follow through. I'm 22 years old, Greek 170 cm tall, 83kg, brown hair hazel eyes and quite hairy. I'm not what one calls perfection, but you wouldn't kick me out of bed either. I used to love to get fucked, but something had been holding me back, stopping me from opening my hole. Of course, online I did find perfection. One sexy dominant daddy who's profile caught my eye. He was into it all, bondage, dildos, rape scenes. He was 39 years old, a fucking spunk, perfect body, abs and a killer cocky smile, just below his intriguing black eyes. My cock was intrigued, even though my head was saying no. He talked about owning me, having me submit fully to him. I told him my fantasies of being used hard and raped, and he said would do much more than that. Fuck he could talk hot! We talked and talked for weeks, I, however, always bailed just before a meeting, but Daddy was persistent, constantly suggesting we get together, that I stay the night, just hanging out. I fully intended to bail one more time, but I had run out of excuses. The guy was hot, and wasn't forcing me to do anything more than talk. So I hopped in the car and drove to his place. The first thing I noticed was that his photos on his profile didn't do him justice. For a 39 year old, he looked much younger and much fitter than most. I also noticed his house was dark and empty. Just a few candles flickered around. Nice mood lighting, I thought. And of course, his leather cap and boots. My cock twitched at his sexy attire. Fuck he was such a catch. He was very kind and sweet, a lot different then I expected for a daddy dom. He motioned to the front door, showing that the key was attached there, so I could leave whenever I wanted. He also showed me his driver's license, confirming his identity. He talked of safe words: green for good, yellow for slow down and red for stop. I was intrigued. We went to sit on the living room couch. This man was gentle, but he was talking about using me hard and rough. I was thrown, I was about to go up and leave, but as I went to leave, he turned to me and demanded "Pants off, if I like your ass your mine." I thought 'What was the harm? This Adonis would never want an average joe like me.' Dropping my pants, exposing my tight tight hole, Daddy got up of the couch, and came to inspect. He just started lightly patting it, and just said, "You're my boy now." I felt a little bit shocked that he wanted me, so I decided to stay a little longer. He motioned to the table in front of us. On it was a lighter and a glass pipe with some white powder in the bowl. I began to tell him that I wasn't into drugs, but he just lit the glass pipe, brought it to my lips and demanded "Breath in." This man had me in his trance, his sexy dominance just made me breath in the smoke. Immediately I felt euphoric, and as my sexy Daddy also took a toke, he grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom. Inside his bedroom was more of a dungeon than a place of rest. I started to feel a lot more horny, and a lot more awake. And I began to wonder what had I gotten myself into? Daddy wasted no time throwing my ass down into the bed, stripping me head to toe, chaining me from one side of the bed to the other, ass-up. I started to protest, but as he paddled my ass, my protests went unanswered. As my sexy Daddy stripped, he realeased from his body one delicious cut cock with a massive prince albert at the top. "Now Boy, first, I need to let you know, I'm poz, and secondly, this PA will make a mess of your hole. Just letting you know." At this point my fears turned into lust, as my hole basically seemed on fire. A little lube and his cock against my hole. I was resolved to getting fucked, but Daddy had other plans first. He walked to his drawer and pulled out three packages. One was Anal Relaxation Cream, which he smeared on my hole to numb the pain of the upcoming intrusion. Unfortunately, the intrusion for which he was preparing me wasn't (at least yet), a large PA belonging to a beautiful cock, but instead a massive twelve inch long, black eight in circumference wide dildo, which, with no particular warning, he shoved it in. I was in heaven. My hole was torn open. I'm sure I was bleeding a little, but I couldn't fucking care. I was in ecstasy. My hole on fire, my innards being brutalized. My cock sprang to life (well as much life as crystal meth allows). Daddy asked me, 'what colour are you son?" My response? "Fucking green daddy, fucking green, fuck me harder." At this point out came the third package, a nice fat butt plug, probably around twelve inches in circumference. I winced, but just held my ass up ready for the assault. To my surprise it popped in rather easily, and, when it settled into position, the sensation was amazing. I was so fucking horny. I kept moving my ass up and down trying to push the butt plug further in. At this point Daddy restrained me in a chair, and we proceeded to talk about my reservations with anal sex. He also peppered the conversation with numerous hot stories of days when he was a sub, which drove me wild. As he went to remove the butt plug, he asked, "So my cock - you know the score. What do you want, Boy?" I just lifted my hole up into the air and said "fucking green Daddy, go for it."
    1 point
  15. Anyone in HEB area who wants to get nasty with a fellow dirty whore?
    1 point
  16. Jesus! I've recently begun masturbating with a sound inserted into my cock. Holy fuck, is it intense! I also use two silicone cock rings, one around the base of my cock and one around my balls. Poppers and nipple clamps round out the fun ? But the sound is the main thing! It keeps me hard for as long as I care to jerk off, which is running close to two hours now. And it keeps me from cumming until I remove it. I can bring myself to slightly over the edge of an orgasm, continuously, and not cum or go soft. I imagine it's what women feel like when they have multiple orgasms! And when I pull it out and bring myself off, Jesus, the amount of cum and the force! Jizz in my hair, all over my face and body, it's amazing and freaking intense! Highly recommend!
    1 point
  17. I'm a submissive tranny and I always do as I'm told. The top has total control over me and if he is poz or wants to see me with a poz top then I get on all 4ers and submit. A true submissive will always get pozzed at some point. So just enjoy it
    1 point
  18. don't know how you guys come up with these ideas, but its a real talent just love reading keep up the great work and thanks thats another load ive shot
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the rep Toad! xx xx
    1 point
  20. Hello all you bare backing guys. I'm from margate kent. Can accommodate for kinky meets. I need a hard rough fuck from any of you. I'm a good ride with a nice tight hole to grip your meat. Poz guys welcome in my hole too. Just fuck me full of your spunk. X
    1 point
  21. I really love Tommy Haine I would love to have hot sex with him, he is one sexy dirty fucker
    1 point
  22. I can always take a dick past my second ring but none of my toys. when I take them as deep as I can its like hitting a wall but yet it still feels great!
    1 point
  23. I want to have my limits pushed and being the cock sucker in this
    1 point
  24. Panting, Alex leans against me, having been very nearly choked out by the black cock that had lodged itself in her throat at the end there. She gasps and gurgles a bit, wiping her nose and eyes where his violent facefucking caused her to dribble snot and tears. After she recovers, and straightens herself out, I pull her to her feet. She blows a kiss to the man who just used her throat, and we continue on. I show her the lounge upstairs, and the small play area that contains little cubbies, glory holes, benches, and the public sling. For whatever reason, the public sling never seems to get as much interest as the two private rooms in the basement, I've never understood why. The upstairs area is empty, so we carry on. I show her the lockers, and then the steam sauna, which is one of the best I've been in, even including regular saunas in regular exercise facilities. It's always hot, it's kept scrupulously clean as well. Honestly I find it far too hot for sex, although it's good for checking out the talent. Around the corner, and there is a large and scrupulously clean bathroom, with a chalkboard provided to allow patrons to advertise their room number and services. I take this chance to write up our room number and 'hot bottoms taking loads from all tops, come join the party'. Most people should get the hint. Alex grins at me. Back out, and I show her the hot tub area. A large communal shower leads directly into a very large tiled hot tub. One of the things I like about these baths is how thoroughly everything is cleaned. Every morning, this whole area is throughly pressure washed, the water is changed and reclorinated, and I know this because I have often been blearily recovering from a night of pounding, come up for a soak and been thwarted at 930am... Alex turns on a shower, and pirouettes under the stream, pulls me in with her, kisses me deeply. Appreciative eyes are locked on the hot twink and the muscular daddy making out. She pulls me to the hot tub, and we enter, leaning back into the swirling water. Alex nestles into Daddy's lap, and I begin to nibble and bite her neck. The two other gentlemen slide closer and chat with Alex, who tells them of my 'lost bet' and the plans for tonight. Both men agree to stop by later, Alex amuses herself by ducking under the water and blowing the guys, staying under as long as she can each time. Eventually, I realize that 9pm is likely approaching, and it's time to get back to our room. Black and Silver are punctual men, and it does not do for bottoms to keep their tops waiting. We say our good byes, shower again, stop by the desk for dry towels, and head back downstairs to the room. We putter about, Alex changes back into the leather jock and harness. I measure out ghb portions into gatorade bottles, lock our valuables into the lockers under the bed, set out toys, lube, and some condoms. I prefer bare, but my policy as a bottom is to take cock, if the top chooses to wrap, it's his business. 'So, Daddy, are you excited?' 'Hell yes... I'm starting to drop into bottom mode. I can't wait to get started!' A cute cub walks past the doorway, stops and leans in, 'Hi guys, may I come in?' He's a cute little thing. Early 20s maybe, ginger, well trimmed beard, furry but manscaped pubes, a well formed if average cock (it's at about half mast). He's also very nicely built. Barrel chested and muscular, slightly shorter than Alex's 5'9". Alex slips into his arms and kisses him, starts whispering in his ear. I can't hear much over the house music which plays constantly here. I do catch 'party', 'negative', and 'cumdump'. Her hand drops to that pretty little cock, and strokes it. He hardens as she licks his ear. Turning to me she winks, and barks 'In the sling, daddy! I've got your first gentleman ready for you!' I adjust my cock ring, and hop up into the sling. Alex leads the cub over, hands him a bottle of lube, and bends over and kisses me hard. I feel the cub finger my hole, carefully lubing me. I'm grateful that my first cock of the evening is showing some consideration, as he thoroughly greases me, and I feel the inimitable sensation of a hard cock head brushing at my opening. My own cock is hard on my belly, my nipples are rock hard as Alex drops her mouth down to nip and suck at them. The cub presses in on my hole, and enters. I gasp as I take him, either he thickened up *substantially*, or I am tight today. I reach down to learn this cub is most assuredly a 'grower'. His cock is thick and very hard. I moan, as he slides deeper, and begins to grind in my hole. Alex pulls back from my nipples, and looks into my eyes. She leans over and, very deliberately, spits in my face. 'You're such a dirty fucking whore, daddy. You didn't even ask him his status. I know you love cock, Daddy, but it always surprises me just how much a whore you are.' 'I can't help it,' I moan as he slides even deeper, 'I need it so bad!' Alex laughs and evil little laugh. 'I know you do, Daddy. And I am going to make sure you get more than you can handle.' She pauses, and tweaks my nipples roughly, watching me flex my hips against the cub's thrusting cock. 'I know his status, Daddy, do you want me to tell you?' I sigh, as his cock is finally fully in me, I reach down and cup his furry ginger balls and groan as he begins to thrust into me. I stare into his eyes, loving the sensation of a thick cock pressuring my prostate, stretching my hole, forcing me to open to him. He quickens, thrusting harder, I grunt in rhythm to his strokes. My cock is painfully hard, I worry suddenly that he will make me cum. I don't want to cum the early, my pleasure will be greater if I hold off, as long as possible. Alex leans to my ear, 'He's positive,' she speaks clearly, so the cub knows I've been informed of his poz status. He pauses in his stroke, leans over to me, 'Want me to stop fucking you, slut? Now you know my status?' 'N n no, Sir... I want you to fuck me harder!' Alex laughs evilly. 'I knew it, you fucking whore. All those times you've dumped your cum in me, Daddy, and you're just as big a slut as I am. Carry on, young man. Give him is first load of the night, maybe you will knock my Daddy up!' The cub starts to long stroke me and I groan as Black and Silver stride into the room. Black laughs at me, as both men drop their bags, and enjoy watching my performance. The cub slaps me across the face lightly 'Want my load, Daddy? Your boy wants me to breed you, but I think you should decide if you want my Poz load or not.' He continues to pound into me as all I can do is nod frantically. He smiles, groans, and I feel the base of his cock pulse against my ring. My first load of the night, and as always I shiver with pleasure at my use. The cub pulls out, and I watch as Alex drops to her knees and carefully cleans his cock. Her tongue coaxing every drop of lube and cum and ass slime off him. It's something she has always done, since I first met her years ago, but for some reason I had not expected it in this context. The cub thanks her, introduces himself to Black and Silver, and promises to return later for another session. He closes the door behind himself. Alex leans over to examine my hole, gives it a quick lick, and informs me nothing is dripping. The cub dumped in me at full depth, so his cum will remain as lube for the next gentleman. Alex shuts the door, for the moment, as Black and Silver begin to unpack and prepare for the evening, drugs, rigs, toys, some bondage gear are sorted and organized. I start to get out of the sling, but Alex barks 'Stay, Daddy!' she glares at me, 'You want out of that sling, you ask permission!' I settle back, for the first time I feel the warm glow of a total bottom who has been taken charge of by 'his' top. Suddenly, I know this evening is going to work just fine...
    1 point
  25. I have liver issues as well. I've been Atripla for years now. The only side effect I've had is elevated cholesterol but Lipitor takes care of that. However, I doubt a doctor would start you on Atripla since there are a few newer meds that they seem to be pushing. I was on Triumeq briefly and it wrecked my liver. Unfortunately, with liver problems, it's trial and error. One thing may be okay for you but not for me. Just make sure that your doctor does an enzyme panel every time you get blood work done.
    1 point
  26. Thanks for the reps justcurious!
    1 point
  27. Great story so far. Reminds me of why I love bath houses soooo much.
    1 point
  28. And my answer to that is: be so good, so warm, so wet, and so talented with milking my dick that I don't want to move on the the next.
    1 point
  29. just came from local ABS as soon as I got there I started getting attention.. I slipped into a booth... before I could lock the door a young Latino jock came in .. looked 18ish come to find out he is 19 .. he was aggressive as I am easy twice his size put me to my knees had me suck his perfect 8-8.5 uncut cock.. before he spun me around and fucked me for about 7 min and dropped a huge Teen load in me..... HOT!
    1 point
  30. I go to Pittsburgh to visit a Big Black Man not only does he have a big cock but he sure knows how to use it and cums mutiple times. Can't get enough Black Cock.
    1 point
  31. Great pics ... mouthwatering!
    1 point
  32. The next evening, Alex stopped off to visit with the trans woman on the way to work, and I puttered around my apartment packing up a few boxes, doing some cooking, and digging out the various toys and equipment I would be bringing to the baths on saturday. I also spent a little time stretching my hole and working my way up to the 12" monster I keep around to make sure nothing at the baths can surprise me. It had been a while, but I was confident that with some daily practice over the next few days, and the drugs, I would be back in the saddle again. Or rather, the sling and the horse. Alex met me at about 9, carrying a medium sized gym bag. We hopped into a Car2go (my car was parked at her place) and went over to her place for the night. I asked her how the evening went, and she was pretty excited. 'It was fantastic. Cherry is close to my size, and lent me some stuff. I will seriously be able to pass as a guy. Even in the hot tub.' I must have looked skeptical. 'Wait and see' I thought she meant when we got home, but no. She dragged me to bed for a quick fuck, followed by a session of pegging. While pressing me down into the bed with her largest silicone feeldoe, she whispered 'You're getting this every night until saturday, little whore! I'm going to make sure you don't embarrass me in front of Black and Silver.' She giggled 'They probably think I'm way too easy on you...' I moaned, as she ground the feeldoe, which is roughly the size of Mr Silver, but even less yielding, into my asshole. As I came for the second time, I reflected on how lucky I was to have stumbled from a massive fuckup into the arms of such a lovely girl. As she kissed me hard, and folded me in her arms, I drifted off smiling. Friday passed in a blur of work, our last solid food (consisting of lots of high fiber) before sunday. Also, another feeldoe pounding from Alex. She was increasingly dominant and demanding. Obviously practicing for saturday. In particular, the trans friend had taught her to modulate her voice deeper like a man. It was disconcerting, but also sexy, to hear my normally *incredibly* womanly Alex sound like a horny twink. She also forbade me to cum, my first orgasms would happen in the sling, after more than 48hrs of chastity. About four times as long as I usually go between shots. I should also mention hydration. Some of you reading this are probably making notes, and if you plan a session of pnp, you should drink at least 3 litres of water or other (non caffeinated and non alcoholic) liquids per day for the three days before hand. It will make everything about your experience better, including the come down and the hangover. Hydration before and during is *key*. We spent a couple of hours giving each other super deep clean outs, which we would repeat tomorrow, there was a tacit assumption that at some point, Alex was going to be getting fucked, and that it would be 'as a man'. I honestly couldn't see how that was going to work, but maybe it would just be behind closed doors with people in on the secret... I shrugged, and forced my cock into her throat, feeling her gags spray her bowel contents into the toilet bowl. So tempting to face fuck her and breed her throat... I sit, and she gets her revenge forcing her fingers deep into my tonsils and laughing at me. The next morning, just clear smoothies, and she fucked me *again*. This time she was gentle with my ass, though still full depth, but she was rough with the rest of me. Forcing ass to mouth, making me eat her pussy and ass, and gloating at me over her freedom to cum in my face while I had to wait. She was putting me into bottom mode, and I had my suspicions that Silver had been giving her some coaching. It was working too, My ass felt empty and hungry, and I found myself thinking of her in the same way I think of Silver and Black: I wanted her to use me, wanted to be something that exists just for her pleasure. I longed to show her how willing I was to do anything it took to please her... I remember shivering with the anticipation. The funny thing about all of this is that, right up until the moment the session starts, I may be *looking forward* to being a bottom, but I am still a natural top. In the past, I have often been pounding some twink in the asshole and making him call me daddy when Silver or Black arrive and take the other end. Until I start the actual scene, I'm not a bottom at all. There is like a switch. We did another complete clean out at 4pm, packed up our stuff. Alex transformed into twink boy, and at six pm we cabbed down to Gastown and walked into the Steamworks lobby. 'Hey, is the sling room beside the bathrooms available?' 'Let me see... Yes it is!' 'Awesome, can I get it, and a locker for my guest here? He's from out of town' This was the key moment. If he asked for ID, we were fucked. Luckily, the counter guy was a top... He licked his lips. Alex leaned in and whispered in my ear 'Ask him when he is off shift', smart girl! No way he is going to ask for ID on a boy he thinks he might nail. 'Hey,' I say casually, 'If you're off shift later, maybe you might want to come for a visit?' I goose Alex in the asscheeks and she groans like a twink and makes a smooch at the clerk. 'Possibly! Thanks for the invite!' After that it's all smooth sailing. We collect our keys, head downstairs, and get inside the room. Alex collapses on the double bed laughing. I note she is immersed in character, even her laugh is lower pitched now. It's fucking hot. I set things up, plugging in the lap top, setting out lubes and toys. Alex strips, and changes. I take notice. She has a cock. It's like a cup that forms around her cunt, it looks quite real, and even has a pisshole, she can obviously walk up to a urinal and piss out of the end. Over it, she puts on a tight leather jockstrap with a zip fly, obviously designed to hold the assembly in place. With it tightened down, she looks like a rather well hung dude. I grope her. It even feels real! 'That's incredible!' 'Right? I have to very careful with it, replacing it would cost almost 400$. It's designed for trans men who want to pass before surgery.' She reaches into the bag, pulls out a second one, which is erect. It has a spring, and she shows me how it can be folded into the jock and erects when let loose. 'Wow!' I look at it. 'Not big enough for me though, I like them big.' 'You're a fucking cumdump tonight. If I find you a two inch micropenis you will please him, slut, and we both know it!' I sigh, knowing it's true. 'Did you at least bring your cock?' ('her' cock is the massive black silicone feeldoe) 'Of course, you think I would forget?' She cuddles into me and kisses me. Suddenly a woman again. 'You having any second thoughts?' 'Nope. I can't wait.' Suddenly an undefinable shift and she's a boy again. 'Good, let me finish changing and lets go find some ass.' On reflection, she switches to the erection model, and reattaches everything. I notice that one has a little bulb, and realize it can cum. Cool! She adds a tight leather vest, solid in front, all straps in the rear, and a leather cap. Look at the adorable little leather daddy-in-training! I strip naked, add a silicone cock ring, grab lube and poppers. We walk out into the baths.
    1 point
  33. Speaking as a top who goes through most guy's second ring, tallslenderguy is right. I can certainly feel when the head of my dick hits--and "probing and coaxing" it open describes it really well. Slamming against it doesn't feel good to either of us.
    1 point
  34. nothing hotter to me than sliding a gloryhole cock in my hole and feeling it use me to milk out its sperm, and then doing over and over until my thighs hurt from squatting and my hole is so cummy i leak out onto the subway seat hahaha im such a fucking faggot sometimes
    1 point
  35. It wasn’t long until the door opened and closed. I felt someone messing with the cuffs that were holding my l legs in place and soon both were free. The person did the same to my left arm and once free I pulled off my blindfold, only to discover my savior was the same old man that locked me on the box in the first place. Still in the same boxers, still had his cock sticking out of the fly, only this time there cum dripping out of his foreskin. He moved around and released my right arm. I pushed myself up and stood. I could feel cum running down my legs as it dripped out of my hole. “we all enjoyed that” the old man said, smiling from ear to ear, “now get your shit and get out” With that said the old man left the room. I got my clothes and dressed quickly, then left the room and went down the stairs almost knocking the old man down as I passed. Reaching for the door, I heard the old man call for me: “Hey cum dump, take this and call him when you get the fuck flu - IF your conversion took!” I grabbed the business card out of his hand and was out the door, quickly walking to my car, my head dropped in shame. Once inside my car, I looked at the time - three hours had passed since going in. As hard as I tried I could not stop the leakage of cum out of my ravaged hole. I wanted to hold on to the cum. I squeezed hard to help return my hole back to normal. It was only then I remembered the business card. I discovered it was for a doctor - it was the name that made me laugh out loud: Dr. Strain. - couldn’t be legit. Throwing it in the passenger sit, I started the car and headed home - replaying the fucks in my head. I was still so fucking horny, my cock throbbed in my shorts. It wasn't until I was almost half way home when I realized I had not shot my load. I pulled over to the shoulder of the road, pulled my cock out and started to stroke. I fisted my cock five times and I shot a load straight up in the air - hitting my face once and the rest all over my shirt. Fuck it, I drove the rest of the way with the cum on my face. Almost two weeks later, I came down with the fuck flu. I was miserable, my body ached, I got hot, got cold, and knew those three fucks were worth it. As I laid in bed, I remembered the doctor’s card - rushing out to my garage I opened my car door and scanned for the card in the passenger seat. I found it on the floor. Fuck it what do I have to lose. I called the number and a male answered, I was as vague as possible and just said I need to see the doctor I think I have to flu. I was told the address and be there by 5 - spotless inside and out since an exam is needed. At four-thirty I pulled up, ready for my exam. It looked like any other professional building. I entered and went to the suite. Opening to door I was shocked to find the waiting room empty. I must be last one of the day. There was no one at the desk, but a card on the desk said ring bell. So I did. There was a beep and over the intercom a voice said to have a seat and the doctor will be with you. Even before I could sit, the door opened and a man in scrubs, surgical mask and beanie called to me and took me to an exam room. “Strip everything off, and lay on your back on the exam table - doc will be with you in a moment” Fuck, not this again, plus I was freezing. I felt like shit and didn't need to argue. Doing as I was told, I undressed and got on the exam table, laid back - only to notice two TV’s hanging from the ceiling in each corner across from me. Wasn’t long until the man returned followed by the old man from the house, this time he was in a white lab coat with scrub pants underneath. “fuck flu huh?” he asked, ‘lay back and pull you knees to your chest, oh and I am Dr. Strain” laughing after he said that. I did as I was told. The other man had turned on both TV’s and what I saw made me go white as a ghost. There on the screen was me, strapped down and the first monster was preparing me for my first fuck. “one of the best shows we had, broadcasted live as it happened, high ratings - told you everyone enjoyed” he said laughing again. I closed my eyes and wondered who had saw this? Friends? Family? Co-workers, oh fuck my boss? In the time between I had not had much contact with anyone, but that was my decision - or was it. “well fuck flu always needs a recharge to help the virus along” the doctor said. I watched as he took off his lab coat and dropped his scrub pants exposing that uncut cock that didn’t fuck me at the house. He turned his back to me, bent over to remove his pants from around his ankles, which exposed his hole. I saw a bright red biohazard symbol surrounding his hole. Fuck his was toxic — my mouth watered as I lusted for his cock and poz load. I turned to the other man - he had removed his mask and hoodie - exposing his identity - was an older man who I don’t remember seeing at the house. He continued to strip out of his scrubs until he was naked. His build was very similar to the old man, his cock was already hard, about 8 cut, his dick was narrow at the head but grew fatter as it got closer to the base. My gaze turned to the doctor and his uncut cock was now rock hard. The doctor stepped up to the end of the exam table and aimed his cock, pulled back his foreskin, pushing in dry and hard. My hole gave way with almost no pain I laid back and watched the massive muscle monster fucking me on the screen. I shivered from fever, moaned from the pleasure of the doctor’s uncut cock fucking my hole. I pictured his foreskin covering and uncovering his head as he pumped in and out of my hole. Oh, Fuck - sick or not I needed his cock. He pulled out and the cut cock took his place, sliding in and opening my hole more as he drove deeper. I moaned a little yelp as he his body pressed against mine. I soon was able to take his cock without the pain as he pumped more and more. The doctor moved behind the one fucking me, wrapping his arms around his body, and began to torture his nipples. This sent the fucker in over drive and started to pound my hold harder and harder. I knew he would not last long this way…he was in ecstasy. And i wasn't wrong. Within minutes my insides were flooded with cum as he cried out: “take that lethal load” The doctor pulled him out quickly and shoved his uncut cock deep in my hole, while the other moved behind him: “put that used cock in my hole” the doctor shouted I watched as he slumped a little and then straighten up, as the doctor rolled his eyes back. Then started to move his hips back and forth, fucking my hole as he came forward and fucking his own hole as he slide back out of me. I watched as he picked up speed, moaning in pleasure. “going to give you my deadly load” he cried out As the doctor slammed into me shooting his load, the cock slammed into him pinning him between us. Staying in this position for a short time. Pulling out, he lowered my legs, and climbed up and sat on my hard leaking cock, then hooked each leg under over an arm pulling them can in the air allowing the cut cock to enter my hole again. “I want him to fuck your first poz load into my hole” the old man said. The cut cock started to fuck my hole again, harder and harder, I was so turned on again that it only took a few minutes before I shot my first poz load - deep in the doctor’s hole. Feeling the contractions the cock deep in my ass shot a second load in my hole. The two men got the clothes together, turned to me and the old man said “glad your conversion took - now go and multiply” I jumped off the exam table as they left the room, dressed and went back home. A few days later I was back to myself. I went back to the house, only to discover the mail box was gone and the house sat empty, abandoned. I didn’t go in, just smiled, turned the car around and left.
    1 point
  36. Panic started to sit in, as my mind raced and the shaking returning. I wish I had my poppers to relax me. There was not turning back now. Time again felt as if it was standing still. I didn’t know how long I was going to be in here alone, bound, naked and horny as fuck. The silence was deafening and was broken by a click. A mirror to my right started to move and my eyes were glued to the reflection of this in the mirror before me. My breathing became heavier as the mirror revealed the monster behind it. He was fucking huge. From my position I could only guess that he was over 6’5” and his body was so massive that he looked as if he had been on steroids from birth. From his chin down, his body was covered in tattoos and once he stepped in and shut the mirror, I could see that his back side was the same as the front. I could not see his face, he wore a hood that covered it from the bottom of his nose to the middle of his neck in the back, as well as the sides of his head. His eyes were visible through two hole and they were as black as the hood. On his feet he wore combat boots and in the middle was a jockstrap. At one time it had been white and new, now it was stained in red in some spots, yellow in others, and was so worn that it looked as if it would fall apart with one tug. Strings were hanging everywhere. What was inside the pouch was barely being contained. The side of the pouch were stretched so far from his body, that as he stood there one of his balls slipped out. I watched him walk the short distance from where he entered to where I was, stopping next to my head. I could feel the heat of his body as he stood close to me. I turned my head as he squat, watching his pouch as it went by. I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. Slowly he ran his hand along his thigh until he reached the pouch. Grabbing it he pulled it aside, and his cock and balls fell out. His cock was as massive as his body. His cock was twitching as it got harder and harder. Once it was rock hard, a good 11 inches rock hard, it started to jump as an evil grin came across his face. The cock was not only 11 inches but was as thick as a boys arm. Where the fuck did they breed this monster. I wanted his cock in my mouth, I drooled just thinking about how ripe it would taste, how it would stretch open my mouth. I wanted to feel it jammed down my throat, choking me, turning my face blue. I wanted to feel my throat open and his balls slap my chin as he face fucked me, while tears ran down my checks. I was snatched back to reality by something sharp running down my back, right down my spine, causing chills to sweep through my body. Looking up in the mirror I could see it was his fingernail that had been sharpened to a point, it continued until he reached the start of my ass crack, it was then we locked eyes and his fingernail slowly moved until it was at my hole, which was puckering in and out. Fuck I was turned on, I could only imagine the puddle on the floor of pre-cum. Without warning, he stabbed his nail into my puckering hole, at first there was some resistance, but that gave way with by the force that he added. He drove his digit knuckle deep into me, all the time moving his finger around inside - that’s when little waves of pain started to register in my mind. My eyes grew wider. Breaking our eye contact I looked back at his monster cock to take my mind off the pain that was coming more and more, only to find that it was leaking, his pre-cum was so thick, that it went from the piss slit to the floor without breaking and was puddling. He continued the assault on my hole, now finger fucking me so hard that he was pushing my body forward, pinching my cock against the corner of the box. After about five minutes of this, he pulled his finger out, leaving my hole empty. Grabbing my chin with his other hand he forced open my mouth and stuck the finger from my hole in. Greedily I sucked on it, too turned on to register the taste of blood from my hole. Once his finger was clean he withdrew his digit. I watched his reflection as he reached into his boot and pulled out a rounded wooden bit that had leather straps on each end. Again grabbing my chin, he forced open my mouth, shoving the wood in as far back as it would go. He moved quickly over me, straddling my back. I could feel his monster cock resting on my back, leaking its fuck juice. Grabbing the leather he tied them tightly behind my head. Task complete, he slowly moved, dragging his cock down my back until it was resting at the top of my ass crack. My heart was racing, I could see sweat forming on my forehead, and my hole was twitching, pulsing in and out. His evil grin returned as he spit on his fingers then wiped his spit on my hole. He grabbed his cock in his hand he lined up the head against my hole, his other hand pressed down on my back as I bit down on the wood in my mouth. I could feel him pressing hard against my hole, which was resisting until the hand on my back lifted off and slapped my ass hard, that’s when my hole gave way. Feeling my hole opening he pressed harder, driving his monster cock into my hole. There was not waiting for me to adjust to the sheer size of his cock, he continued to drive in. The pain was intense, I felt as if I was being ripped in two. I bit harder, and tried to scream, but nothing came out. I had no clue if he had one inch or ten inside me. In one swift move, he drove all the way in and dropped his body on top of mine. “take the pain, motherfucker, take the pain” My body was sweating, my heart racing, my mind was drifting as I involuntarily rolled my eyes back. A slap against my head brought me back to the situation I was in. His cock was moving in and out of my fuck hole, pulling it out until his cock head was pulling the inside of my hole outwards and then he would drive in balls deep. Over and over he would assault my hole. Minutes ticked by and I began to relax, my hole began to relax, and pain turned to pleasure. Sensing this he picked up speed, ramming his cock in and out. At one point he would take that massive fuck stick out and ram it back in balls deep. My silent screams turned to moans of pleasure! Pleasure I had never felt, his massive cock had opened my hole to new senses and I never wanted it to stop. I could feel his cock getting thicker and thicker and I knew that this power fuck was coming to and end. His cock moved faster and faster as his breath increased. Grabbing me by both shoulders, this monster slammed his cock balls deep, groaning: “take that toxic load, you fucking cock whore” He kept pressing his crotch against my ass, as if he was trying to climb in my hole as I felt the pulsing of his cock shooting his cum deep into my wrecked hole. I counted at least nine pulses of his cock, fuck me - it had to be a huge load of toxic cum. Slowly he pulled slightly out as he came down from his intense climax, then pushed back in just as slow, he continued this each time pulling out further and and further, until he pulled completely out. I feel a small amount of his load running down my balls and cock. Without words, he turned and left through the mirror he entered through, leaving me exhausted and still tied to the box.
    1 point
  37. I want big dicked trolls to rape some AIDs into me
    1 point
  38. Such a hot man. I want your load.
    1 point
  39. Easiest way to get me going for a second load is to let me kick back, have a cigar, put on nasty bareback porn, and relax while an obedient sub gives me a good long rim job.
    1 point
  40. I seem to be in the minority here.....I identify as a QUEER man, but nonetheless 100% male......my ass is neither a pussy nor a cunt and I'm nobody's bitch.
    1 point
  41. Love to suck, lick and massage my Top Men. Eating his hole is a submissive act and shows I am there to please.
    1 point
  42. So i gotta say this is one the hottest stories on here. It just feels real to me. And i love being encouraged by an older guy to be a slut. i shot many loads reading this piece. thanks man
    1 point
  43. By this point Pup had already administered his own slam. I stared into his dilated pupils in disbelief. How could he possibly have known? I’d never told anyone, ever. “I asked you a question, boy.” “Umm, I… Yes Pup.” “Good boy. You’re going to be my cum dump for the weekend. This is what you really wanted all along, isn’t it boy?” “Yes Pup.” “No questions about status?” “Just one Pup. You’re not really undetectable, are you?” “Fuck no, boy. I’m toxic. I’ve been off of my meds for months. I dumped my toxic cum in you last night, and I’m about to do it again.” “God yes, Pup.” “Good boy. This is going to be a weekend of firsts for you. You’re about to take my fist, I promised that you that. But I have other plans for you this weekend. You should just assume anyone that fucks you this weekend is poz. Get in the sling, boy.” I climbed into the sling and he started fucking me before dumping his load in my hole. Noticing my dick had gone soft after the slam he pulled out a couple other syringes. He then explained, “This is Trimix boy, it will help counteract the meth and help you stay hard.” And with that he swabbed my dick with an alcohol pad and injected it quickly. “Keep rubbing the alcohol pad on it”, he ordered. He then administered Trimix to his own dick, which sprang to life immediately even though he’d just cum. It took a couple minutes but finally my dick was hard again. Once he saw this he took out his K-Lube mixture and started working it into my hole, and in no time his hand popped into my hole. I was in ecstasy as he worked his cum deeper into my hole, but he had other plans that didn’t include fisting. He slowly withdrew his fist from my hole and explained. “You’re nothing but a dirty cum dump chem whore now. But I have a few more things to introduce you to.” He handed me a bottle of juice and ordered me to take a mouthful of it and hold it in my mouth, then he had me tip my head back as he added another liquid to it. “Swallow it, fast”, he ordered. I swallowed the now bitter tasting juice in one gulp. “That’s G boy, we’re going to add some swirl to your slam.” He had me lay back in the sling as he invited one of his friends over to try out his new fuck toy. Little did I know they’d already coordinated this before my slam, he was just waiting until I was more agreeable. His friend arrived and Pup offered him my ass. For the next several hours the three of us fucked, sucked and jerked each other off until it was night. Hours had passed that seemed like minutes. By now it was early Saturday morning, and his friend needed to leave. We said our goodbyes and once he was gone Pup asked me how I felt. “I feel amazing Pup. I can’t believe I’m still wide awake.” “You want another slam, boy? I have something else for you to try.” “Hell yes Pup” He flashed me a devilish grin and he had me help him gather the supplies to prepare two more slams and two more trimix shots. I told him I wanted to try a bit more this time, so he prepared a .25 for me, and a .5 for himself. He decided to administer the Trimix first this time. Once this was done he put the tourniquet on my arm to administer my slam, but held back. “Do you want a bloodslam, boy?” My mind was racing. I had come down enough from my first slam that I was fully aware of what was happening, but in that moment I wanted nothing more than to be like this man. He’d made it his mission to corrupt me, and I was loving every minute of it. “Fuck Yes Pup.” “You understand this will almost certainly infect you?” “I know, Pup.” “I’m so fucking proud of you. You’re going to have my poz blood running through your veins. Just so you know, I’m O-, so you won’t have a bad reaction to it.” And with that my needle made a detour to his arm, and I watched the syringe fill with his blood. He pulled the needle out of his arm and licked away the blood that escaped from the injection site. This was hotter than anything I’d ever read about on BZ, and I was living it. He swabbed my arm with alcohol, then inserted it into my vein. “This is it boy, your life is about to change.” And with that he emptied the syringe into my arm. Just like last time I felt the cold rush through my body and I felt amazing. “Lay back boy, just enjoy the feeling”, he ordered as he administered his own slam. We laid around just enjoying each other’s bodies for a while, but then he ordered me to open my mouth. He dropped a small square into my mouth and told me to hold it under my tongue. “What is this?”, I asked. Before this weekend the strongest thing I’d ever done was marijuana, all of this was new to me. “It’s Acid, boy. Just lay back and enjoy the ride.” Pup began playing video games, randomly asking me if I was seeing anything strange. For a long time I didn’t feel anything, but Pup blindfolded me and told me to just lay back and relax. Suddenly it hit me and I felt like I was going to get sick. Pup rushed me to the bathroom, and sat me on the toilet, still blindfolded. When he pulled off the blindfold he was standing in front of me in his pup mask and pup gear. In that moment flying high on Meth and Acid I was convinced he’d transformed into an actual pup, but I was happy to see him. “Are you going to get sick, boy?” “I don’t think so, Pup.” “Then come back into my room” I laid on his bed while he continued to play video games. In that moment I was connected to everyone and everything, and I felt like we’d been transported into the video game. It was a good trip, and I was happy. As the sun came up he turned his game off. “Do you need to sleep, boy?” “Yes Sir. Sorry, I mean Yes Pup.” “You can call me Sir now. Do you know what earned you the right to call me Sir?” “The bloodslam?” “You’re damn right boy, you belong to me now.” And with that he retrieved some sleeping pills and gave them to me to take along with some Gatorade, which I swallowed down quickly. “Get some sleep boy, I’m not done with you yet.” To be continued (Probably next week, I'll be at IML this weekend)...
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  44. I totally agree...would love to read how he will get gifted!
    1 point
  45. I experienced something along those lines a few months ago. I was at my usual sex club hanging out and BS'ing with the desk staff. It was getting pretty late, crowd thinning, etc. Had a couple of very hot daddy types come up to gain entry and not paying much attention I realized they were let in far more quickly than usual. They came around to check their stuff in and the desk guy that checked them in told me to go show "our guests around" Ended up finding myself in a sling being fucked, drawing an audience, etc. I later found out that he gave them free entry just to fuck and breed me. I'll admit I was a bit stunned at first, but it really turned me on to know what he did. Needless to say, I consider him a far better friend for that.
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  46. 3. The Cake Night had fallen again and Austin and I lay in my bed spooning, his cock having just softened enough to slip from my gaping hole a small dribble of cum following it out. “You sure you’re alright,” Austin said, he had asked me this after each of the three more load he had dumped in my hole. “Yeah, I’m sure.” I was more then sure, I had slipped into a cum lust. It was a sensation, a need, a craving that I had never before experienced. With each load I took my lust grew, and I started to gently grind my ass again Austin’s crotch and he held me. “Jesus,” he said, laughing a little, “You can still be horny.” “Well,” I replied sheepishly. Taking one of his hands and leading it down to my still rock hard cock. I had cum several times as he fucked me but that wasn’t enough, it no longer was about me shooting loads but rather me taking them. “Nine loads of POZ cum and you still want more, you’re more of a cumslut then I am.” He laughed. I turned my head awkwardly to kiss him, and I felt his cock beginning to harden again, pressing against my ass cheeks. “I’ve got an idea,” Austin said, breaking out kiss and rolling out of the bed, “stay there, and don’t let any more of that cum drip out of your hole.” He padded out of the room completely naked his half hard cock swinging in a wide arch as he walked. I rolled over onto my stomach and waited. I head Austin wandering around the rest of the apartment, and then a few minutes later he came back into my room, his cell phone in hand. He got back in bed, put his phone on the nightstand and looked at me with a crooked smile. “How about you start sucking my cock again, slut,” he said playfully, “get in nice and hard before I stuff it back in your sloppy cunt.” Austin lay flat stretched out on the bed, and I shifted down so I was on all fours between his legs my face level with his steadily swelling cock. I took the growing meat in my mouth and started to suck, swallowing its full length while that was still manageable. I could feel my jaw stretching as his cock grew in my mouth forcing my lips wider and wider. As I bobbed my head up and down slathering his cock with spit, I heard his phone go off. As I continued to choke myself on his cock he checked the text and sent a quick reply. Another minute or two passed and my jaw was becoming sore stretched around his massive dick, when his phone went off again. Austin again checked his phone, and sent a reply, this time after he put his phone back down he looked at me and said with a wry smile, “Ride my cock.” I quickly jumped into position my legs on either side of his hips, his cock brushing against my ass. I shifted and took hold of his dick in my hand, guiding him to my cum-lubed hole, and sat down on his now fully erect cock. I sank slowly down on the shaft my hole tender from the obscene amount of cock it had taken in the past sixteen hours. When I had fully impaled myself on his cock I began to rock slowly back and forth lubing up his cock with the many POZ loads that still filled my ass. Austin pulled me to him, pressing my chest hard against his, kissing me roughly on the mouth. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me in place as he kissed me. I heard something behind me, out in the rest of the apartment but Austin held me fast. I could sense that there was someone else in the room, but still Austin kept a tight grip on me, slowly bucking his cock in my loose and sloppy hole as he tongue fucked my mouth. Then the weight on the bed changed and I knew that there was someone else in the bed with us. The mysterious stranger moved between Austin’s legs and I felt big rough hands on my ass cheeks. My heart was pounding. I considered running, pulling away from Austin, but despite my fears I didn’t want too. Austin understood my cumlust and had said that he had an idea of how to slake it so I would trust him. Just as I had come to that decision I felt the unmistakable pressure of a cock head rubbing up and down my ass crack. This new cock quickly found my already filled hole, and despite Austin’s thick cock already being lodged inside of me, began to press against my straining sphincter. For a long moment it seemed as though the mysterious stranger’s cock would never be able to breach my hole no matter how hard he pressed until all of a sudden my hole gave way. It was like I was being torn in two. My hole, which until the night before had been a tight sphincter, bust open and became a wide sloppy cunt. I pulled my mouth away from Austin and pressed myself up till my arms were locked straight, arching my back, pressing my ass into the two cocks that now filled my hole. I looked over my shoulder now and saw Rick, a wicked smile playing across his strong handsome face. “Austin told me you couldn’t get enough POZ cock after I bred your cunt last night,” he said, “He and I are gonna wreck you good, and then if that’s not enough we’ll take you to the bathhouse, strap you to a sling and let every cock in the place dump a load in you.” My cock twitched, and my hole pulsed around their fat cock. “You like the sound of that, don’t you?” “Yes,” I replied. Rocking my hips a little to fuck myself on their cocks. “You really are a cumslut,” Austin said. “Alright Austin,” Rick said, putting a hand on my back and pressing me forward so I lay flat on top of Austin’s smooth chest again, “let’s wreck this bitch.” Rick pulled out till just his cock head was inside of me, and then slammed back inside. Pushed forward like I was Austin could buck his hips up and down jack hammering my hole. It took them a few moments to find a rhythm but soon they were pounding me in unison, their two cock moving as one inside of my gaping hole. I screamed and moaned, their cocks battering my prostate and they fucked me. Sweat pored off of all three of us and the stench of sex became the only thing I could smell. We must have fucked like that for almost half an hour before Rick said, “You ready Austin?” “Yeah, let's breed his hole.” Together they slammed into me a few more times, Austin stopping a few strokes before Rick slamming balls deep inside of me. Both of their cocks were thrust past my second sphincter as they shot their massive POZ loads deep inside of me. They each fucked my now destroyed hole one more time that night before dressing me in a dirty old jock of Austin’s; a leather harness; and stuffing a butt plug, so large that the day before I would have questioned why any one would every need something that big, in my hole, and whisking me off to the bathhouse. Rick hoisted me into a sling while Austin attached my arms and legs to the restraints. The plug was then removed and my gaping cum filled hole exposed to the small collection of men who had already gathered around me. By the time I got home the next morning my once tight, condom only hole had been transformed into a cum dripping rosebud. I looked at my hole in the mirror in my bedroom before passing out, reveling the way my swollen ass lips puckered. I ran my finger along the rim of my hole remembering the way my hole had looked in the mirror over the sling as I took my first fist that night. I would never be the same prude again. I called into work; slept most of the day and then that night went back to the bathhouse. I never even bothered getting a room; I just got a locker and went straight to the sling. As I looked at myself in the mirror above me I knew that this would be a regular haunt of mine from then on.
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  47. I have a pretty freaky story about getting bred by a homeless guy... My first time using T I was out of town in a city in Florida. I'd been cruising online to get laid and I finally got hit up by a dude in a complex near where I was staying. He was cool looking and looking to suck me off. Not usually my thing, but this guy advertised himself as straight and his story about wanting to suck a dude off while his gf was at work was hot enough for me to drive over and let the guy slobber on my pole. When I got there he asked if I partied. I was used to g and mdma, so I said yes. He asked if I wanted a bump and I did. Never really wondered what the white line he handed me was. Then it hit the back of my nose and felt like fucking drano. That's when he told me it was T. I thought nothing of it... figured I'd ride it and enjoy. He put on some shit porn and we sat to watch it. Damn if the bad porn wasn't getting me boned up. "Great shit, it can even get me going for an amateur suck job while watching shit I wouldn't even stream online for free". The dude started to give my cock his attention and I got into the idea of giving him a good time eating me. I let him explore my (surprisingly) really hard cock and get used to the smell and bulk before reaching around his head and taking control of his mouth. Pretty good head for a "straight dude" I was amazed at how much he got off when I started to get rougher and feeding him my dick. Took me a while to get off, but I enjoyed the feeling of him trying to please me and the apparent shame on his face... he didn't look at me once while I fucked his face... and only complained a little when he gagged, which perversely, I really liked watching. After blowing my load in him I started getting my shit together and ready to head off. Before leaving, I thought to ask, "Where could I get some of that stuff? I'm going out later and it would be fun." I still had no idea what I was on or where it was going to take me. The dude sold me a little bag. I was a happy camper. I was off to the beach for the day and I would be able to relax with a nice little buzz and then go out for the evening. The beach I like to go to is this deserted stretch north of the public beach. Miles of perfect sand and not a soul in sight. I always head out there in the hopes of getting lucky, but it rarely happens. So I'm out there enjoying the day and doing little bumps off and on. You see, I figured this was pretty much like coke... after so long you take another to keep it going. Yeah. Newb. By the time the sun started to fall out of the sky, I'd consumed the entire bag... in 3 or 4 hours. I was wound up so tight and didn't really realize I was quite so fucking blasted. Suddenly the desire to score in the dunes was out of all proportion... I got naked and started roaming the dunes where it was fairly secluded. I could have been arested, but I eventually found a man who was shocked at seeing a young well built hairy guy so obviously cruising for cock. He was older, but in decent shape, and as soon as I registered his interest I zoomed in on him like a cruise missile. He wanted to take me back to his place, but I was already on my knees swallowing his cock like it would be the last one I'd see. When I turned and indicated I wanted him to fuck me, he asked about condoms and despite a long history of safe play, I told him I wanted to feel him seed deep in my hole. He fucked me right there and I was so turned on. After he came, he left... and I was left raging for cock. The place I was in was a small Florida town, I wasn't in one of the big meccas... there were no baths or real bars I could hit. The best I could come up with was the larger town just a little north that had an ABS in the industrial part of town. I had NO idea where I was going, what I'd find and I was WAY too fucked to drive.... But I went anyways. I spent all evening there looking to score some dick... but I didn't really know too much about the rules in these places and I look like a lumberjack.... not a lot of guys were spotting me as an easy fuck. I managed to suck some dudes off, but it was all disappointing, and my fuck hole was at this point screaming... I hit a bar for some drinks, because on T, you figure maybe some straight dude will decide you're doable.... that of course never really happens. Again, the lumberjack thing probably not working in my favor... So I get out of the bar. It's dark and I'm in this skeevy part of town. Semi's motels and industrial shit.... I'm driving around and stop to get gas. While I'm paying I notice about three dudes hanging out in the parking lot. Obviously sketchy characters... So I decide to hit one of them up to see if he knew where I could get more T (logical, right?). This guy was SKETCHY, obviously between highs. about 30 and the least scary looking of the bunch. He looks me over in my gear and my quarter sized pupils and sizes up what I'm after. Dude in the wrong part of town, looking for crystal at 2am, open shirt and no underwear.... "Yeah, I know where I can get you that. But I'll need a ride." So I unlock my car and in he gets. We drive off to a sketchier part of town. "So, like dude... you're high eh?" "Yeah, I'm pretty wreked" and I proceed to tell him about my whole day.... "So you're gay? No, that's cool dude." I felt a chill when he said that. At least a sliver of my sane mind was still working, announcing to me that I had some homeless drug addict in my car in a strange city, cruising the bad part of town to score drugs. I had completely lost my fucking mind and my ass was starting to explain to me how fucking hot it would be to eat this dude's cock... Assuming he didn't kill me for being gay. "So, a couple of buds of mine have a hotel room near here. If you need a place to crash while you get high I could invite you in. I just gotta get some crack first." So we get to this house with all these cars parked on the grass. It looked like a gang club house, and as far as I know it probably was. "give me some money and stay low in the car. I'll be right back" Yeah. I took out my wallet and handed him a pile of cash. Fer Real. Gotta love T. So after what feels like an hour, he comes back. He's scored my T and his crack. I don't know how bad I was ripped off... besides, it was besides the point. We drove off and I started to convince myself that doing drugs with unknown street users in a motel would be ok. The place looked like it ought to have been condemned. It was one of those places that back in the 40'sand 50's had been built to appeal to budget travelers who couldn't afford beachfront. Sixty years later it relied on weekly rentals and truckers. I drove us in and decided getting high with strangers was better than alone, at least there'd be company. So I follow my friend in. By the light of the fluorescents I can see he's not bad looking in that faded way high school loosers fade after life happens. Tall, lean verging on skinny, but apart from grimy, not too banged up. His clothes are the predictable mix of homeless dudes everywhere, loose and full of pockets. We get to the door where his friends are and he knocks, announcing himself. The door opens and he explains my story to the lanky guy who answers. The room is depressingly ancient, with a haze of smoke in the room and a pair or camel-backed beds that probably hosted more DNA that all of us put together. We get invited in. There's four of us in all and except for me all the guys look interchangable. They have a tired look of too many sleepless nights and drugs. They are however relaxed in this place off the street and less prickly. The leader asks me if I'm a cop, which I assure them I'm not... and he asks me to smoke some crack as proof. I explain that I'm using crystal and if he doesn't mind I'd do that. A look traded between the guys and my contact assured his friends that he'd bought it and knew it was legit.... My high was fading enough at this point that I laid out a monster of a bump for myself... I was still thinking in terms of coke. I probably snorted a night's worth right then. That did the trick. I was in and the room relaxed as the guys got high. We were spread out across the two beds as my high was lighting up my libido again. The guys were talking amongst themselves and I was listening to stories of there's. Suddenly one of the stories made a glancing reference to one of the guys getting head. I'm guessing they were feeling out the stranger who was tanked out on crystal and an admitted queer. If they didn't know what they were doing, they were hitting me right square where my life was at that moment, sex. My cock was swelling in my shorts and without underwear, there wasn't anywhere to really conceal it. Crystal being such a great councilor, I quickly felt my embarrassment changing gears and become sexual as these grimy dudes started trash talking about their cocks and getting laid. My eyes had to be black as night and my shorts had a visible wet spot where my cock was drooling with need. One of the guys readjusted his dick through his grimy fatigues and suddenly all I could think about was the cock he was fondling. The whole room knew what I was transfixed by. Dude stared at me, to see if I'd finally break, but I sat paralyzed on the bed unable to comprehend the signal I was being given. He rubbed his cock more plainly and without saying anything to me, looked questioning at the cock pig across from him. "I haven't gotten off in a fuckin' week. Man my cock could use a good spit polish" "If you don't mind a dude sucking you off, man... I'd be happy to help." I threw all my inhibitions out the window... I figured if I was going to get the shit kicked out of me, at least there might be some sperm in it for me. "I thought you'd never offer fag. Get your ass on the floor and suck me dry." As I stood I pulled off my top and shorts so I could be completely naked and exposed while I worshiped the uncut homeless cock in front of me. Crystal's ability to open up the side of me that needs to feel worthless and grateful for abuse was impossible for me to see at that point. I was in her grip and she was making sure I was the most abject needy cock slave available. I got on my knees in front of the smirking dude, who couldn't quite believe the luck they'd run into... Not only had this queer paid for their crack for the night, but he was about to spend the night providing any sexual need they could ask for, willingly. To me the smirk was the derisive hate filled grin of the high school dudes who used to make my life hell. As he fished his cock and balls out of his pants, I could smell the smell of maleness and sweat. The hooded prick he pulled out was impressive and obviously primed for some attention... it was swelling as he pulled his balls free, thick pubic hair radiating the smell of cum, sweat and urine.... As he held his tool in his hand, I lay my head on the filthy bedspread and traced the rim of his foreskin with my tongue. "Awww, FUCK..." as I wrapped my lips around the skin covered head and slowly drew his cock into my mouth. I slipped my tongue under his hood and could feel the slick wet of a randy uncut cock. His cock was reacting fast to my sucking, and its owner gripped the back of my head to start deriving some real pleasure from my wet sucking hole. I've always loved sucking a man's cock, it's always been the first impulse I've had from the moment I first saw a cock as a child.... But T drove me onto that dick like it was a physical need to live. "Fuck me, dude! This fag sucks like a fuckin hoover. This is fucking awesome. You getting off choking on my cock faggot?" "Hey man, give me a chance to get some of that..." With that, the guy I picked up at the gas station stands up and pulls down his jeans to reveal a beautiful cut piece of meat which he quickly offers up to be sucked on. "let's go dude, I got you your shit, now you're gonna fuckin eat my cock till my balls fall off." I turned my head to face this new cock to eat and dove in like a starving man hits a buffet. I placed my tongue under this dudes pungent cock head and slip my head forward, all the while looking up at his face as he watched his dick disappear first into my mouth and then quickly opening my throat until my nose was buried in his thick mound of pubic hair. "Yeah, nice... that's a good grateful faggot. Now suck me off slow, cock hound. I have lots of dirty cum in my balls for your to drain out and eat like a good fuckin pervert." The real party was finally underway. I had no idea the day earlier when I'd had my cock serviced by the closet cock sucker, that I would find myself 24 hours later naked on the floor of a filthy motel room choking down the cock of a homeless dude and his two buddies, who obviously had enjoyed the services of a tweaked out faggot before. "I can't believe what this freak is doing to my cock, man... he's like not fuckin breathing or something, he's got my dong in like a fuckin vise grip at the base and chewing it off with his throat!" Hearing them talk about my sucking as though I was just a piece of furniture, turned me on even more deeply. As a tweaked out fag, I wasn't even at the level of a prostitute, not worth worrying about how I liked it or even checking on my arousal. I was a wet hole that would greedily suck on command, beg even... why worry about that. No need to do anything to keep the sucking going, a tweaked out cock sucker could be depended on to thank you for giving him the pleasure of your sperm squirting into his mouth. And he'd even swallow without encouragement. "Right Steeve. before you blow your load... I'm gonna cut in and get some of that freaky head dude. The last guy of the three was the youngest of them. He looked like a skateboarder... he was maybe 20. Scruffy beard that grew in patches and a body that was not quite as worn down by life... He was lean in a way girls find hot these days, his flat stomach was tattooed and hairless save for a trail of black fur that lead to a thick bush he was quickly exposing as he shucked his board shorts. His cock lay impressively in the thick black pubic hair, nestled on top of the biggest sperm filled balls I'd ever seen. He was obviously used to this and had no issues with using a man's holes for pleasure. Unimpressed with my own more muscular body, this young dude had the security and conviction that his cock out ranked me as the alpha. I usually intimidate young guys like this in baths... now I was about to have a kid use me as his draining station without a second of hesitation. He understood that his hard cock, in fact, all the hard cocks in a five mile radius, owned the faggot on the floor. "OK bitch, why don't you let go of my cock for a few minutes and gobble down on Brian. Let's see if you can handle what he's got for you. Hope you don't bruise easy." Steeve started to pull his long fat worm from my gullet as I continued to milk it, begging for a taste of his bitter fuck juice. "Fuck, man... I fuckin love this cock sucker". He gripped my jaw and forcibly removed his cock from my mouth and shoved my head towards his buddy Brian who was stroking the hood on and off his wet shinny knob. "Here's a fresh one for you, crack whore. Watch yer teeth, Brian's got a tool that'll fuckin rip your tonsils out. Doesn't get head real often 'cause most bitches can't take him, even when they're as fucking ripped as you are. But I'm pretty sure you could suck off a fuckin semi and come up askin fer more...." Spit was running over my lips as I leaned forward to suckle on the young boarder's growing tool. I wanted to make love to that thing and wrap my fuckin soul around his cock. I felt the shudder you always get out of young men who are filled with sperm, hormones and too little experience with head to be jaded. "Ohhhhhh yeah, faggot. Oh fuckin, oh yeah" He sighed as I worked my way down his white shaft even as it swole with every heartbeat. I could see the fine blue veins running under the silky skin of his pole and the huge engorges vein running across the top, pumping hard as his cock filled with blood. "Take it all in you mouth, like you did Steeve's, man... I wanna see my dick slide down your throat and feel you chocking on it" His hands were shaky, vibrating as I worked more and more of his endless tool into my greedy mouth. I loved his excitement, his appreciation of my mouth on his manhood as I knelt in-front of him and worshiped his maleness completely."Hmmmmmmph! Oh, FUCK!" I could feel his grip on my head tighten like a vise as his cock bottomed out in my throat. I was impaled on his cock to the balls with no where to go. All I could feel was the throb of his pulse running through his tool as it took its final leaps and swells to full erection, literally stretching the muscle of my throat to accommodate the kind of hard on only given to young men. Steel hard, unyielding, scorching hot with blood and lust and almost beyond his conscious control. I could see where he could have seriously frightened a bitch trying to gobble down his shaft. he was like a fist lodged in my gullet, and from the feel of his hands, I'm pretty certain the first girl to feel what I was feeling also had the throat savagely raped by this buck. the two other crackheads watched in amazement as Brian and I were locked in a tense sexual stand off. Brian's cock stuffed impossibly deep inside my gullet, him holding my head against his groin like a prison fight, while I struggled with my need to breathe, the painful fullness in my throat and the inescapable lust for his cock raping me. "So, faggots have two holes to dick, don't they?" I heard our host asking as I felt a rough dirty hands scrabble roughly between my ass cheeks. "Oh, yeah.... here we go." And he shoved in a grimy finger to check for resistance. "Oh, fuck dude... this feels like the slickest best pussy around. It's even fuckin wet. Like it's fuckin lubricating for us." A couple more fingers went in and started digging around, when he pulled them out he made sure to pull hard against my anus, and checked his fingers. "Fuck. not only is his chute clean, there's already sperm in here from another dude. This cunt's been busy. At least we won't have to waste time pretending to stretch his hole out before fucking him. Goddamn, where did you find this faggot?" He reached back into my hole with three fingers and pulled my roughly onto my feet, tears were forming in my eyes as Brian continued to test the limits of my breath control and our host seemed intent on seeing how much abuse he could heap on me. "there you go you fucking bitch. Don't you understand we can't fuck you right unless you present your hole? A tweaked out whore like you gets bored easy... even while suffocating on Brian's big pussy wrecker, so we're gonna put you up for double duty to make sure you stay entertained. Finally, Brian relented in his grip on my skull and I was allowed to back up enough to be able to drag in some air and savor the salty ooze of the precum his cock was spitting into my mouth. As I hauled in that second gasp of air, it lept right back out of me as the drooling hooded cock of our host planted itself at my anus and drove itself home like a Buick. The stranger who'd bred my neg ass on the dunes had seeded me copiously, but this was hours ago.... I might be wet, but this cock was basically going in dry, and it's owner was enjoying the view. "TAKE it. TAKE my fuckin tool, whore. I'm gonna tear you apart if you don't let me in and I'm gonna fuckin love hearing you scream." "Aaaaaaarrrgh!! Uuummmmph!" I was moaning and wailing as hard as I could muster with a mouth full of cock. My ass felt like it was being pried open by a baseball bat. I loved getting fucked, but pre Tina days, I had enough when I'd been fucked once or twice. But that was with condoms, and lube, and no crystal making me crazy for bare homeless cock to spurt load after load into my ass. I felt a warm glob of spit hit my ass crack. "Don't rip his ass in the first fuck, dude" Steeve had taken some pity on me and spared me a gob of spit to ease my ass rape. Our hosts dick soon picked up the wet in my cunt and the spit Steeve horked up and slid all the way home with his plum sized cockhead skinned back and resting hard on my swollen prostate. "Besides man, I have a couple of solid loads to drop and I hate fighting to bust my nut in a hole." "That all you're worried about Steeve?" As Brian continues slapping my jaw with his massive balls, he says "this whore is going nowhere until my balls fall off, and I can blow plenty. Besides, you got him how much t from the Mexicans? This bitch will be taking cock until next week and drooling all over himself for more long after his holes have blown out. Mark, dig some of that shit out of the bag and drill it into his chute. You think snorting it fucked him up, wait until his fuckhole is reaching out to gobble your fuckin cock like its alive." TBC
    1 point
  48. I prefer big black cocks to suck and fuck my big white ass. Every black cock I ever sucked, filled my mouth with cum and I really enjoy the taste of their cum before I swallow it all. I always look forward to having a big thick black cock stretch open my pussy ass as they fuck my ass deep and hard as long as they want, until they shoot their cum deep inside my ass making it a cream pie. I can't wait 'til my next huge black cock to enjoy.
    1 point
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