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  1. Well this is strange place I, Darius, find myself in at the moment sitting here waiting for my new lover to move in to the house that I now own after my previous lover sadly passed away. Now don't get me wrong it was inevitable as his health deteriorated rapidly over the last few months of his life and I had the luxury of time to adjust and prepare myself, and yes he died from hiv complications. He was the one I crazily got seduced by and now I am his legacy and continuing what he started 20 years ago, back then I was a randy and always horny 22 year old and he, Curtis, was a cum shooting 40 year old that loved dipping his dick in to greedy asses and breeding them. Oh Curtis, when I think about him I get hard without any question and all through our time together there was never any day where I didn't get 3 or 4 loads from him and sometimes 6 or 7 at the weekends. I'm now rock hard and oozing toxic pre-cum courtesy of Curtis's strain my underwear now has a sticky wet patch that I finger and lick remembering him. Curtis stood five feet eleven slightly taller than my five feet seven which he always maintained provided him easier access to my ass when we fucked missionary style, his swimmers build was perfectly bronzed. Unusual for a guy with strawberry blond hair and green eyes who usually go red then fade, his undeniable quality was his cock which probed the inner depths of my body at eight and a half inches long and 7 inches thick, when fully erect you could crash a car in to it and do a lot of damage to the car as it stood rock hard like an iron bar on a mission. Me, oh I still retain my firm pert ass and ample seven inch cock, my body is a little wider but still fairly trim and there are grey hairs coming through the mousy brown hair as age defines me. So while I am waiting for my new lover Zack to appear who is 10 years my junior I thought I would write down about how my toxic life began all those years ago. Fresh out of education and working with an accountancy company I had rented a small place not far from Gihrardelli square in San Fran, it was modest but serviced my needs and was comfortable with a great view over the bay. The location was great as it was close enough to the city and plenty of gay action around the area, being new to the area I was much in demand having moved there from Oakland. I had returned from a run along the shore line and showered walking around the apartment with a towel wrapped around me feeling particularly horny as always after I had been running. I wasn't in the mood for company and about to fire up Grindr only to find my phone battery had died, I put it on charge and opened up my laptop and decided to go on to a gay porn site and find some fuck clips, you know one of the free ones. As usual I found some of the barebacking clips not that I ever did raw sex but liked watching them and finding ones where the top actually loaded the bottom rather than pulling out to cum then putting it back in afterwards, I didn't know then why I found those videos disappointing but when it was clear to see the top actually orgasm deep in his bottom it always got me off. I tutted to myself as another clip ended with a wasted load over the bottoms ass instead of in it, I scrolled down to the screen to look at the related clips any my attention was drawn to the thumbnail of a guy holding his erect cock with what looked like quite a big PA. The person wasn't a double take looker in fact just pretty ordinary and the clip was only 3 minutes long so I decided to have a look anyway and soon I was hooked watching as the guy was rubbing his cock talking to the camera. "You like this don't you it is what you pervs crave, my toxic cock buried deep inside you unleashing it's destruction. That's right guys unmedicated poz cock and my viral load grows day by day, you haven't lived until you have had the thrill of feeling my 8.5 inches of rock hard ass destroyer pulsing deep inside knowing it will infect you and bring you in to the brotherhood for life. I need to fuck you pussy boys and let you feel what a real man fucking you feels like, I will fuck you and knock you up and don't even think for one minute I will pull out if you ask me to as it ain't gonna happen. You should feel how hard it is right now, it feels so good in my hand but it needs your neg ass to breed". The clip ended and one of those annoying ads appeared, I looked down and my cum soaked hand having been so engrossed and turned on by him I had jacked off within those 3 minutes, my face was flustered and I found myself panting lightly at my orgasm. I bookmarked the link to this clip and over the next few nights I would watch it again and again. It got to the point that I even created an account on the porn site to leave a comment, surprisingly only 7 comments had been left mostly about how mice the meat looked and how they would like to get to fucked. I looked at his profile shocked to find that his location was San Fran and his scree name "SteelCock" made me smile but his last online date was around 9 months ago, did I detect disappointment hell yes but anyway I still left a comment it was the least I could do for the pleasure it brought me in 3 minutes. "Always gets me hard and jacking off listening to him and watching him massage his beautiful cock". I hit the submit button and logged off going to bed as it was coming up to 11pm. The next day I logged on and saw that a couple of people had like my comment and I saw one response "ditto", I logged in to my account decided to leave a thumbs up on the guy who responded, but immediately my attention was drawn to the flashing "Message Waiting" on the screen. I clicked on it not really sure what to expect but I stared at the screen seeing the message was from SteelCock, I clicked to open the message. "Hey, see you are in SF though not much detail on your profile, hit me up if your neg and willing for a guaranteed breeding". It was short but to the point, I was in a state of shock reading and re-reading the message but I was kind of drawn in, but also wondering if the guy really was real and genuine but kind of turned on at the same time. I was the kind of guy who let older guys fuck me but I usually drew the limit at 30 years old, but in turn I especially liked to fuck guys my age or younger. My hands were already tapping at the keyboard typing out a response blindly. "Hey, not so sure on the willing but hell your hot and loved your clip, I am 22". Needless to say our messages went on for a couple of days where gradually he coaxed more and more out of me, I should have paid more attention to what I said in my first message to him where I stated "not so sure" as he took that as a "probability" and carefully but not overstepping boundaries he was dropping seductive comments in his messages to me. As the weekend drew nearer he asked I plucked up the courage to see if we wanted to meet face to face in public and have a coffee, partly out of sussing out if he was real, surprisingly he agreed and that Saturday afternoon I sat in Gihrardelli square waiting where he told me to be at the coffee shop outside. He said that I would recognise him from the clip without any doubt and he wasn't wrong, I'm not sure if I smiled but I got his eye as soon as he turned the corner and appeared. He sat opposite me after getting us both a coffee and we casually chatted, there was no mention of sex, just a normal conversation with what I was beginning to see was a charismatic charming guy who I knew had a devious streak and wanted only one thing, but I was to drawn in by him and we kind of clicked and got on really well. We had several casual meetings at the same coffee shop a few times a week in the evenings to the point where I was neglecting having sex with guys and concentrating purely on him, when I returned home each time I would jack off furiously completely horned up imagining having sex and feeling his cock deep inside me. A few weeks later we met on a Sunday afternoon for a light lunch then as usual we headed down to the shore for a walk. "So Darius tell me about your love life" he asked as we walked along the shore, I chuckled "I don't have a love life just fucks for the moment", he smiled "A sexy young guy like you and you have no lover". I smiled and bumped my shoulder against his in a friendly gesture "When I am ready then maybe but just not found the right one" a statement that was partially true as I was growing fonder of Curtis as we got to know each other. He looked at me all serious like "You know I want to fuck you Darius and have so since we first me" his statement caught me unaware although it was something I kind of knew that still caused conflicting emotions in me "You don't see me as a friend then" I asked wanting to get an angle of what he was really thinking, his hand patted my shoulder "I do like you Darius but I want to breed your neg ass real good" I literally shuddered hearing the words. "But how do you know I am neg?" I asked as the thought struck me, he chuckled "Your resisting having sex with me Darius it is that obvious", I walked quiet for a moment lost for something to say "I don't know" I replied taking a deep breath to steady myself "I jack off thinking about you every night and more so after we have been together" fuck why did I say that I thought to myself, I was revealing more and more about me to him without rhyme or reason. He smirked and patted my ass "Deep down you want this to happen don't you Darius" he said without looking at me as we climbed around a rock outcrop on the shore finding ourselves alone, my resistance to him was waning more and more "If you used a condom I would fuck without hesitation" I stopped walking feeling a chilly breeze from the ocean coming ashore, he stopped and looked at me "Condom is no use it will break easily from the pounding I will give you so its pointless to start with" he replied raising his hand and stroking the side of my face "It is just a matter of time before you willingly let me take you" he said with confidence. I gulped as he moved closer to me sensing what was about to happen and I was secretly only to ready to kiss him, he leaned forward his lips brushing mine but he quickly kissed me on the cheek "Let's head back I think we have walked far enough" he said turning to walking off. I was close to throwing a tantrum for some reason, he had well and truly teased me making me yearn even more for him. Curtis was smiling but I couldn't see his face, he knew I was hooked and would end up under him for sure. He was good at playing it cool the next time we met for a coffee as if we had never spoken about him gifting me, our chats and meetings were getting longer and longer as I really enjoyed his company. It was during one of our walks along the shore a few days later that I ventured to ask him "How many have you done it to?" half not expecting much of a response but he looked at me "Knowingly about 2 a year, but plenty have had my seed through casual fucking" he replied, guessing he was being open with me I probed further "Do they all get it then?" he smiled and for the first time he put his arm around my shoulder "Unless there really lucky but most get infected, I have a very high viral load and by the time I finish with them it is already in their system", it was kind of creepy hearing this but I didn't pull away from him "And you only do them the once?" I asked looking up at him. He stopped "Your very curious this evening. I never usually go back for seconds it can be awkward" he said with his eyes fixed on me, "I see and are they ones that don't know what your doing to them?" I felt very awkward asking that silly question but he nodded "If they show any hesitation I will stealth them" his arm holding me closer as we continued walking. We reached back to Gihrardelli square and was about to part company when I did the stupidest thing and asked him if he wanted to come back to mine, Curtis looked at me and smiled "No I don't think so your not ready for me yet" he said and it was a very obvious statement of his intention. My face must have been a picture of disappointment and conflict and Curtis registered this and knew that actually I was seduced enough ready for the taking. "I have an idea, a friend of mine has a house in Napa, why don't we go there this weekend we can leave Friday and come back Sunday?" he suggested and it sounded like a great idea to escape the city, I knew what I was letting myself in for and agreed trying to put a casual "Yeah that sounds nice" kind of attitude. My walk home was hasty as I needed to wank big time, Curtis would pick me up at 4pm on Friday and finally we would be spending time together. I wasn't fooled and realised I had just committed myself to getting hiv willingly but was it worth the price, probably not and the dumbest thing I would ever do, Curtis had got me to fallen in love with him and as it stood I was willing to do anything for him. It was so casual as if we were friends going away for the weekend, we had been here for an hour and he made no advances towards me just the kiss on the cheek as he picked me up. We had a lovely dinner in Sonoma and headed back to the house perched on a hill overlooking the vineyards that was quite magical. I stood on the veranda watching the landscape and somehow at peace with my decision to come here, I remembered him saying that most of the guys he knocked up had been one time hook ups and strangely felt that maybe I was being treated differently, my thoughts interrupted as he approached carrying a glass of wine for me. I sighed looking out over the rolling hills "It's perfect here isn't it?" he said and I nodded sipping my wine "It is quite special here" I replied, Curtis put his arm around me "Special place for a special person" he kissed me on the head, he pulled his phone out and set it on video holding it up so we were both in shot before pressing the record button and what proceeded was the most unusual conversation that helped seal my fate. Curtis spoke first "So Darius why did you agree to come here with me?" "You invited me here" I replied looking at him. Curtis smiled "Are you turned on by me Darius?" "I think you know that but yes incredibly so" I replied looking at the phones screen. "Do you want me to fuck you or make love to you Darius?" he asked watching me. I hesitated briefly and went for broke "Both". Curtis laughed "You understand that I only fuck bareback and will cum inside you?". I nodded "Yes". "You know I am hiv positive and have a very high viral load that will infect you?" he said smirking. "Yes" I gulped which sounded louder in my head than it actually was. Curtis smiled "Are you willingly going to engage in bareback sex with me and let me breed you?". The words bouncing in my ears but I nodded "Yes, willingly". "Why is that Darius?" Curtis asked looking into the phones screen. I wanted to say it but should I pausing for a moment unsure what to say before I opened my mouth "I'm in love with you". Curtis abruptly stopped recording and put the phone and my glass of wine down turning me to him and before I could gauge his reaction his tongue was already deep in my mouth kissing me. His arms wrapped around my back picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom where we both stripped naked in between the frantic kissing, my hand delved down finding his cock that was pressed up hard against me. I must have looked shocked when I finally felt it with my hand for the first time, it was thick and it was as hard definitely the hardest cock I had ever felt and then the PA was cool to touch, Curtis smiled and his tongue licked my lips "You know that is going in your ass and won't come out until I have left you with my gift Darius". Curtis ran his hands up my chest then pushed me backwards hard, falling on the bed his hands quickly grabbing my legs pulling me forward until my ass hung over the edge of the bed, his legs hooking mine around his hips as he leaned forward his face inches from mine "I'm going to give it to you Darius make no mistake about it" his words filtering through the haze of desire to be fucked by him "You want it and I know you do", where had this come from I quickly questioned my decision, how had he reduced me to this I began thinking but his tongue was invading my mouth again, any resistance I had at knowing this was a bad decision was gone. Curtis knew the power of seduction but he never expected it would result in me falling in love with him, it was his patience at not rushing me in the first place that paid off in his eyes. I moaned subtly as I felt the metal rubbing at my hole with the pressure gradually increasing prising my hole open, my arms pinned above my head and he continued kissing me deep. The searing pain reverberated around my hole moving deeper as he finally pushed the head of his cock in to my ass, I couldn't scream only moan and mumble my mouth full of his tongue. My arms wriggling in a pretence of trying to escape, he tightened hold of my arms and looked at me "Don't fight it Darius you have been waiting for me to do this" he said. My eyes giving away my desire drove him on, the pain grew in intensity slowly guiding and forcing his cock through my unlubed ass, pushing his cock deep my ass opened wider the deeper he penetrated me, tiny tears opening in my anal wall as the head of his cock and PA worked their way in. My legs clamped around his waist squeezing as my back arched and I moaned louder my eyes watering from the pain, but my legs squeezing gave him all the encouragement he need pushing the final 3 inches hard and without mercy in to me until he was balls deep and coming to a rest. Finally he stopped kissing me and I gasped and moaned trying to thrash around but his cock had me staked on the bed, I looked up from the watery eyes as a tear escaped the corner "Breed me" I commanded out of nowhere, he smiled "Your mine Darius" and gave me several hard thrusts causing me to scream in pain or pleasure I don't remember which but my back arched higher as he wriggled his ass and the cock massaged deep inside my ass, a pleasure I had never felt before overtook me and my mouth filled with his tongue again. Some say that long strokes are good for fucking, but I can tell you that feeling his cock buried so deep in my body, his balls pressed up hard against my ass and just his hips doing the thrusting turned my world upside down when it came to sex in the future. The pain had gone only to be replaced by the feeling of him filling my ass with his cock was more than I could take, my own cock jolted and I cried in to his mouth as my cum shot up both of our chests. Curtis moaned in pleasure in to my mouth the speed of his hips movement increasing along with the intensity he stopped kissing me and looked me in the eye "Your ready for breeding Darius" he said smirking as a bead of his sweat dripped on to my face "What do you want Darius" he asked intently staring at me never missing a beat with his fucking. I looked up at him "Fuck me please" I said, he smirked again "Tell me what you really want Darius" this time he ground his hips hard against me "Ahh fuck, breed me give it to me" I was now pleading but he simply smiled "No that's not it Darius tell me what you want" he asked again, he was going to make me say it "Poz me give me your toxic seed" I almost cried wondering how I could be such a dirty slut and say those words. What had Curtis done to me in such a short space of time was reduce me to a bug chasing bottom begging to get knocked up. Curtis looked and smiled at me he hips ramping up and I could now feel the pain again in my ass as he started to really fuck me harder "That's a good boy you know what you want now but then you always wanted it didn't you?" he asked kissing me tenderly this time, I nodded "You knew I wanted it" I could see the look in his eyes as he tried to hold off from breeding me edging himself them slowing, a trick that allows the balls to build up a momentous amount of cum that would be ready and poised to strike their victim. His cock showed no signs relinquishing it's destructive duty in my ass and I found myself pleading over and over for him to impregnate me with his seed. My ass was beginning to feel painfully sore at the constant pumping of his cock, Curtis looked up and groaned loudly before returning his gaze to me a big grin on his face "Oh baby your fucked for life now" he groaned and slammed his hips so hard against my ass I thought it would split open. The jolts from his hips felt like electric shocks running through and down to the end of his cock as it jumped and pulsed hard against my anal wall finally releasing his toxic seed flooding me and seeping in to the tears of my bleeding ass, Curtis groaned continuously for what seemed like ages finally collapsing on top of me his mouth seeking mine as we kissed and his hips ground against my ass. When he finally took his cock painfully out of my ass he looked down at me "Breeding you felt better than I could have imagined, welcome to the brotherhood Darius", he climbed on the bed and held me in his arms for an hour before turning the light off and falling asleep. I woke up early in the morning and ran to the bathroom, I sat on the toilet letting out a bubbling fart followed by a steady stream of his cum mixed with my blood now a rusty brown colour, I looked down at the result of our fuck and couldn't believe how much of his toxic seed had been released in to my body. I felt bad and stupid and slowly wiped my ass that was still tender and returned to the bedroom climbing back in to bed, Curtis stirred cuddling up against me I could feel his cock growing nestled between my ass cheeks, slowly his body pushed me on my stomach, rolling on top of me his cock slipping deeper between my ass cheeks seeking my hole, I winced at the pain but he was already pushing it back deep inside me. This time he slowly fucked me for several hours breeding me a further 3 times before we even got out of bed, he leaned his head forward to face me "Did you mean what you said last night?" he asked, I looked slightly confused "What did I say?", he smiled "You love me". I looked him in the eye and nodded "Yes". By the time we left on Sunday evening I took a couple of more hard poundings from him but mostly our time was spent making love. We saw each other most nights for a week until I fell ill where he cared for me and after I was better I got tested and confirmed that Curtis had indeed converted me. He seemed happy but then one night I was going through the porn site looking for his clip via my bookmark but it was not found, even his profile had been deactivated. I didn't know what to make of it at first until there was a knock at the door and he stood there holding his hand "Darius come you belong with me" was all that he said, hence this is where my toxic life began. All through the 20 years Curtis and I was breed guys either willingly or by stealth at the bathhouse, until that fateful day 15 years in to our relationship that Zack contacted us through a website. He was one smart well educated dirty slut who craved us to keep him prisoner until he converted, well Zack joined us the house we now owned Napa for a long weekend where Curtis and I took turns nailing the pool guys ass. When Zack wasn't getting fucked he turned his attention to me and although 10 years younger he made me his bitch quite easily due to his quite muscular build, Curtis would quite often film Zack recharging me with his own strain of our seed. Over the course of several months Zack confessed he had fallen in love with us both since that weekend he converted and he made a solemn promise to Curtis after his health deteriorated that he would move in and take care of me, Curtis smiled and whispered thank you to him. True to his words he arrived just as I finish recounting my meeting with Curtis his belongings in tow, Zack kissed me deeply.
    8 points
  2. PART 5 So getting over the shock of seeing dad’s sites he visits and jerks off too, it was a shock seeing him wearing my jockstrap with scenes of various groups of men around him and in his arse in the photos on his sex profiles I wondered who and where this was. I noticed a sauna details open with sex rooms etc and it was a fetish leather night, I just had an instinct Dad was going. I had to go, just needed to know, sneak a peek of what he does, I was rock hard thinking of him and the memories of them pics earlier. Had dinner, Dad was shifty, but excitable in a funny way, said he was out later meeting a few clients. No worries I said, I have plans and made some shite up.. Dad out later, followed by me on bike, I was nervous, but excited. I got down to the place and discovered there was no parking, it was packed, Dad’s car was there, on a side street. I had to park a couple of blocks away and walk, I also remembered I had a black Jockstrap on as Dad must have taken my Ribbed Bike one!! . I got to the place and I opened the front door which led to small room with a counter. There was already several guys packed into the room waiting in line to get in, I got really nervous because I did not know how things were and also if my dad would see me. By the time I got to the front of the line, I noticed that it was a "masked night" The attendant was presenting each man with a black leather mask with the towel. He gave me just black leather eye mask that clipped at the back covering over my eye frames only, I asked why? He said because you are cute??? Anyway, when I entered the full place it was packed. I never seen anything like before . The lockers next to the door were all in use and I had to take a locker in the basement room. I stripped down to my jockie and put my towel round me and put my mask on. I locked my locker and moved into the male crowd. Most of the guys were wearing towels and all wearing masks. I found my dad, he was in a sling getting fucked by a leather man and sucking a dick lying on his back feet up in the sling, arse wide open forball to see. He's being fucked by the man in leather standing next to a line of men, were they all going to fuck my Dad? His cock is rock hard and so is the line of men, what was scarey was, so was my cock. I moved up next to him for a closer look. I noticed that I am being felt up by guys, hands etc and then joined by a skinny man with a raging rock hard dick, wanking me as we watch the cock sliding in and out of my Dads arse in front of us. Another bloke reaches down and feels my arse up in my backless jockstrap, I move his hand away, not interested mate I said. The guy next to me bent over and went down on my stiff cock. I noticed that the leather man who was fucking my dad had gone and another man from the line had taken his place between Dad’s legs and filling his hole deep. Very horny place, but in this setting, I was a complete novice, entering into a seedy different world which I had previously only been in the realm of fantasy with women of course, an orgy of women and me, but here I was with Men, getting sucked by a man in a mask whilst watching my dad get fucked by various Men and feeling so horny with a real ugly man now fucking my dad and dad was sniffing from a brown bottle, what is that??? I knew dad was going to be here a while, so I went to look around the place; the whole place was packed with Men, but the downstairs which is a maze of corridors with gloryholes and was full of more men. There's a main room which is so packed full of men it's hard to move around. There's cocksuckers down on their knees and several couples fucking. Many blokes watching and wanking everybody wearing masks, Some using brown bottles again, I asked a hairy stocky man what is it, he gave it me and told me to breath deep and inhale and then gave me a hankiechief and told to sniff it good. OMG!!! I felt a hot rush of horniness and floating, he put my head towards his cock,nI bent over and went down on him. The only cock I ever sucked was my Dads, but his cock tasted good and I took him in deep as he held my head and pushed himself inside my mouth, I gagged . This left me bent over and exposed to a room full of horny cocked Men. I felt hands grab hold of my hips and a dick slide up and down my hole, I said NO... his cock changed to his mouth, his long tongue licking my arse , providing pleasure that I never knew I could get, I only ever shit out of it, I wouldn't, couldn't, resist his tongue, his saliva, his beard, his opening more of my cheeks Jesus, wgst is this feeling? My Cock man I was sucking, gave me more poppers, I was opening up more, my hole exposed,each lick against my skin a gently wanted wave of pleasure , pulling me back into the depths of his beautiful hot mouth and tongue, I never wanted him to stop licking my arse and for some reason I thought that being eaten in a public place was even more seductively irresistible than my lame visits to ABS. I had become completely unable to do anything but let myself get lost again in a haze of pure animal lust of being rimmed and sucking a cock , He held me in place and tried to drive his dick into my wet hole and began to fuck me slowly, He had opened me up and pain kicked in, What was I doing??????, I came to my senses and I pulled off him and he moved on he patted my ass as he left. My arse was sore but comfortable, I vowed never again. I found dad still taking loads in the sling, soon as the guy cum and left, I slid up my father’s silky cummy arse an immediately my empty hole was replaced by a warm and welcome tongue; now some horny ass licker was eating my arse and a wet tongue explored my hole, It drove me over the edge. I started bucking and quaking as I shot my load up into my Dads ass, I shivered as the orgasm hit me and I collapsed on top of my Dads sweaty body. The guy eating my ass moved up to my cock as it slid out. There was cum all over it, my balls, until he'd licked it all up and flitted between my Dads arse and mine licking both our arse and the cum more or less together, I was boning again.. I left Dad with another cock entering him, I had taken his poppers, I approached the top of the stairs, there was a largish landing, with two corridors leading in different directions. Here, it felt seedier, felt more explicit, raw, a variety of men with hard cocks. Wandering around, there were several men also walking or standing, all with towels and masks on. On the one side there were rooms off on each side, with monitors offering porn, a larger porn theatre space at the end, and on the other side, dim openings leading into darker rooms that had a rubber doorway, I decided if nothing was happening there, then it would be time to leave, getting home before Dad, after enjoying an interesting visit to a place very different from what I had previously expected. I jumped nervously, I felt a hand reaching for my thigh, undoing my towel, pulling my cock out of my jockstrap and in a hot mouth with that touch and mouth, made me gasp, I sniffed poppers deeply and felt naked men, hairy smooth, hard dicked men push me through the Rubbery door. I was in complete darkness what was this room? Hands, mouths on me, men trying to kiss me, my nipples being pulled, I could not see anyone or anything, it was DARK..I felt my Jockstrap being pulled off me, i tried to resist, I had had too much poppers, what was happening, I floated into this darkened pit, as I kissed the mouth back who had invaded my mouth.......
    5 points
  3. Part 4 Dan kissed me again and spoke softly "You should know that to me love making is natural sex, you become one with me and share a very intimate bond and will take everything I give, no questions and no hesitation.". I knew that my brother and Gary were undetectable so the chances of being infected by them was pretty low, but I had to figure out how to ask the question of Dan. I breathed loudly and moaned as Dan licked my nipple and worked his way down my chest and navel, the hairs on the back of my neck and arms stood up at the sensation of him exploring my body with his tongue. I felt my last few items of clothing being removed from my body, laying naked on the bed Dan removed the rest of his clothes to reveal a beautiful specimen of a cock, long and thick covering a set of heavily hanging balls. I reached out and touched his cock and he moved forward towards my mouth, my lips parted as the head of his now semi erect cock slipped between and in to my mouth. Tenderly sucking and applying pressure I could feel it growing in my mouth and pushing further in towards the back of my throat, gagging he pulled out and kissed me again between my gasps for breath. Dan positioned himself on top of me as he continued kissing me and probing my mouth with his tongue, his left leg pushed in between mine forcing them apart, I moaned as his full weight was on me, my legs were wrapped around his hips. Without realising he had placed me in the missionary position, drawing his legs further up towards my hips causing my legs to move up around his waist. I was now in place ready to be penetrated, I could feel his cock rubbing against my hole as the kissing continued. Dan was an expert kisser as he continued on with his mission of making love to me, caressing my body, stroking my face, his mouth never broke contact with mine. Slowly his hips raised as I felt the head of his cock starting to caress my hole, it was very slick and lubed from his precum already oozing out. I felt my ass opening as the head slipped in, moaning and wriggling he held me firmly. A sharp pain shot through my ass as he started pushing the shaft of his cock inside me. I broke form the kiss about to cry out from pain when his hand clamped firmly over my mouth muting any sound. My body was trying to reject the invasion but my mind was full of desire for him. A gradual and intense pressure was now applied as he slipped the rest of his cock deep inside until I felt his balls touching my ass. He removed his hand from my mouth as I panted hard adjusting to the size of his cock now embedded in my body. His mouth clamped down on to mine as he started to kiss me again. Feeling his balls rubbing against my ass as he slowly gyrated his hips was intoxicating and I felt absorbed in the moment. Plop, plop, plop was the sound of his balls hitting against my ass as he started to fuck me, the soreness and burning in my ass grew intensely as he relentlessly bucked his hips back and forwards. Moaning in to his mouth as he continued kissing me I suddenly felt his cock stiffen and swell, Dan broke from our kiss and wrapped his arm around my head hold me close as he let out a long grunt and groan in my ear. My hands grabbed his shoulders and I closed my eyes as warmth started to spread deep in my ass as torrents of his poz seed now flowed into me, with every upward jolt and grunt more seed was pumping from his cock in to my body. Dan collapsed on top of me still keeping his cock tight inside whilst his hips ground against my ass working the seed further into me. His mouth closed in on mine as we kissed. After around 15 minutes he slowly pulled his cock out carefully so not to have fall out from my ass, he rolled on to his back "Oh fuck, that was hot. I wrapped my arm over his chest and snuggled up to him as he placed his arm around my neck and we both fell asleep. We woke just after sunrise and looked at each other and spontaneously laughed. As we laid there I asked Dan about him being poz, "Been poz about 5 years." he replied, "Oh, do you have a medication regime?", he looked at me and smiled "No, not on meds yet, have a pretty high viral load but it's not affecting my cell count to badly yet.". I looked worriedly at him "You do know I am neg don't you?", stroking my face he replied "Probably not after the breeding I gave you last night, but you will definitely get my gift if you want to keep having sex with me." he winked got up and began to get dressed as I went to the bathroom desperately needing to sit down and break wind, so I thought. What happened in fact was a loud wet sloppy noise as he seed was being expelled by my ass. Wiping after I finished and taking a look there were no tell tell signs of blood mixed in his poz seed, stupidly thinking I escaped the bullet. As Dan left we kissed and he said he would see me Monday on the metro as usual.
    4 points
  4. My Blindfolded Boy Tricks Me My boy and I both get off on sharing his hole with new guys. I had been travelling a lot for work lately, leaving him to hunt for his own fresh cock. We were both on PrEP and rarely missed a dose. I was home for the week and got a text saying that his meds had been delivered, I went to the mailbox, but it was open and empty. We ordered a replacement, but they said it would take some time to arrive, so I split my pills with him so he wouldn’t miss a dose, then I was off to the airport again. About two weeks later, the replacement pills were due to show up, but, again, he told me, they were stolen from the mailbox before he could grab them. Now, we were both going to start missing doses. Added to that, he’d been going out night after night and I knew he was getting barebacked regularly by a few NEG friends and some strangers. He called me very late one night to let me know he was bringing a new buddy home to fuck him, a sexy dark-skinned guy named Chris. They hadn’t discussed his status, but assumed he was POZ. I asked that he take pics. Within twenty minutes, I had about five pics of a musceled guy slapping his impressive cock in my boy’s face and then it resting against his furry ass crack. He sent me one of the guy’s dick straining against a condom, then one of that wrapped dick forced into his hole. Then one of a ripped condom on his ass cheeks with a fresh load squirted all over his crack, possibly even some leaking out of his puffy red hole. I replied with some horny words of encouragement, but didn’t hear back from him that night. I wondered if they went for another round. The next morning, we texted and he told me that he’d told the guy he was missing PrEP doses, so the guy thought it would be safer to wrap up, but that he was pretty sure he got bred at least a little before he pulled out and accounced that the condom had broken. I was getting hard just hearing about it, and my boy knew it. He told me that the guy was interested in meeting up sometime to play again, maybe raw. I was home a few days later and made it home late to find my boy gone. I texted him saying that I was back and after a while, he replied that he was heading home; he’d been out with some buddies, likely taking loads. When he walked in, I tore his clothes off and bent him over the sofa. I spread his cheeks and dove my tongue into his ass, only a little surprised to see it used and slick. I lapped at his hole and out seeped gobs of fresh cum. I gladly ate it from his cumdump ass and slurped it down. I slammed my dick into him and pulled out a few times to see rivers of seed drooling onto my cock. I knew he’d been raw-fucked at least a few times. I bred him and we made out out on the couch as he told me about his evening. He’d gone to the bar with some guys, and was about to head home with them when Chris appeared. The guys invited them both, and all took turns fucking my boy at their place. We both knew the guys, and they were on PrEP. They all bred him raw except Chris who started with a rubber on, but, again, it broke, and he pulled out to cum on his ass rather than in it. We cuddled as I fingered his cunt, and he said we should really meet up together with Chris soon. He told me that Chris had a fantasy about fucking a guy blindfolded, and that he’d love to try that out sometime. The next day, on the way home from work, I stopped by a bookstore and bought a new leather blindfold for my boy. I gave it to him after dinner and his eye twinkled. I asked if he wanted to break it in, but he said he’d rather wait for Chris’ massive likely-POZ cock. That Friday night, my boy arranged for Chris to meet us at the bar. The guys who had bred my boy the last weekend were there, but he told them he was spoken for for the night. Chris was hot, maybe half-black, half-latin, but all sexy. Big furry pecs and well-developed arms. It looked like his shorts were about to burst with his hefty package too. My boy introduced us and then went to the bar to grab some beers. Chris and I chatted about my boy’s hot ass and willingness to get fucked by big dicks, especially raw. He told me that he’d recently converted and hadn’t gotten to an undetectible place yet, hence his hesitation to breed my boy, especially after hearing out both of us missing PrEP doses lately. The chat was getting me hard when my boy came back and we clinked beer bottles. We leaned against the bar, me and Chris reaching our hands down to grab and eventually finger my boy’s ass. I left Chris’ fingers to play with my boy’s hole as I went to get another round of beers. When I came back, my boy was writhing as Chris jammed three fingers up his hole. We quickly downed the beers and headed to a cab back to our place. When we got back, my boy stripped Chris naked, and out plopped a sizeable eight inch uncut tool. I undressed myself as Chris egged him on. I stood next to Chris and my boy dove onto my own impressivly thick six inch dick. Chris noticed the leather blindfold and put it over my boy’s eyes. He then grabbed a cockring out of his jeans and motioned for me to put it on. Chris led my boy to our bed, on his belly and face fucked him. When he needed a break, I took over. We switched back and forth until my boy turned over on his back and grabbed his ankles revealing his hole ready for fucking. Chris knelt down and licked his ass. We took turns, making out into my boy’s ass. I slapped my dick against my boy’s ass and he did the same. Chris went back to his clothes and pulled out a condom. He held it up as if to ask if he should put it on. I begrudingly nodded, ‘yeah…’ and he dutifully put it on. He slapped it on my boy’s hole and slid halfway in. He pulled out and I slid in halfway… My boy reached down to my cock and said, ‘no fair… If one of you is raw and the other isn’t, I can tell you apart… Sort of makes the blindfold pointless, right?’ I told him he had a point… Chris shook his head, ‘no,’ like he wasn’t going to fuck my boy bareback with his POZ cock. I shrugged and got a condom out of the bedside table and put it on. Chris dove back in, liberally lubing up his sheathed condom. He pummeled my boy’s ass until he needed a breather, I fucked my boy as hard as Chris hard, noticing how his cockring plumped up my cock. We took turns back and forth for a while. ‘I need cum!’ my boy groaned. Chris was fucking him and started to pull out. My boy wrapped his hands around Chris’ hips, ‘no baby… I know it’s you. You can breed me…’ Chris tried to pull back but my boy’s fingers had grabbed the rubber and were pulling it off his cock. I tore my own condom off as Chris backed away. I fucked a minute or two until I was so close. I wanted to go a few more seconds, so I pulled out. Chris slapped his raw POZ cock on my boy’s ass, and he scooted forward until he mounted that dick. Chris began spurting immediately. He shot ropes of hot cum into my boy’s slack pussy and backed away in horror. I lunged forward and pushed that POZ cum deep into my boy before adding my own. My boy curled up into a ball, still blindfolded and played with his cummy hole. ‘Wow, baby, ‘You came a lot… We should let Chris cum in the condom now…’ Chris was still rockhard and grabbed a fresh condom and rolled it on. My boy lay on his side while Chris slid into my boy’s slick hole and hammered hard. My boy groaned in pleasure. Chris’ pace slowed and I knew he was cumming. When he pulled out, the now-shredded condom was around the base of his cock. He’d bred my boy twice with his newly-toxic seed. My boy curled up and fell asleep. Chris and I shared a beer, with him quietly apologizing for cumming twice in my boy’s ass. I told him it was okay, and hot… He pulled himself together and got dressed and left. I went back to our room. My boy still had the blindfold on, and I was still hard. ‘Hey baby,’ he murmered. ‘Thanks for letting him fuck me…’ I told him, honestly, that it was hot. He told me he was glad we’d both rubbered up for the fucking but he was so glad he took my load at the end… I wanted to come clean about Chris breeding him first, so I told him. He took the blindfold off and nodded. ‘Yeah. About that… That was the plan the whole time. That cockring made you bigger, but I could tell it was him I took the condom off of… Thank you for not stopping it’ My dick was fully hard again. ‘He bred you twice, you know…’ He nodded. I put the blidfold back on him. ‘And now, you’ll get my second load too!’
    3 points
  5. I hit up Grindr the other day and saw an attractive guy a couple miles away, Asian guy, 25, and about 5'6 and 160" pounds, very short hair and muscular. We messaged and made minimal small talk before he said he was horny. He confirmed that I want to top and that he could host and not travel. I saw rock hard and wet at that point, so you can imagine my disappointment when he sent his location, twenty miles away. I expressed confusion, and it turns out he had logged on at the airport near me and was now at his hotel. It was rush hour, and I didn't want to spend an hour sitting in traffic, so I called it off. I logged back on a couple hours later, and he was still on, so I asked if he was still looking, and he was. So then I headed over to his hotel. He looked as I described, very smooth, but he had some tattoos on his arms as well. As soon as I sat on the bed, he started feeling my hard dick. Pretty soon we were both naked and he was sucking my dick. I switched positions and rimmed his smooth hole, and then he got on top of me so he could suck my dick while I ate his ass. He turned around, pushed his wet ass against my slick dick and slid down on it, no lube at all and no mention of condoms. I love the feeling of tight, hairless Asian ass on my hard raw dick. He rode me a bit before we switched to missionary. It felt really good, so I pulled out so I wouldn't cum right away, and he sucked my dick. I ate his ass some more, too. That was the first time I've eaten ass after I've been fucking it, so I explored it with my tongue and got plenty of saliva inside. I spread his legs and slid back in, making him moan. He told me he wanted to cum together and that he wanted my load in him. I flipped him over and pounded him hard and fast doggy style. I gave a final thrust and blasted my load deep into him. Within a few seconds, his hand was covered in his own cum too, and I could feel the muscles in his ass contracting as he came. We chatted a bit before I left very satisfied.
    3 points
  6. Tonight was invited over to a couple's house. Had already been to the ABS and was still horny after taking 3 loads and swallowing 2 others. It was a warm night out so they texted that i should strip naked in their back driveway. I left my clothes in the car and leaned over the hood blindfolded. Heard the backyard gate open and then felt a hand on my ass as it explored my hole and felt the loads already there. "Suck my cock, bitch!" i was ordered and i turned to suck an already half hard cock. Another voice asked me how many loads i'd taken and i mumbled 3 around the mouthful of hard cock. They told me i was a fucking whore as a hard cock lined up and pushed into my ass. I just moaned in agreement as i felt him penetrate me with a nicely thick cock. His motions fucking me pushed the cock in my mouth further down my throat as he plowed me there in the darkness. He grabbed my hips and without saying a word rammed into me hard after i bit and i knew he was loading my ass with cum. They switched places as thunder started rolling overhead and the second guy started pounding me hard. There were a few drops of water and then the sky opened up and we were all drenched in seconds. The rain came down hard on my back but he kept furiously fucking my ass. After a minute he let out a loud roar and yelled I'm cumming! I could feel the slickness as my ass was flooded with yet more cum. He learned down and yelled in my ear that i was to stay bent over letting the rain beat on my back until it stopped raining so hard and then he slapped my ass hard. I stayed bent over for about 5 minutes until the rain lessened a bit, feeling the drops hit me hard in the torrent and shivering in the sudden chill after he withdrew. I drove home naked and soaked but reveling in the remembered feeling of their cocks in my ass.
    3 points
  7. Part 1 I left the office building and started making my way home through the hustle and bustle of the city at rush hour. Finally I made it on the metro for my 20 minute ride to the suburbs and back to the house that I shared with my brother Andy. As I watched through the window at the scenes passing by, I realised the same routine would happen tonight with Gary who was house sharing and a friend of my brother. Gary was a rather extraordinary person who stood at five feet eleven inches 34 years old, solid build and sported a flat mohican hair style, on his adventures out he always dressed in leather chaps, white t-shirt and leather jacket. At 22 years old I was still fairly naive about the gay scene and not that interested in being a typical gay that fornicated with anything that had a cock. Being only five feet seven inches tall I had a trim compact build gained mostly through going to the gym at lunchtime for an hour, my blond hair was kept cropped as it was easy to manage and I nearly always had a tan. I only had to look at the sun and it would bronze my skin perfectly giving me a look that I was always on holiday at the beach. So it was another usual ride to the suburbs, my headphones were plugged in listening to music and minding my own business, the same familiar faces were on the metro including the men who always tried to grab seats near me and spend the time giving furtive glances in my direction when they could. Sometimes feeling like an expensive prime piece of steak put out on display, on occasion it made me feel uncomfortable but I just let the music take me off in to my own world and adore the admiration. I put my tings down in the kitchen and Andy walked in and greeted me with the usual how was your day chit chat and telling me he had to go back to work as they had a few things going on. My brother was 8 years older than me and a couple of inches taller but had the same build and hair colour. I knew he was HIV positive and talked openly to me about it and his sexual experiences which usually got me pretty aroused. Just then Gary walked in, sporting a pair of boxers he apologised for being inappropriately dressed, we wall laughed at his stupid apology, on his left arm at the top he had one tattoo of a bio hazard symbol which sort of looked out of place being the only tattoo that adorned his body. They started to ask if I had got my cherry popped and why was I holding out, I grabbed my brothers crotch and told him I was waiting for him to fuck me, laughing as I tugged on his ball sack. He kissed my forehead and told me one day he would have his very wicked way with me. I have to admit that my massive crush on my brother was beginning to bother me somewhat and having Gary around as well didn't help things, oh yes I was incredibly turned on by him as well. I knew the only way to get sex with both of them was to go bareback and day by day to thought of this was growing more intense and desirable. The risk of doing such was to expose myself to the virus and that was always the block that stopped me moving towards zero hour. After we had eaten dinner Andy headed out back to work. Gary was finishing in the kitchen and I sat on the counter top chatting to him about his latest escapade. I was wearing only my jogging bottoms and it was quite visible I was getting turned on, as Gary passed me he looked at my crotch, laughed and tapped my semi erection "mmmm someone is horny." he commented. I flinched at the unexpected tap "May have to go and rub it off." I replied. He opened the fridge door and got a pot of greek yoghurt and a teaspoon. "Do you want yoghurt?" he asked, "Sure why not." nodding as I replied. I felt several cold splats hit my chest as he flicked the yoghurt at me, I looked at Gary and he was laughing and said "There you go.". My mouth dropped open as I couldn't believe what he just did "Oh and how am I suppose to eat that!" I cried trying to stifle my giggling, he moved towards me "Like this." he said. He held my arms down at my side as I felt his tongue lapping up the yoghurt from my chest, he moved his mouth towards mine and his lips touched mine forcing my mouth open he drippled the yoghurt in to my mouth. My head spinning I slurped the yoghurt and swallowed it as I felt his tongue again lapping up more and depositing it in my mouth. This time I felt his tongue push in to my mouth as he started kissing me. I offered no resistance as he kept deep kissing and invading my mouth. Slowly he pulled me off the counter and pushed me down to my knees where I came face to face with his fully erect eight inch cock poking out of his boxer shorts. I slid my mouth over the head of his cock and slowly began to suck and explore him intimately. I felt the head go slimy as he started leaking precum enabling me to take more of his cock in my mouth. He pulled me up kissed me again as his hand moved over my ass and pulled my jogging bottoms down exposing my hard cock and firm smooth ass. Gradually he turned me around forcing me over the kitchen counter he started to grind his cock against my hole. His cock leaking more precum that he now started to use to lubricate my hole. I let out a moan as I felt the head of his cock slowly prising my hole open. He worked steadily and with purpose edging in more of his cock, I tried to raise my body upright but I encountered his body leaning further over keeping mine firmly against the counter top. My body felt a burning pain as he slipped more of his cock inside forcing my chute open, I wanted to tell him to stop, but every time I tried he pushed a little further causing me to gasp. I began to feel his pubic fair touch my ass and I knew he was near to full penetration. He stopped pushing and kissed the back of my neck and whispering "I know this is what you really want.", his hips started to gently rock and a cry escaped my mouth as the pain burned up through my back. The rocking picked up speed and intensity and I could feel every movement he made, my ass began pushing back meeting his forward thrust allowing him to get deeper inside me. All of a sudden he tightened his hold on me and thrusted in hard as he let our a low roar, I felt his cock jump inside followed by a warming sensation as he released his toxic seed in to me. His hips never loosing contact with my ass he continued pushing in harder as wave after wave of his orgasm flowed in to my body. He lay panting on top of me as he slowly pulled his cock out, my body quivered as his head plopped out followed by a small trickle of his seed. Zero hour had been reached in a very painful erotic way. I stood upright slightly dazed and confused what had happened, I simply looked at Gary with a mortified look on my face.
    3 points
  8. Yeah. I get that a lot of people are living their fantasies here and that’s cool. And I love tops who are aggressive and want me to do sexually degrading things to turn them on, but it’s only when I want it too. It’s not fun but I’ll shove guys off and show I can defend myself if I need to.
    3 points
  9. Clay sipped his half pint of lager as he stood on the mezzanine level overlooking the ground floor of the newly refurbished bar. He still didn't like what they had done to the place as it was now all modern and sleek and totally out of character to how it use to be when it was just a sleazy pub on the corner of a street in Earls Court. At 22 Clay was not the type of young lad who could stop traffic, he was okay looking and definitely not a kick out of bed person. He stood at average height of 5 feet 7 inches with a medium build that muscular but not defined, he certainly looked as though he could rugby tackle you to the ground. In fact Clay was just your stereotypical young gay lad who was pretty normal, from the looker on aspect you would never know he was gay. He looked around again at his surroundings with sadness at what they had done to the place. His housemate and he would come to the pub a couple of times a week to enjoy a drink and people watch as it was one of London's notorious locations. Clay never picked up guys from here as they were mostly older clientele, well when your only 22 years old anything over 30 seemed older to those who had not experienced what came with age. He smiled to himself watching guys who were so obviously giving the eye to other guys as they would casually walk by, hopping they could pick a trick up for the night. Clay jumped as Kit tapped him on the shoulder "Your going to fall if you lean any further out". "Kit don't make me jump like that. Just watching the men trying to pick up guys" he replied. Kit leaned over and laughed "Yeah funny you can see everything now, here got you another drink". Clay took the glass and downed his nearly empty glass in his other hand "Thanks". Clay and Kit had become friends over the last couple of months after they met purely by accident on an internet chat room, it turned out that Kit only lived just under a mile away from Clay. It was only the third time they had actually met and it was purely on a social basis that they would hop on a bus over to Earls Court for drink then home again. Kit sported a zero crop and at 32 he was ten years older than Clay, he stood 5 feet 8 inches with a trim build and pretty attractive to the type of men he liked to play with. Kit was diagnosed with hiv several months ago and from the outset had been pretty open with Clay about it and how he thought it happened, he would often regal how the one night with the man who fucked him like a rag doll over and over for several hours, depositing countless loads in his ravaged arse. Kit would often laugh about how hot the sex was with this man, who would often brag that during his escorting he had fucked over 1000 men bareback and never failed to deliver at least 3 loads to each of them. But Kit was mindful never to reveal to much about him, Clay didn't ask nor was he interested as he liked his casual pub buddy friendship with Kit. For Clay sex was safe and controlled with no wild abandonment, he had only been sexually active for 3 years, he thought sex with men was just about bending over and getting fucked, a kiss on the cheek and then they would depart. There had been a few evenings where Clay had imagined himself laying in bed getting fucked senseless like Kit often described as he masturbated at the same time. Clay's attention was drawn to the older man walking up the spiral staircase to mezzanine level where they stood, inwardly he chuckled to himself at the 70's moustache that adorned his upper lip, the leather jacket, white t-shirt and chaps over his denim jeans. Clays eyes were focused on him as there was something about him, was it an air of dignity and self confidence that he exuded. He looked a little out of place and was making a bee line in their direction, Clay could make out that he was skinny, probably too skinny but he fitted his clothes well. He was not unattractive and at six foot he towered over them both and Clay guessed he must have been at least 50 years old, but then again he was not the best at determining peoples age. Kit noticed that Clay was looking to his left and stood up straight at the sight of the strange man approaching. "Hello Jurgen, don't often see you in this neck of the woods" Kit said and smiled almost licking his lips. Jurgen nodded "Hello Kitty, I come to see what they had done to this place" he replied in a heavy German accent. "Am I interrupting you Kitty?" Jurgen asked looking at Clay. Kit looked at Clay "No Jurgen this is Clay, he lives near me in Battersea". Jurgen held out his hand "Hello Clay nice to meet you". Clay took his hand which was stronger than his build lead you to believe "Hi Jurgen nice to meet you to". "Can I get you both a drink?" Jurgen asked. Kit nodded asking for a pint of lager whilst Clay replied he was okay for the moment. Jurgen turned and went down the stairs, Clay watched him carefully unsure what to make of him when he realised Jurgen caught his gaze and smiled back at him causing Clay to feel uneasy but noticed. Clay watched as Jurgen made his way to the bar, the bartender put the pint of lager on the counter and Clay turned to talk to Kit. Jurgen slipped a tiny tablet in to the drink, he stood at the bar waiting for a few minutes to let it dissolve before making his way back to where they stood. The bar was getting busy considering it was still only 7pm, Kit had become like a little child with a spring in his step, something Clay thought was to do with Jurgen. He wondered if Jurgen was the man who Kit often referred to, he mused for a few moments until Jurgen arrived and handed the drink to Kit. Jurgen smiled at Clay as Kit was drinking his third pint, Clay had never seen him drink like this before, he was only halfway through the pint when he started to slur his words. Clay chatted away with Jurgen and was much more at ease, he kept one eye on Kit who was now besotted and holding Jurgen's arm. Clay found Jurgen to be highly intellectual and engaging to a point of being mesmerising. Kit went to in to kiss Jurgen but he slipped to the side and hugged him instead. "Are you alright Kit?" Clay asked as Kit started to fumble around. Kit had a slightly glazed look "I think I have drunk to much". Clay shook his head "Come on lets get you home". Jurgen held kit up "I have a car around the corner I will drive you both home" he said looking at Clay. "Oh, are you sure Jurgen?" Clay replied grabbing Kit's other arm. "Yes of course" Jurgen replied smiling at Clay "It's on my way to Brixton and I can drop you off as well". They laid Kit on the back seat who was mumbling and not making and sense, Clay climbed in the passenger seat next to Jurgen and they headed over the Thames to Battersea. Clay kept checking on Kit as he was now slightly concerned by his dramatic fall from grace whilst he and Jurgen made small talk. Clay unlocked the front door and then helped Jurgen carry Kit to his bedroom and lay him on the bed. Clay placed Kit's keys on the bedside table with his phone and followed Jurgen back to the car and resumed his seat next to him. "Do you think he will be alright?" Clay looked at Jurgen who was entering the postcode in the Sat Nav for Clay's house. Jurgen smiled whilst watching the road "I'm sure he is drunk, he will be fine in a few hours". "I guess so. So how do you know Kit?" Clay asked out of interest. Jurgen smiled "Off the internet, we met one night and I changed his life forever and how he looks at sex". Clay giggled "Are you that good then?", Jurgen glanced and smirked. "Kitty had a full night of me fucking him relentless, but if I am any good only you could tell" he responded. Clay frowned a little "I think not" pondering what Jurgen said "How did you change his look on sex?". Jurgen smiled "I set him free of his inhibitions by giving him my gift". The naive Clay shook his head "Your gift, what is that?". Jurgen chuckled and patted Clay's knee "My gift is only given to those who seek or throw caution to the wind". Clay looked out of the window "I don't get it, your not making any sense to me". Jurgen glanced at him "I have given my gift and converted many a man, but none as young as you". "Many men?" Clay replied. Jurgen smirked "Many men pay hundreds of pounds to enjoy sex with me". Clay's mouth fell open "Are you an escort then?" "Yes, I am quite a well known international escort and master of a stable" he said casually. Clay looked at him "Sorry, master of a stable?". Jurgen laughed "I have slaves for sex some pay and those devoted don't pay". Clay shook his head "I am not really up on all the stranger things in sex". Jurgen glanced over at Clay "You have a boyfriend?". "No, not yet, I do want to find one but most of them fuck and then leave" he replied lowering his head. The car pulled up outside the house "Thank you for the lift home Jurgen" Clay said as he opened the car door. "Are you not going to invite me in for coffee, it is still only 8pm?" Jurgen asked looking at Clay. "Oh err" he paused unsure if this was wise but in a slip of the moment "Okay" he said "But just coffee". Jurgen sat at the kitchen table whilst Clay put on some coffee to brew, they talked about Jurgen's travels and the places he had seen. Clay stood by the coffee machine and looked at Jurgen. "Why do you call Kit Kitty?" Clay asked not knowing what to expect for an answer. Jurgen laughed "He is my pussy when I need to release some tension and breed him". Clay looked on curiously "Breed him, doesn't that mean without a condom?". "Yes, condoms are no good when you want to have real sex, you need to feel everything" Jurgen replied as he stood up. Clay laughed but didn't then without thinking he spoke "So did you give Kit HIV?". Jurgen smirked at Clay "Oh yes the night I fucked him relentlessly for hours". Clay watched as Jurgen took off his leather jacket and saw the veiny arms, he was skinny but he was also packing a defined toned body and sporting tattoos on his upper arm that he couldn't quite make out. Clay felt embarrassed as he realised his cock was hardening and this didn't go unnoticed by Jurgen. "You are very naive about a lot of things aren't you?" Jurgen asked catching Clay off guard. Clay looked as Jurgen stroked his moustache "Well I suppose I am, but I am in no hurry to explore". Jurgen smiled "So have you ever made love with another man?". Clay looked curiously at him "I have kissed and fucked with a few men". Jurgen shook his head "No, have you ever made love, proper love with several hours of intimacy together?". "Well no, I thought it was just fuck, kiss and goodbye" Clay replied retrieving the cups from the cupboard. Jurgen shook his head again "When you make love you will know, you get lost in each other". "Lost in each other?" Clay replied and noticed that Jurgen was walking towards him. "You become very intimate and erotic whilst enjoying such an amazing experience" he replied touching Clay's arm. Clay caught his breath "Do you have milk and sugar in your coffee?". Jurgen put his arm around Clay "No milk and no sugar, I like it hot and strong". Clay stopped what he was doing in case he spilt the coffee, the arm around his chest stroked him lightly through the flimsy shirt whilst his cock stiffened in to full erection from the sensation he was feeling. Jurgen was slowly but carefully teasing and seducing Clay without him realising. Everyone Jurgen had sex with was around his age or slightly younger and he knew he wanted to taste this virile young lad and let him host his strain of the virus. Clay laughed "I would have to find someone and see for myself" bringing the subject back on course. Jurgen kissed his neck "If you was older I would help and teach you how to become a great lover". Clay smiled as a desire to have Jurgen make love to him took over "So am I to young to teach?". Jurgen turned Clay around to face him "No, but then I am probably to old for you, what are you 20?". Clay laughed "No I am 22, so how do I know you are as good as you say you are?". Jurgen laughed "Get older and maybe I will make love to you all night". "I don't have that many condoms" Clay chuckled. Jurgen smiled "You don't need condoms when making love Clay, love making should be done naturally". Clay was nibbling at the bait "I see how that makes sense" he replied completely ignoring the risk associated. Clay turned and poured the coffee handing the cup to Jurgen who took it and sat back down at the table. Conversation returned to general chit chat but Clay didn't think for one minute that he was hooked dangling like a fish. He carried the empty cups over to the kitchen sink, Jurgen stood and Clay heard him say that maybe they would meet again and have a drink sometime, as much as he was now craving the idea and experience of being made love to the risk was just to great but something inside was overriding the risk. Clay wasn't sure if he should shake hands or give him a hug so he held out his hand which Jurgen looked at for a moment. He approached Clay and pulled him in to a hug. Clay could not contain his cock as it went rigid at this man's touch, he could feel the bristle of the moustache against his neck as Jurgen kissed him tenderly and worked his way around Clay's chin. Jurgen held Clay in his arms, his face only inches away from Jurgen's, he could tell he was talking but he didn't hear a word. Clay was totally captivated by him and was secretly urging Jurgen to kiss him with abandonment. Clay inched his face closer, Jurgen looked Clay deep in the eyes and moved his mouth towards Clay's. It was a quick kiss on the lips that flashed through Clay's body like electricity, every nerve ending was heightened and the tingling ran had to toe, before he had time to think his mouth was open and Jurgen closed in quickly. He snapped his eyes open wide as his mouth was invaded by Jurgen's tongue, he tried to push and protest instinctively but before long his hand rested on Jurgen's shoulders as they kissed quietly. They kissed passionately for 5 minutes before Jurgen released his lips from Clay's, he said nothing but looked Clay in the eye keeping him close in a tight lovers embrace. "Can you, ahhm, will you, oh, do you" Clay couldn't get his words out. Jurgen smiled "Do you want to make love with me Clay?" he asked before kissing him on the mouth again. Clay could not protect himself any more and looked pleadingly at him "Yes I do Jurgen". Jurgen kissed him again "Shall we go somewhere more comfortable?". Clay nodded and lead the way to the bedroom in silence holding hands as Jurgen closed the door. Clay felt Jurgens arms wrap around him from behind and he started kissing Clay's neck whilst he crotch rubbed up against his arse, Jurgen caressed Clay's body and began removing his clothes. Before long they both stood naked and Clay could see the words 'Obey and Serve' tattooed on his inside thigh, above his left buttock he sported a tattoo of a bull with horns. Clay felt the pressure on his shoulders as he was pushed down to his knees until he was face to face with Jurgen's eight inch thick cock that was drooling precum. He moved his head closer and placed his lips around the cock head and gently sucked getting a mouth full of toxic precum as he did so, he cupped the heavy set of balls hanging between Jurgen's legs. From a distance he heard the words 'they are fully loaded', Jurgen had not ejaculated for a week and had a nice quantity of virus laden seed to sow and Clay was going to get it all. Clay's head was a mix of emotions and doubt, he stopped sucking and stood up instantly in the arms of Jurgen. Any doubt he had was gone the minute Jurgen clamped his mouth on Clay's and they began kissing with more passion. In the bedroom only the bedside table spot light was on casting a variety of shadows on the wall, Jurgen and Clay were locked together kissing, Clay felt his body being pushed back towards the bed. He knelt on the bed and began to shuffle back as Jurgen kept moving forward. Their kiss never broke as he felt himself being lowered on to the bed, his head on the pillow and his mouth attached to Jurgen's. Clay felt Jurgen's left leg push his own one apart as he laid on top in between Clay's legs. A natural instinct caused him to lift his legs over Jurgen's and his arms wrapped around the shoulders of the man laying on top kissing him, he was drunk on lust and lost in a world of passion that he had never before experienced. He no longer saw an older man, just a passionate love maker as Jurgen kissed Clay deeper and deeper. Sometime had passed and now he could feel Jurgen's legs pushing at his own causing them to lift up. Slowly Jurgen pulled his knees up and locked them either side of Clay's arse, Jurgen groaned in pleasure, he now had Clay in the perfect position to be bred. Raising his hips he allowed his cock to trace down the crack of Clay's arse depositing a slimy trail of precum in its's wake, Clay moaned and arched his back at the sensation. Jurgen positioned the head of his cock tight against Clay's hole, he proceeded to slowly wriggle his hips coating the hole with precum, every wriggle he pushed a little harder until the head of his cock popped through in to Clay's arse. Clay gripped Jurgen's shoulder and cried at the sudden rush of pain coursing though his arse and back, Jurgen began to kiss Clay's neck holding his position perfectly still for a moment before he gently applied more pressure, again Clay's back arched and he yelped a little louder in pain as another two inches of his lover's cock penetrated in to his body. His hole was being stretched apart, this was by far the biggest cock he had ever tried to take. Jurgen continued wriggling his hips with slow and small undulations until Clay relaxed. Jurgen kissed him deeply and glided his cock home, several times he saw Clay's eyes close and wince with pain but he was not about to let this one get away. Clay felt the coarseness of pubes tickling his arse until they were rubbing up against his now extended hole. Jurgen broke the kiss and looked him the eye stroking the side of his head as he began small gentle but rhythmic undulations of his hips pushing his cock deep in to Clay's arse, he was moaning loudly and gasping every time Jurgen bottomed out in him. Clay had never felt anything so wonderful yet painful on some level, he was relaxing the more Jurgen kissed as caressed him. Jurgen pushed his hips down hard and Clay cried in pain from the deep penetration of Jurgen's cock, a tear welled up in the corner of one eye, Clay clasped his hands around the neck of Jurgen looking him in the eye 'oh my god that's amazing'. Jurgen loomed closer and tenderly kissed him on the mouth, steadily his hips kept up a deep rhythm that drove the pleasure he felt beyond this world, his hands caressing Jurgen's back and his toes curled at the intensity and passion of a real man making love to him. Jurgen was in no rush to breed this young lad, he controlled the desire to shoot several times, his cock was constantly balls deep. An hour passed like five minutes to Clay and Jurgen seemed to want to go on for ages, his arse was beginning to ache from the continuous fucking. He felt Jurgen tighten his arm around the back of his neck as the rhythm increased in pace and intensity, Jurgen making deep low groans, his balls were beginning to tighten and he knew it was time to take this boy on a new journey. Jurgen raised his head and looked Clay in the eye smiling, Clay was struggling to cope with the hardness and speed of the fucking, he looked worryingly up at Jurgen who leaned in and gave him a comforting kiss. Panic came over Clay as he tried to push Jurgen off but he was rewarded with more passionate kisses with Jurgen telling him how good a lover he was making. Clay looked up in to Jurgen's eyes he was a good lover he thought to himself and strangely he became quiet and allowed Jurgen to continue, he pulled Jurgens head next to his and clasped on to him for dear life, he could do nothing but squeeze the word 'yes' out of him. His eyes opened wide as he felt Jurgen ram his hips down locking his cock deeper inside he grunted loudly and his body shuddered. Jurgen felt the abrupt rush of his pent up toxic seed, racing through his cock like twin rivers, turning with an acidic twist and a burning desire to breed but not slowing down. He grabbed hold of Clay's back, instinctually afraid he might leave him at the most crucial point. He could sense his pleasure passing through him almost unnoticed by Clay as he fixed his entire concentration on getting the job done. Clay moaned and his back arched supported by Jurgen's hand, he felt the blurry warmth of the climax and his legs wrapped around Jurgen holding him close against his own body. His eyes caught the dark shadows casted on the wall, their bodies entwinned and the unmistakable rapid up and down movement of Jurgen's arse as he pumped his potent seed in to Clay. He gasped at the shadow realising what he had done, his head awash with regret at what he had just done, he saw the shadow of Jurgen's arse grinding against his own. Clay had no time to gather his thoughts as Jurgen's mouth was locked on to his in an instance as they kissed with a new passion for each other. Jurgen's cock stayed hard and deep inside Clay, his hips gently ground against the freshly bred boy hole nursing the seed deeper in to Clay. For several hours the scenario was repeated until Jurgen rolled on his side after shooting his fifth load, Clay's legs were wrapped around Jurgen's waist and his cock was still buried deep up to his balls inside Clay, they kissed until they both fell asleep. Clay stirred as the sunlight hit his face, Jurgen tightened his arms around Clay and kissed him as he rolled him on to his back, the first thrust caused Clay to cry through the silence in the room, he pushed hard against Jurgen 'stop it fucking hurts' Jurgen pushed Clay's arms over his head and held them there. He prised Clay's mouth open slipping his tongue in and kissing him deeply, he stopped and looked Clay in the eye 'I own you and your arse' with that he rammed in several hard thrusts causing Clay to whimper and cry out. Jurgen's gaze was focused on Clay's eyes, his face only inches away, Clay looked back deep in to the eyes as if he could see Jurgen's soul, before he realised it he had lifted his head to kiss Jurgen grimacing through the painful love making until he felt the familiar warmth of Jurgen's climax firing in to this arse. For the first time in eight hours Jurgen finally pulled his cock out, Clay rolled on his side as the pain was unbearable. Jurgen sat on the side of the bed and began to get dressed, the pain in Clay's arse burning like the fires of hell. "I will let myself out" he said looking at Clay "By the way what we did last night was amazing". Clay didn't really know what to say "What do I do now?" Jurgen looked at him and smiled "Look forward to the next time, you are now my number one". "What do you mean?" Clay asked him. Jurgen smiled "I told you, I own your arse, your at my beck and call now". Clay laid there on the bed looking up at the ceiling, Jurgen leaned over and kissed him before telling him that he will come over next Friday to make love to him again. Clay just nodded and watched as he left, he fell asleep on his back and all he could see in his dreams was the shadow against the wall and the image of the arse pumping up and down that was breeding him. When he did wake later that afternoon the white sheet under his arse was stained red from the thick wads of cum that had seeped out and pooled there, Clay laid back on the bed and stroked his cock gently, he could only see Jurgen's face and the feeling of his cock inside him, his back arched up as he shot his seed over his chest and up along his face. His own seed causing more mess that Jurgen's, as he fingered his arse he looked at it coated with a pink thick strand, his seed stuck like glue to Clay's insides working it's magic, it would take the rest of the day until it stopped seeping out. His phone started ringing, he picked it up and glanced at the screen to see Kit was calling him, he muted it and set it down on the bedside table and fell asleep.
    2 points
  10. I was home from college for the summer, my parents are divorced so I spent the first part with my mom the second part with my dad, my Dad was a tall hairy broad bloke, had a Charlton Heston look about him too. My dad picked me up at the airport, grabbing my luggage he threw it in the truck then hugged me "It's great to see you" he smiled. I smiled back "It's great to see you too". He opened the door "Let's get out of here, before security runs us off." We chatted on the journey, Pulling in the driveway he turned to me "I couldn't get alot of time off so I will have to go to work, but if you will take me you can have the truck so your not stuck at the house." I didn't have a car so this was great, I didn't know how I was going to pass the time at home. I settled into my room, then called it a night I was really tired from traveling, so it wasn't long before I was asleep. The next morning came, my dad popped his head in "Steve it's time to get up , your gonna take me to work." I rolled over to say something but he was already gone, I got up, got dressed, and met him at the door. He smiled "Did you sleep ok?" He grabbed his coat it was freezing outside, I forgot how cold it got here. I simply nodded my head as I was still half asleep, grabbing my coat we were out the door. He handed me the keys "I'll let you drive so you can remember how to get to my new workplace." Opening the door he climbed in and we were off. After I dropped him off I went home and right back to bed. It was 4:30 so I left the house to pick up my dad, he climbed into the truck "Hey man I see you found your way." He chuckled I smiled "Yeah " My dad turned to me "Hey let's go get something to eat and have a couple of drinks I never got to celebrate your 19th birthday with you." I thought this was a great idea, so he had me go a different way. As we turned the corner I noticed an old adult bookstore, it was right behind my dad's workplace. I tried not to make my stare obvious, I felt my cock stir, I readjusted myself and asked my dad where he wanted to eat. After dinner it was late so we went home and to bed, All I could think about was that fucking bookstore. I looked it up the store online it was known to have gloryholes which got my dick hard. I had gone to a bookstore close to the campus and had my first gloryhole experience but, I'm straight. I like pussy just as much as the next guy and will fuck some pussy every chance I get. But I love having my dick sucked, I don't give a fuck who's doing it a mouth is a mouth. The next day came and I dropped my dad off at work, I thought I would leave early to pick up my dad and hit it up the bookstore then. Dad turned to me "We'll go out for dinner tonight so we can catch up some more ok." Dropping him off, I drove around the block to check out the bookstore again, it was on, I would come back early to pick up my dad and hit the store then. As my day went on, i was horny, grabbed keys and made sure not to drive by my dad's work I took another route, parking the truck down the street so as to not be noticed. Once inside I walked up to the counter nervously, the guy took my entrance fee and I was heading thru the door. It was a long hallway with booths down one side, there were signs with warnings which I paid no attention. I opened the first door no gloryhole so I went down further picking another booth. Looking in I saw the hole on the one side, jackpot I thought, entering I put some money in as the porn started playing. I was in the booth about 10 minutes when I heard the door open, close and lock, the screen lit up. Before long I saw a finger come thru the hole I dropped my pants, stood up, and put my dick thru the hole. It was amazing the guys mouth was so warm, I could feel my cock slide across his lips as he sucked me, a moan escaped my mouth. I hadn't had pussy let alone head since I got here and my balls were aching for release. I pushed my pelvis as flat to the wall as I could so he could suck every inch of my cock "That's it man suck that fucking cock" I whispered. He pulled off it "Hell yeah, you gonna give me that load dude." He wasted no time going back down on my cock. I began to face fuck him I knew I wouldn't last long so I told him to take it slow, it was no use I felt my fucking nuts tighten up "Dude I'm about to blow this down your fucking throat." I started to breathe heavy as I started shooting, my dick throbbed over and over as I filled the guys mouth and throat with my jizz. He kept sucking til I was empty "Fuck man you about drowned me that was a fucking load!" He exclaimed. Pulling my dick back thru, he got up and left, it wasn't long before someone else entered the booth and another finger was at the hole. I didn't think I could cum again so soon but I stood up, putting my dick back thru the hole, feeling another wet warm mouth my dick began to get hard again this guy was better than the first "Oh yeah dude your gonna get this load." I could already feel another load brewing in my balls. This guy was quite the eager cocksucker "Oh man I want you to cum all over my fucking face!" Starting to suck my cock first his hand then his mouth I could feel his tongue licking the head of my dick, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back, he started to pick up the pace when I told him I was going to bust. I tilted my head back "Oh fuck man here it fucking cums!" With that I felt my balls tighten again, I gasped as I shot my load, he licked the head and stroked me at the same time. He got up to leave as I looked at my cell phone thinking I had better get out of here to pick up my dad, as I opened the door to walk out the other guy did to. I looked at him smirking as had my cum all over his face, he didn't even bother to wipe it off. Walking away, the door to the hallway opened again, looking up I froze, it was my dad. Ducking into the booth the guy had been in I closed the door and locked it. I stood by the door so nervous, thinking I could try to leave, an attendant came thru the hallway telling me to put money in the machine, I couldn't go back out right away in case my dad was out there so I had no choice. I put some money in and the movie began to play. I heard the door to the booth I was previously in open, close, and lock then the porn started to play. Standing close to the gloryhole the other person would not be able to see me but it didn't seem to matter because I saw his finger rubbing the hole. I thought what the fuck I have time to get my dick sucked again, sticking my cock thru the hole I felt another warm mouth, in this cold weather I loved the sensation of pulling my cock out in the cold air then having it engulfed by a hot wet mouth. There was no doubt this guy had sucked some cock before he was a pro, he didn't mess around he was all throat, all the way down til I could feel his nose in my pubes. Applying the perfect amount of suction and hand stroke on the way back up, I couldn't say a word, I was absolutely speechless. I had already cum twice so this one wasn't going to be easy but rather than say anything I just let this guy suck my cock, enjoying his skills. My cock was rock hard, I didn't think it was possible but he got me there. He pulled back every so often to just stroke me so I never knew when he was going to go back down on me, it was fucking awesome. He pulled back off my cock, this time he seemed to take longer. When he went back down on my cock it felt so fucking good I couldn't believe it I let out a gasp, it felt like velvet, it was so tight, warm, but not as wet it felt like pussy. I pulled back away from the gloryhole a little so I could see his lips, when I looked down I didn't see lips, instead I see the guys hairy ass. He had my cock right up his ass, I started to pull out but he reached back grabbing my balls so I couldn't, he immediately started to ride my dick. I could feel how good his ass felt....it worked! Squeezing his ass tight with every upstroke he was literarily sucking my cock with his asshole. I stood at the wall gape mouthed, I was in fucking ecstasy I couldn't say a word. I had never fucked anyone thru the gloryhole before, when a guy would put his ass up to the hole I would pass or pull out, but this guy was so moist, i think he was carrying a load already, it was like silk. This time I could feel my load building I wanted to say something but I couldn't it was just to fucking good. I wanted to cum in this guy bad so I started to fuck him as I felt my load start to explode. I came so fucking hard in this guys ass I wanted to absolutely scream! He could feel me cumming as my knees buckled against the wall, I thought I would pass out. I groaned as I shoved my dick as deep in his ass as I could. He reached back grabbing my balls so I couldn't pull out "That's it boy cum in my fucking ass!" He was panting and groaning... Fuck me...., I recognize that voice..... it was my dad! I stopped as he continued to ride my cock me unloading the last drops of cum in him. Trying to pull out he held on to my balls, I knew if I told him to let go he was bound to recognize me, I had no choice and let my dad finish riding me before he pulled off my dick. Once he was done I flew out of the bookstore, jumped in the truck and hauled ass. I pulled in to parking lot to pick him up as he walked around the building, my heart began to race. I had to think,think...It was to late as he was in the truck "Let's get something to eat, I'm starving." We sat down to dinner and nothing was ever said about the secret ass-fucking I gave him at the bookstore, I felt that he really didn't know it was me, I was relieved.although he did keep scratching his ass at times. We drank and talked about his work day and I just smiled "What you smiling for?" He looked at me I looked back at him, the handsome masculin father of mine "Just glad to be here Dad." I was smiling thinking about how my dad was sitting across from the table with his ass full of my cum and whilst here will fill him again and agsin, anonymously of course... Thanks Dad
    2 points
  11. This boy was TIGHT very very Tight. It took awhile to open him up, however once he relaxed and took both fingers he begged for more. I took great pride in plowing him as hard and deep as I could. Not to mention the Joy of leaning down and whispering beg for my seed boy tell me how much you want my hot toxic load deep in your hole as I exploded balls deep. The feel of his muscles on my hard cock was heaven. I held it balls deep and ground it around until I worked up a second load. All the while he whimpered and begged for more.
    2 points
  12. This afternoon , a 30's hot asian guy. Noticed that he was on BBRT , he was off work and taking loads - I messaged him and he said he'd got 2 in him. I was working , but kept in touch. Played message ping pong but finally got to his house. He went to shower and put me in his bed room , there was a lap top showing BB porn , multiple guys fucking and filling 1 bottom , just my thing. There were a couple of bottles of poppers on the side I took a massive huff and wanked my fast stiffening cock The bottom appeared in a small jock (he must have a micro penis) , he got on his knees and took my cock in his mouth , choking as i put my hands on his head and pulled him towards me. I was between jobs (I always am , average fuck 10-15 mins - just a dump and dash !) so I pushed him over on the bed and rimmed him , he pulled his legs back for full access , he was moaning appreciatively. I stood up with him still holding his ankles and but my rigid cock in his was hole - no lube , just spit. (Ive gone off lube as it makes everything too sloppy , i find if I've rimmed the guy it relaxes him enough to fuck with out lube) I love the look as I slowly but firmly push all the way in , his eye were wide with a look of total joy as I filled his ass. We went like that for a few minuets till I turned him round doggy style and got in to the long stokes. For a bit of variety I had him ride me , he impaled him self on me then slammed down to get my full length , I just lay there sniffing poppers whilst he wnt to town , he had incredible ass muscles and he kept contracting on me. I like this position as I seem to cum more , I shot several ropes of thick daddy cum up his ass and when he pulled off it splattered all me - Hot Ill add him to my fuck list
    2 points
  13. Pre open your hole before you meet. A looser hole can take a harder cock. A 7 inch toy or small dildo should help and most top won't know the difference as long as use a toy or plug that isn't too much bigger than the tops girth.
    2 points
  14. Come on Steve, we are going to be late Dad shouted, I hate weddings Anyway I was driving, Dad wanted a drink. He looked great in his wedding suit and smelt nice, I was turned on looking at him. Nothing much had happened since I seen him in the cottage last week getting fucked and by me, it made some good memories for the wank bank though. The day and evening went quick, I got to have a snog and fondle with a bridesmaid, got her number. Dads mate Jim, brides father shouted me, Dad was completely passed out drunk at a table, not looking good, he asked if I needed help to get him in car, yes I did, but managed to get Dad to stand and took him to restroom to piss, Me and Jim stood at stones holding dad up, you are the son lad, you will have to get it out he said. I unzipped my dad’s trousers and pulled out his dick and held it to the urinal under Jim’s watchful eye, Dad was pissing whilst I held his dick in my hand, he was catching my fingers with his piss, I had such a hard on, when finished, I shook the excess of piss off his dick, Jim said, hey lad, are you wanking him off? But laughed I blushed and we got him in the car, very very unconscious. I Drove home, but I copped a few feels of his body and dick at the lights, he was so wasted, I was boned up. Managed to get him home and upstairs, took ages, lay on his back on his bed, I shook him, nothing, I touched him on the bulge in his pants feeling his dick, I undid his belt and shirt and felt him all over as he was half undressed, he smelt horny, but out cold. I slowly approached his crotch and started stroking his delicious balls with my hands, felt his cock grew harder and harder, suddenly my lips were kissing his nipples and my tongue was running down his abs and into his marvellous cock. The thick head of his dick began to enter my mouth and gently sliding into my throat, how big and delicious it was! I felt it in my throat when I saw his body moved, and I was very scared thinking that he had awakened but, he was too drunk to wake up. His dick was happy though, I know it, it began releasing delicious Dadman juice that I could not get enough of, and he began to moan in his sleep as I gagged with his big fat penis, it was amazing. I spent almost an hour worshiping his delicious piece of meat, never got tired of ramming that delicious cock into my throat. I wanted to return to my room, my brain was telling me to return but my cock would not let me, seeing his beautiful naked body and his big cock in the bed was too hard to resist. So I stripped him completely naked, he genuinely slept through it all, it took me ages, he was a dead weight, I was so hard, dripping even. I stripped naked to and took pictures of him on my cell, even detailed pics of his arse and hole, awesome, I felt bad, but found myself, rolling him over lifting his leg up and placing a pillow under his hips so his arse was higher up and I started to eat that arse out, my father’s arse was being kissed, licked and eaten out by Me, Steve his Son. It was so tasty, I could not help it, seriously I couldn’t . I mounted my Dad and slid my hard cock into his licked out hole deep, I started to fuck him good, I was sweating, worrying he was gonna wake up, but carried on. His cock wouldn’t go soft, and my cock was pretty hard stuck up him. I began to shake and came so hard in my dad’s arse, I was beat, pulled out and I stroked my cock so hard I came again on his body everywhere, after it scared me thinking how I was going to be cleaning it up, so I decided to lick my cum from his body until he was clean, but left my cum in his arse I returned to my room and I was lying in bed feeling a little regret, but looked through my phone st his pics, it only made my dick hard once more and I jerked off again. The next day I woke up before him, took a bath and prepared breakfast, when I heard him get up I greeted him, he went to the dining room with only his pants on, American Eagle pants, I told him we arrived home late last night, saying something about getting in bed. Anyway he sat down on the leather cushioned seat, whilst I did him coffee, he got up for sugar, I noticed wet patch on seat my cum??? Further, I could not help noticing that there was still a trace of my dried cum in his abs and back of his leg; I don’t really know if he didn’t notice or if he just didn’t think, but he did not discuss the issue at all, but seemed distant, I wonder if he thinks he got fucked at the wedding. I am back at Uni, in a couple of weeks, going to miss my dad.
    2 points
  15. I started barebacking due to watching too much raw gay porn when i was younger. Watching a man cum deep in another man made me so horny. To me it's just natural to bareback! When two men make love with each other the top should show his love for the bottom by shooting his sperm into ass of of the other guy. More passionate as well! Eventually i knew i was going to try it both as a top and bottom and since that day never used a rubber.
    2 points
  16. Part 2 I left my cock in Matty until it went soft, as my brain processed what had just transpired. My son, my pride and joy, was truly a cum hungry slut. And I loved it. I finally pulled out, and Matty immediately rolled over and started cleaning off my slimy dick without being told to. As he sucked the cum and ass juice off my cock, paying extra attention to the foreskin, he looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes and said, "a cumdump always cleans up after." "Someone's taught you well, boy" I replied. "Yes, Sir," he answered as he licked my balls clean. Grabbing a handful of his curly hair, I forced him back on to my cock, holding his face tight against my pubes, watching my precious boy as his tongue and mouth did their work on my crotch. I started getting hard again. I pushed him off me, onto his back, and he responded by grabbing his ankles, spreading his legs apart, displaying his hungry, pink hole, glistening in the soft light. I looked down at him, noticing that his crotch was shaved, with just a hint of pubes left. "Do you shave your ass too, boy?" "Yes Sir. Most men prefer it that way," he replied, flashing his big, white smile. I marveled at his beauty. An hour ago, he was just my straight, hot jock son. Now here he was a submissive, cock hungry slut, spreading his legs open for more of his Dad's cock in him. I didn't make him wait as I lined up my cock head to his waiting hole. "Look at me boy," I demanded. "Look me in the eyes and tell me what you want son." Without hesitation or shame he answered "I want your cock in my ass, Dad. I want you to fuck me, use me, cum in me. I'm just a cumdump. I need your cum filling me. I need other men to use me as a cumdump. I am a slut, Dad. Use me however you want. Tie me up, abuse me, let other men abuse me, whatever you want. The rougher the better. I'll be your little fuck slave, Daddy." With that I slammed my cock balls-deep into my son. His eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned "Oh, fuck yeah. Fuck me, Dad, fuck me." And fuck him I did. I grabbed his furry thighs and pounded him as hard as I could, knowing this fuck would last a while. Matty just moaned and grunted. I filled my mouth with saliva and grabbed his bottom teeth, opening his mouth wide. I let a long string of spit fall into his mouth, filling it up. As I pushed his mouth closed and he swallowed, I finished by spitting twice on his face, right on his nose so it ran down his cheeks. He just smiled, loving it. I slowed down my fucking, cause I wanted to find out more about his sexual history. "How long have you been getting fucked, bitch? Tell me about it." "Since I was 18, Sir," he answered as I grabbed his balls, pulling them. "I went on hookup sites. It's really easy to find guys wanting to use a high school boy." "Older guys? What was the first man that fucked you like?" I asked. "Yeah, lots of older guys. The guy who took my cherry was probably 40. I told you I was spending the night at Jimmy's, but I went to this guy's house. He fucked me three times that night. He was the first to teach me what a cumdump I was." My cock throbbed as he talked. "The next hookup was a couple in their 50's. They were the first to tie me up, put me in a sling and fuck me all night. They introduced me to poppers. After that, I became a certified cockhound. I'd look for cock anywhere. Sometimes at a park, or a bookstore. I like the sleaziness of the hook-ups." I pounded my boy harder as I pictured him whoring himself out to total strangers. "What's the oldest guy to fuck you?" I asked. "He was in his 80's. He came over to our house and fucked me while you and Mom were asleep upstairs." I gave my son a hard slap on the face when he said that. "Thank you, Sir," he replied, adding "I've had lots of guys over that you didn't know about. They'd get really turned on fucking a high school guy in his own bed." I continued pounding Matty harder as I realized just how slutty he was, so I asked "Have you been gangbanged slut? How many men?" "Yes Sir, a few times. The most was one session with six Army guys. They blindfolded me and used me all night. They even double fucked me. I probably took ten or eleven loads that night." My head spun at the thought of my son being gangbanged, taking cock after cock after cock. I most definitely needed to set up a gangbang for him. And I'll make sure to have a minimum of ten guys lined-up to use my son. Hearing him tell me his nasty exploits had me on the verge of cumming again, but I had one more question before I came: "So," I asked, looking deep into his eyes. "How many men do you think have fucked you? How many men have pumped their cum into my son's slutty fuckhole?" "Maybe about 150?" 'Oh fuck,' I thought - 150 different men. And he wasn't even 20. "Stroke your cock slut." I ordered. "I wanna see you cum, you nasty fucking whore! Taking 150 different cocks? You really are a worthless little cumdump. Well, Daddy's taking over now, cunt! I'm going to make sure you take EVERY available cock we can find. I'll find disgusting old, fat men and make you grovel for their cum. I'll take you to truck stops and let nasty, dirty truckers fuck your hot, slutty, jock cumhole! You'll get so used, I'll be able to ram my fist in you with no problem!" As I told Matty about his future, he just groaned and opened his mouth, shooting several big shots of cum, landing in his mouth, hair, and all over his face and chest. I shot my own load into him as his ass muscles milked my cock with every squirt he made. fter we both got our breath back, I pulled out and Matty cleaned me off, he started to wipe his own cum up. "No," I said, "leave it." Giving me a smile, Matty reached into his backpack and pulled out a good sized buttplug. Without a word, he lay back, spread his whore legs apart and handed me the plug, gesturing to his leaking hole. I rammed it in hard. Matty threw his head back and hissed as it popped past his anal ring. I lay down, pulled him into me, kissing deeply and passionately as ground the plug into his cunt. We made out for a bit before we called it a night.
    2 points
  17. Part 4; One thing he wasn't wearing when we met, was his military Leather cap, and keeping his Leather knee length Boots on the cap went on too. Oh FUCK; Can you imagine, a wasted skinny gaunt guy, with full Beard, totally naked except his Cock-Ring, knee length Boots with a Leather military cap? I looked at him, and thought, 'What a fucking God'. My very own AIDS God! I 'SO' needed him to be running through my veins forever, and, I NEEDED that to happen IMMEDIATELY! My cunt was literally twitching internally, massaging my prostate. He was stood outside his door waiting for me to follow. At this moment I couldn't move. I had my hands on the wall, my ASS arched right out, completely dripping with sweat, breathing heavily. 'C'mon boy. It's show time' 'OMG Sir, I think I am about to cum' He wasn't touching me, I wasn't touching me, but what was about to happen to me, and the Tina, fuck, they were touching me alright. He gave an evil smirk. He walked back in, leaving the door open this time, and groped and slapped my butt cheeks for a few minutes. He then gripped my waist tightly and said loudly; - The thought of me infecTing you with HIV is turning you on is it, boy? - Yes Sir. I NEED to be infecTed. And I WANT it to be you, no one else. You are my chosen Gifter - You definitely want it? - Yes Sir! - Then BEG for it you nasTy pig - Oh PLEASE Sir, infecT me - InfecT you with what? - With your two strains of HIV, Sir - You mean you want my toxic DNA to be embedded in your system, for LIFE? - Yes Sir - Then Beg. I fucking said BEG - InfecT me Sir, with your aggressive toxic DNA ... PLEEEEEEEASE! The end of his Dick had been pressing against my cunT since he gripped my waist, then suddenly, he slid in, balls deep, and started pumping Hard & Fast in my hungry neg cunt. - Oh Fuck Yeah, you nasTy fuck. Love to see those sores on my Dick go in and out, as your outer cunt grips onto my toxic Fuck-weapon! Oh ay ay, looks like we have an audience already. Boy, look out towards the door ... I looked, and stood at the entrance to my God's cabin were 3 Men, all naked, all beating off their beautiful Dicks. One of them piped up and said; - We heard what you said. Fucking nasTy, and completely HOT. Wish it was me you were Fucking & Breeding. - Sounds like we just got our first rave review boy, time to take this to a bigger audience, time to hit the showers! We stopped fucking, I wrapped my towel around me, he locked his cabin, and off we went. I felt like I was walking the Pearly Gates to Heaven.
    2 points
  18. Part 2 Frozen to the spot with my ass on fire and hurting I couldn't think straight, part of me had enjoyed being held down and fucked, the flip side saw it as a violation and an unprovoked act. Gary stood there and licked his lips "As good as I suspected it would be." he said, turning he sauntered out of the kitchen. I went up to my room and locked the door behind me and sat on the bed. My cock was still hard as the thoughts played over in my mind, his body laying on top of me and the feeling of his orgasm as he pumped his load deep in me caused my cock to spasm and release my load inside my jogging bottoms. I stretched out back on bed heaving as the wetness from my load soaked through my joggers and trickled down between my balls as I drifted off to sleep. Woken at 11pm by Andy coming home I got up off the bed and stripped naked and climbed under the duvet and went back to sleep, it was a very rough night of sleep. Between the thoughts of Gary and my sore ass I tossed and turned, made several trips to the bathroom as Gary's seed was seeping out. As I wiped my ass I noticed some pinkish streaks but thought nothing more of it, eventually I drifted off to sleep only to be woken again by my alarm at 6am. Fortunately I usually left work before either of them surfaced, stepping on the metro to the office I was conscious that somehow I looked different to the eyes of the world this morning as I took my seat in the regular spot. As I did so two guys took the seat opposite me and nodded as a good morning to me. I put my earphones in and drifted off in to my world listening to my music. I kept noticing that one of the guys opposite me was looking constantly at me, his eyes darting to the window if I looked over. He looked to be in his early 30's and I could tell by his tight shirt he packed quite a bit of muscle in his arms, I could also make out the outline of a tribal tattoo running down his left shoulder and arm. Inwardly smiling to myself thinking he was pretty dam hot. 20 minutes had passed quickly and I was sat at my office desk, still feeling a little discomfort down below the hours went by slowly up to midday. I went to the gym round the block from my office which was usually quiet at lunchtimes, I didn't feel up to doing to much workout so decided to hit the weight room. As I was finishing my first rep a guy offered to spot for my second, I said thank you but I am okay as I looked up at him I could see the tattoo clearly and his very defined torso. I just layed there looking at him until he introduced himself as Dan and continued that he sees me on the metro every day. I did the usual courtesy thing and introduced myself as Josh, he took the bench across from me only to be consciously aware he was looking at me, I only managed 2 more rep's as I felt a little embarrassed so decided to hit the shower and grab some lunch. That afternoon my mind kept wandering to Dan and how fit he looked staring down at me, in any other circumstance I would have been at such a disadvantage laying on the bench while he stood over me. I stood on the platform waiting for the metro home when a voice behind me said hello Josh, I turned to see Dan and greeted him as the metro pulled in. I stepped on board and Dan followed behind me, all the seats were taken so I stood at the end of the carriage in between the luggage racks and toilets. Dan stood close up next to me then bumped against me as the metro pulled away from the station. I felt a stirring in my groin and did something out of the ordinary by grabbing his arm as the metro jolted again, I looked at him and apologised to be rewarded by a very sexy smile. "Bumpy ride." he said as he moved towards the toilet door and his eyes looking intently at me, he opened the door and motioned me to follow him. I hesitated and had a look round but everyone was minding their own business so I took a couple of steps towards the door tentatively. My mind racing telling me this was a risky move but my desire was winning and letting all my inhibitions slip away. His arm grabbed mine and pulled me inside as he closed and locked the door behind me, pushing me up against the wall with his body and pinning my arms above my head his face moved in quick as he planted his mouth over mine. Natural instinct caused my mouth to part as I felt his tongue dive inside my mouth seeking my tongue. A fire raged in my body as he gave me the most passionate deep french kiss I ever experienced, releasing my arms he wrapped his around my body and neck continuing this deep long kiss. I was brought back to the real world as the familiar jolt shunt jolt of the metro told me it was approaching my stop. Breaking free from the clinches of his arms and mouth he knew this was my stop coming up. "Really that was perfection." he whispered and grabbed my hand rubbing it against his crotch, there was no mistaking that he packed a pretty hefty sized cock judging by how hard he was. I tried to compose myself and unlocked the door and pulling it open slightly to check no one was outside, I slipped out through the door and to the exit waiting for the metro to stop. My heart was doing palpitations at what just happened, people were now moving and waiting behind me as the doors slid open and I stepped on to the platform. Walking towards the station exit I looked in the window to see Dan sat there smiling and winking at me, I smiled and continued my walk home.
    2 points
  19. Not sure if this goes here, but here we go. I read a last load post were the guy said he had never done ATM before (got more than he bargained for). Ive done Ass To Mouth literally EVERY TIME I get fucked. Everytime. Is it just the tops I got were a bit piggier? I know I am and I love cleaning my ass juices and cum off a big dick especially if the next dick starts fucking me right then. I just find it odd he had never done it and so many tops have made me do it. Am I the lucky one?
    1 point
  20. I have been seeing my man for almost 12 months now and the sex is still as hot as that first night downstairs in his kitchen... I get on well with his 3 kids and they tolerate me around the house from time to time and all is going good with us. Let me give you some background I'm 39 yrs old, I'm a chub man and pref to bareback btm during sex. I do however have a very soft spot (not so soft sometimes) for twinks and love to sink my cock into their tight pink pussies if the opportunity ever arises. My boyfriend is 40, he's a total top, nice hairy body and of average build, his cock is well above average and comes in a little under 8" when fully hard. He is a rough lover and makes me moan in pleasure anytime we get naked. He was married to a woman for nearly 10 yrs before she caught him cheating with another man, they are divorced for almost 10 yrs now and their relationship is much better, she has moved on and she's happy he's able to be himself now. They had 3 children during those 10 yrs, a son and two daughters. The girls are 15 (twins) and their son, Dean, just turned 18... My boyfriend and I have an understanding; in the last 12 months both of us have been with other guys but just for a quick fuck or a one night stand, we are not living together but I spend almost every weekend at his house when his kids aren't around as we are naked most of that time and he spends 2 or 3 nights at mine during the working week. We are both in the medical profession and work shifts so our time is precious. Just getting started.... more to come!
    1 point
  21. Finally the moment I've been waiting for, the day I was to be initiated into the poz brotherhood had arrived. My initiator was tall and skinny black man with the wasted look and a magnificent ten inch cock. Staring deep into my eyes he commanded "Get on your hands and knees. You're getting my AIDS babies." I assumed the doggie position and his lightly lubed cock pressed up against my anus, initially causing me extreme pain, but once he was balls-deep, the pain quickly switched to extreme pleasure, particularly when his thrusts vigorously stimulated my prostate with his over-sized cock head. Man, I was in ecstasy having his bbc up my white ass, so I found myself moaning and begging him for more, which only made him fuck me ever harder. I was utterly proud of myself as I felt I had reached my goal of being the cumslut I had long dreamed of being. When he precipitously asked "Do you want my AIDS babies?" my reply was spot on: "Give 'em to me." Silence reigned for several minutes as he fucked away, and the silence was broken only when he announced "I'm ready to cum," adding "Do you still want my AIDS babies?" "Uhhh uh uh more, more, more," was all I could manage as he blew his thick load of poz cum deep inside my ass. As he collapsed on my back, his breath ragged and sweat pooling on my body, he casually commented "I can virtually guarantee you will convert, if only 'cause my viral load is 4,000,000. I knew then that I was on my way to full blown AIDS.
    1 point
  22. Had a hot threesome recently at my place in Choctaw, Oklahoma. Used doublelist to set it up. Still miss craigslist personals, but doublelist.com seems to work. They both arrived within 5 minutes of each other. I met them at the door wearing a smile and sandals, my dick bobbing obscenely as I walked. Each of the guys smiled big when they saw me. They were both versatile and I looked forward to a hard fuck. We went into my den and the large screen TV had gay porn playing. The young guy was only 25, 6', 175 lbs, toned, tatted body, 7 thick cut inches. He kissed passionately lots of tongue sucking as I jacked him to full hardness. My other friend was older, 55, married, discreet, but hung with a 9" rod that could make you cry uncle. He was a bit heavy, hairy (which I love). While I was playing with the youngster, he moved behind me and fingered my hole while kissing my neck. I was already lubed... Always be prepared, lol. I dropped to my knees, sucking the kid's dick, licking, jacking, getting him really slippery and wet. He was enjoying it so much, head back, eyes closed, chest heaving.... Older guy dropped down behind me, pulling my ass back and began to feed the monster into me. Damn, it was painful at first. Through the outer ring and he met resistance as my ass clenched him so tight. I asked him to wait as I adjusted to the size and he paused, but not for long. Pushing on into me, I slobbered all over the kid's cock as my ass tried to take the monster. My cock was dripping precum all over the carpeting. I sped up sucking the kid. He was feeding me a steady stream of sweet precum. I licked my finger and found his tight little hole, then pushed inside and found the velvet softness. He moaned, clenching tight and began to force fuck me, pushing into my gullet. The old guy was picking up speed, slapping my ass, talking dirty, telling me take it like a man. I loved it. It hurt so good. Both guys were close to shooting their loads. I went over the top, feeling my cum load starting up the shaft and my ass clenched the big cock in me, putting him over the top. He grunted as he came, spurt after big spurt. It was intense. Youngster began bucking into my throat, spewing his sweet cum load. It was tasty and smooth. Both guys, panting, just stopped, staying put for a bit, as they regained their senses and slipped from my abused holes. We were just getting started.
    1 point
  23. Keep going back and keep worshiping their dicks. You're their pet faggot, just do what they say, and you will keep getting nice treatment and amazing dick inside you.
    1 point
  24. So this happened to me lately I live in Los Angeles CA . Maybe someone can guide into what to do ? Haha so I have an aunt that lives in East LA and for those that don't know ELA is a gang related area .. so I went yesterday to visit my aunt and her neighbors are from somewhere can't say from where cuz of privacy reasons jaja . But they from one of the biggest gangs now in Ela . So I started talking to them I was drunk and for some reason when I'm drunk I grow sum Bigg balls and I thought why not?? Lolz my aunt was afraid she like what did u do ? So I showed up there with a 12 pack and we started drinking and it turns out they were really chill, and they also HOT and I mean HOTTT real good looking. Nice muscular and fit! It was 4 of em there , and I made it clear I was gay and they were actually ok with it . So a few beers later and they were all taking turns on me doing me raw . All 4 of em , nice big dicks the smallest one was probably about 8.5 . I got 4 nice Latino dicks. And well the thing is that after they were done I told them well it was nice and all . And they told me we ain't letting u go that easy u one of us now . I just laughed nervously but they were serious. So we walked to the corner store to get more beer and as we were walking they were all around me , I was in the middle of them . And I told them I'm low on cash (even tho I did have 20 dollars on me ) and they were like dont worry , so we walk in the store and they just grabbed a bunch of beer and the cashier was scared and she was like take whatever u want please don't hurt me . I felt so bad ! I told her afterwards I'm sorry . So we were walking home and this homeless guy starts talking shit and they actually defended me ! They beat him up real quick . So I was shocked . And they told me see that when we said u were one of us we meant it ... So anyway like I said what do u guys think I should do ? Should I continue seeing them ? Like I said the Latino DICK is amazing !! I even got pics I'll post em on here ! But at the same time I'm afraid. Because I saw them this morning and again they fucked me haha . But they told me that when we out in public and let's say the other gang members from another gang start problems they gonna jump on it but they told me if u with us and that were to happens u gotta Jump in too . And that's the thing I'm afraid , not gonna lie I am skinny and they not they muscular . So yea don't know what to do I wanna cut them off but the dick is amazing I keep going back !
    1 point
  25. It's been too long since I've served my true purpose and been bred. If you're in Los Angeles area hit me up and make me the receptacle for your seed. Oink. Hail Priapus
    1 point
  26. you're done when i say you're done sport!
    1 point
  27. Practice, practice, practice is really the best method. If you use a toy, use a small one and don’t ever show it to the top. It’s the bottom’s role to be prepared for the top. Another option after you stretch is to pre-lube your hole well; very well. Finally, this may be harsh, but when your top slides inside you and it’s still tight, relax and push out like you’re on the toilet, it physically makes your hole open up. Then bite down on something and try to relax. The pain will be worth it.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. I’m new here. My names Sarah, I’m 22! I’m hiv poz looking to be filled with more stds. I’m very open a big slut! Love being a cum dumpster. ☺️
    1 point
  30. I’m not a huge fan of riding on top either, but in certain cases, when the Top has a huge cock, I have found it useful as an opening move because it lets my cunt line up naturally all the way down the length of his shaft. Then, when he flips me over to get aggressive, he can fuck really deep with zero resistance. It ends up being a plus for the Top.
    1 point
  31. At a time in the U.S. when women are losing the rights to control their bodies, it is sad that some in the gay community believe that THEY shouldn't have the right to control THEIR OWN body. I truly wonder what that says about the feeling of selfworth of some people. And, by extension, the feelings of selfworth, or lack of it, in the gay community as a whole.
    1 point
  32. good boy. I wish al guys where like you. I love pissing on & in male holes but will not refuse to shower a clothed guy. Especially not at work or on the street. Must be hot to wave him goodbye & see him going dripping wet on the streets or among his colleagues😋
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Putting it into your mouth while it’s still soft, and feeling it get harder as you suck on it. Hearing the guy’s moans and his hands on the back of your head, thrusting himself into your warm mouth. Then, he rewards you with his warm seed. Nothing better than that.
    1 point
  35. Part 4 Damm, The printer up here won't connect to the computer since I messed with it." Dad’s out, I can use his, I know the password. I didn't know why, but the thought of this spooked me, I felt wrong about using Dads computer without his knowledge or permission, especially since, me being his son, I imagined Dads computer was used for one reason. But I was addicted as to what excited him? I would be able to see what Dad did in his alone time. One click would show me everything he was into. I don’t know why, but I needed to know. As I thought about it my boxer-briefs slowly began to feel tighter and tighter, would dad prefer the type of movies I myself sometimes watched when I was alone?. The type of movies that women appeared in?, Gangbangs?gloryholes? all sorts flashed through my mind, I was rock hard. I crept into Dads bedroom, It had an overpowering, yet not at all unpleasant aroma of sweat and musk,and masculinity; last time I was here, I fucked my father in this bed, his bed!!, anyway The laptop was closed on his desk. The chair was pushed away from the desk: the perfect position to have one hand on the keyboard, and the other doing something else. I imagined Dad sitting there, with his robe open watching a gay bareback orgy perhaps, some sweat slowly moving down through the small patch of dark hair between his pecs. Slowly dripping down his toned body, great physique from his rugby playing days, ending in a thick mat of wiry black pubes, while he wanked his throbbing cock to satisfaction. My cock which had swollen to its full capacity was begging to be released from my jeans almost cumming in my pants. Reflecting....Had I become sick? This was my Dad who again I imagined blowing his load. What was wrong with me? I was thinking about some weird twisted shit, that's all. Anyway, as usual my cock and lust led me on and I made my way to the computer and opened up Safari and noticed the history button. I felt butterflies and a twinge in my groin. My cock was slowly dripping to the point where the tip was touching the wet spot where pre-cum had oozed out a few minutes before. One quick look I thought, I needed to know I didn't realize it, but as I dragged the mouse and clicked, I was scared and I had held my breath. My dick was growing faster now... OMG.....Nothing. No history to show!!!!. The only item was the website Ebay. Damn,got out of Safari and was about to turn off the laptop when I noticed the Chrome icon in the bar at the bottom of the screen. Hadn't Dad always told me to use Chrome instead of Internet Explorer? Maybe this was his preferred browser. I hadn't even had to check the history to see what Dad was looking at. Dad apparently hadn't closed out of the window after his last jerk session. The site that he favoured was BBRT and RawTop. I knew what Dad had come to these sites for. Rubbing my cock underneath my jeans, I clicked on the history icon, this time confident I would find something. What I saw instead almost made me blow my load in my pants then and there. "Incest" was the category he preferred. "Dad has Needs", "My son Rob", "My Dad and Me". While I was imagining Dad jerking off, to be honest I didn't know how to feel about this. Seeing it in print, I kinda felt wrong, dirty. But deep down, something about this felt so right, It felt so Right..... I had a further shock before I closed the computer with what i saw , is he really into this???? I decided I would never think about this again. Dad was just sex deprived I had already decided. Getting laid was all he needed to get rid of these nasty thoughts But later that night I closed my eyes and all I could think about was my Dads cock and arse, and what I had just found on his laptop. Now what do I need to do. .............
    1 point
  36. Part 2....... I got so obsessed with my dad since that day when i left my spunk in his arse st the ABS that I arranged activities where I could see him naked like Gym showers, swimming etc and sniffing and checking his used jockeys from the laundry. He had a great manly body and such a beautiful dick and bullballs, nice. I was kinda messed up mentally because I still wanted and loved pussy, but this was my Dad, my father, my guardian, protector and I was planning and scheming and perving on having him again. I fought it, but lust came calling Hard. Anyway, that's that, my dad had bought me a scooter to get around instead of using his car and I used to sit outside his work at the cafe to watch him, there he was, grey beard, tall and strong, handsome in a grey 3 piece suit getting in his car, he was early today. I followed him, sweating in my helmet, but unrecognisable, he pulled up in the park I jumped, my phone rang, it was my dad, I could see him, he asked me how I was, did I fancy dinner tonight etc, yes , I asked what he was doing, he said he was sat at his desk busy, catch u later I said. He got out of his car and walked into the restroom, kinda looking out of place in his suit. I left my helmet on and went in, 3 stalls, 2 taken, I went into empty cubicle and could hear muffles and odd bangs to walls, I noted a Hole in wall, covered over with toilet paper, I move it and see a beautiful hairy arse moving back and forth in the hole on his side and some groaning going on, I look under the stalls and see black office shoes and grey office trousers over the top of them and ankles backs of, dad's, my dad's ankles, obviously being fucked by hairy arse Man, I was kind of jealous for some reason, but severely boned up. I am in the stall 10 minutes, listening and wanking to my dad getting fucked, it went quiet, but then I hear someone come in to the next stall. I look through the hole and its my dad! My dad pulls down his pants and much to my surprise he is sporting a 9 inch king of a hard on. He sits down on the toilet and starts stroking it. I put my visor up on helmet and my mouth to the glory hole and In two seconds I feel the head of his cock slowly slipping into my mouth. I start to slowly suck the head of his cock , my fathers cock in and out of my mouth inching it closer to my throat. Soon I am deep throating my dads beautiful cock till the hairs at the base are tickling my nose. I can smell his pubes, his groin, his man sweat hear him start moaning and he begins to fuck my throat faster until I feel and taste the first jet of sperm hit the back of my throat. I move my face back because I want the rest of his cum in my mouth so I suck the head while stroking his shaft. The next warm spurt hit the roof of my mouth and ran down under my tonge. As I swallowed my dads first mouthful of warm sperm I heard someone going into the stall on the other side of him. My dad heard it to and pulled his cock out of my mouth and through the glory hole but not before one last rope of warm cum landed in my mouth. I heard dad breathing hard in the stall and watched as he sprayed the rest of his cum in the toilet. I looked through the glory hole and in the stall was my dad, backing onto the hole in the wall, being jerked forward, so he is obviously being fucked and I still have dads cum in my mouth and here he is with his pants down getting fucked groaning again, i seen his face, his getting fucked face. He taps on the partition hole and puts his mouth up to the glory hole and I immediatly shoves my dick through the hole into my dad's mouth and starts getting really tuned on. i hear a door open and close and feel a difference on my dick, my dad was again riding my bare dick, it was so warm and silky that I found myself spurting warm cum in to my dads used arse. I now added my cum to the two strangers cum in my fathers arse My dad finaly pulls it back out through the hole and is gone. I sat on the toilet slowly stroking my cock feeling the stickiness on my dick and the warm sperm in my pubes from the strangers cum in my father's arse and his spunk taste still on my tonge. My phone rings, its Dad...........tbc
    1 point
  37. A few hours pass by and the party is in full swing. There's 17 and 18 yr old boys and girls enjoying themselves all around the house, we had kept the party to the living room and the kitchen and the patio area outside and there was a few other parents acting as chaperone around the place too. All was going very well and everyone was having a really good time. The music was playing some of the hits of the day and there was a makeshift dance floor and dance competition going on with some of the lads and girls, all good clean fun. A few of those kids that were eligible were enjoying a beers and wines and the adults mingled with each other sipping their beverages too. I went back into the kitchen from outside to top up and get myself another bottle of beer, I came up to my BF in the kitchen and he wasn't in the best of form; he told me that he had just been called to work - he's in the medical profession like myself and was off the drink as he knew there was a possibility of a callout - I was off callout rotation so was enjoying the beer flowing. We checked with a few colleagues to see could anyone cover but between us there wasn't an option, he had to go in. I told him not to worry, go explain to the kids and I'd lock up the house afterwards, he said that his daughters were going to go home with their mother shortly but Dean would stay in the house himself if I wanted to go home to my own place but would be welcome to stay even though he wasn't going to be here. 2 hours later the party was dying down, most people had left and there was just a group of lads hanging out around the fire pit outside on the patio area. I was tidying up the living room, collecting glasses and what not when I found myself chatting to Kyle, one of Deans friends. Kyle was 19, had probably more than one to many beers and was in great form, just rambling while he sat on the couch watching me clean up around him. Kyle was also on the swim team with Dean, we talking about the coaches concerns and that Dean had not taken his talk earlier that day well. I said that Dean and his Dad had talked and they'd get through it. Kyle made a remark, through his drunken conversation, saying if Dean concentrated on his pool regime as much as he did trying to have sex he'd be on the Olympic team already. I said thats a conversation that Dean and his dad had to have and I wasn't getting involved. Kyle gave me a comment back "well you should because you're part of that conversation even if you don't realise it" I was taken aback, asked Kyle what he meant by that and he just got up, walked over to me, grabbed my cock and balls through my pants and said "Dean wants them more than the Olympics" and walked out of the room. I was stunned and standing there with a rubbish bag in my hand I froze at what I had just heard; with that I heard the last group of people leave the house and I went out to say my goodbyes and watch them get into taxis and head away. I went back out to the patio area and there was nobody left, I assumed Dean had already passed out from the beers and gone to bed so I started to lock up, I powered down the fire pit, switched off all the outside lights and looked at my watch, it was coming up to 3am. There really wasn't any point in me trying to get a cab to go home so I decided I'd stay in my BF's house, this was the first time I did this without him being there. I did the last of the tidying up and started to walk upstairs and as I reached the top I heard what sounded like moaning sounds coming from Deans bedroom. I had assuming he was gone to sleep, the door wasn't closed so I gently pushed it in and there I saw a man standing at Deans bed with his pants down around his ankles, a large hairy ass with two hands around it and Dean sucking him off like a pro! I froze, didn't know where to look or what to do. My shock was interrupted by the sounds of this man letting out a growl which I knew was a sign of relief that we all have when we blow our loads. I stood back out into the hall and I could hear the sounds of a pants being pulled up and a zip and belt being tightened again. I needed to move away from the door so I headed back down the stairs and then turned around to pretend I was walking back up without knowing what had just happened.
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  38. Nothing hotter than an orgy where everyone is sharing their seed with one another, no one caring about status, and men being men. Sucks I always have to go to Dallas, Houston, or Austin to attend such an event except for the rare occasional party locally.
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  39. The first guy that I ever blew taught me what he liked, but it all came very naturally to me. It felt so right when my lips touched his cock that I knew instantly that I was a born bottom. It was like I instinctively knew how to suck his cock, he just had to show me things that were his personal preference.
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  40. Part 3 I had hot dreams about Matty that night. Nasty dreams. I dreamed he took on all his teammates in the locker room. Jock after jock filling his pussy with so much cum it ran down his legs like a river. I dreamed he was in San Diego when the fleet came in, and I pimped him out to horny sailors who roughly fucked him in a sleazy motel. I dreamed he was worshipping his daddy's hard cock, licking it up and down, slathering it with his spit. And when I opened my eyes, I smiled because it wasn't a dream. There was my beautiful boy, between my legs, licking up and down my hard morning wood. I touseled his hair and he looked at me with those big eyes and smiled. Without a word, he reached behind him, and with a small grunt pulled the plug out of his ass. Then he straddled my hips, and slid down on my cock, letting out a little sigh as his asslips ground against my pubes. I grabbed my camera, and snapped a few pics of my boy sitting on my cock. Then I started taking a video. "Tell me what you are son." I whispered. "Tell Daddy what you want." Matty looked right into the camera and smiled as he road his perfectly muscled ass up and down my pole. He licked his red lips, and ran his hands over his chest, pinching his pert little pink nipples as he whispered seductively. "I'm a slut. I'm a cumdump. I need cock in me. Any cock. I need to be used like a whore. I need to be filled with cum. I need men to breed me, use me, fill me with their seed." Matty continued to talk dirty for me as he pinched his nipples harder, obviously turned on by my filming him. He worked my cock with his talented hole as a glistening line of precum leaked out of his own hard cock. And before I knew it, I was pumping a fresh load of sperm up into my baby boys warm hole. He just groaned as he felt my cock flexing in his guts. He started to reach for his cock, but I slapped his hands away. "Never touch your cock without daddy's permission." I repremanded him. "No more masturbating. You will only cum from now on when daddy says you can." "Yes Sir." He moaned in response. Then I pulled him onto my hairy chest. I held him tight against me as I started kissing him. Our tongues rubbed against each other as I began to piss, filling his guts with my morning stream. He moaned deeply as he felt my hot piss deep inside him and feverishly sucked on my tongue. I rolled him over as I grabbed the butt plug, and plugged his leaking hole after I slipped my cock out. I grabbed his hard cock and pulled the foreskin back, exposing his bright pink head. It shone with precum, which I quickly licked off. Then I put my lips around it, and sank down to the base, deep throating my son in one stroke. Matty moaned as my own talented throat worked on his stiff member. I slid up and down his cock and had him squirting in my mouth in no time. He filled it up with a big load, like a young stud should. When I had milked the last bit out, I kissed him again, and we shared his tasty cum. When we finished, I slapped him on the ass and said, "you better go empty yourself. And try not to get that hot ass fucked before you get back." He just laughed as he put on his shorts and sandles and ran out the door. I grabbed my phone and sent the video I had just made to my buddy Brian with the message, "we got a new toy!" It didn't take long for him to respond with, "WTF? No way! Unfucking believable! You lucky son of a bitch!" "Oh we both are lucky my friend," I texted back, "can't wait to share my slut with you!" He sent back a bunch of smiley faces. It was difficult for me to cook breakfast as I watched Matty through the window. He had just returned from a morning run and was doing his morning workout with free weights. Watching his young muscles flex got my cock flexing again. I couldn't believe I was horny again this quick, but my son was magical. As he did squats and lunges, the fabric of his shorts molded to his round ass muscles, perfectly displaying his rock hard globes. I had for forbidden him to wear a jock or underwear. I wondered how it felt for him with the plug up his ass while he worked out. The outline of his semi hard cock through the thin fabric told me the slut enjoyed it. We sat at the table outside as we ate our breakfast, enjoying the fresh mountain morning. Then I had to know how Matty had hooked up with the guy last night. "It's actually pretty easy dad." He said. "I can tell when a guy wants me. There's a certain look they get in their eyes. It's like a predator laying eyes on his prey. Then I give a little show. Flex a bit, stick my ass out a bit, run my hands down my abs. If they're still looking, bingo! Then all I have to do it approach them. It's easier than you think." It figures that my cockhound of a son would have a built in cock sonar, what a whore. "And you know what?" He continued leaning forward, looking me dead in the eyes, "he wasn't the only guy to fuck me since we got here. The day before yesterday, remember when we were fishing, and there was that guy near us, kinda heavy set? I knew he was checking me out. After you left, I stayed behind, then I walked over to him and said, "I know you want to fuck me, follow me." And I headed into the bushes. I knew he'd follow. Men can't resist an easy fuck as hot as me. Then I dropped my shorts and bent over a log and waited. It didn't take long before he was behind me. He just stuck it in and pounded me fast and shot quickly. Then I just pulled up my shorts, said thanks, and walked away." My cock ached as Matty told me this. His pure sluttyness made me want to bend him over the table and fuck him right now. But then I noticed him looking past me. "See that guy walking over there? He's the guy who fucked me last night." I turned and saw a nice looking man, tall, thin, probably about 35, walking down a gravel path. I jumped up and went over too him. "How's it going buddy?" I asked, casually putting my arm around his shoulder. He mumbled a response back, not sure why this stranger was touching him. "So, uh, how'd you like fucking my son last night?" " Whoa, hey man..." He started, trying to pull away. I just gripped his shoulders harder. "No, no, no. It's ok dude. My sons a hot piece of ass. I fucked him right after you did." The guy looked at me with a shocked face, and I continued. "He wants more of your cock, and I want to watch you breed that little slut." The guy looked a bit more relaxed as he said, "right now? I mean, my wife and kids...." " No, no. Later. Think you can get away around 3? The boy really loved your cock." "Yeah man, I think I can manage that. I'll find some excuse to slip away." "Right on." I said, patting his shoulders, "see you around 3." I walked back to our table with a big grin on my face. "Well son, daddy set up his first fuck for you. He'll be over around three. Now, I want you to find the other guy, and get him over here too." "Yes Sir." He replied with a big grin. "I'm so glad you found out my secret dad." "Me too slut." I said, giving him a little kiss. After breakfast, Matty took off and came back half an hour later, smiling. "It's a go daddy. He'll be here too." I smiled and patted my boys ass. "That's a good whore. Daddy can't wait." And I could hardly wait. The anticipation of watching my son take cock for the first time had me semi erect all afternoon. Finally, about ten to three, there was a knock on the door. It was the guy from the beach. A middle aged balding man with a moustache. Not much too look at, but looks didn't matter as long as he fucked my son. Matty dropped his shorts and layed face down on the bed, his legs hanging over the end as I sat at the top of the bed, watching. I could tell the man was nervous as he dropped his own shorts, revealing an average dick. Without a word he stuck it in my boy and just started fucking. Matty moaned and groaned to encourage the man, and in just a couple of minutes, he was huffing and puffing as he came in my sons ass. Then he simply pulled his shorts up, mumbled a thanks, and left. I stuck a couple of fingers in Matty's hole, feeling the warm slickness of his just fucked chute. Then I put them in his mouth and he sucked the juices right off of them. It was about 20 minutes later when there was another knock on the camper door. I opened the door as Matty lounged seductively on the bed, and let the tall thin man in. He grinned as he looked at the slut waiting for him. "I've got some time." He said as he slowly stripped. "Told the wife I was going on a hike. She took the kids swimming. I've been thinking about that ass since last night." He pulled down his boxer briefs to reveal an almost hard dick. I could tell it was big, bigger than mine. Tall thin guys always have the biggest cocks. As his stiffened, I could tell it was at least nine inches, and really thick. Matty just licked his lips like a hungry whore as he eyed the piece of meet in front of him. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a little brown bottle. The man walked up to the bed and grabbed Matty's ankles, pulling him down, then flipping him over, getting him into doggy position. My son looked so hot like that, the smooth whiteness of his round glutes contrasted nicely with his narrow, tanned waist. The man touched Matty's hole and felt the wetness. "You got a load up there already?" He asked. "Yes Sir." Replied Matty, looking back at him over his shoulder. "Is it yours?" He asked, looking at me. I just shook my head no. "Oh that's fucking hot dude. Nasty little slut." The man placed his cockhead at the entrance to Matty's pussy. I grabbed my phone, and the man looked concerned. "Don't worry," I assured him. "No faces." He relaxed as Matty took several long hits of poppers. Then the man grabbed his slender hips and pushed his fat cock into my son in one slow, steady push until he was in balls deep. "Ah fuck!" Matty cried out. "It's so fucking big!" He took a few more poppers hits as the man pulled his cock completely out. Then, he slammed it all the way back in as Matty let out a long, loud groan. "Oh yea you slut! Your pussy's so fucking wet. Take that cock. It's a big fucking cock and you love it! I'm gonna fuck you like I couldn't do last night! Take it you fucking bitch!" The man pounded his big cock into my son over and over and over, pulling it almost all the way out, then slamming it balls deep. Matty whimpered and moaned as his ass got pummeled and he begged for more. "Oh yea, fuck me man! Give it to me! Oh fuck it feels so good! Come on man, rape me!" "That's right whore! Fucking take it you fucking nasty slut!" The man continued his verbal assault on my boy as he fucked him mercilessly. And Matty just begged for more. Finally the man grabbed Matty's hair and pulled his head back as buried his bone and shook. "Oh yea! Take my cum you fucking cumdump! You worthless stupid cunt! Take my fucking seed bitch!" The man collapsed on Matty's back as he caught his breath from his brutal fuck. Then he pulled out and rolled over onto his back. Matty dove on his cock as he knew he should, and cleaned off the cum and ass juices. The man reached for his shorts and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "Do you mind?" He asked, looking at me. "No, go ahead, you earned it. That was so fucking hot." "I tell ya, that boy has got one sweet fucking hole. Goddamn. I haven't fucked like that in a long time. After three kids, my wife's pussy just isn't that tight, and she won't let me touch her ass." He took a drag on his cig as he looked at me. "So is he really your son?" "Swear to God. Unless my wife lied." I laughed. "So fucking hot. He looks a bit like my son. I've been dreaming about him. He's 16. I can't wait till he's 18. I hope I can get in his sweet little ass then. You want to pretend you're my son?" He asked, looking at Matty. "Sure." My boy replied. "Why don't you fuck him." Said the man looking at me. "I need to recover. Then I'll fuck him again. Would you like that Tyler?" He asked, looking at my son. "Would you like this nice man to put his dick in your pretty little pink hole? Do you want to be a little whore for daddy?" "Oh yes daddy." Replied Matty, playing along. "I want this man's dick in me. I want him to fuck me daddy." "That's a good boy Tyler. Daddy likes to hear that. Daddy wants to have a nice little slutty son of his own. Now breathe these in for me." He placed the bottle under Matty's nose and made him take 4 long hits under each nostril. I could tell by his breathing that Matty was flying high. "That a good boy Tyler. Daddy likes his little popper slut. Now let the nice man into your little boy hole." I slid my aching cock into Matty's sloppy, wet hole. I was so turned on by this roleplay, and knowing my boy had two fresh loads in him. I started fucking him slowly, not wanting to cum too fast. "Oh yea," said the man as he huffed the poppers himself. "That's it Tyler. That's a good boy. Take that cock son. Make daddy happy. Show daddy your a little whore." Matty just moaned as I pumped my cock in and out of him. "Your such a good whore Tyler. Daddy likes that. Daddy wants to make you the pussy his mommy isn't anymore." The man pulled Matty by his hair onto his soft cock. "Suck me Tyler. Suck daddy's cock. Get daddy hard boy. Daddy's gonna fuck you after that nice man gives you his cum. Would you like that boy? You want daddy's big cock back in your sweet little boy hole?" "Oh yes." Matty moaned with the cock in his mouth. "I want your big daddy cock in my nasty little boy cunt." This hot roleplay had me so worked up, I couldn't hold my orgasm back anymore. I grabbed my sons hips and went as deep as I could, adding another load into his willing guts. "Do you like that Tyler? Do you like that man dumping his come into you? Do you like being a cumdump for daddy?" The man asked. "Oh yes," moaned my son. "Please give me more daddy." I pulled out as my son rolled on his back, spreading his legs. Cum oozed out of his slightly gaping pink hairless hole. I snapped a few pics before the man moved between his legs. He hit the bottle a few more times before putting it under my sons nose again. "That's it Tyler. Hit it for daddy. Daddy likes a little poppered up slut." Then he slid his big cock back into my boy. Matty groaned deeply as he smiled, loving having that big pole back in him. The man leaned down into his ear. "That's it son. That's my boy. Take daddy's cock. Daddy likes his boys cum filled pussy. It feels so good Tyler. Daddy's so happy to be fucking his little boy." Then he started kissing my son. Matty wrapped his arms and legs around the man, holding tightly to him while they passionately kissed. They made out and fucked for probably 15 minutes before the man started filling my son with another load of hot cum. Then they broke apart from the kiss, and the man started stroking Matty's rock hard cock. "Cum for me Tyler. Daddy wants to see his little boy shoot." Matty was so aroused, it only took a couple of strokes before he shot another big load of teenage cum all over his face and chest. The man bent down and licked him clean. We sat around for a bit, basking in the after glow of sex, the man smoking another cigarette. "That was amazing." He said. "Thank you so much for that. You have no idea." "Oh I think we do." I said, tenderly kissing my son. "I'm glad my little slut pleased you." "Oh, he did. He's awesome. Can I come back tonight?" "Of course!" Answered Matty. "You can fuck me anytime!" We laughed at my greedy slut boy as the man got dressed and left. And he did return during the night for another hot roleplay fuck, ending with Matty having 3 more loads of cum being dumped into him. Before he left, we got his phone number, as he lived about an hour away from us. The next morning, as we were breaking down camp, the man came walking down the road with his son. He gave us a wave as they walked past. His son did look like a younger, skinnier version of Matty. And two years later, we were with the man again as we took turns fucking Tyler. Even Matty who never tops fucked that sweet young man. But that's another story.
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  41. ATM is showing respect to the Top who just fuck you and just gave you his precious load. If you are in a group and others see you do this they know you are worth fucking.
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  42. Getting fucked by a younger top, a son, is so much fun. So hot. So preferred. The tough part is finding a younger top that knows what they are doing. It's hard to find anyone who knows what they are doing -- I'm not even sure I know what I'm doing yet! -- but when it all synchs up, it's magical. I'm one happy bitch on those days.
    1 point
  43. Lately when i am trying to hook up with a top on bbrt, i am asked “how many loads you got in you?”. I’m honest so i reply truthfully. So when i say not any yet, i get the reply “hit me up when you got a load in you”. It’s hard enough to find legit guys that will actually show up let alone arrange tops by the preference of first or last. Drives me nuts. Another deal breaker is a message saying “I’m on my way, be there in XX minutes” and that time passes and the next reply is “just leaving”. No thanks flake!
    1 point
  44. Part 12; With that, he forcefully shoved the new neg twink in the direction of Pete and left to join the rabble upstairs. Pete caught him after the hard push, and upon catching him, ripped his singlet so it hung from his frame in tatters, showing off a tight tort sweaty body, and nipples that he had obviously spent a lot of time working on! Pete then stood back... - Get your trainers, socks, and shorts off NOW, boy, and stay standing. - Yes Sir He did as he was instructed, and even blindfolded, he had good core strength as he didn't wobble one bit. His shorts came off to show off a very high tight bubble ASS wrapped snugly in a Jock-strap. Fuck, his ASS is better than mine! My former Master's toxic Dick grew rock solid, as he licked his lips. He went and put on one of the many Gas Masks littered around the place. And then put on a black cloak which completely covered his thin pale wasted body. Unless his hands came out from underneath the cloak, all you could see from his entire body, was his Dark eyes through his Gas Mask. I thought he looked hot, but to someone else it might be a scary menacing look. He got the glass of liquid with the straw, stood right in front of the neg twink, hid the glass under his cloak, and ordered the twink to drop to his knees, take his blindfold off, and look up at him. Kneeling there in nothing but a tight Jock-Strap, with his high tight ASS, in front of AIDS Master Pete towering above him, in his cloak and Gas Mask, was a fucking HOT sight to see! The drink appeared from his cloak, held by his pale thin hand... 'DRINK it' 'Yes Sir .... Hmmmmm, it tastes a bit salty' 'DRINK it' He finished the drink, Pete put the glass down, and pulled the cloak slightly back enough to reveal his mighty filthy toxic fuck weapon that was already fully erect, and slowly wanked right in front of the twinks face. After about 10 Minutes he was still wanking, when suddenly the twink grabbed hold of his own pert ASS, pulling it apart, and leaned right in kissing the tip of Pete's nasTy AIDS Dick, looking up at him, and groaning .... - A-ha, I see the G is kicking in. Good boy! - I've never had G before Sir - And how do you feel? - Super alert. And I NEED to be fucked senseless - You do remember that you are attending a Poz Party? - Yes Sir - And you still want to turn your fantasy into reality, and get poZZed up? - Yes Sir. Oh yes. InfecT my cunT please Sir Pete threw off his cloak, stuck out his chest, to reveal his skinny gaunt pale wasted body, with his 'AIDS Master' message across his chest staring the twink right in the face! He got him to lie face down over a wooden horse, then restrained his wrists and ankles to the wooden legs. - Fuck YEAH. Look at that piece of neg Meat. I'm gonna marinate his sweet neg cunT with my burning poz cum, before I blood-slam him directly into my personal AIDS kingdom! The wooden horse was positioned opposite 'Pillory with Stocks', and also as a side view to mirrored walls. Pete pushed his Death-weapon onto the twinks tight neg cunT, took his Gas Mask off, looked in the mirror, and ordered him to look at his face via the mirror. - You want my dangerous toxic Dick to fuck you boy? - Yes please, Sir - You want my poz cum sprayed deep inside your guts boy? - Yes please, Sir ... Please take away my sweet neg innocence Sir - Then fucking take it, you fucking nasTy fuck pig! I continue to lay in the bath, my belly happily full of piss, and watched my former Master plunge his super toxic Dick in deep, and hard, and watched on as the neg twink took a right rough pounding! After several minutes Pete tensed, grunted, and spewed his highly charged fuck poison, as their gazes remained locked. Having unloaded in two neg twinks in one day, he set about drawing up a syringe full of his potent DNA. He located a vein, and placed the needle in position. - You want this boy? - Yes Sir - Once this goes in, I will OWN you forever. You will forever OBEY me. And you will always refer to me as MASTER. And it goes without saying, you will also convert to poz immediately. You want it boy? - Fuck YEAH Sir. Poz me. Make me yours. Control me for eternity. He spat in the twinks face. Then, plunged in his virulent DNA. Once in, he stood up, his toxic Dick still rock solid, and began to fuck the twink once again. - Fuck Yeah. My beautiful new poz pig has a sweet tight cunT. - Thank you for poZZing me Master. I am now your loyal obedient servant! Oh God, I want to be Fucked all night! - Don't worry boy, you WILL. The Demonic Whispers stopped, and Hard Techno started to be blasted into this amazing Dungeon.The Basement door opened, and my Master walked in, followed by a stream of highly charged toxic poz fuckers! There were many sexy guys, naked, in Leather, in Rubber. And a range of physiques; Slim, muscle Men, Bears, very Skinny, and everything in between. My Master spoke; - Let the P☣️z Party begin! ☣️
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  45. "I am your very own private AIDS Daddy for the afternoon." Is there anything more romantic for a faggot to hear?! :D
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  46. Part 3 As I entered the house Gary and my brother were in the kitchen, I shouted hello at them and went to my room and got changed. Gary appeared at my bedroom door "Everything alright?" he asked, "Yes, although still a little sore from what you did to me" he laughed at me, "Don't worry it will get easier, dinner is ready.". I followed him down to the kitchen where my brother looked over at me "Sore?" he asked as my face turned red and I nodded, we sat down and ate dinner. As we were clearing up my brother came over and put his arms around me, his head forcing mine over to the side exposing my neck he clamped his mouth at the bottom and started biting and sucking. I pleaded with him to stop but he sucked harder, as he released he looked at the spot and grinned before saying "That will take around 5 days to disappear and before it goes I will show you real brotherly love.". I walked over to the oven door to check myself out then turned to face him "You better make sure you do.", he came over to me and grabbed my face with both hands and started kissing me on the mouth. I fancied the hell out my brother so gladly I responded and kissed him back deep. "That is so hot." Gary said, I broke free from my brother's kiss and went over to Gary and kissed him. "Just getting more practice in." I said and laughed. The rest of the evening we spent in the lounge watching a film, I knew at some point I would have to broach the subject of Gary fucking me without a condom but for now I just wanted to start enjoying the freedom. I went on to tell them about Dan and the incident on the metro to which they both replied that I didn't waste much time putting it about. The more I thought about it and Dan I wondered if it was only going to be a matter of time, as the film finished I kissed Gary and my brother goodnight and headed up for some needed sleep and thank heavens tomorrow was Friday. The metro pulled to the station and as I stepped on board and headed to find a seat, I settled in and was about to put my headphones in when Dan appeared and took the seat opposite me. "Morning Josh." he smile was so radiant "Morning Dan, ready for another day?" I asked, "Yeah, but I know what I would prefer to do." laughing and winking at me. By the time we got off the metro and headed our separate ways I had found out that he was 31 years old, worked a couple of blocks away and lived close to the metro stop after mine. I had agreed to meet him lunchtime at the gym, the morning went by so slowly and I tried to busy myself to stop me from clock watching. At last it was midday and I finished off an email and collected my gym bag and headed out of the office. I had just finished a 5 mile run and slowing the running machine down as Dan appeared from the weight room and joined me, we chatted a bit then headed to the showers. Dan stood next to me in the shower, his naked body was doing it for me and I was finding it difficult to control my arousal. He looked over at me "Didn't know you had a partner.", I looked over at him "Why would you think that?", "Your love bite." he replied. I chuckled "That was my brother last night, claims he wants to do me.", "OMG that is not normal." he laughed before realising I was serious "Your brother wants to bed you....hmmm I can see why as I would as well.". I felt an overwhelming surge of sexual desire but contained myself and played it cool "Yeah." I laughed and winked at him. We parted company agreeing to meet at the metro after work. I decided to invite him for dinner partly out of curiosity and that I also liked his company, fortunately the afternoon sped by and at 5pm I logged off my work computer and left the office for the weekend. Dan was already at the station when I arrived, bracing myself to pluck up the courage to ask him if he wanted to join me for dinner. To my surprise he agreed, I hastily sent a text to my brother to let him know there was 1 addition for dinner, he replied with an okay as I took my seat on the metro. As we entered the house I called out to my brother and Gary whom both appeared so I quickly did the introductions, my brother nodded approval and smiled at me saying "Dinner will be in 20 minutes.". I took Dan upstairs to my room closing the door behind him and wasted no time, he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him as his mouth sought mine and his tongue speared in to my mouth. His kissing was so intense and dominate that my legs started to shake uncontrollably, his arms circling around my back he gradually lifted me off the ground and took me over to the bed. Gently he lowered me down and laid on top of me continuing his kissing, my hands were all over his body as I couldn't get enough of feeling his toned torso and arms. After some time we heard Gary shout that dinner was ready and Dan released me and flipped on to his back, "Seriously I am going to have to make love to you later." he said grabbing at his crotch and giving it a good rub, my head was buzzing with excitement but also the thought of how dominant and controlling he appeared to be. Over dinner and wine the conversation was good and interesting, hardly any sex talk and mostly a getting to know Dan and vice versa, my brother showed a little to much interest in Dan so I made our excuses as we headed back upstairs to my room. Dan stroked my chest through my shirt as we lay on the bed, gradually he undid the buttons exposing my chest, his head moved forward as he started licking and sucking at my nipples, I found out by this simple move that my nipples wired to my groin causing an instant erection. Dan realised he had found my erogenous zone on first strike. My hands moved across his broad shoulders as I started to undo his shirt buttons, as I reached the button button I moved my hands inside the open shirt and ran them up towards his shoulders pushing the shirt over them to reveal his body and those tattoos. A tribal tattoo that run down his left arm, paw prints over his right breast that ran down towards his groin area. I commented on his tattoos and how amazing they looked as I inspected the tribal tattoo further, embedded within I counted 3 biohazard tattoos that were designed to mix in perfectly. I knew what they meant and commented on how well designed it was circling around each biohazard symbol, "Ahh, you noticed them." he said looking at me "You know what they mean?", I simply nodded and muttered "Yes, I know.".
    1 point
  47. Read all the stories & can agree with the other comments. Love married men there is something about them cheating on someone that turns me on. The stories are so hot hard a good jack to them thinking about the married guys I've had.
    1 point
  48. If I had been in that situation I would have taken comfort, wrongly, in the idea he was married to a woman. I'm sure I would have believed him, because I would have wanted to so badly. I would have happily taken every load he wanted to give me, confident that it was 'safe.' He even could have brought along a 'married' buddy to fuck me raw, and I would have been thrilled to be used by both of them, as long as I could convince myself that they were 'straight.' I thought I was being safe back then, and, ironically, I think it was oral sex (which I never worried about) that pozzed me.
    1 point
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