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  1. Part 3 Tom's point of view. Jim woke up and was really sick. Tom knew that the fuck flu had kicked in. He needed to get him to an Emergency Room. He knew the closest one would be so busy it would hours before they would be seen. So he decided to go to the next town over. That was no good because the road was blocked. So he went to the next closest hospital. When they arrived Tom somehow knew they were supposed to come here. He knew that a higher power was guiding him at times, this was one of those times. it felt right to Tom, at first. There was no one waiting to be checked in. They got a room quickly and Tom explained what was going on. The doctor ordered tests to be done. They could not be done there. They had to be sent to a separate lab. "What a hick town." Tom thought. Jim was very weak and needed to be in bed. They were doing things to make him comfortable. Tom had to step outside the room for a bit and then he saw someone leaving. A very young employee, looked to be 19 or 20 at most. He had a great build. Nice body very fuckable. He felt like he was going to see him again sometime soon. Tom was allowed back into the room. They brought him in a bed so he could sleep. Jim and Tom were not committed. Jim was with Tom because he wanted to be pozzed. Well it happened. Tom loved to poz men. He knew bug chasers when he met them. Tom would give them what they want. He would see them through the tough part after the gift is received and then he would seek a new guy to infect. He kissed Jim on the forehead and told him to rest. Tom dozed off. The next morning Tom woke to an argument. Someone was refusing to be in the room with Jim. He just quit rather than do it. Tom was surprised that such stupidity existed still. The head nurse walked in and said that she would do the job until a replacement came in. He was going to be just for Jim and he was going to be here until Jim was discharged. The lab had confirmed that Jim was HIV+ and this was the flu. When she stepped out they hugged. Jim was still very sick and would be for about two weeks. Their happiness could not be contained. However, they knew this was not the place to celebrate. They would do so when Jim was no longer sick with this fuck flu. They needed the day in this hospital just to make sure of a few things. Tom's could afford it. He was from a rich family. He was a trust fund kid who was actually responsible with his money. An hour later he walked in. He saw the same young man that he had seen last night leaving. Okay, they were here to meet this young man. He had the desire to get the gift and the knew it. This was not a chance encounter. As they spent the day together and the young man named Jack worked in a very professional manner. It was quite a day. When Tom decided to check his bag he found a phone that he had forgotten about. It was a phone he boughed because he thought he might need it someday and then he knew he was supposed to give it to Jack. He put it on the charger and programed his phone number. The day was ending and he knew what he needed to due. He talked Jack into the bathroom and then kissed him. Jack was so clumsy that Tom knew this was his first one. So he also knew that this would be the first time this happened to him as well. Tom yanked down his pants ang gave him his first blow job. Tom knew the kid would not last. Jack's hot negative cum tasted to good in his mouth and he could feel it going into his belly. What a sensation. As they were leaving Tom gave Jack the phone. Knowing that when he could Tom was going to pop his and cherry and poz him at the same time
    11 points
  2. Part 2 Jack slept better than he had in such a long time. He awoke feeling refreshed like never before and really happy. He had a dream that things were going to be better for him. He heard his smartphone ring. "Jack it's your work." His mom called out. Yeah his parents had access to his phone. Their house their rules they said. He answered and sure enough it was his boss. They had a patient that some workers refused to treat. Someone quit over it. They really needed him to come in today. It would be an 8 and not a 12 hour shift and triple time would be authorized. He felt so strongly that he needed to be there today and he said yes. Getting there he was in his scrubs and told what was going on. They had someone with severe flu like symptoms and he was going to be here overnight and they needed to be the attendant to his room. All this for one person, why were they refusing to see this guy. Well, whatever, he was getting triple time and his parents would not know so he could put it aside. If he had been thinking he might of had a clue as to what was happening. He entered the room to see a man asleep in the bed and another man sitting in a chair next to him. "Hello, I am Jack and I will be here to help when needed for the next 7 and a half hours." The man in the chair arose and walked over to him and shook Jack's hand. "Thank you." He smiled at Jack and something hit jack like a bolt of lighting to his brain. This man was gorgeous. He was clearly in great shape, he had these dark inviting eyes that Jack felt he could state into forever. His Hair was black with a short conservative cut that looked perfect on him. His clothes were casual, polo shirt and slacks, that made his body look even better. Even his scent, a slight natural musty smell, drove him crazy. "I am glad you came, there are so many bigots in this hospital that I was sure we would be left alone." Jack was confused, for a second. He saw a scorpion tattoo on the man's arm. Intense flu like symptoms. Oh, wow. The man in the bed had the fuck flu. "Oh, by the way I am Tom and the guy in the bed is Jim." "May I ask your relationship with Jim?" Jack asked, his mouth suddenly dry and voice cracked. "First, lets get you some water." Tom said, sounding really concerned. He pored Jack a drink of water and Jack drank it down. Tom smiled. "I offered others some water and everyone refused. I have HIV and I just gave it to Jim here." Jack nodded his head, "I figured that out. But, I know how HIV works. I am not worried. I just want to treat it. So he has the fuck flu, I mean flu like symptoms?" Tom laughed, "You can call it what it is in here, Fuck flu is what it is. I fucked him several times so I could give him HIV." "He's a bug chasers then and you pozzed him?" Tom eyes lit up. "Yes, how did you know that?" It was Jack's turn to smile. "I have seed about it." Well Jack got to work. Jim was asleep most of the time, when he was awake Jack took care of him. The doctor also checked in a couple of times. When the shift neared it's end Jim was going to be discharged. He could be cared at home and Tom said he would make sure he was taken care of until he got better. Jack was alone with Tom and Jim for the last 20 of his shift. The next crew would clean the room, standard for everyone after leaving. Tom asked if they could talk in private, where no one could hear or see, it was important and just for the two of them. Well, the only place was the bathroom, which were big. When they entered their Tom grabbed Jack and kissed him. Jack was shocked but gave into the lust he had been feeling all day. The kiss was his first. It was long and passionate. Jack was loving it and was some what sad when it ended. Tom then knelt down, yanked Jack's scrub bottoms down, as well as his boxers and started to give him his first blow job. Tom's mouth was magical in how good it felt on Jack's dick. Jack was not small but not large so Tom was able to deep throat him. Tom also used his experience to finish quickly. Less chance of getting caught. Jack came into a man's mouth for the first time. Tom caught every drop of his cum in his mouth. Jack watched as Tom swallowed all of it. "That is for everything, I could tell that you wanted that." "Yes I did." Jack said as he made sure his clothes were on properly after finishing. As Jack was getting ready to leave as well as Tom and Jim, they said their goodbyes. Tom then said he had something for Jack. It was an older flip phone and charger. "There were a lot of places I could have takes Jim. Something led me here. I mean that. It was not just a feeling that here was where I was supposed to bring Jim I mean roads were blocked and traffic was diverted to bring us here to meet you. I don't know why I needed to give you that phone. You don't have to pay for anything it has enough prepaid minutes to last six months if you ony use it for me. I somehow know you need something like this for us to talk again and I want to talk again and more." Jim said, "As I do." Since no one was looking at them he shared a warm hun ang a strong kiss with both. "A higher power brought us together." Yesterday Jack would have said that a higher power would not even exist. Now he agreed. It was agreed that Jack would call when he could somehow get away for a few days. He was not sure how he would do it. He knew he just needed to have faith in this higher power to make it happen.
    8 points
  3. There is very little sex in this part. I wanted to move the plot along but I hope you like it. Part 4 Time seemed to stand still as I watched my father licking his fingers covered in my pre-cum. Of all the things I'd have thought could happen, this was certainly not what I had expected. I stood there, frozen in place, our eyes locked on each others, as time stood still. Dad's face started to move closer towards mine, his lips moving towards my lips. the distance between us closing until it was almost suffocating. I felt the faint touch of his lips on mine and it sent a shudder down my spine. *Phone Ring* The sudden sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my trance. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and picked up the call. By now, dad had distanced himself and I headed upstairs to my room. The phone call was from an old friend and while it came at the perfect time, I wasn't in the mood to chit chat. As soon as I entered my room, I made up an excuse and disconnected. I needed time to think. I quickly realised that staying inside was not helping me. I had to get out so I grabbed a sweater and headed out the door. Dad was still in the kitchen and when I muttered an excuse to leave, he didn't stop me. He threw his car keys at me and asked me to drive safe. Once in the car, I headed out towards the town. After years of being away, it felt nostalgic to be back to the place I called home. I went sightseeing my school, the old mall strip we used to hang out in, the arcade store (which had closed and turned into a grocery place) and a few others. Driving around kept my mind off of the things that had occurred at home. But there are only so many places in a small town to see so eventually, my mind drifted back to the house. What had dad meant when he said neg cum? Why was dad hitting on me, his own son? Why had dad and Sam changed so much? Why was the house so well furnished when dad's business wasn't exactly the most successful? So many questions and no answers. Right on the outskirts of town was McHale's- a working man pub frequented by everyone in town. It was old, shabby and grungy, but it was the one constant in town. I had never been inside but now that I was an adult who really needed a drink, it felt as good a place as any to drown my thoughts with a glass of cold beer. Being late afternoon on a weekday, the place was mostly empty. I grabbed a chair by the bar and sat down, waiting for the barkeep. Almost instantly, a hot young guy appeared in front of me. He was probably mid to late 20s, slightly chubby with a strong working man build. Bearded with a nose ring, the guy was a walking wet dream and under different circumstances, I would most definitely have tried my luck with him. I asked him for a beer but he kept looking at me with a weird smirk. "Well if it isn't Joey Sloan." "Do I know you?" I asked, confused and slightly aware that he had a familiar face. "Harry Keppler, we went to school together Joe." Now I remembered. Harry was a classmate but he was certainly different now than what I remembered. Back then, he was maybe 5 feet tall, scrawny like a twig and shy. The almost 6 feet hunky guy in front of me had nothing in common with the boy I remembered. Harry was chatty, asking me a lot about my life outside. As a courtesy, I asked him the same. He told me his parents divorced when he was 15 and his dad left, never to be seen again. His mum passed away when he was 18 and left him with the family farm and insurance money. Not interested in farming, he went to community college and got a business degree. When he graduated, he bought the bar from the previous owners and now ran it alone. "That's good man, must be fun running a bar." "Yeah, around these parts its the best job. No shortage of drunk bubbas around here," he chuckled. By now my glass had emptied out so I asked him for a second. When he went towards the tap to fill up, I heard the bar door open. A moment later, a man came and sat a few places over, keeping enough distance between us but close enough where I could appreciate him. Alpha Male- the only words that could describe him. Almost 6 and a half feet tall, somewhere around 270-290 pounds of strong working man muscle with a gut and massively huge arms. He was wearing a cop outfit, complete with the police cap, which covered his arms and legs. But if I had to guess, I would say he was a hairy man, based on the thick handlebar mustache and the hairy knuckles on display. As a business owner, I had met my fair share of alpha males but they didn't come close to this man. Those men showed the world their alpha nature by the way the spoke, dressed and presented themselves. This man had a presence that would tell any person that he was an alpha male that you'd not want to fuck with. While I was stealing glances at him, Harry dropped the refill in front of me and made his way towards the man. I saw the guy lean over and whispered something in Harry's ear. Then he stood up, and made his way towards the washroom. A few minutes later, Harry went towards the washroom as well. About 20 minutes later, the big guy walked out of the the washroom. He made his way to the bar, grabbed his drink, downed it in one go and left. A minute later, Harry walked out of the washroom and came back behind the bar. His hair was disheveled and it was evident what had happened. Also because of small drop of white cum that was lodged in his beard in his lower chin. I pointed it out to Harry who got flustered and quickly wiped it using his finger. But instead of cleaning his finger with a cloth, he stuck it in his mouth and licked it off right in front of me. This town was weird and something was up. "Never took you for being gay Harry." "Lots changed Joe around here, you'll find out soon enough," he replied with a smirk. I went back to drinking my beer and there was silence between us for a few moments. "Who was the guy Harry? Never seen him." "That was Chief Floyd Turnpike, he came to the country 'bout 3 years ago." "So, he's your boyfriend?" I asked him with a grin. "Hah, no. He's just a guy that I love to suck and get fucked by." His casualness caught me off-guard, what was up with this town's people and their casualness about gay sex. "Wow, that's umm...good for you Harry. He's hot." "Yeah he is Joe, he thinks you are cute too." I looked at him puzzled by his revelation. He told me that the chief had asked about me while they were "doing the business". Harry had told him everything about me including who I was. "Should I be concerned? The dude looked scary." "Eh don't be, you'll come to know him soon enough." Harry said, a slight mischief in his voice. By now, my second glass was empty and knowing that anymore would result in a good buzz and prevent me from driving, I took my leave and made my way home. On the drive home, I kept thinking about how to confront dad. What could I say to him to get some answers? --- When I reached my house, my brother's car was in the driveway and a police SUV. I was shit scared that something bad had happened so I quickly parked and rushed indoors. Once inside, I found my dad, brother and the chief from earlier smoking and drinking. The scene in front of me was hot, here were 3 hot, beefy guys reveling in their shared masculinity, doing what comes naturally to be a man. But my mind was elsewhere, stuck in the thoughts of my dad, my brother and everything that had transpired. "Aah look who's back, join us son." My dad spoke up on seeing me walk in. I gingerly made my way towards an open chair, as Sam passed me a beer. All this time, the chief had been eyeing me intensely. It wasn't a friendly gaze, rather one filled with intent malice and something else. Sam offered me a cigar which I refused. The 3 of them were talking about the town and my mind drifted off to everything that had happened. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that they were calling my name until Sam punched me lightly in the arm to wake me up. "Joe, your dad tells me you're gay too?", the chief commented. Way to start a conversation. I simply nodded my head yes, taking a big sip of the beer to calm my nerves. Something about the chief was making me uncomfortable, his attitude was both engrossing and intimidating, with a little hint of danger. "That's good, our numbers are increasing in this town," the chief remarked. "I'm not here for long, I'll leave in a few weeks," I chimed in. The chief stared at me intently. The room was silent, with the only noise coming from the cackle of the burning cigars in the room. The awkward silence was broken by the chief subsequently with a few words that sent chills up my spine. "We'll see about that." Despite being fazed by the man's words, I knew that I had to speak up. I wasn't going to be a wimp or be intimidated by him. "So, how do you know my dad and brother?" I asked the chief. "Your dad didn't tell you? Damn Bax, you've been keeping the boy in the dark haven't ya," the chief smirked towards my dad. My dad looked nervous, it was on his face, even though he was trying to hide it. "I am your dad's dad kid," the chief exhaled. Of all the things I had heard and seen, this was the most preposterous. I knew both my grandfathers and I had visited them often as a kid. They both had passed away a few years ago but I was certain that this man in front of me was definitely not related to me. "Dad, is this a joke," I asked dad with annoyance. My temper was rising at the absurdity of it all. Before dad could respond, the chief interjected. "I am not your biological grandpa Joe. I am a different kind of dad to your father. A more closer and sacred bond than he ever had with his own father." I kept quiet, unsure of how to respond. Sensing my annoyance, the chief continued. "A few years ago, I marked your dad with a bond that tied him to me. It was the gift only a man can give another man, and when given, ties them in a bond unlike any other. Your father, by accepting my gift, accepted me as his dad. And once gifted, passed on the gift to his own son, your brother Sam." This was all kinds of crazy. What gift were they talking about? Is that why dad and Sam had changed so much? Did it have anything to do with dad and Sam's current relationship? "Son," my dad spoke up, "There's something more I haven't told you. But before I do, do you know what poz means?" Of course I did. It was a term used to refer to a HIV+ person. But why was he talking about this? "Well, the thing is son, your brother and I are poz." The air left my lungs as the words he spoke entered my brain. My father and brother were HIV+. The shock knocked me out as I sat there quietly, mulling over everything he had just said. Words didn't come and my mind blanked, replaced by a slight buzzing of being in shock. No one spoke, as they watched me come to terms with what I had learnt. "How did this happen dad? Are you okay?" "I am fine son, better than I have ever been. As for how it happened, well," he looked towards chief while pausing before continuing, "chief gave me the gift of poz and I passed it on to Sam."
    8 points
  4. Jack was bored with life. He was an adult but he was still living with his parents. He had a good job at the local hospital and could afford his own place but, his parents were guilting him to stay. They were taking most of his pay for rent and utilities, mostly because they did not want to spend their money anymore. They also had child protection on all the computers in the house, even Jack's. It was done through the WiFi some how, like the one where he worked. He worked overtime as much as possible because he had nothing else to do. He wanted to go out and meet people. He wasnted to get laid. He was 20 and still a virgin. You see there were lots of women around. Jack was pansexual but liked guys best. He wanted to meet guys to fuck around with. He wanted his first to be a guy. His community no one was openly gay, bi or pan and no one talked about the subject. He told his parents and they just said it was youthful rebellion. Jack was in great shape, played a lot of sports in school and used to take MMA lessons until he graduated from Trade School and had to work full time. His parents thought that no one who did all that could be into men. They were not even religious or anything. They just were stupid. They spoiled his younger brother and sister, twins, and they became brats. They were 18 and still not adults. Jack decided to just go to bed after work tonight. He ate dinner at the hospital canteen took a shower and went to bed. He was not ready for sleep just yet though. He had a hidden compartment in his bed where he kept something he had fond a while ago. Someone had dropped it or tried to get rid of it and Jack found it. It was a porno collection but not a normal one. It was a collection of stories and pictures downloaded from the internet and printed out. It was all about men getting "pozzed." Jack had read every story so many times he had them memorized. He knew every detail of the pictures. He knew about the tattoos of scorpions and biohazard symbols. He knew some of the stories were fictions but, a couple were true accounts. Those were favorites of his. Jack read those tonight. He was reading them more and more recently. His desire for him to be the one getting pozzed was getting stronger. He knew that he wanted this more than anything. He thought it would never happen though. He resigned himself to the fantasy. He stroked his hard dick until he csme into his blankets. He went to sleep with the feeling of his cum rubbing against his leg. He liked how it felt. He thought this would be his only source of happiness for a while. Little did he know that fates were working to change things for him. Part 2 coming soon
    6 points
  5. Love when homes are so loose the cum just falls out because the bottom can't close. I know bottoms probably hate this but so fucking hot to see, especially after just finishe fucking a loose cumdump.
    6 points
  6. Part 30 - The Mists of March Two years after brought everyone to back together for the wedding of Dexter of Alberto in Atlanta where Dexter had now set up home with Alberto. Dexter had sent two flight tickets to his parents inviting them, he was unsure initially if they would come but here they were sitting in the front row more out of curiosity than anything. The unconventional ceremony where Dexter and Alberto would walk together behind the two ring bearers, Nathan who was 9 years old and the 7 year old Mateo. Carrington acting as Alberto's best man and Conrad as Dexter's. Reaching the top Mateo turned and waved to his father and took his other father's, Carrington's hand. Charlie smiled and waved back whilst Nathan walked round and held hands with Charlie his other father, he turned and waved to his uncles Conrad and Harry whom he adored so much. Adopted by Carrington and Charlie six months ago and the process helped along by Charlie's involvement at the Children's hospital. Joyce had approached Charlie one evening asking if they were considering adoption and the following day he and Carrington went with Joyce to the foster home and took the boys a couple of weekends then every weekend and finally six months ago they formally adopted them. It wasn't all plain sailing, Nathan would sit there quietly half expecting any day to be moved on to another home. When the boys were taken to England Nathan spent much time with Conrad helping him in the gardens of the manor whilst Mateo learnt to swim with Charlie in the pool. Nathan had been in foster care all his life moving from one family to another or spending time at the home and he ad given up on a family adopting him. The transition to a family life really only hit home after spending time with his uncle that Conrad insisted he should call him did Nathan realise that this time it looked like the real deal. He had always remained a little distant with Charlie and Carrington shying away from affection. When Carrington returned from work he would send Mateo in to the gardens to find his brother. Mateo had immediately bonded with his new parents and even though Nathan found him a little overbearing at times they soon became close and he loved having a little brother. On the the return flight from their first visit to England Carrington and Charlie were still anxious about Nathan settling in. He sat next to Carrington on the flight and glanced over at Charlie and Mateo who were playing games on the in flight entertainment system. Slowly unbuckling his seat belt he climbed over the seat sitting on Carrington's lap cuddling him, Carrington smiled and kissed him on the head then put on some cartoons that they watched together until Nathan fell asleep snuggled up against Carrington. Charlie looked over and Carrington and smiled then down at Mateo who was stretched out on his seat fast asleep. The two boys loved their Friday night sleep overs with their grandfathers and would play for hours around the grounds of Barclay House with them. Charlie and Carrington would turn up on Saturday morning joining them for breakfast then spending the day all together. Keeping them grounded was a challenge since Mason and Rico loved to spoil them as did Charlie's parents whenever they took them over to Australia. Life as everyone knew it settled down in to routines and time floated by, Adam and Jamal were married but there was still a little bit of bed hopping going on with the exception of Carrington who still only had eyes for Charlie. Alberto fell in love with England on his first visit with Dexter especially Hibiscus drive and they would often form a foursome with Harry and Conrad. It was early March two years after Dexter and Alberto got married that events took a turn. Simon and Sean had brought a little place in San Francisco having fallen in love with the city and spent much of their time between there and Sardinia. Caught up in an incident Simon took a bullet in the crossfire and fell instantly to the ground, Sean was by his side when he passed away late Thursday evening. Conrad stepped out on the terrace looking at the mist that lied low over the manor grounds, the sun just visible through the mist he kissed Harry good bye on his way to the office. Conrad shivered dressed only in a t-shirt and boxers. Felix walked outside with Beth who was in tears, he studied the look on Felix's face and suddenly going all cold he knew something bad had happened. Before Felix could muster up to tell him Moham's helicopter suddenly appeared making a dangerous landing through the mist. Conrad looked back at Felix 'Simon?' he asked and Felix nodded wiping his eyes. Moham came running up on to the terrace, Conrad dropped his cup going numb from fingers to toes, Moham rushed over putting his arms around Conrad holding him tightly. Mason answered the phone sleepily and listened sitting up in bed, Charlie in the background was obviously distressed concerned about Conrad. Rico realised something was wrong and quickly up to speed he called for the private jet and to prepare for a flight to the England. He was called back within half an hour advising they had a slot secured at Farnborough airport. Within two hours Carrington, Charlie, Dexter and Alberto were in the air having dropped the boys off at their grandfathers. Back at Hibiscus Adam and Harry had arrived back and found Conrad being comforted by Jamal, Moham was busy on the phone and walked in telling them the body was being flown home as they spoke and Sean is accompanying him. The call that Moham dreaded he would have to make to the solicitors was made and he took over power of attorney until the will was read. He now faced the task of calling Simon's mother Sally to pass on the news. Simon had pre-warned Moham that his family would show up. The next couple of days were hard for everyone but Conrad was fairing okay having gone through this Jack he was made of sterner stuff despite only being 25 now. Conrad and Charlie spent many hours walking and talking in the gardens, his words almost signifying this was the end of his life at the manor and doing the work he loved most. It was strange since the manor had become a focal point where everyone met up or stayed when they got together. They walked back up to house hearing several cars pulling up in to the driveway. Inside the front doors opened and Sally walked in with her interior designer, dressed in a black dress with a small hat and pathetic attempt at a veil. "Start drawing up plans to make this more like a an opulent house" Sally said. "What are you doing in my sons house?" Sally demanded to know looking at Conrad and Charlie. Conrad stared at her "I live here I am, was his gardener" he replied. "Yes was, get out of my house now" Sally said walking past him, "And take any others that are here". Charlie took his arm and led him upstairs quickly packing his and Harry's clothes they left the manor heading back to number 8. Despite all the arguing that went on between Sally and Simon's solicitors over where he was to be buried she had no say in the matter and he was to be laid to rest next to Jack in the church yard down the road. Moham gave instructed Sally that she was not to touch anything in the manor until after the reading, he was also keeping them all updated and things moved pretty quickly. She acted with a little more dignity at the funeral with her two daughters and son all in their 50's by her side. Only Simon's brother appeared to be upset, the others showed no emotion and immediately turned to leave after the coffin was lowered waiting by the car impatiently to talk to Moham who stood with the guys. Conrad laid fresh flowers on Jack's grave and kissed the headstone then dropped several Hibiscus flowers in to Simon's grave, just as he done with Jack, one for every year they had known each other. Sally wanted the will reading done but Moham was not playing ball with her and she got more and more irritated the longer he took. She sat through the wake which lasted several hours before the solicitors gathered everyone ushering them to the dining room. Sally stopped Conrad at the door reminding him he was the gardener so not welcome at the will reading. Moham coaxed her aside allowing Conrad in, he didn't take a dislike to people that often but Conrad could see why Simon had no time for his mother and how she walked around so smug, his sisters pushing past everyone else taking seats around the table. Conrad sat on a chair at the back of the room with Harry and everyone else. Moham handed over to the solicitor who started the proceeding "I am instructed by Simon Burge on the event of his death to hand power of attorney to Raheem Mohammed Jazeer until the will reading and his assets have been distributed. It is the with diligence and medical evidence as witnessed by Raheem Mohammed Jazeer and my solicitors that my bequests are made in a sound state of mind. Contesting any element of my will will result in said benefactor stripped of any entitlement of any part of my estate or claim upon my estate with immediate effect, the stripped asset will return to my main beneficiary. As part of this and prior to any distribution of assets my solicitors will now hand out a declaration prohibiting them from raising any legal challenges, until these are signed the reading will not commence". The solicitor stopped whilst his assistant handed out the declarations to Simon's immediate family, Conrad, Carrington, Sean, Charlie, Adam, Dexter, Jamal, Felix and Beth. He looked at Simon's mother reminding her that the reading was dependent on them agreeing to the declaration. With reluctance she signed pushing the document over. The assistant collected and verified all the documents then nodded to the solicitor. "No doubt my family were last to sign but what I have done is protect those I love dearly and those who have become friends and part of my life. To my brother Eric I leave £10 million, my sisters Louise and Amy I leave £1 million each. To my mother I leave you with the same amount of love you gave me over the years which is hard to put in terms of value so I bequeath you £1 million that I have donated on your behalf to a HIV charity as I know that will upset the hell out of you". The solicitor stopped reading at the gasps in the room as she stood up shouting that this was an outrage, Eric told his mother to shut up and sit down. The solicitor picked up the next page. "To Felix and Beth who served me faithfully over the years I leave £10 million and hope they will stay on and care for the new owners and look after them much as the did for myself. To my gardener Jamal £5 million, to Dexter the only person I know who had ever made to my two favourite people quiver I leave £5 million. To Charlie who I admired for his brave decisions the sum of £50 million plus an additional £1 million to Nathan and Mateo to be held in a trust until they are 21. To Carrington I leave my equity in IntecSolutions making you co-owner with Moham along with all my numerous other share holdings. To Adam my trusted friend the sum of £50 million. To Sean who I had grown to love so much I leave you our house in San Francisco and £50 million. To Harry I leave £50 million. Hibiscus Manor I leave to Conrad and Harry, two people who gave me so much happiness and friendship over the years. A housekeeping fund of £50 million to be available for the management and maintenance of the manor. The villa in Sardinia I leave a housekeeping fund of £50 million and ownership split between Conrad, Adam, Charlie and Dexter. I expect that each year on the anniversary of my death you will all meet here at the manor to celebrate my life and retain the friendships you have all built together. Finally to Conrad who annoyed the hell out of me but I loved him like my own son I leave the remainder of my assets including my personal wealth and belongings as my main beneficiary". There was silence in the room as the solicitor finished reading and Conrad sat there stunned for a moment trying to take in what it meant, he noticed Simon's family were all looking at him, only his mother and sisters looked angry. "The fucking gardener" Sally stood up angrily, "He left everything to the fucking gardener!". Eric stood grabbing his mother's arm "Enough it is done" he said. "Oh this is not over" Sally said shaking her arm free, "We will contest it, I want what is ours". She looked at her children. "No mother we won't" Eric replied and his sisters agreed. Banging her fist down on the table she screamed "Dirty bunch of fucking cock suckers". Eric stood up "That is why he left you nothing" he said angrily. Picking her bag up and storming out of the room shouting profanities at Conrad and slamming the door behind her that was one person Conrad was glad to see the back of. "I'm so sorry" Eric said walking over and shaking Conrad's hand, "She has a bit of a temper". Conrad stood up embarrassed by it all "I didn't ask for any of this" he said. Eric smiled "I know, Simon already warned me who he was leaving everything to". "Oh" Conrad replied, "He never really talked about his family". Eric nodded "Simon loved you so much Conrad, I'm glad I finally got meet you in person" he said. "Sorry" Conrad said fighting his emotions and leaving the room. He walked out on to the terrace taking a deep breath to steady himself, he had naturally assumed that the bulk of Simon's wealth was held in shares so didn't dwell on things to much. He looked up at the manor feeling a massive wave of sadness running through his body and unable to believe that Harry and he now owned it. His thoughts interrupted seeing Moham walking out the terrace in his direction. "The money has been transferred to your bank account in Monte Carlo" Moham informed him. "Money?" Conrad asked slightly confused at Moham. Moham patted Conrad on the shoulder "His personal wealth was over £2 billion Conrad". Conrad just stood staring at Moham who smiled "Conrad you are disgustingly rich" he laughed. Conrad gulped hearing those words "Why Moham, why did he leave it all to me?" he asked. Moham smiled "You meant more to Simon than anyone after Jack died" he replied. "I see" Conrad said looking up at the manor again. "What will you do?" Moham asked, "Are you going to live here?". "Yes" Conrad replied immediately looking at him, "It is the only place I could ever consider home". "Good, Felix and Beth were a little worried" Moham advised him. "But they are wealthy now as well" Conrad said, "They could do anything they want". Moham put his arm around Conrad "True, but like you their life is Hibiscus Drive". "Oh shit" Conrad said sighing, "What the hell do I do with all that money then". "Come on lets go inside, firstly make sure your family is taken care of" Moham said. Felix and Beth were overjoyed when Conrad expected them to stay, plus he figured he might need a bodyguard like Simon had in Felix and he also gave them instructions to recruit one person each to help take some their workload and enjoy and little more downtime. The following day Conrad went up to the church still trying to make sense of the previous day. He saw the lonely figure of Sean sat there on the damp grass his devastation clear to see. "Sean!" Conrad said sitting down to him. He put his arm around Conrad "Why Conrad, everything was going so well" he said. Conrad kissed him on the lips and hugged him "I know" he said. "Harry and I want you to come and live at the manor with us" Conrad said holding his hand. Sean looked at him "Are you sure, I mean it is your home" he replied wiping his eyes. "Yes" Conrad said, "I mean we spent so much time together when you was here with Simon". "Thanks Conrad" Sean said standing. Harry walked up behind them "Come home you two" he said. Life just seemed to tick on, despite everyone wealthy in their own right it was like nothing had changed. Conrad was down in the grounds creating some new flower beds with Jamal, Charlie and Carrington had flown over with the children and Carrington had taken them to Thorpe Park for the day giving Charlie some much needed time with Conrad. Charlie was sat on the grass watching his twin and Jamal reminding him to leave a patch for his nephew Nathan when Moham's helicopter suddenly appeared and touched down. Conrad walked over to greet to Moham and he could still see two people sat in the helicopter. "Conrad, Sorry to drop in like this" Moham said kissing him on the cheek. "That's okay" Conrad said, "You are always welcome". "Someone in the helicopter needs to speak to you" Moham said carefully gauging him. "Oh, who?" Conrad asked. Moham waved and the figure of Joshua appeared followed by the man he saw in Ireland, Tanner. Moham touched Conrad's shoulder in a don't worry gesture. Charlie and Jamal stood up immediately walking over and Sean who had been cleaning the pool appeared, seeing the worried looks on Charlie and Jamal's face he strode across the lawn with a purpose. Conrad stared at him, his hair longer and his body seemed even more fitter than he remembered. Moham held his hand out to stop the others watching Conrad take a few steps forward. "Conrad" Joshua said stopping a few meters away. Conrad eyes him cautiously "Who are we today Joshua or Gary?" he asked. Joshua lowered his head slightly "Joshua I have formally adopted the name" he said. The kids came screaming across the lawn arriving back from their day out and seeing the helicopter, Carrington calling after them to stop. Charlie turned and walked over to his sons holding them back for a moment telling them to wait. Joshua looked on a little perplexed to children being here. "Can we talk?" Joshua asked, "I owe you a massive apology" he said. Conrad looked around then back at him "You lost your accent" he said inviting Joshua to walk. Conrad lead the way up to the manor and Joshua nodded to Charlie passing him by and looking at the children, his face expressionless and almost in shame he lowered his head turning away. "Never thought I would see this place again" Joshua said looking up at the manor. They entered the lounge "I came to see you in Ireland" Conrad said sitting down. "You did?" Joshua asked sounding surprised. Conrad nodded "I had to make sure that you was okay" he replied, "Hell knows why though". Joshua sat down "You care to much about people" he said, "I really did love you". "Did you?" Conrad replied, "I was in love with you Josh, but my heart was always gone to Harry". Joshua almost smiled. "You seem so different Josh" Conrad said studying him. "I feel different and importantly I understand what drove me to do the things I did" Joshua replied. Felix walked past the door every 10 minutes to listen and could hear them talking. Beth had taken the children and was cooking them some dinner keeping them out of the way, the others sat in the formal room on edge listening and being reassured by Tanner and bringing Sean up to speed on who he was. After and hour talking Conrad stood up "Will you stay for dinner?" he asked. "I don't think you want me in your life again Con" Joshua replied, "I just wanted to apologise". Conrad looked at him "You are part of me Josh, it was you who converted me". Joshua looked down shaking his head. "I don't hate you for what you did" Conrad said, "Hate is not in me". Joshua smiled finally relaxing and Conrad walked over and hugged him "Thank you Con" he said. "You still spending the nights in this place?" Joshua asked. "Ah, sort of" Conrad replied, "Harry and I own the manor now" he said. There was no doubt in Conrad's mind that this was a completely different person who seemed to have let go of whatever had been hiding inside him. Joshua stayed for dinner with Moham and Tanner meeting everyone and being brought up to speed on how things had changed since the night he was taken away. He was genuinely pleased for Charlie and how he had made a completely new life for himself with Carrington and their children. Charlie and Joshua patched things up and he joked with Carrington that he never wanted to get on his bad side ever again. Joshua walked down to the helicopter and Sean ran up to him handing him his number. "Hey if you are interested I would like to take you out on a date" Sean said. Joshua smiled and kissed him on the cheek "Yeah I would like that" he said. Sean stepped closer and quickly kissed him on the mouth "God you are sexy" he said stepping back. Joshua turned to wave good bye then stopped smiling at Sean before stepping up in to the helicopter. Conrad looked at Sean who had a very genuine smile on his face for the first time since Simon's death. Conrad held Sean's hand squeezing it firmly, Joshua became a regular visitor and finally moved to San Francisco with Sean building their own lives but always coming back to the manor several times a year. Nathan and Mateo watched from the window as the helicopter flew off and Carrington called them back in to bed so he could finish the bedtime story before uncle Conrad and Harry came in to say good night. The boys rushed over jumping on to the bed and flinging themselves at Carrington. Charlie walked in and tucked Nathan up then sat on his bed whilst Carrington carried on reading. Sean went off to the lounge and Harry grabbed Conrad's hand "Strange year so far" he said. Conrad looked at Harry and smiled "Sometimes it is still hard to believe". Harry kissed him "Do you think it is going to change anyone?" he asked. "Nah" Conrad replied, "I think everyone is happy just as they are, even Sean looks happier". Harry laughed "Yeah, I mean that Joshua is fucking hot" he said dreamily. "He is, but that is one person I never want to sleep with again" Conrad said. They walked up the stairs together and entered the boys bedroom just as Carrington closed he book. Mateo jumping up and standing on the bed holding his arms out. Conrad and Harry grabbed an arm each and swung him back and forth then finally in to bed giggling, they kissed him good night on the head. Conrad went round to Nathan "Get some sleep you have a busy day tomorrow with your bit of garden". "Ah neat, my own bit the garden. Thanks" Nathan said smiling and hugging Conrad then Harry. They walked out of the bedroom and Harry looked at Conrad "You want one don't you?" he asked. Conrad chuckled "What about two boys?" he replied half expecting Harry to freak. Harry shook his head then smiled "I think 3, put a bit of life back in to this place". "I still haven't forgot that you punched me Harry" Conrad said smiling and looking in his eyes. Harry chuckled rubbing Conrad's arse "Stop being such a cock tease then". Conrad pulled Harry in to his arms and kissed him standing at the top of the stairs framed by the grand arched window that looked down Hibiscus Drive.
    6 points
  7. Never be ashamed of who you are and what you've been through. Guys like me like loose pussy and we come in all shame, sizes and endowments. On tight bottoms. I usually tell them to plug up and wait for me, so they are open enough so I can fuck them. With loose cunt no prep needed and it's like sliding into butter and straight in a bowl of gelly with a warm hug.
    5 points
  8. Saturday morning after a hearty breakfast and skinny dip in the river all gathered back in the circle. It was time for the second game. Similar to the 1st but slightly different rules. 1st spin determines the bottom. 2nd spin chose another bottom whose job it is to choose 2 tops to do the 1st bottom as well as instruct all active participants the script for this play session. The bottle stopped 1st at the bear. Next the bottle indicated the young muscular cub. The cub chose Mel and just happened to pick the other toxic top. Then he instructed them to bb spit roast the bear in whatever order they wanted to, however, they must both breed his ass. Clearly the bear was frightened, but as the action ramped up he is clearly turned on and blows his massive load down the throat of the poz top as Mel blasts the bear's 1st known poz load into his guts. The other top is in the bears cum sloppy ass in no time. It doesn't take long 'til he's blasting his load to join Mel's. As soon as he pulls out he drops to his knees to suck out the bear's ass of toxic cum. He then moves up to kiss the bear and sharing some of the cum. They both swallow their toxic communion.
    5 points
  9. after years of getting double fisted i can get a really sloppy hole. I know some guys dont like it but other tops Ive played with love playing with a sloppy hole, especially if there are a few loads up there already. I don't get uptight about the sloppy noises it makes as I get fucked or fisted.
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. Having been unable to stop thinking about taking that toxic poz load for months, fantasizing daily about my next toxic load I found myself seeking out gifter profiles on the apps I started using. I guess I was well primed for meeting Mel and being introduced to his well planned 'Toxic poz cum Roulette parties '. I still surprised myself when I sent back the RSVP saying I would attend the next party with the signed waver saying I was consenting to the risk of being pozed. I fretted a great deal for the weeks leading up to the weekend but once I arrived, saw the setting and other participants I was horned up and ready to go. 7 guys gathered at a remote cabin for a weekend of sexual abandon. 3 neg cum hungry bottoms,1 of which was me. 1 neg top 1 undetectable top 2 toxic poz tops. 1 of which was Mel open information from his online profile. The Friday night game was a simple game of spin the bottle. Everyone had stripped before the game. The bottoms got in the circle 1st with the bottle stopping at the 1st willing bottom. Then the tops formed the circle for the next spin. In the 1st spin round a negative twink was paired up with the undetectable top. But of course the bottoms had no idea which top was which other than Mel. These players were invited to do whatever they wanted as long as they performed in front of the entire group. Of course the twink chose to get fucked bb and collected his 1st sweet load. Bred like a champ. In the second round of the evening the negative bear is paired with the toxic top. The bear decided to hedge his bets and chooses to suck down the load since he had an option. The third round the young muscle cub is paired with Mel. He eagerly takes Mel's toxic load up the ass begging 'breed me man, poz my hairy ass!'. He leaves the session clearly eager for all the toxic cum he can get. ... to be continued
    4 points
  12. You should be proud. You have a beautiful pussy.
    4 points
  13. Chapter Fourteen That weekend was wild. Saturday night Logan's friends left and the brothers railed me all night. I took both of their cocks for the first time and it was like coming home. I also watched Jack pound the fuck out of his little brother and knew that boy was going to be a hungry bottom in the future. The night ended with Logan riding my cock until he came hands free, his forehead covered in sweat and cum as he shot his load onto his face. Sunday Jack and I decided to just have some alone time, just the two of us. We spend most of the time fucking each other but as the day wore on the two of us laid in bed and just enjoyed being together. “So, how you feeling?” he asked me. “Right now or in general?” He chuckled “Both.” “Right now, I feel content and well fucked. In general...well I thought I would be more weirded out by having sex with guys, but honestly because you're with me, it isn't that weird, it feels right.” “I'm glad, I expected you to fight it more.” “Fight what?” “That you're a sub.” I looked at him confused. “Submissive, you like being told what to do.” “I do not,” I answered, and even knew as I said it I was lying. “Dude, you've been following what I said since junior high. You do whatever anyone says, always. It's no big deal, you just like being used.” The idea that I somehow wanted to be ordered around rubbed me the wrong way, even though I knew it was true. Jack had always been the one in charge, and I never had a problem with it at all. And he was right, I had always been a follower, just going with the flow. I never wanted to be in charge or control... “See?” he said watching me think it through, “It's not a bad thing Ev, it's just who you are.” “So I'm a bitch?”I asked, upset about the revelation. He moved on top of me, “You're my bitch, and you're whosoever bitch I say you are, but that is behind closed doors and in sex.” I wanted to be upset, but it was hard with him sitting on my cock, looking down at me possessively. “Look Ev, I'm not going to lie, I get off on watching you get fucked. It excites the shit out of me to watch you get railed by people. It makes me want to fuck you even more and I know you like it too.” I opened my mouth but he put his hand down on my throat and pressed. “I didn't say speak.” I closed my mouth before he started applying pressure. And just like that I started to get hard. “See? You're already turned on. This isn't something that's wrong with you and it doesn't make you lesser than anyone.” He ground his ass down against my hardness, “It's just what you're turned on by.” H leaned down and licked my lips, I extended my tongue to kiss him back but he pulled up, “You're mine, and that's just a fact. And you'll do anything I tell you to, period. And because you give me that trust, I will never make you do something you truly don't want to do. But you need to figure out now, there are things you want to do but you're afraid of it. Choices you will never make because of fear or ego or whatever, I will be making those choices for you and in the moment you may protest and not want to...but once your ass is blown out and you have a load dripping out your wrecked hole...you'll be begging for more. You get it?” I nodded, my mind already fogging up with lust. “So when I make a choice, I want you to fight the urge to argue with me about it. I want you to try to understand, I'm not just making you do things because I want you to,” he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I'm also doing it because you have a hungry jock cunt and want to be abused...don't you?” I looked up at him and nodded. “Say it.” “I want to be used,” I wanted sex so badly... He pressed down on my throat, “Say it properly...” I felt my air cut off and my cock throb. “I want to be used sir...” I croaked as I saw spots in front of my eyes. He let go and kissed me, “Good puppy...” I kissed him back and then begged him to mount me right then and there. The conversation was forgotten for now...but it came back up later that week. That Monday Issac started talking shit before practice. “So what gives Ev? Too good for my party?” I looked up confused, “There was a party?” Issac looked at Jack angrily, “You said he'd be there.” Now Issac was a big boy, one of those powerhouse hitters that had the upper body of a fucking mack truck. He was wearing nothing but compression pants so he cut an imposing figure as he glared at us. “Dude that was my fault,” Jack said pleasantly, “It completely slipped my mind, look, it wasn't a slight. How about I throw one for this week's game...I'll even bring the entertainment.” Issac glanced at me and then back to Jack, “For real this time? Because you said you were bringing it last weekend.” “Scout's honor,” Jack said holding up two fingers. Issac relaxed some and nodded, “You better dude...” and walked away. As soon as we were alone I looked at Jack, “Dude, what entertainment were you supposed to bring?” He smiled, “Party favors, don't worry, I'll ask my parents for the house, they'll understand.” “He looked pissed...”I said unconvinced. “He won't be this weekend,” Jack said starting to change out, “Trust me.” I did trust Jack so changed out myself and let the thought slip out of my mind. After practice I showered and was about to walk out when Cody grabbed my arm and yanked me back, “Come here man...” I looked around in panic as he drug me around the center partition and pushed me to my knees, “Been thinking about you all weekend...” His cock pushed against my lips and before I could protest I was sucking him off. The thrill that anyone could walk in and see me blowing my teammate made this all the more exciting and I found myself really going to town on his cock. “Yeah lick that dick...” he said softly as he kept a look out for people, “Get my balls...” I licked under his balls eagerly, realizing this was what Jack had been talking about. This guy was just using me to get off, I wasn't a person I was a just a thing to use and that fucking turned me on like wildfire. “Grab that soap...lather your ass up so I can fuck you.” He snapped at me. Like the fucking sex toy I was I grabbed the bottle and shoved two soapy fingers up my ass for lubrication. I moaned around his cock as I realized how fucking sick this was, here I was a foot taller than this guy, in better shape and easily four inches of cock on him and I was fingering my own jock pussy waiting to get fucked by him. My own cock was weeping precum from just the though. He pulled me up and shoved me against the wall, “Spread that ass...” My cheek rested against the tile as both my hands grabbed my muscular ass and pulled my cheeks apart. I felt his thick head press against my hole and felt myself relax automatically as I took his cock into me. “Fuck you have a tight cunt...” he growled as he pushed into me with one motion. His pubes were against my ass and I felt my ass try to adjust to the intruder as he pulled out and slammed into me again. He had no intention of giving me pleasure, he didn't care how it felt, all I was to him was a hole for his dick and my job was to get him off. He tore into my ass, his hands on my shoulders pulling me back onto him as he pushed forward. His cock felt good but it was more that he was just using me that turned me on. “Fucking faggot cunt...” he chanted as he fucked me, “You want me babies up in you? You gonna take my load?” “Fuck me Cody...breed me...”I whimpered as I felt him fuck me harder. “What if someone walked in right now?” he asked, “I'd bet you'd suck their cock like the fucking faggot you are wouldn't you?” I nodded as I stroked my cock. “Yeah you'd like that...what if fucking Mr. Franks came in...you'd suck him off?” Mr. Franks was the 60 something janitor that wanted the halls of the school every night. He had thinning white hair and looked like he was just a walk skeleton with clothes most days. He always leered at people as we walked by and was universally accepted as a creep. And the thought of Cody making me suck him off made my cock pulse. “Oh yeah you would!” he said feeling my ass clench around him, “You're a fucking dirty freak aren't you? Say it...” “I;m a dirty freak...” I chanted as I felt myself get close, “Use me Cody...use my pussy...” He reached around and grabbed my throat as he fucked me, “Open your mouth.” I turned my head to look at him and opened my mouth as he spit into it. My cock pulsed again and I knew I was going to shoot. “Fucking faggot...” he snarled as he pushed my head against the tile and began to pile my ass again and again. I felt him get close as my own cock tensed up with my orgasm. “Take my load...” he roared as he shot into me. My own cock exploded against the wall as I felt his cock fire off shot after shot of cum up into me. He kept punching into my ass, “Get my cum up into you cunt...fucking take that load...” “Fuckmefuckmefuckme....” I babbled as I felt the last of my orgasm hit. He pulled out and let me slip to the floor, “Good cunt.” he aid before spitting on me one last time and walked out. I laid there, never feeling so fulfilled as I did right then. Fuck, Jack was right about everything.
    4 points
  14. I do not know about others, but for myself personally it is not important at all to hear my bottom say that I am big. It is not about size (to an extent). I wouldn't say that I am 'large', but then, what defines large? My Dick is about 7.5" in length when fully erect, and I am sure that some would see that as large, others average, and for those that I'd physically fall into their anal abyss (haha) would see me as microscopic. So yeah, not important to me at all. What is of great importance for me though, is chemistry, a human to human spiritual connection if you like. As for tight VS loose, tight can be fun if one is corrupting them, sorry, I mean training 😉, but I MUCH prefer a sloppy loose cunt. If it makes you feel uncomfortable to act that way, then don't - You are in charge of your destiny.
    3 points
  15. Time for lunch, another swim and an afternoon of leisure. Some guys got in a nap. In the gentle evening light everyone gathered for the 3rd Game. This time the tops were 1st in the circle. The bottle spin determined which top will bottom for the rest of the group, all six tops and bottoms. The negative top not on PreP, was selected. He chose to spin the bottle again to see if the game would be played safe or raw. 50/50 chances. The bottle stopped at raw and he figured he was in for 3 toxic poz loads. Resigned to his fate he chose Mel to start the cum dump gangbang. Sitting on Mel's huge erection with only spit for lube he sighed deeply and then uttered "knock me up, Poz my ass man ". All the observes cheered and encouraged Mel to give it to the top. It was not long 'til Mel held down on his shoulders, no escape, and let him know "I'm pozing your ass, take my deadly sperm!" This is when the rest fully realized the top had been negative, a surprise pozing and they made their delight known patting their newly bred companion on the back as Mel added two more toxic loads . Next up was the toxic top who stars by feltching out a mouthful of Mel's cum. He then kisses and shares this nectar with everyone in the circle. When he returns to top he inserted one finger and scratched deep so any toxins would find easy entrance. A look of pain and terror crossed the acting bottom's face. Looking the toxic top in the eye with concern his face soon melts into a resigned grin and he gave his head one nod of approval. His fate could now be sealed . He receives more fingers each digging in more scratches. With each painful tear he offers more consent. When the thumb is added to 4 fingers he clearly needs a moment to decide ... again the slight nod and the fist starts pushing in tearing and stretching his ass wider than ever before. Breathing deeply he did his best to relax and the knuckles slipped in. Given a moment to adjust he is surprised to hear his own voice. "Yup, more. " The fist fucking begins and he accepts it like a champ as the crowd went wild. Each punch went deeper and it didn't end 'til toxic top's arm was elbow deep. When his arm was removed it was streaked with ass juice, cum and blood. With a malicious smile the top licks his arm and drives his raw cock into the wrecked hole. When close he jerked himself off shooting on the hole the bottom is pulling open, plunging in for the last few volleys. Before the bottom got his breath the next 2 loads were delivered into his spent dripping ass. When he had received at least one load from everyone, not having cum himself, he was given free choice to pick an ass to breed. You guessed it, he chose the toxic top. He started by eating his ass then tongue fucking and fisting. As the toxic top enthusiastically accepted all offers 5 more guys fist fucked him to the very depths of his limits. The twink was able to get in well beyond his elbow and with two hands well past the wrists. Our unspent top wedged his cock between the twinks hands and had the twink jerk him off inside the toxic tops vulnerable ass. Overcome with excitement the twink came at the same time and all three collapsed into a pile to catch their breath. Down to the river for a midnight skinny dip and everyone was sent off to bed with instructions not to pee in the morning until instructed.
    3 points
  16. I just have to say - what a difference a load makes! I was about to call it another lost COVID day when I get a little bleep from Kik, with a note from the young blond guy who lives local that he wants some ass. He had actually messaged me an hour and a half earlier and I had missed it, but just by hopeful chance I had cleaned out earlier in the day, so I was could take him quickly. He’s hefty, and his cock isn’t big, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm and a special kind of warmth that I can just feel radiating off his cock every time he enters me - he really wants this. He doesn’t last all that long either, but the way his groan gets pulled from somewhere deep, deep down inside him when he cums tells me without looking that his eyes are rolled back in his head and he feels for that moment as though his flesh is melted into mine. For me, that moment is doubly delicious because not only do I share the intensity of his orgasm and the heat of his body actually being inside me, but the moment he shoots his cum into me, I’m hit with the chemicals in it that affect me like a drug - I feel instantly warm and whole and right, and utterly convinced that my purpose is to be his cunt. It’ll wear off in a while - that’s what happens, and I know I’ll be left feeling empty and strung out and desperate for another cock to come rut my warm hole. I know that in time I’ll just need more and more to get the same feeling, and that in time I’ll end up either accept that I’ll never be able to get enough, or I’ll keep trying until I’m completely debased and willing to do anything at all for cock. There’s not too much I wouldn’t do already, but I’m nowhere near the bottom either. Because I can still feel the difference that one load makes, and right now, I’m glowing.
    3 points
  17. Me, I usually like the fuck to go on and on and on for as long as the Top is enjoying himself, because for me as a bottom the reward is knowing that I’m the source of his pleasure. Most often, I don’t try to speed up his orgasm, because that would cut short the pleasure he would get in fucking me. But I do know how to do it. It’s a skill you have to pick up with time and practice, I’m afraid - and the application is different for each individual, so you really have to be tuned in to the Top rutting you, his rhythms, his sounds, his energy, his cues, figure out what’s driving his urge to be inside you. When you’re attuned to all that, you know when to make just a slight whimper or growl at the right moment, or get a sense of how and when to use your inner muscles to lightly snatch at his cockhead on the outstroke - not too hard - and then go totally loose on the instroke, or vice-versa. Sometimes I get a sense that a Top is getting to the point where he’d like to cum but isn’t quite getting there, and I step in with the barest little trick or two - it doesn’t take much - and then suddenly he goes, “Oh, shit! I’m gonna fucking cum in you!” like he’s surprised, and BAM! He’s over the moon. I always smile a little when that happens. But I never do it unless I get a strong sense that he’s ready, for two reasons: First, if you try to push a Top’s performance, you stand a significant risk of throwing him off his rhythm, killing his mood, or worst, spoiling his orgasm. This is especially true if your technique us clumsy. There are other threads on here where Tops complain about pushy bottoms who ruin a fuck by changing position or just not knowing when to be still and just fucking take the cock. Second, because it’s the wrong way to go about sex. Sex works when two people are working to satisfy each other’s needs, but if I decide when and where * I * want the Top to cum, I’ve completely stopped thinking about his needs and focused entirely on my own. Instead of worrying about tricks to make a man cum in you whether he wants to or not, maybe think about ways you can make the experience of fucking your ass an excellent, luxurious one that once they start, they don’t want to stop. Men cum inside me (so they keep telling me) because they feel incredibly good inside me. Be that kind of ass, and they’ll shoot you full.
    3 points
  18. I have been away from BZ for several months, so my stories all ground to a halt. If you want to see this story continue give this comment a 'like' so I know you want more and that is is worth me carrying on with it. I do have a few dozen chapters ready to publish, and have developed one of the poz greedy NEG characters rather nicely 😈 I hope everyone has been keeping well in what has so far been an extremely bizarre year.
    3 points
  19. So I'm hoping this is the right part of the forum to post this. As the title suggest, I'm a slut for these types of dudes. Then again, I'm a slut for a lot of types LOL The ubermasculine, tough and rough type of straight dudes, I'm immediately noticing these type of boys on the street. They don't have to be clasically handsome, they might have rough edges, brutish looks and it turns me on 😛 Some of them white trash also looks a bit more sleazy and unkempt but still ruggedly hot in a way, like damn there are some hot af homeless guys out there who I just want to slurp up. And I have to admit, if they are the guys that are 'all-about-the-pussy' and 'fag basher' types, it makes this boy even hornier. Not saying pretty boys aren't hot, wouldn't say no to one but there's just something special about them lol I like to sort of 'hunt' my way towards them, try to suggest and seduce them but it doesn't always work. But when it does, I feel like the the literal whore in heat haha. Most of them completely forget the condom when they actually get in the zone (sometimes with the help of a good porn with some busty girl) and just want to ram their delicious cocks into a hole. When they finish, they pretty much leave in a hurry or make me leave as fast as possible. Also there's this side to it where you have to coax some of them with actual cash and aren't all comfortable in it. Is it bad to say it makes me hot that I still get to enjoy their straight cocks? Surely I'm also not the only one here who's into these sort of things right?
    2 points
  20. I had always played safe. I chose condom porn the few times I let myself watch; and, the even fewer times I relented to my carnal desires I insisted on safe condom sex. I was 36 and needless to say I didn't have very much experience. Really I was just one very shy and super careful guy. One Friday night after a 6 month period of sexual abstinence I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to my neighborhood gay bar. I nursed my beer alone in a corner and drank in all the eye candy. My eyes soon lit upon an incredibly hot bear cub. Once he entered my vision I couldn't take my eyes off him. Every thing about him was my ideal turn on. Dark curly hair, impish grin, golden tan, short trim beard and body hair in all the right places. His tight shorts and low cut white muscle tee showed off his beautiful body perfectly. I tried not to be obvious with my ogling but was not successful. He gave me a big smile, excused himself from his handsome friends and made his way over to me. I was delighted and mortified all at the same time. I was surprised my tongue worked and we were soon chatting about nothing in particular. I was surprisingly comfortable with this gorgeous young man, I guessed about 24, and we kept ordering beer. After the 4th I uncharacteristically hurd myself invite him to my place. We barely got the door closed and were all over each other deep throat kissing and tearing off our clothes. Naked he was the fulfillment of every wet dream I had ever had. He was soon on his knees giving me the best blow job and I was soon ready to cum. He noticed the signs and stopped, stood up and assured me 'not yet '. It was my turn to take his beautiful big thick cock in my mouth. I could barely manage this 8" beauty yet before long we were 69ing on the living room floor. Sensing I was on the verge of orgasm again he stopped us and asked where the bedroom was. He backed me in and immediately pushed me down on my back on my bed. He raised my feet over his shoulders in no time and was bent over deep kissing me again. I was breathless as I felt his swollen dick head touch my hole. It felt great. With only his spit for lube he started to push the naked tip in. I involuntarily took a deep breath relaxing my ring. I came to my senses as his bare head found entry to it's goal. "Aren't you forgetting something?" ,I murmured almost in audibly. He just looked at me with that incredible impish grin. "The condoms are in the drawer of my bedside table. " With utter confidence he replied while pushing in a little deeper, "I never use those. " Again my hesitant murmur; "I never don't..." As he pushed in to 4 inches, "Really!" My response came more as a question than statement "really?" As he pushed in to 5 inches he said, "Well you seem to be enjoying my raw man meat. " I couldn't lie I had quickly moved through the initial pain, "Ah ... yeah... but, it's not safe ... I don't even know you ... we just met ... and I never ..." "Just let me push in all the way. Try something new" he persuaded. My meek voice, "No fucking, ok ... just in balls deep... then pull out " There was no response as he steadily pressed in deeper. "Ok?" I asked Oh my God his big raw cock felt incredible and then his balls hit my taint! He couldn't miss the half grunt half sigh of satisfaction and he pushed in even more while grinning in my face and looking deep into me with his incredibly seductive brown eyes. "Oh FUCK ME! " the words came spilling out of my mouth. I could not believe what I had just said. To be continued ...
    2 points
  21. Author's note - it is my intention to serialise this story. But this post is the first two chapters. Determined to forget I was head down, bum up in the dark room of Wet on Wellington in Melbourne. I could barely make out that about seven men were leaning against the wall - watching the show. The stranger jack hammering into hole as precum leaked out of my cock on to the vinyl fuck-bench. I couldn’t tell you if he was wearing a condom - to be honest I was past caring. His moderate cut cock was as hard as granite and he seemed determined to fuck me as hard as humanly possible. I could tell he was Asian - he had straight pubic hair and he was clearly into me. I wasn’t there for pleasure - I was there to take loads and move on from the past. He was hitting my prostate with every stroke in the most unpleasant way I could imagine. Frankly, it just hurt - not even liberally huffing amyl helped. But the pressure meant my cock was leaking - precum continued to dribble out of my foreskin onto the vinyl. I kept moaning with every abusive slam - not for my top - but to entertain the barely visible silhouette around the edge of the room. This was a hate fuck from a man who I would never recognise - but I was determined to take it to show the crowd that even self-loathing chubby guys have their charms. To distract myself from the punishment I was taking, I started to think about how I got here. In June it became obvious that Covid was back. My suburb was one of ten going into an extreme lockdown for two weeks to save the city from a second wave. The political system seemed determined to cover-up how, why and even who was responsible for our predicament. I was angry and scared, and frustrated that the white-wash would mean other places wouldn’t be able to learn from our mistakes. And on day two of the two week lockdown, I was washing up. The man I loved and had lived with so long told me “You’re just not the guy for me - we’re a bad match”. Those two weeks lasted 147 days - and my city is still living with restrictions. The rules were so strict it was illegal for me to move out of our home. I couldn’t stay with friends and I couldn’t even check into a hotel because they were all closed. Our only break from each other was an hour of ‘outside exercise’ every day - in the dead of winter. It was even illegal to get a haircut. We both tried our best to be kind and civil during those 21 weeks - but the fact remains for nearly six months he and I were caught in a cage-match - I was trapped somewhere I wasn’t wanted, feeling hurt and abandoned, and he was trapped with someone who he once loved, came to resent and now desperately needed to escape. It was crushing for both of us. I had been with him for so long I had forgotten who I was without him. The most sensible thing to do was to live in a manner directly inverse to the life that we had built together. I rented a fancy apartment in the middle of the city centre, got myself on PrEP and downloaded the apps. In short, a few weeks from my 42nd birthday, something had snapped in me and I decided to take every cock I could find until I forgot who I had become with my ex. Moving day My grandmother’s voice swirled in my mind - ‘When you move house, always pack a bag with a towel, soap, sheets, toilet paper and a pillow - your first job is to make the bed - the rest is a bonus”. I included my prep, a toothbrush, an old towel, a bottle of lube, and a fresh bottle of amyl in the bag. After making the bed I had a shower and started working on my plans. I installed Grindr, Scruff, BiggerCity, and Growlr. And, then I did what the old me would consider unthinkable - I set my username in each app to “I can host”, and promised myself no matter what, I would say “yes” to any man who wanted to come over. As I pottered about the boxes - “ding” from a guy called “thick” on Growlr - “Hey”, he was 100 meters away and reported his age as 54... “Hi - how are things?”, I replied… “Good - just shopping - got any pics?” I sent him a series of photos - one my cock, one of my butt, a few of my unremarkable face, and a body shot that showed I was a chub. While I would say yes to every man who wanted to come over, I wasn’t going to deceive them. Yes, my heart was broken, but my integrity remained intact. He replied with three photos - one of a thick looking cut cock, another of a middle-aged body that looked like it was taken 15 years ago, and a clothed photo in front of Sydney Town Hall where all the cars in the background were from the mid-nineties. I reminded myself of my obligation - I would say yes to every man who asked. My thumbs flicked back to the chat, and tapped out “nice cock. What are you looking for?” He rambled and I decided to cut to the chase. “I’ve just moved into this place and I’m looking to get fucked NSA” He took the hint and about ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. He was not 54, but he was chatty. To break the ice (and to shepherd him into the bedroom), I gave him a tour of my new home. He wanted to do foreplay and he was bad at it. Mercifully, after about 15 minutes of quite dull, uncoordinated fumbling our clothes came off and I’m pleased to report the cock was as advertised. I presented myself - taking a doggy-position at the edge of the bed. He started to rub his hands all over my body. I slathered lube on his cock and my backside. I reached for the amyl bottle and then he started to speak again… “Do you have a condom?” I thought about it for a moment - I had some somewhere in the apartment, but everything was in boxes, the boxes were in a random order and so I answered truthfully. “No. I’m on Prep, so does it matter?” Saying it out loud changed everything for me - in that moment I knew I was serious. I simply huffed the amyl and waited patiently. My suitor seemed confused - but he was leaking precum and obviously ready to go. He dropped to his knees, and started to eat me out like a man who hasn’t had a meal in weeks. While his tongue was opening up my hole I realised he had finally shut-up, and so I enjoyed the peace and quiet. He stood back up and started to rub his cock all over my crack - leaving a trail of precum. I kept huffing the little brown bottle. He slid into me a little too quickly, it had been months since I had been fucked - and I was living for it. He thrust into me somewhat artlessly. I started to moan because despite his lack of technique, I could feel a certain tension leaving my body. My moans must have turned him on because he got harder. “You like my thick cock, chubby slut?” “Yeah, please keep fucking me, man” “All you chubby boys are the same - look at you, you’re a dirty slut, taking a random cock bareback” Well he wasn’t wrong. I clenched my hole around his rod that somehow was getting harder still and suddenly my moans became real: I was loving being dicked down by a stranger. He kept pounding my hole, and we were both getting a light-sweat. “I’m getting close - where do you want me to cum?” My hole was singing - yes, it was slightly sore from the stretching, but after months of bad porn and being caught with my ex, it was finally being used for its intended purpose. I was ready to say something acerbic like “Really dude? Take a hint” but, then I became aware of my voice in the room “In me” And then, without so much as a thought, I heard myself begging “Please cum in me - I need you to breed my hole. I want you to dump your load deep inside me. I need your cum.” Somehow, the truth had escaped while I was thinking about how I’d be sarcastic. He slammed as deep into me as he could - and then I felt his cock pulsing. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse. Finally, two or three weaker pulses. He collapsed on top of me. I gently squeezed around his cock - I was determined that every drop of his seed would stay in me. He withdrew. I turned onto my back and relaxed. As he caught his breath, he started to yammer again. Eventually he asked me if I wanted to go on a dinner date with him sometime. “No thank you, I’m just not in that place at the moment. But thank you so much for coming by today and giving me a load. Do you need me to walk you out of the building?” “I was hoping to get to know you better” I lazily motioned at the boxes in the corner of the room and said “mate, I’ve got a lot of work to do - some other time, perhaps?” “Umm, ok” He put on his shoes, and started to move towards the front door - but not before hugging me. A hug that I didn’t want. I managed to overtake him in the hallway, and open the door for him and escorted him into the lift-lobby. I pressed the down button. “You’ll be right to get out of the building?” I asked, in the form of a statement. “Yes” As I turned to return back to my apartment, I found myself speaking “Good. Well thank you for dropping by” Before he could reply I had closed and locked the door to my apartment. Something else had shifted in me. I didn’t want aftercare. I wasn’t attracted to him. In fact, something about him was just ‘off’ - maybe it was his misleading use of photos from the 1990s? I wasn’t annoyed or ashamed or having been fucked by him - although I found his need to speak very annoying. It was just that he was no longer relevant to my day and I was done with him. Then there was that unmistakable tone from my phone - Scruff. My hole had cum still in it - I was coated in lube and I opened it - a 21 year old was 12 meters away and had messaged me “Hi. I love bigger guys”...
    2 points
  22. So when did you guys know you were done with condoms? For me, I gradually came round to ditching them, after I “accidentally” took a bunch of guys bareback at the sauna, and had a few courses of PEP. But as for when I knew? Again at the sauna, this really hot muscular guy, maybe ten years older than me, tried to lob it in with me up against the wall. I grabbed his cock, realised it was raw, and said “no, sorry.” He immediately grabbed the guy next to me, a gorgeous black guy the same age and build as me, and shoved it in him against the wall instead. And the bottom just looked at me in pure ecstasy, with a huge smirk on his face. I decided then I was never going to let that happen again. Anyway, since then, both the muscular top and the black bottom have fucked me raw at the same sauna, so all good!
    2 points
  23. My boy is perfect for me, he is cute, smart, small, blond, masc, and a sexy little 18 year old jock boy. Pervy as they come in his head but with no clue how to have sex properly. While I enjoy fucking his tight hole when he is not fully able to take me and I cum quick as he moans in pain mostly, I really wanted him to fully enjoy it and for his hole to open up. Instead of wasting time with smoking and going to parties and all the fuss and mess of that world I called up an old buddy of mine from my old partying days and scored a small bag. Now every time when we have enough time to recover I break off a small rock, put it to the side. I get my boy and his hole warmed up. Usually start with some heavy drinking. Vodka mixed with Smart Water Recharge (for hydration). I eat that tight ass boi hole for hours and massage him and get him feeling amazing. He always begs me to fuck to fuck him as only “his big bro could”. Once his hole is open enough and lubed up just from my spit, and my cock rock hard in anticipation of transforming him into my own personal “lil bro” sex doll, I put the tiny rock into my piss slit and rocket launch my cock into him. Fuck there is no better feeling in the world then watching him transform before my eyes. His legs above my shoulders, body laid out to sacrifice before me. Seeing the hunger in his eyes grow as he moans out from the burning and tries to throw me off, but also grinds his ass back up on my cock. Soon enough his ass transforms and puffs up around my cock enveloping it in the most perfect teen cock sleeve you can imagine. The way he begs for my cock and load is like a chorus from heaven (or hell). I pound the fuck out of his hole, stopping only to eat out his ass, and maybe get some of the residual chems for myself to prolong the frenzy. We go for hours. Mostly in that position, or with him ridding me glaring into my eyes begging for more as he squats on my cock and I piston fuck the crap out of him. We talk a mad game about other men coming to use him and whoring him out, But in that moment I’d not share that ass with a single other soul. It’s too perfect, and just for me. Four or five loads and many hours later we are exhausted, I’m barely high and pass out, he’s a bit more energetic and so after we cuddle and I pass out he cleans up our room and readies a post fuck feast (usually take out or delivery - he’s fucked up). We eat, then sleep more. It’s a perfect little trip to the most incredible sex that no one needs to know about. We don’t record it. It’s just for us two. But I do get a kick of seeing how still affected by the comedown he is the next day when I have to drop off electrolytes or food to his work. A little reminder that I made him my whore the day before.
    2 points
  24. I think this will likely have only one (perhaps two) more parts. Enjoy. PART 3 Tony continued to whisper dirty stuff in Jake’s ear while casually playing with his own cock, which was sticking out of the zipper of his shorts. The tall guy in my ass felt amazing and I was loving having both of my holes filled with cock. The booty bump that Tony put under the tall guy’s foreskin was really kicking in hard, and my brain could only focus on one thing. COCK. COCK and more COCK. I desperately needed loads of cum in my pussy and couldn’t remember what other purpose I had, other than letting men use my holes to shove their dicks in and breed. The tall guy started to pick up the pace and said “you want my load, pig? Tell me what you want, you fucking whore.” He slowed down and continued to berate me “Come on faggot. If you don’t want it I’ll give my load to that other boy over there. He looks like he has a hungry pussy too.” Tall guy looked over at the other boy kneeling on the floor, still sucking the older daddy’s cock. "Your pussy hungry, bitch?” Deep moans came from a few feet away from me and the other boy said “fuck yes. I need cum in my hole.” Fuck. Someone else was going to take the load that my pussy desperately needed. No fucking way. That little bitch wasn’t getting this stud’s sperm. I desperately needed it inside me. My brain came out of its cock induced stupor and I moaned loudly. “Fuck bro, No! I gotta have it! Breed my cunt. Knock me up, I gotta get your load. I need your babies inside me.” He slapped my ass and laughed in a nasty way. “Fucking greedy little chem pig. You’re gonna get my load, don’t worry faggot.” He laughed again and picked up speed, holding on to my hips while he pounded my cunt mercilessly. I moaned loudly and kept begging him for his load, “come on dude, fuck my pussy, I gotta have it. Breed me! Fuck, yes, breed me stud!” My begging sent tall guy over the edge and he pounded me even harder, pulling his cock all the way out and immediately slamming it back inside, coming close to but never quite satisfying my greedy fagdump. Finally, he slammed into me a few more times, even harder than he had been doing and said “Gonna make your fucking cunt pregnant, whore. Here it comes.” He held his long, thin cock in my hole and I could feel it throbbing inside me. “Yes, yes yes! Knock me the fuck up, bro! I gotta have it. Keep fucking raping me! God I need cock. FUUUUUUUCK.” The guy had clearly shot a huge load up my ass, and it was all I could do to hold on to Jake’s waist. Jake stopped fucking my mouth and just held his cock still so I could slow down from the vibration I was feeling from the tina plus the fucking the tall guy had given me. He pulled his dick out of me quickly and spun me around, pulling Jakes dick out of my mouth. “Clean my cock, faggot.” He shoved his sperm covered cock in my mouth and I gobbled it down all the way down my throat. The tall guy slammed his dick in and out of my mouth a few times, then pulled it out and said “OK, pig, that’s enough.” He pulled up his jock and shorts and tucked his long cock in the pouch, and said “I gotta go, faggot. See ya round.” He bent down, looked me in the face and spat, saying “fucking whore.” He took off, leaving me standing in the middle of the bathroom floor, feeling a little woozy. I grabbed on to the metal partition between the sinks and the urinals and said “Guys, my head’s kinda spinning.” Jake and Tony laughed and Jake said “it’s ok bro. Take a deep breath. We got all night.” I held on to the metal partition and tried to catch my breath. Jake and Tony still had their dicks out and were both hard as a rock. My pussy was still really hungry and I realized that there were a some new guys in the room. The daddy getting his cock sucked by the other pig on the floor grunted, moaned and dumped his load in the boy’s mouth. He quickly packed his cock away and left while the boy on the floor stayed there, moaning and playing with his tits. Tony said “Go, pig. Now.” He pointed at the door and slapped me across the face playfully. I finally looked over at the three new guys, all early 20s college boys, one tall and skinny, the other two short and beefy, who were standing near the doorway, rubbing their dicks through their shorts. I walked over, just wearing my jock and knelt down in front of the three of them and reached for the one in the middle, one of the beefy guys. He unbuttoned his shorts and they fell to the floor. Faced with another fat uncut dick, I simply opened my mouth and swallowed it. I heard “suck it, faggot,” and he reached around the back of my head to roughly pull my mouth onto his cock. All the way down my throat in the first stroke. Heaven. He didn’t care what I wanted. A slut with a mouth was in front of him, so he was going to fuck it with his dick. I was just there to be a hole. His buddies pulled their cocks out and began to stroke them. The tall, skinny guy had an equally long and skinny cut cock and the other short beefy guy had a short, but impossibly fat dick. My pussy twitched in hoping I’d get it inside me. In the meantime, I concentrated on getting my face fucked by a really fat uncut cock, aka my new best friend. Jake and Tony walked over to where we were standing and Tony pushed Jake down onto the floor. He was a top to me, but to his Dad he was just a little pig boy, slut, whore cocksucker who occasionally needed to be reminded of his place. First via an unexpected booty bump and now by being “forced” to suck some stranger’s cock. Jake let the tall guy shove his long, thin dick down his throat and started to moan. He was kneeling on the concrete floor next to me, spun cocksuckers hypnotized by the delicious cocks using our mouths for their owners’ pleasure. Suddenly, I felt another presence on the other side of me. The twink boy who’d been sucking cock when we first entered was on the other side of me, trying desperately to get the enormously fat cock of the third college boy in his mouth. He was a small kid, perhaps 18 or 19, and not more than 5’4” tall. He had a really cute face and a chest covered in blonde fur. If I was in a top mood, he’d be a boy I’d love breeding, but he, Jake and I were all kneeling on a dirty concrete bathroom floor sucking their cocks. Bunch of faggot bottom boys. After a few minutes of cocksucking and loud moans coming from almost everyone in the room, the guy I was sucking turned to Tony and said “Can we fuck your faggots?” Tony laughed and said “only two of them are mine, but sure. I don’t think any of them will object to getting a nice load of sperm in his cumdump. Stand up pigs.” We all stood up and each one of us turned around so the guys could easily access our pussies. I could hear the guy behind me spitting on his dick, and he reached out to feel my hole and said “nice, I got the pre lubed model. Ready or not, faggot, I’m fuckin your cunt.” He slammed his long fat dick in my hole, not really caring if I was opened up. I knew this was going to be a brutal fuck. He was showing off for his buddies, and we all knew it. The tall guy was balls deep in Jake “fuck dude, this one is lubed up too. What a bunch of fucking sluts.” The little Twink kid squealed as the third guy’s absurdly fat cock was lubed up from a bottle he brought with him. Tony walked over to the top and whispered in his ear. I saw him hand something to the guy and he laughed. Another booty bump. The kid was gonna need it. He was pretty small and the cock the guy was trying to shove up his ass was enormous. But he looked like he’d been around the block a time or thirty and knew his way around getting a cock up his ass. Tony pulled out a bottle of poppers and I could hear the kid take 5 or 6 enormous hits off the bottle. He sighed and the guy behind him just sighed and said "holy fuck. No one’s ever taken my cock so easily before. What a filthy whore. Dude, your boy’s a fucking whore.” He and Tony both laughed and the guy started his fucking rhythm to match his buddies who were fucking me and Jake. I could hear the kid next to me say “FUCCCCCCCK,” and I knew the booty bump Tony gave him was kicking in. Now we were all spun to one degree or another and doing what dirty faggots do. Get fucked up the ass in a sleazy public toilet. The three of them were clearly really turned on by the situation and I knew they wouldn’t take long to breed us. The one fucking me went first. He was moaning loudly and started to speed up his merciless pounding of my cunt. I was having a hard time standing up, and started to beg him for his load. “Fuck me bro. Give me another load. I need to get knocked up. Gotta have your babies. Gotta get bred. Make me pregnant.” I kept up with an endless stream of filthy talk to get him to the edge so he’d give me his hot college boy load. Finally after a few minutes he started to jackhammer my cunt and then held still. I could feel his enormous prick throbbing in my cunt and knew he was adding his DNA to my hole. For a second I wished I was a girl so I could get knocked up for real, over and over again. He held his cock inside me and I could feel it still pulsing, throbbing in my cunt. Then the tall guy who was fucking Jake started his ride down the roller coaster. He loudly whispered “fuck dude, I’m coming. Take. My. Fucking. LOAD, YOU WHORE!” I looked over and I could see his nuts pulling up every time he shot a volley of cum into Jake’s pussy. The guy inside me was still hard and slowly fucking my cunt, frothing up the loads that were inside my hole. Finally it was the turn of the guy with the giant dick fucking the little furry Twink. He didn’t say anything, but we were all watching him pummel the kid’s hole. I couldn’t believe he was taking that huge cock so well. Finally the guy held still and I knew he was breeding the kid with a giant load of cum to match his giant dick. Finally they all pulled out, pulled up their jocks and shorts and left without a word. The furry kid turned and got on his knees immediately, shoving his cute face up against my pussy, sucking the loads of sperm out of me. I reached around and pulled his face into my hole so he could mine for jizz gold inside my cunt. Jake and Tony were making out and walked over to where I was so I could hold onto them while my pussy got eaten. I was in fucking heaven, spun out of my head and turned on like I’d never been before. Finally he slowed down and stood up, passing me a nice huge snowball of cum into my mouth. We made out for a minute or two, passing the cum loads back and forth between us until they were gone. He walked over to the corner and grabbed a backpack, pulling out a jockstrap which he pulled on around his pretty, completely soft cock and big beautiful furry butt. Tony walked up to him and said “you ready to go, sport?” “I sure am, Dad. I had a great time tonight.” Tony laughed and smiled. He could see me, shocked again, and said “yeah, this one is mine too. Gabe, say hi to Adam. He’s coming home with us. Aren’t you, Adam?” I was completely shocked but my pig brain said “am I?” I grinned like an idiot and said “Sure!” I pulled up my jockstrap and Gabe and I walked out of the bathroom, arm in arm, making out. I grabbed my shorts from the trunk and put them on, but left my tank top off. Standing by my car, Tony walked up to Gabe and said “why don’t you ride with Adam. You boys can get to know each other better. We’ll meet you back at the house.” Tony reached over and kissed Gabe deeply, and I could see Tony playing with Gabe’s pussy again. He moaned. “Daddy! Come on! Let’s go. You can have my hole whenever you want.” Tony laughed and slapped his butt cheek. “I can’t resist that big, furry ass of yours. OK, son. See you there.” Then he turned to kiss me and said “get a move on. My cock needs your cunt, boy.” I smiled and kissed him back, hard on the mouth. “We’ll be right behind you, Sir.” I got in the car thinking how lucky I was to have a week off work. Gabe reached over to play with my cock while I was driving and I could see I was in for a long, fun night.
    2 points
  25. I love being so used and loose I can't close. The feeling of cum running out of my wrecked hole just makes me feel like a proud slut and horns me up for still more fucking and fisting.
    2 points
  26. I use to go to Roman Holiday Spa in Van Nuys, CA. back in 2003 when it was packed. You could pretty much hook up with any big dick top and they would have lines of Tina drawn out to fuck up a bottom. I was lucky enough to meet a porn star there with a thick 9-inch cock. I didn't know he was a porn star until the guy at front desk told me. He would text me whenever he was heading to the spa. After I did my lines he would always eat my ass before sliding his monster into my hole. The first time he fucked and came his cock grew to the point I was having trouble handling it. I tried to pull off as he was pumping his load deep in my ass but he held me down. I have never had a cock pulse that many times and fill my ass that full of cum. He fucked me many times throughout the year and never failed to leave me with cum dripping from my hole and running down my balls. He told me that the thing that turned him on the most was watching me do the lines of Tina and knowing I'd be begging for his raw cock and taking his big load. On the dive home I could feel his cum leaking out.
    2 points
  27. Thank you to the 22 folk who voted in favour of seeing this story continue. I had set the bar of at least 20 votes (the audience) as a crowd worth giving to, so it looks like it is not quite over for Stevie-boy just yet. Chapter 57 coming very shortly; Stevie-boy goes to his urgent appointment, and neighbour Ramon turns up the heaT! 👅🔥
    2 points
  28. Any good sex club or resort where you can give yourself over to open use will get yuo what you need. I have enjoyed heavy use at CCBC in Palm Springs, 321 Slammer in Ft. Lauderdale, Mainfest and Flex in Atlanta, 442 in San Francisco (now closed i hear), Flex in Cleveland, Timberfell in Tennessee, Parliament in Augusta GA and Sawmill in central Florida, as well as sex focused events like CLAW, IML, Folsom, any Pride event and especially the 10 day sexual Olympics that is Pig Week in Ft. Lauderdale. Just typing all this makes it clear to me how I have hundreds of sex partners every year. But it's not just group use that helps turn your once tight asshole in to a canyon that rival's a mare, it's the constant use you give your hole. Mine is filled nearly everyday with my oversize toys. Getting fisted also loosens you even more and constant sexual use keeps you in that sexual elite of obviously heavily used stretched out, loose and sexually insatiable guys. Though no greater pleasure rush exists that standing up in a sex club after several hours of being sodomized and bred on a fuck bench and feeling your sloppy, wrecked hole hanging open and cum running down your legs and ball sack because you are so used and ruined by that point you can't even tighten up to hold it in. That juts makes me horny for more guys to use me. I have even been used to the point guys jerked off inside me which is its own amazing ecstasy.
    2 points
  29. Just to summarise here, my personal approach to condoms is that of completely PROHIBITED, whether I am fucking in real time, or watching porn. Just NO!
    2 points
  30. My top is huge and really thick. The first few times he bred me my ass felt in a kind of shock, but I could always tell by the sudden gushing slickness as he continued to fuck me. but he’s also the silent type. When we fucked (all night!) this last time, I asked him please to announce when he came. I paid attention and felt everything! It was incredible!
    2 points
  31. Lovely! Thank you, @losolent, you make things better here.
    2 points
  32. I love all cocks, as long as they’re hard and fill me with cum. Having said that, my favorite cocks tend to be around 7.5” with a healthy girth. That seems to hit everything just right. I do love the sense of satisfaction I get when I take a much bigger cock, and I love surprising the big cock’s owner when I succeed. It feels amazing to get stretched. But for everyday fucking, 7ish inches is perfect.
    2 points
  33. I like loose pussy. Yes I'm hung bigger than average so loose pussy feels good on my dick. Also an ass that looks like a cunt or vagina is esthetically pleasing to me. A bottom with experience is always welcomed. As I said I'm above average so most bottoms usually make a comments. So yeah it's nice but not something I expect my bottom to say. It's more the size queens bragging about all the big dicks they take that's annoying me. It doesn't bother me you got fucked by a bigger dick than mine, kind of a turn on, but bragging about your "talents'" and how you make tops tape out because how 'amazing you pussy is" a straight up turn off.
    2 points
  34. Such a tight hole I promise to wreck it by the time I am done breeding him
    2 points
  35. Hooked up with a party top in a hotel. He’d lined up a twinky Asian lad to blow & go while he waited outside. The young lad was nothing special but an eager fukker and he dumped a nice big load in <5 mins. The top returned to felch & fuck me for ages, then I bailed to check out a beat. Awesome balmy summer’s night brought out a lot of horny guys! First guy I approached was a tall, blonde, cyclist with a nicely hung thick cut cock. After breeding me, he asked if he was my first of multiple loads tonight? I replied “something like that”! Next up I got tagteamed by an older Irish tradie who bred me with his huge cock. He loved how cummy I felt and at one point his cock slipped out and I felt a wad of cum spray from my arse! All the while a stocky lad was spit roasting and eventually blew down my throat. Bit of a shame as I much prefer all loads up my arse! A few mins later I approached another daddy and pulled out his thick cut cock with huge balls and mushroom head. Sucked him til he was precumming, then told him he should fuck me. He said he’d seen me bending over for another guy earlier and was keen to slide into me. Score! He loaded me up after what felt like an eternity and my legs were ready to give way! A young skinny lad was watching close by, so after the daddy cock blew, I motioned for the skinny lad to come closer. He had a small but rock hard cock and loved the feel of my silky cummy hole so didn’t take long to blow his load in me too. Next up a hotty hung twink appeared. I tried convincing him to fuck me but he was being a condom nazi. A couple of guys spotted him and joined us. One was a rough looking older guy with an awesome big uncut cock. He was more interested in the twink but the twink wouldn’t fuck or let the old guy fuck him. I angled my arse into position, old guy fingered my cummy hole and didn’t hesitate to slide in and fuck another load into me. So hot! I kept playing for a while, hoping for another load but it wasn’t to be so I jerked off in the twink’s face then shared a long cummy kiss with him. Called into the party top’s hotel on the way home and he got hard again, then fucked & felched my arse until I finally called it a night.
    2 points
  36. A couple of months ago...black top buddy I get with occasionally. 7.5 cut cock. Hot body, awesome kisser, great at oral, pushes every button I have. Started out naked, kissing, nipple play, paying with each others cocks and feeling each other up. Moved to bed, more of the same, then he sucked my cock for a while before moving on to the main event: ate my ass out before pushing his bare cock into me. He is very unique in one area: he has a very quick come back time. After fucking me for a while, he shot his load in my ass, stayed hard in my ass, and after a few minutes resumed fucking me....and repeated it til he had shot 4 loads in my ass without pulling out. Then he sucked me off, and I actually came off the bed when he got me off. We went downstairs and ate pizza and watched a movie. He asked "think you got one more in you?" We went back to my bed where he proceeded to fuck me 2 more times, giving me a total of 2 more loads. Any time we fuck, he gives me at least 4 loads...and it is hot And he is planning a visit in two days 🙂
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. "The following Saturday, Walt invited me down for lunch. I was shocked when he leaned in and kissed me, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. Less than a minute later, he pulled back and I said , This is wrong!" 'Yes, it is, but not for the reasons you think. I felt like I was kissing my son. Rather than try and explain it myself, Mary left as letter for me to give you at the appropriate time and this certainly qualifies as the appropriate time.' He went to the bedroom and returned a minute later with a sealed envelope with my name on it. I opened it and it read as follows." My dearest Tim, From the day we met, you've been an innocent victim of our deception. Walt and I first met at an underground mixer for gays and lesbians. I was there with a woman and Walt was with a man. Even after Stonewall, smalltown America was hardly friendly to gays and lesbians. As luck would have it, Walt and I developed an instant friendship. Both of our families were pestering us to find someone and get married, so we met each other's parents and got married in a City Hall ceremony, hoping things would change and we could someday be our authentic selves. We were given a Honeymoon Suite as a wedding present and we figured we'd do the deed. Naturally, neither one of us enjoyed it, but lo and behold, I wound up pregnant. There were complications during the delivery and I'd never get pregnant again. Of course, Maureen brought joy into our lives and while it wasn't a husband and wife thing, Walt and I grew to love each other deeply and we continued our charade of living as a straight married couple and we were quite successful. On her 18th birthday, Maureen sat us down for a talk. She'd seen the way Walt subtly looks at men and how I I do the same with women. It wasn't difficult for her to figure out our marriage. Then, she came out as bisexual. By then, we'd settled into our marriage and saw no reason to change things. Needless to say, my illness changed things. I knew I could count on you to look after Walt after my passing, but I need to ask something more. It would mean the world to me if you could help Walt to live authentically as a gay man and maybe even find the love of another man. I've never been a meddler, but I've seen you with men of all ages and if you should find yourself attracted to Walt, you'd certainly have my blessings. Otherwise, please be his guide and mentor. I've shown this letter to Walt and Maureen, so you have their approval, as well as mine. Please forgive our deception. With all the love in my heart, Mary "Boy was I ever wrong!" I said to Walt. "Mistaken, though it was I think that kiss means you're ready to make your entrance into the gay world." 'Yes, it does!' Walt said, blushing. 'The moment I saw you, I thought you were a sexy man, but because I've grown to love you as a son, that kiss was incestuous. Will you help me?' "As if you really need to ask!" I replied. "If you don't mind, I want to give Maureen a heads up." Taking my phone, I scrolled through my directory and dialed her number. 'What's up, Bro?' She said answering on the first ring. "Just read Mom's letter and thought I'd check in with you before I go into Henry Higgins mode. Before anything else, I think he needs to project a gay image, so I'll be taking him to my stylist and updating his wardrobe." 'I can't be there as Colonel Pickering, but when you've finished, send a pic of gay Dad and call me. Talk later.' She said ending the call. "I texted my stylist and he had an opening, so off we went. Some layering and feathering and Walt was already looking like a sexy gay man. Next up was the clothing store for some tight fitting jeans, snug t-shirts and bright button down shirts, modeling them all for me. Walt was so pleased he decided to wear the final outfit home, so I took 2 pics, front and back and sent them to Maureen before calling her." 'You've turned Dad into a gay stud, which isn't surprising since you're a gay stud yourself!' 'I'm gonna treat Tim to dinner and then have him take me to my first gay bar!' Walt said grabbing my phone. 'I'll call you tomorrow.' He ended the call. "The transformation seemed to be more than physical. At the checkout counter, a cute cub said, 'If I wasn't happily married I'd be asking you out!' Walt blushed. To be continued
    2 points
  39. I never ask status and have never taken prep. The risk is a turn on.
    2 points
  40. I feel the same way. I view guys with loose asses as a sign of sexual experience far and above the average male and my giant hole is something i am proud to have. Guys know as soon s they see it, i am a slut and they can fuck and fist me until they as satisfied. It's no wonder i feel most at home in sex clubs and sex resorts and have a great time spending hours getting used during a porn filming.
    2 points
  41. I have been enjoying sodomy and after high school, my partner count skyrocketed and has stayed high--peaking in 2018 with some 900 sex partners. I really get into the freak level size stuff--always have--so my ass is great with huge toys and fisting, making me obviously used even at rest where my hole is actually a slit or gash. In my experience guys tend to fall into 3 categories here. Some really get off on fucking really used ass to the point, if I'm at a sex club or sex resort, hey will wait until a dozen guys or so have used me before they mount me to ad their own seed to the mix. I have even had them jerk off inside me. The second type doesn't care whether you're loose or tight as long as they can fuck you. It's the 3rd group that has a problem with loose hole. And they tend to be the ones who are closet slut shamers, rightly equating a loose ass with promiscuous behavior, but treating it as a negative fact rather than one which my super loose ass is immensely proud of. When I see a fellow porn guy taking impossible large stuff in his ass I know exactly the intense pleasure he is feeling and I know the massive amount of sexual use he has enjoyed to get to that level. But the guys who are repulsed by a loose, open hole, a sign of sexual excess, usually are deep down still fighting the slut and cock shame drilled into them by the Xian church. But they are a minority, especially in temples of Lust like a sex club or resort for the very fact that is where guys like me are found, who enjoy sex for the male pleasure sport Nature intends it to be.
    2 points
  42. I can’t remember if I’ve replied to this before. Anyway, condom porn gets turned off instantly. It’s such a boner killer. I may as well be watching Maggie Thatcher in a lesbian gangbang.
    2 points
  43. "Oh Fuck me!", what did I just say? He needed no more encouragement. After a few fucks from his raw cock I found my voice; "You are safe aren't you ... when was your last test?" Still grinning, "Got my results 3 weeks ago. " his excellent fucking continued. "Oh good ... ... wait ... wait,and you are negative... right? " "FUCK NO " Silence on my part as his pounding picked up . As my voice came back, "then you are Poz? His grin and nod. "then you've started meds?" "Shit no! Why would I do that?" As I half heartedly tried to pull away from him he pinned me fast. "No ... pull out, get off me " I whimpered. But I clearly was not backing up my words with forceful actions. He bent down and kissed me with his luscious lips. I opened to his kiss and soon our tongues were entwined. His long raw cock deeper inside me than ever. "Please pull out" I pleaded, "I don't want to get infected ... I've never even bbed before. " Through his confident grin, " Look . What difference will it make now. You've already been exposed to a flood of my toxic precum... (as his movement began) just let me fuck you raw for a bit. " "Ok ... just a bit. You'll pull out before you cum right? What did I just say? To be continued
    2 points
  44. while visiting my doctor, he hired a new very hot nurse. He asked me how I was feeling and I told him i was sad cause guys didn't want to have bare sex with me because I was poz and i really miss cum in my ass. he check my record and saw i was on meds for a while and fuck me there.
    1 point
  45. K C kissed Tim on the cheek. "Talk about an unexpected turn of events. You handled it gracefully. Anyone else might've been pissed at their deception." "Honestly, I was pissed for a few seconds." Tim said. "But it was their decision and if I didn't respect it, I couldn't respect myself. It wasn't as if they set out to deliberately hurt me." Mickey said, "Once again, you show yourself to be a caring, good hearted man. Walt is lucky to have you in his life and speaking for K C and myself, I hope you'll be part of our lives. Tell us more about Walt's transformation." Patting both of their knees, Tim said, "There's nothing I'd like more than having you 2 men in my life. Dinner was at a local diner and when we got back to the building, Walt wanted to stop by the pool to try out his new look. He was greeted with more than a few whistles and woofs and I whispered in his ear that he'd be in for lots of explaining once the men realized who he was." After putting away his new wardrobe, Walt said, "My first gay bar! Before you ask, I'm more excited than nervous. So, where are we going?" "We're going to the Double Deuce which is my favorite bar." Tim replied. "I call it Cheers for queers because it's a warm, friendly place with a mixed crowd. You've already met Vic, the owner. He handled food and drinks for the reception after Mary's funeral. Also, it's within walking distance." Together, we took the 5 minute walk and when I opened the door, Walt said, "There's Vic. Let's grab those 2 stools at the end of the bar so I can thank him properly." "We made our way to the end of the bar, where I ordered beers for Walt and myself and asked the bartender to send Vic over." Tim said. "More than a few men were giving Walt interested looks." Approaching us, Vic asked, "Tim, what can I do for you? Who's this handsome man you're with?" "Before I could open my mouth, Walt thanked him for handling Mary's reception, giving him the reader's digest version of his marriage and concluding by telling him I'd given him a gay makeover!" Tim said. "Welcome to the Double Deuce!" Vic exclaimed. "It's customers like Tim who make running this place a pleasure. From the looks you're getting, I think you'll be quite popular!" "Vic, it's more than the customers who make this a successful establishment." Tim chimed in. "From the bartenders to the waiters to the bar backs, everybody is happy working here and that's your doing! Walt, would you like to meet some of my friends?" "Just bringing me here was more than enough. I'm feeling confident enough to explore on my own." Walt said as he downed his beer and stood up. "I'm trusting you to behave yourself." Tim said, chuckling. "Since it's a nice night, you might want to check out the patio bar." Not 15 minutes later, Walt returned, accompanied by a handsome Latino man, with thick, curly black hair and a bushy moustache. "You must be Tim", He said. "My name's Aurelio." "Make that Relio!" Walt interrupted. "Relio sounds sexy and macho and as far as I'm concerned, it's much more suitable." "Aside from being handsome, Walt seems to be a very persuasive man." Relio said. "The Royale is showing Citizen Kane at midnight and I'd like to take Walt if it's alright with you. Vic, it's good to see you!" "Aurelio, my good man. I see you've met Walt!" Vic said. "Tim, you have nothing to worry about. Walt is in good hands." "Enjoy the movie, guys!" Tim said, "Walt, stop by my place tomorrow." Once they'd left the bar, he said to Vic, "At the risk of sounding like a mother hen, what do you know about this Aurelio person?" "I first met Aurelio soon after I opened this place." Vic said. "This is where he met his late husband. A month after they started dating, I could see they were falling in love. Believe me, it's not a bartender thing that makes me an expert on love. My husband Jake and I were high school sweethearts and our love has never stopped growing. Given my schedule, it's not easy, but Jake and I set aside 1 night a month to meet with other couples. Aurelio and Scott soon became an item and they joined our circle. Four years later, they were married and we witnessed how much in love they were. Scott suffered a sudden fatal heart attack six months ago, leaving Aurelio devastated. There were some in our circle who wanted to fix Aurelio up, but he was adamant that he'd prefer to meet a man on his own. Last week, he came here, knowing it would be a safe place for him. Tonight, he meets Walt who's in a similar situation. Jake would say it's bershert, which is Yiddish for meant to be." The next morning, Walt showed up at Tim's place. "How did it go? You're still in the clothes you wore last night!" He said, concerned. "Before you go thinking the worst, it was all very innocent!" Walt explained. "After the movie, we went back to Relio's place where I told him about Mary and he talked about Scott, his late husband. We spent the night in his bed, cuddling and kissing. Other than our shirts, nothing else was removed. Relio is such a sweet man and it felt good resting on his hairy chest. This morning, I asked him if he could take me to the cemetery and he had the same idea. Ironically, Scott and Mary are buried close to each other. Call me crazy, but I can swear I heard Mary telling me to be happy. Relio wants to see me again and we agreed to take things slow. Thank you!" "Walt and Relio started dating and after 2 months they were officially boyfriends." Tim said, squirming on the sofa. "Please excuse me, I'm feeling a bit sore from where I went down." "Nothing a nice, warm bath wouldn't soothe!" K C suggested. "There's a comfortable tub in the master bathroom. Mickey and I will take care of you!" He stood up and lifted Tim by his arm. Turning around, Tim noticed a portrait hanging above the mantel. "A family portrait. You at a younger age, your parents, an attractive couple and your older sister, I'm guessing." "Ex sister to be exact." K C said. "Kendra married an oil lobbyist, much to my parents' disappointment. They threw her a suitable wedding for appearances sake and then banished her. We don't speak of her." To be continued
    1 point
  46. I rarely get shame for my loose pussy. But I guess my shame is more internal and I want to make all tops know how important they are and every load is important to me.
    1 point
  47. A Visit From The Dragon A few days later, I logged on to a few apps to see if there was anyone new to hookup with. As I was looking through the profiles, I got a message from the artist saying "U were rite. been doin pizza dude. feels amazn breedin him. skippin meds for a while. need 2 find next 1" I laughed to myself and remembered his kitchen with at least a dozen pizza boxes strewn about. I wondered how many loads he had dumped in the pizza delivery guy already. And how many more before he'd permanently marked him. My Wednesday night workout was just like Monday's except we didn't fuck afterwards. As we walked out of the workout room sigmabtm asked "Are you really poz or are you just pretending to make the sex edgier?" The question hit me as a surprise. "Yeah I am. I've tagged a few guys so far this time, but everyone is different. Just like covid, some get infected easily, others take time. Why?" He stopped at the elevators and pushed both the up and down buttons. "I expected that by now I'd be sick as a dog from the stories I read. You're a hot guy but I like to feel more of a connection with the guys I fuck and I'm just not feeling it with you. It's been fun, but I think it's time we stopped." The elevator stopped and it was the one going down. I hopped on and said "Sure. You should get tested anyway before you fuck with other guys. Not everyone gets sick." I had just finished telling him that before the doors shut. It had been a while since I got dumped and yet I didn't feel bad. He was more of a regular hookup than anything and there were a lot of guys that I fucked and never saw again and he was going to be another. The only problem was that my balls were full and I had no one to breed. On Saturday afternoon I'd done my run to the store to stock up for the week. Half the people looked like 1800's bank robbers with their handkerchief over their face. "All this time and they can't find a real mask?" I thought to myself. Of course a few others spent the extra few bucks to buy a real mask, usually with some annoying graphic on it. Some completely froze in the aisle if someone was blocking their way, causing a traffic jam. I missed seeing the faces of the cute guys and most seemed to have stopped wearing their tight jeans and tees. Now, it was a sea of baggy gray sweats. Now, I admit, I had gotten sloppy working from home. I always wore a nice shirt in case there was a surprise video call, but half the time I was still in some boxers or trunks down below. A few times it was a jock or nothing if I was feeling mischievious. All I got from the store was some groceries and what few cleaning supplies I could find. No phone numbers, no email addresses, not even a tumblr or snapchat. So, there I was on the couch in my clean, good fitting jeans and a tight sleeveless tee that got wasted from my shopping excursion. The laptop computer was open and once again I was cycling through the apps and sites, hoping to find someone interesting. So far, it was a complete bust. I heard my phone buzz and quickly grabbed it to see who it was. Dragonboy sent me one of his shortest messages and I thought for a minute it might be his cousin. "Can I ask you a favor?" it said. After I told him "maybe" he sent back "Cousin fucking runner again. Can I come to your place?" This hit me as strange. I had never invited him to my condo since I liked to play at other guys places. Only a handful of sex partners had ever been to my condo and I liked it that way. No one knew where I lived and could come banging on the door seeking revenge. The thing was, I'd long gone past the 3 times limit with him, so I also knew that he would be ok to come over. No worries about 3 AM knocks on the door or that shit. I typed back "Runner? Who's that? To hang? More?" "The guy from the sauna that ran away. Hang or maybe more. Last time they went on for over 7 hours. 3 hours down already" he responded. I kind of felt bad for him. I remembered how it felt in college when I would get locked out while my roommate would be nailing some skank for hours. "Sure. Come on up. 11F" I replied. He must have run up the stairs since it was only a couple minutes later he was at my door with some sweat dripping down the side of his face. He had an oversized tee on and some jogging shorts and a pair of sandals. "Thanks, man. I don't think I could listen to those guys fuck for much longer. It's driving me crazy. I haven't been laid in forever and my cousin is getting all the action" he said as the door closed. "Welcome to my cave. Have a seat, do you want anything to drink? I got water, beer, whiskey, and wine" I asked, trying to be a good host. I wanted to add piss, spit and cum, but I was trying to be low key. "Beer is good. It might calm me down" Dragonboy replied. We sat and drank, chatting about nothing for a while. I got another pair of beers and when I came back, Dragonboy was sitting there naked. He took a couple gulps of beer while I shed my clothes but took no time at all to wrap his lips around my cock once I was naked. He was seated on the couch with me in front of him sucking on my cock. My hands quickly interlocked behind his head and I started to face fuck him. His mouth felt good and he kept at it a while, taking his time and not trying to overwork my cock. With a fistful of hair, I pulled his head off my cock and stared down at him. Letting go of his hair, I smiled and twisted around sitting on the couch next to him, slightly slouched. "Ride it" I said softly and Dragonboy turned and straddled me, his hard cock pressed firmly on my stomach. His fingers guided my shaft to his hole and I felt it zero in on his entrance. He looked down at me and I could see the fire of lust in his eyes. Dragonboy took a deep breath and then forced his body down. It took a second or two before my head breached the hole and then he dropped down on to my shaft. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUCK" he yelled out, dragging out the word until he was fully impaled. Almost every bottom that has ridden me has started out slowly, just easing it in and then taking an inch at a time. This was the first time anyone had just dropped down without any prep and just a little bit of spit as lube. Sweat was dripping down his face as he panted, trying to let his body adjust to my cock. He didn't wait very long, maybe five seconds and he pulled himself up and off. I thought that he regretted taking me that hard, but he dropped himself down again. The pressure hurt my dick as he did it again, but it was strangely erotic. Just like I had fucked Juan, roughly with the intent of wrecking his hole, Dragonboy was doing it to himself. I could only imagine the jolts of pain rippling through his body from this abuse and yet he wasn't stopping it. I thought briefly that maybe he had been playing with some toys to loosen himself up as prep in case I fucked him, but he was too tight for that. After the third time, he groaned out "Oh yeah... wreck my pussy!" Sweat was now dripping off his body and his smooth chest had a sheen on it from the light coming in the windows behind me. He raised up and dropped down a fourth time and looked at me, with a scowl on his face. "Why did my cousin get infected so easily? I've taken more of your loads than he did" he asked. I try to avoid serious conversations when my cock is buried inside a guy but I really didn't have a choice. "Who knows. Maybe it's from taking prep for a few years. Maybe your immune system is a lot stronger than his. Maybe it's not time yet" I replied. I thrust my hips up, trying to get the focus back on fucking. He gripped my shoulders and began to ride me, working my cock with half length strokes. Occasionally he'd bottom out, but now his mind was interested in feeling my shaft slide in and out. Dragonboy continued for several more minutes like this until I reached up and pulled his shoulders down. With him planted firmly on my cock and his hands interlocked behind my neck, I stood up. As I did, he instinctively wrapped his legs around me. My hips bucked up and he bounced a few inches off my hips before gravity pulled him back down. I did this a couple of times until I had him turned around and laid him on the wide armrest. His legs spread and rotated up before my hands pulled them closer together and then resting on my shoulders. We locked eyes and I slowly pulled my cock back until just the head was inside. Dragonboy nodded as he seemed to know my next move. His sphincter gave my cock a few squeezes and then I drove in to the base. Dragonboy let out a sultry groan and I bent over a little more. My hips pulled back and I shoved back in. Slowly, the thrusts got faster until I was plowing him with long, forceful strokes. His cock was as hard as I'd ever seen it and it was rubbing along my stomach as I pounded him. My sweat dripped off and on to his chest and abs, mixing with the precum that was dripping out of Dragonboy's cock. A few hard thrusts got grunts out of his mouth but otherwise it was a string of moans. "You want this, don't you" I gasped out. The tingling from my balls said I wasn't going to fuck much longer. "Fuck yeah... Breed my ass" he quickly replied. It was almost a command, but not quite. The intensity of the tone told me he really wanted it though. I gave an evil chuckle, burying my cock into him and grinding my hips. "I got a nice big poz load looking to claim another one" I growled. "Oh god... yeah... knock me up" he cried out. I could feel his body and voice shake and figured he was just as close to cumming as I was. "Mmmm, yeah... gonna flood your guts... with my venom... Turn you... into the poz pig... you were meant to be" I grunted between thrusts. I felt his hole clamp down on my cock as I felt jets of his cum spray over the hair on my chest. Each squeeze of my cock got me closer and after his fifth shot I began pumping my own load deep into his gut. We both let out loud moans as our balls emptied their seed. I always enjoy making a bottom orgasm hands-free just from him feeling me fuck and breed him and this time was no different. Our balls empty, our chests covered in cum, my cum deep inside him hopefully finally becoming part of him forever, we laid there a few minutes. "God, you're a good fuck" I told him as I picked him up. His hands resumed their place behind my neck and I carried him to the bedroom, laying him down on the bed. I curled up behind him, spooning with my partially hard cock still planted in his hole. We fell asleep like that almost simultaneously. An hour or so later I woke to feeling him wiggle his ass and squeeze my now rock hard cock in his ass. I started to rock my hips and pumped my cock into him. Less than five minutes later, my cock added a half dozen more spurts of viral jizz into his hole. He milked the last few shots out, muttering "Poz me" over and over. I held him close, feeling the cum coating his chute and my cock with my dick keeping the seed inside him. He didn't make any attempt at pulling away from me, in fact he pressed his body closer to mine. We laid there a few minutes quietly when he said softly "I never knew what a sex pig my cousin was. He's horny all the fuckin' time and it's like he never runs out of cum. Is that what happens when you convert?" I pinched his nipple and replied "Everyone is different. Obviously he wanted it and is dealing with it well. Some have problems psychologically and others, medically. Some don't change at all and keep going like did before but are now poz. Any idea what will happen with you?" He thought about it a minute and said "I hope I just stay the way I used to be. I slowed down with hooking up when my cousin arrived since I didn't want him to know what kind of slut I was. That was stupid since now I know he's even piggier than me." I grinned and said "You two are more alike than you thought. Just support each other and you'll both be fine." We laid there another few minutes and I asked something that had been bugging me since the first time I met his cousin. "You said you sold his virginity last year. Do you really think he was a virgin then?" Dragonboy laughed. "Not even close. After he was poz, he told me of some of his exploits back home and that's why his family wanted him to move here. He's been a slut since he could get hard and his parents wanted him as far away as possible so he wouldn't embarrass them" Dragonboy said. "So, do they or your parents know you're gay? You said a while ago that they would be pissed if they found out he was poz" I asked. He chuckled before sayin "I guess they already knew. That's why they sent my cousin to stay with me." We dozed off again and when we woke up, I needed to piss. As much as I wouldn't mind filling Dragonboy with it, I didn't want to soak my bed too. I pulled out and rolled him on his stomach before I went to the bathroom. When I came back, he was in the same position and I couldn't resist the urge to finger his hole and see how much cum was still inside him. There was some, but not a lot so that meant that much of the jizz I'd pumped into him had been absorbed. I tossed on some shorts and went into the kitchen. About halfway through making us something for dinner he walked in, still naked. He came up behind me and hugged me and then let me finish. We ate dinner naked, talking most of the time and getting to know each other. "Where's the riskiest place you ever had sex" he asked out of the blue. I cocked my head and looked back at him, wondering where this was headed. "I dunno... In the back seat of some guy's car parked on the street, maybe. Or the stairwell in this building... or in the park between some bushes. Got busted on that last one, but it turned out ok" I said. "You fucked some guy in one of our stairwells?" he asked, looking surprised. "Yeah. A college guy who was chasing. Even got a video of it" I said. I grabbed my phone and found the video and let him watch it. "He's the guy that I brought over to your place to fuck you and your cousin" I added. "Fuck, that's hot. Do you do that a lot?" he asked. I wasn't sure which part he was talking about, but went with shooting the video. "Nah. I don't like to film while I fuck, but that one I thought would be hot. I think it's got something like a quarter million views already where I posted it online" I said, smiling. I still got comments from guys envious of my exploits and other guys that wanted to bottom for me. We finished dinner and watched a little TV. He turned and stared at me a moment before he asked "Got some more cum in those balls?" with a grin on his face. I casted the video of me fucking Tim in the stairwell from my phone and set it on repeat. I pulled Dragonboy around to the back of the couch and bent him over so he could watch me fuck Collegeboy while I fucked him. A few times he yelled out "Oh fuck yeah!" and I wasn't sure if it was from the video or if he loved how my cock hit him just then. "How long did the marker take to wear off?" he asked as I plowed him. "A week or so. But the mark from my cum lasts a lifetime" I said. "Except for me. If I don't convert soon I'm just going to go back on prep" he said, sounding a little dejected. I slammed in, unleashing another set of shots of my cum into his hungry cunt. "I don't fuck prep guys as long as I'm toxic" I said coldly. As my cock slipped back out of his puffy hole, I watched him clench up, trying to keep my load inside. We sat down and watched some more TV and smoking a couple joints. He was soon totally baked and I had to laugh at him. It had been a while since I had given someone their first hit of pot, but he took to it quickly with minimal coughs. I even shotgunned a hit with him and it turned into a passionate kiss until he needed to exhale. I joked that he was too stoned to drive home and he nodded, agreeing with me until he realized that he walked up the stairs to get here and didn't even own a car. We ended up back in my bed and slept until early the next morning. It was six AM and he started to stir, waking me up. My cock was hard, just like every morning since I was twelve or thirteen. He stared up at my face and then back at my cock when he fully woke a few minutes later. "I hate to let this go to waste" he said as he spit on my cock and then straddled me. Slowly, he slid down the shaft, impaling himself again, just a lot slower than the day before. Once he was all the way down, he waited a minute enjoying the feeling of my cock deep inside him once again. He fucked himself on my cock a few minutes and then suddenly stopped. "Wait... I got an idea" he said, way too excitedly for that hour. He pulled himself off me and then ran into the living room. I crawled out of bed and followed him. "Grab your clothes - the sweats, maybe a tee and follow me!" After a few more comments, I was dressed in my sweatpants and sandals and nothing else. I grabbed my keys as we went out the door, he dressed just as he had arrived the day before. We bounded down the stairs until we got to the fourth floor. He stopped on the landing and handed me his phone. With the grin still on his face, he pushed his shorts down and leaned against the wall with his hands on either side of the big "4" sign. "Come on, fuck me and get some video of it. Show the sign and make sure you get my face" he said quietly. The chances of us getting walked in on were pretty high on the fourth floor, but at least it was early morning. And my dick was rock hard so obviously it thought it was a good idea. I slid my sweatpants down, rubbed some spit on my stiff shaft and plunged into Dragonboy. It was a risky move and I really didn't want anyone finding us there, but just like with Tim it got my adrenaline going. With the camera running, I got a lot of my cock pounding his hole and then panned up and caught him braced against the wall. He looked back to the camera and snarled "Breed that neg ass." Panning back to his ass, I yanked my cock out and showed the gaping hole. Disguising my voice a little I asked "How many loads, slut?" "Three and not enough of that poison" Dragonboy said. I kept focus on his hole and then slowly pushed my cock back in. The video showed how easily my thick cock slipped inside, indicating how much of a slut he really was. I drilled him hard, trying to keep the camera on my cock and his hole. I heard a door open many floors above and fucked faster, willing my balls to unleash another dose so we could finish up and not get caught. I pushed almost totally in, leaving an inch or so exposed. You could see my cock throb as each rope of cum shot into his eager hole. Another door up above slammed shut and that meant more people in the stairwell or none. I knew a video shot from below would better show my cock delivering the viral payload but I'd be doing it blind and it would be too awkward. Maybe next time I should have a cameraman. "Whatcha just get?" I asked in my hushed, contorted voice. "A big poz load" Dragonboy said right before I panned back to his panting face. Tugging at the neckline of his tee, he stood up and pulled off my cock. With the camera still shooting, he turned around and I got a good face shot as he knelt in front of me. He looked up and then licked the cum and ass juice off my cock as erotically as any professional porn shoot. With my cock just shining with spit, I shut off the video camera and pulled my sweats up. He leaned in and sniffed my crotch before standing up. "That was fuckin hot" he whispered as he leaned in close. I gave him his phone back and replied "I want a copy of that" and slapped his ass. "Only if you knocked me up" he said as he opened the door. He winked as he headed down the hall and the door slowly shut. I headed back up to my floor, the seven flights making me breathe heavily, even harder from my morning exercise. I was crashed on my bed a few minutes later and woke up around noon. My bedroom smelled of sex and I was torn whether to do laundry and eliminate the scent or enjoy it a few more days.
    1 point
  48. Ask him about his sexual health. If he's fine, then no risk. If he doesn't know his status, how do you feel about continuing with a barebacking? Judging from your concern, I'm guessing you have negative feelings about it. So you're not okay with getting pozzed, right? Or even being exposed to the possibility of it? If you're not ready for the consequences, don't do it. Once you cross that line and get bred, you may not be able to get back on the other side of it. And that's the slippery slope. I used to be a condom nazi, and when I started fucking guys without them, I couldn't stop. I seldom used them after that, and a couple years ago, I went full barebacker and bugchaser this past summer. See where it leads? One little choice makes tidal waves.
    1 point
  49. I love married cock and ass. Cheating and cheating guys are a huge turn on for me.
    1 point
  50. I do try and use condoms especially if it is an anonymous partner, but sometimes i get so fucking horny and an im working a cock and he asks to fuck me, I ask about a condom and he says he dont have one but he is clean. Well like a dirty skank i say ok and trust him, very rarely have i been able to say no. As for feeling? It feels great whether a guy is dumping his load in me or dumping his load into a condom while in me, both make me very satisfied in gratifying that man. That being said, sometimes I just need the risk and love getting BB.
    1 point
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