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  1. Like anything - Monkeypox, C19, HIV, Riding a motorcycle in t-shirt and shorts... It's all about how you perceive risk and how you mange it, to keep your anxieties low enough to still have fun. I find that if I have figured that out in advance, then I am able to make sensible decisions in the moment without overthinking or procrastinating. I think that then when guys haven't reached this point it leads to the worst sin in hookup world: leading someone on then changing your mind. Everyone's perceptions of risk and their situation and anxieties are different. What's good for one person may not suit another. The best answer for you is one of your own devising, based on facts you trust. We live in an age of influencers and pundits trying to foist their own agendas on us. Even if you think your agendas are aligned, you can never be sure the facts and thinking behind them are sound. Asking this question here is going to get an answer biased toward the lifestyle this site promotes. Only you can figure out the best answer for yourself but if it helps you figure it out, I think understanding other people decisions and most importantly, the reasoning behind them is helplful. For example, during C19 lockdown I was really exceptionally risk averse: my mother was having treatment for cancer. Although we were vaccinated, catching C19 - however mild after the vaccine - would likely have been fatal. Some guys I spoke to thought I was being overcautious, but I didn't want that on my conscience, so despite having opportunities and getting invites - I had to decline. Last year the situation inevitably changed and once the dust settled, I was able to adjust my attitude to risk. What I've found is that the landscape had changed somewhat - and the online/app scene is now very hard to get guys to switch from fantasy to reality. When the clubs, bars and saunas reopened, this was my playtime, although many were slow to return. Even before monkeypox, numbers were 50-70% of where they were. As far a Monkeypox goes, knowing my body and how it reacts, I figured that I'd likely be OK in the long term if I had it, and the worst thing was that it might be embarrassing to explain at work. My partner is quite scared of it, so I had to take his feelings into account. After talking to a couple of guys I knew who caught it at Darklands, I felt a bit more informed about what to expect. Based on this, I figured I was happy reducing down to a few 1-2-1 meets, but not comfortable in darkrooms and saunas. We were lucky enough to get the monkeypox vaccine about three weeks ago, and I've re-adjusted again. They tell me it's not 100% effective so there is still residual risk... But it's low enough that I've really enjoyed SOP and done a couple of sessions in the saunas. It's been fun, but it has been really quiet out as a lot of guys are still staying away... TL;DR: Everyone should inform themselves to make their own balance of risk/anxiety vs reward.
    7 points
  2. Part 9: Will discovers something BIG Arriving home brought about anxiety. For some reason, I believed my parents were going to be able to smell the gay on me, as if my breath would smell like the dick I’d been sucking. As I pulled into their driveway, I saw that my brothers had already arrived. I rang the bell, my mother greeting me. “You’re here!” she exclaimed. “Hi, Mom.” “How are you? You look good.” “I feel good,” I told her. There was no need to tell her that I was HIV positive and fucking a man almost twice a day. “Where is everyone?” “Your father is at church,” she said. “Naturally.” “Now, Zack and Bridget are in his old room. Uncle Michael is in your old room. You and Jay will have to share.” “For a week?” “Just until Sunday. Uncle Michael leaves then.” “This is ridiculous.” “When you’re married, you can have a room all to yourself and your wife. Until then, you share with your brother.” “Fine,” I said. I went and got my bags, hiking them up to Jay’s old room. Posters of bands we hadn’t been allowed to listen to covered the walls. Though Zack and I had remained in our faith, Jay decided early on to live his own life by his own rules. He got flack about it from our parents, but he didn’t care. I guess I’m the black sheep now, I thought, dropping my bags on the floor. “I get the bed,” a voice said from behind. I turned and saw Jay standing in the doorway. While I shared a resemblance to our mother, Jay had our father’s features. He was a bit shorter than me, but his muscles were more pronounced. In many ways, he reminded me of Doctor Wade. Just the thought caused my dick to jump in my pants. “Why do you get the bed?” I asked. “Because it’s my bed,” he said. I already knew this was going to be a long week. I called Dominic every chance I got. “I feel so anxious here,” I told him. “I feel like I’m about to jump out a window.” “Do something to get your mind off of it,” he told me. “Jerk off a few times. That should help.” “The bathroom door doesn’t lock,” I told him. “And I’m sharing a room with Jay.” “Jay’s the one with the six inch dick, right? Shorter but ticker?” “Are you really going to talk about my brother’s dick right now?” “I’m trying to make you laugh. I know this is a stretch, but are there any adult video stores nearby?” “What?” “Adult video stores. You know, where you go to buy porn instead of looking it up on the internet. Go to one of those and jerk off.” “In what, their parking lot?” “They’ve got private rooms in the back,” he said. “Trust me. You’ll feel better after. Besides, sometimes there are gloryholes you can suck a dick through. Maybe sucking someone’s dick will help you calm down.” I hated to admit it, but the idea was growing on me, and not just because my dick was growing at the thought of sucking someone’s dick. I told my parents that I was going to drive around a bit, see some of my old stomping grounds, and that I would be back before dinner. I knew of one adult video store outside of town, far enough that if anyone saw me, they wouldn’t know who I was. When I got there, I went inside and looked around. There were aisles of porn DVDs and magazines. A sign in the back advertised private viewing booths. I went back and found one that was open, stepping inside and locking the door. There was a tiny tv and a slot for quarters, telling me I had to pay to watch. I guess that made sense, but Dominic hadn’t told me to bring quarters. Realizing I had wasted my time, I turned around and was about to leave when I saw the hole in the wall. I had seen enough porn to know a glory hole when I saw one. I knelt down and looked through, seeing a shadow pass the wall in the room next door. I moved my face closer, trying to see if it was a man or woman, when my answer was given to me. Immediately, a dick came popping through the hole, a bead of precum handing from the tip. Without hesitation, I grabbed the dick and licked the precum off the head, hearing a groan from the other side. Instantly the dick started to grow. It wasn’t huge. It was smaller than mine, but it looked beautiful as it pulsed in front of me, wishing for my mouth to return. I sucked the head and took the balls in my hands, massaging them, feeling their weight. They were hairy, a musky odor clinging to the skin. I breathed it in deep, relishing the smell. It wasn’t nearly as good as Dominic’s, but it was still incredible. I opened my mouth and took in as much of the dick as I could. Since sucking Dominic off, I had gotten better at holding off my gag reflex. Now, I could take a dick down my throat without a problem. I sucked slowly, allowing the intensity of the feeling to build. I could feel the heat radiating off the dick, more precum oozing out. It tasted so good. I started to move my mouth along the shaft, my hand replacing my mouth to keep the pressure going. After a few minutes, I could hear the man on the other side of the wall groan, his body pressing harder against the wall. “I’m… gonna… cum…” he moaned. As I opened my mouth, the voice of the man replayed in my head. That voice, it sounded familiar. I looked at the cock in my hand and did a quick calculation of its measurements. It was six inches. It was a thick cock, thicker than normal. The taste of the precum reminded me of the first time I had tasted my own. Can cum taste the same if it’s from the same family. As I realized who was standing on the opposite side of the wall, his cock throbbed and ropes of cum shot out, filling my mouth and covering my face. “Fuck, man,” the voice said, the spurts of cum subsiding, leaving me drenched. He pulled his dick back through the hole. “Thanks, dude. That felt fucking great.” I remained on my knees, listening as the door of the other room opened and closed. I wanted to look out and see his face, but there was no need. I knew it had been him. I sat in the chair in my booth, my face reflected in the television screen. Cum was dripping down my face, collected in my facial hair. Most of it was in my mouth. I tasted it, knowing it tasted like my own. Not knowing what to do, I swallowed Jay’s cum and sat in silence, wondering what I was going to do. “You’re sure it was him?” Dominic asked. “I’m positive,” I told him. After I left the adult video store, I called Dominic, telling him what had happened. “It was Jay. It was Jay’s dick. Oh my God. I just sucked my brother’s dick. I just swallowed my brother’s cum.” I waited for Dominic to say something. “Dom?” “I mean, it’s kinda hot,” he said. “Are you serious?” “I’m sorry, but it is. I grew up wanting to suck my brother’s dick. Then, when I realized I was bigger than him, I wanted him to suck my dick. I know you’re weirded out, but I can’t even begin to explain to you how turned on I am right now. Honestly, my dick is in my hand and I’m ready to blow.” “I have to share a room with him,” I said. “How am I supposed to look him in the eye after that?” “Look him in the eye, just don’t look directly at his dick.” “Be serious.” “Listen. You’re not going to get what you want from me. I’m jealous. I know a ton of guys who would love to suck their brother’s dick. And besides, didn’t you say he called you dude? That means he knew it was a guy on the other side. That means he likes guys sucking his dick. Maybe your brother is gay.” “And if he is,” I said, “he’ll see my tattoo and figure out that I’m poz.” “So what if he finds out?” “He’s not good at keeping secrets.” “He must be pretty good if you never knew he was getting his dick sucked by guys. I’m just saying don’t freak out. Up to the point that you discovered it was Jay, were you enjoying it?” I sighed. “Yes.” “Alright. Hold on to that. If I were you, I would be getting into his pants the second I could again. But, if that’s not an option, you’re just going to have to lay low. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Also, wear a t-shirt when you sleep so he doesn’t see your tattoo. Problem solved.” “I guess,” I said. When I returned home, everyone was back. We joined together for dinner, my mother placing Jay on the other side of the table from me. I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but I knew he saw me looking over a few times with a shameful glance. “How’s your church, Will?” my father asked. “Good,” I told him. “We’ve had several new members. I’ve actually become friends with one of them.” “A woman?” Zack asked. “A man,” I said. “Are you dating anyone?” my mother asked. “Not at the moment,” I told her. “You should really be trying to find someone,” my father told me. “People want to see their pastors married. You must be their example.” “If he doesn’t want to get married, he doesn’t have to get married,” Jay said. “I never want to get married.” “That’s because you're a dirty heathen,” Uncle Michael said. “That’s me,” Jay said, smiling. “Hell, table for one.” “If you don’t believe in God anymore, why are you here?” Zack asked. “Are you planning on making a spectacle of yourself?” “That’s an idea,” Jay said. “No. Regardless of what you think of me, I still love Dad even if I don’t love God. I’m here for him.” “How about we change the subject,” my mother said. Once dinner was over and a bit of television was watched, I went to Jay’s room and started getting ready for bed. I blew up an inflatable mattress and searched through my bags for clothes to sleep in. “What are those?” Jay asked. “Pajamas,” I said. “You’re a grown man,” he said. “Sleep in your underwear or sleep naked. That’s what I do. Besides, the central air is broken, and it’s almost eighty degrees in here. Maybe more.” “I’m fine,” I said. I went to the bathroom and changed, checking my white shirt to see if the tattoo was visible. It wasn’t. As I reentered Jay’s room, I found him standing by his bed completely naked. My eyes were drawn to his dick, the same dick which had been in my mouth only hours before. “See something you like?” he asked. I ignored him. “I don’t need to tell you just how much the ladies just love a thick cock. Oh, that’s right. You don’t know. You’re the last virgin in the house. Maybe on the planet. Well, let me tell you, they love it.” “I don’t care, Jay.” “They love it when I shove my tick dick into their tight pussies. I’m too much of a man for most of them. When it comes to their mouths, forget it. I break jaws.” “I said, that’s enough.” “Fine,” he said. “Jealousy is an ugly thing.” “Why would I be jealous of a dick that’s smaller than mine?” I said. There was silence. “First of all,” Jay said, “congrats on using the word ‘dick.’ Second, your dick is not bigger than mine.” “Yes, it is,” I said. “Really?” “Yes.” “How big?” I turned to him. Jay was now standing next to my mattress, his dick waving above me, almost completely hard. For a moment, I wanted to reach out and touch it, to lick the head, to taste his precum. “You really want to know?” “I’m a little over six inches,” he said. “Over six inches around too. Seven even.” “Eight,” I told him. “No, I’m not eight around.” “No,” I said. “Eight inches. I’m eight inches.” Jay laughed. “No, you’re not.” “Yes, I am.” “Prove it.” “What?” “Prove it,” Jay said. He turned and went to his desk, opening a drawer where he dug inside before pulling out a measuring tape. What was with Dominic and Jay keeping measuring tape at the ready? “You kept Mom’s measuring tape in your room so you could measure yourself?” I asked. “So?” he said. He threw me the measuring tape. “Prove it.” I stared at him for several seconds before taking the measuring tape and pulling it beneath the covers. “No,” he said. “Out and proud. I want to see what you’re working with.” “Are you serious?” “If you’re going to tell me that you’re bigger than me, I want proof. I want to see it with my own eyes.” “I’m not hard.” “Then get hard,” he said. “You want me to pull up some porn on my phone? Is porn too extreme for you, Pastor Ryder?” My temper had reached its limit. I threw off my covers and stood up, standing in front of Jay. I pulled down my shorts and boxers, revealing my dick. For a brief moment, I saw a look of uncertainty on Jay’s face. “Jerk it,” he said. I reached down and started pulling at my cock. Seeing Jay standing in front of me naked helped the blood flow. Images of Dominic fucking me pushed me even further, my dick springing to life. “Fuck,” Jay said as I ran the measuring tape along my dick. “See. Eight inches. Actually, Eight and some change. I’m not as thick as you. Still only five inches. Congrats on girth. Are you happy now?” I threw the measuring tape at him and leaned down to pull up my boxers and shorts but stopped as Jay spoke. “Why were you at the adult video store today?” I froze. “What are you talking about?” “Your car. I saw it at the adult video store. Why?” “That wasn’t… I wasn’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I showed the guy at the counter a picture of you on my phone,” Jay said. “He said he saw you go back to one of the booths. He also said he saw you looking at the gay porn.” “I wasn’t looking at gay porn.” “But you were there?” I was silent. Jay stepped closer. “It was you, wasn’t it? In the other booth? You were the one that… that sucked my dick.” I couldn’t breathe. My heart was racing. He had known it was me. He had put his dick through the hole knowing it was me on the other side. He had wanted me to blow him. Why?
    7 points
  3. PART 7 I could feel Benicio’s soft chest hair rubbing against my smoother skin. His muscles tensing against mine as we pulled one another even closer. He was a passionate kisser. I ran my hands through his hair, pulling him deeper into the lip lock. He didn’t resist — in fact, he relished it. His hands moved across my body, exploring my athletic build. He cupped my ass in his hands, massaging it. I reached down and did the same. He tilted his head back and grinned at it — damn, he had a devilish grin. He ran one finger along my hole, gently exploring the soft skin. “Like that?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.” Then I slipped my finger I between his ass cheeks and gently probed his hole. It felt so hot — the heat radiating from his hole. I knew I wanted to have my tongue in there. Benicio moaned quietly, burying his head into my chest. I think he whimpered a little as I dug into his hole. He slid his head to the left and bit down on my nipple — it was my turn to yelp. He didn’t let go, but instead swirled his tongue across my nipple. Jared had never done anything like this, so I was totally surprised by the electric shocks it sent through my body. He started kissing my abs, working his way down my body until he reached my stiff cock. It was raging at this point — in fact it was so swollen it almost hurt. Benicio looked up at me as he silently slid his mouth along my shaft for the first time. I groaned again. ”Fuck! That feels amazing.” Benecio responded by taking my whole cock into his mouth and easing it into his throat. How did he do that without gagging? He nuzzled his nose right into my short hairs. Then his finger found my hole again and began caressing it. Pleasure overwhelmed my body and I actually stepped back, instinctively pulling my cock out of his mouth. I gasped and laughed at the same time. Benecio grinned at me, still kneeling in front of me as I awkwardly tried to balance myself while my head was rushing with the intense feelings. “Liked that, huh?” “Oh my gawd that was amazing,” I gasped. “There’s more to come. Lots more cum.” He suddenly stood up, wrapped his arms around me, and started making out again. I was still breathing heavy but still managed to wrestle with his tongue back and forth in our mouths. I was running my hands through his hair again, then let one hand drop to his ass. It was so firm and smooth, with just a trace of soft hairs between the cheeks. My finger found his hole again and began to probe it. Benecio growled, breaking our break and turning his head to gently bite my neck. “Oh baby,” he whispered in my ear as my finger dug a little deeper, his hole opening slightly. “Oh baby, please. Please.” I dug a little deeper and he winced. “Lube,” he whispered. “Do you want to come back to my room? I have supplies there.” Benecio raised his head and looked into my eyes. “No.” My heart sank. Benicio leaned away from me and pumped a couple loads out of the dispenser on the wall. Using the soap, he slicked up my cock then turned around, pushing his ass against my body. He didn’t have to ask twice. I put a hand between his shoulders and bent him forward. He placed his hands against the tiled wall and widened his stance, his ass pressed back. This was not his first time offering his ass in the showers. I lined my slicked dick up with his hole and pressed forward. There was a moment of resistance at his hole, the muscles tightening at the pressure coming from the outside. But Benacio relaxed and I felt his sphincter open up, welcoming me inside. I felt the ring of muscle slide down my cock. Beyond it was amazing warmth that engulfed by cock. I moaned and Ben sighed. I knew what he was experiencing — that first penetration was both exhilarating and a bit painful. For me, burying my cock inside him was pure bliss. I haven’t fucked anyone in weeks — not since Jared left school for the summer. I looked down as my shaft slid in and out, my pale skin disappearing into his caramel ass. It felt like his ass molded around my cock, massaging the entire length as I moved it inside him. “Fuck me, baby,” he said softly. He pushed his ass back to meet my thrusts. Water slapped between our bodies, and the sound was even louder here in the small shower room. I started thrusting faster, the slapping sound echoing off the tiles. I grabbed Benecio’s hair and pulled his head back — Jared had always asked me to do that. Benecio seemed to like it just as much. “Oh! Oh! Fuck me, baby! Oh fuck!” I was even more turned on by his reaction and was giving his ass my all. My cock was raw inside him. I hadn’t fucked raw much before — just that time Jared had pulled the condom off of me mid-fuck. To just fuck raw was hotter than anything else.I could feel how soft it was inside of Benecio, and the heat of his body temperature radiating around my shaft. My cock was so swollen from the intensity. I watched it glide in and out of his hole. “Sorry,” I said. “I’m not gonna last long.” “Give me that load,” Ben said, looking over his shoulder at me. His eyes were so intent. I knew he wanted me to breed him. I knew that feeling now. I could feel the pressure building inside me. I’d cum inside Jared that night he pulled the rubber off of me. I could feel the irresistible urge to plant my seed inside Benecio. He wanted it, too. But another voice in my head was quietly screaming. I’d taken two loads in my ass this summer, and I knew for a fact that Henry was poz. I didn’t know anything about the security guard except that his cock was amazing, but was he poz, too? Was I poz now? Am I about to poz someone? I knew I should pull out and shoot across his back — Benecio would still be happy. We’d both still cum after a hot fuck. But I couldn’t pull out. I didn’t want to pull out, and he didn’t want me to. We both wanted this to happen. I felt my cock throb and then explode, my cum starting to pulse into his hungry ass. “AHHH! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh hhhhh ahhh hhhh!!!” “Oh fuck yeah! Give me that load!” Ben started fucking himself on my hard cock even as it was spewing inside him. He was trying to get every drop. I stood there, my head swimming with the intense release and my body quaking. It was all inside him now. There was no stepping back from it; I had bred his ass with my raw load. We stood there for a long moment, both relishing the connection. I didn’t want to pull out, not yet. I slowly stroked his hole with my cock, the sensation actually really intense on my dick. My body spasmed. Benecio moaned softly, letting me slowly stroke inside his hole. “That was amazing,” he said. He leaned forward and began to stand, my cock sliding free of his ass. We both stumbled, trying to catch our independent balance. My heart was still pounding. Benecio turned around and we started making out in middle of the shower room again. I let my body relax into his arms. It was so comfortable and easy with him. Then that voice in the back of my head started getting louder again. What had I just done? I’d taken a couple toxic loads from guys. Do I even know what my status is now? Ben had been fucked by the security guard, too. In fact, that’s who he’d been waiting for tonight. Was he looking for charged loads? Had I just given him one? [Let me know if you’re enjoying Jeremy’s unexpected evolution. Piggies are always appreciated. I foresee something BIG happening in Jeremy’s near future…..]
    6 points
  4. Part 3 Matt and Ben kept trading off between the two bottom boys, dark hairy Adam and blonde hairy Josh, using the loads that were already in their pussies as lube. They kept making out while their cunts got used, and after a long pounding, they each took a load, Adam from Matt and Josh from Ben. They all collapsed in a heap and were lying on the bed, fondling each others cocks and chilling out, passing the pipe back and forth, getting more and more spun and horny. Adam had never felt this slutty and his hole was hungrier than he’d ever known. He wanted every man in the world to fuck him and couldn’t stop playing with his cumlogged hole. Matt reached over to fill the pipe again, loading it up with some big shards, and shoved it in Adam’s mouth, carefully holding the lighter underneath the glass bowl. He inhaled a huge cloud and started to blow it out when Josh put his mouth over Adam’s and sucked the cloud into his lungs. Adam was startled but so turned on when he realized what was happening. Ben laughed and said “don’t waste good drugs, fag boy.” They were all laughing when the door opened and several voices came from the other room. “Anybody home?” Adam looked at the others slightly alarmed, and Matt rubbed Adam’s furry chest and said “don’t worry, fag. It’s just our Dad. He’s gay too, and the biggest pig of all of us. He has a key to our place and we fuck around all the time.” “Wait. Your Dad is gay?” Josh laughed and said “You have NO idea.” Just then a short, muscular man walked into the room, wearing a tank top, shorts and a cap. He looked to be about 45, 5’6” and with Matt and Josh’s blonde hair covering his whole body. The apples did not fall far from this hot as fuck tree. He laughed. “You motherfuckers started without me. I came over as soon as Matt texted me, and I brought Dan and Brian too. Who’s the sexy little pig who can’t stop playing with his cumdump?” Adam blushed since he knew the older man was talking about him and he realized that his fingers were as far up his ass as he could get them, playing with the loads inside. “Um, I’m Adam, sir." The man laughed and said “You don’t have to call me Sir unless you want to, son. I’m Mike. And these filthy pigs are Dan and Brian.” Mike walked further into the room and started to quickly undress, accepting a shotgun from his son Matt. Dan and Brian were both in their 30s, tall and bearded. Dan was dark with curly black hair all over his body and Brian was smooth with a brown buzz cut and a treasure trail leading into his shorts, which quickly hit the floor. The three older men pulled up chairs and sat by the bed so they could begin to catch up on the T. They all had sizable dicks, particularly Mike. Josh was shorter than his father and brother, but somehow had come out with the biggest cock. “You got any points, son?” Matt reached over to the table and pulled out a small box full of loaded points. He handed one to each of the newcomers and then turned to Adam saying “you get another one, whore. We’re all gonna breed your cunt. Even Josh.” This wasn’t a request, it was an order and Adam knew that he wanted as much cock as he could possibly get. Josh laughed too, even though he also knew this was an order from Matt. He never turned down Matt’s orders. Mike took the point from Matt and said “Get on your knees boy. Suck my cock while I slam this point. I love having a dirty little fag like you suck my cock while I’m slamming.” Adam quickly hopped down onto the floor and took Mike’s fat uncut cock in mouth. It was completely hard but the foreskin still hooded the tip. “Get your tongue down in under the hood, faggot,” Mike growled. Adam quickly complied and was rewarded with a foreskin full of precum. Mike quickly tied off his arm, slipped the needle in the vein and shoved the plunger down. Mike snapped the band off his arm and coughed twice, then he handed the syringe to Matt and grabbed Adam’s ears, shoving his mouth deep on his cock, and holding it there while Adam started to gag. “That’s my boy. You a good little cocksucking faggot?” Mike didn’t wait for an answer since Adam obviously had his mouth full. He just slapped Adam to get him to stop gagging. “Where’d you find this one, Matt?” Mike knew that his boys were both complete sex pigs. He’d been fooling around with them since they were legal. “The beach, where else do I find faggots to breed? They can’t stop looking at me in my wet suit. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination.” They both laughed while Mike continued to fuck Adam’s mouth with his rock hard cock. Ben and Josh were servicing Dan and Brian while they slammed their points. Two more coughs later and everyone was spun out of their heads. After a few more minutes of making Adam gag on his cock, Mike pulled his mouth up and Adam gasped for breath, while he face was covered in precum and spit from deep throating. Mike smiled and spit in Adam’s helpless face. Mike scooped up the spit from Adam’s face and pushed it back into his mouth. Then he reached down and kissed the boy deeply, making out with him until he caught his breath again and started to moan like the cheap whore he was. “OK, boy. Get back up on the bed, time for another slam for my little whore. Adam hopped up on the bed and laid down, holding out his arm for what was coming. Matt tied off Adam’s arm, and the others watched while Mike took the point from Matt, slid it in the vein, got a register and expertly slid the payload home. “OK, faggot. Breathe. You’re going to blast off now and when you leave here you probably won’t be able to walk.” Adam just nodded and waited for Mike to remove the strap from his arm. As soon as he did, he felt the slam all over his body. He got really warm and started to cough uncontrollably. Mike just smiled and said “I think this faggot is ready to gang rape, boys. What do you think?” Adam laughed and said “I sure as hell am, Daddy. You gonna breed my pussy first?” Adam had no idea where these words were coming from. Clearly the drugs were doing the talking. He’d never fantasized about being raped before. OK, maybe a few times. He’d always fantasized about his four brothers and Dad, they were all hot jocks, but nothing had ever happened, other than jerking off with his younger brother a few times when they were kids. He desperately wanted to be part of this family of sex pigs. Adam just let the drugs do the talking, and rolled over on his stomach and shoved his big furry ass in the air. “Come on Daddy. You wanna rape your boy?” The rest of them all laughed and Matt said “well, I guess we got a live one this time. He told me when I picked him up that he was inexperienced. Guess he won’t be after we’re done with him, right?” Adam laughed with them and said “I don’t wanna be inexperienced anymore. I wanna be a whore. Make me into a whore, guys. Use my cunt. Breed me full of cum." “Well shit guys, sounds like this whore wants whatever we can give him,” Mike said. “Let me in that pussy, boy. You’re already loaded up, right?” “Yes, sir. But it’s not nearly enough.” Mike laughed and said “is it ever enough for fags like you?” and rammed his long, fat, uncut dick into Adam’s hairy cunt so fast that it made Adam gasp and then moan like the whore he was fast becoming. The rest of them crowded around the bed where Adam and Mike were fucking doggie style, playing with each other’s cocks waiting their turn to knock the faggot up. They all knew they couldn’t get him pregnant but they were sure gonna do their best to try.
    6 points
  5. Okay so that’s something to ponder on.
    4 points
  6. Here's how I'm handling it: One mpx became an up & cumming issue, I had phone calls in to all the health-care agencies in the area to get the mpx vaccine. I decided, mostly because of conflicting reports in the media regarding the details of transmission, blah blah blah to hold off on my usual sexual routine. So, I've been going without for a few weeks, but I usually take the 'better safe than sorry' lane. I'll feel comfortable heading out again soon, and putting off the fuckjoints for a while in favor of making sure I'm as protected as I can be, after the suggested wait time has passed, I'll jump into the pile again. At least I'll know I've taken the most steps possible to avoid infection, and I can live (and fuck) with that. It's irritating not to know what to do - I get that in spades. But, until I felt I knew enough (and got the shot), I just told my Cock that he'd simply have to wait, and shut the fuck up about it. But, what level of risk you decide to assume is up to you, right? Good luck, bud
    3 points
  7. We already have an effective vaccine, and even if vaccinated the vast majority of monkeypox cases resolve. It is obviously nothing like AIDS. There may be supply issues now but this vaccine should eventually become available, in a timescale of months rather than years I would expect. Seems clear the sensible conclusion is to moderate your activities until you are offered it.
    3 points
  8. I do, I was a naughty boy who molested my big bro and dad into popping my cheery and breeding me.
    3 points
  9. PART 3 The bedroom was small and dark, like the rest of the apartment. The fan tried moving the hot air around, but it was still muggy. He laid me on the bed on my back, raising my legs. I felt him tug on the thing vibrating in my ass. The vibration stopped. I grunted when he popped it out, feeling a relief as my ass was getting a break from the stimulation. He let my legs fall back to the bed. He began massaging my feet, the pressure feeling so good. He began working up to my calves and I groaned softly with the pleasure. My legs raised, he moved in closer, and I felt his hefty cock laying against my balls. “You want this so badly,” he said intently but softly. “Your boyfriend did, too. He kept coming back. He got nervous and ran off that first night, but he came back a few nights later. Ready for it. Wanting it so badly that he begged me for it.” I could picture it in my head. Jared here in this apartment, ass spread on the couch like I just was. Laying in this bed like I am now. This weird craving for Henry’s cock. Jared and I have fucked each other, so I know the sounds he makes. I know how he likes it. And now I realized he was wanting more than what we were doing. I remember the night just before he left for the summer when he pulled the condom off of me while we were fucking. Henry was massaging my thighs, then reached the sensitive spot on either side of my pelvis. Here he was more delicate, stimulating rather than massaging. I groan and arched my back. I didn’t know how sensitive this spot was. I started to writhe, losing control as he worked his hands up my torso. “I was deep inside your boyfriend, college boy. He’d never had raw cock before mine. You haven’t had it yet, either. I gave him what he really wanted …. What he was made for. I fucked him raw and put my seed in him. And you know what? Each time I did, he needed more. He kept coming back and I kept pozing his ass.” I felt his cock press harder against my pelvis, the sweat lubing his cock so it slid across my body. He pinned me with his body, the weight feeling so good on top of me. “Do the same to me,” I said quietly to Henry. He grinned, pushing himself back into a kneeling position between my legs. He lifted my legs,, pressing my knees to my chest. My muscles were so relaxed that I easily folded into the position. It felt odd, being compressed like that. I could feel him moving his pelvis, his cock brushing against my ass which was hiked up. He teased my ass with his cock while making out. Slowly he reached backward for some of the things he’d brought from the living room with us. I looked down the length of my body. I could see it. His raw cock. Long and hard as he slowly slicked with lube. There was no rubber. Part of me thought I should say something about a condom. Now was the time to do it. He’d put one on if he wanted to fuck me badly enough. But those words weren’t able to form in my mouth. I pictured Jared laying here like me, Henry doing the same motions, massaging his own cock as he spread lube across it. Jared gave into him; he took that cock raw and got pozzed by this man. Deep inside I knew I was going to do the same. Henry pressed a bottle of poppers under my nose, squeezing off one nostril then the other as I took a couple of hits. “Hold it in until I tell you to exhale.” I did as I was told, feeling the heaviness held in my lungs. “Exhale slowly.” I let it out slowly, again smelling the distinct odor of the poppers. The rush slammed me at once, my heart excelerating and a hot feeling moving up through my body and out across my arms, all my muscles relaxing. My head started to swim a bit. But what I really felt was an intense hunger in my ass. I started breathing heavier. Henry knew; he was towering over my body, watching me succumb, waiting for this moment. He didn’t miss a beat, rolling my legs back further so my feet were directly over my head. “Someone looks hungry,” he growled. I saw one hand go to his long cock and take aim. He pressed his body forward, and I lost sight of his cock as I felt pressure on my hole. I could feel the heat coming off his cock – the heat of his raw skin. No rubber, nothing between us. This wild, primal thrill went through me. I wanted to say something … anything … but couldn’t form a single word. All I heard was my heart pounding in my chest, and suddenly felt the sharp pressure of penetration into my bare ass. “Ahhh!” was the only sound I could manage to make. His raw cock continued to slide up into my eager hole, and I let out a soft whimper. I could feel his trimmed pubic hair brushing up against my spread ass. “That’s it, college boy. Just breathe. Your ass is so ready for this. It wants this. Just let those muscles wrap themselves around my cock.” I breathed deep and started to relax again, the anxious thoughts falling away as I felt Henry flex his dick inside me. I was swimming in the poppers, beer and thick summer heat. I looked at Henry, my eyes feeling kinda groggy, but my body totally awake. Henry stayed where he was, his thick cock sitting inside me, letting me get used to the feeling. I felt the heat of his raw skin against mine, radiating inside me. Then he began to move. It was a subtle movement at first, his dick just kind of massaging me from the inside. But his movements quickly became strokes, and he picked up speed. I was getting fucked — raw fucked. “How’s it feel, college boy? How’s that raw cock feel?” I’d never felt anything like this before. His cock glided in and out of my hole. I could feel the contours of his dick as it pushed and pulled at my hole. “Fuck! That’s amazing!” Henry responded by pushing my legs wider, holding my ankles, and staring down at me. His face was contorted with his own pleasure, and he even rolled his head back, closing his eyes, just feeling the sensations on his cock. Feeling himself deep inside me. He started fucking me harder. The sounds of skin slapping skin got louder, and I felt sweat dripping off him onto my abs. I was moaning now, totally lost in the fuck. “That’s it, college boy. Take my cock like your boyfriend does. I knew you were a fuckhole like he is.” “Fucking pound me!” I roared as he was pounding into me, my body shaking with each thrust of his cock. I wanted more! “Fuck yeah, fuckhole! Perfect little fuckhole,” he said, sweating pouring down his body. Henry started slowing down, then pulled out. He leaned back into a kneeling position again, panting. His dick was standing straight up, slathered in lube and wet with my ass. It was a deep red, raw, engorged from pounding my hole. “Fuck boy! This is intense!” “Did you cum?” I asked nervously. I felt a mix of fear and disappointment. Fear that he’d cum inside me — no one ever had. I’d always done the right thing and been fucked with a condom. But there was also a feeling of disappointment I didn’t understand. Did I want to get loaded? He already told me he is poz. But a part of me wanted to have that, to take that load. “No, college boy. You haven’t earned that, yet. You’re gonna know when it happens — you’ll feel it.” He rolled me onto my side, then laid down behind me. He lifted one of my legs. I felt him positioning the head of his cock to line up with my hole again. “I can’t take much more,” I said. “My hole is getting sore.” I felt his cock slide away from my hole and his body turned slightly. “Your boyfriend said the same thing the first time I gifted him.” He fumbled around for a moment, then pushed the bottle of poppers up under my nose, roughly pushing the bottle neck into my nostril. “Take four long hits, holding your breath between each one,” he ordered me. “This is what its like to be a fuckhole. You don’t just get pozzed. You have to earn it.” [Let me know how you’re enjoying the story. Can simply click the blue heart or leave a message. I’ll say I’m really enjoying writing this for ya’ll]
    3 points
  10. Do think we are born to be cumdumps? I remember as a little guy, i finger myself and live it. Them the working the nipples for yrs, and pulling my big balls hard. I think i was always this way, scorpio & jo freak, and try not be gay. Was top, now with husband a total fuck hole. I think 🤔 it was always me, regret not being a cumdump before i found husband, but my desire for mire cock lives, anyone else feel same
    2 points
  11. Billy, or William as he was named on insurance documents, lived in a trailer park down near the railroad tracks. He was a dirty, always ripe pig of a man and a handyman in and around town. His trailer got hit pretty bad in a storm and he was lucky enough to have insurance and I was lucky to be assigned the claim on behalf of his insurance company. I decided to see other losses in his area and drove overnight, staying at a local motel in the town where Billy lived. After getting myself settled I drove out to the trailer park and it was pretty well wrecked, with a couple people picking over their belongings. When I drove up to Billys place, he was standing there kicking around at the wreckage. I walked up to him and introduced myself, and immediately got a big hit of his body odor, chem sweat and overall musk, and my cock got hard. Billy was 60 but looked older. About 5’7 and 120 pounds maybe, lean, grey oily hair n beard, with old faded tats. It was hot, and he was wearing a dirty, sweaty, t-shirt, overalls boots. As I took him all in, I can’t believe how turned on I was. Expressing my sorrow for his loss, i explained the process of getting him back in his home, but Billy didn’t seem to care very much except for the money that he was being paid to live, as it turns out in the local motel where I was staying, and what he was going to get for a new, furnished trailer. I continued to tell him that I needed to take some notes and walk around and look at the debris, to figure out how much we were going to pay him. As we walked around, and picked through the loss I quickly realized that $15,000 would be more than enough to replace all of the worthless junky shit strewn about. I have a practiced eye for loss and when I was looking through the mud and debris I noticed an assortment of broken glass pipes and assorted party goods. I also spotted an overturned dresser drawer with dildos lubes, and the remains of a sling, partially buried under the mud, wood and siding. At first I wasn’t going to mention anything to Billy, but deal with it later in my report as something or other, but he surprise me when he brought it up casually. “guess whatever you’re going to give me will be enough for me to replace my playthings, huh“ “Good that I made sure to grab my stash.“ Sure, I responded startled,” it looks like you have a nice collection of things that’s been damaged or lost.” Billy just smiled at me, where I noticed his shitty dental work, and that he was eating chew. As we walked through the rest of the mess, he spit a great big gob on the pile, I guess as an act of goodby and good riddance. With total perversion on my mind, and billy’s stink in the air, I knew that I was going to turn this into a very good, easy insurance loss, and a personal must have for me. It was hot and steamy outside and I was really sweating a lot, so I suggested to Billy that I was going to go back to the hotel to write up my notes, and maybe I’d see him there, later. he was good with that, and only wanted to know if he could pick through some things for personal belongings. Sure I said and left. A couple hours later I was ready to go out to the waffle house and grab something to eat, and as I was walking out of my room, there was Billy taking things into his room down the way. I walked up to him and immediately got turned on again, and asked him if he had found things that he can salvage. Yeah sure he said, “just bringing in a couple of boxes. I also grabbed a six pack of beer and they’re still cold if you want to have one.” Absolutely I replied and Billy carried the final box into his motel room, and I followed him through the door for what would turn out to be hours of chem-fuled pig sex of unimaginable proportions. There on the floor of his room where two boxes of salvaged dildos, plugs and a salvaged pipe or two, and on the night table was a torch, a new bowl and other works. Billy was absolutely 100% unashamed of the display, and he could care less it seemed. His only concern was that I wasn’t the law, when he said to me, “hey you insurance guys aren’t like police or attorneys or investigators are you?“ “Nah,” I replied, “ feel free to do what you enjoy man. As a matter of fact I like a lot of what you are into,” I found myself saying. “No shit” Billy said, “that’s excellent. I did take a little bit of the insurance money that you paid me to stay here, and I have some fresh party supplies, so let’s go for it.!” That’s exactly what we did. Billy pointed to the small refrigerator and told me to help myself to beer, and he quickly loaded the pipe, torched it and took a huge hit, coughing. “Fuck man that’s so good,“ he wheezed, and said here man let me give you a hit. He got up close to me and me the pipe fired up and I took a deep blast, which quickly resonated throughout my body. I made sure to stand near him and in hell the stench thinking about how absolutely perverted we were going to get. He took the pipe again and took a big hit, and as he was right near me I put my mouth up to his and he shotgunned it into my throat, followed by a stream of chewjuice. “Oh that was good” Billy declared. “ I’ve been hitting it a lot today, but this one was just as good as the last.”. “Are you really into the other thing?” said Billy as he looked over at the box of dirty toys. Grinning I said “getting dirty and filthy with you is what my dreams are made of, pig.” we quickly got naked, savoring the moment, and when Billy suggested that he needed to piss, I told him to do so in the ice bucket…
    2 points
  12. I own one, feels good for both if done right.
    2 points
  13. Martin stayed with me that night, he started responding to my email messages and forwarding my pics to his friends. I got fucked by 11 other guys throughout the night, everyone of them poz. It was obvious that Martin was whoring me out to poz guys. I fucking loved it, every load felt special and the tops seemed to really get off on letting me know that they were breeding me with their poz cum. It felt so liberating to take their poz cum willingly. I thanked each one for their poz load and Martin clearly was getting off on it. Every time a guy started cumming, he'd lean down and kiss me roughly but playfully. I don't know which one of us was enjoying it more. At the end of the night, Martin gave me another load. Afterwards, he kept his dick inside me, plugging my cum sloppy hole with his thick cock until we both fell asleep. The following morning, I woke up to the feeling of fullness as I gently rocked back and forth. I smiled as I realized that Martin was fucking me again. "Good morning Stud." I said as I smiled and tried to clench my hole. "Good morning Cumdump." He playfully replied. "It's fucking awesome to have a ready and willing cumdump first thing in the morning to take my Morning load." "And it feels amazing to wake up to a big poz cock stretching my hole and pounding my prostate. " I answered him. "Fuck yeah!" He exclaimed. He continued fucking me for a few of minutes. It was a nice leisurely fuck but soon enough, he started pistoning in and out faster and more urgently. The sounds between us were sloppy as cum started squelching out of me as the sheer size and thickness of his cock either drove the liquid in further into my guts or made it leak out of me in spurts. "Don't mind the mess, baby. I don't. I'm just throwing the riff raff out. They got their chance to convert this beautiful hole." He said and I laughed. "I know that it's my load that you want, and it's my poz cum that your hole needs." "Fuck yeah, baby. You popped my poz cherry, it's only fair that it's your sperm the one that gets me pregnant." I replied and I really meant it. "Oh fuck, baby, you know what to say to make me give you my load. I'm fucking close baby." "Oh yeah, please give it to me. I want your poz cum to be the one to poz my hole. It's your fucking babies I want to carry." I moaned as he pounded my prostate and I felt my own orgasm coming. "OOOHH FUUUUUUUCK YEAAAAAHHHH!!!" He yelled as I started clenching my hole and I felt my dick shooting underneath me. With a final shuddering thrust, he shoved balls deep inside me and came and came and kept cumming. As he roared and I grunted with my own fucking orgasm. "WHOAH!" he exclaimed as he shuddered and collapsed on top of me. His heart racing so palpably I could feel it against my shoulder blades. "Good Morning Stud." I repeated and laughed. "A very good morning to you, Cumdump." He laughingly said as he leaned down and kissed my neck.
    2 points
  14. I’m not really gay; never thought about guys. But recently tried coke and it immediately makes me want to be fucked. And I want to be a complete slut whore. Usually anonymous. Crazy but I love it.
    2 points
  15. that totally describes me. The looser iam the happier i am. Goal is a mare size mancunt with a minimum foot long prolapse. i stuff my hole with oversize toys nearly everyday and seek out sex that will leave me loose and more ruin. I love how my rectum has started to obviously fall to where it is noticable between my beefy ass cheeks. Vac pumping is helping to pull it out further. i am hosed out everyday so i can indulge in the kind of sodomy i need. And as you can see from my profile pic, I am nice and loose, but i want it bigger, deep and long prolapse.
    2 points
  16. First time I saw a huge penis when i was a boy. I knew I wanted to feel it fucking me. My 3rd sex partner had a fat 8.5 cock and was impressed at how easy i took him nd tol me i was a natural bottom. That's when I learned that lots of guys can't handle size and that I wanted to see how much i could accommodate. That was amplified the first time I saw porn guys taking massive dildoes and hands. and when the toy or hand was removed, their hole just hung open like a gaping cavern. I knew instantly i wanted to be that super loose freak of Nature. When I took my fist fist it was an amazing high. the pleasure stimulation is very different from a cock or toy, plus I had the headrush of knowing I had size in me that most guys can't handle. For a long time I did more cock and huge toy than fist play because i love being bred, especially in group settings. but about 6 or 7 years ago the scale started to tip and now I get fisted way more than I get bred. I'm still super promiscuous and I still love a good breeding (and some guys have jerked off inside my hole) but nothing hits my pleasure circuits like a guy's fist sliding into my slack ass. I take my big toys most everyday so I stay loose. I am blessed with a massive sex appetite and that helps control it when I don't have time to hook up and play. Best training for taking a fist is an XL inflatable butt plug from Mr. S Leather.
    2 points
  17. I am. It's essentially secular humanism (rational science based) with a nice carnal center to it that embraces our sexual Nature. All the trappings of the Xian created Satanic Panic of the 1980's-sacrifices, blood drinking, death and violence/destruction obsession--is false and totally fabricated. Unfortunately, because those elements were immediately embraced by heavy metal and rock bands, many have fetishized that as Satanism when it has nothing to do with it. Ditto that for no holds barred hedonists (excessive substance use, bug chasing, etc.) which is also not in keeping with Satanic principles. I recommend reading up on the subject at the ChurchofSatan and The Satanic Temple websites. You will find them very rational based but embracing an encouraging of human sexuality. Feel free to post here or DM any questions.
    2 points
  18. I get that not everyone likes to cuddle, and that even those who sometimes do may not want a lot of it, or with everyone. But can we dispense with calling it "freakish"? And with making blanket judgments like "strangers do not cuddle"? There are rather significant numbers of people in this country whose belief systems consider it just as freakish for strangers to fuck. What's that phrase - "Don't yuck someone else's yum"?
    2 points
  19. I fisted a very experienced bottom - for the first time and I started out slow and by the end of the night was past my elbow and his ass was like the Grand Canyon - fucking him honestly was like fucking a small cave - he was so loose and stretched but it turned me on so much seeing what I did to his ass - I bred him and pissed in him and jacked off watching 5 Black Guys who regularly use him - do just that - they were mostly construction workers and I could smell their ripe pots and cocks as they stripped and our host just buried his mouth and tongue in each pit, ass and cock and tongues bathed their ripe bodies- they pretty much used him like he was a piece of trash their race play was uncomfortable to me - he was begging for their BBCs to make his ass there’s and they were saying his ass belonged to them for reparations and he was a whore for Black men from now on - I wanted to leave but he asked me to stay and all 5 bred his ass then made him suck and rim them and when they were ready all 5 shot loads down his throat and for the finale all 5 elbow deep fisted his hole - his hole was a gaping ruin - one of the guys said he was like a bitch his cell block used when he did time - some businessman from Ohio - two years in prison- he was married and an arrogant prick when he went in he left broken a fag for BBC and was a Meth addict and he was pozzed by routine fucking - he evidently cried the first few rapes and gang rapes but once he was a meth regular and after his first month he was shamelessly begging on the shower floor for Black and Latin meat - and was a bonafide Cumdump for all the cell block all Black and Latin but one - the guy laughed and said the other white guy serving time for drunk driving was made to eat the business man’s ass before he was used - and he would gag on the ripeness but he had to get it sloppy squeaky clean or they beat his ass until he was a ruin - and the. Once that ass was ready the cell block to line up and run their BBC and train - train of destruction in his hole.
    2 points
  20. Nowadays I only have sex with fuckbuddies. We have a connection (and as @hntnhole said here and many times elsewhere on this forum that is better sex) and we kiss a lot. We may not become life partners but we are sexual partners for a while. But in the days when I was still a bubblebutt youngster it was all about cock. And cock. And more cock. I could not be into the guy but I could very well be into his cock. I didn't want those guys to kiss me. Just fuck me and get the job done. Shoot your load in my ass and go. I very much prefer the way I have sex now. Quality over quantity.
    2 points
  21. I’ve always thought the cruel condom would be more painful than the pleasure I would get out of it. I think I’m at a point where I want to try getting fucked with one.
    2 points
  22. There have always been risks associated with sexual freedom and not just health related. Execution. Imprisonment. Violence. Society’s disdain. Caution is always prudent but one cannot go through life shying away from every shadow. Centuries ago the pox was a death sentence. Decades ago so, too, was AIDS. But people didn’t stop fucking because, as the late, great Joe Orton once said “you’ll regret not having fun with your genitals when you’re dead.”
    2 points
  23. The way I see it, kissing is part of that elusive "connection" that happens only occasionally. I mean deep, tongue-down-the-throat kissing. It's another way of demonstrating that the guy isn't just another Hole to rut in, there's a deeper interaction available. Kissing - at least for me - is a metaphor: my tongue in your mouth is directly akin to my Cock up your gut. It implies a deeper connection than the physical mating.
    2 points
  24. *shudder* 🤖 DANGER, WILL ROBINSON This is a red flag 🚩 if I ever saw one. If you speak to such a person, try asking “Do you spoon?” I’m willing to bet the reply will be, “Yes! Yes I do! I could spoon with you all night long and fall asleep in your arms.” I have visions of myself pinned for an entire night under the weight of a 250 lb. Man who falls asleep halfway on top of me, sleeps like the dead, and snores like a hive of bees.
    2 points
  25. I had been on PrEP for several months but decided to stop because I wasn't planning on having sex, but one day I was horny and stopped at the local ABS. Started by only sucking cock but eventually I got fucked a few times and took 4 loads by the time I left. It was on a Friday at 4pm when I knew I poz, but instead of feeling shocked, I was very horny. I decided to drive 2 hours to the closet big city with decent gay saunas, but before leaving I stopped at the same ABS to try my luck again. I was there for an hour and a half and was bred twice. Most guys wanted oral so I swallowed a few loads. With my hole loaded with two loads and still savouring those other loads I swallowed, I drove the two hours feeling very horny knowing that I had two loads in my hole. By the time I went into the sauna it was 8pm and the place was pretty crowed. As I looked for my room I saw a lot of guys with their doors open, some nice asses. I've been a bottom all my sex life but now, with the news that I'm newly poz and very detectable, I'm feeling the urge to fuck a hole and cream it with my toxic load. I wanted to fuck several holes and then carefully choose the hole where I was going to deposit my load. I wanted a young negative hole and to get one I played the top guy who always plays safe. There were two asses that interested me as I walked by their rooms, both with nice buttocks. I had taken a Viagra so I was hard as a rock. As soon as I walked into the first guy's room he asked me to close the door and immediately wanted me to fuck him bareback. I thought he was wither already poz or on PrEP, so I walked out the room. I found another nice ass, mid 20's who invited me into his room. When he tried to suck my cock, I stopped him and told him that I was always concerned about STDs to give him the idea that I was pretty safe. He told that he only sucked without a condom by always fucked safe. He was thinking of going on PrEP but that haven't yet. We started kissing and both of us getting really horny. As we rolled in bed my hard-on touched his hole and I noticed he liked it. I started to rim his hole and that made both even hornier. I told him that I would like to feel my cock in his moist hole but that I wouldn't cum but I when I started to fuck him I went over the edge and without saying a word, completely silent, I emptied my balls deep inside, grabbed my towel and keys and left. I went to my room, and took a long break before I was rested to be a cumhole myself at around midnight.
    2 points
  26. I have been reading the story from when it began in July last year. The characters have almost become family and I enjoyed it immensely. I think one final chapter is a nice end to the story. Everyone has found his partner (while still enjoying sex with others). I do feel we have come to the end. Prolonging the story just for the sake of it would spoil that. It would be like a popular TV show that runs on an on by popular demand while the number of viewers drops. I'm sure this will dissapoint many readers here. BUT! I can't wait for your next story!!!
    2 points
  27. Vote with green arrow if you want this one to continue 😊
    2 points
  28. All I can say, is that guys who limit there hookups based on race are missing some amazing fucks. The same is true of guys who pigeonhole certain races as either bottoms or tops, you are missing some great holes and great dicks.
    2 points
  29. Part 4 I took 4 hits off the poppers, holding my breath between each hit. I felt the intense rush even before I exhaled the last time. My head began to swim and I pressed my ass back toward Henry’s body, greedily trying to find his cock again. I was already breathing heavy when he pushed his long pole up into me. He went right to work with long, deep thrusts that instantly had me moaning again. “You’re just like your boyfriend. You love being a fuckhole, don’t you, college boy?” “Yes,” I breathed. “Yes I do.” I could picture Jared being here in my place. His dark hair matted in sweat, Henry’s cock buried deep inside that tight ass. How many times had he been here in this bed? How many loads had he taken from this guy? “Yes you do what?” I searched for the words I’d never said before. “Yes I love being a fuckhole.” Saying it clicked something inside me. I’d had sex before — fun sex that I enjoyed. But this was completely different. I could see myself in a mirror across the room. My body was stretched out across the bed, on my side, one leg bent in the air. I could see Henry’s cock slipping in and out of my ass, his big balls nuzzling up against me as he pumped. My face was flush and I was drenched in sweat as he used me like I’d never been used before. No one had ever drained away my control and made me crave their cock so badly. My eyes locked on his balls and I realized that’s where it was — his load. Right now his balls were heavy with cum, but I knew it would be working its way up through his cock and he’d seed me with it. “Please!” I gasped. “Seed me!” Henry almost purred. “That’s it, fuckhole. Beg for it. You all beg for it. Tell me what you really want and you might get it.” “I want you to poz me!” “Yeah? You wanna be like your boyfriend. He begged for it to. How bad do you want it?” “I gotta have it! I need it!” Henry rolled me flat on my stomach, driving my legs apart with his body weight. His full weight was on top of me, pushing my breath out. I struggled to breath under the pressure, only able to manage short gasps of air between grunts when he thrust inside me. In the mirror I could sorta see us, or at least him on top of me. His ass was pistoning up and down on top of me, drilling that cock down into my unprotected hole. He grabbed my wrists, ending what tiny amount of control I might have had. I knew what was coming. If I was honest with myself, I’d admit that I’d known what was coming from the moment I walked up to his house. I could feel it in his energy. Henry had planned for this moment from the minute he saw me outside the bar. There was this crazy sense of anticipation in me – anxiety and desire wrestled inside me while his cock furiously plugged away at my ass. All I could hear was his skin slapping against mine and the creak of the bed has he pounded into me. Some voice inside me said I needed to stop him. That was a poz load he was going to put inside me! But I knew I couldn’t stop this. We’d come too far. I knew when the moment came. I could sense total determination and power in how his body moved. He didn’t say anything or even warn me. There was no “where do you want me to cum?” where I could have given an answer. He simply decided for both of us. I knew his cum was flooding my ass; I could feel the change in his muscles, the spasming of his cock inside me. There was a moment of silence that hung in the air; he held his breath as his body moved inside mine. I could feel the intensity of the moment. And then he exhaled sharply, his body shaking with the release. He plunged his cock deep and held it there; I felt his body quivering. Then a determined thrust of his cock into me. Then a third thrust as he panted. I could feel it — his cum spewing inside me. My body convulsed as he spread his poz seed inside me. It was like an electric bolt going through my body and I gasped. I could feel it still surging through me as Henry collapsed on top of me. His breath was hot against my should and neck. We were both drenched in sweat. My heart was racing and I was trying to take a deep breath but couldn’t. I was totally overwhelmed. What had just happened? I’d never experienced anything like that before in sex. I’d been horny plenty of times, but I’d never felt such a primal craving for something. Henry slid out of my ass and rolled to the side. I still couldn’t move. Every once of energy in me was depleted. He slapped my ass and then massaged it. “That is one impressive piece of ass,” he said gripping it. He pushed two fingers inside me again. I grunted as he moved his fingers around. “I can feel my load in there. You like that load up there, college boy?” I had a hard time making words. I wasn’t sure what I felt — the whole thing felt totally surreal still. “No one’s ever done that to me before,” I finally said. “Oh no? Then you were long overdue. That ass was made for breeding.” My ass was starting to feel sore again, but I didn’t want him to stop playing with it. He took my hand and guided it down to my hole. “Feel that cum inside you,” he said. My fingers explored and I could feel his cum spread across and inside my hole; confirming he’d bred me sent another thrill through me. “We‘ll have to make sure you get more of that.” “Yes, sir,” I said softly, not knowing why I said it or where those words came from. Something had changed for me. I could feel it. [Our boy Jeremy has taken his first poz load — but I’m sure he’s not done. Should we see where his story goes? Let me know if I should keep going …. Just click the blue heart or leave a message.]
    2 points
  30. PART 2 It wasn’t a long walk to his place. The sweat was dripping off me in the heat, and I was feeling a bit light headed between the heat and beers. I was relieved when we got to his place, climbing the steps to the third floor apartment in the old house. “I hope you have A/C,” I said. “I hope you like fans.” It was a small, older apartment. We walked in through the small kitchen. There was an old stove, and a table with two chairs. I noted there were some medication bottles sitting on the table. I could see part of the couch through the doorway into the living room. The air was pretty thick and stuffy. Henry went and turned on a couple fans while I just stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living rooms. Henry disappeared into the bedroom; I could hear a fan click on and some rustling. He came back out naked, his hefty cock semi-hard and swinging as he walked. “It’s a lot cooler without clothes.” I still only had my shorts on, and he got those off of me quickly. My eyes were fixed on his cock, which was getting harder by the second. I wrapped my hand beneath it, feeling the weight. It was growing longer, moderately thick at the base and tapering to a narrower head. “It’s good for working its way into tight spaces,” he grinned. I thought he would start playing with my cock, which had become totally hard on its own; instead, he reached back and ran his hand down the small of my back and between my ass cheeks. The sweat rolling down my back had slicked the route he followed down to my hole. I gasped as he pressed a finger right into my hole. It was rough and shocking, but sent this electrical jolt up into my body. “Seems college boys like their holes played with,” he grinned, then leaned in and started making out with me. His fingers kept massaging around my hole while one slipped in and out. The sweat wasn’t enough to make it slippery inside, but there was something hot about being roughly fingered — standing naked in this guy’s darkened living room. I groaned as he manhandled my ass for a couple minutes. Finally he reached up, wrapped his other hand around my head, and pushed me down toward his cock. “You have work to do before you earn my cock in that ass of yours.” I dropped to my knees in front of him, wearing only my flip flops. I love sucking dick, and I couldn’t resist getting to work on it. The shaft was already long and stiff, and it took me several attempts to ease it into the back of my throat. I gagged a bit as I tried to negotiate it deeper. Henry moaned softly. “That’s it, college boy. Deep throat that cock.” He rested on hand on the back of my head, coaxing me but not forcing. He was letting me do the work while he reaped the rewards of my cock worshipping. I was getting more turned on as I worked his cock, feeling the semi-hardon become rock solid in my mouth. It was hard to swallow the entire length, but I took a couple breaths, relaxed my throat, and slowly engulfed the whole shaft. Henry still didn’t push me.. I nuzzled my nose into his pubic hair, inhaling the scent of sweat and musk. My cock flexed with excitement. “Talented boy,” he said softly, almost reverently. He stroked my hair, still not pushing. I slowly backed off his engorged cock and looked up. There was pride on my face followed by a bit of a goofy grin as he sighed in pleasure. Without being asked, I descended onto his cock again, letting it slide past my tonsils and into my throat. Holding it there a moment, unable to do anything more. I felt saliva pooling and started to choke, so I pulled off quickly. “Get up on the couch, turn around so your ass is facing me. I want to eat that ass.” I knelt on the couch, my legs spread and chest against the back cushions. It felt hot offering up my ass that way, him kneeling behind me on the floor at the edge of the couch. I felt his hands massaging my ass; despite the heat in the apartment, his hands felt cool against my skin, and he started to gently blow on my hole. The sensation sent tingles through me again. I whimpered softly as he tantalized my hole. No one had ever played with it like this. Suddenly I felt a hot, wet sensation glazing my hole. I moaned, “ Fuck … that’s amazing….” “Like your ass eaten, do you?” He returned his tongue to my hungry hole. My body squirmed a little, the sensations coursing through me were so intense. He slapped my ass, shocking me and I yelped. “Look at this college boy!” He spread my ass apart and dove deeper into my hole with his tongue. His thumbs massaging the muscle surrounding my hole while his tongue probed me. “Oh fuck….” I whispered, overcome with the sensations. I’d never had my ass played with like this before. “Look at that…” he said as my ass convulsed, my hole naturally pulsing for him to see. “Someone’s ass is begging to be bred. Is that what it wants, college boy?” The word ‘bred’ struck me as odd on some level. I expected to hear ‘you wanna get fucked’ since my other hookups had said it. But he seemed to mean something else. A voice inside me wanted to ask about it, but it was last in intense sensations the assplay was bringing. “This ass is beautiful. Your hole is so pink. And so fucking tight, It doesn’t get used much, does it, college boy?” “No,” I said, suddenly feeling embarrassed and inexperienced. Did he think I was bad at this? Was Jared better at bottoming. I hadn’t bottomed much, and it had usually felt very clunky. Henry was doing it very different, and my ass felt amazing. Suddenly I was afraid he would stop. I turned to try and look behind me. He was still kneeling at the edge of the couch. His cock was standing straight up, even without him touching it. Deep down I felt a primal urge — a desperate need for that cock. “I want to get bred,” I said quickly, mimicking the word he’d used earlier. His face split with an intense grin, and his cock bounced up and down, twitching with excitement. “Do you now? I’m gonna make that happen for you. But first we need to loosen up that hole. He stood up, his long cock pointing straight out toward my ass. I thought he was going to start fucking me then, which made me tense with anxiety. “Stay right there,” he said, and instead of fucking me he disappeared into the bedroom. I felt awkward and strange, kneeling on the couch with my ass sticking out. I’d been fucked on all fours a couple times, but this felt very different. Kneeling here, my ass exposed, waiting ….. I couldn’t hear much over the whirring fans in both rooms. A minute later he returned with some small objects in each hand, but I didn’t recognize them right away. “FUCK!” He growled, “That is one hot ass!” His comment made me feel even more awkward; no one had ever talked like this before …. Talking at me, rather than with me. I felt more like an object than a partner. He knelt down behind me again, setting the objects down out of my eye sight. There heard a series of quick, short squeaks, then a smooth, cool liquid was being spread on pink my hole. His other hand reached under me and began glazing my hardon with the same liquid. My head snapped backward and I moaned. “That’s it, college boy. Just enjoy it. I’m gonna make you feel sooooo good. You’re gonna give me this ass, and I’m gonna give you something special in return.” His fingers began to probe my hole again. It was different than the rough fingering before; the lube he was spreading inside me made the prowling smooth. He worked his fingers deeper into me than he’d been so far. I felt the sharp pain of my hole being stretched, and I think I grimaced. “You’re fine,” he said calmly into my ear. “Just relax. Relax those muscles, college boy. It’s time to give in to the gift.” “Yes, sir” I moaned, suddenly thinking of the line I’d heard in a few porn videos. I’d never said it before during sex, but it seemed somehow right in the moment. The intense feelings were overwhelming, and I pushed my own face into the rough fabric of the couch. I couldn’t help but groan and his fingers probed me deeper, stretching my hole, all while he massaged my cock. “You’re gonna make me cum,” I begged. “Oh, that’s a long ways off, college boy. You have to satisfy my cock before you get to cum.” His fingers left my hole and I gasped at the relief. My heart was pounding and I was breathing heavy. The mix of the beers, muggy heat, and intense pleasure left my muscles feeling drained and weak all of a sudden. I kind of slumped over on the couch, needing to stretch my leg muscles. He grinned at me as I rolled onto my back. He pulled me forward a bit, so my ass what at the edge of the cushion. It was an awkward position because my upper body was half folded on itself, my lower back against the seat cushion, while my shoulders were pressed upright against the back of the couch. He was doing something out of sight beneath me, his eyes toward the floor. Then he looked up at my hole and pressed something cool and firm inside me. I winced, but he didn’t stop. There was a wired buzzing sound, and a vibration starting pulsing through my ass and up into my body. It was such a foreign feeling and I didn’t know what to make of it. “This’ll finish loosening you up, college boy.” He stood up, hovering over me. My body was oddly splayed on the couch, and I felt both awkward and powerless in the moment. My face was contorted with the mix of pleasure of weirdness pulsing inside me, my warms out to the sides, and my legs half holding themselves in the air. “You’re fucking hot,” he said. “I love seeing a college boy like this.” He reached down, grabbed my arm, and pulled me to a standing position.My legs felt wobbly, and my balance was off. He pulled me tight against him for stability, then kissed me deeply. He looked me in the eye. “I can see how confused you are. You want this so badly, but part of you is afraid because you’ve never let go like this. And you aren’t sure what is coming next, but deep down you know what is coming next and you really, REALLY want it. You’ve been told all these years you’re not supposed to want this. You’re supposed to play safe like a good, clean college boy. But the fact is you are a dirty slut and desperately want what you’re not supposed to have.” He looked at me intensely. “Isn’t that right, college boy? You want this?” I was silent. Conflicted. Everything he’d said was true. I wasn’t supposed to want this. I should grab my clothes and go. I was afraid because this guy was going to break all the rules. That’s what Jared had tried to tell me but couldn’t — Henry broke all the rules. He’d used Jared, broken his rules, and now he was going to do the same to me. The good boy in me wanted to run, but I was powerless to because I desperately wanted this. “Let’s get you into the bedroom where we have more room.” [If you’re enjoying the story, let me know. You can simply click the blue heart to keep inspiring the story.]
    2 points
  31. Being undetectable means you can not pass on HIV all the studies have been proven, so why do guys still freak out about having sex with Poz men, of course reading some posts on this forum would freak anyone out about what men choose to do, but how can we really convince people to trust the Science and to start treating undetectable guys just like guys who are using PrEP? I guess this forum for me is conflicting on one hand I read all the great stuff about healthily medicated Poz men and on the other hand I read some really wild stories about Stealthing unmediated high viral load etc. Is it all a fantasy or does that world really exist?
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  32. I used to frequent a bar close to my place. The bartender was straight but was always cool with the gays. One night we started talking and cock size came up after a few drinks. It was obvious that I had checked out his bulge… not very much… he laughed and said “I’m a grower, not a shower.” Later that night I got a text from him asking if I wanted to come back to the bar while he closed up for a few drinks. I was there in a few and let me in. He went behind the bar and dropped his pants and underwear and started stroking as I had a drink. Damn if he was right… a nice thick 8 inches that I sucked off regularly until the got married and moved away.
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  33. Cuddle parties, now? What freakish trend is this? As @hntnhole notes, strangers do not cuddle, so this sounds uncomfortably in-crowd. I wonder, though, if it might be an outgrowth (one is tempted to call it an ingrowth like a toenail can be ingrown) of the egregious preponderance of bottoms. Having insufficient Tops available, yet wanting physical contact with another male but neither being versatile enough to want to service the other’s sexual tastes as a bottom, I can see a gruesome sort of compromise settling in whereby both get contact but neither has to exert sexually. Or to put it in other terms, perhaps this is what happens when non-verse bottoms can’t find Tops and resort to bottom-cannibalism. Or they could just want someone to hold, as you say, but turning to strangers for that is a little bit tragic.
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  34. In my experience, a little bit of post-Breeding cuddling is .... well .... ok. Emphasis on "little". Cuddling, as I define it, is something one does with a lover or maybe a very serious boyfriend. I fuck a lot, and that doesn't mean I "love" every guy I fuck. I may discover (if there's any post-fuck interaction) that I don't even like the guy personally, no matter how "hot" the fuck was. Cuddling and fucking are, to me at least, two different things, and bridged only when there's some measure of real love (or at least caring) between the two. Strangers don't cuddle, they fuck. My Cock and my Heart operate on two different planes of existence these days.
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  35. I love hot humid Southern Ontario summer nights. Especially when my hubby is away like this particular one. I had tossed back three generous gin and tonics with my rare barbecued steak for dinner and it was getting dark. I decided to head out for a walk wearing only sandals and red flimsy gym shorts. They did little to conceal my semi erect cock and if I wasn't careful it could grow and peek out through the leg. This knottiness mixed well with the booze in my system and the sensual humid air. I walked the railtrail beside our bay hoping this might be one of those rare nights I came upon someone interested in an anonymous encounter. Other than the voices of some teens likely skinny dipping I didn't meet or hear anyone. That is until I got to the high end condo under construction next to the trail. A security company vehicle sat by the side of the fenced work site and a young guy in his uniform sat in the driver's seat, window rolled down. The closer I got I could make out he was a turbaned East Indian. Probably 20 years old, small stature and warm inviting smile. I approached his open window and we chatted about the weather, sports and some sporty cars that drove by. He was a sexy little bugger and I had to sheild my crotch with my hand. He noticed and grinned. I asked if he was alone at this site all night. "Yes " "It must get boaring?" I added. "Yeah, a bit. Don't tell anyone but sometimes my girlfriend drops by to help with that. " "Oh. Is she coming tonight?" "No, she's also at work." I was disappointed to hear she existed but decided to go for broke. "Does she suck your cock to help pass the time?" "No! Are you kidding? She's very religious. " "Have you ever had your cock sucked?" "No." "Do you want to change that tonight?" "I don't want to get in trouble. Besides who would do it? You?" "It would be my pleasure. We could slip inside out of sight. " "No I don't think so. " My erection was now poking out the leg of my shorts and I could see his trousers tenting. "Could we be quick? I don't want to loose my job." He opened the gate and we scrambled into the middle of the unfinished building. I slipped out of my shorts, crouched and opened his trousers. To my delight I was facing a ten inch long straight pole of an erection. I knew immediately which hole I needed this beautiful cock in. I proceeded to give him a very well practiced blowjob and from his moans I didn't need to ask if he was enjoying it. When I figured I'd edged him close to shooting I stopped and told him I wanted him to fuck me. "I don't have a condom, do you?" he asked. "Let's go to the roof I responded ignoring his question. I didn't bother gathering my shorts and had him equally as naked by the time the elevator cage reached the roof. I led him by the hand to the bay side of the building. I leaned against the railing and directed him to move in behind me. When he was in place I grabbed his magnificent cock and teased it against my hole. I pushed back and as his head penetrated I gasped. He asked; " Are you sure?" "Never more so was my enthusiastic response. Slowly but surely I pushed back 'til he was balls deep. This was all too much for his virgin cock and he blasted away deep into my guts. Immediately he apologized and I assured him there was nothing to apologize for. "But I came in your ass." "Exactly what I was hoping for, Thanks. ... You're not getting soft. Why don't you keep going?" He needed no encouragement and was pounding away at my sloppy hole. He fucked two more loads into me before we heard the elevator gate slam shut. We hadn't heard it move being so engrossed in our fucking. "My supervisor! Shit, my clothes are on that elevator. What are we going to do?" "I suggest you keep fucking." Came the deep voice of the handsome bear that was already slipping out of his clothes. The young Indian was to frightened and backed away. The supervisor now naked and sporting a beer can thick six inches dove into my ass with his bearded mouth. When he pulled off licking his lips he said. "Fuck, better than I thought. How many loads have you pumped into this trespasser?" "Three" "Well time for me to catch up!" And he plunged balls deep into me proceeding to rail me for the next hour and blast me full of three loads. "You ready to go again. " he asked the young Indian. The 10 inch cock was back up my ass and the supervisor was backing his ass hole onto my raw cock. We found the perfect train rythm and 20 minutes later when the guard emptied again into my flooded ass I shoot my load into supervisor. None of us got dressed until we got back to the ground floor where the supervisor's deminor became very officious. "Don't ever let me catch you trespassing here again or you'll get more than 'security deposits.' I wondered what he meant as I walked home not even trying to keep the cum from leaking onto the ass of my gym shorts.
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  36. Part 6 The next week was rough for me for a couple of reasons. The guys in my dorm definitely heard the guard fucking me. Or more precisely, they’d heard me taking it. Messages started appearing on my door “Fuck me! AH! Fuck me!” And “Give me that big cock!” One day, some of the guys were in the room next to mine and I could hear them fake moaning and yelling “I love that long cock! Let me ride it! Oh! Yeah! That’s so fucking good!” I’d never kept being gay a secret — I was out from the start on campus. But I’d always kept my sex life more private. Now everyone knew I took cock up my ass. That was something I didn’t necessarily want people knowing. On top of their bullshit, I wasn’t feeling well on Monday. I tried to push through it, but ended up leaving class early, despite my best efforts. Fever. Chills. Nausea. I told myself I must have gotten too much sun combined with the hot, muggy weather we’d been having. Certainly didn’t help that the dorms didn’t have A/C, so I couldn’t even get a decent rest. And after a couple days I pushed through it and made it back into class Thursday. Thursday evening it was raining. Campus was not well lit in places making it difficult to go for a good run after dark. I decided to go to the old gym on campus that night to run. There was a decent track on the upper level that overlooked the basketball court. The old gym was a good place to pick up games of basketball, floor hockey, volleyball, and to use the track. It was close to the older dorms where we were being housed this summer. There were a few people shooting hoops, but otherwise the gym was quiet. I had worn my running clothes, so I warmed up watching them play, then started my run on the track. There were a few really cute players, only one who I recognized. That surprised me since the campus isn’t that big, and by the end of the year you’ve seen all the faces. They were around my age. Could be a summer program on campus I hadn’t seen, or maybe some townies coming to play. I put on my headphones and ran for about 45 minutes. Then I needed to pee. I ran down the steps the basement, noting that the basketball court was empty now. The bathrooms are in the far corner of the building, and the hallway was dark except for the red light coming from the EXIT sign. It had the creepy feeling to it. I decided to take one of the headphones out of my ear. At the end of the hallway, around the corner, I could see light coming from the men’s locker room. I stepped inside and up to the urinal. That’s when I heard an odd sound on the other side of the wall. I listened while I was peeing, trying to make out the sound. Finally, when I was done, I went through the half door into the locker area. It was darker here, with just one light in the corner. But the shower room was lit, and that’s where I was hearing the sound. I walked back to the showers, now hearing the water running. The cadence sounded like someone washing themselves, with occasional splashes of water striking the tile floor. I don’t think I’d ever been back in the shower room before – why bother when my own dorm showers are close? I didn’t think anyone used these – maybe faculty or commuter students? I did a casual walk over to the shower side of the locker room, peeking around the corner. The showers were classic for a building this old – a single room set in the back. I didn’t see any partitions or curtains. I’m not sure why, but I decided to go back there. I just felt this tingly sensation across my body that was motivating me. I knew it would look weird if I walked back there fully clothed, so I started stripping down. That was when I noticed a little pile of clothes on the end of a bench. I finished undressing quickly and walked back into the shower area. It was smaller than I expected; eight shower heads in a ten-by-ten space. Very cozy. A guy around my age was standing there. He was a little taller than me, but not by much. An athletic build, but not too muscled – just really nicely defined. He had dark hair and caramel skin tone from head to toe. His long legs looked sculpted, and I couldn’t miss his bubble ass. The poor guy visibly jumped – obviously startled by my walking into the shower. “AHH!” “Sorry,” I apologized. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” “I didn’t hear you! I didn’t know anyone else was down here. There’s a security guard who comes in, but you can always hear his radio and keys.” That should have been a clue to me, but it didn’t register in the moment. I was too focused on his face. A week’s worth of beard growth, trimmed short and neat. He had dark brown eyes and curly hair that was razored short on the sides. He was adorable! “Sorry,” was all I could think to say. I turned on a shower and started wetting myself. The water was cool which felt really good. The air down here felt even muggier than upstairs, and I unexpectedly starting feeling more refreshed. We both showered in awkward silence for a minute, nothing but the sound of splashing water in the room. I looked over tentatively. What was I doing? I’m in the basement of the gym, naked in the shower with someone. Now what am I going to do? This isn’t some porn video where he’s going to drop to his knees and blow me. But I was also totally turned on. His legs made me think of a dancer’s, and was was totally captivated by him. “I’m Justin,” I said awkwardly. “I’m Benicio. Most people call me Ben.” An interesting name. “I don’t recognize you. You live on campus?” “No. My mother’s a professor here. I’m visiting her for part of the summer.” We started chatting about ourselves. He was going into his senior year at a university in the Northeast. His parents were divorced and his father returned overseas a few years ago with his company, so he doesn’t see him often. Benicio, it turns out, was his grandfather’s name; he was half Jewish and half Brazilian. We’d been talking for a short time when it occurred to me that Ben was still here and showering. He’d been showering for at least 5 minutes before I came in. My heart started beating a little faster. “What brought you to campus? I saw some guys shooting hoops upstairs.” He laughed and shook his head. “Not me. Ball isn’t really my thing. I was just walking campus tonight.” That struck me as odd. Why did he need to shower if he was just walking on campus? “Do you come down here much?” He asked. I shook my head. “I’ve never been down here before.” The truth was out of my mouth before I thought about it. How do I explain why I came down here? “Didn’t you say you’re living on campus?” Oh oh. “I am.” I didn’t know what else to say. “And this is better than the dorm showers?” “Not really. Just convenient at the moment.” I also realized in that moment that I didn’t have shampoo or a towel with me. Or even a brush to comb my hair after. Nothing to dry off with when I was done. This was stupidly obvious. What was I doing? We continued to shower, silence just hanging there. I think I was on my third time washing myself head to toe using the dispenser on the wall. Benecio had to have done it at least five times. “I’m surprised you’ve never been down here before,” he said. “Why’s that?” “I dunno. Just convenient, I guess.” Another minute of showering in silence. “What brings you down here?” I asked. “I moved here when I was a senior in high school and my mom started teaching here. They let me take a couple college classes that year, so I would come use the library and stuff. I heard about this place from one of the security guards.” Click! “Blonde? Really tall?” I suggested. “Yeah.You know him?” “I met him in the dorm last weekend.” My heart started racing. There was a game going on here, and we were both fishing for something, but afraid to show our cards. Were we talking about the same guy from security. We must be. There weren’t that many security guards on campus, and most were a lot older; the guy from Sunday was definitely younger than most. “You just got hard,” Benicio said. “What?” He nodded toward my body. “You got hard when I asked about the guard.” I looked down. My cock was standing straight out. There was no way to hide it. I stammered, grasping for something to say, and coming up totally empty. Then I noticed Ben was smiling at me, and one hand slid across his own hardon. “You too,” I said. “Yeah.” Silence took over again. We were both standing in the showers, our cocks rock hard, and clearly not knowing what to do next. All sort of scenarios went through my head. But what if I was reading all the signs wrong? “He bring you down here?” Was all I could come up with to ask. “The first time, I mean.” “The first time. And he’s shown up a few times when I’ve come down here. I thought he might show up tonight; I saw him earlier in one of the jeeps.” He turned and his dick swung side to side a little. Benicio was no longer hiding anything. “Did he fuck you?” I asked a bit sheepishly. The room fell quiet again, except for the sound of water. “Yeah,” Ben answered, looking away as he said it. “What about you?” I nodded. “Yeah he did.” That was the final straw for both of us. Benecio took a step toward me, and I closed the space between us. I ran my hands across his chest, feeling the short hairs prickle against my fingers. He reached down with one hand and squeezed my cock; the other hand ran up and down my abs. We started exploring each other’s body. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He docked the heads of our cocks together; I moaned a little and smiled at him. We’d been avoiding eye contact, but had finally looked up. Benicio had that mix of gentleness in his eyes and a masculine face. Caramel skin with dark hair and a the trim facial hair. I ran a hand under his chin to feel the short hairs. We both leaned in and shared a first kiss. It started slowly with our lips brushing, and then I felt his tongue gently lick my lips. It was hesitant until I responded, tickling his tongue with my own. We pulled each other closer and started making out. [If you’re enjoying this new installment, let me know. Can just click the blue heart or leave a message. I really appreciate all the support for this story!]
    1 point
  37. my only fam experience was with an uncle, my father was not into it and rebuked my advances. Fortunately my uncle didnt. He taught me a lot
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  38. Once he’d gone I checked the messages on my app. There was one from a fit scally lad in trackies. He sent a picture showing him with one hand lifting his top to reveal his perfect six pack and another with his hand down his trackies playing with his cock. I messages saying “please use me sir, I need a real man like you!”. He replied saying “too right I’m a real man, which means I don’t use condoms – but you need me so you’ll take it right?”. I replied “too right I will and gave him the address”. 10 mins later he walked in and I kissed the bulge through his trackies. He pulled me up and kissed me passionately then told me to bend over, pulled the trackies down and plunged his cock straight into me cum lubed hole deep. I gasped because he’s so big and he laughed and said “yeh, this is for me – take my dick”. He stopped pumping and handed me my poppers with his cock still balls deep in me and I took a deep couple of sniffs. Then he started pumping hard again and this time I relaxed into it and begged him for his manly cum and his DNA inside me. I pleaded “please sir, will you cum in me?” He growled and said “course I will, I’m a real man, here it comes bottom boi”. Then he slammed his dick in hard and I could feel it swell then spurt. The feeling of such an alpha blasting his load in me made me cum too. He said “good boy”. After firing more ropes of cum into me he pulled his trackies up and headed for the door. I whimpered “sir, are you…. poz?”. He laughed and said “don’t know, don’t care – raw is law – I’m a scally bareback king – you guys take me whatever – enjoy my cum and relax”. And that is what I did. I put a butt plug in to make sure this most manly of loads stayed inside me.
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  39. Part 8: Will gets a tattoo Dominic and I spent hours at his apartment watching porn. While I thought I had seen everything, it turned out that there was so much more to gay sex than I had ever known. We watched the video of me fucking Doctor Wade a few times, each time resulting in Dominic and I fucking our brains out. Though I bottomed most of the time, Dominic did take me back to his room where he laid down on his bed and lifted his legs, revealing his hairy hole. “Are you sure?” I asked. “I want to feel you unload in me,” he said. “From Doctor Wade’s comment, it sounds like you’re a real shooter.” We took a few hits of the poppers, Dominic giving me some lube he had stashed in his fridge. “It’s more poz cum,” he said. “Are you always collecting cum?” I asked. “Can’t let a good thing go to waste,” he told me. “There’s a group of guys I fuck with every once in a while who spend a whole night jerking off into a bowl. We split it up into bottles and take it home.” “And you have to be poz to go?” “That’s the requirement,” he said. “That, and you have to have a big dick.” “The next time you go,” I said, “can I come with you?” He smiled. “I wouldn’t want anyone else to come but you.” I lubed up and shoved my dick into his hole, watching as his eyes widened and his smile grew. “Fuck, is that what I feel like?” “That, plus two inches,” I said. I started pumping. I watched as Dominic fisted his dick, rubbing his thumb over his head, beads of precum oozing out. He collected the precum on his finger and held it out to me. I wrapped my lips around his fingers, tasting him. I had never tasted anything as good as him. “You’re a fucking natural,” Dominic said. “God, you dick feels amazing. I don’t think I even need to jerk off. I’ll come all on my own.” My pace quickened, shorter thrusts, rubbing his prostate in quick bursts. His body started shaking. “Fuck. Oh, fuck,” he said, his hand reaching out and grabbing my arms. “Oh, fuck me. Oh, God. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” Ropes of cum shot out of his dick, hanging in the air before splattering down on his chest. I lost count of how many times he shot, but by the end, there was a pool of cum in his chest hair, leaking down his treasure trail, and collecting in his navel. The sight alone was enough to make me shoot. “Fuck, I’m cumming,” I moaned, my body shaking as the orgasm took hold of me. It felt even better than with Doctor Wade. “Are you still cumming?” Dominic asked, watching as my face continued to contort. “Fuck, Son. You are impressive.” “I learn from the best,” I said, catching my breath. “Shit.” “What?” “I need to piss.” “Go ahead.” I started to slip out of his hole when Dominic grabbed my arms, his legs moving down to my waste, pulling me back inside him. “What are you doing?” “I said, go ahead,” he repeated. “What, inside you?” He nodded. “I don’t… I don’t know if I can.” “You haven’t tried,” he said. “Go on. Fill me up.” With my dick still in his hole, I concentrated as hard as I could until I felt a stream of piss shoot out into his guts. “Fuck, yeah,” he moaned, his hands leaving my arms and resting on his stomach. He massaged the cum around, mixing with his hair. “I can feel it. It’s so warm.” I kept pissing until I had to strain to get anything else out. Carefully, I pulled out my dick, a tiny spurt of piss shooting back and running down my leg. Dominic sat up, his asshole clenched shut. His hands remained on his stomach. “Feels good,” he said. “I didn’t know you liked piss,” I told him. “Piss, yes. Shit, no. Even I have my limits. How about you?” “Not sure,” I told him. “I watched some videos while you were gone. It seemed kind of hot.” “Let’s see what you think, then. Come on.” He maneuvered off the bed, his hole still clutched tight to keep my piss inside. I followed him to the bathroom where he pulled back the shower curtain and motioned me inside. “Lay down,” he told me. I did as he said. “I’m going to push your piss out of my ass and back onto you. Got it?” I nodded. Dominic turned around and pulled his cheeks apart, his hole staring me straight down. After a moment, a stream of piss shot out of his hole, hitting my chest. It was warm, dribbling through my chest hair and down toward the drain. As the piss kept coming, I found myself leaning forward until it was only an inch from my chin. Before I knew it, my mouth was open and my piss was shooting out of Dominic’s ass and into my mouth. “Fuck,” Dominic said, looking back and watching as my mouth filled with piss. The taste was strong, but it found it didn’t repulse me as much as I thought it would. Once it became too much to hold, I let the piss fall out of my mouth and over my body. At this point, Dominic had emptied his ass, my cum dribbling out at the end. “How was that?” “Hot,” I told him. “Warm, I mean.” “And hot,” he added. “Did you like it?” “I kinda did,” I told him. I ran my hand over my chest, feeling the warm liquid over my skin. There was something intoxicating about doing something dirty, something I knew I would have recoiled at a few weeks before. “Now it’s my turn,” Dominic said, pointing his dick at my face. “I want you to take it in your mouth, and this time, try swallowing some.” “Is that safe?” “Perfectly,” he said. “It’s a good way to fill your stomach. Are you ready?” I nodded. A golden stream of piss shot out of his dick, splashing on my chin before entering my mouth. It was warm and the taste was even stronger than my own. Once I knew it was about to overflow, I swallowed. The taste was even more prevalent as it went down my throat. It wasn’t a flavor I liked, but knowing that it was coming from Dominic made the whole experience worth it. I continued to drink down his piss, swallowing four times before he was empty. “That’s a good pig,” he said, shaking his dick and splashing me with drops. He reached out and took my hand, pulling me up. He stepped inside the shower and held me close, his mouth meeting mine. We kissed for what felt like forever. We took a shower, Dominic sticking his dick in me and pumping out a load so that we were both even. As we went to bed, he asked me a question. “Did you give any more thought to getting a tattoo?” “I did,” I told him. “I want to do it.” “Really?” “Yeah,” I said. “I want something that marks me as poz. I know I can’t let everyone know, but having something on me that shows who I am, what is in me, feels right. That way, when I’m not here with you, I can look at it and know that you’re still a part of me.” Dominic smiled and pulled me close, kissing me. “How about tomorrow? You come with me to work and we’ll do it then. I’ve got something I need to do tomorrow too. We’ll do it together.” “Absolutely,” I said. I’d never set foot in a tattoo parlor before, now, here I was, walking into the tattoo parlor owned by the man who pozzed me, ready to get a biohazard symbol on my body. Dominic took me back to a private room so no one would see us. He wanted this experience to be private, intimate. That was fine by me as I was starting to feel nervous. I watched as Dominic started to prepare the tattoo gun, my interest peeked as he went about his usual business. “Pretty cool, right,” he said. “A lot cooler than you watching me do my job,” I said. “I like watching you,” he told me. “It’s hot seeing you stand in front of everyone, commanding respect.” I never thought of my job as being hot. Knowing I had this secret while everyone around me saw Pastor Ryder instead was hot. Just thinking about I started to get a boner. Seeing Dominic handle the tools of his trade made my boner even more pronounced. It didn’t go unnoticed. “Looks like someone’s excited,” he said. “Now, where did you want the tattoo?” “I don’t know,” I told him. “You’re the expert.” “How visible do you want it?” he asked. “On your arm, anyone can see it. On your bicep, only a few people can see it. On your chest, you can only see it when your shirtless, obviously. Mine, you can only see if my shirt and pants are off. On your ass, you can only see it if your naked or wearing a jock. We could always tattoo it on your dick.” “No,” I told him. “Not on my dick.” “So, where?” “Well,” I said. “I want it somewhere I can see it.” “So, not on your back.” “I don’t want it on my arm. I wear short sleeves at church.” “Not that anyone there would know what it means.” “They can Google.” “How about where mine is?” “Too close to my dick,” I told him. “How about on my chest?” “People will see it when your shirtless.” “Not many people see me shirtless.” “How about at the gym?” “I like showering at home.” “You’re missing some good fucks at the gym,” Dominic said. “Guys in the know like to see the symbol.” “I want it on my chest, right over my heart. That way I can see it. That way, when you fuck me, you can see it too.” “Sounds good,” he said. “You’ll need to shave your chest.” “All of it?” “Just where the tattoo will go. I’ve got some razors in that drawer along with shaving cream. Go into the bathroom and come back when you’re done.” I went to the bathroom and started shaving. I’d never shaved my chest before. Once hair started growing while I was in high school, I felt like a real man. I knew it would grow back, but I hated shaving it off. The tattoo would be seen underneath in the end. As I shaved, I felt my heart pounding beneath. Was I really going through with this? Too late to think about going too far, I realized, knowing poz cum was currently brewing in my balls. This was a minor step toward identifying as a poz man. I returned to Dominic, finding him in the process of tattooing himself. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Adding my fiftieth line,” he said, showing me his arm. Where there had been only four tally marks, there were now five, ten sets complete. “This one’s for you.” Looking at all the lines, I thought of all the men he had fucked, all the men he had converted. Was I just another one, marked on his arm and soon forgotten? What happened to all those men? Doctor Wade I had met, but what about the other forty-eight? “I know what you’re thinking,” he said. “I’m not thinking anything,” I told him. “You’re worried that you’ll become just another mark. You’re worried that I go through men like they’re nothing to me. That isn’t true. Yes, some of them were just quick fucks. Others wanted to be poz. I don’t connect to people as well as you might think. With you, with you it’s different. The sex is hotter, sure, but you’re a good man. I want to be around you. I want you always close to me. If it was possible for you to be the one to poz me, I’d do it. I’d want a part of you in me forever. Do you understand?” I nodded. I climbed into the chair and sat back, watching as Dominic readied the tattoo gun. He placed the stencil on my chest and transferred the ink. I looked down at the symbol, watching it as it pulsed above the beating of my heart. I wanted this. I didn’t turn away the entire time. I watched as the ink was injected beneath the skin. I felt calm feeling Dominic’s hand on my chest. After a few hours, he was finished. I left the chair and looked in the mirror, seeing myself, but different. Now, a black biohazard symbol adorned my chest. In the center were the initials D.M. “So that you’ll never forget the man who claimed you first,” Dominic said. “How could I forget?” I asked. “You’ll need to take care of the tattoo. You’ll moisturize the spot, keeping it clean. Don’t worry. The hair will grow back.” His smile widened. “Fuck, you’re hot.” His hands ran down my body, reaching my pants. He unbuckled them and slipped them off, moving me back to the chair. I pulled off my boxers, watching as he pulled down his pants, his dick flopping out. “Ready to continue earning that mark?” “Yes, Sir.” I spread my legs, opening my hole. “We’ve got no poppers,” Dominic said. “You’ll feel all of this.” He spit in his hand and rubbed it on his dick. He spit again and rubbed it on my hole. “Looks like your hole is already getting bigger. Clearly, we’ve been fucking a lot.” “Not possible,” I said. “Let’s test that theory,” he said, shoving his dick in my ass. It still hurt, but the pain turned to pleasure immediately. His thrusts started slow and then intensified. His eyes were focused on my chest. “Your chest was a good choice,” he said. He leaned down and bit my nipple, causing me to rise off the chair. “You sure you don’t want to pierce your dick?” “I won’t say never,” I groaned, catching my breath. “But not today.” In no time, Dominic blew his load in my ass, my load shooting up and catching in his chest hair. He almost fell forward, stopping himself. “We can’t get cum on your tattoo. We don’t want it to get infected.” “I’m already infected,” I told him, smiling, nodding to the tattoo. “Remember?” “I’ll never forget,” he said. “Let’s get cleaned up and head home. We can fuck there.” “Sounds good to me,” I said. My chest hair grew back, the tattoo still visible underneath the hair. From a distance, it was hard to see, but that made being shirtless a bit easier should someone see me. Several weeks went by, Dominic and I continuing to fuck whenever we could. There came a Sunday after church where we fucked in my office, and we were almost caught by Pastor Kline. As we dressed, Dominic said, “Have you ever wondered about Pastor Kline?” “What about him?” I asked. “He’s a good looking man.” “I guess,” I said. “To be honest, I think he looks a bit like my dad.” “Still hot,” he said. “Actually, I think he might be in the closet.” I turned to Dominic, surprised. “What? Pastor Kline? No. He’s married.” “Wouldn’t be the first time a gay man had a beard,” he said. “I think he’s hiding something.” I shook my head. “Just because you were right about me, doesn’t mean you’re always right.” “I’ve got a good track record,” he said, showing me the tally marks on his arm. “Ten of these were married men with a secret. In the end, I gave them a secret too big to conceal. Actually, two of them are together now, spreading their seed in New York.” “Don’t try anything,” I told him, “especially while I’m gone.” I was traveling back home to see my parents. My father was retiring, and they wanted me there for his party. Dominic couldn’t come with me unless we wanted to raise suspicions. “I'll only be gone for a week,” I told him. “I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ll be there Sunday. I’ll be back two days later. It’ll be fine. Just stay out of trouble.” “Will do,” he said. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ As of now, we're about 48 pages into the story. I've got a total of 100 pages (and counting) written, but I'm not sure if I'll upload everything. We'll see what happens. I have no conclusion in mind, meaning almost everyone could be toxic by the end.
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  40. So how cool is this: Guys from all over the world, exchanging tips on using specialized gear while fucking !!! BZ is just the best site around !!!
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  41. I think of it as variety. I often describe in my blog how I love his hot flesh above and below me and cool stainless steel to the sides of my cock as I fuck with a speculum in place. I certainly don't do it with every man, but I love the different sensations it creates for a variation in a long fuck session.
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  42. Part 11 It wasn’t even a question. I was a bit panicked, I was out with my colleagues, who had made dinner plans for Monday evening. We weren’t supposed to meet before next Saturday. I was tempted to say that I couldn’t, that it was too short of a notice. I had to get ready, I wanted to be prepared, but before I could reply anything, he sent a follow up message. -“Don’t even think about saying no, boy. I told you your ass would be mine and that we would meet more than once this week.” -“Okay. But I won’t be ready before 10pm, I need to prepare.” -“No rush, I’m on vacation this week, take as long as you need. I saved my loads for you, haven’t fucked or jerked off in a week and I plan on breeding you and you only this week!” The rest of the afternoon went by quickly. I was very distracted, and my colleagues probably noticed I wasn’t all there with them. All I could think about was that guy I had fantasized so much over the years, that guy who had planted the idea of chasing deep in my brain and was probably about to plant his dirty seed deep in me. What was I about to do? I had vowed to not do anything stupid again after my Paris scare and I had to stop myself several times from messaging him to cancel everything. But despite the anxiety, I was turned on like never before. And I thought about the fact that I was still on PrEp, despite him not knowing. Right after dinner, the jet lag started to hit me hard and I left my colleagues to go back to my room. It was also mostly an excuse to go jerk off. My cock had been hard for a good part of the day and I needed to unload. I started stroking my dick under the hot shower, thinking about that man who would be inside me in about 24 hours. I was imagining his poz dick slowly sliding inside my hole. He had promised to give me several loads and I was craving that cum like a whore. I knew I would be begging for as much cum as possible. I decided to finish myself with poppers so I turned the water off, quickly grabbed a towel and jumped onto the bed. The mirror was right in front of it and I could watch myself playing with my dick and my ass at the same time. I had been working hard at the gym after the end of the last lockdown and I was proud of the results, hoping it would please my guy and encourage him even more to take charge of me. I’m average at 5’8 and 165lbs with an athletic build inherited from years of gymnastics training as a teenager and young adult. With the poppers hitting hard, and replaying what I thought -and hoped - the guy would say as he would push his toxic loads deep inside my hole, I ended up shooting a big load onto my chest and fell asleep almost instantly, without even turning the lights off or cleaning my mess.
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  43. In the not fucking section: The Basket Weaver, these are the guys that go to the baths and do nothing but look for something better than what is standing in front if them and end up doing nothing but, while, Basket Weaving.
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  44. He had hilted himself balls deep in me and I could feel the strong pulses all along his cock as he shot his cum into my ass. Every throbbing shot was punctuated by a loud grunt from him and I felt the hot wetness warming my guts. He shuddered while still inside me and collapsed onto my back. "Goddamn! I fucking needed that!" Darryl said, as he began to pull out. With three loads inside me now, my hole was beginning to feel sloppy and wet, and some cum dribbled out on Darryl's withdrawal. "My turn, but I want you to ride me." The younger top said as he pulled his dick out of my mouth and he maneuvered himself to the edge of the bed. Since I was still blindfolded, Martin grabbed me by the shoulders and said, "Relax, just follow my lead, I won't let you get hurt." I thought it was considerate of him that he wanted to make sure that I didn't bump my head or stub my toes as he positioned me over the younger top's cock and guided me down til I felt it sliding at my crack. I balanced myself, and lowered myself down onto what was probably a nice thick eight inch cock. It filled me nicely and, as I gained a solid balance while on my haunches, I started sliding up and down on it and heard the younger guy begin to grunt and breathe hard. "Relax, baby, let us do the work." Martin said, and I felt his hands on my shoulders so I would remain still and the younger top could thrust at his pace. "You ever been double fucked?" Martin asked and realization suddenly came crashing down on me. He intended to double fuck me! "I've seen it in porn but I'm scared, there's no fucking way my hole could do that!" I replied. "You'd be surprised how resilient assholes can be," he said laughingly. "I promised you you wouldn't get hurt, let me just stick my fingers alongside his dick and we can just play like that. If you're really not into it, we'll stop, deal?" 'Why not?' I thought to myself, 'so far he hasn't given me any indication that he's into pain' "Ok," I replied, "Just be careful, please." "Fuck Yeah!" He exclaimed and the other guys must have been waiting for my response because the top beneath me laughed and said, "Oh fuck! You're a brave motherfucker ha ha" Since his hands were already at my shoulders, he began to knead my shoulders and started working his way down my back, I found it relaxing and felt the tension slip away. The top underneath, said, "let me hug you." So I put my knees astride his body, keeping his hard cock inside me the whole time, and leaned over and hugged him. By this time, Martin had reached the base of my spine and continued tracing til his fingers were rubbing the rim of my hole; wrapped around the younger top's cock. It felt strangely erotic to be getting fucked and feeling fingers massaging my hole at the same time. I felt the coolness of lube being drizzled onto my hole and felt a pleasant little intrusion, as Martin's finger slipped inside. He started gently pulling and prodding at my hole. The whole time, I could feel the cock inside me grinding on my prostate. For a minute I shivered and shuddered with overstimulation and in that space, I felt a second finger slip. He used the 2 fingers in me to slip around my hole, gently pulling it and helping it relax until I was unconsciously pushing out and making it pout. The sensations were amazing, I loved having him play with my hole as a big cock was already in me. I welcomed the slight stretch when his third finger slipped in, followed after an excruciating minute by a fourth. After 4 fingers, I was literally sweating and panting and I felt this amazing counterintuitive sensation of my ass both being stretched almost to its limits but also feeling hungry for more at the same time. All I could do was moan. I was inwardly glad that I was as stoned as I was because this was surely the most amazing and adventurous thing I'd ever done. "Your hole looks beautiful wrapped around my fingers. You Ok, baby?" I heard Martin ask. "Uh...oh fuck yeah. That feels so fucking good. I feel so full." I moaned in reply. "That's nothing, baby. That's just my fingers stretching your entrance, I don't want to hurt you or tear you badly. My dick is going to stretch you more, if you need me to stop just say so. Here we go, so take a couple of deep sniffs of poppers." He said, and I felt more lube being drizzled but his fingers stayed in me, I guess to keep my hole stretched for his thick hole wrecker. As I felt the popper rush hit me, I felt the immense pressure of his big cockhead trying to slip into me in the space being created by his fingers. It was a tight fit and I could feel my hole almost give way as he started to nudge more insistently. I was trying to relax with all my will but he was just fucking huge. "Fuck, I'm not gonna last long if you fuckers keep manhandling my dick like that." The younger top below me said. As stoned as I was I laughed and goddamn if that didn't do the trick, he didn't slam in but his cockhead and a good couple of inches suddenly popped right through my ring with a snap I felt in my soul and I yelped but more in surprise than pain. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" Martin kept saying, as he froze while I saw stars and unconsciously clenched and unclenched rapidly, which I immediately willed myself to stop. I felt the sharp pain begin to subside as I relaxed. I think that for a moment, we were all frozen in time, captives of our own nerve endings and the thrills rushing through them. "Holy fuck! I've never felt so stretched in my life!" I said truthfully. "I'm close." The younger top said as I felt more lube drizzled between us. "You're so fucking tight, I want this hole wrapped around my dick all the time." Martin said and I literally felt my insides shift as he began sliding the rest of his big powerful poz cock inside me. Inch by inch he slid into me and alternately withdrew slowly until he was in me as deep as he could go considering our positions. The thrilling rhythmic sensations of pushing and pulling, filling and emptiness; soon lulled me into a blissful state and I sighed against the younger top's chest, even as I felt his heart jackhammer underneath me as he too pounded in and out of me. I was in that same bliss for I don't know how long, it felt like hours but was surely a few minutes. I started hearing both guys breathing heavier and grunting louder. I kept moaning as my prostate was battered from different sides. "Fuuuuck!!" The younger top below me shouted as I felt the tell tale pulses and warm wetness of his poz sperm flooding my guts. "Oh fuck YEAAAAHHH!!!" Martin followed shortly with a roar as he hilted himself as far as he could and my hole, stretched to its definite limits and stuffed to the brim with cocks, began to leak more and more cum. After a short while, the guys' tremors and orgasms subsided and with Martin's cock still inside me, I felt the younger guy slip out and roll out from under us. Martin took this opportunity to move me further forward onto the bed; still impaled on his cock. And held me down as he lay on top of me. "My friends are gonna get dressed and leave now, but your hole is going to get more loads. You did great, I like fucking you. You're gonna be my cumdump from now on, I'm gonna make sure I knock you up good. Your hole is where my poz babies belong." My only response was to grind my ass back against his hips, clenching and unclenching my ass to milk his cock, still balls deep inside me, and let him know how much I wanted to be bred poz by him.
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  45. It was a guy named Tom that I met through voluntary work I was in doing in Edinburgh. He was Irish and had a 12" cock, he spent hours fingering me and rimming me before he started to fuck me. He fucked me for a good few hours and by the time he had finished us and the bed were soaked in sweat.
    1 point
  46. "Fuck Yeah! Hold that pose." He said, then grabbed his phone and took a few pictures. "I'm sending these to my buds," he said as he tapped away on his phone. Then turned to me, as I lay there with my hole beginning to leak his cum. I finally looked down at his dick and I couldn't believe that huge log had been inside me. It was thicker than a beer can and I'm pretty sure that the 9 inches were an underestimation. The head was huge, angry, and red, with a pearl of bright white cum hanging from the piss slit. My eyes widened and he laughed. "Yeah, it's tough for me to find bottoms that can or even want to take me sometimes, it's why I prefer the anonymous scene ha ha." "Holy shit! I'm glad I'm stoned and buzzed because otherwise there's no way I'd have taken you." I said. "Then I'm going to take advantage." He said; scooting forward and slapping that huge cockhead on my hole. "Look into my eyes," he said and I looked up at him. I found his smile comforting and he continued, "You already took it, that ass is already mine. But you set up tonight for a reason, you don't just want to get fucked. You NEED to get fucked. And you NEED to get pozzed so that's what I'm here to give you. Now take a deep sniff of poppers, hold your breath, and let it out when I tell you." I looked into his eyes, took a deep sniff in each nostril, and held my breath. After about 5 seconds, he said, "Let it out." I began to exhale when he slammed his whole length into me. I'm pretty sure he must have torn me up a little but the poppers helped and I felt instantly full but also so euphoric that I moaned out loud. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down on top of me. I noticed that his pecs were pierced with small barbells and I began to nibble on his right nipple. "Oh fuck, baby. That's my kryptonite!" He said chuckling. Meanwhile, I could feel him begin to piston in and out. His thick shaft feeling like it was dragging my guts out on his out strokes but massaging my insides and pounding into my prostate on the in strokes. I squeezed my ass muscles, this time deliberately milking his dick. Knowing that I was no longer the nervous negative cuck that I was before he walked in the door. Now, I was a potential positive cumdump, finally taking that step that I'd feared for years. Realizing now that I had nothing to fear all along except this! Me, on my back with a handsome stranger smiling as he plowed away at my ass while his precious cum changed my DNA to match his! "Please cum inside me again." I said out loud. "I want your cum inside me. I want your babies in me. Please." I pleaded. "Oh fuck, you're still so fucking tight. I'm getting close again. Chew on my nipples baby, bite those fuckers!" I chewed and bit his nipple, using my tongue and front teeth to twist the barbell back and forth. He started huffing, puffing, and sucking his breath in hard through his teeth. "Ahhh, yeah, baby. Fuck, I'm getting close. Your ass is working hard for my load. But I want you to look into my eyes again and ask for it." "Yes please. Give me your load, your poz cum. Shoot it inside me and poz me please." I begged as I looked into his eyes and tweaked his nipples with my fingers. He got this intense look in his eyes and roared as his dick began to spasm and contract and I felt that tell tale warmth deep inside me that let me know he was breeding me again. "Fuuuuuuuck yeah! Pozzing your hot hole!" He said, as he collapsed on top of me. Soon after, he raised himself on his arms and said. "I want your number, I'm going to keep fucking you and I'm gonna make sure your ass is always full of cum." He pulled out of me, grabbed his phone and said, "Well, looks like your ass has about 30 minutes to rest. I see you got some weed, let's smoke. I have a feeling you're gonna need to be relaxed ha ha." It sounded playfully ominous but that's kind of what his appeal was to me; this intense manner of friendliness and control at the same time. Plus he was a stud, about 6'1", 185 lbs of muscle, and a handsome face with a thick hole wrecker that I was beginning to get addicted to. We stepped out to the balcony, smoked a joint while we waited for his friends and got to know each other a little better. "I'm horny all the time," He told me, "And jacking off doesn't cut it anymore. I need to fuck and breed, and I'm looking for a regular cumdump if you're interested. Besides, you got a one in fifty chance that you got pozzed tonight so I'm gonna keep breeding you til it takes." "Really? One in fifty?" I asked, suddenly feeling disappointed. "That's what they say, but that just means we gotta get at least fifty loads in you" he said with a wicked grin as he grabbed my ass and stuck his middle finger in me. He started digging at my insides and it kind of stung a little. He pulled out his finger, now covered in a pinkish layer of cum and winked at me. "Just tipping the odds in your favor." He said with a smile as his phone beeped.
    1 point
  47. For me, a few years back. Met a top/vers guy on a business trip, at his place. Had a sling, which I luv to ride. We sucked and fucked each other for a couple hours, swapping places in the sling. Both holes and mouths taking a couple loads each. When my next turn in the sling, he told me to hit the poppers hard. After several deep hits, he worked a very large and long toy into my well bred hole, encouraging me to continue taking popper hits. Felt so good, working my hole so deep and wide. Could feel the toy deep in my guts. Slowly, he pulled the toy out. Thinking he was going to push it all back in, I repositioned myself in the sling for more cumfort, but instead, he orders me to take several more deep popper hits, which I did, obediently. Instead of the toy, he begins to push his whole hand into my poppered hole. Never felt anything so wide in there. He worked it slow, frequently adding lube, and also telling me to take more popper hits. After a good 30 minutes of work, his hand finally popped inside. Fuck!!! That felt good. He told me to take several more popper hits, opening and handing me a freshly cracked bottle. I felt his hand form into a fist, and he began to slowly work it back and forth, stretching my hole every time he got back to his knuckles, and working up to mid-forearm deep. At some point, I couldn't take it any more, and just after taking several more popper hits, my cock erupted, spewing cum and piss all over the place - the biggest orgasm I've ever had at that point. My whole body was involved, and the waves of pleasure rolled over me for several minutes. I was so fucking wet from all the fluids shooting out of my cock, dripping all over the sling, and onto the floor. During this time, he continued to work my hole, pushing deeper, a couple inches from the elbow. When I finally calmed down, my breath still hard panting, he told me to take another several hits, as he began to withdraw his hand from my hole. A few minutes later, his hand popped out, all covered in lube and ass juice. He held it up for me to suck and clean off, which I did eagerly. He grabbed the previous toy and offered it to me, still moist with lube and my ass juices, which I also sucked clean. Took me a good 15-20 minutes before I was able to get out of the sling, and then, my legs were shaky. A session I will never forget.
    1 point
  48. Last night was wasting time, waiting for the snowmageddon to hit, and decided I check out Grindr. Guy showing real close to me was looking so I hit him up. He didn't respond so I looked a bit more, didn't see anyone online that caught my eye, and put the phone down. About half an hour later, he responded and he exchanged messages. He wanted to know if I could host, because he didn't want his girlfriend to find out. She was stuck out of town due to the weather. Usually I don't hook up with guys who's gf doesn't know what he's doing, but being horny sometimes overrides all. Besides, he was totally my type; 19, slim, smooth, nice ass, and hung. Asked him what he wanted to do and he just wanted to top (his profile said vers). While I would have eventually given in, I was not going to give up a chance to tap that sweet ass. I told him I wanted to fuck him as well and we had to play bareback, even though his profile says safe only. I guess he let his dick get the best of him because he came over. I let him use my stuff to get ready and we hopped in the shower. He was so much hotter than his pictures; I was totally in lust. While in the shower, lots of oral and I rimmed him ass and had him moaning like a bitch. I don't think he's ever been tongue fucked like that. Finally got him to the bedroom for another hour or so of making out and foreplay until there was no resistance to my raw dick sliding up his ass. After fucking him for what seemed like another hour, I mounted him and dumped a massive load up his ass. I think I must have shot at least a dozen spurts balls deep into him. I told him to stay ass up after I pulled out so I could grab a butt plug and seal him up. I didn't want a load that size leaking out. I think he finally realized he has just fucked bare and been bred, but didn't resist being plugged, much. Afterwards I let him fuck me including ass to mouth whenever we changed positions; something he hadn't experienced either and really liked it. He eventually dumped his load in me. We stayed in bed, making out until I told him I wanted to fuck him again and he could fuck me as well. I did my tired and true method of rather than fucking him on round 2, having a long, sensual love making session. Teen bois seem to love that with older guys. Anyway, he ended up getting load number two and then fucked me again; also wanting to make it sensual. He was going to leave, but even just walking to the apartment complex down the street would have been dangerous so I told him to stay the night. Besides, there was plenty of time for more sex. We fucked one more time, this time I got him to try ass to mouth since he saw how much I liked doing it. He was the typical first timer; acted a bit grossed out, but eventually sucked my cock balls deep after it came right out of his ass. This morning we fucked two more times before he finally left. He's going to become a regular because he clearly liked the raw dick and ass, and I am totally in lust for him. Hopefully he'll be a regular for the next 3-4 years. I have no doubt he's going to be a bareback boi from now on. I've invited him to the next orgy I host later this month so I can introduce him to some of my other college boi fuck buddies as well as some hot daddies who love breeding college boi ass.
    1 point
  49. No, but I wish I had a 19 y/o texting me to suck his dick twice a week!
    1 point
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