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  1. It finally happened. I was perusing Grindr yesterday when I got a message from a blank profile. Don't you fucking hate those? Normally I ignore them or, if I'm particularly horny, I'll demand a dick pic to see if I want to keep chatting. But this one was different. The first chat message I received was, "2 tops here". WELL. That changes things. I decided to explore to see if they were for real, and if so to see if they could host. Hosting is difficult for me these days and that's usually where things go south - the top contacting me hasn't bothered reading my profile, so we get all the way up to arranging a meeting only to have him say he can't host. And my favorite is when he also can't travel! I like to engage guys early on with two provocative pics. First I send a picture of a raw cock in my ass from above. Then I send a shot of my ass with cum leaking from my hole. If the top is not into either of those I know I'll be wasting my time chatting with him further. In return I received two pics - one of a big black dick, ramrod straight without any discernable curve to the shaft. It was cut and had been slicked-up for the pic. It looked delicious! The other pic was of an even larger white cock, also cut with a nice upward curve. I began salivating immediately. After liking both pics I typed, "Raw only is that cool?" "Yeah," came the response. Then, "You poz?" I'm not, and I'm never sure how to answer that particular question. Some guys are looking for others who are poz. Others want to avoid playing with guys who are poz. So, I hedged my bet and responded with, "No, not yet." I waited breathlessly for the response. Would they block me? Go silent? In fact he did neither. Instead, his response was, "You wanna be?" Another potential trap. If I came right out and said 'yes' or 'no' it could be the opposite of what he wanted to hear. So again I hedged. "I don't refuse loads," I replied. A little flame appeared in the top corner of my message. He liked it! So, curious to find out who I was chatting with, I messaged him back. "You guys poz?" I asked. The picture of the beautiful black dick appeared again along with the message, "He is." That was all I needed. My hole twitched involuntarily and I felt a few butterflies in my stomach as I began to type my response. But before I could finish he added, "Come by." It was the middle of the afternoon and I was working from home. I quickly checked my calendar. It was wide open. I deleted what I had been typing and simply asked, "Where and when?" "Now," he replied along with the address. I checked the clock. While I surf the apps regularly while I'm working from home, I don't usually get hits that pan out so I never clean out until I have something actually lined up. I messaged him that I would need an hour, hoping that wouldn't put him off. "We'll be here," came the response. The butterflies increased as I rushed into the bathroom to clean out. I found myself wondering about the guy I had messaged with. He said his friend was poz, but what about him? Did he take a turn first, to stretch the bottom's hole and pump a neg load in there for his friend to follow? Was he also poz? I didn't even know if the poz guy was undetectable or not. I didn't care. I needed those cocks inside me, regardless of their status. I finished douching and pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, then stuck my feet in some flip flops. I wanted to be able to get naked as quickly as possible once I arrived! Grabbing my little brown bottle, I headed for the door. Once in the car I checked the time. I was going to be about 15 minutes early, so I sent him a message to let him know. "We're here," he responded. I was incredibly nervous the whole drive there. Thinking back on it I don't recall much of the drive itself. My mind may have been so preoccupied that I did it on autopilot. But I made it safely and pulled up in front of a large stately house on one of the nicest streets in town. I messaged from the car. "I'm here." "Come inside. Follow the music," he instructed. I was only too happy to obey! I took a quick huff from the brown bottle to steel my nerves, then walked up the walkway and through the front door. I found myself in a huge two-storey foyer. Stairs ran along both sides and met at a landing on the second floor. Below the landing and directly ahead of me was a set of double doors. They were closed but I could hear the thump! thump! thump! of a beat emanating from behind them. Next to the doors was a table, on which I found a blindfold and a note that simply red, "Put this on and knock." So, that's exactly what I did. I felt a slight change in air pressure and heard the creak of a hinge as the door opened. "Damn," I heard an appreciative voice say, "you're gonna be fun." He led me into the room and I heard the doors close behind me. He grabbed my chest from behind and ground his crotch against my ass. I could feel a large and very hard cock pressing on my cheeks through his pants. "Let's get him naked!" a second voice said. I was glad I had worn so little. I easily kicked off the flip-flops then felt a pair of hands pulling my t-shirt over my head. At the same time someone else unbuttoned my jeans and they fell to the floor. "You're on video," the first voice said. "We're gonna record all of this. Tell me why you're here." I was momentarily taken aback. He had not mentioned recording me when we had chatted. It was not something that occurred with great regularity and I was unsure how I felt about having this particular encounter on video, but the die had been cast. I was the fly and I was already firmly in their web. "To get fucked," I replied. "And get pozzed," he added, putting words in my mouth. "Yes," came my feeble reply. "You willingly accept that you're going to be fucked raw and have poz cum shot in your ass?" he asked. My cock stiffened a little at his words. "Yes." My voice was firmer this time. I heard the click of a plastic cap and two fingers applied lube to my crack, paying special attention to my hole. First one finger, then a second, slipped inside me to make sure I was greased up. I was led forward a few steps until my knees encountered what felt like a mattress. They spun me around and seated me on the edge of the bed then pushed me back. One guy grabbed me around the thighs and pulled me closer to the edge of the mattress - presumably to better position my hole - while the other pulled my arms above my head. Once I was in position, though, they didn't release their grips. I wondered why until I felt still more hands on me, this time shackling both my wrists and my ankles. What was going on? I tried to sit up but they easily held me in place. As soon as the shackles were on they hooked my wrists together, then connected a chain that pulled tight and immobilized my arms. Another chain was pulled across my midsection and drawn tight. It was not uncomfortable but it was secure enough that I knew there was no getting out of it. Then they bent my knees until they were nearly touching the mattress on either side of me and connected the shackles to the chain, holding my legs in the air and exposing my hole perfectly. It had all happened so quickly! I was confused and more than a little nervous, even a bit scared. But, I reminded myself, I had come to take a poz load, and they were making sure that happened. There was no going back now. Next a small mask was placed over my nose and strapped to my head. What was this for? I wondered. I resolved to breathe through my mouth but a faint, familiar scent told me what it was for: it was connected to a brown bottle so I could take hits whenever I wanted! This was definitely a moment where I needed that, so I inhaled mightily and held it ever so briefly before exhaling through my mouth. Then it began. There was no warning, no probing finger in my hole or cock stuck into my mouth first to get hard. A large cock simply slid past my sphincter and deep into my guts. Before I could even catch my breath he had bottomed out and began plowing mercilessly. Whoever this was, he put his hands on the backs of my thighs and drove me relentlessly into the mattress. An involuntary moan of pleasure escaped my lips. Besides that and his grunting, though, there were no sounds audible above the thump! thump! thump! of the music. At last he relaxed his grip and I felt the telltale pulses of his cock as he pumped his load into me. Was this the guy I had been chatting with? Was he lubing me up with negative cum so the poz guys could take their turns, or had I taken my first poz load? I had no way of knowing. His cock was replaced not by another but by a small, scratchy object. A toothbrush. They were roughing up my insides to make sure their strains took! It was exceedingly uncomfortable but only for about thirty seconds before it was withdrawn. A voice I had not heard before said, "Good. Nice and red." I lost count of the number of cocks that bred me that afternoon. Somewhere north of ten my brain went foggy thanks to the regular hits through the little nose mask. I had no idea how many guys were there. There could have been dozens, or there could have been a few who kept taking turns. All I know is that I was impaled by cock after cock and there was no way of knowing how much poz cum had made its way into my guts or which strains had begun working their way into my bloodstream. At last the assault on my poor stretched-out sphincter wound down and I could hear some of the guys getting dressed and leaving. I was left chained and blindfolded a while longer and when they finally released me, only the two guys I originally thought I was meeting were there. As I sat up I felt like I had been put through the wringer. Well, really I had been. I wanted to ask about what had happened, about how many guys had used me and how many poz loads were swimming around inside me, but I was just too groggy. Silently they helped me get dressed and on my feet, and I slipped back into my flip flops. They walked me to the door and the white guy simply said, "See you again soon," as he pushed me out onto the porch and closed the door. Dazed, I walked back to my car and sat there for a while until my head was clear enough to drive. I went home and fell onto my bed and into a deep sleep that lasted through the night. The whole experience felt like a dream, yet the dull throbbing of my abused hole tells me it happened. Now the waiting game begins.
    20 points
  2. I was so stunned, I just shut up. My ass was burning as he continued jabbing his cock into my by now tender ass. How the hell had this happened? "Now, are you going to be a good boy?" I didn't really see much choice, so I nodded my head and bit my lip as he assaulted my ass with his thick cock. "Good, because with those straps you're not going anywhere until I say you are. Just relax and try to enjoy it." After a while, my tight virgin ass must have loosened enough to begin to feel some pleasure, more intense with his cock than a finger had been. By this time he'd settled into steady rhythm. Suddenly he stopped with his cock buried to the hilt and I felt him lean over me. "Now, you keep being a good boy and open that mouth for me, fed up of listening to you." Scared of what might happen if I refused, I opened my mouth and felt a rubber ball be shoved between my teeth stretching my jaw. It was fixed in place with a strap behind my head. He then pulled up straight and started fucking me hard, I could feel his low hanging balls slapping against my cheeks as he pounded me. "Just thought, you never did ask about the meaning of my tattoo, did you boy?" What? Why the hell were we talking about tattoos while this sleazy older guy was railing me? "Well..uh...maybe you should have." His breathing was getting a bit ragged. "It, ugh, means I've got HIV, mmm!" After this finally processed through my brain, I tried in vain to buck him off, but he just leaned his weight forward and started jackrabbiting in my ass. "That's it, take my poz load and join the club!" He made one final thrust into my tender asshole and stayed there buried to the hilt as he groaned. I could feel the full weight of his flabby body leaning on me as he caught his breath. After a few minutes, he pulled his cock out unceremoniously and slapped my ass again in the same spot, it was just as hard but the pain was nothing compared to my poor asshole. "Oh, by the by, that's what the tattoo is for." He chuckled. I heard the door open, I squirmed and moaned through the ball gag, thinking he was forgetting to at least untie me. "I told you, you're not going anywhere until I say so. I'll just leave you there with that sweet arse pointed towards the front door. Don't worry, it tends to get busier about now, so you'll have company soon."
    12 points
  3. I'd never been to a circuit party before. But my college roommate Fred had been pestering me for almost the entire year so, knowing I probably wouldn't have a good time, I agreed to join him at Gay Disney just so I wouldn't have to hear any more complaints about what a bummer I was. See all through college I'd had a steady boyfriend and Fred could only count on me to accompany him to a club maybe twice a semester, often with my boyfriend. He'd wanted a wingman and I'd never been that for him. So when my boyfriend dumped me to attend seminary, Fred was ready to make up for lost time taking me around and showing me how much fun it can be fucking everything in sight. I was 25 and figured if I didn't sow my wild oats now, when would I have the opportunity? This was, of course, before I'd ever tried meth or any party drugs other than pot. Little did I know I'd have decades of debauchery to lose myself in. The minute we checked into the hotel, Fred was on the phone setting up meetings with the various sources for drugs he'd arranged online through fuck buddies and friends of friends of former fuck buddies. I had no idea what he was referring to as I heard different letters of the alphabet pop out of his mouth -- K, G, T, X. He'd arranged for everything, including V, which he assured me I'd be grateful to have handy even though I'd never had trouble getting hard. In fact, I'd always felt the opposite... I kinda wished I didn't pop wood so easy. I still got real shy in lockerrooms and at urinals as my decent 7-incher would swell up til the pink cut head started turning purple. It was not uncommon for me to race to the mens room to piss, then end up stuffing a boner back into my jockeys without having relieved myself cause the smell of the guy to my left got me horny. It was on the second night of the 4-day event that I finally started to relax at a big waterpark party. The ecstasy Fred has procured hit me hard and for a moment I thought I might need to use my tongue to show my buddy just how grateful I was for his chemical enhancement. Somehow I managed instead to convince him to join me for a float down a winding river in innertubes, a perfect way to cool off and enjoy the high while taking in all the eye candy. I felt a jolt as an innertube hit the back of my shoulders hard followed by the laughter of a group of guys who had obviously shoved someone into me. When I turned around, Manny was all apologies. "Sorry. My friends are infants." "No worries," I said. Sensing from the energy of his group that they'd figured I was his type and decided to give him a little help. i didn't have a type but was certainly happy to be bumping into him. His innertube started to drift away just as we were both about to say something and without thinking I saw myself reaching far, almost falling out of my own tube to grab onto his so we wouldn't lose each other. Fred was grinning like a goofy auntie and kept nodding encouragement to me as Manny and I found it difficult to talk without touching the other's shoulder, thigh, hand, chest, cheek for emphasis. Eventually we ditched the innertubes and ducked under a waterfall where finally we tongued our way deep into each other's mouths, ears. I was grabbing his round muscular bubble butt with both hands, letting my fingers slip into his speedo to feel the warm damp heat of his hairy crack and he could not stop squeezing precum out of my purple engorged cock head. The whistle of a Disney park ranger who seemed like a butch dyke stopped us as our cocks started to break free of our swimsuits. "Let's go back to my hotel room," he suggested without a hint of shyness. And I was rolling so hard on the ecstasy that I almost jumped for joy at the idea. "Just need to grab my stuff first," he said and before I knew it we were crisscrossing to the far side of the dancefloor to a secluded sandy beech area where some guys were lying on towels as though sunbathing even though it was like 3AM. Moonbathing? And with quick precision, he found a spot in the middle of the sand not marked in any way I could tell and squatted down low and dug. He dug about a foot down into the sand to retrieve a plastic change purse wrapped in a plastic bag. "Don't leave home without her," he said and i smiled and pretended to have a clue what he was talking about. Back in his room, I discovered that inside the change purse was a baggie of crystal and he quickly pulled a glass pipe from his suitcase, loaded it and was lighting up. When i barely got even a hint of smoke out of the pipe he stopped and looked at me with a combination of disbelief and affection. "Wait a sec. Have you never smoked before?" "Is it that obvious?" "Oh baby. What are you on? You're on something. No?" "X" He was kind enough to teach me how to smoke, first by shotgunning decent hits into me, then by holding the lighter for me as I sucked in my hits. I was starting to feel very horny and very driven to devour this man. And he seemed to be getting just as horned up as well. I ate his ass for 30 minutes and it still wasn't enough. Finally he stuck a shard of meth into my piss slit, greased me up with vaselline and guided me into his hole. It was so wet and open from the rimming that I just slid right in and I was precumming so much that the meth melted into my piss slit and into his hole quickly and we both felt another wave of intense drug-fueled horniness at the same moment. I started pumping. It's always taken me a long time to cum and that suited this bottom just fine. "Don't cum iin me," he said. I was shocked and sort of disappointed. "Really?" "Unless. I mean... Do you think you might want this to be serious? I only let guys I love shoot inside me." "I love you," I said. And he quickly said it back. And I kept saying it until all 7 spurts of my jizz had hit the back walls of his hole as his ankles dug into my butt to keep me as deep inside as possible. "This is like our wedding night," he said. And I kissed him.l He pulled away from my lips just long enough to add: "You, me and tina."
    11 points
  4. I agree. The tattoo on my back was far more painful than getting my cock pierced. I've gone from an 8g to a 1g in < 10 months.
    8 points
  5. After Craigslist died, I've checked out Doublelist just a handful of times.....there was no where near the volume or kind of ads that really appealed to me. But it was originally new, so I've checked it out very sporadically. Yesterday morning by 9 am there were around 60-70 posts for the day so far. I scrolled them, only really even looking at the ones that included a pic. That narrowed it down to about 15. One got my attention enough to send a reply - short and sweet - mid 30s, BB Bttm for tops to use his hole.....don't ask irrelavant questions, raw only. no ass pic, but a hot guy kicked back in a towel. I replied back with my own short reply - top breeder into younger slutty ass - no stats at all, and it seemed I could only attach one single pic, so I gave him one that included my body, face and hard cock -he could see from my face and gray hair I'm a dad. Told him I did NOT need any other pics as long as the pic in the ad was himself and accurate. Gave him my cell. I got off there but checked my email and text for the next hour and no replies. figured he's maybe not into daddies - some are, some aren't.....I never was, so I don't get bothered when they're not. Then at 3pm I got a text......just said hey, doublelist here. No more pics or questions, just address and what time? An hour later I was parked at his secure building and waiting, and waiting - was wondering if he was gonna flake after I drove there - ugh.....he ended up coming downstairs to get me. He was taller and lankier than I usually go for and a little older face than I expected, but definitely not bad, and was hoping he was also ok with me. Walking up to his loft he told me his "other daddy" just left - he was trying to pair us up, but the other guy was short on time and JUST bred him and had to leave. I definitely liked this slut 🙂 We started stripping when we got in the door, and I would say we were both the type that "look better naked". We were clearly both getting more into each other FAST as we got naked. I thought he was just tall and skinny, but he had abs and pretty built once the baggy clothes were off - He sucked me for a minute- amazing mouth, and I would have loved it WAY longer but he hopped on the bed all 4s....puffy, fucked hole, and I could see the white cum from the last dad. He could tell I was kneeling down to eat his hole and "warned" me he JUST got bred.- that just made me dive down faster, and he let out a groan. I could have eaten him out all day, but stood up and slid in - definitely no lube needed.- it felt fucking amazing, and from his moans and comments I'm pretty sure it was mutual. I would have loved this to be an hour (or more) play session, but I was pretty sure it was more of a quickie for him from his actions. I at least wanted to fuck him on his back to lock eyes while I bred him. I told him to flip over, then I saw his HUGE fairly soft cock. I commented on his great cock - he said he's vers but just craved to bottom today....I wasn't prepared anyway.. We groped each other, and I bred him pretty fast in missionary position. He didn't make any move to cum himself. We made some small talk as I cleaned up and got dressed - I don't want to use the wrong word here, but let's just say he's a "pro" and had an appointment to top a customer in a few hours. That just set my imagination on fire and wondered how the customer would feel knowing his top stud had multiple fresh loads brewing in his loose hole.....or possibly if it was even a "request" to be loaded up when he got there and sit on the guys face or something 🙂. I hope I get to play with this hot sleazy guy again pretty soon!! I told him that was my first time using doublelist and definitely considered it a success, and he said he did too lol. I'll be going with my hole ready to flip next time - just in case 🙂
    6 points
  6. BONUS POST TODAY! The time change fucked me up, and as these chapters are related, giving you a double dose! Chapter 8: Partners Confession After turning it over to my partner, he said we probably need a drink for this. No mixers this time, just straight high end bourbon! My partner planted a deep kiss on me, and said he hoped this didn't end our relationship. My partner started by saying that he was the one that asked the waiter to poz him. The waiter chimed in by saying he had thought about pozzing someone, but vowed that it would not be like the way his father pozzed him. It would be by mutal consent, and that it took my partner longer to commit to it than it did for me to commit. When he did commit, they both flushed their meds, and within a month he had converted. My partner told me that he hoped I wasn't angry, and I said no just suprised. My partner said it was somewhat mentioned before, but after I converted, he wanted to know if the waiter could join in on fucking me while I was going through the flu. Honestly when the waiter told us about his father breeding him during his flu, it was a turn on to me. I thought I'd just tease it a bit, and said we'll cross that bridge when we get to it! I looked at my partner and said lets start on the path to that bridge tonight! The waiter and the two of us embraced and deeply kissed. He said we were obviously excited, but said no sex between the 3 of us tonight, but we were free to celebrate and fuck all night. He said just in case, he left a little something for us in the guest room. When we got to the room, my partner asked me a tough question, If I truly wanted to be poz. I told him that given my new found piggyness, it was bound to happen, and if it did, I wanted him to be the one to poz me. He explained that If I decided I didn't really want to become poz, I could always go on Prep. He explained that it wouldn't prevent other STIs though He said he knew a doctor that could get get me Prep if I wanted that instead, and that if I did become poz, the Doctor could also prescribe anti virals like he was currently taking. He continued by saying that he was willing to take a meds break to gift me if that was my choice, but it would take several weeks to become toxic again. I said I'd like that, and he pulled out a bottle of pills, and flushed them down the toilet. We got into bed to make love, but our curiosity got the best of us, and we opened the nightstand draw to find not only a pipe, and some rocks, but a cruel condom. My partner said the condom would come in handy in a few weeks! As I later learned there was a reason that the waiter said there would be no sex with him tonight. As i said my partner was calculating, and so was the waiter who gifted him. As i later learned, they had both gone off their meds a week earlier. My path to becoming poz started that night. Although it was only for a week, the waiter wanted to be sure it was my partner that gifted me. There wasn't much of a chance that after only a week off meds that my partner could gift me, but my if it did happen, he could deny and blame it on being stealthed. My partner and I fucked all night, and refrained from using the waiters gifts of the cruel condom and Tina. The next morning my head was spinning in deep thoughts. First of all I agreed to let my partner poz me. Even though I knew it's what I needed, I actually agreed to it. The biggest thought though was that it was amazing that I found two guys whose situation was similar to mine. I wondered what it would be like if I the waiter had found me before my partner had? The hardest part was deciding if I had feelings for the waiter? In my mind, I did, but would that have been different if I hadn't met my partner before? My partner and I decided that the day would just be a chill day. I think he realized that I had something on my mind, and just suggested we hang at the pool, drink and party some, which we did. We got to the pool first, and the waiter joined us as we were lighting up the pipe. He joined us, and after a hit or two, he said he had one more regret. He said that it was that he became addicted to drugs, and not just Tina. He had tried them all. He continued by saying that his biggest regret in regards to that was that he introduced us to Tina. He said that it was hard not to in that it was such a part of his journey. He said that he'd been seeing the doctor who was an addiction specialist, and was on the road to at least a partial recovery. He said that although the doctor was an addiction specialist, he would still occasionally party with the doctor, not really knowing if the doctor was simply testing him. Next up: Prepping for the Bug
    6 points
  7. Chapter 23 The watchers knew that this Kid was no more than a chemed up slut fag that would do anything that was asked. What they didn’t know was that his handler had setup several tricks night and now he belonged to one of the oldest trades in the world and the Kid was about to discover a degrading fact about himself. The Kid sat on the park bench for a while, It was late and the only lights he could see were the street lights that were scattered in the Park. There wasn’t much traffic so even car lights weren’t around. He was feeling tired but satisfied with life in general. His bum was sore and he felt as if he still had something stuck in him. His insides were making gurgling sounds and he felt weird inside. He felt giddy and the intense craving he had was not near as strong, yet, there was a new feeling and need inside him. He stood up, his legs felt weak and he was not very steady, He looked around for his cloths and all he could find was his shirt. He put it on and noticed it was filthy. He looked for his shorts and remembered he left them down the path near where all this started. He walked down and found his underwear but no shorts. He stared to wonder how he was going to get home in his underwear since he walked to park to see what was going on. He heard a noise and turned around to see what appeared to be a cop. His heart sank, he knew he could never explain this and would be arrested and have a record that everyone would soon know about. The Cop looked huge, he was black and looked like a football player. The Cop came up to the Kid and shined his light in the Kid’s eyes. The Cop said “ Looks like you had fun tonight “. He pulled out hand cuffs and bound the Kid’s hands behind is back. He proceeded to check the Kid but with so few cloths on it didn’t take long. He put on latex gloves and pushed the Kid over and pulled his briefs down. He said “ I have to check you for contraband “. The Cop pushed two fat fingers into the Kid’s very sore ass. The Kid whimpered at the intrusion. The Cop feeling the loose and very sloppy hole said “ you must have been taking on everyone tonight “. He asked “ Are you a dirty little whore “? The Kid didn’t answer quickly enough and the Cop twisted those two finger in the Kid’s hole. Thie got an immediate “ Ouch. Yes I am a whore “. The Cop released a handcuff, for a brief moment the Kid thought he might get out of this. The Cop becuffed him to the Bench. The Kid didn’t know whet to think of this. The Cop unbuckled his pants and pulled out the fattest cock he had ever seen. It was very black, about seven inches long but it was a lot thicker than any beer can. It looked bigger than a 40 which is huge. He thought he would need to use both hands just to get around it. The Cop said “ I have hookers on my beat that can’t handle this “. With hat he pushed the cock to the Kid’s mouth and said “ Open up punk”. Try has he could, he could not get the giant cock in his mouth. The Cop was getting frustrated with the Kid. The Cop said “ I have only found one bitch that could get this in her mouth, guess your not going to take this “. The Cop was slowly stroking his cock in front of the Kid. Talking about some of the other ‘ Ladies ‘ that he had on the streets. He said “ I have had those whores tell me no man is to big for them until they see this and then they go running like little girls “. He looked at the Kid and said “ I am going to see if your little boy cunt can handle me, If it does I won’t take you in “. He walked around behind the Kid The Kid was terrified, he knew the drugs were wearing off and that was a monster that was about to be forced into his ass. He was caught in a dilemma, he didn’t want that up his ass but he also didn’t want to go to jail.
    6 points
  8. I'm showing my age, but you must have a Gladys Kravitz for a neighbor.
    5 points
  9. "Fuck no man. That's as far as I go. ... But I do have an idea. " responded the Mexican artist. "I want to paint your partner and you fucking. Come back here for a photo shoot so I can paint the two of you. " "Sorry bud. We haven't had sex in many years. He'd never agree to that." We hadn't noticed my hubby had returned and was standing at the door. "You're damn right, no way! But why don't you bring one of your fuck buddies to make use of the offer? I know you are an exhibitionist at heart. " A few weeks would pass before I could make arrangements with my tall, fit Brazilian friend. He always tops me so I didn't bring him up to date on my HIV status. If I'm an exhibitionist my Brazilian top is an undiscovered nude photo model and porn star. There was no hesitation on his part to get naked with me and dive into our usual bareback sex in front of the camera and Mexican artist. Getting bred on camera was so hot I didn't want it to end. My friend clearly felt the same way and one load from his impressive cock led to two and three and unbelievably four. He cloapsed on the bed beside me nuzzled into my ear and whispered; "You fuck me now. " I quickly realized in all this sex I hadn't cum. But, I didn't want to reveal my unmedicated poz status in this setting. So I said, "Wow, that would be great; but, we've taken too much of this man's time. We need to stop now. Maybe another time, yeah?" "No problem. I have lots of time. I would love to see you fuck your friend. ", the artist. "But I 'm mostly a bottom. I often unload just pushing in. I'm not a good top. " "I don't care. ", my Brazilian friend. "What is it you say? 'Just pump and dump. " "Awe ... uum ... I ..." He was now sucking my cock and I was quickly getting hard. Soon he was lowering his hole toward my unprotected hard on. "I'm on PreP, just breed me already." As he pushed down balls deep onto my erection I exploded with the most powerful orgasm of my life. He bent over and kissed me passionately. As we came appart we saw the artist had abandoned his camera and was openly stroking his cock. We both moved to kiss and suck his dark hard member. The artist didn't resist and my Brazilian friend soon maneuvered my body so I was bent over the edge of the bed. Soon my Brazilian friend's mouth came off the Mexican cock and he directed said cock into my waiting and well lubricated ass. At first the Mexican resisted but as my Brazilian friend moved around to rim out and tongue fuck his ass he began satisfied moans and began to involuntarily pump in and out of me. His silky cock felt exquisite inside me and I was soon involuntarily shooting another load. This one onto the sheets. My ass orgasms brought the Mexican over the edge and he unloaded a flood deep into me. "I thought you didn't want to fuck me. Not that I'm complaining." "I didn't know I did; but, with your friends encouragement I might do anything." "Anything?", from my Brazilian friend. With flushed face the artist responded "Fuck me!" as he threw himself down onto the bed, on his back and legs up. My Brazilian friend scooped my cum from his ass and before I could say anything lubed up the artist's ass. I had not seen this coming and my Brazilian friend's cock was pushing my toxic poz cum into the Mexican before I could open my mouth. They fucked like rabbits for ten minutes until they both exploded in perfectly synchronized orgasm. Artist all over his own face, Brazilian deep in the artist's guts. After we all had a quick shower I had to sit everyone down and make my shame faced confusion. My Brazilian friend had assumed I was poz from the first time he and his hubby fucked me, so he wasn't fazed. The artist was pretty badly shaken by the news he'd been lubed with toxic cum but settled somewhat as we explained and gave him instructions for PEP. I left certain I would never hear from the artist again let alone ever get a chance to see his artistic rendition of my beautiful Brazilian topping and breeding me.
    5 points
  10. Has to be the guys behind TIM, but specifically Dawson as far as performers go. There's an article about this one: [think before following links] https://www.thebody.com/article/is-dawsons-20-load-weekend-the-most-important-gay It changed gay porn forever. Yes, TIM had been around a few years prior to this, and had made films of guys taking a few loads here and there. But I'd venture to say that this is the film that brought TIM, and other bareback studios, to the mainstream. Their videos were all about the sex, and never a condom in sight. There was no contrived "plot" attempting to make the video into some sort of fantasy narrative. There was no corny "dialogue" by performers who were seeminly trying to pull off that they were "actors". The success of this film in particular is what made the other non-bareback studios take notice, and eventually start (or re-start) production of bareback scenes. We also wouldn't be in the level of "cumdump" hookup culture in modern gay society without this (well, at least not at the level of being open about it). This video was the inspiration for many bottoms - myself included - to want to explore our desires in this way. I've not done it at that level, of course, but I've had my good days in the past.
    5 points
  11. Chapter 22 The guy was determined to get in that inner sanctum and kept hitting the opening but couldn’t quite get the head of his cock lined up to enter it. The Guy was holding off shooting his load until after he could get the spot to make sure the Kid was Impregnated. The Kid was shaking, and it was very noticeable. The were not sure if it was a side effect of all he drugs he had taken, the excitement or the cool air. His handler reached under and rubbed the Kid’s nipples. They immediately responded and got hard. This surprised the Kid because that part of his body was never sensitive or erotic but now everything seemed to be wired. The Guy started pinching hem, softly at first while the Kid gently moaned. He then started increasing pressure on them until the Kid was complaining about the pain and discomfort. When he was sure the Kid was at the tipping point, he backed off the Pressure and went to teasing them again. The whispered “ Oh, that feels really good “. All this was still being streamed and anyone could see what this youngster was getting. The Handler said “ I think we need to get these pierced “. He was thinking that there would be a world of fun using them to control the Kid. The guy with the Deep voice was sill slowly probing the Kid’s ass trying to get in that second passage. He wanted to make sure this Kid remembered this fuck for more than one reason. The Guy moved down a little and then pushed back in the Kid’s ass. He hit the spot he was hoping to hit and felt the big mushroom head of his cock pop into the second door. The Kid squealed and his legs were thrashing around. To the untrained eye watchers on the stream thought the Kid was in mortal agony. It did appear that between the high pitch squeal and the legs that the Kid was in mortal agony. In reality other than the brief pain, the Kid as loving what he was feeling. The Leg action was total involuntary and was caused by feelings the Kid had ever felt before. He had been penetrated into his second barrier before at the Bath house but the fact that he was hanging form this steel cock made it feel all different. It was definitely a better feeling and something he will want to experience again. Either way the guy that was streaming this, his phone was blowing up wanting to know where this Kid was and could they get a shot of his body. The handler heard the notifications on the Guys phone and asked what it was. The Guy told him and he said that after this was done he wood give him an email address to put on the stream. He said he woold cut him in on the fun if he did that. The Handler figured this would only be the beginning with this Kid and that the next time he was going to setup some points to really get the Kid going. The guy with the deep voice was enjoying the Kid thrashing on the end of his cock, especially with the head lodged in the second ring and getting a massage like no other. He knew that he wasn’t going to last long and he also knew that this was going to be one hell of a shot. He always gets super-heated and hard when he goes skiing and today was a great day for that. His dealer said it was some great shit and he wasn’t kidding. He could feel his climax starting in his nuts. They tightened and he knew tis was going to be monumental. He pulled back just enough to let the Kid know the Hook was planted deep, then he pulled the Kid to him which forced the rest of his cock into the Kid and plugged the Kid’s passage. He cut loose with a huge shot. It was so intense it actually felt like the Cum was burning as it shot out of his cock. Volley and volley of molten cum was shot into the Kid. The Kid could feel the strong throbs of the guy’s cock as it unloaded into his very core. The guy finally slumped over but didn’t pull his cock from the Kid’s stretched ass. The handler looked between the Kid’s legs and swathe Kid’s cock. It wasn’t hard anymore. This was unusual since the Kid always kept hard. The drugs were started to render the Kid with a Tina cock. This would be something he would have to deal with in the future. For the first time in what seemed an eternity the Kid’s feet touched the ground and he stared to move away. The Guy told the Kid “ Not so fast, I’m not done with you yet “. The Kid wasn’t sure what else he wanted. He thought maybe the guy wanted him to lick his cock clean. Then the Kid felt a strange warmth seeping into his guts. He knew that the guy was loading his insides with Piss. The Guy said “ Now you have my DNA and a load of Piss laced heavily with Snow. My cum is toxic and should get you pregnant and the Snow will carry you away “. The Guy pulled out an the Kid slumped to the bench. He sat there and noticed the guy that was streaming the scene was still there. The watchers knew that this Kid was no more than a chemed up slut fag that would do anything that was asked. What they didn’t know was that his handler had setup several tricks night and now he belonged to one of the oldest trades in the world and the Kid was about to discover a degrading fact about himself.
    4 points
  12. Best Western So I was on one of the dating sites when I get a message from someone who I'd never chatted with before. The message was a dick pic and "frequently in Austin". Nice looking dick so I looked at his profile. No answers to most of the questions. A bit of a disappointment. He is listed as being from Brownsville, which is about a 5 hour drive from here. So I ask him whether he can host when he is in town. "Yes. Poz top here." That makes my little cock instantly start to throb. I message him back: "Neg but poz friendly bareback bottom here. I'd love to take your loads when you are in town". "I'm here now. Best Western in Round Rock". That causes an major jolt in my little cock. That's very close. "I'll be right over, send me the room number". "I love hungry faggots" was his response, along with the room number. "I'll be there in about a half hour" I message back. I jump in the shower and clean out my hole with several full enema bottles and then lube up with petroleum jelly pushed in with my big butt plug. Once I'm all cleaned and lubed I slide on my sissy panties which are thongs with pink hearts on them. I hope he appreciates that. I quickly get in the car and drive up to the motel, parking away from the building. I walk up to the door and it opens a crack as I approach. The shades are drawn and it is dark inside but I enter. As I do I see he is already naked and his big dick is hanging down already half erect. "Strip and get on your knees, faggot" He says I do as ordered and he grabs my hair and pulls my head forward to him. I open my mouth and take in his dick and start to suck. Very soon it is fully hard and I can taste his pre-cum when I pull up. "That's enough, bend over the side of the bed" he growls at me. Wasting no time, I comply. I feel his finger in my crack and then he finds my hole, pushing in and bringing a moan from me. "Already lubed, that's good" I then feel the tip of his big dick start sliding up and down my crack until it finds its mark and he starts to slide in. I'm an experienced bottom but his big dick causes me to groan out with pleasure as my hole stretches. He grunts in pleasure in response as he is buried to the hilt. Then I feel him start to pull back out and bury himself again. Pretty soon I hear the slapping as he is pounding me relentlessly. The room is filled with my moans and groans and his grunts as he uses my hole. I know if anyone in the rooms on either side is listening they know what is happening, the sounds are unmistakable. He pounds me for a good 10 minutes before I notice his balls are no longer slapping my taint because they are drawing up and his pace is becoming faster and more erratic. I know very soon his charged load will be launched into my negative ass. I cry out "breed my ass!" and he responds "Yeah, take my seed you worthless faggot". Then he stops, his dick fully inside me and I feel the pulses as his poison cum is pumped deep inside me. He pauses there, both of us panting and sweating, but his dick doesn't go soft. After a bit he pushes me down on my stomach and starts moving again. Soon his hips are bouncing off me again. This time he pounds me for a long time and then I feel him start to unload again, even more forcefully than the first time which I didn't think was possible. "Yeah, knocking you up good faggot!" he growls into my ear. He rests for a minute and then unbelievably he is at it again. My hole now sloppy wet but starting to get a little sore. After just a few minutes he deposits his third gift in me and then pulls out. "Get dressed and get the fuck out" he says. I don't argue and slide my clothes on as fast as I can. As he is pushing me out the door he says "I'll message you next time I'm in town". Let me know if you get the fuck flu. Sure enough, about a week later I woke up with a fever, chills. And I knew what was going on so I sent him a message. His reply... the purple horned smiley. I can't wait for the next time he messages me.
    3 points
  13. It was the first time I'd really decided to explore this side of myself. I was just barely old enough to be allowed into a sauna, but I had been aware of their existence for a few years. I had read about them in abstract online, then been curious enough to actually search for them in the city near where I lived. And wow. Was that an eye opening internet search. There were a few different sauna's that appeared in the search, and man did I enjoy reading the reviews. There was the big, glossy looking website for the upmarket option, lots of pictures of a well-appointed gym atmosphere with steam rooms etc. There was the fairly basic website for the typical slightly sleazy place. But then there was the one that most caught my eye The website looked like somebody's friend had made it for £10 in the 90's. Plain white background, basic text, a few pictures of a plastic pole and plastic sheet hot tub, and prices. Including a student rate which definitely appealed to my impoverished student sensibilities. And it was right next to the train station that I would have got off at the city centre as well. I wasn't sure what awaited me there (although I kind of did, considering the reviews I'd read of sleazy older men). I couldn't stop thinking about the place, and felt too much like I wouldn't fit the aesthetic of the fancy sauna. I couldn't not go. I got a train into the city and climbed the stairs to the front door. The place had the tiniest, most nondescript sign at the bottom to guide me. When I got to the top I was very unsure I had the right place as I pressed the buzzer. I was answered by the door buzzing me in. I stepped into a small hallway with a counter opposite me with a 50-something guy behind the counter in a sleeveless top and loose shorts. "Hi, you wanting to come in?" He asked me. "Uh, yeah, do you guys do a student rate, I think?" I managed. The guy smilled, fuck, he was just my type, tall, shaved head, just the skinny side of muscly. He took my proffered cash, handed me a towel and a key and buzzed the second door. I made my way into a carpeted hallway with directions to head right for the lockers. I headed there, located my locker and began to strip, Just as I was pulling down my boxers a guy walked past the door towards the counter. The guy was maybe 60, thin legs and a slight potbelly over his skimpy towel. He leered at me, taking a good eyeful of my arse. I had just recently gotten my first tattoo on my hip facing the guy. I was slightly self-conscious of my made up quote when I noticed the guy had a cool blackwork scorpion on his lower abdomen, it was quite abstract and cool. He turned and spoke to the guy at the counter, "I was thinking of heading off, but I might stick around for a bit longer. Been a bit quiet today hasn't it?" "Yeah, just the regulars today" Scorpion-tattoo turned back around and walked down the corridor. I finished stripping, wrapped the slightly too small towel around my waist and walked after him into the sauna. The place had that scratchy tile carpet and bare plasterboard walls. I saw a couple of cabins with the hot tub just past them to one side, a cabin directly ahead of me and a small wooden sauna and a dark room with tiered benches facing a screen playing gay porn. I headed toward the darkened room only lit by the porn, an older dude fucking a twink bareback. I sat on a lower bench and leaned back watching the fucking on screen. A few minutes later the guy from the changing room appeared, and sat down beside me on the bench. More to come....
    3 points
  14. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_n7aE65wz5c8N btm takes it all!
    3 points
  15. Part 10 - Slammed I don’t remember how I left the couch, only the sensation of strong hands directing my body out of the living room, up a flight of stairs and into the main bedroom. A constant pressure around my torso and back of the neck. “MDMA?” I say groggily as I was shoved forward towards a dresser and two thick lines of white powder carefully laid out next to a rolled up £20 note. “No son” Kem replies “K” and puts a hand on the back of my neck - a gentle exertion of pressure to push me downwards towards two lines of thick off-white powder. “Take them, now!“ he commands I groggily take the rolled up twenty, and place it at the start of the first line. It’s long and dense and I wonder momentarily about dosing before I feel a slight pinch of authority at my neck “Now!” Kem repeats I snort the length of the first line and nearly don’t make it the entire way it’s so long. The burn is almost instantaneous at the back of my skull, as Kem pinches my neck again. Instinctively I work the rolled up note back along the next line as the burn forces a tear from my eye. As soon as the powder vanishes up my nose Kem lifts me up violently, the motion throws the residual powder in my nostrils to the back of my skull “Oh fuck” I cry as I feel an intense, back of the brain pain I can’t escape. As he holds my neck slightly backwards to let the drug work it’s way into my body he licks his finger and presses it on the tray, collecting the last remnants of powder before forcing the finger against my gums and pulling my head even further back. “Good boy” he says, satisfied his finger has deposited the last of the drugs into my bloodstream. “Now, let’s get you some more T” The burn in my skull is dying down, but I am struggling to make sense of the words he’s saying. “G?” I ask Kem laughs “Hungry boy - maybe, but Zeke tells me you’re an imprinter so, just the T for now. I want you to fall in love the old fashioned way.” He smirks to a chorus of knowing approvals from the other men around the room as he tosses me down on the soft bed. The silk bed linen feels luxurious against my sweating skin as I start to feel my body up in tune with the now distant music. The lights seem to dim around me, an October-sky haze of oranges and pinks as I groan at the touch of multiple men. “Strap him in” Kem says to the horde of men kissing and stroking their dicks and I hear them whoop their assent as hands reach for my hands and legs as Kem lays out a few more lines for himself and the other men. I’m pulled to the back of the bed, sandwiched between gloriously soft cushions as the fizz of a TV turns on directly in front of the bed. “Surprise pup” I hear a familiar voice say as the tv flickers to show a motel room with three men in it. The camera man says “you look terrified, look at me” and a blossom of recognition stirs in my addled brain. “Oh” I moan as the porn scene begins it’s familiar playthrough. “Slammed” I announce and giggle as the bottom on the television disrobes. “Fuck that’s hot” someone around me says as the familiar voice almost laughs. “Fucking told ya!” As I lose myself in the connection my brain makes to my all-time favourite porno, someone attaches something tight to the top of my left arm and stretches it out along the line of pillows. I don’t even concern myself with the new pressure as the on-screen cock begins to enter the bottom. “He tight?” the cameraman asks as I start to drool “Yeah” the top responds as I feel a tiny prick along the vein line of my arm “Not for long” the cameraman responds as I feel the tightness on my upper arm release and someone extend my arm high above my head. The violent force of a new energy suffocates me - I cough violently, my body trying it’s hardest to expel something already coursing through my blood. I try to gulp air as hands rub my back but it doesn’t help and I feel a black void rush up from the centre of my being. “Easy boy, find your breath” Kem soothes next to me. “Find your breath” I turn to him in an almost rictus scream, as he rubs my back with the other men. His presence soothes me somehow and I sense oxygen flowing back into me. “Wha…happened…?” I moaned “You got slammed boy” Kem responds as the bottom on the TV groans darkly. I emit a tiny cough and search for the meaning in Kem’s words. My mind doesn’t search for long as meaning finds me more quickly. The gravity well from earlier, the one that secured my explosive reprogramming reappears but now it’s different. Where before it meshed with my body, moulded and re-moulded parts of me, this force pulls everything towards it. As A million new lights bloom in electrical nodes of my body, the energy forces my brain into submission and reroutes everything into it. A painless, white heat at the core of my body that vaporises any semblance of resistance or pain, or inhibition in a vortex of shuddering force. “Oh” I yelp “Fuck, I love watching first-timers” someone said “Fucking birth of a tweaker” “Find us on the other side boy” another voice said “ride the wave and find us” A pounding silence encases me as the energy within me creates a shield around me. Time goes slowly and inexorably as I sense the vortex exploring me - a living force taking its first steps in virgin territory. Exploring my physicality, and thoughts - taking control and learning my entire self. The white heat finds the gland in my ass and touches it. I throw my head back with the ecstatic feeling of pressure and receive another hit. “Here he comes boys” I hear Kem over the din of my pleasure The pulsating energy begins to assault my ass, pleasure reroutes from every other part of my body and flows down. It sends me wave after wave of pulsing, internal heat as it chases the energy I give it when I feel aroused. “Fuck me” I hear myself cry I have to feed the power within me, give it the sexual stimulation it needed to survive - the fuel of men pounding my hole and filling it life-affirming cum. I needed these men to help me - fuck me and own me - it was essential, all I could think about as I grabbed my thighs and heaved them back to expose my already gaped, sperm-soaked hole. “Please fuck me hard” I moan against the sheer force of my erotic hunger. The currents of my body fuse themselves to the heart of the desire within me, as it punctures my every thought with images of cock and cum. On the TV screen in front of me the first guys in the gangbang have arrived and pierced the star’s cunt just as one of the guys around the bed advances on me, and a dick is roughly shoved into my mouth. “Yesss” I groan as I receive two cocks in my drug-powered, receptive holes. “Fuck - he’s in heat” my top says, rotating his full 7 inches inside me to find a satisfying angle for his own stimulation. I gurgle in response as I hear a chorus of ‘yeahs?’ and hot encouragements. I struggle to focus on the men inside me, my mind is wholly, completely, focussed on pleasuring their cocks. “Tweaking hard” the man attached to the prick in my throat laughs as he starts assaulting my throat. “All the way son, you can do it” the sexual power within me agrees and he passes the ridge at the back of my mouth and sinks into my grazed throat. “Ugh” I cry “Good baby” he moans as a series of light gags register in the elastic of my ass, massaging the cock defiling my pussy. “Oh my fuck” the top exclaims breathlessly “Keep doing that boy. Keep massaging my …ugh” he ends as I feel his cum spray violently up my ass. “Oh fuck” he yells, grabbing my hips and squeezing “absorb it boy…every fucking sperm” he yells as his cock pours cum into my hole relentlessly. Load Count : XIV The guy in my ass bends over my cock-pierced body to lick the side of my face as the cock in my throat is quickly extracted. “More cum” I hear someone say and can’t discern whether it’s from the TV or the glorious hive of men around me. A few seconds later and long, very long, but think cock is wrapped in my semen-stained hole pumping incessantly into my anus. My head is pulled onto a deflating, cum-covered cock and my soul experiences the pleasure of receiving two cum loads at once. As I work my gullet on the cock that was just in my ass, the thin-cock of my latest top floods the depths of my ass. 3 or 4 deep spurts and I feel a pool of cum coalesce under his mushroom head, waiting it’s turn to find a way into my soft lining. Load Count : XV “Ugh…take it all boy…every fucking drop” he says, collapsing on top of my abs with a groan, dislodging the cum pool inside me and sending a river of hot sperm racing into my body. “Thank you” I gasp as the now clean cock extricates itself from my semen soothed gullet. I feel someone clamber on the bed next to me, kiss my sweat soaked face and tell me to “climb on” to a series of filthy cheers. I glance over at a very tan, silver-haired daddy with piercing green eyes and a hard, almost oblong shaped cock that was distinctly larger at the head then it was at the base. “Climb on son” he repeated indicating his dick and the thin member lodged in my ass was extracted in one perfect motion. My body doesn’t want to listen to me and it takes me a few moments, helped by a few of our spectators until I was straddling then tan daddy, his knotted cock kissing my hole. I manage to sit up and the angle perfectly allows him to impale me as I feel a set of strong hands keep me upright and another thick cock rub up against my already cock-pierced hole. The knotted cocks settles in me and I groan as hands push me forward so that I’m face to face with the daddy fucking me. He breaches my lips with an aggressive kiss as I feel another cock pushing at my sphincter. The drugs, firmly in control of my every passion, realise what’s happening before my body does. I register a bright flash of burning, exquisite pain as the second cock assaults my hole - one firm, aggressive shove and my sphincter snaps. The second cock is sucked into the vortex of my hole as I moan loudly into the mouth of the man kissing me. “Stay with me boy” he coos, as the second top lets out a loud “fuccccccck” his dock fully lodged next to the cock of the tan daddy, their angles prising apart my inner walls. I start to struggle Involuntarily as hands grab me to steady me. “just…fucking …breathe” the tan daddy manages to moan, smiling at me. Two bottles of poppers appear, one under each nose and as the familiar fumes hit me, the angry, firm head of the second cock starts to massage its exit and re-entry. “Oh god” the man behind me says as our audience celebrates. “Oh god!” I scream as someone else covers my mouth with theirs in a deafeningly powerful kiss. The man attached to the second cock starts a relentless pound that sends my mind into the stratosphere “There we go baby, let it all go - tonight is about fucking, hard cum-spraying, deep fucking” he whispers in my ear as I gargle and moan. “Already taken so many fucking loads kid” he mutters, angling his arms on my shoulders for more leverage as he stabs and thrusts alongside the knotted cock twitching next to him. “Haven’t you son? Just a cumdump for sperm” “Ugh” I cry “You know what all loads mean?” He barks at me as my brain struggles to find an answer over the sensations in my body. He chuckles “you’re going to find out” he says “very soon” he punctuates that last statement with a deep, sexual groan as the daddy under me almost yelps. I feel the knotted cock pulse, it’s like his dick expands and a sudden bloom of warmth indicates more cum. Stretched over two cocks I feel some of it seep out of me. “Fucking cumming” the man under me cries “There it is boy…all loads” the other top whispers as the bloom of warmth continues to fill me. Load count : XVI My body is pushed down so I’m face to face with the daddy again - his knot is still in me and we passionately make out. “Lost some cum there kid” someone says as my hair is roughly pulled up and I’m force fed fingers soaked in cum before being allowed back to my make out session with the knotted daddy. “Fucking take it lad” the thumping top still in me bellows as his movements push out the cock of the daddy under me. It pops out of my sphincter with a painful squelch as the top seats himself in my upper walls and releases 2 or 3 spurts of gorgeous, fiery warmth into me. It’s not a lot, but I can feel it’s heat - it clings to my upper anus where it’s quickly absorbed - the heat wave radiating up my spine and signalling my addled pleasure centres. Load Count : XVII As the second top disengaged with an exhausted slump over to the side of the bed, I see Guy climb into view to take his place at my gaped pussy. He continues to make eye contact with me as he slips his magnificent dick into me with barely any pressure of resistance - just warm, receptive guts, drenched in cum. “Rolling on tina baby?” He moans “Goddam little moist hole” he groans “We got you kid” he says thrusting with a deep and deliberate power. “Need you to feel it boy” he thrusts again, slamming hard into the red wall of my anus. I hear the cum squelch in me and someone says “look at all that cum greasing that cock” I try to look at the union of his cock in my ass, but hands keep me pinned in location. “Watching you take loads is almost as hot as watching you take drugs” he moans The words register in my brain, but the sex-fuelled energy within me immediately scrubs any associated meaning from my thoughts. “You’re so ready son - aren’t ya. You want all loads, want to get bred, want your pussy fucking knocked up?” He thrusts and watches me intently, angling another thrust in another direction up my ass “Ugh! Please, fuck me!” I cry and the men around us start egging guy on. “What else?” he asks, biting his lip and thrusting into me with terrible power “Oh God! And bred…” Another powerful thrust “and…” “Yeah, what else son…where do you want that cum?” “Up …up…my pussy” I tell deliriously please, breed me, fuck me. Ugh…please…Knock me up” That causes a ripple of ‘fuck yeahs’ from the men around us. “There it is!” Guy says triumphantly, looks over his shoulder at someone in the dim light behind him. “Good” thrust “fucking” thrust “boy” He closes his eyes as our audience cheers him on. “Knock him up, breed him, fuck him” He’s pounding my ass relentlessly - feeding the chemical hunger in me - to get fucked, bred, and seeded. “Fucking take it boy - been waiting so long to seed you.” His thrusts get less deep and more rapid as my sphincter goes into overtime pulsing along the length of his veiny shaft. “Give my babies a fucking home in you boy” as he buries himself deep, opens his eyes, and kisses me deeply as he blasts my hole with thick glorious cum. Load count : XVIII “Fucking got ya boy” he whispers as he comes down from his orgasm. He smiles at me, and moves my sweat matted hair out of my eyes “beautiful” he whispers “Ok Guy” Kem says advancing on me from behind him. “Fuck…I’m going to fucking cum” he yelps, as he moves into position on my ass. “Oh God baby” he yells, furiously jacking his cock over my winking, defiled pussy. He cums as soon as his cock touches my hole, and I feel his first spray coat my pulsing, battered ring before he sinks home with a roar. “Fucking hell yes” he groans Load count : XIX The men around us clap and holler as Kem gently pulls himself out of me. He moves on his knees to my face, his dick is coated in a thick layer of cum. “Suck me clean baby” He pushes it into my mouth and I moan in the ecstasy of tasting all the fresh cum extracted from my hole. “Mmmmm” I sigh Kem kneels down, satisfied he’s clean, picks up my chin and says “make us proud baby - take it all, ok?” I can’t really connect the dots, but he turns my head back to the TV where the main star of the film is on his knees getting pounded by a muscle bull of a man. I lick my lips as the picture is obscured by John - his glorious body backlit by the tv. He licks his lips as he sends a physical pulse to his heavy cock - it swings at his command and I can’t stop looking at it. “Fuck yeah” Kem growls next to me as a distinct hush falls upon the room “Please” I whimper as a glob of precum forms at the top of John’s piss slit as he clambers on to the bed and between my stretched out thighs. “I’m going to change your life baby” he growls, advancing upon me, cock first. “I’m going to fuck you so full of my special cum” I whimper as his dick licks my hole, a silver link of pre-cum deposits itself on my red ring - connecting us infinitely to each other in the chemical haze of my fantasy. “Once you take this load baby, there’s no going back” “Do it John” Kem says leaning into his husband for a deep kiss as John pushes his fat cock against my accepting hole. “Ugh” I moan “One little thrust baby” as he parts my ass “and my whole poz shaft will be in you - in you until I cum and poz you up, get you pregnant” I moan as his flared head pops into my cum-soaked hole and his entire cock sinks into me. The words he used “pregnant, bred, poz” don’t even register as concepts - the moment of hole widening penetration eradicating any sense of context or meaning. “I’m going to change your life baby - make you my good boy forever” he mutters to a murmur of assent from the men around us. “You’re going to be poz baby” he groans as my cunt massages him. “Poz?” I reply in a dream-like ecstasy of his penetration. He starts thrusting and my ass responds - tugging him in as he pulls out and pulsing with cum-drenched warmth as he pushes in. “Ugh…yeah…that’s right baby…going to dick you the fuck down.” He crushes me in a kiss as I hear the men start to repeat his claim on my ass “Poz him John - he needs it - knock him up” “Fuck yeah - I will! Give my load the perfect home in your tight little runner’s body” he grunts thrusting into me violently. He hits my prostate and I start to drool “Please” I groan “Yeah? You want it?” “Please…breed me…give me your babies, fuck me daddy” “I will baby” and he begins his descent into orgasm. His body is slick with sweat against mine, his eyes fixed on me. Time slows down as I gaze back. “Here it comes baby” he moans “Please…poz me” I say without warning “Knock me up…please” I don’t even think I knew what I was saying - just repeating the chorus around me. But it sealed us together with an almost magical chant - I felt his dick pulse as it unleashed its payload into me. It was an endless torrent of cum that warped my whole self around his cock. As his cum poured into me I felt a part of me - a small, but distinct part of my soul- pass into John - gratitude for what my body knew he was doing to me - for entrusting me to carry his babies forever. It was an ancient, powerful bargain and as he opened his eyes to meet mine - my legs wrapped around his strong mid-riff - I swear he saw it happen. My soul in return for his poz cum. “Please” I nearly cried “poz me” John caressed the sweaty mop of my hair “it’s up to you now baby - get pregnant for me, get pregnant for daddy” The energy coursing through my body feasted on the feelings emanating from the semen in my ass. As it gorged I felt all sensation drain away as a creeping, powerful sleep took me. Still impaled on John’s rigid cock, I passed out on a wave of chem-fuelled, sexual bliss. Load Count : XX
    3 points
  16. Sorry for the delay! I looked up at the guy from where I sat at the edge of bed, my eyes travelled up past his slightly sagging belly, over his tattoo and into his face. He gave me wicked looking grin as I met his eyes. "Why don't you let me show you something. Why don't you turn round and kneel on that bed, I'll make you feel something you've never felt." "Uhm, if we have sex...we should use condoms, have you got any?" I said. "Sure I could get one, but that isn't what I had in mind. I hesitantly turned around and knelt on all fours. I was torn, this seemed off, but at the same time I was so fucking turned on by this guy who was older than my father. "That's it" he said. I felt his hand, it felt warm but slightly rough as it traced up my inner thigh. I shivered as his hand grazed my tight balls and firmly grasped my cock. I couldn't help but gasp as he slowly began to pump his fist up and down. I'd never had a guy do anything like this to me before! "Now, lets see boy, you ever had that tight ass played with before?" "Uh..uh...no..." I felt a cold slimey feeling on my puckered asshole, then flinched slightly as I felt one of his callused fingertips press gently against it. But his slowly pumping fist on my cock kept me in place. After 5 minutes I was head down, ass up on the rubber mattress, moaning like I don't think I ever had. "Well, I think he likes it", I'd almost half-forgotten the guy behind me, I'd been so focussed on the waves of pleasure coming from my asshole. "Well boy, was that a first?", I nodded with my head still pressed into the mattress. "Well, how about a little bondage? You ever tried being tied up? Most bottom's like you love it." Was that what I was? I'd heard of bottoms before, had never thought of it as a label for me, but despite this thought, all I could do was nod my head, hoping to increase the pleasure coming from the finger in my ass and the hand round my cock. "You'll love it." I could almost hear the grin "Just put your hands up there, no, bit further." I reached my hands up, when he grabbed my wrists and wrapped them in what felt like leather, tight. I moaned as I felt the finger leave my ass, unconsciously thrusting my hips backwards. In it's place, I saw a small brown bottle put in front of me under my nose. "Take a deep sniff, you might need it." I was a bit confused, but was so turned on I did it without thinking. I took a deep breath and held it, as I exhaled I felt my head start to spin. Just as I peaked, I again felt the finger slide into my asshole and moaned as the pleasure was so much more. He grabbed my hips with one hand to steady me and I rocked back slightly further onto his finger. I then felt his other hand spank my ass hard, the sudden sting shocking me but also blending with the pleasure from my...wait.... "Is...fuck, is that your finger in me?" I stammered. "Nope." He said. Holy shit, was this saggy older guy fucking me? "I..what..do you...fuck..have a condom on?" The whole time I spoke I could feel his cock slide even further into my asshole. This was going way too fast for me to keep up, but at the same time the feeling of fullness as I felt his wiry pubes graze my ass was like nothing I'd ever felt. I was again shocked by a sudden flash of pain from my backside as he simultaneously withdrew and then stabbed his cock deep into my ass in one go and spanked my ass hard, much harder than last time. "You don't ask questions, boy."
    3 points
  17. "Hey, how's it going. First time here?" The guy lounged back onto the bench, smiled at me and slightly spread his legs, his towel revealing up to his upper thighs. "Uh yeah, found the place online, sounded interesting." I replied. His smile got a notch wider, "Well it certainly is that, interesting. You want me to show you around?" I'd pretty much seen the entire place, but I nodded anyway, scared to be rude to this confident older dude, and I'll admit, a little turned on. He got up and I followed him back out to the corridor. He pointed out all the things I had already seen mostly, but left the cabin facing the counter till last. "This is my favourite room, best in the whole place, want me to show you why?" Again I nodded, nervous but excited. "Well, if you step inside, you'll see" he said. I walked into the room and saw a raised platform across most of the room with a rubber wrapped mattress pad on top. The cabin had maybe 4 feet of floorspace before you got to the platform. I felt the guy step inside behind me, closing the door behind him. "See, very cosy. Why don't you sit thereon the bed, make yourself comfortable, I have." I turned around, unsure whether I should continue with where this was headed, and was shocked to be confronted with the guy completely naked, his cock rising at a semi from his wiry pubes, already larger than mine which chose that moment to spring to full attention, maybe 3/4 the size of his semi-soft cock. It had a narrow head on a thick shaft above heavy low balls. At this point I realised he was smiling at my slack jawed staring. "Looks like we both like what we see, why don't you take off the towel and sit down" I did mutely, staring at his body as I did. He stayed standing and stepped in, leaving his engorging cock a foot from my face. "I'm John by the way. Why don't you touch it? It won't bite" His cock twitched as he said the word bite. I glanced up at his face, no doubt looking dazed, but he was smiling and I felt my hand drift up and gently wrap around his shaft, warm and slightly soft to the touch. "So, you here to feel things out? Experiment? You looked pretty uncertain out there, can be a bit much your first time." "Um, yeah, I've wanted to come for a while, but hadn't gotten the nerve" I said. "So what kind of stuff did you want to experiment with then? You enjoying holding my cock?", I nodded, "Well, why don't you give it a stroke" My hand felt awkward at this angle, but apparently it felt good because his cock soon became fully erect, his piss slit pointed straight at my face. As I continued to pump my fist over his hard cock, a drop of clear fluid appeared at the tip of his cock, now waggling in front of my face ever closer. My mouth opened, almost in shock, but he obviously took it as an invitation because soon the head of his cock was past my lips, a salty taste on my tongue. He proceeded to put his fingers through my hair and guide my head gently up and down the first part of his cock. I got over my initial shock and went with what he was guiding me to do. This continued for 5 minutes before he backed away gently removing himself from my mouth. "That was great, you must have done that before" I shook my head. "Well, you're a natural. I like your tattoo by the way, does it mean anything?" I shook my head, "Not really, just something I made up. I like your tattoo as well, really cool scorpion design." "Cheers. So, you wanna try some more firsts?" he asked. "Sure"
    3 points
  18. For me the initial piercing wasnt't painful at all as wasn't stretching the hole afterwards. Now I've got a Reverse PA... the healing time has been a bit longer and stretching has been more painful than with the PA, but its worth it. I definitely don't want to miss my ring anymore.
    3 points
  19. I had looked through the online portfolios of all the artists in the tour to see if any had a gay erotic slant to their work. No luck. I'd just received disturbing blood test results the week before. We live in a rural area and I needed gay contact, at least a hot hookup to lift my mood. I wasn't ready to tell my partner who'd grown to be more like a critical brother than a lover over the years. Two of the portraits of male artists caught my eye. One looked Mexican, I love a dark skinned man,and this guy had a sweet looking face. The other had a cute boyish face and engaging twinkle in his eyes. They made it into my list of five stops. The oil paintings at our first stop were very bold, lots of layers and depth. Very good but nothing that grabbed and held my attention. Stop two were landscape watercolours, again technically excellent, but not my thing. Stop three was a farm house on a sheep ranch. Again watercolours, but this time of animals. At least in the first showroom. This was the guy whose promotion picture had the twinkle in his eyes. He greeted us on our arrival. 6 feet, slim, dressed in bluejeans and a simple white low cut v-neck t-shirt exposing a nicely muscled chest with a moderate whisp of dark hair. And his handsome face had those twinling eyes, which I hoped were communicating something about his sexual orientation. My partner and I had a great time chatting him up and our gaydars were firing at full tilt. He asked if we would like to see his more private collection and called his partner to watch the main exhibit as he showed us the way to the back closed in portch. Here beautifully displayed was the work I had been looking for when I researched this tour. Beautiful watercolours of handsome naked men, and groups of men engaging in orgies of sex. I noticed immediately there was no hint of condoms in these paintings, not even the obvious penetration depictions. My prick began to respond and I hoped he and my partner didn't notice. Well at least my partner. We hadn't had sex in years, agreed to an open relationship; but, mostly 'don't ask, don't tell'; which left me feeling like I was cheating to even use porn, let alone fuck around. Twinkle eyes clearly had noticed and increased the flirtatiousness of his banter especially toward me. Did I mention he subtlety touched his crotch? We talked about the art, Broadway plays, and sheep farming before he asked if I wanted to see the new batch of lambs out in the barn. 'He only had one extra pair of rubber boots, he could take my partner out after me if he wanted. ' Twinkle eyes and I were no sooner in the barn and his tongue was down my throat. When he pulled away his words raced out, "Give me a blow job, we don't have much time. " I deep throated his 6.5 inch dick and sucked with everything I had. He moaned and one of his hands was making it's way under my belt. I loosened my belt and opened my jeans. "Comando. As I expected when I first saw your bulge grow." , as he pushed a finger in my hole. "Fuck, I need this hole. Condoms are in the house but you don't need those do you. " as he released his boner from my mouth. "No, never use them!" I spat. " You tested lately?" Him spinning and bending me. "Yup" me And his hard raw cock had already penetrated my hole. He fucked me like there'd be no tomorrow, and soon blasted deep into my ass. Before I could say "Hey you " he was feltching the load and snowballing to me. " Lube my ass" he slurpped. I swallowed his cum, no hardship for me, and said "Not a good idea." As he was lining my cock up with his ass, "You tested lately." As my raw dick head penetrated his ring, "I'm positive." His hot ass felt amazing as he pushed on deeper. I'm not a great top and as often happens my ball sack was already unloading painting the walls of his gut. "Sorry man, sorry!" "Fuck yeah man, did you cum? Plunge and dump? I love it we need to get back inside." "OK, you must be on PreP?" "I live in the country, I rarely get a chance to get fucked. Why would I be on PreP?" "You just took my unmedicated poz load up your ass. I said I was tested recently, you didn't ask the result." We were back at the portch door so he turned and pseudo whispered, "Fuck man, you might have just pozzed me?" "I tried to warn you. You better get to an emergency ward fast, they can treat you. " "Fuck man." We proceeded into the portch to find our partners deep in conversation about cooking. Conversation continued quite naturally and comfortably for some time 'til his dark handsome husband invited us to stay for lunch. My hubby jumped at this and we moved to the kitchen. Twinkle eyes led the way, followed by my hubby. I was next followed by his partner. I felt him grab my hips, push his crotch into me as he nibbled on my ear and whispered, "No fooling me, I can smell the cum in your ass. My turn next."
    2 points
  20. So aparrantly I've been taking too much advantage of living walking distance from a college, with the ability to host, that the traffic in and out of my place made the neighbors think I was doing something illegal. Cops watched house. Questioned me yesterday with my older brother well known attorney. Annnnnd without time to even think about it I had to tell my brother all about it and even show him my grindr messages. He then explained to the cops and they closed it out. I ended up telling my other brother also. Yea. That was a lot to reveal.
    2 points
  21. I'm realizing the numbers add up to a few but also can't think of i time I regret it. My problem is that what I look for is older guys a little on the [banned word] side lol, which I have a few and each is a different experience that I enjoy. Living walking distance from a college its hard to say no when a cute guy my age with a great cock hits me up and can come right over. And sometimes those opportunities come together at once. There are guys on my automatic yes list that when they hit me up I dont even think for a second before saying come over. Like the dl straightish type with a serious girlfriend that doesn't suck dick. He's here for college and has no problem getting as many bjs as he can while here. Well there are a few of those. So some days I can be busy but I still enjoy it all.
    2 points
  22. It's Halloween and I just turned 21 so I decided to celebrate by going to my first bar tonight. I have always been a good boy getting straight A's in school doing well physically going to the gym everyday so it helped to have a nice toned body that got me a lot of attention but I never acted on it. At 21 I was your typical blond hair blue eyed surfer type even though I never set foot on a board before. I spent all my time in the gym to get a tight body with a six pack and tight toned arms to go with it. All this went well with my dick and ass. I had a good 7 inches 9 when fully hard and with all the squats I do I have a well rounded bubble but that a lot I liked because I would see others checking it out when I walk by. Living in Ybor I had seen and heard of many places that cater to the gay crowed as well as the straight crowed and I never really defined myself as straight or gay because at 21 I am still a virgin and have only had experience with my hand. I have checked out both men and women that go to the gym I go to and thought both genders we attractive but can't decide which I like. I decided tonight was my night to find out. I picked out a costume and decided to go as zorro so I would have a mask on and no one would recognize me if I went to anyplace that my friends would go and be anonymous. I wasn't going to wear the shirt because I wanted to show off my body and underneath the pants I wore a kinky jockstrap that I found online with no front either. It was around 8pm and I decided it was time to head out for the night so I ordered an uber to take me to downtown Ybor where I could start my night. I picked the first bar at random and it was packed. There were all manner of people in costumes ranging from nice to very naughty and I was a bit scared. I went to the bar and ordered myself a drink. The bartender was an attractive man around my age with next to nothing on. I could see a pair of gold shorts on and a bowtie around his neck and nothing else. Seeing his body made me blush because it was much beefier than my own and it was shining from the lights and the body glitter he had all over himself. He smiled at me and chatted with me asking if it was my first time here and I nodded unable to use my words. He just chuckled and handed me a drink saying it was on the house. I thanked him and took a sip and he just winked at me and said he would hope to see me again tonight and went back to serving drinks to others. I turned around and leaned against the bar watching everyone dance, make out or bump and grind against each other. It dawned on me that my first choice of club was a gay club and I felt really comfortable and not at all shocked that some of the guys there had their cocks on the outside of their costumes and getting rubbed in public or the ocassianl fingers sliding in an exposed ass. I actually could feel myself getting hard in my jock. A few noticed as they walked by and more than a few slid their hands on it as they went by me and it felt great. I drank the rest of my drink and I flagged the hunky bartender down and asked for another. He smiled and said it looked like I was having a good time and nodded at the hard on I was sporting in my costume. I blushed again and nodded to him. He handed me another drink and said again it was on him and that any other drinks were on him for as long as I was there and if I wanted to keep the party going to be around when he got off shift and he would take me to where the real party would be. I told him sure and thanked him for the drink and took it with me as I went exploring through the club. I saw more and more acts of pleasure walking deeper and deeper in. I saw a wizard sucking an alien, a pirate rimming a doctor and a superman even fucking a batman and I was getting more and more turned on. All while walking through all of this I was being groped and I was completely at ease with it especially when I felt someone sliding their hands down my costume and playing with my hole. Their fingers were wet and it felt amazing making me groan a bit when they slid a finger in my hole. It hurt some since I never had anything in there before in my life but it soon became warm and pleasurable. I looked back and saw it was someone dressed as Captain America but instead of his costume he was completely naked and had his body painted as his suit. He looked amazingly toned like me standing about six feet tall and he had a huge hardon which looked about 10 inches long and as thick as a beer can. He smiled at me and added a second finger in stretching me open and I leaned back into him, lowering my pants and giving him more access to my ass. He licked my neck as he pushed more into me and whispered in my ear asking if I was having fun tonight. I yelped a yes as I felt his nails scrape me a bit and I said it hurt some. He apologized and slid his fingers out making me feel empty. I told him it was ok and asked him not to stop because it felt so good. He smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me which surprised me. His lips felt so soft and warm and his tongue made its way into my mouth. I mimicked what he was doing since this was the first time I kissed anyone let alone another guy. It felt so nice and right I was in total bliss. I didn't notice him slicking up his cock until he was sliding it up and down my crack pausing momentarily at my hole and applying slight pressure on it. I couldn't believe that my first time was about to be in this public club in front of all these people and the fact of it all was that this hunk was about to fuck me bare. I learned all about safe sex in school and what could happen not using a condom and what you could get. I was fearful for a moment and I think he could sense that from me. He paused for a moment and reached down for his shield that he set against the wall and I was relieved a bit thinking he was getting a condom that he set with it. He brought his arms around me and had an open little brown bottle that he brought up to my face. He opened it and held one side of my nose closed and held the bottle to the other side and told me to breath as deeply as I could and hold it. Needless to say I did so without second guessing and held my breath until he told me to let go and repeated the same with the other side. My head was swimming and my body heated up and all I could think of was getting this man's cock buried into my hole and with that thought I grabbed his cock and lined it with my hole and started to push back onto it not thinking again if it was wrapped or not. He knew what he did worked as he grabbed onto my shoulders and slowly start to ease into me letting my hole get used to him more and more until he was fully in. He reached up with the bottle again and I repeated what happened again feeling looser than when we first started and it took any discomfort that was there from this enormous cock away leaving me with nothing but pleasure. He slid out of me almost all the way and then went down to the Hilt again and again causing more moans out of me. We drew a crowd of other men watching us and the all were stroking their cocks enjoying the show before them. I was in pure lust mode and started to beg for the captions dick more and more. A cock presented itself to my face and I started to lick and suck it learning as I went on what seemed to feel great from the moans I heard and the more this man shoved in my throat. I shocked myself finding out that this man's dick went all the way down my throat with ease and my nose was buried into his pubes and this excited him and myself even more. I could feel his cock get harder after more and more he fucked my throat and I knew he was close to cumming and I debated whether I would pull off or not but the answer was given to me when he grabbed me by the back of the head and held me in place as he unloaded his cum right down my throat. I could feel the man that was fucking me start to get harder as well and for a moment I broke out of my trance and reached back to feel his cock and see if he had a condom on but when I felt it I didn't feel anything wrapping it which made me start to panic. I tried to pull away but the crowd was too dense. I couldn't and he sensed that and held my body and gave one final thrust and came so hard in my ass. His orgasm sent me over and I came at the same time as he did and it felt like it was the most powerful orgasam I ever had jerking off. I didn't even realize that my pants were pulled down and there was a guy with a cup collecting my cum in it. I was curious as to why they did that and the guy who collected it kissed me and told me I would find out soon enough. Captain america pulled out with a pop and he was soon replaced with another who was just as big as he was. He took no time in burying his cock into my ass to the hilt and just as the previous he pounded my hole with speed and again as before I reached back and felt no condom on him either. He also held up that brown bottle and as before my head was swimming causing me not to care about him with no condom. It didn't take this newcomer long before I felt him swell and add another load to the second. He held me hard and brought me in for a deep kiss and asked me if I was having a good time still. It took me a second but I recognized the voice and looked back. It was the bartender from earlier. I smiled up at him and said yes my first time has been amazing. He looked shocked and I said to him that this was my first time in a gay club as well as my first time having sex at all. Well shit he said your first time and you go to Ybors gay poz club? I looked at him shocked, not understanding what he was saying. He picked me up like I was nothing and carried me into a quiet place and explained that this club was a place meant for guys who were HIV positive and I already took two of the most viral guys here. I was so shocked, scared and for some reason extremely turned on. I never even thought of this before but now that it is happening my brain is telling me that this is what was meant to happen to me. I smiled and grabbed him and kissed him deeply and got to my knees and sucked a poz load out of this man and said to him let's go back out so all the tricks can have this treat. The End
    2 points
  23. Chapter 7: Waiters Confessions. We arrived at the waiters apartment at 9, surprised he was already home. This time he answered the door completely naked. He suggested we get naked, and meet him at the pool for drinks. Of course we agreed! As he served the drinks, I asked if Tina would be joining us. He said likely later, but wanted the three of us to talk first. I reluctantly agreed. He began by saying that he was a very close friend of my partner, and that my partner had told him about my recent relationship with my new dad. He continued by saying that he also had a special relationship with his dad, but it was nothing like mine was. He explained that it was his dad that pozzed him. Although I already knew this, I acted as though i was in total shock. He explained that he had no idea that his father was poz, and he stealthed him. Once he converted, his father shamed him for being a cum dump, and that he deserved what he got. He continued by saying that when he was going through the fuck flu, his dad insisted on dropping a minimum of 2 loads in him daily, regardless of how bad he felt. He said he was aware of my partners and my conversations on becoming poz, and that he hoped I was open to the possibility of him helping my partnrer breed me once i had the flu and that if i was OK with it he too would go off of his meds and help me with my flu. By this time, all of us were starting to get hard. He continued by saying that at first he regretted what his father had done to him, but later realized it wasn't a horrible thing. He said that i should be happy that i found a partner that was still a pig, but treated me with respect unlike his father did. I asked the waiter if he had any regrets. He said not really, as it had made him the pig he was. He said I guess my father was right, I was a cum dump, although he didn't feel like he took more loads than other guys. He said his only regret was how his father treated him, and that after his dad converted him, he didn't have much interest in him besides sharing him with his other toxic friends. He also regretted finding out that it was his dad that converted him in one of their group sessions when his dad was bragging about it. This was so odd to me as my new dad insisted we be tested and negative. Unlike the waiters dad, apparently mine wax not interested in pozzing. I then asked what the positive side was to it, and he said there were many. He said that he wasn't chasing, but knew there was a possibility he would become poz, and when he did, a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders. He said that the best part of it was that after conversion he began to top guys. He said it was odd that he really didnt top, especially with his huge cock, but just preferred the feeling of raw cock and cum up his ass. I could relate to that!He said that at the time, he did go on meds. Then one day, someone approached him and asked if he would poz them, and he went off his meds to do so. The waiter said there was much more, and turned it over to my partner. Next Chapter. Partners Confession
    2 points
  24. This is taking a very hot turn 🥵 I can’t wait for the rest to unfold…
    2 points
  25. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_l9hpmQsUzXLu rest stop breeding
    2 points
  26. Chapter 6: Meth Monster? When we woke the next morning, i said lets watch the video again, This time without lighting up the pipe. We layed naked on the bed, kissing and playing with each others cocks. Although we had watched it the night before, we were both pretty high in the clouds then. The video started with me in the sling, and the waiter being both a verbal and physical tease. He was rubbing his huge cock on my hole asking if I was ready for the sting of the scorpion. After all, he said he was undetectable and Tina made me say Yes Sir. He then just slipped the head of his cock in asking if i wanted to be one of his many sons. Again I said Yes Sir. He said it was my last chance to say no, that one breeding typically gave him a new son. I just said breed me Sir! With that, he shoved his cock in me to the base, and fuckt me harder than I'd ever been fuckt! As he was about to cum he simply said welcome to the Brotherhood! While he was fucking me, my partner offered me a brown bottle, and began jacking. Once the waiter blew his nut in me, he told my partner to fuck me, pushing his toxic load deep in me. He told me I was to jack off and shoot my last negative load, which i did. I did have Tina dick, but still was able to shoot my load over my head! After the video ended, my partner said it was a good idea to suggest watching it again. He continued by saying that he was proud of me for taking what I thought might have been a toxic load that night. He concluded by saying that he was sorry that he made me wait a month to see it, but he had his reasons. After another amazing breeding session, we both fell back asleep. I woke first around 5pm, and aroused him from his sleep saying we missed checkout. He laughed and said the motel charged by the hour! He said it was a good thing the motel didn't have a true maid service and that the maid didn't find us breeding. I laughed and said I hope she wears gloves cleaning the room, especially the cum soaked sheets! As it was a weekend, and we didn't have classes, we stayed until around 6. My partner reminded me that we had both been excited about trying Tina, but that we had to be careful that we didnt become addicted to it, to which i agreed. He said that he felt the waiter had an addiction, and although he had given us some for free, it could well be to lure us in until he started selling it to us. It was something I'd never thought about. I agreed that Chem sex was fun with others, but agreed it should be in moderation, and never when it was the two of us breeding. He smiled and agreed. After our conversation we then returned to the waiters restaurant, once again asking for his section. When he came to the table, he said no champagne for you 2, just strong black coffee! He said to enjoy our dinner, and that he was off early if we wanted to join him at his place later. Of course we agreed! We'd meet him at his place at 9! Well of course we did!
    2 points
  27. I may have commented on this before, forgive me if I'm repeating myself. I'm 64, so condoms were the exception when I first started having sex. Contrary to popular belief, when HIV/AIDS emerged in the early 80s it wasn't as if everyone immediately started using condoms. There was a lot of confusion, fear, panic and conspiracy theories being bandied around. Sound familiar? I accepted condom use, even though I didn't really like how it felt as a bottom or top, but there were "lapses," because sex is a primal urge and it's not always possible to be "reasonable" in the face of circumstances. It must have been shortly before PreP became a "thing" that I was with a guy, in position to take his dick when he asked outright, "Do you want to take the load?" I'd told him I was positive with a low viral load; after a second to think I answered "This is an option? Sure!" I guess that must have been 2010-ish? Sorry I don't remember exactly, but I never looked back. Bare became the default, even on the occasions I'd top.
    2 points
  28. Years ago right around when I first moved to Seattle, I had run into Drew Sebastian at Steamworks. He fucked me hard and good, came in my ass. He was undetectable at the time, but wish that his big dick would have pozzed me that night.
    2 points
  29. Back in the day when I was newly out as QUEER, the saunas were my second home.
    2 points
  30. Chapter 2: True Confessions After downing our drinks, he told me there were 2 things that I should know about him. He started out by saying that he had recently tried Tina for the first time, and was amazed as how it enhanced his sexual experiences, particularly as a bottom. I explained that I've heard that it was great for bottoms, but that tops would often get Tina dick. He looked at me laughing and saying that Tina was the reason he wanted me to become a top. He continued by saying don't be offended, but although he felt I had become a good top, I was lacking in equipment. He continued by saying that with Tina, that didn't really matter, and that he often smoked before we had our topping lessons! I truly had no idea. Usually when I fucked him, he didn't get hard, but then again, neither did I when getting fuckt. I told him that I had never done Tina, but was curious, but never knew anyone that I trusted to do it with. He said that I did now. He said he didn't have any now, but once he did, he would let me try it if I wanted. I said I'd like that. Onto Confession 2. He again suggested we have another drink before it. All I could think is WTF could it be? After downing our drinks, he asked me what I thought about becoming positive. He was surprised when I told him, I had thought about it, and that I too had a Confession to make. I told him as he knew, I was relatively new to the BB scene, but I've done some research on it, including becoming poz. I explained that before returning to college, I thought that I may have had the fuck flu and was tested for the first time. I was scared as fuck, yet still excited about it for some reason. I didn't think that my new dad or brother were poz but I'd been fucked at their orgies, and who knows. I was naive, and never asked, but then again even if asking, guys lie. He then asked me what I would say if he told me he was positive, but on meds and considered undetectable. I explained that unlike many guys, I understood the U=Undetectable. I then asked him if he had the intention of ever becoming full blown, and he said absolutely not. He said that we were of similar ages, and likely both saw what a horrible death it was. He continued by saying that someone close to him lost their life from it. With that, he crawled in bed spooning me. Although his cock was hard, he didn't enter me. The night was rough on me. So much going through my mind. I sensed that he was actually crying after telling me about loosing someone close to him. I was tossing and turning, and it wasn't long before he retreated to his own bed. I was actually quite happy about that. The next morning, well actually early afternoon, he had got back in bed with me. I felt blessed his hard cock pressing against my ass and said fuck me. He said he wanted to, but suggested we go to brunch first and then back to the room to make love for desert. I agreed.
    2 points
  31. Antonio Biaggi Fucked me raw and shot his massive load deep in my ass. I always had fantasized about him from watching his movies and imagined if I ever got the opportunity to hook up with him I would take his load even if he was poz. He was really very nice to me but didn’t even ask about a condom when he put me on my back and slid into me. I was so nervous that my body was shaking all over. He could tell I was nervous so he just smiled at me and kissed me for a moment and said: “relax baby. This is why you are here” and then proceeded to fuck my brains out so hard and then just moaned and I felt his body shake and his monster cock jerk inside me as he unloaded a massive load in me. I just lay there in awe. Then he pulled out and kissed me on the cheek and started getting dressed. So I did the same and said thank you and walked out the door, thinking to myself that I may have just been oozed by the hottest man ever
    2 points
  32. part 3 Coming out of memory lane I looked hard at Ethan and felt nothing but the love that we shared from our past. He no longer looked like the sexy guy next door but one hunk of a man that could easily be a model. He cut his hair in military style and his face was strong and manly. He grew taller than me so he was no longer shorter than me but a good three inches taller. I could feel that he was ripped under his shirt when we hugged and now that I am looking at him clearer I admired the bulging arms and legs as well. Ethan now had piercings in his ears and his lip and his arms were covered completely in tattoos as well and I was getting hornier for him more and more by the second. He broke me out of my trance and was asking me about what I had been up to all of these years. I started telling him about my life after his parents split us apart and teared up when I said to him that I didn't think I could ever find anyone to love me as he did when we were together which made him tear up and grab me into another bear hug an we went through another round of sobbing onto each other. We settled down again but we were both grinning from ear to ear and both agreed that the universe believed we belonged together even after all these years apart. Well Tom, my heart couldn't feel better because I felt the same way when my bitch mom caught us and acted the way she did and I haven't seen or spoken to my parents once I turned 18 and moved out on my own. I went to college for massage therapy and also studied to be a tattoo artist and piercer and have a successful business doing both as well as a growing only fans page that has made me a lot of money to open a great porn shop as well so other than being heartbroken since then I have made something useful of my life. I sat there in awe listening to Ethan's tale of his life and was happy to hear one of us was doing so well since I had only been going to school to be a nurse there wasn't more about my life that I was doing. "So Tom, let's get to my place so we can get more comfortable and get ready for pride shall we?" I nearly jumped into Ethan's arms when he said that and to say I wasn't even more excited to be with him than I was when I didn't know it was him would be a lie. I quickly grabbed him and planted another kiss on him and grabbed my bag and walked out of my apartment with him to his car. When we got to his place I was in awe that he had lived in such an amazing apartment building. We walked to the front door and were greeted by the doorman as he opened the door for us to come in. Once we walked through the lobby I asked him which floor he lived on and was shocked more when he told me he lived in the penthouse on the top floor. We stepped in the elevator and it was a quiet ride up due to the other people in the elevator but I was squirming the whole time with excitement to see how my lost lover lived. The ding of the elevator brought me out of my daydream and then unexpectedly Ethan grabbed me and lifted me like I was nothing and carried me through his door like a groom would do for his bride after their wedding and kissed me before letting me down to see his apartment. While I looked at everything from his doorway I didn't hear the door close and didn't realize that Ethan had also gotten naked and then he started to undress me as well. "Sorry Tom but when I am home I never wear clothes and neither do the ones I bring home either, that's my rule here" Ethan said with a smile. I smiled back at him and told him that I lived by the same rules too and it made us both laugh at that. After removing my clothes I looked at Ethan all over and I started to drool. Ethan had the body of a football player now and was completely smooth from the neck down showing off all his rippling muscles and covered in ink as well. My gaze went lower and I saw two biohazard tattoos in red at his V line leading to the cock that first took my virginity. It looked bigger and thicker than I remembered and was now sporting a great looking PA piercing and a jacobs ladder on the sides and it took all I had not to drop down and suck him right there. Ethan pulled me close to him and my smaller frame seemed to melt right into his larger frame like we both fit together and he kissed me deeply. From there he held me by the waist and started to show me around his apartment. He showed me his room, kitchen, living room, bathroom, and then led me back to an area that was covered with a thick red velvet curtain. Ethan pulled the curtain aside and revealed a black door with a red biohazard symbol on it with red paint dripping down from it. I looked up at him with a huge grin knowing what was going to be behind it and I could see a glint in his eyes as well. I opened the door and he flipped the switch bathing the room in a red light showing what my inner pig had always desired. I walked around and looked at all the different toys and tools and decided I wanted all of them to be used on me. I looked at Ethan and he was stroking his 8 inch cock making his veins show and his PA bounce. Without saying anything to my lost lover I grabbed a bottle of lube and started to coat my hole in it and position myself on the fuck bench and wiggled my ass to get him to come over and fuck me. Ethan all but ran over to me and positioned his cock head on my hole and slid the tip up and down causing me to shiver, feeling the cold metal of his PA grazing my hole. This might freak you out Tom but I don't go in easily. I try to tear a bottom hole so my seed will absorb quicker so there is a 100% chance my load will take and my doctor told me I have the highest viral count he had ever seen before. Hearing this made my cock and hole twitch and I couldn't be happier knowing the man I loved more than anything will be my gifter. I got up for a moment and looked him dead in the eyes and said "Ethan I want you to be as rough as you want with me and it will make me the happiest to have you to be the one to convert me and be my POZ daddy. Ethan smiled at me brought me in for a deep kiss and I got back in position and there was no hesitation anymore and Ethan slammed into my hole causing me to scream so loudly "FUCK THIS IS GOING TO BE AN AMAZING PRIDE" More to cum before pride
    2 points
  33. First, MoonDreamer, I'm so very sorry you went through all of this. It's truly inhumane. The fact is, that some folks are too weak in their own self esteem to accept that there are other perfectly normal folks that are innately drawn to want sex with their own gender. We can debate the root causes, but the effect - regardless of the source - is the same. It's a terrible event to be rejected by someone we care for because of our inborn nature, but it happens over and over and over again. The fact that he lashed out at you upon discovering your true, inborn nature would indicate a low level of self confidence or self esteem in your friend, yet that is often the case. No matter how difficult it is to accept, there's still a lesson we can learn when this kind of thing happens, that being our own power to forgive the perpetrator of the abuse. Once that's accomplished, you can gradually allow this poisonous memory to fade, and learn from the experience. We can grow into better men ourselves, after something like this happens. Since it seems that an in-person conversation might be avoidable, maybe you can write him a carefully crafted letter, explaining that you're unwilling to carry his learned hatreds anymore, and you hope that some day, some how, he can overcome his hateful, unfounded fears. And then, simply forgive him. He may not read it, but that's not the real point: the healing point is that you wrote it, mailed or delivered it, and he cannot harm you anymore. You don't need to go into all the details of the injuries; he knows what he's done. Maybe one day he'll even ask you for your forgiveness. But don't let that anticipation prevent you from moving on with your life. Put his hatreds in a drawer you hardly ever open, and let them sit in that dark drawer all by themselves - be done with them. There's a huge, wide, wonderful world out there, waiting of you to experience it. There are many, many caring guys on this site, and when one of us is harmed, we're all harmed too - so please let us know how you are progressing. Best of luck, and we're all rooting for you.
    1 point
  34. I have been browsing BZ for over a year now, and it was not until last week I dove head-first into my first experience. I downloaded Grindr shortly after my breakup with my ex-girlfriend. Keep in mind I have never fucked a guy, so browsing Grindr made my anxiety increase ten-fold, which prompted a search for "anonymous only" bottoms that were okay being ass-up and on all fours when I walked in. I just wanted a safe cum-and-go scenario. We exchanged dick/ass pics, and he immediately gave instructions on where to find him. The drive was difficult, because on one hand I was anxious about STDs, and I was so thrilled on the other. Once I arrived, I saw him ass-up, definitely lubed, and he was smoking a cig under a blanket that covered the back of his head. On the table beside me were poppers, condoms, wipes, silicone lube, along with a cig if I wanted it. I immediately dropped my pants and removed my shirt before pressing my already hard cock between his cheeks. In the meantime, I grabbed a condom all while the anon guy was pressing his ass back against my cock, trying to slip it inside before I could wrap myself. As I struggled to open it with my silicone covered hands, the guy positioned himself forward so that the tip of my cock is pressed against his hole, and I swear I didn't have time to pull away as I slid easily into his raw hole. With the condom ready in hand, I pulled back and thought to myself for a moment, "Well, I've already been inside him... I might as well keep going." As I slid back inside, he felt so warm and velvet-like, and he "pushed out" his hole, which squeezed every inch of my cock perfectly. It looked like I was fucking a small rosebud, which was surprisingly erotic. Once I was about to cum, I swear I came harder than I ever have with anyone else. To fuck an anon hole raw was something I never knew I could be addicted to. I fucking love the fact the anon bottom slid me into his hole without any word. Of course, I was anxious once I was on my way home about STDs, but I really don't think that'll stop me again in the future. Maybe I like the fetish of being "safe preferred/only" and ending up bareback? Who knows.
    1 point
  35. @FFPuppigboi ... Great mohawk pig, and a fine looking ass that is ripe for the taking to be trained to be just how I like it; gaping, blooming, and dripping! A very sexy pup! 🔥👅
    1 point
  36. Part 7 - Uninhibited In this position, ass up on a couch with a line of men behind and around me, my mind recalls a porn film I always like to watch, I’d never admit this to any of my friends, but my tastes in porno have always run a little dark and memories of Liam Cole’s Slammed dace unbidden across my mind as that scene of a club kid being bent over a couch and impaled by massive cocks contrived to enhance my horniness. As a monster dick presses against my still tight hole, and another appears before my face, I determine to recreate the moment when two cocks punished the star over a black couch. My ass opened in a sudden piercing motion that shook my frame with short lasting pain as the cock stretched my hole further then it had been that night. My mind refocused back in my ass as the cum soaking my anal walls greased the entry - I could almost feel the dick pull the semen coating my anus deeper into me. At the same time a cock, essentially the same width, was forcing my throat into subservience. A new bottle of poppers appeared next to me and was left under each nostril for too-long a time as I tried to tell them it was enough through gentle moaning. As the first wave hit me I felt a violent shove of the cock in my mouth and it secured a shattering victory over my throat and lurched deep into my oral cavity. A slight burning sensation greeted the dick in my ass as it destroyed the curve that had been in me since the last fuck, and released an unknown pool of the ice water into the soft walls of my ass. Both guys moaned simultaneously as I felt their scratchy pubes crushing against my nose and ass. “Whoah” I hear someone say loudly as I was totally impaled on cock - my every hole nothing more than a playground for men’s pleasure. The next thrust came from the man stretching my hole, gently pressing my face further against the pubis of the man throat fucking me. More waves of poppers-fuelled energy washes over me and a low moan sends vibrations through my whole body, massaging the pulsating cocks defiling me. “Good fucking god” one of them said as I felt them lean into one another and kiss. “Look at how beautiful he looks” I heard someone say, a flash going off here and there at the corner of my senses. Another thrust in my ass and I gagged on the cock in my throat. “Daddy likes it when you gag boy - hit him again Steve” I assumed Steve was the guy in my ass and, still buried entirely in me, he pushed forward. Phlegm rose up in my throat and I hurried to swallow it causing a repeating pulse deep in my oral canal. “Fuck - ok” the guy in my mouth said. “Almost got me pup” he laughed as he started to pull his thick prick out of my bruised throat. “Yeah?” Someone said “Penalties for loads in the throat remember” the same man said as the room murmured its horny agreement. As his cock pulled entirely out of my mouth I got a full look at the man in front of me. An absolute demon of a man - tall to the point of towering with a thick set of gym-honed muscles covered in a sheen of sweat that made him look dangerous in the glittering light. His head was totally shaved and he wore a tight beard and black glasses. His cock, free from my mouth, was hard but hung low between his thighs with the sheer weight of its thickness. He saw me looking, squatted down in front of me and pulled me roughly into a deep, physical kiss. “Told you he would be worth it” I hear John exclaim. “Made us wait though” the guy kissing me replied, breaking our kiss but holding me firmly in one meaty hand. “Didn’t you pup? Bet you thought you’d gotten away” the men behind me laughed as he retook my mouth in his, before telling me to open wide and spitting hard down my open throat. “No escaping fate though pup” he said with an expressionless face, “not for holes like you” he finished with a gentle slap to my face. “Breed him Steve” he said holding my head firmly in his hand and watching me intently as Steve began to pull and push at the elasticity of my hole. “How’s he doing” Guy asks from nowhere after about 10 minutes of relentless stretching. All the while being held in place by the threat of the muscle god clasping my chin. “Get Zeke” the muscle God says nonchalantly as John appears next to them both and squats down to make eye contact with me. “Oh fuck - yeah - good call!” He replies, lifting himself off his haunches, his glorious dick almost grazing my lips, and striding out of the room leaving me to look at Guy and muscle God as they make out before me. A few hands start playing with my body as Steve shoves in me at an angle that causes a slight break in the elastic of my ass. It feels as though something snaps within me as he hits the spot over and over again. I start moaning at the sensations and my eyes involuntarily close. “Uh uh pup - keep your eyes open - I wanna see you take it” muscle god says I reopen my eyes to meet his. “Be strong for daddy” he says almost smiling as Guy watches me and jacks his meaty cock. Steve cries out and continues to batter the same spot inside me with a constant force causing me to shift my knees to compensate. As I move, his thick cock curves directly into one of my inner walls. His cock head is suddenly buried in soft, pulsing, velvet warmth and he yelps in ecstasy and unleashes a sudden torrent of cum. Furious spurts of life-affirming sperm-laden semen are deposited into previously undefiled walls of my inner self. As he pulses cum into the soft lining of my hole, my ass struggles to absorb it all and a glorious pool of sperm starts flooding the rest of my guts with silken, living lubricant. Load Count: VIII As the cum flows into me, my mind races unbidden to the freedom of the star of Slammed - the porno I enjoyed so often - and I heard my self whisper it’s name, rooting me to the memory of the man in the film who was exploring his own uninhibited self: “Slammed” I whisper again as the cum fills me. The muscle God peered at me and said “the fuck did you say?!” “Fucccckkkk” Steve groaned as his orgasm subsided, “2 more boi, 2 more” as he shot twice more into me. Muscle god didn’t repeat his question but started smiling at me as the cum filled my rectum. “You’re built for loads pup” he chuckled as I saw John reappear. “Ok boy. When Steve pulls out, you’re going to sit up and clean him off. Then Zeke and you are going to put on a show for us, got it?” “Oh shit…now?!” someone asks “Yes now” John responds looking back over my shoulder at whoever asked “he’s ready” The muscle god whispers something to John as they stand up together and I see John start beaming proudly. “The fuck he did?!” He almost laughs “Seriously!” muscle god replied and John looked at me. “Well…who knew!” he said tussling my hair. Muscle god looks at me and I hear him say “when we move him upstairs, I wanna try something” John looks back to him and nods his assent. As John and the muscle god continued talking, Steve began to pull out of my ass. His sensitivity made it intensely difficult for him as my hole tried to keep him in me with a desperate grip. A few times he said ‘relax kid, for the love of god’ and “breathe - you won’t be empty long” - after a minute of pulling he was able to pop his thick head out of sphincter with an exhausted groan. “Jesus wept” he said breathing hard from the effort. “All right, remember your task boy?” John said glaring at me. “Do it…show me you’re ready for more cock” “Fuck” Steve breathed behind me. “Ok…I’m ready. Come to me” “We’ll be waiting” John said as he Guy and muscle god moved out of sight behind me. I felt my limbs like they were phantom parts of me returning to my mind, I groggily moved my arms so that I was upright, kneeling on the couch. “There you go boy - keep going” Direction is hard to comprehend for some reason, but I slowly turn my body around and plonk my un-responsive frame into a sitting position in front of Steve and his softening, cum covered cock. Behind him in the dark I see a host of different men I couldn’t recognise, only the thick, outstanding form of muscle God as he vanishes into the throng. John and Guy are visibly forward from the rest, illuminated by the dim light as they molest the hot twink from earlier, paying me no attention - confident I’d make them proud. As I adapt to sitting, Steve tells me I’m a good boy and guides my face the rest of the way. “Come get your reward” he says gently pushing his soft cock into my eager mouth. I close my eyes as I taste the cum of multiple men on his warm shaft and the now familiar heat of my own ass. A few minutes pass sucking Steve clean before I feel hands prise me off his glorious prick. “Ok - good boy” John says, “Zeke, you ready?” The twink appears at his side, and nods as John takes his hand, directing him towards me. “One sec” John says, grabbing the flawless twink in a tight embrace and kissing him deeply. “Do well tonight Zeke and you’ll get your reward” John says, caressing the twink’s shivering face. Guy reinforced the message by sticking a digit into the twink’s hole and whispering something about getting me ready. I saw the twink moan loudly as the two men abused him as the line of men behind them moved closer. I’m horny watching John and Guy - not the horniness you’d associate with getting hard, since I couldn’t - for me the horniness bloomed in the crevice of my ass - a yearning to be filled, to worship the men before me, accept their cum and bear there pleasure. Guy disengages his finger from the twink’s hole, reaches to a nearby shelf and hands him something as John turns him fully towards me, chewing on his pale neck. “Get after it son” John says and loudly slaps the twink’s pert ass leaving a print of his massive hand on his flawless skin. All eyes turn to me and I sense the hunger in the room as the twink draws close. Around me I hear the music again - it’s always been there - but suddenly it’s loud, a cacophonous symphony as the twink takes his place on top of me, straddling my caged crotch, and smiling softly.
    1 point
  37. Two days ago. After I got de home after fucking my casual partner in his apartment and his cum in my ass, I got a text from a horny 18 year old. Soon he was in my apartment and stayed until morning. He filled my ass three times with copious spurts of cum
    1 point
  38. 20,000 give or take a 1000, i have been to allot of gangbangs🥰 last night i hosted a BBC gangrape and got pounded and breed 14 times, everyone loves my hole
    1 point
  39. I am now 59 years old and as a TOP have not taken any load up my ass. But if I think back starting to fuck ass as I was just 13, I must have been fucking and breeding some 500+ asses by now. Mostly all different 1 x. None where boyfriends but some where pure fuck contacts. When I found out at 13 that a certain public toilet where I lived, was used as a cruising spot with a gloryhole cubical I became a hooked frequent visitor. For the next years I almost visited that cottage every day. And I almost fucked and cum in ass there every day. Good memories.
    1 point
  40. I'm definitely a fag bitch. I do anything for cock and to please men with my body. On my knees sucking cock or bent over taking it makes me happy.
    1 point
  41. Chapter 6.2 - Sparky "U like doin negs?" was the message Ric got from Jim. Ric laughed to himself and wondered where this was going. He liked that they had continued to hookup after the summer break but knew that once the new library was finished they might not. A few had been longer fucks than their usual pump and dump on the construction site. Ric had even met Jim's roommate when they had an extended fuck session at his apartment. "Done my share. why?" he replied. A few seconds later Jim replied "Been fuckin an electrician" and then "Last time he said he just tested neg again and wondered why" followed by "he thought all poz guys could give him bug." "doesnt sound like he's too worried abt it. he chasin?" Ric asked. "Dunno bred him most of summer b4 he found out I was poz" Jim replied then added "others stopped fuckin him when they found out I was nailing him too. dumbfucks dont understand since I'm undetectable I'm safer than most guys no matter how many times I tell em." Ric wondered what Jim was thinking and if he wanted to poz the guy up. "U gonna stop meds to do it?" he sent. "Kinda wanted to watch u fck him first" Jim answered. Ric chuckled. "fuck him or poz him?" he asked. "Fuck. Dont think hes had a dick as big as u. hes cocky. b nice to watch a college guy own his ass" Jim texted back. Ric thought about it a moment and replied "If I fuck him, I'll own his ass 4 sure. where n when?" Jim sent a message back a few minutes later "checking. prob do longer fuck than we can at jobsite. u know places? don't want to use my apt." "Bathhouse?" Ric asked. "I dunno, might be too public for him" Jim replied. "Just go at an off time and have him get a room. He can decide how visible he is" Ric said, starting to think this was going to be too much work. "Monday eve might be quiet. Can u do that?" Jim asked. Seven thirty on Monday night, Ric walked into the bathhouse. "Not one of your usual times. Meeting someone?" the attendant asked. "Yeah. Not even sure if he'll show. How's the crowd?" Ric replied. "No crowd. Only a handful inside right now. It might pick up after ten" he got as a reply. Ric stripped down and stuffed his clothes in the locker before heading to the sauna. He gave Jim and his friend Sparky an hour before he would give up and head back home. He didn't have to wait long and he saw Jim and another guy come into the sauna. Once they got close he could see the other guy better without the steam. Sparky was a several years older than Jim or maybe he just had a hard life. His head was shaved and he wore several days scruff on his face. His smooth body held several extra pounds and the good start of a beer belly. There were several small tattoos scattered over his body and one large lightning bolt tattoo on his upper left arm. When he took the towel off his waist, Ric saw a rather small cock and no pubes. Ric didn't think Sparky was very attractive and hoped that he was a better lay than eye candy. At least when he turned around to check out the steam room Ric saw a nice, but smooth, ass. "Did you get a room?" Ric asked. Jim shook his head "No, the guy up front said there weren't a lot of people here so Sparky decided to chance it." "Ya only live once, huh?" Sparky said in a thick southern drawl. Ric chuckled and nodded, spreading his legs and stroking his soft cock. "Damn that's big" Sparky said, keeping his sentences short. He kept staring too and started to lick his lips. "Yeah, I won the lottery in that department. Come on over and give it a try. Let's see if you can wrap your lips around it" Ric said. Sparky looked around and no one else had come into the sauna. He came closer and bent over, taking Ric's partially hard cock into his hand. "Fuck" he said before pulling the foreskin back and licking over the head. Ric hadn't showered and he knew there might be more than just sweat and some piss under the hood, but Sparky didn't object. Slowly, he took more of Ric's cock into his mouth and Ric watched Jim disappear behind Sparky. A few seconds later, Sparky moaned around Ric's cock and Ric assumed that came from Jim's tongue on his ass. The moans kept coming and Sparky began sucking harder and deeper. It wasn't the best blowjob Ric had gotten but it wasn't the worst, either. Sparky mostly kept his teeth from scraping on Ric's shaft, but Ric was used to it. He licked back up the shaft, letting Ric's cock pop free of his lips. After taking a deep breath and going back down, he took Ric further into his mouth and just let the tip hit his throat. Ric rested his hand on the back of Sparky's head, pushing harder until the tip squeezed in. Sparky struggled and Ric let up, giving him a moment to refill his lungs before pushing his head back down. With his cock deeper in Sparky's throat this time, Ric gently started to thrust up, getting a little deeper. A few moments later, he saw Jim's head pop up and then stand up. He let Sparky grab another bit of air and pressed down as he watched Jim push in. Like he usually did when he fucked Sparky, Jim slowly sunk his entire shaft into the hole. Sparky had told him he loved to feel the burn and today he was sure Sparky would feel it at least twice today. He made sure there was just the bare minimum coating of spit to let him in. A slow drag pulled his cock all the way out before he shoved back in. This time, he didn't stay planted and began to plow way with firm strokes. Ric was fucking his face too, just with shorter strokes. The moans had turned to groans and Ric could tell Sparky was in pain. He wasn't trying to push off or wiggle away, so Ric pulled his head back and let him nurse on Ric's cock. The moans returned after a couple minutes until Jim would thrust in and make him grunt. Jim started to drill Sparky faster and Ric figured he was close. He had never seen Jim top before and now knew he was much more than just a horny bottom. Out of the steam Ric saw a guy come closer, stroking his cock. When he got next to Jim, Ric recognized him as the guy he called spiderman. The guy was about fifty and had a dozen or more spider tattoos crawling up his arm. Ric and Taylor had taken turns the previous Spring making sure that his cum was now virally enhanced. Spiderman grinned at Ric and watched Jim inch ever closer to orgasm as he slowly stroked his hard cock. A loud growl preceded Jim's last thrust, followed by the first breeding that night of Sparky's hole. It looked like a long orgasm and Ric wondered if he had been saving up to make sure he flooded Sparky's cunt. Spiderman grinned and then wordlessly asked if he could be next. Ric wasn't sure that Sparky knew there was another guy in the sauna, but he found out when instead of Ric getting up or Jim pushing back in, he got spiderman's long thin cock. Sparky jolted a bit, but Ric held his head. It didn't take long before spiderman was pounding Sparky's ass. His fuck looked pretty boring to Ric, with only one motion and one speed. He only lasted five minutes before he began to shoot his toxic jizz into Sparky. Ric would have preferred to be the only one filling Sparky with viral cum, but so far Sparky wasn't a good enough fuck to earn Ric's desire to be the only one. Once spiderman was out of the way, Ric and Jim swapped spots. The hole might have been slick with two guys' loads, but it still was tight. He saw Sparky's face buried in Jim's crotch with a cock probably deep into his throat. Ric got a couple inches in and bent over Sparky, pressing his chest to Sparky's sweaty back. With his head next next to Sparky's, he asked "Ready to get knocked up, Sparky?" Sparky whimpered with Jim's cock still in his mouth. "I'll take that as a 'yes'" Ric said, plunging his cock most of the way in. Sparky screamed out but most of it was muffled by Jim's cock. His body squirmed and twisted but since he was pinned between Ric and Jim, it just forced Ric's cock in deeper. Ric raised his hips and gave another hard thrust, digging into a new spot and making Sparky scream even louder before Jim pushed his cock in deeper. "Jim said you were disappointed your last test was neg. I hope that won't be a problem next time" Ric said, rolling his hips so his cock was almost out before driving back in. Slowly he plowed, forcing most of the two loads out and stretching the soft chute with each thrust. The whimpers returned a few minutes later along with Ric's faster strokes. Ric saw Jim face fuck Sparky's throat and he started to plow faster too. Once Sparky got used to one intensity, Ric would go harder. Ric pushed up, keeping his grip on Sparky's shoulders while he kept pounding. Jim smiled back at him and Ric wondered if he was up for a fuck like this. Most of their encounters had been quite a bit tamer. Another five minutes had Ric close and a few minutes more found him firing off volleys of his cum into Sparky's battered cunt. A few guys had gathered to watch Sparky get fucked and a few made comments when Ric shoved in the final time. "He's fucked" one guy said. "Lucky bitch" said another. Ric chuckled, quickly glancing to see who might be a good hookup next time. Once the adrenaline had faded, Ric slowly pulled his cock free and watched cum drip out of the wrecked hole. He stood back and Jim got up, leaving Sparky gasping for breath and braced on the bench. Jim slid his hard cock into the loose hole and laughed. It was then that Ric saw the fresh ink on Jim's upper back. The bio tat was larger than his but looked perfectly sized for the placement between his shoulders. It only took a couple minutes before Jim was growling again and pumping more of his seed into Sparky's hole. Ric took a seat and Sparky licked his cock briefly. When Jim had pulled out, Sparky stood up obviously in pain. "Fuck, my ass and throat are so fuckin sore" Sparky said. "That should hold you for a couple days" Jim said, slapping Sparky's ass. They headed off toward the showers with Ric trailing the other two. "Nice ink, Jim" Ric said as they rinsed off. "It's your fault. I liked your tat and wanted to get one, but I was afraid of the reaction I'd get. I've been getting a lot more action the past year and found more guys that aren't afraid of fuckin poz guys. Seem to be a lot more poz college students that want some hole to fuck, too" Jim said. Ric smiled back at him. "That might be my fault too" Ric thought.
    1 point
  42. I've been pierced for something like twenty years at this point so my memory on the piercing itself is a bit hazy. I remember it was one hard pinch of pain and then that typical post piercing throb. Healing went really well and should generally for the piercing because your own urine is almost sterile. Stretching, as others have noted was far more painful and at one point I was up to an aught gauge but I more comfortably sit at a 2 these days. Why did I get it? Well, cause I wanted it and its fucking hot. That little extra jiggle as your dick moves naturally always reminds me that its there. When I'm hard that jiggle is even more pronounced and whether I'm getting my dick sucked, stroking it, or getting my ass pounded the feelings are so damned unique. Its even hot having cum ooze out of both the tip and the piercing hole. It also looks great too.
    1 point
  43. There's no point in sluts like you to get tested and cleaned up. It's impossible for a whore like you to stay clean.
    1 point
  44. I have had a bunch of guys do this to me. sometimes its cause they are straight and afraid to actually let a faggot suck their cock or even touch it. it happened a lot in jr high and high school. (once I talk a straight guy into letting me suck his cock he realizes how good it is and they get hooked) but usually its just cause guys know or at least have an idea what a dirty whore I am and how I’m very likely to be loaded with sex diseases or might have even been told I’m a bugchaser by someone, or watched me take or beg for dirty loads. the last time it happened I was getting railed by some hung skinny wasted guy in a public restroom and had a huge load all over my face and the guy fucking me told him to “use this sluts mouth, she’s a great cocksucker” the other guy said “no way. I’m trying to stay clean. he’s cute but that mouth is a cesspool of stds” the skinny guy said “fuck yeah this hole is a polluted swamp thats why its so good” and he just jerked off watching the guy fuck me and when the other guy blew his load in my pussy he said “open your mouth wide and I will let you eat my cum” so I did and he got his cock right at the entrance of my mouth and squirted a nice big load in. when the guy finished humming in my ass he pulled out and a blob of cum plopped out (I had his load plus 2 more in my pussy) the skinny guy said “watch this" (to the other guy). then said “lick my cum up off the dirty floor slut”I said nothing, just turned around and licked it all up. the other guy said “thats fucking disgusting.its hot but so nasty.i’m glad I didnt stick my cock in that dirty mouth. it was tempting.” so I obviously asked him if he had to piss and pointed at my mouth. he had a hard time getting a stream going but eventually gave me that too while the skinny guy pissed all over my body from behind, then got me to lick some of his piss off the floor before they both left.
    1 point
  45. I once met an older guy who asked if I wanted something different, after some discussion, it turned out he had arranged to meet me for some possible fun but really with the intention of introducing me to his son who was just of legal age, it turned out that Dad liked younger guys and his son liked older guys, so Dad would meet men and introduce him to his son and vice versa, although the Dad watched from the doorway, he would not come into the room whilst I had his son. What added to the kinkyness of this situation was that the guys wife and daughter where away for the day.
    1 point
  46. Fascinating. i have yet to really drink piss (though i think a former FB let some go when He was in my throat once, it was just a little and i'm not sure). prolly because most of my sex is anal and not oral? For me, the psychological/mind fuck component is very powerful. There is something about a guy being able to 'inseminate' me with something His body has made, even if He is flaccid, that is very powerful. Being fucked is more powerful than sucking for me because i have less control, but i see both as ways a Top inseminates. The idea of drinking piss from a glass for me loses something, i guess it's the intimacy of a Top delivering it? What makes piss both powerful and appealing to me is how i associate it with the Guy delivering it. Drinking it from a glass, i'd feel a lost connection?
    1 point
  47. I had a similar experience. A guy was in town for business and advertised for a blowjob on Craigslist. I went to his hotel room and as I'm blowing him, he answers his phone and is chatting. Then, he says, "She wants to talk to you" and sticks to the phone to my ear, at which point i chat briefly with his wife about how good the dick is.
    1 point
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