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  1. I'm a freshman in college and have been pretty DL but also wanting to try a dick for the longest time. I got on the sniffies app & found this guy with a really thick dick who wanted to fuck me. I live with roommates int he dorms so I couldn't host, but he suggested that we could meet anonymously in a nearby college building in the basement, which had a bathroom that people rarely went to. He said he only fucked bareback and wanted to breed me which made me pretty nervous because I've never done that before, but I was really horny and really wanted to try it, so I agreed. He told me to meet him in the stall next to the back stall and tap my feet to let him know it was me. He stuck his fat cock under the stall and I grabbed it and put it in my mouth. Then he said he really wanted to blow his load in my hole. We didn't have lube so he just spit on his dick and stuck it in. To be honest it hurt pretty bad at first, but after 30 seconds of pumping I started to enjoy it. We heard someone walking towards the bathroom so we knew we had to wrap it up quick. He grabbed my hips and thrusted hard and deep into my virgin hole and shot a load deep inside me. I went back to my dorm with his cum still sitting in my hole. I hadn't cum in the bathroom because he just used my hole and left, so I started fingering myself using his cum as lube. It felt incredible and before I knew it I shot my load. I think this won't be the last raw load I take. I'm already thinking about the next load I can get. Something tells me I might turn into a cum dump... I also filmed a bit of it if you guys are interested: [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video74530109/18_yo_bareback_cruising_in_college_bathroom
    8 points
  2. “Where am I?” This was the first coherent thought to form in my addled brain. My head felt three times too large for my body and like it was stuffed with cotton. I also couldn’t really move my limbs or make my body work at all. Forming thoughts was like trying to swim through mud. I was aware that things were not normal, but what had happened remained a mystery. I was desperately trying to remember what had happened to me, but details were slippery and elusive. Eventually, with much willpower, I was able to open my eyes. It seemed to take forever for them to focus and resolve any image of my surroundings. It was dim, wherever I was. And the light was red and inconsistent. Flickering. Again, with effort, I was able to move my head a little and look around. The walls were dark and rough and seemed to be made of stone. I couldn’t see a ceiling above me- only blackness. I did note that there were chains extending upward at the four corners of by body, and that my wrists and ankles were apparently bound to them, immobilizing me. I was splayed out spread-eagle like the Vitruvian man, and I was laying on a cold, smooth surface. Lifting my head was next to impossible, but I managed it just long enough to confirm that I was indeed naked. My head crashed back down to the hard surface with a conk making me see stars. I shivered then, partly from the chill and partly from fear Long moments passed, but gradually I regained more and more of my senses. Whatever chamber I was entombed in was large- I could tell my the occasional small sounds and how they echoed and bounced around the space, only to be eventually swallowed up by the darkness above. The light was coming from a small number of torches (torches!) set into the walls. It was like something out of a medieval fever dream. When I regained some strength, I tried tugging my arms free- but to no avail. The thick chains barely moved and only clinked a couple times. I was now awake enough to start panicking. Wherever I was, it wasn’t good. This was a seriously fucked up situation and I was clearly in danger. My heart started to pound. I tried to call for help, but my mouth was dry and my tongue was thick in my mouth. The adrenaline shot to my system cleared my brain of the remaining fog. Pieces of the previous night started to assemble like a puzzle in my brain. I had been out celebrating my 18th birthday. Since all my friends had gone off to college, I was by myself and feeling fairly blue about it. I remember I went to the local dance club, just so I could be around people. A handsome, older guy started talking to me… what was his name? Something unusual. He saw my underage wristband, and I remember telling him it was my birthday. He offered to sneak me a birthday shot and I remember declining because I didn’t really drink because it was illegal… but he brought me one anyway. He brought a shot for himself too, and he coerced me into having it. “A man only turns 18 once—you need to celebrate!” he had said. The shot was called… “Devil’s Blood”? Or something like it. I think it was fireball and grenadine and who knows what else. I remember it was sweet, and hot. He then asked me out on the dancefloor. I remember thinking that he was really hot, but way too old for me. But hey. Nobody else was asking me to dance so why not? The music pulsed and the lights were hypnotic and I remember feeling my insides getting all warm and gooey. I vaguely remember him hitting on me, and me demurring because I wasn’t looking for that. I was waiting to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend- I wasn’t sure which yet. I think I told him that I was just looking to be around people and to cut loose a little. And that’s about all I remember. Until now. So here I was- naked on some sort of slab. In a real life fucking dungeon. Chained up. The reality of my situation had taken root— I was probably going to die. My mind started working on next steps, but was coming up empty. Ice formed in the pit of my stomach and I got really scared. I’m not ashamed to admit that I pissed myself in that moment. It was then that I heard it. Footsteps. I could hear the uneven cadence and scrape/crunch of several pairs of feet walking slowly out of the shadows. Above the footsteps was a low hum of male voices. Musical. Like a slow chant. Out of the shadows then emerged 5 men in long, dark robes. At least I think they were men. They all had on masks that obscured their faces. The masks were those of skulls—animalistic in nature. Four of the masks were jet black. Glossy. Horned. The fifth was gold. The four in black masks carried what appeared to be small, handheld drums. The one wearing the gold mask carried an old, leatherbound book the color of oxblood in one hand. In the other he carried a stilleto. My heart raced with fear, as my mind jumped to all sorts of terrifying outcomes. The four took up positions at my feet and hands and when they were in place the humming stopped. The one in the gold mask walked to the figure at my left hand. The figure held out his right hand and the stiletto made a quick slash to his thumb. The figure made a gladiator “thumbs down” gesture and I watched the blood trickle off his hand to the floor. This ritual was repeated at the other three figures. Then the fifth stood at my head, out of my view. I watched in sick fascination as The Four slowly raised some sort of bone-shaped drumstick. And then as one, they struck their drums. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. A slow, steady beat began. The one in gold at my head started chanting in a language I could not identify. His words snaked and wove through the beats of the drums. The Four took up the chant as well. Slowly the tempo increased and the chanting got louder. As this was happening, the torchlight seemed to increase with the flames leaping higher of their own accord. This brought the figures into sharp relief. I could see that the Four were drumming on crude drums with rough skin like parchment, and with what appeared to be actual bones- like the knobby leg bone of an animal. Or human. The chant had now crescendoed to a fever pitch and the drummers were beating like my racing heart. Then suddenly, without warning, everything stopped. The drummers dropped to their knees as one, and from above my head I heard the One in gold whisper something— guttural and wicked. Then there was a bright, blinding flash like a camera strobe. My nose caught the strong smell of sulfur. When my eyes readjusted, there was a dim red glow in the room- like a photography dark room. I looked over at the torches on the wall, and they flames all appeared to be frozen—low and unwavering in their iron holders. The Five men in robes were also caught mid-motion. And the room was eerily quiet—like being in a sound proof recording studio. It was as if time itself had stopped- except for me. And the demonic thing now standing in my presence. I stared, completely unsure of what I was looking at. At the end of the slab where I lay stood a… thing. A beast? Man? Both? It had a general human form… but it was different. Distorted. Much more Sinister. I could tell it was big. Like 7 feet tall and broad across the chest and shoulders. The head was large and bald, and atop were two great, black, curling horns, like those of a ram. Instead of eyes, there were empty voids- like deepest, darkest space. The mouth, a lipless slash, crowded with sharp, pointy teeth. The flesh appeared scalded and shiny—like scarred skin-- tight across the body. Muscles stood out in sinewy relief, as if they were barely covered in flesh. The arms were muscular and disproportionately long, terminating in hands with too many fingers, each with a talon instead of a nail. And did I see the hint of dark wings behind? It appeared to be regarding me, with its unwavering dark gaze, and I was utterly petrified. My mind wanted to believe that I was drugged. Hallucinating this terrible image. But somewhere in the deep recesses of my animal brain, I knew this was real. Real And beyond my rational beliefs. “Wh… wh… who…?” I managed to croak out, before the sound died on my lips. The creature continued to stare at me with those empty voids in its face. The longer I stared into them, the more I began to see things swimming in their depths. Terrible things. I looked away, shivering uncontrollably. “Who or what I am does not matter, human,” it said in a rusty, scrapey, deep voice. “They have summoned me, and I have come. The fools! Even now, they have no inkling of the true nature of the forces with which they play. If they did they would have fled from this place in terror. But no. To them this was a mere game; they did not truly believe. I do not brook the follies of man and there will be repercussions. And yet… they deliver unto me such tasty flesh to defile…” “P-p-p-please don’t kill me! Oh God protect me! Oh Jesus please save me!” I prayed. The creature laughed then- a sound like glass inside a garbage disposal. “Those empty words have never held power or sway! There is no mercy here! You of virgin flesh are bound to me in this moment outside of time, as I am bound in this earthly space. But I will grant you this knowledge, human. Death is not immediately forthcoming. You have been chosen as the Vessel.” I struggled mightily against the chains, but to no avail. I twisted and pulled and screamed, but my binds would not yield. The creature watched me placidly as I expended my energy. When the fight finally left me, I sagged back onto the slab. “A Vessel for what,” I whispered, defeated. “You have heard of AIDS, yes?” it asked. I nodded, horrified. “The first virus was passed to a Vessel through a union much like this. We needed a fertile male host—one that would pass on his demon seed to many others, eventually casting them all down in sin. That Vessel performed… admirably.” “Are you telling me you unleashed HIV on the world and infected millions of men on purpose?” I sobbed. “Yes.” “You monster!” I spat. The creature grinned. “I believe Incubus would be more accurate, although we do not concern ourselves with human labels.” “Well, we have pre and post exposure protocols now. And drugs to combat your virus so humans can live long, productive lives. So even if you infect me…” I began bravely. “Hence the need for a new Vessel,” the Incubus interrupted. “The time has come for a new virus. One that will not be so easily tamed. One that will again spread through humanity’s sinners. The Fornicators. The drug users. The adulterers. Hastening their demise and bringing them more quickly to my Master’s fold.” “No…” I pleaded. “Now we begin,” the Incubus stated. His mouth of teeth opened menacingly, and a long, black tongue snaked out of the orifice. Longer than my brain could comprehend… 3 feet? 4 feet? And it undulated and rippled like an earthworm. I watched as the demon slowly sank down between my legs, and then I felt it. His tongue was teasing and lapping against my asshole. It was hot- almost to the point of uncomfortably so, but not quite. “Ah, it has been too long since I have tasted the sweetness of man,” it said. And then the tongue started slowly inching its way inside me. Feeling the heat of it penetrate inside me was intense. The creature was right about me being a virgin. I’d never done anything with anyone ever before, as I had grown up in a fairly strict household. All I had time for was school, swimming, my after-school job, church… and masturbation. I’d never even kissed a girl… or a boy. As I thought about this, I had the faint memory of telling the man at the bar that I was “eighteen and never been kissed”. With that one statement, I’d probably sealed my fate and landed myself as a human sacrifice. At first I was horrified and frightened and revolted by the invasion into my body. Even in all my masturbation and self-exploration, I’d never come anywhere near my butthole. The sensation was completely foreign—but not unwelcome. The thick, hot tongue continued pulsing and snaking its way inside. Deeper and deeper. At the prostate it seemed to pause and explore and… caress making me shiver with nervous adrenaline. And I found it increasingly difficult not to get aroused. I felt sick. I was being violated by this sex demon from what I could only guess was hell (or some hellish plane of existence) and yet here I was, strangely turned on by it. Overwhelmingly so. I railed against it. Reprimanding myself with my internal monologue for feeling this way. Telling myself to resist—that I should be disgusted. That I was being raped for god’s sake! But the waves of pleasure were too much to ignore. My dick was soon teenage steel and straining toward the ceiling. It was almost painful and I couldn’t touch it at all to relieve it. And still the tongue explored my insides- pushing deeper. I felt it’s heat as it teased some deep barrier inside me, where I was sure it would stop. But it tickled and twirled at this place and my breath quickened. Soon it worked up past it and beyond and the wave of pleasure created made my body start to shake. I felt my body open and relax as my head lolled to one side. The creature chuckled at this- that horrible glass grinding sound again. I don’t know how long that tongue violated my guts as I lost all sense of the flow of time. Hours? Days? Years? All I know is that I could feel that tongue snaking all the way up into me. When I would occasionally lift my head, I could see the creature’s head moving subltly between my legs and I could see the tongue move and writhe beneath the taut flesh of my stomach. It reminded me of that one time I saw a baby move beneath the skin of a pregnant woman and was creeped out. Slowly the tongue withdrew from me, and I found myself missing the hot presence inside my intestines. Almost craving to be filled again… and I hated myself for feeling this way. Then the beast stood up slowly, my eyes tracking his movement. As he brought himself to his full height, I saw it. A massive phallus arcing up and away from his body, glossy and deep red. The wedge-shaped ruddy head reached up to the middle of his chest. It was definitely not human-proportioned- not even porn proportioned. I had never seen anything so massive… not even on the horses on our farm. My eyes got large as the slow realization of what was coming next became apparent. “No… please! I can’t. IT can’t! It’s not possible. You said I wouldn’t die, but that will kill me.” I begged him. But it fell on deaf ears. “Human males are preferable virgin sacrifices, although harder to find. They can endure and their anatomy is more… compliant. Human females, while accommodating in their own way, have limited depth and tend to… rupture… thus rendering them disposable,” it graveled out. At this point I started crying in earnest. I could see what was coming and it scared the shit out of me. I had no choice. No control. This wasn’t what I wanted… or was it? But after the tongue exploration, there was a teeny-tiny part of my brain that was, dare I say, titillated? And that knowledge scared me even more. I watched as it gripped its massive prong in one taloned fist, and then pushed it downward to align with my asshole. I was sobbing and shaking my head, but I knew my situation was hopeless. I was basically pinned like a butterfly on this stone slab, about to be split in half. I felt the hot, triangular head pushing insistently against my asshole and I thought there was no way it would be able to enter—not without considerable pain and irreparable damage. But… … it was weird. I could feel it start to slide in. The heat pulsing off that huge member was intense as it pushed past by sphincter. But it didn’t hurt for some reason. I could feel immense pressure, and an uncomfortably full feeling pervading my guts, but no pain. For some reason, due to some magic or demon novocaine, the entry wasn’t accompanied by the mind-shattering agony I was prepared for. Rather, it was- dare I say- pleasurable? It was a similar sensation to the tongue that had come before. I could feel it inside me. The heat. The fullness. The inexorable penetration. But where the tongue slithered and snaked around inside, this sensation was just of firm flesh invading my deepest recesses. Again, I felt the beast appendage impact somewhere deep inside me at meet resistance, and again I figured this was the extent of how far he would be able to go without tearing me internally. But there was some additional pressure, a slight stab of pain, and then… oh, and then! Goddamn. I could feel a slight ‘pop’ and the massive meat had pushed past beyond my barrier and was now invading deeper into me. Where the tongue had gone. The waves of pleasure as it continued into me were intense and almost more than I could bear. my sobs and tears had stopped and I believe I cried out in ecstasy, but I can’t be sure because my mind was blown at this point. After what felt like an eternity, I felt the creature’s hot groin pressed against my ass, and I knew that he was all the way inside and I had somehow survived. I don’t know where all that dick went, but every breath was a struggle it felt like it was lodged below my sternum, somewhere up near my heart. Then, the cock started a slow withdrawal from my body. Every inch that it retreated left me feeling hollow and empty. Eventually, the Incubus only had the head remaining inside me. Then he started to push inside again, only a tiny bit faster. This process repeated many times- so many that I lost count. The only thing I was aware of was the core of heat inside my body when he was inside me, and the feeling of fullness and pleasure. Again, all this was completely happening outside of time itself, so I don’t have any perspective of how long this back and forth went inside my guts. It felt like years were passing with each thrust. As the fuck continued, my body eventually completely gave itself over to lust and desire. I had relaxed to the point where my insides were fully accepting his demon dick. All thoughts of impropriety had long since fled and I was feeling nothing but dizzying pleasure at being impaled on his massive shaft. I found that I couldn’t get enough. I wanted this demon’s dick in me for eternity. I wanted him to never stop. I know I was moaning and screaming and making noises of ultimate pleasure every time he bottomed out inside me and I was actively trying to throw myself further into him. “Yessssssssssss,” the Incubus hissed. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. “Submit unto me! Accept your fate!” He was staying further inside me now. Rarely pulling out beyond half before thrusting inside again. And the thrusts were harder. His groin bruising my ass. I found myself staring into the voids that were its eyes as the fucking continued. It felt like I was falling into a bottomless well of lust and desire, that sensation of falling without hitting bottom. Mixed with the sensation of his giant cock deliciously rearranging my insides. As his tempo slowly increased further, his tongue slowly snaked out of his mouth and found it’s way to mine. I felt the hot, black, roughness enter my mouth and start to push down my throat into my esophagus. Normally I would have started gagging uncontrollably at this, but again. As if by demon magic, I was just able to accept his tongue down my throat. The heat signature slowly crept downward into my belly—and beyond. I was taking sustaining breaths through my nostrils now, as the demon pounded me furiously while tongue-fucking my throat and stomach. I think his cock and tongue made connection and completed the circuit inside me. My body was vibrating from his double penetration, pleasure beyond all reason and measure crashing into me, through me, over me. It felt like I had been edged up to the point of an orgasm for a lifetime without release and my body was going crazy with desire. His tempo was frenzied now, and he was growling. A horrifying sound that seemed to rend the air. I could feel the triangular spear shaped tip of his cock start to swell up inside me. Taking up more and more room within. It grew to where it felt like it was half the width of my torso, yet my willing body took it. Craved it. Needed it. I could barely breathe as it was affecting my diaphragm and lungs. The red light in the room had grown steadily with the demon’s passion. It morphed with the fuck, moving into orange, then yellow, then white, then brilliant incandescence. My eyes closed tight to shield them from the intensity. “IT IS TIME!” the Incubus bellowed. “WITH THIS SEED YOU BECOME THE VESSEL!” And with that, the demon cock erupted inside me. Scalding hot semen pulsed from that massive head, flooding into me. It burned with a pleasure-pain that caused my body to buck and shake uncontrollably. I contorted and writhed with full body orgasms as volumes of poisonous demon seed poured into me, filling me- searing my viscera. I could feel his molten jism actually rising like gorge in my throat. The salty, sulfurous, metallic taste making me gag. It was like I was burning alive from the inside, but without pain. It felt like a fever, but a fever of 451°F. I couldn’t breathe or move and it felt like I might burst apart into flame. But slowly… ever so slowly… this feeling diminished. With every throb of my pulse, the heat within grew less and less, like I was ejecting my corona into space like a dying star. Eventually, I felt like I could breathe again, and I could feel the cool, wetness of the stone under my back. I slowly opened my eyes. Smoke hung thick in the air which again smelled of sulfur. In the haze the Incubus was nowhere to be seen. I noticed that I was no longer bound by the chains—they just hung impotently around me. I pushed myself into a seated position for the first time in what felt like a millennia and swayed a little unsteadily. I was woozy and felt severely dehydrated and also… different. Slowly I began to take inventory of my body. I looked down and noted that I was covered by crusty, black soot from head to toe, like I’d been in a fire. Also my chest and belly were coated in semen (which I somehow knew was mine) making the soot on my torso streaky and sticky. The demon had fucked what appeared to be a week’s worth of cum out of me. Speaking of my body… I found it had changed markedly. I was more muscular than I had been before. My shoulders and chest much broader. My arms bulging. My legs thick and strong. I felt longer of limb and that when I stood I would be taller. I was leaner, too, with deep muscular definition. And lo! I had chest hair! I had been a hairless, skinny, twink before— but now? But without a doubt the biggest change was to my dick. The flesh now hanging between my legs was certainly NOT what I had before. Before I was just a guy with an unremarkable cock. Average. Nothing that stood out or was noticed in the swim locker room or gym class by any means. But now? Flaccid it was hanging to just north of mid thigh. I could fell the meaty weight of it, and I instinctively knew it would expand to become a real cuntwrecker. As these changes sank in, I slowly started to realize that I felt different inside as well. I felt confident… no, cocky. Strong. Sure of myself. Brave. Sexy. Fearless. And dangerous. When I looked for the Five men in Robes, I noticed them laying on the floor in disarray at the five points where they had been. Eventually they stirred faintly and moaned a bit as they came to. I heard one of them mutter, “Dude, what the fuck just happened?” When they had revived enough and saw me seated and unshackled, they were visibly shaken. The one in the gold mask looked at me and said, “Who are you?” “I was the virgin manchild you brought here as a sacrifice, but no longer. Now I am the Vessel. Now I am Gift of Death.” They all turned and ran. Just as the Incubus had said, they were fools. They meddled with dark forces and in turn have released Me unto the world. The new Vessel. They would soon come to rue their choices, of that I was sure. And then eventually to Him. I would start with the man in the gold mask. The seducer from the club. The “high priest” as it were. I followed them at a leisurely pace, their cries echoing through the rough hewn chamber, leading me on to the exit. Thoughts of my future formed as I walked. I could not go home now—the 18 year old that entered this chamber was dead. As the Vessel, I needed to sow my seed far and wide. Perhaps I should become a hitchhiker? A truck driver? A male prostitute? “No,” I said with a smile. “I will become a flight attendant.”
    6 points
  3. Chapter four I had needed to get a drink for a while so with my guy catching his breath in the sling,I went to the bar. I must have been gone less than ten minutes but when I returned he was looking so different. The blindfold was off, and he had climbed out the sling, he was now on all fours on a small bench in the corner. I assume that the guy now eating the cum out his wet hole must have helped him to get there. He must have been in his thirties, average body, but really looked like he knew how to eat a butt out. I felt like I should have been the one swallowing them loads, but it looked like I would not have to wait long. The rubbermen had been circling earlier but I thought it was have been way to much for my guy. I mean yer he was in nice chaps and a harness, but these were not hiding anything they were into. A couple had “pig” on the front of the suit in big letters, and one who stood out to me had a yellow biohazard logo on one side of his chest, and a all round zip round his crotch. The idea of him playing with them was hot but I ruled it out. I know his limits, or so I thought. He had flipped himself onto his back and was taking the room in a bit, maybe his eyes were still adjusting since the blindfold was taken off, but then he did it. He sat up in front of the biohazard rubber guy, pulled him close by the hips and then very wet kissed and licked that warning logo. He saw it, he liked it and he was grinning at it. He was almost worshipping it with every lick and kiss. He clearly had not spotted me yet as he normally smiles at least to me to check I’m ok. Instead I saw him unzipping biohazard crotch zipper and getting a nice long but not to wide cock out. The rubber man was semi hard, and inches from my guys face. “He’s going to knowingly take a poz cock in his mouth while he’s not on prep!” I thought. But he didn’t. My guy just lay back holding that toxic cock in his hand between his legs, in his hand. Slowly he was guiding it straight into his wet hole with the cum left from the other guys. He must have known what this could mean. He inched more and more of that wet cock into his cummy hole till he bottomed out inside him. He just lay there groaning as the hazard guy just helped himself and fucked him how he wanted. It did not take long for them to get verbal with each other. “You like this cock in you? You want it’s seed? You know it’s going to knock you up? Bet your loving this you cum dump!”, and all he said back was “just fucking load me with that dirty poison!”. No sooner had he shouted it for most of the dark room to hear than the deep moans stopped from the rubbermen, and he just held my guys hips tight against him, clearly filling him with just what he asked for. This time no nice “thanks” or chat, my guy just pulled off that poison prick, sucked it clean, and left him standing as he left to go to another room. No attempt at covering what he did, not shame or worries, just carrying that load in him to enjoy in another spot in the club
    6 points
  4. ...after laying out a while, and enjoying the sun nude, it is time for another cold drink. Steve offered to get us one, I said 'sure' and 'thank you'. Steve got up and grabbed our glasses, I noticed Steve was still semi hard...which he had been all morning by the pool. Thank goodness for my sunglasses as I get a great eye full view of that gorgeous swinging cock. "Be right back" Steve says as he saunters off. As I lay there, I can't help but think of Steve's cock. Just amazing to me, the girth and weight of it. Immediately my cock grows, and it takes all of my strength to not touch or stroke me. I know this is just a 'friendly' time by the pool, no sex is intended for sure. We are good friends, and both really enjoy our strength in having very open conversations...about everything! When we originally met on bareback RT, our friendship grew in place of a sexual encounter. I couldn't help but ask questions of you regarding your sexual escapades and desires...along with getting to know you as a person. Knowing you were poz just kept the conversation going for sure. Yes, we both knew our deep desires, but overall, we knew we connected on several levels...and it was very refreshing. Finally, after months of getting to know Steve, summer arrived and he invited me over for some sun and swimming. How could I refuse, some of my favorite past times! And here we are. We both knew that sex was not likely to happen between us, Steve was poz and I was neg. Of course, we flirt, how could we not?? We both love the same sexual types of things. As Steve strolled back out with our newly filled glasses, he seemed almost a little harder than when he left. I didn't mind a bit, and thanked Steve for the drink. "Looks like something got your attention while you were away" nodding at Steve's semi hard cock. He sits down and chuckles, telling me while he went to pee he remembered leaving a porn paused in his bedroom, Treasure Island media of course. As he went to turn off the TV he just had to stare at the scene a bit. "What was the scene?", I ask. Steve described the scene in 'what I can't see 2', of the older man fucking his blind folded boy from behind. I know it all too well, and we laugh. Steve then settles in his lounger I see him adjust his big cock and notice that he is now leaking. uh oh...not good! Steve's nipples are hard too...of course they are..it is a great video! Steve apologizes for leaking, but no apology needed, I know Steve's desires. All good! I can tell Steve is still thinking about the video because he is now rock hard...and leaking a lot more. I am getting excited as well so decide to turn over and get some sun on my back and ass. Steve tells me the worst thing would be to burn my ass cheeks. He asks if I want some sunscreen for my back and butt. "Sure, please." A benefit of having someone sunning with you. I hear him get up and open the lotion, squirting some in his hand. Steve starts to apply it to my shoulders and back. Feels great. He pops the top again, this time applying it directly to my lower back and across the top of my butt. His hands move around my lower back and then onto my ass cheeks. Kneading my ass as he applies the lotion. Of course, I am a flirt and push my ass up a little bit, not even sure if he notices, but soon his fingers brush my hole and I take in a breath. whoa...that felt great. As Steve continues rubbing my ass, and touching my balls from time to time, I suddenly feel Steve's heavy dick land in my open, upturned, palm. The weight of his cock is amazing, and of course now I feel his precum on my hand. Damn, my head is swimming. Soon enough he is done applying lotion but allow your cock to rest in my hand...."fuck that feels good Tim", but we both know it is time for him to lay down again! I release my grip on his cock and Steve slowly stands up, but his precum remains all over me. No problem there. Steven then lays back down and I turn my head towards him, easing up on my side. I see his cock is still swollen and amazing. I know he doesn't mind me staring at his cock ever, so I take full advantage. I reach out and get my drink. Still cold and so refreshing. Of course, my cock is hard now too...thanks to him and his touch. We start to talk some more, now just about anything else besides sex and porn. That helps...as both of our cocks start to settle down. We are laughing a lot about things, men, sex, websites, everything. Steve asks me if I had seen certain guys on BBRT...and then he describes why I might have seen them. Older, hung, poz top men....and then he describes some of them to me. I say, "I will definitely have to check them out", and wink at him. Soon enough it is time for another drink, and I ask Steve if he is ready for another. Drinking the last bit of his drink, he says 'sure' and hands me his glass. "I will be back in a few minutes" I say while grabbing his glass, then adding "unless you left your TV on" and we both laugh. "You can always turn it back on Tim, bedroom is down the hallway on the left", he smiles. I stroll into the kitchen, my mind flashing between the porn and the weight of his cock in my hand. Damn, is another drink really what I need? I smile. I open the freezer to get more ice and vodka, but then close it, thinking to myself, I must see that porn scene again, it has been a long time since I watched it. I stroll down to Steve's bedroom and enter. Of course, the TV is off. ha. damn! I notice his bed is roughly made. Steve’s desk and computer are in the corner, and it seems as though on his nightstand is a cock ring and bottle of lube. huh? A good night, I guess! I smile to myself. I find the remote to the TV and turn it on. Immediately the large screen is filled with the scene from the DVD. The older man's cock is clearly in his young boy, paused right there. I just stare at it...immediately getting hard! I turn the volume down a bit, and press play...just a minute I tell myself. The video starts again and the man is pushing his dick in and out of the b, wow! Fuck I love that video! I realize time is going by as the scene is getting closer to the cum scene, how long have I been standing here!?? Then I hear Steve at the door to the room, "it is good isn't it?". I turn and he is watching me watch the video, his gorgeous cock is rock hard and leaking again. "Sorry Steve, just needed a quick peek" "Not a problem at all Tim, I love that you enjoy it as much as I do", he smiles at me. I turn back to the video just before the older man slides in deep and cums hard in the boy. Damn that is hot. I could tell Steve moved in closer to me and the TV, but I thought it was to get a better view. As the next scene starts, I feel him behind me, his wet dick trails across my ass cheek. I reach back and take his hard dick in my hand, rubbing it all over my ass cheek. "Steve, we shouldn't" "I know Tim, I know. Let's just enjoy the video". So, we stand there watching. He behind me as I milk his cock all over my ass, moments later I feel his fingers tracing through his precum, down my ass crack and brush my now twitching hole. Soon Steve stepped in closer...rubbing is now wet cock up and down my ass crack..."should we get back to the pool and our drinks Tim?" "Fuck Steve", I said with a sigh. "I guess you are right", and I felt him pull away leaving a huge wet spot on my ass above my crack. Steve just sighed....and stroked his cock one more time. Then he reached for the remote and paused the movie where it was at, "I think I will be needing that later" Steve said while laughing. We both left his bedroom breathing hard and cocks bouncing as we walked. "Don't forget those drinks" Steve said while passing though the patio door. Off to the kitchen I went to get those drinks on ice and get back to the sun. Steve was right where he should be, in his lounge chair enjoying the sun. The only evidence of what had happened was a small pool of precum on his thigh where his now soft cock lay. "Thank you, Steve." "For what?" he said while looking up at me. "For not giving in to our desires", I said laughing. "Trust me Tim, if you were poz you would be carrying my load right now" Steve said while moaning softly. Of course, that is all it took to start my cock growing to full hardness again. "And I would be very happy for that sir" I said with a grin! Now it was time for his cock to now start growing. Steve reached down with one hand and gave his cock a good long pull, more precum oozed from his piss slit. The alcohol was definitely beginning to have an effect on my bravery and I asked Steve if I could taste his precum. Of course he said 'sure' as I thought he might. I got up off of my lounge chair and bent over his cock, took it in one hand and milked out another big drop, while looking Steve in the eye lapped that drop up with my tongue. Steve's precum was salty and very good! Without asking, I lowered my mouth to his cock and stroked for several more drops of his natural lube. "Fuck Tim, you are going to get my load if you keep doing that". I took my mouth off of Steve's cock, looked him in the eye and said "not yet baby" and set his cock back down on his leg with one final squeeze. I then straddled Steve on his chair, reached behind me and picked up his cock, laid it flat against my ass. I tweaked one of his nipples and bent down to kiss him deeply! Steve moved both of his hands to my ass cheeks and kneaded my ass like a pro. I felt his hand leave my ass, then his cock moved...then his hand was on my ass again, but guiding his finger to my tight ring, and what seemed to be lubed with his precum. slowly he spread me apart and inserted his finger slowly but steadily. I just moaned into Steve's mouth. I reached around behind me and took hold of Steve's wet cock. Steve pulled his finger from my ass and I placed his slippery cock head against my pulsing ring. "Tim, please don't. We can't fuck without a condom". "Steve, I want you in me, please fuck me" I felt Steve push his cock head past my ring and we both moaned out loud. "You are so fucking hot Tim, once I am in your ass, there is no way I can pull out". I pushed back on Steve's cock and felt the first few inches of him spread me open. "I know baby, please fuck me". I guess that is all the asking I had to do, Steve slowly sank his entire cock into me until I felt his sexy pubes brush my ass. I could feel his cock twitching has he rested there. "Don't move Tim, don't fucking move!" I lay on him, chest to chest as both of his hands were on my ass, cock buried deep in me, oozing precum inside of me I am sure. Within a minute, I felt him pull my ass up almost off his cock and pushed me down again, starting to fuck me in full lengths. My ass felt his oozing, making me wetter, but I was already starting to feel the rawness of his dick fucking me. I sat up....with him buried in me and eased off of him, immediately feeling the void where his cock was. I stood over Steve, "please fuck me from behind on your bed". Then started to walk towards the house. not looking back, but hearing him get off the chair. Entering Steve's room, I found the remote and pushed play to let the porn start up again. With deep moaning from the TV, I moved to his nightstand and grabbed the lube. I tossed it on the end of the bed, and climbed up on the mattress, on all fours...with my now red ass ring facing the door, waiting. Just behind me, Steve entered the room. I looked over my should and saw him there, stroking his cock. I knew what was coming! Steve walked to the bed....and immediately placed his cock in my ass crack, bent down and grabbed the lube. Then I felt the coolness dripping on his cock and my ass. Steve was rubbing his now wet cock between my crack, every once in a while, getting it stuck on my ring. "Tim, I am going to fuck you now...I have to. I will not pull out and you are going to take my poz seed. Are you ok with that?" "YES! sir" I almost yelled. "Good boy". Then he pushed the head of his cock back in my hole and proceeded to fuck me raw like he owned me. My cock was swinging semi hard, leaking precum/cum for the entire time...all I had to do was stroke it and I knew I would cum very hard! The man behind me was all I had thought of, imagining this scenario so many times in my head. Steve's pace was quickening, and I knew I would soon be rewarded with my first poz load, exactly how I wanted it too. Steve was talking very sexy now...very hot and honest while his hips pounded into my ass. "I am going to fucking breed you deep boy, give you my poz cum. Do you want my poz cum?" "Yes sir, please cum in me" "Good boy, here it comes". After a few more deep pushes, Steve buried deep in my ass and started cumming!!!!!! Holding my hips so very hard, making sure his cock was as deep as it could go. That is all it took for my cock to stiffen and shoot my entire load all over the sheets beneath me. Steve was panting hard, "I love fucking you Tim". I turned back to face him, his cock still in me, "I need to taste your cock Steve". He pulled out and I swung around to taste his still throbbing wet cock. Man, his cum and my ass...the most amazing thing. An hour later, after cleaning up. Steve lay behind me on the bed...slowly fucking me again as we watched a new porn. He fondled my hard cock as he slowly slid in and out of me. Steve leaned in close to me, "Tim did you always want this to happen?". I waited a few seconds and thought that over. "Yes I did. I knew from first talking to you, and seeing your pictures....your gorgeous cock...full balls...tan body, I knew I wanted you in me. Did I want your poz cum in me? That I don't know, but I wanted your bare cock in me for sure. Then when I saw you naked up close...it was all I could do to resist you. I honestly loved your thinking about poz/neg sex and love. How you could resist it and that it is both men's choice. I love that." All Steve said was "thank you" and pushed into me again and came!
    3 points
  5. Brings back my memories of college in the 80's. No internet, no sex apps. As a novice I had my first sex in the various university men's rooms, I soon learned which ones were cruisy. I remember one just like you described in the basement of the old student union. The best stall was the corner handicap stall which was big enough for two people. The first time I took raw dick was in the basement of a little used building on campus, The guy didn't have a condom so I asked him not to cum in me. He fucked me for a while, pulled out and said he had to leave. After he left, I got dressed amd as I was walking up the stairs I could feel something rubbing down my leg. I stopped in another mens room, removed my pants and saw and smelled the cum he shot
    3 points
  6. Weeble spent hours reconfiguring his makeshift ghillie. Every ten seconds he darted his head around looking for movement in the woods around him, paying special attention to his blind spots and doing his best to memorize features on the forest floor. If they looked even slightly different from what he remembered he got ready to run. He took a deep breath, knowing he was a paranoid wreck, but also realizing he had to be. He also decided he couldn’t stay in one spot too long so he changed location frequently and chose positions that provided more cover and clear lines of sight. And maybe he was too paranoid, but if he felt or heard anything…ANYTHING unusual he scrambled away to find another hideout. Whisperman could be anywhere, but after thinking about the last two times he decided the psycho enjoyed being able to sneak up on him and remain hidden, unrecognized and anonymous. Would Whisperman still come at him if he knew Weeble could see him? So far, he hadn’t, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t. Weeble planned escape routes in every direction just in case. He memorized his paths, and had created a picture in his mind of everywhere he’d been as well as the general locations of the groups he’d come across. Everything was relative to the position of the compound, which was a fixed location against which he could create an overall map in his head of the woods. Ravines, ridges, fallen trees, clearings, creek beds, odd groups of trees or unusual growth. So far he’d identified almost all the Bravos in their groups on his runs. None had seen him. But he hadn’t stuck around to spy beyond a general grasp of what they were being taught. He’d seen no sign of Assmunch in any of the groups. After a pass by the clearing where they’d camped last night he noticed their gear was gone and the clearing was empty. He’d hoped to snag a few items from someone’s kit. He’d have to improvise. Currently he was watching Bootlicker and his escort, who were alone, laying on the ground from a distance watching Chunk, Olympic, Sleeper and Holler discussing a plan to infiltrate the compound. Weeble had his back to the groups, choosing to use his ears while keeping his eyes on the approach from the other direction. While Whisperman could probably escape detection and pass by the groups he’d have to swing wide. Weeble grinned. Whisperman didn’t want to get caught either. The groups he was watching were useful approach restrictions. “The moon’s dark tonight,” he heard Olympic say in a low voice. “That helps on approach, but there’s bound to be lights on the buildings of the compound. We’ll definitely be seen if there’s a watch.” “Assume you’ll be seen.” The soldier with them offered. In a slightly louder voice. “You should always assume you’ll be seen.” That seemed strange, the way he raised his voice. Already on edge, Weeble felt his internal alarm ring, the one that said ‘not normal’. He made a quick check of Bootlicker and his instructor. They hadn’t moved. Weeble’s time was up. He moved away in a slow, fluid low crouch until he made it around the small mound he’d chosen as his retreat. He glanced quickly behind him and cringed when he saw the disturbed ground he’d come across. He had to be better. Leaving paths and trails would get him caught. He froze when he felt a pressure against his groin. “Easy there puppy. You don’t want to lose those.” The Whisper came from below. He started to look down. “Uh-uh… no fair looking now, too late for that.” Whisperman said, then Weeble felt a sharp pain just above his knee and he swallowed the cry that tried to escape from his throat. The jab was just enough to draw blood. “Good. Nice and quiet, just how I like it.” Weeble’s mind raced. He dismissed the urge to attack. Without eyes on the knife that just jabbed him it would be impossible to avoid serious injury. Whisperman had to be in a prone position, likely on his back or his side. The same mound that covered Weeble’s retreat allowed Whisperman to hide in wait and Weeble wasn’t stupid, he knew Whisperman probably knew it was his best path of withdrawal and Weeble had walked right into him. And in spite of never taking his eyes off the woods that led up to the mound, Whisperman still found a way to get there. Weeble kicked himself. He’d chosen a retreat that provided the same cover that allowed an enemy to sneak up on him. The mental dissection of his mistake took a single second, in the next he executed a leap and dive. He needed distance. It would take Whisperman at least that long to get to his feet and before Weeble ran he might get a glimpse of the man he faced in this sick game. But if Whisperman was behind him, he had a clear shot to the compound a mile or so to the west and Weeble could make it there before him if he was quick and smart. As he rolled to his feet after his dive he darted his head back to look. A shiver went down his back when he saw nothing there, nothing on the ground, and he ran. He couldn’t afford a single moment of confusion as his legs pumped. He felt the blood from the wound above his knee soak into his trousers. Another cut. He’d have to get more pine sap which wasn’t fuckin easy to get from a pine tree in winter, but it was the only thing that would seal the wound with an antiseptic. It wasn’t the same kind of cut that Whisperman had given him on his ears. He wasn’t sure, he didn’t have a mirror to check, but each ear had a notch in it now on the outside edge. At least they weren’t bleedin anymore, but fuck that pine sap stung for an hour after he’d smeared it on his ears. But that had given him the best idea for camouflage he could come up with. Everything stuck to that sap. Yeah, he was a fuckin mess and looked like some woods monster, but he had leaves, pine needles, twigs and whatever else he could find plastered all over him. He could lay down on the ground and someone could be a foot away and not figure out he was laying there. He had to undress to do it properly by laying his BDU’s out to get complete coverage, but his adrenaline and fear kept him warm. Currently he was running full out in a straight line. He knew he was fast, too fast to catch easily. No more fuckin around, he’d chosen his position for a direct run to the compound deliberately for exactly this situation and while he’d hoped that he’d see the Whisperman coming first or avoid him entirely their encounter played into his backup plan perfectly. The only way he’d know where Whisperman was could only be if he let himself be found. He was so intent on his goal that he almost missed the large group camped ahead. He darted to cover behind a large oak and quickly looked around the area to see if Whisperman was there. Nothing. What the fuck? Who were these guys in his way? The compound was just sixty yards or so away, he could see a couple buildings in the distance. These weren’t the Bravos. He’d made another assumption that fucked him up. He thought the Bravos were the only group out here. He should have expected there were more compound soldiers, there were too many buildings for the small number that he’d counted with the Bravos. He controlled his breathing, pulling his arm up in front of his mouth so the steam coming from his breath wouldn’t make a visible cloud that appeared from behind the tree. Always assume you’ll be seen. Another lesson. Whisperman was somewhere nearby, he knew his was. Weeble had to pick a better position. This one would allow Whisperman to escape notice by the group if he decided to attack Weeble. He had to find someplace far too open to let Whisperman get to him without being caught. He took his time scouting, always with an eye on the woods. There was a perfect position about fifteen yards from the group encamped, a deadfall where an old rotten tree had broken off about three feet from the ground and lay across another tree it took with it when it fell. A lot of spindly empty branches as well as the two thick heavy trunks made a perfect hiding place underneath, as well as provide limited attack approaches that Whisperman could use, if the psycho could find him. But fuck, the trap of the last mound sprung into his mind. If Whisperman had somehow gotten ahead of him it was exactly the sort of place Weeble would choose, and exactly where Whisperman would wait for him. FUCK FUCK FUCK. He knew he should go around, circle back and come at the compound another way to avoid the group entirely. It was decision time. What was his goal? He had many. Safety, sure, but was that first? He wanted to learn, he didn’t want to fall behind his brothers. If he chose safety he wouldn’t learn anything. Fuck. Safety was the coward’s way. That was the old Weeble. So far, he’d escaped from Whisperman every time. And part of him had to assume… that fuckin word again… that he only got away because Whisperman wanted him to, or let him go. Did he need to know why? Could he assume Whisperman had another goal? Even if he could believe that Whisperman told him the truth, that he loved playing this cat and mouse game, Weeble had to figure he wasn’t good enough at it to actually give the sicko any real fun. It could be that Weeble was just an entertaining diversion from the real goal. And just behind the desire for survival, he had to admit he wanted to know what all this was about. Who were their hosts? Why were they here? Who was Whisperman and why was HE here, sneaking around? If there was something else going on, he had to warn the Bravos. While he doubted Major Collins would get them involved in anything bad, maybe the Major didn’t know what was actually going on here. He didn’t even know how the Major had the authority to take them anywhere, which was not normal in itself. That tipped the balance for him, and actually made the decision easy. The Bravos needed to know what they were involved in. No one told them anything, and whatever this was didn’t fit anything official or above board. Secret compound in the woods? A group of soldiers who didn’t wear uniforms, who certainly didn’t maintain military grooming discipline with their sloppy clothes, hair that touched their ears and collars, and facial hair? Even the weapons Weeble saw weren’t military issue and instead seemed like personal weapons that had been modified in a way the military would never allow. The explanation given by the guy instructing Shark’s group seemed too basic and easy. ‘Don’t need to know’, ‘just follow orders’… In a military setting, under a command, absolutely. But whatever this was… that didn’t fly. So, the deadfall position was his play. He couldn’t turn himself over to whoever was left in the compound, he’d never get any real intel that way. He had to let Whisperman play his game and trust it wouldn’t get too out of hand. So far, his wounds weren’t life threatening or debilitating, just inconvenient and painful. He could take inconvenience and pain. Hell, that was what infantry was all about anyway. He felt better, having made a decision. He crawled his way over to the fallen tree. When he was a few feet away, he quietly spoke. “I know you’re here, if I see the fuckin knife I bolt and take my chances with that camp. You fuckin psycho.” He wasn’t sure and he might be talking to empty air, but it was worth a shot. He got nothing in return and scooted in, looking for any unusual mounds or shapes, crawling very slowly keeping an escape just in case. The ground moved and he rolled instantly, avoiding a boot to the face by a hair, his reflexes saving him. “Better.” The whisper came. “I didn’t use the knife. You can still run.” Weeble stayed, crouched just out of reach. “No. I need answers.” He replied in another whisper. “First smart thing I’ve heard out of your mouth, kid.” Whisperman answered. “Crawl in. We need to talk.” Weeble’s heart was pounding but he committed. He still moved slowly. He hadn’t had time to scout any perimeter guards and they could be anywhere. “Snuggle in close.” The ground beneath the tree trunk moved upwards, some kind of debris covered tarp, and Weeble rolled under the edge of a flap. This position had been prepared, it was a hollow depression. Weeble felt good that he’d chosen a position that even Whisperman found suitable, but the preparation as a scouting location which was meant for a longer stay told him Whisperman had used this before. “Get close, we’re going to get to know each other.” Whisperman said, pulling Weeble’s smaller body into him tight. He felt Whisperman’s leg slide over him as well as his arm until they were spooned and Weeble knew he was stuck now. There would be no easy escape. There was barely enough room for a single grown man and now, with Weeble in there they were literally twisted up together. Whisperman’s mouth was on his neck. At least he was warm. The man smelled of sweat and earth. “You’ve earned one question.” Weeble thought about it. What was most important? “Who are the guys in the compound?” He decided. He needed to know what the Bravos were involved in. “It’s complicated.” Whisperman breathed. “They’re a militia group we’ve had our eyes on for over a year. They are not the good guys.” Weeble felt sick. What had Major Collins done? “Your turn. Who are you?” Whisperman asked. “We’re just regular Army, we don’t know why they sent us here.” He answered honestly. Whisperman was silent for a few moments. “You’re all still active duty?” “Yeah, just got done with Jump School at Benning.” “So you aren’t civilian recruits they’re training to join them? Not recently separated or discharged?” Weeble shook his head just a little. “No.” “Is this a mission? You here to get intel on this group?” Whisperman asked. “I couldn’t tell you if we were.” Weeble answered. “But no, we wasn’t told nothin, just put on a couple transports and dropped off here.” Whisperman held still for a full minute, his warm breath flowing over Weeble’s neck. Weeble shoved down the automatic desire that bubbled up inside him. They were pressed together, the man’s limbs covering him, his breath caressing his ear and neck while his lips were pressed firmly against him. Weeble was breathing in the heady scent of the man’s musky odor and he couldn’t help the answering sexual arousal it elicited. There was something incredibly intimate about this. Part of it was that he’d deliberately submitted himself to this man. He was vulnerable, and Whisperman was in complete control. It had become habit for those factors to bring out his sexual desire. Fuckin hell, as Assmunch would say. This was no time for that, and Whisperman was NOT otherwise desireable or attractive for fuck’s sake. But Weeble knew after the terrifying sequence of evasive action of the past six or seven hours a nice hard fuck, even by this psycho, would go a long way towards settling his head. The sick bastard would probably want to use his knife in some way but as long as it didn’t go further than what Whisperman had already done, he knew he’d let him. What the hell was wrong with him? “Is that group over there with you?” Whisperman finally asked. “No, all the Bravos are out there in the smaller groups you saw. I don’t know who these guys are and I didn’t get a good look. Too busy watching for your fuckin knife.” Weeble answered. Very little light filtered into their hiding place. Whisperman seemed like he was way taller than Weeble, so maybe six feel tall, or more. He wasn’t that big in size, but his body felt hard pressing against Weeble, definitely active and worked out, with muscles primed for action and not for show. Probably a lot like Assmunch, definitely not like Sleeper or Chunk. “They are teaching you skills.” Whisperman observed, almost like he was talking to himself. “I need someone who knows more. Which one of your group would have answers?” “Assmunch might know. Or…wait. That last guy, the one who was alone with one of the compound guys, spying on the other group at the last spot? Bootlicker, he always knows shit.” “You get all that Hammer?” Whisperman said. “Solo three might have more intel.” Weeble tensed slightly, and Whisperman responded by holding him tighter. “You’re not alone, not the only one.” Weeble breathed out. That answered so many questions, how he could never seem to shake Whisperman, or hide well enough, how he always seemed to be everywhere Weeble thought he couldn’t be. How Whisperman made it to this position ahead of Weeble and still found time to hide himself like this. “Bingo. I figured you weren’t as stupid as Hammer said you were. He didn’t cut you up too bad did he?” Weeble sighed. A weight he’d felt since this all started left him. “No, not too bad. Got my ears, my neck, and my knee.” “Sorry about that kid.” And it even sounded genuine. “What now?” Weeble asked, relaxed and calm again after what had been a harrowing day. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you when we move.” He didn’t have to tell Weeble twice. Now that he knew he was safe from Whisperman, the 36 hours without sleep caught up to him. ************** He didn’t know how long it had been but when he woke up it was after sunset. Their little hole was dark, and his captor was breathing softly against his neck, still. “Awake?” His captor whispered. “Yeah.” Weeble answered. “Hungry?” “Starving.” His captor moved. A few seconds later Weeble felt something against his cheek. “Nutrition bar.” Weeble took it, tore it open with his teeth and started chewing. “Gimme a bite.” His captor said, so Weeble held it back over his shoulder close to where he knew his mouth was. He felt the bar move in his hands. “Eat the rest. Thanks.” His captor said around the mouthful. “This isn’t so bad.” Weeble said, around his own mouthful. Nutrition bars were always so chewy, hard to break up. “Beats runnin all over the woods tryin to get away from a psycho with a knife.” His captor chuckled. “You did pretty good though.” He answered. “You should have heard Hammer cuss when you got him shot at.” “He did that his own stupid self. Hey, you don’t think he’ll do somethin bad to Bootlicker, do you?” Weeble asked. His captor shrugged. “He won’t kill him, but depending on how cooperative he is…”. The remainder of that sentence hung in the air like a weight. “That’s my fault.” Weeble breathed, as he carefully folded the now empty wrapper and tucked it in a pocket. . His captor’s arms tightened around him. “How old are you kid?” “I’m just twenty.” Weeble said weakly. “It’s a hard lesson. But if your Bootlicker is anything like you, he’ll figure out a way to avoid the worst of it. You have to trust your brother.” Weeble realized he was right. Bootlicker could take care of himself. There were stakes here so far beyond them, stakes they hadn’t asked for. They’d been thrown into a situation beyond their control and they were helpless pawns at this point. “So tell me about you, kid. You mentioned someone named Assmunch, and Bootlicker. Nicknames. What’s yours?” Weeble gave a small laugh. “Oh, we’re friends now? Sharin nicknames?” His captor laughed, but not loudly. “Sure, why not? Call me Mole. It’s not what my brothers call me, but it’s my designation for this op. You already heard Hammer.” “Hammer, I was callin him Whisperman in my head. His whisper is creepy as hell.” Weeble answered. “Yeah, Hammer has…. Issues.” Mole said. “I’m Weeble, but my name’s Victor.” Mole breathed out into his neck. “Weeble huh?” Mole’s lips felt good when he spoke against Weeble’s skin. And now that he knew Mole wasn’t Whisperman, it sent a warm tingling rush through him. “Why Weeble?” “Maybe a little cause I’m small, but Assmunch says it’s because I don’t stay down and always get back up. I don’t quit.” When Mole squeezed this time, it felt more like a hug. “I can see that. You could have run back to the compound any time, or even went to one of the groups. You didn’t do either. Why are you out on your own? Why aren’t you with one of the groups, with your brothers?” Weeble shrugged. “I’m not sure. No one picked me.” Mole didn’t say anything right away. “And you didn’t think to speak up?” “Thought about it, sure. But for what? To beg them to include me?” Weeble paused. “Nah, I’m done with other people tellin me whether I’m good enough or not. I can learn just as good listenin in, don’t need no permission.” “Well that explains the reason for Weeble.” Mole said with finality. “So Weeble, you want to help me out? I’m going to need you to do a few things for me.” Weeble took a breath. “If you teach me, I’ll do anything you want.” He said. Only after the words came out did he realize what that sounded like. Mole chuckled. “Hold that thought.” And he moved his hand up behind Weeble’s head. “Mole going dark.” He said, then returned his arm to encircle Weeble’s chest. “The mic’s off now. You should be careful with your words, they could be misinterpreted.” Mole continued. Weeble didn’t answer, and he felt his heart speed up. “Did I misinterpret, Victor?” Mole asked in a more gentle voice. “No sir.” Weeble said softly. “Well you’re a surprise. Have you done this before? Field tail?” Mole asked. “No, not like this.” Weeble answered. “But not your first time. That’s good, no lines crossed then. Been a while since I had any field tail. How do you want it? You want front or back?” That threw Weeble. He had a choice? Mole would let him fuck him? And the way he asked so casually, like it was no big deal. And not a lot of talking or figuring things out. Was that normal? Mole made it seem normal. He just went right ahead and asked. “Front, already here, easier.” Weeble answered, trying to sound just as casual. Mole chuckled again. “I won’t lie, I was hoping you’d say that. Pull ‘em down.” He said, then his arm was gone and went down between their bodies to undo his own trousers. Again, right to it. Mole was surprisingly gentle, even a little loving, as he slowly pushed his spit covered hard cock between Weeble’s asscheeks. “You ain’t gotta go easy on me.” Weeble offered as the length slid into him gradual inch by thick inch. “Appreciate that, Weeble. It’s more a matter of the room we don’t have and keeping quiet and as still as possible.” Mole answered. “Fuck, nice hole, soldier.” He said as his thick, rigid length slid up inside Weeble’s tight hole. “Good tail.” Weeble merely groaned. He hadn’t gotten nearly enough of Hunter’s dick just a few days ago. Once they’d had their talk Weeble felt way more free getting what he wanted. And then, when Hunter left Monday to go back to Bragg, he told Weeble no one owned him and no one had the right to tell him what he could and couldn’t do. They’d figure out what they had and what kind of relationship was possible as they went. As Mole’s achingly slow, deep, full thrusts made his body tingle, he remembered Hunter’s words. “We’re going to be apart for who knows how long, bud. I know you better than you think I do just from what you told me and you’re going to want to have sex with some of the guys you meet. And when that happens you’ll get in over your head and feel guilty, and I don’t want that. I don’t want you feeling bad about yourself, ever. Not because of sex.” Weeble had tried to assure him. “No, Hunter. I like you. I wouldn’t want to.” Hunter had smiled at him. “I told you Victor, fucking is fun. We’re young, we’re men, it’s going to happen. What you and I have goes beyond just fucking. That part is okay to save for me. The rest? You get yourself whatever dick you need when you need it, bud. It helps keep that adorable smile on your face and I love that smile.” Hunter was right. He didn’t have no feelings for Mole, he just needed that dick to put his head back on straight. For some reason he felt more in control of himself when he let a guy fuck him. He had power over the guy fucking him and he knew what he was doing. Plus, it felt so good. Mole’s hand was pulling on his hip, keeping him moving with his thrusts, and his breath was coming faster against Weeble’s neck. “Fuck yeah, man.” He said. Weeble was stroking his own dick slowly with his sticky pine sap layered fist, keeping rhythm with Mole’s deep thrusts. Jesus, the man had a nice dick, stretching him out and filling him up. And so deep. He wished he could reach down and feel Mole’s nuts. They were probably as huge as his cock. A perfect big-man sized set. He imagined a thick hairy bush covering all of it. “I’m close.” Mole grunted. “Okay if I bust in you?” “Yeah, do it. I’m close too.” Weeble answered with his own grunt. “Fuck yeah. Oh fuck… shit… take my nut, kid. Fuck.” And the rest was just grunting while his cock seemed to stretch Weeble’s hole even more with uncontrolled and violent smaller punches. Feeling Mole lose control while he shot his seed inside him sent Weeble over the edge and he whimpered as he emptied his own balls into the hideout. Mole’s hand came off his hip and reached forward to wrap around Weeble’s now spent cock, giving it a few lazy strokes that made Weeble twitch. Mole chuckled. “Glad you got off too, kid, I was gonna finish you off. Fuck, that was nice. Nothing like some field tail. Gets your head back on straight.” He said. That made Weeble let out a small laugh. “I was thinkin the same thing. It just settles everythin down, don’t it? Is this normal?” Moles arm went back up to Weeble’s chest. “I needed that. I forgot you haven’t done this. I’m guessing if you haven’t, at least a couple of your brothers have. Field tail… ” He paused. “It’s not exactly normal, or usual, or all that frequent. On deployment, away from your wife or girlfriend, away from any regular pussy, you get tired of your hand, it’s an excellent way to clear your head. Some guys would rather die than touch another man’s dick, but most know there’s a time and place. Seems like there’s always at least one guy in the unit who’ll suck, maybe one brother you get particularly close to and it just happens. After that first time, there doesn’t seem to be a reason not to. And if word gets around the unit that one of the guys takes front…. Well most of the others are going to take him for a ride at least once. But, that’s only in specific, close knit units, it happens very rarely in the general ranks. Very rarely. It’s still illegal, and if you’re caught you risk an Article 12 added on. If it’s with a battle buddy. (Author’s note, Article 134 now covers sexual conduct. And Article 125 dealt with sexual assaults, and used to have a provision against consensual sodomy as well.) So don’t get caught. But more than all of that, sometimes… well sometimes you don’t know if there’s going to be a tomorrow. Do you want to go out without a little piece of joy to take with you?” Mole’s hips were still thrusting in small movements while he spoke. “If your brother let’s you fuck him, or you let him fuck you, that’s the bond that’s unbreakable.” Weeble suddenly understood Wanker in a much deeper way than he had before. He said he was straight, and there was no reason not to believe him, he talked about girls all the time. And he didn’t go around begging for the Bravo’s dicks, or acting like he cared about it all, in fact he never mentioned it. Weeble had a hard time understanding how Wanker could let Puta, Footlong and Shark fuck him, then suck off Troll and more than a few of the others without it being any big deal. But Mole’s explanation put it all into a new perspective for him. “You take front too?” Weeble asked with hesitation, loving the way Mole just took for granted Weeble’s hole was his for the duration and he hadn’t stopped sliding in and out. He’d never had a conversation while the guy had his dick in his ass. Before Hunter Wicomb, it was quick, quiet, and with a single purpose. And even Hunter pulled out and lay down before they talked. Another chuckle. “That surprise you? Once you get past the whole getting off with another guy thing, it’s just another hole.” “Yeah, I thought… I dunno…”. Weeble thought about Wanker and that last week in Germany. It made sense. Mole sighed. “You can’t think of it like it’s some defining aspect of your character, or how much of a man you are. That’s not what it’s about. For me, I’m helping a brother out or sometimes… if I’m in a dark place taking a brutal pounding from someone I trust makes the worst of the voices and thoughts go silent. I put myself in my brother’s hands, and that makes a lot of it alright. My brother is a safe place.” Weeble wondered what he meant by the ‘dark place’, but he understood the ‘safe place’ part of that. Being under a bigger guy was one of the only ‘safe places’ Weeble knew. That was when he knew he wouldn’t be hurt, insulted, or made to feel small. “You need to go again?” Weeble asked after thinking about it for a minute, noticing that Mole’s dick hadn’t gone soft and he was still moving his hips. “I could. You don’t mind?” Mole asked. “Nah, go ahead. Bust out another one.” Weeble answered. “I’ll make it quick. Damn, it would be nice to have you on the team. There’s something about you, Victor…” Mole said as he picked up the pace again. “Well it’s gonna take a little time to teach me. You can get it when you want it.” Weeble said. “Sweet.” And then there were no more words necessary as Mole focused on pumping into Weeble’s ass for the next few minutes. “Awww shit, yeah…here it comes.” Mole breathed just before he spasmed into Weeble, and Weeble loved feeling Mole’s hot breath on his neck. Once again, he slowed but didn’t pull out and just lay still with his cock inside. “Damn. So good. Thanks for taking my load, kid. You did me a solid, man. Can’t call you brother, but know I would if you were one of us.” He said against Weeble’s neck. “I have to go live again, can’t stay dark.” Weeble understood and gave a small nod knowing Mole could feel the movement more than see the motion. Mole’s hand moved up behind Weeble’s head again for a brief second. “Mole is live.” The man said, then paused for a minute before saying “Copy.” He patted Weeble on the chest, then moved his hand to Weeble’s hip to push against it, withdrawing his dick which seemed to take forever to snake its way out of Weeble’s wet hole. How big was that thing? This was definitely Weeble’s number three on his list of getting fucked. Hunter was first, of course. Then Brody, his big fantasy high school football player, even though Brody didn’t actually LIKE Weeble that way, he was still nice and was gentle when he fucked him. And now Mole. If he knew what Mole actually looked like, he might move to number two. He was really nice, gentle, kind, even asked permission. Then after he wasn’t embarrassed or awkward, just treated Weeble like he did before. Maybe number two was a tie, for now. Weeble pulled his trousers and underwear back up and redid his belt. “We have a mission, kid. You in?” Mole asked, back to business after getting himself sorted. “Yeah.” Weeble answered. “Good. We haven’t been able to recon the compound and you have a way in. We need to know what’s in those buildings. Can you get us that intel? Can you get back out?” “I can do it.” Weeble answered. It felt real good how Mole was acting all normal after what they just did, and still treated him like he was capable and competent. “I don’t want you to take any chances. These guys don’t fuck around. If you get caught somewhere you don’t belong it won’t matter who you are and they will make you disappear.” Mole explained. “And we can’t help you. There won’t be a rescue. They can’t know we are here. Do you understand, Victor?” “Yeah, I understand.” It was a risk, but he wanted to do something. “They’re ignoring me, prolly won’t even care if I walk in.” He explained. “That’s why I asked, they’ve cut you loose. And look, it’s not critical, don’t think you have to take any risks. Get whatever info you can and get out.” “Yes, sir.” Weeble answered. ********************* Ulster McGregor watched Weeble scutter off into the woods, with a grin. ‘Good kid’ he thought. Definitely a surprise. The sex wasn’t planned, just a bonus. The kid seemed willing enough, and it wasn’t like him to pass some junior meat by when it was ready and willing. He hadn’t lied to the kid, you grabbed your opportunities when you could. Hell, Weeble actually reminded him a little of his own son, graduated now and off to Michigan State. He was small, like his wife, like Weeble. Good kid, but he was almost certain Jacob was gay. He still hadn’t come out to them though. In his own time, Ulster would let him choose and not force it, Heather made that clear. He didn’t care either way, although he might try to convince him to take a ride on the other side long enough to give him a grandchild. But, the test tube baby thing was always an option, now that the science was determined and safe. His son Jacob was all blustering jock and spent far too much time dating girls without sealing the deal. According to Jacob, he was still a virgin. Only one reason for that, when Ulster knew girls were literally throwing themselves at Jacob, stupidly desperate in that horrible teenage girl way when they had a date with a hot, sexy guy like Jacob. He could sense their painful hopes when Jacob introduced them, how they gushed at his son, their adorable schoolgirl giggles at Jacob just saying something normal. And he could see Jacob’s complete obliviousness to their attentions. He wasn’t being prejudiced, Jacob was a fox, in the vernacular of the kids these days. He had all Ulster’s lean muscular frame, but tight and compact because of his mother’s 5’7” height and far more filled out than his own taller bones, Jacob’s dark brown hair grown long in the grunge style, matching his idols in the music scene. Jacob was beautifully muscled, rounded, thick, and his dark hair and eyes with full lips gave him a smoldering look. When he scowled, he didn’t look angry, he looked sexually heated. It was unnerving. At times it took him by surprise how much he wanted to lay a kiss on his own son. When his wife and daughter were out on a girl’s day, they had a boy’s day walking around in nothing, or at most underwear. But Ulster made it a point to go naked as much as possible. That was the other clue, Jacob tried to hide it, but Ulster knew he stared at him. Little bit of a dad crush there and he’d be lying if that didn’t make him feel good. Still, Ulster wouldn’t behave different with his own son, make him feel bad for who he was, or hide his body just because his son liked to look. He wasn’t going to make his son ashamed of feeling what made him happy. And Jake had to understand that his dad didn’t care if he looked. Hell, Ulster didn’t care if Jake jerked off thinking about him. He’d rather that than his son fantasizing about some drug addled loser. Jacob didn’t know what happened when his father was deployed, or on a mission. If the day came Jacob wanted to come out to him, he’d let him know he understood, and he’d had experiences too, maybe not the details, but of course that would all be determined by the number of beers they’d had. If he felt comfortable enough he’d confide in his son that he’d had his own experiences with cock and ass. What he worried about the most, was the type of guy Jacob would eventually bring home. He wanted a solid, standup guy, with a good job and someone who would treat his son with love, with a strong moral compass and sense of duty. Of course, a military man was his first choice. But he’d let Jake choose, and deal with whoever he decided to love. It was why after Jake graduated and before he went to college, Ulster behaved like an idiot. If he came across military guys that he knew swung that way, or both ways, he made sure he invited them home for a couple beers, and made sure Jake hung out with them. He’d whisper to his wife in the kitchen, and she’d take their daughter to the bedroom to watch tv while the ‘guys’ hung out. Oh, he knew the guys probably thought he was after them, and that’s why they’d agreed. And they were always older than Jake, of course. But he thought it was his fatherly duty to get something going for his son. Yet, nothing happened. Still, it wasn’t until Jake left for college that Heather sat him down and explained where he went wrong. The guys he were bringing home wanted him, not some 18 year old kid, that’s why they agreed to come have a beer with him. He felt like an idiot. It also made him think he should have started things going, that maybe he could have been the one to bridge the gap. When Jake was still a junior in high school, his wife and he had talked about it. First - to come up with a game plan when they both recognized what they were seeing, then to plan their reaction when it all finally came out and Jake decided to tell them. He’d felt slightly insulted at first that Heather had tried to caution him about how he should react. “Hon, you think I’m going to be mad if he’s gay?” He’d said in confusion. “U (he loved it when she called him ‘U’), you know how you are, all He-man tough guy combat dude. That’s probably why he hasn’t told us yet. You’re scary, U.” “Babe, c’mon. I’m a fuckin puppy dog. You have my balls in your purse for fuck’s sake. I’m not that tough.” He’d argued. She patted his cheek. “He doesn’t know that, U. You’re his hero. He doesn’t want to disappoint you. He doesn’t want you to love him any less.” “I love my son! I don’t care who he is!” Admittedly, he felt a slight panic when he thought his son might be afraid of him. He didn’t want that. For him, Jake was that toddler reaching out to him, that five year old showing him a rock, that 10 year old who just made a base hit. He was everything he was trying to protect. “Then, show him more love than you would ordinarily. Show him it’s okay to be himself. You don’t have to be the tough guy, sports hero, macho big dick guy. Hell, touch the boy once in a while, hug him, sit closer than a foot away from him. He’s still a little boy inside, and he loves his father. It’s okay to kiss him. God U, he’s hurting for it.” God, Heather was so amazing. She was saying take a softer approach. Honestly, he thought the way to raise a son was to teach him by example of how to be tough, fight through, shake off life’s stupid accidents, and all the unspoken dude rules that made men act the way they do, with bro-hugs, short handshakes, respectable distance, never letting a discussion get past a certain emotional level. He hadn’t had the first clue about having a gay son, but if Jacob was gay he would damn sure know his dad wasn’t going to stop being the dad he loved, and who loved him, no matter what. Jake had to understand his dad was his number one bro, no matter what. Before that talk, he let Jacob be his teenager self and withdraw to his room, mutter something unintelligible when he walked through the door after school heading straight to his room until dinner, his Walkman earphones on his ears, his sweatshirt hood over his head. After the talk, Heather would give him a direct look. So he’d walk up the stairs and knock on Jacob’s door. “It’s unlocked.” Jacob would say. It would be easy to hear a resentful, sullen tone in the words, but Ulster took Heather’s words to heart. “Just me, Jake.” “Come in, Dad.” Jake’s tone always improved when it was him. Maybe Heather was right, maybe Jake was scared of him. Had he been that kind of dad? “Hey Jake, how’s school?” He asked, feeling a little awkward. “Fine.” Jake was standing on the other side of his twin bed, hands in pockets. His room was spotless and the bed was made, as expected in a military house, with a kid who knew the drill. He’d taken off his headphones, probably to pull his sweatshirt off that was now laying on the bed. He wore a sleeveless t-shirt that was two sizes too small and hugged his newly developed muscles, BELTON COUGARS printed across it. As a junior in high school he wasn’t big, but what Ulster saw was an excellent foundation. He could see the shoulders widening, the chest deepening. His ass and legs were already thicker than a normal teenager’s, which spoke to his his football training. “Practice went well?” “Yeah, coach says I can be varsity next year if I keep going. He says I have the muscle. I have the plays and the position down.” Jake was looking at his bed. Wasn’t looking at him at all. He didn’t know how to do this shit. He knew what his son needed, and Heather confirmed it, but no one had any advice on how to bridge the awkward gap. He threw away all caution. “I’m proud of you, Jake.” Was all he said. Jake darted a quick look at him, then looked down again. “I mean it son. You make me proud. You’re growing into a good man, I can see it. I can see your effort.” He saw his son’s chest heave. “I try hard, dad.” He said, softly. “I know, Jake. I know.” Ulster said, walking across the bedroom. “Jake, you don’t have to be like me, okay?” He said, facing his son from less than a foot away. “Whoever you are, that’s who I want you to be, okay?” “Okay.” Jake said, and his voice sounded so small. So painfully full of doubt. “Son. Look at me.” He said, putting a hand on Jake’s shoulder. Jake looked up into his eyes, and the tears he saw pooling there almost broke his heart. His sweet boy. “I love you Jake, and nothing will ever destroy that. Nothing.” he tried to put more meaning into the words, but he didn’t know if Jake understood. “I love you too, Dad.” He looked up again. “I just want to make you proud of me.” The part of his heart that hadn’t broken before, cracked at those words. He knew what it meant, what it might mean. He grabbed Jacob, probably harder than he should have, but this boy meant the world to him, and the slightest thought that he was in doubt of his father’s love and devotion almost unmannned him. He pulled him close, all the way, a full body embrace. He didn’t shorten it, didn’t let it go, just held it there, his son’s face in his chest, their arms wrapped around each other, for the most intense, emotional, and soul-reaffirming time he’d ever felt. He wished… he pushed out with his soul, hoping that feeling enveloped his beautiful son, needing him to feel the depth of his love, wanting him to know he would die for him in any situation. On instinct, he lifted up, and he felt Jake pull his legs up and wrap around him, just like when he was a child. Jake was high enough now to crest his shoulder, and his son nestled his face into his neck, and it took him back to when Jake was so much younger. He was still his little man. His pride and joy. He needed this as much… maybe more than Jake. It restored him to his certainty that everything he endured was for these three people - his wife, his son, his daughter. His deployments, the incoming he took, the time away, the orders he had to follow that he didn’t like… all for them. All for this kid in his arms. “I love you Jake.” He whispered. “If you ever need this… this right here… I’m here. Always son.” The tears were falling from his eyes as he felt the deepness of his son’s hug, the desperate need for his love, and he tried to push every ounce that was in his heart out for his son to feel. ************************ It felt anticlimactic, just walking into the compound after being confronted briefly by one of the men. He made sure to circle around well away from Mole’s position before approaching, keeping down and moving from cover to cover. “What are you doing here?” The guy asked, leaning against the first building, one foot up and smoking a cigarette. “I’m hungry.” Weeble replied. It was the truth, and he’d decided on that for the reason he came to the compound. “Oh, you’re that little one. Where ya been, runt?” If the man meant to irritate Weeble, he was a few years too late with that insult. “Runnin around the woods where you left me.” He answered. Sure, it had attitude, but NOPE, they weren’t his superiors. “Just here to get some food, I’ll be back outta your hair real quick like.” “You look like you rolled around in shit and then fell down a mountain. What the hell have you been doing?” The man field stripped his cigarette butt after taking a final puff, tearing it apart, then kicked his heel in the dirt and threw the shredded pieces in the shallow hole before kicking the displaced dirt back over it and stomping down. “Come on, I’ll take you to get some food. You’re lucky, there’s probably still some hot food left. Nancy usually leaves it for the late comers.” The man explained, moving off toward one of the buildings. “You can shower and get out of that when you’re done. Your gear and kit is stored.” Weeble was creating a picture in his head, memorizing the layout. All the buildings were in the same brown and grey, cement block construction, most just a single story. He recognized a star pattern, with a three story building at the center. It had windows on all four sides. Lookout, or command center, he thought. He let his guide take him further in.
    3 points
  7. I never would have guessed you were 18," the clerk said handing me back my id. With a shaky hand, i reached for it. Nervous as to what to expect and nervous I would be seen, I almost turned and just bolted. But I had waited too long. After a few hookups in the bookstore booths, I wanted to experience the baths and see if it was really true, that they were just places for men to fuck non stop. Remembering the directions he had given me, i followed the turns and found my room. I figured a room would give me a place to hide if i needed it. I quickly changed into, well, nothing, just a small towel. A very small towel that barely covered my butt it was so short. I watched porn for a few minutes on the little tv and then got my courage up to go look around. I grabbed my key and made it out and wandered thru the halls. No one in the weight room and I didn't care about the showers or bathrooms. I found my way out to the courtyard and turned around after looking briefly at a packed Jacuzzi. As I walked back in I almost bumped into someone. Looking up and down, I was quickly reduced to shyness. He was hot. Really hot. 6 3" maybe, but thin, real thin, except for his big hands and feet. His graying balding hair was cut real short. And it was pretty dark but i had a good feeling about the tent coming from the towel he had on. " Well hello there...," he said quietly in a low sexy voice. "Uh hi" i managed. " I know I would remember seeing you here before, is this your first time?" "Yeah, I just turned 18 a few weeks ago..." I said trailing off. "You are 18?" he asked, looking at me closely. "yeah, but I, i um, i kind of like guys older than me." "Like guys that are maybe 46?," he said smiling. "Yeah, just like that." I said. "Chris, my room is just down the hall, why dont we go there where we can have a little privacy and... ge tto know each other." ""Ok, " was all i said. I was so nervous, but he was so hot. And this was happening. He was leading me by my hand to his room. He sat on the bed and patted for me to sit down too. "So Chris is this your first time here or your first time?" It didn't make sense to lie. I have been going to a bookstore for a few months and usually suck or get sucked. I have gotten fucked a few times too." "Did you like that, getting fucked?" "Well kind of. It hurts a lot but felt good too. Not sure if i am too tight or condoms aren't slippery, but it feels like they tear you when a guy is inside." "Yeah, a lot of guys say that. Condoms are really uncomfortable. For the top too, let me tell you. It sure does feel better without one. have you ever tried it without a condom?" "No, i always meet guys I don't know and everyone says that you should always wear one." "Chris, not everyone says that. A lot of guys here don't use them. They think it ruins it. And a lot of bottoms decide that they want to feel the man cum in them." " But what... isn't that really dangerous?" "Some things are worth the risk maybe. You should try it, maybe you will like it." "I don't know. I don't know if I should." "Well you don't need to decide this second do you? I gotta ask though Chris, I have been wanting to since I saw you out there. Can you take that towel off? I really want to see that butt." I got up right away and dropped my towel and turned to show him my butt. "Yeah that's a hot butt. Spread your legs a little. yeah like that, now bend over and open up and let me see that little boy hole." I saw out of the corner of my eye he had dropped his towel and now turned my head to look and there it was. He wasn't all the way hard yet but it was on its way to being a perfect rock hard 9 inch cock with a massive mushroom head and big shaved cum filled balls. it was giant. And perfect. "You like that cock Chris? Like what I have for you?" "Yeah, its so big. its so big." Walking towards me he pushed me down onto my knees. He didn't have to say anything, as I immediately opened wide and took him into my mouth. Almost immediately, I lost myself in it. His cock was growing rock hard and felt so good in my mouth as i strained to take more and more of it. "Yeah Chris, you love that cock in your mouth dont you?" With my mouth full all i could do is nod my head over and over and try even more to swallow all over that massive man meat. After a minute or two, he stopped moaning and said "Fuck yeah, now its my turn to taste you." I reluctantly took my mouth off his cock, swirling my tongue around the head one last time trying to catch any precum I could and stood up. " No, get on the bed on your tummy. It isn't your cock I want to taste." I didn't understand at first; I had never had my hole rimmed before. When he pulled my cheeks apart and i felt his rough beard against me, I knew. And then i felt it. That magic feeling of a twisting and squirming wet tongue on my sensitive hole. It felt so good. And he loved it too, I could tell. He was licking and stabbing his tongue into my asshole, trying to fuck me with his mouth. I was moaning and gasping and trying not to squirm and buck too much. It just felt so fucking good. After a few minutes, he finally came up for air. His cock was like steel, and so was mine. "I am gonna fuck you now," he declared. It was not a request. It was a fact. And he knew I was going to let him. Out came the lube and he poured it into his hand and went to work working it into me slowly. He was careful not to hurt me, saying "I want to open you up slow so you can take lots of cock and don't get too sore." After getting me and my hole all ready for just about anything at that point, he began to jerk his cock off slowly, coating it with lube. Aiming it at my hole, I felt him start to press against me. "Shouldn't we use a condom?" I said. "I don't have any. Besides, it feels so much better without anything between us. Don't you want to make my big cock feel really good?" he said in a low sexy voice. He never stopped working it in either and at that moment he popped in and made it past my outer ring. As about 3 inches slid into me, I gasped and worked to relax. "Just relax Chris. I am gonna make it feel so good you will be begging me to cum inside you. But I can pull out too. Up to you. Ah yeah it feel so good. So fucking good." And he was just working his cock into me, deeper and deeper. Filling me. And i was trying to think but the need for cock was taking over and I was almost in surrender mode. Surrender happened when he announced "Fuck yeah, 9 inches of cock inside you. Do you feel that? Do you feel full of cock boy?" "Oh fuck. Oh fuck yeah" was all i could get out. As he slowly pulled out and slid back in again, I couldn't even touch my cock. I knew I would come that quickly, if i did. He started working in and out faster now, with deeper strokes. He was hitting deep and i was gasping and moaning and asking for more. "I want to keep fucking you, but i am gonna shoot soon. Your hole is so tight and eager, its pulling the cum up outta my balls." he said. It then flashed thru me again. He was barebacking me. No condom. Maybe that's why it felt so good? Maybe it wouldn't be any good if he had worn one. Instead, this feeling was magical. His cock felt so good I couldn't imagine not having him fuck me. I would hate to have missed this. His raw cock was fucking me so good and deep and sliding so smoothly. He was really fucking me now, and I was grunting and gasping as he fucked the wind out of me with every deep pounding he gave. "Oh fuck boy, I am gonna shoot if I keep fucking you like this. I am gonna fill you with cum. Or else gotta pull out." He grunted. " Don't stop. Are you clean? Like hiv?" I managed to get out. "This is poz cock you got in you Chris." And now he was pounding me. I was moaning and gasping and grunting and totally losing myself in the feelings of my hole as he pummeled it with his massive cock. "Fuck yeah. Gonna give it to you". He muttered with clenched teeth as he pounded me. "Fuck yeah, gonna give you my load. Big fucking poz load. Poz your little fuck hole up and get you hooked on getting your hole bred." "Fucking shit yeah, fuck me man fuck my fucking hole. Cum in me. Give me your load. I want it. I want it in me. I want it in me. I want it in me. I want it in me." I kept repeating that last part who knows how many times. "Yeah , fucking yeah, her it comes here it comes. Fuck yeah fucking take that poz cum. Fell that cock shooting cum in your little fuck hole. Fuuuuuuck yeaaaaaaahhhh" he almost shouted. 'Yeah yeah yeah, give it to me. fucking fuck me. Fill me up. Fill me with cum. Oh yeah, fucking give it to me." He slowed down and finally came to a stop. He still had his cock buried inside me. "I want to keep it in you while my cum soaks into you" he whispered. "Are you really hiv positive?" i asked. "Yeah i am. And I just gave you a huge load." he said. "It felt so good." I said. " " What getting fucked?" "No, when you came in me, I felt it jet inside me and felt your cock pulsing. I am glad you did that. I didnt know it was so much better bare." "Oh Chris, there are some friends of mine out there that would love to add to my seed inside you. Want me to show you around?" "Yeah, i want more. I want more now." I said.
    2 points
  8. Hi everyone, it is my first story here (I have so many hours reading yours) sand I hope it will be pleasant for you. It is my "secret" sexual fantasy (not the poz part but why not a story with^^) never realised (I am a really careful bottom). Please excuse me for the grammatical error, English is not my langage (I am French 🙂 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Jeremy, I am 30, tall with a standard body. I am not a model model but I have my success. I jnew that I was gay since High school. I have a 7" tool and and a smooth body. And yes, I am totally bottom. My job is quite humdrum so I balance it with an active sexual life. One Fact : I always have protected sex. I know it can be less attractive and fun, but it is clearly written on my profile on my gay apps. One day, I found a new profil (Hugo) who was just arriving in my city. He was totally my type : older than me (39), good hairy body, blond hair with blue eyes, and an angelic face. He also have the greatest cock I've ever seen : a thick 9" and veiny Penis. We crushed each other and had a long tchat for days. He was really understanding about my will of condom and told me that he had the same habit. He also shared with me pics of his medical analysis with neg results. He told me to do annual exam just to check and this one was few month ago. He now had my trust and started to tease me with hot pics and videos of him cumming (what a massive cumshots he has) and ribed me about my faculty of swallowing it. I also confessed to him that I only have taste cum but i had never been bred by a top (because of condom). I said to me that it was impressive and be happy that I share this with him. It wasn't true for him because a did bareback with an ex a long time ago. After a few days, I was really horny and wanted to meet him and have fun with him. We agreed to meet in my home on friday afternoon. He came with some beer and we chatted on my sofa for a moment. Soon arrived the moment where he touched me with sensuality and we started to kiss passionately. after this romantic phase, we went to my room. The fate had decided that condoms, lube and poppers were already on the table... I just took off his pant and boxer to discover for the first time and in front of me, his tool ! And it was so impressive with a subtle smell of men ! I played with it a lot with my tongue before he took my head to fuck my mouth hardly. He seems to be another man, really dominant, only concern by his own pleasure and I was perplex about the scene (horny, but a little frustrated). Suddendly, he captured my attention by saying : " Time to prove your telling... Swallow everything !" And I felt it. His dick gone deep in my throat and became really hard just before pulsing and jerking a tide of cum. Honetly, it was a good taste and I was near to cum myself by the mental pleasure of the situation. When he went out of me, he was still hard and creamy and asked me to clean his dick. I did it, thinking that it was not the idea of our first meet and also disappointed. As I started to leave the room, he hold me and said : "Where are you going, I never say that it was over" I answered about he had unleashed his load and told me that his dick was still really hard. and it was his turn to take off my pant. He made me re-horny with his expert tongue, but do not last long on my dick. He put me on my bed, and omg! his tongue in my hole was so good. I think it was the best ass eater of all my sexual life. Adding the poppers and my hunger for him, I accept his wrapped (he put a condom and lube when he felt me ready) tool easily. I was impressed because he was still hard in me, and contrary to the previous act, he was more gentle and soft, alternating with his dick in my hole, going out to play with finger, going inside, finger with lube, etc... This sweet playing lasted for a moment before he changed his mind and upgrade the level. What a fuck, I took my feet in a marvelous rythm, Hugo was a perfect top and I was "in love". Everything was great.After a long moment, he suddendly told me that he had two presents for me and put his hand in mine to let something.While I discovered the used condom, he hampered my body wis his muscular corpse and accelerated his fuck. He congratulated himself of his succes, to be my first load and try to calm my protest with poppers. He also told me that he felt how good I was and how he makes me horny. That being first bred by him will make me never forget and that I know I wanted him for this first time. He succeeded to convince me when he told me that I was aldready full of his precum, so there was no impact of letting him cum in me now excepted having the best time of my life and that he was neg. And what was predicted to arrive... Arrive. I felt him pulsing inside me, his hot shots spreading inside. I could swear that it was more intense and massive than the one in my mouth. He stayed in me a long time after, half nude (like me). He left after a shower while I was tyding my room and the living. On monday, I received a message of Hugo "Are you ready for your second promised gift darling ?" I hesitated, and answered "The first one was the condom, and the second your load, isn't it" I soon received another message, as my cock was hard because of Hugo. "No, the first one was the load, the condom was just the wrapping paper " And Hugo sent me a video. It was him in my bathroom. His back was apparent in my mirror. And I see it, an enormous Biohazard tattoo ! I didn't answer so Hugo sent me "I hope my gift will grow in you, that's why I wait to give you these personal video ! Prep is too late my boy ! And if I doesn't knock up you, feel free to ask me for more loads ! I like you and I want you by my side, with my legacy" I understood that he make a false test as a fatal argument to have me (and it was a nice moove). I never answered to him, but after my results came back (TRULY) positive, I became officially Hugo's Boy and Boyfriend.
    2 points
  9. I'm 54 and my boy is 23. He can't get enough Daddy cock. I fuck him every day at least once and he still wants more. He loves it when I get my buddies over to group breed his ass. I love it when he brings his buddies over for me to fuck.
    2 points
  10. I work from home so it gives me some free time to be a good community cumdump. For a few years I've been chatting online with another local cumdump, a tall lithe white twink that enjoyed anon scenes. He recommended this local top on Grindr that he used to breed him regularly. Dl daddy type with a generous cock. My friend bemoaned that his work schedule will involve more travel and he wouldn't be able to serve the area as much in the future. Well, I thought, I certainly can't let our community down. I reached out to the top on Grindr and we began messaging back and forth. He didn't seem super interested at first. I'm a brown boy, the complete opposite of the white twink he was regularly seeding. I did my best to entice him with pics of my juicy hole and smooth body. I made sure to let him know that I can host during the day and he was welcome to stop by anytime. Finally a couple weeks ago, he reached out and asked if I was taking dick that day. I said of course and sent him my address. He asked that I be face down ass up for him, and I eagerly agreed, like the slut I am. There's nothing quite like having my ass up and hearing the door close, footsteps approaching from behind, hands grazing my cheeks. He inserted a finger easily in my wet hole. "Slut. You got fucked earlier," he said. "Suck my dick." I got on my knees and went to town on his hot cock. 8 inches, white Italian meat. I made sure to deep throat him and suck hard, pulling along the length of his shaft with my tongue licking his head. He groaned in pleasure, signaling to me which techniques he enjoyed. Discovering their pleasure has always been my favorite part of meeting new men. And I was determined to make this man a regular top. He spun me around and spit on my used hole. I felt his dick slip right in and start slowly thrusting. After months of chatting and send pics, it felt so good to finally feel him and his cock inside me. We both hit poppers and he churned my hole deep with circular motions, his dick wet with another top's cum and his own precum. "Be a good boy and suck my dick again," he said. I turned around and tasted all the accumulated juices, what a treat. He enjoyed when I looked up at him pleadingly with a mouth of his dick. His hands pulling my head deep into his hairy crotch. We fucked for a few minutes more, it wasn't long before he added his DNA into my bottom. The feeling of getting bred by a hot man, along with the sense of accomplishment of finally serving him, made me a happy boy. It's only been a couple weeks since, and we've already met three times! I look forward to serving him until he tires of my hole and moves on. That's the life of a community cumdump.
    2 points
  11. Lansing—March, 2022 Perry had come to the playroom in December. (I wrote it up in February as “Get Me Ready for Your Cock”) We chatted a few times after the post was published. Somewhere along the way he let drop that he would love to have me whore him out (oversee other men using him along with me) at a bookstore—to not let him have any say in who was in either end of him. I agreed it would be fun. Suddenly the timing for that adventure fell into place. We set a time to meet north of me—in the establishment that is half bookstore/half bathhouse. Perry’s already in the parking lot as I pull in. I love eager men. A friend, a hairy cub, has come along with him—a man I know more by reputation than personally. (Though I have spent some happy moments trading off on some pit licking with him, at a CLAW scent party.) We go in—and then into the play area, after locking up our outer wear in a locker. I give a brief tour. The gay area—where there are couches, porn, stocks and a sling—is chilly. The other sling—tucked into a corner in a straight porn viewing area— is in a much warmer room. As we continue, I point out the slurp ramp and the glory hole area. I settle on a room where there is a three foot high padded table and a fuck bench along with the porn and other seating. I sit on the viewing bench and unbutton my pants. My cock is mounding my jock. “Get me hard.” Perry steps out of his pants. He folds his shirt and piles them next to me. Now in just a jock and foot wear, he kneels and inhales the scent of my jock pouch. He groans in the back of his throat. The Cub stands behind him and begins to squeeze his crotch. Perry’s lips and tongue are all over the stained fabric. Soon enough, my cock is released. Perry swallows it down. He holds my entire length tight in his throat. He comes up for air and begins licking every inch of it. “Balls.” He obediently moves to licking my hairy nut sack. All over. And under. My hand directs him back to my dripping cock head. He cleans it off with a satisfied sigh. “I want to eat your ass.” I stand and tell him I want him bent on the table, legs on the ground and chest to the padding. It shows his ass off perfectly. I kneel, pull the cheeks apart and dive in. The Cub moves around and holds Perry’s wrists in place. We are attracting a crowd. Six or so middle aged men have gathered around us on this Sunday afternoon. Cocks are out. Soon men are jerking or sucking their neighbor. I stand up. My cock slaps his ass with a nice wet thwack which fills the room. I prod open his now loose pucker and begin to fuck. I move Perry slightly, so his mouth is more available to the men jerking. I point at one of them and then to Perry—he gets the idea and Perry suddenly has a cock in him at both ends. A young Latino walks into the room. He slips between the daddies and begins to suck one of them. In no time, his pants are shoved down and the man in Perry’s mouth, who I was hoping would be next in Perry’s ass, is fucking the hot younger ass instead. I love how Perry is sprawled on one side of the table and the young man on the other. Perry reaches out and they clasp hands as both their asses take a pummeling. The sound of the fuckings fill the room. A spectator pushes in and bends over the table. “Fuck me, too.” I move from Perry to him. Perry stays in place---his hole now being cleaned up by the Cub’s tongue. I fuck the new guy hard. He squeals loudly. I slap his ass and fuck. I pull out—sigh, and have to go clean up. Freshly washed, I return to a smaller group. The Cub is still rimming Perry, two men are trading blowjobs in the chair and the Latino is pulling up his pants. “May I?” I nod. The Latino goes to his knees and sucks me down. “You need to fuck him,” Perry grunts out. “Fuck that hairy ass of his.” I look down at the kid swallowing my dick. “You want my cock in your ass?” “Fuck, yes!” he says, pulling off my dick. He pushes his pants back down and leans onto the table. I surprise him by rimming first. He sighs, reaches back and holds my head in place. I love eating his freshly fucked hole. My cock is now rampant after the washing and his mouth. I lube it up as I eat out his hairy crack. Perry and the Cub stand up to watch. I reluctantly stop rimming and stand up. My cock slaps him on each of his hairy mounds. “Give it to him,” Perry mutters. My cock enters him. Just the head popping in. The guy gasps. I do, too. He is tight—and super wet. Did the first guy shoot? I inch into him. Slowly. I bottom out and hold. I hear the kid’s breathing change. He’s ready. I begin a slow fuck. Long dicking him. Making him feel every inch. “Fuck, you feel good,” he croons. “Fuck me as hard as you want.” I take him up on it. I build to a hard-driving ramming of his ass. Over and over again. I slap his left cheek. It reddens and sends shock waves through my cock held so tightly by his ass. I slap him again. He groans out his pleasure. I slow. I stop, with my full length in him. Slowly I pull my engorged penis out of him. Instantly, he spins around and cleans my cock of his ass juices. I pull him up and we kiss—tasting his ass and my precum on his tongue as he embrace. “What’s your name, your first name?” I murmur. “Cruz,” he tells me before we kiss again. Deeply. A sweet ending for round one… The conclusion—next time! The original is here: From My Side of the Sling: Whoring Out Perry (felchingpisser.blogspot.com) April 28, 2022.
    2 points
  12. I like this. Words have to have meanings. I think too often, gays use terms loosely intentionally, or we just flat out allow people to lie. We make exceptions the rule. It leads to confusion and ultimately sexual frustration.
    2 points
  13. Since the last feeding of 25 loads a few weeks ago, Sir has already been collecting more cum to feed me. He's decided I need to swallow roughly twice as much cum this next time. Any offers of loads from local men in Los Angeles would be sincerely appreciated! He has been having the contributors come to his place in WeHo to milk themselves into a condom, or save multiple loads themselves and deliver them. To encourage others to donate their jizz, I'd like to offer to come pick it up from you to make it easy for you. Sir would also like to have a photo of each cock that contributes loads so he can show them in the video he makes of me swallowing it all. Optional, but also very much appreciated.
    2 points
  14. I was feeling a tongue exploring my body, a bearded mouth in my sweaty pits. “Let’s give it a bit more time” I heard. I didn’t know really what was wanted from me, but I was willing to take whatever would be given to me. Someone sat by my side of the mattress while I was still lying on my back, my legs kept open by a hand. I felt legs placing themselves between my thighs, a cock rubbing my hole. “Look at that, told you that slut was already full” someone said. “Go for it, man. Don’t think he’s gonna give a lot of resistance”. A dick was thrust deep inside. It wasn’t even painful, I was relaxed already, my hole could take anything. I couldn’t tell if that dick was thick or not. It just slid right in, with the help of the loads I had previously been given. “This feels great, loose and sloppy, man!” It wasn’t long before I got another load. I heard whispering that I couldn’t understand and some shuffling I couldn’t figure out what it was. “Next” I heard from the guy sitting by my side. “Do you want some?” The question was not addressed to me. Following his lead, guys were taking turns. I don’t know how long it had been, how many guys had shot in me, maybe 2, maybe 10, but the second pill started to kick in. Another rush of heat, another rush of intense sweating. I was feeling insanely dizzy this time, a little nauseous too but I had eaten nothing in hours. My legs were hurting but they were still being maintained firmly open to whoever wanted to shoot their cum in my ass. The dizziness was so intense, I was falling in and out of consciousness, without passing out. I was hearing discussions, but no one was addressing me. I had definitely become just a hole. I was in no way capable of understanding fully what was being done to me, let alone resist.
    2 points
  15. There are places you can get cheap or free PrEP via online without necessarily triggering your insurance. With one of those, it's unlikely your wife would find out, as long as you had a place to hide the pills that she's unlikely to discover. (Side note: in every relationship I think each partner should have some measure of privacy and a place to keep things that the other will not explore. But it's hard to establish that once the relationship is started, because it practically screams "I have things I want to hide from you." If that zone of privacy is established before the relationship gets serious, and each side understands that there are things - like a journal or diary - that need to be off-limits, it's a lot easier. And needless to say, that's not an excuse for putting the other person's health at risk.)
    2 points
  16. I can feel it when my hole isn't overly lubed or stretched -- using cum and split for lube seems to help and allows me to feel the nut squirt inside me and the heat from it as well as the extra wetness. I can also feel the top's cock throb as he breeds, especially if he's hung and rock hard or if its his first load of the day. I've tried to train my focus on these sensations over time so I can fully enjoy the magical moment of breeding. 🐽🕳💦🍆
    2 points
  17. It was nice to finally let my limbs be free, though hanging as the floor had made me a bit numb. I didn't have to grip the chains as they were neatly locked onto. I was also incapable of moving with my legs being spread for the whole room to see. I finally saw the man that instructed Kyle. He was gorgeous. Even better looking than Master Pierre if I dare say. There was something pure in him that I sensed. His voice was gentle but affirming. When the lights above me got brighter, I was able to fully appreciate his physique. "I'm George. At this moment, try to think of this as a sort of mini break for you. It doesn't get easier, but you do become stronger and better in becoming one of us." If I saw George in public, I wouldn't have the courage to speak to him. His warmth during this ritual was unexpected, reassuring to say the least. The men in the room got closer now, circling the sling I was in with George right in front of me. . Slowly, teasing my hole with his cock, he passed me a few hits and held my head to kiss me. It's strange, his kiss was passionate, as if there was a kind intention behind it. He caressed my body, which was continuously sweating and brushed my hair, whispering to me how good this was for me. "Don't worry boy, this is all for your own good. You know you will be released from everything after this, your ability to control your desire after facing it for good." Another hit and he still circled the tip of his cock around my hole. "Do you want this?" "Yes.." "I need you to beg for it like you did before, but this time I want you to really mean it. Say what you want, we're all here to make sure you know what you want." "I really need your cock in me, Sir. Please, I beg you, give it to me." "Don't be to needy now.." "Breed me Sir. I need to have you breed me and transform me like the rest of you. Fill me your toxic load and use me as you please." "Very creative. Good boy." He was still teasing, and back and forth he asked me if I want it, which I never fail to quickly reply Yes in hopes that he finally enters me. "You're a good boy, you know that? Very obedient and knowing what to do. I like that bout you. Maybe Pierre here could let me coach you. If Markus here could proudly admit he's a cumdump, even though you wouldn't tell he could a few months ago, then I can't imagine how great you'll be." "I'll be better - I know I can." I panted, staring at his eyes, dilated on both our ends. "That's my boy...that confidence..it took a while for even Kyle to have the calibre you have. You got to spend more time in the gym though, so that once you gain the strength that these boys have, then I would consider you on the same level as they are now." He began pinching my nipples, releasing a soft yelp from me. He then examined my chest and my biceps, licking my armpit and spitting into my mouth. "You do have a better ass though, I've to admit. So tight and made for breeding." His index finger was now protruding me and I sighed in pleasure. Two more entered and as we locked eyes again, I mouthed "Please" as I couldn't hold my desire for his cock any longer. George nodded and in an instant, he drove himself into me, fast and gentle like never before. His pants, accompanied by the men's encouragement, persuaded me to try and rock myself into him, letting his arms clutch onto me. Never letting go even a single moment. Unlike the previous fuck tonight, George never broke eye contact. What he did was hypnotizing. He wanted to recognize the boy I am, the kind of hole I was meant to be, I could see in his eyes that he knew that about me. With each bead of his sweat dropping onto my chest, I was beginning to bond with him. It felt as if no one was in the room and that we were sharing an indescribable moment. I did not felt degraded but empowered, squeezing my hole on to him as he thrust his hole cock into me. He was longer than the rest, if I could estimate, George was wrecking my hole for almost 20 minutes. Even reaching climax took a while as I sensed it building up. He was panting louder than before, pecking me continuously, with our tongues dancing in mix of T, spit, cum and G. Both his hands were on my shoulder, close to the neck before he was about to cum. During this period, he started telling me his history with Master Vincent. "I don't usually do this, you know, talking to new recruits, but I know you and I have already started something special. I'll let you in on my story." Now, he was slowly rocking me, and the precum started to flow out of my hole. "Don't worry boy, I haven't cum yet. I can give Mikael a run for his money. Now, let me tell you how it happened.." His head rested on my shoulder now and his lips were on my right ear, giving it a taste and whispering how he joined. "A while ago, probably 2 years I think, I was recently divorced. I was bisexual, well still am and I realized that maybe I prefer men more. Real men. My ex-wife was great and we ended things well but I still wasn't satisfied, you know? I went to Pride, went to the bars and bath house but there was still something missing. I was already friends with Tina and it didn't get me fucked up like half the guys here, but still, when you have all the drugs in the world and you still feel hollow, what can you do?" I now see the parallels between him and I. Unlike him, I was ahead of the game. "Even the kinks didn't do it. And I sure wasn't into anything too [banned word]. Except for this. See, I met Master Pierre on a trip in Palm Springs and we clicked perfectly. He was also very candid with the things he did, explaining his reason to bareback, the Tina and the sex he does. When he told me the kind of recruitment he was doing and why he was doing it, it struck a chord in me that I knew was hidden." Fuck, he's getting me so excited and worthless in thinking that I was the only one who thought this way. "It was simple, I thought. Sure. Let me contribute to this mission of releasing our inhibitions but keep it exclusive, you see. That night, T was on me and Master Pierre tied me onto the bed of that all male hotel we were in. That jock you're wearing, was what I wore and boy that night, I finally found my calling. In addition to Pierre's seed, and the countless of guys who pounded me, I was in bliss. When Master Vincent arrived to give the final seed, I was relieved, satisfied and determined to live my life differently from then on. I worked out, improved the way I spoke and expanded this group you might think is a cult to what it is today. The day I knew I was poz, I bred 3 guys in the bathhouse. 2 who are here now." I looked at where George was looking and saw 2 guys who nodded. "You don't know what it's going to feel like, but I can assure you, you'll be free. I never looked back and I'm proud to continue this mission. Your youth only makes it better. I'm not just going to coach you but I'll also be your mentor if Pierre agrees. Do you want that?" "Yes, please, just breed me and fuck me good." "Haha, that's the T talking. Do you want me to guide you, Felix? "Yes Sir, I'll serve and train with you to follow your footsteps." "Now that's what I'd like to hear to make me cum. You want another charged load? One from Sir George, huh boy?" "Fuck yes." With a few thrusts, George finally came in me, and it was electric. Unlike the first two, I could really feel the warmth of his cum in me. To see him moan and release his load was absolutely rewarding. His sweats, still trailing down on his body shined and he rested himself on me, panting and pecking me again, biting and sucking my neck as a way to mark that I would be his. We continuously made out and just like that, he let go of me and looked to everyone as he said.. "Fun time over. Let's work this bitch to be one of us for good."
    2 points
  18. PART 5 He continued working on my hole and added a 2nd finger and looked me in the eyes as he told me, “Yeah, I am poz. And I wasn’t joking, I do shoot a really big load when I cum. And I never pull out. And Chris, I want to fuck you full of cum so badly, but if you aren’t sure or it scares you, it’s ok to leave still.” My pulse was racing and it felt like he must be able to hear my heart beat. I was scared. And nervous. And excited. “I am scared. I should be more scared though. But I can’t help it. I want you to fuck me so bad. I do. I want you to.” I whimperedas his fingers worked my hole. Upon hearing me give him permission, he jumped up and grabbed two things, lube and something else in a little brown bottle. I felt his fingers rubbing and working the lube on and in my hole. “I know you have that cum in you, but my cock is pretty thick and is a tight little hole. I want to make sure you can take lots of fucking tonight... we don’t want to wear your hole out too quickly.” I just nodded. I didn’t want it to end early. I didn’t know how much lots of fucking was. I had never gotten fucked twice in a day ever. And now i was about to take my second raw cock in an hour. “Chris, sit up just a little. I have something for you to try. I like them but bottoms love them, and I mean love them. They are called poppers. Totally safe and I promise you will really like it. And they will help you take my big cock inside you.” I kind of knew what they were but wasn’t sure about the whole thing. He took care of that by pushing one nostril closed and holding the bottle under my other nostril while saying, “Take a nice long slow breath. Now two more. Good boy.” A few seconds later and bam, my body was experiencing new ecstasy and I was feeling a hard cock head poking at my hole. “Are you ready to get fucked baby? I have such a nice big poz load to share with you. Do you want it? Do you want me to put my poz cock in your hole?” He was pushing a rubbing against my hole and with the poppers and everything I lost any last control. “Fuck me. PLEASE! Just please fucking fuck me with your poz cock. I do want it. I want it all just like you said.” As I heard myself, I couldn’t believe it. I had just blurted that out. But it was true. And it was ok because Ron understood. He knew what I wanted. And he wanted to give it to me. I knew that. He wanted to make sure I got his poz cum inside me. And at that moment ,any last thinking was gone as his cock punctured my ring and slowly worked into my eager and now starving hole. I tried to relax but it felt so good my hole kept clamping down on his cock. “ Chris, your hole is so amazing. So tight and so hungry. It is just pulling my cock in. Feels so good.” He moaned and continued, “fuck yeah, all the way in. God this is such a nice little hole. Does your hole love my cock?” He was now starting to work in and out, slowly picking up speed and doing longer strokes. I was already totally lost in the fuck. His thick long cock was working my boy pussy perfectly. “I fucking love it. Love your big cock. Don’t stop. Just please don’t stop.” I gasped. He was now really fucking me. I was grunting occasionally and as he started to really pound into me, I found myself again gasping as he fucked the breath out of me with every deep stroke. “Fuck baby, your little pussy feels so good. I can’t hold it much longer. Tell me how bad you want my poz load. Earn it. Tell me how bad you want me in you forever,” He grunted. “I need it. I fucking need it. Please please I want your cum. I want your cum in me so bad. I won’t let any out. Please Ron, please let me have your poz load.” He was going all out now, just pounding my hole. It was almost too much and if I hadn’t been so high on fuck endorphins the pain would have been too much. Instead I took it all and found myself blabbering over and over, “poz load. Poz load. Poz load.” “Oh fuck yeah boy, here it comes. You’re gonna get it. Fucking big poz load. Gonna poz you up. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Take that fucking load! Feel that poz cum filling you up,” he cried out collapsing onto me. His cock continued to throb and pulse as the last few drops of his precious poz sperm emptied in my Now well used and fucked hole. My cock was rock hard and leaking like crazy but I didn’t care. All my focus was on my hole and how full it felt and how deep Ron’s huge cock was in me. And I thought how deep his sperm must be. And how even immediately after him cumming and with his cock still hard and in me, I wanted more cum. And wait why was it going on head all of a sudden the word poz in front of cum. I had gotten fucked twice now bare and knew I could never give it up. But wanting the guys to be poz? Where was that coming from? I wasn’t sure and wasn’t sure I wanted to think too much, I just knew these guys had changed me. They had shown me something and now I needed it. Being fucked by a hot older poz guy and having him cum in me was the hottest thing I had ever done. And then I shocked myself when I looked at Ron and said quietly “thank you.” He looked down at me. “You love having my poz babies swimming in you dont you? God I knew when I saw you, you were going to be special. I bet you are still hungry. Aren’t you? You want another hot guy to fuck you full of cum don’t you?” I nodded intently. “ Even if he is poz?” Ron added. Again I nodded intently. “Good boy,” he said as he leaned in and kissed me.
    2 points
  19. PART 3 We had taken a few steps down the hall when I realized I didn’t have my towel. He told me to just show off and let the guys see how hot I was. Normally, I would have been much more shy, but I was on a high from getting fucked. I don’t think we went more than twenty feet before we ran into someone my new friend knew. “Ron, glad I ran into you. I hope you haven’t cum yet tonight. I’d like you to meet my new friend Chris. Chris is here for the first time and also just took his first load.” Now, he looked at me. “Chris, you want to get fucked again don’t you?” I was embarrassed, but nodded. “Ron is hot, isn’t he”, he added. I nodded again. “Ron, what do you think of my new young friend? Is he fuckable?” Ron looked me up and down. “Chris, do you wanna go back to my room and we can become friends too? I think I got something you’ll like,” he said, and then dropped his towel open. He wasn’t hard yet, but it was obvious he had a big cut cock and massive shaved balls. I looked to my breeder for approval and he gave me a soft look and said “Chris, I’ll be here all night and you come back and find me before you leave. And if anyone gives you any trouble, you find me. And have fun. And do whatever feels good. Feed that hole. I know it’s hungry. Give in.” And then he leaned in and gave me a kiss and a swat on my butt and turned back. Ron grabbed my hand and led me to his room. I was 18, naked with a man twice my age leading me down to a tiny room, where he was going to fuck me. And I was nervous about being inexperienced and what he would be like and I was also super excited because he already knew I wanted to get fucked and that I had let his friend shoot his cum into me. And Ron was hot. He turned out to be 42. He was a little taller than me at 6 feet and thin, but not skinny. He was starting to lose his hair, but I thought that was hot too. Even soft his cock had looked big, with a nice cut mushroom head. But if his cock had looked Big, his balls had looked giant. As we entered his room and he shut the door behind us, I wondered, with hope, that maybe those huge balls meant more cum when he shot his load? As he turned to face me and dropped his towel, I tried to be cool, but I think my face and eyes betrayed me. I wanted this man badly. I wanted to be his bottom. I wanted him to shoot a massive load up from those giant balls. And I wanted that sperm inside me. There was never one second where I didn’t think to myself that I was making sure he came in me. Every drop. And as far as if he had HIV. I definitely thought about that. And had a total what are you doing discussion in my head. It was like I couldn’t stop myself and I decided it wasn’t going to stop me. If he even had HIV.
    2 points
  20. When the top is about to blow, I open up my hole wide, and let the top go deep if he needs more friction. Even if I feel him shooting his load, what turns me on the most is the tops moaning
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  21. The instances of PrEP failures I have heard of, like the 2015 failure in Toronto, suggest mostly that the issue at hand was not the viral load but rather mutations in the virus that let it evade Truvada. A HVL should.not matter so much as the virus is not Truvada-resistant.
    1 point
  22. So I'm hitting that stage now where I'm wanting to get into a long term relationship and build something up rather than dodging love in favour of work and quick sex. The issue is that I'd want it to be an open relationship with my partner actively whoring me out and us throwing breeding parties. Not really polyamory in the love sense, just us having sex with lots of outer people. For those in the community that have these kind of relationships, are they rare? How do they work? Are there problems with jealousy or such? I just wonder if it's better to try and meet someone and go into a relationship fully knowing what you want rather than being purely monogamous and opening up to the cumdump stuff later. I'd love to hear your takes on this.
    1 point
  23. Thank you Konrad!!! I really enjoy writing both stories. I am currently working on Part 4 of 'Laying Out With Steve' Both are very hot. Cumming soon!
    1 point
  24. That's me. That's how I still define it. It's refreshing to encounter bottoms who want this, and will play the way I want to play.
    1 point
  25. Amen! I am still locked but unfortunately don't have much time today, but still managed to get fucked by 3 guys since I woke up (plus the partner) so I am carrying 5 loads while running errands 😁
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  26. I’m 64 my partner of 7 years is 26. He prefers 55+. We can find older tops frequently to breed him. Oldest I’ve seen breed him was 82. The boy loves his daddies and grand daddies.
    1 point
  27. AS you can see in my profile pic, I am very loose and capable of easily taking any size cock(s) as well as fists. I am a sex pig naturally but poppers, poppers take me to a level of sexually hungry and happy that cannot be matched. Plus, they help make me even looser than my size hungry ass already is. I got to a point where popperbating and gooning when I'm not having sex is thing. Between my husband and i there are poppers all over the house as he's as big a pig there as i am. I love the scent of Amsterdam poppers especially and they are my favorite high while I bate, ride my huge toys, or get my ass stuffed with cocks and hands.
    1 point
  28. Some people here have talked about a certain amount of creep that can occur once you start barebacking with individual people. I think that there might actually be something to that. If you make exceptions for one person or one set of persons, no matter how well-founded and justifiable the reasons you have for setting the exception you have established that you can make exceptions. Once you make one then, in principle, why not make others? You can substitute good judgement for a hard-and-fast rule, but you would still have introduced your judgement in place of an unbreakable rule. I was taking risks. I think that these risks were justifiable, and I am glad that I took most of them. One of the guys who liked my previous post is one of my first exceptions, actually, a complete top who fucked me bare repeatedly even though he was neither undetectable or on PrEP; he was trustworthy, the sex was fantastic, and I wish only that I had taken more cum loads and some piss loads from him. (Hi!) My decision back in 2018, as he was rimming me at a local sex party and rubbing his dick up and down my crack, to take hold of his big dick and rub its head against my hole by way of invitation, is a decision I am happy with. I would say that this is the case for most of the different exceptions that I made, like the two guys on two different occasions who fucked bare and hard with their piercings in, say, or the undetectable daddy type who gave me my first load in his sling, or the west-end couple I played with regularly, or ... Learning to be able to approach sex with some merited flexibility, to recognize how safer sex is not just sex with condoms, was very good for me. It worked out well for me, and I think it was bound to: Undetectability is real, as is the effectiveness of PrEP, and approaching sex without drugs and with active communication is key not just to safety but enjoyment. Beyond that, the barebacking scenes re: HIV transmission in Toronto and cities like it really are very different now, with so many people either being undetectable hence untransmissible or else being on PrEPsters and obviously not being able to transmit. This might especially be the case in the clutch of avant-garde sex parties I regularly attended and the networks associated with said, where knowing and talking about status was normal. These days, I think you can make a case that someone who does not use condoms and is not on PrEP could indeed be safe from HIV infection if they know their partners and their statuses. Even so, there is that slippage factor. I am reminded particularly of someone I met at a party, someone I did not know, who I encouraged to blow a load in me at the end of the night because he said he was on PrEP. Once you get used to making judgements, you can easily keep in making judgements even past a reasonable point. (That occurred at the same time as that load from the guy who said he was negative, FYI.) Taking all that into consideration, getting on PrEP was clearly wise. If my judgements were becoming more problematic over time, especially in a period of time when because of COVID-19 I had relatively few contacts, what would happen when the world opened back up? That is why I got my test and quickly thereafter got on PrEP: I needed to be prepared for the new wide open sexual world, if I was to be ready. It worked, really well. If before PrEP I was reasonably confident about my status and my security, after PrEP I was completely convinced. It was good weird, walking back after my first Naked Night on PrEP after having taken a half-dozen guys without bothering to ask about status, to know that I was safer than ever. I was able to do all sorts of things on it—taking random dicks with spit lube at Steamworks, trying to hook up with randoms on Grindr and succeeding (it really is a mess), have all sorts of moderately sketchy hookups, do some THC edibles and then play at parties, et cetera. My previous patterns of play had left me feeling fine, but playing with PrEP actually felt healing. I could stop caring about HIV risks completely, for the first time in my life, and I felt free. I am not on PrEP now. I am still in the monogamous relationship I mentioned in a separate post, and signs are good. I discontinued PrEP at my latest quarterly because they agreed that there was no need for it. I remain very happy that I was on it—the great sex aside, I met my current partner only because I was on that tear. The only thing I would change, I think, would maybe be getting on PrEP, but that is something I would not change because I am afraid that without my particular trajectory I never would have met him. My advice to others would be that, while being legitimately careful and playing with the right people does work, that there is a judgement creep there that can eventually expose you to danger. That strategy works only so much,.and getting on PrEP is even better. Getting on PrEP from the start is what I would recommend to anyone right now if they can possibly swing it.
    1 point
  29. I’d have to say racism is Latin American certainly exists. It goes back to the Spanish and Portuguese colonization and increased as slaves from Africa were introduced. The Spanish “Casta” (caste) system is a perfect example of this. The Spanish were the apex of the hierarchy (excluding Portuguese colonies for this example). Any offspring resulting in the intermingling with the indigenous population were of lower caste. What’s is surprising that a family could “regain being Spanish” within three generations BUT only on through the male lineage (a topic for another day): Spaniard & Indian woman - male child: Mestizo Mestizo & Spanish woman - male child: Castizo Castizo & Spanish woman - Spanish children This caste system also includes a hierarchy for those of African descent but without being able to become “Spanish” again. All this has resulted in a very overt discrimination based on skin color/shade. Just as an example… turn to your local Spanish language channel in the evenings when the telenovelas are on. You’ll notice the main protagonists will be light skinned European in appearance while the “staff”’will be appear darker/indigenous. Latin America colonization can be seem in every family as the skin tones can run the gamut from light skin/blond/blue-eyed to very dark skin/dark curly/black-eyed children within the same family. Unfortunately in some families, the children are treated differently. All this results in creating overt/covert systemic racial discrimination.
    1 point
  30. I agree but I believe its the fact that ABS tend to be mostly oral. Its always a cocksuckers first choice. Most bathhouses, sex parties and sex clubs I frequent guys are into anal primarily. I find myself seeking out the good cocksuckers as I LOVE good oral. I never have a problem finding asses to fuck. Case in point - Slammers Fort Lauderdale. The suck ramps are always half-empty and barely used. However the group fuck room (round bench) and the dark fuck room (regular bench) are always jam packed.
    1 point
  31. This is an AWESOME read! Love it buddy.
    1 point
  32. I've been giiving it some thought and I haven't really come to any firm conclusions. When the time comes I'd be looking at the local NHS trusts and how they perform. Having seen how Buckinghamshire (a fairly affluent area) struggles to cope with my elderly parents needs I *really* wouldn't want to grow older here. My folks have me to help them navigate the NHS and in some cases sort private treatment, but I won't have anyone to look out for me in the same way. A friend of mine thinks we should get a group together and start some kind of gay commune - it's an extreme idea but it has its merits.
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  33. I'm also married and can't get on PrEP because I have to be discreet. But I go bare anyway.
    1 point
  34. A big cock versus a phat tattooed ass. [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video74137249/this_ass_is_addictive
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  35. Finished my day with 27 loads, before my partner came home, felt my cummy hole, fucked 2 more loads, plugged my hole and we went out for dinner and I couldn't be happier (and hornier lol)
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  36. 13 loads and counting. my hole is so slick and full of cum. I FUCKING NEED MORE (and planning on getting a lot more today 🐷
    1 point
  37. Part 4 The inevitable happened. The hostage got royally fucked by Cuntbuster. Before Caio move onto the bed, someone injected some chemicals at the base of his cock. And soon enough, Cuntbuster went rigid like a steel pipe. It was a massive weapon, thick and vicious with a glistening PA sitting like a crown on the cockhead. The hostage went frantic when Caio came into his view. No gag would have silenced such screams. Chains were rattling like a melody. - Honestly, he should get an award for his acting. I said out loud. Leo was next to me and gave me a weird look. Caio shoved all his cock deep in the guy ass in his first assault. Cuntbuster had defeated his adversary in one single plunge. Any resistance was futile. Game was over. - Like an oven down there and soon you will bake Cuntbuster poz babies. The hostage was now bouncing on the mattress, impaling himself back, at each thrust. In normal circumstance, I would have worried at the scene before me and felt sorry for the guy, but the not-so diluted tranquilizer in Leo’s homemade iced tea was still blurring my reality. - You sweat. Hope you didn’t catch a bug you don’t want. Here, drink some iced tea, it might help. The scene went along for few more minutes. Caio came in his victim ass with a victory roar, pulled out, leaving a ruined body behind him. Another guy, pretty hung (of course), took his place and started fucking. In two steps, Caio was in front of me. - Mind and pupils relaxed. Can’t be more ready than this. Leo pried my mouth open, inserting a Viagra and an aspirin. - Here take these and drink this I was given a glass of an infect beverage, except this iced tea was warmer and had a different taste. I pushed back the glass. - I'm out of iced tea. This is all I got. So drink. If I’d knew better, I would say it was piss. I looked at a grinning Leo suspiciously. As soon as the thought crossed my mind it vanished immediately. Nah, he’s way too nice of a man, he wouldn’t do that kind of prank. - Let’s take a break, you and me, I’ll teach you a thing or two. Caio hooked his hand inside the waistband of my jeans and dragged me to the nearest bed available. *** I was still very calm, and I was able to focus. My span of attention was getting better. I was hard and horny now. In a malleable mind-state. A great condition to get fucked even if you don’t want to. Caio was cuddling me and marking me with a lot of hickeys. Cuntbuster was nudging my balls between my legs. One hand was mauling a nipple while with the other one he was lazily giving me a five-knuckle-shuffle on my cock. - Sshhh, pretty boy, I know you are reluctant to have Cuntbuster shoved up your virgin ass… I just nodded. No, it’s a lie. I wasn’t just nodding. I was also voluntary rocking my ass lightly against Caio’s lower abs. The warmth of his body was soothing, and I needed to cum. - Feel this, boy. Feel how it’s smooth, how smooth it will feel when I slide it home. Tell me how bad you want it, how bad you want me to share my toxic load with you. Cuntbuster was pulsing like it had a life of his own. I looked down to both cocks and was mesmerized by the sight. Caio’s cock was definitely bigger than mine, but I had nothing to be ashamed. - Raise your leg Two fingers found their way to my hole. Even in my straight-guy mind, I knew that I would never let a girl dry fuck me with her fingers or objects, although no girl I shagged would have come willingly near my ass. It was hard enough to convince them to get a blow job, except Prissy at the bar. Caio’s fingers were insisting - Lube… please… - Since you're asking so nicely He collected some precum from both cocks and smeared it over my hole. He repeated the process a couple of time. I took over masturbating our cocks, one against the other. - This is the yin and the yang of the cocks. The good and the bad. The pure and the evil. The neg and the poz. Like a mantra, Caio's was whispering a lot of things, interrupted here and there by tongue foraging my ear. The hand was back at my bruised nipple. Caio had stretched it to a pencil eraser size. Now he was back at it, torturing it between his fingers which was sending weird feelings down my spine, but mostly to my cock. The precum-wet fingers were crawling in my ass. - It hurts - A finger or two in your in ass is not pain. You must know that when Cuntbuster is going to fuck you up the first ten or twelve times, then you will know what pain is. - Ten times? - Only if you are a poor fuck. If you are good, pretty boy, I will fuck you so much that your ass will never remember being virgin. - I’m not gay. I want a girlfriend, and... - Not anymore, no more girlfriends for you, no more pussies. - But… - Sshhh, pretty boy, gay or not, Cuntbuster doesn’t care, so why would you? - Because it’s my ass? - You’re wrong again my naïve boy. It is not just your ass. It is a sheltered home for all Cuntbuster poz babies and his toxic friends. The intimacy created by Caio felt good, despite the fact he was a guy. I can’t blame Dad if this how he felt? I was scared and not totally committing to gay sex, and even less to have unprotected sex with a poz guy. - I need to piss - Now? - Too much iced tea… Caio jump out the bed and tilted his head for me to come along. We cross the décor set back to the dungeon where a black guy was fucking the hostage in a pretzel position. - Make Room Caio took hold of my hard on - Put it in I obeyed. - Well, what are you waiting for? Piss! That was insane, but I really need to go. - Sorry, I said to the hostage which cause a genuine laugh amongst the porn actors.
    1 point
  38. once I became a total take all loads bathhouse cumdumpster I started getting a room and spending the full 8 hours face down, ass up to the open door, blindfolded and lubed and taking loads from literally anyone that came in, often with my boyfriend or my uncle there watching and cheering guys on, but then we realized for me to be the complete bathhouse cumdumpster I was born to be I had to spend the entire 8 hours in a very public place where everyone can see I am taking all loads and watch me get used by breeder after anonymous breeder and begging strangers to cum inside my guts, so they started putting me on the darkroom fuckbench so I can take loads in both ends and be anonymous trash and blindfolded in the public sling blindfolded for maximum exposure so everyone there knows what a fucking whore I am and can recognized me in the street even though I dont know what any of the men barebacking me look like. that is ultimately where my father got to see what a faggot and a slutty whore I really am.
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  39. Chapter 4: The Discovery It was not a slick new car. Dean and Dayna both finished their final university years with Honors standing, and Ross came through with a gift that was far bigger and more unexpected than the sporty wheels the two of them had been envisaging. It also took a bit longer than they had expected, but he had let them know that the gift would arrive as soon as both of them were settled into financially stable careers. Dayna had no trouble landing a good office position with an expanding cruise line, while Dean soon nailed down a leading role in a firm which financed large real estate purchases for commercial clients all over North America. The gift came along with a clear, concise lesson in techniques to which they wisely gave their full attention. After all, Ross plainly hadn’t become and remained so wealthy on either a wing and a prayer or on pure blind luck. Armed with a blank cheque, each of the twins went house-hunting. Dayna wanted to stay in San Diego but get somewhere closer to the centre of town. Dean, on the other hand, had discovered a real soft spot for the smaller seaside town of Carlsbad up the coast, after spending a weekend there with friends. Ross came through with a 35 percent down payment on her condo and his house. To outward appearances, the twins had followed the expected path of young people in their situation, settling down to careers and homes. Marriages might reasonably be expected to follow. In reality, of course, both of them were struggling with the dynamics of dating, and for the same reasons. Dean had the bigger worry, as Dayna had pointed out to him on more than a few occasions, but she had her own need to be cautious about getting involved with someone. More and more, Dean found that he was consumed by the desire to try to discover how and why this peculiar trick had been landed on them. Dayna was less curious about that, but more worried about him and for him, due to his propensity for visiting people all over the country on nothing more than a wink and a nod, so to speak. The whole question of trying to figure out why it happened had led to a number of discussions between them, but no conclusive answers or decisions. Then fate stepped in and took the lead. It happened when Dean returned home from a wild weekend excursion to South Beach. It was pure bad luck that he popped up in nothing but a pair of tight glossy shorts just when he did. His mother was peering in the window by the door to see if he was home, since his car was in the driveway, but she had just rung the doorbell twice without getting a response. Dean was looking right at her when he popped into view. A knowing grin curved across her face as she knocked firmly on the door. Dean sighed -- and opened the door to admit her. Her opening words were entirely characteristic. “What died? Did you forget to take out the trash?” He laughed. “Plainly, I need to take a shower.” “Yes, you do.” “Be with you in ten, Mom – help yourself to the bar.” Ten minutes later, cleaned and dressed more appropriately, Dean sat down with his mother. “Mom, you’re not even surprised. You obviously knew.” “Of course.” “So… why haven’t we had this little talk sooner, rather than just before the week I turn 28? She nodded. “That’s a fair question. I’ve been wondering for years when something was going to happen. But tell me first, do we need to have this conversation with Dayna here too?” “I’d say so.” Dean grabbed his phone and messaged Dayna. R U at home & free now? Sure. Need to talk? “Is she busy?” Deidra asked. “No.” Deidra closed her eyes for a moment and Dayna appeared on the couch next to her. “What the fuck?” Dayna was understandably and forgivably startled to find herself suddenly sitting in Dean’s living room instead of in her own. Dean was hardly less surprised to see her there. Then she looked around at who else was present and her jaw dropped. “Mom, was that you?” Dayna’s voice was now both awe-struck and shaken. “Yes. I did that. I can shift other people, but not myself. Awkward. Dean, it’s pretty obvious that you can shift yourself around. Dayna, what’s yours?” For answer, Dayna closed her eyes and a cocktail glass appeared in her hand. “That’s what I was quietly enjoying at home – until suddenly I wasn’t.” Dayna’s tone carried a hint of reproach. “I think I might need something too, actually. Dean, could you…?” Dean walked over to the bar and poured a straight Scotch for himself. “Gin and tonic, Mom?” “Yes, thanks. Make it strong, please.” Dean came back with the drinks, handed the gin and tonic to Deidra, took a big gulp of his Scotch, and sat down with a slightly dazed expression on his face. Evidently, he was struggling to take it all in. “So all these years you’ve known that something was maybe going to happen to us – because it had already happened to you.” “Yes. In fact, I’ve been sure that it would happen -- just as this happened to my grandmother, and my mother, and her two brothers. But in the back of my mind, there was always this niggling doubt that maybe, just maybe, it would pass you by. So I kept quiet about it.” Dayna was starting to look a little mollified. “I guess that makes sense,” she admitted grudgingly. “But it didn’t pass us by,” Dean chimed in, “and now that we’re here, there are things I want to know. What about the rest of your family, Mom?” “Oh, yes, it got all of us. My Uncle Len – you might remember him from when you were little tykes -- had the same power as Dean. Uncle Ray was a shape-shifter. He could change his appearance, usually to become an elderly woman. Your grandmother, my mother Marcia, could move objects like Dayna can. My grandmother Lucy was a shape-shifter too. About her sisters, I don’t know.” Dayna asked the question that was forming in Dean’s mind as well. “Do you know how long this has been going on?” Deidra’s face clouded a bit. “Not really. If it came from anywhere, it would be my great-grandmother, going all the way back by the maternal line. My great-grandmother, Nora Ludlow, was a great one for keeping secrets, that’s for sure. Mom told me that she’d found out all kinds of intriguing things about her grandmother after Nora had died. My mom always suspected it had begun with Nora because there was no record or hint of anything before that.” Dayna spoke up. “Wait a moment, this sounds like it only passes on through the female members of the family. Not the men?” Deidra chuckled. “That would let Dean off the hook nicely, wouldn’t it? But I don’t actually know the answer to that. I’m an only child. Uncle Len had two step-children, and Uncle Ray was from the same tribe as Dean and had no children at all. My grandmother was one of three daughters, no sons. So it’s never actually been tested, as far as I know.” “Do you actually know anything about whether it came from your great-grandmother? Did your mother say so specifically?” “She told me that she’d asked her grandma once, and the only answer she got was, ‘You’ll have to ask the star man.’ Not very helpful.” “Ask the star man.” Dean pondered. “Kind of a weird thing to say.” “My thought exactly,” Dayna threw in. Dean looked at her oddly for a few seconds. “What’s wrong now, Dean?” “Dayna, have you ever noticed how often we’re thinking exactly the same thing, and how often we manage to…” “…finish each other’s sentences? I sure have. Mom, do you think that might be part of it too?” “I don’t know, Dayna. It might be an extra special something because you two are twins. Or it might just be an ordinary twin thing. Although there are times like this when the three of us are talking, and I can tell where one of you is going to take the conversation before you actually do it.” All three sat silent for a few moments, before Deidra went on. “Anyway, I’m glad to see that both of you have been so careful about keeping it under wraps. For sure, I had no idea whether anything had actually happened until you…” looking meaningly at Dean “…turned up the way you did just now.” Right on cue, Dean blushed. “Let me guess,” Dayna said drily, “He appeared in the house out of nowhere, underdressed to kill, and plainly fresh from some wild escapade in another city.” Deidra laughed and mockingly held her nose. “I wouldn’t say fresh at all. Phew!” Dean rolled his eyes. “For your information, it was a party in South Beach and the bathroom was somewhat full – I’ll let you fill in the blanks – which is why I decided to save showering until I got home. If people would let you know when they are planning to drop in….” “…or if people would have the good sense to materialize in their own bathroom instead of on the main floor.” Dayna was plainly enjoying taking a couple of little digs at Dean. She owed him a few, anyway, because of his jabs at the products of her latest preoccupation, an art class. Deidra laughed – but then she got serious again. “I’m sure both of you understand about the importance of keeping this a secret for as long as you possibly can. As I have done both with your father and with Ross. That took a lot of self-discipline, let me tell you – but it can be done. And Dean, not to sound like I’m picking on you in particular, but I can tell you that the more you use it, the harder it is to avoid using it at the wrong moment.” This time Dean didn’t roll his eyes. “I know. I’ve already had a couple of near misses when I slipped up.” They finished up the drinks, and Deidra and Dayna left, Deidra giving Dayna a ride back down to the city, with Dayna holding her now-empty cocktail glass. She couldn’t help chuckling at the thought that a single used cocktail glass could lead to some interesting questions if the police happened to stop them for any reason. Dean was left alone with his thoughts and concerns. It was true. Of the three of them, he was the only one using the power on a regular basis – really too regularly. He was treating it as a normal part of his life and getting careless as a result, like the time he materialized jammed up too close for comfort against a couple of older guys at a Pride event in P-town. Fortunately, he had laughed and charmed his way out of that one. Charming guys was a specialty of his, but it would have been a lot worse if he had appeared in front of the two men instead of pressed firmly up against the butts of what were plainly a pair of top bears. They’d growled and glared at him pretty fiercely, and he’d deserved that. It was definitely time to do some serious research into his family. Dean sat down with his tablet and set up an account with Ancestry, then began plugging in names and dates to see what would come up. After an hour or so, he had everyone traced as far back as his great-great-grandmother, and a generation or two beyond her. She’d been living in Chicago, he knew. Using the date, he searched and found an obituary. It mentioned that Nora Ludlow had passed away at the age of 49 in a hospital. When he searched the name of the hospital, he found that it was an insane asylum. He thought about that for a minute or two. Plainly, something had happened. Had Nora actually gone crazy and become delusional with her talk about a star man? Or was insanity the diagnosis if she became careless and talked too much about something the doctors couldn’t make any sense of? He thought the second theory was the more likely one. He couldn’t make anything clearly out of the “star man” bit, but it was obviously true that something extraordinary, in the most literal sense, had invaded their family’s genes. Weeks later, after talking to his mom again and going through some boxes of old family papers, that his mom had put into storage, he stumbled by chance on a letter his great uncle Len had written to Dean’s grandmother. In it was this sentence: “I hated to have to do it to Grandmother, but it was the only choice. She was talking too much and putting all of us in danger.” It sounded as if Len had gotten his grandmother committed. It would have been easy to do, especially if she’d been talking about a star man and – what was her power again? He turned back to the letter and scanned on down. “When she told the doctor that she could move things around, that made it all so simple.” There it was. Nora had talked – and she’d been locked up in a hospital for the insane, committed by her own grandson. Her granddaughter, Marcia, had carefully concealed this information from Nora’s great-granddaughter, Deidra. Dean shuddered a bit at the thought of an old-school asylum and what abuse and mistreatment his ancestor Nora might have suffered there. Despite his propensity for party-hopping, and despite fucking around at every chance he could get, Dean was no fool. He was now beginning to feel seriously frightened, sensing that Dayna had been right, and that his luck was going to run out. His entire family had been forced into hiding their true nature for generations, for their own self-protection. But he had been far too careless. He’d had so many near misses – how much longer could he get away with those slip-ups? Nor was Dean under any illusions about his likely treatment, if he got caught out doing his thing. It would probably be much nastier than what had happened to Nora. Dayna’s trenchant remarks years earlier about dissection tables might not even be the worst of it. Dean knew that his mother was right, that he needed to discipline himself, and stop treating this weird power as a merely convenient substitute for more normal methods of travel. But on the other hand, the circuit season was heating up. There were several big events coming along that he’d planned on attending. It wasn’t that he couldn’t afford to fly instead (he certainly could), but that flying was so damned slow and inconvenient. But he supposed he’d have to do it. He struck a compromise with himself. He’d fly to the ones that were a month or two out, but the big gathering in Atlanta, no. That was only a week away, and there was no way he’d get even a halfway-tolerable airfare, or a routing that didn’t involve multiple stopovers, on such short notice. “Okay, then,” he said to himself, “Atlanta it is, but let’s find some air tickets for the other ones.” A week later he materialized in a dark corner of a favourite hotel’s lobby in Atlanta, with a small carry-on bag in hand. Once he’d gotten checked in and established in a room, he prepared to go. This time, he sedately walked out the door and down the street to the convention centre. A quick visit to the extra-large cloakroom and he had checked his outer clothes and was ready to party. The huge auditorium was full of guys, all ages, all kinds of clothing, all of them sweaty and giving off that unmistakable smell of raw man and pheromones. As always, Dean found the air intoxicating – and he knew he wasn’t the only one. He got himself a drink, and relaxed against a wall, scoping out the crowd as it formed and shifted and re-formed in front of him. A good mix, he thought, with plenty of younger guys, a good selection of guys about his age, and plenty of good-looking older ones. He finished his drink and walked into the crowd, beginning his signature dance moves which were now much better than the average of the guys around him. The DJ was spinning some great house music and his body was responding on peak form. Dean liked music, he enjoyed moving to music and letting the beat rule him, and it clearly showed. In no time, he’d collected a small sub-crowd of younger guys. One or two of them attracted him a bit, but it was obvious that they were newbies, and he wasn’t in the mood for teaching the basics to `raw novices. As the night wore on, he moved slowly from group to group, spending time hanging with different guys, and falling into dance moves with some, then conversing with others when he went to refuel at the bar. His California tan was showing to advantage with the sweat glistening on his skin, especially with so many winter-pale northerners around him. By eleven o’clock, Dean was having a field day, having found himself drifting into the middle of a crowd of slightly older guys who were quite taken with his trim young body. Nor did he mind staring at them, since these guys had well-toned bodies and some definitely pleasing bulges and asses among them. In no time, they were all dancing up a storm in a tightly packed group. Dean particularly enjoyed being sandwiched between two hung guys with his cock rubbing against the butt of the guy in front of him while the guy behind humped against his spandex-clad ass. Dean plunged his hands down the waistband of the guy in front, playing with his cock, while the guy behind did the same to him. Then Dean transferred one hand to the guy behind him and found his cock already hanging out and prodding insistently at his butt. Dean could feel the spandex shorts sliding down off his ass and the man’s cock digging into his crack. He looked around and nobody was noticing. In fact, he was pretty sure that some of the other guys around him were also getting fucked by this time. In any case, the tight-packed circle of men around him were blocking anyone farther away from seeing what was happening. Dean leaned back and moaned as the cock slowly penetrated his ass. Meanwhile, the guy in front of him was gyrating against his bulge and had started to slide his own briefs off. Dean pulled down the front of his shorts, and let his cock pop out, then pulled the guy back against it. The man pulled his briefs right down, grabbed Dean’s cock, and jammed it deep inside himself. Just like that, Dean found himself in the middle of a fuck sandwich on the floor of a massive Atlanta dance party, right out in the open in plain sight of everyone else there. It was a totally wild sensation, and a massive turn-on for him. He’d been in a few orgies after that memorable first one at the pool party in Palm Springs, but he had never had sex so completely openly in public for the whole world to see it – and it was making him incredibly horny. The three of them swayed together as a single unit, cocks sliding in and out to the insistent beat of the house music. It didn’t take long for the three of them to get fully heated up. Dean blew two massive loads in five minutes, the first one up the ass of the guy taking his cock, and the second one on the floor after that guy left to go and shit his load out. It was crazy. He’d never cum a second time that quickly since he was a desperately horny teenager, and here he was – already feeling the sexual tension mounting in his balls for a third round. This time, another guy in the group dropped to his knees and swallowed Dean’s cock, while the guy behind him increased the force and speed of his strokes, pounding fast and hard into Dean’s hot hole. The guy blowing Dean was busily beating his own cock at the same time. It was all going to happen, and it was going to happen soon. Dean yelled aloud and blasted down the throat of the guy blowing him, the contractions of his muscles forced his fucker to shoot off a huge load inside his ass, and the guy on his cock gulped and swallowed as his own cock erupted all over the floor. After a minute, they slowly separated. All three of them had that “all gone” look on their faces which said, clearer than any words, “What an awesome fuck!” They hugged and kissed as the group slowly opened up and spread out, revealing two loads of sperm on the floor but no other sign of what had just happened. Dean stood there, unsure of his next move. And that’s when the hand tapped him on the shoulder. “Well. That was an interesting show you just put on. I wasn’t expecting to see you here. That was a lot wilder than what I saw and felt the last time I met you -- Dean.” Dean spun around, trying to make out the face of the man who’d spoken to him. What he saw clearly first was the halo of black curly hair around the face. “Joey?”
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  40. A few thoughts, and a correction: That's an understandable concern, and it's a tough call to make. On the one hand, you might go 20 or 30 years without getting pozzed, and that's 20 or 30 years of no damage to your system from the medication. On the other hand, once you're pozzed, you not only will be on medication for the rest of your life, but your body will be constantly under siege from the virus, essentially always on high alert (which might cause eventual damage of its own). One plus: if you exclusively top, you're already at lower risk than if you were an exclusive or regular bottom. One way to avoid increasing that risk is to use a condom in the riskiest situations - for instance, if you fuck guys in bathhouses or other places where they may already have one or more loads in them, or if you are fucking someone a complete stranger whose habits you don't know. You're not at risk in situations where the bottom has no other loads in his system and he's either negative or undetectable, so that compromise might push your already lower risk into the "almost but not quite completely" safe area. The correction: Truvada is ordinarily not prescribed for HIV treatment. By itself, it's effective for prevention, but not for treatment; essentially all modern HIV treatment options contain at least three different antiviral medications, and Truvada (and Descovy) only contain two of those. So it's possible that HIV treatment, which will contain MORE types of medication, may be even more toxic to your system than Truvada or Descovy would be.
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  41. Chapter 17 Either way that water wasn’t exactly sealed as he thought, it had a dose of an experimental potent Viagra, He would not only be Horney with all sorts of energy but would also get an erection that should last for a while. He would want to fuck for hours and probably with the Tina in him would have problems getting across the finish line. After the guy left, with a few loads of cum in him, the attention went to the slave. He was still chained up and three guys were seeing just how much he could take. He had already gotten a slam and now a nasty looking liquid being forced into his ass. It was thick. One of the guys saw a couple some of the attendants looking at him and he said the this was a nasty mix of chems and lubes. It will get him spun and very much more applicable to what is coming at the farm. The neighbor looked and said “ I think the farm hands are going to be happy with our presents “. After the injector was pulled out an expandable butt plug was pushed nm his ass. A couple pumps of the inflator and you could see the base being pulled in. The Slave started twitching around. It was a bit uncomfortable, even though he had been fucked by at least six of the guys. Some were very thick and stretched his ass open. A quick check below the bench and you could see a puddle of cum that had leaked out of the Slave’s ass, that is why they used an inflatable plug. One of the guys rubbed the stomach of the Slave and told him it would feel better soon. He asked him “ Do you want more or are you ready to stop and leave “? The Slave knew that the terms of this was if he stopped, he could leave at any time but he would never be permitted back into the ‘Den’. The Slave said “ No, I can take it “. All he knew than was that he felt a great heat and a yearning from his mid-section and it was spreading in him. He could feel the tingling in his head and he could swear that his feet were tingling also. It might have been from the drugs that were injected in him or the fact that his feet had been chained over his head for hours to make his ass more accessible. He wasn’t sure how many loads he took or who had pissed in his ass, for that much he thought he had swallowed his fair share of cum also. The pressure no his guts subsided some and his owner asked him “ Feeling better my little pet “? The Slave simply nodded, his head was spinning and it felt great. His owner then asked one more time, “ Are you ready for the farm”, and the Slave weakly answered “ Yeeesss “. The owner reach for the inflator and pumped it more. There was a look of uneasiness on his Slave’s face and he reminded him that it needed to be inflated fully to keep all that in his ass during the trip out. He also added “ When you get there you can give birth to it if you want “. The His Master disconnected the inflator hose from the plug. He knew that the thing would not deflate until the hose was connected and the release valve was pushed. They unchained the Slave and sat him up to get some cloths on him. The Slave’s head was spinning and it felt like he had a basketball in his ass. The Slave was asked how he felt and he looked up and all he could say was “ I feel fucking great “! The Slave was lead up the Steps and to a Van, He could either sit or lay down on the back seat for his twenty minute trip to the farm. The Neighbor looked over at the Kid. There was a crowd around him. He couldn’t see the action but with the Movements he knew one guy would fuck him while another waited his turn. He was going to go into see the Kid and give him another shot when he heard the distinctive sound of latex gloves being snapped. It was coming from the guy that was bent over.
    1 point
  42. On the few occasions this has happened, I have stopped it at the 1st mention of it becoming a financial transaction.
    1 point
  43. **This is fantasy and fiction. And the purpose of the article is not to encourage unsafe sex. Any resemblance to someone's life is purely coincidental. Nothing in this work should in any way be construed as medical advice or instruction.** ~~~~~~ Chapter 2 – Sam´s first Thursday roulette When George went away for a while, Sam immediately googled what George meant by 'chaser'. Sam was shocked. Is he now organizing sex parties where young men let HIV positive men fuck their unprotected asses on purpose. Sam had always practiced safe sex and always insisted, even tested partners, to use rubber. At the same time, however, Sam was already calculating the odds of how many of the eight bottoms could get a powerful seed inside. The thought of this being some kind of competition made Sam's cock harden a little. However, Sam's work started to go really well. George had been right that Sam would be good at holding all the strings in his hands. Sam handled the registrations, interviews, testing and informing the participants smoothly. On Thursday evening, George and Sam were the first to arrive at the warehouse. The sight of eight fucking benches next to each other excited Sam, even though the place looked very dirty in Sam's opinion. The first bottom arrived and George said he had to go prepare the tops. Sam followed the bottoms taking off their clothes and started tying the first one to the fucking bench. The youngest man was 19 and the oldest 27, so practically everyone was very close to Sam's own age. Some of the boys left their jockstraps on and some stripped completely naked. The young men's bare cocks and jockstraps bulging turned Sam on. Sami started to feel a little outsider when he got the last bottom attached to the bench. When everything was ready, he peeked through the door to the tops side to tell George that everything was already ready. George was in the room on his knees in front of one man, sucking the top's cock. George motioned Sam into the room and told him to help him get the tops ready. As soon as the doors open, it's important that the men are immediately horny and the cocks are wet with saliva. Without thinking, Sam knelt down and opened his mouth to the first cock. At a fast pace, all 10 cocks went in between Sam's lips. Each man took a moment to fuck Sam's throat until they pulled away. After that, George opened the door and said that now the floor belongs to the tops. Sam watched in amazement as a top walked behind each bottom and immediately pushed himself into the bottom's ass. The tops immediately started to fuck the bottoms. George pulled Sam over to the two waiting tops and told Sam to kneel next to him. Our job is to serve the tops while they wait their turn, said George, taking top's cock in his mouth. Sam did the same to the other. After a while, a hole in someone's bottom became free and the top that Sam was sucking moved to fuck the bottom. The top that fucked the bottom came for Sam to suck. The man said that the boy's tight ass had felt very good, but he hadn't wanted to give up his first load yet. His goal is to go inside as many holes as possible and seed at least two holes tonight. Sam tasted cock for the first time, which tasted like bottom ass juices. The cock also tasted a bit salty, which Sam assumed was the man's pre cum. The next hour and a half continued so that the men in Sam's mouth changed and very quickly Sam noticed that the cocks no longer tasted like ass juice but clearly like sperm. Sam greedily cleaned the men's cocks before they were thrust into the new ass again. Excited Sam had completely forgotten that there were also two tops with a really high viral load count. Only after the end of the evening did Sam realize that their sperm had definitely ended up in Sam's mouth and Sam had swallowed it along with the saliva. All the tops had already left for their own room. Sam followed along as the bottoms put on their clothes. They all looked satisfied and happy. Sam felt a little jealous and an outsider again.
    1 point
  44. Chapter 13 His Neighbor had the needle piercing the skin of the Kid. He looked over at this arm and saw that the Neighbor was ready to inject him. At the same time he felt something penetrating his ass. It felt cold but at the same time he very warm. The Neighbor said “ Hope you ready for this, It will get you twisted really quick”. He was grinding on what ever was up his ass. It wasn’t very big but it felt great. He also heard someone comment that there were only three bottoms tonight and so far they had over twenty confirmed tops. The Neighbor heard that and told the Kid “ Hope your ready for the Fun tonight. You three will probably be here for a couple days. We usually have few bottoms to server the guys”. At that moment the effects of the drugs hit him. His ears were ringing and his had a taste in his mouth. He stared coughing and his body was on fire. His cock that had the sounds in it felt like it never did before. What he didn’t know was that the guy administering it had pulled out the first one and had pushed a larger one in. this one had a special use, it was hollow and could inject anything that a master wanted to put in there. IN this case was a drug from the orient that would keep him hard but had a nasty side effect. No matter how hard a guy tried, he would not be able to cum for hours, it was designed to drive the patient crazy with lust. At the same time, whatever he had up his ass wasn’t near enough, he wanted more, a lot more. He could feel a burning in his body. The Guy gently rubbed the Kid’s chest and nipples. The Kid was doing what he could to get more action everywhere on his body. He could feel something happening on his ass but he couldn’t figure what it was. With the drugs taking effect he was going crazy. He felt that cold object pulled from his ass and then the sounds was pulled out. That tingled and he felt a hot rush spread from it to his nuts. He then felt something rubbing on his ass. It was a hot cock and the kid tried to move down to get it in his but strapped down as he was, he was unable to move than an inch either way. This was by design. The guy in this position could not see who or what was going up his ass and could not move to get anymore in him or to get away from it. That part of his body was held prisoner. The Kid heard the guy next to him objecting to something that was happening on the other sire of the wall. He was saying “ Please. No more. I am already feeling the effects of the first one and i am burning up”. He looked over and about that time he saw the guy moved to the extent of his bindings. Apparently, someone put something up his ass. The Kid could clearly see the guy’s eyes and they looked like they were going to pop out. The Guy loudly said “ Shit! That hurts “. The Neighbor walked over to the Guy and said ‘ You’ve had a double dose of meth pushed up your ass, Remember you asked for that”? the guy was panting and said “ Yes, But .. “ His word was cut off by what ever was going in his ass, he looked like he was going to explode . The Neighbor said “ Be careful what you ask for, you wanted this, now your getting it weather you want it or not “. The Neighbor put a ball gage in the guy’s mouth and fastened it. the guy was mumbling and couldn’t be heard much. The Neighbor said “ I will take that gage off in a few minutes. BY then you will not be objecting much “. The Neighbor looked over at the Kid and said the guy had asked to get his ass really messed up and to get spun out of his mind. That is exactly what he will be getting. The Drugs will last for a long while and when we are done with him tonight they will be taking him to the farm. That is an actual farm that uses migrant workers this time of year. The one that they will be taking him to had over one hundred men that look forward to some release. He said the guy will be tied to a special fucking bench and blindfolded. His cock, ass and mouth will be available to use for anything. It is not unusual to see the tied person get thirty or more loads in his ass over the weekend, And that doesn’t count the piss injections or the loads he will be swallowing. He said that he took a guy there last month, he stayed there to make sure he wasn’t killed or damaged to badly. He was also there to make sure he kept spun and horned up. There is one migrant worked that is probably a mutant in the cock area. He is Mexican and his cock almost hangs almost to his knees and would take two hands to circle the thickness. I have never seen anything that big. He fucked the guy, I watched the guy and put a ball gage in his mouth before the guy stared penetrating him. He said he actually took the gage off the guy to make sure he wasn’t hurting to much. Between the excitement and the drugs, he was wanting more in him. The Mexican blew and enormous load in the guy’s ass. When the Mexican pulled out, the Cum sprayed out like a hose. Hie ass gaped open, it practically ruined the fun for the others after that. The Neighbor walked over to the Kid, knowing he was already high and the drugs were working on him. He licked the Kid’s sensitive nipples and asked “ You think you would want that.“?
    1 point
  45. As my dick is not working too well at 72, I've become more of a cumdump. I will let anyone fuck me now raw, only. I can't get enough as all I think about is where the next dick or first is going to be in my hole.
    1 point
  46. Always like doing that and, especially when at a Bathhouse in a sling +Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, etc.), having a group watching, jerking and, eventually, joining in, or just glazing me. Can do that for hours, and have many times. Love it!
    1 point
  47. chapter three it must have been less than 5 minutes with him lay there, exposed and hole starting to drip that toxic load out of him onto the cold club floor, but must have felt an eternity for my guy. I briefly looked up to see who was around and just as I did so someone came out of the dark and moved between my leaking partners legs. He was over six feet tall, had broad shoulders, and dressed head to toe in black leather. He stood out in the club as he clearly enjoyed the gym, but had just hit that sweet spot of toned, muscular but not overbuilt. He was wearing black boots, leather jeans and a black biker jacket open with nothing under it. I could see his amazing body and then there was that face, just a bit of stubble on his dark tanned skin and blue eyes that stood out in the dark. He was stunning, I could see that, but my man had no idea who was stood rubbing between his legs. I could tell the leather guy was shy, almost a bit of a newbie to the scene by the way he did not just help himself, but looked to me for approval. I moved down to stand behind him and leaned him a little closer in so he could kiss my boy. I must have unleashed an animal as the leather guy just started kissing and spitting into my guy's mouth. I started to rub his cock through his leathers and that's when I found it. He must have been at least 8 inches and was not even fully hard. I unzipped and lowered his jeans so his cock could rest against my boys lubed up cock and balls. He stood back up straight and leaned back to me asking “is this guy poz?”, “not sure now, he took a poz load earlier” was all I could whisper back. The idea of my guy being poz made me so hard. The leatherman carried on “that's cool then, was checking as I’m strictly poz for poz fucks”. That answered my question before I even asked it. He stepped back a bit and then just pushed slowly into his hole to the root. He was not going to hold off or take his time, he knew what he wanted, as my other half groaned deeply. He started to fuck his hole using the last guy's load as lube, the sling moved back and forth so he could push in and rock back and forth along with his cock. I stood back and watched, letting him just use my guy, who had not asked questioned or even checked i was still there. The leather guy was building speed and starting to talk dirty right in my guys blind folded face. “you like that raw dick in you? you want my cum? you REALLY want it? you want me to breed you? Tell me how badly you want it!” he said it “breed you” but would my other half work out what he meant? would he pull back in shock? The all I heard was his voice in the dark, “breed my fucking filthy loaded hole with your seed!”, what the fuck! This was so hot it pushed the leather man over the edge and he just pushed in deep, grunting slightly and his hips jolting as he shot stream after stream of poz cum into my guy. He stood there inside him for a few minutes to catch his breath, and then leaned forward to tell him “your one sloppy slut back there, and so fucking hot. If you want to see who just shot in you, just look for the leather man with the wet dick. I might need to get you in leather soon as it would suit your look if your up for it.” the only reply he got back was “ANYTHING you want to do to this body you can. You breed it, you own it”. With that, he kissed him deeply again, pulled his softening cock out of my guys hole, and vanished back off into the dark of the club.
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  48. Chapter two With his arse loaded with toxic cum, wet and now feeling loose, I thought I would see just how far my other half would go. I mean he could say no any time he liked, or felt things not “right” for him. Given he had really enjoyed the fuck he just had and was rock hard, I thought it was time he tried the sling room. When we got to the small dark room with the slings he seemed to just want to keep kissing and keeping his back to the room. I saw guys rubbing his arse, and maybe slipping a finger or two inside him, but he did not look back, or even break a beat and just kept kissing. It was like it was the thrill of not seeing he was enjoying more by the second. That's when I had the idea. I pulled his jock down an the way and he lifted his feet. His jock was now in my hand and his hard cock was in display. A few more minutes with guys now grabbing his cock and I was ready to step it up. I pushed him back slightly and found one of the empty slings. I kept kissing him and I leaned him back into it a sling in one of the darker corners and started to rub my cock off his hole. I threw his jock onto his chest making sure it was not covering his cock. I needed some lube so with him all set up in the sling, reached down almost kneeling so I could reach my sock shefe I had some. Passing his open hole I had to check it out. I slipped my tongue just inside and tasted cum, and just a touch of blood. Nothing to be worried about but he had been roughed up, and totally vulnerable to infection. With lube in hand I stood back up and kissing him again, squirting lots from the packet over his cock and balls and over my cock too, but none on his hole. Slowly I pushed my cock into him and worked that toxic load around him, keeping him loose. That toxic load around my cock felt slick and wet, and I needed to go slow as I did not want to cum yet. Leaning forward I took back the jock back off his chest, and tired it tight but neatly over his eyes, making a pitch black blindfold for him. There he was complete how I always wanted to see him. Rubber chaps, hole exposed, a hot skin heads toxic load inside him, and blindfolded ready for more. I slowly slipped back out of him and around round to his head, where I carried on kissing him, with his arse open for anyone who wanted it. With so many guys looking to shoot a load now, I just needed to wait
    1 point
  49. I was 13 and snuck out at night to meet a couple guys to suck their cocks behind a store at night.i stripped naked and they both ended up fucking me and after the first guy came in me he pissed all over me as the other guy fucked me doggystyle on the ground so the other guy did the same when he was done. mostly pissing in my face and hair but all over my back and ass and of course in my mouth
    1 point
  50. Epilogue I have no recollection of when I left the club. Someone or more accurately probably a group of men took my locker key and got my stuff out of my locker. They must have found my motel room key and taken me back to the room, for that is where I woke up. I was awoken sometime late Saturday afternoon by the hysterical screams of a cute maid when she came into my room to clean it. She was greeted by what she must have originally thought was a murder scene. As she stepped into the room there lay a motionless guy, naked accept for a jock strap. The bed was soaked with a mixture of cum and blood and piss. Two empty vodka bottles and several empty popper bottles were strewn around the room. I remember the scream, then I remember sirens, and the next thing I know was I was being loaded onto a stretcher and taken to a hospital. I drifted in and out until the drugs finally began to get out of my system. Only to be replaced by a number of other drugs given by the doctors. I remember being rushed here and there for some kind of tests, but everything was a blur. Finally I came back to reality sometime Sunday. I opened my eyes to find Miranda sitting next to me, her face streaked with tears. When she saw I was waking up she pressed the button for the nurse. The nurse and doctors came in and quickly escorted her from the room. The doctors informed me that I had been found totally drugged up lying in my motel room by the maid. The police surmised that at some point during the night I had answered my door only to be over powered by a gang of perverts who immediately had drugged me up. I had then been subjected to a brutal rape. I needed to have surgery but they had to wait until I had come down off the drugs that had been given to me by the gang who raped me. The doctors explained that my asshole and lower colon had been savagely abused. I had numerous internal tears and my sphincters were severely prolapsed. They would have to remove about a foot of my lower colon, including my inner sphincter. They felt there might be enough remaining of my lower colon to attach it to my outer sphincter if it could be sufficiently repaired. If successful, I might not have to wear a colostomy bag. Although without the inner sphincter they said I may be prone to occasional accidents and I might want to consider wearing some type of plug. But that wasn’t the worst of it. They said the gang had placed rubber bands tightly around my cock and balls. The bands were so tight that they had greatly restricted the blood flow. They said it would not have been a problem accept the bands had been on for many hours. When they brought me into the hospital and removed my jock, they had found a cock and balls that had turned almost black. They had rushed me off to ultrasound, which showed almost complete clotting of the trapped blood. To remove the bands would have meant a great possibility of a clot breaking loose and heading towards the heart, lungs or brain which would probably be fatal. The doctor pulled back the sheet to expose my still totally erect but black cock and balls with the bands still in place. Now that the illegal drugs were out of my system, I could be taken into surgery. They would have to remove my entire cock, my balls and sac. They would relocate my urethra to a spot in front of my asshole so I could pee. They would not need to remove my prostate. They would follow up with counseling to help me deal with what had happened to me as well as to deal with losing my genitals. Hormone replacement would be prescribed as well. The doctors said they wanted to take me into surgery right away, so I was wheeled out of my room right away. I caught a quick glimpse of Miranda as they wheeled me into surgery. As I lay in the surgery room, waiting for the doctors and nurses to get everything ready, an anesthesiologist came in an explained they were going to give me some drugs which would put me to sleep. I wasn’t paying much attention as I was looking at the anesthesiologist. He seemed vaguely familiar, but I could not quite remember from where. He put a mask over my face and told me to begin taking long deep breaths. As I began to feel light headed I looked over and noticed he had put the tip of his index finger and thumb together to form a circle. Then he had placed the index finger of his other hand against the circle. As I felt my eyes closing, the image of a PA with a spike on it filled my mind. After the surgery, I woke up in recovery. The anesthesiologist was there watching my vitals, etc. We were alone in the room. “I see you recognized me.”, he said. He apologized for what had happened to me, but said that I was a bottom so no one had been concerned about me getting off. Everyone was flying high that night and they had assumed the tent in my jock was just my excitement. I reassured him that it was my own doing and my own fault. But that honestly it had been the most unbelievable night of my life. I had no regrets. He gave me the card of a bi psychologist friend of his who practiced near where I lived and told me to give him a call. He would help me deal with not only what had happened to me, but also with dealing with having been bred. I thanked him and reached over and gave his cock a squeeze through his scrubs. I spent a week and a half in the hospital. While there they told me that part of the pre-surgery testing had been an HIV test and that I was positive. Due to doctor patient confidentiality they would not share that info with anyone, but suggested that I needed to address that with my girlfriend. I suddenly realized that during my night at the gay resort I had been stealthed, and that the flu my girlfriend had gotten after we had stopped using condoms was the fuck flu. So I had already pozzed her. Miranda stayed by side while I was in the hospital. She loved me and said we would work thru this. She loved me for more than my cock. Upon returning home, we went to the psychologist that Rob had referred me to. After a couple of sessions he felt we were fine. I had talked to him alone about the HIV and explained that I had unknowingly pozzed Miranda, and I was afraid that if I told her, she would leave me. He made a few suggestions but then left it up to me. A few weeks after leaving the hospital, I was beginning to heal from my surgery. I had a discussion with Miranda. I told her the doctors said that if any of the gang who raped me were HIV positive that I would become positive. She told me that she knew that, and that she loved me. She reminded me that while she had been helping with my recovery, helping change bandages, etc, that she had been exposed to my blood. If I had been exposed, then she probably had been as well. After one of my follow up visits to the doctor, I came home and told her the doctor had run an HIV test and it was positive. But with all the new drugs out there, I would probably live into my 70s. She hugged me and told me we would always be together. A few months later when she went for her annual physical, she asked her doctor to run an HIV test and it came back positive as well. By that time I had almost completely healed and we had resumed being intimate. Of course I could no longer fuck her, but I could bring her off in other ways. We began using a vibrator and I had gotten a strap-on to use. As it was larger than I had ever been , I was consistently bringing her to orgasms with it and she was totally satisfied. The doctor had told me that being I still had a prostate, that we might try prostate massage to give me pleasure. Although Miranda had enjoyed licking Jane’s ass, she wasn’t really into licking a male ass, nor using a dildo on me. She did it because she loved me, but it really wasn’t her thing. I decided to go off the male hormones as they were making me uncontrollably horny. But what followed was uncomfortable hot flashes. Discussing it with my doctor he suggested female hormones to help with the hot flashes and maintain bone density. They did the trick, but I did notice a decrease in my body hair and my breasts grew a bit. But Miranda kind of liked that and playing with my budding breasts and sensitive nipples became a new experience we shared. One day after making love we lay talking and Miranda mentioned that all though our sex life was as good, maybe even better than before my surgery, she did kind of miss a real cock on occasion. She had always enjoyed giving me a blow job and swallowing my cum. I jokingly said that maybe we should try and find a guy that would enjoy joining us now and then. At first she said she had no desire to be with another guy, but over the next few weeks we talked about it more. Finally she said maybe if we could find the right guy. Of course he would have to be ok with us being Poz. Then she suggested maybe if we found a bi guy, we could both enjoy him, as I seemed to really enjoy when she used a dildo to stimulate my prostate. And so we embarked on a new quest, and my mind began to develop some of my old fantasies. Maybe she would let me eat another guy's cum from her juicy cunt. Maybe she will let me suck his cock too. Only time will tell.
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